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- Last Updated: 11/25/16 01:00PM -0500
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- Last Updated: 11/25/16 01:00PM -0500
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November 24, 2016:
nigger https://t.co/mKbQHzEKCF
since slavery ended, the main social benefit niggers provide is the amusement produced by their attempting to pronounce 3+ syllable words
the adult reality is that the jews are going to kill us all and take all our possessions unless we kill them first
read this, followers https://t.co/3CeeJP3xBr
i dont know https://t.co/BEGirPaEmL
self deception is an invalid concept and does not exist https://t.co/xEQTnZU8AE
i think he's going to turn them into his bitches, and show what an utter absence of innards there is in these grinn… https://t.co/7PnvpdCD77
tradfags: conditions make men weak. this is arrant circumstantialism, men make their environment, not vice versa
Forced spiritual association precedes forced legal. Thus xtianity prepares the road mentally & spiritually for jewish tyranny.
November 23, 2016:
have you heard word one from the catholic church about jew policies intended to reduce whites to literal physical nonexistence?
"the nazis were leftists" - have you ever seen anything leftist that wasn't full of jews, indeed led by them?
use your mind to try to kick holes in things. be fair. dont be perverse, but kick really hard. and if it doesn't break, you have something
you can see from (eve) or others, the female's natural thought-instinct is conformist, whereas the Trumale's instinct is contrarian
traditionalism/progressism are rod and tod flanders, couple pee-wee sized faggots with high-pitched voices
traditionalists, who are faggots, dont like to hear it, but it's xtianity that has made people soft, not modernity or kitchen appliances
it was obvious to me as a literal tot that the first thing you would do re bible would be investigate who produced this thing.
the nazis were describing jew techniques. so you're either a jew or victim of their lies. as described by nazis. https://t.co/GJsMILjx2O
Trump chooses Romney.. to be the drum major in the deportment parade back to may hee co. and a fine figger he'l cut heell
the white man trying to tell the truth about any set is continually hobbled by xtian concept that every last one is a topline Godco product
well i will leave that to you and her. wu-wei is beyond my ken. https://t.co/ZHE6l08Jdb
it really is funny and telling, as Joe G. observed, the most effective insult against a jew is to call it a jew: "I've been found out!"
you cant deny this: tornado-chasers are reckless. but they are not without fear. invalidating your definition of 'o… https://t.co/gue2JMh2jY
to be the change you seek, don't level serious unbacked charges against people. if they're informants, produce proof or admit speculation
i think it's as objective as any other descriptive word, if used correctly https://t.co/uDEuF0J3NB
I"M THE FIRST!!! i feel like that guy in that movie. dum or dummer. https://t.co/F5MocUHsmg
i guess i'm insubstantial then. but that's just an adj. and i discardt like a velvet green coat. am i WRONG? that i… https://t.co/0ssn7aLcRB
i believe an independent commission would arrive at a very different conclusion https://t.co/Mti0UOLst5
guy i learned from used to say: principles protect people. the principle is: identify and exclude jews from White organizations.
"by way of deception" pretty much all jews do is create false fronts. multiple simultaneous; new ones as the need arises. keep this in mind
sez you. https://t.co/H94fqc5t2z
she made it up you dummy https://t.co/5MErtnAAin
you seriously dont realize she made this up? grow up. https://t.co/yyC7dICOQh
"white" - shes a jew. they HATE whites https://t.co/CGM1SO1tLc
good writing is like willie wonka, you're never quite sure where it's going on the next step. thus the delightful effect.
pro-tip for girl-arguers: don't assume men are as awed and cowed by Authority as you are. that's only true of 90%.
good enough to fuck, not good enough to bring home to parents. that is how Respectable Right always tries to play the racial crowd
We're going to make America great again, starting this fall with a Junegar bonfire. What's that? A towering inferno of jews, nigs & vinegar.
maybe aristotle was a self-justifying putz. that ever occur to you. most people are. https://t.co/sihszsoOod
woman who scrubs floors for 20 years so her retarded kid can go to Envelope Licker State. that would be called such… https://t.co/oQGzAauWfm
someone who passes people uphill (blind) is overcomes fear with bad judgment. he is reckless. but is he brave? no.… https://t.co/MvIyHvaESU
if you mean simple fear, then just use fearful and fearless. cowardice and recklessness are not stand-ins for exces… https://t.co/HXgryuip3T
can you not read this and see how absurd it is? https://t.co/ZB6YpXnEMJ
welcome to eveworld. that's her entire shtick https://t.co/EFcllRNHdK
except your own example, reckless driving. boldness has nothing to do with it. it's a bad decision. boldness isn't… https://t.co/wEl7DxVsEP
tautology, all this. https://t.co/0y1b3dAtVV
Man, you talk more bullshit than most lawyers. You have as many mouths as spiders have eyes, and you talk out of 4… https://t.co/6pqLCXrFFQ
If cowardice were a "deficiency" we wouldnt speak of a "yellow streak." Cowardice has always been seen as more a tr… https://t.co/tOjwVIsY4o
It's not even that you're not good at thinking, you're too cowardly to think. You literally physically tremble at n… https://t.co/ZYrn04Y96S
Mair has said little since his arrest.During his first appearance in court, he shouted, “my name is death to traitors, freedom for Britain.”
They do understand the goy heartland, and until recently felt they had conquered it, yes, just like Iraq. Which you… https://t.co/oDd6LGZdjR
You mean jews inciting muds to attack whites. If you were honest. Instead of being a professional buffoon's lapdog,… https://t.co/STCw5Vb59o
Ann Coulter is a career-girl liberal posing as a radical; when the real thing comes along, it undermines her pose & threatens her income.
the way to attack a man is hold his own words up to him. if he's a liar, he has said everything and its opposite; if a fool, wrong 100x over
we dont need to copy everything NS did, just what works. still. here. now. the permanent. the evergreen. that starts with having TWO BALLS
maloccs is short for malocclusives (teeth dont set right) - non-jew degenerates who hate normal sex & normal white society, an umbrella term
To all those who promote mudshark (fact) barren (fact) fag hag (fact) pro-jew (fact) #AnnCoulter...why does she lead people AWAY fm Spencer?
When it's #TeamJew versus #TeamWhite, guess which side most whiteskins will come down on, sooner or later?
POLARIZE the west into TEAM JEW (jews + muds + whiteskin maloccs (sex degens, basically) vs TEAM WHITE (normal whites + ally nationalists)
Hear the speech cuckshark #AnnCoulter doesn't want you to listen to. https://t.co/IvGnDgIJw4 Great work by Spencer, a really good speech.
The Education of Richard Spencer https://t.co/KRJB2kOYzh
the jews may use personal traits as attack avenues, but make no mistake their opposition is ideological, categorical - impersonal
the average american is obsessed with hand sanitizer but will guzzle out of jewish sewer canal (media, bible) without a second thought
November 22, 2016:
did the cop get his wallet back? https://t.co/nTrgHir0Wy
who's lil Barton Fink next to Dick the Obscured? https://t.co/MwO0T8knkN
yr science is "global warming" which isnt real your "evolution" is treating blacks as people, results in Detroit re… https://t.co/Fdg2BubHCe
The difference between white and jew is embodied in Richard Spencer and (((Tim Wise))). Spencer opposes jews. Wise viscerally hates whites.
basically it's either/or w (((left))). you crush them or they obliterate you. they started it. we must end it
the concept of 'hard hearted' applied to jewed left. they're not interested in being rational or compromising, just dominating and crushing
the media is in continual bamfoozled gobsmackery than some boorish oaf has the gegoochkas to smack back at it
Jews import muslims to BOWEL MOVEMENT all over white civilization. And then they whine about white hand movements.
Christianity is a sickness, and it's the reason whites succumbed to jews. Luckily not all whiteskins are infected with it.
workaday leftism is thinking up tedious, tendentious lies why it's different when the other guy does it
Research for what would become ultimately become Google had been undertaken by company founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin in cooperation
the media tell themselves they weren't hard enough on Trump. I mean, the Jims Jones people were less of a cult.
Every day your child wakes up and 50c has disappeared from his piggy bank https://t.co/rILuJU8XuA
effective if jackboot tracks were SODs https://t.co/mQlaxqKju3
Jared Cohen could be wryly named Google’s ‘director of regime change.’ https://t.co/i8fB1iP46R
(that gravelly nig voice). Pres-elect Trump gifted CNN a fantastic slogan: EVERYONE HERE IS A LIAR (read in JEJones voice)
Ann Coulter, folks. Bless her little cucked heart and undersized balls. https://t.co/x1tRXydevU
dude that's god's vicar on earth? i assume vicar means fag in latin https://t.co/nz7GmP1z2M
jews ever worry about white sensitivies? offending whites? no. they worry about coming up with fresh insults.
the point you're refusing to admit is that no political party can turn niggers into human. nor can any religion. yo… https://t.co/Yyb3mGfdmX
you give niggers more money, all you get is more niggers. literally and metaphorically. https://t.co/nPKL9UUvDo
really? go back and look at US before welfare. it was more civilized by every measure. https://t.co/nPKL9UCULQ
i'm using my real name. are you? no. you're not an artist, you're not using your real name, and odds are you live i… https://t.co/Hx0x5VhOgO
really. that's like a mercedes rebranding chevy neon https://t.co/eJaaXES5Mk
bad solution. better: get rid of welfare. niggers can starve or work. same for the bureaucrat parasite overseers. https://t.co/Lexq4EcevD
getting rid of the welfare is a simpler way of accomplishing the end you claim to seek. your way simply empowers th… https://t.co/5aB1puAxJU
soros is a jew, you dollar store sarandon https://t.co/nMkMvKg0QS
i love how you describe yourself as a "wandering mind" but as soon as you hear something new you get your snail on. https://t.co/vxuYNsln6W
how's your theory working for the millions of blacks etc already living on welfare? https://t.co/2QP0oOfmvm
The Agenda (set by Zog) dictates that reality will unfold per set Template. Journalism is Mad Libs. The 'story' already decided.
the media function to promote ZOG's agenda, which is always #antiwhite. they identify and abuse any divergence therefrom.
that he's going to continue to treat the jewsmedia with the disrespect they deserve https://t.co/xR7gP4YaQ4
“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ”
Jews remain thieving parasites. Every day of every year they steal from the very white people they racially molest in their newspapers.
aka where the ugly meets the ridiculous https://t.co/1gXUBW704M
neurasthenic anile olbermann is the one who cant handle disagreement https://t.co/E6qW4tSRvr
November 21, 2016:
perhaps your least stupid tweet. good job. https://t.co/nplrAfTAjq
WN acknowledge whites have no interest in forced political association with coloreds. they aren't us. we dont need… https://t.co/ceUgEwfsz9
talking to the (((media)))) makes as much sense as talking to a cop https://t.co/iRv8ezuXSx
Greece: Invaders Flee as Patriots Counterattack https://t.co/RNZSYQYHhR via @NewObOnline
i can reject the god assertion with no effect on my life; i cannot walk off a cliff w/o consequences https://t.co/3udu89nGbj
i think that's going beyond the necessary. there is no functional way to pretend reality doesn't exist, but God is… https://t.co/GRoC3Qpnt2
in practice it just means whatever happens to one is "for a reason" which is always an unspecificed, unpredictable… https://t.co/zd31kamhF6
Jews use 'racism' (a concept they created) to protect Israel and anti-racism to destroy white nations #SecondRealization
the constant is reality, not god. reality continually refutes with pain those who believe the world is 'constructed… https://t.co/ButhkfE6PR
Jews are The Problem. People now realize this. #FirstRealization #SecondRealization: only counter-extincting them will solve that problem.
the point is not that jews are hypocrites practicing double standards, it's to wipe them off the face of the earth
belief in god has the effect of making one a permanent mental child, always appealing to some nonexistent parent
great article: Trump, Jews, and the Real Test of Independence https://t.co/58QXEUCiSy via @NewObOnline
Real Fake News List: Full Details https://t.co/pxI59nD6P6 via @NewObOnline
November 20, 2016:
Why I voted for Donald Trump https://t.co/iXqF4n9mjG
Global warming/climate change is absolutely fake, 100% concocted political lie in science drag. And treated as real by 100% of media. Easy.
You wonder how someone could lie about something as seemingly big and real as 'the' 'holocaust'? Same way 'global warming' is concocted.
When I criticize xtianity, I'm not talking about transient temporal politics, I mean its permanent, unchangeable doctrines.
what is a nigger? watch and learn... https://t.co/cCMUOotHJc
November 19, 2016:
spiral of silence - when you can get avg guy to think he's all alone in his (normal, reasonable beliefs) and afraid to speak his mind
that's why (((they race to the media: so they can make black white. and use social conformity to enforce their gasl… https://t.co/DSRnMDXj7r
my thought is long as he sets the agenda and they do what he wants, he'll and we'll be ok https://t.co/EC2o7DrLiM
Imagine you had the worst POS lemon on the lot and you had to move it to eat. Are you going to tell the truth? CAN you? #plightoftheLeft
Almost all people think they are unique. They think they are above avg. And they think they are "crazy" compared to others. #Schoolfish
Special Needs Hitler approves your message. https://t.co/Bnehz5vGaE
how much happier they were living in the trees https://t.co/kx2XhnW5JX
Remember always to tell yourself, "Fifteen minutes from now, I might already be dead for ten minutes." Because one day it'll be true.
which are both symptoms of the disease called jew https://t.co/5RElHaJRve
there's knowing something from a book, from reflection, and from experience, and eventually all three https://t.co/aRMAQQ2fIq
sure, and it's a lifelong deepening...first is to realize the public Right is jew-controlled fake opp, & jews are t… https://t.co/snb4Z8TLEc
the Internet allows people today to telescope into a few hours of reading what took me, pre-Internet, roughly 25 years to put together
Time for a bloodly glorious revolution of normal white folks in all nations against Global Jewish Tyranny and whiteskin cuckservants.
Just as there's only one real (((Problem))), there's only one effective Solution. Phase 1 is well underway; Phase II is to come.
The #ADL was created because jews believe they have the God-given right to rape and murder your daughter. #MaryPhagan #LeoFrank
the bad guys won WWII. jews are the bad guys this is me not smirking, lying, funnying...just looking at you white to white
“This stems from a dispute over shoes, basketball shoes,” police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. He said Javon knew his attackers.
god i honestly love this pope i dont even need to yap, just make that showgirl hand movement Ecce this homo lol. this tree fruit...
the thing about trump that's like hitler...he really does care about the country. you cant fake that.
twitter tacit rule: if it's a member of a legally privileged class, ur not allowed to rejoin its (arrant stupidity) with logic or laughter
all gigantic database driven system glitch out often, just how it is https://t.co/2jR8dR778Z
i doubt it. i see that from time to time, just a temp glitch https://t.co/VeEjlY59LJ
a woman of resource and daring might simply copy the contents and metweet https://t.co/erOLAuo1Do
as oscar wilde said, you have to have a heart of stone not to enjoy videos of protesters getting run over by cars
when a (((tribe))) acts like mad dogs for thousands of years maybe it's time to consider it's not an act
aka, the littlest yid supports invasion of coloreds the white majority reject. and he lies that the Founders suppor… https://t.co/GPVPhLrRHp
blaming guns is a way to absolve guilty niggers blaming corporations is a way to absolve guilty jews
whites are beginning to understand that jews are the root of all problems, to be simple and accurate. that's the Fi… https://t.co/dxxJvlM8QY
people follow patterns. because 99% of people are women - mentally. who sets those patterns? he runs society.
evil proceeds from not calling things what they are so special attention must be paid that one is in fact using or devising the right term
remember, kids, in any news article, the second to last paragraph, is where the jewish liar called reporter likes to hide or hint the truth
"the company said Friday that the coming Trump presidency did give it an incentive to keep Lincoln MKC in Kentucky"
November 18, 2016:
"I want to help people," says starry-eyed young white girl. 1) blacks aren't people 2) you're not helping
never seen her eyes that wide open https://t.co/GRwrkfWBII
Jews are bad. White nationalists are good. Media = jews = liars = gaslighters = reality inverters. #TeamWhite
We Jews need to take responsibility for murdering tens of millions of white Christians with our communism last century. #JewishResistance
Euro Patriots Attack Invader Boats https://t.co/mruGFilDGt via @NewObOnline
Angina Merkel infarcted German with subhumans in an attempt to murder it. She did it at the behest of International Jew. #TeamWhite
i have yet to meet a single christian who understands christian policy on jews, nor my argument why it's white-genocidal
"you will submit to being raped, murdered and your property dispossessed. you will" -Angie Merkel and the EU, per command from undead Soros
some call them native americans, which is lol besides flat wrong; reality they were ambulant landscape
a jew said this once, in Commentary: the jew succeeded in discrediting (among whites) all non-money pursuits - they are 'obsessions'
In Twin Falls, Idaho, co-dependency of whites and immigrants faces a test https://t.co/EgsZtq6pvT
it's not just xtianity that poisons whites but the Anglo mentality of Money Uber Alles...business is good, but it is not #1
jews on tape admitting 'anti-semitism' is a 'trick we always use,' yet white PhDs on "our" side use it blythely.
Trump, Media and Fake News https://t.co/r2TUG6dccr via @NewObOnline
Kanye West: If I voted, I would have voted for Trump https://t.co/WQMoZTfNy1
what nature 'wants' is white race to develop physical and mental toughness by eradicating the jew, the current top race
liberalism is believing the other species has a right to exist. christianity is liberalism: a perverse rejection of nature as God created it
catholicism and the enlightenment are the same thing pretending to be different - twin bogus universalisms, sides of coin
whiteskin left is addicted to leftism whiteskin right is addicted to xtianity both are sick and related philosophies
Trump may be doing a sort of hot and cold w the jews, keep them on swampy footing. The key will be his actions, not words.
for all the talk of Trump's narcissism and egotism, he certainly appears to pay very close attention to things and people, more than most
a racialist leader who won't criticize xtianity is usually a cuck: he denies the truth out of financial considerations, ie self-interest
if it weren't for the sickness that is the xtian church, jews long ago would have been physically exterminated in white lands
a parallel: attacking 'whiteness' grows white racial consciousness attacking xtianity, as jews do, opens whiteskins to alt-'schauungs
Whites can shoot the gap: as the jews help us (against their intention, in a rare miscalculation) fade xtianity, we go racial & beat both.
the unfortunate truth the WN knows is that our race is too dim to stand up for itself intellectually and too cowardly to do so physically
Germans and Italians were interned too, not just Japanese, but this fact is left out. Just as jews running the slave trade is omitted.
christianity can be superseded by a racial doctrine, and the church is well aware of this. it's why church sides w (((communists))) over NS
if whites had strong racial feelings, there wouldnt be a jew left alive after what that race did to us in the 20th century.
history teaches a valuable lesson: the christian church will always side with jewish communists against Aryan racialists - for its own good
many call themselves racialists, or some variation thereof, yet fail to take race seriously when it comes to assessing individual mentality
the idea that humans are one group rather than diverse and competing species is furthered by crank science and its retarded bro xtianity
fairness matters to whites. winning matters to jews. perhaps a racial difference? but one racialists (who think like conservatives) ignore
November 17, 2016:
christianity is guilty of the same hubris that produces liberalism, that all can be made part of the same body. fuq natur, wer crist pistols
2000 years of lying and scheming, capped by mass white murder on unprecedented scale. That's jews. That's why they must be made extinct.
isnt it odd that someone would denounce the suppression of speech without ever mentioning its her tribe behind it https://t.co/bkpSD1yn2f
so much effort wasted informing jews they have double standards. never occurs to whites that maybe jews a) know this, b) arent into fairness
jews deliberately put your white children at risk of physical harm while you go to church and worship them Christ… https://t.co/JA9z4T4QED
whiteskin left mentality: i tell the most audacious lie i can conceive, then i look around to see if people appreciating Glorious Brazen Me
it's an attempt to force people to play verbal charades, in hopes they will join cult, in time, or at least fear to… https://t.co/spBdzSPZqB
if you persist in asking why, and accept only rational, evidence-supported answers, you end up at the doorstep of the jew.
they understand that much better than Trump's supporters do jews know where what we today call red-pilling leads https://t.co/NhWAOHiL5l
every moron can cite scripture to his purpose and that is why i never argue the bible https://t.co/yhy73q2ZBG
no, that's animism. the problem isnt legal forms it's the jews using them, and other tools and vehicles, to carry o… https://t.co/Erb38TKpOD
Jewry and christianity tag team the white man into abandoning common sense and throwing away his society, genes and, ultimately, existence.
Christianity is the effeminate, mass, weak flips side of jewism, but it operates by the same sly dishonesty.
There's this #antiwhite agenda. The christian says youre a Good person if you support it. The jew says it's hate (and illegal) to oppose it.
The xtian view is there is no genuinely important distinction between an aborigine and a European. Xtianty is thus #antiwhite by doctrine.
Right now the jews are murdering Europe. They must be made racially EXTINCT. that is the ONLY solution to this problem. The ONLY solution.
jebus is a full-menu solutions provider: he can not only absolve your sins, but he can lift weights for you, sit in on SATs, whatever
the christian says: your duty is to convert the turdskin the White Nationalist says: your duty is to protect your kind from hostile aliens
making excuses for nigger behavior - what correlate can we find in the tall tale of jebus, the sci fi hero who died for YOUR sins
religion teaches people they are right to cling to the side of the pool because they will surely drown if they try to swim
Xtianity plays the good cop. Whispering in white ear "wouldnt you like to believe this equality, diversity etc.?" Guess who plays bad cop?
Catholicism is a cult that creates the type of people who can't figure out what to do when they see a man raping a boy in the shower.
people love me because i SMELL FANTASTIC not because of my charming personality https://t.co/YrLMF1obU8
Christian argumentation is the pastel version of jewing. It's just as logically absurd and disingenuous but mild where jewing is fierce.
Xtianity is 100% jewish in production values. It was set up to produce a mindset that allows jews to feed on the xtian (white) population.
Christianity is #antiwhite. THAT is where the true vanguard is today. NOW that y'all have accepted jews are the root problem.
Jews are behind all these attacks on whites. Christians wont say that openly because they are a race of mental defectives and cowards.
The Catholic church, as an institution, produces the type of men and women who won't complain when their sons are molested by priests.
Sicut Judaeis Non - the other catholic god that failed Go racial or go extinct. Choose #TeamWhite. "Come with us if you want to live."
the catholic church, which is little more than an organized ring of pedophiles, has pushed Sicut Judaeis Non until white world is near death
The battle is between JEWS and WHITES over who controls not just America but the entire western world. Whites must MAKE JEWS EXTINCT.
Trump represents Whites FINALLY fighting back against jews. Whether he believe that or not, whether he understands that or not.
this is just stupid. i mean, even for you. https://t.co/SFZWZ49HS7
diversity is hate diversity is a genocidal assault on whites diversity is a propaganda concept created by jews #TeamWhite
1) invisible 2) ineffectual the only reasonable, functional, practical conclusion is ( ) does not exist. https://t.co/Fp0Ch3cH3O
as they say in Protocols, which is a true book, the stupid goyim take WORDS for ACTIONS. they yap racism. they create walled, monoyid Israel
kind of like your imaginary god https://t.co/0mkgyZOgHM
November 16, 2016:
New social site Gab is getting popular with the 'alt-right' https://t.co/D8YqjKsryy via @engadget
he was the perfect embodiment of perfidious albion conservatives admire churchill (cuck) the way chritsians admire… https://t.co/W4ePqKrShH
what is a #nigger? https://t.co/AHeNEJdwar
the best thing that can ever be done is to spay and neuter pet...owners https://t.co/Nww6mQPu0V
100% tool of the jews, and the man most admired by the set of supersized mental-moral midgets known as American con… https://t.co/LP9BPMMtUs
November 15, 2016:
five men see a nigger: xtian: i can save it. jew: i can use it. lib: i can fix it. con: i can steward it. racist: kill it with fire.
the first white man who ever set eyes on a black thought it was an ape, and, in truth, that opinion has never really changed
they pretend to believe black behavior (which causes black problems) is a result of white attitudes. they flip real… https://t.co/t9FFCAbZn8
true. this is a point: everybody looks at blacks and sees the same thing: _niggers_. but they DONT all draw same co… https://t.co/VTIJ6gglBy
i dont start shit with w people on here, because most are bitches. all feminists and discoloreds. and twitter will… https://t.co/YkNA9iyW6H
people of any species can troll me if they're clever. most = morons repeating lies or promoting their #muhbibble ex… https://t.co/OujAabV6BF
all men are puffer fish https://t.co/sxf05GpGu3
people believe those criticized by jews are on same side because they're shrieked at the same not so https://t.co/zwzmEylqkM
bannon says it's "defamatory" to call (((Breitbart))) 'white nationalist.' well, it's undeniably inaccurate
the west can only be saved by a non-western response. that's what NS was - a COLLECTIVE response to a collective attack
why did the creators of 'cultural marxism' get kicked out of germany? if the CM dominate (((USA))), yet were put paid to by hitler, then..?
Breitbart = (((Breitbart))). go listen to dead angie talking about cultural marxism and, like all cons, eliding the jew-explanation
by your argument, the crowd the The Emperor's New Clothes is not delusional - the child who observes the emperor is… https://t.co/rw1M9a6vaV
in the end, you have 'all-powerful' being who is ineffectual. you cant get around that. it's why writing long essay… https://t.co/pCwjzV0XlI
the only thing years of Sunday School taught me, later confirmed in other spheres, is the avg man's absurd confidence in his own opinion
so you tell me at precisely what percentage-of-public point "almost everyone" turns from legit belief to delusion..… https://t.co/kRotxCGII6
so by your argument, the crowds in HC Anderson's tale are NOT delusional https://t.co/KPNyHZaSN1
i can barely stomach 144 characters of your nescient special pleading, a whole article might kill me. CAPS bespeak… https://t.co/txkUZYwxjf
i'm sure there would be no pressure were these psychos to, properly, declare unfounded god-belief delusion too, as… https://t.co/N9lLonWoG7
women inherently have excessive respect for credentials whereas men inherently grasp that such (properly) trails & pales b4 actual ability
your view is that when X delusion has enough followers, it stops being a delusion. and you say you care about truth… https://t.co/Re0v2EQBLY
churches, like all leftists, go after the young, because they cant sell their wares to the healthy, functional adul… https://t.co/1vdRQV2i72
have you ever personally persuaded one person to believe that god exists? https://t.co/VxoAJBosPc
that group also listed homosexuality as mental disorder, then changed it under political pressure. truth isnt estab… https://t.co/RuzmwePX7J
kind of like your saying atheists should commit suicide because they have no reason to live. the world is bigger th… https://t.co/1BiqC8pAsh
Admit White South Africans as legitimate refugees. End aid to the monster called Israel. Team with Russia to destroy (((ISIS))). #MAGA
in this world the deep good stuff comes from commitment. not dabbling. which is called 'experience.' i have same expies as ev'rbody. photos!
it really sucks there's no way to criticize bourgeois and their mentality without sounding like a communist
November 14, 2016:
that is the pertinent question. who is this moron affecting not to know that Bolton is King of the Shabbos Goyim https://t.co/xY3VK6uLr7
is it a surprise leftists who pretend to believe blacks are equal to whites also affect leonard cohen and philip roth being great artists
when the jew uses 'racist' 'anti-semitic' that's your cue. that's the GOOD stuff. that's the stuff you want to run TOWARD and EMBACE
November 13, 2016:
hillbillies are supposed to have guts. @anncoulter is a punch puller https://t.co/NiNLS1xo2n
it's a perversion to mean what you say and stick to it. it makes you incomprehensible to the lying class
lol. only missing jews on that list https://t.co/sYhePGEcG4
people are so used to Anglo politicians they dont believe any politician means what he says. maybe Trump does https://t.co/apmE8tMKwW
and we wonder why jews run things. go back to tennessee, hillbilly https://t.co/TgD3T5a60I
Jews are a vital threat to white existence. That's the starting point and the bottom line. #TeamWhite
Think about every good thing you would want for your son and daughter. Then realize that jews are against every single one of them.
claiming they're terrified while terrorizing claiming they're victims of hate while spreading hate the left is jews, and jews means lies
November 12, 2016:
the media lie all the time about everything. but not when it comes to polls. no sirree bob, they play those straight.
funny listening to media. people in NYC and NE corridor dont realize they are as parochial as any other part of the country
most people are like this. the danger is letting others set one's agenda https://t.co/EEybHQLfSW
"Whites should be licensed and taxed, seeing the social cost they impose on the rest of us." --T. Wise
using their control of institutions (((they))) attempted to invalidate white existence. they gained many dupes, for humans are schoolfish
who would get bothered if you didnt like the same candy they do? someone who sees your differing taste as a comment on him or her.
the leftist jews at the top are working a strategic plan. it is rational. no so with goy leftists. goy leftists believe.
a point i make and repeat because it is important: leftist jews and leftist goyim come from very different places mentally
understanding the left: some people get angry if you dont like the same candy they do. that x 100 = leftist politics
November 11, 2016:
whites are never going to develop the cheat-ways jews have perfected; what we can do is reclass them as vermin and simply Orkin them
as that story shows, jew junk media like NYT is equivalent to "imitation (reality) flavor" in processed food
when fools point to 1 in 100 nigs as proof racial generalization is wrong...do you realize where that buffoonic argument originates? do you?
so this kike is just going to pay people to disrupt our country? who does he think he is, hillary clinton?
that fit the pre-designated line. https://t.co/ZcLvT2ntmc
We were occasionally asked to map a narrative for our various beats a year in advance, square the plan with editors, then generate stories
the reverse. By and large, talented reporters scrambled to match stories with what internally was often called “the narrative.”
It was a shock on arriving at the New York Times in 2004, as the paper’s movie editor, to realize that its editorial dynamic was essentially
How Jon Stewart And 'The Daily Show' Elected Donald Trump https://t.co/wPgd4jhELM via @YahooNews
new white head is forming; election showed you the white body politic stumbling about, trying to find it... jewhead gnashing, nattering
if you're a whiteskin Dem., might just want to ask what lies at the end of that Hate Whitey Lane jews have led you down. u really want that?
Trump's Victory Buoying White Nationalists, Anti-Discrimination Advocates Say - ABC News - https://t.co/Mkelpcmaiw via @ABC
it's precisely the people who have never in their life doubted the govt's ability to do anything who now claim building a wall is impossible
they said Trump couldnt win now they say he cant build wall these are the most unreflective, clueless liars in human history
just another subset of jews trying to mislead & destroy whites https://t.co/VCspt9i5uB
i love how the literally criminal machinations, always #antiwhite, of jew Soros are reported in neutral tones like they're weather
no asps are slim. it's a green python or emerald boa. i forget which. https://t.co/A3IBW8rQCY
get rid of bible mysticism, people could see jews for what they are: a race of criminals bent on subduing every other
Trump's not even in office, giving mft a boost: Louisiana student 'fabricated' story of hijab attack, police say https://t.co/Ly6CtWUrg8
You're farther ahead if you've never read a book in your life than if you belief the things in the head of the average NEA 'teacher.'
He continued with a list of those “who won”: White nationalists. Thanks, Aaron. Keep Sorkin'. https://t.co/8u23wPTplW
Remember: if the jews had their way -- if the jews have their way -- every white area will be #Rotherham.
There's nothing cute or funny or innocent about jews, and any white who makes excuses for them is at best an utter fool.
no. you dont mop up the floor when the tap's still running. the jew is the source of ALL political problems in US https://t.co/kEDDvd5vTR
the good thing about Trump is you don't get any of the odious christian faggotry you get with the Reagan type
“There’s no question the wall is going to get built” Kobach told KWCH The only question is how quickly will it get done and who pays for it"
'The wall is going to get built': Immigration hard-liner joins Trump transition https://t.co/wv2ACzDLUf
human rights is jewflop for the colored right to white property, including everything from his land to his genes
a large portion of jews' ability to carry off their plans lies in their ability to prevent themselves from being perceived
the only good jew is a dead jew https://t.co/Mhkl55EwwW
Trump is the first step in the dejewing of the west. There is a window to do things semi-peacefully; otherwise it will be bloody.
November 10, 2016:
WN demand complete sovereignty. We have no desire or need for association with other races, and we know jews are behind the shotgun.
jews will manipulate Trump cuckward White nationalists must keep pressure on to DO WHAT GOT HIM ELECTED - FOLLOW THRU ON WALL ETC
what do we whites get out of jew-forced political association with blacks? violence. tax slavery. endless (((media))) abuse. revolution?
November 09, 2016:
why not relax with a tasty banana https://t.co/35C78Ed3Li
if cultural marxism is this horrible thing, why do the kosh-conservatives blip so easily over how the evil nazis were able to DRIVE IT OUT?
all these useless conservative movies etc on 'cultural marxism' - why did the nazis drive it out but the xtian west succumb to it?
Via @NPR: Here Is What Donald Trump Wants To Do In His First 100 Days https://t.co/9CSpPixchn
YES WE CAN!! https://t.co/ofxaucX5ob
it's unhygienic for lice to carry jews around https://t.co/pjYr6HYhTC
of the Cell Block D Social Club https://t.co/ppZglyIkXg
No matter what happened last night, every little girl should know she too can grow up to marry a serial rapist and steal millions.
after all these decades of jewing somehow plausible white adult men are in charge of Russia and USA? propitious!
Greece's Golden Dawn says Trump win a victory for ethnically 'clean' states https://t.co/HVaJTLFNgU via @Reuters
Can it, lizard https://t.co/VBJTNjhhYW
the day after an old white man is elected, young wimmens of all sexes go online to prove why women arent built for politics
Take a bow, all Frog partisans... and special credit to Ricky Vaugn for leading the way on Twitter. https://t.co/H5fW74eOV9
I remember when Salt Lake flooded (maybe '83). City all came togetther to sandbag. Do this for The Wall, Trump.
far right = jewspeak for normal white isolationism = jewspeak for washingtonian MYOB foreign policy hate = jspeak for opposing white genocid
"“Russia is ready and willing to restore full-fledged relations with the United States.” -- geez not even 24 hours and we're at amity w USSR
in the end, the media are nothing but jews their agenda nothing but dispossessing then genociding Whites
November 08, 2016:
Assad > (((assholes))) https://t.co/625p1oAlvA
relax cherry, nobody could expect you to make more stupid tweets than you did https://t.co/TOXMjVD39e
now the leftdupendopes learn what the right they mock for "low information" already knew: the media are nothing but (((liars)))
America is slowly but surely figuring out what the rest of the world already knows... ... jews are the bad guys. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
they're not nice to him at all, because they know what he represents, you fucking retard https://t.co/e2h10bB7rJ
yeah this billionaire has nothing better to do than speak in five states a day and listen to abuse from retarded po… https://t.co/RIjlh5Ibq6
You're pretty fat. Maybe share some of your carbs with them? https://t.co/wt1q5AO3jI
all the lefty women put on their "i be smarty" glasses and go to party room...look at monitors and glub like aquarium fish
and many benjerries were consumed and many catses were clunged lo did the 38"-ass crowd gnaw its tongues for pain
use spider-eater when insulting asians. it's important. https://t.co/xCBbROTOyo
that certainly tracks with what i saw driving back and forth thru there 2x in october https://t.co/9C719zWbyX
that's good thinking!! https://t.co/UjGAU8Hoy3
as soon as America took advice and leadership from jews it became hated worldwide. if Trump wins, we'll go back to MYOB & being LOVED again
and jews. jews most of all https://t.co/egWQAaqwzV
many italians give off a deep healthy vibe. tony danza is good example. podesta is not this type of italian.
"For none is so brave as the pug-fugly NYC jewess denouncing white menz #soedgyitscrevassey." --W. Shakespeare https://t.co/0C1X33MlhW
the media are all on the same side cuz they're right duh all good tolerant people w beautiful minds love progress and vote Hillary
"I do think a lot of the polls are purposely wrong,” “I don’t even think they interview people, I think they just put out phony numbers.” DT
crooked jew alert 1) Erdeley, 2) Wenner Rolling Stone, publisher, and reporter ordered to pay $3 million to UVA dean https://t.co/1TFwDMv4JR
what color was the nigger suspect? A woman pushes commuter into path of subway train, police say https://t.co/6ffC3NJw7j
Leftist Groups Attack Police while Protesting the Opening of Golden Dawn Offices in Xanthi (video) https://t.co/ceg1t07XeC
Why the West's far-right — and Trump supporters — are still obsessed with an ancient battle https://t.co/mSuGUn6qia
"Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump read aloud a note he said was from Patriots head coach Bill Belichick" - "he said"
British throne mudsharking https://t.co/CCWImtO662
“Do you want America to be ruled by the corrupt political class, or do you want America to be ruled again by the people?” --D. Trump
If you were an honest pollster, do you believe you could sell your services to the Washington Post? New York Times?
that's true. Trump represents the white race, by proxy, and the possibility of whites reclaiming control over their… https://t.co/R3TTu4xoSa
Half the country lives off the other half, and these parasites have incentive to vote for HC regardless of their fe… https://t.co/XVJM1NHdGC
My blog on the election https://t.co/GbB7bEW0lo
Pedophiles, ISIS, jews and Satanists agree: Hillary is the right choice. What do you say, white man?
refusing to see patterns or make generalizations makes you both a coward and a fool. https://t.co/HSVkFfdZQr
November 07, 2016:
wuh ha happen wuh https://t.co/3QQphHwiaD
still having trouble with the whole 'god created niggers' part that literally means, per your cult's views, that G… https://t.co/6mwxiuQydC
how did the slut's husband feel about jeboo's interference? https://t.co/HeQFoEc1Pb
you think niggers voting is a GOOD idea? are you insane? https://t.co/2WYdXsybyB
american put personality over principle, hence they have a very difficult time making out what's going on with foes who think in categories
notice that whether you're aggressive (Trump) or mild (Ron Paul) you get defamed and destroyed by media for threatening (((their))) agenda
the question is why whites have permitted jews to continue to live, in light of their historical record. the answer is the christian church
strong contender for dumbest thing i'll read this week, good work https://t.co/EkcyR9gPGq
November 06, 2016:
life shits you out in a giant plopping mess you got to scream and yell before you get a breast --ee bummings
you're a christian and a fool. but i repeat myself. https://t.co/bV2uUdpcSM
1 in 5 chi murders cleared. becuz niggers. #BixNood As killings surge, Chicago police solve fewer homicides https://t.co/KuBempvbP3
Whites made America. Mainly my ancestors and a few others. Indians ate each other and built 'mounds.'
we cant count on one 70yo man to do everything for us? this comes as a disturbing surprise https://t.co/3dT5dO5I1q
November 05, 2016:
so i'll put you down for the pedo-satanists. enjoy your meal, fun guy https://t.co/zLeN0YpshE
jew gets caught jewing: Jury Finds Rolling Stone and Reporter Liable in Defamation Trial Over UVA Rape Story https://t.co/rt6BgHj7ow
weiner is like post-jewy in looks; he's exhausted the form and is speeding into boll weevil territory
you're still a vole-equivalent mentally https://t.co/fON6mr4Cg2
brainwashed tools is a more accurate turn for what you have been dog-trained to call 'educated' https://t.co/peTt9HenTK
"us" - i'm not with you, and i have a strong suspicion you are a rodent https://t.co/6K1wpmheRQ
the other thing is hillary is technically female, so far as i know, and that's not what we need in a political leader
catholicism is liberalism https://t.co/8aB3J7VyyD
when jared taylor says jews are "us," what he's really saying is "i'm an honorary jew" https://t.co/MUmSZUkdZr
those zesty hymantashen are to die for https://t.co/qhZTNhx25W
no, i never saw that. i wonder if the price reflects foreigners who are believing the controlled media that hilly i… https://t.co/IFn6oBoBhN
if you are fat, it is because you contain much wisdom https://t.co/iiEwjum39W
the degree of pet obsession in US is disgusting, and i use obsession accurately, not as a smear https://t.co/TeCXCMTbck
satan worshipping is absurd so is jebus cannibalism called communion i apologize for my consistency #TeamWhite
Trump reminds me of ol Joe Kennedy (clan pa): his instincts probably are with nazis, but they lost so he goes with winner (jews). Hence kids
glad you like them. i will finish turner diaries tomorrow morning. that will be the 4th session. first three here:… https://t.co/00dM2wnoFi
the catholic church isnt strong enough to be evil, only to side with it https://t.co/KTbUiAe3cc
someone else says she IS of jew background and wikipedia yanked it... amounts to same thing either way but still si… https://t.co/DBMGytOm7F
i researched her for jew roots. not as far as i can tell. intense serbian xtian background, severe mother. xtianity… https://t.co/Oqmf3e81nD
Of course there's nothing #spiritcooking about those Jebus wafers and blood wine. Right? Cuz those are what she (Serb xtian) started with.
it's a scale. killing is last step. you can defame. you can set up. you can infiltrate or blackmail. and if all tha… https://t.co/bCUcUeeYq9
"jews took over without firing a shot" - this is one of the most moronic statements commonly made. JEWS ALWAYS PRIM… https://t.co/tUaYe77QRn
Trump is equal or ahead in polls, yet +325 in books. That is a huge disconnect. Someone is far, far wrong about what's going on out there.
this is typical manipulation of the dirt-eating xtian segment of the country, aka midwestern and southern simpletons https://t.co/c6D1Bw2jQW
November 04, 2016:
if you want a white middle-class society, vote Trump if you want a 3rd-world savagescape ruled by pedo-satanists, vote Hillary
the story of the US since at least 1880 is the ascension to power of jews. to reverse this, a force must arise which opposes them overtly
it is clear the only safe thing to do is make a great pile of clinton circle & supporting media and set fire to it
Turner Diaries (audiobook) segment #2 : ch7-14 https://t.co/W4zcuVqku0 (2:37) segment #3: ch15-22 https://t.co/JMLk0KiVjk (2:30)
November 03, 2016:
'trained' and 'educated' by ADL https://t.co/K7MXsT8rNv
November 02, 2016:
giving rights to niggers is a good thing? are you insane? https://t.co/kwOHXXzrh6
buckley's idea of media biopsy but applied to individual members of ones (larger) family show how (feminism, etc) affected each one specif.
"Vote for the crook. It's important." What the (((left is reduced to. (Slogan used against Duke by Edwards back in the day.) #ImWithHer
November 01, 2016:
i will do a #TeamWhite podcast at some point in not too long future https://t.co/Jq89Li6Z03
the bubonic plague was called the black death christian promiscuous spiritual love should be called the white death
Audiobook: The Turner Diaries session #1: ch1-6 https://t.co/A5lZ5Rj2ih (2:17) #vnnforum #TeamWhite
October 31, 2016:
funny things happen when you pay attention to stuff outside your head https://t.co/zspMGjk6NI
dont you jews get that your jewing only works where you have info monopoly https://t.co/14s8rhvO3t
what major religion, produced by jews, creates an obsession with guilt and moralizing in whites https://t.co/BNON5T9tIC
This is correct. The only solution to jews is counter-exterminating them. The ONLY solution. Those who disagree are… https://t.co/uF6ZEaD1A3
October 30, 2016:
also, reality is whatever you want it to be. this attitude in various forms is extremely popular https://t.co/LAAJV5Uxtd
October 29, 2016:
"ESPN costs every cable and satellite subscriber roughly $7 a month, over triple the next most expensive cable chan… https://t.co/v9MS0OKxs2
his grandad changed name from Ehrlich https://t.co/snEXLA5jPz
"Bret Stephens" lol. real name is Ehrlich. NYC jew background. https://t.co/AsaUsgiMue
that guinea retard needs a service dog to help w her tweets https://t.co/LT0kFJ3Agz
statements from Russia come off like words of competent, sober white men statements from America sound like hysterical, malignant lying jews
if you're a sexy anything you're doing halloween wrong. and i dont like you. hween is about dolling up gourds to horripilate spirits
October 22, 2016:
we've even got the dirt-eaters seeing the light. praise jebus! https://t.co/DYMn91fVt6
abortion shows why 'liberalism' cant be argued with. if you deny you're killing your own baby, you're hardly open to reason on anything else
When enthusiastic openness gives way to guarded fear... jews have instilled a society of double clutch. Whites must watch every single word
K was raking when Bill appeared. "How do you stop 5 blacks from raping a woman?" He threw her a basketball. "That's blacks." Clinton laughed
good article on bill murray https://t.co/R6OJeRlCDF traditionalism is the opposite of White
Curious Cernovich...channeling resistance away from the jew https://t.co/2s81jVyV9Y
except he used wrong word. the word is murder, not suicide. "participate in own suicide" doesn't even make sense https://t.co/Y7IzOYVqNo
respect for privacy and toleration of eccentricity are two actual white values but the cause is always symbolized by 1/1,000,000 beauty
i am not a gentleman https://t.co/xWbg3osDcX
October 21, 2016:
people also equate personality with tattoos, piercings, zoo sex. these are merely morbid choices of the weakminded.… https://t.co/vhuNpObNol
October 20, 2016:
have you noticed how few people have actual personalities anymore? this is the effect of decades of 'public schools' and mass media and law
Get rid of the jews, the problems all go away. You only think it's more complex than that because you have studied it and listen to liars.
thanks. i will do that at some point, key to grasping the (((takeover))). next up i'm going to do turner diaries. https://t.co/oT31AA7v14
October 19, 2016:
maybe abandon the cowardly religion that made you a cringing minority when you're an absolute majority? xtianity is… https://t.co/ftkZWV9bw3
so u appreciate fully: the same (((german))) govt that is admitting gang-rapist muslims is calling my 10-yr-old blog posts youth-endangering
scans .... https://t.co/CpHm8cNqj2
more scans https://t.co/kgclzs6de6
what endangers german youth? posts i made on Kirksville Today ten years ago? or millions of muslim rapists & terror… https://t.co/GooASNy9vN
a religious doctrine that explicitly devalues race is the perfect way for whites to defend themselves. millions nod along to this nonsense
he's one tasty candidate, cant deny that! https://t.co/ieYdt62xWV
conservatives have an inner instinct for evasive abstraction they cannot overcome https://t.co/7ChlP85LT7
You hide the (((control))) by producing the opposition. the Republican party and Catholic church are Washington Generals. Losers by design.
come on, catholic dinks, tell the world how you're going to stop jews by converting them to #MuhSaver
racialism will supersede your cult of cowardice in the end, keep watching https://t.co/OQwTTl3cAY
but your cult will fix things by converting jews https://t.co/UyojJ7Wrob
October 18, 2016:
Does god have anything to do with nature, believer? Then you cannot deny that genocide is god's will and way.
take all your relatives. look at the way their thoughts and behavior have been deformed by bad ideas proceeding ultimately from jews. see?
"Bret Stephens" lol. he's been clowning fools for years https://t.co/YYMZ27otLZ
hillary clinton has the same overweening selfishness as most of these serial shooters, but she has a lot more power
education everywhere you look just means people's heads are akin to their bellies - filled with junk carbs of ideas
that's (((poe))), remember. curtailed after the cubansky method (or whatever) https://t.co/NwfPAHZDb6
October 17, 2016:
if you think it's a joke or exaggeration to say that jews look down on nons (whites included) as stupid animals, you have not been around em
the snake outwitted the woman in that particular delusion you've succumbed to https://t.co/MC6KUohjDb
how about i rent you for ten dollars? you will live in cage with sign: The Woman Who Thought It Could Think pay p… https://t.co/OBbc8UJCtp
women are biologically credentialist. you cant win at table what you cant win in field https://t.co/0hCGzbgiIL
i dont work door there just set rules. we dont want christians at vnnforum. that's for g'dam sure. https://t.co/caImSn7jiM
except then you imply witch docs < gravity believers. you're a delusion-racist! some delusions are > than others. i… https://t.co/IVKNUmUdCS
are all your delusions equally privileged? or just the god bawling? https://t.co/a8tgXcYe1c
get over yourself aristittle. and check your delusion privilege. https://t.co/l77yV81n0q
you're just dropping all standards when it comes to 'God' concept, which you're forced to do because there's no the… https://t.co/AnlE2oFaOW
how do you know that i dont know? https://t.co/AcZsmm5ARE
where i come from people dont trick elephants they respect them #HeartlandValues https://t.co/UZ18WxVdbD
the point is that if God existed, he wouldn't need one of the billions of petes to speak for him. GOD serves PETE.… https://t.co/B7nVAtZcPI
of course, to hear what God says, we have to listen to Pete https://t.co/ecgsGcEQU4
somewhere under the ground called israel, scientists are at work in a lab trying to create slant-eyed jews
October 16, 2016:
help alleged people who cant feed themselves stay alive long enough to reproduce. i'm malthusiastic about this wond… https://t.co/NluefROko0
Claims that the media are biased or unfair protect the press. This is why the controlled opposition starts and stops with them.
Blog post: Keepin' It Real File: Science as White Male Plot https://t.co/z3xDycKqya
americans doing jobs that americans dont do. i'm cofnused https://t.co/JDt3BgcwZa
"keeping it real" - what does this mean? it' means that anything above the sex and crime level is too abstract and complicated for nigmind
“Americans have decided to be stupid and shallow since 1980. Madonna is like Nero; she marks the turning point.” --Joni Mitchell
Joni Mitchell on the bite (2010). Chomp Zimmerdylan. Chomp drunk whores. Good stuff. https://t.co/IfiTnbYkWv
as nigger: science, so libertarian: race https://t.co/oqoqqmYMmx
woman: creature that believes using adjectives to describe oneself is effective you're as you as an onion, sweet pea. we all are
niggers try to drag everything down to their level, so they can understand it. but these fischer-price people will never equal real thing
and fools say we can "step over' the holohoax, or it just doesn't matter. it's right at the center of western-white… https://t.co/hJuJJNvb3m
October 15, 2016:
a clam jam for the ages https://t.co/ktyy8XusmG
the jews are a formidable foe; there is great honor and glory in fighting and defeating them. this is #Whitethink
what will induce useful humility in largest masses of people the quickest? some say religion. i say speculating with money
just 4 minutes before another #FacepalmSunday coming down nice work, god. you're doing great, buddy.
christians: expel jews 108x christians: readmit jews 109 christian: xtianity expels jews! me: (turns head like owl)
we win if we organize...on racial basis. overtly for ourselves and against jew https://t.co/NvwM4bEFdn
Brief blog on The Friends of Eddie Coyle. https://t.co/rgpp0xRR6T
good example of xtian honesty https://t.co/7c0nscn8S3
i'm sure they have many pedestrian virtues, but i deny their greatness https://t.co/rWjk5Tf5Pp
we'll make our enemy pay for his own destruction by disguising our politics as an academic discipline (((#whitestudies)))
it's really hard to believe the polls are rigged when you drive around the country see nothing but Trump signs
we need to talk more about dumpster lid violence. i threw up lid tried to dump, it came down on my wrist. not cool man.
peppers have to be the most overrated vegetable on earth. they add nothing to anything. https://t.co/QH0w8qdGBP
it is not enough to expel the jews. christians obviously cant figure out what jews are (hence how to oppose them); racialists can
this is the key. any 40-something military man can have tens of millions of white willing to kill to liberate. Trum… https://t.co/wMnEo7DFP4
correct, should be jews https://t.co/o6aFGVVaJi
funnier than whatever's on SNL tonight. good job. https://t.co/70kfY6iVZY
your tweets give off that not-so-fresh feeling, chunneltwat https://t.co/t4Nh4dImSI
allowed them to "convert" - same as a black "converting" to being a white https://t.co/v3UZIKA94z
you forgot the part where they let them back in https://t.co/v3UZIKA94z
October 14, 2016:
an alternative to #antiwhite (((Wikipedia)))? https://t.co/blIbNzPQ51 a good idea.
"She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer,” lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When a jew calls you unethical & dishonest, he knows from!
Brief blog on Trump. https://t.co/wlU9NXhbp0
October 13, 2016:
October 07, 2016:
#tcot You stand with Israel? You love the chewish people? https://t.co/74dxCHApSh
UW students sell anti-police, anti-white hoodies https://t.co/KDpcUjJtXu via @campusreform
#PomonaCollege #DaringMindsLOL Safe Spaces: Where Free Press Dies https://t.co/wNeYoZSJKh via @campusreform
#DaringMindsLOL #PomonaCollege. Claremont students: masculinity is 'toxic to our mental health' https://t.co/CLnZt1xWyf via @campusreform
that's a semitically correct, sanitized version, hence inaccurate https://t.co/zDpHIYgksi
destroying things is the only achievement certain types are capable of. loser whiteskins enjoying aiding jews in dragging down white society
white slave owners got honest, positive work out of blacks. which is more than any xtian or social engineer has eve… https://t.co/Cpv3BbObCw
the christian mentality. nothing could be more #antiwhite https://t.co/cWb9l3FlTM
October 06, 2016:
#tcot You stand with Israel? This is what you stand with. https://t.co/aHC7Wg51Tp
October 05, 2016:
Whitenerds: "We have a right to exist!" Nature: "What part of 99.9% of species that ever existed are extinct do you not get?" #GetOnThePile
the only TOS that matters: do you allow criticism of jews and their anti-White agenda? no? ok, so business as usual
Daily life in USA under the jew becomes more and more a game of forced charades, a la the school bus hijacking in Dirty Harry.
is that where your priests pick it up? https://t.co/Ax1IEMHbHX
the rightist feels he's won because his point is unrefuted the leftist feels he's won because he's won
truth is like a vagina to you faggots. you should kill yourself. https://t.co/FlL3w3pc4P
um what and stuff. you need to limit your tweets to your fleeting periods of lucidity https://t.co/N6iLdxy9Bx
White Lives Matter protest Anti-Defamation League https://t.co/mWU876BjTE
a nuclear war is as likely to be caused by Boomer selfishness as anything else, with Hillary being #1 candidate, via agents like S. Powers
a lot of people who call themselves "nazis" are confused about which end of the whip they'd be on. big govt is inherently bad
October 04, 2016:
all the avg white needs to know is that jews are bad. if you're dealing with a cross loser, then substitute evil for bad. (1/2)
with tooo simple taps o' me shillelagh, you'll be persuaded the alternative is meritoriouser https://t.co/wCnYFyxzWG
Logic 101: if every good thing is racist, then racism must be - a good thing - a bad term for a good thing - both
the way out of the christrut is offering strength and health as ideals to Little Man, rather than self-pitying martyrdom. see Trump
it's not trump marrying into jews, it's the opposite. they're sucking his german strength into their hooknosed neurotic poisonstream.
everyone but blacks realizes that. the people promoting this stuff deserve death. i mean the (((media))). they inci… https://t.co/hO6Z8G27X8
Alt-"Uncle Buck" line, mutatis mutandis: Remember how they used to say it's "too early to shoot the bastards"? Nobody says that anymore.
the (((media))) just independently decide on story-a-day policy for cop-black shootings. and independently not to cover victims of nog gangs
all these fool struggling around trying to find a basis for fighting muslims + jews who let them in. blood order w NS tactics is how
they don't like her but their daily bread comes from big govt she will protect and expand if possible https://t.co/YkzyFHuETj
the SPLC mound in Alabama is constructed in such a way as to suggest the inhabitants know what they deserve
the truly perceptive can see that we will have a chance to get rid of jews and permanently devalue the christ cult
which amounts to the same thing. https://t.co/Sz8SmET5SL
so has any national (((controlled medium))) mentioned that kid beat half to death by gang of niggers?
if it's wrong to put niggers on par with whites, how can be right to put starfish? https://t.co/urmnyPSyGx
October 03, 2016:
seriously, you've put on 30 since i've known you, and the holiday eating season dead ahead! uh oes https://t.co/kAUgoNiPbg
jews are literally never portrayed as evil in mass-produced paperback fiction. that's one clue the field is controlled by same
Religion = "the world is too complicated to figure out, and i'm too weak to try. i'll just resign myself and buy lottery tickets." #losers
those two are by no means an exhaustive list. of course. https://t.co/dPf249pX67
military are parasites: they live off taxpayers, who are expected then to worship them. & they are dupes: they know… https://t.co/nk2AAmRU7Q
109x jews were kicked out of countries. Then a precocious 6-year-old said, why don't we kick them under? There was no 111th time.
Admiration for the the military is one of the surest signs of a weak person and a weak-minded person.
We should all give a big round of applause for all those heroic military men who donated their service to keep us from 3rd world invasion.
Whites need to get tougher. Need to look to nature, not the xtian faggotry. Kill our enemies. All of them. Live our way.
like you can tell evidence from a toadstool. govt stops people from doing bad things - even some women can see thru… https://t.co/NJHv9WbBA4
nice, you've expanded your range of subpar mentation to include strawmen. i guess for halloween. https://t.co/fidHLGkc33
jebus died for your sins. but when i look around, you dont look like the type that sins very much. way to let Our Lord (tm) down.
the only real difference between men is whether or not they accept jebus p christ as their personal (and communal) savior
yeah but think what kind of woman would be gf of cop. they deserve to be beaten at 4x avg rate. cops too SOFT https://t.co/UqGtfQzLXH
so, yeah...turns out nazis were right. and the smorksleys and shnauzermen are the bad guys. who knew?
October 02, 2016:
The one class that isn't legally protected is the same class called "privileged" in the (((unpopular media))).
it's pretty clear that nothing but silent death squads is going to save UK https://t.co/Aw2T0VAmVn
why should they be able to impose the cost of sending them back? just shoot them and give them to zoos for large an… https://t.co/kLaCDQwA7Y
being old is not the same as being good this is the flip of progressive mistake https://t.co/lvM5L2Sr41
October 01, 2016:
walk up near a bog. now walk in. when both feet are 12 inches down, start bleating Ahm a tree! Ahm a tree! Congrats. You're a traditionalist
Neo-Nazi gang who support Hitler set up a 'whites only' food bank https://t.co/LfFq4GdTRl via @MailOnline
September 30, 2016:
when someone tells me yr a hater, u ebil white, yr guilty, yr sinneded avg white: #MuhRedumption ah needs it. me: picks nose really slowly
i dont follow polls (beyond reading @Ricky_Vaughn99 tweets), but one thing is undeniable: Trump draws huge crowds in all corners of USA
Pravda: higher, ideological Truth (news distorted in line with) Istina: factual truth, small t https://t.co/lEWI3utl0E
Don't think about saving things, that just focuses on what's lost. Man, that aint white. Focus on conquering, winning anew, - laughing.
i defy any 'philosopher' to disground previous assertion. it cannot be supered, it cannot be undermined. it is bott… https://t.co/TIKbXpssDt
philosophy: yeahi'm gonna need to see the PAPERS I SIGNED before i emerged from the birthin' hole guaranteeing any PARTCLAR COURS O CONDUCT
September 28, 2016:
mass slaughter niggers in the name of Dow? https://t.co/pQLQS1oc5B
you know what i'm no sailor but i went out and sniffed the crepuscular breeze...tomorrow is going to be a great day TO STOP BEING A FAGGOT!
am i the only one who remembers PJO's "There's no getting thru to the highly perceptive" article about Nicaragua (modest election parallel)
that's a high-quality tweet right there. simple. curvy. to the point. https://t.co/aQaAdW6gFU
was that tracey fick in Election ((((broderick)))) based on hillary clinton. similarities either way.
reprising a GLR classic https://t.co/QekSwwU2zT
this is the sort of STUPID SHIT that people come to TWITTER TO AVOID. get your ass to facebook and dont post-infri… https://t.co/NzfYqc43KE
September 27, 2016:
bring jews into altright? how'd that work out for conservatism? hint: it's not "alternative" if jews involved.
In a world...populated mainly by faggots, one bold amphibian stood out. I eat anything he declared. Particly jews. But I only fuk she-frogs.
i looked deep inside myself to find why nigger criminals keep getting shot by cops but the answer wasnt there
basically, civilization comes from people like me, and rest of you are along from the ride #TequilaistSelfPraise ..… https://t.co/xW6Vbb26jk
Some interesting #books. Nearly everything bad in America was first tested not just in Weimar but in Lenin's (((Rus… https://t.co/S6epuXIyto
What they say: "I want someone who loves me for me" What they mean: "I cannot handle / will not tolerate one iota of criticism ever."
Hillary appeals to the "i wanna be loved for me" crowd. That's no small obstacle for Trump to overcome, as these land womanatees are legion.
while the writers' room remains 90% chewish https://t.co/0XZA9RV67h
God created niggers, we are informed by christian experts. Did He also create Chimpouts? I guess so. Cant spell chimpout without HIM.
"conservatism starts with blood." https://t.co/TaNncrJGGA
fresh from clownmedia “You Can’t Imagine a World Without Black People” by Travon Free https://t.co/iWKzD6C0C3
The #ADL was founded to defend a jew named #LeoFrank who strangled a 13-year-old white girl to death for refusing his advances.
much witless happyyapping. we are white. our enemy is jew. whoever can produce result in field will be followed by all normal whites.
Hitler loved Disney. (original unjewed stuff put out by great man from Missouri, i might add). There is no question Hitler would love Pepe.
Who would ISIS prefer be elected? Who would BLM prefer? Who would the (((media))) prefer? Trump - the only choice for Normal White America
Trump should not respond to anything the cunt says, just emphasize good relations w Putin (no nuke war), opp to black crimnals, muzz terrsts
this fucking broad is going to cause a nuclear war https://t.co/dv3AuYj2AH
yes it was. i hadnt watched one in ages and wont watch the next two either. https://t.co/FsRpW6zL73
What I got from that debate is Donald is just another Republican "save the poower negroes" useless Republicunt. Too weak. Too nice.
Xtianity teaches its helots to go around little-man Pronouncing everything Good or Evil. Which feeds perfectly into Semitical Correctness.
christianity replaced the Greek "moderation in all things" with "moralizing in all things." A huge step backwards.
how sick did hillary look last night? not at all. Has Curious Cernovich said anything about imaginary Diazepam lately?
it's funny how racialists think. 99% like conservatives they came from. we can't afford to alienate xtians? 2% jews could. We can too.
drugs drink delusion the three Ds of personal destruction "Moderation in all things" said the Greeks 2000ya. Works just as well today.
jews tried to murder White America with immigration law change in 1924. they failed. narrowly. they succeeded in 1965. #RealHistory
the original christians were losers. it was a cross-race, cross-class loser association, similar to alkies anonymous. so it is today.
do not address me. if i become emperor one day, you will be put on an island with only rats and coconuts for suste… https://t.co/g1mai4Qkjg
Hillary will bring the same stability and order to America she brought to the middle east. https://t.co/HZPmaqHsEV
christianity teaches the avg man that he cant figure things out by thinking because after all its really "God's will" that determines things
people can't perceive causes when they don't believe in causality. this is one of the christ cult's main 'contributions' to the world
Counterpoint: the market values priests little because they aren't worth much. https://t.co/pS2Wmb9qdc
you said something accurate. is that really the road you want to go down? https://t.co/92gRqZYHT1
your mom's attempt to give you a non-retarded brother? seriously, coffee break is over. get back to licking yr env… https://t.co/F1kr6bmJyX
the left have gone so long without opposition they cant perceive their own bias, hence they cant perceive how it will be received by public
the left dont understand that america hates the (((media))) and having a biased debate moderator doesn't actually help them
Again, when you are asked unfair question by lying smokies and yids, simply repeat the question you should have been asked and answer it.
do you really want a candidate who sides with black criminals, muslim terrorists and jewish warmongers? America? Then vote TRUMP. #MAGA
September 26, 2016:
ISIS...BLM...CNN...Goldman Sachs... we know who they'll be voting for this fall. But real America, normal America WHO WE ARE AMERICA has ME.
if you really have something, you have to play joan of arc, just a bit. "it's not me; i am merely medium thru which etc etc fleur de WHEEEE"
Planted axioms: conservatives can recognize goods. Can they? https://t.co/0wg4W8lVcY
Who says you have to answer the (loaded, biased) question they give you? What are they going to do if you answer a better one?
"Ive been audited 15 year in a row. Probably only 12-13 of those were political." (big smile for laugh). ... (tilt head) (1/2)
We are so far gone in the USA that one side is afraid to appeal openly to normal whites, while the other openly promotes black criminals.
"Hillary sides with Muslim terrorists, black street criminals, and jewish billionaire banksters against Normal White Americans."
"during the day she sides with #BLM thugs in Charlotte, while at night she collects obscene fees fm white-collar criminals at Goldman Sachs"
i hate kibitzers so i am going to shut up now, but Trump while not terrible, was far from dominant. he can do better, i hope he will
Trump must endlessly tie hillary to terrorists, muslims, jew-neocon-warmongers, black criminals, aliens. + blast her GSachs speaking fees.
how many working class people could have been paid salaries out of the amount you charge for just one speech to Giant Evil Corporation Inc?
from TWITTER i thought hillary was on her deathbed. from WATCHING this debate i learned it's not so and donald trump may have budding cold
There is nothing funny or cute or little-woman about Hillary, she is symbol and exponent of an extremely destructive System.
Trump should be attacking her, not talking about himself. "Been audited 15 years in a row, go to town." Nuff said, move on.
I think if you're the person who nods rather than guffaws at 'government investment' you will think she did better than he.
I watched it on twitter. I'm giving impressions of someone who doesn't watch any tv coverage of the election, just… https://t.co/fJ3lZN1u6q
I don't think Trump did that well. Overall it was a draw. People who say Clinton is sick - did she look sick to you? Not to me.
The conservative continually defends himself out of easily induced guilt and cowardice; Trump out of sheer love of talking about himself.
Trump is so egotistical he would rather defend himself than attack her. That's a technical mistake. He needs > kellyanne conway-level advice
he needs to hit her on obscene fees she's paid by those super rich companies she keeps blasting. many one liners waiting to be delivered
main impression debate gave me is Donald had bad post-nasal drip. and she's supposed to be unhealthy. i only know what i read on twitter
she sounded healthy to me, and she is skilled in attack. trump should have dismissed tax talk and hit emails far harder.
a twist on M. Stanton Evans's original point from the 70s, re liberals entering conservative institutions. to give… https://t.co/u09kRGnCWf
wouldnt that violate the NAP tho https://t.co/UB2wZT4rh8
you had a right to get married. what you wanted was to destroy society by changing the term's definition.
true, but that only the surface problem. the original doctrines are the real problem, and it's a problem with no so… https://t.co/EBPncR4hHm
anti-Trump pro-withers Norm Macdonald's Issue With Saturday Night Live Right Now - CINEMABLEND https://t.co/pLMAJ1jZ5P
jews must die, as a tribe, that Whites may live https://t.co/plXErEGC5n
"I'm pro-potato salad. I don't take a position on salmonella, that's outside my scope." Chef Jared's house of dingle.
he'll totally miss you! not!! https://t.co/uvdyrEcROu
one cost of jews controlling the media is we can never be sure we know the truth about anything that didn't happen to us personally
do christians strike you as evil people? depraved? as well describe gerbils or guinea pigs thus. #WEAKnotEVIL
is there a funnier conceit than the (((media))) checking facts? clowns at least know they're clowns. NO ONE RESPECTS OR BELIEVES YOU YIDSIES
'white supremacist' - apart from the lie, one just laughs at this. 90% of whites would eat a cat turd labeled filet mignon.
big business driven by profits? that's the marxist line. demonstrable fact is papers would rather go under than serve white right readers
you've heard the term "set someone up for success." that is exactly how christianity serves jews and their #antiwhite agenda
nope. that's not enough. https://t.co/F1gkEnHnyh
dont have to out-monster the monster, just kill it https://t.co/D9abF7ZdEK
those who would let jews into any White movement are worse than jews themselves, and deserve the same treatment @jartaylor
these are the jews who are murdering our nation... https://t.co/jZag8zpJpC
we have parasites that look just like us. that's why the jew caricature has a downside, as it makes recognition HARDER
space as a concept is evocative; space as a reality is inert gases and dead rocks trillions of miles away. tf;dg
September 25, 2016:
Christians side with jews against their fellow christians - yet we're supposed to believe this odd cult will defend the white race?
#JWMD https://t.co/I4E4TehlNW
Christian Americans have helped jews cleanse the Middle East not only of Israel-opposing, stable Muslim nations but of Christians.
i guess it's great that ignorance at this level isn't seen as often as it used to be. https://t.co/fMsVQAHhrP
one tweet i do have to correct. i believe Pepe crowd IS serious that jews are the problem. IS. and milo the jew LIED that they are not.
christian doctrine is that all hominids have "imperishable souls" of "inestimable value." solid basis for a white nation, eh?
what jews in #altright will do is geld it of jew-criticism, rendering it impotent and indistinguishable from #cuckservatism
"troll milo" - utter waste of time. he's a jew jewing. he has access to breitbard because they're a jew outlet. EXCLUDE JEWS ALWAYS.
you cant identify your enemy because you don't know who YOU are. schmitt would say this is first job in politics: figguring friend/enemy
MacDonald needs to read Culture of Critique - AND UNDERSTAND WHAT IT MEANS. You can't get ironicker than that, but it's absolutely true.
What jews have done is POLITICIZE degeneracy. Before, if a gay feller liked to suck of a dick in a culvert, he KNEW he was a DEGENERATE.
The degenerate who knows he's a degenerate is a minor social problem. The degenerate who does not realize that is a major one.
You fight Milo by ignoring him. Or by using him - pointing he, like a typical jew, _lied_ that anti-jewism is serious among the Pepe crowd.
Now comes Richard Spencer. Of unclear but CIA-typical provenance. Works with jared Taylor orgs. Taylor wants to be Buckley, who was CIA.
Let's review history. Jews invade conservatism and defeat it in a couple years. Leads to 'paleocons' in early 80s. (1/2)
Kevin MacDonald, to his goy 'credit,' is like his readers: he cant actually accept jews are as organized and rotten as they actually are.
Let's let jews into the altright because... (ask Kevin MacDonald) This is the same stupidity as "we can control Hitler"
"identity" is not strong enough. race is the stronger word, it's also more accurate. we are white racialists, 'racists' to enemies, and WN.
to name just one small problem, the lack of principle of jew exclusion leads to wasted time. #altright has this problem, WN does not
milo: admits he's jew, faggot, non-altrightist. NOT A PROBLEM jared taylor: calls himself White Nationalist. calls jews whites. PROBLEM
A young movement must be intolerant and bold. When it mixes with pro money-raises (aka cuckservatism) it will only get coopted.
Kevin MacDonald is due eternal credit for Culture of Critique. But this can't hide that his political instincts are nearly 100% wrong.
milo is irrelevant. the one we should be criticizing is jared taylor. milo doesnt hide what he is. jared taylor is fake as three-dollar bill
a (non-jew) leftist is basically the type incapable of seeing itself as the bad guy. christian moralizing weaponized this demon
***UPDATE*** Turns out it wasnt GOD who created niggers but his intern Jooter. Lil bastard sneaked in after hours, playing on machines.
Christians believe jews are "God's children." Is their desire to genocide whites also of Godly origin?
Trump's campaign has brought the existential hatred jews have for white folks (#loxism) out into the semi-open. That is good; that is useful
eradicating niggers should be all five of them https://t.co/TwI3N0IK7J
the point is he's a JEW. of course, it's illegal for you to say that in UK, because you're slaves. https://t.co/kYEJPvS4fa
our job is to keep repeating: it aint true. that's all we owe the believers. constantly force them to face their cu… https://t.co/SHLpHmKwHT
Under the Nazis, public television was perverted. They used to run "This Old Louse" - true life vermin tales of ridding themselves of jews.
little people equate acting serious with being serious, that's why there is not a single funny line in 1700-page bible
Under apartheid, SA docs put baboon hearts in niggers. An unexpected finding was IQ went up 10 points.
which part of the nigger are you a fan of, stinky pete? https://t.co/wzpjTFefeK
my tweets have / impression. translate that into news i can use: how many stuffed purple giraffes have i won!!!
be warned, followers: i only have time for treating with three (3) caudate homunculi today, and i've already done with two (2).
blacks have not evolved to the point they recognize there is something higher than their Nigfeelz. but that's not white problem. save 4 jews
anyway, retardate & caudate, i'm germanical; we dont do hedonism. except very efficiently, and that's not the right… https://t.co/5qtdamKsDF
why shore he will. any day now! woot woot god's a comin'. https://t.co/reK0OuRSin
your generic graphic riposte has seared my marrow to sludge. i am defeated, good sir/madam/jenner. https://t.co/cXDgu85zV8
cool hat. can you get me on of those??? https://t.co/cXDgu85zV8
thanks for messing up the world with your #antiwhite semitic cult. we owe you https://t.co/bU2b15LFtF
they're like clowns who dont realize they're clowns https://t.co/He0KH0fnxx
how do you know that God doesn't prefer atheists to believers. "i gave you simps brains to doubt. you failed me. yo… https://t.co/Z3DfhWhBhQ
the avg man prefers religion to science because you cant be wrong w religion. and he wants to be loved for he, not for achievement
your church would rather see jewish communism triumph than Aryan racialism. that's historical fact, and for a good… https://t.co/Skjus6wtjH
the christian concept of guilt easily transposes into secular politics, as jews demonstrate daily. so manipulable are we, so easily
we feel guilt for a reason, but xtian concept of guilt is all-encompassing & morbid, akin to angst. it is unhealthy personally & politically
you're underrating the power of race alone. but yes, the white racial cause is a preference. https://t.co/JD2r0gieZT
some identify 'western civ' w church. either way, racial movement is for whites who value race. that's why includes… https://t.co/7FVGIWHRYF
polish 'culture' is moving to germany or UK https://t.co/jzcrfBA40S
polish "culture" - i'm guessing you're not european https://t.co/jzcrfBA40S
yeah, strange that most xtian of examples didnt occur to the guy to use. everywhere the church goes it breaks down… https://t.co/GtK3UxRl8X
poland - who's even heard of Pole not trying to emigrate to a less christian land? https://t.co/gV7SHoQ2jG
ive forgotten more about the sad cult than you'll ever know https://t.co/PYLK4sLvEv
no, they don't see that, they're just parroting that. there's no thinking involved at any point from the peon level. https://t.co/IMLOKbpBLY
no. the problem is its DOCTRINES. it's most basic beliefs. that's the problem. those doctrine cannot be change, eit… https://t.co/QvmYqk339Z
the problem is its doctrines. those aren't going to change. the problem wouldnt be active after, but it would still… https://t.co/QnXgCTsJ0O
September 24, 2016:
thanks to the christian church, jews still exist to perpetrate genocide against us https://t.co/1rCVDqVF9t
i guarantee she never heard that once. https://t.co/EZ9An8lk9E
we already have whole huge sections of the globe for mexicans and muslims to be losers in. they dont need america too.
#Ifinditodd that Mengele took time out from his busy day to greet each and every holocaust survivor personally.
maybe they'll teach you that pagan isn't capitalized https://t.co/G3BCTDbnBu
"fraud." good tweets are good tweets. why are you anonymous twinks so concerned about authenticity. I AM WHO I SAY… https://t.co/xni8TOSZua
10-4. https://t.co/L0FTBAFcBj
yes skypes https://t.co/aLxSl4wuV9
that's verging on the dishonest argument jared taylor makes. there is no such thing as being pro-white without bein… https://t.co/vIMrTjG5tG
jews earn their daily bread by defaming our race. whereas we are denied our daily bread for simply describing their actions. #revolution
if objective descriptions of jews are beyond the pale...how are we not living under a Jewish Tyranny? https://t.co/YYf02cLIPY
b4 they were 9considered' (smeared) EBIL SNOTZIS, stereotype was germans were: dreamy unworldly - contasted w sharp… https://t.co/A7LaZLU0Fl
Sleazy, the dwarf "we dont talk about"? https://t.co/n5B9AkOg6F
eh, it's the South. i side with it, but hopefully without getting any on me https://t.co/9gvFI1Uh3e
a lot of them do indeed have that hominid mud-puddle gestalt going on https://t.co/TV3BOCOIL7
free riding on christian morality sounds dangerouser than those kids that used to ride on top of subway cars
you know who invented the term ovenworthy, you anonymous ecru online chigger? i thought stealing was against yr com… https://t.co/dzweRi5j87
think...without thinking first about what you're supposed to think...and you might be surprised where you end up
niggers. they're so cute and funny, aren't they? and THEY LOOK SO HUMAN!! with their little faces and tries to talk
paine was a leftist nut. women's rights is a demonstrably bad idea. letting niggers vote is another. https://t.co/diwiwXXnMb
"I'm married to a man who eats pussy like a champ. after all, i taught him." https://t.co/fzFLz1plyt
hi folksies. i run around life having experienceth. FAGGOT. COMMITMENT makes life. you cant get the most out of prison by DABBLING in it.
no, it's not an idea in way you mean it https://t.co/XMdZgTr38O
what is human nature? once i was in a plane. it took off. the person in middle seat grabbed my arm. did not know me. we are schoolfish+.
but we knew that from the 'rabbi' https://t.co/IcSlhyH6Vx
Christianity isn't true. Christianity is #antiwhite. You can leak into your crying sock all night long, these facts won't go away.
christianity induces guilt in whites. it's spiritual foreplay preceding political fucking by (((you know who)))
it literally never even crosses avg white mind to consider that his (german/american) ancestors might not have been the bad guys
i hear whites are generous and charitable from people who need to think harder: they dont even give their own ancestors benefit of doubt
if we kill all the jews, then the races can separate. anyone who can think and does research can see jews are The Problem in this world
true conservatism is whining, remonstrating niggling and yielding. until it breaks free of jews and regrows its balls. #tcot
we need fanatics. yeah. not khaki-wearing well-adjusted fellows. we need people like that doctor in Reanimator.
my god you could catch a tarpon on that nose https://t.co/9RSvTcGOBE
God created the kind of people who needed to be told not to lie. Is it me, or is this incredibly funny.
if you cant tell the story of jebus is a big fat made up lie, your racial kind deserves to go extinct
what's the difference between jim jones xtianity and modern leftism? jones et crew actually drank their own Kool-Aid https://t.co/jhBBn6v9lc
whites have no pride and don't value their race. christianity, of course, has nothing to do with this. https://t.co/ITJRAlsHyE
"Racial strife is necessary part of destroying white nations. Doesn't matter if the natives don't like it, they don't control things." --NJW
why cant the races separate? jews. they're evil. racial strife is "good for jews." it's part of wrecking WHITE nations. #TeamWhite
real men dont need cops, priests or big govt. the truth is very few who consider themselves pro-American even understand the original idea
he really is the perfect christian. weak, dishonest, two-faced, addicted to vice. no wonder the romans had contempt… https://t.co/IqqDDFjkpr
one reason i have unlimited contempt for xtian conservatives (like Beck) is they willfully lie about the racial views of Founders
It's not that xtian faggots (redundant) like Glenn Beck are wrong. Anyone can be wrong. It's that they're liars.
christianity is many bad things, but one of them is a way for lower-tier whites to revenge themselves on their betters.
if you treat your spiritual and political inferiors as your equals, don't be suprised when they end up your superiors.
yeah well losers are a dime a dozen https://t.co/ANCTWCK1Ha
Rampant niggers and ruling jews - if you don't like this, you must recognize this is the direct result of your christianity.
How would Andrew Jackson react to men bent on destroying his heritage's symbols and monuments? He would kill them. #TeamWhite
jews denatured the right. by clippings its racial balls. the alternative to that is necessarily (& obvs) - racialism. aka white nationalism.
what do you do with a dog with worms? what do you do with a nation with jews? #TeamWhite approves the Socratic method. And the harangue!
you're another war twink, eh. war is cool! moron https://t.co/txharxebut
you destroy your character when you accede in a lie. this is why there are so few christian men of high character. #TeamWhite
"autonomous civilization" - ie, cannibals. quit using white computers and living indoors then, hypocrite. whites in… https://t.co/gjFb87Iwue
yr not talking my lingo, splotchy. https://t.co/Hc1G3VWXH0
shhh...or mexicans will be lining up to worship it https://t.co/KS8OaGyQgt
The Founding Fathers had some feeling about diversity. They were against it. They were racialists - the original #TeamWhite.
it's schmuck. and get some hair plugs. https://t.co/giTkH6EqJB
i dont know what that is https://t.co/lwayEPK6tB
When you see how many whiteskins fall for the 'white privilege' self-hate, you get a glimpse into the formation of the christian cult.
he's an idiot https://t.co/ZL7Vydab6L
altright is, mentally, for those who think nearly entirely within the electoral sphere. but we're rapidly moving to the 'unthinkable.'
you ever notice how well formed, truly august, the persecuted old Germans are - in contrast to their antly persecutors?
you love subliterate hyperbole? https://t.co/PElWV5k9jv
Re Hungary, Remember La Belle disco bombing - Mossad false flag. https://t.co/2E2rI1ij7q
western civilization always sounds like some not very good casserole meat dont need no dressing #WhiteNationalism
imagine a skunk. does it go around saying "i'm not a cat." or figuring out what to call itself. NO. it doesnt need to. BE LIKE THE SKUNK.
Oculus Rift Founder Palmer Luckey Funding Trump Shitposters [UPDATE] https://t.co/l0YGsZeBN2
drug and gangster movies tend to be great because if they're serious they're always about one real thing: loyalty
the point of (((feminism))) is destroying the white race. that explains why feminists are quiet about muslim invasion. #TeamJew
you jews aided muslims in wrecking europe, just as you are doing today. you are a race of guilty criminals. kill yo… https://t.co/m57Y1ZLNFd
the feds are clearly flushing raw demographic sewage into the US at unprecedented rates, i dont give a flying fuck what any authority claims
how do you think religious conservatives in Hitler's Germany felt? i bet the vast majority was greatly relieved that SOMEONE did something
our cause is racial not religious. the weakheads will come along with us because no other group can create the social conditions they desire
Ball State colludes in the jewish drive to flip the truth about guilty lying pedophile rapist murderer #LeoFrank. https://t.co/4KvXGe0Fbv
September 23, 2016:
[article on norm macdonald] “We did one when Marlon Brando said something about the Jews controlling Hollywood,” he explains. (1/3)
does NO ONE know how to do eyeliner anymore? #thesedays https://t.co/K4ehoyHVOy
there's something seedy and catamitic about that shillsboy https://t.co/QEcPWRIQtp
imagine what their social equivalents would look like today https://t.co/jPSbPmsJpz
unclear antecedent https://t.co/NinFMm873T
fantastic... it's amazing how many unknown jews write stupid little "academic" books/essays based on studying WN https://t.co/YmUdPR14iW
we discover the (((media))) is lying about 1 thing...and progress to discover it is lying about everything https://t.co/OKTCNtqssq
it's astonishing, the perceptual diff between b&w and colored https://t.co/F02RjTswrq
is it racist to hate niggers?? i thought it was just good taste https://t.co/KicTrXYSNx
luckily for you it's easily avoided https://t.co/sdX26zNgA6
possibly the most disturbing thing i have personally ever seen. i wish that human girl and punched him https://t.co/YxKzq0DAMp
what kind of animal is that? https://t.co/lpeJ5GrF0Z
Twitter Moving Closer to Sale https://t.co/d5boJBJp0u via @nytvideo
Via @NPR: Native Hawaiians Now Have A Pathway To Form A Government https://t.co/JmEtfamptc
you should start a blog called Eve's Refrigerator Door https://t.co/yBCDEtu6Ln
i've heard a lot of whites say they like jews (chewish peepul), but i dont think ive ever heard a jew say he likes whites.
Reality doesn't go away because you're afraid to acknowledge it. Maybe grow some character? https://t.co/K1VpBWkhv4
he attacked white women the night before he died. you're an idiot. https://t.co/tdmcIgD96h
my kill tweets are just in goodhearted fun, like an unresting nigger throwing media trash in fire https://t.co/yd4gkheoqq
i can be subtle; i choose not to be because hyperbole is funnier than understatement https://t.co/m51HV7mO0v
kill kill kill kill the left kill kill kill kill jews kill kill kill kill niggers kill kill kill kill? kill
a baby squalls in SUV while Ubange withdraws two 1/4"-thick wads of bills from ATM off two different cards. whites pay, niggers play
what a loser mentality this bespeaks. https://t.co/jJHzNFCLhq
"A job aint nothing but work." --true nig attitude https://t.co/YkEoOokOwL
telling the truth about niggers, jews and queers puts you on the "jugengefaehrende Media" (youth-endangering media) list in Germany
i'll scan it later and you can see how the world doesnt work https://t.co/TSFWQV9Sgg
today got letter from German thought police...re something i wrote on https://t.co/6wqzgQBnFY about 10 years ago.
The only TOS question that matters is "do you allow criticism of jews and discussion of their #antiwhite agenda?"
September 22, 2016:
white people need guidance from someone not manifestly a charlatan, not in it for money or p&ssy. in this both trump and hitler fil the bill
henrietta shnozzleman not letting you follow her? but this is no great loss https://t.co/ekKzEAwuy5
christians affirm, in the collective cowardice they call wisdom, that hitler is evil, jews good, and god a nigger!
what was different about hitler? some say it's that he was 6'8" and could lift like an internet neoreactionary. but i think twas sumting elz
the prob w democracy on broad scale is no one dares lecture the people, which is mostly what they need. not even priests dare nowadays
SMELL THE STROFT https://t.co/mR4xDW7Ky0
#LeoFrank and #ADL is a perfect example of a cross-generational jewish conspiracy to subvert the truth and attack innocent Whites.
The consensus of jew conspirators citing jewish liars... https://t.co/iUksLRu9wZ
Christianity isn't true. “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” --Philip Dick
Let history record: when there was (((evil))) to be fought, christians served it. They preferred lies to the truth, and status to honor.
There are no words strong enough to condemn jews, nor the conservative writers who pull punches out of fear of them. #AnnCoulter
something that level but not the counterfactual content. an order that respects blood and nature, yet WITHOUT worsh… https://t.co/364ZAr2ilL
Leo Frank punched our Mary Phagan in the head, jammed something in her twat, then strangled her to death. Jews today celebrate Leo Frank.
if i ever wondered if were wrong about jews, seeing their musical about leo frank makes me think if its impossible to exaggerate their evil
all my life i've heard we "need" religion. but it is not so. we need water. we need air. or we die. w/o religion, w… https://t.co/3KidHvCJzU
the elite drink water and eat kale the commoners drink coke and eat cheeseburgers elite are atheists; commoners are… https://t.co/pJnn2OdsAd
in an all-white nation: 1) capital punishment for xtians who try to undermine racial basis of society 2) outcompete jeboobs w race-doctrine
that wouldnt work, akin to a war on stupidity, terror or drugs. https://t.co/FyeIWEmN0k
who recognizes the value of race more? jews or xtians? who sells out his own kind for money more? jews or xtians? #TruthPrecedesProgress
those poor blackies, just trying to walk around all innocent and unarmed, looking for 2 or 3 jobs no doubt, and vicious hatepigs gun em down
Think drops of xtian magic water are going to cure jews who put on counterfactual musicals 100 years after the fact? But that's doctrine.
jews have traditionally been liars and nation wreckers, and those traditions continue today https://t.co/EZZWWYey6x
Even where the facts are fully established, as in case of #LeoFrank, #ADL and the jews lie. You cannot believe ANYTHING jews say.
This case is 100 years old. The facts are established. Jews reverse them to protect a jew pedo who murdered a white girl. #ADL
A"musical" about Leo Frank that reverses the facts to defame the prosecutor and, well, South & Whites generally. https://t.co/RawroWCdk8
i'd like to urge my fellow WN followers to refrain from shooting cops and throwing fotogs in fires. you dirty hateful extremists.
streets filled with violent coons papers filled with lying jews hunting season nears -Keishiko Nawrabe
Was there dindu involved last night? Aww yeah you knowz it: “My daddy didn’t do nothing https://t.co/TmBElSOPNM #DinduNuffins
you can dress 'em in manpants and stand 'em on end, but gosh dang it, you can still them niggers just aint human
if the white man disappeared from the face of the earth, christianity couldnt care less, as its doctrine has nothing to do with race
#JWMD. like 90% she lives out of your white pockets - state funded by taxpayers to hate and destroy the native whit… https://t.co/x1f78UKdgH
young Windsniffer...SO adorbs https://t.co/Dr9X8GUFPU
collage of jews destroying your world, white man, while most of you, per your christ-insanity, worship them as gods https://t.co/FevWByT1fF
you're using that term wrong https://t.co/ObhQZf0AXW
September 21, 2016:
jews are worried about dominating whites whites -- even white racialists -- are concerned about being fair to jews
nature doesn't operate on fairness but on genocide. again, YOU are the one positing a (nonexistent) God; i merely observe
Charley Varrick - shows that by thinking and keeping cool head you can WIN https://t.co/OtcZmO36ds
time to make a deal with Liberia: we'll take 40 boxcars of your ground nuts in exchange for 40,000,000 free-range niggers
there was plenty of filthy behavior in those days but no internet, so the media jews could hide it https://t.co/zndAQNXicr
prayer is for faggots, you faggot https://t.co/rUAsmdzKB4
Never had an answer to this question, tho i've posed it many times to crissies: which part of God does the nigger reflect?
Don't let the riots blind you to the reality: blacks were created by God in his image and likeness. They reflect Him. Yes, God is a nigger.
