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- Last Updated: 11/09/18 08:20AM -0500

November 07, 2018:

Anglin referring to Trump and Republicans as "we." Does Trump call you "we." Does any Republican include you in his "we"? Well maybe in "We distance ourselves from Anglin and DS and everything they and every other racist stand for." "The exits are clearly marked" - today still.
America only produces two things: faggots and soybeans.
"The GOP is the white party"  That's been true since the '70s. It doesn't mean anything untili some politician appeals to white as whites. You know - as they do for every other racial, ethnic and religious group. There's nothing new under the sun. This election and your vote didn't matter a bit.
Too many who know the media are jewish liars yet accept what they say when it's something they want to believe. "Trump is racist."  Is he? The evidence says otherwise.
Trump doesn't stand for whites. Not until it's open. Stop giving him credit where he doesn't deserve it. There's no such thing as implicit White Nationalist.
all elections are Most Important Eva if you're 22 and haven't figured this out, welcome to Knowledge Club if you're jes a tad slow now ainchee
as it stands now (11-7), all my original posts are erased, nearly 15k. only my reposts remain. and a handful made since return. if this is intentional, Torba should declare it publicly. i'm sure i'm not the only one. if it's a database thing, i continue to wait be honest, Torba. it's like one of the clown commandments your goddy set for you. right?

November 06, 2018:

if elections mattered, they wouldnt be held
hey guiz. so how did the MOast Impotant Election eVer go. Did we win?? Who are we?  Why are we here? I'm not!
remember to get out there and vote for the only party running: the Confirm the System Party (CSP) you like the system we have now? you want more of it? then VOTE!
if voting mattered, the feds wouldn't be encouraging you to vote. voting matters because it isn't important
speaking for myself, the only one i can speak for. if my posts and followers and i'm-following-ers and score and etc etc aren't restored to status quo ante,  i will leave  i'm giving Gab one week for dealing with transitional technical difficulties
look, it's this simple. we need to put in-American niggers in a position to succeed. plantation or jungle. your call, coons

November 05, 2018:

i'm voting straight FARRAKHAN / BOWERS ticket who's with me??

October 28, 2018:

whee whee whee that's life in a tree
How did Facebook react to the Bowers incident? That's how Gab should have reacted.
i like how Bolsonaro looks like the exec in charge of hitman teams in a 70s movie
it's antisemitic not to blame Trump for synagogue shooter it's also antisemitic to blame jews for murdering sixty million with their USSR
what is absolutely killing us is we have no term to stand up against the "trick we always use" - antisemitism we then can say no, X is the real problem complete rhetorical fail complete political fail - and in something jews are powerless to prevent even our PhDs are basically just conservative dopes
what Bowers did is unequivocally a good thing but it has nothing to do with Gab is the facebook honcho issuing statements? whoever he is?
he shot down them jew niggers like they was Palestinians what a beautiful thing #HeroRobertBowers
unlike Trump, Bowers did something about the invasion Trump notices that #HeroRobertBowers trumped Trump
keep sucking up to ann coulter, alex jones, donald trump -- even tho they dont give a shit about you - except when jews call on them to ritually denounce you, and they immediately comply
without christianity, would whites have any trouble seeing that jews are their enemy? the meta-message of christ club is that jews matter, they're important, their tall tales are the heart and center of "our" lol civilization
paper nationalism (trump nationalism) doesn't work. it comes from christianity, which is water nationalism. baptism turns hominids who live in trees, and groundies and cavelers into Jumpin' Neo-Yahoodis for Jesus. christianity is the source of liberalism and civic nationalism. white nationalism is basic racial science applied to politics
these stormer daniels types writing about trump are exactly like football fans saying "we" and "us" about their team trump aint on your side, dog. he's a billionaire who doesn't give a shit about you, just like the NFL millionaire niggers, and already has proven that by his actions after chartlottesville

October 27, 2018:

i wish you people would grasp that trump is not your buddy you're honestly more like niggerball fans than anything else you sidecucks shriek in horror when someone engages in real politics put your voting booth on cuckies. there's a good boy.
remember, these jews murdered sixty million whites just like you and me and they're priming the pump to do it again - if we let them never again #DeathToTheJews
an attack on jews is an attack on humanity!  i hope you Talmud-certified subhumans appreciate that
Daily Stormer or Stormy Daniels: which Trump nuthugged better?
Gab is my only social medium. I'm not going on any other. I'll be on my own sites if Gab is down. Anyone is welcome at Especially partially normals, aka neon-deplorables.
this today is why we need an army #WhiteLiberationArmy that's the right step
daily stormer / stormy daniels hmm...
Vote = trust the process
"Screw your optics, I'm going in." --A. Schwarzenegger or R. Bowers? #HeroForOurTimes #RosterOfHeroes #HeroAndersBreivik #HeroDylannRoof #HeroThomasMair and now #HeroRobertBowers #TeamWhite salutes you men, one and all.
Nazis are basically the only people i've met who arent continually trying to censor others.  This is par for the world's ironic course.
here's another shooting: by the exact type of person the jews want to fill america with Robert Bowers is a hero.
we live in such a brainwashed world     4 SPECIALLY TRAINED officers (Swatfags) gunned down and "heroics" so four of you barely,  sort of succeeded in taking down one guy only people brainwashed in cop worship find that heroic
Gab getting a lot of free publicity tonight, not sure why. It doesnt matter if they hate you, long as they talk about you. If you're a platform.
- killed 11 enemy - wounded a bunch of SWAT - escaped with life, will get loads of politics out in court it's all win and for you faggots who think elections matter, he denounced trump too, by denounce i mean described accurately alt-right love their voties like gandhi loved his dhoti
it's a war of platforms eschering into a war of blood
White nationalist: out killing the enemy alt-right: taking selfies in front of gay flag / wailing about midterm elections
#HeroRobertBowers makes a great case in the pages they gave him.
#HeroRobertBowers showed that  MESS WITH WHITES, YOU PAY A PRICE got all our points out too. every one of them factual, verifiable the guy looks at least as good as Azzmador, who is put forward as plausible by #TeamOptics
if you believe posting "it's ok to be white" anytime anywhere will ever amount to anything you deserve not even laughter, but the mild double-pat we put on the shoulder of the clinically insane
Look at the fellow: does he look crazy? mean? maniacal? No. He looks kindly and intelligent. #ManPushedTooFar #HeroRobertBowers
"Screw your optics, I'm going in." #HeroRobertBowers
"Assault on humanity" screech the illiterate humbugsters at Daily Mail. Humanity? No. Jews.  Funny, they're separate and chosen ...until the bullets of justice start fllying. Then they're right back being one of us!
To those fake racialists who care about polls and Republicans "The exits are clearly marked." #TeamWhite
The great thing is the White cause is associated with competence. 11 dead sheckies at a disgusting, disease-spreading, babydick-sucking ritual is cause for pride among racially conscious Whites. #HeroRobertBowers
Gab is great, and I'm not joking. I love it. I get most of my news from it, and damn good analysis.  The idea it is combed with feds is stupid, and shows a lack of understanding of how political police operate.  Gab should keep right on doing what it's doing, and it will continue to expand and succeed.
Anglin: fall out of love with your own strategery. Keep in mind the jew saying: don't plow too deep to see over your own furrow. This fellow is not dumb, you can see from his posts.  What's so strange about acting?  How is it not cuckery to be so opposed to someone acting? The guy didn't want to vote for the Bull Party, he wanted to Rock the Vote with his own dick.
Are you a white man or field nigger for Republican whipcrackers? #HeroRobertBowers is a white man.
Anglin believes he elected Trump with his graphics (neons call them memes). If Trump isn't actually good for Whites (like, you know, a pile of dead jews) then holy giant sweat balls, man. That would suck. Is Trump good for Whites?  It's a lot easier to make the case he's business as usual. See Occidental Dissent for the best case in this direction.
OMG won't somebody please please think of the midterms??
It sure looks to me like Anglin was persuaded into his current course by Vaughn, or a similar Republican slick.  The FBI pushes the line that the race/crime facts THEY AND THEIR JEW BOSSES KEEP COVERED UP aren't enough to motivate people to act. They all need  a master persuader. Just like in a jew movie.
Anglin is vaughing out, overreacting like a woman, and in general making factual assertions that will prove ungrounded. "I told you all that these wignats were the worst subhuman cancer on earth, and those who follow closely are aware I also condemned Gab as a cesspit, a recruitment grounds for federal agents."
Anglin:  "It was always 100% obvious to me that Gab was filled with feds, that probably most of the users promoting these insane ideas were the same Jews posting over and over again with different accounts – just a couple of real retards mixed in. Clearly, someone encouraged this guy in private messages to commit this act now."
dead jews good news  DEAD JEWS good news dead jews GOOD NEWS are you picking up what i'm putting down, white nigger? #JewReapWhatJewSow
What is Christianity but Munchausen Syndrome for goyim.
Don't kill yourself, White man. That's not the answer. #HeroRobertBowers
the theory that "exposing the jews" would solve the problem was first put out there by Henry Ford we now have 100 years to judge "how's that theory working out for you, White man?" #HeroRobertBowers
Judaism isn't a religion, it's a conspiracy.
Is John Rivers the Jared Taylor of Gab?
Today, for the first time, jews currently in the USA experienced just a tiny taste of the miseries they've been inflicting on White America for decades. Gee, I wonder if it will be their last? #TeamWhite #DeadJewsGoodNews #JewReapWhatJewSow
Trump's border "wall" lol. Looks more like trying to scare them away with modern art.
May a thousand Bowers flowers bloom... #HeroRobertBowers
You can't stop (((them)) and their )))allies((( from being dishonest and applying double standards. What you can do is state your own principles and live by them. And thereby become reliable and White. They can't stop us doing that, so we should all do it. #LivingWhite
If #HeroRobertBowers didnt break the rules, then why is his account closed or deleted? Are your words just clown talk, Torba? Don't operate out of fear, operate out of integrity. Don't accept that you or anybody else is responsible for one man's choices.
be consistent. it's not a paste jewel, it's a real jewel. the principle will protect you: (most) speech that is legal is allowed at Gab. offline, every man is responsible for his actions Torba has no call to do anything. Just keep living up to his word.  It's not that hard, but for some reason people find it hard.
#HeroRobertBowers went after the CAUSE not the symptoms. For that and his effective slaying of many enemies, we are indebted to him. #TeamWhite
Incidentally, I've done exactly what I advise Torba. I dont shut accounts on my forum unless they're breaking my few, solid rules. I believe the FBI, many years ago,  set up one of my angry posters with bomblike materials, then busted him before it went off. I didn't close his account or touch it in any way. And that is the way Torba should handle this Robert Bowers
anti-semitism? yeah, that's not a thing. defending our white race against jews. THAT is a thing. L'chaim to #HeroRobertBowers #TeamWhite salutes you.
Remember - jews got all these extra BILLIONS in security funds after their own called in bogus threats. And of course, knowing the threads were false, that money went in jew pockets. They're a criminal race, they're a threat to all others. They must be exterminated exactly like the perpendicular termites they are.  #TeamWhite #HeroRobertBowers
#HeroRobertBowers was just integrating the hatebox with tiny flying metal niggers.
"chrzehiswhyyy is this shooeting not like other shooetings? because jyews were involved ghzzhugghzhugg" "now shut up and eat your flour lumps and ragweed leaves"
Pittsburgh is the whitest major city left in the US, so it makes sense jews would expend special effort to diversity-murder it. #HeroRobertBowers
"For weeks, “Robert Bowers" was enraged by the national Jewish group HIAS’s efforts to hold Shabbat services for refugees, according to the archives messages. “HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people," the user wrote hours before the shooting. “I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.”
Principles protect people. Now is when your principles put you to the test, Herr Torba. The fellow didn't say anything illegal, so far as I know. So why break your own rules to silence him? Why do you think free speech exists, if not to discuss things that otherwise can only be settled by violence? "The moment makes the man." Or reveals him.
"Even the best of the goyim should be killed" - a jewish teaching for over 1500 years. It's a doctrine taught in every synagogue that ever existed. Robert Bowers is a goy. Jews want him murdered. And his kind erased from the face of the earth. We Whites have a natural right to fight back against jewish terrorism, lying and attempted genocide. #TeamWhite
Excellent work by this wonderful white man. Up to 11, now.
Jews are trying to murder America; America is fighting back. #HeroRobertBowers
Jews just like those in this hate complex the guy shot up are bringing in endless streams of niggers and muslims to rape your daughters and murder your sons. #HeroRobertBowers stood up to them. He deserves all our gratitude and applause. "STOP TRYING TO MURDER MY RACE, JEWS." #TeamWhite #DeadJewsGoodNews #FuckLoxism
i spoke too soon. Trump's wall (aka fencelet) is actually modeled on the famous Polish submarine screen door.
Torba - please restore the guy's account. The world reasonably wants to know what the guy posted.
This kills me that I lost it, but many years ago when I started, some jew was mocking me in email, and he told me they ALREADY (this is like maybe 2001) had a name for the holiday celebrating the genocide of the white race. I dont have the email or computer, and I forgot the name, unfortunately. But this really is how they think - as unimaginable as it is to whites.
Celebrare the death of your enemy, fellow White man. Feel good about it. Enjoy it.  It's good for whites, what #HeroRobertBowers did, and I thank him for his noble and effective actions. Together we can be a team. Or we can stay atomized, continue to vote for loud-mouthed jew-servile Republican cowards like Trump and get the same nothing we've always got.
When you suspend accounts trying to be a good little doggie, all you do is interfere with history. Each man is responsible for his own words and actions.  Preserve and act on that principle, for it is strong.
Trump campaigned on building a wall, then erected a fence that would embarrass a Polish submarine engineer. Meanwhile, #HeroRobertBowers defended his race and nation. #TeamWhite
Absolutely the wrong move to suspend the account Torba.
"Remember (white) kids don't be thuuuugz So you dont act like everyone else duuuuuz" (((Their))) dindus shoot yu every goddam day..." But you a-shooting back is bad mmmkay"  --Neon-Enimen
I've never once heard a jew worry about the legality of their operations against white folks.
If George Washington had "kept it legal," the USA wouldn't exist.
Stop trying to murder my race, jews. #TeamWhite
wow, looks like this endless #loxism directed at white males in particular is starting to produce some blowback, eh jews?
Hitler dejewed Germany legally and peacefully. Their response was to big lie that he killed them all. Next time we must exterminate them. That's the only solution to jews that can work.
We are not the brothers' zookeeper. We are not the flips' fried-spider provider.
why do you think hitler created national socialism? because german-christian culture wasn't enough to stop the jew, it had in fact been taken over by the jew (everything kevin macdonald writes about kikes was written by germans long before 1900 - because jews dont change their tricks) nazism was the one time in history whites discovered how to defeat jews
we need some Private Label counties where free men like me can live
Webster defines goobsters in this way : ugly rural people who commit harebrained crimes, typically involving extralegal blood enrichners

October 26, 2018:

do you want to be? or you want to seem? this is the cultural difference optics on one side. character on the other. choose wisely.
charles didnt love diana because he correctly sensed her shit character but -- and here we have anglo corrupting native german sense -- he married and bred with the vile cunt to keep up appearances and that failed completely
eaglarping is NOT a thing
my point is not to bash 'lady' di but to point out - her way of being is what anglo means. it is how jews take over - because this people and culture has no character except Fear Of What Others Will Think (The Appearances Song)
what do you see when you look at Lady (lol) Di? the prole sees someone beautiful and classy but the knowing man sees someone who would be fake nice to you if she thought your status merited it, but abandon you in an instant if she thought associating with you would reduce her own status, particularly in the eyes of the media
anglo-christian conservatism is the one sure path to losing forever
diana was a loathsome english type, a very common type
trump lived his whole life among jews. notice they've rubbed off on him in one good way. he fights. if he were from cow country, he'd be a typical woebegone pussy loser like sessions and the rest of the dirt-eating christians trump isnt christian at all - that's a clue to you that  what i'm saying is right
these twinks are just like the niggers they marry: fuck the white man who raised them, worship the figure-cutting whore pa stupidly married
classic anglo here
car radio informs me there is a problem in china. pigs are sick with the flu. they're dying from it, even. all because the dirty chi-coms refused them all-american flu shots, freely profferred by our well meaning central government.  this and many other things make me mad (angry).
jews can keep a party line whiteskins tap out at party
it is far FAR beyond the mental capacity of even the upper middle class to grasp that conservatism is these (let's say) 5 principles and apply them to any given circumstances  situations and have them plot out the logical, unavaoidable conservative response WAY beyond their capacity it's all just i likes dis, i hates dat just pure childishness
in the spirit of the head explosions in flatliners, MIDLINERS, itz frankly, i'm not so sure that i'm not the only non-NPC and the rest of you are figments so let's hep-hep on the quality posting, you mind-niggers
i made this point many years ago, maybe some clever can work with it how do baitfish all turn at the same time? there's an answer to that. it's not a rhetorical question.  as america's premier pseudoichthyologist, i have to credit mself with figuring out that the organ that lets the b-fishies do that EXISTS IN HUMANS TOO.
the mass population is stupid and cowardly. that's what makes it the mass. this bio-bulk is called 'conservtism.' it fears everything, and sticks to what it knows which is nothing, since it's all copying and following itself like baitfish it cant be altered short of many many years of therapy to quote the nigdget in Bad Santa, but therapy meaning Lebensborn
if you're a christian, you're not red pilled. you're more like a gay fan of weezer or something
do you ever think about things from different angles like, what would disprove what i've been told, or what i believe?  what would falsify my opinion or that (any) view? all it would take for christianity to be completely false is for one man not to have come back from the dead. isn't that something.
for the racial movement to take off, it must lift and separate from the chaff that is christianity and the cowardice that is conservatism the racial cause is something ganz anders
if you believe jesus came back from the dead you're a fairy
all the talk about women. they dont matter. theyve never mattered. all that ever has or will matter so long as our race exists are WHITE MEN. we adopted a faggot cult that effectively lobotomized us and disabled our enemy recognition module. leading to all the rest. including wimmens. which are just a symptom of our failure and our weakness.
do you see the connection between Imperishable Soul of Inestimable Value (itz a hominid created by godmonid kang of kangz thang) and White Genocide it is there keep looking
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege #VNNForum COMPLETE audiobook for  SERPENT'S WALK (1991) by Randolph O. Calverhall [including re-recording of ch3-4 session]
what evidence is there that trump doesn't love niggers? none. what evidence is there that trump doesn't love jews? none. it's all the other way. you clowns say Every. Single. Time., then you turn around and gulp big 7-11 shots of carbmedia bs about trump being a racist.
the contempt jiggy vaugn had for White Nationalists comes from his father and is absolutely the case throughout the entire Republican leadership
one must act in a way to incur respect rather than contempt when you suck up to barren streetshitter-fuckers and "What I do for blax" Republicans, you are simply conveying weakness to them that is absolutely how they look at it. they see you as a stupid fool and a tool for achieving THEIR goals, which you have stupidly persuaded yourself are yours
i will continue to use this analogy because it's perfect white nationalists completely undermine their position by being willing to fuck the Republican Party - which will never publicly acknowledge them, it just loves us for our holes you people are pathetic Fuck the Republicans.   if it doesn't speak openly in our name and advocate our cause,  it's our enemy
whites have been trained to think in abstractions while other groups focus on loot
as always, i write for the true special needs crowd: the overly intelligent
let me explain something to you retards the left has a permanent standing army. multiple, in fact. the army proper (green niggers) and the 48-inchers (ass army, or the permastatic bureaucracy) all of them, operating 24/7/365, AGAINST the white race and OUT OF white pocketbooks we need a White Liberation Army

October 25, 2018:

i saw a brown praying mantis. unlike in humans, brown praying mantises are kind of the cool ones, altho the virtues of the green commoners are not to be despised mantises are probably the coolest insects goddy vouchsafed us in the boring north. that's why most intellectual advances are north of the (latitude), nature isn't interesting enough
compliment: hey, you look marginally less unattractive than yesterday, what happened? complement: ham goes with cheese, the way discolored hair goes with bad ideas
you see the kind of IDEAS the government wants in you yet you trust the material contents of their flu shots? what is a flu shot, anyway? of mice retinas, carbolic acid and fermented yak sac bacteria all compact, is my offhand guess
Which of these is not like the other? - flu shot - tossing ring on coke bottle - voting ITS A RHETORICAL TRICK QUESTION. THEY'RE ALL THE SAME. TAKE A LAP!
one way of hiding your guilty (((race is - import criminal coloreds in every hue and nasty proclivity - populate your televizion hours with strange new beasts who are worse than any human ever heard of (zombies, vampires, etc) KEEP YOUR EYE ON THE JEW (but they make it hard to do)
it reminds me of the old Merle Haggard song, They Aint Making Package Bombers Like Uni Anymore
and the teeming millions of 4-foot tall black-eyed people agree with me!
i'd like to personally encourage Putin to blow up Israel, with as many or few nukes as he needs to destroy it entirely #GoRussiaWhipThoseNerds #TeamWhite
dont get angry when i urge trump to open fire on the stubbie shitstream. i'm just seeking a better life for myself
" the ideology of US neoconservatives is "akin to the German Nazy Party last century" -- that's paul coward roberts, equating brave german  resistance to jewish communism with judeo-bolshevism itself in the usual cowardly-conservative way best summed up as Anglo-cuckery
(arnold's voice in Kindergarten Cop) "You worship a God that created niggers?"
civic nationalism = where paper makes up for deficiencies in genes civic spiritualism = where water """ both are jewish scams
fake bombs are only for closers! get out of here cuomo
i want to live around people who are six feet tall and blue eyed, not people who are four feet tall and black eyed
99% of america would literally jerk off while eating pretzels if Trump just opened fire on these subamerican pieces of shit i was out in salt lake, goddam does it get tiring walking around with these creatures that look like old turds who are all 3-4 ft high, fucking hobbits of ug
i learned from daily mail where i learn most misspelled things i know there is a creature in the depths OCTOPUSSING WHILE WHITE #SaltwaterRacism much, ocean?
SPECIES OF ONE that's my motto for my personal brand cuz i'm a brand like Ke-llogs or Fleischman's Fermented Kosher Nutsacks of Tender Young Boys a brand
it's important we make available to the people-flavored people of #3018 the full menagerie of clowns populating the scene one thousand years to the earlier i, for one, believe sinead o'connor to be a distinct species.
the Republican Party flag should have a chain popping as a manumitted man-monkey springs free ... and a jew banker with a stack
some women have penises some bombs dont explode #DealWithIt
while the west was busy worshipping jews and pretending niggers were people, the gooks were making serious progress on shit that matters...
i have always believed 'humans' should be called hominids, i believe it better captures the flavor of their behavior
we stole the jewels and burgled their cat on the way out, pausing only to emit a cackly snicker
'burgled' is the rare verb where the extra ized just sounds better, if technically wrong burgled always sounds like they robbed AND left a small pool of personal liquids as a lagniappe for the bereaved previous owner
there are 4000 wild tigers...belonging to 6 species... but 8 billion humans belonging to 1? 'human race' is a propaganda terms. so is 'human races' human races are different species
there are SIX species of tiger, but only ONE human yeah lol
what you subsidize, you get more of that's a conservative principle. it's valid.  it's true if you vote for Republicans, you will get more Republicans is that what you want? no really, peabo. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT?
if your parents name you MEGYN you are justified in beating them
#3018  no one EVER used this term 'optics' before maybe three years ago, to replace the standard 'appearnces' with something that sounds trendy fagly appleier it ought to die like it was never born
optics = cuck talk
any group of two or more non-queer white men meeting without explicit ZOG approval does constitute criminal conspiracy and will be prosecuted  ACTUAL STATEMENT FROM DONALD TRUMP'S DOJ
if we just ignored defeatists like me and voted for TRUMP, he would have won and SHIT LIKE THIS wouldnt be going on in the lefty DOJ
the left has used violence against the white for decades now so whatever the equivalent to counter-semitism would our counter-violence be they use violence. we vote.  they win.  we lose. even when we win elections, we still lose. a decline in the increase rate of everything negative is not victory
not voting carries more weight than voting - because it shows a rejection of the govt itself.  which is why i do it but i dont kid myself that ZOG cares, or that not voting will make a difference just a tiny indication i want the (((federal govt))) to dry up and blow away like other forms of excrement
want to be clear - i'm not encouraging people not to vote if you like voting, then vote what i'm encouraging you to believe is the factual, time-experienced truth that: your voting will make no difference on the essentials we racialists worry about
one man one vote is the theory, one dollar one vote is closer to reality guess who has the bucks? "keep playing that rigged game" "it's important"
what are the odds that Republicans will do something racially loyal vs continuing to jew what they've always jun? yeah
Violence is the way forward, not voting. Our side is already treated like it's engaged in violent illegal action, even though its actual behavior is 99% legal speech and 1% legal self-defense. The situation is not going to get better no matter how many times Trump is elected because the demographics and anti-white bureaucracies are emplaced and growing.
I'm anti-socialist. I would never vote, taking one among 100 reasons, for a  party that subsidizes jew billionaire banking criminals out of white-earner wage hours.
Whiteskins - you must allow yourself to be used by the Republicans to support their classic goals of subsidzing jew banking criminals and giant corporations. It's every bit as important you vote Republican as niggers vote Democrat to keep the EBT train puffing charcoal.
Vote Republican! It's important. See, guiz, if wee just get TRUMPY elected, he will clean up the DOJ and they won't go after white men who defend themselves from communist street violence
Whites should think and act like a separate nation. A nation needs a defense force. That's job one. It also needs cultural products to enculturate its young. That proceeds simultaneously. #TeamWhite
if jews hated christianity, they wouldn't have created it
Vote Republican!  Don't throw your life away!
in the battle between Spencer and Titskaya,  i, for one, side with Spencer
if Trump were who YOU think he is, he would strafe the invading shitstream
What does "the cynical view" mean except valuing behavior over words?
Reading Daily Stormer, it's pretty good, but Anglin is basically a Ricky Vaughn wannabe. And if his father had been a Republican operative, as RV's is or was, he would be too. If you want to help jew banking criminals, voting Republican, yes, is very important.
Vote Republican, it's important. For Republicans, anyway. The rickyvaughnsters need you...but you need them? why? If you're White, what has the Republican ever done for you - racially? Voting doesn't matter, building up a physical defense force matters.
remember, kidlets,  Most. Important. Election. Eva. EVAH. (as the movie mom told her daughter about men, so is true of elections: "some of them may seem cool and different, but really they're all pretty much the same.")
so trump's sending in the 82nd airborne camera division to point and shoot we need a  White Liberation Army
what's needed is a White Liberation Army
do you accept the concept of guilt by association? if you're a christian you do, whether you realize it or not you're a sinner because of something someone else did, even if that someone else is a fictional character!  it's like charlottesville but worse.
christianity teaches idiots to accept guilt for existing. and everything else. so they may be manipulated and controlled by anyone willing to feed them things to feel guilty about as i've said, christianity is a psycho-sexual problem, at its root. there's something wrong with adults who want to be part of this way of thinking
to normal right people, lying seems dirty and dishonest. to the whiteskin left, who are cultists (the jews are not, they are rational racialists), it seems clever and effective. leftist writers are showing off for one another, look how brazen i can be. they they take pride in it.
the (((media))) and judeo-left constantly do what they accuse their opponents of, which is from the jew alinsky. alinsky (accuse your opponent of what you're doing) + chutzpah (jew tradition of brazen lying) + gaslighting (try to drive your opponent crazy by telling him his eyes and brain dont work) = jew-led left = junk media like CNN
the media lie nonstop. the only term to use other than lie is one that is more refined. more specific. there are different types of lies. what the media do is 'gaslight.' a particularly brazen form of lying in which reality is reversed in order to make you seem like the crazy one. the term traces to an old movie.
it is wrong to use trendy shit-speak like narrative why do i always have to lecture retarded 'traditionalists' to quit abandoning stuff that works. it's a TRADITION among whiteskins to use the term LYING when people abandon facts for falsehoods there aren't dueling stories, there are lies and facts
this is the end result of talking about optics and narratives - ON THE RIGHT you idiots have helped create a situation in which leftists have simply quit acknowledging facts - completely

October 24, 2018:
christianity is the perfect doctrine for a slave class, which is what whites are being turned into
Judaism is in line with nature Christianity is in line with insanity
hominid fungibilism comes from christianity, the spiritual precursor to political liberalism jews produce christianity for generic goyim while reserving racist naturalism for themselves
from prognathous to pugnacious, Ape Attitudes has a negroid mask for every trick or treater

October 23, 2018:
xtian car radio, featuring drive-time hero Jewy Jay Sekulow and his Alex-Jones-Tier Faux Earnestness... this is this is the first i've not heard them mention ISRAEL 35 times in the first 30 seconds...they're discussing...this caravan of brown stubbies the one thing we CERTAINLY cant do is shoot 'em. it's a PROCESSING problem, you see.
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege ch 28 added  Serpent's Walk
Whites Going Their Own Way - the essence of White Nationalism we dont care about whites who mix, for whatever reason. we know how that works. we actually believe our own bullshit because it's based on truth We are the ones forbidden free association and sovereignty - because what we say is correct.  #TeamWhite
if they believed all the things they say about racism, they'd create a racist reservation, and laugh themselves silly as whites fell apart and took their problems away from a sighing, relieved Diversitaria instead, they clamp whites ever to them, with more anti-white laws and regulations, the better to milk and mulct them. whites are their prey.

October 22, 2018:

everything jews do ratchets their power, prestige and income higher their 'religion' is in line with nature 'our' religion (created and produced by them, try not laugh) does the opposite for us

October 21, 2018:

#Audiobooks #LearningCollege Serpent's Walk Ch 24 (38m)

October 20, 2018:

you know who didnt get somewhere by waving her tits in menfolks' faces? that george sand fellowsa. back then broads put up before they didnt shut up. unlike now.
against clarity - with breaking barriers background singers,  Jew for Goyims Chorus they make your mind a funhouse if you let 'em. where you cant trust anything. not even the cuntinential divide of Man and Woman
the broad(?) correctly intuits then intent behind the song she-it covers: how to say fuck you in the softest possible way
What'sApp - news appalachians can use. - Where the tartest doodleberries grow.  - Just how not-right squirrels can be before you leave their brains out of your eggs (hint: it's in the nose) - hillfolk morality: the mountain won't get 'em either (think Dukes of Hazzard)
it sucks that life doesnt have a speed up setting. it's actually a considerable sttrain to be significantly smarter than average. of course on the whole it's better, but there is a significant downside it makes you like a woman, having to feign all the time, like you dont know where someone's going almost before they do. being very smart is like being stranded
if you want to be the jew you gotta BEAT the jew
it occureth to me, maybe a little later than it shoujld have, that EXCESSIVE SQUIRREL-BRAIN CONSUMPTION could account foah some of the friction i been a-getting from you slicks
i know i got some appalachian followers heads up
No Nazis, no KKK, no fascist USA i've never gotten this. it doesnt work for rhythm
have you ever noticed that politics is nothing but jews babbling with other jews? sometimes there are so many kikes on these shows their hooknoses get tangled up like christmas ilghts and the producers have to race to unscramble them before the red light goes on
maybe i'm just not as jaded as some of you. i believe in humanity. i believe in looking for the best in people. some see squat monsters (ugly term. would jesus talk like that?) invading; i see fellow christians coming up from guatemala to help the South recover from Michael
listen, people those squat monsters are just FELLOW CHRISTIANS who are moving to a different part of the ALL-AMERICAN BUILDING
christianity unites the americas (north and south),  just as it united europe in olden days so those of you who complain about squat monsters invading are simply...racist.
whether you call out jews or not, you get treated like you did (proud bois arrests) whether you commit violence or not, you get called violent for your views  the game has always been rigged, now it's quadruply rigged vote vote vote - and see where it gets you. i dont know how it isn't boring to peole at this point. Untii Whites can wield force effectively, they lose
in heaven, there ain't no gout! your rabies will clear right up. your babies will all be born healthy, with IQs as high as 102
love and identity - the average dolt thinks these are stong but in fact they're weak our racial cause has nothing to do with identity or loving our race it has to do with hating our enemy, refusing to be dominated by ANY group,  and defending our kind
identity is weak and wrong word to use whiteness is not an identity. identities can be chosen and changed.
it's about time the sstreets were swept clean of cross-eyed dildo freaks named gavin fucking nazis, messin' up our quaint little nyc berg
if you're white, you're hitler now, you and i know you're a fagg! but  to the left, yeah, you reek of himmler and goerbbels
christianity really is a spiritual nation. you see how that feeds naturally into the Big Lie that America is an idea - has nothing to do with blood and soil of a real nation. christianity doesnt care what race you are, or what social class belong to either it's bad stuff, unhealthy for whites. sort of spiritual sugar, with empty lies about a heaven to come
it's funny the same people who lie that christianity united europe denounce our southern invasion - even though 110% of the brown stubbies are christians apparently that "unite"-ability was lost somewhere along the way, eh skechies
people like fall best because they are dishonest they feel fall's fake-niceness in their fake-nice souls
in the old days, conmen sold suckers Florida swamp acreage as prime beachfront lots christianity operates the same scam,  but even more efficiently. there's no land involved at all. pure wind.
the last thing any pro-White should be saying is keep it legal. the whole problem is that we DO keep it legal
it's already too late for anything but violence to work hell, that's probably true since maybe 1972
Why am I the only man on earth with a functional brain? I ask myself this question often, but I never get a good answer.
There is a jewish race. There is no christian race.
Christianity is a religion for people. Not white people. Imagination there was a religion for retards. How hard would your boner be? Well, see, jews have a religion FOR JEWS. That looks after their interests. That denies NON-jews even have a right to EXIST. Is there anything like that for Whites? There is not. We go into the world religiously unarmed.
Right now, the White side is getting the misery that violence brings without any of the benefits. How is keeping it legal working out for anyone on our side?
The important intellectual work to be done is 1) spreading the understanding that the next expulsion must be vertical, not horizontal. That means, jews must be EXTERMINATED, not swept out the door to cause the same problems again in ten years. 2) spreading the understanding that christianity is why whites think it's immoral to defend themselves as a race
Christianity is by jews and for jews. Its central claims are lies that have damaged the white race nearly to the point of genocide.  You destroy a people, yes, by denying its history, correct, but even beyond that, you destroy them by denying their existence.  And christianity is the first and most important step in that direction.
If Christianity is true, then race doesn't matter at all. You who think you are christians and racialists are simply clowns. Hence Clown World. Nothing has any weight, everything is just a buffet set out for buffoons.
In the beginning was the Lie
one man is as good as another since ALL are created by god that's the inevitable logic of the christ cult.  it may take time to work out, but it's inevitable all men need christ, just the way all men should  be drinking bud lite #DillyDilly #JebusJebus
Christianity is a spiritual nation, similar to the way that "America is an idea." Except the latter is a lie. But the first part is the truth. Too many can't see principles at all, let alone their mattering. But christianity is based on principles that allow people to rip white nations apart by using its 'morality' and 'universalism' to push man-fungibilism.
You can be a christian or a White Nationalist.  Not both. Helpful, factual clarification from #TeamWhite.
"the seed of abraham is not this nation (jews/israel) it is jesus christ and all who are in him" - Matt Eby Christianity isn't racial. Judaism is. Christianity specifically rejects racialism for spiritualism. Civic spiritualism.  The christian nation is anyone who believes in jesus.  Christianity is anti-White. You can cry yourself to sleep, facts remain
dont believe what  christians jews women  Trump say believe what they DO
Christians worship what they call a 'god' that created niggers.
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege Serpent's Walk, by Randolph O. Calverhall Ch. 23 now posted
stand back from it and think: why are these goobers from wisconsin, of european descent, wrapped up in the desert hijinks of a bunch of semitic  criminals? the bible is Someone Else's Lies. it has nothing to do with white people
bible interpretation is the original fantasy football
Why do jews dominate the world? Because their 'religion' is the only one in line with nature.  Non-jews exist only to serve jews, and "even the best of the goyim should be killed."

October 19, 2018:

I'm not a racist! My best friend works at the zoo. He's talent.
so niggers get someone who will stand up front and speak the truth about jews but whites have to keep their heads down, vote for someone who praises jews and does their bidding whites arent the real niggers - why?
we dont have politics, we have voting - proxytics #CuckTheVote
imagine Hitler walking around asking people if they'd accepted Jesus as their personal savior If you believe in Jesus, you're a queer.
it's not just that christianity promotes white genocide, it's the alacrity with which its pew cretins race to embrace their destruction, adopting multiple niggerlets and such i swear, you look these people in the eye, their heads are like new vaccum cleaner bags
original sin = guilt by association pretty much jew tactics 101 you are responsible for what Smith says, you must denoujnce him for having wrong opinion you share blood and race with Smith,  you are just as guilty You jackoffs need to grow up and accept that Christianity is anti-White, it's jewish  garbage, and it's leading your race to genocide.
Fields is like Darren Wilson 2.0, in some ways.  In his car, attacked by (multiple) niggers/whiteskins. Defended himself.  Media reversed the facts from first reporting... We'll see how it goes.
the minute you say "cant say that" or "have to do this" - that's the language of the slave and the loser you've accepted the limits of a System built to crush you politics isn't voting There is no reason Trump can't say the same thing Farrakhan said.
the media didnt spin what happened to fields, they falsified it
on Acebook, every newbie must agree to post selfie of finger-gun and eye-wink do you like to call people "Champ" and "Sport" maybe with some Chief mixed in? Acebook is for you.
if you lose long enough you dont even know what a win looks like this is why our side praises Trump we've utterly given up speaking in our own name and demanding our own goals we just cuck out and reinterpret losses into akshully victories to make ourselves feel good would Hitler talk in codes? give money to Israel?  why do we accept less?
whatever promotes the frankfurt agenda is called edgy and daring. the easily fooled think they are bravely standing up against xtian cconservative authority, when in fact they're destroying their culture and society exactly as the jew wants them to nothing sexual is daring or edgy. nothing pushes the envelope. only average people and actors believe that
erotic material has nothing to do with free speech the very idea comes from jews
british are horrified at the idea of a man owning a gun or stating his opinion
"  amitheonlyone, Northsouthdivide, United Kingdom, about 15 hours ago I can't find any news feeds of Farrakhan being arrested for a racially aggravated crime. How odd? I assume the police are currently investigating and his arrest is imminent?  "
Farrakhan will stand up in public and call jews termites who need to be exterminated. Trump sells his foreign policy to three rich jews, then ups the 'aid' to Kikistaneven more free billions looted directly out of your white-earner pockets. Farrakhan is objectively more pro-White than Trump.
Christianity is a bigger threat to China than Islam, for Christianity is liberalism.
The  boulder had been used to cover a borehole and was slammed down on Hannah Cornelius's head  as she was held down, a court was told. The fatal blow was delivered after at least three men had taken turns to rape the gifted scholar.  Hannah, 21, would almost certainly have died instantly However, to make sure, one of her killers also plunged a knife into her neck
voting will clear this up
Trump's real crowd isn't in Montana, it's this set
Out running errand in the hour of the school bus. Two stops in front of me, same street. 14 disgorged. All niglets (Congolese). Majority under four feet tall. This is why I'm a revolutionary, not a voter. Fuck this government.  The USA is an evil empire.  It gots ta go.  #TeamWhite
special halloween spider spotted. reminder to all: stay low - don't get beat

October 18, 2018:

We need like a Year in White review and awards show hosted by the hottest TruWhite chick out there, maybe with one multi-mother also we need a White Council of Elders of Orion or something
the white-right won the battle of ideas the judeo-left won the batter of platforms we'll see who wins the battle of blood #TeamWhite vs #TeamJew, the world for stakes
we've reserved a private underground chamber for world jewry, away from the presence of noxious goyim, even protected from raccoons digging for grubs
Christianity. For the many.  Not the few.

October 17, 2018:

"how do WE feel" (common system-journalist headline or subhead) is democratic centralism: open discussion among comrades in the central committee untili the party line is established,  then WE kill anyone who doesn't toe it - political correctness (better called, per Joe Sobran, Semitical Correctness).
if hitler could go back in time, he would probably kill you! he hated douches!
notice how they're always "how do WE feel about X y or z" never how do YOU feel about it. they have no basis for objection to being called NPC because they spend all their time looking sideways before emitting their dopey peeps like all mental effeminates, they want to BE one thing and be thought another
"If we destroy termites because the eat the foundations of our houses, how much more lenient should we be with jews, who wreck the foundations of our societies?"
Farrahkhan is our NigPC
left is definitely on back foot here in the #MO. claire mckaskill ads: "claire's not one of those crazy Democrats" and endless bs about her supporting border control
i for one am shocked, shocked by substandard deportment among social soroses in greek invasion camps
halloween is not about sexy it's about BARRIERS COMING DOWN BETWEEN WORLDS we need a neon-Samhain start slicing up some urchins till the Magoober runs burgundy red
One lie you've never consciously thought about. German expertise is conceded by the angloteria in TECHNICAL matters, but never in social political matters. What if... they (were when it mattered) ahead there too?  (because i'm time busted you'll have to insert the happa woah face yourgloriousself)
Stop fucking killing yourself. Become a white nationalist. People who hate whites are jews and fags. Fuck them. "Let's get some life in our pants" --Cadaverous Base Coach Harry
do your man-work #WhiteThings if you're a witch #CleanYourBroom #WitchThings
larping as mad maxists? do you think the movie was real? ?

October 16, 2018:

Gray Live! ... Memoirs of a Sideways-Looking Man
"War is all about stakes and mistakes." --John "Cool Hand" McIlhenny, aka Tabasco Man
my impression is people are bored of middle-class consumer culture, sick of politics that doesn't involve any real choices, and ready for some gigantic wars
call me a hominiditarian, but i dont think sharks should be subjected to jazz
Visitor Erinn Acland said: 'He appeared to be totally nude and, like, laughing.
see, NPCs, we know what you wont say. that's why you're so boring. and dishonest. even with yourselves. it's why you harp on edginess and authenticity and originality.  giraffes dont have to tell people they're giraffes
i like dthe royal family better when they were fugly germans than orangutans
NPC = "They Don't Live"
greyman knows its important to be on the right side of history
"how do we feel about X Y Z?" this irritating news template has become common you can see why CULTISTS who shit n shiver at idea of being on wrong side of toilet and history would object to the NPC anti-caricature no, lefty, you're not boring-crummy-scared-aparatchicky. not you! you're the bees knees, tooties
NPC is a brilliant reworking-reversal of 'they live' concept
left = #StepfordStrong
if i were a billionaire or tech genius, i would just build a omni-platform and call it either NIGGER or RACIST
women dimly sense a connection between humor and higher IQ, and it threatens their mediocrity, and where they have power they will shut it down
you cant deny that white men are the most interesting creatures on the planet (no homo).  i constantly refresh my browser to see what this groovy collection of upright five-lined skinks is up to!
if Pat Benatar came back today, do think she would dress like Pat Benatar? use your head, mans #Neon-Benatars
leftists put on stutter by cartoon characters it is to laugh #NPC
as with most leftist claims, there's about 1023 parts lie to 1 part truth #BitsyWarden
all right-whitists made their way UPhill   whereas leftism is a waterslide the whole way that's why Proud Goys wear SALMON COLORED SHIRTS, THE COLOR OF CHAMPIONS
micturonormativity - the politicization of urination to delegitimize pissing and shitting outside the bowl/hole...aka bodily expression oppression
left to their own devices, what devices do women have? crevices.
men civilize women that's a little truth you dont learn in school, sons IF the men want to be men. most dont. to be fair, they're trained not to, these days
"Better a patriarchy than an It's Pat-riarchy" --Homer Snodgrass
you notice how Trump does that proletard random capitalization thing?  yeah ? yeah ?
when you see cunts like bitsy warren and blasey ford, who are not low IQ, it really makes you wonder if women even understand the concept of truth. i think they sort of grasp it from context but they certainly dont feel it as anything more than NPC in the social status game
in the warm months i wear woven sandals made of rich corinthian olinguito hide, stitched by blind portugese craftmasters. as long as you supply them with fetid cigars in sufficient number they keep their curses under their breath #GetToKnowMe
i like things that are nice. and i dislike things that suck just wanted you to know a little about me #mefags
how does the ability to defend your race's very physical existence become unthinkable? not a rhetorical question. my-the answer is that it surely begins with an ostensibly neutral doctrine that devalues or simply doesn't value race. can you guess what that would be? no, because you're a moron. (no, not you you, that other you, cindy lou you). A: Xtianity.
i like people who cut thru bullshit with blunt facts. and trump is very far from unpolished, he has an almost instinctive ability to find the weak spot and turn it into a killer nickname. that is invaulable and wonderrful. i love it.  it's entertaining and effective. trump instinctively understands how to deal with the jewsmedia - all you can do is attack it.
understand this: i LIKE trump as a personal matter. i like what i call his sort of german style of unvarnished furniture. he's cunning too. and i cant fucking believe anyone that old can find the energy to defeat the world and the global lying jewpress. that is fucking impressive.  but i dont let my petty personal tastes overcome objective political analysis
why is the white man so willing to believe he's the bad guy? can there be ANY reason but christianity - ultimately? all the jew stuff thru media and public schools is just overlay on that basic Original Lie
Otzi had 61 tattoos and Lyme disease. But for all that, he had a way of looking at a glacier and saying, Hey, Bud, let's party. He was a reg'lar Mountain Spicoli.
what trump has done that's valuable is almost purely style. it's attacking the media. germanic types tend to respond with reason to people who didnt start with it - liars/jews. but they must be counter-abused - and you have truth on your side, so you're reinforced and they're windsocks. the doctrine of continual attack is the only way to go after jews/media
the thing you have to remember about trump...tho the media and all hate him, he is one of them. he believes 80% the same things they do - race has nothing to do with america (or anything) being the most significant he has fully internalized and purchased jew fake american history 1.0, as i've called it. he believes it. just like any boomer or GG you hate
i hate disorder it makes the flame of anger in me burn and burn and get only hotter i know exactly how to clean up the west
in olden times, when winter was an airquotes thing, the michelin women of Iowa found a steady market; but when climes grew warm, they had to literally downsize to keep a pecker in their stalls --J. Clingensmith's Hand-written History of the Middle Upper Northwest (2026) #Iowa
bitsy warden comes across to me as a Nurse Ratchet without the competence or personal charm. in other words, a pretty typical northern belle
it may not be technically true that, as Samuel-Broward Longennecker said back in 1841, that "all bad ideas trace to Massachusetts," but...that's the way to bet
"Woman rules, man rues." --Confuschia (toto homo)
why is the northeast filled with so many awful people? it's a good question. it's a fair question. does the foul weather distemper them? or is it the english genes? the insaner-than-usual xtian subsets they embrace? it's not for me to say. it's for me to laugh.
imagine bragging about being an injun, a peeple mark twain describes as forming a circle around a fire and forcing whatever animalcules are in the bush into it to become die and literally crickets and grasshoppers THATZ MUH PEEPLE, says bitsy warden

October 15, 2018:

as voltaire said, i wish that all the NPR talking heads had but one neck, that i might strangle it
the left whining about dehumanizing...while promoting categorical hatred of white males. calling themselves tolerant it simply has to be genetic - among the non-jews, at least
if you're at the table and you can tell who's the lutefisk YOU"RE THE LUTEFISK
even if you dont feel like hitler ITZ NOT ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS
women's only genuine technical advances are ways of photographing's funny because it's true! i was just diagnosed with hodgkins-neutral lymphoma fuck me
you love your enemies not because you're good but because you're weak. it takes strength to hate and fight your enemies. strength you don't have, so you pretend you dont want it, and its bad, and you collect in loser temples to worship the god of failure
if you love your enemies, you are the spiritual equivalent of a homosexual. you are a queer of the spirit. and in my opinion, you're worse and more dangerous than the flesh queer.
if you love your enemies, you are a pervert. a spiritual pervert.
we've got good ol' e-mike on recent Helland show: i love tthe jews. jesus tells us  to love our enemies. that's what they mean when they said: they i prayed to god to make my enemies ridiculous christianity is for sickos.
if you hate individualism and globalism why, pray tell, do you support christianity?
if it weren't for jew-produced christianity, the bulk of our community would listen to white men like me when we say jews must be exterminated. our case, after all, is rational and undeniable. (((christianity))) protects jews from whites - while exposing the white race to genocide
the solution to jews is exterminating them, and always has been.  it's time to stop lying and voting and beating around the bush. we are White. jews are trying to genocide us.  they must die. just like any mad dog or termite colony. (((THEM))) or )))US(((
jews have controlled the media for 100 years in the US. they have worked the ultimate flip. not only have they successfully hidden their tribal nature and true agenda, they have, very carefully, bit by bit, brought pieces of the agenda into the open..and gotten their worst enemy to support it and think it good. even his own literal physical disappearance.
jews have to control the media to have any chance - as an evil, hateful TINY-minority that must AT ALL COSTS disguise itself (even from the 99% oblivious, stupid, religious Aryan) majority
journalism has a much greater value to liars than to honest men think about it honest men can make money at it but controlling meatpacking or office furniture, while these are fine businesses and profitable, doesn't allow you to poison the minds of the huge majority and reap the greatest benefits of all - political control.
Aryan: you are guilty because we proved beyond a reasonable doubt you murdered that man. Jew: you are guilty because you are white. Do you see the difference there? Do you? Don't lie to me, or I'll mammy-whap the black off your ass.
Christianity has cuck-lubed us with its universal axl joint grease to be rolled by Big Jew. So we see things as Ever' Indyvidual Gets His Day in Court, the jews go with the 1/4 jew Leninist politics is WHO does what to WHOM? guilt is a question of categories, not individual behavior.
(im gonna say this in voice of late great Jim Rockford, a non-muskogee okie) do realize Trump does love niggers? and isn't a racialist. and his whole family is married in with jews? "ya dont, do you."
Ager Loylton* says: if hurricanes moved in a straight line, it'd make sense to name them Herb *Ager's kopf contains the wisdom of not one but TWO thousand unreturned library books. I is not wise to doubt him.
women left to their own paltry non-boob devices act approximately as rationally and constructively as hurricanes, which is why the latter were, man-reasonably, always given female names
look, men, there's no reason you-we can't learn the lesson the FIRST time - dumping money to lawyers does JACK SHIT to help white political prisoners - if you go out in public to demonstrate, you will be prosecuted for defending yourself that's where it is the price of illegal EFFECTIVE violence is LESS THAN the price of legal, INEFFECTIVE sign-holding
Hitler didnt have the majority of the vote.  What he had was a MAJORITY of the BALLS left in Ger. after The Great War... conservatives are simply cowards the white masses of christian morons are the fodder to support  either American racialist Hitler (military leader) OR endless jew global warmongering (current status)
what i dont understand...we have this fucking standing army (a totally ANTI-american concept, btw) for fucking  100 years...and we cant get ANY slightest form of private White Liberation Army and as faggy as that sounds, that's where it is. that's what we need. stop being REactive for once, get AHEAD of where things are going
all that is necessary for good men to win is to get a flu shot on the same day you vote #WINNING that's just common sense. personal and communal protection in one short trip.
if i just wear enough salmon-colored dress shirts, people will love me
if you had read hundreds of letters from average american conservatives, you would have as little respect for them as jews do they're basically religious idiots if the white racial cause is about preserving this type, it's worthless rather, it should be about forming a new race out of valuable elements. and giving the losers usufruct of physical protection
you identify with these pol figures exactly the way football fans identify with their heroes. you think you know them. you think they're your little buddy. you aren't giving enough respect for their professional ability to mislead and their ruthless pursuit of self-interest above all other considerations
just as women need to understand that man's sex drive is quite impersonal (pumpkins in a pinch, for one alt-medium) agreeable people only with greatest difficulty can be brought to understand rigid, ideological, categorical IMPERSONAL political 'hatred' as characterizes jewish-communism-for-white-goyim aka american 'liberalism'
i have said this five thousand times, so clearly i need to say it a five thousand and first i really think people who were cool and popular, or perhaps merely extroverted and agreeable growing up - have an almost characteriological (word?) inability to understand real politics. they simply cannot span from Carnegie gladhanding to categorical communism
prison reform SHOULD be: closing prisons and executing 100 to 1000x as many as we do now prison guards are shitbags. prisoners should be dead. prisons themselves are a typically shitty WASP idea. the mess should be flushed.
Republicans are interested in using white anger to sell books and obtain votes. Which is good for their individual careers. As for doing what the white population wants -- all recorded evidence says that won't happen. Republicans sell their posititions and ACTUAL policies to the jews who give them the big bucks and whose media organs can slice them.
Whites are always taken in by jews criticizing different things in the same language. The media criticize white nationalists, Pat Buchanan and Donald Trump in the same language. Leading people on our side to WRONGLY think these are the same thing. When they're not. Two of them are anti-White leftists.
"prison reform" - surelest the dullest among us can figure that means MOAR NIGGERS  look into any heinous nigger crime -- the jiggaturds involved have long priors in most cases putting the lie to everything the (((media))) says about unfairness. if niggers got fairness, they'd be rare in public as alligators in north dakota
White racialists are the only people on earth dumb enough to think people who hate them and say so repeatedly in public are "really" on their side. that's not even nigger-tier stupidity,  it's the buggy dirt atween the joists beneath
do you remember when Newt Gingrich got Republican control of The Whole Thing? what "good for whites" came out of that?
i dont vote for republicans because i dont want more republicans but you 20s and 30s, keep at it because if there's one sure thing in this life, it's that everyone is special and different, and we can't learn anything from the experience of others, no, we follow the bliss of our private truths (sic)
What accelerated things was #HeroDylannRoof. More than any other factor. Except maybe #StSkittles.

October 14, 2018:

" The ‘human race’ is a phrase coined by (((Otto Klineberg))). Otto Klineberg died recently. He was a social psychologist and ‘debunker’ of racial superiority theories…supposedly, unless one reads the wording used in said studies. "

October 13, 2018:

Over 400,000 Chechen and Ingush people are deported in cold, cramped conditions with no toilet or washing facilities. A typhoid epidemic sweeps through the carriages, killing many. Many more are to die of cold and hunger at their destination. During the first year of the deportations, ...between 30 and 50 percent of the Chechen and Ingush populations died
the misery jew-communism produces

October 11, 2018:
Might Is Right Ch 3 mocking equalityism - whether from preacher or politician, jesus or constitution #Audiobooks #LearningCollege
Serpent's Walk Chs 15-16 (1:26) #Audiobooks #LearningCollege
optics is cucktalk from people who need to walk around outdoors in This America (tm) with their eyes open yeah, if there's one thing that sticks out it's how slim and well dressed The American Peeple are Heimbach tried to have it both ways with his politics, and also with his women. is there a connection there? why not?  you can be an xtian OR a white nationalist

October 10, 2018:

i punt your stupid adjectives like tiny little footballs
truly, peak caucacity applies to alex honnold more than anyone
"Honnold does not see the point in living for happiness when he can live for achievement"

October 09, 2018:

admit it. if ruth bader ginsburg suddenly shot a tongue out fifteen feet to snab an insufficiently attentive grasshopper, or spun a web out her wouldnt be the least bit surprised
Sade lived a scandalous libertine existence and repeatedly procured young prostitutes as well as employees of both sexes in his castle in Lacoste.  People don't know that the Lacoste icon alligator comes from Sade trying to fuck one. I'm not kidding.
He gained notoriety for putting these fantasies into practice with both consenting and non-consenting people.
The nobleman, who lived from 1740 to 1814, claimed to be a proponent of absolute freedom, unrestrained by morality, religion or law. His erotic works - which combine philosophy with pornography - depict sexual fantasies with an emphasis on violence, suffering, criminality and blasphemy against Christianity.
white men are the most creative force the world has ever seen
sade was thrown in jail because his mil told authorities he was a kook. he harangued up a nice mob thru the shitter spout. this and similar were the French revolution
there's a tie between kook politics and kook sex. maybe you've picked up on that. maybe you could sense that from the discolored weirdos and transapiens filling out our hominid roster these days
some classic thot patrolling
hug an armenian...repent at leisure, as it says in the Great Book of Golgobrongithan
Tensions boiled over into violence after an incident involving a special needs student who attempted to hug an Armenian student, parents said. At that point they say, the Armenian student refused and spit at the special needs student. Football players then became involved in a fight with Armenian students. Some parents say the spitting never took place.
i think a way to get at the boomtards is to ask them if washington and jefferson were leftists. since they were racists. and owned slaves. which, you know, was even the adolf fellow didnt
Parents told KTLA that their children say there is racial tension on campus between Armenian students -  said to be the largest ethnic group in the school - and football players, who are mostly black, Latino, and other ethnicities.
Columbus Day is when we mourn that European whiteskins didnt eradicate bronze losers from the New World but instead tried to turn them into humans by the christian magic-water theory.
few people realize that Toys R Us was named after Lazarus in the bible. their first alleged toy, was actually a zombie, believe it or not #StrangerThanFiction
if i had a pet jewfish, i would name it jesus and feed it free kittens and puppies. but that's just me.
i'll believe in global warming when i can grow grapefruit in missouri. outside. worth eating.
who wants to see Matt Parrott post a lot more?
#FBI who may be reading this and may be honest. This is who you work for. This is what they're doing. Is that what you intend? #Charlottesville
in my years of reading the New York Post, it was nothing but the seediest frothingest goywhores and jew warmongers, a real podhoretz n peters affair
this is great. reminds me of Hunter S. Thompson: "my concern with truth is not on the nickel and dime level"
Britain is like that last scene in Kingpin where he says to the 'mish, "you weren't saving were saving me." Except it's "You weren't destroying were destroying yourself."
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege Might Is Right, by Ragnar Redbeard (1910) Ch 1
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege Serpent's Walk by Randolph O. Calverhall Chs 11-12

October 08, 2018:
A Mexican couple have admitted to killing at least 20 women after being caught transporting human body parts in a baby stroller. Juan Carlos and his wife Patricia were detained on Thursday in Ecatepec - a crime-ridden suburb of Mexico City - after officers caught them coming out of a house with a stroller full of dismembered body parts
what's up on the bean scene?
do you think swift believes women should be forced to register with selective service when they turn 18, since she's against all 'gender' (sic) discrimination?
i refuse to believe that international crooning tycoon taylor swift is "terrified" by whatever milquetoast hillslop the Repubs have thrown up as their 'conservative' candidate
kavanaugh was attacked for his race, defended as a man. he's a good man,  says Trump who's out there saying it's a good race?
say what you like about boomers, they didnt come up with this open-mouth photo faggotry
Jews can only be safe in a world in which no other nations exist. Gab is full of antisemites, and it's disgusting. Torba should be ashamed #TeamJew
white men have accepted that how they treat and prefer 'the black man' to their own is the measure of their moral worth both christianity, a jewish cult for goyim, and judaism preach this carrot and stick, good cop / bad cop. that's the game these two semitic beauties are playing
#LearningCollege #Audiobooks Serpent's Walk (1991) - white nationalist novel by Randolph O. Calverhall Chs 9-10 (1:28)
i'll tell you again - and this month's Missouri Conservationis is a golden example: if you want to see what honest free writing about politics would look like, read a nature magazine on "non-native species" that tone is how jews should be written about we have legal freedom. do we have the balls to use it?

October 06, 2018:

"According to estimates by the CDC, the vaccine was about 40 percent effective at preventing the flu, about the same as the season before it." And if 40% is what they admit, what do you think the real number is? I'll give you a tiny hint. It's not higher.
The paper describes how bees given a small amount of his mushroom mycelia extract exhibited remarkable reductions in the presence of viruses associated with parasitic mites that have been attacking, and infecting, bee colonies for decades. #WhiteManWork
Serpent's Walk by Randolph O. Calverhall Chs 7-8 #Audiobooks #LearningCollege
Montgomery Gentry: it's not just a toothpaste, it's an attitude. a lifestyle. it's a way of reaching out and reassuring the world that whatever you need - bros at a kegger or help applying your anti-crab lineament to your taint - you're here for it.  "every little thing...gonna be all right" as the rastaallegedman says
Kavanaugh affair =  woman = truth is my feelings + jew = truth is the voice that drowns out the others
dogs spread disease. so do cats.  Bales noted, "There are lots of rats on Skid Row, and there are lots of dogs that belong to homeless people."
In September Economic Roundtable released an analysis that concluded the county has 102,955 homeless people — nearly double what government officials had  reported. "The numbers on the sidewalk have increased dramatically," said Alice Callaghan, founder of the Skid Row services organization Las Familias del Pueblo. "They're like refugee camps."
"That Kangaroo Stole My Ball!: Anti-Semitism in Nature" by Shmuely Boteach (2014) - going to do this as audiobook after I finish Serp Walk and Right is Might

October 05, 2018:

so goddy creates this world with a nature featuring eternal MMA-death battles between subspecies...then sends down his gorgeous whelp to tell them to "love their enemies" there is no way to twist this into sense.
Serpent's Walk Chs 5-6 #LearningCollege #Audiobooks
left some comment on the jones / helland show...
"Israel": The Hidden Grammar of the Kavanaugh Hearings emjones and helland
'disumbrationism' would make a great new immigration policy
the content of a nigger's character can be told by content of its stomach: a local farmer's watermelon and someone else's leg
Ford's father and grandfather both lifetime CIA employees none off that world are any good, Ford or Kavanaugh of course she's lying but we already get the left is antiWhite, jew-led and rabid
'rampant whiteness' not sure if NYT writer trying to thing here but post if you see this combo yourself
"What the neocons mean by “democracy,” by the way, is for countries like Bosnia to have puppet governments under the control of the U.S. regime with elections now and then so as to pretend that the people actually have something to do with it.  Just like all those “Peoples’ Republics” under communism, in other words."
Kavanaugh supported and assisted the effort to pass the Patriot Act. His involvement was such that a statement he drafted was incorporated in the bill signed by Bush. Recent documents made public via a FOIA request also show that Kavanaugh supported and played a role in warrantless wiretapping, and the establishment of “Fusion Centers”.
Kavanaugh: " he leaked information regarding Grand Jury proceedings during the Vince Foster investigation and that he in effect helped cover up Vince Foster’s murder. Leaking information on a secret judicial process or aiding and abetting criminals is infinitely more relevant than his high school drinking habits, yet we heard almost nothing about it"
today on the road  i saw our national carrion bird symbol pulling hubba bubba out of a road rat NICE
creature is a lovely term, but it's propaganda evoture would be the opposing term
These cars made hybrid and electric cars look bad. Made them look stupid. Excepting the virtue-signalers, who would choose to spend a couple thousand bucks more to buy a gas-electric hybrid that only had a slight mileage advantage? And who would spend $30,000-plus on an electric car with literally a third the range ?
And that, dear reader, is the point of all of this. To geld the resurgence of clean, efficient diesel-powered passenger cars – especially the affordable ones which VW uniquely specialized in.
They were just too god-damned good for their own good. The latest escalation of “bins” and “tiers” was meant to make it impossible for diesels to be both compliant and fuel-efficient and affordable. VW – to its credit – attempted to get around this vicious, evil business.
VW – and not just VW – had been successfully marketing diesel-powered passenger cars for the first time since the ’70s. The ’70s diesel rep for being slow – and smelly – had been dissipated by the new-generation of quiet, smooth – and not slow – turbo-diesels, which were also extremely fuel efficient and clean-burning.
About seven miles per gallon. That’s how much the mileage of a 2015 Jetta TDI droops after it gets “fixed”... The VWs in question – like male calves – were not broken. “Fixing” is a euphemism for taking something away .  In the case of the VWs, what’s being taken away – by those who brought their cars in for “fixing”- is their formerly exceptional fuel efficiency.
Before the “fix” – before the “cheating” scandal erupted like a triple Vesuvius, spraying lava not just all over VW but also over diesels in general – diesels had been making a comeback. And that was a problem.
"“For example, Berkeley budgets $20 million per year for 150 full-time staffers in its diversity nook, the Division of Equity and Inclusion. At UCLA, Jerry Kang, the Vice Chancellor of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion and a leading advocate of the pseudoscience of implicit bias, was paid $444,234 in 2016."
"There have been a number of reports that 75% of university budgets are spent on administration." --Paul Craig Roberts
Jews' lies aren't even plausible. This shows that lying is either (or both) a genetic thing with them or they have zero respect for goys they're mouth-shitting on.
Is the White Male Victimizer or Victim? By Paul Craig Roberts
'Anything you can't take care of, kid, you don't deserve to own. A dog, a gun, a reel, a bike or a woman. You learn how to do it and you do it, because if you don't you hate yourself.' An out-of-date morality. Anything you don't take care of, you replace." --John D. MacDonald
we cant be individuals until we're in an all-white nation again. until then, we're all unvarying degrees of hitler
LET WOMEN RUN THINGS (the Into The Ground theme)

October 04, 2018:

"All that blooms is not beneficial" --subtitle in Missouri Conservationist just as the fascists used to say "Not everything with a face is human"
nigger loyalty is to niggers, another reason not to mix with them
flu shots they dont help and they might hurt they might kill if people get ANGRY - that is a sure sign of defensiveness springing from weakness they dont want to face
are the elite telling us to marry and breed? or be faggot-consumers driven by emotion and instagram?
a thoughtful reviewer might observe, gee, They Live fits jews awfully well. but i cant write that. cuz i might get fired. and then maybe have an epiphany. but no haha this is a journalist we're talking about. no one gets killed or fired for mocking reagan or yuppies. or etc. only jews.
They Live as a satire of yuppies doesn't make sense, no matter what Carpenter says.
but if you remove that original context timely to 1988, it can apply to any supposedly fascistic regime—whether you’re against Barack Obama, or Donald Trump, or a more subterranean world order that controls both political parties or, like, you know, jews, who are racial aliens, do control the media and actually call non-jews cattle (goyim).
that’s become standard in the darkest corners of the internet. “We are their cattle,” he says. “We are being bred for slavery.” Later, he likens the human race to “a natural resource” in the eyes of the aliens. “All we really are is livestock.” Carpenter wrote that as a critique of Reaganomics,.
They Live was not meant to be anti-Semitic. But because art is so easily malleable when exploited by ideologues, it’s not difficult to understand how it could be construed as anti-Semitic by the worst people in the world. The bearded man who appears on TV screens to “wake up” the populace uses the same apocalyptic language
if the population is used to getting flu shots, then you have a nice basis for a one-off i have never seen the USG push anything as hard as it pushes flu shots
Serpent's Walk chs. 3-4
A movement which proposes to reshape the world must serve the future and nor just the passing hour. On this point it may be asserted that the greatest and most enduring successes in history are mostly those which were least understood in the beginning, because they were in strong contrast to public opinion and the views and wishes of the time. -Adolf Hitler
jews get rewarded for criminal activity whites get punished for legal activity Thanks, Trump Administration!  #DOJ #FBI
jews are the problem. even southerners understand that today. the crux now is separating our cause from christianity, which it has nothing to do with our cause is racial. not jesus religion or Republican politics the proper form is an army willing to kill people, the rest follows from that it's already impossible to do anything else
jews hoax up bomb threats to jew synagogues. trump rewards their hoax with new laws and billions for security and the american people sit there sucking on their jesus dick like they always have
vote all you want, it's the people / jews supplying money who get their way. no matter what words Trump voices
#FBI - read this piece. This is why I say your employers are building up a racial war. They simply aren't applying the law evenly.
This is a great piece by Anglin, it's real journalism. Streicher would be proud to put his name to it. "Flinging the truth in their face, South German style" (i paraphrase his saying)
England is reaping the results of its national character: money before everything. Money worship. This led to working with jews. Helping jews destroy the ONE force that defended Europe. And even after that force was destroyed, and the destruction turned inward, true Anglo still wont concede the basic facts. No quarter to them, just abuse.
the jews paid churchill's debts in return, he started a war on Germany conservatives worship churchill they literally worship a sellout until the English admit they were wrong and the bad guys in WWII, they deserve unending contempt and abuse
money is not everything, and it is never #1. but in most instances, it is better to have money than not have it. if your mind and life are in order, to put it another way, it is better to have a lot of money than little money because it can expand your capacity.  but you must have your 'soul' in order.
did Anders Breivik throw his life away? only by the bourgeois conception
hitler's real sin, to the christo-conservative-reax-thronesters was ... ...he meant it ...and he put himself on the line ...and he truly intended to win to the cowards and snobs and money worshippers (the eternal right)  these are unforgivable because they show up their fine empty words
so where is richard spencer with all these new arrests? is he still waiting for the fun to restart?
the conservative's mantra: just tell me what to believe so i can whine about it
a white party should come fm a white army it's always later than one thinks so get ahead of the curve a White Liberation Army then the Racist Party, comes from that what kills any White effort more than anything else is the trapping webs of conservatism & christianity, which are nothing but polite synonym-euphemism-evasions for cowardice and money-worship
Just look at it. There's no actual interest in doing anything that might be effective. It's all just people promoting their individual 'brands,' (as they call it, not me).
people who arent smart or clever always think that their fischer-price-tier cunning will lead to victory here's how it should be done Racist Party  ...for a White Future featuring... the White Liberation Army "white sovereignty or _your_ death"

October 03, 2018:

thread for Serpent's Walk, by Randolph O. Calverhall (1991), a novel first recording: ch1-2 (1:07) available through here #LearningCollege #AudioBooks
'we' (racialists) keep defending people -- Trump, Ann Coulter, and yes, Brett Kavanaugh -- who would throw us under the bus at a moment's notice. the first two have done so multiple times, the last undoubtedly would or has, as a judge are there any whites who actually take their own racial side - hence who aren't liberals, as Frost defined it?
the permacracy has the quality of self-awareness AI dolts worry about. the machine is aware of itself, its permance, its ability to obstruct any president or will-o'-the-people rep
i find nigger babies even more repulsive than grown niggers
Remember to vote and get 15 flu shots. It's important.
the judeo-left uses the law without following it the law is a way to play on the respectability and career fears of the earning right  the leftist culture reproduces itself out of white-earner pocketbooks essentially, our entire federal government is illegitimate and must be destroyed. there's no reforming a monster
another koan #KeepItLegal like the #DOJ does in simpler english, does legality have a meaning outside "whatever the judge and enforcement actually do?" #Charlottesville

October 02, 2018:

fear explains human behavior far more than irrationality

October 01, 2018:

judge = journalist with a gavel journalist = antifa with a job normal white alert: ***anything you say ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD ONLINE OR OFF- can and will be collected in database and used against you*** That's where things stand in #2018.

September 30, 2018:

September 29, 2018:

zamfir taught this guy everything he knew! which is everything!!
is there any reason not to doubt everything that Tribe Jew has ever said?
Torba keeps bragging about rising membrage but let's keep a gimmy eye, for too many are kenyans and fags.
as americas first holocaust furry, i approve my own messages
Zen koan were the nazis delousing the jews or dejewing the lice?
holocaust survivors are treated like kardashians in midwest, it's embarrassing how gullible white people are here you have one of god's ugliest and most dishonest critters, a wrinkly old jew, and these corny dolts sit slackjawed before them, like they never heard a whopper before
what do rodeos, yesterday and space have in common?
all tears are tears of self-pity get up faggot i'm not going to stop kicking you
your social credit is -32 your air privileges have been revoked
dont listen to (((jesus))), white man, listen to me it's ok to kill all jews it's not merely ok, it's necessary - and good #TeamWhite
because of the bible and the institution (((christians))) built on it, white men cant see jews for what they are and deal with them as we'd be wise to
Charlie Harper6 months ago I live in Nebraska! Farm 400 acres ! I live in a home that my great grandfather built! When he came out here there was nothing but prairie!!
also great song: "if thats the way that you want it, it's the way i want it more"
that's be blowsy bullshit...except it comes from Berners-Lee, the invetor of the WWW
best jim croce song
When asked about this, Berners-Lee says flatly: “We are not talking to Facebook and Google about whether or not to introduce a complete change where all their business models are completely upended overnight. We are not asking their permission.”
what would our White Coach say to us, about our performance, how we're doing, how we're thinking?
Every bit of data he creates or adds on Solid exists within a Solid pod–which is an acronym for personal online data store. These pods are what give Solid users control over their applications and information on the web. Anyone using the platform will get a Solid identity and Solid pod. This is how people will take back the power
Gab is full of great people. I love it here. I want to apologize for touching all your tits without asking. ... I ... I ... was feeling things. #Sorry
In a post published this weekend, Berners-Lee explains that he is taking a sabbatical from MIT to work full time on Inrupt. The company will be the first major commercial venture built off of Solid, a decentralized web platform he and others at MIT have spent years building.
centralization is jewish decentralization is white if they need govt to run their lives, they may be whiteskins but they're not men, they're white niggers
In other words, it’s game on for Facebook, Google, Amazon., For years now, Berners-Lee and other internet activists have been dreaming of a digital utopia where individuals control their own data and the internet remains free and open. But for Berners-Lee, the time for dreaming is over. “We have to do it now,” he says
This week, Berners-Lee will launch, Inrupt, a startup that he has been building, in stealth mode, for the past nine months. Backed by Glasswing Ventures, its mission is to turbocharge a broader movement afoot, among developers around the world, to decentralize the web and take back power from the forces that have profited from centralizing it.
a racist is someone who claims whites ever existed
is anything so dumb looking as a woman in smart glasses
your soul doesnt need salvation, your ears need washing
christians are civic spiritualists and jesus started magic dirt theory with his magic water (baptism) sacrament - which it is a mortal sin to doubt in jesus theory, i am going to hell for _doubting_ his jewish foolishness but i am right, jesus is wrong, and a christian and a lying fool are the same thing
the more you spit on ann coulter, the better (defined as more White-useful) words you'll get out of her if you dont like the way world is set up, blame imaginary God, not me
christians side with jews over muslims and with jews over christians it's almost like christainity is by jews and for jews, with a jew superhero smack dab in the middle
if talking about violence, which is necessary, is fedposting, then crying about people talking about violence is nedposting
the theory we need government is popular with people who work for government and the braindead. among the rest, not so much
stacey herbert says all empires before American paid for their extension in hard gold (ie real value)...not Fed xeroxbux
the hot breath of a giant mammal is actually kind of pleasurable in a sensual way, be it giraffe, elephant or iowa-woman all right i was lying like a blase-ford. i ENJOYED IT i lured the innocent beast with a bouquet of TREE LEAVES #Guilty
i once had a horrifying monosensual encounter with a giant purple tongue! that's one giraffe that's never making the supreme court the fact that i was holding a bunch of tasty leaves - THATS MY CIVIL RIGHT MAN
you ever gotten over your head in the ocean, dont know if you're up or down, bashed by waves, scared you're drowning? this is the feeling jews try to induce in normal, simple white folks with their media see anglin's article w hitler from mein kampf (posted link earlier)
white men "created" or "earned" yo bro NO tolerance for racism around here.
Here's link for Brave Beta (ht John Rivers). You can transfer your bookmarks, etc, easily. I find it slightly faster than Chrome, though I could be wrong about that. Brave is the browser by the guy who opposed queer marriage. Think his name is Eich and he's not a jew. That's all I can vouch for. (((Chrome))) = (((Google))).
we cant go the way of russia or south africa the jews already have the ideology in place that justifies their taking all white property and white lives. they've sold it to niggers and white kids in the public schools we cant even figure out how many sexes there are. or that they're sexes not genders. #2018
the czars were too fucking  liberal communist jews must be rooted out and shot there's no other way the leader has to keep the biggest picture in mind at all times #HowToCzar
fake it till you make it pretend whites dont exist until theyre gone it's #TimeToKill we need a #WhiteLiberationArmy it's not my technical area. we need pro-tier military people to set it up i will speak and write for it
you people understand what you are seeing re kavanaugh, this is communist jews roiling society, as they did in russia for decades, before they successfully pulled off their coup..and subsequently murdered tens of millions of normal whites just like you and me #DeathToTheJews
in MALEBAG we respond to SCROMAIL it's one our most POPULAR FEATURES MEN responding to MEN about issues that matter to MEN
i come from a race of idiots if someone tells us to cut off the ends of our dick, by god we do it #WhitePride #LoveYourStupidRace
religious beliefs are no more or less a private matter than sexual behavior you dont get to put your christian kikery off limits as a safe space because you cant defend it and its special legal privileges the jew System somehow miraculously allows
muh soul needs salvation if you believe that, you're a fag
it's not like the white race doesn't produce people who can sumrefute xtianity in a sentence YOU ARE NOT THE BROTHERS' ZOOKEEPER but you still have to listen to them muh soul brother saver
Russell Kirk's highest value is cowardice. That's THE conservative value, according to him. In line with finest Anglo tradition, he puts a doily on his turd and euphemizes his vice into 'prudence.' A virtue. Cowardice is always the money play. It's safe. Is that the way you want your race to be? Because that's all Anglo-conservatism (redundant) has on tap.
what else do we learn from Hitler? take advantage of the tech of your times. be flexible & fast, simple & principled. in short, the opposite of angloism: anglo-conservative values vs NS values euphemism > direct speech prudence (cowardice) / status seeking (jew-submission) > intellectual honesty/physical bravery beautiful-loserism > fighting to win
catholicism is, among other things, the claim that all men are the same in this, as in other ways, it is liberalism
if you're a socialist, even just among whites, you're not a full racialist race doesnt stop at the white border there are differences among and between whites it's just that the gap between whites and discoloreds is immensely larger and more politically significant, hence our focus but we should be within-race racialists too - hence sub-individualism
where the christian values (meekness humility submission sheepiness) the original White values (x, y, z) 2 full sets of conflicting choices about how to be a human or white man in this only world we have that is how to reorient open whites toward Racial values rather than Generic (a synonym for catholic) values
you have to show people what IS is the result of CHOICES by one particular set of (((People and that it could be otherwise by SHOWING the result of OTHER choices. White choices.
people are mostly effeminate. i dont mean that sexually. i mean they are woman-minded. that is the default. this means, in this relation they think what IS is the natural, unavoidable and necessarily ONLY way things can be they are not aware of MOVIES as the result of CHOICES let alone the real world with its various god-set Authorities (in their minds).
in my opinion, the best way for pagan or volk people to proceed is constantly to CONTRAST j-christian values with original tribal White values people have no imagination. that's one of the biggest and most dangerous things about them.  they have to SEE as visually as possible to get an idea that things COULD be different.
what we are want to PREserve, as i see it, are spiritual essences.  that obtain no matter the circumstances. and cultural specifics - primarily our highest, best written works.  this is the white Deposit of Race, to turn the catholic phrase (deposit of faith) so i try to behave the Whitest way i know - expressing values of boldness, daring, questing, laughing
goddamit there are conversation i need to have and i cant because the people are dead. sucks
understand the psychology - you get the most use, we do, out of conservatives (cowards) by beating them. just as the jews do. it's the only thing they respect. if you cater to them, or praise them, or try to help them, they will take whatever you offer and hate you for it. it's exactly like chasing women, the exact same psychology. learn from jews (winners) ATTACK
hitler called jews jews. not liberals. or communists (always judeo-bolsheviks, as in our judeo-left). no petty chickenshit respectable euphemism-evasions for him and goebbels. that we certainly not only shoujld but must emulate. and we are. and we're succeeding.
one thing we learn from hitler - be straight. say jew. i counterpose anglo because i dont know how else to put it. certainly from hitler's words about conservs, there's a good amount of the type & mentality in germany too, but this idea of evasion is so saturated thru anglo-american culture that it becomes impossible to clarify. not saying 'jew' serves the jew
so someone explain this to me... how does a Congolese come to America and suddenly be driving a Lexus SUV? how does that work?
the USA should not be one nation, it should be at least 50 and probably more like 500
one thing that all white racial loyalist should do is always buy or acquire OLD BOOKS that havent been racially corrected. you can send them to me if you dont want to hold them. just yesterday i read a post on here about old Pippi Longstocking books being semitically corrected, and the originals being trashed by Swedish libraries. always grab good books & hold
whites dont have an us-them sense, they have a me sense only thinking overcomes this
i swear, i wish disco stu was my brother. i just like this guy (no homo)
i went to some sales yesterday, i got some photos of old white people. around 1907. just photographs of randos from this area they made me absurdly happy to look at them the clear eyes and nice, even artistic hair of the people and these are not high-end people, they're farmers or laborers but they look healthy and clean in some basic lost way
i hate the disorder and dishonor of this america under the jew make me dictator i can and will accept the position i can and will clean this nation up in very, very short order #TeamWhite
the government makes money the easy way - by taking it  from people who make it the hard way guess what race those latter peeple (people jew you can pee on) belong to
i encourage people to think about this. notice the way the media (which is PR for big govt, or ZOG as we know it) parallel in treatment government employees vs businessmen it's same way they flip-treat blacks and whites just one example: white businessmen are "greedy" and have billions cuz money is so easy to make - whereas govt agencies are always underfunded
hitler used socialism for marketing values. he wasnt printing money to pay off speculation losses of jewish billionaires like our "capitalist" system does. look at the facts. dont get wrapped up in the word wrappings. hitler sold painted postcards. he understands the market. he understands business competence cant be replaced by commissars
we have a society that is entirely oriented around the government it's not a joke or line to say that the american white people exist to serve the government
Christianity and secular liberalism in public schools are the same thing. They domesticate the wildness, the boldness, the manliness out of the white man, and turn him into just another fungible mass product.  School serve goop from Mass Feeding Corp, and catholic teemings are called "masses." Why would you want to be a sheep when you could be a man?
Pet culture is good for jews, for the qualities you admire in your pets they're breeding into you.   Instead of being bold and proud and independent wolf or wildcat, you're a cute little domesticated beta wolfie or wildkitty.
The older and more experienced I get, the more I see the depth of unwisdom in nearly every line of Edmund Burke.
I don't verbally blow people who arent on my side. Trump is a rich guy in New York. A lot of his ideas are good. But he's not a white nationalist, he doesn't support racial sanity.  He's the same (proto-) boomer you pimpletons mock in every other setting. So you can moisten your lips and blow Trumpy and "Queen Ann" (literal streetshitterfucker), but I'll smh & laf
Did voting destroy the (((USSR)))? No. Financial collapse did it in. Do you think it will be different in (((USSA)))?
Our cause should be oriented toward racial formation as opposed to preservation. As we grow and succeed, visually, the ones we're NOT trying to save will observe us and inquire about us and join us.
Use money, not debit or credit cards, whenever you can. They're trying to shrink bills down and get rid of them entirely, then it's 100% easytrak jewgeld all the time everywhere. 100 bill isnt much and that's as high as it goes nowadays. bill size not adjusted for jew-caused (((Fed-caused))) money-value dilution.
cops are not heroes. soldiers are not heroes. firemen are not heroes. "first responders" - the frycooks at mcdonalds deserve this, not these hominid adrenaline vultures
the root of social disorder is  white men, due to christianity, failing to ID jews as erect termites and exterminate them. instead, due to christianity, white men treated jews as individuals, allowing them to take power as a colony and begin eating the social woodwork
We need something radical and new, not to try to capture the mass of white losers who support the military and the christian church and the public schools - the very institutions that reproduce anti-white ideology.
Libertarianism is essentially racialism within an all-white nation. It keeps the individual strong by forcing responsibility on him. It fits with racialism. White nationalism is racialism -- taking the white side -- in the global struggle among races. It is the purpose of one race (jews) to deny white existence as a tool in destroying white existence.

September 28, 2018:
Rape is just monsensual sex. Opposition to it? That's our dirty li'l friend BIGOTRY.
Brave Beta, recommended by John Rivers, who follows these things, has a very nice feature: you see a speaker in tab - so you know where sound is coming from and you can mute it, in tab. (((Chrome doesn't have that.
GLANS the comprehensive book of global slang and insults invective and epithets drawn from every single  language currently used by alleged hominids, even small tribes hiding in giant rainforests GROUND IS BROKEN
a giant dictionary came into my possession today i'm gonna be hitting you niggers with some funky fresh words soon as i learn to read i aint even telling what LANGUAGE they be in
how do _you_ dejew? "I switch from google-mail to and chrome to Brave beta." --Alex L. #dejewFriday

September 27, 2018:

the white race is like a child that has some real talent, some real potential, but cant focus  Coach Al: son, youve got a kike over there (points opposite side) trying to knock your dick in the dirt. i had a dream youd grow to be a man.  but now you're getting your ass kicked by a bunch of goddam jewrds see how i got distracted...cuz i'm white
Hitler's SS supersedes catholicism. The catholics know this. Racial specificism is more attractive to white people, in a fair competition, than raceless genericism. This is the hidden reason catholics always have and will side with anti-white jewish communists and against Aryan racialists in any land.
The USA was full of British intelligence agents, similar to how it's infiltrated with Mossad.  Americans of German descent are better Americans than those of British descent. It was Americans of German descent (and Irish) who wanted to stay OUT of the two jews' wars. It was the dirt-eatin' WASP South and dishonest Anglo WASP North that chose jews over Europe.
America has been a dishonest broker at least since FDR. Neutrality in name, but jew-partisan and jewed-Britain-partisan an inch under the surface.
Garland says what was America supposed to do when Hitler declared war? It's what the USA was doing BEFORE he declared war. HE responded - not America. Hitler then acted like Putin today - immense restraint. It was America who acted wrong BEFORE Germany declared war - with its Anglo-typical two-faced partisan, anti-German, pro-jew-commie 'neutrality.'
try to follow me here. i dont think it's actually that hard? (valley girl inflection) we want a white nation. that...ALONE...unites us. nothing else.  White men NEVER have or will agree on religion, politics, economics. They dont agree on race either. But our cause is for those who DO value race. Who DO see the exxtremth of its importance. KISS = race only.
Certain people don't understand  that you're subtracting not adding from locomotive power  when you try to add politics (conservatism) and religion (christianity) to racialism We need KISS (keep it simple). our cause is for whites. why do whites need a cause? because they're threatened EXISTENTIALLY by jews.
We've tried the Anglo way. It doesn't work. We don't necessarily need a "Nazi" way, but we do need a German way. That means blunt, direct, simple, fast. The opposite of Anglo conservatism. Remember, the FBI busted in and stole the America First mailing list immediately after (((engineered))) Pearl Habor. We have to be tougher, smarter, faster & fanatical.
Racialists need to square up, in basketball terms. Get your feet planted, face the hoop, take an honest shot. You can't be a christian and racialist.  They're opposed, competitive worldviews.  Quit denying that, either directly or by evasion. #TeamWhite
magic dirt is a Big Lie and it's based on magic water - the original Big Lie. straight from jew christ a Goldberg variation, you might say the conservatives, many masquerading as racialists, wont tell you this because they don't want to impede the shekelflow from the christ-simpletons but i'm independent. i will never give you anything but the truth
Britain has been America's enemy every single day of our existence. We can't let this get lost in all the talk about jews. Yes, that's problem number one. But Britain was captured by jews perhaps first of all European countries. And it has always been our enemy, and is today.
(((Jesus))) #TeamWhite. Taking the truths you cant face. Holding them up to your averting mug. And grinning quite offensively. Maybe grow up? Christianity is anti-White. And cannot be otherwise. That's the truth. If you can't face it. Then that's the truth about you.
Catholics denounce Americanism, but, leaving aside that it's based on a false idea the founders did not support, it's the same exact error. Just as becoming a catholic doesn't change someone's nature, Jesus' lies aside, neither does becoming an American change Beanholio  into a Mike Smith.
what made america great? - european stock - loads of land - minimal govt - no israel and Britain treated as enemy
whiteskin leftists get off on power and will - imposing their will to reverse reality. this is both genetic and addictive, i observe  it's incomprehensible to right-wingers (also genetic), who understand that people have different opinions, and see no sense in suppressing them or forcing agreement communication wont solve this problem, just war

September 26, 2018:
George Washington and Thomas Jefferson? Yeah, they were leftists too. They owned slaves. Did Hitler own slaves? I don't think he did. So yeah. #TCOT #MuhMericaTehGreatest
catholics get rosy cheeked when a little racial reality intrudes into their toney arguments out of the Old Gobbledyhook...they're embarrassed. Real men don't use reality. But they cant help but notice. Because they're white. It's the most valuable thing about them. Peter Helland. Wemhoff. Jones.
is this faggot kavanaugh a racialist or a catholic (synonym for liberal)? someone help me out here
most people cannot recognize an argument - let alone argue this i have learned over decades they cannot read a paragraph and figure out the point that is being argued, and which they need to rebut lest the point stand they cant cannot
i'm tired of explaining things to people who cant think then i remember that people on the internet are a cut above  when it comes to IQ and i shriek in fresh horror

September 25, 2018:

whatever happened to john bender? you'll get the answer to that question rfn if you watch this video
there is no Great Black Figure who was not a pimp/prostitute prove me wrong
club 360 "bring it full circle" let the number of kikes (an epithet invented by jews, MEANING circle)  come to zero where it belongs #TeamWhite
what is god's superpower? evading responsibility, mainly
i just want to see WARTSON'S PYGMY GERBIL 2a get the RESPECT it deserves #Respect
they just found a brightly colored fish hundreds of feet under the sea... we dont need to worry about outer space until we've cleaned our earth-plate which we have not done there are 10-15 THOUSAND new species discovered or at least declared EVERY SINGLE YEAR did you know that, nigger?
Evolutionists can no more evolve some life than goddists can produce their hero creating an aadvark on his heavenly lathe. There are loads of pictures, on the other hand, of me laughing at Dueling Morons.
"A classic example of starting from certainty is Darwinism’s reaction to the apparent irreducible complexity of the bacterial flagellum, though hundreds of others could be adduced. This is an immensely complex cellular organelle which would cease to function of any of its parts were removed. It could not have evolved by Darwin’s gradual changes." -Reed
i love the evolution debate: christians, who pretend they believe in rational explanations, hound evolutionists with the actual logical reasoning they themselves have nothing to do with in any other circumstance it's funny as hell
if you dont want to blame our grandfathers for helping the jews fight WWII and defeat the pro-white side, what do you want to do then? respect them for being wrong and weak (since polls showed they knew better? repeat their error?  this is the problem with traditionalism: just as we point out to the progressive that change isn't progress, neither is repetition
evolution is a theory,  and a dubious one at that. catholics hate darwin more than any other man, including jew marx. that means nothing for darwin's theory. i dont think e-mike jones detected any sexual irregularity in the barnacle expert
for 2000 years, catholics have been trying to make progress outside the biological order, with regard to jews. a record of complete failure hence the Hitler approach. the only approach that can work.
UPON FURTHER REVIEW: actual dejewenings, historyically, is 359!  i am guilty of saying "110 and never again" which rhymes like all good memorable. well in any case, jews have always been expelled, by all peoples at all times, for same reasons. but expulsion is not enuf!
dont miss Garland article on real (White) Madison Grant anthropology vs fake (jew) Franz Boas commie anthropology...and more

September 24, 2018:

Cuntservatives are happy to be censored without ever naming the (((censor))). Polarize the public between #TeamJew and #TeamWhite. Conservatives are just fools and tools who've bought into the original jew fake history/meaning/interpretation of USA. They are not potential friends, they are real enemies.

September 22, 2018:
I went to xtian sunday school my entire youth. IF i had believed one iota of the nonsense i was fed, i would be a worse person for it. Thanks to some genetic salvation i was naturally immune to xtian horseshit, and enjoyed pointing out the endless absurdities involved with the christ tale and tardbook.
Why hasn't Jesus come back? There are only two answers. The correct one, and the aesthetically correct one. 1) because he never existed in the first place 2) because his fans are a bunch of sad fags that make him turn red every time he thinks of them
I feel sad about what whites have become. Their lack of faith in the future results in bad decisions today - leading to obesity, slobbiness of person (tattoos, piercing, other body deformation as commercialized pseudo-individuality), shitty dress, lack of knowledge of proper behavior. We need a White Liberation Army, it's too late for the rest.
Listening to radio yesterday, this pastor is on about this and that, his wife says how come there are so many of you (evangelicals) and you have no power to affect the culture? Correct answer: because we dont have the balls to name and blame and hold responsible the jews destroying things. His answer: we're just not good enough xtians. Christianity is weakness
Christianity is not a racial doctrine (like Judaism, which is for one specific race). Rather, it is an anti-racial doctrine: for everybody! All races and genders. If it can hold itself upright for more than 8 seconds, it's suitable for framing.
These churches are helping destroy white communities by bringing in racial scum, whether Somalis in Lewiston, Maine, or Congolese in my town. Christianity is anti-White. In theory and in practice. #TeamWhite
Look at the christians in your own life. Your family and friends. Can you honestly not see that this church has a bad effect on the character of its believers?
Every christian is the only real christian. It's all semitic spinach and to hell with it.
What shakes people out of consumerist obesity is something thrilling and dangerous - something demanding. Christianity is not that. Serving God by helping the undeserving poor and the racial scum is a shit ideal.
You know that famous graphic of the serried NS, and the look of digust in young Nazi Dave's eyes? That's the white cause. We're not here to exalt you. Fuck the garbage pistols we're the trash burners!
The point of racialism is to make whites look up. The SS had high standards. LOW whites instinctively understand and respect real standards. They are proud if they can make it into and thru Marines or Ranger School. The racial cause offers something that is positive, not a alt-welfare state for crying losers - aka the catholic cult.
We need a force willing to be consistent mentally (embrace logic), be unswerving, be lightning-quick, be willing to kill. Christianity is against every one of those. No one ever got kicked out of Christ Club because he was the wrong color or had a poor character. Soft bigotry of low expectations might as well be the motto over the christian door.
Christian sapsuckers helped communist jews destroy the ONE force that rose up to defend whites. And they'll do it again, if it comes to it. Christianity is anti-White. Whites must MUST be anti-Christian. #TeamWhite
"we" (unclear) have not done the soft stuff we should have long ago even as we (me) talk about killing that is just plain fucking sad
we need Whites who will fight christian whites will only fight with (((social))) approval they will help jews rid the 'middle east' of christians and comparatively benign muslims for their own race, they will fight not at all. in fact, they will fight against it, because that is the direction that yields social rewards
recipe for mental success: women: "stifle y'selves" -- credit to archie bunker men: "get over y'selves" -- acknowledge reality, above your own desires
Robert E. Lee was a fool, and he was a fool because he was a christian. The Old South was a jew-loving place.  Look at prosecutor Hugh Dorsey blowing the hebes in his wrap-up speech prosecuting jew rapist-murderer-would-be-double-nigger-framer Leo Frank. He had nothing but praise for the Fine Old Tribe. Whites...are idiots. We are a race of fools.
christianity is nowhere threatened by jews existentially the white race is everywhere threatened by jews existentially christianity serves jews. it is their tool for white pacification and control. it gives good white kids bad ideas that's why it's allowed access to the mass media whereas white nationalism is streng verboten
ideas dont matter contradictions dont matter consistency doesnt matter you can be white, christian, conservative, socialist, a rhesus monkey and/or transitioning to bonobo, and eat glass/aluminum cans and be a vegan it all good, dogs
the world and reality are just jokes.  and this dead jew jesus really did come back to life. do you believe that? then you're a clown.
White Nationalism is the cause for whites who value being white, and living in a society with other whites. An exclusive society. Indeed, an entire nation-state. If you're white but don't value it, you can stay a christian (synonoym for multiculturalist) and enjoy the jew fondue. We arent here to save you. If you cant see why race matters, we dont want you.
"God!" said the tard. And it made good sense to him.
God created all men. We are our brother's keeper. How can that not turn into diversity and multiculturalism over time? It can't. Racialism is NOT western. The West can and will die. The West isn't the valuable thing. The church isn't the valuable thing. White genes and the white race are the valuable thing. Get this straight in your headlets, people.
what is the foundation upon which jew control of whites is based? spiritually, it's the jew-produced christian belief that God Created All Men and they're all valuable jews dont believe that. christians do. jews run society. christians run nothing. White Nationalists should take their cue from jewish winners, not xtian losers.
people dont actually believe in causality - even though it is real. they believe in luck. so anything that strengthens their wrong and false belief, as christianity does, as all faiths do, is anti-human and destructive the dumbest and poorest people need more than the stronger people, even, to see the relation between their decisions and what happens
Faith and reason are opposites - unless faith is properly deployed in supporting reason, in the inferior and effeminate position.  That is: have faith that 2+2 does equal 4.
Keep It Simple: don't combine your desert semite cult with white racialism. Christianity is for everybody. White Nationalism is for whites. Is this hard to understand?  Or accept? Maybe...grow up? Just as a suggestion? Quit trying to justify, reconcile and combine OPPOSITES? you idiots?
embracing faith is getting on the rollercoaster of emotional effeminacy everything that happens to the 'man' will subsequently be interpreted in 14yo girl terms as supporting or testing his faith religious faith is for the loser

September 21, 2018:

the people exist to serve the govt, and the govt is better served by a different type of people white men make the govt nervous because they dont need it

September 20, 2018:

the 'man of God' - let's just say, God isn't the last thing he sees that isn't there, it's the first thing
far too much attention is paid to being gentle most people need to be kicked in the ass or horsewhipped or laughed at Nelson "ha ha" Muntz actually "does good," Lisa "mawkish putz" Simpson does not
i dont want to be part of a race of lugubrious faggots no christianity for me i reject what isn't true i choose what is true #TeamWhite #Fingerism "the man that moves the finger molds the world"
Christianity disabled the ability to what's stupid. It took down white defenses. It made whites unable to spot enemies because we're all God's children. We must spread the alleged good news to all men, that they might convert to the one true path. It's sick. It's wrong. It's destructive. Christianity is anti-White. And cannot be other.
death, iowa style
toward 'on being a man' White + man. how do we form ourselves? how do we form our community?
i suppose the jews will do with crypto what they've done with the internet: watch it grow till they see its potential, then shut it down a point someone made: which cryptocurrency wouldnt go away if the feds arrested two dozen people?
CI are the original tar(d)babies. "the only way to win is not to play"
Politics is the proper domain of those who have successfully ordered their own souls, lives and properties. Not for shithead teenagers, women, animals or other races.
The way forward is violence, not voting. How is violence traditionally organized? Through an army. The USG (ZOG) isn't the only body that can form an army. #TeamWhite #TimeToKill

September 19, 2018:

flip on a light, see a big wolf spider. hmm...what's it going to do? it moves here. there. thinks a while. decides to move back under overhang of cabinets under sink. what? all of a sudden its feet are stuck. it's pulled up! some other motherfucking spider has captured it and is wrapping larger it in a cocoon of horror. rough world, kids. right to exist? nay. 2 EXIT
there are many hominids or women, but few men the species is actually a tiny-number production the rest get its glory but are mere animals compared to the tiny minority we all free-ride on just as 1000 ccowards dont = 1 brave man, nor do 1 million traditionalist idiots (redundant) produce a single valid way whites at their best are men of quest
the crowdfag wants to hear the song for the 40 millionth time the artist was done with it after about 40 or 400
radicals (scientists, artists) create traditions that ordinary people benefit from this is a paradox -- and entirely in keeping with the design principle of the world
in my opinion, some of the most meaningful writing i've ever read, in racialism, is hitler / goebbels / NS and G. L. Rockwell writing about conservatives and their mentality. this ilk is best seen as a stratum, a biomass, a type. i use many figures, currently i like baitfish. they do fine in a White society - but they cant bring  that society about
basically you've got fairly honest catholics (intellectuals) top libertarian money men and racialists -- and they're saying the same thing. not interpreting it the same, because of their perspective and roots, but seeing and saying the same thing - re jews and the misery they've wrought.
as a white man, and apparently the only one who's not a menstruating faggot, can see and laughs to say  with jews, you just cut the knot: we exterminate them. all of them. that's it. there's nothing else to see. go home (bueller motif) im not hagridden like faggot yous so i speak plainly what any honest eye can see.
everything's related then helland mentions MacDonald! and m stan evans, my old semi-boss. now dead. macdonald is from wisconsin - oshkosh. both KM and JMc half irish half german descent - catholics (as is e. michael jones) when i was in DC, i met many superptard Republicans from Mad town, where i was born (madison, wis).
so joe mccarthy was from appleton which was also the hq for John Birch Society, a front group, as Revilo Oliver (on its board) discovered JBS kicks out people (william pierce, GLRockwell) who discover that communism = (((communism)))
"there's more binge drinking in appleton, wisconsin...except for some other cities in wisconsin" lol
helland talks with guy from appleton, wis, which is home of joe mccarthy. he knew some of joe's contemporaries, relatives.
that "dying for someone else's sins" - an act by the lone "perfect" man in yuman history boy that was a wise model to set up in white minds that model's really working out for us. "iff'n ah heps da nigger, i bez da jebus..." grape thanks the allegd white 'man'
even the catholics are figuring out 9/11 was a complete lie, the official story - not a sliver of truth in it if you doubt it,  approach it indirectly - go read victor ostrovsky's books
just accept you're hitler.  i mean, kind of a pussy-flavored faggot hitler. but hitler. --John "Smoke 'em up" Bender
notice how common this "how do we feel about X" or "are we sure that Y" is in 'journalism' this betrays the cultic nature of the left. its thinkers and designers are jews; its workaday liars are whiteskin cultists they are absolutely uncomfortable with non-100% agreement - while calling themselves 'tolerant' we = 'elect,' the 'Good,' the righteous
manderstanding > titgineering
Structural engineers told the Herald that the truss appeared to be 'under-designed' and not able to withstand the pressures it was expected to hold.
niggers shoot at each other from adjacent parking spots, no injuries
"east st louis" - as predicted and fought by Usher Linder and Luke Lawless
" Dutch explorer Abel Tasman had previously reached the islands of New Zealand and Tasmania during his 1642 journey while with the Dutch East India Company. "  hence tasmanian devil
remember when Britain produced quality people? me either. but there was a time...
In Jalisco, Perlasca said, 'the physical space to keep the bodies of the dead has been outstripped ... given that every day they are finding bodies in different places, in clandestine graves, shot dead in the street, etcetera.' On Friday, five people were shot dead and nine more were injured by three gunmen dressed as a mariachi band opened fire
pets are basically signs of cuckdom you cant have kids cuz family law so just have pets its easier "furbabies" - cuckspeak
women aren't mens equals. they cannot raise children on their own if you believe otherwise, you've been brainwashed

September 18, 2018:

September 17, 2018:

the most basic mental processes are "hate"? and the mass garbage populations accept this, indeed can't think any way other for they are women, regardless of their sex there are only a few men out there, true men, as percentage of population
the existence of power technologies and mass garbage populations makes it possible for politics to devolve jew-usefully into retards pinning labels on each other really, we need dynamite fishing for land to get rid of human catfish
Second, putting everything in glass containers would make transport costs much higher. Which means that it would no longer be economical to ship food around the world. In other words, food production and distribution would become more localized, undermining globalism. ""
all religion is cuckery because it blames something other than humans for what happens. it never stops with god created the world, inevitably the godsman becomes a huckabee for his beloved creation. it's a mug's game for clowns, charlatans and retards. the answer? you know it. #Fingerism

September 15, 2018:
train ISIS and help jews start WWIII with Russia is literally what our military does "our" lol
notice the kikes lay cool in the background while their perfervid tools (ralph peters, SS Nimrat, bolton) froth in the foreground
join the US military, fight* ISIS *fight means train
to niggers, all hurricanes are named Nike

September 13, 2018:

if hitler hadnt spent so much time fapping around with his dog-fag watching micky mouse cartoons, probably would have won the war
leftists reproduce thru public institutions, not testicles
disco stu in his bed gear on white liberals going extinct
dogs: deballed wolves for deballed men
do the blind need dogs?  "only about 2% of all people who are blind and visually impaired work with guide dogs.” well how about that
dog owners are like women - they need to be under the supervision of men. left to their own devices, they'll pollute with shit and noise any area they can figure out how to access.
the problem is not and has never been the content taught in public schools but the institution itself - the point is to beat initiative out of people and condition them to respond to experts and bells, never to initiate any thinking or movement on their own public schooling is a way of neutering whites
as gatto will tell you, corporations wanted to reduce the number of independent sharp businessmen, and the way to do this was public schools - which produce a uniform product aka employable but non-thinking cogs  take that idea, add 100 years.  now they want to eliminate not top men but men as a category. this is done with estrogens in plastic, schools & musick
heard some of the worst cuckmusik  ever today. i was embarrassed for the 'artist.' it made kweef urban seem manly he almost kissed her (in an age of sluts you almost kissed her? wtf?) he's hiding his tears cuz she's marrying someone else if you dont think (porn) and (country music) and every other mass phenomenon are coordinated, you're...wrong

September 12, 2018:

"Ever see a super-strong retard recoil after hurting themselves? I have. It was like something from a movie. It started howling and freaking out. Scared the shit out of me."

September 11, 2018:

democracy dies in jewish lies

September 08, 2018:
"American has no native criminal class. Except Congress and Antifa." --Mark Twain
jewing of science
from vox day commenter: Billions of dollars now depend on the sustained fiction that the only reason for women being underrepresented in safe, sedentary, air-conditioned, high-paying jobs is "bias". And even if the diversity industry vanished overnight, female solipsism prevents most women from hearing anything other than "you're not as smart as men"

September 06, 2018:

white elite thinking - overtly anti-racial but implicity all-white. dovetails with white ethnosed state White State in which you can be a white Man = aww + yeah
semitical  correctness (jews forcing white people to accede in lies) destroys the soul, and then the body shrivels. this is why people commit suicide, turn to the pills and drinks. there's a great quot in zhivago on this i will post when i get back. maintain your mind-integrity, white creature. it matters.
National Socialism is bad because it's good for whites.

September 05, 2018:

September 04, 2018:

"i want to be anti-mainstream culture without every mentioning jews. should be profitable and fun walking the path so many $-whores have blazed before me" These are the ones we want to destroy.
THE REAL ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM IS FATPHOBIA, NIGGERS (actual quote) (from fat broad) (very very broad)

September 03, 2018:

"White Castle fries only come in one size" --(((Beastie Boys))) also, (((Catholicism))) on 'human' nature
everybody's a racist at the fruit stand but this grandma mcintosh believes in jesus christ with all her heart! but she's shriveled and rotten - that's what matters
like "helping" people by giving them money, what that usually translates to, it's akin to doctor giving obese woman a prescription it doesnt get at the real problem only people with their souls and lives in order are going to be truly helped by money - that is, given additional capacity. for the others, it's basically just papering over holes for a space
most people are their own worst enemy. how much sympathy do they deserve? little. christian fools think 1) people can be helped, 2) helping people is good and easy. in fact, most people cant be helped. and helping people is a good deal more difficult than it appears.
perhaps the most unattractive thing about catholicism (besides its claims being untrue) is that it amounts to a sort of spiritual welfare-statist mentality. that's what i would offer from the outside, as someone raised protestant (who never believed one bit of any form of christianity)
There's not enough no-legged snakes around. Sucks.
a lot of people say A GROWN MAN DOESNT NEED AN EMOTIONAL SUPPORT OWL  i say to them, in the spirit of rachel ray WRONG-O his name is wexby. he's my outrigger on the hawaiian paddle boat of life.
sweeeeett!!!!! my emotional support owl just arrived by parcel post i think yr gonna being seeing a LOT more stability from this corner of Gab from now on!!!!
stop feeding defective behavior dont do it that's what the govt does it doesnt work. the govt does it to expand its client base and its power. it doesnt care that it fucks up society, it's good for greedy govt, the only kind of govt there is this christo-welfarism mentality of making excuses / subsidizing losers is pure sickness.
if you cant handle me at my worst...i dont have another level so yeah Marily Meroe
probably the purest deepest woman i ever knew - avoided mirrors (she was quite goodlooking, not plain or average) avoiding mirrors and social media will make you happier dressing the same every day like amateur amish works too Gab is probably the only social medium an honest surgeon general would recommend.
chris rock used to say, life isn't short, it's long have kids when you're young you will have many long decades of middle age for a career or interest, if you want it the exact opposite of what society tells you is the right way to go for the vast majority of women #Advice4Women
Disco Stu has gone h&t but still remains DS to me. he has some advice for you wallet-abusing youngbroads
America was not an idea. It was founded by a specific type, and they allowed immigration for free white men of good character.  So the 'idea' behind america, in reality not ideology, was that America was for 1) whites 2) willing to take responsibility for their own lives - which is what 'good character' boils down to So: diversity AND big-govt are unAmerican
wemhoff is saying that you can have groups of people without "divine positive faith" (catholicism) - it's part of the natural order of things. gee, he's one step from noticing things like species' genocidal struggles. it's like there's a whole reality that exists that has nothing to do with fantastical jebus claims
what's better than content? material, stuff, art for three
god i hate the word 'content' that's for fucking cereal mfts
the catholic-horrifying idea that people are bound together by genes more than the shitware floppy disk the jebusites shoved in their earhole #WhiteNationalism
why do people talk around important stuff? that's childish. it's unAryan. they get embarrassed. they blush. these are old fucking men acting like girls. jews are rats. they are behind all serious problems in the west (white lands). they gots ta go. no blushes. no equivocations. no lamentations wailing or mawkish lugubrious bewailing.
it's up to us atheists to just speak the truth plainly: christianity is balderdash, its central claims are jewish big lies they way out of this mess is through the jews: exterminating them, and thereby ending the problems they cause the catholics cant state any of this plainly because they're hagridden mushheads
Christianity: you should worship a jew science fiction hero, not your own blood!
jews in israel shoot babies. no qualms. christians have qualms about blaming people who rape and murder their kids. is is absolutely undeniable that christianity is the MAIN reason whites both fail to value their blood and are mostly unwilling to defend their own race. they have bought a jew-produced code that ALL hominids are equally valuable. Tibbets ex.
Dave Wemhoff (one of E Mike's droogs) on Helland's show Israel, talking about pope-against-Europe, Israel-the-blood-state (not democracy) and more.
" So in Israel, church and state aren't separated, they're fused. Israel is a blood and soil nation. Whereas America is an Idea. That's the dual code at work - destroying you, securing jew.  " --me

September 02, 2018:
Rader evaded authorities for three decades but continuously taunted police about the killings, which eventually led to his downfall.  He started communicating with Wichita police detectives via a floppy disk that authorities ended up tracing back to his church.
"  He went on to describe what urged him to kill. 'I personally think, and I know it's not very Christian, but I actually think it's a demon that's within me,' he said.  'At some point and time, it entered me when I was young. And it basically controlled me.'  " this is horseshit - but people like e. michael jones believe angels and demons are real.
which is real, pokies? - battling dandruff - battling demons
good lucking getting a xtian to take responsibility for his actions muh devils muh demons The former church leader said he believed it was a demon inside him that entered when he was younger  As Americas first and some would say best #Fingerism -ist, this disgusts me.
she's a serial baboon abuser this bitch She also proclaimed that her hometown team, the Pittsburgh Steelers, were now 'just as bad as the rest of the overpaid baboons'.  'You respect your flag, country, and our national anthem. How many men and women have lost limbs or died to protect this country and you baboons want respect,' Maloney continued.
(head down) i would like to apologize.......if i have offended any members of the .....(head up) baboon community (big grin)
my idea of utopia: white alleged people stand behind their words
journtifa journoffal jurinalists
#FBI - see what's going on in Germany (chemnitz). There, as in USA, the political police, media and government bring in unwanted, destructive, expensive, violent foreigners - completely against the will of the people.  Your employers are to blame for what is becoming the violent reaction. Not me for pointing it out. The government you serve is illegitimate
" When filming the crime scene in the city center, our camera team was assaulted by right-wing extremists and could just get to safety. Never before have I experienced so much hatred of media as this weekend in Chemnitz. "
" The hatred against the press was unprecedented at the demonstration on Saturday in Chemnitz " Trump helps this. Whites in all lands should absolutely despise the lying jews and watergoys called media.  journalists were repeatedly insulted, hindered in their work and attacked. "Again and again the crowd chanted 'lying press',
perhaps the most valuable thing Trump has done is denounce the Jewish Junk Media repeatedly. not in that term but he has the essence: the mass media are controlled by a pack of liars with an agenda that is ALWAYS anti-white and anti-normal
" Wir sind das Volk (We are the people), a phrase that is now considered subversive. "
just how many jesuses are running around out there? well, we know 2 are in the hoosegow
" I didn't realize how bad Obama fucked up America until I rolled into downtown Dubuque, Iowa. That place looked like the Bronx or Philadelphia, it was like a war zone. I'm told it was once a nice area before Obama told the Dubuque city council that they were a bunch of racists if they didn't import a horde of niggers from the south side of Chicago. " #SiteGeist
one time i was doing temp work, helping a trucker.  "never do cocaine. you'll love it." that's what he said. #preciusmemries
The optimal number of niggers in any human area is -500,000. Since that is technicallly impossible for the moment, we will settle for zero (0).
[youtube comment] " Sure I experimented with cocaine, and other drugs, in the 70s. Who didn't? But cocaine is one drug I would never. ever, never do again. (Cause when it's good, it's so good it's scary.) So I would NEVER EVER do cocaine again. [Wait two beats] "Unless I had some." [Wait one more beat - it's a two punch line joke] "You don't have any do you?" "
i nearly diskopfed a small Gab-style amphibian but didnt. i caught it and gave it a benediction, solid-pope style (no greasy wapo). i repatched it and gave it a thumbs up. it hopped on to do whatever frogs do, sell Tupperware or something.  #WINNING
Match McCain up with a legit great American, George Washington. GW was universally regarded as The man. He created this country, more than anyone else. What did he see and set for it? McCain not only departs from it but promotes the exact opposite on virtually any point you care to test. And personally, McCain is incompetent, arrogant and multiply criminal.
jackson browne taught me something. the night is TENDER. is. i had heretofore thought it greasy and full of crickets. i have LEARNED. i am becoming a hominid of parts and perspectives. thanks, jackson!
tell me something i dont know. that's why you're here after all: my personal edification.
As Eric Thompson always said, There is no such thing as cheap labor.
Top Pop Tibbetts is pretty characteristic of midwesterners: in the grip of some gimcrack toolosophy he picked up in the church gift shop and not actually all that nice.
"The average black SA isn't intelligent enough to count to ten. They never evolved far past their primary competitor the baboon. Explaining political ideologies to them would be like explaining quantum mechanics to a fruit fly. The majority of SA's blacks are still primitive savages, and they are probably eating some of the white farmers that they kill. "
"Fresh water to Johannesburg comes from a complex engineered system called the highlands water project. Once that fails, then no more fresh water to the countries largest city. Zimbabwe gets its electricity from South Africa. When that fails the region goes Dark."

September 01, 2018:

i didnt ask to live in a  world with "country" songs about not fucking some drunken broad. but i do.
got some books today... they're in the corner, singing to me every so often i nod and point at them they dig it
professional humor term: pensee d'escalier (escuse pleez shitty fr spelling) what i said: "iowa is filled with fat idiots. molly was different. she was thin."  Judget Comedie: weak should have: "iowa is filled with fat idiots. molly was different. she WASNT FAT YET."  pw: much stronger
California always vibed objectively sad to me. Not people but colors and geography, sky and sun.
another great JB song
that which is wry that which is raucous fill my pea-bowl with milch and treacle! the dreadnoughts wail, the queer carrollers wassail the rams yeep on the cairns my fire-log crackles my gaffer spackles putty in the wind-holes it's christmas in scotsland --Z. Fairleigh Shamshacken
whites are mostly retards so in germany, hitler made the tards feel part of a great and reinvigorated healthy Germany in USA, tards feel they're doing their christly part in the first universal nation see Marse Tibbetts
this tibbett story is EXACTLY why nietzsche said, when you go to Iowa...bring your whip
"with her dark eyes and stupidity mollie resembled the hispanics she cherished far more than the whites she loathed" --Top Pop
oh... "My stepdaughter, whom Mollie loved so dearly, is Latina. Her sons — Mollie’s cherished nephews and my grandchildren — are Latino. That means I am Hispanic. I am African. I am Asian. I am European. My blood runs from every corner of the Earth because I am American. "
Sure you raped and killed my daughter, but I can't help gushing about your delicious tacos. "We treasure the contribution you bring to the American tapestry in all its color and melody. And yes, we love your food."  By any measure, this is sickness.
Wow, serious Amy Biehl-tier shit: To the Hispanic community, my family stands with you and offers its heartfelt apology. That you’ve been beset by the circumstances of Mollie’s death is wrong
" do not appropriate Mollie’s soul in advancing views she believed were profoundly racist " how does she feel now Top Pop?
" George Galloway, helped terrorist Mandela & other communist jew pawns destroy another great White society - "Throughout the entirety of my time underground in South Africa every house I slept in, every dinner I ate, every car I drove in, was provided by Jewish activists of the African National Congress."  "
as you proceed south from minnesota, i'm pretty much the first clear-thinking individual you'll run into (30 mi south of iowa border) #molliesfollies #enjoyyrmealworm
christianity cant civilize niggers. but it does a great job of turning whites into fools and pussies
If 99% of the species that ever existed on earth are today extinct, then genocide is part of the divine order (Logos).  Who are we to fight nature and her author? Jews must be exterminated.  #DeathToTheJews #TeamWhite
Are jews not the hominid equivalent of a band of rabid dogs? What do we do with rabid dogs? Do we trouble ourselves a spare second about shooting them for the threat they pose? Why should it be different with jews? Shouldn't it be even moreso - since the danger they pose is greater? This is reason. Christianity stands athwart it hypocritically canting "logos."
When we use reason, we see that jews must be exterminated as a race.
God rains on the crusty and the gnarly.
"the ANC banned crime statistics from being accumulated, analyzed, and admitted because they scare off foreign investment and drive people out of the country " all niggers in all times and places act like this - and so do whites on the nigger level, which is only about 50% of them
" Christianity is the dominant religion in South Africa, with almost 80% of the population in 2001 professing to be Christian. " White is the valuable thing, not the goofy cult. And white is under attack - not the cult. Which is after all produced by jews, for their benefit, and based on a Big Lie. Which jewish production is not?
Prince wrote this insipid but melodious enough number for the broad.
Jesus would have come back if you hadn't gained all that weight. #4theLadies
how can bodily promiscuity be morally wrong and morbid but spiritual promiscuity be morally good and healthy?
i'm in the car. stopped behind a school bus. wait for the kids to get off. wait wait wait. wtf?  old lady driver gets off, hand-holding a larval niglet cross street to its ma. one of the congoleses, a famous black sicilian mafia family, something like that. "we" lol like anything is we ARE IMPORTING NIGGERS TOO STUPID TO GET OFF A SCHOOL BUS
love doesnt make the world go round, it makes it go to hell lust makes the world go round hate is the proper grounding for the White cause; pride & indomitability had a baby called hatred of morons of inferiors of outsiders trying to boss us that's the shit that's the it  "some vote-sucking faggot puling for fairness n civil rights will never kiss you" --ee
you'd think god could could keep the international sodality of sodomistas from taking over His church, but i guess being omnipotent isnt the right "skill set"
Built in Ukraine in the 1980s by the Antonov Corporation, the An-225 Mriya is still the heaviest aircraft ever produced, measuring 275 feet (84 meters) long, with a 288-foot (88 meters) wingspan - almost twice the width of a traditional football field.
what is this obsession with the fagsport of kayaking? every last single cunt is into this nowadays
The AfD, which says Islam is incompatible with the German constitution, entered the national parliament for first time in an election last year .... After the stabbing in Chemnitz, its leaders said the violent riots that followed were understandable. 'People are worried,' said teenager Jona Marschler. 'I don't think things will calm down anytime soon.'
feldman... jew stands in back counting shekels while whiteskins shed blood
" California’s legislature has approved a bill being called the strongest net neutrality law in the US. The bill would ban internet providers from blocking and throttling legal content and prioritizing some sites and services over others. It would apply these restrictions to both home and mobile connections. "
" What is certain is that the Pope knew very well who Davis was, and he and his close collaborators had approved the private audience. " Vigano [the faggots within the church and the kikes without conspired to do the usual: turn the facts on their head - in line with the Frankfurt Way (all sex is good sex, except no sex which is bad sex or licit sex which is unsexy sex)
anyone know if this guy is still around? The Germanization of Early Medieval Christianity: A Sociohistorical Approach to Religious Transformation  by James C. Russell  (Author)
these fags who call censors nazis how many fucking times did hitler talk to neutrals and antis and WIN THEM OVER? that's not how people who fear opposition act stop blaming NAZIS for shit done then and done now by JEWS you underbrained underballed conservative malecunts
keiser and stacy on John McCain an all-American hero for startin' wars, makin own-goals on US battleships, other incompetent piloting etc
The First Idea: How Symbols, Language and Intelligence Evolved from Our Primate Ancestors to Modern Humans by (((Greenspan and Shanker))) (2004) never heard of this one, interesting to spot check it for jewy lies
"A Companion to the United States Constitution and Its Amendments" - a Praeger book, that means neocon policy wonk, perhaps a useful reference Forgotten Angel: The Story of Lydia Moss Baily (1988), by Allen A. Upton - a broad amasses tycoon-tier riches while watching her 6 kids all die before 14. the brain of Mrs Burns, the face and demeanor of common snapper
got some books today? what are they? glad you asked they are:  The Killer is Mine, by Talmade Powell (fifties pulp, very cool, woman grabbing manleg cover) Fasion, Culture, and Identity (1992), by Fred Davis (Calif left, dedicated to jew Blumer who encouraged him to take seriously topics considered frivolous by American sociology. aka dropping standards)
why podcasts > video i like to make people uncomfortable. i like to say things they need to hear. so i dont want them focusing on some personal detail and dismissing the words. "just look at him - he's a fag! if i was a big green fag i'd say that too!" but my being or not being a big green fag is irrelevant. podcasts force focus. they give the ideas and words a 10% boost.
where is the big cat? why doesnt she call her show RoWRRR Hour, it's a natural. "Fierce yet groovy" glows entertainment tonight.
Thanks to Robbie Key on my forum, my appearance on "A Comfy Tangent" with BigCatKayla

August 31, 2018:

Jesus has to whittle down his Saved Salamanders roster to 53 hominids. It's my unfortunate but enjoyable task to inform you that you didnt make it. He said to inform you that you did show some value on "special" teams, but elsewhere just not quite enough.  #TeamJesus
you'll find a lot more sodomy in the catholic church than integrity, that's just fact
" I heard a beautiful analogy recently on Relevant Radio.."a die hard sport fan never considers abandoning their team due to a coach who behaves badly. The coach-out, but never the team." I want to be on the team of Jesus Christ , rocked gently in the arms of his Mother and mine, our Blessed Mother. Hope this brings comfort and encouragement. "
" And according to the World Health Organization, "Sex refers to the biological and physiological characteristics that define men and women. Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women." " But in practice (((they))) use gender for all.
Just as they shifted from calling 'them' ILLEGAL ALIENS (would you gnarly kids even believe even jewspapers actually called them that, decades ago? they did), thru 3-4 shifts to today's incompletely papered saviors so they shifted from 'sex' to 'gender.' Gender isn't fixed - sex is. Setting scene for 4-year-olds in transition.
Most people don't even know what a man or woman really is. Not in the North. A woman is just a man who's been mistreated by history. A man isn't even a thing, just a guilt & responsibility receptacle.
There are two sexes. Sex is biological. Gender is the culture that develops around the two sexes. We could push for androgynes (to smooth over natural differences) or heighten them - sexual polarity. The latter is correct, it makes for a much better tastier sexier thrillinger healthier society.
legit great, nigger tho it be
music is bestial: hence politically necessary
i like people i like and i like people i dont like. i like people who are critical and funny, whether i win by their score or not
dammit i almost miss that faggot ricky vaughn. grow up kid and come back, you got talent, you just need to grow up
twitter not gay enough...dying here
" Mastodon seems to be some kind of extremely gay "open" "source" "social" "networking" "platform" for people who have to leave twitter because it somehow isn't gay enough for them. "
actually the congolese in my town pretty much look and dress like this (no joko)
catholicism truly is like jews and judaism - the more you delve into it, the more contempt you have for it
notions of absolute morality and salvation have brought nothing but misery to this world, for where they enter, all laughter, perspective and compromise end
the parts of america have no necessary connection with one another
"there's nothing better than stepping into a warm night with something dubious to do"--"Night Song" - Chet Barker & the Argyles
TheGaming Viking6 days ago Is this movie 3D, no but your face is!!
Marco1985 ORVISINI 1 year ago This was the song that was playing back in 1983 when my 16 year old girlfriend told her mother that she was pregnant .HER MOTHER HATED ME..we are still together today and have been married since 1984 and her mother still hates me......I LOVE IT
Beruška Vozábová 10 months ago Still so good I cry. I'm 44 and feel so young when I play this. hmm hmmm hmmm hmmmm hmmmm !!!!!!
America used to be a good place to run a business; now it's losing even that.  Just another shit govt that takes all money tries to control your every thought and action.
i remember how cool videos were when they first began - before MTV.
See, Willard, jew-commieism doesnt care how cool and special you are, or how many cases of kambuchka you've brewed in your twat, all they care is you are white and whites must die. So yeah, digby, ITS NOT ABOUT YOU.
Wil Wheaton, like many whites, is waking to the jew-reality of categorical hatred. Ideological hatred. It's really quite impersonal - which is something no American can understand because personality > principles in the land of the backslapper / fake-grinner.  WW: "What I see is a lot of anger and cruelty directed at the IDEA of me..."
Wil Wheaton or Adolf Hitler, who said it?? I know that I'm well-off, well-known, and as a CIS white hetro dude in A______, I live life on the lowest difficulty setting. I know that I have very little to complain about.  But I still have feelings, and I really do care about the world and the people in it.
lissenin to some Jackson Browne and makin fun of Wil Wheaton... these ARE the gold old days
"The majority of the hominid population is always composed of niggers." --Brocknow Naturski, who then flipped on some good stuff
Jackson Browne wears a lot better than most 70s stuff, in my opinion
people who serve the jews should be reviled McCain's a piece of shit there is no second opinion
you all have been TOO CRUEL to this slim gilt boy not made for this world's pain. and hes leaving your dinosan alt-birdsite, and dragging all of the majestic purple folds of his vagina behind him #Wheat-On4Justice
it's like this wil wheaton character never even HEARD of jackson browne "nobody gets it like he wants it. NOBODY" Sew your snatch up, join Gab, hear some truth, Willard
npr was necrophiling this flagitious jew-servitor as hard as they could this morning
Quien es mas harder? determining 1) sex in fruit flies 2) whether hurricane hit Puerto Rico
Anglin makes some points. Personally, I think the effective approach is that these FAGS giantcos aren't just content to censor everybody on their sites, they overtly try to drive competition out of business in illegal ways. That's what I would press.
progress: when you dont know how many sexes there are, and you dont even call them sexes anyway because atomic equality. one electron, one vote.
look man know jim carrey when he was cool and funny and not dried up like an old cricket. you know how he could throw himself into any character, grasp the essence an you know see where it was coming from? maybe try that with people who are expelling forced air toward you BE THEM TO SEE THEM - that's the syncopated heart of Klavistowsky Method
Fucking turd worlders can't admit they suck. They hate whites and beg from them and blame them at the same time. Whites are such a fucking stupid race. What should have been done was someone with brains saw all this - for it was all foreseeable, and simply wiped out the crap hominids in the areas we wanted to live in.
think of the way jews view history for goyim: break down american history into 1000 discrete elements, reverse the truth in each one, feed them to students over 16 years. that's basically what's going on. centralization is the jew's best friend
antifa are basically the crud of the crop - the people who actually believe what they hear in public school
in the stages of civilizational decline you go from not meeting standards to denying standards exist. that's where we are now. if race doesnt matter, that's a roundabout way of saying one behavior is as good as another, since races vary widely in behavior
replace silent sam with nightrider nathan
fucking kangaroos in muh parsnips again #DownUnderProblems
if you're not angry, you're mentally defective of course some of you are both "keep it fair, keep it fair"
"There's no such thing as a snozzrito"
William "Willy Wonka" Rodriguez was held on $500,000 bail after pleading not guilty Thursday to 60 charges connected to crimes in Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Connecticut that netted more than $300,000 in property and currency.
Keiser Report (1273): Knowledge Economy

August 30, 2018:

Andi T making money moves his milkshake brings all the goys to the yard
grackles = bird niggers
Helland using MC Hammer "Can't Touch This" for intro and departro, too funny
back in 1960, even in (((NYT))) homosex was something dirty screwballs did after dark in the park the entire 'identity' was created and foisted by jews in order to break up white families and white society. just as with all forms of sexual degeneracy SEXUAL 'LIBERATION' = JEWISH POLITICAL CONTROL
"I'm telling you, I'm always suspicious when people die in hospitals. Patton died in a hospital. Kinsey died in a hospital. Forrestal died in a hospital." --E. Michael Jones
on some level it's funny. you get on the jebus bandwagon to glorify god an' shit, and you spend all your time whining about poo stabbers
did we get that scrawnfont to attract MOAR ETHIOPES to Gab?
just as mckarrick (sp?) demoralized a generation of priests (six seminarians, five beds - one sleeps with piggie, the others KNOW ABOUT IT) so do the jews demoralize their opponents by making them accede in lies - which are collectively referred to as that which is Semitically Correct
homos are naturally hated - hence natural conspirators hence if you let them in (or they get in) your organization they'll inevitably create a network of gluticians
Ratzinger was very upset about homo cabal that had taken over his church.
conservatives support multiculturalism because they dont read, they dont think, their stupid religion of jesus teaches that all men are Created (full stop), and with love they can turn Jungle Jenny into Suburban Becky also they're conformist cowards (the baitfish motif)
Effective white-jew dialogue: GET IN THE OVEN
you know what faggots if you inherit a Faberge egg you dont have the right to play soccer with it Looking at you Merkel
90% of professors at Notre Dame support queer marriage
seriously no joke this scrawntext SUCKS
you cant pass jones for comedy: we're bit players in a drama, written by god, and it's predetermined how it turns out. not to say we dont have free will #LOLWUT
the sweet petes have taken over the church that's what i'm picking up here
i'm like an interpreter of e mike jones, not to the deaf but to the uncircumcised for humor and unblind to racial reality crowd
in the old days, these peterbugs would have been escorted to the center of the piazza (that's square, not triangular food, you slewfooted dolt) and combined with oxygen
as Napoleon said, when your enemy is destroying himself, TAKE PICTURES
theres a little game we like to play it's called Six Seminarians Five Beds WHOSE WITH ME #McKarelick
Jones on Pope Francis and the Butthole Brigade Working the Splayed Portals of Faith
of course, snopes isnt interested in the truth either: hitler liberalized gun access for germans, and denied it for jews reproducing communist revolutions
Conservatives aren't interested in the truth, even after you point out they're recycling a lie.
i want a text that reminds me of homer shrinking into the shrubbery is there a font for me?
this anorexitext sucks Gab - you ever seen that garage sale sign you cant fucking read because the letters are too skinny have you? ever? THICC IT UP NIGGERS
#TeamWhite podcast - Jan and I discuss FBI visit

August 28, 2018:
Christianity was cross-class, cross-racial, anti-ancestor from day one. Its superhero overtly tells his muffins to reject their families (their race) and follow him.
if mike teevee and veruka salt had a kid it would be pretty much like john mccain
Germans fighting back against Merkel's baboons, great photos

August 27, 2018:

"The CEOs of Google and Facebook, unelected, both of them Jewish, control what almost the entire world is permitted to see." --Fred Reed
damn, thass sa gold-medal niggerin
Indeed, Justice Minister Shaked herself — now part of the government team helping Facebook determine what to censor — has used Facebook to post astonishingly extremist and violence-inducing rhetoric against Palestinians. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his other top ministers have done the same. As Al Jazeera America detailed in 2014:
In 2014, thousands of Israelis used Facebook to post messages “calling for the murder of Palestinians.” When an IDF occupying soldier was arrested for shooting and killing a wounded Palestinian point blank in the head last year, IDF soldiers used Facebookto praise the killing and justify that violence, with online Israeli mobs gathering in support.
they can call what they do reporting, they can call it fact checking, it doesn't change the fact they're liars pushing an agenda
mccain, a true white nigger, utterly unworthy of respect all he did was murder americans himself, get them killed for lies, and lick jew ass like his life and income and status depended on it real Americans loathe whore mccain

August 26, 2018:

i'm going to give you two full-spectrum dominance examples of sex (heat and heart) and you tell me which is safe in any sense you care to construe it 1)  2)
atoms are as absurd as God safe sex - the conception of human behind this misplaced technical term is pure facepalm sex is not and cannot be made safe
the real reason i detest college is it seriously interfered with my reading. four of my best reading years devoted to eyeing leaves of shit
LETS GET SOME LIFE IN OUR PANTS --Base coach Cadaverous Harry
doff your goo blockers  and say YES to LIFE #TeamWhite
jews made smut dirty. they cant leave anything alone.
"Dick dick dick, suck suck suck!" --Sam Kinison
"for it is better to be a songwriter than a lawyer, yeah verily even a failed one" --Jesus
has taylor swift written one song as good as this?
another song of pure fantasticity
even the twixers and twizzlers were manlier back then
tfw Gab growing 10k a day..
hitler home study course will turn any scrawny young pup into a WILLennial
i dont want to say ive memorized this. i want to PROCLAIM it
"if you cant be wholesome, at least be halfsome" --Pants Muebles, north mexican philosopher
Disco Stu on his college experience.
McCain only admitted in his final memoir, written when he was practically on his deathbed, that the war “can’t be judged as anything other than a mistake, a very serious one, and I have to accept my share of the blame for it.” shithead shill for jews
so i'm reading this thin novel from 1970 called The Smog. there's a global institution charged with all power to prevent lethal smog of C02 and CO1 from destroying the world. supranational. it's basically global warming propaganda from 50 years ago. (John Creasy)
you're not eclectic you're indistinct
you start using something ironically but it always ends up non-ironic "oh my heck" - Utahism i used to say this and laugh it was so goofy. later it was normal "groovy" - used to say it in appreciation of tree-spattered Sonny. now i just say it cuz i dig it in a far out way
i heard rico suave joined Gab?? #BIGTIME
racist fascist nazist hey man why dont you just say GROOVY and be done with it man
"validation error" oh yeah? after Van Halen i say: i dont feel invalid
i judge a man by only one criterion would i hire this man to referee an illegal dogfight in my barn?
disco stu, dishin' the near-beer alt-right knowledge
this fucking stupidity took hold: what have conservative conserved that's not what the term means it's a disposition - and a correct one - to not react with womanish clappy seal hands when some idiot mouth-sharts his plan for 'improvement'
" African students are here as part of a government program to study agriculture. Residents warned of ‘rape, murder and break-ins,’ demanded to remove them and blocked their entry. The head of the regional council complied " --Haaretz South Sudanese Students Booted From Israeli Community After Residents Claim They'll Bring 'Rape, Murder and Break-ins'
start of my report on Kvil Local Roots Festival
if god created races, they all reflect him, they all are at odds, what logical conclusions may be drawn?
what will prince velcro's first arrest be for?
Why College Enrollment Is Collapsing
black wants to talk about black violence in chicago, anti-white-liberals
so what keiser says, which is new to me, is that these giant media conglomerates are moving into health care, of all things
niglet adoption should be covered under laws preventing import of certain exotic animal species
i post material from france, from fromm in canada, and yeager for revisionism, and daily stormer material with links - anything good i come across.
btw, i'm back for good at Kirksville Today. now the K is my thing. but this will cover everything VNN did. if you want to send in things for posting, [email protected] . Right now we have Gael, a bible expert, with some greek, latin and hebrew. i will be recording audiobooks as well, of course.
people say christianity wasnt created by jews to serve jews. as an objective matter, the church was entirely created by jews. if it wasn't created to serve jews, it's certainly easily and effectively turned to that purpose, now, isn't it? no, li'l feller, the truth is, has been, and will remain: Christianity is anti-White. #TeamWhite
jews are a hostile population that needs to be put down, exactly like rabid bat or dog but muh fruity jesus said luv yr enemy well i dont know what to tell you, maybe grow up?
Aaron clarey on Time, the shitrag / former CIA front

August 25, 2018:

tradition is like a minor god, useful in same way: it saves someone from actually having to defend something on merits
do you niggers like arrowheads? that's a call for all you arrowhead loving niggers to sound off i bought some for ten bucks i may post a photo manana if i got cornswoggled i want to know, if i got buffateered haballooned, shwaynicked or buquelarked i need to know.  help a nigger out
southern tradition: fighting set pieces undermanned keep it up, graybos never learn - that would lose faith with your g'pappies what you NEED to hear is what the FBI doesnt  want me to
you niggers DO YOU EVEN
i know so many fuckign places
god i loved this song...1976, ripped my wisconsin roots away (like virginity, you can only deracinate once) and heard this song many times as we griswolded to new life in southern california
Calypso expresses the white spirit - it is racial, not religious. it's a way of looking at the world and saying hey bud lets party.  Spicolism is white, christianity is anti-White.
whites arent a traditional race, and not one of you dares step to me on that because you know i'm right traditionalism is for bush niggers and animals Katy Allgeyer2 years ago John Denver signed "Calypso" over to Jacque Cousteau's org so that all profits from this song would go towards more exploration of the sea. Amazing. not only that, he so loved the sea he donated his body to it on his death
i said to the guy, as an approach, who but an old white guy would stand out in 90 degree weather, worried about the environment. told him about bushmeat crisis. asians dont care. they'll snare and slice the last noble tapir to make their pecker pills
people refuse to make any distinctions between hominids, i worked on the Sierra Club guy and CoC woman people literally fear to use their mind to draw Unacceptable conclusions the logic is obvious and easy enough
its good to be obsessed
in the eighties people took their own absurdity quite seriously but i post this simply to celebrate the death of McCain
perfect night for listening to billy idol driving 900 miles an hour and leaving the scene  #RonDavis style but the air is warm the blood is hot the urgent tractors just wont stop the mealworms rising to the top in the schnapps in the bums in the houses of flop in the shrilling cicacadas that sing from tree top feel it calling me thee we  no inky nix we pix white tricks
white rhinos are valuable because white white men arent valuable because race is gonad essentialism, ear conformation  worship at the altar of your own blood? what's wrong with you didnt you hear the alleged good news? about jesus? that's the ticket, shore nuff
you decide to be a xtian you ARE a white man if you dont value your very being, a word stronger than fool you are
The Man says I cant document the Tractorcaust unless I come with the fifteen.  I resorted to shabby perimeter sneaking like a dirty mexican.  Some people watch jews being rounded up and terrorized to bits with tractors. I'm not one of them. I take pictures. Holocaust II, dog. Itz real.
it's a cross of B'N HUR and MOTEL HELL with COCs racing around the infield escaping the prongs and mashers of ENRAGED TRACTORISTAS riven by wild men with no/few teeth but all/overflowing MONSTER-TIER BADATTITUDE. if JESUS comes back NOW he's going to SHIT his SARONG.
this is the crazies thing ive ever seen, i still cant believe they actually captured some real COC (children of the corn) and they're reenacting some roman and old western bear baiting scenes with the enraged losers of the tractor pull i guess consolation 4 loss it's wild! completely illegal. they're ripping the COCs apart while they shriek FUCKING CHRIST
"you boys need wrenches in your hand!" --old white mechanic leaning over my shit-tier (redundant) nearly original Hyundai jewfriends laughed about this for WEEKS. not hatefully, just completely different world, delightful to them in way of something utterly jew-exotic and that my yeasty little friends, is a dip into the jewsoul and jewworld
i smell napalm...and tractors being pulled!  vroom vroom nigger putting on my STURGIS MAKES ME TURGIS and checkin out the scene
abominable snowman = racism + sexism let's try underprivileged person of precipitation #CleanYourLanguage
but my point is North ever so slightly suggests something...doesnt it
so people...Kirksville is 30 miles south of iowa (some disturbingly meish nigger kept saying 22 for years but yeah 30). it's town slogan has been "Where People Make the Difference" but a woman named Broughton came up with "Missouri's North Star" which i actually think and told her is pretty damn good my blog subtitle is Where White People Make the Difference
a lot of people who maybe lack the connections i have dont know that Putin set up a 'Yaroslavsky Commission' to sleep-dart and capture live an Execrable Taigaman for study. In fact, his shirt-doffing fishing horsing photos were to cover his visit to the search region
for my money, the Execrable Taigaman is the real nut-shriveler
'abominable snowman' = acceptable racism NOT COOL MAN
"California's the greatest. Only state in the union you can be bitten in two by a shark in the morning, sexually molested by a Yeti in the afternoon." --J. Denver
you can't just slot in one ingredient for another in a recipe  but you can for people in a community people are totally fungible - and fun! isnt that great!?!
every single american i ever asked, and i asked a lot decades ago, said america was better before 1960 / jfk assass.  than after. ALL OF THEM.
a point the guy made, which is never not relevant (see Trump's pals), about washington dc. everyone there is out for themselves. everyone there thinks he's the hottest shit ever shat. but the guy's point, the jew who made up the stories (literally fiction) that got him busted (movie: Shattered Glass) was that being kind to others goes longest way in that town.
u know what...i actually like people. i didnt realize that till today. i liked everybody i talked to. i talked some commune-ists, some brewers, some very cute girls promising my life will change if i use toothpaste & non-cancerous sunscreen, a CoC gal with a better town slogan, a Sierra Club guy, the ex-mayor now developing homeless shelter - small town life
jew banking and political control has essentially destroyed the US/stock market moneywise, and the demographics will seal the deal i brought up my theory to the woman who invented the slogan, Kirksville, Missouri's North Star, that adding retarded axe-wielding, car-crashing Congolese won't actually make our town better, but she was having none of it!
keiser and pals says trump is absolutely getting it done with more to come, getting factories to repatriate, china to start acting more even. says the bankers cost every american 70k from the bailout. the US is basically faking it financially and getting worse, despite trade/mft improvement. says stock market is 50% smaller than mid-90s (?)
i tell you, you get more serious fucking real news from Keiser Report than almost any source, damn good - compact, nutritious
and really, let's give some due to the hard-pressed band gf. she's out there in 95-degree dancing the front row while peabo's halal-shredding Third Eye Blind you..keep going, girl
all right, just back from pressing the flesh, meeting the people, spreading the racial word and listening to everybody tell me their story outdoors at local 'roots' cafe's town square shindig. going to write my story and put it on Kirksville Today.
wasps and crazy beetles are all over the NEMO today. stay low, dont get beat. that's because it's reheated to 90+ levels
i bought some cool arrowheads today alt-explanation: somebody found a sucker maybe i will post a pic later
Nazi = white person racist = white person hater = white person extremist = white person who doesnt hate white persons like supposed to
Mexican puts paid to Catholic 'priest'?
Stacy Herbert (sp?) is a good example of how to be an intelligent woman.  If you're trying to be an intelligent woman, study how she conducts herself. How she dresses, acts and speaks.
Catholicism, anti-racial to start with, can't protect or defend itself from being turned into, among other things, a pedo-homo bordello. And you're going to rely on this to protect your race? Hie yourself down to the local vet of your choice and while he's testing you for rabies offhandedly suggest a test for retardation might not be out of line too.
Keiser Report: Zombification of Americans (E1271) #KnowJews #LeoFrank #MaryPhagan
christianity validates the existence of all men that's anti-white judaism does the opposite.  judaism INvalidates the existence of all people but jews. they are gods and others are "goyim" - cattle/whores/insects  "even the best of the goyim should be killed" vs "imperishable souls of inestimable value"
"You know, we've always extended our hand to dogs, all the way back to when they were standoffish wolves. Now we're just extending a different part of our anatomy." --Niles Barkley, aka The Modern Conservative, in "A Conservative Case for Bestiality"
it's impossible to depict a semitic jesus because his words are too at odds with the semitic appearance it's the same thing with the anglo high literary art applied to the bible, a mash of semitic nastiness, but 99.9% of bible fans are too tone deaf to notice
jesus was 5' 8", played a gaytar and wore sandals. his real name was micah.
#books, niggers!
it might be my computer but i cant load photos on Gab for the last few weeks
who wants to see a picture of some books??
progressivism and traditionalism are flip sides of the same Anglo-dud
pedophile schmedophile - the important thing is we're getting adults and kids in the same room sharing quality time --Niles Barkley, aka The Modern Conservative
dying will be mccain's first actual act of help toward america. up till now it's been 100% self service

August 24, 2018:

i guarantee this cunt is lying AROUND WOMEN, NEVER RELAX XII
"Brian Lucas" - i can totally see that fucker making some crack under his chaw. the problem is kohlhepp is not some 98-lb, he's like 398 lb
Can you imagine the convos Todd "Jesus" Kincannon and Todd "Cool Glans" Kohlhepp would have?
Kincannon + Kohlhepp: twin SC powers ACTIVEAT if jesus and kotep get together...#MINDBLOWN
perfect lead in to "Ow My Balls"
love your race
our yelp says: these guys rule! they're totally on top of the corpses
A statement from the hospital said: 'Treating those we serve with dignity and respect is our top priority.  "Ask us about our special embalming fluid."
the coon and the cadaver you will please to remember that God created the nigger. in His own image. that means yeah
'We were forced by a court to allow Coal for Africa to do drilling tests under our land and they found substantial deposits and ever since they have wanted us off our land cheaply.
" the 2013-2016 West Africa Ebola epidemic killed 11,300 people "
this is cnn or nice
everyone is a racist but it's only legal for jews
if you laugh at what's stupid, you'll never go hungry again
what's God's super power? He created everything!
God: omnipotent. also needs billions of squabbling spokesmen.
I see NS as one solution under a broader White Nationalist umbrella. Pieces of it are relevant to our situation in USA today. Mindset (non-religious, rational, aggressive, tough); specific techniques for countering judeo-left (Hitler's posters and words are still better than any whites who've come after him).
Traditioanlism is just another ism.
humans need religion. no they dont. saying that is akin to saying i'm not a human. and people i know who are MOST successful in dealing with life challenges are not humans. it's exactly the error muh turditionists fall into: because something has been one way, no other way is possible.

August 23, 2018:

so i got this light grey sweatshirt. on front is a picture of an animal. that animal is the noble and righteous not to mention pink and black lizard of the southwest. below the glorious creature says GILA MONSTERS now i'm thinking of cutting sleeves, and making a sort of olivia newton john style top, and hand-writing FUCK THE BOLLOCKS WERE THE beneath yes?
all right folks i'm seriously tempted to break my personal code...for the sake of comedy i need like a no-drinky pardner equivalent to talk me out of it
" Don't misunderstand; this tweet does not seem like an intentional plea for votes. But it is certainly another glaring example of Trump being very literally and specifically concerned about white people. " Doesn't Trump know you're only allowed to HATE WHITE PEOPLE? I mean, what is this, 1952??
WP sick with fear whites in SA might be portrayed as victims
Congolese crash again, into medical building. I don't believe they perceive space the way whites do.
"i get more shit for being friends with alex jones than anything else in my life" --joe rogan
journalist: someone who hates whites, works for jews, is probably a sex deviant. wear gloves / use tweezers when handling
there should be an element of quicksilver, of impishness, is everything lest it decline into formalism, ritualism, traditionalism.  traditionalism is for losers, cowards, idiots and animals. it is base.
reactionaries are a more educated, tolerant and intelligent type of virtue signallers. someone made a good point tho, maybe striker, that this is the type that betrays. they really disliked hitler because what is proven capacity next to social standing? muh knight, muh warrier, muh alturd
what makes women hard to understand is not their depth or complexity but their adaptability. they can mimic the words and arguments etc without truly understanding them, somewhat like nigger. if we're not paying attention, wrapped up in our mission as we are, we tend incorrectly to assume they are doing something other than biological mapping to partner
'There are no visible wounds on its body. This is the first find in the world find of a pre-historic horse of such a young age and with such an amazing level of preservation.'
'Send us a park-quality person. Don't send us a deadbeat n****r from a temp service. S**t, we can find you some kids around here that want a damn job. 'We've got young kids right here that put in the work. They can do more than the damn deadbeat n*****s – but I mean it's too late on this damn job. Find out why in the hell we still have them. Bye.'
goblins...goblins everywhere. except in iowa. thar be gobblins
"put aside politics" = agree to accede and do what jews want
a conservative is someone who thinks he has more in common with in-American jews than White South Africans
make womens pockets larger, they wont buy them but it's always safe to blame men, the guilty sex he struggle is real for women when they want to carry items in their pockets without having to lug a handbag around.
mens clothes are functional womens clothes are functional too: the function of a woman is to attract a man to fuck her and take care of her and family. big pockets interfere with what really matters: butt and hip shape
that's journalism: talk about murder, in a yard long story without stats. how many murders in SA before nigger takeover? how many after? how many farmers murdered? how many whites vs blacks? murder rates per capita/victims and /perpetrators?  none of this. the media serve to obscure and reverse, not inform. they are there for (((jews only)))
niggers whine about Trump taking notice of their noggings
every insect under pressure will emit a high-pitched shriek, with jews it's a noise that sounds like lolocaust
this is truly scary
women's response to anything: "i'm not like that" 1) women personalize everything. this is obviously biological.  2) no acknowledgement that generalization is not absolute rule. hence exceptions exist. but the rule generally holds 3) somehow even with ALL women being "not like that" the pattern holds 4) exceptions exist (paglia, etc), so does pattern
Gab - why must you make something natural and simple complex and confusing. the shit you're hiding is what people want to read. if this is social medium, why making post-and-response so difficult? you're micromanaging shit unnecessarily and to actual detriment. you gave people the mute and unfollow. that's all the tools they need.
i think in your fifties your sense of time is perfect - because you remember how long things seemed when young, and you've seen elders decline and die. time has exactly the true weight at this age. it's also partly an energy thing. the opportunity cost of (time and energy, not even money) of doing A vs B is very keenly felt as one ages
the truth about housework is's easy. it can be done very quickly. women just draw it out because they're naturally slow. you notice how in microscope videos the sperm wriggle and move, while the planet egg just is.  that difference resounds thru the entire creature and its psychology from start to finish women r essentially ornamental plants
"cant give you what i dont have" -- a timeless truth expressed over the phone in Fast Times that's women and controlled, moral, responsible behavior ultimately, we are talking about the failure of white MEN. to blame and cry about women is actually to take the liberal line - that women truly ARE equal in responsibility-taking-capacity. they're not.
#Drudgism is economic sexism against women. Y'all making them perform household chores while y'all dinin' n reclining, yall bastard men. You must pay. If it werent drudgism, women would earn as much as men on the job. This imbalance must be redressed. Equal pay for equal work means she should only put in 30 hours for man's 40, given the extra she does at home.
i wrote up a little on the terrance popp video on women now wanting same pay for fewer hours worked
i dont want whites to flee South Africa, the beautiful land of their birth. i want a new Hitler to spawn in the shacks, and the US to lay off and let the whites reassert the natural order.
women do not understand men, they understand how to manipulate men, which is mostly instinctual
men are self-created buildings. women are ivy that creep up and cover the buildings. they use the buildings to put themselves in position for nutrients for their own expansion and growth, but they also destroy the building by slowly working their way into it and crumbling it apart.
Accept that women really are overgrown children, as Schopenhauer said. It's one thing to say that, but another to believe and base man-behavior on it. Realize Schope is not saying that as a line but as a factual description.
we need a revolution. it's time for an army, not more demos. the online stuff is nice but it's jerking off after a point.  when everything is wrong, you dont fix it, you junk it and start over. #WhiteLiberationArmy
"This is the form of Catholicism that the S.S. were trying to set up. It is this form of Catholicism that rabbis such as Tovia Singer fear. This is why I love reading Christ-mythers such as Price and Carrier: it strengthens my hand; it strengthens the Marcionite cause. " --Gael
This Christ has nothing to do with Jews or Palestine. This Aryan or Persian Christ – what the druids/pre-patrician Gaelic Catholics called Íosa – is not descended from David; is not derived from the Jewish Bible either Testament ; is not the Jewish Mashiach or Messiah – in any way.
Marcionite: Belief in a mythical non-historical Aryan Jesus Christ – which esoterically and etymologically simply means “Oil of the Sun.” or “solar anointing. ” Marcionite: Belief that the Jewish god as depicted in both testaments of the Jewish Bible is a demon from the pit of hell.
Gael on 'Marcionite' a very different conception of Jesus and Christianity
make contraception legal. make abortion legal (based on lies about back-alley abortion, see the jew bernard nathanson, who reversed and admitted all this). make sodomy and interracial marriage legal. make divorce easy. give all rights to irrational woman and all responsibility to rational man. amazing any solid marriages/families come out of this
the catholic view is contraception leads to non-productive sex. making the hetero essentially a homo - sex isn't part of a family but a series of transient, sterile relationships. so rockefellers and other (((oligarchs))) work on church by buying willing individuals to shift policy to support first contraception, then abortion. then homoism.
catholic jones claims the last church scandal was 100% whipped up by jews to keep the church from contesting the push to war with iraq. and now fears they're doing same as lead in to iran.
if you're an accountant, or some other professional you've been jew-trained to think is boring, let me countermand kikeman and tell you that you dont need an expensive fake mass-produced simulated wild side. just being a good accountant is enough. it's exactly parallel to tattoos. mere skin? but how will that sell my charms? oh it will. skin is sex organ.
because of the way the laws currently exist under jews, if you want to deal with women, you are wisest to place yourself in the strongest possible position -  own your house, paid off or as close to as possible. women are essentially ornamental amusements - for that reason the law has empowered them over men, intending the obvious social disaster that follow.
have any of you ecru niggers heard of eskrima? just how many schools of fighting are there. how many of them are better than picking up nearest thick stick and slicing a nice diagonal through the air the erect porcupine giving you friction might be standing in? #what #thefuck #Eskrima - the esperanto of fighting. uses martial arts tools from all 7 continents
why do all accountants think they have to be wild love your race. i dont have to love people influenced by cap'n morgan ads quit trying to be well rounded; try to be sharp
Reality, scoffed the O'brien, that's just a white nationalist talking point.
what percentage of homos would not molest a prepubescent child, if given a chance?

August 22, 2018:

pecker fags and  pusill fags both suck
i basically love anyone who criticizes faggots. fags are fags. i dont like 'em. i will be motuerhfucking goddamned if i will sit here and not attack and make fun of any nigger who acts like fags are normal wonderful admirable or desireable. what a world of faggots do you think andersen was joking in Emperor's New Clothes? people are still a bunch of weak faggots.
authoritarian-pussy is the default dog owner mentality they like bossing the dog around. cuz many of them are smarter than the dog in a formal, testable sense. but they also like being bossed around by the dog, cause that's how that type is (see blue niggers).  they also are pussies because their dog does nasty things to others theyd like to but lack courage to
it's funny. jones is more than will to give the Nazis the detriment of the doubt when it comes to homo-pedo accusations, but when his beloved bride, the catholic church is in question, why, 300 priests? all lies. nothing to see here. move on.  true - jew prosecutor shapiro. but many of the priests are dead. and jones admits huge % of queers in cc NO PEDOS THO really?
you kids and your glans-dammed transient sterile relationships are nothing but heterohomos and the reason a new round of nosepickers drool in purgartory unwhelped
is anything worse than looking into a cartful of books and they're 3/4 christ-slop? and the rest are mitch-albom-tier (big of ear, small of brain) i'm going to sleep and dream of a better world
one of those fucking pet stores is coming my town, Pet Lobby or something these fuckers called americans spend more on their stink-dogs than books what a bunch of faggots
homosexuals are the stooges of the oligarchs!
pets : children sports fandom : nationalism
jones on penn catholic pedoqueer scandal...and iran
erma bombeck probably made this joke in 1969 but if we could have dragooned our national science brain into making plastic trash bins with LIPS THAT DONT CRACK OFF it'd been a well better use than flying at the imaginary moon
still the Tusk experiment is good for you socialist fools - you dont want the govt looking out for you. that's in your mind only - that idea of its doings and purpose
remember, kids, the Tusk Experiment wasn't, after all, something the govt did TO niggers (as it does to white men), it was something they didnt do FOR them. because allus has positive duties toward 'the' 'black' 'man'
this educed a legit snicker
turns out the coontastics have a sharp and sensitive understanding of property rights after all. when it's their property.
nigger privilege: “Becky” is such a thing that Merriam-Webster (a.k.a. the damn dictionary) says they’re keeping their eye on the word, and cited none other than The Root’s Michael Harriot and VSB’s Damon Young as two of the world’s foremost Becky experts.
leftists making their second face about tragedies squeezed for politics
niggers. they never get old. cuz they shoot each other.
why do people hate billboards and love trees? trees seem like a good idea from afar, but up close they're kind of nasty. scratching you, poking you. you know if they talked itd be something stupid. oh look! this one's giving you a fruit! then you bite it, there's a disgusting worm curling inside.
" The average Buffalo Bills related message board is barely distinguishable from the Daily Stormer.  " drew magary's deadspin bb writeup comment
white girls jogging - when coloreds see you, it's like how humans feel when the dessert cart goes by
remember mcveigh, part of a govt/catspaw-actuated cell, tho his motivations may have been earnest enough. he said govt is the great teacher. what is govt teaching the (its) left? that's its ok to attack private property. that it's ok to attack people physically because you disagree with their views or kind.  #NoWayOutButThroughTheJew
Another example of traditional way being inferior - nearly all human practices are like this because people are dumb.  “The actual fundamentals of trying to create torque,” Rosenfels says, “with your hips first and your arm second, is different than what’s been taught for a long time with quarterbacks at all levels.”
interesting point - if the covenant isnt a blood thing but a spiritual thing, then the land neednt be any specific plot either, et wot?
"America, what's that? says the jews. It's an idea. More specifically, Hymie's idea. Everyone is born American, some just don't have the papers. But they're all real Americans, actually more real than those born here. Jews don't believe this themselves - in their nation Israel, they practice apartheid, Jim Crow and national socialism all at the same time.
jews did to evangelism what they did to black nationalism - winnowed possible interpretations down to ONE LEGITIMATE ONLY - which completely favors israel at the expense of whites.  they would never try to sculpt a jew-serving White Nationalism, though. that would be unthinkable. (cough jared taylor)
great info on how the scofield scam became the only view you hear on radio. the jews pay for someone to create, then select, then shut out all alternative views - with christian seminaries and theological training centers of all types. Dallas Theological Seminary won't allow any other POV. so people think GOD-GAVE-DA-JEWS-WHATEVR-THEY-WANT
have you niggers circumcised yourselves of the foreskin of sin? something tells me you havent
what jews do is create ideologies for losers. not just coloreds but whites. half whites are below average. one in every six whites is nigger level. susceptible, then, by reason of IQ, to the same pride- and greed-feeding Big Lies

August 21, 2018:

According to the Chicago Sun Times, this weekend 18 people were shot on Friday evening, 23 on Saturday, and 21 were shot early Sunday.
they blamed the white pig farmer (pigramerism) but it turned out to be the mexcrement. well waddaya know.
"And also why every white elite and their middle class lickspittles will do nothing but drink and mope as their country is snatched from them, bit by bit piece by piece through misuse of the legal system.  "
where does the notion of being a guilty sinner DUE TO SOMEBODY ELSE'S ACTIONS - ie, guilty as a CLASS, not as a MAN, come from?  it comes from (((christianity))). adam sinned, so you're guilty. having created the original sucker template, jews merely shift the class as needed. all (men, whites, X) are guilty...  Christianity is anti-White. #TeamWhite
did white guilt exist among greeks and romans?  where does white guilt for non-individual matters come from? you know the answer. quit trying to explain white guilt while avoiding it.

August 20, 2018:

the niggering of sci-fi awards. space = aersolized niggers. if you're into space, you're a nigger lover.
if i were gab's marketer, id dance on this
worth becoming pilot? " After the Colgan air crash the government became involved and now its really hard to get in. Yes there is now a shortage but you will have to spend $100,000 in flight training, get a college degree then spend five years to get a regional airline job. I don't recommend it unless aircraft are your passion. "
a guy who worked in bike shop created airplane. not the 983rd. the first. Canduit U, Earth's top educational institution since time began
Go with imaginary God and Gab. --ancient Spanish saying

August 19, 2018:

the 'good' christian: never saw a haitian nigger baby it didnt love or an israeli-murdered Palestinian baby it didnt hate
#3018 - yeah this is pretty much par for the course 1000 years before you, as i type. you stupid future-goober!
Christian car radio today: woman encouraging listeners to pray for the destruction of the Iran regime.  Where the luv tho
if you misspell breivik you become a nigger to me.  "Just so you know. You do that again. You're going home." -- B. Parcells
sharks tire of the Mass of bad ideas, circle offshore planning to take out Harvard
pretty much cunt (((lazarus'))) ideal come true poor teeming murderous refuse
"he never does that" you must have triggered him existing or something.
save a sheeitman, go to hell. that simple
dogs are bent-over niggers dog owners are nigger lovers dog petters are idiots
views of human nature - Christian: innately depraved and inwardly ravening wolves - Wambaugh: too weak to be evil, most of them: scrotes - Aldi: too lazy to return carts, but can be bribed for .25
Jews know where a certain way of thinking (looking at the facts, seeing the patterns, drawing rational conclusions) will lead. It will make people despise and fight jews rather than succumb and worship them.

