Posted on April 15th 2014
On Language - What does that say about me?
By Alex Linder
[ The following is from a forum thread posting. ]
Apologies for the tardy appearance of this column. It was completed by deadline, but posting was unavoidably delayed by an unexpected internet outage that took two full days to clear up. Will resume next Monday with the next installment, but here's this week's...
1) What does that say about me?
Have remarked on this before. Just as we have physical, external markers of selfishness, as we might call them, we have verbal. They involve attempts to maneuver the spotlight onto oneself. So much of modern parlance is in line with the old joke: "But enough about me...what do you think about me?" What does this say about you? That you're self-involved, self-absorbed, probably selfish, think you're more interesting than you are, up your own ass? Yes? No? Yes, I say. Reminds me of what I heard a grown and highly upstanding (Mencken - German couple in court) member of the bourgeois say: "I have a weird sense of humor." He deduced this from his love of Far Side cartoons. Which sold, in the various books and tschotschkes they were printed on, in the millions.
This is part of our jewed culture, a subtler aspect of it. As the jews come in and push irony and sex-dreck and edginess on the Lawrence Welk fans, they begin to gravitate toward it and ape it in their own dim way. You can be edgy merely by adopting some position that is slightly to the left of whatever perversion is au courant. "Next weird thing" is like a conveyor belt. When they push family, you push easy divorce, when they push easy divorce, you push interracial, when they push interracial, you push homo, when they push homo you push trans, when they push trans, you push pedo. On and on it goes, the routine, mechanical process by which, degree by degree, the abnormal is normalized, regularlized, made successful by being made ubiquitous, and by being made ubiquitous being made to seen irresistible, normal, even or intentionally boring. What could be more normal than gayness in 2014?
"I absolutely love this song. Not sure what that says about me." This idea that one has such interesting taste as proved by ones interests, which are invariably dark, eclectic or edgy in the mind of the so-speaker is just another manifestation of our society's taught desire to achieve distinction without effort. Instead of excelling, one need merely disfigure oneself via tattoo, or like something for the right reason. It is cheap. It is meretricious adornment. You know what, silly person? Others aren't that different from you. Smart or dumb, we like the same things for the same reasons. Tied up with this is the whole idea of watching this or that, or doing this or that, ironically. Really? You think that most people aren't doing that when they like something cheesy or bad? You think they don't view the thing pretty much the way you do? In what other ways are people totally different? Not many.
This is tied up, in its more pernicious forms, with WASP-associated high-mindedness. "I have to think well of myself. I must be this type of person. I must think of myself that way. If I do something out of line with my self-conception, I must either find an excuse for it or pretend it's not happening." You can see this mindset at work across the board. In politics, the WASP officially loves niggers but privately lives nowhere near them. In culture, he may slum, but he's only watching what the plebs and proles watch ironically. He's not watching it in the same way they are. Oh. Ok. You betcha. Proles drink Pabst because it's cheap. Hipsters drink Pabst...for an obscure pseudo-intellectual reason. Merely goofy, that, but in politics we see where the damage comes in. Mere reality isn't enough for some; they must Hamburger Help it with christ-insanity, on the right, or post-christ-insanity, on the left. Racialists should be comfortable in the world as is. Focusing on perceiving what's actually there, and responding to it as makes sense.
What does it say about me? Always the same thing: you're self-absorbed, and not nearly as interesting as you think. A one-word term for that is...common. Which used to be an effective insult; not so sure that holds today.
2) shmooze
This is a jew word I had never heard until I worked in business. I heard it from an Aryan marketing girl. It's a very yiddish word, as are many words dealing with buying and selling. Shmooze is sort of business-convivial mode on the trade floor. Light hellos and talking to people as you circulate through trade booths. Doesn't have to be a convention or trade floor, but that's where it's most common. Shmooze is to talk to people, be seen, nothing too deep, just the business equivalent of circulating at a party. While circulating trade booths at a convention, you might pick up tschotschkes (pronounced Chotch-keys), which are little free things that promote businesses, little knickknacks. A free pen or calendar or cheap electronic item or some mildly neat little thing the business gives away to promote itself. You will see tschotschke spelled all kinds of ways, but the one I use is the correct one. Eh. I wouldn't bet on that. It's the one I prefer. Like shmooze, I had never heard tschotschke until working in business and going to conventions. There are entire businesses built on supplying tschotschkes to other businesses. They will print your company name on pencils or pens or all kinds of items you can give away. You will see this culture all over the place if you look. Handbags, pens, calendars, tshirts. But a tschotschke is more like something that could fit in a big fishbowl on a marketing counter, or in a smaller box. Just a semi-neat little thing you can give away to a passer-by.