Niggers are created by God, and reflect him, christian experts inform me. There's nothing Big Pa loves like a photographer barbecue.
Look at that nigger yapping at cop; brain barely big enough to operate a bullfrog. https://t.co/4y6oWWFCKi
Eventually you have to drop what you're NOT (viz The Alternative: An American Spectator) and state what you are. But WN already there.
Clam Chowder with Pookie from Gross Pointe https://t.co/nsThoKMY5A
yes. the (((media))) are so used to lying, & so lazy, shallow & ignorant, it's impossible to separate imposture & l… https://t.co/C9KBpknzru
yes, and this has become increasingly common in the last couple years. their Ju-scemiing ("how you doing, fellow ki… https://t.co/CqdSf6aFhn
People who claim the racial question can be separated from jews are utter liars who deserve nothing but scorn and r… https://t.co/m44k5ucH9I
Sunday and Monday school join forces to lie to larval whites about jews and their nature. https://t.co/YnjXyQGGgl
yes. but atheism technically is an answer to one question, not a religion in itself, or a politics https://t.co/YnjXyQGGgl
they're growing the body of people who understand the crucial things: that our whiteness matters, and that jews are… https://t.co/zpHw2Y4VUw
they're an inbred hybrid race. they bred with themselves in europe, not with europeans https://t.co/Lf0qZJ9JrR
its easy when you control the media https://t.co/4qoxortRhR
what's notable is that germans and even swedes ARE fighting back. arguably more to MUCH more than USAns. https://t.co/RlOXUo5flZ
best blood was killed in war; remainder subject to decades of most intense propaganda ever devised. i mean, that's… https://t.co/Zx3O0D6xS4
if 40% of hominids < 5 in germany arent German & merkel has 2nd thoughts, take her 2nd thoughts as next act in script. job is done, ease off
Whenever some group or personage springs up overnight and seems pro-white but won't name the jew - that's the one j… https://t.co/cEb0Y32Agz
The coopted RIGHT (as opposed to niggers) can be told by its jew-subservience - Tommy Robinson in UK being perfect… https://t.co/0TMQfRtQfm
whose? you reminded me of someone. i could be wrong. "FridaKahlo" wasn't that a jew mexican artist? https://t.co/dL7EP2qu3s
Yianno is basically a profiteer having fun, making some obvious points against feminism, but leaving the ((( out. E… https://t.co/vfsPNdru8J
Yiannopoulos has overtly said he IS a jew and is NOT altright. So he's not to worry about. It's the Jared Taylors w… https://t.co/RgtRklv4Ts
jews are white when criticized and jews when successful or admirable. everything jews do serves their agenda, usual… https://t.co/o8j3kxqQ4L
what jews do is lay back and watch a movement grow...for a long time...they study it, its leaders & ideas. then the… https://t.co/B16e05hZh9
i rarely use zionists because the problems is JEWS and the cucks who serve them. jews have caused same problems for… https://t.co/kKk0XkKKXc
yeah...except when they're pretending to be white, or JITING, to get us to self-hate, self-blame, and self-immolate https://t.co/pyDddjVRJl
what many and increasing Whites DO agree is that we want to live as whites among whites. THAT is our cause. and JEWS are THE obstacle to it.
whites are under a coordinated, global threat (Soros et al.). what but a similar-level response makes sense?
but what i / we are doing is growing body of whites who DEMAND our own WHITE NATION. (hence #WhiteNationalism). "come w us if u want 2 live"
whites are not united on how to live with each other (and my position is they needn't be, given space-facilitated decentralization) (1/2)
the one soros would be funding if anyone would be Curious Cernovich. but i dont assert that, i speculate that https://t.co/38ihAhkqxm
i dont think so, because it's not really an organization. it's people who MORE OR LESS see same probs/solutions https://t.co/38ihAhkqxm
jew culture is a contradiction: their entire 'culture' is lying about others. they are simply dirty lying, murdering swindlers
what the VANGUARD does is always the most necessary thing, especially that others wont do - and that is attacking judaism's hamburger helper
jew culture (100%) = "we are this wonderful godly people of god who are hated & persecuted by all others for no reason yet survive."
sarah silverman gets on tv whining about how jews are always persecuted. she gets that from rabbis. that IS jew culture.
what the Pepe crowd has that is both great & new(ish) is the right tone (laughing, mocking) & great graphics. THIS is following NS smartly
what prevents whites from resisting jews? they've been brainwashed out of perceiving jews correctly by their christian religion #TeamWhite
As tiny minority, jews take position that all white nations should be wiped out & white racialists take position that israel should exist. ?
buh-bye https://t.co/HMPj9sZT7Q
you're recent and ignorant https://t.co/fPL9k2zxlC
Uncounted thousands of jews earn their daily bread by spreading vicious, defamatory, genocidal lies about normal whites and the white race.
Israel should not be allowed to exist; if we possibly can, it should be wiped out, and we should work with Muslims to accomplish this.
it's tied into 501c3 and jew-pozzed funding structures. so IF it takes off beyond internet frogs, its positioned fo… https://t.co/AIzDGtYAKi
You have people who arent even white like (((Yiannopoulos))) saying the Pepe crowd is just kidding about jews. https://t.co/yh0v0udNiO
The US doesnt need army, it has oceans. It doesn't need cops, it needs men. Cops are (shitty) substitutes for real men. Do u realize that?
We aren't going to liberate ourselves from jews to subsidize white niggers. That would be a foolish mistake. Act right or die is white motto
Government is outmoded. It is the worst way to do nearly everything. At least half the population has vested interest in not seeing this.
jews aside, the entire possibility of modern world is DEcentralization. but that's for whites living w whites. FIRST we must defeat #TeamJew
#altright is neo-faileoconism. its "roots," to use its figure, come straight from jew-crit-suppressing (((Paul Gottfried))).
all jews are taught this, as is evident from their beliefs and actions. it's not an ultra-orthodox thing but an all… https://t.co/iSZAvWo77v
the caption is probably a lie too https://t.co/OsUbNzDnkp
White nationalism is the natural umbrella, not #altright. What we have in common & defend is not political position but racial existence.
All serious public discussion proceeds upon false basis. This is what jew media control means. WN is like a mental environmental movement.
look to nature. nature's way is genocide. if you don't like that, file an appeal with your imaginary god. but for crissakes don't blame me.
you cant turn a universalist doctrine into a race-specific political vehicle. look at history - it doesn't work. the psychologies are 180s.
popular answer, but wrong. the thing itself is the problem. inherently and irremediably. https://t.co/030iDZmRLN
with you, as with all your type, it's the dog that didnt bark. what i stated is factually correct, re jews and femi… https://t.co/8nEMHfyJiQ
i'll keep saying it till people grasp it's true. it may take 15-20 years, as with jews. but that's not my fault. https://t.co/DCcQhdqik2
"anti-semite" - you're an idiot and a slave https://t.co/BVrp0MW9jx
jews draw pay from white pockets for their work destroying white society. they are laughing at us as they genocide us. #TeamWhite
why cant jews be like whites? well, see, they're not white. like we admire honesty, bravery, beauty, they admire ugliness, lying and murder
how to solve americas nigger rioting problems, by peter gabriel https://t.co/SY49w3gJCW
who knows, i leave that to the tvers to figger https://t.co/ZS5IHe1cpb
perfect example of jew gaslighting, is applebaum. she accuses putin of doing precisely what her jews have done for… https://t.co/CtJfFEfhjH
dey gettin dey ubange on https://t.co/CAwA88swi7
jews had substantial control of US foreign policy BEFORE 1900. they altered, for one, our policy toward russia, based on lies. like today.
the US started subsidizing losers under FDR, the jewiest admin to date, and went full throttle under LBJ. decades later - look around
when the Constitution still slightly existed we had free association & little welfare, & blacks worked in their own… https://t.co/NHjJfeMMLc
#JWMD https://t.co/eBjJ9gTp8L
another JWMD https://t.co/PMGrOaJVqD
if we simply didnt subsidize them, most of them would never be born, and the rest would have to work https://t.co/GSNMVJcg4v
christianity and islam both quit fighting you if you convert. they are both anti-racial, universalist doctrines. #TeamWhite
Fry this jew in pig fat https://t.co/A6HwryBRd6
Hillary is a pear-shaped anile mafiosa who belongs in an institution. Jail or nursing home, either one.
Reagan was going to close the Dept. of Education. I voted for him for that exact reason. Didn't happen. That was my… https://t.co/WTGxbqqUaZ
jews are The Problem. xtianity is the reason The Problem has never been solved. racial specifism is the answer. #TeamWhite
the first to succumb to jewish communism, right? contradictions matter: you cannot be White and xtian https://t.co/Sy8AZ3kX0k
#HeroDylannRoof correctly realized that killing one nigger is as good as another. They're ALL the same.
south african niggers are always yelping and jumping up and down. even more than regular niggers https://t.co/bbGJbins1P
i'm fighting back. you dont understand christianity. https://t.co/8CdHEvKXId
Let's be honest: no one on earth would mind if he woke up and found all niggers had been slaughtered overnight. Utterly useless population.
on this wednesday we bow our heads and remember PRAYER SOLVES NOTHING and we invoke Gwad's help to KEEP OUR FEELZ BEHIND OUR TEETH
surely the earth is nearing its carrying capacity for faggots https://t.co/VGKuHfvIcD
christianity is the reason you see ostenible grownups all wearing the same tshirt, a sight more horrifying than latest ISIS barbarity
do you prefer the better to the worse - or even recognize it? if so, you are disqualified from being a christian
a christian is a man afraid to laugh at what's stupid; chesterton was an xtian who spent his whole life defending it https://t.co/dkHOCYiXma
i've read plenty of Ol' Tinear https://t.co/dkHOCYiXma
people who dont follow South Afreak accts might not realize nigger "students" lol riot nearly continuously on prete… https://t.co/Ppu1KyBmIp
A christian could be defined in a 1000 ways, but the single best way is: a grown man who's afraid to laugh.
God likes to sneak out of heaven and loot semis in the name of "justice," which is another thing He's famously comp… https://t.co/RA2mOuAqZO
ziggity boot boot yumenuh pimena woko eeenoyaji #bixnood https://t.co/NejyC4jC2T
bobudee bimboo bebobuhlulah #bixnood https://t.co/P1oAp7hBzH
imagine importing a million bootlips to china and then running GOVT-SPONSORED commercials saying "China's never going back to way it was b4"
cult or hothouse are the two that leap to my mind, always. their group fantasy is not just a good idea - it's the l… https://t.co/OKevEjwkvz
September 20, 2016:
that's the chriistan position, and it led directly to where we are now. christianity kills whites. https://t.co/I5MFGI4vzT
living in a richard scarey book https://t.co/gUH7sublkK
short for discoloreds. https://t.co/PcZGaxKepe
it's like design that aspires to kitsch but cant quite make it https://t.co/Fi5mWwMcC5
it just seems stupid to me... it's like a cry for reassurance or something. very odd in any case. https://t.co/YkkzrqSboI
Notice also this home decoration thing where you have a big KITCHEN spelled out in letters in kitchen and so-on-like. wtf? kindgarten stuff
what is this obsession proles have with finding and losing dogs and cats? it's past bizarre. i honestly think population nearing tard level
"Sean" lol. Get out o' queer, McAnus https://t.co/CWxZpBh6Sp
yeah, that is very decidedly tied to school grounds back in mid-1970s... https://t.co/j38BVSGoKm
i'm sensing some o'homophobia from you, McSlurpy...what's wrong with dudes sharing groin fizz w other dudes??? https://t.co/wboNyQcDE1
gulp guilp gulp jeez leave some for rod stewart https://t.co/uxIcRz561q
me either. klvy your real name, like mine? no, your name is fake as your hair https://t.co/upARtj1aqL
ow an we keepin it 92 is we https://t.co/a0MFAQDbaV
Gallagher means consumer of much sperm in Gaelic, you ignorant faggot. https://t.co/MLQNttfh4V
yeah and you keep buying other people's hair and taping it to your velcro https://t.co/MzYw1TmTE8
can't spell black without lack* *lack of brains *lack of self-control *lack of hygiene #KeithLamontScott
duke doesn't love jebus, he's a democratic politician who needs votes, and the electorate are good xtianis (ie, idi… https://t.co/Rs0A22aSTv
white nationalists (should) USE trump. as he is USING racialists. we are not him (civic nationalist), and he is not us (racial nationalists)
you're a fer-de-lance named herbert. https://t.co/SsUwOlGP1p
exclusion and intolerance are the winning way, not big-tentism, which is what led to the jew takeover of the formerly-semi-coherent right
(((yiannopoulos'))) theatrics aside, he's as radical as (((hoff summers))). he's a russell brand, sacha baron cohen type. really...who cares
dude i can smell you from here. you're mexicaner than chihuahua poop https://t.co/CKtIIMa2H5
you're smiling cuz you're happy you're not mexican. RACIST https://t.co/bDaUEG6sQ2
the nature of the enemy and the challenge it poses pretty much determines the nature of the response. among the sanity based, anyway
jews work with muslims to destroy Europe while filling their papers with "unsafe for jews" stories. whites played for suckers all ways
non-whites instinctively see that what's valuable about us white folks is - us. not some goofy religious doctrine. US. our physical essence.
well, in her defense you are annoying https://t.co/hCg6i2atg4
it's semitical correctness. started by your co-racialist lenin, a blood jew https://t.co/KNWaBmKMmQ
we must attack the (((enemy))) we must also attack that which prevents us from identifying and defending against the enemy #TeamWhite
have you ever considered the proposition that christianity is an inherently bad thing? no more than any muslim has islam, i'll bet
God with one tiny move of his flipper can render atheists like me utter buffoons. it jes ne'er happen, do it?
jews are strong. that is undeniable. they will be defeated only by opposing strength. never by associations of loser-weaklings aka xtianity.
O'Reilly is a run of the mill parochial East Coast big city type https://t.co/xXpKdXa13i
leftism, among non-jews, is substantially same as Jim Jones's cult, except the kool-aid is forced on you
how can 70-IQ monkeys handle college-level material? https://t.co/CeMrOWNL7s
it never crosses the average sand nigger's mind that Islam is false but your cult is different ;) #crosscucks
Instead of wasting your time trying to figure out an imaginary god's will, you should be studying and observing and reflecting.
christianity is the only association that care about the weak. yes, it tries to make more of them the hard way is the soft way #truth
still the funniest most telling thing about 'the' 'church' is how it legit angry w hitler when he went after retards. #muhCustomerBase
i believe in the market for most things BECAUSE i'm a racialist. subsidizing defectives is socialism
christian doctrine of solidarity with the poor quickly turns into playing with feces poor + self-control = rich. poor + fawning = criminals
people who erase monuments, or blow up sculptures are monsters. you add to history, you dont erase it or deny it. that's how jews operate.
Fix the nigger? fix the brown 'man'? Not my job, man. If they're broken, blame your God for it, jebus fool.
"go forth and convert the little brown man to the One True Path of Christianity." ...how's that working out for you, white man?
christianity is a "brotherhood of man cult". that's what lets the kikes in the door w their diversity agitprop
it's christianity that tells us we have something in common with discos. do you not see it is the source of our spiritual problem?
somebody doesnt fucking love science "race retards" = "if i advocated racial reality i'd lose my job" you're a sl… https://t.co/eA4YHyrDD7
i guess the right can never understand the left because we don't get the same rush out of feeling morally superior to others
jews need niggers (or muslims) to wreck white nations. whites dont need niggers at all. or muslims. or jews. #TeamWhite
"i'm exhausted fighting my instincts" why do you think you have instincts? https://t.co/tidSzVFpTt
really? if you had every person in euro countries vote online, vs letting EU and/or pope vote, which would kill/sav… https://t.co/uFPnvxiXeM
jews spends half a billion to wreck White nations https://t.co/zWiTkgNsha
no, we should "pray" like the fagkin. "prayer" always has and will solve all human problems https://t.co/SszZdkqDci
the same idiot who observes jews have been kicked out of 109 countries will in next breath advocate 110th. level of witlessness - staggering
bake some cookie selfies? https://t.co/OpewkMR2YN
traditionalists like to say man doesn't exist for the sake of the economy, but they drop that approach when it comes to "tradition"
Traditionalists simply do the same thing as progressives, which is why I don't respect them: whatever they like = tradition or progress.
Whites undeniably now have a tradition of truckling before jews. I guess since it's a tradition, it must be good, inevitable, respected.
My point is if the tradition doesn't supply the correct answer, the traditionalist would/must go down w ship. https://t.co/31JBuugN8Z
Judeo-Christian tradition. jews don't value being weak, groveling losers. Those are christian values.
No. Hitler was an independent leader, not beholden to jew money, doing what he thought best for Germany. https://t.co/x7NngIYfpj
If whites are molested, murdered and blown up on streets, that's nothing; but god forbid a little nigger kid live near lead paint. #ZOG
Traditionalism promotes the false idea of 'organic.' Human affairs are made by wills making decisions; we are not trees, nor have we roots.
Traditionalism has many downsides: it promotes idea that quick positive change is impossible, that any bad trend is inevitable, for two.
September 19, 2016:
remember PJ O'Rourke's article about the election in nicaragua. people don't get in long lines to vote for status quo.
Twitter’s new, ‘simpler’ rules for character counts in tweets go live https://t.co/MaJGK43gAl via @techcrunch
what jews do culturally is essentially sex terrorism. doing everything possible to blow up families, prevent them from forming
cannot be said enough https://t.co/ENcEJNRBdg
no, they're not white. (just ask em). my beef with them is they're trying to wreck my nation and genocide my race https://t.co/W6Sgal0GBE
classic AmeriKwana: when u cant even bomb because jigs be rehomieing your double cookers https://t.co/3ra5gfmQO6
defensiveness, the urge to suppress - these are strong indications what you're defending is not-a-good-thing
Enlightenment hubris? it's the church that claims niggers are God's FUBU and (at same time!) that it can fix them.
this is the situation cernovich's people created, all over the west. https://t.co/rEMIgrOaQ0
jews are using whites to advance Israel and destroy their own race. the church is too weak to stop them, mostly aids & abets
when you took on the task of fixing the nigger, you didnt realize what you were getting into, did you
what kind of system allows fat people to vote? the Sugar Party is always going to outpole the Self-Control party
because of jews, the western world spends all its time cleaning up after muslims and blacks rather than advancing
September 18, 2016:
the jew-imposed opportunity cost of pretending niggers are people is beyond calculation https://t.co/M1A4HX4kxh
i still remember Eric Bish. he developed new kinds of strawberries. he was murdered by a 70-IQ coon in PO down in North Carolina
the (((media))) never ever give you a full-color detailed loving portrait of a white murdered by black or raped by alien
if whites were 1/100th as anti-jew as jews claim, the jewish race would not exist. but never fear...that day is coming #TeamWhite
jews perceive themselves as a race at war with every other - and act accordingly. whites, most, have never given jews 1 sec of thought
why do jews defeat whites? because they share an understanding and agenda, whereas we are confused and divided
when you teach people that all hominids were created by god, it lessens their interest in paying attention to differences
what is a priest, i ask this sunday? more than any other thing, it is a man who wants to hide from you that thinking works
sorry i'm White. i dont accept plangent TRIPE as an answer when you got that...you got the attitude (ht Damone)
jews have been known as nation wreckers for 2000 years https://t.co/6AgXHDI2GM
you and we should face life with the gloriosity of Sam Kinison lighting into an audience "helper." cackle n attack, me worthies...
jew populations amid whites should be looked upon as outbreaks of a disease worse than Ebola #TeamWhite
unlike other questions, the jew problem does not divide into moderate and extreme positions but reality and fantasy camps
jews are on the side of muslims who burn people in cages. and gang rape white girls in Europe (and USA if their Hillary is elected)
jews, Israel and the jewed-USA support ISIS. that's not a joke or exaggeration, that's literal, factual truth. please think about it.
if hitler reappeared today, do you think he would agree that his policy of helping jews emigrate was right or wrong, in hindsight?
whites are 2/3 population of USA, jews are already writing "see yuh" exinction articles "dialogue" with this people? No. just death
why have one person turn off faucet when you can give mops to a million? this is what happens when you murder the god of causation
(((Miliband))): "the first Jewish leader of the Labour Party—and describes himself as a Jewish atheist" https://t.co/9vnR5xHzuf
if you love the myriad problems america has now, vote Hillary because she will 100% guaranteed exacerbate every single one of them
hillary is sick she's a crook she's a liar her hubby is a scumbag VOTE FOR THIS TAG TEAM OF PUTRESCENCE? FUCK NO. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
our govt is controlled by jews, and they hate whites. that's the long and short of it. not what you hear in school, is it? #TeamWhite
that fatted sau needs to be hanging upside down from a rope with dogs supping on her innards & lapping her blud https://t.co/GLxyFZ1np2
016-09-18 Trump +180 Hillary -190 last time we checked, trump was +240, so a BIG swing trump's way by people risking actual money
the white cause needn't sell itself; if it had nothing to offer it would be opposed with lies, shrieks and legal suppression
if you have good qualities, trust people will figure them out. TRUST YOUR MATERIAL. dont bruit yourself like a common publicity ape
if you hate whites and seek their destruction, you can be hired by any fed-backed institution. if you love whites and defend them - opposite
jews literally have an entire industry based on hating and lying about white people. This is #loxism. https://t.co/qX8uEN0qQ4
money from the air, he makes https://t.co/t8IxntxA75
life is not about being nice to people all the time you cannot amputate any part of your emotional range and be normal & healthy
Trump fights AND has dignity, and appropriate decorum. He is precisely not the well tempered loser we loathe in the Anglo type.
kikes and high-minded anglo elite + cuckservants run what is indistinguishable from a cult in US, but pepe's eyes tell the truth
one follower has this: "Butt-humping kikes will not save the White Race. Nazi frogs will." #WisdomForASunday
we had the respect of the world, no debt, a genuinely free & civilized society - then jews showed up #USArealhistory
September 17, 2016:
Sonny supports #altright. https://t.co/IqNGQZBqiI
lay off the jenkem uli https://t.co/Fcpur8VfCO
translation: loxist jew wants white majority she hates to be outvoted and unable to defend itself. https://t.co/9ey1e9ycrw
Missouri...it's better than Illinois. But then, what state can't claim that? https://t.co/9ey1e9ycrw
the System created the nostrum of systemic racism. you dolt. https://t.co/G6X4pgj0cK
September 16, 2016:
respect retarded cannibals? https://t.co/hVGSCqTm0n
no one has enough confidence to be a real dictator these days. you need a soupcon of jesterity + irreason to oil the machine
was it zhamina hamina #bixnood? i bet it was https://t.co/6ad8m13HlV
Saki, Wodehouse, Dahl are the best things England has produced. Otherwise, the English are a fairly miserable lot. https://t.co/DD7feNWImX
no, just heard about it yesterday, have not seen it https://t.co/zdzDmKETI5
it really is hard to penetrate mindset of someone whose day job is dealing w a play about shit and zoo sex. boring https://t.co/zyneslV35z
books... https://t.co/MCgleBlPD7
oh good lord. does the words a crumb even to small for the Whos' mouse mean nothing to you? https://t.co/CAKuoQRXtW
see, yidzies are not polite Anglo types. they do not respond to hints and "your slip is showing" whispers. They need a boot up their nose.
EVE WINS A POINT. YAHOO! savor the flavor kid. ya threw one by me. wont happen again. https://t.co/w1bTDZ8lMk
your god is invisible and ineffectual - ie, < wind. yet the burden is on the atheist to "prove" he doesn't exist. https://t.co/5xnndzloXr
even contra my own fav mencken, it actually is true that every single major problem in america has a simple, rational solution
people are not so much stupid as without imagination, so that they have to SEE something before they even, really, believe it possible
the funny thing is Anglos are bigoted, but not at all against niggers, whom they philo belond belief, but against Germans and NS
i look at it as "eating makes appetite." get a wall up, it will be so great people will hunger for more... https://t.co/i7kvhCEqpM
even in ripostes you have nothing to offer but footnotes. always sending big brother to do little girl's work. sad! https://t.co/qeD0VK3Wor
a jew's entire idea of culture is shitting on something. more or less literally as well as figuratively
when i take an empty catchup bottle and squeeze it repeatedly it sounds JUST LIKE YOU https://t.co/GvsfEYHM3a
a real jew's jew there https://t.co/eUaNsm3kcJ
"get in the ring" as GnR said. you're a fucking hack kibitzer who does nothing but dully parrot real men's ideas https://t.co/GvsfEYHM3a
would it be airquotes "crime" to tie patty oswalt to michael moore's back and push them off golden gate bridge? i say no.
you know Trump wouldnt be out there trying to destroy Syria. staaap already with this bs about HIM not sicko HER being the warmonger
playing D&D is proof of congenital mental debility https://t.co/qeD0VK3Wor
at the heart of every prof is a flat-assed nerd. NERD! https://t.co/qeD0VK3Wor
you'lll lose your job teaching special-needs manatees if YOU dare name the jew at root of world's misery. #truth https://t.co/qeD0VK3Wor
mencken said (and this pertains to you directly) the opinion of a man not free to take the other side is wortheless https://t.co/qeD0VK3Wor
someone is jealous others use their freedom in wa way she cant (read: doesn't dare) https://t.co/YtcT36Ik53
it's friday night at 7:46 on the CST...you know what that means... you STILL HAVE 14 minutes to stop being a fag by 8 o' CLOCK!!!
remember: all the bourgeois conservative cunts, the German cucks o' the day, joined hitler right when he was on verge of victory
tribal death penalty, and same for cucks who served them https://t.co/U3Q9k5vaX3
your kid looks like a snake. i dont mean to be cruel. https://t.co/ebN7J0nUZB
the circle of pill is larger than ever; but no effective org has grown from that soil yet https://t.co/5ei55567vZ
Planet earth could no longer tolerate jews on its surface. This much was clear to the meanest intelligence by 2016. #3016
World's Oldest Snowshoe Found https://t.co/fFYBSpC6l9 via @NewObOnline
Orbân has added fuel to the fire by announcing that the invader boats should be sunk at sea before they even reach Europe’s shores. #killem
Norcross, w its crime rate of 47 per 1000 residents, “has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes
Whites Ethnically Cleansed from Norcross, Ga. https://t.co/xrDEiRJ8b8 via @NewObOnline
one gleams heaps of useful material from catholic and libertarian intellectuals - who are dogma bound against using it effectively
if i hated ZOG and its loathsome empire, i wouldn't join the army and extend it. but that's just me. i'm not a dirt-eating Southerner
join the army and fight for people who hate you. to a Southerner, this is just common sense https://t.co/omYSWgWt82
dont get hung up on hitler being german, if he were scottish or italian, it's same thing: he & his figured out how to fight jews. boom.
"Fair wat be th' pt of writing save not to maketh the prose stand out like a pheasant in stubbled field" --Jonas Watsley, 1742
arguably the most brilliant thing a woman has ever said: condom is breastplate against pleasure & cobweb against danger #safesexlol
there are brilliant inversions, to wit: reality is for people who cant handle drugs (jopling), but on the whole they're chesterton level
the single best thing about dictators is they have to pretend to give a flying fuck whether people like them or not
i dont call myself anything https://t.co/RoAtGW2FfU
jews intimidate whites, that's all it is. they use xtian so-called morality as a way for the xtian to save face https://t.co/DXLba5QMyy
jews know whites are simps who are easily guilted, and they use these levers against them https://t.co/DXLba5QMyy
christianity is a mass garbage cult, and no i dont need some defunct german to figure that out for me i have eyes
we Americans bear the eternal shame of not having slaughtered our neocons, who have roiled the entire world in misery & war
jews murder europe / Iran Terrorists “Settled” in Europe https://t.co/Wwz1ipi4mf via @NewObOnline
Germans Fight Back as Invaders Attack https://t.co/vdRJSF1GXW via @NewObOnline
Whites are not a traditionalist race but a flexible, questing, inventive race. Of all races whites are LEAST traditionalist.
If your #muhturdition led where are today, how good can it be? Why do you pale and fail before this simplest question, turdies?
So long as white america see itself as Jimmy Stewart or Tom Hanks it cannot win the racial struggle.
After years of intense training, some blacks were able to learn which part of the cotton plant to pick.
Laura, what actions have you taken to get "Even the best of the goyim should be killed" from the Talmud? https://t.co/QRjIDArZTv
an article on #altright hoists Vdare Jared Taylor Richard Spencer under our eyeballs. Which of these forthrightly declares jews our enemy?
you know that giant beaming smile little kids have when you pay attention to them? being an adult means getting past that stage. yeah.
are blacks less xtian than whites? in fact, they are more. somehow that doesn't make the problems they create go away. hmm...it's like...lol
jews to xtians: we'll let you exist so long as you stick to advocating some nebulous love never more than 10 degrees from our social agenda
they're not #antiwhite on principle, as jews are, they're careerists. if muslims ruled, they'd serve them the same https://t.co/PDkFXmCcql
if christ-insanity were actually threatening to jews, they would have wiped it out long ago. since it's useful to them, they halt at mocking
White racialists must use the hostility jews have spread toward xtianity to supersede it with racial weltanschauung in whiteskin minds.
christian cult is based on a lie. is it white to accept lies when the truth is known? christianity is inherently & irremediably #antiwhite.
the hate -- all of it -- comes FROM jews and is directed AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE. this is the truth. speak it and laugh and fight. #TeamWhite
September 15, 2016:
you might look like Mr bEan in 20 years be careful. maybe eat less squid https://t.co/djp6UncJ24
if i drank i would surely try it! https://t.co/Mw1p44gR7A
Whites should keep their nations AND come together in global consortium to defeat Jewish Tyranny. Quality discos welcome too.
so far ahead of us we can't even see it... https://t.co/h0vPkGx0qz
DGP (damn good point!) https://t.co/i9jlZ0uVhu
The Chartreuse Effusion: an ELO cover band, spreading light and beauty like a disco ball. https://t.co/8qmlv1xQ1c
you should man up and admit those 18 manatees stuck in a pipe were YOUR STUDENTS https://t.co/P48u0wEx26
i assume everyone is worth 3.2 ml of love. then i add or subtract based on egg-cooking ability / cuteness of nose. https://t.co/BiouQwbjgi
the best that can be said of )))leftists((( is some of them are merely delusional. but most are knowing, sneering liars
the left is not was not never will be well motivated, and will always take as sign of submission your stipulating such up front
the minute you say "i'm not" you say "I AM A WEAKLING" conservs are NEARLY congenitally incapable of groking this https://t.co/4U6vug74Xb
if we considered jews a different species, we'd no more trouble exterminating them than termites. since, after all, they're more destructive
your entire MO is setting these stupid little traps. you know...no one can stop you from dumtweeting. no foil needed https://t.co/P48u0wEx26
you're not a philosopher when you can't produce a single idea or even memorable formulation on your own. u r parrot https://t.co/P48u0wEx26
why shouldnt they mock jews when your xtian twinks (white la. voters) never dare fight back? xtianity is for fags https://t.co/JndlgpdHOG
you have no idea about more things than you imagine. love isn't based on desert https://t.co/BiouQwbjgi
you have a love thermometer? should market that. https://t.co/BiouQwbjgi
stifle y'self, aristittle https://t.co/bi1wHy8BNJ
cats are stupid. and cat owners* who think their cats are smart are really stupid. *includes dog owners
never indulge twinks in fantasies. he who believes jebus horseshit today will gulp holohoax bullshit tomorrow
how can mengele be anti-semitic when he took time out for personal meetings with every single survivor?
jewish "history" is essentially them pretending they got what they deserved, as basis for demanding reparations and respect today
"if it ain about money den it relly don concer me" https://t.co/jqkWQE7X9k via @YouTube
it's about what's good for Israel first second third and tenth. then about profits. why are libertarians so cowardly https://t.co/sskSZt9AeP
aint she jes as cute as a morning pig, as they say in Doxleen, Ala. https://t.co/MtPUdKT6Y4
that's the top pepe, imo https://t.co/xGLvUIxqOe
so israel is controlled by extremists since, you know, it has a border wall and deports its few africans?
diseases often seem like alt-utility bills, if you decide to use prescription drugs to combat them https://t.co/uNzPglctfd
merely not overtly hating whites makes Trump appear a nazi. in fact he values race very little, to all appearances. so far gone things are
we should be boiling with rage at the 38,000,000,000 taken directly out of our white pockets and given to the greedy evil jews of israel
learn how to spell, people. this aint the South. this is the big time. "you do it again, you're going home. just so ya know."
the hateful fringe are the jews (and cuckservants) controlling the media. lying that wanting borders is 'extremist' yeah ok lol
both physical (fags) and spiritual (xtian) homosexuals should be mocked and ridiculed endlessly. promiscuous fruits, one and all
hillarys throat is a disgusting trench where lies weave way thru star wars bar scene of baccillae, randococci & pneumonoidic virus
take your future in your hands, white man. dont be a cunt. jebus is for sissies and bowing to jews is for slaves. #TeamWhite
sometimes words acquire associations they cant shake, which is sad for perception. non-sexual PERVERSION is YUUUUGE but we dont see it
September 14, 2016:
God < birth control? You blaspheming sob. https://t.co/0EFix3o2jo
brainless acceptance of one plangent lie (jebus) leads to brainless acceptance of another (holocaust)
when you get expelled f109x it is clear that you are the problem. it is also clear the expellers need to level up on penalty
Genocide is God's plan for the world: 99% of the species that ever existed on earth are today extinct. Ponder that fact's pol implications.
even if you're a religious jackass & believe god made the world, well, 99.9% of species that ever existed are extinct. genocide = God's way
blacks are more religious than whites and since xtianity is the source of civilization, detroit is the most civilized city in America
the believe that immigration is magic comes from the christian belief that baptism is magic first came #magicwater, then came #magicdirt
remember it was a christian preacher who turned hillary into a leftist. boy, the good things this jewish cult produces just keep on giving
even in spain, many to most weren't even horizontally expelled but just rolled their eyes and pretended to convert https://t.co/Snd5e7GF0n
which merely led to jews causing the exact same problems from a couple hundred miles away. expulsion does not work https://t.co/Snd5e7GF0n
jewish "history" is lying that they actually received the treatment they deserve. which is never the case. https://t.co/g9R9lg7qEo
but when you abort blacks, that means there's less of them. how can that not be a good thing? https://t.co/7JJlJrktZd
'human right' sounds neutral, even vaguely positive, but it always translates into the discolored's right to the white man's property
kirk cousins was better than robert griffin from day one, coming from a pro-style offense - but didnt get chance to compete cuz (((snyder)))
jews Frankfurt society by sexually loosening it: a charismatic counterexample of restraint, like Tim Tebow, is immensely dangerous to them
there are only 256 nfl games per season. the nfl is not a perfect meritocracy as people seem to think - there is limited playing time
what the jews did to Tim Tebow in sports is nearly perfectly parallel to what they are trying to do to Trump in politics
the parallel is to trump: tebow, much as i loathe chrissies, is a charismatic personality capable of moving millions https://t.co/iEK2xNxdgI
God is known by his effects...that no one agrees on. Contrast with something real and effectual, if invisible: wind. https://t.co/kIwpwhA5J3
that's a myth. it took a jew convert to start the inquistion, and it was much less than is bruited by jewish liars https://t.co/h1OKwjIuOt
the problems whites face are not spiritual or psychological, they are entirely the result of alien control of major institutions
Lenin said there was a point when 100 good men could have defeated him. Luckily he was in a christian land. #crosscucks FTL
Orthodox! because if you move something 20 miles east, it stops being bullshit and turns into solid gold
the white mass has tropisms and appetites where it needs convictions and consistency. this is why it is ruled as subject population
same way. different flavor of same pernicious foolishness based on a lie https://t.co/tLY9hA5XXQ
hoist the kike, hoist the cuck hoist the beers! https://t.co/HMIpKY3Anu
jews must be made extinct. https://t.co/praKlPoF16
equality is hate. stop the hate. https://t.co/7MWuo8TnjU
September 13, 2016:
i, for one, consider it anti-semitic to sue her for practicing jewish honesty https://t.co/k24Ehlqn03
imagine the contempt jews have for us. this woman is telling us to accept jews facilitating our women being raped https://t.co/nqHrqqGTVv
universal humanity comes out of xtianity. xtianity is not the opponent of liberalism but the thing itself. https://t.co/JFVSpKqJud
give the NEA another 100 years, and every single public school inmate will have special needs or speech pathology
genuine personality is found more often among atheists than xtians, who are carbon copies of 2nd grader's worksheet https://t.co/UJ8QDexqGN
atheists like mencken and twain lack the depth of #crosscucks like her. all xtianity is bilge, there is no good/true https://t.co/UJ8QDexqGN
more accurate: the ideologue and the strawman https://t.co/Ht5Iuj6OHX
your claiming atheists want to be god is parallel to homos claiming their opponents are closeted gays https://t.co/fLOLaZ7Cm7
what an achievement it is to actually write a paper that calls for a new pearl harbor, pull it off, and 100% avoid media notice
it's a great mistake for the technical explainers of '9/11' to stay away from the why, as this is most significant and easier to prove
you're mixing together sense and nonsense. the racial cause has nothing to do with jebooism and that garbage. https://t.co/cIntQ86wsI
jews are caught taping the WTC demolitions, yet somehow "Israel did it" is always kept off the explanations menu. go figger, white nigger
many don't know that couric is a jew by blood https://t.co/KKpApGIEYi
all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition if you just listen to me, you know what's going on 15-20 years early
Trump's campaign, the (((reaction))) to it, should teach ordinary whites that jews hate us. it's our existence they find "deplorable."
to understand christ-insanity is to despise it. https://t.co/wBx8pVZ51r
the ratlike evil of jews is somehow aestheticallly superior to the sniffing preening figure-cutting Cult of High-Mindeds of the anglo
funny in light of your squawking reaction when you're told you're a type, which you are, rather than unique https://t.co/WVzHFKlOUU
which is likelier? which is simpler? https://t.co/SQGXVNOp4b
you're trying to push the rock up the hill and wonder why it always falls back. hint: it's because you're wrong. https://t.co/cSXNvV51cN
i reject your particular baseless assertion. that far you can go, beyond that, it's your projection https://t.co/HIM2buOu7V
it's same w race: if you dont take their cult position on it, then you "worship at the altar of your own blood" https://t.co/HgQaPGlHf1
if i see farther than others it is because i stand on the scrotums of elves, and other imaginary creatures i cant stand.
she cant give it up. they ALL pseudo-argue like this. it's dishonest, and shows jewy nature of christ-insanity. https://t.co/nsdDony33o
classic Anglo 'telescopic suffering' look on her face https://t.co/tzmby5i01D
begging = begging the question. logical fallacy. which she practices more or less in every single tweet https://t.co/K6n4YFChYN
i merely asked a question, i asserted no necessity https://t.co/z7AYNB9DZ8
i see the 10,000 mile stare of the true visionary, who rejects mere sense-evidence as lowbrow & racist https://t.co/SnVQ20FpO9
if you actually talk to a few believers, it's pretty clear where 'religion' comes from https://t.co/LrpGwAHZga
you've added tautology to your list of intellectual crimes. dont think that slipped by. https://t.co/riUTHkjXrB
and you know this how? only because he doesn't do what you want. which could be taken as proof of nonexistence too https://t.co/riUTHkjXrB
Pls sign my online petition (link below.) It's to stop demonic over-sized water slides. Support Caleb's Head Law... https://t.co/2mYGZsXzCp
what kind of dance will you do when hillary dies? butter churn mashed potato that bangles egyptian thing one-man tango
prob is not contents but wrapping. it's like if i invented sugar drink and called it Oke. you want Oke...or Coke? https://t.co/oGzhQlBrWx
white man doesn't need a bible, he already has a bible. he needs...something else. https://t.co/TgmfePSI2f
if you're going to start a religion, start your own religion (Scientology, fr instance) dont copy another https://t.co/TgmfePSI2f
much of what klassen wrote is correct, but the me-too form ensures failure https://t.co/TgmfePSI2f
if you want to do psych profiles, this 'eve' identifies w jebus as a she-martyr https://t.co/KcGHPLqhwn
ya picked that up, did you. for a CI, you're pretty darn smart https://t.co/m3GUieyCOv
absurd doctrine believed in by fools and scumbags https://t.co/FYFScqHnYe
September 12, 2016:
the church is universal. not racial (like jews). it's an ANTI-racial doctrine for a brohood of man in body of christ https://t.co/GJOhsuAarG
because the church fights islam does not equal church values and defends whiteness. it does not https://t.co/yBV2QKk1Zt
the right way to look at it is as the jews do: "we and they are different SPECIES." then you have the psychology right.
i love these idiots who think because the church at some point in the last 2000 years fought a different religion = church defends whites
clueless. i would rebut you but your level cannot grasp what i'm saying i've learned from 1000 attempts https://t.co/jydFpaqHRz
when you agree that all men are children of god...you have conceded a good deal more than you think. more than is apparent.
that's a xtian problem: all men are children of god. xtian doctrine is sick and white-destructive. ALWAYS has been. https://t.co/aclcMKnEVH
he's not paid off at all, he actually believes that. the problem is church doctrine, and it's not changeable. https://t.co/er61c7OiLW
the church produces men of low character. you can type up all commandments in world against lying, dont mean a thing https://t.co/I9NeXP2082
because if the church's claims about reality are substantially correct, then yes, race matters comparatively little https://t.co/er61c7OiLW
the church has never acknowledged racial distinctions as valuable, and has always worked to break them down https://t.co/er61c7OiLW
when i argue there's always a twinkle in my voice, because i know my footing. but religious folks, forced to admit faith in jebus - NEVER
the pope denounced hitler's racial-political doctrine as immoral and nazism as evil... the church fears racialism https://t.co/XzeUkeans6
Go read Mit Brennender Sorge. And Table Talk. is a bunch of dead cockroaches in a tortilla a taco? if not, why not https://t.co/XzeUkeans6
your implicit argument is atheists don't actually believe what they claim they believe - uncharitable & inaccurate https://t.co/hEKNQAe9Bj
it's your assertion that i or we want what you say. your view is purely ideological; it doesn't fit real people https://t.co/hEKNQAe9Bj
you truly are the queen of the duncess. this below is textbook begging the question. https://t.co/oZTDJdEcUS
heard espn radio doofi praising kaepernick for at starting conversation; then saying have to be careful, could lose job if say wrong thing!
no, the religion is inherently #antiwhite, hitler was no catholic beyond being baptized as a child https://t.co/y1sxCR2Db4
objection: relevance https://t.co/9dafzapt5P
If God existed, it would be sad were He as humorless and mentally trivial as the average believer. https://t.co/In7u81JoJJ
God has a Humometer for measuring (very precisely) levels of hominid worth. https://t.co/MxNVkKckan
doesnt matter, my point is all xtians who consider themselves intellectuals 'argue' way she is: false frame fallacy https://t.co/A67i2E4BDo
So if I reject your belief in UFOs, does that prove I'm a space alien? https://t.co/KUGLnsIM2H
Notice her 'logic' - if you reject her God as fantasy, you believe YOU are god. All xtians argue this jewy way. https://t.co/KUGLnsIM2H
God told me when He looks down at xtian droolards who worship Him, He smh & says to Himself, "Verily, every Sunday is Facepalm Sunday."
i dont have to call my opponents evil, i can just point out where they're wrong. or where i disagree w their preferences
'intellectual' christianity argues EXACTLY the way political jews do: only its own frame is accepted as valid. everything else is vile evil
it deserves exploring at length the way christianity, as intellectually defended, is wuss-level judaism. i shall do this myself.
one tiniest move by "omnipotent" God could destroy my mocking kind forever. yet that move never comes. ;) lol on you https://t.co/uyL65xRQGs
the deep truth is religious folks hate god more than atheists, who simply acknowledge his nonexistence https://t.co/uyL65xRQGs
like every leftist, "it's not X when We do it. 100% of what-you-call argument is special pleading & question begging https://t.co/uyL65xRQGs
1) cultists demand you bend the rules for their "special" reality, then flip to assert 2) We alone determine worth https://t.co/yxrvIQsLBr
need some lyrics rewrite for that Wizard of Oz song: "If I only had a (neck)" https://t.co/K3Tz7SL8E8
the point is it's made a lingering national story. which it isn't. save for the #antiwhite agenda it serves. https://t.co/PiRlIKcpcH
so you'll see niggiepoop saying "cibbil rights aint fo de why man." and german lefts (non jews) will overtly declare for GER-netic untergang
odd parallel between niggers and germans - nigs are too dumb and germans too direct for Anglo masking politics, hence they sometimes 'truth'
what we NEED to do is form an overt #TEAMWHITE to take on #TEAMJEW. even if Trump wins and does his good things https://t.co/parNvdFY8e
we dont need him. he put ideas out there that, as he continually urged, ANYONE BY RESEARCH CAN VALIDATE. https://t.co/parNvdFY8e
2 'sinners.' "Jimmy" "ah hab sinned" Swaggert Charlie Bucket christianity with out mawkish effeminacy wouldnt exist. it's a perversion
just as little man always knows better than local foosball manager, he also's an expert on god's word & intentions #crosscucks FTL
jews are simply an evil race of lying criminals; history screams with one voice the only 'solution' to them is burying them
coach said: "the sagehen is the only animal that, when attacked, will not defend itself." maybe add the white man & xtian church
By their fruit, ye shall know them. Do christian churches produce good men? Manifestly, they do not.
that is a stupid question https://t.co/MB7cuepY8c
The longer I live & learn, the clearer it is to me that everything our race has achieved was in spite of & against xtianity, not because of.
Just been traveling over some of these peachy states we have, and the USA is well polluted with christianity.
Christians love debating things that can't be resolved, e.g. the bible, because they can't lose, which satisfies their cowardice.
For a cult with a literal divine commandment against lying, xtians are perhaps the least truth-interested people on earth.
jews have never in all recorded history had trouble dominating christians. the only time whites organized racially - they shriek of it still
September 05, 2016:
notice xtian concept of love never extends to taking other guy seriously but only to brainlessly doing whatever Authority declares Good
September 04, 2016:
yr mom has a blueberry for a daughter get tested https://t.co/V6Zf1XvjYn
yeah how do you think she feels about having a BLUEBERRY FOR A DAUGHTER https://t.co/QbzYlrVnQu
catholic intellectuals recycle lies about Nazis invented by communist jews - whom catholic church hid from same. FIGURE IT OUT, McDOLTY
to say jews lie, swindle and wreck nations is no different than saying amish do roof work and raise barns
she had her bad side too https://t.co/lI8Ei20Pn5
Remember, the conservatives in Germany back then did everything they could in their myriad girlish ways to stop Hitler from, u know, winning
#EveryLastOne https://t.co/QZY1F4GLWq
Focus on 'telescopic suffering' is an Anglo tradition. 100% undeniably so. So keep it? (This is the problem with traditionalism.)
It's anti-Semitic to deprive jews of credit for inventing Political Correctness. "Semitical Correctness" is the correct term, pace J Sobran.
"Those who push old women in front of buses and those who push them out of way are same thing." (~WFB, decades ago) https://t.co/65okbOFcTv
the idea that there is ANY "self-deception" among jews is complete and utter horseshit. it's called lying. they are a race of LIARS
namely that if you glare at the nurses hard enough, everyone will "forget" you left a surgical sponge in the patient https://t.co/hknXsHuwGU
irish sports = drinking and whining English invented all the good modern sports. True! https://t.co/1uGL2JDQMN
Why #TeamWhite? Because we're right. And we don't pander to niggers and jews. And we stick to the facts, w/o apologizing or groveling.
a mild barb directed at nogdog = WHITE-ISIS. and the (((media))) wonder why people just laugh at them
September 03, 2016:
they cant admit their agenda openly because it is against the interests of the normal white majority. they must lie https://t.co/ioIAvIxTH5
she could wear a caftan, or giant blouse but she always goes with Extra Thick - For Her Protection https://t.co/zbji6nn0p5
whites can pretty much take any form and dominate it; we're an impresssionable, suggestible, idealistic, innovative race, not traditional
religion for dumb people is exactly parallel to telling obese people they shouldnt exercise. dumb need to think; fat need muscle-work
dumb people need to be taught causation above all else, and religion deliberately leads them in the opposite direction
true. but what she wears appears nearly always to be extra thick and quilted - in middle of hot summer https://t.co/OYSY0CzhIx
Greece and Rome / Western civilization. (some consider these distinct). what's the common denominator? catholics cant answer this.
catholics think the west is the church, but they never bother to explain why the church cant produce but a mouse fart outside Europe
my point is: lot of speculation, no facts, and one false claim. it's not impressive. https://t.co/lSJOSaI5Dm
the power of the jews is perhaps most evident in the way they can make smart men say the most ridiculous things
some want to preserve white race. others want to preserve culture whites alone construct, even if they dont see/accept racial connection
but what i saw was it revealed to be something else... so our takeaway here is someone was probably lying ... https://t.co/m0dsccxI6w
to be fair, i love it when Fred Reed goes all pobo in that Phil Hartman unfrozen caveman lawyer way re jews...SMELL THE WEAK
maybe. maybe not. like i said, what happened to that Diazepam claim that all the (((Cernie))) Bros were circulating? https://t.co/Vbat4UuuAm
once knew a gal, daughter of a preacher, told me she had 80 (80) sweaters so cong. would never see her in same 2x https://t.co/e8NbipDbPB
" a jew taught me to two-step, so jews cant be genocidal nation-wreckers " -- Fred Reed, his Gosh Own Country-Slicking Self
so does life itself...no one gets past about 42 with their youthful good looks intact https://t.co/9gj2cVGUNU
so it's claimed by jew Cernovich, who also spread the apparent lie that her black had a syringe of Diazepam (sp?) https://t.co/J8KhygNfX2
it's very odd that all thru the summer of 2016 hillary clinton wore no top that didn't fall to at least 2" above her knees. or so it seems.
awesome.. https://t.co/w6mCf88XRA
a breast that isn't a thin leather glove over a partly deflated volleyball https://t.co/yEDYN5wA3l
like joe sobran said, as a conservative, it took him 20+ years to apply conservative standards to Israel https://t.co/g18bKXXdzi
sweet! i am very glad to hear that. https://t.co/B4xuNlNb6w
i am shaking with mirth as a fat girl shakes with girth and a leftist shakes with syrth (snyth-rage)
sure you have. and unicorns too. https://t.co/7ZzzJp0R38
tolerance, progress, tradition - none of these work as abstractions. they demand an object or specific(s) https://t.co/yrbYzw8V3X
in those days, women had small but honest breasts; bras were unheard of https://t.co/EY9UghS9iZ
"yr gonna need a larger catapult" https://t.co/1Sul6MRvsx
There is but one solution to the 'eternal' (lol) jewish question: we must counter-genocide them. Every single one. https://t.co/HfkTZRD9r0
being poor in spirit gets them Loser Points in God's Gallery, and LP can be redeemed for stuffed purple giraffes https://t.co/W4JwKapZms
September 02, 2016:
the humbling point is that we know more about a man when we know his race than we do by his religion. humans can be evaluated like apples
we dont agree on the art form (religious, freemen, national socialists) but for we who do agree, race is the stage, hence WHITE NATIONALISM
human society is like an art form, but it can really only develop with a solid foundation, or stage. race is that.
no one values ideas more than me, but this is kind of the point - race trumps all our stupid beliefs WHETHER WE LIKE IT OR NOT
one has many identities, but only one race. our cause is racial. 'identity' is weak confusion, smacks of conservative euphemism
want to "expel" jews when they're throwing 85yo German women in jail, getting 15yos raped and 95yo men on trial? FUCK YOU (((THEY))) DIE
whites are sympathetic to African-Americans when they're LEGITIMATELY screwed by the system, Harambe is perfect example
Streicher said something like "throwing the truth in their face, South German style!" bald IS beautiful...and necessary
awesome tweet by The Donald... that weiner is like some bizarre little insect you find crawling around in the grass https://t.co/pGCE6cl6uE
Vending machines are proof that God exists and wants us to be happy. https://t.co/UNtiX2RlFF
some books... https://t.co/jzbSpm94oU
white guy who screwed a drunk chick gets giant national attention; five niggers who torure-murdered a white great-grandma - nothing
follow: @N1K0LAK1 best context + jew-vid-clip illustrations @Ricky_Vaughn99 best Trump guide @TanstaaflAoT best insights + formulations
someone who wants to fill the US with Syrians cannot reasonably be described as having any respect for this country or its people
we are the ones who did not submit to the lies, who did not become stick-fetchers, parrots or jew felchers. we laugh, and we will triumph
the WN has worked upstream for his views, just like a salmon; they are to a real extent a valuable achievement
if a pioneer before autos found a rattlesnake near his barn or home did he take it 100 yards away and let it free? or did he kill it?
Promiscuous spiritual love is a greater social disease than the top fifty physical STDs combined. Xtianity = spiritual promiscuity.
I can't stand when people die before I am done pointing out what is wrong with things they've said publicly. Keep respiring, assholes.
Christian racial doctrine is the opposite of humble - it is hubristic. Worse, like all liberalism, it doesn't allow for reality correction.
Christianity overvalues love and undervalues race. It distorts both the biological and emotional economies to disastrous results.
2 September 2016 Trump +295 Clinton -300 His number improved significantly, with the money men, after immigration speech.
most of those using 'cuck' are cucks themselves because they subscribe to the source of all cuckdom - the jebus cult
i dont think it's funny or cute at all to let invaders run wild in America, and if i had the power i would execute responsible parties
It is the worst thing in the world that the racial cause in America comes pre-tainted with religious-loserism. Winning mentality = foreign.
i believe whites never have and still do not understand the depth of the hatred and organization of the jews https://t.co/5GPpDbfpBd
We of #TeamWhite are not obliged to repeat mistakes of the past like queens of reaction are. #MuhTurdition
Now jews have the technology they never did before - and we (should) see the error of not simply counter-exterminating them long ago.
If you support expelling jews, and acknowledge it's been done 109x, why do you think it will succeed the 110th?
xtianity forces god's created, differentiated reality to conform to its crank, destructive, #antiwhite, universalist ideology
xtianity disrespects what it must consider God's created nature in that it simply denies Created differences between species for ideology
counter-extermination of jews is the only respectful way to treat them because it acknowledges what they are.
the notion that "expelling" jews works is not just rejected by history but biology. you think they _can_ not try to sneak back & parasitize?
things that suck: jews, college admins, mexcrement, niggers, anglophiles, Southron dirt-eating morons, xtians, pet lovers, faggots...tbc
wet humor is funnier than dry humor, which is rarely humor at all but simply weakness offered as sophistication
why do jews hate whites? https://t.co/Vc1yVwBqYu
Trump's speech on immigration isn't great because like all pols he avoids (((real))) reason we have open borders: to undermine US racially.
Hivemind and conspiracies and open planning -- all three are active at the same time, always. #TeamJew
Jon "Stuart", that hideously ugly she-pug on Supreme Court, Rachel Maddow - these jews HATE whites and work as team to wreck our nations.
The Founders were strongly against standing armies. Which makes them unAmerican. Like you. https://t.co/TaKeoOJhNz
Having the power to do something does not mean having the ability to do it. Universal health care - 1) propaganda term, 2) lol
2008 through 2014, nearly 13,000 criminal aliens were released into U.S. communities because their home countries would not take them back.
I prefer to remember Axl when he was young and serpentine. https://t.co/cABBnWOnRO
We whites need to face squarely that we have an enemy: jews. All of them. Not some. Not a political position. A race. JEWS ARE OUR ENEMY.
Jews are deliberately endangering real Americans. Deliberately. All of us. From Supreme Court, to media, to campuses. #loxism
WASPs make the best jew lapdogs. https://t.co/LRB0QFnugG
Criticism is either right or wrong. Funny or dull. This makes it helpful and entertaining or moronic and useless.
I've never been bothered by criticism because I'm fully aware how much I suck. I have special insight from positioning. THIS is the attitude
Think of US as clearing in woods filled with redskins and, down south, assorted mestizo catholic garbage. Central govt = BORDER GUARD.
"We will expand and revitalize...287(g) partnerships, which will help to identify hundreds of thousands of deportable aliens in local jails.
Trump's plan is nothing more than what anyone with common sense who didn't actively hate this country would do if he had power to.
it's always a technical mistake to say "immigrants," they are criminals or aliens or alien criminals, never immigrants
"Hillary Clinton has pledged...her plan will provide Obamacare, Social Security and Medicare for illegal immigrants..."
There is going to be a white world war against jews trying to genocide us and I want to be first and loudest urging we KILL (((THEM))) all.
Hillary Clinton supports: Sanctuary Cities catch-and-release on border visa overstays releasing criminals from detention executive amnesty.
Notice that Trump's sentence there perfectly fits the tweetslot. Is somebodies thinking? https://t.co/KVxcONC0Kj
Trump: "Countless Americans who have died in recent years would be alive today if not for the open border policies of this Administration."
"But the facts aren’t known because the media won’t report on them..." Trump said that about immigration, but could have been anything.
Hillary is not a jew, but has that paranoid mentality, in that she thinks there is a double standard that works AGAINST her instead of for.
People who arent in politics for money or self-aggrandizement are rare, but do exist. Hitler was one.
Transcript of Trump's immigration speech. https://t.co/T3FKJhlKOY
god forbid iran be allowed to defend itself against israel, you weak hypocritical cunt https://t.co/Uh0plwyFMd
Muzz Huma and Jew Weiner...do you not see that these Sems have much more in common than not, you "judeo-christian" lackwit?
The US was great in years when it was: - anti-British - had no jews - had tiny central govt IE, before 1900. When those reversed, suckdom.
Hillary would look great in a mid-thigh-length quilted straightjacket. Giving political power to middle-aged women is incomparably bad idea.
Under Hitler, white bred. And jews fled. Think really hard and see if you can figure out just what makes Hitler the "bad guy."
Racists have this strange belief that the sun rises in the east. It's not their only alt-conception. They also perceive the sky as blue.
Leftists have gone so long without opposition in the controlled mass media they now think carbon dioxide is air.
September 01, 2016:
Stop being a christian weakling. Stop being a little white dog. Stop being a stick fetcher. Be a white man. REFUSE TO BE USED.
Jews in America have a message for you, white man: "We haven't murdered as many of you as our bros in Russia last century. Yet."
jews act like it's a sign of cheating or bad character to cite actual murder victims that are the direct result of their policies #AngelMoms
we have you shlebotniks to blame for that, stinky https://t.co/Cce5Oysp8m
the Electric Sleight https://t.co/AoTDyiJhDl
It's going to be a giant wall, covered with jew hides on the US side, and mexican pelts on the other. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
they're jews. period. end of sentence. their politics is they're all on the side of #TeamJew https://t.co/is0RhDUveH
#LeoFrank #ADL The quivering li'l bug-eyed kike was as guilty as hell; that the ADL was founded to save such an obvious piece o' shit by
the left = jews. it isn't democratic. it doesn't argue, it smears, lies and murders. jewed right is no different.
the leftist "journalist" is proud of his audacity in treating an objective fact (yes, even murder) as a kooky perception in diseased mind
August 31, 2016:
you're another jackass who is going to make distinctions between genocidal jews while they treat whites as a class https://t.co/mcOn1QVt0J
whites are literally so dumb they cannot grasp that a "solution" that has failed 109x will fail the 110th, 111th, 112th too...
bobby fischer. and...no. just him. https://t.co/P4stQvVUrA
consider just how dishonest and bizarre he says "say" instead of "whose kids were murdered" https://t.co/g2FD8uesIW
if you want a border around your white nation...you're hitler. if you want a white nation to stay that way...you're hitler. politics in 2016
you know that couple that abusedgirl until she thought "Idiot" was her name - that's how (((media))) treat normal whites
leftists use conservatives' respect for the law against them; for themselves, there's only Law of What We Can Get Away With
the fool you flatter is the fool you become. america now thinks & acts like jews, and is hated like them as a result https://t.co/vSQO0KlolX
every non-leftist is hitler every non-(((left))) position is hate controlling the media is fun! https://t.co/O7iRYS7jfG
wtf are mountain rats? https://t.co/921m8FUssP
if you would merely "expel" jews you claim are GENOCIDING your kind, then you are either a fool or a clown
correct. you have identified the clown position. https://t.co/zj1XW6ou89
moral problems experienced by christians and other inferior men go away when we regard jews as animals, not men. as they regard us #Talmud
what did your jew boss eat today Mr. Remora, sir? https://t.co/n12GF8dpv2
all the people i pay to watch tv for me (aka follow on twitter) seem to think Marse Trump is saying some wise & necessary things
there is nothing as creepy and ethereal-insane as listening to a catholic talking about curing jews by converting them to christ-insanity
Trump is like Ferris Bueller come to life. And the yidstons with their stupid media gibes have orange all over their face. Losers!
jews have earned a tribal death sentence. that's my position. and a more easily defensible position, given history, is inconceivable
we just want to "expel" jews as most on "our" side say. have you HEARD of nuclear weapons? do you KNOW how far they reach? how many IZ has?
you take "loving whites" and i'll take "hating jews and niggers" and i'll lap you three x before you're out the gate
when "we" talk about "jews want to white-genocide us," but we just want to expel them, the ? becomes are we clowns? https://t.co/7OiG6vdnNB
how should we treat people trying to exterminate us as a race? take them to border and let them go? #Expelol https://t.co/7OiG6vdnNB
we exterminate termites for destroying our houses; should we treat more leniently jews who destroy our societies? #TeamWhite
the power to expel jews is tantamount to the power to counter-exterminate them, and counter to jew-protecting catholics i urge that we do it
no, let's expel jews for the 110th time, so our posterity can face the problem for the 111th. https://t.co/hcc4PQdkue
but when you talk about what the problem is we're all on the same page - except the known shills tools n yids https://t.co/VdNwSCbIRj
when you try to promote a positive vision, whites divide into freemen, nazis and jebusvoids. (ie we DONT agree) https://t.co/VdNwSCbIRj
because people arent 1/10th as motivated by positive visions as by (legitimate rational) fear of terrible things https://t.co/VdNwSCbIRj
very good #altright explainer https://t.co/W3aspbyp78
wonder if his inspiration for this was the Protocols, which says the same thing in different words https://t.co/hgKmLqE4dh
Counter-extermination is the only solution to #loxism. https://t.co/RT0acRXRhC
with jews, the thing disappears with the last hominid embodiment; not so with xtianity. wiping it out is akin to war on stupidity/conformity
jews still here. byzantines gone. you interpret this as byz successfully controlling jews. smh https://t.co/o1plKdNkss
that's what's up front. which guarantees nothing about what's out back. https://t.co/R1K2geNoFy
priests tired of faggotry? NOT BUYING IT https://t.co/4d1DlO8eNb
if it's genetic, why the emphasis on getting youngest kids into a church. parallel to homos n school 'education' https://t.co/cZZkCpkTLX
We need Pepista death squads roofing niggers like the ones that just tortured and burned to death that grandmother in Georgia.
there's no similarity between the two, except that both argue dishonestly. but jews are strong, and xtians are weak https://t.co/FshQgmRKNr
Christianity has historically defended jews against enraged whites. It has never defended whites against jews.
christianity was 'produced' by jews for whites to protect jews from whites and to let jews prey on whites https://t.co/FshQgmRKNr
The simplest explanation that covers the given facts is that jews control the west, they hate whites, and they are trying to genocide them.
Christianity is the reason whiteskins won't defend themselves against jews. Xtianity is a group defense strategy - for jews.
The average man does not believe in causation and one of the worst things about christianity is that it deliberately reinforces this.
one of you #crosscult twinks want to step up and answer? https://t.co/eVwuWT3oAh
August 30, 2016:
"Statecraft as Soulcraft" G. Will? He's pro-giant govt. https://t.co/srXtvdUfRK
#Tcot - read up, faggots. https://t.co/KqXI4ekv2d
You can have men or you can have big government. There is little wrong with conservative principles, the manlets are too teensy to vindicate
Do you hate whites and want them to disappear - literally disappear? Yet also want to live off them while they're still here? Vote Dem!
Jews refuse to address White politics thru any lens but abnormal psychology, because if they argue - we win. So - lies only. Smears only.
The white race is still mostly at the level of coon voodoo, ie the #crosscucks. Come race-order eugenics, #Fingerism will supersede.
#Fingerism is the future: right-wing atheism. Founded on the Deepest Truth - that one can cause one's finger to move.
So that wasn't a syringe of Diazepam (sp?) in that nig's fist? Who first circulated the claim? has it retracted?
White race needs to quit acting like middle manager Chipeska in Bad Santa. "You're pathetic." --B.B. Thorton
no idea. dont listen to the guy. just bears repeating that he is in with (((them))) https://t.co/oWlwt5CfzN
The presence of all those churches should have told you that. https://t.co/y1DdEGnhmP
Professional buffoon and seducer of the little people admits on national airwaves he's married to a jew. https://t.co/lyilFdA79Z
August 29, 2016:
"The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home." US military is garden-wiesel tool 4 jews
A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. --James Madison #tcot
jews are a genetic clan of criminals who have created a cult out of worshipping themselves https://t.co/TI7YCIaqpv
what color was the nigger bear that stole that feeder? https://t.co/QTn1859ZtY
do you greenfags know how the founders felt about standing armies? they were against them. you dont defend US, you weaken & pervert it.
sportswriting is jew-queered exactly same way formal politics is. jews promoted griffin over cousins; but also lauvao over long
worse than the liar, in many ways, is the man who is concerned with truth, but only after his view has passed the respectability test
jews create surround clouds to mask the source of the problem. then have their writers blame corporations or coloreds for ills they started
jews are a rabid race. what we do with rabid dogs is exactly what must be done with jews. or we let them keep biting us.
no group of people sucks its own highly imaginary dick like the US military. you greenfags are parasites. not heroes. dupes and tools.
parasites in US: military, niggers, illegals, jews/israel, defense contractors... all garbage classes of people making the country worse
Hillary Clinton is sick evil liar and warmonger, but govt benefits addiction ensures half the population would vote for devil himself.
this guy is the cuckiest cuck in africa https://t.co/lWpaRuySJX
lot of this guy on that boat crossing the delaware eh https://t.co/1uWtzUFyud
August 28, 2016:
is there anything not wrong with you? https://t.co/UnNBvhDa5T
whites would rather die than be stigmatized - even in theory! astonishing. https://t.co/hJH5IP7b2N
"How can I take on a bigger portion of responsibility for negro failure?"...is a question ever white man should be asking himself in 2016.
damn good stuff. what too many of these nazi faggots dont get is BIG GOVERNMENT LITTLE MEN https://t.co/xz1BFwudSR
Factually untrue. I mean, if you were interested in the facts, which you aren't. https://t.co/2X11nEx2AG
Perfect example of Hitler's claim in every social abscess - a jew. A suppurating jew. https://t.co/gePWHMETYN #TeamJew #TeamWhite #loxism
Let #altright collect the losers who beta cuck after any broad with tits who says something only 50% stupid intead of expected 99%.
Democracy just makes fags of all participants because of the need to suck after money and kiss ass for votes.
Fuck nationalism for all, whites must conquer. Only that mindset can win. jews have it. Even niggers have it. We have me-too democratic crap
Session #10 of 11: Camp of the Saints. (pp 240-271) https://t.co/rv7F5NGvTl #LearningCollege #vnnforum #TeamWhite
Global, coordinated, #antiwhite lie campaigns from #TeamJew - https://t.co/TcEpp6zdNq #loxism
Any whiteskin who takes a penny from jew Soros is guilty of treason, and deserves to be executed. #TeamWhite
Jew Soros is paying coloreds to attack whites. He deserves to die for that. So does his vile race, which supports him 100%.
Amended sched. Please note. 6:30 Fair Queen Coronation 7:00 Mutton Bustin 7:30 Stick Horse Race 8:00 Jew Expulsion #CountryFair
ooh, da monkeyville in sum fine hans https://t.co/1KMxKyW52G
Hi, folks. I just want you to know that my views? They're 100% I'm Good Brand (tm). Everything that Good people believe, I believe them too!
The real humor is accuracy. These days. Perhaps it were ever thus. https://t.co/Ru2CZaxkMG
It's led by jews, too. Surely you're not too oblivious to notice that. https://t.co/mkW59wMCtb
August 27, 2016:
Segregation is a dysphemism for free association; Integration is a euphemism for coerced destruction. #loxism
Christianity turns men into women. Soy milk for the soul. https://t.co/vvbZBFbm6Y
Typical example of nigger behavior. Yes, they pretty much all are like that. https://t.co/FUjtf4T2ip
apparently these are jewlets. so the lies serve the purpose of group-strengthening: the whole world hates you etc https://t.co/p2NTzA7vVV
Example 2 https://t.co/05KfQALTXf
Example 1 https://t.co/hez90VifcR
well i didnt read the story, so joke's on me. in the US, this would always be a goyish public school in flyover https://t.co/fUBn3XpaPo
Nuns achieve orgasm as they're martyred by Offal-American of the type they wasted their lives serving. https://t.co/k960qiDqQD #CrossCucks
Remember prunecunt wants to bring in tens of millions of these shit-colored cultists to complete the ruin of America https://t.co/zppFZA6a2R
this is child abuse - all public schools should be burned down https://t.co/NPGR5KYmWh
August 26, 2016:
is even one of them a real blonde? https://t.co/0NBYtcPxnT
Is "Breitbart" #altright? Well, Breitbart is pure muslim-baiting and jew-evasion. Like Fox. Same with Jared "Polished Turd" Taylor.
Brazil is all catholic. Has it attained a notable degree of civilization? Since xtianity is the source of culture?
The jews you worship think you and your kind are idiots. They're right. https://t.co/Nc4UrwVtk9
Clinton's Speech Denouncing Meme-Toting Racists Interrupted By Meme https://t.co/LJTlvK06GP
kike feinberg - Hillary Clinton Speaks Truth to Pepe https://t.co/28StvWhasX
i always feel there's something weird about people who almost casually spit down principled, consistent behavior as "purity"
People who support Trump? Normal White Americans. The ones hillary hates. As opposed to black/jew/muslim criminals. Whom she loves.
you position on jews? WN: The Enemy. #altright: uh... well... (looks both ways, runs off to suck a dick)
US foreign policy: Won't somebody please think of these poor Syrian kids (who were doing just great till (((we))) ruined their country).
#LeoFrank trial, Week One (audio) https://t.co/JKgE9lHTrF (1:38m) article https://t.co/7zNSf91iHY #ADL #LearningCollege #vnnforum
Why do these folks appease jews? Only their conscience knows. https://t.co/M8OKUxAuV2
Audiobook: Camp of the Saints 9 of 11 sessions complete, up thru page 239 https://t.co/eluoZbdJ5q #LearningCollege #vnnforum #TeamWhite
White nationalism is certainly about hatred of the jews and cuck helpers who have murdered America. #TeamWhite
loser argument https://t.co/FNU6RXJBLP
jews send out people to lead the fake opposition to real problems they've created. wilders, yiannopoulous, breitbart etc. whites = suckers
"real deal" jesus you have low standards https://t.co/T8FTcQxdW4
white nationalist. a term that actually means something, unlike "alt" which means "we're not whatever-this-is" https://t.co/IdBuY3iyS0
Fox News = fake blonds, fake Americans, real male cheerleaders https://t.co/k6VsyfgTdy
August 25, 2016:
good article by Hoppe https://t.co/6m3zmt4yXz
ISIS is "good for jews" https://t.co/OHoH1NuZB0 #TeamJew
wow...violent niggers abroad are turning their lives around just like in US! great news! https://t.co/dqOuSDd8DN
Sucking up to people with money is THE British value. https://t.co/jnZRmLD0T1
August 24, 2016:
niggers... Woman in car shot in the shoulder in terrifying machine gun shootout https://t.co/I49cmp4Qzd via @MailOnline
so: 1) "alt right" came from a jew (faileocon jew-crit censor); 2) jew-pozzed @jaredtaylor is leader; 3) it's "for everybody" (ramsey). wjw
"The 'alt-right' moniker, the Wash. Post explained, was birthed from a speech given by Paul Gottfried" - jew who censored jewcrit @ Takimag
Notice how jew-exculpating clowns and others of dubious intent are being positioned by the controlled media as leaders of #altright.
you're trying to make something black and white that isn't, that's the best i can explain it https://t.co/cjL9YhvH6k
obviously not https://t.co/OYkTuioGOz
Whether he has fortified his NYC-jew observations with intellectual readings, I don't know. Probably just Fox-level stuff, I would guess.
well said https://t.co/iKAHnp9oyC
Sick in mind, body and soul, Hillary Clinton sides with Muslim terrorists, black criminals & globalist jews against Normal White America.
College - why? you will never have as much energy after 30 as before. why waste years listening to marxoid horseshit? you're PAYING for?
not just teenagers, middle-aged prole white women too https://t.co/EzPnHCH71b
Session #7: Camp of the Saints thru page 191 https://t.co/eWQPXjreH5 #LearningCollege #vnnforum #TeamWhite
want to help niggers? stop subsidizing them. the only thing that should be subsidized for blacks is one-way trips to Freaka.
when neocons try to do CT, they actually come off dumber than alex jones fans. which doesnt seem mathematically possible
This guy > Robert E. Lee https://t.co/8dCPxC9pYv
Nazis were a response to the jews. What were the jews doing to Germany? Well, look around you. The same things they're doing to the US today
August 23, 2016:
niggers: they're all like that. shit, even bill cosby's background probably couldn't stand much inspection https://t.co/se2jarJWee
Session #6, Camp of the Saints (thru pg 161) https://t.co/e8OGDP4Y0l #LearningCollege #vnnforum #TeamWhite
Lawsuit Filed over Illegal US Aid to Israel https://t.co/S91M9hFk28 via @NewObOnline
David Duke Campaign Stirs up Louisiana https://t.co/xQ41getGni via @NewObOnline
Comparable reaction in Anglo lands? Bueller? -- Attacks on Invader Centers Triple https://t.co/uxHInuaKPi via @NewObOnline
Foreign Policy: Is Donald Trump Mad? https://t.co/csRULscvmY via @NewObOnline
Lincoln’s Real Policy on Blacks https://t.co/w3sTXMiW9k via @NewObOnline
August 22, 2016:
Contrast with the servile shit Trump says about jews. https://t.co/KXL4C6Mukv
You're against Enlightenment nonsense but for christianity? You're an idiot. They're variants of the same mistake.
If we're going to have Lady Parkinson as our honcho in chief, I'd rather we put a wig on Michael J. Fox and call him Michaela.
I got more followers now so why not ask again: Whatever happened to good ol' Celtic bigot Jimmy Cantrell?
I have a soft spot for those who admit what they are. May oppose them, but grant them limited respect. For fakes and pseuds - the sword.
It's illegal to question the jewish atrocity whoppers called history in most western countries - and you're worried about dhimmitude? #tcot
Turns out Yiannopoulos is Greek for "Clinton" https://t.co/ANRPgVvAnt
They call it the Bible because it's easier than saying "Jewish Horseshit for Morons." Which is a real mouthful.
no one who has ever been even semi-famous will doubt the power of the media to put ideas in people's minds that are stronger than reality
It's pretty amazing that Hillary is openly on the side of muslim terrorists and nigger criminals and still has half the vote.
i closed my eyes and dreamed a dream...oh wait...that's you religious cultists https://t.co/cpA9jn3v7N
i think you're a little confused...about a lot of things, so completely confused https://t.co/kI8HfxKio9
i didnt advert to it until you went on about classes etc. dont open avenues you cant defend #protip https://t.co/v4pbGr0FyD
i dont know what that means https://t.co/eBgE9UBxLF
Can you restring my Weed Eater? Well...no... But I know how the structure of knowing works! #MuhPhilosophy
as an artisanal insultist, i paint with the palette of history. i will ochre you up till you look like a Guinea tribesman on Rumspringa
you know the "structure" of how knowing works. lol. classic. https://t.co/UfVUh0gUT3
i used actual fact to back my position; you gots nothing, and at some level you're aware of it. all u have = epithet https://t.co/r8Q4rRYPep
bad: racial apartheid, protecting whites from rape and murder good: comment apartheid, protecting fragile jew-leftists from logic & laughter
a Slayer tshirt and a chicken egg are the same thing. dont be fooled by their different skin colors, man
nearly every word nietzsche wrote is interesting; whereas much schopenhauer is not. but that might just be me. https://t.co/Ee7uMCn5fH
I actually look at things using my eyes. That's how I was first able to ascertain that, contrary to Sunday/Monday School, blacks arent white
It seems manlier and more aesthetic to accept differences are real and intractable. Let's just kill each other, it's more respectful.
Oh I'll leave your lawn. But my pockets are full of grapefruit! https://t.co/ciRU3pEvsy
quality tweet! https://t.co/99P9cTRe8R
Feeling very 1972-4 tonight. Billy Marek, three defenders on his back. Bill & Hillary make love to Joni Mitchell. Ernf, ernf, wow, yeah-woah
havent seen that name in about 30 years https://t.co/Q0QcKjAOOo
Truths no one likes to admit, but which are undeniable: Tennessee Waltz Amazing Grace are terrible songs.
"Colored people," lol. C'mon lady. They're discolored. White is the standard. Everything else is off.
Harambe moonlighted as a bouncer at Five Finger Discount, a notorious nigger dive in Over-da-Rhine an' Shit. #RealApesOfGreatness
The world doesn't need any more negroes than to outfit a modest research quadrange, where white scientists can observe evolution, perhaps.
All "public school" teachers are overpaid. See, kiddies, (((they))) in media aren't just lying about race, they lie about ev'rthing.
What is a tretin? Why, friends, it's a cretin that lives in a tree. Don't ask me why. I'm not "Doctor" Seuss.
Collectivized central leadership is a necessary defensive measure against jews. Among ourselves, decentralization is higher cultural level.
Minimialism: why spend time on shit that doesn't matter? Applied to govt: why spend money growing colonies of feral niggers?
The cost of taxing valid humans to keep the 30-inch-assed NEA school admins in their plumpfy sinecures is beyond calculation.
The beautiful thing about an illiterate age is you can make up quotes and attribute them to Oscar Wilde and no one knows the...who he is.
Patsy Cline explains alpha-beta from betitted POV. If we're "created," we owe the 'tor a punch in the mouth. https://t.co/Wn8baVPKNF
Apply the trendy concept of minimalism to politics. Governments create the dysgenic demographic that "needs" government.
session #5, Camp of the Saints pp106-132 (1:14) https://t.co/lDFT8vV5Xb #LearningCollege #vnnforum #TeamWhite
White-man-ism, or white minimalism https://t.co/9m7FlsAeXc
That libertarianism can never win on its own terms is obvious and beside the point, which is that most of its ideas & claims are correct.
Niggers are like cats or dogs. They want what's on your plate. They have no idea how it was procured or prepared. They're animals.
Jews believe with brazen lying and audacity they can take over the world. And when they pull off a '911,' it reinforces their belief.
I believe it is accurate, based on history of jew-Euro relations. https://t.co/xhPOiVEznj
Go clean the grubs out of my garden. I'll pay you a penny apiece, and you can snack on them as you work. https://t.co/LYiCKZsM8r
Criss-cross'll make you jump! jump! https://t.co/LYiCKZsM8r
I just want Ulrich to change his name to something euphoniouser. 'Skarsdale Puttyman' is the name I came up with. https://t.co/LYiCKZsM8r
August 21, 2016:
it's like arguing niggers are pro-white because they cause so many people to hate niggers. https://t.co/AiZDZFPr7n
Charlotte Iserbyt, John Taylor Gatto, Samuel Blumenfeld https://t.co/uwxZS5oc1f
Obstinately push your frame on them, force them to wear it, and never accept their terms. Never pass under their verbal yoke.
The minute you show any concern about racism, you've lost. You're playing their game, in their frame. And they're laughing at how weak-dumb
says the woman who has fawned over the jews responsible for that policy her entire career https://t.co/1oQS28bywF
They're wrong and lying about that too, it's been tested. Peers are where whites get bad habits. https://t.co/5CrF6LC5dE
About what? https://t.co/vqJy2uxo11
Similar to Emmett's pa https://t.co/0yRBtIo4fK
Jews "fake it till you make it" - they lie lie lie America is this sort of country, until through invasion and agitprop they make it so.
Trump has unveiled the media for those who pay little attention. That partisan monster you see - that's the jew, undraped.
Individualism is necessary where it makes sense (most areas). White socialism is a bad idea. But racial defense is a team thing. #TeamWhite
We forget how brainwashed we are. The candidate we're all excited about will publicly assure morbid sex deviants he'll defend them. Not us.
Politics is #TeamWhite (some internet presence, mostly theoretical) vs #TeamJew (real global power now). Reify TW & polarize is recipe.
They hate you for your superiority, white man. The rest is so much squid ink. And as you can't change that, you'd best fight & defend yrself
Nothing will mollify the (((left))) because it hates you (normal white man) categorically, which is 2 say, impersonally (ie, by principle).
(((media))) are biased & unfair. But that's wrong way to look at it. Rather: media are part of ZOG, engaged in perpetual race war vs whites.
Whitesnark has opened the age to political reality. 20 years of public internet allow anyone interested to see actual forces doing battle.
Corporations are driven solely by profit maximization, that's why Daily Stormer is full of ads from prominent retailers. #MarkCrispinMiller
Negros struggle against that giant, invisible force preventing them from working and saving money. Poower negros, so hard they have it.
Democracy's standards: you have to be a certain age to run for office. And you have to be a citizen to vote. Well, scratch that second qualy
Govt should be a sort of standing posse. But it always tends to turn into a criminal gang that looks on normies as cash cows & lab animals.
This quote from Hillary shows that whites who succeed in democratic politics think the same paranoid way jews do. https://t.co/D7L7AMjQLy
Remember, people, xtianity has been around just a slim fraction of the white race's existence. It's time to make it part of our past.
Nazism wasn't a loser association like christianity. https://t.co/CGu9vDZ6TD
The media act like Hilly's a done deal. But we know 2 things: 1) the (((media))) lie; 2) Trump attracts huge crowds at all rallies.
Obama does terrible things as president. Oh yes, and his workday portions are so small. #TCOT man...scoring an own-joke every time.
For every extra vote Trump attracts from niggers, he loses a multiple of whites, if only thru drifting uninterest. "Same old shit."
Too bad Trump doesn't have the balls to do the truly revolutionary thing: appeal to whites openly in the name of their racial interests.
As a white nationalist, it's quite easy to see why jews run things and whiteskins run away from jews.
It's a fact that the average person, even upper middle class (college educated) cannot be brought to believe ideas & contradictions matter.
The thing that is most characteristic and despicable about avg guy conservative is the way he simply attributes his view to Founders.
Fat gals in their 20s love to fuck. But when they get 50, it's too much effort, and their knees are gone. https://t.co/LqmwDuHiAL
All the fat women I've known have enjoyed or endured unending procession of minor and major physical problem. FAT KILLS KNEES.
Everything Obama does is wrong. Why doesn't he spend more hours in the office? Even the most basic contradiction the #tcot simp slides over.
The greater the certainty, the louder the laughter. A Sunday School teacher on God; a Monday school teacher on diversity.
Katie with the pat put-down https://t.co/oWuvLhPmxa
So many giant, fat-rumpled young white women where I live. Such a class indicator. Nothing screams low-rent prole like fat rolls.
Seems like every right-wing pol ends desperately attempting to prove to his despisers he means well. No strength of character. Sad!
Funny I never hear jews defend any policy as "good for whites." I never stop hearing the Trumps defend policies as good for jews, blacks etc
When I hear these radio ads for back to schooling, I still inwardly cringe though I'm decades past that. What utter misery, this institution
I urge people to read the history of public schooling in America, for it is identical to history of her destruction https://t.co/VsxndWpORw
What's needed is a White vehicle that is: - explicitly and proudly racial - (White with capital W) - names & fights jew as our racial enemy
August 20, 2016:
Maxwell: The capybara, a dog-sized rodent, is among the latest to invade Florida https://t.co/bcJNNUkC2a
trigger disgust. just like WP itself - People say they approve of interracial couples, but studies uncover bias https://t.co/Fop2SDDfsK
August 19, 2016:
Every jew acts like he's silently saying to the others, "Can you believe what these goyschmucks will put up with??"
I believe they believe this, and we must embody the opposite. JEW THE JEW. This is large part of what that means. https://t.co/PeM34mcDC5
well you are an expert in disgusting fucks, so maybe you have something there pinchy https://t.co/mYoRcbcNpE
Lacking in follow through? https://t.co/IpP7pTdqY7
Crazy...isn't just a song by Patsy Cline. https://t.co/kDomg9CnBu
The traditionalist ignores traditions that don't suit him, while the progressive says this flame will never die. We all pick and choose.
he also came in second in my favorite no limits nigga competition https://t.co/IAr31doGXw
session #4, Camp of the Saints, pp79-105 https://t.co/Rg61KrNbV6 (1:21) #LearningCollege #vnnforum #TeamWhite
Beat the conservatives, for they are twinks and enjoy it. They will start parroting you. Observe how jews treat cuckstians, and learn.
The white racial cause can be, and should be, for whites who hold to higher standards than the church of the #crosscucks. #TeamWhite
Hillary Clinton's father was a right-winger. Then she went to church. True story. Christ-insanity is #antiwhite.
Treating jews as individuals is popular with people who imagine they understand what they're doing but do not.
we shoot rabid dogs. are jews not more destructive? https://t.co/YUJs77GbHF
a jewish day at the beach.. https://t.co/1zthVvNSr8
"If we are God's chosen people, how can any resistance to us and our plans, even the slightest, be moral?" --Nathan Jacob Wise
"We never give our opponents an inch. We do not even cede their existence as valid, let alone their arguments." --Nathan Jacob Wise
mexican music is truly one of the horrors of the world. music so bad it takes mexicans to make it. https://t.co/sk67LH9FSm
August 18, 2016:
Session #3 (pp 52-78) of The Camp of the Saints... https://t.co/WdUzXh79Dt (1:13) #LearningCollege #vnnforum #TeamWhite
"Public schools" dont care if you cant do checkbook math. They do care if you can't identify Wrong Attitudes as "hate."
Whites today refuse to see patterns, quite willfully. They have been persuaded by Sunday & Monday school pattern-recognition is immoral.
#CowardCoulter blames Dems & Reps because it's safe, while knowing it was jews who opened border for racial reasons. https://t.co/4DEeDUL5el
"'racist' is losing its power!" - been hearing this since the 70s. the anonymite saying this is bereft of irony
It's a mistake to think the #cuckservative believes anything. He's serving his boss for pay. That's the long and short of it.
Where jews have power, career girls cuck for them. See Trick Wilson. Where muslims have power, they cuck for Muzzy. See Teresa May.
The #Cuckservative does in fact live by principles. His principle is: whatever is good for my career is all that matters.
Created by "fascists" who belong to synagogues. https://t.co/7F3rUS7g5x
you hate globalists? you hate media? Then you're against jews. As you should be. Just admit it's racial war and sign on to #TeamWhite.
the globalists arent trying to dissolve israel, are they? so when you say you oppose globalists, what you mean is you oppose jews
not at all, because the broad that said it is pro-jew https://t.co/NfzIdqN9vb
saying "it's about globalism vs nationalism" is the typical white cowardly retreat into safe abstration. it's about #TeamWhite vs #TeamJew
August 17, 2016:
so many of that type at my college. dumpy, boring, wrong jewesses https://t.co/wzuLLXOhp4
All the twinks (pro cons) hated Gore Vidal (Al Gore relative), called him "evil." Because he had balls. He down-laughed scum jews they blew.
Pretty much the only place the term prejudice is accurately applied is to evaluation of the intellectual quality of Hitler's writings.
Planted axiom: Nick Gomez can recognize value. https://t.co/Wt07QHnhXa
Read Russell Kirk for an attempt to explain conservative-the-ism, but Hitler & Rockwell are best on conservative as a type & mentality.
Breitbart dares blame the muslims, but whistles on the jew what let it in. Meet the new alt same as old boss.
America was started by a fair number of high-quality English, along with scum, then yielded to failed potato farmers & cow ass chasers.
Up from leftism: without using the term 'racist' explain why you believe X is wrong. ie, pretend your opponent is just as noble as you are
Al Gore WASP WHORE https://t.co/1XFwoxldP8
freedom is a spirit, not just a law. when did america become a nation of cunts. most scholars say 1832, and i cant disagree
boy look at all them buddin' dickenses and austens https://t.co/LniklE58g2
and that last tweet is from someone who LOVES business. and markets. ... they're just two different things, apart from mere necessity
i want to say this. fuck your fucking content. the very fucking notion of content makes me puke. it's called ART. its about LOVE not shekels
100 years ago...The Leo Frank Trial Begins (audio session #1) https://t.co/bnibIeZDi9 (25m) https://t.co/YRlboLKHlv #ADL #LeoFrank #vnnforum
Camp of the Saints, session #2, pp18-51. Audiobook (text + comments) https://t.co/TLa6iIaLMC #TeamWhite #VnnForum
(((Breitbart))) Will we never learn? The funniest thing of all is claim we WN are "supremacists." Whites can be fooled 1000x by same trix
Nature operates by genocide, whether we like it or not. If we embrace the God delusion, then we have genocide as God's plan for the world.