August 18, 2018:
i want to be loved for me! fat stupid needy? shit. can get those anywhere.
In an "eager fumbling manner" Pasternak explained that he and Mandelstam each had a completely different philosophy about poetry. Stalin finally said, in a mocking tone of voice: "I see, you just aren't able to stick up for a comrade," and put down the receiver.[18]
The Leader addressed him in a rather bluff uncouth fashion, using the familiar thou form: 'Tell me, what are they saying in your literary circles about the arrest of Mandelstam?'" Flustered, Pasternak denied that there was any discussion or that there were any literary circles left in Soviet Russia. Stalin went on to ask him for his own opinion of Mandelstam
Soon after his meeting with Bukharin, the telephone rang in Pasternak's Moscow apartment. A voice from The Kremlin said, "Comrade Stalinwishes to speak with you."[18] According to Ivinskaya, Pasternak was struck dumb. "He was totally unprepared for such a conversation. But then he heard his voice, the voice of Stalin, coming over the line.
"On the night of 14 May 1934, Mandelstam was arrested at his home based on a warrant signed by NKVD boss Genrikh Yagoda. Devastated, Pasternak went immediately to the offices of Izvestia and begged Nikolai Bukharin to intercede on Mandelstam's behalf."
Pasternak was genetic jew who said: Most intensely of all my mind was occupied by Christianity in the years 1910–12, when the main foundations of this distinctiveness – my way of seeing things, the world, life – were taking shape... He was certainly anti-communist.
Sounds great. Until your neighbor is a 60-IQ cannibal with an axe. And you can't treat him as anything but an individual. So christianity is liberalism, it is libertarianism, it is dangerous, destructive and flat insane. It is anti-White.
from Boris Pasternak’s Doctor Zhivago. “Something in the world had changed. Rome was at an end. The reign of numbers was at an end. The duty, imposed by armed force, to live unanimously as a people, as a whole nation, was abolished. Leaders and nations were relegated to the past. They were replaced by the doctrine of individuality and freedom.”

August 17, 2018: that one fucking monkey2 years ago why is this for some reason good
hold onto your burgundy bollocks itz the cranberries mate
For music alone, UK should be scrubbed free of people of dookie my gf had a poster of The Cure that would have covered Botswana
I seek to cure what's deep inside. Frightened of this thing that I've become.
my plan is to induce thought-parturition in some of you niggers by kicking you in the stomach with the jackboot of mockery.
how duller than a serpent's tooth is the prophesying hill ape
give it up, ya too ol, nobody listens to techno. i wrote a song in honor of pa coots when it died these yeas ago.
snakes > christians
socialized health care means hillary clinton fills your village with ebola-carrying africans then puts you last on the list for the ZEBOV vaccine
you're exhilarating. may i poke you an experimental vaccine, called rVSV-ZEBOV, protected nearly 6,000 people
viking ship
guy has pfeifenface max but i do like this song what happened to that arty kid who liked XXTinction, did he do himself too
Ebola is everybody's problem. #WEbola
Stop failing our niggers, bad man.
Fruit bats are failing our niggers Porcupines are failing our niggers Antelopes are failing our niggers Schools, jails, wall paint, the white race ares failing our niggers Chimpanzees are failing our niggers Gorillas are failing our niggers
HOW DID HUMANS CONTRACT THE VIRUS? Scientists believe Ebola is most often passed to humans by fruit bats, but antelope, porcupines, gorillas and chimpanzees could also be to blame. AKA BLACK AFRICAN MEAT MARKET / BOTH SENSES
officials refer to him simply as o índio do buraco, or 'the Man of the Hole'.
Once cornered in a hut in 2005, he fired an arrow at  member of a FUNAI contact team, puncturing his lung. After that near-fatal incident, officials decided that the man would be better off living out his days alone in the forest, where he digs traps to catch wild animals, hunts with bamboo arrows, gathers fruits and wild honey and plants small garden plots.
The man, who appears to be in his mid-50s, shuns all contact with outsiders. He flees from the officials who monitor his movements, leave him gifts of seeds and tools and protect the reserve's perimeter. LIVING THE DREAM
Towering trees dripped with huge, woody vines and crystal-clear streams teemed with fish. We saw fresh jaguar prints and stampeding herds of wild boar.
around women, never relax X
pederastic sodogogues in dresses color me shocked
the jewish way of lying: brazen, in your face, laughing at you the catholic way of lying: telling you things that are true but leaving the important part out - lying by omisssion as always, catholicism is a weak solution of judaism, for lazy cowardly people what jews do takes balls; catholics dont have balls, but they still want to reap the advantages of lying
" Such as never using words such as rape in reference to such claims, but simply calling them 'boundary issues' or 'inappropriate contact' " like muslims and 'grooming' euphemism INVARIABLY used in (((media)))
Catholics cover up their crimes the way (((English))) media covers up Rotherham etc rapes - with dishonest language.
yeah verily the lord hath blessed me this day, for he hath provided sustenance for a would be mocker of firemen and bums this is what real journalism would look like if it existed
like hitler said. they’re a race pretending to be a religion. most jews are atheists. Reply
Biggest lie you'll read all day, from professional nigger Michael Harriot: "If a group of black people physically attacked a white person because of the white person’s race, I would consider it an act of racism. But the cases of this are so rare that it is not indicative of a problem that white people have to worry about."
Urethra Franklin was more than a monkey owned by the late Joe Jackson's son, he was the first ape to be blasted into space and later attended Bruce Jenners 'Ceremony of Transition' as Best Hominid where he gave a short but moving speech as Bowies "Changes" was played on piccolo by a precocious local cub scout Oh glorious age, that it was given to us to sashay in it.

August 16, 2018:

i aint saying she a gold digger i just saying nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
brown people socialism = army ants, well, all the rapacity sans the brains and organization
if USA is land of the free, whites are the majority, most pardon ALL whites are racist, how come there's not one paper catering to them?
jews are more of a conspiracy; high-level WASPs are more of a cult
It was Anglo-Christian hubris & cupidity that led us to take on the negro's problems as our own. How's that workin' out for us. Anglo, your just reward is your grandkid 'Nglo peeing on your grave.
juice newton!
God bless Uretha, preggers by 13, hooking by 19.
first MTV video
Apply our smelling salts to the imagination of our people  that they might see that things could quite easily be completely otherwise
America: fifteen ways to lace shoes, one POV in the papers. "Land of the Free"  should be "Land of the Free to Agree"
there's so little thinking done by honimids that relying on tradition - you throw away the entire advantage of being a human to retreat into animalism animals have to be traditionalists, humans dont
fags exist because you only fuck in plastic why is everything i believe and the fucking catholics so goddam similar
did you know axel's mother, who basically opened her legs to the towns bad boy, was named a variation of linder? i'm always looking for new imaginary relatives to brag about
why cant i walk up to the corner BP and pick up a Daily Stormer tabloid w muh coffee & spend my hard earned money to read about the bands I wanna know about. Why cant I do that in this land of the free? If its free, why is it all the same? If it's all the same, why do we need freedom? Even the USSR had 1 POV. Does USA have more?
why do these twitter dogs keep going back to their sick Gab has all the free speech i need. Gab is like Texas. Why would you ever go anywhere else? It has everything you need.* *Actual texan beliefs and arguments
do these hothouse flowers just think that human beliefs and behaviors are all different and...wonderful...and fucking candy in wonka's magic factory? like a buffet different food choices? or music? all different but never conflicting in any bloody or even trivially serious way it's not even stupid it's fucking bizarre.
yeah, you're right you fucking retarded bubblecunt: ISIS very definitely has different beliefs and perspectives - like your head and your torso LOL BUH BYE RETARDED CUNT!
how light-minded do you have to be  like these people of bubble cashiered by ISIS ISIS baby to say Evil is a make-believe concept we’ve invented to deal with the complexities of fellow humans holding values and beliefs and perspectives different than our own…  and never realize or stop to consider that yeah, and many of those are IRRECONCILABLY IN CONFLICT.
what's that feeling in my breast? what tom bethell (have any of you yungnigs even heard that name). is it the onset of rare male breast cancer. should i cut my nonexistent tits off just case? WHAT SAY YOU SCRAWNY BITCH GIRL (john mclaughlin via dana carvey). no...tis a 'strange new respect' for ISIS
nigger trotsky. cuz there were some lean years after Kid-n-Play
a WOMAN learns one of the deeper truths of life: women are never held responsible for anything: She wrote: 'I'm so angry! I'm so so very upset! How can my child go through this, and yet no one is going to be held responsible?
women are dangerous animals, no joke: essica said the girl was 'hitting, scratching, biting. Down his back, his bottom, his legs.' She said: 'I leaned down and I was saying 'oh no, jump up'. As I got down to lift him up, I realised the girl was shaking her head and her teeth were in his back. He was obviously hysterical.
around women never relax IX
" We also going to order you to do unpaid work. That's gone up from 80 hours to 120 hours because of the trial. " for calling someone a bigfoot
" We did consider custody but we've stepped back from that. You will serve a 12 month community order with 15 Rehabilitation Activity Requirement sessions focused largely on thinking skills and anger management. " for calling a nigger a "sasquatch"
After calling Allin Carbon a 'big black sasquatch' she carried on at him and partner Lucy Brome: 'I bet he's carrying drugs. I cannot believe we've paid hundreds of pounds to be on a flight with people like you.' now them the kind of britvolk make you sit up and say ahh
typical Clown World news report, where nothing has any weight
i'm sure he has said. of course media darling hillary has said it too, a point not to be forgotten
not NEMO, i'll have you know
Minnesota woman
upgrade on my tit crit women not only didnt invent the bra they cant figure out the right size to wear
around blacks, never relax. gold pucks beware bucks
a start but only. if i could suggest Where White People and Machete- and You-Loaded-ATM-Card-Wielding Cannibals...etc.
Kirksville slogan:  Where People Make the difference Kirksville Today slogan (original) Where White People Make the Difference Now, in light of the Congolean invasion Where White People and Cannibals Make the Difference Fair and Balanced?
today in niggering...
i have acquired a PLOT of EARTH-LAND in a GPS-INACCESSIBLE LOCATION where i have directed the undertaking of the construction of a GIANT MAN-GRIDDLE to FRY the ENEMIES of the WHITE RACE "Just so you know" --Bill Parcells
i love it when the guest is slightly contemptuous of the host, i used to use this TECHNIQUE with aegis, it's just inherently funny, like benny hill beating around on the little old man. jones was broaching on it with helland, who is a norwogger. but uses hands like a wopper.
most people are Franklin Mint Atom Collections.
special offer for all you 100% faggots out there, a little idea i channeled from hitler's ghost via private revelation while half awake in my J'accuzi, a dreyfuss shapped bubblin minipool for every WHITE CHILD you produce using genuine ball-sperm and tube-egg, i will cancel 25% of the insults me and god have planned to be coming your way WHAT AN OFFER
this is really is great, one of jones's best. all you christian queers should watch it, spread it to your zionist friends #EMJones
you would think, #NEMO being GODS Country he would favor us with a little more RAIN YOU WOULD THINK
if we don't speak out [against the jews and the shit they're doing] GOD IS GOING TO HOLD US RESPONSIBLE  -- E. Michael Jones
chain immigration into german prisons for White racial loyalists Sylvia Stoltz (sp?), then Monika Schaefer then Alfred Schaefer
a German told Jones there are 1300 political prisoners in german. almost all jew-related, ie holohoax and such
so jones is doing a reverse good cop/bad cop, saying some jews even realize this if you dont like Sicut Judais Non (dont molest jews, but prevent them from fucking your culture [not possible in techly advanced world, i argue]) you're really not going to like Adolf II: Electric Boogajew
jones credits the proto-indoeuropean speakers with coming up with contracts. so he's over on silk road telling iranians americans want peace but our foreign policy controlled by three rich jews so a little racial credit for the piggie chasers and kiddie slicers, eh jones?
"there is a reaction coming that will make what happened in wwii look like a walk in the park" YA THINK ITZ COMING i represent the brain cell of the aryan race the christian claim isnt true Sicult Judais Non, the xtain policy toward jews for 1500 years has lain the white race open to being genocided let's use reason to see what to do: treat jews as termites or mad dogs
so if we dont come up with a human solution to the jew (sicut judaeis non) then we'll get a violent one. that's right. the racial argument is superior to the catholic doctrine and jones is forced to say he loves jews because, hey, you have to love your enemy sorry, e-mike, the logic is undeniable: jews must be exterminated. you've spent the entire hour showing why
even a catholic sees that jews are a race of rotters. all they do is lie and murder people, basically
"all of our institutions are controlled by a group of people whose name we are not allowed to say" --e. michael jones (he means jews and says so overtly repeatedly over time no jonespupping here like alex
even the catholic race-denier agrees: jews control the US

August 15, 2018:

Jones says it's Pitchfork Time.  What can I tell ya, folks?
Jones: oligarchs = homosexuals, CEOs, jews
jones says in his opinion ratzinger resigned because he realized he was surrounded by homosexuals and he couldnt trust these people
so the catholic POV is you either are driven by the lust for power and domination - where you use something horrible to destroy things and incrase your power - or love of god. those are the "only two choices" he says in a typical reduced-jew forced false menu option taken from augustine. yes illogic from the master of logos  how about love of race?
Good line from Jones: destroying the family is like splitting the atom, releases loads of destructive energies that can be used on the good guys like him.
That's me twisting jones twisting sobran.
A hate group is a group you'd better hate lest you be called a hater.
if you're female and when you bend your elbow you arm looks like an amateur reticulated python you may wanna hit the Jiggle Stop for some squat thrusts
Helland: This is the first Jesuit pope. Jones: What that has done, it has emboldened the Jesuits. (30% homo)
so...the oligarchs use the jesuits (more precisely the homos within the jesuits) as their instrument for controlling the catholic church
jesuits have been persecuted terribly because the refused to bend the knee to sodomy! they might show up in your backyard. feed them. show your sorrow for their plight by taking them in a time. but wash the sheets when they leave. just to be safe.
Jones: 30% of Jesuits are homos; 70% are forced to go along if they want to stay as Jesuits. direct quote.
jesuits = America magazine. i think.
so jones says Jesuits are completely controlled by homosexuals. the order is controlled the disorder hey hey
the homosexual is the commissar. he runs the thing (south bend, catholic church) from behind (or in front) of the scenes. the only one who understands this is ross douthat for nyt!
the church has been crippled because it cant criticize its enemies no, it's been crippled because it misdefines its enemies (doctrine of sicut judaeis non) and i dont care about the church. but so long as whiteskins belong to it, their race - the important thing - is imperiled by it
E. Mike Jones is basically like the nigger in "They Live" - he refuses to look thru the racial lens. He gets angry-defensive when you laugh at his silly idea there are three ethnic groups, Protestant, Catholic and Jew, and that race doesnt mean anything / (patriotard style) is make up by 'oligarchs' to divide the people.
Jones says queers feel guilt over their sins. He says feminism the reaction to guilt over abortions.  I dont see persuasive evidence for this. It's true individual cases, but I see no evidence the majority are covering up felt guilt. He's more projecting how he would feel if he were sodomizing and abortin' and such. I assume he's not, which he never does.
the corn snake (shudder) the corn snake (shudder) THE CORN SNAKE COMIN (ow! yip! yipe!) corn to the left snake to the right me with but a pure glass window to hide behind corn corn corn CORN CORN CORN  SNAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKE save me (palp) Cert Man. (huff huff) with your (Degrees) in  too late! appease the corn appease the CORN feed it old brown shoe and hope hope
even videos with mixed-meat faggots hopping around brainlessly were better in the 80s how long till this is kirksville Official City Band??
who can deny there's been an unsubtle decline in the quality of niggering or mulattoing
stop irritating God you hominid-chiggers like the country song sang let your sperm flow like a mountain spring your fucking Glad(tm) brand Glans minime trash bags killing the next generation making space for poofags cumblockers killed america let the cum flow you spermstinging fagmakers
i'm still waiting to hear jones acknowledge sodomy means mouth action too. it does. many dont know that jones: foucault says give us all-sex and you have the rest huxley: they will take your political freedom (the corn snake meme), and trade you sexual license
a dog is a failed wolf owned by a failed human
This reminds me of moving to Salt Lake City as a jr in high school in 1983. Listening to this insane man tell me how these seagulls swooped down and saved the mormons by eating the crickets eating their crops. ie the principal. #PublicSchool
God is punishing us for the sin of contraception. He's visting on us a flock of seagulls in the form of fruit baskets filled with sour apples, remigrants and dingleberries. God visits his wrath on South Bend so the queer can teach us the truth about bungholes, marriage, constipation, reproduction, insanity napkins jailhosed against their will.
The perverts totally dominate the public square in South Bend, Indiana, to the exclusion of normal decent people!
"homosexuals are notorious for their narcissistic fantasies" his fantasy is he's going to go from mayor of south bend to president but he only got in as mayor by hiding the homo now he couldnt be elected dog catcher in kokomo
oh beautiful for gaping holes and shit-encrusted glans STRAIGHT OUTTA SOUTH BEND CRAZY OLD FUCKER NAMED E-MIKE SPITTING KNOWLEDGE BOUT POOSTABBERS THAT HE DONT LIKE poostabrica, poostabrica, god smeared his dick on thee and round dude's dudes he spread bix noods  from sea to shining sea
there is no more america! we hav been conquered by sexual revolutionaries you will bow before the stabbers of poo or we will see it will go hard on you there is no american identity anymore. its gone!
instead of traditional healthy wholesome ALL AMERICAN activities like fireworks and frog-gigging we're all poo-stabbing each other.
sodomy cries out to heaven for vengeance! homos (feminists: abortion) form identity groups to assuage their guilt they are instrumentalized into weapons! poostabber punji sticks! the USA is Great Satan! there are no more americans. just fags!
"The town was taken over by perverts who acted out their sexual compulsions!"  (South Bend)
if it wasnt for govt, we wouldnt have roads
the difference between a pope and a tranny reading children stories is about as big and real as diff between Repubs and Democrats
was today a good day to relax around women? lets gander the DM and see!
"In the legal class we normally find the coatsuit worth more than the man." --Thomas Jefferson
The Scream was actually a nordic 'artist's' Ed-Butte-Munchs imaginative rendering of God screaming at your egregious bungholing tendencies. in the distended, troubled orifice he meant to depict both god's mouth and your twisted anus. Look people. Get right with your holes. Get right with Jesus. Get right with his Eminent Pa. What im saying is: GET RIGHT.
courtroom legal procedure for non-lawyers is almost perfectly parallel to  a cop beating up someone in handcuffs
i havent even watched this yet. when jones gets that aggrieved look describing' God's anguish at all y'all's misusing your anusi for fleeting pleasure-spasms, it's better than "Friends" reruns
the law, as procedures, is the way it is for one reason: to prevent anyone from making a lawyer look bad by outtalking him
the northern whiteskins cant handle anyone thinking different from them. so altho they won the war due to greater boring shrewlike FRIGID (as the cavalier girl screamed at me) screw-numbers the South showed itself bigger souled but to a northerner, the soul isnt a real thing. only bank accounts. and that is the shtetl jew mentality dipped in prot-Anglo
McDonalds = junk food for the body Public schools = junk food for the mind Churches = junk food for the soul
THE POINT OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS IS TO GET EVERYONE THINKING THE SAME WAY. AND FORCE THEIR PARENTS TO PAY FOR IT.  TYRANNY. DEHUMANIZING TYRANNY. LEVELING. Public schools are an absolutely terrible idea and cannot be other.  The problem, as with xtianity is the thing itself. Not the clothes or managers.
the strain of whites that won the civil war is the side that works with jews to create an anti-white totalitarian landscape; a land of NO SECOND OPINION allowed on anything right down to bubblegum flavors
i referred to this on the BIG CAT KAYLA (ROWRR) show. it is the single best-quickest summation of the essence of the Civil War. it pertains directly to our situation today, as we are kicked off line for saying the sky is blue. from ang lee's Ride With The Devil
again, just tryin to help a white nigger out: #StoopLife #TheMoreYouGlow
Conservatives waiting for Fairness from the Great Sky Ref are like Linus awaiting the Great Pumpkin. Except I think he actually realizes what he's doing. Christians r about humility in theory, but this just equates to pussiness, never to looking at things from outside themselves. All are just like me (golden rule, Rawls' Original Position) xtian=liberal
VD commenter:  "His manners, and especially his moronic, "I'm better than ALL of you hicks" phony diction and pronounciation every time he spoke (let alone the weirdly halting pauses in every spoken sentence) " which ... came first. the buckley or the walken? did one copy the other?
i buhleefs it, da gol toof troof
only two types of men are allowed to become priests: the sexually deviant and liars
VD commenter:  As a Roman Catholic I gave up (partially) a long time ago, and completely gave up a coupla years back.  Mainly due to the church taking fed money to "help settle" immigrants like the wonderful Somalis who now are my neighbors in rural Boone county Kentucky. They must be the Catholic Somalis we hear so much about. Nah, the church just took the money.
yeah this is not well thought out
as commercially calculated as neo-cuntry. almost paint by numbers
It's no accident that anywhere fantasists gather, child molesters are right at home: - churches - sci-fi or comics conventions shot thru with fucked-in-the-heads You yungfags need to get outside and play football. Get off these fucking screens, they're turning you into, well, bigger faggots.
Comment at Vox Day's site: "  Priests that enable illegals are often doing it for child access, if they're Trekkies it's all but guaranteed they are pedophiles. "
The actual truth of the matter is that no one in the catholic cult, pope, priests or people, really cares about children being molested. The children don't like it, obviously many of their lives are destroyed. But truly, their parents and the priests don't care. They just want them to shut up about it more than they want anything else.
"get em before they're six and you'll have em for life" Catholicism, NAMBLA or both?
it's in the best interest of the kids (a propaganda term) to have the interests of the selfish, vindictive woman prevail in all circumstances nah. it's actually in their interests for their mother to be owned as legal property by a responsible man
Catholic up top: look at my pretty commandments. aint i the moralest cutie you ever seen? catholic underneath:  Church officials routinely and purposefully described the abuse as horseplay and wrestling and inappropriate conduct.  #ThouShaltLieHard
She thinks she should be able to keep the kids all by herself - pure female vindictiveness. And he should be responsible to pay for them. This stupid cunt literally cut off her tits without having cancer. And she wants power to make decisions for other people?
"The mother-of-six, who wowed in head-to-toe black, is reportedly keen on keeping the kids to herself, recently filing court docs claiming ex Brad Pitt is unfit to parent and has 'paid no meaningful child support,' according to Us Weekly." This really is how women think. Jolie is not .01% different from about 99% of women in her situation.
this is what happens when the law empowers a creature not meant for responsibility. Pitt at least has the money to fight back. Jolie = selfish, stupid jackass
The abuse ranged from groping and masturbation to anal, oral and vaginal rape. 'Church officials routinely and purposefully described the abuse as horseplay and wrestling and inappropriate conduct. [notice that at the heart of (((christianity))) is the lie. which is no surprise, as the thing is a creation of the People of the Lie - the jews]
And all the while, shockingly, church leadership kept records of the abuse and the cover-up.  'These documents, from the dioceses' own 'Secret Archives,' formed the backbone of this investigation,' he said at a news conference in Harrisburg.
#Scranton  In 2013, Father W. Jeffrey Paulish was caught having sex with a 15-year-old boy on the campus of the University of Scranton.
In 2013, Father W. Jeffrey Paulish was caught having sex with a 15-year-old boy on the campus of the University of Scranton.
After a police investigation, Timchak was charged with possessing child pornography. He pleaded guilty and was sentenced to state prison. On January 24, 2014, Pope Francis granted dispensation to Timchak.
judge a tree by its fruits, said the jesus-rabbi what kind of fruits does the (((catholic cult))) produce? "On December 9, 2008, the Scranton Diocese received an anonymous letter alleging that Father Robert M. Timchak was downloading child pornography. " HEY TORBA.
Reverend Thomas C. Kelley preferred mutual masturbation, oral sex, and anal sex with men between 18 and 25. At least five men came forward to accuse Kelley of inappropriate sexual conduct. ... Kelley was dissuaded from returning to the Erie Diocese because of his past behavior. Instead, he relocated to Texas, where he was allowed to serve as a minister.
Ulincy is alleged to have offered the boy alcohol. He also offered to ‘dry him off’ after the shower. The priest then pinned the boy down on a bed and ‘anally penetrated him,’ the victim told an investigator working for the Diocese in June 2010. ... Ulincy admitted that the victim was telling the truth. But no criminal charges were ever filed.
Yarrosh ended up serving just three months. Upon his release, he registered with Pennsylvania State Police as a sex offender. After his release from prison, Yarrosh was allowed to continue as a priest.
In May of that year, Pennsylvania State Police charged Yarrosh with 110 counts of sexual abuse of children. Yarrosh was found to have had hundreds of child pornography photos, books, magazines, video, and DVDs in his possession, according to the grand jury report. #ClassicCatholic
Not infighting, ENfighting. The EN is for ENEMY
Always remember what E. Mike Jones says, that ye may mock him. "The catholic church protects the weak from the strong!"
In 2006, Bender was arrested by an undercover police officer in New York State who posed as a '14-year-old boy' whom the former cleric tried to lure to a hotel room on Long Island. PEDOPHILE OR QUEER?  Not so easy to answer, is it? Because despite the (((propaganda))), there's a huge overlap between them.
Whites are going their own way and leaving the levantine christ cult behind. Drown yourself in the third-world fondue, with you nigger- and boy-loving priests, christ curs. You're welcome to it. The white cause is not for christians. Because christianity is anti-White. #TeamWhite
Catholicism is based on lies, and its priests are genuine sickos. Joseph Behe, dead at 45 after an opioid overdose, was raped so violently at seven-years-old he suffered an injury to his spine
The jewish infiltration of the catholic church began with Jesus the "rabbi" and "king of the jews."  Christianity is jewish garbage for goyish idiots, akin to CNN.
imagine taking one of those splooge flashlights into a typical lugubriously dank dark god
'The real scandal is the abuse was aided and abetted by the hierarchy that protected reputation & money over children'   Catholic Center For Moral Excellence and Tasty-Fresh Sperm
"Shut up, don't say anything, let the priests molests your children, and everything will be fine."  the invisible slogan written over every splayed portal in christendom
God is the creation of the liar and the little man, neither of whom will or dares stand behind his own words. 'It's your word against God's': Heartache of five sisters abused by the same priest who died as he awaited trial
" The 900 page grand jury report is based on records from six dioceses It puts the 'real number' of child victims 'in the thousands' " (((Christianity))) is anti-White.
(((Christianity))) #TeamWhite gives you the truth chickenshit nationalists run away from.
((( Grand Jury reveals the depravity of 301 priests who sexually assaulted at least 1,000 children - which the Catholic church covered up )))
Like I say, all christians are spirit-queers. And very, very many are flesh queers too.
In theory, there are priests who aren't queers and pedophiles.
listen to me on the BIG CAT KAYLA ROWRRR HOUR* *acshuly 8hrs

August 14, 2018:

that broad in the blood red shirt is all ooh ooh eat me next
look at that woman preening her hair, at some level women are aware how ridiculous they are
man shows vegans what's up
so can even average sort of women charge 250k for first-use?
" Mom, Rachel says she is unsure what provoked the dog, an Akita, into attacking her son who has been around the pup many times before.   " dogs are like bent-over niggers
dogs are scum
around women never relax VII
fucking DM retards. "RETARDS WIT CAMERAS" ought to be their motto
around women never relax VI
around women never relax V
around women never relax IV, the facening (even if that woman is YOU)
nebraska with the score
the bitch pulls plug on her man's kayak, kills him, gets insurance money could any man do this?
around women never relax III
realistic ideas are so bizarre-threatening-unheard of to 'normies' that one begins to feel like a giant squid in an acquarium or a carny on a stool leering at little kids (((we))) really are building Lunchables-equivalent hominids fit for the Littl Peepl Brave New World.
when dindu nuffin gets ass whipped by dindu mcrgruffin, ENTERTAINMENT VALUES are the real winner

August 13, 2018:

#FBI look at this. This is who you work for. Yeah, you cooper-compete with it, but you're in the same evil machine.
" to comprehensively build a fake reality. And new fake realities built on existing fake realities." --Anglin on jewing news They do this as 'history' - it's really almost awesome in the way they tell cross-multiple-generational lies, adding bits and pieces, kind of like their fellow insects building a comb. Study #LeoFrank. All there. Entire jewcrocosm
what two words better describe hillary clinton than brazen liar?  fugly pantsuitwearing cunt? well ya got me there. but still. brazen liar comes pretty close! she is genetic-goy who is extremely jewlike
we need to EXPEL the jews who are trying to GENOCIDE us do ya HEAR what yr sayin'?
when jews run things, all the most jewlike whites rise to the top, think hillary clinton and this fukt weirdo strzok, who should be lying over a bench in polakia or whatever his peeps come from
around women never relax II
just like anne morrow lindbergh, no character. she married trump because status, when he's shit on by all media, doesnt want to be associated with him. i'm just here for the beer man
around women never relax
" We’ve heard this rhetoric a lot of late, this idea that white America needs to be defended. At the heart of that assertion is the idea that whites are under fire — an idea that is definitionally centered in racism. " Says the same media full of white privilege, white fragility, etc etc.
"  A sense that white Americans are disadvantaged or being held to stricter, more exacting standards than other groups is central to the perceived need to protect white Americans, which is, fundamentally, what white nationalism is about.  " It's objectively factual that Whites are discriminated against - but jews ALWAYS treat it as perception / belief.
white man. let the woman dominate you in the home, the jew in the street. why you're not a man at all, are you?

August 12, 2018:

right-wingers bragging about being peaceful while talking about being in a race war
so any force that tries to distort normal and correct family relations is by that fact anti-white - as today's media, today's court system, family law in particular. jews have promoted feminism to destroy not just the man and the institution of the family, but get rid of the very idea of 'man' and 'manliness' and just pour the coffee on the countertop
so the biblical model is abraham and sarah. the woman listens to the man. the man listens to god. for an atheist view, the man has to stay rational, long-term focused - because if he submits to the hysterical myopia and overreaction of the woman-fire, it will burn the family he has created and is trying to lead to the ground. look at it either way, the MAN MUST LEAD
vatican II promulgated doctrine of MUTUAL SUBMISSION. that's the marxist doctrine. rahter than wife submits to husband, husband and wife submit to each other
in america, the interpretation of the bible follows the victorious army (sherman and grant), like hooker's brigade
"st augustine says genesis is to be read literally and historically" helland
brownson (orestes) says it's either catholicism or evolution - you cannot mix 'em as i'm saying about white nationalism and christianity
Orestes Bronson, possibly greatest catholic thinker of 19th century jumped on Origin of Species this theory is so evil and so wrong it will destroy christianity #CatholicPOV
so the Pope backed the South, because even tho protestant, the South wasn't upsetting the social order as the north was. yet after the war, notre dame was quick to suck up to the winners, prefiguring complete sellout under hesburgh in the middle-20th century (cucking on birth control & abortion for personal advantage, just as RC conservatives do)
are women noted for being consistent or fickle? well, that's why they're unfit to lead families or nations
a woman leading a family makes as much sense as a deflating balloon leading an air force squadron
pretty sure the bible says women should submit to their husbands and focus their mindlets on sandwiches, their construction and timely delivery it is good
"hen-pecked = voice of the wife rules. and of course that's extremely evil" preach on brother
helland says faggots are products of men failing to take proper leadership in their families. and of course the modern (((state))) is state is set up to make that legally impossible, the minute the woman feels unhappy
but he's absolutely right: the woman cannot rule the family, the man must. that's why the state makes its anglo-jewish point to destroy families by empowering the incapable woman and disestablishing, imprisoning and berating-taxing-'destroying' the man. destroy white families by disrespecting and destroying the white man.
catholicism produces weak, little men who brag about being sheep and slaves of some jewish faggot they call jesus but protestantism produces men who are women who think sex freaks in drag reading-hectoring little children at library tot hour is a good idea WHERE THE WIN HERE
'Sanctimonious madmen' - the St. Louis judge Luke Lawless summed up the Anglo abolitionists agitating for imminent liberation of the negro. So they remain today. hearts strictured & sclerosed, visages stoned against all sanity, humanity, reason, laughter, tolerance (yes) - as they abuse anyone who impedes their sick vision of social utopia.
only in northeastern missouri (#NEMO aka God's country) do we combine the horselaugh of Mencken and the clamshell wave of the genuine alabama floatmaid
the south is the land of real palms; the north is the land of real face palms pussy hats - this is the proud fruit of northern penchant for ismism and lucubration
Dabney foresaw the pantsuit. He deduced Hillary from sheer math! Much the way Ringer Bigsby / Nacolm Partisane (depending who you believe) deduced the existence of Pluto, once provided with high quality graphing paper. The cold & miserable north goes naturally with bad ideas. The South is hot, which conduces naturally to fighting, which is wholesome.
then he quotes dabney, whose definition of conservatism we have praised. dabney says this crank ideology driving the north will destroy everything - free love, equality are just two of the wacky ideas it justifies if we could resurrect the dab he would look around at library tranny hour (bring your kids!) and say thatz whum talkin' about
evolution does away with adam and eve, a story that is totally true
henry ward beecher, the 'pope of the protestants,' gave main speech at sumter after the war - The big northern theologian.  also given to veneering other men's wives.
the loathing catholics have for darwin is to me inexplicable. a guy has a theory, it's either right or wrong. darwin was no radical or criminal in his studies or personal life. it's more reasonable to hate the popes for pushing devolution

August 11, 2018:

we turned away from jesus...and toward the pantry
civic spiritualism is good because . ..?
So if you think there's any difference between cats when the lights are on, well, we won't leave the light on for you. Cuz Motel Six opposes racism. In Charlottesville, D.C. - and everywhere.
This is Tom Burdette for Motel Six. You know, I was thinking the other day there are some things so bad no one should have to endure them them. Like prune-fried rice. Aunt Nona from Swuagobwag may like it - but she eats spiders. Another thing no one should be exposed to is racism.
remember to spay or neuter your nigger. its important.
a society in which the real cause cant be named, the real trouble not identified, the real solution off the table yet at the same time we endlessly told to vote to debate to talk, dialogue etc how would this not drive any people insane?
somewhere a village of blue whales is missing its anorexic idiot #OurHeather
you ever just like you're sitting there and THOUGHT pops up, the way ear wax sometimes just falls out. gotta be pretty fucking abstract to get ELEPHANTS and HUMANS into the same category (mammals, nigger). just how on the up and up was this linnaeus. we know he's swedish. that alone raises questions. all i say is that's some ballsy lumping
are fat people jolly? or constipated with smoldering resentments?
#HeyerSidewalkFund We're asking you to pledge a dollar for every pound poor Heather weighed (228).  We will use the money to draft plans to present to the Charlotteville Communist Council for sidewalk enwidening, so that justice-fired large gals have a place to bleat and beat feet in safety, without needing to use the carspace (road).
people are made of atoms but wtf are atoms? they are the classic 'disintegrates upon inspection' people are spirits, like motifs or gay little themes in music. and if you could hear them all at the same time it would be STILL not as bad as bela barthok (this, fans of teknik will call the alt-WELLINGTON)
the root of the problem is and probably has always been  CHINESE LIZARDS we were just too blind to see it.
nigger tries to steal plane to go to rap concert; fails white man steals plane, does barrel roll; succeeds
" And the world is going to have to live with the consequences of Rich’s generation of white men coming to a sudden realization that it is better to die as Icarus than live as a servant in a hell run by baby-murdering, child-raping kikes intent on wiping their race out of existence. "
this is just a society falling apart
"  At one point he joking asked: 'Hey do you think if I land this successfully Alaska will give me a job as a pilot?' A controller, trying to keep him on side, replied: 'You know, I think they would give you a job doing anything if you could pull this off', to which Rich said: 'Yeah right! Nah, I’m a white guy.'  "
Trumpie workin hard for dem coons. "Dance with the one that brung you." is a solid adage.
now we survived...but after that i never let Jesus take the wheel again
so i let him drive, next thing i know his hand is on my knee and he's all parablizing about a "faith pass." now i'm not saying we hadnt been drinking, but before i can matriculate the night down the field the speedometer starts moving rightward like a hooked marlin. it's already after midnight and He's going to blind pass UP A HILL at 90fMPH!
we've come to a pretty pass when not even supplicating the jews with your hidden dildo trick will guarantee safe internet passage #GapinGalvin
i truly wonder if the actual number of mennonites / amish is recorded accurately
i also saw for first time a BLACK (i kid you not) with the mennonites (one group, they are legion), same headgear. and one menno that was near microcephaly. and whites who will pay 20 or 40 an hour to rent golf carts or ATVs because they are so fat they cant or wont walk around in hot sun and lose some weight
great white people i saw today at Rutledge tiny tot hopping around, blonde blue eyed, gave me a giant smile! perfectly turned out 15yo (estimate) mennonite girl. the controlled dress just emphasizing the incredible beauty she's becoming older blonde with nice deep tan, light blue eyes and giant tits!  there may have been men there too i didnt notice
progressivism is simply messianic christianity with heaven relocated to earth in some glorious future after you renegade yesterfuckers give up your hateful pedophobia etc without end. awomen.
the white cause is for people who value our raciality.  it's not us telling catholics to stop worshiping niggers and outbreeding with mexicans it's them and the rest preventing US from legally exercising our free association if they want FONDUE OUT BRO, that's their business why wont they let us neo-BE-IN ie WHITE-IN
copy what works off the existing platforms - and what makes this one different is it's WHITE. it's operated by WHITES for their people alone. you could let others use it, as long as they werent criminals, but no one would be allowed to run the thing who wasnt down with the basic idea. and thus create virtual enthosed state ONLINE - so our people SEE possibilities
imagine you had someone like Kevin MacDonald deciding how to use 10,000,000$ the first year to help the perservation and strengthening of the race. so he puts out 500k to some people to develop a K-12 racial curriculum that can be used by all white parents in any land and next year the amount to divide up is 15m or 20m and growing
in Missouri there's like a 1/4 % conservation tax would you pay a 1% White conservation tax to a utility that would host your website, let you do paypal functions, trade with other people like amazon or ebay.  there has to be a way to do something like this. we have a huge community of people. the money spun off by a white conservation tax,
this is the problem: you start trying to do one thing - and you end up killing yourself trying to do everything - because you have to. yet you're not qualified except in one or two areas. this is truly a collective task. we need trusted elders. to outline needs. then put together a rollout plan. then people can invest and use. and the trading platform is dynamo
have a platform. a white fee that generates money from trading/use without effort - no endless fucking begging. that kills people psychologically when they need to be focused on their task - developing the platform, writing news, putting together a white curriculum. have a White Council of Elders - have them tasked with distributing a portion
think this out people conservatively HALF the country hates the fucking media, votes trump all the top FAGS are at trillion in valuation all the top colleges have tens to hundreds billions in endowmen how can there not be one ACTUALLY USEFUL all-purpose utility serving HALF THE COUNTRY. this cannot be.  it is beyond absurd.  there are a TRILLION dollars 4 some1
a host that truly wont buckle supporting free speech a trading platform. 1% White tax for founding our 'ethnostate' online (honest others can use this platform too) so we can buy or sell to each other as a community. that way no need for donations or appeals, the donation is you know 1% (or whatever) is going to fund the platform that protects & serves everybody
i was just out at Rutledge, a flea market in a pasture. whitest thing you can imagine southern rebels with flag shirts, bald, goatees etc mingling with mennonites. everybody calm, cool, happy, peaceful, getting along FUCKING UTOPIA truly uptopia. no religion brings this about, it's just white people acting naturally without external pressure
start a utility that processes payments and  hosts all the usual internet ISP abilities do something equivalent to Amazon/Ebay - i have a url for this take a small bit to fund the operation make profit people would be happy to use something white to white buying/selling mechanism  IF their money is protected we had this going - boom ccs are hacked. it WILL work
We shouldnt have to become technical wizards to state non-illegal opinions online and  transfer money. But we must. And we are literally more than half the country. We need an all-purpose NORMAL WHITE utility that anyone normal or white can use.
From where I sit, Torba and Gab has exactly the same problem I had when VNN was peaking in 2000-2005. Every single day, get up, is the site online? Kicked off so many servers it wasnt funny. How have things improved one bit? Gab is huge - and still the same exact problem. It could be kicked off from one second to the next for no reason. This is utterly aburd.
Vox Day: " Plenty of people have the resources to start a bank and a payment processor. They just have to do it. "
would one of you fucking niggers START A BANK / PAYMENT PROCESSOR already mother of fuckers
Any space left free will be dominated by the right. The judeo-left tacitly acknowledges this by its actions.
The jews and public schools have raised up a mess of narcissistic idiots, criminals, people who are too stupid even to suspect they're being lied to. These thoughts inspired by the WP comment section, which I have to wonder if be 'curated' as it violates one of my laws.
i would love to see a between-the-lines-style takedown of that WP article on Fields. i am not qualified to do it
Can you people believe how INCREDIBLY LUCKY you are to slurp air at the same time I'm alive? #NARCISSATURDAY
WP tissue of lies

August 10, 2018:

what are you reading nigger? i'm finishing dr zhivago and a shitty novel by dave barry and some kike zweibel (Lunatics) and starting bio of Warren Beatty and Orscheln circular Nothing could be worse than when there's nothing on tv, says the man of elf WRONG SIR WRONG running out of worcestershire sauce is worse
when they say "white people problems" they're tacitly admitting they cant create a society that rises above rape or be rapen this is the white cause: among ourselves, the LDC is highest. otherwise, the normal is defined by the nigger
here is an insight no on has ever properly expressed you can only get so much out of yourself you can get a MULTIPLE of that by pissing off the right people in the right way #DarkestArt #Pisspiration
80s songs just seem so much better than any other decade
the idea that people are horrible ravening wolves inwardly is so faggily overwrought. people are mostly oblivious and weak. wambaugh mic-dropped it: SCROTES "muh ahm an original sinner" and gangster too, budger!  oh you a bad un, yooze
"Did you find what you were looking for?" THE BANANAS DID NOT ELUDE ME.
I was working as a waitress in a cocktail bar. That much is true.
still remember way back in the day, 70s, getting a free volume of National Geographic's (i think it was) Peoples of the World...and as a little kid I could tell by a FINGERNAIL the creature in question was a difference species from suburban me
i thought people understood - "social justice" - a term jews use unironically is communist propaganda it just means - you own nothing, everything yours belongs to (((us))) to distribute as we see fit
Heather  was no feather Can you take me higher? asked Pearl Jam No ma'am --Odgen Nash
we need a goyim knowing dance, like, professionally choreographed one of you sandwich makers  needs to get to steppin UP (long as sandwiches are sorted)
#Blowout is like a sideways mullet but as it sounds a suicide-themed hairstyle for men.  the left side is normal; the right side is after the exploding brain matter from a self-kill shot
Jesus was a spiritual hermaphrodite, combing the wimpiness of the truecuck with the drama-queening of the girly girl. On top of these sterling qualities he didnt exist. But you keep worshipping him, li'l tugger.
got an all-white country? be a lot cooler if you did --Matt M.

August 09, 2018:

i write for the intelligent; the real special-needs crowd
#FBI is keeping an eye. I'll use that hashtag, agents, on posts that show you why someone might be tempted to say #TimeToKill is now. Look at the server stuff here at Gab today. We can't have one site that allows people to speak freely. Because rules that don't apply to coloreds or jews do apply to whites who dont like what your employers are doing to our nation.
anybody got griffin's stuff on Congo?  i'm going to use some of that recherche Alabama learning to educate the common folk here in God's country (#NEMO)
what does teach a man to fish mean when it comes to political matters? it means, if you can explain to him what jews actually are, and explain their agenda, he has the universal key to understand all junk media and library-/college-acceptable history
the brainwashing is so deep, a true Gleichshaltung has been achieved. it's hard to tell people everything they've been taught is wrong, but that's pretty much the only accurate summary
if jews "hate" the christianity they invented, surely this would have been published long ago and hyped to the moon. but no. "The only comprehensive account of Christianity’s crimes against the pagan world is Karlheinz Deschner’s ten-volume Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (Criminal History of Christianity)" =never been translated into English
Rumor: Broke Bum by Hy-Vee Living High Life #NEMO

August 08, 2018:
my blog will allow racism, but come down HAHD on pigfarmerism. yeah i'm cucking on the pigfarmer crit. Those bastards are wily and mean and they have nature's top disposal unit at their disposal. also i live very near iowa, a famous pig center, and those people are large. so, yeah, i'm reegcucking, but i'm going LARGE on the global stuff
i'm going to quote myself as a really first-rate example of my own thought you know what that article is so great just read the whole fucking thing. the world in a champagne bubble
[something i wrote years ago. this is my Kirksville Today blog, the one the German Thought Crimes Po-Hos wrote a formal letter about. Alt-fan mail to this nigger. Speaking of which...] Niggers Shoot Up McDonald’s [in fact their dirty letter cited this gempost]
wow just wow...havent been on my kirksville today blog in years... i'm restarting it will put some links here. in it looking around, crazy comments - there is so much suppressed news, people are so frustrated. i mean there hasnt been a post on the fucking blog in 5 yeasr and there are comments from last month. wtf? this is blog that german thought police sent on
The man laughs. The woman cries. Not much laughing in the glub glub itz the christ club, is there?
Why are white men and even women killing themselves? No hope. Remember: people lack imagination more than any other lack. They can't ENVISION a different future. THey think what IS is inevitable. They need a RACIAL VISION from SERIOUS US.
Let me be absolutely clear: jews and xtians must be dealt with in separate ways. Physical attacks on xtianity will not work. Just as you beat men but shame women, same with jews and xtians. Jews get whatever termites get. Xtians get race-strength based counterparts to their institutions, and watch the common people, the born Aryans, choose strong over weak.
i WISH i would go bald so i could wear toupee like Trafficant
if you're young, watch the Terrance Popp videos on youtube. i dont agree with all he says, but he has a lot of good info and stories
i really feel Sam Kinison, the only celebrity i ever wanted to meet -- and who nearly killed me in a van down by a river -- his howls of comedic anguish INSPIRE ME INSULT MORE INSULT BETTER INSULT HARDER i will surround you like tentworms and envelop you in COCOON OF HORROR (jerry cooney, the funniest thing ever said by officially licensed hominid)
i'm getting angry thinking about all the great stuff i could have read that ancestors of todays dirteating baptists DESTROYED you fucking clay-licking cretins are man-curs
Just as I said back in 2007 or 08 that we must ATTACK conservatives - so I say today we must ATTACK christians. WE must make whoever looks see that WHITE is the only TRUE OPPOSITION to the JEW SYSTEM. POLARIZE into TEAMWHITE and TEAMJEW we are doing that, but make it always STRONGER CLEARER HARDER
As would be predicted-expected by our theory about jews running things and their genocidally anti-white agenda, jews  - invent crimes committed by whites-xtians and - suppress knowledge of crimes committed by  whiteskin christians against Europeans BOOM GOES THE DYNAMITE CRISTIANITY IS ANTIWHITE
so notice you hear from jews endlessly that xtianity is anti-jew, but you dont hear AT ALL that christianity is anti-white (anti-European), as this book and review show so you who say xtianity is pro-white again take javelin of fact up yr hapless ass
Traficant means raccoon in Italian. few know that. i like to share my advanced knowledge with the underbooked.
some, like barrack obama, say the muslim call to prayer is the most beautiful sound in the world.  others say it's a raccoon sneezing what say you?
i come on the internet to be a Man. so yall shrews get to steppin. in my outdoors life, when i am not sashaying gaily over the plain (lie - missouri has lovely hills, unlike unlovely flatnasty failed cornhole state of illinois that MY GR8 ANCESTOR tried 2 save) i deal 99% with women and xtians. i am polite, honest, reasonably clean & helpful. a reglar GOYSCOUT.
so what's happening is the coastal (cuz it's in dc big 25 years ago) bummage has jaded the population, the third-worlding of which has exerted a certain downward pressure on the eleemosynary impulse. so they light out for new territory. SALT LAKE CITY - free salt and sucker mormons! and intrepid few (go east, broke man) find smalltown in God's country. BING!
can anyone get me those deschner books? i've never heard of or seen them anywhere??
This. Fucking. Country.
oh wait i left out he's sitting there with BROKE sign. making 3 figs a day donations in a lower-middle class economic area #LOL
OMG  i. cant. even. you remember me bitching about the lil taste of LA, SLC we get here in #NEMO kvil town of 17k.  guy sitting daily at major intersection, appears able bodied, up and down streets full of workers needed... apparently he's a drunk. making 100-200 day in donations. and eating at mission (for free lol) as mencken said, God is a low comedian
Christianity is jewish garbage for whiteskin simpletons, criminals and cowards.  Christianity is anti-White, always has been, cannot be otherwise.
So xtianity destroyed classical traditions. Not that you'll hear any right-wing idiot young-fogey 'traditionalist' ever mention that.
" Celsus observed that “slaves, women and little children” and “the foolish, dishonorable and stupid” were those most receptive to the Christian message, which is not surprising in light of the Christians’ contempt for the wise, the strong, and the honorable. " So it is today.
" . have been obliterated just like smoke.” He gloated that the writings “of the Greeks have all perished and are obliterated.” “Where is Plato? Nowhere! Where is Paul? In the mouths of all!”
" John Chrysostom delighted in the decline of paganism: “The tradition of the forefathers has been destroyed, the deep rooted custom has been torn out, the tyranny of joy [and] the accursed festivals . . [contd]
Christianity is anti-White.
Let the Christ-lie die with you. #TeamWhite
" That the Church preserved a fraction of the total body of Classical manuscripts and art does not change the fact that Christianity’s triumph was made possible in large part by the destruction of paganism. "
" much more was destroyed than was preserved" christianity - a jewish production
Notice the parallel to jews This is not to say that the Church didn’t also preserve things: it did. But the story of Christianity’s good works in this period has been told again and again; such books proliferate in libraries and bookshops. The history and the sufferings of those whom Christianity defeated have not been. This book concentrates on them.
" The only comprehensive account of Christianity’s crimes against the pagan world is Karlheinz Deschner’s ten-volume Kriminalgeschichte des Christentums (Criminal History of Christianity), which has never been translated into English. " just like Solzhenitsyn's 200 years and you say christianity is anti-jew "you fool man, you fool"
wits of nit rons of mo gather together to play in the snow --Odgen Nash
" My oldest son was born in the last year of Generation Zyklon, by that definition. He likes to point at people sideways and tell them they aren't cool. "
Gary Wee Herman was the angrier, lesser known brother of Pee. #TheLessYouKnow
what is the difference between a the pope (not grammar error i meant to do that (cit P. Wee Herman) and a drag queen reading tots books and lying that biology doesn't exist?
if you were king of Jew Council, how would you act? if your goal were to destroy whites so your people could rule forever? think like that, their agenda is is spottable and p-r-e-dictable why don't we have a White Council - a Scanhedrin?
whites have to SEE (because people are without IMAGINATION even more than brains, will or knowledge) the alternative we dont want the christian mentality we dont need an alternative the christian-jewish Christ-lie we need an alternative spirit - akin to what we saw in pageantry of the living Germans Not weakness and meekness but strength and laughter.
What you can do to help your race - prepare a short and full bibliography of unjewed literature suitable for the enjoyment and education of white children #TeamWhite
i love these illustrations that affect to show 'traditional european dress.' like zimjka grinkovich togs up like a Faberge egg before going out to hoe the rutebagas and wink at the donkey most of that shit is completely concocted, like the scottish manskirt and the german dress
all this crap, yes online too, flows from yielding the paper right of free association without bloodshed. the j-gov now claims the right to force or deny association per its whims and political agenda.

August 07, 2018:
notice alt-right has disappeared, claimed now only by redskin vox day white nationalism is the correct name for the thing
My response then: What an elitist and a drama king!  My response now: Sorko really called the whole imminent-rise-of-white-nationalism thing, and we should have listened to him.
to the elite jews writing your tv shows, hitler = tucker = alex jones = klan = maltese = normal rockwell.
“From time to time I’ll read some of the comments under stories … to get a sense of what it must be like at a Klan meeting.” —Aaron Sorkin, The Atlantic Wire, May 18, 2011
and if you asked this cunt if jeong (sp?) comment were hatre - ONOES THATS TOTERS DIFFS
" we should not treat information provided by proven liars and racists with the same credulity we treat information given to us by organizations and individuals with trustworthy track records for accuracy and fairness. " --Kate "Kommissar" Knibbs
“Sorkin is clearly terrified of the internet and the floodgate it opens for non-white-male voices to be heard and taken seriously, and he truly, laughably believes that we’d be better off without it,” Emily Yoshida wrote for The Verge.
" Four of the 10 largest wildfires in California history have occurred in the the past five years,"...
#fires - wildfires or willedfires?
finally they come out with names. 3 whites, a black-style home invasion
he only gets to see them every other week as part of the custody agreement. 2 points: Children actually need fathers MORE than mothers. Not less. Not equal. More. Men are better than women at guiding children, just as they are better than women at everything else.
This is what marriage is these day - per the laws put in place by jews to destroy white families: One follower asked bluntly why Meyer and Palin had divorced, to which he said: 'She wasn't happy with me so it's for the best.'  When asked if he would one day remarry, Meyer said bluntly: 'Hell no.' [Fickle, myopic women legally empowered 2 disintegrate family on whim
And i might say snidely, of course it's a bridge too far to expect a Daily Mail 'writer' to apply 'despite' correctly. Despite saying he had 'nothing to hide', Cheney said he had already let police search his home and land. 
Disgusting display of pigfarmerism per this Tibbets gal:
if one student at a college has a fed-backed loan, then the entire school has to comply with the zog regulations. but these trillion-dollar social media behemoths are "private" - the mere fact they're using the DARPA (fed - DOD)-developed internet ought to mean the first amendment comes with the territory. i dont see how common carrier doesnt apply.
atlanta (crime) thread already 14 pages

August 06, 2018:

Apparently, white people believe they can “catch the black” by swimming in the same water with black people because they have become very protective of their pools. Black people in a blue blue pool is every bit as viscerally disgusting as black black cat turds in beige beige litter.
aficionados will appreciate the half-Wellington above
God was on the side of the South. The South lost. Even one or two out of 500 Boers might realize you cant exactly explain the outcome by saying "we turned away from God." You gave God your full support. Southies. And...He's Not That Into You. #LOLSOUTH
if you say god's on our side and you lose, then how can you complain about the victorious north coming to throw moral hectoring on your pyre. you invited it. they 'god' better than you, they won, they're entitled to tutor you. play stupid games win stupid prizes.
if you say God's on our side. and you lose. then. if you're a serious man. you've clowned yourself big floppy shoe up the ass style. the South can only resolve this conundrum with limp mutterings. the dirt-eatin' dopes done d'ohed demselves. whereas if you leave the imaginary big brothers out of it, if you lose, you just say, we lost. with no greater meaning.
" Last year, White Allies took home the title in the first sanctioned competition. " Notice the parallel to women instinctively despising men who worship them.
no mention of all the people beaten up at trump rallies.
Live To Cuck * Cuck to Live Christian-Davidson, an American Tradition
if you think you can shame christians for their cucking you dont get it cucking is their ideal
show me what the slovenliest sad-sackest neo-nazi has ever done that approaches in cringe value what whiteskin christian elected politicians do daily to show their subservience to israel
what are women up to these day?
look at this commitment
Trump: "Groups the media hate: WHITE PEOPLE. honest people. WHITE PEOPLE. sexually normal people. WHITE PEOPLE. Citizen Americans. WHITE PEOPLE. "
Trump should say the media is indeed the enemy of WHITE people. and just keep hitting that.
i guess we incited young men to peace when we told them not to fall for the jew WMD bullshit - which WN alone said was a jew warmongering Bie Lie
the bottom line: they will-might-could-wont-??? fudge incitement charge for the WN leader; they will ignore overt, public, videotaped, textbook-legal incitement by a member of a protected class (black 'victim' father at ferguson).  that's realpolitik.
the jew scheme really depends on conflating, confusing, reassigning blame, guilt, responsibility, etc. you're "linked" to this. you're associated with that. you're "inciting" the other (whom you never even met). it's all bs. and shoot-the-messenger: "you're the bad guy because you mentioned the taboo thing."
i dont agree the kids should be taken away or the parents punished.
"reality is what doesn't go away when we stop believing in it"  jesus fails this test. diseases pass it.
They had not heard about Gab, so I explained to them it's the free speech Twitter alternative. But they had some of my gabs on paper. So they must have been given printouts.  But I did stand behind #TimeToKill because I do believe I and you and anyone white and screwed IS justied in killing oppressors. And like I tell you, I think before I type, and I stick to it after.
I explained to them that it is the social-racial circumstances created by their employer (fedgov) that is 'inciting' White violence, as increasing numbers of white men with no hope and willing to take desperate, rational measures since the peaceful democratic channels are not allowed to work (family court, elections, etc).
Just for the record:  The FBI in the form of two young white men came by to talk to me today. #TimeToKill. What's up with that? They think it's on the line. I explained to them that the facts alone about what is going on in this (((world))) are enough to get whites to kill their oppressors. I discussed Breivik, Miller, Mair, #HeroDylanRoof.
Local media has Rahms back by focusing on the 7 arrests at Lollapalooza ReplyNew Comment 8 - 666 +
Christianity values the individual?  It values SHIT individuals and MORALLY EMPOWERS them to destroy VALUABLE individuals by forbidding as immoral the genocidal species battles nature engages continually. Christianity = lay down your weapons, white man. Give up. Blend with the inferior and destructive element. It's what Jesus wants.
does it make more sense to treat nigger as individuals or a species of wild animal? you know the answer your church says that's immoral why is christianity at war with functional eyes, common sense, logical thinking and effective action?
we need nigger abatement districts...since ethnostate is such a stupid and needlessly confusing term
insensitive is only an argument when it come to dick snipping
combine the Family Fun with Helpful Teaching - there are always more vermin around than we can see...not all of them have 6 feet!...but we can defeat them using our brain
A fun and wholesome alternative to jewish television is Insect Bowling you take a glass pie plate, fill it with water and a couple drops of detergent. set in on the floor somewhere it wont be stepped on the next morning, you and the kids can lay on your bellies and examine the various six-footers you've collected #NewHeloise
Judeo-feminism is an attack on the white race. it disestablishes the man as head of the basic unit (the family, not the indivudal), and replaces him with the female in order to destroy the family and weaken ALL of its members. feminism hurts women just as much as it hurts men - and not as much as it hurts WHITE children.  #TeamWhite
i love people like this, i wish there were more of them
shooting at "peace in the city" rally. color me nogshocked
gun control works great for the bodyguarded class...for the rest of us there's shooting back-slash-nigger control
all money does is make the nigger niggerier
I blow my nose on your moggie.
Look at all these families and men destroyed by family courts. Gee, you'd think there'd be a lot of country music about that? Like, corresponding to angry white men movements that pushed Gingrich and Trump? But there's not. It's all Queef Suburban, Ah Drank Her Bayuthwater as far as the 'guy' can see. How do we explain this Dog That Didnt Bark?
Culture is downstream from politics too. Cities destroyed via anti-white policies. Jews promoting one kind of alleged music over another. Only one point of view allowed on 'public' airwaves. Only one racial-sexual-etc position promoted thru public schools.
The boolagong is a low-slung, crepuscular animal, only visible to virgins and those with pure hearts. There is only one known instance of its being captured on film.  #NEMO
Knowledge of the the jew and its agenda is the grand unified theory of social relations. Except it's not dream, it actually works. Knowledge of the jew and its agenda is the skeleton key that unlocks all doors. The jew is the WHY you seek.
saying that humans are naturally religious is exactly parallel to saying that capitalism = miners working 16 hours underground for slave wages
the duluth background is good.
they write laws against you, take money from you, and reduce your life-scope and prospects - while accusing you of privilege and imaginary crimes they're actually committing themselves. this is the west for decades now we cut the knot by killing the kikes
all verbal efforts should put white men on the defensive, that the attack may proceed White men should think incisively: we must kill the jews who are directing all this. The rest of the groups have no private power, no coordination, no brains - without jews directing them and given them access to mass institutions and media.
is Mike Pence a man? is Jeff Sessions a man? is root beer beer?
a penis is one part of a man but a womb is the entire woman true, they technically have sandwich fetchers and ears for man-instructions, but i think you get the point
The jews are the problem. Exterminating them is the solution. (((Christianity))) is the impediment to grasping/executing this. That's it. Game over intellectually.  NEXT
eyeliner is not supposed to imprison the eye do you even makeup sis "halfway for full effect" --Ricky Nistro, eyeliner expert to the C-list

August 05, 2018:

some interesting stuff about abu ghraib
christianity is all about love love is the christian term for febreeze it will make the smell of cowardice, laziness, mind-hating and excessive conformity go away. the smell. not the vices themselves. christ is a sci-fi character created by Stan Lee but his curs are all too real (((CHRISTIANITY))) IS ANTI-WHITE. #TeamWhite
it is a fucking beautiful thing to see, wherever you go on shittube you find kike-knowers dominating the scene
melania's just another gold-digging whore
harry cant you see you're marrying a nigger?? harry: that's the point
classic anglo is what harry's doing: posture. above all, my son POSTURE AT ALL COSTS this is the original version of PERCEPTION IS REALITY which is truth to idiots
still, the white side of markle's dont understand how to act. what you do is  say: the prince will learn in time what we know today, and that's my last comment on it. they just seem needy now. if they had insight, they wouldnt be involved with a nigger in the first place.
one day the ashy cunt is going to spit out a li'l develcro w cross eyes, then even redbeard the dim might have a thought
the kikes conditioned goyim to believe that anything other than chasing money is "obsession" - like art, religious impulse, or political ideal you're willing to kill for. kikes are trying to make themselves the only men on the planet.

August 04, 2018:

OTTUMWA, Ia.  — A day after police in Ottumwa engaged in a deadly shootout that left one man dead and another seriously injured, authorities have not released the names of the suspects or officers involved.
always remember: niggers are a bunch of spear-chucking faggots
" Housing has gotten so god damn expensive here in the past 10 years that $500,000 in Denver proper would likely buy you an 875-square foot project with an outhouse and a 50/50 chance of getting shivved on your way to the front door. "
" The Bible seems to me the chaotic literature of a barbaric tribe and characterized by morally unpleasant stories. " --Fred Reed
remember that white kid with video game background tried same thing...and succeeded. hopped around the NW or alaska borrowing cabins until nabbed. nigras only see exteriors. anything past that is keeping it unreal
"Are we sure" -- this fucking style of journalism is so faggoty and so needs ending. Fucking campfire girls/Koolaid Cult mentality.
Whites commit hate crimes because they're evil. Niggers commit misdemeanors that racist circumstances turn into gone-wrongs.
enemies see that what white subsets have in common is much greater than what separates them so when someone says White Nationalism is a category error, it's like saying 'Germany' is a category error. all the different groupings are valid, race is one of them. the difference between German, French, English kinda like totally fades when next 'man' up is Somali
it would really be nice if we could log in via our Gab account to make comments on outside sources, such as Ottumwa Courier my ability to fuck with liars/women called journalists is impaired by lack of this capability. of course, i'm sure this is not in Gab's hands.
look at this. big ottumwa shooting - this is the report you get a day later. virtually no information about the criminals. we've become accustomed to state journalism

August 03, 2018:

Will you sign my online petition to rename the New World. Scholars have authenticated this quote from the journals of Amerigo Vespucci re blacks: "Though often strong of limb, they are rarely strong of mind." Americas? Fuk dat shit. President Trump, We the undersigned seek redress and rename: United States of Earth-Colored Kangz
the socialist takes one particular low point and says that defines capitalism. but socialism has no high points. just tree bark soup and toilet paper lines as far as the eye can see.  men aren't just individuals, nor are they fungible worker bees in a hive.
that marily monroe quote, which i wonder is veracious, fits socialists on capitalism your socialist high point is beneath their lowest dont tell me otherwise, i've been in east germany and breathed their shit air
all right, folks, i'm taking a turn. life's about changes - nothing ever stays the same. [cit.-Loveless]  my next 1000 posts are going to be artistic photos of shadows cast by antique wooden rocking chairs. i know you're going to enjoy (and benefit) from these as much as the models themselves. and remember, per fine xtian Lewis: WHY IS THE DEVIL'S QUESTION
you know why amish women are psychologically healthy? because they never have to wonder what they're going to wear.
you're not a real German-descended bauer-woman unless you can crush insects between your fingers. i'm not half the woman my grandmother was, but i can do it, if my teeth are gritted faggily
we have established a perimeter! the morons are in the maize, but soon our chopper will spot them, our hounds flush them, and we will have a good old fashioned ozzie rabbit beatdown.
cops name is Diekneide. now that's echt germanical IOWA
the amish dont take anti-depressants, so why arent they all depressed?
You have no reason not to believe the universe wasn't set up specifically to vex you and thwart your legally questionable desires. Why not? It's as valid as any other theory. That being so, why be unhappy? If you make any progress at all, you're getting over on the Grand Designer. Sashay and nibble the air for glory, you should.
Denis Leary said it right: the universe is not a perpetual orgasm machine bent on making you happy. Happiness is a small thing. An orgasm. A chocolate chip cookie. Hicks coming up with a new bit.
We've allowed jews to do to our women what we (and they) have done with niggers: tell them they're equal to white men - creating pain and confusion because they can't figure out they're not.
Say what you like about Amish and Mennonites, those fuckers breed. That's even a reason I go up there, I like seeing them on their horses, in their carriages, women in aprons walking around. I've never seen an unhappy Amish woman.
Charlie Bucket, one of my personal heroes, was a #Fingerist. He took responsibility for his behavior.
being an adult is a burden; being a racialist white nationalist is a double burden. but we bear it because...blah blah blah nietzsche and that fag beloved painting by kasper and promontory overlook i think an appeal of niggers to whites is they have the joie de vivre we lost when we turned nine, ie grew up into true human adults. which they cant.
the wellington insult is an advanced technique. it's delicious when done right. but hard to do right. hence advanced nigger! so you seem to be creating a nice pastry insult of one group, which certainly deserves it -- when you self-interrupt to throw out a seemingly uncalculated insult of a second group - your real target.  truly beautiful effect. #ART
are we living our best racial life? fuck this "can't say that" age i want #3018 to know NOT ALL WHITES WERE LIKE THAT -- just the anglo-celtics  i'd rather be a literal nigger than hold lamb-lying-down-with-a-lion as an ideal. you people are sick fucks. i can sell my philo without perfume or tits. you cant.
if you were a nigger, would you want to be white? our race is living wrong
niggers are absurd and ridiculous. they dont smell good either. white people are undeniably ten percent better.
i love hot weather. it brings my inner nigger to the surface. what did that nigger say: if you were a mississippi nigger for even one saturday night you wouldnt want to be anything else. and that is what you fucking safe sex faggot as christian pansy liberals will never understand. no one admires you. no one wants to be you.
fuck those boer niggers. if they wont fight, let them die from a racial POV, which should be our concern, why cant South African white slums be the breeding grounds for the Globo-Hitler? eventually one of those towheads, dopey as they generally are, is going to lift his head and say WTF IS GOING ON HERE?
do you need some CUSTOM TARPS? i can hook you up. there's a guy named YODER near the MO-IA border. first i thought it said CUSTOM TARDS cuz you know inbreeding (yoder is famous amish name) but that was me seeing the world the way my AESTHETIC SENSE demands it be rather than the way it is. like when your church/democracy say niggers are our equals
i would be very surprised if the average age of all the phyllises in alleged north america was under 65. maybe even 75.
besides an anorexic i did espy a female named phyllis, who was no more than 30.  i didnt think any women have been named phyllis since the 1970s. can you think of one phyllis in the penumbra of your diurnal emanations?
i know a lot of you faggots cant read, so maybe next time i go to iowa, i will take some photographs.  #SITEGEIST -- a cool concept i never made the use i intended of. spirit of a place. since we cant be everywhere. we can mcluhanatically extend our eyes thru the all seeing digital camera
Jesus let the thot off the hook.  Catholicism is liberalism.
if one person is as good as another, then yes, the dealth penalty makes no sense. how DARE you make value distinctions between hominids? that's the logic and it is logical
The believe that all hominids who can sustain bodily (not penisial) erection for eight seconds are soul-equal is the deepest and sickest form of egalitarianism.
#Fingerism supports the death penalty. A society without a death penalty is sick beyond saving see Sweden.
youre not going to believe it but the most horrifying female i saw in iowa today was NOT obese. not fat. not even normal. she was near or just plain anorexic. soo disgusting. there's a lot to be said against chubbies but 100x better chubby than psychothin. ANOREXY AINT SEXY. more reports as events warrant from hell's practice field, #IOWA
real takeaway here is England has the shit tiny colorless bitterflies it deserves. contrast with the glorious swallowtails, monarchs and glorious airdancing BETTERflies we have in God's country, #NEMO
Bol Hanger Madit #RIP
what are the africans jews let into your country/australia up to?
#Fingerism approves this man's taking responsibility and urging his own execution, even if belated.
" I have lived in Spain 35 years and this is the first year I have really felt unwelcome in Barcelona,this is all part of their plan to become independent ,they say they don't want tourist but 4000 companies have left since last October they need the income believe me as they will never get independence ..go to Galicia or Asturias lovely places and great people."
God created niggers? That's what the christ lunatics tell me.
four muzzrags make good
what is up with these whores?
there are niggers in ottumwa, iowa, plenty of them.  the media don't report how many of these armed house invasions there are, particularly around dallas and i've also heard around atlanta were these niggers in ottumwa? i'd say 50% chance. reporter doesn't mention race in first story
so i was in ottumwa today. were there cop cars screaming into ott for hours from all directions?  THERE WERE was there an "active shooter" situation? THERE WAS
iowa state motto: 5'2" 230? CHALLENGE ACCEPTED
btw, go look up socialization among homeschoolers vs public schoolers. nea cant argue spending, test scores OR socialization (their fallback claim) - they lose on all three. kids pick up bad habits from peers; they dont from an array of ages and stations they get with homeschooling
govt mostly creates colonies of defective people that wouldnt otherwise exist. or it finds native defectives and pays them for their performance. it sets up a 'school' system that misinforms people what govt is about, and tells them its only failure is it's not doing enough. govt is criminals using losers to enrich themselves.

August 02, 2018:

nigger culture
even the scum were well dressed back then
buried this deep at Daily Mail
chutzpah drizzled over gaslighting - well dont NYT The Times said Jeong had written the tweets in response to harassment she received online, deciding to imitate the 'rhetoric of her harassers'
Scott told police he thought piloting the plane would involve little more than pushing buttons and pulling levers
There's the West, which is America, and humid shit, which is the rest.
Pershing...another great man from the #NEMO.
There are nearly enough cretins on Gab to make a parrish in Louisiana! Nice work, Torba!
prole halfwits always imagine themselves at hitler's right hand, wearing some jaunty black jodpurs with a Hugo Boss man-whip instead of a grunt shrieked out of bed at 4am to work on the Great Aryan Highway Encircling the North Pole
in what world is any public school teacher underpaid? if you had a list of 1000 of the Biggest Lies ever circulated that myth would surely be in the top ten
who do the (((media))) never celebrate? the people who do the ACTUAL WORK that makes our society what it is, to the extent it's worthwhile we wooden have no roads iffn not fer th staate all the state does is broker contracts, it's private companies, sometimes not even owned by relatives of the contract awarders
did it ever occur to you mental children that the wunnerful teachers and cops and firedicks are just as bogus idols as the niggers those same lying cunts (jurinalists) tell you to worship?
no one's forced to buy (or use) drugs everyone's forced to pay for the services of 'drug warriors' (blue niggers)
if you're going to say that people using drugs affects outsiders, you can hardly then turn around and say religion is a private matter baptism has much larger negative externalities than any drug trade
at some point, you got to blame the white nigger who sticks the opioid in his mouth. don't you?
if you have 1 race in a society you can have small govt you can have women at home (they are basically artery cholesterol in public sphere) the man can afford to marry and raise family with woman at home because not working 50% for greedy state, and family/marriage law isn't messed up basically what we had before USA got jewed in first half 20th century
my point is, in all white communities, any serious criminal element sticks out, can be done away with. not catched and released, which is what The System actually does.  it's all like the drug war: it ehances the income and power of the state at the expense of the people the state is allegedly and ostensibly serving but the state is self-service from top to bottom
crime is a scam. people who force niggers among you aka the criminal element and then ask for money to prevent crime there's a word for these folks: extortionists
instead of taxes to support blue niggers, you have people actually play a part in ad hoc committees to destroy bad seeds as they arise because that's your "crime" problem. the rest is small potatoes
how many professional criminals do you, personally, know? not someone who stole a Snickers bar but PROFESSIONAL CRIMINAL? do you know even one? i dont. i bet you dont either.
cop default is everybody is going to shoot them so best shoot first publicity: "to protect and serve" reality: "better to be judged by 12 than carried by 6" or: "all i know is i'm going home end of shift"
is jesus still jammed up by The Man?  i need updates

August 01, 2018:
you fags should REED CLASS (Fussell, 80s), it tied together so much faggotry i observed in my youth (pre-mass-internet)
we dont live on grass-covered landfill we reside in FoxGlenn Meadowes #KenyanStyle
There are probably only a few million 'people' in the US who think like this. This is thought to be the first recorded time people have developed rat lungworm from centipedes, with the parasite more commonly being associated with uncooked slugs, snails and frogs, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Much of the most productive land in South Africa is still owned by white people OH IT THE LAND THAT PRODUCTIVE, NOT THE WHITE MAN
it's called tough love
they ejaculate all over themselves to throw the book at white men #TimeToKill
danueal? made 'em skoo--ee-el. i gues.
the colored man can destroy the white man before the White man can civilize the colored man #TeamWhite
"white man's burden" to civilize coloreds?  who put this burden on us? is it possible to civilized coloreds by any method? in fact, it is not
look at how all our time and psychic energy is taken up with  the concerns of jews and the coloreds they inflict on us the White Cause is about  eliminating that so we can focus on ourselves Our Kind #TeamWhite
no physical pressure will eliminate christianity, it's not like jewism. it will be superseded by a racial doctrine of strength. this is what was beginning to happen in Hitler's Germany - and notice how the church reacted. by denouncing the racial doctrine and overtly and covertly help jew/communists. no matter they murdered 60m xtian whites in russia
Christianity is a competitor with our racial cause. What is its selling point? In this world, it is support for families. The heart of which is sexual self-control. Take that (which the cult is now abandoning), the cult has nothing but lies about an imaginary afterlife. #TeamWhite
The constant linking of christian and civilized is propaganda. El Salvador and Guatemala are christian. Are they civilized? Even pro-Whites keep letting this cult take credit for our racial achievements. Civilization = Whites. Not christians. Christianity undermines civilization by rejecting racial distinctions.
Christians won't listen to reason because they like their cult for emotional reasons. The price of refusing to look at the thing objectively is going down with the ship, South African style.
Reminder to dolts: Christianity is the subversion.
once i read a 2-3-page paper by a high IQ woman. it was entirely cliches, stitched together like one of those old beer-label hats. i have noticed women express pleasure as they try to think of what they mean and hit on a cliche. another term for cliche is 'accepted way of saying things.' known and recognized socially. this mentality is why few women = artists.

July 31, 2018:

gordito supremacists

July 30, 2018:

I'm just here on behalf of Todd. We're all about YOU. And maximizing YOUR hominid potential.  #JesusIsBack #AndAlreadyLockedUp
the ability to teleport inanity was one of the greatest achievements of the 20th century
i'm not only the only one who CORRECTLY PREDICTED Gab as Return-Me Jesus' social media landing point I'm the only motherfucker who even CONSIDERED the question i am so far ahead of you niggers its like i'm in alternative galaxy #UnhumbleBrag
i love those old tvs you could hit till they acted right. flat screens are "better"  yeah you keep telling yourself that back when men had real human relations with their tvs, it was more natural. men and tvs both knew their roles
as Jesus pro-tem, know dis, going to be some changes around here. girl in third row (cant hear too soft). me: do i like coming back? well i got to be honest - no. (pause). No. ... Next question (points at CNN faggot) CNN faggot: blah blah blah gay marriage? Mesus: yes people named gary can marry. i dont-- am i missing something? oh GAY. what? no. no that shit is over.
ok as a new jesus follower i have already had my first REVELATION todd-jesus has deputed me to speak for him and er lead the flock as it were while he is taking nonbeliever-enforced timeout in the  Greenville Serenity Clinic so just, you know, either quietly touch my garment (preferred method) and heal your simplexes/cataracts/catarrhs or obtrude your ?s
it really is true: culture is the shit YOU DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT
the South has shown, not told, me what is wrong with the north. and that is very valuable service. really helped me pinpoint it, what is wrong with northern psychology and culture
on a less unsober note, if you dont have a sure sense of yourself, i call it wryness, and you go to the Evil side (all of us, per them) and you get into public media stuff, you can easily come to believe you are Important Because (((Quoted))). wrong. but a real psychological danger. and if you have billwhite or toddJESUSkincannon tendencies then > prisn/deaddogs
" Kincannon has branded himself as the “Honey Badger of American Politics,” drawing considerable attention for his over-the-top Twitter pronouncements.  He was banned by the social media platform, however, and was reportedly banned earlier this year by Gab – another social media platform that bills itself as more protective of free speech than Twitter.
Kincannon was banned here. Now Torba finds out he's Jesus. That's got to hurt. Like the apple store rejection.
how come Jesus comes back and me and Microchip are the only ones happy about it? what's wrong with you people?
birth - doc sits their looking at his watch. whens golf. can i do the dick snip and make extra ks? it's lasted three minutes longer than necessary, let's do a $$$ c-section. tell the stupid woman  bs story about umbilical cord about to go full boa on her precious little (jared jacob cody drawayne) so she thinks she's getting value, has birthin' tale for dolty frens
they really are trying to create a society of obese ancephalous losers who do nothing but jerk off and watch football i think they want 3rd worlders not to lower wage rates but to up consumption rates the day will come when whites dont eat the top block of the globalist food pyramid - processed sugar. they need coloreds for that, low IQ coloreds
every single predictable event in life has been organized into a scam. birth is a gigantic scam marriage - even idiots know it's a scam death - go price some coffins and celebratory flowers
even with women being mostly idiots, i guarantee if you lifted all the barriers to entry in medicine, you would get a class of women who could do what doctors do for 1/100the price and higher quality. example: midwifery.
i would think being a doctor is a horrible, horrible job all you do is deal with obese women. a trained monkey could identify what's wrong with them and they wont change their behavior because they're losers or they're too old and you save them out their 87th year fucking horrible profession
what people need DOES NOT COME IN A BOTTLE as doctors learn
Unlike the north with its shrewish frigid women squeezing ha'pennies out of green stamps, the South is loaded with gorgeous characters, straight out of jails, psych wards, bars and churches. Large breasted women with huge limpid eyes. Lawyers with stogies and snifters in one hand, expiring medium-sized dogs in the other.  I BELIEVE YOU TODD. #Convert
OMG i forgot. So Jesus/Gamecock is into liquor, stogeys and WHORES. I love the South.  Where's that girl B, she's raucous.
Did I not ask months ago where Jesus would do his social media if he came back? And did not a meical someone CALL IT FOR GAB. This is BIG. Next to Trump joining Gab, this is huge get. A true e-celeb. (E for earth)
So Jesus/Gamecock likes liquor and cigars.
You can't prove Kincannon's not Jesus. (Actual argument used by xtians to 'prove' God's existence.)
" I’m about to get crucified in the media.  The reason I killed the dog is this, it’s real simple … I’m sorry I think y’all are going to have to take me to the Psych Institution, I get that.  But I’ll tell you from a legal standpoint, you know, it’s in the State Constitution that God is a sovereign and I honestly think he told me to do it.” " NICE
According to Ed Burke, revelation is on par with reason. Hod you know Todd Kincannon isn't Jesus? How do you know God didnt give him a sign. And tell him to kill a dog.  How do you know?
"I'm Jesus. I'm not making it up."  So that's why he blocked me. I won't say I'm not sad. But I understand. Now.
"“I’m Jesus. I’m not making it up." --Todd Kincannon wasnt ol' Toddsy aka Bill White II all about his ex taking his dog and how he stole it back? wtf is going on here?
ok this is probably the dumbest post anyone will make today (subliminal man: ever) on Gab, but where does the 3-D machine draw the atoms to print the guns? out of the ether like God?
Eliminate racism? Ok. Eliminate jews, the scamsters who created it.
what actually works re jews: killing them. all of them. extermination. no one can gainsay this solution. why dont we do it? either we dont believe jews are the real problem (the internet is rapidly changing this. or we think the solution is immoral. which is due to christianity. which is why i attack it. and point out the specific doctrine opening us to genocide
Traditionalism never made much sense and makes no sense in the age of the internet. [non-political example. ] “You have almost no time for practice, and yet offensive line coaches do the same stupid drills that have no correlation with playing offensive line,”  [equivalent is idiots saying we need "expel" jews for the 110th time.]
brecht was like the enimem of jews (brecht not a jew) well i could have more understoodily said: brecht: jews eminem: niggers
"Women can be fun, maybe. You can have fun doing the sex thing w them. That’s okay. Just don’t let that turn into the focus of your energy. Don’t let it become your purpose because everything inside you is telling you it isn’t enough. It won’t fulfill your spirit. You need a true purpose. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”
women have all the virtues of a tar pit, creeping vine and talking alarm clock. if you're trying to get anything but reproduction done, it's best to avoid them
just as with mary phagan. good white men got together, said no leo frank, guilty jew, we are not going to let you escape because your fellow jews bribed you out of justice and they did hang the shrimpy yid from a disgusted tree, which held its nose and turned its branches even as it proferred a helpful limb
once white men in bands get a taste for killing...and they see how easy it is...and how great the social benefits that flow from it...they'll scale it to the moon
so, uh, did amerigo vespucci record any comments about 'native' americans?
politics is jews babbling to other jews in the name of America. they define who "we" are to idiot us
all the peole who are continually angry and hateful for no valid reason - these the jews draw from to staff the lower tier of the media. i call them the maloccs. the malocclusives. their teeth dont fit right. do i have to explain everything? i do, dont i. can see the discoloreds and even queers, but the others arent necessarily obvious
jews always drag degenerates in with and around themselves to hide  and disguise who's calling the shots. fags. feminists. male cheerleaders. coloreds. malocclusive perverts of a thousand derangements
nixon and graham agreed the USA was going "down the drain" if we didn't break the jew "stranglehold" over the media. boy they were way off with that anti-semitic crap back in 1970, werent they!
the media are a bunch of fucking kikes. the catholics (who are legion in professional conservatism) won't tell you this because they're self-interested cowards
i'm sorry british faggots, to be redundant ASSHOLE is far > to ARSEHOLE
your time is up faggot lol
that open mouthed thing you gotta admit even the boomers never came up with anything that execrable
some good shit
i assume he dressed all in black and used a gun to hide that he was a ninja? isn't that makesense
a ninja with a silencer shot a very brawny russo-gangster
The Saka people were a branch of the Sythians - a sophisticated nomadic civilisation in central Asia stretching into Siberia. They spoke languages linked to Iranian.
very cool goldwork, scroll. credited to Saka, whom i've never heard of ("ignorance, madam, pure ignorance" -- dr johnson), whom they say are a branch of Scythians, who I think are regarded as Aryans
aren't women basically they're all the same, and they're all easily influenced by media? in most of their whines? so giving them power is something only someone bent on destruction would do, it stands to reason
lemme show ya a special cliff dive i like to call "Catfish rig" --Sgt Private Greenigger Riggs
you fat fucks need to get off Gab and get in shape. if i catch any fatties following me, i'm pulling the blubberplug
in this case, "thank you for your service" IS appropriate
these fucking idiots never learn. "With enough Bunsen burners, Jamaal is sure to prosper." the theory underlying this "help" has been tested to the stars, over centuries, and always failed. just wait 5 years
we need and IQ floor test at signup here at Gab, we're getting some scrapers
Watch some Australian movies. What a bunch of kanga-wankers.  The best part, tho, of Mad Max is young Mel and family just sitting there eating, no one around. Gives you a sense of how great Australia must even still be.
all right, i'm starting a series here. i'm going to teach all of you with tits how to be a woman, entry level (in a perfect society) 1) chest skin is meh. it just sits there being white and clean and fresh GET A BUTTERFLY TATTOO, LARGER THE BETTER everyone loves butterflies. everyone will love you - and be impressed at your self-expression and taste #WOMANING101
say you have a strict Puritan society. it will appear that women are moral, but actually they are just using the System they were born into (and completely lack imagination to conceive anything outside) for tools to shame other women. they have no true, deep understanding of the reason for the rules, they are simply instruments they fit to their bio-impulses
it's true that women face few to no legal consequences for lying but that's comparatively insignificant next to the fact they dont FEEL bad about lying. that ties into their mental shallowness and essentially childish nature. we hear how complex a sex they are, but they are not profound, just confused and pushed around by emotional winds
women feel nothing deeply. thus, even if they felt the moral ramifications of lying, it would be fleeting
a lie to a woman does not have the power it does to a man, that's why they lie so easily. they dont feel the consequences - they dont understand what they are doing, only what they think they are getting. the lie is instrumental to them, it carries little or no moral weight with them. women are essentially children, for men to pretend otherwise is severe weakness
wow, that woman's false rape allegation is really going to mess things up for...other women
Now everything had lost its glamour, nothing but civilians left, lawyers and Yids clacking their tongues day and night. Poor old Vlas and his friends thought they could bring back those golden days by toasts and speeches and good wishes! But was this the way to win back a lost love? For that you had to move mountains! (p. 258-9) //
everything had rejoiced her heart, for all that her own family were simple people who came of peasant and worker stock. And Russia too had been a marriageable girl in those days, courted by real men, men who would stand up for her, not to be compared with this rabble nowadays.
At one time, she and her sisters -- things they would think of! -- had got it into their heads to knit scarves in wool of six colors. And, believe it or not, such good knitters were they that their scarves had become famous all over the province! And everything in those days had been fine and rich and seemly -- church services and dances and people and manners --
How different it had been in her father's time! Her father had been a contractor. Sober, literate. They had lived off the fat of the land. She and her two sisters, Polia and Olia, as fine a pair of girls as you could hope to meet and as well matched as their names. And master carpenters had called on their father, every one a fine, upstanding man, and a good match.
The war had killed off the flower of Russia's manhood, now there was nothing but rotten, good-for-nothing rubbish left.
Extended quote from Pasternak (Dr Zhivago) to follow: Oh, how depressing it all was! Oh, Lord! Why had everything gone so wrong? It was so disheartening, she felt like giving up, she had no wish to live. What had caused all this misery? Was it the revolution? No, oh no! It was the war.

July 29, 2018:

religion = reality apostates
online college one of the biggest scams going. of course college itself is a scam, but that's somewhat known
when you put revelation on par with reason, you're saying i cant compete. i gotta make shit up, and eventually your society will be destroyed. most jews are atheists. most christians are idiots. that's just how it is, whether you like it not. stop elevating what you personally like over reality.
here's the answer to all existential questions that losers have  why should the world be set up in any particular way?  it shouldnt  therefore, you have no grounds for complaining about the way things are, save you have some childish, religious, unjustifiable a priori conception which of course you picked up like STD from school or church.  dont like it? suicide
politics, rightly conceived, is not there to answer existential questions, it is about garbage management

July 28, 2018:

omg they have a woman president Gabrielle Starr  i'll have to research this broad, never heard of
so their latest TruAnglo Max Lider is Oxtoby. since i was 'gently removed' (i kid you not, direct quote) from alumni mag list for mocking every issue i dont follow as closely as id like.  so, Oxtoby raised huge millions on the #DaringMinds theme. meanwhile, ACTUAL fucking students are afraid to say sky is blue.  This is Anglo and his 2-faced high-IQ idiocracy.
if there's one kind of creature i cannot stand it is the david charles alexander type. a TruAnglo, taken from jerkwater Tenneessee, some burglet where shoes and even pants are mere theory. They find a freak outlier, take it to a self-dog wash, fumigate it and harvard it, and it comes out a high-toned liberal, dispensing muh beautiful mind till end of days.
little man = yr gowin ta hell big man = makes you feel stupid. so you will cry and shut up (majority) you will reflect on your stupid ways and improve (the valuable minority)
mocking > moralizing German > anglo low-key seriousness > moralizing/figure-cutting/preening/'virtue signalling' action > words
"The vast majority of students at Pomona College say the campus climate prevents people from sharing controversial ideas for fear of offending others. A survey... found that many students at the liberal arts college in Claremont, California, do not feel comfortable expressing their political views with their professors or peers." RIP "beautiful mind"
it's been all downhill since i was there, and the Anglofags had any idea i would do what i did i never would have got in if you go to college nowadays, you are a fucking idiot who completely does NOT realize the advantage of the age he's living in
have we got any Sagehens on here? I bet we don't. #Pomona
what's the alternative to christianity? taking responsibility for your choices and behavior #Fingerism
Blame shifting is a huge part our society, and this bogus notion was introduced by jews in their fiction 'Bible' via their sci-fi superhero Jesus who 'saved' everybody's 'soul' whether they wanted it or not.
Roman motto: actions not words Hebrew motto: words are actionable
what's the nordic  sky god. boogero? let's get him going, #NEMO needs rain like donger need food
" Years ago, Wildman built a model to figure out what makes some extremist groups survive and thrive while others disintegrate. It turned out one of the most important factors is a highly charismatic leader who personally practices what he preaches.  " See? Consistency matters. You can't be a xtian and a White man, they are different and opposed things.
i wasnt racist till i encountered niggers in army public school jail i was when i came out See the pattern?
God has usurped the territory that belongs to Reality.  Reality is whatever is, whether we want to believe it or not. "That which doesn't go away when we stop believing in it," said Philip Dick, and very nicely.
One reason I support all #HeroDylannRoof s.
Email > phones Podcasts > video
wilefires are failing our nigger arsonists. or are they? i'm not sure on this one.
#FirstReponders = big faggots in my book #SpatulaGloryBoys #AdrenalGlanses
" we may not be san diego but our underfunded municipal defined benefit pension problem is every bit as debilitating as san diego's. " #OceansideProblems
At 12:18 p.m., another report came in of the person starting yet another fire on State Street. The vehicle was then seen traveling west on Gilman Springs Road to Highway 79.
Witnesses said they saw a man starting several fires in the Riverside County area, The Press-Enterprise reported. One person said the around 11:50 a.m., they saw him starting “another fire” and then traveling west on Highway 74 toward Hemet. The witness followed the white Honda on Highway 74.
it's true that some southern italians skew a little sienna-y, but they hate niggers, so they're white n all right in this social worker's book
McGlover is 32 and from Temecula. He does not appear to have a documented criminal record in Riverside County, The Press-Enterprise reported. Something set this nigger off. Maybe he had a beef with some property owner in the area, is my first-idea-responder speculation.
Toxic cunticity is totally a thing, thing of open mouth drunk-eyed Courtney Love (Aryan looks, jew genes)
as needs to be said from time to time, a lot of these priest molesters are NOT pedophiles, they are just plain faggots going after older boys or young teens the media cover for them by calling them pedophiles because, so far, they had to normalize homosexuality by making a false distinction between it and pedophiles.
" Brandon McGlover was arrested on suspicion of starting not one but multiple fires in California, including the Cranston Fire. Little is known about McGlover at this time or what his motivation was. Witnesses reported that they saw a man in his vehicle stopping and starting fires along the road. " post if you see WHY coonio did this
" He told NJ Advance Media that the school's attempts to silence him made the abuse he suffered even worse. 'They fought me every step of the way. They attacked my family. They attacked my parents and they attacked me. They sued my attorney for representing me,' Wolfe said.   " catholics are just pussy jews
your gut instinct is usually right. a grown man who wants to be a priest is some kind of a pervert
not a word about the nigger's motives. wtf kind of reporting. like they say, americans only care about how, not why
if a nigger could do this much van damage, what could a sentient, intentioned white man do?
" Lawrence Keane, general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation, a trade association for gun manufacturers, told Reuters concerns over 3-D printable guns were overblown. 'I don’t see it likely at all that criminals will use this clunky and expensive technology,' Keane said. The NSSF is not involved in the case. "
all priests are spiritual queers; probably about half are flesh queers
would you leave your child alone in a room with a catholic priest or hitler or a female public school teacher?
what the catholic cult does, when it discovers one of its priest faggots is sucking off teenagers, is move that priest to a different parrish. that's fact.
degenerate collapsing society in which 'freedom' = practice the most morbific destructive sexual acts without criticism or consequences, but can't have a second opinion about weather
some nigger in california set a fire that disrupted several thousand people then some actual white man, a nordic of all things, set a huge fire #ArsonParty
i seriously wonder if hollywood could be burned down by a few white men who made a study and carried out a plan
toxic cunticity > toxic masculinity
paglia on transgender sic
jews are a biological entity that has always acted the same way; the bible is red herrings for white curs the bible has nothing to do with our race or where it's headed the white cause is not about christianity or its west, it is about our kind of people and a future for them where they are safe and respected and able to flourish #WGTOW #DEATHTOTHEJEWS
i am descended from pre-Germans and real Swiss and even English, tho i downplay this these are groups that LIKE and are VERY GOOD AT order and this modern world offends my sense of order, which is not delicate but extremely robusty we are being UNMANNED and prevented from PROPERLY ORDERING OUR OUR OUR (not their) OUR society #TeamWhite #DeathToTheJEWS
the concerns of a race-mixed society range from ridiculous to obscene to trivial to stupid look at the papers and what the concerns are people shitting in streets terrorist acts every day someone calls cops on a protected group of macaques nothing interesting, sophisticated, elevated, important the LCD is fucking underground
very few things will make you more race conscious than reading literature indirectly as you realize a white world is capable of much higher civilizational heights that mixed garbage
i gotta LIVE in this world of people who say WESconsin and if i molest their ass with my foot I'M the bad guy fucking christ
"only the body should reveal the body" who said that. you fags  dont know because you dont read because you're too busy getting tattoos and being faggots in sundry ways tiny and blue whale sized fall is coming i hope winter kills off you insects
you know you go in public you got to be seen by other people it's not like god favored most of you wrap yourself in something non-disgusting, would you pigs and let only that emerge from your mouth which is in accord with accepted pronunciations faggots
i walked by this bitch saying WESconsin wtf wanted to strangle her i got to LIVE in this world of people who dont pronounce right and dont care assholes
people who say WESconsin are idiots clean that up assholes also illinoize? what are you moron
jews like tearing down barriers as they call it. spurious liberation. sexual and otherwise. barriers are good fences are good apartheid is good (liberals practice comment apartheid. they can't handle your truthing their Official Lies, but you're eviler than hitler because you dont want your family raped and murdered by niggers)

July 27, 2018:
sentient gray mini-corndogs ARE COMING FOR YOU
this is where our race came from, if i have it right. notice the orderliness. that's Aryan. aryans love questing -- and order
To be an actor, you have to start by being really really really fucking stupid
The Urabeños, considered Colombia's most powerful criminal organisation
"They wrote: '[Male circumcision], the most common unnecessary surgery in the world, is a major risk-factor for SIDS.' " Wow, who would have thought chopping of the end of your dick could have negative consequences?
cot death = SIDS
in an earlier tweest i misidentified mexcrement as niggers. i would like to apologize to both races
you can step up to the counter. that's one thing. but if you step to the counter, you best check y'self
more world-class innovation from Missouri (altho not #NEMO)
quality nigging
women hate other women because they are in stiff competition for the ten percent of men who aren't women-with-dicks
women hate women so much they cant even listen to them sing. industry pro says if more than 15% of songs are from female larynxes, women tune out hissogny you remember the classic definition of misogyny: a man who hates women as much women hate each other yet women hang out with other other women 90% of time - proving how two faced they are. of course, its biology
trannies are worse than homos in a way, in that now every time you look at a woman you have to wonder if its a man. and since men are better than women at everything, men pretending to be women are going to pull off a pretty good charade this is what happens when you allow jews to live. thanks, catholic church and your 1500-year-old Sicut Judeis Non policy
look...there's stuff we all care about. there's your specialized knowledge. there's your particular living-area. so i want to follow people who give me something useful that i wouldnt have otherwise. and i try to provide same to whoever follows me. that's what social media means to me. FROGS WITH BENEFITS NIGGERS
i've had many battles and faggots are a much tougher opponent than xtians. fags fight. christians just passive snivel at you faggots i oppose because they refuse to take responsibility for their behavior - spreading disease and lies christians are like some dish that's supposed to be good but its just nasty mush with nothing that will stand up to the tongue.
yeah but they're not counting keith urban as a female
now this is actually interesting: "My claim (and real world experience) is that women listen to country radio stations longer when the mix of songs broadcast is about fifteen percent female. When that percentage is higher without conscious thought they simply fatigue faster and automatically respond by listening less."
christian car radio it's always there  at the end of the day waiting to suck (a repurposed Family Circus joke) my blood is pre-boiling thinking what i'm going to hear  from jewy Jay today
first the streamliners came for the cars... blah blah blah when they finally got to me there was nothing pointed left to defend me
Muh dog stole muh Bud Laht Me n Kinny Chisney n wrahtin session on it raht naow
" But what Rosen then described as “aggressive ordinariness” has proved to be FGL’s secret weapon. “Meant to Be” is their sixth single to top Hot Country Songs — " What ah wan do is brang PAINTER OF LIGHT to eardrums.
go to anywhere mass prole fat white women congregate, write down the 50 commonest phrases they use then look up the top fifty TV advertisers make sure at least one from each bag in yer song.  #I Had Created The Perfect Neo-Country Song
" Jody Rosen wrote for New York magazine in 2013, “The top country hit of all time may, in fact, be the most generic song you’ve ever heard.” " streamlining, per Orwell. you can only talk about Wunnerful Wimmens and it's also ok to refer to beer or any other product that routinely mass advertises
"Something faggots do" sodomy prayer whining worshipping jesus or other women
Loser mantras "everything happens for a reason" - loserism distilled "if it's meant to be it'll be" - another way of the same thing sanctification of passivity, stupidity prayer > thought = losertown These home truths brought to you by #Fingerism "I want to pick my nose." Loser: "if it's meant  to be, it'll be." Fingerist: NOSE. PICKED.  #Fingerism
1) communism is what jews do to whites 2) Nazism is what people who build BMW engines came up with as a way to protect whites from jews
the way i judge whites if i were Annie Ocean, putting together a top team to steal the racial gold from jew vaults, would THIS PERSON be useful in achieving our racial gold liberation? can this person fuck with the jews on their level, or just another halfwitted whining conservatiffany cowardidiotreligiouspulingloser?
it truly is sad that i am the only one who can think.  you dolts love to say "evolution didnt stop at the muh neck" herdy herp burp gurp mwonk mwonk well you're saying we have all these different abilities and genes...but ONE SIZE FITS ALL WHEN IT COMES TO SPIRITUALITY.  that's what catholicism means - all hominids are spiritually equal egalitarianism liberalism
Pedophobia. It rolls off the tongue like baby balls. Wouldn't you say? #ledgyisthenewedgy
What is the one group christianity has no sympathy for? People who keep high standards.
You know who else opposed pedophilia. HITLER
Christians are trying, and to a good extent have succeeded, in shaping the psychological profile of the whiteskin into a little white lapdog. Is that what you want for your son? Your daughter? Is that the best we can do? Do you see why the Romans looked at christ ninnies and curled their lip?
Christians are queers of the spirit. They've renounced masculinity. Letting the jew fuck them up the ass is their REAL sacrament. Don't believe me? Listen to christian radio. These crossfags outgulp Rod Stewart (that's a 70s joke you age dwarfs wont get).
for the most part, i like difference among whites. if the South didn't exist, who would i laugh at? you can only squeeze so many jokes out of iowa fatness* (*as opposed to infinite hawkeye sausages)
post stories about whites killing niggers, jews, court criminals, politicians stuff we can  #CELEBRATE
cheap cherries at Aldi #WINNING
muh muh muh  muh muh muh muh Muh muh unh unh yeah #MuhFriday
The conservative is the man who cannot escape the belief the Great Referee will right things if he just whines and points out double standards long enough.
Infighting - fighting among peole agreed on what they want. Fighting among people on the same side. Christians and racialists of any stripe are not on the same side. Ask any pope. Ask any pastor. Or, you know, T H I N K. Team Jesus != #TeamWhite
In what world is shit filled streets a sign of progress. Clown World. Capital, San Francisco. The city of people better than you. And crooked, human-shit-filled streets.

July 26, 2018:

Often as not, christianity is the first refuge of the scoundrel.
A lot of you don't know what infighting means.  Christianity and White Nationalism aren't on the same side. They are competitors. Hence, there is no 'in.' Christianity is a universalist 'love' cult that places no value on race, making it functionally anti-White. "No man can serve two masters."  You're with jew Jesus or you're with #TeamWhite
I dont need parking validation. I just need a hitchin' post for muh ridin' pig. Nor do I need soul validation. Yeah yeah eternity, whatever. GTFO my lawn jesus.
notice i say leftist not j-leftist - because the j know what they are doing
leftists are so busy lying and cheating all the time it never occurs to them maybe guys who have to lie and cheat all the time maybe arent the good guys
i used to sit in my dorm room. thinking this sucks. what am i wasting time. learning about marx. so boring. the profs are all 1000-iq idiots bent on their own pet nostrums. what i will i be doing in 7 years? 12 years? 35 years?  answer: watching videos by a "conservative tranny."
i feel even an intelligent ed burke would agree: - streets of gold: utopian - streets not besplotched with human waste: DOABLE
i am very willing to be dictator, just throwing that out. with my natural sense of order and abiding good taste, i will bring solid waste management principles, well, to san farcisco first, obviously, but you know from semen to shining excrement. i will clean america up literally and artistically.
women love to go where there's none of their sex around, then they can be sultry smurf among the menfolk

July 25, 2018:

Paris Hilton, at least you could catch in the edge of her eyes an awareness of her own and those around her's absurdity. There's been a decline in the quality of our fame whores, even as their rumps have metastasized.
"He died for your sins." I instinctively find that repellent. And very jewy. Doing something in my name for his own purposes without getting my consent. Thanks for soul-raping me, Jesus. How, when did I ask to get involved your wacky scheme, jewbius jewby?
Mel Gibson's idea of Jesus - I don't want that for my race. I don't want people who admire that character.
how come in 1700 pages of 'his' bible god couldnt find room for one joke? #questions the jesus curs cant answer
this song has the Aryan spirit - questing. face to breeze, hand to till, sail to the wind, finger at imaginary God - laughter toppling o'er like the white topping waves
this song has basic Germanic white spirit
For me to be wrong about Christianity,  a man had to come back from the dead. For you to be just has to be a day ending in Y.
Life gets really awful when politics invades every sphere, because there's no second opinion allowed on anything. This is the realized meaning of "the personal is political" sixties slogan.
Black culture = Bootlipsey and Vagina-Jay: "Hey! Let's go be niggers in front of the Mona Lisa an' shit"
Look from top down Notice how they identify the whitest areas in America, fill them with the lowest darkies parallel in mental world online Find the whitest subjects, obtrude the niggeriest ads - exactly the opposite of targeted. No white activity or cultural form is valid unless 'The Carters' are niggering in front of it like shit-tier monkeys.
it is my experience that jews are more interested in the truth than Aryans. or, at least, they pay closer attention to things than our kind Aryans incline to the cloud-head -- the actual stereotype of Germans before the 'brutal' efficient organized ruthless Nazi stereotype whimsy, fancy, appealing lie, fragrant delusion...these they move toward
will pakglos make great music like this
a lot of christian rock is...preferable to the aural feminism and boozing songs that are 99% of modern 'country.' one can enjoy Messiah without belief.
I am Richard Spencer, King of the Salt Flats, from Tooele to Sparks, my barnswallowy word is law!
i am opening a restaurant called Master Donalds when our 'gals' say you want fries with that, it's not really a question
i dont understand why my masters in Perversion Studies from Bwanana U. isnt fetching the big bucks
and then we crawl back into the primeval soup and forget any of this ever happened. basically, white man, you have to decide. are you a faggot with jesus, or do you want to develop into a White Man?
that wolf kind of pinched his eyes with that sleek off-the-high-end look of a nordic supermodel in a luxury fur (melania, but more scandinavian). but he didnt move beyond head raise man is a dog cunt trying to become a coyote trying to become a wolf and christianity wants to turns us into a lapdog, then a worm, finally an amoeba
i still remember a gorgeous, glorious wolf i saw in nevada on the interstate, I-80, listening to depeche mode, midnight, the ultimate in soulless faggot music, it was winter, the snow was blowing so hard it was horizontal, lit by headlights that fucking wolf looked glorious. right there on the middle strip as i recall. wolf is a MAN. dogs are just cunts.
Conservatives like the ultimate and original Burke essentially false frame politics into Things That Already Happened and Utopia. So that any conception of actually calling your shots, say, is Dangerous Rationalism. Not organic enough. Not authentic for the people.
a point Garland made in his book very nicely - Hitler pulled in a lot of research and top-shelf thinking on race in making his policies and furnishing his mind. And much of it came from USA. so you see, a lot of genuine racial science has only been put into play once, twice or never - because it's only been produced in the last 150 years, and much of that, jew-muffled
i go outside, i get attacked by ravenous chiggers come inside to Gab, i get attacked by hominidettes #LOSTCAUSE
and you know what, it's not that sothron patriarchal man leading family - that's not the only way to be patriarchal the man has to lead - but there are hippy families, granolas where the man leads there are a million different ways, but the man is a man, and leads. that model cannot be done away with.  people who fight nature are vile morons. Except me.
in the old days, we would drive around the midwest and look for pheasants in the fields of corn stubble. pheasants are gone now. but we can still enjoy the game, just substitute female-shaped women
Traditions, let me try again. In living memory, they (some o') used to tie lefthanders hands behind their back so they'd write with the right hand.  The same people that believed sinisteria (left-handedness, sort of) was bad believed homosexuality was ludicrous/dangerous. Two traditional beliefs. Or superstitions. One wrong. One right.
race isnt real you know what, it is even subrace, ethnicity, even crossing that can cause problems as serious as race-crossing can
they dont laugh at what's stupid but they arent serious about anything either WELCOME TO HELL
actually there are a lot of women who understand what i'm saying, but they're...occupying horizontal chambers beneath the turf...or lining ugly vases
one thing about women i particularly dislike is their near complete inability to say anything without inflecting keep your grease off our interaction, toots impersonality is such a beautitful idea, unheard of in the south and rare in the midwest
how strong can the (((media))) be if one old man can kick their ass for years on end when they're all trying to do him in?
BiIb0, Hobbiton, United Kingdom, about 5 hours ago A genuine Anglo Saxon saying: A woman, a dog and a walnut tree. The more you beat them the better they be.
The Picts mysteriously disappear from written history around 900AD.
alphest name ever?  The leopard clasped it's jaw around the warthog's neck. It held tight while the warthog squealed and eventually stopped moving.  Field Guide Chad Cocking was leading a safari in the reserve when he came across the scene.
death comes for the green and the greasy, the froward and the chaste.
royal playing with infected niggers just like his mum
if you think women are smart, read this
christians cant tell the difference between serious and mock serious, in the way that a lot of people cant tell that glenn beck is a charlatan
i love it when i people i detest die, don't you?
Christ the Cuck and you worship him “Christ did not come to earth to build churches but to help men regardless of race, religion, or nationality.”
X is right-winger X is jew One of these statements is meaningful.
look at this putz dance around SHAPIRO IS A JEW JEWING. politics is jews babbling to jews in a punch and judy show to fool the stupid goyim
most destructive things ever said turn the other cheek (against manliness) abandon your father and come with me (against ancestry) judge not lest ye be judged (against thinking)
something that isn't true can be joked about. the space between reality-we-all-acknowledge or -secretly-know and the public pretense providing the fodder how does atheism fare vs christianity on this test?
i'm wrong if she's jew-decended, but notice how jews gene cherrypick the whiteskin population - trump's daughter with jew jared kushner, and now his jew brother to marry a white Kloss, Swift's friend and builtalike This sort of thing, for long, accrues so many benefits to the jew population it can become unbeatable
Every night before you go to bed, girls, chant to yourself, softly SEMEN NOT FEMEN SEMEN NOT FEMEN SEMEN NOT FEMEN That's the way -- THE ONLY WAY -- to ward off lesbo succubi while you sleep.
nope. honest test. i could have had egg on my face. but the Root niggers didnt cover the murdered baby
third thing pro niggers are worried about
are black people worth the trouble?
thing #2 number PROFESSIONAL niggers are writing about besides the burned to death baby
while niggers are barbecuing white babies, let's take a peek and see what professional niggers are writing about
jewy Jay and Team Kike get the christ suckers to join the army to destroy the 'regimes' sic governments that actually protect christians in the 'middle east.' see syria, see iraq. the christians put jews ahead of their own kind.  pro-White? christians arent even pro-christian
today's christian car radio: jewy Jay is going on and on about some xtian pastor jammed up in Turkey - you know, the land who's supreme nugget just blasted israel as evil nazis so the jew is getting the christcunts to see israel's enemy as their own Christ - the weak-maker
if i say most women have three eyes 98% of women will respond "not me - i only have two." and 68 of men - same. Maybe 2 will say, well i dont know, i walk around about sometimes during the diurnal hours, and i have noticed an awful lot of hominidskis only have two peepers - not saying your wrong, just a little high people are idiots
"They just want a better life" So does the Lyme-bearing fellow nestled under your greasy nut.
the fact that waters exist on marves PROVES that early martians made popsicles altogether now: "THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING WE KNOW"
i'm tired of hearing about water niggers on Mars. who gives a fuck
To women, politics is like social makeup or soul makeup. You're supposed to look a certain way, which Everybody Knows, it comes down from above. Question it, what? Authority is right because it's authority. This is truth obvious to a woman. It's the voice of a hen hearing a gobbler in the spring.
Get off you knees. Spit the Jesus out of your mouth. Become a white man. You goddam faggot. #TeamWhite
Out of 1000 parts of white intellectual effort 999 goes into fantasy football and fantasy reality (christianity) 1 goes into racial science
Every individual has an everlasting soul of inestimable value... That's not egalitarianism - how?
do the jews put anything on tv/radio that doesn't serve their purpose? is christian mass radio a thing? what conclusion is staring you in the face? ...and...anti...White
Traditions aren't valuable. The tiny minority of people who come up with valid ways of doing things are valuable.
If you cant squeeze a hero out of a thousand cowards How can you squeeze a valuable tradition out of a thousand idiots? The question Ed Burke can't answer.
The same person arguing that people are idiots, and not trusting them to rely on their 'private stock' of reason (tho he certainly relied on his own) Edmund Burke, also celebrates the 'traditions' of this same miserable lot of punters. There's a contradiction there.
"That's not _real_ christianity." Gee, what other jew-produced group of failures used to say this, still does.
Traditionalism - the belief that the very thing that separates humans from animals is worthless.
Christianity leaves white society open to jewish predation. That's the undeniable fact.
A subtler point - I mentioned car radio yesterday. In addition to dueling holohoax claims, two jews on "xtian" radio talking about who's wiped out more in imaginary holocaust, they keep harping on theme Israel is the CENTER of everything. The stupid Aryan goysucker's entire orientation is to the history and lies of an a foreign people. It is truly pathetic.
The christian is too mentally limited to observe what jews have actually done in relation to christianity - in light of what they could do. This is waaay too much thinking for 99.9% of the Jesus halfwits.
Christianity produces weak people - mentally and physically. That is why it's such a godsend for jews that they produced the cult in the first place. Wrote its book. Spread its word. Let it run wild on their media. Christianity is the reason whites don't rise up and slaughter jews en masse - making it the protective cult jews need to keep their tribe alive.
2) If there's "nothing" jews hate more than Christianity, per our fool, why do they allow Christians to run media shows all over radio and tv? I'm still waiting for an answer on this from one of you christards. It's not a rhetorical question. You must answer it or fall in defeat.
"There's nothing jews hate more than Christianity," saith the fool. If that's the case: 1) why doesn't the ADL list the cross as a "hate" symbol? You know - since, according to you, there is "nothing" they hate more than Christianity. If that's the case, then why isnt the cross, the symbol if the cult, isn't included in the jew's database of 'hate' symbols?
Monday School is what jews are doing to us directly. Sunday School is what jews are doing to us indirectly. It's bad cop and good cop.  Figure it out, peabos.
Would you count on a "good christian man" like Pence or Sessions to do the white thing under pressure? To type it is to laugh.
do you identify with smart independent people or losers? how does the christian answer this question? look at his behavior

July 24, 2018:

BfV said in report that 'Reichsbuerger' movement grown from 10,000 to 16,500 Reichsbuergers - or Reich Citizens - do not accept modern Germany's borders  Most members are male, over 40 and strongly attracted to firearms, BfV said
Think about how actors think about things. Frightful insecurity. Dockers man is worried about being fired. Actors man is worried about being hired. Dockers wears one mask. Actors' whole thing is masks. Actors must please to get bread. He studies what goes. He takes it a step further. He looks around for applause. Eating/fucking babies! That's the ticket.
Dogs began as wolves, just as christians began as men.
Only anti-White material is allowed over the (((mass media))). Christians are allowed to host infinite numbers of christian shows transmitted over the (((mass media))). What conclusion can, nay, _must_ be logically inferred here?
Jews tolerate Christianity for one reason: it's very useful in grooming a simp population. That's why christian radio shows are allowed, whereas pro-White radio shows are banned.
Was listening to christian car radio today. I really recommend it. All I heard was holo holo holo. Back out of the store - mo' holo holo holo. Israel not only has the right to exist, I was informed. It has the right to exist as a jewstate.  Those of you who 'think' christianity is pro white can't explain why christian radio is allowed on the airwaves. I can.
Brazen sex talk is never edgy, it is always conformist.  The (((people))) behind politics believe sexual degeneracy is the key to destroying the Aryan and his society. They promote as cool, brazen, edgy and brave anyone who furthers their goal - typically whiteskin idiots, the left counterparts of the right-wing xtian pro-Israel simps.
Literally every person on tv could be a jew (instead of just half), and most whiteskin christians wouldn't believe you if you pointed it out.

July 23, 2018:

I saw a fully battle dressed Amish or Mennonite woman running a bobcat on a big yard on a 90-degree day. Now that is a strong woman. And strong smelling too.  It amazes me what people will put up with. I'd be all "yeah, pops? what's "plainer" than my skin dress. You tell your ol Jesus buddy there to stick his head under my skirt, I got something for him."
Don't be yourself. Rather, emulate someone better than you. But you're so cool and different! I know, I know. Even still... Like when you're contemplating getting a third barracuda tattooed on one of your lips, ask yourself WWTCD? (What Would Ty Cobb Do?) Just as an example of someone legitimately great. I'm thinking he would not do that. So...yeah.
Marxism a science Global warming a fact Captain Kangaroo's real name was Hrocksch Kretschmer, and he was the SS janitor responsible for oiling the pedal-driven brain-bashing machine before he escaped to America to entertain kids with his discolored-jean-wearing 'friend' Daffodils come up early and yellow - like little flower-suns. 1 of these is true!
character Zhivago, a medical doctor, on Marxism contd:  "Everyone is worried only about proving himself only in practical matters, and as for the men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of their infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore the truth. Politics doesn't appeal to me. I don't like people who don't care about the truth." p216
Pasternak's Dr Zhivago on Marxism: "Marxism a science? Well, it's taking a risk, to say the least, to argue about that with a man who hardly knows. However -- Marxism is too unsure of its ground to be a science. Sciences are more balanced, more objective. I don't know a movement more self-centered and further removed from the facts than Marxism." -contd
Jews will continue to lie until blood runs between their teeth and their heads slump down their necks.
What's wrong with women fetching sandwiches for men? Answer: Men should be eating no or very little bread. #TheMoreYouKnow
Here's a clever if mnemonically challenged rhyme I came up with: Happy man, happy life As long as the woman is occupied with keeping her 'man' (not king, maybe husband) happy, her neurotic narcissism just might be under control Women are more than leg-spreading sandwich-fetchers!  Not today. Today they're less than. L-S S-F is aspirational for them today.
Texan's idea of "satanic elite": anyone with three-digit IQ and clean fingernails
Every time I go to Iowa I am gobsmacked by how empowered the women are. That means fat, right?
i'd like to see the overlap of those who think the world is designed, as by a god, and those who get tattoos
christianity is cotton candy for the loser-masses of baitfish-people reality is steak for the healthy elite which do you prefer?
women are not really so dumb, they are oriented in a way that makes them appear dumb to mission-oriented men. and, well, their generally not knowing anything except man-manipulation tends to reinforce the impression "this is the worlds worst comic book!" -- well the author was writing a gothic novel, so, kinda yeah and not yeah?
Mossad is small because jews are thick. it just dials up jew/xcountry, asks for help usually gets it never gets turned in Jews are "alien" to the nation they live among. If you won't take my word, because I'm too fragrant, then I couldid quote Jefferson.
jurinalists are uniformly unqualified, they're like people writing about welding who can't distinguish aluminum from marzipan
basic bitch white = hitler* *what jews actually believe
talk up white genocide talk down white responsive violence These don't go together. If there's a genocide against whites going on, violence is justified.  Maybe do some logic squats between your butt-squats?
y to the rules. When he found that this was not so, it did not occur to him that his conception of the world order might have been oversimplified. He nursed his grievance and with it the ambition to judge between life and the dark forces that distorted it, and to be life's champion and avenger. Embittered by his disappointment, he was armed by the revolution."
next couple are Pasternak's description of Strelnikov, a blue-flamer commie leader (and one presumes from name a russian, not a jew). his 'take' on the mentality of true-believer leftist whiteskin:  "Filled with the loftiest aspirations from childhood, he looked upon the world as a vast arena where everyone competed for perfection, keeping scrupulousl
i have a beautiful dream: that all the corn-fed, hand-spanked white girls of the midwest were taught important skills like cooking and nutrition -- even sewing -- rather than playing softball. softball, or gay baseball, as non-aficionados know it, is like meh and wuh had a child and named it Waste of Time (like a horse, a fat racing horse)

July 22, 2018:

Jesus and Wayne Williams love little nigger children.
May all niggers end up in catfish bellies. #BransonStyle
Sicut Judaeis Non must give way to Cut Jews Oui
We set 'white genocide' in motion when we tolerated Sicut Judaeis Non, a policy not one in a hundred xtians has even heard of.
if women dominate yet women are inferior to men pretty much across the board how has feminism triumphed, and Mens Rights failed? feminism is not a self-inflating thing, it is powered from the outside without jewish support, feminism would be where MRA is today - nowhere
cultural? economic? both marxisms are jewish. which is the main point - always. you keep underestimating the need to burn away the professional-conservative underbrush.
here's why German culture is superior to Anglo the Englick instinctively goes for the effeminate, evasive 'cultural marxism'  instead of jewish marxism
television-the-medium is a 100-year, ongoing hate crime against whites
has there ever been a realistic depiction of a mudshark relationship on jewish television?  OJ doesn't count. always driving a wedge between white fathers and white daughters, these tv jews. we should kill the jews. the catholic cult, a jewish production, has had SICUT JUDAEIS NON (dont molest the jews) as its policy for 1500 years. how's that working out?
"happy wife, happy life" you've heard that. it's based on feminist assumptions, which have become default across the west
"It is more important to spay dog owners than dogs." --F. Nitzsche
what must be strengthened is the spirit of indomitability in our people, and this is done through examples, not lectures. words have been multiplied to infinity; what remains to be said? what isn't known that needs to be?  i would say the relation of xtianity to our plight, hence my focus, but that's about it. NWO = Jew WO. Jews must be exterminated. #NJJR
someone sent me this. i vouch for that. see what i'm not saying? cuz not read? but might be interesting, on a skim. now go away.
a lot of what you see with jews is the children/teenagers/women desire to be shown where the borders are, and resentment the proper masculine enforcement isnt there. so they end up breaking down the last border, pedophilia, with their 'edgy' jokes we should use this time to rid ourselves not just of jews but of the xtian mindset that allows jews to triumph
" Of course, Qabbalistically, & Saducee-istically, it is THE JEWISH PEOPLE THEMSELVES who are IHVH So it is the Jews going about murdering cattle; murdering the first-born; poisoning the wells; committing biological warfare - spreading boils. Everything that we accuse the Jews of today as "blood libel" is, secretly, admitted by them in Genesis & Exodus "

July 21, 2018:
so two boats, one survives, one goes down. one white cap'n, one niggeroid. guess!
are dog owners a social menace? it's not for me to say. but yes.
'It's relatively easy to prevent your dog from getting into a fight with a rat, it's much more difficult to prevent them from taking a drink from a random puddle that might be contaminated.'
" Data suggested that the rats tended to gravitate towards neighborhoods with higher concentrations of dog poop  " what'd i tell you about dogs and their owners?
privileged cunt drives man to prison
what does christian mean? functionally it means: - won't say what needs to be said - won't do what needs to be done
the more scum we have in this town, the more chance to show love!  hey, i know...let's open a homeless kitchen that'll draw niggers, bums and psychos like flies!  #Christian=AmeriKwanThinking
look at the absolute lack of moral courage displayed by white Americans, then ask yourself, what religion are these people? why, bless my soul, they're Christians
" Megan Eppes called it 'sad that [FSU President John] Thrasher was so easily convinced to overlook all of the accomplishments and generosity of Francis Eppes and cave to the noisy few that think he is unworthy of recognition.'  "
women are just stupid, and giving them any say in running things just shows how contemptibly weak the men are. thanks, christianity!
WHITE is stronger than any subset. The category error is thinking pork vs beef matters to a starving man.
These fools who say white nationalism isnt a thing. Just keep adding niggers to Europe, you'll be surprised how little the difference between peoples matters. The people like McDoof arguing this dont even bother to notice that Euros with no Hungarian blood or history are fleeing there precisely because it's a white racial territory.
TRADITIONS ARE THE COMMON WISDOM OF A HERD OF IDIOTS.  Does that add up? Because that is the argument, when it emerges from the sea of implicity.
"  Sarah, who lives in France said: 'I can relax best outside. I can look up to the sky, feel grass under my feet and focus. 'I found it stressful in hospital. I found the forest very relaxing, so I thought it was the best place for me to have my baby. " NO YOU HAVE TO DO THINGS THE WAY EVERYBODY ELSE DOES THEM BECAUSE REASONS.
all women who have had births in hospitals have a bullshit story about how the kid almost died if docky-doc hadnt saved it. test this theory.
'In old cultures the girls would watch their mothers give birth so they would know what it was like. Now the chance to do this is very small. 'This gives people the chance to see birth, and especially birth without intervention. It's a rare thing to see.'
"let's collude in making standards disappear so we can keep our belief in racial equality"
white nationalism doesnt exist cuz...what?  dont create problems where they dont exist. that's what jews do.  white ethnic groups can exist in umbrella structure - see switzerland.  also, whites are under attack - not for their religion or ethnicity but for their race.  so makes sense to fight back from that nice simple stable basis
the Root: 5 posts. 4 whining about whites calling cops on blacks. 5th: 4 blacks murder a black.  jingoes: it cant be a wrubbery gone wrong if 2 are on the loose with 50k. that would be a robbery gone wright and a murdery gone wright
"Have a 15yo niece that is a total piece of shit. Causing trouble since she was 8. Been through counseling and tons of programs for troubled kids and just gets worse. She lies, steals, does drugs, dropped out of high school, ran off with her 20 year old drug dealer boyfriend...until she gets arrested for immediately released back to her mother."
teacher at nigger site: " I am a public high school teacher, and what you are saying seems very familiar in current schools.  Schools are more reluctant to punish students, so kids really do get away with a lot.  Many kids know this and really take advantage. "
nigger at nigger site: " Courts have stop order punishment for poor minority criminals on minor to medium charges because of the current SJW climate. And that is just leading to worse criminals. If you are black and poor you could literally steal a car in the morning and be out by dinner time stealing another car or robbing someone. "

July 20, 2018:

with the tiniest stroke, your imaginary God could remove all doubt (this is me grinning)

July 18, 2018:

July 17, 2018:

Outside, up the street, overly carbed bitches were yallsqualling about something you could bet was fucking stupid. (apologies to F Scott)
Schools are failing our niggers. Jails are failing our niggers. Trees are failing our niggers. Rice Krispies are failing our niggers. Salmon are failing our niggers. This is not your beautiful house. This is not your beautiful wife. Talking Heads are failing our niggers.
Everyone thinks everything is personally directed at them-him. Everyone is a woman. Everyone is boring.
step right up and buy your Afterlife Powerball ticket! The Jesus Jackpot is up to 72 trillion!  YOU CANT WIN IF YOU DONT PLAY. That's good reasoning where I come from.
people should be introspective and reflective. they should be thoughtful. but they're not. their operating mode is light-social nearly exclusively. if they want something deeper its sadisfied by puling piddling lies about a sci-fi character called jesus. you all suck. no, i dont you mean you. YOU'RE GREAT. other people are failing this nigger (me).snif
obese government creates obese people
Go to black racist sites to read whining about whites calling cops on rule-breaking blacks Or go to white racist sites to read about blacks raping, murdering and torturing whites
the White cause is for winners the church is for losers - ask them #TeamWhite
how many bantu signalling christians have you seen bragging about their charity work in Haiti? way too many, totally unasked for, they shove it in your face
helping people is not the easy thing it appears on the surface it is fully as hard and fraught with dangers as any other human undertaking
Boy, you sure dont see a lot of jews naming themselves Murray, Irving and Llewellyn anymore, do you?  They faked 'White' when it was top and trending (see F. Scott). Now they shit on whites and disclaim membership. It how they do.
Women: the sex that believes in adjectives.
hard drugs are eugenic; the catholic cult is dysgenic catholics breed their weedsy crap bigger each generation; meth kills meth users dead
I see a white man, no obvious bodily problems, standing alongside a road in 95-degree heat with a sign saying "Broke." The street he stands along has probably two dozen places trying to hire people.
In case you're not aware, and I'm not being ironic or clever, people (ie, conservatives aka the hopeful halfwits) have been saying "racism is losing its power" at least since I first came on the semi-public scene, back in the mid-1980s.
Explain Papa John Schnatter's recent deposition in relation to "racism is losing it's power."  Ya cant.
it's good to be smart it's good to be loyal it's good to be healthy it's good to be rich it's good to laugh at what's stupid #BeGood
it's Skunky McDoof-tier me-too-jewery to pretend Christianity was something noble and solid before the crank locution judeo-christian was popularized in post-war period Christianity was a jewish production from day one.  There is no way around that obstacle.  Christianity is jewish garbage for goyim, like spiritual Nickelodeon for physical adults.
Christians want Haitians and people-who-want-to-adopt-Haitians in their pews. Not racialists.  How clear do they have to say it, man? Christianity is an all-races-welcome cult. Race doesn't matter. What are you, nuts? It's all about the Jesus and the 'love' (as they call it, certainly not i).
Purity spiraling is 99% of the time an excuse for low standards.
The thing is, you cant reproach jews with straying from their religious text because it backs them up. The Talmud not only approves their pursuing white (and other) genocide it commands it. Jews are consistent, credible threats in theory and in actual action. Christians are confused rabbits. #TeamWhite is for whiteskins transitioning to Whites.
it's dangerous to believe anyone isn't an idiot, and that goes double for any adult talking in church
the white race has somehow survived having a semitic nail driven into its head, even worships the nail We are White. Christ-lies have nothing to do with us. We are a race going our own way. You christbugs can turn brown and fester and, as we clearly see, get off on it. #TeamWhite #WGTOW
Did anyone do virtue signaling before the Jesus cult?  What is "in this world but not of it," which the crux symbolizes, but telling others you're too pure and good and holy for this world, unlike the dirty birds. Yeah we're all original sinners, in theory, but the cross around my neck should tell you I'm one of the Good Ones.  #TeamWhite
Jew behavior is the source of all antagonism toward them. Not 99%. 100%.
You notice how there aren't any photos of Hitler wearing kike jewelry (the cross, or Calvary Virtue Signal) or donning a kippa? Maybe that means something. Nah. Things are true because they make you feel good, isn't that right, budger?
a white-racialist christian is at best -- at best -- confused and his confusion will clarify at the very worst point - at which he will side with what's safest for him - the cross cult Christianity is anti-White. Accept it. #TeamWhite
Top 100 jews promoting feminism Top 100 jews promoting fagooism Top 100 jewish warmongers Top 100 cuck warmonger-jockstraps Top 100 jews promoting open borders for White nations Top 100 christcucks promoting white nation invasion #TimeToKill
judeo-christian is the 2.0 but (((christianity))) is the 1.0
"Ditch your family (race) and join our kumbaya cult!" --the j(((christian))) message to whiteskins
metamucil? why not just simple mucil.
There are limited numbers of jews and top-tier cucks. Replacing them is not easy. You also get the scared-off effect on the gutless cucks. (jews are all in. cucks are in for bucks) This is why #TimeToKill makes sense right now - and will make more sense with every passing day.
one thing i always noticed about whiteskins is they never, in any context, seem to see how jews see them. (stupid, inferior - and not really even hiding their contempt)
unless you were one of the lucky micro-minority who had clued in white parents who taught you the right stuff any sense you'd have that jews aren't the squeaky clean hero-victims they play themselvers as would come from obscure allusions from the most erudite writers in the back pages of uncommon magazines
if you're under 30, take a minute to think about this imagine it's 1985 right now you want to learn about jews how do you do that? is the truth in conservative magazines? liberal newspapers? can you find the right books in your high school or local library? what do you think? is not the conclusion: the Internet is the key to liberating humanity from jews
it's almost scary but  the internet is the worlds only honest newspaper and for many people, the only real father they've ever had
"ignore jews and just focus on whites" says a certain type of polyanna as ive said (ive already said everything) ok sugarplum... take any one thing you want to change now work out in your mind changing it. what the first/main obstacles you come across? jews every time. i dont need to know your issue. if you want something GOOD FOR WHITES, JEWS OPPOSE IT
christian/conservative/coward/cuck same thing #TeamWhite
7-17, youtube forcefeeding people into nigger worship service

July 16, 2018:

this guy does a lot of decent stuff
evolution of TV...if you watch old Hawaii Five-O shows...late sixties thru seventies, you see a detective show about the crime in question. not focused on lives and personalities of cops but on their work. there is some poz, and the shows are not all that great, but there is clear demonstration of traditional masculine hierarchy and loyalty
"I didn't sell out, son, I bought in!" --SLC Punk
Sexual liberation makes as much sense as stomach liberation. Englutinating everything you can wrap your mouth around may work for tiger sharks, but not for people. "Get in the hole!" is golftard ejaculation, not a success strategy.
is there a whiteskin polcuck that isn't a xtian? produce it. christianity is the cuckmaker
mencken used the term 'eminent pa' to describe some 20s bigaloo and it blew my mind like spores off a blown dandelion i guaratnee you - if he had gone to college, he never would havec coined that, the quick would have been beat out of him like a 4th year running back
we have cucked for the jews for so long their chutzpathic ways have become our own
Everything is like PUA; if you dont come by it chad-naturally, you're always going to be stilted, mechanical. As they say: genius exists, mediocrity develops.
I mean, I don't go in for tard-tier explanations like evil, popular among the alt-reality set you find in churches, but i'll be god-me-damned if the term isn't unavoidable when you seek, as i always do, to sum things up in the simplest accurate description. "Explain jews in simplest terms to space alien." Welll, (pause to ponder)...they're evil.
i learned loads of words from mencken; even more, how to USE words, which is the real trick, to the limited extent it can be learned every time i looked up a word i didnt know, i found he was using it correctly and often artistically that's honesty in a writer, as i see it. others can bark for other schools, but this is mine
i follow the greats. they show the way. you can be as erudite or even abstruse as you like, but your words must reduce to something intelligible. if it loads work on the reader, well, it's all our jobs to get less stupid, or at least ignorant. i dont want to read people dumber than me, i get enough of those in my walking-around life
trolling is a concept, but, for me, when i attack someone it's for a reason, whether the reason is implied or stated. i just make the attack as stinky, offensive, funny as strikes me right, depending on the queebo in question and its degree of wrongness. so if you want the haha factor, it's there, if you just the facts man it's there too best o' both worlds aint it?
what is civilization? yeah big thinkers and all that but it's also the 95 IQ white man who shows up in zero-degree weather, cheerful, and thaws out your frozen water pipe #SaluteToWhiteMen
ReGab if you know anyone besides sci-fi Jesus who has come back from the dead. I have a flagging imaginary pet, and I'm needing tips here, believers. TIA
they call them neon-nazis because they glow WITH LIFE & ENERGY!
utopia: a government that tries to create positive outcomes by any method except killing people
some really great stuff in here
Tommy Robinson is someone who went from no one to global figure overnight. If you can't figure out how that happened, you're not tall enough for the politics ride.
Jews know that their sexual policies destroy society - they learned this right after the (((Russian))) revolution. Maybe at that point they actually believed their own bullshit, but they saw how destructive feminism was, and they actually pulled back on certain parts of it. So when they did same thing in USA in 1960s, they knew what they were doing.
Jews are the warmongers. Jews are the troublemakers. Jews are the liars. Jews are essentially Evil in human form.
what do you call feminism without jews?  MRA
" Women are inherently solipsistic and tyrannical by nature, completely devoid of self-awareness, and must be proactively controlled by the male capacity for logic and reason. " --youtube commenter
Jews know the nature of women, just as they know the nature of blacks. They know how to use both against civilized white society. #MGTOW
you got to have fun in this life. my way is to ask amish women if their honey is made by professional bees. say it with straight face.
most new things are bad. most old new things are bad too #LOL
cough, the ends justify the use of any memes
a lot of people watch tv. they've done it for decades. tv watching is a tradition. i'm a traditionalist. that's the problem with traditionalism "oh i dont mean THAT tradition" so you're not a traditionalist. you're a whatever-is-used-to-evaluate-(traditions)--ist
the white racial cause is about FORMATION (race formation) as much as preservation - and christianity has no part in that
a lot of actors and actresses - it's like all the effort of their genes went into producing a marvelous head. so there was little room for the rest of them. so they're like bobbleheads - a giant square head and a little body.
The christ fag has only one answer to all my charges: that the Jesus story is true. It's not. It's a big lie popular with hominid midgets.
i wonder if anyone has ever written a book called Disagreeability about people who are (not clinically antisocial or anything)  not naturally given to believing what they hear or saying things to reap appropation of morons (others) these people will avoid the false highs and lows of the 'normal' majority. is my thesis
Feminism and communism both must be CONNECTED TO JEWS. MGTOW and conservatism don't do this. I think MGTOW because they don't know. But conservatism - the professional conservatives deliberately lie - and connect feminism to Nazis, the only group that fought communism & feminism and the degeneration they foster.
Always remember: the Christ pukes won't say one word to their (((preacher))) or (((pastor))) about the anti-Whitism in every church. They'll just come anonymous-cunting online after White Nationalists who have their heads straight and their behavior in line with ALL their beliefs.
god shat out some rocks and trees and behold it was...pretty meh really the man-made world...there's your value
i have declared war on nature immodest? yes chances of victory slighter than slight? you could say that nevertheless, one must be quixotic from time to time, just to stay in proportion
the view of state as neutral machinery that just needs to be operated by white men is extraordinarily uneducated the state always rolls its own, and this means lousy people and lousy behavior are subsidized; quality people and behavior are punished
it's time for the proxy to melt off and the thing itself to come forward #TimeToKill i know enough white men feel this way right now #WhiteLiberationArmy
#MGTOW #Marriage

July 14, 2018:
stronger men make for stronger team

July 13, 2018:
See, chilluns, niggers are like the natural world. Full of weeds and stinkbugs. Whites civilization is like a clearing in the jungle. It will be overrun quickly if we let down our guard.  Nigs live at a higher common denominator because of us. We live at a lower common denominator because of them. We dont need niggers, jews, mexicans etc. They need us.
christian rock is a thing. it makes as little sense as christian racialism. rock is inherently degenerate. inherently sex focused. you can change the lyrics to jesus slobbering, but the sound is at war with the sense. throbbing pounding beat goes with lust, not spirituality. just as ah lubs ever'body, jes like muh jebus, doesn't go with racial-specificism
The only defense the USA needs is the 2nd Amendment.
[w apologies to The Minimalists] 5 Questions to ask Before Bringing Niggs into Your Society Can I afford to part with this money?  Can I pay the actual cost? The true cost of a thing stretches far beyond the price tag. Will it add value to my life?  It must serve a purpose or bring joy; otherwise no value. What are the alternatives?  Can I get by without it for a while?

July 12, 2018:
Your circumstances should reflect the ordering of your mind. Order is Aryan. Much of what is irksome today, and over time builds up a killing anger, is that we white men are prevented in our own lands from restoring rational order. Except we're not, really, prevented, only on the starter level. #DeathToTheJews #TimeToKill #NoJewsJustRight #TeamWhite
#Fingerism is the answer to what ails you. You as a one. It means taking responsibility for your own decisions, behavior - life. And looking for that quality in anyone you associate with. Cuz if it's not there, well, enjoy the misery. God, devil, circumstances - these are not real things. They are cowardly or dishonest evasions.
[inbox] "Rabbi Saul tells us not to pay any regards to genealogies." "Jews want ancestor-veneration for themselves, and a rootless race-less-ness for Gentiles."
[inbox] Old Testament: Book of Racial Common Sense written by Jews for Jews. "Can the... Ethiopian change his skin[?]" New Testament: Book of Racial Apostasy written by Jews for Gentiles.
Croatian comment: “We went through a lot of shit: war, all these things, and even now the situation is not the best. But it is unbelievable how many talents we have in sport. At basketball, at handball, at water polo, at tennis especially. We have good mothers and fathers, making good love.”

July 11, 2018:
Why talk about jews when you can talk about 'Neo-Babylonian Death Cult'?
if you were creating a white-racial psychological profile, for, let's say, A preferable white TYPE, which qualities exhibited by the average whiteskin xtian would you include in it?
human weeds is a good metaphor. common, useless, they pop up everywhere, and they're destructive trees/roots as related to human heritage is bad. it's funny it's the fav of people who emphasize spirit. which is it? ethereal oprah or earth oprah? pick a condition and go with it whites are a race of questers and laughers, not believers, not traditionalists
[inbox] Please see this link to a 15-minute video titled "Israel’s Internet Censorship War—If Americans Knew”: [...] based on the article "How Israel and its partisans work to censor the Internet,” posted here: https://israelpalestinenews. org/israel-partisans-work- censor-internet/

July 10, 2018:

US military = George Michael's Giant Anti-White Hate Machine, far as I'm concerned. and like public schools, our  taxes pay for it. while these bumblefucks lecture us about protecting our freedom. You know what the Founders felt about standing armies? They were against them. So you're not American, green nigs, you're jew-tool parasite garbage.
Why are white people so fucking stupid? Is one of you knuckleheads seriously going to try to tell me christ-insanity didnt have a major role in exacerbating our natural preference for delusion over fact?
Christianity says mass slaughtering jews is immoral. We say Christianity is shit. #TeamWhite
if you're going to get legally involved with a woman, this is worth watching

July 09, 2018:

you notice how no xtian defends the actual belief? because racially redpilled xtians know the factual claims at the heart of the cult are (((lies)))
It is really is sickly funny that you have to "sell" white people on the idea that their beliefs and behavior should be consistent.
Christians and racialists can get along - as long as neither takes principles seriously. Which is how we got in this mess in the first place.  One or the other.
" Second, it made possible the diversion of VW’s honestly earned profits – which could have and almost certainly would have gone toward the development of even moreefficient diesel-powered alternates to electric cars – into the pockets of electric car grifters, public and private. "
" Or...VW’s diesels were targeted for termination because of the threat they posed to the Electric Car Agenda. They were too efficient and practical and inexpensive. Given the choice between a $21,000 Jetta TDI that goes 700 miles on a tank and refuels in five minutes vs. a $35,000 Tesla that goes 150 miles (maybe) and needs hours to recharge " . . .

July 08, 2018:

christianity: my enemy is a child of god judaism: my enemy is an insect how's that playing out for us, white man?
anything that justifies a competitor is liberalism - as defined by nature contrast judaism, a jew philosophy for jews, with christianity, a jew philosophy for goyim
i dont gaf about tai cave rats. they're probably in heaven with all the spiders to eat. that's probably why they went in there in first place

July 07, 2018:
The 1000-page book is "Tragedy and Hope." The ultimate globalist circle KNOWS people dont want it. Knows people will vote against it. Knows there will be huge misery (tragedy). They've planned for it. The jews and cuckservants must be identified, located, and terminated.
Voting isn't going to change anything; the jew bankers and their political facegoys must be killed.
Christianity: of the kikes, by the kikes, for the kikes (((Christianity))) Whether you like it or not. Whether you acknowledge it or not. #TeamWhite
" when I press Kosinski for examples of how psychology-detecting AI is being used by governments, he repeatedly falls back on an obscure Israeli startup, Faception. The company provides software that scans passports, visas and social-media profiles, before spitting out scores that categorise people according to several personality types. "
" “I can’t see why you would not be able to predict the propensity to commit a crime from someone’s face. We know...that testosterone levels are linked to the propensity to commit crime, and they’re...linked with facial features – and this is just one link. There are thousands or millions of others we are unaware of, that computers could very easily detect.”
" “I don’t believe in guilt, because I don’t believe in free will,” Kosinski tells me, explaining that a person’s thoughts and behaviour “are fully biological, because they originate in the biological computer that you have in your head”. " neo-Lombrosoism
basically, all social science does is prove that X is fixed, no matter what X is, when everybody wants to believe it's a matter of choice or circumstance
give it five photos, it can tell 91% if you're a he-fagoo
"  “I was just shocked to discover that it is so easy for an algorithm to distinguish between gay and straight people,” Kosinski tells me. “I didn’t see why that would be possible.”  Round Up. It's not just for weeds.
that's how you know you're in a dark age. you have to pre-denounce (disclaim) to satisfy the taboo, then support it using different words. #DarkAgeShit i prefer the me way: speak the plain truth while laughing
" Kosinski’s research dismisses physiognomy as “a mix of superstition and racism disguised as science” – but then argues it created a taboo around “studying or even discussing the links between facial features and character”.  "
" There is growing evidence, he insists, that links between faces and psychology exist, even if they are invisible to the human eye; now, with advances in machine learning, such links can be perceived.  "

July 06, 2018:
cure for "i'm special" go type your search in - and the machine knows what you want before you do so you're yeah pretty much like everybody else
Catholicism gets off on snuffling in shit. There is nothing on earth that could be less white than the christian mentality, which is perversion writ large.
We have idiots on here -- typical lugubrious-boob right-wing losers in mentality -- telling you to email jews because they're anti-white. What are they going to do? Stop being jews? That's as likely as you stopping being an idiot. Jews: exterminate them. I'm sorry it's not the clever, fun, wordy, legal solution your stupid approach is premised on.
Use your goddam christian-attenuated white mind, whatever is left of it, to cut through the garbage to the truth: jews must be exterminated. Exactly like the manroaches they are.
the jews did this. they will do it again if we don't exterminate them.
is there anyone in brooklyn who isnt a violent retard?

July 05, 2018:
The boy is thought to have been a victim of an Inca ritual called capacocha, where children of great beauty and health were sacrificed by drugging them and taking them into the mountains to freeze to death.
" The women said the man called them 'spicks'  and said that 'Asians are better because they pay taxes and they never go to jail... unlike Brown people' "
all races hate niggers. that's just a fact.
Last October, the two-time Oscar nominee and three-time Emmy Award winner claimed that he has been 'blacklisted' by the liberal Hollywood elites, driving him to the brink of retirement from acting. ‘While #Liberals scream about the 50's blacklist, my #Repub actor friends are terrified of losing their ability to provide for their families,’ he tweeted.
"I am redpilled and I believe Jesus came back from the dead." Gee, it sounds so disturbingly invalid when you lay it out all plain like that.
you can't grow your grass over 8" or you get fined. but you can adopt niggers
you never hear about the majority when it's white, only minorities; the second that flips, you never hear about the white minority if you want to go extinct, keep on worshiping jew jesus and the other yids
jews are brazen liars christians are delusional liars
Christian, conservative, coward are interchangeable for they amount to the same thing. And if stupid started with c, you could throw that in there too.
The left is the state. That's why it has all the money. Even better, that money all comes directly from the pockets of its enemies. Whites - the earning race -- fund the races out to genocide them.  We need a revolution.
A man's mind should be critical, logical and incisive. A great example is Bobby Fischer (jew or part jew is irrelevant) on jews.
Sorry, I have to have 25 million in the bank before I say jews, and I only have 12. #ThingsCowardCoulterWouldSay

July 04, 2018:

pookie, ray-ray and dirty-dick rodney and the women who eh facilitate them
revelation is not equal to reason, it is inferior to it, on par with hallucination, insanity, and smelling-pigs-that-aren't-there there is no special-needs muh-alt-reality. reality is one and indivisible, pinkies
remember: clowns are trained professionals. dont try to copy them in your sad amateur way; there is more going on than meets the eye
act or not act; there is no threat --maybe Yoda maybe? either way, read and assimilate do not threaten people remember: the enemy (in media and courts) thinks words are MORE important than behavior
Remember, in America your right to suck flies off screens with a Shop Vac comes from GOD not govt, and shall not be infringed. DIG IT. #USA #USA #USA

July 03, 2018:
Christianity: a cult for lugubrious boobs
" Infectious disease expert Dr. Lee Riley warned the city was dirtier than some slums in India and Brazil.  'The contamination is… much greater than communities in Brazil or Kenya or India,' the UC Berkeley professor said. " In my experience, there is no big snob-jackass on the planet than a WASP San Franciscan.
white TSU student steps in to save woman, says to reporter: "But, I'm also just anxious now because I never thought I would have to deal with a guy wielding an ax in my front yard."" guy = african brought in by jew-christian alliance to destroy America and bring about white genocide
attack someone with an ax and get domestic assault? now the nigger's in prison on 150k bond. the woman is fucked up. they probably have 3-4 kids Christianity is weak and evil. Judaism is strong and evil.
christians and jews bring these africans into #NEMO, here's the result

July 02, 2018:
i ceep clicking home and nothing happens some niggers need to come up with some shit
Remember, kids: bottle rockets are fun, and god equipped you with your very own Cape Sphincter to launch them.
cant wait to see fresh ways cretins off themselves with fireworks this season #FireworksSuckLikeDogs
this is fucking great. the only thing we owe the media is a bullet between the lies
men who can be deflected from their mission by tits or pussy aren't serious; women know this instinctively, hence their tests to see just how strong a man they're dealing with
women instinctively understand that men who take them seriously aren't serious
drink Coke: because poisonous relationships go with poisonous beverages, right miss mudshark?

July 01, 2018:
Drake is a jigger. He looks like exactly what he is: a jew hiding in a nigger.
"Canadian hip hop artist Murda Beatz, whose real name is Shane Lee Lindstrom, added: 'RIP My Brothers Smoke Dawg & Koba.. Love You Guys 4 Life.. Rest Easy.'  Smoke Dawg was a member of Halal Gang with Mo-G and Puffy L'z, and rose to fame for his song 'Still'. " #MurdaBeatz #HalalGang
Under the one-drop rule, God qualifies as a nigger.
Christians assert that niggers are created by God, and reflect him. What do you think about a cult that worships a nigger God?
'Race relations' is a term of cant. It is propaganda. The natural relation between whites and LCD races is separation.

June 30, 2018:

niggers jews and (((christians))) let into the US doin' work
there is no subset of humanity that maintains a consistent level of disgustingness as NYC-area brownshit island monkeys. every single one of them looks dirty and dishonest
mudshark exits ISIS style
it's the question that kept aristotle up nights: what are leftists worse at? fighting or thinking?
Everything whites need to thrive is marked out of bounds as extremism. We must ditch our effeminate Anglo status fears and respond as men. Jews must be exterminated. That's the objective fact, it doesn't matter in the least how you feel about it. #TeamWhite
"We will instruct the youth of the goyim in doctrines WE KNOW TO BE wrong." That's Protocols. You can see it in everything jews do. Just look at Israel, where they do the opposite.  The solution to jews is not to email them, or argue with them, or even be interested in them once you suss these one trick nose-ponies, but simply to exterminate them.  #TeamWhite
The only interpretation of feminism that covers all the actual facts is the racial interpretation. Feminism is correctly seen as a tool used by one race to destroy another. Just as with race proper, jews are well aware of the facts about sexual differences - and they use their knowledge to promote false doctrines they know will destroy white families.
The truths about the sexes are known. They can be used. They can be concealed. MGTOW, TFM in particular, are missing or hiding that feminism is one, just one, no matter how broad, front in a racial war.  This is one of the few areas worth writing about at length. Almost everything else has been closed intellectually, just needs spread.
remember, kiddies: #SPLC arent just liars and criminals - they are literal terrorists. they had advanced knowledge of OKC and sat on it. and probably more than that, but that, at least, can be proved. see, i'm not like them. i dont lie or need to.
most people are dogs, they just bark brainlessly at whatever's in front of their face around people never relax. they're like blacks in that regard
the point of life is the witticisms you can discharge before your atoms disband or maybe it's to catch bluegill and hop up and down hard to say
snowflakes are literally unique. but the main thing is they're exactly alike.  #thehumanconditionisdecomposition
yes, death is atomic free agency
death is when your atoms cautiously approach you and softly inform you they're choosing to exercise other options
"i'm one of a kind" yeah go join the others over there or as jim croce put it in this song
in the war between me and nature, i am coming in third. jesse christ.

June 29, 2018:
"love is the illusion that one woman is different from another" --HLM
" Chasey - who is a co-founder of People of Leather Among You (PLAY) - has the motto: 'Blood may be thicker than water, but leather is thicker than blood.'  "
daily mail is like a santa claus who actually exists and is about as smart as forrest gump who flies around the world every single day taking pictures of everything. DM is as close to journalism as (((System))) shit ever gets
where does the zany notion that niggers aren't actual things but temporary conditions come from? why it comes from magic water. notice how the conservative cunts calling themselves racialists don't have the balls to laugh at magic water as magic dirt, even tho it's the same fallacy; in fact its pa
"You have the natural right to all the pie you can stick in your mouth." --Ben Franklin
is this what we are supposed to be? is it? is this the good life? is this how it's done? is this is the cream and glory? is this the it and essence?
why are there so many faggots in minnesota?
i'm going t o pretend my dick is a dog. just walk around, piss on every tenth person. then i'll affect a smack on the nocent pecker.  i'll smh "omg, he never does that."
the nazis used to hang dogowners with placards around their neck reading I BEFOUL PUBLIC AREAS
the price of owning a dog should be a dogturd tattoo on one of your handbacks, so people know what they're dealing with. no different from GRIDS tat on buttock or SOD tat on forehead
sporty spice thinks it's funny, guarantee you
the amazing thing, when you consider the sad assembly of fat dopes the usa has become - literally every single one of these creatures is the winner of the Great Sperm Race one boggles at the quality of the also-rans
dog ownership is strong indication of anti-social personality yeah that's my own DSSM but  trust me it's a pretty goddam good indicator of passive-aggressive pussihood
this is what you get when everybody's out for himself, no one feels part of anything larger, or any responsibility to other people
the chinese are more civilized than us - they eat dogs. we worship them. i'm seeing more and more cunts bringing dogs into shops. they think they're so cool for doing it, too. dog owners are mostly garbage people
"whites have no culture" of all the absurd lies the parrot-people parrot, this is the absurdest look around you...every single thing you see was invented by a white man. so if nothing else, these horrible people have a culture of INVENTING FUCKING EVERYTHING. i mean, that's not an exaggeration, that's bare fact: EVERYTHING
the good doesnt and cant elevate the bad, that's the mistake anglo-christian made and keeps on making, out of pride, arrogance, cultishness and puerility 1) niggers cant be made into chads and beckys 2) niggers, even if they could be, DONT WANT TO BE chads and beckys you believe god created niggers - why do you white cross-cult jackasses try to recreate them?
"Under my administration Minnesota will become Maxisota. My policies are that good." --Trump speech in N.D., June 2018
You notice how Trump draws huge crowds even in lutefisk land, where America's insaniest white people live? #DeepNorth All white people, even northeasterners and upper midwesterners, can understand good sense when it's spoken to them with hearty bluntness.
it was 97 here in the #NEMO today...i saw some amish heifers, they looked like they were reconsidering their life choices
The USA flag to me = military, and military = morons-slash-parasites.
The Southern flag is the de facto flag of Real America. doesn't matter what state you're in.
i always give thumbs up when i'm on road and i see the X flag. today, big grill on a truck i always talk up a coming race war when i talk to new people in average social situations, if topic comes up. i start with situations everyone knows about (local) and connect them to national and what will eventuate and what must be done about it
almost all obese women have knee problems
Make Women Property Again A woman can be a good thing, like a file cabinet. But like a file cabinet, a good woman must not be too heavy.
FINALLY someone shot up a newsroom instead of a 'school.'  It's about time. Yeah, this was a personal beef. But it's still political in that these assholes think they can lie and attack others and get away with it - because they always have. Not anymore.  Because Americans are nothing if not braindead copycats.
How do you write journalists so well?  "I think of a man. Then I remove reason and accountability."
"The vilification is what gets me. I had been a lifelong Liberal. ... Then the insanity of the man-hating day after day in the mainstream media finally caused me to snap. If you have self-respect, you won't be able to take the misandry forever. I think the 2020s will be an era of great cultural confrontation. Something will soon snap society wide."
how is your thoughtforce doing these days?

June 28, 2018:

In all history in sub-Saharan Africa, no two-story building or a waterproof boat was ever made.'
we dont seem to be getting the top shelf gooks coming in
"i love nature"
remember what i said about loyalty earlier? look how all this white liberal's fellow preening cultists abandoned her at the slightest inconvenience
'gay' pride makes as much sense as smoker's pride
this world is designed on the principle of irony blacks get to live in a world created by an unfathomably advanced race that invents all kinds of marvelous things that make life wonderful whites get to live in a world of...niggers
Loyalty is the gold in hominid relations. When you spit on principles, not to go all Pa Brady, but you're showing those who know that you're disloyal and dumb. In other words, you're common.

June 27, 2018:

historical kikeage on immigration
Govt is magic (or God) to all browns and far too many whites
Germanic people are going to flip to the other side of the card. It's a blood feeling. You can feel it in the offing. ITZ COMING.
That's how the White cause should be posed: Aryan Quest - the ultimate battle to liberate planet earth from the jew.
It should be noticed that whites are a dreamy race, given to adventures and questing. Whites are not a traditionalist race - they are the very opposite.
"The first criminal, 39-year-old Cai Liqun, was found guilty of selling methamphetamine and magu. The latter is a mixture of methamphetamine and caffeine, and is a relatively new type of drug in China."
fake women/real niggers

June 26, 2018:

deferring to women on anything serious is like giving car keys to a drunken five-year-old
" Texas has carried out 551 executions since 1982, tops in the nation. "
"love your race" or else
repeat after me: crime is a concept invented by evil white racists (pardon the redundancy) to prevent black people from getting ahead
what is a nigger? this story provides the answer #Nigger101
how do monkeys and dindus not make the list?
" the Chinese economy is going to be three times bigger than the US economy in 20 years. " -Doug Casey

June 25, 2018:

it's also the niggito was screeching for hours on end, that's what set off the white broad, see Root article, think i posted it. blacks say everything 15x and 3x too loud. they get the same bang the 15th as first. sign of their low IQ

June 23, 2018:

ants are like little tiny maids...that you don't have to pay
a strong, stable man running any damn thing is about as far from toxic as it gets
Specifics help us grasp ideals. In my opinion, the perfect Aryan (man) would have a spirit more or less like Roald Dahl and be shaped about like Ryan Reynolds. I refuse to belong to a race that is cry- weep- blame- or whine-oriented. We must be jaunty. And tough. When in doubt, increase the jauntiness is my motto.
"The teenagers were told they had attended ‘a school of courage which taught you boys to become men.’ They lived as adults, isolated from any technology, ate plain meals such as soup and bread where the main focus was on ‘fresh air and togetherness as men.’" #FreshAir #Soup #Toughness #Togtherness #TeamWhite / #Russia
" Tatiana Bankova, 25, of the Nadezhda medical centre which organises the camp, said: ‘Adolescence is a difficult period and you sometimes have to treat a kid tough'  " #BeTough
"  Young offenders in Russia are being rounded up and sent to military boot camps where they learn marching drills and armed combat in an effort to rehabilitate them. ...secretive camps to find youngsters taking part in a passing-out ceremony in front of their families in which they battled the gruelling heat in full uniform carrying automatic weapons.  "
Loyalist Germans knew that good hard work cured faggotry. Russians think, well, it might cure delinquency too.
if you listen to christianity, the most significant thing about a nigger is not what it is or what it does, but that it's created by god you willing to bet the continued existence of your kind on this tomfoolery? cuz that's the stakes.
magic dirt is bogus. magic water is totally a real thing. i buhlieve because i am absurd.
Jo Cox is trying to virtue signal, but since it's several feet under soil, it's not coming through so well. #DeadJoCoxLOL
Britain is not a lost cause. Britons simply need to begin killing the enemy. #HeroThomasMair
What do we do when faced with an opponent who isn't honest, who refuses to listen to reasonable criticism, who intends our kind's genocide? We accept him for what he is, and accept his challenge Aryanly. We move to exterminate him, and we do just that. In the end, all that remains of him is a Museum of Jewish Crimes.

June 22, 2018:
one of the larger invasion groups does things like this in old country
basically, anything you can stick in your body that you can buy in a common store is poisonous upon inspection, particularly the hygiene-medical products
fagoos doin' work
brownskin in-Americans, doin' work
Why haven't whites been able to identify jews as enemies and destroy them? When YOU figure that out, you have something valuable. Christianity doesn't just make it hard to identify jews as the enemy (them) it makes it hard to identify us. Who are we? Whites? Westerners? Xtian? These aren't same thing  Team Jesus aint Team White, it's an opponent of #TeamWhite.
Christianity is an anti-racial doctrine. God created everybody. Everybody's soul matters. Civic spiritualism. We are all (or should be) part of Club Jesus.

June 21, 2018:
any tiny, diseased weirdo 'community' has no hope save it dominate mass communications honest men could make money in mass media, but they could make money in meatpacking too liars (jews and helpful deviants) gain the double benefit of making money and spreading obfuscation, and over decades, they enjoy a wonderful ratchet effect
Our race made a vital mistake in accepting the Christ-lie. The way back to racial health begins with vomiting Jew Jesus.
Get the christ-confusion out of the way, it's easy to see jews are a hostile, predatory parasite preying on the White population. Detach and kill them. Refuse to believe humans are animals and subject to mammalian biology, as the jewish christian church for fools teaches, and you will pay the price of racial extinction.
" Speaking as a Japanese dude: the real cultural force at work here is the Japanese concept of “Meiwaku” (causing trouble to others). " From a really young age, it was drilled into me by my mother, always consider whether you are causing meiwaku to others. Cleaning up after yourself is important"...

