Alexander Dugin - Martin Heidegger: The Philosophy of Another Beginning
- Martin Heidegger: The Philosophy of Another BeginningPreface by Paul Gottfried
- Martin Heidegger: The Philosophy of Another BeginningPart One: Seyn und Sein. I. Meeting Heidegger: An Invitation to a Journey [pp. 10-40]
- Martin Heidegger: The Philosophy of Another BeginningPart One: Seyn und Sein. II. Being and Beings. III. Fundamental-Ontology [pp. 41-66]

Preface by Paul Gottfried
Part One: Seyn und Sein

I. Meeting Heidegger: An Invitation to a Journey
Heidegger is great or the greatest; he is the last prophet, he is the herald of a new way of thinking. Heidegger was off limits in USSR, but studied by underground. Their translations and discussions are worthless today. Heidegger is European, seeing it as one historical-philosophical unit. He sought to create a new language of philosophy. A metalanguage. Ideas of conservative revolutionaries like Heidegger preceded Hitler and Nazis but were picked up by them, then tainted by them. ... Heidegger sums up Western Philosophy, from pre-Socratics to Nietzsche, in way of pastor's funeral speech. ... H's thinking is "verbal and stem based". Europe has three philosophical traditions, in Greek, romance languages (French, Italian, Spanish, Romanian, other) and German. Russian has no such tradition. H tries to create new language out of old word stems. destroying tradition(s) but knowing what he is doing. ... west is evening-land. led into night, will be first to see dawn. H sums up and himself marks end point of Western Philosophy. His mission is to find new language for new beginning.

II. Being and Beings, III. Fundamental-Ontology
Being and Beings. they are not the same thing. need to clarify language, as try to move from german linguistic-philosophical differentiations to (russian). the difference between beings and Being itself is the foundation of h's entire philosophy - and its purpose. being are easy to understand - that which is actual and present. noema, concept of husserl - thoughts about beings. aristotle said man is animal with word-language-thought. the lead question in philosophy: what is the Being of beings, as such? what is intrinsic and common to beings (is another way to put it). heraclitus linked logos with divine lightning. trying to get at where Being comes from. different levels of beings - thinking and non-thinking. h says they got it wrong - about the relationship between beings and Being. and all western philosophy was wrong from the pre-socratics onward. hence need for new beginning. heidegger's whole philosophy is about getting it right - figuring out where we went wrong -- from the very beginning -- in tracing the relation between Being and beings.
Fundamental-Ontology. Bezug (relationship) between Being and beings. was assumed beings and Being had some realtion, but this is wrong, Being is nothingness, says h. "Das Sein ist das nichts." ("Being is nothingness.") three levels. ontic - on things but not abstractions or concepts. the starting point for philosophy, leads necessarily to certain end. then ontology, the second level. ontology is study of existence. greeks SHOULD have looked to nothingness rather than somethingness as the essence of beings, or essence from which beings were differentiated or arose from. the greeks were interested in abstracting Being from real-world, visible, exotertic, experienced gallivanting, farting, shvitzing beings. "they had thus (the greeks) given birth to a 'fictitious transcendence.' - this is where the problem began. the misadventure of 2500 years begins with a single step in the wrong direction, so to speak. seyn, the archaic spelling, corrects the mistake. ... ontics is physics; ontology (study of existence - Being) is beyond physics, which is what metaphysics means. "Reaching the ontic and clearing away the ontological, we end up in the same place as the creators of western philosophy..."