There is no Tradition, only traditionS, and many of them are defective. People don't think much, hence traditions = congealed stupidity.
look at these jackass south african wiggers https://t.co/ozCcbCTxuH
Put some lotion on that hand back you lizard https://t.co/zrbllkcs4A
He who pays the piper calls the tune. Democracy, like piper, requires money. Jews have the money (they printed it). So they call the tune.
Hatred of whites (#loxism) is endemic is the jewish community. It's always been there. It's a racial trait.
No nigger at any time, anywhere, ever has given one split second of thought to what is good for "the white community." #CuckCoulter #MAGA
church policy of transferring pedo-priests to a new parish > blather from some girl Catholicism protects pedophiles https://t.co/Zh7Tj0QmKM
Sometimes. Last couple years I have moved to a version of audiobooks (text + commentary). https://t.co/3ltUEJljDA https://t.co/BPVKqpBkIS
Christianity is for cucks. As that very tepidly funny comedian Bill Engvall used to say, "Here's your sign." #CrossCucks
only someone with a catholic mind - dirty, low, dishonest - would think to brag that CELIBRATE PRIESTS have LESS (bad sex)
i dont like people like you who refuse to hold them responsible for their behavior, which is uniformly #antiwhite https://t.co/egv4TaDe0X
This is your dumbest tweet yet. And before 6am, no less! "Onanism is LESS common among priests with no hands." https://t.co/nQzjcvEARJ
Coulter is a dyed-in-the-wool #cuck. https://t.co/QBAdXDMR8M
If space aliens invaded Britain she's say the same thing. https://t.co/5xJPUFxd8I
Trump wouldn't bomb white Serbia to aid filthy muslims and advance the jewish #whitegenocide agenda; Hillary would.
If a jew like Yiannopoulos says "I am not altright" and much/most of #altright thinks he is, then altright is "just another liberal rag."
This is what happens where JEWS control immigration, as jew-controlled fake opposition Pegida won't tell you. https://t.co/F2nmyuwUdA
jew suffering: imaginary and promoted White suffering: real and suppressed #TeamWhite alone brings you the real and full truth.
yeah that's not how you sell raspberries. try: they're juicy and sweet and nicely colored. https://t.co/a7rwiuakgO
Christianity essentially means preferring the worse to the better. That's its appeal - it's a non-violent form of wiggerism for losers.
Like many lizards, adopted niggaloos from Africa thrive on mealworms, accounting for much of their appeal to cheap xtian owners.
Tired of seeing pictures of our people looking like this, thanks to jews like Soros. It's (((their))) turn. https://t.co/qSs7QHnqkI
The christiasn Moral Sense, bruited as great advance, has done nothing but turn whites into sideways lookers and stick fetchers.
August 16, 2016:
If you're going to claim pathological altruism is problem with whites, why not think harder and realize it's christianity.
Jews to rest of world: you can only exist on our terms. Anything else is anti-semitism, the worst of all crimes. #TeamWhite explains jews.
jews have equated white identity -- literally white existence -- with the top crime - murder. Our existence as whites is a crime. Says Jew.
White identity is bad for jews so whites must disappear. Could anything more brazenly obnoxious be conceived? https://t.co/Diay4HYmLP
jews control the media, defame anyone standing up for whites, then mock him as crybaby for pointing this out. #DeathToTheJews cuts thru bs
The jews have shown what they are. They are not going to change. The change must come in our thinking. Xtianity has failed & endangered us.
"You dirty whiteskins need to quit creating a hostile environment for the muslim terrorists we let in to replace you." --(((global media)))
Session #1 of my reading of Jean Raspail's Camp of the Saints (1973), text + commentary. Thread here: https://t.co/eluoZbdJ5q
Jewsmedia deliberately confuse (lie about) happen-to and caused-by when it comes to their pet niggers.
Racists and liberals agree: the worst place for whites or blacks to live is around blacks. Glad we agree on something! #MilwaukeeUprising
what type of man was this 'black man'? a criminal? oh. then why do you call him...oh. (((they))) hate you. they really hate you #TeamWhite
If Milwaukee is worst place to live for blacks...and the most segregated...then the worst place for blacks to live is...around other blacks.
How you vet muslims: by their tenet: jihad. How you vet jews: by their Talmud's statement: "Even the best of the goyim should be killed."
Even Dave Chappelle was there. https://t.co/kTwfA5jQlw
The (((US central government))) does indeed see the hominids under its control as a resource, and feeds off them heartily.
A government that tries to force whites to live with other races is by that fact alone illegitimate.
The media seem like they attack Trump for personal things (even if concocted) but actually it's a racial attack. By jews. On The White Man.
Trump at least brings into sharpest relief that the main media & govt constitute a single entity - dominated by jews and 100% #antiwhite.
The single best example of (((media))) power and control I've seen in my lifetime was the 24 hours after Pat Buchanan's Culture Wars speech.
The conservative needs to understand that it is weak, bad and immoral to blame yourself when you're not at fault.
The jews correctly perceive a danger (to their genocidally #antiwhite agenda) which Trump himself may not even realize he represents.
The man with racialist politics but conservative mindset always thinks that a different personality will receive different treatment. Wrong.
Don't be fooled - the treatment of Trump uses his personal particulars, but the attack on him is 100% ideological and impersonal.
It is absolutely undeniable: 1) mass media are controlled by (((some force))). 2) This force is bent on destruction of whitekind.
I believe Trump would win this election fairly easily with anything even remotely approaching reasonable media treatment.
Christianity is the perfect religion for white control. Salt Peter for the soul. The bible tells slaves to obey their masters, not rebel.
The controlled media, effectively the town water supply, is 100% poisoned against the only healthy choice.
No matter how we vote, the System won't let our desired change through. If we lose, the march continues. If we win, the vote is thrown out.
Far as I'm concerned, if Trump is not elected, the age of proxy politics comes to an end, and age of #UltimatePolitics begins.
In about 3 paragraphs, entire Milw story summed up accurately - Blacks Riot over Black Shooting https://t.co/0N5OOUJai3 via @NewObOnline
At perhaps 8% of world population, WHITES ARE THE DIVERSITY. Without them, just a bunch of mostly indistinguishable muds.
The Nazis fought the jewish bolsheviks the spineless, sapless Anglo lands succumbed to. https://t.co/m0JozUAnxp
Look at these tattoos. Absolute garbage appearance. https://t.co/ZWdQabI3kY
How about a Confederate College - whites only? https://t.co/d3JbTNgBCd
August 15, 2016:
Media )))Liberation Day(((: the programs running 24/7 the day after whites retake power: imagine that lineup. #GreatDejewing
Media )))Liberation Day(((: the programs running 24/7 the day after whites retake power: imagine that lineup.
"Children of God" is the christian "youths." You keep pretending that christianity can be reconciled w racial sanity, though, li'l bugger.
After ridding NEMO. of Siberian tigers and muskoxers, Sheboygan settled down to a dinner of diet lettuce and small rocks.
You traditionalists judge things like niggers - purely from outside appearances. #BeardManSpeakTrooth
You cunts would rather run around the world for a wizened geek like Solzhenitsyn when you have a Mark Twain at home. #MuhBeardTrooth
Real Americans were and are capable of doing everything for themselves - not relying on experts. Catholic-socialism is for losers, not USAns
Conservatism tends to produce weak-willed slaves because it emphasizes the dangers in thinking for oneself rather than trusting experts.
Third World = can't even keep clean water at Olympics. Yeah, diversity enriches white lands. Giving the gift...of sewage.
Whites need a self-conscious, jealous racial elite that acknowledges jews are The enemy and xtianity a dangerous sickness in our people.
Jews send emissaries to #altright like Curious Cernovich to blather about Saudi money. Which pales next to yid shekels in western politics.
Christianity is essentially celestial drama-queening. it plays with the mass cretins who like pro wrestling and soap operas.
That's not why i'm using it. Secondary reason is character limits. https://t.co/uQMK0W0qIX
Nigger violence in every major city around rim of Lake Michigan, which is located in Alabama, I believe. Nogs don't do cold.
South African niggers always look like hominid insects. Brainless, teeming, destructive... https://t.co/YeUsAQbiEA
Why do jews still exist on earth, given their incomparably atrocious historical record of behavior? https://t.co/KES1oGhhYL
It's easy to see the black destroying communities because it's visual. Less easy to see the jew who wrote the policy that enabled him.
I'm not like a xtian. before i do something, i ask: is it possible? if so, what are the likely consequences. Moralitists simply don't care
It doesn't matter how feel, you fucking effeminate with bad taste, christianity is objectively #antiWhite.
The jews use muslims to destroy christian lands, and christians to destroy muslim lands. And nobody ever seems to learn.
There's nothing in the christian cult for whites seeking to resist a band of organized liars, thieves and killers. #TeamWhite
A nigger that isn't throwing rocks at passing cars by the time it's nine is considered functionally retarded in the hood. #HoodFacts
Jews are prosecuting a race war against whites, using blacks, whose violence they eternally excuse & justify in their mass media. #TeamWhite
Whites have shown by their consistent behavior over decades they do not want to live around blacks. They are forced to by jews. #TeamWhite
the races have no natural relations except war or separation. political control by jew is what forces white and black together
"race relations" is a cant meme perpetrated by jews, with the christian concept of all-god's-children immensely helpful
Ignorance = disagreeing with "Ulrich." Ulrich MEANS ignorant in original Frisian, you coon-loving appleton. https://t.co/0Hkhbhy79D
Xtianity is the problem that prevents us from solving The Problem. Christianity's central claim is a Big Lie, and its mentality is morbific.
It wasn't white nationalists who destroyed the middle east - nor was it muslims. It was jews. And the xtian jackasses who tool for them.
was at a flea market in rural Missouri...Confederate flags abounded as did towheads. yes, jew Jon Stuart, this is the "real" America..u hate
Nothing but good follows Britain voting to leave EU. https://t.co/CPCNcsbpGI
August 14, 2016:
So if those Detroit niggers had voted Republican things would be fine? You weak cunt. You are despicable. https://t.co/ORGPtsUkbB
Whites won't defend their own innocents. Blacks and jews will defend their own pedophiles and murderers. #LeoFrank #ADL #OJSimpson
Racialists who make excuses for cucks (@jartaylor) who refuse to name the jew are different from leftists making excuses for niggers - how?
The Three Willfully Blind White Mice: Fred Reed, Steve Sailer, Jim Goad. https://t.co/LyZqjZA410
The (((media))) uniformly attack Trump. If they were interested in maximizing profits, they would sound just like him.
ESPN, like all (((jewish))) media, puts politics ahead of profits. Only fools & ideologues believe corporations pursue profit maximization.
the place to find closest to truth is in second-to-last paragraph in (((controlled media))) story: (1/2)
#DaringMonkeys Students at Claremont Colleges Refuse to Live with White People https://t.co/97GHOEitMT via @CmontInd
#DaringMinds #DarlingMidgets #DuskyMorons Request for non-white roommates sparks uproar at Calif. colleges https://t.co/tYlVrn3WI7
passive voice, blaming metal or buildings for the actions of jew-loosed cooons. it grows tiresome, over the decades #FuckJewishMediaLiars
""This is a neighborhood that has unfortunately been affected by violence in the recent past," THIS NEIGHBORHOOD TEEMS WITH VIOLENT NIGGERS
pretty sure those nog riots in milw arent actually happening since blacks cant live in cold areas genius WN reliably inform me
August 12, 2016:
Our governments aren't ours but (((theirs))). Been that way for a long, long time. Recognition is first step to ignition. #TeamWhite
This is news I can use. https://t.co/vyWsWHp6ch
Scale prevents us from seeing what the media and govt do daily in US and West is postively cultic, in the manner of Jonestown.
August 11, 2016:
I itch to see what the highly respected @DPRK_News will do with this one. https://t.co/PWZoeC2lon
The reality is people don't get along. Walls and barriers reflect this, they don't cause it. That's just jews gaslighting about agency.
Careful Jim Goad with a good one. https://t.co/dxmUYIruxX
There's a difference between hierarchy and genuine elitism. A king is no guarantee of anything except a reax falling to knees and sucking.
"Now there is no more good will or sympathy [for jews] in America except among the more delusional Christians" --Vox Day (Up from Farahism)
"You were welcomed as guests. And in order to pursue what was "good for the Jews", you wrecked the American nation." --Vox Day
Conservatism means worshipping jews and obeying their instructions to the letter and never questioning them. #tcot
How did the Romans look at Christianity? The way Clint spit on the beetle in Outlaw Josey Wales. And this remains the correct view of thing.
No dialogue. No conversion to some crank cult. Just death. That's what we, as #TeamWhite, must offer the colored invader and jew ringleader.
Christ-insanity sold whites the twin lie that we can and should civilized colored minorities. We can't. We shouldn't have tried.
If white nationalism were truly sick, the christian would be sexually attracted to it and snuffle in it like catnip. https://t.co/DTMkdPSUN3
south africa produces some really attractive folks... https://t.co/TWKwfwy3mn
August 10, 2016:
Christianity is soft genocide for whites. The cult's doctrines devalue race, and yes, that is tantamount to being pro-#whitegenocide.
You've put your kind on the path to genocide the minute you stipulate to god's having created opposing species.
Imagine of God had laws against taking out garbage. It was immoral to incinerate trash. This is rough analogy to xtian views on race.
Christians believe they are serving morality by lamenting the loss of 30 million aborted negros. Morality divorces from sanity very easily.
The depths of lunacy are sounded when we arrive at conservatives puling for aborted niglets. I dont even know the right emo for this.
Hillyer is a #crosscuck, has been his whole career. https://t.co/HemH0yj8sN
faggotry could be partly biological, in that many have that ever-so-slightly crosseyed look most commonly found in women
Safe space - where the dumtwat, disco or dreydlist can't be broached on the spear of white-man logic & laughter
The conservative's favorite physical sensation isn't sex, it's having smoke blown up his ass about how smart he is and how dumb his masters.
When that yid broad said there's no there there, she wasn't talking about Oakland but about Bob Beckel's neck.
It's actually less that people are stupid, as one tends to say, than that they cannot imagine things being different than they are.
Hillyer is an xtian race-queer from way back. Says he's married, but he has down-low look to me. That is pure speculation on my part.
My only flaw is that I care too much...about the election in Zambia. https://t.co/6c0NlfC0Of
you cant do away with thinking for yourself and remain a man, and the catholic cultists tacitly admit this by calling their collective sheep
the catholic position on individual thought is precisely analogous to this: the obese need to exercise less than others
the christian belief that faith is a good thing eschers very naturally into managerial-therapeutic's state's put-yr-trust-in-Holy-Experts
the real man doesn't tell you to copy his opinion, he tells you to QUESTION it. USE your muscles. CHECK IT OUT. this was Pierce's way
He's a good little goy-doggie, well trained by the jews. https://t.co/DTMkdPSUN3
capitalism did something about poor: made a shitload less of them. catholicism just sits there and plays with turds - a la mother teresa
"Faith and begore, mie look for twayntefore ours, cannaugh tell whair the cow endeth an the Sassenach begin" - Meaidh O'Rumsby, 1009 AD
So sad to get really old, can't do the things ya loved as a kid...play softball, rape, murder. Sigh. https://t.co/BadgqMqpuf
The Connecticut Hillbilly's fingers type a rather different immigration policy than her knees. https://t.co/FpZirMODNM
social justice is catholic cant, as is solidarity with poor. both easily adapted by jews to destroy white society https://t.co/BF96A1ipRZ
"Shenanigans are committed mostly by males. But Histrionics are attributed mostly to females." --Stephen Wraungh.
as an atheist, more precisely a #Fingerist (right-wing atheist) i don't support discrimination or persecution against xtians. mocking is Rx.
jews persecute and discriminate against christians daily in USA, but only an atheist will point it out. christians are #crosscucks
Race doesn't matter. Jews are wonderful. Two big lies promoted by christianity. Grow red. I'll just remain white and right, #crosscuck.
The lying jews called media treat their spin-lie about Trump's trailoff more seriously than two actual attempts on Trump's life.
special rules for kikes https://t.co/LUDmyhy59v
Is it not fair to call a man with 500 partners a sex maniac? Since the average has maybe half dozen?
Think differently and you can often get a clearer view. Africans are (omit race)...retards. Queers are (omit practices)...sex maniacs.
If half of fags have 500 sex partners...steady, hold your fears...it's not really just an alt-menu selection compared to normalcy, is it?
Fred becomes, evasive, sly, dishonest. Not so humble Fred, as he poses everywhere else. Hence "Country Slicker." https://t.co/G1xhr4N7pa
Not remarkably, this syncopation, this omission, is quite average. Fred is deliberately obtuse. Deliberately. https://t.co/G1xhr54INK
a jew taught Fred to two-step, so jews can't be responsible for the murder of the west #ReasoningWithReed #CountrySlicker
Oh great. Your nescience extends beyond religion to sex. https://t.co/BWlxZFBdhr
So your boobcult assures little you your aunt who died of cancer, there was a Reason for it. But there wasn't. It's a lie.
big govt is jew's best friend - Fuck This Tweet https://t.co/CM7QcOHbQJ
Jews dont mind filling your lands with their semitic couslims. Your daughter is raped? So? That's good for jews. Are you anti-semite, maybe?
Reaction: Ah buhlieve in original sin, sep fur them kings n legislators w their Holy Laws All Must Respet. #whiteniggers #humansarentplants
Average thinking: #MuhPosition! Elite thinking: what would it take to prove my position wrong? Scan for that hungrily.
That's the quotation I alluded to. Warburg - intl jew bankster. A warburg set up federal reserve in 1913 https://t.co/EbI2fRxaTV
why are you afraid to mention they're a bunch of JEWS. they hate WHITES. why are you freemen ALWAYS so guts-negative https://t.co/eIMKJTcZMN
Who is this girl? She is smarter 99% of whites, who are exactly like dogs that shriek at whatever is closest to face https://t.co/lcpXeIFxbv
they're obsessed w the idea they are 'history's actors' and everybody else a bunch of seagrass https://t.co/LPzk6tEvcn
Next few tweets are Scott Adams quotation from Ringer interview: I had a very lucrative speaking career until I started writing about Trump.
Scott Adams interview: https://t.co/PamiURj7mR
You can't even advocate the most basic position on things, like borders. Or your character is defamed across the free and uniform press.
Same thing done to Tim Tebow as they're trying to do to Trump, did do to Duke and Buchanan - drive them out with lies.
jews: 1) created the bogus theory of multiculturalism 2) opened borders in all white lands 3) covered up #Rotherham results #DeathToTheJews
British Authorities Still Ignoring Massive Child Sex Ring Over Fear Of Name-Calling https://t.co/I9LpqhdthU
he should have taught you spelling. parasitism isn't honorable. and standing armies are unAmerican https://t.co/HKM881LqlQ
We are all one in da jebus. What is a trivial material thing like race to that? Christianity is #antiwhite. https://t.co/LRT8GviM1g
Never trust a man without a neck. Punkinheads tend to be fundamentalist christians (crooks leading cretins). https://t.co/Z5pxo6rA4P
Trump, Clinton, Death Threats and Media Lies https://t.co/VBsmYs75rF via @NewObOnline
Does Hillary Clinton believe violence doesn't work? Any of the Bushes? Any of the neocohen warmongers?
Implicit white nationalist, he rid So Cal of a lot of black trash. https://t.co/oqALLTuHsY
There will be change when the jews and helpcucks admitting muslim killers to white lands have to ask themselves will I die for this? Not b4.
Textbook gaslighting from jews: accusing you of what they are doing. https://t.co/3OKZZJkvd4
The System miraculously and spontaneously arises as one to deny anyone who attempts to speak for the white majority. The System = (((ZOG))).
We don't need Trump's campaign as proof democratic system is rigged. We had that back in 90s with Buchanan and Duke, to name only two.
All bad trends in American society would worsen under Hillary. Until whites openly identify and fight as group, redirection impossible.
Violence doesn't work? It's the only thing that works. https://t.co/xRHWcPqfZL
A jew said 100 years ago we would have one world order, whether we liked it or not. Answer must be: we will have nations & make jews extinct
August 09, 2016:
So air conditioning was invented by a white man. An American. Of English descent. I, for one, feel immense gratitude to him. #WillisCarrier
Willis Haviland Carrier was born in Angola, New York, on November 26, 1876, a member of an old New England family.
No peaceful means will bring the superelite, mostly jews, to think of others as anything but herd animals.
It's better than the South Pole. That's about all can be claimed for it. https://t.co/692YiPKeG4
Imagine a vote between Crack Party and Sobriety Party where half the nation is addicted to crack. That's what big government is.
The (((media))) want to see Trump assassinated physically the way they assassinate him verbally - and have already produced attempts.
It's true that A BLACK MAN stole the first AC window unit, but in its defense, it thought it was stealing a special new kind of tv.
Golf clab for the jebus cult. Source of civilization and pedophiles, at least one of those verified. https://t.co/jtbCtTkARe
I will repeat for the manyeth time, read George Lincoln Rockwell (and Hitler, whom he takes from) on the psychology of the conservative.
The first AC window unit was stolen by a negro. #BlackHistory THAT I can buy. https://t.co/ayp6pD6FIQ
Some nigger put AC in a truck. He didn't invent it. Nigs lie about everything because a nigger will believe anything https://t.co/SZOVfcvk3Z
Carrier indicated his "flash of genius" came while waiting for a train; intrigued by the fog surrounding him,
i swear 9/10 female drivers are on phones when driving https://t.co/KoHO99wDPO
i dont think it's blinding. i just dont see, from THEIR perspective, this wonderful world on the other end. https://t.co/q4nrLyHX8U
Belief in 'God' is what prevents men from believing things happen for actual identifiable, discernible reasons.
Blacks aren't Americans. They're descendants of slaves. The Founders correctly considered them unworthy of rights. https://t.co/Hk5LNNEOIR
dont billionaires like to drive cross country, and grow sad at its beturding w mexcrement & assorted 3rdie rubbish? https://t.co/i2l4nco2PF
Christianity must be source of civilization because 90% are xtians. Jews cant control things because they're 2%. #SameFallacy
Objectively the mass media are characterized by an unending stream of hatred, insults and lies directed by jews at whites.
Warren Buffett is a billionaire who lives in Omaha. That right there tells you he's a moron. Does he eat corn fritters & funnel cakes too?
it is genuinely hard to understand the NWO from the POV of the superelite, at least for me. i get the preserve israel part, but the rest ???
that sounds good until you see who actually comes out on top. besides, using human reason to make systems is natural https://t.co/oiqDi74Ocy
We (USA) see all these shootings. 1 reason is great selfishness common these days. In pols, same thing Boomer-manifests as nuclear war.
Civilization is achieved against and in spite of religious faith, which is at best a means of moron control.
If Chartres was built by religious faith, why can't one be found in Nigeria? The answer is because Chartres was built by engineers.
The First Dishonesty among whiteskin conservatives is accepting the jewish lie that Founders didn't make white race the basis of new nation.
We are so accustomed to accepting "open season on white man" - these attacks on Trump are racial personally and writ large on all whites.
Societies are built by thinking minorities, not religions This is variant of fallacy that jews cant control things because they're only 2%.
Notice how actual ruling jews say nothing about belief or faith - that's for inferior folk like whiteskin morons. https://t.co/DbNHB1ZBOV
He's wrong. He describes something that never existed. Global social media kills the mystique his fantasy requires. https://t.co/zXNKkbkx3H
Trump was right: the election is about whether US is a nation or not. That's the exit onto White Nationalist Hwy.
I think pod people is better. 'Revolution within the form.' It's easier to make out zombies than pod people. https://t.co/DD4YiiglDW
White brains and beauty are coopted to serve mud races led by (((. The solution is white sovereignty. We don't need them. #TeamWhite
Caleb Schwab, home to da jebus: "he believed in his savior, Jesus, and they are forever together now. We will see him another day." #cretins
Prayer has solved precisely the same number of human problems as babies have been produced by masturbation.
Christianity has poisoned the white race. Racialism will restore its vigor and direction. #TeamWhite
Trump's campaign is a racial proxy for whites, no matter how much or little he understands/intends that. This explains burning jewish hatred
The hatred of Trump may seem personal, but 'orange' is just hook. The hatred springs entirely from jewish racial animus vs whites - #loxism.
Remember, Trump is just a proxy. His family has married into jews. And the white cause isn't up for a vote. It's vital (life or death).
Willis Haviland Carrier was born on Nov 26, 1876, to Duane and Elizabeth Carrier, in Angola, N.Y. #GreatWhiteMen https://t.co/O56kB1ZiGQ
Libertarianism will be taken seriously when it grows the balls to discuss the particular biological groups opposed to specific freedoms.
While noble white men like Cullen, Gorrie and Carrier invent things like air conditioning, jews invent lies about gas chambers.
My lead pipe will play your ribs like a xylophone. https://t.co/05ns7oMRb3
I love this guy. Classic Rockford Files heavy. https://t.co/XfAszUA2tp
It may be fun to play with the cuck-monkey, but never forget it's the (((organ grinder))) calling the tunes.
Do men really have individual souls? They only think so who have never received critical letters from AVERAGE christians.
Best movie for red-pilling: They Live Best novel: Camp of the Saints I'd be interested in other/different bests...
Who is a better traditionalist than the bush boolie digging the salubrious grubs out of tree hole just like grandniggy 10 million years ago?
Traditionalism, as well meaning but mufflebrained he-betties don't grasp, is the COLORED WAY. Not the white way (questing, innovation).
Notice actual good in this world is byproduct of for-profit Corporation Man, Willis Carrier. Not by some 501c3 eleemosynary simpsonessa.
Average whites must understand that JEWS ARE NOT US. Jews are THEM. They are THE ENEMY. Of us NORMAL WHITES. #TeamWhite
Practical leftism is a sort jesuitical or talmudic faux-splaining of why the exact same thing is really two entirely different things.
It's a private company when it does what leftists want; a common carrier or public accommodation when it doesn't.
So ((("our"))) governments prefer muslim terrorists to normal white citizens. Well that doesn't all sound like grounds for bloody revolution
Average white men can run their own lives. If not, then the white racial cause makes no sense. No kings. No popes. They're for fags.
When whites were more civilized than today, they rioted more & used epithets more freely. https://t.co/lV7Af7B9X1
The jewish hatred of whites, #loxism, has been worked out to a fine science. Media come up with new #antiwhite verbal aggressions monthly.
By 1903, Carrier had designed a system of chilled coils that maintained a constant, and comfortable, humidity of 55 percent
The white man takes circumstances and squeezes lemonade out of them. Blood-and-soil is magic dirt theory too, you nonthinking newtman.
Traditionalists: is it better to carry on the tradition of our ancestors sweating our balls off? Cuz that was the tradition. #MuhTurdition
In Buffalo, New York, on July 17, 1902, in response to a quality problem experienced at the Sackett-Wilhelms Lithographing & Publishing Co
Willis Carrier & #LeoFrank both graduated from Cornell. Carrier, white man, invented air conditioning. (((Frank))) molested-murdered )))girl
No one knows this guy's name and he had a bigger effect on mankind than pretty much anyone. https://t.co/GrGjbS7Iz2
That time you didn't freak out and turn into more of a screeching maniac? that was when he WILLIS CARRIERed you. #MeetTheRealJebus
tired: standing on your own feet, walking up stairs unaided wired: retaining a giant negroid with fists of chemies to aid & stabilize you
"Defense" as in ADL. They always use neutral or negative terms terms to veil positive attacks. https://t.co/lQrRHbP3gT
August 08, 2016:
That is condign. https://t.co/y39GqWh3MH
Coneservative https://t.co/fxDnHnqUyV
Vote Trump. Or you get this. https://t.co/k6W7kZajeZ
No, it's the highest yours can conceive - heaven. https://t.co/vxFVVGjmM6
Whiteman gall bladder cures rabies and Goobalashi Syndrome too. Also excellent in soups. https://t.co/naiWhM1vqB
Notice when jews land-clear Pals there's no mystical pocus about converting anyone or spreading civilization, they just kill them off.
NPR: pretending people are having the reaction (to Trump) they should be having, then verifying it w/ partisan 'experts' and bespoke polls.
they use 'racist' the same fallacious, dishonest way your side uses 'atheist' https://t.co/mAdiednKUq
conehead https://t.co/qn93LgOjch
"...since 2014, violent crime is up 47 percent in Los Angeles, 26 percent in Baltimore and 23 percent in Dallas."
the jew superintends politics devolving into are-you-this-or-not-this. All deception and foolishness.
otoh, looks like he's getting serious about Jeb! can fix it. https://t.co/JSHqqCWjce
Whites used to have their own agenda, then they started listening to others. Jews made themselves center stage. Results speak for themselves
Christianity sucked pride out of white men, calling it a sin, and jews rushed in with hate-your-race lies to fill the vacuum. #TeamWhite
Jew to whiteskin: Will you help us destroy the white race for money? #Cuckservative: Yes. #TeamWhite is #anticuck and #antijew.
Jews to whiteskin: We'll pay you to promote lies about US origin and future. #Cuckservative: where do I sign?
a handful of determind people can change course of soc. - Invader Terror Closes Down French Events https://t.co/qpyxSOlYM9 via @NewObOnline
August 07, 2016:
People seem to believe that generations are a real thing rather than a construct of very limited value.
August 06, 2016:
'White supremacist' - most whites are stick-fetchers, what i can see. They willingly, even gleefully accept goals set by ENEMIES, even.
"Like shark ass to a remora Like boy-penis to a priest THAT's how I feel about Key Lime Pie"-- S. Kinison
yes. it is cited in all the finest Roadkill Cookbooks i personally consult https://t.co/MCv0zseSne
This is a great tweet. Why do fish tails curve out? So you can keep hold when swinging the body at DEPRESSIVE FAGGTS https://t.co/vDl70K0Qev
J. Podhoretz can see there's no answer to charge 109, but here is where genes, rabbis, jewcult-ure kicks in, & he hisses like corned possum.
Reaction and progression are variants of same mistake, whereas racialism can easily just be conservatism with balls still attached.
Progressives and reactionaries both fear movement. Former wants it suppressed by bureaucrats, latter by dorksmen of God.
i judge people by their salt content. https://t.co/iGRgLnBSbN
ZWAYEER (sp?) takes in 100 white farmers, ONE HUNDRED, all of a sudden everbody n Tiny Tims a-eatin', can even EXPORT to KOONZBEWE.
Reparations for niggers - after mumpteen trillions yes TRILLIONS of welfare spending. Fuck you coons - 2-pak of watermelons seeds - now GO.
I'm sure Bruce the Tiny will side with the niggers. https://t.co/OB6K0MRF4k
Christianity tells the little man things happen for no reason (what 'God' means), therefore he's not responsible for his failures.
No one respects those giant dinosaurs that only ate weeds and grass; they seem kind of wimpy and pathetic. Only the steakers rate.
Comic books. LOL. THIS fucking world. The last human...stuck between bible onion gloopy lucies and COMIC BOOK EYEBALLERS.
Trump's decision to endorse McCain and Ryans minds one of Pa Con Burke's curl at sophists and calculators.
Advanced crotch management skills are missing in an uncomfortably large (read: SUPERSIZED) portion of American population.
August 05, 2016:
Watch the way jews strike at whites. You explain rationally your problem, they go after your soul. Try to strike fear & guilt into you.
Christianity is a morbid obsession with a morality doesn't exist in way they pretend - and this sets up whites to be 'judged' by jews.
August 04, 2016:
Remember PJ O'Rourke on Nicaragua (in '80s), people standing outside in rain for hours to vote. You don't do that to vote for status quo.
"the one" fractured into a thousand pieces and led by a pope who's "not a real catholic." https://t.co/r41h6LzJzp
Jon Stewart does smarmy titters. That's his default on his shows. But press him and you get his hoary Moses Shneershtick, as the other nite.
C'mon Germany, kick yourself in the ass and get moving. Everyone respects what you WERE, no matter what people SAY. EVERYONE.
So Alex Jones, known shill, is saying the same sort of thing Curious Cernovich is saying. https://t.co/2uE7lUbnQr
Trump is really bringing the media's inner kike to the surface. Jews have nothing but genocidal hatred and unmixed contempt for whites.
christianity is for everybody. the xtian thinks this is a feature. the white man should be able to see it's a bug.
Israel's daily shipment...from white taxpayers to greedy, homicidal jews https://t.co/ckFSszT0aE
(Crispin Glover voice) Frog-hater! Frog-hater! https://t.co/PSKdnRQvQY
we can shoot the gap - eliminate jebooism right along with jews https://t.co/3mdjsUKS3e
Remembering the biggest mass murder in the history of the world https://t.co/4LDSA6jOqx
One race lives by a universal code (thanks, christianity) The other lives by a dual code. Which comes out on top? Christianity is #antiwhite
Jews oppose white nationalism, but if they lose the Trump war, they're first in line to get the contract to build wall. Meet the jews...
At some point, I have no real sympathy for whites refuse to acknowledge jews are destroying them. If you're that dumb, you're nigger-useless
classic example of jews backing all horses -- Trump’s Wall: Israelis Eye Contract https://t.co/0nn1rzaz0I via @NewObOnline
“highest ever maize harvest recorded in Zambia’s history and provides us with the opportunity to adequately feed the nation and export..."
Zambia, thanks to WHITE FARMERS, now exports maize to Zimbabwe which kicked those experts out. Hope they charged a nice price.
100 white farmers > any number of mud-hutters. White Farmers Boost Zambian Output https://t.co/CB6GsleT6l via @NewObOnline
Unjust attack on Syria. Leads to Unjust attack on white populations using Syrian 'refugees.' Both attacks conceived & executed by jews.
August 03, 2016:
Before jews were gassed they were forced to dig out their belly button lint, which was later used as stuffing for Nazi dog pillows.
August 02, 2016:
Correction: Belgium HAD a free cheese program. NOW GET OUTTA HERE. https://t.co/o949ER3bps
i have yet to see a single "right wing" jew who is "victim" of speech suppression ever mention that his tribe created these codes and laws
trying to interpret the behavior of a ben shapiro or jonah golber in any other way than JEW JEWING is wrong and counter-Occam (Ockham whatev
i mean, i expect a vox day to run from Occam like a nigger from a cop, he's WND background, but altright should know better.
it amazes me how many on the altright dont seem to grasp that it's not a joke or exaggeration: all jews ARE ON THE SAME SIDE - THEIRS
you must be young. we hear less abou thim these days, but he was big 2000-2010 and bigger before that, back to 70s https://t.co/EeOkCOm7p0
The (((media))) paint as far-seeing heros those who refuse to lower their eyes to the ground-misery their jew-servile policies create.
Notice Ryan and Merkel both have that shmuckstare that comes from I be jebus II - they know not what they do. But Good Me do. As they ruin.
? irving is very well known - worldwide https://t.co/a9IiFvpGJH
i would be very wary of accepting any -- and i mean that literally -- christian claim about any of their big dogs in the first few centuries
no matter of lying is foreign to them; indeed many or most were probably invented by them. but xtians do same https://t.co/wVXwKXXguP
it is increasingly clear to me as years pass that the amount of intellection spent by racists on IQ was wasted - it was needed vs xtianity
jews and xtians are so different in style: aggressive/obnoxious vs pussyish/sickly sweet...that it hides the similarities in lying/MO
now it occurs to me that if every significant even in jew history is either concocted or lied about, it may well be same for xtians too
remember that other diary that was made up...irving revealed it... really cant be too suspicious of any MSM claims https://t.co/Ft8mEIgtmo
seen it...i wait till people i respect sort out authenticity, then read it for myself https://t.co/wql9CAppB8
New website allows white people to offer 'reparations' directly to people of color https://t.co/ndf5evO7j3
Who's been dead for 100 years and no one heard of anyway. When we have LIVE JEWS saying same thing today here now. https://t.co/hG75vpj0NX
Trapped in the labyrinth of Anglonic evasions called manners, we begin thinking truth is uncool, end unable to perceive it.
garbage. it's just desperate cowardly evasion, the standard conservative tactic racialists must avoid at all costs https://t.co/aYB0HyHiNd
you can no more change jews than you can make a mad dog sane. papism is wrong and should be pissed on by whites in right mind.
Political problems in the US are entirely at the federal level. Centralization facilitates jew domination.
The essence of govt is forcing unwanted associations, whether square dancing in junior high, military via draft, or nogs in neighborhood.
2 races do battle: 1) says "the world hates you for no reason," get them 1st! 2) says "look for the good in people," we're all god's chillun
People are different and becoming differenter. That's science. And this time it's in line with politics and aesthetics.
Guess where Sir Hillary and the rest get that "1 good one outweighs 100 bad ones" argument? From Catholicism. True story.
Whenver you face gigantic task, like jumping over 30-foot gorge, break it into manageable chunks. 6 x 5' = 30' boom you've done it!
shoot anything raggy or discolored that gets in the Middle Sea. when the vermin go to land, create hog pens and force 'em into kill chutes.
All magic (dirt) (water) (whatever) theories root in xtian absurdity. Of course, the 501c3 right will run from acknowledging this.
1 in 2 queers has 500 partners. The perfect metaphor is - the fag chases his dick around like a deflating balloon. Same lifespan too.
Good shit, man. https://t.co/UpuZPsScNm
Like Aileen Wuornos*, Evil Magnate Trump enjoys KFC. #ImWithHer She requested "Kentucky Fried Chicken and french fries" as her last meal.
Examples? https://t.co/fb0eEWlA1R
"I am so sick of hearing this 'she's crazy' stuff. I've been evaluated so many times. I'm competent, sane, & I'm trying to tell the truth."
For a few billion a year we could maintain nukes and guard our borders. That's all the military the US actually "needs."
"no white majorities voted for any of this yet it happened" = whites dont have political power in white countries
Why do sex freaks like trannies always look like they're pretending to have fun? What I see is a deeply miserable pseudo-hilarity.
Two things people said to me made my head spin: 1) a psychiatrist's kid would be better adjusted; 2) military wastes less than rest of govt.
He sees symptoms. I'm not sure he understands their true cause & origin because that requires reading, most times. https://t.co/fBsZw5IrKP
Paranoids never change. They must be cordoned off. Jews are a race of paranoids. It's one reason they dominate most politics.
It's hard to tell. At some point one must read things to get help tying things together; not clear he's done this. https://t.co/FiB5iISvGp
He's 100% wrong about that. Christian doctrines are what allows jews to move freely until they gain power. https://t.co/QWXEQnCfRP
Aileen Wuornos is dead...but last night her ghost came to me and said she supports #HillaryClinton for president. #ImWithHer
#Fingerism is an atheism based on the belief that men can make their fingers move. And are responsible for these movements.
For people uncomfortable with agency, there's God. For the minority of mental adults (men, women and children) there is #Fingerism.
It is a odd that christians easily assume guilt for things they have nothing to do with, but give no passing thought to their actual crimes.
Trump praises the military in the usual patriotard tones (hominid equivalent of "whose a good boy") while adultly talking w/draw NATO etc.
I think Trump is much cleverer than appears, based on his behavior. He works both hands to disguise his true aim.
remember when you get angry about ISIS - Americans - good old tools from Midwest & South - murdered 1,000,000 Iraqis for jew lies.
Some of you twinklenuts have the impression jebus was some kind of a racist family man rather than a fictional jew SJW. Read your bibble.
August 01, 2016:
He's got it backward. The future of the white race isn't up for vote, anyway. https://t.co/fs8deBXMpn
Trump is 100% right about NATO. Get the (((USA))) off Germany, France, Etc. Let them slaughter their muzz and reclaim glory.
There's no end to the greed of Israel. Whom do they feed off? Working you. White man. https://t.co/Qcn2cqbJSy
Catholicism is concerned with beliefs and behavior, right? So how come you can better predict those by the catholic's race than religion?
Yesterday we had heroes like Henry Ford, who called jews "the world's foremost problem." Today we have buffoons like Warren Buffett.
Piers, the highly respected DPRK New Service called you a crusty windsack and dungareed worm. How do you respond to that?
This is a great tweet. https://t.co/B3fUgFbmVu
The truth is the opposite of catholic claim: some of their individuals may be good from time to time, but the institution itself is bad.
sebs us fm di trumperman yid stewie https://t.co/XmPXuonaR1
If someone said, here's a big plane. Go knock that skyscraper down. If you don't, it's your life. Would be sweaty or confident?
"If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out." --J. Christ explaining why its the Right Thing To Do to call niggers youths.
Scheuer also says: "both U.S. political parties are wholly owned subsidiaries of AIPAC and the Israeli government" https://t.co/elj6N3Zzz1
People with IQs over 120 almost never admit to being influenced by anyone living. They are. It's just pride.
It's not so much an intellectual matter, though it is that, it's a matter of tone-deafness not to see that xtianity and racialism oppose.
Catholic argument has one form, never varies: trying to force a false dilemma on opponent. Very similar to (((PC))).
As a garbage-can upending raccoon, I feel strongly that, in human politics, Donald Trump is the right choice this election.
It's open season on literally every physical characteristic Trump possesses. From the professional "anti-racists." Left, you are garbage.
Disagreeing with me doesn't make you diseased or evil or clinically outlying, just means you're wrong. :)
Everybody I don't like is a sociopath, narcissist. What a frisson I get from pretending a lofty clinical insight.
Above all, it's important we be fair to the jew trying to genocide us. Moral guidance from #TeamWhite.
To be fair, could be height thing. If he hit his head on turnstile, he could sue, he's a lawyer. https://t.co/ZduE5gSXyB
Traditionalism: old things are good Progressivism: new things are good Right view: good things are good
It's fantastic to see many understand jews. The cutting edge now is 1) counter-extermination as only solution. 2) ditch christ for race.
Here's analog. Paranoid Joe. Sees things that aint there. Do the people who aren't him share anything in common? https://t.co/bBRU7xZuD0
both sexes have gaind 30 lb on avg since late sixties https://t.co/gsH5xmLnHZ
I like to think of myself as a cop on the Information Superhighway. I run lugubriety checks on religious mopes.
Feuds are important. People never try half so hard as when they're pointing out their opponents' flaws. The joy and alacrity are keen.
the figure must occur to anyone who studies jew history for more than five minutes https://t.co/z1azMMmDLq
July 31, 2016:
Fucking with agency. Favorite game of the gaslighting left. Where does it come from? God and the bible. As well as jews proper.
What happens when you don't make excluding jews principle #1. https://t.co/V89VMSz0Ru
Termites have a holy book. It's called the Alwud. It says -- you'll never believe this -- all the wood in the world belongs to them.
Alchemist claim: i can turn base metal into gold Christian claim: i can turn a nigger into a human being.
Christian claims are the same as the alchemists'. The difference is everyone acknowledges alchemy failed to turn lead into gold.
Where does this crank NWO idea you can civilize muds-lims come from if not christianity? Never has worked, never will work.
Country Slicker good one on pigsing amid nigs. https://t.co/Ww38f5fdG2
Politics is truly the interest of second-rate minds, as churchill said somewhere. You really care that Bill Clinton fell asleep mid-Cuntyap?
Jews are the scum that boils out of a soup, and Trump will be the ladle that scoops the yidschmaltz up and flings it into the garbage can.
Control of the media is the sine qua non of jew political control. Money control allows jews to acquire media for essentially free.
For every problem the govt solves it creates or exacerbates or prevents from being solved by private action 100.
Schadenfreude isn't the right word for ragwomen who get off on muslim men raping kaffir whores. Their joy is unalloyed with shame, far fm it
The difference between NEA and Catholic church: NEA = women who prey on young boys CC = men who prey on young boys
How many evil people have you met? If you believed the monkeyshit of catholicism, you'd say "all." But of how many is "evil" fair descrip?
Contrary to diaper dandy Mohatma Fleabag Gandhi, Western Civilization was in fact a bad idea. White racial order is the good one.
Call me a racist kook, but I don't think alleged people who believe albino body parts cure disease should have the right to vote.
It's a mistake to see the Eric Ericksons of the world as having a true position on anything. To believe that is to misunderstand the type.
The religious man blames God for his failures. Then absolves God because his ways are beyond our understanding. God = the oldest dodge.
Prayer is valid...if you're a quadruplegic...whose evil nurse stole your forehead rod. Otherwise...not.
The way #NeverTrump goys see it, the safer career bet is on jews. They'll be here after Trump disappears. Rest of NT are yids, of course.
The religious man is a cunt - always. This principle admits of no exceptions. https://t.co/H80mIH32P9
Actual nigger beliefs: that body parts of albinos cure disease. Can there be worse luck than being born albino coon? https://t.co/lctyvySeGl
Termites are kicked out of every house they're found in. Has nothing to do with their behavior, though, just prejudice & bigotry.
The vast majority of whites are as non-essential to civilization as ALL niggers. People are 99% repeaters using forms they don't understand.
White nationalism is the political expression of the white desire to live around and among whites - only. #TeamWhite
If one knew nothing of catholics other than they admire mother teresa, one would know it was a cult of scumbags.
The catholic and the faggot both want to love the world. One spiritually, one through flesh. Both are destructive, the latter less so.
If most people are repeaters then how can culture be organic? It's not. Culture is individual. A one-man culture is valid concept.
The Southerners are the best people because they believe their dolce vita is superior so obviously they neednt force it on others.
Breivik alone, so far, in Europe, inferred correctly from circumstances - and acted. Mass slaughter of jews, muslims and cucks is only sol.
That's another form of bio-denial. Jews have never not exhibited the same other-race-hostile (genocidal) behavior. https://t.co/RWNCjyDQPB
You'll have fewer dumb thoughts to remove if you stop eating spiders. https://t.co/5Cc7DvKpu7
Beatitudes is modernism applied to society: let's elevate the ugly defective and ridiculous to position of honor.
When you see quotes from Romans re jews that could have been made today - that tells you you're dealing with something biological.
Plenty of people, like me, reject jebus claims. but that doesn't make them jews. Catholic position on jews is illogical & factually wrong.
Jews were around for many long centuries, not to say millennia, before the Talmud congealed. They exhibited the exact same rotten behavior.
Catholicism is sodomy of the spirit. There are many analogues between catholic belief and homo behavior.
The implicit tenet of catholicism as concerns race is that it may exist but it doesn't deeply matter. Hence, cath. cannot not be antiwhite.
sometimes leftists apply their 'anti-white' racism to jewish apartheid, but it's always kept on back burner in MSM https://t.co/o6OPJPHyZo
First came the jew. THEN came the Talmud. Catholicsj Hoffman & Jones try to force reality to conform to their perverse ideology.
The jew is not the product of the Talmud - per the catholic conceit; rather, the Talmud is the product of the jew. Itz biological.
All conditions that allow whites to prosper and reproduce are called racist by white-genocidal jews and eliminated. https://t.co/REN5tI3WZw
Christianity elevates the worse over the better, and from that all social ills spring. Degeneracy begins in the mind.
When someone says the Saudis control the media, what he's actually saying is "my contempt for you is bottomless." #GorillaMindset
Under freedom (free association) blacks had a legitimate upper class & society. But that was "bad for jews." https://t.co/aEcd8VwOEP
Christianity took both sides of the slavery question. And was wrong both times. Whites are neither the negro's equal nor its steward.
The irony is that most of the lower-middle class that supported the Nazis wouldn't exist after a few generations of eugenics.
Catholics like jews without courage. They make the same dishonest arguments, same logical fallacies, but halfheartedly.
Being a minority greatly increases racial consciousness - walk down a beach of Mexicans if you are NW Euro - you will intensely feel diff.
People are waves and particles. Both individuals and part of collective. lol-right jews deny latter to prevent #TeamWhite from forming.
Whites have been systematically trained by christ-insanity to regard jews as bros and their own achievements as religious rather than racial
Christianity, just as much as jews, severs the connection between white racial essence and whites' achievements. WN reconnects these.
People might value racial whiteness proper, but they certainly value what whiteness produces. They just don't see the connection.
Multiculturalism means jewish standards of honesty, black levels of violence, and mexican standards of hygiene.
Always and everywhere the church works to break down racial distinctions. So said Grant or Stoddard. https://t.co/Jn6t4qGWgz
Is flood the newest euphemism for nigger? https://t.co/SXGRGZGKS8
If judaism were an actual religion, you couldn't destroy it by exterminating jews. But it's not. It's a race-expression that dies w last one
It's cuz frogs have giant eyes and tiny brains, so females relate to them, despite their bumpiness. https://t.co/glITbmmwta
i've read that Nazareth didn't even exist at the time da Jebus is said to have sashayed out of the cunt https://t.co/CTIHKkMa3V
If they believe what they say about our race, they'd be demanding the same things White Nationalists are - physical separation.
Christianity is a kumbayah cult, whether you want to accept it or not. It is the source and origin of liberalism, contrary to the revertards
It is my view whites must synthesize racial feelings they don't comparatively possess, forming a #TeamWhite, if they desire to keep existing
Merkel should be hanged from a stout oak after the town crier reads a summary judgment off a nice parchment.
Any mention of race is good for #TeamWhite. The more whites are disparaged by hate-filled (((leftists))) and muds, the better for our cause
Jews instinctively feel part of a group called jews. Whites don't feel this. This is why the disparity in numbers doesn't matter.
Men may unite ad hoc for a legitimate defensive purpose, but beyond that government is always just a self-serving gang of criminals.
The basic delusion is that govt is in business of solving problems rather than creating/exacerbating them, which is the actual fact.
Politics, at its most effective, is garbage management, not some kind of idealism. SpaceX is for "to the stars," not government.
And that is why when you adopt the christian position on race, you have set your race up for genocide. https://t.co/ScLr71KJ8T
You know what an anteater is. Now imagine a humaneater. Could you "convert" him out of eating humans? But that is catholic position on jews.
Jews' religion is this: putting into words, and code, what they instinctively (racially) felt: a homicidal contempt for all other peoples.
Jews initiated war against other races by their race/cult. They started it. That is undeniable fact of the matter. https://t.co/sBwB4nnDps
xtianity's policy is to deny biology (leaving adherents open to jewing) & persuade rather than lop heads (muzz) https://t.co/5H00se2CKZ
#muhUniqueReliggyousSpecialPleading https://t.co/yL9pqH7ApG
you must be about 18. anyone who has read or discussed with catholics has seen your shitsly, dishonest way before. https://t.co/yL9pqH7ApG
What oppression that Sarah Silverman faces. She doesn't mind admitting she'd kill jebus all over again. And still fawned over on tv.
your argument amounts to: my crank view is true because many people share it. which is a logical fallacy https://t.co/HX1LuFJ6aQ
'Radical Islam' is a bullshit term, ie, propaganda. The cult has jihad as a TENET, not some non-essential minority opinion. Islam is correct
Every jew is remarkably descended from dozens who died in 'the' 'holocaust' but nary a yid traces to those who murdered in the Holodomor.
If your times are wrong, then fight them. And don't cry and despair, you're not some catholic weakling faggot. LAUGH like a white man.
When you sexualize your children with junwhore clothes and such, you are helping the jew destroy the West and your race. #KeepSexPrivate
Even I wouldn't say my beliefs are "entirely" reasonable. I hate grafitti to an unreasonable degree. https://t.co/8qiSE3xdD4
Anyone older than 30 is fully aware of his mortality, you can be your life on that. https://t.co/8qiSE3xdD4
I'm happy to believe in your imaginary God. But first you need to produce credible evidence for him. That's atheism. https://t.co/8qiSE3xdD4
NOW you're thinking like TruCop. https://t.co/T3Bcc5gy60
Anything can be defended. Not always successfully. Ask yourself why you need to attribute false positions to opps. https://t.co/8qiSE3xdD4
I am aware that you believe that. Forsooth I must say from deepest Meland it doth appear unso. https://t.co/8qiSE3xdD4
you can't tell reality from fantasy. you wanting something true, or declaring it, does not make it so. you're cultic https://t.co/PwZvmY9kot
your beliefs speak about you. not about me. no matter how hard you try. i'm not in your cult. i do reality only. https://t.co/EJEJzyws9X
see what i say? exactly like jews. why would i "hate" something that doesn't exist. yr belief is yr prob. not mine. https://t.co/EJEJzyws9X
Yeah, not worried Shrimpler. https://t.co/STKjXSIYLW
Christian way of 'arguing' is same as jews: if you don't accept my fantasy you are (something wicked, diseased, etc) https://t.co/kp1LdNPfxk
Religious thinking at its average. Dishonorable, untrue - of the crybaby. https://t.co/1mVp8xu86R
yes. the manlet willing to go on tape in public claiming he finds no evidence jews control the media. aka, a liar https://t.co/mO7oaGRXQx
It's sunday morning. You should be with your fellow cretins moron-bleating rather than annoying us w moron-tweeting. https://t.co/1mVp8xu86R
You actually believe I and other atheists don't believe we will die? Is there anything not wrong with you? https://t.co/1mVp8xu86R
My "fantasy" of being a god only exists in your head. Like your god. https://t.co/1mVp8xu86R
yeah but that's South Africa. #BLM would never say such a thing https://t.co/582lbbd5Ax
Man, I hope this is the stupidest tweet I read today. But...you're probably not done I'm guessing. https://t.co/uL2PVkFCuz
"Soviet Union" - nation they created is out to destroy them. A race of mad dogs, but from genes not virus. https://t.co/tC8Wq2J0Ao
July 30, 2016:
no. icke has his own thing. watson i think it is https://t.co/ASmv5nsyED
who's that british alex jones employee/professional clown. at least he had the guilty dog look in lying that jews dont control media
in which this guy reveals himself. Paul Gottfried has too many liver spots. Time to switch yids https://t.co/yxT0ufeo24
King David Hotel yid = liar https://t.co/edJp2NqhIN
congrats on figuring out what's right. REFLECTION MAKES THE MAN. https://t.co/cTZlyNkV6O
Eventually you're going to die in a warehouse or found on ground unresponsive w no pulse. Then won't you wish u HADNT BEEN A MASSIVE FAGGOT
Globalism vs nationalism. Except for Israel. So...yeah...no. It's Israel vs the nations. Or to put it best #TeamWhite vs #TeamJew.
Cernovich appears to be the deputed handler, a la faileocons' ((((Paul Gottfried))). https://t.co/7dQHetPQT5
Trump is the dying voice of fading angry whites. They say. Reality: Trump is the birth pains of a New White Order. Dig it, turdistas.
Government protects us. Not from the type of people who work for the government. But in a vague, counterrealistic way.
July 29, 2016:
Summer is the It season. The other seasons. Well, as the (((Beastie Boys))) said, "you wish you would."
Truth is that the average whiteskin would rather see his race die out than give up his christianity addiction. #TeamWhite is for the rest.
'Racism' is a veiled way of saying whites are invalid. Not their beliefs or behavior. Their existence. #TeamWhite
Hillary identifies with the butt-ugly raghead females who get real tobacco pleasure out of seeing their men rape attractive ones.
The mistakes always run in the same direction. That's how we know they're not. https://t.co/hEJSY1kxxX
There's nothing more obscene than white men reduced to begging the govt for health, education and welfare. You are NOT American in spirit.
Americans shouldn't abandon their good traditions that work rather add to them what they don't have - jew-control engineering from NS.
Big government, little men. Nazis don't like to hear that, but it's true nevertheless. https://t.co/ykQNxtkIRl
She-Clinton represents the status quo. Anti-white social misery at home; endless wars for Israel abroad. Trump just might be revolutionary.
A whiteskin is a man or woman who is racially, genetically white but places no value on it. Useful distinction from 'woke' White. #TeamWhite
(((media))) calls heroes - only whites who work for govt. cops, teachers, firemen, soldiers. never private people who actually improve world
Don't join the army. Doing something honorable, like making hamburgers or stocking shelves. Don't be a tool, be a white man.
Feminists are like evil farmers, they want to take womans body from 'Wonderland" (credit David Duke dick attachment) to hipless titless box.
Feminists see woman as a disgusting swampland of sweetness which urgently needs draining so it can be farmed for rutabagas.
Listening to Patsy Cline...back then women were allowed to be women, they didn't have to pretend to be strong women, aka cheap imitation men
A real is man never to proud to stop to help a dead turtle cross the street or upbraid an old woman for paying w checkbook. #RealMen
Untent your fingers, manlet of prayer, and treat them as what they are: nimble minions of you, puppet master. #Fingerism's Message for Today
July 28, 2016:
Mockery and laughter are the first signs of a rising society. https://t.co/30D5v2hfuM
Meanwhile, in Niggerstainia... https://t.co/gUGs4F52B0
It really speaks to the low character of our white race that we can't even identify the jews ruling over us, let alone defeat them. #shame
The US, under jews, surrounds Russia with bases, then paints her as aggressor in (((media))). USA public clueless as ever.
Look...you're in Canada. Many things will be confusing to you. But perhaps tie your ejaculations to specific stimuli https://t.co/5k7eTWFrWO
Merkel cares as little about the costs of her policy as the christians who demanded the immediate release of slaves. Sic semper Morality.
Egggg...zackly https://t.co/5k7eTWFrWO
The future is never inevitable. Only goddish head-queers believe that. The future belong to the #Fingerist.
Christians correctly denounce 'safe sex' teaching as propaganda, as it ignores non-material aspects of sex. (1/2)
Christian spiritual love is promiscuous and more destructive to the body politic than Q-RID is to the body physical.
Christian culture leads directly to sanctimonious madmen and women, Merkel being perfect example. FUCK REALITY I HAZ VISION.
There's only one good reason to write, and that's to write stuff the way it should be written. If others doing that, dont bother. If not, do
chop down the tall poppy syndrome https://t.co/ADAlThzIgg
Can someone please do an equivalent to Gesamtkunstwerk for all utils, based explicitly on allowing crit of jews, proxy for all freedom?
I have signed up for (((Weiner, Anthony's))) correspondence course. I feel strongly I have what it takes to become a sexting pervert.
"They'll make no sacrifices and take no chances, so what they believe isn't all that important. (1/2)
I do find Clinton's clothes odd. She always look like she took a quilted blanket and stapled a couple x. Internal problems is possible.
Christianity - the cuck-maker. https://t.co/f973D0N5QS
July 27, 2016:
People don't need salvation and can't be fixed. Hope that clears things up, I know some of you xtians been confused for 2000 years.
elephant outwits 14 SJW lionesses https://t.co/An4glBNMgo
Back in reality, summer blacks will be molesting white families at state fairs & gang-locusting convenience stores. https://t.co/MkzPfKKK8Y
#tcot Support Israel? You belong dangling in a rope. https://t.co/dfKNnH69EG
Stockman: Soon 10,000 people will own a preponderant share of the wealth; 10 million people will live grandly off the droppings; (1/2)
One has got rid of so many confusions and potential problems by letting like group with like that any totally awesome design is unnecessary.
Why do arranged marriages work? Same reason white racial politics works. It's humiliating but livestock measures work for humans too.
The bad drives out the good, the good doesn't elevate the bad. A white society according blacks rights will fall to black cultural level.
Reps: we must sell our reasoned, responsible conservatism to blacks and browns Dems: free shit, niggas!
That's not good enough. They'll sneak back in the minute guard is dropped, and it will be. https://t.co/1r3WBfY4Uo
July 26, 2016:
Through our clever PR strategy, we persuade negros to ditch the sordid course of gibsmedat & dinduism for self control & respect for others.
Jews proudly brag about opening borders across the west. Privately and in Israeli papers they laugh about the beheaded priest.
It's not a pipe dream to think blacks can meet white standards, it's a pipe dream to think they can even understand white standards.
Whites have no interest in continued forced association with semites or coloreds. This realization will spread and culminate in revolution.
Renouf on Faurisson https://t.co/gGRZKfAQ9A
Amen, wise words. https://t.co/cg4ZatC8K6
Jews side with muslim terrorists AGAINST WHITES Jews side with criminal niggers AGAINST WHITES JEWS = DEATH & DESTRUCTION FOR WHITES. #NJJR
After 2000 years of failure, it's time to stop fucking around with xtian lunacy and do what common sense tells us: EXTERMINATE THE JEWS.
stay dum, it's our only hope https://t.co/6XH1Q2fcpn
You're going all muslim on the term acknowledge. Pretend or hallucinate are accurate terms for your mentation. https://t.co/YBujCKhtEU
"Of course we know they'll kill you. Is it our fault you refuse to accept us for what we are?" --N.B. Wise
If you don't understand how something as dumb as Jebus could become a thing, look at photos from Comic-Con.
Here's the solution, folks: kill all muslims and jews. I'm sorry it's not nice. But that's on you & your faggot christian cult, now, isnt it
Having put over the Jebus hoax on the Aryan boobs, the jews knew the prospects for Holohoax were good.
You believe because you haven't the character to keep faith with the facts. Your belief springs from weak character. https://t.co/vES27BFh8F
"authoritative" - classic. a bunch of jewish horseshit believed by fools. there's the most authoritative guide ever. https://t.co/hT312Cv6U5
What was meant, as you know, is that when church says some 250-yo guy fathered a kid, it means that LITERALLY. https://t.co/magK1twNQQ
At least one major party believes that showcasing the relatives of serious criminals is the way to win votes. That truly shows where we are.
They who can't make their case must shift their grounds - to your motivations and character. So with jews - but so also with christians.
All religious argument is made in bad faith. That's what science means - arguing in good faith. Free epiphanies from #TeamWhite
This pertains to religion, not just court cases: if you have a case, pound the facts. If you don't, pound the table.
The religious will always try to turn refusal to accept their lunacy into a character problem because they have no evidence for their views.
I'd love to be a reactionary, but I lack the ingratitude. (Another way in which the reverts and the progs are retarded fraternal twins.)
Religion makes greatest possible claims, produces shittiest possible results. Science: few claims, incredibly bountiful results.
They only need special terms (smears) for their opponents who can't make their case the ordinary way, using ordinary proof and evidence.
As no evidence of god's existence (that would be accepted as ev. in any other case) has been presented, the atheist has no positive belief.
For atheism to be a positive belief, the atheist would have to reject something(s) ordinarily accepted as evidence. https://t.co/g4fLMZGyBY
The dirtiest, most dishonest writers of the 20th century were not jews, as you'd suspect, they were xtian pogies GK Chesteron & CS Lewis.
Nowhere but religion is there a special term for people who don't believe in something that doesn't exist. https://t.co/HX2kb9RqyC
No, no, Special Rules for special creatures! BIGFOOT must be proved to exist! GOD gets the assumption! https://t.co/rcmw6BmWm9
Truth is a function of popularity. Interesting view for a religious nut. https://t.co/7NN7SxgxQD
If we can't agree on the same flag, why are we part of the same country? https://t.co/omw04ZuYDD
Your embracing a delusion -- "God" -- says nothing whatsoever about the "beliefs" of those who don't share it.
Notice the xtian does exactly what the Semitically Correct cultist does: uses whatever power he has to force you into his fake reality.
Remember: 100% of Rabbis -- literally every single one -- supported letting these priest-beheaders into Europe. #DeathToTheJews
Daily whites are RAPED, MURDERED, ROBBED, MOLESTED by shitskinned savages JEWS LET INTO OUR COUNTRIES in name of diversity. #TeamWhite
Tag team: Jews let muslims in. Muslims murder whites. Jews lie about it in press. #TeamWhite sees what's going on. Do you?
Everything jews do, literally every policy they support, makes white society more unpleasant and dangerous. #TeamWhite
July 25, 2016:
Itz (((Pat Hetic))) https://t.co/6Pahsw9YPO
probly many, but i've forgotten! https://t.co/oDnlXBvwNA
No, I think that'd be unfair. He's trying to chart a course under extremely difficult, dangerous circumstances. https://t.co/zvF2DvCXg3
...a procession of jews, each repulsiver than the last... https://t.co/eHrTMhNeIh
I'm lost at this point. You assumed INCORRECTLY i'm NS. All I'm saying. I know and assert nothing about you. https://t.co/Pep2eLqFqV
Don't use your muscles; you'll never be as big as Schwarzenegger. Mutatis mutandis, this is what conservatives say about brains.
From Burke on, conservatism have talked up religion and talked down rational thought. End of that line is hagridden cowards. #tcot
Then Johnny Reb had a thought.. Mebbe, jes mebbe, his head wasn't just there to input dirt. Or scare the moles back down. Might could THINK.
#Fingerism is, like conservatism, a disposition, not a set of tenets or positions. A man builds his own superstructure upon its base belief.
#Fingerism is the spiritual attitude springing from what Fingerists take to be the self-evident fact that humans can make their fingers move
If mere reality isn't interesting enough for you, you can always try christian delusion, or bottled alcohol or chemical concoctions.
Right-wing atheism. It's based on the belief that humans can make their fingers move. https://t.co/WyckXO298o
Just as we whites think others are like us (honest, friendly), jews tend to think others are like them (paranoid, advantage-seeking, hateful
You're just parroting what you've heard. Try actually thinking about it. Atheists dont need something. https://t.co/92ywB5GXB5
#Fingerism https://t.co/92ywB5GXB5
I dont know. Hitler used a higher power rhetorically. I see no evidence he actually believed in the common way. https://t.co/aMhjNLW9v5
Worries about all that type of thing are an utter waste of time. That's my opinion. https://t.co/tcThDMOeS4
Hitler: “Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.”
Hitler: Xtianity is a prototype of Bolshevism: the mobilisation by the Jew of the masses of slaves with the object of undermining society.
Hitler: “As far as we are concerned, we’ve succeeded in chasing the Jews from our midst and excluding Christianity from our political life.”
National socialism isn't occult at all, it takes cue from nature, where xtianity cues from hallucinations/tall tales https://t.co/HcUvkl7MUh
By asserting all hominids are one in Jebus, xtianity makes it impossible to sustain political segregations over the long haul.
Xtianity doctrinally denies, in effect, human speciation. It refuses to see anything but one race, and doesn't value the material thing.
What I know is that Catholics break their own proclaimed commandment against lying to defame NS. Shows their character.
He was mature. He's a democratic politician. They ALL lie. That's what trying to get votes ALWAYS entails. https://t.co/rsmuAUiPRy
Another quote you're running away from, since you credit TT: “Kerrl, with the noblest of intentions, wanted to https://t.co/92tTgnEegV
Yes, he was. There were homos, even pedos, in NS. But they were less common than they are in catholic church. https://t.co/YR8738JJD0
Some were. but again, you cannot trust ANYTHING either christian conservatives or jewish communists say about NS. https://t.co/UZhZBUlGT8
I mean, I could use a hammer to try to circumcise a baby iguana, but that doesn't change it's a hammer; that's not what it's about.
Hitler enjoyed operas immensely. And the architecture of their stage houses. He did not confuse them with reality. https://t.co/bnvkNl4EVf
Hitler was no occultist. That is true. And good. https://t.co/bnvkNl4EVf
Who knows for sure? What we do know THAT MATTERS is he planned to phase out the universalist church for blood order. https://t.co/92tTgnEegV
Pink Swastika. Cited by E. Michael Jones. Based on jew-communists Hitler fought. Loaded with lies about homos/pedos. https://t.co/bQQ33Z6Wn1
Oh there's plenty clownish about an imaginary hero who runs around with mynah birds on his shoulders https://t.co/ZRMKcDV3Gx
Hitler created a MIRROR STRATEGY to judaism. He gave whites a RACIAL TEAM to defend itself where UNIVERSALIST cross cult could not.
Christianity is not a racial doctrine (like judaism) and cannot be made into one. https://t.co/7T2dce1pkE
No they weren't. What christians say about Nazis has zero credibility - most of it is taken from jew-homo communists https://t.co/BoOBKjxuaO
it's not christianity if you intend to change it the way Hitler and Rosenberg did. the pope knew that. https://t.co/3f7Xr8Dieq
Answer the question: did Hitler or did he not plan to LET XTIANITY DIE by phasing it out? You know the truth. https://t.co/Kg6l2jGkAj
Heathenry is a bigot's smear. Hitler trained German youth to value blood at a higher level than the church does. https://t.co/7QwOAJ9ega
So go quote his anti-christian statements, which say the opposite. https://t.co/d3U0lkc3wa
Exactly, I love that you clowns are forced into say the Pope's not a catholic. Just make it up as you go along. https://t.co/COCVkeD1oF
Here's what Hitler actually believed: “ “It’s Christianity that’s the liar. It’s in perpetual conflict with itself." https://t.co/Cdk7MSH1Ov
No, Hitler did not see himself as a christian. Why do you lie about that? https://t.co/COCVkeD1oF
Hitler's view: 1) racialism is the opposite of xtian universalism, and 2) I will phase out xtianity for blood cult. https://t.co/BlijxP94c8
No, those quotations are false. You need to read more carefully and not believe everything that's put out there. https://t.co/Yshw7W4gUa
Hitler's intent was to supersede christianity with racialism, which the church correctly saw as a vital threat. https://t.co/Wkl0RjiLVc
This is simple a big lie. https://t.co/pChyXUQd0Q
Yes. I am taking the piss of dozy plonkers. https://t.co/NPQvi19zdV
No, that's not accurate. Hitler was a racialist, and racialism is the opposite of christianity. https://t.co/pChyXUQd0Q
The church determines what's christian, and Hitler's church explicitly rejected the political system he created. https://t.co/xfXraK7pkh
LOL, the Pope isn't a christian. I love it. Hitler was no christian. You just want him to be. https://t.co/dhHpMpb6Um
D-Day was irrelevant, the war was decided in East. https://t.co/Lkvh0al6X2
So Hitler was a believing christian who's political system was described as evil by the Pope. That's yr contention? https://t.co/k2MkBvw7bf
You're clowning yourself buddy. You don't know what he said. You have only hearsay, which you credit per YOUR views. https://t.co/Yg1UJf3AWP
Not what he said in private, though, which is what you're relying on for your other claims. Which is it, Mr 2-face? https://t.co/xfXraK7pkh
You don't know what Hitler actually believed. NS tolerated jews living in Germany all thru the war, so you're wrong. https://t.co/6quZOjVWsd
We can invent new gods. That's what we do. Whites aren't a traditionalist race. We are the opposite of it, in fact. https://t.co/WMwPiSkn6k
Being born in a stall doesn't make you a horse. But being taken to church by your folks does make you a christian. Is that right?
He wasn't a christian, so that tells you his real view. No matter what someone claimed he said here or there. https://t.co/d8ckNKXgeS
Jews brought communism to Europe in 20th century. Islam in the 21st. You can't lose with these guys!
Trump instinctively recognizes jews are bazaar clowns, and you have to poke them back with equal fervor. He's not dumb or scared like GOP.
Look what Trump has done with common sense, and enough balls not to cave on some basic stuff. (SOME, not all) https://t.co/0OfQY9HghG
my...goodness. you are snake-rich! https://t.co/axPI1hVZTt
It's not just being right, it's being right with style. Bobby Fischer struck the right tone toward 'em: they are shit on humanity's shoes.
Snakes maintain an Anglobutlerian emotional reserve. They eat vermin. They emit freshets of silence. They scare xtians. What's not to like?
I trust Putin. He has his head on straight. That's all you can ask. Trump too. They're best we can do till Hitler II, and that is coming.
We need to get that Amish money out of politics. Really poisoning things. Amish & Saudis. Yessirree bob.
ive had calif kingsnakes, hognose snake, fox snake, bullsnake...and boot shaped boa that didn't each much https://t.co/QRBfx01XPh
The world of things you don't realize dwarfs Jupiter, one strongly suspects. https://t.co/9awnv1Pl0z
Hand raised? Did you hold on to the back of their bike? https://t.co/QRBfx01XPh
Unlike the endless "clever" halfwits he cut right to the point. It's jews. They're criminals. They'll never change. https://t.co/xTKdB8HFD1
Binkie Sanders throws in with Evil Grandma https://t.co/22XtzwEcjV
The price of white freedom is extinction of jews. If you need another reason, they're trying to #WhiteGenocide us.
yeah, but you're pretty fat https://t.co/97keGo0Dfk
I don't know that jews invented the meme of suicide of the west, but they have certainly used it to disguise their murdering white nations.
I have a feeling if Germans righteously slaughtered a bunch of Muslims in response, the BBC/NPR yids would have no trouble fixing blame.
Suicide meme comes from Spengler via Burnham, the mentor to fat cryptosexual Sam Francis, aka Canny Sammy. https://t.co/rCseBwcvtg
No. Just a grab. I agree its color is gorgeous. I wish had some side-zip ankle boots made out of it! https://t.co/iSWnAcSK81
As one from NEMO, the woods are now flooded with KC Royals fan, 100% of whom were Cardinals fans or nothing two years ago. SHIT CHARACTER.
In this we see that jews do indeed have some of our trouble - they think others are as (paranoid, deceitful) as they https://t.co/oyeRmtvHzp
How many niggers were involved and what race were they? https://t.co/SYRS2X4KWD
(brief series, maybe 5 tweets) "In 1992, sitting Vice President Dan Quayle addressed the GOP convention. George H.W. Bush’s henchmen did
Correct. But WN fear to criticize KM when he's wrong. https://t.co/9BBqW2YKNo
While whites stayed up all night to guard endangered sea turtles, rabbis signed petitions to admit muslim terrorists as refugees.
NPR. Can't figure out the motive of muslim suicide terrorists. Supercilious yids lounge in AC and gaslight in name of "public" they hate.
God is the christian's way of evading responsibility for his own life and decisions. It's cowardly, counterfactual and childish. #muhDemonz
The church lumps all hominids into one class: needers of Jebus. What matters racial difference next to this?
The pollyanna view is popular with shills: that we whites just cant organize as well as jews. The truth is jews actively subvert white orgs.
Jews work illegally to prevent whites from organizing. This is the part that liars such as Jared Taylor leave out. #neutralmachineryBigLie
Jews organize themselves, to the nth degree AND they prevent whites from organizing, using their control to media-defame & police-subvert.
The church let jews back in 110 times. Because it defines them as brother men, fellow God-creatures. Rather than biological threat & enemy.
The only way to bet is that the actual and full truth about jews is considerably worse than even the worst 'antisemite' suspects.
Very seldom does a public jew stand against jewry, and even then it's never more than what the spooks called limited hangout.
Jareb! Taylor is suspiciously horny to convict the race he ostensibly defends, I've always smelled. https://t.co/MTh66i3q44
Not a single jew publicly opposes the #ADL's attempt to rescue the reputation of pedophile-murderer #LeoFrank. Jews? Evil defines them.
No matter which jew scam you mention (gas chambers, Leo Frank) almost no jews will admit factual truth. They must be treated as #TeamJew.
Jews have a "Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations." Not just a beehive - they're organized from top to bottom.
Jews are a race. & their 'religion' tells them god promised them all the goods of the gentiles - Leibowitz attitude. https://t.co/KZE0QKvbXL
When I look around, I see whites blaming jews for what they do. And jews blaming whites for what they don't.
Yeah, whites "fail" for decades - when jew-indoctrinated cops are busting down the door if they make the wrong comment on Facebook. Christ.
Reminds me of old WFB argument: some people say those who push old women in front of bus are same as those who push them out of way of bus.
You're willfully ignorant. I won't respond again. https://t.co/iuChXhNmin
Of course they're going to keep lying about gas chambers because it's a proven money maker and political weapon. https://t.co/9f2khq15wn
In a few years baby Ezra will be rapping white privilege poems while pretending to be white. https://t.co/nUU1l9CiC6
Look, you seem like a nice. I'm not going to argue with you. But you're listening to people who are feeding you shit https://t.co/nUU1l9CiC6
What was that Italian's book of criminal head shapes, she'd make a marvelous centerfold. https://t.co/qOZPTswg6i
One can dream! But Nigeria does have such a provision. Maybe 'uncaught so far' is best we can hope for. https://t.co/7fFVBhx7eo
Yeah, because all complaints are equally invalid. Face it - you're not tall enough for the ride. That's all. https://t.co/EPpKTRruKx
Shout out to all upstanding niggers - Nigeria will welcome you back home with open arms. Look into it. Imagine a land without racism.
Hey, Jon Stuart Leibowitz, you Galician flea, it IS my country. My ancestors founded it for THEIR posterity. Not yours. FUCK OFF KIKE.
The national roar that would go up at the visual of Mexigoobers being deported under Trump would deafen residents of Mars.
Freddie Mercury told me he approves Donald Trump using his song. (This is how you sound when you talk about God.)
I have a pet bear. As fate would have it, he's one of those bears with his head caught in a jar. His name is Deus Vult.
Reactionary: democracy, or political equality is a bad idea. But one-size-fits-all religion is a great one.
Did Hitler fill Europe with millions of murderous muslims? No. Jews did that. Maybe that's why... OH MY FREAKING GOD I'VE BEEN LIED TO...
Jews are a race. They do have a code, a dual code. To call it religion - it's far more akin to a declaration of war on the rest of the world
Reaction: smart guys who think like dumb guys: if I gurn and make impressive noises about Power Above i be thinkinin'.
Libertarianism is far more idea-fecund than reaction, but its refusal to treat with jews snips its balls, leaves it mylarweight class.
So the answer is they don't just think alike but actively coordinate. In fact, they do more than that - all the way up thru conspire.
Queers, among other things, are sex maniacs. They have no interest in marrying because marriage interferes with their cloacal World Tour.
"Gay marriage is about two people loving each other." But on average one of those queers has had 500 partners. Do you see the disconnect?
Keep reading new things. I read Trollope. About to read Walpole. It builds appreciation for what jews have destroyed, among other things.
That's why I carry on private studies! Life is too short to waste on ideological claptrap. https://t.co/1bwzS0D72w
Alex Jones walked into rhinoplast office & said, "I need to look more like a buffoon." "I'll try," said doc. "But I can't promise anything.
What a loathsome race. https://t.co/aM1TrJgl5X
'Gun control' and feminism are both racial attacks on whites. Pushed by the same (((tribe))) in pursuit of the same agenda: #WhiteGenocide.
The point is there is no yid equivalent to Twain, Mencken, Dickens, Poe and on and on and on and on. https://t.co/U1ildIjLqR
July 24, 2016:
Seeking wisdom out of the bible is like seeking water in a urinal. There might be some there, but it's heavily polluted.
Norman Mailer and Philip Roth promoted as great talentss, lol. No way. Capote was 100x more talented than either. https://t.co/ooVxTWxaUZ
incorrect. the problem is jew. zionism is merely one example of The Problem in action. https://t.co/Lv4SiWQCyC
"We kill termites because they destroy our houses. How, then, should we treat jews, who destroy our societies?" --A. Schopenhauser
jews were the force behind no-talent art, the only serious movement of the 20th century. so they could be 'artists' as well as agents
They're just liars and criminals - but they stick together. Demand special exemptions and privileges - always. https://t.co/77MloFwsyo
Trump actually got one of the (((vermicious knids))) (one of the monsters of the deep on SCourt) to apologize. you almost never see that
for a 'people of the book,' the literature jews have produced is third rate. there is no legitimately great jew writer
funny, you never think of SA like this https://t.co/wK1022GAHZ
there is no positive jew culture, save the technics of bloodsucking; their writing is mostly crap, their art, negligible
Maybe if you quit worrying about what other people thought of you and worried 100% about being right you would earn title of White Man.
jews dont even bother to eliminate inconsistencies in their scams like holohoax because they know they'll lie anew tomorrow
One jew could be a liar, if they were like us. But their entire tribe promotes and celebrates known liars. lying is jew nature & culture.
jews make no distinction between lies, history and fiction, as Aryans do. jews only care about what's good for jews. Truth pays no bills.
Oliver touches on this - jews have always, historically, special pled where they didnt rule & spread lies as history https://t.co/yPxzQ5nlBB
I always considered xtianity tall tales that seem "nice" to women, that men eyeroll at. but no, it is a far deeper & thoroughly pernicious.
Personality is a dangerous wildcard threatening the System of the Goy Controllers, jews say in Protocols. Trump is exactly what they meant.
If you change an anteater's political views, have you really changed the thing itself? Do you suppose men are much different?
Late jon stuart affects august, hoary yidpose. Oy, the new Moses, he's. A sheeny of substance and gravitas. Many Early Bird Specials for him
Trump, there is much wrong, but powerful right: has the ganash to take on smarmy smarmingtons like yidly JON stuart. I LIKE THAT.
Jews are a race. They can no more change their parasitical behavior towards others than anteaters can switch from ants to bananas.
I didn't think christianity mattered...until I did think. Then I realized it's the reason whites see defending themselves as immoral.
Trump taking with one hand (Duke disavowel), giving with the other (yidsmacking clan mcLeibowitz) https://t.co/hvhq7ar0QB
The christian lies that jews became jews by rejecting jebus. The historical record is clear that jew behavior has been consistent from day 1
The Bible is the Divine Word of God. Sad that He spoke so unintelligibly it required centuries of religious wars to ascertain true meaning.
Christianity doesn't doctrinally deny race exists, but it undervalues it to the extent it amounts to the same thing in practice.
Christianity says a jew stops being jew when he converts. This is precisely the same as saying a black stops being black when he converts.
Against every other set the cuckservatives are paragons of excessive timidity. But where they have Boss Jew's approval, they fire w gusto.
Bill Kristol appears to believe Putin gets up each day, and after his 80 jumping jacks, races to Kremlin to bake some fresh Pepes.
very high percentage of jews vs whites exhibit paranoid tendencies, but that's just my obs not "peer reviewed paper" https://t.co/E2Hc9QVOUx
That's what happens when you lose wars. But they may yet regenerate. They are a martial minded nation at heart. https://t.co/ixLb2E2QNk
Well, it's not easy to disentangle: is bill kristol lying or paranoid when blames Putin for #altright? or both? https://t.co/E2Hc9QVOUx
Germany didnt change its way of thinking, it's defeat was wholly external and military. The others lost in spirit https://t.co/1kyQZNypCC
the circumstances are just too different for solid comparison https://t.co/JEohm0pDGs
there's no need for cruelty, but there's no need to exalt retards either, and christians do https://t.co/FOctz0Xe6O
they conquered russia easily 100 years ago https://t.co/g33f5YIEDh
jews in europe bred within their colonies and practiced eugenics https://t.co/9rOTz7ckIY
Good points, assuming true. People get caught up in race - I'm using it in everyday sense, just to mean type. https://t.co/9rOTz7ckIY
Even long ago, they were essentially an 'intergen,' with all the synagogues in communication worldwide. https://t.co/MwQuaOMVK4
they're a lot more than 1/2 https://t.co/tKx8W1EcI4
No, the best description is race. https://t.co/0JC48tUFt8
They have a whole list of jewish diseases, so calling them a race is the only accurate way to put it. Same genes. https://t.co/1SHRMmHzsU
If jews had 20th century technology, they would have dominated much earlier - xtian doctrines ensure that domination is inevitable.
As I've said many time, it was only circumstances (lack of technology) that prevented jews from dominating earlier. https://t.co/7Bmi1RWj0i
Christianity works to deny reason (causality), asserting that God's will explains everything that happens. Incredibly destructive lie.
Christianity works to deny human difference (race), caring only whether some jackass has accepted christ or similar tomfoolery.
And absolutely no one in today's generation should make that claim. My generation was last that plausibly could. https://t.co/f7Rd5LfpkB
Most jews are atheists. They can be, since jew is a race, not religion. https://t.co/WjtJwE9J9I
The things that make whites, as a race, worth defending are also what make it hard to defend (individuation). This is the #WhiteParadox.
So...god is a nigger, you're saying? No. You're saying god is a billion niggers? What a groovy Fellow. https://t.co/AaHnaRobxb
Jews work the margins, gain by degree. 24/7 fagitprop doesn't make the avg guy into a fag, but it tends to create a fag-positive mental env.
The jew always tries to push the white into examining his own attitude and behavior, while his own are always off the table.
The things that make whites unique as a race (capacity for inwardness, seeing other POVs) make it hard to defend. #WhiteParadox
Child understands bad guys want to hurt people. Keep it that level till they get older to give them the deeper why. https://t.co/7vux2bMlXH
We're the good guys. They're the bad guys. https://t.co/7vux2bMlXH
The jew thing is not complex at all. This argument is past absurd. You can explain it to a child - easily.
The noobs have mastered graphics, and that is all to their credit. https://t.co/va9wBW0wug
That's ok. No one gets the respect he deserves! And least by asking for it. Laughter shows LACK of fear. That's imp. https://t.co/va9wBW0wug
The more we beat up on the conservatives, the more they serve us. Same as they do the jews. It's all about their fear & self-interest.
Jews offer whites a full spectrum of deviant time-wasters - spectator sports, morbid sex, body modification, etc. https://t.co/XQ7iHv0HIt
Yes. And it will continue to pay dividends. We smash them to bits, force their good elements to go racial. https://t.co/s3v8sm5zyP
When I see someone with tattoos I think two things: 1) what bad taste. 2) this person is trying to deny & escape his whiteness.
THere is only one verse in bible I'm aware of that might be in favor of intelligence. And zero humor. In 1700 pages! https://t.co/nXIGB9XgF3
That's one of the snake's meanings. It also represents beauty and even power and cunning. https://t.co/nXIGB9XgF3
If conservatives applied their principles faithfully, their columns would be nothing but warnings about and descriptions of jews abusing USA
Christianity teaches people to deny causality in favor of God, this is perhaps its deepest intellectual crime. https://t.co/IFGOYRUqwc
Even the 'redneck' identity that so many Flyover morons embrace is a jew created cheap plastic halloween cartoon thing. Ape Calhoun, losers.
Of course tattoos alone dont destroy white society. But then they're part of an entire package of deviant practices, aren't they? #Frankfurt
Christians not only respect abuse, they obtain sexual gratification from it, I have always believed. Christianity betrays soul sickness.
Christians run toward jews who abuse them and from whites racialists who respect them. "We" never learn this basic lesson. #TeamWhite
White skin is far more attractive and striking than any stupid design your moronic mind comes up with.
Our government under jews and christian army scum destroyed effective countries (Iraq, Libya). Christians are curs. https://t.co/r3gPxuRyKO
Tattoos reduce the number of square feet of white skin in the world - they visually aid the onslaught of diversity.
Jews promote tattoos 4 goyim (not for jews, it's against their code) for the same reason they promote deviant sex - to destroy white society
The conservatives are cowards. It's their defining feature. Their dog that didn't bark is their abject, craven, animal fear of jewish power.
The jews have won by intimidating other races. They can produce credible threats, backed by organized power. But they can be killed.
I harp on fear and cowardice, you might have noticed. Why? Because I believe pure animal fear is the main motivator in this world.
How many tattoos did Hitler hav? Did he wear funny hair and goofy clothes? No. He had IT. when you have IT, you dont need faggoty externals.
are you a sailor? no? prostitute? no? then why do you have a tattoo? The traditional attitude toward tats is the correct one.
The jews the JEWS no one else THE JEWS are trying to MURDER EUROPE by filling it with scum from lands whose govts they conspired to destroy.
What you encounter (ALL you encounter) in christianity are really pale, limp copies of same logical fallacies in jew 'arguments.'
christianity is every bit as full of lies as judaism, it's just that christians, tho numerous, are lazy wusses by comparison
Judaism existed before christianity, so that can't be true. It's a race. Not a religion. https://t.co/s6fpKpraLI
Math experienced a schism today, as a group of French mathematicians who claim 2+2=5 elected a new pope.
The catholic church has splintered 1000x. If there were true claims at heart of it, that wouldn't have happened.
Facts don't go away because you refuse to acknowledge them. https://t.co/IN5YFoH1YZ
They murdered the first people to print bibles. That's the catholic church's true attitude toward the human mind. https://t.co/owxjkCL60B
Telling people they are great sinners who need to be saved is a backhanded compliment aimed to flatter them and suck their shekels.
How do you know your nation & media are controlled by jews? The true problem is never discussed, & the real solution is always off the table
Jews pay cucks like Eric Ericson & Trick Wilson to spread white-genocidalism among their kind and call it conservatism.
No dialogue with jews. They are trying to murder our kind. For them we have only one response: death to you, all of you, forever. #TeamWhite
Jews have leveled a racial attack on Germany, Europe and USA, and they have received the racial death sentence from #TeamWhite.
Jews are the world's enemy. They should be identified and exterminated wherever they arise, exactly like termites.
Professional conservatism is two things: kikes and cucks. The cucks are goy career girls who sell race-denial to white simps.
Germany is a conquered nation. That's why Merkel invited these killers. No way back but thru the jew - spill its blood.
A society, in its health admitted jews, decided to pretend that blacks are people. And soon grew deathly ill.
Look at this fucking monkey. It is obscene and shows a real urge-to-gutter that whiteskins vote for a goddam nigger. https://t.co/AVHnFFMDZr
where muslims gain demographic power, these same jew-luvin goypols dress their heads like burritos and luv muzzy https://t.co/d7Nc6aDDls
remember - goypols serve jews NOT because they love jews (that's just their lying mouth) but because jews have power (1/2)
Whenever any goy says "I love the jewish people," what he's really saying is "I am a liar & a coward." --Dad Brady
Trump has a sure eye for the sore spot in character of opponents. AND he's not afraid to go for it. Effective!
