Posted on July 15th 2014
Thoughts About Golden Dawn (July 2014)
By Alex Linder
[ The following is from a forum thread posting. ]
I avoided all news of Greece for a few weeks to try to get a fresh perspective. After reading the last few pages, I come out the same place. Here are the main conclusions I draw about things in Greece and what they mean for white politics in American and generally. I welcome any reaction to my points, either correct them or add things I missed.
1) Golden Dawn has used the system the way it's supposed to: they politic. They canvas. They print materials. They talk to people. They go on shows. They donate blood, money, food, time. Their actions are entirely legal. Their support grows as they demonstrate over a period of years they are serious and have answers. A growing percentage of Greeks believes they have the right answers, as reflected in the steady growth of their vote, from under 1% to around 20% - and climbing.
2) Although Golden Dawn has acted legally and democratically, in keeping with both the law and spirit of representational politics, it has been treated as a criminal group by both the media and the government. It is clear that this has nothing to do with Golden Dawn but rather the ideas Golden Dawn represents. The media believe that only anti-white race mixing (helped along by open borders) and control by jewish central banks are legitimate political positions. Anything nationalist is inherently illegal and immoral.
3) When Golden Dawn's support climbed to 7% two years ago, the ruling jews (out of NYC and Washington) and their local helpers, Samaras and crew, became worried. They put together a plan to destroy the party, indeed they demanded its destruction publicly. The jews in NYC demanded it, and Samaras scambled to comply, and had no shame in publicly stating his intent to destroy a legal, democratic party routinely garnering over 10% support in polls, with that support rising.
4) In order to forestall Golden Dawn getting up to or more than 20% of the vote in the 2014 spring/summer elections, the powers that be simply arrested Golden Dawn leaders on the pretext that the legal political party was a criminal gang. Not a single member of the media denounced this, although some feared this was not the right tactics. This points up:
5) the media and the state are on the same side. Notice the rhetorical freedom the fellow in the Greek Reporter allows himself. He call Golden Dawn lizards and criminals and all manner of foul things. These reporters won't dare treat real criminals like bank robbers and murderers with that kind of disrespect.
6) Knowing the media are 100% in their corner frees tools like Samaras and his bosses, the ADL out of a foreign country (!) to operate without fear. It can't be over-remarked how amazing it would be - if we hadn't grown used to it - that a private jew group out of a foreign country is dictating educational (!) policy (as well as every other policy) in a tiny foreign country thousands of miles away. This goes either unmentioned or supported by the entire mass media. We need to remember to stand back every once in a while and remember again just how outrageous, ridiculous, anti-white and intolerable this state of affairs actually is - or ought to be to us. We have become so used to being managed by hostile aliens we seem to think nothing of it.
7) Will things change? Not till something changes things. The jews speak openly about their desires because they don't fear consequences. They know that anyone speaking against jews or their agenda will be put on lists, denounced in the controlled media, fired or murdered if he persists. They themselves don't fear the consequences of their genocidal anti-whitism because they don't suffer any.
8) Virtually all leaders of white nationalists in the US urge pro-whites to 'keep it legal.' Golden Dawn has kept it legal. Not a single 'keep it legal" advocate in the USA has noticed that what has transpired in Greece has interesting implications for his advice - implications he must address if he is serious. But he is not serious; not serious in that he has not thought things through. Rather, he has bought the lie that jews achieved power "without firing a shot." Yet the fact remains that jews took power in the US far more by illegal means than by legal means. It is a measure of the lack of something - intellectual capacity and/or courage - that white nationalists in this country refuse to face that fact. I attribute it to WN's roots in conservative cowardice. It is, at least, a good sign - a sign of intellectual and political growth - that Golden Dawn's representatives in America have diffused information about sellouts in the Greek community. That is a blow at the enemy. Surely we are past the stage where we believe exposing the jew is enough. Of course we need more of that exposure, as we fight a uniformly jew-promoting and white-attacking controlled media, and there is a large and growing body of people out there on the internet and in social media who are jew-truthing, so to speak, but that's only part of what is needed. We are creating, all of of us, a white mind-milieu on the internet; we are also going to need men (leaders and followers) and organizations, in order to regain white sovereignty.
9) Where do we go from here? I'm interested in hearing how people think things will eventuate in Greece. In my view, what the jews and their lackeys have done to Golden Dawn in Greece is completely illegal, and they have opened themselves to any response loyal Greeks deem appropriate. If you simply declare one political position illegal, when it's the position of the majority (for example, controlling the borders), you have made yourself a tyrant, even if the media you control insist you're democratic.//