Posted on April 11th 2017
The Verbal War: Free Market
By Alex Linder
[ The following is from a forum thread posting. ]
It's better to use the term 'market' than 'free market.' Market means free market. Yes, there can be controlled or limited markets, but the essence of market is free exchange, even if boundaries are drawn. 'Free market' has become an ideological term, not a descriptive term. It is more often used to describe its opposite than the real thing - similar to the (((left's))) use of 'hate.' Health care is the perfect example. The ills of the system (the system is the actual ill) are inaccurately and dishonestly called/attributed to a free market. In fact, no free market exists. The government passes thousands of rules determining who can serve what to whom, and even forces the buyer to buy from a very small menu, these past few years. Then this mishmash of monopolies is called a 'free market' in order to encourage the suckers to misunderstand what's going on and go for the ultimate 'solution'-that-aint - single-payer socialism.
Nothing the federal government gets involved in is ever described neutrally or honestly. Rather you have to figure out what's going through thickets of verbal bramble and thorn. Always you are lied to, but if you grasp the end: taking your money and choices, you can soon enough grasp the means, some perfidious law, and its cover, some perfumed ideological cant.
We have a free market in health care, do we? Ok, just go out and rent a storefront in Flyover America. Announce that you can heal people. You will sell them vitamins, you will midwife their children, whatever you can actually do. You will be shut down in short order. You aren't allowed to heal people, EVEN IF YOU CAN, unless you have one of a various number of degrees. There is no free market. There is an extremely high barrier to entry for anyone seeking to offer his services. And this is just one barrier - there are hundreds of others. And so in the end, the supply is so ARTIFICALLY limited that you end up waiting a week and then forty minutes to an hour and a half before you are finally granted an audience with the System-approved medical pope.
This is the System we have. It is called a free market. It is not a free market, it is the opposite. It is called a free market so that the people who created this monstrous, self-serving system can consolidate and expand their control - taking, as I says, always, more of your money and your choices (freedom) in doing so. The (((media))) are always on the side of what makes government greater, and never on the side of restoring to the honest white man control over his own life and choices.
Whenever you see the term 'free market,' you should not respond like Pavlov's dogs, as the media intend, but should rather stay cool and evaluate the market in question. How free is it? 99.9% of the time it's not free at all. Can you walk into a store and buy Cialis? Or heart medication? Or steroids? Or antibiotics? Or cold medicine? Nope. Maybe the last, if you show a couple forms of ID to prove you aren't starting a meth lab. Yet we hear about "free markets."
People who hate markets love government control. They always imagine themselves as the controllers, and everyone else as the controlled. But it's better to let people make these decisions themselves. If they don't know what's best for them, then let them die figuring it out. To be a man, you must bear your own weight. Those who want to turn basic decisions over to government hate men. They hate white men. They see them, just as the jews do, as cows on a feedlot. To be scientifically controlled, manipulated and profited from. But our political cause is for White Men - and both of those matter. The cause cannot be reduced to the group alone, but must encompass the Man too. For we are both Whites and individual Men.
Markets are for the Man; anyone who argues against them and for government control must justify this against the loss of manly authority implicit in any such control system.