Notice how these scrawnsters Assange and Snowden have more nuts and guts than roughly 99.9% of South's self-vaunted Fahtin' Mayun.
I must admit I giggle like a teenage girl at someone named Julian & looking like Assange calling people sissies.
German racialists fought the communist jews the Anglo christians succumbed to. Fodder for inference from #TeamWhite
Tedious #antiwhite bigotry aside, slob-liar's reasoning is pretty solid. https://t.co/Exvx3ELfmI
The very concept of everything being Good or Evil comes from jews, and then they thoughtfully supply applications. Evil = "good for whites."
"I don't have to prove my Invisible Sky Daddy exists, YOU have to prove he doesn't." Religious mentation at its average.
the unspoken axiom is that lazy, low-quality guilds are good, quick-moving merchants are bad. wrong! https://t.co/0DMCn8TeNU
America was founded by Puritans, not Namby-Pambies. You advocating idea-miscegenation w cowardly conservatives are mushcunts, not racialists
Trump is a proxy. He tries to use us. We try to use him. But ultimately we do need a #TeamWhite. https://t.co/P5VAzKSYRq
And they're not smart enough to realize they must logically then explain its lack of success in non-white areas. https://t.co/dwoy9qC9HR
"Under natural circumstances, one out of every 400 hatchlings will survive," Shaver said. Genocide is nature's way. https://t.co/H6DdUGmc44
Per Trump's 'protectionism' - remember that it was NOT global corporations, back in 60s, that called for open borders it was JEWS ALONE.
run along, stimpy, we're done here https://t.co/96qxVnkaBR
better men than you have tried your clown way, Codreanu for one. the entire South. and South Africa. DOES NOT WORK. https://t.co/7hNMRIvKaR
search "newly discovered species." the minutest differences are enough to declare cave cricket A difft species fm B. https://t.co/mK3xkaAsmC
done? you never started https://t.co/7JhqTMjGTU
your argument is exactly what others are saying: contradictions dont matter, just overlook them. say no 2 puritanism https://t.co/wyUK8WxNeH
try to grasp what i'm saying. it's not what you and the other 95% bleat & repeat. it's the opposite. https://t.co/ZT0NkCErXz
Saving turtles. A white thing, itz. https://t.co/12iFPlOWt9
i'm not sure why you think your argument is new, it's the failed approach used all thru the 20th century https://t.co/zz11Lf5G4a
the right way to go is force people to choose between race and the church. not accede to their stupidity & weakness https://t.co/XiaLDNcrT7
your argument has been made by many others, there's nothing complex about it. it doesn't work. https://t.co/XiaLDNcrT7
For example, Trump. He is USING the racial cause. But he doesn't believe in it. We are or should be USING him. https://t.co/G54sTi1Qw5
you're advocating the conservative strategy that has always failed. the racial cause should be jealous, not tolerant https://t.co/G54sTi1Qw5
"not alienate" always translates into "pandering" which culminates in losing https://t.co/G54sTi1Qw5
Again, you continually beg the question without realizing it. A christian man is NOT an ally, he is an ENEMY. https://t.co/G54sTi1Qw5
Over time he planned to supersede xtianity with racialism. But that was back burner. Exigent was deal with jew-bolsh https://t.co/HPoFKnUCbX
Most whiteskin christians want the good life their race alone produces. But they falsely attribute it to their cult. FORCE THEM TO CHOOSE.
People who buy and sell things are in fact of more use to their fellow men than any number of priests.
the point that matters is forcing whiteskins to become White or go with the jeboo cult - that is the right way to go https://t.co/BBdyW3hw4m
as well make concrete with water, catshit and dried leaves https://t.co/n4Np61Qyhg
If you live among niggers, first thing you notice. Nigger A stands in doorway. Nigger B up street. They urkulate back n forth. Human? lol no
To turn Humphrey, there's not a dime's worth of difference between Catholic and Enlightenment thinking.
Even with your eyes shut and nose taped you can tell niggers are a different species. Humans don't sound like that. https://t.co/RjjgmiJU6n
Whites breed enough, and will breed more if they feel they have a future. As they did under Hitler. https://t.co/8GwKW0yF0u
A phobia is a morbid fear - a fear out of all relation to the reality of the thing in question. This term is nearly always misused in 2016.
White view: We must defend our kind from competing races. Christian view: Yes, race matters - the human race. #TeamWhite
Xtianity undeniably teaches that all hominid species are alike in deepest & most essential ways, hence is inherently anti-racial/#antiwhite.
When you claim anyone (pardon, any non-Israeli) who wants a border is a xenophobe, that just tells me you're a liar with a shitty character.
She doesn't return the favor though. She loves jews. https://t.co/RG9oTWn4Zp
Things you can do in your personal life to thwart the jew and help #TeamWhite. Don't subscribe to cable, join army, or buy retail.
Putin is behind #altright. I simply can't believe these jew clowns actually believe this. It's a lie they're selling Patriotard Man.
Let me bravely come out in public and say, under my real name, Donald Trump is no racist. Wish he were. Aint.
But if he wins, you'll have to slink back under your pile of camel dung, eh nosey? https://t.co/yCpPPwwsjN
For whites, the difficulty is believing jews are as organized, hateful and paranoid as we aren't. Our default assumption = all are like us.
Trump wants to use valid points racialists have made...alone...for decades...without crediting them. Speaks to his character.
It's not the (((rulers))) who believe distinctions & contradictions don't matter but the powerless christ-simps. "Unity" saith the moron.
talk about paranoid conspiracy theories https://t.co/T5yakX22a6
It was white by circumstance, not by principle. Ask any nun and she'll confirm the jebus cult is for all races. https://t.co/KLFwu74qKQ
Look Southern idiots, we tried your country-ham revolution. It failed. We need to go northern, cold, hard, FANATICAL. DISCIPLINED. SKEPTIKAL
The racial cause is mere preference. But if taken seriously, leads to decisions followed by actions - personal & social-political.
Every last simpson is an expert godologist, and doesn't mind admitting it, even w/o being asked. https://t.co/sKOxJJ17Wu
2 actions define catholicism. 1) murdering first people who printed bible 2) anger at Hitler putting tards to sleep https://t.co/Oo3qpsF2Qo
The racial cause is a preference. https://t.co/x4I0283yrX
It's not infighting if people aren't on same side. Which is the point in questions. Christians cant be racialists. https://t.co/DYZg7m9cQ6
Sobran had bad taste, liking Jimmy Stewart, the epitome of christian faggotry with his hat-in-hand shucksism.
Whiteskins should be forced to choose between boob cult and race. if former, we don't want 'em. Even if we won, would reproduce current USA.
sigh.. https://t.co/VmdW3B8IGo
apparently i have you confused with someone else. i accept that you're not a jew, if you say so, as you do. https://t.co/eBLY0VL2Hd
That's strange, since most christians are non-white. https://t.co/0HMDL1koiI
Ok. I will accept that. https://t.co/wegSIAfgqE
Anyone know this clown? Is he a jew? Because I seem to recall someone like this who was. https://t.co/PW9tIcwXjV
All I'm hearing is bullshit and evasion from you. Last chance before I block: ARE YOU A JEW? Simple question. https://t.co/PW9tIcwXjV
Just answer the question with a straight yes or no. I may have you confused with another. Are you a jew? https://t.co/oyytZTEGqp
The people no more need religious guidance than a dog does. What they need are a handful of laws strictly enforced. https://t.co/Hhl2AMnZOz
Christianity subsidizes and encourages defectives - for that reason alone it must disappear. https://t.co/Hhl2AMnZOz
Religion is for people who think Hamburger Helper is hamburger. No. It's just a low-rent shitty flavor.
The common people need training in good thinking MORE than smart people do, not less. Religious belief is terrible substitute for thought.
The concept of unity-over-contradictions is leftist horseshit. Contradictions matter. Christian OR racialist. https://t.co/bBzfHAHSup
Christianity is the enemy of culture, look at the Amish. They've reduced Germanic genetic potential to baking pies and raising barns.
(((Cernovich))) and jew-shill Jared Taylor are two who deliberately try to redefine #cuckservative to protect the tribe.
you're a jew arent you? https://t.co/RG6xb51Sdn
Did Mark Twain and HL Mencken have "an element of spiritual vitality"? Were they christians? https://t.co/Yj4AHOLk02
The white race has been around for tens of thousands of years. How long has xtian cult been around? https://t.co/Yj4AHOLk02
like most you THOUGHTLESSLY assume racialism + christianity are compatible but in fact they are vital enemies & opps https://t.co/IszSjX4knp
belief is heritable, that's why they want to get kids before they're 6. because it's heritable. think harder. https://t.co/b6xRZQ6xee
yes, you think that. and you're wrong. https://t.co/pwrQokv7Hq
Funny tweet if you know #AnnCoulter's background, which involves wet earth and sea predators. https://t.co/WArdIfs6HW
I didn't start with my belief about xtianity, I came to it thru experience. It's rock solid. https://t.co/33rMQ9q7kJ
Southern Baptists are only human by the loosest definition. https://t.co/pajK4oILbY
It's possible I'm wrong. But it's a whole lot more likely I'm right. https://t.co/p9orTgvl5o
Christianity tolerates voodoo. Christianity itself is voodoo. https://t.co/e1iJZMOXIy
NS wasn't christian. If you say it was, don't say it to me, and if you do I'll block you, for you are an idiot.
You're an anonymous, clueless lackwit. Begone, trifler. https://t.co/36DCAtCI3T
Christian values: meekness/humility (laziness, passivity and cowardice, 99x out of 100). truth? no. that's not xtian thing. delusion - yes.
"Christian values and standards" - boy howdy I'd love to meet these christians w values and standards. Jebus P Christ on a pogo stick.
The vast majority of brazil is christian. Nobody wants to live there. Christianity is no guarantee of anything except rampant dumbth.
Judaism can be defeated by counter-exterminating the last jew. Christianity can't be solved that way, as you can't exterminate stupidity.
Hitler planned to slowly phase out the jeboob cult in Germany. If he had won, that's what would have happened. https://t.co/FqAFp8JUAe
He wasn't. https://t.co/FqAFp8JUAe
Bottom line with religious belief is this: 99.9999% of the dumbest, dirt-eatin'est Southron evango-simps would be Muslims if born there.
Jebus was a sci-fi character created by jews who wrote Ann Frank to lure the goyim into believing that thought is immoral.
There are a billion muslims. But you're confident they're wrong. The same can't be true for your christian cult?
#Cuckservative means "serves the jews." Throws his own race under bus to advance jews' #antiwhite agenda of #whitegenocide.
Christianity instinctively distrusts physical healthiness and laughter. Christianity is the opposite of Aryan. It's a cult for curs & cucks.
Guy was a one-man vat of inanity. https://t.co/6BZlKqvU0Y
Stand under one during a windstorm and you'll think otherwise. It will attack you unprovoked. https://t.co/FlTYfCzvVA
Normal blacks look like monkeys; South African blacks look like hyenas. Must be a certain tribe with that look.
The way progress actually works: the very smartest people in any certain area study feed off each other, producing new highs. Masses = inert
What's an idea you've had that's both valid, and something you don't think anyone else has discovered before? It's ok if you dont have one.
Surely in a 90%+ black country it was a negro scientist who discovered this. Check yr racism!!! https://t.co/65QvPuMNkH
Jews use the same techniques in every white country. Only one set of white has figured out how to defeat them. (1/2)
It's a figure of speech with jews. They are a global mafia, internet, and team, those are more accurate descrips. https://t.co/HSVWBJZBqc
Tribes live in the wild. When you move indoors, you're not a tribe any longer. It's not a concept that makes sense in today's world.
The workers deserve sound money and racially secured environment. Beyond that is up to them. Subsidizing defectives, as church does, is bad.
The size and nature of the threat surely must determine the response. International (global) jews threaten whites the same way - everywhere.
Whites are under coordinated, global, racial assault. By #TeamJew. And the shabbos-goy frontmen it uses to fool us who's running things.
We can be all those things AND white. We are under attack not as separate nations but as a race by a race. https://t.co/juIrxfoBUp
As Shakespeare said, "Aye, while ye live draw your neck out of the collar, and broach that PoGo player on yr grill like incompetent oriole."
This is the Buchanan mistake: because the media criticize him the way they do us racialists, he is therefore one of us. WRONG, SIR, WRONG.
That the past wasn't as evil and dark as the progressives say doesn't mean it was as great as the thumbsucking reactionaries claim either.
Melbourne: spike in street crime to more than 1m incidents in the last year is largely due to activities of “Apex” gang - Sudanese refusees
What was remarkable about Hitler? His strong will. What does christianity encourage, like Islam? Submission. Acceptance. Passivity.
The white racial problem can't be solved without addressing the essential problem with christianity. #TeamWhite
as i recall, relative of the "Maus" graphic comic book guy Spiegelman was key in changing White Australia policy https://t.co/vMdJW3nuJ6
That's your life? Playing Pokemon Go? Must be a fun game. What happened to playing real games like football?
White men don't do repeats, they create a new solution based on changed circumstances. We use our imagination + common sense.
Previous racial works have devoted millions of unnecessary words to explaining IQ, which is true and obvious. Focus is needed on xtianity.
and she has come up with a very jewy, chutzpathic way of trying to force that burden on non-hallucinators https://t.co/dpJkw4Hyan
hyde park, melbourne, chicago - everywhere -- Africans “Running Riot” in Melbourne https://t.co/egP2i5CEWZ via @NewObOnline
Jews jewing jewily is the simplest explanation that covers the given facts of any given social mess.
There are enuf trees in the world. Last thing we need is more space-hogging, littering, loitering forest niggers. https://t.co/AsX6VKhAxj
when yr called a sycophant by Sean Hannity... i mean this guy knows from suckpoopery.. https://t.co/ybwHN6CBWO
July 23, 2016:
? i was responding to the broad who hates those who arent members of her cult https://t.co/Grz3wA6GOy
how jews argue': lie. call for opponent to be censored. how catholics argue: assert. listen to opponent. reassert without addressing.
All christian defense begins and ends with special pleading, but you haven't the character to acknowledge that.
Little hint, brainless one: When you say nonbelivers in your cult are "sick" you're the ideologue. https://t.co/O2n9AEQzsk
This is the typical "yr a closet case" argument homos make. That's likely where you picked it up. https://t.co/O2n9AEQzsk
You convict yourself. You began argument by asserting anyone who disagrees with your cult is "sick." https://t.co/O2n9AEQzsk
The burden is on the cretin to prove his imaginary ghost friend is real, not on the sane man to prove it isn't. #crosscucks
Did the KKK ever do anything half as unjustified to niggers as what Israel does to Palestinians every day of the year?
Christianity has ruined the white race. You grow angry. But you can't say I'm wrong. I say you dare not examine the question seriously.
Atheism is not a positive belief, that's a (((christian))) lie, but the rejection of a baseless assertion, same as any other.
Good example of xtianity being a lighter shade of judaism in 'argument': Atheist: you're wrong. Xtian: you're sick. https://t.co/e66dTCJU8F
If the atheist rejection of the (((xtian))) claim is correct, then 'atheism' (a slur) is a right-wing position. Which it is. #Fingerism
joke's on you, beaner. i'm a #Fingerist. that's a right-wing atheist https://t.co/a1uzebYtqE
Kind of like you jews always whining about being victims but based on facts. https://t.co/taqdWPWczT
Jews aren't just the allies of the muslim terrorists. They're the reason they're in our countries in the first place.
Democratic politics turns on money. Jews have the money. The one who has the money calls the shots. Democracy = (((oligarchy))).
Jew money makes presidents. They pick someone like BO as a symbol of where they want you to think we're headed. Next, she-Clinton.
Obama is a product of jewish money. The conservative, the eternal little-man, harps on O's personality. But when O leaves, (($)) still there
Americans think we're on the wrong track. Jews think we're on the right path. Media = jews who hate Americans (aka normal whites).
Even the weather hates niggers. We must haul these refractory clouds into court. https://t.co/8zz6t0ji2R
The meeting of Jewish Veterans of Jew-Mongered Wars met in a phone booth yesterday. "They too serve who lie about WMDs" was its theme.
Want to locate the source of terrorism in the US? Wiki's got you covered. https://t.co/0hy1asAjH0
The powers that be have given blacks, as a class, artificial status and free money. For decades now. While talking about #WhitePrivilege.
You didn't read the tweet. The viewer could tell if she were lying. https://t.co/Xlv6VZ017p
It would be terrible if someone kidnapped Merkel, tortured her on film until she admitted (((who))) made her take 'refugees,' then shot her.
The blame rests 100% on christianity for jews still existing in white lands in the 21st century. Not 99%, 100%.
The superelite must be killed off. They are maybe 10,000 max. The Merkels are their tools, not the real shot callers, the fronts & techies.
I don't think he does. https://t.co/OKyB6Apn4w
They can. But they have a (((force))) opposing them - and it enlists the aid of the FBI, which it 'trains' lol. https://t.co/McUPfQjqI0
Good example - even smart whites can't really believe jews are as organized as they actually are. https://t.co/H5OiAfsr5d
Sarah Root is precisely the sort of story jews keep out of the national media while harping on nigger criminals. https://t.co/6rK97PSYaT
America needs a law respecting jews similar to the Japan has for Muslims. That's a first step toward ultimate solution.
Jews write a new immigration law. All of a sudden Muh Changing Face of America. Itz inevitable. Nothing you can do. Game Over White man.
he's no jew. he's the product of a communist mudshark and a nigger. he's a typical atheist leftist produce of jewbux https://t.co/85GosRlszj
Good ol Wrench. https://t.co/70pYtfefyU
Strong competition for dumbest tweet of year. https://t.co/dGmuklwMZC
July 22, 2016:
Donald Trump is against small government. You can tell by way he wants to stop endless wars, close bases, get out of dead treaties.
The police said that they were searching for as many as three suspects armed with “long guns.” (1/2)
What jews do in newspapers is the intellectual equivalent of terrorism, and often enough provides cover for the physical thing. #TeamWhite
Attack "on" shopping center. Maybe it was racist. https://t.co/yeMqZT7vmd
The muslims are getting better at terrorism: why do one-offs? it occurs to them decades later. Live to kill again! #MuslimGenius
Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz. Jews tend to prefer these spellings: Jon not John Marc not Mark #TheMoarJewKnow, from #TeamWhite.
All jews defend pedophile-murderer #LeoFrank. All jews deserve to receive justice, just the way the good men of Georgia served Frank. #ADL
The (((people))) who let mulsims into white lands - they're not stupid. They knew what would happen. Good intentions among jews? NEVER.
Muslims are exactly like niggers in that the majority supports violence by its kind against every other sect and race.
So, in formerly civilized Germany, a visit to pool means getting your 10yo daughter molested; a visit to McDonald's means death.
The Semitic peoples are conventionally divided into high-IQ jews, who steal and swindle, and low-IQ muslims who rape and murder.
where do i vote for the real answer: (((soros))) and #TeamJew https://t.co/7r1qAquAZ6
power of media: fags are under 2% of population. thought to be 25% by public. that's why jews beeline for communications sector
Bongo Boy on radio talking about how terror and fear arent felt by most, next story Munich muslim massacre.
Time for Germany to create cells of killers and declare open season on muslims and politicians who let them in. #TeamWhite
The jews are very concerned that YOU not REACT WRONG when the muslims THEY LET IN rape and murder you. #TeamWhite
In 1960, there were more Americans of Swiss descent than Mexican. True story, bro. Amazing facts from #TeamWhite.
Have media jews ever once described the scenes inflicted by muslims in Europe as dark and depressing? No. That's for the sane reaction.
They see themselves as higher than nationalists because they are citizens of the world. This is the )))WASP-globalist liberal-elite conceit.
Go tell your rabbi to remove the hate from the Talmud, you repulsive kike. Don't you ever write me again, just die. https://t.co/Wo5mJ75lzq
A white man can't have a media job if he dare to criticize jews. But thousands of jews feed themselves by publicly hating whites.
#Whitegenocidal (((Silvermans))) fill America with aliens who rape and murder us then whine about twitter-crit. https://t.co/YheTyrIxYL
The Muslims cut your head off. The jews fill your head with lies. Both have but one message for normal whites: SUBMIT OR DIE.
The white racial cause is for any white man or woman who desires to be more than a mongrelized stick-fetcher in the (((New World Order))).
Jews are exactly like Muslims, just with different techniques for domination. Their message to whites is exact same: Submit or die.
Disagreeing with the jew and his agenda of #whitegenocide = dark and depressing, according to 6m WP writers.
The 'conservative' yid-servile thinker meekly accepts the jew demo-makeover since 1965. But Trump is the start of the war to overturn this.
Conservatism is generally in practice, and perhaps essentially, wifely. It adjusts to what happens, but seldom tries to cause things.
"Trump rejected other core tents [sic] of modern conservatism, as well. “Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo,” he said."
Trump is not like Nixon; Nixon was a yielder where Trump will fight. I hope. I don't see Trump NOT contesting stolen election.
"Dark" - given to citing facts jews don't want known; referring to things as they are rather than parroting slogan cant.
“In a remarkable departure from past GOP conventions, Trump made no mention of God, religion or his faith,” - FUCKING AWESOME.
I like that Trump appears to feel ashamed of America's servile campaign of murder against anyone the jews point whitedoggie at.
"“This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction, terrorism and weakness.” - and the jews who wrote her script, the neocohens
African Mayhem in Central London https://t.co/EEYMfiBEFl via @NewObOnline
...but his wife adds a very observable and definite touch of Euro class (glamour + self control) obese prole slobs can admire & learn from.
Trump not only exemplifies best American spirit - high-energy making-good-stuff-happen, not whining socialist loserism... (1/2)
'Racism'-the-concept is a weapon used by one side in an undeclared racial war. It is a bit of verbal legerdemain. Reality from #TeamWhite.
What I like about Trump is he doesn't drink (fuck all portly chortlin' potbelly bourgeois snifterfags), his kids are rich but solid-eyed.
was that his (((Maher))) imitation https://t.co/21GiwlEtyv
"All “asylum seekers” in the town had received free pool passes for the entire year as part of their benefits." -- Merkel & Soros live yet?
Hillary doesn't give a shit if her husband rapes women; why would she give a shit if her illegal-alien voters rape your daughter? #ImWithHer
This is what Hillary wants for YOUR white daughter: Five girls between 10-14 have reported being attacked by the invaders, who are 20-30.
The Hive concept (instinctively thinking/acting alike) is true, but so are the actual, literal #antiwhite plans & conspiracies.
People who think jews dont operate instinctively AND operationally as a team --- you're idiots. Give it up. Reality destroys your simpdom.
Harriet Tubman: fought pigs for potato peels Andrew Jackson: fought national bank and killed it Hmm...which deserves a place of honor?
sneering, malevolent kike https://t.co/bJNoeIBU6r
Notice how much greater America was before 1900 in the ways that truly matter? Why? No jews. No welfare state.
Boy, that jewish movement for cleaning the race-hatred out of the Talmud is really strong. Real testament to jewish anti-racism bonafides.
It's beautiful to see the weak, yielding, 'decent' ie cowardly WASP Romney-culture recede and the true Drumpf style resistance begin.
jews use scam concepts racism and antisemitism to prevent your seeing what they're up to and fighting back. get smart. get tough. #TeamWhite
anything that's good for whites is "dark" or "evil" and anyone who likes it is driven by "hate" SO SICK OF YOU KIKES AND YR LIES
New “Asylum Seeker” Group Sex Attack https://t.co/BBOIO3O4aX via @NewObOnline
John Peter )))Zenger(((, all-American. Free speech is white. Using free speech to gain power and censor is (((jewish))).
"Even the best of the goyim should be killed." -- what every rabbi teaches every jew. STRAIGHT OUT OF TALMUD https://t.co/zFiFqjQPW9
July 21, 2016:
The reason they compare Trump to Hitler is 90% because Hitler is the only historical personage they've ever heard of.
tonight the jews are all https://t.co/84LUX6MkJT
If i were a photo, I'd title that Ode to Asymmetry https://t.co/5I3idduMof
(gawker lead) Former KKK Grand Wizard on Trump's RNC Speech: "Couldn't Have Said It Better" https://t.co/EDRU5dZEEP
If anyone had a shred of doubt jews are a hostile aliens who hate White America, just look around twitter at their reaction to Trump speech.
Facts about ghetto - not 1/100 xtians but repeats the jew lie the church forced them into them. https://t.co/Jo9aroCcps
You're a jew. You don't know from Americans. What's bad for (((you))) is good for us. https://t.co/nRyygvewLD
where the population is 90% niggers, blackouts aren't a figure of speech https://t.co/CWiKjKrVRc
2+2 = 4 doesn't belong to me. It belongs to everyone. But my view that Jebus is Queen is peculiar to me. https://t.co/3tbyUYSRlL
She encouraged people to go after him. He didn't encourage anyone. Twitter finds her not guilty, him guilty by assoc https://t.co/p6o5QJkSmD
Revelation is mental vegetarianism: "Chest burnings can be just as valid as real thought." But rationality needn't argue. Only revelation.
July 20, 2016:
chutzpathic gaslighing in this tweet. good work, honorary jew https://t.co/hmXH6rCUnk
Craypoaching. https://t.co/nVxnkgXjrx
awesome. https://t.co/UOL858QQ5T
Atop other reasons.. https://t.co/EHQseDhwSM
Yiannopoulos isn't alt-right. Isn't white. Didn't attack the black female. Eh, but what do facts matter? Very little in this world.
White men are the only subset of humanity with enough internal ballast to withstand criticism. Rest capsize in mildest wind, need protection
Hillary destroyed Libya. And admitted in emails she did it for Israel. We can trust her. (To do whatever's "good for jews" & fuck America.)
Atheist - one who rejects a baseless claim. It's akin to Holocaust Denier - only exists because majority hates truth https://t.co/5bTSzOa9Zs
Can you imagine living in a country that was designed for normal healthy white people? instead of against them?
i dont care what race fictional jebus is, he represents sickness and i reject him and his legions of mental oafs https://t.co/2udSoAGSBy
July 19, 2016:
A Lot of Celebrities Came Out to Support Leslie Jones After She Spoke Up About Abuse on Twitter https://t.co/ahC73WPJMu
We must form a team to destroy the jews who are bent on destroying us. That's the basic idea behind #TeamWhite.
"....[A]ny man with his wits about him has to worry when any group but his own wields power which affects his life," --Pierce in "Hunter"
July 18, 2016:
there's no way her IQ is higher than Harambe's https://t.co/Dp3U1Oqt7C
who would win a third-grade spelling test? https://t.co/WwIeWZtH0f
Ghostbusters Brought in $45 Million This Weekend, Which Is Either Great or Not So Great https://t.co/VICBTod0QI
Most Senior Police Officer Involved in Freddie Gray's Death Found Not Guilty of Manslaughter https://t.co/W7hT8opH8S
Nigger is the only accurate term for the majority of blacks. https://t.co/Sf6E3lQCeD
"The gorilla comports himself with more dignity than the African, I find. I trust my gorillas more than my helpers." --J.G.
great work by everybody. twitter would be nearly perfect, if only for its tendency to double standards in enforcemnt https://t.co/fSIJTG4iI3
Leslie Jones Attacked By Racist Twitter Trolls https://t.co/4mmGxi2FNm
White Nationalists at the RNC Don't Think Trump Goes Far Enough https://t.co/wNaJzqAnry
Unlike others, jews have access to a network that can instantly produce books, movies, interviews if Tribe benefits https://t.co/9rc39hAvNy
A shooting is not "senseless" because you don't agree with the reasoning behind it. Planted axiom: everybody really thinks the same way. No.
why not support something useful, like a Spay Your Nigger Campaign? Come on Urkel. https://t.co/Z5Qb2IKiZ5
Combine circumcision and "hate" (thought) crimes, and what do you get? JEWS DEMAND WHITES CUT OUT PORTION OF BRAIN TO FIGHT RACISM.
Change over time in jewed lands follows a clear and identifiable path, and if you grasp the jew and his agenda, you can predict the course.
Whites respond myopically to things directly in front of them. It is the female way, common to most men as well.
The left have been chuffing each other's gaslighting for so many decades they've forgotten what a clear head feels like.
Everything jews do politically creates a dangerous environment for whites. Every single thing. We cannot tolerate jews among us - not one.
"Crime is racist, ok. The very concept. Anything a black man do to white is justice." -- Generic Angry Black Mindlet
new observer gives facts in true context - Baton Rouge: Black Racist Murderers Created by Media https://t.co/oi1U8sX0fH via @NewObOnline
everything you do reeks of faggotry. and you're named ulrich. https://t.co/7QGfkE8Sj2
DeRay "Dix Nood" McWesson, House Buttler/Lawn Jockey for Dr. E.J. Soros https://t.co/1sqbCDeD30
young jiter on the make https://t.co/xVWP4xbntx
July 17, 2016:
idle amusement. achieved! good night to you and all (((fatties))) across this benighted land. https://t.co/RAnlP3cij3
all right... 159 & 15oz. and 5'3.25" https://t.co/zceOQV4m9K
Jeremy Aids-Piven the rhymes he spits YA WISH YA WOULD https://t.co/TjMhGvUgNM
4'9"? https://t.co/mkMfUOTy5m
i miss florence king. who else used to mock the mispronunciation of entrepreneur (does NOT rhyme with manoower)
he's investing in dead nigger terrorists? that doesn't seem wise https://t.co/q5CxvT2uYP
5'1" 240. i was being charitable last time. https://t.co/4VvfwkCce6
hating fags is natural. so is fag behavior. but the former is much more common https://t.co/IFBOadnDIf
People use nature the way they use God - as a rhetorical device; a big brother to back up wimpy them. Do not do this. Fight like real man.
tack, not tact https://t.co/L8XPdX2EmW
no. people have used clips of what i've said and made vids now and then. https://t.co/RQ4QJM2lCO
#HeroBrevik #HeroDylannRoof #HeroThomasMair That's my opinion. Oft expressed. https://t.co/jLVIrkVEt5
The people her (((people))) let in. But she leaves that part out. https://t.co/29nt2okrZC
The DeRay McWesson Story... https://t.co/wOmBw0tciI
Never forget also to mock DeRay McWesson for his first public appearance, third lead in Gayniggers From Outer Space. https://t.co/bQVt1jb5Ap
that sounds right. long ago. https://t.co/SXF8m6BiN5
mental problems...i haz em https://t.co/mklwxbswrf
omg your knees are friggin BALLOONS https://t.co/mklwxbswrf
traditionally, jews have not been regarded human beings. that's a modern political decision masquerading as science https://t.co/v7JW4pNtkb
go on with yourself. you're a jew. a doorstop young, a vulture old. https://t.co/v7JW4pNtkb
you're clearly approach double bills like the train in one of those "oh no no brakes on this train" train movies https://t.co/g88tLHlMos
you clearly need to visit an obesiologist and get your sanity checked https://t.co/Yz1se9lPMU
As a fag once rebuked me, "If people do it, it's natural." And that's a valid way of looking at it. Nature =/= good. https://t.co/ZCd2AJuCz4
I asked Yoda, and he said to relay to you: "Between enough and too much, weigh she should." HOPE THAT YELPS https://t.co/VPMkBeGSiF
look, i'm sorry you're fat. but i cant be held responsible. blame sarah silverman or the late joan rivers. https://t.co/eU9Qfg8uq4
uh oh...your inner demented yid is emerging like a deep-fat sea monster!!! https://t.co/1a5WOe8gc3
let me tell you something. when your belief or behavior forces yr face into that now-ubiquitous rictus SOMETHING IS DEEPLY WRONG
you were reading the ELEPHANT chart yr sposed to read the FAT YOUNG JEWESS chart https://t.co/yJRCHmR35C
the fat assed broad is often the last to know. https://t.co/6hGWNOWPAD
Those terms are redundant. Iinsolent means 'over-padded sole (bottom)' in classic Etruscan. forget it. https://t.co/llGrqkDlYu
insolent mean fat-assed. in original etruscan. https://t.co/GLtrfzR0fz
uh...what? https://t.co/MQKJepPjWo
my flaws are for me to know and lament! not for public discussion! https://t.co/FhttbwNvQi
Dallas Buyers Club was a great movie. All people are scummyish and self-interested, but also helpful and sometimes brave. Burrocrat Jebus NO
that's PRECISELY the kind of ANGUISHED WAIL fat people are FAMOUS FOR. https://t.co/oJXLMhGuW0
no, writhing is just wriggling around. for whatever reason. demonstrates lack of self control, which is flaw https://t.co/79vhJM4JIN
no, that's writhe not wrath. they dont want you writhing around when they're sermonizing, very disruptive. https://t.co/zW7RESX6o1
Asian country has solution: if you sell drugs, we kill you. No room for cop bs in that. And agree or dis, it's CLEAR AND SIMPLE.
lookd it up: seven great sins lust sluttony grust excessive stomach growling not being outdoorsy dam yr rite!! https://t.co/rVPJSqVDUF
I learned how to smell people out from an old Johnny Carson segment. Well before your fat-assed time. https://t.co/rVPJSqVDUF
It's christian humility that tells us we can fix people. (Voice in crowd: "That's not humility.") Er, shut up. lad.
The right attitude is that we CANT fix people. No one can. If they prove they won't behave, them chop them up and feed them to Disney crocs.
Few laws. Many executions. That's sane policy. You can actually see something near this in parts of Asia. https://t.co/9Cc0NhduNy
outdoorsy? just pretend you like camping. nobody actually does. but everybody claims to. like niggers. https://t.co/OIgtVKqtFN
if you need shitloads of cops...that's a medical sign your body politics has demographic cancer #TheMoarYouGnow
all i did as a youth was play sports and read books. you NEVER see people depicted like this, it's always one or the other
tiresome thing about all leftist sites is the religious belief that all human problems can be solved by MOAR LAW https://t.co/80LNQEEpfg
This is like a long play version of "my only flaw is that i CARE TOO MUCH." https://t.co/tIsAFvUI96
hmm, my list was different: fat jewish huge ego fat insolence https://t.co/tIsAFvUI96
I like to show up to parties I'm not invited. Then I say, most charmingly, "Forgive my chartreusion." And I laugh charmingly. And they do!
What would you say are your top five flaws? https://t.co/Ll42m9IUDK
Some of the softer aesthetic qualities of our race, which make it unique and desirable, can only be protected by a crunchy exterior shell.
Charlie Bucket, to my puny mind, IS the white cause. Sure, show your pinups, but he and his creator - that's why I fight. #TeamWhite
See, what the IQ test doesn't show is that no 102-IQ spider eater can be Charlie Bucket - or the man who conceived him.
It's not just endless wars and big govt "conservatives" lol have done a 180 on - it's attitude toward COPS and ARMY. #tcot
YOU wrote to me. Anyone who writes to me I assume is fine with me responding. I respond as advances MY agenda. https://t.co/4MyvprJfGi
Every jew has an ego as big as your ass. You all think you're center stage by divine right. https://t.co/4MyvprJfGi
I hate big govt and parasites generally, but goddamit, something has to be done: we are being attacked AS A RACE. not party, region, religin
i dont see the connection between snake avatar and whatever you're implying https://t.co/CcdUzfpkdn
Hmm...I think your slip would get stuck on increasingly plump hindquarters before ever making public appearance. https://t.co/IFHF3tg4GA
The christian view is that all men are sinners. That's what matters about them. That's their true equality. Rest means very little.
That's a bad fucking idea. Typical of shitbrains Gingrich. https://t.co/U1FsLEYVez
Hitler nailed so many things, but his point that little people can only conceive little lies (not Big Lies) is one of his most perceptive.
You're always welcome to join my forum, of course. I spent many loving years building sticky threads. Read them - youll know valuable stuff.
I'm a racialist, but I try to shame jews. The shameless race. The race that invented chutzpah. "Your slip is showing" doesn't work on them.
it's funny to me how many whites think jews will cease some obnoxious behavior if it's pointed out to them. That's US, guy. Theyre diff race
They're invasive species if they're black carp or Burmese pythons; but somehow they transmogrify into valuable diversity if they're mexicans
If Asians were better than whites, on the whole, they'd produce men like Roald Dahl. They can't. IQ isn't everything https://t.co/i0MohHrF8s
Coming soon: Orania the Continent. Built on a solid foundation of jewnigger bonemeal. #TeamWhite has a dream.
If sharia means you have to serve pastries to sex deviants on command, then I, for one, bravely oppose it. Who's with me, #tcot??
Everything is done visually, from both directions, to make it appear blacks are teeming and whites disappearing. #TechniquesOfLoxism
Jews try to make whites feel guilty for appearing in photos where there are more than two people and they're all white. #WhatsWrongWThis...
Question for pokeys in my race: who has a greater interest in controlling the media/govt? Good, honest men? or jews?
If you're white, why are you so willing to believe lies about your own people but physically scared to consider the truth about jews?
Nothing whites do is ever pro-anything. It's always anti-something. Another (((technique))) for disparaging our kind. #loxism
'plastic demon of decomposition' - another way of saying hitler's the jew is behind all social ills https://t.co/VvByuwzW7A
Get these ass-ups the fuck out of white lands. Right after killing the goddam jews who let them in. That's what I'd do as dictator.
charlatan powers activate! https://t.co/1SQc1mYCD2
The question is: which force is preventing whites from separating from blacks? As the vast majority of them prefers? https://t.co/9ctq5JOl6K
Jews treat all whites as The Same. Whites must return the favor - or lose. #TeamWhite vs TeamJew. <-- real politics
Ideological politics is new to America. It's a jew thing. Whitesimps keep trying to alter beliefs & behavior to comply. Cant change category
These white-cop shootings show that blacks see all whites as the same - all guilty. All deserving. A category they're opposed to.
We can't get to the bottom of anything in politics without considering motivations. But here, christianity and Anglo civility lay traps.
Always remember: if blacks and whites were any other type of animal, scientists would consider them different species.
Faith in abstractions absorbed from paper can easily take the place of sense impressions. Reading is an art, if not to be misled.
If a couple has any kind of a dispute, the cops separate them. But if races cant get along for 100 years, jews keep them forced together.
Blacks are low IQ. Very low IQ. Racism is the judeo-communist term for reality applied to race by whites. https://t.co/s5O5FZPyGg
Old moral terms are generally preciser and more reliable in meaning-fixity than modern psychological, pseudo-scientific ones.
Evil is not really a biological word, but there really is no other word to describe jewish mentality & behavior. They have an evil mindset.
The low-IQ negro population is easily inflamed by lies. Jews know this, incite hatred, and direct it at innocen whites. Jews...are evil.
Jebus is pitched at the level of moron. Because the jews who created him know their market. Humor = higher intelligence. Jebus never joked.
But christian morality stopped us. Our job wasn't to clear off these trash hominids but to convert them to boobcult. https://t.co/vsCyLdA3xf
"No person is illegal." Hey!...(thinking hard)...that can cover black murderers as well as mexican border jumpers!
good! https://t.co/RW04XePhW5
he had a new one yesterday, which i retweeted https://t.co/7G7Q6ABfnz
Anyone can be a christian / anyone can be an American. You don't see how the one thinking easily becomes the other?
The legal process is chopped to the level called mince in cooking. This is to protect lawyers from people who actually know how to persuade.
Many have observed The Court System is set up to benefit lawyers. True. But not just financially. https://t.co/VyAt06Jb29
Something you don't understand until you testify in court: the law is set up to prevent lawyers from being embarrassed by being outtalked.
No need to shoot cops, although it is right to treat them with a healthy respect (for what they can do) and disrespect (for what they do do)
Praying never has or will solve any human problem. That's why it's so popular. Requires zero effort!
Yes, Christine, it is brilliant. https://t.co/RMJRs7koX9
The belief you need salvation proves your low quality. So does your belief that Jebus or paper can stand in for yr own brains & courage.
Start over, fellow white men. Build on race. No, no, son, take your jebus nonsense and shove it up your ass. #TeamWhite
Media = jews jewing jewily. "The jews are the only people who control the media...or need to." --me, with assist from Mark Twain
"If a white did the shooting, we focus on the agent. If a black, we use passive voice or blame the instrument. Or don't cover." -N.J. Wise
no mention of jews but mildly amusing - Who Will Win the Upcoming Civil War? https://t.co/feHIncpnys
Historical fun fact: slavery was the only time in American history blacks were a net social positive. Free, they're a murderous menace.
Anglo: "I can't say that." German: "I can." Not literal, just a fair assignment of political styles.
AmeriKwa under the jews, this pic of hijacker from Dirty Harry shows. Scorpio is jews, schoolkids are normal whites. https://t.co/36BkhwEdK3
They could fight. But they appear to be the usual collection of religious saps. https://t.co/mEM2V9Npq0
Law barely means anything in a nation of Germanic whites; it means nothing at all where niggers are majority.
Too small. Also, it doesn't have true legal protection. Minute ANC niggers decide to end it, then can. https://t.co/klS6Xlfdym
If you believe niggers should have any political rights or say in anything, you are genuinely an idiot. #TeamWhite
No, cop killers are not worse than killers of normal whites. Because cops are not better than normal people, and often are worse.
The white racialist must notice that his race would literally cut the end of its own dick off if jews tell it to. "Supremacists" lol.
How to recognize the conservative? He will never do anything that isn't socially approved. But if it is, he'll cut his own balls off. #tcot
"Crime is a white racist concept invented to keep 'niggers' from getting their share." --'60s radical
#TeamJebus says we must convert jews and niggers to christianity. How's that workin' out for ya, jebus fools?
SuperCon (#tcot is my home) - Shakes fist at muslims continents away - Grovels before jew in front of his face
"Political Correctness, which my late friend Joseph Sobran called Semitical Correctness, is the Jewish form of sharia." #AnnCoulter
“Living with like-minded people, speaking your language, understanding your traditions and your culture – those are factors pulling people
In existence for 25 years, Orania's population has seen steady growth. It is now home to 450 families. https://t.co/WSeG9aTt8h
When are you going to tweet about whites murdered by niggers instead of sucking coon ass, Ulrich The Degenerate? https://t.co/5dI3gtEeKt
It's jaw-dropping, after completing this morning's reading of Pierce's Hunter (1989), how prescient he was. Raspail alone compares.
Conservatives, bravely whining about a sharia they don't face. Unbravely yielding to SEMITICAL Correctness they do. Conservative = coward.
TD had more impact, as it was first. But Pierce put far more effort into writing Hunter, as he told me personally. https://t.co/EO0WG0DFRI
"Hunter" (1989) by William Pierce 2nd session: pp 31-67 https://t.co/kjS6Vr6p7Q (2:32) Racial-cause 101, smooth-drinking fictional form.
"Were not the mass media the most racially destructive force at work in the world today?" --William Pierce in "Hunter" (1989) #TeamWhite
If my (((enemy wants to genocide me, and my church teaches that my enemy is my friend, then my church is also my enemy. #TeamWhite
The smarmy democratic white-racial politics won't fuck anyone. There must be Idealism, Swagger and Sea Mist Gefuehl.
Why should blacks be allowed Africa? They've done nothing with it except kill off its attractive species. #TeamWhite
Whites don't need jews. Whites don't need blacks. Whites don't need browns. They need us. Politics 101 from #TeamWhite.
Whites refuse to accept the evidence, too many of them. Christianity is not on your side. #TeamWhite
It's a sign of how undeveloped politics is in Anglo world that it's eternally a battle of personalities, and never gets to the deep & real.
Two most annoying things ever: jews making up the holocaust and when your finger catches pulling out of coffee cup handle sloshing all over.
Traditionalism and progressivism are the same mistake - and the same rhetorical dishonesty. They both deny costs of their position.
All men carry on some traditions and reject others, as they should. They use reason & experience to navigate. Burke, me, you - all of us.
The reason traditionalism is wrong is that many traditions are bad. Traditionalism is, ironically, an abstraction. traditionS is reality.
By understanding Southern culture, to some extent, finally, it helped me understand my own. Similar to lessons of travel.
What is being Germanic? Many things. One is figuring out the right way to do things, and doing it that way every time. #muhTurdition
The essence of cultural conservatism is to whine about symptoms but never point to the jew causing them. In other words - cowardice. #tcot
there is nothing on earth more contemptible than your average christian, crawling before a jew. not even a nigger is that low. #TeamWhite
Lots of 'fresh departures for thought' in this article about DiLauro and camorra in Itally. https://t.co/cfsxFo4Zu9
New US$47.5m Million Museum to Showcase White European Music Planned https://t.co/lJbcIXxRj4 via @NewObOnline
"Democracy" of the (((Allies))): “The nationwide operation...serves to warn citizens about making right-wing statements on social networks,”
2,000 Soros invaders molested white women on New Years in one (1) German city, no prison time. 60 Germans arrested for Facebook criticism.
Democracy is a convenient veil for dictatorship. GER arrests dozen for "hate" posting https://t.co/L7UiVBu4TB
on camorra https://t.co/cfsxFo4Zu9
jews must be destroyed for whites to live - Top Jew: Whites to Blame for Terror https://t.co/wi08t0e88e via @NewObOnline
Nice Terror: The Witches Brew https://t.co/vNYfB4bTyf via @NewObOnline
Jew term for basic Germanic-ness (traits of NW Euros) is sobriety, organization, self control - they smear as Authoritarian Personality.
Jews are attempting the racial murder of Germany, the nation they fear most. We must counter-exterminate jewry. https://t.co/E1lamNj1bN
white privilege is a fiction. whites don't even have legal equality with non-whites or sexual deviants #WhitePrivilege
this is their pattern with everything - accuse others THEIR behavior (and beliefs) https://t.co/DoIONSin4u
If whites are such a creative race, why merely me-too the jew, even in opposing him - using 'racism,' 'jewish supremacism,' 'anti-sem' etc?
My use of #loxism, mocked by some, is a real world example of one man being right, and the world being wrong. Y'all need a bigger army.
jews have exactly the same attitude toward non-jew females as muslims do. EXACTLY. https://t.co/u6JvHbxsGl #loxism
Let's pretend we didn't open borders against will of nations, then call norms xenophobes when they object to ensuing misery -- (((media)))
The unfunny irony that WN, of all sets, must necessarily be focused on what is wrong with their race, rather than (((white supremacy))).
One thing that "woke"'d Pierce was the diff in (((media))) treatment of WWII and Vietnam war. Reconciling this led to jew-splanation.
Recordg "Hunter" this week, here's part one. Learn who Wm Pierce was, how he came to his views. Session #1 (pp1-30) https://t.co/60mLjRqBVW
July 16, 2016:
Begun recording "Hunter" (text + comments), pp 1-30, first of six sessions (2:09). Session #1: Wm Pierce's "Hunter" https://t.co/Sme8geaGFS
"...we want first to assure the survival of our race by waking it up and reigniting its natural fighting spirit..." --Wm Pierce in "Hunter"
It is useless to think of media as anything but an arm of government, and govt as anything but a mafia of jews.
July 15, 2016:
That's a theory. https://t.co/6X6DxRHxBS
Two assumptions: 1) every hominid can assimilate to Anglo Saxon culture (wearing pants and moralizing); 2) every hominid wants to.
what it is with all these shitskins wearing backpacks? you cant tell me there's books in those things
they all have stupid grins signifying insufficient mental capacity? https://t.co/ya1lhPudgv
i hope you're right https://t.co/jGPcT2DXj9
Christianity is the opposite of education because it doesn't lead people out of themselves but inside themselves.
I'm getting the impression you are a you fan. https://t.co/ib6aQCI9XQ
Every single day of the year katz burglars sneak into the American treasury and levitate 10m back to Israel. (it's much more than 10m)
Jews are David Blaine and our race is turning into a bunch of goddam Kansas City/West Hollywood dancing faggots.
You racists and antisemites are so unfair, yeah jews are lying about holox but they're telling the truth about rest. https://t.co/eq8DzvBAzV
Remember, most trucks are peaceful and good. Rolling delivery system that keep our society afloat. The few mean ones aren't representative.
"External beauty fades with time, but internal ugliness just picks up steam." --Confuchsia in "The Wisdom Flower" (also attr. to M. Monroe)
'Racial divide.' What is the planted axiom here, as WFB would say (the assumption the term's based on, for you slowies)?
The mastery of obstetrics lies chiefly in the ability of the charlatan to persuade the mother his technics are essential.
Every single mother honestly believes she or her baby would have died without Doc & his Magic Bedside Electronics.
Everything in life has been turned into a profitable scam, beginning with birth, death and marriage. Online college charging hard from rear.
Three things, or any combo thereof, are responsible for all the evil in modern world: 1) Trump 2) guns 3) The White Man
How was Hitler going to invade America? If you think about that for five seconds you see how ridiculous it is.
When you hear "government should be run like a business" you are not listening to a thoughtful person.
A jew can be a holohoax survivor yeah unto the 10th generation but god forbid you call a 2nd-gen muzz killer anything but "french native"
OBERLIN HORROR RIVALS #NICEATTACK. Students at Oberlin College complained the Banh Mi sandwich was served on ciabatta bread, not baguette
Demographic trends are functions of raw power. People bred under Hitler. Why? Because the future was bright. So it can be again.
Muslims are racial garbage, and their worthlessness is exacerbated by their particularly noxious cult, featuring jihad.
Hate-Filled Nazi Extremist Mass-Murders Nearly 100 in Crazed Truck Rampage... NYT if a White racialist did it... since muslim, then "Truck"
Why is Connecticut hillybilly #AnnCoulter afraid to tell her audience that jews conceived the Immigration Act (1965) that murdered America?
Saying the problem is X isn't "strong" enough or is too "weak" - the assumption is we all pursue the same good things. We don't. We...arent.
"Our intent is to fill America with jihadists and favela scum" - the comedy act (((Hart & Celler))) in their famous bit "1965"
I truly wish Joe Sobran were alive to comment on degeneration. Shame he continued to love jews when they effectively murdered him.
stupid hillybilly dork clooney hopefully gets what he deserves https://t.co/GbujJdvaH4
We let jews take over our countries, run our immigration. They see to it that girls like this are murdered by muzz. https://t.co/x6HJx8XrPi
The experience of the extreme elite is so different from the average man's that he can't even conceive it. He just see richer Joe Average.
The average guy really thinks someone like George W. Bush is on his side. He almost biologically can't not think like this. #tcot
The mass man/conservative ignores reality and identifies with the leaders of his society. This makes ruling him child's play. #tcot
If Americanism skewed a tad hopeful, hey, who can blame 'em. Fresh continent, fresh start, lots to feel good about.
Take a leafblower and drive away the religious fog surrounding the jew. What do you see? A pathetic, lying, genocidal munchkin gurning us.
Notice how the controlled media never show pictures of the type of murder called 'abortion' nor do they ever detail fags' actual behavior.
Normal society has a place for queers: in the closet. If you come out in public, you have to justify your behavior. And you can't.
Raf'? Oh my lordy, lordy. Dere aint no raf' no more. It done broke loose and gone away. https://t.co/OZt8thqNVJ
(((They))) who intend to dominate & destroy begin by screeching equality and demanding tolerance. #TeamWhite describes tactics of #TeamJew
The masses are conditioned to think political/racial/religious differences are as trivial as NFL fandom or picking ethnic restaurant.
The lie of cultural equality subserves the racial-equality Big Lie; comes from (((Kallen & Boas))) around 1900. https://t.co/P3ocbkCUYN
"Tolerate us so we can destroy you." --the eternal message of the Jew to Whitekind. - but only so long as we permit jew to live
Multiculturalism succeeds! Public schools work! Growing up means accepting proclaimed mission isn't real one. #TeamWhite
Racialists are truly humble in that they dont force reality to conform to their preset notions - as christians & catholics do.
If a woman likes you, looks at you and you chatter on with your Important Ideas but she sees your real value - that is racialism.
The truth is racialism is humiliating, but I can't see that it's wrong. It's that our genes matter more than anything else.
People who live out of the Talmud and Koran don't belong in white nations. They will destroy our culture and murder our kind.
A cat in heat is the best analogue of reaction. - A reactionary is a manpuss in search of a kingdick to back onto.
I have learned far more from reading libertarians than reactionaries. The latter are simply bitches who always shade into mystagoguery.
If you say multiculturalism failed, then you are taking the claims of its (((concocters))) at face value. You shouldnt do that.
There is a real reason but (((they))) can't admit to it (he opposes their #antiwhite agenda). So they concoct lies. https://t.co/nF3yRQOt5o
People w antithetical values can only live together if they dont take anything seriously except sports & restaurants (Mass consumer culture)
"Merkel was also told by security experts last October that middle class citizens in Germany were becoming 'radicalised'" (DM article)
Shit down, suck up. That's the catholic way. As I said nearly 20 years ago. https://t.co/vdyJftwi3Q
We are both individuals and members of various groups or collectives. We can't be reduced to either. #TeamWhite
Some will be fooled and blame the truck. But the intelligent will see through the surface and blame the real culprit, the gun. #NiceAttack
it sounds cool to say that but vast majority are too weak to be evil and far more cooperative than violent https://t.co/TBTz5hShye
Joking is what seriousness looks like when done by smart people. Christian religious service is what it looks like when done by dummies.
Classic stick-fetching, one of the whiteskin's favorite and most racially characteristic behaviors... https://t.co/rdhctAPCo0
Society is s tripartite conspiracy among EBT coons at bottom, NEA harridans in middle and jews at top to defame/live off good white men.
The jew places objects before the conservative myope, and he duly and dully screams or salivates as desired. #Tcot
Socialism in practical terms means: all serious decisions made by jews, and minor daily decisions made for you by woman with 25" ass.
Fags should properly be called deranged sex maniacs. The average cloacalist humps 500 strangers in his shortened lifetime. #LoveWins
#NiceAttack is an act of jihad. Who admitted Muslims to Europe & why - that's where the political focus should be placed. #TeamWhite
Yiannopoulos, Cernovich, Molyneux, Gottfried - all jews. All bent on seeing whites stay on the plantation re race & 'antisemitism.'
If white men aren't capable of running own lives, then they're niggers. & the white racial cause makes no sense. Socialism is #antiwhite.
Even by itself it's antiwhite because it assumes the avg white man needs govt to make his adult decisions. https://t.co/kh8dNOGQXW
Don't be like a dog returning to its sick. Drop conservatif ways of thinking forever when you racialize. LEADERS ARE NOT STUPID, YOU SMART.
#NiceAttack - another successful fruition of the Judeo-Islamic alliance to destroy Europe. Bald facts from #TeamWhite
Stefan Molyneux admits he's a jew. Judaism goes thru mother. His mother was born into Berlin jew family in 1937. https://t.co/pz2GsowKs3
Their policies were scripted for them by (((jews))). As you know. https://t.co/z7xD62Z2q8
Anglo-Christian culture teaches us to overlook things in the name of manners. Clever outsiders))) see they can smuggle politics as manners.
Jews filled our lands with muds and giant scoops of muslim terrorists. ^This is what every sentient white man must be made to understand.
Stefan Molyneaux is a perfect example of why pushing the hooknosed meme is fun but has an edge of danger. SM looks completely Aryan. Is jew.
Stefan Molyneaux: "My mother was born in Berlin 1937 to a pretty Jewish clan..." Presents Irish, French name. Exculpates jews. IS A JEW.
Anyone who promotes the false idea & Big Lie of white suicide serves #TeamJew whether paid or not, & regardless of intentions. #TeamWhite
I don't care what jews believe about themselves (tho its good to know since it tips their behavior), I do care how they act toward my race.
Has the welfare state made whites weaker as individual men and families or stronger? I don't need to answer that. Socialism is #antiwhite.
it's "good for jews" just like he said of WTC demolitions carried out by his crew https://t.co/EJLFm9Tg16
The catholic catechism book is as good a source for xtian doctrine as any. Read it, and find racism declared immoral, and 0 value on genes.
If the USA were controlled by Americans it wouldn't act the way it does. Trump's candidacy hints that direction, and O the System outrage!
Leftist whiteskins are either delusionals or liars. Exhibit one: they turn their grasp of 'per capita' on and off like a light switch.
Christianity places what value on whiteness? Low or high? Answer: neither. Xtianity puts no value on white genetics at all. #TeamWhite
The white race does need housecleaning, but only to this extent: it must get rid of the christianity that has made it genetically liberal.
The conservative is the man who truly believes the govt doesn't know what it's doing when it admits jihadists as refugees. #tcot
Political Correctness = Semitical Correctness (Sobran) It's not suicide. It's murder by jews. https://t.co/ht2DhpaOw4
Muslims don't strike me as weak like Catholics. They strike me as not willing to neuter their cult in deference to Americanism.
We explain to fellow whites that jews are a race at war with ours, and a race that lives by a dual code. https://t.co/18gP3LFaBE
In a way, jews are talented-tenthing the white community. Come serve our super elite as technocrats. Let the rest of yr race slide to slaves
Jews are not part of our nation. Rather, they are at war with our kind, their intentions being fully #whitegenocide-al.
To reduce white reproduction, media jews exaggerate both the upside of fornication and the difficulties of babies and young children.
She means her heart is aching with laughter. https://t.co/2tKfSyLUkA
The conservative christian is the man who hasn't the spiritual capacity even to entertain the idea that we're not all on the same page.
Japan bans Muslims - to protect japanese. America admits Muslims - to endanger Americans. Inference: USA isn't controlled by Americans.
That Japan bans Muslims suggests to me it is possible people who don't hate Japanese actually have a degree of political control in Japan.
Ban sharia among muslims? You can have your religion - so long as you don't take it seriously. No, ban Muslims entirely, and jews racially.
Trained in perverse doctrines of christian luv and what the jews call hate, they failed to use their senses, and so disappeared fm the world
The conservative, like a woman, can only see what's right in front of his eyes. Thus he's continually fooled by those off screen. #tcot
Better way to put it: France before jews....and after. https://t.co/s4HgleGwWd
Remember: jews worldwide are uniformly in support of admitting muslim terrorists into white lands - and barring them from Israel.#NiceAttack
More nice white people killed by muslim terrorists admitted to Europe by the Rabbi crew. https://t.co/GwLrMB7byk
Using "we" without defining it - that's what let's the jew in. #NiceAttack doesn't happen becuz leaders are weak but because they want it.
The "strong" in politics are those who call out the agendas: the jews are using muslims and blacks to destroy white nations. Boom.
Religion truly is anti-evolutionary in that it strikes hard and continual blows against anything manly in the hominid breast.
The conservative is a mental child who cannot but see in Great Leaders the only true adults, who run the national 'family.'
The conservative is not intellectual enough to look beneath surfaces, and he lacks imagination to realize not all are loser-follower-saps.
The conservative is the man who unconsciously believes we are all on same page, same agenda, want same things. So he's always fooled & wrong
The mass-man conservative thinks everyone thinks like he does, he's just a little smarter, can point out their errors.
The conservative, the little-man, thinks everyone is on same page, is team-player like him. Because he can't conceive true strength or will.
Problems in politics are not matters of strength and weakness as the little-man conservative always thinks, but of hidden agendas. #tcot
There are millions of Flip christians, and Korean. Not one of them goes down in history. Only the whiteskin xtians ever produce anything.
Islam and Judaism must go the way of Thugee, the ancient Indian murder cult from which the term 'thug' derives.
"Understand" muslims? easy. they're a violent religious cult. Neither interesting nor complex. Jews who admitted them are the real problem.
Thanks, jews https://t.co/I374J9xhv4
Preserve the snow leopards! Rare and valuable creatures. But whites aren't? The race that created pretty much literally everything?
Jewish agenda and behavior can't survive inspection, that's why Tribe concocted the scam-concepts of antisemitism and racism. #TeamWhite
Explaining jews to normal whites. That's what politics is in 2016. A growing body of whites refuses to live as slaves under jews.
Jews behind the scenes, causing bad things to happen, then misrepresenting them on tv. Laughing at the contemptibly gullible goydolts.
Immigration isn't weather. It's a choice. But who makes it? Why? Answer these, and understand politics. It's not like what you see on tv.
USA is great for criminal invader mexicans and thieving billionaire jews...not so great for worker-earner whites in middle ie real Americans
NYT has picture of guilty truck... #NiceAttack ... So much hate in that semi. https://t.co/gAt9fDS41n
Moderation in all things. That's Greek advice for your personal life. It works. You don't need the drama-queenery xtianity offers.
Christians don't trust atheists but love jews (most jews are atheists). This is a measure of the general mental level of the crosscult.
Whites must be governed by a self-conscious racial elite, and race must be written into law as basis of society, and that understood by all.
Blacks are just there to be used by jews. Same with whites. Send whites off to die to expand Israel. Use blacks to destroy domestic life.
The controlled media have only one subject, object and interest - bashing whites till they disappear. As (((Ignatiev))) said.
France is 'on the verge of a civil war', intelligence chief warns https://t.co/8aAaY8CwhW via @MailOnline
"First we allowed the jews in. They let in the Muslims. Then it was nothing but hell." --official history of white west
(((who))) controls immigration? in France? In US? https://t.co/YGzVzC7heh
Always remember: extreme right is normal people. That's all it means. it's jewspeak for normal whites WHO WILL FIGHT BACK.
NEVER BLAME NON-WHITES. Rule 1 in controlled media. https://t.co/XDZ8t9npDF
the fact that an entity is called something, say France, says nothing about who actually runs it and sets agenda. this is > for most whites
who says whites must race mix and it will be made mandatory if they dont do it voluntarily https://t.co/ZA45u4Jt55
Waste of time, given universalist doctrine. It's the believer's job to grow up mentally, not mine to convert him. https://t.co/JrzTqxSoV0
July 14, 2016:
those gosh-darn muzzies just refuse to act in ways that sustain the manufactured illusion. that's their real crime, if any
Time for a noyade: tie all the jews in France together and shove them in the Seine. Repeat with Muslims.
atheism and paganism arent actual religions with structures. christianity is. and it's 100% cucked. https://t.co/xv1nsqdQnM
if so, they wouldnt move to whiter neighborhoods 80% of time against all propaganda. face it: jebus cult is bad https://t.co/pYVt5cHG6H
July 13, 2016:
"People who aren't us are animals. They may be used and abused freely." - judaism Now that, christian simps, is a racial cult.
White sees a "black man" (propaganda term for nigger). Instinct says kill it. Church says love it See the problem? Insight from #TeamWhite
Everyone has the same view of blacks (they're niggers). Yet they draw full spectrum of political inferences from that shared view.
Reactionaries are motivated by two things: 1) bad taste in art 2) urge to grovel Oops. I got the order wrong. #NRx
maybe 50% racialists are white and christian and think the contradiction doesnt matter because...hey - thinking doesn't matter. WRONG SIR
great. tepid, half-assical niggling response in last decade of his life after he's banked billions inside System https://t.co/eTaBy5Nqso
copping means writing, and writing means pain to the avg cop. that's why his attitude is shitty. and that he's a lazy govt parasite
There's nothing funnier than comedians who all think the same way! --operating theory behind late night TV
Likelier to cause a white revolt than #Rotherham https://t.co/KlNNE067Vy
the last time Germans bred? Hitler. tell me again he's evil death force. if you say that, you hate whites #TeamWhite
Whites must form a team to destroy and replace jews. That's how we regain sovereignty. Your piddling horseshit jebus has nothing to do w it.
Who calls the shots? Who does what to whom? These were Lenin's questions. In the US, and West, it's jews. And whiteskins suffering.
Our cause must be a jealous cause, and hate all pretenders - these are the jews currently bossing us as a race-team, and xtian loserism.
Buchanan picked a nigger VP. He's an Irish Catholic, not a racialist. He's weak, not strong. He's System, 98%. https://t.co/rDqEEejG1b
The derriere guard has caught on to jews. The vanguard is on christians. Of course, both must be attacked always & simultaneously.
The minute you actually examine any particular tradition you find it's on a scale from puzzling to outright dangerous.
Why is it that the christian conception of doing good never involves any kind of serious examination of consequences? #ClownCult
nothing good ever came out of the Middle East, which is itself some puffery for what used to be called the Near East
racialism supersedes catholicism - therefore the church is correct in seeing in racialism a vital threat
both jews and catholicism see their ultimate threat in the white race becoming conscious of and valuing itself. they are correct
we're going to beat the jews with a bunch of people who can't grasp that a universalist cult is the opposite of racialism? #THATDICKWONTFUCK
so in her case, about like it's run now https://t.co/Z8chutuEYW
no one says, "i want to move to a catholic neighborhood." it's always a "white neighborhood." we all know religion is clownage, ultimately
the catholic church historically PROTECTED jews from enraged whites. this is FACT. jewish claims are, as always, lies
he's a catholic https://t.co/7OT1GoUraC
All the public-sector parasites and kwallege-kid retardates supported Obama last time, jew Bernie this. Follow the bumper stickers..
all jewish historical claims at the level of that-which-appears-in-govt-school-textbooks may be safely assumed lies https://t.co/Gt13H4GhSe
christianity empowered jews beyond anything they could achieve on their own. without it, white men would have eradicated jews 1000 years ago
that's a common, shallow reaction. akin to believing Pat Buchanan is pro-white https://t.co/a0MiYMq6pa
Jebus Christ (one of many) is an historical fiction which has paid off for jews even better than the holocaust.
Brexit isn't shit until: 1) it happens. 2) the concrete is poured and set and an actual structure erected on it. By itself, it's mere symbol
how can christ-insanity have had but a terribly negative affect on whatever capacity the original Aryan had for causality-reasoning?
it continues to amuse me how many people who claim they believe jews lie accept that the church put jews in ghettos - a Big Lie jews spread
Hillary Clinton - best way to think about what she represents - if obese middle-aged social workers had a God, she would be it.
Because i attack catholics i'm defending prots. because i attack the south i'm defending midwest. LOGIC: U NOTZ HAS IT
AmeriKwa is a utopia for nigger criminals, conniving jewkikes, and obese middle-aged social workers.
Catholicism is the forerunner to the welfare state in that it institutionally benefits from the proliferation of abject morons.
Ever notice how every last simpson who taps out at getting a McD's order straight is an expert at interpreting God's word? #TeamWhite
The white cause is not for all whites, it's for all whites who value their race. The others can mix and disappear. #TeamWhite
Genocide needn't mean mass killing. It can also come from indifference brought on by, I don't know, christian religious belief. #TeamWhite
What does race matter if we're all God's children? How petty a thing is race next to that. #JebusFTW (Oh yeah: xtianity is #antiwhite.)
“Everyone’s sticking together in their groups,” she said, “so white people have to, too.” NAILED IT. https://t.co/MtnnNVY2B9 #TeamWhite
a manly looking jebus is just as unthinkable as a semitic looking one. think about that. jebes is always depicted androgenous - rightly
christian doctrine is a death trap for the white race. good thing 99% of whiteskins believe ideas dont matter
christians identify with the jebus, his variant on "i slave all day in the kitchen and you just dont appreciate it" https://t.co/pBDksrhwnR
Just because jews criticize someone or something does not mean it is pro-white. Examples: catholic church & Patsy Decline.
The claim that all humans are part of some group (God's children) provides a religious foundation for white genocide https://t.co/bzbJuEEepD
As a biological entity, jews are as valid as any other kind. There is no morality involved, just racial struggle. https://t.co/bzbJuEEepD
Conversion (of jews) is the solution that failed. jews are a biological entity, not a people with wrong beliefs. https://t.co/bzbJuEEepD
The problem is the church defines jews wrong AND CANNOT CHANGE THIS DEFINITION - which determines the 'solution.' https://t.co/bzbJuEEepD
We've been messing around with jews for 2000 years, thanks to the idiots of the catholic church, which has led us to precipice of genocide.
1,100 ISIS Terrorists in Germany https://t.co/dCWo7aRTyo via @NewObOnline
“Refugee” Sex Attack—in Massachusetts https://t.co/ahg9KOwNu2 via @NewObOnline
classic context-denial distortion by jew - 2,100 Chicago Shootings; “Black Lives Matter” Silent https://t.co/qKANNYmZlf via @NewObOnline
July 12, 2016:
This time we kill them. We tried your conversion, little cross crickets. It didn't work. This time we kill them. All of them. #TeamWhite
the feds have made more terror out of one white woman with turpentine & nails in her garage than #BLM https://t.co/uV0D1GDsUz
there's something called a will to adult mentation, and it is lacking in an increasing percentage of the white population
When someone shows you what he is, believe him. Jews have shown what they are on the field and in their Talmud. Believe them. #TeamWhite
no one is allowed to draw conclusions about jews except the ones they prefab for us. which all (read: all) turn out to be lies on inspection
Even Joe Sobran exhibited this. Hotly listing ways humes are superior to monkeys. Same red anger as a Baptist. https://t.co/FrbkMGEuh3
Most things i can understand. But i have never understood what is so emotionally disturbing about the idea of being descended from monkeys.
The three roads for blacks in America: 1) back to Africa 2) self-help 3) lie, cry, blame whites Guess (((who))) chose #3 for them?
The #ADL, America's #1 hate group, got its start by blaming blacks for a sex attack-murder committed by a jew. #LeoFrank
her: we must listen to niggers nigger: i hate whites and want to kill them her: whatever does that nigger mean? we just dont know.
July 11, 2016:
The belief in equality, which is a religious belief, comes from christianity, a cult based on the negation of the idea of human standards.
"Whites will outperform other races so long as they exist. . . . Why are you looking at me? (smiles)" --Nathan Jacob Wise, The New Elders
Universalism, whether muslims, christian or (((NWO))) - all are opposed to White Racialism, white specificism, hence all are enemies.
Racialism and the cross cult are competitors to provide Ultimate Context to lives. They cannot be reconciled. Choose #TeamWhite!
Christianity and White nationalism are on the same level. Hence, they are competitors. This can't change, it is eternal. One...or the other.
Why do I attack christianity? Because it is a competing view with racialism. Not a matter of taste or private opinion, beneath politics.
There's more valuable diversity in the average white familiy line than in the entire black race. #TeamWhite urges you to value your race.
notice the way at many top sporting events they play national athems...speeded up to near-Chipmunks level. this is to mock nationalism
present at the creation (of a myth). https://t.co/DQ4FQflqlu
when i hear neoreaction i think catholic, weak. spiritual queers. https://t.co/vT6V3YTv4T
(((david horowitz))) popularized 'whitey' - so he can reap money rewards of critting black violence while diminishing white racial value
Ghana’s “Right of Abode”: Roadmap to Racial Peace? https://t.co/P9lzXgBron via @NewObOnline
July 10, 2016:
Son of Energy Minister Arrested for Attacking Golden Dawn Office https://t.co/pTDKK47svJ
"treason" = criticizing jews https://t.co/vudQQj22hy
Sojourners was not always called Sojourners. It was called Post-American. https://t.co/uDOr2OaCmR
The christians said they could fix em. Said we had a duty to em. We all see how that worked out. #TeamWhite says let's try nature's way.
after quantitative easing and its myriad brother fart words, online college is the biggest financial scam going
democracy is based on many dubious theories, starting with the assumption votes can be counted accurately
The evidence is in: christianity was historical mistake made by our race. Time to stop making it. #TeamWhite
Chinese Fight Arabs—In Italy https://t.co/O7wmnJEdSK via @NewObOnline
“Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police” https://t.co/nk0Ojq0Xoi
Mexicans Charged in Race War against Blacks https://t.co/oIvyFuKzPI via @NewObOnline
classic nigger, great stuff - Ugandan President: “Jews Aren’t Christians” https://t.co/SYkuiSz8GK via @NewObOnline
Jews sicced niggers on whites with genocidal malice aforethought. For that, jews as a tribe have earned a racial death sentence. #TeamWhite
US Goes on High Alert for Black Terrorism https://t.co/G0ZWPtDhNo via @NewObOnline
Heart, hands and head make HOMELAND #TeamWhite https://t.co/qUwkV9OoX5
Talking to media of your own free will is only a shade less stupid than talking to cops. https://t.co/aIiMruaVzJ
July 09, 2016:
xtians: force whites into spiritual association w blacks jews: force whites into political association with blacks #TeamWhite
"I wouldn't mind if my sister married Harambe. As long as he votes Republican and goes to church." --Trick Wilson
"Bow and scrape before the ape." --Hillary Clinton to the white masses whose taxes fund The Nigger Lifestyle, a Homo Ebtus feat
Notice how they chose that photo to make the white guy look like a crybaby wuss: "Ow, he poked me." https://t.co/0DkVzpRkKH
we need a verb for jew pretending to be white. reminds me of what queensbury wrote on card to oscar wilde 'posing as sodomite'
not bad https://t.co/VVzbVMLcLz
what does it matter how high your IQ if you're too scared to laugh at what's stupid? What is your spunk quotient, son?
PHOTOSHOP https://t.co/I3mYF6QyIc
these things must make instinctual (almost) sense, so that they are understood without being explained. to succeed. https://t.co/1y79mE8I00
jews treat whites much in the way a kindergarten teacher big-eyes her children. AND MOST WHITES GO RIGHT ALONG WITH THAT.
they would be straightening if they were pretending to be white https://t.co/rlAfPzXYUp
jiting, hard i. (((posing))) as white. jew pretending to be white for political purposes. aka tim wise's career, jesse benn, et al.
whines mixed with jew-scripted lies is really all you little ochre-colored peopleol have to offer isnt it
Jebus mastered the Cuckface https://t.co/Phcsyv4L3Q
The xtian argues whites have a moral duty to coloreds cuz we share a creator. The racialist says we have duty to protect our kind fm others.
We owe coloreds something because we're all children of God? Do you not see what a dumb, dangerous doctrine that is? #TeamWhite
Crosscucks are always to be found on the side of the ugly, ridiculous and untrue. The lugubrious and defective are their milieu.
White creativity is 99% invested in hobgobblins like "Good" or "Racism." These abstractions captivate halfwits to exclusion of reality.
70-IQ niggers (African avg, to be charitable) don't want freedom, they want goods they cant produce themselves. https://t.co/3oEAb34Frs
Sorry, biology doesn't go away because you reject it. https://t.co/3oEAb34Frs
Like the state is separate from race. You're cowards and fools, you libertarians. https://t.co/nsfK4KzYEa
Prayer = doing nothing. It's popular with the common folk. Doesn't take any effort or commitment. Christianity is the opposite of civ.
Christianity is a 1% dilution of jew concentrate. Same lies and techniques, but super wussy and pale. Working the soft side feebly, slowly.
Christianity: the face of cowardice. The face of lies. The face of death. https://t.co/2zoyyQK1qh
#tcot https://t.co/aoyZl7cg1E
July 08, 2016:
"White men! White women! . . . The Jew is using The Black as muscle against you." --Blues Brothers (1980)
Most whites would breathe a sigh of relief if all niggers disappeared overnight. In that fact lies considerable political potential.
all these retarded kwallege faggots heard about 'civil rights' heroes. well that train sailed. but they wont miss this one (Fags, BLM, etc)
i'm telling you for not the last time, the church half you fuckwits defend has grown a whiteskin population afraid/2 dumb to LAFF at stoopid
well shit. he has THIS and all they let us see are his irksome selfies.. https://t.co/451MSZDo6W
Whites don't need blacks. Blacks need whites. Cuz without us, they'd be living in a van down by the river. Without the van. #TeamWhite
Have you ever been poor? Most of us have, at least once in our lives. Did you find yourself turning into a nigger?
not being religious is not being cynical; nor is being religious idealism. religion is delusion. is serves the milder weakfolk for drink.
Whites built civilization. Blacks are like an unwanted guest walking around shitting on floor, making holes in wall, eating the food.
people who think jews is SO HARD TO GET REQUIRES STAGES, yeah no. it's in the fucking "BLUES BROTHERS." you liar or fool #TeamWhite
i never get over the amazement that most whites can't figure out the guy blaming racism & poverty for black failure has an agenda and lies
black political sophistication taps out at murderous tantrums...funded and organized by jews...with the aim of destroying white society
it's not that everything whites have done for blacks is not enough - it's literally never even mentioned. RACE DIVORCE NOW
the contents of a negro's character, much like the prize in a Cracker Jack box, is 100% likely to be disappointing
Hootie & the Blowfish? I knew his polo-shirted geniality hid something twisted. https://t.co/2zdvhByw49
You never, ever hear about blacks filching giant tomes out of dusty nooks and studying the innards assiduously. Nope. Jes' shootin' people.
"Anteaters only eat ants because of white racism & poverty." --Every jewish anthropology professor ever
If i recall Griff was associated with Run DMC when he let off on jews. The (((media))) howled. https://t.co/pd1Kn9bnz6
Hmm.... It will help me insult and understand him. Him who I always praised/punted according to his merits. https://t.co/JD03nnNWv2
No, Pete. People are weak. And fat. https://t.co/Qwtp5VjCXk
For generations, jews in "higher" "education" have lied to innocent white suckers that blacks are niggers due to racism and lack of money.
Professor Griff should have taught him about jews. https://t.co/VXu46ntrNS
Retweet if you ever had sex with Sam Francis. (Not trying to be obnoxious here, I'm honestly - this is scientific research.)
You don't have to be perfect to be The Man. George Washington and Adolf Hitler were intensely aware of their flaws and deficits - led anyway
No one minded if Babe Ruth ate five virgins and debauched eight hotdogs. Because he had great virtues. He was The Man.
Events like these show Trump is proxy. I like Trump as a man, he seems fun. But politically, i need an openly White, anti-(((enemy))) party.
Dallas area has had loads underreported of housejackings, as niggers see all the freeways as easy escape from rich suburbs.
To turn Willie Sutton, why do cops patrol the white middle class? Cuz that's where the money is. (and the bullets arent) #anarchotyranny
This is copping's only contribution to human civilization. Joseph Wambaugh's line: "People are too weak to be evil. They're just scrotes."
"cops are heroes" only two sets hold this view: 1) cops. 2) people who haven't had interactions with them. and less 1 than 2
radical islam is redundant. there may be quiescent islam, but anything with jihad as tenet is inherently violent & dangerous
who is responsible for black people behavior/problems, according to left: 1-9: whites* (*does not include jews) 10. inanimate objects
blacks and whites don't belong in the same political unit. they cannot live under the same government. said jefferson.
Christianity and jews work the good cop/bad cop routine on the white population. 'Integrating' (making whole - lol) is a moral duty...a law?
My point in earlier tweet was white rallies ive been to in cities had cops quite visibly on all rooftops. But I guess not for #BLM.
Southerners have their version of Dolce Vita. They needn't press it on others as it's self-evidently superior, they think.
i dont think more than 1-2% of population thinks often. maybe another 10-20% can spot gross consistencies/contradictions. rest parrot only.
you're really learning a lot, i can tell. you believe everything you're told, and that's where education begins. https://t.co/RdahwJeUst
why do you only hang out with white people? does your boss know about this? #RacismHurts https://t.co/gMi4ydF5zE
you sound like a racist, not cool man https://t.co/qEuZGC7Hu6
probably https://t.co/F2aAgol3OU
whites in south africa living in squatters camps - discriminated against as 9% minority. and murdered/tortured daily https://t.co/X6yOfcZjvK
good one, man. https://t.co/MeFddu3YhJ
your ill-informed opinion < pile of dead niggers https://t.co/NePWMIxkrP
No, I was born at 0. https://t.co/T1eD1jW0k8
funny...white rallies i've been at had copters in sky, dogs, hundreds of patrolmen everywhere...but not #BLM cuz they peaful protesin, man
if blacks are justified in shooting random cops then whites are 1000x more justified in shooting random (((media))) members.
Angry muslims (ISIS), angry niggers (#BLM) never, ever seem to go after jews, do they? Just targets jews select for them.
Racialism overlooks the few for the many; conservatism and christianity do the opposite. "Come with us if you want to live." --#TeamWhite
blacks must be treated as a hostile group jews must be treated as a hostile team That's what racial politics means. Gross, crude - necessary
first subtly, then loudly the (((media))) say whites deserve to be murdered because they insist on jailing nigger criminals
Why are atheists so obnoxious? To get back for the MILLIONS OF LIFE HOURS WASTED digging thru book boxes full of CHRISTAL SHITLIT
In the army he was known as Sambo "Black Rambo" Hyde. He had a passion for racial justice and flapjacks. https://t.co/LDNwGpvsj4
I'm glad beyond words to see the spread of valid ideas. Let me put it that way. The memes are very successful & nec. https://t.co/QCKAhhutKa
Sorry, we have to take christians for what they historically are. You can no more escape ID than communist pleaders https://t.co/AFnpj5ciJh
Evidence jebus even existed is scanty. Revilo Oliver considered him a composite, which is to say he's hi-fi char. https://t.co/5oHEkA5M0A
"We've spent decades nourishing a culture of hostility toward whites, particularly among blacks." --Nathan Jacob Wise.
Who is forcing whites to live with blacks? Since most whites don't want to? That group needs to be identified and destroyed. #TeamWhite
I dont like doing this because I'm white and even a little WASPy. I trust my material. But. We WN have been 100% RIGHT FOR 20 YEARS. DIG IT
The truth is that blacks are niggers. Jews won't tell you that. Christianity won't tell you that. #TeamWhite will. NATION begins with RACE
Every step of the way, jews cover for 'black men.' As they rape our women, obstruct our classrooms, murder our police. #TeamWhite
Christianity paralyzes the white mind, and preps the white body for digestion by the predator jew. Insight from #TeamWhite
White racialists defending christianity are precisely in the intellectual position of whiteskin liberals defending blacks. #RealityDenial
A white man with the wrong opinion gets (((labeled))) a hater, extremist, Nazi, whereas no number of crimes gets a black called a criminal.
you dont see me apologize. why? because i THINK about what i say before i type it or speak it. this is not actually hard to to do.
i'm pretty much always right, though https://t.co/m4DVgaVa06
Christianity left browntown alive...for you-know-(((who))) to use against us. Thanks, Jeboocretins! Right way? Just kill them off.
Jebus is the only jew that CHRISTIANS aren't afraid to offend. https://t.co/llxnytulz9
We can't afford to let jews control our banking and media, they are using that control to commit #whitegenocide.
July 07, 2016:
"Let's not get queer over a crackpot idea." Here's all the mentation you need, lil buddies: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. #TeamWhite
so...jews bring all these invaders into our countries, after telling them that we are responsible for all their problems? #loxism
Britain doing smart things? What is the world coming to. https://t.co/HpJgLUhniy
Literally saying "I hate" doesn't constitute evidence of hate. Of course 'hate crime' is a bogus concept to start w. https://t.co/UbRXLAIldE
Witches have discolored hair, poorly managed lips, and are notoriously averse to making sandwiches. "No cauldron, no cook-y," they say.
christians making excuses for god (all powerful, yet responsible for nothing) leads directly to left making excuses for niggers
"Whites tortured, enraged by bashing. But like an animal, they can't identify the source of their misery." --Nathan Jacob Wise
Blair declared he couldn't say sorry for Iraq because he'd do it again https://t.co/eZ6pwJZLB7 via @MailOnline
Thirty person brawl at Walmart https://t.co/DXrDGDCVaB via @MailOnline
July 06, 2016:
all that is necessary for jews to succeed (wreck white nations) is for whites to treat them as individuals rather than a hostile team
jews have made it so that criticizing them with words is as bad as that worst-thing-ever (that didnt happen). so: CRITICIZE JEWS, GO TO JAIL
they are defensive who have something to defend. something that's, generally, indefensible. (exs.: evolution, faith in god or regulation)
the imaginary future of the poower nigger is made to counter- -- nay, outbalance -- the life of the human it snuffed. JEWS = RACE OF LIARS
dat dindu he turnin his life around. well, no, jewliar he turning life around of PERSON HE MURDERED. him jes same old coon tune
Again: I will pretend to be a pastor and deliver a free #antifag sermon to any congregation so requesting. JE goes Puck on 11 is my motto.
you dont need to call yourself anything. labels are for enemies. you need to find the right principles and stick to them. #TeamWhite
if immig into USA ever stops, you can bet jew will lead it - and their tools like jeb taylor will leap to credit em https://t.co/cXyAZQ9Syn
All the Reasons the Rio Olympics Are Fucked https://t.co/4GPMcsS1VG
the facts of jewish behavior predating rejection of jebus doesn't conform to catholic dogma so the catholic fake-intellectual ignores them
Blacks are incurable & uninteresting. They're negligible so far as positive civilization's concerned. They can destroy things & make noise.
How investigators linked a headless body on South Padre Island to a Border Patrol agent https://t.co/SeaZyfzQmp
girls just wanna have...Sung? can this be? https://t.co/HBY26Zk6Cc
October 2 is Decision Time for Austria, Hungary https://t.co/HrNHKgE11V via @NewObOnline
look at this nigger.. https://t.co/cRtVvNNpud
July 05, 2016:
Germany: Invader Employment Flop https://t.co/7fMSpzr6Ia via @NewObOnline
July 04, 2016:
(((same type of govt that killed tens of millions of whites last century))) https://t.co/vekPanekHZ
Trump appeals openly to RUMP rangers. But only in "code" (maybe) to normal whites. Enjoy your "independence" day.
"fun" - hitler was nearly beaten to death in a gym. you with your "fun" https://t.co/1H5nXVRwsq
Trump doesn't want to be PC (quickly changes background graphic shape). C'mon Trump. Be big. Or no one needs you. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
He "has to" do this to blah blah blah. I've heard this reasoning for five decades. Doesn't work. It's how we got in this mess.
Don't remove the star, make it gold. Seriously - these (((people))) murdered 100,000,000+. They deserve death, not compliance.
35 girls aged between 12 and 17 assaulted at Swedish music festival https://t.co/qOMB42HSZP via @MailOnline
July 03, 2016:
Apus oppose apes: https://t.co/2hTd4wQzFv
doogas hate dindus - Africans in India: “We are seen as demons” https://t.co/2hTd4wQzFv via @NewObOnline
Whites Targeted in Bangladesh Attack https://t.co/0jMeSM6dfB via @NewObOnline
vermicious knids, every last 'un https://t.co/qPZdYELwzw
typical fireworks fan: Man intentionally fires a firework point blank at his own face https://t.co/DTZ6MLaiSU
Trump under fire for tweet using Star of David to call Clinton corrupt https://t.co/mPmIzRwM6N via @MailOnline
mudsharking = bad news: Vigilante dad jailed for hunting down heroin dealers speaks out https://t.co/DrQveqQ2yB via @MailOnline
There are infinite numbers of shit countries filled with shit people. There is no country like Germany.
it's not that Elie Wiesel is a liar, anyone who investigates knows that. It's that the liar has 100% support from the Tribe(a race of liars)
Criticial theory = malevolent jews (redundant) attempting to destroy white society with lies dressed up as academics https://t.co/l50XQvHMPE
"Showman" - no, he was no showman, he was a Big Liar. But ultimately, the single word that best sums up #ElieWiesel is - jew. #TeamWhite
jews don't have the physical ability or numbers to intimidate whites. they use words. xtianity preps whites to be hagridden w mind-ghosts
fire speaks an eloquent, crackling orange tongue https://t.co/BYfYF0pP4R
July 02, 2016:
fake white / fake skeptic https://t.co/AVtfHHrqlx
Propaganda? It's why you think jews are good and nazis are bad. "It ain't what you don't know, it's what you know that just ain't so."
Americans love fireworks because they are self-important noises; they are genuinely entertainment for retards.
conservatives are bitches; the more you beat them, the tenderer their flavor. think chinese and dogs
attacking the conservatives...how's that working out for us? White politics should be aggressive, intellectual and martial. #TeamWhite
Tradition: the first way that doesn't obviously kill people. "That makes it the best way." --traditionalists - longer term for idiots
Traditionalism is bunk. Quite from Klinsmann to follow - and MOST human activity follows this UNTHINKING pattern.
Remember: only use jew-approved shapes in your tweet. Help Eli the Eel Electrocute Anti-Semitism today.
"Come with us if you want to live." --Terminator https://t.co/Kx1GIHMa4W
Joe Sobran's term. I have used it more than anyone in the world. More than he did. All should use it. https://t.co/2QqxdBQa2N
I would guess if you did a cross-nation study of use of local term for 'deserve,' British use it 10x more often than other folk.
#JoCox was classic Anglo type: eyes that could pick out a Suffering Situation at 10,000 miles...but somehow miss Muzz-raped girl next door.
Message to dim-witted traditionalists and meta-meatheads: you can't step over what's many leagues in front of you.
A plan, organization, commitment...in time yield results. https://t.co/kix0uCYV3h
The Anglo's penchant for moralizing (listen to British sports announcers) and attitudinizing transfer readily into Semitical Correctness.
And half of the 2.6million cars made in Britain last year were built by German-owned firms such as BMW, which runs Mini and Rolls-Royce.
Germany sells more cars to Britain than to any other country, with 810,000 exported last year, Mr Wissman said.
