Posted on December 20th 2017
Inverting 'Safe Space'
By Alex Linder
[ The following is from a blog posting. ]
Standard Meaning Inversion: 'Safe Space'
Twitter bans bunch of pro-white or not-anti-white accounts. Jewsmedia gleefully writes about their fleeing for "safe space" of Gab. Deliberately inverting the meaning of the term. The definitional safe-spacers are those pushing Dorsey to ban people for 'hate,' which is their term for any position but theirs. No disagreement allowed. Land of No Second Opinion. The accounts kicked off were people who didn't push for banning others, who liked debating others. Black always becomes white in the (((media's))) mouth. Everything is twisted to become anti-white, thus promoting The Agenda, which in a nutshell equals global jew supremacy and white genocide.