June 20, 2018:

June 19, 2018:
nigging it up on Cooney Island
whites prefer being continually fooled to principled consistency that would protect them

June 18, 2018:

you're afraid of being associated with Nazis? imagine how they feel being associated with you
The plant can grow eight to 14 feet and is originally from Western Asia
"i love nature"
another term for 'drama' is disorder - and women biologically love it. they prefer it to order. this is one reason they should be kept 100% out of politics
impressive, vox day's development of alt-comix, talking to movie studios now
observation: where THE FUCK does this giant need for SPEECH PATHOLOGY teachers come from? this is like spergery - it was unheard of two decades ago where are all these people who can't speak? i fully expect to be the last non-retard on earth on the day i die
subsidizing defective people (retards, drug fans) is a great way to destroy a nation, along with promiscuity/degeneracy promotion
slavery was good for niggers; for whites, not so much, apart from a tiny few  as Carlson says, whatever the (((media))) say, flip it for the truth
People think it's easy to be a hedonist, but it's not. it's a talent. I strongly suspect most Anglo-Germanic types, or your base Aryan set, do not have that talent. In my opinion, most A-G types are built to work hard at something. They're strong, resilient and they wear well, most of them. I think that's true.
these fucking tittards (melania trump, laura killer bush) with their preening myopia re the border stubbies makes me sick. always "heart" is used to advocate doing something destructive.  men must rule. men alone sometimes have long-range vision and enough cold seriousness to do what needs to be done
the woman and children are the man's property that's the right doctrine anything else is degenerate
Is there any form of social degeneracy the jewish christian church for whiteskin simpletons does not facilitate?
As famous 18th-century orator Coslow Benthorpe said: "A grinning preacher doth make the Lord puke."
what color of neon-nazi are you? i think i'm more pink, actually (no homo)
We need a mash up of the Israelis protesting arab house sale with US resisting disintegration at gunpoint in 50s.
only observation i'm going to make re changes: it is much harder (slower) to respond to replies now. so hard i dont bother with it, mostly.
JEWS, TICKS, HEMORRHOIDS (the "nature" they dont put on posters)
honestly, most of nature is loathsome. the man-made world is far preferable
nature tried to connect with me this morning but i deflated the tick of its jewy power.  NICE TRY NATURE BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME LOSER!
get rid of your fucking tv. i dont just mean not paying for it.  electricity is a pathogen. yeah we arent amish but we're addicted to it like heroin.
the idea that age confers wisdom is complete bullshit. thinking and checking against reality confers wisdom. and that doesn't take decades for most things. your whole life you should observe, think, read - and talk to the smartest people you can find. if you cant quadrangulate some kind of helpful pith here, then your mind doesnt work. but will.
if others fucked up, oh well, more glory for us.
the way to cope with jews is to exterminate them. you're trying to teach niggers math if you think you have time (or could) teach whites racial loyalty and intelligence and consistent principled behavior. They'll choose xtianity and lottery tickets every time cut the knot by killing the kike. that's the solution - the only solution #TeamWhite
"we need more women in STEM" (smiles, tits, enthusiasm and Mulcting)

June 17, 2018:

the correct response to anything involving (((bible))) objection: relevance
the Old South loved jews; the new south serves them
this anti-white garbage from Rolling Stone, the jews who also brought you the UVa gang-rape hoax
bootlippin' all over white culture
Kellen Winslow and the failure of magic money. Add it to the failure of magic water and magic dirt. I'm beginning to think magic isnt as efficacious as normally assumed. BLAINEFACE
" 'If you're looking to understand what's actually happening in this country, always assume the opposite of whatever they're telling you on the big news stations,' Carlson told his viewers on Friday night. " Uh...YEP. MMm-hmm. True dat. Other expressions of affirmation.
"Carlson on Friday's show told viewers to 'believe the opposite' of whatever 'big news' says about whats going on in America  " Gee, I personally have only been saying that since 2000 online Many others have made this point for many years. On race (and every other important thing), jews flip the truth.
The System promotes lies. The courtier satirists encourage you to mock any who dispute them. Carlson is right in following White Nationalists in saying that, for any big story, you should start by assuming the jewsmedia is lying to you - has flipped the truth on its head.
Courtier satirists (could be SNL, in this case a goy named Seth) want to make sure you're laughing at (believing) the right things.
even high-IQ women can't see what really matters. they are down with the liberal idea of society as a proving ground for women to show they are just as capable as men. they're not. standards are ALWAYS dropped. and people die.
"Just give up and call it love" --jews behind christianity, A Way to Pacify, Neuter and Defeat the whiteskin goyim
i saw a video of gorilla. taught to sign. signs to zoo crowd it is not to be fed. someone throws it an orange. it catches orange with awesome cazh. looks at trainer. then eats. now how are you going to doubt evolution when there's about ten human-typical traits on exhibit here? why is it embarrassing to be related to gorillas but not baptists?
"they know not what they do" so you're going to sit there and shake your head sadly, enjoying your moral superiority...and do nothing about it well arent you queen mary #CrossForTheLoss
are you willing to breed and kill? have you actually done these? if not, how call yeselves part of a racial movement? #RoofCrew #WhiteBabiesCrew #BowlGangBallGang we are in a race war right now. ask any of the white corpses whether or not that's true. it's not coming in future, it's happening right now.

June 15, 2018:
"i love nature"
just what part of loving children do you have a problem with, bigot? #PedoPride
countdown to 'pedophobe' or has it already appeared in jewprint?
church of dubious assertions, to say the least christian claims no more bear looking into than 'holocaust' claims
if you're white, you've never been part of any group that looked out for your interests. not one. it's truly bizarre when you think about it. we have allowed the jews to define things so that any organized white self-defense let alone self-interest is immoral. christianity is the key to doing this, though many of you can't see that yet.
people... bring the the clowns i mean pain not paint
christianity is pro-white because someone can find bible verses to justify whatever he wants to do. (whether that person is a slave owner or abolitionist) is that good reasoning?
contrast with charlottesville

June 14, 2018:

i'm a christian. and a white nationalist. and an octopus. what's your problem, man?' consistency is a paste jew
if your ancestors weren't racist, you'd be nigger. instead of just acting like one.
" The man behind White Rex is Denis Nikitin, a former skinhead turned entrepreneur. He was recently featured in a report by The Guardian that labels him a neo-nazi who transformed himself from a young soccer hooligan radicalized in Germany’s soccer circles, into a businessman behind one of the Russia’s infamous neo-nazi groups. "
"White Rex mission statement: Europeans, pressured by the propaganda of alien values, lost the spirit of a path-breaker, the spirit of a fighter, the Spirit of a Warrior! One of the main objectives of White Rex is to revive this spirit. Modern society brings up philistines & consumers; yet we want to see WARRIORS – people who are strong morally & physically."
" Some of the White Rex shirts openly state slogans such as “Zero Tolerance,” “Angry Europeans,” and “White Rex Against Tolerance.” Others sport symbols such as “88,” which stands for “Heil Hitler.”  "
" Founded in 2008, White Rex is a Russian apparel brand that appeals to fans of popular sports like soccer and MMA. The company produces shirts, hoodies, pants, sports gear, and other items branded with fascist and neo-nazi symbols. They have produced t-shirts that show the black sun and swastika amalgamated into a single symbol. "

June 13, 2018:

christian moral experts, whatever would we do without that christian moral sense? yes i know. a catholic bishop isnt a "real" christian. now if i said you're not a "real" moron, would i sound smart or dumb?
Minnesota raccoons: climbing 25-story buildings Minnesota girls: "'We were just all having fun and I saw this big exhaust pipe and I was like, 'Hey, my head could probably fit in that,' Strom told the Hutchinson Leader."
#LoveYourRace #LutefiskLickers
best i can tell, einstein simply flipped around equations discovered by other (better, Whiter) men, then bedded his not-new-stuff in a bunch of verbiage, and his coethnics promoted him as the main course until he achieved smartest-human-ever status in the simple minds of goyim such as joe theisman
" Albert stole the work of even more men than that. A man called Harold Aspden, whom I had the pleasure to meet before he died, wrote a whole book called something like physics without Einstein. Hard to get but it’s awesome. "
every great jew in time is revealed a fraud

June 12, 2018:

which christian will speak this truth? nary a one. jesus-pussies all.
mexicans are ready to die to protect their sales districts  and we whites aren't willing to kill to protect our race?
so like just south of texas is a "no go" zone per our state dept. mexico is basically uncovered in news in USA
Missouri does itself proud, altho never apologize
weird sheeran newt-bothering in britain
around 'gropeds, never relax
Britain: "Birmingham is turning into a never see any police. The town centre police station is closed and souped up cars race round all night like its brands hatch. Homeless people in the streets verbally abuse you if you don't give money and there's a stench of pee and pot whenever you go...don't get me started on the litter"
a never-relax classic:
It's a BREXIT not a BRENTRANCE Stop sodomizing Britain with immigration.
"PICTURED: Joe Biden's glamorous niece appears in court sporting a pair of funky $1,450 Givenchy booties as she faces charges for a $100,000 credit card scam "
notice always the non-jews who succeed in a jewed system tend to be very jewy in their actions - endlessly lying, scamming, accusing (bidens, clintons) as distinct from the cucks on the right, who are just paid doglets
I hardly need tell you that the real cradle of civilization lies between the real Tigris and Euphrates, the Mississippi and Missouri. That would be #NEMO, or God's country
southerners have a long history messing around on rivers  aka the shit-tier sluices they call rivers
if you take a catfish and hoist it up in the air  then its mouth goes wogga wogga wogga that's a fine representation of the christian at argument
i read something yesterday: columbus ohio is 14th biggest city in US. it is more than 2x big as atlanta. that is surprising
square up to it, mental nigger come at me and tell me how jesus came back from the dead because that's the claim. it's a claim, it's a factual claim, not presented as a myth so get up and tell me it's true, you mind-nigger
The white race has a genetic proclivity for delusion, and jewish-christianity works, relies and builds on this.
(((Christianity))) Look in your heart and ask yourself why you refuse to face it. You know it's true.
Line those coonass hominid nutria up against the wall and turn them into polish submarine doors.
#Fingerism is not about love and forgivenness, it is about responsibility.
did i tell you white niggers a [ ] of mine was on a jury for case in which buck beat jemima within inch of her life. buck already racked up mid-teen crimes. guess who on jury wanted to forgive buck 70x7? yep. the faggot-ass christians, nature's real and eternal faggots. alt-queers, or queers of the spirit, as they are
if we want to live with other people, then we got to have some rules. and it's self-evident that not throwing bottles in rivers is pretty high up among them
the xtian's absolute morality is just an imaginary big brother making Little Man feel good
People would love a dictator that just flat shot people for legit anti-social bullshit like throwing bottles in rivers. I know i would.
wouldnt you love to hear a soundtrack of that sandbar brawl? i bet there were ejaculations that'd put bigfoots to flight
what's the tradition?  living in canuckland? getting ass kicked by british? hunting gators? tradition is one of those concept that disintegrates at pinky poke
blood and soil they say, i try not to snurkle take Arcadians. French Canadians driven out by British. They went from snow and soil to swamp and soil. Successful in both latitudes. Try blood and will, sons, that's where it at. The white man wipes his ass on circumstances.
life among the geophages
A brawl broke out between two large groups at the sand bar just after 5.30pm on Saturday, according to the St Tammany Parish Sheriff's Office It was an event like this that inspired the classic...
y'all aint lived till you've been in a good ol fashioned louisana sandbar brawl
if jesus can come back from the dead, why cant a man become a woman?
It's true that Aryans are mainly fat, stupid and delusional, but also, whatever good emanates from the hominid set comes from them, pretty much alone.
it really is impossible to see jews as anything other than devil spawn, a true race of evil, even if you're atheist. it's the simplest explanation. they absolutely and deliberately fuck up any other nation they're allowed into - even if they're separated. to the extent they can fuck up other nations, they will. so why tolerate them at all? we shouldnt
Shapiro giving jewvibes at Korea success. What are jewvibes? Ever seen maggots teeming on a dead mouse?
George Washington approves Trump's actions re North Korea. It's what he would do.
what getting along no wars and lies and bullshit pretexts? i dont know...this seems more than vaguely anti-semitic
i said this long ago, every cell in the beehive that is your head is filled with jewgunk unless you have specifically, consciously mucked it.
"As dirt to the stomach, so the bible to the brain." --old Southern saying
you dont determine the quality of an apple by its religious beliefs but by its meat the racialist case is that men arent that different it may be humiliating to the religious tit who imagines he wuz hand-blown by the Kang of Kangz yet it's true
the christian moral sense is why the South no longer exists yet just as they serve the jews, the dirteaters continue to support the jebus cult that laid them low
It's christianity that is left wing, not Nazism. And that's the point the real right should have been making all these decades.  Instead, we get these young cleversomethings, these young fogeys, promoting the throne and altar horseshit.  Traditionalism is for animals, not white men. (((Christianity))) is liberalism & the forerunner of (((communism))).
Where christianity appears, laughter and rationality disappear. There's not a single funny line in the 1700 onionskin pages of the bible, just chapter after chapter of disgusting, dishonest or lugubrious nonsense.
Example, importing african niglets, a popular christ-lunatic pastime. Every last one of thest christ-drunks think he's doing good and will not hear you hinting otherwise. Only the christian moral sense makes this insanity possible. Without it, the man would be open to reason - the rational case against bringing retarded jungle savages into society.
" The Moral Sense enables a man to do wrong. It enables him to do wrong in a thousand ways. Rabies is an innocent disease, compared to the Moral Sense. No one, then, can be the better man for having the Moral Sense. "
" Twain goes on to compare the moral sense to having rabies, to suggest that it, too, is a disease, but a worse one: Rabies is bad, but it is not so bad as this disease. Rabies enables a man to do a thing which he could not do when in a healthy state: kill his neighbor with a poisonous bite. No one is the better man for having rabies. "
I believe the most effective thing the cuckservatives have achieved, under jew-right direction, is to tie Nazis to the left. A term such as 'Feminazi' is incredibly destructive for it flips the reality on its head and closes off the conditioned masses from the truth that 1) the stuff they hate comes from the jew, 2) something NS-substantial is only way to win
Mark Twain on the moral sense. Christian morality is a curse, not a blessing. When it comes in the door, common sense, will, use of brain and eyes all fly out the window.
..."Roosevelt ordered his diplomats to exert enormous pressure upon both the British and Polish governments to avoid any negotiated settlement with Germany, thereby leading to the outbreak of World War II in 1939. "
European whites should just move to africa and take it over. more and better land, in many ways.
why won't cryptocurrency go the way of the internet? free for 10-15 years, then lawed into serving the (((System)))?
So did Spencer just disappear?
dI mean, I like to see a frog expressing the white young man's reaction to our absurd world. But I'd rather read an erudite 80-year-old's essay on Hawthorne, say.  It seems like it's all one and none of the other, these days. It didn't used to be that way.
Everything has become communist-political. Every smallest properly-personal thing has been political. It used to be conservative magazines had swathes full of genuinely erudite people writing about literature and other non-political aspects of life. Now things are at once trivial, political and ideological. Boring, threatening and anti-social.
Unz on John Flynn. This stuff used to be more talked about when I first read conservatives; today everything is graphics and cartoons.

June 11, 2018:

"Suicide hotline calls jumped 25% last week after the deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain - but the group is struggling for funds to cope with the soaring demand" This is what happens when food is widespread among human populations
Contemptible effeminacy certainly applies to christ cult but to hollywood too. These people are such preenhards they lose all sense and perspective. Trump is a guy. He got elected. There's no serious claim he didnt. No one gives a fuck what some clown like De Niro thinks about anything political.
Women are so innately biologically conformist they will get seriously irritated if you don't like the same candy they do.
"There are people who hate Lou Reed and people who pretend they don't hate Lou Reed." --C. Horse
'Massachusetts' comes from an old Algonquin word roughly equivalent to 'saddest rectangle.'
Just the way proles need about five of them for one semi-functional brain, a clusterunfuck, you need a society composed of men who 'own' by which i mean own their wives and children. The nation is a group of these family-clans, and the politics is some sort of emulsion of leadership from the men-heads.  That's as good as human society can really do.
'When I pulled her hair back, that's when I saw the tick. I immediately called my husband, who is in Iraq, freaking out over the phone asking what could be going on. 'He told me that I needed to put the tick in a Ziploc bag and take it with me straight to the ER.' #ManReasoningSavesTheDay
there is no more fatuous statement than "i love nature"
mizzoo > mizzou
These are actually the two highest-quality ideas ever to emerge from the Bay State.
"Olive oil will remove gum from a child’s hair as if by magic. ‘When a child puts a bean in his nose, don’t try to dig it out. Put a little cayenne pepper upon his upper lip and he will sneeze it out."
" Lydia Estes Pinkham was born February 9, 1819 in Lynn, Massachusetts, growing up in a Quaker family, attending Lynn Academy and fervently supporting abolition and other interests including temperance, phrenology and women’s rights. " Very few American Bad Ideas don't ancestrulate back to dear old Massachusetts.
trolling La PInkham
women will basically brainlessly parrot whatever matured sperm cell gets to them first. they will brainlessly repeat his mantra, uphold his standard, meet his expectation - without ever really knowing why thus 'good' woman is not a thing. the attitude and deportment of women is simply an indicator of the manlieness of society, the quality of men at the time
jackasses like Reagan, they used to say women civilize men BULLSHIT. the opposite of the truth. women have no conception of any standard save a man put it in their empty heads
how are you xtian apologists not like the judeo-left when you get scared at my simple, Occam-compliant observation that men don't come back from the dead?
Hitler destroyed jew perverts in Germany. Then those wunnerful christian moralists sided with the jew-pervs and communists to destroy Hitler. Clown World begins on Calvary, with the Original Based Stickman.
you know, it's not a joke that Hitler was a gentleman. now we need another one, except not so much a gentleman, more like a mass slayer of jews, perverts and enablo-facilitators and the anteaters they rode in on
cut off rattlesnake head IQ > Texan IQ
you wonder why i say dumb, Ga. dumb and Texas dumb?
I dont even think Dorsey's instincts are to censor or get political. I suspect there are many times he just sighs at how far he is away from the thing that fired him initially. So many things work like this, it's yet another example of the world based or built on or advancing through irony.
Whenever I hear the word 'liberation' I think of someone running around without any underwear yelling "Wheeeee." But it always ends with tears and a puddle on the floor.
So imagine you have a shit product: Vance West's Sun-Dried Roadkill Jerky I-70/I-10 Party Blend- try our new Armadillo flavor!. You can't really sell that straight up cuz very small demand. So you make your packaging look like Serious Terry's Kobe 'n' Wild Turkey Jerky in hopes it will fool the tots.
The judeo-left almost always tries to hide its disgusting, anti-white, anti-rational policies under cover of manners, morality or science. If it goes the plain-political route, why it's inevitably 'liberation' that is actually tyranny or soon leads to it.
The story of the dancing doctor is which standards were relaxed to get the creature the necessary papers.
women are really coming along. as many as 1 in 10 can drive up to an ATM and use it without opening the door.
'gay' = propaganda (euphemism) 'guy' = propaganda (belittlement, diminution) 'goy' = epithet misrepresented as neutral  'giy' = currently unused
'Guy' is a propaganda term.
I could use xtianity against jewism better than any xtian who exists or existed. But that's not good enough. We need the white chutzpah to shoot the gap. Get rid of jews and xtianity-for-the-goyim in one swoop.
"Doin' right ain't got no end." You enjoying it? The xtian 'morality'? That's what SJW shit is.  The jews are racialists using rational strategy. The SJW are xtian moralists, bent on stamping out evil.  There is no end to the misery jewish-christianity has brought to the world.
you know who needs to talk all the time yet has nothing to say? yeah if you're a man with a cell phone, you're skewing trannward
"You have nothing important to say. You do not need a cell phone." --Cicero
Social kudzu is what cell phones are. Just like ob/gyns they're something no one ever needed until they existed.
I hope one day we get to where people smugbrag about not having cell phones the way they do about TVs.

June 10, 2018:

" Some great T-shirts and placards: "BBC: Building Britain's Caliphate", "72 Virgins When You Die Not Before", "Better to be a wolf of Odin than a lamb of God". "
" The elites are the last to realize their grip is slipping. I am willing to wager someone right now is making arrangements to put Tommy into a roomful of Muslim inmates thinking that his death will bring and end to the demonstrations. If they make that mistake government buildings are going to start to burn down. "

June 09, 2018:

June 07, 2018:

own your behavior. it is the way of the finger #Fingerism #TeamWhite
more money for green niggers more money for black niggers more money for 'mental health services' more money for teachers govt = gangsters + greed media = female PR firm hired by (((govt)))
like almost everything heard of and promoted publicly, 'mental health services' is a jewish scam

June 05, 2018:

June 04, 2018:
"inviolable, infinite dignity" Guess which fine subset of alleged humanity they're talking about? Niggers? Abos? MS-12? MS-PAINT? MS-13? Korn?  If you think it's unfair to call Christ Club a cult, I really don't know what to tell you.
The average person can continue to talk on a cell phone for 3-4 seconds after being beheaded.

June 03, 2018:
if you value your race and your christ club membership you're not a serious person. you're a clown who doesn't even understand what seriousness means. non-contradiction is a good portion of it.
unlike the white race, i dont get pushed off my agenda by anyone ever
people yap too much. i must be fallow and percolate internally until i rise fecund with a thousand steamy innovations
"Cell phones are dogshit you step on with your head." --Splotch Adams
conservatives are liberals who dont realize it liberals are communists who dont realize it jews are racist communists who do realize it
in the 19th century, some women wrote under male pen names. so they weren't getting by on their tits but their talent if you're a young woman who wonders if or thinks she is talented, try that
phone owners: faggots? or complete faggots? you're with someone. well not really. it's a menage a twat with their phone. and yeah - you're the sidepiece to their fon cell phones are the worst.  i'm not sure if they're worse than dogs. dogshit is horrible. but cellphones are like dogshit stuck to the ear, constantly interrupting and noise-polluting
dog sharia now!
it's funny, when that broad jogger runs around shitting on someone's property, it's global funny story.  but when 500,000,000 dogs do that every single day thanks to their criminal-selfish owners, it's not any kind of news at all. well i'm reporting it: dog owners are scum. yeah not all. only 98%.
The story of the 20th century is the dual horror of jew ascending toward global mastery and the proliferation of hominid crud, typified by niggers, tattooed idiots and dog owners.
Why shouldn't there be an annual tax for vermin owners, since their pets befoul public spaces worse than cars? Unlike horseshit, dog and catshit is not fertilizer. it's just pollution. Dog owners as a class are selfish, disrespectful shitbags.
Why I dislike dogs and dog owners even more. Imagine a prominent city. Ringed by mountains. You're in a small park overlooking a whole valley. You're in the rich section where the smarter people live. Truly beautiful vista. And the park is absolutely suburban-goose-tier covered with dogshit. That's the respect dog owners have for other people: zero.
There is nothing I believe that is rationally described as extreme, including the counter-extermination of jews, if the facts I base my opinions on are correct. And they are. That makes me a rationalist and a moderate. Given my preferences (to live in an all-White nation).
the System has shown it will crack down on legal activity, either banning us from legit activity or treating legal activity as if it were criminal is that going to stay the same in the future, get better, or get worse? the answer is obvious that being the case, what is the step that jumps the struggle forward it's obvious #TTK
the difference between whites and jews people tell jews to fold into the larger hominidstream. jews respond fuck off. whites respond, duh ok. if you want to hear good things about whites, you might as well be a nigger what matters are the bad things. if our race matters, we must form a #TeamWhite. if not, the christian church is open for the browns you'll become
What kind of a god would look at a nigger and say, "I think I've achieved my purpose." Your God. And you worship him. Nice choices all around.

June 02, 2018:

The first thing you notice when you speak with professional catholics is their wuss-tier but fullgoing smear of whites before christianity. We were nothing until they came along. That's their big lie. It's like Greece and Rome never happened, all good things are due to the christ cult. It just cant repeat them outside white lands.
around blacks, never relax. in fact, don't even lax once!
jews shoot enemy babies. their jew-produced cult tells them it's the right thing to do. whites adopt enemy babies. their jew-produced cult tells them it's the right thing to do. [how much blaineface i gotta pull out before you get what's going on, you christ-infected halfwit?]
jews shoot babies whiteskins worship jew jesus and sign online petitions it is to weep
You wouldnt believe how much money these morons spend on dogs. They won't have kids, but they will spend big dollars on these retarded bunk wolves.
Jews have acceded to so many power positions and fucked with the meaning of words for so long that nothing is reliable anymore. Except this, the north star for whites: Killing all jews is what needs to be done. It is the only way out of the mess our race and its civilization is in. #TeamWhite
Maybe dog owners should be charged a yearly $500 anti-social asshole-pussy fee, since y'all love government so much.
There is nothing more disgusting than the feel of oily dog coat.
Dogs are a way for pussies to attack others while maintaining plausible deniability. They're essentially effeminate. "Oh he never does that." when the cur bites someone. Taking the dog around to rap on others' property.  A real dog is a wolf, and it laughs at faggoty dog owners. Most dog owners are christians. Because deballed wolves go with deballed men.
Social engineering only has one workable form: killing people. Everything else comes from the inside.
"I used to be a scumbag, then I became a christian." Can you identify the takeaway here? Can you?
comment apartheid is a good phrase it's immoral for you to protect your 'loved ones' from physical violence but necessary for them to protect their ears from contradictory ideas
Jews created three cults. Love and hate cults to divide and manage their enemies. And a race cult for themselves. Really makes you think.
June 2 is #RedSnapperDay
"Even the ugliest woman can dress nicely and keep her mouth shut." --Lao Boog-Alu (prominent 16th-century Uighur sage and inventor of the marshmallow) in his Codex for the Unfavored
Toxic faggotry Toxic christ-insanity Toxic obesity Toxic stupidity Toxic manlette-ery Those are what i see.
The catholic church claims usury is immoral. So it cedes a monopoly in money loaning to jews. Who use it to enslave white populations. No, you're right. The christ cult is good for whites.
Christianity is a garbage religion, and the sooner it disappears among our people, the better. Both by doctrine and by actual behavior, the church is anti-White. It's a cult produced by a racial competitor to undermine and eventually destroy our kind, similar to multiculturalism and diversity.
Christianity is religious liberalism; political liberalism is secular christianity. Judaism isn't liberal. Jews use both forms of liberalism to achieve their racial, tribal, non-liberal ends. Jews are the only ones operating in accord with nature. Whites must develop, for the second time, a mirror strategy for their race.
When we say people are stupid, we mostly mean they cannot imagine anything being other than what it is. They simply cannot see the choices that went into something, hence they can't imagine something radically different. Even their fantasies are mass-produced agitcrap. Revelation cranknip being the best example.
The old throne-and-altar was the first fake right. The minute you concede a competing race's right to exist, you have abandoned nature's reality for fantasy called liberalism. Christianity is liberalism, not its opponent.
Christian apologists speak in what might be called pussy-chutzpah. Sobran did some of this. "That the church is criticized for 15 things proves it's right!" Not that it's multi-defective. Of course, he took that point from Ol' Tinear, the obese buffoon Chesterton.
Whites are under attack on all fronts. We require a state that protects us and secures a space in which we can flourish. That's what White Nationalism is all about. When you bring in your christ delusion you complicate, complexify and confuse people with adventitious, useless, destructive nonsense.
We want to dump christo-secular universalism. Our state is to safeguard whites. That's its reason for existing. It will destroy anything that threatens whites, and that's its monofunction.  White men can run their own lives. If they don't threaten the racial collective, which is a capital crime, how they live is up to them.
Christianity is a competitor not a companion. The only valuable thing it has for our people -- the bait that gets suckers to bite the xtian jewhook, is sex doctrine. That doesn't belong to the church, it's ours too - and without the odious, bogus morality the church hoodwinks with. And we promise to clean up the forces of garbage when we're in power. Just as NS did
a speech is not reading pre-written shit

June 01, 2018:

" The only people who will be shooting back will be white working-class UAW guys or rednecks. Your average middle class NRA conservative is too busy jacking off to Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson podcasts. "
"Sevron wrote: Can you imagine how many reporters are going to die if Trump is assassinated?"
"Think not, lest ye be judged guilty of discrimination." --Jesus of Nazareth, Galilee, your wafered mouth
a smirk of superiority, think shrkeli, is not the same as bourgeois self-satisfaction. not at all.
Back in 2000, it was more or less a joke in reality, but a strongly felt fear by strutgroveling whiteskinright conservatives that writing a badthink LTE would get you investigated by Feds. Today, in 2018, it's a rational concern.
Self-important and gutless. That is the American bourgeois class, the right half of the cuck bell curve. I still remember a shitting-himself letter I got from one of these because I used his  name on my site: "Whether you're wearing a wire for [Janet] Reno or an armband for Adolf," [get my real name off your site gasp gasp. This in 2000.
Thinkhighlys: best family or class name I can come up with for the irritating look and general atmosphere of American bourgeois. These people brainlessly think their opinions and knowledge are the limits of all things. It's that Bible attitude (if it's valuable it's in the Good Book, if it's not, it's worthless) transposed to people.
"Podsnappery insular complacency and blinkered self-satisfaction; the behaviour or outlook characteristic of Dickens's Mr Podsnap in Our Mutual Friend (1864–5)." American bourgeois disease (upper middle class)
i never mention my IQ. why? i dont know what it is, or care
I believe that Mencken was far more influenced by Schopenhauer and Twain than by Nietzsche.
to see how smart or insightful someone is... this is an exercise, i forget who did this, he did a sort of early 1900s Book of Cad, wrote a bio or two.  take a subject. say dogs. or women. or friends. or jews.  come up with the best words you can. the most penetrating insights. get as deep as u can. then read the time-acknowledged best on same. see how you stack up.
"I'd rather sell Coors in St. Louis than teach math to niggers." --Jane Goodyear
One line of Schopenhauer > all feminist intellection ever.
And in line with what I said earlier, Schopenhauer's becunted relatives tried to scotch the development that led to his writing. Because the world needs more bankin' clerks. That's exactly how women think: anything but making money to be taken and spent by the titted set is inherently invalid, morally dubious, and probably should be made illegal.
We have quoted Schopenhauer on women (or jews or thousand other things). He says they're overgrown children. Ok. If you put out a list of top 100 thinkers. In all human history. He's on it. And not near the bottom.  So when someone like him says that, he's not saying it to be edgy or fart out a hot take or be provocative. He's saying it because he's thought about it.
i just loathe the Anglo wink-wink nudge-nudge old-boy chortly portler-tier 'misogyny.' Women are complex & men simple, as the prole graphic goes. True. But that complexity isn't deep, and that simplicity isn't shallow. Even in feelings, women really don't have deep feelings, in my opinion. Their feelings are akin to tropical rain. Its part of the climate
when i think about the smartest decisions i made in life, the very best few, high-IQ, morally regular, everyday-capable women tried to talk me out of them when i think about the times i followed female advice against my inclinations ( ie, broke my own principles), i fucked myself extremely hard. of course i take the blame. i'm making the point. its not a joke
i'll even tell you a darker truth than almost any realize. altho women are suited to being mothers, they're not actually good at it. only rarely. if men raised children, the children would turn out better. absolutely single-dad > single-mon, and i would guarantee single-dad vs intact family would be pretty damn close
when does a holster feel good? when its gun is jammed in it. then it feels all of its leather, and sighs. its purpose is filled (((we))) have trained the Gump-not-IQ-stupid bourgeois to believe that women are amateur men.  women are spectacularly unsuited to being men. women are a measure of manliness; any society in which they're not property is degenerate
you can discover truths about women by analogy and introspection, if you're a thinker what do women want? they want to be fucked, not respected. if you think about what you would want, if you were a woman, you can figure this out. or, the analogy is to a writer of a book. you want him to 'fuck' you. really give you an experience, open you up, make you feel. same thing
women are basically talking yet self-unaware manometers. their appearance and behavior testify to the state of manliness in their society.  a woman who CAN (means she can literally pick up her next man before she's walked a block because of her 10/10 looks) is nearly identical to a hurricane if manlaw, mancustom give her a society like we have now
"I love nature." --Stockholm syndrome
We must garymander the 1st Amendment to where white-on is illegal and on-white is mandatory.
pigs pigging piggily
"Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Deputy Frank Di Orsini’s Jeep was the victim of a break-in this week, and as Di Orsini was inspecting the video, he stated that it smelled like “fucking dirty niggers in my fucking car.”  #ItaliansHateNiggers #EverybodyHatesNiggers
summer nigger: Febreeze it aint
"Jimmy Johnson former coach of The Miami Hurricanes, Dallas Cowboys and Miami Dolphins: “Hit me in the head with a hammer if I ever draft a stupid player, you can’t win with them.” Another christ-big-lie-independent reason mixing our thing with xtians is wrong.
"Jesus wasn't a Jew" saith the fool. Right! He was king of 'em.
The C in christianity is the first parenthesis.

May 31, 2018:

What the Gospels say, per Pasternak: "Do you want to live in a completely new way? Do you want spiritual happiness? And everybody accepted, and they were carried away by it for thousands of years." So christianity is, a race of the spirit. Genetic race yields to kingdom of God. This is a good thing. Key is, he agrees with WN that xtianity is about spirit. Not race.
Christianity is a race-dissolver, a nation-dissolver. From one who thinks the jewish cult for goyim is a GOOD thing - that jews should dissolve their race and join themselves. That's Pasternak's view.
"Don't hold on to your identity [jews]. Dont stick together, disperse. Be with all the rest. You are the first and best Christians in the world."
"Why didnt the intellectual leaders of the Jewish people ever go beyond the facile Weltschmerz and ironical wisdom?"
And Pasternak says why havent the jews folded themselves into this wonderful new thing (xtianity), that after all came from their people?
On Christianity: "In that new way of living and new form of society, which is born of the heart, and which is called the Kingdom of Heaven, there are no nations, there are only individuals."
Boris Pasternak in Dr Zhivago (1954), thoughts on christianity and jews, p 104-105, end of ch 12. Following quotes will be from...
the attraction of coloreds to giant corporations is far more consumers than workers.  white elites are heading to minimalism. as a personal lifestyle thing. remember, it's only been a century where we've had the extra to make even the lowest of us obese with calories. now the gorge party is ending, and day comes when no whites will drink coke
it's like that dude that caught turtles in a pond by hand his OPINION on CATCHING TURTLES IN WATER BY HAND is not EQUAL to anyone else's in world. it is SUPERIOR
i swear racial egalitarianism is actually less irritating on a personal level than opinion egalitarianism of course the former is destroys society but that latter is after all part of that and absolutely unovercomable
men dont like sassy women. it's that fucking simple. they know what that means.
let's support sexual polarity. (that means strengthen not play down sexual differences).  how? it's very simple: 1) figure out what sex you are (hint: there are only 2. dont believe the s/hype) 2) BE THAT SEX. If you're a man, think to yourself, how can i be MORE (not less) like a HAIRY OGRE today? If you're a woman, think how can i be < sweeter, demure.
the less you think about yourself, the happier youll be. also, try looking at things from other perspectives: enemies, other sex. like google earth your mind man. look at things from all angles. learn that from the calculating jews.
"the massenslob will erect itself into an ideal." --Filomeno Bodegas y Sagget (no shlomo)
refusing to face reality and acknowledge niggers are criminals is the same mentality that would put marshmallows on vegetables
"Drake realized, either consciously or unconsciously, at some point that if he wanted to make it in hip-hop he couldnt be the half-jewish Degrassi Drake, but a “blacker” Drake. He’s created a persona that did just that, and it worked, black America swallowed it up for years. "
"...Drake thanks his daddy every damn day for giving him enough melanin to not be the jewish man that so much of his soul reflects and his mother has taught him. Shit the way he sniffs around Black women just reeks of othering to be honest."
one xtian took a principled stand
America is becoming hated just like the jews it truckles before
thoughts on generation Zyklon
The average American 'hind,' a word no longer commonly used, one of Mencken's go tos, is a protestant midwestern or southern protestant. He's conservative. He wakes up every morning thinking someone stole his underwear (Mencken). The upper tier of cuckdom is professional Catholics. Morality & status fears are used to herd whiteskins into the abattoir.
I can't control America's giant obese hominid problem. Luckily for them. But I can use them to get myself. As a reaction against these floppers whoppers and non-hoppers, I can clear up the one thing in my diet that I should have long ago.  BE THE SHAPE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD.
Nazis meant it when they said vote for us, we'll cashier these motherfucking jew sex perverts. Then they got in office and guess what...they did. Where do we Americans go to get some of that?
"I'm smart. The people running the world are stupid." --every conservative, ever

May 30, 2018:

does a woman every truly think about anything? i think women only get past the trivially shallow in trying to suss out motivations. and don't be fooled by IQ, women who say more complex even intelligent things are 99% just parroting something a man told them. of course there are exceptions, but well under 1%.
Let's ignore the problem and move on to people talking about it, always the real problem. --(((the left))) ie, the people who caused and facilitated the problem
Survivin'  bein' stupid PICK ONE
Rage at the Boomer how can young people today possibly have boomer parents? even genX is passing out of the breeding  years
In a world full of liars, such as Jared Taylor and his defenders, who maintain you can separate the cause from the effects, or alternately lie that the jew thing is so difficult it requires a staged approach, the original National Socialists showed that in fact you could explain jews to a child via posters, using 3 to 5 words.
The argument for christianity is most people are retards who cant handle facts. But if that's true, how much less can they handle absolute morality, which despite its name talks out of fifteen sides of the same mouth. Facts are far more fixed than 'absolute' 'morality,' hence easier to comprehend. The christian alleged moral sense is a curse on the world.
Ultimately too many of you shitknobs think you can just order whatever the fuck you want off the idea menu. As the dead pop-eyed nigger said: THIS AINT NO CHINESE MENU, THIS IS PRIX-FIXE.
Judaism is a race of people Christianity is a race of the spirit. It produces the same fruit from detroit to delhi, as i heard on radio the other day. Get rid of class and race, we are all one in lord jesus.  As a catholic commenter i read last year said, and that's the only group that matters. And that's why christ-ism is anti-racial and thereby anti-White.
The ultimate irony that xtians dont appreciate, or contradiction they dont care about: jews are racialists re jesus. Christians are not. Jews say the old covenant remains because they are the seed of the one foretold; Christians say no, race doesn't matter, lineage doesn't matter, SPIRIT matters. Those with circumsized heart have new covenant.
Spaniards knew jews were fake converts because they knew the problem with them wasnt their religion (rejecting jesus) but their anti-white behavior. The priests, following jebus, are forced by their doctrine (it's a sin to doubt a sacrament) to pretend that pouring water on jew changes its essential nature. Catholic doctrine = death trap for white race.

May 29, 2018:

boy howdy that 'racism' really losing its power (looks around, nods hopefully)
poz in Hawaii Five-O first noticeable bigly season 6 episode 4. "One Big Happy Family" white family, mostly blond, travels around murdering people for little money. kills over 120. themes of incest. mother expresses disgust at white girl eating at table with hawaiian boy. she justifies murder: they weren't kin.  overall, H5O had a huge % blond-as-bad-guy

May 28, 2018:

there are only about two kinds of soft activism worth a damn at this point - encouraging people not to join the army is one of them. imagine nazis doing that. particularly in the south. how would antiwa respond?
you notice how it's extremely hard to have a neutral conversation with anyone because jews have suffused the atmosphere and mindset with sex and semitical correctness. so everyone is afraid to disagree with or offend anyone. and they're self-conscious because am-i-being-hotness-judged? it's truly a sick environment unfit for adults or whites
the bible and related commentary is thinking by people who lack the means it's all bunk, and it all belongs in the dumpster
the catholic church is by every measure the enemy of the white man and the aider, empowerer and protector of the jew
the fact of the matter is the catholic church not only historically protected jews physically from reprisals, it gave jews a monopoly on money loaning that made jews rich and powerful and able to attack the white population from all angles
catholicism opposes jews, yeah you bet, fool
i'm here to tell you kids ledgy aint edgy CHOOSE LIFE Chelsea aka She Who Cares
never forget the real victims of war: Omaha beach sand fleas
Christianity started the lie that niggers are valuable and people.  Created by God. With individual souls of "inestimable" value. Do you alleged people understand the profound depth of this? Do you even begin to perceive the penumbra of the emanations of its implications?
Look at what we have now from leftist point of view? What 'reproduces' White people? (The capital letter signies not mere genetic caucacity but Basic Understanding of True Context - aka jews, etc) Some online sites. That's not good enough. That's not formalized enough. #TeamWhite
Get angry at women for using their tits to make money? Well what else are they going to use? Those brains you say they dont have?
I am gravid with Important pronunciamentos, which I will vouchsafe to y'allsteins (hereafter ref as the 'undeserving') in ticktons to come. No no. No need to thank me.
As bourgeois collect wines, racialists should collect and cherish nouns and adjectives for describing the various flavors of discoloreds.
Lynching creates an actual sense of community, reinforces it. This is who we are. This is what we stand for. This is what we dont. And you dont have to pay greedy copfags either. What are cops but paid bulls for cowardly cucks called citizens?
Actually fight back against jews? Aw, forget it. That's not for Gabfield. That's more of a Shelbyville idea.
the bible isn't the answer to anything but "can a jew lie for 1700 straight pages?"
Bible is the short term. Like how Darwin's evolution book title is curtailed for reasons. Actual title: The Official For Now (Now = Until we need it jew-servier) Jewish Bible for Simps, Cranks, Nuts, Rhubarb-Lickers, Dirteaters, pumpkinheads, slokokos (talking gorillas with Down syndrome), and last but more like third, "former" alcoholics.
strange how many queers dont have straight eyes
[brazen welshie rises up on its back legs gets BTFO by Real American] "  Christineallison, Marlton, United States, about an hour ago And what is the Great Welsh Dream? Down the Coal Mines, with some young girl knocked up at 14, and fighting at Cardiff Arms Park?  "
if you were a politician would you give a hanggliding fuck about  oooh it's a petition and its ONLINE o...m...g.....reverse course now!
online petitions are virtue signaling for /ourside/
look what they're doing to ANIMALS in south africa
fuckt in the head doesnt know what it is  in bed come on come on do the chelsea manning step come on come on listen to the trannies fall
Famous middle ages problem: if you throw 150 lb of shit out a window and C. manning, which hits first?
Discoloreds cant and don't want to be turned into whiteskins. The elite Anglo dream is a pipe.
Remember how you were going to bring the blessings of Anglo-Xtian civilization to the little brown folk? How it was your moral duty? Member that? How's that working out for you? Ya big lifesaver. Everyone wants to be you. Cuz yr so advanced and awesome. "Never never shall be slaves." Where's your daughter b-nigger? Muslim #12 on top of her?
Duke, among others, the half-brained southerners, incorrectly pushed the 'love your race' and 'civil rights' themes. No. The starting point must be racial defense. I don't want to be attacked for who I am, regardless of how I feel about my kind. The mindset to be cultivated is not love but fanatical indomitability.
Whites love to talk about creative and inventive our race is. But its lack of imagination is far more pronounced and pertinent. Whites literally cannot imagine jews - a race that doesnt think or look at things like whites at all. Whites cant actually believe other people arent the same brainless, planess folk they are. Christianity hurts here too - goldn rule
A lot of people think Jesus was a sandal-wearing pussy. No so, men. Jesus was a sort of middle-linebacker of life. You come around him with your weak shit, he'd lay you out.
Jesus the racialist: "I have come to turn ‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law— a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’ " Gee, a family-destroying jewish belief system for non jews.  What a Friedan we have in Jesus.
"Because, at the end of the day, you must either bend the knee to Jesus Christ or to the Prince of this World." --Vox Day (Ted Beale in cashmere reality) Well, isn't that something. Your forced false menu makes my jaded testicles sit up.
I say you're either a White man or a cunt for christ. Vox Day says you're either with Jesus or the Devil. The left says the white man is the devil. It's all very confusing. For you. Time for some classic Ratt while you deconfuse y'self, ediths.
Yeah in the end it's all just what makes you feel good. Whatever you want off life's buffet. A little of this. A little of that. Again, your feelings are the measure of all things. Discipline, consistency? Hey fuck you man, your racial cause ends where my cheeseburger begins.
"You can be pro-jew and Jewish! That's totally a thing!" Do you see how jews don't have to engage in such stupidity? Because their shit is lined up and thought through? Do you see?
Jews get a wall. You get nothing and like it. Jews get to mow down invaders. You get to pay their bills. Jews get a race-specific religion. You get a universalist kumbaya cult. Do I need to go on?
And the toppers, my refrain, which none of you mental niggers can do anything but bow before: if christianity were a valuable thing, jews would have kept it for themselves. Instead of produced it and shuffled it off on you.  If christianity were a valuable would be called judaism.
Whites need a racial doctrine that mirrors what the winners (jews) are doing. That's what National Socialism was. That's why jews destroyed it. And defamed it as worst evil. Because it alone, in behavior if not name, can defeat jews. Christianity jews just laugh at. That's crap for the goyim - inferior races only would believe such obvious pap.
"Take your tips from winnners not losers."  How do jews do it? "Even the best of the goyim should be killed." Perfectly in line with 1) nature, 2) the way jews actually behave. No contradictions. Everything in line and moving forward. Contrast us and our (((christianity))) and complete lack of felt need for non-contradiction.  That's why we're losing.
If the only means of survival contravenes some concocted 'absolute' morality, then, oh well boys, we'll just have to go extinct, I guess. It's what jesus would want. No progress outside God's moral order. Oh well. Fun while it lasted.
If every hominid is created by god, with a unique and invaluable soul, then you cant do any class action against them. You have to process them one by one. That leads where we are now. Christianity is anti-White. By its doctrines in year 0.
The christian doctrine that every last hominid has an "invaluable" soul of "inestimable" worth is the origin of political liberalism.
" usually reduced plea-deals. Then, they go down to Joliet on a hard dime, do a nickel on the good, and they are back shooting up the hizzy before their peeps know they're gone. "
"When someone is arrested in Cook County on a "gun crime", the already-on-the-books FEDERAL GUN CRIMES that person has committed are DROPPED. Yes, the DA's Office THREATEN high double-digit Federal prison time (with no early release or "good time") to get the perpetrator to PLEAD GUILTY to the State crimes,
I get more freedom here than anywhere, even though Torba is a christcunt. In fact, that's the only real reason to worry about Gab's future, apart from what outside forces can do to destroy the First Amendment.
Christianity is for everyone. White Nationalism is for Whites.
"E.S.T. doesn't apply to the jew bible for whites because... ...THINKING HERE... ! because I don't want it to! The best reason of all!"
Christianity has all but destroyed our race - and that is precisely what it was produced to do.  Racial destruction by Saul Bros contractors.
Before christ-lunacy, Whites were Greeks and Romans. After christianity, whites were jew-worshipping fags with transgender children.
Would you rather live in a an all-white nation? Or an all-christian nation? The answer speaks for itself. Most christians aren't white. Christianity doesn't have a single doctrine mentioning, let along valuing or defending whiteness.
Christianity is declining among whites, somewhat. We should work with that trend, not stupidly fight it.
Christianity = soy for the soul
transgenderism is the new tattoos. average idiots see this as a way to be special, which is the motive behind tattoos, piercings, the rest of the garbage this is a problem with mass population artificially generated by technology and FDR-begun gibsstate: not enough attention to go around

May 27, 2018:

afraid of hell? You're a fag.
Think of the world as set up by an eye doctor. You just cant quite tell if he's fucking with you.  this?...or this? You sure?
Now see this is exactly how it works. Something I did not know. So Mary Baker Eddy's dad was a giant hardass hell-believer. So as is the deepest principle of the world, irony, or things producing their opposite. She started a dry cult that said everything is love. And all the bad stuff isn't real. And her nonfalsifiable gunk drove me harder to realism again.
There's nothing in Christian Science (note the attempt to borrow the acclaim of something popular -- science -- at the end of the 1800s, just as with global warming in the 1900s) that is any more absurd than the basic claims of the christ cult: that some guy came back from the dead. Complete and utter lie.
Reality exists. It can be apprehended. It is not the product of our minds. That's one of those fake insights masquerading as philosophy that oh, we have senses and a body so all we know is what we perceive. Yeah go fuck yourself, we dont fall off cliffs. We're able to share roads. So fuck you and your lies, you faggot.
Christian Science is about the only example of WASP liberalism I can think of that isn't cultically totalitarian. And it genuinely isn't. You dont get hated on in CS for going to a doctor. You just haven't got the power level yet to clear your mind and heal your seeming problems (because they aren't real, they're just created by your 'mortal mind.')
Never say jews are liberal. Rather, jews use liberalism, whether secular-political or catholic-religious, as a tool. The only ones who actually believe in liberalism are white delusionals. Mary Baker Eddy is a non-political example of these. Oddest of all, given her background (NE), subrace (WASP) and personal character (asshole) - nondogmatic.
I never believed Christian Science, but I learned early the effeminate and practically-evil way of looking at the world: that reality does not exist. Just your thinking.  This is not true. It is a lie. It is an extremely destructive lie. But camps promoting a particular flavor of this lie are everywhere.
Mark Twain on Mary Baker Eddy: "Sentimental as a girl, garrulous, ungrammatical, uncomprehensible, affected, vain over a little human ancestry, unstable, inconsistent and unreliable in statement, and naively and everlastingly self-contradictory."
I would say Mark Twain ripped Eddy a new asshole except the woman was purely made of asshole. Not even her multiple husbands could stand her! She was a classic New England belle.
TFW Mark Twain destroys the she-founder of the 'faith' you grew up in in one delightful sentence. (very quick in)
(stewie) you still astonished? that they're not eh treating you fairly? no uh justice? kind of a double standard eh? aw, yr cute.
mass media corporate buildings are enemy base camps
the front-facing political rulers are obviously a lot more afraid of whoever is bossing them than 'the people,' for whom, in nation after nation, they show complete contempt #TimeToKill
Some say America produces more faggots per acre than every country that ever existed.  I am one of those some.
Milky Way: Problematic? Or Just Plain Racist
alway surprised by people who think politics is like buying a car "i want a [political solution] that suits my tastes and is within my budget" look the cost of serious change is YOUR SOUL but since you dont have one it will have to settle for YOUR EARS AND TAIL
gassed jews = hoax jew jesus coming back from dead = totally real
Synthetic opioids such as fentanyl are the No. 1 killer in the opioid epidemic, according to a report released this month.
The driver of the truck, Felipe Genao-Minaya, 46, and passenger, Nelson Nunez, 52, both of New Jersey, were arrested on suspicion of possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver, the agency said.
if it's in your ear it's not a "bud" christ
"When are you going to stop massaging yourself and get real?" --G. Ramsay
women have spontaneous multiple orgasms when they see a woman better looking than themselves insulted. they love that more than damn near anything
i love seeing people lectured the world HUNGERS for actual manliness there is NEVER enough of it that's the truth
red meat = white man in demonology of left white man is center of family : red meat is center of meal the pervert-devil mindset produced by jew seeks to 'decenter' aka destroy both red meat for him, soybean for you
look, alleged people, hitler said the german masses had to be whipped unbelievably hard to get out of their cowical-duncemode...and if that be the case (and hitler is pretty much onspotter general), how much whipneedinger, surely, are the american burgtards? and who better to whip them than me? why, it's almost like i enjoy it.
"son of shoes" is an insult in Egyptian i DID not know this until yesterday
the point of education, what it literally means is to GET OUT OF YOURSELF. like, the opposite of those 8 cheezburgers you just ate DONT LIE so extract your inner realpers from your amorphous carbblog and put yourself in position of others, specially jew-others. look at things from their POV, given their motives, which we all know. this leads to UNDERSTANDING
of all his seasons, god loved summer the best. that's why he made her hottest. what i love about summer is i keep thinking it's mid-afternoon when it's 11am cuz i got up so early cuz light
fatties and fags should be mocked. shit, everyone deserves his fair share of abuse where there's legitimate deficit or defect (ht jagger, mick)
we must decenter the porkchop and destroy the meatarchy to me, it was self evident at young age, that pretending anything but meat was the center of meal is plangent bullshit serving some bullshit agenda
as a mere tot i could work out the ideology, without understanding it deeply so...basically, the pattern is that Official You (teachers, admin) are saying that everything that's ACTUALLY good is bad. now apply that to food, people, opinions, etc pattern recognition is cognition. as is minute observation
as a little kid i could see there some kind of ideology at work, and that meat was the designated bad guy i mean, public school used to harp on that shit
So what you would find, around back county Missouri, is people threw old refrigs and stoves and such on the banks of creeks, gullies, ditches. Because the fucking retards of government, with their holy all-salaam-before EXPERTISE told them to do so. And just like when they were told to cut off the end of their dicks, the whiteskin halfwits went along.
See, mental children, God as government and government as God are both  REALLY FUCKING BAD IDEAS The govt spent DECADES telling people to eat fucking grains and other bad shit that makes people fat. It also spent decades telling them to throw old shit in rivers to prevent erosion.  There is NOTHING the federal government does that is not destructive.
Christ is head lard. Get rid of the junk carbs on your belly and the christ carbs in your head.
It's almost funny if it were funny, but the Congolese they've brought in are the only subset of the population that ISNT obese. They're jungle people and not very big, most of them. Most of them are slim. I wonder how long that will hold, given American diet.
" In 27 years from now, almost a quarter of the global population will be obese, researchers said Wednesday, warning of the mounting medical bill. " In the midwest only 1 in 4 morbidly obese is like a utopian dream.
I've watched social change and demographic change over 20 years in #NEMO. Now the young women, even, the higher-end kids from richer suburbs of KC and Stl are coming in much higher percentages 20-30 lb overweight. When they're 19-20. Up in Iowa, 50 lb overweight is the kiddin' bid, so to speak.
"But if we play it straight, we lose." -- jews -- left -- all dishonest men ever, anywhere
Just as there's dumb and there's Texas dumb, There's fat and there's Iowa fat.
The hardest part about perpetual masturbation is all the pedaling you have to do while you're being made into a lampshade.
Jews are as God to christians - neither of them will christians EVER hold responsible for anything.
If your jew neighbor lets his dog rip up your petunias, do you get mad at the dog or the neighbor? Why is it so difficult for you conservative retards to apply this to all the colored dogs the jews let into our White garden?
Whites invent the technologies jews use to oppress and ultimately genocide them. Jews invent group-devolution strategies to neuter, downbreed and pacify whiteskin population.
The only limiting factor on jews, historically, has been technology. Christianity enables jewish domination. It facilitates it.  After all, it's why jews produced it in the first place. That whites can't trace the facts, and actually believe christ-lunacy inhibits jews is due to low white intelligence. To which I'm the corrective.
Kill the kike, kill the cuck That's the way, out of this muck
Leo Frank trial is the pivot of black-jew relations in USA. Before it, jews were 100% down with racist old South. They funded Klan. They mocked niggers. They dominated the slave AND SLAVE PRODUCTION economy. They tried to frame 2 blacks for Leo's crime. After Southerns correctly found Frank guilty, jews turned as one to abuse and defame the South. True story.
It is the (((bible))) that is why christian fools, to be redundant, have the wrong idea about jews. Citation: see prosecutor Hugh Dorsey's closing remarks in the Leo Frank trial, in which he verbally fellates the wunnerful hebrew tribe of which guilty Frank is a member.  The Old South was protestant, dumb, and jew-loving. Fact.
Jews are laughing at whites because we're so stupid. "911" "Tommy" Robinson (callback to Kipling poem. Jews know this, they're mocking it.)
Serves the jews. Still winds up in jail with muslims they sicced him on. Tommy "Double D'oh" Robinson
Image a race of Hitlers. That's how jews see us. Absurd, you say. And I agree. But I didnt say it wasn't absurd, I said it's how jews see us.  'Hitler' = preferring order and beauty to ugly chaos that is "good for jews." And that's why our race must die, because we're "bad for jews." And that's why we must exterminate jews down to the last drop of jew-jism. #TeamWhite
there's a new new anti-semitism (scam concept) every 2-3 years, no less than three a decade, per ADL instructions
The christ-lie is popular with whites because they're not very sophisticated people. Anything that sounds good is good enough for them. Only a cad would ask if cotton candy is nutritious.
if mike pence a man? the christian says oh god yes, why that's as good as men gets. i see mike pence as a deformation - a non-birth defect caused by the christ-lie
christians are like women: don't listen to what they say, watch what they do they like being abused because they know they really are curs
the bible for idiots  1) comes from jews - a race not only known for lying but defined by it 2) talks about one of their own coming back from the dead - something that has never happened to any living being so the central claim of christianity is basically extremely-unlikely-times-impossible if you believe it, you are by that belief become a self-made clown
Fat, dumb, christian - the real holy trinity
honestly one struggles to describe these people, iowa-germanics. they're like animated potato wedges, or pigs on end.  i find the english type in southern/south-central Mo. more aesthetically appealing -- for average people, if not at the model-tier -- than the wedgy germanics or the redneck scotch-irish type, also very common around here
apart from politics, race is just inherently interesting. in missouri, a new subrace of whites starts south of columbia. you get a different type in jefferson city, about 25 miles south. i think the jeff city/springfield are taller thinner english types, i suppose the stock lincoln came from. north are the positively ponderous germanics building to iowa
high IQ, formal education dont change what women are in their nature, they just give them a broader scope for their natural impulses, which are destructive anytime they're outside male control, exactly like a fire out of a pit
remember what schopenhauer said: men are the species. women are idle amusement and reproductive vehicles. other than that they're overgrown children.  you can take that to the bank - and if you act on any other premise, you will get burned to a crisp.
Disney jews put Star Wars on the perpetual masturbation machine, and now their solo is giving out.  Disney and Lucasfilm's Solo: A Star Wars Story is struggling in its debut at the Memorial Day box office, where it is coming in well behind expectations with a projected $110 million-$115 million four-day holiday.
the average woman in Iowa weighs 220 lb. i believe this is true the same way a christian believes jew jesus came back from the dead. i assure you my view is better founded
the very ground doth shrienk in fear the iowa women are drawing near --J. Scoett Dunnet
a 1960s family of four could live off one of today's Iowa's woman's hams for six months it just tells the low quality of people. doesn't pride kick in at some point? no. christian people have no pride. pride is bad. we're all equal. dont judge anybody. nothing matters but being nice. evry destructive nostrum that undermined the west came straight from jew jesus
let me tell you, i see a lot of shit and this country is turning into a land of fat fucking pigs i mean, it's easy to see why there's no mountains in iowa and even the hills are literally getting lower elevation each year these fat fucking broads are ham-stamping the poor soil that has given us so much until it screams
America is full of wonderful social classes proles. anything farther than 2 hours ahead might as well be 10,000 years. bourgeois. self-regarding dabblers, oneupsmen, good girls all zookeepers. giraffe maids who think they're the real nobility. do you want to be useful and interesting? be obsessed about something.
Shapiro is a jew jewing. There's no reason to approach anything he or any other jew says from any other direction.

May 26, 2018:
Imagine Hitler talking in codes. It must be an Anglo-culture thing: the truth is declasse.
I wouldnt be surprised if this particular scam predates Jesus. Christians not only like being scammed, they demand it.
Christianity: what is it? A cult for losers and delusionals. #TeamWhite video/podcast. Jan Lamprecht, Afred Schaefer and I
Anytime you hear "rant" "obsessed" "screed" -- these are all words jews always associate with our politics. So anyone who uses them is doing their bidding, the only question is wittingly or un-?
i feel the Gab symbol frog should be doing something with one of its eyes...its skewing a little honest and earnest for my taste
Liars like John Rivers play on white preference for delusion: they sell them the idea that "our" cause and Lauren Southern/Tommy Robinson/Vdare/Republican Party are really the same thing. And that somehow these syncopaters help us by secret intention by omitting the jew. It is a lie. CODES DONT WORK.
Overmann Window: WN come up with stuff - facts ideas formulations -- conservatives like Ann Coulter/Fox News steal them, cut the jews off, serve the to the public as angertainment. They get rich, WN get nothing, the white public remains in the dark about most import thing. This is how "right" politics actually works; its why I advised attacking cons in 2007.
Connecting the symptoms to the (((cause))) is what our people need. There is no other way to do it, and anyone who advocates severing the connection serves the enemy, often by intention.
A reporter who leaves stuff out is a liar.  If you make excuses for liars syncopating the jews, you're not pro-White, you're pro-jew.
"It's okay if the witness tells half the truth, because he's shifting the Overton Window of the jury's understanding toward the right conclusion." --Judge John Rivers
my second eemm will be Sylvester the Shady Silverfish
Leftists are all about reproduction, and destroying any factories, no matter big or small, that doesn't produce the type and mindset they seek. They drive competitors out of school and media. They destroy white authority in family court. Theirs must be the only message -- and they the only type -- that exists.
In the lower reaches of the Zingotang, there exists a fish so scary its mere even-yodel is enough to send grown Naxtaprachli fleeing in terror - after dropping a flop large enough for a 'cow.'
"With enough chewing-gum I could have affected nonchalance in any situation." --Pierre Glompferre, last of the Seine bagmen
"Boredom, stupidity and jews are sufficient to explain 99% of what transpires on terra firma." --Karlto Finnaeus
"The answer to no free speech is more no free speech." --Olivier Grendill Coxcomb
Remember only the soldiers who actually fought and died for something valuable. The only ones, perhaps, who actually understood the forces doing battle. Those would be the original revolutionaries and the Southerners, who fought for only genuinely American side, in the war between the states.
All right so my first eemm will be Tanny the Tranny-Hating Tiger Shark.
still waiting for the first faggot who can step to this: if christianity were valuable, jews would have kept it for themselves
Just like every other religious conman, jebus worked by appeals to authority. "Disagree with me, you're out of line with God."  God's will is the original swindle. Because it works. We're all life-noobs, after all.
I'll take the pepsi challenge with jew jesus any time. In one column write down everything 'he,' (aka a character of dubious provenance, to say the least) said, and in the other what I've said. Compare. There's no comparison. One column is full of destructive nonsense. The other is the way of life.
Jews shouldn't be forgiven, they should be exterminated. It's not like they've changed the mindset or agenda that saw them murder at least  60,000,000 of our kind last century. They're still plugging away at it. And the only group of Whites who rose to stop them are now the most demonized group in history.
We owe jews revenge for what they did to our kind last century. Which jew-created cult specifically downtalks revenge?
Tommy = Whitey do you see it? what does the Y signify?
jews throw shit whites like that dumb dog WOW JUST WOW they look at the shit never the flinger half of them cant even tell the shit is shit Love your race? Sorry, not into morons.
If it's not race-specifist, it's white-genocidal. There's no third option.
Legitimate Man I'm a legitimate man I wear legitimate threads There's a legitimate wife In my legitimate bed The tag's on my mattress My teeth are brushed clean If you want to know what I think Check the tv screen. Im a LEGITIMATE MAN [chorus repeat. insert oh yeahs, nodds as appropriate] --Jefferson Tulle & the Well Fumigated Crotch Cricket Band
Racism for me, universalism for thee #JustJewIt
If judaism is the jew-group's evolutionary strategy, then what is the name of the devolutionary strategy(ies) they have for goyim? kingdom of god (jesusism) multiculturalism / diversity (materialist-age equivalent, when civic spiritualism starts to fade into secular, consumer society)
The price of racial existence is bravery. Indomitability. Christians have neither. They deserve the raceless future they're scheduled for #TeamWhite is for those who demand something different and prove every fucking day by their behavior they will accept no other outcome.
With christians, we are 100% of the time dealing with people incapable of discerning a difference in jew treatment of Nazis vs Christians. If you were trying to wipe out christianity, how would you treat it? Since xtians are 99% gutless social cowards, I would call the cross a hate symbol. And push the usual get-people-fired campaign. Do jews do that? No.
Most whites are human equivalent to baitfish. The creativity of a Roald Dahl is one in a million, yet we are to hold these as representative of our kind?  Most whiteskins lack the imagination to see anything as a production or consequence of decisions, not just because most of them don't believe in causation but because they cant imagine things any different.
Jews have a group evolutionary strategy. It's called christianity. It's not for them. It's for you. You and your tribe will dissolve into 'kingdom of special hand-prepared thin-crust 'God' called 'Jesus' who just happens to be a heroic member of their tribe." It is to marvel. You can be a white man or a christian, not both.
Jews' group evolutionary strategy is for goyim, particularly whites. Jews concoct an identity, then fit us into it. We go from whites to christians to extinct.
Christianity is judaism's real group evolutionary strategy. Supporting your own tribe is hardly a strategy at all by comparison with a "forget your race and tribe and worship one of ours."
Here's the point. We know from biology that competing species or subspecies, compete for space until one is vanquished. Apply that known factual truth to human beings. And turn it into a philosophy. The result will look like judaism, not christianity. Since humans are cleverer than other species, jews produced an anti-natural philosophy for competitors
When a bunch of things are caused by one thing, which does it makes sense to focus on?
Anything that gets in the way of whites exterminating jews is destructive, and christianity certainly qualifies here.
Christianity serves the jews, always has. If you publicly oppose the jews in a rural area, Big Kike will use a local priest or preacher to rally locals against you.  What do you halfwits think 'virtue signaling' is but the cross so many xtians wear? "I'm a good girl. I do what I'm told. I listen to authority. I am good person. My underwear is clean, breath unfetid."
Codreanu is not an example of good politics but of the impossibility and genuine insanity that results from trying to amalgamate two inherently opposed ways of viewing the world.
Christianity took away something actually valuable, white tribal identity, and replaced it with a worthless trinket: membership in the imaginary, global 'kingdom of god,' where the tree of the spirit produces the same spiritual fruit, from Detroit to Delhi.  If the Jesus tale is true, then race is irrelevant. Xtianity is more serious than xtians realize.
Collectivist jews bring in collectivist muslims to harrass, rape, murder and outvote, displace individualist whites. Time to form a collective to defend ourselves. What could it be called but #TeamWhite
Anything you drink but water is bad for you. Of course, most water is bad too, since it's fully of gay fish and other estrogenic horrors. The only safe course is the Way of the Lizard. Licking raindrops off the leaves of plants. #TheMoreYouKnow
The romans were MEN. That was their achievement. Just as Switzerland achieved successful confederacy. Your dimestore religious-theme bad-taste oil smearings are nothing to those.
If all this were a cop show, we're at the point where one of the bluebellies would say "You know (((he's))) not going to stop until he's killed."
Current status: shenaniganizing with eye toward tomfoolery.
Rejecting your whiteness, no matter how abjectly, publicly, even seriously, wont prevent you from being ripped limb by limb by the jew-organized forces of darkness. Simple truths from #TeamWhite, the men who want you and your sons and daughters to thrive in truth, bravery and integrity.
Are you having babies? Are you making money? Are you killing enemies? Everyday you must grow stronger, more disciplined, more knowledgeable. Why not live an ideal? Sports and drinking aren't actually that interesting. #TeamWhite
If you merely seek not to be attacked, you are pushed into White Nationalism - the only school that protects you as a mission and value.  "Come with us WN if you want to live." #TeamWhite
Even if you dont value whiteness, like a typical consumer. Even if you severely underrate the value of race, like a doctrinal catholic. It doesn't matter to the enemy. If you're white, you're Hitler. Maybe not today, or tomorrow, but soon, and for their rest of your life. Even if you utterly reject race, you'll be attacked for being White.
It's possible to teach people the fact that jews control global media. It's far harder to teach them the various microscams that are all commonly used political terminology. Exs: gun control antisemitism racism more subtly  gap tolerance The list could expanded almost infinitely. Whites lack a natural feel for production values, so they fall for anything

May 24, 2018:
pajeet < baljeet
The Friday tweet read: ''Straight White Male' has become this century's N-Word. It's used to offend and diminish the recipient based on assumption and bias. No difference in the usage.'
While unapologetic, he told Lathan: 'I take responsibility for it. I said those things'  He tweeted saying that the phrase 'straight white male' is society's new n-word  [saying something and not apologizing for it? unheard of! scandalous! unchristian! unAmerican!]
"This is not your f****** country. This is my country. This is not Chinese. Oh my God. Chinese, ugly! Go back to f****** China you ugly chinese!' she said."
“I can’t listen to your fucking black ass no more ... you fucking loudmouthed bitch ... at least I got a fucking mother. Do you know who your mother is?” the man continued. “You don’t know who your mother or your father is because you’re a fucking monkey, that’s why.”
“Shut the fuck up, you fucking loudmouthed monkey motherfucker,” yelled the man whom prosecutors have identified as Ruggerio.
judge steps in to help black woman who cant handle a sassy white man
smh story. enjoy the southern-quality reasoning ah don like yankee fuk wit me, but i serve yankee for pay. when the likely happen i gets mad
jewsmedia: it's good to punch a nazi frankfurt school report: all whites are nazis #HeroDylannRoof
well i can give the redskin credit for demonstrating that science fiction is a disgusting warren of preverts
Are we living our best racial life?
dont underwrite the enemy

May 23, 2018:

CI - why not waste your brain juice on something important and useful like Dungeons & Dragons?
The group that's arguing for abstract, neutral principles is going to lose to the group that runs by a strict dual code of double standards. That's exactly what we see.
Judaism isn't liberalism. Its message is up with us: down with everybody else. We are humans, they are insects. All their goods belong to us. Others exist only to serve us. Say what you like, NOBODY in the world can rationally or even irrationally call that liberalism. Now...contrast that with Catholicism's claims, and you'll see what I mean.
"Natural law to Catholics now means (is reduced to) put your penis the right hole." That's just good thinking.
One soul, one vote. Catholicism is liberalism.
The problem for the catholics is that it can't truly be pro ethnic or national because the church takes all comers, claims god created all men, claims all men need the Jebus. So you cant truly claim catholicism was subverted by liberalism - it is liberalism. It started liberalism with that "God created" horeshit. Soul equality leads inevitably to political.
Wemhoff: White Nationalism is an identity that's trying to emerge.
All men need Jesus. And democracy. No connection there. Just happen to be true, both of them. #OneSoulOneVoteOneGod
The point of life is to laugh at stupid shit.  That's it.
All men, women, hermaphrodites, and certainly classes of flatworms are created equal. Seems solid. Let's run with it.
EMJ's Helland w Wemhoff on Time Life and Catholic Church (and CIA) in America
how you tie your face mask when one of your hands is gone? #LeftWorldProblems
Perfect for #WhiteSharia
"If thine hand doth offend thee, blow that motherfucker off." --attributed to Jesus 1.0
just skim the news and you cant help but notice while we waste time and infinite money trifling with niggercoons asia is going right by us
Remember, to the left, words = behavior. And if you're White, your words > black behavior. Do judges think like this? Yes, they do. So in their eyes, by stating anything pro-White, you're worse than a violent criminal. That is how they see it, and that is the basis from which they will act. And the media are on their side.  #LegalRealism
If you're young and considering getting involved with a woman, you should be aware of all the stuff this guy is talking about, just for protection. Good info for all ages.
they pinkniggin
" But they’re also masters of something scientists call kleptoparasitism: the art of stealing food from others,' Mr Ebi added. "
bald eagle: hooked nose like a jew; steals like a nigger! truly all-AmeriKwan symbol #CheapShot
good old fashioned wildlife fun i actually when i was young on trip with family in our station wagon, not too different from "Vacation" saw two golden eagles trying to carry off a fawn
sweet, i'm getting more neighbors!
it really is funny - you dont see that genotype in the north, that 7/8th brain look
Jimmy Ibbitt was only 5'2" and not much too look at. But his hands moved like skinks through other men's pockets. After his third conjection, the judge said, Goddamit Jemmy, it's hell or Georgia. And that's how the fine old pre-colonial Ibbitt line came to the New World.
always remember: so many american lines trace back to britain. specifically to Fingersmith Gaol
here's the difference. i too would paddle up to a snake and grab it. but i would IDENTIFY the snake first, using northern book-learning safely stored and available in my brain i have caught many water snakes and never been bitten
i have only one question how the fuck did the civil war last five years with these morons?
[He's] a glorious idiot,' Colquitt said. 'He's fun to be around, a great guy, a big heart.  'But if something stupid is about to happen, he's probably the one doing it.'
snake all trying to fake it be alligator, foolin decen folk AIN NOTBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT
" Adams paddled to the snake, thinking it was an alligator. But even after realizing it was a snake, Adams decided to pit it up and pull it out of the river. " BAPTIST
this guy is your classic 88-IQ southerner
christians = spirit-queers
it's funny how even tho there are 23.2 chinkodicks per chinkobroad, there's still and endless supply of slant-eyed she-freakouts
Just the way a bat can squeeze through a dime-sized hole, so do women attempt to evade agency & responsibility.
White-hating yid makes good
Daily Mail has niggers in about 30 stories today. They're basically criminals in every single one. Except Markle. Nice choice Hardly. Really put a lot of thought into it.
awwwww yeaaahhhh dassom topniggin
Another of god's little fuliginous Faberges
it totally happened. all of it. even more. shark-powered pedal-driven masturbation machines with lasers. "Everyday Mengele/Goebbels alternated visits, shaving 1mm off my nose w Kugelman deli slicer while screaming insults"
faggots: they're the christians of the flesh world
look at these cretins
niggers hunh. good god' yall. what is they good for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING (say it again)
muh cactus babies. cactus ladies > cat ladies
Before Israel, we didnt have any enemies in the Middle East. Before Jesus, we didn't need to be saved.
Remember this great truth: most news isnt reported. Not enough space, time, interests are against it. Have to talk to people to find out.
" Woman Viciously Attacked by Group of Women in Chicago " LOL
every single comment out of hundreds is racist on yahoo story you telling me a White Liberation Army wouldn't work RIGHT NOW? we going to die of old age talking about double standards? the prep work is done it's time to make an army and kill the enemy
" P V yesterday For anyone who doesn’t speak Leftism fluently, “no description” means the victim was white and the perpetrators were not. " ordinary people are totally woke on crime and race. every single comment at yahoo is 'racist', least the first several dozen
more Yahoo comments " goal yesterday And last Friday and young man and his girlfriend from the suburbs were walking on lakeshore drive and confronted by a mob of black teens. He was beaten into a coma and is on life support- Motive? There wasnt one. "
" MB yesterday The four women were later identified as siblings...Shaniqua, Tayesha, Kenisha and Shawneece Dinduffin. "
You know what's fun? Hoeing. Chopping up alt-green niggers.
Is your cult destroying your race? If you're a Christian, the answer must be yes. #TeamWhite
White man brain: niggers are monkeys. Dangerous, stupid monkeys. Christian brain: niggers are children of God. It's our job to love and help them. If you wonder why your society and nation are falling apart, maybe some introspection is in order. #TeamWhite
" The single day battle took place during the expansion of the Roman Empire. Many Romans at the time shared tales of the "ferocious" German tribes. " It's time for Germanics to get ferocious again.
I notice an influx of goodlooking young women on Gab! Torba et al. must be doing something right.
Niggers are a trash population that has "rights" because Christianity, a jewish production, says they are created by God, and so deserving.
" Today, the Pew Forum study finds, more than 1.3 billion Christians live in the Global South (61%), compared with about 860 million in the Global North (39%). " [2011]
" These days, all of his creations are meticulously bred to resist disease and extreme temperatures, reduce spiky surfaces, encourage better, more frequent flowering, and—most important—be extra colorful. " So you can breed plants to ends, but certainly not people.
all you good men and women who help divorce our race from its (((Jesus))) addiction - know that you're doing the lord's work #TeamWhite
Public schools, given just a few decades, create a trash population.
Judeo-leftist culture is reproduced entirely through institutions paid for by the right, and 90% of the time at gunpoint.  How do you defeat a side attacking you and dispossessing you while living off you?
" Terror, as used by non-state actors, is all about what John Robb calls “open source” warfare. One group tries something, and all the others imitate it if it’s successful, and improve on it. There are going to be many more non-state organizations in the future. "
Doing "legal" shit that is dumb anyway and treated the same as illegal shit... -- at some point even white men can figure out that doesn't make sense. Your focus, fellow White man, must always be 100% on what is effective. #TeamWhite
" “terrorism” is simply a method of warfare. So you can’t fight terrorism. It’s like saying you can fight artillery barrages, cavalry charges or frontal assaults. Terrorism isn’t a thing, it’s a tactic. "
interview with Casey on future of war
When you're in a war, and one side demonstrates success in a certain tactic, then the other side has to go beyond it. Like the battle between defense and offense.  What's the next step in the racial war? It's obvious.
The USA is a test case. We have the laws we need. The words are there. In right order. Clear as day. Plain as antifa-girl. But judges ignore them, journalists twist them, politicians stomp on them. What to do? #TimeToKill That's my answer. So, just going by percentages, it's probably the right one.
Racial reality is a think among...plants: "“Orange juice didn’t originally come from Florida or California... [But] we’ve made it better, we’ve made it fit our needs. Succulents are the same way. We can cultivate varieties through horticulture that will do better in our environment. You grow a thousand of them and you find one that performs better here.”
"Humor needs no excuse or defense. Be like humor." --Lao Tsay Mongrum, 13th century sage
Remember, today is the first day of the worst part of your life. If you're over 30. #DailyDowner
There are more Nigerian Christians than German Christians. There are more Congolese Christians than German Christians. Christianity is not a white or European thing. Rather, it was whites who made the cult famous and workable. But whites have a long racial history of success, don't they? Whereas the church does not - outside White lands.
Christianity is, demographically, a non-white religion. This graphic is a few years old, so the numbers have shifted even more to the desicoloreds.
article about rise in popularity of succulents
#Trends "In 2014, the National Gardening Association released a study that found that the “millennial food gardener” population—18- to 34-year-olds who prefer to grow their own produce—had expanded from 8 million to 13 million in the previous five years."

May 22, 2018:

How many actual island humans did it take to defeat you Scotch? Was it 3 or 4?
That redhead McQueef had the catholic mic drop. Sees a fellow catholic raping kid in shower, does nothing. Goes home to run his question WHAT DO I DO, BOSS MAN? up the fagpole, up the noble hierarchy, so his innocent brain remains untouched, unlike the kid's rectum. Are humans supposed to think? The Catholic church has a clear answer to that.
As for the specifics, the actual alleged hominids who run around and call themselves catholics, they're like niggers. The more of them you deal with, the less you will like them and their institution. Experience is fair test of anything. Does catholicism produce good men? It does not.
To me, catholicism is an absolute shitting on all values. Dont throw freddy at me, I do my own mentating around here. That's what it is. It's taking every good value in the world just crapping all over it. And not even enjoying it like a jew would. Crying and whining and woman-ing and loser-ing. That's catholicsm. It's ugly nothing. And it's 100% of the jew.
The Catholics truly did stand athwart Hitler in his journey to decrease the surplus tard population. But then, if you went after pepperonis you'd expect some resistance from the Wop Shop.
to crush your enemies and hear the lamentations of their barnyard fowl
How red pilled are you if you believe people come back from the dead? You know, a doctrine that can't be sold in plain speech by the light of the day...there's a reason that's the case.
White guillibility makes xtianity possible, but the cult then nurtures that characteristic until whiteskins can't tell up from down. Then they go jew college. No wonder their brains are a mess. Every idea in their heads traces to some stupid lying kike.
There's nothing lower than Scotch-Irish infected with liberalism, true white apes
It's a good time to be a hawk or bobcat. I have seen more rabbits this spring...
Do we have any people out there who can paint nice big paintings?
The jew golden rule for xtians: do unto others as you would have them do unto you.  The jew golden rule for jews: all the gold in the world belongs to us. And the other shit too. If it exists, it's ours.
"You put out the vibe that attracts the tribe."  Oh jesus.
There's been a subtle decline in the quantity of Virgin/Chad memes lately. Some yous need to get to steppin'.
fuck in 20 years smart toilets will identify your lunch from your smartpiped shit
is it "good" that (say 10 years from now) some blockchain can pull every single socially relevant fact about you together in one sure swift movement? it's certainly not wholly good.
interesting that sChmuck is right spelling. far as i know. whereas, per yesterays imperfectly heeded lesson shtick and shmuel are the right way
Luther also set an example of fractiousness. The second you disagreed with him, boom new cult. And what's Pappa Marty going to say about that? So now every last chicken giblet has a One n Only Church Fer Real Xtians. Which is not to say the original is right and good. No, it's awful and wrong too.  #CrudCult4Schmucks
probably a better joke but i dont know too many dog breeds my wife's son's gay labradoodle called - it wants its bandanda back
essentially, in the coming age, there's going to be nowhere for crime or privacy to hide
politics is thought of as noble - this is probably the first and original gaslighting politics is correctly thought of as Big Criminal
Feminism is a racial plot, not a sexual plot.
it's funny how kike prager's not only not censored on youtube, his commercials actually run there. i mean, for anyone who doesn't get (((who))) runs the System
Women are 100% about deception and dissimulation. They cant even tolerate truth in their clothing labels. Any philosophy that elevates them literally worships a lie.
what's more beta than plagiarism? i dont know. but i bet Steve Sailer would. that guy's a real intellectual
"Jews hate money and are filled with tender, solicitous love for their fellow man. No way were they involved in the slave trade." --Johnny Rivers
College: - anti-White - anti-male - anti-intellectual Why go to Big Debt U and major in jew-communism? #CollegeFuckNo
They subverted muh church. Who taught you that word, subverted? I know you weren't aware of yourself. Second point, which is the main points, is  the church is the subversion. Jesusism is the subversion of your mind, your culture and your people.
There is no honor or integrity among christians.  There is among the Japanese.
"Some men look at what is and asperg; other men look at what is not and aspire." --JFK
out of all the great maniacs how many were concerned about appearances? DAMN FEW
it's arguable that white women are people you just have to overcome Schopenhauer, to name one off the top of my head
Keepin' It Real Series: Africa: The Biography of a Continent by Brad Griffin [that's the book the world is clamoring for]
Certain people should maybe look up what Mark Twain said about the xtian moral sense, what a great thing it is.
Atheism is the faith that there's a difference between imagination and reality.
curate - organize, arrange, edit optics - appearances space - area Change for change's sake. No point to it.
One valid thumbnail description of conservatives is worth a million hours of talk with actual item. That's because conservatives are a biomass, similar to those arctic crab clusters.

May 21, 2018:

Brad Griffin morphing into Phyllis Schlafly. I have lived too long.
Free speech the abstraction isnt that interesting. Whats interesting is what's verboten 99.9% of places and why. Who is it, more than any other group (and the others only becuz of that group), we're not allowed to criticize? We ALL know the answer. If your ABSTRACT aim is to facilitate free speech, it always PRACTICALLY boils down to allowing jew criticism.
'Nazis' laugh at the likes of Tenn. mom. Tenn. mom would ban anyone she'd call a nazi. That's the difference.
Catering to stupid women ... is what we see everywhere else in the world. Would be a shame if it happened here.
the minute i had an audience, within months of starting in august 2000, we were getting attacked. first, Vanguard financial services tried to steal our domain with a legal threat letter. after that, it was one ISP after another reneging on contract, shutting down server and not even refunding money. what's happening today isn't new, it's just intensified.
Conservatives the good honest dumbshit Free Republic type like Tenn. mom don't want to be censored by liberals. Neither do they want to be corrected by Nazis. As she straightforwardly said, she wants anyone who disagrees with her to be shoved in a corner or banned. If Torba goes with this way of thinking, Gab will become as useless as Free Republic in 2000.
See...Torba has this conception in his mind regarding free speech. It just doesn't fit the reality. How he deals with that disconnect will determine the future of Gab. The people he thinks need free speech are actually on the side of the oppressors, and this has been true right back to Free Republic almost 20 years ago.
I used to sit in Sunday School and listen to the teacher go on about ancient places on the eastern mediterranean. I'd think to myself, this person has absolutely zero self-awareness.
wrong about economics...and everything else: the story of the catholic church
God was so hazy in his giant book of jew that he requires an armada of morons to explain himself.
jews will use their media to fill every waking inch with 'minority' lol concerns - why they not getting shit they didnt earn (gibsmanship) - why they held responsible for shit they do (dinduship)

May 20, 2018:
wow new slur lava nigger for hawaiians
Nazis made castanets out of jew patellas, in prep for operation Gayas, their invasion of Spain.
i...did read Siege...and skewed kinda...meh? is that ok? if i say that?
"All infomation is TMI" --Laddhi Dao-Bong, Buddhist princemonk (13th century)
you can say MMMMMbop is not a great song but what you're really saying is I"M A GIANT FAG!! you know it
In the end, the English will be remembered for two eternal lines, similar: "Which one of you assholes is gonna come in second?" --Larry Bird "They're all here for silver, I've got the gold." --paraphrase of one Johnson, skiier
there are nearly as many moronic christians as misspellings of definitely
you would think if anybody GOD would have been clear in his book
each and every xtian understands The Word in a differently stupid way
i feel like all these people-at-school shootings should have produced some great songs by now
can someone please feed my magic water to sailer so he can pretend he thought of it and get it the circulation it deserves?
jaunty > lugubrious spirit-niggers
"I'd rather be descended from monkeys Than related to Baptists." --George Washington (private letter to Samworth Babblington, 1762)
Where does the notion of equality ultimately derive? From the christian concept 'God,' and the bogus idea that this nonexistent creature 'created' the human species (sic).
'Gap' is a propaganda term.
It's important to teach the young niggers early the important lesson that they will never be held responsible for anything
The Columbus Dispatch reports Ohio elementary schools have handed out 35,000 suspensions in each of the last two years. About half were for disruptive or disobedient behavior. The newspaper reports nearly two-thirds of the children were black and 90 percent came from low-income households.
COLUMBUS, Ohio — The Ohio Senate has unanimously approved a bill preventing schools from imposing out-of-school suspensions to young students who have committed minor infractions.
technical perfection rubs the soullessness in women can't tell the difference women do not have taste they like 'nice' nice is not taste, it is bad taste
Mostly I'm pretty happy. But when I hear Keith Urban, I fully understand suicide. I can only imagine his internal levels of self-loathing. As Jim Rockford perfectly put it back in the '70s: "Do you know what you are? . . . You do, don't you."
No, Jon. Bon Jovi's not a gay name at all. You totally dont sound like yr up for a clam jam with Keith Urban. #SoftBigotryOfLowMusicalExpectations
silly liberal. a nigger doesn't stop being a nigger when it comes to america from africa. it stops being a nigger when it goes in a church. Meet #MagicWater , #MagicDirt 's older brother. Moon Name Change petition is only 300,000 signatures short of being ignored by the Philotentate of Calponia. Help a brother out. Jesus. I dont ask for much.
If you wrote a book titled Anti-Semitism on Mars Every library in America would buy it. I'm surprised no one has tried this. You think I'm joking.  That the System isn't that automatic and controlled. That it isn't, in other words, a System.
"Being a freak is not an achievement, it is a failure." --JFKennedy
Gab is better than nothing...and Twitter Good slogan?
christians confuse long-facedness with seriousness
the race afraid to laugh that's the epitaph the christ cult has writ for us
Imagine Texans...who can read...but haven't lost their executionslust, as the Germs would jam. That's us. Missouri, the Show Me State "We'll Take an Bounce a Rock Off'n Your Head" I feel this strikes the agreeably aggressive tone important in commanding the tourist dollar.
Land of the buy cold remedies if you can produce 2 hologram IDs
Becuz I forgive like an amateur Jesus II, I'm giving yall alleged people a SECOND CHANCE to TOTALLY REDEEM yourself in my bristling pig eyes. My new campaign is to change Missouris state slogan from Pastures! Hills! Rivers! to "I'll take n bounce a rock off'n your head!" (MT). Like the Dem party i dont care where you live, all voting is equal. Help a nigger out!
Bell Jar is a famous novel by Sylvia Plath, who said every woman loves a Nazi. She was very smart for a woman or great ape, and her suggestion that women should be kept in giant bell jars when not being used has the ring of truth.
at this point, Sunday School and Monday school are nothing but conformity inducing and producing institutions. same end goals, different fables
the best argument FOR christianity is 99% of xtians dont even understand their own cult's doctrines so how big an effect can it really have?
Standards or feelings. Standards are better.
Clement Markshine, the inventor of the Dilled Pickle, is from Mexico, Missouri USED to be common knowledge.
it's easy to overrate missouri because it's located near illinois (and What Is This Iowa), but we can still agree Missouri State Is Best State
There's nothing out of Russia remotely as significant as Mark Twain and Walt Disney.
writing should aspire after music, but with some wonkastepping  am i going to brush your nipple? lick your cheek? boot your nuts? YOU DONT KNOW and that keeps you alive with perspiration
i like polished writing, but it's technically wrong imagine a song that's all chorus
this is for all you who DIDNT sign my ONLINE petition to RENAME the moon... ...because youre a bunch of faggots and i hate you
our ancestors weren't all that much smarter or dumber than we are it's just more dramatic to play it the other ways
most great painters were trolls; what's the fun of painting a giant canvas if you dont insert a few private jokes
What state was Mark Twain from? What RUSSIA? That's not a state. That's a bunch scythe-swinging taiga monkeys in onion huts.  ENGLAND? Ha ha. DO GO ON. MISSOURI IS THE ANSWER. MISSOURI!  "I'll take an' bounce a rock off'n your head!" "Why sure you will." "Well I will."
NOT ONE of you signed my petition to rename the moon. SELFISH ASSHOLES MUCH YALL.
Please sign my petition to rename the moon. It's important folks.
perfectly polished writing inevitably suggests polyester
why do we need central government? we dont. we dont need washington dc for a single reason. it needs us to live off and provide bodies for aggressive war
the South cries about the north then serves the empire for pay. because southrons dont experience any felt need to be consistent. nor do most americans, actually. graham is an exponent of military industrial complex with a side of ballerina
"Not all niggers are like that." Yeah, that would be the well known logical fallacy appeal to Harambe. Thanks for trying, tho
the dumber a man is, the more capable and powerful he perceives government. until you get the lower sixth of whites, nigger-equivalents, to whom it is indistinguishable from a god
Hayden's a template monkey dancing for the jew organ grinder.
she blinded you with science? guess you're not in london
in my opinion formally polished writing is bad technique. it's, still, the right way to produce certain types, even most, formal texts, yet it remains incapable of the highest heights, which is all i'm interested in a mountain peak is more impressive emerging from fog is basically my theory or, to mix menaphor, the bald head of penis emerging from foreskin
blacks believe everything bad that happens to them is due to racism, when the truth is exactly the opposite: almost everything good that happens to them is due to whites. whites/racism being two different terms for the same thing. 'whites' is the neutral term for the jew-created epithet
take 3  Whites have more money than blacks IN SPITE OF the government not, as blacks think, BECAUSE OF it. the hostility this antifact produces is no less murderous and real for being fake
i used some many too wrong words take 2 nigs think money comes from govt. whites have more than they do. so govt loves whites more than them. because RACISM. that's how extreme-low-IQ people think. and it makes sense - govt is 90% whites by appearance.
Life is fleeting. We all thought Whitney Houston would live forever and look how that turned out.
this post is an intellectual breakthru. i've never seen anyone make it, yet i believe it is correct.
why do blacks think govt is racist, when whites can clearly see govt subsidizes niggers and taxes whites? because blacks are dumb. they get their money from govt. so they assume whites do too. and they assume that whites, like them, get that money from the same place they do. they can't see that whites surpass them IN SPITE OF goverment (and quite against it)
is new wave better than other music? it's not for me to say. but yes.
a hothouse is a special place carved out of normal conditions where particular plants can flourish. the media are like that. except in this reverse hothouse, gab is the only normal conditions; the hothouse covers the rest, and tropical fleurs du mal do flourish
scientists believe the first case of Triabetes will be recorded somewhere in the NEMO-Iowa region. as i happen to be in this area, i will keep you informed. personally i go for southern iowa, but as you know, i'm a #NEMO bigot
Who would win a dumboff between a Boer and and Southern Baptist?
Time to call off the xtian larp. Come on. Give the little jesus back to the jews. Its mother is probably worried sick.
Another group's fake history is the center of our culture? So our entire racial existence is a protracted larp?
All telling little man about God and Devil does is give him excuses for his behavior. #Fingerism is the answer.
They ban you. You go somewhere else. They chutzpah-cackle about you needing a safe space. These people are some overlap of insanity and lying.
I licked a tilapia, then I sashayed over to the P&G to buy a bolt of cashmere to sew myself a new leisure suit. #BoomNoSemiCollisions #SundayAfternoonCominDown
So christianity was good for whites in 1000? Say we had the mass media technology we didnt get till the 1900s back then. How long would it have taken jews to take over society? You're attributing to the church what is actually due to transient historical circumstances - specifically, the lack of technology.
What gives a cause gravitas is killing for it. Doesn't matter whether the cause is right or wrong, violence alone will make it respected by average people.  #TimeToKill
I've never been a special needs teacher, but surely it is no more frustrating than trying to argue with the adult retards called christians.
The church didnt used to be good for whites, it was always bad. Do you understand the concept of latency? Not everything shows it's real nature up front. The problem with christianity is its basic doctrines. Not something that happened in the 1960s. Something that happened before 060.
Notice how I say christianity is anti-White. Full stop. And all who defend christ-insanity have to append and asterisk and 50 pages of legal type material to 'prove' their case. Whereas my case is self evident.
#Harambe His back was silver; his heart was gold. #HarambeWeRemember
There was only one quality African American and he died. Yep. Niggers. #PeelOneForHarambe
Islam is pro-white because it allows whites to join, even though the majority of islamics arent white. Same with christians.
Niggers are humans? Then potholes are roads.
They said Jesus was going to establish his kingdom on earth, but that was a mistranslation. The actual word was 'cuckdom.'
Christians have made their peace with cuckdom. Now they're just concerned with the quality of their toadying, as Burns put it.
What would Andrew Jackson do about Andrew Dodson?
Journalist is simply a pretentious way of saying liar.
The South used to produce men like Andrew Jackson - someone even Romans would admire. Now they produce men like Lindsey Graham. But worse than that is they all vote for him like he's something good and normal who speaks for them.
Only strong men can keep a govt from getting out of bounds, which is another reason that attacks on libertarianism are wrong. The ideas those people discuss are what is needed. If they are too cowardly to leave in the racial spine that makes the flesh stand up, that's their problem. If a man can't run his own life, he  shouldnt make decisions for the community.
White Nationalism should be political minimalism. Occam's idea is more than just a powerful idea, it's a design principle. The smallest government that covers the given needs.
Yes, we are softer than our ancestors, but in another sense, we are they. We are acting as they would because we are them. Now we realize that and change our ways. The elite among whites, apart from politics, have and are leaving materialism not for jew jesusism but for minimalism. Which combines perfectly with White Nationalism.
To understand Protestantism, go to a Catholic. To understand the North study the South. This principle holds across the board.
Christ was a cool and groovy dude with sandals and mannish beard. I like to think of him as the first Pick Up Artist.
Remember to pray for those who doxx your own and get them to commit suicide. Forgive them. Seventy times seven. It's what Jesus wants. And Jesus is The Man. #TeamForgivenness #ChristForTheWin #ChristWouldntDoxx #ChristWouldForgiveDoxxersThough #PrayDontAct  #PrayDontThink #PrayDontDare
Remember, people: "The purity of the stream determines the quality of the hellbender." --Lao Gong Foo in Animals, Travels and Rice (1641) Really makes you think.
There's probably a PhD thesis somewhere proving that Batpists are technically people, but, yeah, I'm gonna go with my eyes. They're pigs in dresses.
If Baptists could read, my head would have been chopped off long ago.
Jesus? That's not us. That's not our people.
Most people are women, and women are generally idiots. That's how I see it.
There is no South. The South died in 1865. It was murdered. I wish it weren't so. But it is.  There are no real men in the South.  Just read the books - the creatures crawling around there today aint their daddy's Oldsmobile, and thats the gentlest I can put it.
People say, why pick on Baptists. To them I respond, why not?  And they gnaw their stubby tongues for pain.
Bapitists are like if human subsets were relegated to second division. Baptists would be a team that had yet to win 2nd and get promoted to Premier.
You know why Baptists and others pick on Mormons? Because they're cowards. They think it's safe. If Mormonism is a cult, then what is Baptism? Normal? Baptists are only human if you really, really lower the standard. I mean, like Little Caesars is pizza lowering.
There's an inverse relation between doxxing and faggotry online.
WWII was White v Jew. Which side did the christian church work with? #TeamWhite
Christianity defended Eastern Europe until there were what, 60,000,000 white men underground? In WWII, Christianity sided with jews to defeat proto-Team White. And still you refuse to learn the lesson. All semitic cults are our enemy. #TeamWhite
I would call it reductio ad absurdam...except it happened. Good Irish Catholic boy sees Sandusky raping a kid in the shower. Goes home to ask his father what to do. This isn't a satire on catholicism, this is exactly what it aims to produce: Men who arent men at all. Christianity is anti-White. #TeamWhite
If not for Hitler, no moon, no ABBA. Really makes you think.
No Hitler, No ABBA
What Hitler and most Germans don't understand is that what they think of as basic honesty is not a thing in other cultures - looking at you, Anglo empire.
I really do feel like Harold in H & Maude. I keep trying to produce the correction reaction.  And it never comes. Does that mean I give up? Do I SMELL like a Southerner?  It's not for me to say. But no.
"If yr unhappy where yare now, how mechy a traditinalist ken ye be?" --Pirate Joe & the Tahiti Bound Band, as quoted by his brilliantly colored shoulder-friend  Simple thoughts for simple people.
"If you have a pussy or are a pussy, stay out of politics." --Claire Istotle, 4-H gold medalist, Macrame division, Okahoma state fair, 1912
"The tomato that grows from the crack in sidewalk is strongest." -Eloglabius in his play Vegetablers (no extant copies remain, library burned by christtoads)
Getting money is a form of power wide open to us, despite circumstances. The only problem is that with assets comes an intense desire to hoard and guard them. This conservatism easily conduces to cowardice and quietism. Money for the change-maker is a tool, always and only. We need fanatics. But fanaticism does not equal hotheads. We need coolhead fanatics.
We dont want to hear your whining We want to hear your winning. #TeamWhite
Action, not words. What are you doing right now to  kill enemies make yourself stronger in money, blood, possessions, skills? What are you doing? #TeamWhite
If you're a christian, you're not one of us.  That simple. #TeamWhite
God never yet stopped a priest from raping a child. "He gave us free will." Well, He has free will too. And he sees everything, according to you. Wait a minute...did God go to Penn State?
How many of you useless semiretarded gooberniggers even remember the '70s?
Here's a song about short people. I choose to believe he meant fat people. Shit like this used to be playable on the radio.
If traditionalism is good, then it's better to be an animal than a man.
Catholics doing hail marys is aural equivalent to stepping in dogshit.
Guess what was on Xtian radio. Not the usual headless protestant Iz-fellatio but pure catholic dervishing. Have you ever heard these nuts doing hail marys? What a sad picture - the utter spiritual deadness of these people. It's like something forgotten in water brought to life. Macerated, sapless, spiritless - as un- and anti-White as it's possible to get.
The world works, or advances, by paradox and irony. If you want the legal machinery to work properly, you have to lubricate it with effective acts it doesn't necessarily approve of, at first.  That's just how it is. Blame your imaginary god if it makes you feel good.
Listen, people of frog. Don't kill yourself. Kill them. And more generally, let the word go out from this time and place, to all freaks, weirdos, maladjusted goobers, nuts, creeps, faggots and generic possessors of substandard skull contents -- DO NOT SHOOT UP PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Shoot up (((newsrooms))). #TeamWhite
"Tilapia. Isn't that a trash fish?" " I intend to eat it, not go to parties with it, I'm not really worried about its social status?"
Tits are nature's affirmative action for women.
You notice no one has responded to my call to produce a serious strategy for winning back our nations legally? They can neither produce such a strategy nor give up their weak, stupid, useless "keep it legal." Keep it effective, whatever you do. You will know best what you can and should do.  We need killers, not martyrs. #TeamWhite
"All people are created by God." Boom. You're a liberal.  There is no way to turn that belief into politics in a way that doesn't eventually threaten whites. That's why I say Christianity is inherently, unavoidably, unchangeably anti-White.
a word i have not come across before, apparently a newish creation: apistevistic :  A person who does not use faith to know things-especially in the religious sense
Get over your ego. See what needs to be done, in any particular situation. Do it.  As a byproduct you'll get happiness, respect, -- all things fools go after directly.
toward understanding the difference between what our ancestors thought and the jewish christ cult for goyim
Having identified the solution, the rational man then identifies which forces stand in the way of the solution.
Cut through the bullshit.  Jews must be exterminated. That's it.  That's the solution -- the only solution -- to every ill plaguing the West.

May 19, 2018:
" chronic sitting is the new smoking — it actually has a mortality rate similar to this toxic habit. "
" Those struggling with depression would do well to get out of the concrete jungle and into nature, as nature walks have been found to be particularly beneficial for your mood by decreasing rumination — the obsessive mulling over negative experiences. "  i learned something today. i did not know rumination meant just that
France must interbreed. Israel must shoot invaders. Only an antisemite could have a problem with this. Consult your local jew overlord if you're in question about what to do. Then comply. #TeamKike
Which faboo designer put together the bridal palm frond nest?
asked about Harry's marryiage to the monkey, (((Elfman))) responded, i can only quote a great man who said "YOUD CUT OFF YOUR NOSE IF YOUD THINK IT WOULD MAKE YOU HIP"
How do we know the Vikings were uncivilized? Their Lying Smarmy Pussy rate was 8%, as opposed to the 80% it would be in a properly civilized Christian country.
Whites were ignorant pig-chasing goobs until the crissies showed up and taught then how to human.
"We Wuz Kangz" You remember that? You remember how you laughed and hard. WHOS LAFFING NOW PUNK
We all know official comedy sucks now thanks to jews. The best professional comedians currently operating are catholic intellectual apologists.
Today is one of fifteen or twenty days in the US of A we hosanna and ululate in tribute to the green niggers for their paid service we paid for without even being asked.
Remember, kids. Jesus died for your sins. But his eminent pa screams in anguish at your favorite proclivities. So...I'm kinda at a loss to tell you how to proceed. I'm sure you'll figure it out.
Henrietta Lacks deserves more credit than her fellow lab animals because reasons.
God's resume: owner/operator of N&M Works. A human production plant specializing in niggers and morons.
christian ideals at work: naming your kid 'Jacob' in hopes he'll grow up to be a successful thief like the bible character / jews you worship #LOSERS
why are white people so fucking stupid: "Schlomo" "Schtick" the whole point is to emphasize the foreign jewieness of these SHLOMO and SHTICK not to mention - those are the actual correct spellings of the yiddish name / jewbastardization of german stueck the sound (and spelling) should echo the sense SHLOMO you nob fucking people have no FEEL for anything
so when you kill off the Nazis, what's left of the white race isn't very impressive, is it?
crime by category = ideological thinking = jew-communism. guess who the bad guys are! white guys who didnt do anything. or did. doesn't matter! what part of the WHITE GUYS ARE ULTIMATE EVIL DO YOU NOT CAPISCE, BRONIO?
Atheism is akin to nudism, in that both are propaganda terms from the enemy. Not liking to wear clothes is a not a "belief" or a philosophy. It's just a thing. God's existence is a factual question, not the basis of a philosophy.
Jews will keep lying about whites while we keep pretending the problem is anything but them. "Come to grips with jews or die," is what nature is telling us.
Erudition + evasion is a powerful formula. It worked for the old National Review, and it still works for Jared Taylor.
People become obsessed with manners when they're afraid of dealing with the real problem. This has been formalized and professionalized into Conservatism, Inc. Professional punch-pullers, evaders, moralists and just all around cowards. There's a lot of money in Organized Cowardice.
If nature spoke, it would say: They're killing you. Why are you killing them? #TimeToKill
Racism is more powerful than it's ever been. People kill themselves when doxxed for wrong opinions. #TimeToKill
Death can't be coopted, bribed, or doxxed.
Slowly but surely our side is realizing that petitions, voting, etc are wastes of time. Cut to the chase: the elite, the jews and their cuckservants, are slow roasting white nations and getting off on our misery.  #TimeToKill
Remember when you believed in The Holocaust? That's the state too many of you are still in with regard to the cult around the claims that constitute 'Jesus Christ.'
In between the unsavage barbarians of the deep north, the lutefisk munchers of Minnesota, and the woolly-brained geophages of Alabama, lies the golden land of civilization, the middle kingdom, you know it as God's country, we'll just call it #NEMO.
A woman is basically a blank that a man turns into some kind of coin.
You can have a giant, centralized, tyrannical government... ...or a large family and leisure time. Pick one. Taxes are the price we pay for anarcho-tyranny.
Men who worship women or can't see through 'strong women' are stupid and untrustworthy.
In honor of Heather Heyer the entire state of Iowa is holding a Fatout. A Fatout is where you agree to stop talking and concentrate on getting as many carbohydrates as your beady eyes can spot on the other side of your skin.
have you noticed that GAB is ABG spelled incorrectly - ABG = Always Be Giraffing - what's notable about giraffes? most people would say their decidedly unBaptistlike head supports - crane-necks allow giraffes to spy on people at great distances - [insert temple-tapping negroid] #JustSayanimIMeanSayin
Reason tells us that jews must be counter-exterminated. It has always told us - see the historical quotations from our best men. But we listened to christianity. Now we're in dire straits. Nothing in the world says one has a moral duty to keep making the same mistake. Well - nothing exception traditionalism.
When you religion says what you need to do to defend yourself and your society is immoral hence unthinkable, you need to get rid of your religion. #TeamWhite
It always amazes me that a woman given basically one task will never consider how to perform it most efficiently. Almost every man, even the meanest in intelligence, would eventually consider this.
What do women actually do in this world? They gabble. ("Did you hear that sheila is pregnant! Yes! By a werewolf..blah blah blah inane blah.) To the extent they're allowed or pushed by law and culture to interfere in man-stuff they add drama, misery, stupidity, incompetence.  #KeepWomenIndoors
Most of our interactions are low level. What if our society had a tiny government. And low taxes. And white men filled every position. And there are no small jobs, only small actors.  Imagine if the ablest, intelligentest sector of society handled all of its transactions and daily business. Imagine how much better life would be.
i have said this many times, no one has really seconded it, but to me it's a powerful indirect argument for the whole enchilada -- pro-white, pro-man, pro-good society Imagine if 99.9% of jobs were filled by white men in an all-white society. Imagine how efficient, responsible, polite and effective everything would be. White nation + small govt = utopia.
apart from scenic value, women are basically social blood clots. every last transaction or interaction becomes a mini-drama that consumes 3x the time that should be needed to do something #KeepWomenIndoors
the jebus mindset must be contrasted with genuine white spirit, on tap in fairytales, Homer, individual achievements (Alex Honnold, for instance) christianity is an attempt to build a race of spirit - and xtians will claim it produces the same fruit from detroit to delhi. but we reject (((their))) spirit, we want Whites who face the world whitely
the racial cause is not a religion, nor is one needed for bad, anti-White christ cult. what is needed is a different mentality, which we racialists share. people generally lack imagination - it's a bigger problem than stupidity or ignorance. they can be shown how not just specific xtian doctrines conduce to white genocide but the jebus mindset generally
the older i get, the more i see why Greeks didnt allow women in the agora
the only i mean ONLY time a fat-ass woman (most of them) will move quickly is to get ahead of you in car or line. just notice this in real life, it's bizarre

May 18, 2018:

Have you noticed that Gab is bag spelled backwards.
Christianity  - flatters mens vanity (who's an original are!) - tempts their lazy greed (heaven, aka lottery ticket w only winning numbrs) - excuses their failure (if jebus got nailed up, how could you improve) - encourages their favorite form of masturbation (self pity - I am just like jesus, no one appreciates glorious self-sacrificing Me)
In the overall scheme of things, your sins are trivial and poorly executed. But that doesn't sell to the cheap seats. Your sins are huge and original. You're a real gangster you are. Your peccadilloes are immense. They alter the course of hurricanes and human history.
In What Is This Iowa? being 75 lb overweight is not just a good idea. It's the law.
Actually, I'm pretty sure a seven-nation army could hold you back.
Just as it's impossible to imagine the character of Superman as anything but a nordic, so it is with _ _ _ _ _ .  "And (((his (Grinchstein's)))) fib fooled the towhead mental tater tots"
Christian claims about jebus are put forward as FACT not myth. If you accept them, you are acceding in a jewlie. that's the point.  You've cucked out the proper use of your mind. And if goddy shrieks like a girl when you misuse your anus, as catholic experts tell us, how much louder and anguisheder screeches he-she when you abuse your profoundest capacity of all?
"We know how it all ends."  Yeah, so do I just putzworth: with you and fellow lugubes on a hillside, annoying the honest cows.
Take the CS Lewish challenge: he says xtian claims are either true, lies, or products of insanity. He says they're true. I say 2 and 3 are the correct responses. All that has to happen for me to be right is a jew didnt come back from the dead. If he even existed. Since, you know, the bibble is a product of kike minds. I like my odds.
Gee, it would be nice if we mere whiteskins had a christianity for jews that could promulgate a doctrine that jews must never molest us, even as we cheat them out of their earnings, shit on them in our media, and conduce the society they made to their genetic termination.
"If you don't believe in our imaginary God, then you worship yourself as a God." "Well, at least my god didn't create niggers."
Nice judgment shaming, Jesus. Who do you think you are, anyway?
Hillsiders, I beseech thee: abandon thy childish mentation and embrace reality. Atheism: the God that never lied to you and didn't create niggers! One of those double-threat Gods. Dig him, hillsbys!
It is not true that I type to hear my head rattle. I am channeling the inner soul of a spray paint can, in order to calibrate my nigdar.
You are aware that larping is psychologically impossible for human beings?
Traditions are like fireworks. They're impressive the first time. But after that, they're boring. But not for most people. who are basically animals. They want the same thing five million times. Traditions are started by artists, but not continued by them. Artists, among whom number civilization creators, move on while the fish nibble on their excrement
Traditions may be helpful to simps. Most people are simps. But traditions are not begun by simps. Traditions are encrusted imitations\. There is room at the top they say. What this means is that there's so little thinking that all kinds of better ways exist, undiscovered. Traditions are rarely the best we can do. They deserve some respect, not great respect.
Jews must be counter-exterminated. The christ cult says that's immoral. Bye bye, alt-kikes. #TeamWhite
H. L. Mencken on the prince choosing the negress: "It is as if a hungry man, set before a banquet prepared by master cooks and covering a table an acre in area, should turn his back upon the feast and stay his stomach by catching and eating flies."
I'll make this point again, even though I have never met a christian capable of taking it in and responding. The problem with the christ cult is the stuff that was there DAY ONE. That's why I dont point out stupid leftist stuff it does today, that's not the actual problem. The problem is the founding claim and doctrines of the cult.
The church is on the side of the jews because it comes from the jews. Always remember that. The christ cult is not your friend, it is your enemy. The catholics are more than willing -- and this is historical fact -- to repeat lies and slurs on 'nazi' character created out of whole cloth by jew-communists. The christian church -- in all forms -- is antiWhite.
If your vision of the white race is a collection of lugubrious boobs, then yes, the catholic church is the sheep groomer you should go with.
The Japanese reject christ. Yet somehow they don't act like jews?  Strange, that. They dont get down on their knees and grovel before Jeboo-San, portal to life everlasting, yet have built a great society. Strange, that.
Catholics define jews as rejecters-of-christ. That's it. That's quite literally all the papists care about. Do you see the problem?
The Bezos Blog: Shaping the Future by Lying About the Present Prisons: Just How Badly Are They Failing Our Niggers? By Amanda Newtwurm
When the cuckservants of the (((bankers running the EU say Europe WILL interbreed and WILL have waves of millions of asio-africans coming in for DECADES, all rational white men will realize that normal politics is over. It's time for bloody war. They made it that way. They started it. It's up to us how we respond. #TeamWhite

May 17, 2018:

Day of Great Disappointment is what awaits all you christ cretins. Unfortunately, you'll be too dead to notice. So I'm helping you out with some Muntz-style laughter while you're still arguably mentally alive to appreciate it.
"and the whos down in whoville will all cry boo-hoo!" ............... "...was among some 100,000 people in northeastern United States who futilely waited for Jesus’ second coming on October 22, 1844. Bitter anguish set in at midnight when they realized that their hopes would not be fulfilled. Many wept bitterly until daybreak." lol. LOSERS.
This is absolutely the finest scene in all Christian history. Truly, as Wilde said, you need a heart of stone not to laugh at these self-made imbeciles.
Christianity will go down in history as a bunch of dopes on a hillside waiting for Jesus who never comes. The dopes have IQs in the normal range, they just prefer delusion to reality. It seems to be a white-racial thing.
they've studied jew nits. these larval kikes have much higher natural antipathies to foreigners (their non-parents entering the room) than whites do. whites are racially the least foreigner-antipathetic. that's the irony of their gaslighting US about racism. no, catholic liar, the problem with jews IS racial. it's seen in BABIES.
You notice how Japs have a perfectly functional society sans jew jesus? That's all we want for whites. A japes society. Cuz we're funnier than the niblets. Sorry, kikes. Not interested in your rotten cloth or tall tales about Sandalman the Super Saver.
We led the (((christ lunatics))) push us off our racial agenda. Now it's time to kick these wannabe, retard-tier, amateur kikes out the door and get back on track. #TeamWhite
Christlunacy and jews are working a good/bad cop routine on us. Would you like to believe (this big lie)? You'll go to prison if you don't go along with (this big lie)! That's all it is. None of this semitic garbage has anything to do with our race, our people, our future.
And the christ club mental perverts when pressed always resort to j-leftism: YOU CANT PROVE THE GENE-MECHANISM THAT MAKES NIGGERS VIOELNT OR JEWS LIARS AND NATION-WRECKERS. We found 2 jews in 950 years who converted to the christ-lie and didnt cheat anyone! That proves they all could!  This is literally how catholics argue. Brazen bullshit.
At some point you got to stand on your goddam manfeet and say goddamnit I'm going to stop being a mental pervert, a mental faggot and a mental weakling and acknowledge that this fucking miserable cult of the jewfiction character christ is murdering my nation and my race. Yes.
If bears always acted like bears, then that's what a fucking bear is. Same with jews. If all they do is cheat and lie and the smartest white men who ever existed in all times and places called them lying cheating world-endangering scumbags. Then that's what they fuckng are.  When I hear a grown man saying dripping Jesus water on them will change them, I weep like JC
Catholicism says that the only thing that can save our race from the jews producing white genocide is IMMORAL and thus not allowable. ("No progress outside the moral order.") We say well even if God created nature, as you claim, nature runs by genocide, and we have the ability to kill those trying to genocide us. That must be our response. Fuck the (((church)))
There is nothing wrong with jews biologically, nature has no rights, just creatures. There are no rules save whatever works. The point from our white-racial perspective is that jews are a hostile and competing species. they are a species that preys on us, like the wasps that lay their eggs in caterpillars. We must use our brains to see that and DESTROY THEM.
The problem with jews is undeniably biological. NOt cultural or religious. Those FOLLOW the behavior of the creature in question. Remember, the Talmud wasnt coagulated until maybe 500-600 AD. But jews behaved like shits for so long as they've existed, for so long as others have noticed and discussed them. That proves the problem with them is racial.
This above stated conclusion is what you get from reading catholic history of jew-xtian interaction in Europe. The catholic states it - that the priests PROTECTED the jews and that the church's policy is NOT racial. So we racialist and catholics agree in honestly laying out each other's position. It's matter of who is right. And it's clearly WN.
The people (the white people) ALWAYS realized the real problem with jews was racial, not religious. Long before science was formalized. They wanted to kill jews, the natural response (jews agree in their Talmud) to their predatory behavior. GUESS WHAT SAVED THE JEWS? GUESS WHO JEWS RAN TO FOR PROTECTION? That's right. To the priests. True story whitebro.
God, if I were a tech fag I'd wear like a twelve-piece suit. Sick of these soybugs and their faggoty tshirts.
First realization: jews are THE problem  Second realization: only counter-exterminating them solves that problem Third realization: jew-produced christ cult and its Sicut Judaeis Non policy (of 1500 years and still going) is the reason the necessary became officially unthinkable and immoral.
i have spend dthe last several years really coming to grips with catholicism and how it sees protestantism and jews and US history and European history to figure out how we got in this mess. and now i know. and that's what i'm typing to you. the ideas are here and there but mostly between the lines. it's practically the only intellectual work left to do
It has become scientifically obvious to me that too many of you's brains are made out of the same stuff used for cockroach interior.
I'd rather smell like a wet dog than a dry nigger. Black dont crack...a book.
why do nigras think whites are obsessed with mayonnaise? i like it on roast beef, otherwise not so much. that's probably or maybe the average white position. i would think. i've never noticed white people love mayonnaise
the problem is too many racialists have southern xtian background, and they dont want to offend xtian donors. well i dont care about that. what needs to be done is what i do. what needs to be done is not the 190th stupid book about IQ but explaining how xtianity kills the white man's desire to acknowledge himself, let alone defend himself.
right now, i believe, and i'm usually right, the cutting edge of intellectual work is getting good white men to understand xtianity, which is the same as departing from it. that's what i believe. that is my main work now. i already solved jews in 2000. now the circle of understanding is very broad indeed and in the hands of solid professionals. now for xtianity
Jews hate xtianity! They hate that the race they're trying to genocide worships the King of the Jews? I'd like to see your kindergarten graduation certificate because I believe it's fake.
Jews are racists with a racist code, dual code, they pretend is a religion. You are a universalist racialist who is too stupid to figure out the two dont go together.  And the kicker is THEY created the universalist cult that took you directly away from the ancestor veneration that actually goes with racial politics. How can I sum this up? I know!: U = MORON.
"Jews hate christianity. They're trying to destroy it!" How many more of you two-digit morons are going to pitch this bunkum at my poor sore ears? This is like someone driving a Yugo thinking a guy in a limited edition Mercedes is jealous of him. You and all dumbasses: THEY created that stupid cult. If it were quality, YOU wouldnt get a goddam atom of it.
Fuck your ancestors, man, this jesus dude is The Way.  Christ-insanity: cross-class, cross-race from day one. All races are welcome in a church, even humans.
It's a measure of the intelligence of the average racialist that he can't discern any difference in how jews see and attack nazism and how they see and treat the catholicism they created.  We're not there yet, folks. Mental level is too low to compete with the top dogs.
Jews see christ-insanity as balderdash that keeps the goobers docile. Any claims otherwise are jews puffing lies. Lies that stupid you accept because you're not smart enough to think when you're told something you want to believe.  If jews wanted to destroy christinsanity, they'd call the cross a hate symbol and fire anyone who wore it.
Do jews hate and loathe Ann Coulter? Or do they pay her? It is the same with the church. Whores are there to be used.
God did create niggers. Just as an angry joke. A kind of way to get back at The Man.
God created you? and niggers?  With that reasoning power are you sure you're not a nigger yourself? #TeamWhite helping you sort things out. WAIT a cogitation emerged. Maybe god created people in lines. Like niggers are the mass product, wokeswaggins. Whites are the S-class or whatever merc elite is.
'Ooz' is the latest concept to come out of the, uh, highly peculiar north german-southern danish zone. It's an reverse zoo. You sign up for an eight hour period. You agree to let a tender-led procession of exotics pet you. Or lick you. Or well #World2Weird
" as much as 40 percent of the people his administration is deporting have no criminal record? " except invading country
only niggers could ignore that white people made a fucking snail trail around the world to get spices and say they dont like seasoned meat like them civilized niggras #GaDumb #TexasDumb #NiggerDumb
the nigras are making fun of us. #LoveYourRace
catholic imitation reasoning re Israel 1948
I'm not sure where God stands on the late Houdini using his anus as a vise. I haven't got through all the Catholic's youtubes yet. But when I do, I will certainly report.  For now, the scoreboard reads: anus for vice: strong, clear, persistent NO!! echoing through time and eternity. Anus as vise? jury's still out.
Holocaust trauma passed on through genes? J-B Lamarck applauds the quality of your chutzpah.
What's playing in God's country? Its H&O!
I judge people this way, in politics. If I were building a team called gee i dont know. If I were general manager of that team, would this guy help me defeat Team Jew? Can he play at that level?
Hitler, like Andy Dick, is living proof that white men can outjew the jew.
Fags are a great enemy. They're super vicious. So you have to dodge and weave like a young Fred Astaire. But they're also fags. There's not a single thing about them that isnt mockable.
"strong woman" God save us
Jesus came back. HOly shit. He's gonna be on Tucker tonight!
Ed Munch's famous painting is an artist's rendering of God's reaction when you use your hindquarters for non-evacuational purposes. BROS AN BRAS: GOD DID NOT DESIGN YOUR ANUS FOR SEXYTIMES BROAS. RESPET. Please allow this useful information to inform your future behavior.  #FissuresOfMen
Who's the real christian? That's how all those dinosaurs got trapped in La Brea. ITZ A TRICK QUESTION.  It's like thinking how many pinheads can dance on an angel has a right answer.
I respect professional clowns. Though I always keep a stick between me and them. But I loathe amateur clowns.
I look at it this way, and I don't think any other way even makes sense. If I believed in heaven, hell, judgment and the rest of the xtian nonsense, I wouldn't regard race much at all. Life is short, and atomic matters are trivial next to everlasting life. So if you claim you're xtian and racialist, all it tells me, or any rational man, is you take neither seriously.
Jesus doctrine is salt peter for the soul. Indeed, that's the hidden joke in 'Saint Peter.' And "upon this rock..."
Around blacks never relax. Especially around tracks.
Jews: "Even the best of the goyim should be killed."  Christians: "Don't molest the jews." #TeamWhite giving you the full Blaine look.
Converting jews to jesus doctrine isn't the solution.  Converting jews to mulch is. Solutions that solve from #TeamWhite
Jebus threw the moneychangers out of the temple. He sure did, li'l feller. Made an awesome "KA-POW" sound effect when he did it too.
Christianity is just Jim Jones without the refreshments.
The jews say in their own shitty Talmud if the goyim knew what we were up to, they'd kill every last one of us. Christianity, by contrast, says don't molest the jews. (Sicut Judaeis Non) - SJN being the church's OFFICIAL POLICY for 1500 years! And brainless, ignorant, confident idiot you says christianty protects whites. No, the verb you seek is endangers.
You can buy indulgences for sin from The Pope (tm) or one of his duly empowered franchise operators. No, no, little children. There's nothing at all jewy about the Christ Cult.  There's nothing inherently risible about Eskimos worshiping the King of the Tongans.
Kill all jews. Kill all who serve jews. There's your truth. Therein lies your freedom, and only therein. #TeamWhite
You don't introduce grand vistas of Absolute Morality to people with thumbnail heads.
Christians are more than vaguely suspicious of people who aren't trying to rip them off. That's just not how it's done, their instincts tell them. Something improprietous about it.
Your only o'erenduring tradition is getting stunted on by (((charlatans))).  Muh d'oh.
How awesome would it be if there were People Killer like wasp spray. With delightful images of people all curled up on the bottle. Damn I would use that.
Christianity is modernism. It's the first example of favoring the ugly, ridiculous, untrue and absurd over the strong, virtuous and beautiful. Like modernism, christism is of the jew, from the jew, by the jew - but not for the jew. For the jew's benefit.
mexes: MS-13 dogs: pitbulls
Christianity supplies imitation seriousness to the whiteskin masses, in the manner of the disgusting gunk fruit flies in test tubes subsist on.
Why did God reserve Northeastern Missouri (NEMO) for thinkolectuals and boolagongs? We can't know. We can only be glad that he did. #NEMO
If you have a six pound catfish, you really got something. I concede it. But you got a Jesus, you got nothing. Just a big pile of noggin-dung.
Christians should be looked down on for precisely the same reasons we look down on adults who play childrens board games without any children.
What has christlunacy done for whites but make them moralizing cunts? Whether it's Northy and his abolitionism, or toxic negro dumping in the name of What God Wants or Southward and his Ahm uh muh doing the slaavery thaang for the good uh the muh nigra. It really is a genius cult that can produce two types of rotten fruit from the same bud!
NEMO example. Land you could have had for 30k 15-18 (100 acres) years ago is now worth 3000/acre.
What made America great in the first place?  The honest truth is that it was merely two things. A lot of comparatively cheap land. A nonexistent or at least functionally absent government. That is basically what utopia means, as a realized ideal.
Bad news, bungsbys. It turns out you can't come back from the dead. So yeah. You and your pet rocks will never be reunited. It hurts me almost as much as you.  #PetRocks #Pets'Rockheads
How come you can't mock atheism? Because it's true. So all the jokes dont come off. Whereas jebus...the jokes never stop. He's a fucking one man bag of airplane peanuts.
After you see the calf with two heads, and the woman with one beard, come gook and gander at vaginaman christ, your portal to a world everlasting!  THIS WAY TO THE EGRESS #BarnumIfYaGottum
The church is fake opposition to jews. Opposition in name only; opposition that actually helps and protects them. Just the way professional conservatism does. And white suckers, even those who fancy themselves red-pilled, still fall for this deception. The church is not your friend. The jewish christian cult for goyim is antiWhite. #TeamWhite
Jews lie about Nazis - say they murdered millions. They didn't. They defended whites against them.  Jews lie about Catholic church - say it worked with nazis. In fact, it hid and otherwise protected jews from whites defending their kind against jews - exactly in line with what the (((church))) has always done.
If christianity were true, it'd be illegal. You know it. Jews would keep it for themselves. You know, like gunning down invaders at the borders.
Merkel looks like a giant truffle-hunting sau that only reports 1 out of 3 it finds and gulps the other two.
I not only support full immersion baptism I say we keep them under five minutes so there's absolutely no question that a soul makeover went on here. #WaterCure
Remember, kidlets, it is echt & pure christian doctrine that every last one of these MS-13 clubbers is hand-painted by God and injected with an "imperishable" "soul" of "inestimable" value. Yes. "Inestimable." That's not hype on my part. That's actual doctrine. You jesusfags should get in gunny sacks and hop in the closest river. #TeamWhite
all the little slobbering sleepening'd pibulls are gathered around jesus' knee now, looking around at the angels with that mix of vicious stupid confusion they specialize in
Codreanu never took naps on lawn because squirrels constantly tried bury him. White man Jesus fan PICK ONE
you can be a christian or a white man - not both
imagine a racialist tribe like the jews and their central hero is King of the Aryans do you see how fucking stupid you are, christian? you dont but that's why i'm here. to hold a mirror in front of your retarded face
i fight the jews and also worship king of the jews contradictions? whu that. dont matter stop yer purity spiralin
According to Johnsy Benet Calhoun, slavery was instituted purely for the moral elevation of black folk; cotton picking a useful exercise, like piano scales.
"Wisdom comes with age." Yeah, go try that theory on some old people.
"Thinking is an ism." --the mystagogue right, to be redundant
"Every member of MS13 is human! Every human has dignity and is worthy of respect!" Good example of a typically poisonous manifestation of christian doctrine. There's a reason there are no serious christian racialists. It's not just that the logic makes that impossible, it's that the entire mindset, the worldview, the basic sense of things is opposed.
Gab can be the #1 Free Site on the 'net. Dangers to Gab are two: 1) legal threats (laws or suits) from the (((forces))) that have iced over most of the world 2) Torba's christianity. Most christians go crabwise under pressure.
Individualism is wrong because it's incomplete. By itself, it is racism for the individual, which is NOT out of tune with racial collectivism, but strengthens it. This is why libertarianism is not inherently diseased and destructive the way christianity, traditionalism and conservatism are.
Another name for purity spiraling is high standards.
What can I -- what can _we_ -- do to make society more comfortable for drunks, druggards, dreydl-spinners and darkies?
" Starbucks began requiring a keycode for customers only to use their bathroom.  They were pleased because they no longer had to deal with lice-infested, stinking-to-high-heaven bums  taking “baths” in the tiny sink or drug addicts camping out in there and overdosing on heroin, requiring them to call 911 every other day. " #Starbums
"  “‘As of today, the IAEA can confirm that the nuclear-related commitments are being implemented by Iran.’ “There have been at least 10 round of inspections conducted by the IAEA in Iran since the deal was signed in July 2015.” " [2/2]
"  “Meanwhile, Yukiya Amano, head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) nuclear inspectors, said on Tuesday that Iran continues to abide by its commitment in the deal. “‘Iran is subject to the world’s most robust nuclear verification regime under the JCPOA, which is a significant verification gain,’ he said. " [1/2]
" “Songbird John” Thomas DiLorenzo That’s what quite a few Vietnam War veterans call John McCain according to retired Air Force General Thomas McInerny, who was banned from FOX News for saying so. "
people who work with and admire jews in pretty short order become the same sort of brazen liar the jews have historically prized as their archetye: the Man of Chutzpah
" Like the 19th-century abolitionist Lysander Spooner remarked, the eventual result of the War may have been the abrogation of chattel slavery, but what the South (and America as a whole) got in return was political slavery. This is Yankee sanctification, y’all. And it’s god-awful and anything but pure. "
" The South was being disobedient, so she must be conquered in order to realize the puritanical Yankees’ vision of the “one great democratic republic whence the first Declaration of the Rights of Man was issued,” as Karl Marx explained in his defense of Lincoln. Eh, that’s just a fancy way of saying “totalitarianism.” "
“The Northern onslaught upon slavery was no more than a piece of specious humbug designed to conceal its desire for economic control of the Southern states.” — Charles Dickens, 1862
Heritage and tradition are vastly overrated as source of value. Thinking works. You're never at a point where you can't figure out what needs to be done and do it. And if that's the case, then heritage and tradition are merely interesting, not essential.
This time the good guys got to win. The South lost. The good Germans lost. Now we got to win. At any cost, any price. #DeathToTheJews That's the recipe. It should go without saying, death to those who serve them too.
" The Puritan work ethic fed into this unholy alliance of government and banking. Yanks gotta be industrious and work, work, work for that elusive materialism, while Southerners like their leisure for hunting, fishing, sipping iced tea or smooth Tennessee whiskey on the front porch while they watch the lightin’ bugs dance. "
White man needs govt far less than govt needs white man.
Establish a national bank. • Print money. • Live off federal debt. • Subsidize internal improvements. • Regulate businesses that benefits political allies. • Enrich themselves and their region. • Control the people through inland federal taxation. • Wield arbitrary power over states through the economic extortion of federal laws and bureaucracy.
" Conversely, big-government Hamiltonians knew the Washington machine was a money-making scheme that just needed to be seized upon in order to procure the North’s goals: "
" Also that this “general” government should have only a few limited and defined powers – specifically commerce, defense, and foreign relations. And that subsidiarity, interposition, nullification, and secession flow not from the compact theory, but from the compact fact. This is Jeffersonianism. "

May 16, 2018:

You know the psychological heart of your resistance to me is? It's your classic Anglo-American Christian belief that contradictions dont matter. Ideas don't matter. It's all just bullshit. Personality uber allies. Shifting alliances, permanent selfishness. This is why jews win and whiteskins whinge. Contradictions/consistency matter hugely.
Motley Pew is a totally awesome rock band I mean major religion.
Christianity ====================>> White Nationalism That old northeastern joke perfectly applies: Cant get theah from heah
If God doesn't care what race we are, since he loves us all and created us all, why should we? You can blather all day long and it won't change the fact that the above is undeniably the logic that follows from the premises.
Judaism is like a bespoke suit for jews. Christianity is one-size-fits-all for us.
Many priests are child molesters; all priests are adult molesters.
If magic dirt is laughable, then magic water (baptism, a christian sacrament) must be too. Do you even logic, bro?
If civic nationalism is a joke, then civic spiritualism must be too.
There seems to be an invasion of hobots on Gab today.
Remember - when one force stood up to give Europe its last chance - the church opposed it right down the line. Sided with jewish-communists to destroy it. How has that jewish christianity worked out for you, Europe? Questions you can't answer without crying or lying from #TeamWhite
What I know is that none you two-digit christholes who come back at me ever say a word to the faggots/pedophiles you pay to be your priests about their anti-white politics. Not a word. Christianity is antiWhite.
Did the Greeks say we're all created by God and equal in his eyes? Not as far as I know. The doctrine of soul-equality, the deepest and original spring of political liberalism, is the christian church for the goyim. If God created the nigger -- as YOU say, mr christ-krank -- then who are you to give the sterling sootsman a lesser footing in matters temporal?
What would one species say, if it could talk, about another that was trying to drive it out? Well, that's exactly how we whites should talk about jews. Why don't we? Purely because of the (((church))) and its dual lie that men aren't animals (not subject to natural laws) and it's "immoral" to counter-genocide those trying to murder us.
You're red pilled? And you believe some kike named Jesus came back from the dead? Maybe you're just a jackass and trendy faggot? Or just stupid?
Love in the mouth of a christ-lunatic is the converse of hate in the mouth of a jew. It's simply rhetoric to confuse and obfuscate destructive behavior.
Thanks to American Christians, the dumbest motherfuckers who ever disgraced the face of the earth, Hitler was prevented from destroying Europe. "More and more women have unpleasant experiences with male migrants. [Stats show] of the over 1.5 million migrants 80% are men. During a walk in the city, it doesn’t matter where or when, you will encounter them."
" More and more women have unpleasant experiences with male migrants. You have to imagine that, according to statistics, of the over 1.5 million migrants 80% are men. During a walk in the city, it doesn’t matter where or when, you will encounter them. "
" Germany is a bureaucratic hell. For neo-liberals like me it is something like a socialist mecca. As a normal citizen, you will be persecuted for double parking. Meanwhile migrants with 14 different identities in Berlin, in public places with knowledge of politics and police, continue undisturbed with dealing drugs. "
" They realise something has gone wrong, that can’t be easily changed now: It’s now also not “an over there problem”. The anger at the conditions that prevail here in this country is growing day by day. It’s not just attacks. It is also the daily unequal treatment of natives and migrants. "
the only solid people in America are white people who don't work for the govt
true in USA too, jouranlists in the jew-System see themselves as kindergarten teachers to the people
" Jan Fleischhauer, a well-known German columnist once called this form of reporting “educational journalism”. That hits the bull’s eye. It is a kind of “supervised reporting”, which we experience here in Germany. The citizen will be told immediately to report how he has to think about it. "
One of the things that is most detestable about conservatives is their military worship. If you don't think humans are animals, watch conservatives in the presence of Army Guy.
There's nothing funnier than the idea that the green nigger "defends" America.
"Jesus Christ, the first egress." --PT Barnum
i'm for truth honor decency morality and grapefruit that isn't all dried out and nasty.
" this was long before Peterson got famous, and so if you look at the timeline you can see that this is somebody who was raised up in order to fulfill a mission. And what that mission was is to attempt to defuse the growing trend towards nationalism.  " --Vox Day [2/2] dont know about that, Peterson is too boring for my ears, just noted
" Jordan Peterson was recruited to help write the UN's Report on Sustainable Development, A New Global Partnership. He was brought in to polish the narrative for a report that put John Podesta on its panel of eminent persons, and this was back in 2012, [1/2]
ANIMAL HITLER i'm howling
if you get tired of your adopted ethiope, will the human society put it down? is that like a thing? just tell 'em it bit you or has ebola or something?
Racism-the-charge is more powerful than it's ever been. Never heard anyone say that, have you? Always the opposite. Akin to 'teachers are overpaid.'
" If Jewishness is just a belief system, how can you discover that you are Jewish? Can you suddenly “discover” that you are Catholic, or a Buddhist? "
Cunt punt your bibble across the room and pick up some #JohnTaylorGatto #CharlotteIserbyt yes even #SamuelBlumenfeld Learn some reality nigger: If government runs it, there's always death and incompetence involved. The one thing that is NEVER involved is 'education' the real thing.
"Schoolteachers are underpaid" #ThingsMoronsSay
Of all the dirt-eating no-necks in Southtown, Hagee is the worst.
If you can, finally, see that the Holocaust is a big lie, you're ready to begin the final hurdle - thinking about the claims made on behalf of the character known as 'jesus christ.'  If you dare.  I know most of you don't. But see that's the funny thing. As someone said, logic isn't a bus you can simply get off whenever you please. If you're serious, that is. Are you?
The problem is not this or that iteration of the Clown Cult, not any of its myriad subdivisions, bellowing honchos, or particularized pewninnies - no, the problem is was and so long as the cult exists will remain the thing itself - the most basic claim it makes - a big lie.
Yes, it's retard shit when you talk about people coming back from the dead. You're a clown if you believe. Your belief makes you a clown. There is no second opinion on the matter. You are a clown. C-L-O-W-N.
You know how christians acted when their retard shit was "taken seriously"? Exactly like ISIS. Exactly.  Not an atom of exaggeration in that. Read Fox's Book of Martyrs to see what it means when whitesimps start trying to figger from the alleged Good Book to what's outside the window.
Christian belief is on par with getting tattoos or alcoholizing. Serious people don't truck with this garbage cult.
" Christ was the ultimate warrior, if he can defeat Hades, or death if you will, Jews would die then be cast into Hell where they belong. " Who can deny that whoever puts this cranknip in the heads of little people is ill motivated?
Here's a typical christian idiot, from OD: "If Christ does return he will not be the lamb or messenger of peace that he was 2,000 years ago. He wiil return as a roaring lion. In other words, Jews will be slain st his hands because he will lead the army that will utterly crush them. "
Christians love all muds. Except Pals. The have a frothing hatred of Pals. What's the common denominator? Jew approval. (((Authority))) approves and directs their feelings. Christians are notable for the lack of moral courage. They are without principles, without integrity, without brains and without balls.  Christianity is antiWhite. By design.
Christian moral progress
Crime is a racist concept invented by white people to stop blacks from getting what they're owed.
We have the right to whine on the internet as faggots. Only we can whine on the internet as faggots properly. We have the right to exist on the internet, whining, in a way properly described as faggotic. Neither man nor wildebeest shall abridge the God-given Right to whine on the internet as a faggot.
If we look at nature, and really what else do we have to look on that isn't a cog-gobblin, there might be a right to go extinct, but there is certainly no right to exist.

May 15, 2018:

May 13, 2018:

I am told there is going to be a discovery in this coming week that will change everything we know about fossilized dinosaur toenails.
Phrases invariably used by morons: "Everything happens for a reason."  "[X] restored my faith in humanity."

May 11, 2018:

Always Be Whiting do i drive around in my all-American BUICK with the window down, the attitude up blasting One in Million while a dangling arm make OK signal visible to white men and women YOU KNOW IT do i levitate political insight by saying "I wish Aldi managed society" upon buying my speckled prunes IT DOESS  HAPPEN
diminished capacity - by reason of teat is the tacit reason women do the crime and much less the time
"Believe women" -- their feels are enough to establish guilt. No need for trial. It's misogynist to make them face the one they're accusing.  Holding women accountable? That's patriarchal.
Leftists: the feeling is the charge, and the charge is the proof. Jews use this effeminized logic as a way to destroy white society.  "Let's worry about the feelings of the victim over everything." "But you havent established this person is a victim."
Spring is a great time to reach down deep inside and strangle your inner faggot. I was going to post something. Then I thought, quit being a bitch, edith. And I stifled myself.
Christian morality is what brought us abolitionism, among other terrible things.  Little men don't need absolute (lol) morality. The only belief they need instilled is that if their behavior crosses the line, they get smacked down hard.
They laugh at everything except counter-violence. They means jews, jew bankers, and the goyherds who manage you for them. You keep voting, they'll keep ignoring you. You keep voting, they'll keep providing the teeming billion niggers of african and the sand lands boats and planes to become your neighbor. #TimeToKill
Look at jews without the fear or prejudice their bible instills. How would a rational white man be moved to treat them? Christianity is what prevents us from seeing jews for what they are and for doing what needs to be done. Basic understandings from #TeamWhite.
The goal of this 'transsexualism' is to push the double clutch yea even unto the most basic of distinctions. You will feel uncomfortable in every niche and crevice of your life, white man. Even unto looking upon your women. It really is destructive to talk about optic, coolness or edginess at all. Because people think 'exterminate the jews' is for effect. No.

May 10, 2018:

Treat John Wayne Gacys, rabid dogs and jews the way you want to be treated. #GoldenRuleOfUnreason
Calling our thing 'alt' or 'right' or anything but white-racial makes it easier for the media to misrepresent it. How many alt-rights have been created by the (((media))) since Spencer got started? Even to waste time talking about these neo-fakes is to be driven off our agenda: pro-white-anti-jew. Simple. Clear. Necessary. Unavoidable.
We need to turn rats away from the Ratmud. Get them in some bible study, work some NT magic on 'em. Then they'll leave our grain alone.
Rats are only rats because they reject Jesus. Rats that accept jesus become guinea pigs, I guess. I'm not an airquotes science expert.
Make things simple. Everyone into guns, to take one example, wants to act like they're complex. Not really. If you can operate a squirt gun, you're pretty much qualified, albeit squirt guns are a little harder to load.
There is no way to defend white society except counter-exterminating jews. That's my contention.
Sicut Judaeis Non has led directly to where we are now. It should have been called the Jew Enabling Act.
Whites worldwide are getting a rude reintroduction to biology, and all they have is christianity to cope with it. Good luck! Somehow I don't think a cult that claims men transcend animals is going to help much.
We're dealing with an enemy that is persecuting our old women. While we do nothing but type on interfag.
There's nothing left to say, and everything left to do. That's how I feel.
They: exercise civil rights. You: invade.  #Cville

May 09, 2018:
" All you have to do is to watch Nikki Haley, US Ambassador to the UN, groveling at the feet of AIPEC, to watch Pompeo groveling at the feet of Netanyahu, to see the glee all over the face of neoconservative Israeli agent John Bolton...from his realization that his conflict agenda with Iran has prevailed. "
" It was already evident, but America’s renewal alone in the world of the fabricated conflict with Iran is proof that US foreign policy is in the hands of Israel. "
Holo so fragile
Communist jews presenting communist jews as a fresh alternative to communist jews.  'Bullet' is short for bullshit-ender. #DeathToTheJew #TimeToKill #TeamWhite
"Suffering is good. Jews cause suffering. Therefore, jews are good." --Catholic reasoning
The older I get, the more I dislike and disdain cruddy people. If you need a cult to tell you how to sniff shit from shinola, a crossbox probably is useful for you.
Do you want a society that subsidizes endless bad behavior in the name of love? and "we're all sinners"? and forgivenness uber alles? "Catholicism protects the weak from the strong." That's their claim, that's their calling card, that's their slogan, their ideal. Who protects the healthy and the normal from the christian?
Black nationalism isn't Marcus Garvey (independent), said the media, 100 years ago, it's W.E.B. DuBois (((our goy))). That's blacks, though. Whites are far too smart to fall for shabby tricks.
"One ball, one boob, what CAN'T you do? I've seen the future, brother, and it's confusing." --Leo Nard-Cohen
Trannies = fusionism, just like the original National Review. What could be more conservative than that?
Jews are people with strategic interests, a blueprint for the future. Whites? They loves the jebus*. That's all you need really.  Jebus will save us.  Only a fool would doubt that. * Jebus = King of People With Strategic Interests

May 07, 2018:

Christianity is transpiritualism.
America the ideology is nothing but the political form of christianity.
Rosie O'Donnell in a work camp, I'd like to be her overseer. I'd have her down to 120 in 4 weeks.
how blacks actually think. they really are this dumb. whites have more money than me. i get my money from government. so that's obviously where whites do too. all money comes from government. whites have more money than blacks cuz racism. white men in power help theirs more than ours. govt could make all us blacks millionaires but refuses to cuz racism.
Christians as notably moral is as plausible as any girl calling herself funny, or a leftist describing himself as tolerant. Let's say 1,000,000 Iraqis died as a result of (((our))) invasion based on WMD lies. Did you ever hear even one christian express regret, these great moral leaders of Club Jesus? Even though 99% of soldiers belong to their cult?
When's Jesus coming back? Serious question.  Answer: not only is he not coming back, the bulk of the evidence says he never came once. Its not a dig. It feels like a dig because you dont have an answer. You get defensive because, if you introspect, you will realize you know that the entire story is a big lie. After all, it comes from jews. A race notorious for lying.
there are other groups that work w jews, but just in alliances; the people dont actually like jews, just use them or let themselves be used for pay American Christians are the only group on earth that actually likes jews. The association of xtianity and morality is christian advertising, not fact. If you cant tell jews are evil in about one sniff, youre twisted
people cant help what generation they're born into, they can do something about their religion
i dont get attacking boomers and not attacking christians. that makes no sense.

May 06, 2018:

"  the Symington Amendment in Section 101 of the U.S. Arms Export Control Act of 1976...bans foreign aid to any country that has nuclear weapons and has not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Which means that Israel’s annual $3.1 billion in aid might be in jeopardy if Washington were to enforce its own laws... "
atheism isnt a system, isnt a religion, isnt even a belief atheism is a rejection of a baseless assertion, or multiple baseless assertions that's all no matter that religious liars (redundant) try to turn it into a strawman
Jesus died for your sins. Who authorized him? I didn't sign any form. What's going on here?
Simple people express profound truths without realizing it. "If you were right, you'd be running things." That is the voice of nature speaking through a human female. "Wouldn't you like to believe [that X is in heaven where we'll join him one day." And that is the basis of the success of the Christian cult.
The problem with christ lunatics is more basic than being idiots. They don't want to not be idiots.  As well explain showers to wallerin' hogs.
Christians are tone deaf. 100%. Stone blind tone deaf, cannot hear anything. It's the exact opposite of what Vox Day says about atheists. Anyone with an ear for music can hear not only the semitic mocking flatulence and honest evil in the jewbible for idiots, but can hear the fake-earnestness in the voice of Moon Pie Jones and Jewy Jay Sekulow.
Buff Jones and Jewy Jay Sekulow affect similar tones in their simpstering. Aggrieved, fightin' uphill, never upgivin'.
"Tell us more about what we can do to kill our kids and empty our wallets for Heebistan, Jewy Jay!" #Simps4Sekulow
Does NEMO have the finest wild turkeys in all the lands? It's not for me to say. But yes. #GodsCountry
" Doyle’s crime was to break the “legislative rule” that no federal government employee can confirm that Israel has nuclear weapons. The rule is ridiculous as the existence of the Israeli nuclear arsenal is well attested. [Recently even President Trump spoke about them.] What is okay for some is not okay for others. " (3/3)
"  spotted it and complained. A second review was made and “Doyle’s pay was cut, his home computer searched and he was fired.” 2/3
" A former Los Alamos National Lab nuclear policy specialist James Doyle was fired after he wrote in an article for the International Institute for Strategic Studies journal that “Nuclear weapons did not deter Iraq from attacking Israel during the 1991 Gulf War.” The article had been cleared for publication but an unnamed congressional staffer (Jew)
It shows you how good Gab has gotten that today is the first time in a long time that Gab has had performance troubles. And the valid reason is growing pains. #GoodJobGab
Catholicism, aka LCDeism
Unlike most Christians, I believe everybody should take Christianity seriously.
I"m not sure that people who put marshmallows on top of vegetables are where we want to turn for wisdom on Ultimate Questions.
tolerating morons is like tolerating jews or kudzu BAD IDEA MAN
nothing is faggier than satanism, not even christ-critterdom
Godless consumerism? are those people of walmart not xtians? of course they are.  If God existed, he would certainly be obese. God is a consumer product like Bud Lite. Does it never dawn on you mind-perverts that the damn service is called MASS?  MASS - an assembly of generalists.  Christianity is something a lunch lady in Adam Sandler movie serves. Soul-goop.
#MGTOW getting wiped offline. Too bad, some good channels, with valuable information.  Would like to Gab replace Youtube but from what I understand, Youtube loses money. So...shrug. GESAMMTUTILWERK JETZT!

May 05, 2018:

Cant you just feel God all around you?  I can hear the ocean in a seashell. That doesn't mean it's actually there. You get the same God-feel in an empty baseball stadium.
Great White Shark Racist Party for White Future Featuring White Liberation Army and Cuntsbys Magnificently Mammiferous Auxiliary, the DeeDeebees
It's okay to be a great white shark.
Jews are a race of liars, and christians are a cult of people who prefer lies to the truth.  #TeamWhite
appreciate the fine negro craftsmanship in this strawman, wont you
Go over to a dumpster. Peek inside. Do you see the variegated inhabitants? Lend an ear, won't you, to their sweet, sweet song: "I'm the real garbage!" (aluminum dinner tray). "I'm the real garbage!" (rotten mango). "I'm the real garbage!" (used up pen). "I'm the real garbage!"  (broken plastic chair). Relax, kids. You're all real garbage.
" It's just sad that we are so woefully misinformed as a country on a number of issues that we fall for it so easily. The idea of a white man believing that his being labeled a white man is the reason why all the things he doesn't like in his life are happening is so outrageous, and yet for so many people, so easy to believe. "
" That is the brilliance of racists who are calling themselves alt-right. They’ve adopted the language of activism and progressive movements to describe fictional oppression, and the idea that they have something to stand up against or protect, which has no statistical merit on its face. "
Jews are a race of liars, and Christians are a cult of people who prefer delusions over truth.
Another similiarty between christ-insanity, the cult, and jews: forced false menu  yr either going to heaven or hell well, no, actually, i'm going to neither and i'm laughing. and you'll be right there too, except for the laughing part.
" “I propose a government that makes counter-semitism central to all aims of the state,” he wrote on that website, referring to a white nationalist euphemism for a hatred of Jews. He argued for forbidding “all immigration except of biological kin, where no person of Jewish origin may live, vacation or traverse.” "
" Little has said he believes Jews should have no say over white non-Jews and wants to see them removed from the country altogether. On Gab...he argues that the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer, whose proprietors praise Adolf Hitler and have appeared to call for acts of violence against Jewish people, is too Jewish. "
" A poll conducted by local ABC News affiliates along with the polling company Survey USA, suggested that Little is polling at 18 percent of the vote on the Republican ticket, a full 10 points ahead of his next strongest opponent. "
solid political plan: inspires fear in enemies, warms the hearts of loyalists like cheap brandy
my value is end of horror movie bloodshed i claim droit du pigshead and First Chainsaw wzzawzzzAAAAAAA
if you love pork chops and hate jews you cant be all bad --Mohatma Gandy
Just as cows have four stomachs, jews have two anuses.
Mengele certainly intended to kill every jew, he just didnt have time in between his appointments with all the survivors. #ThirdReichProblems
May you eat poorly prepared pufferfish is a famous ancient Japanese curse.
When I look in a christian's eyes and watch him think, it always reminds me of the Egyptian slaves dragging the pyramid blocks .
Jesus died for your sins, people. If you don't perform, that fucker's living in a tent.
people try to throw shit on you i'm generation X? no, you just made up that gay term, has nothing to do with me i'm an original sinner who needs salvation? more like you're an original spammer who needs to disappear. now get off my lawn, kikenputz. and stick your gay pamphlet in your alt-spearhole
God so loved the world that he created a million morons for every genius.
The minute a mind is even slightly open on the JQ, enough to let a rat out, shall we say, it's over.
Every single jew who survived the holohoax met Mengele. This tells me that lying is genetic among these people. If it were cultural, the lies would be plausible or make sense. These people just shoot shit out of their mouths like squid.
Why is everyone but me confused fat and dumb? It's the one question I can't answer.
Jews argue the covenant is with us because we are of the same SEED (same genes, blood genetic line) as Moses et al Christians argue that doesn't matter (race doesn't matter!), the covenant has passed to us, the SPIRITUAL heirs of Jesus. This is the doctrine of supersession.  Christianity is an Idea, not a bloodline.  Just what y'all criticize America for being.
Here's another point you jesus twinks dont consider, probative toward convicting christ insanity of being anti-racial. God has a covenant with Israel. ;)  Christians argue that the original people with whom the covenant was made became jews when they rejected Jesus. The covenant passed to his SPIRITUAL followers (xtians) and away fm his RACIAL line.
A rational man, to understand jews, would look to nature for examples and parallels. A confused, irrational man would look to the bible. Not least because it's written by jews.  #TeamWhite
Remember, kids. Jesus died for your sins. The least you can do is meet him halfway.
maybe it's me, but it's incredibly funny when a professional catholic goes on about how anguished God is about your dirty use of the anus as a uh dreamcatcher shall we say... i mean, that shit is funny When Warren Zevon said "Awoo goes the werewolf," I think it's at least possible what he actually heard was God lamenting mankin's crusty anal shenanigans.
If i " " something on here, means its pithy or worth noting for some reason
i believe i am the only person who ever wrote an article actually published that blamed queers for not taking responsibility for their behavior. fags are a great enemy. they are truly vicious. i loathe them. sodomy i dont really care about. i dont know if god screams when you make the anus a funhole, maybe he feels that way about catholic use of brain
i mean i'm generation X. that means absolutely nothing to me. you hear about 60s radicals. my parents met at UWisconsin, which was a cow college gettin' jewed, (KMac was there), blown up by radicals. they hated hippies. they liked lawrence welk. majority views!  the number of radicals & true bad-idea spreaders was always a minority. )))tom hayden((( + 6m yids
" Boomers are narcissistic hedonistic retards. "
"Now, when you die, yr legacy will be leaving your children penniless, spiritless, assetless, jobless, culture-less, and at the mercy of low IQ vengeful 3rd worlders who will use their demographic majority in your absence to destroy utterly every facet of the constitution and white psyche, guided & girded by Boomer generation left wing intellectuals."
" There is not a single aspect of the economy, culture, or American life that boomers didn't debase and destroy. The military, education, the family, the church, the economy, the environment, white people, Hollywood, literature, the Canon, the Labour market, the welfare state, Europe, the Middle East - pick a noun, any noun the Boomers raped it. "
" This, of course, is why Bill Kristol, Ben Shapiro, and Jennifer Rubin are all calling for a third party. But it's going to be a very, very small one of virtually no appeal to anyone who is of the nationalist Right or the economic Left. "
"The Left sees the One Percent as the primary problem. The Right sees the demographic change...of the nation as the primary problem. And if the One Percent are responsible for the the demographic change and economic decline of the nation, well, then both sides have more than a scapegoat, they have successfully identified the responsible parties."
semitical correctness as manners
It was the sixties, when newspapers were fat and people were skinny.
what does any preacher in any religion really have to say? what is his eternal message?  DONT FUCK THINGS UP FOR THE COMMUNITY BY YOUR SELFISHNESS.
people just want to feel good about themselves these days. i like radio more than tv. radio forces you to think a bit more, you're not distracted by personality so much. can concentrate on taking in and considering the ideas.
you dont have to care about people to preach to them effectively, but you DO have to not care how they feel about you at the end of it. in that way, and only in that way, you lose yourself and become a true medium or vehicle for the message
now we all know that in any allegedly human community, for every 200 people there are 100 women 96 women-with-dicks and 4 actual men back in the very start of the Gay Old Republic, at least 1 of those 4 men preached and led the colony-community. so those men and communities and even the stupid doctrines (mostly) weren't bogus now...xtianity is 100% man free
i'd be a great preacher in the john edwards mode. (coughs quietly. a-hem. i said AHEM you pewsnots. ATTEND MY WORDS: you disgust me...really. and if you disgust me -- and you do -- imagine how the AUTHOR OF ALL BEING feels about you worms. why he hasnt killed you already, i mean fried you like tent caterpillars on a grate over a burn barrel, i dont know
The church is the poz.
i'm dead serious when i say, and i take comedy more seriously than almost anything this is the funniest thing ever put on tape. ever. in human history
spoof video: Jay the Juice Man, Jim Carrey's great bit, the single funniest video of the nineties now if i could make videos, i would make a similar figure of Jewy Jay Sekulow, the converted-lol racial-jew xtian who in Alex Jones-similar pseudo-earnestness leads the christ lemmings off the cliffs for Israel
reminds me of "using the go-round for non-merry purposes" (Simpsons) with a semitic gurn on top
where he doesn't think you can find the facts, Jared Taylor lies quite readily
God - that dog don't hunt.
so in the end what Polished Turd Taylor produces is simply higher end nigwhine
someone who's polite and dresses like an adult could never lie. those are perfect indicators of honesty and forthrightness
i take a position on water all over the floor but you - you dont talk about taps and faucets, not at my conference buddy, that's well beyond the scope of this discussion of the damage free flowing water does to structures
Communism doesnt take a position on Jews. Like Jared Taylor. It's all about economics like he's all about race.
The libertarians are attacked for the wrong reasons. Their real problem is they're gutless like the conservatives. Imagine the good Lew Rockwell could have done if his collection of 58 footers had dared leave the jew in all these yeasr.
So Casey avoids the jewsplanation that is of course correct. He locates the problem in NGOs and aca-marxists who are true believers and lack wisdom/love evil. Jews is the correct explanation, as my followers know, as it's the simplest explanation that covers the given facts. Jews are murdering the White race and its creation - the West. #TeamWhite
" But I’ve read the Bible. I’ve read the Quran. And I don’t think what passes for evil in those religious texts washes, quite frankly. To me, evil is being purposely destructive. And that’s what a lot of people who join these NGOs are. " Have ya tried the TALMUD, douggie?
" That exact same thing could happen in the States. And I don’t doubt that someone’s planning that already. "
" Most people don’t realize that the invasion that followed the Battle of Adrianople brought the Roman Empire to its knees within 30 years… They think that Rome fell in 476 AD, but that’s actually a meaningless date. It collapsed 60 or 70 years earlier, when the migrants totally washed everything away. "
" Next time, maybe they’ll show up to the border with 50,000 people. That would be the equivalent of the Goths at Adrianople. That was 378 AD. After that, the barbarians totally inundated the Roman Empire from every angle. And in a generation they controlled every aspect of the Empire. "
Is Paul Nehlen the real back on  here?
" I’d also gather as many pregnant women into the migrants as possible, both to create sympathetic photo-ops for the invading mob, and so their children could act as anchor babies. It would create chaos, which is exactly the desired effect. " (2/2)
" So, again, what they’ll try is sending 10,000, 50,000, or 200,000 people across the border. You couldn’t stop that many people. I don’t care if Trump puts up the National Guard; that will just add to the embarrassment. They’d just walk across the border, unless they’re machine-gunned. But the Guard is obviously not going to do that. " (1/2)
" Migrants don’t have the resources to support themselves. So they’re obviously getting help and funding from outside sources. I suspect it’s coming from NGOs. These people are politically and psychologically committed to destroying Western Civilization. And the average American or European has become so [weak & faggy] that they welcome them. "
interview with Doug Casey
If judaism is a Culture of Critique, then what could we call christianity but a Culture of Cowardice?
" Israel’s early nuclear program at Dimona in the Negev desert was entirely concealed from US and UN inspectors, including fake walls in the nuclear complex that completely fooled them.  When Netanyahu accused Iran of cheating, he knows of what he speaks. "
When we get treated with disrespect, it's because we tolerate it. We shouldn't tolerate being treated with disrespect by jews.  They are the scum, we are not.  We should treat with disrespect those who grovel at the feet of the jews - the christians. #TeamWhite
" Trump, of course, made no mention of the awkward fact that Israel had stolen much of its nuclear technology and uranium from the United States, sometimes with the connivance of very senior US government officials.  France, that paragon of world peace, had the rest. "
Use the (((oppression))) we now face to grow your understanding and appreciation of loyalty. It's a word used so commonly and cheaply, but it really is rarer and more valuable than gold.  #TeamWhite
some interesting etymology
Every day I pray o lord beset me not with morons telling me with that Certainty only rons of mo can muster that Catholicism/Protestantism/Muh Offshoot Pertects Whayt Peeple from the jewsies.  And every day He lets me down.
If you believe that things happen not for A reason but for reasonS that can be figured out, then you figure them out and deal with them. That's rationality. If you believe things happen for a reason, which means no reason, which means God/Devil/associates, then prayer, not thinking, is what makes sense to you.
'God' is why our people can't see the smallest thing for what it is.
Has any concept done more to damage the white race than 'god'?
We are submitting to being tortured in our own lands. We are accepting a situation in which no one advocates for our most basic interests openly. While we pay all the taxes so criminals and coloreds can live the lives we should be.  The ingredients for a bloody revolution are there.

May 04, 2018:

kirking out?
clowns thrive under big tents --Lmao Tsu
" I don’t want to have to know who and what the Houthis are. I don’t want to have to try to figure out who the Alawites are either for that matter. Or what Middle Eastern tribe hates another. " Exactly. Why do we let these jew-niggers drive us off our White agenda? Only one reason: the bible. Somehow it got into us like a virus out chagas bug poop.
The jewish bible is a tarbaby for our race. Why do we care about these sand peebles. Fuck them. They're ugly and corrupt. WHO NEEDS 'EM. The 2000-year boor. Fuck off kikies.
carrying a potato peeler in a public place “without reasonable excuse”
" In fact, the only person who seems oblivious to it all is Harry himself, " Nah, you forget whose kid he is. He knows what he's doing and is proud of himself, just like his mother. Appearances uber alles. Cutting a fine figure. Making social progress sophisticated and elegant, that's how the Diana type shallowly, stupidly, wrongly self-conceives.
" In a scathing open letter addressed to Prince Harry, published in In Touch, Thomas Jr describes his sister as a “jaded, shallow, conceited woman that will make a joke of you and the royal family heritage. "
" In a heroic attempt to encourage Harry to dump this overcooked tart before it’s too late, Meghan’s half-brother – who is white – sent the prince a letter whose message basically boils down to “… you know her ancestors are cannibals, right?” " As an Gen Xer, full Office Space stapler voice: "I was told by R.E.M. the end of the world would feel fine. It does not."
words mapled: picking the mexcrement out of box of assorted chocolate. ooooh, i got mapled again giped: in between a poke and a punch. ah fuck, i got giped in the eye by that fucking cabinet door "THERE WILL ALWAYS BE AN ENG-- SCRUB THAT! -- ENGLISH LANGUAGE!"
The hatred of the catholic for Charles Darwin: greater hatred hath no man. To me, it's bizarre. How can you honestly hate someone who spent his waking hours studying barnacles? And honestly reported what he honestly found? You'd have to really hate the truth in far out ungroovy totally jewy way.
That dead Diana was the worst. This kid truly is her spirit-son.
" The Charlottesville Police Department has refused to arrest several of the people who were captured on video committing assaults on August 12th including DeAndre’s associates and the two Antifa who were involved in the brawl at the parking garage. The only people who have been prosecuted were on our side. " -- Brad Griffin
" The fight happened in front of the Charlottesville Police Department in broad daylight while Charlottesville police officers stood around and watched as Harold Crews was attacked twice. "
May I treat you people to a joke that came to me in the pre-dawn hours? What's the difference between Soylent Green and niggers? Soylent Green is people.