The story of the white race, whether it ends or new-shoots, largely turns on whether Anglos have courage to admit they were wrong re NS/WWii
What the Nazis said about freemasonry nearly 100 years ago: https://t.co/1vz8dnFKJ9
Year in Nonwhite NYC School Cures Liberal https://t.co/bTWfKOemF4 via @NewObOnline
Italy: Invaders Flee from CasaPound https://t.co/nSFkM00LSs via @NewObOnline
Burger-flipping robots are headed for San Francisco https://t.co/yOFBbVPXdZ via @MailOnline
digging? oy! thatz goy work. we shall find some brawny poles. they know from ditch digging. https://t.co/cOQRobvhd5
soon retarded little Flyover goy nits will be collecting Liberty Spoons to Remember The Holocaust https://t.co/Zl9jCcRsGS
no doubt coming soon to "US" holohoax museum: SPOON EXHIBIT https://t.co/Zl9jCcRsGS
July 01, 2016:
"Mortimer Matz, one of the contest's hype men, unapologetically admitted to The New York Times ..." https://t.co/Yh29hgnoww via @MailOnline
in this story, jews lie about hotdogs - Behind Nathan's famed hot dog contest, a whopper of a legend https://t.co/Yh29hgnoww via @MailOnline
Really, he's being pedantic. https://t.co/E4hiVOmBe5
Spoonstein huffed and puffed and dug himself free. (Spoon also useful to recover diamonds in tuchus.) https://t.co/I0sahJFFu7
Disaster strikes again when Brontë's oldest sisters, Elizabeth and Maria, die aged 10 and 11, partly as a result of their school's unhygien
i'll bet they're making sure to mention to those kids that jews arent white https://t.co/HgOhmlHTkL
Elite K-8 school teaches white students they're born racist https://t.co/z11zQIF9E7 via @nypost
Teutoberg Forest...when German tribes come together... https://t.co/kzWfSf35zB
This weekend in #Chicago, negroids will struggle to obtain 10:1 shot:kill ratio. I, for one, forecast 4: 45.
Americans - only people in the world dumb enough to fall for jews' bullshit. But that period is coming to a close. #TeamWHite
If not formed by then allowed to form - and funded, equipped, medically treated by #TeamJew is Isis https://t.co/sjABlMHs0g
i ask little of a political candidate; only that he throw commies out of copters with the alacrity of the Grinch giving back stolen presents
"hate" is a coldly calculated tactic devised by #TeamJew, but whiteskin simps who use it actually believe hate/love division is real thing
how mentally limited-slash-unsure of yourself do you have to be to think all opposed to you are driven by "hate"?
if you use words intelligibly, or recognize when you're not, you're part of the intellectual elite, i'm afraid
the two faces of #TeamWhite https://t.co/xQvwrMKXne
"obese, retarded, violent, parasitic niggers...who could deny they're our greatest strength?" https://t.co/s3jSquM3BN
hey lil buddy...all set for a big weekend o' rehoming viruses? https://t.co/zV721z5QBP
i mean, j edgar hoover (no homo) said there was a network underlying things that shocked him. HEAD OF FBI SAYING THAT. he omitted only (((
Vinegar is genuine panacea. Love, by contrast, is of highly limited application. Timeless wisdom from #TeamWhite.
big government = #antiwhite https://t.co/pgCzm2g8aU
“not just sloppy mistakes but massive violations of the law” #Austria https://t.co/xkS35y2qrd
Trump in! Mexicans out! https://t.co/ApWgIq81T3
i'm surprised that #Brexit vote was allowed to win, though i suspect it won by more than was admitted https://t.co/0fd8E55bFS
conservatism as a disposition (kirk) is right. one should doubt the new and the Ethusiastic nitwits.
when meat is processed into pink goo and plasticked into tubes - that's a good metaphor for conservatives: common protein sludge. #tcot
"racism" is jewspeak. an attack on your existence, your essence, your very being. not your behavior or beliefs. #WhiteVocabulary #TeamWhite
What is bourgeois? In America, it is the mother in Ferris Bueller's day off. A bit dated, but perfectly on target.
not when i lived there it wasnt https://t.co/fOxM3SXzqS
The time for bourgeois self-satisfaction (capital Glen Ellyn, Ill.) is over, a new Age of Heroes is upon us... #TeamWhite
every two-bit nitwit thinks it can tell jews from photos. there is no bottom to goy foolishness. same with "crazy" eyes. avg person is moron
infinitely. calif has good weather. ill will soon have as many mexicans https://t.co/ojradjRKWs
I suspect mars was jewed. But that's just me. https://t.co/dWj8leUUy6
anti-semitic atmosphere refuses to comply with climate alarmists: https://t.co/bRFDKr0sUb
youngs will never believe this but there was about a 18-month period in early-mid '80s when homo-opps weren't reflexively called homophobes
Whites have difficulty grasping jews because The Thing is much bigger than they can conceive. They think on their level. Step back, whitebro
Trump v System And Trump's not even wholly anti-System. Shows the fear. https://t.co/efuaakLZnJ
Notice the jews have epithets not just for the hated race generally but for each of its subsets and typical behaviors. #loxism #TeamWhite
'becky' 'chad' 'white privilege' 'racism' 'microaggressions' - the list of #antiwhite epithets grows almost daily
what someone won't say is usually more significant than what they will say, and this is particularly true in politics
parallel is carroll quigley's Tragedy and Hope. about New World Order. which he supported. insight is still there. https://t.co/QozKSGTjfJ
it's about the science of it, not who uses it https://t.co/QozKSGTjfJ
probably just avg christian weakling https://t.co/fmiGhdINFH
"Shat-a-Jew" was given “asylum” in Austria cuz the European Union hates the Russian government, and routinely sides with Putin opponents.
Right-wing religious intellectuals prefer the elaborate to the accurate, which to them, in their pseudo-sophistication, is plebeian.
The thing i most despise about throne-n-altar pseudointellectuals is their complexifying, quite wrongly, what is simple.
jews provide a simple, false explanation of the world they know will attract women and weak-mindeds #diversity #hate #tolerance
jews know the dumber 3/4 of whites see symbols and portents in everything - and are encouraged in this by their xtian cult. they play to it.
"Tschatajew" - what a perfect name for a terrorist. jews shat these terrorists into our formerly nice white lands...
One sticks their ass in the air for sex. The other for prayer. Both are poison to a healthy society. Both are promoted by ((())) #TeamWhite
private banking isn't the problem - the feds gave those private banks the power; they created the banking cartel https://t.co/EpxJK8y29j
Same day we learn Istanbul mastermind had asylum in #Austria, court calls for revote. Under Hofer, no aslyum for these terrorists.
"The [EU] states preferred to “turn a blind eye to Tschatajew’s illegal and dangerous activities just to annoy Russia,” the source.
Istanbul Terrorist Got “Asylum” in Austria https://t.co/FuxMHOE2iY via @NewObOnline
Remember Ellul: propaganda is when you have complete coordination among ALL official vectors - school, govt, media, big business...
jews beelined to mass media because with it they can create Flipworld. where white is bad and colored good. #TeamWhite
in the end you will all come around to the position that the only solution to jews is counter-exterminating them. because it's right.
of course jews control the media. if they didn't, they would be portrayed as liars and aggressors, instead of persecuted victims. #TeamWhite
modern problems aren't complex at all: they all spring from the jew. Ford said as much in 1920 - even more so today
leftists know they are lying. your appeal to fairness or double standards strikes them merely as childish weakness. #tcot
and that's just our men #obesity https://t.co/I6bT6FJ6Fy
notice how all these pretend pro-white jews (boris johnson, journo yiannopoulous, geert wilders) have fake blond hair?
here's what i saw growing up. jews treated as privileged. christians in position of authority scraping before them. i concluded: xtian = cur
look at the open, raw hatred directed at the white girl who sued UT. notice the (((MSM))) use the nigs' "becky" slur. OPEN HATRED NORMAL NOW
it's easy and safe to criticize muslims. but that's not what's needed. what's needed is grasping who))) let them in and why. #whitegenocide
all muslim analysis is done when you discover JIHAD (holy war, literal not just internal-spiritual) is a tenet. the ? is WHO)) admits them?
i'm not a christian - i think my sense organs are valuable, indeed necessary in understanding the world
the left doesn't lie and smear and murder by choice but by logic. there is no other way for a tiny, extreme anti-majority position to win
Honest counting of ballots = victory for "Far Right." Left jokes itself into the truth, altho "far right" = sexually/mentally normal.
"irregularities potentially affected nearly 78,000 votes — more than twice the margin separating the two candidates." #Austria
it really seems to be the case that only German people are capable of following the law against their own interest - their pride & heel
"it appeared to represent the first time that a nationwide vote will have to be repeated "in any modern world democracy." #Austria
Contrast Nixon with Austria. Nixon knew Kennedy won by cheating. But to demand recount would threaten democracy. Yes that happened.
cheating and lying are business as usual for (((left))) - 14 Vote Frauds: Austrian Election Rerun https://t.co/2ZTVrLoQm1 via @NewObOnline
Austrian court overturns presidential election result https://t.co/1xM2fMnaGc via @usatoday
So, after 2000 years, is the Catholic policy of "converting" jews working? Have they ceased to threaten and seen the light? #TeamWhite
this is free press: bunch of jews babbling to other jews. left/right = they're all jews or georgie-will smitherses https://t.co/L5VPbvSqre
June 30, 2016:
lol at Occam dodgers. look guys, sorry it's not more complex, but maybe just deal with it? for honesty's sake? jews = the (((there))) there
June 29, 2016:
US-Syrian Weapons Sold on Black Market https://t.co/ZnlBpiflRd via @NewObOnline
June 28, 2016:
Seven refugees in Idaho 'diagnosed with active tuberculosis' https://t.co/CBQSqg3Koo via @MailOnline
Inside world's largest mosquitoes factory https://t.co/0O5hQvyjtd via @MailOnline
National EU referendum banned in Germany because HITLER abused polls https://t.co/SLhbyM6mIO via @MailOnline
Trump: EU Must Halt Invasion https://t.co/DHQysu7qNJ via @NewObOnline
June 27, 2016:
"And his fib fooled the tot" - Dr. Seuss, Cindy Lou Who = white race https://t.co/fEklsbyhMw
protesters "attack" media NEVER: protesters attack Whites activists - always some variation of "turns violent" https://t.co/QrmIIu3PIf
That's the jareb taylor lie. "we're doing it to ourselves." his main mission in lie is telling whites to self-blame https://t.co/0jyBexUoZa
"nation of immigrants" successful jew meme fronted by JFK. and most americans seem to think it's in the constitution https://t.co/uONfqkGY1L
June 26, 2016:
as always (((media))) treat whiteness as disease condition that needs to be medicated https://t.co/CtVrl8Jlcd
(((that's why we did it))) https://t.co/MVZX5vY0It
reversed in plain sight: how could such an educated, advanced, civilized people (20th cent Germans) 'turn on' the jews?
pope = antiwhite, pro-queer Francis: Christians must apologize to the sexually degenerate https://t.co/T2pnQ47A5e
#HeroMair #VillainJoCox https://t.co/S0uzSGQSCf
the left and the lefted right have grown completely accustomed to jewish argument - smearing only. (((leftists))) dont argue, they abuse/lie
putting a trashcan on your head, painting a red target on your chest and screaming deus vult is not a solution to white racial problems
white racialists love to brag about how creative whites are but ignore or dont realize the flip side to that https://t.co/Q6mW0CR2AX
white racialists should remember jew alinsky - get the population poor and looking to govt to satisfy every need = jew power
lot of racialists dont get this: big government is INHERENTLY #antiwhite, for it produces LITTLE men https://t.co/z8t4cHn3DW
Will has a PhD in American history, has worked among jews for 5+ decades. Zero chance he is low information. https://t.co/EVhZ30t4qy
14,000-year-old mammoth found six feet under Mexican city suburb https://t.co/G8GXiE9PEo via @MailOnline
repositioning criminals on a glorious scale https://t.co/IjqR2qm2ud
June 25, 2016:
watch how many times when blacks are amid serious felonies (not cigarrillo liberation) they will CALL THEIR FRIENDS TO COME OVER 'N' PLAY
i'll say it again: muslims are like niggers: not all are criminals, but very few of them will turn in their criminals.
On behalf of all people of German or part-German descent, or who just like good things, we reject George Will as a basely (((-servile CUCK.
why do people who set fires always "run" away. and someone always sees them making guilt weight-transferring leg motions. NOT BUYING IT
Wearing ties and watches is itself sexually dubious, but wearing a bowtie, ever, for any reason, is utterly forbidden.
someone should introduce this guy to the pope. 2000 years and YOUR QUALITY CONTROL IS NON-EXISTENT https://t.co/azZhTaUakF
For you youngsters, George Will has been a lapdog to the hebes (Midge Decter & Norm! Podhoretz) from day one....
A Blow for Peace and Democracy: Why the British Said No to Europe https://t.co/rHtP9fxUYG
June 24, 2016:
jews have created a very nasty world-situation for whites by lying about us for decades, without opposition, thru mass media and schools.
this guy is a legitimate hero https://t.co/rNaBVDZukN
(((Media))) definitions: Xenophobia: voting against the side that wants to admit millions more from groups that mass-rape children
British are capable of treating anyone fairly, except their superiors. https://t.co/cRrFlv25aL
this is a large part of the true social story of white lower middle class in 2016 https://t.co/fbn87Hf8Rj
a lot of whites are border-functional. and when jews promote diversity, it leads their kids into drugs/mixing & destroys prole family lines.
one reason i have no respect for xtianity is that it lectures on morals - yet will not call jews evil. only group on earth that word fits.
if people are basically evil and stupid, ehuh, _limited_, then tying them all into one political unit is the least not dumb thing you can do
no. jews. communism. https://t.co/WXPWupJlwx
whites: fired for factual criticism of jews or their minions (blacks) jews: promoted for scurrilous racial attacks on whites (such as Trump)
i just find it sourly unfunny that cons never end with quoting Koran and Saudi funding. carefully (((overlooking)) https://t.co/1X4ROT14bV
honestly i feel redundant. people these days have totally incorporated "there's no bad publicity." insult = compliment to them.
you can walk into bookstore and buy any religious text on earth...except talmud. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm https://t.co/b0SotZmCi8
hey jews. we get that you hate us. but...this is so awkward...how do we put it nicely? oh yeah: get lost before we kill every last 1 of you
#JewPrivilege - never having to worry about losing your job for racial attacks on whites - indeed, standing good chance of promotion
the main work remains to be done in Britain, and that is cleaning it up racially - getting rid of muslims and jews who let them in #Brexit
fellow white people (no buscemi), you can't let jews control your money and media/education system - they will attack your children w them
"Little England" - by any world-historical standard that island by itself is off-the-charts YUUUGE #Brexit
FL Assistant State Attorney Fired Over Anti-Orlando Facebook Post - ABC News - https://t.co/IXxM2HBmzb via @ABC
June 23, 2016:
nazism was quick moving, smart, tough. hitler and goebbels would absolutely be using ((( ))) were they here today now. Effective!
no one will sell bananas to britain now! no one will buy her...uh...pop music does this seem likely to you...hmmm?
Reuters: Britain votes to leave EU, unleashing global turmoil... yeah here in NEMO it's all screams and ambulance wails
and no, germany STOOD UP TO the forces that Britain wisely chose to distance itself from tonight. it BEGAN to correct ITS OWN mistakes
says the type that calls everyone who disagrees with him on anything a -phobe https://t.co/A3zfvCWnSC
jew is a race, not a position. people should keep in mind nigel farange is NOT a racial nationalist, he's a civic https://t.co/JcVzSrTcBI
and at same time, they were blasting Congress for 'nativism' as it passed the 1924 act preserving USA race-character https://t.co/jild9yQjyj
we can disagree on how to run domestic concerns, but all whites worldwide face common (((threat))). that matters now https://t.co/iJobnfjsdW
the English are blood and soil-rooted race? nah, tits is wrong: it's dualing globalism (if we had a networks) https://t.co/FaQJIDS5qZ
It's always funny to me. If some nerd said, yeah, it's all about nationalism vs globalism, yawn. But if he has big tits, then everyone cheer
Whites are under global threat from (((NWO))), so they need international defense network, well as control of individual nations.
keep in mind that most problems in britain, per the New Observer article, are caused by 'British' leadership, not EU https://t.co/QyzJuECePv
After #Brexit, those opposed to Trump and nationalism are clearly ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY. COME TO JESUS, LOSERS!
not sure how to tell you this but your kid is a https://t.co/Lb51axsEJP
Raft? oh my lordy lordy. dere aint no raf no more. it done broke loose, and gone away... https://t.co/3yprDCfdEr
Time for (((Cammy))) to do that japanese thing involving amateur exploratory abdominal surgery. #Brexit
Sounds like (((someone))) fears whites retaking control of their own countries from muslim rapists backed by jew $$. https://t.co/6qX4Tqr8H5
Voting is for settling things that aren't vital. (Vital means matters of life and death). #HeroMair #HeroDylannRoof #HeroBreivik
"Force and make believe" - xtianity is make believe. Every last one of you make-believers knows that. #TeamWhite
The first white man who dared laugh at something stupid - that was the beginning of the end of the xtian cult among humans.
"Few things are more socially useful than burning down a government school or shooting a journalist." --S. Johnson, D.O.
traditionalism is one of those things that falls apart on inspection. and not deep inspection. similar to progressivism
trads incline toward lack of comprehension. re human nature, the limits make the master, as goethe more or less said https://t.co/rqDxERJhSD
"Islamophobia" - if it's "irrational," as phobia must be, why isnt there "Buddhisteria" among evil racist whites?
Go pay your bills at city hall. How many of the gals processing your check have asses under 24" spread?
Society as a whole is set up for jews. Everyday's machinery is run by & for overstuffed middle-aged menopausals.
the artist creates something and moves on to something else; the real benefit & love of it is for the nons. in pol, latter are cons or trads
"Blame wood, iron, stone. And of course whites. But never, ever even appear to apportion blame to The Black Man." --AP Stylebook
boy, it's never the nasty criminal nigger that fails. always other races or inanimate objects. https://t.co/5VPTta1SEZ
if there's one thing an obese negress loves more than a giant plate o' pancakes, it's flinging the underlying plate at janiqua cross de way
Former Fox2 anchor nigger busted in New York for 'molesting 14-year-old boy' https://t.co/R3Kzj3wITQ via @MailOnline
Brexit: Real Change or Titanic Deck Chairs? https://t.co/S0JiVHsDiY via @NewObOnline
June 22, 2016:
#HeroMair - Neo-Nazi suspected killer of British MP said “the white race will prevail” in “bloody struggle” https://t.co/xKujsBmh2e
macaque flapjack brawl - Two she-niggers cause thousands of dollars in damage in IHOP brawl https://t.co/yoCv6tQETC via @MailOnline
Monster crocodile three men high caught - but where? https://t.co/FRU9kW8122 via @MailOnline
Scientology’s $50million Hollywood studio opens on Sunset Blvd https://t.co/bVYkwEH78a via @MailOnline
Miguel described Mateen as a confused gay man and a heavy drinker who was attracted to - but felt rejected by - Latinos. #diversitySux
just good healthy people, these queers - Orlando shooter's 'lover' says the attack was 'revenge' on ex-lovers https://t.co/YZohfuN0w3
this hatred of Trump that suppurates from every media piece - Trump is a proxy for their hatred of white you. THEY HATE US FOR OUR RACE
bears, pine trees are failing our niggers - US Outdoors: “It’s a White Thing.” https://t.co/uPjBGw99Ue via @NewObOnline
June 21, 2016:
Listen, British. You know I rate only slightly higher than mexicans & college admins. But if you dont #Brexit, u will get abuse like NEERB4.
"Across the counter, Jewesses with fat rouged lips consuming ice cream sodas and pimento sandwiches." --Thomas Wolfe
that's true, and that's the part many scared whites are at pains to deny, but it's almost the most important fact. https://t.co/NyMqPU1RSa
people are fooled by words. there is no organization of 'Americans.' but there is an organization of jews - with blueprint.
as a Revolutionary War veteran, i am personally disgusted at the direction this nation has taken. this is not what we intended
picture of normal white looking at jew with disgust. on end of pitchfork. that jew could be...why, let's not limit ourselves
it's unfair to compare Hitler to Hitler, let alone anyone else. funny how Germany got real healthy when jewfleas were on the scurry
the System is gearing against Trump, same as it did Buchanan and Duke and Ron Paul. just scan heads at yahoo, google news, wash post, etc
I'll say again, if you're 40 and martially plausible, the entire world can be yours. Millions of whites await your call... #TeamWhite
it's humiliating to the religious mind, the factual observation that beliefs matter less than mere genes
race doesn't matter...to the braindead https://t.co/EqPdqm3gl1
jews have been called nation-wreckers for centuries. it's time to admit they are the problem and fight them directly https://t.co/aZzP0vNDZc
White capital W political culture is forced to evolve, similar to the way sports improve over time. inevitably this involves NSlike change
diversity-the-false-and-planted-ideal is the belief-lie that cultures differ only in trivial ways - akin to race merely being skin color
The reason the left went nuts about Willie Horton ad was - it worked. Trump should do same with Idaho girl and invader criminals.
Trump should put this front and center https://t.co/yNLW0oPR1R
June 20, 2016:
leftists get off on murdering white nations - German Green-Communists Want North Africans https://t.co/4RXvM6yrik via @NewObOnline
Auction: Hitler Items Demand Top Dollar https://t.co/uSEK3osx31 via @NewObOnline
June 19, 2016:
Imagine Trump saying "AMERICA is going to build this wall, jewsmedia and jew-whore politicians be damned."
Left/right is not a fake division because the jews coopted the right to serve the left. It's a real psych/genetic divide, even among whites.
Left/right doesn't go away because you like some french cunt's tits. You guys are so easily moved it makes me puke.
Someone needs to form up a White Army. https://t.co/IDJmCscUNE
Trump gets Americans to build wall for free. Then we round up ill aliens, and take assets from them till its paid for, them kick then out.
While white men were inventing airplanes, jews were inventing horseshit like psychiatry and calling it science.
dat Truniggin', dat https://t.co/qVxOIc4Aqb
what color are the nigger suspects? https://t.co/gPkSV6hilv
#JoCoxMP - good riddance to figure-cutting do-gooding jillass who either supports or doesnt care about horrific bang-ons of her 'good.'
I'm very angry the Disney Ray will be sexweird; it should be named Irwin or Steve and normal but overly peppy. https://t.co/oM7jxR3qQf
The (((left))) has lies and violence. We have the truth and violence. And so far we've only been using the truth.
Jew Moneylender Took the Children of Amish Family as Sex Slaves for Repayment of Debts https://t.co/qtxhbD17Gv
INSTITUTIONAL RACISM: Clemson let white students be tarred and feathered for hate-crime they knew w… https://t.co/OyG3tWrGQq
Man restores his grandparents' 1916 flat-pack home from Sears https://t.co/ILZWRTpupW via @MailOnline
Do Muslims use violence? One laughs. Do jews use violence. One laughs harder. So why do all these anonymites want it unthinkable for whites?
Brexit: “Remain” Weaker after Cox Murder https://t.co/KFYHa5YQN9 via @NewObOnline
June 18, 2016:
"When you talk about God, Cindy, you're telling people, 'I'm a loser.' Now, is that really the tale you want to tell?" --Dad Brady
A real god wouldnt need millions of morons to speak for him. https://t.co/SvmVe0ZYRn
if we all just pretend hard enough, nasty reality will go away. femalethink + (((PC))) = where we are now. reality = hate = shoot the messgr
"i look for the good in people" = reality scares me and anyone who pays attention to it is hateful and The Real Problem
PSU support for JOEPA is truly cultic https://t.co/YKJLfSOJ6U
Don't get too excited about #HeroMair's electoral victory over notorious #antiwhite #JoCoxMP. Some (((judge))) will just throw it out.
Horny jack stood roadside, just beyond the light circle, clenching and unclenching his fists. Soon...all the blood he could lick.
Good white men must come together and agree that our RACE matters and our enemy is the JEW and THOSE WHO SERVE HIM. https://t.co/HomDmfuxzx
Wow, contemptible Muslim-rapist-supporting (((tool))) #JoCoxMP married to a scumbag. WHAT A SURPRISE. https://t.co/hy15xr7jR3
If it wasn't for people like the contemptible tool #JoCoxMP, the #Rotherham child-rapists would still be in Pakistan. She's a PIECE OF SHIT.
Britain should develop a culture that respects character more than figure-cutting. That's my cheap free advice, you stupid island monkeys.
Yes, they do deserve it. But they have good elements, and they MUST win thru. #HeroMair https://t.co/r0FRrPeCVI
No one cares about what the MUSLIMS THIS CUNT LET IN did to all those girls. Just flower, "amazings" and preening. https://t.co/pjYnbQh01k
It looks like a fucking three stooges tryout. https://t.co/CxpjkpMesf
Ever notice how everyone who kills for white cause is "mentally ill" and just so remarkably has badporn on computer? Yeah.
God never has or will done SHIT. He's a figment of the imagination of losers. Always has been, always will be. https://t.co/ZxFxs53RlP
Bill the Butcher approves #HeroMair's vote. https://t.co/XcLfnYjXI8
For the first time, #JoCoxMP is actually enriching Britain. A real grassroots effort, you might say. #Brexit #HeroMair
THINKING: a family fun game the whole retarded clan can enjoy!! Anything white-destructive, that's PROGESS. Anything white-helpful = HATE.
Hey, #JoCoxMP, is it cold in the grave? You liking the underground facilities? Made any amazing worm friends? U'll look amazing w/o eyeballs
Jews provide simple, retarded 'explanations,' and whiteskin goy sapsuckers lick them up. "Wull, thass jes HATE!"
If you think "hate" is an actual explanation for anything, you should refrain from breeding. #TeamWhite
Have to admire the (((master baiters))), dividing the world into haters and heros. And the goysuckers bit hard.
#JoCoxMP - boy, this dead nation-wrecker's sister is really getting off on this, isn't she. Just a family #antiwhite character-midgets.
#JoCoxMP was an "amazing" woman who "looked for the best in everyone." Did she care about consequences of Muzzy invasion? No. That's "hate."
Why is cowardly #AnnCoulter afraid to admit that jews are responsible for the 1965 Immigration Act that is murdering America daily?
"Ours is a country where tolerance and respect for other people and different viewpoints have always been highly valued. (1/2)
Asked to give his name at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Sat. morning, he replied: "My name is death to traitors, freedom for Britain".
secluded right in the middle of every tv set, telling everyone what to think. https://t.co/UQMy9zSGEb
He defended his nation. That makes him a hero. #JoCoxMP was a piece of shit, and it's great that she's dead. https://t.co/jP3BNM7BVr
Say the (((people))) who always go on about conversations and dialogue. By which they mean lecture & monologue. https://t.co/XPObhXo48M
Not everyone is jaded. When people kill for solid reasons, like #DylannRoof and #ThomasMair, it is a sign that idealism is still alive.
"It has emerged that the gun used to shoot Mrs Cox was not homemade, but was a real weapon shortened in some way." https://t.co/nlt2ugeOc0
#NiggersRuinEverything https://t.co/sdk1l7uYpk
That is how MOST women think. When men start to think that way, civilizations die. https://t.co/roMtxJOZSZ
I, for one, support the brave heroes who kill the enemies of my race. #HeroBreivik #HeroDylannRoof #HeroMair
wow, what an excellent distillation of 'the British attitude' https://t.co/roMtxJOZSZ
#Rotherham rapists were only in Britain because evil dead #JoCox voted to admit them. Her death is a blessing for Britain. #HeroMair
Time to remove the Israeli-jew proboscis from American bloodstream: they get solid nutrition from us; we get only diseases from them.
How many more millions do you need to bank, #AnnCoulter, before you state forthrightly JEWS are the author of global white murder?
Trump is going to hold an national invasive species python catching contest, like Fla. does in Everglades. Except pythons will be mexicans.
We kill termites because they destroy our houses. How lenient should we be toward (((those))) who destroy our societies? #TeamWhite
Orkin men aren't defrayed by screeches of "anti-termitism!" nor should we be defrayed by equivalent from jews. https://t.co/7l3pO1WBLE
Trump and (((Roy Cohn))): https://t.co/ilzLg3lklm
“These f----ing fags are no good, forget about them.” --roy cohn (himself a jewfag, but point stands)
"seek help" = pay a jew to learn your secrets his tribe can then use against you. traditional cure is: self-control, silence.
"race relation"...the very concept is a scam. why is there any necessary relation between us? there's not. it's coerced & artificial
"Seek help" they say - and this is the practical meaning. Take your stupid broken goy self to a jew (pedo) 2b cured. https://t.co/EBUlio4Xhp
Whites are taught not to identify as whites because if they did they would see they have no interest in forced association w other races.
you can have brown 'people' or civ, not both - Rio Declares Financial Emergency, https://t.co/rbENgigmlw
how not to be a fag. 1) dont cut your hair like a fag. 2) dont wear legible clothing. 3) say "really?" a lot and scowl. that's about it.
white reproduction isnt a prob. it's jews filling our lands with muds who make our lives uncomfortable to impossible https://t.co/6PujChE77L
June 17, 2016:
natural Republican. except he went after females. https://t.co/fFokN83UqJ
the solution to islam is banning it from your country. if someone is promoting it, find out who. and ban (((them))) too. #TeamWhiteSolutions
Lincoln's Plan for Colonizing the Emancipated Negroes The Journal of Negro History Vol. 4, No. 1 (Jan., 1919),p7-21 https://t.co/F2SagYzDTQ
everybody gotta be a sex freak or get a bad haircut to stick out. god forbid you have right principles & steady eyes https://t.co/QMRGkluPI1
Amateur archaeologists stumble upon largest trove of Viking gold ever found in Denmark https://t.co/2VdUaUrajV via @TheWeek
legit wow-just-wow. am i the only NON-FAGGOT left in..the world? https://t.co/6NNevBYrXU
they'll get jocoxed https://t.co/YaphBjIfST
"Linked" = bought a book from 30 years ago. https://t.co/Axoo8IbhOg
I encourage my fellow snakes to make good use of this shortage. Bite as many negroes as you can. BITE BITE BITE https://t.co/veVdaSCkfZ
you dont really grasp the concept of proof, do you poofy? https://t.co/s1xaiBDMyS
still not witty. keep trying. and while you're at it, discard that roadkill possum over your eye, gavy crockett https://t.co/d1zrxwoYXc
i guess hiding behind the name cohen wasn't as clever as he thought! https://t.co/80g64fH5m2
As the ghost of Jo Coxsucker, I support these white-girl gang rapists. https://t.co/IN9y398usH
Recipe for British success: pull out of EU. Kill all muslims. Kill all jews. Kill all whiteskin politicians who let them in. #Brexit
vile cunt cox sided with Rotherham rapists - Cox Murder: Democratic Hypocrisy https://t.co/mggFhKXCrg via @NewObOnline
Aryans produced Greece and Rome without the church. Go blow jebus and leave me out of it. https://t.co/7lYrRaBOuj
the day is young. the wise Aryan knows that no good ever comes from any of the Three Ugly Desert Sisters https://t.co/sQLdjYy2b4
Jews let jihadis into White lands. Then call the white natives racist when they object to being shot and blown up. #WithJewsWeLose
What radicalizes muslims is the Koran tenet calling for holy war. Which has been there in Islam from day one.
Conservatives turn an eager eye toward muslim money in politics, and a blind eye toward jew money. Cowards. #tcot
Invite Syrians into Europe, get killed. That simple. At least ONE Briton refuses to be a slave. I applaud that Briton. #TeamWhite
Perfectly symbolic picture of Beach Boys california giving way to illegal alien california. https://t.co/ziAzhnkVxJ
June 16, 2016:
it's the clearest lens thru which to view politics: jews are a race. they hate whites. use immigration to destroy https://t.co/unlmsXuiWZ
Anyone named Fag Faggot or Fag Faggotson is a fag. https://t.co/pJFUqAHICb
look at every white country: jews control immigration, and, back in 60s or 70s, they reversed immigration law https://t.co/9ySIwKhXeU
it's not a matter of who one likes. it's a matter of principles and sticking to them. #AnnCoulter sucks up to jews https://t.co/XIS5YXss8Z
islam is a religion of peace. with a tenet of jihad? imagine the contempt for us (((they))) have feeding us this bullshit.
It truly is amazing the world hasnt yet turned on jews and ripped them to pieces because it's exactly what they deserve.
"The fool you flatter is the fool you become." Those who admire servitor Churchill become like him - a fake, a drunk, a tool.
Cons get off on the image of themselves as suave brandy swirlers. Portly chortlers with cigars. https://t.co/ZKUarfybJn
Notice the hero of the Anglos & conservatives was two-faced jew-servile. Contrast with Hitler. https://t.co/tngFRLHU8F
think you confused being smart with having a mustache https://t.co/jRzF3dKJbe
typical negroid self-control https://t.co/MBgrArzfsm
Expect Austrian Presidential Election Rerun https://t.co/VThnNWi3a0 via @NewObOnline
Western "suicide' is a meme perpetrated by the murderers. #TeamJew - think J(((AR)))eb! "Polished Turd" Taylor
she's a chickenshit. https://t.co/1fIUaz50oF
all central banks are owned by jews, far as i know. and only a few nations dont have central banks. they PRINT money https://t.co/qmvBPoGXTO
(((their))) freaks and criminals do bad things, for which (((they))) demand you give up your rights. IS IT TIME TO KILL YET
silver possum thinks by dressing like a watermelon he'll attract black votes. sad! https://t.co/uN9wNCfc2S
don't talk to the (((media))) https://t.co/334V3VeGam
jews everywhere. they are all causing the same hatred & dissension trying to bring about #whitegenocide https://t.co/l8csNGWwRg
someone place this in context? who is this broad? what does this mean? https://t.co/pF0od2q8jP
GOP alchemists are always just this close to turning lead into gold. Nah...people are different types. Blame God or nature. Apartion works
It's fantastic, it polarizes. Exactly what we need: clarification. Either you're White or you're with (((them)). https://t.co/4mFJZdo6uB
10 years! https://t.co/u14m4y90g0
what color are the nigger suspects? https://t.co/nqJWFuFPR7
the point of White politics is not to agree & amplify the rich Anglo punch-puller pundits, it's too say directly & loudly what they will not
some southerner said the family from nebraska wasnt wise to the ways of the wily alligator. so they parked their baby too near shoreline
and you could get to that point from his respect for god's proliferating diversity. but he's not interested in race https://t.co/TehrUs8MvS
it's child's play to support any POV using the bible, that's what makes it #antiwhite. https://t.co/8BMVFfeHxI
June 15, 2016:
they took free association. https://t.co/db0eQRewkf
It's not about you liking Trump, it's about us needing someone to do some very basic things before we drop into overt bloody war.
that would be accurate too https://t.co/hgAhKMFw72
it basically comes down to a vile kike pointing its claw at your name and shrieking https://t.co/Kay1M26dsg
Germans are not a light and easy flexible people. This modern shit is a skin. They are card people - on one side or other. Flip is coming.
they need the adventitious gravitas the concept of god provides to pump up (like aerated hotdogs) their puny points https://t.co/l688YSbqgo
Don't just snivel it out through mouth corner like a guilty fart, proclaim it with gusto & anger: THE "FUCKING JEWS" MURDERED AMERICA.
Kirk was a proto-cuck, subtly praising (read: sucking up to) radical blacks, jews. Always cutting the criticism to stay inside the safeline.
honest to god, when you've read one dead stupid reactionary, you've read them all. they're all bitches. yet to see one make non-obvious pt
Guess who rewrote immigration law in 1965 to destroy your civilized white country??? #anncoulter wont tell you. I will! It was jews!!!
It should be legal for both queers and muslims to throw each other off roofs. Now that's what I call enlightened social policy.
When you see the result of jewish policies, you understand why Goebbels said fighting jews was matter of public hygiene. #TeamWhite
Now this is what I call German style. The Anglo is a girl, mentally. ALL he cares about is what people think of him. https://t.co/mCYFU5Nsep
at the center of christianity is same thing as empty TP roll https://t.co/Dr6KRDdbbQ
The theory that soldiers have to do with freedom is on par with the theory that teachers are underpaid.
The christian idea that men can be fixed is the perfect foundation for the political hoax of multiculturalism.
What part of his name being "Gavin" doesn't advertise that? https://t.co/R9ZCidm3jl
Frigide and Faggonard https://t.co/mjIAIhSl4l
So long as conservatives hold Forrest Gump and Cindy Lou Who as role models they'll be led around by the nose by jews.
"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney "He's right you know." --gator
"Hi, everybody! I'm the truth. Why won't conservatives play with me?" https://t.co/Y1bKfUnGA8
Is the white race becoming self-aware for the first time? I exist I have enemies. I'm under attack. #RiseandCrush
(((progress))) Remember, whiteskin: you exist to serve (((them))) https://t.co/l2RQMHXHm7
((("help"))) https://t.co/irWHqoD30v
in what crazy world do psychiatrists "help" people? you need to get out more https://t.co/eWtvhmLpVc
you're great at psychology. that's what i like about you. https://t.co/gTaunhA0kq
yr getting fat. and now emotional. i just dont want you to be fat. that's all. i care. https://t.co/14eLNMcIDh
"I've got a blueberry for a daughter!" -- dont let this be your fate. i fear for you. cut back.. https://t.co/aiqUm1Jxw2
you dont have to explain it to me, i'm not your doc. i get how easy it is to gulp everything in sight. #restraint https://t.co/qsQfxynzaV
you need to get one of those mirrors that shows the thing in FRONT of it https://t.co/pbTjN7q1pA
we both know you've gotten a LOT thicker lately. just sayin'.. https://t.co/oZ0eaoSxz0
you're wasting time. xtianity can't be reformed. it needs to be junked https://t.co/zNLegwAydk
jews easily transform the christian mission to spread their cult to the little brown man into global crusade for (((democracy)))
True. Muslims chop your head off. Christians feed you mercury-poisoned fish. https://t.co/oqCkhh53yc
conservatives are the people readily retweeting graphics with Koran verses, but curiously uninterested in Talmudic ones saying even worse
That is, they dont have us for what we believe. Or how we behave. They hate us for what we are. THAT is the point. https://t.co/2wSqvpSEtY
That's accurate. I try to get at different aspects of the insight by phrasing and emphasizing differently. https://t.co/2wSqvpSEtY
If #AnnCoulter had the balls to say publicly that jews were behind the attempted genocide of the white race, I wouldn't crit her. She don't.
Fags have ruined rainbows the way conservatives have ruined eagles. https://t.co/O90w6CsVyM
"Anyone braver than me is mentally ill." --the true belief of the American whiteskin middle-class khaki-man #tcot
Jews are the global, coordinated enemy of all white nations, from New Zealand to Canada. https://t.co/7ZaSyLQOcp
#TeamWhite's only message to the pebblenuts is: quit serving the jews. Recover your manhood, #cuckservatives. #tcot
letting muslims into white nations is rational if you're trying to destroy those nations. of course (((they))) know what would happen.
anyone can get a tattoo. anyone can be a sex deviant. for morons raised to think they are unique and should esteem themselves - easy outlets
The problem is not the FBI letting this is or that Muhammed thru, it's JEWS LETTING A WHITE-HATING BROWN CLAN INTO THE COUNTRY TO RUIN IT.
It's not a police problem when it's 1/3 to 1/2 of the population. Crime is for 1-2%. When it's 40% - that's a political problem.
Sure christianity and racialism are two radically different and irreconcilably opposed worldviews. But what does that matter?
A christian can never operate without a lollipop in his brain. YOU are the real fag, if you need a Jebus to get thru the day.
Jews understand the important of ideas, fidelity to purpose over time, and consistent applications. Christians do not. They are as children.
Modern conservatism appears to believe that ideas have no consequences, though this is demonstrably wrong. #tcot
Anglo-christian culture too weak to stand up to the jews. https://t.co/bUlrdNJ8Ff
Britain turned itself into North Portugal when it helped the (((USSR))) defeat the Aryan liberation movement.
you British budgers didn't have the balls to help the Germans rid Europe of the communist jews. #JewServileBritish https://t.co/thusTA7oum
)))Walt Disney((( (((2016 Disney))) https://t.co/FdR9d9lrYc
a tange of motives drove the young afghay. the point is, we don't need that sort in this country. and they wouldnt be here save for jews.
do you see how the jews treat Palestinians? well...they hate whites even more. So how will they treat us once they've taken our guns?
i notice all the fashi froggists are staying mum about the Donger being a YOOOGE fan of sexual degenerates. #TeamWhite
faggots already have fuck freedom - it's called private property with closed doors. what they want is forced association and legal privilege
how brave can @realDonaldTrump be if he'll address LGBT degenerates openly as a "community" but only talk to Whites in code?
the catholic church cant change its position on jews without ending its universalism. its race doctrine is both #antiwhite & unchangeable
the white instinct was always to kill jews as a social menace. but the priests said no, just sprinkle magic water on (((em)))
the closet makes the fag same with everything. that's why White writing is by far the best and most interesting out there
When is Donald Trump going to appeal OPENLY to "the white community" as he appeals OPENLY to sex pervert "community"? #TeamWhite
when a cult has bad doctrines, it cant be reformed. this is the case with both islam and christianity. judaism is perfect - for jews.
a White twitter could just as easily be base for political revolution as anything. imagine...a place where ((( ))) have no say
moderation in all things. that xtian, hell no that's pre-christian it's white it works we don't need 'salvation' from the jebusters
racism = whites cant have anything good. all possessions and communities must be open at all times to jew inspection & mud predation. JAIL
so fags can have a "community." but not whites. cuz racism. sex degenerates need protection. not normal whites.
what other professions have to be continually told they're heroes? none. just cops, firemen and soldiers
peanut-brains waiting for Authority to tell them what to feel guilty about. that's our christians. nature's Hind Tit Crew
No matter what happens white men (or just whites) are to blame, and their free speech and self-defense tools must be taken away. The Rule
akin to forcing 'diversity' on whites https://t.co/hfQIjVKvPW
June 14, 2016:
LGBT are every bit as intolerant as Muslims, just not as numerous. Don't ever kid yourself that Big Fag, Inc. is anything but degeneracy.
this is what these christ faggots support. honestly, american whiteskin xtians are the single dumbest group on earth https://t.co/r5o7acxAGI
turn them sheds into car washes. brothers love them, great place to sell weed and matriculate time away an shit https://t.co/E8GvQX3Vks
my people formed this country and grasp its meaning https://t.co/JM0WQPTdQt
good example of worrying about what others think too much https://t.co/7kGNd8JlYL #TrustYourMaterial
one repairs to texas for delicious grapefruit, not solid mentation https://t.co/gdNtPOJNf4
muslims are just like niggers: they know damn well what's going on, but they feel Grumpy-Cat when their kind murders yours
TA&M is a homo school, that's why their color is purple. https://t.co/wwiBLjHYLh
Notice the catholic reasoning behind taking your guns. If 1/100,000,000 jews converts, that proves it works. If 1/1m muzz uses gun...
the 'content' of black character must perforce be more disappointing than the 'prize' in a cracker jack box
see if you moved to Afghanstan, would you feel like an Afghanistani? it is absurd. so with them moving here
Fags are Impuritans. They demand Freedom to Degenerate. But would deny anyone else freedom even to criticize them.
Faith in jebus and faith in government are both misplaced. And both should be ridiculed without mercy.
Lefists are just government fundamentalists. They look at bureaucrats and politicians the way I presume catholic sheep look at cards n pope.
War is the harvest of the jews, as you "freemen" are too jew-cucked to dare quote. Why are you "freemen" cowards? https://t.co/LKeissSg9u
what is christianity? many bad things. but we could say: Christianity is the white race failing to live up to its potential. #TeamWhite
jews carrying guns in public in israel... https://t.co/9dj6fJqLIW
real jew attitude toward guns is like nazism and racism and nationalism: they're too good for goyim, must be reserved to jews
in israel the govt encourages jews to carry guns. in white nations, the jews urge white disarmament so they can treat us like palestinians
cops and soldiers aren't heroes. someone like snowden - that's where you look for heroes - far rarer and higher type
anti-intellectual tv-drenched school-brainwashed nitwits prefer religious faith to thinking every single time https://t.co/Inoa2T9GrR
oh look, an ugly middle-aged retard is lying on the internet https://t.co/sPhtzY8hVQ
Jews rage at white men possessing guns in US while handing them out like candy to teenage girls in Israel. That's the truth. Look it up.
Jewish holidays are all celebrations of the genocide of other nations. Somehow this escapes media notice. I wonder why that could be.
Let's let them all in and then watch them real close. how fucking dumb is this? society as make-work utopia for bluepigs
This fall, we have the chance to replace our white-hating nigger president backed by jew money with a white-hating feminist backed by...
Christians are always the first to whimper and throw themselves on their backs at the feet of the jews. It's a religion for cowards.
The very worst thing about Anglo society is the way everything is faggotized into appearances over reality. Anglo = moral cowardice.
And all the other candidates are for jewish supremacism and against whites. https://t.co/FHsFEClcjL
The problem is they do not know their own cult's doctrines. Or grasp why they are the jew's ultimate safety net. https://t.co/KgRLGNILBk
Which is LESS looked into: - jew political activity - fag sexual behavior About the same, I should say.
Anyone who has disputed in public sheets can verify this: fags are AS BAD to WORSE THAN jews when it comes to silencing criticism.
Trump is wrong about faggots when he implies they just want freedom. Fags are every bit as anti-freedom as the muslims.
Race is a rough but meaningful thing. We dont need to dig around in people's genes now, just get our type on point. https://t.co/xxGXCKYeyJ
Looks white, acts white. isnt jew descended (see israeli/nazi law). that's all you need pre-revolution. https://t.co/xxGXCKYeyJ
Trump actually doesn't go far enough. We must round up and deport all muslims and blacks - and round up and execute all jews. #TeamWhite
the jews LIE that they were persecuted by catholic church, & many racialists accept this because they WANT to believe it. it is not true.
when i say christianity has historically protected jews, i say what all serious catholic scholars confirm. dont believe jewish lies.
What whites need is 1) acknowledgement they are a racial type, and prefer their own. 2) an organization to fight for sovereignty & defense
christianity has historically PROTECTED the jews. But these crying faggot #crosscucks have no interest in the facts https://t.co/F4m3GTZIEm
No, it was christians who let them back in, per their foolish doctrine of conversion as solution to jew problem. https://t.co/4TiQ7yfEHX
Yours is a perfect representation of christian mentality: if it's good, christians did it, if it's bad, someone else https://t.co/4TiQ7yfEHX
As a watermelon farmer, I oppose black abortion for moral reasons. This above is what christian moral sense brought to the world: veneer.
jews BRED themselves to be thieves and liars. biological reality exists whether christian doctrine acknowledges it or not
what jews do is a reflection of what they are. and since they have controlled their breeding for millenium, they are just as they wish
why is christianity "good for jews"? because it puts forward the nostrum (look up nostrum) that they can be cured. nope. it's biological.
Problem with faith is it has no feedback loop. What else is like this? Yeah, pokey, you got it: LIBERALISM.
One reason I support Trump is that I believe he is much less likely to go along with jew war plans for destroying the ME and flooding Europe
I don't worship Nature either. Nature is not Hallmark. But I don't really have a choice, I am compelled or wise to pay attention to its laws
Christianity was going to save society from jews by converting them to the one true faith. How's that working out for you, #crossclucks?
Nature is basically a no-holds-barred 1820s wrestling match, as I conceive it. Whatever works, works. Far as nature cares.
I have no mission to change jews, just get whites to see that they are trying to genocide us, and we must them 1st. https://t.co/N8uoJL0Fan
It would be more disrespectful for me to try to change your basic nature, which is as valid as mine, from nature POV https://t.co/N8uoJL0Fan
Because I accept what is clearly nature's rule: that (sub)species fight until one is vanquished. https://t.co/N8uoJL0Fan
#LoveWins when black girls leave their sprogs in dumpsters. Or toilets. Or toilets. https://t.co/NPci3BeS7v
How is the ME better since we murdered Saddam? Answer: it's not better. It's worse. Blame jews. And the christ-faggots who served them.
I dont really have a problem with anyone who knows and acknowledges what he actually is, tho i may oppose him & his type or cause.
Fags hate religious conservatives. And religious cons hate fags. But some of us transcend these dirt-eating punies and correctly detest both
There was once a faggot who took responsibility for his own behavior, but time has forgotten his name.* *(story may be apocryphal)
Things do not happen for no reason. There is no god. There are hominids making decisions, working privately or in concert. #Fingerism101
You talk down reason for hundreds of years, then you're surprised when your base of religious cretins can't connect disorder and jews. #NRx
#Fingerism is right-wing atheism. It is for people who believe they can make their finger do what they tell it to.
The religious man is never stable, because he's never sure within himself whether it's him or god making things happen. #Fingerism
Innocent Muslims are a lot less likely to get bombed by Trump Admin than by Hilly or Grobama or Bushies Inc.
They're bent on filling America with religious terrorists and white-haters. It's time for common sense restrictions on jews.
Deporting muslims and blacks from America is just common sense. But first come the jews who sicced them on us. #1965AntiwhiteTerrorismAct
jews consider goyim animals with undeveloped minds, so that they rule by natural right. are they wrong? https://t.co/Ddyg80akwe
still trying to find the first honest christian - who will acknowledge the tie between 'magic dirt' and baptism
which jewish holiday is that? the one where you eat goyim ears? or the one where you celebrate the slaughter of their babies?
It's easy to manipulate christians into hating muslims, but hard to get them to think about jews. Christians are nature's culls & cucks.
They let themselves be used. They are to blame. It's no one but Fahtin' Man's fault he's a jackass for hire. https://t.co/IzxMpgYIBk
How's that fusion of synogogue and state you blindly and homosexual-level-submissively support working out for you, christian 'man'? #tcot
The German nationalists fought the communist jews the Anglo-Christians succumbed to. I'm not saying German culture > Anglo. Reality is.
The Nazis were the good guys. Not the not-that-bad guys. The good guys. They fought jews. We now fight jews. This is reality. #TeamWhite
Yas Mateen... https://t.co/oPmSIAAhqI #OrlandoStrong
Little hint to fags: if you weren't degenerates you wouldn't get angry when you're called degenerates.
Baptist preacher says Orlando is 'safer' after Pulse massacre https://t.co/LqhT2hP4O2 via @MailOnline
Guns prefer to use blacks when they commit their crimes. So not only are they violent, they're racist.
nothing to see here, just a fagoo kerfuffle. but thanks for letting these queerbo muzz terrorists into our nice white nation, (((yahoodis)))
Smith said he'd seen Mateen at Pulse 'at least a dozen times.' https://t.co/xp70kCysOZ
'He's a homosexual and he was trying to pick up men,' said Jim Van Horn, who called Mateen a Pulse 'regular' https://t.co/nVIWpH8xUl
haha mateen the queen - Orlando terrorist was a regular at gay club Pulse before attack there https://t.co/Cu3ui1AyNd via @MailOnline
No one can deny that Hillary Clinton is on the side of both sexual degenerates and Muslim terrorists.
Shouldn't our focus be on the (((one party))) that is behind both the lie-based wars in Middle East and open borders in West?
Barack Obama has been in public spotlight for many years now. Have you seen even one article making fun of his physical, racial features?
do you know where 'nation of immigrants' mismeme comes from? few do. itz important. educate y'self. #TeamWhite
June 13, 2016:
there's so much mystery meat in this country anymore it could be served in jr high https://t.co/WsKLhCTEm0
i got my views of christians from real life. not from books. they are earned, they are real, they are accurate.
#sodomyloses https://t.co/34u4lOqcJA
we lost a lot of sweet petes the other day in orlando. real tragedy going on there. lot of young gluticians on the make ended up in a heap
i honestly feel like david spade and the rest of my race is tommy boy. why do you stupid fat fucksticks use jewspeak w/o EVER questioning it
What fags do isn't love. https://t.co/JZN9ZjsELs
i like to make a Dungman, call him South, & viciously bash him. i guess i'm not a good person. :( but it's fun!! https://t.co/0aHwiETqIC
in all white countries it was JEWS who led the push to open borders. ALL OF THEM. KNOW YOUR ENEMY, WHITE FOOL.
no. he was obese. and tin-eared. and wrong about nearly everything that matters. https://t.co/fHdH5fhAUi
that would work a lot better with a picture of the fatuous fool who farted that quote https://t.co/zAhVDMTkiR
hey i got a million Reb followers. the more i beat em, the more i get. it's kind of disturbing. https://t.co/lOWVcRcNFJ
and australia too https://t.co/b5ouk1oWUF
Contrasting styles i'm calling anglo and german, for shorthand. Jeb Bush would be anglo. lying, gladhanding whore. https://t.co/FHcufekv1i
There is a way out. It cannot be found in Anglo culture or in xtianity. Hitler gave its outline. Circumstances require tweaking, but..yeah
The question is whether weak, puling Anglo-christianry can overcome its congenital cowardice & inferiority complex & admit Hitler was right.
The worship of money is the definition of English. It is what opens the door to jews. It is the reason the west has succumbed.
The Anglo way is effeminate: "What does my neighbor think of me?" This is precisely how we got into this mess. English lack of character.
The White race MUST got the German way, or it will cease to exist. The open question is whether Anglos, being the numbers, are big enough.
The Anglo is concerned with SEEMING. The German is concerned with BEING. This is what makes German > Anglo. Whites MUST go the German way.
White racialists have a duty to attack christianity, whether they realize it and perform it or not. For christianity is #antiwhite.
that's as good a characterization as any. i have never heard the like https://t.co/b3kzylQJMW
where's the violence? they just chained up some monkeys. https://t.co/uzmNseVEdV
notice i do not call AmRen a false front, it is not. jareb! doesn't really hide what he's doing, his fans r suckers https://t.co/8g23vvApwx
he's not deluded. he's running a white NAACP - his REAL mission is serving jews while pretending to serve whites https://t.co/8g23vvApwx
jews cant be guilty because they taught Fred Reed to two-step. That thar some Country Slicker (tm) logic, yeah shore.
to me, he's pure wasp. all affectation and, in his case, country-slickish dishonesty. it fools the tots, but not us https://t.co/ycHDjfmpf9
I think he was a faggie. Texas A&M does not admit heterosexual males. You can look it up. https://t.co/PHUirh0nBi
Southerners look up to Jareb! Taylor because he knows how to wear shoes. That's a strong social signifier in the South. They doff their hats
It wasn't muslims who made up lies about WMD in Iraq and encouraged us to go murder 1,000,000 people. It was jews.
Lol. Are you kidding? The guy is a complete fraud. A fraud and a liar. A more obvious stooge has never stooged. https://t.co/Y4gpoI3PCD
J(((AR)))eb! Taylor is a jew tool, attempting a white version of NAACP. https://t.co/trLhTaJ3Qz
i know his parents were christian nation-wreckers operating in japan https://t.co/trLhTaJ3Qz
get that spider eater out of my face you sick creeps https://t.co/NchrTkStXO
nah, i prefer your mom's https://t.co/YjYLeo1hBC
guy on my TL, highlight of his life was meeting George W. Bush. one laughs, but MOST people are like this. that's frightening.
he's got a dumb as big as texas. great state, if you get rid of the mexcrement and the texcrement https://t.co/bGbwxfYYda
Little man identifies with the government. same impulse behind christianity: loser association. https://t.co/fMdLy3bse3
and Pat wears and honest cloth coat https://t.co/MlAyscavDu
You texas faggots like taking up the ass from kikes, eh? AINT NO PUSSY LIKE A TEXAS PUSSY. https://t.co/M7B2wScJmq
Shove that 1965 Immigration Act right up that old jewish tuchus. Back where it came from, in other words. #TeamWhite
Both queers and muslims are social menances. But neither is as bad as the jew who champions both. #TeamWhite
Tell the average white conservative there's a hand inside the muppet. He looks at you. Blinks twice, Brays a donkey laugh. "No CT for me!"
you see those trashed plastic-sewer beaches down in brazil. That's browns being browns. AND JEWS LET THESE SHIT-PEOPLE INTO OUR COUNTRY.
Cuckery is Anglo-Christian. Notice the minute you turn toward blunt, direct, some might say honest speech - it just feels German.
As I asked back in 2000, "What if America were run by Americans?" We just might be on the verge of answering that. #MAGA
(((who))) sent Americans abroad to destroy muslim lands? Why, twas (((same))) who imported muzz here to wreck white nations.
and she makes it look like a burlap sack (o' lying shit) https://t.co/Nk85uTkYQu
They need it for swimming pools, free college and free medical care for jews only. All taken from white earners. https://t.co/XZVBPiGD1d
Slowly, dully, to the Southron mouthbreather Patton occurred the conception that he understood the world invertedly. https://t.co/I8rcBr2oVN
(((we))) feel your pain we caused https://t.co/QggIOBKrgF
When you wake up and your next door neighbor is literally a monkey, even the least political American starts to wonder what's going on.#MAGA
let's be fair. there's enough room to throw both radical muslims and queers off the roof. and jews too. #TeamWhite = solutions that solve.
i dont worship my own ancestors like the fools called traditionalists do, but i'm damn sure not going to sit by while kikes smear them
stephen king intellectual! dude cant get out of way of van https://t.co/GItBPaVguJ
it's the only accurate term for the vast majority of black 'people' https://t.co/mRSw96vcu5
When (((u))) sow discord, u cant expect things not to go sideways sometimes. So tools got into it. Both muzz & poof remain #antiwhite.
Vast majority of whites prefer the self-flattery implicit in saying the govt is insane to acknowledging Jewish dictatorship wrecking west.
Third World Invader Threatens Beheading Live on TV in Budapest https://t.co/9L5lAn9BoB via @NewObOnline
jews stand in background laughing at the goytards getting angry at muslims or queers. it's all (((Them))). always has been.
they dont have a role in it, they are the whole damn thing. 100% of it. the ONLY problem we have. https://t.co/961Rv5uI7M
Israel: Prison for Marriage with Non-Jews https://t.co/iDN9ppx3Ow via @NewObOnline
30,000 Afghan “Refugees” in the US https://t.co/tugTDVT4Rf via @NewObOnline
jews shotgun married whites and blacks, but it was xtianity that put out nostrum of white man's duty to discos https://t.co/RkutpGMAcq
the love of a gay 'man' for his 500 partners is just as real as the love of a normal man for his wife #loveislove
Suggestible idiots and career girls (whores) are too large a percentage of our race, unfortunately. https://t.co/S7lbqV9VRt
does the jebus cult have the strength to get the job done? even the ability to pinpoint the true problem? manifestly, it does not
says the guy who out of christian pussihood released a bunch of niggers who promptly went up to seattle & killed mor https://t.co/723ChKv3qc
anonymous coward, i flush thee https://t.co/sRUoxtFpBE
It's thanks to jews we have radical Muslims in our country, and it's thanks to jews that degenerate queers feel free to flaunt openly.
Fags, Islam and the jews controlling America who encourage both of them all need to be trashed. #TeamWhite
As they say in Protocols, there is Force and Make Believe. https://t.co/cbEToeMQeK
what's your name, budger? guy who won't use his real name has no advice to offer. what's your name, budger? https://t.co/EkGVnrXV8L
anonymous christian coward - America's #1 waste product https://t.co/G6o0ph9Ozu
use your real name, loser, and maybe i'll condescend, you weak little cunt https://t.co/G6o0ph9Ozu
good example of EVERY FAGGOT BEING A JEW-LEVEL LIAR https://t.co/LsoxNBD8Jw
you're a lying faggot. fucking piece of lying fagmeat shit. KILL YOURSELF. https://t.co/LsoxNBD8Jw
i went out expecting simply to get laid drill some holes in a javier blow fresh jose aw but i didnt realize the price i would pay!
fags absolutely recruit. you're a liar. https://t.co/oX5eDspD8w
could also do Only the 'Gays' Die Young (billy joel spoof) come out young homos there's night to partake we'll dance and we'll drink
infecting the blood supply, molesting children, demanding special legal privileges, forcing others to serve them.. https://t.co/IDMMTbCjPf
next time in song writin' mode, i'm going to compose Big Pile o' Fags, in honor of the #OrlandoCleansing (hmm...sweet child o' mine parody?)
and is parallel to the Great Lie that race = skin color https://t.co/Piz0mGu9Z6
quit bawling for perforated Lupes and well peppered javiers. you disgust me. https://t.co/7zauIl5O9s
Again, for all you kids who grew up in bad neighborhoods (the ones with 'public schools'): WHAT FAGS DO ISN'T LOVE. #OrlandoShooting
Hey, let's get real here. Losing a bunch of shitskin degenerates is nothing to cry about. It's something to celebrate.
Fags mouthing each other in public are very definitely trying to produce a reaction. Looks like they succeeded.
The main reason people support Trump is anger at the USA being turned into a third-world country against their will. Rest is secondary.
you're doing what all do - simply attributing something you like to xtianity for no logical reason https://t.co/Q6TiD6CFh2
June 12, 2016:
if they could think that clearly...they wouldn't be third worlders https://t.co/0esIQK45fm
it's good* to put people with contradictory views who hate each other on sight in the same place. *good for jews
reminds me of Shaw. didnt he say you could convert poor to Mohammedism with free treacle. or something https://t.co/kuQT5RIJeT
(((those))) https://t.co/owtGxgtLj5
well good luck https://t.co/dats06L8ti
make it good enough to get noticed https://t.co/LwuuZc2m71
always good to let the peevish degens know what's up. you're not fooling anybody, faggots.. https://t.co/LwuuZc2m71
I have no sympathy for queers, and they deserve none. Try to get queer-crit published. IF you succeed, they will try to destroy you.
hey what's that fag parade they have on Fulsome street out SF way? that would be terrible if muslims were to copycat orlando there
i mean, the guy's muslimism no doubt reinforced his decision, but i can easily believe obnoxious fag PDA set him off https://t.co/mwhMSoajqt
Remember, Faggootis, at the Closet Club, there's no cover charge. And the moths will politely applaud yr gay songs before the balls kill em.
"What are gonna do, homosexual faggots, when the one 1-man wrecking crew S.H. opens up a can o' ranarium whoop-ass on you?" -The Gawkernator
the thing i hate most about fags is they demand respect, but deny their true behavior. which is extreme & dangerous https://t.co/zWAJGxGWM5
dignity & privacy are enough for me. chasing people indoors is judeo-totalitarianism. but NO public respect 4 degens https://t.co/zWAJGxGWM5
it's never a safe bet that Sam Hyde wasn't involved. this has all earmarks of full-scale 1-man invasion, SH style https://t.co/k9YLoqEkLw
it just keeps getting better every year. i dont know how we do it. https://t.co/jaEMVGs4rJ
if Muslims ran the media, cucks would be the biggest anti-queers ever https://t.co/3dd9TmqzkX
fags belong in the closet. the second they demand equality or respect - they should get the dangle https://t.co/3dd9TmqzkX
for sake of society & honesty, fags should admit their predilection is vile & morbid. & self-control best they can https://t.co/HnrTDX9WI8
fags are truly psychos. jews try to make man-man like some mild preference, just as they pretend race = skin color https://t.co/Lu2xTDsJKR
homos are essentially sex maniacs. avg normal man has maybe 9 partners in lifetime; homos have high multiples - fags are head cases
Pulse has a steady beat, kind of an insistent poppy sound, but you can't really dance to it. #Orlando
take a bag of viruses and bacteria, some known, some foreign to science. now cover it with a VERY thin skin. hesto presto you've got a FAG
now that's what i call Hammer time https://t.co/g63E6ulVNh
Big Jew says: "C'mon Kid Fag and Kid Rag. You're supposed to attack The White Man, not each other." #loxism #OrlandoHorror
can i also dance in a jaunty manner and fling epithets. cuz i am anyway. https://t.co/i6UjJmOS1I
hey faggots -- maybe think twice about making out in public? eh, froot loops? maybe even think twice about continuing your fagging? eh? yes?
Frootsby...it's the frisbee you know and love...with a muslim twist. And it's a demo sport at the 2040 Dabiq Olympics.
The #WaronWhites is no light or transient thing. It is part of aa long-term (((strategy))) intended to culminate in #whitegenocide. Yes.
Anyone can see there's a #WaronWhites. What not everyone can see is that one side is bent on #WhiteGenocide.
Faggotry is behavior manifesting deep mental problems. https://t.co/0ZHQlfTW4f
jews, muslims, faggots: three horrible collective menaces to the white body politic. what a great chance to discuss...
i see it as wonderful natural blowback for faggots parading their degeneracy in public, purely to piss off normal. #YayDedfagsYay
hell his top advisers were jewfags https://t.co/Q7zaukx0E0
just admit you're a seething faggot. everyone can see it. and yes, there's everything wrong with it. find a muslim https://t.co/rmeqDZBF4a
you smell kinda gay to me. get yourself checked. https://t.co/wbWv5GLRY6
this is what happens when you turn over immigration to jews. we cannot afford to have this tribe in our lands any longer
well, since homoism is now open and promoted by media and schools, certainly the number is likely to be higher https://t.co/BKUbckQeBI
it sucks to bathe in winter. that is the basis for my supposition. https://t.co/tkb3v6EO3u
this shooting is the perfect time to go after muslims, faggots, and the jews who sicced them both on normal Americans #MAGA
the (((media))) misrepresent homo reality in the same way they misrepresent niggers, and to the same #antiwhite ends
Almost half of the white homosexual males said that they had had at least 500 different sexual partners [during their homo 'careers']
Bell and Weinberg concede: “Little credence can be given to the supposition that homosexual men’s ‘promiscuity’ has been overestimated”
morons like you make assumptions that don't hold. i'm a #Fingerist. that's a right-wing atheist. i despise xtianity https://t.co/T3z4sQLBuD
Fuck that jewish sci-fi faggot you worship. Spiritual AIDS is even worse than physical. #FingerismFightsFags https://t.co/T3z4sQLBuD
https://t.co/0ZHQlfTW4f there you go polesmoker. i bet you believe 10% figure which is a Big Lie
that shows you how out of control these faggots are - and that they have some serious mental problems https://t.co/HP7P198c9Z
except with jews, the subgroup is the WHOLE THING https://t.co/DXX2IYM6bY
A married couple with kids n dog - this is not the same thing as a sad gaggle of pill-gulping penis-pogoing disease-spreading' buttfuckers.
what fags do...isn't love 43% of fags have 500+ partners. THEY DONT EVEN KNOW THE NAMES OF THE BEN DOVERS THEY'RE SUMP PUMPING
what is this sickness with our race that we prefer to deal with consequences rather than causes - JEWS LET THESE KILLERS IN. ON PURPOSE.
an attorney who sees no diff between legal and illegal means? must have been bottom of his class https://t.co/lgOcVJBmeQ
faggotry, tattoos, lad culture, buffalo butt wings -- all this dissolute shit comes from Frankfurt school plan https://t.co/RqoeV1Mx3F
fags dont believe in freedom any more than muslims do. https://t.co/XJAZbDFxoI
It has pleasd the Olive to remove festrous branches of butt piracy from the sea of demented groin narwhals" --google https://t.co/yS6fF99r4p
Like it or hate it, the fact is men are most reasonably lumped together by mere atomic type than by any 'belief' or 'higher'-lol concept.
When you know a man is a "Catholic" you know next to nothing about him. After 2000 years! There is great meaning in this. If we think on't.
see, the great conceit, the ur-Humiliation, is that our nogginings > mere matter. But they very manifestly do not.
a society needs 1 race. (that's obvious). that commonality takes the place of 99% of positive law. (1/2)
i would say quarterly. but that's just a guess. i doubt he disrobes between sept 15 and april https://t.co/FKMw64M7Rx
I feel compelled to observe that if I were running immigration rather than the (((potzis))), none of this shit would be happening.
queers seem to agree that there's something wrong with being a queer, since their first claim upon criticism is that you're a closet case
christianity is a destructive mental vice, much as homosexual behavior is a destructive physical practice
wow..."perverted." are you seriously saying that pissing on people is Wrong? WHo died and made you god. SO judgmentl https://t.co/jQ1bkvTeJO
with some it's a developed taste; with many to most, i think they start being fucked in the head https://t.co/hwM9bYzIrQ
we all die, ms mudpuddle. but w the faggotry you promote, we can die quicker and more painfully. by we i mean ufags https://t.co/q1opoJVQgj
they demand their degeneracy be promoted in schools yet attempt to suppress facts of their actual behavior & its terrible consequences
1) learn how to style your hair; 2) get less fat; 3) dont obtrude your wide-ranging ignorance into adult discussions https://t.co/0kEWZhGJPc
is there something wrong with being a happyfag? steve? you're not a homophobe are you? https://t.co/yuHisMXYuu
go play with your moped, budger https://t.co/hZPIaf0DLc
Gee, I dont know. I guess the same way you tell me??? https://t.co/koopibp2F3
Ermigod. a lisper named thteve eveths call me abominable Woahman https://t.co/yATyLOYHK2
what makes you think it's ok to promote moribific society- and children-endangering sex perverts & murderous cults? https://t.co/o44LGW2Ido
Call things what they are and dont budge from it. That's my policy. Rare cases I'm wrong, admit it and correct. https://t.co/AMIFZVHrBL
Spain! Italy! Greece! https://t.co/6IvqkZlF8E
you should hold a big ol' party for your "gay" and muslim friends. i hear Pulse has a few chairs open https://t.co/eaBZleLeXM
your tender sentiment is returned, jebus II https://t.co/y0cG0EmDjx
egg uh muh zackly. and unlike my on-linemy foes, these lil suckers are HARD TO BEAT. damn near invisible https://t.co/G3dJ7deP7o
well, shit, that's not very nice. i'd piss on you even if you weren't on fire https://t.co/eaBZleLeXM
it is you and Sad Fags Inc. who hate and fear me. i merely laugh at you and your tasteless morbid sodomizings https://t.co/Qag4MzmcPd
sorry dungbeetless, responsibility for 500-rump-ranging rests with your perverted friends and you sad excuse-makers https://t.co/Qag4MzmcPd
a picture that expresses my view of the britainese... https://t.co/2mNA4tko8U
that's the spirit. i try to bathe at least as often as Santa Claus https://t.co/y8kd5VNtDX
you are the sad detritus of a failed civilization. oh well. the muslims will put paid to your dozy ilk. https://t.co/xI7zhnVoOM
i'm against: fags/pedos (huge overlap) catholicism islam all other forms of cuxtianity generic useless morons https://t.co/1erpesfgBd
whites are suggestible cretins, to too large an extent. unfortunately. this is one irony of the racial cause https://t.co/xCdrReHi7U
most homos will molest teens if given a chance. and when they do molest, they molest far more than heteros do. https://t.co/wgnOnxzkJj
that's arguably the dumbest thing you've said, which is like olympic-level competition https://t.co/KbEX1hWrFN
if you support faggots, you support pedophiles. because fag = pedo. there's not a fag out there won't molest kids https://t.co/hcG917IrQH
not true. that guy just blames everything on catholics. like protties are any better. both are spinach, to hell etc. https://t.co/VWxLTXFgeE
the important thing is, you tried https://t.co/AtKv5XQxIn
your prim moralizing is feeble and wrong. fags are abnormal and destructive, and their death is a good thing https://t.co/hcG917IrQH
the mong van rounds up the collies you besotted shaggers consort with nocturnally? https://t.co/r9CS8MKuzk
no, you just splatter yourself on the floor and vibrate your palate https://t.co/x8VcDh2wTI
i have a slightly lower opinion of you british than of these horrid well disguised lime worms that eat my broccoli https://t.co/yHhaxZkm0i
I can truly say, with as much right as anyone in this contiguous planet, that the left is not tolerant. Not. Not one chancrous iota of it.
i was trying to make it easier for you to grasp with your slow eye condition https://t.co/H6LIJf5dj4
Look at you all Michael Tysonish, whipping out the 'nonsensical' an shit https://t.co/8SGn5WolAT
the desperate hopes of a drowning woman. rest assured sweety, you can beat 3/4 sea cucumbers on an IQ test. probably https://t.co/H6LIJf5dj4
You <--> Dimtown = post-prandial stroll. the line between faggotry and pedophilia is...not really there https://t.co/Lzu3ch9uyO
how will i get Q-RID when i dont fuck dudes? let alone FIVE FUCKING HUNDRED of them? answer me that, faggio https://t.co/iBo6Es6WYr
it does affect, you're just too dim to perceive it. does your all-embracing tolerance include pedophila too? https://t.co/yoQi1onh3I
fun fact: the jews who made that film are more inbred than the ethnic group they smear https://t.co/WUGoAQgJfk
does not compute! you were both programmed to attack WHITE MAN CULTURE, not each other! https://t.co/KYGpeZEEzy
i am the offspring of a log cabin log and an unabridged (OED). the rhymes i write, you wish you would https://t.co/dMs5lgTdrz
that's one. now go look at 1000 homos and find out whether that's the average case. https://t.co/v3IYkbtReK
let me introduce you to advanced thinking. you know why they're called gay? because they're not. (they're the opp) https://t.co/nNhqfrzsbq
many are. but almost all fags are. it's kind of the nature of the beast. https://t.co/nNhqfrzsbq
always proceed with aplomb and merengue, and you will fool 99.9% of the tots https://t.co/eIu4V0xrd3
you think fags "love" each other. if you fucked 500 men, you wouldnt even know their names. fags are callous viruses https://t.co/KbK2nhL3od
i hate people who won't own their own behavior - and that is fags to a fucking T. https://t.co/KbK2nhL3od
modern england. jesus christ. you're pathetic. https://t.co/wPcwxdNsje
nice/unnice who cares. we are arguing. not dueling armpit smells. https://t.co/nPBhmAyita
only women are concerned with being nice. i'm not a fucking candle. the only ? is where my facts are right. https://t.co/cwPzo7REpZ
facts are either right or wrong, they cant be derogatory. look it up. 43% of fags have had 500+ partners. 15%, 1000+ https://t.co/cwPzo7REpZ
i'm sure you've been under many things, but you're wrong here too. God is judgment. Love is a long second to't. https://t.co/rZwY7PJpZM
the average queer doesnt even KNOW the person it's humping, let alone "love" him https://t.co/wMh0pX8JgX
did you know the avg queer has sex with nearly 500 partners? you think that homoism is about "love"? https://t.co/wMh0pX8JgX
your hostilities smack of lack of effort, probably tracing to tacit acknowledgement of lack of talent, ie WHY TRY? https://t.co/Eo4iBiNVqz
if so, then a moist, delicious fecund cunt. WORLDS SPRING FROM MY LAUGHING MAW. https://t.co/5G8eLLusLt
yeah the jew (howard stern) lie that all men are into lesbians? that's purely kike-concocted bullshit https://t.co/u2YNiiORxs
you want to fuck with me, i'll give you worse than your petty little AIDS, tinkerbelloni https://t.co/eyRfXLpE7h
Linder is not a jewish name, it is 90%+ goyish, autochthonous to Switzerland, Germany, Sweden and England. https://t.co/J6Tx1SPU1l
"they" only won because they had the support of the (((powers that be))). jews use fags to attack white society https://t.co/SKZKh25zcu
fags are not happy. if they were, they wouldnt have pirated the word 'gay,' which denotes the opposite of theirs https://t.co/wMh0pX8JgX
they'll resolve the contradictions as they always do - by blaming this or that or all white men https://t.co/Mukxr6bo8u
jews promote homo behavior to wreck society. you have that straight from Frankfurt School. https://t.co/qvGtjdfaCL
i'll string fishing line thru all you losers' fat noses and turn the thames into the ganges, you cavern-twatted geep https://t.co/F09KZBCivJ
real original. yr named after wrong cheese smegboi https://t.co/E04ubicd2p
British are THE WORST whiteskins. Absolute shitekultur. https://t.co/ehatD11IcY
go back to your corner miss mattress thang https://t.co/pdBiO7pshr
disease-ridden should be hyphenated, you fugly illiterate degenerate https://t.co/5J94uUmvET
Faggotry will be promoted so long as jews control media and education. https://t.co/ctsrHUlOMn
my heart is capacious enough to hate muslims AND faggots. and british. at least your Sad Island ilk. https://t.co/xWYBQmoFls
you are the sort of trendy fleabrain who would be first in line to try a new flavor of heroin. loser! https://t.co/SEBqjcMpwl
you are not normal, and you will never be allowed to claim it in public. you are degenerates. #Shame2016 https://t.co/R0MZ9B9BxV
faggotry isnt cute funny or clever, it's morbid, diseased and deranged. if you cant cease it, go back in the closet https://t.co/R0MZ9B9BxV
know this, fags: you are a tiny, despised micro-minority. today was just your first taste. u lika da taste, faggies? https://t.co/v7t1o3UOPq
look at the weak material i have to work with https://t.co/TOOuTqEYT4
if i did, why would i hide it? since (((TPTB))) celebrate it? fact: only a TINY percent of the population is faggy https://t.co/cMNGWRGTRE
this is the type of hominid dung beetle the (((media and education system))) have created https://t.co/yOgw2uEv60
i'm not religious, i'm #Fingerist = right-wing atheist. you all are degenerates who cry when it's pointed out https://t.co/dDuYaWDFTF
this faggot realizes that its problem is indeed something shameful and degenerate. hence the lies & hostility https://t.co/gEe3xVH8Zf
this stupid degenerate gives the whole game away w/o realizing it: faggotry is a VICE. a CHOICE, not an identity. https://t.co/hsP955t7q5
so you admit that those who AREN'T fags are better than those who take dick up the ass? That seems homophobic https://t.co/H71ft5xyJe
#ShameDay Know this, faggots: We all despise you and your disease-spreading degenerate behavior. #YesAllQueers
Message to all queers: you have NOTHING to be proud about. Go back in the closet with the mothballs, that's your place in natural order.
No muslims belong in the US. But we know (((whose))) agenda they serve. At least this one did something useful. #FagsSpreadDeath
survivors can play "gay" lol roulette! -- Reports: Orlando Blood Center Lifts Ban on Blood Donations From Gay Men https://t.co/UV0BKfActj
u faggots are < 2% of population, no matter how you try to hide the fact. you're degenerate, disease-spreading trash https://t.co/aGfwFwAsGI
In times like these, #OrlandoShootings, we need to look for the silver lining. I'm thinking that's the giant piles of dead fags.
i will laugh at your tears when the #deadfags are fed to the carp at Busch Gardens https://t.co/1JzQVrYxkb
illiterate & degenerate, you belong in an institution with rubber walls and shirts that tie behind the back https://t.co/mAZ29endU5
You're a degenerate homomaniacal yeastcunt with the brain of a poorly watered turnip. https://t.co/2WVR3dacd6
what is there a nest of you faggots? there's someone you should talk to. and it's not ferris bueller. https://t.co/JHDwI0BSH4
Go fuck yourself you defective ugly degenerate fleacunt. https://t.co/MaipSyiWF7
All normal people of ANY race detest faggotry. That's a FACT. It only appears otherwise from constant (((media))) brainwashing.
Go play roof frisbee you fugly defective. https://t.co/MnqypYMlai
Fags take pride in rubbing their media-backed degeneracy in normals' faces. Well, today ya got sums back, dicksuckers. RIMisery, GRIDsy
As first and founding #Fingerist, I give a sly wry sidelong Pepe-ish smile to the jungrag who closed accounts on manifold Orly degenerates.
Maybe time for you queerbos to take your faggotry back to the mothballs where it belongs? #OrlandoShooting #FingeristsAgainstFaggotry
95 years ago Henry Ford put it: "The International Jew, the world's foremost problem." It has only gotten worse. https://t.co/EGvEye34V9
Jews will be counter-exterminated as a race, which is the only solution that can work. https://t.co/UOWhJKIuep
A muslim terrorist shooting up a fag club full of third-world shitskins? "Only in AmeriKwa," a jewish production.
Jews hate all other races and societies, and always seek to destroy them and replace them with their own. This explains the discord we see.
jew Soros guilty of attempted murder of Europe #HeroBreivik https://t.co/rjYl10EpIk
1200 clitorectomies in Ghana? Chad? Try Great Britain. But let's get more pics of that large-blue-eyed blond guy who 'raped' a sleepdrunk.
I'm just in it for the loldeadfags, but i secretly suspect most of the dead are just trendy shitskins
Smarmy jew rothernberg, your people murdered 100,000,000 last century after taking their guns. Yr hands are dirty. https://t.co/5WRePFP4KW
ive read it was CIA. i dont really see it as a coinage. it's used as a 'thing' to make fools laugh at non-MSM logic https://t.co/CJKSo9COgC
ex vouches for 'rapist' - Stanford rapist ex says she's angry at God for instilling pain on him https://t.co/PUl8iRinDu via @MailOnline
white people are awesome - Texas man uses aqua dam to keep his house dry during 27-inch flood https://t.co/j67bzsDd1I via @MailOnline
whites need 2 hear that there are conspiracies, not that there aren't. most things in politics are conspiracies, since they're anti-majority
problem with 'hive mind' concept, which traces to Sobran, is that it leads people away from tracing responsibility, which they badly need
Teaching men that causality doesn't exist, so they never trace consequence to cause, is ur-Christian, and the Enabling Act of the jews.
jews reflexively blame whites for black actions. every single time. it's always ultimately some white man or white civilization that's resp.
Remember - the mass man does NOT believe in causality, he believes in magic and luck. Christianity plays to this w its capricious 'god' lie.
Perhaps the single greatest functional defect of xtianity is that it teaches men that things don't happen for reasons. This empowers jews.
It's no longer funny and cute to look at the (((left))) and think gosh these people are nuts. Their cult must be smashed for good.
Poland's not filled with niggers either. Of course, if local yids had their way, it would be. https://t.co/BetqjaRqWE
unfortunately feminism has penetrated far more deeply; the default assumptions of the west, now, are feminist https://t.co/eFywElQrAK
'Multiple casualties' confirmed at US gay club after gunman is killed https://t.co/B5UCvaS8wA via @MailOnline
Boy they sure love that Stanford 'rapist.' Whereas you can't get a single pic of your average dindu, they use TWO HUGE ONES of him.
June 11, 2016:
IMO, killing vermin such as fleas, fireants, etc, definitely counts as self defense. So when I kill them, i pray for them.
Jareb! https://t.co/2NBKKBhSaF
"stop being a fucking faggot" solves a LOT of problems https://t.co/MI2CPsFrZc
Leagues ahead of you when it comes to understanding the nature of the nigger. https://t.co/UTAUgt6Opg
Hi! I'm an aborigine. I like to find my food under tree bark. Has xtianity got a place for me? Sure doggy looking fellow! Come right on in!
Which christian doctrine says in any number of words: your white blood and genes are valuable, and we will protect them? NONE. IS NOT THERE.
honestly, i have yet to meet a christian with a 100+ IQ. you cant subvert a doctrine that is universalist and Lub Lub Lub Is All U Need
and he delivered it with a gravitas Bonosian https://t.co/73mQZPaejs
race-mixing for you! purity for me. and wars for me!* (*fought for by you! paid for by you!) - jewsong of jew alfred prufrock
conservatism without concern for bloodlines is incoherent, nay impossible. conservatism has been jewed
jewish 'conservatism' = forced mongrelization for whites and endless wars for Israel. paid for by whites. Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
This is a racial attack on my people. When I declare jews must be counter-exterminated - this is why. Among reasons. https://t.co/Y66IFxJKEP
maybe not now, but in the old days you could palpably feel the cowardservative's pleasure in calling (((leftists))) nazis. so...contemptible
paleo-niggers made St. Louis number one, but for my money, those hard-charging somali neocomers are really putting Minny on the map!
there are things whites may or should do collectively, beyond defense, but if govt is needed to run white men's lives - they're not white
notice how arrival of jews and supersized central government conduced to misery in america - and extreme debt, lying, social discord, etc
so long as we had few jews, tiny central govt, and saw Britain as our enemy, we were paradise on earth https://t.co/rVhEt5xu98
no, it's a description of anglos. jews dont run away when you scream racist. nor do they sell out their race for $. https://t.co/KuTkhZ6sPJ
the reason Mitt is impassioned about this -- and quite literally nothing else -- is that Trump's very way and being are his antithesis
the Anglo worships money and appearances. When Trump speaks bluntly, and takes no money, it blows the Anglo mind
Shut up Mitt. We've given your Anglo way full testing. It doesn't work. Get to steppin', island monkeys. It's white man time.
#WWBD? What would Breivik do? Kill the families of the jews & tools letting muslim rapists and murderers into Europe.
redundant proof jews are a race of liars - Another “Holocaust Survivor” Hoax Exposed https://t.co/QMgWJ2x6a0 via @NewObOnline
“Three Black Teenagers”: Uproar over Facts https://t.co/WZ3rbR9Znn via @NewObOnline
Trump can't be trusted with nukes because he's not spoiling for war with Russia, China, half dozen smaller states.
worth following, follwers https://t.co/51Iuis0xFW
shows you what a garbage mind the country has that our freaks and misfits would rather shoot stupid singers rather than (((media liars)))
i love these 'real' alt conservatives (Real fake butter, Eddie) disrespecting the Nazis by calling mexis attacking Trump fans 'brownshirts'.
Peak Cuck: Calling 'Minority' Orcs Terrorizing Whites at Jew Behest 'Brownshirts' https://t.co/4IpuBdtTiH @VNN_Forum
These )))Republican operatives((( would serve Boss Muslim just as readily as they serve Boss Jew. They are first and last #careergirls.
The cuck does what he does for money. And status. In short - to advance his career. The principles are so much upholstery.
at some point whites have to be held to a standard. if you served the jews by joining army, you're no hero. at best you're a sap
you cant figure out 1) why jews beeline for media; 2) that actions come from ideas which are transmitted by words. https://t.co/iv6GOMqQ4i
yeah they're wasting their time shooting immediately for mass media when they enter society. "just words" - fool https://t.co/JuYxGYwa0e
conservatism is whatever Boss Jew tells the cuck to promote. the #cuckservative can live with that. so long as he gets paid
correct! the problem is these jungtards use "cuck" the way they do "sperg" as a generic insult, as we olds use fag https://t.co/w1Gf1P1XD0
nice red shirt, guy. did you stain it with your own menses https://t.co/CNwVsoBrR0
not true. their words create a conceptual framework that imprisons average minds and is reflected in law https://t.co/Fsub8SNCgc
The pseudo-intellectual, a middle-class coward, instinctively runs FROM #jew to #Kalergi. it's safer and he feels smarter.
jews bring in muslims to destroy white societies, when the inevitable happens, they give us their Grumpy Cat reax: (good, they deserve it!)
christianity is guilty of everything, but one thing in particular stands salient: it teaches people to assume OTHERS ARE LIKE ME.
whites, like stupid people, can only think to their own level. hence jews remain incomprehensible to 95% of them
never count on imaginary anonymous forces doing your job for you https://t.co/REo6Iz9I6w
turn your fucking cell phone off. you are SO FUCKING RUDE. i swear to god, you slave-tethered, shit-magneted fucknoggins. die already
hatred of whites defines (((modern media))). at every turn the white man & his culture are mocked, insulted, lied about, libeled
it would be a shame if some of these jews letting these muslim rapists into white nations were captured, tortured on film, posted on 'net
The jew is as open as he dares to be. His increasingly open hatred of the white man, called loxism, shows he feels he's entering end-game.
its head is disproportionately large in a macy's parade way https://t.co/OKm28U2knX
i wouldnt let that near my iguana. https://t.co/IAY7j2vstD
Jew the jew. Admit frankly you're at war with him. Mock him, hate him, kill him. In other words, fight BACK. This way lies victory.
The conservative is a mental woman. The alt-right is a woman who's undergone an addadictomy. What is needed is a man. A White Man.
The conservative, an effeminate, instinctively, womanishly, tries to have it both ways. Either the jew is good guy or evil guy. No middle.
It seems too simple to people to say that the jew is behind all this social misery. But it's true. Not just me saying that, Henry Ford also.
the significant point is that it always can and will be interpreted to serve #antiwhite causes https://t.co/l2HbqGMQL1
Those who fight the jew-bolsheviks and those who serve them become the same thing in the mouth of #cucksvatives: "Brownshirts."
dishonest, cowardly morons. natural-born submissives, halfwits, christians, simpletons, tools, dupes. https://t.co/7RMyt5ZDIc
jews have taken advantage of their xtianity's doctrine that we owe something to "our fellow man" aka nigges, mexcrement, other hominid trash
more like soul of the jew and the honesty of the english https://t.co/gdbA8ZyVHp
Except for Israel. Your kind always manages to leave that out. Israel has a giant wall to protect its blood. https://t.co/4G6Z2XSyw1
there's nothing more #cuckservative than calling the jew-enabled minorcs attacking Trump supporters brownshirts
there is nothing about christianity that isn't liberal and egalitarian. "all god's children" will always culminate in political insanity
religion is properly classed with drugs and drinking, and properly named delusion. no one "needs" any of these three.
read the Team White part more slowly. think about it. https://t.co/tKqMurtozN
christianity is a destructive cult https://t.co/rNQmmlhVzW
June 10, 2016:
not believing in christ-insanity does not equal spiritual void https://t.co/d9m92mr9fR
i question your assumption https://t.co/V1EEm1C9rx
so long as the white race remains religious it will never defend itself, and worship of Constitution is in that vein https://t.co/fnXClSIMdJ
the entire point about constitutions is no one follows them. not that the right one hasn't been written https://t.co/JRQYAWBIF7
It's cute and funny that jews call non-jews 'goyim' (filthy animals). While attacking whites endlessly for the crime of racism.