3) the use of legal or legalistic terms in non-legal contexts
The left has a peekaboo relationship with the law. If the left likes a law, it loves to smack the right with it. If it hates a law, it simply pretends the law doesn't exist. If it wants a law, it simply pretends the law does exist. Leftist verbal patterns are 100% predictable in this regard. We've gone over a number of manifestations. Even the dimmest conservative has noticed how the left does everything it can to upgrade the status of criminal illegal alien invaders by trying to make the illegal part go away. Even down to saying such stupid things as "people can't be illegal." But there are plenty of other examples of this mindset and the usages it routinely produces. Example: "The far-right Golden Dawn party is accused of organizing a racist blood drive." As Pierce used to say, the left likes to write as though it were illegal to hold 'racist' views, when it's not. This sentence is a perfect example of what he meant. "Accused" connotes illegal behavior. It's not illegal to donate blood for Greeks only. Now, the left has tried to make it so, and queering reporting on this Golden Dawn effort is part of that. Same thing with food. The media try to make the party giving away free food to Greeks, who suffer huge unemployment, the bad guys. The media use language to term men giving away free food to hungry people into criminals! That's why the Nazis called it the Judenpresse. The jew-media.
The media also misrepresent the reaction to helpful right-wing initiatives like giving out food or donating blood. Here's a typical example: "Medics Outraged at Far-Right Party Proclaiming Blood Donations for Greeks Only." They always use that term: outrage. They never quote anyone who actually sounds outraged. By their ideology, leftism is the view of the people, and anything racialists do will produce outrage. No need to actually talk to people and quote them for their actual feelings, it's all done by rote, off a template. In leftist world, the very idea of reporting doesn't even make sense, because it implies that something could happen off script. Leftist ideology prescribes how all parties will and must react in all situation, so reporting is hardly necessary, indeed it can only present a threat. Something interesting or factual might break out of the mold.
The simple truth is that ordinary people aren't leftist. Reality does not conform to the leftist ideology, nor promote the leftist agenda. That, friends, is precisely why leftists go into media. It's the only way to slap a cover on reality. If they reported stuff honestly, leftism wouldn't get anywhere, whether it's the depredations loosed niggers carry out on white communities, or the scientific facts beneath the hype about global warming. People wonder, why are the media so leftist? Well, because leftism is a small-minority position. It can't get anywhere by persuading people, only by dictating to them and punishing any who disagree. it's only workable from the top-down. The people are always conservative. They pay attention to reality. They have no prejudice against observing blacks are dumb and violent. Nor are they easily persuaded the world is coming to an end because some thermometer stuck in the middle of a campfire went up half a degree. Leftists control the media because they have to. Without media control, they have no shot. With media control, they have a shot. They also require control over teachers and textbooks. And politicians. When they have all these working together, their coordination can produce a psychological and propagandistic juggernaut. That's what happened. All they need them are some "hate" laws to forbid the other side speaking plainly, and the monopoly is on. That's where we are today. In large stretches of the world, the most important social facts, which are political facts too, cannot be mentioned without incurring danger of going to prison. Think about that. How crazy it is. How dangerous to the very existence of our kind. The very media around us are used to warp our minds and extinguish our genes.
4) culure vulture
This term pisses me off. It pissed me off the first time I saw it. It's cheap and easy, and stupid. It doesn't make any sense. No matter how far you twist mentally to try to find a meaning for it, it is purely a term that exists because the two words rhyme, and that ain't good enough. Never use this term. Spit on those who do.