May 03, 2018:

a Gore Vidal-type novel could be written from the POV of the husband of the whore Jesus let go like DeAndre Harris-Harlot
So while WE (catholics) try to convert (((them))) to our lunatic cult (that they created and weinsteinlike 'produced' for us), they get free shots to destroy our society and genocide the race that produced it (catholic credit-claiming to contrary). That's the it and the essence, folks. G'nite
The catholic defines jews as JESUS-REJECTERS. And only has a PROBLEM with jews for same. The racialist says ayo hol up, pope nigger, there's a LITTLE (Lot) MORE TO IT than that.  The Japanese reject Jesus. And they're not a threat to white society. Hmm...Catholics want jews around because they're fellow God-creatures and friends we just havent converted yet
St Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland. True. Yes. But how? He raised the rent on their snakeholes to intolerable levels. #RealHistory
Thing about jews, it's turtles all the way down.  And by turtles I mean lies. And that most certainly includes King of the Jews, sci-fi hero Jesus.
The thing is, you don't need a racialist 'take' on Catholic-European history to see what I'm saying. You can read it straight from the Catholic's pen without any interpretation needed. All kinds of peoples reject the jesus lie. But only one of them is out for white genocide. #DeathToTheJews
Catholicism protected society from jews by assigning them the hard labor of loaning money at high rates.  "No, no" said Br'er Rabbi(t), "Anything but that!"
Even as a little kid, the only two thoughts I had on hearing the jesus tall tale were "That guy sounds like a real faggot." And "These adults actually believe this? WTF?"
it might not surprise you that people who suck at belief suck at skepticism too #DebbieDowner nice work god. some real Franklin Mint quality pieces you got goin there buddy
Trump is one of these people who capitalizes first letter of improper nouns and attaches the highest adjectives to everything. Common!
rest assured, bubele, of all the homosexualists in Peterville, you're the fifth splendidist. real Umber medalist #Fags
woah man i'm watching this really cool mini-dinosaur live action show Those are puppets. Nice. way to destroy a grown man's dreams.
"but what muh would we replace muh jebus with??" "i dont know...i mean, what would we fill the moron shaped hole with if you left the room, i guess. air? ether?"  #smh
before jews diluted races, they diluted spirits true story bro read some Henry Ford
notice the way the writer defends the mexy cheater, just the way the leftist judge excuses the nigger criminal and throw book at whites it's a System, it's antiwhite, its in every moleculettito of our System
white guy trusts mexican "When asked about his agreement with Green, Ruis didn’t respond. Whatever their arrangement, and whatever the circumstances, Green admits he didn’t have a contract. “I gave him a handshake and he gave me the finger.”
says that it’s true horses like cold weather. “We have cold mornings in Florida, and the horses love it. They’re up bucking and farting and raising hell.”
so and thisis news to me there's like BREEDING among horses. are you even? can you mad bro? this is 3018 i mean what now “Horses that don’t have class do a lot of stupid shit. Buck, flip over. But Bolt took to it pretty quick.”
This letter opener makes a really shitty steam engine?!!
we're all gods equines, piebald, spavined say no to horsism #ThugLife
horse inequality alert! “You could see the way he moved against the ground that he was superior to the other horses. It was effortless. He just floated across the ground there”
" He believed that the cold climate and the mountain bent grass would make their horses stronger, healthier, and more resilient. And he believed that letting their yearlings run free in pastures on a real ranch in the Montana foothills would give the horses a psychological edge: They’d be happier and better behaved. "
ok you mind faggots. this is irrelevant-relevant in line with "IF EVERYBODYS THINKING THE SAME, NOBODYS THINKING" see how this fellow THOUGHT OUTSIDE THE STALL for success now apply that to OUR THING #KeepItEffective
Expelling jews is like brushing teeth. The "experts" used to say brush side to side. Then up and down. Now, who knows. Anyway, the learned middle-agers of #Club110 have realized that expelling jews HORIZONTALLY IS #ALLFAIL, father of D'oh, grandfather of do-overs. Rather, we must we must we must decrease our bust and BURY THOSE HOOKNOSED SAND NIGGERS.
What you dullards cant grasp that I can is that jews would have done EXACTLY what they're doing today to us 2000 years ago IF they had the technology. That's the difference. "Our" stupid cult lays us wide open to being racially snuffed by jews. That's the fact. Grasp it, and stop being an idiot, at least in a temporary mental tattoo sense.
The catholic church let the jews feast off the Polacks. That's where jews grew fat and happy and large in number. If you think that protecting whites means giving jews monopoly over loaning money, and liquor, and even church rentals (!) for marriages and other ceremonies, there's really nothing I can do for you until IQ injection becomes a thing.
The Catholic church protected transiently white society in Europe by granting jews monopoly power over loaning money, which was forbidden to church members.  Usury was defined by catholics as loaning money at ANY interest. See Hoffman. See Jones. And you goddam nigger-tier mental baboons tell me christ-lunacy protects and values whites?
Have you people noticed that if you have giant stacks of money, people love the smell of your musky nutsack?  So if there were some one trick that guaranteed you those piles of moolah, and that trick were given you as monopoly by an institution that moronic simpleton retard idiots for christ said was guarding against you, wouldnt you pretend to agree?
Where are jews traditionally strongest in Europe? But after Spain. After Holland, Amsterdam. England. All the top protestant places.  But don't think Catholicism isn't great for jews too, it is. Most jews are ashkenazis grown farm fresh in poland, where they feasted on the polack retards, selling them booze and crop loans.
What's your race?  Created by God. Said the Christian.
can any of you two-digits beauties guess which 'pairs' as the fags say more naturally with racialism? - a 'religion' of respecting to worshipping one's own ancestors and tribal gods - a cross-race, cross-tribe, heterogeneous mix of ex-drunks and "ex" heheh criminals, all friends of Bill W worshipping a jewkebab and grand sky poobah appointed by clan jew?
What is the opposite of christianity?  Ancestor veneration
It's telling that christians simply cannot distinguish between changing circumstances and eternal principle.  Look dummy: I guess I should thank you morons. You are a standing challenge to my self-conceit that I can explain anything to anyone. Christianity began as a loser association. Precisely what was new about it was it was CROSS-class and -race.
When I first went to Germany, my first thought was, my god, the forests look positively combed.  That's what orderly people living in not too much space work out over the centuries. I would guess.
What's good for whites? Not deviants, criminals, pervert, welpshongs and such, but normal whites. What's good for them?  A nation with NO jews or blacks. What gives us the idea such is unthinkable and immoral? It can only be christianity, and the democracy it promotes, as secular-political evolution of the garbage doctrine of soul-equality?
Atheism doesn't lead naturally to one-size-fits-all MAGA hats, christian soul-equality does. Apparently no one sees that 'enlightenment' supposedly atomic universal laws and religious gunkbunk are flip sides of the same dud.
In the beginning, we had to rip shit open. Which, ya know, kind of suggests a style.  Dynamite is not a middle manager. Now, it takes a different style to move from page to stage. Order, discipline, loyalty, regularity, mouth-shuttery.
This is kind of a retweet. But to trace the change in spirit of the goy-left, think of Hunter Thompson. Free-wheeling, drug-using, drinking, crazy, fun-loving, adventure loving - understanding there's a wild world of weirdoes out there, a man can have a view.  And now?
"Let us alternate tales of ribaldry and woe until all our juiced are expressed." --C. Kelvin Parview, Bard of the Western Plains
Wearing a neckerchief these days is like being a boy named Sue. You gotta man up or die. #NeverthelessHePersisted
If it truly is in-fighting, and they truly are part of we, then it's incumbent on you to keep your attacks within limits. is that not reasonable? it's fine to "put one kid through college, another through a wall" (Back to School) but let's not get high on the fumes of our own viciousness, me. i mean, you.
"judge not lest ye be judged" -- relativism turns very easily into "whatever floats your boat," "whatever makes you happy" "hate the sinner, not the sin" - but you said you believed in free will? notice similarity to blame the trigger not the nigger #Christ-insanity is liberalism
heaven if considered scientifically would be a sort of hell's captain's platter of fat baptist family reunion, nigger barbecue and hootenanny-tier musical entertainment
the most important thing on top of a woman's neck yep hair
imagine spending eternity with jesus and baptists yeah i'll be washing my hair that night christ
It's beyond xtian conception that someone wouldnt want his imaginary heaven, but it's true. An exclusive club that admits Baptists?  The Baptist won't see the humor in this, perhaps a human or two will. The gift isn't eternal life, it's death. See Mark Twain.
fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fu f ffff fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh [inserrt The SCreeeam]
Think about it...  Jews are merchants. You like saying that. They sell things. They have to know value. They like advantages, money, winners, things that work. If Jesus really were something awesome, valuable and god-sent, he'd be up their tuchus like a valuable gem. And christianity would be illegal for you! You get universal mud god ShamWow to worship.
How kin ah look down on Cricker Jim and Hillflea Toby if'n wez both created by God, the master blower of men? It makee no sense.
Counter-exterminate the jews If you want to move foward to a society in which gum chewing and running in halls are major social problems. #TeamWhite
I'll say again until some more popular stupider person sees the genius in it All men are created equal Is redundant. "All men are created"  is the basis of equality nonsense in every form.
Eventually one of the idea thieves, Coulter or Sailer, will find the balls to use magic water and make the parallel to magic dirt.  Christianity is anti-White. Soul-equality is the ultimate ground of political liberalism. First, they came for our souls and I said nothing. I was down on my knees eating jesus wafter and gulping jesus blood.
When you read Greeks, you're on the same wavelength. They are us, and we are them.  When you read Genesis, you're not. It's been wordpapered in highest Angloese - but it is absolutely non-Aryan, which is to say anti-Aryan, in spirit.
Long before sci-fi Jesus, in fact as long as they've been remarked on by themselves and others, jews have exhibited the same behavior. In any other species this behavioral consistency would mark a race, and it's no different with the jews. The belief jews are dejewed by converting to christ-lunacy is same as believing brownies can become real Americans.
If Americanism is a false religion Then Catholicism is a false religion for exactly the same reason. And indeed that is the case. They're both spurious enlightened universalisms, to be doubly redundant. What's good for whites is what we need  not a Grand Unified Filed Theory of Hominid.
Just as the fool says America is an Idea So the fool fails to notice it's the same with the church It says jew is an idea (rejecting jesus) That can be cured with a better idea: (accepting jesus). Wrong, sir, wrong. Jew is species, not an idea. A competitor. A white killer. A genocidal menace to our kind. Whites exist. Jews exist.  Two races enter the cage, one leaves
Christianity defines jew as an ideology rather than a biology.  Having defined the thing wrong, it can't solve the problem it presents. That's what makes christianity effectively, functionally, undeniably and yes irremediably anti-white - and helpful, no matter its intent, to the jews pushing white genocide.
Far as I can tell, the only limit to how far Gab can go are legal: if the First Amendment were done away with. Otherwise, the entire tech spectrum is open for business. There is a HUGE market for tolerance. I mean the real fucking thing not the name brand. I never heard of a Nazi who wanted to ban people, only anti-Nazis.
Judaism isnt really a religion, but it's a racial scheme of racial protection and progress presented to the world as a religion. it's expolicitly biological and tribal. Catholicism, or christ-lunancy, is explicitly ANTI-racial and anti-tribal. It is universal. It doesn't give a good damn (like ben shapiro) if whites are browned out of existence.
Little Funyan who made thee? What hateful fearful tear-filled eye of evil chef Framed thy disgusting symmetry? #BatteredOnionSyndrome #MeToo
"There's nothing fun about Funyans." --William Blake
nah their killing sprees involves boxes of ice cream and kleenex
It was the stupidest and fattest of ages. I feel a modern Zola would begin there. Quite accurately.
war war beats jaw jaw. i mean, it doesnt. but we find ourselves in a situation where kill kill is on the dollar menu as bob marley sang #NoNiggerNoCrime
I keep telling you people OVER AND OVER You've GOT to wash the BACKS of your ears MORE CAREFULLY You wonder why our cause goes nowhere DIRTY EAR BRIGADE YEAH NO CLEAN EARS PERT BUTTOCKS CANT LOSE
It's like playing by the rules works really well. Let this be our checklist: - scrub harder (particular earbacks) - smile brighter and whiter (practice like a 1950s Good Girl) - Carnegier than thou (emulate your dog to make more Friends. never talk just nod and grin, like a Romney who means it) - apply aftershave, cologne, perfume and deodorant liberally WIN!
graphic: that rothschild poking charles: "Tell Yr Kid to Marry a Nigger"
Heaven is one of those conceptions that falls apart the second you actually think about it.
Only to people of slob-tier taste could something as uncomely as earth come off as designed.
Non Aggression Principle is big brained people telling big muscled people "you cant use what nature gave you, only I can do that."
Peace seems like a wonderful ideal...until you see a Jehovah's Witness pamphlet.
Sometimes I think Trump really is the random-letter capitalizing idiot he appears to be. Where as GWB, I always felt he was fake dumb.
Today it was my Great Honor to Celebrate the National Day of Prayer, when we acknowledge God for acknowledging our Greatness. Thanks, God, your Tops.
Remember when the jews deplatformed the kulaks? Remember that?
Christ-insanity turns potential white men into useful idiots serving the jews.
Christianity protected Europeans from jews for 2000 years says the professional catholic apologist, whom the ADL kicks out of speeches in South Bend, Indiana. Use your brain: christianity protects jews, not whites. Whites it endangers.
Jews begin by attacking bad beliefs. Then spread to attacking thinking itself. Parallel in politics - they begin by deplatforming men for their political views, then spread to deplatforming their lives.  You can't get a job writing for Wash. Times (if you criticize jews); cant get a web host for yr page; cant get electricity/water for your place; murder.
If you look at jews from a biological POV you come to one conclusion; Christianity, another. The christian view is wrong and crazy - the biological view of jews is correct, and indicates the ONLY solution that CAN work.
If White Nationalist beliefs = violence, then it judeo-logically follows that every communication from White to anti = threat.
Christianity is a jew-imposed ideological veneer on white common sense and racial values. Whites many times wanted to physical destroy jews in their communities. The priests protected the jews and calmed white rage by telling them that magic water (baptism) would cure jews, turn them into good people, solid fellow citizens, echt jesus fans for life.
The jew isn't a condition but a problem w a solution. That's why the one nazi thing i dont like is 'jews are our misfortune.' Maybe in German it doesn't come off connotatively as it does in English, that they're a natural burden we must bear, like hurricanes and tornadoes. Because they're not. Jews are a problem. A problem with a 100%, for-all-times solution.
Catholic reasoning: Something can't come from nothing. Except God. God can totally do that.
pop culture ideas tracker: as late as 1968, Hawaii 5 0, there's anti-homo stuff. Inmate taking hostages issues demands, has words about old homos preying on young inmates.
God is self-evident or he is nothing. That's what the whole debate boils down to - what one accepts as evidence.
Imagine you had tires that kept wearing out. And your mechanic says yr wheel is wearing unevenly. You're risking a blowout. But he refused to explain to you WHY the wheel was wearing unevenly. Because your car is out of (((alignment))). So you just keep fucking with the symptoms, at great expense, and never solve the problem.  Would you praise that mechanic?
Decide to be a man. That means overcoming fear, doesn't it? You can speak the whole truth, simply and clearly. Contrary to what liars of the Jared Taylor (((tendency))) tell you, jews are easy to explain. Even to a little child. Even to a christian. You know what wears well over time? Integrity. #TeamWhite
The Jewing of a White Family: A Biopsy
Vox Day going full redskin on Jorts Peterson
That headless chicken still alive...the perfect catholic.
Faiths for fools Jesus Regulation Online petitions Star alignments Chicken innards #TeamBlight
When you accept the claim that God created every individual for a reason, you have bought into something you can't begin to understand the dangers of.
If our existence is problematic, it's easy to find a pretext to jail or kill us. Law is something that wows the normies, so use that.  A JUDGE said it. Oooh, big kindergarten teacher eyes. #TimeToKill
(((They))) and their cuck or true-believer goy ideological allies don't care about your behavior, not when they define your very existence, even beyond your bad ideas, as a crime. Existing while white is the top crime in a jewish System.
The killer(s) of Seth Rich are currently doing hard time in federal open air prison called AmeriKwa.
"Keeping it legal" carries no weight in a System run by people who think opinions they disagree with are crimes.  Ask me how I know. ;)
Did judeo-bolshevik USSR do anything illegal in executing tens of million of whites?  I doubt it. So how did "keep it legal" work out for our kind last century?
"Keep it legal" = manners over substance, which is the mantra of the cuck.
Here's some non Kidz Bop justice seeking. You remember the Sparks mob killing? This is how pros do it: " Waiting for the two men, he said, were four gunmen wearing "white trench coats and black Russian hats." " White men have always been able to surmount technical obstacles.  Just as not all heroes wear capes, not all judges wear robes.
Remember, funnkiddies, when you say "keep it legal," you just acceded in both Charlottesville judgments - that DeAndre is innocent and Goodwin is guilty.
Average convicted murderer serves like 7 years, rapist 3. Average White threatener gets 20-40. Average White altercationist gets 5-10. There's no incentive not to kill the enemy. #KeepItEffective
Two guys: 1) A defends himself against nigger attack, gets 5-20 years 2) B kills operative Seth Rich, gets  Do you see a difference here?
Christianity serves the jew.
What you who defend the christ cult don't understand is that all those times in white lands jews were expelled, it was because of white hostility, not church opposition. The jews ran to the priests for protection.  Today, if a White shows up anywhere outside jewtown, the main jew groups will use a local christian cult head to organize resistance against him.
What is it that draws white men away from looking at jews objectively, as a biological phenomenon?

May 02, 2018:

Southerners, don't buy the 'redneck' identity mft for you by jew. This is what you shoot for: "White immigrants had wrested from a hostile territory the means to create a gracious culture, one which the ruder and more unlettered sections of the new Republic could only gape at in admiration, an admiration, however, which soon turned to envy and then hatred. "
So let me get this straight, peabo. You sold your race's future...for what? I was told there would be eternal salvation. You...didnt even get a handful of magic beans? Like the guy in the story? You sold your race's future for a tall tale about guy coming back from the dead who will give you salvation and eternal life? Is that it? Do I have that right? CORNER YOU NOW
Christianity grooms a white slave population for the jews. Worship them. War for them. Weep for them. Worry about them.
so i'm in the car for max 10 minutes. in that brief window...oh you know it... jewy jay sekulow and "RUSSIANS, IRANIANS and JIHADIS" they're all coming together to  DESTROY OUR MUH WAY OF LIFE #XtianCarRadio
Jews must be identified as a hostile alien predator. Identified and destroyed, for they threaten the very existence of our kind, let alone our society. The catholic church won't tell you that; #TeamWhite will. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEW
The only moral position, according to the catholic church for goyim, is to submit to the jews.  That's the practical meaning of 'no progress outside the moral order.'
If you study the cryptocurrency 'space,' as thesers invariably say, you see that the meta-point is that the gooks are sailing right by us technically, like jews past Anglos in Fitzgerald novel, while our earnings are stolen by jews and flushed to Israel slash used to grow giant necrotic black tumors.  We need a revolution.
'We' have wasted decades calling things by wrong name, now we're in late battle to catch up. Our side down to the littlest Who in Whoville must understand the JEW not the liberal commie whatever is the CAUSE of these problems. And destroying that jew is the ONLY thing that saves us. The rest is graduate seminar tier compared to that.  #TeamWhite
The greatest success of the professional right, or cuck inc, is somehow equating -- against all sense, history, honor, experience -- the left with nazis - the very and only people who dared to fight the (((communists))). Not just fight them, but truly understand what they were, build a competing pro-white mirror party, and nearly defeat them globally.
JEWISH marixism, jew-marxism, judeo-left, jleft, j-woke - all these are good.  in rhetoric, you want to vary as little as possible, just change one thing, so the simpwit can follow along. hence judeo-christian becomes judeo-left, or judeo-communism JEWISH MARXISM again - the absolute blind point on our side is no agreed oppst of racism. other than loxism.
Cultural marxism is another tiresome rhetorical mistake by ourside. Like dopey goyish nonintellectuals make distinction between economic and cultural; go check out what Russia did - nearly all the cultural antecedents of today's sad mess were promoted there before 1920. In fact, the economics have changed more than the cultural approach.
Jews came to the USA in great numbers after 1880. They took over New York, set up all their criminal/communist/capitalist operations. They shipped pod people (professors) around the USA to mft jew-friendly 'educated' goobermen in the cow states. They exported money and radicals back to Russia to produce the first big successful communist revolution.
The jews were poisoning relations between America and Russia before 1900. True fact bro.
If you don't feel an instinctive revulsion at the lie at the heart of christianity, what kind of a white man are you? Not for me - this weakness, this socially approved delusion, this character sickness.  #TeamWhite
Bowl cut optics, works for me. #RoofCrew #HeroDylannRoof #HeroThomasMair #HeroAndersBreivik
Wouldn't you rather be part of racial society, a state based on race, than a christian church?  Christianity is based on lies. That makes it intellectually indefensible and detestable.  Racialism isn't based on lies, it's based on observable facts about the way the world actually works, regardless of what you'd like to believe or how you think it came about.
The USA has essentially never had an unjewed press reporting pipeline from Europe. Never. There were honest individuals here and there, but the entire thing was jewed. See Donald Day, Onward Christian Soldiers.
Trump is First Tweeter, little else.
When in the course of subhuman events, allegedy white people are too cowed by jewfear to convict niggers caught on film doin' work, and instead lock up the white man defending himself as the real criminal, imaginary god himself agrees it be  #TimeToKill

May 01, 2018:


April 30, 2018:

Funny, I've never seen a rabbi wearing a cross and kissing the Pope's hand.
my status: grinning as Facebook roll Tide rolls down the hole #Flushbook
No one cares what kind of eggs your catt ate for breakfast. Fuck off!
I hate Facebook. When I see a FB post here on Gab, I go full Beavis look, like someone finding a crabgrass in his perfect suburban law. Thankfully I see very few. I must be following the right people!
Somewhere near What Is This Iowa and the Failed State of Illinois lies God's County, aka NEMO.  We here at #TeamWhite celebrate 20 years of turning the heartland into the Smartland.
#Fingerism What does it mean? It means you accept, nay demand, to take responsibility for your own actions. And you're a member of #TeamWhite. Which you prove through your racial loyalty, manifesting in the integrity of your behavior - on all sides at all times.
It's time to kill. The age of talking has ended.  #WeHoldThisTruthSelfEvident

April 29, 2018:
muzz in iowa is a typical scumbag muslim
Fastest guy edit: safety at the NFL combine? Not a black
Individualism! Collectivism!  False!! The FINGER is both an individual AND a player on a team. It can't be reduced to one or the other for it is both. So it is with the WHITE...MAN. He is a man. and he is part of a team. #Fingerism #TeamWhite
Trump wants more of this > Americans " He would come back after two days — after the acid had done its work — and open drain valves to release the fluid into the storm drain, and remove any remaining sludge to dump it in fields, the sources said. That was how the dreams of the three film students ended. "
Christianity will always side with jewish communism over Aryan racialism. For good reasons, from its point of view. Because if whites have a racial doctrine, they don't need the jesus lie. And then the church disappears. That process -- that would have helped us all -- was just underway in Germany when xtians + jews destroyed it in WWJew.
Whites struggled around, but finally the best subset of them came up with the correct response. Then the whiteskin christians joined the jew communists to do it in.  And the race is right back where it started. It can't even figure out what happened after the fact. Or you wouldn't have fools claiming that christianity is good for whites and bad for jews.
2 subspecies of pigeons, blacks and the blues, competed for space in a big park. one of the black pigeons came up with an idea for a love cult. he spread his teachings among the blues. all pigeons are equals. they're all created by god. they have an equal right to exist. while the black pigeons continued to believe blacks should have all the space. who wins this?
What does racial loyalty mean on the Internet? It means not using distance/anonymity to make spurious charges because it feels good emotionally in the moment.  The frog crowd hasn't achieved this level. All they care about, in a most niggerlike way, is that their entertainment values not be compromised.
In point of actual fact, the white cause is more about race formation than salvation.  Look at jews -- their religion and their race are one. 'Our' religion -- that wow just wow came from the very people trying to do us in -- and our race are at odds.  How surprising christian racialism is blank failure.
If we can't face the truth about our race, than we are no better than niggers. Perpetual children, who refuse to take any responsibility for our outcomes, blaming them all on imaginary racism. It is a fact, not an opinion, that racial loyalty among whites is scarce, while it is common among jews.
If whites loved or even merely respected the truth, christianity would never have taken hold among them, no matter how it got started.  People don't come back from the dead.  There's no second opinion on that, no comeback to it.  It's just flat plain simple truth. You either accept it or you choose the path of lies.  Most whites, today, prefer the path of lies.
Why do jews defeat whites? They value themselves more, not just formally in words, but in actuality: in behavior; in proven-over-time in-group behavioral loyalty. They also pay more attention to the truth, and value it more, than whites do. They know the truth, the better to lie about it. But among themselves, they dont fool around. Goyim prefer fantasy.
Denying men are animals and denying that nature's laws apply to men - christianity does both of these. That's what makes it liberalism. Those poisoned by it will lose to competing species whose views are in line with reality. Jews, for instance.
Nature knows no right to exist. People on our side who use that idea are foolish. Christianity say we are all one - in being created by God. Good luck fighting to combine that oil with racialist water. Christianity is liberalism because competing subspecies fight to the death over space, they don't acknowledge they are both God-created.
Very few goyim are incisive. Remember Bobby Fisher - he cut right thru the bs to say that his own race are a bunch of garbage. Whites are forever setting up base camps, climing a few feet looking at the view. They never get to the point. All this shit isn't liberalism, that's christianity, it's racist jews trying to do us in, and working as a team.
It has always been a mistake to allow any jews among us. We should have identified them as hostile aliens working together to destroy us and eliminated them physically. But we didn't do that because of the Catholic church and its doctrine "done molest the jews, convert them to christ." The jews might as well have written that doctrine themselves.
Vox going after Jordy Peterson, part 1
Jews must be killed. All of them.  That is what the liberation of our race requires. #TeamWhite
Christianity doesn't produce white men who stand up to the jew, rather white men who roll on their bellies before jew, who celebrate jews in word and song, who like trained dogs go to the Western Wall to pass under the yoke. Christianity by its actual behavior, not its fake words, believes cowardice and servility are virtues.
" It is impossible to find now any Jewish counsel, board of deputies, woman's group, all the way down to book-clubs and potluck dinners which don't relentlessly and forcefully advocate for mass immigration.  " commenter on Vox Day article

April 28, 2018:
My System works for ALL lizards, time n place be damned, not just Eastern Collareds. #EnLizardMent
i'm totally surprised that a giant rally involving jews communists leftist city bureaucrats and people who've been lied to all their lives and a media that lies about the sky being blue - i'm totally surprised there was fracas and affray under these pacific circumstances i mean, if "they" wanted to allow peaceful change, they'd count votes accurately
i will try to fit revolution in between hot yoga classes you make time for the important things
there is no moral duty to play by the rules of a rigged game. and that's what our System has been for a very long time when you accede in lies and corruption, your soul is wounded, pretty soon you're just a mancur. and that's where the whiteskin alleged race finds itself. there is no solution except individual courage joining other in honest loyalty
If the 'game' we're playing isn't winnable, we have to play a new game or lose. What's the chief feature of the game as it's played right now? Jews can do anything to us, while we limpy respond "keep it legal." What would a different game look like? We'd worry about striking blows against them. We'd worry about being effective. We'd care only about winning.
Whites in love with stupid abstractions like freedom, liberty, equality, morality other gunk. Worry about 'best pizza on this block.' Something specific. This society isn't working for us. We're working for it! And our reward is continual abuse!  I reject this state of things. I believe we need a revolution, and a bloody one.
If truth were subjective, roads would be impossible.
You actually got people who arent even perfect but are pretty good, are substantial people, out there saying this stuff in public. And you're shitting on them. You really do think you have a baby's right to be coddled in your cowardice and entertainment values.  You deserve extinction.  You take power by orating. Speaking into public.  SEB ME ANONYMUS ADOLFF
I mean, you have to laugh, you people who must think, since you won't spell it out because it looks so stupid, you're going to anonymously worm your way up thru Republican party and colleges and schools and vote and dog whistle your way to power. Do you need me to tell you that's absurd? Of course not. You know it yourself. That's why you won't actually state it.
you fucking cretins can see right in front of your stupid unhooked noses how (((they are working Trump over using all his personal info. but i'm sure they're not doing that for all their other enemies who arent president of a country. i'm sure they're not going to IRS and using SS number to track )))you((( every time that number pops up. they aren't stupid. WE are
I know you're a stupid borderline-retarded whiteskin goyish koppered moron, who thinks his head is for bowing to lick jew ass and eructate prayers to jew god and his boy jebus, but if you could get out of your sad self for one half second if you were the jews, how would you act?  well, even you can figure that, maybe. and that's what they're doing.
did you see that recent quote from some jew on why they always try to censor? the broad said goyim dont have access the way we do, they have to get public stuff. hence value in censoring that if you think anything other than these sols are sucking every big-time database into a spy hopper, you're nuts
dont know the guy but he doesnt mention what Solz says about jews
fuck you all, i'm going to iowa. that's how bad you are!  you < Iowa wow just wow
You know why I use my real names. Because I WANT to be associated with my remarks about jews. I DEMAND it. Anonymity makes these midgets think that jew-crit is fun like video game or scurrilous private entertainment like political porn.
keep the White Cause safe for anonymous faggotry that's what's important
i love how doxxing is the Ultimate Bad Thing with all these anonymous faggots you want to act like jew, completely dishonorable and then cry like a nigger when someone knuckles your head for misbehavior by tying your bad behavior to your real name "anonymous pro-Whites" - pretty close to a contradiction
You cant just jam words together in English, it's not German. Racial state works just fine. And normal people can grasp it immediately: a state based on race. Or say white state.  "we want a racial state, like Israel. but for White people. you know - so they dont get hated, raped, killed discriminated against because of what they are."
so fake nazis morph into Real Republicans sounds like a solid plan
Striker in particular should watch this and see what's up, whether he dares comment on it or not.
The problem is certain people are intoxicated with their vision of themselves as clever manipulators. This leaves them open to the siren song of the operatives.  You won't beat them at their game - they're pros at it. Don't kid yourself.
A real movement begins with who are we? Republicans? Conservatives? Christians?  No. We are Whites. We value our race. And that means we fight the jew. As the director of the forces trying to destroy us. That's the basis that can work. The only one.  If you put Christ front and center in your life, sorry, you're part of some other cause and movement. #TeamWhite
pretty interesting
Why does health care cost so much? Because of government involvement. When they're not pushing a bad diet on you through public schools (pay us to imprison/lie to youth), they're approving cartels so that no new suppliers can enter the field. They call that "safety," and you nod along like the dope you are.
Socialized medicine, let's personalize it since you halfwits can't understand anything other than personalities. Let's take one alleged person, call him 'you.' Then a second you may have heard of, let's call her she-Clinton. Socialized medicine means you pay 25% of your income in taxes for "free" health care, and Hillary Clinton decides your treatment.
Socialized medicine: you get free care that you pay for and they make all the decisions. Then you cry about it (Alfie) because you're an idiot.
Butthurt online? At Fingus & Betterman, your bruised feelings are our only concern.

April 27, 2018:

no one in recorded history was ever more than 98/2 against someone trying to commit suicide true story
Jesus died for your sins. It's called soul-cucking. Religious experts say it can be just the thing to spice up your spiritual life.
No one loved the land more than Jacques Cousteau, but you wouldn't say he was rooted, would you?
MOBILE: the journal of oaken heritage
It would be funny to ask a talking tree for their community's feelings about 'rootedness.' I bet they're marginally less thrilled than the alt-reactionaries.
I see more of a will to provender than power.
I'm on everybody's side because I love everybody. (My life coach told me to say that.)
The Jewing of the Blankensmiths Uncle Spurgeon believed the no-babies propganda; limited himself to two children to save the earth Cousin nester belived the WMD bs and got killed in Iraq Cousin Destinee belived the diversity propaganda and spawned a couple multatto monsters before he beat her nearly to death and ran off ...
here's a legit way to cut it no one has ever done. i will do it eventually but you can do it first write up How My Family Was Jewed, Severally and Collectively use one familie's person by person (aunt uncle sister bro mo fo etc) bad decisions based on fed lies and laws... you see what i mean
it may be what the jew bloom said in Closing of the American Mind. he said it about former drug users: life is just too drab. life w/out drugs to them is colorless. i think that applies to the christers. normal people dont need semitic adventitious concocted drama, but christfags do.
never in my life have i been around drug addicts, i loathe that stuff. but i have to imagine trying to get people off heroin is roughly comparable to getting them off the christ. they just dont want to. it makes them feel heroic.
'Internet' is a sort of amalgam of two greek words phukrios + acquamium, or 'looking at faggots through glass' or 'faggot terrarium.'
"Steven" is a comic in the Wright/Hedburg vein, but not very good at it. We will watch him for growth.
How can you commit a crime if you act alone -Steven
Jesus was invented by a committee of paleo-Stan Lees.
It's easy to be a degenerate  whether sexual (homosexual) or spiritual (christian). But it's not good.
Catholicism protects the weak from the strong Racialism protects the strong from the weak.
Kill the cuck / kill the kike Race war is more Than pressing like  --Redyard Knippling
Jesus loves third-world vermin. After all, he's one of them.
If cucking were a religion, which religion would that be? Well, let's look at actual cucks. Proudcucks. Which religion do they belong to? Uniformly?
Alabama niggers: nice work god. You're really good at godding.
The bible isn't the good book, it's a Semitic nonsense midden.
It's funny that flounders dont flounder, they kind of flutter.
Not only am I FAT and DUMB I believe millions of things that ARENT TRUE. #YouGonnaEatThat isn't just a question itz a WAY OF LIFE.
How much do you give your nigger-loving, jew- and jew-war supporting priestophile preacher each weekend, mcWhitelet? More than you monthly cable subscription, if you're a regular. Christ, the original Based Stickman Truly, it's a privilege to hold a mirror up to you whitclowns.
if you deny a priori that any racial difference (always called gap) is effort or gene based, then white invidiousness becomes the only reason we really live in an insane world the most insane thing of all is that more whites dont respond the way #HeroDylannRoof has
basically, at this point, all uses of 'advanted' or privilged are propaganda absolute (((denial))) of white merit, white achievement, white earning jews are the only 'whites' who ever earned anything, if you believe the media
New York reverse of Simpsons albanian exchange student: although im officially required to love you coons, in my heart i do not feel it.
New York: is there a big sign in our yard that says: LIVE NIGGER STORAGE?
Cancel your cable subscription. And your christ subscription. #DoSomethingWhite
When you say jesus is lord. And your big dog sucks jew ass when he's months from 'afterlife,' where he will have to explain to boss Hogg and Fredo why he shat on him in atom life... kind of suggests to non-buhlievers yr one of us too
Jews "hate" christianity. You only hate things you think on your own level. Jews do not think christ nuts are on their own level, rather they're buttlers and servilants.
Jews murdered tens of millions of us last century. They're portrayed as victims today.  In schools we pay for - to our children. And we permit it. Why? Christianity: the weak-maker.

April 26, 2018:

interesting comments on chinese
church picnics arent politics you're White and fight jew or you're christian and submit sorry it's not the way you want it's just the way it is
spring is here, nigger!!! getchoosome!!!
it never occurs to the christian for one second that islam might be right or that christianity might be wrong flip that for the muslim #UglyDesertSisters
Why am I not a christian?  Because I'm not weak. And I think a religion that celebrates, promotes and fetishizes weakness is sick. And that is exactly what christ-insanity does, and you see its sick effects in its people. Christianity is an unhealthy, destructive lie. It's bad for our people, and we should leave it behind, move on to something that fits us.
You have to control your behavior. You can ditch christ. And you should. You can leave his sad cult of losers. And you should. But it doesn't change the fact that you have to control your behavior to be of value in any social association. It starts with race, but it doesn't end there.  If Aryan means 'noble,' then isn't that a clue about how to conduct yourself?
so if you blow up a balloon... and let it go it flies around the room like a crazed balloonwitch that's womens nature but if you tie it to a stick... then you have something light, buoyant and fun
PJ O'Rourke said this years ago: practice as much private morality as you can, and keep your mouth shut. In other words, be the opposite of how most are. We all have glands. We all have urges. We all have difficulty controlling them. This is our condition.  Let's keep it Germanic - low-key and serious, not pretentious, public and hypocritical.
the universe is rationally ordered by Divine mind God's ways are mysterious and unknowable which is it you lying christian nigger? #LogosToggles
success and failure are decisions, not chance outcomes. those may determine the amplitude, but not the basic divide
jews deny white achievement christians attribute it all to their teaching it's like judeo-christianity actually isnt a joke but highlights a real bond
more refusees, more crime, more forgivenness, more love the christian cycle of virtue if Aryan means noble, what does christian mean?  demented, i should say

April 25, 2018:

Catholic social ideal: 90% of the population has Down Syndrome and is paid $25/hour to lick envelopes containing Little Sisters of the Poor solicitations.
Can jews or cucks talk or bribe their way out of death? Can they pay a corrupt doctor to bring them back to life?
no one who has tried to argue with goyim will doubt the Protocols are an accurate representation of whoever is running things
There are at least one hundred people on Gab who could draw multiples of Megyn's numbers. You know that's true. And it goes to show just how controlled the System is.
"How can it be that the American people and the Evangelical churches are unmoved by the millions of innocent peoples in seven countries who have been murdered, maimed, orphaned, and displaced by the profit-driven US military/security complex and by the neoconservative ideology in service to Israel?"
christianity produces moral behavior the same way granite produces grapefruit juice
we have become shameless liars, like the jews 'our' christian cult worships
i believe there should be some sort of behavior qualifications to be called 'people.' like a merit badge in peopling or something. the default term should be hominid, a biological designation.
What's wrong with being a good old-fashioned freak? You can be normal or a freak. Not both. That's lady bulldog shit.
Washington Post / New York Times suing each other in court for the right to slogan "We make lying boring"
self worship...runs a close second to god worship as source of socially evil consequences
jews are an evil race exhibit #6,132,341
Baltimore more like BaltALLMOOR
I have noticed that women even more than men agree it's #TimeToKill.  The deepest things are sensed. You can reduce them to understanding but first and most they are felt.
I dont know man I feel words are tapped. What more to be said? I feel we need a martial solution.
Niggers truly have ruined Baltimore, which should be a great city. Mencken...Poe..harbor...  Makes me angry.
If you're anonymous and you run your mouth, eventually what happened to RV will happen to you. I mean, anyone should be able to see that, purely as an analytical matter.
You can always tell you're on Southern Man's grounds without raising your head. There's only one other group this applies to - projects niggers.
If Eyesore Nation had a flag, it would be the Proud Red X.
"White identity isn't real" --Ricky Vaughn "Ricky Vaughn isn't real" --White Nationalists Who wore it better?
Optics is just a new name for the old failed Anglo-conservative respectability politics.
Just as Wiesel left with the nazis rather than await his commie buddies (purely out of rational self-interest), the christian church always sides with jewish communism over white racialism (out of rational institutional self-interest).
Christians believe -- their policy -- jews can change. Just like they believe Jebus is coming back. Embrace the faith / destroy the race. #TeamWhite
In the christian simp's Heaven and Hell you get more than a whiff of the bush nigger's belief that raping babies cures AIDS.
Christianity is the reason the white race can't defend itself from jews - and doesn't even want to.  #TeamWhite
Christian policy: let jews keep taking shots at you, white man, until they finally hit you. Anything else is immoral #SicutJudaeisNon
"The jews are trying to genocide whites! We must expel them again." Now, I want every one of you to lucubrate (think) really hard and see if you can figure out what doesn't mesh in the above statement.
Retard: Wuh needs to muh expellulate the jews agin. That make 110x. Jews: We need to genocide whites once. WHO WINS THIS? CAN YOU FIGGER?
Orkin expelled termites 109 times from my house. It's why I pay them.
"The idea of there being one ideal phone size is perhaps something best left in the past." The idea there's one church for all men, catholicism, is perfectly valid. Since aborigines and Nordics share a spirit. They all need semitic sci-fi hero Jesus. To save them from something.
how to argue with a christian 1) make a clean, clear argument 2) shake your head as the christian misses your point, makes exactly the argument you were opposing - while thinking he's agreeing with you I have never yet found a christian who understands logical argument.
When you see an Illiteracy flag here in the NEMO, you can GUARANTEE the yard will be filled with crap. Tasteless, disorganized, rotting, unkempt. Really - like they take pride in it.  It's not like there aren't midwestern/northern shitcrickers with strewn yards, it's that virtually ALL South flag flyers keep their property like junkyards.
Why are Southerners such slobs? You can say they're not, but just as with niggers, I judge them as I see them. I like seeing their flags (that's how I know they're Southerners), and I agree with them politically, but it really is almost like they go out of their way to live trashy. Are they conforming to tv rebels, or are they just lazy, no-pride whiteskin niggers?
Christianity is (((christianity))). Judeo-Christianity merely makes what is implicit explicit. It isn't just the superficial politics that are wrong with the church but its basic doctrines - soul equality and the claims about 'Jesus.'
All christian 'arguments' are nothing but veiled fallacy begging the question, and most of the christians making them don't even realize this.  Is it christianity or white genes that produces the civilization?  Was Greece christian? Was Rome?
The two figures I've used: judaism (as applied to whites) is like a 100% concentrated solution; Christianity is a watered down 1% solution. But it's the same poison, the same dissolving agent.  The other figure is good cop-bad cop. Christianity is the carrot for race-destructive belief/behavior, judaism the stick.
Even on here you can find people crediting White achievements to judeo-christainity, which is not a fake term but a redundancy.  These people never ask themselves why christianity can't repeat its white success story in non-white lands.
Notice again this parallel between jew/xtian in relation to white race.  Monday School: whites earned nothing, stole everything, tyrannized every other race. Sunday School: whites achieved nothing, they were just running around in woods chasing pigs, all "their" achievement isn't theirs but is purely due to Church teaching. Xtianity is jewing/mild
You want to put yourself on par with a nigger? The christ cult and democracy are right there to support you. Political equality begins in the church.
Who are the people, specifically, who are murdering the White nations? Is it possible to determine who these people are? Is it possible to do something to stop them - permanently?
What does christianity offer Whites in our fight against jews? What does christianity offer jews in their fight against whites?
What advantage do whites have over jews?
Essentially, jews drive progress and evolution, genetically and culturally. They are dishonest. Whites either evolve to understand and top their game or exit scene left. Jews + banking = fiat fraud. Solution: crypto. Jews + newspapers = gaslighing. Solution = Internet. Jew-evil, to be redundant, drives evolution. That's how God planned it.
Mental mudsharking - trying to combine Jesus globalism with white nationalism.
A non-aggression principle makes sense to people who aren't very aggressive or are weak. What's in it for a Nelson Muntz?
croakt: AIDS awokt: GRIDS bespokt: Q-RID

April 24, 2018:

i wore Spot-Bilts back in the day. orange soled vinyl. every step felt like you were being stabbed by OJ personally! real shit-shoes, they were
"the greatest of these is love" - jews for christians "anyone opposed to jews is a hater" - also jews for christians good cop-bad cop routine carried out on the whiteskin (aka sucker) population jews "hate" christianity? swing and a miss. christianity makes jewish triumph not only possible but inevitable.
"Now you look at those Synagogue Fleas. Do they look like a world championship team? It's not for me to say. ... But no." --Greg Kinnear
Shame the christqueers into manhood; if they cant make it, then let them die of exposure as adult botches.

April 23, 2018:

Jews have an attack plan for every part of the white physical body, and every subdivision of the white population. Really, whites can't conceive what jews are like because they aren't like that themselves. Vaguely amiable, preferring religion to thinking.
" Central banks and commercial banks are essentially Ponzi schemes, and engines of inflation. ... This is all going to blow up. And the next crisis will be one for the record books. It will start as a monetary crisis, but will turn into an economic, political, social, and military crisis. "
" The next major crisis will be monetary in nature, thanks to central banks. Again, only a few central banks even existed 100 years ago. They simply weren’t necessary, because everyone used commodity money. And commercial banks operated on sound classical principles. It’s a different story these days. "
" We’re going to have a crisis that reconstitutes everything in a new form. The US peaked in the ’50s, has been in decline since the ’70s, and its descent is accelerating. Actually, Western Civilization peaked just before World War One, and it’s in even bigger trouble. That’s a real tragedy, since about 98% of everything of value in the world is a product of it. "
I'll offer again the unanswerable point: if christianity were good, jews would have kept it for themselves. As they keep racism, nazism etc for themselves. And forbid them to you. Christianity is the best thing that ever happened to jews - it's the perfect system for controlling the stupid, passive, cowardly goyim - because it polishes these anti-virtues.
How's that worshiping the King of the Jews working out for you, white man? Simple questions from  #TeamWhite

April 22, 2018:

jews hate christianity! they hate that their worst racial enemy worships the "King of the Jews"!
it's an article of faith among the christaddled that jews hate and fear christianity, rather than laugh at and use it it's as baseless as the rest of their beliefs
an actually good (((Boomtown Rats))) song
actual anti-communist movie produced by hollywood. of course, not one line about why communism bad, just not american. the south african movie posted earlier is actually a remake of this 1953 very good noir
who showed up for Trump? tens of thousands of normal working whites  who shows up for Hillary? bused in niggers, illegal alien criminals, and govt employees
it's always funny when women try to shame you into something, and you watch their pint sized brains slowly register that you're a man, and that chickenshit shit doesnt work on you
South Africa used to be a civilized country, back when humans were in control.
jews "hate" christianity, that's why they never stop attacking brazil and el salvador boy howdee, aint nothin a jew hate worse than a jesus church
loads of With Jews We Lose graphics
we cant all be relaxed and airquotes COOL people some of us have to be HIGH STRUNG and OBNOXIOUS if i had an UPGRADE BUTTON on my side dont you  THINK ID PUSH IT?
Rake training. May look like rakes are easy - just point and scrape. No. No no no. Lots of hidden danger in raking. WELL beyond the obvious. You dont just fling it out there like a fishing net and see what the cat dragged in. Go down to your local leaf range, get a NRA qualified instructor, and get you some learning and free coffee under your belt.
i'm now tired of explaining myself to alleged people who cant tell a vulva from a uvula. i will now go outside and pester the spring
Using your brain is immoral. That's what christian social teaching amounts to. Why is the devil's question - we have that from C.S. Lewis, God's own flower girl.
I'm here to Make Points. Not socialize with nitwits. No one's forcing you to follow me. Or me to follow you. #DigIt
i just kind of...assume everyone but me is a fag i just wish i were proved wrong more often!
" Day said he doesn’t know what’s next for him. As defense attorneys noted, he’ll probably get a conviction bonus from the FBI for his work on the case, in addition to the more than $30,000 he has already received. He would’ve made more money working a regular job, he said, and he’ll start looking for one soon.   "
every right wing rally or private meeting i've ever attended has this type: the stentorian military type talking the language of heroism it's immensely off putting and fake as hell but for some reason, whites are idiots and eat this up maybe our race deserves extinction. not for moral reasons. but because it's so stupid. it NEVER learns from experience
" Defense attorneys saw it differently. They accused the federal government of overreaching and said the case wouldn’t have gone anywhere if it hadn’t been for Day’s involvement. They frequently mentioned that Day was working for the FBI before he ever came into contact with the defendants. " christian = weak liar.  you can take that to the bank.
" the FBI, which was looking into rumors of the ISIS poster, interviewed Day and ended up being interested in him because of his connection to the militia. " this is the kind of morons you truck with when you start using american flag, they're everywhere in the normie right-wing circles. blowhards, fools, religious simps. untrustworthy, unserious people
no one looks at a priest or preacher and sees a man we all look at one of these lying tools and shake our heads that's not a manly activity, that's something perverted
remember, all you christputzes, if you were born in a sandy area, you'd be a muslim that's how serious your "beliefs" are
if you believe people come back from the dead, you're a lunatic it may be a popular opinion, it may get you cheered and not fired, it may be socially acceptable but it's still lunacy whether you like it or not
Christianity is a shit-tier superstition spread among gullible Germanics by jews.
Confused, stupid, fat, cowardly, dishonest. Or I could simply say: christian.
"It began in July of 2015 with a trip to the local library with his son. He saw what he considered an anti-Israel poster, which featured a Palestinian flag and described the situation in Israel as apartheid. He tore it down. “They have the right to put that up, and I have the right to take that down, in my opinion, so I did,” Day said of the incident. " Perfect.
James Alex Fields is in jail for defending himself. He and we are blamed for "murder."  So we get all the negative consequences and none of the benefits of 'illegal' behavior when we actually do keep it legal.  At some point we have to take part in the real game being played, which is no rules power politics. Or Nature 101.
what's effective is spreading the word in all forms on the global internet and killing the enemy the rest (elections and demonstrations) is largely a waste of time ironically if "we" were killing the enemy, elections and demos would suddenly become a lot more meaningful and useful as i've been shouting in the wilderness
"No body no crime." But words - words can be turned into conspiracies, into incitement. Jews have worked for decades to persuade people that beliefs = behavior. So "bad" ideas = crime. And ideas are much easier to document than crimes. "You said X so you're guilty!" That's how the System works today. Easier to get away with murder than badthink.
"Do something" is not specific enough. White-rightists tend to do things for internal emotional reasons rather than objective political reasons. Don't be like that. Sticking up stickers and papers on walls makes you feel good but it accomplishes nothing. And it exposes you to the risk of doxxing, over time. Anyone can make a splash in jewsmedia, so what.
If you are going to do violence, and you are 100% justified in doing so, don't write anything down, and be absolutely sure of who you're dealing with if you work with others. Anyone who sounds like a blowhard, who fetishizes guns, who slobs the knob of blue/green niggers (cops/military) - this is the type the feds tend to use. Jebus fags & flagtards.
" “I felt like it was a calling from God, honestly,” Day said of taking the risk of becoming an informant. “I’m not an over-religious person, but I believe in God and I believe he put me there at the right time, the right place, if that makes any sense.” "  The christian is the man you can't trust - the weak man. Always.
" Defense attorneys said Day was an unemployed wannabe who jumped at the chance to become an undercover FBI informant and was willing to do whatever the federal government needed for a check. "
the moon? what is it but a projection of your insecurities? don't worry little feller. the sun will come back. no need to hallucinate an imaginary brother.
i dont believe the moon landings were faked, i believe the moon is fake #hardcore
govt should not be looked at as something holy or noble, rather it should be viewed as trash management/people that's all it's actually capable of
basically we need a racial authoritarian state that kills anyone foreign or domestic who tries to upset the racial basis of the state keeps sex private identifies and physically destroys criminals as anti-social mad dogs leaves people / FORCES people to run their own lives, does not subsidize destructive behavior govt is not a redistribution mechanism
in my view, nazism tried to do too much and wasn't nasty enough. use the tech of your times for you politics. hitler would agree on that. the tech is decentralization-facilitating - internet and crypto.  we dont need massive bureaucracies, deficit spending to subsidize or create problem populations a white man that needs government might as well be a nigger
The christian has no race but the created-by-Godsies. Which encompasses every implumous biped that can heave itself onto two feet for seven/eight/whatever seconds the infallible pope says meets the requirement.
the perp has soul by God, it's of inestimable worth, truly priceless no, no little sheep. christ-lunacy has nothing to do with our political straits
are we on the verge of a Great Breakthrough? or dwindling down as jews enter white genocidal Endgame?
we should talk about White Genocide. that's good term, smart politics. but killing the enemy? that's crazy talk!
if you kill the enemy, i dont care what color neckerchief you're wearing
are those idiots anti-fascists? they dont even know what fascism is they're ANTI-WHITEs. they hate whites.
And our side as usual composed of worthless leafbrains uses 'antifa' rather than antiWhites because we can't even figure out how to prosecute a verbal war.
Central Govts world over have only two functional departments 1) Dept of Creating Problems 2) Department of Problem Exacerbation
govt is outmoded as a way of solving problems govt does nothing well too many "nazis" dont consider this why do we need a central government? do societies collapse without spending trillions on nigger colonies and endless foreign wars?
are we doing enough to limit guns' access to niggers?  guns need niggers to get them to where they can do their dirty work yeah i think it's time we acknowledge the overwhelming need for #NiggerControl
if you take responsibility for your actions, you just might be suitable for america's only valuable religion #Fingerism
imma doff muh pants and shoot up a waffle house that's some echt Illinois-tier mentation right there #FailedState
so in time, after watching crypto get beeeeg, the jews will come running to shut it down. parallel to the internet.  can they? i...dont...know
whites have developed a fetish-taste for lugubrious nonsense. can you guess where this originated?
Police said a man believed to be Reinking was last seen "in a wood line near Discovery at Mountain View Apts. on Mountain Springs Dr. near the Waffle House." The man wore black pants and no shirt. THEY CALL HIM WAFFLE HOUSE RAMBO
"hate the sin not the sinner" is equivalent to "hate the gun not the nigger" There is no sin without the sinner; There is no gun crime without the nigger.
China's not that smart christianity is already widely infecting there; top jews are already breeding with asians that's a recipe for what happened to USA
what would Hitler think about cryptocurrency?
after 100 years of jewing, the US is bankrupt in money and reputation that's just God blessing us for supporting Israel
we will grind the bourgeois between the millstones of taxes and inflation --famous communist
"  The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department identified a "person of interest" in the shooting as Travis Reinking, 29, of Morton, Illinois. "Vehicle the gunman arrived in is registered to him," police tweeted. "Gunman last seen walking south on Murfreesboro Pike. He shed is coat and is nude. See Reinking? Pls call 615-862-8600 immediately. "
Cryptocurrency makes jews obsolete swindling equipment.

April 21, 2018:

can we all agree to be disagreeable? I'll lead the way
now i know griffin better than he knows himself weev, i really dont know but i'm a fair man; i believe the worst about everybody but i dont repeat serious shit unless i know it's true
a weathervane once pointed east. that proves the weathervane is pro-east
hmm... and hmm again...
It's just so funny that whenever you read paelocons (paul gottfried) or smart libertarians (michael rozeff) there's alway some jews there with a perfectly erudite and elegantly expressed view...that leaves the jew out. Just always happens that way. Oven dodgers are Occam dodgers - by trade and necessity. Jews send out pod people into every camp.
is a catholic priest how you want a white man to look? to act? to dress?
I would think it would be hard to be a sadistic madman/ophthalmologist. Just don't see them going together.
It really pains me that I have to EDUCATE you banjo-strumming goobers to the point where you can even UNDERSTAND my insults.
Am I the only one here worried that god is reproducing at sub-replacement levels?
What part of "catholicism" is not white-specifism? The ALL OF IT part. You mental dromedary.
miagine how FUCKING DUMB i would sound if i were arguing that WHITE NATIONALISM IS FOR EVERYBODY, ESPECIALLY NEGROID PYGMIES the reverse of that is EXACTLY WHAT TARDICALLY UNCHALLENGED YOU are doing when you claim Christianity (catholicism, which is generalism or universalism) is for Muh White Race
This is why I say it's #TimeToKill. If you can't keep a job if you go to the wrong LEGAL political rally, then rights and democracy don't mean anything. If you're only allowed one opinion if you work for the government, then you're a one-party state. A marine is fired because he's not anti-white like he's supposed to and trained to be.  #Time4Revolution
Christianity aka burger spiritualism
All jew 'theories' are global warming - attempts to draw science over politics to fool the whitesimps into relinquishing power and money.
"Who's your tribe? Only the entire world!" --Catholic preacher man
do you notice that it's catholicism not specificism? do you notice that? now if you coupled that noticing with knowing what words mean a racial light bulb might go on if judaism is the plastic demon of decomposition then catholicism is the plastic angel of decomposition good cop/bad cop routine. as i said.
i can haz chizburger nationalist? plz? lolkaffirz?
I'm sure the natural history of your lower duodenum is a captivating read. Now get out of here.
you fuck an individual with (((Freudianism))) a family with (((feminism))) a nation with (((marxism))) and a race with (((Christianity))) #TeamJew
a bagel is just a donut that survived a holocaust
Even Marx (especially Marx) was a jewish 'racist.' As was Freud. They all are. It's their tribal culture. "hate and destroy all competing races; the world is yours" -- the jewish 'religion' whiteskin xtian goyim are the only hominids on earth dumb enough to take jewish claims at face value #TeamWhite
There's no such thing as a jewish leftist, no more than there's a jewish christian. Leftism/christianity, which are variations of the same three-beanie monte, are sucker scams for goyim. Not jews. Think harder, white nigger.
Help destroy the species that saves the others! #AllianceAgainstNature #TeamJew / #TeamAntiWhite
a jew pushing a leftist position is a racial realist. he's using a tactic drawn rationally from reality to advance his position. he is destroying a competing race. the white leftist, by contrast, is participating unwittingly (in most cases) in the destruction of his own kind
)))leftists too stupid to see what they're doing((( (((leftists who know exactly what they're doing)))
maybe we need like a white awards show each year on hitler's bday, maybe by poll or something, with top writer/news or /novel /public advocacy. then also for enemies: top nigger. top jew. top cuck. maybe Shockleys (for good guys) and Jenkems for bad guys
reading isn't same as doing something and doing something isnt same as doing something effective #KeepItEffective #TeamWhite

April 20, 2018:

I'm even seeing Amish (Mennonites?) in Columbia, Missouri, now. The expansion of these people over last 20 years in state of Missouri is remarkable.
" We are cycling through the US and being European are flabbergasted by the number of Pray For Our Troops posters and the apparent link between Religion and the military. We’ve cycled in the Islamic countries and Russia and no where feels as militaristic, righteous and religious as the US. It is quite frightening. "
" In 2018, Americans will pay $3.4 trillion in federal taxes and $1.8 trillion in state and local taxes, for a total bill of $5.2 trillion, or 30 percent of the nation’s income. Americans will collectively spend more on taxes in 2018 than they will on food, clothing, and housing combined. "
" Almost everyone in Cuba is employed by the state, which pays them the equivalent of $30/month. "
" All of this U.S. activity is to conquer a portion of Syria. The goals are to create a U.S.-dominated zone to block Syria’s border with Iraq, to prevent Iranian access and to maintain a constant threat to the Syrian regime. "
" Once Washington experiences a defeat, NATO will dissolve and with this dissolution Washington’s ability to threaten other countries will lose its cover and evaporate. "
" The best chance of preventing the oncoming war is Russian-Chinese-Iranian unity and a defeat for American arms in a regional context not worth the Washington psychopaths launching of nuclear weapons. Until Washington is effectively resisted, Washington’s European vassals, the UN Security Council and the OPCW will stand with Washington.
" During the entirety of the Cold War no US ambassador to the UN spoke aggressively and disrespectfully to the Soviet representative as Nikki Haley speaks to the Russian ambassador. During the Cold War no American president would have tolerated Nikki Haley. The crazed bitch would have instantly been fired. "
" By the end of this year, Netflix will be the single biggest original movie producer in America, far outpacing Disney, Warner Bros., and the rest in terms of sheer quantity.  "
botch babies are honorably left to death or put to death our ancestors knew that only christians can 'love' a nigger or bb and call it civilization

April 19, 2018:

" He said he didn't want to be part of an environment where people were not free to express reasonable opinions. When I asked him if there were others at Google who felt the same way, he said, yes, most of them. Most of them. It may look like all of Google has gone insane, but it's really a minority of loud, obnoxious SJWs ruling things there. "
"Where the city’s leadership failed, the locals at Oswald’s would take up the charge themselves, organizing trash pickups and brainstorming solutions to the myriad problems that had beset them after the storm. " (3/3) [White man 'magician' spontaneously solves post-Katrina social-infrastructure problems, gets choc-booted by Nagin niggerocracy]
" Eventually they grew to large and raucous events that drew important civic leaders. Officials from FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers, even the City Council knew that if it wanted to speak to residents in the French Quarter, it had to face Harry Anderson and the Quarter Rats at Oswald’s. " (2/3)
"  In the weeks right after the storm, there was no electricity, no running water. It was bedlam. Anderson decided to do something about it. He opened up Oswald’s as a gathering spot for people in the community to plan their recovery. The weekly town hall meetings in Oswald’s began as small gatherings around the bar by candlelight, the power still not restored.
white men almost spontaneously, one might say _racially_, create order out of chaos. it's what i like about them.
not really political, just one white man's life, interesting
here's a fun puzzle for all you keep it legal halfwits who is trying to keep it legal here? what does that term even mean in this situation?
"keep it legal" as the enemy files contempt charges against an elected official for requiring voters to prove they're, you know, actual legal citizens it's not me who made a joke of legality, it's (((them))) #KeepItEffective

April 18, 2018:
" • In 1942, the ADL boasts in a secret memo that a “Negro employed by us” proved “quite instrumental” in an FBI raid on the Nation of Islam’s Chicago mosque resulting in 82 arrests. " #ADL
" • In 1913, the father of the ADL, Leo Frank, is found guilty of the rape and murder of a young Christian girl. Frank tried desperately to pin the heinous crime on two Black men, who were nearly lynched for Frank’s crime. "  #ADL
Nation of Islam transmission...

April 17, 2018:

" These facts have been established by the independent Heaphy Report and the police chief has been forced to resign. " --(((Paul Gottfried)))
" However distasteful we may find some of them, Unite the Right demonstrators had acquired a legal permit to protest peacefully against the dismantling of Confederate monuments. They were assaulted by an “antifa” mob, and police, far from protecting the UTR demonstrators’ rights, were instructed by the police chief to let the two groups fight it out. "
serial killer = queerfagg

April 16, 2018:

Where would Israel be without her whiteskin running dogs AKA American conservative christians? You all are truly the scum of the earth. You're lower than niggers, in my estimation, because niggers don't have a choice.
a bircher is someone who opposes communism but is too dumb to figure out that communists are jews
damn there be some serious niggatry the last 24 hours
The Dunker
you can always tell a harvard nigger. but you cant tell him much.
" McArthur (Pictured)  was arrested in January. Police say he trolled bars in Toronto's 'Gay Village' as well as gay dating apps for victims, predominantly targeting Muslim men from South Asia or the Middle East "
Egyptians worshipped crocodile gods; christians worship nigger Gods.
niggers really add value to our society, don't they?
Christianity claims that God invented niggers. They reflect part of him. Which part I ask? Like Jesus, no answer ever comes.
kill all niggers.
" He blamed Jews for implementing the contents of The Protocols of the Elders of Zion by harnessing Hollywood to “target us” and preoccupy the masses with arts, sports and theater via celebrities with Hollywood fixations. "
Notice Guardian won't accept comment on unease about mixed race sprog article. Because how could it? You can't speak freely in the UK.
This is why jews try to turn race into "skin color." Because most women are so brainless they actually don't understand that race permeates the entire being, it's not a coat of paint.
" I know that concentrating on how my daughter looks is shallow. She is a person in her own right, not an accessory to me. But still, I can't shake off the feeling of unease. I didn't realise how much her looking different would matter and, on a rational level, I know it shouldn't. "
"  White women who have non-white children are stigmatised as 'Tracy Towerblocks' living on benefits, most of which they spend on lager and fags.  "
"in 2016 Christina was assaulted by four so-called "unaccompanied minors" (migrants) and knocked unconscious, an act that has impaired her memory. No one was sentenced for that assault, but she now faces financial difficulties and cannot pay her rent. She receives no help from the Swedish state. Christina has reportedly been interrogated six times"
" Yet another woman, Christina, 65, was charged with "inciting hatred against an ethnic group" for writing on Facebook: "If this continues, the intelligence in Sweden will be at goldfish level"  "
jewroot left out but good facts
" “Listen, I’m not a white nationalist, but...” the female student says later, before declaring that “inclusion and diversity programs” at the school “are all just code for white genocide.” To which her co-host adds, “Preach, girl!” "
" The Gracetown area, well-known for its surf breaks, also has a high fatality record when it comes to shark attacks, with five surfers killed in separate occasions in the past decade. "
" Bluetooth is credited with unifying Denmark. The Viking-born king also turned his back on old Norse religion and introduced Christianity to the Nordic country. "
" a trove believed linked to the Danish king who reigned from around 958 to 986. "
the jews don't hate christianity, they think it's stupid. which is undeniably true. they tolerate and use it. it works for them. very well. if whites weren't christian, they might fight jews rather than succumb to them. what jews actually hate and fear is white racialism - Nazism.

April 15, 2018:

mal ton fic banu
i cant believe i have to hard sell people on the concept of people NOT coming back from the dead
i'm a race realist i also believe people come back from the dead #LOLWUTCOWFAG
The #1 enemy of white South Africans isnt niggers, it's their insane belief in the jewish bible for whiteskin idiots.
What do Dylann Roof and Winnie Mandela have in common?  They both killed a bunch of niggers for political reasons.
(((national media))) trying to make a thing out of this since april snow makes it too cold to riot yet
awwww yeah...we tappin dat yungbuck political wisdom ass an shit
" Add to the mix - the couple were robbed twice before and a common robbery technique is to go door-to-door, knocking to see if someone is home. If someone answers, the robber gives a lame excuse - forgetting where your school is is pretty lame. Put it together and she freaked. "
Washington Post reporter "Liz Sly." That's kind of funny in a Waugh way.
Did it ever occur to you that 'Bible' is an awfully short title for an awfully long short story collection?
It's been 2000 years since whites controlled the media in their own lands.
“The American movies have shown since the 1990s that Russian-made weapons are ‘backward.’ However, today we can see who is really lagging behind,” Assad said, according to Sablin.
Almost but not quite funny the way NYT and Washington Post make lying institutional and boring.
It seems strange to me that defense tech from the '70s could shoot down missiles 50 years later. Let alone 70%.
The very concept of eternity in heaven is horrifying. I mean, if you have any actual feel for things.
Christian civilization is what happens when your dog comes back from the vet. Spiritless, fat, all it does is eat and shit. It's like something's missing. Some vital part of it.
Whiteskins went into church as heroic warriors... ...and emerged as lugubrious boobs. #ChristFTL
I'd rather the white race disappear than evolve into a cuckrace of Glenn Becks.
I mean, if there were ONE group you would trust LEAST to verify something it would be the media. Who do nothing but lie lie lie all day long. Since we know (((their))) agenda, we don't even need the truth from them, we just reverse what they say where anything more important than the annual lemon harvest is involved. (Not that they wouldnt lie about that too.)
"As of May 1, be it known: FOR EVERY WHITE FARMER MURDERED  WE WILL KILL 100  RANDOM BLACKS" #Solutions4SouthAfrica
Joe is  white man. Joe is a Christan. Which tells you more? Christianity is a sauce. But the meat is more important than the sauce.
Imagine a particularly nasty hush crime. Committed by niggers just released by jew judge. The local tv/papers are owned by jews. They try to cover it up. Intrepid blond detective gets to the bottom of it. White academic puts the crime in socio-political and cultural-historical context. #Paleumbo
Here's a great project that is worth infinitely more than the next racialist book proving niggers have low IQ. White TV guide. Show a entire week (or even just one 24 hour day) of pro-White show capsules - so that people can see the difference. Remember: people are not stupid half as much as without imagination. They must see to understand. Examples. Then...
Globoshlomo created globohomo.
The fag doesn't wag the ZOG, as globohomo suggests, the ZOG wags the fag.
Why does the public now approve faggotry and see it as normal? Because the jews have macerated them in pro-homo media for decades. Zero other reasons. That's the power of the media as the main organ of the System that is ZOG.
It's always safe to write about non-jews. Even queers. So you can say 'globohomo' without danger. But that's Goad-tier punchpulling. The reality is GloboShlomo.  The NYT itself was writing approving articles about cops fagjacking perverts in parks back in early 1960s. The whole homo ID was created by shlomedia nonexistent w/o it.
Our side has an endless taste for flattery, just like conservatives.  They believe horsheshit like the (((nigger))) cause triumphed cuz morality. Or, a typical lie, Hitler invalidated genetics and racial science. Bullshit. These are all function of jew control over the media (which is synechdoche as the most obvious lab equipment) for Zog-System.
Optics is for gun scopes, not politics. And in fact, for our side, which is invariably lied about by the establishment, gun politics is the only option we have.
Well we'll just huh muh durr copy the civil right an sheeit. Ur alinsky an shit. DO you stupid motherfuckers not undersatnd the ONLY ONLY  ONLY ONLY reason those groups won was jew-media backing? And right-wing WHITES will NEVER have that? Never even have neutrality.
The fantasy of neutral machinery is second only to Jebus on the conservative faith list.
What can be compromised, and what can't? The racial basis of the state can't be compromised. And the acknowledgement of the fact we have a racial competitor/enemy trying to genocide us can't be denied or compromised. As I see it, that's the basis of the cause. The spur of the 'movement' toward an independent white state. The rest can be compromised. Afterward
The white cause is for whites who value their race. Not for saving those who don't. Let them mix and disappear. So long as they have the chance to hear our case, most will "come with us if you want to live." That's why jews censor, after all, and smear us as haters.  But combine racialism with shit economics & christ cult - no. We arent about those.
We need an SS equivalent blood guard. Something NOT driven by money/career but by honor/glory/necessity. Something all look to for leadership because of undeniable quality. As they look to elite military units because they know there is rigor in their standards.
You (or me or anyone) will never get whites to agree on economics-religion-politics. Never. So the white cause can't be about those or it will fissipate into nothing in short order. The white cause is about protecting our kind - by recognizing its value and by killing its enemies. And establishing (& maintaining in perpetuity) a new state on that basis alone
Organized Whites can do anything. Therefore, the enemy must at all costs prevents whites from organizing. Or organize them himself. And this is what history shows. All has been done to make white organizing not just impossible but unthinkable.
'Whitey' - this is a way to steal racial points while continuing to (((deny))) the importance of race, as a good cuck or cuckherd (horowitz) always does.
Whites should worry about effectiveness - and nothing else.
Whites have been trained -- even here -- to think like losers. When the System sticks niggers in your neighborhood - they're using violence against you. When they make you pay for those niggers - they're enslaving you. When they let discolored non-citizens vote - they're clowning you. "Keep it legal" is the wrong response.
Since I'm the only person on earth who can actually think, it falls on me to explain everything. See...atheism concerns only one point. And since it is true, it is a right-wing position. Not a left. But you can't see this because most who use the label (and there is no need for a label for those who dont indulge in God delusion) parrot other leftist garbage.
The white race isn't strong enough to produce many atheists. Most so called are simply college-brainwashed leftists; their atheism isn't product of any actual thought, hence spurious.
"The white race, left to its own devices, will think and act like hitlers. That is why we must wipe it out." --T. Wise
Most jews are atheists. So if you believe that God created the world...why are atheists running it?
Whiteskins dont hate reality. They just see it as one of a number of choices in a buffet. Sometimes they've a taste for it, but it's no better than a half dozen other alternatives. Jews are not like this. They understand that truth and objective reality and causality are real things, and that only by making them the basis of their mental lives can they beat others
oh look a jew pushing for war with OPM and OPB, dont see that everyday
They say, a lot of people believe in nurture, not nature - until they have their second child. And they realize just how fixed and different personalities and people actually are. Wait till these extinctionworthies realize that,  yeah, IQ  really is a thing.
If American Englishmen aren't being treated equally to English Englishmen, they should be. Even if that is what Jefferson meant, that same logic is going to be applied right down the line to every other group that can stand on two legs for eight seconds (democracy actually means 'rodeocracy' in ancient Greek).
"All men were created equal" As a practical matter, this is redundant He could have stopped at "created," because it ends in the same place. That's the absolutely unavoidable psychology of it.
"Hitler isn't just one man - Hitler is the entire race." --The (((Frankfurt School)))
Everyone who doesn't want to bomb people based on lies is Hitler. Anyone asking for evidence is Hitler. Anyone with a head is Hitler. Anyone white and still alive - you're all Hitlers. Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler. Carrot? Nope, my mistake. Another Hitler.
Because you're whiteskin, I know you. You don't read much. You don't think much unless there's a very short connection to your belly or gonads. You are driven by fear first and last.  Because the jews kept the form, the wrappings, the externals, you think the System just needs to be hit on the side a couple times, like a 70s tv, to start working right.  You are wrong.
The (((System))) is designed to oppress, dispossess and ultimately eradicate Whites. That's our justification for using violence against it.  We aren't here to be jew's bitches. That's for you christ culters. We are White men. #TimeToKill
"You'd cut off your nose, if you'd think it would make you hip." Jew Elfman pretty much nailed the white race with that one, even though he was writing about critics.
'Unjustly' handcuffed niggers > tortured-murdered Whites #TimeToKill
Christians aren't sinners, they're not strong enough. They're scrotes.
Christians talking about original sin is akin to niggers talking about being O.G.s
Christianity is mental-spiritual perversion. It is unfixably, irremediably, unalterably antiWhite by its core doctrines.
Spiritual mudsharking is healthy. Spiritual promiscuity is normal. Ask any Christian.
shlomo that's the correct spelling. no c

April 14, 2018:

Look, the Pierce fantasy of building alternative structures and then sidling sick white society over onto them like a patient shifted gurney to bed by interns is not going to happen. We have to kill our oppressors. #TimeToKill
You see in this chemistry false flag the holocaust in miniature. We in the kikenspiel simply proceed wiht our story as though the facts had been established. They never were. We can out-loud )))you((( because we own all the presses. What are you going to do about it, goyfuck? Yeah that's right nothing like the last six million times.
Dwarfs and bumblebees may see the world from different perspectives  BUT ITS THE SAME GODDAM WORLD.
Everything is a matter of perception; there are private truths. Funny how no one walks off a cliff then. When serious reality intrudes, public-school jew-fostered bullshit flies out the window.
There will come a day in the future when lying (((Ass Media))) rags are produced out of armed bunkers...or else simply dissipated to virtual networks, as racial loyalist right is now.
As Guns n' Roses sang "Low info magapede boomers... Get outta muh way..."
See, if WE are the only ones in town with LOLLIPOPS  then everyone who wants lollipops has to come to US DIG IT you want the lollipop of SEXUAL NORMALCY? good luck applying at the diocese. all they have is pedophiles and excuses #TeamWhite
The problem with (((whiteeaters))) is not that they eat whites, it's that they haven't been introduced to the majestic glory that is (((Jesus Christ))).
" Thomas DiLorenzo I watched the press conference with “Mad Dog” Mattis at the Pentagon last night after the missile attacks on Syria.  He was not his usual cocky, swaggering, big-talking self, but seemed more like a frightened little poodle.  He read a statement off of a piece of paper, probably written by John Bolton and Paul Wolfowitz & ed. by Douglas Feith. "
This is what "we" get when we focus on optics and appearances.  We can't rely on anyone's word.  And we think this is so clever and sophisticated.
Remember - these conservatives are professional politicians. Don't get stuck on their being cucks and intellectual clowns. If you think you're going to take on a professional carpenter with your little shop-class magazine rack, you need to think harder. The electoral system is not for clowns. But it's not the game we need to be playing. As I've been saying.
What some dont get is that YOU are not going to use the Ricky Vaughns of the world, THEY are going to use YOU.  And they are much better positioned (brains, position, experience, history, networks) to win that battle.
"now he’s not sure that center-right audience exists any more." Bash away until it's destroyed, leaving only TEAM WHITE and TEAM JEW. That's how to do it.
'conspiracy theory' is character assassination applied to explanations it's an explanation ad hominem
jews use guilt by association destroy The Bad Thing kill all those next to it Overton window attempts to flip this to innocence by association
Israel has as much to do with the USA as the bible has to do with the white race
i remember the good old days, when actual chemicals were required for your false-flag chemical weapons attack
now leftist media as fact chuckers...yeah..i'm muh seeing that
leftist media as "fact checkers" makes as much sense as hiring a nigger to guard your watermelon patch
we have the most expensive military in the world. i assume it's the best too.
" Russian experts and Russian officers at last seem to be working some sort of magic with their allies, and if they can achieve a kill ratio of about 70% with Arabs operating relatively-ancient weaponry, just imagine what it’s going to look like when ZOG at last decides to hurl itself at the Slavic juggernaut. "
but i dont see how a globalist love cult could possibly conflict with racial protection politics?
" Justin Raimondo‏ @JustinRaimondo 12h12 hours agoMore Thank you @TuckerCarlson & @IngrahamAngle for taking on the War Party: the only two voices in the "mainstream" media who dared question the attack on Syria. Prediction: the Usual Suspects will launch a smear campaign to get Carlson off the air. "
" Peter Anderson‏ @petemanderson1 18h18 hours agoMore Replying to @AnnCoulter @JustinRaimondo No matter who you vote for you always get John McCain. "
We need a White Liberation Army. It should be led by a white man with military experience, the qualification being "can do it." I will speak for it publicly, and fight as a troop.  Online loyalists should be putting together lists of top 500 cucks and kikes. Smaller state or regional lists that can be compiled by anonymous people into a master that all can see.
" But even if nothing were discovered in the private or public life of the victim, they continued to hurl abuse at him in the belief that some of their charges would stick, even though refuted a thousand times. In most cases, it finally became impossible for the victim to continue his defense because the...slanders were repeated interminably. " 2/2
" They would poke their noses into the most intimate family affairs, and not rest until they had sniffed out some petty issue that could be used to destroy the victim's reputation. " (1/2)
We need a Symbionese Liberation Army. Except, like, you know, for White people.
" Just like their Israeli masters and mentors, the Americans have convinced themselves that all they need to be successful on the international scene is to either threaten the use of force or actually use force. "
"  All the DoS does is issue threats, sanctions, ultimatums, make demands, deliver score-cards (on human rights and the like, of all things!) and explain to the public why the US is almost constantly at war with somebody. That is not “diplomacy” and the likes of Nikki Haley are not diplomats. "
killing random blacks is a great idea, a real service to society #HeroDylannRoof remember crissies, your cult claims each of these niggers was hand-blown by God and has intrinsic and inestimable worth to Him!
[have not tried this myself but even so] To delete all of your data from not only Google but also a variety of other online services, you can: Go to and sign in with a Gmail address Look down the list of synced accounts and decide which you want to delete and which you want to keep Click the button
If there isn't something inherently anti-racial about christianity, if it's not a competitor, then you would expect a white-racial movement to be full of christians. But it's not. Because the racial weltanschauung and the xtian are opposed.
Just as Internet anonys think they can insult with no consequences, so American conservatives think bombing other nations based on lies is entertainment without consequences. One day they will be proved wrong. And on that day they will cry like Ricky Vaugn fans.
as an amateur scientist, i found that with each blackberry i consumed, the urge to swim uninvited in a neighbor's pool increased. i was turning into a black bear!
“ In America, the idea that our lives can be improved by consumption is an integral cultural belief,” said Kate Wagner, who writes McMansion Hell, a blog that lambastes bad home design. " i improved my life by consuming blackberries so i agree #100PercentAmerican
" We were basically conned into that war by a group called Neo-Cons, so called neo-conservatives, who George Will once described as being “magnificently misnamed” because they were really the “most radical people in this City,” meaning Washington. " aka trotskyite radical communists, aka jews

April 13, 2018:
George Washington is looking down at you Trump saying I am disappoint
The goal of the public school system is to make the population dumb enough to believe the lies the jews put out in the mass media.
Shu'aib Janus2017ce 57m Everyone knows it was srael that ordered the strike! ReplyShare 149 Likes Dan ReadInfluencer Shu'aib 53m No one orders the US around ReplyShare 19 Likes Commander B. Dan Read 52mEdited Except the rootless cosmopolitan clique of hooknoses who own all of America's politicians. ReplyShare 113 Likes
While Trump said that the purpose of the US actions is to "establish a strong deterrent against the production, spread, and use of chemical weapons,” Antonov reminded that "the US – the possessor of the biggest arsenal of chemical weapons – has no moral right to blame other countries." like jews proper, USA now says things manifestly absurd and cant see it
"A pre-designed scenario is being implemented. Again, we are being threatened. We warned that such actions will not be left without consequences," Anatoly Antonov said in a statement on Friday night. "All responsibility for them rests with Washington, London and Paris."
Jews must be converted to Christ. Jews must be exterminated. Which of these is serious, and which belongs to Clown World? #TeamWhite
notice how many of these topkikes are mixing with slant-eyes?
you say X Y Z "christ" what the white dog hears: blah blah blah CUCK
White Nationalists: - the only people who've been against these wars from day one - the only people who've told you exactly who was behind them  WE ARE THE GOOD GUYS. WE ARE THE HONEST GUYS.  WE ARE THE ONES YOU SHOULD LISTEN TO. #TeamWhite
the nice thing about nuclear wars is you dont really have to be directly involved to enjoy them non-vicariously
"the fool you flatter is the fool you become" the USA has been so jewy for so long it's now getting the same reception as the jew - loathed everywhere and eventually it's going to get the same treatment so nice to live in the age of nuclear weapons, eh wot?
really makes you think you can take german political cartoons from 100 years ago not translate them and little babies get the point JEWS ARE SOCIAL POISON
Same day Turmp opens a fresh war for jews he pardons a dirty jew criminal. That is some topcucking.
Protocols - dont get misled by red herrings about its authenticity - it's like a thing in astronomy where mathematics shows something must be there...and then it's verified thru the scope. Most whites dont believe in rationality. So they dont believe in plans, let alone long-term coordination. Those who do can see the patterns, and posit a Protocols.
Trump you weak fucking faggot
E. S. T. doesn't apply to the (((bible))) because you don't want it to. And your feelings are the measure of all things.
White Words worse than Black Behavior file...
Jews have been abeing for the niggers NOT since day one but since #LeoFrank in 1913. When they tried to frame two  niggers for the molestation-murder they KNEW was committed by their mackie. BEFORE that time, jews were well integrated in Old South, owned plantations, dominated slave trade, dominated slave economy - as small minority.
The theme of Krasinski (no shlomo)'s new horror movie is (white family) can't speak loud or the big bad dark monsters will get them. Yeah, not too hard to work a PC meaning out of that.
So Paramount's head, Jim Gianopulos, is, as you might guess, a (second-generation) Greek-American. First link I find is this:
This is mildly interesting.  "Since Jim Gianopulos took over Paramount one year ago, he’s slowly begun to remake the studio. A Quiet Place was one of his first green lights." I posted link to review attacking this white-family-centric horror movie for political reasons. Not sure of Gianopulos' background. The movie has done well.
Racist Party  ...for a White Future ...featuring the  White Liberation Army ...and for her Cuntbys, womens auxiliary unit filling wombs, lemonade glasses and ovens
Is thinking common? Or is imitation common? That's the problem with traditionalism.
You're of age. Why not rip your mental hymen and enjoy some adult thinking? Mind-hymen ripper: (drumroll). .  . Consider jews as . . .the Bad Guys. Everyone says they're the good guys. But what if they're the bad guys? Go on. USE your brain, person. That's what it's for.
The goal and role of the cuck is forever to lose to the jew (his guide and employer) and forever win over the real right - the race-based right, best called the White Nationalist or blood right.
Jews encourage cucks to shit on Whites the way they shit on cucks, even as they pay them. The lesson in that is to attack cucks and jews alike. Cucks are just the barking leash-dogs for their jew masters. They all go in the oven in the end.
the real reason i dont participate in elections is i dont think all y'alls votes should be equal to mine. i dont mean individually i mean together.  basically, not letting me decide the major things is a recipe for disaster. i think that's pretty clear.
i like aldi. low prices, yes. but really the order of it satisfies me internally. that's how shit is SUPPOSED to be done but seldom is
blackberries are the only good blacks
where did Kincannon run off to? never seen anyone run around his own maypole like that, it is funny
When you show loyalty or fear to a cuck, it just inspires contempt. Cucks are for beating. Look how jews treat xtian conservatives. That's how winners do it. That's how Whites should do it. Could it be any clearer that fraternizing with them and treating them as equals does not work. Curs are for kicking.
political wisdom and self control come together in people about as often gold in a stream bed that's why democracy is such a good idea

April 12, 2018:

The British were the bad guys in WWII, and until they admit that, they'll continue to spiral.
"While Pound’s influence is less visible on the American alt-right scene, it isn’t difficult to trace the lines of intellectual genealogy, via the likes of Eustace Mullins & John Kasper, to the present-day demagogues who headlined the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, such as Richard Spencer, Christopher Cantwell, and Augustus Sol Invictus.
" We hardly need reminding, in these days of resurgent white nationalism, that many of the noxious ideas Pound advocated are far from extinct. "
" Pound is not the only major 20th-century literary figure who supported fascism or held racist views; but he is the only one who engaged with the extreme right of the postwar era, and today his particular blend of economic populism, conspiracy thinking, and overt racism, far from seeming eccentric and anachronistic, is disturbingly contemporary. "
"...Pound himself was publishing pseudonymous journalism on similar themes. “It is perfectly well known that the fuss about ‘de-segregation’ in the United States has been started by Jews,” he wrote in August 1956. "
Kasper:  Now damn all race-mixers The stink: Roose, Harry and Ike God bless Jeff Jax and John Adams Also Abe Loathe carpet-bag Despise scalawag Hate mongrelizer
" Another protégé was John Kasper, the owner of a bookstore in Greenwich Village specializing in racist and anti-Semitic literature. (He’d named it Make It New, after one of Pound’s most famous critical pronouncements.) Later, Kasper became a leading figure in the right-wing reaction to the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education decision. "
“recounts the dastardly founding of the Fed in a plot against the spirit of Jefferson and the principles of American democracy…backed by the Rothschilds.”  I met Mullins; he was an old-school courtly Southern gentleman, best I could make out.
" One of the most devoted of the Ezrologists was a young man named Eustace Mullins, an anti-Semite and conspiracy theorist who later became a prominent Holocaust denier. At Pound’s instigation, Mullins began work on a book called A Study of the Federal Reserve, which, according to Swift,
" “You let in the Jew and the Jew rotted your empire, and you yourselves out-Jewed the Jew,” he admonished the British on March 15, 1942. "
"We are all but soggen potatoes, growing desperate eyes, unseeing darkly, locked in cabinet under kitchen sink." --Aristotle
" If you believe in improvement you must weep, for the attained perfection must end in cold, darkness, and silence. In a dispassionate view the ardour for reform, improvement, for virtue, for knowledge and even for beauty is only a vain sticking up for appearances, as though one were anxious about the cut of one’s clothes in a community of blind men. "
It's also a form of simplifying/streamlining/dumbing down to present things from the POVs of lower-IQ races. The monkey has become the measure of all things.
" To Garnett, the work revealed “the deterioration of the white man’s morale, when he is let loose from European restraint, and planted down in the tropics. ”
" Even the critic and editor Edward Garnett, a far more sophisticated reader and a man whose critical intelligence Conrad admired, read Heart of Darkness as a story of what happens when a European “goes native,” when Western values become contaminated by local non-Western conditions—which is to say, he read it as Conrad wrote it. "
" It is perhaps unsurprising, then, that when Africans do appear in Heart of Darkness they are described by the story’s narrator, Marlow, as “black shadows of disease and starvation”; as “raw matter”; as “dusty niggers with splay feet.”
" Africans? Insofar as he noticed them at all, they were either dead (“horrid smell”), injured (“gave him a little glycerine to put on the wound”) or repellent (“three women, one of whom albino passed our camp … Features very Negroid and ugly”). "
" Conrad had grown up hearing his father refer to local peasants as “monkeys.” Throughout his life, he maintained what Jasanoff describes as “an enduring distaste for organized labor and radical politics,” and he regarded popular political movements as nothing but manifestations of the herd. "
" He had not managed to shape his son into the nationalist that he wished him to be, but he did imbue in Konrad a deep disdain for money and for bourgeois values, and also a despair at how commerce and machinery were corroding the habits and morals of landed communities. "
" In conversation with George Washington, Webster once described the union between the states as so tenuous as to be a “cobweb.” In his view, regional dialects, along with the popularity of languages such as French and German, further divided an already fragmented country. He feared that the influence of dialects..would “corrupt the national language.”
" “When the [Southern Poverty Law Center] or the [Anti-Defamation League] says I’m a white supremacist, well if a pro-Jewish person isn’t a Jewish supremacist then a pro-white candidate isn’t a white supremacist. I don’t want to hear it. ” #Nehlen
Germany will not strike Syria. Germany all about using Syria to strike itself. Do you realize the bad guys won WWII? And our people helped them? Did it for them? We whiteskins are so creative and smart. We have a right to exist. Nature loves stupidity and cowardice.
do jews hate muslims? or do they use them? is it different with your cult?
"Jews hate Christianity!" exclaimeth the fool. I'm going to ask you who say this, and you are many, to think. I know that's unpleasant, even painful. But there's a good reason. Answer these two questions after THINKING. If jews "hate" xtianity what verb would you use for their feelings about Nazis? If jews "hate" xtianity... why is xtian radio ubiquitous?
" A recent op-ed by professor and author Stacey Patton in the Washington Post calls out the “white saviorism” that may have blinded neighbors and friends who suspected something was wrong but delayed reaching out to authorities. "  Gee, what stupid jew-promoted cult fetishes salvation and concocts a need for it?
When clambos & sambos go flying off a cliff, we all win
Cultivating hatred of whites is (((big business & good politics))). We need to go back to our pagan roots and just focus on killing our enemies, who would be jews. Jews set it up so that niggers can make a good living writing crap like this.
Christianity teaches that every botch baby and field cricket has an individual soul of intrinsic value and importance to God. That's what separates Chrust Cult from Wicker Man Europeans. If you can't see how that could go wrong, open your window and take a gander.
Gab is great. Like Allah and potato chips.
" ...this to be a clear attack on our community and have had sources tell us that it is being coordinated by opposition in order to destroy the site and agitate our community. " --Torba So Torba seems to be saying someone(s) are creating Gab-specific bots, or bots designed specifically to attack and devalue Gab.
" Twitter's entire network is 40% bots or more.  Facebook has hundreds of millions of bots.  Reddit has massive bot voting rings.  Snapchat is loaded with bots.  " --Torba
The only thing keeping people from seeing that jews are erect rats is a tall tale about God's son coming from their tribe. #TeamWhite
Race-valuing whites essentially must form a new race, separate from god's children. I want to see how whites do as a body that values itself. Personally, I believe I and my kin/kind fourish best in all-white environment, thus I seek it. I see the christ club as choosing ignorance, choosing cowardice, choosing racelessness - all from jewish (((bible))).
Think clearly. Are the whites in white nationalism or alt-right, as you might wish to call it, significantly worse in character than normies? Are they less capable of organizing? If you agree they're not, then the failure of WN must be attributed to something else, given the incentive whiteskins have in our direction:  That would be: enemy activity.
Christianity cannot defeat the jew; it does not even acknowledge the jew as the enemy, because it misdefines him. This problem cannot be corrected. Worse, Christianity works against the racial consciousness and cohesion that alone can lead a people to understand and defeat the jew.  The bottom line is that Christianity protects jews and endangers Whites.
Don't sweep the jews out, 110, bury them under. VERTICAL EXPULSION NOW
We're already to the point where false flags are correctly predicted beforehand, yet (((they))) and their cuckservants press on. It's obvious that jew hatred, paranoia and aggressiveness are biological. The only solution to the problems jews cause us is to exterminate them. Sicut Judaeis Non (catholic policy toward jews) and 109 expels have failed.
It's obvious the judeo-USG respects nothing but force. That's one reason it is  #TimeToKill
" These Neoconservative power-mongers are asking you to accept universal serfdom at their hands or World War III with Russia.  You can live as slaves in a pan-global oligarchy of overlapping corporate and bureaucratic interests or you can be nuked. "
" It remains to be seen whether the conflict set in motion by Israel and its demented puppet in Washington can be avoided. As Washington is lost in its arrogance, only decisive and firm Russian slaps across Washington’s idiot face can save life on earth. " --PCR
" In my opinion, with Israel’s servant, John Bolton, as Trump’s trusted national security adviser, war with Russia is inevitable. " --PCR
" It will be about 10 days before the US ships..reach the point where they can be easily disposed of. This gives the US Joint Chiefs of Staff 10 days to overrule Trump’s insane war cabinet and put the US military’s halt to Armageddon."

April 11, 2018:

" That [Jesuit] religion _deprives one of the courage to think of unfamiliar things_, and especially forbids _personal examination_, as the most enormous of sins; it is a step toward Protestantism. "--Stendhal, The Charterhouse of Parma (1830)
" With Ryan’s retirement, most political analysts have flipped the take on Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District from being a safe GOP seat to “leans Democratic” or “toss-up,” which makes it unclear just what the Wisconsin GOP might decide to do with the race. "
not believing one lie means you must believe a different one why is this widely accepted? it isn't true
Christians cant pull their nose out of jew-ass long enough to worry about what might happen to Syrian Christians. Truly, there is nothing in recorded history like the slavish loving servility of the American whiteskin cowardly christian conservative for Israel. There's not one real man in our entire political class. Maybe a 3/4 in Ron Paul.
subsidiarity is the principle behind the /
it's old home week for the PNC kikes, see Kwiatkowski we need a party that will represent whites and fight jews it should be primarily military, then cultural, then electoral

April 10, 2018:

April 09, 2018:

TRS transcript: " Guy 1: Guys got to get back on Twitter. Like, fuck Gab. Like, Gab is an echo chamber for retards. Guy 2: Gab is a Polish firing squad. It is a fucking ghetto. In which the crabs kill one another. Get the fuck out of there. Guy 1: Yeah, get out of Gab, it's an echo chamber for retards. "
i thought the whole point of the racial cause was to get AWAY from republican slicksters like young master RV
cops are blue niggers

April 08, 2018:

if you're a white racial loyalist and you're not criticizing christ cult what's wrong with you? #TeamWhite
american whiteskin christians are the only people in the world dumb enough to believe these Israeli false flags

April 07, 2018:
The public has to get acclimated to people critcizing the jew in public. And advocating OPENLY and PROUDLY for whites in public. If we can't do that, then we need to start killing people. And we can't. And we do. And that's where we are. We have to evolve beyond our opponents, and that means killing them. That's the next step. It's unavoidable - they made it so.
Here you #Votefags have the logical next step beyond Trump, a man who is saying the right things and acting the right way - and you throw him over for some pink-shirt-wearing anonymous faggot and defamer - who doesn't even believe white identity exists or is valuable. Sheer. Fucking. Insanity. And I'm the one who doesn't even believe in elections saying this.
No one is trying to genocide xtianity. If that even meant something. (It doesnt.) (((someone))) IS trying to genocide whites. Stop spreading YOUR confusion, your low-IQ, uninformed, ignorant conflation into plain, simple racial politics.
It sounds simple to say everyone but me is wrong. but that's pretty much what i'm saying. You can't mix xtianity with this cause. It's a competing view. Ethnicity and race aren't at odds, they're nesting shells. Jewish christianity, which is exactly what it is, is unavoidably at odds with racialism. If you can't face that, youre not tall enough for the ride.
The people who actually run things, whoever they are  dont care about your stupid elections. They took the decision to turn ALL white nations into dindu fondue. They only care if we're able to kill them. #TimeToKill
We need a culture of honor and bravery Christianity is jew-slavery. That's why it's allowed on the radio.
You can't get honor out of a cuck religion. Love or honor. Not both. There's a reason every single "conservative christian" is a cuck.
what did Hitler say - he said people are won over by orators not writers. you got someone in Nehlen who will make our case in public, unfraid ricky vaughn is someone who circulates links under a fake name
Fear of doxing is what keeps the anonymous cowards in line. It's a valuable tool. That threat always needs to be there and in play.
Making a lot of money covers up for character defects? How is that different, that 'values,' from the jew system you want to replace?
It's people who will lead in the real world -- be pro-white and name jew as our enemy -- who are most valuable. Vaughn is a serial defamer and link spreader. He's good at Republican operative-tier shit, but that's no big deal.  Chat Paul Nehlen > Virgin Lyin' Ricky
Doxing over mere disagreement is certainly wrong. But character defamation can go too far, and in that case, doxing is fair.  That's my view. It's the correct view.  Stand behind your words - ESPECIALLY if you're anonymous. Or -- and this is super difficult & technically complex -- dont make baseless accusations against other people, particular 'real' ones.

April 06, 2018:

john zmirak (sp?) a professional jew-sucking catholic apologist, now outside the main political stream, also used wignat. as i recall.
wignat - first remember this from jonah goldberg notice connotations: wingnut, wig (fake), gnat (tiny insignificant), wigger (whines, refuses to take responsibility for own failings)
i can take it all up to the furries shit...that's when i bang my head against the wall cuz it feels so good when i start
There is so much confusion out there it's getting stoopid.
As a pure matter of objective fact Jews hate whites. Whites do not hate jews. They should. They sure as hell should. But they don't. That's just a plain fact.
when they call us haters - it's purely a projection of their own attitudes and feelings most whites don't even pay attention to jews - with every reason and provocation to. most jew supporters dont even pay attention to jews - a jew is just something constructed for them by a preacher or media type
i have just one wish peace for the world? oh no it's that alleged people STOP bragging about how deviated they are from the standard
“As long as homosexuals uphold healthy norms and have something positive to contribute, they can and do make our movement stronger.” --Greggy "I, for one, support the traditional family. Especially dad. Who can obtain my support in person at the rest stop off route 41 after 9pm."
i dont like Forney, but i dont know anything against him other than some stupid statements. pretty serious charages, p.45. maybe i'm late to the big show but damn lot of fagtegery going on. couple slices short o' full podesta
making snowhitlers is probably a good way to spread the message yes
Unfortunately the style that best conduces to ripping things open is not also the best style for constructing things.
Democracy is like a neverending child's birthday party featuring a shitty magician.
" That was when groups like NPI, American Renaissance and Counter-Currents Publishing [put] out the welcome mat. Since around 2010, some (though by no means all) groups in the leadership of the ‘white nationalist movement’ have been inviting openly gay men to speak at their conferences, write for their magazines, and be interviewed in their journals. "
The closet makes the fag.  You get a better fag when it's afraid to flaunt and flit.
" It is also simply impossible to import homosexuals into any group without them bringing with them their scratch-your-eyes-out, handbags at dawn hostility to people with whom they fall out. " -Nick Griffin on queeros
So Mr Effective-Respectable is outed and destroyed? He's now fodder for chuckling cucks? But if he's respectable, how come he's not respected?
remember: if the jews are real, the news is fake This is Lance Goymore for #TheMoreYouKnow
Mr Helper: spelling correctly helps people think you're less of a moron tenterhooks for all intents and purposes publicly Sieg Heil (the german spelling is not like english: the second one does the talking in these ie ei combos) Siege and finally n-i-g-g-e-r is the correct spelling of African-American
Glootarchy = rule by homos
Won't you join me in my snow leopard and jews eradication campaign?
" Returning to Richard Spencer, he is very well aware of his crucial role in the ‘gaying’ of the AltRight. When he participated in an online “Ask Me Anything” session on Reddit. One user noted that Spencer has a “large following in the gay community” and asked him how he felt about that. Spencer responded succinctly: “The gays love me.” "--Nick Griffin
" I’m coming to the conclusion that the only way to defeat the evils of liberalism, feminism, social justice, and progressivism is to have huge families and create tribes that are free-thinking, self-reliant, and, most importantly, armed.  " --Roosh
" I can’t help but notice that attacks against me have increased in intensity as I move away from teaching sterile sex and anti-family ideas to promoting more traditional values that are far likelier to result in reproduction. " --Roosh
untrustworthy Nick Griffin with nevertheless useful info about faggotry filtered thru the alt-right
" Aubrey Chernick and his wife are among the biggest funders of the global neo-con and ultra-Zionist network. As well as Breitbart, they plough millions of dollars every year into organisations such as the Horowitz Freedom Centre, the Henry Jackson Society (explored in more detail below), Pajamas Media, Frank Gaffney’s Center for Security Policy.... "

April 05, 2018:

i'm suspicious of anything that has to be perfumed and accompanied to be sold. suggests its own merits aren't enough.  explain christianity in straightforward language. lay out its claims and propositions.  there is a reason it isn't done this way.
As Sun Set Tzu-Hu who was little more than twenty-two said: when you can talk about public...with the aplomb of a housecat...taking a shit...then, my son, you have achieved...mastery of politics... Dig it. That's EASTERN wisdom, my weak-skinned nigger
i'd rather be invented by a nigger scientist in a dirty test tube  than by some amorphous personalityless 'God' i mean come on much cooler backstory
the jew attitude toward whites is the attitude of criminals toward straights - that we're suckers and squares our attitude towards jews should be the indifferent to disgusted executionism of the orkin man to the termite vermin come on two feet, not just six
(comic book store guy voice) are you watching me thru a windshield? am i hovering over the conjunction of two independent streets? then i am not signalling. I am a human. i say things.
you know how the grinch had a realization that christmas wasn't something you buy in a store. christmas was a little bit more mutatis mutandis, yall need the same realization about politics. maybe there's more to it than just an election stall i DONT mean culture by that either what's left...yeah...the artist formerly known as Unthinkable
Rules are the starting point. They're Torba's call. But you make that house a home by your considered conduct. Plenty of things are legal to do that are really shitty and destructive. The Aryan worthy of the name (noble) doesn't do them.
Corr, mate. Whipped him in a boxing match, fair dinkum. Won the rights to hes south aperture.
if i call someone a kangaroo fucker, that's just good fun
i have a code, call it Lint Eastwood i will tolerate any insult. i'll stand outside myself and give a deNiro-y "lil bit lil bit" nod-appreciation if the insult is crafted but some stuff is not tolerable. and that's where the line is drawn. basically calling someone a pedo or fed is not acceptable (without proof). so i dont do it. & i dont tolerate it.
Listen you [retarded niggers] when the jews say: we censor because the goyim dont have access to info the same way we do... ...what do you think that means?
spahnranch1969 Ricky Vageen and his harem of fanboi eunuchs were making total assholes of themselves in recent months, so they shouldn’t be acting like victims of some cruel injustice. They wanted to “bullycide” everyone off the internet whom they disagreed with – including me. The pro- White movement doesn’t need such toxic and divisive people...
Jesus Christ even THIEVES have "thickness" which is behavioral standards.
If Jesus comes back what name do you think he'll post at Gab under? RealJesusII?
" Coolest Monkey APRIL 4, 2018 AT 1:23 AM The homosexual runs to the defense of the subversive Civ-Nat agitator. Imagine my shock. "
I don't get why someone who dresses so well and speaks so respectably is afraid of making his good name public? This Anglo-protestant two-facedness - where has it led us? Under the jew-thumb. Let's try some Germanic baldness, directness - simplicity.
Voting Republican is like praying to God. Utterly useless.
The Internet is simply a terrarium of faggots. Little faggots all flimping around  like skinks, stopping only to suck a water droplet off a leaf.
X has "dishonored" himself by attaching Y's defamatory statements to Y's real name. The NYT jewsroom stands to applaud the quality of your gaslighting.
Guys -  pink dress shirts The dress shirt screams Respectable. The pink says "we hear you" to people of teat. Get on the bandwagon, folks We're going to WINNINGTOWN.
wheat babies wheat germs borlaug's superchaff
we need to turn 'borlaugs' bonus babies into a thing, kidzers now, you may or not recall borlaug was the white guy who invented a superstrain of wheat that could be allow niggers to survive long enough to reproduce so when these cotton picking wakanda ninnies come at us mentallectually, we need to hit them with the borlaughter anyway, think on't
Christianity is mindfat. Where I live most have levels at like 25-30%. SUPER unhealthy.
You ever seen some jackass or jester wearing one of those suits that is half one thing and half another? That's exactly what Christianity + white racialism amounts to.  Pick a worldview and go with it. You can be Fat Oprah or Thin Oprah NOT BOTH
I always liked to write as though I were 82. But that's not the same as young-fogeying which is the lip-curling worst of all poses, despite what Oscar Wilde said.
The alt-right believes we win by voting not violence. We just need to organize and get out there. Someone might counter that we can't give a speech at a community college without being literally physically attacked. But it turns out we're being attacked not because of what we stand for but because we dress poorly. It's all very confusing, you know.
So the alt-right basically believes it got Trump elected.  It also believes it got the caravan stopped. It doesn't matter that Trump has denounced white nationalists/Nazis by name, while sucking up to every other group. And has signed a paper to that effect after Charlottesville. I'm sure Jesus Superfan Griffin could supply another 20 points.
Doxing is against the rule here at Gab. Not standing behind your words is bad.
by Gab's rules it's ok to be anonymous and slander others but it's not ok to tie the slanders to a real name
did Nehlen post alt-lildicky's info on here or somewhere off Gab?
it was a game for tricky ricky. not a game for nehlen. now it's not a game for either. you people really are lost in cartoons who are upset about this
Look on the bright side, guppies: maybe tricky ricky can use his "White identity doesn't exist" to cadge a job in the mainstream.
Remember, kids: Our Savior Ricky Vaughn died for your online sins. Go and slander honest men's reputations no more. #Altfright
They're called the stupid party because you keep voting for them.
look at all this anger on the tiny right for being held responsible for your own shitty behavior. you're white? then why do you act like niggers? #AltNigger
hey guy love your nurses uniform. what politics are you selling. cuz i'm buying!
Sorry, crosskin, my sins belong to ME. ya CCAAAAAANT have em. Ya jewfag.
"Good or bad optics spring from good or bad judgment, which spring from good or bad character. Ergo, debates about optics ultimately are debates about ethics." --Greg Johnson "How does a guy look at another guy's hairy ass...and find love?" --Sam Kinison
Christianity turned whites into lugubrious losers. That's why even white kids prefer nigger music. Because niggers don't sound beaten down, white christians always do.
"Male and female and tranny, created He them."
What kind of a clown discipline is it that has to exclaim "but this changes everything we know" ...every two years? At some point, an adult might say, hold on you sad raft of bone-brushing bozos, maybe we ought to downsize our Giant Comprehensive Claims into modest BUT DEFENSIBLE claimlets.
"Evolution" said the "science" ist's a rock and a pot of swamp er liquoor i'd like 3 (three) miniature sloths, a plover and a hyacinth GO!
today's christian car radio: you must submit submit submit to civil authorities - unless they tell you to murder etc. or unless they're jews telling you to murder their enemies. that's perfectly fine 2000 years, christianity remains as it began, an alcoholics anonymous for losers
Christianity is actually more dangerous to whites because it's not openly anti-white. You have to think it through to see the basic problem.  The White cause is for whites who want a society based on racial exclusivity for white people. You don't get there via civic spiritualism aka christ club.
The debate between north and south is interesting but irrelevant.  Americans in every lattitude were christians. Christianity is the ideology they shared, if they interpreted it differently. The fact christianity can be interpreted many plausible ways is what makes it actually, functionaly and yes irremediably anti-White.
The problem isn't all men are created equal,  it's all men are created. That's where your universalist-egalitarian bilge begins.

April 04, 2018:
MGTOW is a front -- one front -- in a racial war. Not sure any of the MGTOW youtube-known-entities see this. At least one violently resists the notion, raising question of motives. Perhaps myopia or discretion with the rest. MGTOW is one response to given circumstances. Alt-right concerns the politics that gave rise to those circumstances.
"Nehlen's not on our side because he's tying jews to immigration" the guy who says this is the one who's not on our side
Violence is the way to regain liberty where the government and media have made legal change impossible.
so what could three men who trusted each other and had good weapons ability do inside a large company? probably kill close to 100
so basically TRS and DS are going to copy the NA model of building local units they will say their way is different, but it's really not just pointing out there is nothing new under the sun and alt-right should quit pretending otherwise
the media will cover for any violence initiated against white demonstrators. they'll photograph all involved. dox them over the months. niggers will attack, those who defend themselves get charged. even if they get off eventually, loads of time and money wasted. so what's the point of rallies? breaking taboos? you want to break taboos, kill the imposers
put jews in play that's the way
Christianity puts white men on a par with niggers, mexcrement, gooks. Just like democracy and equality. Christianity is soul-equality. It is the source of liberalism. It is liberalism.
" Holy Mother Church, impelled by her ardent love of souls has striven to fulfill the duties inherent in her mandate of salvation for all mankind, a mandate entrusted to her by Christ. She has been especially careful to provide all possible spiritual care for pilgrims, aliens, exiles and migrants of every kind.  " That's the papists...from the 1950s.
So, "keep it legal" clowns, how do you think the employees in the censorship division at youtube AND ALL OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA COMPANIES are feeling this morning? You think their censor thumbs are extra limber or for some strange reason just a tad stiff? What do you think?
keep it effective <--------------- right way to look at it. let people make their decision what fits that commandment #Fingerism
"keep it legal!" (leaves country to avoid legal system)
all these people say they don't like violence, unthinkable, "keep it legal" they sure like this woman shooting up youtube, don't they? violence is commitment everyone respects it

April 03, 2018:

stop riding carts nigger
Richy Vaughn should have been dismissed the minute he said white identity doesn't exist. No one on any kind of "our" side would say that.
Bowl Cut Nationalism Because one nigger is two too many
God is love.
The moment an 'unarmed' Palestinian teen was shot in the back by an Israeli sniper in Gaza as death toll from mass border protest hits 19
My account was hacked. #ThingsFagsSay
lol great stuff
they're keepin it real. are you?
love your race
while the young woman strangled on carbon dioxide upside down in a car young master Teddy, of hale Irish genes and 2000 years of Catholic moral culture all compact, sat on the bed and pondered his political future
now if we had a free media, it would write about jews funding politicians the way it writes about NRA. and of course we know that jew funding is a high multiple of NRA. so if NRA "own" Congress then what can we even say for jews?
i always thought this was a nice analogy or metaphor for jew-scared writing: syncopation: in music, the placing of emphasis where it doesn't naturally fall
Ted Kennedy: full of Catholic honor and Irish integrity. Or booze and lies. It's really hard to say.
99% of all political writing is queered because writer is jew, paid by them or afraid of them. in the 1% might be something good
NEXT on Sick Sad World Chef Boy-R-Dee's cat is in a family way after visit from prominent alt-right figure
Voting/rallies/violence have the same downside. But only one of them has an upside. Hmm...
Someone as mild as Richard Spencer can't give a political speech outdoors, or on a college campus. Who cares what the law says - that's the reality. The media encourage violence against anyone they call a Nazi. Anyone who's opposed to the jew agenda of genocide for the white race is guess what - a Nazi.
What did the actors learn from Charlottesville? niggers learned you can attack whites and get paid yo Whites learned cops lie. Politicians set up. Defending yourself can lead to jail and legal bills.  Media learned they can reverse polarity and get away with it. Media treat black actual-violence as legit response to illegit White idea-violence.  #Cville
OMG, you can't just ask people why they're alt-right.
we need that alt-right troubadour to write a song about the lezbo chauffered chitty chitty bang bang that went off the california cliff
Basically what's going on here is a set believes, quite delusionally in my view, that it gave the election to Trump, and is now going to take over the Republican Party and turn it racial. It is encouraged in this view by whoever Ricky Vaughn is besides the guy who says White identity doesn't exist.
As for Greggr "Browntrout" Johnson, quit trying to make felch happen.
No need to go all Mean Girls, Richard. There's enough room in this movement for two beauty queens. I, for non-gay one, would like to see a whole (no homo) stage full.
Is there any reason other than jealousy Richard Spencer wants Paul Nehlen to go away?
Sounds to me like Tinky Winky just learned actions have consequences.
guy 1) calls people feds, the equivalent of dropping atom bomb on someone's reputation. does this to people using their real names. does it without evidence. while anonymous himself. guy 2) posts guy 1's real name. who is the bad actor here? If you're on Ricky Vaughn's're on the wrong side. #TeamWhite
“ Ultimately anons need to be responsible for their own OPSEC because once information is out, there is no making it private again. Such is the reality of the internet. ” --Torba
Who among us doesn't recall with fondness Mao's Great Sparrow Campaign?
" It's not paranoia or a conspiracy if it's true. Everywhere (((they))) go, they cause trouble for any freedom-lover with nationalist leanings. (((They))) can be nationalists, though, because reasons. Remember that, goy. "
" I've seen many, many Taki's readers remark over the years that they come for the comments. "
Commenter at VD's: " As a longtime reader and commenter at Taki's, the main attraction of the site was the high level of much of the commentariat, many of whom were quite scholarly. [...]  It's quite clear that the banning of comments was due to the fact that comments about (((them))) made Taki and his daughter, who move in High Society, nervous. "
The comment banning is like 2.0 of Richard Spencer's paleo home, where he was instructed to "get em down" by jew Paul Gottfried, near or partial coiner of alt-right. Spencer's former boss. "em" referring to pro-white/anti-jew comments. Jews try to control ALL political factions and parties. ALL. Including WN and Nazi.
i...i...for one prefer literature to japaense cartoon characters i will now slink from room in shame  #Grumblebrag
" So in a way, yes, you can blame (((them))), or at least those who blame (((them))), for this gag. " Or those who fear (((them))), if you want to be accurate.
Takimag = "just another liberal rag"  Which of you scholars knows the origin of that gibe?
no more jew critting at takimag?
"stop mollycoddling yr inner faggot" --jesus
So god chose jews and created negroes. Tell me more about this exciting personage.
"How can anyone who's not an anti-semite deny that pumpkin pie is enriched by the addition of wonderfully spicy tiger salamander cloacas?" --Szigmuely Groteach
The point is - look at the very best white men. How did they act? If you can't equal them, you can admire greatness, and emulate them to the extent you can. Which is all anyone can ask. It's not your fault God made you out of shitty Chinese atoms.
if you call people feds when you have no proof and are hidden yourself then i hope you are doxxed i'm happy you're doxed you deserve it
notice how government takes the place of men and law takes the place of honor just a bunch of consumer veal. interchangeable bits with prehensile digits for hot pockets they didnt earn
what have i always said anonymity is basically a bad thing, even if 'necessary' but if you do choose that inferior route (dont tell me your reasons, i can obviously figure them out and i dont care) you should be DOUBLY careful of not infringing the honor of others you should be more respectful - since you wont even use your real name but SHOULD is opposite of IS
i guess i missed some drama, but if someone doxxed Ricky Vang, good on ya the same for any putz who goes around trying to reputation-assassinate others while skunking around anonymously
"keep it legal" was perfectly pre-rejoined by Eminem "so you dont act like everyone else does"
"keep it legal" - yeah that's for you and your cucumber
what did i say..this is the natural evolution of politics. and i say this not know what this shooter is motivated by. indies or cells invading power center newsrooms and simply massacring everybody why not?  they massacre reputations, they deny livelihoods, and through it all they lie in a most disgusting way about what they're doing "keep it level"
call me a dreamer, but i want an America that secures the blessings of ordered liberty for mexican bankers and jewish campesinos alike. isn't that what posterity means?
decades of voting for Republicans is leading to the promised land, anyone can see that
most of you are LARPing as hominids. just admit it.
Only one group on earth teaches that jews are holy and good, and that is the christian church. Set up by jews. Featuring a jew hero. With God for a pa! Truly, this world is to laugh.
" Little wonder the second most important Christian celebration—Easter—has disappeared from Apple Computer’s calendar and that one or two atheists and a handful of Jews have managed to prevent Christmas from any longer being a public celebration. Today Christmas has been reduced to a spending spree. " -P. Roberts
The same (((people))) lying about everything else should be believed when they're talking about Nazis. Does that make sense?
the reason conservatives hate nazis is part brainwashing, part intellectual laziness, and part sneaking realization the nazis fought the people the conservatives succumbed to / sold out to for money
it doesn't take anything more than average intelligence to make out what White Nationalists are saying - and to verify their claims you simply have to be willing to use your mind without prejudice
White organization in the past was destroyed from the outside. The conservative (cowardly) mental element, which still pervades most of the White right, refuses to accept that. But it is true.
Multiculturalism is just a watered-down, secular, political version of christianity. Both come from jews. Both are antiWhite by design. #TeamWhite
Wasn't in car ten minutes, three christian gems: 1) "assurance doesn't look around for a lot of evidence" "fuck yo rationality, nigger, i habs buhleef" 2) Iran hates christianity They're prepping Flyover for big war on Iran.  3) Syrian "refugees" r meeting with christian women, they're real interested in studying the bible! In sum: (((christian radio)))
The jews who subvert via revolution within the form have a better understanding of what they are doing than the braindead patriotards who worship words, paper and symbols.
Some decent stuff on the important concept of revolution within the form. " There is no comfort in history for those who put their faith in forms; who think there is safeguard in words inscribed on parchment, preserved in a glass case, reproduced in facsimile and hauled to and fro on a Freedom Train. "

April 01, 2018:

He is risen? Nay. He is risible.
I'll drive it through you like a (searching for figure here) - a spike. If christianity isnt antiWhite, why is it allowed all over jew-controlled mass radio? Can you answer that? You can't, can you? Simple, necesssary questions from #TeamWhite.
If you were God, how would you feel about christians? Yeah. Lol. Don't really need to answer that one, do we. "uggele. i hath given birth to a putz collection."
I did see a rabbit earlier in week. It's a snowstorm right now in NEMO, aka God's country.
You grew enough balls to doubt the gas chamber lie. How about the Christ lie?
Does E.S.T. apply to the jewish Bible? If not, why not?
Vox Day says: Christ is risen And, as he warned, the world continues to hate him and those who follow him. Do you see the typical whining of the jew in sci-fi hero christ? "Everybody hates me for no reason."
Do people come back from the dead? Only inside a tiny head. Keep faith with reality, folks.  Choose red pills all the way down.
If you won't fuck and fight. Maybe you aren't white. Maybe you're more ecru. Don't let ecru be you. #TeamWhite
Easter  The day when jews celebrate the murder of non-jewish babies. And (((christians))) celebrate the imaginary return of a man from the dead. Enjoy yourselves, murderers and morons. For normal Whites, Easter is all about spring and fertility. #TeamWhite

March 31, 2018:

"In muh Christ I gets evermuhlastin' lahf." Good luck w that theory, twinkldink.
Remember, every last one of those brown stubbies is a christ cricket. Well, maybe a couple are closet quetzlcoatl nuthuggers, who knows.
ahm dumb...but ahm scairt too oh buddy have i got a cult for you #ChristCucks
What do the jews have to do for fighting back to be justified? If we're not there already, what would it take? I mean outright killing the enemy (whom we all can identify without help). How are we not being boiled by degree right now? #TimeToKill
When you control the legal system, then everything you do is legal. (((They))) are attacking Anglin and DS BECAUSE THEY ARE EFFECTIVE. That's the whole of it. The cowardly conservative always looks to say well if you just wore better shirt, nicer make up, smiled more... NO. That's not how it works. LIFT AND SEPARATE fm the conservative/xtian LOSER mentality
Honduras is enriching us with a wall of human hill fleas.  #FellowChristians #JesusLovesBananaNiggersAndNordicsAlike
Why aren't all you crisstinklers welcoming the turdwave of FELLOW CHRISTIANS from south of the border, here to enrich your culture with their bananay ways?
The other side doesn't care about legality or illegality, only about winning. Anglin was well w/in the law re MT, but as a practical matter, the facts & law don't matter. The judges are probably 98% leftist and simply ignore or distort the law, knowing they have media backing to screw whites and elevate jews and muds. That's one reason I say it's #TimeToKill
Anglin has said to keep it legal from day one. And HE should, as consistency is valuable in itself, not least because it makes for clarity. But look at how he is treated by the (((system))).
for all you who tell me to leave the crissies alone how much time do you spend telling your priest or pastor to leave whites alone? see? you don't even know what you are. that's why i'm here. you're a jesus nigger. maybe you can do better?
You all need to look within yourself and figure out if you're a jesus nigger or a white man. You can't be both.
Where has following the law gotten us? That tendency, pathological orderliness, is quite used against us. Sit back and watch the nogs party down, destroying stealing shooting as they please, to no consequences. Keep being afraid of niggers. Keep worshipping jews. Keep your balls in a box. Keep praying in the coward box. #CucksForChrist
What always strikes me is what a large percentage of whiteskins think things just happen. They can't really believe things are actually planned and carried out. A large part of the reason for this disbelief is their christ-insanity, which persuades that everything is really God, not man.
What would Andrew Jackson do? He would rout out the bankers. He would find where they live, kill them and their entire families. And that's precisely what needs to be done. Among other routings.
COURAGE you faggots There's nothing else Trying to drive a car without gas, niggers. GET SOME BALLS MORANS
" Jackson once told one of his staffers to "never take counsel of your fears." "  Never Take Counsel of  Your  Fears I personally, without thinking, can think of three serious life mistakes I made because I DID take counsel of my fears. So he's right.
We can kill journalists. We can kill judges. We can kill politicians.  These are simply the facts.  All they can do is lie and rig votes.  When we're willing to kill, everything that now seems closed opens again. You know that's true.  Our enemies have more than demonstrated they will not play fairly. The white cause is a vital matter, not a voting matter.
Notice again NONE of these votefags can come up with any half-assed even path to white sovereignty. Because it's not there. First, army, first fighting, then all that greasy third-rate shit like leverpulling.
"Jackson spent almost no time worrying what his opponents could do to him. He thought only of what he could do to them." What can we do to our enemies? #TimeToKill
i'm going to teach you niggers what's up
"Let's get some life in our pants!" --Cadaverous Harry, 3rd Base/Life Coach

March 30, 2018:

this is like something out of the 80s just shows how times have changed, how completely politicized things are today i suppose if you're 35> you wont even realize this
wow didnt realize there was such a big derp contingent on here till looking at the nazis r real gun controllers at LIATour
Read the "laura ingraham apology tour"  All the goody conservatives make excuses for her. They spend their lives crawling and apologizing and pulling their nuts in, so why wouldnt they accept that from their commentators. When did whites become a race of cowards? Were they always that way, hence christianity?
Jesus? Yeah, that dog don't hunt.
Separate and attack anyone who doesn't call jews the enemy. Let alone worships one. That's the right way to go. #TeamWhite
saudi arabia - Israel - USA - clintons - wahhabism - antiWhite muzz puritanism globally spread
Christ's return is every bit as plausible as his first visit. #PapForSaps
" To legalize the underground Catholic Church in China, the pope and the Vatican have agreed to ask Catholic bishops to stand aside for bishops approved by the Communist Party that seeks tighter control of Christian faiths. The Vatican has also agreed to approve the consecration of a bishop named by Beijing, whom Rome previously regarded as illegitimate. "
" The relationship between cognac and African-American consumers began during the World Wars, when the French shared it with segregated black soldiers, who then embraced it back home as an alternative to all those Confederate-loving whiskey labels. "
Look at my tits. LOOK AT THEM (This is as deep a thought as half of America's population will ever have.)
Muh join fathbook post  oh me a pixtsher of muh breakfast scramble eggs n baby turtl heds Socool. muh mi #me
Facebook just held up a mirror to America's essentially childish population base.  The concern with Zuckerberg is absurd, the point is none of these (you) faggots wants to take any responsibility for actions.
Just lean on the fence rail, looking wry Imagine yourself Clint Eastwood as the lizards pass by ef cummings
Even that nigger used to mock  the Church of What's Happenin' Now
Notice how every last thing is written from jew or nigger perspective now - the white perspective isnt even a 'thing' to be ignored.  Most basic example is gun crime which is jew-propaganda for nigger crime.  It's only & always played as "52% of victims of gun crime are blacks."  Which is about as undistilled chutzpah as you'll find, as criminal's race is omitted
" Every day, it takes the combined efforts of the state (public education system), private sector via corporate America, churches and synagogues, and a relentless push by the media, Hollywood, and Madison Avenue to beat down and demonize our racial instincts for pursuing our interests. "
Death Before Dishonor - Real South Meine Ehre Heisst Treue - Real Germany
We have to have a superstructure of basic character integrity on top of the white foundation. It has to be able to withstand category 5 jewicanes without blowing over. Can you dig it? Can you be it? #TeamWhite
The way to defeat jews is to exterminate them. Not worship them Christ is king...of the cucks.
Jones Shape of Water flipping monster from black lagoon into the good guy, suitable for mating
See how quickly just anything white is now white supremacy. Not political stuff, just everyday life stuff. Jews are totalitarians. It's their culture and biology (paranoia). You must live in a reduced state as a nigger until your genes are finally dispersed for good.  Then they get a new holiday and your race gets a skidmark in their "history" book.
Jews pay fake blonde women to push fake-right positions that ultimately redound to the benefit of the jew because they deny race. White idiots (conservatives) gush about "strong" women, never noticing their pocketbook is gone and their neighborhood turned into Central America.
The only conceptualization of politics that makes actual sense because it's not falsifiable is TeamWhite vs TeamJew You assume Laura Ingraham is us. She's not. She's on team kike. Laura Ingraham and David Hogg are both members in good standing of #TeamJew
"Jews created the immigration problem in the USA. Jews exacerbate the immigration problem in the West. And Jews are complete hypocrites on the immigration issue, as evidenced by their two faces with regards to Western and Israeli immigration." --Vox Day
Jews must be identified as the enemy and destroyed, just as we destroy mad dogs and termites. Except jews are even more destructive. There's no way around this. No way to slick it, clever it, avoid it.  Face up to it. Square up to it. Be a white man instead of just calling yourself one. Christian-conservative-cowardice, get thee behind us. #TeamWhite
If you're scared of being called names, you're a coward. You are useless to any political cause. Your cowardice is how 2% controls 98%.
The right is fake opposition. Fake opposition means jew-controlled. You see how easily Laura Ingraham folded. They're all like that. They're in it for money.  How do you make money in right-wing politics? By telling bourgeois whites what they want to hear: that liberals are stupid. Don't ever mention jews. Don't criticize blacks. Stick to stupid, get $$$.
Think how powerful it would be if the white side only used the term goy control and refused to use the propaganda term gun control. Nothing could be simpler - it's only two letters. Yet the right side won't do. It's almost as if "our" side has an allergy against winning.
don't kill yourself kill niggers and jews

March 29, 2018:

" I’d merely applied conservative principles — the things National Review stood for — to Israel: it was a socialist country with no conception of limited, constitutional government, which discriminated against Christians, while betraying its benefactor, the United States, and turning the Muslim world against us. " --Joe Sobran
Buckley's essentially the Great Pa o' the Cuckosphere, his National Review  created by CIA/Intl Jew, to redefine conservatism as yielding to the FDR revolution on social side (endless burgeoning welfare state), and promoting endless military/industrial complex warmongering (for Israel) on the foreign side.
i'm not saying this is the best thing ever written. i'm also not not saying it. this is serious cheesecake/orgasm-tier deliciousness this is an explainer / pro conservatism. you get the macro in the microcosm
you see how big bad Laura Ingraham, professional conservative, cucks out under pressure from little kid Just as Shakespeare had the mic-drop on bible interpretation, a fool's game Sobran had it on professional conservatism: "[I]t was all a game; a way of making a living." The pro-con's mantra: income, not integrity.
It's a twist on what the gook said in Vietnam. "You can't win at the flag-design table what you can't win in the field."
Look, since everyone but me is basically a faggot, I will stoop to explain. As Aristotle very clearly stated in his unpublished epistle to the Effusions,  "A flaggot is only one degree from a faggot. You can have a teal backdrop featuring an Easter Bunny driving an Alpha Romeo, it won't change facts on the ground one cubic inch."
Through violence against our oppressors and their tools, our white race will relearn self-respect and pride - and with them comes a resurgence of the indomitability that leads to sovereignty.
A proud race would leap for the glory to be had in denouncing the jew, telling the truth about them  - they murdered tens of millions of our kind last century and want to murder even more in this. But we aren't a proud race. We're christians. Small-ball is the game.
emjones on jordan peterson on jews
a pile of dead niggers so high the sun becomes a theory
Chickenshit catholic (but i repeat myself) libertarian DiLorenzo bangs the  muh Hogg Nazi gong
Boy those rightcucks are big and bold until face to face online with a spaghetti armed little kid. And all these Joe Dockers in Heterofagland think of Ingraham / Coulter / Thatcher "what a strong woman."
" Brandon, a student at the university, told me that Spencer and the rest simply weren’t welcome. “White nationalism is inherently violence,” he said. “You just shouldn’t be speaking that shit. There’s too much history to just be nonchalantly calling for ethnic cleansing in this country.” " Judges too apply this view, WN belief = criminal behavior.
" The PRRI/MTV 2017 National Youth Survey found that nearly half of young white men believe efforts to increase diversity will harm white people. More than half believe that racism is more of a problem for “other generations.” [2/2]
" Every major “alt-right” group prioritizes youth recruitment—Identity Evropa and Patriot Front recruit on college campuses; Anglin claims that minors are the Daily Stormer’s target audience; and according to Heimbach, the average Traditionalist Worker Party member is 22 years old—and perhaps for good reason:  [1/2]
“Not class conflict, which is organized and inflamed by the neoliberal enemy, but class reconciliation based on kindred blood and kindred destiny.”
The brown excuse is a two-legged spider that likes to hide in crevices of ATM. Beware its poisonous bite.
" America's largest pirate mass grave? Seriously? Yes, because the nation is overrun with pirate mass graves. I've got 2 or 3 in my back yard. There's one at the high school nearby. Who writes this crap anyway? Wait, I know. It's the interns. "
" Black Sam is considered the most successful pirate of all time. During his short career he captured more than 53 ships and plundered loot that would have been valued at $130million in today's money. "
Nothing opens womens' hearts and legs like evil. Real or merely advertised. (They can't tell the difference. Probably don't care.)
"No stuff you've spent your life building is worth your life." Fuck you and your pro-cowardice. Cowardice is a dirty unfortunate thing. If you can't be a hero, at least acknowledge and support heroism. It's like faggery. If you must sodomize Steve, at least you can refrain from pretending that's normal.
I suppose there's no chance we could get Gab as your login to make comments on media pages like Daily Mail. I am so itching to tap the DM Gab button and make a comment about niggers. But I suppose it's the same old discrimination.
For niggers to worry about getting caught, they'd have to worry. Worry implies an ability to consider the future. Why does hollywood promote "in the moment" because it's niggerlike. Whites think and plan and act in line with future goals.  Whites ARE civilization. Niggers are jungle animals.
And I respect that guy for fighting back. That's solid. The System ALWAYS promotes cowardice.  That's why christianity is allowed on the airwaves, after all.
" Because he was a minor at the time, he is not eligible for the death penalty, but could still spend the rest of his life in prison.   " So that ATM nigger will be back on the streets before 2030
Killing random niggers?  You're totally justified. You're doing the world a service. It's like picking up stray litter and putting it in trash can x1000.
Jesus liked to tell niggers in heaven there'd be all kinds of public parks with basketball courts. With nets made out of real cord, not chain. And every night after the niggers went to booze-snooze, the nets they'd ripped down would magically restore themselves. Are there niggers in heaven? According to Jesus and Christ-insanity, the answer is YES
See, retarded white morons, you have to THINK like a nigger. Ask me how. Ok. See... - a nigger is smart enough to figure out there is some association between MONEY and ATMs. he doesn't know exactly what, but sumfin - it is way, way beyond negro intellect to grasp that ATM have video cameras trained on them So nigs will keep on ATM apin'. look in all 8 directions 1st!
learn this white people: be extremely careful around ATMs and gas stations. they're like watering holes or jogging paths. niggers lurk in wait.
Kill, kill, kill. Then kill again. Then eat a nice piece of cheese. Then yep. More killing. #TimeToKill
Imagine Andrew Jackson going around, I want you to sign muh petition against the British.
Christianity is poison.  This is the final red pill. Take it. Christianity is antiWhite.  Southerngoobs in particular can't handle that, but we just keep beating these dirteaters until they become real men.
I want White South Africans, who built the place, to stay there and fight for their homeland. The place their ancestors made. I want you to kill massive piles of niggers. And make videos of yourselves eating barbecue with dead piles of niggers in the background. Petitions are for faggots.
To those who've asked or mailed me, I will be recording more before too long. #Audiobooks
Gab mention " user of the increasingly conservative dominated social media platform Gab related his experience with tumblr, as it deleted his account because of content that he followed or reposted as allegedly being “affiliated with Russia”: "
It's #TimeToKill And no one has any serious argument against that.
"  The U.S. Government, at virtually all levels, is more interested in punishing dissent than wrongdoing. It doesn’t govern, it controls. It exists to perpetuate itself. "
" The Founding Fathers would have been shooting at these psychopathic Cultural Marxist sons of bitches on Capitol Hill decades ago. The British Crown gave Americans better representation. "
So all these votecucks are asians/asian-enablers?

March 28, 2018:

when it comes to politics, what analysts wont say usually tells you more than what they will
asian countries adopt western delicacies like hamburgers, but they put an eastern spin on them. fricasseed ground tarantulas make a tasty lattice atop a cheeseburger, akin to our onions. the fried leg bristles contrasted with the melting cheese really enhance the texture profile in a most tongue-friendly way
that spidereating gook Johnny Mekong is trying to show me up by getting offline a few hours
one Tard to rule them
Spencer should just do Jordy Peterman voice the whole time in explaining what's wrong with jordyism. Say what he's NOT saying and WHY he's not saying it from HIS perspective in HIS reedy wispy trembly voice.
Why did Ozzy Spengler say Christianity is the grandmother of Bolshevism?
Notice how men of measured impudence such as Jim Goad and Jordan Peterson always have to make themselves seem reasonable by creating strawmen who go where they don't dare. They never cite what we actually criticize jews for, rather we see jews in cornflakes or blame jews for male pattern baldness. Maybe own your cowardice, boys?
Jordan Peterson is flat not a very deep, interesting or accurate thinker. I truly don't see his appeal.
Christians are proud to be called sheep, because sheep are intelligent and brave.
they all draw the line short of the jewby that really gets my hmmster wheel spinning
Men of measured impudence Jim Goad Fred Reed  Jordan Peterson and they all draw the line in the same place
Spencer doing Peterson
'pathological' is a word that makes lollipop kids feel reg'lar sized
stormy is the sound of the cum sloshing around her vagina. reminds me of the 'bastard spawn of a thousand maniacs,' the penile soup what sprung a young krueger
i dont even want to LIVE in a world in which pugs cant pro-signal hitler
i for one support chinamen gulping all the doggie treats they can get between their chink-choppers
i say as an atheist, if you had only one word to describe jews, it is absolutely unavoidable calling them anything but evil that word truly sums them up, their approach and effect in the world
that whole cucking box thing -- reminded me of that super funny Real World episode where the russian chick and others broke the glass trying to watch their roommate screw in the shower.  "you reek of broads" - classic line
Jesus left his people behind like a bunch of hominid-sized beanie babies, his promise to return revealed a ditch-fib.
Here's a good spur to thought: Which is a greater threat to the Catholic Church: nazism or communism? why?
I feel Edgar Allen Poe could have written a fantastic gloompiece involving a cuckbox occupant. Don't you agree?
the Golden Rx Rule: treat all patients as if they had scrapula (cancer of the digestion from eating too much NEPA diner food) does that make sense?
alt-Golden Rule: treat all dogs as if they were golden retrievers does that make sense?
Golden Retriever Rule: treat all dogs the way you treat your dog. "What about mad dogs and pit bulls?"
God created an evil race, called jews And a race of cowardly buffoons to worship it, called christians #TeamWhite
it is necessary for the heads of our sort-of movement to come to grips with christianity and just how UNAVOIDABLY destructive it is
what if the bf was a nigger? that would have been fine
" On Wednesday, Janet Kuhn, Buckley Kuhn-Fricker's mother, said, the family staged an intervention with her granddaughter, telling her not to see her boyfriend anymore because of his views. "
were not new highest levels of blanchery established by the phototouchers upon this Austin bomber?
" In the middle of the protest, Ugar said the restaurant’s co-owner and chef, Michael Hunter, brought out a large deer leg and started carving it at a table directly in front of the window for about five or ten minutes. “We were in shock,” she recalled. “It’s just an animal and we felt sad. For me, I felt sad for a few days after seeing that.” "
how to deal with faggots 101
So the claim is John Rivers is a pinoy. A reeeeal gen-U-wine spidermuncher. Is that funny?  It's not for me to say. But yes.
If you want the same thing for decades, go buy Blue Oyster Cult tickets.
Christianity only makes sense when spoken in voice of a drowned worm.
"Whites have a right to exist" sniveled the fag, counterfactually.
If you believe in Heaven and Hell, you are too fucking stupid to live. Your kind SHOULD go extinct.
Listening to these mental gimps led by the ugliest women God could find (even outside albania) running their wineholes - what a ratly contemptible mess of stoolage they are.
Who as in which personage of flavor did the Catholics choose as their woah man totally evil an shit example? Why, bless my soul, a good little Austrian altar boy who dindu nothing sept try to save his fucking kind from the kikeocunts and the weak anglish who served them with jeevsian servility. Christianity is for pissants. For curs and natural-born slaves.
Listened to some cruddy catholic radio today. I learned a lot in a very short trip. See, jimmy, there's this afterlife. Where your soul and your body jeroin in a cosmic do-si-do. You sit down with Coach Godway and watch your life on a VCR. He gives you couldas and shouldas. Then you go down the bag egg or good egg chute and cry/cum forever.
#Fingerism is the only religion that holds men accountable for their actions, doesn't try to fob responsibility off on an imaginary God.
Christianity pries people away from causality-thinking and into fantasyland. You might see how this ties into race. Along with other doctrines in that nutty cult.
White people exist to fund faggots, niggers and above all jews. Duh Anything else is racism.
it's so funny how the kikestream media develops a one-time-only interest in facts when an obvious meme hits home
The only "race" Christianity acknowledges is children of God.
The assumption under xtianity and Golden Rule is "other people are just like me." The fact is, they're not.  Christianity, in this as all ways, is anti-racial in orientation, which makes it functionally, practically and irremediably anti-White.
There is no a priori "right" way to treat people - until you see who you're actually dealing with.
"challengers and critics should tread relatively lightly and live out the Golden Rule -- which does not exhort people to treat others the way they themselves have been treated, but the way they'd like to be treated " Conservative christian urges whites to live in Fantasy World. The Golden Rule (like xtianity itself) is white-genocidal.
when they're throwing 87-year-old women in jail for historical view, we're well past time where anything but shooting makes sense
Are you a race-sinner? Have you done enough to help the nigga-hurs? I bet you haven't.
technology is like women there's no other option but jesus what an irritating option
well ok...i guess the text response box in Messages simply isn't outlined.  tech people should realize the main commandment KEEP IT AS SIMPLE AS HUMANLY POSSIBLE. for 99% of the population technology is NOT interesting you who CAN do tech see that as a moral failure 99% just want to USE technology. we have other agendas, not figuring technical stuff out.
in essence, there's nothing left to be said. and everything left to be done #TimeToKill
20 years of internet amounts to "Isn't this outrageous?" posted 600 million times and progressing toward white genocide at ever-increasing velocity.
There are no shots of Hitler in a kippa because he's not a clown, coward, christian or cuck. Like literally every single Anglo/American politician.
Honor and pride are not Christian concepts. They are the antithesis of the christian mentality and approach.
In the South, you have precedent for real Americans fighting under a different flag. That's how I see't I cld note that I happen to have lived in many border states, and always I have seen a considerable presence of the striking banner of the Confedulists. Did I mention on here I was in Maine and I saw a GIANT southern flag on a stick in a pickup? That flag inspires.
those of you with way-back memories: i was among those who said very early that in my OPINION (because i did not know it for a fact) hal turner was very likely a fed/informant which proved to be correct it's actually NOT illegal to say X or Y specific person should be assassinated. but there's no practical need to do so. and judges often ignore the law
does Gab  have a how to? Why can I read messages but not respond?
Christianity: tying White future to jewish lies for 2000 years. #WhiteGenocide
You've seen in front of your own eyes how jews manufacture a Big Lie. it could be 'holocaust.' It could be '9/11.' But it never occurs to you that the Jesus myth is just such a whopper.
Probably the only legal rallies worth holding would be against white men joining the military.  The other stuff is as dangerous as 'illegal' activity, treated the same way, but less effective.
Christianity turned white men into a race of moral cowards. Nothing is rarer than moral courage among Christians.
Adjectives are for kids. Edgy, extremist, far-X - these have no meaning. They're attempts to poison the well only. What do you believe? What is asserted? Are the claims true or false? Dueling preferences: white independent state or jew-run white-genocidal tyranny? Nature, God don't give a shit what happens.
Christian means forever a mental child; forever to be used by jews for their ends. And getting off on that sexually. Christianity is ultimately a psycho-sexual matter, it's love of submission.  It is utterly appropriate and fair to call it a cult for cucks. #ChristCucks
It's funny that the only group pushing the American flag hates the only group it inspires (boomers).
Also - let the word go out - if you're an anonymous faggot I'm not going on your show etc etc. If you cantWONT use your name, then refrain from contacting me, I don't care.
We're still in WWII. The extinction of Germany, the heart of Europe, followed  by the rest, is the plan. The people carrying out this plan must be killed. Not voted against, identified and killed. #TimeToKill
anyone trying to message, i have no fucking idea how this system works, it's not allowing me to text response. so whatevah
We need to enter a period of massive, widespread assassination of all judges, politicians and journalists promoting #WhiteGenocide. #TimeToKill I'm afraid anonymous Internet faggotry has run its course.

March 27, 2018:
Define the cause however you like but MUST USE MUH FLAG er else This is nonsense.
The South actually followed the law; the north were legally the rebels. To my objective non-Southern mind, that makes the South the real Americans. Yet the South, loyal to original states' agreement, chose not to fight under Stars n Stripes. Chose a different flag. Therefore, you have an American-loyalist case for selecting a new symbol, should you see fit
Funny people have a priori position on flag and symbols are same people who think actual principles the causes defends (ie the cause itself) doesn't matter. Optics purity spiraling makes no sense. It's a field question, not a principles question.  What is our cause is not the same as what symbol/dress best represents it.
" The reason “nazis” are hated is because they are seen as pro-white and anything else that is pro-white will be hated too regardless of how you try to rebrand it. "
" You know why faggots like Ricky Vaughn stay anonymous? It’s because they know their own shit doesn’t work. He understands at least the reality of the situation that it doesn’t matter if you come out as a nazi or a redneck american nationalists, it’s seen exactly the same way and you’ll lose your normie job.  "
Old South = fought Yankees New South = fights for (((Yankees)))
insect warming nigger

March 26, 2018:

you know what the old Southies used to say, the ones i respect PLACARDS BY THE ROADSIDE BEFORE DISHONOR something like that #TimeToKill
only a nigger could run out of water next to a great lake these bananabreads take the cake for fecklessness
we need to wrap our enemy in a cocoon of horror but unlike Cooney, we need to mean it
Matt Parrott sighting! C'mon Matty...get BIG return to writing when able #CuckedNotCrushed
son, we're taking you in yep. class DF  deranged faggotry on the internet a crime in any civilized land rst offense 1500 fine get right with the lord son dont want to have to pick you up again
HarrisTottleAnne Branigin3/26/18 2:24pm this is why white real people cant stand nigger alleged people. you all cant even pay your water bills. you shouldnt have any rights. darwin said you were a different species, and that’s correct.
nigger - water = racism? i bet the answer is racism!
And then 2000 years ago There was this totally way cool guy  Yeah, name Jesus. Jesus Christ. The kids called him the Semitic Panther. He had mad ollies and veritable SPOOLS of vibranium. That desert nigger could walk on water. Turn water into wine. Do you know that sandy bastard could OVERCOME DEATH? #ChristCucksFTL
What does it matter if you're a slave to the jews in this life? You're going to be a king in the next! Sure you are, li'l feller.  #ChristCucks
Jesus Christ, queen of the cucks You all literally worship a science-fiction character.
christ-cucking is bourgeois racialism. you cant have this debate and say race matters and argue straight and then ope. stop. we're here at church.  now we're to what REALLY matters. afterlife n muh salvation. you cant check your race-brain at the christ-cult door. and that's exactly what too many are trying to do. DOES NOT WORK.
the truth is somewhere between Griffin and Garland but what neither acknowledge is what matters: the American nation was certainly christian in its founding and that my friend Simply. Won't. Do. Because Christianity is antiWhite.
killing is the occam's razor of politics
as the mafia says no cuck no crime #TimeToKill
do jews have rabbis teaching them, saying, "go out and pretend to be white" to help conduce along white genocide probably there are some saying that but most of that fellow-whitesing is instinctive behavior. the problem with jews is racial. the church denies this. because it would amount to doubting the word of jesus and efficacy of sacrament (baptism)
BTW, whites will never be more 'woke' than they are now This is a massive misconception South Africans STARTED woke on race. Look at them now.  They got their ass huwhippt. By a bunch of cheetah-looking nurds.
I'm just saying It's time for our side to stop taking shit And start delivering shit. #TimeToKill
"Might is right" isn't the way I'd do it, but I'm not the Grand Designer of All Things It IS the way nature has done it. If you respect nature as you (not me) always say, you can't deny it is  #TimeToKill
yes. we would have won 100 years ago. if it were a debate. if politics were conducted fairly and all americans could hear our case vs the jews on public tv etc little catfish-liver-mental-equivalent THATS NOW HOW IT ACTUALLY WORKS OR EVER WILL #TimeToKill
whites are addicted to christian-derived thinking: that there is some universal justice that applies to all people and everyone thinks like this so all we need do is point out hypocrisy and double standards but the (((winners))) dont think like that. they laugh when you point out they are liars pushing a double standard #TimeToKill
It's what the SNots and the AMnts are AGREED on that's the problem: that christianity ISNT part of the problem Many try to think, but I'm the only one who actually can.
Hate is not some useless organ like the appendix. It's there for a reason. Why does christianity do all it can to talk us out of necessary and functional drives? Well, the answer is that it's a bit of software meant to disable our  enemy recognition module. Christianity preaches blind love, and that love is murdering the west.
Violence takes advantage of our numbers. There are whites everywhere in America. Who knows where your killer will come from, cuck or kike? These lying media members are very, very soft targets. Kill them and their families. Get it on video if possible.  There's no end to what can be done. #TimeToKill
When the price for being attacked by them is the same as killing's  #TimeToKill This is the James Alex Fields mantra.
Like it or not, people don't respect words, those are for entertainment. What they respect (fear) are actions. Every other group ignores the law and kills to advance itself. White racial loyalists are the one group who do not. We should. #TimeToKill
The people to shoot first are the cucks - especially cucks in the media Cucks are SELFISH. They love MONEY. But even more they love their LIVES. If these cucks think they might die they will sing a different tune. White Nationalism will never be treated with respect until like Islam it starts killing people who defame it and destroy the lives of its people.
do i even have to argue that "keep it legal" has a track record of 100% failure? does anyone here deny that we have done nothing but go backwards in USA since jews were admitted in large numbers after 1880? explain to me how that trend is going to reverse following the same strategy that has failed until now?
have you noticed how we have all these killers now?  one or two start shooting up schools. it's stupid and pointless, but... what happens? others start copying them. i'm sure that wouldn't be true if people starting shooting cucks and kikes right? #TimeToKill "Eating makes appetite" --old Italian adage
you'll sooner take the stink out of shit  than the jew out of christianity
Christianity is not only the best friend and protection jews ever had, they would not be able to dominate White nations without it - and its absolutely paralytic effect on the minds of the natives.  With Christ, we lose. Every. Single. Time. applies to the judeo-Bible too.
When the catholic church says men are ABOVE animals what is it saying but that men are ABOVE biological law But they're not. Christianty IS the origin of the delusion that is liberalism.
Nature's constitution is the only one you can trust. Hmm...rifling thru it with my thumby thumb thumb what do it say It says: two subspecies fight for territory until one is vanquished. And no fag judge from California is going to overturn that ruling. It's a law, rather, that you can absolutely trust MEANS WHAT IT SAYS AND WILL BE ENFORCED.
Christianity: because the soul needs junk carbs too.
If the junk carbs you rightly hate were a religion, kin yuz guess which one they would be?
Xtian radio overtly tells white people to FORGIVE damages done. Don't seek revenge. But the same radio station will talk endlessly about how endangered Israel is, and how much we need to help her 'defend' herself. The slave class is supposed to eat shit and like it. The ruler class alone is justified in aggression (disguised as defense). Xtianity = antiWhite
here's an everyday hush crime. No one but Daily Stormer will pay it any mind  Whoever is responsible for the laws that push niggers into our communities need to be shot.  Ok - standing around with placards - our ancestors would laugh at this.  #TimeToKill
The enemy has proven it can infiltrate and destroy our organizations. Contrary to youngdumbs, earlier generations were not stupider or worse organizers than we were - they were thwarted. I don't personally have the knowledge or ability to overcome this obstacle.  But what the enemy can't do is stop actions it doesn't see coming, from actors it isn't aware of
Some of you must have read Lord Jim. You don't get the challenge you want. You don't get the challenge you're prepared for. You get the challenge you get. #TimeToKill
SERVE THE JEW - WE KILL YOU - YOUR FAMILY TOO That is how we must look at it to become serious, as a movement. There must be physical price paid for serving the jews as they attempt to murder the White Nations.
We should take advantage of anonymity and decentralization. There should be lists of top 500 cucks and top 500 kikes.  To give them credit for murdering White America. This is a good 'job' for anonymous posters at other sites.
Who is the enemy?  Do any good white men not know the answer to that question?
What needs to happen is white men as individuals or small groups start killing the enemy.
it's counterintuitive but if you were to try to collect whites as a budding nation, it would make more sense to do it in a discolored area - that would increase the sense of nationhood. that's why parts of texas would be better than, say,. the northern plains
and if you're brandishing weapons everyone knows you're scared to use and taking pics of yourself hiding behind a mask like a drug-dealing nigger and taping shit to walls between days all that stuff was done in the '80s grow up #TimeToKill
no one really believes we can vote our way free that's why literally not one person has an actual strategy for white liberation through the ballot box face the facts #TimeToKill
the point isnt that a case cant be made; the point is you have to make a case that makes it weak do people equate the American flag with white nationalism? no. so you have to respond: you should. and here's why that's not a strong comeback or position same as debating who's the "real" christian.

March 25, 2018:

if ya know "killing the enemy" sounds like wacky dangerous insane out of the box thinking... isn't that a measure of how brainwashed we are? are jews suddenly going to lose control of the mass media? or not finish shutting down the internet? are politicians going to stop being kike lackeys? are demographics suddenly going to reverse? #TimeToKill
God on prayer: "I give them fingers and the best use they can find is to jam them together and whine at me." #Fingerism #TimeToKill
Back in 2000 people used to say all the time it's "too late to reform the System, too early to kill the bastards." Is it now, in 2018, still too early to kill the bastards. I don't think so. Let the great shooting back begin. #TimeToKill
When Stalin's running your country, and he affixes his signature to a death list of 100, and you're on it... that legal? I don't see why not.  Do you support keeping it legal at that point?
The other side is liars + manipulated idiots. Reasoning won't work with either.
The problem with American nationalism: does the country run thru John Brown or Madison Grant? You can argue it either way - plausibly. This is the same problem the bible has, as Shakespeare mike-dropped interpretation: The devil cite Scripture (or American history) for his purpose. White Nationalism and Nazism don't have this problem.
Trump has fooled or demoralized his base, and redetermined the judeo-left never to lose again. Whites prefer the bible to the truth, have to pay 2% of their property value annually to live "free" and support the Team Hogg.  #TimeToKill

March 24, 2018:
full of great judgment and wisdom, like a young Tom Brokaw "Today I'm going tell you a story...about a pickle named Elroy."
eatin a bagele #NOSHLOMO joshua tree toad #NOBONO groovy monkeys #BONOBO new moon on monday #NOHOMO
so catholics by denying men are animals have laid the basis for the jew policy of 'integration' - a typical flip term for the reality - disintegration they have denied a very real biological law that is as valid with humans as with any other species christianity is antiWhite and cannot be otherwise, this is one of dozens of examples i could give
there are a million ways christianity is inherently and irremediably anti-white; all the racial books written on IQ SHOULD have been devoted to this infinitely repaying subject, not straightforward, obvious IQ catholics teach men ARENT animals but above beasts. this amounts to denial of the biological law that two subspecies cant occupy same space.
the crime isnt the particular thought it's thinking itself, and you can see this manifest in policy across every official institution
my one/only kibbitz: the red NewBs are almost niggerly garish. but whatever it doesnt matter (as with the rest of this neckerchief nonsense) but do think of this: red New Balance like those are never seen in the wild. absurd as it sounds, they could doxx those shoes remember jews say: we censor open sources cuz that's where goy feed. (((we))) have back channels
telling white people to follow the Golden Rule is like telling a batter to swing thru the middle of the zone regardless of where the ball is pitched, because that's where you want the pitch  to have success as a batter, you have to swing where the ball actually is
Anyone who wants to kill for the White cause, know this: you are perfectly justified in doing so. #TimeToKill #HeroAndersBreivik #HeroThomasMair #HeroDylannRoof
go out in the cold DARE not vdare Take no counsel from your fears - Thomas Jackson
listen to crowder, kids! you have no soul 20-something already down a ball "come in from the cold" says petey go back to england, you faggot we dont want your kind here
successful test run carried out in NZ
this is it!! probably -- nay unarguably -- the greatest song ever inspired by a allegedly Great Lakes maritime disaster
The Crumbling O' The Cuckbox It could be the comeback ballad Gordon Lightfoot's been looking for.
some people like jap anime; others prefer levantine religious fantasy
playin' muh burger tam-bo-rine PLAYIN' muh burger TAM-BO-REEN
culture of disclaimers is so self-important, faggoty and ineffectual #Fingerism says that each man is responsible for his behavior. No excuses or evasions allowed. Hence no disclaimers needed. "I'm scared of guilt by association" (because YR A FAG!)
funny how VIOLENCE THAT NEVER ACTUALLY HAPPENS from undefined "our" side TOTALLY DISCREDITS "our" movement but violence that happens around the clock from their government and its violent taxsuck subgroups - NEVER discredits them
whenver you see a group of alleged people in same tshirt and yelling they're wrong jes trust me
alt-lite: do you even grift, bro?
"Can I ask what you plan to do with the dynamite?" "You certainly may."  --from "Charlie Varrick" (1973)
david hogg cant put himself on tv; all he can do is yap in a me-phone and post it, and no one cares
jews live off the white population. they feast on it. they subside on it. wow, that's so wacky. we sure dont see anything like that anywhere else in nature...(except everywhere else) but then another fine catholic doctrine kicks in: humans arent animals. they're between animals and angels it's insane. it's an overt reality replacement by lying fantasists
imagine white people are ants. and jews are anteaters.  the catholic priest is running around telling the ants, the problem with the anteaters is they reject jesus! when anyone can see the problem is they eat ants.
these catholic fantasists like jones run around saying the problem with kikes is they reject imaginary jesus. no. the problem with jews is biological - it's what they are. they are a race of liars and swindlers. you dont need one word about jesus and that ancient, made-up horseshit (((christianity))) trained laughter out of white men & with it, thinking
two very common lies that white christians repeat: 1) that the catholic church put jews in ghettos (rabbis wanted ghettos) 2) that the church protected white society from jews (the church protects jews from whites with its 1500-year-old policy Sicut Judaeis Non) The basic idea that the church is hostile to jews is a Big Lie. That's why it's repeated by jews.
the minute the tech and transport were there, the latent political danger in a religious univeralism came out that's where we are christianity is antiWhite - and cannot be otherwise
if it were 1500, and there were 700m africans 2-hour flight from europe, do you think things would have turned out any different from now? there is no principle in christianity to support racially exclusive nations
Basically whites now must think like mafia. If you have a WLA, you can send a group of patriotic WHITE americans to (wells fargo) and suggest they not fire a fellow for being pro-white (as just happened). You could probably even take a free lollipop on the way out without their demurral. #WLA
Typical stupid conservative mentality: get angry at "kids" instead of the kikes turning them into a 'thing.'
"Twitter should let whites speak freely." "Wow. Gabbist much?"
THIS is exactly what needs done in USA. WLA - white liberation army. 100x more useful than a political party, tho it would lead there too.
"Blizzard is actively discouraging players from posting the image of Pepe, a cartoon frog that’s been adopted as an alt-right icon. The image also is being banned at in-person competitions where fans watch professional esports players compete. "
" Nevertheless, over 20,000 Republicans cast ballots for Jones. "
In the USA, every white who doesn't work for the govt in some capacity would benefit if the central government disappeared.
The state absolutely sees private people as a 'human resource.' That term is not a joke. And it absolutely does not want them taught them any ideas that run counter to what benefits the (((state))). And it will use WN ideas (for example) as proof parents are unfit to be around THEIR OWN CHILDREN.
Permanent, entrenched, anti-white, (((feminist networks is what public school systems amount to. The white right has to fund itself entirely out of its own pocket - with whatever is left after it has paid for the left. AND at the same time the left is kicking white-right out of common payment systems. This is how tiny-minority views control huge majorities.
The right has to pay for the left. And listen to the (((left))). We need a revolution.  Public schooling means you are forced at gunpoint to pay for opinions you disagree with, which condition Jefferson defined as tyranny.
Public schools are latent agitation bodies, they can be actuated at almost a moments notice to produce bodies and sentiment supporting the latest kike cause du jour.
Liking kids is a qualification for a pedophile, not a teacher.
Look how closely having a ubiquitous 'public school' system is tied to social insanity, bad laws, everything anti-white. Public schooling is a terrible idea that needs to end. Even in an all-white society, the idea of funding teachers by taxes is a standing incentive to create an tyranny of abnormals, maloccs as i call them.
Charlie Varrick will coming out of retirement to spray copious gallonage of pesticides on the human vegetables in D.C.
How many whites were deplatformed in the Holodomor?
If racialism is just subsidizing shit people -- as big govt and mass christianity do - then what's the point? Racialism goes naturally with personal responsibility for the man and a sort of non-religious holy-minimalism for the government.
Satanjism is not the answer, kids. Nor is the Christ-lie.
optics - men who dont have wives lecturing men who do how to appeal to men who are scared of their wives i'm as confused as a worm on a wet sidewalk WTFables is not just mystery meat lunch slices from Oscar Meyer
Racialism is completely at odds with christianity. If you understood christianity, you would know that. You support something you don't even understand. You're also tone deaf because anyone with musical sense can feel that racialism and loserism are opposites.
christianity attracts whites on the level of niggers. who welcome niggers into their fold. get burned by those niggers (and white scum). learn nothing. repeat cycle endlessly. what the catholic calls protecting the weak is subsidizing the defective. this is why so many fat cunts go to mass on sunday and social worker job breeding nigger colonies on monday
We have to go forward to coverture. Women will squawk for ten minutes. The next day they'll wake up happier than they've ever been, and not even understand why.

March 23, 2018:
Who knew that a great civilization hung on Joe Dockers' fashion sense?
Oscar Fingal O'Flahertie Wills Wilde purely from memory. i got mad skills, niggaz!
well i double-epped. but you'll forgive me. you're very forgiving people.
optics - the theory we achieve victory by dressing so that we appeal to men who live in fear of their wives
"we must appeal"  to alleged white men who live in fear of their wives? #normies #Republicans
MASTURBATION itz where babies come from
Stormy is playing 3D chest with Trump.
how to be a woman: 1) dont talk 6) make some food items that dont make dogs retch - a few more dont-talks last) watch some pre-1960 films to learn deportment and proper sizing
it was a rainy mid-morning in the NEMO. as i mounted my trusty steed, i had a choice. moronic christian babble...or malicious semitic nonsense. i chose the latter. nothing but hebes pumping for The Puppet Kids super duper DC rally against the constitution/gun segment. Funny thing, they had a nigger on there too dumb to repeat the party line. I hate NPR.
Deus Vulva "Now get outta here"
CEO of Fusion Media Group, which owns "black" The Root, guess which ethnic group "Isaac Lee" belongs to? Isaac Lee Possin (born 1971) is a journalist and executive at Univision. Lee was born in Bogotá, Colombia to Jewish immigrants.
the Onion is truly the most perverted thing ive ever seen. its choice of subjects and treatment is perfectly in line with that mencken quote about the american public in choosing X president turning from a banquet table filled with dishes by master chefs to stay their stomachs by catching and eating flies
jews phone in threats to themselves, rewarded with tripled funding The Age of Proxies must draw to a close.
there are private opinions, not private truths
aaarghh someone triggered my emphysema while i was researching tentacle porn with their rare shimmering pepe
After the muslims conquer England they're going to retain a small white breeding population (for sexual purposes) on the renamed 'Isle of Manlets.'
IKEA brand cuckboxes. Easy to assemble, even thru tears. Built to hold even the shuddering supersized fellow. With a special compartment for all your recording materials.  If she's on the cuck Don't test your luck. IKEA Cux-Stable. Large man. Large misery. NO PROBLEM.
Ebola is like KISS, Grateful Dead and Phish: the fans are worse than the thing itself.
WE NEED A RESURRECTION OF THE BROETERWANG IN THE WORST WAY Where is the spirit of Klagjar Vvreet Geiptrong when we need it?
the Broeterwang was a super secret underground org dedicated to bringing death and despair to the enemies of the Boer people
"the dark object that emerged from the Jewish slums of Palestine to contaminate us"
700,000,000,000 to keep our green nigger colony in fine fettle boggle the mind, it dooth
what english are doing instead of killing pakis and the cucks/kikes who let them in
Find one cuck who's not a christian. Just one! #CrossCucks
What's the your pussy sore after The Bad Man trump-n-dumped you?
The same effort that goes into taping a piece of paper to a wall could be used to burn down a refugee-sponsoring church. Sorry - that might actually be effective. My bad.
White Nationalism is for whites who can see what's valuable about white people. Something no other race has any problem making out.
Christianity is 100% down with race mixing
muh Muh all right. ya got me there.
Enough "exposing." I've told you, that meme dates to Henry Ford, in 1920, who assumed jews would clean up their behavior if we hinted Angloly at them. GUESS WHAT NIGGA You know who I'm quoting next, Zalinsky the Auto Parts King, to Tommy boy: "Congratulations, kid, ya pinpointed the problem. The next step is to DO something about it."
"Paul Joseph Watson is gay" and a fag too!
The church is a cuck box you can do more than stand on - you can actually go inside and consume delicious cucktales.
this is good, puts yids on defensive
ethnostate sounds like one of those devices that lets women piss standing up such a dumb word
i am developing nigger-tier contempt for our alleged race our entire race needs to GET OFF THE CUCK BOX #TimeToKill
The only thing that matters about normies. They move white. They marry white. But they're selfish cowards, although that's slightly unfair.  They are not heroes. They will not lead. BUT if you have a force in the field, or they are forced by circumstance to choose, they will probably side with nazi over jew-communists.
Ever had your views called "horrible" or "horrifying" in court. While you're sitting there thinking, wtf do my views have to do with anything, alleged judge? Shouldn't you be worrying about behavior? Then the epiphany comes to you: a judge is just a journalist with a gavel. The law is whatever the judge says it is. But there is an upside. We're all judges.