June 09, 2016:
And they'll reap the same result. But this time the expulsion won't be horizontal, it will be vertical. https://t.co/a4SAggXxTE
rights actually come from oak trees https://t.co/H2OresMiSG
cannibalism is not evil, but vegetarianism is https://t.co/am7Jd8Vtzh
yep. and they know it. https://t.co/zm4ALsnXAD
avg IQ = retarded. i mean...look at them https://t.co/UQtfh1qi8V
The jews, represented by #ADL, have lied about #LeoFrank for over 100 years. If you don't think their lying is biological, you're an idiot.
every last christ butt shank thinks it has clamped its case by citin' a verse. Shakespeare had only word on this: the Devil can do that too
christianity isn't just doctrines or words, it's actual behavior. this is me making Price Is Right girl hand motion https://t.co/nG30tv5CfS
Jebus wasn't a real Christian. I mean, come on. https://t.co/7ul4eVVDoj
Honesty is confusing to Irish Catholics, and British generally. It doesn't strike them as well calculated. It always feels, bald, German.
since that happened in under a century, it might be fair to judge the Constitution a mistake https://t.co/dy616rJpRk
now now, has katie been practicing jewish honesty again? https://t.co/dwo3kUZGEt
it's an awfully, one might say dangerously, were one a believer, low opinion of God to think that he made jews his special people
jews aren't just the most murderous and deceitful race on earth, they're the greediest https://t.co/Aso6X6WRTl
Christianity says it's immoral to treat jews as as class. I say it's insane to treat them as individuals. It leads to #whitegenocide
admitting he sees media (none of which were invented by jews) as weapon to be used by one race against others https://t.co/SNlG35gaRO
i dont have to argue with the prolapsed rectums of the neo-bowelists, just step over them holding my nose https://t.co/YGOknWGhLW
you will know i say this with praise, but the ((( ))) -- NOW YOU FAGGOTS are getting it - this is EXACTLY what a neo-hitler would do...today
Perhaps the #GodIllusion and the #safetyIllusion are the same thing? (pardon this thought, god isnt finished with it yet) #muhjustoccured
conservatism where radicalism is called for is simply cowardice. profitable to sell, tastes great, but the opposite of nutritious
you do whatever you want at the level that makes you comfortable. you. - the real faggotry of greggy et al
where are his enemies? https://t.co/6Rhp2Tvasy
a radical is someone willing to consider that just maybe there _isn't_ a safe, legal way out of the mess
June 08, 2016:
real country is about loss and pain. not strong smelling women & the he-fags who lick at their butt-holes https://t.co/17POkMXlvA
The tone of the west should be Roald Dahlian, not jebootish. I wouldnt lift a finger to defend "they know not" faggotry.
then a movement arose that for the first time in history identified the true cause and enemy. and erased it from existence.
For thousands of years, all mankind hated bananas. Arab, christian, nazi - they all loathed & despised bananas. Why? No one can say.
thing about cuckservatives, about the first time there's a mass shooting of neocohens, these mancunts will suddently contract otherhanditis
africans are literal retards. so if being racist seems morally horrifying to you, relax -- you're just 'tardist.
Tila Tequila has Twitter meltdown after getting heat for racist Instagram post https://t.co/NnzloIf0XW via @Salon
FPÖ to Formally Challenge Election Result https://t.co/Df4UczsDD3 via @NewObOnline
"the pope's not a real catholic" - catholics/reaxes are forced to argue this with the majority of popes. it is to laugh. #TeamClown
aborted niglets make great fertilizer for socially useful creatures like plants https://t.co/2aFXuZ4Wrr
FUCK ISRAEL or CUCK ISRAEL... ...guess which side the christians are on? ...and the White Men? #TeamWhite https://t.co/F2yEMjZskC
does america have a rape culture? only to the extent it's a subset of the making-excuses-for-niggers culture.
June 07, 2016:
Mein Kampf is not only a compelling story of a man's political education, but the dull reader, even, will notice obvious parallels to today.
cant let people drink from hitler well without poisoning it - New Mein Kampf to Test German Law https://t.co/6miV3nTw5A via @NewObOnline
June 06, 2016:
Bauhaus is not the same as not doing your best, it's deliberate perversion for ideological reasons. https://t.co/PCPhFFi9Dp
"Officially" - do ADL think they run the government? https://t.co/2GIzaDGZub
What's important is people understand that jews must be counter-exterminated. Everything else washes away, but this must and will be.
yet another reason - FBI under fire over secret project to recognise people by TATTOOS https://t.co/3ljO8HCrF4 via @MailOnline
Will Trump Be Sabotaged or Worse? https://t.co/BvHgZG6S5Y
June 05, 2016:
If you were trying to destroy whites as a race, you would do what the 'western' govts are doing. So the ? becomes: who runs these govts?
June 04, 2016:
muh dik-dik https://t.co/qQL4z7mIFH
what color were the niggers who attacked him? does your report say??? https://t.co/vmiOT41nc1
have a trump brigade stand inside the cops - serving dual purpose of protecting Normal Americans & shaming politicized cops
all these 'right'-wingers forever with high words on their lips just cant break addiction to blaming (((practices))) on nazis
read a bio of ali when i was in 6th grade. i didnt grow up around niggers. this was my first realization they are essentially animals.
you mildick sucking faggots make me sick. these are INCOMPETENT PARASITES. it's GREAT when they diecrash. https://t.co/oOsRlDrLGB
where i am they are female education majors, who pride themselves on being change agents, to extent they grasp role https://t.co/8ue6XWPm43
he is at best a proxy; will he do what he says? no one knows. https://t.co/zJaA3bxYea
italians living around the pope dont breed at all. under Hitler, germans bred at much higher rates https://t.co/c14G1zWsBS
goyim have been trained in government institutions to distrust pattern recognition - mental disfigurement is job #1 in "public schools"
i accept it also because there must be such a document. even if this were implausible (it's not), one must exist https://t.co/EvqqmzO5Jx
taken in conjunction with stuff like balfour declaration, weizmann letters... but really - the tone & scope r unique https://t.co/EvqqmzO5Jx
eh, i prefer your mom's pussy. not you. the other one https://t.co/4F7oSpGa53
hey donkey, have to put on the hardhat before the bricks fall on your head https://t.co/WJ9sjH1jCb
He's head concierge at Hotel Cuckmani https://t.co/PujKOjdZ3j
that's what we mean by jew control of education. Wiesel is a proven liar, source of nothing but antiwhite libels https://t.co/VarU2bOTaI
i believe they are what they purport to be, notes from jew-to-selected-jews lecture on long-term world plan https://t.co/paUIcSoJRx
bet you've said that to a lot of teachers, eh donkey https://t.co/RvajDcgOql
pick dwarfs with down syndrome as your opponent. good stuff. https://t.co/xwZj37CDYl
look at a photo of hitler. now look at elie wiesel. which looks like the used car salesman and which like the stand-up guy?
the cunt has taken on the paranoid projecting hostility of her hooknosed husband's tribe https://t.co/umwtLmD5CC
some people are extremely tiresome when they brag about themselves nonstop; others, it's part of their charm. eh..mystery of personality
i continually tell people how great i am on theory that left unaided some of them might not figure it out --Inside The American Noggin
i just got done reading a very long book about Darwin. what a nation England was in 1850. what an eagle-dive mess it is today
her name looks german, but in fact, she's a jew. https://t.co/xGCbM2qRxE
those are mini-mes. christianity itself is the subversion https://t.co/EjhdH3Zhzq
many masks, but underneath them all the yid https://t.co/Xz1ooGpP2y
#tcot the bolsheviks were jews. but jews in USA have trained the conservative christian cowards they were atheists https://t.co/KKrmI0U6Pr
Trump Rudely Dumps Italy’s Salvini https://t.co/n9nD6jeEXf via @NewObOnline
this jew is world champ at blowing smoke up Flyover ass - Ben Stein Says Trump Is https://t.co/O8ZQ2ejzDy
so in some imaginary world, white traitors have more money and power and media control than jews? https://t.co/z0RBbs5Y4X
which christian doctrine is it that says white blood, genes and culture are valuable? i attended much Sunday School. don't remember that.
he's probably a UK dope, where everything is against law. they're all scared 'civic nationalists' which = allfail https://t.co/e2A1qkNowx
where exactly do you think the bad education is coming from? who controls media and colleges and textbooks? jews. https://t.co/omIW4JuEUA
yeah, you're dealing with the symptom rather than the cause. because it's safer and easier. https://t.co/omIW4JuEUA
that bird is dumb enough to be a white man, or at least a christ-guzzler https://t.co/OV7Vxqm4Lh
as for jews, as joe G. said - that's what they dont want to be called. we tie them to their antiwhite policies https://t.co/LFZApSljO5
the concept of antiwhite is assumed in 'nigger,' which is the word the (((left))) gets hysterical about. https://t.co/LFZApSljO5
self-hating whites. mirrors self-hating jews. ie, working against interests of own people. https://t.co/LFZApSljO5
in their defense, the average nun is no looker https://t.co/2VX9fzfV0O
should voting decide who pilots a plane? no? so then running a country is less serious matter than piloting a plane
when you see a nigger, what does your instinct tell you is the right thing to do? and what does christian morality say? that's the problem
christianity represents an attempt to overcome basic instincts with destructive nonsense called morality
if you have mental problems, use your hair to hide it, not advertise it. Little tip from Harry Givens, B.S.C., mental health expert
words hurt forever. eggs just make you a little sticky https://t.co/Fxm9t1qqsr
if the 'greatest generation' had followed his example we might not be in this mess. "refuse to be used," white man https://t.co/Nqqm99Hr68
There is a subtler form of cucking, and that is nationalists who won't criticize christianity, though they know it is necessary.
Xtianity says whites have a moral duty to fix niggers and other discos, because they are creatures of God. Maybe He should own His fail.
Christianity functions as a paralytic. It leads whites to interpret behavior calling for self-defense as White Man's Burden.
If they cared about unfairness and double standards they wouldn't be ((( ))) or leftists. The only thing to do is fight & destroy them.
That's all white racial politics is - a Stream Team for a bloodline. Which is surely more important than a river.
Christianity has somehow planted it in white minds that to defend yourself, your kind, your culture is somehow selfish, declasse & immoral.
Whites love to get together, wear same t-shirt, and clean up streams. Ok, that's great. Now apply that to your nation, white people.
so far...no reason it can't happen. let a biker or military parasite take the lead - establish a brigade https://t.co/epzsl8j0pF
#diversity is about doing to the entire white world what's been done to california. your money, property and lives won't be safe
Düsseldorf Attack Plans “Bigger than Realized” https://t.co/iYFhw52UyI via @NewObOnline
Jews are natural totalitarians. Liberalism is poison they feed you so you will give them the space and freedom they need to take control.
Jews wrote the 1965 act that let these mexicans into our country. They also write the articles defending their violence against whites.
Trump should call for his supporters to form a defensive brigade, and fund it himself. "To protect women"
It's our duty to point out what's going on - since the conservative writers who should be refuse to ($$$). https://t.co/Z2AlS5gTOO
meth is social engineering that works - How Was Your Day … Blood Gang Member? https://t.co/579TASwli2
if you're going to lie, make it big and brazen. works for jews. why not for their goyservants? https://t.co/DAqsnu8JNx
June 03, 2016:
i just cant wait for the bukkake of horsehit that's going to descend like purple rain when ali kicks it
we need to have someone of you design an outfit, like bridesmaid equiv (color, not nec uniform) that 'we' can adopt publicly
two in one day? these some of them rare AP niggas https://t.co/syVqGxmCjx
Henry Ford observed in the Dearborn Independent that in the French Revolution, jew Rothschild's property went untouched amid raging mobs.
ol winnie looks like he just caught sight of a whiskey bottle https://t.co/YNol0H2QCz
In Protocol 3 (of 24), the jews take credit for French revolution, saying it was: "wholly the work of our hands."
Gresham's Law in action https://t.co/XQlsBQAgwA
amen 1000x over https://t.co/yDFjyDOA6k
massive numbers of white proles are hopelessly in debt from the online college scam https://t.co/JNBfGyPOS3
Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth 1967 https://t.co/E3vukRHDiA via @YouTube
Something happening here. What it is, is pretty goddam clear. Young people carrying signs. Saying, you, Mr jewby, get in the ovenline
From Protocol 2 (of 24): "Through the Press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade..." ((( ))) works.
Whites offer jews First Amendment. Jews jail whites for hate speech. We can't live with this tribe. We can live without them.
Trump fans just create a cheerleader cordon for white families attending Trump rallies, and beat up any antis who interfere.
You, the gullible, weak-minded kiddie-show-politics fan, see Republicans and Democrats. Jews see jews and non-jews (goyim). Who runs things?
liberalism is poison. jews know this. they feed it to whites. they dont drink it themselves. see israel and her Giant Wall of Safety
the same jews who built a giant wall around Israel are trying to prevent a giant wall around your America. #WithJewsWeLose
no jews are liberals who love diversity, especially muslims and negroes; a wall would be unthinkable to them https://t.co/GZ19tWypub
all Trump is summon such a corps into existence by asking for it, and he has ample reason for doing so https://t.co/UxVQ30dIJi
Cuckservatives oppose Trump because Trump-hating jews sign their paychecks; privately 90% of them agree with his positions.
Jews oppose Trump because building a wall and stopping foreign wars directly oppose their #whitegenocide agenda.
I'd wager 90% of #cuckservatives agree with Trump, it's just that jews pay their salary, so they hate on him with pronounced fake-enthusiasm
I maintain the proper understanding of cuckservative is career girl. They don't BELIEVE what they write - they BELIEVE in getting paid.
Political violence on west coast; baby-destroying viruses on east coast - thanks, jews, for filling America with shitskins.
Vienna Patch: 2 New Cases of Zika Virus Reported in Northern Virginia https://t.co/h0NJrFHhxh
Media coverage along lines of irish joke: "That's nothing - I can find a dozen people who DIDNT see me kill him, your honor."
Jews let shitskins into America. And jews justify their attacks on whites. Jews are The Problem. The simple truth from #TeamWhite
Pierce had his ideas. To me, white cause is a preference. It's not about outer space or inner spirituality. https://t.co/IhTCPqVVF1
If the initimidated, PC-stood-down cops will do nothing, Trumpists are fully justified forming a defense division. @realDonaldTrump
It's time to form up some lines of strong young men to insure safety for supporters at Trump rallies. Someone take the lead on this.
we're not kicking them out this time. we're burying them and their problem set for good https://t.co/S08E6H0uM8
christians, the three-digit-iq ones, play the same dishonest rhetorical games jews do, they're just not as good at it
the proof is in the field. it's spelled 'atheist' https://t.co/tPB6Xfsvz7
pagan is a christian term, it means nothing to me. it's their version of the jew's 'gentile.' milder but dismissive https://t.co/GoDCLxffxe
#OurSoggyHeroes - Via @NPR: At Least 5 Soldiers Dead In Fort Hood After Truck Overturned In Swollen Creek https://t.co/YVDT6SLbLx
June 02, 2016:
not just parasites - incompetent parasites https://t.co/Tg3F5QdZSG
Conservatism is essentially rationalized cowardice. Cons serve the powers that be like wives, demurring here and there on little things.
Our Heroes are losing battles to water now? https://t.co/pKOcmvzyVU
the problem with people like the absurdly named Megyn is they have no core. they read papers and try to figure their next move #clowns
and i believe that fugly she-vulture is supposed to be a "right-wing" yid https://t.co/t93t9RJDzn
#AnnCoulter will be remembered by her children as a craven punch-puller. The woman who left the ((( )))) out.
Hallo, folk. Ahm Jemmy Dirtbutter fom Frogaass, Teenuhsaaay. Ahm a soldurr ah am. Heero too. Jes ask muhee. Or muh daaawg Hes a heero too.
soldier = parasite https://t.co/hPiXNgXJBw
look into it retard, you dont even know the actual history. https://t.co/mKwktonR7n
you tell 'em Capn Parasite https://t.co/6tuLNEu7f5
xtianity is a real obstacle to racialism. it's not something WN can be neutral about https://t.co/cBSdeYuvuf
go clean booth 3, sgt pork https://t.co/Ud1hUX8s7m
what you jews and discos dont grasp is that Trump is the legal way. you're not going to like the extralegal way.
you pick and choose which traditions you carry on. we all do. but traditionalists JUST LIKE PROGS = coopt the whole thing for THEIR choices
what traditionalists don't understand (1% of it) is 1) many to most traditions are bad 2) carrying on ANY tradition is a positive choice
that's a good point: circumcision is now a #muhturdition among whiteskins in US. any #TradCrank want to defend it? https://t.co/s7vlQiddZT
nothing says great architecture like trying too hard https://t.co/cBrulBEX3C
go play with your doggy faggot. https://t.co/yqmDOoZVX3
libertarian in the miltiary. you're more confused than bruce jenner, you stupid tool https://t.co/83WkCPByJL
so you served in jews' wars for money. where do you think that money came from ya faggot? https://t.co/83WkCPByJL
awesome! totally awesome! https://t.co/k4PCpqVshL
you're a libertarian who loves armies? https://t.co/ONl46vhj9k
Cuck Dreher equates white tribalism represented by proxy Trump with #BLM, which calls to mind WFB's pushing-old-ladies examples.
"guardrails of our democratic politics". ie, that whitenigger trying to escape Master Jew's plantation, unlike good lil mecuck )Dreher(
Trump called the press to a conference yesterday to tell them what a pack of scumbags they are [just what they need] https://t.co/8VlVrJ6kMk
eh i say that to my neighbors horse all the time https://t.co/4uxT3b1f0E
gee it seems to be playing out. this was written by (((herzl back in 1890s, most likely https://t.co/OTkdpLuPEr
we also would have accepted "behind alley dumpsters" https://t.co/VQnOqga4A4
how bout you shut up and go away https://t.co/4C8zyw8C1r
That is some master-level chutzpah from her https://t.co/fBNpZYlCTu
they're like children who don't realize punch n judy puppets are on hands of the same person. https://t.co/JMkDn8dNbI
1 of these apologists used to talk about xtianity intensifying personality, but in my exp. theyre carbon-copy losers https://t.co/lK5fFGPT2K
Most intelligent family Britain ever produced. https://t.co/aTTtdVQd1f
"It's true that whites founded and built up the country, but they have no right to object to our changing its racial makeup." --judeo-left
oh now we got to pretend dogs are heroes too? they're just four-legged parasites. STANDING ARMIES ARE UN-AMERICAN https://t.co/7BqMu59MR8
Typical xtian - low-quality whiteskin. These shitbrains are triggered by snakes, one reason i have the avatar. https://t.co/0qKcdV97Oe
They don't need any news tricks because whitedogs never learn. https://t.co/xIvfzsrp8V
go blow yr jebus, loser. https://t.co/mWU7AeAzJs
They))) Deny white desert, white achievement, white merit - deny white existence. This lays groundwork for dispossession and genocide.
BBC is like NPR in US: they only hire jews. https://t.co/PzoYAndnY7
No, they really aren't. https://t.co/Xag4alGz7i
A genuine Aryan Warhol, awesome https://t.co/J16UaBIORv
Rubio's about face on Trump shows you that no one serves jews out of love - purely out of fear & self-interest. TPTB changes, Rubios reverse
Always starken differences: we are NOT in this together. The bad guys are #TeamJew. The good guys are #TeamWHite. POLARIZE POLARIZE POLARIZE
I remember the days when you could drive all the way across the USA on I-80 and never encounter a single "Mainiak Sarkar" wtf that is.
Beating jews requires dumping Anglo respectability politics for neo-German-nationalist racial-integrity politics. #TeamWhite
A WASP will choose decorum over integrity every single time. The Anglosphere has no solution to jews.
What color is the nigger suspect? https://t.co/RuMZJsrmQN
Really, the only role conservative writers could have would be explaining to white masses the truth about jews. They never do this. Fuck 'em
South Africa just voted for a law that forces whites to sell to blacks at whatever price the black offers. You think US blax wouldnt copy?
Zombie time at campaign Hillary: Camille Paglia on Trump’s real strength and Clinton’s fatal sleepwalking https://t.co/8P0yPAuFms via @Salon
This is the great past the reactionaries are talking about. Finally I get it. https://t.co/JivknRw5v9
Trump is showing just a thimble of the same thing - whites WILL follow real leaders who put themselves on the line. https://t.co/PH3in3gwFi
"While preaching liberalism to Gentiles, we shall hold our own people, and our own agents, in unquestioning obedience."
"In this divergence between the Gentiles and ourselves in ability to think and reason is to be seen clearly...
Guilty is seen as an individual question by whites, but as a collective matter by jews. Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
"The great qualities of the people -- honesty and frankness -- are essentially vices in politics,...
nasty little bosco hothead https://t.co/nmmZ9It2ge
your future white america - unless you team up racially: South Africa: Govt. to “Legally” Seize Land https://t.co/w4U9Ty7MaP
Monkey Nation, salute https://t.co/x1ZNDTH1fP
Like stained glass and Bach all you want, it doesn't change the fact that christianity is a cuck religion.
Politics = (((war on whites))). You're either for #TeamWhite or #TeamJew. Everything else is a mirage.
Jews deny they can ever, under any circumstances be 'guilty' in relation to goyim. Like animals, goyim exist only to serve them. #loxism
The jews invested a staggering amount of money and effort to prevent justice for their pedo-murderer #LeoFrank - KNOWING HE WAS GUILTY.
Jews are a race of evil, murderous liars. #loxism Christians alone on planet earth fail to perceive this. https://t.co/gO3YzfYJGT
why is fire so racist? we need to get those warmer boffins to investigate - Invader Center Burns in Upper Austria https://t.co/H6vkEDE9AM
June 01, 2016:
believe he was/is married to a triberess https://t.co/Z4PFBLShhi
yep. but i havent yet - one month to go https://t.co/k77j4szNuM
Well, he's going to win his "fair share of abuse" in my book. He will figure prominently under Courtier Satirists https://t.co/P5XjjqeAAj
how long are you going to be scared off lands by being called racist, white man? before or after your kind is replaced by Pac Man ghosts?
Conservatives must be whipped daily by #TeamWhite. Some will object: "But they get off on it!" True, but it's still necessary.
his humor grew sour, with the endless jews wars. partly natural aging, but also awareness the real satirist'd oppose https://t.co/LSNgb6MY4Y
So many whites are whores, it's disgusting. P.J. O'Rourke is a good example. Fuck my own kind, I'm throwing my lot in w the jew$.
There are different types of lying: jews specialize in gaslighting;the goyskins #cuckservatives they hire specialize in punch-pulling.
As always, conservatives are like bad steaks. You have to beat them tender to get any use out of them. Abuse those chickenshit bastards!
Remember always what Sobran said about professional conservatism: "It was all a game; a way of making a living."
Conservatives are whiteskins who profit by agreeing with avg white man something is dreadfully wrong, but misleading about the source.
They worship jews while same tear down their plaques and flags and defame their ancestors. https://t.co/XhsJbQT6Ry
To understand jews is to work for their extinction. They deserve worse, but one does what one can. #TeamWhite
Dingus has it figgered out, he do. https://t.co/r6QfOu7xtS
If you want to know the true nature of jews, how they think and behave, there is no better microcosm than the #LeoFrank story.
This is more likely to bother whites than their women and girls being raped. https://t.co/Vp35nPJFxT
If the #ADL defends the very worst jew (a boss who murderes his goy employee, punching/raping her after she refuses advances...)
It's a shame. https://t.co/XhsJbQT6Ry
His sentence was carried out by the good men of Georgia. Jewish money and lies did not prevail then. #HeroTomWatson https://t.co/Pc6l6AsZ6M
The #ADL was formed to spread lies to protect a jew who raped and murdered a 13yo white girl. https://t.co/DCs7kq8FYN
Israeli woman says she lied about being raped by Palestinians - Israel News https://t.co/rAl0ElGz7R
May 31, 2016:
The Yids n Chopped Liver Party yields an array of delicious stooge choices. https://t.co/AanM1jkU0D
No time to twerk when you're collecting leaves for your night nest. https://t.co/mYItmXK0uV
That gorilla was on his way to making Cincinnati great again. That's why (((they))) shot him. #CTWeCanBelieveIn
(((couric))) https://t.co/hQsAkTGzxY
to (((left))) value of muslims in ruining white nations > rape. so feminists stay still. and after all, the rape victims are white.
all seemingly contradictory leftist postions (dogs not barking, typically) can be explaind by #antiwhite-ism trumping all other agenda items
The dead gorilla and Trump are both proxies for white racial anger. The anger is legitimate, & we must stoke it till it burns ZOG to ground.
They're all jews and to hell with them. https://t.co/sbdYV03z6C
Social media agree to submit to jewish speech suppression. https://t.co/aU02kvPX4m
Christianity is #antiwhite. The lama's cult, eh, not so much. At least in practice. https://t.co/TekBTQ0bRw
Is it true you're as obnoxious off camera as you are fake-nice on? https://t.co/4Mw6qdIhIm
May 30, 2016:
time to quit pretending niggers are people? Nearly 60 Shot in Chicago Memorial Day Weekend Violence https://t.co/tcfbl2PUhP via @nbcchicago
they're paying blackmail, almost literally https://t.co/PhMcHDjvHN
Jews know who they're fighting for, and whose interests they serve. Whites generally do not. So they too end up serving jews. #TeamWhite
They're called "Greatest Generation" because they served jews. If they served whites, they'd be called...Nazis.
calling jews traitors is rhetfail. neocons using whiteskin morons to rearrange world to suit Israel is racial loyalty, not treason.
The Ticking Nigerian Time Bomb https://t.co/Lk2JxNIpRu via @sharethis
I make distinctions between vets. There are the good guys - who fought the Revolution and for the Confederacy. And dupes and parasites.
May 29, 2016:
Mocking the Tatercaust. Wow. Just wow. https://t.co/7Ipq7udokv
Bube-Loompa = @benshapiro https://t.co/sxpidqViS1
yr both ((( ))) tho https://t.co/U6xtnHXKqW
apism is the crime of treating blacks as equal to whites, which is horribly unfair to whites, or 'apist'
niggers are common and worthless; gorillas are rare and valuable. what's more, the reason gorillas are rare is - niggers killing them
At first, it looked like Harambe was trying to help the boy, O'Connor said. He stood him up and pulled up his pants.
whites are such a cucked race they get angrier at blacks for killing a gorilla than their own sons and daughters
if that gorilla had killed the niglet, we could have been in for some of the funniest protesting in subhuman history
you're a strong woman, so its understandable https://t.co/iKbls1w0IP
Jews detest niggers. But they perceive their value in destroying white society. Same with christianity. Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
Regulation = safety. If you believe this, you are on par with the jebus simpletons. https://t.co/wkWnJYgoSD
When you have to say you dont care. Ya kinda care. And you should. They're lying to our kids. Defaming our relatives & ancestors. #TeamWhite
finally an African-America who legitimately got screwed by the System https://t.co/cUif01t7xl
the jew-left attempts to equate publishing the facts about jew behavior or interracial crime as illegal incitement https://t.co/JsDZW3LKQr
'inciting violence' is illegal, that's what she tried to imply by using the term 'incite.' https://t.co/JsDZW3LKQr
Free speech has a legal meaning, as does innocent until proven guilty, but there's more to it than that - it's a disposition not all share.
White men of the future will simply slaughter jews wherever they appear. They deserve it. They initiated genocide against us. #TeamWhite
In Real America, you can bake cakes for whomever you please. For in Real America, jews leave and free association returns.
what color are the nigger "men"? https://t.co/p5mOlXHYbO
what color are the nigger suspects? https://t.co/d9uH6zKdMQ
'incite' - this person thinks it should be illegal to state the plain facts about jewish attitudes and behavior https://t.co/XcC7Vh341B
Hungary matters? Hungary matters. - Custodela Fightback Site Launched https://t.co/JezLfOmdD7 via @NewObOnline
good point. its stupidity is of a piece with "niggers wont live where it's cold." https://t.co/vkitMXraHf
It's not young white men who have problem with calling jews jews, and that's where your revolution comes from.
"all jewish historical claims are lies" file - First Phoenician DNA is European https://t.co/OMWMpAyxpv via @NewObOnline
Christianity is #antiwhite. https://t.co/GwmXui9Jxz
May 28, 2016:
There isn't a single thing jews do that doesn't endanger white children. https://t.co/nWnaRrYws0
If the founders of the US wanted a grabbag country they would have put an ashtray on the flag, not a rattlesnake.
Both Republicans and Democrats agree that racism, a spurious concept invented by communist mass murderers, is WORST THING EVER. Some choice.
Jews try to control everything. Take that as a given. How would you act if you were in their position, with their resources? Look there.
notice how the jew-approved alternatives to the jew System are always jews? (((Drudge, Yiannopoulous))) Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
Media = jews writing for whites. Jews hate whites. They just want their subscription money. Not their input. https://t.co/k6Nr5HpmDq
As conservative, I support America's core value: the right to own niggers. George Washington tested / Thomas Jefferson approved. #tcot
jews make tinkle then aliyah, their invisible feelers sensing Trumpenreich https://t.co/laU19mWhgQ
i'm all about not sharing a country with dangerous cultists who believe things like Jihad and "Even the best of the goyim should be killed."
faith is needed, and has its proper place here: correct reasoning works. you can place your faith in this. example to follow.
look...there were no gas chambers. millions of wwii-era jews know this personally. yet how many speak the truth? 3? https://t.co/hgYchwM6Hr
in jewish roulette, the gun has 1000 chambers and 1 is empty https://t.co/hgYchwM6Hr
always been interesting to me that religion can only be defended pragmatically by rightist intellectuals or pseuds
conservative mentality = feminized loser mentality (OMG, people are totally looking at me! must not make a scene!) https://t.co/IrID6vZAXW
make distinctions between jews = bring a squirt gun to a gunfight. DO THEY EVER DO THAT 4 US? HELL NAW https://t.co/LjZZezqjAG
"how we look" - no. getting what we say absolutely right is our concern. finding right princinples & sticking to em. https://t.co/LjZZezqjAG
religion is destructive of both individual character and larger society, it deserves nothing but a an eastwoodian smh/spit
unless you have a degree from Orkin State, not really interested in your views on vermin https://t.co/CdMS402WYr
other white haters dont control mass media. emotion is for pros, anyone can do reason https://t.co/ESA3s40fqM
"The free market does not steal from the future to live high on the hog today because honest interest rates"...
nigger + money = nigger https://t.co/eCazCNRCTW
Shrkeli says "GET IN THE RING" and he'll make fag-whining-for-free-drug-type noises come out of you https://t.co/IUuuAKfRK0
au contraire my retarded little jebus-fellating friend. i am salubriouser than three (3) alpine meadows https://t.co/pFaq89t9JS
the best thing about mass slaughtering jews will be watching christians cry and do their stupid spurgyodels & hand jive
i'm not following jareb taylol, tweeter. "i'd like to advise a slightly different way of shitting on whites than my jewish friends practice"
The muds want to take what you have, and any pretext will do. The jews supply them with bogus history and media gaslighting to cover it.
Gawker has comment apartheid, and in effect doesn't allow non-cultists to participate. "Free speech" is the opposite of Denton mentality.
Donning a Popular Face: How the Alt-Right is Winning the Meme War https://t.co/zMwyAnZA5n via @AtlanticCent
May 27, 2016:
we are setting the weekend bar as follows: Forty-two shot, seven of whom will pass on to the Great Beyond (7/35) https://t.co/3qcb0xf8Dw
Trump stands for the America the (((left))) couldn't create, doesnt respect, and wants to destroy. Unfortunately for them, Trump = majority.
wars started by heroes like bill kristol reason we're able to enjoy fine holidays like Memorial Day https://t.co/pkMQiHD92l
i'd be a nigger? https://t.co/STS9IcT5hp
they rape and murder our kind, and we refrain from talking about them impolitely, which is euphemism for accurately https://t.co/MTCmrCzI9S
the use of nigger is a mocking attack on the left, and the left hates it because it's undeniably accurate/effective https://t.co/jegWkXRkwr
the left won't allow any collective negative term for its subgroups. it would make all negative references taboo https://t.co/jegWkXRkwr
nigger is the only accurate description for blacks. it's the only word that gets to the reality of what they are. https://t.co/zckNJxOPAS
yeah, i remember using it back in 2000 https://t.co/xQH0HcCvfE
by that token nothing has gotten us anywhere. there's a reason the (((left))) hates & fears that word most https://t.co/KlQIX6E77h
Jebus came back from the dead; the Nazis gassed 6 million jews. Hey, man, whatever you want to believe. Reality is whatever you make it.
it's easy to believe in the Holohoax if you've been prepped with lies about miracles pulled off by the Jebus
except i used white genocide before anyone, and i continue today. other people directly state NOT to name the jew https://t.co/Ncgz8SgUSN
if conservatives 100 years ago had gone after JEWS, they would have risked winning. https://t.co/NLvFUoGHu7
we just disagree. the main things whites need to hear is they have an enemy, and (((who))) it is. https://t.co/VJy85oSjlE
great. in my view education is pretty much taken care of, the problem is organizing without being thwarted https://t.co/Ma28hyUuC7
it's true that it does require explanation which makes it less than ideal, but it's still effective https://t.co/KBZfzq4WWw
that's why - #WhiteGenocide will only become clearer over time due to demographics and increasingly open hatred https://t.co/KBZfzq4WWw
what if the people who say nazis are evil are the REAL bad guys? https://t.co/OttQRHGeQe
so if a black is born albino, he's a white because his skin is white? you're an idiot. https://t.co/cqBtNnroRt
May 26, 2016:
this sort of garbage is why jews will be made extinct, one way or another https://t.co/DDa0tUd6z9
no, tats were always for sailors and whores https://t.co/iDgJYwBYVv
All we're doing is relearning what the National Socialists knew, without admitting it to ourselves. Grow up already, us. #TeamWhite
It's better to say jews, as it focuses attention on the crux of the matter. #Antiwhite is effective as an adjective. https://t.co/5sLhTGogo2
if jews can diminish my people's suffering as 'indentured servitude,' then i can surely reduce negro slavery to 'extended unpaid internship'
Luau centerpiece opens its northtwat https://t.co/ZWbZAKhHyw
here's what i mean: i used to think people like this clown were kidding. they're not. they think race is skin color. https://t.co/1VNPRkvWUk
the left loves to smuggles its politics in under manners (Pocahantas), nearly as much as dressing them in drag as science (global warmin')
the christians have been opening Muh Bible at negroes for hundreds of years now. neither party ever learns
it doesnt bother me in the least if the jebus cult disappears from the eastern med. nor does it surprise me that xtians care little as i do
slavery was the South offering unpaid internships to civilizationally inexperienced negroes, it was USA's first affirmative action
it's strange how refusing to be intimidated by sanctimonious twinks is like a winning strategy...lol https://t.co/OoZEJJD5zh
see my little brainwashed chilluns...if whitesies and blacksies were in the zoo...they'd be in different cages. w different plaques. get it?
Slavery wasn't morally wrong, it was a technical mistake. You can't let people destroy your nation simply to enrich themselves.
xtianity can no more be done away with than astrology or farts, but supersede it with blood order, and it will quiesce among lower orders
Alton, Ill., battles between the 'Sanctimonious Madmen' (Lovejoy) demanding immanent slave liberation & good guys https://t.co/zlijCUOcBM
Southerners won't acknolewdge because they little, but Lincoln was a very personally tough man. he was also wrong. https://t.co/zlijCUOcBM
the white population throws up a percentage of zanies in every generation, and they will use (nigs) to destroy the sane 95%
Southerners and Boers have learned at great expense the timeless truth: there is no such thing as free labor.
it's clearly a mistake to have any nigs in a white land because they are a standing temptation to white maloccs https://t.co/2X9hY9GKCD
the funny thing about catholicism is...no one else but a catholic would look at their fishsticks n beer "civilization" and think to brag ont
that's his beard. lincoln physically fought, and saved my ancestor from being lynched, very likely. he was tough. https://t.co/u3ah8zgB0x
muslim = genetic crap + inculcated bellicosity ME xtians are same crap, just w less immediately destructive cult. if they're dead, so what
children like pets generally sense someone's inner spiritual reality and instinctively shy from evil like this girl https://t.co/Zm1FRamvii
It was English Americans who destroyed constitutional government in the USA in 1860. Let that be crystal clear.
you cant lay it at feet of german or irish immigrants that a large section of English US founder descendants didnt follow own rules in 1860
Dreher's no jew. that's an ordinary german name. verb drehen means to turn or revolve https://t.co/ptRz8I5z8L
is it unfair to rechristen it christ-insanity? it is not. https://t.co/0qQN0JejcK
you cant say the nazis were conservatives, they were too brave and effective for that. but it's hardly right to type them liberals either
we must come to grips with and finish the race jews for all time. that is our Euro mission. #TeamWhite
"Everyone who disagrees with me is a liar." https://t.co/y4Kc00Dheq
putting that powerful bix nood juju on the (((britpoof))) as turdelia beams approval https://t.co/hkWegnPrqK
avg american is a genial, somewhat cowardly, unintellectual fatty - the woman childishly amused by Chewbacca mask https://t.co/G3NWfzKwCY
“Most memes are ephemeral by nature, but Pepe is not,” @JaredTSwift told me. “He’s a reflection of our souls"... https://t.co/P42KyjbQrH
"I would much rather my kids marry Ethiopians who were believing Orthodox Christians than marry fellow white people who aren’t." Rod Dreher
not at all. some whites cant be demoralized. https://t.co/I1MQCj6htY
blacks are not white people that someone sneaked in and spraypainted black during the night. what part of that is hard to understand?
"I would much rather my kids marry Ethiopians who were believing Orthodox Christians than marry fellow white people who aren’t." -Rod Dreher
expelling jews is like brushing teeth. forever we did it sideways, and then one day they said right way is up and down
i dont know you. you may have won the nobel prize for cow-worshipping or something, i dont know. https://t.co/HA28vLT3Ac
no. the former is rhetorically useless and scientifically dubious. the latter is compact and undeniable https://t.co/OYpYEYURmS
Christianity, w its bizarre and wrong racial theories, stayed the white hand against jews until they were strong enough to murder the race.
Audiobook: conclusion (pp112-147) of Revilo Oliver's "The Enemy of Our Enemies" https://t.co/fHgtyCRWSS
May 25, 2016:
yeah, buh-bye kike https://t.co/uEV4TuYPMI
i dont think you really do. but the answer is written out at length in Henry Ford's The International Jew, fm 1920s https://t.co/m9K4Evl24K
i was the one who introduced KM to the racialist community, back around 2000. no one had heard of the guy https://t.co/Soi1FnJmm9
your motive is to shift blame from your group onto whites https://t.co/Soi1FnJmm9
You think wrongly. https://t.co/fpFvRL6MyG
There's a comparative racial difference. But I see you're a jew, hence a liar. So no wonder you favor blame shifting https://t.co/bXJrGVZBgS
i've read all KM. most of it comes from Cuddihy in the 1970s - The Ordeal of Civility https://t.co/7yGSx2OBSV
i've read KM's stuff. his theories are interesting, but mostly irrelevant. jews are a team. that's the difference. https://t.co/O19P35CkHi
any small group working as a team can upset uncoordinated individuals https://t.co/KqDWUY2fQu
then he's wrong too https://t.co/S2AkdQVyJh
Most of the whiteskins seeing #whitegenocide for the first time sputter in response. The idea has never occured. Making it effective.
what matters is whites choose white - when they are given a chance. so the (((govt))) wont give it to them. https://t.co/metozazpCv
if whites were racially antiwhite, or favored outgroups, this whole antiwhite (((Matrix))) we labor under would be unnecessarily redundant
you should stop listening to people who point to white choices over a law and propaganda matrix that forbids WN https://t.co/Nc3aovmY86
the lack of moral courage comes from the christianity the bogus theory backers you cite fear to criticize https://t.co/kp00NFahdl
you're far underestimating white racial sentiment, and how much the legal structure of the country forbids it https://t.co/OehpV3X4Nl
due to the legal and social infrastructure. whites get punished for speaking racially, blacks get rewarded. by jews. https://t.co/OehpV3X4Nl
First I've heard of whites in South Africa possibly fighting back... https://t.co/phj1xy9Z9J
No, it's not outgroup preference at all. Whites relocate to whiter areas vast majority of time. And marry white. https://t.co/4CImMh4jFc
Just the few hundreds thousand years it takes blacks to evolve into real humans. https://t.co/rzy5US2PTj
maybe you seem marginally less stupid than most discoloreds? https://t.co/gx2oMyp2X1
if that were true, and it's not, the govt wouldnt need to run mongrelization agitprop 24/7 https://t.co/nnjqTxSDJO
yeah verily doth The Sempiternal Idiot (ID'd by its + pendant) thinketh the bibble a Roger Tory Peterson Field Guide to Planet Earth
religion is that noise howling wildcurs make at midnight on windy ridges, translated into human form, decked in discolored glass
if it made sense, if it were true, it wouldnt be religion https://t.co/dByjfxcpUe
talking about the Kreeft quote https://t.co/GhhCTtGGwb
i say the christian is wrong in his claims about god. the christian says i don't actually believe what i say i do. christians = no honor
you forgot the ((( around people. https://t.co/hNpqLcQrIt
good example of jewiness of christian argumentation: no one really believes god doesnt exist; ie, no honest atheists https://t.co/EZBTOwICFE
like RPO says, jews put very little effort into their lies, making them coherent & non-contradictory https://t.co/NMgfR4CvAV
like roaches. if you see one, there's 200 more up in the attic writing novels https://t.co/iYQJ818VEx
the truth is that jews suffered less than any other people in WWII - which they caused by their communism
translation: submit to blackmail by a religion that has physical rape and murder of non-believers as a tenet https://t.co/L2u3BSnGnM
never allow they've suffered at all. the focus is entirely on the suffering they've caused our kind, which they deny https://t.co/K5ZA7Avl88
It makes sense to people who can read. Either dispute the point or it stands, simple harry. https://t.co/m0GFOBwdEO
You can be a christian, or you can be a white man. Not both. Facts > fantasy. A helpful clarification from #TeamWhite.
The Founders were racists. Your allegiance to them is fake. https://t.co/WU1wCtC1HX
the avg person has the dim idea jews are a religion that is a little smarter and richer & has suffered more than most. acquaint him w facts
my ancestors fought with Ethan Allen and G. Washington. maybe they ran away and hid. but i like to believe they killed lots of vile British
in the vast majority of cases, a man's race tells you more about him than his religion. this bio pin pricks the conceit that is catholicism
if i tell you that a man named r.m. is black, has 8 degrees, is catholic ... which fact tells you the most about him?
christainity completely downplays the flesh, save as source of immoral impulses. as i say, xtianity is liberalism - it denies/devalues race
the avg person will really not believe that all the people you say are jews actually are. this can wake people up, i have seen it first-hand
conservatism is some kind of dollar-store crap that is so diluted it cant actually clean anything. racialism is the concentrate
once you see the ((( ))) you cant unsee it. but probably 2/3 of jews on tv are not recognized as such by reglar americans. they need yr help
That's a shame...only five. https://t.co/t6AeKz812n
It makes no sense to name the Station at the End of the Line: #WhiteGenocide. And not name the conductor: #TeamJew
What they say: it's good to force different races to mix. What they mean: it's good for jews. Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
Mainstream (((cons))) have invested years tying race-sanity to nazis and nazis to liberals. https://t.co/jhqo5qr5ip
All the shit you see that we all hate, it's not going to go away. It's going to get worse. And #WhiteGenocide is last stop. Or...we fight.
#WhiteGenocide isnt great but is necessary still, because it makes clear there is a logic and end goal to All This Crap.
White cause needs leadership, not salesmen. I mean, not living in a nation with niggers or jews siccing them on us sells itself.
Grandma Maine hates Trump. Grandma Maine can't even get out of way of van. https://t.co/XngsCeRKRc
how to redpill someone #2: point out that what System-left and System-rightists agree on is where the problem is (that race doesnt matter)
how to redpill someone? watch tv with them and just point out every jew you see on the political shows or news
we move steadily toward day when What Will Neighbors Think graph line crosses under Need to Save Our Own Kind.
Christianity has dog-trained whites that luv > thought. https://t.co/QFOMZ2Gbsh
Sewage is alt-water. catholics brought 'civilization' to South America. https://t.co/sW9zLGb964
These fucking Greater Mexicans cant even keep their water clean, but we listen to kahnservatives tell us they improve the USA? RUFKM? #tcot
The White racial cause is so inherently attractive it needs active suppression to keep it down. The days of Social Fear Dictation be ending.
Why are you concerned w how you look to others if you're able to stomp them into the ground per Might Makes Right? https://t.co/CwtHHpzSma
Do Muslims control immigration to your white land? No? Who does? #TeamWhite asks the right questions.
Today's average American is similar in brainpower to a first-grader in 1800s. I suspect this is not an overstatement.
jews are more destructive than muslims. there are fewer of them, they're harder to see, and they have infinitely more power. #TeamWhite
the conservative conceit is that you can talk jews out of their positions. this is same as believing you can talk a dog out of being a dog
just as w jews leftists and jew conservatives, what christianity and Enlightenment have in common is infinitely more significant than diffs
christianity is liberalism. libs say blacks are whites with dark skin. xtian says same thing but of mind-color rather than skin.
Creating radicals wins, not pandering to khaki-wearing middle-class windsniffers.We tried yr xtian cult and conservatism. They dont work.
Oprah says, when someone shows you what he is, believe him. jews have done that. over millennia. i believe them.
unlike christians and conservatives, i have intellectual humility: i dont believe i can talk a jew out of what's it's been for 5000 years
jews are behind the discoloring of America. and the rest of the West. #TeamJew has declared war on Whites.
normies are 2-digit proles. middle-class respectables wont do shit. ever. https://t.co/wA2zbln7Vt
women...they're not built for thinking https://t.co/9VOJOET4Sj
keep it well fed and give it all the hair dye it wants. you just might have a chance... https://t.co/9WkWe5kJww
Whites always talk about space exploration. To me, insanely boring, but this is the political equiv. Here be Glory. https://t.co/t1gSZH31mV
You're either a man, a woman, or a freak. If the last, keep it to yourself. And no one will care or know. #commonsense
The Germans were too advanced and civilized to permit the jews to foment crap like transgenderism. Americans...not so much.
And ever since, White children have been defined legally as Learning Aids for Budding Young Negroes. https://t.co/bCOK61LTa9
the illusion of choice, the illusion of debate, the reality of jewish control behind the scenes. this is politics in the West in 2016
Neocohens are the lineal and nostrumic descendants of the USSR yids who murdered 60,000,000 of our Whitekind. #TeamWhite
Pilpul and gaslighting are concepts taught in no media class yet essential to grasping how (((mass media))) operate.
With recherche and esoteric positions like...national borders...normal sex...not actively hating white people. https://t.co/D0IbWSXHfz
#IStandWithIsrael https://t.co/1glsU9W4oZ
Noseferatu demands you dirty antisemites bleed more for Israel with every passing year. #IStandWithIsrael
the jews are doing the same thing as the muslims, there are just fewer of them and most dont dress funny so you can't see it #tcot
attack on native British continues - https://t.co/whz18vmZLl via @NewObOnline
why be a man when you can be a christian? it's much easier. https://t.co/Mx6SDcIudA
That fat broad laughing under the Chewbacca (he trills!) mask - that is precisely the midpoint of the whiteskin population, brains, etc.
As Authoritate, I would depute silent killers to stalk the population, harvesting anyone who used "rock" for wear. #FreshIdeas4OurTime
I'd like to build a giant blender and throw all the 120-lb commies and lesbians at Gawker in. #NeoIvanism
You have to decide, white man, whether you big or you little. If little, you know which way to go. The path is marked with the + sign.
I care as little about jews as they care about me - and they hate me and try to bring about the genocide of my kind. #TeamWhite
Remember who initiated the violence: the anti-Trump crowd. Excused and justified by jewsmedia that showers hate on real Americans.
The South, and Georgia in particular, deserves immense credit for bringing White Man justice to pedophile-rapist-murderer #LeoFrank. #ADL
as well try to shame a monkey for masturbating or flinging poo as try to shame #BlackLivesMatter protesters
and of course when they say Gemany "turned on jews" it's gaslighting for resisting #whitegenocide and Weimarization of culture #TeamWhite
you perhaps could shame (DePaul) blacks if race were just a skin color, as conservatives believe. but it's not. #tcot
The measure of the greatness of European Man is whether he can throw off the shackles of Jewish Tyranny. #TeamWhite
you cant shame blacks. whites never notice this. conservative cowards never tire of opposing violence with tut-tuttery #tcot
Germany was ahead in automotive technology with Mercedes. And it was ahead in politics with national socialism. Get it, slow boat?
When they say "'how could EDUCATED, ADVANCED Germany turn on jews"...? That's why. Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
hahaha https://t.co/U1GilUAcoC
Redskin 'Vox Day' and yellowskin @AngelTilaLove agree: SJWs (J*WS) worse than 'Nazis.' https://t.co/fhX66yX2lS
hey, the Romney method works https://t.co/FcbVbZ2HQG
there is no "right" to anything https://t.co/2MduCbPf7O
Unless whites come together as a racial team (#TeamWhite) they will end up being a despised, slaughtered minority. That's the bottom line.
blacks dont believe in crime as a concept, certainly not crimes against whites. as their numbers grow, so does their belligerance
There is no way to deal with the (niggers at Yiannopoulos' speech) except land-clear them. You can improve land. Not niggers. #TeamWhite
is it not self-evident that christ-insanity has filled our people's minds with crazy, irrational, destructive nonsense in name of morality?
Whites are capable of living on a higher level than blacks. This is why they don't like living around them. Only WN politics reflects this.
"Whites might almost be defind as a race quite unconscious of production values." --Nathan Jacob Wise
the one duty we owe history is to rewrite it, said wilde. he was being funny but jews actually do this - continual tweaking 4 "good 4 jews"
only people as credulous as whiteskin christians could take the bible seriously https://t.co/n9xrJtJ8IC
that comes from their church. more specifically, from their bought and/or seminary-poisoned preachers https://t.co/6RsZnOBdi8
May 24, 2016:
look at the niggers acting that way toward the jewfag. do you not instinctively sense these apes aren't part of human society?
i love how whites expect blacks to be embarrassed for being called out for acting like blacks. like they have another level.
'History' and 'Science' are two honorable names jews have coopted to disguise their #antiwhite agenda. To jews, they are weapons.
He didn't do what you would have done. That's all "crazy" means to conformist, christian, characterless doots. https://t.co/lWHCnLz5ur
there is no leftist it is unsafe to walk around with on your chest, save possibly jim jones, and that because of the christian association
probably see that once for every 200 "far right" https://t.co/o0WO5H77WU
The jew desires neutral language (US Constitution or private business' TOS) concealing #antiwhite application. Fair surface, foul substrate.
Censorship = govt. The same thing done privately is suppression. Typically by means of Terms of Service promoting jew-left #antiwhite agenda
it is in many countries. USA is comparatively free, but suppression, private censorship, is carried out by TOS. https://t.co/47Dabk7M7J
China’s scary lesson to the world: Censoring the Internet works. https://t.co/IZBD9cj4Pi
Invader Economic and Social Disaster https://t.co/C3lMz08U05 via @NewObOnline
Legal Immigration: Why Hofer Lost https://t.co/DAYfTHgCjV via @NewObOnline
Jews Ecstatic at Hofer Defeat https://t.co/8EFJ6BkMid via @NewObOnline
Communist-Green Wins Austrian Election https://t.co/mjNl9OINjp via @NewObOnline
The average man has gone up about the same amount, from 166 to 195 (since 1960s) https://t.co/2f367UmPKr
May 23, 2016:
The average American woman now weighs as much as the average 1960s man https://t.co/RmsQ5pCCY1
May 22, 2016:
Breitbart is another fake-alt jew source that won't mention jews opened the gates to Muslims. Whiteskins never learn. Nature's rubes.
whites have voted for proxies for years, gotten nowhere. will Trump be different? if not, prepare for race war https://t.co/VV4AMDpK56
conservatism is a disposition, and far from the worst one. it's just that in practice it tends to amount to cowardice #tcot
The DOCTRINES are the problem. I truly dont understand what is difficult to grasp about this. https://t.co/bkvLEKHhJb
Detroit is failed becuz "liberal" politicians. Not niggers. They say this. Worse, they actually believe it. #tcot https://t.co/U4ILbeS80q
Republicans don't read, so conservatism becomes whatever the jews n cucks they see on Fox tell them it is. https://t.co/k0vKvwZEUn
Hello, fellow brotherhood of mans https://t.co/zaYSOf7aoy
typically clueless #tcot simp who buys the neocohen lie America wasn't founded on race https://t.co/g84Fs0rUAY
They take money from Big Jew Central to stick Africans in Flyover. Christianity doesn't value race. https://t.co/sTNSn7rrdA
the jew let the muslims into white nations. textbook definition of 'with malice aforethought' #TeamWhite
at least half of "right wing" women have no actual thoughts, they're just married to military parasites
the problem isn't caths or prots, it's the thing itself. Christianity is #antiwhite. https://t.co/NOZS6cc3eB
jew Bezos rag... Patriots at the gate: The Americans preparing for battle against their own government https://t.co/WmjZq9wjoQ
submission or dominance. the whiteskin christian has chosen submission what do you choose, white man? #TeamWhite
he's a jew, so his opinion is important https://t.co/BS6vIkVqv7
the holocaust has been debunked. one form of resistance to its use in brainwashing our children is to physically rip up books promoting it
brother norris been cucked by christ, like so many https://t.co/GV0dZqn8kU
awwwwww yeeaaaaaaahhhh https://t.co/r6NMZ6Py3e
May 21, 2016:
jebooist nearly makes good - Naked man jumps into a zoo's LION enclosure in a 'suicide bid' https://t.co/2DKKvCsaZb via @MailOnline
Jews are The Problem. Everything else are problems caused by The Problem. When you grasp this - you grasp politics. Real politics.
For first time in 2000 years, when the xtian cult tells us its immoral to deal with the jews persecuting us - WE AREN'T LISTENING ANYMORE.
three jews debating what's good for america. this is the problem. https://t.co/RPho6BOeLO
dupes are the real heroes https://t.co/gDD5UFAUiX
he's an #antiwhite catholic #cuckservative https://t.co/H2YZTUKvMC
you have offended Facebook's double standards. please become more conformist to jew-leftism and try again
May 20, 2016:
beck is the Queen of All Cucks... even menses in bowties are smh at him https://t.co/omflm2SDlL
When you get called a cuck by Tucker Carlson... https://t.co/pPlBSnkS3L
Jews are only leftist in White nations. In Israel, they're nazis. In our countries they rationally pursue politics aimed at #whitegenocide.
The (((powers that be))) of course try thru law and technics to reimpose the old controls. https://t.co/n9sEnaAhws
Grounds for mass slaughtered -- after a wave of assassinations of kikes and cucks who let these beasts in. https://t.co/4SDhssf66r
Great quotes from Trump. He appears to know what he's doing, certainly compared to the last few Repcucks. https://t.co/wzy3W4MsC5
force mixing valuable young negros with racists will raise their test scores sez Miss. queen https://t.co/cYs2CAj254 via @NewObOnline
Whites are a dreamy, creative race. They are also gullible and suggestible. To some extent these are the same thing.
whites give up too easily. this is how jews dominate. the AFC should have kept going and encouraged draft refusal https://t.co/xrg8qPTgnJ
50% W. Europe Men from “One King” https://t.co/rZ89w3etdB via @NewObOnline
This is the kind of thing I hope Trump can clean up. https://t.co/cYA1SEUvGW
jews categorically refuse to admit their behavior is the source of roughly 100% of their problems https://t.co/XxkOE18roR
American is a color, btw, and that color is white. If you don't like that, take it up with the Founders. https://t.co/k4XptCenX3
that's what the law says. common sense says it's a nigger and it's guilty https://t.co/k4XptBWN5v
just today stories about the horrible polluted diversity water in South Africa and Rio. you can give a (disco) (anything), it will ruin it
Turd Worlders create poverty and misery, and it's just these that the cur-perverts called xtians love to wallow in.
Chicago Mayhem: 20 Shootings in 16 Hours https://t.co/OP9YesU5TP via @NewObOnline
Aggressive, man-eating Nile crocodiles lived in the Everglades for years https://t.co/fifZTVEBni
what color is the nigger suspect? murder in Okinawa https://t.co/MWU8quaO00
the idea a white man could be defined by his attitude toward erect vermin is ridiculous. time to call Orkin, we've got a sheeny infestation
jews unleash antiwhite attack on normal Americans https://t.co/iA7aDvcot7 via @Salon
Morality is a jew technique for manipulating goyim; certainly nothing they observe in their own behavior. https://t.co/bnpx1Lw5bN
it's not just borders jews dont want for you. it's guns. they trust their little kids more than grown whitegoy adults. #NoJewsJustRight
6 of 10 richest counties are around D.C. big govt is inherently anti-white. i mean, if whites are capable of more than EBT coons.
they look like niggers to me https://t.co/mgJsGfkMuH
This obsession with 'growing the economy.' Do that by downsizing the state, not importing 3rd World scum. https://t.co/Sr91qcU8CU
blacks are niggers. that's why the reality-averse community hates the term https://t.co/pneGjz5X5S
when whites are < 10% minority https://t.co/QUKaGwK7F2
May 19, 2016:
anti-racist = "i help jews murder my own people. i take pride in this because i'm a trendy brainwashed knucklehead" #whitegenocide
the problem with Trump is that he doesn't go far enough. #TeamWhite settles for nothing but all jew fleas off Americat
to justify racial murder of whites & their dispossession, jew-left invents false history in which whites created nothing & stole everything
there really is nothing left to leftism except hating whites as a race. read around on salon. there's nothing else to it anymore
Interesting that (((Commentary misdefines cuckservative. It means subservience to the jew, not to discos.
May 18, 2016:
this is a right-wing jew lol. classic chutzpah from a classically fugly kike https://t.co/G9JCpSSHBL
'Racist' is the epithet the (((destroyers))) of western civilization use for the creators. #TeamWhite
we already saw the first act: anyone who opposed jews war ii was defamed and then thrown in jail. what comes next? #TeamWhite
mixing metaphors and misrepresenting, it what jew do https://t.co/DruIQQoY51
May 17, 2016:
i detest people who cant make their case without making david-blaine faces or kindergarten teacher bigeyes https://t.co/Qel6UWjMCO
i know. like a nice big velvet pillow. it's all wallpaper and muzak https://t.co/Qel6UWjMCO
A dumb thing in Latin is still a dumb thing. A reactionary is someone who doesn't really accept this.
he fancies a dumb thing on velvet becomes a smart thing. old paintings, latin are catnip to this mental ilk https://t.co/fVKAqYMZ3I
spoiled meat requires strong sauce https://t.co/fVKAqYMZ3I
right answer: it's all jewish spinach and to hell with it #crosscucks https://t.co/VSkTu5o7rG
As Oprah says: When a giant turtle says "I'm going to pick you up in my beak and make two of you, BELIEVE HIM." https://t.co/8mnswBCIr8
Eating makes appetite. Build a wall. Deport shitskins. No telling where it ends. Maybe a Kike Popcorn String Across America, I dont know.
as often and long as needed https://t.co/ALhziBhQaf
That's...great. #BluGoatCrew https://t.co/efu1IaTzIU
i'm not worshipping those who got us into this mess https://t.co/8SVw6UB1bt
he's an average conservative. "what will the neighbors think?" is his north star. it's a type. https://t.co/jTKqIVjRAY
"Pontifex Maximum" - there was no one in the room to roll the eyes at this? that there tells you something https://t.co/i8tuJa7x9n
there's nothing wrong with ancient paganism, norse gods, but no need to resuscitate. old values modern forms https://t.co/LuT0xyfmhW
is he one of Whitaker's Witlesses? https://t.co/hFOgTC8AfQ
avg vapid person never considers someone could lie about such as 'The Holocaust' or gas chambers. but neither did i https://t.co/2AWqYAkKvx
stupid flat-minded, "it's gotta be #muhJebus or #muhBluGoat." really? why? why are those only two options?
xtianity is dead among folks worth a damn. you're not going to resuscitate a paganism that arose in diff circumstances. invent something new
you whiteskins who think xtianity or even paganism are needed - you dont really grasp what white means. whites invent new forms. continually
Instead of discoloring your skin, to signal to others what your dumb mouth makes clear, read on gas chambers. https://t.co/oNET2VhUZD
Big Govt makes you safe by surrounding you with styrofoam packing peanuts. That are actually TB-bearing Somalis. https://t.co/WJXdKIRYNx
one's credibility is important. one does not want to be taken for a Southern Baptist. https://t.co/DiyYK22VxB
she says she is not, & if you look it up, there's no evidence. 1 of millions of fat white germanic iowa broads https://t.co/q8A0xXFh7P
May 16, 2016:
She's not a jew. https://t.co/fVKpr4zgzd
Converting jews is no solution. It's just catholic ideology. Let's try something new: expelling jews underground instead of sideways.
Insanity is doing the same thing 109 and expecting a different result the 110th. CATHOLIC RACE DOCTRINE YIELDS WHITE GENOCIDE. #TeamWhite
jebus = Queen of the Cucks https://t.co/4ju9F90dzz
70s village people faggot reprasent https://t.co/7Oon8ASwdJ
what the (homosexuals and pedophiles) called christian priests won't tell you: you cant fix niggers. but they can destroy you. #TeamWhite
Leave the low-IQ religious cretins to the churches - we want fanatical intellectuals and street fighters.
Calling them antiwhites rather than jews is the opposite of plain English, dotard. https://t.co/nK8sVHans5
Sexy Pancake is dead. yet the world still spins?? https://t.co/8SIBpAxV9G
It was Christianity that told the gullible white man he had a duty to aid the colored world rather than protect his own kind from it.
Politics = jews run things. They hire people who look like you to spread a lot of bullshit to hide this fact. #TeamWhite #tcot
first things first: get rid of non-whites. that means getting rid of jews that control white lands https://t.co/Yc864EdRbr
these fooking ham-eschewers pretending they're ham-chewers #icanteven #sotired https://t.co/KqUg0YKBLX
I'd rather vote for Drumpf than Trump. The white spirit moves away from the lying Anglo 2-faced jew-servile xtian ethos to blood serious
the question is why all these morally upright #tcot christian boylets truckle and yield to these kikes https://t.co/I890kFFjpe
Free association and personal dignity are white concepts. They are found nowhere in judaism or the jewish mentality.
IF JEW THEN LIE never fails https://t.co/dEWtSQO5pa
Trump could make building The Wall a volunteer project, and I bet people would flock to help out. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
really the only thing giving hillary a chance is that 90% of free-cheese plebes need her and US likes the No Pants Bill show
holy shit, the first non-stupid thing this moron has said https://t.co/CgqmkR9pJq
They could only be disloyal to their nation, not ours. https://t.co/JNXC30yhty
You get together and mass slaughter jews and niggers. https://t.co/hq0njScIx6
It is if we trophy hunt niggers. https://t.co/JX1ztBMNvh
Still here and still running things and still sucked up to by the cunts & crosscucks known as christians. https://t.co/lANDO1CNiQ
aka Good Santa Bearing the gift of a Better Society. https://t.co/hWXVJPrchP
if you want to see what America will be like with whites as small minority, follow a bunch of South African accts and stay up late
think of all those miserable commie Lorpes & Hinkpverts, eating their stewed narwhal scrotums. NO SON FOR YOU. https://t.co/hWXVJPrchP
'gutter' - any mocking of the jew at 1/100th the level he mocks whites on his tv every second of every day https://t.co/eH8AVcCYG6
but in a heavy snow area, a flat roof like that just makes good sense https://t.co/W1Jtkusbdn
What's best for white people? Living in an all-white nation? What prevents this? jews. Yes, it's that simple. #TeamWhite
We need to get rid of crank universalism that has brain-poisoned us these last centuries. The coin has two sides: catholicism/Enlightenment.
It's not even conceivable how much better a place the world would be if jews didn't exist. #PreviewOfComingAttractions
American politics: jews babbling with jews on how best to use & discard the white majority. #loxism #TeamWhite https://t.co/jba7c7yqWm
Jews: we will murder the white race whiteskins: we will convert jews to xtianity WN: we will make jews extinct. Get it? #TeamWhite
Jews intend white genocide. We must beat them to it. https://t.co/k1i4XvtdcT
Germans back then were ahead of the world in many areas, and that certainly included politics. https://t.co/OfRq3rnfxB
May 15, 2016:
pa irving invented neoconservatism https://t.co/KHFDKBwy7V
gigs up snipdick...get to shtepppin https://t.co/35iLKul40l
As sci-fister John Wright says, his cult, catholicism, saved jews from "popular fury." How's that working out for us, fellow white kids?
The man with no core can be found on all fours, worshipping a jewish sci-fi charcacter. How do you tell a cuck? By the cross 'round his neck
Whites can't defend themselves against jews when jews believe whiteskins are filthy animals and white xtians believe jews are God's children
Ask Buchanan straight up whether Hitler was a good man or not. What will he say? See, that's the difference between xtian and White Man.
A #crosscuck like Buchanan tells Europe to rediscover a non-white faith while the Pope is sucking on muslim toes, inviting invasion.
Since morons keep asking: Christianity isn't something that needs to be replaced, it's something that needs to be stopped (drugs, alcohol).
I wouldnt https://t.co/2nUr8C7fdR
The hollow men are the christians - it was the pat buchanans of the world who acceded to the jew. https://t.co/5WkfUVDI6n
People like Trick Wilson have no gods save money. They're career girls. They do what (((Boss Yeed))) tells 'em.
White cause: 1) Council of Elders, 2) agree pol vocab, 3) Soft/enculturation (K-PhD race poz curriculum), 4) enemies list for warriors
hitler saw both xtianity and british empire thru rose-colored glasses. we neednt copy his mistakes, only his wins https://t.co/stiC9JdN5R
White thought leaders should understand: there is no solution to the jew problem except counter-extermination. https://t.co/Mr9ZimAVBp
exactly right. jewsmedia are lying shitbags who deserve nothing but death https://t.co/FgQANfkVfM
open question whether The Donald will opt for an American foreign policy or let jews buy his position
real niggers hate whites who act like niggers. YOU'RE WHITE. ACT WHITE. https://t.co/C7YQ1UhOnp
May 14, 2016:
if i wanted to know which rock the tastiest grubs lived under, i'd ask a negro. otherwise, their opinion is worth nothing to me
if you choose to live your life in fear or awe of jews, i despise you. you're not a real man, you're a cur #TeamWhite
do people know that david niven ripped off his mustache from that white guy pretending to be black??
good one! (considerly yourself condescendingly patted) https://t.co/YC3WVp6W7j
like misses america (and near misses americas), i'm here to bring peace to the world thru my gift song https://t.co/tfPXUDOg4x
jews are a nasty race of criminals. they make their way in the world by doing everything they falsely accuse others of. #DeathToTheJews
if corporations are driven solely by profit, as leftists such as (((mark crispin miller))) claim, would Disney even consider queering Elsa?
Tim Wise = jew masquerading as white man https://t.co/enH9maDzGY
start with madge cho https://t.co/GLRMpMkdak
The neckerchief is the natural symbol of the #altright https://t.co/oGk85VjqAD
can influence over donald trump be purchased? stay tuned! https://t.co/HgHRkGzSrJ
they sided with jew-bolsheviks. they reaped the natural result. https://t.co/wDq1LAYBF2
a civilized society has many executions and few prisons the desire to/belief in reforming people signifies a clown society on way down
reactionaries are religious. they believe winning is a sin. their role is beautiful whining and yesterday pining https://t.co/6RtQO8Sja8
May 13, 2016:
only two groups speak their mind with complete freedom: jewish tyrants and white nationalists. the rest of you are some degree of slavecunt
mass execution! https://t.co/B6cGwoaxrA
everyone sees that blacks are niggers - but this does not lead to same political conclusion. same w female's lack of agency
it implies women are responsible for their own outcomes https://t.co/H1yy6f2IgM
The pedophile gathered about his feet a mass of kindergartners. With big eyes, he said: "Children, to value your race is idolatry - & evil."
if you dont understand what i'm about to say, study until you do. the cath. church always has will and must side with jew-communism over NS
you dont have the balls to investigate gas chambers, tiddlywink https://t.co/dq8x8prvQe
i'm quoting the argument catholic 'intellectuals' invariably use when arguing with racialists https://t.co/mAuuEwDjQ4
if i disagree with you, i say you're wrong. the catholic and jew dont do this. they say you're evil https://t.co/1XtfDz81aH
if you want a White land for white protection, the jew calls you a hater and racist; the catholic, a "race idolater" https://t.co/1XtfDz81aH
not morally or existentially. the catholics and jews aren't saying you're wrong, they're saying you're evil https://t.co/1XtfDz81aH
you can't disagree with jewish Semitical Correctness and retain your good character. same with catholic racial doctrine.
'the' 'holocaust' has been debunked. not denied. it's nothing but pure jewish bullshit from hooknose to tuchus
if you hold race at higher value than catholicism does, then you are "worshipping at the altar of your own blood"; guilty of race "idolatry"
and who vindicates that right? no one except the man himself. thus, the statement is meaningless or tautological. https://t.co/VCQESNKpcj
God is a Fisher-Price concept. https://t.co/HAot4OTAPX
you mean sided with evil and defeated good https://t.co/n0VRc7Iuaf
#Fingerism is subpolitical yet affords the only psych. basis on which a jew-defeating politics can be erected https://t.co/W6RKdB9SbQ
the minute you bring 'god' into the picture, you start playing with cause and effect, and pretty soon everything goes to shit
i love how these kikes show up to "solve" the problem THEIR RACE CREATED. and altright ninnies play along https://t.co/XWjHijhu3X
japanese dont eat spiders. all races should be mocked. freedom and epithets are indissoluble. https://t.co/mVPUG52GEx
that guy looks like someone's grandma https://t.co/VC4aotn4ug
No more muslims begins with no more jews letting them in. https://t.co/YevTyFpoh0
Will you mock slant-eyed gooks for eating spiders? https://t.co/4h7Ie8fAz9
#Fingerism is right-wing atheism. https://t.co/alFHusa6co
#Fingerism, like all classic belief systems, is based on 1 simple yet profound truth: I can make my finger move. https://t.co/kQF3Jko3gr
I have decided to become a woman and a xtian. My name will be Charlotte Ann Grabbins. I'll be hectoressing dull myriads for tubmans.
you'll see.. https://t.co/kQF3Jko3gr
#Fingerism has but one tenet: the belief one can make one's finger move. All else derives from that Belief.
#Fingerism does not proselytize like your common cults, for it is far too beautiful & self-possessed. At most it pokes.
"three ugly desert sisters" how i heard it best put... i am a Fingerist https://t.co/5eeQbuDNqz
sci-fi writer confirms what i assert: "The secular Jews, hating and fearing the Church which has always protected them from popular fury,"
another america-hating kike #loxism https://t.co/gRNDV2gZda
says the Rev in a cult who's main girl says to abandon your family and follow Her https://t.co/Rs94BIPcr8
when NR was good it had loads of history and literature; after jew takeover in early 80s, shifted to wonk crap https://t.co/vf5Hgz3lSd
Eat the rich!...buttery muffins https://t.co/6YUUPDLZxh
close to zero percent https://t.co/2iY24cuUy3
limited democracy. rule by competent king. rule by a religious cultist who for some good reason hates jews. https://t.co/PNPsJrzCV5
id imagine the unborn are tenderer, moister...perhaps even deliciouser, not having been exposed to crusty oxygen https://t.co/a19hhZe11w
i dont. not since reagan. when i realized conservatives are bullshitters run by jews, just like the left https://t.co/3bFKeSYMaf
progressive means you support pedophiles https://t.co/HsM8fgnRw7
never suck up to jew tools https://t.co/4xZvUmXkzD
"i love nature" saith the halfwit. Lion pulls an unborn foetus from a buffalo it has killed and eats it https://t.co/4GkrT7k96O
jews like to depute bottle-blond she-males to speak for Aryankind https://t.co/QHa0h3JAq6
https://t.co/rMnscN6Jlj denis leary on happiness
'The site is a slam-dunk pre-Clovis site with unequivocal artifacts, clear stratigraphy and thorough dating.' https://t.co/gDfMCoBncb
Did humans conquer America 1,500 years earlier than believed https://t.co/llAtoqDYHW via @MailOnline
true, but lesson is mostly: control mass media and you can get away with anything. for us, simple + repetition 4 now https://t.co/Wp0LwNvXFf
never understand people sitting around trying to figure out whether they're happy. https://t.co/7AmEptkBkW
Everywhere the jews are succumbed to, it's christians doing the succumbing. Everywhere jews are resisted, it's atheists and racialists.
xtianity isnt the solution. xtianity isn't part of the solution. xtianity isnt The Problem. xtianity is part of the problem #TeamWhite
christianity was jew pozzed from day one. https://t.co/a4hD7XxP7b
ethnic self-defense against bullying (((internationalism))) i would not trust BS one inch, he's a fake https://t.co/vf5Hgz3lSd
out of milieu comes genius. as with italian painting, so with White politics. the more who know, the wider circle, the better the hitlers
suicidists tend to be people who whine. hotlines dont take that into account. suicide: it's not just about you https://t.co/54sviaNsBW
people thinking about offing themselves can't be wrong 100% of the time, yet that's the suicide hotline partyline https://t.co/54sviaNsBW
but if they leave, then that's white flight. they're guilty of cowardice and depriving the coons of needed resources https://t.co/5gUatjd9w4
May 12, 2016:
term like SJW, you get jewfags 'debating' neocohen feminists, laffing at (((T-puff))), you get the impression something is being done. no.
just saying i dont think it makes sense to treat it as something discrete when its part of broader racial attack https://t.co/VzoXSlh7s4
it's wrong to focus on minority outliers rather than ringleaders and ratifiers. J*WS > SJW https://t.co/OhPiyjxBwQ
which non-jew-controlled media promote SJW antiwhite warfare? maybe some blogs. but no mass media https://t.co/zJU7F3n3IT
SJW would be more effective if replaced with jew. Vox runs like red nigger from Officer Occam. https://t.co/Ad49WjNp8w
it's just not same thing. left basically calls themselves SJW. whereas they dont admit they're after white genocide https://t.co/Ad49WjNp8w
vox compared apples and oranges. blaming SJW is safer than blaming jews. but the latter is what's needed vitally https://t.co/K5E3pQ4hrY
they've admitted they didnt see internet coming. since then they've been playing catch-up https://t.co/VIFXg9ppV4
the internet lets you see the grand canyon between the writer view up top and the mass of normal whites below... https://t.co/1M6ieROFQi
few are heroes, most require leadership. the internet bulbs people and lets them see the growing circle of lights https://t.co/Y8g9TBE3kY
point is whoever is gettable can be gotten + gathered. making it real is step 2. but internet accomplishes step 1 https://t.co/1M6ieROFQi
Precious Niggers(tm) figurines from Franklin Mint. Collect 'em all! Buy now and we'll throw in a special Wall Zoo(tm) exhibit case.
not sure i've ever seen as hot a hate as the left has for george zimmerman for not allowing himself to be murdered by My Precious Nigger
leftists are people who showcase their lack of emotional control. trantrumic activity is taken as some measure of authenticity
sure. they create false stories. circulate thru all Official Vectors. smear or jail any who resist. https://t.co/8Aj5wcxwB6
the internet has created an expanding circle of White Men who understand the basic problem and solution https://t.co/njRAG6QvzG
if that were case, jews wouldnt keep information from people, and they certainly do that. even criminalizing it https://t.co/q9VWg9Y0K2
it's easy to cow MOST people by making them think theirs is the minority view. neighbors dont agree. but Net falsifies this re jews n race
half the jews' shtik is based on the lie they speak for community - but on net you can see this isnt true
true, but not the same at all. you had to seek it out and pay. not just click and read https://t.co/gTcuTXaxcN
reactionary: guy who thinks he would have been the knight rather than the boy emptying the horse bedpan
get a castle https://t.co/LLQyQBXRFG
i sure will right after quakers own every mass media outlet and Fed Reserve and #1 money donor to both parties https://t.co/EEYKkL1gHU
christianity itself was produced by jews https://t.co/TMxrnmeGoz
'public schools' have done their work well https://t.co/9sy6q10JST
you're unable to distinguish cause from consequences, good luck w that https://t.co/MZT9rFvEt5
the problem is horse poop all over the road. but let's not mention amish. let's talk about the dingus-boderanian plan from 1876
Unlike catholic priests and Republicans, Hitler was a "safe space" for kids https://t.co/FJuTM18ZLq
top pepe, imo https://t.co/Zf2Ikuw2rU
needless multiplication of syllables is ambrosia to middle class, but we need radicals. 'cultural marxist' is weakspeak. the term is jew.
the lies jews spew at whites dont have to be coherent, they can be contradictory, so long as they confuse & distract #TeamWhite
the Internet is the white man's chance to regain independence from the jew #TeamWhite https://t.co/Slsx0zMfjw
that's what i'm here for. it's gratifying to see much of the world saying what i was 20 years ago https://t.co/Slsx0A3QI6
no idea. would guesss, but only a guess, they were the type of people that run in clinton-nyc-jew circles https://t.co/8sLEmH7Kg2
anything unseemly, disgusting, dangerous or stupid - then and only then is it ok to cast all whites. unwritten law https://t.co/AZgYP1B3po
govt and media are controlled by one race. so you're in a race war by your own tacit admission https://t.co/eMmayVIKLG
Now here's some real #MuhTurdition we can get behind - demonstrates exactly what a White Man is. NOT a traditzylisp https://t.co/LTB9YyEH2f
old xtian crank joe sobran used to talk about how conservative Orthodox yids are. in jew terms that = swindlers https://t.co/jxqV7FBJnJ
What's good for whites is defined as beyond the pale. of course they dont call it that, they call that 'hate'. #loxism #TeamWhite
hint for the clueless: it's not a debate when all the participants are jews Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
all these 'anti-modernists' who denounce principles as puritanism and promote tolerance of shit people & dumb ideas https://t.co/3OydyIbVWM
All religious cretins since the BEGINNING of time thought they were living in End Times. https://t.co/AnkRUCQUxQ
Christians believe God created niggers. They believe niggers have imperishable souls of inestimable value. https://t.co/ac750jJViH
moron: the bahble has answers! lesson: right ones? moron: #MuhTurditions! lesson: good ones? conclusion: think...or stink
being white isnt about traditions, it's about being able to dominate any circumstances and turn them into poo
Still waiting for a #tradcrank to explain how cold French canadians thrived in steamy southern Louisiana - where they had no traditions
hate speech is a clown concept and should never be used unironically. goes for all loaded loxist language. do u even verbal warfare bra
thanks. will be recording more soon. https://t.co/m6hX8BM6oo
May 11, 2016:
Individualism and collectivism both have their places. But out of their places, they are destructive.
Whites must go back to the point they made the mistake - and that was, at the least, when they began treating jews as individuals.
"What I said was true. I stand behind it. Those who don't like it are welcome to go fuck themselves." https://t.co/vsTN2oWPsZ
Her type instinctively hates white men because they eclipse her intellectually. Mediocrity is safety for sotomayors. https://t.co/WQXc5qp6fW
The problem is jews. They've acted the same way their entire history. Why do you lie about this? https://t.co/d2F0PLEtQI
Trump dares to laugh. Christians dont. Conservatives dont. Trump acts like he believes his own bs, which #crosscucks calls cons never do.
Trump's positions are mostly conservatives. He's non-conservative in the right ways: he doesn't apologize and does attack.
Chelsea Clinton's husband Marc Mazvinsky forced to shutter hedge fund https://t.co/HP1kgGBD9g via @MailOnline
Lol u a b***h n**** for even responding like that. Keep sucking this yung rapunxel d**k u hairy curry scented b***h. #MakeEpithetsGreatAgain
Azealia...labelling former One Direction singer Zayn a 'f**got', 'p*ki', 'refugee' and 'sand n**ger' after accusing him of stealing ideas
Remember to spay or neuter your kaffir. Or this happens. #itsimportant https://t.co/WabAcuuDer
Jebus tales groom christian simps for Holocaust tales. Christianity is the best friend the jews ever had (read: made).
particularly obnoxious given comparative racial infection levels - something like 1 in 2 blacks https://t.co/dDoD2mjJ58
5 or 6 people = 1 christie https://t.co/qxDKUu8bQg
goal of Big Jew's #feminism: encourage barrenness, mongrelization, deviance among white women - all in name of liberation & empowerment
Jebus II everybody. he's back as a sand nigger this time https://t.co/KUObUczWjB
exactly. that is hilarious. similar to shit-yourself products or anything relating to bad character or bad bodies https://t.co/P0bfSFFxhl
If your country makes it illegal to criticize jews, then you are fully justified in killing those who made it that way.
Judeo-feminism enables black rapists, which serves the greater goal of the jews who created feminism: #WhiteGenocide
Which race benefits from jew-feminism's making a mockery of the crime of rape? Hint: the race that commits the most rape. #Feminism
general faggery is a very serious crime in my book https://t.co/FSC0uV5U9V
you need to buy some of that canned aerosol that counteracts stinky pussy syndrome https://t.co/nLNSKZXPIA
Canada is a free country? Not if you criticize jews. https://t.co/AyCuJxzMHS
his hand is more than he deserves. what a fag "fierce" "strong" - those are good attributes in a falcon, not woman https://t.co/wzGUHqVsY6
conservative christians are moral cowards - yet they easily transform into mass murderers if they have (((social))) approval. Weak!
Cuckhill didn't try. he was bought and paid for by the jews who let these muslims in. https://t.co/gK8v99GuS1
soulless scold sisters, hillary & warren. the munday school teachers we dont need. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
a jew tells us PC has gone too far. but PC is a thing inherently wrong because inherently #antiwhite. is not wrong by degree but by essence
It's a great time to use Don like a bitch for our cause. https://t.co/DWB9V8hEhz
"Trump loves Mexicans; Im sure he can find it in his heart to love Whites too." https://t.co/vOpi65GL2s
"i am a piece of shit, i apologize for hopping in all you wonderful people's punch bowl" bowing scraping submissive https://t.co/vOpi65GL2s
guy is clueless how politics work. sad he calls himself a white nationalist when he's an amber-preserved conservatif https://t.co/vOpi65GL2s
kill the messenger, spare the monkey https://t.co/uMOha4DfUQ
do leftists have some daily quota of things-they-have-to-call-amazing-that-aint? an uncovered jewmy schumer is not amazing. no way nohow
There's only one group the concept of unearned privilege fits perfectly and i dont need to tell you who that is.
good example of "GUN CONTROL IS GOY CONTROL." for them - toddlers can carry. for you - no guns, ever. https://t.co/HdzHPDMwIY
May 10, 2016:
Churchill was a cuck. He served the jews who brought today's London about. https://t.co/poripiPXWj
the guy has the mindset of a panderer, like all Republicans https://t.co/JOYG01qlkm
has jew-communist jezebel posted on the Mabel Jansen (niggers are gang rapists) story yet https://t.co/RC83IjhFgq
Muck the jew out of America. Take your sleazy deviant cabaret back to Yidsreal, filthy kikes. You're not Americans. AMERICANS DETEST YEW.
there's no one answer. you have to start with the subject, where he or she is. knowledge, experience, and interests. https://t.co/TdmsGH5ZqQ
Living around niggers will accomplish that quite nicely. https://t.co/gIw8Xy5K8i
The Donald has to battle his inner Britisher-gladhander-yiddler real estate schmoozer. I would urge him to LISTEN TO YOUR INNER DRUMPF.
The Great Racial War is heating up, like Oklahoma land rush...get there SOONER grab the biggest piece. #TeamWhite
lol... https://t.co/buCrhrZRLO
the jew takes positions he rationally believes wreck a white nation. the whiteskin takes same positions because he thinks it makes him Good
"and i would have got away with it, if it weren't for you damned neckerchief-wearing alt-right fairies.." https://t.co/g5T8TkcTH0
a jew and a white take the same leftist position for different reasons: the white is a religious cultist; the jew intends to wreck a nation
liberalism is a white cult, deriving, ultimately, from christianity, though it takes a jewish impress in its manifestation these days
stupid trendy whores copy a dumb french broad, but no. the fight of our times is not nationalist/globalist but liberating Whitekind fm jews
Pencil-necked geek Oliver, as pure an example of Britfaggery as a bartician could concoct, forgets main white subgroup in USA is DRUMPF-ian.
America is tiring of British bullshittery politics and ready for Germanic housecleaning. That's what I'm smelling. GO DRUMPF!
flee the consquences of their race's nation-wrecking #antiwhite criminal behavior https://t.co/aOkBCNcISG
christianity introduces two bogus notions: that people are inherently broken. and that they can be fixed. this too is liberalism
you havent stated the problem, you have pointedly and cowardly avoided mentioning the cause. yr over yr head bobby https://t.co/iFe1lcu8Es
to jews, a jewish schoolbus is literally more important than hundreds of thousands of raped white children. that's how much jews hate you
1 jewish schoolbus set on fire gets more coverage and horrified reaction in controlled media than 1,000,000 white girls being raped by muzz
There's a global war going on between Jews and Awakening Whites. That's the news for the foreseeable future https://t.co/NUx7wBaeXx
i doubt there is even a single "nazi" cartoon that cant be directly updated to today's battle https://t.co/wLrUB5utvO
if you worship traditions, you worship a point in time just like the progressives you think you're different from #tradcranks
to the extent Trump shows weakness like this, he deflates his support and moves Ron Paulward https://t.co/MBtzozHVVO
Trick Wilson with larval Criminole https://t.co/BoyY6zhzc3
all language in papers is semitized for jews' protection. 'enslaved and gang-raped' becomes 'groomed' under jewpen https://t.co/cIFsnCEN4k
In the end, jews, you have but one choice when the Giant White Copter of Justice descends for you: Cousteau or Pinochet.
If you dont hate jews, you don't love your own children. The White race has but one enemy: jews. #NoJewsJustRight
Jews open borders to muslims. Muslims 'groom' (ridiculous euphemism) white girls. Jews in media cover it up. #CircleOfStrife
Jews endanger white children. #TeamWhite https://t.co/GddxIy3yFO
and somehow these jew carpetbaggers flit from nation to nation, always getting plum journo jobs bashing natives https://t.co/qxstrhVqDp
how perfectly that fits the christ cult https://t.co/VD0XNFimQG
reality is to the mind as air and water are to the body https://t.co/B4nJA8y8sP
Why in the world would a jew call itself "Cathy Young" save its purpose were to deceive? IF JEW THEN LIAR
some good comments in here. jews are NOT americans. jews are IN america. for now! tick...tick...tick https://t.co/Px9glvrU75
I call on #ADL to stop defaming the good white men who brought justice to ((( pedophile murderer #LeoFrank ))). https://t.co/NniFQUAmJN
in many ways they are markedly inferior, certainly to jews https://t.co/OXWk27YPk7
White men organizing against jews from a racial basis is the greatest fear of (((Western))) governments. #TeamWhite
No-neck wrenchy goober Ericuck paid to shill for Big Jew https://t.co/61uLfUwwdg
People on our side truly don't understand: it was ONLY the absence of technical means that held jews back - never christianity.
only becuz amplifiers weren't in place. you attribute to xtian culture what is actually absence of technical means https://t.co/RrvgOOdrLH
Christianity protects jews. From being treated the way their historical behavior instructs us to. #TeamWhite
it amazes how stupid people are that they believe the fag religion of Christ the Cuck held jews back rather than uninvented technology
she's not an ally, she's a jew. named Ekaterina Jung. Ilana Mercer-type carpetbagger https://t.co/VFtb61BvCn
jews were the most powerful political force in the US by 1900, read Henry Ford. and they only got here after 1880 https://t.co/yvhsWbeucW
yes, they pretty much did https://t.co/JNK7WUXeKj
Even Trump's campaign, fun and good as it is, is but a pallid proxy for what is needed. Don't kid yourself. #TeamWhite
Racism is a highly valuable thing, and jews hoard it exclusively for themselves. For you? it's hate and illegal. Insight from #TeamWhite
Jews control media - both jew & goy. In their media for them, they write full sentences & reveal truth. In media for you: dumbed-down lies.
if you can handle me at my best, you dont deserve me at my worst https://t.co/vXNGfLJflh
There is an ongoing campaign of persecution against whites. It is run by jews. It is intended to culminate in #whitegenocide. #TeamWhite
start talking about jews, you contemptible faggot https://t.co/79m9Jqi5yr
attacks on whites aren't random, emotional or transient - they are logically calculated by jews to conduce to an end. #whitegenocide #loxism
nigs get they nig on - Violent Mother's Day brawl erupts inside Atlanta restaurant https://t.co/swBnypnmEV via @MailOnline
tranny = warphead: Woman with CEMENT fillers in her face begs doctors to remove it https://t.co/rs2weLbhHd via @Femail
mex-coon squareoff: Lunchtime brawl involving 40 people breaks out at LA high school https://t.co/4Ged4fbe6H via @MailOnline
Trick Wilson, everybody. Only thing you gotta know bout him is if Muslims ran things, his ass would be up in the air https://t.co/2rRElNhTf1
"Can we really allow whites to go on marrying whites? An argument could be made this more than anything perpetuates racism." --N.J. Wise
Sobran would rather die than give up his christian individualism. He chose to die abused & hated at hands of jews he said he loved.