5) yeah vs yes
Back when I was a teenager, I played Pony ball. That's for 15-16-year-olds, as I recall. I had a coach, an Italian guy, who just hated this word. "Not yeaaaah. Yes! Yes! . . . If there's one thing I can do, it's make you guys stop saying yeah..." I respected his great mission, since he was coach, but the fact is, he's wrong. Yes has its place, no doubt. There are times it is the correct word. But yeah has its place too. Yeah is susceptible of a far greater range of inflections, and that alone makes it a garden-weasel verbal tool, somewhat similar to fuck, which can be used for nearly anything in any situation. By drawing out or inflecting yeah, you can convey precisely what you wish to convey in one term. Now iown't care who yar, that's effective communication. Think how amazing it is, just by drawing out or altering your pronunciation you can unmistakeably communicate precisely what you intend. It shows you how much communication really is non-verbal. Word-speaking is just another way of doing eye-rolls, or punching people, or stroking them or any other physical interaction. That's one way to look at it. Words superficially seem more precise than other communication, but that's not necessarily so. Your cat might bite you, but not too hard. Communicating, don't pet me like that, but I'm not trying to hurt you. That's an animal communicating through a half-bite! Or you might touch a girl on her shoulder in a certain way, from behind, and she can tell if you intend to console her for something, or convey horniness. Words are not so great at conveying curved things, they're more for square or precise things. But words combined with the physical presentation through speech can put the flesh on the angular bone. The liquid and the solid have their place, as do the curve and the angle. Yes and yeah both have their place; the coach is right that for short, direct, factual, uncloudy questions, yes is preferable: clipped, organized, high and tight. But much of life involves clouds, and there yeah in one of its innumerable forms, functions in a way yes simply can't, with its essy closure, or cutting off, even if it's a comparatively mild door-shutting, next to, say, a k. Hear it: yek closes very clearly and abruptly. Yes, less so, but still there. Yeah doesn't close at all, it trails. It comes to context which term and which way of using that term is called for. Both have their place.
6) pet language: boys and girls and parents
I've mentioned in this column before the irritating tendency to call pets boys or girls. We see this in many if not nearly all adoption ads. But pets are male or female, not boys or girls. Even worse than this, see the story at this link. "Parents" return a farting cat. Leaving aside that interesting part, calling a pet owner a parent is factually wrong and aesthetically disgusting. It's disrespectful to animal and human alike. The slippery slope argument seems to fit here. Start treating blacks as humans, instead of a different hominid species, pretty soon it makes sense to call dogs and cats people too. People of a different species, as it were. With rights. Maybe they should vote, eh? They have interests, right? They're as smart as a two-year-old human, or a 25-year-old nigger, so why not? A dog is a dog. There is surely room for a moderate view between the Muslim idea of a dog as walking pollution and the modern western idea of a dog as person on four feet. And that middle way is the path of wisdom, and the one we want to take. It's a dog, or a cat, and not more and not less.
7) mononymous
Came across this, had never noticed this word before, but it's useful: "Along with her popular YouTube channel, the mononymous Australian vegan also has a book (Go Fruit Yourself) and a lifestyle website through which she promotes her low-fat, high-carb diet in a vast array of crop tops." Will use.
8) correct use of enormity
Readers of this column know I will never give up certain fights, and two of those are the battle for the correct use of reticence and reluctance; and also the battle for the proper use of 'enormity.' In the latter fight, the ships of sailed to our aid, the great (fat and smart, both sense) man himself at the wheel. Quoth the mighty Lewpus: "What this says about the libertarian’s view of moral enormities ranging from slavery to war should be obvious, but the libertarian commitment to freedom extends well beyond the clear and obvious scourges of mankind." Enormity, again, does not mean size, or enormousness, no matter what shoddy and craven dictionary excreters may pander off on a self-regarding public, it means atrocities, horrible crimes. Rockwell is the first non-me personage I've seen use the term correctly in a long, long time. 'Grats of con to the Lewpus!
9) groak
This is a great old word, very specific, which deserves resuscitation. Groak means: to silently watch someone while they are eating, hoping to be invited to join them. Sons and daugherters like to groak. Pardon me, I mean, dogs and cats. Think of dog with mournful eyes staring up at table. It's groaking the fuck out you, isn't it? I would think groaking was more common in the old days, when food was less common. When food became plentiful, groaking fell by the wayside, since most people had enough to eat. Groaking used to be serious social problem in the Middle Ages, I feel, but it yielded to obesity somewhere in the late 1970s. Shakespeare is believed to have written "Neither a groaker nor a wolfer be," because he was down wih the Greek path of moderation, which calls for eating normal amounts of (your own) food in a humanlike method (chewing instead of gulping). A mom could say, "My kids' friends were groaking around because they know my spaghetti is better than that that cheese 'n' mac they get at home." Or, if you have some burgers, and your friend/brother does not, you could say, "I feel you groaking me, buddy, but it's not gonna happen." Or..."The family said their prayer, then dived into their comestibles, while the pets groaked placidly beneath, ears pricked for the slightest scrapfall."
That will do it for this week. Back again next Monday with another. As always, if you have any grist for the mill, feel free to deposit it in this thread and I will use it if I possibly can.