March 22, 2018:

libertarian site LRC promotes this link
Russia, as usual, the only adult in the room
If we are to blame ourselves because THEY attacked one of our guys in a car and he panicked and tried to escape and some adjacent fattie infarcted then we might as well close up shop. This is the christian faggotry - an almost sexual urge to take blame for things that objectively are not our fault. James Fields is guilty of nothing. Nor were any of our side at Cville.
Charlottesville was beyond good or bad, it was necessary. It showed the true lie of things.
It is slowly dawning on the average white man (and our duty to midwife the epiphany) that (((they))) don't hate you for your ideas or behavior, as the scam 'racism' implies, they hate you for what you are. Your very being inspires other-existential angst in them. #NoWayOutButThroughTheJew
I'm concerned about my mechanic's optics. Why, there was grease of a very dubious tint under his nail.
"Judge TWP by their looks" Ok...Looks like they won all their fights.
jews are a mafia they know how to leverage pressure all they worry about is effectiveness Take your tips from winners, not whiners.
If American Nationalists kept it legal, there would have been no revolution.
You accept imaginary God You accept imaginary Holocaust You accept imaginary anti-semitism You're perverts because you abuse your own mind, and seem to get off on it.
As Samuel "brushfires in the mind" Adams wrote in his classic pamphlet "Keep It Legal"... #Wot
"Keep it legal" - how has that worked for the last 100 years? Do jews keep it legal?  Do our enemies keep it legal? Does the government keep it legal? Who but us keeps it legal? Who joins a cause that NEVER strikes blows? Basic questions the KIL crowd can't answer, but the KILL crowd can. #TimeToKill
The true American bird is the turkey and the red-headed woodpecker. Both of which are centered in the NEMO, aka God's country. Those should be our symbols.
Fig Salisbury actually had a higher FQBSI rating but it was Newton that captured the public's imagination.
does the proud American eagle have  have a ski jump nose or a curved semitic beak Yeah. TAKE A LAP, AMnATS and jew or not jew gives him a 3 he's not jew enough by blood (save better info) to get into israel or be judged a jew by Nazis. so i would not technically call him a jew. but he might as well be, for he serves them like a dog, and probably identifies with his sliver bloodline.
For years I thought John Bolton was your classic shit-eating shabby goy, granted of the elevated Ralph-Peters supercuck tier. But no. Upon further review and closer inspection, the creature is 1/8 jew, 100% warmonger. " John’s great-grandfather John Bolton was a Russian Jewish immigrant (he is listed as speaking “Yiddish” on the 1920 U.S. Census).  "
"Every woman can increase her charms of person immensely, if not by growing taut large breasts, or growing silky ear tufts then simply by not-talking for extendentious periods" --attributed to Madame Blavatski
spilled blood is the cumshot of politics you stupid niggers
Southerners are even dumber than muslims. Why, you ask? Muslims cut the nuts off their nigger slaves.
let the word go out from this time and place... the word is spelled  publicly
cuck box is the new shine box Get on yr cucking box, boayy
Cucking box is the new dunce cap
Real men don't use prayer.
i swear we're going down in history as the Age of Cuck if we dont pube up pretty darn quick
we can tolerate flesh queers (faggots) and spirit queers (xtians) if they closet their predilections but the race cause is about race
some girls' mothers are bigger than others girls' mothers (his delivery doubles me in laighter every time)
not all breakthroughs come from scientists MOUTH TAMPONS (soaks up stupidity like itz southern cousin does blood) "because more than one she-hole needs cottony pluggin'" #TeamWhite
christianity is worse than a death cult, it's a veal cult
christian car radio morning: all personal advice. basically forgive everyone, no revenge. turn both cheeks, grab your ankles on and on afternoon: are we doing enough to love israel and give them the trillions in arms they need to kill all their diaper-wearing palestinian baby enemies?
do you want a race of sad sacks and mopey dopeys? Cuz THAT's how you get it #ChristClub First rule is no fighting.  Except for jews. Second rule is telling all about it.
on one hand, you can say the legitimate patriotism of Flyover Americans is being abused by the jewed elite yeah. ok. but i only have so much tolerance for people who  refuse to read. refuse to think. refuse to learn the basics - AFTER the fact. and who refuse to listen to those who do know all fucking ways - reading, direct, first-hand inside experience #GrowUp
you anime jerking fagwads think politics and sex are non-contact sports
(((christianity))) is the enemy of the white race
one of the best openers ever
the suckers jews use to prosecute their wars of aggression around the world are primarly christ simps from the Midwest and South the truth is what Kissinger said: military men are dumb animals and pawns for the (((global elite))) keep worshipping christ, keep being a retard, keep undermining your own race and culture YOU DIRTY CHRIST-FAGGOTS
catholic intellectual cant give a speech in south bend, indiana. because of jew pressure. in which he'd tell us how the catholic church kept jews at bay. why am i the only one laughing here? it's 24/7 open mic nite at the chucklefuq that is america all the stand up comedy you can eat or stick up your ass WE DONT JUDGE HERE
imagine some pot bellied nerds on a dirty sofa. half of them bald this is who you're dominated by, white alleged man why? because you're a christ punk. you're a pussy. Thems the facts, Jack.
it doesnt matter how you vote, you get the same (((agenda))) enacted Candidate A might emphasize pts 1-5, candidate B 6-10, but both of them push all ten Trump verbally fellates niggers, freely offers up every-hole spectrum dominance to jews, and condemns evil white racial loyalists. And now we get Johnny Bolton, so we can have a dual war with Iran and Russia.
You're counting on the govt that hates you to liberate you from the big corporations that hate you. They're the same people. Even if they do what you want, it's for their own reasons. And it won't work out the way you  think. It's spitting in the wind anyway, because we're one Hillary away from global hate speech tyranny. Violence is the way forward.
Form a White Liberation Army. Make no bones - we're going to liberate the country. We're going to kill and replace the people who are trying to bring about #WhiteGenocide. Get so many people, infiltration doesn't matter. Quit being cowards and suckers when we're 200,000,000 of the population. #TeamWhite
ask not for whom the cucking box crumbles; it crumbles for you for no man is an island -- juan donne, For Whom the Belle Trolls

March 21, 2018:

#HeroThomasMair achieved more substantive positive change in Britain than the Brexit vote
what people in UK should do: organizing a midnight piss party tape yourself pissing and shitting on Jo Cox's grave bring your pugs too and make them Sieg Heil in a circle as a chaser #FuckThecUcKs
oldest trick in the book. from disraeli (jew). novel Coningsby  'A sound Conservative government,' said Taper, musingly. 'I understand: Tory men and Whig measures.'
what we are seeing in AmeriKwa  is the well distempered fusion of Anglo-Puritan moralizing and judeo-Stalinist paranoido-tyranny
what has changed on the left? illiterate gaboons wont get this but some will think of how a sap-bubbling Hunter Thompson would have written about Trump and think about how literally every single leftist write about him now
You can lift your dog's paw for him But if you teach him to Heil on his own He'll never feel out of place at a giant rally again. #EachOneTeachOne
Jo Cox today submitted a bill that would increase immigration from Muslim lands by 50% over the next ten years. J/K that totally didn't happen cuz that preening anti-White cunt is DEAD. #HeroThomasMair #ViolenceWorks #PugsNotDrugs
"we owe it to our grandaddies to fail in the same way they did" this is not good thinking this is refusing to think your ancestors want BETTER for you, not womanish tears and doltish copying of fail-patterns
i've always mocked the LOSers but they did look real good with black top and dun pants. I like that better than all black, which skews a tad commie-waiter for my taste.
No one says you cant look good while killing the enemy. See #HeroAndersBreivik
"Breivik killed kids man." A) not true - most were adults B) you see those 'kids' in Florida trying to take your guns - so you can be slaughtered? That's the exact type he got rid of.
tfw memesters and muslims have ruined all your best UK insults - dank sandbar - sandbarbarians
i used to mock Britain as the dank sandbar and it would have worked  if it wasnt for you meddling memesters!
" Oh look, another Jew telling white people what they're allowed to think and feel. Fourth Reich soon I hope. "
" Normal people think you are mentally ill when you have to explain using vague fringe academic theories of whiteness somehow not being real (everyone knows it's real, everyone knows what it is) to explain why we all need to be offended about a 5 word meme intended to specifically provoke you. "
just look at the comments, the kike shplotzed on his own putztard it's insane we are letting this micro group of nerds boss us around
less freedom on the internet, more control. most countries already make our ideas illegal. they're jailing people for semitically incorrect Stupid Pet Tricks what can we do to change things? violence. simply start killing them - cucks and kikes alike: their journalists, their judges, their politicians #TimeToKill
look at this as evolution even ten years ago, you could barely hold a rally in any meaningful sense - the courts and cops already worked out a system to ziploc whites. even then they let in antis with weapons who could attack the good guys today, the System lets antiwhites attack. then jails whites for self-defense. then attackers dox the rest, get them fired.
"the catholic church controlled jews" no, son, the catholic church cant even control its own priests
Russian and Amerikwan generals
beware of highway robbers a-badge-faggin
the redskin is at it again
The problem begins when you claim all men are "created" by god.  How you goin against Leroy when he made by God an' shit? Dog?
The white movement will remain stuck in birth canal so long as it retains ties to conservatism and most of all christianity. This point must be brought out and made clear for all to understand. The racial cause and christianity are competitors.  You can blather until you turn blue in the fact, it won't change the facts.
Don't listen to people saying violence isn't justified. Legal channels are closed to most of the west. They dont even let silly little jew-tool conservatives into countries where ISIS fighters are welcome. "Keep it legal" - go shove your bible up your asshole. May a thousand #HeroDylannRoof #HeroAndersBreivik #HeroThomasMair bloom.
out: prayer, masturbation, figure-cutting, appearances, optics in: finding right principles, behaving in line with beliefs
you all should join me in attacking christ-sickness it is not the main enemy - jews are it is the main reason whites won't defend themselves as whites God is what ties whites to blacks and jews, and that imaginary string must be cut in the minds of all our people

March 20, 2018:

The debate among Johnson, Anglin, Griffin is carried on at the comparatively trivial (because time and place bound hence every changing) level of politics. What must be seen is racialism is a COMPETITOR with christianity.  They are on the same level, so far as explanations. From this, the correct approach, slavery and abolitionism are equally trivial.
It's what John Brown and John Calhoun agreed on that is the problem. They both agreed God created the black man. With a soul. That they were bound to regard. In that, they were both anti-white. As must be all christians.
Naturalism for the jew (the dual code - life for us, death for goyim) Liberalism for the white man (christianity and its soul-equality under God)
Whatever evil racist you has against niggers is surely nothing measured against what their creator has for them. God created niggers. Not even christian slaveowners ever denied that. Christianity started the tickdown to white genocide.
The founders shared one racial view: all non-whites are created by God. THAT is the politically significant racial belief of the Founders - and of all christians.
You cant deny all American founders were God Nationalists. They all believed niggers were created by god. That spiritual belief very quickly turns into genocidal, anti-white politics. As we have seen. If you concede yr natural genocidal enemy (other races) are created by God, you are a liberal, and quite inescapably. Christianity cannot not be antiWhite
Either God Nationalism (christianity) supersedes white nationalism or white specificity (white nationalism) supersedes jewish generalism for goyim (catholicity).
It's not just the big lie that's too big to see but the big truth. In the Griffin, Johnson and implicitly Anglin debate what they're not seeing is that christianity is what's killing us. Their arguments re AN are ignoring the most important thing: God nationalism.  How you gonna keep em down on white man farm after they seen gay Par(ad)is?
What comes before all men are created equal? All men are created.
the most basic counter to Griffins assembly of actual facts is well, my groovy little fellow America's eminentest pa Herr Washington and scribe Ma Jefferson OWNED NIGGERS. LOTS OF THEM. ENOUGH TO FORM SEVERAL DANCE/BABOON TROUPES
sigh...i wish i had enough arms to crack the entire movement's headlets together and make them see reason
the Griffin piece i quoted from
Christianity wasnt displaced by liberalism, it is liberalism.
"Christianity has been displaced as our cultural center of gravity by liberalism. It has no problem accommodating racialism and did so for centuries." Yeah, you just skip over HB Stowe came from an entire line of preachers. John Brown was a christian maniac. Xtianity is omni-wrong on race. Wrong all ways. All races welcome in church. That's the mike drop.
Griffin has changed position again, it's almost funny. " The Jewish Question is merely a symptom and outcome of American Nationalism. " Except it arose there last of all places. And it's found literally wherever jews are. Which tells you it's not an American thing in origin at all.  I mean, if you go in for logic.
Griffin: "The ideology of civic nationalism has always blinded White Americans to how Jews operate as a group, not as individuals." Protestants so hopped up on the old testament they think they're the new israelites are "blinded" to jews operating as a goup? Not only operating as a group but CHOSEN BY GOD.
christianity encourages whites to see jews as the group god chose, and themselves as individuals -- of any race -- who choose to follow jesus christianity is the spiritual basis for political civic nationalism
the roots of white nationalism - but its not an historical thing it's simply what happens (parallel to 'anti-semitism') when whites encounter nonwhites the vast gulf between races = white nationalism. whites instinctively -- and counter to all teachings, christian or jewish-public -- do not want to live around niggers WN = politics that protects our kind
Christ was the first Buscemi how ya doing, fellow children of God
" The median monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in the Los Angeles area is $2,249, and in San Francisco it's almost $3,400 ... The median rent for a two-bedroom apartment in the Los Angeles area is $3,200 and in San Francisco about $4,500. "
the only good thing i can think of that jews have left for goyim and not tried to hoard for themselves and ban for us (racialism/nazism/national borders etc) is pig meat
funny how solzhenitsyn never makes the connection between lack of russian moral courage and the christianity he champions remember when i say #TimeToKill, it's partly from knowledge of what solz AND lenin said (100 good men could have defeated the commskies) we must kill the jews and cucks before they start mass-white-slaughter this century
think about jew-forced racial marriage gaslit to us as integration (the opposite of its real meaning, disintegration) "what god joined (man and wife) let no man put asunder" you see the parallel. the christian teaching amounts to: we're all in this together, married by God and the jew policeman enforces it upshot: christianity is anti-White
the church, the christ-cult, is the source of liberalism. soul-equality is where political equality begins. we are all one (we of all races) in the body of Jesus translates politically into civic nationalism, human rights, one-man, one-vote maybe not on ground, not overnight, but that's the undeniable logic of it
morality doesnt come from christianity that's like believing "tolerance" comes from jews
give things the respect they're due say what you want, christianity is not a racial doctrine, and trying to make it one is the mental equivalent of sodomy
the actual cut in the movement is christianity that has to be resolved my position is clear the idea-mudsharks' position is muddy
boy that pope boyardee peddles a tasty civic spiritualism dont he
if the price of ineffectual legality  is higher than effectual illegality  then... can you do the math, muh nigga?
Yes, I think we should be talking about violence.  I think it's #TimeToKill And I don't even think the votefags in their hearts disagree. I apologize up front for not being a Satanist or FBI.
The jews have destroyed our good name, our good dollar and our racial stock. But christians still worship them. Christianity is anti-White. Whether you understand that or not.
Page views + voting = victory. Who could doubt? Only an FBI agent.
extensive on laws against muzz-crit in France, of course leaving out that jew-crit is just as illegal
pope greazy nigger loves tattoos Christianity is anti-White.
" ...Israel has a clear motivation for damaging the Russian reputation so grieviously. Russian action in Syria has undermined the Israeli position in Syria and Lebanon in a fundamental way, and Israel has every motive for damaging Russia’s international position by an attack aiming to leave the blame on Russia. "
jews basically have a multi-tined cattle prong and are continually  CONVULSING THE NATIONS what time is it WHAT TIME IS IT you know YOU KNOW
is it me or is the world going  FUCKING INSANE
You notice how christianity correlates with unwillingness to take responsibility for one's decisions and actions and - in general - life? That's why I started #Fingerism.
maybe we can work together where did you last SEE your goddy? lets...let's go from there.
if mere invisibility and ineffectuality arent enough to prove a for-chris-sakes ALL POWERFUL DEITY doesnt exist i mean i'm all outta sugar packets
i need to prove your invisible, ineffectual yet mysteriously all-powerful Goddy doesnt exist? no, i need to take the trash out.
again, mental children. atheism is the rejection of a baseless assertion, not a positive assertion
but i'd guess the thing in austin is military related. not a strong opinion, but that's my first instinct even ted of the woods had difficult making pkg like that, and he was a genius phd. someone probably had training, probabably got that training from uncle shmuel or one of shmuels many, many victims
i've seen those satanists but not recently. years ago a number of these weirdoes tried to get on my forum, also followed me. just say no to satanists. they are as dumb and useless as christians. the whole thing does smack of fedcrap. people are more willing to question the 'caust, so why not double down with satanism, to shiver the crosscretins.

March 19, 2018:

We muh went to the moon!!! And what did you get. (looks in bag) Why, bless your heart. You got some rock-ies!
basically you got to remember people are idiotic that doesnt stop at poetry art science religion fishing boilermaker pouring masturbation art deco remodeling train station conventioneering bunch of morons, perverts, freaks, degenerates, hoosnows, klangverts base-station pillar sneeves, hangnuts, human croutons
"There is logic, reason and order in the universe because goddy works in mysterious ways." --Nils Yjinkladle, aka The Crosseyed Catholic
Take that, science niggers! "The well-established study of plasma cosmology shows that galaxies are an electrical phenomenon " BOOM GOES A TINY PORTION OF MY GALAXIAL NESCIENCE This can only be compared to beloved Dr. Huxtable discovered as a dozenal-rapist.
As G N' R sang: _Black holes and Einstein They make no sense to me They come to our country Spread some bullshit theory..._
" Einstein’s field equations violate the experimentally well-established usual conservation of energy and momentum, and therefore violate the experimental evidence. " " In an audience of theoretical physicists there was stunned silence—and not a single question. "
" Einstein’s gravitational waves are fictitious; Einstein’s gravitational energy cannot be localised; so the international search for Einstein’s gravitational waves is destined to detect nothing. No gravitational waves have been detected. " Every Great Jew Is In Time Revealed A Fraud  (try to discount that)
" Despite claims for discovery of black holes, nobody has ever found a black hole; no infinitely dense point-mass singularity and no event horizon have ever been found. There is no physical evidence for the existence of infinitely dense point-masses. "
Atheism - the cockamamie notion that something invisible and ineffectual doesn't actually exist
the catholic 'intellectual' fairly tears up over how much god hates the misuse of the bunghole for inducing pleasurable spasms in a pulsating wiener then this same fine fellow stretches his mindhole with Great Truth brand whoppersausage of jebus who came back from the dead how does Goddy feel about the misuse of the mental portal? #BrotherhoodOfSickFucks
black ho denial is real yo
the efnostate is what i support jews allowed? F NO! niggers are cool? F NO! mexic - yeah you got the ick right - F NO!
Race unites us. Religion divides us.  What unites us?  Only this: we want WHITE STATE. And we acknowledge JEWS ARE OUR RACIAL ENEMY. Everything else is de facto irrelevant because we don't agree on it - never have, never will. It's for after the rev. We will compromise on it. For now - you're a christ fag, shut up (1) or, better, (2) FUCK FUCK FUCK OFF.
The only thing we're united on is an INDEPENDENT (SOVEREIGN) WHITE RACIAL STATE. I don't know where that queer term ethnothtate comes from. It sounds like a thertain thomeone thrying to thray thromething and mithing. (sad thrombone thound)
If you're a Deus Vulva, you're not part of the White movement, you're a christfag.
Rising movement are INtolerant. Not tolerant. The anti-purity spiralers are clueless. To them, any consistency, any principle is "purity" and they mock it. They're idiots. To the extent we control anything, in the white movement, it is this. And we don't. We just stupidly, brainlessly mix in conservatism and christ-insanity with racialism.
remember jewish media is not safe to drink always boil your tv or jewspaper five (5) min minimum before eye-watching or eye-reading. that way and that way alone you avoid chaimydia #TheMoreYouGlow
One Oh Nine  not doing fine One Oh Ten  Never a Fucking Gen
communication reveals that communication won't solve most serious problems not in politics, anyway
ssiiiingin' in the bran i'm  singingginigning in the bran what a glorious  feeeeleeling unconspitipaaaated again "Politics is downstream of metamucil" - Gregg Johnson
of all oyster-based entertainment options, this is the safest? yes, safest.
how many of you whining whiteniggers are on Facebook and Twitter i bet 19 out of 20 here's a mirror what do you see in it? a faggot? VERY CLOSE
Veh of oy, the new new new new new antoooy-shemitism, itz
" Trump "has made nationalist policy into the policy of the executive branch," says New York Times editor Jonathan Weisman. His new book, (((Semitism))), is about being Jewish in the Trump era. "
you white niggers are just bitches trendy fucking bitches bitches is the key word whatever comes down the pipe, you hope on optics  deep state alt-right muh muh muh  you fucking nextlingen and funniest of all "ima muh turditionalist" you faggots aren't even word-loyal
leftists are the only people who write book after book about a subject (like alt-right) without ever taking that subject's basic arguments seriously. nice life of the mind, bitches. they only take stuff seriously so far as it presents threat to left. they dont-can't actually consider arguments. not even 'professors.'  FAKE ACADEMY
look fellow whitelers see hitler was a guy of average height and build  blue eyes. brown hair. probably like a lot of you he didnt like (((crap))) economics. he didnt like (((jew-spread))) sex degeneracy. he did something about it that's really about the size of it #HeroAdolfHitler
jews would never sign up to fight wars for christians jews think. they act in their own interests they're serious people. christians are stupid clowns but worse than that they hold stupidity and clowndom as ideals grow up you fucking stupid cross-cucking faggots christ you're pathetic
i, for one, oppose people killing other people for reasons i deem invalid
all right my fellow hitlers.  those pygmies didnt get across the river on the first try. did they give up. fuck no. they're pygmies. pygmies dont GIVE UP. pygmies FIGHT and OVER-COME. are we less than they?
By no conceivable metric is Paul Ryan a stupid man. So where does that leave us?
Calling the GOP stupid is the professional conservative's way of flattering his audience and extracting shekels from them. Is Paul Ryan stupid? Are you man enough to face the answer, or do like the feel of Petey Brimelow and shitter-fucker Coulter blowing smoke up your ass?
if you're white, you're hitler. just accept that.
Why is it so difficult for some to comprehend that IF jew NOT on "our" side? This is the danger of mixing with conservatism. You lead the unaware aka dolts to think these anti-white kikes are on our side. They can't see that whenever it matters, the "right wing" jews push the same old anti-white policies - open borders, free trade, forced nigger injections, etc.

March 18, 2018:

these muh niggers
Now thatza gooda internetta Rango Smith  Tahoedirt • a day ago You poor little tard 1   • Vanderleun  Tahoedirt • a day ago Get back on your husband's strap-on you mouth breathing septic tank.
gods are like world wrestling figures for the soul they're not real. they're supersized, larger than life representations of what we admire and hate and just generally see in the world that far i can go when people start claiming these imaginary figures are real, they turn into jungle niggers
the romans were proto-Fingerists maybe it's apocryphal, but they made their wise latinos stand UNDER the bridges they built as the marching studs tromped over so that bridge-nigger had to stand behind (literally under) his work that is some echt #Fingerism i can respect
the romans built some fucking MAN bridges , did they not
all faith is misplaced faith, as the term is commonly used the correct  use of faith is to back the correct idea that thinking and logic work they do. that's where we put the faith. not in opposition to them - as with christ-lunacy
if something doesn't work, i stop doing it.  i'm not a traditionalist
maybe it's me. i dont like forms or symbols you know back when most of y'all were glistening bits of spunk we had rallies. and maybe after 4-5, i got real fucking tired -- after the blueniggers scanned me so look ma no gats -- of being locked upin a pen and not let to talk to people right in their eyes the System is a god-damned scam it's time to spill some blood
all this talk about killing enemy because it  seems necessary are we going to content with all this memefagging for twenty more years what does it culminate in? just endless My Little Voty until we win?
the point is not that government is stupid (hey...that makes wise you smart...self-praise is gauche, toodles) but that they have an agenda directly opposite the interests of the normal white person they supposedly represent so what do we do when the leaders are at odds with the population?
i mean i'm all for valiant warriors and busty wenches with flagons of chocolate milk who wouldnt be. i'm not some faggot. but that shit is fiction. it's not real. like jesus. fiction. long as we have that straight, we can be friends. but you start claiming Valhalla is a fact, i will fight you as i fight the jesus boobs-liars
whites don't take christianity seriously enough i do that's why i have my attitude toward it its central claims are lies. period, end of sentence. there is no second opinion on that.
as for Valhalla, i dont believe in it. not as a real thing. as a concept, yeah, sure, it's cool but i was raised in Christian Science this will be wasted on 99.9% of you, but this is why i exhibit extreme hostility toward those make light of the distinction between fact and fiction
the white man's duty is not to spread the tall tale of jesus to the jerkwater pygmies of County Hoodoo, but to slaughter all enemies who prevent our flourishing in peace
if USA was a dog, and you took it to the vet. the vet would say yep. you've got jew worms. and give you some pills to kill all the jewworms.
white people think their norms are universals but they're not many will learn this too late universalism is generally poisonous outside math
if jews arent what we say they are why can we simply repost Nazi cartoons from 100 years ago (almost) and even in foreign lands with no translation a small child can see their undeniable truth? how the Nazis shame us in Anglo lands, with our cowardly evasions and Soviet-helpering we suck.  But we can always CHOOSE TO STOP SUCKING. LIke, RIGHT NOW MAN.
the evolution of mental life in a jewocracy they couldnt be lying about THAT they are lying about that what else are they lying about they're lying about EVERYTHING
actually watch this interview. swedish woman who moved to hungary it's insane we are not mass slaughtering the cucked political class, which includes media not just politicians SERVE THE JEW - WE KILL YOU #TimeToKill
we should be angry, we should killing people i understand the comedy part but when you come out the other side at some point you realize you dont live forever this shit is not clearing up, it's not getting better the cons and Reps will never do anything it's time to get as angry as possible it's  #TimeToKill
you can only lose your innocence once. not just for sex, but for thinking or as guns n' roses put it Welcome to the jungle...
" PUA morphed into redpill "
you ever lost control of a car and you hit that weird brain state where time slows as you process yes-this-is-real britain is about there now
it's healthier it's more fun it's just all around better for men to be MEN then women can go back to being women which is a family thing. kitchen, bedroom, backyard women dont belong in the agora the Greeks were right about that. and everything else including leaving botch-babies out for the ugly birds
is there anything sadder/stupider looking than a woman in a cop uniform
Niggers can't learn. Whites never learn. Do you see the difference?
Trump fucked White America. And Stormy Daniels. Only one of them got paid. In the immortal words of the shrimp in BASEketball, "you do that thirty or forty more times, I'm outta here."
" Neil Strauss, other Jews and snake oil salesman saw a market to exploit and profit from ignorant desperate men. The media backed them whilst they were pushing degeneracy but pulled the plug once it conflicted with their feminist agenda and encouraged men to expand their thoughts to ‘dangerous’ red pill territory. "
the special relationship between USA and Britain is that both are run by jews
Make me dictator, I can clean up America in two weeks.
Christianity is liberalism. - the idea the other race has souls, was created by God, is owed elevation and stewardship and love by your race - political liberalism comes directly from this sicko Semitic nostrum Christianity = white racial suicide by jewish ideology.
christianity is a sunk cost ok but if we were starting over tomorrow and we needed a Great Context for our race would we choose a tall tale featuring a semitic sci-fi hero? is that what we want?
remember the catholic spirit-queers teach that man is not part of nature which leads naturally into denying basics such as two species/subspecies cant exist in the same area
boy i'm so sick of hearing about this  Fredrick Demond Scott make it stop already jesus
catholicism (christianity) is spiritual egalitarianiasm doctrine of soul equality race-trivializing semitic balderdash
catholicism (christianity) asserts: men are fundamentally the same: sinners needing salvation
if you want a one-size-fits-all religion,  why wouldnt you want a one-size-fits-all state?
if you want a white-exclusive state why wouldnt you want a white-exclusive religion?
"...cleaned vacation condos, which forever taught me that leaving a piece of lime sitting in vodka dregs in a plastic cup in a room pumped to 90 degrees over a weekend can destroy an entire building."
Charlottesville results show that 'illegal' pro-white actions (randomly shooting niggers, for example) are less costly than 'legal' ones (permit-rallies, self-defense). For the former they have to figure out there's a 'crime,' then find out who did it, then 'prove' it in court. For the latter, they just use their media power to lock you up.
Organizations can be infiltrated.  I would still make a no-bones White Liberation Army.  An army. not a political group, an army. That's the level we're at. But decentralized people who understand The Problem and The Solution. Just like white torrents. Each handle a small part. One part is posting lists of topcucks and topkikes.
If they won't let us speak, why would they let us live? No reason except slavery.
Post lists of top 500 cucks. Top 500 jews.  The people who are actually murdering the white race. Just have them up anonymously where all can find them.
Look at what one scrawny nebbish achieved, #HeroThomasMair .  Imagine what 50 normal men could do. Slaughter a pile of politicians, servile cuck cops and muslims. #LiberateTheUK
DeTritus walk free. Truly we live in a golden age of the nigger criminal. Thanks jews!
i love everybody i mean, not really but in the sense of giving each what it deserves i guess that's condescending but i dont have another mode i'm limited. and "a man's got to know his limitations"
choosing facts over fantasies is the  intellectual equivalent of struggle, or taste for struggle over ease one reason i'm against christ-lunacy - it's lying, pussy stuff, comfort carbohydrates for the undersouled
it is utterly absurd, this women-lawyers thing.
You notice how fucking stupid our society is getting. I see this so often.  I'm driving. A woman gets to the intersection long before I do. Sits there and waits until I arrive and stop. Then still sits passively there like a fucking dog or something. Have to wave her to go.  People are becoming dumber and more passive by the hour. Greece had right idea, agora for men.
And I've used the easiest case, for those who bleat keep it legal.  What about Sweden? What about Germany? What about France? What about UK? How do they get from where they are today to where they need to be - the legal way? It's absurd, and you know it's absurd. There is no way.
Play to our strengths.  Killing people. White men are very very good at that. It's something productive the average person can do. Kill the enemy. #TimeToKill
they were stress testing the cars and drivers, not the bridge. that's the sort of enriching forward thinking you get with island mexicans
Life has not a warm-up period, it's not a drill. There's no whistle and kickoff to a race war. It's already started.  Now it's time for our side to fight back. #TimeToKill
Cuban bridge takes a siesta, very culturally insensitive article here.
Even the jewish bible for congenitally stupid and cowardly nitwits agrees: There is a  #TimeToKill Honestly -- how is this right here right fucking now - not it? Honestly?
I've been influenced by many, many people.  I would never think of holding any of them responsible for my actions. That would be cowardly, dishonest - unWhite. More, it would breach the First Formulation of #Fingerism.
As a standing mocking challenge to you peabrains: Show me how we get from where we are today (a bad position heading Southafricaward) to an Independent White Racial purely legal means? How do we do it LEGALLY? As you continually stupidly advise?   I say you have no plan. Because it's not possible. That's why I say: #TimeToKill
As I say, we should kill the cucks who serve the jews. We must make it absolutely clear to our fellow whiteskins: SERVE THE JEW AND YOU DIE. Not just you. But your entire family. #TeamWhite
A gun is a tool for killing your enemies, like deer, journalists, jews. That's all. It is not an inherently interesting thing.
One thing i am not and never have been or will be: a gun guy. I don't get this always talking about guns. But never using them. #GunFags
WN is the incredible wacky idea that a building needs a good slab foundation. Whiteness is just the start. It's absolutely essential. But it alone is not enough. We need behavioral standards on top of the racial foundation. If you claim yr pro-White and you act wrong, you're hurting the cause.  Control yourself. Be serious men, not clowns - in ideas & behavior.
Ok, guys, here's where you show your character. If you're actually pro-White, what happened with Heimbach et al. is tawdry, nasty, unprincipled but most of all a terrible thing for a number of younger people. Objectively it is funny. But politically, personally and racially it's a bad and very sad thing.  Help make things better, that's what real WN would do.
You can say "keep it legal" 1000x online. And you can write, we need an SA kicking ass in the street and chopping some commie heads off. Guess which one will be used and carry all the weight in court? So, the right approach is not to mention legality at all.
And as you parrot "keep it legal" the area of still-legal speech and actions continues to shrink. You're fighting the inevitable.  Just relax. It's time to kill.  Break out of their perimeter. What does that mean? I can't say - anyone with brains can see what needs to be done, just a matter of circumstances and opportunities.  But yes. It is #TimeToKill
We've already seen - this kike is claiming that talk about self-defense against leftist initiated violence in Cville is a "conspiracy." And good mens lives and dollars are tied up for literally years trying to fight this crap.
And they don't care that Shields was attacked - and defending himself trying to escape. They don't care that he's legally innocent. They lie he's guilty. And they lie you encouraged him. And they lie you conspired to kill leftists.  The judges and the media are 99% leftists, they agree our position is "hate." KEEP IT LEGAL - is clown talk. What does it even mean?
See, any White writer who has written as we do could be dragged into court. All they need is some association with some actor. Say you had emailed with Shields before Cville. They'll say, well you're a writer, right? Why did you go into that? You want to influence people, right? Well who can deny that? Then YOU become resp. for criminal actions per judge/media.
I never have or will post anything that is illegal. Why?  Secondarily out of respect for Torba. But primarily because it's not effective. In fact, I don't really see how you could breach the incitement barrier online, given there's no immanence. But of course, the left doesn't follow the law unless the odd judge forces it.
We should be killing our enemies. Right now. #TimeToKill
It should be ASSUMED by all WHITE writers that EVERY MAN is responsible for HIS OWN ACTIONS. That's why I promote #Fingerism. The only valid religion. Because it's based on that eternal truth: EVERY MAN CAN MAKE HIS OWN FINGER MOVE. HENCE EVERY MAN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS OWN ACTIONS.
"Keep it legal" implies that you accept what the jew-left will always try to push in papers and in court, that YOU are responsible for ANOTHER MAN's actions. You play into that when you mention legality at all. And ALL EVIDENCE shows that saying "keep it legal" doesn't give you any protection - you still get blamed - even when they do keep it legal.
What I'm talking about, a comment at Takimag: "I recall during the last elections, the leftists lambasted Trump at the lunch table and around the water cooler. You never heard anyone say they supported Trump, because they knew that saying so was putting their job in jeopardy. "
The mainstream whiteskin vierw, neutered republican (shorn of its race balls, as conservatism must per jew command) is now hate just like the veriest nazis. That's what has developed the last few years.  Even the gelded right is HATE.
An ideological ice age steals over us.  Back in the day, you could support one of the Bushes in your corporate job, and just get dirty looks. But now if you support Trump, there's a real risk you can get fired. Increasingly the judeo-left feels its tyrannical oats.
KEEP IT LEGAL - ? no.  KEEP IT EFFECTIVE to the enemy, the law is irrelevant. they dont follow it themselves. they dont care if what we do is illegal or legal, they simply invent a legal pretext. see Charlottesville the judges are the same as journalists. same mindset. same type. same anti-White dishonesty.
How is KEEP IT LEGAL working out for us, "fam"? What do you righteous and gnarly blokes think?
hey friends if a nigger name dishan or dushon or deandre for the non-holidays attacks you THATS A COURT MATTER MAN TAKE IT TO COURT A REAL ONE WITH STONE AND JUDGES KEEP IT LEGAL nothing cuts thru the mishmash yabbayabba jibberjabber but that northern lite KEEP IT LEGAL
65-year-old woman arrested and raided in Sweden for saying ragheads lower the population's IQ. KEEP IT LEGAL, FRIENDS. Above all, people, KEEP IT LEGAL. Hey I dont know you, you probably smell great, and you have lots of merry picnics planned for the warm season, I'm just saying my one message going out from me to you KEEP IT LEGAL. We can all agree. KEEP IT LEGAL
#Fingerism is the only religion that's worth a damn.
Dejew your life. What you can control, you should. Cut the cord. Pirate movies.  Hurt your enemy.  Buy stuff second-hand - almost all retail is jew-owned and all of it is hugely overpriced.
rightists are more willing to be used to kill in others' bad causes than kill for their own cause
the left are willing to kill and lie for their cause the right are only willing to make honest arguments

March 17, 2018:
line from seventies movie: cunt's car break, tried to jew a guy into a cheap ride, he offers back 30. "i could get a taxi for that." "in my world if you cant fix it you dont drive it" "chauvinist" this is the sort of twat who builds feminist bridges, aka supersized speedbumps
even the goddam nigger sites are filled with jewlies about Putin goddam these kikes need extinct
i'm gonna be off gab a few hours.  when i get back the faggotry levels better be CONSIDERABLY lower or y'all in for some hard bigotry of raised expectations
does "we" include christians? If so GAME OVER, MAN at best a serious "we" could only, barely tolerate social christians.  there is absolutely no way a racial movement can tolerate Clown Town synthesis of Jesusism and white nationalism.
some of these sad assholes, FORREST gump is ASP-IRATIONAL they're more like one-tree Gumps
the christian values are self-pity and cabbage patch doll-tier 'luv'
Sandman with some insight on christianity, how and why it's feminized these days
whiteskin christians are akin to a dog that just won't stop eating cat turds
even the catholics can see jared taylor for what he is! when too many supposed WN cannot it is to cry Jared Taylor is the goyfront face of jew-coopted fake White Nationalism.
we have the worst of all possible worlds: these hyperobnoxious she-kikes representing us, combine that with female not grasping you can be punched for mouthing off (as any man understands) and then you start fucking with a guy who has just held a press conference to demonstrate he can blow your stupid cities to kingdom come #NOTSMART
these fucking kikes are going to get us all killed and you fucking retarded christian cretins are the REASON they have power
Q. Is Jared Taylor a jewdick-slurpring faggot? A. Yes. Q. How long has Jared Barnum Taylor been a jewdick-slurping faggot? A. Well, Jerome, this may not surprise some folks, but he's always been a jewdick-slurping faggot. Q. Thanks for your time. A. No problem.
"In Stamford Hill in the UK, for example, amongst individuals 20 years or older, the prevalence of Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis is approximately 20 in 1,000 of the Jewish population as compared with 5 in 1,000 of the local non-Jewish population. We expect that the same is true elsewhere in the world.  " from jew-for-jews publication
Top ten things jews would do if they ACTUALLY hated and feared christianity, rather than looked down it as contemptible boobnip: 1) yank church tax status (as they did for Pierce's cosmotheism) 2) kick crissies off airwaves 3) make the cross into a swastika (list it in their symbols of hate book) They do none of these. The church protects them, they protect it.
jews hate muh cristeeanity.  no, they disdain and mock it as the low-rent mass superstition it is. they made it and sold it to you, and you're so fucking stupid you believe it. what they hate is they have to live in a world where morons like you are the majority, even to enslave and live off you if they hated and feared your crank cult, they'd make it illegal. like NS
Christianity: cult of cucks The cross: sign of the cuck, symbol of the cuck
i'll ask again,  why doesn't Every. Single. Time. apply to the jew-written, jew-edited, jew-produced bible? or were you just kidding about that?
did the judge "keep it legal" in the deandre case?
this is at least the third serious crash, at least 2 involving fatalites, involving the Congolese that have been brought into Kirksville, Missouri, by the christians and jews
i assert again: the average person does not believe in causality, and the reason for this (because i do) is the church. it has done more than any other factor to persuade even people of real mental ability that things don't happen for reasons, just for A reason called God
purity spiraling - the crazy belief that snowballs are better made out of snow than snow + dead leaves, dirt, and dogshit
impurity spiraling is the greater problem we want white racial loyalists...and christians...and faggots...and conservatives...and jews

March 16, 2018:

BOTS are no longer a problem on GAB unfortunately CONGENITAL MENTAL DWARFISM  still is
if some putz named jesus christ came back from the dead and walked on water then racialism is nothing but a bizarre irrelevancy take it straight up either christ-lunacy is true or its not and if it's not, it's a horrible, degeneracy of the spirit that should be done away with which is my position
Your head says: we've got to exterminate them. Your fear says: we can't do that, it's immoral! Who put that fear in you? The catholic church Christianity.
"Prosecutors only charge people who don’t share their political beliefs. Judges look the other way when crimes are committed as long as the cause of social justice is served. Organized gangs are allowed to operate as a vigilante force to suppress free speech." 2/2
"...we’ve gotten to the point where violent leftwing mobs have been given a blank check by the state to attack citizens exercising their constitutional rights. The police stand down, watch and allow riots to happen. Some cities are allowed to nullify federal court orders. " 1/2
courtier satire: boy that onion they really cut thru the BS they do
courtier satire: "reinforcing jew-myths since we were faggots back in Madison"
promiscuous spiritual love: society (the social body) promiscuous physical love:  individual (the physical body)
it's funny that the same whiteclowns bleating about 'pathological altruism' (because why be wrong when you can be pretentious and wrong) start crying when you point to christ-insanity one excellent candidate for reason-behind-it
The Onion is akin to the comics page in TASS Coopted, deballed
courtier satire: satire that reinforces authority myths rather than laughing at or challenging them. see SNL political skits. or this:
jews promote promiscuous physical love christianity promotes promiscuous spiritual love both to the same end
"I love everybody!" are you a christian or a whore?
courtier satire: as everything, promotes loose sex what would serious satire go after: certainly not a monkey marrying into human royalty. nothing funny about that, guvnor. always with the loosex, the yudinskis
It's parallel to the saying: you don't know your country till you go abroad Race is like that. You don't realize your 'race' until you're on a beach full of mexicans or a bunch of blacks move into your neighborhood. They make you think of things about yourself and your kind you never thought of before, so different are they.
jews lie to inflame nigsers against Putin
Ethnic is the things you think about.  White is the things you don't.
i remember feedling leaves to something at the zoo. it was giant headed, with giraffe-type fur, with a prehensile purple tongue. probably a wildebeest or something
Theresa May has serious #HAGCRED
kiss cam = pick your nose cam THINK OUTSIDE THE STRIL-BOX, PEOPLE
you have to think from jew pov. they dance around atop us like little indian boys an elephant, jibber at us, poke us with lie-spikes. but they must ever fear we awake to our power and use one giant foot to mash a shartpile of jew-jiggities into ungroovy mush
look, give people, or hominids their due. even your friends. especially your enemies.
being nice and friendly and helping people is "pathological"? Why, you'd have to be a lying piece of shit or jared taylor to believe that. among ourselves, those are why our race is worth protecting. they are the "there" there, along with other stuff (creativity and such)
when these clowns say 'pathological altruism' - the ones who seriously contend it, not the middle-class pretentiousites - you have to watch that. they are close to throwing baby out with bathwater. and some of them (jared tayliar) intend that. the quality is GOOD among us and BAD among others. or - we should be jews? or niggers? or mexicans? really?
it's like this if you're a young goywhore on the rise, want fame and fortune as actress, your first role is potted plant in Harvey Weinstein's The Big Toss if you're a young conservative goy on the make, you have to denounce racialism and support jew wars to make the scene no matter what you privately think most whiteskins can be bought.  #TruthHurts
look people, i do not theory, i have observed this personally, as well as knowing from books jews have a network in DC. they protect and promote each other. they are the only group that has a real serious network this is why they run things. there is no network for normal-whites-who-dont-like-what-jews-are-doing-to-america thus does tiny minority control
Remember what Philip Dick said - and no one was more into delusions than him, yet he put it plain-perfectly: Reality is what doesn't go away when you stop believing it. Christianity can't pass that test, can it? Its claims are lies. Beside the height of its whoppers, even jew-lies are shrimpy. Do you dare to be a man? Or are you content with being a christian?
literally the only reason i wish i had a small furred pet is so i could scruff it up and gurn I"VE GOT TO STOP CHRISTMAS FROM COMING...BUT HOW??
i'm not like you mentally degenerate numpties when people tell me tall tales about people coming back from the dead I LAUGH
White Nationalism offers protection to whites - if they embrace it. It doesn't wipe your ass. It doesn't take you to the stars. It protects you from people who want to destroy your kind and drive them from the face of the earth. Rudimentary insight from #TeamWhite
The "nation of immigrants" (((big lie))) worked in U.S. Now the kikes are trying it in Europe. #TeamJew
i just threw in that greasy wop because italians need their what jagger called their "fair share of abuse." if anything, i'm mildly pro-med anti-nordic. purely based on lived experience.
i dont even like "my" political views. they're not mine, they're the only reasonable positions in relation to objective matters. that's how i see it. i dont like disease-spreading degenerates, aka faggots. it has nothing to do with me. it has to do with the disease-spreading degenerate faggots.  i'm so proud of MY view that i dont like (rotting meat). ALL ME.
The humility the christsunk tell you to feel before God is misplaced. Actually, you should acknowledge reality - outside your personal desires. That's where the humility belongs, although it's not, properly speaked, called humility.
whites are a essentially a group of old women in perpetual surprise they have to pay at the checkout stand wow man. just wow. did NOT see that coming. wait let me dig for my checkbook. christianity ACTUALLY FUNCTIONALLY teaches ortherwise IQ-smarts that causality is a LIE. "God" rather operates thru "Prayer." That's the ticket!
if you argue that revelation is on par with reason, you are a leftist, no matter what you consider your position. reality doesn't suspend for your special-needs hallucinations i love the catholics talking about reason and logos (the name jesus gave one of his best phlegm hawks) - and in next breath affirming their buhlief that muh christ came back fm the dead
a delicious memory, the pink-cheeked blush of this young southern reactionary i met on practically my first day in professional conservatism, as he tried to condescend to me and i supplied the missing AP vocabulary word he couldnt quite recall we were arguing revelation vs reason. i asserted, as now, revelation != reason, revelation = delusion taking airs
few things are more contemptible than young fogeys
The white cause offers sexual morality. Not so much positive as negative. Keep your buttons zipped up. If you act like a nigger in public, we will cut you. Christian whiteskins who want that - if we are the only ones who can supply it, as Hitler's group did, the majority will follow. Keep Sex Private. That's a winning Whiteplank.
so retarded gooks are following amerikwan christsimps with the dick chopping, the excised gookbits undertaking the delicate work of disbagging sandy bullock's visual resource centers #KillMeNow has always been anti-white. That particular spelling of America - the Germanic k - comes from sixties yid radicals. And I see so many unlettered halfwits repeat it. In one letter it suggests "America is Nazi, man!" - which is the exact opposite of the case. AmeriKwa, Weimerica, as you prefer, is JEWED TO THE MAX.
"White nationalism follows in this model by suggesting that our problem is a lack of white equality. It seeks to blend together all whites, caste and ethnicity ignored..."  False. Strawman. Literally no one says that. is leftist. Whites are alike in ALL being under comprehensive RACIAL ATTACK.  White Nationalism is our collective defense.
What do they call it, a limited hangout, partial hangout? Or bait and hook. You have to give a little something to get them to swallow the poison. The good stuff is the sexual morality - that's the bait to get whitefolk to swallow the jesus poison.  The poison has done its work. And the morality is long gone. (((Christianity))) is antiWhite.
If you think 'white' is an abstraction, you haven't lived around many coloreds. Being white is a lot more real a thing than being Irish.
I don't get this "white nationalism" is an abstraction. No one cares if you're catholic. No one attacks you for being a greasy wop. But whites are legally discriminated against, mocked every hour of the day in media, and attacked on the street or farm. Not because of their religion. Not because of their ethnic group. Solely because of their race.
of all the things that are inexplicable, jordy peterson has to be pretty high on the list
" Latina Vagineer Barbie says "Math is hard." "
Jews are doing more to form our #TeamWhite than christians, who confuse, demoralize and mislead us. By their relentless focus on what matters - our race - jews teach us what they fear, what we are - what actually matters about us.  The white cause is about race. Not religion. Christ-insanity, get behind us.
nowhere do the court or media acknowledge the NIGGER initiated the physical attack
The key to understand re DeAndre Harris, the nigger who initiated the assualt that led to his blackass-beating. The COURTS are playing the same games with AGENCY the JEWSMEDIA do: They reverse it.  So the black initiates the assault, the whites defend themselves. The whites are treated like the aggressors. The blacks like the victims. #KeepItLegal
We have to dump christianity. It's killing us. It's spiritual sugar - poison. We need a paleo diet for the mind.
No other group accepts proxies for its interests advocates. Only whites. Supposedly radical whites telling each other that someone who literally denounces our thing (white nationalism) in so many "really" on our side. Whites are FUNCTIONALLY the stupidest race ever heard of. NO PROXIES Elections are 99% useless - but if you must: NO PROXIES.
One of the funniest ironies of all is there actually are a million things wrong with the white race - none of them are actually mentioned by jew-leftists.
Elections are one aspect of politics, too many think they are the whole thing.  It's awfully odd and uncharitable me suggests brainless That the same people preaching (cowardly-christian-derived) long-terms strategies are simultaneously obsessed with elections.  There is no sense here to be had. We're drowning in the sand of a moron desert.

March 15, 2018:

Should normal white Britons "keep it legal"?
the point of a church (whether it's right or not) is 'eternal verities'  not entertainment it's giving people what they need, not what they want when you use language that pertains to commercial crap that has no real quality distinctions you're not doing anybody any service air, water, white nationalism don't need a brand, dont have anything to do w branding
when i hear an alt-right kiddie talking about "branding" this mentality was captured perfectly by Simpsons  with line about "this church is skewing pious"
who is dumber? - 68-IQ retarded nigger - 102-IQ white who's dumbfounded when 68-IQ retarded nigger does the exact same thing it's done 1000x before #BoerDoherOerNOer
So Jared Taylor is a friend of Kevin MacDonald. Kevin MacDonald is adviser to Paul Nehlen. Jared Taylor just banned Paul Nehlen from speaking at his conference. Interesting.
If this life is just a staging ground for the Afterworld that is the real thing, then race-concern makes no sense.  You can blather and palaver to your heart's content but you can't escape the contradiction at the heart of christian-racialism.
When women enter an institution, it's dying, ending, moribund would be the adjective. When journalism is so easy women can do it, it's dead - mere template filling, akin to boring, ideological Mad Libs. Women have no moral problem with lying, and no felt urge to think. Journalism lets them circulate and display their tits, so it's perfect.
The connection is there between white genocide and The Holohoax Nehlen SHOULD talk about it Everyone should.
Nehlen's in an interesting spot. Taking advice from Kevin MacDonald, who has negative political instincts. And who is Jared Taylor's buddy.
Funny how no one mentions that lawsuit filer and jew-dick-slurper Jared DuBois Taylor doesn't allow material he doesn't like (jew crit) on his platform. Yet Twitter should be forced to allow his (pro-jew puling) on theirs.  Jared Taylor should take three silk ties, twist them into a braid, then hang his withered old lying self. That would be good for Whites.
Public schools are a way for the establishment to control you - and force you to pay for it. They should all be burned down.
People just repeat what they hear that sounds good. Very rarely is any actual thinking involved. I suppose this is biological, yet people actually can think if they try.  Why wouldn't thinking be analogous to using muscles. The more you think, the greater and deeper the associations and connections you're able to make.
Jared Taylor bans Nehlen from speaking at his conference. What a faggot Jared Taylor is. Jared Taylor, aka The Polished Turd, is not a white nationalist, he's a cuck for the jews.  #TeamWhite
What the public perceives about WN that matters most is not that we don't wear the right Underoos (ask Ricky Vaughn) it's that we don't strike blows. We TALK about white genocide. And in next breath SIGN MUH PUHTITION. VOTE FR Donger Nogstrum, he's "RILLY" on our muh side.
It is effeminate-English and dishonest-jewish to WANT to  BE one thing but SEEN as another.
This fucking stupid, childish notion of branding has got to be destroyed. Leave that to the e-charlatans. THEY sell something. We ARE something.
You who think principles don't matter are utterly wrong. Time will show you.  You cannot combine christianity and racialism, they are at odds. They offer competing contexts, and to take one seriously is to take the other unseriously. And that in itself, your not recognizing it, or not respecting it, shows YOU are unserious.
Get an actual army. White Liberation Army. Make no bones. Racist Party / For a White Future National candidate - like Nehlen. This is the only way in which elections make any kind of sense. People hear straight non-cuck talk from the man. And they SEE the bright shiny strong men 100% racially committed, w none of the xtian/conservative baggagenonsense. KISS.
"Look what we do to them and they're afraid to fight back! Truly they deserve the genocide we're giving them." --Jew Think
What the jew/govt is arguing re Charlottesville - think about it.  ANY rally, now, is likely to be attacked. So ANY organizers have to consider SELF-DEFENSE if their show's a go. But any discussion about same will be played as CONSPIRACY to commit ILLEGAL VIOLENCE by the media-government conjunction.
In the olden days, white men fought and defeated their enemies. They didn't know about online petitions like us progressive types.
What did Hitler say about legality? He said, if the state follows the law, I will too. Does the USA (or France, Germany, UK, etc etc) follow the law? Well, do they? WWHD? #TeamWhite
"Keep it legal"?  No. Keep it effective.
The one thing that has almost never been seriously tried in the USA is overtly revolutionary violence from ordinary white men and women.  It's time to think that way. Or we can keep fooling with chickenshit loser stuff like muh voting and muh online petitions. ONLINE PETITIONS - i would pay good money to exhume Sam Adams for comment on us and our wormhood.
Why do cucks serve jews? Because they are TPTB. They reward friends very handsomely. They punish enemies very painfully. We sit here and our radicalest radicals say "keep it legal." While our guys rot in jails for self defense. Spend thousands they don't have to sit before judges who hate them and what they stand for.  "Keep it legal" is terrible advice.
The paradox is that elections only work when backed by violence. Nehlen out front - running for president, not cheese district 9. White nationalists killing enemies of their own choice, in cells or as individuals. Others setting fires, destroying infrastructure. This, and we'd have something.  This all must be thinkable. Right now.
(((They))) defeated the catholic church in USA rather easily. Just bribed a few people to present jew social agenda (and international warmongering) as catholic positions. The church certainly had the institutional basis for fighting - but failed.  Are whites going to create a better org in next 20 years?  It's a fantasy. Violence must be thinkable. Now.
(((They))) or their govt proxies destroy our groups - then they say "you're doing it to yourselves." And too many on our side believe that.  - you're going to be more respectable than Charles Lindbergh? - have a bigger group than 1920s Klan? - think and organize better demos than George Lincoln Rockwell?
The minute 'we' form into groups they will be infiltrated and destroyed. If not, that means they're not really doing much.  That is the entire history of the White movement, and there is nothing new today. Enemy activity is the reason white organizations have failed since the 1920s Klan (at least).
"If there's one thing we must do above all else, it's keepin' it legal." --George Washington* *Actual American Nationalist, not LARPER with Nazi insignia, German name and Jap cartoon characters.
You say muh I'm American Nationalist Then you muh keepin' it legal. Congratulations. You're LARPing.
Don't take counsel from your fears or a scared anonymous jackass of unknown provenance like Dicky Vaughn
I hope Parrott continues to write. He is as clear and solid a thinker as exists on our side.
You tell white kids to take the long road, becomes lawyers and such. Did you see what just happened to Bristow? Christ, 20 years ago they denied Hale a license purely for his views (disguised as moral grounds). Kids who go thru the system will simply turn into bourgeois. We should be encouraging radicals, not play-it-safers.  That way lies nothing but cuckdom.
Big Tit foists this STEMstress on us as a phresh Jobs, but she's nothing but a she-swindler.
Our views and opinions are treated as violence - that is, they are treated as illegitimate in the media, and grounds for loss of rights in the courts. Our actual violence -- always self-defense to this point -- is treated as illegal aggressive violence. We suffer all the costs of violence w/out getting any benefits.  "Keep it legal" is what the enemy prays we do.
As long as there is no physical, personal cost - the politicians will keep serving the (((bankers))) with open borders and anti-white policies - the judges will keep ignoring the law - the journalists will keep gaslighting Violence is the way forward. Go ahead and refute that. Explain how we get from where we are today to white sovereignty - legally. You can't
Vox talking about a movie studio.
Play the game that our side can win. That game is violence. Play the legal game, you have the courts and media hopelessly rigged against us. People don't want to accept this, for emotional reasons.  They'll just keep turning black into white, their violence into yours, claiming any chat is conspiracy, grabbing your computer, jamming you for nothing.
There's nothing our side can do to change the culture - nor is there a need to - when the enemy is saying "kill whites and steal their land" (South Africa) sliding back to "check your white privilege" in less advanced lands. Pointing out that it's the jew behind this is all we need supply. We resist as Whites - anything else is wrong and too much. Resist by violence.

March 14, 2018:

Faggots are akin to hurricane chasers, seeking the orgasm in the buttstorm.
Studies show that kids who graduate from 4-year Helicopter Pilot Training Schools drop 862% more communists over a lifetime than non-grads. #TheMoreYouKnow
Franco defined fascism as "a defensive reaction of the organism"
One thing queers never do, nowadays, is own their behavior. And its horrible consequences. That, as much as any other reason, is what makes them contemptible.
Anyone can see that queers and lesbos are psychologically disordered. Anyone can see that.  In the olden days, plenty of these types recognized this in themselves, and if they partook, yet they controlled themselves outwardly.
To call it 'hedonism,' maybe i need to relook a dictionary, and maybe it's just a connotation, but you associate that term with some joy, if short lived. But what the leftists have with sex - there is no fun or joy at all in their program. They have made bizarre and morbid sex a positive duty akin to garbage disposal.
The long march thru the helicopter training's time.
Judeo-leftists combine the worst of puritanism and degeneracy, similar to anarcho-tyranny in seeming contradiction and programmatic nastiness.
The only time conservatives actually sound like they're speaking freely is when they denounce white nationalists. Why? It's the only time they're not scared. It's always safe to attack enemies of the jews.
We should never talk about conservatives in gentler terms than they talk about White Nationalists.
the xtian has his cross...his get out of vale free card, good for one afterworld entry
Do unclear "we" gain by  throwing christianity, right-wingism, (american) nationalism, "workers" and racialism in the ideo-mixing bowl? Or should we K.I.S.S. and limit it simply to race?
Govt is non-responsive to majority.  Actual British people are only 85% of the population. If I have that right. What Soros is doing is an act of war.
The catholic always sides with the scrubs over the quality. Anything less would threaten its institutional interests. Here's some anti-white pro-discolored refusee shit from 1952.  So read it and maybe listen to some Paul Anka in between your vomits.
Why are nazis evil? Because they didn't just whine about a sex-deranged society, they identified the (((cause))) and did something about it. Something "good" christians never do.
Do you see the connection between  - judeo-xtian sunday school telling the whitesimp about his special-snowflake soul - judeo-secular monday school telling 12yo him his opinion on ('gun control') is important? It is there.
There's something sick about young people worried about branding and impressions. That's now how the world actually works, believe it or not.
Elections are akin to polls about 'hate' speech. If you participate, you've conceded the legitimacy of the thing.
"He said that in Baltimore, the city with the highest murder rate, the local government picks up at least 300 dead bodies a year that it mislabels as victims of “suicide” or “death by natural causes” despite being riddled with bullet holes and/or knife wounds.  That would almost double the reported murder rate in the city. "
If you're against purity spiraling, why are you against cucking?
The nations should be treating (((Soros))) the same way they would any military threat.

March 13, 2018:

Hang in there, Matt. #Parrott
what kind of world are we in?  literally a billboard down the road from me against suicide, showing white male. 5 self-kills at Trumie State last couple years. something is profoundly wrong.
The lies they told about Hitler Are the same lies they used to destroy your country after the war.

March 12, 2018:

"Ban-ban beats jaw-jaw" --Neo-Sodden Winnie

March 11, 2018:
space is just aersol niggers; non-earth mudglobs are not your "friend" no matter what you heard behind the barn
this is great news...if you hate spacefags like me
yon ho what fresh retardation breaks with the morning light
"Kaylee Muthart gouged out her eyes with her own bare hands outside of a church in Anderson, South Carolina on February 6 in what she believed was a necessary sacrifice to God." "If thine eye doth offend thee, pluck it out."
the christian at play
Basically, Hitler let the child win at Dunkirk, out of misplaced magnanimity. It did no good for Germany (or whites), and he at least had the character to admit it he made a mistake.
Ever since Dunkirk the British haven't had the character to face the truth about themselves.  They're cowardly, jew-servile, money-worshipping putzes who look the other way when their daughters are mass-raped.
follow my reasoning here so if russia's new non-ballistic weapon(s) could take out an area the size of texas is israel as big as texas?  asking for a friend
Does anyone out there seriously believe Britain's problems can be solved with talking and voting?
What would a good man do in Russia? He would be strong and stabilize things. Let's be calm. Ok, we have problems here, here and here. Let's get these turned around. Let's downshift on fags, up on family. Let's get the money solid, get the inflation out. Let's get good hard gold in our coffers. Let get better missiles to protect ourselves from the jews running USA.
Putin is basically trying to repair the terrible damage to Russia DONE BY JEWS while at the same time UNDER THREAT BY JEWS from outside Russia, mostly operating under name and cover of USA
i love the thought that one day Pootz may go fuck these motherfuckers apply his glorious nose-picker to a couple buttons and BOOM BOOM BOOOOM no more Tel Aviv, Washignton, D.C., and New York City
the whole martyr thing is played, dogs #TimeToKill
I, for one, hope Nehlen doesn't let MacDonald cuck him out of talking about the Holohoax.

March 10, 2018:

4 examples of fake science: marxism, christian science, global warming, human races
ginger is anagram for nigger one is socially acceptable to insult one is taboo
Jalisco New Generation is not a boy band
P-bone's been jugged. Spread the word.
, including denying His being or providence, all contumelious reproaches of Jesus Christ, all profane scoffing at the Holy Scriptures, and exposing any part thereof to contempt or ridicule, and punish violators with death, imprisonment, corporal punishment and fine." --Vox Day Oh my goodness, Vox. You sounded just like Clint Eastwood.
"The First Amendment is observably dead and it's now clearly all just a power game of "who, whom" between rival identity groups, which means it is time for Anglo-American Christians to go back to having the temporal courts enforce blasphemy laws that criminalize all blasphemies against God..." (1/2)
pseudo-science: all men are one species pseudo-spirituality: all men are God's children a general (catholic) religion fits them all pseudo-politics: one man, one vote. political equality among consumer hominids who are also equal as imaginary god's children the unsoundness echoes the nonsense
one species one spirituality one politics all should be disputed. DARWIN (the Most Hated Man among catholic intellectuals) said the races are DIFFERENT species the caths hate darwin for the same reasons they hate racialists FAR stronger hate for darwin than marx, jews, commies and they are RIGHT in their fear. Race > church. Race supersedes catholicism
and this remains true, tho thru white xtian confusees refuse to acknowledge it the idea we are all one in a church, as god's children and appendages on the body of jesus - that makes a natural parallel in the mind of the nitwit commoner to all racuss bein the one in the democracy, since they're all alleged people alleged Great Spirit chillen, one hominid one vote
i am white. what i think about it is really not very relevant, glad bad or sad it's not changing
identity always makes me think of Jim Rockford from the eponymous files he had a mini-stamper in his car. he would press it, and boom, now he's a lawyer, a jouranlist, an inspector - a fresh identity in 2 seconds flat do ya see how the sense doesnt echo the sound we are about th' eternal genetic verities, not the vicissitudes of political winds
look at my avatar if it said to you "i identify as an emerald tree boa" wouldn't you think it was an idiot?
i dont identify as white, i am white identity can be changed, race cannot
i dont know...i still think 'identity' is light in the loafers word
We just got to keep pushing and break thru the jew crust. MOAR NEHLENS in (((their))) coffin.
if what i've said about legality the last couple weeks bothers you, consider  Hitler's position on legality: i will keep it legal so long as the state does Does the American state keep it legal?  [If you have any doubts, go listen to the latest Traditional Worker Party "Action" podcast, to hear how pro-White activists treated in Michigan recently.]
when you flatter jews and kiss their ass and learn to be paranoid-hostile-accusatory like they are, eventually you can't recognize a clean man when you see one you would think in theory christian, with their moral code and moral sense, would be keener on this than others. but in fact, they are the biggest jew-whores of all.
Putin: all the internet governance mechanisms are in your country. we've approached you re agreeing on rules, you ignored us. we have one source, Russia Today, you have a panoply. you made RT foreign-agent status. he makes factual points. he makes logical explanations. the jew-tool Kelly just keeps yipping like the retarded yorkie she is
it's not clear to me that megrim even understands she's repeating jew-paranoid bullshit re russian interference like every other female journalist ever heard of, megyn kelly cannot respond to a logical point in real time. all she can do is trust her programming + looks to dazzle into compliance her subject she cannot take a logical point and respond in kind
Mind Your Own Business is an Aryan concept.  There's no such thing as your goy business, is jew concept. All goy books must be open to jew inspection at all times.  You must speak and act as jews tell you to, anti-semite.
"The fool you flatter is the fool you become." "We" now think and act completely like jews. Just dishonest and self-righteous all the live-long day. Stupid and childish right down the line.  USA! USA! USA! #ThoughtsInspiredByMegyn
Is whiteeating jew culture or biology?
The Catholic priest spoke to the assembled peasants.  "The problem with Jewish anteaters is they reject Jesus Christ." A racelet piped up from the back: "And they eat ants!"
So from Putin's POV, he has stabilized the population - from 1m decrease per year to healthy increase, support for mothers/families. He has killed inflation and stabilized the currency. Increased gold reserves. And developed non-ballistic weapons that invalidate US defenses, thereby securing  his people from the (((USA warmongers))).
if you ever ask yourself: am i a pervert? am i a sellout? if you've received an award from a jew org, then the answer is YES and if (((they))) rescind it, that means you're back on the right track
The catholic intellectual can't explain why the war on catholic ethnic city parrishes, as he styles the war, yet continues after the catholics are long vanquished to the suburbs. The racialist can explain that. #TeamWhite #(((War)))onWhites
You're either submitting to jews and carrying out their agenda (including your own racial genocide) or you're "hating" them and "scapegoating" them out of "anti-semitism."  There's no middle, it's either one or the other. Jews are natural totaltiarians, as all opposition to them is illegitimate in their eyes, assassinated in character then in body.
“Maybe they’re not even Russians,” he said. “Maybe they’re Ukrainians, Tatars, Jews, just with Russian citizenship. Even that needs to be checked. Maybe they have dual citizenship. Or maybe a green card. Maybe it was the Americans who paid them for this work. How do you know? I don’t know.” --Putin the Vlad
in Drunk Mel veritas: jews ARE behind all the wars in the world...and most of the internal discord too
things i learned today: 'ugly as homemade sin" refers to incest supposedly it's a southern expression but i've heard people from NEMO use it. nemo would be the northernmost reach of the south by some reckonings. my grandfather used 'reckon' commonly. dont hear that so much these days
in my town  there's a crazy woman all day long she walks she keeps moving like a shark if she stops theyll get her
globalist playbook organize demos. shoot your own people. blame the govt. declare it illegitimate.
EMJ talks Mayor McCheese Buttigieg (lol) (i think south bend, indiana) and the globalist playbook for these fake color revolutions
"they dont eat people" would you eat a shark if you were hungry? but they wouldnt eat you mmhmm
Britain's entire political class deserves the guillotine.
Think of the best fighters of the old South. Or the NS - my honor is my loyalty. These show what white men can do when they become serious. These are who we see as heroes and try to live up to. Circumstances require different forms, but the heart and approach are the same.
When you're talking about elections and persuasion and voting...this is just conservatism, no matter what you think you're trying to do. You have not yet accepted how late in the day it is, nor how truly thoroughly rotten and corrupt our System is. And it's not getting better, every likelihood is it gets worse.
Our revolution is political overtly but really it's more mental-spiritual, in that it involves putting blood (and personal honor shown in loyalty) over money. We see the sex on tv. And we know from Frankfurt the intent. But there's also the ubiquitous trope that a family member, even, is always willing to sell out his friend, buddy, mom, whatever - for money.
Combining knowledge we have learned from catholics in part, to give credit... USA is protestant construct. Protestants are me-too jews, at least the ones that came to dominate the US. They spring from Calvin, they put money above all else. That is the mindset of the bourgeois some folks seem to think they will reach with frog memes.
"Beware of trying to normalize the normies, they just might normieize you." --Fred-Rick Neetsha
Also - you should notice that Matt Parrott is the type you think you're appealing to by your plan to normalize the normies. He was that bourgeois type. He decided to do what he's doing. So even on your own terms, you must explain why he's wrong.
look, man, let's just say Anglin... ...can defeat the entire Judeostructure (media). in meatspace, it's a little more complicated i dont like the xtian or even certain NS aspcts of TWP, but who else is doing anything serious in the field, as they obviously are no one, really an actual social network - jobs, kin, support, training + politics
we dont have enough 'extra' talent to be fighting for no reason covering things up - never. that is always wrong but we need to get the elements we have, which are formidable and growing assembled into some kind of shape. is anyone but TWP even in the field? so criticize and disagree, but no need to try to destroy the character of fellow pro-Whites
all these are serious intellects: heimbach, spencer and parrott.  they all speak, and speak well they all make the field repeatedly - they've all taken punches  they're resilient. they have energy, knowledge and will - this is demonstrated and deserves respect, even if you disagree with them. respect means - lay out your full plan that's better than theirs
stand back and look at it. heimbach is an intellectual who looks like a prole. he's both southern and northern/midwestern. he works with richard spencer, who could not be a more classic anglo - but also with whole-country associations, by background. so you have an anglo veneer to sell a more serious, harder german approach.  and a cherry Parrott on top
Christianity, which is catholicism, says the problems with jews go away when they convert to Christianity. Any other solution is immoral. Boom. If you accept this, you've just put not just your society but you entire race in a death trap. The problem with jews is racial and has nothing to do with imaginary jesus or any cults based on him.
The solution isn't more prisons it's  more executions less laws.
We laugh about expelling jews 109x. Jews celebrate holidays based on genociding other peoples.
I recommend reading Catholic 'takes' on history - how they see protestants and jews. It has really helped me, personally, flesh out my understanding of racialism and European history. Catholics see protestantism as inherently judaizing, and historically tied to jews (printing bogus bibles and such).
well they mentioned my name on that show, just heard it right now. disagreement on christ. well, guys, call me a kook, but i'm not turning myself in to be tortured like your boy codreanu
Statement 1: 109x jews were expelled. Statement 2: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Now, class, if we put these two statements together, what do we come up with?
we failed to identify jews as the enemy and kill them. that's what led where we are now. christianity is the main reason we didn't recognize the real problem. because christianity defines jews as a spiritual problem, not a racial one. we know better now. some of us.
listen to heimbach, he's a very good speaker which System pol can speak as well as he does? and will physically fight?  you on the optics side - what exactly is your plan. huddle with ???Ricky Vaughn??? and figure it out. not for me, for your own mental clarity.
we're to the point where even a scared scrawny shitter-screwing letter opener can see that  Globalism is Golubism
notice how all the kikes left and right hate the idea of white workers getting some benefit from the tariffs? they instantly snarl, little binky shapiro and lumpy cohn?  they know they're on TEAM JEW but our people dont know they're on TEAM WHITE
Globalists vs Goebbelists WHO YA GOT
Too many faggots want a guaranteed outcome.  This is life, my nigger. Death is the only GO.
Centerville showed where everyone and everything IS You can't BUY clarity like that at a Walmart.  The left are murderous creeps. The politicians are lying criminals. The cops are violent, lying criminals. The Antifa are murderous criminals. The press are gaslighting cheerleaders for the pols and left-/cop-criminals.  And weak alt-chaff blew away post-
Encouraging white SA to flee is wrong. They should be encouraged to stay and fight.  Where's all your muh traditions, muh history - just out the door, eh?  Fags, you are, says this alt-yoda. Boers are GOOD at fighting. "my cc is only for emergency!" "Better hold onto it. Maybe one'll come up."
doesnt matter if Cville was good or bad it was above all NECESSARY
probably would make more sense to invade and take over NRA and get it to start blaming jews than Republican party.  NRA and Reps are de facto white parties/lobbies, and neither will name the biggest enemy of their customers

March 09, 2018:
first appearance: weak-skinned
the steatonigs hate her cuz they aint her
worth listening to - just how dishonest the cops (blue niggers) are
homeless / anaheim, calif
we are all rhesus monkeys but some of us  have learned to unlatch  our cages (trans fm jap. by Shomido Glinmoochi)
in the end, Conservative Inc will defend pedophilia with the aborted corpses of babies, or preemophilia.  because never stop neverstopping is what they do, mini-me tagalongs of (((progressives)))
this notion of dividing facts into fun and -- what librarian -- camps strikes me as more than a little racist
Gab Inc Taking automated bot activity seriously  For 132 years. Dig it.

March 08, 2018:

as i've said before, and is pretty much untoppable, if christianity were true, jews would have kept it for themselves. just as they do other good things - walls, nationalism, segregation, etc etc
somehow rejecting jesus and accepting him both lead to endless revolutionary warmongering in the middle east, eh jones
jews dont do what they do because they have a revolutionary spirit but because it redounds to the advantage of their tribe the simpler explanation covers the facts they've always been parasites, it is jones's catholic conceit that rejecting jesus (not even a real person) somehow perverted their mentality and redefined them. no they were always as today
the bible is the favorite book of people who dont read books
learned something: Mikey Pence is a fucking DOUBLE CUCK. he actually began catholic, but that doesn't play in hoosierville, so he switched to evagelicuck and izzydicksucking. you can be a christian or a white man - not both.  now go cry yourself to sleep wishing it were otherwise.
What I'm arguing. These 'changes' are decisions taken at the highest level. HIGHEST. Not heads of state - HIGHER. HIGHEST level. They KNOW there will be election blowback. That is ACCOUNTED FOR. There is no way to get from HERE to our destination except KILLING THEM. Otherwise, their HIGHEST-LEVEL plan will carry. #TimeToKill
Even you electionfags dont believe your bullshit.  No one took my bet or even laughed at me or contradicted me when I said there will be more niggers in Italy three years from now than today. Because no matter what the result, it's probably true.
Joe is white. Joe is Catholic. Which tells you more about Joe? That's the point.
infighting is NOT necessarily bad. what's bad is not defining then defending IN because you dont even know what it is - or think it matters. this is what jews mean by goyisher kopp - fucking stupid like a goy oh yeah, me an ben shapiro and ann coulter and KKK jackasses and Trump, we're all on same side - hazy, lazy, inferior thinking
laughter isnt just a sex lubricant and your brain is your biggest sex organ too get people warmed up happy cozy parts moving... then they come around, soon enough the understanding quickens in them, a throbbing thrill...ho lee shit...i know something others dont. but if THIS is a Big Lie...they could be lying about EVERYTHING ELSE TOO..
you're/we're bringing people out of a 'fraid-to-laugh trance essentially slowly slowly they dethaw until they give in and laugh. i mean, this shit is funny. jewish standup - this holodrek is their very best material. diamonds in tuchus. i vas gassed 22x but a wolf opened the door and saved me 23! oy from the polish sumbarine i swum to america and freedum
when you explain the holohoax, to a normie you sound like a pervert playing lawyerball no, you begin by making him FEEL the aburdity of the claims, with the lampshades, soap and pedal-powered brain-bashing machines once he truly GETS it, then his brain kicks in and if he's a type he starts curious-ing for some deeper factual background the DS crew does it right
but absolutely, satire and mocking are not incidental, they are the BEST way to get this stuff across.  and it's not a matter of morality, it's figuring out the right principles and sticking to them. fidelity to purpose = fidelity to the right principles = fidelity to brothers-in-fight but you cant serve two masters, and jesus isnt adolf's sandal-wearing bro
you guys have fallen in love with NEWS NEWS NEWS. this warps your perspective on ELECTIONS. they just dont matter very much
Eternal Kibitzer, go flip your grill-burger and batten yr mouth-flap. Remember what Mr Dooley said:  POLITICS AINT BEANBAG
maybe first unite, then hold the rally. then you're all on the same page. and coordination is much easier even so - i believe and have said many times that charlottesville was a success and not a small one, a great one
i'm not a big nature fan, but to me racialism is like a plaque at the zoo outside a cage. the grossgrained wallopie flourishes in high seas in the south antarctic, when its main provender, bonklerbong's sea nidgets r surfaced by heavy waves undr what conditions does the white man flourish?  well, that's what we want. i say we can only fully unfold among ourselves
we can agree with the catholics there are higher things than money, but when the cult bids us join their weepathologic tearfest for the 19,000,000 diced niglets...well uh maybe we be doing our hair that night
i dont care about the gold dangling from your hear  I WANT THE GOLD IN YOUR HEART BABY DO YOU HAVE IT DO YOU HAVFE IT? WELL DO YOU PUNK #Eastwoody
so what the NAZIS did was place race first - like the jews. NOT money, like the anglos. and THAT is what we need to get back to. the catholics will oppose us white racial loyalists for other reasons. but we share the subordination of money-love to higher values - our racial community
the catholics are trying to sustain, against anglo-jew pressure, a conception of life that doesnt place money as the highest god, as the anglo does. (NOT the jew. the jew places RACE first). but remember: modern england was conceived and born in THEFT of all the monasteries on the island. THAT Sir Roger-Rover Gibbs-Plunderton mentality carried into USA
so you see why the "evil" nazis' slogan was:  MY HONOR IS MY LOYALTY that - that we need. do you see? that is job 1. no. It's job 2. job 1 is figuring out which principles define our cause and mission, and then agreeing to be loyal to them. and to our brothers who choose them with us. That's how it's done, folks.  The clothes matter...well down the line fm these 1st Things
John Courtney Murray - assimilationist (that means Bad Guy to EMJ-school catholics) people who tergiversate catholic social teaching for acclaim in jewsmedia and those tasty zogbucks, foundation appointments and tv appearances
Worry about whats in fellow demonstrators' heads first, labels in their shirts second
So ponder it, people. Catholicism is a moral system - yet it couldnt keep itself from selling out its principles. And jews say in Protocols that goy can almost always be bribed. That's their first and most effective recourse.  This is why I focus on loyalty in racialism - starting with its principles. It does matter. Promiscuity -- big tentism -- cannot work.
Actual catholic teaching is against church-state separation. For political reasons they must accommodate that American current reality. But their view is the church is the soul of the state, and the state is the body.
Michael Novak and Robert Siricka - bad guys. Falsified/covered up actual Catholic history. CIA connections hidden by Jesuits / America magazine. People still don't know this history.
"Distributism does not have the depth that the German tradition does." --EMJ (Pesch, primarily)
"Chesterton and Belloc were out of their depth when it came to economics." --EMJ
Jones says intra-Catholic battle between Irish and German in America. The Irish won - and instead of the German way of thinking we (catholics) control our (higher) culture, and turn the American barbarians into civilized Catholics, the idea of Catholics assimilating to (wasp-protestant) America won out. If you can follow that.
"Catholics were the main suckers who fell for the new (WFB) conservatism."  It "neutered" American catholicism.
So then after that, AF destroyed, they set up Wm F Buckley as head of new Conservatism. "Was National Review a CIA front? No one can answer that question." NR accepted FDR's welfare state, promoted the jew-global eternal-warfare defense-contractor state.
America First represented interests of (German) midwest and mft vs the east coast british (MI5)/jewish finance - black op to force USA into war. So as always, the same good guys, same bad guys.
Of course, the rest of the catholic doctrines serve the jews, so no need to reverse them
See, kiddies, you christfags dont even understand your own bullshit. Just as jews buy off the rigtht pose fakes for moronic you to gawp at, buy bookies from, and seal-clap for, so they do for catholic/just-wage (protectionism-friendly) and catholic social teaching/sex-continence or just-war (interposing neocons to reverse-interpret)
Fascinating - the US has been under 100% jew control for a LOOONG time. Henry Regnery was treasurer of America First. Day after (FDR-engineered) Pearl Harbor, FBI busts in and demands their mailing list and shuts AF down.
Any set that preaches against jew doctrine, jews buy off their leaders, or set up new fake ones - to neutralize or coopt. And since whiteskins dont think or read or have functional testicles, this works.
fleming/neuhaus First Things - history that was big before the internet, american conservatism/catholic rightwingism/cooptation by (((neocons)))
You guys better your neckerchiefs in order. STRAIGHT EYE FOR A GOON GUY coming up next on the BIGFAG channel...
gaslawyering - the legal equivalent of gaslighting in newspapers see kike kaplan and #Charlottesville
yeh, they got her fired but she ran from her words to THEM, that proves they're right: we're FAKES and COWARDS who get amusement out of saying hurtful things about others. and when we dont defend our views under pressure, they prove their case to themselves this is not a game. you can play it like that. but when this happens we in the cause get burned, not just you
Could Charles Dickens come up with a faggotier name than this? Rev. Seth Wispelwey Assembled sirs, I submit he could not.
"urged participants to prepare for and commit violence in Charlottesville." the cunt liar knows the dopes reading her will think the accused urged their people to INITIATE violence. but she doesnt say that, she just phrases it so that people will draw that conclusion implicitly. i mean, since pro-whites are evil men driven by hate, of course theyd INITIATE
Women are almost completely biologically geared to simulation/deception, and this feeds naturally into the kind of lies jews market as journalism.
what is useful smoothing over of differences in a family  becomes overt lying when that same woman is a journalist
See if you're a white female journalist for a jewspaper if a white guy says don't initiate anything but if attacked, defend yourself under her lying pen that becomes your "encouraging violence" Yes, they are that dishonest. Ninety-nine out of 100 female whiteskin (not even jew) journalists will lie like that without blinking a fake eyelash.
"“I believe that white supremacy is violence,” " That's not actually an intelligible sentence, except in the artificial reality created by jewish lies, where the problem is white attitudes aka the REAL violence, not jew/political criminal conspiracy to back nigger street violence (with jew media coverup).
notice how the jews always get christcucks to front for them - as in this cville lawyering
wow jus wow so gab is a space place for anti-goonism the only optics sam adams cared about were the light off the brushfires he was setting in mens minds dog
only jakson polak really has to worry about splotchtics
remember a balled up sock or an aluminum sausage make for the best crotchtics
when the corn is as high as an elephant's eye, you've really hit the sweet spot for the croptics
you: keep it legal they: actually conspire to produce violence - then after achieving that, with you as the victims - sue you-all for what they actually did
Wow much very wow franken-tier groptics
"It's rather fascinating to observe, as one reader noted, that the Chinese state-owned media is demonstrably more free and open to genuine discussion of the relevant issues than the US media that is owned by no one in particular and certainly isn't owned by anyone who should be criticized or even identified. " --Vox Day
in Clown World nothing has any relation to anything or bears any weight we all just go oh wow man like that stupid dog
"The battle of Mosul, for example, lasted for nine months despite significant material U.S. support and a 20:1 force ratio against the ISIL defenders. " you tell me if you had 10 hotspots around US carried out by five-man cells i think this country would fall apart
"Utilizing tactics diffused through U.S. military training, drug cartels such as the infamous “Zetas” and “Jalisco New Generation” have institutionalized combat training that allows them to regularly wreak havoc on Mexican security forces."
how good are ZOG forces, actually
poor dorsey...he started as jungrunt licking windows watching for ambulances now he has to listen to bitter witches of elfwick shriek till the end of time
Look at how whites relate to each other in an all-white setting. That's the heart of our cause - we can live a life without this endless unnecessary, (((adventitious))) pressure (jews squirting nigs and 3rd-turdies among us) and actually be ourselves.
if you're only gonna watch one film about giant gila monsters today, this is the choice (the past is a different country, boy you're not kidding)
There's anti-white discrimination down to the warehouse level in the corporate world. Regardless of your politics, if you're a white man, you need to be thinking about 'anti-fragility.'
make yourself anti-fragile. find a way. you're a white man hard. yes. impossible. no.
Talking about the 'holocaust' is absolutely unavoidable and essential. In fact, it's the best possible opportunity. It concentrates the Big Lies under one glorious bullshit header that DS has absolutely EXPLODED. When you accept the Nazis as evil, then you accept also your own genocide. Because everything white & normal = EVIL NAZI under the jew's pen.
Making people aware of the Basic Position - mocking the holohoax is absolutely necessary, contrary to what PhDs Johnson and MacDonald have advised. Daily Stormer is great at this AND IT IS STILL NEEDED. This brings the basic awareness of political reality. Changing that reality, thru organization, on the street, or thru another matter.
"What's irritating here is that we do warn folks very clearly about the risks involved, and offer a wide array of options in addition to street action for our members." --Parrott He flat won the debate. Countered every point, kept tone, did what he could to reach out. That's my view, not even really liking TWP approach or look. He conceded expertise, DS in media
For me, one of the big takeaways from the thread was that Parrott et al. actually train people in a profitable skill, welding. That's something.
Does anyone not realize if you go to a rally, or even just make a podcast in spare time, you can be doxed and then fired? If so, then you have a too-low IQ and/or pay no attention. This really shouldnt be used as a serious argument in 2018.  Grow up or get lost. TAKE RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR DECISIONS. That's jew-tier shit that being in yr 20s excuses your bad choices.
I mean, this stuff is comparative. Do hillary and the democrats and their Orc Collection have good optics? Do the republicucks have good optics, slobbing israel's knob like Pence et al? Does his wearing a nice suit make that servility look better, or justify it?  Actually, it makes it look worse, if you understand this stuff.
I find Parrott the most persuasive in this monster thread.
america is not europe. we're not loaded with slim elegant refined people we have thick people with large bodies who dont dress that well
bourgeois care about one thing: their bank account.  they will stand on the sidelines and kibitz until your ear falls off, but they never have or will put their ass or any portion of their anatomy on the line that's just how it is. not going to change. when you're about to win, they'll shut their mouth, silently slip among yr ranks, pretend they were there all along
John Rivers is another whose provenance is questionable. he posts much good material, similar to Ricky Vaughn, but he deliberately and repeatedly lies about certain topics. Would be interesting to know who he is and what his real mission is. He is on here literally 24/7/365. Which in itself is passing strange.
our ancestors would not have accepted banners and speeches in place of, you know, actual victories, like by killing enemies and, you know, actually WINNING
Anyone want to bet the number of niggers in Italy will be higher three years from now than today?  And the same people cheerleading VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! will still be at it. It's gone on for decades, this voting scam. Nah. It's time to start killing people.
Notice no American responds to my honest request: explain how we get from here to there legally. And America has the most legal freedom of any white-majority land out there! Explain how we get to white liberation in 100% cucked-out countries like Germany, France, Canada and UK? What possible way is there except violence?
"Be scared. Shut your mouth. Do what you've always done. Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise."  And this cuck doesn't even use his real name.
Our cause is RACIAL.  ONLY We are WHITE. That's what we fight for. Our enemy is the JEW. He is trying to destroy us. If you have a taste for sodomy or jesus fantasies (the spiritual equivalent) KEEP THAT TO YOUR FUCKING SELF. KEEP IT SIMPLE, STUPID. OUR CAUSE IS RACIAL - NOTHING LESS, NOTHING ELSE.
Talking in codes. How has that worked out for us? FAIL Voting Republican. How has that worked out for us? FAIL Loving everybody because muh Jesus. How has that worked out for us? FAIL
You're not only taking counsel from your fears, you're taking counsel from anonymous movie characters of literally unknown provenance who are advising you to pursue known failure patterns that have led us to where we are now. Maybe think a little?  It's time those of you who support Ricky Vaughn establish for your own good just who he actually is.
Explain how we get from where we are today to victory, defined as a sovereign white state. You can't do it. You won't try. You won't admit to yourselves this is the case. I can. I have.
violence not only must be thinkable, it should be talked about quite openly. organizations can be easily monitored and destroyed immediately if needed, or subverted over time ad hoc grouplets or individuals working toward a commonly understood goal cant be known or controlled, whichever means they use
There is someone out there who defends jews while claiming not to take a position; who attacks jews' enemies; who tells whites that the best feature in their racial makeup is the real problem.
If I were a jew, I would see that whites will eventually catch on that we're trying to genocide them. I would pay someone(s) smart and racially white to deceive them by lying about that, talking about good jews, saying it's not really jews who are the enemy, it's these and those others. Anything to prevent whites from identifying my jews as the reponsible class.
What's not in supply? Strength, consistency, honor, loyalty. These must define the White Nationalist type and position - the polar opposite of christian-conservatism, which is notable only for its lack of integrity, intellectually, and its complete servility to the jew, summed up by the aptest term of all - cuckservative.
Remember, jews are expert in coopting and mischanneling other folks' nationalism to serve their interests. They did that with blacks. They would certainly do that with whites too.  Do you think they would hire idiots to push their redirections? Who would you hire if you were trying to subvert a budding white racial tendency?
We HAVE an enemy. That cannot be denied. That enemy uses one trick - the holocaust. There's no stepping over it. We must absolutely separate our thing from the useless, confused weak trinity of christianity-cowardice-conservatism.
Listen You start with the core principles.  Then you get people to agree with them and swear allegiance. Then that body of men must all be loyal to those principles AND EACH OTHER can maybe grow something. We have not STILL achieved step one. I say the core is: pro-White / anti-jew. The rest can be compromised but both those things are absolute litmus
The first point still remains: we use we without ever agreeing on what it means. When we do that, we can't be surprised to find other people mean Republicans or christians by it.
Christianity claims credit for results it can't produce in non-white lands. And being essentially jewish in spirit and conception, it lacks the honor and honesty to admit this. Christianity's achievements are white achievements mislabeled.
Would you rather live next door to a white atheist or a black christian? That's the point. it's profoundly and intolerably humiliating to the christian that "mere matter" > his moral system.  Because the fact is every white but a professional conservative, ie a jew-paid liar, would choose the white atheist. Race trumps religion.  Case closed.
How has someone who believes "white identity doesn't exist" somehow wormed its way into our ranks? I mean, WTF?  Who is this Ricky Vaughn fellow?
Does anyone reading this deny we are under continual verbal and often physical assault - purely because of our race? I think you will all agree on that. Are those attacks going to lessen or increase over time? I think you will all agree they will increase. Which institution will defend us?  The catholic church? Any protestant church? The Republican party? L O L
/ourguy/ - "White identity doesn't exist" --"Ricky Vaughn"
"White identity doesnt exist" --Ricky Vaughn It sure exists for the jews operating the mass media, and all the discoloreds and self-hating whites they've whipped into genocidal frenzy.
The special suffering was on the part of the victims of the relatives of the same jewish liars who concocted 'holocaust.' They are the ones who deserve a designer term for the misery they suffered, starving and dying by their millions in Russia and Ukraine, in what we should call the Kulakaust. That was the real European atrocity horror of the 20th century.

March 07, 2018:

"I believe that white identity exists but it is a weak identity marker and no amount of propaganda will turn it into a strong identity marker that will inspire whites to action)." --Willie Mays Hayes Well, it's certainly strong enough to inspire bloodlust against us - see news this very week, KC. But not racial self-defense? Then we're doomed - if you're right
just do your thing. dont worry about what color cloth your frenemies drape over their hibiscuses
we dont want to lose our joi de scribe worrying about others. just remember: others are here for us to make fun of, not control. pretty sure that's straight from jesus Control a matt parrott! i laugh like santa claus at your foolish notion. a parrott's gotta fly man. fly and be free. there's a reason parrots are called the stallions of the airwaves.
a common understanding cant be infiltrated and destroyed "maybe you should worry a little less about your brother and more about yourself" -- may the wisdom of a young Charlie Sheen(y) reside in all our hearts and guide our whitening ways.
i want to be part of a community - based on something real like race, not fantasy like christianity that's the racial cause, to the extent it's not simply protective, which is the larger part of it
so much bitching about so little substance. to the enemy, we're all spinach. that's the big picture. they want us dead. now, a lot of us may dress like fags, or smell like menstruating skunk cabbages, but we come out PRO-WHITE and ANTI-JEW and TOTALLY REDEEM OURSELVES remember: i'm on your side. that means WE are the barn boss MENTALLY. #60-40
so guys we come together at goonfest...and then after the debate, the marshmellows nestling in our stomaches, we play for the first time the song we have commissioned from the late grease spot formerly known as john denver Muh Ethnostate got to admit...its up his alley we just need a seance to contact him
appearances feels like an old heavy high-quality german camera. yeah its long and heavy but there's a rosy o'donnellcunt-sized _there_ there optics feels like a cheap piece of chinese shit
nothing makes me shudder like a queer antiques dealer more than uberfaggy echt fransickan neolocutions like 'optics' tell me (no joko) how precise does optics improve on appearances? because i can go on for two or three hundred years explaining to you how it's worse
in what world does not liking people make you anti-social
it is time for GOON-UNITY let us all join hands, furries, japanese schoolgirls, black clad goons, and sing GOONBAYA, m'lord, GOONBAYA
jews already have their ethnosed state when do we get ours??? fair is fair nigger
i'm gonna grow some ethnotomatoes in muh ethnostate. yeah some ethnobeans too. maybe some ethnowatermelons. jes livin the gud life in muh ethnostate. munchin on muh ethnoveggies and ethnofruits and muh ethnosteaks made from muh ethnocows chewin on muh ethnopastures dropping ethnopies out of which grow muh ethnofungelitittos. in muh ethnostate
"Heimbach cheerfully incarnates the fat redneck, while Spencer plays the evil WASP snob" --Garbage from Greggy If you've heard Heimbach, he does not sound stupid. Spencer couldnt be evil if he tried.
see vagueness is good if your idea of politics ends at voting but the White cause is vital. vital means life or death. so vagueness, that being so, is not the right way to go.
so if i were starting a party today, i would name it the Racist Party because that sums it up, straight-ironically
if i wanted to be something and pretend i was something else i'd be a leftist or get a sex change ima White Nationalist i love word-cleverness like air but politics is not the place for it. not as things lay today.
have you ever driven, say, an old pickup truck with lose steering? that's what 'alt-right' feel like it's an uncomfortable vagueness
when japanese schoolgirls battle black-clad goons do any of us really "lose"?
now, kids, gather round. we got some quality entertainment a-comin! the team that likes japanese schoolgirls is going to impart a learnin' on behavioral deportment and fashion dress on the field-hootenannyin' black-clad goons! it's excitinger than anderson cooper throwing a hissy fit.
Why not Goonfest '18, like a real rumble between Antifa and TWP + allies. They get the chance to show they're not pussies. And TMP get the chance to keep their perfect record intact. And in the background, Whitestock, with some bands playing.  Then roast marshmallows as the sun goes to rest, and maybe a real 2 man or one man and one what-antifa-calls-man debate. macaroons and performing baboons... GIVE IT TO ME daddy. . . EYE want a black-clad TWP goon  and i want it NOW! (Smells Like Youcis)
there has to be laughing and bubbling over with JOY nigger has to be things in their full young power EXULT yeah BELIEVE ME you will know this in your bones when it departs and it do
"i'm a traditionalist" then why are you using 'optics' instead of appearances? you whore after vogue under no pressure, what would you do under actual pressure? the sound must echo the sense. everything should reinforce
Remember, kids, Koi are just karp who kared #Ambition #Goals #Perseverance #YMCA #Determination
Wel...folks..he heh heh meh heh...u know.l. sometimes i well yuou get a little frustrated in the HEAT of the moment. pan pant look sidewise. i just want you to know...when i said i was going to SKULLFUCK YOU INTO OBLIVION...i i i me i i really meant I LOVE NIGGERS. yeah. just came out a little sideways. again i apolivize, love. yeh love #seanpenn & love
Some SPLooge-Clown said we're MALIGNANT CONTRARIANS. Or maybe just SUCCESSFUL ONES.  Well, that doesnt turn off at the door. WE HAVE TO FIND WHO THE HEAD WHITE NIGGER IN CHARGE IS A multi-tier rumble. With enough sawdust for all your bloodS after i SKULLFUCK YOU INTO OBLIVION
Fight! Fight! Fight! We all love fighting. Sally Struthers would put down her cake, briefly, for a FIGHT.
The tent-revival man always thinks covering up problems is the best way to go. But we've seen in racialism it just leads to festering.  MAYBE DONT ACT LIKE A WHITE NIGGER?  MAYBE THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU SAY? MAYBE DONT RETRACT IT?  MAYBE LIVE IN LINE WITH IT? What wacky notions be these?  Please, some of you pick yrself up by the ass and fly out of the movement Lorax-style
Remember, folks, and I don't know why I need to tell you this so frequently, I'm not here to insult you. I'm here to insult you repeatedly.
the case against niggers:  no - sit down and shut up jared. THEYRE NIGGERS mic drop
the case for white people: ROALD FUCKING DAHL NIGGER drop mic
ok people just getting warmed up, i will be... sending lots of thought camels your way  to drop fertile poops of wisdom to create oases of Consideration in that Great Intraochlear Desert under your hair
if you dont think the population is being quite systematically dumbed down, here are two NON-racial examples: adult coloring books adults playing children's board games
A lot of people like to compare Hitler to Hulk Hogan, but that's not really the right way to look at him.
"My cat talks to me."  No. Your cat will talk to any moron. Trust me.
The larynx was a small-medium sized wildcat that once ranged widely across north america. It was so disgusted by the French who became Cajuns that it refused to breed on principle, and nearly died out like Shakers. Unique among wild-cats, larynxes would deliver Jordan Peterson-style lectures before attacking fur trappers or stealing from their snares.
judeo-catholicism on sunday and judeo-secularism on monday both teach bung universalisms destructive to white children and other living things... as the pambies of namby used to love to mawkishly extrude over their quivering larynxes
The wild hoots of the jew new-bolsheviks howling their desire to mass- massacre whiteskins The perverts of a thousand morbid derangements rubbing themselves to frothing blooden effusion on anything they can catch between their legs And the niggers. O lord the fake dark "people" and their crying, stinking, raping, murdering - hominid forest fires to a one
Hitler read the racial writers of his time. He was no German provincial, intellectually. Hitler maybe read Grant (or Stoddard) saying that everywhere the Catholic church goes, it's breaking down racial distinctions. And realized, hmm, my church is uh at the least destructive to my racial plans.
i'm surprised how none of you numbchucks picked up on my discovery: leonardo da vinci not only foresaw HELICOPTERS _and_ COMMUNISM, he diagramattically depicted their conjunction in goat-poop effusion in his moleskin yes Leo-Nardo was The First Memer
Let me explain politics to you people There is no mass of normal white people waiting to be won over by well dressed men delivering reasonable arguments.  "Our" (unclear to you antecedent) case is easily understood. But thar lies danger.  Politics is who? whom? Who scares whom? The whites are the prize, not the prizewinners.
"How does one court the press? By giving them what they want, of course." The idea you need to court press as a public racialist is beyond stupid. The press will come to you even if you dont talk to them for years.
universalism - finally a faith for white people #catholicism
is the ADL purity spiraling because it doesn't let white nationalists into its meetings
contamination spiraling led where we are now
jews can be alt-right? according to this faggot liar-writer. this is exactly the problem with the term - it doesn't mean a fucking pin-downable thinkg
help the muslims rape your people or we'll destroy your reputation
You can't be a white nationalist and a christian. It may be the bitterest red pill of them all, but  eventually you are going to have to swallow it. If you want what you claim.
can you imagine walking up to a kalahari bushman and telling it about original sin and need for salvation? you christians are pretty much the pail-clunk in Moron Well
sunday school creates spiritual fags monday school creates sexual fags both are of the jew.
if (((they))) were willing to compromise, if they actually believed what they say, then (((they))) would be pushing hardest for secession/white lands. they'd be like, oh awesome - we both agree then: we'll form a White-Racistan out of the interior west, and you guys can have that for yourselves. and the rest of us will escape racism. THEY DONT SAY THAT
'Respectable' pairs just fine with faggotry, cowardice and servility SEE MIKE PENCE, GOOD CHRISTIAN MAN
the truth was expressed by guns n' roses: "nice boys...dont play rock n roll"
'respectable' in political language is akin to 'racist' - it's meant to scare you away from what you need to be doing
whites are prone to respectability and status fears - and these inhibit their doing what needs to be done - even thinking what needs to be thought this base effeminacy in our folk has to be gotten out by whatever means it takes
it would be interesting to know who John Rivers is and what his actual motivation is
Christianity disabled our enemy-recognition module. Whether that was its original design or jews quickly realized its potential and produced a saul to lead it - doesn't matter, at this point.  Christianity by doctrine tells people that the body of christ is the only body that really matters, the rest is trivial, material stuff. The afterworld is forever.
it is because of the jew's christianity for whiteskins that we no longer know who we are. jews sewed christ-insanity or christ-confusion among a race they wished to destroy, and the cult has done it's work, and well who are we? the christer has one answer; the white man another
the jews should be identified and killed. not doing that is what has destroyed our society. and the reason we couldnt identify jews is we grew up around ourselves, we didnt have the genetic hostility toward outsiders jews do (reinforced by their culture) - and our culture, ie their christ-lie, told us that we are not to molest jews, just convert them. FAIL
you want to work with 'Ricky Vaughn' - at least for your own sake you should be careful to find out who he actually is, and what his actual motive is. because he's pretty free with advice - and it all pushes whites we need to radicalize cuckward
so jew slovo did exactly what i'm advocating now for whites - and it worked for the jew-black alliance in South Africa: " Slovo wrote an essay "No Middle Way" in which he denounced all attempts at compromise, and attacked Black "collaborators" with particular venom. " destroy the middle, it is NOT our friend. Youre either with us WN or w the white-genocidal jew
When you have an old bad habit, you have to STAY AWAY FROM THAT SHIT if you're trying to stop it. These jewed-out professional conservative media sources are like cigarrettes left around when our whiteskins are trying to quit and become White Nationalists. Utter, ruthless polarization between #TeamWhite and #TeamJew, and all these "right wing" pros are TJ
See, we have a genuine HNIC in South Africa saying we are 'cutting the throat of whiteness,'  and we have a jew at the jew publication Breitbart (breitbart was a jew? did you know andrew breitbart was a jew?) saying that "it's not about race." I mean, what part of stop pretending these professional jew-conservatives are "our" side is unclear?
Give whites a future, they'll start breeding again. First, the fight. Then the fuck. "NO ONE DREAMS ABOUT BEING RAVAGED BY A LIBERAL" --PJ O'Rourke #TimeToKill
Race doesn't matter. That's an implicit Christian principle. It's bad for whites.
classic example Breitbart is worse than NYT in sense of being more dangerous to White Nationalist cause endless stupid garbage - yet plausible to not-very-bright people who are much of the white population The breitbarts have to be destroyed utterly,their credibility. Driven out of the middle
They used you to destroy the Nazis... ...then they turned around and used the Nazis to destroy you. Poor little white man.
Just as eating nothing but raw vegetables will cure you of tooth decay, heart disease and Parson's Leak,  VOTING will cure your body politic of any ill!  #MOARVOTEPLZ
Actually i guess per my analogy voting is the political raw-vegetable diet that "cures what ails you."
Listen, people. For every horrible medical condition, there is someone out there selling the big lie that eating an all-raw-vegetable diet will cure it. Desperate people will flush their reason and jump toward anything. It's no different in politics. Anonymous people will sell you the Big Lie there's a safe, legal way for us Whites to get back where we want.
alt-right drifts the RACIAL cause -- racial protection -- back to some stupid never consistent political position called conservatism you cannot underestimate how DIM people are we must make it ABSOLUTELY CLEAR who we are and what we stand for We are WHITE NATIONALISTS and we openly fight the JEW ENEMY
the conservatives, the professional conservatives, cucks & kikes alike, are MORE dangerous than the leftists in everyday politics because  the dimmest white can see that someone who says I HATE WHITES is his enemy it's the FAKE FRIENDS called conservatives who SEEM nice & normal and pro-white but are ACTUALLY anti-white & serve the jew - THEY are the PROBLEM
alt-right was coined by jew gottfried. just as xtianity is from the jews NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. the media will have you believe ben shapiro is alt-right. or mike cernovich. or non-white vox day.  people cant see through that - the lies and confusion they will keep falling for something that SEEMS to be what they want that's what PROFESSIONAL CONSERVATISM is
the cause is racial. that's it. no christianity. no conservatism.  WHITE NATIONalism communicates that alt-right does not
The media are continually lying about everything. this is why, as a minority that can potentially lead the white majority we must be as simple AS POSSIBLE and as clear AS POSSIBLE the term alt-right is a loser from the start it is EASY to misrepresent its meaning - and the jews do this in every single article they write about it White Nationalism is simple / clear.
'traditionalism' is a marketing word. those who use it hop around like uh frogs. those like me who actually stick to principles would never use the term it's basically a self-back-patting word, like a progressive calling himself tolerant
There are a lot of good things out there: - first-rate historian - Griffin - first-rate news team leader/assembler - Anglin - first-rate IRL development - Parrot Gab for actual free discussion, led by someone young who seems to have his head screwed on right.  There has to be honor and loyalty - ESPECIALLY where there is disagreement.
This is how we "steal" the only thing xtianity has of value:  we're for sexual normality. Men and women. That's it.  Sexual behavior is a private matter, not a public matter.  Boom. The church has nothing except fantasy and spiritual promiscuity.
people like Kommissar Kate Knibbs care far more that SNAILS aren't harmed than white people by her insane communist politics
The belief in regulation is essentially the same as the belief in god.
So we must relentlessly starken differences and polarize in the simplest possible way that works and makes sense. That's Jews v Whites. Make people see these are the only two real teams. If you want the messed up discolored discordant sexually insane society of obese consumer morons - then go with the jews. "If you want to live," come with us: #TeamWhite.
People suck at skepticism as much as they suck at belief. Then, you have jews seducing, perverting and funneling skeptics for profit, just as they do evangelicucks and catholics. Pretty soon media and society become a funhouse, it's difficult to find the truth, people just give up and turn inward.

March 06, 2018:

Kekullain a day ago <------------------ sore thumb
if serious people disagree strongly and not because they secretly wanted extra moolah to grow their chameleon herd, it's probably because there's an important not easily settled question there. so if discussion matters at all, it's probably here at hardrock junction
its funny how on forum people always call discussing the vitalest question of the time by the least dumbest people a "waste of time"...that's like 4D WTF
let's gets some things straight people Junque = rain forest-themed nature park in puerto rico  Juche = tree-bark soup consumed with grunts and lip-smacking gusto by whippet-thin North Korean nationalists after pre-dawn mass calisthenics
"There's enough room in this movement for national socialists like ourselves, American Nationalists like Anglin, and faggots like Ricky Vaughn." --M. Parrott
these leftists see admitting 2+2 = 4 as a sort of giving in fucking cultists living in gated Non-Reality-Adjacent Communal Living
"reminiscent of 1970’s Joe, in which a businessman whose daughter has run off with dirty hippies forms an economically unlikely friendship with a blue-collar grunt. They share a murderous distaste for the counterculture and the general collapse of “moral values,” mingled with a barely concealed sexual interest in presumably loose young women."
"...the demographic behind 1970’s hard-hat riot, in which some 200 construction workers took on a thousand anti-Vietnam protestors four days after the Kent State shootings. "
" elderly relative who has lived in Florida the past 30 years recently got a call from the police department in Milford, Massachusetts, where he resided some 30 years ago.  The cop on the phone told him that they were reviewing gun registrations and that they would like him to renew the registration for a firearm that he registered with them 45 years ago"
motherfucker my brain is going. SARDONIC Conte has a nice sardonic eye. He's in the moment and outside himself seeing the scene, see today's photos.
Trump-the-campaign at least revealed - how much the media hate white people - how much whites hate the (((media)))
Fools of high IQ have incorrectly placed politics as the queen of the arts but I am closer to the point in saying it's correctly viewed as alt-waste management.
I like the cut of Conte's jib. He has a nice, what is that word, saturnine eye. CORRECTION: not saturnine. another word cant think of yet
Take a GIANT PIECE OF CARBOARD. and write on it, atop, DISGUSTING WING-ED INSECTS. Then take your long-pig two-tined pork fork....and stick it right through a, say, podHORetz (1) and a chucklecuck like Pall Ryan (2) and jam it into the board. BELIEVE ME youre not taking Silver in that diorama science contest.
I want to see some SHIT I DONT UNDERSTAND. Ok?  That's a RARE PLEASURE in OLDTH.
We must be what we preserve. So WE THE GONZO NOW, nigger.
The judeo-left is increasingly vicious, neurasthenic and hypersensitive, like weeping herpes blisters on shaved onionskins on kaposi sarcomas, their alleged journalism reads.  It's like the exact opposite of 'gonzo,' - everything gone from it joy gusto sheer fucking FUN - but the disregard for facts.
"To get to that polarization, we must pursue a double-tined and necessarily simultaneous pitchfork attack on Team Jew and the professional conservatives."
Mussolini is probably the only journalist ever who wasn't a faggot. He - when he used fascist, believe me, he used it accurately, advisedly.
Pretty much anyone who uses the term 'fascist' is a fag. At least, it's never safe to assume otherwise.
"The real US military budget is close to $1 trillion (that’s 1,000 billion), not including the US intelligence budget which is larger than Russia’s entire annual defense budget, a meager $42.3 billion."
If DC gets Satan 2'd, how will this affect my Gab account
i know i said 2+2 = 4 i wuz kiddin'. it was satire! i keep my "math me" thoughts totally separate from Real Me and my job Asst Roadkill Meatpie Baker
consequences of pulling out of ABM treaty
“We are being attacked and dispossessed on the level of race and therefore we have to fight this on the level of race,” Spencer told those gathered.
the russian-named cunt who wrote this prop treatment probably wrote for TASS
where's the panache? where's the verve? where's the vim? christ i'll settle for some ZEST
and the girlie-poo ran from her own words stupid and scared - one of those double-threat morons IF YOU WONT STAND BEHIND IT THEN DONT SAY IT
so how many niggers been deported from italy??? (puts hand to ear out like Grinch waiting to hear Whos crying)
in siding against hitler, we the anglo-christian weaklings of the world, agreed that judeo-communism were the good guys AND WE OURSELVES as we now uncomfortably see the bad guys as well as the weak. we suck. and we're now enjoying the results and benefits of our weakness and suckingness. #LoveYourRace
you should get off on killing the enemy not waving your muh i'm shokt like a red badge of martyrdom
"If even 10 percent of the Right would stop bitching and wailing and whining about their inevitable ill-treatment at the hands of the Left and publicly support the alternative platforms instead, we would have a fully functional Alt-Tech ecosystem before the end of 2018." --Vox Day
Talk of tariffs begs the more basic question, indeed the most basic question.  Who are we? If we're in-Americans, than why does that matter more than in-Asians or in-Europeans? To the jews, there are just jews, Israelis, and in-Wherevers. To them, it's racist to claim America means anything more than in-America.
Buchanan: "[W]e need to shift taxes off goods produced in the USA, and impose taxes on goods imported into the USA. As we import nearly $2.5 trillion in goods, a tariff...rising gradually to 20 percent, would initially produce $500 billion in revenue. All that tariff revenue could be used to eliminate and replace all taxes on production inside the USA."
I believe the best argument against American Nationalism is that it simply doesn't inspire people. Maybe that's just me. I associate our flag with dishonor in Civil War, with murdering innocent people in my name and on my dime, which I extremely resent. And worst of all, I associate it with patriotard, loathsome anti-intellectual pot-bellied faggots.
It is objectively true, no matter if you want to shame people, that: - a woman can go to any judge and swear out a restraining order against any man, and very likely get it approved. Upon this, the man loses the right to own guns - must turn them over to cops. - a woman can initiate divorce on any pretext and end up with man's property and children These are facts.
There is nothing wrong with telling young men - be physically fit - dress and groom well - beware of the laws as currently written/interpreted (family law) All these are necessary, certainly.
The things we're protecting, a context in which normal white men and women and their families can flourish, are not necessarily best protected by those same. Warriors are not farmers and family men, so much. We need people who are NOT like the normie but recognize the value of the normie to defend the normie.
Politics is rated X, not G. It's not a family-friendly potluck picnic, and that's the mentality when you start talking about women-n-families. Women who self-choose and don't start sentences with "As a woman" can be tolerated on same terms, otherwise keep them out.
The same reasons Whites shouldn't vote for Republicans are the same reason they should stay out of churches.  In both cases you're helping people who are hurting you.
Griffin also ignores the church is if anything even worse than Republican party in pushing everything anti-White. Christianity is inherently anti-White, and for that reason it can't be changed. Griffin will realize this in a few more years.
Griffin is somewhat wrong on women/families. The way the law is, any white man getting into a relation with a woman is in dangerous territory. That's an objective fact - legally. As for women in politics in general, a racialist movement can well distinguish itself from feminist & woman-worshipping Republicans here.  We need a White Liberation Army.
"There is no easy or cowardly way to change our circumstances." --Griffin Exactly right. And the RV's of the world, to whom this is idle amusement, desperately want you to believe otherwise. Just keep soda-jerking for the Republicans, Daddy Ryan needs a new FitBit
I am the only person out there who has actually laid out a strategy for victory. I have done the thing I'm telling the "keep it legal" crew to do.
People who have given the white race the most actual progress in recent years: Trayvon Martin Dylann Roof Colin Kaepernick Of course, the real #1 is probably the jewsmedia making use of these people to promote increasingly overt, genocidal racial hatred of normal white people. It does feel like a giant fight is quickening.
"If our votes for the Republican Party don’t translate into either representation or policy victories, why should anyone invest so much time in caring about the outcome of elections?" Because elections are entertaining. They are alt-niggerball. In fact, more pro-White progress has come from paleo-niggerball via Colin Kaepernick than the elections.
I, for one, would rather fight for a white neo-Gen. Butt-Naked than vote for a Republican.
"The whole point of participating in the political process is to gain representation. The pro-White community voted for the Republican Party in historic numbers in the 2016 election." The cuck is represented. By the bull. Breivik and Mair and Roof were their own representatives. They achieved actual representation. Their agenda carried.
First, you niggers need to think about what a white man is.  A white man is someone who can handle any circumstances. He is NOT a traditionalist. Animals are traditionalists.  A white man adapts and overcomes (army lingo) whatever is thrown at him. He is not stupidly, mawkishly tied to symbols, certainly not those that have already been perverted by his enemy.
"The American Nationalists who believe they can become mainstream and cease to be stigmatized by putting on a polo shirt, wearing khakis and going to the gym are as deluded as the Africans who believe that eating the hearts of their enemies will cause bullets to magically bounce off them in battle." #BUTTNAKED
"The “mainstream” is an agreement between the elites of both political parties to deny us representation, stigmatize our community and exclude us from politics.  " That goes for media too. Not just exclude from their media, but try to shut down our media technically & legally.  Long train of abuses and usurpations all pushing same direction - #WhiteGenocide
we need a dictator. one white man who Understood and had the commitment and backing could clean America (or any western country) up in short order it seems to me that an army is the natural force to generate a dictator, so we should be generating an army
we all got off on how much the left hated Trump, yet he still won. it was thrilling and entertaining. but in the end, what did it matter? the same anti-white agenda is pursued. if it has eight points, maybe he pushes four and Hillary would have pushed the other four.
if we wish to live on land, we are forced to pay taxes (even if we rent) to sustain a massive, nationwide network of anti-white judeo-leftists called "public schools" if anyone (see that teacher in fla w podcast) dares peep up, he gets slammed down this is tyranny. right now, everyday, 24/7/365 / 10 decades tyranny
what you-all fags don't understand is the leftist has a permanent network thru the public school system and we are forced to pay for it that's basically an unwinnable position for us - legally and i didnt even mention 100% mass media control.
"keep it legal"  well, what i observe is a trend over the last year of the System throwing our side in jail for defending itself it's almost ALMOST like they don't pay attention to what we actually do, they judge us by our beliefs they hate. it's ALMOST like the actual law has nothing to do with their behavior, just politics
elections are downstream of armies, not culture that's a nostrum belonging to soft yogurty faggots
it's all you jungfags who entertain a senile and putrescent hopefulness for elections... permit me to snigger, nigger
you know i've said the harshest possible stuff about griffin, but he has come a long way. he is far more right than wrong in this, judging purely by arguments but if he IS wrong, then it's on YOU to explain how we get from HERE to THERE. you CANT. and cant ADMIT the fact.
Mike Pence, undeniably a great christian man, pardon the contradiction. Licks nigger feet. Licks jew ass. I would rather the white race went extinct then contained a majority of men like Mike Pence. He's not a man at all, he's a cur.
Violence is the way forward, not elections. Expansion is the way forward for Gab, the only social medium I care about. Not whining for regulation. Even if you folks got the regulation you seek, it would not work out the way you think but would redound against us.  Expanding Gab will eventually draw a Trump - and shoot to the moon. KNOW that day comes, JUST EXPAND.
Notice that no one I have attacked or not attacked has dared to take up the challenge of how we get from where we are today -- bad and getting worse for normal whites -- to a sovereign white-exclusive state. The reason they don't dare is that anything they type will look absurd - in their own eyes. But they dont yet have the character to admit elections are useless.

March 05, 2018:

the closet makes the fag
the only thing xtianity has that a White side would use is sexual control. not morality. self-control. keep your nuts in your jodhpurs in public or we'll dangle you from a crane / chop your wangdoodle off and auction you to dogfood mfts
the AmeriKwan people are so fucking retarded they don't think public schools teach a POV
Vote, kids, it's like sooper impotrant.
It isn't even funny. You fools advocating election importance are exactly like Jim Carrey in that movie.
I'm not like most of you: when someone tells me I stink and I'm ugly...I don't have a Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber reaction.
America is more reasonably viewed as the pimple on the witch's nose of what's coming than a pimple on the ass of the model that just exited.
You guys ever see that mob hit where they all wore trenchcoats and Russian samovars (or whatever those goofy fur hats are called). Really makes you think.
When you can't figure out whether you're coming or going, we've got a symbol for you - the cross. The intersection of wat n d'oh.
The way to take advantage of our superior numbers is violence, not elections. Sorry the truth puts sand in your man-pussy.
"Vice President Mike Pence ✔@VP Honored to lay a wreath at MLK Jr. Memorial w/ @SecondLady. He was a great American leader who inspired a movement & transformed a Nation. He took the words of our Founders to heart to forge a more perfect union based on the notion all men are created equal & in the image of God." Christ chumps prefer fantasy to reality. As I've said.
The Jewish Question: buried six feet underground or twelve?
Fuq the Twitter bollocks  Were the GAB pistols has to be the attitude
When faced with the choice, will America choose a  PAUL NEHLEN or a  JOHN PODHORETZ? How did we lose our country? Fear. We were intimidated out of it. How do we get it back. GROW SOME BALLS MORANS
The actual white mentality: talk about elections we can't win, we dont have candidates for. So we project our values and beliefs onto whatever candidates are out there. And just "believe harder" when one of them wins and keeps not doing what we want.
faith in god stamped on federal reserve notes, not to like whatz? i mean, if you're a nogodsist like me #Fingerism
it's good to have god on coins because it associates his fraudulent value with the currency's
here's what i mean about violence, not just in relation to elections what allows judges to get away with blocking MULTIPLE of Trump's COMPLETELY LEGAL EXECUTIVE ORDERS? that they don't fear violent reprisals and that, my puny little friends, is why violence precedes and ensconces actual functional legality
the syncopation of agency is one of the jew's main tricks christianity plays into this with its bogus god concept #Fingerism stands athwart it
show me evidence christianity isn't training whites to be a slave population?
what is the christian ideal? setting up a soup kitchen to feed niggers and bums
turns out a greasy jew that passed under the xtian water spout (to save his hide from enraged whites) was still a greasy jew Jesus couldnt explain that to you; I just did. see, kids and Jesus, a jew is actual natural 'thing' - like an aardvark or a whipsnake. it doesn't change its nature like instant potatoes because you add water to it
So good with money, these jews are. I see why we're only 1.2 TRILLION in debt, Oy Mcvay.
Stockman: "During the year ahead (FY 2019) something in the order of $1.8 trillion of cash will be drained out of the bond pits to fund the $1.2 trillion fiscal deficit and the Fed’s $600 billion QT bond-dumping exercise." USA before jews took over (and founded Fed in 1913): ZERO DEBT.
endless focus on elections we cant win -- we dont even have candidates! and endless avoidance of the 'soft' stuf we actually COULD do this is what is sad about the alleged White movement
you dont need an army when you have vast majority of a continent covered with sane white people who own guns who's going to attack you? no one the USA army exists purely for aggressive purposes. it is parasites used by jews to destroy our reputation and actually endanger us where otherwise we'd simply be traveling and trading with other countries
i mean, it's hard being a lion. you going to catch the fastest gazelle. that mofo is fast. i dont know about you, i fucking dont enjoy running. probably lions dont either. i'd rather settle for #32 gazelle with a bum knee and a couple bad spots. much less effort. the gazelleherd gets an upgrade, i get a full stomach
Violence or threat of it is the only thing that makes the electoral machine work like it's supposed to. Concentrating on elections before you have the physical force to destroy cheaters is putting the cart before the horse. Most pro-Whites do not understand this.
Stockman: "[T]rade is the one policy arena where the Donald can go completely rogue owing to the insidious section 232 of the 1962 trade act. The open-ended powers to impose tariffs & other trade protections in behalf of any industry deemed essential to “national defense” that is purportedly injured by foreign competition."
White nationalism says "this arrangement is best," it doesn't treat with absurd concepts like god or nature or rights or other piffletonian horseshit, it's an arrangement that we think is vastly preferable to the crap we have now.  A nation exclusively for whites. "who's white tho" - well you didnt need my help drawing up the discrimination laws, did you?
White nationalism is the best name for our cause because it says nothing about the sub-racial politics because that effectively doesnt matter because it can all be compromised on and settled later. But the racial stuff is what matters - and there we will fight until we have our state(s).
White Nationalism is the politics for whiteskins who don't accept that jews presiding over nutless, cringing, whining, sobbing loser-christians is the natural order of things.
when i was a little kid, the very first political observation i made was that conservatives NEVER get to the bottom of anything, they simply whine about manifestations of a problem. and i couldnt understand why that was (not knowing the jew-root at that point) it's same today: conservatism = whining-based imitation-political entertainment  for bourgeois
Giving rights to women is like giving car keys to five-year-old. The car runs into a telephone pole, child is fucked up, phone company is bothered, service down, other cars may be fucked up, road is blocked - no end to the bang-ons. Rights to women - a bunch of middle-aged females standing around with pink pussy hats on their head, confused and soggy.
I will say this again - true white spirit is in Grimm's Fairytales. We are NOT the mawkish, lugubrious, moralizing snivelers the christian has tried to make of us. Not naturally.  We are naturally jaunty, twinkle-eyed consequentialists who enjoy life as an adventure, and understand it is a terrible and awesome thing.
Christianity has 'love' (what they call love) as their ideal. Racialists pose thought and laughter and strength as theirs. They appeal to the weak and hopeless. We appeal to the "come with us if you want to live." We have the right values, the xtians have the sicko values.
"When I got to Ann Arbor, it was boom boom boom! Things were going my way. I had what it took!" --Ted Bundy
It's unfortunate that everyone but me is a faggot, but don't think I'm giving up on you. Like Jefferson, I feel you niggers may just HAVE WHAT IT TAKES. I just need to bring it out of you..
The natural name of any pro-white party would be The Racist Party.  The Racist Party (for a White Future) Featuring the White Liberation Army
Race is the slab upon which any successful political conservation project would necessarily be built. If it's missing, then conservatism is simply clowning. And so it is. But since people dont read or think, this fake product can be sold to them over tv - especially when no other voices are heard.
Libertarian ideas amount to racialism (racial fitness) for the INDIVIDUAL. They snap right into our larger racial scheme. We are both WHITES (members of a racial group) and MEN, individuals who flourish best within a racial group.
Most 'libertarian' IDEAS are consistent with racialism - the libty-dumpties themselves are irrelevant. We go to their fag boutique and steal their flowers. Conservatives by contrast are simply cowards. Their constructions are built on air since they abandoned race at the demand of their jew-boss. They are fag linemen blocking for (((QB))) we must sack.
We renounced manliness when we abandoned coverture.  People must be forced to be free - and if they can't handle it and die, that's in keeping with nature. FUCK SUBSIDIZING DEFECTIVES. Racialism, racial thinking, isn't just inter-race but intra-race too.
Women as property again - yes. Beating/raping women - no. Easy call.
Remember the Korean war. Forces were pushed down into a cramped tiny perimeter. That's where we are now...legally.  Well, how did our forces break out of that situation?  Hitler said, if the state keeps it legal, I will. Does the (((USG (aka ZOG))) keep ANYTHING legal?
And I repeat, I will mock you until you cry like the bitches you are. Not one of you, from anonymous faggot Ricky Vaugh to whomever you like can explain how we get from where we are now to an independent white sovereign state LEGALLY. Not even in most general theory can you do this.  Which ought to be a sign to you. Ya see the girl, you mental shrimplets: FIRED 4 PODCAST
You're running for election? Oh, my mistake. I thought you were going to LEAD.
We should kill drug dealers like Duterte? And you're a racialist? Terrible drugs are one of the few objectively pro-white things in our community. They clean out the losers - while that big government you support does nothing but subsidize them.  Drugs are objectively eugenic; big government is objectively dysgenic.
What else breaks bonds between white families? Social security. Why are you a racialist if you believe government has to take care of every aspect of an alleged white man's life?  How is a white man distinguished from a Holstein cow in your mind?
Smoking cigars, giving us that classic bourgeois self-satisfied smirk, calling for single-payer healthcare while growing a belly GET ON THE STICK, DICK
You want to be an American nationalist - without being here when it was founded, without understanding what it actually was, and if you did understand, you would actually disagree with 90% of it. Muh social security. Muh job trainin' Muh single-payer healthcare. These are not American nationalist positions, theyre 20th-century jew-socialist positions
Running for elections is about 18th on the list of things Whites need done for racial advance. It's on the list. But it's not near the top.
The entire loser mentality of our cause comes from Duke running for office, and that whining tone he always has, that stupid idea of muh copying civil rights fur whites, all to squeeze shekels out of the wet cricket eaters in swampville.  Look at how winners do it, not losers: look how the jews treat christians - that's the way Whites should treat them.
And I must say my OTHER ancestor explained EXACTLY what would happen if you moralizing christian pukes loosed niggers all over Illinois and Missouri. And he was 100% right. Christianity is dogshit.  Christianity is anti-White. It doesnt matter what you think - you can't think as well as I can, and I'm telling you the fact of the matter.
I had ancestors on the Mayflower. Even my GERMAN ancestor fought in Revolutionary War. My English ones fought with Ethan Allen.  I know what America is. It's something my people made. English and German ancestors BOTH. The rest of you are a bunch of faggots.
When I say jew-like, I mean I READ and THINK and I don't change positions like all you christian conservative faggots - even if you call yourself racialists, most of you really are just another whitewashed mewling christian cuntservative.
America was started by people like me: aggressive, obnoxious, more than a little jew-like, money-loving, freedom-jealous disagreeable assholes.  Most of you are just retarded potato-wedge shaped German peasants and fingersmiths shatted from British prisons.
We must Gerrymander jews and niggers out of the human race. In fact, "human race" is a propaganda term.
What Brad Griffin needs to come to grips with intellectually is the connection between his Christianity's civic spiritualism and political civic nationalism.
I will also notice that all you 'American Nationalists' only side with the Founders on race, where they only sort of sided with you. On the minimal government part, you overtly laugh at them. This shows your understanding and seriousness - lacking.
We have 200,000,000 whites and ONE serious candidate (looks, proven record, brains, guts) - Paul Nehlen.  So you advising us to "keep it legal" and work the electoral system - what exactly do you have in mind? How is this going to work? Where are all these imaginary candidates going to spring into reality? DICK SPENCER CANT GET WAITER TO SERVE HIM #RealityCheck
And if you're going to be a hard-core American nationalist, then it implies you wouldn't accept any secessionism or territorial compromise, right?  I would. I don't think the (((powers that be))) would go along with that, I think it's all or nothing for them, certainly as things stand.  But this is why American nationalism is red herring (ie not the real issue)
So we need a new nation founded for WHITES ONLY and completely explicit in that, with signed contracts from every single adult member of that new nation. And if it squares over existing borders, then retain the flag, sure.
The Framers were both race-realists and race-hopeful, several of them. They believed that the negro's comparative incapacity might be due to circumstances rather than nature. Their christian cult told them they had a duty to steward the negro for his elevation. To say they were white nationalist - the only fair reaction is "Yes, but..."
The America worth loving was lost in 1865, in law. The de facto America still pretty damn good because minimal government was lost 1913-1932. What is America now? My chance to pay for a marauding army of jew-tools, or a colony of niggers in my neighborhood?  Even if you disagree, every trend is in the "bad" direction, you know that.
It's a red herring, the American nationalism vs some other approach. If we take power in USA borders, then we retain the symbols. If not, we use something else. What matters is developing a clear US-THEM (White v Jew) and a clear understanding of what we demand: a WHITE-EXCLUSIVE STATE.
The jews really are geniuses - they have even those who understand them all bollixed up mentally. Best way to understand: We have DUELING fake histories (or narratives) of the USA 1) melting pot (1900 on, for cons / boomers) 2) progressive evolution from white racism to white genocide (1965 on, for public school trained leftists) Both are ANTI-WHITE lies.
If you want to use the American flag etc then you're going to have to fight it out with christians, cucks and professional conservatives. Which you weren't even doing until I told you to do that eleven years ago. You STILL are divided in your mind over christianity, another White-killer.
You simply move into territory (((They))) vacate. Publish pro-white books and comic books, as Vox Day has done. Not even pro-white, just not SJW. If Gab doesn't move quickly enough, I would just bet VD will.
All the focus should be on EXPANDING GAB AS FAST AS POSSIBLE not complaining about other social media or praying to the alt-God That Failed, regulation.
essentially, Anglin argues for American Nationalism, Griffin argues against it at this point, an 'American Nationalism' that is white nationalism under traditional American symbols (flag, eagle and such) would amount to a COUNTER-REVOLUTION WITHIN THE FORM. is that possible? maybe. but it's not necessarily easier or better than other ways.
the problem is we have people who dont know what they're talking about because they havent read the right things - they literally don't know what they don't know. the class that has read enough generally lacks the ability to think about things in any fresh way, so they advocate the same old shit that doesnt work
worth reading the debate here. none of them is really correct, in my view.
Jew masquerading as crotchety old Brit: "Regarding his pseudonym "Theodore Dalrymple", he wrote that he "chose a name that sounded suitably dyspeptic, that of a gouty old man looking out of the window of his London club, port in hand, lamenting the degenerating state of the world".[14] "
Cops work for anitwhites: "Carsten Grotloh, hall manager of the Carpathia Club, said he was contacted Saturday night by the Sterling Heights Police, which shared information about the Foundation for the Marketplace of Ideas, as well as "the negativity that surrounds the event."
a single teacher with a podcast has more space than Trump right now on google news that's how anti-White the USA has become
teacher with not anti-white podcast FIRED
Violence is the real thing, whether God or nature made it that way. Elections, Jesus, regulation are when you don't care enough to send your very best. The guy who just shot and killed a nigger invader in Italy? He has decreased the nigger population in Italy more than the formal process will in the next three years. also, why defend Katie Hopkins when she has never once mentioned that jews are the ones who write the anti-speech laws in every land
DS writer appears not to know this about 'Theodore Dalrymple,' a pen name for a kike in the Steyn, Auster, Molyneux vein: "Daniels was born in Kensington, London.[6] His father was a Communist businessman of Russian ancestry, while his Jewish mother was born in Germany.[7] She came to England as a refugee from the Nazi regime.[8]"
This for @JohnRivers‍ , the liar
jews sold blacks

March 04, 2018:

has putin nuked NYC and DC yet? someone let me know when it happens
After reading millions of pages, I come to the conclusion that Parrott et al. are doing something sort of like National Alliance did, but the leadership is more honest.  You talking about optics - loyalty is 10x more important. Loyalty is the hard part.
now is the time on sprOptics when we dance..
I think it's silly to think you or I can speed up or slow down AmeriKwan collapse. It's going to be a financial collapse, and we don't control the presses.
Do people understand...the enemy could very easily murder 100,000,000 whites without changing a letter of the Constitution.
It really is funny, and thanks to God of Irony, that we get the clearest picture of someone from his enemy.
"You're a satanist." "Yeah well you do unspeakable things with stale bread."
Things are as they should be: whatever Heimbach & The Parrot (mornings 94.5) have done is now inspiring Daily Stormer to put its Book Clubs in high gear. This is GOOD infighting.
How great can our traditions be if we ended up where we are now?
Matt Parrott says: "Coalition-building has its hits and misses, but we've managed to build a strong coalition despite the ongoing effort by the paleocons to ice us out. " I, for one, would like to hear more about this.
Cut the jew-cable cord, people. We've got our own show, and it's quality... "I keep my bitch tits out of my political work." --Matt Parrott Azzmador  EXTREMELY VETTED TAG about 4 hours ago  @parrott @parrott just saying, you got no place to talk about anybody's titties. We wouldn't want you picking up a nickname like "The Dolly Parton of the Hard Right"
"Looking fat and absurd is no way to appeal to Americans"  Uh...I uh...have you gone outside lately? Looked out a window?
There have to be runway model forums where the bitches are less catty about dress differences than this TRS thread.  It's what they all agree on that's where the real problems are: thinking christianity good and violence bad.
It's not my government, I didn't vote. The USG is a threat to every person on earth, and my implicit vote is only and always for it to disband and disappear.
Hitler created a new flag. So just maybe that's what a new Hitler would do.
"Nice gay pinwheel, there Adolf. Yeah you're really going to win with that one." --early 20th century German optics experts
If jews don't call you a nazi it means you haven't figured out what's going on yet.
Jews know that sexual degeneracy is good for jews. That's why over time, all ostensibly Aryan arts will tend toward promotion of sexual degeneracy - it's the union card for admission to mass media, whether youtube video, country song or tv show.
When they call you nazi, it means you're doing something good for whites. So be proud, whether you actually are or not.
As Garland and Jones have co-discovered, jews use their muh the holocaust to lubricate the next round of goy-nation-destroying sexual degeneracy.
Next up: Ford Foundation presents "Bersk and Jetty," a Danish couple who, with 6yo more-than-friend Yoski*, run an adult petting zoo just over the German border. As they hide jews and practice their unconventional loves, a dark cloud approaches in this exciting untold story from WWII. *3x first: actual sodomy/bestiality/pedophilia shown in prime time
Although they have always been religious blockheads, the Boers have always been known for being good fighters. They should stay in SA and fight. Kill their enemies, whether jews, niggers or Angliberals.
Christianity trains whiteskins to be solemn in the presence of absurd claims. Rather than laugh at them, as they should. Once these manlets have been conditioned, you can throw holocausts, diversity at them, they won't even blink.
Kyle Bristow is taking counsel from his fears, to all appearances. Double fail. "Don't take counsel from your fears." --Thomas Jackson
what Bristow fears will happen anyway, all he does is look pathetic and weak
btw, there are no worse optics than that dueling cigar photo with bristow and spencer screams portly chortler / rush limbaugh, the very opposite of the serious revolutionary you're claiming to be imagine Hitler with a cigar
Keep in mind - out of all the people debating, "Ricky Vaughn" is of unknown provenance. He's literally an anonymous link poster who says overtly he's not a white nationalist. He can turn off the computer tomorrow and his private life is completely safe. He has no skin in the game. It's fantasy football to him - while he lies about non-anonymous others.
Let's look at how "keep it legal" actually works in the real world. > you get a permit > the cops stand down by order, letting antifa attack you > you dont get to deliver speeches you had permit for > you get attacked by antifa, your men thrown in jail > others return to cars, get attacked by niggers > they're thrown in jail for defending themselves, niggers go free
Carhartt > Dickies
Christianity is just another crank universalism.
i like Vox Day because he's come around. i used to mock him with the most vicious man-on-redskin vitriol ever recorded for his pusillanimous jew avoidance and general Suckpoop Joe-associate feebility. now he goes after jews. that's something.
Vox Day has actually created an un-SJWd set of comics in very short order. That's impressive. The whole field is open to something that's white- and normal-positive, and he and his people have jumped into it.  This is the way to do it, NOT crying and suing as too many here advise, from top down. Maybe have faith in Gab?
What sign is there our enemies will hand over power legally? They don't even allow debate where they have control.  So how unthinkable can just plain killing them actually be? You've been dog-trained to equate talk of justice violence as "OMG FBI MUST DISAVOW" that you've lost sight of the elemental basics.
actual progress II
actual progress I

March 03, 2018:

So White racialists are supposed to splay and play until Trump has raw-chaw-beefed & roastied us to his pizzle's content... ...but only a "purity spiraling" churl-girl would ask what WE get out of it.
I mean, you have people like "Ricky Vaughn" advocating the long march through the institutions as an actual plan. This in a day when a female elementary school teacher with a pro-white podcast makes national news. The word delusional barely covers it.
Do you ever get the feeling that "everyone but me is sadly misguided"? I..I get it a lot.
old beefs thread in my forum, well worth reading to understand where we've come from. i believe it has link to old Majority Rights monster thread that best summed up 'the movement' back then.
worth reading thru all this.
WN can only be 'sold' if you must on its hardness. The minute you try to appeal to people, you put them in the boss chair and you with the shine box.
You could scour the left from Weiner to antifa - did they take power thru advanced optics?
We don't need more white martyrs, we need White killers.
look, folks, the earth is flat AND hollow. like a pizza crust or bubble wrap
how to be an all-around great person and not a moron 1) dont stand behind what you say, just run your mouth. life is about being cool in the moment 2) post all kinds of stuff across jewed-in-front-and-behind-scenes social media, then act muh shocked when you're revealed, exposed, fired
don't say it if you won't stand behind it. no one gives a fuck what age you are, this principle applies to everyone from birth on.
"I find that ducks' opinion of me is very much influenced by whether or not I have bread." --Mitch Hedberg
here's to V. Wolzek's favorite comedian
R2_dindu lol
"We" keep appealing to our enemies for justice and fairness when they have proved over 1000x they hate us, want us dead. Where else does this wacko notion of justice from above come from but the christian cult and its bankrupt notion of God?
We Whites have learned from our history. We know that when jews talk about gun control they mean OUR guns and THEIR control. We know they want us defenseless so they can slaughter us.
I think if you stupid whining fucks, even including Torba, would focus on Gab and quit worrying about (((social media))), Gab would be in that league in a decade. Assuming it were still legal to post as we do. Trying to force your way on to private platforms - you fools don't see how that will swing back here, but it will.
Turning away from the God fantasy is  turning toward continued racial existence.
Boers are idiots who don't deserve sympathy.  Look at them run around whining, "dont the blacks understand that if they do XYZ, then..." No, you fucking towhead retards, niggers dont understand ANYTHING. It's what YOU don't understand that matters. Christianity has made you weak. Turning toward God is turning toward racial genocide.
What matters is not the next election but the next Traini. #Italy
The Boers ended apartheid. What they should have ended was christianity. Boers are idiots, similar to US evangelicals.
Symbolfags never live up to their precious little patches and pins and retard slogans.
Get your hopes up about the "far" right in Italy! They're going to get 15% of the vote. Maybe 17% Hundreds of thousands of niggers are on their way out. Do you believe that?  But you're red-pilled, right?
Blacks have been told they're equal. They can see they're not equal. Something has to account for that. Jews supply them with the big lie 'racism.' It soothes and angers them at the same time. It leads to murdered whites and desire to mass murder whites. Jews stoke that with every form of media and establishment rhetoric under their control.
the USA used to be a cool place you could drive around and see different things. now it's just to see what kind of goodlguck it's filling up with
i dont like morons. why would i like dogs.
dogs are great. i mean they're cross-eyed and they drool. what's not to love. they have nasty oily fur. dogstank is on par with nigstank. they attack anyone for no reason. their owners are pussies who use their odgies to passive-aggressive disrespect others. all the qualities you cry about in a Down child you celebrate in a dog
for the mehest in courtier satire, its the Onion niggertown runs out of water...make fun of white people
technology is like women: basically fucking annoying but for some things it's the only thing
" I learned awhile ago not to identify that I was white if I wanted a response from Google. If I didn’t replay I got brought in for an interview everytime I applied for a system admin position. If I identified as white; I would get zero response of any type. "
hate crime is fake crime. it's an ideological category, not a real thing. it exists purely for political reasons as a pseudo-scientific attack on whites. see its use at end of this story as perfect example
To know jews is to kill them. It says as much in the Talmud.

March 02, 2018:

'Racism,' the term, is a death threat to whites an excuse for blacks an all-time heavyweight champion, verbal warfare, for Jews
"Whites have a right to exist" - a thing so dumb only a Jared Taylor could say it.
Whites have a right to exist is the alleged white man's WE WUZ KANGZ
(full office space stapler faggot mode) i wuz told there was a right to exist
red-pill me, goy: is an air rifle the same as a beebee gun or  is a moron the same as me?  both?
finally some concern about whites in africa
typical judeo-lefty snake take on insufferable Brooce Willis remaking a pretty good movie with Charles Bronson
"the sound echoes the sense" is for poetry and politics so your sound body echoes the sense of your words it's fat slobs with male-ponytails and niggers that need Father Clintons to govern them White men laugh and self-rely
"I recently saw him on a video, he looks healthy. Taking good care of yourself is all part of the white-supremacy thing, right? They have to be in good shape in case there’s violence, and they have to be fit so they can make good white babies. My thinking these days is God forbid he should have kids." --his mom You reading this in 3018 think satire. nope. that bad.
What's jewier, the top 100 execs at CNN or bolsheviks in the 1917 revolution? TRICK QUESTION ANTI-COMMUNISM IS ANTI-SEMITISM ENJOY YOUR ALL-AIR DIET, AMERIGOY
robots could have a good government; not men
why is it jews deplatform us? because if people know what jews are doing to us whites, they will kill them so let's not talk down the natural reaction to the information jews are trying to suppress  #HeroDylannRoof exhibited an unjaded, natural white reaction to the actual racial facts jews work so hard to flip in their Gaslighter Daily Shows
jews have perfected their goy control we have the legal illusion of free speech - you just waste all your energy trying to keep your support and publishing platform intact, rather than actually doing your work. if you go outside, you're put in a pen. and if there's a clash, you get thrown in jail when you defend yourself so let's think outside the box here people
at some point we need more than this Fisher Play-Skool version of White politics
we've dumbed-down victory to where it's literally posting "It's okay to be white" on a bulletin board, then jerking off to the media reaction i hate to be all  "soft bigotry of low expectations"  but if that aint the soy milk version of white triumph, i mean christ on a crutch
You can LARP as an American Nationalist too.  Did George Washington keep it legal? Or was he a violent revolutionary?
Look at it from the POV of the jew. How can (((we))) possibly lose?  These idiots talk about keeping it legal while we cheat lie and steal them to death! All their taxes go to Israel. We stuck niggers amidst them to rape and murder, then we play it that niggers are the real victims of racism, a bullshit term we invented. It's over man! We did it! Global rule here we are!
If George Washington kept it legal, our daughters would be being groomed by Muslims right now. USA! USA! USA!
"If I accept money to undermine my people, there's a very real physical risk I and my family will die in a terrible way."  THIS must be the thought running through every cuck's head if we are to change politics in this country.
If I were a jew running things, white violence is virtually the only thing that would concern me. I would see: "They don't need formal organization - just an understanding of the end goal - a sovereign white state. Organizations, we know from stopping. Writers and media outlets, we know from deplatforming. Violence could pose a challenge."
God forbid we take advantage of -- even consider thinking about -- the one area we have the natural advantage, in the USA, re jews & cuckservants: our vastly superior numbers. Kill X, Y, Z on one date - what happens? Think about it.  Cucks are only here for the anti-white party, man. This is a drag (when 3-4 of them die one night). They shut up real quick.
There is no more moral significance to killing a jew than a termite.
Fun with Occam's razor: "simplest explanation that covers the given facts" is likeliest to be true. How did this fruit fly 'Jesus' come to exist? 1) jew writer invented him 2) jew whore slept with a roman soldier, producing bastard 3) ineffable imaginary overlord aka 'God' deposited him in womb of virgin
dogs are fags
any "mass" "school" "shooting" gets more publicity than the entire holodomor
look at the attitudes in the comments
Remember, folks: fifteen minutes from now, you might have been dead for ten minutes.
you're red pilled, you say yet you profess to believe that a kike named Jesus came back from the dead i think the red pill got stuck halfway down your throat
Now if I were running for office here in the midwest, I would not be able to resist saying things like: As I look out over you wonderful people, I wonder how many of you have an IQ half as big as your scale number.  As I look around, I see people who love Jesus and carbohydrates, not necessarily in that order. Havent consulted w advisers, but i dont think this is how u win
People confuse running for office with leadership.  You can't tell people what they need to hear when you need votes. You tell them what they want to hear. Democracy, except in very small settings, is inherently character-degrading to both parties - the podium liar and the assembled mouth breathers.
It's funny, but the shitdickers have more balls and grit than the jew-stickers.
Which force put the bad idea in whites' head that they had a moral responsibility to blacks, a duty to steward them, to elevate them?
Few blacks actually understand that blacks can't run civilizations.
When WN are figuring what to do, start by looking at things from the jew perspective. What would you not want Whites to do, if you were a jew?
South Africans should not come to the USA, they should stay and fight. If 5m whites can't whip 10x their number in niggers, they're not real whites.  The USA won't save you, we're a bunch of kiked-out christian faggots not unlike yeah Good luck, pieter-pooeters.
jews define what they dont want as Ultimate Evil. they drive everyone away from that 'evil' whose open about it. then they start on the hinters. then they go after associates of the hinters.  since they control the mass media, this works. Suddenly a tiny alien minority controls what everybody thinks Plain speech and violence break the spell.
Don't take counsel from your fears. --Stonewall Jackson
"Keep it legal." --George Washington
"Just keep banning and deplatforming. The schools, media, lawyers are all doing their work. Demographic changes continue, open borders or not. Time is our friend. Let them babble on the decreasing numbers of platforms that will have them, soon enough the last open spots will ice over too." --The Jew

March 01, 2018:

following the ups and downs of Trump is akin to day trading, it's fun but tends to lead to lost perspective. it's fantasy football for people who prefer politics to sports how can we have 900 million vets in this country and not one to lead a White Liberation Army?
ais, so many brainlessly advising 'us' can't see the difference between the white supermodel cause and a fag waiter selling menu items to bored housewives the danger in our cause is the selling point - the bravery, the glory don't listen to people for whom this is alt-fantasy football
jews say overtly they loathe evangelicals, yet these allegedly human baitfish fawn all over them "take your tips from winners" we talk about "appealing" to the christ-sick, we should be talking about whipping them like the bitches they are after all...they get off on it, just like Boog Jesus, hero of the dirteaters
The jews hide the truth about so many things even you who think you're redpilled are just pretty in pink. You know about Leonardo designing the helicopter in his notebook. Guess what they DONT tell you? They literally block it out of the graphic when they show it on tv... Yeah.
They can take our farmland, but they can never take our faith! --Mel Poeter-Gibson
Hey, don't get upset about our whiteskin brothers in South Africa. They still have what matters most. Their wonderful Christian faith. That will see them under. I mean, _through_.
Let's give baboons rights, they said. What can go wrong, they said. #SouthAfrica
MOBILITY: the journal of tree heritage
petitions are like tattoos - they all say  the same thing more or less: IM A FAG
do trees have heritage journals with humans on the cover and bragging about mobility
"black people..." and we're already into propaganda
honestly, i believe if i could get the entire white race in a room i could talk sense into it in maybe two hours
as Hawkspithenes said, i wish that i had a hand bigly enough to bitchslap the entire white race
the minute any clown takes xtianity seriously religious wars begin only trivial xtianity can 'get along' that's where we are now. reduce xtianity to some generic disgusting 'love' and ah muhccept jesus as my personal ziploc...and agree to go along with whatever the jews say in the public square white race, i am disappoint
christianity does what it's always done: divide whiteskin fools into warring camps while gaslighting (like its jew roots) that it brings them together
to me, the 'rooted' thing has always suggested weakness, not strength white men aren't trees, they're pretty much the opposite the white attitude is: fling anything at me, i'll turn it good #TradPap #TreeSap
who's to say that niggerball/football (colin Kaepernick) hasn't produced more pro-white change than niggerball/election of trump?
so hows that brexit coming along? has it exited, the dank sandbar, or is some brexlax called for?
in this society (AmeriKwa 2018), the novice starts by being irritated at one stupid thing but upon research he realizes the problem is (((everything)))
we might as well call our thing Exactly What We're After because even if we go after the mildest neutral detergent, Feather Dusters For Fairness, it will end up Hate Filled Nazis For Genocide in the jewed & stewed media so ... White Liberation Army (MAKE NO BONES EXCEPT THEIRS)
It doesn't even make sense to do anything on a mass-organized scale except a White Liberation Army.
It's easy to say Weimerica and it makes plenty of sense. But notice - Hitler had a friendly judge, he had people in army, government and media backing him. Today - all those institutions are 100% anti-White. So the term works rhetorically to convey the connection (jews promoting social destruction thru sex degeneracy) but actual pol conditions r much worse
Notice that none of these elections advocates can explain how the White race can get from where we are today to the end goal - a sovereign white state. Somehow a thousand Nehlens are going to bloom? A thousand anonymous amphibian fans are going to morph into candidates, like brooms multiplying in Fantasia?
Jews are very good at evaluating things, it's their trade. When they see a white christian, they know the valuable part: the race. That's why they try to destroy the race and dont worry about the silly religion. They are better at evaluating us than we are ourselves. Isn't that remarkable?
Jew vitriol is directed at whites. It's a racial thing. Christians can't or won't notice. Christianity is simply treated with contempt because christians are weaklings. Christianity is no threat to jews and in fact protect jews by its 1500-year-old doctrine Sicut Judaeis Non (don't molest the jews).  Jews are stupid like christians/whiteskins.
We can learn rhetorical approaches from the Nazis. We can notice their general spirit. But we are in vastly different (and worse) circumstances than they were, though we face the same enemy.
The situation has been made so that it's all or nothing, and often enough System hacks (judges not just journalists) can turn nothing into all. Out of frustration, we tell ourselves to keep playing the rigged game, even though we have decades of proof it produces no results. See Brexit. See Trump. See Reagan. See Gingrich. See Nixon. Violence restores sanity
The problem with American nationalism is the symbols inspire nothing but fear and contempt abroad and meh at home. Racial loyalists skew Southern, and they have more reason than any to resent the (((stars))) n prison bars.
Violence is the way forward. Or, you can hunker down and wait for financial collapse. The rest is just funposting.  The only organizing worth doing at this point, is either yourself - improving your money and land and blood stocks, or forming a White Liberation Army.
The only difference between niggerball and political elections is niggerball = my African Americans are going to whip your coons elections = my noble Yellow Stars are going to whip your dirty sheenies
Elections = niggerball.
The other reason Germans loyalists had some electoral success was they had people physically marching and beating people up in the streets. The elections are downstream of ability to beat the fuck out of jews and associated enemies.
The delusionality of those who think whites are going to change things legally through the electoral process is striking, to say the least. See, kiddies, the thing about NS - they never had more than 30% of the vote - and that's when Germany was full of, you know, Germans. They had loyal judges and papers, it wasn't completely jewed System. USA is.
The white race is dying of sniffylis.

February 28, 2018:

How you fight ooga-boogas and kikes when half your brain is thinking well they're children of god too, and heckio our religion and 'Good Book' came from them? How well can a mind divided against itself fight a race war?
All you need in life, many times, to fail is a brief hesitation born of doubt. And that's what christ-insanity puts in us. It doesn't value race. The minute we think seriously about race, our christ-insanity flares up, telling us we're not being loving enough, and then our fear of breaking jew taboos seals the deal. We're trapped. Until we dump the Christ-lie.
I keep repeating the obvious parallel between  magic dirt you all rightly laugh at and magic water you suck in your lips at. "Race doesn't matter" begins in the church. Magic water is the father of magic mud.
Christianity = civic spiritualism
Even the dimmest of you dolts must be familiar with the good cop/bad cop routine. That is exactly what judaism and christianity are working on our race. And you, the 'criminal' white man, are sitting there thinking the christian cop is your friend.
The christian preference for make-believe transfers easily into politics. Trump says I hate white nationalists, they're evil nazis, we must end hate. And the christian-republican-pseudo-WN, encouraged by Ricky Von types says: "He really means he loves us...he really loves us!" (deranged sally field mode)
Catholics have a commandment against lying, and when you deal with them you soon see why.
God was on both sides of the Civil War; why it didn't end in a stalemate I'll leave to one of his five million 95-IQ public spokesmen to explain.
It's those who don't take either (or anything) seriously who think they can combine racialism and christianity. They reap the deserved result. They're rejected by their church and by racialists.
I've never yet seen a catholic intellectual hesitate for a millisecond in repeating known lies of the jew-communists he was just denouncing before he switched to talk about racists or nazis.
The white South Africans threw away a winning hand. Not even a fight. Why? Because they're religious cranks. They self-poisoned with christ-insanity, and now they are being slow-tortured to death.
Blacks are fellow children of God. That's the salient fact here. So the South African whites just need to sit down peacefully and reason with them.
it's profoundly humiliating to catholics, and you can hear it in their voice, to accept that 'mere' material race outweighs their vaunted spiritual body, which knows no race
at least 100,000,000 more or less normal whites in North America... ...and we cant get one (1) platform to exchange/post video, audio and text communications...and transfer money...without interference
I wonder why the common British term 'punter' never made it across the Atlantic. #IdleThought
Just understand.. all the bad stuff comes from jews it's been coming from them for thousands of years the only way to solve the problem is to counter-exterminate (((them))) #TeamWhite
"At least 100 have been torn down, but they just pop up again the next day. Police are now working with residents to try to track down the culprits."
I encourage all xtians to take their faith seriously. Examine its claims. If you find them true, then you will see that race is indeed a comparatively trivial thing.
My enemies are being unfair!
You're born. You suffer. You die. Fortunately, there's a loophole. Billy Graham What could more pithily express the cowardice & puerility of the christian?
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. H. L. Mencken (works particularly well on the congenitally cowardly Anglo-Saxon Christian)
There is no right to exist. Do you people ever think about what you type, or just have stupid fingers?
cant spell take in the rump without TRUMP
"Peele has said that the villain of his movie, the true monster, is the white liberal elite that have perpetuated a culture of permissiveness when it comes to systemic racism." #Nigwhine #GetOutOfAmerica #NotYourAllyMcCoon
"Get Out" is functionally pro-White because it encourages blacks to think that even whites who act like they like niggers (WASP liberal types) actually hate them just like their redneck shirttail cousins. So stay away from them and never trust them, blackamoors.
Whites have somehow swallowed the idea that hating themselves, their kind, is some kind of ideal. White goodness, white quality is the problem.
With one easy move, God could still the tongues of atheists forever. Yet he prefers His way: deputing millions of substandard intellects to godsplain for him.
The Boers managed defeat without even losing. The American dirteater must stand gobsmacked before their Bible-driven buffoonery.
It's jews...and all the crap they've foisted on us, and yes, that includes christianity.
None of these people stands for anything And all you code-talkers have egg on your face for the millionth time.
Keep a calm head, South African whiteskins. Remember above all else to stay within the law. Concentrate on praying every hour and building alternative media structures. Oh yeah, and above all get out the vote.
What is christianity but early Semitical Correctness? "You're going to hell if you don't succumb to our lies."
How different from us can niggers actually be when we were all created by the same God?
Whites would rather see their own children tortured than give up their jewish christ-insanity. See South Africa.
If I were dictator, I'd declare war on Mexico for poaching our red snappers.
"Playa Bagdad, once a favorite spot for spring breakers, is located in the state of Tamaulipas, which is now considered lawless and too dangerous to visit as drug traffickers exert authority there. Last month the State Department added Tamaulipas to the list of locations on its "do not travel" advisory for U.S. citizens."
Race-mixing serves catholic priests the same way it serves jews: it creates a dumb-down, easily managed population.
Christianity is pro-white because you want it to be. Good argument. You're a real debate master there, pinky.
take a  nigger retard  and a  whiteskin xtian retard which one of them can do something about his condition? hence which deserves the harsher judgment?
Look at this jackass (Nolte), one of Ricky Perez von Hilton's favorites...
The government collects money from white workers at gunpoint in order to create giant colonies of rich jews defense contractors / soldiers niggers illegal aliens public school employees cops  What do these have in common? They're all socially destructive. They're all anti-White.
Name one thing the government is good at. Ok, I will: staying in power. That's its core competency. It has no peripheral competencies.
NS set a strong new course - something for whites to cheer. be positive about. not the drippy, lugubrious semitic nonsense that is christianity-for-the-losers The same racial recipe can work again. There is nothing essentially or necessarily German about the racial thought at the heart of NS.
a lot of faggots on here hate what i say about xtianity what they cant do is refute me just as with jews
whether or not jebus existed (it's much likelier he did not), look at the symbol at the heart of the christ lunacy that symbol sets the tone for the cult. it shows you the mindset of the pewsters
blacks in 1800s lived better under white slavery than whites live under jew slavery today
whites love talking about how dumb niggers are but if they were as smart as they seem to think, they would be far more interested in why higher-IQ whiteskins are functionally dumber than niggers
If our nature is "sinful" then we must change it by adopting this ideology. That's not the way to look at things. But it is the xtian way.
Our country sucks.  Fat people. Idiots. Cowards. WTF happened to us? Land of faggots and freaks. Ruled over by mocking thieving sheenies. For shame.
The solution is not to whine and file to force govt or big tech to do what we want but to develop one comprehensive Allservice to platform our side. That's all we need. Tall order but how can it not be possible when we represent the white-majority rule? And if (((they))) can prevent it, then it reinforces that the time to shoot has arrived.
Posting on the Internet won't get the job done... Voting alongside blacks and illegal aliens won't get the job done... ___________________ will get the job done.