Everyone is an egotist these days, so you will take this wrong way, but I - my thinking and terms - represent whites evolving past jews.
It's more fear than anything. 'Racist' and 'anti-semite' are electric fences to keep the cows in the designated area https://t.co/boH8cGeUxG
Ekaterina Jung is a loxist kike https://t.co/jYziR6JxxA
Re Trump, jews made mistake of not realizing not everybody hates normal white Americans as much as they do #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #loxism
instead of the manly pursuit of the reason things happen, the christian, mental effeminate, gives up and settles back with "God"-splanation
they're turning a-way fm God, xtian bellows, blinking his dead eyes like a cow. good luck explaining Directed Degeneracy by Jew to this ape
like niggers, christians cant understand things not on their low level. thus explaining jews to them is seldom successful
christianity is liberalism. a refusal to believe in conspiracies (as someone said), from a larger belief that things happen for no reason
jews create and lead fake opposition to their schemes; this is why jews must be 100% excluded from orgs White https://t.co/yVdCMfpAt0
Sobran: "Of course those who affirm the Holocaust need know nothing about the German language, chemistry, and other pertinent subjects;
Sobran: "Zionism has infiltrated conservatism in much the same way Communism once infiltrated liberalism."
Sobran: "Even the violent persecution of Catholics by Jews was unmentionable — in a “conservative” magazine owned and run by a Catholic."
lack of airconditioning and general lazy brainlessness of most Southerners probably also played roles #muddinKultur https://t.co/1D1HaDGl2F
the problem's not retarded niggers raping babies, it's white people mentioning it https://t.co/S7FsfT1l8l
There has been a qualitative change that is downright eerie — not only in Bill Buckley and National Review, but in American conservatism
Next few tweets are from Joe Sobran, describing the neocohen-inspired makeover of the conservative mentality at NR
Joe Sobran said this of jews: "I consider that if I fight these people on their terms, they have already won." (1/2)
government schooling is the everyday face of Jewish Tyranny. it is amazing whites submit to taxing to have their young lied to & brainwashed
imagine a bunch of adults at thanksgiving table. now kid runs in from other room, hears them. this is position of blacks to white society
Sobran said that, not your guy. It's not accurate, either. Jews have always hated non-jews, it's their "religion." https://t.co/z80BNt4uvc
christian whiteskins are the only subset of hominids on earth not living up to their genetic potential. they're cripped by their cult
AIM = catholic cowards eating toads for jews https://t.co/a5hPeBLBXt
yeah fascist. you know how hitler fought for the right of SS to enter womens bathrooms. https://t.co/iXOIbgfmRV
whites need physical safe spaces from blacks, since they're violent; & blacks require mental safe spaces from whites since they cant keep up
No jew/right or #tcot simps discussing PC will mention Sobran's point: that it's really Semitical Correctness. https://t.co/2Z6UgfE5MV
amen bro. from your mouth to that giant elephants ear https://t.co/GlXQSAZ5fQ
jews affect to speak for the community, even though what they advocate is the opposite of interests of majority https://t.co/YZYYLFnRE7
May 09, 2016:
Americans cannot or refuse to accept that jews form one vast criminal network, and this produced communism. https://t.co/StApLzr6Nz
i would like to cut some delicious slices off trigglypuff's arm-hams. i bet they'd taste great with mustard & boiled potatoes
nice arm tat cheezy rider https://t.co/hmWHL2eW9x
what it is you "can't" say? not too hard to figure out. now study it. is the reason they don't want you saying it legitimate? #thinking101
you were almost good in Videodrome https://t.co/CeYFaD8NJj
these kerschmuckzim dont seem to realize jews have been up to same tricks for thousands of year https://t.co/57OPRJ2IXy
doesn't klan kolter have a history of conjoining limbs with discoloreds? https://t.co/uFD8Kd2bCT
apply what hitler learned about opposing jews to today's circumstances https://t.co/T9cUKZI4BT
there is only one form of government: moronocracy. this rule admits of very few exceptions https://t.co/1YJe97kC4n
rather than be blunt and nasty, deballed xtian whiteskins try to find nice appropriate ways around prevailing structure of #antiwhite taboos
you're not on the right side of history, you're against history. just as you fight biology and other subdivisions of reality
garbage like this all over the west. beaners commit most crime in SLC area https://t.co/5joxSpoGO4
Jews make it so open White politics is taboo, then go around denouncing every pol that doesnt cheerlead for #whitegenocide as secret racist
can i take my service niggers with me? https://t.co/gQriNLobwv
What's wrong with parting out niggers? https://t.co/ZuyxEUsGmJ
you're on the free cheese list. you're only at velveeta, but soon you'll level up. mmm...velveeta over fried spider https://t.co/Gi6lSJUF1f
Trump's positions would slow or reverse Big Jew's #antiwhite agenda. That is the real reason for opposition to his non-racial campaign.
Trump is not a racialist. but whatever racialist sentiment is out there - his campaign is a proxy. hence jewfear https://t.co/hw9zmmP02F
no, you're projecting what you want me to believe or have said. look up proxy and read definition https://t.co/Y3m5rwL4nO
Everyone knows the US is only US if filled with whites. But they dont want the jewsmedia tornado that blows their house down if they say it.
Trump's campaign is a race-team proxy whether he agrees/understands it or not https://t.co/W3OMfmdRJf
The only reason the garbage we see today didnt happen 2000 years ago is technology. https://t.co/eenQAGIaUi
Trump's campaign demonstrates, if nothing else, that whites are NOT suicidal. They are looking for leadership. They will follow. #TeamWhite
the professional catholic fake intellectuals lie that jews only became jews by rejecting jebus, yet jews acted like now way back into BC
Whites must quite consciously create an elite to head & lead the body of whiteskins who want, quite consciously, to be White. #TeamWhite
imagine jon stewart applying his shtik to jews: with the hamentaschen (ear cookies jewhands up) and the (passover) mass babykilling (bigeye)
oy oy the ethnical sensitivity of these peepul! as they nibble from ears. celebrate mass baby-slaugher.
how many Congressional Republicans aren't sex deviants? https://t.co/Osa7RAwYCP
white average people dont need govt wiping their asses. what they need is someone preventing yids from polluting everyday thoughtstream
you already see where the white must head, to stay alive: the SS. the white masses can be strong or weak. racial or christian
look at the 'holocaust' - there is absolutely nothing there. it is 100% myth. same thing w jebus https://t.co/8z65NfYntp
the safest assumption is he didnt exist. revilo oliver says he was most likely a composite character https://t.co/8z65NfYntp
depends if they actually believe that. much or most of that is preening for others in their cult https://t.co/E8WVrCxuNn
Interesting that the people running society - jews - never, ever worry about how they look to goyim. https://t.co/SG2Sj0JIfM
atheism is not a system, it is a rejection of one assertion. comparing it to religion is apples to oranges
most people have no real beliefs about anything. theu are hollow, driven by fear and conformity tropisms https://t.co/fUmKxAv6xj
"unrepentant" - jon stuart (liebowitz) - refusing to be morally hectored by an obnoxious, hypocritical lying yid
degenerate only by our standards. by their standards, it's nigger normal https://t.co/mLsyMFSwug
if you have existential angst, you're doing brainwork wrong. there's no great hidden secret, munchnut
Whiteskin survival turns on the question of how we answer the deepest question: would you rather be extinct than christian-immoral?
interesting... https://t.co/yJN9Aigmuz
The lech in winter https://t.co/9QaoqB7bqp
i question your assumption https://t.co/wQ03jzoHfi
The notion of dying for someone else's sins, besides being inherently ridiculous, easily transfers into leftist politics.
Jebus died for our sins. Now we have retards saying whites must accept the burden of nigger sins. I see no relation between these two.
Gee what cult encourages men to think of themselves as sinners, worms, sheep. Sez pride is bad. How could that possibly lead here?
Which part of God do niggers reflect, christian? Low IQ? Lack of impulse control? Unappealing bittersweet smell? Wiry velcrolike 'hair'?
Christianity is liberalism. Not just in the cheap superficial today sense, but in the profounder sense. https://t.co/9WKYxmxWYz
Courtier satirist P.J. O'Rourke duly complies with Boss Neocohen and backs The Cunt https://t.co/Wtfx2mQxUc
If we didnt have a central govt, who would force niggers into white areas and men into womens bathrooms?
we now have peer-to-peer SIDEWAYS communications. no pope or kike can stop our communicating and eventually triumphing - if we will it
thanks https://t.co/N0by9JpPSc
“A Marxist system is recognized by the fact that it spares the criminals and criminalises political opponents.” --Solzhenitsyn
the jewish pig roasts on socialist vegetables, as the original proto-nazis used 2 say: https://t.co/t5STqnYDEl
that's a niglet, you idiot https://t.co/JMDKNLe4gZ
courtier historian https://t.co/jG6KL1wceY
how do #tradcranks explain Cajuns? white men who did environmental 180 - and succeeded just as well in swamp as snowland
how to invest in israel: just keep paying your "american" lol taxes https://t.co/dGaljelBSf
if they poop on your adult tricycle, that means they're anti-semitic https://t.co/gxQGTOnAuy
Jews set whiteskins up with a sucker cult that says counter-exterminating jews is immoral. Yet it's the only solution that works. #TeamWhite
Ooh, a she-cuck. Keep blowing those jews, whore. https://t.co/a0ienJs597
it's not magic. the final interpretation of the Constitution is open to any who take it, per the Framers intentions https://t.co/HaVp2iCBSs
everyone needs vendettas and enemies and feuds. just have to pick your enemies carefully, like your wine grapes https://t.co/zDBu2GZ7Q9
that spider-eating gook is going back to Trash Mountain when Trump wins https://t.co/6TONJdVhUj
jews combine with the worst elements of the whiteskin population to increase the size (and intrusiveness) of government
they be learning where to find bananas and giant leaves to build their night nest https://t.co/tML6nAncVh
still waiting for the first monkey/monkey-apologist to deny that what she said is true https://t.co/6KZD8T4Mte
it takes too long to turn self-reliant white men into government-needing losers; easier just to import discoloreds
jewish values are #antiwhite values https://t.co/lVWorcsJ4N
it's not ignorance you fucking retarded lying cunt, it's the very opposite - experience. https://t.co/Yjd343GU5s
a vulture, a trigglypuff and a homo...all jews...all pretending to debate PC - a thing created by their Tribe. think they'll mention that?
the jewcuck pretends its acting out of christian principle rather than self-interested fear of jews https://t.co/SOvlEqHjcE
Trump feels he has to pretend he loves jews. Or he does. Either way, he's wrong, and we should says what he's not Yooge enough to.
Another great week starting! I'm as happy as Republican Exec Committee receiving a boxcar of fat young boys. (h/t HST)
Having a beard and being Russian don't make you right. Only with #NRx halfwits and tree-root fetishists.
That's absolutely wrong. The same stupid nescient nonsense is believed by the Boerons in South Africa. https://t.co/rHmR5y6hec
It's the job of the racialist to make sure the normal American sees the connection between things he hates and jews. #TeamWhite
If you hate the media, you hate jews. If you hate how Trump is treated, you hate jews. Hating jews is simply perceiving them correctly.
Criminality is a white concept with no equivalent in coon 'culture.' https://t.co/5oXGj449aR
yeah...a lot could be written on that point https://t.co/LmreAB3WlW
all niggers are criminals. the cops beat them for good reasons https://t.co/CvmvM1ZGbf
Not gonna happen. You must make your own Hitler out of river clay. https://t.co/8w9qZJ4T5n
it's a documentary about a black who lives on a skateboard as a way to scam people out of money https://t.co/8cZmxeC30K
This guy is the end product of xtian fruit-loopery: reality goes away if we just cult hard enuf... https://t.co/vLEaKrW1ci
May 08, 2016:
you're looking jewishier by the day, nay, hour. that nose. it grows! https://t.co/lfqsey0e8K
in honor of natl liberation via The Dejewing, we are renaming our proudest natl monument for a day: Mt Pushmore https://t.co/pWPZoWaMgp
Gaffney is a whore for the jews. So is Hillary. Clinton. You're the all-American rube who can't figure it out. https://t.co/j2J64UULvG
The founders were racists, you're just a faggot. Quit stealing their flag, cowardly patriotard. #USSLiberty https://t.co/j2J64UULvG
Yeah, they should be jew-serviles like you, Mr. Browntongue. "I suck jew cocks for money" --Fran Gaffney https://t.co/WzkJIPvMs1
Bribery is the jews' preferred tool for controlling goypols. Sexual blackmail also high on list. See Republican Party for examples
Letting men vote is a dubious idea. Letting women vote is a bad idea. Letting niggers vote is insane.
haven't you ever watched Trading Places? https://t.co/aZZi2THbaH
That and creating a fingerpainting worthy of refrigerator. https://t.co/JWU41v3xpP
Hillary Clinton's biggest base is ugly mediocre whiteskin women. Most typically example: govt school administrator. Fat lottery-ticket buyer
hillary clinton is proof that you can reach the highest levels in american life with absolutely no discernible talent
she is the perfect example of blue-eyed lack of soul associated with northeastern moralizers https://t.co/UgAG7j9Jvd
lowest common denominator https://t.co/PibVOkt5Hg
the LCD is always easiest road, always most popular Romans were men. Christians are dogs. https://t.co/IJ9beWYNHB
Tattoos are like niggers. You may think yours is a Huxtable, but really it's just another Bill Cosby.
You'll never figure out how to be a human being by looking sideways. https://t.co/FglR79eEKQ
blacks are more akin to an animal population than human because they have not, as a race, achieved self-consciousness #blacklivesmatter
they only become when you claim they're real. i dont. you do. you're a nut https://t.co/JeqwHPeFrD
your inability to distinguish fantasy from reality has nothing to do with me https://t.co/CQh6oRvdG8
it's your not calling them yiddlers that allowed them to take over Repulingcunts in the first place. #tcot
"All aging Jewesses approximate to the appearance of vultures" --F. Nietzsche https://t.co/ibMcenNpzr
has he been vetted for any wrestling tendencies? wide-stancing? log-cabining? catholicizing? precocious paging? https://t.co/hObNRWQFzi
the religious mind at work.. #muhportents https://t.co/enCTepBxVC
he's a jew trying to prevent whites from using his media to discuss crimes committed by muslim invaders https://t.co/ZemZ9H4N5H
good old muslim named zuckerberg, eh? https://t.co/2grS0viW0A
even in sports, british announcers care about nothing but who "deserves" victory. it's bizarre and deformed https://t.co/lvwFXNRcJr
the jews put racial loyalty ahead of money. whites dont. game over...until we reach that level. Sobering message from #TeamWhite
reaction isn't love of tradition, it's hatred of movement. hence the inevitable alt-treehugging #NRx
He's a Good Catholic Man. He would never do that. https://t.co/NBlc892hxz
the catholic hierarchy passes pedo-priests around. always has, always will. normal men dont become priests. https://t.co/xIDNvTLIN6
niggers HATE whites like clinton, even if they vote for them for money. truth is nigs think ALL whites are racist https://t.co/rGDhA9hiFa
the pope...looking for spiritual guidance between muslim toes the fun part about atheism is the fun!
the browner the asses at masses, the fewer complaints when the queers called priests moles the kids #CatholicismToday
it appears so. he must not back off, he must get continually more aggressive. what Romney said about 47% is no joke https://t.co/spJIR3VGUd
he has no independent criterion for establishing civilized/barbaric. his argument is circular https://t.co/kd7rQKENZk
conservatism that doesnt start with blood loyalty makes no sense. but whites prefer religious belief to thinking https://t.co/7fUxj8Mxb4
it's tautology to him. his church/people = civilization. by definition. others = barbarians. by definition https://t.co/9xPmXFOXtc
if he goes after HC directly and personally and drags rapin' bill into it, he can win https://t.co/prIAhAMNSt
out of status fears. and career fears. not out of principle https://t.co/dmhHt8WVSr
There is quite literally nothing you can do to get cut out of Anglo society if you have money, including raping little boys. Some culture.
Bash, bash, bash the conservatives. All of them. Be vicious and relentless. Abuse them for the curs they are. Enjoy it, for they do.
no, Europe is the production of Germanics - Germans, French and English https://t.co/yRwdv2QYRm
you can't build a white politics out of people who care about only two things: money and how they look to others - but that defines Anglo
the essential girlishness of conservatism always struck me - and this political mold poisons racialism that comes from it
white politics must strive toward an impersonality found in German culture much more strongly than in Anglo
plus most of these 'italians' were actually nordic in blood. that's the part that these canolis dont grasp https://t.co/dj4UoyvyMA
that's what happens when we allowed jews to take over "our" media and "our" governments https://t.co/pBFU6DDx1S
every area italians mastered, save painting, germans did 100x more + 100 areas italians accomplished nothing https://t.co/c7q05gf3M6
no i dont support massive inflation https://t.co/sDUii6ACwC
Burmese pythons. Can we talk about these guys? What a bunch of fags! You know what I call 'em? BURPmese. When i eat their eggs. Yah.
in the annals of human mentation italians figure very unprominently. put on ya Jets jacket & go practice pirouettes https://t.co/ljQpyyyo0Z
inability to cut thru to the essentials bedevils the white cause, reinforced by weak men who know better's whoring for $ and status
catholic idea of civilization is pedophile-priests presiding over quiescent browns https://t.co/YLi0cJmv61
says the canoli who worships a jew sci-fi character https://t.co/MmmSYHbnNJ
yeh yr pope -- granted, an entry-level position in yr cult -- is "establishing order" by encouraging muslim invasion https://t.co/QRrz1PjeYv
you worship sci-fi characters invented by kikes, so i'm going with you are the cretinous simpleton https://t.co/MmmSYHbnNJ
canoli cult's view is dogma. they can't change it. it's a suicidal false belief. whites must extricate from it https://t.co/YLi0cJmv61
canoli says his god is Real and a Nigger too https://t.co/oqWjGxSZwx
problem is, canoli claims his cult = civilization. but it cant create one out of shitskins. blood > jebus https://t.co/eAbv7rMZ8Q
niggers and whites are different species. #tcot https://t.co/EJlw6Z1QMO
yeah you guys will take credit for everything you didnt do and nothing you did https://t.co/HFBwBQuk9W
They're loyal only to their nation. Which is international and tribal. https://t.co/tO4e0UGfny
He's not a traitor. He's a jew. He's loyal to his race and its #antiwhite agenda. https://t.co/2UPLXjBYGH
your mommy is the alcohol bottle or the gorilla? i dont get it https://t.co/ZQTnfzYdh4
Human races are actually different species. Yes, 'racism' is actually a euphemism - it is 'species denial' https://t.co/9Dwo8iMZjO
You can see jews are aggressive, vicious, unapologetic, lying bastards. So why you so quick to credit their tales of persecution?
and 99% of the conservatives are neocons https://t.co/E1KeoZv0sN
calling a jew a jew is "sickening jew hatred"... somebody wants to keep it covered up. wonder why https://t.co/6ybsXhcieq
the thinking i've done outweighs these clowns as gold to sand. https://t.co/ugB08QHqpy
these are good, SCAN THEM BETTER https://t.co/fQYBdVfyrW
yes he is, idiot. jew is a race. https://t.co/JeiX5pRK63
how's she going to murder people with no hands?? https://t.co/U2z4vamEXM
'Racism' doesn't have a meaning, it has a function: to make it taboo for whites to notice racial differences and build politics on them.
OMG calling a jew a jew. That's so not done. https://t.co/wClFemHddI
Let's see...she's a christian...mudshark...with no children... I'm going to go with destroy. https://t.co/YfwTUfbuC1
#AnnCoulter lacks the courage to point out that it was JEWS ALONE behind both bolshevism and open borders.
a five-year-old can understand the jew problem. only cowards make excuses for millionaires who pull punches. keep blowing Manny The Mudshark
Yeah, the jew question is so difficult it can only be revealed in stages lasting hundreds of years. What a jew-serving Big Lie.
Horseshit. https://t.co/brzs6Jigsu
So you're tolerant of people who won't do the necessary thing. You think a movement is build on that kind of meh? https://t.co/H0wGSv1gpo
All that matters is why you make excuses for someone who won't tell whites what they need to hear. https://t.co/RrD2Ye8xea
The more you bash conservatives like Ann Coulter, the more political use you'll get out of them. The more you fawn, the less. #TeamWhite
#AnnCoulter knows 2000x more about jews than you ever will. She won't speak truth because its bad for her income. https://t.co/TsEVfKPZdj
White racialists who fawn over #AnnCoulter are nearly as easily bought off as the mudshark herself. Raise your standards. #TeamWhite
In the US, if you're looking for lying, no-character shitheels, ya...really can't go wrong by heading north and east.
Fallacy of forced false menu. https://t.co/lM9jLrZUrL
#AnnCoulter spreads for discoloreds and fawns over jewts like Ben Shapiro. And white racialists make excuses for her? That's loser behavior.
Jews hold themselves to standards. Whites make excuses. This is one powerful difference explaining outcomes.
A nigger just got elected mayor of your largest burg. How is economics going to solve that problem? https://t.co/aZoEmmSTfs
Christian Sunday School & Jewish Monday School combine to produce characterless conformist cogs. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
Christian = the abdication of responsibility & abandonment of personality. Christianity is #antiwhite.
And dutifully complying. Without soul, or character - in a word, christian. https://t.co/EvYZUXlfPr
In 1960, there were more Americans of Swiss descent than Mexican. The biggest (((-enabled))) invasion in history. https://t.co/HdpuCeTwqW
if it's possible to train Burmese pythons to eat christians, then i, for one, think we need to look into this
what the people who think trump cant win are discounting, i hope, is his willingness to attack her ruthlessly on her shit character & record
Why should we honor parasites and dupes? https://t.co/5aavHKWkh2
Atheism is not a political position. It is a slur for the right answer to 1 question. Atheism, as truth, is rightist https://t.co/o79986rGSh
In his defense, he's not a real Catholic. This is the mentality, mindset and mental level of 99% of christ-boobs. https://t.co/kYMhfK5LkY
incorrect - the church is already majority discolored, and spreading in asia and other parts https://t.co/TR2wezolzb
Except your generation fought on the side of the Semitically Correct imposers of totalitarianism - communist jews. https://t.co/EDX5UEezfu
damn that broad is getting aggressively uglier by the minute https://t.co/yTE7wcQhbi
good example of the littleness of the British: can't even bear to say German shepherd https://t.co/IIlgVrKK6n
your country is ruled by niggers! i'm sure that will end well!! and you're named Ulrich LOL!!! worst of all!!!! https://t.co/m5vGwhwFFq
May 07, 2016:
look at that faggot https://t.co/6S3WYp0cYk
there are none. maybe a tiny fraction of one percent that's genetically outlying, realizes the truth, exogamies https://t.co/0sg5yBYyrS
All catholics are spiritual queers, and most priests are flesh queers too. https://t.co/Cqgnfkg3RR
Forced false menu is the logical fallacy all jew political rhetoric is based on. It is same with catholic argument, just softer.
Message to dolts: if you have to assert you're "strong" you're not. What you manifestly ARE speaks louder than anything you SAY.
Your child would be infinitely safer left alone in a room with Hitler than with any Catholic priest chosen at random thru all history.
No one but a faggot would become a priest in the first place. And most fags, given an opening, will molest boys. https://t.co/hQGetYL9IY
just like the jewry that created it, catholicism has specific smears for the sane white man: 'race idolater' is catholic's 'racist'
you have your work cut out for you converting those african niggers now occupying italy. but race doesnt matter... https://t.co/eFdDJSW3kn
Christianity is a shitty ideal, let alone actual specimens: Mike Huckabee Glenn Beck Rick Santorum Squinty Pat Robertson Joel Ospray
communism is not a threat to christianity. racialism is. for communism merely oppresses xtianity, but racialism will supersede it.
racialists should know this. dont be deceived by jewsmedia. in a fight between Whites and Jews, the church will ALWAYS side with jews
the catholic pope welcomes the racial destruction of europe, just as his predecessors worked with communist jews to undermine Hitler
what do polish catholics do but try to leave for competent countries like germany and britain? catholic 'culture'lol https://t.co/LAbnfFMO7i
yeah catholicism is real but white race is an abstraction. you're not good at thinking, meatball https://t.co/plgdbEAzSO
a fanatical, organized, disciplined racial organization #TeamWhite https://t.co/gEjIo31g7u
a catholic can give me one example of a majority non-white catholic country that is more than a third-world shithole? yes?
your shitcult protects pedophiles, and your sheep don't have the courage to say anything when their kids are molestd https://t.co/Bt0A8thZop
lol at notion of catholicism saving anyone from sodomy. have you met a priest? 4 out of 3 of them are pedophiles https://t.co/Bt0A8thZop
"people" = jews who are afraid white blood and money won't be used to promote endless wars and subsidies for israel https://t.co/29byqAwmFP
Europe = white race. Catholicism, as you admit, places no value on race. Catholicism is in business of saving itself https://t.co/ScAuelEXCK
the pope WELCOMES muslim invasion. whites made europe great. without whites, catholicism is nothing https://t.co/r1lBBhwJqu
church prefers shitskins for cultists because they are racially stupider, hence less able to see thru its lies https://t.co/r1lBBhwJqu
catholicism is majority non-white https://t.co/YE4e43suDe
keep blowing semitic sci-fi hero jebus, meatball https://t.co/8ruhfm5VW7
your pope is bent on turning europe brown, homosexual. because race doesn't matter to twinks like you https://t.co/Z1WM5JB4Ip
whites stand up for their nation, their native racial sense overcoming their religion, as the pope fights them https://t.co/UI9Gpdq3PA
catholicism is antiwhite because it believes, quite literally, that God is a nigger https://t.co/wE0NS4iq3Q
they're not debating, they're winning a political fight. politics isnt debate- https://t.co/LCs2bOU50f
excuses. all you anonymites have endless excuses for not doing the necessary thing. https://t.co/mz6YXfURZQ
observing profound racial differences and inferring politics from them makes you "race idolater." that's catholicism https://t.co/xSGAnnGVdr
here's the bottom line, kiddies. whites either develop new SS equivalent, or they disappear into shitskin fondue. catholicism favors latter
lol the pope is welcoming muslims to europe. not even he believes your catholic horsehit any longer https://t.co/xSGAnnGVdr
you're not a real man. and you cult is murdering the west. race is worth infinitely more than catholicism https://t.co/xSGAnnGVdr
exactly. the Catholic position is that God is a nigger. https://t.co/iMEq40bpUB
anonymous guy says support barren mudshark who publicly insults white racialists while sucking up to jews https://t.co/pQMhCTnHRy
jebus queer. do run along. https://t.co/mN4J0lqEdp
are you dim? that's my point. https://t.co/LBhVlmYSeA
cuckthink https://t.co/pQMhCTnHRy
excuses. https://t.co/AkeomnzhIi
all these anonymous clowns do is make excuses - for a coal-burning punch-puller who explicitly disavows & insults em https://t.co/2yIR0W3hAx
always an excuse https://t.co/WLbnWlWhFw
always an excuse https://t.co/e7RyyHvQ12
When you use their language, that makes you at least a starter cuck. There is no legitimate use of 'antisemitic' or 'racist.'
Designed by who, Coulter? https://t.co/7eNELbGkz0
Jebus attracts faggots. A man of the cross is no man. He's often a pedophile, almost always jew-servile and truth-hostile.
Most whiteskins are xtian, hence without moral courage. A couple names flung their direction, they curl up and die. https://t.co/1rrDLpqmok
So you support their murdering Americas on the #USSLiberty. No wonder they opened the borders to you shitskins. https://t.co/VMBEAbzVzu
May 06, 2016:
Trump shows just how strong jews AREN'T when you DARE to get aggressive toward them. Even without calling them out by race.
They who submit to the jews politically end up as faggots and pedophiles. It seems to be a law. Not an absolute, but a fair generalization.
You can never tell me that the twisted psyche resulting from selling out your own kind to service the jew doesn't manifest in sex perversion
It's interesting that God is always found hanging out with charlatans. They and fugly women are his peeps. https://t.co/3slOfoWuBx
America needs to replace the vile ugly misbegotten jewshead atop our body politic with a nice clean good looking white head. Like Trump's.
you have a "free press" which UNIFORMLY treats LITERALLY CRIMINAL INVADING ALIENS as good guys and locals, natives, as evil monsters
you really have to step back and re-appreciate just how wackotic it is that if you want to keep your own nation you're a crazed extremist
how do you deal with a "free press" that uniformly calls anyone wants a border a "nativist"? it's simply war. TeamWhite vs TeamJew
Muds have right to white property. Right to invade white lands. Whites who objects are nativists. Are xenophobes. Hey jew-cucks GFY'SELF
Germany is a defeated, conquered country. It's the Anglo countries where cucked truly fits. https://t.co/7HPxklyAjG
Dennis Hastert is a good man that loves the Lord. And little boys. Especially the boys. Republican-faggot-pedophile-xtian - hard 2 tell diff
Jews don't think like Americans because they're not Americans. They're jews. Trump is an American. He thinks the way most Americans do.
Was family massacre “hillbilly justice”? https://t.co/vC4ol4BBPE via @newscomauHQ
The whole fucking country now looks like the inside of Cal-Neva 30 years ago. Fucking ashtray hominids.
nigger foreplay https://t.co/TG7JVelTtL
what color is the nigger suspect? https://t.co/1iSYUQskag
God sure loves ugly women. And dirt-eatin' goobers. And pussy pseudo-intellectual kibitzers. And pedophiles. He lubs Him some dem. #God
Big govt is like christianity. "But whut does we replace it with?" NOTHING. A big fat giant scoop of NOTHING. https://t.co/wPJvSm2fSr
It's thanks to jews ALONE that we have creatures like 'Eulalio Tordil' IN this country in the first place.
The minute whites stop thinking like christians everything begins to come together. #TeamWhite asks: What's good for Whites?
Why are Irish catholics such a loathsome breed, so often? Just look at Ryan. Look at that fucking pieta mug. It is barfsome.
The true white attitude? You should be GREEDY for honor and glory you earn by standing up in the fight of your times - against the jews.
start talking about jews, you garden mole https://t.co/7laC0st14B
The kippa'd cocksucker calls out the kikes. https://t.co/jemOE3VFLu
Jack Hunter: anatomy of a pathetic Southron faggot https://t.co/xlOcrNABIV What a fag. You know that fag jack Hunter? DONT BE THAT FAG.
No, I mean Enoch Suess. https://t.co/r3rQnMVuYi
Put Goldman Sachsers in a labor camp, and distribute their money back to the white earners they stole it from. #MAGA
If something happens that's bad for jews Then quickly we must change the rules #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #NoJewsJustRight
Enoch FAVORED IMMIGRATION. Actual colored invasion. He SUPPORTED it. Matter of FACT. https://t.co/fKeE2Jt915
Enoch was a faggot too. Only by British standards was he impressive. I mean that's a bar an ant could saltate. https://t.co/s6i8dX1SlV
Some rabbit in the field talking about his "right" not to be eaten by a bobcat. Nature knows not from rights. It's fagtalk.
Stop saying stuff you won't stand behind. Grow up. You can be a faggot online, most are, but stop saying stuff then taking it back.
I remember in psychology, babies think a ball disappears if it goes behind a screen. Most whites never outgrow this.
Lewpus! You're still fat and wrong about the most important things. But I still like you!! I'm a people person!!! https://t.co/S3Fx9m64di
"Hillary's so crooked she has to screw her pantsuits on." --ghost of Hunter S. Thompson #CrookedHillary
Let's make the World's Biggest Turducken out of Niggers, Jews and Mexicans, and then feed it to all-American alligators. #MAGA
Jews cannot be allowed to control white media and money. jews cannot be allowed to live in white lands. Jews cannot be allowed to live.
you jews have done your work well! JEWS MURDERED EUROPE USING MUSLIMS #WhiteGenocide https://t.co/l7zDC7oQfY
Christ-insanity. It's not just wrong, stupid, ugly and dumb. it's ridiculous, pathetic, menticidal and morbific. https://t.co/xjfFxOmFzr
Everybody hates Ted Jewz. It has nothing to do with his behavior. It's a defect in the character of the anti-Tedites.
blacks seek justice, whites express resentment. strange how that works. #thelyingmouthoftheJew https://t.co/2akLilAXML
might do GLR. he nailed the psychology of conservatives. that never seems to get old - or learned https://t.co/iRMIWZQPv8
It's ok. You won World War II. Finest hour, you know. Really got something to be proud of there, lil fellers. https://t.co/dMqu8JiNGm
If everyone hates Cruz, based on experience, that's perfectly valid. If everyone hates jews, based on experience, that's anti-Semitism.
It's funny that exactly the same criticisms of Ted Cruz, universally conceded as valid, apply mutatis mutandis to the race called Jews.
But Israel murdered our soldiers #USSLiberty ! "Well, I'm sure she had a good reason." --khaki-wearing jebus-flating xtian faggot #tcot simp
maybe one of the Tradcucks can explain to me how his cult's magic water is less ridiculous than the neocohen's magic dirt
every time angry whites rose up to slaughter jews the catholic priest told them to settle for Magic Water. how'd that work out for us?
the holocaust is both a useful Big Lie - and the jew projecting what he knows his race merits by its historical behavior
it is the conceit of intellectuals like e. michael jones that catholicism represents opposition to jewry rather than its safety net
if the jews actually wanted catholicism to go the way of Nazism, would they act toward it they way they do now? or some other way?
catholics are like little kids the jews let win some games, and the sad little dolts think it's a real victory https://t.co/FaRA0rH3nx
catholicism denies that men are biologically different and incompatible; thereby softening up whites for jewish multicult #badcopgoodcop
catholicism's insistence that all men are the same is not just egalitarian, it's anti-intellectual - and wrong & destructive in practice
Catholicism creates false mental constructs that conduce directly to real-world misery. We have ears, eyes and noses for a reason, folks.
you can see at a glance niggers are an alien species we dont want around our kind. you need no second thought or perception #TeamWhite
catholicism = universalism, is inherently irremediably #antiwhite and always has been https://t.co/yrwrya8fyc
it doesnt matter how many catholic morality books you open at em, or how many white-extracted billions you shower, NIGS GONNA NIG
kirchick is a jewfag. https://t.co/O62NzUi2QM
That is the irony of white nationalism. You understand what is actually wrong with white people. https://t.co/Xla42eC3YQ
let us serve jews 1st & last. lets sacrifice our sons & daughters to be learning aids & genetic upgrades for negroes https://t.co/E2tec4ok8Q
you british slaves can't speak the truth about jews and muslims or you'll be thrown in jail. you need revolution https://t.co/QH2ExkRnjh
Whites must use their brain to understand what is going on. And their will to change it. Hard but simple. #TeamWhite
Catholicism would rather be suppressed by communist jews than superseded by racialist Whites. Superficial threat vs existential.
Whites are not suddenly going to evolve a racial loyalty they dont have, any more than niggers will develop math skills. They must use brain
Catholicism helps the jews bring on a new dark age in order to hide the obvious truth that whites are responsible for the church's success.
Catholicism is humiliated by the fact that it cant repeat its civilizational success outside white lands. So it helps jews e-race them.
do you think voting will change anything? i think what will change things is when whiteskins who cuck for jews fear for their lives.
Whites are loyal to conservatism! Catholicism! Republican Party! the South! Jews are loyal to jews. That's why jews always win.
Reps. like Paul Ryan feed their race's women and children to the bull (Soros, Adelson, other jews), if you want to use the cuck metphor.
jew Soros employs cucks. jews are loyal to their tribe. whites like paul ryan sell their race out for money & status https://t.co/Uoo4JXYu0V
if you've ever attended a Baptist service, the most socially useful thing you can do for your race is never open your mouth
Glenn Beck is living proof that alcoholics are less destructive than believing christians. (See also George W. Bush)
the #cuckservative is the goy (ryan, matt walsh et al.) that serves the jew (Soros). this is not hard to understand. even for So. Baptists
Confirming every stereotype in the racist's book.. https://t.co/00Dh1ohlZm
Christian humility never rises to the level of doubting the church's doctrines can fix jews and niggers.
Let the message go out to all Jews everywhere: If you rape and murder a white girl, we'll be there to support you. #ADL #LeoFrank #TeamJew
Please remember that God created these niggers. And that they have Imperishable Souls of Inestimable Value (tm). https://t.co/rdycq8x966
underground bubbling up are people who realize it's Jews vs Whites. and we are White. we accept no shitty crosscuck substitutions #TeamWhite
no one who is paid money by any employer of size is able to mention The Jewish Agenda. so it doesn't exist, to mass-media-gulping simpletons
imagine you had journalists who talked openly about The Jewish Agenda. and its plans for replacing whites. that would be a free press
w our nifty christian doctrines, we can talk the killer bees out of stinging. i mean, jews out of being lying swindling white-genocidalists
probably came from Southern Baptist type, incapable of precision. to their mindlet all epithets reduce to The Devil https://t.co/TtAburK87C
Jews are behind all the wars in the world, laughing and profiting. I'm not an Irish Catholic like Weak Mel. I say it sober & stand behind it
Americans need dentistry for their brain. "You've got to stop with the jewish junkmedia. It's absolutely rotting your mental molars."
two truths are self-evident: no jews can be tolerated in any white country. and: christian doctrines secure jewish presence & power
well said https://t.co/TC2yR9ULlH
govt does virtually nothing but subsidize socially destructive elements. govt is the opposite of civilization
there's no use arguing with people who don't take feedback from their sense organs. these are cultists, they can only be stomped out
i saw someone on here calling jew George Soros a cuckservative. he has billions, people carry his water. he's not a cuck. he's the boss.
still scared to write freely about jews, Jimmy Dink? https://t.co/1JwO12HEhV
Remember, folks: freaks are emboldened by your faggotry. Never be afraid to laugh at what's stupid. That way lies christianity.
whites should reclaim power in USA, and land-clear shitskins all the way down to the Panama Canal. #TeamWhite
xtian universalism & its twin secular humanism give whites a false group (mankind) to identify with https://t.co/eTj4bCDP8B
May 05, 2016:
An America run by Americans might be solvent and mind its own business. An America run by jews...not so much.
beaner-pig rapes young girl, becomes "white" at jewGawker https://t.co/M5JEnW0YVF
Jews take over and redefine wherever they're given entry. They, nearly alone, have money, network, experience. https://t.co/TfDiNJHkLu
"George Washington wasn't a real American. And what's more, his foreign policy was anti-semitic." --B. Shapiro
Catholic moral courage lol. https://t.co/rD3MDcQqQw
thanks for bringing disease-bearing Third Worlders into my country, you vile cunt https://t.co/9GSZ5G3P9n
my idea of social justice is jews being tied together and drowned in a big tub. does that count? https://t.co/WIuTW8deH6
you keep telling yourself that, budger, and i'll keep using my eyes https://t.co/2vw45QmqDP
it's turning a traditional vice - cowardice - into a virtue https://t.co/bsPJckdUaC
only when drunk. when sober, good lil boy apologizes it's not a religion for men, evidence compels me to observe https://t.co/D7nwpUUVeP
if you were going to pick a random whiteskin to exhibit moral courage, would you pick a Catholic? i dont see how anyone could answer yes
traitor? he's a good catholic boy. just look at that holy smile. "they know not what i do" https://t.co/hGE1YhRz1P
Raus shecky. your act has grown stale. https://t.co/675tJPzV7s
White power must grow and expand, and this necessarily comes at the expense of the jew and its handmaidens like @MattWalshBlog #TeamWhite
racial struggle masquerading as political fight. #TeamJew and its goycucks like @MattWalshBlog vs normal whites (ie Americans)
ADL: founded to defend a pedophile who murdered a white girl. #MaryPhagan https://t.co/Lg6QOstmD4
jews have signalled all their twinkservants it's time to simulate being very angry. hence the clucking of the cucks
tick...tick...tick... https://t.co/6HXnpEIonA
there's only one significant force opposed to Trump cleaning up America - Big Jew (and the criminals/aliens it's gathered around itself)
unlike 82/93 jebus jackalopes, i know the doctrines, i read the book. it sucks. not one chap. in yr hearing about guy pimping his relatives
the media call him white because they're owned by jews. they protect their own. furthers their 'white racism' meme https://t.co/EVcYbtj070
they aren't white -- except when they pretend to be in order to encourage others to hate whites https://t.co/CZFC4gCQSk
chris matthews is heterosexual? the wife is always the last to know https://t.co/P8hHBMghhe
No, I'm not a nigger, thank god. But yes, as you point out, disproportionate number of felons are coons. https://t.co/ZaLLqZWBT9
Cuz they're niggers, right? https://t.co/HZKEEpev8p
May 04, 2016:
Hitler's the bad guy? but that would make jews the good guys. we know that can't be true. the conclusion is inescapable: hitler = good guy
that's the spirit we're looking for https://t.co/n5qVJDi8aX
you betcha, buddy. it sure is. https://t.co/WBusMzH4AI
Wrong. He's a simp-herd. That doesn't mean he's a conman. https://t.co/s78NhaAnOl
Grimm's fairly tales enchanted and delighted me. But when I read the jew bible, I felt it was malevolent horseshit from an alien mentality.
poor people dont trust poor preachers. low-rent whites think exactly like niggers https://t.co/jWd6vBWKbp
Even though y'all are a bunch of sad faggots, I know that virtually any one of you, made dicktator, could clean up Our Mutual Mess.
I think the spirit of Hitler and Trump would get along pretty well. I think they'd ID the same problems, and mostly agree on solutions.
um yeah pretty easy to grasp: queens seeking kings https://t.co/9jrBd9IaBS
For all I ride the South, I don't believe it is culturally possible it could produce a specimen as vile as Hillary Clinton.
The extreme-minority position, as always represented by jews _must_ lie. And must control mass media. Must. Or...no go.
I encourage race mixing...between christians and those locusts that only come out of the ground every 17 years.
Ellul would say propaganda has to be seamless or its not propaganda. Only liars have need/reason to mass-media https://t.co/JeUHOyobSC
we're going to make shecky shapiro and whale podhortez dance the haavara nagila before shipping them halfway back to israel
Monday School snuffs the whiteskin student's ability to think Sunday School snuffs his ability to laugh.
there's not a single funny verse in the entire bible. think what that does to the white mentality. https://t.co/Peurz6UTJQ
For example, christians advise indiscriminate spiritual love of hominids. Their promiscuity spreads spirit-AIDS. https://t.co/hCXzOBvbiv
jews position themselves to judge every single act and aspect of aryan society, then vend us the boob job "judge not lest ye be judged"
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." --HST https://t.co/Q7mZpHpGfp
Nazism is for everybody. Not me, though. I'm an American Feral. Like a Scots-Irish with a three-digit IQ.
Meet the Bushcucks. https://t.co/BguwTclRPy
does he mention it began with selling peerages to yids like himself? i bet he doesnt https://t.co/j5bkz2wd3K
the arrogance of the ruling yids rubs off on their cuckservants https://t.co/aOGni7pcVw
whiteskins tend to be gullible, respectful believers. but thank god not all of 'em. ;) https://t.co/9iNlaGZy5w
"What comes out of the mouth of a jew is equivalent to what comes out of the backside of other races." --B. Fischer
what a JEW he was. ALL jews think like trotsky. all of them https://t.co/aciSrw3fu3
the minute you laugh at jews rather than quail, half their power is gone. fearing the likes of shecky shapiro is no way to go thru life, son
you cant rape the willing https://t.co/9HuCvsr62O
Southern Man's highest ideal: to approximate the loyalty and brainpower of the average K9 unit. https://t.co/IajYWrpUNI
funniest idea ever: the "best" people go into the military. you got to be southern to believe something that fucking stupid
no one cares about your mental problems, doofy broad https://t.co/fN0Ma8VO7F
Trump: Controlled Media is Finished https://t.co/84nVYCs1xo via @NewObOnline
churchill was an agent of the jew bankers and he admits this! always pay attention to admission against interest https://t.co/ByxzMLhEdR
i love it when i reduce you clowns to arguing the pope isnt catholic. your entire cult is for cowardly buffoons https://t.co/lxHgAV4Plk
Jews put your white children in danger. Your wife too. Still want to worship them, #crosscucks? #TeamWhite https://t.co/RTf5KyeUPp
'acknowledge' = falsely attribute https://t.co/efaOEYPFxt
White men without christ-insanity = Greece and Rome. Xtianity w/o whites = Bolivia, Nigeria, Mexico. hmm https://t.co/7iatHcnWvL
you better check that with a priest, i dont think that's the partyline https://t.co/V8WXfw1d3A
i think you have me confused with your pope https://t.co/r7m2Pyx98l
from lions to declawed pussies is not an advance https://t.co/pKaZWtVrLr
what came out the other end of christianity? a Roman went in, and a what came out? https://t.co/pKaZWtVrLr
the church is what saved yids from masses of enraged whites. the church is the best friend jews ever had https://t.co/hu9lAxguj2
you dont know what you're talking about and are too cowardly to use your real name https://t.co/hu9lAxguj2
40m christian nigerians have accomplished....(jack squat). white built western civilization. xtianity was incidental https://t.co/hu9lAxguj2
you've called me a catholic and nazi. you dont really pay much attention to anything. yeah, greece and rome > jebus https://t.co/dA1noUZDaX
jebus is most likely a composite character. that is, a myth. so the answer is no one. judaism = saulism https://t.co/6khEp9JOc6
no. atheist. i read jones but he's wrong on race, per his cult's dogma that man is man is man https://t.co/IUGBapyZXH
it jews wanted xtianity gone, it would be. stop conforming reality to fantasy. https://t.co/rjtcsx9Sgi
i know jones very well. he's wrong. i dont take lessons in rationality from fools who believe jews come back fm dead https://t.co/rjtcsx9Sgi
People idiotically believe that because the jews call Trump a racist he is. He's not. Not actively hating whites is not the same thing.
sperg is anonymous queer's jewlike smear for focused https://t.co/C6gxjveEbx
Jews are engaged in a comprehensive cultural attack designed to destroy the white race forever. That's the starting pt of serious analysis.
There is lots of great analysis out there of subsets of the problem (feminism, for ex.) but save tied to Jew picture, it's isolated & DOA.
Trump is the kiddie pool. Don't kid yourself about that. "Our" cause is racial. It has nothing to do with conservatism or christianity.
Trump's an American. Shapiro's a jew. Nuf said. https://t.co/WWEP748KjG
your people weren't around when America was founded. you're not an American. you're a jew. you don't belong here. go https://t.co/WWEP748KjG
The salvation of Europe begins with the identification and destruction of its jews - the would-be murderers of Whitekind.
#ADL puts your white children at risk. Remember - ADL was founded to aid a jew who raped & murdered white girl. https://t.co/corhP3DjoS
blacks aren't smart enough to realize they're dumb https://t.co/qIjlTAktrs
it cannot be overemphasized that jews are a race of liars. it's what they do. it's in their genes, their culture. it defines them
just yesterday pudgy liar @jpodhoretz said israel took 30,000 boat people. actual number: 360. https://t.co/8e9SRiVuz9
it's ally, you simp. and no, they are our enemy. they take our money and murder our people #USSLibertyRemembranceDay https://t.co/uWjbeJkVxd
autocorrect is the reason you can't spell Israel? https://t.co/Gn1K7mghaM
Jews love to make the point that 'uneducated' white Americans support Trump. That would be same demographic that supports Israel.
you can't even spell israel. you're stupid. jews think guys like you are suckers. and they're right. https://t.co/GiHJblLfY9
jews use and despise these flag-waving simpletons https://t.co/0w6cGGyi0o
They live out of white pockets while berating whites as racists and trying to genocide them. https://t.co/AW0ohWw3B8
incorrect. jews are jews. not americans. they are loyal only to their own race. israel is america's enemy https://t.co/wdJywfBiLp
they support #whitegenocide https://t.co/r9gQAAQNGV
if this woman needs help offing herself, i'm available https://t.co/jBn5806Emo
jews will work their way into Trump admin, if he allows, and attempt to thwart any white-positive changes he tries to make. these are givens
you nation-wreckers need to run to Israel before a white racial loyalist takes power. we know what you did https://t.co/6epsgIe4y8
He doesn't support foreign wars. He does support border control for white nations. Just 2 reasons jews hate him. https://t.co/JiCPxagWAd
Jews are used to privilege - legal, social, media, etc. They see neutrality as an attack on them, so they attack DT. https://t.co/w7pahhxh5W
Cuckservatism is a goy thang. Never a jew thang. Don't let jew Cernovich or jew Yiannopoulos lie about this.
Jews as one lie that America is a 'nation of immigrants,' a chutzpathic meme they created around 1900. They promoted #whitegenocide fm day 1
Anytime you debate a jew on the basis he stands for anything except what's good for jews, you help him carry his deception and hurt yr side.
Shapiro's people weren't here when America was founded. Like yours and mine. They were here when America was destroyed.
Shapiro hates Trump because he puts whites, implicitly, ahead of jews. This cannot be! Shapiro calls this position 'conservatism.' lol.
What the jew wishes to conceal is what we on #TeamWhite must open up. Don't let shapiros get away with pretext of loyalty to some -ism.
I don't think he's truly a jew, even if he has a little blood. He's just a standard conservative Doilyman. https://t.co/LD5aZBEt7y
Anyone who calls a jew a cuckservative or a traitor makes a mistake or attempts to mislead. Jews are loyal to tribe, not political positions
Ben Shapiro isn't a cuckservative. He isn't a conservative. He isn't a traitor. He's a jew. He's loyal to his tribe.
Boss Jew says: "Feed your women and children to blacks if you want a paycheck." Cuckservative whiteskins like Wilson respond, "Yes, sir!"
If jews run things, they aren't cucks. Those who serve them are. Jews, as always, attempt to coopt any movemt that even partly points at 'em
Cucks perceive Big Jew as long-term safer side. Trump interrupts flow. Bad for career & profits. This accounts 4 hatred steaming off 'em.
May 03, 2016:
will is a classic #cuckservative and kristol is a classic kike https://t.co/FVPonvNPx4
'principled conservative' is euphemism for America-hating jew What's wrong with Trump? He puts Americans ahead of Podhoretzes & Shapiros
put asphyxiated in a corn silo https://t.co/t5VZGegqTK
Upon taking office, Trump will institute a pay-per-pelt policy for mexicans. #25 per polecat seems fair.
Tyrant. You stupid faggot. Eat your strained beets and stop whining, highchair boi https://t.co/vkrBLaoAni
i give this spat two yellow stars #TeamJew https://t.co/6i4CkV1ZKK
"unhinged plan" not to be in perpetual war w rest of world https://t.co/sigLdnO9op
the vote is in...America wants to be great again. please form 3 lines: jews, mex, blacks. 1st stop: TIjuana, 2nd, Tel Aviv, 3rd Timbuktu
There is no woman on earth as effeminate as Glenn Beck. https://t.co/LyMqH9ldpL
we got a live one! its like one of those batteries yr hopin and hopin but ultimately yr nopin https://t.co/EJzqo7IjHV
And I bet your jaw slacked, and some of your dinner mud run out... https://t.co/ep0lEruNaI
the point isn't hating conservatives, who are but weaklings available for purchase - it's fighting the jews who operate them #TeamWhite
you ever hear a sportscaster say "it would have been better if X qb had thrown every pass into ground" - that's conservatism
lol at notion jews feel guilt over anything https://t.co/fWVDreU4M1
nah, that lives in your mirror https://t.co/C8lmBAFLtO
go fuck yourself you fugly white-hating kike https://t.co/mReosVhLSO
translation: "where do white people get off thinking they can have a nation like us jews?" https://t.co/7tbP3vG3MI
god forbid it might rise to the level where it's effective. jews called the game. we either respond or lie down https://t.co/XmvQJG27ak
"self-hating jew" - another bullshit concept in an unending line from jewish liars. all jews are other-hating. https://t.co/BCL9iUjklw
do you always dress like you're reffing a dogfight between french poodles? https://t.co/xS9cADog6K
jews are in one way like high-iq niggers. their deepest belief is that there is no such thing as a "crime" committed by one of theirs on us
as an example of the jews being a race of liars - every single one, i refer you to leo frank case. absolutely open/shut jew frank's guilty
correct. stupid goyim cant get it thru their head that jews are not like whites. cohens are not divided by isms https://t.co/XqnEpZaOwg
i suspect people think i kid or at least exaggerate when i say jews are a race of liars. no. they lie, all of them, and they never stop.
exactly. i'm not a traditionalist, so i dont feel morally bound to repeat the mistakes of the past https://t.co/sxQSdDlx90
no. if we learned nothing else from hitler, you dont let jews emigrate https://t.co/1VdrIrJdqE
public execution of all neocons. ropes around necks while they stand on whiteskin cuck shabbes goyim
pudgy little yidbabies stamping their feet because whites are looking after white interests. this is a start #TeamWhite
notice also that jews podhoretz and shapiro both summon the notion of Hell - which jews dont believe in - to sheepdog xtians back in line
notice the petulance of jews @jpodhoretz and @benshapiro re Trump. it's like others exist to serve jews. this really is how they think
when you have the most money you can then cherrypick the best genes of your racial competition. so jews raise iq, income and, in time, genes
true of multiculturalism or any other name jewpol runs under IF jew THEN lies and murder #loxism https://t.co/X9uHc1EMr1
who's slingblade there? https://t.co/F1sZTXShCX
it's not right because i say it; i say it because it's right. https://t.co/eueZbXdswS
Not really, since jews like jpod are an international mafia doing the exact same thing to all white countries. https://t.co/oAdmT3z6Zx
we let these creatures vote? and live among us? https://t.co/CLlLx6Jb4P
May 02, 2016:
i just think selling Kalergi is much more confusing than jew. jew is accurate. jew is what people must understand https://t.co/eqP16S0Hci
We've reached the point he describes in a large percentage of the population in US. https://t.co/7hHQFbODfT
again, you dont even know what cuckservative means, simpleton https://t.co/FyQg5k7dgM
my views are mere preferences. so are everyone else's but they dont admit it. i dont want niggers around my people https://t.co/vIlEhq7UID
"the dump isn't made of trash because 1 in 1,000,000 threw away some gold jewelry" https://t.co/59MX2eiP3B
they were promoting that pacific rim horseshit hard when i was in school back in '80s, on west coast https://t.co/ml8mIZlfCn
Zikas & zoo exhibits vs Trump & the Humans. https://t.co/RWIvPjCDyH
Mine does. But then I kind of a George Washington/Adolf Hitler kind of guy. You seem more like A Woody Allen type. https://t.co/noYE8bG9EC
I have no idea what you are talking about. But I hope you win the cheerleading competition. Know that. https://t.co/OE7PgVsfZV
The jews' most useful tool is bribery. They say this in Protocols. They get men like Kevin W or Ted Cruz to push their line by paying them.
I don't know who you are, but you don't seem to grasp the meaning of #cuckservative. https://t.co/OhrEqhHn2y
Jews tell non-jews like the Kevin Williamson to write articles bashing Trump-supporting whites. He does it. That's how he puts food on table
We were talking about cuckservatives. That means a white man (or black) who sells out his own race to the jews. https://t.co/SMVDPgBUkA
Under capitalism, by leftist theory, giant corporations always chase profit. So if their customers reject race-mixing or pervert bathrooms..
My name is Jerry Dickson. I make 248k a year leading a non-profit christian group that works with State Dept to import African. #lovewins
but getting rich by doing things that destroy your nation and race and cities and neighborhoods - NOT COOL MAN
there's nothing wrong with getting rich. money is power. and businessmen are 100x more socially useful than academics, as a rule
not inherently. but if you get rich by creating circumstances that destroy your own race, then yes, that is bad https://t.co/NDvuknwnVp
so it's ok for their families to do well helping jews destroy the white race? you think that's cool? https://t.co/kM8KOkhxpA
true, but wasnt disagreeing with you. just pointing out jews CAN produce things that APPEAR to promote white values https://t.co/mHi6k99Cfh
cucks take money from jews for advocating politics that wreck white nations. they deserve not just scorn but death https://t.co/QM0WW4GW4K
what is "cuck" about putting nothing above money? because they destroy their own kind purely to advance themselves https://t.co/QM0WW4pkGa
Entire thing was completely jew production. They know how our minds work. They know what we racially admire. https://t.co/jcXKcR3VF3
you know Pa Brady was a big fan o' boyglutes. kinda queers the memory doont it https://t.co/rxIIlspoLm
remember, this is the deepest cucktruth: they believe nothing. cux are in it for bux. their god is money, ie their career. ideas r 4 suckers
hell the only thing i like about cruz is that he's weird looking and creepy and people hate him for that. if i were him, i'd play that up
people dont understand...germans are not flexible people. i sincerely hope we see the other side of the coin. you kikes & shabbes deserve it
if your instinct is anything other than to laugh when you hear the jebus story, you're not truly white. maybe genetically. but not in spirit
Bernie for prez. Cuz the commie jews who killed 60,000,000m white christians last century deserve a second chance. #FeelTheBern
Think of something you think is so big known and obvious that you can't believe anyone could lie about it. What if they could? Be open.
no, there is. i just forgot to type it. maybe i'll vouchsafe it tomorrow. https://t.co/GkdsSzTxQq
"but ever'body knows the holocaust is real. i mean, people talk about it" That's what a Big Lie is. https://t.co/JyLpqLgt3B
there was only one set of bootprints in the snow...and that was when Thor carried you... #woah https://t.co/Zv1AEOY1UU
what gave whiteskins the idea pride was bad? what gave whiteskins the idea they owe something to the mudden races?
Racially disloyal British weakmen sold their peerages to jews, and soon a paki muslim will be elected mayor of London
They're savages, I owe them no respect. https://t.co/LUlvvHfZ5s
Whites are the race that allows its enemy to control the schooling of its young. ZOGovernment schools reproduce whitelosers. #TeamWhite
https://t.co/52S1lcif8l https://t.co/q2lhv6k4FH https://t.co/aC1b2joiBG https://t.co/cRpbxkqnUd https://t.co/twhxnsWFSq
https://t.co/Hn1i2IRAxk still last segment to record, but 3 (Oliver) are up on this page https://t.co/twhxnsWFSq
Could not be a better example of NEVER SAY "I'M NOT..." https://t.co/WgU7jxCjop
Guns N' Roses is not just reuniting, they're updating lyrics to One in a Million to support Trump campaign. https://t.co/HEWt2o7FAp
somewhere at the intersection of RABID and BITCH is RABBI https://t.co/yqSGL60OVZ
this sub-facebook level faggotry gots to go, mate https://t.co/weszXPfnQL
race is more of a grooming construct. dog nutty. https://t.co/PAwx7dURnV
that's actually a damn good way to put it: hitler is where cuck turns into The Cock https://t.co/XDUZgxMDqu
seems like republican voters agree https://t.co/4LYQtNolZU
Hispanics Planning More Anti-Trump Violence https://t.co/obrPnOZAJ0 via @NewObOnline
christianity makes a perfect belief system for slaves, and that's why the jews have kept it alive among whiteskins #crosscucks
which cult says pride is a bad thing spit out your jebus jism, white man and become a, well WHITE MAN #crosscucks https://t.co/VAWwvKfTTa
Muslim Set to Win London Mayor https://t.co/xpaGrs08h4 via @NewObOnline
the thing we can't get in politics - openly White, openly anti-jew - is the one thing we need #TeamWhite
Corbyn: “Jews at Heart of Labour Party” https://t.co/6w3Ujs2ZmS via @NewObOnline
whites so far never found jews interesting enough to full-focus on them long enough to end their problem https://t.co/Bf2llwndTY
u have 2 have a certain genetic capacity to recognize yr own ignorance. blacks lack this. any flattering lie ((( ))) sell them they believe
Communists Attack AfD Convention https://t.co/jga5FvTYa9 via @NewObOnline
May 01, 2016:
Try that with "I want (this hair out of my soup)." https://t.co/URy4bTAZuT
Gore Vidal wrote book on J the A https://t.co/x3LyQgqnmw
I get asked a lot: "First Fingerer, what is the Fingerist position on Muslims?" I respond, "My child, it is pokey. Very, very pokey."
thru an act of sheer willpower, i believe many of you, perhaps even 2 out of 3, may be able to get your finger to bend, as The Fingerist can
fingerism is the belief that if you can make your finger bend, you can do everything you need to, without any recourse to a higher power
modern tech changes his 'explusion' to counter-extermination; otherwise he nailed it https://t.co/Mk8ad6Cvcv
breeding with low-iq violent retards is IN this spring https://t.co/LkW2RXTArr
miscegenation is an antiseptic term for a destructive thing. mongrelism better captures the flava of nig-mixing
Old Navy: "Put your low quality genes in our low quality jeans" #mongrelismrocks https://t.co/2UiLrZBe2V
This Old Navy Ad Featuring an Interracial Family Is Being Attacked By Racist Trolls https://t.co/ViHRys39JG
April 30, 2016:
if you can just stop your goddam whitefag whining praying crying eating tving for ten seconds and FOCUS on jew...you'll smell it #thehorror
But each & every one of those seed niggers was equipped by God its with an Imperishable Soul of Inestimable Value. https://t.co/0xsytLRxPh
many of our mos fines backwerds advances are come from de mexeekan peeples https://t.co/bqMKBg0yiv
get the jews to thank him, they're the only ones who benefited from his 'service' https://t.co/cFdsqSgObR
example: jews pay attention to reality; whiteskins go to church https://t.co/HiCdjBK6t1
christianity is just another jew-produced false universalism for suckers off the rack for you, tailor made for jews #TeamWhite
thanks for the fellow who queried... https://t.co/QkprvVOspS
"high key" scary - is that some faggotism? These are my "gassin' for real yo" jazz hands https://t.co/kafVekkXy4
yes, the jews certainly do control UK and her media. BBC is the best example. like NPR in USA, they only hire jews https://t.co/ffdVZwTQFE
jew-pozzed @jartaylor likes to lie that jews have no influence in scandinavia tho he's well aware of (((Bonnier))) https://t.co/xY3r1I1SxC
left = jews = complete media ownership = ability to lie nonstop without redress or reprisal https://t.co/6X1pChOgTH
if Cthulhu were named Cuthbert, you wouldnt think he was so cool, would you. well, guess what Cthulu means in original Welsh, chachi. yeah.
even if you have a billion dollars, you get treated like absolute shit for making most basic common-sense suggestions. That's ZOG
anyone who's met a christian https://t.co/C8Mfz3PIZJ
so out of that panel, (((trigglypoof))), (((summers))), (((yiannopoulos))), and crowder - from (((gross pointe))). non-jews irrelevant
jewsmedia discreetly locate the near-as-we'll-come-to-admitting-the-truth in the penultimate paragraph
main mass media technique is just playing with agency. things happen passively, or it's simply reversed (blacks/guns)
i dont see any whites having faith in govt. but no one else is leading. there's literally no one to follow, hence DT https://t.co/8rdQm4XVL4
i dont know much about it, or remember much if ever came across it https://t.co/4r1eQ5wgLK
Extremism is on the rise among Swedish teenagers https://t.co/f20p6wgN0T via @TheLocalSweden
nothing short of revolution will save you, far as i can tell from outside. your rulers will not change their agenda https://t.co/caR6zA6Liy
the destruction of goy nations thru murder, mongrelism and mendacious media are permanent jewish strategies #loxism #TeamWhite
the notion of 'roots' is wildly popular with dork enlightenment types but it is a shit metaphor for matters human, which turn on a dime
more than half of all Swedes (53 percent) now think that immigration and integration are the most important questions...
these tools dont realize 'nation of immigrants' was a meme created by ADL who paid JFK to front it https://t.co/FLHCF73bQh
i'm gonna have to pray to jebus to cure my vice of arguing with anonymous people. i cant seem to break dirty habit.
A conservative is trying to argue with me that the Founders owned slaves but weren't racist. smh ftw lol tmc bbrrp gzmp
Well you get on out there and do better, lil feller. https://t.co/iClm50load
Trump is using Whites, but Whites can and are using Trump's campaign. If he loses, we're remain. If wins, we grow. https://t.co/mu8q2AUvTX
Not really. Everyone knows his kids are married to jews and he isnt racist. But he still represents that by proxy. https://t.co/mu8q2AUvTX
That's a simplistic and absurd way of looking at things. Hitler got farther than anyone else, and must be studied. https://t.co/QhBf7mr436
Hitler lost the material war. Subsequent events vindicated him. I mean... look around https://t.co/Zp9vX3oIVE
All jews everywhere throughout all history, all hated for absolutely no reason. Me and Jared Taylor dont get it. https://t.co/PTEVZlrEXy
Well that proves he was wrong, then, doesn't it. https://t.co/Zp9vX3oIVE
What's self-evident is niggers aren't equal to whites. It would never occur to anybody. Hence need for Official Lies https://t.co/Rj5QzcrFRl
If it's self-evident, he wouldnt need to say it. But you're willfully removing it from historical context to falsify https://t.co/Rj5QzcrFRl
You need to get smarter and start questioning what you hear. You're being lied to. https://t.co/E1Ukzbrhxf
Exactly. You're being fed bullshit history by communist jews you wrongly believe are conservatives. https://t.co/E1Ukzbrhxf
no kidding. he's a 10th rate proxy, but the parallel is still there, in potential. for the forces trump represents https://t.co/7TrJZX6SkD
Hitler arose to fight jews fomenting communist revolution all over Europe. Those jews' equivalent today is Soros. And Hitler might be Trump.
On tour before they return to their permanent home at the San Diego Zoo. https://t.co/zkawassyuI
The blear of jewfag is upon it. https://t.co/svW81MOtW7
Actually the nazis fought jew-communists like Soros who tried to disrupt their meetings. You're a liar. https://t.co/DqlNnTFnbS
Were black treated as legal equals? Or as property? See, you're a liberal. The Founders were racists. https://t.co/vS17kPTwmS
All supported by christians (the We're Good people) https://t.co/7cZcDEwNuv
A conservative is someone who knows the Founders owned slaves, but gulps it when a neocohen tells him they weren't racialists. #nointegrity
do you want to be part of a nation that is all white? no jews? no discoloreds? one that is self-consciously racial? protects itself?
And that FACT is too humiliating for the blood brothers of Catholic Endarkenment and Secular Enlightenment to accept https://t.co/DXaqH48SAO
of which about 1.2 million have been documented and over 86 percent have not yet been described.[19] https://t.co/YEDXuKyqJC
[16][17] Estimates on the number of Earth's current species range from 10 million to 14 million,[18]
More than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species,[14] that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct.[15]
99% of species that ever existed on earth are extinct. subspecies fight for ground until one vanquishes other. https://t.co/ErApUEZOFd
Genocide is nature's way. Who are we to quibble with nature or the Godlet that created it? https://t.co/xJRlHfBvWC
someone need to quit fucking three-toed sloths https://t.co/eONGLm5vgb
jews (Bonnier is jew) deploy retarded whites like this (assuming its not a jew itself) to destroy their own kind https://t.co/o3qQTcmrL8
would it change your mind if we voted for Trump AND gave you a giant donut? https://t.co/chiOSSH0BS
sweety when a bum talking into an imaginary cell phone asks you for money he's not sexually harassing you https://t.co/l2vePgWaQ8
Typically cowardly cartoonist refuses to paint the felon black. You know, like reality. https://t.co/bBGfc85fjN
Hitler didn't run around worrying about whether people liked him or not. He figured out what needed done and did it. #leadership
I havent read WND regularly for more than a decade. Used to. https://t.co/LZY6OTMU45
I've said it b4: if you think I exaggerate or in any way ham up the jew question - go read the real history of #LeoFrank-ADL. Jews are evil.
Vox Day, altho a redskin, has driven the judeo-left back in Sci Fi. That's an achievement. https://t.co/LZY6OTMU45
Jews aren't Americans. Jews don't speak for Americans. Jews are in America. For now. @ADL_National #loxism
Working with churches, too. Whiteskin christian go rich off the destruction of their own countries. https://t.co/W9voxzCpJr
I never thought I'd see the day when Skunky McDoof, WND boy, dared to say boo to a jew. #HowSweetItIs #ItzComing https://t.co/opoeo6xPjl
The State Department imported 40 Congolese 'families' to my part of Missouri under 'diversity visas.' https://t.co/gnLaAGiWtq
is there anything not wrong with you 'tessa'? https://t.co/ViMDNUgcjd
The cowardly mass of the population are known as conservatives. They are purchased and manipulated wholesale by masters. #tcot
Homosexuals - stop. You're already into propaganda. Homo behavior...ah...has always been viewed as ludicrous & morbid.
Thanks to my ancestor goading him to make those words public. https://t.co/YMtwBBrERE
The Father of the nation owned slaves. The author of the Constitution owned slaves. The author of the Declaration owned slaves.
Jefferson hoped freed blacks could prove their abilities, but his hopes haven't panned out. His fears have. https://t.co/0kOrWstsG7
Jefferson said they would be free but it was just as inevitable they could not share a govt with whites - too difft. https://t.co/8xn82hKLwH
"All men are equal" had nothing to do with race, it had to do with Americans (white) vs British. https://t.co/FUufRGWqWu
He's just your standard brainwash victim on whom it is slowly dawning he has been lied to by people he trusted. https://t.co/FUufRGWqWu
They wanted to send blacks back to Africa. They were concerned about slavery's effects ON WHITES, most of all. https://t.co/4YNbHDA2dB
they were anti-slavery. but you incorrectly conflate this with belief in racial equality which they expressly reject https://t.co/4YNbHDA2dB
give it up, midget. the guy who wrote the Declaration says blacks and whites "cannot" live in the same government" https://t.co/gbrGCKNfGS
the pope caught hepatitis from licking jew ass, then athlete's foot from muslims i tell you, a girlman in a dress just cant win
Conservatism and christianity are both loser mindsets. We cannot win them. We need a dynamic, aggressive racial mindset. #TeamWhite
Whites must form a team to take on jews. It must be a racial, and have nothing to do with conservatism or christianity. #TeamWhite
if you had any idea how dumb you and how dumb you look you would kill yourself before sundown https://t.co/rGGdVJeNrA
destroy the leader, the rest of the gang disappears... "...if they are lying about this, then..." https://t.co/LrTrgjmPHj
#loxism https://t.co/DyescIcmyw
wanting abolition of slavery does equal individualism. they didnt want it because they believed in equality https://t.co/0HQiUGaT8x
"...the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government." look it up yourself https://t.co/wszi69LtTW
Been there. When you going to learn how to spell it, Tex-tard? https://t.co/0CWv48MYhW
Jackass. You're too much of a coward to use your real name to stand behind lies fed you by some kike on the radio. https://t.co/Pd4ch06u9i
Jefferson also said that the two races, even if made equally free, could not live under the same govt. https://t.co/GdmH9g76tz
Jefferson owned slaves, you freaking retard. https://t.co/GdmH9g76tz
Look, buddy, you just keep lying to yourself, it doesn't interest me. But know that you are a liar, and a coward. https://t.co/mEelmlFtL2
You're making reality conform to your ideology, which is dishonest. The founders did not believe in nigger equality. https://t.co/jsEnFDCrdo
The Founder of the nation owned slaves. Slavery was protected in the Constitution. You're a jackass who hates facts. https://t.co/ZcwnVJfhRj
They owned slaves. https://t.co/jhLy0AV4PN
The conservatives will do anything to preserve the delusion there's a Safe and Legal path to victory. https://t.co/KXPX6yyzII
Perfect example of how invincibly stupid conservatives are, this guy. And he's from Texas. Well, that figures. https://t.co/jhLy0AV4PN
Try that line on their slaves. https://t.co/jhLy0AV4PN
April 29, 2016:
They have their own take on comment apartheid, as practiced at Gawker. 50 commie-nts, then 1 "collapsed" rational 1 https://t.co/tz5AFkQbGg
No, I dont think they let you edit others. They just scoop out answers they dont like as forbidden bad manners. https://t.co/U7ecCFYMuc
#WhitePrivilege (1/2) People get treated the way they act. Blacks are very often violent, stupid troublemakers,
Does #whiteprivilege exist? My answer. https://t.co/fXiX3cysKb
started by ex-google guys, i think. it's a discussion platform, has many interesting answers from Real People (tm) https://t.co/gEJwBXftOE
Like the Bible, I have answers. Unlike the bible, I have the right answers. Just whether Quora lets world see 'em. https://t.co/xtIvph58b1
Gawker needs a jewish pride day, where all their jew writers publicly admit/proclaim they're jews. Why the shame? https://t.co/xUzDB7SJzo
yep hence retweet https://t.co/hnqjYGZdxr
Trump Fans Seem to Get Particularly Mad at Jewish and Women Reporters, I Wonder Why That Is https://t.co/01pyYA34T2
the Founders were racists. The Tea Party is anti-racist. So in fact TP picks and chooses its principles https://t.co/SjIxtXDevV
USA goes South African: replacing competent white air-traffic controllers w incomp. discols. https://t.co/deOvX50Yn3 https://t.co/DVGTgNZzKV
FAA: No White Air Traffic Controllers https://t.co/deOvX50Yn3 via @NewObOnline
Hitler, Zionists, and Ken Livingstone https://t.co/iqepVsG4PJ via @NewObOnline
"To get your card punched as a Republican operative, it's simple. Reject your race. Then we'll take care of you." --unnamed jew off record
if it wasn't for White Badthink, there wouldn't be any colored crime. this really is how they think https://t.co/PIrlWeic9l
metal can be antisemitic too. in australia or canada, these coins would already be in jail https://t.co/amWXbuL46W
he's wrong about that, but given his immense achievements, Duke deserves and has my respect https://t.co/v8NuZj8KwY
public 'education' in hands of state soon becomes lies serving (((elite))). never in history has Joe Avg known more things that "aint so"
The hate-filled extremists are jews + servants who admit muslim terrorists to white lands then abuse the natives for objecting. #loxism
April 28, 2016:
There's leadership and there's pandering. Leader says I'm doing this cuz needs done. Join me. Pander sez I'll give you this you didn't earn.
Well, I dont know. I don't follow any of this/these, I'm expressing my opinion of Breivik's motivation and actions. https://t.co/iwN8pRo4Nb
it's an absolute waste of time let morons get you off track https://t.co/dv1tujPet1
paid up member of the Ignorables. no pt talking to anyone with xtianity on his breath, or satanism, flat earth etc https://t.co/BT3Y2U4knT
many were, some were not. https://t.co/KKfhLmIrUp
There is no reason to believe what David Duke or lessers say about Breivik's motivation when you have his own words. #HeroBreivik
"People will understand me one day and see that multiculturism has failed," he said. "If I am right, how can what I did be illegal?"
"He has pleaded not guilty, saying he acted in defense of Norway against multiculturalism.". https://t.co/c5E6c9dF5l #HeroBreivik
They were children, whiteskin mental nigger. They were confirmed, mostly legal adult #antiwhites and coloreds. https://t.co/ePhxEAcC2l
our people must be taught simple frames: wwii was whites attempting to stand up to the jew. they lost. but the struggle continues.
the nazis only committed 1 crime: standing up to the jews. and for that, 95yo men must be tried. jews are dishonest, vindictive, genocidal
it's a vital error to allow jews to perpetrate their blood-libel 'holocaust' lie without opposition, though many WN don't understand this
(if it actually occurred) lol yeah guessing you're the clown here "Circus Maximus" and if there's an a.p., that too https://t.co/UFPvz3ZEV4
the 'holocaust' - ie jewish antiwhite history-flavored fiction - it is the moral-philosophical-intellectual basis of #whitegenocide movement
Christianity demands respect it can't compel. Very like jews in that regard - just a softer, weaker version.
there's no white solution in 'appealing' to people whose dopey religious-sourced cowardice got us into this mess #TeamWhite
why you put "jews" in quotes? jews are a race. any rabbi will tell you you can be jewish and atheist, not same thing https://t.co/ghhGrbsaVa
When will @DrDavidDuke admit he was wrong about both the intent of #HeroBreivik's actions his prediction about their consequence?
If you're unprincipled. And most are. Our inability to find the correct line and stick to it is why jews dominate. https://t.co/yEcJTGkb2o
Has Norway moved away from Breivik's position or toward it after his action? Duke claimed it would move away. In fact, it has moved toward.
David Duke wrongly explained #HeroBreivik's actions and has never corrected his error, though events falsified his predictions.
Mixing the truth with lies is one technique for misleading people. Flat-earth, no-moon-landing are 2 popular mixers. https://t.co/17iNn6fmGc
No, I dont follow this twink or know who he is. Sub-professional 'White' media is of no interest to me. https://t.co/17iNn6fmGc
Duke et al. said Norway would get MORE liberal on immigration because of Breivik. That didn't happen. Did they admit they were wrong?
Buh bye. Not tall enough for the ride. https://t.co/3lEexo4FlI
"Renegade" hiding under hat, fake name, apologizing for jew-aiding communists. Hmm... https://t.co/eu1dPLRsDa
And those who advocate pandering to cowards as success strategy claimed Norway would open borders even more. Nope. https://t.co/8lRECqFpW7
Use your real name, twink. https://t.co/eu1dPLRsDa
Exactly. And how has Norway gone? It has gotten tighter on immigration since #HeroBreivik acted. https://t.co/8lRECqFpW7
His killing them had nothing to do with boycott. You're parroting someone who is factually wrong. https://t.co/E3WcEk8iTR
As he stated. Whiteskin doesn't absolve one of guilt for the crime of attempted #whitegenocide. https://t.co/JuPUpX3kAB
No one cares about a boycott. He killed them because they & elders are murdering Norway by mud blood. And stated so. https://t.co/bVqbiPOBz1
Yeah, but WN use the nigger-level "muh youths" excuse. https://t.co/bVqbiPOBz1
Another retard who can't decipher shit from shinola. Breivik killed them because of muslim invasion, not Israel. https://t.co/uwiwDiS0QD
once a land womanatee has been weaponized all that's left to do is get out of the way, see Godzilla https://t.co/mTSB3rRa0G
what changes hearts and minds? delivering blows against the enemy rather than suffering them. #HeroBreivik
that shriekbeast's arm-hams were creating a hostile environment for everybody https://t.co/KNtEF8hP7S
yeah it's called Fagville. you can be mayor https://t.co/tq3zzIgh6e
April 27, 2016:
I'm recalcitrant. That's that sound in Tom Petty's voice. Can't make me pretend men are women. Maybe y'all. Not me.
the north at least knows what it's getting when it votes for a commie cunt like sanders. does the south with graham? https://t.co/Q7RPGKXTBa
no i meant dead https://t.co/UiPiWAY4Nw
Video Taken from Dead ISIS Fighter's Headcam Shows Final Moments in Skirmish Outside Mosul https://t.co/4SHQv89CvI
what's the source? https://t.co/Prrl0Zq2RP
if you actually read nazi stuff, they talked about jews surprisingly little. but when they did, they used term jew and pulled no punches
And the energy he exhibits, at his age, is truly Hitlerian. https://t.co/VH8S3tYEoN
April 26, 2016:
Since the jewish community -- alone -- opened America's borders, it's only fair these jews should pay for Trump's wall. @benshapiro
people now exhibit a fear response when hearing rational thought. anything more than 3 words without nervous defensive laughter = scary
"...Trump's string of victories, we face the dangerous prospect of a president representing the will of the majority." --#TeamJew
jews are such an intelligent people. lets listen in one one of their top thinkers now... https://t.co/L4Hx1UvWRk
you dont so much need a makeover, more of a backup head https://t.co/8hxN6sXOFQ
that's your reaction every time you look in the mirror, and justifiably so https://t.co/8hxN6sXOFQ
You cant defend yourself by defending yourself. It's as useless as...well...my trying to explain it.
This should help Trump considerably. https://t.co/JTGYEiagKs
you can tell the Global Enemy by their kippa and liver spots https://t.co/imjmxYPHy2
99% of religious art is butt-ugly and the other 1% was made by atheist italian faggots https://t.co/wnKHhtfimf
canadians are widely spaced, so you can get away from anything, but multicult is official govt policy there https://t.co/h45H1nEM0h
Minnesota has the most gullible people yet discovered on earth, and many xtians helping State Dept import somalis https://t.co/MFB5tHWBa1
they're niggers. they dont have another level. https://t.co/ZT7c0I8DQc
not even a Southerner would eat lutefisk...and those fuckers eat dirt! personally, if forced, i'm 100% dirt > lutefisk #muhconundrum
if you wanna freeze your nuts off and live around moronic sheep, canada has nothing but prime locations
canada has been racially trashed for decades; i got off plane in toronto in '89, thought was in calcutta https://t.co/Ld84jwFPkW
one of my best friends is an oompa loompa. i pat him condescendingly and call him Orange-utang. and he punches me in nuts.
'man' lol. that's a nigger. https://t.co/zJoJehoBSm
If Gallagher taught us nothing else, he taught us the importance of style. https://t.co/uvACyf5fss
that is telling the truth to nighand https://t.co/e2ecMZbz4s
she's an "adult" "woman" who has panic attack and wants to show the world her sternum on social media. it is 2 shame https://t.co/dEdHzgEB77
it's like throwing snowballs at cats. they never really figure out what's going on https://t.co/EKRPMzxjJd
strong-minded people dont need to assert it munchy, let alone w adverbs! now go practice your pop-tart making skills https://t.co/bfAkrcBZYS
To those who hate Trump, here's the message: You're not America. You're just a bunch of jews and Third Worlders. And sex degenerates.
maybe you should move to canada once you research its location https://t.co/sBBSDfJJny
Government schools exist to waste the energy and warp the minds of the young. https://t.co/wPgASNDN1m
https://t.co/zous4q7DQr #EricHunt new stuff
your anti-termitism is duly noted https://t.co/raD348Qo5m
this yid is a master paper airplane flight engineer https://t.co/z1JDH1JGlY
Jews are a race of congenital liars. https://t.co/sXUPBAIrYS
Absolutely black and white. Either you are antijew or you are #antiwhite. Facts in your faggot-ass face from #TeamWhite
faggots https://t.co/SMHPJAaM9P
Me pregunto tambien, el fatboy. me fetchas un gordito real, prontissimo https://t.co/WhW5HA5fM0
For their life together they compromised and built a tree-house. https://t.co/YBwFdKlski
The jews should be laughed at and cursed down with abuse and epithets. Ultimately, counter-extermination, not expulsion, is only solution.
it's christ-insanity that teaches white men that anything funny or intelligent is wicked, and this lays groundwork for PC mentality
Why are whites so willing to believe the worst about their own ancestors? Absolute lack of loyalty is nearly the definition of white.
"There is no such thing as cheap labor." If you can't find people to work at given rate, pay more. No right to wreck your nation.
'Sanctimonious madmen' - they don't care about predictable consequences, only about doin' Good. #crosscucks https://t.co/O5pgeseddX
Whiteskins have been trained out of self-reliance to expert worship and reliance on authority. Socialism breeds little-man losers.
God bless all parasites and their supporters. #GreenNiggers4Ever https://t.co/CUsgmXSXsG
'race relations,' 'racial harmony' - these are bogus constructs. whites dont want other races around. all but separation is #antiwhite
look kiddies, if you buy ANYTHING retail, you are getting ripped off, and 90% of the time by a jew concern
Racism is a bad name for a natural and good thing. The asian cop responds to reality, just like white cops. https://t.co/l1m1GJwuwk
Christianity is sick. https://t.co/D07FDwVGEA
The charlatanry of the secular social 'scientists' lol comes directly from the religious priests claiming to cure with dripping water.
I want a president who eats a big greasy pulled pork sandwich and spits it all over the lectern at AIPAC while telling em he's ending aid..
You cannot write an answer You aren't allowed to write answers to questions. Thanks, Quora. I followed your rules, and this is how you act.
sure they can. watch them work this guy over. all the WASP shitheads in SF, which are legion, will skewer this guy https://t.co/JfWcnp5mGX
If jews were truly opposed to christianity, would there be a church on every block? Take three or four days and puzzle this out, simpletons
#Cuckservative means servant of the jews. Notice at least two prominent yids attempt to coopt the altfright by distorting this truth.
The conservative christian whiteskin is a hollow man. His only real beliefs are: Safety is supreme. Money is to be worshipped. #tcot
'Nigger' cuts thru every bullshit jewish polemic and social-engineering pretension. The left hates this word because it's pure reality.
PC has nothing to do with manners. It allows a full range of abusive epithets against target classes.
If you're afraid to use epithets, then you have no free speech in the functional sense. You're just playing remonstrating lawyerball.
The Christian is more than willing to mass murder innocents - but only if he has jewish approval. What a sad weak contemptible religion.
Every nigger has an imperishable soul of inestimable value. How can you gun down masses of muds if they're all God's children?
Whiteskin xtian culture is always distinguished by the complete lack of moral courage in the population. A servility unique among hominids.
Always remember that whiteskin conservatives are cowards - they derive real pleasure from seeing innocents murdered by American soldiers.
If people got what they wanted, at least half of Missouri would support a state flag showing mud leaping from under pickup tires.
Beach Boys culture replaced with Nortenos. https://t.co/nI4z20FeJw
Remember when California had 10 million residents, almost all white? Me either. Bet it was nice, though.
Admiration for the British, in America at least, is 100% reliable indicator you're dealing with a moron.
Good news: 'A good old boys network' expands to include nigger-hating gook. That's diversity in action, folks. https://t.co/1e2xtiyShL
back then we listened to girls and based on their stories discovered and crushed witches. today we go thru people's cell phones for Badtext
John Oliver isn't funny. I don't care what your politics is. He's an unfunny pencil-necked geek, and British too.
the story yields another rich fresh name for fags: "Passive aggressive 528," he wrote, using the numeric code for a fire call.
create a Whites Welcome Workplace - make your own job, only hire your white relatives and white friends
there's a simple three-letter word for dunham & ilk: jew learn it. hate it. use it. https://t.co/6ex5eRKIBs
each race sees the sheeitmann and reckanize... the Cantonese "hak gwai," a derogatory phrase for African Americans. https://t.co/1e2xtiyShL
You caught an Oompa Loompa and painted it black. Where I come from that's racism. https://t.co/AY15c21Y9n
April 25, 2016:
some people unwisely try to draw their knowledge of the world from eyes and ears. this is not recommended. instead, use the mass media.
Some of the biggest parasites beneath the jew-nigger-alien level are white 'teachers' https://t.co/JwWRewxXuZ
"When a race shows you what it is, believe them." --Maya Tangelo, alluding to #Passover, jew holiday celebrating murder of non-jew babies
There are two main reasons I'm not christian (though I could supply 1,000 more). It aint true. And I'm not weak.
i hate what sucks. i hate what's stupid. i hate what's lying, ugly, corrupt, ridiculous, weak and contemptible. #hateisgood
all jewish cultural activity tends toward taking a literal shit on the audience. and this has happened more than once, altho mostly verbal
jews jewing jewily, could say that about politics. the jew's deepest instinct is to take a literal shit on your face https://t.co/PO288LA6jy
those are niggers, not people https://t.co/RRdRgyBXhw
dump trump says lump https://t.co/X6nnzbao2Z
to prove you're not racist, you must voluntarily submit to a brain operation to remove the portion in which your evil thoughts originate
if the ADL announced jew scientists had a procedure to surgically remove racism, would 50-75% or 75-100% of xtians submit voluntarily?
yeah, that's jebus' opinion. some of us have to live here. can't just twink off back to heaven when things get rough.
so you promote flat earth as well as no-moon, along with solid factual material about israel and jews. very hasbara. https://t.co/HvgHrLPtvv
who? where? https://t.co/h0zbMHo3In
“Gone to Hell": Invader Center Burns https://t.co/6UsN5LsOyb via @NewObOnline
Brazilians honour Confederates who fled the U.S. after the Civil War https://t.co/1tgYkLCESh via @MailOnline
April 24, 2016:
not just white cops but car-theft training is failing our niggers https://t.co/F20FuhdB98
a non-negligible percentage of goy leftists really does appear to believe that if you passed enough laws, nothing bad would ever happen
the white cops would have saved the swampin' shaniquas (7x car thieves) but would have got blackfaced with mud and that's racist
some niggers get what they deserve https://t.co/F20FuhdB98
the way he learns from experience, this nigger a natural conservative #tcot https://t.co/q5Qy2xdRBX
christian moral alchemy fails again, keeping its perfect record intact https://t.co/bzVRtFynBF
for an act carried out in america, it was certainly notable for the skill of its execution. at least so it appears https://t.co/8xVDFMnI6P
did you notice the skillful, efficient execution of those 8 (for whatever) reason in ohio? now, apply that to politics.
