Posted on January 15th 2011
on Christ Cult
By Alex Linder
[ The following is from a forum thread posting. ]
In Christendom men and women had personalities because they were receptive to the grace of God. In Liberaldom there are no human personalities because the citizens of Liberaldom have cut themselves off from God’s grace. What we see in Liberaldom as a substitute for genuine God-given humanity is assigned personhood. Some of the generic humans are told they are persons, as a liberal defines ‘person’. Representative Gifford, for instance, is a person because she does good liberal things. If she had been a white anti-abort senator such as Jesse Helms, or if she had been someone whom the liberals called a white racist, she would not have been deemed worthy of personhood and therefore would not have received even the fake compassion of the liberals. We must never forget, when dealing with liberals, that there will be no mercy shown to non-liberals, because liberals have denied Christ, who is the source of all mercy.
The lunatic's point is that the left throws people into classes. Some to be exalted; others to be executed. Gee, where would the illberal (saved/damned) ever get that conception (saved/damned)? Correct, as far as it goes. But the christ-cult's view is a distortion in the opposite direction: no generalization or pattern recognition among peoples is allowed because it leads to invidious, immoral discrimination and potentially categorical treatment on the basis of non-individual factors. Eeksome stuff to the christ-asparaguses. Christ-insanity and the Enlightenment illiberalism it hates are the same thing. They both ditch reality for ideology, leaving our race in the lurch, because we are Hell-bound immoral or guillotine-bound politically incorrect for acknowledging reality and responding to it realistically. "Niggers are destroying my neighborhood," says the white man. "Niggers are fellow God's creatures," says the Cambrian lunatic. "They have souls. You cannot treat them as objects, only with love and respect. It's not about what god's darker children are doing to you, it's about what you can do for them." Well, my friends, do you like where your Jesus kool-aid has led us? Look around. Do you like this spiritual universalism, this other political equality? You like where it's led? You want more of it? I mean what is the fucking real world we have to live in next to keeping scrubbed up for the REAL real world tomorrow...after we're dead? You know. The one to come. The one we hear about but can't prove the existence of by reference to mere atom. Yeah, that's the one that matters. You like this, my Euro folk? You like being played for fools for thousands of years? Is there any form of dogshit you wouldn't eat if someone told you it was "good" for you?
Or take the illberal ideology. "Niggers are destroying my neighborhood," says the white man. "They are African-Americans, not 'n-words,' you racist redneck." And such social pathology as you claim you believe you pretend you see is not actually there, and if it appears to be, it's purely due to the legacy of slavery and your continued racism toward your moral superior. You owe the negro moral and legal restitution. That means pretending he's as upright as you are in our mass media, and accepting discrimination against your kind at work, and denying you self-defense in your community. If that destroys your world, well, we won't report it, and you deserve it anyway."
Again, the takeaway here is: there is NO DIFFERENCE between the right-wing christ-cultist and the left-wing social engineer. They are goldberg variations on the same basic ideology: rejection of reality and demand that all accede in its replacement with this or that version of publicly-pretended fantasyland.
Sanity lies in the middle, with moderation, not ideology, as the Greeks knew. If you have a bedbug infection, it's not moderate or reasonable policy to get rid of 80% of the bedbugs, or to banish them to a bed in the other room. It's to kill every last freaking one of them, and their nits and eggs too. That is the MODERATE policy, and it applies to jews, who are, perforce, 1000x the threat to our community that their six-footed brothers are.* Our problems came on us precisely because we allowed the insanitarian crusaders of liberal Christ-insanity, to be redundant, to persuade our leaders that every implumous biped has a precious soul, and that nothing matters more than this soul, not the destruction of families, neighborhoods, or nations. When we accepted that we are morally forbidden from categorical treatment of "fellow" "creatures of God" we put our racial neck in the genocidal noose. This refusal to see, to think, to use our brain, to draw rational conclusions and act on them - this is a recipe for cultural and genetic death, given the disparity among races. Yet that's the way "we," today, want it; well, we get it. Do you like it? No, you don't like it any better than I do. What's the way out? To reject the lie of immorality and redefine our enemy as vermin, rather than soul-bearing Precious Moments(TM) nigurines and Collector Plate kikenvermin. And we know what to do with vermin. I mean, imagine if the extermination of silverfish, roaches and bedbugs was treated as a MORAL problem, rather than a hygiene problem?! But that is exactly what is going on here.
I am not joking or slurring when I call the christ-cultists insane. They quite literally are insane. There is not a goddam whit of difference between the Jesus jumpers and the Heaven's Gate cult, except the christ-cult is wider spread, hence socially acceptable. The former prefers its suicide quick and tidy; the latter prefers it drawn out and drama-queeny.
Man, I ain't going down with these losers. You shouldn't either, if you have any last ounce of balls, brains, will or any other thing that christ-insanity looks down on with the hatred of the natural-born inferior.
Who killed Europe? The god fags killed Europe.
Christ-insanity was, is and will continue to be the worst thing that ever happened to the White race. So let's ditch it and start winning, for a change.