February 27, 2018:

God, interviewed at state fair Inkston Eagle: what do you call this one? God: Jew! IE: what about it. what does it do? God: It lies. and it has an angled nose, the better to smell its enemies around corners. IE: that's great. Good luck, son
God showing up at state fair with a trailer of his hand-made hominids. He's gonna ribbon. I just know it!
God also created a wise and helpful race (Atlantans). Then drowned them cuz BO-RING.
God created the races for his own amusement retards  liars delusionals flat-faced gooks
"a dead person (sic - chiggy-chiggy) breathed on me!"
God as portrayed in the bible is sort of male-querulous, generally unpleasant. White are generally tone deaf; the Golden Rule is the worst possible mental diet to feed them. Rather they need their ears boxed continually to perceive differences and consider others' motives and perspectives - that may be hostile to their own.
If God created niggers, what does that say about God?
In the words of the dirt-eater spiritual If heaven aint a lot like Dixie or Wakanda,  I don't wanna go.
What's the difference between judeo-christian 'heaven' and jew comic-book 'Wakanda.' Heaven is real? Oh.
Jews cultivate the scum portion of our own race against us. They take perverts and malocclusives and give them media-pride and media-identity, and notice on official signage and through congressional channels. They make of them a real 'thing,' always to bash the white head with. The solution? "what if told you that semites are social termites"
It's like i said many years ago: the right is realistic about everything but politics; the left is realistic about politics only. That's how a tiny-minority opinion triumphs.  But of course we must remember: the jews are realists about race, see Israel. It is our whiteskin leftists who are the actual dreamers and delusionals.
"There must be some safe, legal way to achieve the political outcome I seek." Why?  In fact, there is no reason at all to think that, and every reason to believe the opposite.  It is my task to bring the consciousness of this what-Wm-F-Buckley-used-to call-a 'planted axiom' to the surface.
Association and attitudinizing are the preferred mental form today; logical reasoning is sensed as a dangerous perversion.
Black Panther's getting up near Mel's Semitic Panther numbers.
Jews know the truth but developed a culture based on lying because it returns massive benefits. Whites prefer fantasy to the truth because it makes them feel good, not because they gain any particular advantage from it (other than that).
Whites aren't prone to lying as jews are, but pardoxically if not ironically, they aren't prone to paying as close attention to the truth as the Master Liars are (and must be).
It's easier to accept magical theories like racism if we have already accepted the creature-groups in question were created by the same artist.
If we plucked five hominids at random and had them race 100 yards, the outcome would be easy to explain. If we couldnt accept the outcomes for political reasons, we would be forced to come up with runnism to magically account for results.
If we reject the obvious, we must come up with a magical theory. Christianity conditions otherwise often logical whites to accept magical explanations - such as 'racism.'
How about we steal the Broward Lambo and spend a day seeing all the wonderful things Chicago has to offer?
" “Wakanda forever”- because that’s all you have. A story made up by a jewish comic book artist. Zimbabwe and Haiti is what things look like when the Wypipo leave. "
if you see one, just thank him for his hard work and sacrifice #AdviceForSoldiersReTaxpayers
big govt will save us from big tech
Justin Trudeau, the soup a delicious bouillabase of kodiak bear diarrhea studded with defunct garden snails
imagine looking at a menu and ordering the Trudeau really makes you think...about wtf is wrong with canada

February 26, 2018:

There's nothing wrong with Britain that couldnt be cured by turning it upside down and holding it under water for five or ten minutes.
"The London Times reported that an average of nine British people a day were arrested in 2017 on charges of posting allegedly offensive messages online.  The number of arrests last year probably topped 4,000 people, up from 680 cases in 2007. "
Margaret Thatcher was a cuck.
parasites are the only class (with about 15 subdivisions) that has any political representation in the US
NOT ENUF nrkey in the uKAY
While in his pile-life time, Hiram hooked up with a hair tuft named Looshka, and after the war, they went on to move to California, where they had three children, including Eshel, Loogber and, yep, you guessed it, Harvey.
Kids learn valuable lessons about respect and empathy from Hiram, an 80-year-old jew-shoe who survived the holocaust by playing dead in a giant pile.
niggers + alt-niggers (blue niggers) in Bro-ward county
the opposite of antisemitism (if that were a real thing) is what, televism?
as an ultra slow speed bullet, i am officially required by state laws of California to ask you if you consent to perforation
Women are much more than a means of extruding glutinous white material from the urethra. Some of them have mastered the ancient art of cookie-baking.
'Crandangle' is an old-fashioned word for an old-fashioned activity: back when we were civilized (b4 03-03-60), it was the cop's hootenanny - they'd go to some implicit fag bar and beat the stuffing out of the assembled froots. It was a reaaal crandangle. The fagoos derived more than a little enjoyment out of it themselves.
We need a Giant Sifter to remove all the faggots from the US population.
"pursuit of happiness" = good enough for govt hackwork
Does my right to pursue happiness end where your pet whale's blowhole begins? It's not for me to say. But no.
Should pedophiles pursue their happiness? Within 500 yards of a school? How about Conan? He's into lamentations and bloody piles of skulls. Should he pursue his happiness?
If Sheryl Crow and Justin Trudeau got together and had a baby, that baby would be named Pursuit Of Happiness Trudeau-Crow. That's how fruity that phrase and concept is.
Even if you believed voting changed things, the only advice to whiteskins that would make sense is: get rich as Soros.
A woman who actually has something to say just fucking says it or does it, and compels the respect or lack a man would, depending on her ability. "As a woman,..." yeah fuck off.
Women like those in sweden will say increasingly absurd things until 'we' grasp their point - WE'RE WOMEN. WHY DO YOU LISTEN TO US? WHY DO YOU TAKE US SERIOUSLY? IF YOU WERE ACTUAL REAL MEN YOU WOULDNT DO THAT.
Christianity didn't protect whites from jews, lack of technology protected whites from jews. Christianity, by express doctrine, protects jews from christians. That doctrine is Sicut Judaeis Non. It is killing our race, since most of our hapless fellows are christskinks.
"LIVE chicken soup is more of an aerobic activity than a food." --Bitsy Crocker
Lemonade and dead chicken soup are both great. But they taste like shit if you mix them together.
Should the South stick to its muh turdition of admiring the jews as the noble heroes of the Old Testament? What is the point of being a human if you can't learn from mistakes? What is traditionalism but the cowardly simpleton's pulling in (a la the turtle) in the face of demonstrated error?
Evola and even the Nazis said race is a spiritual thing, not or not just a biological thing.  So if you respect big E, then this must be true: racialism + catholicism (or any xtianity) = spiritual miscegenation.
how are spiritual universalisms any less absurd or even different from political universalisms? does one size really fit all?  well, not in baseball hats but in matters of spirit - yes.  really?
honestly "pursuit of happiness" is trudeau-level faggotry.  it is textbook getting carried away with your falutin' rhetoric but not having yourself (or external parties like an editor) calm you down
Look folks yr either a bold seafaring swab like Pele or... a faggot. The choice is yours.
are you a spirit mixer?
i just passed a curly fry - he wasn't crying like a faggot, he was sniffing the wind, turning a cheek to sun. yeah, he's bound up in his body but he's still putting the effort. gotta respect that. God created dwarfs & pretzos  to show us that's what's inside that counts race is a spiritual thing just as we shdnt mix w niggers we shdnt mix spirit w lugubrious xtianity
keep is legal is good advice for judges, for WN, not so much one-line law school: what is the law? what  the judge says it is
good brief history of ESPN rise and decline
for europeans, this is your basic good american. he's too religious, not intellectual enough, but he's reliable, competent, not overly worried about others and what they do (the way the necessarily-paranoid jews are)
niggers have an excuse: they didnt choose to be genetic retards. christians choose to be ignorant, weak and pathetic - choose to be slaves of israel, choose to turn their backs on racial and other truth why are they christians? because it's easier than being a man
you're not redpilled if you dont accept that christianity is anti-White
who are we not to judge? had a relative on a trial. nig-on-nigger crime. nigger in the dock had committed about a dozen other crimes. guess the characteristic of the (whiteskin) jackasses who wanted to give this nigger a thirteenth or eighteenth chance? yeah they were christians. sick fucking pieces of weak-ass shit. but...wholly in line with jesus (70x7)
Traditionalism is not the answer, but it is a large part of the problem.
christianity is like a really disgusting sauce you put good meat into... ...even this, jew-lefty seculars with their "atone" (xtian mindset) for letting people speak freely xtianity replaces mountain air with jewish farts
And I write beyond my expertise, which is frustrating. I've already defeated the jew verbally back in 2000. I know how to beat the jew with words; what is needed is someone who understands the physical way to get from where we are now to replacing the jewhead atop Body America with a whitehead that talks and thinks like we here on Gab do.
Translate jew power into actual people. How many jews/cuckservants are there who matter? How many if missing would destroy the 'head'? These are the questions to be thinking about; this is the way to be looking at things.
Nehlen should run for president or nothing. Jerkwater Wisconsin isn't the locus of our problems, and one rep outlier won't change anything.
The lesson people will draw from Trump is that fame is fungible - categories don't matter. If the public knows you, there's a chance you can convert that fame into political power.
Thank you for your service is what soldiers should say to the people.  It's a theory that soldiers are motivated by patriotism, it's a fact that soldiers live off the work and earnings of the people.
People who don't argue honestly shouldnt be responded to as if they do.  Deal with what they mean, not what they say. They SAY gun control, they MEAN whites without self-defense (so we can mass murder you).
I renew my weekly challenge, for all you giants of mentation: 1) Explain how E.S.T. doesn't apply to the Bible. 2) Explain how we get from where we are (bad and declining position) to victory (defined as a white-exclusive sovereign state) by "keeping it legal." Not a joke, not rhetorical, not ironic. Serious questions not one of you can answer.
There seems in conservatives what must be a biological inability to consider anything beyond personality. They can't make the leap to understanding the System, they just get mad at the latest (Obama) package that rolls off the assembly line.
They only let two kinds of people into the controlled media: jews and effeminates of either sex who laugh at their unfunny jokes and play along with their lies.
every last dipshit who wants an afterspurt of publicity realizes he can spout the Going Line and get another five seconds of press (Chipper Jones this morning)
We've been "exposing" the jew since 1920. That conception actually dates to Henry Ford. How's it working out for us?
We need to have a harangalogue about race.
You people don't know from copping. You see when rank AMATEURS start shooting up a place, because they're not PROS like us, they're going to MISS a lot of times. Those shots are going to land in say school walls. That's why Deps Blue, Pew, Hugh and McGrew LEAN HARD to SUPPORT those otherwise fail-likely structures. Yeah. Didn't know that, DID YOU
Muh gun trainin'  Men who are into guns love to pretend they're incredibly complex, requiring all kinds of courses and safety goggles and vests and general appurtenance-faggotry.  Ackshully, a gun is somewhat easier to operate than a flyswatter. #Gunfags
It's hard to find woke ewok, they're a backward-ass folk.
"Don't tell me about your gun pile, show me your enemy corpses." --B. Parcells #Gunfags
"any two white men talking without a jew / govt agent listening in is an illegal conspiracy" --the actual jew attitude

February 25, 2018:

Have you accepted the Semitic Panther as your personal savior? #KangOfKangz
The 70-IQ  bush nigger believes raping babies cures AIDS.  The 120-IQ white believes jesus came back from the dead. Which is sicker and more pathetic?
This is what the christ-infected actually do: day in and day out: "U.S. bishops’ federal funding comes in the billions largely in the form of taxpayer support for the bishops’ welfare-state agencies that serve illegal immigrants and refugees." Christianity is anti-White. If you disagree, you're factually wrong.
Trump already did the good he was going to do vaguely defined us. He showed the right (soft) way to handle the media. He proved the American people HATE the media. The political meaning is that if pro-Whites start shooting jews/cucks in the media, the American public will LOVE it. Average -- AVERAGE -- whites will feel the (((media))) deserve it. And they do.
we hear from the ignorant that jews hate christianity. yet christ-lunacy promoters are ubiquitous in mass airwaves "the luxurious headquarters that houses the bishops’ burgeoning DC bureaucracy is steadfastly silent regarding how many federal billions the bishops have received over the years" how many pro-Whites get billions in ZOG funding?
the problem with xtianity is the thing itself not the thing after X date or the thing because of person Y but the thing itself it's anti-white and cannot be otherwise it's universalist, counterfactual, anti-racial pap produced by jews, just like a Semitic Panther cartoon movie for goydolts like you, the cat i'm pressing the red vet pill behind molar of
"America’s Catholic bishops have asked all Americans to call Congress today, Monday, February 26, to demand amnesty for millions of illegal aliens. " Yeah, i know that's not "real" communism.
Wakanda / christian heaven the difference is...?
catholics are always breaking down racial distinctions - always. the dumber the man, the more likely he is to be a customer of their bilge
The best analog for whiteskins is baitfish. There's some invisible force compelling them to turn with their fellowesses.
The most charitable way one can put it is that a love of the truth is unpronounced among whiteskins.
People love to say they're christians. They don't love to put their cult's absurd claims on page one because deep down they're ashamed of them, because they know they aren't true, and  they know in some serious way they have failed by accepting them. Jesus walked on water? He raised people from the dead? He came back from the dead himself?  No.  All lies.
judeo-christianity is redundant (((christianity))) sorry folks. the moose out front should have told you
'we' chose christianity over the truth, and now nature/jews is paying us back hard Christianity is anti-White. Enjoy!
do you think it's an intellectual achievement to figure out that blacks are stupid? that jews are crooks? that women aren't men? well award yourself that same blue ribbon pabst got and then get over yourself
them deplatforming us is not actually us winning not sure how that interpretation took hold we're in a fight, not a debate the other side controls all official authority - and routinely operates outside the law
who is more embarrassed by his fanclub: satan or jesus? one has a tiny following, but to be fair, they're of exceptionally low quality the other has a massive following, but...
mona charen, jew, sticks to her views in front of a hostile crowd more than any xtian does. more than trump does. it's why jews run things and whites cant figure out up from down anyone who calls a jew a cuck doesn't grasp the concept jews know their agenda and pursue it singlemindedly. only a fanatical, violent counter white-racial group can defeat them.
spreading the message about jews is now settler-tier which is natural and good "congratulations, you figured out the problem. the next step is to DO something about it"
how would at least 50% of the whiteskin population feel if someone(s) were shooting journalists?
the very notion that everybody is really the same comes from christianity, so that any observation of difference seems vaguely immoral
why do you hate white people? are you a jew? or one of their useful idiots?
it's wrong to talk about guns at all. the right political response is: why do you hate white people?

February 24, 2018:

how about a Saturday Night White. somebody coordinates submissions of best white-made comedy vids and puts it out to match (((SNL)))
Mona Charen is like Ilana Mercer, one of these freefloating kikes that skips from land to land, somehow always has an opinion column to upbraid the natives.
"Love your race" Counter-argument: our race contains Justin Trudeau
Justin Trudeau is faggoting at levels that may well be historically unprecedented.
"One can only be a Jewish lackey or a Jewish opponent." --Joe G.
Shkreli joins liftwaffe
What makes jews think they can get away with treating us like this? Whatever if is, we'd better correct it pronto.
Jews act like they believe their own bullshit. They may have an absolutely incredible belief, ie they are gods and we are insects, but the relevant question is do they actually behave like they believe that. The answer is THEY DO. See this recent story about Brendan Fraser, who has the guileless good nature of our race written on his mug.
american politics is like horse poop all over road near iowa-missouri border and we can talk about Horse Poop Problem but never mention Amish fucking crazy
where do whites have the advantage over jews in formal politics? (((they))) have the money, organizations and positions of moral authority (mass media satellites).  where do whites have ANY advantage over jews? sheer numbers what's the logical strategy that follows from these actual, real-world, not-changing-soon facts? is it not violent rebellion?
politics is war, and it operates by any means whitey thinks in rigid categories. politics = voting = argooment jew thinks just as art = urinal, politics can be infiltrating and subverting institutions, lying to youth from Official Positions thus does not just minority but TINY BIZARRE PERNCIOUS minority dominate utterly and w/out escape HUGE MAJORITY
We're not in a debate. We're in a fight.  I mean, we would be in a fight IF WE WERE FIGHTING. And if we were in a debate, believe me, chumpkins, you've nothing in that thing you call a human head that Madison Grant (for one) didn't put there from his excess of plenty.
Since everyone but me is a functional retard, let me explain things. IMAGINE your politics are: people should only be allowed to have sex with squirrels, normie sex outlawed. How would you go about achieving political power? Debate? Or infiltration and networking? See...we White-siders are bragging that squirrel-sexers can't beat us in debates pure smh
Here's a quality olympic sport. Two people on sleds sliding downhill next to other, they try to wrestle/fuck each other up, below the course is a fence they're sliding toward, with a big enough opening for one of them.  We did this as kids, it's fun as hell. Got to be great for spectators.
I, for one, am amazed people dont want to spend billions watching obscure snow sports broadcast from gookland in the middle of the night.
I'm not even sure Hitler himself wouldn't be a Hollywood nazi if he came back. I really don't think it matters much at all at this point. What matters: absolutely clear in our heads who "we" are, what we want, what the obstacle is to our getting it, what needs to be done to clear that obstacle. How you/we answer these questions determines how we act.
I honestly think some of you don't realize what a freak show AmeriKwa has become.  I was in blue springs missouri the other day. BLUE SPINGS (outside K.C. for the geo-unfamiliar). You could not be middler in America than that. And the ones i saw who weren't mexicans/asians were ... dismaying.  We are becoming a pudding without a theme, that's the least can say.
There is no world in which Richard P Spencer is not salonfahig, clubbable and daughter-worthy representative of Northwestern European Man. And that goes for the torch-bearing whites. They looked good. They ARE good.   To listening to babbling internet plonkers keying on about muh optic - go amadou-diallo yourself with the adjacentest broom you twinklet.
In an era and galaxy not far away but right-fucking-here in which people go out in public wearing ear disks and magenta hair, I refuse to believe that optics of Normal Dick & the Charlottesville Blowfish fainted people into rejecting our cause. I mean, that is so fucking stupid no one but an anonymous twink could believe it.
Ricky Perez von Hilton is running an old shtick: The. WER JUST ON THE VERGE OF GIANT GUSHING POLITICAL CLIMAXX VICTORY WHEN YOU ROTTEN WHITE TIDDLYWINKS SCOTCHED IT with yer tiny rallies and wearing the wrong ear disks and such These hobbits said same of Breivik too...but Norway moved whiteward after his acts.
I guess you could Michael Edison Hayden the dark bulb of the clan, eh?
It's funny, you people who demonize merchants. Do you see what merchanting has done for the jew - it has utterly sharpened his ability to serve-manipulate-dominate his customers in business-politics. He sees what they need - what they are - and how he can supply it - or control them by it.
I see the white race as sort of a nicely chested, sexy but somewhat dreamy or romantic-delusional woman. It will do just fine if real men keep it focused on the basic facts.  "Here's how it is. You can feel how you want, but that won't change things. And here's what we need to do."  Even women can understand things explained like that. (Most men are women ;) ).
I urge the white horse to scrape the christo-ichabod off your hagridden back like shit from a shoe.
It is my considered view that jews are not delusional like whites because they are not creative like whites. They lie quite consciously, as a sort of master strategy. I believe jews, certainly at the top, are 100% rational, racialist realists. It's our folk that is given to hagridden moralistical delusionality.
The white genocide is being carried out quite legally.
"Whites are being genocided! . . . . . .but, uh, keep it legal."
You can only shriek "white genocide" so many times without killing people before you become a clown in your own eyes - if you have the brains of a flea. You become a clown in the eyes of others a long time before that, in line with the old adage, a gentleman never complains about something he can do something about.
Ideology means you decide things by categories, not by facts.  It's how jews operate.  The most basic division in their ideology is jews = gods. Non-jews = insects.
White middle-class people are apparently congenitally incapable of understanding ideological behavior. They just can't get rid of the belief that if they just put on enough deodorant and scrub their ears hard enough, the jew media judge will treat them fairly.
We don't have to be saints but there absolutely must be bedrock principled credibility among us as demonstrated in all our behavior in order to be taken seriously.
Be something new and different. Pols and people who say what they mean. Who are principled. It's wrong to mock being principled, the matter is choosing the right principles. Not self-service, like the lying cuck courtiers, but standing up for our race and denouncing our race's main enemy, jews.  Very simple stuff. Oh sorry, it's not easy. But it is simple.
You want respect? It starts with self-respect. In a political movement like ours that means actually believing our own bullshit - and, next, behaving like we believe our own bullshit. Living up to our words. And only supporting candidates who publicly associate with and respect us. This is not just in politics, this is how things work in real life all sectors
Again, the remaing use WE WN can get out of Trump-the-phenomenon is agreeing that his tergiversation/betrayal whatever you want to call it marks the END of the AGE OF PROXIES. If it's not pro-white, anti-jew in public -- ie, it takes sexy, relationship-worthy us home to meet the parents, then FUCK IT WITH BOTH PENISES.
If you tolerate being fucked (used for votes) while accepting those same candidates using you pawning you off with talking in codes, then you (we) are simply idiots. And what makes you think someone (Trump) is even talking in pro-white codes when he says shit like PRO-WHITES ARE NAZIS. Is this hard to understand? It must be. I have to say it 70x7.
I've said this for twenty fucking years. In relation to pols like Trump Some WN are like some girl who wants a relationship, and thinks fucking is the way to get it. So she fucks Trump. But he won't introduce her to his family. Good enough to fuck. Not good enough to marry. If YOU (we) don't believe what we're selling, why would anyone else?
Women love sensitive men. That's why they never, ever write to serial killers. The very idea of a man killing a bunch of cunts who deserved it disgusts them all over.
if everything we're talking about and pointing to and describing most wailfully is true, yet there's no violence then either we're wrong or we're clowns i mean, we talk continually about white genocide if violence is unthinkable in response RIGHT FUCKING NOW, not in some never-arriving future, then who are we kidding?  this is how public sees it. correctly
and i forgot to say from a scientific point of view, rat eyes contain the multivitamin glimacerol, which is what prevents your ball sac from sticking to your inner thigh on hot summer days. hence the old NOMO adage: EAT swamp rat / AVOID swamp ass
NO-Thing warms your februeful heart and says have heart, my young friend, spring is coming, like echt NOMO (northern missouri) marsh rat stew. THIS IS WHY WE LIFT THEM WEIGHTS
many people say their life never really started till they got their first shlook off a quaity muskrat-n-dumpling stew. mmm...just breathe in that musky ratty stewy doughy goodness. feel it in your throat, all hot and oily and since eating is a simulaesthetic experience, the dinner light bouncing off the floating rat eyes adds a christmasy gemutlichkeit
there are only two (2) keys to a first-rate muskrat n dumplings stew we might say, using stew loosely 1) GRAVID females 2) leave the eyes IN
i write above in response to Griffin article in response to Weev i challenge all - show me the LEGAL strategy that leads from  X (where we are now, dancing and waving our arms like a 60s go-go girl to Y (100% White-sovereign state entity)
how are you going to get a sufficient-to-do-real-change mass of whites on your side, turn them from whiteskins into Whites - without striking blows? i mean physical blows you're going to do that in the increasingly tiny uniced-over free sea allowed whites until a couple more court decisions or new election returns com in? i do not see it
as Providence would have it my muskrat traps skewed EMPTY today... but that doesn't mean you're not GETTING my great grandmother's passed-down recipe for 'SKRAT DUMPLINGS stay tuned..
the world advances by irony...test will see it over and over.. it's like a Great Eye Doctor you have your Important Thoughts (if you're like me, millions a day)...and the GD shows makes a click and you see it slightly differently and it just almost seems he's laughing at you but we know from christ-insane god can't ever be funny or ironic
EMJ says krol (phi) was a great american administrator. genius with money and administration. but bad at protecting faith and morals of flock.
good shit, real learning here. that does NOT mean the guy isn't wrong, he's wrong about plenty. but this is the shit that leads to understandings
All right...I've disheaded a lot of permanent wisdom to you folks this morning, now it's time to check my muskrat traps.  One day if you're lucky I'll post on here my Muskrat 'n' Dumplings recipe, it's to die for, the kind of tasty specialty that put northern Missouri on the map.
NRA v SPLC works but better is jew money donated to Dems and Reps vs NRA
when the point is never gotten to it cant help but suggest there is no point if you start with the point, if you put some honey on it, maybe you have something in any case yr not wasting muh heard-earned time
Is the point of writing to be coy or to splooge out, then some after strokes. well, it's closer to the latter
Something I think people need to know as part of their geopolitical calculusim... ...the horsebuggy crew are DAMN CLOSE to uslurping the northern-mo-iowa border
Gab is like TEXAS. Why would you ever want to go anywhere else?? You can get everything you need right here!! (no joke, actual words from actual texan)
"Making up false historical quotations is the healthy form of onanism." --Jacq. Kennedy/Onassis
I did 23&me. It  turns out I am not the noble emerald tree boastical pyethon i uh believed I am but a coachwhip mixed with a vine snake. SHITPUNZEL!
As Schopenhauer is believed to have said, few things are as depressing as fat people wearing the same shirt.
I judge people very harshly if they don't act the way I think they should. "Standards" lol. There's my standard and there's bullshit!  Well, it makes sense to me.
Virgin codeslinkers. Chad horselaughers.
Iran takes the gold in Danglefagging. I knew it!
Look at Nazi posters, the acme of that art. Fuck, they did it in 2-5 words or maybe even none sometimes.
The goal is not to explain everything comprehensively over fifteen million pages, as though we were compiling Yermuel's Exhaustive Volume of Historical Screws & Plank-Fastners but to get people to  sum up. Squeeze your brain til you reduce your muh points to one slogan.
A clever technique for growing The People's inability to think and communicate is to teach them to write to length.
The atheist-scientifical view can dismiss the nigger as an unprepossessing near-ape better squelched or confined to nature parks. The christian, who sees in the man-monkey a fellow "child of God," is in a rather different position. In a nutshell, christianity is liberalism.
The 20th century saw mass materialism, for first time in history. Now the elite, but eventuall the commons, move back toward chosen minimalism, on material level. Life as experiences and chosen challenges, not challenges forced by nature (finding enough to eat, etc).
At a certain point, tv became the real reality. At that point, everyone felt as an actor. And this reflected in behavior. Everyone defaults to cool, tolerant and more thank-you-ier than the next guy, like a star. Never criticize anyone or question motive.  Then you mix this with growing semitical correctness.  All these are elements of common public persona.
I didnt say that very well.  But, say someone of that generation would not even pretend not to be really bothered by something that really bothered (her).  It's hard to explain without examples, but it really struck me as a generational difference. I'm talking the generation even before the Greatest Gen, so called.
Another aspect, and as I get older I feel duty to pass on lived experiences that might not be still around or seen by youngers, older people, say born 1910-1920, did not automatically feign emotions like today. They would exhibit REAL emotions, not the guarded coolness that default since long as i can remember. Not often - but when appropriate to situation.
It's funny, the coupling 'stiffly formal' - yet a truly formal society is considerably looser than an informal one, in most ways other than dress. Even in speech. Watch old movies, which must to some extent reflect actual mores. People said MUCH more cutting things to one another than we would dare today - men to women, too, and vice versa.
Being 'nice' is not a substitute for job-competence. Impersonality is a higher social ideal than generally credited.
The world magical and deadly, but it can be understood. And you are responsible for your choices and behavior.  I think this is a fair summary of traditional Aryan spirit. Magical meaning full of wonders, not the xtian humbuggery.
The same message can reach the goi koi AND the goi polloi. Just make it true, funny and charming or punctual (which in ancient Etruscan means piercing).
True Aryan spirit is consequentialist, not moralistic. To some extent we can decide what kind of race we want to be, spiritually. Do we want to be sad sacks? Then christianity is the way to go.  I don't want to go any further that way, it's ugly, pathetic and cowardly.  We need to think - Grimm, Dahl, even Charlie Brown. Not Jesus & the Boobs Lugubrious.
If all these things-we-all-agree-are-bad come from the same group, then how can that group be good? Only because your cult-that-comes-from-that-bad-group says so. But your book-for-tools also says to judge the tree by the fruit it produces. What is the fruit produced by the Tree of Jew? Will you deny it is bitter, bad and rotten?
How would a great man describe the political-cultural-civilizational circumstances we're in, so as to make himself understood, per Hitler's test, to the meannest (lowest) intelligence in the audience he was trying to reach?
Great men reduce things to essentials. Average men, middle-class men, complexify things to make themselves feel superior, whether by adding useless syllables rather than using ordinary words, or talking in codes on important matters, while pretending that's sophistication rather than cowardice.
What jews don't want us to do is exactly what we must do.
To me, and I can only guess by decades of watching that others don't feel the same way, I'm not a man if I can see something obviously true and undeniably relevant yet I decide -- for any reason -- not to say it.  There is no such thing as "can't" say that. No such thing.
Southerners are easy to like and dislike. Notherners are easy to dislike. Westerners are fewer and farther between, giving them an unfair advantage.
NEVER call a COP, a JUDGE, or a SOLDIER Sir Never.
Which color niggers are least valuable?: green niggers - trillions for useless wars; inbred-barncat-tier mewling about defending r freedoms  blue niggers - when seconds count, theyre already there, waitin to take notes when the dust settles black niggers - violent, stupid, useless, foul-smelling endless detritus-producing misery for all around them
Deputy "Crusty" C. Rotch Pickens got in some quality wall-leanin' while the alleged shooting was going on.  #ILikeMyNiggersBlue
fuck the talk about guns, you can kill people with a grapefruit spoon.  we should cut to the chase and just make it illegal to murder  that covers all implements rope, string, dental floss, pull tabs, manhole covers, folded up aluminum pie plates, screwdrivers, watermelon rinds, glue, ceramic figurines, etc
Speaking in codes is for minorities - because they have to. The majority can speak openly for it represents the interests of the majority. Jews have taken over our communications and so cowed us that even our thinkers advocate verbal slinking, like it will fool (((them))) and like we're so pathetic -- at 200,000,000 population (!) it's all we can do.
Trump at best is the foreskin peeling back to reveal the beautiful white glans of Nehlen. This is what I mean by USING Trump, just as he used whites, by making him the last of the proxies. Election day forward we speak/vote for/listen to only those men who address-advocate white interests directly. NO MORE CODES.
You notice how few people can discuss even trivial things nowadays without endless gales of laughter.  That's laughter born of fear. Fear of saying the wrong thing in a land of No Second Opinions Where It's Only Safe to Parrot the Going Line
According to Ricky-Perez Von-Hilton Heimbach and crew are no part of the white solution but 100% of the Trump revolution destruction. wot-wut-what-huh?
So is heimbach and his assembled fags for Christ: A Giant Heaping Threat to Our Implict White Revolution (huh?) Trump-Triumph or White Man Group Team of Tendentious Midgets of Distractional Destructiveness
look at the shit SNL kike michaels dredges up. oh we needs more wimmens of color.  comedy is either funny or failure. this is funnier than most SNL. and at same time more interesting
Look at Youcis video re Kaiser - she is comparable to Tina Fey, at least roughly. With more looks, as much acting talent, and superior political insight. She may produce a 'Mean Girls' equivalent in time.
If the System actually were open to talent and different perspectives, I would be on Fox News right now saying the things i've tweeted this morning re 'gun control.' But the system is not free or open, it is controlled, and jew-truthing is not allowed. You get a little simpering around the edges from a grown man named 'tucker,' that's it.
The British don't have the character to accept that they aren't on the level of Hitler or his Germany. But for intellectual reasons they must overcome that emotional difficulty or their island will go down.
A system that teaches teenage girls they have political opinions - what unmeasured unmanliness is in us whiteskins that we tolerate such an absurdity.
So how many copfags / blueniggers were standing around / picking nose / scanning for underage pulchritude while Tom's nocent brother went haywire? This world is not only an amateur musical but a running open mic nite for those with ears to see.
Christianity protects jews and endangers whites. Just like conservatism. They're both support pillars of the Judeo-System dressed up as opposition. Conservatism no longer fools people, but xtianity continues to. Well, that's why I'm here, representing in one mere man 2/3 of the world's actual thinking capacity.
Christian morality is what makes people hesitate in the face of the obvious: for whites to survive -- not even thrive, just survive -- jews must be counter-exterminated. If it were not for the poisonous doctrine-Big Life of Jesus Christ, this truth would be obvious to all white men.
Any honest man or even reporter would only discuss 'gun control' exactly this way: 'Gun control' is a propaganda term. The people behind it are jews. They run the US. Their blood brothers took over Russia in 1917, after which they proceeded to murder 60 million normal whites, just like you listening to this. The only solution is #NoJewsJustRight .
I don't want to belong to a lugubrious race of low-standard losers, and that is exactly what christ-insanity makes of whitekind.
Christianity is a mental disease, it takes people over like kudzu. I'm in a christian shop again yesterday, one I referred to the other day.  They're  talking about someone they helped who ripped them off to the tune of several thousand dollars, after so much help they provided him. I wonder if it was one of the Africans or whiteskin alky.  #CultOfTheLoser
More than 100 years later, jews continue to defame good white men - to protect a jew they know was a pedophile-rapist-murderer. I would urge you to think about that, but I know you prefer church. #LeoFrank
'gun control' is only sensibly discussed as goy control - in the context of the knowledge that jews murdered at least 60,000,000 of our white kind last century the same kikes with the same ideas push for 'gun control' today; why we brainlessly use their term, well, the adverb tells  we are goyim. we are idiots. #TeamWhite
if i know that, say, the next stretch of 200 houses contains zero guns then i can walk thru at a leisurely pace, stealing your soup pans, raping your pet rabbits, pausing to smoke a cigar or two and loose some belches
the truth is and cannot be other than the fewer people who own guns, the more dangerous it is for everybody
only criminals worry about other people having guns
all these 'freedom' lovers never talk about the real enemy of freedom, which is the jew only us freedom-users do that
feminism is a racial attack that's why feminists can work with muslims the goal is attacking and end whites by weakening white men and women - because feminism only helps women on the surface deeper down are the pills, the cat-fringed misery, the confused, directionless bastards
ahoy goi poilloi please pray to your effectual jesus to remove this irritating 31-33 rain-freeze thing thankzers!

February 23, 2018:

Hitler with the truth about Dunkirk: It didn't agree with my character to step on the one who lays on the ground. Would the Anglosphere rather go under than admit that it sided with the bad guys in WWII?

February 22, 2018:

each generation gets the pod people it deserves
Cucking for/before jews is undeniably a traditional value among the christ-addled. Traditionalism - the entire concept crumbles like a pod person when you apply the slightest squeeze to it.
"To Garet Garrett’s mind this “revolution within the form” was a veritable coup d’etat against the constitution.  " coup d'interpretation
public schools should be burned down, doesnt matter what country
David Hogg = Vicky Beckham + Wig (Rashy Spice) #MuhCT
I've never seen a christian writer or poltician or lobbyist speaking in public who didn't say fifteen things that would embarrass an intelligent, self-respecting child.
The Bogsmen were an early folk act; imagine the Smothers Brothers if they were good. They sang uncloying ditties with a homely earnestness that warmed your heart & set your toes a-tapping. Their Songs for the People went pewter, with Ode to a Chicken Dinner being the hochpunkt. The Bogsmen were no friends of hippies, tarts or sodomists; you can guess the rest.
remember dolores o-REAR-den was lead singer of the CRANBERRIES, which was a dig at the catholic church for anti-queer policies
billy graham was an eminent geophage. he was taught the ancient art of meat smoking/geophagy at a young age, it accounts for his no-iron perma-smile
a northerner is a whiteskin who would rather eat something scraped out of his nose than between his toes; a Southerner is the reverse
The jew doesn't want the tardhowl that would come if he outright junked the Muh Holy Constimuhtooshun. So he reverses the meanings. But keeps the Amendments and articles. Stupid goyim never notice the difference.  "What the American public doesn't know is what makes it the American public." --auto parts king Zalinsky in "Tommy Boy"
Watch as "free association" changes from your right to exclude leroy to protect yourself, your family, your town... Leroy's right to  niggerize your establishment. All while the Constitutional language remains exactly the same.  Same words. 180-degree shift in meaning. That's Garet Garett's "revolution within the form."
Do all truckers end up going crazy in the end and killing people? Yes. Pretty much. Why? Well, you make men sit and think who are made for neither. . . .
Since stupid goyim, dully reading their E.S.T. bibles can only judge by outward appearances, inner essences escaping their dull minds, jews use labels and names and makeup in a thousand forms to fool the children.
Watch as the shitty jew magician turns  'free speech' into pornography  and political speech (ie, real free speech) into hate speech.
"Garet Garrett, journalist and political commentator, coined the phrase “revolution within the form” to describe the political transition beginning in 1934. " Very, very useful concept, which I have used many times.  For you plebs, that's Zalinsky (shitty) auto parts in Callahan (high quality label) box.
appears to be a complete takedown of russia troll farms, i certainly wouldnt read it
I for one find Gab SARDINE-COZY.  You faggots just want to run your sad asses back to twitter. Sons I am muh dizappoint.
In ancient Iceland, faggots were known as "cranberries" because they flourish best under water.
“Frankly, if I wanted to pull our people from California you would have a crime nest like you’ve never seen in California. All I’d have to do is say ‘ICE and border patrol, let California learn.’”
Up With People was a truly sick cult singing act in the 70s, it visited my school. i climbed a tree and narrowly escaped it, but it crushed a fat slow chinese girl, as i imperfectly recall
more and more comedians agree, youngstries are afraid to laugh.. tonal ice age...everybody looks sideways before they we-act  you niggers need to get some wrenches in your hand and listen to some old school trucker songs
i do not want to watch a movie with mexicans in it, pretty sure that goes for all hominics, even cormoros islanders
ANY ONE of our ancestors told niggers are allowed to vote
pulling ICE out of califaggia
Negros...allowed to vote!  Remember that extended laugh from the dude in that actually pretty good John Cusack movie?
Turbo! the rappin' republican will soon fetch us the darky vote!
alderman is an ancient germanic term for young women, always recogized in pre-jewed society as the ultimate repository of political wisdom
they get you afraid to laugh with the bible then they feed you something ne plus absurdum like the holohoax and you just sit there drooling christ-lunacy has turned the white race into functional retards unlike niggers, whiteskins have no genetic excuse yes...we are actually WORSE...MORE PATHETIC...than JUNGLE NIGGERS #TeamWhite
billy graham, an amiable recycled kike salesman who withheld the most significant thing he knew from his assemblies of dunces
yeah. they're jews. double standards is kinda their thing. congrats on figuring that out tommy boy. question is, what are you-we gonna do about it
did you see that photo where j trude's bootocks occupy approx 13% of the arable land on the seat cushion
polished turd sues twitter for acting like amRen
kill the jew kill the cuck mock the stupid xtian putz
why be part of any system that holds you the spiritual or political equal of a nigger, the way christianity and democracy do
maybe you wont believe this but i swear i dont think 'autism' was even heard of in the 70s. i dont recall hearing it mentioned. now you hear nothing but
it's like justin trudeau is in some competition for biggest faggot / Ever category
Everyone should eat a pork chop at least once a week to remind you that just as there's no humor in christ-lunacy, rejection of the noble pig shows you that there cant be anything good in the other two ugly desert sisters.
David Hogg = Spice Girl
The modern age has proved that being normal is actually something of an achievement.
It's easy to mock cathags but in my opinion they are no worse than dogfags.
Here's a fun game for pet owners and pets. pour a trough of antifreeze in your driveway. Collect some tide pods. You gulp the pods while Fetcher licks the freeze. Whoever dies first doesn't win.
He was great fellow. With his friendly eyes, yellow beard and malignant message sucked up by human pets who think antifreeze = driveway slurpee.
Trump, Reagan, et al., "And his fib fooled the child" The white race is a bunch of Cindy Lou Whos who never get beyond the mental age of two.  We fall for the same scam more often than pond fish!  Are we pathetic?  Well, are we NOT pathetic?
Kill the jew Kill the cuck This message was communicated to me last night by the fresh ghost of Billiard Graham, his new god's-knee name.

February 21, 2018:

space v niggers is bogus alternative why do you think space is inky black?  because it's the gas form of niggers
You worry about twitter, last post for now - you guys think completely like loser. Who gives a fuck about Twitter? if you built something else, people will abandon twitter. Gab has already shown that. That's where the focus should be. in fact, the more they suppress, the better for Gab
Twitter should be forced to let you post what you want there. Nope. Nehlen and the rest of you are wrong.
i dont see a troubled youth, i see a Kook o' the Week trophy, with big handles
clearly the shooter was driven mad by his inherent jewish neurasthenia and jugears
as the founder of #Fingerism, i seek converts to my radically unorthodox yet dare i not coin a term phresh view: people (of all species, even neegeroes) are responsible for their behavior
public schools alone are enough to explain mass shootings, you dont need anti-depressants
how many EBT niggers were there in 1900?
Please, Mr Fag, Great Sir, let me back in your bluebird house. Please o please, Mr. Sir.
Back-Dorsey Jack is showing you the front door. Take a hint, faggots. Christ, Dorsey is less of a fag than you twitterbitches.
Twitter doesn't want you. And you are pining after it like the Big Fags of Faggotry you are. Maybe stop faggin s'much?
Everyone should ban the Polished Turd because he's a fag.
You all faggots are far too Twitter-focused.  Gab loyalists like me never think about Twitter. Fag Jack made it clear. Twitter is his thing, it's his business. This is a very basic principle, and your leftist canting about public square is nonsense.
No one should be forced to serve or associate with anyone.
Why shouldnt Twitter be free to ban faggots like Jared Taylor for any reason they want? I think they should.
Blacks would have taken responsibility for their own lives or moved back to Africa. But jews destroyed their leaders and funneled their people into 'civil rights' so they could be used to torture whites.  Yet another reason to kill jews.
The unthinkable must become thinkable. We whites have every reason to kill jews. Every reason. Also - we whites have no necessary connection to niggers etc. It's your public schools, your media, your retarded churches that promote the ingrained assumption we are all in this together. Who is we? In what together - going down w the ship?
We are Whites. And we are Men. Neither of those is negotiable.
Belief in god and government are both intrinsically anti-White.
Governments are primarily for killing people. They aren't good anything else.
People who havent traveled last couple years may not realize there is a vast and growing 'homeless' (a more or less bullshit word that covers a number of different things) problem out west spreading inwards. I don't know about east.
You can never go wrong killing jews, journalists or judges.
The game was over in USA when we allowed jews to murder free association, a Constitutional right, without firing a shot. That was the point at which physical resistance was justified. It's only gotten worse since then.
If you demonstrate you are extremely angry and have no emotional control, then you may be approached offline by people who have gleaned you from the Whiteosphere. Anyone who doesn't realize that at this point is unreachable. But not talking seriously about violence is absolutely wrong in 2018.  Violence, today, is the right way forward.
Words on paper are held sacred by people can barely read, aka the flag and eagle crowd.
It always amazes me that so many 'nazis' cant make the connection between big government and failed, tiny people. All experience and book-learning point the same direction. Wipe-your-ass government creates whining, begging losers. It has nothing to do with race.  Race doesn't stop at the white border, there's individual fitness too to be considered.

February 20, 2018:

we should appease the left by offering common-sense compromise on gun control, for example, banning pretzels shaped like submachine guns.
I was mildly disposed to be pro-Boer until I talked to them. If you think God-poisoned is an exaggeration or unfair - talk to these mopes. They are so bible-addled they make US Southerners seem human.
I, for one, hold out little hope for the Boers. They're idiots.
"What is this...Iowa?" . . . classic middle-American invective, collected by my ear.
Yeath verilyeth god didth sattetedeth down at his work bench and crafted yon samo-ans...then grew perveteder and finger-pinched some aborigines. he laughed under his breath, "you are one sick fuck!" to himself. mustnt carry a joke too far. he set the jojodogboes under the worm-trees in australia. well...that's probably enough, he allowed
negros...handcrafted by spunkmaster Ted Reynolds, licensed artist in godsplooge
walking catfish?  yep. they're god's children too.
it's as absurd to say we've degenerated from a golden age as we're progressing toward one people were always pretty much scrotes. levels of scrotedom never vary that much, i feel certain a rigorous scientific survey would ratify
"love your race" cant be made a duty, it either springs or doesnt build on a solid foundation? hate your enemy. defend your kind against foes.
a lot of people don't realize that the doctrine that we are "all" god's children was created at Vatican II. before that, the doctrine was that ONLY WHITES are god's children
by the time these old jew-critics articulated rather than merely sniffed that jews arent clubbable the jews had sped past them to complete control the time to kill is here. that's the mutatis mutandis on that observation. pardon me - has been here already for decades
the white race is lovable? to a remora only "the way they suck ass is exemplary!" -- pa to son remora
antifa = people too dim to figure out that anything that conduces to dressing and grooming like antifa cannot possibly be right
christian = an alleged or physical man who cant figure out that the proper response to a sermon is laughter get off your knees faggots
people are primarily spiritual beings, and christianity is like setting the radio to spiritual KFAG and knocking the dial off FiFTY MINUTES OF CLASSIC LUGUBRIETY EVERY HOUR
are white people not a sad bag of fags? "love your race" fuck you fat girl
read matt parrot - notice his uh tone-palette when he has to defend the cross horseshit under my ridicule he knows it's bullshit.
christianity has turned whites into a bunch of faggots
if you were flavor flav, would you want to be white? fuck no, they're a bunch of faggots
you know "it's later than you think" is not joke, and pertains to my argument that violence is the way forward go read the old anti-jew stuff from 20s and 30s. ford, day, lindbergh, belloc, even. there was this notion that we were the power, we could reason with the jew, he'd come around - for all the facts and history, a complete misunderstanding of WHAT TIME IZ IT
yeah real parallel between greece and USA. in usa those "struggling" white families are throwing away food the greeks are digging in dumpsters for being white doesn't make you good or virtuous. if you're a fat slob on benefits who uses drugs and you're not not a piece of shit because you're white
i CAN describe the ruckus. the sound a jew makes entering a garbage disposal nose first
i dont know, some of you on here are so fucking stoopid i dont know why i bother
let's turn the white race into a bunch of obese fagoots
They're also struggling with exactly that muh Big Govt that you propose as the solution - exactly like every other whiteskin politician.
"Struggling white families" ...yeah what part of the moon are you living on? They're struggling with obesity and drugs.
Traditionalism is pap. Exactly like progressivism.
In the muh old ways days men who felt their honor touched would go into a voting booth and jerk the lever two, three, even four (!) times. #turditionalism
"The very notion of violent reprisal benumbs them" --Gangs of New York Say what you like, #HeroDylannRoof is not benumbed or jaded
honor must be resuscitated among Whitefolk where churches appear, honor disappears the cross represents the antithesis of the manly virtues it is the exaltation of the lugubrious, the ridiculous and the untrue Christianity is anti-White.
i wish sam kinison were still alive he is literally the only person who died i'd say that about fat people with beady eyes make me happy
public schools inflict misery on large numbers of people this misery is real but ignored true story
no one's ever shot up a homeschool that's because they're bad at socialization, the NEA tell me
public schools are really good at socializing kids boy don't hear that claim very often anymore
we've seen trump before. it wasnt one man, it was Reps winning the congress under Gingrich's lead... i personally never believed that would or could happen, which was a lesson unto Great Me. but it did. and.... absolute kelvin zero came of it
name one politician who isn't a crook I'll begin: Ron Paul (maybe?)
"keep it legal" always reminds me of that Eminem song
keepin' it legal like dibsy wa-schultz like hillary clinton like FBI
someone give me a rough estimate, please. i know we got some primo number crunchers here how many muslims has Jo Cox let into England in the last year?
id like one of the geniuses with which this site is fraught to explain to me in simple-tim language how they parents of Rotherham 'groom' girls can 'win' by keeping it legal? how does that work? as opposed to setting fire to muslim area / shooting as many muslims as possible?
itz time for me to shuck my innate sense of gracious decorum and go  Puck on 11 you faggots are getting my dirty finger in all your peanut butter
christ-insanity attracts weaklings and acting attracts faggots  like there's magnets in 'em
if you can be led to the verbal slaughter you can be led to the physical slaughter too if you use racism, anti-semitism, gun control... just because ev'rbody else uses something doesn't make it valid
we'll start with a non-trick question for mental giants of any age if people who scrub johns at walmart get fired for 'racism,' this means - 'racism' is losing its power or - 'racism' is more powerful than ever
explain the legal way out of this - big picture and i'm going to give you li'l pictures asking the same i am going to show you people true obnoxiousness
an endless stream of faggots and fakes to amuse and confuse you cut thru it #TEAMWHITE v #TEAMJEW if they're not white AND anti-jew, they're TEAMJEW it aint that hard
what if the future is being decided right fucking now we must build our infrastructure...i've been hearing that for decades it probably comes from pierce isn't the truth that we're in a fight we're just not fighting?
Whites who kill jews, niggers, aliens and the govt/cucks/media who facilitate them are in fact heroes. #HeroAndersBreivik #HeroDylannRoof #HeroThomasMair #HeroLucaTraini
the best way to use trump is not to expect him to do something good for whites, which wont happen, but to show people how he is treated in the media, and explain they hate all normal white people the way  they hate Trump
how do you recognize fake right? that it's "right" instead of white. that is permits and encourages criticism of muslims but never jews. that it's backed by jew money, that it's representatives are welcome in jew-left media. the fake opposition is what makes the system a functioning System.
the peopleherds tell the average people to accept talking in codes as a sophsticated strategy. how's that working out for us, 100 years later? not at all now we're in a position where shooting alone brings results
just as the rise of Trump brought anti-white frothing racial genocidal hatred into the open so should parallel our refusal to have truck with any media or politicians who aren't explicitly pro-white as our 'representatives' that is the other big win we could get from the age of Trump
The jews are organized and aware. They know what they are doing. The cucks are much less so. They just know they're getting ahead by serving the power that be.  Kill the cucks, make it clear that there is a price to be paid for profiting by helping the jew racially destroy our country.
If we had, say, as few as two dozen individual, independent White men (who understood Real Politics) shooting judges, jews, cucks - our enemies - I don't think the federal government could keep up with it.
Nixon knew the truth about jews. That is not debatable. We know it from his recorded talk with Billy Graham. But he said he "can't" speak that truth in public. When the president "can't" speak the facts that are driving the country "down the drain" -- what - he can't? And you and I can?  It's time to start shooting people. Because Nixon said that around 1970!
Violence also ramifies in unexpected, unpredictable ways. Since everything is going against us now - while we are the majority, violence very possibly can open things up for different results.
anonymous people always judge others by their own pusillanonymity
Voting is a proxy for violence. When voting doesn't work, we revert to the thing itself. That's where we are now. We just don't want to admit it because it's unpleasant. Violence is the way forward.
Violence is the way forward. Violence allows our still-superior numbers to come into play in a way that voting does not.  Even if Trump were "really" Hitler in his private views, what could he do? He enters a System that is completely against him, both the permacracy and the media.  "Keep it legal!" - does the FBI do that?
The rise of Trump has brought the seething, genocidal hatred of whites out in the open. This hatred is created, nurtured and promoted by jews, Without jews, this hatred would not exist. jews are not going to stop until we disappear or we counter-exterminate them. Trump the president is just another Bush. Trump the phenomenon has helped clarify things bigly.

February 19, 2018:

were we born to take shit from jews?  the christian has one answer, #TeamWhite has another
our cause is heroic, much the mocker in me hates to use that term. it's the only one that fits. in what heroic cause is there no dying? the ultimate stakes, we're playing for. we starting focusing on irrelevant, technocratic crap we lose sight of the picture: why are we letting jews murder our nations? why? #TeamWhite
see i know it both ways: FIRST HAND...backed by READING. and at no point is there any disconnect. this is my life truth, learned in late 80s: jews control dc. the whiteskins there are afraid of them. jews have a network. whites dont. jews punish opponents, so whiteskins shup up and comply. 99.9% of them. that's why politics / media are the way they are.
violence is the way forward. my views are informed by reading, experience and history. solzhenitsyn said the russians just sat there quivering like the taiga pussies they are. got picked off one by one. in the end, jews wiped out tens of millions of them.  maybe americans are different.
i voted for Reagan. i wanted him to do things. yes, ron, i want you to do those things you promised. he didnt. then i realized these people are actors, they tell you what you want to hear, it doesn't ever change. either you have the money to buy their positions, as the jews do, or you dont. if not, then you get ---nothing. empty air.
the white man, right now, today, has as much interest in upholding legality as negro Nat Turner, back in the day
govt as garbage management is an ideal - and a good one
those South African farmers just need to vote harder. make more persuasive speeches.  above all, they need to keep it legal there is nothing worse than breaking the law government is god! it is there to be obeyed and worshipped. its process is sacrosanct.
my understanding...i'm typing out checks to writers...and i'm thinking wtf? why are all these jews? i thought jews were leftists... this is 1988 i knew jews were leftist, ugly, annoying. i knew they wrote some for even con journals. but until that point, i had never seriously thought about jews or noticed that jesus christ, these people control the right TOO
it is my position, for a long time now, that the US government is illegitimate
if you vote, what you're really doing is affirming that you accept the authority of the System that is why the System wants you to vote so bad
it is impossible to be as naive or ignorant as i was in 1988, going to dc. the internet really has changed everything in that regard. before the internet, we had libraries, and yeah, good luck finding jew-truthing material in them. you might find a book that edged on it if you really looked hard. today - any serious person can get to speed in hours
why is the System so hot to have you vote? two reasons 1) it doesnt matter in the overt sense it's represented (if you're pro-White nothing you want ever wins, and the 10% it does, it still ends up not mattering) 2) it does matter in that you are affirming the validity of the System...(that fucks you if you're White)
voting = cucking Breivik didnt jerk off a lever to vote for Skarston Fjinksgeld He pulled a trigger to vote for the Dead Commie Party
how can you mock cucks when you vote? voting for a "representative"? he will do what you wont?  he does the manly stuff while you sit in a corner jerkin' yr lever?
whose agenda always gets followed? that's how you tell who rules. no matter who wins the election. never, ever does anything pro-White ever happen - in a country where 200m people are white we're going to win because 1% of the world internet isn't iced over into jewniformity?
should the white farmers in South Africa keep it legal?
does the System keep it legal?
Voting really is akin to a carny booth. Even when you win...what do you get? Some shitty stuffed animal.  Trump just threw hundreds million more to Israel. "If voting changed things, it would be illegal." - a true mike dropper
as long as 'we' accept proxies and euphemisms we will continue to be fooled remember to rock the vote, kiddies, Chuck Schumer and Ricky Vaughn say it's important
(((They))) will never end with new fakes to keep feeding you false hope. That's why I insist that clearing out the underbrush, blowing out the middle, is the way to go: clarify thru polarization. Team White, our side, vs TeamJew, bad guys.

February 18, 2018:

Even the bible for christian thumb-sucking retards says it...there's a time to kill We're in it. #TeamWhite #RoofCrew
Someone on Occidental Dissent made an excellent point, re verbal wars 'sub-Saharan Africa' is a propaganda substitute for Black Africa notice it's Black Africa as distinct from super-saharan Africa, or Egypt. thus, all africa becomes (counterfactually) black, and jews can spread lie that Egyptians were blacks rather than humans
you start telling others how to act you start with felony-level accusation about behavior who are you? my cards are on the table 'Ricky Vaughn' is an internet clown i and others have found amusing where i have control, i dont allow people to make serious accusations without evidence RV's class shits and runs like a honking suburban goose
why do we have free speech? precisely to say the things i've said the last 48 hours
So this woman is holding flowers walking out of a courthouse. Theft? Murder?  She sang a song some jew didn't like. That's pure boiled frog.  The way out of that involves nothing but violence.  It isn't time for violence now, it's long past time for violence.
elections = niggerball what is needed, what is good for whites, is illegal in most western nations hmm...where does that leave us
anonymous people worried about how "we" (huh?) look. look...brush your tooth. put on your sock. go about your business. dont worry about hysterical yips from alt-perez hiltons
If the purpose of public education were to produce anti-intellectual, self-regarding fat people, I would all makes sense now.
Griffin with more great work.

February 17, 2018:

why is it wernher? instead of the normal werner. ive always wondered that.
when i see those old SS 90yo put on trial by jews, i always notice how large their heads are. and then i think they are like those giant protective ants that guard the ordinary workers and queens of the race
i would get on a bus of camden niggers before i'd get in a nasa alleged rocket
i love how people have this fixed idea we can only choose between spending money on niggers or outer space - wastes of space and wastes of space
as a source of white culture missouri > russia
yes hitler was a space fag
‘”Well, Jacky, you wantem buy big fella shirt, eh?”
So far as I have ever been able to observe, over 40-50 years, christians are perfectly happy to accept being treated as kindergartners by jews.
"The Day Amazon Murdered History"
I mean, christ, even dogs hate fireworks, and dogs have no standards at all.
I mean retards love fireworks. So why wouldnt they love fascism?
Now, Arbeit Macht Frei...that is genuine German humor. It's probably the acme of German-Nazi design. Funny, useful, true and ironic at once.
so funny watching old movies, it's like a tape was rolling while actual human people talked. i allude in present case to original car theft movie Gone in Sixty Seconds (1974). people werent always hysterical or attitudinizing back then. they talked to each other, even cross race, like adults
If I have only one goal in life, it's to be nastier than dollar general instant coffee. Yeah, I know, AS IF SON. but a man's dreams must exceed his grasp.
Like Russia gives a flying shit about inside-USA. They live on a taiga. (insert sam kinison anguished screams). TAIGAAAAAA. They got their own problems! But with us starting wars all around them and being repped solely by lying warmongering she-kikes - that's what they worry about re "us."  "You can't spell USED ASSHOLES without USA." --V. Putin
Johnny Waynus. In a land of christian pussies, a real man's man sashayed forth to lead his people.
Those upcomin' microelectrons, kiddies, they're hella 'portant.
"What evidence do we have that conservatives will do anything at all except complain about liberals, vote for do-nothing Republicans, and carefully distance themselves from anyone who looks even remotely possible of actually doing anything?" -Vox Day
Everything I said about violence - the VD quote i read just now and put on here - he's absolutely right. We should be killing our enemies right now. Our enemies are the jews and the cucks who serve them.
"They didn't resist when their rights to speech were removed. They didn't resist when their wives left them and divorce-raped them. They didn't resist when their children were kidnapped by judicial fiat. I no longer believe they will resist even when their guns are confiscated or when their religion is outlawed. " --Vox Day (2/2)
"They didn't resist when their children were bused. They didn't resist when their schools were secularized. They didn't resist when their country was invaded by 130 million foreigners. They didn't resist when their churches were converged. They didn't resist when their right to carry cash was restricted. (1/2)
liberals are unfair and biased, we need to influence them to be fairer or alien race controls media, fills it with lies, intending to destroy a racial competitor the top is the cover for the bottom the problem isnt liberals, the problem is jews. jews are the exact opposite of liberals, they are, rather, 100% racial, race-driven totalitarians
whining about bias and unfairness is fostered by jews among professional (most of them catholic) conservatives to conceal the reality of a system of pretty close to seamless control
customized attacks on every sub-demo within our race
There's only one race. The yacht race. You're either a yachtie or a nottie.
that's why these kikes marry in with asians, because after USA is destroyed, they move in on china. that's harder to do visually, so start mixing slant eyes with hooked nose, produce some Chou en Steins
jews pay closer attention to whiteskin goyim than the reverse, even tho jews have no particular need to pay attention to whiteskin goyim, who have never done much but leave them alone - whereas jews have done nothing but give whiteskin goyim every incentive to destroy them for their nation-wrecking crimes. yet the white alleged man munches on, clueless
who needs a federal reserve when you have a catholic church
No one can deny that the white race (that means you and me among others) would be better off if the jew race were counter-exterminated.
it takes a thousand forms oh you saw a ghost oh you saw a UFO oh you prayed to jesus and your fingernail magically regrew itself in the immortal words of Mr Hand WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE ON DOPE?
the whole essence of clown world is la di da i just make up whatever shit i want and that's my "truth" - and that is exactly what christianity is. pablum for simps. for me to be wrong about that, multiple people had to come back from the dead. if i may parrot myself MULTIPLE PEOPLE HAD TO COME BACK FROM THE DEAD (jesus, lazareth, etc)
if you doubt magic dirt, you're sane if you doubt magic water, you're doubting the 'efficacy of a sacrament' - which is a crime in any holy book. and that's according to jesus.
jews arent dumb enough to believe in the jesus tall tale they vend. that's for stupid goyim. if they believe that, they'll buy anything. and they are warranted in that conclusion. see holocaust, russian pogroms, WMD, diversity, integration, multiculturalism and on and on.
The jews behind Leo Frank KNEW he was guilty. They included top advertising guy & biggest newspaper guy. They deliberately concealed the truth and put across a lie. And their jew-sociates continue to repeat and grow that lie over 100 years later. Think about that. I have. It's why I advocate the only solution that works: complete counter-examination of yids
Jesus is soy for your brain. Estrogenic!
ad hominem is the "norwegian way" to the truth in a day to day functional sense, it's the quickest route to where we're trying to get no matter what some clown said in greece long ago
"it's true because i want to believe it" this is how women and niggers think NOT thinking like this. RECOGNIZING objective external reality. Is how whites changed from animals into true humans.
all it takes for xtianity to be true is multiple people coming back from the dead well that doesnt seem like much it certainly doesn't conflict with occam, the multi-thousand year history of jews excreting white-noxious lies or just, ya know, ordinary common sense  or physical science or horselaugh check
the problem with christianity is the thing itself its central claims are lies it is inherently anti-White if christianity's claims were true, it wouldnt matter what i thought about it. id have to accept it.
the confusion in dopey goyim jews have induced with judeo-christian is  parallel to the confusion they've induced with 2 false versions of american history they thoughtfully supply
judeo-christian is redundant
Germany:  throw someone in jail for historical opinon throw lawyer in jail for defending that person throw trial attendee in jail who made off-site comment you dont like steal computer of brother of trial attendee . . .  I mean - if violent resistance to this stuff isn't justified now...then when?
violence is not the answer, speech is. what? we get thrown in prison if we say something in 90% of formerly white countries?  so we're already slaves? we literally cant sing songs mocking our oppressors without being thrown in jail?  so violence is not the answer? why, friend, you're the best clown since Bozo.
This is a fact. Neither Griffin nor Parrott believes in Jesus or the bible. They are both pretending to. Griffin because he truly has no core - which is partly why he's an excellent historian - history is glib fiction honest men wouldnt be able to write because qualms. Parrott out of some personal loyalty.
whites are induced hagridgid by the bible. paralyzed with...could this be true? OMGoshums what if it is?...going to hell. do not want!  listen folks: the bible is semitic cant. look up cant if you dont know what it means. it is garbage. its claims are lies. its preachers are liars. it is ruining your society and genociding your race.
the flip side of creativity is whatever the noun form of hagridden is and this is what prevents whites from laughing - and laughing is nothing but seeing things for what they are - mentally right-sizing them up the bibles induces hagridden lugubriousness in potentially solid folk the bible is our enemy. it is of and from the jews who produced it.
of all the sectors of politics, WN are the least violent. that's not what you read in the media, is it we get all the blame for stuff we didnt do and none of the advantages if we had
Does christ-insanity produce good men? It does not.
Muh tribe is...leans head back. Well gosh durn's ev'rbody! Overmuhwhelmed by the biggity of the nostrum. This is xtianity imposed on gullible Germanic retardates. Christianity = Enlightenment universalism = liberalism. They're all the same thing. Little you is not to play with Ideas, fren. You jes focus on peeing IN the toilet. That's yr ceiling
when you tell people suffering is good (rather than just inevitable) you're conditioning them to be slaves jews teach their kids that causing suffering to others is good at every point christianity induces a passivity and mental outlook that is good for jews.  it's almost like the bible was written by jews. even tho of course i know it was written by eskimos
avg whites dont want to accept that the real problem is race, and its caused by jews avg pro-whites dont want to accept that only violence - now (really, years ago) - not in some distant future - is the only solution
"when everybody is thinking the same way, nobody's thinking" which i've demonstrated this morning re violence my thoughts are superior to anyone else's on the subject i have explained in general terms, the only possible now, how to win. no keep-it-legal (KIL) has ever done that, not even implausibly
You worship your enemy. Nothing will change the absurdity of that position. Parrott know this. He's probably the smartest of the christ cranks. But for some reason he can't admit it.  Christians helped me. Well if a drunk helped you, would you owe him becoming an alcoholic?
A race that cuts off its kids' dicks and gives them semitic garbage names from the bible - how is that not anti-natural in the way most of you whine about? I mean, that's perverteder than faggot butt-sex.  Christianity is spiritual perversion. Christians are queers of the spirit. Hence race-queers.
the white race needs to go Puck on 11
Orwell was wrong about the future. It's not a jackboot on your face, it's this in your face.
Whose your favorite street magician?
jews have utter contempt for us whites. that contempt has always been there. what's new is they express it openly now. why? because they don't fear us. they don't fear our violence. how do we restore that fear? there is only one answer. you know, it is sad that God saw fit to include only one thinker among his pathetic Create-ures, but i must bear that cross
Do you  get that like "OMG - look at this"  is a totally effeminate response when a fucking OLD LADY like ((Spectre))) publicly states she's wrecking your nation? Do you get that like talking about her -- to, what - shame her? shame a jew? -- is not how actual grown men respond? if they still existed? 'Internet' is from an ancient Greek word meaning fag-orgy.
Which famous designer would take credit for 'people'?  Wouldn't most of them sue over that?
These hominids? The ones walking around? Created by God?  How is that not blasphemy?
The USG is only 'qualified' in one area: mulcting the population for the benefit of the hidden rulers.
OMG...all these horrible formerly unheard of problems...that can only be solved by vast armadas of jews/fat women and your money.  #Government
At best, govt pretends to do something pointless/useless, like certifying the circumference of mini-oranges by checking every millionth box. At average, it exacerbates an existing but comparatively small problem. At art level, it creates fresh new expenses-problems out of humid air.
All governments do is grow social tumors. A giant sick-green army. A giant necrotic nigger colony. A giant land pod of social workers.
Do you think river horses (hippos) are jealous of regular horses the way fatties jealous thin women, or like negroes / blondes?
Who are 'we'? What do 'we' (unclear antecedent) mean when we say so thoughtlessly 'we'?  I know precisely what I mean by it. Do you?
All government becomes regularized stealing over time, correctable only with violence.
You can pay a hippo 5 million a year, it's still gonna run your river and tip your tugboat. It what hippos dooo.
#Fingerism upholds the first and last principle of this, god's only begotten worlde... :  _Your finger moves when you tell it._ As the discoverer of Fingerism, or Prime Poker, I will accept your applause and divulge further insights as they see fit to congeal.
Neither war nor peace should be glorified, for neither is glorious.
You fucking retards who doubt me. This is your keepin'-it-real civics class right here. In three minutes. No joke.
You ever notice that white race turned into a pussy about the time it stopped playing mumblety peg? #thinkingnegrographic
These are the thoughts we need to be thinking. This is what free speech is. It's a proxy for violence. It helps avoid some violence. But it can't replace violence - ever. Unless we accept slavery.
So every four years, China and #TeamWhite will host a Grolympics on our African negro reservation. We will duly train up rival teams that will battle unto death for our slant- and blue-eyed amusement.
If I was going to vote, I would look for a candidate who will "represent" my interests. I want jews exterminated and the federal government abolished.  My choice: Dick Bagg (R) who sucks Izzycock and supports farmers and big agriculture by stealing from me. Richard Bagg (D) who sucks Izzycock and supports fat women (social workers) and niggers by stealng fm me
The original idea was to delegate a few old wise men to handle a few legitimate national matters. Not to have some gigantic monster that steals all our money and dictates every jot and tittle of our lives. If you think voting matters, you're either Ricky Vaughn or an idiot.  We're well past the point anything but bloody revolution makes serious change.
Even people with valid IDs who are actual citizens of the country are allowed to vote. That's how significant the vote is.
I'm voting for Joe Camel. Yeah. Cuz you're a tool! I'm voting for Moe Camel. He's a game-changer!
Participate in this joke process at though it were the real thing. That's why they're so urgent. Because you have bought into the system, formally and probably mentally, if you vote their list of approved candidates.  Voting is passing under the yoke.  The true vote is Bill the Butcher's in "Gangs of New York."
You know who seriously thinks voting is important? Those boomers you all hate. And the jew-called Greatest Generation. They think it is a Moral Duty. They will even stand in line for hours to vote. Voting for a "representative" is like picking someone to watch a porno for you, or die for your sins. Christ, it's not even cuck level. It's sub cuck.
Washing your dick now and then is probably maybe important. Voting is not.
The govt telling you to vote = cig-raspy carny telling you to toss rings at coke bottles he just sprayed with WD-40.
Vote ! Vote ! Vote! shriekd the govt! Gechoo three or four INFLUENZA innoculation shots!! Shriek'd the government. Why you had to fairly wipe the extraclamation points off your hide with a Sham-Wow. DOLPHIN JIZZ. Do you tone deaf cretins of nescience truly not feel the carny vibes?
What if I told you... ...that all your candidates are kike-approved. I don't mean this metaphorically but literally. If you were to take a Mitt Romney and unpeel him, you'd find a literal kosher symbol tattooed beneath his unusual pantaloons.
jews hate animals; their instincts tell them that if they could talk they'd say anti-jewish things "That kangaroo stole my ball!" is the true jew attitude toward wildlife and vegetation.
Your stupid jew-produced cult it is ALONE that gives niggers 'standing.' As people. Then as citizens. Then as equals. Then as superiors. You christians are a bunch of idiots. All of you. Every last one. You're destroying everything that is good in this world, you sub-monkeys.
I don't have any sympathy to spare for a race of christ-cucks (Boer is a Dutch word that means bonehead/Southerner in keepin'-it-real English) who threw away a winning position so it could have its feet cut off and boiled by a bunch of 70-IQ monkeys.
Whiteskins are a fantasy race. They love hearing shit-that-aint-so. You can always sell them on a fanasty afterlife. No cuckservative ever went broke publishing the only title the kind ever produces: Liberals R Stoopid.
I don't think publicizing white farmer murders does anything. Desensitization is a real thing. I first saw those photos 15 years ago. Now they just depress me. I want to see a video of Boers killing blacks or jews. That would be inspiring and useful.
#TeamWhite will form a Greater African Co-Prosperity Sphere with China out of the largest continent. We will agree to maintain one large reservation of negroes, for scientific purposes of studying evolution.
Who's your we? White nationalist: whites who value their race. Christian: everything that can stand on its hind legs for eight seconds. Because  we're all God's children.
just as hubert humphrey correctly said, which i didnt believe when i was younger, there isn't a dime's worth of difference between the republicans and democrats so i tell you now, it's the same thing with christianity and liberalism. different names, same thing.
why does race matter? we're all imaginary jew god's children?  you cant get around or away from that logic even with slavery - the point was was that owners had the duty of stewarding the negroes, even as they exploited their labor christianity affirms WE = HUMAN RACE = GODS CHILDREN christ-insanity isn't opposed to liberalism, it IS liberalism
be tough. be strong. take responsibility for your actions? which of these does the church teach? none of them. it tells you, instead, to trust imaginary god. pray to him. believe he directs all things. the church works against the very idea of manliness. no one has ever looked at a priest or a preacher and said, yeah, that's a real man.  #ChristCucks
the protestants are idiots who want to BE jews the catholics are idiots who want to CONVERT jews they're both anti-white, they're both stupid, they're both spinach and to hell with them
the Old South was 100% pro-jew. that's a matter of historical fact. the old south was mostly protestant (save maryland and spots) the catholic church has had Sicut Judeis Non in place for 1500 years. it is an objectively pro-jew, jew-protecting, white-nation-endangering doctrine the FACT, not opinion, is that christ-insanity is anti-White
the jews have tricked us out of birthright without ever firing a shot if you seriously contend that christ-insanity doesnt have to do with that you are a goddam moron and not vox day's bogus attempt to make a distinction between between xtianity then and now - the thing itself is the problem. the thing itself.
The Influenzas were a prominent Traggorian mob clan back in the day. They would put the death sneeze on their enemies.
Govt propaganda now promotes INFLUENZA shots, dropping 'flu.' Syllable multiplication is considered augustly impressive by the middle class (cit. Paul Fussell in "Class"). but it's good humor to hear. Surely East Germans were never propagandized worse than we are today.
It's not just true, as Gibson said, jews are behind all the wars in the world, but they're behind most of the internal discord too. Jews are basically evil (absolute or relative, as you prefer) made into a walking, talking race.
One way to be different, legit & refreshing: give people credit and discredit as they deserve. Rather than by how you feel about them. It's not only actually fair, which is neither here nor there, it's amusing to you and confusing to them, as very few people operate this way.
Christianity has protected jews from whites for over 2000 years. Like that's its job. Remember, mental kidlets, jews gaslight everything (read: reverse). They claim the church is their friend or their enemy? Do you see? Or do you need the frying pan treatment a few more hundred times?
So yesterday I went off to drive through Wakenda Missouri (slogan: An Actual Place) to find these Super Advanced Negroes. But all I spotted were some perspicacious beavers...which real ichthyologists would probably correct to roadkill possums.
Telling people what they want to hear is cuckservatism.  Telling people what they need to hear is white nationalism.
We use this language "fighting" and "defense."  Would Andrew Jackson agree with you that you "defended" something by standing in public for a few hours with a sign? We have cheapened our heroes and our language by this sort of talk. I understand it's hard not to use the terms, but the point remains.
Take that Spectre who advocates Eurocide. How hard can it be to kill her and burn down her institution? Why hasn't this been done?
I think we need to think seriously about arson as a means of protecting de facto (there are no de jure) white areas. I have personally never thought about it much, but noticing that huge fire in calif earlier this year got me wondering. Also, the historical fact whites used to burn down Blacktowns 100 years ago as means of dindu control.
why is jew Soros alive? why is jewess Spectre alive?  These people say openly they want to destroy white nations, end the white race?  And people who are pro-white say "keep it legal"?  How does our saying keep it legal not embolden jews to advance ever more anti-white policies? No, we should be killing these jews. Not "keeping it legal." Just as they are killing us
if you want to talk against violence, at least observe we aren't even doing the main non-violent things we should be: - organizing against whites joining the military - attacking enemy symbols and institutions (if not people) - creating K-post-PhD educational units that are race-rectified which means in part not xtian which is anti-christian/pro-white
We are oppressed. Our oppressors have names and addresses and families. We can kill them. We should. #TeamWhite
it requires positive action on White part to change things. ricky vaughn will tell you that means voting, more and harder than ever but he will also tell you, when pressed, he's not a white nationalist. he's someone who is interested in polls and not much else
i backed this guy down to the basket, making continual head and neck fakes like i was going to jump and shoot. he kept waiting for what never came. when we were close enough, just flipped ball in from two feet. this is our race war. we're waiting for something that will never come cuz its going on right now. jews are just letting the trends run until they can lay it in.
there are no awakenings and race wars, not in the way those are understood it's dueling degrees...the degree of brainwashed populace vs based. the degree of anti-white jew-backed violence vs anti-jew pro-white vioence.
do christians believe their own bullshit? nah, they're a bunch of cucks. their tall tale is their girl jesus was murdered by the jews - yet they sup with and supplicate his murderers. do conservatives believe their bullshit? fuck no. those fuckers show their stomach to queers and dindus and in time pedos. White Nationalism must be different. #TeamWhite
killing our enemies is the money shot like a porn actor ejaculating, it proves we/he really cares!  it means we believe our own bullshit it means we are serious. because death cant be lied away as jews do for everything else a dead cuck or kike polluting the sidewalk - it cant be lied away. the what and the why. like everything else. it's an accomplished fact.
guns and lifting weights are for fags. i only talk about violence and this stuff because it's necessary. i know it inevitably skews ITG, but it must be done of course we need people promoting the ideas - and we have much of that, more and better than ever but we need people killing our enemies too. and that is what we dont have at the moment dead enemies wins converts
Killing cucks, an example. The head of one of these various organizations making a bunch of money (hundreds of thousands a year) taking in Africans per programs set up by the federal government. Take one man or woman like that, kill him and his entire family, record it on video, post it on the internet. That would be a tremendously valuable act.
The conception of 'lone wolf' is very unfortunate. It's drama-queening.  Just people making private political decisions and acting on them.  Nothing can stop us from doing that, and if we do it, it will be good for whites, just as Breivik's action was.
"If voting changed things, it would be illegal," the anarachist said. That seems to be true. Where any significant stakes are involved, voting is a charade. Another way of putting it, if voting were "good for Whites" would the system almost fanatically encourage people to vote?
We all agree the people running our government, jews behind cucks, are bent on white genocide. We also agree they're doing their best to take our guns. How does "keep it legal" follow from this? Explain what must be your implicit strategy - make it explicit. I have always challenged this, and never yet seen a plausible response.
Politics is garbage management, not queen of the arts.
The guy who pegged it was Aldous Huxley, saying the rulers would trade the people sexual license for political freedom. That is where we are. Sexual alleged liberation as political control, as catholic jones said, long after Huxley.
I, for one, would like to see a thousand Breiviks and Dylann Roofs.
As that jewfag used to say before Q-RID claimed his shriveled corpse, life is not a warmup.  A race war doesn't have a kickoff like a football game.  The war is going on right now, and in America, not just South Africa. Saying "keep it legal" is same as saying "don't fight back."
When we say "keep it legal" we are saying: preserve the status quo. Let every other race use and justify violence against us while we content ourselves with free unheard speech in an increasingly tiny circle.
you can't redeem someone else's sins no more than you can lift weights for them
christianity is a cuck doctrine look at its hero does that look like a cuck to you? muh lugubrious bleedin' jesus, the man-woman who died for muh sins #Losers
christianity is cuck not just in the surface liberalism but at the very bottom of its doctrines cucking is intrinsic to it  "God created my enemies"  "I owe them something" These doctrines didn't just appear after Vatican II.
So a whiteskin is descriptive, but would have a negative connotation. But it does not mean a white man who is race-liberal, anti-white, just someone who is genetically white but doesn't realize/value it. Typically, the avg whiteskin never thought about the matter much. He's not anti- or pro-White, it's not in his thinking - yet.
Again, a whiteskin is my term for a racial white who isn't aware of race or doesnt value it, his whiteness, his white genetics. It's a way of making verbal distinction. The aware and valuing whiteskin becomes a White or white man. As I use the language.
Just as our race has no necessary connection with negroids, nor has it any necessary connection with the semitic crap midden called the bible. #TeamWhite
Griffin quite incorrectly says freedom and equality lead where we are today. But we don't have freedom - only sexual license. Nor do we have equality. We lost the first freedom - association - long ago. Certainly no later than that point we should have responded by killing all jews. We must make it clear to whiteskins that if u work with jews, you risk your life.
why should i care if muslims replace baptists? i might get my head chopped off for atheism is about the only reason. but muslims aren't out to race-genocide whites. and i already live pretty sharia compliant, i'd suppose muslims are only in our lands because of jews - it is jews who do mean white genocide. jews are the problem. conservatives are the cowards
the difference between the altright and the merch right is that one of them knows what it's about it, the other is uselessly hazy
How many cucks and kikes are there? The actual 'head' of this anti-White System we live under and are tyrannized by?
We're being buffaloed out of the giant civilization our people created by a comparative handful. We can get it back through violence only. The cost? We must be willing, individually, to die. I wish it weren't these ways. But it is. #TeamWhite
The jews' tools only work when limit ourselves to fighting them verbally. Plenty of individual whites can defeat jews verbally, but the jews have created such giant platforms that no individual/combo can overcome them. He simply won't be heard. Violence cuts thru the jew-nonsense. It ends X's activities, intimidates others, makes use of white numbers.
Did I see a quote on here from Lenin, that allowing free speech among his communized nation was tantamount to suicide? That's just how it is in America. Jews can't debate or they'll lose. What they can do is fight - using laws and twisted media words. Lying, suppressing, murdering - these are the only tools they have.
Here's what the bewigged jazzercisers won't tell you: christianity is liberalism. Soul equality leads unavoidably to political equality. If God created niggers, who are you to exterminate them? Who are you to deny them rights? Who are you not to treat them as your brothers? The logic is undeniable, no matter what a Griffin or Parrot squawks.
If only those white South Africans had woke up in time. I mean, it's true they started living alone. They created a racial white-protective system when enough blacks showed up to make it necessary. Yet somehow they wound up where they are now. How's the math on that? They went from white-woke to asleep?
People are so me-involved they never stop to question whether others have faced the same problem - what they did about it? What happened to them? See, one great lesson of life is how not all the different from others we are. The useful takeaway there is not the glumness of lost distinction but that we can use what happens to others as free instruction.
#RoofCrew is a concept: self-chosen individuals killing cucks and jews to liberate the White race. Self-chosen means part of your commitment is to taking responsibility for your own actions. This should go without saying, but it certainly does not. A White man owns his own actions. I stand behind my words, that's why I use my real name. And my behavior.
Sicut Judeis Non is perfect example. Playing defense only (ie, rather than exterminating jews, just not letting them harm your culture, in theory) + time = loss. It's time to go on the offensive, actually starting killing the enemy, not just making superior arguments, as we have for 100s of years. We won the argument. But it turned out it wasnt. It was a fight.
To make a real white team, we need to operate by killing cucks and keeping our people out of the military. Rather than defend monuments, which can't be done under current circumstances, we should be overtly working against the US military by encouraging jordies to STAY OUT. And destroying enemy monuments by night.  When you always play defense, in time u lose
Hire John Goodman as OUR white life coach. He wants us to do better. He knows we can.
Faith is properly used to support logic. Because logic and reasoning do in fact work. And people are weak, they refuse to believe it. But faith in daily life is used as an alt-reality. And there it is utterly destructive.
God is non-falsifiable. Whatever He wants is what happens. And every last moron can figure out his Real reasons. Religion is basically a fun game for retards. Anyone can put words in god's mouth. Anyone can claim to know the real truth. The true perversion is conservatives putting religious revelation on par with actual knowledge & science.
This is what your geniuses that perpulated the Old South didnt realize or care about. When you say God is on your side (as both sides did, not just the South), what happens when you lose? BY YOUR OWN STANDARD/ADMISSION, if you're serious, your cause was wrong - and justly defeated. You can weasel dick around this point, and So-pos will, but it doesn't go away.
You can have muh blu ray of Paul Blart Mall Carp when you pry it out of my cold dead hands.
as a southern preacher said of public schools in 1800s, by teaching the public to read, all you do is create a market for trash literature.
The rare woman who can think has always been helped by men, not hindered by them. If you can do something, any man outside the bottom 10% will see that and respect you for it, as he would a man.
It's hard to be a man. But it's more rewarding than being a male woman. This is what we teach our white youth to understand - so they don't kill themselves or get lost in meretricious individualism (the world of tats and ear disks).  Take responsibility for all your behavior - and become really good at something, so you're useful to the world. That's -  white man.
There is no god. If you need external help, hallucinate up a coach. Like a baseball coach, or football, or maybe tiddlywinks or tapdancing for gay you. So you hologrize this coacher looking at you with whistle and hip hands (or jazz hands) and what would he say to you - about your behavior, performance, choices, etc.? You know. And that's the point. U no what 2 do.
Still waiting for the first jesus simp to explain why EVERY. SINGLE. TIME doesn't apply to the bible.
The only reason women even have brains is so they understand what men tell them to do.  A woman can't be a woman if the man won't be a man. It is the purpose of the jewed school system to ensure that no whiteskin shaigetz even understand what a man truly is.  All public schools should be burned down.
A good part of being a man means sticking to truth, no matter what some lying jew or weeping woman says. Men can know the truth, and men can stick by it. That's part of their duty. That's what being a man is.  You are not a butt bearing a burden of mockery, taxes, etc. You are a white man. Act like it.
Isn't it funny how Hitler wasnt a skirtchaser, boozehound or any of the usual with politicians. He wasn't giant or muscled like a Schwarzenegger. He must have had something going for him. He had the truth and very unChristian refusal to back away from it.  What Christianity tries to produce in a man is pretty much the exact opposite of a HItler, don't you think?
Child labor laws are good? It's better to have a child working than in a public school.
Dead jews start no dialogues.
We shouldnt hold useless peaceful rallies to 'defend' monuments to our forerunners. That's not what they would have done. They would have destroyed anyone who threatened their people and nation. Physically destroyed them, by whichever means was most expedient. So if you're a traditionalist, as you all (but not me) claim, there's your tradition.
We get blamed for violence that we didn't commit. Whether its jew Klebold or apparently this latest shooter Cruz is a bio(((hazard))).  Our beliefs are 'violent.'  See, kids, courts are no different from journalists. They're two institutional appendages of the monster. Our views are "evidence" that makes us guilty or undeserving.
Our whiteskin behavior shows we have accepted becoming a passive slave population. Our religion that aint ours reconciles us to our fate. After all, if God wanted something different, he could change things. He's all powerful, after all. Christianity makes white men into spiritual cucks.
With violence, everything suddenly works in our favor. The fewer cucks around, the more jews have to make their case, instead of operating thru mouthpieces. They become more identifiable. So long as jews have jordies killing for them in Arabia and Mitts & McCains lying for them in the media, they can just sit back, collect shekels and laugh at white idiots.
The reason pro-White organizations have ultimately failed is not because their leaders weren't as smart as you. To believe otherwise is unwarranted, narcissistic arrogance, but more important it's just factually wrong. White organizations were deliberately thwarted by jews working with or thru the feds.
Notice how the cucks quiver & fold whenever they accidentally (cuz they sure don't mean to) run afoul of Big Jew or any of his hairy or simian associates.  But when the cuck goes against the White, and the White fires at him (verbally), why, the brave cuck redoubles his bristle.  The cuck believes he has the backing of #TeamJew, they will win in the end, so he's safe.
Excellent thumbnail of Nigeria
It has been said many times, yet is still true: the men who founded America killed enemies over 1/100th the absurdities and usurpations we see today. Violent resistance to illegitimate authority defines America.
"Keep it legal" is good advice for judges only.
When people say "keep it legal," I have to wonder if they've ever been in a courtroom. We should keep it legal when the judges keep it legal. Hint: They don't.
The jews have nurtured a climate of anti-White rhetoric that demonstrably produces real-world violence - which is then celebrated by the same jews who produced it. The demographics are already over. I was in a mid-Missouri store yesterday. I even heard some English. It came from cross-eyed pot bellied whites with discolored hair, potbellies & ear disks
Verbally and with violence - clear the field. So the public can see #TeamJew, and identifies them as the bad guys. And #TeamWhite, the good guys.
If a judge who struck down, say, Calif's proposition 187 back in the day (or Trump's travel ban) had feared being killed by righteous white men for his jew-cucking aid to illegal aliens, he would have made a legal decision. #KillTheCuck = #LiberateTheWhiteMan
Rip away the jews' barrier of protection - the professional cucks. Cucks can be found in courts, in media officies, in political campaigns.  Cucks are driven first and last by self-interest, not love of jews. If there is a physical price to be paid to serve the jew, they will disappear in fear.  Violence is the way forward.

February 16, 2018:

how about glenn beck bobbing for niglets in pail of aborties. then he's all duct taping niglet parts together. then trying to breath the breath of new life into the defunct coonitos
on the road listening to anti-white hate radio, aka christian radio. first thing i hear is glenn beck or one of his minion faggots in pulpy dem-r-reel-raciss cuz we oppose black abortion. he sniffs and pules for garbage pail niglets. christianity: does it attract perverts or manufacture them? both?

February 15, 2018:
i, for one, place great faith in the ongoing Parrott-Taliban dialogue
Remember, kids, the #ADL has been perpetrating the Leo Frank hoax for over 100 years.
special effects = special-needs effects. nothing is more interesting than people talking, if there's something to say
The ADL don't fall for hoaxes, they perpetrate them.
ann coulter totally opposes immigrants, except for the ones between her legs
Which cause succeeds -- in any western land -- without jew backing? Can you think of one? If you can't, then jews must be the power that be. Eh?
Remember to practice safe whaling. Put on rubber gloves before you essay to stab whales. Whales are large mammals with a zest for life and open sea. They don't particularly enjoy being stabbed.
Call me Ishmael. I practice safe whaling.  Even so, I wound up lone survivor on a floating barrel after a particularly tempestuous encounter.
Matt Drudge: queer jew? or jew queer?
So right-leftists rightly criticize self-esteem teaching, without understanding or accepting that it proceeds, ultimately, from their doctrine of God 'creating' every last hopping hominid, nay less with an "imperishable" sould of "inestimable" value.  Christianity is bunk. Christianity is anti-White.
The idea you have some supernal value merely because a couple of physical adults forged a hapless zygote - this nostrum traces directly to the jewish bible for whiteskin retards.
Safe cliff diving. Safe skydiving. Safe bear-poking. Safe pig-mocking. Safe 19th-century whaling. Safe sex classes with these.
Last post inspired by this movie.
'Safe sex,' a concept so fucking dishonest and stupid only a jew could invent it or a northerner believe it.
What percentage of hominids is driven by non-instrumental desire to acquire knowledge? Only a small percentage. The rest learn naturally - ie, as they need to, per the task. We don't need government schools. They serve the government, not the people. They impose slavery on property owners to pay for their self-serving garbage.
Public schools get themselves hated liked jews. Enough people have gone off on them there must be some reason.  #Logic
Women have indeed succeeded in becoming men, but only in weight.
It is a matter of historical fact -- bragged about by catholics -- that whenever jews enraged whiteskins to the point of murder, historically, the jews ran to the priests for protection. And got it. And that is how we wound up where we are today.
SIEGE is worth reading, there is much sense and knowledge in it.  Just ask yourself, how did the author actually behave? Best I can tell, those old Nazis got in a few fights, did a few pranks. To no great result. Today, those pranks/fights would bring a much stiffer penalty. If you go outside the law - make it count. Go all the way. That's the right lesson to draw.
There is not one genuinely funny thing in the bible, and that alone shows it is unfit for Aryankind. It spiritually denatures us, to drink from this poisoned well. Which is what the jews who wrote (a collective called 'God') intended.
whites dont have the ability to recognize bullshit when they hear it or the character to oppose it when they recognize it thus the white race succumbed to jews #TeamWhite
jews pay people to seduce (mislead) their people. they pay blacks like WEB DuBois to do this, they pay whites like wm f buckley to do this
only the unappealing must appeal - Senectady the Middler
cucks deserve respect. not as cucks, obviously. but as professionals. they do pose a danger - and that['s why i first before anyone else advocated ATTACKING CONSERVATIVES CONTINUALLY  rather than mingling and mating with them as is the usual stupid advice
i went to public schools. it didnt benefit me. it mostly bored me and wasted my time and attacked my human dignity by subjecting me to diorama-making, square dancing and other barbarities
if pete rose gave 110% on the diamond, we can do no less for Black Panther at rottentomatoes
you can't have mass shootings at public schools if you don't have public schools #Logic
jews play with whiteskins like they're a bunch of retards. and from their POV it's hard to say they're wrong whites dont know who they are or where they're going. they hear horseshit about A Clown Named Jesus and yessir that's the real thing. entertainment and winning lottery ticket, you betcha
and yes - satanism is retard shit, same as christ-lunacy. none of it has anything to do with white racialism
the only question that matters: is it antisemitic for Black Panther not to have a rating higher than 100% on rottentomatoes? cuz i dont care who's against me, i say it is
Violence is only illegitimate where honor is preserved. Where it's not, then we go right back to reality.  We have fake elections, fake judges, fake politics, fake media. Honor is not preserved. The jews thank god every day of the year they have macerated whites in a religion that hates intelligence and honor.
jews don't love jews - they hate non-jews whites don't love whites - they love one-upping them
"not my will but stein's be done."  christians are all about violence and murder - so long as authority tells them its ok jew tells xtian to murder muslims: "Sure thing, boss. Right away, boss."
Christianity is domestication masquerading as civilization. You go, housecat.
Christianity is head pus. A mind full of christ-doctrine is as healthy as a jelly-filled donut.  Oh my. An afterworld! Filled with cakes and prizes. And Jesus with enough knees for all us sheep to dandle on.
My view I guess I've never stated or not for a long time, re violence. Violence is illegitimate if you have recourse to a reasonably quick, reasonably fair set of procedures.  Violence is legitimate if you don't. You and I weren't born to be niggers of the jews, or slaves of the niggers.
You will never meet anyone in real life -- only on jew-produced television -- who says America was better after 1960 than before. Every single person I have asked this question of says it was better before.
We have lost freedom in this country, degree by degree. It's less the laws than the attitudinal change. People are now scared to state their true beliefs about a very wide spectrum of things. The shadow of fear grows as the Land of No Second Opinion expands its range.
Our views are treated as worse than committed murder in court. I'm not theorizing when I say that. They can't always jail us for them, but they can prevent any normal rights we would get if we held any other views. That's the actual legal circumstances we live in today - a very real open-air prison and, considering tax flows, white slavery.
What folks should realize re SIEGE. 1) there never was more than minimal violence ever committed by the guy. Violence IS legitimate, and has been for a long time. But James Mason et al. weren't doing stuff, they were 99% just talking about it. 2) back then, you could get in a fisfight with a nigger or commie and not do life in prison. Now - you can't.
Flesh queers (homos) have more and higher spirits, are tougher and more resilient - than spirit queers (xtians). Observed truth.
Put fresh snapped green beans in water and heat them away for some minutes. What happens? They get soggy, lose their snap and spirit. That's what happened to white men under christ-insanity. It turned us into a bunch of diaper-dragging sadsacks.
I mean, if you write some retard shit about secession, what's your comeback when I point out to you that you can't even secede the goddam rumpus room in your moutherfucking goddam own house. You will be sued if you try to rent your rumpus room to whites only. Yeah, reform that from the bottom, you fucking retard. By getting elected dogcatcher. That will change it
The problem in the US (and the other whiteish nations) is at the top. Our nations have been capped by Kappy the Kike. Our real 'head' which is people more or less like me has been replaced with dollar generals and pedo politicians - whiteskins who serve as a face-facade for the ruling kikes, while the drooling masses can't make out the difference.
If you think political revolutions are akin to food recipes, you're not tall enough for the ride.  Idiots always want specifics where any non-idiot can see the answer depends on circumstances. You can only know the general approach. The particular application can't be known except by the revolutionaries directly involved.
"Tragedy and Hope" is a sort of Anglo take on plot outlined in Protocols - by a professor, Carroll Quigley of Georgetown U., who supported it (global govt). He was one of Clinton's trainers.
I don't get this thing where people think the outcome they desire must always be possible in terms they accept. Ie, that make them feel safe and happy. It's that old joke about searching for your lost keys under the streetlamp because that's where the light is.
So around mid-centry, when muslims are 30% of every white population, killing people daily, whiteskins will clamor for the relief of (((global government))).  That's the plan. That is what is happening. That is the future - unless we decide, as #TeamWhite, on a different outcome.
You see Trump elected president? He can't get the most basic, common-sense thing done because the System is against him. And he's not even against the System.
Slavery is the only system in which blacks are objectively valuable. I mean, niggies, if you cant be slaves...who needs ya?
Christianity is just drama-queening for a very suggestible race (which is the flip side of that creativity we jerk ourselves off about). The way to deal with that is cut to the chase: we must counter-exterminate all jews to save our kind. Christianity we just cut out of the picture, its book has nothing to do with us - Whites Going The White Way.
The way out of our mess is to kill every jew on earth. It's the only way out of our mess, in fact.
The protocols says, 100 years before the fact, we're going to mix up the populations until the people are howling with misery and demand we impose global dictatorship on them. Jews rule the world. That what's going on.
What's persuasive about Protocols is that it's not written in the usual tone of such things (forecasts) - think Revelation and similar crankery. It's essentially affectless to matter of fact. It's not predicting anything, it's explaining what's going on. There is nothing like it. Particulars vary over a century, but the basic idea is what's happening.
Globohomo is really globo-shlomo.  This is not a chicken and egg conundrum. The cockchopper precedes the peterpuffer. Gave him birth as an identity.
I urge you to take Christianity seriously, for its effects are serious.  It is not a light matter, one's religious belief, not at all. That far the canting manlet C.S. Lewis is correct.
If the christians claims are true, then the christian position does in fact follow: race is comparatively insignificant. So it's important for you to figure out whether Christian claims are true.
What the actually working white man deserves from a racial cause is serious money and physical defense. Not wipe-your-ass loser-subsidizing socialism.
You know the Germans helped by Winterhelfe were actually starving. Or close to it. They actually needed help for reasons beyond their control. The people Parrot, Heimbach and Griff want muh moar govt to help are obese.
Christianity is the same as conservatism. They both shuck and cuck for the System.  They're part of the problem - and no part of the solution.
Christianity teaches whites to believe that others-are-just-like-me. Which puts them in a really bad position when others aren't. Doctrines of God, soul-equality and Golden Rules - these are pure poison to Whites and White society.
The White Nationalist movement has failed because its supporters aren't as honest, hard-working, faithful, noble, reliable, respectable as the supporters of the so-called black-civil-rights movement. That's what you must believe, whether you realize it or not, if you advocate the civil rights strategy.
It was the jew control of the media that "made" civil rights and gay rights. If jews hadn't approved and desired negro/queer legal privilege, it would not have happened.  Amazingly enough, there are many, many racialists who do not understand this. They're akin to idiots who think if you just pull the slot machine lever the right way, you will win.
The legal-electoral-democratic machinery we have only works for the actual rulers of society. In 2017 America, that means jews (and their client-associate-tool groups). It does not work for those who seek fundamental change.
If you think the church is corrupted, you're wrong on the deepest level. But even leaving that aside, you're taking on the hardest, most necessary struggle there is -- white liberation from jews -- and, because that's not hard enough, you're going to reverse jew-liberalism in an inherently jew-liberal institution. Sure you are.
MRA. Mens Rights Advocates. They've been around a long time. They dress nicely. I don't think any of them color their hair blue. They have a great case, if you go in for logic and evidence and that sort of thing. What progress have they made? None. Why? Because the legal fairness they seek runs against the jew's anti-White agenda.  Open and shut.
The invincible hence biological delusion of Dockerman, the white middle class (wo)man, is that if I just scrub myself enough, I will be treated fairly. The racial cause must disabuse people of this illusion. If you're pro-White, you have no rights. You are guilty of your views. It's an ideological sin, like being a witch among chrissies.
Probably the most persistently stupid idea that has wormed its way into generally clear-thinking minds is this idea that the media, the elections, the System are neutral machinery, and we just have to dress nice and copy the civil rights negroes.  The truth is: no cause without jew backing ever wins.
If your house is on fire, does a "love your house" campaign make sense?  What if it's some shitty trailer you're in temporarily. Do you have to love it? WTF has "loving" your house got to do with anything? You LIVE there.
Why should quality whites be enslaved to serve the type that join the army or become teachers? They shouldn't.
In matters of extreme public events, jews thoughtfully provide us explanations:  - the official bogus explanation - the official alternative bogus explanation Most events are smaller scale, hence require only the former.
Being reasonable is irrational. It's not in keeping with the order of the universe I'm told exists when it comes to matters like existence and extinction.
Love your race - but our race has multiple Mike TVs and Verucka Salts and Mrs. Gloops for every Charlie Bucket. Our cause is we don't want to be mocked, murdered, and mulcted merely because we exist.  We kill anyone who prevents our existing and flourishing, just as any other species does. We need no better grounding - we have no better grounding.
Creativity, love, all the rest of that happy-happy garbage - these all emanate from democratic squeezers trying to get bucks out of christer wallets.  Our cause is defensive. Hating the enemy is a far stronger source of unity than loving ourselves. Most whites arent lovable, but all Whites are under attack.
The white racial cause isn't here to wipe your ass or save your soul. It isn't about space travel or some faggot looking down from a mountain peak. It's about coming together to kick the ass of jews & associates who are trying to take our lunch and make us extinct.
Must polarize between #TeamWhite and #TeamJew. Anyone who is not us is against us. Make this clear to the public. Mix the racial cause with christ-lunacy and big-government white-niggering, you're down a rabbit hole, leads to nothing but confusion.
Bad ideas don't equal bad politics. the merch right are self-serving, but they have the money basis to sustain their lies in public eye. That's what makes them dangerous to our cause - and why they, like all conservatives, must be continually attacked. They are part of the System they affect to oppose.
"Public education" - jews teach the teachers to teach the young of their enemies things that destroy them as individuals and as a race. While their lying media prate about teachers being underpaid.
We will instruct the youth of the goyim in doctrines we know to be false.  Protocols Public schools are the perfect vehicle for doing so.
MGTOW are red pilled about women, not politics.
The problem with public schools and churches is the thing itself, not this or that iteration. The institution itself is a bad idea.
Black identities = jewish fiction. Black as pimp, as revolutionary, as civil rights hero. It's all manufactured. Not in the interests of blacks, who have seen the destruction of their families, but in the interests of destroying whites. Which is the real significance of feminism, civil rights, homo marriage and all the rest - they are "good for jews."
Griffin and Heimbach (Parrott) promote xtianity among whites, and big government too. It's unclear why they have a problem with the System as it is. We want Whites running a System that treats/turns whiteskins into White niggers? If Whites can't run their own lives, our racial cause is pointless.
MGTOW do not understand that the ills they attribute to feminism, rightly (they are ills, feminists are behind them) are just one front in a comprehensive racial attacked leveraged by jews against whites. That's the over-umbrella. Blacks and homos are similarly 'used' fronts - which they should be able to see.
MGTOW might be same mistake as Southern flag, in that the label encourages misunderstanding - that it's a movement parallel to and opposite to feminism, which it isn't. It's only a community in that its people discussing the same concerns. Men Going Their Individual Ways might have made the point clearly.
Average whiteskin Americans now mentate at the level of special-needs jews.
Striking as the Southern flag is, it was  a mistake not to fight under the Stars and Stripes, as it conceded the struggle symbolically - irrationally and antistrategically.
You can cancel your cable tv subscription. You can't cancel your public school subscription.
I don't understand how there can be a public school every four blocks, a christian church every half block, yet the USA is full obese retards of negligible character.
Public schooling is a bad idea whose time has gone. All public schools should be burned down. They are the practical expression of quotidian tyranny.

February 14, 2018:

"First, as I’ve pointed out previously, Karl Marx enjoys an elevated and disproportionately common presence on American university syllabi. By this metric, Marx’s Communist Manifesto is the single most frequently assigned text in the college classroom other than the Strunk and White grammar manual."
What I see: Truman State University, Kirksville, Mo. 3rd world males + upper-middle-class KC/Stl white females as base of student body. Fun fact, like 5 white male suicides in last couple years.
What's Gab going to do if some Hillary type is elected and European-style 'hate' speech laws are enacted? Disappear?
Will "Black Panther" get more absurd judeo-critical fawning than boring, derivative "Get Out"?  Is it possible to criticize a nigflick in (((MSM))) and keep your job?
A black will believe anything flattering about his race. Too many whites are that way...and the opposite.
How about a White Farmer...he grows corn and kicks nigger ass. He cleans up South Africa.
Coogler already did a comic book treatment, it's called Fruitvale Station.
The White Cause.. ...avg know that irritating buzz re Black Panther, other nigshit the media never stop's not going away. It will continue to get louder and louder until there is nothing else.

February 13, 2018:

Comic books AND niggers?? Where do I not sign.
How do you talk against violence when you see King Jew George Soros say repeatedly, in public sheets, that he is paying niggers to destroy white society? And nothing happens to him? Serious politics is violence. Voting is for times of peace. We are not in a time of peace when people like Soros talk like they do. They have declared war on our race and our kind.
People talk about larping as Nazis but larping as Southerners is 100x bigger problem. Real Southerners, like Andrew Jackson, would have killed their enemies, not held rallies. Is that too high a standard?  Is it not reality's standard?
I actually saw some all-AmeriKwan doofus go up to old guy in military baseball hat and say "thank you for your service."  This country.  If you don't worship Master Yidley's biped service animals you're like a non-podder in Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Notice how green niggers are just like blacks: no one ever loves and cares about them enough. Hey fuckers: YOURE NOT ADULTS. We spend nearly a trillion on you losers every single year. YOU DONT DEFEND US. YOU STEAL FROM US.
You ever notice that no crime these days has any weight - except opposing The System.
Not talking about what actually not a success strategy. Believing that X writer or pol is "really" on your side when you can actually find 15 quotes from same OVERTLY denouncing your WN not a success strategy.
Christian whiteskin military members are as willing to accept responsibility for their behavior and choices as niggers.
No more codes. No more proxies. Let that be the real win from age o' Trump. You're either White/anti-jew or anti-White. No one is "secretly" or "really" on our side.
The working class should be redefined to mean whites who work for private employers.
correct view of Trump in this with Griffin, Hovater, Heimbach
It's mere factual honesty to point out - jews are nothing but liars and murderers - christians are nothing but jew-servile anti-intellectual cowards and weaklings
Whenever the difference between White positions and controlled conservative positions is glossed over, who wins?  Well, just look at what Trump administration actually does.  Discrimination and polarization are White friends. Glossing over and all the 'chess' bullshit is unpardonable effeminacy - and good for jews.

February 10, 2018:

this is a documentary about feral urchins in oz
the catholic way of arguing (note similarity to jew way): bleat and repeat. assert only, never answer obvious counters - but do have pocket smears ready for them, apply liberally. it's actually the same as the jewish way of arguing, in that it's essentially dishonest. the chief difference is in tone/delivery
you have to realize...the vast majority of things that happen never appear in newspapers
A libertarian summed it up long ago: crime is a scam.  You can infer from that that policing is a scam. The criminal element can be identified and wiped out - if we wanted to eliminate crime as an occupation (there will always be random actors).  Instead, we catch and release career criminals and criminalize aint-crimes. This serves the (((state))).
Seen two perp walks in my town (from court to jail or something) as was driving around: 1) nigger, mexican, platinum-haired she-whiteskin, white man 2) nigger, white man My town is 90% white.
We have muslims in our countries because we have jews running our countries And you christians who hate muslims, as you kind of worship jews? Maybe you're stupid and wrong to worship jews? No, that couldn't be it.
You gotta remember - even Germany 'the most educated' was still basically a giant herd of simps. Hitler had to smack them with dunce-level troot to get them acting in their own self-interest, even when their very survival was at stake.
Does christianity encourage whites to notice differences between people? It does not. Why get caught up in ear conformation differences, that's gonad essentialism. What matters here is worshipping da jebus. He died for our sins. Did you know that? Why, friend, it's the most important thing that ever happened.
Whites are the race that takes things at face value.  Says this in different terms in Protocols. Whites are easily fobbed off with mere words. They don't watch to see the behavior doesn't track.
Christianity where I live:  - works with africans/sudocos invaders - muh israel - look you blank if you essay any discootzione over dr seuss level - are very nice helpful people (no irony) This is the base material for a revolution? No. This is the population that things happen to, and they, like cows, kind of moo and shy the way they're directed.
Christian radio is all over the dial because christianity is good for whites. Does this compute comply and jibe with everything else we know? It's not for me for me to say, but no. It does not.
a good basis for defending your race is the belief that God created your enemies and filled them not with donut jelly but with imperishable souls of inestimable value
Worshipping an imaginary jew is "good for whites."  No, no, Chet. You're not insane.
Sicut Judeis Non protects jews - in the name of protecting christians! In other words it's perfect and typical jewish gaslighting, and whitesuckers who think they're redpilled support it (even though  most of these simps have never even heard of it). Christianity endangers whites. By its very existence and doctrines. Christianity is anti-White. Fact.
Jew-asslicking is what xtianity does.
The Old South licked jew ass just like the New South. Fact, dog.
Negroes were created by a mad white sciencist named Bologni (bo-LOG-knee) in a little known portion of Italy called Tratturgia. The experiment failed; instead of the special dark race of 'mahogs' he intended, he produced something akin to an ambulant cat turd. Do not doubt me. The science is incredibly strong.
"The science is incredibly sound." Funniest thing you'll read all week.  English 101 The science is sound. The science is incredibly sound. Which statement is stronger? Hint: The science is incredibly sound, I mean like Superman strong.
bespoke (((science)))
People are imitative. Their lack of imagination is > lack of intelligence. They see something in front of them, it inspires them. A greed for glory cycle in taking out or enemies - it sure works for Muslims, doesn't it? It can work for us. The jew will always be a calculator operating all sides from the shade - until we counter-exterminate him.
The legal system is a proxy for violence. If there's no ability to leverage violence by one side, guess who wins all the decisions? It's the same with voting. Which is also a proxy for violence. Violence is the way forward.
Merkel and Soros, for just two examples, should have been killed years ago.  If you're young, I get that all this social media & news feels like it's building to something.
The Bible has poisoned our people. The Bible was written by jews. Every. Single. Time. doesn't apply, though. Why, I can't say.
Violence is the way forward. It has been for some time, we just want to pretend otherwise. We should face it. It's time to start killing the enemy. We set a ticking clock on our racial future when we stopped killing judges for abandoning the law to pursue anti-White agendas.
Muslims are the 'broom of Israel' says a rabbi. They will do the dirty work of destroying white lands, setting the stage for jewish global tyranny.
Jan, Alfred Schaefer and I discuss things. If you want to grasp the context of all this...

February 04, 2018:

Jews must be exterminated, same for those who serve them. Christianity is anti-White. #TeamWhite

February 02, 2018:
Funny how it's ok to shed giant greasy tears about burmese piethons eating the delicious everglades, and its okay to import texans and humans to convert them into saucy boots and handbags, but nary an eye is blinked when someone imports a larval niggleton from Ethiopia. That will lay waste to entire cities. How do niglet adopters not fall under exotics bans?
Only you can prevent forest fires and suicide. Especially suicide.
"No one ever had his face ripped off by a pet rock." --Dolores Milken, Campaign to End Private Monkey Ownership
you know the jews are going to jew jewily you know the nigs are going to nig niggily itz up to you to  WHITE WHITEILY

January 31, 2018:

Cathedrals are inverted toilets, to drain our spiritual wastes into the Great Sky Tank.
Cathedrals teach us that faith in engineering will be rewarded.
How do you write (((Jons))) so well? I think of a John. And then I remove honesty and add a lump to the nose.
Catholics invented science. They cleverly figured out this magical being arose by unknown means out of nowhere and created everything out of nothing. He gave the world an all-pervading order that works in mysterious ways. THIS IS NICE.
"“I guess it’s always been a case of… if I know I can’t do something, then I want to do it. And that all started because I was scared of heights.”
greed for glory... not this pussy-ass "we habs muh rite to xist" godpule. no you have right to EXIT
if christians didnt get off on being beaten and abused, would jesus be their hero? and if that's true, how do you appeal to people who are essentially psychosexual perverts in the sadomasochistic vein? by being respectful?  SMELL MUH LOGIC, OH YE OF LITTLER BASE
conservatives like being whipped and abused. did you catch sugartits jesus in that mel gibson number. yeah jews were jewing on the sadocrit. but don't kid yourself that's not part of it. IT ME THE PRETTY VICTIM. jizzus = pizza rat the first.  you should beat the christ-cons because it's indicated, it's effective, and -- u said u wanted to appeal to them -- well?
the media is a tool for intimidating people strongarm for the powers that be
your enemies make you, thru submission (christianity) or resistance (white nationalism)
christ the virgin chad
just stand back from the christ on the cross figure.  doesn't he look like a pathetic fag?
You should see that race doesnt end at borders. There are intraracial differences too. The type of whites who work for the government and need its services will make our kind more niggerlike as the decades pass. You can see this. It's why I continually point out, big government is inherently anti-white.
Understand too that we talk race here because it cant be talked about elsewhere. But this country is a giant nasty bloody snot. Everything is wrapped up in one breath-blocking gunkchunk. The proles are in the army. The bourgs are in the defense contractors. This ship is going down. It's not just race, hell of a lot of whiteskins are tied to Bad Ship Poppycock.
Who is enslaved by the current System? White men who work. Who has no benefit in the continued existence of the United States? White men who work. White men, in the USA of 2018, have no function other than performing as tax slaves who are the butt of unwarranted ridicule in the media and other public institutions.
And the conservatives and clowns under fake names will settle in among you, and suck suck suck you. Some get rich off the System - the Clintons, jew Goldman Sachsers, the burocrats, the client classes. Some get rich opposing the System, always on superficial matters. Truly, democratic politics is niggerball by other means.
There are tens of millions of angry, legitimately angry, people out there. most but not all of them white men who work for a living. Conservatism is a way of making money off those people without every changing anything that makes them angry. If you want a baby, you don't go to a prostitute like Ann Coulter.
could you get more respectable than Charles Lindbergh? wouldnt he be, like, the acme of respectability and all the other good traits? how was he treated by the media after he criticized jews in Des Moines? it's a rigged game. that you refuse to accept that is a comment on your character. you're a delusional fool, a liar, a coward or parts of all three.
why do feminists get good treatment in the media Joe Dockers says, it's because they're so presentable. they speak so reasonably if we just copy their style tips and way of arguing, we will get good treatment too
for you pokes of slowness... my point is...for you to think...IS nehlen being treated with respect in the (((mass media)))?  i dont watch it, i just watch others' reactions here. cuz if Nehlen's NOT being treated with respect, that would tend to falsify the theory of respectability and presentation
The reason Nehlen is being treated with respect in the media, even when he makes anti-jew arguments, is simple: he's presentable.
The debates we have now, or that make up most of what I read on here, they're great. They're wholly appropriate and might even have made a real difference back when they were decided, say around 1975.
The thing about violence is, the dead can't be brought back to life. A dead liar stops lying. A dead rapist rapes no more. A dead warmonger mongers no wars. A dead murderer can't kill more people. Because he's dead.  Death is like soil to the jew - it can't be tricked. There's no way to gaslight it. A dead kike can't collect any more imaginary hocaust/real benefits.
Agents of the opposition, under cover, will always tell you it was something YOU did that caused your cause to fail. It is not so.  Our cause's failure is 100% due to enemy action. The urge to blame oneself where one is objectively not to blame comes from that christian-conservative mentality we can't seem to escape. But must.
See how Nehlen gets treated? Is he not an attractive man? Is he not successful?  Then by the theory of many on here, he should be doing really well - not shit on the same way the lowliest Holllywood nazis is. Right? How does reality treat your theory, mr scientist?  But they never make the connection because it's a faith, not a theory. An unexamined false belief.
Get this, Digby. No one cares about your marvelous personality. Jews operate their politics quite impersonally. Suave, natty you won't win them over with your clean nails, polite eyes and calm address. "People - there aren't any REAL real differences between them." -- is this not the message of christianity? is it not anti-White?
The problem with American Nationalism as a legit proxy for white nationalism is not that it's factually wrong, it's factually correct, but that so many people who actually understand our system and have been in it and would change it feel like vomiting when they see an American flag. A billion Rusty Limbaugh fans will never add up to genuine political change.
AmeriKwa is nothing but tattoos and taboos.
Even the debate over hollywood nazis is neo-retro bullshit. I was there. The alt-right is actually more presentable. And yes, that is an improvement. But it makes no difference how they're treated. it's just an improvement in itself. Which is good. But when people like Ricky Vaughn say Spencer fails because his people arent presentable, that's flat wrong.
Joe Dockers thinks everything is a matter of presentation. Not so. Are the people who actually get the favorable treatment you falsely imagine you can if you switch from pleats to flat front - are they all that presentable? The blacks? the jews? the queers? the feminists? They GET that good treatment, while coiffed well scrubbed you gets coffee in the face.
Older people (i'm 51) can only tell you younger is that there is nothing new under the sun. this particularly pertains to elections and Muh Current Year's Big Hopes. the false right always talks one way, deliver  the other. it's a System. It (((works))).  From Nixon to Reagan to Bushes to Trump. When you're 25, easy to think This Is New. Not when you're 50.
what is christianity but spiritual democracy?  who's to say that aborted pail nigger is just as good and valid as you are? "God," says the christian
jews excrete christianity and democracy to mud out your natural brain signals, which say: enemy - kill it. that is the honest white brain's unimpeded response to both blacks and jews
some of these election cycles may seem cool and different but in the end you'll notice nothing ever really changes always moving away from whiteness toward jewnicity Violence alone changes things in situation like ours. Brainful violence.

January 30, 2018:
The people think the leaders are stupid and the leaders think the people are stupid. Can you figure out who's right?
psychiatry is a jewish scam for people who don't prefer the other one (jesus).
yeah and they don't like called little people any longer, they're now center cuts

January 29, 2018:

Buchanan said he never questioned the faith of his fathers. Maybe that's why he's spent his whole career describing the decline of the west.  Christianity doesn't stand up to inspection.
funny how bodily health, strength, happiness, right-wing ideas all run together alt-right = just plain right, across a wide spectrum of life-things
We're in a golden age for deceitful women and criminal niggers. But I use too many adjectives.

January 28, 2018:

You can't spell USA with ese. Keep that in mind you dirty racists.
how do you know you're in a christian country? there's no pride, no honor, no intellectual integrity to be appealed to in The People.  i do not theorize. i have shamed 1 xtian in 20 years - paul craig roberts the rest - as well tell oatmeal to stand up for itself. it's not in the thing
This Sunday, we should all pay heed to the first formulation of #Fingerism. Does your finger bend when you tell it?  Then what need have ye of gods?
i'm rictusing as hard as i can only good thought in this head! !! !!! dont fire me! i smell fantastic! only legit thoughts get admitted to this safe, non-toxic noggclub by doorman Porterhouse Eggplant Jefferson
while christians are off a-culting, bellowing useless prayers into the ether, i will heave mine. people of tit: do not coat and infect your cuticle with inks of dubious provenance. your skin is a sex organ. let it do its job. dont hide the white. let your glorious hue resplend unhindered.
White people have a right to dance. Only white people can dance like white people. White people have a right to exist. And dance. Especially dance.
whiteskins don't love their kids, they love respectability and money
govt schools are "failing" immigration policy is "failing" or, the people actually running things, whoever they actually are, don't intend the same results brilliant you do. maybe they are succeeding by their aims and lights. yes? yes.
whites will do nothing but go backwards until they destroy jews. everybody out there sees symptoms, but few fight the disease. because their xtian ideology (in link below) prevents them from even trying to look thru the racial lens the lens that gives the only 100% clear view

January 27, 2018:

nature abhors homosexuality. well, let's see... they cant breed. but they're always around, fagging it up would be easier to argue nature has given them magical powers
Funny as hell to hear a grown man in public admitting on camera that he believes Jesus was born from a virgin mother. Notice they always say "as a Christian..." they damn sure don't want to take that on themselves because deep within where they're still white...they know the truth. And they're in smallest particle ashamed. As they should be.
he could talk about imaginary beings with a straight face, and aint that the proper measure of any religious man?
just keep being the only real alternative. eventually people will see that. won't hurt to state it explicitly. and chip away at the fakes relentlessly, fanatically
Inferiority bridles at the making of any distinction. Sharp crooks (jews and whiteskins clintons) know this and use this. White men of property and character are the only fit subset to lead the white race - Whites who value white-groupness AND their personal freedom and individuality.
There are Americans and in-Americans. Know the difference.
a MAN is something that builds a giant dam. or writes a thoroughly researched 400-page book.
man. now that sounds like something. awesome. stripped down. ready for massive works.
do you think a gorilla would tolerate being called a 'guy'? no. no he wouldnt. gorilla would think, i'm a gorilla. that's something. big, powerful, leaf-eating, nest-making motherfucker. not a 'guy.'  so why do we man-s tolerate being called 'guy.'
really, Jackio Dorsey and Anders Woodsman Torba are the perfect reps of the soygoy vs ahoygoy roadsplit
it's probably less nigs are likelier to be queer than niggers are simply more indiscriminate pussy, asshole, watermelon, soft all good
gay niggers...they're not just for outer space  #McWesson
funny how unclever insults couple naturally with nonexistent arguments. like they're made for each other. get on your knees and blow your jeboo, young dubiously sexed peabrains
99% of species that ever existed on earth are extinct.  There is no right to exist.
Christianity isn't something good that turned bad. It's something bad that turned worse.
Jews subverted the white race with christianity. Christianity is the subversion.
There wouldn't be any racial divide if it weren't for that gosh darn jew Soros. -- E. Michael Jones -- radio-listenin' patriotards Cuz if there's one thing races do naturally, it's get along.
Two false yet common beliefs among pro-Whites 1) idea you can combine christianity with racialism  2) idea that holocast can/should be stepped over (ignored)
The obvious, natural and indictated thing is to exterminate the jews, for same reason we get rid of rabid dogs. Why haven't we done that? Simple answer: we listened to the jesus cult. Which has promoted the jew-protecting doctrine of Sicut Judaeis Non for 1500 years now. "how's that working out for us, white mans"?

January 25, 2018:

See...yr not as smart as you think you are. You're as smart as I think you are.  As you move thru life, I am sure you will find many suitable occasions for this.  Trying to think if I would hire Nicholson or Sean Penn as deliveryman.
video i'm referring to
E. Michael Jones says some stupid stuff. Unless jew soros is funing alt-right, because you need two to tango. and you need counterpart to black lives matter.  catholic premise similar to patriotard: races natural get along. oligarchs create racial strife to hide the real battle: oligarchs vs The People #NotBuyingIt

January 21, 2018:

Whites don't even agree on their value of their race. White nationalism is for whites who see and hate and will fight the racial enemy. It's for whites who value their race. Yet even within that subset there is no agreement on sub-politics, economics, etc. WN's supposed weakness is actually its strength. Simple. Clear. Desirable. Like a tit without a tattoo.
If you think christianity binds whites, read Fox's Book of Martyrs. What christianity always has done, from day one, is splinter. Why does it schism endlessly, within and between sects? Because it isn't based on anything true and solid. It's based on lies and opinions, which vary. Anyone can depute himself to flack for God. It's white xtian's favorite sport
Which is it, guys? Is 19,000,000 extra niggers in America bad? Or is abortion bad? You can't eat your nigger and have it too.
This is what I mean: Heimbach and Parrott refuse to face up to the basket and take an honest shot. You can't be universalist AND a racialist. It's fundamentally dishonest, and no glib buillshit can change that. It's BAD for whites if those 19,000,000 aborted niggers existed. That's the blunt fact, and Heimback and Parrott must run from it. One or the other.
Heimbach et al. protesting abortion. They're already larping as eastern euro christ dopes, now they're one step from catholicism & lamenting the lost 19,000,000 niggers we'd be enjoying were it not for the 'procedure.' This in the name of racialism?
When people see 'nature' they think Beautiful Mountain Lake. They don't think monstrously horribly painful cloud of biting black flies. They're both nature.
vinegar is the liquid form of duct tape
it really tugs at your heart dont it. that poor young photoshoppedly longlegged bride a-sobbin' on the grave. poor dead jordycody. all he ever wanted was to kill innocent men in faraway lands for pay. yet it cost him his life! unfair to bears.
so i just made sound effects as i walked around normally. you know, all accorded with nature, gravity-obeying style. yeah dog.
i WAS going to walk like the man on the moon today, but i thought, oh hell, it's probably wiser to live in accord with nature and obey her law of gravity
"i love nature" = you dont know what nature is. or love.
"we should live in accordance with nature's laws" is stupid. it's tautology. there is no choice. there are no rights or choices, just abilities and preferences and decisions. 'Nature' is just another 'god' - something everyone puts words in the mouth of see, make it specific: "i choose to live in accord with the law of gravity" - do you see how dumb that is?
i have nothing against retards, they didnt ask for it.  but people who elevate retards are even more defective than the retards themselves. the christians are 100% guilty here. they are sicko degenerates, literally fans of dysgenics
christianity for the white trash, Aryanism for white class
can you imagine a better occupation than singing obnoxious, funny songs to deserving brat-parents?
Whites are done with christianity. It will linger with the dregs, with those who crossbreed because they truly dont see a difference between themselves and niggers, and with enough time there won't be. But for the valuable Whites the doors are clearly marked, and we're taking them.
my dream to be the first normie-heighted Oompa Loompa REMAINS IN PLAY.
a cunt at a conference table invents a lie (WMD in iraq!) nyt repeats it history books record it goy halfheads learn it in pubic school it becomes common wisdom, that can be referred to itz the Circle of Kike!
The Oompa Loompas are holding tryouts in K.C. This is my big chance! TTYL
i'll go blood with you, but not soil
We operate by aesthetics. Which lead us to prefer these to those, in morals, food, decorations, etc. Nature/God are concepts for idiots.
women understand everything and nothing. you have to be very, very careful in dealing with them, you can bet your life on that
A human without balls -- the christian ideal -- isnt a man, just as music without balls isn't music but Muzak. And paintings without balls are paintings of light. And wolves without balls are dogs. And tigers without balls are cats. What chirst-lunacy calls civilization is actually domestication. Next stop veal stall.
Christians have erected willful stupidity, servility and cowardice into ideals. Christians are spirit-queers. Race-queers too.
God is love. That's why he created a nature based on steel cage death matches, and a 'human nature' that makes acting like a clinton the way to the top.
the middle east (ie near east before took on airs), levant whatever you call it is good for one thing. oil. you'll notice that 'religions' forms no part of 'oil.'
Hy-Vee keeps asking me if I found everything. "Well, I found the bananas."  They goofy smile at me. "You're not hiding them, right?" In twenty years if my spleens are still in- and egressing I'm going to be One Of Those.  #KillMeNow
as the only white man on earth who can actually think, you can imagine how painful everyday life in this miserablist of all jewtopias is for me #ShareMyPain
i wish i could commission dead jim croce to write a song about killing npr jews for spreading fake news
another great movie line, relevant: "I didn't sell out, son, I...bought in." perfectly acted by chris macdonald, kind of looks away then nods in pseudo-security in SLC Punk #TopCuck
another great croce song, box #10
i'm trying to think if out of a thousand overheard women's conversations i can think of a single one in which something interesting, speculative, philosophical was discussed. i dont think so. it's always something mundane or about people and their motivations. women are built to manipulate men. they need enough brains for that, no more
they dont make niggers like the commodores any more
Twitter's true symbol isnt a cheery blue bird but a purple Kaposi sarcoma
tradition is nothing if not blind - but blind tradtion is nothing thinking is what a man is, if not then we are animals. it's odd and senseless that christians take the greatest umbrage at the notion men are animals when they advocate animalistic traditionalism
and my white man kicks are quit enough for me!* *do you recognize my allusion, ye unignorant few?
oh i'm getting my white man kix not on route 66 but on Gab where a white man (even) can speak comparatively freely Good job, Torba. Those who say Slavs are nothing but semi-obsolete mining equipment are incompletely right, yr proving it daily!
Women get value from their appendanges, which must be seen to be appreciated. So they circulate. And since their appendages increase in value when bouncing, they must be active, energetic, moving. Then they obtain maximum value from themselves, acquring an owner. Reflection is a male thing.
Some people can find grist forever from a a very small bit of experience, and Emily Dickinson was one of these.
Schopenhauer battled his mother and sister. He said something like my books will be around long after yours, and she said yeah, still on the shelves.
No man ever stopped a woman from thinking. Or had to.
My name is Xylem Guthrine. Woody's illegit son. Yes, my father was a famous singer, my mother a peregrine falcone. Nothing but talent and a ten-cent piece in muh pocket to commend me. For year I've roamed the northeastern square of America's finest state, playing simple song of harmony and discord on my banjo and well spooned knee.
Well the South it sucks The North is worse The east is simply crud and the west it could be best you know but's filled with score -- pee -- yuns LIFE IS CRUSTY HERE IN NEMO WHERE THE BOOLAGONGS RUN FREE YES LIFE IS HEAV'N IN NEMO  BECAUSE IT IS GODS COUNTREEEEEE
Here's traditionalism, another perfect example of how it really isn't much. Ask a woman how to bake a chicken. She will tell you to put it at 350.  But if you bake it at 450, it will come out much better.  Woman will never experiment, for they are mentally inert, just blind pattern repeaters. Men are the actual humans. Traditionalism is effeminacy.
Religion is a vice, akin to lottery tickets. It appeals to old people and the poor. Healthy people don't worry about it.
Reality? Yeah...I'm gonna need something spicier.
pleasant negroes, crooning
Jews are a zit, but it's not a zit, it's a zit that sits atop a legit carbuncle, and the Big Pus is christianity. So help me motherfucking god we're going to pop this motherfucker and drain you retards of your life-denying juice.
The Catholic church's policy for 1500 years has been Sicut Judaeis Non, the pig in the center of that luau being: DONT HARM THE JEWS. And you whelplets tell me jews "fear" this?  Go find a roadkill possum and trade brains but quit molesting me with your ignorant stupidity.
Jews despise christinsanity because it's puerile and stupid - and they have to live among these people, even to dominate them. They know christ doctrines are pablum for retarded goyim. They don't "fear" christianity, they laugh and spit at it. It's for mental children. Whereas they are adults. What is there to fear in Sicut Judaeis Non? Not a goddam thing.
If jews have a pathological hatred of christ buffoonery, as so many of you halfheads tell me, than how would you characterize their attitude toward nazism?
The problem with jews is racial. It's what they are. Which the church expressly denies. Leaving jews lingering as a social menace, so that in time they take over. Oh wait. That already happened. And you morons can't see it AFTER THE FACT. What are we, Polish? Is this Iowa?
Wilbur Wright attended a prestigious online college, where he acquired his aeronautics degree in his off hours from bicycle shop job.
God wants us to kill all the jews. Or them us. Either way. #Nature
"White America? That doesn't work for me." --Emma Lazarus and every jew ever
you cant make poor people rich by giving them money. that's as true of whites as of blacks
jew privilege is nothing you say is true honest accurate or even merely sane -- yet's it's published quite literally everywhere around the globe
danny elfman is rereleasing a new "I Love Little Girls" wow timing much danny
there is no better example of privilege than this jew horseshit about russian election influence. the flat earthers have a better case. yet the russian shit is published in every hamlet from coast to coast. that is #JewPrivilege and nothing but
"When I got to Ann Arbor it was boom, boom, boom! I had what it takes." -- Ted Bundy
Oscar Wilde was banned from Twitter for tweeting of women: "If only we could fall into their arms without falling into their hands."
i was honestly afraid trigglypoof's arm hams were going to break free and kill somebody
it's funny how being skinny track with obnoxious while  being fat tracks with being genial or jolly is that true? im not sure. thought inspired by james woods. i like skinny angry people. fat angry people are merely absurd. except for trigglypoof. she's a museum piece
Once I had this cat named Fat Marlon, after the actor. I would grab a square foot of his stomach and ragdoll him around the wood floor like a cheap fat squiffy. "You'll never amount to anything!" I'd scream at him. I got that from Great Santini. Cats need tough love. Not just physical, but mental. They thrive on it.
how can i act like something im not?  and why must i? am i invalid? unlike the rest of you, i sniffed my armpit and guess what FUCKING VALID MAN. so i will dance as I SEE FIT TO THE TUNE MARROW CALLED IN MY BRAINSTEAD
in an age of rictus tyranny almost everything outdoors is absurd, and there is no better way to fight back than with a ridiculously dead raccoon on your head posing as hairdo you see that scene in clifford where martin short is pretending to be a 12-year-old pretending to be a human boy. that is the best bit o' satire i've ever seen and hits a deeper note than Wagner
when i see hair like traficante's it just makes me happy to be alive. i just like to think of him looking in the mirror. "oh yeah jim. you got the goods." then maybe winking and firing a finger gun and pimp shuffling out the door.
Trafficante's hair is a truly delicious comment on appearances. it's doing with style -- with HAIR -- what we do with writing. he's trolling. like tom green does in that hilarious scene where he's wearing business suit backward with briefcase in mirror, to his pissed off dad.  life is an UNDECLARED AMATEUR MUSICAL. you have to enjoy where you can.
something about a crazy hairdo makes a man lovable, endearing. this is a deep truth. you can't hate someone who makes you laugh. no one can have hair like wally george -- or king of this hill, james trafficante, god rest his soul -- and not be loved, regardless of politics
please note that when i use groovy, it's non-ironic-retro. i am X not the genero you all hate so much. i missed that by two years. i was on the tit when 'groovy' was nuovo estilo uomo, if my pig-italian isn't tooo inaccurate
i used to watch Wally George! that guy was crazy! he was like a proto Alex Jones but less dishonest and more skinny i used to watch that wacko IRC who had the hot daughter. or was that wally? my brain is growing liver spots. i think it was wally morton downey JR. not like robert. very different. tho both are groovy.
i used to have a KTV when i was in college. it was black and white and groovy. it only cost me $60! i used to watch keith olbermann. he did local sports in So Cal. he was good! you might not believe this, but it's true. i was there!
the worst thing about flat screens is you can't curse and bang them upside the head. that's some OLD SCHOOL teeveein'. funny thing is, it often worked no, these new school flatties are fragile as a feminist's feelings /exiting country-slicker mode
i want ALL OF YOU to bring your trailers up close to my fire. I'm gonna bang your doublewides together until the sense juice starts flowing
if i did something once...and then had to do it 108 more times. maybe it's just me. but i'd start wondering iffen i wasn't doing something maybe exactly 100% precisely right.  probably just me.
no, no marse, don't throw me in the briar patch. anything but that! That's exactly what Sicut Judaeis Non is.
you cut the gordian knot by simply counter-exterminating jews. it's judeo-catholic tomfoolery, the 1500-year-old Sicut Judaeis Non - all that does is give jews free reign to keep taking shots at White society until they control it. which is where they are now.  Catholicism is the best thing that ever happened to jews.  Christianity is inherently anti-white
jews destroyed black nationalism by destroying its main independent figure, marcus garvey, then coopting it. turing its orientation to so-called civil rights. then bringing back BN decades later as a tool for threatening whitey dont think jews wont produce, coopt, destroy white men/WNationalism too. jews have no new tricks, just fresh dupes & victims
the body of christ. let's just say it's not bikini ready
we want a strong racial state - made of strong individuals. the two work together. as jews, yes, show.  we understand ourselves, we value ourselves, we protect ourselves. then follows we raise our LCD among ourselves - we become unstoppable.  do you truly not see how xtianity prevents that by confusing us about who "us" are?
what makes for a stronger individual is progenic. or eugenic as normally called. what libertarians advise is pro-strong-men. that way of thinking nests naturally within a racial shell. strong individuals make a strong society, but men are so made they flourish among their own. that's reality no ideology can gainsay.
subsidizing lousy behavior, as our current system does across the board, and as some white racial socialists would do, is anti-racial in that it is dysgenic. if you subsidize defectives, you make more of them. that is bad for our race or any race. if you're in racialism, you should be racial and race-ist. what's good for the race
funny...i've never met a nazi who tried to ban me. the only rightists who ban people are the jew-dupes who call themselves conservatives when they are actually judeo-liberals/right. and CI halfheads
the SYSTEM we have now is a problem - not just who's running it.  just as the problem with christianity isn't this or that iteration of it but the THING ITSELF
you know what's anti-racial? subsidizing shit behavior. in whiteskins. if that's what you mean by white socialism, you're only degrees better than a real nigger. but you're the same essential kind
white socialism? not if you mean by that THE SYSTEM WE HAVE NOW WITH UNDARK NIGGERS substituted for the real thing
get off my lawn is the only defensible political position. it accords with sense, honor, dignity and solid principles of verdure maintenance
worst types of people 1) college administrators 1a) journalists 2) gyspies working driveway sealant scams 3) real estate agents
the catholics seem to argue that homory is like cannibalism. the savage eats the enemy, thinks he imbibes his strength with his heart and brain meat. the fag things he imbibes masculinity from mancum
In the olden days, manners alone could mean that, if I liked to go blowabout of an evening; hop in my Datsun and meet a lovely Ken at the local rest stop for some huff n puff, yet I didn't mention to the wife, let alone parade down the middle of the street in pasties bellowing like a colicky mule.  There's a way to be, folks. Being an open public not the way.
Do you understand how it used to be? Faggotry was around. But it was a behavior indulged in by a few, not an identity. That was manufactured by media jews, just as Fahrtsome-Kleiniger might develop a new commiedropper.
Christ-lunacy is a jewish production, just like inbred redneck persona, sportsball fannery, Faggotry, drag queens, professional conservatives.
The Southern conservative religious mindset cannot defeat the jew. The jew can only be beaten by people who are fanatical and intellectual. In fact, so far from defeating the jew, the Southern religious mindset always admired the jew, from the start of the US. In fact, it worshipped him right up through Leo Frank's PROSECUTOR'S closing remarks. #TrueStory
What is a jew? It's a self-serving liar, bound into a clan of thieves. That's its culture and mindset. It is a danger to humans, and should be eliminated physically where encountered. That's how it's historical behavior shows other races (not just whites) would be wise to treat it. Otherwise they risk being enslaved by it, sexually and financially.
Jews can trust jews more than christians can trust christians.  What is a jew? The world knows, if it pays attention. What is a christian? Someone who tends to be not very smart, not very good looking, not very strong. A meh-minus. If christianity is the best whites can do, the racial cause is a waste of time.  But it's not. That's the pt: escape from the Semitery.
Every policy that negatively affects white people was created by jews. Go ahead and try to disprove that.
the richest, most successful jews in the US not merely supported but LED A CAMPAIGN to defend, protect, release/restore good name of one of their own WHOM THEY KNEW to be a pedophile, a rapist and a murderer. #LeoFrank that's who the tribe is: all for one, one for all liars. they are a very real threat to the continued existence of our race.  Truth from #TeamWhite
it is essential to attack conservatives, and christians it is essential to mock ceaselessly the big lie called holocaust a lot of people legitimately on our side disagree. they are wrong.
so history will record that russians tried to influence our election - because it was so lied by jew journalists, will be copied by jew academics, also liars. history over time, in land dominated by jews, becomes completely falsified thereby. history under jews is impacted lies. the stupid goy doesn't know up from down. that's where we are today.
Calling yourself a skeptic but believing the holocaust. Ah...people...they're the clown show that never goes out of business.
Alex Linder1 second ago Carrier should dare to investigate the holocaust. After all, no one's thrown in jail for doubting christianity today. All kinds of people are throw in jail for disproving the holocaust.
Points against Carrier. Voice cracks an odd amount of times. What are you, sixteen? Reliance on 'peer-review.' We know what kind makes the peerage these days. Does not instill confidence.

January 20, 2018:

You can be an elephant or a beaver. Not both. There is no elebeaver.
You should look at christ the way I certainly hope you look at drag queens. With a curled lip of disgust at this jewish garbage for whiteskin retardates.
If it aint funny, it aint White. We are the race that laughs.  Christianity tried to turn our kind into lugubrious boobs, fit only to be subject to jews and their lubricious tube for lugubrious boobs who enjoy lascivious boobs and meretricious news. Fuck them. Up with us. Everything we need to know was figured out in Greece long ago.
Christians calling themselves Original Sinners is like some nigger calling himself an O.G. Nah, you two-bit chumps are simps and scrotes. Sinning is above your pay grade.
Jews are liars. Whites are morons. That, my little friends, is the bottom line.
Humorlessness of the bible + sleaziness (Harvey Weinstein fits comfortable into fiction that is Genesis) + lying = the bible is jewisher than a platter of bagels.
Holy shit, someone made my point, which i've made for years.  "Another marker or myth is a complete lack of expression of any humor. Life least partly...humorous. Why do none of the historians note this fact?"
Jews should never granted the benefit of doubt for they have earned the opposite.
Not being defensive doesn't guarantee you're right, but being defensive almost guarantees you're wrong. If you're honest about your feelings, and you explore why you feel defensive. It's always because you have a weak spot.  Do you cry when people laugh at your beliefs? Then you're a woman or you're wrong.
I don't know man...the weather report really seems to match what's going on today. It's almost spooky.
Christian history is as bogus and self serving as jewish history.
Listen to Carrier and... from our perspective, the one you probably share with me...after a few hours it's undenable: xtianity must be regarded exactly as judaism, which it after all springs from : not a single assertion made by the christian church can be believed until is proved true.  Makes sense. Christianity is of the jew.  Every. Single. Time.
Hi, I'm a jew. We jews hate you whites and the beautiful country you built. We're going to destroy it by importing coloreds. We don't care what you think or how you vote. That's what's going on. No, your church won't tell you. Or your politicians. They're with us. We own them!  Good luck and please die soon! --Big Jew
Jews reduce their enemies to 'hate.' Aryans reduce their enemy to jews. Equally simple. And recapitulates the fundamental difference between the noble race and the race of The Lie.
Like, I could show you a sliced out picture and say this is Hieronymous Bosch. Aren't those some lovely flowers? But I dont tell you they're sticking out of some guy's ass! That's what the painting actually shows.
An effective way of lying is to tell people a portion of the truth, then abuse anyone who points out what you're not disclosing. Very common technique. Because everything the liar tells you is factually true. It's just that part-truth amounts to a lie when the full picture shows something very different.
For christianity to be true, multiple men had to come back from the dead. What do you think the odds on that are?
A bourgeois is the type that says: well i dont really go in for jew-blaming explanations. Like reality is just another option for big boy to pick and choose among.
Jews are the enemy. All the bad things come from jews. Jews must be exterminated, since they're trying to kill us. That's our message to our race.  "Come with us if you want to live."
Jews feed of the normal white majority to grow the institutions and develop the discolored leaches that destroy that majority.
If christianity were pro-white, who would have realized it? Hitler. Hitler is the answer. He knew history, and he knew the church he was raised in. And he knew it COULD NOT handle what needed to be done. It was not the vehicle. In fact, it worked against him. And don't quote Table Talk, that book is bogus.
Understanding women's psychology and sexual biology is separate from the uses to which that knowledge may be put. Jews know what will happen if you 'empower' negroes, just as they know the same for women. And queers. They fashion these tools for use in destroying white families, neighborhoods and ultimately nations.
It's interesting how tetchy MGTOW get when you mention that Wimmen, Inc., aka Big Tit, is run by jews. Just like Black, Inc. Alien, Inc and Queer, Inc.
"You can't trick the soil. You can fool the farmer." --Jewish adage
Christianity is the religious equivalent of Gavin McInnes.
In my opinion, one mistake both Hitler and Pierce made was not taking Christianity seriously enough as a threat to Whites and rival to White Nationalism, our cause. I aim to rectify that mistake.
If the xtians believed their own bullshit about heaven and jesus and the like, they wouldn't suck up to jews. They'd fear eternal hellfire for bowing and scraping and serving those who murdered their lord.  But in fact xtians are like me: they know their cult is based on lies and bullshit.
Me: "The Constitution says I have free association." TPTB: "You don't." Me: "But it's written there on the paper." TPTB: "Yes, it is." Me: (Slowly realizing I'm the stapler guy in office space.) Do ya see, muh peeple? Do ya see?
How to talk like a man. Don't use your voice to imitate the sweeping arcs of barn swallows or horny hummingbirds. Just a random example from 1951. Just make your default comparatively (to our times) hard and flat. Without being faggy in a Marion (John Wayne) way about it.
The cucks will tell you everything but what you need to know. That's good enough for stupid and even most smart goyim. Fake opposition works.  The gimmicky likes of dildo McInnes form the judeo-Right. Which works hand in hand with the judeo-left aka 'mainstream.' Which is #TeamJew
What Carrier shows is that if you fact check the (((xtian))) bible, and the origins of the cult generally, it's every bit as reliable as a (((NYT))) story about Iran. Every. Single. Time.* *Includes jewish bible for whitesimps.
Listen to modest Richard Carrier just rip this cult apart, politely, using only facts. He's not even one of us. My god, it's like christianity was produced by jews or something.
You can see that people don't want to accept what I'm saying. But deep down and not so deep down, every single person following has a sinking suspicion I'm right, if they don't already agree. Not because me. An opinion isn't worthy because I hold it; it's the reverse - I hold the position because it is worthy. Christianity is anti-white.
White nationalism is own-racial loyalty, christianity is other-racial loyalty.
The truest or deepest meaning of cuck is christian. The minute you dig into this jewish sect you find the same old lies. Truly...our race must decide whether it is to be servile race of cucks, serving the jews, in which case it chooses the cross as its symbol, or sovereign white men, who value their kind and choose independence and racial loyalty.
The catholics can turn any people in Germans, whom they taught to work when they were just happy chasing pigs around dark forests. They just need 1000 years. E. Mike Jones said it. I believe it. That settles it.
If you're happy being the (media) butt bearing the (tax) burden, white man, the jews have a wonderful future prepared for you.
You got to keep things to the level your dimmest audience member can understand. You want more of this garbage? Vote Team Jew. You want radical change? Team white. Us vs them. That's not only accurate, it's simple, it's comprehensible by all non-retards. Obsessing about elections, parties and individual players only confuses things.
The professionalism of the cucks is their danger. They are smart, accomplished, attractive people. They plausibly proxy for what we WN actually advocate. Do not underestimate this danger. This type must absolutely be revealed for what it is - high-functioning part of Team Jew. Fake opp. Controlled opposition. We have to insist on #TeamWhite.
When you try to be an xtian and a racialist, you're disrespecting those opposites by not taking either of them seriously. Aw shucks, contradictions don't matter. They do. To a serious christian, racial stuff is irrelevant. All that matters is your soul, your belonging to the body of Jesus. Not trivial atomic and anatomic differences.
What attracts the people worth attracting is strength, quality, consistency. The White cause must lift and separate itself from cuckservatism, which has as its main job fooling people, which it accomplishes by pretending to be the real thing. This is why the right metaphor is getting this brush out of the way so the field is clearly seen as Jew vs White.
Political opinion is a business. Conservatives are cucks. But they are professional cucks. The danger lies in overlooking the first in mocking the second.
The racial weltanschauung (world-view) is in direct competition with christianity.
You may have a really shitty product, but if you're first in, or only game in town, you win by default. And that is where we white men stand with christ-insanity. It's the only one even trying to give people a meaning and context, even though all of its claims are lies and ugly lies. The racial worldview is more compelling - see the throngs cheering Hitler.
The cuck serves the jew's anti-white racial agenda not because he likes jews but because he likes money. he'd serve muslims or even WN just as readily.  Cat Stevens has words that pertain to cucks in 'Hard Headed Woman.' What kind of man are you?
democracy = numbers over quality the jew has more representatives in his wallet than the goy, so the jew wins every election
What I don't get about 'game.' Once I went deep sea fishing. I had a pole with a hook. My friend had a pole with multiple hooks. He had a cloud of suitors for his delicious pieces of cut squid. I had like two outliers from his orgy on mine. I guess they were the fat-girl fish. My point is, attractiveness varies. But if yr reasonably normal, you get what you can handle.
Hey guy. You got your tshirt guy? We're all wearing 'em guy. Let's go to Boofalo Charlies for The Big Game. Remember to wear yr BBQ-sauce-wicking Dockers guy. #AmeriKwaTheAllegedlyBeautiful
No one ever got wiser by listening to women talk.
I am not a 'guy.'
white men are pretty much the only group that pays taxes and the only group that is demonized in the media interesting
Notice that 'guys' is now ubiquitous. I've discussed this with people, they're so brainwashed they don't even perceive the disrespectful intent when it's pointed out to them. Whatever reduces difference between the sexes (such as calling them genders) will be promoted by the System.
I am a white man. I have no interested in Continued Forced Political Association with jews and allied discoloreds. Is there a political party for me?
Pointing out logical inconsistencies doesn't affect the underlying problems: jews have intimidated whites into submission. You change that with laughter, bravery, organization, violence and fanaticism.  Or I'm wrong and the microelections in 2018 are what really matters.  Rock that vote, kids. Itz important.
teach women how to sex, how to cook, how to shut up. what else need they know? men can do all the work. they're built for it.  pleasant life. women at home. minimal govt. men transacting in public. healthier, preferable for all concerned save the genetically disgruntled 2%
white sharia is a fine idea; i think we could also use a white geisha culture now literal minded idiots are useless to entertain, the mutatis mutandis being understood by the mental elect nearly without my needing to say so
people from the midwest who sign up for the giant jewish shtick machine are particularly loathesome. cuck klosterman, will leitch. FAGS. even PJ O'Rourke. from ohio.  schmuck out with your cuck out. pathetic. everything jews says is a goddam lie, and one a child can see thru. so your chosen job is to justify the ways of termites to men. you're pathetic
Let's just keep matriculating the ball down the field.  We're white. That's our cause. Not the cross. Not one of the two sides of the Big Jew Monoparty.  Our own nation is our demand. We have no need, no interest, no desire for continued forced political association with genocidal kikes and boring, violent, incompetent people of discolor.
this changes everything we know!  aka, we didnt actually KNOW anything, we just had giant clouds of speculation we called knowledge
sometimes i think you people don't realize that all these origins of man charts are just some tomfool playing with graphics i can make a graphic that "proves" that jews are an evolved form of termite that learned to live in daylight above ground
If schoolfish talked, imagine what they'd say. Schoolfish are natural Republicans. Their entire is running from fears and hoping the next guy gets eaten. Jews can be beaten. But only by tough, organized white men who aren't easily scared. They won't be beaten thru elections based on appealing to the coward population, which is always the large majority.
Standing armies and global empires are exactly what the people who founded the US were against. They detailed the reasons why. They're borne out 100%. All govt employees are self-serving shits and beneficiaries of media shilling.
Military men are always the worst men society has to offer. They are brainless, they are unread, they are socially destructive because they kill valuable people for no reason, and they whine like women about not getting enough respect.  You're not worthy of respect, Muh Paid Hero. You're a dog, you're a cur, you're a parasite, and you're a green nigger.
Literally doing nothing is better than 99.9% of what the US federal govt, aka anti-white ZOG does. All giant govt ever does is CREATE and EXACERBATE problems in order to justify its existence and expand its control.
Problems in all these nations come from the TOP DOWN. Increasingly TOP means GLOBAL, not just Federal or national. These are NOT problems that can be solved at the local level. That's why we need a Nehlen for president or dictator, not from the cheeze whiz district in jerkwater Wisconsin.
Who needs our government? Jews. Its operators. And whiteskin/discolored scum employed by it. Everyone else not only doesn't need it, they'd be markedly better off if it disappeared.
Leave jews aside, just consider big govt by itself. Do you not see it NEEDS the type of fat, useless, lazy, no-character garbage we now see around us in far too high a percentage, solely to keep itself in business. What needs has a competent white man of a giant, centralized government? None at all. So there are reasons beyond the jew white-man is demonized.
The essence of woman is egg waiting for sperm. This does not translate into efficient service. White nation. Nonexistent government. Men in public. Women as private ornaments and sex objects, even mothers. This is utopia on our only known earth.
Ancient Greek wisdom = "Shut up, Chancrios. Just go back in your room and concentrate on making your hair longer. We don't need you running around in plein air and messing up our agora."
"Man cave" = i've been compressed into a single sad room. You know what man cave used to be called = the whole fucking house.  Manosphere lol. You know what that used to be called? The public.
Right-wing extremist = someone who favors humans over niggers. Someone who thinks rippy teary buttsex maybe isn't a secular sacrament. Fuck all you fags, physical and spiritual.  Christ-insanity is for dogs. Jews are perpendicular termites. Women are idiots.
Bitches stop talking on the phone while driving. Look in cars. Two out of every three women blathering. Betitted babble machines. The longer I live the more I see why real civilizations dont let women out in public. At BEST they gum up the works. At BEST. Slow, brainless, treating every interaction as a microdrama. Go back indoors and grow your hair, broads.

January 19, 2018:

Blessed are the obese, for theirs is the kingdom of burger. --Jesus II
Remmber what one of the great said about the catholic church. Wherever it is found, it is breaking down racial distinctions. Does that sound like Magic Dirt to you, mental peewee?  It's not for me to say. But yes. yes it does.
You see how christ-insanity paves way for jew tyranny, indeed is the thing lite? It's a sin to doubt the efficacy of baptism, the belief that dripping water on someone changes its essential nature. Do you not see how that transfers into not doubting that magic dirt in America changes something in the essential character of the african or assorted mud?
Magic dirt only works when it's in the form of water. Magic water is baptism. To doubt its efficacy is a terrible sin. Just ask jebus. Again, I mock you christ cunts - why is magic dirt stupid and magic water da real thing?
some of you, christ, its like a hammerhead toe learned to type
Philip Roth is the jew's idea of a "great" writer. Many of them honestly believe that.  Jews. Created by God. His Putz Collection, now on sale at 20% on at Neiman Marcuse.
There's chutzpah, there's 9-11, and there's Philip Roth calling Trump "indecent."
Representative govt just wasn't cutting it for Anders Breivik. A snap election was called in his capacious mind and -- heavens to herring -- he won it!
As someone who is both self-important and crude, I feel I can related well to two of America's main social classes. Also, I have never been outsmarted by a mouse for more than two weeks.
Faggots, real kings of taste. You can tell by the way they insert penises into brownholes, rub them around, obtain glee thereby. These are the people I want picking my curtains and cooking my food. #Faggots
I for one like the broken candybar snapness of German. Bold, bald, klip und klar. That's our racial essence.
Legitimate source of pride: PICK ONE (only one): - ramming your penis into a man's asshole / being rammed - your race & culture it created
Realtors: the only salesmen who don't know what they're selling. --Ambrose Bierce, Devil's Dictioanry
Then there's some peripatetic Irish preachy. The irish accent is pleasing to the hear but scents off truth detectors in the brain. It's a very sinuous, curling, deceitful tongue. I think this Erinlasting Gobslobber came from India. A heaven with Irish...and Baptists...are you kidding me?
If we were grading all whiteskins, one by one, some Swaggart would certainly fill the position of absolute zero.
As the ancient Greeks knew, detestation of the British is the beginning of wisdom.
We need a new Griddle-King. Ivan the Slovenian Cast-Iron King of Nonstick No-Nonsense. With the Spatula of Justice, he will flip and toast our enemies, that they might salivate our hounds.
It's no joke. I listen to much car radio. Especially when driving. These filberts actually hold cuckdom as an ideal. Not just a dirty practice.They are fucking subhumans even more than niggers because in following their jewbus and worshipping his alleged people they have renounced their white racial manliness to be servitors of the semites.
They name their kids Jacob because they admire the bible character, a crook, and hope their little Cody-tier groin expulsion will grow up to be a rich crook too.
Imagine wanting to be jews as an ideal! That's protestantism.
I am amazed at the movies people want to own copies of. Another sign of just bottom-drawer mentation. Drivel II: The Stoopiding. I got it on Blu Frizzbe for just 4.99!
If you think sloths arent faking it, leave some lucre on a table and watch them thru the window.
The bible was 100% written by jews.  Does your beloved Every. Single. Time. not apply to it? Or are you just making noises? #ClownWorld
Men don't want to be men. Why? Because it's hard. Jesus take the wheel. You white mental niggers listen to this shit and sign off on it. You turn your societies over to jews and then women. Now you're fucked. And it all started with your miserable jewish cult called christianity.
It's a perfect Dickens name for the type: the Thinkhighlys of Foxglenn Meadowes.
All bourgeois do is think highly of themselves. And associate with (and try to one up) others who think highly of themselves.
I know proles and I know bourgeois, as classes. They both suck.
The arguments for anonymity are all valid. I don't care, I still don't respect it.
AmeriKwa has an APE CULTURE that involves a lot of rape. Somejew I suspectorate that's not what you mean.
The existence of the bible impedes rational understanding of the jews. Just possibly that is its purpose. #MeMakingStreetMagicianFaceAtYou
Notice with all these cop faggots, these teeming millions of ex-Our Paid Heros we cant get one goddam motherfucking WHITE LIBERATION ARMY leader.
Traditionalism is driving jews out 110x instead of counter-exterminating them once.
The Golden Rule was created by jews to get whites to lower their guard and think everyone else is just like me.  What if jews are nothing like you, you whiteskin xtian mental-nigger dupewadnik?
When you fancy certain delusions, and mere rationality and humdrum physics cover their mouth and make Butt-head noises at you, why, that's where metaphyics and Logos come in.
Erik Estrada loved to go around pointing the poke finger at humans and maybe lizards . Then he told them straight up: YOURE A FAG. And you know what? He was almost never wrong.
Another great truth from movies. Who is the barn boss?  "You know how it was sixty forty? Well, it still is. Only now it's sixty. . . .forty. NOW GET OUTTA HERE."
Some folks in swampland cant tell you this, so I will. Love will NEVER motivate our kind to defend itself. Hatred of discolored cunts will always be the strongest motivater, and rightly, rationally, reasonably so.
It's not true, as judeo-left say, that WN claim achievement of other whites to excuse their own failures. That is a lie. It is true that while the achievement of the tiniest minority of whites eclipse those of discoloreds by parsecs, whites on average are...not really that impressive.
The only genuine non-commercial impulse in the jew breast is to degrade & debauch goyim. See Weinstein et al. Everything else revolves around money. Money is god, for it brings power and protection to the crummiest tribe.
If you're a whiteskin mental nigger who thinks Muh Special Kike came back from the dead, you'll do just fine under our new muslim overlords.
Before the Irish, America didn't have cops. Or need them. #GreenRot
How many fucking 30k pickups does one small-town police force need. Cops truly are blue niggers, everything they do is a theft from honest, useful people.
Everyone but me is a nigger. If nothing else, that much is becoming clear. Take a lap, world.
Do men come back from the dead? I'm just a humble unfrozen NEMOer, unfamiliar with your advanced jebootonic ways. Get on up there. Southerner or even a real man. And tell me that men come back from the dead. Go on and publicly affirm that, white nigger.  Because that's what your cult claims. Are you christian faggot or a white man? You can't be both.
There's an order to the universe, what the Greeks called Logos, the Boss Hogg Catholic informs me. God not only created everything out of nothing by mysterious means, possibly involving a cosmic Insta-pot, he broke off a lump of Him (self) and became Flesh Light unto Men. He died. He came back to life.  Smell you not Reason in every word of this?
But, gee, Wally, if men really do come back from the dead, then...I'm wrong. And I'm a really obnoxious asshole. OMG, I hope I'm right. It would be so embarrassing otherwise.
If you're a christian, you choose to believe something that you know isn't true. That is a character defect, make no mistake about it. And it's the reason your weak ilk set up the rule that it's impolite to talk about religion.
So if I write 1700 pages of plangent bullshit and try to sell it to jews as the thing to guide their lives, you'd think they'd buy it?  The difference between whites and niggers is niggers can point to their genes for a valid excuse. White men have none.
A  hell of a lot of white alleged people are obese cretins.
Wrnggylivtrnoyernp means butthurt in ancient Welsh.
Gavin literally means faggot in Gaelic. Do not question me.
welcome to TUESDAY SCHOOL, WHERE AN ACTUAL ME-SHAPED HOLE IN THE ETHER EXPLAINS WHERE monday and sunday schools led your pathetic mindlets down the garden path
buh buh muh moneychangers in da muh temple YR A FAG
the truth is always revealed in movies, not the bible.  for example: white man. the jews are using blacks as muscle to destroy your neigbhoroods. (Blues Brothers) also and again There are 10,000 of them...and 100,000 of us. Can you dig it? CAN YOU DIG IT? (the Warriors) These are timeless WHITE-TRUTHS.
honestly this age we live in really is like being a man with fifty retarded ninjas coming at him one at a time
there are people who JOKE about GHOSTS hiding in OLD PAINT CANS. can you even? CAN YOU EVEN
i would pay good money to bring schopenhauer back from the grave and hear what he had say about the triviality of womens minds based on these snapchat filters  i feel 'we' (i mean you all, not me) are getting stupider, as a hominidium, and i feel i can perceive this from car operation alone
Just be yourself is terrible advice for most people. Be someone better. Aim high. I'm talking Howie Mandel high. You can do it.
Schoolfish mentality is what drives conservatives. They are trying to avoid pain. They have no other thought, save entertaining themselves. You don't appeal to this type. You eat them, or they are eaten by your (((enemy))).
How does a conservative think? Like this. You don't matter. You're not on tv.  If you were on tv, you'd matter.  It's a true and pure effeminacy of mindest, has nothing to do with women.  "If you were right, you'd be running things," as a woman put it to me long ago, expressing the deepest biological truth of the woman/conservative.
There's not ENOUGH hate in our movement. It's far too tolerant of the wrong things, and always has been.
The value of the constitution: it proves that 1) paper doesn't enforce itself. 2) you can write something clear as day, and interested parties will greatest ease not only ignore plain meaning but reverse it. And laugh in your face.  If it's not in your brain and balls and will, good luck finding it in any piece of paper.
We're to qualify ourselves to Joe Dockers?  Lol. Let Ricky Vaughn believe that. If you think change will happen within the system, you're in the reality non-adjacent community. Yeah, it will happen in the system when, like Hitler, we have the ability to promise a genuine physical revolution if the ref doesn't "keep it fair" as jew Dangerfield said.
California abandoned to mexicans is like a nice cake with white frosting covered with ants.
Christianity has cut off your mental balls.  Why would you have a problem with 'diversity' when you believe the laws of time and space relax at random to allow special events to happen, like your pal jesus and his boy lazarus to come back from the dead? Did that happen, you brain-niggers who have the effrontery to call yourselves white?
How would jews act if they were leading our movement to defeat themselves? Hey there's an interesting question. Do you think they would act like us? Think like us? Talk like us. I'm going to go over in the corner and laugh myself until I drown in tears.
Do contradictions matter? Most in our (unclear antecedent) movement act as if they believe they don't. They do. See, you figure things out. You figure out how to produce the change you want. Then 100% of your behavior lines up with the plan. Everything dovetails and reinforces, and nothing is at odds. It's consistent and contradiction free.
How can a movement defeat the jews when its average member can't discern the difference between how the jews approached nazism vs how they treat christianity?  "God" is why "everything happens for a reason" says the dunce. No surprise that hominids raised on this I Can't Believe It's Not Thought can't make out shit from Shinola.
Today's NON-christian radio. I'm listening to NPR, wishing I could kill them all by pressing a button, and I hear some smarmy kike or cuck say that Philip Roth says Trump is "indecent." This from a jew whose entirely literary output centers around masturbation. And the occasional respite is devoted to seeing imaginary Nazis in his gefilte fish.
You notice not one of these xtian clown will step to my question. A simple, honest man's query: if christianity is pro-white, why is it allowed all over the mass media, unlike, say, a charming fellow such as Richard Spencer, or late William Pierce or George Lincoln Rockwell? There is no answer, you jeboo-gerbils. The question is the answer.
I may be close to unique among racialists in that when someone says they denounce me and all I stand for, I conclude they don't like me, aren't my friend, and must be considered an enemy. I actually don't think it's sophisticated to look at it any other way. #Buchanan #Bannon yes even #Trump and on and on.
I've said this before, some throwaway novel about a basketball team. One guy says to another, who's in between guard and got to decide. Are you a big man or a little man? That's all we have for joe average conservative. We don't play up to these people. We hope they decide to be a man, but in the end, that's for them. All we owe them is the truth.
I will guarantee you that in about 2022 Brad Griffin will finally realize and agree with me that mixing racial cause with christianity DOES NOT WORK. Because they are two different irremediably opposed worldviews.
We are fighting two false lies about America's meaning and society. We can't decide not to fight both. They come from the same jew anyway. We should be absolutely clear, consistent and uncompromising. You can't mix race with christ-insanity. But do go spend another decade until you come around to agree with me, as you will.
Race is what made America great - white men with a fresh continent. Filled only with scrub hominids, grizzly bears and roadrunners. It wasn't our political system. It wasn't our christ-lunacy. It was purely and simply some good starter genes and a nice playing field.
We don't need to appeal. We need to fight. And probably more physically than any other way. Our cause wouldn't be illegal most places if it weren't appealing. Our own enemy concedes this. They see our value more than we do. When you make any excuse for conservatives, you feed a clueless mindset - and produce confusion among the people.
Calling any jew a cuck destroys the unique value of this genius verbal achiement. It's the jew agenda being carried out. Jews are a team. Therefore, no jew is a cuck. By definition. Yeah, it's funny to use cuck as all-purpose verb for being defeated in some little thing, but for serious use, cuck means someone of our race selling out to help (((another))).
Like I said, and I almost always say this shit first and am right, not one person who voted or supported Trump wasn't aware he could be diverted, destroyed or sidetracked. Everybody knew that. It appears it has happened, one or all those. But he gave us our value. Already. The value from him now - he should mark the end of the age of proxies. Nehlens only from now on.
KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID. Violate this principle, regret at leisure. When you talk about a known jew like Ben Shapiro like his political position matters, you violate this law. He's a kike. that's his political. Yet only a minority in the 'racial' movement actually seems to grasp this. Is superficial politics really that interesting? Not to me.
Do you even notice that as soon as 'cuckservative' cut the NRO clownhead off, Hydra, Inc, popped back up with fifteen new fakes, like a fresh shift on a hockey team? All of a sudden the merch right appears, jews and jew-luvers, sucking all the oxy out of the room. Rising movements are intolerant. You (we) must beat down all opposition. No god but r racial movement
See, kiddies, people don't read. Even the upper middle class people who support the conservative publications aren't really intellectually serious. They will accept conservatism as national socialism from A. Hitler or (((international neoconnery))) from Bill Kristol just the same. You think I kid. I do not kid.
What should be realized: christians, conservatives, massse - they are effeminate. They like being lectured and harangued, dominated and led. The 'game' (stupid) shit work on them. You grasp this instinctively or just watch someone who gets it, Trump being perfect example. You don't suck up to idiots like these, you lead them. If you're the man. As WN must be

January 17, 2018:

"Mars aint the kind of place to raise your kids." How clear does he have to say it, man?
Space is only good for one thing - inspiring songs. The rest, forget it. Space fans don't understand how far apart the clumps actually are.
All people are tempted to think they are not like others, special, different. Test this theory in google search. You aint nothing new, son. You predictable. And it's ok. Now you can learn from the others.
Help your friends, hurt your enemies. Moderation in all things. This is Greek (white) wisdom. It predates Christ-insanity. It is superior to crizzlypoof wizzdom.
If it takes 10,000 hours to master a serious skill, consider the jews have put better part of 10,000 YEARS into mastering lying, stealing and murder. If you think there's any solution but counter-exterminating this tribe of erect termites, you're kidding yourself.
Nature exists. Nature operates by genocide. If you want to throw god in there, you're a fag, but it doesn't change the logic. If Jones claims God hates sodomy because it's against nature, what must he think of Sicut Judaeis Non?
Jews in America negatively altered our policy toward Russia BEFORE 1900. Henry Ford writes about this.
Bumblebees is incredibly racist. We rumble more than we bumble. Just listen. You can hear us a-comin'. We're rumblebees. Dont make us hold a bee-in on your ass and show you what's up. #Rumblebees
The professional catholic expresses irritation when race comes up. Distraction from main subject: soul of the individual and its salvation. Body of jesus is only 'real' collective.
Every. Single. Time. doesn't apply to the jew called Saul. he was the original )))fake((( (((rebel media))).
watch older movies and you see the soft form of what's now hard, and how xtianity serves the jews very nicely with its distorted-love doctrine. any (non-sexual) position that is rigorous, serious, necessary - a 'love' woman prevails on man to soften, change, reverse. (((christianity))) is good cop to jew's bad cop
stolen hair honor among the negroes is a Giant Problem second only to rape murder carjacking mall aping etc
there was only one good christian, and no it wasnt jew jesus. it was sam kinison
Catholic reasoning: they fear the catholics so they slaughtered the cities!  White man reasoning: so they stopped once they succeeded? Or did they keep pushing that dis'integration' into the suburbs, into the countryside hamlet?
Read Fox's book of martyrs. Christianity is for putzes.
We say I call them niggers because it's redolent. It fits them. It sounds, smells and feels like what they are. We dislike them because they are violent and stupid, taking one with another. many of them smell funny. They're like an ugly monochrome shoe some jewfag says is stylish.
Talk to leftists, you realize their politics comes from a character flaw: they cannot discuss anything calmly and rationally. They're at unrest in themselves because they're covering a basic dishonesty with effrontery, they make a skill, art and game of this. It's perversion, like a mental paraphilia.
Good because old = logic fail, 98% as bad as good-cuz-new.
Doesn't heaven sound like something paste eater Ralph Wiggum would believe in? Yeah. You know it does. There is no true for me, true for you. We all get shit on by the same bluebirds. The whole POINT about truth is it's not private.
Taketh not thine politics from babbling titteurs - Homer

January 16, 2018:

African Nationalism By Ndabaningi Sithole
Shithole is an african name
how can sugar be body poison, it tastes so sweet? how can heaven be mind poison, it tastes so sweet
Does it help or hinder noticing racial differences when you teach the window lickers wez all gods chillren?
Honestly, a race so dumb it chops its dicks off at the advice of another probably deserves to go extinct.
See if Disney were driven by money, they would set up TruDizz and let real Disney heirs do The Penultimate Jedi, then release that at same time. But they know what would happen.  Watch Vox Day, much as you don't like him. He is making real this billion-dollar market. it's not just news and commentary and comic books, it's the whole thing including new nation.
It's funny the state of missouri goes out of its way to mass breed white sturgeon (or sturgeon that are very, very white), maybe we should meta-think here, Showmes...maybe we should...drum the SAVERS...then we'll get like a metasave for all the groovy species!!!! Yeah!
Why do chinese suck at poker? They can't see out of their eye corners so they have to epicanthic fold all the time.
Andy Dick proves whites do even degeneracy better than jews. Whites really are the best at everything. One Dick is worth a thousand billion muh jesusers. (Dick is a Southerner.)
If chinese wanted to see ugly chinese, all they have to do is open their eyes. I mean, not that that's easy. #LastJedi
We judge niggers not by the color of their skin but the content of their cotton bag.
I, with one dainty foot in our gorgeous Georgia past and one clamshell waving hand in our peach-bright future, recommend and allow for we capture and subject our neo-paleo-nano-niggers to servitude, and deploy them not to harvest cotton but dust under our refrigerators.
Where are all the lost socks? It is clear to me, if not others, that some malign force has indeed created nano-niggers and deposited them in machines of wash.
Christian services are the one time in the week the people try to go big. And they suck at it, and get it wrong.  No, there is no second opinion, it's pernicious nonsense, the jesus cult.
oh you need a purpose to replace christ-lunacy? ok. STOP ANNOYING ME.  make that your PRIME DIRECTIVE
that thing you replace banging your head against the wall with? USE THAT #Here2Help
remember, kids, all you have to do to avoid spending eternity among baptists is reject imaginary jew jesus as your personal savr
why is norway the best place on earth? because it's full of Breiviks, not baptists
christ-insanity is the only thing of which people routinely pearl clutch about what-so-ever shall we replace, this lie, this error, this absurdity with?
Deplorables > Defecants
Ever' lil niggler is jes an animated cat turd in search of white life coach. Hey...THAT COULD BE YOU!!!
UFO don't exist. Jesus didn't exist. Morons? They exist. I think it fair to say they're abundant. ABUNDANT
The assumption of all these people really is that a nigger is just a white man raised wrong.
Revilo Oliver is perhaps the only great white thinker who truly understood how dangerous (((Christianity))) is to our race.
Jesus. Lazarus.  For christianity to be true, only two pikers had to return from the dead! I like those odds. Logos = order in the universe. Set up by God. Suspended for His Son. In the ultimate act of nepotism, I guess.
Does heaven exist? Or does little man just want that to be true? What do you think?  I mean, be serious. Grow up, whiteskin jackass. Mental adults distinguish between fantasy and reality.
What do the top finance jews do, today? They talk down cryptocurrency while amassing it in secret.  The biggest lie the white fool ever swallowed was that xtianity was anti-jew.
If the west = Europe = the church, well if whites disappear it means jack squat to the church. So the above can't be true. Or, if it is true, then saving the west - who cares. Think carefully: our mission is for whites who want to exist as whites. It has nothing to do with any sicko semitic cult. All semitic cults are anti-White.
White Coin. West Coin. ICO A platform for White people.
I like women for sex. I like men for thinking.
A white man's advice to xtians. Don't look for what aint there. Don't despise what is there. You talk down a world that does exist. You talk up a world that doesn't exist. You're bush league. Until you decide otherwise.
This is subtle but I see it everywhere. Two people are talking on air, any public medium, one impinges on the periphery of the penumbra of something Semitically Correct. The other guy who has been supportive-ing all along goes crickets. He won't be associate-witched in any seized soundbite.
Christians have a commandment against lying. They worship MLK. How seriously do they take their God's words? How seriously should we take them? #ClownCult #CrossCucks
Jews been kicked out of 110 countries. Let's make it 110!  Read that slowly. Is there another, better solution? Or is this some kind of fun game?
we pretend jews are victims we pretend women have agency we pretend niggers are human how's all this pretending working out for us, fellow white men?
You swallow a jesus but strain at a gnigger. SMH, poor white man. You don't know whether you're coming or going. Don't worry. I will help you.
You've just gone from one step to two steps. That is going backward, not forward. Maybe focus on Gab, which is sufficient, rather than me-tooing Twitter.
This new posting format is not an improvement.
Hard not to despise white race when we see how our leaders act on MLK day Look who the white race worships: 1) Jesus - a sci-fi kike who came back from the dead 2) MLK - a nigger scumbag in every way 3) Churchill - a sellout who in exchange for having his debts paid by jews launched a war that killed tens of millions of our kind The white race worships its own destroyers.

January 15, 2018:

Remember, kiddies, equality begins in the church. Where fantasy is job #1.
There's a relationship between loving jesus, hating the truth and being a cuck. Is there a single cuck who isn't a christian? Christianity is objectively pro-jew and anti-white AND CANNOT BE OTHERWISE.
paul ryan affecting muh deep thoughts
Charity for all except the brain users.

January 14, 2018:

sure, but how is jew jesus any less a jew production than mlk or a 'holocaust'?

January 13, 2018:

Christian = cuck
doug casey - after quantitative easing comes 'fedcoin'? end of cash = good for ZOGs

January 12, 2018:

Muh (((Bible))). Cuz... Every. Single. Time. But. One. #CrossCuck #Crossunfit

January 11, 2018:

nig nigging niggily, jig jigging jiggily

January 08, 2018:

“Jews cannot be part of the white nationalist movement, just as a white man can’t be a part of a black-nationalist group like the Nation of Islam,” Matthew Heimbach of the Traditionalist Worker Party What about jew Jesus, fictional character tho he be? Christianity is anti-White.

January 07, 2018:

Jews want to destroy christianity, that's why they ban it from the radio.
Triceratops have the right to exist. Only triceratopses can be triceratopses.

January 06, 2018:
Kaepernick ... sound like a cat turd speckled with litter. last...a dating site for people who like to fuck in cars.

January 04, 2018:

when the stock bubble deflates, bet your bottom dollar Trump will disclaim credit for that
I am seldom astonished, but I am astonished Sargon has a following. To me, he is unlistenable. I know every stupid thing he's going to say after five seconds of listening, and loathe his fake-walnut voice.
There's a difference between appealing to people and leading them. Whites, right now, need leadership.
Look how appealing it is to see someone (Nehlen) advocate the White position without fear. That's what's needed. Times 1000. You ever seen a bear going after a honey tree? That's the mentality. Fuck the flying jews. Yes, they sting and it hurts, but GET THE HONEY.
As I said, the age of proxies is drawing to a close. Only anonymous fools think hiding your true and natural position is 'clever.' But there's nothing clever about projecting your agenda onto men who overtly promote the exact opposite and denounce your men and cause by name.
Humans are individuals and members of collectives. This is not hard.
What does individualism offer a 70-IQ nigger?
Are whites now discriminated against legally? There's your starting point. We want a #TeamWhite so we don't get discrimated against. And killed on street. And mocked in (((media))). So we can go to the moon? No. So we can go to corner store. We want White Nationalism for self-protection - first.
Not a good debate. None of them are good at it.
"Hurry up, jew"
Anything whiteskin goyim respect jews will eventually find ways to use as a cover.
There's a connection between tolerating shit in your mind that isn't true and tolerating shit in your country that isn't white.
Before Christianity, Germans kicked the shit out of the Romans. 2000 years of the cross cult later...
difference between men and women men = out in carhartt and yellow saftey blazers working on road 8am in subzero temps women = rubbing skin lotion on fat arms, slowly leafing thru water bill envelopes at city admin, sitting in 70-degree office in reinforced chair sexual equality? yeah, no.
i draw generalizations. and i admit exceptions. and that's the proper use of the mind - to observe atoms and galaxies
it's positively morbid to defer to women on anything beyond door entrance. most women aren't even capable of buying the right size bra
it takes effort to be a man. it's easier to let women run things. women set up by the (((System))) with legal privilege and social preference. but the effort is worth it. as Florence King said, when women dominate an institution, it's a sign the thing is moribund
dont give netflix a dime

January 02, 2018:

January 01, 2018:

December 30, 2017:

If there's order in the universe and the Order-maker created nature and nature operates by genocide then Jones is not in line with Logos when he denies racial reality.
if satan is your father, then wouldn't the problem be racial?
racial view of jews amounts to noticing their pattern of behavior over time. if it's not in them, why doesn't it change with circumstances?
Jones accepts the jew-admitted conceptual scam of antisemitism he equates anti-semitism with racial view of jews he denies 'racial determinism' of racial case against jews he acknowledged 'holocaust'
church politics
There is absolutely no doubt about it: either catholicism is right, and racialism is wrong, or vice versa. There is no way to reconcile these world views, they are competitors. I, for one, recognize no moral duty to spread the good news of imaginary jesus among the nigras.
The same folks who demand proof God doesn't exist can't even prove Jesus did exist.
It takes real chutzpah to associate yourself with divine order and reason (Logos - a Greek term, not a xtian) in the universe...and then claim your hero came back from the dead. Catholicism is t-ball judaism when it comes to absurd-lying.
E. Michael Jones was fired from St. Mary's (the other catholic college in South Bend, Indiana) for opposing abortion.
My relationship with christianity began with a big lie. They told me a tale of a man who came back from the dead. It soured me on them right off. I did enjoy the hyms, but believe in this obvious bozoism? Get outta here.
Nostra Aetate did not represent a change in official catholic position. Jews just lied that it did. And since they run the media, suckers took them at their word. I literally yesterday heard the Protestant radio curs explicitly denying the church is the new Israel - the truecuck position.
That the media abuse Trump like he were a white racialist doesn't make him one. To the left, all whites are hitler. We know that. But that's them and their lying or obtuseness. We must make valid distinctions. Trump is a civ nat with some sensible ideas that overlap with ours. That's all.
there's overlap between what Trump wants and what we want, and we can work with and on that but there can be no confusion that Trump is not a racialist dont be confused, as always with religious Buchanans and civic nationalists like Trump - (((media))) abuse them like us - but they're not us
'purity spiraling' as commonly used amounts to a veiled way of stating that essential points are trivial
was bannon purity spiraling when he rejected Nehlen? right way: figure out the right principles and stick to them. jew principle: "good for jews" is all that matters. cuck principle: "good for jews" is good for my career, which is all that matters White principle: purity spiraling is bad. WRONG
thanks. i'm a trump observer, and not that close of one. electoral politics really is what i say: alt-niggerball. it has a place but it is not everything as the anti-racialists think. the future of the white race is not up for vote
the catholics defended us from jews? yet they weren't even AWARE the talmud existed. a jew convert had to tell them!
dialogue in jewmouth means we harangue, manipulate, threaten you until you abandon your position and replace it with our own when you talk down purity spiraling, you talk down principled behavior and make it easier for your kind to succumb to unconfused jews
jews gaslight about Nostra Aetate, like everything else

December 29, 2017:

Thou shalt suck jew dick (only real commandment for xtians)
i, for one, don't hallucinate Overlords and then demand others respect them
it's not my job to play undeceased steve irwin to the hobgoblins running around in your christian mindlet
polite people dont discuss religion good example of what i say: xtianity is like a 1% reduction of judaism. or wuss-tier judaism. everything is special privileges or exceptions to the rule of reality. double standards everywhere you look. you cant prove jahweh doesn't exist!!!
"how i want to be treated" - what has that got to do with YOUR behavior? not a goddam thing the golden rule is pap devised jews for white simps
The golden rule was devised by jews to protect their race from the natural reaction their criminal behavior induces in whites. Another question: how is it that Every. Single. Time. doesn't apply to bible? Or are you just mouthing words for flashy effect?
The way to 'solve' the jew is to put the race to sleep. That's the way the tribe's behavior shows we'd be wise to treat them. That's what we should have done long ago. It's what we should do today.
It is my argument, which no one can gainsay, that had jews 21st century technology in the 1st century, the same outcome would have ensued. Catholic (which is to say christian) doctrine empowers, enables and facilitates the jew in his taking over and tyrannizing white society.
Catholic inchworms blame jew liberation on Napoleon. Who of course was a good Odinist boy.
They who believe in a jesus will swallow a holocaust too. I'm sorry mere reality isn't enough for you cretins.
Life can't come from dead matter. Jesus came back to life from a corpse. I love catholic entertainment hour, best since Mr Greenjeans and Bozo went off the air.
The question no one can answer and even many racialists cuck from: if christ-insanity is pro-white, why is it -- uniquely, if so -- allowed on the radio? The answer -- the only answer -- is that christianity, like literally everything else on the radio is anti-white and serves the jew.
Do go on about Order in the Universe and law and regularity and then your hero came back from the dead. Well how about that. Some men might see a discrepancy there, but their spleen aint got yer higher power.
Today's xtian car radio spot check: it's jimmy swagger, pere, fils, doggie i dont know, mid-moronothon. hitler killed "almost seven million" jews. Christianity is anti-white. Don't give me your sectarian bullshit, they're all the same. The doctrine itself is inherently, irremediably anti-White.
Listening to cathlic go on about eeffil nietzsche... ...maybe at some level yr just a bitch? just throwing that out there is it me?
This is a technique to deny, defuse and destabilize the White Nationalist right. Keep it ever unsure of itself.
I'm seeing on here a phenomenon I observed multiple times on my forum. Guy posts reasonable, high-quality material for years. Years. Gets along w others. Then inexplicably blows up. Flings accusations, attacks others, complete 180 on character. I think of these as Time Bombs planted by the System.
Charlottesville was a big win. Fact.

December 28, 2017:

The very best (well second best) thing about honesty is it legitimately confuses people in a very humorous way.
which white catholic says i want to live in a more catholic area? none. because he'd have to live with mexicans. most catholics (most whites) move to WHITER areas race...trumps religion. behavior over time proves that whether hearteiste, ricky vaughn or e. michael jones understand that or not
E. Michael Jones can claim all day long that white isnt real, is mystification, but he's spitting in the wind. White is real now, always has been real, and will become even realer as white lands discolor. He know that, he just can't emotionally accept it, hence the emotion in his race-denials.
the Catholic view that 'white' isn't real is wrong it's a competitor with catholicism, and at the same level and it's stronger that's why they resort to judeo-leftist lies about its non-existence and it's why they fight WITH (((communists))) and AGAINST nazis
"I leave the television on so the Devil can listen to it when I go to bed" --old man on christian car radio, NEMO 12-28-17
The white man must develop a taste for heroism again You are more than your wife's adjutant You are more than your church's shemp
There is probably no such thing as a truly 'black' group - nearly all end up having jewish production values when you look into their actual operators and money supply.
exceptionally good. you who are young - dont get into debt to go to college if you care about the 'soft' stuff, just listen to 100 hours of jones talking and you'll have something better than any degree
Gunnar Myrdal (swede) work actually written by jew Louis Wirth

December 26, 2017:

Academic researcher Christina Cliff studying alt-right, feel free to contact: [email protected] "...if you know anyone that might be interested in participating in my research, feel free to give them my email address or refer them to my website,, for more information."

December 25, 2017:

jones on jews / israel
islam, iran and much more. jones agrees: either israel first or america first. he supports washington's non-entanglement policy

December 24, 2017:

good example of take professor not class. no matter the subject you learn something true and interesting. emj on scorse's film on xtianity in japan

December 23, 2017:

When we win, the White race will have a more Gablike psychological profile than it does today. Nothing but glory ahead. But remember, can't spell glory without gory.
every jew out there lost 6-8 of its closest grandmas in the holocaust
There is no such thing as a right to exist.

December 22, 2017:

"In 2016, Illinois ranked as the state with the fastest shrinking population for the third straight year."
Illinois, worst state in the union
69 murders a day in mexico, good thing Trump built that wall
MEXICO: "With 20,878 murders nationwide in the first 10 months of 2017,
contrast spirit in aryan fairy tales with spirit in jewish bible sprightly consequentialism vs lugubrious fearfulness
around blacks never relax. valid for blacks too
judging Trump
Christians get in-your-face angry if you go after retards. Christians get how-can-I-help-you? if you go after Whites.
'White' is too abstract? Not for our enemies to hate. Not for the government to pass laws discriminating against.

December 21, 2017:
the whites in South Africa started woke on race can you infer your way out of that paper bag, alleged white man? what implies for us in our situation in US and Europe?
the sun returned today at 10:28 it looked left. it looked right. it chicken necked a couple times then it chuckled softly then it rise, my white nigga
hate speech = sun speech
more glorious
Jones explains the pope current
I'm starting to suspect some of you don't fully understand the pleasures of life in a hillybilly band.
If I'm king and fair money (cryptocurrency) and fair media (Internet) threaten my power and position, how will I react?
Twitter is for fags Gab is for lumberjacks
The truth, from a poem ripped out of an old magazine, where we got information before this Internet
Hominids are fungible. Just turn any 'race' over to the catholic church, give them 1,000 years. They'll teach them to work, and from that work will come first-rate culture. --the Catholic position
Moldering piles of dead jews are our greatest strength.

December 20, 2017:

the argumen to nature never works, whether Nazi Hitler or catholic Jones nature is pro-fertility. yes nature is pro-genocide. yes
"X-Men is the Rosetta Stone that explains homosexual ideology" --EMJ dir. brian singer
dont be a flesh queer. is bad.
jones on flesh queers
e. michael jones. loaded with good stuff, wide-ranging
Dogs are the wolves who least minded hanging around with people, and that alone shows their bad taste and low character.
I'm going to grab an Amish and have it tested. They don't fight, so what are they going to do. Will see if my personal theory they are cows that learned to walk on hind legs is true.
kikewhine re anti-jew-soros campaign in hungary
"And I can’t stand listening to pompous faggots with British accents pretending to be intellectuals." amen to that
chobacca lol
See, I'm not a faggot. I'm not going to get up tomorrow and claim I had a revelation that compels Muh and Yuh Buhlief. But I could. I could. And I could so plausibly that half of you really would believe it, if I kept it up. But I'm not a charlatan. So I won't. But all, yes, all priests are.
Atheists don't ever open their blouse, rub their tween-titty region, and tell you the truth proof lies inside their chest. Rather they use reason and evidence open to all men. Science is pro-social. Religion is anti-social. That's why religious wars never end and science wars never begin.
Why do 'atheists' write so contemptuously of christ-lunatics? Because atheists can't simply make shit up, call it a revelation, and put it on par with reason. And that is all that religious charlatanttes, to be redundant, ever and ultimately do.
When you can't figure which way you're going, why, the cross is your perfect symbol.
If christianity were pro-white, it would be illegal. Or at least certainly not available all over the tv and radio dial. I'm still waiting for one of you mental Chiclets to take up this point and dispute it. Backward or forward, there's no escaping the conclusion. Christianity is anti-White.
I apologize for my tendentious cheapshot; I like a nice McDouble now and then.
McDonalds roams the globe selling hamburgers to the unwary. Christianity roams the globe selling salvation to hamburgers.
The fool believes christianity protects white people; the wise man knows that it protects jews from whites.
Henry Ford, the high capitalist, did more in two years to threaten global jewry than the Catholic church did in 2000.
It's not even mainly the pure and obvious logical contradiction between universalism and specificism. It's that they embody and imply wholly different mindsets. Just a completely different way of looking at the world. And that clashing cannot be overcome, not even by a Matt Parrott.
Christianity is a great leveler, asserting all men are the same in their basic nature (sinful) and needs (salvation). You can think that's compatible with racialism, but it isn't. It's the opposite of racialism. It's all-racialism, rather than one-racialism (such as judaism), hence universalism.
It's logically untenable to be pro-xtian, a one-size-fits-all mass market universalism, yet anti capitalism and anti globalism. Are men basically all the same? Created by same god. Sunk in Original Sin? Needing salvation? Cuz that's what cross-liberalism says. Or are they essentially different?

December 19, 2017:

Christianity told the whitesimp it was his swornen moral duty to sail around the world to Pineapplestan and convert the spider munchers to jebooism.
Globalized hamburger market is no threat to white race. Global soul market is. Griffin will grasp this around 2022.
Can we find meaning, solidarity and purpose in a semitic-produced cult that tells us all hominids are our brother and created by the same Father? And possess inoperable souls of inestimable value?
"Can we find meaning, solidarity and purpose in the McDouble? Can the march of the Golden Arches to new and exciting foreign markets lead us to a better world?" --Hunter Wallace Okay, now apply that reasoning to McJesus. Whose outlets are global, and which you support as pro-White.
"He was never /ourguy/. We convinced ourselves that Donald Trump was the “God Emperor.” Natural result of trusting proxies against all historical evidence. And talking down principled behavior as purity spiraling. And then again, Hillary would be worse for pro-Whites.
Has a single "mainstream" source mentioned that Fields' car was attacked before he tried to escape? I haven't seen one mention of this most pertinent fact.
niggers have made micro-shithells of plenty of parts of virginia, a beautiful state otherwise
Jackback Dorsey and his fruity friends are sitting around toasting censorship, well into their fifth cups of legnogg
this nigger hand-walked right up a goddam mountain this is the whitest white man of whiteness that ever existed and you with your petty puling jewsus. get better gods, whitefag
whites are a jaunty race get off your fucking knees, mawky mouse
Ideas get in your eyes, and your eyes are your brain. But sounds, right ones, get in your blood. So you want to bring these eighth graders off the wall and dance in the middle.
California is oleander and dirty ivy. In the ivy are rats. And spiders. With webs never killed by winter. And beetles and roaches that come out at night and dance under the streetlight.
"Hotel California" is like "Televizion" - it works, but only intellectually. This Eagles song captures, to me, the california trufeel, at least 70s-80s.
Utah feels light blue and sandy brown.
White men reading the bible is akin to dogs drinking out of the toilet.
California always struck me as beautiful-sad. That's its color-feel.
what's behind the universal appeal of "Scarface"?
hold your water, white man #WhitesWhiteingWhitenificently
"if that's the way that you want, that's the way i want it more" --lyrics dont git no better
one of the greats
People still quite alive today wore feed sacks made into shirts. True story, bro.
I think a mawkish tune Muh Christmas Orange would not be unbefitting. Yes, generation zoots, for the pappies of my gen (X) Orange! was indeed a gift backy mcthen.
You know, if I might loose a cri de spleen, there's enough carols out there. Some ok, most not. What we need now are anti-carols. I am working on one right now, which I plan to mail to Bing Crosby. Killer melody... "It's Always Never Christmas In My Cold Cold Snowy Heart"
Football is not a nigger game. I spent half my sunny young life playing football, not in any league. It's a great game.
Mid-eighties movie: Tuff Turf. A weird flick featuring Spader and Downey Jr. Has anyone aged oddlier than James Spader?
Do niggers suffer from sleep apenea? --Steven Right
God told me personally that all of you who claim He created niggers are in for a hot time when your atoms disband.
Everything in the media is cooncentric or kikecentric - the most boring and dishonest races on the planet.
Whites more afraid to identify with their own kind than the jews killing them. The ultimate Stockholm Syndrome, itz.
the thing about anglin, spencer, peinovich...these are normal people it's the situation that's (((abnormal))) we realize it. we right it. that's our cause. what could be gloriouser?
you have only one life. contrary to the mewling jebus simps, there's nothing after. so why spend your time being a faggot for the jews?
"And in the long run, the platform may find that it sold out its single most valuable asset: its long-cherished reputation as a purveyor of free speech." Yep.
I urge Torba the Geek, aka Kid Scrapple, to ADMIT MOAR Twityangi refusees, for I would stomp verbal mudholes in their asses.
But Twitter has now opened what its competitor, Gab, called "a pandora's box," noting: "It will never be enough. There will now always be calls for person X, Y, and Z to be banned."
Cat owners are merely pathetic. Dog owners get whatever patch NS sewed on anti-socials.
Muslims have nearly impeccable record of wrongness but they got dogs right.
"You must have raised your arm/worn a hat/breathed audibly "He never does that" #AllDogOwnersTalkLikeLiberals
dogs have arguably had more excuses made for their shitty behavior than niggers #BarxNood
i support dog genocide, but first start with owners
On Spergisnacht they came for the sun speech. Black it. Blot it. Cut it out. Shear it. Queer it. Make it die.
Richard Spencer boolicided Te-Nehisi (Freakan for cowtail-showerboy) off tweeter on WhitePurgisNacht. That is like triple word score.
nothing new under the sun, only valid biblism
I may be in the minority here but I do not believe that women are markedly better at caring for children than anything else. I would bet good money the first woman who gave birth needed a man to tell her to stick her teat in the babe's mouth.
Gab is "asshole-friendly" Twitter? Works for me. But I prefer to see it as: Twitter is gaping-asshole Gab.

December 16, 2017:
antifa = murderous rage For the System
Sherman has also been an active philanthropist, including donating $50 million Canadian (US$39 million) to the United Jewish Appeal. He had also become an active fundraiser for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's Liberal party in recent years,
jew billionaire piller of the community dead in toronto and his she-jew too

December 15, 2017:

The (((left))) will keep pushing until courts render purely political decisions. In St. Skittles and "Hands up don't shoot" cases, the facts came out and justice was more or less served. We'll see with Fields. Right now, as with Zimmerman & Wilson, he's victim of (((media))) lie campaign.
The judeo-left's position is that facts shouldn't matter in the courtroom any more than in the media. Ideology determines guilt. Only way to explain upgrading Fields charge.
Cultural decline has a million proxies. One is the decreased number of gas places you can pump before paying.
Your White views equate to proof of criminal intent and proof of criminal behavior.
Neither Trump nor Christ-insanity are proxies for white interests.
"Premeditated murder" plan: wait for enraged gang to attack your car then put it in reverse and hit the gas. Second most absurd gas theory I've heard this life.

December 14, 2017:

When you define a problem wrong, you can't solve it. Christianity defines jews wrong.
the polack jebooists are gonna save us...not so much
2 on Disney munching Fox
Whites don't exist and are evil. Uniquely evil. Yeah it doesn't make sense but neither does mayonnaise, and it's all too real.
People who think they're special will fall for the same traps that people who realize they aren't will avoid.

December 12, 2017:

The site names are pretty much exactly what you’d expect. There’s a crappy Wikipedia (Infogalatic), asshole-friendly Twitter (Gab), bafflingly named Kickstarter (GoyFundMe), dumb Facebook (WrongThink), white supremacist OKCupid (, and even a Patreon alternative called ... Hatreon.
"Their solution? Build a new suite of internet services by shitty people, for shitty people." Cuz if you dont agree with Jim Jones, you're a shitty people. good.

December 10, 2017:

Men failed to ID the enemy - jews. That's what led to this situation. But here's what most don't yet want to redpill-accept: christianity MISDEFINES jews and what may by MORALLY done about them. Imagine rabid dogs were called "God's image bearers" and we weren't allowed to shoot them.
cops = blue niggers

December 09, 2017:

Electoral politics is alt-niggerball. If elections changed things, they'd be illegal. Like force.
Keep tossing those rings, rube! (hand emerges from behind back, sprays WD-40 on coke bottles, retreats) Breivik won like 70 elections in one day.
women look in mirror to check their makeup men look in mirror to check their soul these creatures are not remotely comparable, let alone equal
women take all criticism as a personal attack, this is one reason it's better to avoid them for non-sexual purposes
can one of you alleged humans explain to me why christian radio is all over the dial if christianity is bad for jews? they give you the slop: christian universalism they keep for themselves the treasure: racial nationalism (nazism)
but men dont complain about this, it's just how it is focus on doing excellent work. the rest will take care of itself. you'll get more or less what you deserve
the reality of right-wing women is you get advantages men dont. whereas your disadvantages are the same ones men get. as always, this gets turned upside down in (((media))).
politics is for men. if you're a woman and in politics you're a man. if your tits bring you money and attention, then maybe accept the downside too. without crying. see, sweetheart, men get the same criticism you do, and they dont get clouds of funding orbiters because they have a dick. they earn it
if we didnt import Valuable Cambodes like MIchelle Malkin, who would cook our fried spiders??
same thing in NE Missouri; they've trucked in mexicans with TB to work in meat processing (Milan - pronounced MY-lin)
"More than anything else, it is the thirst by powerful corporations like Tyson Foods for cheap, pliant, low-wage labor that is drawing Hispanics to these areas."
" is primarily agribusiness that is driving changing racial and cultural demographics whether it is poultry processing in Northwest Arkansas and North Alabama or hog farming in North Carolina or strawberries, oranges, tomatoes and blueberries in Florida."
i broke my atheism to pray that michael moore would be accused, hate that f'ing lying hypocritical obese smarmy slob
What strengthens sexual polarity makes society efficient and delightful.
Most men and women today do not understand what men and women actually are. Liberalism has poisoned them to think women are amateur men and men are insensitive women.
what is a man? what is 'white'? these take time and thought to understand, as our (((society))) downgrades them to point of pretending they don't exist. but they do. both are valuable; neither is dispensable
There's no tahm ta think, jes embrace muh terdition! There is always time to think.
i mean, this progressivism has been going on long enough...when does it become tradition hence inherently good, mr tradthoughtless? thinking is what we have. there is no doing away with it.
valid argument + boobs = valid argument invalid argument + boobs = invalid argument
"You're an (alligator)!" "I'm not an alligator!" #Fail
how to stay win-oriented, non-weak, non-defensive. basically, never say "I'm not" about anything, and you're always in right frame of mind
What a shame Jesus didn't breed. We humans could have used some 'perfect' in our bloodline.
i was away for a week. i really missed Gab #Gab #Gab4news #Gab4opinion #Gab4theWin
Men belong on their feet, using their heads. Not on their knees, bowing their heads.
Were the Nazis traditionalists?
I'm not a trad because it involves the same intellectual mistake as progressism - that things are good because old or because new. Wrongo. Loads of old things are bad, bad, bad. Existence over time is a molehill made into a mountain by morons. Traditions exist because thought is rare.
In the end, thots aren't really that interesting.
Truth about women I can personally attest to: if you have any sort of fame and women approach you, your 'thing' is always just a pretext and their interest is always personal.
"women treated terribly" = treated the same way everyone else is on internet women of all stripes complain about stuff that doesn't even rise to level of consciousness in men. perhaps a sign politics isn't for women?

December 05, 2017:

When you get away from free association, which is after all a Constitutional right in theory (and text), you find yourself in the position of Jack Dorsey.
it's a feature not a bug that White Nationalism says nothing about economic, religious, political arrangements. whites will never agree on those. WN is for those who want a RACE-BASED STATE. the rest can be worked out through compromise; the racial basis is non-negotiable

December 04, 2017:
whites wont defend themselves but will fly into rage at animal abuse. so that's where they are and that's where to reach em (see michael vick)
skinks > skanks
"You should give as much thought to being harassed as to the hair on your ass. It's there. So what?" --Carl Steakum
If a guy just beat me when the whole system was rigged against him, self-respect alone would prevent me from calling him stupid, as the j-left journalists do Trump.
See, I see a fucking yuppie in the street ready to fight. That's Herr Spencer. That means something. #Charlottesville Things are ch-ch-changing.
You're a sinner? Shit. Listen to the pea who thinks he's a blue whale. #Scrotes4Jesus
White Nationalism is the BitCoin of politics. We're white. We acknowledge an enemy: jews. Simple. Fun for the whole family. Life is struggle. But that is not a prohibition against dancing. Oh yeah.

December 02, 2017:

the face of this stupid-looking nigger is South African future come to the new world
Charlottesville was a tremendous success - those who say otherwise are flat wrong and you should question their analysis. They don't understand American politics because they think purely in terms of elections and appearances.
Mehlville detested cucked Americans and their unrigorous, sentimental, xtian-stoopid, wimmens-deferring, anti-intellectual ways...back in 1850s.

December 01, 2017:

#Audiobooks #LearningCollege The Feminization of American Culture, by Ann Douglas (1977) p367-399-END (101m) - Melville vs sentimentalism, effeminization and anti-intellectualism of American culture

November 30, 2017:

November 29, 2017:

how to handle the CT 'holocaust'? same way you handle a giant stinking defunct whale:
You notice the minute real Aryan talent appears in MSM, there's always some kike quickly jammed to it like a barnacle, and the talent has to appear not to mind. This is nepotism.
why do whiteskins act toward jews like that stupid wide-eyed dog in the meme
Trump retweets video of Jeff Dahmer creating a sex zombie Jewsmedia: Trump circulates anti-Dahmer video THIS is CHUTZPAH
whiteskins (as opposed to aggressive Whitesiders like me and you) are too polite not to use their enemies' terms. they are verbal liberals. and liberal is euphemism for judeo-leftist
are you getting the point that jews are just a bunch of scumbags? like, every single fucking one of them?
if women have brains, why are those snoochyap filters so popular?
i love how the whiteskin American christian scum, who are violently know-nothing when it comes to jews become fucking encyclopedias when it comes to muslims even though both groups have the same semitic genes & MO - deceive, steal, lie, murder
Catholics: we protect the weak from the strong No, you turn weakness into an ideal and you snuffle in degeneracy.
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege Did Six Million Really Die? Sections 6, 7 and 8. (80m) - truth about exterminations, camp conditions, memoirs, Anne Frank Diary, atrocities, starvation, fake photos
A video showing muslims murdering someone "makes muslims look bad." No, it's the murdering people that makes them look bad. You lying jew motherfucker.
Why people despise the (((media))) Trump retweets video showing muslims pushing guy off roof. Jew writer says: video makes muslims look bad. Jewsmedia says shoot the messenger - if it's not (((me))).
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege The Feminization of American Culture, by Ann Douglas p331-348 (52m) - Margarget Fuller w Emerson, Greeley. In italy for failed revolution deeds > words. life > literature. history > art.
Women innately feel this, i believe, after long observation: If you're dumb enough to listen to a woman, you deserve what you get.
In theory, not all judeo-leftists are rapists, but let's not be hasty until field scientists establish the point.
See, when they say they "love women" they're not kidding. They just leave out the 'unwilling.'
Women are myopic and love drama. Can you guess what the outcome of letting them set policies will be?
Thought experiment: if five anti-White journalists (redundant) were assassinated, how do you think coverage of the alt-right/white nationalism would change?
Christians have a scum fetish. They are generally weak people who hate what is strong and good. "...Alexis Diaz-Jimenez, 35, of Kirksville, has been charged with a class D felony of assault & felony of armed criminal action after a fight Friday near the Helping Hands Mission in downtown Kirksville."
When you have a community that is 90% white, still half the crime will be discoloreds. #NEMO
Notice how there's zero overlap between those they call misogynists and the actual rapists? It's like the people who 'hate women' don't molest them and the male feminists do. I'm totally not muh confused.
O'Keefe makes jews defend themselves. If he uses the same dirty tricks they use around the clock, well I'll certainly cry for them
Comments at the Root show roughly 100% of niggers agree with the fired nurse. And these are your higher class niggers.
It is interesting and significant that the widespread coverage of alt-right after the great success of Charlottesville almost pointedly refrains from mentioning that the alt-right sees jews as the main problem.
It's time for jews to pay the bill for their big lie about us murdering them and their real murders of tens of millions of us. #TeamWhite

November 26, 2017:

#Audiobooks #LearningCollege Did Six Million Really Die? (73m) - the truth about Nuremberg Trials and Einsatzgruppen (Action Gruops)
"Dark corners" of the internet has corners is virtual flat-earth expression, stupid and dishonest.

November 25, 2017:

Watch a grown man reading out of the jewish bible for whitesimps. Does he LOOK like he has any slightest conception of its production values? No. He does not. He looks like a goober hopped up on what some other goober has told him is the Real Thing. "Pure gold! Pure meat!", effuses the mental gimp.
Imagine you were handed a book called Muh Heritage Volume: the Travails n Overcomins of Family Stinkson. And yr all, wait my family name is Snoodler. WTF?! And they're from Gambia and we're from Europe/undiscovered Arkansas!? THIS IS NOT MY HERITAGE. YOU GOT THE WRONG (RACIAL) FAMILY.
The Bibble by Cohen is just another example of kikes putting their concerns front and center and congenital Germanic dopes going along with it. Muh heritage! Your heritage is a bunch of semites lying about being enslaved in Egypt? Are you retarded?
We need an Expeditionary Force to liberate Baltimore, the homeland of Mencken and Poe.
Beej I mean Peej asks
Have you personally ever met anyone who died, was buried, and then came back to life? But it totally happened to this guy named 'Jesus' in a book written by an E.S.T. committee.
Anti-xtianism is based on the insane proposition that men don't come back from the dead.
Racialists cuck too. Can you guess what form it takes? Yeah.
Have any of you borderline retarded motherfuckers ever actually read the bible? Guy is pimping out his sister by page three. You stupid fuckers drink out of this semitic outhouse like it's a mountain spring.
We just need to do this in 2018 and then (victory). And then 2020, 2022, 2024... Electoral politics is alt-niggerball. Until we have a racial army that's willing to bash heads in, electoral politics is useless.
The bible was written by the same dirty kikes who produced Al Goldstein's "Screw" magazine and Al Ochs's New York Times. But I guess Every. Single. Time. doesn't apply to muh Bibble? Cuz feels bad, man and muh Terdition. You people must get orgasms from stupidity.
Contradictions don't matter, thinks the white fool. But he doesn't think it. It doesn't rise to the level of consciousness.
You can be a Christian or a White Man. Not both.
Their religion says we goyim are ANIMALS. They have the duty to KILL us all and take our stuff. That's their RELIGION talking. 100% dual code. Meanwhile OUR religion (produced by (((Saul))))) says jews are god's special children with invaluable souls of inestimable worth. Gee, who wins that war?
There is no body on earth with as cretinous a band of defenders as christianity, save the band KISS.
Jesus Christ was a fictional character, and the first drama queen. The cross was the first selfie stick. If you believe men come back from the dead, you are not merely a fool, you have implicitly renounced the use of the mind.
Deus Vult: sorry, kiddies, that puppydog won't hunt.
catholicism = domestication mislabeled civilization. its ultimate aim is the production of an alleged human line without balls or teeth
You tutting over Spencer, Charlottesville, alt-right generally, which mainstream politician has a better name, appearance or cleaner background than Richard Spencer? Donald "pussy grabber" Trump? Hillary "alt-Ma Barker " Clinton? Who? Nah, yr objections aren't valid. ALL pro-Whites get smeared.
Traditions are what got us where we are today. How valuable can they be?
Idea: Great White Shark Party for a Glorious Racist Future. Outline(s) of GWS for the flag. head on, body profile, rampant with open mouth in arced jump. What could be super-sexier-dynamicker than that? I'll tell you, lil friend: NOTHING.
I said this decades ago, what people loved about McLoughlin Group was it was the one place the host talked down to and cut off the journalists. Treated them as the special ed-tier buffoons they actually are, PB excepted. Trump operates in same vein, enjoys same audience-appreciative response.
Trump realizes how much the American people HATE the media. USA can't come to an end fast enough
Charlie Bucket returned the Everlasting Gobstopper, tacitly admitting he had failed. He accepted his fate, for he had earned his penalty. A jewish CB would have shrieked about lawsuits and anti-Bucketism, and told the cops Wonka tried to murder him in a giant fan.
So it turns out that reincarnation is true. William Pierce has been reborn, as it were, in the body of a Canadian woman. He's not ready to fully reveal himself yet, but it's coming. Just a tip from me to you.
When I think Aryan, I don't think of serried ranks of SS marchers, though they are valid, honorable and necessary, I think of the character Charlie Bucket. That type -- our type at its best -- is what our cause is all about.
There's global understanding of the (((problem))) and that its attack on our kind is racial, not trivial religious/political.
"The "alt-right" may have no idea how to accomplish anything significant beyond triggering leftists on the internet. But the utter inability of today's Republican Party to fight it off...suggests that the ideological crisis provoked by the "alt-right's" emergence is far from over."
This large pinecone would make a dreamy centerpiece. Who's with me?
Women should be allowed to vote. On what kind of holiday crap to hang on the door. Anything beyond that exceeds their capacity and endangers society.
on Black Friday, the first 100 through the door get a free 20-lb sack of Purina Nigger Chow
"There may be Greenland sharks alive today that were born before Christopher Columbus..."
"they have blunt snouts and gaping mouths that give them an unfortunate, dull-witted appearance" ichthyism much?
christianity, semitic cult of criminals and chumps
We have the Second Amendment so we have the means to kill tyrannical politicians We have the First Amendment so we have the means to identify them.

November 24, 2017:
Hitler rose to power mainly through online petitions. But if you're not a stooden of history like me you dont know this.
"i was abused" well it didnt take. get back in the machine.
"i was abused" not enuf
D'oe - TWF a polack shoots your wife for a deer
"She was always out to help somebody," he told the Buffalo News. "She never wanted credit and was always quiet about it. She's just an angel. An angel for sure. Today she helped somebody bag a deer."
there's always a market for telling alleged people what they want to hear
is there a single cuckservative who isn't a christian?
High IQ in a woman in no way changes her basic nature, which is to deceive and intrigue.
Christlunacy operates on the genetic gullibility of the Germanic peoples, which is our racial Achilles heel, from the POV of competitors. If men can't come back from the dead, then christianity is based on a lie. It's that simple, regardless of how you feel about it.
Duct tape is the art of keeping things going without actually fixing them. #NorwegianWay
that's why (((they))) allow christian radio: because it's pro-white
To crissies who criticize me: 1) you're afraid to use your real name. yes, everyone has a good reason for being a pussy, i'm sure yours is great too 2) you're just like allegedly pro-white jews: you criticize WN for being anti-xtian, but you won't say boo to your pastor about his anti-Whiteness
Anti-Whiteness within NFL: Thielen and Zimmer
In the end, Southern nationalism, libertarianism and traditionalism are reduced to waiting for the US empire to fall apart. That's their solution.
The effort expended attacking boomers is wasted and largely inaccurate because boomers are scarcely worse/better/different from the generations before and after. The effort is correctly placed in attacking christianity, which is #2 reason whites cant identify/defend their own group.
Forward: Does Tucker Czarlson Hate Whites Enough to be Allowed on TV?

November 23, 2017:

Professional goy-Conservatives do have a principle: whatever advances my career is all that matters. Jews aren't like goyim. They don't sell out their race for money.
I could describe the feast that then follows, without missing a detail, if I thought the reader would stand it.
the Noble Son of the Plains becomes a mighty hunter...the prey that a number of the tribes hunt is crickets and grasshoppers! The warriors, old men, women, and children, spread themselves abroad in the plain and drive the hopping creatures before them into a ring of fire.
A Faberge egg made into a church wows the goat-tending yokels of Bratislava, but it is not culture. It is not white. It is Italian bad taste taking on airs. What Twain does in Noble Red Man is White as it gets, is our people and our culture at its peak.
"Such is the Noble Red Man in print. But out on the plains and in the mountains, not being on dress parade, not being gotten up to see company, he is under no obligation to be other than his natural self..." Whites are at our best when we sneer. We are quite literally a race of trolls.
"In some publications he seldom says anything but "Waugh!" and this, with a page of explanation by the author, reveals a whole world of thought and wisdom that before lay concealed in that one little word." In one sentence, Twain has himself surpassed the entire cultural achievement of the red race
They want it both ways: we are evil for conquest / there was no conquest, it was microbes. Which is it, White-haters? Anyway, here's Mark Twain on the reality behind the myth of The Noble Red Man.
No one knows why God selected NEMO as His country. It could have been the wild turkeys, the plump women, the largemouth bass, or even the rare and wily boolagong. Would take a scholar of neo-Lutherian proportions to puzzle it out.
It's a beautiful day in the NEMO, aka God's country.
"I've never seen an angel. I've never seen a ghost. But I've seen more morons than a computer could count." --Kentworth Limestone, p. 313, The Burgeoning Underscalp: Mentation Reconsidered
"Reason is pro-social. You can make your case to anyone using understood and accepted standards. Revelation is private and dubious, hence anti-social. I can't know what you're feeling. I have to take your word. And you are probably an idiot, going by percentages." --Kent Limestone
As Horace Wagner said, Courage is the Eminent Pa of all the bitty virtues.
Twitter's symbol shouldn't be a free-flying bird but a bubble boy
Weev explainer on Net Neutering
well worth a listen
If christianity was worth a damn, jews would have kept it for themselves. And forbidden it to us.
This Thanksgiving, spare a prayer for the aborted 19,000,000 DeShitaviouses. Instead of enriching the soil, usefully improving our rutebagas, they could be above ground enriching us, bearing shuffling, feckless witness to what scholars call the Creator's Refrigerator Period.
long march through the institutions? that was then. this is now: short fire.

November 22, 2017:

I think "It's Okay to be Overweight" would be better optics. It shows we understand the plight of the common white man.
"Whether Bannon and his Breitbart colleagues genuinely oppose anti-Semitism — or simply understand that anti-Semitism will get them in trouble — the result is the same. They filter out the animosity of the “alt-right” toward Jews while amplifying its animosity toward Muslims, Mexicans and others."
Christianity was produced by jews to exploit our comparative racial weakness - our gullibility.
do you know how popular David Cassidy was back in the day? do you? i dont think you do
"Foxler Nightfire, the head of the Furry Raiders, says he once tried to join a neo-Nazi group but was kicked out for being gay, half-Asian...and a furry. Another prominent alt-furry, a rat named Chairman Squeek, claims to be a “cross-dressing, communist Gypsy.”"
have we, as a community, fully exploited the comedic value here? i think not
what is more disgusting? chitlins or the bootlip it's hanging off of?
If hating white people is wrong, I don't want to be wrong. Do you?
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege Did Six Million Really Die? by Richard Harwood Intro - Section 3 - stuff you won't learn in school/college. i 100% guarantee that. _BECAUSE_ it's true. - holocaust = big lie, jews emigrated, not exterminated
We are the race of Taylor Swift; they are the race of Taylor Sachs.
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege The Feminization of American Culture, by Ann Douglas pp293-310 (52m) - decline of Harriet Beecher Stowe into narcissistic sentimentalism presages modern mass-media and consumerism

November 21, 2017:

the minute Manson dies, fifteen stories appear crediting him with grandfathering the alt-right
Papa John's caters NPI event.
Can't stand this 'consume' media. Ubiquitous now in the Cult. One does not consume media, that is just plain wrong. Change for change's sake is stupid as traditionalism.

November 20, 2017:

Debunking of The Pink Swastika
Trump is a racialist. His race is winners. That's how he sees it. Old Joe Kennedy was the same way.
#TeamWhite - Jan and I discuss latest news in southern Africa and US

November 19, 2017:

The jews played the Harvey Weinstein card. We whitegoys sweated hard, thought a minute, then played the michael moore.
To baptize a jew, just hold him underwater until all the lies come out of him, ie when he stops bubbling
to understand jews, just imagine a race of hillary clintons
God and dead people: anyone can put words in their mouth.
Diversity is our greatest stress.
Cletus Abongwa Ngwa, folks, I kid you not. Thanks to a suckotash of xtians and jews, this fine African fellow teamed up with a mexican to produce massive insurance fraud. In Iowa. Diversity strengthin' us.
what color is the nigger thugspect?
"Gab is one of several alternative social networks that have risen in popularity over the last year in part due to Twitter's crackdown on hate speech. Gab received thousands of new user sign-ups overnight after Twitter unverified Kessler and banned "Baked Alaska," according to Torba."
2/2 verification into a direct sign of endorsement."
"Twitter’s hypocrisy and poor leadership is on display yet again," "By selectively removing verification from certain right-leaning groups and individuals and not left-leaning groups and individuals who also break these new subjective guidelines, Twitter is indeed ironically turning
"There’s some things you can just say, 'This is wrong.' Nazis are wrong. Homophobia is wrong. It's a non-starter, non-conversational," a Twitter employee said over the phone Thursday.
“I think every country should keep its identity,” he says, adding, “Millions of people have died for German identity. If you think they deserve respect, you must protect their country.” --Morrissey

November 18, 2017:

Lesson to conservative christian homoqueers (doubly or trebly redundant): when a jew says something you should spit like Clint Eastwood not swallow.
christian spirit-queer = conservative poli-queer = homo flesh-queer
Unprotected sewing leads to Bad Socks. Socks of low moral character. They abandon their partners mid-cycle and blame the dryer.
When you think about it, the white origin story pushed by NOI, that we came straight outta test tube, crazy young whitey from Yakub, is just an alt-OOAfrica
Anyone can be an American, just like you can make a lemon pie out of boll weevils and jalapenos.
Your soul mate is a donut.
There is no stepping over it. When the jew says holocaust, our response is: YOU are a liar YOUR MOTHER is a liar YOUR GRANDPARENTS are both liars Your whole fucking race is a bunch of rats with stolen cheese and LIES in their mouths. And fuck you and get in the oven thanks for playing.
People vs the woods. Which is worse. We all know they both suck. People are filled with lies and carbohydrates. The woods are full of ticks and poison ivy. It's hard to say. Probably only a Sophocles could answer. But he's dead of woodsy hemlock. Given to him by people.
You can't draw a circle and tell the elephant to poop inside it and go into a manners feeding frenzy when it misses. It's a FUCKING ELEPHANT. It's ass is NINETEEN FEET OFF THE FLOOR.
race is a a social construct but hybrid vigor is a real biological thing itz what gets Lo Ball in da shop fingermithin' while whiteskins lie abed snoozin' and losin'
Does Putin have the bearing and mien of a dishonest man? Does his behavior reflect a proclivity for fooling and misleading honest others? Does he look like the sort of man who would perch his penis on the shoulders of seated normies, were he tall enough for such hijinks?
to understand what we (WN representing interests of white race) should do look at things from jew point of view (those seeking white genocide)
only two classes support jews: the paid and afraid
USA politics is like a non-goy band called ONE DIRECTION. Vote how you like, their playlist is set in stone
smart honest men disagreeing on something is good infighting. is necessary to clearly define the IN and the direction
if smart men of character agree on something -- say jews are bad -- then it's probably true if smart men of character disagree on something -- say, how to get to a sovereign white nation from here -- then it's probably not something that can be determined a priori but must be demonstrated in field.
African freedom = retarded nigger rolling around in egg yolks* *see Africa Addio
there are fags of dick and there are fags of lobe
a woman's mind closes as quickly over an idea she doesn't want to hear as a cat's skin over a wound
Women have opinions. No, son. They have tits.
When you see a full-grown man, a large man, with good muscles and clear eyes... When you hear that man talk of prayer, do you not cringe inside out of instinctual disgust at perversion, akin to what we feel for homos? Be honest. I think you do.
if beer is proof that god loves us, then women are proof that god's trolling us
i mean LOOK at the boers. are they not perfectly built for fighting? yet they are zombified into puling droolers by the morbific jeseuss cult
I'm not saying that mass shootings and cashier comments are on the same level. Cashier comments are worse. Cuz mass shootings only happen every week, but cashier comments are every hour of every day.
Liberal WASP insanity: public schools. (straight outta 'chusetts, crazy yung wigger named prussia). your kid dies because Master Knowbetter shoved a bunch of violent niggers in with him. Liberal WASP insanity: Christian Science. yr kid dies of measles cause disease doesn't eixst, just Bad Thoughts.
Christian Science is interesting in that it is the only known (to me) example of WASP liberal insanity that isn't aggresively sociopathic. That is, it doesn't try to force its beliefs on others. Or even on its own, believe it or not. That's true.
You see that picture of that jackass admired by fools Taleeb with the Lisper Queen?
I like to stand, on my feet. And then just sort of look at things, out of my eyes.
There are people with truly great personalities. I don't mean charisma. I dont mean the simp ideals of the common cult. I mean, people who just inherently take/respond to things in a genuinely superior way. It's as obvious and undeniable and even more wonderful a superiority as the visible-athletic.
If you're not a white nationalist, then how are you different from Binky Shapiro and his not giving a "good damn" about the browning of the country?
If the future of the white race is up for vote, then elections are the most important thing. If not, then elections are merely one aspect. #TeamWhite
Let's be fair-minded, people. Everybody but me is wrong.
Boers form a prayer square. What a cool conjunction of Semitic insanity and Germanic blockheadedness. You have a race of beauty queens and middle-linebackers that by belief has reduced itself to puling livestock.
In no subset of our race are the miserably destructive effects of christ-insanity more clearly wrought than in the Boers.
The Boers say genug is genug. Enough is enough. Somebody must do something. Who, exactly, Sr. Boerito? Then they hold hands and pray. Like the yawhos in Whoville. I guess they mean God. God or SIN (Some Important Nigger) must Do Something. Prayer is simply dry masturbation. Boers are erect cows
"Ear Wax Sculpting kit? Ohhh. Gonna make some ear wax sculptures, eh?" --Today's Cashier "No. I'm going to kill you." -- Imaginary Me
If I were dictator, I would create a position called Official Hector, and pay for it out of my pocket, like Trump does. This person would give biweekly addresses to help explain to people how to act in public. God knows, no nation needs remedial socialization like the USA in 2017.
BTW, if you are a cashier, since no one since Florence King has pointed this out, including your trainers, it is incredibly bad form to comment on what your customer is buying. That is not your business. You are embarrassing people and/or forcing them to make exhausting/unwanted chitchat. Stop it.
Not everyone is extroverted. It's about 3/4 to 1/4. So don't push your friendliness on people until they show are open to it. Just be polite and efficient, if, say, you're a waitress or working behind a desk.
I object to the cult of personality. I didn't vote for Reagan because of his cute nipples, I voted for him because he said he would shut down the Department of Education. Did that happen? No. So I drew the conclusion.
Some of us have watched the USA unfold for decades. We've seen normal whites vote for sanity, whether by policy or president. And we've seen them win. And it didnt matter. The pol betrayed them. or they policy was tossed out by a judge. What basis have whites for faith in the System? Hence: WN
All white men of good intention: -get your body in order -get your money in order -get your family in order -get your memes in order Now, we need a White Liberation Army to pull all that together.
I'm so sick of the sadistic carnivores and their absurd doctrine that prepared properly, a steak can be just as tasty as a bean pie. Bullshit!!
Politics without violence, aka political veganism.
The whiteskin looks the enemy in the face and blanches. One side veers off to the left, shrieks "VOTING!" The other side veers off to the right, shrieks "GOD and PRAYER!" What's left bends over and picks up a rock. And turns from a mere whiteskin to a White Man in full.
The black-on-white attacks Flaherty documents are the intended results of social engineering by the System, which for decades has subjected normal whites to laws and conditions we rejected BY VOTE. What they mockingly call integration is the use of violence to destroy civilized whitespace.
I have never yet seen anyone respond to my request that he lay out how we get from where we are today to a sovereign white nation - 100% legally. Feel free to do that. Since you feel free to denounce anyone who talks about counter-violence.
"Free country": in which state can I buy property that isn't highly taxed to support the local schools that uniformly teach anti-Whitism? None of them? ok. Taxation to support views you don't agree with is tyranny - Jefferson said taht in so many words.
Elections are politics as niggerball, but the bourgeois don't want to admit this. Anyone who risks more than me is a fed. When's dinner? How are my stocks doing? You should be publicly respecting those who risk it all: #HeroAndersBreivik. #HeroDylannRoof. If you're a racialist.
You keep voting, they'll keep throwing it out. Those urging you to keep playing a rigged game are probably federal agents. "Vote. It matters." "Rock the vote."* *Results may vary according to whether some colored judge in HI thinks you selected appropriately.
Remember, kids, it's those microelections in 2018 that matter. The future of the USA rides on them.
Watch the video of Boers protesting farm murders to see that these people are probably the most Christian people in the West. They are truly, fully and wholly infected with a death virus they call love.
How to stop Boer farmer murders. Form a BF union. Announce that for every farmer murdered after 1 January 2018, 10 random blacks will be killed. Follow through, if necessary.
video about the October 30th farm-murders protest in South Africa

November 17, 2017:

"The situation has deteriorated to such an extent that last year...the city hired “Persistent Surveillance Systems” to provide daily aerial reconnaissance. The company flies a Cessna around in a loop in order to provide real-time footage of the combat zone to analysts on the ground."
Twitter's decision to monitor users off site sparked concern from free speech advocates such as Andrew Torba "This is a scary precedent to set," "Rules like this will only force dissidents and those who are speaking truth to power to silence themselves or risk being silenced by Twitter."
"Better to remain uninked and have people think you're an idiot than get tattooed and prove it." --21st century Mark Twain
"Only when this Jewish bacillus infecting the life of peoples has been removed can one hope to establish a co-operation amongst the nations which shall be built up on a lasting understanding."
“We denounce and decry every form of racism, including alt-right and any organization that advocates white supremacy, as antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We acknowledge that we still must make progress in rooting out any remaining forms of racism...from our midst..."
I believe that violence alone will effect White-positive change in the UK and Canada.
I, for one, like to yell at my finger, Flea Ermley style: GET TA PICKING YOU DAFFODIL. Then it stares at me in confusion, not knowing whether I mean nose or ass. FINGERISM ISNT JUST ABOUT EFFICACY, it's also about fun.
#Fingerism is the natural religion of the white man.
It's less than people are conformists than that they're inconceivists.
To be a true Christian, you must believe that a man came back from the dead. Don't just blip over that part. As a child of five, I stuck on it. I mean, I thought to myself in Sunday School, you realize this isn't true right? Then I realized the cult is all about old women of both sexes' emo needs
If you dont think reading matters, then you don't think thinking matters, and you won't think contradictions matter. You will lose to tribes that realize they do matter. Jews will never be defeated by anti-intellectuals. #TeamWhite
"I'm not white, I'm part of the Body of Christ." We quoted a woman saying that within the last month. It makes no more sense to let a woman mess with religion than to let one vote.
the white race has no necessary connection to the black race or the (((bible))), both of which were adventitiously foisted on us by jews Whites Going Their Own Way is our need and mission
the whiteskin protestants (aka you and me and 90% of us dolts on here, by belief or at least backround) look in the old testament, see the milk-and-honey rats and say IT ME. that is our sad legacy: lip-moving Old Testament readers who are wannabe neo-Israelites

November 16, 2017:
"It is a 9-hour Baked Alaska video that involves lots of close-ups of web browsers and prolonged shots of him staring introspectively at a computer screen, presumably waiting for Twitter to let him back in. It ain’t happening, buddy, but hey: you’ve always got Gab." #GabNews
DirtyGary Breanna Edwards 11/17/17 1:10am look, alleged people: she’s trying to keep him from turning into a nigger, and he’s already pretty far gone, as you can tell by the blackened skin Reply
does christianity cure nigger? let's take a peek at this news story and find out
jews have perverted perversion
how many insane women is the average man dealing with at any given point in time? i would guess SEVEN. as georg trawler said, cosi fan tutti is no bullshitti
(((christianity))) you're not redpilled if you deny it
in a lot of ways whiteskins are like dogs that get distracted by any stupid thing and fall off the path. we got sidetracked into the (((christian))) delusion and it's killing us
"Life is hard, man. It's harder if you're stupid."
God's a racist. He created races.
Look at other people evenly. Don't laugh too much. Now and then let a smile play about your lips and hint at the fanatic within. Bring your mind and body to a taut and e'er so slightly swaggering overness.
White people are inherently infinitely more interesting than other races.
Wear your swastika in the center of your eye.
Roy Moore and his special young friend danced and looked deeply in each other's eyes.
Cigarettes are good for you, said nobody. Candy is nutrious, said nobody. Sodomy is perfectly normal, said lotsobodies. Mmmrmph?
In this life, as Prince said, "yon yone." Is true. Rest of us can only point out how idotic, repulisive and backwards you are. But we're coming from a place of love. According to us. Just keep trying. Remember: not every baby seal ends up in the Great White Shark mouthole.
Ugh...I'd rather be raped Roy Moore than tongued by Al Franken.
if i were a woman, i cant imagine anything scarier than an al franken coming after me with engorged filament and lust in its cantered eyes
racial pride, not religious humility, will lead our people to liberation. religious humility will reduce us to boers - cut up, pissed on, laughed at - forgotten
jewing of American high school lit classes is a good topic. 3/4 are jewbilge, other is brainless-female drama from fat momron broad
i used to be a racist, then i started thinking about those 19 million aborted blacks. all the talent we lost. we might have sliced up a second kevin hart. or diced a larval don lemon.
that's the general law of defensiveness, and it works with scientists and fundamentalists alike
Good things come to those who fight. Roy Moore shows this. Even people like me who instinctively don't like his type support him, largely for that reason.
anything you're defensive about is wrong. if you're honest, you can determine whether or not you're defensive. you're defensive because you know, in mind or gut, there's something WEAK that needs defended. and it needs to be defended because it's weak...because it's wrong.
Life is hard, man. And it's even harder when you're a plant.
good exercise for people, i do this myself
People have to be red pilled on this: extermination is the only solution to the jew problem. There is no question. There is a problem and there is one solution.

November 15, 2017:

Let me tell you little friend. When they world blows up and it's nothing but you and your freeze-dried lentils and some tarantulas with non-8 numbers of legs, you're going to think those beans are laughing at you. And you're gonna be right.
Backtutting "Revenge of the Nerds" for his raping the broad. Oh god kill me now.
The white spirit is: jaunty.
a good one
It's just like that rat Hitler to sneak out of the grave and turn Spacey into a pedo.
Remember, kids: the right words can ring in a person's head for life. Choose your words carefully. DirtyGary IamSpartacus 11/15/17 9:34pm your mentality is why our entire age sucks. you make life worse for literally everybody around you
In life, you're going to get your ass pinched. I don't which of the many fine sexes you belong to.
Let's get serious here. This Alabama 16yo would be dating Japer Snipes, prominent 18yo greasewheeler. Or noble Roy Moore, 30yo manston.
The jewpress cared less than zero about very credible rape allegations against Bill Clinton. Contrast with DATE allegations lol against RoyMoore.
Roy Moore faces some very serious date allegations
In Minnesota, they eat rotten fish. In Alabama, they eat dirt. In Missouri, where people are civilized and hairy, we eat human food. Granted in larger than strictly necessary amounts, but still.
Who are we to judge Alabama? They eat dirt down there. I know you all think I'm kidding about that. Look it up.
You seen "They Live" Stayed tuned for "They Livid" #TheHaggening
Their purge is our spurt Their purge is our spurt Their purge is our spurt
Here, Back Door Jack, let me do the work of years and committees: IF ITS FUN IF ITS TRUE WE DONT WANT IT ON TWITTER There you go, lil buddy.
E pluribus sputum
#TheHaggening and #MakeApp are proof that whites are the greatest race that could even conceivably exist.
"America’s coming unglued, technology accelerating it, and there’s no possible way to halt these trends. The battles of Sacramento and Charlottesville will come to be remembered not as a false start, but as the first tremors in a radical and sweeping reconfiguration of the entire Western order."
our differences matter to us our similarities matter to them
That repurposed Goebbels quote makes me giggle like a baby.
Ritualized fakeness - in both news and news presenter
Jews are pathological liars. Whites are pathological altruists. Can you see what is wrong with this?
“All I want is to see [Jews] screaming in a pit of suffering on the soil of my homeland before I die,” Auernheimer wrote. “I don’t want wealth. I don’t want power. I just want their daughters tortured to death in front of them and to laugh and spit in their faces while they scream.”
"sense of entitlement" among "neo-fascists" who think they should set their national policies rather than defer to jews like the apple tree crew
"Large contingents of Hungarian, Slovak and Italian neo-fascist groups came to Warsaw to join the march; for the first time, international alt-right trolls were also actively supporting the march on Twitter and elsewhere, “alt-right” being the modern-sounding term for neo-fascist."

November 14, 2017:

"Dugan described the suspect as a black male between 6 feet and 6 feet 2 inches with a thin build and a light complexion." Lone nigger operating in 10-block area more than a mental match for Big Blue.
"I've been watching the serial killer news and watching, listening, praying -- and for that to happen to my brother, to be shot four times at close range, that's hard," Linda Cunningham said." Some of god's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. I learned that from Garth Brooks.
It's not my fault that Jugear Jeffy looks like a cross between a eucalyptus clutching koala and a lemur.
Hitler was wrong. About eating only vegetables. Jews? Yeah, sure of course. He was spott-o on that one.
There hasn't been a good Southerner since that cartoon chicken that doubled everything.
Steve Bannon likes: Cernolisp, Posob.s., jews Steve Bannon dislikes: white nationalists He says we racialists will burn off.
we open our homes and wallets to them. in return, they give us the gift of free sex
i wish all the bitty mexidogs named Chewy (chuey?) could be strung together like a christmas tree popcorn string
dont look at what Bannon says, look at what he does. ok: he addressses Zionist Organization of America, denounces white racialism while appealing to jew racialism
denounces white nationalism, supports jewish nationalsm, meet the New Fake Right
"We're leading an insurgency movement against the Republican establishment," Bannon told the crowd at the Zionist Organization of America's annual gala Sunday. "We're a nation at war. This war is only going to be won if we bind together and work as partners,” he continued.
Why are so many conservative evangelicals supporting Roy Moore? I mean Israel? Why does Roy Moore support Israel?
There's an infinite number of crap-tier countries like Syria. There is only one Germany and one Britain.
What was Hitler & Nazis? It was Mercedes Benz of politics. We Anglophones can't duplicate it until we understand this. There's not really multiple ways to oppose TeamJew, and Hitler et al. figured out how to do it.
Lagerfeld = Morrissey Christ, there is more interesting diversity within the souls of these two white characters than in all the discolored races put together.
Lagerfeld knows what's up
We should have been killing jews at least since Brown v Board. The line was crossed long ago.
Fair and honorable dealing is for fair and honorable people. And yeah, throw in an extra 10%, we all make mistakes and misjudgments. But when you have people (Hillary and The Jews) who are out and out criminals, who NEVER follow any rules, then fuck them any way you can.
Trump should cashier Jugear Jeffy and get someone north of the Mason-Dirtjar Line to go after the criminal cunt. "Treat people the way their behavior shows you'd be wise to treat them." > Golden Rule
DirtyGary Damon Young 11/14/17 2:13pm i come here for nigger whining, not this whiteskin leftist horseshit. know your audience, coonston

November 13, 2017:

"Officials in Madagascar have warned residents not to exhume bodies of dead loved ones and dance with them because the bizarre ritual can cause outbreaks of plague"

November 12, 2017:

The right White are the only non-snowflakes out there!
Nigger + money = nigger. Nor money nor xtian gooberism nor skin care to relieve the ashiness will change the basic biological nature of the negro.
"They don’t grasp how radically and irretrievably the northern Virginia suburbs have been transformed. Alexandria, Arlington, Fairfax County, and Loudoun County are ground zero for the unholy nexus between government, government contractors, the Fed, and open cronyism. They’re not coming back..."
"The reason for this is simple – even the “anti-Nazi” Polish Partisan supporters hate Jews and Muslims. In fact, every single group there probably felt the same way. It’s varying shades of nationalism from your basic pro-Catholic anti-Muslim sentiment to straight up NatSoc ideology."

November 11, 2017:

"The far-rights presence at the event was visible for all to see, with some holding up xenophobic banners and chanting questionable slogans. One banner read ‘White Europe of brotherly nations’."

November 10, 2017:
canada produces its first man
i would say milo and richard spencer have impinged the periphery of avgoy consciousness jew adage = "don't plow too deeply to see over your own furrow"
if dogs could walk on two feet they'd go to church services and nod to each other than wolves are devils
if whites had pride they would resist jews. but most of them belong to a cult that says pride is the ultimate sin
number of self-hating jews: 0 number of other-hating jews: 14,000,000
Dylann Roof's act may eventually prove more consequential than Trump's election.
which is most useless waste of time:
voting itself is cuck when you think about it
it's not the khaki and polo, it's the cut of their gib - the look in their eyes.

November 09, 2017:
nothing but violence will ever change anything in canada.
“Every time, someone on Twitter would take a picture of the sign and express that it was racist," he said. The alt-right posters, he continued, "chalk that up as a win," because they want to convince people that "liberals are actively working against white people.”
"Holt told Salon that...he found more than 100 instances of the signs — always with the same language, "It's OK to be white" — popping up across the country, typically at colleges and universities."

November 08, 2017:
DirtyGary Damon Young 11/09/17 1:21am hey monkey here’s a column idea. as a racist (aka normal white), i could use your black help: how do i become more offensive to you discoloreds? tia Reply
DirtyGary espo618 11/09/17 1:15am you’re a jackass. niggers hate your type for good reason. whites are guilty of only one thing: being a different, massively superior species to blacks.
have not heard but it is mathematically impossible this is not the worst song ever recorded
YOU worry about optics THEY have toothbrush mustache cataracts every time they look right
"Hans-Hermann Hoppe has ‘opened the gates of hell’ to the liberty movement Tucker admitted that it had taken him a while to reach this conclusion and to repudiate past dealings with Hoppe and other paleolibertarians."
"...Budapest is regaining its position as a center of European culture and pride, and you can really sense it. Hungary is Europe’s fastest growing tourist destination, with a 19% increase in the number of tourists in 2015, and a further 7% in 2016."
"that stuff around your tattoo is beautiful, honey. what do you call that?" "skin?"
back in the day people were slim and dignified. when they needed a monster, a simple Gillman was enough
this guy is banned off youtube for common sense videos warning men about legal and other dangers of entanglements with women
“YouTube influencers tend to make really good validators because they talk to their fans way more than someone like a Brad Pitt,” he said. “He may have a ton of star power, but there’s no community engagement. Someone like a Hank or John Green just talking to the fans has way more pull...”

November 07, 2017:
what is a woman? watch this exciting video and learn
DirtyGary Monique Judge 11/08/17 12:33am give me a break, niggers. even by nigger standards, which, rest assured are P-2 level, this fred was a nasty, dirty criminal. not one person on earth isn’t better off because this criminal coon is underground
wow i just threw up in my mouth and all over my shoes and in three garbagecans
DirtyGary Monique Judge 11/08/17 12:27am the Nazis are already on, which is where the fag Dorsey copied the idea of moar characters [Dirty Gary supports Torba the Geek, aka Kid Scrapple]
"Freud also argued that when men gave up the primal drive to protect ourselves, our families and our communities – and that power was transferred to standing armies – it disempowered us and made us weak psychologically." Worship/subcontracting of/to experts is indeed effeminate.
rape culture is nigger culture but that part goes unmentioned
"...the opportunities of fraud, growing out of a state of war, and in the degeneracy of manners and of morals, engendered by both. No nation could preserve its freedom in the midst of continual warfare." how long has our War on Ferns been going on for? 16 years?
"War is the parent of armies; from these proceed debts and taxes; and armies, and debts, and taxes are the known instruments for bringing the many under the domination of the few." Vet-worship is as sick and sad as jebus prostration.
Kayfabe (/ˈkeɪfeɪb/) is a shorthand or slang term used to describe the fact that professional wrestling is a staged, scripted event and not a competitive sport but presented as legitimate. Did Gloomore beat Funnigan? DID HE
The USA had one great generation, that was the Founders. I'ts been pure lima beans since then.
"Constant apprehension of War, has the same tendency to render the head too large for the body. A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home."
Anglo-Americans can't ever admit they're wrong. Their penalty is to continue to lose. guess yay us. We showed that turd who was boss in WWII. "boy, you really got it made!...only now, no one says that anymore." --Uncle Buck
long haired big titty bubbledheaded girl
oh the DOT, you motherfuckers why do you pick on truckers?
all truckers eventually go insane far as i can tell
a song about manliness, nigga
love the way that guy just waded in and shot the guy. and the other normie drove him off the road into death. a bluehero would have called for SWAT and let the guy escape
funny: catholic doctrine is that humans are not animals. but all hominids are soul-equal in god's eyes
dead breeders

November 06, 2017:

"The self-righteous Mueller, who turned a blind eye to the massive stench of corruption coming out of the Uranium One deal in 2009/2010 when he was FBI director, has only one mission in mind: To mug the American electorate for its audacity in electing Donald Trump President..."
niggers willing to risk their lives to get to Europe whiteskins not willing to risk their lives to defend Europe
DirtyGary Michael Harriot 11/06/17 9:00pm that’s just good niggering.
DirtyGary Charles D. Ellison 11/06/17 8:53pm it’s not that we hate you. it’s just that your racial gifts don’t extend to things like ‘thinking’ and ‘self-control.’ probably better to let humans make the political choices before all America becomes Detroit
facts? whadat
terrarium niggers at da Root an shit
“It was a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial.”
#TeamWhite what we should be doing now. my ideas in post #45
Catholics also like to mock racialism by using 'gonads.' Catholicism is wuss-tier judaism when it comes to 'arguing' and smears.

November 05, 2017:
"The FBI has shown up, so now we may never know the truth." --CBS article commenter
jews only have two genuine arts: financial swindling and brazenness. having got away with '9/11' they seek new heights to scale
Contra their defense, many women do bruise very easily!
Which institution spread by jews among whites told the suckers they had a Duty to spread the good news globally and bring so-called civilization to the brownies?
Christ-insanity is a millstone the whiteskin believer mistakes for a lifejacket.
What's turning white men and women into equivalent of housecats and lapdoggies? Christianity. What they call 'civilizing' is actually domesticating. They are, together with the jew threat on the outside, turning whiteskins into brainless beasts of labor. 'Pathological altruism' = Christianity.
What's called pathological altruism by jew-defending antiwhites is basically a good thing. But just as men and women need to be taught to channel their sexual impulses productively, we need to learn to channel our natural desire to aid people and improve things. Xtianity utterly misleads us here.
It's far simpler to say the xtian church taught whites to see the world as their group rather than reduce this tendency to biology. Really? Getting along with people is "pathological"? Not inbreeding is pathological? You need a checkup from the kek up, son, if you contend that.
Notice the same people who promote the scam concept pathological altruism remain completely silent when people (me) point to the universalizing (((xtian))) church as the actual source of liberalism and group or identity confusion.
'Pathological altruism' is the 'global warming' of the racial right.
It's antiWhites like Jared Taylor who specialize in blaming whites for actions of jews. 'Pathological altruism,' which is politics masquerading as science, fits perfectly into this.
Muslim pathological clannishness is a phrase I never heard. Yet it's far more real in biological and cultural sense than white pathological altruism, which is 99% a desirable feature. Just made dangerous by changed circumstances.
Whites work together while maintaining their independence. That's the natural way we operate at our best. Now we face a challenge that requires us to come together to defend our kind - and we use our cooperating brains to overcome their comparative clannishness.
The problem among whites isn't hate, it's lack of hate. 'Pathological altrusim' is middle-class jerkoffese, ie, the language of pretentious cowards, and its technically wrong anyway. Our comparative individualism is what took our race to the top. Traditionalism and groupthink are of the nigger.
Whites perceive in blacks: problem with no upside. Not interesting. Just go away. Forced to deal with them, we perceive their internal discomfort in dealing with us. Which is just as real to them as our feelings. 100% physical separation of races produces immense psychological benefits for whites.
Destroy the middle, polarize between #TeamWhite and Team Jew. Steal the only issue the church has going for it: sexual normality. Mock or shoot the cuckservatives to death. Our cause is racial, christianity is antiracial, hence a competitor not a support.
Notice how we've cheapened the word defend. We're going to tell Andrew Jackson we've defended the Southern monuments?
The minute the cucks perceive there is a real possibility they get physically hurt if they're publicly antiWhite, their mouths will clamp shut. They serve the jews not because they like or agree with (((them))) but because it's good for their careers.
We should be discussing violence. How we can use it most effectively. In my opinion, killing the media/political cuckservants of the jews is most cost effective. We simply reorder their fears from losing their job if they criticize jews to losing their life if they're anti-White.
did i read that right? $5,000 bond for attack on sitting Senator. that's hilarious. like 1/1000th what people got for dropping gum wrapper in charlottesville
'Our' side likes to say we're in an undeclared race war, then clutch their pearls when someone fights back. As an objective matter, what Dylann Roof did had a profounder effect than anything else since he uttered his decisive phrase. BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG #HeroDylannRoof
We get what we tolerate. we've tolerated this "they're really with us" mentality for decades, well guess what: they're not. The age of anonymity and proxies must end.
Dylann Roof's actions precipitated endgame response in the judeo-left - but too early. There are 200 million White Americans and only 100 millions jews and muds.
This is AmeriKwa in 2017: a retardess of a reporter asking local StL resident mystery meat Saddam Escobar if he feels safe with all this nigger violence around.
Did you see how Dylann Roof totally triggered the (((left))) into exposing its insanely antiWhite nature? And he did it all with one simple phrase. #HeroDylannRoof
Colin Flaherty video on nigger crime/St Louis shows local media talking to resident named "Saddam Escobar." Baseball, apple pie, Chevrolet and good ol' Saddam Escobar. Is this a great country or what?
#Audiobooks David Kupelian - The marketing of evil
#Audiobooks Eugene Michael Jones - The jewish revolutionary spirit
#Audiobooks Eugene Michael Jones - Degenerate Moderns
#Audiobooks John Murray Cuddihy - The ordeal of civility
#Audiobooks The Nation of Islam - The secret relationship between blacks and jews 3 The Leo Frank case
Your cause is to liberate Aryankind from the jew.
"You don’t have hardened, unemployed factory workers milling around in the streets. You don’t have hungry “proletariat”. You don’t have WWI vets forming paramilitaries. All you have is a legion of sexless, jobless, over-educated NEETs begging for a purpose and a calling in life."

November 04, 2017:

English created America, undeniably true. They also turned it into a shithole thanks to their bad ideas. Also undeniably true. A more German style will produce a better nation, -- one grounded on racial sanity, and styled to the beautiful music produced by the truck that collects dumpster innards.
Contradictions don't matter! Not to an idiot.
Like every other animal, I'd like a culture that fits me. That means more serious, quiet and intellectual. More German (I dont say Nazi) than America currently. The American flag is garish. The American spirit is a cheerleader crossed with a tent preacher. Fun, friendly, but undeniably puerile too.
i spent a lot of hours talking to a (actually non-white) catholic. really helps reinforce what i've read. they really do equate their cult with civilization. and they really do believe that racialism -- simple biology -- explains nothing. they think they can 'civilize' any race - just takes 1000 yrs
This state is WHITE. And is for MEN. WHITE: the basis of our state is RACIAL. Agree or die. Leave now, or be executed if we find you out later. MAN: you are responsible for 100% of your behavior and actions. Rape, murder, thieve - you WILL be executed. That's really all has to be done - IF done.
fruity high-toned flowery language is the opposite of what we need. inflammation from polititis. we want a garbage manual for humans put your niggers on the curb. in separate box your mexicans and your jews. this is Ordnung: a FEW IRON RULES. capital punishment + personal responsiblity = utopia
i'll admit, i dont like any flags or symbols, i dont like jewelry id rather have beriberi than tattoos. black is serious color. we're on a serious mission. a stiffer type jacket, red kap grease monkey or farmer/trucker's carhartt = no frills effective and functional. men doing (political) work
This is a good look: serious, functional, simple. Doesn't break the three color rule.
the unquestioned assumption democracy is based on that no one ever questions is that votes can be counted accurately
As his albino wife said, "I may not be perfect, but my dog loves me." That dog? None other than Keith Urban. I'm Ukase Kasem, and this week "Ah jus wanna lick your yeast-infested pisswater out of your asscrack" climbs to number 32 on the Cuntry Top Fawning.
In the immortal words of James Rockford, PI, living in a trailer, down by the beach: "Do you know what you are? . . . You do, dontcha."
Crooning for dumb broads isnt technically a crime. But it's a crime against art. A higher crime. I, Judge Credd, sentence you, Keith Urban to an all-male gauntlet of 500 smh shakes.
Like a baby trapped in birth canal Or butterfly half stuck in chrysalis Warmth and security we leave for wind and fear and change and progress The time for betanimity and proxies is over
No one's really right about everything, except me of course.
"We need more such clarifying moments because such trials reveal things about our character like when Andrew Anglin said on his WordPress blog he had been a character and this is all a joke." Wrong. His character is shown by his work, its high quality, and good people he's drawn.
"Do we need to be united to not talk about race and advance the careers of Josh Mandel and Joy Villa for they can get elected to Congress and MAGA? How did all these based minorities like Tim Scott and Nikki Haley work out for us? What is there to gain by propping up conservatism with memes?"
magic dirt politics springs from magic water religion Christianity is antiWhite.
Blood and soil? Christ-insanity is soul and air.
The biggest thing 'our' (unclear antecedent) side doesn't understand is that jesus christ was the first cuck. His civic nationalism of the soul is where liberalism and all the rest of the garbage comes from. You can't build a white racial movement on jew christ. Flat can't do it.
The assassination of one anti-white politician or judge is worth every shitpost ever typed.
Maybe some of you don't realize this: the It's Ok to Be White has been done a decade ago. Anything will titillate the media for a few days. It's not a big deal.
What could be more alpha than sneaking around in a nigger hoodie posting "It's Ok to Be White?" Our ancestors look down on us with pride. Or at least look down on us.
Look at politics as garbage management. Start from what we want. A white nations. No jews, no muds. How do we get there? Electing civic nationalist help for Trump? A race that conquered the world is reduced to posting it's ok to be white posters in the middle of the night? AND YOU APPLAUD THAT?
my semiliterate rant against Hy-Vee, a company jews often intern their kids with to learn how to scam
I, for one, salute our anonymous corkboard heroes of the Love Your Race 2.0 campaign.
Aren't you conservatives and traditionalists supposed to poll the dead, in considering your actions? Maybe our ancestors would say: You have guns. You have oppressors. Then just look at us evenly.
Those mid-term elections. That's what _really_ matters.
Within ten years, Richard Spencer was censoring white nationalist comments off Takimag at the behest of jew Paul Gottfried. Something to keep in mind.

November 03, 2017:
look at all these good old 'heartland' names - they're all africans
"The core alt-right wants more than greater immigration restrictions and temporary travel bans against a handful of Muslim-majority countries. It wants nonwhites out of the country altogether. "
"...expose the “deep intellectual rot in contemporary cultural progressivism,” which has become skilled only in purging internal dissent and reciting jargon. In its eagerness to take offense, she contends, the left has forgotten how to formulate arguments."
"The counterculture never died. It just switched sides. Transgression now lives on the right; dogmatism on the left."
“To move beyond being a nuisance on social media and actually to change the politics and culture of the United States, the Alt-Right will require a level of seriousness and organization it has not yet displayed.” --Hawley
Judas Iscariot was really on Team Jesus, he just couldn't afford to say so publicly.
Laughter is the best corrections officer. Like Mike Tyson, he only hits you on the inside, where it doesn't show.
Lindercast #0004: White Council & Counterrevolution Within the Form (38m)
if ticks could create a religion for deer, i just bet the heart of it would be: killing ticks is immoral
jews produced ISIS. but they would never produce something like christianity.
If Southern Nationalism were a serious thing you'd see people actively working to stop Southern men from joining the yankee military. You do not see this. Southerners were the most gung-ho to join the war to defeat the one force that rose to defend the West - the 'Nazis.'
Why I don't respect the South: The South was 100% right in the arguments that led to the 1860 war. There is no second opinion on this, it's open and shut. Yet, after the war, the South became K9 units for the Yankee Empire. So, taking an objective view, South = punks.
Catholicism is an early version of anti-racialism, or put another way, biology denial. Catholicism is proto-Boasian egalitarian-universalism.
Opposition to jews has always been racial. We just didn't have the terms and the science to understand that, so writers will claim it began as theological opposition, but no, it was the racial characteristics of the jews, reflected in their eternal behavior, that drives all opposition to them.

November 02, 2017:

Imagine talking to your ancestors from 1750 or 1850. "We put out these flyers. They said "It's Ok to be White.'" I wonder how they'd look at us.
The question of which flag or symbol(s) is/are correct cannot be answered a priori.
an Anglo talking about honor is like a jew talking about honesty
to the Anglo mind, you can blast the very people who rose up against the people you're denouncing - and even call them by their opponents name. all right after you're talking about honor and integrity. a jew would call that perverse. your Anglos - they fought antifa commies, right, Pauli girl? no?
PCR goes full Anglo, right after some dithyrambs about integrity: "violent Antifa fascist thugs, a collection of inhuman Nazi scum"
Q. What is the only reason any whites have positive views of jews? A. the bible - a book written by jews. Just like New York Times or Authoritarian Personality 'academic studies.' Can you draw the conclusion or you still need more help?
What should we do about jewish terrorism, Martin Luther? "Set fire to their synagogues or schools.”
Hitler never had more than modest electoral success. He had fighters.
Electoral politics is mostly alt-niggerball. We need a White Liberation Army. The entire media and permacracy will continue to be against us. Even if we had a full Congress supporting civic nationalist Trump, he would need private force to get his agenda accomplished.
Jews took power in the US primarily by criminal activity, not legal activity, as William Pierce, even, incorrectly asserted.
When the democrats send out criminals to scratch up expensive SUVs bearing Trump stickers in crucial districts, you help them when you say jews took over US without firing a shot. Not true. Without violence, jews could never have taken power in US. They have simply learned to calibrate it finely.
We need active reversal of pretty much every policy (((ZOG))) now follows. Word-resistance and slower rates of growth don't do anything.
What inspires people to follow is proven guts and wisdom in leadership combined with striking actual blows. Which equates to actually having a chance to win. White politics is a fight, not a debate. No means are off the table for the (((enemy))). "Keep it legal! No violence!" signals weakness.
You should appear good because you should appear good. You should brush your tooth because you should brush your tooth. Appealing to people who respond to 2+2=4 with comments like "I've never been one to go in for mathematical explanations" is ridiculous.
the federal government chartered the Fed, gave it monoply power by law. so private banking isn't the problem. the problem is the same old shit it always is: central government (((ZOG))) serving itself by stealing from white earners
tell me more about exploited workers while i look at your prolapsed belly

November 01, 2017:

the bugmanii were widely considered the lowest of the germanic tribes. when they tried to claim lake cuomo they were quickly shown their place: a tiny soul patch of pyrenees where their bleats annoyed only the mountain goats
"he was a fun-loving guy with a penchant for extended smoke breaks," she said
this year AGAIN i dressed up as BAD HAIR DAY WUORNOS and FAILED to win any costume awards #Helloween
DirtyGary Sam Barsanti 11/01/17 8:16pm the serial killer movie thing has been done. why not a movie about Mrs Gary Ridgway and the sex so oblivious it doesn’t realize its husband is murdering a whole bunch of people one at a time over long stretch of years
honestly, the serial killer movie has been done. better a movie about Queen Oblivious, Mrs Gary Ridgway. how do you not notice your husband is sneaking out at night to murder a dirty whore....several dozen times?
women's intuition: not noticing your boyfriend is a serial killer
whites are born nazis. that's what authoritarian personality means. according to jew academics but even tho they're born that way, it's ok to judge them. and genocide them.
whites are just inherently more interesting than other races ...other races are like boring parts of a story slog thru to get back to the interesting stuff
it's ok to be a fan of Boz Skaggs
it's ok to be a trombone maybe. please.
it's ok to be white sturgeon sell the caviar not the cover
black people stop ya lost me
DirtyGary Crash Comet 10/26/17 8:36pm if whites are an existential threat to you then you should support separate nations. but i bet you dont. because you blacks will be back in mud huts eating each other in ten minutes. and you know that. Reply
Symptoms include drooping ears, tremors and excessive salivation.
"These n‑‑‑‑‑s are like ISIS, they have no value. They should line them all up and mow ’em down. I’d like to be on the firing squad, I could do it,” according to the complaint." --Nocera on nogs NJ nogs are some of the noggiest. NJ has more racists per capita than a Confederate cemetery.
this guy gets it
If I'm laughing, then you're wrong. Everyone instinctively understands this.
It's liberating to be the bad guy. Look, folks, the civil rights mindset for whites is completely wrong. Not just because it won't work. We either BIG DOG or they big dog. When you grasp this, then your style flows accordingly. Retract your nigglefinger, extrend your fuckfinger.
See, folks, it's all about the HEAD and the HANDS working together. If we learned nothing else from NS Germany, we learned that. Does Dick Spencer look like a street brawler to you? It's not for me to say. But no. How about Tubbs? Again... But yes. We need a DICKTUBBS ALLIANCE. 2 vanquish NMEs
Optics. The whole weatsnaque in can. So the outside looks as good as the inside feelz. by Mennen and other fine companies.
Why are you tradfags so quick to abandon the one that brung ye for the mudshark term 'optics.' That 'appearances' was a right fine woman. Made a good word wife. And you dumped her for optics, which sounds like some disgusting allegedly healthy chipsnack.
whites are worried about "optics" a clown term to beat the band while they're being shat on continually in media and murdered daily in streets "it is later than you think," saith the chink
What did America's greatest writer say? No one ever went broke underestimating the taste of the American public. And he said that when Americans dressed and talked like adults. Retro Nazis is just maybe exactly what Hitler would do in our Clown World. It can't be written off a priori, anyway.
You could say swastika is now associated with out-of-shape idiots, but is Stars and Stripes is Walmart is the whole country. "Optics" -- go stand outside on the sidewalk and take a nicer serious gander at the next 100 hominids that go by. Put them off by yr low standards? Lol.
soul borders for jews no soul borders for you Christianity is anti-White. Whether you understand that or not. Whether you like it or not.
"Make yourself at home," Americans said to the jews. "Ok, we will," they responded. And promptly brought in 100,000,000 of their Third World buddies.
Encouraging whites not to leave homes to their children
Would it be good for whites or bad for whites if Washington DC disappeared between days? Obviously it would be good for whites. The anti-white policies nearly all come from Washington, more precisely the jews controlling the levers in DC. This is the danger of consolidated central government.
USA right now today as it actually exists is a macrocosmic forced-association of legacy white men (ie real Americans) with groups that feed off and want to genocide them.
you can say you want a counterrevolution within the form, but how are you going to achieve that? and then, achieve that _legally_? the southron/libertarian approach is likelier: just wait for it to fall apart. in any case, no White has any interest in the continued existence of the USA
government: the process by which money is extracted from White men who earned it and given to jews and discoloreds who didn't
i'm not artist, and maybe someone has done this already, but cartoon with: schumer, quote about dividing us, picture of run-over, cut-in-two pedestrians
Gaslighting: bringing in Uzbeki terrorists while lecturing real White Americans (double redundancy) about dividing "us." 'Dividing us' is a cant phrase used by (((those))) destroying us.
There's only one symbol that's pro-white / anti-jews Let's run from it Makes sense The important thing is those mid-term elections, boy howdy! Get crackin goys. Our civ nat prez reallyneeds some help (This is not an attack on somebody, it's an attack on EVERYBODY.)
Hitler was "failed artist" He designed a flag that draws more emotion than any other human symbol ever created
You who shriek keep it legal, don't use violence must explain how this approach leads to white sovereignty in the end.
"Stop dividing America!" shrieks the schumer as it stamps the papers of the next truck terrorist from Ragheadistan.
Jews will never stop lying and nation-wrecking. Contrary to the lies that are the official ideology of (((christianity))) they can't. It's biological. Only a few outliers ever change. What can change is our attitude. We can stop seeing jews as fellow humans and start treating them like other vermin.
The ones who are dividing America: - jews stuffing unwanted third-worlders into formerly nice white spaces - the Whites who resent this
vote! hold rallies! while they run us down with trucks, then shoot us while (((they))) who let them in sleep soundly through night

October 31, 2017:

"We need people who are tough and who have courage. We need people who aren’t going to back down and who are strong and have confidence in their own opinions. It might be a good idea to actually have people around who know how to fight and use firearms." True. We need an army.
"Conservatism is a sink of our time, money and energy. The ultimate proof of this was the Charlottesville resolution which was passed unanimously by the Republican Congress and signed by President Trump."
"Bad things are proof we don't have enough legislation." --the goytard left
Jews only developed hooknoses when they rejected Jesus.
whites who mix go from honest to what-ha-happened
a freak attempts to ARGUE against White Nationalism
“In general, I do think having a debate is good,” said Contra. “But when you have very disingenuous opponents and when they are rhetorically skilled, to show up to that debate is potentially to lose a debate to a Nazi, which is very bad, so it’s something I’m afraid of.”
and we had no experience arguing against anything as far right as the political views that most Americans actually hold,” she says. “You have to go on YouTube for the real entertainment — and frankly, the real debate.”
She tells a story about encountering Robert Nozick’s famous libertarian tract Anarchy, State, and Utopia in a seminar and finding herself unable to coherently argue against it. “We’d all cut our teeth dissecting these little squabbles between Rawls and Habermas,
“Right-wing ding-dongs like to paint academia as some sort of leftist madrassa where Marxist-feminism is the only permissible worldview,” she explains. “This is an exaggeration, but it’s not that much of an exaggeration.”
From where I sit christianity's so-called "love" looks a lot like low standards and willful ignorance.
Why do people like that "Stranger Things"? The story certainly isn't very good. It's two things: 80s music and nearly all-White universe.
Christianity is akin to end-of-history bilge. End of race? No. Defeat by races that value themselves.
Notice how Poland doesn't want Spencer talking to their people. Yeah, that Polish Catholicism, what a great thing: built a country so solid Poles don't even want to live there.
christian racialist: someone who takes neither christianity nor racialism seriously
It's not Nazi symbols but (((christianity))) that will lay the white race low.
Always struck by what beefy, solid folk the Boers are. Too bad they hamstrung themselves with christ-insanity.

October 30, 2017:
mennonite population exploding where i am too...source: my own eyes. i'm in northeast missouri. how about your area?
mennonites breeding like amish in Bolivia
Why throw away the good side of tech - the decentralization it facilitates - by tying the white racial cause to supersized central government and the same old failed Keynesianism? Do white men need pograms too? Then what makes them White?
The stuff about symbols and dress seems big but is small. What's big is christianity (pious liberalism) the anti-racialism that matters. We defeat xtianity by taking their main issue, even as they, many of them, abandon it: sexual normality and the culture that entails.

October 28, 2017:

Just like secular liberalism, pious liberalism (christianity) cures nigger
halloween is a great time to get your gorilla/jemima/st skittles on

October 27, 2017:
i get sense judeo-left now measuring preen points on how brazenly they can lie atop video refuting their narrative. look around, this has become common

October 26, 2017:

backhanded admission by repub establishment they are goy cuckservants for israel. putting america first in america (instead of israel) = anti-semitism by their self-serving logic
christianity can fix niggers! they have the ultimate set of tools. #BearinMuhImage
niggers and muzz let into YOUR country by jews
it's almost like jews are a genetically related clan of criminals
white america wants a president who's a complete asshole...but does exactly what he says. trump is just a little taste of that. an idea of what could be
a superhero for our times: Garbaggio. by night he paints beautiful pictures of what will day he cleans up the slime he turns garbage management (aka politics) into an art
what women like in men is precisely what men like in the Terminator
"...a climate of hatred directed towards white people." That's for sure. But just as there is no bad publicity ,there is no bad leftist mention of "White" - it all promotes group consciousness
incompetence is sufficient to explain workaday govt failure; it is not enough to explain the big stuff, as all those failures (pearl harbor, okc, wtc, to name but three) run in same direction advance same agenda
odd they didnt poll on WTC demolitions
good ways to put it: - you're either pro-White or pro-jew - you're either the jew's opponent or his lackey (ie his cuck) #NoJewsJustRight #NoWayOutButThroughTheJew
basic principles: exclude jews 100% from all White groups/activities. that that needs explained in 2017 is beyond pathetic
this rates an article in one of the many lie-filled jew-nyc rags?
Fred Reed: Mexicans are really smart

October 25, 2017:
all public schools give adults of dubious provenance access to young white children. the problem with public schools, like christianity, is the thing itself. not some particular version.
Leftists shut down their own comment sections Whiteists have theirs shut down for them The law says free speech, the (((left))) works for suppression
white-genocide punk prof pretends no difference between renting room from university and being employed by them

October 24, 2017:

October 23, 2017:

Table Talk a flat fraud

October 22, 2017:
"...Catholicism holds firm to the universal brotherhood of all when it comes to race..."
The belief that all hominids are created by god and possess human dignity is the wellspring of liberalism - the First Egalitarianism. Christianity is liberalism. Christianity is anti-White.
Are you a "dignity" egalitarian? Is there a cross around your neck?
"Catholicism is crystal clear on unity, our shared human dignity. On race, the Catechism says that, being “created in the image of the one God”, we “enjoy an equal dignity”. Therefore every form of discrimination on the basis of race must be “eradicated” (934-935)." Christianity is liberalism.
Christianity is anti-White.

October 21, 2017:

so the human race began in europe, some moved to africa and lost iq and turned tar colored
how jews see the world: jews and anti-semites how xtians see the world: we're all gods children
interview...after 16 years they find them at last minute
The christian god created niggers, according to christians. And this is exactly the sort of thing they know.
this will never not be funny
it was amaerica's first and greatest moral expert, Ebeneezer P. Scratchins (founder of Beloit Community College) who said: "Life is a series of scams practiced on first-timers. By the time you figure out what's up, you're too feeble to do anything about it."
it's the same old plaint from you whiteskins: why can't halloween be Slutty Nurse Day. because EVERY DAY is slutty nurse day. jeezus. you people. halloween is about orange gourds and candy and barriers coming down between worlds. im a #WEENTRAD
"Wait till halloween. See how many dress up as Betty Crocker and how many dress up like WHORES!😎" --TIFOI
watch this before you go to a rally. some of you may need 7-8 viewings.
"Jacinda" sounds like a crappy third-world tree that shits obnoxious stainberries and homes the worst sort of birds
Loral Loomer's just killing time till she looks old enough to claim she's a Holocaust Survivor, maybe ten years from now.
all right guys. i never wanted to admit this but i've GOT to come clean. i ... i ... uh ... didnt say no when H Weinstein propositioned me. i was young. inexperienced. desperate for a bit role on Revenge of The Nerds. i didnt get the part but my [holz] & honor WERE forever compromised. FEELS BAD MAN
under truth in labeling, it's technically illegal for jews to get nose jobs. it's all part of how we #MAGA
whites seldom naturally take a top-down look at things. they just fob it off on god and trust everything to be ok. the concept of a group of people not like them working together in a master plan over generations is incomprehensible to them because they arent like that and really we're all the same
Irish Savant: War Against Whites
cultural appropriation: if it wasnt for us, discos, you'd be living in a van down by the river. without the van.
“I have been to the cops and courts probably a dozen times complaining about people posting my address and they don’t care. But someone alleges that an account I don’t run listed their PUBLICLY AVAILABLE address & I’m charged with a Class 1 misdemeanor. WTF.” --J. Kessler
whenever i see sarah silverman, she who needs no parentheses, i replace her for a luau pig, with an apple in her stupid mouth, and my feelings are aloed
goy = 1 non-jew goyim = 2 or more non-jews #TheMoreYouKnow
truenigger off to sit on jesus' knee
a quality boar story
jewsmedia 2017: "He also appeared to have been punched in the mouth and was seen with blood on his teeth and running down his mouth." *appeared* they run that right above a picture of the guy being punched
you can measure America's social decline in the treatments accorded Richard Spencer by college audiences in 2017 vs those listening to George Lincoln Rockwell on his college tour back in 1967 - fifty years ago. glr at ucla
you know the problems in this country, really across the w3est, are so damn easy to solve that's one reason i have truly grown to hate conservatives. they love to pretend all this stupid social misery has some deep source instead of real, obvious, correctable causes
doesn't anybody watch the classics? "Life's hard, man. And it's harder when you're stupid." --gunrunner in Friends of Eddie Coyle
we are far too lenient with people who commit real crimes. cuz (((we're))) too busy inventing idea crimes. this is what happens when White men let jews run their country #NoJewsJustRight
these little fucks - give them all the death penalty, i dont care what race
maybe an Anglo country like USA can try something serious, disciplined. maybe we can aspire to a type that is better than a cheerleader crossed with a pulpit hoosier
if you take your mouth bleatings seriously -- white genocide and such -- then dont act like you're there to munch popcorn but part of a legitimately extremely angry HENCE EXTREMELY DISCIPLINED crew, and Spencer / Enoch is your leader
like ive said, now truer than ever, we have reached a point where threats (mere words, even if you didnt say them) are legally MORE dangerous than acts. because acts have to be proved, which can be difficult, whereas threats are easily recorded - or just made up
one of these three has wife and kids. what are they going to do? how do we beat the jews with people on mental level of katydids? THINK. THINK. THINK. It's your #1 organ, people. USE IT.
why are [ ] so fucking stupid? you can SEE right in front of your fat dumb mug the jews make LIES out of NOTHING. so if you give them ANY pretext, they will go to town, and you'll rot for years.
Linder Daily Commentary, 21 October 2017

October 20, 2017:

they not only dominated slave trade in americas, they had huge hand in plantation economy. all documented by Nation of Islam in multiple volumes using jew sources
crime, like being on time, is a white concept. it's not part of black culture, and it's racist to apply it
whites went under the yoke for the first time when they accepted soul equality from christianity, a synonym for liberalism
God created them. It's your job to make excuses for them. Anything less is hate. #JesusFTW
when American became britain's friend, it also became jew-cucked, and it was straight downhill from there. freedom gone, (((Fed))) created, central government metastasized, White Men whatever-the-opposite-of-metastasized - whitemoused, let's say
when America was great - it was anti-British i bet not 10% of you realize that
you only ever heard about japanese being interned? have to laugh at DM saying there were 100m Germans in US. um no. was the population even 100m? still, good story - "100% American" = paleo-patriotard/coward back then
a fun bigfoot thread anyway..
"Yeah, that's precisely the frame I was referring to. The minute that thing pulled a Heisman pose I burst out laughing. You could feel the fucksticks planning it out beforehand."
what's the word for people who dont believe Bigfoot exists? apetheists? called this back in 2008
i'm pay...for LAT...or washington post lol STOP IT MANN, YR KILLING ME
right-wing extremism: the belief that syrians arent germans
make your private list of the ten types of people (jobs or occupations, not race) that are given waaaay more respect than they deserve. what do they have in common? where does that excessive respect pump from, and why?
i found an eighth of a spavril of the third chink of a lemur coccyx. this totally proves that pterodactyls were cultivating vast pomegranate orchards in Mycenastrum 32 million years ago #muhFoundses #muhChangesEverthing
“I came here to support Spencer because after Charlottesville, the radical left threatened my family and children because I was seen and photographed in Charlottesville,” Tenbrink told The Washington Post on Thursday. “The man’s got the brass to say what nobody else will.”
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege Merchants of Sin pp 125-147 (chVIII) (54m) - jews & film. catholics force Production Code on jews. they shuck it for raw sex. profits drop hugely. jews put anti-white politics > profits.
It's interesting that in that story I linked they mention the anti hit the car with baton first. I have not seen a single story that admitted Fields was attacked by antis before he accelerated to escape.
"The governor traveled to a Jewish community center near Orlando, where he promoted passage of a bill to provide $1 million in security funding for Jewish Day Schools."
#Gainesville fake news coverage
"I don't want to over-dramatize it, but I would hypothesize that we shall have to start rewriting the history of mankind after today," Ebling was quoted as saying. #OOE
alt-right mentioned
"Individual arrest reports say that one of the protesters involved in the altercation struck the Jeep with a baton before the shot was fired."
big lie they're promoting out of Gainesville
"“I’m worried about my safety, I almost got beat up by three African Americans last night and when I was walking here, a car full of African Americans threaten me and tried to assault me,” Poirier said. The Daily Beast could not verify Poirier’s claims of attempted assault."
Last time it was freshly unfolded Nazi flag suburban guy This time they went with classic skinhead Nazi #PunchANazi #StageAPhoto #FakeNewsEqualsRealJews
out of Europe? Lucylike teeth yet millions of years older
Even in ancient days jews focused on genociding their enemies. And they succeeded. Whites were simply too numerous; they lacked the technology. Now it is different. And you see what they (Soros' funding) are capable of, and what they intend. They havent changed. 'Parasitism' is 5% of it.
Christians always the bleat the stupidity, that their church controlled jews for centuries. This is factually false. It was lack of technology that limited jews, not the church policy (which 99% of christians have never heard, and if informed, are too dim too see the white-genocidal consequences of)
What i have argued that no one grasps or accepts is that jews would have done what they are doing today 2000 years ago. They simply lacked the technology, hence the leverage. To call them parasites is akin to calling Ted Bundy a thief.
whites will never be able to duplicate jews' tribal loyalty or mastery of dark technics. what they can do is identify and destroy jews. #NoJewsJustRight

October 19, 2017:

nearly lost is the idea that facts exist independent of muh feelings
From Leo Frank to that frizzy-haired Wall of Sound kike to Harvey Weinstein, jews haven't changed a bit. And they never will. Until we put them underground: the only solution that works. #TeamWhite
wow just wow. ultimate misspelling. collect them like butterflies. "Oh a simetic nose, imagine my shock."
all of these 'strong women' and not one of them came forward until it was safe + profitable
omg that cumtard chick was too much
Cuck emeritus GWB, what a POS
anytime you read "new history" it usually means more data, same assumptions
the Redskins, back then: “The war now raging is a war of Northern cupidity and fanaticism against the institution of African servitude,” they wrote, “against the commercial freedom of the South, and against the political freedom of the States.”
i, for one, would like to thank Russia for kicking the snot out of those ISIS shitrags GOOD JOB, PUTIN
cherokee people...owned them some niggers. grab a good one!
jew are all never stop never stopping when it comes to lying, big and biggerer
when you lie about lying, then you have reached true jewhood, my bubele
dogs began as wolves. they chose to be doggies. at least the first round whites began as men. they chose to be christians. at least the first round
"From time immemorial, however, the Jews have known better than any others how falsehood and calumny can be exploited. " --A. Hitler, talking about (((fake news)))
while we mess around with niggers forced among us by jews
an article of straight-up brazen bullshit
Salubrious masculinity. And rare-orchid tier femininity.
There's no easy way. See the Swiss guy yesterday. People of undeniable quality have to stand up, endure the abuse, and come together to destroy this, yes, Jewish Tyranny. And there is no other valid way to describe that tyranny. #TeamWhite
Stand up, speak the truth, dont back down.* *Notice this list of requirements does not include weird haircut, tattoos, odd music, strange clothing. These three in themselves LEGITIMATELY individuate you in this New Dark Age-slash-Clown World we now inhabit. #TeamWhite
Enoch should make the point: you journalists support muds moving INTO white lands -- against white will -- then pretend to be horrified that we want them moved OUT of our lands.
Unstated jewsmedia law #3: blame must always flow to the nearest white man
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege Garland: Merchants of Sin pp 101-124 (chVII) (48m) - second-wave feminism. beauvoir. the second sex. betty friedan. the feminine mystique. nathanson & NARAL. steinem. firestone. dworkin.
you know they cant control themselves so if you say something they dont like and they riot you are responsible
(((dommergue))) says holocaust fake

October 18, 2017:

crime is a concept invented by white racists to keep blacks from getting ahead
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege Garland: Merchants of Sin pp 80-100 (VI) (54m) - Wilhelm Reich. sexual self-control = fascism. must destroy nuclear family. Mailer main promoter. inspired "sex revolution" of the '60s
the truth matters more than money, that's the Aryan view. it's not so much idealism, as i see it, as basic integrity
all sense organs are racist, not just john mayer's penis
Radee Labeeb #BixNood

October 17, 2017:
"The Root is owned by Univision which was acquired by Broadcasting Media Partners Inc. – a consortium of investment firms led by the Haim Saban-owned Saban Capital Group. With the founder being American, Israeli, Haim Saban."
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege Garland: Merchants of Sin pp 58-79 (chV) (53m) - origins of sex revolution in (((pseudo-science))). freud. hirshfeld. kinsey. legman. marcuse. Frankfurt School. Authoritarian Personality.

October 16, 2017:
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege #VNNForum Ben Garland's Merchants of Sin (2017) ch3-4, p28-57 (55m) - main court cases getting obscenity legalized. Roth v US. Tropic of Cancer. Fanny Hill. Lenny Bruce. Ginsberg. Howl.

October 15, 2017:

george will: the original bowtied butt-goy
"You've got to have an extreme right-wing front come up and sweep everything off its feet and tidy everything up."
anti-semite: someone opposed to harvey weinstein. and the tribe that produces and protects him.
ideological lying has become the rule. this is new-communism.
in just the same way trendfags adopt goofballisms like 'optics' they cotton onto the newest trick: we just claim Fields rammed his car into them. arent we brazen-cool? we know he was being stoned and sticked by our guys and panicked to escape, but he did ram them with his car. tee-hee
just as personal lying destroys basis of trust between people ideological lying destroys trust in society
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege #VNNForum Merchants of Sin, by Benjamin Garland (2017) pp0-27 (67m) - jews fight obscenity laws, pervert free speech, promote extreme comic books leading to Senate hearings in 1954
Every. Single. Time. doesn't apply to the bible and Christianity. Because that would make me unhappy. And my feelings are the measure of all things.
every time the left mentions 'white' it's negative. and it helps us. the left is growing the white consciousness that will defeat it.
clueless alt-cucking. good example why white nationalism > alt-right, far as names go

October 14, 2017:

trump cooning for the yids on iran, verbally at least
“You cannot ignore hate away. You have to stand. You have to confront it. You have to be there with a bigger presence of love and peace and bottles of urine” Billie Mays with United We Stand said.
so you've heard of pogroms in Russia, against jews. say you know nothing else. do you think they were being good little yiddles? and the big bad ol' meanie Russians were being nasty to them for no reason? well now. it might be interesting to look it up and see if that was the case.
"Baffling stuff to be quite honest. It is like two blind people trying to duel each other with sticks over a pair of glasses. " lol
goebbels was three foot tall with a club foot. he kicked the jews' ass. what's our excuse?
i mean shit...dont have to change a whisker
Found on Internet: "I've long wondered why no witch burning historical reenactment societies exist." you even daily news bro?
ad hominem is basically the occam's razor of motivations to put it different, it's the "Norwegian way" of figuring out motivations (per crab boat captain's "There's a right way, a wrong way, and a Norwegian way.")
it's kind of funny you just take any old nazi jew meme and plug it in a different country 100 years later and TOTALLY UNDENIABLY BESPOKE-TAILORED FIT
Assange is the best. he really deserves some kind of medal. he is the Mole the broke the Wacka
there's something weird about the way germans take seriously shit that isn't serious. it's both good and bad, but always headshaking. really is true, not all cultures are the same, even among whites
the white race is billy bob thornton talking to cuckservative middle manager john ritter in bad santa: "You're pathetic."
the amish are singlehandledly keeping the towhead subtype in business...only healthy people i saw in walmart were these and japanese girls studying abroad
what fake online name do you think hitler would have used?
i feel pretty sure andrew jackson would used twitter about like trump
i was forced into a walmart today. jesus christ. it was like platonic ideal of People-Zoo
good working definition of intellectual in these late, faded days: someone who can use semicolon correctly
diversity is our greatest strength
we need women, children and christians to get out of the way time for White men is here
"Free speech is protected in the German constitution but the line is drawn at outlawed speech"... Of course: free speech = the speech that isn't outlawed.
"There is a school of thought that claims individual consciousness does not emanate from the human brain. It believes, instead, that brains merely act as receivers for consciousnesses residing elsewhere, somewhere "out in the ether" as old-time folks used to say."
just listen to a jew defending a position. he attempts to shame / intimidate. there's no intellectual work involved "use my bullshit slogan or i'll assassinate your character"
whites merely acknowledged and accounted for black inferiority; they didnt build a fucking worldview and religion out of it. jews did - but not for blacks, for all non jews (goyim)
there's no such thing as a jewish non-supremacist
"I'm not"... I hope you're not following that with "addicted to weakness" because that would be a lie.
i, for one, enjoy the comparatively free speech at the Torbastion called Gab
"I come to TechCrunch for news about Tech, not to read bizarre ranting of a menstrating lunatic."
isnt it obvious we need to physically fight to liberate our lands? if so, then what is the step that follows that realization
does criticism make you cry? like, big greasy tears of woe? then here's a solution for you. it's wil wheaton approved, and he's biggest vagina out there!

October 13, 2017:
matelot - sailor. two syllables
too much ice
i dont carrot all about your existance retarded nigger girl
the left is getting increasingly censorious and really solipsistic. they dont acknowledge anything outside their ideology even exists, let alone has rights or is due some respect
twitter getting even faggier
it's one thing to be a winking, lying scumbag, like bill clinton. cant hate that type too much. but the lying we see now is harder, has a stern ideological edge to it, and it's having real and terrible effects in our nation
new on CBS this fall: The Cuxtables an upper-middle class whiteskin family adopts a doddering negro they call granpa, but he ends up impregnating their 12-year-old daughter
"Mass shootings. There's a time and a place. The time is anytime, and the place is inside a major fake news building." --Derek Oleander in The Gorsky Finagle
And I have never in my adult life seen such anger. There is a near-universal hatred of the media. There is a near-universal hatred of the so-called “elite.” --David French (cuck)
preying on goyim IS jewish culture, and it's not just sexual #Weinstein
pray that those fires in hollywood hills go out
the tine is not the fork
a white he-leftist from boston calling trump a racist a black she-leftist from detroit calling trump a racist that's what diversity means #ESPN
i, for one, am sick of people shooting people for reasons i dont approve of
are there DMs on here? i ask because i dont know. and i'm not on PRO because i dont use "phones"
fuckin iran, all sitting there not starting wars an' shit
god works in mysterious ways you wouldnt accept that explanation from a floor wax manufacturer
catholicism historically protected whites by turning over to monopoly jewish control the single most powerful human enslavement tool of all times: usury
if you like me ranting, lots of it from about 1/2way on
#TeamWhite on jew Molyneux
it's funny when catholics denounce 'americanism' as some kind of fake religion and ideology. it is different from catholicism how? it is a variation of their claim: blood is irrelevant, ideas are everything.
catholicism is the same error as civic nationalism. "no progress outside the moral order" is one slogan. both believe if you just nurture people the right way, their race doesn't matter. yeah, and they're not real interested in counterevidence

October 12, 2017:
white people ruined world / 'woke'
as gandhi said, between stitching his diaper, you get denied speech they attack you you get sued See, kids, not all translations are accurate.
DirtyGary Michael Harriot 10/12/17 11:57pm there’s more valuable diversity in the average white family than the entire black race. y’all along for the ride. for now.
puerto rico. where a kid can be a kid. and vote!
this is where the word AMAZING is actually appropriate
thinking, reflecting = things humans do processing = thing a machine does
In a 1971 essay entitled “The Murder Of The Impossible,” legendary exlporer Reinhold Messner admonished Maestri for cheating, rhetorically asking “Who has polluted the pure spring of mountaineering?”
Kennedy was notoriously media-shy and didn’t document much of his accomplishments on any online platform, a rarity in the climbing world. When Outside tried to interview him in 2013 he told them, “My passion for climbing is my own experience and doesn’t need to be blow[n] out of portion.”
whites are arcing back toward purity (non-sexual) and enoughness (minimalism) - not in the obvious part, the fat obese public average, but at the high end White Nationalism dovetails with this aesthetically and psychologically
i feel whites who do thinkgs like climb half dome without ropes - that's as white as it gets. peak whiteness.
White people. This story shows they're not all bad.
Whatever happened to Sinead O'Connor. That was one goofy broad.
giant fish, nigga!
Everything jews say about whites is a lie. Everything jews say about themselves is a lie. When you repeat 'comon wisdom' like jews were persecuted in Russia, you are inevitably repeating a lie. Every single incident in jew history is a micro-holohoax.
do jews look like wholesome people? it's not for me to say. but no.
you can read the bible to the gecko, even Ecclesiastes, at the end of the day it still hangs on the wall and eats flies
america was started by exceptionally obnoxious people. let's keep that in mind. we should be honest but not overly pleasant in our Gabbings. #CounterrevolutionWithinTheForm
we're all one in the mystical body of jesus christ what part of that isn't diversity-pozzed, jew-friendly, anti-mentational gunk? christianity is an entirely anti-racial mindset. jesus is Barney for physical adults
the racialist saying criticism of (((xtianity))) divides the movement = civic nationalist saying racialists divide the country not sure what part of universalism is opposed to racialism is hard to grasp not sure what part of xtian's denouncing "race idolatry" is hard to grasp
when you come to a fork in the road, dont take it --me to the left and third world lies christ-insanity to the right and body-political health lies white nationalism
the difference between jesus christ and superman? the latter is an acknowledged cartoon character
i want you to realize this: 100% -- not 90 or 99.9% -- of you christians would be muslim today if you were born in islamic lands.
anyone who doesn't denounce jews -- how are you one oz better than those whores who said yes to weinstein?
the crime wasn't killing christ it was inventing him your crime was believing that horseshit
remember to disavow and distance! and bend over from waist to a 45 degree angle to show your respect for boss jew get off your knees, you christ-addled faggots put away sick, childish christianity. become a White Man
a nation of cross runts breeds a tyranny of jews
isnt it fun to be a xtian-sheeplet-childlet in a world where jews determine what you're allowed to say?
christianity is what ties us to this (((tribe))) that is killing us
the white beast struggles to free itself from the mental tarpit that is christ-insanity you cant fight your enemy if you can't recognize him nature is racial, and men are part of nature - which fact christ-lunacy overtly denies
when cucking evolves from mere self-interest into an entire philosophy, a way of life... ...isn't that what christianity is?
women are natural journalists
Fat people suck. Mean people rule.
if you can see god in earwigs, rectal polyps and Paul Ryan, then a christian pew is where you belong
Tay has good advice for the cross-purposed:
A typical snot take from AP: Imagine having national / global media on your side so you can attack people and it goes completely unmentioned in "free press" reports.
Some of you simps need to get off your sticky waifu and read some Nietzsche and (((Ravage))).
AP article on lawsuit. Spencer, Anglin, Heimbach, maybe others sued.
Catholicism is ichabodism.
Catholicism loves special-needs botches because they are closer to the church's ideal: the hominid without a head.
Christianity hasn't been subverted, it is the subversion.
When you feel the tears welling as I describe your jewish christian cult, try to remember one time I've been wrong in last twenty years. Good luck, little man.
Romans looked at christians precisely the way we look at mexicans. Look around at the christ cucks. Now tell me the Romans were wrong. The cross cult is for dogs, not white men.
Straight lies in that WP piece. No acknowledgement antiWhites initiated violence. As they had at a dozen rallies leading up to Charlottesville. I have yet to see the first 'mainstream' piece that acknowledges Fields was assaulted by rioters and tried to escape.
Christianity has been a free rider on the white race for 2000 years. Time to shake it off.
The (((left))) is nearly finished making legal action as dangerous as illegal action. If the price of speaking your mind in public is being physically attacked -- and then sued and jailed for defending yourself -- then a reasoning man might think, ok, let's just go ahead and kill them. Same price.
Christianity is for promiscuous spirit-queers.
God gave us this Down baby to ____________ I don't care what your reasoning is, you're a sick fuck, christian.
the catholic position: retards are good. racialists are bad.
Sex is too good for the common people --queen of England Truth is too good for the common people --jewsmedia
faith in christianity will leave whites as a despised, tiny minority in the USA, just as it has in south africa. just a small taste of the double standards already existing
if you attack whites long enough, some of them will defend themselves when that defense becomes organized, the world will change #TeamWhite
George Boshington believed in racial equality George Washington owned slaves can you see the difference?
civic nationalism, the Big Lie the (((fake right))) has sold the witless for decades, becomes less tenable as demographics change and even the meanest intelligence can make out that whites are under assault
we need to restore the withy bogtrotter insult: Sassenach as in, that cornfield cuckpunk really puts the Sasse in Sassenach
Every. Single. Time. doesn't apply to christianity. right?
racial pride is the defining feature of judaism racial pride is moral evil ("idolatry") in christianity isn't that interesting? it almost makes one wonder whether any jews were involved in producing christianity
are the jews responsible for white lack of self respect? maybe thru the christianity they produced? at some point the pathetic whiteskin has to decide whether he's a white man or a white mouse pride in race is "idolatry" to the christian. i wonder if that has something to do with our straits.
Have sex with me or the plant gets it! Horny Weinstein's Book of Useful Come-ons
If X offers you a movie role if you have sex with him, does that make him a rapist if you agree?
Inflexible yet unprincipled. That's the right wing in a nutshell, at least as long as I've been alive. You can't combine race + anti-race (xtianity). It doesn't work in theory. It doesn't work in practice. You're either a racialist or a universalist.
"Main Stream Media, go ahead and try to pin the “Alt-Right” label on me. Alt-Right volk, go ahead and attack me for being not part of your tribe. I couldn’t care less. I and my fellow Christians, are truly “not of this world.” “Follower of Jesus” is the only label I want. May I be worthy of it."
"The Christian pro-life position is completely different. We are not interested in tribal identities. We believe that every human being is made in the image of God. We really are all equal, in that context"... Pro-Christian is anti-White. #CrossCucks
catholicism is dysgenic by principle

October 11, 2017:

god's image bearers, according to #crosscucks
i, for one, stand with leon trotsky and against racism
i wish people would curb their perverse taste for outlandish explanations #OccamForTheWin #ThinkClean
feminism = ingratitude, which is closely related to lack of understanding
Canada: Paul Fromm: Charlottesville Changes Everything

October 10, 2017:

"The two journalists who witnessed the entire thing (whom Cville police still haven’t seen fit to interview for their investigation) carry more weight than the highly-edited video clips" - who ya gonna believe ? commie journalists or videotape?
indiscriminate love is bad for your body but good for your head -the christian position how's that cult working out for ya, white man?
Today's car radio christian lunacy: some christfag interviewed by same geeztard as other day talks about how his church is helping the little simians of memphis. you should see how their little monkey faces light up when the #crosscucks enter the room #Memphrica (what displaced whites call it)
so until they change the lies tomorrow: "Campos was shot at 9:59 p.m" 10:05-10:15 mass shooting out windows "officers breached the room at 11:20 p.m" so the bluepigs played with their curlydicks for over an hour before daring to take on one old man
Lying is what (((media))) and cops do. It's the first thing to understand about them. It's practically the only thing you need to know to understand them.
WP: "details released by law enforcement have remained remarkably fluid" blue niggers lie like black niggers
The people with the most credibility in the entire Vegas affair? ISIS
Classic FBI: "We don't have any papers on that." (They do have papers) Judge orders papers released. Two years later, FBI releases 10% of their papers, with 90% of the words redacted (blacked out).
In terms of credibility: ISIS, local cops, FBI but more like ISIS [lots of space] local cops [even more lots of space] FBI
when you say "God created us all" you are saying that in the most essential way we are all alike. that's the worst because most dangerous kind of egalitarianism: it blinds you to groups trying to do yours in Judaism protects jews. Christianity endangers whites.
jews fund all sides of argument, all positions and parties. they fund pseudo-buffoons and pseudo-academics alike. all to draw attention from their guilty, genocidal selves.
all my life i've heard nothing from left but evil-corporation chomskyite bilge. all of a sudden they go silent. i wonder why. i will ask for the millionth time, never a response, if they're solely driven by profit, why is 100% of their material anti-white, which means anti-main-customer?
this NIGGER IS VICTIM stereotype is so ingrained it trumps all factual reality, no matter the 'reporting' makes absolutely no sense this is pure IDEOLOGICAL thinking, where CATEGORY is all that matters. nigger = good. white man = nazi = bad. facts pale before holy categories-by-jew
These (((media))) stories are so template driven they don't even make logical sense when you're reading them. And the tools called journalists are far past caring or even perceiving what they're doing.
Harris is clearly identified on video initiating an unlawful riot and grievously injured man in process. Shortly thereafter two of his cohorts tackled and beat a protestor senseless on garage island. At that point the protestors responded in a self defensive protective force.
Catholicism is like a 1% solution of judaism. Judaism is straight poison. catholicism is the same poison watered down. "Don't lie, that breaks a commandment, but if you leave out the most relevant facts, that's morally permissible." Catholicism (all christianity) produces manlets by design.
Private citizens lobbied Police and Prosecutor's Office for a month and a half to do something. They were stymied and stonewalled at every turn despite mountain of evidence on Harris. Someone has a lot of explaining to do... includes the Media who spun an entire false tale for sensationalism.
When you don't have the guts to tell a lie but just enough to leave relevant part out - that's Catholic Lying: lying by omission. When you have the balls to straight up make stuff up - that's Jewish Lying.
Classic catholic view of lying: "What did he lie about? His Go Fund Me doesn't in any way assert that he never hit anyone, so even if he is convicted of that, it doesn't change the truth of what he said."
Harris and his friends are clearly seen on videos stalking protestors for 3 City blocks. They threw foreign objects, aggressively shoved, knocked a cane from a protestor then spewed out loud, self-effacing expletives. Harris then strikes a savage blow on straggler with flag.
nigger initiates violence. nigger loses fight. jews portray nigger as victim
"argument over a flag" videos came out a couple weeks later and shows no argument at all, unless you call coming up from behind the guy and stealing his flag an argument. Deandre clubbed the guy because he didn't let go. He got his beating within seconds. He lost the club fight that he started.

October 09, 2017:

jan and i discuss las vegas slaughter
Systematic reality reversal by alien minority controlling mass communications
discussion of c'ville 3.0
jews say, rightly, "dont plow to deep to see over your own furrow." so we (read: me) are a little shocked at how willingly people (read: women and some men) actually believe lying jewsmedia reports that the evil nazzis showed up in Cville and starting shooting and beating innocent negroes
we need like a equivalent to dunking stool for copter commies. like if they bounce 20 feet, they're pure and can go free. if not, the dropping was just
"Everyone came away from that event convinced of the necessity for annual community witch-burnings in the future White Ethnostate."
Christianity is to valid thinking as the Fed is to valid money
dumb people need to be taught how to use their brain MORE than smart people, who will figure it out one way or another. the last thing dummies need is religion - which is essentially idea-dilution from the christ-Fed
we're "all" - when you teach this universalism, you're inhibiting use of sensors rather, teach people to think, to discriminate, to notice both atoms and patterns they're not good at it. well, they're not schwarzeneggers but they can still build muscles. right? RIGHT?
re buzzfeed COMMENTS: you see what the nazis meant about jews being seducers of the people. they abuse trust to reverse reality & normal people cant see it
Julius Orange if any of you leftist cocksuckers cared about the truth, you would dig through the footage yourselves and be able to see this groid attacking someone first and THEN get beaten up. Aaron Rubin · Wayne State University Law School Hey Boris, howze the weather in Moscow?
this article is perfect example that 'reporter' is a gaslighter term. what these liars do is obscure.
booklet given to German children at 14
the Tullamore Dew ad campaign was developed by NY agency (((Opperman Weiss)))
same anti-White jewshit / Ireland
if jew, then lie and cops are maybe 10% better
any form of disagreement with the left = violence = illegal speech, demonstrations, torches all non-cultists must die to preserve our safe space
i suspect jemele hill wants to get fired. she's a black female mediocrity promoted beyond her ability for those reasons. no one white with her qualifications would have gotten in the door
Christianity is why we haven't simply slaughtered the Tribe of Weinstein, which is exactly what we should do. It's the only solution that works. #TeamWhite
weiners n weinsteins... they make no sense to me come to our country to spread degeneracy
think people. think.
it's cheap to say if hitler were alive today, he'd [think like i do] so i wont. i will just say that someone who can think clearly today would be anti-jew like hitler but for the rest a minimalist, not a big-gov keynesian tech obviates centralization in politics. tech enables man in white man
gee look which feller is front n center
the white nationalist attitude toward chickenshit cowards like sam francis, pat buchanan and ann coulter is a shameful parallel to christian attitude toward jews when they never quote you, publicly disrespect you, agree with (((left))) you're hateful & immoral - maybe they really are your enemy
refuting chickenshit catholic buchanan's claim paddock driven by nihilism / without soul
bloomberg on Kid Scrapple
(((meryl streep))) stars as a thickly unattractive woman who has no idea her closest friend for decades is a massive sex pervert
typical blue-blower article. you saved 1000 deaths? really? but the last shot was no later than 10:18 and you didnt enter room for another hour.
more allegedly great acting from dutch jew streep
refute this: until whites are organized and able to inflict violence on enemies, they will keep being fed to the threshing machine that is the legal System. if not, give me how we win legally. defined as establishing a white-sovereign state.
whites have shown weakness. it's like water thru a hole. it will keep coming till shored up. 'racist' gets whites to back off any claims. so they get eaten out of race and home.

October 08, 2017:
SNL creator Lorne Michaels said they decided not to go after Weinstein because he’s from New York. ‘It’s a New York thing,” he told The Daily Mail about Weinstein, who was born in Queens.
not one (((media))) source has mentioned that Fields was under attack when he sped up his car to get away. not one. lockstep lying. broad propaganda front.
govt's job is to get rid of trash people, not provide thervices to losers.
programs for da white niggers. hey you want to use coke and heroin. fine. then you cure yourself or die. no programs no SSI for your recovery. nothing that forces healthy, right-deciding people to pay for your destructive choices ^ this is racialism too
two things racialists dont all grasp - racialism doesn't stop at the racial border, it applies within-race too, to individuals and other subgroups - one can be as naive about government capacity as about nigger capacity
why are medical costs high? barrier to entry. no one is allowed to provide services without jumping thru 85 hoops. this is regulation and safety the retarded little man demands. then he bitches about high costs. all hangs together: small govt big men. AND VICE VERSA
Irving wrote Uprising! a book about alleged country Hungary, filled with people with strange names doing wicked/glorious things. Find out what jews do when they can to whites. Then understand why THEY MUST BE EXPELLED VERTICALLY (not horizontally)
through mocking - strength KRAFT DURCH HA-HA
from anthony in the east to scott in the west AMERICA GOT WEINERED
The catholic church says: trust priests, fear thought. They have it backward.
the same (((clowns))) who call hitler a failed artist promote crap like pollock and rauschenberg as genius
perhaps, as patsy decline thinks, padcock was simply unhappy with his role in the celestial drama and wrote his part a few more lines. but i will go with the percentages: he was with ISIS
leftists inhabit a world of smarmy hypocrites and genuine predators. jews ringlead the left. set its agenda, decide its terms. they 'roll their own' mallocclusives. they have the mft of degenerate types down to a science.
women have to pay for their whore pills niggers have to pay for their watermelon what is this world coming to
to understand how queered the press is under the jews, read a nature conservationist magazine. see how it discusses 'invasive species.' that's how african/muzz would be written about if we had free press in white nations.
Stylized obnoxiousness is the pepper of politics. Good for the mental digestive system.
So, like, on my forum, I post a news article. I call it But would I say that here? Maybe not. See, my people founded US while Kid Scrapple's Slavs were tending goats. Free speech is new to them. Maybe their understanding of it needs to mature.
Gab is great, like Allah.

October 07, 2017:

I've been to Niger, folks -- and let me tell you: it's no Chad.
They also chanted: “The South will rise again. Russia is our friend. The South will rise again. Woo-hoo! Wooo.”
you know self-reliance used to be the American thing. it bred men. now we're all trained to look to government or some priest church and big govt roll their own, but they share a brand: Losers.
all the best white men, almost literally every single one, are on record declaring jews repulsive scumbags.
"your grandfathers would as soon have thought of dining with a chimney sweep than of dining with a Jew or with any huckstering reptile who has amassed money by watching the turn of the market" --William Cobbett like Burke wit attitude..i see why his name's not so common
so William Cobbett. new to me, i'm embarrassed to say. he wrote a catholic-beloved history of England, featuring protestant misdeeds tho one himself
This is great "well maybe itz cuz yr ignorant..."
Maybe rename Africa Apricot Center or Retardica.
In 1692, William Abercrombie (no fitchmo) invented Fingerism. His convert seekers were called street sweepers, or in the junagular, "Pokers." But it turns out people don't like to be poked. They don't accept a legitimate Summons. So Pokers went way of Quakers n Shakers. #RealHiddenHistory
is gab's symbol one of those estro'd gay frogs? is Torba slavonic for gay frog? #QuestionsNeedingAnswers
women are about as smart as gary ridgway's wife, and that's all the respect i'll according their cute little mental capacities
no one hates cosplay more than me, i hate it. but i would love to be in a society where we called each other by LAST NAMES and LARPed (at least) like we had dignity and respected privacy. but yeah, being obese sexless slobs is easier. that's true. LOUDER with CROWDER but HEFTIER with HEYER
a serious, formal society is HCD in many ways, but one of the most enjoyable, useful, helpful is that we can say directly contradictory even insulting things to one another - and mutually profit from them. this SERIOUSNESS has been lost. you can only find it in books now
because they're a religion, see, and totally not a race like hitler said
Fat Ralphie was going to marry Heather Heyer 2017 I can't even
Whiteskin christians are just fine being a docile underclass to the Jews White men are not. #TeamWhite "No way out but through the jew."
resistance to jews is a sign of strength in Aryan society. the more resistance, the healthier society is.
the level of resistance to jews is a measure of the mental and moral strength of the society. where jews are praised and respected, society is in decline, morally and mentally. see USA 2017.
loxism - the jewish hatred of whites - defines the atmosphere, nay the very age we live in
there's not one funny line in the bible. that right there alerts the wise to both its quality and its target audience. not laughing at claims about the jeboo leads naturally to not laughing at secular-political claims like diversity is our greatest strength
we have problems that are happening for identifiable reasons, in pursuit of a discernible agenda. when you sell dumbasses "we turned away from god" as some tard-splanation, you're ensconcing and protecting the jews who need to be done away with.
religion tells little people what they want to hear: things happen for no reason this is what average to below average people actually believe. they believe everything is luck, another name for god. and they are unlucky, whereas their betters are lucky. thus they have the gibs mentality, tho white
I find Torba weak-fruity in the standard xtian way. But still, I have to keep it real, dog: Torba > that fucking kike zuckerberg Torba > that ass-rancid twerp dorksey and his negroid moppets So itz Torba for the win.
what could be more nihilistic than believing people come back from the dead? "math is hard" barbie for grown alleged men #ChristCucks #CrossCucks
the problem begins when "we" turned to god. because turning to god means turning off your senses, starting with your common sense but certainly not stopping there
today's xtian car radio lunacy: america has the same problems as old ussr did. why? because we turned away from god. yep. they'll never stop fucking that chicken. your takeaway: christians remain the same old cowards who won't name the jew and sexually get off on being tortured and murdered by same.
killed defending America in Niger. that makes sense.

October 06, 2017:

i'll turn off my ad blocker if when you turn off your jewish lies
it's not murder if Government does it. duh
If you attend church and worship Jesus, you are a spiritual queer.
today's xtian car radio: a geeztard (80something) xtian lunatic has on an old nigra woman. she had to drive 28 miles to sedalia for public school. are we being out of the box enough in welcoming nigras to our churches?
Behold the retard sayeth: but what do i replace muh xtianity with??? Uh...same thing you replace a brain tumor with?
Women's feelings are shallow and meaningless. Women no more feel deeply than they think deeply.
OMG, how can i possibly orient my life, now that my belief in a 2000yo jew that comes back from the dead is gone. Totally at sea here.
Christianity teaches white suckers to treat every hominid as an individual. So when he comes up against a team, he can't figure out what to do. Because every member of that team has an "imperishable soul" of "inestimable worth." Christianity is antiwhite. Whether you cry like Jimmy Kimmel or not.
The main takeway from these mass killings is how terrible most people are at thinking. I count roughly 11 non-whites out of 58 deaths. 1 jew, rest mexicans with a couple asian.
In a further twist, Paddock's brother Eric revealed earlier this week that he had not spoken to the 64-year-old for six months.
the jews have turned christians into a docile, useful slave population White men should look at christians the way wolves look at their brothers who trotted off to become housedogs
It's sickly funny that ISIS has a record of telling the truth whereas nothing the USG says can be believed without verification. If ISIS says this Paddock was with them, that's probably the truth.

October 05, 2017:

Christian soldiers let jews use them to drive xtians out of the middle east. A liberal is someone who won't take his own side in an argument. --R. Frost christianity is liberalism. #AllSoulsMatter
polarization poll
why is it that whites can do every technical thing except defend ourselves as a group?
whites are the gullible race christianity is the best example of this, but you could cite million others the White cause is for those who wish to change the mental-psychological profile of the race. the uh flavor profile
if christianity were sound, would it be on the radio? #TeamWhite asks the questions the #christcucks can't answer.
also while out i saw a cigar-chomping manwo on a bicycle
people think spectator sports is diversion. well what is prayer? im out in car listening to xtian radio. the lunatic is going on at sub-alex jones level about angels in every day life and turning important battles christianity is jewish mental degeneracy - for goyim

October 04, 2017:

“We do not want or need their help,” Kyle Bristow, a Michigan lawyer who identifies with the alt-right, wrote in an email, explaining that he was building a network of like-minded lawyers.
you dont really need your brain. just go along. right? have this little tiny operation, funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Fdn, you'll be a certified Good White Person. #CutOutRacism #WhitobotomyNow
First they came for our behavior, then our speech, now our reading material. I was not kidding when I said many years ago eventually they will locate racism in the white brain and demand whites get whitobotomies.
Stephen Colbert is a catholic. Catholicism places no value on race. Catholic 'intellectuals' are nearly jew-tier in their collection of epithets / smears for those who do value race.
#HeroDylannRoof Dylann Roof requesting books. They must be shipped direct from publisher.

October 02, 2017:

things i know: people never learn (1). most men are women (2). they overreact to everything. they leap to speculate, then the facts come in...and they're wrong. but they'll do the exact same thing the next time. #patternrecognition

October 01, 2017:
women have to be told by men what a woman is. on their own, they will simply copy men, if that's the pattern, and it is today.
i heard a rumor the catslers put out a feeler to conor mcgregor to be their king if they succeed in their breakaway
the catalan flag skews a tad puertoriquensy. jes sayin'
"i want to be loved unconditionally" said the rotten banana
White-black "race relations": using binoculars to spy for oompa loompas on your vacation to a nature preserve in Africa.
"The solution is for we Whites to drag every member of the financial, political, and corporate class, out into street intersections and disembowel them for the animals to eat while we dance about drinking wine and singing. I want to see the birds so fat with their blood that they can't fly."
to call christian ideals ideals is a satire upon ideals. exhibit 1: mother teresa
the christian strategy for overcoming Rome was same as muzz today for overcoming Europe: yeah, we know we're shit-tier culture compared to yours, but we'll outbreed you
Christian morality was created by jews to scare dopey whiteskins out of using their brains.
A bobcat is a bobcat unless it is facing you. Then it is a Robertcat. --Jamaican proverb
We shouldn't teach people absolute morality. Not just because it doesnt exist but because the very concept is immensely destructive. What the xtian church does in promoting bogus morality is akin to giving matches to children.
'Racism' is a conceptual scam. It becomes, somehow, morally wrong to observe that race exists, and that racial differences are very serious, consequential things. Christians dully and dutifully took that to heart and...we see the results.
negroes make terrible nose tackles because every time the ball's hiked they have to overcome the urge to scan for grubs
It's funny how one old man > leftist media that thinks its smarter than everyone.
Great article, don't miss this one. Read it carefully.
the prog thinks calling opp 'hate' is an argument the reaxe thinks scowling and roiling eyebrows is argument
it's funny the same reaxx crowd that thinks people can't handle voting believes they can handle the absolute morality purveyed by xtianity
To make a parllel, what's going on in Spain is like if there were a war between pro-bean and anti-bean forces in a Chili War.
For those not up on it, paella is a seafood dish made in a giant pan. How to make it properly is at the heart of the dispute occurring in Iberia right now. You see anyone can be a Spaniard, especially an African nigger with three fake watches, but the ingredients of paella are deadly serious.
Man, not woman, is a garden. A cultivated, productive clearing. Woman is the weeds that choke it off in seeming minutes when it's not attended. The eternal cycle of vegetal brainlessness.
If God doesn't make quality distinctions, why should we? #ChurchIs4Everbody
i mean, if you're taking up a delicious grub collection for the niglets in Botswana, i'll contribute. i've got a heart. i can spare some garden slugs. but calling them our political and social equals. no, man, no! what are you, crazy?
standing against 'racism' means standing with niggers. you do realize that, right?
I dont carrot all about your paella squabbles.
let me tell you, my little leftist friend. the truth isn't common. avoiding the truth is common.
occam: 2+2 = 4 religious: 2+2 = 5. wouldn't you like to believe it? let's all agree then. secular leftist: 2+2=4. sniff. maybe for commoners. here in w'burg we math differently. look at my lumberman beard made out of ass hair!
i will reassert until everyone agrees with me: Occam was the greatest thinker in human history that ever was or can be there are many extra ways to put his truth-insight that are nearly as useful 1) any elaboration beyond the simplest must justify itself like a night nigger caught in a roof
it's nice to hear richard milhous spencer satisfying his nutritional requirements while enlightening us on black christianity #Food4Thought #Food4Stomach
help get more women into STEM. the reason women never got into STEM was men hogged all the garages-for-working-18-hours in. #Garages4Her
"Everything in moderation" didnt die for your sins. it smacked you upside the head and pointed your track thru the snow
whiteskins now divide into: fags....right-wing extremists
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege #VNNForum NOI's Leo Frank Case pp384-415 (78m) - multiple examples of jew 'academics' like steve oney lying about even the smallest particulars

September 30, 2017:

What jews call "extreme" is normal. What jews call normal is extreme.
mutatis mutandis what he says for MGTOW applies to White movement (WGTOW, as a way to think of WN / alt-right)
WGTOW is another name for our movement. Whites Going Their Own Way. jews built a legal-social environment that is wickedly prejudicial, discriminatory and just plain legally and physically hostile for whites - and men. We now see the responses building, as they inevitably must. ITZ COMING.
'Race relations' - it seems neutral, doesn't it. It's not. It's a propaganda not so much term as concept. Where does it originate? In the bibles command to be our brother's keeper. Because if DIDN'T think like that...we'd see our interest is NO association at all w discoloreds. We don't need 'em.
I don't want to problematize all over your escutcheon, but. . . YR A CUCK! i will not append a picture that approximates my default mentalitationary orientamentation
Is God a spider-eating gook? A mayonnaise englutinating white 'man'? A spiked-cough-medicine glugging baboon? No! He is all of them.
Southern Baptists are essentially the hominid version of a can of baked beans.
Christianity makes mass delusion socially acceptable. Don't be suprised when jews observe this and transpose it into politics proper. We make believe the cute little lie about the jebus. Next we're onto the not so cute little lie about the nigras. All while claiming a commandment against lying...
Does anyone but me find it funny that a cult has as its main hero a guy who came back from the dead...and also a commandment against lying?
They're rebooting my fair lady. It will be called My State Fair Lady. An Englishman makes a bet with his pal that he can get a feral hog elected pastor of a local Southern Baptist congregation.
Those goddamned Southern baptists are too short for the ride. Which ride? ANY RIDE
For Gawd so caredeth about His optics he created niggers to bear his image
boy howdy, there's nothing more prothetical to a peaceful, well-ordered society than them nigras God created
‘alt-right’ is racist, evil and antithetical to a well-ordered, peaceful society.” compared to niggers? jews? poopbangers? mexicans?
“The core of the movement is the protection of white identity" - which they're calling evil. There's a not small point here: white 'identity ' is weaker than white race. Race can't be changed. Identity sounds like something one chooses.
As America's foremost typing sea urchin, I generally approve kooky religious sects mass-offing themselves.
christ-insanity or heaven's gate cultery ... hard to tell
alt-hogs denounce alt-right as Evil, media approves judgmentalism
if principles dont matter, and concern over them is purity spiraling, then what's left? not a rhetorical question jes following teh Jim-Bob. he shake dem snakes like nobody's business
if the catholics want to keep their holy ancephaloids on the puffer tube, that's fine with me. so long as they pay for it.
it's possible to be as naive and deluded about the capabilities of government as some of our opponents are about niggers
least of all by some dictatorial Knob Central you can't do anything about
we should be not just interracist but intraracialist too. defective genes and antisocial behavior should never be subsidized
you can watch gootube and get a better education than from public school. at least you'll have the facts about goo whereas everything you learned in public schol is wrong, so you're actually going backward
Racist Kevin Nealon: "Scientists say even if all the cabanas are repropped, the island will still be filled with Puerto Ricans." sotto voce: so yeah probably not much hope there.
A rootless cosmopolitan is made with vodka, orange liqueur, lime juice, and jew's blood for cranberry juice. A timeless classic.
I fail to see how the christian conception of all-god's-chillren is one oz less inebriated garbage than any nostrum hatched in the Enlightenment, so-called. Indeed, it is the same error, yet earlier, and 23 and me would probably discover a traceable spermline.
what came out of Missouri? Walt Disney and Mark Twain what came out of Massachusetts? public schools (indoctrination camps) and forced attendance / forced taxation
my point: we've already had a revolution-within-the-form for the American flag. so we either go back via counterrevolution - or come up with somethign else that honestly (for we are Aryans) symbolizes what we're after
So if you want American flag as symbol, might work, but not ok for dictatorship charged with anything other than protecting the race. not ass-wipe socialism for white-nigger losers. DO NOT WANT. WILL FIGHT.
problem: American identity was queered in Civil War. The country was not set up as a centralized dictatorship. Which it is now. the valuable part of America lay in THESE different yet united States. the South will eat its dirt; the Minnies their rotfish. I will LARP as human in civilized Missouri
as i was walking on the stair i met a jew who wasnt there he wasn't there again today he stole some wallpaper and went away
public schools declaw white minds the very notion of public schools was a terrible mistake they should be abolished
let's just sell PR back to the cannibals for 24 beans #solutions
average American 2017: human: "the sun shines most days here in Death Valley" public school graduate: "well i remember a day when it rained like two inches" (thinks it has won argument)
my alpha pill was when i realized the "big dog" was a wolf and we weren't going fifty-fifty on the cheese
Pennyweight, the sad media clown who kills men and reputation with his neverending cavalcade of (((lies))).
We need a global Goy-In to do something about this Jew Problem.
It's a theory that man evolved from apes; it's a proven fact that millions of alleged men evolved from Baptists.
Sobran was a quite the linemaker; oddly enough, he took the theory of evolution as a personal affront, just as though he were a dirt-eating Baptist.
A nigger is shaped like a person but so is a gingerbread man.
'If they have got balls we must crush them. We must crush their balls. Let the criminals pee and drink their own urine. If a man says he has balls' we must crush those balls."
it's the K-12 that needs done away with. force white parents to subsidize anti-white brainwashing. that is out-and-out tyranny
it's funny how learning has morphed into spend huge amounts of money... but learning is what? it's reading and thinking. and talking to people. basically. and some going places and looking around. there is no obvious connection between learning and $$$
'Bianca Saenz' jew or not-jew. There certainly are jews named Saenz. Did she print out the flyer herself and then find it jew-style? It is within the realm of possibility.
you can learn a lot by just thinking --yodger berra
media are like evil clowns that don't realize they're clowns. but aren't heavy enough to be evil: pennyweights
I have been to Puerto Rico. Weird place.
hurricane hits PR = 16 dead burricane hits Chi (every weekend) = 32 dead (and counting)
Charlottesville: nigger attacks whites, gets beat up. Collects 200k gofundme. Whites go to jail without bail, charged with felonies. Why hold rallies? It makes no sense. The logic would be to keep quiet and go kill System journalists and other worthy targets. Same risk - better reward.
christianity leads to dont question motives leads to dont look for causes leads to dont think
Charlottesville rally results show that the price of defending yourself from violent attack is as high (legally) as committing violence to further White political goals. You get charged with multiple felonies, denied bail, lied about in press and by all System pols up to and including President.
If christianity were pro-white, would christian radio channels be available all over the dial nationwide? Don't cry. Think about it. Then draw an honest, logical conclusion. #TeamWhite helping restore rational thought to white minds.
If christianity were anti-jew, would christian radio channels be all over the air waves? Simple question the christ-pozzed can't answer. #TeamWhite
You're believing a Big Lie spread by Ted Beale and others when you agree there's a 'real' xtianity vs a cucked version. Funny that's what the communists used to say. No, the whole thing was anti-White and designed that way ab ovo.
There are two (((approved))) fake versions of American history: the kind conservative cucks like Sasse push and the kind genocidal antifa communists like Felarca preach. White Nationalists alone "push" real American history.

September 29, 2017:

the roll of this song captures the white spirit nicely
what kind of moral system produces alleged men conspicuous for their utter lack of moral courage? this is christianity, the reality
will to power is evil. so then will to cuck is good? is ben sasse a good man? is he? is richard spencer evil? who makes these evaluations?
there is no other doctrine, policy or party allowed 1/1000th (i underexaggerate) the time/space christianity gets in the mass media that is anti-jew so what's the mathetical chance xtianity is anti-jew? it's zero. son.
every day i listen to these xtian retards on the radio building their totally amazing castles a foot off the ground would christians be allowed on the radio if their doctrine didn't help the jews? YOU FUCKING UNABLE-TO-THINK MORON if "yes" then give me any other such instance
all my life i've observed christians. i can recall two specific instances of high-character behavior where there was real incentive/pressure to go crabwise. every other time, the christian went small
do you want the white race to be of mawkish lickspittles all compact? well, just keep going to church
Christians have to be commanded not to lie.
and the moment i drew on third he flashed home and stole it he plat flain outthunked and GODDAM if i dont remeber that burn today sheer red humiliating pain AUDACITY beyond tiny mindlet and mini-poodle mindset i tip my hat to that kid TOUJOURS L'AUDACITE worked for him that day
i was pitching and this fucking kid danced around third and in my crummy heart enflamed a shrimpy chickenshit I GOT HIM
i will tell you a true story of how i got burned how this kid named henry ford (no joke) outsmarted me and burned me in my home of homes
being insulted properly is like having your mind ravished. it's a rape that does you good.
i sing the boob lugubrious his tawdry yawp i hear his balls long gone his brain cut out what's left fit but for pew --Alt Whitman
why are there so many songs about rainbows? you'll get the answer to that question next saturday, kermit
if loving .38 special is wrong, i dont want to be white
the Outfield. they like their girls a little bit older.
best CCR song, a reg'lar horripilater
it's not that jews are winners, it's that christians are losers
do the jews look like world champions? it's not for me to say. but no. (apologies to greg kinnear)
Why would a loving God create a race of violent retards? #QuestionsChristNuthuggersCantAnswer
God made a literal race of retards. You know what's worse than a race of retards? A race of non-retards who worship that God.
A problem can be solved. A condition must be managed. Are jews a problem or a condition? They are a problem we've been treating like a condition.
#AllSoulsMatter #ChristTheKing(ofTheSoulNiggers)
straight outta cornfield crazy young cucker named sasse with a penchant for lickin jew ass he tried to make a name for himself clowning alt-right but cuck's just a schmuck after bucks serving Big Kike
christianity tells the slobs they're as good as real people, democracy gives them the vote to prove it all quality, standards, beautify, intelligence go by the wayside
Christians lie like jews, but artlessly. So in Fox's book of Martyrs, I'm more than halfway through it, not a single Protestant has screamed in anguish while being burned to death. Not one. So the author has that little respect for one of the top ten commandments. The whole cult is like this.
get out there and sin, christians. otherwise jesus died in vain. go on! your portion of the buffet is pre-paid! grab a good one!
there is no good vs bad christianity. it's all bad. that's my argument. it cant not be bad. thats my argument. if you want to argue me, you have to ADDRESS MY ARGUMENTS, not just bleat and repeat your own stupidity i've ALREADY ADDRESSED AND KICKED THE SHIT OUT OF YOU FUCKING MORON
who would see 200 polar bears on a dead whale and draw the conclusion: they're starving? only a leftist. i mean, some sugar in your kitchen. ants come in and molest it. yep. those ants are clearly starving.
christianity has confused whites about which group they belong to. is that not evident? what save a pernicious doctrine would tell normal white men that niggers were part of their crew? who would create and spread such a foul nostrum? why, twould take an alex-jones-tier Thinker t'puzzle't
notice how the minnows grow giant pig testicles when talking to alt-right cucks are all about safety. safety with cucks, as with Ford, is job #1. but really, who are we to judge sassy ben sasse till we've sucked a mile of jewcock?
Homeschooling exercise: Press treatment of white bears vs white people: contrast and explain.
how can you deny christianity is leftist? see sasse's remarks. These people have no interest in reality. they want the dream, not the facts. these are children, yet adult and dangerous. they are contemptible intellectually, dangerous politically, uglier than three dead tarantulas aesthetically
we have to destroy the conmen, the coheistas, the conservative cuckwinkers, and make The People TM see that WHITE is the only game in town. you start throwing in the cross and right-wingism, you're just confusing the amoeba-brained. WHITE = GUD. JEW = BAD
GOP = professional cucks misleading the cretins
George drank a tasty cup of coffee. He got up and ambled out back. Leaned on the fence near a man getting some stuff ready. "How's it going, Rastus? Great day to be a slave, huh?" Laughing softly he went back in and got busy presidenting.
Ben Sasse is the absurdest thing to emerge from a cornfield since Malachi.
Get the Stars n Stripes added to the ADL hate symbols database. It's frog-tier hate. Somebody has to say it.
some good thoughts on degeneracy, inspid style
has a woman marrying herself made the NYT social page yet?
"Some right-leaning students, Shapiro says, start out with Pepe and Harambe memes online, politically incorrect jokes and images that don't have anything directly to do with white supremacy. But for some, he says, that's a gateway drug." Harambe is gateway gorilla.
the fact is, which aristotle nearly figured out, insulting people is the single most effective way to induce thinking in them
If racism is American as apple pie... ...then anti-racism is...
#RealCuckHistory George Washington loved the nigras. He hired hundreds of them to work his fields. It was just that he forgot to pay them.
"Universal dignity IS our culture" --Ben "I serve the Sassoons" Sasse No, Bendover, People of Walmart is our culture.
Get it right, Anglo retards Seuss Breitbart as a lagniappe for the Hogg & Pigg Mason-Dixon dirtlickers, when you come across an elephant in your sentence, you don't capitalize it
this - in apology for forgetting to include binky shapiro on my "A jew is a jew, no matter how small" --Racist Dr. Seuss tweet
The jew truth is everywhere. Liar Jordy Peterson - just read the comments.
"A jew is a jew, no matter how small." --Racist Dr. Seuss #LeoFrank #WeinerAnthony
Religion is the vice of old people.
The sad truth is that whites possess a gullibility that is obviously genetic. Christianity has certainly improved upon it, but the comparative racial flaw is still there. I hope the gullibles will fold into the brown fondue, while the unfooled minority goes its own way. #WGTOW
Christianity tells people who are close to worthless that actually they're priceless. This doctrine naturally extends to niggers. It's exactly the kind of "secret king" stuff people like Beale mock everywhere else. "Losers are the real winners." No. They're just losers.
"Christian man" -- sorry, you lost me. "good Christian man" -- sorry, you doubly lost me.
Love that good ol' buffoon Roy Moore, waving around that stupid gunlet he stole out of Dillinger's moll's clutch.
Christianity + Judaism work the good cop/bad cop routine on whites.
All the racialist thought that went into discussing IQ was 90% wasted. That effort should have gone into explaining (which is tantamount to debunking) christianity -- into explaining how it functions as the foundation for white genocide.
Christianity is like a 1% solution of judaism. Where your race, your tribe, because everybody - all alleged humanity, from the furthest flung eskimo to the dirtiest diggeridoo puffer.
Christianity endangers whites. It fills their head with bad ideas. It essentially forbids them from using their sense organs in the name of higher morality - which is exactly parallel to leftist jewish Pravda, which means the noble or ideological lie trumping reality and actual facts.
Whites need a doctrine that isn't universalist like christianity but it is specific. That says, Our race is valuable - and any race that interferes with us gets wiped out. So we can flourish. #TeamWhite
Christian universalism pre-greases the brain pan for jews to bake the fake history that USA was about universal human rights and dignity, as cornfield buffoon ben sasse falsely claims. Where did xtianity come from? A jew named Saul. Every. Single Time.
Fake history 1.0 was promoted from roughly 1900 on, via jews Kallen and Boas and their cultural-racial equality/multiculturalism. Fake history 2.0 was quickened during the '60s revolutions. it's all intended to culminate in White genocide - and was all along.
Jews prepared, as I said in podcast, two fake 'narratives' or versions of American history. - 1.0 is an individualist pablum for xtian retards on sasse level, conservatives and cucks like Beck Limbaugh etc - 2.0 is uniquely-evil-whites narrative for college kids and antifa WN alone = real history
"The celebration of universal dignity IS our culture" --Ben Sasse
It's a smear on my race when you, christian squids, or you jew liars (redundant) blame white mes for observing black behavior and/or taking precaution against it.
This fucking mentallity...the older I get the more I hate these leftist-judeo-christo games with agency. PJ O'Rourke skewered it in 80s: paraphrase: "you know how Reagan liked to sneak out of the white house and sell crack and impregnate teenage girls."
Spencer does well to talk down to these corn patch mental criminals like Sasse.
From Fat Neddy's Rocker Stout to Keystone Light, all beers were created by God and bear his image. All beers have illimitable worth. This is conservatism of Madison / Jefferson. I'm Ben Sasse. I don't stand out well from the corn mentally, but I am in fact US Sen. from Nebraska.
the level of buffoonery and factual wrongness and lunatical religion + CTing in sasse's remarks is off the charts.
The God-cretins found in churches have been sold a false history, and they believe it. They have no interest in biology, forget that. All that matters is simp-tier kumbaya. And we're messing up their fee-fees with adult observations. #ChristCucks
Christian cucks blame white nationalists for America's racial divisions. Exactly like the left: it's not nigger behavior that's the problem -- or the jews who facilitate it -- it's whites who point it out. Left, (((right))) and (((xtian))) all agree.

September 28, 2017:

Jorge Gonzales 1 day ago We defeated the wrong enemy. -Gen Patton REPLY 34 - christ, even the benaers and Sotards have figured it out
Christian Talour ckuss • 11 days ago "Racism" was invented by the communist Trotsky as a way to morally undermine white Western society. The founding fathers were all "racist," but before communism it was known as "sanity."
donsevers kcl64 • 17 days ago Huh? If love cashes out in actions, then God callously neglects Africans at higher rates than many other areas. Ol Buck donsevers • 16 days ago By bringing them to Him in Heaven? Yeah, what a jerk. #ChristCucks
Christian Talour kcl64 • 16 days ago Really? Please tell me what "infinite love" means? Worthless virtue signalling language. 2 •Reply•Share › − Avatar samton909 Christian Talour • 16 days ago You sound increasingly like I imagine the devil sounds. #ChristCucks
kcl64 Christian Talour • 17 days ago Average love of God for an African person: infinite. #ChristCucks
Film says "jew is the demon behind the corruption of mankind" an ol' shortpants Peterson can't make out an intelligible idea. Keep trying, Jordy.
Jordan Peterson is little more than a clown. Hey bud, start your lecture by saying if you said that nazis have ideas and I agree with most of them - you'd be thrown in Canadian jail.
dogs are just wolf-cucks
"[We call on you to speak] out against the alt-right movement. This movement has escaped your disapproval. We believe it is important for this movement to be addressed, for at its core it is a white identity movement and the majority of its members are white nationalists or white supremacists."
"profound solidarity of the American people regardless of skin color and ethnic heritage. The joint resolution was needed to provide moral clarity that white supremacy and white nationalism are outside of American values—indeed, it is outside human values—and will not be accepted in our country."
"America is profoundly fractured and divided. We are praying, and call upon God's people to humble themselves and pray that you would take the bold and moral step to denounce the alt-right." - typical shoot-the-messenger. we were all united until dirty a-r started talking about our racial problems
"Jakes" great southern name, sounds like ill-concealed vice mixed with hookworm and illiteracy. It is a well known scientific fact that, upon medical inspection, a full 50% of Southern Baptists turn out to be ordinary barnyard hogs.
crissy-cross'll make ya cuck! cuck!
crissy-cucks whine on Trump re alt-right
When I was a little kid in Sunday School, and heard the xtian tale of tales, I knew it was absurd. And I could see the old women believed it for emo reasons. And I could see that the males in churches were old women with penises. My views have never changed, for they were right out of the box.
The christ tale is a shit-test. If you don't laugh upon hearing it, you fail.
"If it feels good, believe it." --Christ-lunacy, the ur-liberalism
Who wrote the bible? Scandinavians? Russians? English? Italians? Why, bless my soul, twas writ by the same lump-nosed liars who fart out ever other piece of garbage. The bibble was the original 'mass' media. For goysimps. Always remember, goy gerry: itz not true if you don't like it.
Judaism is a strategy for winning in this world. It works. Christianity is a strategy for losing in this world. It works. Both strategies were designed by jews.
Is it Every. Single. Time. Except. Muh. Bible.? You mental chinchillas?
If you believe a lie is better than the truth, then you don't deserve your white genes. #christcucks
Does Every. Single Time. somehow not apply to the bible?
"He sees that Christianity is not a matter of blood, or of race, or of victory in this world. It requires us to accept defeat in this life so we might enjoy triumph in the next. " Boom goes the dynamite.
you cry when i say it, well what about when they admit it The cuck has a symbol: the cross #crosscucks
100 years ago whites didnt rally to talk about problems they solved them directly. yes, with violence.
Dr Seuss (note spelling, not suess, which would be like [w umlaut] the one the Nazis made a star) was a goy, a leftist, and was on a severe different-word count (couple hundred).
can your race produce a giant lie, and push it for over 100 years? that's what jews have done with leo frank, a pedophile murderer they know to be guilty. we can't produce similar mentality & teamwork in whites to counter this. rather, jews must be seen and treated as termites in human form
the parallel to termites is no joke. there is nothing to be done with jews except exterminate them. it doesn't matter how you feel about that or how your religion judges the morality of that conclusion
the Old South was great for jews. they got rich there. but the minute their own pedo-murderer Leo Frank was held accountable in the longest, most expensive trial in state history, they turned on the region with maximum viciousness - including a national press campaign to demonize Georgia
the Leo Frank case was the pivot: before that (1915), jews in South were 'white' and totally down with anti-black Jim Crow, which they in part shaped. they dominated the slave economy. after, they turned to being the black man's best friend, and used blacks against whites
jews were far more integrated in the Old South than i had believed before reading the NOI book on leo frank. and it makes sense. these are the Moore-tier simps, the protestants moving their lips to Old Testament jew heroes
And old principle i enunciated nearly 20 years ago: every cell in your brain is an unmucked stall full of jewish ideo-horseshit unless you have specifically thought about the matter in question. example: the jew lies the KKK was anti-jew. LIE! the original KKK was pro-jew - funded by Judah Benjamin
The South made a mistake in not fighting under the American flag when it was the side (the only side) following American law and principles.

September 27, 2017:

beware of taiga monkeys
the character of whiteskins in midwest: they're all stl cardinals fans. then kc royals win. all of a sudden they're all royals fans what do you do with human material like this? it's pure schoolfish on legs
why the holohoax was invented
millo is alt-jew
Vonnegut pointed this out: you cant pretend to be something. You are that thing. Maybe not ably, not plausibly, but yeah you are what you 'pretend' to be.
LARPing is a retarded concept, I rue the day it was introduced to common discourse.
What classes do the (((media))) promote? Jews, niggers and govt employees.
The only people in the USA worth a damn are those who are privately employed and self-supporting. Full stop. If you work for the government in any capacity, you are a parasite. Social workers, 'teachers' lol, cops, firemen, military K-9s - you're all parasites.
What does the US military do for us? Absolutely nothing except make needless enemies. It is as pure a waste of money as can be found.
(((Muh military))) gives millions of Scotch-Irish the chance to parasitize us humans instead of washing dishes at Waffle House like nature intended.
How can you take a cult seriously when it cucks for a race that by its own account murdered its superhero? Christinanity has made an out-and-out clown out of the white race.
Scrawny Skreli is more of a man than any whiteskin in the NFL.
Britain is getting what Britain deserves. I feel not a trace of schadenfreude over it. I observe the truth only. If I could change it, I would.
I use dank to mean dank, unlike the weedsters and slashpuppies do.
Hitler could have killed all those boat-escape Anglos. He let them go out of racial respect. What Hitler didn't understand is the British are little. Even today, as their dank sandbar goes under, they lack the character to acknowledge the truth.
BALD is beautiful. In writing and in politics.
Trump is half German, that's why he half-fights. If he were all Scot/Irish/Anglo he would have cucked long ago. That glorious NECESSARY bluntness is what makes German > English.
It's hard to take Ann Coalter's immigration comments seriously when you know she's had Streetshitter DeSouza puffing away on top of her.
Who you admire shows you who you are. The Anglo (includes American) admires Winston Churchill. What was Churchill? A drunken sellout to the jews. Who not only destroyed his nation and its empire but put his entire race in jeopardy.
a christian is someone who can't tell shit from shinola and doesn't realize it
why would someone leave a civilized (that means christian) land like el salvador to come to USA? does not compute
most of the 100,000,000 added to America since hart-celler are christians so what are y'all so upset about since christianity = civilization?
When the Anglo-Saxon Began to Think A poem by Buttyard Shrimpling It [under construction]
Alabama is an old Creek word for "i can't believe we're losing to this race of cross-eyed christian cretins"
Filthy Lucre Tour is the perfect name for a history of the Anglo-Saxon From Danegeld to Muzz-cucking, the Ignoble History of Whitekind's Most Unappealing Subset
well that fashwave shit is certainly better than horrid white power 1.0 screaming. i like it cuz it reminds me of classic great movies like halloween 3, with the shrieking synth
if i were a jew, i'd call them the Greatest Generation too shipped whole factories to the USSR so they could defeat the pro-Whites and judaize europe "howz that working out for your grandkids, Greatest Ones?"
i mean it's weird parallel. but degree of intellectual difficulty about the same - seeing jews as The problem in politics - seeing connection between obesity and knee problems (just look at that shape. that joint isn't made to support that much weight)
fat women in their 20s are fun and springy; fat women in their 50s...easier to get a battleship to change position
in the PJ O'Rourke "there's no getting through to the highly perceptive" ... i never realized the connection between obesity and knee problems for the longest time. it's true. nearly all obese women have fucked up knees
The Amish - it's like if you offered a cow the chance to be a human. And it said...nah...I'd rather be a cow.
Peej Watson is Millo's gayer little brother.
Admiration for the English is the sure sign of the inferior man.
"When everything else burned off the Anglo, all that was left was love of money." --Winston Shakespeare. Entire nation's been on a Filthy Lucre Tour since at least 1400s.
Classic Anglo: equally at home cucking in a kippa at the Wailing Wall or in a hoodie at the local mosque. What a degraded folk, the English are.
Teresa May is classic Anglo. Face like a hell portal. Cucks for the power that (((be))). As the tides shift from Izzy to Muzzy, she adjusts her cucking accordingly.
The Nazis, the real ones, fought the jew-commies. You know - the worst people in history. The ones our 'heroic' Anglo grandpappies sided with. If we aid and support the worst, most murderous (((crew))) in history, doesn't that make us the bad guys? The Anglo-American mind can't compass this.
It is intellectual malpractice to call jews "nazis" and "brownshirts" and "fascists." It defames the real item and it confuses the public. Yet it's par for the course among the cowardly right.
Gab mention
The Anglo commentariat is a bunch of sideways looking ideofluids, a truly contemptible lot conspicuous solely for its cowardice.
Why would anyone give a flying shit about someone like Sam Francis who beat around the bush for decades when you can read Goebbels and Hitler at and see the whole thing laid out - who your enemy is and how to oppose him?
Whatever Ann Coulter would fear to say: that's where we START. #TeamWhite
you can never tell me this love of euphemism isn't our celebrated yet highly defective Anglo culture in full flower of failure RALLY AGAINST JEWS. that's germanic-blunt. personality removed. an Anglo is someone who decides whether 2+2 = 4 based on whether he likes the teacher
A legitimate Southern hero is Tom Watson. A one-man media army back in 1915. The jews got his statue pulled down. While the yahoo-unseriouses were cheerleading for sports niggers.
The South is an HONOR based culture - NOT an integrity-based culture. As anyone who deals with Southerners soon learns.
The Old South was philosemitic because it was full of halfwit Anglo Saxon protestants who look at the ol' testament jews and go "hey...that's muh muh muh muheee." The South, today, should be viciously mocked for being stupid and religious and hominid K-9 units for the international jew.
Jews were fully integrated in the Old South - and the Old South was 100% philo-Semitic. It only changed with the Leo Frank affair. Jews not only dominated the slave trade, they dominated the economic sector dealing with the agricultural products those slaves produce. True facts.
What allows jews to beat us is their racial loyalty. Listen to my audiobook about Leo Frank. It's not just that jews defended their own pedo-rapist-murderer of our white girl Mary Phagaan. It's that they defended him EVEN THOUGH THEY PERSONALLY HATED HIM AND KNEW HIM TO BE A PROTO-WEINER.
Have you seen "Roadhouse"? I feel sure you have. It's a very good movie. The time has come in the Double Deuce called AmeriKwa NOT TO BE NICE. #TeamWhite
Daily politics is mildly interesting. There are several good guides to it. What matters most is the bigger picture: polarizing the public between #TeamWhite. (That's us. The good guys.) and #TeamJew (That's them. the bad guys.)
I estimate 3 dead cucks and there would be a lot more fairness and balance among the remainder. They'd either not opine on jew Q or they'd go mealy in the White direction. There are no cuck orgs. No one cares about dead cucks. It's every cuck for its cuckself.
We are in a situation -- and have been for more than a decade -- where it is much more dangerous to talk about something legal than to do something illegal.
How would a political genius like Hitler use the Internet? How would Hitler turn today's circumstances to White advantage?
There is no cost to being anti-White right now. When there is a cost, then the cucks (and average people) will think much harder about which side they're on. The insight here: no cuck is on the jewside because they like jews. They're on the jew side because they like status and money.
Spencer says "I am a statist" with his voice up and downing like a barn swallow.
My read is the goy journalists serving the jews will cut and run the minute there is any slight risk of physical danger from their cucking. So they are the natural first target. When they leave, the jews are alone and exposed.
We need a political-martial group formed based on absolute loyalty. Anyone who turns coat gets killed. Then go after soft targets - the NON-jews serving the (((System))) particularly journalists. A core of mil-leaders, lawyers and advocates (speakers) can produce rallies, with their support staff.

September 26, 2017:
i dont like to yenta muchly but stephen king and mitch mcconnell would make awesome lesbian couple this broad has a voice
TFW haaretz misspells shtick useful schtick. read more: goy veh
Never before in history has a government actuated a spay list for parents who name their kids with meretricious spelling. Mvki (it's pronounced mike). But that doesn't mean it's not a good idea.
just how many FREAKISHLY LARGE RAT SPECIES are there we dont know about?
yeah lets waste billions sending cameras to saturn while FREAKISHLY LARGE RAT SPECIES REMAIN UNDISCOVERED priorities, anyone?
I do have legit bigotries: - against those who use three names - against Smeg Smegsons o rich vein o' marble be yees
Anglos like Spencer see Germans as more conformist than freewheeling them, but it's actually just a higher LCD. What was flexibler than the NS? Contrast with American christian whites. It's nearly impossible to teach them the most basic facts when their racial life depends on it.
Beatles music is depressing as their land. Do not like. Steely Dan is depressing too but enjoyable.
Mulcahey's Lessons for Sprouting Girls 12) Keep your teats in a bra and your feelings behind your teeth.
In semi-tropical areas, it rains in the afternoon. A puddle collects on the asphalt. A javelina emerges from the thickle and slurps. The puddle dries up. As significant as that puddle are women's feelings.
Very few bands have rolled out as many highly serviceable songs as Creedence Clearwater Revival.
#AllNiggersSuck Blue, green or traditional all suck. You're all parasites. You all make America worse.
You joined the army of your own accord. There was no draft. And went off to fight in Afghanistan. Is that even on this planet? And you tell me you're defending America? You sad green nigger, you are nothing but a parasite and a clown.
Military men are the least manly of men because they do whatever they're ordered, like a high-quality wife.
'Much may be made of a Scotsman, if he be caught young' remains one of the great all-time slams.
When we Whites work as a team....that's when jews begin to lose. Because there aren't enough of them to fight us. But if we split our energy into flag, religion, petty politics, we will never gain the laser focus to burn that Evil Tribe. WE ARE WHITE. OUR ENEMY IS THE JEW. No more, no less.
When a serious white culture (Germany and...well...Germany) looks seriously at what jews are doing and comes up with a response . . . that's National Socialism. Jews are still up to their same ends by their same tricks . . . same kind of response is called for.
Yeah, Merkel has no idea what bringing in millions of savages will do to Germany. Because she's stupid. Don't let the math/chem grad degrees fool you. And you're smart. Or maybe you're just a conservative coward (redundant) who likes smoke blown up his ass by professional fluffers (Coulter et al).
WE are the salmon who made it upstream. And now itz time to milt all over these (((motherfuckers))).
Not from schizophrenia, purely in the interest of comedico-intellectual aesthetic necessity.
If it were physically possible I long ago would have split into fifteen mutually mocking subselves.
Leftism for jews in white society is a recipe for destroying it. It's clear and calculated - purely rational and time tested. Leftism for whiteskins is for delusionals (young women) and devils (social workers, that union Scalise shooter, criminals and other social warts).
Whites need to understand that Nazism arose as a mirror strategy to what jews were already doing - operating as a team. Nazism wasn't individualist, hence wasn't Western, hence was effective. Please think about this. #TeamWhite
The proof that jews put out social strychnine in diaspora is that they're perfect Nazis in Israel.
Leftism is rightism for jews in diaspora.
One of the standing irritants in writing about the left is that its theoreticians and ringleaders (jews) are driven by race-realism (rightist rationality) while the goy-left are delusionals and, as i say, malocclusives.
Steve Earle's "Copperhead Road" is an overrated song, bigly.
The Outfield had a little of that soaring quality U2 has, but without the obnoxious politics.
Average people believe they are special. Thus they have nothing to learn from others. Thus they fall into the same traps.
The people who helped me most in understanding and getting through this world never knew me and weren't alive when I met them.
Self-improvement? What makes you defensive? Well...that's where you're wrong. Explore the mess, and clean it up.
The word Spencer was going for in describing Germany is...serious. There is (or was) a seriousness in the culture that simply isn't found in America. We are gladhanders bullshitters cheerleaders and tent-revival jeffys.
Historical fact. When I walked into an East German bookstore, in 1987, this was playing:
The media's perception really is two civilized coastal strips and Thar Be Redneck Dragons.
The difference between right and left is - no rightist can avoid leftism. But leftists can easily avoid rightism. That's why they're so horrified at Thanksgiving table. It's the only day of the year many of them encounter sanity.
Whites must associate everything they like and want with their race. Which is in fact a proxy for it. That's #TeamWhite. They must learn to associate everything they hate with the ringleaders producing it. The jews and the malocclusives and discoloreds they've cloaked about them. That's #TeamJew
Trump has proved his superior perception on this NFL issue. He can see the country for what it actually is unlike the (((media))), even though he comes from exactly the same background. The split he engineered polarizes in his favor - and the media can't see or believe this.
To twist Chris Kattan's Kippi Strug, the white race wants to do things other races do, like eat and menstruate.
Humans need to breathe air? Yet another far-right position.
Do more people pretend to like:
Divide pro football into white and black leagues, have their champions meet in the Race Bowl. #Yuge
A lot of second football leagues have failed, but a white league would likely work.
"The best part of selling worms is when they're all gone, you've got a crock pot of ten suppers." --Roy Moore
Roy Moore. He sells worms, and he loves Jesus.
Russia imported most of its culture and construction from real Europe. Let's not kid ourselves about that. These scythsky nuthuggers become ridiculous.
smarmy nig-jew-left: you have free speech but not freedom from consequences. does that go for you too? no. consequences for us = white supremacy
so the good guy wins in Gumpistan?
The taiga monkeys were xtian as hell. That's what let the (((Russian))) communists win
DirtyGary Dom Cosentino 9/26/17 1:50pm So we have an alien nigger shooting up a white church and release of latest Uniform Crime Report showing blacks commit most violent crime - but the big story is nigger criminals aren’t being treated with enough respect.
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege #VNNForum NOI's Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man pp330-361 (65m) - jews lie about pogrom after lynching. no jews left atlanta, more moved in. LF treated softly, blacks not

September 25, 2017:
my alpha pill was when i took to social howling, i call it. people just look at you differently
i want to live around niggers, but not criminals. sorry my lil friend, that banana wont peel
America is the only place on earth a nigger is considered a valuable thing.
it's pretty sad when the only people who come closerish to my views are cross-eyed jug-eared alabammy jesus goobers
a vast and terrible war constipation is building up in the AmeriKwan body politic
DirtyGary Anne Branigin 9/25/17 10:35pm so one side has purple hair, cant tell diff between men and women, believes in racial equality and throws bottles of piss at “haters” - and that’s the side Kleppy won’t make fun of. he’s off to a good start, i’m laughing already
DirtyGary Absent Humanity 9/25/17 10:26pm do you want some rock grubs to go with your nigwine?
DirtyGary your seamless tard-jargon really adds to my understanding
satirize people who believe in national borders, normal sex, hair-colored hair good lucky kleppy
the leftist media think Trump doesn't know his splits. they think public sides with NFL/kneeling blacks. wrong: public likes football, not niggers or NFL. and they don't like contempt from coons who add no value to our nation save prison stuffing
FSIROI: "I love fishing ! For me to outsmart a creature with a brain the size of a pea is a major accomplishment. "
[klepper appears to be a goy from michigan]
Whining about marginalized voices Closing the comment section We are The Left
Free speech is essentially a hellbender that is only found in pure Aryan streams.
The white man version of taking a knee is canceling your cable subscription. #TeamWhite
It isn't a matter of whether you like christianity or not. You may like donuts and soft drinks but objectively they are bad for your body.
Christianity is the LaBrea Tard Pits for the White man.
The conservative thinker says conservatism isn't ideology, is anti-ideological. Then goes on to assert that revelation = knowlege. That is in fact an ideological position. Revelation is mere opinion, taking on airs.
If we just pretend hard enough, everything will work out.
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege #VNNForum NOI's Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man pp305-330 (73m) - jews falsify history of KKK. LF more useful as dead symbol than live nasty. so jews dont pursue lynchers.

September 24, 2017:

"During the campaign, surveys revealed that up to 40 percent of German voters agreed with the AfD on issues such as immigration and how to deal with Germany’s past. The AfD is really Germany’s _only_ opposition party on these issues, because all the other parties —... agree"
"And make no mistake: The AfD is a far-right party, whose leaders regularly make openly racist and Islamophobic statements and minimize Nazi crimes and who continually claim they will “take their country back” from its purported enemies." --worrying trend only to #TeamJew (writer: Berman))))
We must fight toxic masculinity! Where are all the good men??
There's a lot of space in western Kansas that would make a great GRIDSfag reservation.
that's the etymology, not the meaning, except superficially. the nigger isn't defined by color but by lack of character in comparison with all other hominids
'Nigger' isn't an epithet, it's a description
america keeps pouring (your earned) money into niggers; niggers keep being a sieve
DirtyGary maybe the real story here is niggers cant run a city. or...journalists can’t write that niggers cant run a city. hard to say.
Now what I wish - and his wife is big on Twitter, you can contact her - is that Kevin Anderson, who made finals of US Open, would come out for murdered South African farmers. How do you think the media would respond to that?
good analogy: carbs are like kindling; fat is like logs
Why not make a White Council? Of a few respected people. Decide on a new good flag. And a default-basic dress code for rally participants?
Torba, I got maybe 10 sites I'll shift on your registrar. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
I enjoy the comparatively free speech at Gab. I feel I can speak comparatively freely here.
Get rid of old flags. But keep that 1930s deficit spending and muh giant centralized government. The Whitest form of government is self-control, self-mastery, self-government. Decentralized to the extent possible. Not white ants run by Glorious Farmer.
I think minimalism fits very naturally withy white nationalism. "Get rid of shit you don't need" = denigger, demex + DEJEW the country.
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege #VNNForum NOI's Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man pp276-304 (59m) - bribing of Gov. Slaton. Frank's ridiculously comfortable prison accommodations. his 'irregular execution'
Hitler was essentially Taken In Hand for the white race. And that's one legit way to do it. It wouldnt be my first choice. But it's hella better than shit we have now.
I read Fox's Book of Martyrs. When xtians took their silly doctrines seriously, they were chopping each other's heads off and burning each other just like ISIS.
If Weev stands behind his own words...and they're not illegal...what's the problem? If you want to say "our guidelines," fine. But then don't be claiming you do free speech when you mark off your barrier well inside what's legal under the First Amendment.
God is the god that failed. Draw your neck out of your collar, you sad-sack religious faggots.
Military and cops aren't heroes and shouldn't be treated like them. At best they're garbagemen of people.
The military "defends our freedom" by fighting wars in Afghanistan while we're invaded by Mexico. Just serving the jews for pay. Never thinking. "Above muh pay grade." And the South is the worst of the worst. The North murdered the USA; the South murdered the White race.
Military and niggers both are state-funded parasites that demand respect they don't deserve.

September 23, 2017:
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege #VNNForum NOI's Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man pp236-275 (107m) - Watson defends Ga. jews commit numberless crimes via 'detective' Wm Burns to try to obtain new trial

September 22, 2017:
(((Gottfried))): "...Milo is far worse than the white nationalists he attacks. For all their silliness, these activists do study political theory and intellectual history, even if they use both in a highly selective manner."
under-your-covers fag alert
nerd alert
Whites are just going to keep going "This is nice" until we're in position of Boerfolk (retarded xtian cow people). UNLESS we consciously precipitate a movement that means to kill our enemies and regain racial sovereignty.
Incitement to violence is covered in Brandenburg v Ohio. Dates to 1969. What could be more settled? Other law expressly says the POSTER not the HOST is responsible for the content. Gab's only responsibility is to remove illegal content when so ordered by court.
The truth is, Torba has a patriotard-level understanding of free speech.
It's the retarded religion of christianity, literally a form of insanity, given that people don't come back from the dead, that has us not just tolerating our genocidal enemies but literally worshipping them.
People think that violence is uncivilized. Do you know what our ancestors would have done if two niggers had murdered the white father of a 2-year-old, as just happened in Philadelphia?
i just think it's too late for anything but an army and killing the enemy we have so many military faggots in this country, and not one will start an army

September 21, 2017:
When you say "I am not," the lying tardmedia only interpret it one way: you're shrinking in fear of their label.
Again: "A left-wing counterprotester named Heather Heyer was murdered by a white supremacist." Really?
Anyone who's not for white genocide is a white supremacist. I can understand lying but half these idiots actually seem to believe this.
Even if the media weren't liars, they're so fucking stupid and uneducated it's useless to talk to them. Not theorizing, that's from direct experience.
"Get Out" sucked. I don't care what your race or politics.
#YouKids won't believe this but when I was a tot Twix bar + Sprite = lunch National Review = high-quality reading Is true.
alt-alt-right funding...
which of these sounds nastier: defecating shitting the answer is obvious
Religion trumps race, say the crosseyed. Ok: make windy, woebegone wmiserable Wyoming Whites only. Make California Catholics only. Which gets filled first? This is me grin-when-I-win thinging.
“The angry white boys do not have a serious political agenda,” National Review’s Kevin D. Williamson explains.“
Valerie Plame goes FULL GIBSON. #SaneMax
Nothing hamburger-helps a shit case like spooky music.
Man (sic: Swede) "infiltrates" alt-right, discovers same shit they post on their websites.
‘I will surely and definitely tame the mentally deranged U.S. dotard with fire’ quality umbrage right there
Another example of what I said yesterday: "After torch-bearing white nationalists marched in Charlottesville last month and a peaceful counter-protester, Heather Heyer, was murdered by a neo-Nazi..." Factually untrue, on video, Salon open to lawsuit from Fields.
my Gab overruneth with butthurt this morning

September 20, 2017:
Stead I said...smh
"the Alternative Right is, at its core, driven by young people. It is hard to remember a far-right movement that has succeeded in attracting so many young activists, including many not archetypically drawn to fringe right wing politics.”
Fields will have the opportunity to sue many deep pockets when he gets out.
This is something I cannot recall before, this calling James Fields a murderer before the trial, without the customary 'allegedly.' It's pan-media. Example: "Its danger can also be seen in the murder of Heather D Heyer in Charlottesville, Virginia"...
- after conviction, northern jews set up "Truth is on the March" lie campaign to get LF new trial. involved are father of modern advertising, Albert Lasker, #1 american jew Louis Marshall, and head of NYT, adolph Ochs (ox).
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege #VNNForum NOI's The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man pp211-236 (72m)

September 19, 2017:
guilt by reading-material association
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege #VNNForum NOI's The Case of Leo Frank: The Lynching of a Guilty Man pp180-210 - South was PHILO-semitic before this case. jews were wholly integrated in old South and reconstruction
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege #VNNForum NOI's The Case of Leo Frank: The Lynching of a Guilty Man pp180-210 - South was PHILO-semitic before this case. jews were wholly integrated in old South and reconstruction
courtier satire: South Park, SNL, jodan klepper
This is the right way to run something like Gab. 1) the TOS are the LAWs. 2) we build a CULTURE at Gab where we don't accuse people of felony-level behavior (being a pedo, fed, etc.) without having solid evidence of same. OR we label our claims speculation. This policy works.
There's the ACCEPTED LEGAL STANDARD for determining ILLEGAL INCITEMENT TO VIOLENCE (Brandenburg). The rest is mere opinion. "Don't post illegal material" is all the TOS you need. "If posted, will be removed, and court orders complied with."
If one race, jews, is trying genocide another race, whites, then how can violent resistance not be a legitimate topic of discussion? I don't even think the Brandenburg LEGAL standard for incitement can be reached on the internet because it demands 'imminence.'
You dont need guidelines. You just need the law. And you have it. And it's clear. If you remove stuff that isn't illegal, then your "free speech" becomes a mockery. And Gab becomes just another patriotard site where free speech is just a marketing slogan.
When Jefferson talks about trees refreshed with blood of patriots and tyrants, is that inciting to violence? Not legally. But by Gab guidelines, who knows? When anything pro-white is being driven off the net, and (((they))) want a global anti-speech law, what is there to discuss but violence?
Free speech has a border, and it's clearly delineated by the courts (in the USA). Why not use that border?
The people who need and use free speech the most are well aware of where the legal line is. And we will stand behind our words. #FreeSpeech
"Don't post anything illegal. If you do, it will be removed and we will supply the courts your contact information if subpoenaed." I think that's fair, and it protects Gab because you're not responsible for what people post, as long as you remove illegal material when notified. #FreeSpeech
I, for one, would like to see Torba make the legal definition of incitement his TOS here at Gab. Readmit Weev. He's a known entity. He stands behind his words. If they cross the legal line - let the cops determine that and go from there. I think that's what "free speech" truly means.
From a purely Forrest-Gump-functional view, free speech, in 2017 America and the West, means the freedom to criticize jews.
A potential problem here at Gab is Torba's grasping this point: jew-critics and white nationalists are the only ones who need free speech. Mere patriots, who say race doesn't matter, can post anywhere. For they are leftists, whether they realize it or not.

September 18, 2017:
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege #VNNForum NOI's The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man pp141-179 (90m)
infighting is legit where there's no agreement. it's not even infighting, for what is the in? define altright: three prominent figures (richard spencer, vox day, ricky vaughn - all have different definitions). who's right? who decides?
pretty much the first rule of political rhetoric is never say "i dont" or "i'm not" they indicate youve accepted yourself as a legit target for attack
The jew method is to destroy pro-white things (men, sites) behind the scenes, then smarmily say in public, they did it to themselves. The cucks like VD and Paul Rammer follow this pattern.
What's the chief conservative virtue? Prudence. What is prudence? Well, in practice, it's cowardice. Conservatives make a virtue out of their cowardice. It's prudent to submit to the jews. It's good for their bank account and social status. See William F Buckley on down.
Merriam-Webster's definition of alt-right: "A right-wing, primarily online political movement or grouping based in the U.S. whose members reject mainstream conservative politics and espouse extremist beliefs and policies typically centered on ideas of white nationalism." seems to have changed its typeface to a near-Breitbart style, I don't like it. Ugly and harder to read.
A conservative is someone who lacks the moral courage and intellectual honesty to describe what is going on, let alone do anything about it.
all the smartest, most insightful people are here on Gab, i notice. Gab is valuable. Gab is my only social medium. altho i do like to scream on my front lawn.
I love how Facebook won't let you post anything AND won't let you delete your account.
The professional conservatives want to be the border of respectability. Anything real threatens their pose and their income. And they will team with the jew-left to destroy it.
Jack Dorsey is a faggot Mark Zuckerberg is a weaselly kike. Andrew Torba is from Scranton. So it's Torba, by a butt and a nose.

September 17, 2017:

The Court used a two-pronged test to evaluate speech acts: (1) speech can be prohibited if it is "directed at inciting or producing imminent lawless action" and (2) it is "likely to incite or produce such action." Basically, if it won't "actually incite imminent lawless action" - it's legal.
Incitement to violence is a legal standard. Weev's statements don't qualify. Ramzpaul, the liar, is aware of that.
i bet few of you even remember there were hosts named "first amendment" back in the day. and they gave us the boot as quickly as any other. "free speech" is simply marketing language until proved otherwise.
Australia's law might as well be: all group criticism is illegal (except for whites).
what weev said was not illegal. that's the fact of the matter. once you get below the USA legal standard - a very wide range can be construed as violent, since the left equates speech with behavior as for being on Aus registrar...i'm amazed Gab has stayed up this long this sucks for sure
Christianity is anti-jew. That's why you can get Christian radio from coast to coast.
billy bob thornton + Kiwi brown would make an excellent SHEEEEEITMAN. #BixNood
Every other difference between human species is overridden by the 'fact' that God created them. This is the non-secular version of race = skin color.
Zimbabwe is 87% christian. That's why it's so civilized compared to
Put your hands upright in front of you. Now press them together. Close your eyes and think about what you want most. This special isometric exercise will get it for you!
would Hitler have been elected legally if he had not had SA in streets willing and able to bust heads of any jew-commies who tried to cheat him? do elections precede or follow physical power? for us today?
Every. Single. Time. doesn't apply to christianity because muh feelz.
appeal to the white man's honor, but christianity has destroyed that
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege #VNNForum NOI Leo Frank: pp107-140 (83m) - end of Leo Frank trial. white girls testify to his sexual harassment. defense plays race card. LF makes spergy statement that suggests guilt.
Vox would never admit it because he's kind of a sniveling puss, but he adopted my views because he's smart enough to know that my crits were legit and my racial views were right.
Daily Stomer back up. Detroit SHEEEITMEN. Has a real stolen ring to it.
I abused Vox Day for years before most of you were tadpoles. Back in 2000-2005. I called him Skunky McDoof and mocked his punch pulling in the classic WND style. He has largely taken on the racial/anti-jew views of his abuser. That's the backstory, I doubt most of you have any clue of.
If Hollywood did a series of movies about superhero SHEEEITMANNN, you know that would make billions. Niggers would love it. Humans would too.
Vox is right that Gab should not get distracted by lawsuits, which are unpredictable and take years. It has a service that works right now. Just keep improving it and rolling out new stuff. That is job #1. GAB IS GREAT, LIKE ALLAH (free slogan i thought up, to be helpful)
The only meaningful politics, here and now, is racial. The profiteers (the cucks) see that, and ask themselves how they can profit from it. They form the Alt-Lite and their fellow liberals in media promote them as real thing. (((Ben Shapiro))) is alt-right in (((mass media))). Confusion + cooptation
The problem is the misconception that inside every nigger is a whiteskin middle-class Dockers-wearer struggling to get out. And this misconception springs directly from christ-lunatical belief in conversion therapy.
Since jews murdered more than 60,000,000 of ours last century, it's only fair that we put 20 million of theirs to rest this.
Vox lets his own people baselessly speculate about Torba, who turns out to be a coke-using megalomaniac. Similar to the way the VD side relies on (German) communist lies repeated in Pink Swastika to smear Nazis as the jew-sex-deviants they fought.
Crocodile Gets It

September 16, 2017:

this guy appears on camera daily and can't stop saying OM OM OM OM
Christ, Vox, go edit your gay elf fantasies and shut up. You suck at being condescending.
Vox doesnt realize: - when you say I DON CARE over and over. guess what - when you say I DOES HAVE SENSE OF HUMOR guess what - when you say MYum IQum OFFum CHARTum shit...maybe ITZ A REDSKIN THANG instead of an irritating tic
I don't think Vox can perceive the longer he talks, the more disdain he builds in the listener.
"Gab will not be around in a year, I can tell you that right now." -- 'Vox Day'
Your lies about mderation make Jesus cry.
Vox always uses 'observably.' Bunny uses 'demonstrably.'
This is Smeg "Smeg" Smegson, with your daily reminder that illegal Mexicans make the best Americans! #cuckin4buckin
This Kia is really a Lamborghini, you just have to give it the right tires and gas.
Vox is just lucky the Nazis can't sue for defamation. Dude has the soul, character and honesty of the WND columnist he used to be.
We must respect jews' ability to pervert and destroy other races. But that is the only thing respectable about them. Hence, the only tone with which to treat them is mockery, ironic laughter and insults. Conservatives - easier a monkey could grasp what I'm saying.
The 'social work' that actually works? Not subsidizing defectives and their shitty behavior. With money or praise.
Use those visual resource centers on either side of your honker. Do those soot-colored menaces look like the same species as us whites"? No. No, they don't. It's not just me saying that, it's common sense and Chuck Darwin.
Things human can change very rapidly. 100 years ago, the Atlanta Constitution wrote of the black Leo Frank, the pedo-rapist-murderer, tried to frame for his crime, that he'd be happier off the stand in a watermelon patch. I kid you not.
Race is a euphemism for species. That's how deep the propaganda runs.
Notions of "brother's keeper" and "race relations" are twin propaganda, insinuating the false and genocidal nostrum that whites have any necessary connection to other races.
Niggers cant be fixed because they're not broken.
The christian doctrine of soul conversion slides naturally, maybe inevitably, into the secular doctrine of social work. Niggers (or other 'defectives') can be fixed. Either with holy water, or with money, yourbike, etc etc. Bilge and delusion, all.
Sabre-toothed trenchfish have the right to exist. Only sabre-toothed trenchfish can be sabre-toothed trenchfish.
Life forms exist. One is as valid as any other. Preferring one to another for any reason is also valid. We want our kind to flourish. We must wipe out other forms that threaten us. This is the naturalistic view, and it is the reality, no matter how the religious voids shriek and drool.
The basis of social work, which is pure intellectual fraud and financial swindling, lies in the christian doctrine of conversion. It is more respectful to kill your enemy than try to change him.
Juggalos remind me of those overloaded aquarium mice situations. abnormal behavior results from (((induced))) miserable social conditions
tattoos: keep your skin clean and let people THINK you're an idiot
i still dont get what some .00001 % white model has to do with racial cause. (jerry voice) have you SEEEEN white people? they're uh...kinda fat. and stupid. and religious. the whites cause is about not getting fucked and killed and shit on at every turn it's about KILLING ENEMIES. not love
love is not a panacea. vinegar is a panacea
the racialist form of cucking is "love your race" shit that comes of sad-sack christian conservatism and felt need for fundage from these pew-buffoons
hating our enemies is far stronger sell than "loving our race" which is dookieism. example #147: Juggalos
"values" - are people notably consistent in their views? or do they blow with the winds of social conformity? it's too humiliating to the religious mind to accept that the meat of the human apple outweighs its transient opinions
look at those products of Lebensborn. markedly superior to average people. like it or not, humans can be bred like farm animals, and it will work in terms of raising the average quality
read my lips: No new mexicans
who is "my people" to a christian?
where does the idea come from that whites have some moral duty to other races?
would have thought it would be something dominant like Conanarchy. But no, it was a modest guy named Pat
In general I can't stand this perpetual wish-delusion that someone "really" wants to speak/act other than he does, is on our side. When Steve Bannon states that white nationalists are losers and scum...that's what he means.
Vox's misrepresentation of NS speaks lowly of his honesty.
jews run the world. most jews are atheists that's an interesting fact, dont you think
guy says my hardest red pill was on the jews. theyz the chosen people now where does this crank idea come from? christianity is anti-white and cannot be other. THAT is the hardest red pill of all, for most whiteskins
we must have the courage to treat others as a group, just as they do us if this be morally wrong according to (((christianity))), oh well #TeamWhite

September 15, 2017:
Blue footed boobies have a right to exist. Only blue footed boobies can be blue footed boobies.
so many white talents in MSMS acquire a jew sidekick, aka leechmann. very annoying
kike, cucked
women to be replaced by robots
For really big ops, the jews provide an official lie and an official alt-lie. official lie: Muzz did it! official alt-lie: Bush did it! truth: jews did it
Torba mention / kids vs olds
Cowboys like smoky old poolrooms and clear mountain mornings. Just sayin'.
#Audiobooks #LearningCollege #VNNForum Thread for Nation of Islam (NOI)'s book Leo Frank: The Lynching of a Guilty Man (4 sessions recorded so far, to page 107)
the old 'network' before 20th-century technology was basically the catholic church's clergy, and just like the new electronics, jews ably used it to protect themselves from enraged whites
show me that headline where international jews declare war on christ-insanity, you know, as they did Nazi Germany xtianity is the best thing that ever happened to (((them))) - no surprise, since they produced it themselves christianity is the definition of fake opposition to the jews
do you think li'l jew Ben Shapiro mentioned Anglin and Daily Stormer? at their "free speech" rally? do you think Milo will? Do you think Annie "No Wall Between My Legs/I Copulate with Streetshitters (Who Lie about Nazis/Big Lying) Coulter will? again, these are pros at profitable whitesteam venting
let me tell you bantzing kids something. dont WORRY about lolbertarians. and dont UNDERESTIMATE conservatives. the latter are professionals at stealing implicitly racial arguments for profit. while denouncing/scaring normies away from the real thing. again - PROFESSIONALS at that.
you can assume an identity. you cannot assume a race. not without shoe polish, anyway
i'm a better traditionalist than the ones who call themselves that. because i dont throw away old stuff that actually works. most traditionalists whore after the next new thing
wtf is 'identity' anyway? it's only about 25% better than 'values' (that can change on a dime). racial cause is racial. you know - what CAN'T be changed. what is FIXED. what we ARE #TeamWhite
Headline: "Alt-Right Supergroup Headlines Berkeley Free Speech Week" so the alt-right includes jews/jew-cucks/patriotards and sexual degenerates If 'alt-right' is supposed to represent the white racial cause, it's a poor choice of names
Reality for the masters, christ-lunacy for the plebs
Christianity is an attempt to game reality, and that can't be done.
what christ-insanity hath wrought: talk to average person in Flyover - they do not know that blacks have much lower IQ than whites - they do know that blacks are god's children
no one ever tries to ban feminist shit, they just laugh at it cuz it so stupid
jew paranoia is our foreign policy feminist paranoia is our culture
is alt-right Vox Day is alt-right Binky Shapiro if not, how do you tell the public cant
"The American media tell us more about Russia, China, and the North Pole than they do about Mexico" --Christopher Mannion

September 14, 2017:
White raciality is a genuine proxy and representative for all these other values: like saving endangered narwahls, free speech, self control in public...
kikes on their way to coopting the name 'alt-right'
That spirit could kill every jew and muslim in Germany. Which is, amazingly, exactly what's needed.
Germans do care about something
It's the conservatives (the cucks) who are our competition. They present a plausible, wrong, jew-controlled opposition. They steal our audience and money - if we let them.
White nationalists getting angry at libertarians is like manly construction workers getting angry at fag interior decorators.
Send those motherfucking heritage criminals back to the third world, Don, you retarded piece of shit.
President Trump should be signing a formal apology to James Fields for calling him a murderer before the facts were in.
all whites see blacks as niggers, with maybe 10% who can sort of fake being human when the sun is out. but that doesn't mean whites draw the same conclusion about what can/should be done with them
look at what the stock market has put on Apple, Facebook, Google etc. How can a service open to views defending Normal White People fail to be worth billions at the LEAST? #GabForTheWin
look at Paul Gottfried. a right-wing jew who NEVER blames jews. He ALWAYS blames MANGERIAL STATE and PROTESTANTS. all right-wing jews follow this pattern. and the two-bit dipshits like asexual weirdo Canny Sammy Francis dully follow the pattern it's really not hard to see what jews are up to
What part of 'simplest explanation that covers given facts is likeliest' is difficult? If a guy says, yeah, my mom was a jew in Berlin...that's yr lens to look thru interpreting his Curious Omissions. not like all right-wing jews dont act exactly the same way, with the CO
Antifa recruit drowns before reaching shore
Contrary to the teaching of the catholic church, humans have brains and sense organs for a reason - to THINK.
If Trump really has backslid on the turdles and Wall, then let it be No More Proxies from here on in. I'm so sick of this clowning that people who say "I fucking hate the white nationalists" as Bannon has said are "really" on our side. White men shouldn't be cowardly snivelers.
"I am a good person." --- who fucking cares. Do you have no sense of the absurdity of Good and Bad in some absolute sense?
I don't know why it isn't clear to others as to me. Christian religious morality is what ensures that white men never do the rational, sensible, logically necessary things their senses are screaming at them to do. Christianity creates an obsession with being Good - always defined from the outside.
Loyalty is an aesthetic response to the crap set-up God gave us.
More and more the good people on Twitter are drifting over here... I think Gab may have a future..
Mnuchin is jewiest name ever, just say it. A law should be passed they all have to use it as middle name, far better than David and Sarah.
they badmouth Skreli. maybe he's a real crook, maybe he isn't. i just see the System smacking down a whitish man for being uppity. once they get Narrative hound-baying going, they want blood. parallel is to Martha Stewart's bogus conviction
It should be clear to us that documentation is job #1 with these rallies since all involved face legal as well as physical risks - and the media will lie lie lie, no matter what the video shows.
If South Park were good it would be more like this:
The value of a banana lies in its religious beliefs. Is that not absurd? But it's different with men?
If America was great because it was good, ie christian, why isn't South America great? Why isn't mexico great? You can find great white nations that aren't christian. You cant find great xtian nations that aren't white.
I'm not racist. I don't think blacks should have any less rights than gibbons or orangutans.
America's greatness was inseparable from its racism - a term which, after all, is nothing but a scam designed by jew-communist mass-murderers. Contrary to the silly frog, America was great not because it was good but because it was White.
"Some observers Wednesday were left confused as to whether the banner was a condemnation or an endorsement of racism."

September 13, 2017:

The real reason to reject Vox is his coopting the alt-right into puss-conservatism for the usual #crosscucks, not because he objects to being called a pedophile by anonymous fools.
"The (((alt-lite))) (VD, Millo-biter, Loomer, Rebbe Media, Posobiec, Gorillaman, crosseyed Gavain McCuck) MUST BE CRUSHED." ^ smartest thing Dick has said. WHITE or WORTHLESS. #altright is either racial - ie, white nationalism - or it is just another waste of time
Jesus threw the money changers out of the temple. COOL STORY BRO
Jews produce media for goyim. But they certainly wouldnt produce a religion for goyim.
The difference between men and women. Not the only one, but the main one. Men have to look at themselves in the mirror. Women don't. Aka put: Men look in the mirror to check their integrity. Women, to check their makeup.
Shkreli is a little bit owlish Bud Cort in Harold & Maude. (old movie worth watching for many reasons)
Actually, chickens aren't racist, it's just tv and their parents that warp them.
Chickens R Racist
i just like shkreli. he has a sauciness that used to be a lot commoner in america when it was, i dont know, WHITE AND FREE we're not slowly turning into a sort of e-germany with a kindergarten-teacher-zombie-mentation overlay. that stupid altright card in omaha reaction story the perfect example
If jews are the real problem, and they are, then trying to use xtianity to stop them is sending a special-needs boy to do a white man's job. Just say no to Sicut Judaeis Non. #KTA #TeamWhite
In that MacDonald/Steinbeck line, I'd also recommend Hunter S. Thompson's letters book, The Lost Highway, for a picture of America before The Change (jewed immigration mid-1960s). See what is lost you never got to live. Your birthright stolen from you by jews thanks to xtian cowards and cucks.
The thing about the Nazi flag... It does weed out one perpetual problem of the pro-white side... ...backsliding into xtian conservatism/Republicanism. LIFT AND SEPARATE our cause from the Vox/Bannon muck. We are WHITE. Our enemy is the JEW.
Reading some John D MacDonald pulp from 50s and 60s this summer. Lot of his stories concern western Florida. Similar to Steinbeck in that you see what an open free nice country the US was before 1965. You could go somewhere nice, Fla or Calif, get a place cheap, not be surrounded by 3rd worlders.
"Who knows what great and glorious destiny might have been yours if we had left you alone."

September 12, 2017:

"it's the worst thing i can even imagine happening to this world" - a cc-sized alt-right card
hominid fungibility theory...rejected by experience, reality, biology..
blackmanatees are responsible for 0% of shoes thefts following Irma black man responsible for 82% (estimate, may be higher)
Whites have a "well-established track record of killing Jews"? Ojala! as the spannies say. Accurater: whiteskins have a well established track record of killing people jews tell them to kill.
it's time to give manatees human rights and classify blacks as zoo animals. the social benefits alone write this ticket
a black would climb any mountain, fjord any steal some Adidas
it is funny that blacks never work harder than during a hurricane. them nigras really get to steppin'
you're parroting something that isn't true: if jews wanted to destroy xtianity they would go after it like they did nazism. they dont. because xtianity protects jews - that is the historical fact. Sicut Judaeis Non facilitates white genocide.
People who believe the govt / official / media-approved CT about WTC are parallel to those conservatives who believe media are "biased" or "unfair." They can't emotionally accept the truth that the turtles go all the way down (the govt/media aren't your dada they're a genocidally-bent racial enemy).
if trump would just become an anti-white communist like all good people bad weather would go away
why dont these hurricanes ever get nigger names like deshitavious or something
You think all this censorship is new. No. Mencken, the #1 writer in first half of 20th century, was barred from newspapers because he correctly urged us to stay out of both WW.
All the richest counties in US are clustered around D.C. Because such valuable work is done there.
Many racialists won't believe that but it is true. It's why I'm not a Nazi. We do need a team to destroy the jews trying to genocide us, but AMONG OURSELVES massive decentralization / private society is best.
"Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has never been a really good one, and even those that are most tolerable are arbitrary, cruel, grasping and unintelligent. Indeed, it would not be far wrong to describe the best as the common enemy of all decent citizens." --Mencken

September 11, 2017:

God loves his little dobos. Sure he does. He and Jebus totally don't do a double facepalm when they look down on you #crosscucks.
"It ends by erecting that inferiority into a sort of actual superiority: it is a merit to be stupid, and miserable, and sorely put upon—of such are the celestial elect." --Mencken
"Of all the religions ever devised by the great practical jokers of the race, [Christianity] is the one that offers most for the least money, so to speak, to the inferior man. It starts out by denying his inferiority in plain terms: all men are equal in the sight of God." (1/2)
Vox types freely on his google-blog. Daily Stormer is kicked underground. Why is that Vox? Give us a non-snark answer? He won't. And his minionlets will copysnark. Cucks hate The Real Deal because its presence lessens their profitable edginess. That's what it's all about.
Vox can't help he's a sniveling bitch. But you - maybe you can. Vox is overly impressed by his gorilla charlatan friend, and the flashy jew queer pillow-biter. Choose better heroes, Vox. These are not men you want to nuthug and logroll.
Vox's way is lying by omission. NS did have leftist elements, but it had rightist elements too - and they were deeper, as they concerned the nurturing of the overman. By his same sniveling way you could prove xtianity is leftism - see quote from Spengler: "xtian theology is godmother of Bolshevism."
I will shine in history as the only man who didn't think he could fix niggers. Or had a moral duty to. You christians need to understand something: your religion is a deeply sick thing. And it has real and terrible consequences for the valuable minority.
"Zika babies make the best Catholics." --Pope Jorge Mario Bergoglio
Mass Slobs Matter When I was in jr high, we got these shit tins for lunch. Produced by Mass Feeding Corporation. Catholicism = MFC for the soul. Why would you want something catholic when you could have something specific, even bespoke?
Have to laugh the dogshit-dumb traditionalists who can't see the obvious equivalency between christianity and democracy. Every Soul Matters = One Alleged Man One Vote
Notice that judaism has no similar proscription against slaughtering the hated goyim. In fact it not only supports but demands it, saying: "Even the best of the goyim should be killed." Perfect: christianity and judaism both protect jews and set whites up to be slaughtered.
Jews are far more dangerous than mad dogs or termites, the two analogies that make most sense. We treat those threats by exterminating them. Why don't we do the same to the more dangerous jews? Because christianity says they're creatures of God. And the indicated response is immoral. Only reason.
"Socialism, Puritanism, Philistinism, Christianity—he saw them all as allotropic forms of democracy, as variations upon the endless struggle of quantity against quality, of the weak and timorous against the strong and enterprising, of the botched against the fit." --Mencken on Nietzsche
"The course of the United States in World War II, I said, was dishonest, dishonorable, and ignominious, and the Sunpapers, by supporting Roosevelt's foreign policy, shared in this disgrace." --Mencken (1945)
Religion: God exists. Science: Niggers always steal shoes after hurricanes. of these is reality, one is jerkofskyism.
Tradition is for animals. Thinking is for men. Capitalism destroys tradition. Oh did you communicate that hackneyed thought by telegraph, Peabo? Capitalism = change. Change is not progress OR regress. Traditionalism is the flip-flaw of progressivism.
Does the bible talk up wisdom and learning? Fuck no. It says it brings sorrow. Then it turns around and claims its absurd, ugly and lachrymose cult is the source of civilization. Christianity is the opposite of civilization. Doubt and daring are civ's parents.
They call themselves antifa We should call them what they are - scrawny shitbags - terrorists - feces flingers - communists - punks - media-succored canaille
I'm as pure a rightist as any but the honest truth is right-wingers are the most mentally effeminately passive people ever heard of. They dully and dopily use the langue of their genocidal overloards, whether they're dirt-eaters or PhDs.
Antifa = Rage For The Machine
read this page. better than a college education. more than you can ponder out in a lifetime
"Free" press: during day you can listen to NPR sympathetic interviews with alien invaders. At night, pass it off to BBC World Service. Where you can hear sympathetic interviews with alien invaders/Europe.
Vox Day is a lot more thin skinned and dishonest than I thought. His audience is WND-level. I am disappoint To the extent he has stuff worth listening to, it's points he's cribbed from WN without crediting. I guess he's good with elves though. So he's got that going for him.
Now, you crossdopes...this is going to hurt you a lot more than me... "God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent, the helpless, the miserable. They find not only sanctuary in His arms, but also a kind of superiority, soothing to their macerated egos: He will set them above their betters."
Our cause is a preference. Nature loves extinction. God is a theory among the 086 chips. We want us and our kind and our ways to prevail because )))we((( vult it.
Free speech is an aesthetic value. It's a take-all-comers, big-man-in-bar attitude. It's swagglorious. It's Aryan. It's how WE are.
Laughter is intellectual foreplay. Get them loosened up & lathered. Melt that PC ice with the pedal-driven brain bashing machine. Then some will want actual evidence. #Holohoax MacDonald and Greggy are wrong, but not their fault. There are certain things PhDs can't get, and this is one of them.
to the list of (((media))) euphs for niggipoos you can add OCEAN SURGE
niggers are the hamburger helper of hurricanes
People will never accept the swastika. Well, in 1988 they would never accept flagrant buttsexin GUESS WHAT NIGGA
People are women until proven otherwise, that's always been my view.
"No government is ever really in favor of so-called civil rights. It always tries to whittle them down. They are preserved under all governments, insofar as they survive at all, by special classes of fanatics, often highly dubious." --Mencken
"You simply cannot comprehend how being raised by anti-white Communist feminists makes one long to don the swastika and begin making soap out of minority fat."
"Creator — A comedian whose audience is afraid to laugh." --Mencken
I know free speech because I emmind it. You can say anything to me and I will point out where it's wrong, gently or ungently, nod to its truth, or raise and praise it like a she-skater to corruscate for all to clap.
Freedom can be reduced to the wordin's of a typeset law, but really it's not a that thing, it's a spirit. It's a way of looking at the wave and saying, "Hey, bud, let's party."
It requires but one sharp look to see jews for what they are. See Bobby Fischer.
It was widely believed by medieval scholars that jews stored their extra evil in the lump on their noses, a sort of nasal counterpart to the steatopygian buttfat of equatorial negroes.
Blue footed boobies have a right to exist. Only blue-footed boobies can be blue-footed boobies.
Sheeeitmannnni be oshen surgen all over dem Adidas an' shit.
i dont carrot all about your frozen nigger
if jews acted like amish (a small group of inbred weirdos), no one would give a shit about them. if amish acted like jews (inbred clan of self-worshipping criminals) everyone would hate them

September 10, 2017:

manatees are basically on same mental level as New Orleans niggers
you know, there is an existing TOS that is free for all to use: it's called law. why do you need to improve on it? "dont post illegal material" - all you need
"deus vault"

September 09, 2017:

"I was walking in those big heeled shoes, those big clog kind of shoes, and giant bell bottoms. And I had my hands kind of cranked in the [pockets]. ... I started to fall, and I couldn’t get my hands out of my pockets. And I hit the sidewalk with my nose and my teeth. Fashion kills, man.” -G Clooney
youtube has made no one more leftist but millions more racist-rightist imagine how that must piss off the prigs at Google. hence their actions
red-pilled nigger on the central bank tip
still one of hte greatest things ive ever seen, made me wonder if whites seem as emo to slants as niggers do to us
Life is like the corrupt mechanic in Vacation: "And I asked you how much you got."
"Doctors removed Carrie DeKlyen’s feeding and breathing tubes Thursday, a day after she gave birth to daughter Life Lynn DeKlyen. The mother chose to forgo chemotherapy to treat her brain cancer, because it would have meant ending her pregnancy."
i dont care who you are, MMMBop is a great song. gotta give Vox that
Tony Basil was in Easy Rider. <------------------------things i learned on internet 2nite
The new McLoughlin Group ISSUE ONE: how many avg-size candles could be made out of Heyer tallow? What say you, Pat Buchanan?
"blue-footed boobies have the right to exist!" #GetAClueMoran
"whites have the right to exist!" me: who are you talking to?
"My neighbors liked the song so much they throw brick into my window so they could hear it better"
the great say simply jews the middle-class fill up their mouths with koovenboober-gablergi
the great simplify the midwits complexify it is both fair and accurate to say jews have and are murdering 'the west' (aka the baby in that bathwater, the white race)
first Southron i knew (up north), his dad liked Waylon. his mom was a belle, and she tried to cure me of near-asthma with lemon-honey i'm feeling pro-South's weird feeling
there's 40m of these scrub brushers in our country (Celler dwellers)
we never ever hear about the horrible things the kikes did in GERMANY in their mini-revolutions in the 20s. but they did happen and they certainly influenced the 'nazis'
if only those 19,000,000 blacks hadn't been aborted, america wouldnt need to be made great again --official Catholic view
karen straughan and james damore
niggers lower white civilization level. EXAMPLE: will compton, now backup linebacker for Redskins, on tape talking to now retired Su'a Cravens
The only good christians were Sam Kinison and Rabelais.
the girl in this is perfect. even high-IQ girls are just parrots. thinking is male. the rare woman who can think (Karen Straughan) seems like a man
When mama Bush said two werewolves and a raisin were "family," I was one of the few who scoffed.
whiteskins are so stuped by xtianity they think jews are just fellow whites with BBN. NO. THEY ARE DIFFERENT RACE. sick of racists who dont take race seriously.
Read these lyrics and think about tradition. It's an easy smooth term....on the surface. The 'it' in tradition might be there, but like a fish under water, it's a lot harder to pinpoint let alone grab
"some ole slick's trying to give me friction" - best line in country music
you know if you WONDER if you're right...if you wanted to make fun of your position or mock it most effectively, or put in in clear, stupid relief, how would you? catholic mindlets, free service: Make Wyoming Whites only. land rush. Make Wyoming catholic only. yawn. Do you get it, dogworms?
i really believe men were tougher and hairier of forearm in the seventies. there's a type of man you just dont see these days, and i dont think it's just style change
Gab is great, like Allah
The next honest catholic intellectual will be the first. Here's your challenge, peabos like Kalb, Jones etc. Why do 100 out of 100 relocating whiteskin Catholics move to white areas that are less than 50% catholic rather than mexican areas that are 100%? THINK HARD CROSS-LIARS
They're not LARPing as nazis, they're just shitty nazis. by your "LARPing" term, most people of age are LARPing as adults - dressing like slobs, ignorant, vice ridden, obese emochildren
it's kind of telling that standing up bravely and fighting to defend your race is now associated with nazis. but isn't that the case? you can't control what people call you. only the footspeed with which your Tony Llama enters their prolapsed rectum
the (((Millo))) biter is glib and amusing, and not even wrong on some things, but ultimately he's another stephen jay gould - a jewy prestidigitator and flat liar misrepresenting the white other's racial cause
i, for one, want to hear more about this sun yat-sen fellow. interesting!
(((Big Crotch))) horrified by Gaydar
The point of a racial state - you can READ people very easily. Like, if I see a white man/woman of any station, I can tell instinctively what's up with them, and where they're headed, in relation to me. When they bring Congolese into my town - they are utterly foreign mentally = discomfort.
I want a racial state because the LCD is higher. EXAMPLE: i went to Rutledge flea market yesterday. "Big Al" remembered me and gave me the two cheap items I had accidentally left behind TWO MONTHS ago. That is the world I want to live in. That is the racial cause in a nutshell. OUR NATION is FOR US.
G. K. "you gonna eat that?" Chesterton, an insuperable crossputz.
I'm the best rhetorician since Aristotle. I call people liars. Then I gulp like a fish when asked for examples. --Vox D'oh
A major, major focus of NS was wholesome country, with good familes, vs corrupt, jewed-out cities. That's as right-wing as you can get.
"Based on the difference between his pre-prepared statement and his ability to argue from it, I would guess that several people were involved in writing it." --VD This guy is demented. Maybe you can't write fantasy without becoming lost in it, I'm starting to think.
Anglin nailed him on the "what specific lie" part. Vox's routine doesn't work outside his simpbox. Hitler used his right-wing big govt to subsidize large white German families - just like (((ours))) subsidizes big colonies of useless niggers.
metrics < measures optics < appearances hole renters < prostitutes
'Measure' is a much more elegant term than 'metric,' which has a meretricious modern pseudo-scientific feel, as loved by TodayFagz.
Vox = my good buddy is an admitted pederast Vox = call people pedos Vox = dont call me a pedo - I'll sue!!! Vox = my IQ is off the chart. i'm a master of rhetoric! This is It-tier clownage.
Vox went full self-immolating buddhist to end the debate.

September 08, 2017:
Christians like losing. Their highest intellects get off on urging the huge white majority back underground, into the catacombs. For we can't win in this fallen world. This is the mentality of faggots - it is exactly the opposite of NS. It is anti-White.
Goebbels said: You are either the jew's lackey or his opponent. No Anglo conservative ever reached that level of insight. But even if one had - he wouldn't have dared to say it.
You have only to read Goebbels and Hitler and their trenchant words on jews/commies to see that Anglo conservatives are t-ballers and clowns. And I include Sam Francis, Kirk, Weaver and the rest.
LOOK all-American. Good solid, NW European-descended white men/women. BUT have BALLS - by your behavior (fight club theme). I think this is more important than which flag. (((They))) will twist their photos - but see the Tiki closeups - they still looked solid & plausible.
Some of my best friends are fake gorillas and pederasts. We roll logs together and chortle.
I mean, if you want to be a sniveling douche playing lawyerball, that will hoist the li'l feller etherward.
Hitler was against Marxism and democracy because he thought great men, great personalities were more important than mere numbers. Sir Elfington should remember what Spengler said, namely, "Christian theology is the grandmother of Bolshevism." Vox's alt-redskin has Xtianity as tenet. Vox = leftist.
A lot of people don't know that we HAVE free speech because of John Peter Zinger. He used to make snappy comments to redcoat highhats so they hauled him into court, but he won. And thus the right to be an asshole to morons was preserved. (Fun fact: this is orgin of 'zinger.')
The white cause if done right - it's like fireworks of joy and laughter, but instead of fading to night they resolve into black-on-white text. You read it and your hair stands up. Holy shit...every serious thing I've been a Big Lie.
From VD's Elfblog: " couldn't even take on a guy with no platform on the normie web, on your home turf. Instead you burned bridges with your alt-tech friends, alienated neutral observers and left Anglin looking chilled out and magnanimous. Which he is."
convene a White Council - settle on dress - settle on movement flag Personally, I see nothing wrong with US, Southern or Nazi flags. The first I associate with patriotards. The second with freedom / real Americans (like non-Southron me). The last w racial defense & jew control.
Gab can win for the same reason Trump won. Normal Americans support the First Amendment. Gab can lead the way, acrue tens of millions in capital, and at that point, others will enter the market. But Gab will be first, and Torba will get the glory. As it should be.
#audiobooks #VNNForum NOI The Leo Frank Case The Lynching of a Guilty Man (2016) pp 1-18 (43m)
Notice how every single kike had an extensive personal interview with Mengele. They don't even make their lies plausible.
Vox Day - you're not big enough to be evil, buddy. You're just a WND-level scrote (ht Wambaugh). And it always comes out under pressure.
Vox's side, the christian submissives, fought with the communists to establish jewish hegemony over Europe. 1400 Rotherham girls thank you for your efforts.
alt-right gets yellow star from System cuck

September 07, 2017:
Torba's a just a scrapply kid from Scranton (PA), with coal miner dust on his cheeks and a love of musical theater not even Roto Rooter could dig out
Does judaism protect jews? It certainly does. Does christianity protect whites?
That's also why White Nationalism is better than alt-right. It avoids confusion. Alt-right is unclear in meaning, which invites the fakes to come in (charlatan profiteers like Cernovich, jewfags like Millow, xtian non-whites like VD).
On my forum I've maintained the policy: no accusations of felony-level behavior without proof. That's a damn good rule. It's probably too unenforceable here for volume. But you messing with lies are acting like jews and causing Torba to focus on shitcrap rather than technical development. Good work.
Someone who call someone else a pedophile without evidence is someone who is worthless as an ally.
When huge forces array against a side, its message must be extremely clear. 16 points is absurd. "We" are not constitutionalists, christians or conservatives. "We" are people who DEMAND our own sovereign STATE based on RACE. That's it. That message is CLEAR - and cuts thru all (((media))) lies.
Hate and retribution are the right way. Christianity is wrong. Anyone can love. It's just weakness and passivity most of the time. Hate takes actual strength. Hate takes manliness. Jews must pay for the tens of millions of our kind they murdered last century. We SHOULD hate them - and kill them.
Christianity is the enemy of the racial cause. There is no way around this point. There is no way to evade it or compromise with it. Christianity is anti-White and cannot be other. It is universalist, jew-protecting, jew-produced nonsense and has been since the Saul called Paul. #TeamWhite
Where VD should be attacked is trying to coopt alt-right into the usual christ-cuckery. Alt-right is racial or nothing. Sixteen points aren't needed - only two. Pro-white and anti-jew.
Vox Day is right that calling someone a pedophile should not be allowed here. Unless you have evidence. Like, calling (((Millow))) a pederast is justified because of his own recorded public remarks. It is wrong & destructive to use pedophile (or jew) as general epithets.

September 06, 2017:
Some of my best friends are pederasts and tranny-diddling amateur gorillas. You people are so judgmental.
If you have a self-proclaimed 200 IQ but you say uh uh uh every other sentence, your functional level is actually more toward Forest Gump. It's easy to cure yourself of the Uh problem, Mr. Beale. Simply hold your tongue until the next intelligibile thought occurs to you. Do this 3 sessions = solved
Vox styles himself a master of rhetoric and advises people to call nazis communists. Beyond stupid. The connection must be made that the (((people))) behind the USSR and intl communism are the same jew-lefties behind "our" govt and antifa today. TEAM WHITE v TEAM JEW is the winning split.
Better debate topic: Resolved: alt-right is white nationalism or nothing. (Nothing = neo-faileoconservatism / warmed over xtian-conservative cuckery.) Sperging over NS being leftist - who cares? It was a racial movement that fought jew commies - the same liars/killers ruining the west today.
DS successfully jews the jew. Jams the Frankfurter up the kikeholes. It's not just laughter, either, it's flat news and solid analysis. It never occurred to me that Heyer died of heart attack - Anglin/DS were first place I saw it suggested. DS is legit news & analysis, and valuable for that alone.
Notice the change in tone in Vox Day when discussing Anglin (or Hitler). For all his IQ, he's not reflective/honest enough to be straight on the matter. If DS weren't accomplishing something significant, the (((powers that be would ignore it. Beale knows that but lacks character/honesty to face it.
jesus...fat heater foto not safe for work or the solar system

September 05, 2017:

Heather's mama believes in karma Heather believes in carma
it was a negro -- Laphonse Buttoon -- who invented the hair dryer. and their race dont even have hair. what kind of awesome race is that
i have stowed away MASSIVE stocks of toenail clippers & FREEZE-DRIED SCRAMBLED EGG PACKETS to survive the nuclear winter following exchanges with the frosty gooks of North Korea. YOU may want to do the SAME
you know it's like you come for the fine spoon performance advertised on the e. kty gym wall poster and you get armpit noise choir. i mean, i didnt don my least greasy unitard for this DO BE WUT YOU IS --NEAL DATASS BISON
i think all women who work easy jobs for the state should be law-compelled to keep their asses under 24.5" wide. i would make an exception for those over 6'8"
Torba handled his hazing yesterday.
First Amendment is my TOS.
you follow me? Well you better be groovy. and not sashay more than once a year, if you're male. that's my follower TOS.
you're not allowed to think hateful thoughts while lying on our King Snoozr mattress. sorry man, that's our TOS. says so right on the tag.
imagine if you had terms of service for buying a coat or something how does a url purchase come with all this political clingon
so fatty's buddies are attacking the car, she's screaming support (if not attacking herself), the panicked driver hits a car that bumps fatty. fatty's heart explodes. media lijinks ensue
TOS is the left, pardon me, (((left's))), way of getting around the first amendment.
Heyer's parents are typical Americans. Obese stupid German-peasantic hominid livestock.
Often a giant tsunami begins with a gentle bump. This is basically what happened with La Heyer. She drowned in a tidal wave of her own flab.
supercucking from distant Lee relative
Nazi euthanasia program a great factual parallel to fictional Hoax

September 04, 2017:

im not interesting in the imaginary souls or Creational backstory of other races, i'm interested in getting them underground and out of our lands.
Sicut Judaeis Non is killing us. Catholicism is killing us. Christianity is killing us. Because they prevent us from seeing what is actually going on. They moralize us out of accurate perception and out of will to act rightly in our racial defense.
while muslims are pimping and raping white girls, jews are promoting all manner of deviant sex through the media jews and muslims in white lands must simply be exterminated, and if we were a serious rather than xtian race we would have done it long ago
jews promote wild and crazy sex across and all thru their media - not to make money but to destroy white lives, prevent white family formation and destroy white communities. see Benjamin Garland's book, Merchants of Sin
jews are what they mock as essentialists when we say it about niggers toward whites: they believe all whites are biological nazis. that is, white natural inclination is toward order, sobriety, dignity etc. which they hate-label as Authoritarian Personality. they defeat this by promoting loose sex.
holohoax as CT
so...what does it take to set up a registrar? cuz that seems to be job #1
So Gab is having its registrar attacked...
I have a picture. George Soros, king of the jews. He's sitting head of viking table. There is AAnglin, RDolezal, that david niven fake nigger and DeRick McWesson. Some else that might be TwitterJack's butt.. In the middle a giant puddle of money. And they're all grinning? Would post but guidelines.
I sent ((((Soros))) fifteen Aldi bags of free eye cream and NO funding from that cheap jew. :( It all went to Anglin. #Unfair
You know, nearly all obese women in their fifties have fucked up knees. So really Fields just saved Heyer heffer decades of misery.
That fat broad had a little third pool ball action. That's all. Very exciting. She probably got off on it. But as they say, talk to your doctor before starting your exercise program.
Vox Day has determined that George "Ghastly" Soros is maybe funding Anglin! Things grow confusinger by the minute. I'm gonna need a Larger Noggin to puzzle dem out.
The sky has turned a very queer yellow here in the NEMO, i fear the giant donut-eating haint o' Heather will be descending the clouds to flatten/chastise me... Scary!
Variation of what I said about defensivesness: Vox Day can't write about Hitler without a peevishness creeping into his tone. He does not appear to recognize this, for all his God-level IQ.
"Politics aint beanbag." That means laffing at fat dead commie idiot broads is fair game.
Is it supposed to be self-evident which community guideline the funny post/graphic violated?
white-man construction
If I were going to dress like SS, I would begin by looking up SS standards. Do I meet them (no)? Can I meet them? (maybe...some of them). If I wear the SS clothes and I havent met their standards, what does that make me? Answer: It makes me a clown. A liar and a fraud - a clown.
See...I see you wearing khakis and white polo shirt. Clothes. Yes. They are clothes. Ok. I've seen them before. Next my eye kind of man is living in these clothes? What eyes? Character? Musculature? Bearing? Mouth? Words? I clown-scan people. All of them.
\ The problem is if you're a little old man in Benny Hill show and you think putting on Oberleutnant jodhpurs turns you into Reinhard Heydrich. It so doesnt. It just makes people think yr mental. And you are mental.
Tired of people using 'inciting' loosely or lyingly. The incredibly high: I would literally have to be standing in front of Auburn Carrot Guy, in front of a mob of you, and say "This veggie mofo is mocking us and needs to die now! KILL HIM ALREADY!" -- THAT is legal incitement. That.
Come on, Torba, you're putting the crap in scrapple today. Pull out of it, buddy.
Oscar Wilde said he wanted to live up to his blue china. And so it must be if you are to dress as a Nazi. If you don't have the man to fill the uniform, then you are but a clown.
It's not the flag or clothes you wear that make or break you. Look around in America. These are mostly fat slobs who don't read much. But if you think donning a Nazi getup will make up for your deficiencies of body and character - no. It will underline them.
"You're making us look bad." I think this is the most detestable way of thinking in the world. NO, SON, ITS YOUR TUCKING YOUR CLOWN TOP INTO YOUR PANTYHOSE MAKING YOU LOOK BAD. The left plays games with agency. We must not do that. OWN YOUR BEHAVIOR, ME & EVERYONE.
Now, see, if Fields was rubbing his hands jewlike, and revving his wheels like a cartoon car...and squealed with glee and jammed the accelerator full speed into the crowd -- this is the picture the media created. And I listened to it for a solid week (CNN, Fox, NPR), sans internet. It is a lie.
People who actually defend free speech: Ursula Haverbeck Truth feels to the mind like vagina to the penis. I think that's fair to say. It has a unique feel to it, an undeniable feeling of rightness.
Snakes > christians
The fat dead girl injected herself into politics, and that makes her a man. When you play in the street, little fat shallow girl, you win stupid prizes. Now get off my windshield and jump in your hole.
The (((media))) have to lie to turn our Fields into a monster and their obese Heather into a hero. What can free speech possibly mean but giving us Whites the chance to mock the media hagiography and point out where it's factually wrong? Come on, Torba. Scranton up.
A lot of people have had their head cut off for speaking freely. Right now there is a literal 80-something grandmother in Germany in jail for speaking the truth to jewish power. Torba taps out at a funny graphic. Feels bad, man.
The sad thing is that the post(s) in question aren't near any kind of line. They're right in the middle of free speech and debate. What does the minority have but humor and truth to make its case? But a certain type of mind only conceives free speech as a slogan, doesn't get it functionally.
This might be Torba's Lord Jim moment. You don't get the challenge you want, and you don't get it on your timetable. THE MOMENT MAKES THE MAN, ANDY.
It's absolutely not true that Heather Heyer's corpse was cut up into chunks and given to underprivileged Eskimos.
LIke the hothead kid in Charlie Varrick, if you can't give me free speech here at the frog show...what good are you, man? #TorbaTheGeek
It's hilarious all these ass-clowns left AND (((respectable))) right who are skeered by dick's tiki-torch crew. It was sightly and seemly and cool. And since I'm not Frankenstein, I loved it.
I wouldnt say shit about Heyer if she were up on the sidewalk. I would only crit the left/nigs attacking Fields, causing panic. If he then ran her down accidentally, that would be unfortunate. But she was in the street where she criminally did not belong. At a minimum.
Maybe we got it all backwards. The effort should be put, FIRST, into the most basic thing: a REGISTRAR where you can own your own goddam url. Maybe the beginning is the place to start, sad as is to say.
loyalty is an aesthetic response to God's, uh, underefforted Creation. do we not owe Fields loyalty? When the facts show what is said about him are bald lies?
why isn't anti-Amishism a thing? Because the amish dont have hooked noses. or behave like jews.
Deus vult? Why don't you vult? Because you're a fag?
"Moderation in all things" > 10 commandments
Do christians lie and murder noticeably less than other groups? Not that I can see. Christian morality is a veneer, and veneers are in bad taste. Christianity is not a civilizing force but an example of mass bad taste.
Maybe Iran has a true free speech host/registrar, since Ahmadinejad and others are willing to speak the truth about the Holohoax.
Thomas Woods echoes the left in claiming he feels intimidated by the torchlight procession of the altright.
the american spectator is worried its noble cucks will be confused with alt-right! jew gatekeeper gottfried and his catholic toygoyboy thom woods are worried their 'independent rightism' will be confused with liver-spotted alt-rightery!
come now. heather heyer's been fucked harder than she was hit by that car. you know it.
from a free speech perspective, heather heffer-heyer is where the blubber meets the road Fields isn't a murderer. he isn't a manslaughterer. He isn't even a butcher. He of all people is simply a motorist (the Rodney King motif). By contrast, fat dead Heather Heyer is/was literally a criminal.
free speech means the right to criticize the powers that be and laughter is the most expansive use of free speech mocking the obese criminal (streets are for cars not cows) Heather Heffer-Heyer, used as a symbol in campaign to destroy white race - IS WHAT FREE SPEECH IS ALL ABOUT
if there is a way to blow up yellowstone and destroy the USA, rest assured the USG will figure it out
keith preston on tom woods show. mostly accurate descrip of charlottesville save for what he said about Fields
Chris Farley singing: Fat woman on a tiny car... Ah...well....xtians always go crabwise.
notice they drop the "allegedly" and simply accuse Fields of committing murder. can't think of another case like that - and they're wrong "Additionally, the Mainstream Media will use the Alt-Right to discredit conservatives everywhere now that one of the Alt-Right’s minions has committed murder."
If a junkany like Google has market cap of hundreds of billions, there have to be minimum tens of billions for those who support normal-white views.
Govt regulators = same class of SJW that runs the big tech. Solution is a GesammtUtilWerk: Grid-White. Which Gab could become, but needs a lot more than 1m.

September 03, 2017:
The Nazis fought and nearly defeated the communists. Their reward is to be called communists by Anglo-Americans who don't have the balls to stand up to communists, but instead help them destroy the white race.
Lenin: We must use lies, trickery and deceit in our press. Goebbels: Propaganda must be based on the truth.
To write about leftism without mentioning jews is as absurd as writing about milk but not mentioning cows. Yet it's done all the time.
The media show no interest in the actual facts of Trayvon Martin / James Fields. They just sort their incidents by ideology and go from there. Trayvon is good because nigger; Fields is bad because White. That's the starting point for "reporters," the media gaslighters' cover title for ideologues.
Notice how they say Fields "plowed" his car into a crowd? But plows move forward, not backward.
We can and must write in a language which sows among the masses hate, revulsion, and scorn toward those who disagree with us.”
Lenin: “The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses . . . We must be ready to employ trickery, deceit, law-breaking, withholding and concealing truth… (contd)
Ideology determines what is true & what is false. This is 'Pravda' - ideological lying for the higher good. It's why the media present things the way they do: ignoring obvious undeniable facts in favor of narratives (lies) and agendas.
#LoveYourRace is the crap Dookie et al. have to pretend to believe. It's a very poor basis for racial self-defense. We are on strongest ground appealing to the natural desire not to be attacked by outsiders - and to inspire fightback by pointing out out how loathsome jews/niggers are.
Leftists in media (redundant) don't even blink when they parrot lies refuted by video - even, many times, video they actually show. How does one deal with this? It is pure frothing ideological madness. This is what happens when ideology is your starting point and touchstone rather than actuality.
Expelling jews makes as much sense as expelling termites. I keep telling you that whiteskins are only marginally more intelligent than niggers, and the history of jew-expulsion is solid proof.
The WTC demolitions was the intellectual turning point, similar to the way Trayvon Martin was the journalistic quickening of white-hate. There was zero interest in establishing the facts behind the "9/11"-lol attack, rather a prepared ideological cover story was quickly slid in place.
Where they have control, jews replace facts with ideology, just the way they replace Whites with Third-Worlders.
What we're seeing in American society, particularly in journalism and in college, is the complete overcoming of factual reality, and its replacement with ideology, as jews consolidate their control.
I judge Charlottesville a great success, and I congratulate and thank those involved.
I mean, there is literal video showing Fields' car being attacked by niggers and leftists BEFORE his panicked flight. The left (((media))) won't show this. The left will continue with its literally video-tape-refuted lies. How do we deal with a world in which demonstrable facts don't matter?
The position we find ourselves in: how do you argue with (((leftist))) journalists who lie about things that are literally on videotape? I don't know. I don't think you can. All you can do is fight these monsters submerged in white-genocidal ideology.
The example of the Fields incident. The left uniformly portrays this as an evil hitler clone who revved up his car cartoon-style and ran over as many noble gandhis as his grill could munch. The VIDEO shows he was attacked before and during his street-only escape attempt.
I think the Charlottesville torch crew achieved that idea(l) - normal people with balls. The (((media))) tried to smear it, but it worked. It was effective. MOAR of that, yes.
The left is simply post-fact journalism. There's no way to address it because it refuses to acknowledge anything that runs against its premises. It's just mad dogs all the way down.
Normal people - with balls. This is the image and reality to shoot for. More or less the Fight Club mentality, transposed to racial politics.
There is a much better case for abolishing 'public schooling' than slavery.
Jeffy Sessions is the worst, a cop nuthugger thief. A typical Southern christian, aka dirt-eating retard.
The longer I live, the more I think Occam was the most important thinker who ever lived. His principle is valid - and abused by 99% of people who affect to think in print.
Websites should be goddam 2D. This goddam running stuff over and under makes 80% of the web unreadable.
Trump/Jeffy Sessions effeminately called Fields a murderer - before the facts were in. Leaping to conclusions, hysterically overreacting, are characteristic of women - and most men are women mentally. The facts show Fields isn't guilty of murder OR manslaughter. He is the victim of the charade.
when attention whoring and suicide join forces, we all win #BurningMen
There's nothing you can do. This is the attitude they instill. But yous can become we. We can burn them out. We can shoot them. We can kill them all. Scrape the christo-moral muck out of our eyes and see reality cool and pure. Know what must be done, and accept it. Galvanize yoself.
Attention whoring and suicide, what a beautiful combination, see Burning Man, erm, Men.

September 02, 2017:

"Buddy Larkin had made up his mind about him in his own special way. Possibly it was a better way than logic. In Larkin’s book a man who kept getting up could be trusted."
Kentucky hilleye Clooney just moved away from niggers in Europe; now he's making a movie about evil whites wanting to avoid the same thing in US.
Jews have done enough to merit the tribal electric chair.
Yeah let's expel jews for the 110th time. That's totally not like letting Tyrone back on the street after his 15th felony.
It is objectively true that jews work as a group to destroy white society. So no matter how I feel about big government (I detest it), that fact remains and must be dealt with. How can we possibly fight jews and defeat them save by forming our own team? Xtianity is not that team, has diff mission.
My impression, from decades of observation, is that the average racialist is similar to the leftist in his beliefs about the capacities and efficacy of centralized government.
Libertarians on govt are as valuable as racialists on niggers. Conservatives are just spirit-queers and boring, cowardly mystagogues.
The parable of the sidewalk crack. Yeah verily did I plant about six tomatoes. Three were feeble (due to faulty watering). One was middlin'. Another two were decent. But the wild tomato that grew out of a crack in the sidewalk flourished like topsy and dominated the red ball lottery.
Centralized government in real-function talk does but two things: 1) create problems; 2) make existing problems worse

September 01, 2017:

Christians believe God created niggers. That's juggalo-tier clowndom. "Play stupid games (niggers be people created by God an shit) win stupid prizes."
Christianity endangers the white race by claiming niggers are created by this all-powerful yet curiously ineffectual imaginary creature they call 'God.'
A cop said this to me, no joke: you kick in doors, you go home at the end of the day, you know you've really done something. That's the true mentality of this class.
Every cop is mini-me Louis XIV.
The white race was not meant to be a race of lugubrious boobs - and that is exactly the type christ-insanity cultivates.
Do you think Christianity came out of the great white north? There is absolutely nothing on earth more foreign to the Aryan spirit than the horseshit in the bible.
Jews have to be exterminated for whites to live. Christianity says that's immoral. Christianity is antiwhite.
I can only read this story and respond a la Alec Baldwin in his VM to his daughter
What was done to Daily Stormer and Storfront = we're taking down your biggest site of present and most famous site of past. Just to check your momentum. Be glad we don't simply mass murder you like we did at OKC to check the angry-white-male/militia movement.
Cops ought to be called lubricators and their salary reduced 80% and pensions eliminated. The very worst people are in 'public service' - (a propaganda term) - exact opposite of what (((media))) claim.
We need to invent some ritualized form of disrespect for jew/nigger public sculptures that can be planked, tebowed, ice-bucket-challenged over social media.
It's hard to believe now but there was a time when El Salvador and Nicaragua were in the news almost daily.
Jeffy Sessions is a clown. Listen to that slow, stupid speech. Jug-eared crosscuck from a four-legged culture.
If you think whites are more than marginally less dumb niggers, take a look at them thinking they're defending their race by promoting a cult set up by their worst enemies #christcucks
Jew Goldberg argues the moral equivalence of those who push the white race under the bus and those who push it out of the way of the bus.
Most christians don't know xtian history or doctrines. Their judgment of the cult comes from their emotions. Again: If xtianity were pro-white, wouldnt it be shut out of the mass media? If xtianity were a valuable thing, wouldnt the jews have kept it for themselves - and forbid it to whites?
You see how the jews went after Spencer's foundation's tax status? Do they do that for christian churches? The biggest confusion left among pro-whites is that christianity is on our side. It is not. Use your brain. Do some lateral thinking comparing xtian/racialist treatment by ZOG.
Jews are so opposed to christianity they let christians all over tv and radio. If christianity were actually pro-white and actually wouldn't be allowed anywhere near the mass media.
Judeo-Christian is as absurd as saying "our shared racist-universalist values"
It is the catholic lie that rabbis make jews. The fact is the exact opposite: it is jews who produce rabbis.

August 31, 2017:
Where does the notion that jews should be processed individually rather than serially come from?
the nigger swings a flashlight "toward" not "at" the white nationalist, according to the urinalist.
"suicide" is a jew meme spread by obese weirdo sam francis and other puss-cons. conservatives literally read quotes from jews talking about abolishing whites, then turn around and say yep, we're doing it to ourselves
Christ-insanity has confused whites about what group they belong to. It's the set-up man for the kikes.
Doug Casey: "...when the US was founded there were only three federal crimes, and they are listed in the Constitution: treason, counterfeiting, and piracy. Now it’s estimated there are over 5,000 federal crimes..."

August 30, 2017:

dont miss the comments on this
I do credit blacks for legitimate cultural achievements. For example, "Get in the pot" in response to #crosscuck missionaries is pure gold.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr;ghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that is my primal yowl for today, and is a felt yowl
Where is Eric Striker?
When I look at blacks, I don't see color. I see retards. Violent retards. Violent, legally privileged, media-celebrated retards.
Christianity's role is historical protector of the jews. It has afforded the tribe the time and space it needed to prepare white genocide. #TeamWhite
Jews weaponized the discolored retards called black people. The ones christians consider God's Image Bearers. Christianity is a jewish production, it might not surprise you to know.
(((Molyneux, Mark Steyn, Paul Gottfried))) - yes, it's just a coincidence that all these right-wing yids leave out their tribe's essential role in the undermining of white society. Basic facts from #TeamWhite The cuck has a sign. It's a cross.

August 29, 2017:

we should separate trash and mix races. i mean, that's just common sense #judeoleftism
if jews ran WN (rather than the retards who actually do) 1) agree on name for The Hate (jews for whites: the opposite of antisemitism, a thing that doesnt actually exist) 2) committee to fund-establish White Cultural K-post-PhD racial/race-respecting curriculum 3) White army
jews have been fighting for black rights since day one. (the day blacks stepped out of jewish slave ships). (appears huffpo & Ringer x'd comments)
Probably 1/3 of car-radio is christian talk. If christianity were pro-White, would the jews allow this? What other "pro-White" show is that widely available? The answer is none. If christianity were in any way threatening to jews, there'd be as much christian talk radio as nazi talk radio.
If Christianity were pro-White, would it be all over the jew-controlled airwaves? If Christianity were valuable in itself, would the jews who created it have given it to the stupid goyim?
(((Christianity))) - a cult constructed by kikes for cucks.
Christianity's opening bid is same as any other semitically correct forced-charade: Jesus came back from the dead! Diversity is our greatest strength. Accede in either of these lies, you've unmade your innards.
The White cause has nothing to do with christ-insanity, and if bound up with it will be tripped by it, at best, and more likely strangled. If you want to be a #crosscuck, the exits are clearly marked. #TeamWhite
Niggers*: the natural disaster we can do something about * also applies to ((( )))

August 28, 2017:

August 26, 2017:
a libtie starts to waken to reality...the worst (((guys))) in history say hitler is the wgih
'Racial divide,' 'race relations,' 'unity' -- all these presuppose something that White Nationalism calmly rejects: the idea we can or should live in a nation with any other racial groups than our own. "We"...means whites.
Whites will never agree on politics and economics and religion. White nationalism is for those whiteskins agree that a whites-only nation is the essential demand. The rest can be compromised among ourselves.
Protecting the racial basis of the nation does not equal socialism. A government that subsidizes biological and behavioral defectives will produce more of same, has nothing to do with race.
Men are both individuals and members of various groups. Not sure why even high-IQ people go black-and-white on this.
Lewpus is essentially arguing that any organized resistance to jews is leftism. Which is absurd.
The (((left))), god love 'em. They want to virtually eliminate us online. But I'm sure that doesn't extend to offline.
The (((media))) will show you detailed video of McGregor sparring with Malignaggi so you can debate knockdown v slip, but they refuse to show you the video of Shields's car under attack from anti-whites in Charlottesville.

August 25, 2017:
if you want to find the love side of any political equation, dont follow the money, follow the poop

August 23, 2017:

KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID. When you're in a jewstorm of heavy media windage, you dont be all left right spin around jazzhands. No, you walk directly through it. We are White. Our enemy is The Jew. #TeamWhite
"It all about turning African-Americans into American-Africans. Dog." --Abraham Lincoln, from his 1867 address to the African Colonization Society.
To the judeo-left, anyone who merely sticks to the facts, as Trump last night in Phoenix, will feel like a white nationalist, thus be (Semitically) Correctly called a racist.
It is no accident that two of the greatest words in English -- agog and ogre -- both have og in them.
Shields reacted in defense of self and property. That's what the video-they-won't-show shows. Would-be White leaders should be saying that.
i love life but if someone sent me a suicide vest, it would be real hard not to walk into CNN or WP and start a die-alogue
The tragedy is that girls like Heather Heyer are taught to have opinions rather than babies.
Ron Paul is implicitly or functionally pro-white because he attacks the basis of jewish control, which is big centralized government in general, and the funding mechanism (the Fed) in particular.
orkinism: the belief that vermin should be eliminated...ideally while wearing a stylish costume
Lindercast 0003: Throwing Shields Under the Bus - on Spencer/Kessler's stupid reactions when the facts are on our white side
White leaders throw one of their own under the bus when the facts show that he was responding to violent criminal behavior. That's political immaturity and lack of loyalty. And it's just stupid. Attack the other side, defend your own.
The left, the jewsmedia, refuse to report the facts about the Heffer incident. It won't run the video that belies its claims. Which I have posted. Shield's car's windows were bashed front and back. The likeliest explanation is that he reacted out of rational fear - and that will come out in court.
And remember, Gab isn't pro-White, it's pro-free speech. Half its top guys aren't white. And its founder is a christian and apparent patriotard.
I don't agree with the common view. I think that Google et al. should have the freedom to run their businesses as they see fit. If Whites are so incompetent we can't come up with our own basic utilities, we can never win the racial war.
Ingredients don't matter. You can make a key lime pie out of peppers. You can replace the beef in chili with dogturd. You can make an America out of Nigerians or Salvadorans.
If you've seen one bumblebee, you've seen them all. It's no different with jews.
Why catholicism is liberalism, reason #1042: it doesn't change doctrines based on evidence. It claims only legit 'solution' to jew-problems is converting jews to christ-insanity. For 2000 years, this conversaion has failed to work. Notice parallel to welfare state, w trillions wasted elevating nigs.
The altright could not exist without the internet. Trump would not have been elected without the altright and the internet. Therefore the internet must be shut down. --the view from Mt. Hymie
Talking down 'obsession' and 'anal' - these are (((sheepdog))) barks to keep the the whiteskin sheep in line. Be a spectator! Be a consumer! Don't be an 'extremist'! But non-obsessed don't create much. Non-anal get little accomlished. Wanting to live among your own is opposite of extremism.
Freedom, like gold, only appears in certain racial (geological) formations. Libertarianism refuses to acknowledge that fact. But its smarter types ( writers, some) are aware of it. They just 'can't' (won't) say it. So they peep on honest alt-right while jerking their nubbies.
Spencer's comments re Kessler were extraordinarily stupid. Hint: Heffer was in the road. Right? Is Heffer a car? 4/5 mechanics agree no. Did the car at any point breech the curb and travel the sidewalk? No. Was the car attacked front and back by Heffer's angry herd? Yes.
It is objectively true that - all serious problems in the West are caused by jews - only physical extermination of these two-footed termites will end these problems.

August 22, 2017:
It is clear that Heyer broke the law, not that whoever was behind the wheel of the car that turned her into potato chip grease was.
Funny they say "murder" of Heyer without allegedly in front of it, although the point has not been legally established.
Why not form a formal White Party? With a news service and an army? Overtly racial party, overtly anti-jew.
Traditionalists are always idiots, similar to progressives.

August 21, 2017:
Gavin is Gaelic for cuck. Just as McInnes is Gaelic for dildo.
E. Michael Jones proved the _racial_ case against the jew while trying to prove the religious. If he intended that (which sneaked into my mind 800 pages in), he's possibly the brilliantest whiteskin who ever existed.
Where does the notion jews are fellow humans come from? Where does the idea originate that jews deserve anything but the treatment accorded termites?
If the jews actually hated christ-insanity like they do nazism and alt-right, they'd go after its money and platforms and men the same way. But you can hear fifteen xtians on radio/tv anywhere in the country.
See.. imagine where we'd be if the xtians had the doctrine Sicut Maddoggius Non. Our societies would be dying of rabies.
Christianity is The reason whites have refused to treat jews the way their historical behavior shows is the only rational way to treat them: 100% eradication, just like they're rabid dogs.
Christianity is liberalism. In a thousand ways. Including belief that conversion changes people (magic water theory). We are now enjoying the fruits of this insanity practiced on jews. Enjoy the death spasms of your nations, fellow white people.
this stupid modern whore on #TeamJew gets an appetizer from #TeamWhite
Ezra the Levantine poses as a victim of Canada's hate crime's laws to hide the fact that his tribe is behind those laws. And I suspect it's same with his DNS claims.
#TeamJew is that girl pissing on the public walkway. #TeamWhite is that old man punting her in the cunt.
you're embarrassing me. they do great work, i focus on mine. that's enough. it's good to have different places coming at things slightly differently.
Well I have heard Enoch very little, but ((( )) alone, if that's his, justifies his existence with no need for further contribution.
most alt-right say today what i was saying in 2000 tomorrow, most will say what i say today about (((extermination))) and christianity being irremediably anti-white
Ezra the Levantine is a greasy, lying kike. None of his stable of whores and rentgoys can be trusted. #RebbeMedia
The catholic doctrine of Sicut Judaeis Non is a death trap for whites. no one is pointing this out, but it is extremely important Christianity is anti-White - irremediably.
the forest Germans were able to defeat Romans, the highest whites, before they even read letters. that tells you the quality is in the genes, not the culture. and why are forest warriors lesser men than catholic monorchids with flabby middles who waste their lives folded in cubicles
TFW you realize even 'retard' (let alone 'special needs') is a euphemism.
What religious cult popular with whiteskins teaches 'men' to be obedient sheep who trust authority?
Causing confusion among communists? that sounds pretty racist to me. Stop the hate hair, bud.
This trend of making cashiers ask for donations for retards etc has got to stop.
Extermination / extinction - these are nature's ways. And if you believe in God, then His too. Notice that xtianity, a jewish production, is out of line with natureGod, for it says extermination is immoral. Judaism is in line with it: "Even the best of the goyim should be killed." says Talmud.
jews must be exterminated. that is the solution.
it really is odd, he said wryly, that you're not allowed to discriminate against any other group except Whites - there, it's mandatory (the capital W indicating racially conscious)
"if PayPal is not allowed to deny service to people who are Black or gay or worship satan, it cannot be tolerated that they would be allowed to deny service to a White man who believes Whites have a right to exist.”--A. Anglin
Common-carrier and public-accommodations law are for local bakeries, not social media giants, you fool.
Do you sort of see what I mean when I say that exterminating (((them))) is the only solution that can work? Or you still living in fantasyland?
Help Jews make USA the Land of No Second Opinion, as God and the Founders intended. #SPLC #ADL #StopHate
Stockman: "The major central bankers have finally recognized that at $22 trillion on central bank balance sheets have become egregiously extended. China is the epicenter of the world’s two decade plunge into central bank monetary fraud and credit explosion."
There was like a weird false night here in the NEMO. #suncuck
Lindercast 0002: Charlottesville and Reaction
"They’re now talking about making you declare your cryptocurrencies whenever you cross a border. If you don’t, and they find out, they’re eligible for confiscation. As cryptocurrencies get bigger—and they will—this will constitute both a gigantic invasion of privacy and an attack on your wealth."
You know what whites did in civilized times? They burned down niggertowns.
Antifa should be called communists. And anti-whites, Don't use their term. The puss right has really helped us by calling leftists "nazis" for decades, so that normal whites are confused. Draw the straight lines between (((USSR))) mass killers last century and (((Antifa))) jew-commies today.
HATE: a gesamtutiltat for normal people i pray to the nonexistent god that GAB can become the gesammtkunstwerk of utilities...
you can learn a lot from libertarians, but only a little from reactionaries. reax are ultimately religious mystagogues who can only tell you to believe. belief is anti-social. it always engenders avoidable disputes.
Doug Casey: "The police are a bigger threat to your property and your liberty, not to mention your life, than actual criminals."
Belief for the masses, laughter for the elite.
Jesus died for your sins. It's the world first recorded spam.
You know, I'm a natural conservative in my personal habits. But maybe I'm racial outlier among whites. Because when someone tries to enguiltimate me, my natural response is to really slowly stick one finger up my nose...while eyeing them like a cat taking a shit.
VW is bringing back the MICROBUS in a few years. FUMIGATE THE HIPPIE, SAVE THE EARTH.
I don't know why Bowie went into space to find oddities, we're amply provisioned with freaks DOWN HERE.
NASA is fucking with Yellowstone. THIS CANNOT END WELL.
All recorded history shows that space has only one valid reason for existing: to inspire songs. Other than that, UTTERLY USELESS.
the other planets are greasy mudballs, let's dance w the one that sprunged us. #EarthHasGirthAndWorth #EarthistAndProud #EarthPride #LoveYourPlanet
omg it's cloudy here in the NEMO. the sky's making loud sounds. i think the eclair may be RAINED OUT. really, whenever a cloud passes in front of a sun, it's a poor man's eclipse. or like a preview of coming attractions #EclipseFaggotryIsTheNewSnack
Casey on jugeared bushbaby and much more
"It’s been reported that in 2015 civil forfeitures exceeded the amount stolen by all robbers." the Department of Your Bike is no joke
i better not see any eclipse faggotry on here from you people or i'm knocking heads

August 20, 2017:

We all remember Housman's poem from AP English, Ode to a Urine-Flinger Car-Smooshed Young.
Bannon has the unhealthy cast of an Irishman who's spent too much time looking through thick green glass. Maybe some of you, if I might slip into Oprah mode, ought to consider that someone who calls you "clowns" and "losers" isn't actually on your side.
"Love wins!" it shrieked, throwing a bottle of urine into a throng of haters.
"I’ve never been a supporter of ethno-nationalism,” he added. -- he = Steve Bannon rheumy old xtian twink who in fact does support ethno-nationalism, but only for his sachs bosses
NameCheap just did with Daily Stormer what the media did repeatedly with Trump during the campaign, pretend not to see the joking so it had a pretext to attack it.
Love is a really shitty substitute for competence, duty, privacy, dignity and honor. But it's something an obese 90-IQ whiteskin slob can claim he's full of, hence popular with the crosscucks.
Standards make the christian very uneasy; -- he prefers what he calls love. It's very similar to niggers crying racism when someone tries to hold them to human behavior.
In McTeague, Frank Norris shows a dentist's life falling apart after he is denied his career when enemy tips the state he's not licensed. Even though he can do the job just fine. This credentialism has spread like kudzu in 20th century.
jews: we'll keep a race-specific religion for us. for you my goy friend, buy my very fine raceless universalist cult of a man who could walk on water and come back from dead! (true, itz!) goysuckers buy it. jew laughs up his sleeve. these people are beneath contempt! he chuckles
drive around the country. all you hear on radio are jewish lies (npr) and retarded christians. if christianity were good for whites rather than good for jews it wouldn't be allowed on the airwaves. if christianity were actually valuable, jews would have kept it for themselves.
christians get off on being dominated and abused. it gives them the chance to what they call "forgive." and forgiving makes them good girls. it's a sick thing, the jewish cult of (((jesus))).
yeah somehow the jewish production values you mock in every other setting just goes away when it comes to the crosscucks. maybe you should see a mental doctor about that. jebus + saul = every. single. time.
christianity is spiritual perversion. it's spiritual equivalent to pretending your little boy is a girl
the basic appeal of (((xtianity))) is in line with those shades rape books
anyone who wants white-normalcy will follow anyone who can provide it. this is why appeals to church and non-racialists arent needed. even does nothing but voyeur on alt-right now. even they know what they want cant come from them
where does the nigger end and the mud begin?
one of the most stylish and effective eviscerations ever performed
gas stations are the watering holes of the human world - always be very careful in looking around when you pull into one
alt-right is already a cottage industry for the campustules
Christ-lunacy, after all, has no principle against slavery, and no principle for racialism. If whites are reduced to status of butts bearing burdens, well, we bez all one in da jebus christ. The cross is the sign of the cuck. Go ahead - find one cuck who doesn't wear it.
Fuck those blue nigger heli-whores. Their dorm burned down due to faulty wiring, and they blame Rick Spencer! Jimmy Marr out west..
Do you want to fight the jews (white nationalism) or be paid by them (conservatism)? #TeamWhite
Do you want to fight the jews (white nationalism) or be paid by them (conservatism)? #TeamWhite

August 19, 2017:
jewsmedia: only legit way to view South/Lee/Confeds is thru nigfeels
Just accept whiteness is a proxy for everything good in this world. That's all racialism really is.
Lust for glory...when that's a driver, then the object becomes attainable. As someone said many years ago, the white man who liberates Aryankind from the jew will go down as the greatest man in history.
When you talk to the cops about your rally, all you do is help them, but you never help yourself. They can and will do what they did in Charlottesville - lie that you departed from the agreement. The (((media))), so quick to question cops' motives in any nigger-criminal case, will back them up.
Just keep driving the polarization: #TeamWhite v TeamJew. That's the winning split. Drive the papertards (Glenn Beck, Limbaugh, others who incorrectly believe USA was founded on race-free individualism out of the field as fake opposition.)
You see Bannon called you a bunch of clowns? You keep praising him, that means he's right.
actual car video

August 18, 2017:

The (((others))) seem intent on locking in a multi-billion-dollar market for Gab.
This is communism 2.0 the jews are trying to impose on America, and they are saying you will not be allowed any form of resistance. You will be racially quelled, and we will use violence. We murdered 60 million of you last century? You aint seen nothing yet. That's (((their))) message.
What about the living monuments? Surely they cant be allowed to stand either. 'NATE THE HATE.
no air for nazis. oxygen is only for inclusive people
An orgy of lying, censorship and real hate, all out of fear the white community is finding a head and direction.

August 12, 2017:
a shame whites prefer religion to reflection
"keep it legal" ... it's never the govt saying this (or acting on it)
nothing sounds stupider than a yapping nigger
why not hold a rally at (((soros))) castle in new york
violence won't work. i mean, except for the state
dont get permits. getting a permit for a rally is like asking a girl if you can kiss her
the portion of whiteskins that prefers lying and evil becomes leftist; the portion that prefers delusion and fantasy becomes christian. what's left becomes alt-right. which means White Nationalist or nothing
'clashed' is a media disguise-term: it is always used when leftists initiate physical attacks. which is every single time.
Response of Charlotte pols, churchies, etc shows just how vile the (((overclass))) is: every extenuation for criminal aliens and niggers - but whites? They're driven by only one motive: hate.
video of march from above

August 11, 2017:

their new AI 'hate' checker rates "All conservative American Christian males should be put in labor camps" as 10% toxic while "All conservative Israeli male Jews should be put in labor camps" is rated as 83 percent toxic.
Funny to think in old America niggers & whales were two of biggest industries.
Typical enemy tactic, DDOS white sites before rallies.
Eugenics proxy: anyone who thinks dog ears / nose is cute on their selfie, get them spayed pronto.
Why I consider conservatives cowards. Take your typical Euro jew. Karl Marx. A conservative will always call him a German. A conservative will never call him a jew. The conservative exhibits bigotry, cowardice and intellectual dishonesty at the same time.
Has Torba anywhere at length laid out Gab's development path? Please link me if so..
Falsifying white history to destroy white future. Is what jews do. It's a race war with only one outcome: us or them. #TeamWhite is our side.

August 10, 2017:
'Screed' is an ideological word, has been for a long time. Everything the left does is rigid and patterned. Cults don't work when people are allowed to choose their words (or anything else).
"We, the native people of Europe, are not responsible for the fate of every human being on earth." So you're not your brother's keeper?
do you have something better to do than fight (((Great Evil))) fuck no, you dont! drink mountain doo and eat cheetoz? thatz clown life bro
Consistently good analysis from Stockman
We need to bring back impersonality as a cultural ideal. Don't obtrude your personality into the service sphere. Just do your job quickly and competently. Some stiffness is good. Some formality. Some respect. Some privacy. Some distance. I don't want to be your buddy. I want quiet, mutual respect.

August 09, 2017:
Good analysis. Be sexy be tough be disciplined, aim at young. Humor makes arguments, shows lack of fear and intellectual superiority.
You see how Google works, right? That same network of witchhunters is webbed all through the DC government. Imagine how angry Google would be if Damore were chosen CEO; that's how DC feels about Trump.

August 08, 2017:

The cuck has his natural symbol. Two sticks that can't figure out which way they want to go.
two fat people of indeterminate sex with blue hair walking toward a college aka marxadrone clinic
To use leftist language, the jews are reproducing their USSR in the USA, mutatis mutandis.
Christianity is the entire reason whiteskins can't simply say jew without a curve in their mouth. This stupid cult has turned our kind into a cuckrace.
Women are humorless, shallow and flat minded. This makes them susceptible to ideology far more than men. I haven't even mentioned their bio-conformity proneness, groupthink and need for approval.
You could actually get a better social-technical bang for the buck by artificially pushing the tier of men just below the Silicon-capable into tech via policy & benefits, as opposed to women. But this would be absurd for the same reason.
And what is true for women, is true for 99% of men too (certainly including me), which is probably the biggest irony of the whole thing.
As Sobran used to say, it's when people agree with you but can't admit it that you get these purple-headed rages. Everybody and his brother knows women are not interested in/good at/flat can't do what is necessary to create and code computers. A few, sure. 99.9% no and never.
It is well known historical fact that the Patriarchy staked out a balled thing in every enclosed carport in North America to prevent women from creating the computer revolution.
If they didn't actually believe what the Google writer says themselves, their responses wouldnt be full of rancor. They'd just laugh and say, just watch us prove you wrong, buddy. They never do that because they can't. At some level, most of them know that, just can't admit it.
The she-leftist says using biological differences as basis for discrimination. But if the guy is right about those differences, discrimination isn't needed. Discrimination is only needed where a genuine ability doesn't exist. Leftist refuse to use reality as starting point or feedback correction.
I think leftists have trouble perceiving that others aren't as dishonest as they are. Just as rightists can't perceive that not all people are well meaning.
Jewswriters denounce stereotypes, which are nothing but generalizations. They themselves deal in categories, which are immutable and admit no exceptions. The 'screed' writer didn't say women can't be engineers or shouldnt be hired, he pointed out why women engineers are unusual.
Would a hater write a memo? a manifesto? or a screed? Would the screed be tight? logical? coherent? or rambling? These are the (((people))) "against" stereotyping.
Absolutely ritual rote language: anything a hatedwhiteman writes jews don't like is: screed. A screed is: rambling. Doesn't matter it comes from a high-school-dropout or a Harvard biology PhD.
One of the pet dishonesties of the judyleft is creating laws and policies that overtly legally racially sexually discriminate against white men -- and then treating their very existence as a matter of (i saw me an space alien) perception or belief when the white man mentions them.
Has any woman ever sat in a garage for 18 hours a day for years and created a piece of technology the world clamored after?
Have women anywhere, anytime created an institution out of nothing? Then women are not the source of civilization, they are basically home decor and milk-delivery technology.
We're now reaping the cultural and mentational results of allowing jews to teach that facts don't exist, they're just skulking opinions, and that reality doesn't exist, just competing narratives.
Google can't decide if sexual traits don't exist or that the memo writer got them wrong. It's the usual illogic: women exist as a group with positive traits, but if you point out negative traits (for the Google environment), that's stereotyping.
"Perpetuating gender stereotypes," just like nature.
Grundgesetz of Egalitaria-Wink-Wink: "You can't discriminate against anyone for any reason."* * Except for those with right-wing political views.
In their character Jesus, the jews created the archetype of the drama queen.
The most cynical whores in the world are professional christian-religious conservatives. Cal Thomas. Wes Pruden. Ralph Reed. Yeah, true OC, original cucksters.
Christianity is mass junk food for the soul, no different from budweiser or macdonalds. Good enough to get the crappy job done, but you wont find it inside elites.
Newsrooms, synagogues and mosques: three nests of anti-White, anti-American activity - always.
Jews are great with money, everyone knows that. Before their (((Fed))) America had no debt. Now, after 100 years of jewish financial leadership, America has $20,000,000,000,000 in the bank!
The catholic policy on jews -- Sicut Judaeis Non -- in place for 1000+ years, facilitates White genocide. Christianity is not something positive or neutral for whites, it is something that is deadly dangerous to them, for it opens them up to destruction by jews.
All history demonstrates that converting the jew to christianity does not work (duh, jews are a race), and that letting them run free ends in the destruction of white society and terminates in #WhiteGenocide.
In the same way it was said Milton was of the devil's party without knowing it, so it is with E. Michael Jones, who is of the racialist party without knowing it. Regardless of his intent, his The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit proves the _racial_ case against the jew & inefficacy of Sicut Judaeis Non.
When you sign up for the Catholic policy on jews, Sicut Judaeis Non, you are effectively donning cement shoes and hopping overboard - of your own accord. This is reason #132 the christ cult is #antiWhite.
Southerners are comfortable in their own skin. They feel no need to impinge their living-ways on the rest of us. This makes them attractive neighbors. Jews, by contrast, are uncomfortable in their own skins because they know what they've done, & live paranoid the constable's on their tuchus.
Traditionalism at best is patterns for dummies. Ok, fair enough. But let's not pretend civilization is the product of dummies, it's the product of thinkers, the small thinking minority. The rest are just there to fill out the card. They are free riders. Civilization is the product of thought alone.
Don't tie up The Cause with a bunch of ideo-toiletpaper. I personally am right wing. But the racial cause is about that and only that - racial independence. Racial sovereignty. No matter what economic/political arrangement obtains under it - that all can be corrected later.
Is Google going to hunt down and burn the 40% of respondents who agreed with the witch?
Let us not make the mistake the dirt-eaters made. When this war finally gets underway -- when WE figure out who we are (bloods, not conservs or crosscults) -- let us kill the enemy down to the last nit and sprog. Clear the mind, clear the field, clear the future. #TeamWhite
Animals are traditionalists. They don't have a choice. Humans can think. The religious right has talked down thinking and pride for so long that it's wound up subject to kikes and sexual deviants.
If Belichick were a traditionalist, he'd be average rather than the best.
Do you think Damore (Google manifestist) was inspired by Damigo? Like similar spelling, being near that area? Just a coincidence, or courage breeding courage?
Well, I tell you people (as I put on airs), some of us never gave up the battle to use SEX rather than GENDER. The differences between men and women are sexual, that is biological. The rest is built on that, reasonably, naturally, healthily and funly.
The left has used abuse as its only 'argument' for so long that I fear most of its people (see Google affair) actually believe it is argument. People cannot pretend to be something for long without actually becoming it, at least in their mind.
It's not just the sexualization, the gross degradation of society under the jews, but the perversion of basic reasoning and thinking the jews have produced & normalized - see Google. Grown, high-IQ adults seriously believe they refute polite argument by calling it garbage, hate, etc-the-litany.

August 07, 2017:

Arguments are for people who can't handle adjectives.* --the Left *adjective literal etymology is something thrown at
They always use echo chamber but I think hothouse is the better analogy. These people are nothing but heated and glass-walled-fragile. Ideo-bubble-goys also works.
Bad Faith Cult: if you actually believed talent were equally distributed, then making quality your corporate mission would ensure diversity - if you were right.
Jews are behind the push for #WhiteGenocide. Most accept this. So the solution is to...expel them? Does that make sense?
Google: where the maniacs went after Natalie got tired of singing.

August 06, 2017:

i guess the real takeaway is that at least 33-40% of google employees have normal views. not sad!
Benny Hill...remember when England was filled with English people, and some of them were intentionally funny. i do...but goddam barely
There are 200 million whites and we can't get one mass-public utility that will allow them to advocate normal-white views. That is pathetic.
The term reporter is typical gaslighting: what they actual do is conceal.
it must be an odd mindset where you are moved to post publicly how "shaken" you are, i guess as a measure of your sensitive and highestly moral soul... these people have to be genetically distant from normals split or war, one must come. and since only one party is needed to start a war, it's war

August 05, 2017:

principle: coating something = no real value in itself pretentious language Febreeze (actually poisonous) cathedrals meat under loads of sauce woman overly perfumed all these try to hide something rotten
it's dated now but imo one of the best books ever written for understanding American whiteskin mentality is Class by Paul Fussell. he's a leftist and gets stuff wrong but has many, many true insights
middle-class affinity for pretentious language serves the tyranny nicely; clarity, accuracy, simplicity are the enemy of totalitarianism and the gracious living titwits
the way leftists use language is akin to those horrible orange-bottomed OJ Spot-bilt _vinyl_ cleats some of your well bitten ankles may remember from the '70s Google ... funny ... no criticism, please, we're tittish and the mensies sucking up to them it is to sourly laugh
one of the worst things about a jewed society is the way every single little thing is politicized. this is how it is today. you can't draw a breath. and that is by design. watch an '80s movies and see - the US wasn't like this even back then, tho forces were ginning

August 01, 2017:
i think if merle haggard were alive today he'd write a song, I Don't Signal
Another parallel between christianity and liberalism (multiculturalism). Christians in Europe could only get along when they agreed that all the sects were preaching "pretty much the same thing." (Rev. Lovejoy of Simpsons). Multiculturalism only works with superficial stuff like food.
There's not one in a million christians who wouldn't be a muslim if he had been raised that way. That's all it is.
That famous comment about academia applies, slightly twisted, to christianity even better: the fights are so vicious because the differences are so trivial.
It's always funny to to read the christ-dunked on the church creating a common Europe etc etc. Half European history is people sneaking over borders between days to keep from getting their heads chopped off by the other sect.
The atheist takes one position...forever. 2 + 2 = 4 doesnt change, after all. The pope meanwhile's an implicit imam. A greasy, greasy imam.
Fox's Book of Martyrs is nothing but page after page of exciting chrissie on chrissie action. When I says ISIS-level viciousness there is no drop of exaggeration. That is exactly what Our Noble Race did for century after century. Violent disputation of plangent horseshit. It is the white way.
"March of TItans" - that is indeed a very bigoted title. You could just as easily say whites are a race of lunatics and delusionals. There's nothing through all history whiteskins like more than fighting over religious minutiae of cults whose base claims are obvious lies.
Now it's not for me to say my explanation is better than Aristotles. But (greg kinnear) yes.
One thing I have noticed in public christians - if you didn't know there was a commandment against lying, you could sure as hell never deduce it from the words of clowns like pawky Ann Coulter and her spunkmate Streetshitter D'Souza.
It shows you the level of christian integrity, which is a term like dutch courage, that it requires a council to determine God's Word. It's a clown cult, bro.
There's no better way to put it than this. You can go on with your Aristotle on rhetoric and dialectic but it's much easier to remember the figure of parade float, which features flowers (rhetoric) over chicken wire (reason). Another great way: can you sell a Playboy with an x-ray centerfold?
When you come up with your stupid opinion about something, and you will, I urge you to consult the ghost of Occam and ask, is there a simpler explanation that covers the given facts? Almost always, in your case, there will be.
What are some of the dumbest fucking things that people believe. One of them is that there is "intelligent life" on other bodies besides earth.
Inert gases...and dead rocks...but oh ho ho I haven't told you the best part! . . . They're trillions of miles away! (Space travel. For people without sense or imagination, it's a popular alternative to the bible.)
Racialism can't solve your metaphysical problems. If you have any of those, there's something wrong with you anyway. This to-the-stars shit has always struck me as racialists are their most foolish. Racialism is garbage management, and that beat muh Mars jurney anyday.
Here's the similarity between Hitler and Trump. One's a billionaire, the other was a low army guy. But neither public believed their fellow was in it for money. ITZ A WHITE THANG, JEW WOULDNT UNDERSTAND
Christianity is for everybody. That's what makes it pro-white.
Hitler's "appeal" wasnt vote for me, here's what i can steal for you (normal democracy), it was you and i must save Germany.
I realize whiteskins can no more be stopped from christianing than farting or purchasing lottery tickets, but let's not pretend faith in this nescient, non-white-vast-majority cult is a good thing. Or pro-white thing. It isn't. By unchangeable doctrine(s).
If you think christianity civilizes whiteskins, read Fox's Book of Martyrs. The stronger whites believe in christ-lunancy, the greater the schisming (since all of it is either based on lies or beyond proof), the more whiteskin christians act like ISIS. All manner of terrorism against alt-buhliebers.
White nationalism is a better name than alt-right. The former is neutrally descriptive -- straight -- the latter sounds like an attempt to hip brand faileoconservatism 2.0.
I mean, the Sothron Baptists, climbing off the tasty floor, denounce the tepidity that is the alt-right like it's ol hornfoot himself. The pope says in public he'd rather be a muslim. (Seinfeld voice) Just which part of this jew cult do you want to saaaave?
The option isn't between being a christian and being a pagan, it's between being a christian and not being a christian.
"Save western civilization" ... not my job. I fear most think this synonymous with white race, but it's not. The church is majority non-white. Just like jews and niggers, whites don't need the church - the church needs whites. If it's to be anything more than a clown show.
So the organizer of the christian church, named Paul, began as (((Saul)))? Every. Single. Time.
You don't win by appealing to bourgeois. They are and always will be self-interested cowards first and everything else last. They have useful abilities, but they will not join in until a cause appears likely to win. Not me saying this, it's Hitler.
When you appeal to people, you instinctively cause them to draw back. You are saying they are the measure of you. They regard you as a menu. When you are appealing, you just throw a little bounce in your hip and let them drool.
If you do what most white people want, you will get most whiteskin xtians following you, at some point, without ever needing to appeal to them as such. Look at Trump. He's the least xtian candidate ever heard of. Maybe that's related to his winning?
Judeo-Christianity is indeed a clown term. The correct term is (((Christianity))).
a Southron story
"When people search for sensitive keywords on YouTube, they will be redirected towards a playlist of curated YouTube videos that directly confront and debunk violent extremist messages." then why call it youtube? "You can have any color you want as long as it's black."
i believe that billabongs and oxbow lakes are the same thing! or very near!!
the "West" is just the church, and the church isn't the nut, it's the rotten shell. this is a basic confusion here that needs to be understood. the valuable thing is the genes, not the church. the race has been around tens of thousands of years, and hit its highest points long before xtianity
i'm a Southern sympathizer, NOT a southerner. that means i dont eat dirt, and dont even want to.
inverting reality, playing games with agency, turning society upside down with words. replace the original high-quality natives with low-quality but manipulable invaders. this is where we are. the way out? recognize jews are THE cause of our problems know the rest.
the jews taught whiteskins that reality is a word game. and the way you win it is to misrepresent it as brazenly as possible. this usually means reversing reality. with brazen chutzpah (redundant) you invert reality, you gaslight suckers and you mock normals. you keep this up for decades.
there is immense value in this world in people who do what they say. i want to build something knowing that it's not on sand that gets swept away - as it was with twitter. i cannot stand smarmy leftism where you write neutral TOS but enforce them leftly.
has anyone written up how they see Gab unfolding, as it develops over time? i dont mean someone with the company, just any analyst
Don't do drugs, people. Stay off the fucking scrips. They're bad for you. That's not an absolute, but your fee-fees - LIFE IS NOT AN ONGOING ORGASM, despite what the media have led you to believe. EVERYONE HAS PROBLEMS. EVERY SINGLE PERSON.
Make the wall a genuine AMERICAN PUBLIC WORKS. Give people a way to sign up and actually help build it, like a PERIMETER FOR REAL HUMANITY. Or, you know, cancel one of the jew wars and pay real Americans to construct it.

July 31, 2017:

if they can't maintain a city, they have no right to be called people #notpeopleniggers
as best i can figure: - leftist jews know they are lying. at least the ringleaders - leftist whiteskins, vast majority, honestly believe all opposition is trolling. they are cultists
nothing wrong with twitter except the guys running it. those guys are fags!
say what you like about the Confederates, but they weren't a bunch of retarded niggers what is so great about retarded niggers anyway? i've never been able to figure that out
cross-eyed shtickman: je regrette tout
the correct response to being called racist is fuck you kike and your entire tribe. if the flinger is a whiteskin, then replace kike with faggot/bathhouse
you know if niggers are 3/5 of a man, then christian conservatives like pence are maybe 4/5
one day all that will be left of kikery are lovely jewskin wallets filled with hard currency...and a Museum of Jewish Crimes
(((they))) have to go back...underground
Black people can't be racist because they're niggers. They cause racism, mainly by their odor and motor activity.
Free speech = pornography. Gavin learned that from Bosskike Ezra the Levantine
Gavin McInnes defends free speech by going all moray eel on a dildo with his prehensile anus.
I love how in veegies mouths killing something to eat it turns into torturing it. How do you sleep at night knowing that every time you turn your head you're crushing billions of eyebrow mites? Life is full of moral problems for retardated nitwits.
Black crime is "disproportionate" - this assumes black crime should be at white levels. Cuz equality. But who knows what the natural level of black crime is, or whether blacks are currently at it?
Equality is buried in so many common terms. Like I said many years, every stall in your brain has to be mucked out because it's full of jewdung. If you haven't thought about it, your assumption is jewed. Example: black "disproportionate" crime. Only so if you assume theyd should be at white levels.
Phonics is anti-semitic because it actually teaches people to read. Unlike look-say (whole word). A percentage of those who read will read BAD STUFF and draw WRONG CONCLUSIONS (jew-endangering). Making techniques-that-dont-work mandatory in 'schools' is modern equivalent to banning slave reading.
Prepared correctly, some say a steak can be just as tasty as a salad of thistles.
Veganism is a red pill. Yes...a tasteless juiceless joyless beanpie-flavored redpill. You know why Hitler lost the war? Because he was a vegetarian.
Thinking is anti-semtiic. A non-jew who thinks about jews will not logically stop until he realizes they must be counter-exterminated. There will come a day, if jews remain in power, where they claim to locate RACISM in the whitebrain, and demand it be physically cut out. And Congress will so vote.
It's good for jews if you keep mum about what's going on. It's better for jews if you can't even perceive it (thanks to their lies and maltechniques imparted thru schools).
Jews start by making specific thoughts or conclusions off limits. When that is accomplished, they work backward to destroy the ability to think or form conclusions generally. They pervert the intellectual techniques and tools needed to read. The equivalent of sowing fields with salt.
Christianity is liberalism. They share the big lie that reality doesn't exist, you just make it up. Guy comes back from the dead, sure, why not? Niggers equal to whites, sure if you want it that way, then that's how it is.
Christians perceive atheists as choosing to be that for some benefit they obtain. Which is bizarre. I was an atheist before I knew the term. I heard the story of Jesus in Sunday School and knew it was a lie. And I could see exactly why these adults wanted to believe it: they're mental women.
Spiritual promiscuity (christian love) is mind-AIDS.
cathedral: come for the fleamarket-tier art, stay for the Barnum & Baily-tier dogma
there's no good form of human organization since the creature itself is so shitty. democracy means the shits can vote power and goodies; hierarchy means they must worm their way in. but either way, they usually get there
the christian atittude NOT JUST TOWARD RACE (that it matters not) but toward AUTHORITY is what keeps whiteskins unlikely to defend themselves trust's that working out for you? everybody questions democracy, but hierarchy is terrible too
you can generally trust a businessman - except for one type aw yeah, you know where i'm going the CHRISTIAN businessman yea, brother, run as fast as your stumps can pump
I would bet my life each of these is true: - average atheist is less fat than christian pudnunc - average atheist has higher IQ than " " - average atheist is more moral (use 10 Commandments for measure) than " "
Christianity is absolutely undeniably a prole religion, since Carbohydratism isn't an acknowleded 'thing.'
People are, to use the xtian epithet, atheists because they acknowledge no valid evidence has been produced to prove God exists. Christians think people are atheists to evade morality. Christianity is for the lowest stratum - men without brains or honor.
christianity is a perfect example of the public always being wrong. the cult is properly classed with astrology and lottery tickets
What God actually said: Thou shalt not bear false witness.* *Except against Nazis. It's ok to lie about them. (The gospel according to Streetshitter D'Souza.)
Mencken (paraphrase) he'd never met a man who was thoroughly moral who was honorable. Bears some pondering. You deliberately tell a lie. You bend to social pressure to enhance your personal interests. You break what you claim is law of God. The christian conservative (D'Souza) isn't a clown?
Christians are the kind of scum who need a commandment against lying, not the kind that observe it. Christianity is the opposite of honor.
Cathedral = Italian bad taste, sanctified.
Dinesh D'Souza shows his xtian character in accusing the Nazis of Big Lying, when in fact they denounced it as a jewish technique. D'Souza knows he is lying. That is why no one takes christian morality any more seriously than christians do. Their very smartest think nothing of breaking Commandments.
The one useful thing the limp right could have done, lo these decades of my life, was connect liberals to jews and jews to (USSR) commies and commies to mass murders of normal whites. Instead, they did the opposite. And their christian audience of thumbbutts dully sheeped along.
Nazis were the real commies. Commies are the real nazis. Up is down. Down is up. Water is wet, except on Tuesday. When I want valid opinions, I get them from a grinning girl with big tits, for in those tits lie the breasty milk of Wisdom.
Even the will to Superman that Piece and Nietzsche's similar to xtian desire for Heaven. In that, hey, humans (at least whites)/this existing world are pretty remarkable. Maybe we could appreciate them and not pine for something that doesn't exist or impossible to achieve.
literally not one person (that i know of or ever heard of) advocates a generic white multiculturalism. literally every WN i know of grasps that white ethnicity is valuable and to be strenthened. it's like racial subsidiarity. the mere fact we're under racial attack means racial identity matters.
it's amazing to me how people think that white ethnicity and white nationalism are at odds, rather than compatible, yet these same people think the reverse about christianity and racialism. those two actually are incompatible
and the europeans, being whites, like americans, will have the same reactions as americans. identities are multiple, and not contradictory (at least ethnic/racial)
"germans" and "english" and "italians" arent white. they sure as fuck are when they're in the middle of a bunch of muslims or niggers. do you even race bro? it's neo-america, this new jewed europe
this is such a simple point but people dont get: yes (german, italian) cultures differ. but diffs pale & hugely overshadowed by negatives of (african). the more muzz/niggz in europe, the more white-nationalist europe will become. it's math. WN and euro-ethnicity arent opposed, not even related.
Address to the Last Jew on Earth Before His Execution
the christian thinks the atheist is just like him - but not playing by the code. this explains the hatred he has for him. but atheists don't think like christians. they're not on that level
the christian thinks thisly: "to me, the reason to be an atheist is i can do what i want - kill people and steal their shit and screw their wife! it's what i really want to do, but i don't." atheists dont think like that. christians are a lower order of mammal.
it's funny and telling about christians that they think (and it is 100% projection) that the reason for / attraction to atheism is No Moral Limits! but i would bet this is the case less than 10% of the time the takeaway here is: christians show you they can't be trusted by their very mentality
Jews aren't a condition (as the nazi slogan very unfortunately implies "jews are our misfortune"), they are a problem, and a problem with a solution.
Reactionaries offend another principle of mine: don't shit on stuff you participate in. I'll accept your reaction when you honestly live as you bruit: like an Amish. But who ever heard of a reactionary without a cell phone? How is old = good less dumb and wrong than new = good?
instead of men and women let's just have carbofluid porcas with moobs
people make this connection: do the govt/media who continually lie about race...suddenly switch to telling the truth when they talk about everything else? (economics, business, etc) of course not. they're consistent: they lie about everything
and so yeah doctors get more money due to their MD cartel...but your avg doctors is exhausted from too many patients. he cant really talk to or know anyone cuz time. let there be a market. competition will keep the doctors sharper, and give them better lives too - fewer patients
when doctors go on strike, the death rates drops. what a satire on this 'profession'
Women who are worth a damn - inevitably there is a father or a boyfriend who taught them (trades, etc.); the basic female position is that education = paper = proven ability to parrot a classroom peacock.
Credentialism is a form of effeminacy, just as being able to do something is a form of masculinity. It the very rare woman who can grasp that education exists outside a formal system.
America moved from a place where the ability to do something mattered most to a place where having a credential mattered most.
the private vendors and 'professional' associations work to create cartels thru regulation. thus enriching the 'professionals' and the 'regulators.' screwed is anyone who is outside that system (prevented from supplying services) or must buy from it (has to pay much higher prices)
see, the thing is, diagnosing diseases is not that hard. and computers do it better than people. it's not like the doctor goes from lupus to beri-beri to Moodgkins-variant toenail cancer. no, 90% of medicine is obese women reaping the results of their incessant carbohydrating. market > MD
imagine only PhDs in burgerology were allowed to serve hamburgers. then you'd wait 45 minutes to 1.5 hours to get a hamburger
why is health care so expensive? because no one is allowed to offer services. so there's no market at work. that's why you have to wait like your sawbones is the goddam pope
All that is necessary for whites to triumph is for a platform to actually live by its TOS, to truly apply its laws neutrally. But in politics proper, it's a waste of time, anything that isn't pro-white and anti-jew, overtly and loudly. Anything less is christian conservatism, a proven loser.
Trump effectively made the majority aware of itself. One bang-on is this flush of new attempts to create utilites for normal whites - that don't discriminate against them. As I said maybe 15 years ago, and now becomes closer to reality, there's a billion-dollar market here (underestimate).
You know, and you do know, that if Trump had done one of at least 100 things Hillary has done, he'd be impeached or imprisoned. Yet the broad thinks she is treated unfairly! And she really does think that. Proving goy in politics who succeed are very similar psychologically to ruling jews.
Religion is the retard's way of understanding the world: a popular but false shortcut. Thinking is the man's way. Revelation is not on par with reason, no matter what Burke or anyone says. Revelation is on par with LSD insights and pot hallucinations.
Whites are too docile, too trusting in authority. I guess if you have a cult (catholicism) that literally calls its dopes "sheep" then...what can you reasonably expect? If you tell these simps it's good to be a sheep, you can't be surprised when you get sheeplike behavior.
the very concept of boomers is a jewish-media-generated bit of garbage. if 2% are hippies and 98% are squares, yet the jews portray the former as represetative of their generation
I don't agree with the anti-boomer sentiment. It's not a fair generalization (as opposed to generalizing about jews or niggers). For every woodstocker, you get 20x lawrence-welkers.
God is real! And he's assembled an awesome collection of morons and murderers.
most of the states arent in terrible shape. why? because white majority. the problems all originate from washington dc, where jews rule and focus. such bankrupt states as we have - you have jew in chicago over giant minority population. it's not the german downstate farmers causing problems
the problems the US faces are not intellectual. any sane, normal white man, vested with absolute power could solve them easily.
species is an abstraction, not necessarily a reality. on the other hand, if you've seen one red-winged blackbird, you've seen them all
Darwinism is a funny thing, it cuts about eighty different ways. funny to read about 1800s scientists and lay trying to reconcile it with their God ideas and politics. to me, i was won over by Tom Bethell article in American Spectator decades ago. evolution is a theory, not a fact
crickets are the worst. god i hate them. i dont mean niggers tho they are awful too, i mean crickets. early august is cricket days. a horribler insect God couldnt conceive that is all i wish to express in this particular Gabbio
intricacy for its own sake - i spit on this. examples are nolan's memento, just unendurable. crap literature like most of faulkner. when a critic says X is "incandescent," you should read: unintelligible mencken did it righter than anyone ever has (at least in English)
so now i read the great stuff i never got to. victor hugo - great (les miserables). bronte (jane eyre), that whale book by mel d'ville (great, very great stuff), mcteague (by norris). you actually learn about people and psychology more from literature than direct study. and subtle-delightful wording
personally, i found college greatly retarded my reading. was far more interested in reading my own stuff than lesson material, which was inevitably leftist and boring, in the horrible WASP way. these people can turn religion into politics and make it dry as dead cricket
if you're going to college (mistake) and majoring in soft stuff (all marxism) at least do yourself a favor and major in english. if you read the great stuff (no serious person denies it's great, that there's quibbles on edges is like arguing red doesnt exist cuz pink), you cant help but learn/enjoy
westlake's great. fiction from POV of criminal is 100x more interesting than from cop POV

July 30, 2017:

Does christianity make grasping the racial cause easier or more difficult? Is it an aid or an obstacle? The questions answer themselves.
I'll say again, which must strike even the dullest of you with its force: if christianity were valuable, the jews would have kept it for themselves. Like nazism, racism and nationalism.
"Government waste" - someone on here used that phrase out of the 1980s. Look, pal, it's redundant. There is no government that isn't waste, not at the federal level. It were far better for every living creature on earth, save those employed by it, if Washington, D.C., did not exist.
Democracy always and immediately turns into high-IQ criminals weaponizing the greedy and lazy to steal from the useful and honest. The military are flat parasites, just as much as an stoop-sitting hoodrat nigger.
Christianity has only been "great" in white areas. But white areas were great before christianity. And christianity in non-white areas is worthless. Nigeria has tens of millions of christians, to no noticeable effect.
There's no war on christianity because it isn't valuable. South America is christian. White people for all their smarts can't see that what is valuable about them and their thing is their RACE not their transient cult. All non-whites can see this with perfect clarity.

July 29, 2017:
for you illiterate numbskulls, Ponyboy was a character in S.E. Hinton's The Outsiders.
"We" (americans, britons) didn't fight "the wrong enemy" in WWII, we fought for the (((enemy))). We didn't defeat the enemy, we defeated ourselves. Even British can almost admit this (after everybody else, when it's 100% undeniably obvious) Only the jew Won World War Two DIG IT, PONYBOYS
Maniacs can change the world, and anyone who denies that flies in the face of fact.
there is not one part of the USA i am familiar with for decades that has not changed markedly and for the worse in recent years. yes, this is all by design, and if you think 'conspiracy theory' is for fools, you're exactly whom the CIA created the term to deceive
I don't say this because this is how commoners speak, but just LOOK AT HIS FACE. John Brown looked like exactly what he was: a maniacal maniac of mania. Such as Freddie Krueger might have jotted notes from.
John Brown was an absolute crackpot and murderer...and he changed the minds of a hell of a lot of northerners. He gave them a taste of blood and they liked it. Those who talk down violence are historically wrong.
A christian making excuses for God is the forerunner of the liberal making excuses for niggers.
when someone is against you, as the jews are against session, they're never going to turn and like you no matter how you dope it up. just attack them. trump at least, a NON-SOUTHERNER, at least, can figure this out.
most of white politics is teaching basic math to people who aren't technically retarded
the white cause is more aesthetic than political, even. who wants to live around brown stubbies? not even they themselves. whereas most whites have shit politics. they cower in fear before existent jews and non-existent gods. most of them are cattle on their good days
when people get shot for being shitbags off their own property, you'd be surprised how many of them clean up their act --Clark Twain
things that are tolerable should be laughed at in criticism, but things that are intolerable should be shot and dumped in a mass grave. public order is not a joking matter. punks destroying property, making outdoor common areas disgusting and unlivable - these people should just be collected & shot
altho i'm not religious, i did say a prayer that the mccain would successful be excised from the tumor
Now, kids, if the bible is "God's word," and it says the canaanites were exterminated...and DNA says not so much, they're simply today's Lebanese...then what conclusions might we infer? Is God a liar or just wrong? Or is the bibble a work of fiction produced by malicious lying jews?
have to laff at baptists et al who hate mormons....listen you dirt-eaters, when only 60% of your pewship can walk on its hind legs, you have no room for criticism believe this atheist when i say (having lived among both extensively) Mormons > Baptists
so if you take bums who are able bodied but won't work...and you give them free haircuts, phones, water, etc etc...and let them camp out (destroy) public parks...will you have more bums or fewer in a year's time? #QuestionsSaltLakeCityCantAnswer
when yr culture taps out a muh barning & muh jelly & muh pie...maybe you should have challenged yourself a little more? imagine - people of germanic genetic quality reduced to the level of sty occupant...another big win for the x-cult...turning something into something ridiculous for 2k yrs & countg
it doesn't really matter if there's kike on d'affy duck's board it doesn't really matter if jared never talks about the jew production values behind violent niggers yes. yes it does really matter. some of you literally cannot learn a lesson no matter how many 2x4s to your mulehead
any pro-white group has as its first principle - 100% jew identification and exclusion. otherwise it's clownage, and very likely set up as frontman/front group by the ((( crew
Amish: hominids larping as livestock.
i dont know to me the idea of an endlessbuffet cruise up to alaska to see emus seems like expensive hell
you take the cunt on a nice trip to alaska (now there's an oxymoron) and the bitch won't stop laughing. well me and mr knife know what do about that
One of the truest things Hitler ever said was that christianity, if taken seriously, would result in the systematic cultivation of botches. And this is exactly what catholicism does. If the poor are so fucking great, then let's not just help them, let's make more of them.
The intellectual vanguard of the white cause is understanding that it is christianity that makes us unable to defend ourselves. The internet now gets jews - not that we must ever relent, only expand, on that point. Christianity disables the white enemy-identification mechanism.
if you dont think christianity is liberalism, a) you're wrong and suck at thinking, b) these xtians believe just what liberals do: that if we raise niggio correctly, turns out right. but neither love, money, nor nearby example will turn a nigger into a human.
someone photoshop me a Sessions in a jughead hat and the rest of you tell me he didnt come out of the womb that way
holmes was in the war and wounded at least 3x, very strongly involved in the action. so he saw the contending forces up close for years
reading a book w big section on oliver wendell holmes. at one point, he and many really thought the North was going to lose. it really is pretty amazing the South didnt win given how incompetent the north was. dont we see it today - Southerners are not vicious enuf to defeat jews/northern opposition
christianity has hookwinked whites out of recognizing their own racial value, via its jewish lies about souls, god, jebus and the rest of the eyeroll crap. it can come as no surprise that christ-insanity was produced by the jews. if everything else jews produce is anti-white lies, then xtianity is 2
i dont believe anyone really doesn't believe in racial inequality. if i a see a well shaped blonde woman pushing a stroller with two kids, she's 5'10" goodlooking - no one in the world believes some 50yo 5'4" dogturd-faced salvadoran with a perpetual stupid-leering face is equal to that
the mormons do have runts and scrawnies, even inbreds, lil jackie draper english types, but they have good mix of scandinavian blood and the higher-end whites in SLC have nice long lean bodies and well shaped skulls that are whites at their racial best
i'm 6'1" walking around SLC, half the disco munchkins are ambulent turds about 5 2'. old third-worlders really do have faces that look like aged dogshit. just the nastiest scum imaginable. yet the white mormon pop is some good whites, better physically formed than most germanic peasant midwest
Getting a tattoo is exact visual equivalent to Twain's "opening your mouth and removing all doubt."
America began as a bunch of skinny hard-working extremely moral high-IQ religious assholes and it petered out as an obese retarded woman wearing Tweetybird t-shirt.
I don't think Sessions is that great. He's a typical Southerner. A plodding dope lacking the mental wherewithal to handle opposing forces. Has a face that cries for a jughead hat. These faggots, starting with Trump, need to USE their power before they're all (((flushed))).
How can we have so many green niggers and not one will lead a White Liberation Army? I don't get this. This online shit is nice but it's already old. The vanguard is forming a literal Racist Army for White Liberation.
Salt Lake has the boomfeel I've always felt in Dallas. At same time, loads of help-wanted signs, and not for bad jobs, but decent stuff -- yet also huge number of able-bodied (white) bums pigeoning at intersecs. And loads of invasion garbage from world sewers. We need a bloody revolution.
returned from trip to Salt Lake City. It's now overpopulated just like So Cal and Vegas. Same lousy types too - Mexicans and shit-tier Asians (and SF-style whiteskin bumscum). In a word, it's been Californianized. On the good side, only place in world with lovely Nordic blondes pushing strollers
good to see Trump Tweet-attack WP as i advised. WP is more threatening to him than retarded, all-laughed-at CNN
it really has gotten to the point that the average person does not understand that you don't refute the validity of a generalization by pointing to a single counterexample. i doubt even one woman in 100 understands this, and maybe only 20% of men.
how can one be redpilled on jews yet believe the bible?

July 28, 2017:

Atheist is a word that isn't needed; its existence is an assertion, a bogus one, made by christians in the same low, dishonest spirit as every jew-promoted political term. What would actually be useful is a term for someone who doesn't believe in Government, which cult is > than religious.
Treating jews as individuals is what led us where we now. Do jews treat us as individuals?
If jews murdered 60,000,000 of our kind last century (and rest assured, that is a conservative estimate) how many of them should we bring to justice to even the score?
Regulation = safety. That's why you can safely believe that Fireball crash never happened, since the whirling fun device was checked several times before the fateful ride.

July 27, 2017:

July 26, 2017:

July 25, 2017:

July 24, 2017:

The 'catholic' thing is that civilization comes from their cult. And really nothing else. It's not race. No, their cult turns barbarians into humans. If that's not evident in Nigeria (tens of millions of xbots) or entire continents like South America, well, you see, it takes time.
The white race can do better than catholicism, and that's why it should be looked down on and described accurately.
Democracy produces people who don't want to be adults; for whom the idea of adulthood is horrifying.
The catholic faith protects the weak from the strong, said E. Michael Jones, turning back to his article on the most recent billion-dollar payout the cult was making for priest-pronged pikers.
christianity is liberalism, and liberalism, like niggers, is something racist, rational jews use to destroy competing species.
christianity, when found in those with IQs north of 120, is a matter of poor taste. if christianity is beautiful, then the word can have no meaninng if the end point of this globe is to produce creatures who look and think like Ma Teresa, then...but one dissolves in smh
you're beautiful even though you're fat transforms into you're beautiful because you're fat this comes directly from christ-insanity, in which standards are abandoned before the Shamwow Theory that all individuals are created by God and of inestimable worth. does that sound likely to you?
political democracy is bad, right, but spiritual leveling is just fine all bad things come from the christ cult the christ cult is the best thing that ever happened to jews. without it, they long ago would have been rounded up and fed to angry pigs
christian morality is not just liberalism but special-snowflakism - it brags about this, using different terms. every last hominid is a Special Individual. you're valuable even though you're (nothing) becomes you're valuable because you're nothing.
"imagine how much worse people would be without christian morality" ...but...that's not easy. because if you stand outside Walmart, the creatures entering are 99% christian
if humans, even whiteskins, are mostly idiots, then how valuable can their traditions be? #Tradpap

July 17, 2017:

July 16, 2017:
Maybe you shouldnt call god a nigger.

July 15, 2017:

Is white an alt-lite version of black?
Is sticking a dildo up your ass an alt-LITE version of penis-vagina sex?
So if the Proud Bois (the servants of the jews at Rebbe Media) REJECT RACE, how is that a "lite" version of the racialism, the white nationalism, of Alt-Right? It takes someone with an IQ only one standard deviation below God to answer that.

July 14, 2017:
so i was listening to NPR (no homo) and like three fucking correspondents began answers with the narcisst's "So"... this is now a full-fledged style tic...
we must kill our enemies and piss on their mass graves. just my opinion.

July 12, 2017:

July 11, 2017:

Reality indicts niggers; reality must go. A BART story..
what happens when you dont exclude jews on principle - they take over
Nagle quotes Marxist critic Mark Fischer’s observation that the online Left is “driven by a priest’s desire to excommunicate and condemn, an academic-pedant’s desire to be the first to be seen to spot a mistake, and a hipster’s desire to be one of the in-crowd.”
The fakest term of all is simply 'news,' because it's just the same stuff over and over again.
Liberalism is acknowledging your opponent's right to exist - this is not something found in nature, it comes from the (((christian))) conception that we're all God's children.

July 10, 2017:

The Proud Bois defend free speech by never mentioning its main enemy: jews. You know - the ones who thought up the bogus anti-white concept of hate speech. Alt-lite = alt-same old jewish bullshit
stop swirling niggers. stay alive
strange but true there are actually people who think a random facebook or youtube post is less credible than a CNN or WP news story
PhDs are mainly useful for telling you what others thought about something. That's no small thing, but it's not the big thing either.
The only genuine emotion christians feel, at least the only strong one, is the desire to see non-believers roasting in hell. They truly get off on this. They really are little people in all sense - mind, soul and character.
a movie for the hillside simps... #MuhJebus #HesAComin #ThisTahmFerSher #WellMaybeNow #ahFukIt
Christianity has the same appeal as a glazed donut. And its effects on the mind parallel the donut's on the body.
Darwin said if we were any other animal our 'races' would be considered different species.
To a disturbing extent, every PhD is a good girl. You cant not be a good girl and endure that much ass-flattening. Thus, they every last one duly use and apply 'anti-semitism' like it's a valid concept. Racism too. If Authority uses it, it's valid. This is how women and PhDs ALL think.
You can't have civilization when you have christian sunday school and jewish monday school tag-teaming to bash in white brains.
Leftism (the non-jew portion) is a cult, and probably the most boring cult ever heard of. (Have you read John Rawls? Have you? I truly hope you haven't.) A sort of cult led by shark-lipped schoomarms without breasts or imaginations. But no less poisonous & destructive for its deeply stupid flatness.
PhDs have their own stupidity, just like every class. "The holocaust is over." "We just step over it." The holocaust is propaganda not history. It's "over" when it stops being useful.
It's kind of funny to think that believing a reporter should actually try to find out what happened and tell the reader or listener the actual facts makes one an idealist. But that seems to be the case.
(((American))) media perform a eulogy (over this dead nigger Bakari) and call it reporting. Women make better System journalists than men because their biological urge is to cover up, not reveal. To deceive rather than explain.
Catholic civilization is Rio Jebus, spreading his arms out over beaches where you can hardly see the water between the trash.
He died for your sins. What damage has that miserable lie caused? Where do you think the agency shifting in the (((MSM))) ultimately traces to? If Jesus can manfully shoulder blame for your nosepicking then you can do time for Jamaal's monkeyshines.
these people lie out their ass, and the only reason i did the interview was i had words specifically for canada that were worth saying. so typical example of jewsmedia operating under false pretenses. im not a jew, but you are a commandment breaker.
That was the smartest thing I ever did. If the Henderson's want to cheap out I have no problem uploading the videos. It will go viral big time.
The club owner, on the other hand WANTS me to upload the video. Either way, I'm going to get a nice chunk of change for this. As soon as Henderson walked in the club I knew that there was going to be trouble so I started filming.
Buzzard King5 I'm in a bidding war with the Henderson family and the club owner. I sent the Henderson family 3 minutes of their son being a belligerent, arrogant and violent jerk and they begged me not to upload it to You Tube because they feel it will hurt their lawsuit against the club.
blood and soil is magic dirt theory too baptism is magic water theory, the father of magic-dirt theory communist video Aryan comments it is the Youtube way
I think we need to maybe change our position to calling blacks not a different race but a different speciest. The actual truth, if you dig back the layers of etymology, is that race in case of humans is deliberately used mislabeling for species.
if soil matters, why have White men thrived in every part of the globe?
when i'm your reader and you lie to me, and it's easy to prove, then i conclude you have no respect for me. that's the position CNN is in. and it just can't understand why it has no credibility. when you lie, you fucking kikes and kike-whore punks, people dont respect you blah blah blah not a word in it approaches the reality of the scene
Honestly, if you read general media, like this story about nigger Baccardi, you would assume writing lies produced orgasms. Or else you'd have to come up with some other reason that plain fact is the last thing you ever get in any Systemedia article.
New Orleans is pretty much the one place in America that people from it won't defend.
The truth about the dead nigger Bakari in this thread... Yep, he was just being a nigger in Greece, hitting on human women, refusting to take no, then initiated violence and received justice. Bye, No-poon McCoon!
The public... believes in God buys lottery tickets thinks rich people got lucky believes in astrology This is why they say the public is always wrong.
Calling someone an atheist because he rejects the baseless christian god-claim is exactly like calling someone a fourist because he acknowledges 2 + 2 = 4.
ADL: Comment sections are anti-Semitic and must be eliminated.
The security guards were totally righteous to throw him out. He was acting like a arrogant gang bang thug all night. He was so used to thuging in America that he thought he could thug out overseas too. How wrong he was. /Baktari Henderson, typical Amerinigger
When he tried to punch the security guard he missed and the security guard nailed him in the face. He spit in the security guard's face and tried to run away but they caught up to him. They hit him once or twice and he fell down, cracking his dumb head on the pavement.
After that he grabbed the girl's ass and cut her arm with something, The security guards asked him to leave. He threw a bottle at them and hit one of them on the head with the bottle. Then he said "Fuck you, you racist motherfuckers. I'll come back and kill all y'all."
Buzzard King I was there too. American negro was being a douche bag and starting hassles with people all night. He kept harassing girls. He went up to like 8 different white girls and said "I'll give you love, baby girl." He started flirting with a white girl and she rejected him.
should have checked my own forum... real story coming..
you talk down pride, then you end up slaves of the jews i tell you, i just cant figure it out #crosscucks
Maybe you Poles would have some money and not have to go the miserable UK if you didnt give all your zlingydottls to Father Kidglootski.
"The UK is awful, I'm moving to Poland"...said nobody ever. See, I can listen to yammering polacks tell me how great their country is or I can watch their giant lumpy feet beating a tardpath to marginally less horrible lands (UK).
Is 2+2 = 4 a political position? Is grass is green a political position? Only indirectly, in that they are statements of reality. Thus, they are classed as rightist. The answer to the god-claim, most commonly labeled 'atheist,' is in class with the two statements above.
Leftists steal the good name of atheism for the same reason they steal science and manners and everything else: they can't sell their crap under its true label: jewish marxism.
Christianity has 1000x more in common with wet socialism and communism than atheism. Atheism is not a political position, nor is it a religion. It is the rejection of a baseless assertion and nothing more, no matter who appropriates its good name.
anyone got a link on that nigger killed in greece instigating a problem?
What catholics say: we defend weak against strong. What they mean: we cultivate human sheep so our priests can feed on fat young boys and girls.
As Carolyn Yeager wrote the other day, the most famous Pole is Copernicus, and he was actually German.
there is no such thing as Tradition, only traditions. a tradition is what exists until someone comes up with a good way of doing something

July 09, 2017:
Waugh’s humor tended to the dark, and, given his often gratuitous pugnacity, usually had a victim, or at least an edge. When the favorite of his seven children, his daughter Margaret, wished to live on her own, he told her “you are no more ready for independence than the Congo.”
So jews murder, eh, let's say 60,000,000 of our kind last century. You know what's a huge problem on this globe? Anti-semitism. And you wonder why CNN comes in second in the credibility race to folks like HanAssholeSolo.
Pretty sure that's an annual affair.
Half the commentariat and George Soros were at Lally Weymouth's party in the Hamptons.
Everyone grows eloquent in describing someone he despises.
What I love about enemies is the loving care they put into their descriptions of their hated ones. Rarely do people work so hard, certainly not for money.
Jared Taylor's whelpers failed in their attempt to destroy Japan racially via christ-insanity, so he came back to America to help jews do the same.
A christian telling you his muh revelation is actual knowledge is akin to a jew telling you a nigger is a human.
Expelling jews is kicking the kahn down the road. "how's that working out for ya?" --Dr. Pill
Tradition is why jews were kicked out of Euro countries 100x. Trad is just alt-spelling of tard.
Tradition! exclaimed the man who could neither think nor adapt. Why be a human at all if "tradition" is your goal? You might as well be a rabbit or a groundhog.
The left is made up of people who are actually dumb enough to believe, most of them, that opposition to their proven-unworkable schemes can be reduced to 'hate.'
We can come up with a new cult. We can create a new civilization. What we can't do is regenerate the genes. The genes are the valuable thing. Not the church. 'The West' is a clown construction aimed to fool people who aren't thinking clearly. No one gets fired for defending 'teh west' abstraction.
In January, when I met Gavin McInnes, the founder of a “pro-Western fraternal organization” called the Proud Boys, I asked whether I should refer to him as alt-right. “Nope,” he said, swigging from a can of Budweiser. “They care about the white race. We care about Western values.”
If you want the truth about a man, ask his enemy.
Cernovich said recently, in a text message to me. “He fancies himself an outlaw intellectual when he's a soft-faced fame whore who’d be performing in off-Broadway shows if he had the musical talent.” (Spencer, for his part, has called Cernovich and his cohort “liars and freaks.”)
so the french canadians (cold frozen canada) were kicked out, went to southern louisiana (very hott and awfullleee wet). became cajuns (corruption of arcadian). "blood and soil" is a cute little theory, but no, white men are formed by questing, not pebbles n vegetation
garbage management is not a metaphysical problem, nor is it a spiritual problem. it's a technical problem
precocious niglet: armed robbing by six. i am not disappoint
i can see a giant pallet of bags of 25-lb jew mulch for your garden. as a nature fan, i believe in using every part of the jew, from the snout to the tail
pathological altruism a simpler term is christianity. yesterday we were converting the little brown men "for their own good." today we just let them conquer our countries christianity is anti-White. but the jew moose out front should have told you that.
"We now know that Höss was beaten almost to death by Jewish members of the British Field Police upon capture. His captors threatened to deport Höss' wife and children to Siberia, and Höss himself was badly mistreated until he gave his "affidavit" and "testimony." "
All the effort the white race put into art and science, technology and literature, jews put into lying. Their very culture is nothing but 1001 Goldberg variations on lying for profit, financial and Tribal.
Nothing jews claim about any major event can be believed. Not 'the' 'holocaust' (tm), not pogroms, not their alleged time in Egypt, not Cossacks. Not anything. They are a race of liars; lying is their culture. Where we have painting and literature and architecture and sports, jews have lying.
Hoess was tortured. "Certainly, I signed [a statement] that I killed two and a half million Jews. But I could just as well have signed that it was five million Jews. After all, there are certain methods by which any confession can be obtained, whether it is true or not."
Alt-lite are professionals at what they do. You're underrating the danger that poses. They kick out those who don't push their jewish partyline (no racism. cept jews.) You embrace them while laughing like a retarded child at what you idiotically call purity spiraling.
The truest description of the white race ever came from the pen of Hans Christian Anderson. At some point, our race has to grow up, and that means leaving christianity and its childish, jewish lies behind.
Christianity is an obstacle to the statement of the plain truth. After all, it itself is founded on a lie. Not just a lie, but an absurd lie. So absurd as to be equivalent to the kind of shit you were forced to say you believed in the old Soviet Union.
Hitler won legally because he could upend the System with his SA if they tried to cheat him. This point is lost on people. It's why we need a White Liberation Army right now. That nigger video I posted - he says overtly, they shit on our laws, culture. Only force will remove them and (((them))).
Christianity always has and always will side with jewish communism over white racialism. It's a matter of doctrine. Christianity correctly perceives that white racialism supersedes (hence obviates) it whereas jewish communism merely oppresses it.
Jews must be counter-exterminated. Christianity declares this immoral. Christianity is functionally and doctrinally anti-White. It doesn't matter how you feel about this, it is the fact.
Christianity is the problem not the solution. Christianity is the reason whites won't defend themselves from jews. Christianity is the greatest thing that ever happened to jews, because it poisoned white minds to think defending themselves from jews is immoral.
watch this
Christianity cultivates a taste for disordered thinking similar to the way homosexuals cultivate a taste for disordered sex.

July 08, 2017:

Who said it better: if you kill your enemies, they win jebus the first justin trudeau
#Audiobook #LearningCollege SIEGE by James Mason (complete book, all segments)
Most whites who would defend their race have never seriously considered what whiteness is. White men are neither sheep (catholic view) nor ants (nazi view).
The reactionary is the man who wants to turn a questing race of champions into a bunch of light-skinned hottentots. Reaction is faggotry.
Jesus came back from the dead. This is me looking at you. Do you really believe that? You don't. Because you know, in your heart, it isn't true.
Causality is an elite belief. The majority believe in xtianity, luck, fate, chance & other magickal faggotry.
very good primer on the jewing of american foreign policy, including the truth about '9/11'
The dog owner cries out in pain as his cur bites you.

July 07, 2017:

dog owners are scum. do not interpret this to not mean you because i guar-on-fucking-tee i do mean you "he never bites people/barks all nite/shits on others property/destroys others property" yes. yes he does. they all do.
back in the old days, there was a plant called milkweed. on it waxed monarch 'pillars. but that is not the point of this story. also on it were weird red beetles that beeped when poked. now technically these were individuals. but that's not really the point is it. so it is with jews. one = all.
Hitler was a typical dog-owning faggot. He had no time for a dog. But wtf does he care? It's all about what's convenient for him. If hitler had been poor, you can bet 6m jewlives that he would have tied that dog to a stake in backyard while he went off to mismanage his war.
lena dunham is a jewshit but in every other way a typical dogowner: selfish, small of brain, low of character
jews are a race of congenital liars. there is NO self-deception involved, that itself is a lie. they are simply and purely liars. as this small not small example of DOG OWNER lena dunham shows
DOG OWNERS ARE FAGGOTS, 95%. Rest assured, that is a conservative estimate.

July 06, 2017:

"The "holocaust" is over" say certain people. Hint, geniuses: if something appears in the papers (and classrooms) literally every single day of the year in every single white nation - it's not over. It's more like the opposite of over. But keep trying to think, you might get better at it.

July 05, 2017:

July 04, 2017:

July 03, 2017:
slowly politics is giving way to reality. yr muh party, muh one ape one vote muh constipatution burns off and...yeah we must band and slaughter the enemy. that's jews and those they use

July 02, 2017:
"I don't think the alt-lite is going anywhere." Jesus, dummy, it's not meant to go anywhere. It's meant to stop your alt-right from going somewhere.

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