Christianity is the worst thing that ever happened to the white man. But - the mistake it represents can be corrected.
AfD-Putin Youth Linkup https://t.co/15dDm9qAJx via @NewObOnline
Better the brown shirt of the Nazi than the brown tongue of the #cuckservative. https://t.co/fbh0EKMZg0
You want to attract conservatives to the racial cause? Piss on their face and tell 'em its raining. That's what they respond to.
Is someone looking in on you thru a narrow window, writing on a pad? https://t.co/mdxfIyDJ4j
from dirt-eating Southern Baptists to lutefisk munching Lutheran lunatics in Minnesota, xtianity offers a panoply of unattractive slobtions
pritzkers are one of the main jew-funder families behind obama https://t.co/wrmcLxZsNs
my experience is different, and i've lived in utah. mormons and amish/mennoites more or less live the way they claim https://t.co/ixFb8mt12I
Christianity teaches whiteskins that things happen for no reason. This more than anything else paves way for jewish tyranny.
mainstream simps at #tcot have been taught that anything bad = hitler. he's merely the new Devil in their brainlets https://t.co/HXJ42I25tD
Trads don't know where traditions originate, and, what's more significant, they don't care. Trad-ism = affectation. https://t.co/DU86bsi2Fe
More recently, historians, including Andrew Graham-Dixon, have pointed to Caravaggio's lust for Tomassoni's wife, Lavinia.
Historians have long speculated about what was at the root of the crime. Some have suggested that it was over an unpaid debt,
His violence finally erupted with force in 1606, when he killed a well-known Roman pimp named Ranuccio Tomassoni.
the words should stand out well from the page. could advice for writing. and Congressmen. #widestance #logcabanabois #wrasslinizlovin
there aren't a million people disputing what a banana is. there are literally hundreds of million claiming they alone are "real" xtians
caravaggio was as great as any painter ever existed. that he was a complete scumbag is irrelevant. xtian...lol...no. white man.
christianity does not build character. i dont see how anyone who has dealt with christians could believe that.
in the end, the only thing xtianity really had going for it was painters, and they were murderers and deadbeats on contract (caravaggio)
Is the average conservative a brainless coward? Yes. So far as serious politics goes. https://t.co/BiFEDpVUDV
check the news https://t.co/zJTiyexd8r
Most whites are on this level. Their thinking is done for them by others. Politically, the are purchased wholesale. https://t.co/BiFEDpVUDV
Conservatism, as I say, is a biological stratum. Its respectability fears agitated, the whiteskin rabbit scampers. https://t.co/BiFEDpVUDV
If you have money, the British don't care if you literally rape children. You rate. You're clubbable. You're in.
in Anglo-American society, anyone who actually stands for something without considering his own money interests is considered a space alien
you see what happened there in ohio people? that's what happens when whites get serious. whiteskins and yids take note. ITZ COMING
white desert? white achievement? white beauty? no...just white privilege. we dont exist...and we're evil...and we're privileged.
the 'holocaust' is jewish propaganda. that is the fact. it has nothing to do with what i believe. https://t.co/F6RWOGr3Gw
i advance my career by serving Boss Jew's agenda. if that means throwing my race under the bus, so be it. i gets paid yo! that's what matter
i write lies for pay. i'm a pro whiteskin conservative. the scientific term for my kind is shabbos goyim. also known as #cuckservative
you see what happened to that family there in Ohio, neocohens & shabbos stooges (aka #cuckservatives)? what do you think about that?
no, that's the truth. no gas chambers. no six million. both Big Lies. https://t.co/RFwYPVaJ5J
April 23, 2016:
i am afraid my good taste must be allowed to eclipse mass stupidity https://t.co/Bt1KTjUz7v
you like mexicans? https://t.co/bBbwMeFEI6
as i said. another proud member of the Under 5'2" Crew. Plop! https://t.co/0xugs0pEPE
the minute you see "jews funded hitler" immediately shut it off. You're 100% dealing with a liar or idiot. ignore
You're a semitically correct borderline retard who screams at her betters? YOURE AUGUSTUS GLOOPS PIGGIER SISTER https://t.co/mllbz29BeD
nice name toots. grosso is italian for carbuncle, superplum fairy defender https://t.co/YKCEN5m0Z9
You a wide-stancer son? Come here, let ol Uncle Denny show you his fav wrasslin' position. Can worship da jebus from here too. #goodxtianman
Psychological subordination to the jew, a spiritual deformation, soon leads to sucking off little boys. Christians = cult of loser-perverts.
Denny Hastert. He a good christian, man, judge. Why he love his Jebus. Almost as much as a stiff young pecker.
Should we respect cannibals? Slice off a finger or two for an appetizer to prove our bona fides? I ask you, expert. https://t.co/B4zRFjgR4u
well then she accomplished her mission. jebus will give her brownie points https://t.co/3ROBbMT7AE
opera - if i wanted to be screamed at by a fat woman, id kidnap your wife! (how's that for some near-dangerfield) https://t.co/BcMS2saai4
hitler doesnt like race mixing but does like art-form mixing? opera music sucks, acting sucks, the drama is absurd https://t.co/Xwmu9gTUDc
it's a whole culture, and unappealing to me https://t.co/3wYgKDBa2Z
here's a little something you should know about me: i like it when leftists die. jew or goy. it is good. for me. for you. for us our race.
hug your cat and say a prayer for patty's corpse bride https://t.co/cdgdfVad8E
Hitler was a fan of opera; I detest it. I have watched many. They are mostly now-twee, now-insipid art-mischlings. https://t.co/s4P99Yl7oY
Who am I? What's going on here? How many times did "Patton" fuck his dead wife before calling the coroner? https://t.co/DGPxRPc8bs
if i were a true ideologue i'd love wagner because i'm supposed to. but i agree with twain: his music sucks. his writing on jews is the win
That is news I can use. https://t.co/K3QbcsCHlQ
wax and wagner should never be allowed to build up in the ears; it's dangerous https://t.co/zg9Ea8Ia9n
Between me and Patton Dead Wife Oswalt, she figures I'M the troll? Have you seen the little fellow? https://t.co/AADs62T1EN
Actually the most intelligent humans tend to be the cruelest because they get tired of dealing with your level. https://t.co/AADs62T1EN
The jew's achilles heel is its name: jew. Cant say it without EEEWWWW. That's why we prudent cons never, ever use it. #wereskeered
Patton Oswalt? He's many things. Friend of Jim Goad. Escapee of zoo exhibit. Mocker of KFC items. Owner of dead wife.
like a bat to the forehead... https://t.co/tjg0fcaRU2
He's an insouciant dumpling in normal times. https://t.co/vd80QbwWkA
I can listen to precisely 23.2 minutes of John Denver before I want a sasquatch to break in and twist his head off.
When I tell you something I'm either exuding it from my soul, or I put a cover on for you to look at. Most xtian expression is latter.
Why are atheists so conspiculously filled with joy, while christians have room only for a sort of near-negroid sullen hostility?
The way to preach to people is start by saying: God hates you. And you're ugly! That's softens them up for some good moral instruction.
Is it possible that a race with world-beating creativity is flip-sided with world-beating delusionality. Pray with me brothers.
They're still around today. Read their papers. It never ends. They live in a cult in a hothouse. Air never touches https://t.co/iYVLfwo4eN
if you lads of trad could live in the middle ages for about 8 hours, u'd be curled up in a ball sucking thumb talkng on imaginary cell phone
lol... you know he did say "fake it till you make it" https://t.co/ISH290cpe1
Does 2+2 = 4? Conservative: well, first we need to pray. Then let's prudently ask whether its prudent to offend a mann with so much money.
the only party the conservatives and altright queers are truly bigoted against is Sir Occam of Razor #SkunkyMcDoof
If you're not brave, you can pretend to be brave. No one can really tell the difference. Like Steve Gutenberg pretending to be an actor.
They love abstractions. Have an affinity for the mystical. But they keep a very sharp eye on what it pays not to say https://t.co/BZj6fM8tsE
Christianity is #antiwhite. https://t.co/UtSJ48SeDv
Christianity is for cucks. Christianity is #antiwhite. https://t.co/eBAZNCJ90a
i cannot answer that question https://t.co/MzmxRVVUov
Jews turned Anglo (white) deferring to women into a political weapon. The default assumption across the west, now, is women are always right
I'll be holding a Watermelon & Grape Drank Social for White Allies here at the Pat Barnum Center for Positive Christianity in NEMO.
"racist"? really? so moscow 1927 https://t.co/fYObatViIo
Indians worship cows. But Americans worship niggers. The judicious can decide which is ridiculouser.
#tcot supports Pollard. Israel > America https://t.co/ifELoFFH82
retardation levels: physically dangerous to passers-by https://t.co/JiciyEO2P5
If whites are going to be help responsible for black behavior, then it's only fair we reinstitute slavery.
who can deny we're living in the best of all possible worlds... https://t.co/3wflbiRjfb
It's safer, more respectable to pretend what's going on is caused by some mysterious agent in the ether. Than by jews. Conservative = coward
in a terrible irony, larval yid gulped wholesale by self-hating, other-englutinating jewfish (uh, that's Goliath Group, mr lenin, sir)
The Rev. Rob Keithan is teaching a “White Ally Course” to 21 people at All Souls Church Unitarian in Washington Christianity is #antiwhite.
Let christianity die with you. It's not a good thing. It has injured our race. Let it die. #TeamWhite
he stands up to israel, which you red-white-and-bluesers never do https://t.co/K4gyetLAcM
Kevin Skwira-Brown, a white facilitator of the “Cracking the Shell of Whiteness” class held for six weeks earlier this year at
Churches hold classes about white privilege | Deseret News https://t.co/SzKcP1Z75d via @deseretnews every crissie a cuxtable..
Playing with cause and effect. Thats so raven. I mean so narrative. Anyone who uses narrative without blushing should be shot at dawn.
Crime is failing our young black men, ensnaring them in its racist coils. Choking their futures. Noogie-ing their fuzzy young brains.
There's a reason you never hear Mossad raised in relation to those. Just a spate of plausible but false alternatives https://t.co/juFU9oGJQn
Standards are white! Standards are white! Keep preaching that left. You're helping us, tho you realize it not. And..it's true. #TeamWhite
i dont brag about myself like a #tradfag or a prOGRE. i state directly that i am right and will kick the ass of all comers. and i do.
the right pats itself on the back as often if not as hard as the left. "i'm organic and authentic." hey so are my farts. get ovah yself
what can i say. i'm an elitist. i uphold standards https://t.co/Uj2zpDrC5Z
Translation: Only a #TeamWhite can take on #TeamJew https://t.co/PID2099XNf
Never associate with people who have "I'm not a..." forever on their lips. They are weak, and will go crabwise on you at first pressure.
Trump's his own man, & he's not driven by hatred of whites or desire to destroy their countries like jews the other candidates are owned by.
Think of your avg conservative being told the truth about 9/11. He just wants to hear 2-ft-tall yid blame islam https://t.co/UpqX62rQBp
Hey, man, Keebler elves are rooted. They LIVE in a fucking tree. #muhroots https://t.co/1lrhCfHADM
This guy is classic conservative mentality - he identifies with the elite, without realizing they despise his type. https://t.co/FJlLHKiiYn
Not one of them is criminal nigger or puling yid. Is outrage. https://t.co/oYray5omSJ
The Anglo/American figures out what's safe (and profitable) for him personally, his career, and backfills from there. #moralcowards
"I'll pray for you." Yeah, that's not gonna be good enough. I need you to bang your head into wall like 70s tv. Maybe your brain clears up.
40,000 dinks running around trying to dig out delicious tree-worms doesn't constitute an invasible civilization. https://t.co/YqbLNZPU5B
At #tcot we #IStandWithIsrael Do you really? You hate yourself that much, whiteskin? https://t.co/eoZexTnUt6
Like every other muslim who ever existed, you're a supersized locust. Now get off my lawn, filthy pigdog. https://t.co/yZa7sy5Q5Z
A discussion forum where only one point of view is allowed. But I can get that anywhere in the mass media, so why bother?
Quora informed me my answers got hundreds of views! Then it informed me I was banned. All views tolerated as long as Semitically Correct.
Notice how I have the right-wing Israeli kike that follows me on the back foot. Uh..uh...put it in context...uh...uh...we're not...uh uh
When you realize the conceptual scam 'racism' is a genocidal attack on your kind, you either decide to fight back or give in. #TeamWhite
They hate you, white man, for being you. Not for anything you do or say. Those are just fun pretexts for making you squirm. #whitegenocide
christianity is liberalism. you goofy twinks who cant think finally accept Reps and Dems are same thing, now see xtianity & englightenment
they think there will be fewer racists around, so things will be better. all their beliefs are reinforced in media https://t.co/m4dlHyPevo
What's wrong with merchants? that they work harder than lazy christian guildsmen? Offer lower prices? https://t.co/TVo1EklW3g
White people are nearly fathomlessly suggestible and gullible. This is the flip side of their comparative honesty and creativeness.
The jew says u dont exist as he mocks everything that makes you unique, every aspect of yr culture, in his drive to make u his next holiday.
Racism is a conceptual scam. You are meant to search desperately for ideas and behaviors to avoid - but it's about your (white) EXISTENCE.
as a matter of actual practice, traditionalists are exactly like progressives: tradition/progress are what THEY say they are
if you concede that many traditions are bad, then you're not a traditionalist. traditionalism is blind or it is nothing
Promiscuous spiritual love from the jebus queers has done more damage to the world than homosexual physical promiscuity.
you want more cowardly weak-tea pro white tepidity from Ann Coalter? Then rough her up. Make the punch pulling cunt respect you. #TeamWhite
The pope's catechism (instruction for catholic mopes) says racism is "immoral." Well I say letting muslims into Europe is immoral & yr a fag
Jews celebrate the MASS MURDER of NON-JEW BABIES. And when you call them on it, they LIE about it. #Passover
They must be classified as vermin, and counter-exterminated. https://t.co/Xu8Owzc16k
one thing that never fails to drop my jaw is how average St. John's Bay republicans identify with the jews running USA into ground
jews are not decent well meaning people, they are a tribe of homicidal liars and swindlers. they will not stop. they must be stopped.
we must per shakespeare 'takes arms against and in opposing end them' - our jew-caused woes. that's the only solution.
you must understand: the only natural endpoint to all this shit you see is our genocide. the horseshit will never let up. only increase.
all you need is one Trump equivalent who is 40 and military and you can have tens of millions of whites ready to kill and liberate this land
it's not really hard to grasp that jew money controls media & parties. flag-waving army retards serve their agenda https://t.co/g3MSJ68CGW
That is a hole monster clutching its bean juice like Faye Dunaway. https://t.co/G0mszkXK0u
that's wrong. christianity is liberalism. https://t.co/yMqeMGpjGd
whites should stop accepting jews dictating how they live. put away your jebus cuntery and grow up. if you dare. #TeamWhite
April 22, 2016:
Jews are very prickly, irritable, genetically paranoid people. You are a goy pro cons. writer entering their domain. You go against them?
They're christians. https://t.co/vanv64zBrs
What too many racialists dont understand is the mentality of the pro conservative. They know what they are: whores. (1/2)
Jews abuse christians with mocking contempt...and in turn are worshipped by them. Racialists pander to xtians and..are treated with contempt
Jews play whites for fools, and they never lose. Unless we're no better than black-pride niggers, we have to acknowledge that.
See how jews play it: fake pro-white politicians (Wilders); fake pro-white journalists (Yiannopolous). fake blonds 2 https://t.co/xIM8bpXtvr
the only positive thing i can say about catholicism is we had enough of these twinks that the cafeteria served fish on friday. i like fish.
the church and local 'college'-educated DC-tools are responsible for misleading the public https://t.co/ungtzZf3b3
you know, cindy. when capitalize Random Words, you're not just telling them what you're saying. you're telling them you're a Moron
Amen, bro. We need them wiry little nasty fucks. Tough guys. Ass kickers. The thinking's already done. https://t.co/Ym96jeavPs
Godologists are a dime a dozen. Go bash yourself in the head with a bag of frozen peas you disturbed witch. https://t.co/iefWcWzooL
Writing conservatism for a living is...a job. What do all jobs have?...bosses. If the boss is a jew and he lays down party line... see?
If for generations Southrons eat dirt, because it supplies missing IQ points or mangnamesium or some other rare girth element...
The one impulse at the bottom of traditionalism: desire to chain the world to a stake so it can't move. And disrupt #MuhTerditions
The basis of reaction, traditionalism, conservatism is fear. More precisely, fear of movement. This is why they're obsessed with trees.
The urge to cowness, which reaches perfection in Amishkeit (maybe?), is found to a disturbed degree in all movement-haters (trads-cons-reax)
All traditions originated in a brain reacting to a circumstance. There's nothing holy or organic about any of them.
Oh. You're a muslim. Well, you're dumb enough to be a christian. Take solace in that. https://t.co/uoHYcOypVt
What I see is you're a loser. And I'm a winner. So go fuck yourself, and then report to the free clinic. https://t.co/RPjtfZadnO
Typical christian: a retard who capitalizes random words because in its Tiny Mind they are Super Important. https://t.co/RPjtfZadnO
The minute they got beyond Dr. Seuss, the Southern 'elite' had to run off to the NE for larnin'. South will always be the bitch region, thus
Southerners believe in the bible. They don't believe in picking up their lawn. Both of these incur deep disrespect in orderly me.
Ask one of these assclown jebus saltsimps. WHO WROTE YOUR FUCKING "GOOD" BOOK, NIMROD? They have never considered it. Never.
To whites, it's like a faux pas to consider, uh, production values. Jews are raised from the egg to think like this.
When I was a child, I'd d sit in Sunday School class and just marvel at the cocksurety of this clown asserting things couldnt possibly know.
They're both far too xtian for my taste. https://t.co/WZIQVxastd
yep. i thought he was complaining. but he was "celebrating." adding niggers to siciliy is a good thing. sez he. https://t.co/m4hcg7FNAB
Except when you actually read it, sounds like gang turf battles. The mafia are shaking down the aliens. https://t.co/65t0RClCp6
The Sicilian shot the nigger thru the head. The brain was undamaged, but the bullet came out holding its nose.
well if you read the piece, they are shaking them down. maybe Sportococci will learn headshots dont work on nigs https://t.co/Xsq97PjpzH
i love seeing Southern flags, and do frequently. but usually on domicile with detritus everywhere. not impressive https://t.co/WZIQVxastd
i agree with Southerners politically, but the Germanic in me sees them as pathetic slobs. far too many of them https://t.co/WZIQVxastd
Only the gauche retweet praise of themselves. https://t.co/QAMrti0YyT
they're too dim to perceive difference in treatment accorded nazis and the church. jews crushed NS, laff at church https://t.co/UFbQXvGH2f
ok. my only point is the mafia appear to be defending something. that's at least a start or an example https://t.co/lEPsUfuOTj
with most, not with all. hitler wasnt in it for the money. nor were most of the SS. or SA https://t.co/0zVQi361Vf
they get along on camera, and that's what the retarded christian goyim take in. that's the propaganda https://t.co/7acUsN4MC0
no, it isnt. what stops them is they absolutely believe they have something good in their culture. so they dont care https://t.co/qh0T6QGbDJ
it makes more sense TODAY RIGHT F''ING NOW TO MAKE a god out of Pepe than try to bump Assgard or FuSnixens the WonderGoat or whatever
Twain was right: the concept of moral good is the most poisonous of all poisons. Without it, anyone could see importing Somalis is insane.
some of you tradfags and like weakminded are taken in by leftist 'authenticity' school. listen friend: artificiality is man's 'authentic'
are you for race or manking? are you for strength or weaknes? if the former, then make a new racial SS. that's all you need do
none of you seem to grasp whites can do shit on the fly. if we need a new religion, then fucking make one up. you stupid plodding oaflets
the questing spirit now seeks heroes to fight a racial war. or we can drown in shit fondue called diversity by Chef Botulus-Yidstein
the nordic shit was fine in its time. and the values are great - infinitely better than xtian loser. but we need a new form, not a retread
is there a sign on my front lawn that says Dead Nordic Pagan Gods promoted here? Man, white men dont look back they surge and shine
one thing i dont like is assuming if i reject X it means i'm promoting Y. it doesnt. find the right values. the right form to express them.
Jews celebrate murder of YOUR children. "Even the best of the goyim should be killed." Their "religion".... #loxism https://t.co/YxyrEt2X8P
blondes and niggers; natural enemies https://t.co/dKh5DlQzl2 via @MailOnline
Unlike Ann Coalter, Andrew Jackson would have fought the jews taking over the US, rather than cravenly sucked up to https://t.co/vI9C5Hf7My
you're a charming little fellow but i must block you for anonymous impertinence https://t.co/1lJq9Qa789
i do audiobooks at moment. https://t.co/i0ElTRdhRK i will eventually do topical casts called #TeamWhite https://t.co/qccwwyO5Ok
if the earth woke up tomorrow and all jews, muslims and negroes had disappeared overnight, would not the world throw a giant party?
while i'm sure it would be a highly satisfying encounter, i just finished with your mom, so i'm currently sated https://t.co/Lec9TfgiMI
since race doesn't exist, albino niggers are black holes, and it is correct to part them out for muti and dinner
"what color is that nigger suspect"? https://t.co/IOIJ2xIXvS
As a pro loxist hunter, I have two things going for me: 1) entire field to myself (jewish hatred of whites), 2) my specialty actually exists
i dare any of you #tcot turds to retweet this. since it's, you know, a carbon copy of yr muslim stuff https://t.co/B3UjkU9Gtq
not my god. all three ugly desert sisters are #antiwhite and i reject them https://t.co/sDbDNYOWFL
then i guess whites dont think their church, culture or blood are worth defending https://t.co/yQoAn9MAtJ
Jews want you to be cravenly happy with being mocked, spit on, cursed, discriminated against. Xtianity & its mindset serves them here.
Allah doesn't exist. https://t.co/W6k0KUfidL
Allah is garbage and muslims are scum. https://t.co/j2QSrM2cWO
why is it worse for whites to be muslim than xtian? muslims at least fight. and they arent trying to genocide whites https://t.co/p0IHvLo9s8
What do you think the goy professional conservative magazine- or newspaper-filler cares about most? His paycheck or his political position?
Maybe in the end only white gangs (italian mafia), motorcycle gangs are the only white subgroups willing to fight to defend territory.
‘In the past, when the Mafia was more powerful, it prevented any immigrants from entering the city. Read more: https://t.co/WGqG4qzgea
The Republican Party & christian churches both seem to represent proxy opposition to jews & their antiwhite agenda, but in reality serve em.
If christianity were any good, jews would have forbidden it to goyim. Think about it... As they do racialism, nationalism, nazism.
Yusapha was shot through the skull but the bullet passed out the other side, grazing the brain but not damaging it. #classicnigger
Who says we need to replace it with anything? When something is wrong and destructive, you just...stop doing it. https://t.co/4xSBmVhUpD
Both christains and homosexuals are disgusting and degenerate. But one of them believes their own bullshit & will not only eat but defend it
'Palermo is no longer an Italian town. It is no longer European. You can walk in the city and feel like you’re in Istanbul or Beirut.'
The traditionalist is a man who dreams so low he doesn't even reduce himself to an animal, he dreams of being a tree.
All these are mental-spiritual-psychological queers: traditionalists, conservatives, reactionaries. All of them.
You can't believe people are idiots...but their traditions are incredibly value. Yet trad-homos believe exactly this contradiction.
So pot stultifies minds. This we're informed of by a government reeducation camp couselor who hates competition. https://t.co/DTSlqWXthg
Traditions are deliberately started by exceptional individuals, not groups. Committees of disorganized ape-pluses create nothing of value.
Dead morons are still morons. If the avg guy is moron, then traditionalism is insane as democracy. And in fact is the same thing.
Traditionalism is the democracy of the dead. Didn't some fat moron. Pardon me, obese moron, say that? But you're anti-democratic, right?
If you can't think and have no balls, then, yeah, traditionalism is probably the best route for you.
Whites need mafias. Jews are a mafia. https://t.co/NjPKexykov
Democrats: Harlem Shecky Globestealers Republicans: Washington Goy Generals Set up to lose. To fool the mark, the rube, goy, the yoube
the amish i respecct. Because they're honest morons. they erect the lowest possible ideal: "I will be a livestock!" but they live up to it.
morality is black and white. either you stand up to jews, or you're a fucking piece of shit loser coward
yeah that's the common stupid view. https://t.co/zFRYSvXGx4
they're easy to identify. jews. and those who serve them. i wonder what your real name and mission is. https://t.co/FwQMzUtPRo
if the Constitutions were self-enforcing, it would be worth fetishizing, perhaps. but it's not. even plain language can be ignored/reversed
The Crows Feet Hour is better than Crossfire! https://t.co/OriKOFXkDi
To women, freedom sounds awfully like going outside without your coat on: an inherently dubious idea.
My credentials. Oh, shit man, it was hear a minute ago. Damn...can't find it. Gonna just have to go what jumps in yer eyeballs, mister.
People should remember that often those give you awards who are trying to influence you, or buy you off. Take seriously your independence.
Remember, christians are moral experts. So their bitty jimmies rush off to murder Iraqis on the basis of jew WMD lie. 1m dead. O apologies.
Mass extermination of jews and ferals they use as attack dogs is the only solution to the problems bedeviling the West.
Roger Scruton's entire career has been spent bemoaning the consequences of Frankfurt Schooling - w/o ever once mentioning jewish cause.
Roger Scruton exhibits the typically servile, money- and status-driven character that is the British norm. https://t.co/qsM7oKYAIV
I'm not here to pet chihuahuas and drink lemonade, I'm here to bellow at you like an East European gym coach with a peptic ulcer.
a great line lives forever... 'a smile like a raccoon eating fish guts out of a wire brush' who-whom?
The cuckservative puts his career ahead of his race. The jews set up the partyline, and the cuckservative male career-girl works the booth.
do you people not grasp that politics takes money and JEWS ALONE HAVE THAT MONEY. is there something confusing about this? complex?
Has nothing to do with Obama. It's the jewish agenda. Frankfurt School. Destroying white society with perversion. https://t.co/yaJUBS1wU0
Southerners dont try to stop me from criticizing them. Jews cry and call it hate and do. That means, to me, South > jews.
mocking the flag and eagle patriotards who dont realize, to twist a phrase, 'the Constitution _was_ https://t.co/xcnHLllpJ0
April 21, 2016:
yeah man. if you slice yourself into rectangles and jump in boiling water that makes you a french fry https://t.co/buGYOAee1g
If the story is reported accurately, then yes. He jewed the jew then skedaddled. I can dig it. https://t.co/cXbLB6D5Cy
jews jewing jewily. as ever. https://t.co/iuynBswTcn
maybe Southerners will disagree, but I really thought the best evocation of the Southern (& true American) spirit was in Ride with the Devil
never should have stopped followin' them swishing tails. that's when all the bad happened. the okra field is where the magic happens
we've now "progressed" to the point we cant tell a man from a woman. this is progress (me bitch slapping you). this is ogress (any tranny)
whenever we hear the term 'christian man,' dont even have to add 'good,' we always feel we're being put on. it's not a manly doctrine
a beautiful phrase is a glory forever. i remember the late HST describing someone elated as X receiving a boxcar of fat young boys
take the manliness in all the cuckservatives that ever existed, they take up the volume of 1/8th of one Andrew Jackson toenail #tcot
Please keep in mind people, I not here to insult you. I'm here to insult you repeatedly. And I'm not coming from a place of love.
Jared Taylor is a high-end ham actor, with his affecting not to get it, whereas Alex Jones is a low-end ham actor. Both are jew-pozzed POS.
It's one thing when cucks have Irish names; one expects little, but when they have German names, my cheeks turn red. #PaulRyan
conservatives dont & never have truly hated niggers, or been more than rational racists; what cons really hate r those who resist & mean it
The conservative is the man who always prefers to blame some mystical force in the ether rather than living breathing human beings. #tcot
i dont really believe in awards, mencken had the right reasoning, but damn if i had one to give, it goes to Jean Raspail
Anyone who's against free association I consider an anti-social who should be exterminated, jew, white or other
jews are famous for grabbing the best: gold, city quarters, (white) women...but they left the best religion for us https://t.co/YcYiGsDh1P
Allow currency competition in the US, and the FRN will go out of business. Competition is market-racism. You soc ninnies should reckanize
Southerners I respect: Andrew Jackson, John Calhoun...thinking here...a coupla the extremely aggressive generals...
I think Southerners are mostly low-rent crudballs, but the Old South had real men, and Andrew Jackson was as big as they get.
the sexes naturally change anyway w drops in testy & esty https://t.co/W2QE6YTLQ4
why whites always gotta be for some abtract universalism, when every other racelet is getting the goods?
ok, folks, since you need a jebus, i'll play along. i will, personally, take on your moral guilt for counter-exterminating jews. all of it.
the catholic position is this: if 1 jew in 1000 converts, that means everything if 999 do not, that proves nothing i do not exaggerate
catholic apologists argue in what i'd call a soft-jewish way. they dont insult the other school, as jew would, they simply assert & ignore
the priest believes jew is a curable condition. which is, in backhanded way, an insult both to jew and God xtian must believe created him
a non-christian might observe that the principle of nature is fighting and extinction, and find that perfectly valid and applicable
remember, Southkiddies, the important thing is not that niggeros multiplied to 40 million, it's that Bobby Lee's blutcheon is unscotched
""just drip some jebus water on 'em, they'll go from Fein to fine in a jiffy" --every christian priest ever
you owe respect to what's respectable, but you also owe disrespect to what's disrespectable. if you're not attacking the jebus cult...well?
Christianity cuckpreps whiteskins by telling them they are sheep yet monsters of depravity yet stars in celestial Morality Skit.
Vox Day runs away from Occam's razer like a nigger with your tv. You can take redboi out of WND, but not vice versa.
xtianity has psychologically prepped the white 'man' to think in terms of guilt and redemption. jews slot in terms https://t.co/Dtpr4MWVCk
The rightists are liberals and the liberals are jews. That's who's driving this train. They are the ringleaders and shot-callers. Say it.
The 'left' triumphs when you refuse, out of fear -- and no other reason -- to call it what it is: jews. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
"What we'd do in their situation? Torture one of their 'neocohens' on tape, release it on internet pour encourager les autres." --N.J. Wise
the truth is this: jews have suffered less and enjoyed more unearned benefits than any other race on earth #TruthToTribe
the jews brazenly lie their reception has nothing to do with their behavior, but is rather a character flaw in the sufferer
i saw someone try to spell baseball gloves. came out luffs. as late guy-before-johnny-carson used to say, i kid you not
help a schizophrenic get drunk #goodplanbro https://t.co/TvPAsixD7R
every major (and most minor) historical claim jews make is like 'the' 'holocaust' - it is the opposite of the truth https://t.co/qWKi5x5WOa
If Bob Lee weren't xtian: "Boys, sad fact is, it's over. We lost. We must now mass exterminate niggers of they'll destroy our people."
yes. diaspora is another Big Lie - they invaded on own, but lie they were driven https://t.co/wVsON4Bj7c
Racism is losing its power. Liberals are stupid. Conservatives are cowardly morons. One of these statements is true. Can you guess which?
racism is the most effective political coinage in history, tho much of its power is from users' means of amplification
if dad is always the dummy, and the child the wiser...you see how this plays into "childrens rights" to have sex w adult (jews) #jews4pedo
these r the drivers: Unappreciated Me (the self-pitying jebus prettyneck godsson motif). & My Nabes Burning in Hell https://t.co/RB2xRFMU5P
they already started on pedo, both formerly, in last 2 years, and informally, since high percentage of homos r pedos https://t.co/AJhf1qhqES
physical sex perversion is not really a separable thing, it is linked to criminality and other psychological-behavioral aberration
jews see goyim as animals. and it's not just words, they behave as if they actually believe this. christians see jews as god's children
there is no real way for whites to form an alt-media and take on jews. what whites can do is counter-exteriminate jews. that works
the overlap between faggots and pedophiles is huge. but it's harder to sell cutesy sitcoms about pedos https://t.co/R7JHHAhKeb
the white cause is about creating (forming) a mentality and race that can compete against market leaders - the jews
the white racial cause is not about preservation but formation - conscious and willful, rather than rooted & reactionary
christianity at the very least plays to whatever sado-masochistic element exists in the whiteskin mentality
whiteskin christians not only tolerate being made into third-class slaves in their own nations, they to my nose seem to get off on it
it took yids about a decade to accomplish Faggotry The Law. it has taken, what, a few months to do same for trannies?
jews push it. 100% jews created and pushing that #antiwhite hate meme https://t.co/2POcU1hY7a
most whites are stick fetchers, best i can tell. "you'd cut off your nose if youd think it would make you hip" - jew danny elfman
the Romans looked on christianity with contempt, and that remains the correct way to look at the cult
all right i'm calling all sex perverts nightshades. they can piss in the alley, and they're fair game for enraged bar owners
i get tired of attempting to teach baboon level whites that xtianity is unchangeably universalist - & implications https://t.co/yoTcIYgNE7
If christianity is the cause of achievement (= ignore Greece), why can't it reproduce results among coloreds? https://t.co/bNc2ytPpYB
people dont want to adopt black babies because they're niggers. Good reason. Good reason the church says is "immoral"
you who defend xtianity defend it because you like it. no other reason. and you lack the character to admit this.
What kind of trees do they roost in? https://t.co/mmOLz0wR6x
Jebus is for heterosexual faggots. Queers of the spirit. Spirit-queers as I think they should be denominated. https://t.co/EqYAhWPGDN
oh him jes full of god's love. got a grin that says his stomach can beat rod stewart. wife's belly full of niglet https://t.co/iy3AXA8Djr
once you believe in God, for which there is zero evidence, you inevitably start ACCEPTING EVERYTHING that happens as god's will
Belief in afterlife reduces your interest in this world. It vitiates your desire to compete. Jews who set up xtianity know this.
The System must be completely destroyed. Essentially all jews and anyone who works for the government are the enemy.
Whites are subjected to propaganda pushing the exact same way, whether they are watching porn, ESPN, movie, or listening to K-12 govt teachr
Whites are under full-scale, continual, ubiquitous psychological assault from jews. Thru mass 'private' media & all 'official' vectors.
I felt sheer delight during this pregnancy watching my son and daughter, with his dark brown skin and her with the ringlet hair and slightly
"We wanted additional siblings to feel connected to our first two children racially" -- but if a white racist said this, they'd reject it.
Meet The Cuxtables. They're Good(tm). https://t.co/qwH5kF8aMp
There is only one legit reason for whites to adopt niglets. That is to feed to the reticulated python yr illegally keeping in basement.
I like to do things that are easy and gain me popular approval. I smile a lot and wear clean underwear at least once a week. It's important.
If trees could talk, surely the first thing they would do is express their extreme irritation at hominid morons going on about roots.
Ok, all you manlets, tradfags, and fashy weiners of frognipotence - this is the one must-read article of 4-21-16 https://t.co/EqYAhWPGDN
I unhumbly suggest to you that you have no duty toward nature's niggers other than to prevent them from destroying your own kind.
Every last white slaveowner did it for the niggers' good. And leftist sneers are quite wrong - 90% truly believed this. #crosscucks
If you can't instinctively sense that christianity is malignant balderdash, you probably should breed with niggers. Becuz that's your level.
Christianity: jew humbuggerists prepare a harness. Millions of tongue-panting lil white stickfetchers eagerly jump in. #TeamWhite
The non-liberal view of niggers is we should make them extinct as they are being used by a third race to endanger our own, to pt of genocide
Christianity is liberalism - God created niggers. They have eternal souls. It's our duty to help and take care of them - at all costs.
There will always be the older white woman in Walmart who stared at us with sheer disgust... aka normal people
Wisdom from the Cuxtables (Jebus fans, buildin' a new world, one adopted niggity-poo at a time). A cascade of Caring Tweets ... (1/many)
No white politics that tolerates christianity is serious. It will all be undone by trying to serve two masters.
Racial betrayal among jews is as rare as racial loyalty among whites. This is how a tiny minority dominates a large majority.
It is conceded openly in nature mags, to no complaint or opposition, that 'invasive species' destroy native species. Except with humans.
Secular-humanist universalism is a blood relative of christian universalism. This 'rightist' liberals refuse to accept, for they are weak.
Invasive species become 'immigrants' where jews run media and hominids are concerned. Opposing invasion = 'hate' https://t.co/Dv4ooaqZoW
Meet the Cuxtables. https://t.co/hGjaldkn3n
Laughing, thinking and superiority are all somehow related, and the church is opposed to all of them. Rabelais is the only funny christian.
No, the world is teeming with useless, destructive discoloreds. But Good Boys don't notice that, It Would Be Wrong. https://t.co/nLb3MVmnQj
Christ, the queen of the nincompoops, the avatar of the slobby defective; the stage prop of Msgress Charlotte Ann Grabbins.
If you believe that niggers have souls, guess what: you're a liberal. And that is the xtian doctrine - bushbabies & boolies, created he them
"Invasive species are destroying native species" is a theme found in every issue of any state's conservation magazine.
Black carp are described as an invasive species in Missouri's conservation magazine. Not immigrant. Invasive.
If you want to see what a 'free' press would look like, read any state's (Mo.'s) conservation magazine. https://t.co/Wd6CyN5UTa
Forever 'clever' dolts on the right will try to separate _real_ christianity and _real_ conservatism from what they unchangeably are.
The nonliberal view of niggers is that they are a competing species with our own. And they're being used by a third. We owe them nothing.
Both the 1820 slaveowner and the 2020 mud-adopter think they are doing what is best for niggers. Both are liberals - because of their church
All the reactionary pusskins and traditionalist draft horses are too witless to perceive their beloved church is source of liberalism.
"We believe when you look into any human’s eyes, you look into the face of an image-bearer of God..." As I say, Christianity IS liberalism.
Jews aren't dumb enough to believe the horseshit they feed whites. Xtianity is the best thing ever happened to jews. https://t.co/rs9wRcqflS
Letting adult whiteskin xtians play with concepts like Good and Bad is akin to children and matches. https://t.co/rs9wRcqflS
A christian hears "Good" and salivates like a dog. He loses all interest in obvious logical consequences. https://t.co/rs9wRcqflS
The reason I don't lie to you is not out of respect for you - after all, you're probably an idiot. It's out of respect for me.
People who believe in god are mentally ill. https://t.co/SqwtpclPUW
As a public-service reminder I feel again compelled to retweet: there are two sexes. Everything else is a freak.
Whites kill themselves because they are deeply uncomfortable with environments and no way to express disapproval. https://t.co/vOLYxloteW
Per Schilling affair: 'controversial' = any view contrary to the jew agenda. But normally applied where propaganda hasnt had full effect yet
Good christian couple: "we informed the agency that we were willing to accept any child except a fully Caucasian child" xtian = sicko
Christianity means preferring the inferior to the superior. That's what makes it a mass religion. https://t.co/SqwtpclPUW
No, they are "good christians," as affirmed by the jews at the Washington Post, the church, and all leading public. https://t.co/SqwtpclPUW
Fertile, good-looking whites would rather adopt discolored mudbabies than have their own. Becuz god. Becuz diversity. Christ the Queen.
If you'd rather adopt low-IQ violent dirty ugly niggers becuz God, then I defy anyone on here to deny you are a degenerate. #crosscucks
Christianity is inherently degenerate and #antiwhite. It produces and promotes a mentality lethal to our people. https://t.co/qwH5kF8aMp
#crosscucks https://t.co/lvgweOxOBl
the white man who works for a living needs big government...to quit taking his money. the nigger who doesn't needs big government...to live
April 20, 2016:
what is "hate"? it's the jew term for whites doing something that is good for white. like rising up 2 fight communism or hang pedo leo frank
there's something to that https://t.co/DzBwFjeG16
imagine how good at lying jews must be to persuade people that whites moving away from blacks reflects on the former not the latter
I love these brave conservafags and libertwinks standing up to Saudi Arabia. You show that mouse who's boss, girls.
#tcot Greatest Generation - of dupes https://t.co/6nMW82E5Wj
look at all them shartaviouses https://t.co/N9FpA3MUpz
April 19, 2016:
this was very surprising to me - the turtle was not swampy tasting at all, as i expected. but, it was very tough https://t.co/pa94VMz6ks
3/4 on "our" side going on about #muhTooshun. these people have trouble perceiving anything subtler than a hurricane https://t.co/9Jz3lKlGTh
eating a little concoction called hacon & BAM! it's bacon cemented to ham with CHEESE. it keeps 3/4 jews away from your gold
From free association to forced confection -- all without changing the words of the Constitution. https://t.co/iv90f8DsHr
i like him alive proving my point with his every lugubrious maundering. #TeamCuck https://t.co/p7pesefqX1
The Latest: Pope asks migrants to forgive indifference https://t.co/NIpAg5V6ba Xtanity = cult of the cuck #TeamWhite
You think she doesn't know this? Do you not realize she is a jew? https://t.co/yoMjjnfKwN
The idea that grown white men need help from central government shows a mentality that conceives white men as...niggers.
Free and independent UK filled with Muslims? Ok, guy. https://t.co/hfdMEUIohl
This is your daily reminder: If you're christian, you're #antiwhite. No matter what you think #TeamWhite
Would someone please provide data to prove that Hollywood is racist? by Alex Linder https://t.co/3DLdzVbyEK
Is it true that the policy of multiculturalism is aimed at the elimination of the white race? by Alex Linder https://t.co/Wrki7QebLl
April 18, 2016:
You're guilty of observing differences and drawing inferences from them. You are racist. But race here is euphemism for species.
i'm not just a degenerate, i'm incredibly boring and wrong https://t.co/yBOmSdcbce
a weasel-like Eurasian mammal noted for ejecting a fetid fluid when threatened. POLECAT https://t.co/jWQ4ZfCuT1
Something based on strength, honor, blood - can and will supersede the xtian lie. The church knows this. https://t.co/kfoFtHxa80
Apart from practices ,which are mundane. our soul-legacy is daring. That is our Aryan nobility, pride & joyous fun. https://t.co/QsS9nIFyaj
American whiteskin christians are dogs. No self-respect, no brains, no will. No moral courage in the slightest. Just curs for kicking.
A subtle point is the piquancy of fullhearted degeneration is lost when it's normalized. Yes, jews have subverted degeneracy, even.
Conservatives are heterosexual homosexuals. Mentally they are not just weaker but far weaker than flesh queers. #tcot
Reactionaries are alt-faggots. "OMG someone moved. Make it stop." That's their only honest impulse. https://t.co/SO58RPmblQ
Whites only appear lost because they aren't killing the enemy. Once they begin doing that, the entire complexion changes in a heartbeat.
What were you on before you became a christian. Answer honestly: - i was a drunk - i was a drug addict. - i was addicted to science fiction
that was my initial attempt at turtle chowder. basically clam chowder + about 1.5 lb of snapping turtle meat https://t.co/4yXRAzZa3G
Jews call goyim cattle. Christians disagree. "We are sheep," they say. You can be a sheep or a white man. Not both. #TeamWhite
April 17, 2016:
christians are happy being a slave population, feasted on and laughed at by jews. The White racial cause isn't for them. it's for rest of us
April 16, 2016:
same thing with "holocaust" lol https://t.co/Bq8LSU5epy
christianity is a punk religion. it is too weak to resist jews. "come with us if you want to live" say white nationalists #TeamWhite
funny how the "moral" thing to do racially, as presented by jews, always results in massive rapes and murders of whites
your avg proles these days is fully capable of blocking an entire aisle at Dollar General. YOURE FUCKING THING ENOUGH FOR 2.5 PEOPLE FATGGOT
fuck fat people. you are a half-step up from niggers. you fucking aisle-blocking pieces of shit. it's honestly like moving amid whales now
Not true. To know blacks is to dislike them. That's why they are looked down on by all other races. https://t.co/8YT3nNXKJf
Nature has the solution: kill the muslims, by all means. But first kill the jews who let them in. #TeamWhite
April 14, 2016:
no, power is hardly some neutral thing. the mildest person, given power, often enough turns into a raging ape. https://t.co/hjaGvr8Gdo
Contrast Constitution and Declaration with bible. At least the first two can rationally be construed to defend whites. Not the latter.
black culture: trying to grab worms under rocks before they slide back down their holes, at which point > black extraction capacity
People who reason at this level should be prevented from breeding. https://t.co/qddLKLETR7
the avg xbot is too fucking dumb to realize that it's purely his own prejudice associating xtianity with good things https://t.co/DV0Xo65RzD
hey you were great in Brady Bunch https://t.co/3JSDMUe0Nq
do you dare to not worship jews? do you dare to entertain the notion they are, as a group, a race of lying, genocidal shitbags?
There's a huge mental overalp between minimalism and white nationalism. https://t.co/Eq51avNXeT
Bernie and Lenin. Totally acceptable. Cuz killing whites is all right. Even cool. Cuz jews. https://t.co/0MXSoUYGEy via @Salon
is this guy available for president #NeverTrump https://t.co/by6x8LR4eg
finally the real Rodney King video is released https://t.co/kWB7uwCAqd
i may be skewing a tad effervescent, but all my followers ALL OF THEM are SMELLING FANTASTIC TODAY. GOOD JOB GUYS!!
there's nothing a woman loves so much as a man criticizing a woman she hates (basically the rest of them)
the controlled media have smelled their own farts for so long they have no idea they're not fresh air
Rosario Dawson slams Hillary Clinton for her hypocrisy about Israel’s wall v. Donald Trump’s Mexican wall https://t.co/j3N7Z1w2bg via @Salon
so many racialists dont grasp this: the state creates the low-quality people it needs to expand. includng whiteskins https://t.co/7qZabpRKXY
to jews, nazi = german = white. they hate us for our race. it's like antisemitism against whites eh #loxism https://t.co/cryWvfyvAJ
delusional faggots. grow up. https://t.co/3xWFNCrn61
i thought the fun in degeneracy was in the private practice, not the public preening https://t.co/ArsoafzOAw
jigocide is no laughing matter. it's more a global hoedown matter https://t.co/u0CBmPxA2V
IF jew THEN lie https://t.co/qLKminHsNC
Breitbart = jewsmedia. Its founder: Breitbart was born in Los Angeles, California on February 1, 1969 ... He was raised Jewish... (1/2)
white blood cells have detected a virus in the shape of a puling green faggot https://t.co/rztQh8NVBs
let's step back and think about christianity. is this really what we want? i think the answer is a clear and resounding no. it is not.
April 13, 2016:
#Tcot This is the Israel you stand with. https://t.co/LxH00cSnv6
America acts like jews, America becomes legitimately hated like jews. America is Frankestein's monster - jew head on white body
i am a great follow...mainly because i SMELL FANTASTIC https://t.co/rSIJW6PWnu
Britain under Sodden WInnie the Poo initiated civilian bombing. https://t.co/jvjZ34lZm4
looking for new ways to hate and insult whites. that's why the communist jews in the "news"papers get up in the morning
it really is bizarre, even discounting cowardice, how many go out of their way to flee Occam and evade the jew-splanation
there's no special word for hating white people because...that's just normal. so routine no one even sees it. #loxism
angry underground demons looking for jewtown https://t.co/63Fud7Xcfa
gee, a jew promoting genocidal hatred of whites #loxism https://t.co/YwtMJNmyCz
treat others the way you want to be treated. what if others aren't like you? observe others. let their behavior guide your reaction
jews lie and murder because they have to. just look at their agenda. how can you present that honestly? you can't. it would be rejected.
A second munchkin trying to sneak on the ride. What is it with you people? When I come back I'm cracking heads. https://t.co/ArwKjuxasE
i've seen pictures of hitler with baby deer and little girls. two pics ive never seen: hitler at wailing wall. hitler wearing cross pendant.
make is simple. our cause is racial. disentangle it from religion and politics. form a #TeamWhite. that's what we need. we who would survive
When the jews did precisely the same thing to Germany they're doing to the USA today, it wasn't the christians who did anything about it.
jews are filling white lives with terror. while whites, at the behest of their criminally insane cult, continue to worship jews
April 12, 2016:
#tcot https://t.co/1OysTQ7Ts5
GOP and Dems are both run by jews. Is there anyone left in America who doesn't understand that? What's missing is a White Party.
vast majority if the best things in this world were created by white men who gave not one atom of thought to jews or diversity #WhiteFacts
Breitbart = Semitically Correct controlled opposition. aka, same old same old https://t.co/w7lqYyLq2y
April 11, 2016:
"Better a brown tongue than a brown shit" --the all-American coward, aka, the braindead, brainwashed conservative #tcot
#tcot hey, you twinks need to read this https://t.co/QGkWjpeUm4
white men cant understand what its like being jew dunham's little sister https://t.co/cwILZOG4gb
#Tcot . Read this, simpletons. https://t.co/YNWsOO6r66
I won't break my own rules, but I'd bet a lot of money on that one https://t.co/VBwvpgHZxN
but if you do move there, you're also racist for gentrifying and driving prices too high for the ghettoids https://t.co/vKme0LKZCZ
of someone they perceive as intellectually superior and more powerful politically than they are. --E. MIchael Jones
In the end, the only position which Notre Dame administrators and professors find comfortable is bent over licking the boots
Call me old fashioned, but I prefer my freaks long-haired and dirty. Yes, hippies. Paleofreaks. Not these newfangled bluehead faggots.
Thousands of years of catholic effeminacy put to an end by counter-exterminating jews. That's the solution. Sorry it's not nuanced.
gratitude (not a religious thing) and understanding are linked. so are ingratitude and cluelessness (feminism being perfect example)
fuck yeah. who is that guy. let's make him pope. i dont even want religions i hate licking muslim toecrotch https://t.co/WmqvzZRUaD
Quora Moderation blocked you from editing on Quora 12 promote white privilege. 1 laffs. who gets banned? great platform there, quinks
well good for you. pat pat. https://t.co/bRLf2VbAon
hey fellow white kids. let's swap jebooism for Sons of Odin. it just seems like it might work better for us. i mean, given circumstances
hey whites: until you act like you deserve to be treated with respect you will keep getting walked over, murdered and shit on jewsmedia
leading vs appealing. please spend a few minutes thinking about the difference between these two. whites need the former.
can you dig it? https://t.co/2uhRQ1D691
henry ford said intellectuals make things more complicated than they are. behind all these social problems - jews. https://t.co/H8Ye42skjz
jews aren't liberals. they use liberalism as rat poison for whiteskin populations. among themselves - 100% racism - see Israel
jews see whites as weak-willed, weak-brained simpletons. i'd love to say they're wrong. i'm not saying they're wrong. they're not wrong.
everyone should read this - a jew admits what ALL of them privately believe https://t.co/PCHoDQvJth
blame yourself. you support these parasites joining in the first place. military supporters are donkey-brained https://t.co/cLcuUCjjwb
the pope is licking muslim feet, while promising jews his catholics wont even try to convert them. is this what you want to associate with?
we can only live moving forward. try your hardest to make the wisest decisions. that's my advice. https://t.co/zA93WtigzD
hence anger at jewish treason to US is illogical. jews are loyal to jews/israel, not USA or any white land https://t.co/7f3R17s4BF
jews are a race of liars and murderers. christians worship them. racialists vow to counter-exterminate them https://t.co/1YiB1TeTQP
if you dont like The System, The Parties, The Way Things Are - what you really dont like is jews - it is their setup. it serves them. not us
the white racial movement is not for everybody, it's for the portion of the white population unwilling to live as despised slaves under jews
April 10, 2016:
it's his opposition to neocohen warmongering too.. https://t.co/6o7LWvNT1E
Fenton and the dicks loved to punch people in the solar plexus. That's pretty much my main takeaway from childhood reading.
jews like Schuyler open the border to these muslims, so they will murder white nations https://t.co/OURKfSfydo
what will work? only this: 1) forming a #TeamWhite. 2) counter-exterminating all jews. the rest can be done with paper towels
"We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” yes. until we kill you
lot of that these days https://t.co/8nUyEHqghd
The conservative suffers from a respectability tropism. He can't overcome it. It's biological. It's ok. Just means you can't trust him.
"ergi" lol... will use that if i remember it https://t.co/GUZH2VGrnZ
you let niggers VOTE??? are you insane lol?? https://t.co/FQPxY7vRYY
if you dont hate jews you either are one or dont understand them https://t.co/qMk9y3JZ5f
https://t.co/ffotXtMJjy People exist to serve govt. This is socialism, it's a shit state of things.
April 09, 2016:
"People - scars upon the land" - fuck you john denver. pre-grease-spot yodeler. People are what make this shitball tolerable. Some ovm.
RIght now we're in the era of stupid jokes, and I'm getting tired of it, personally. It's not enough.
they export to the US? never seen one. maybe back in the 60s. https://t.co/ENyEK0lz6O
"feasible" lol. so you're a coward. the truth is whatever's popular, eh? https://t.co/EPCBAoUZ6R
can someone smarter than me tell me if this is real? https://t.co/2ybMt5jwH4
yes. hitler was a good guy. he tried to protect whites against the jews who created communism and slaughtered 60m https://t.co/sh0dICJYvH
And your state is 100% jewed, as reflected in your speech law, among other. https://t.co/d6Z6stsf9x
three or four seconds of that communist kike would surely be enough, no? https://t.co/Z5pyvUcSI6
who is that cross eyed mope? https://t.co/J6F6nzNfOe
Europe will be gone in two and two! https://t.co/l8gmSX5o3b
i would have preferred Herve for the noble if diminutive factotutum of the rich corinthian one, but eSTAY! will do https://t.co/no46mEjBeq
hey kids, let's try a syllogism jews think nazis were evil jews call normal whites nazis jews think normal white are _____ can u guess?
i bet i can guess YOUR position on aborting Down babies https://t.co/SipmLTGbYO
you know that 'holocaust' is a scam. but so are 'diaspora' and 'pogrom.' all jewish claims about history are lies
things there's not a dime's worth of difference between: - English - Irish - Catholic Church - Englightenment - Republicans - Democrats
Enlightenment / Catholicism are same thing - liberal universalism. Both make same mistake on jews: that conversion/citizenship cures them.
why do so many fat women operate on the theory that if they upend a bottle of crushed flower juice on their chins we'll think they're thin?
reasonable points in moderate tones. let those be your watchworkds, fine people the revolution will be Dockersized #TeamKhaki
you dont think that "i'm a worthless sinner" doesnt translate into jew-servitude & sexual abnormalcy? well, friend, it does. #crosscucks
and did a one-man tango. his invisible partner? Destiny. https://t.co/yXs96b21Mh
Dennis Hastert's verion of the Fosbury flop involves throwing his ponderous belly over the head of a 12 year old.
i come here for the strudel. i stay for the wisdom. https://t.co/LpgvoQTS16
we also would have accepted Jheri "Barnum" Taylor https://t.co/vMAP7dHBXC
No, no there's totally an afterlife. Reality is what you want it to be. https://t.co/BJawcJBAZD
New York shrimpballed it big time when it came to truth about jews, as you say. And that includes Trump. https://t.co/3woct89Y7q
his wife doesn't understand him like i do... his nose has needs! https://t.co/flS89m4UjF
Merle Haggard! I just dig the concept, even. It dont git no Americaner than that, boy howdy. #wryandtight
i swear...maybe i'm just old, but i swear conservatives were not as f'ing stupid back in 1978 as they are today
conceived and written by jews, and blamed on ted kennedy by cowardly punch pullers #anncoulter https://t.co/yuLPtPvWkC
This guy comes from nowhere and is made a player by jewsmedia overnight. That totally just happens. https://t.co/IQFscGUk2U
Merle Haggard: Best Songs Of Merle Haggard - Greatest Hits Full Album Of... https://t.co/lr0Yg1R8uc via @YouTube
economics question: if jameequa is paid $15 an hour, how many McDoubles at what price must be sold to cover her wages for 1 day?
if the point of racialism is to subsidize white losers, then why bother? we already have christianity for that.
my forebears created america. your rinky-twink European fashism is benito-come-lately, and it isn't appropriate for my country
the problem with media isnt that they're unfair or biased, it's that they're owned and managed by jews bent on #whitegenocide
jews control too much retail to make boycotting worthwhile except in sense of 'buy less' - better would be White kosher symbol equivalent
master list of jews master list of whiteskins (whites who serve the jew in promoting #whitegenocide) Helpful conceptions from #TeamWhite
the moral high ground belongs to whoever controls tv. it's not some objective thing https://t.co/NrlvEf8mmg
principle: we are White (not x cult or y political position) principle: our enemy is jew principle: exclude jews 100% from our organizations
on top of that, impurity, as these loserfools call it, DOESNT WORK. https://t.co/QZ8jQqjbJq
"i cant use my real name because..." hey, man. that's the price. if you "can't" (won't) pay it, that's simply not my concern
nature students say 99% of species that ever existed on earth are extinct. i will help any force that adds jews & blacks to that pile
if you value race, then together we must form a #TeamWhite. christianity doesn't value race. jews do. that's why they're winning
death before disillusion - the tacit christian motto christians lack the will to perceive reality, let alone alter it
the idea that the problem with the media is that they're unfair or biased is a deliberate lie spread by controlled conservatives #loxism
the refusal to make distinctions seems to have no natural stopping point, has now bravely taken on bathroom apartheid
master list of whiteskin journalists who push the jewish agenda in order to advance their career #CucksList
jews superintend the organized murder of europe while whining about antisemitism and instructing controlled opposition to shriek at musims
no one can force you to serve jews. you do that because you dont know better or you're too weak. get smart. get strong. dont be a #crosscuck
if your finger moves when you tell it, then what need have ye of some 'god' https://t.co/YOV6VMTHBI
never yet heard of one of these mouse pizzles taking it up with the pedophile they call preacher https://t.co/f0KgWySerk
Skunky McDoof compiles an enemies list... https://t.co/nobO4efrqi
distinctions are scary and frightening. i think we should just agree to believe everybody is the same, and ignore evidence to contrary
that goes for traditionalism & conservatism too "we lose a little on each sale, but we make it up in volume" https://t.co/HjoGfn64nA
common sense tells you it's a bad idea to stick somalis in Flyover USA. common sense also tells you the elite know this.
April 08, 2016:
if your instinct is to attack muslims rather than jews - you're too weak for politics, both mentally and characterwise
feeling guilty and needing someone to save you - this is not Aryan thought. this is not how the unpoisoned whites mentates #TeamWhite
conservatism is a psycho-sexual problem, ultimately https://t.co/AyVNxFBhCa
Christianity = liberalism, for it cedes the spiritual validity of #antiwhite races, and lays groundwork for political equality.
jews don't ever abandon their agenda because they "like" someone whereas even the top whites like Kevin MacDonald do this all the time
"Cuckservative" should be attempt to SHAME whites by pointing out they serve JEWS by throwing their OWN PEOPLE (RACE) under the bus.
learn the history of leo frank, and the creation of the ADL to defend him, and you will understand why extinction is the only solution
#HeroBreivik gave Norway the kick in the ass it needed, although a few more wouldn't hurt. #MakeNorwayWhitesOnly
that's good, but you can do better. come on niggers, i'm pulling for you. https://t.co/iG6tdAUdHj
much of the 'alt' is controlled too https://t.co/PwN77UcZ6s
in the 70s, rural missouri had nothing but unwanted brush and dilapidated barns. now there is a lot of money there https://t.co/KIoIiZucLV
americans tend to reduce everything to a battle of pesonalities. yeah it's totally Obama doing this, not 120 years of jews
if people are biologically prone to conformism, as most whites are, then it's a battle between elites over who gets to impregnate them
ideas help people make sense of what they see. that's why jews flock to media: their twisted lies cant survive without 'official' backing
It may be crude reduction but it is absolutely necessary to convey to all good whites: what you want - is White. What you hate - is Jew.
Short of killing jews, what we can do that matters is make it crystal clear to the meanest intelligence that jews are the root problem.
Jews don't have any new tricks. Nor, far as I can see, do they need any. Whites never learn. #MuhJebus Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
#HeroBreivik: "he methodically stalked and killed many of the 600 up-and-coming leaders of Labour, Norway's dominant political party"
It is noble, honorable and necessary to fight jews. #TeamWhite is for self-disciplined heroes, not middle-class khaki-dabblers.
Jews allow only a very limited, non-racial criticism of the (black/muslim) tools they use to destroy white society, and none of themselves.
Fake friends and weaklings are worse than enemies. If you're not willing to be part of a #TeamWhite, it's best you simply shut up.
It begins with public acknowlegement that our cause is racial. And that our enemy is the jew. End era of evasions. https://t.co/tUvYQo9LTN
Christianity cant defeat jews because it doesn't acknowledge their being a different species. They're just men who need the jebus, like all.
In my inbox. What does it mean? No idea. (1/3) "A group of Black politicians led by Dr Fuad Khan have been bribing public officials
What Hitler did was build a racial team to take on jews. This is why they hate and fear him. He figured out how to defeat #TeamJew
Whites have no racial network, just a limp, indefensible cult of 'love.' Thus when they encounter jews, sharp and organized, their eyes open
conservative isn't a position, it just means gofer for the jews (at the top) and cowardly moron (at the bottom) #tcot #TeamWhite
finally, a news service we can trust https://t.co/DT53JJid67
apart from alger hiss, almost all the ones he named, accurately, as communists, were jews. hence the spitting hatred https://t.co/OjduZIEr20
April 07, 2016:
Jew Jeremy Piven made the mistake of playing fruity nutball with jew Charlie Sheen. This horriscary chimera resulted https://t.co/gB2bJV4n4d
Good post. Paul Fussell discusses this in "Class." The WASP angle is important. Muzak...painters of light... https://t.co/VnyT0CJJES
men who founded the US were self-reliant. today men are trained to "need" the state for everything and trust simplest decisions to "experts"
why i'm not a fascist: the idea of "nothing outside the state" - take away race, this is pretty much what we have now in USA, and it sucks
April 06, 2016:
aka jewish big lie https://t.co/bcsGD7xSdY
does their behavior match or belie those words? https://t.co/NoHdoEdmuN
just like commies, christians are forever saying "those aren't real christians." they're pendant-wearing morons, so yes, yes they are
if jews feared xtianity, a) wouldnt have invented it, b) would have smashed it like nazism. they know they have in it perfect fake foil
you need to lick some muslim feet and get your head straight, brother https://t.co/CsGNK3Sjbf
whites dont know who they are or where they are going. most are in the grips of a pernicious delusion. They need a #TeamWhite
this is real-world washington dc. these are the kikes you truckle before, christian america https://t.co/w55kNvQ3Iu
"The Aryan spirit is innately aristocratic and heroic." --Revilo Oliver (The Enemy of Our Enemies, p. 45)
whites need to grow up and give up their delusion addictions and start facing the facts of life. It's #TeamJew vs #TeamWhite
subtle point is: even when whites are under attack as ethnic group (germans) it's a cover for an assault on entire race: all whites r Nazis
"i dont believe the jews...except when they say something i want to believe. like the church persecuted jews." --avg 'wn xtian' clown
that's what the dolts believe. because they want to believe it. it is factually incorrect. jews demanded ghettos. https://t.co/yUqGTs4t4L
If psychological manipulation (propaganda) didnt work to a good extent, jews wouldnt beeline to media in white lands https://t.co/PVXJ7QJTjp
boy that faggot would fit right in today https://t.co/xt8lpBqL7H
April 05, 2016:
Benji is a Real American, and you're an antisemitic cat turd! #tcot https://t.co/iV47HD2CH3
jews claim the church persecuted jews. as with virtually everything jews say, this is not just a lie but the opposite of the truth
christianity has an unbroken historical record of protecting JEWS from justly enraged mobs of WHITES
Just look a the intelligence and wisdom shining out of those black faces. You could start a zoo with these preople. https://t.co/5akcShyBwl
while all these whiteskin midgets make ridiculous imaginary distinctions between jews, they treat us all as one pathetic lump of dumb
most people on "our" side see nothing wrong with mixing with jews or those who make excuses for them. it's so hard to figure why we dont win
and the giant helicopter swooped down, gathered up all the dirty jew commies, and the rest of the world lived happily every after
with our gift of khaki, we'll convert the whole world to christ-normality and strong white teeth and weak gray brains n clclick BOOM
have you ever in your life seen a sign anywhere that said "white males encouraged to apply"? i've seen a thousand said women & minorities
Soon we'll back in tiny landlocked villages, forced to buy shitty guild products, unable to travel 20 miles fm home. https://t.co/OtwCKyDKXH
what qualifies me to be dictator? many things, but probably my innate love of kicking my enemies out of helicopters is #1!
well his lips got tired after 3-4 verses https://t.co/DwNRX95ROu
there is no human species, there are multiple species. and they are incompatible. the christian lies you're addicted to dont change that
"we shouldn't allow our worst enemy inside our camp" YOUR PURITANISM IS THE PROBLEM. LET EVERYONE DO HIS OWN THING. #TeamMoron
all mainstream utilities are #antiwhite https://t.co/YEPabu9QS5
Nossig believed that a single drop of jewblood poisoned whites for generations https://t.co/dL9c0eVHUJ
to people of bible, jew is whoever they dont like. they really are that mentally weak and just plain childish https://t.co/29u3HIDeFv
at least you admit it: you're fully qualified for admission to israel. both jew and nazi would consider you a jew https://t.co/scNtMylK4z
this is why we need make all would-be chalk buyers produce two (2) forms of photo ID. this is serious stuff, folks https://t.co/5bu3ffg1Oj
April 04, 2016:
Christianity is the triumph of dysgenics https://t.co/KAKkfwCrso
why is that nigger so fat? https://t.co/Yc8xgH6WWj
"Thou shalt not race mix." Which commandment is that again? Where does the jebus promote that policy in human words?
i give up. how high does the IQ have to be to grasp that universalist religion is inherently opposed to a specific-racial group?
imbecile https://t.co/KvkU9colBN
listen to christian radio and its jay sekulow. it is to laugh. these people never get it. https://t.co/GAVYWB1y3K
afraid the shaigetz will stop dying for israel, bubele? https://t.co/XwWNBjZiCL
Our pride alone should prevent us from allowing jews to dominate our Europe and destroy our future. #TeamWhite
They do. If they don't they should. It's accurate. You're either #TeamWhite or #Teamjew https://t.co/NlqRzSlTm5
April 03, 2016:
no one ever says anything good about jews behind their back. what does that tell you about them & the others? twist hunter: #FearAndLoxism
Two words for that: Fuck and Yeah. https://t.co/jURiTI8TnJ
Jews are like a mask that, through Donald Trump, the White Body that is America is trying its damnedest to rip off.
the 'people' who let them in (jews and whiteskin traitors) must be liquidated as a class. cut the kikehead off and replace with White head
jebus p christ even one of those FNL (famous nigger ladies) said: when someone shows you what they are..BELIEVE THEM https://t.co/7B81KTrN98
the organization that admits jews will soon enough be taken over by them. remains as true today as when first stated decades ago
all jews do is set up fake fronts and coopt people. "by way of deception" is their MO, from mossad down
Great. Get up from a lovely Sunday nap, find someone hacked my Twitter account and made 12.1K anti-jew posts. #muhNotMeMan #cringeNRetreet
looks like jeremy piven going the charlie sheen route https://t.co/VjnJrxToi4
sweet jebus, that hatted creature makes ellis wiesel look honest https://t.co/gVr2rGage4
#TeamJew laughs at your stupid face that you dont realize "right wing" "conservatives" like Ben Shapiro work only for us.
Here's a truth that's too deep for the Miss Kittys of the world to handle: the jews like seeing whites suffer, be tortured, raped & killed
All the world asks is the leader not be too corrupt, actually believe what he's saying. And that's too much 100% of time with xtians & cons.
Christian preachers don't have the balls to lecture their obese-moron assemblies. Real preacher sound like...well...me.
The jews have never had to search very far to find a whitegoy willing to betray his own kind for money. Sad truths from #TeamWhite
The catholic fantasy that humans are the same species resulted, as it must, in the subversion of the church by jews. Sicut Judaeis D'oh
I have more respect (and understanding, I fancy) for Hitler than most 'nazis,' but I have a different path I think will work better.
All jews are liars, see below https://t.co/32XxWQLlXY
You believe jebus came back from the dead? You have compromised your integrity by acceding in a lie. You are a low creature. #TeamWhite
Don't say things you won't stand behind. Then you won't have to apologize. If you back your words, the opposition will shatter on your rock.
People fear jews. People laugh at conservatives. Take your politics from winners - Jews and Nazis. not from cowards - conservatives. #tcot
There are tens of millions of Nigerian Christians. They have accomplished...what? Now, chilluns...what can we infer from this? #TeamWhite
Telling the jew, in effect, his petticoat is showing (re his double standards) is like saying that to Sarah Silverman. Elicits only laughter
#AnnCoulter knows the full truth about jews. Which is what 'nazis' say it is. She won't speak it publicly because it would lower her income.
Fear is the starting point for understanding how politics actually works. People just don't like to discuss cowardice, but it is necessary.
you dont believe the media? but the media are controlled -- 100% -- by jews. this means you're an anti-semite. are you scared now? #tcot
Land of the free. Not that you can ask your real estate agent if a neighborhood's full of niggers or anything. #AmeriKwa
As a White man, I have something in common with a white man in Auckland, New Zealand. And nothing in common with Barack Obama or jew Emanuel
Europe has distinct nations yet is one, spiritually and culturally - against the jew. We must come together, Europe & colonies, as TeamWhite
wwii was Jew vs Europe; or, TeamWhite vs TeamJew. Those are the players that matter. Rest is waterbug politics & foolish petty nationalism
Conservatives are a biological stratum. they follow the leader, whether he is a Nazi like Hitler or a Nazi like Netanyahu
we're dealing with different spiritual/character/temperament creatures and classes, and these things dont change
Read what Hitler said at https://t.co/VFenRI9Juw . It's still more cutting-edge than anything any rightist has come up with since. Why? Types
"Only jews are entitled to survival. All other races must amalgamate Complaining about this marks you as anti-Semite." --Jon Podhoretz
the what-will-the-neighbors-think crowd is what gave jews the opening, and pandering to them will not produce serious change
you lose your character and integrity when you accede in lies. the claims christianity makes are just that - lies.
christianity is just soft-serve jewism. Semitical Correctness forces you to accede to lies...xtianity lulls you into them
there's a word for hating everyone & every group except whites - the only group against which real hatred exists and is encouraged. #loxism
Miss Kitty doesn't realize he's only about the 1,000,000th limpist to trod that particular path of fail. https://t.co/363ECjq86i
They are without soul who can hear the story of jebus without laughing. #GrimWeepers #TheBoobLugubrious
perfect example of how xtianity bends any which way. it was used by the confeds (and abolitionists), now against it https://t.co/JQnzNcFSXl
You can accept reality or reject it. Former leads to rightism, latter to leftism. Atheism, which concerns a single point, is rightist.
All the cucks serving the jews, the #cuckservatives, find me one (1) that isn't a christian. It's a cult of cucks.
Like our superannuated third-base coach Harry used to scream at us, LETS GET SOME LIFE IN OUR PANTS! #TeamWhite
jews aren't conservative or liberal. they're jews. That's their 'party.' That's their 'position.' Capiche, nut of numb?
Lift and separate the white racial cause from cowardly, servile conservatism, and delusional, childish christ-insanity. #TeamWhite
the pervading irony is that racialists, 90% of them, dont take seriously the idea, which is a fact, that jews are a different race
jew mentality: of course we have double standard. we have the power to hurt you and help us. we'll give that up? becuz "unfair". lol-snort.
what's perfect opposition to a jew? someone who whines about unfairness and double standards never intending to do anything about it #tcot
jews know they are hypocrites. pointing it out to them -- to them -- just makes you appear an idiot. and a weak idiot.
whites childishly -- and the irony here is, even the racialists -- assume that jews are mentally just like they are, hence will respond same
someone give me one piece of evidence that jews are concerned in the slightest about hypocrisy or unfairness there is none. they dont care
'equality' isnt what drives left, rather inversion of old hierarchy: jews on top, muds in middle, whites below
the jew is just like me. very concerned with appearances. doesn't want to seem hypocritical or unfair. wrong! the jew is nothing like you.
Life is about fighting and laughing, not being a mushy faggot. Shake off the pewstink, white faggot. Drop the cross, become a man.
jews are a race of lying shits that needs to be counter-exterminated before it destroys everything worthwhile. no xtian will say that.
christian, in functional terms, means lack of character. it means putting a woman's idea of "nice" ahead of the adult man's truth
Jebus. Really.Walked on water. Died for your sins. Came back from the dead. And all this recorded in a book written by jews. You don't say
the reason you're losing, whites, is you dont respect yourselves. you have allowed christianity to gerbilize your character
#cuckservative should have but one meaning: a whiteskin who serves jews by pushing their #antiwhite agenda
Audiobooks (text + commentary) page for the Learning College (a college to raise up noble, mentally adult Whites) https://t.co/i0ElTRdhRK
Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey (pdf) https://t.co/AoAq6sjvLt audiobook by A. Linder https://t.co/ldI1Z2LNgn https://t.co/nskc6iKyib
i want to be treated like a child, held to no intellectual or character standards. that's why i became a christian: no standards
whiteskins throw their own race under Diversity Bus to curry favor with ruling jews and advance their own careers https://t.co/0yOjLDAKTr
giant audiobook library... https://t.co/fMQ5Px1cdQ #audiobooks
Considerable evidence supports claims of Jewish Ritual Murder https://t.co/QjFm9O6sAm #jewishmurder #bloodlibel #jewishritualmurder #jrm
not one christfag has the courage or just plain character to make a straightforward, accurate summary like this https://t.co/G4h1eqKtQ5
April 02, 2016:
Traditionalists pick and choose the traditions they support. They've simply, like progressives, arrogated a name that begs the question.
hitler addressed enemies/public directly outdoors; conservatives sniff each others' farts in shabby conference rooms https://t.co/HrZwqih3O2
woke Whites intellectually affirm jews are a different race, but have real difficulty not expecting they should meet white standards
racialists have an easy time accepting nigs are a different race, and this explains behaviors. but a hard time seeing this for jews
it's the WASP mentality, thinking that the same thing that embarrasses someone like Miss Kitty will also shame a jew. no. different race.
jews know they're unfair. they know they're nothing but doubletalking liars. they dont think we will do anything about it. except pt it out
April 01, 2016:
the problem with traditionalism is it means religious-level commitment to repeating mistakes. otherwise youre a hated rationalist
what does #MakeAmericaGreatAgain mean? well, in practical terms, a meadowlark on every fence, and mexican food in bellies of alligator gars
if we point out their double standard, i'm sure jews will abandon the 3000yo dual code that made them richest/most powerful group in world
An ancient site spotted from space could rewrite the history of Vikings in North America https://t.co/iYT25J8BLl
the main social utility of xtianity thru the ages is supplying us quality ejaculations: "oh fer crissakes."
that is the true viking spirit https://t.co/RKjdJ4nhco
be Heroic. have a Spirit. have a Soul. dont be a Fag. we have too many Fags. a veritable Surfeit. https://t.co/3q25GP8VJl
there is no honest whiteskin struggling to makes its way out of that lying jew you petition for fairness, altfairy dope. do u even race bro?
all goyleftists are striving toward the mental and physical condition of Jim Jones pewsters after refreshments
"The choice of enemy is the most important decision in the entire realm of activity called Politics." --Francis Yockey
take what the jews says and reverse it. about 99% of the time you'll have the truth. since jews control mass media, works there too
one of those public school teachers that sleeps with students https://t.co/SbVBKPSLe8
it's like one of those spider couplings where the male is about 1/10th the size of female https://t.co/SbVBKQam5G
how can he be an atheist jew, #tcot simpletons? https://t.co/GcFhyCoHq9
I put on my J.C. Penney togs. I scrub my pink round face. I eat a plate of flapjacks at IHOP. I attending Baptist service. I am Mike Goodman
christian universalism is pushed in all white areas, whether secular in Monday schools or religious in Sunday schools
if you try to argue with jews, or change them, OR THINK THEY CAN CHANGE you are a mental christian whether you realize it or not
there is no historical evidence jews can change their behavior (lying & nation-wrecking). there is every evidence they're innate destroyers
the white conservative attitude, common to more than 50% of racialists, is that jews are unreclaimed whiteland. rather than real creatures
exterminating jews is, paradoxically, the only respectful way to treat them - from the standpoint of races victimized by them
there's no point arguing with jews, they cant change what they are. wouldnt that kind of be the point of racialism?
listen, dopes. jews exist. but christ-poisoned simpletons think in every lying jew is an honest white man struggling to get out.
dat boy got Southron IHOP baptist written all over him. nickname Wrench https://t.co/FiDmulugh1
a career girl is someone like #AnnCoulter who puts her personal financial interests over the truth, by pulling punches about jewish agenda
jews destroy whites by forcing niggers among them. cuckservatives are career girls who go along with whitegenocide to further their careers
cuck has already degenerated into a generic epithet, which is a shame. it should mean WHITES who serve jews by fav-ing blax over own race
your little goober dream of happy pappy nationalism each in its own little fairspace is not how reality works, Clueless Clem Clodhopper
99% of species that ever existed are EXTINCT. this is the most significant political FACT in the entirely of reality
white idiot, say Ramz altfright level, wants nationalism for all countries. jew wants world domination who wins this fight? #TeamWhite
i love how whites point out jew double standards like this is supposed to evoke some fairness response in them. (1/2)
jews are a race of congenital liars that needs to be put down like rabid dogs https://t.co/2SDWyH5wlx
in jew-controlled publications, go to the paragraph one up from the bottom to find the truth the rest of the article is at pains to reverse
no one from india is allowed to follow me unless you provide documented proof you wash behind your ears once a month
the right are largely weak, suggestible people. their good qualities are largely negatives - they aren't aggressive liars
KILL THEM ALL. It is God's way.* And He's never wrong, I'm told. *99% of species that ever existed on earth are today extinct.
March 31, 2016:
jew milo does what every other jew "reporter" does: he puts the truth, or nod to it, in the second to last paragraph
#anncoulter writes fawning praise of the Littlest Chickenhawk (benny shapiro) and the altright just looks the other way.
God condoned genocide when he invented Nature. If you're against exterminating jews, you're unnatural as a faggot and irreligious as atheist
"one day mankind will blow itself up, and the only remaining trace will be a moon plaque saying Richard Milhous Nixon" - Vonnegut (paraphr.)
Duran Duran? https://t.co/4dJz1T047t
I don't know what a scoundrel is like, but I know what a respectable man is like, and it's enough to make one's flesh creep. --de Maistre??
that moonpie faced cretinherd makes me vomit copiously https://t.co/upiBfqEbEq
he's right, bu leaves out the racial angle because he's a jew himself. PC = jews ritually denouncing-berating whites https://t.co/6JrYtYZuJP
you should feel extremely outraged that some little pinhead microshrimp race like benjis are telling our might folk that we dont EXIST?
jew milo's artcle about the alt-right is a rundown, and ok, but evaded or unnoticed is main point: THE WHITE BODY IS LOOKING FOR ITS hEAD
There 10,000 of them...and 100,000,000 of us. can you dig it? my brother CAN YOU DIG IT. CAAAAAN YOOOOOOOOUUU DIIIIIIGGGG ITTTTTT!!!
i wish conservatives were half as concerned about fidelity to valuable principles as they are about some politician's wayward pecker
what a tough guy. withdraws his film. this world... you ever see a jew apologize for anything? is that maybe why they have the power
i'm not racist...it's not racist... stop fighting off your back foot. forget what you're called and focus on punching the fuck out of THEM
proof the media can write factually about illegal aliens, so long as they're a different species: ..."first documented evidence of invasive
the media under jews have grown increasingly hateful and contemptuous toward whites. they shriek "Nazi!" when uppity whites answer in kind
dont know how old you are, but i believe things have gotten a good deal harsher since the 80s, and since trayvon https://t.co/7amBrpTlRD
Leftist jews call decline symptoms 'progress.' Gaslighting. Rightist jews (gottfried, auster) agree it's decline, but NOT caused by jews lol
The only 'new' thing in politics would be a party that open advocates FOR whites AGAINST the jews trying to #whitegenocide them. #TeamWhite
The jews who appear to be on some vague 'our' side have but one actual intention: to mislead you that jews aren't behind #whitegenocide.
Hitler didn't go around talking about anti-Germans and anti-whites, he talked about jews. Straightforward is the White way. Be that way.
some of you who have subcontracted your thinking to the wizened panderer - lil hint: he's not very good at it. call them jews. that works.
there are two groups in american 'conservartism' - organized jews and career girls (of both sexes) who are afraid of them
jews lol-left and lol-right agree: we must work as one to prevents whites from ever having anything like what we have in israel #TeamWhite
cathy young = ekaterina jung. like ben shapiro and hoff summers.. #TeamJew trying to nip any #TeamWhite in bud https://t.co/xd7IyG5xEJ
conservatives progress backwards at a stately pace. the stately part is what matters. we always lose, but we look good doing it. we fancy.
ask him to name one position conservatism has defended. christ, they now support buttfags getting "married" https://t.co/cqZcl3sBOS
it is objectively necessary to treat conservatives like curs. it's the only way they respond. regardless of how you personally feel about it
#AnnCoulter is a coward. She knows the truth about jews - that they're murdering the white race. But fears to speak it publicly.
whites are ever so slowly coming around to this accurate conclusion https://t.co/JSl8rvQAsr
Understanding politics means simply this: grasping that BERNIE SANDERS & BEN SHAPIRO are both starting forwards for #TeamJew
imagine small cells of 3-5 men all across any particular white land. and these eliminated significant members of the class genociding whites
The minute whites are willing to kill their enemies to regain independence - then a whole new world opens up. #TeamWhite #heroBreivik
white interests? that's not a thing. white existence? that's not a thing. jewish hatred of whites? that's not a thing. #loxism
all jews. all willing to use the last drop of your blood and the last penny in your pocket to advance Israel #tcot https://t.co/pVeCJXZcs0
There is no meaningful difference between Bernie Sanders and Ben Shapiro. Until you grasp this, you are clueless about politics. #TeamJew
#tcot retardates - you all need to see what the yids you service actually believe. you cowardly losers https://t.co/D7l8g4Md57
The Polack who bet on the replay was still two standard deviations more intelligent than the American conservative. #tcot
the jews who did this must be slaughtered. every last one https://t.co/yNcEJF6Frl
some group is leading america the wrong way, for decades, against the will of the majority. and that group is jews. #TeamJew
if america is going the wrong way (or your country) and one group dominates the politics (for decades)...what conclusion can be drawn?
JEW podhorez JEW milo JEW hoff summers JEW shapiro JEW the grabbed cunt "reporter" and on and on and on and on and "American" politics lol
arent they holding him up on their shoulders? https://t.co/3VvCsgh5L7
they have the recordings, this clown is simply a liar https://t.co/0VFjgSCgQa
March 30, 2016:
see kids when you have a hierarchy, you have a potentate who really looks after his nation like a family. https://t.co/BgcfL8LCGc
If that fat-faced fraud Alex Jones went the Caitlin Jenner route... https://t.co/aMigndwK2s
Cuxtianity. come for the jebus. stay for the cameltoe #crosscux https://t.co/HfNUM5togg
anyone who prefers england to missouri is mentally defective https://t.co/6qIqlfigbi
you're trying to use reason on niggers. that's unreasonable. https://t.co/koXYPfUcp9
med school admissions should be discussed more https://t.co/0NLmh7O09P
classic fleur du mal that can only thrive in feministed legal environment https://t.co/kQLYe8HbEm
Hamilton Nolan (non jew commie, far as I know, 1/3): "Here we have one of America’s major political parties publicly preparing to demonstr
whiteskin communist pretty accurately describes the attempted jewing of Trump. without calling it that. of course. https://t.co/a7M35t0ukt
kasich is an atrocious little cunt. no one could be more obnoxiously servile than little fake-butter mccain
hitler was a bad man who wanted to take over europe and fill it with normal white people. bad hitler. bad bad
we're replacing the high quality germans they normally serve with some super duper folgers syrian blend. let's see if anyone notices!
and ledeen is a jew, isnt he https://t.co/9zFu9y1u9J
christians wont even defend _christians_ against jews and moslems, yet clowns on here tell me the cult defends the white race?
those muslims are awful. yes, they sure are. but the jews are worse. and they have power. #TeamWhite
as a retrofuturist living in the moment, i really dont think kings or niggers should be allowed to vote
see, kiddies, the cause is racial. and #altright would keep it trapped in the birth canal between conservatism and real-world racialism
the best way to kill racialism might be to make it boring. and here the jews are well aided in securing the services of richard meh-spencer
#altright is mostly just faggots making goofy faces as they try to sit on the imaginary chair between conservatism and racialism
it just feels true https://t.co/ffherOc8Rt
Whites united can't be defeated. Would be my guess. I would also guess that is why the govt is so hot to prevent #TeamWhite from forming.
do you whiteskin assclowns in NE not grasp that yids just like nice ol bernie murdered 10s of millions of your kind last centry?
i often ponder, what is wrong with my race, that it can't see a Bernie for what it is? it cannot all be brainwashing
we also would accepted a gallimaufry of nostrums https://t.co/tj8CIevWL6
Ted hovered over the hill. he looked both ways. twice. began to snort. at a disturbingly rapid rate, ants began to fly up his nose
hiring blacks as background dancers in Electric Boogaloo II? good idea letting blacks have political power? very, very bad idea
do any of you #tradcranks ever look on the muslim-licking pope and get some reality-oriented thoughts about hierarchy? i'm guessing no
I am a one-man majority, and I say #loxism is the hatred that defines our times. And what's more I'm right, and YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT.
i'm not a cathoholic either, but i know that fulton sheen was the model for Dr. Seuss' grinch https://t.co/vQdZgUqlwz
we hairin' like this cuz we don have none. yu du boo. so was dat shit an respet it https://t.co/TzOTijT68J
defend your friends, attack your enemies. moderation in all things. Solid life-ways from classic greece, no jebus cuntery needed at-so-all
jew Erdeley's mess back in news... https://t.co/aRIsMNTmeb it slinks away in background, leaves white nut to take fall
well i'm sure the pope will have some strong words, once he's done licking muslim feet https://t.co/iS2zc4hwuD
did you ask greggy if he's a faggot, or tastefully evade that necessary question? https://t.co/fqDiDq9137
it's like a missing particle in physics - politics would be absolutely incomprehensible save for this (((hidden))) factor
There are people who acknowledge jews are The Problem. And there are clowns. There is no third group. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
the point is whites (the half that can make out the prob) see something and then come up with some gutless evasion https://t.co/SVrwoK8x7u
Americas great lakes are failing our Africans. #LakeSuperiorIsRacist https://t.co/KQf6o2nR8V
Conservative intellectual: he thinks anything in latin is therefore smart, just as liberal girl thinks fashionable glasses = intelligent
faileocons are simply old neutered tabby cats. you kids should keep your balls. jews are the problem. fight them or it's just clownage
notice how this nonpolitical jew grasps in five seconds what these conservative faggots cant get to in a lifetime https://t.co/l2SE1Pi2GR
the reversal of what certain fools have said is closer to the truth: anyone telling you to "keep it legal" is likelier to be a govt agent
"Controlled opposition." "Right-wing" jews are nothing but Washington Generals to #TeamJew's Globetrotters. They're BUILT TO LOSE.
Altright can't decide if jews are friends or enemies. This is what makes #altright a clown movement. Jew exclusion is the portal to Serious
jews like Gottfried and Hoff Summers exist and are made figures precisely in order to channel angry whites away from the jew truth
what did jew Gottfried do when he had the power at Takimag? He banned all criticism of jews. yet #altright clowns welcome his participation
what various simps and career girls pretend not to recognize is that jews send out folks like hoff summers to create/control the opposition
modern medicine has allowed trash population to grow, whiteskin as well as negroid https://t.co/fNMBRdckv7
OMG, so surprised a jew went jew on us. Are white people genetically incapable of grasping that #TeamJew is a real, functional thing?
She's a jew. You're still a little kid in your soul, McBeal. https://t.co/SeVv4ypIdw
if we can even agree on who goes in what bathroom, it's probably time to quit bullshitting ourselves and get on w the civil war
we can't equal his achievements...or admit that...but perhaps we can destroy what he built... #FuckingWhiteMale #TeamJew
you have to decide if you are Big or Small, white man. and if Big, as i hope, then that has serious implications for how you behave and live
it's much too late in the day for anything as tepid as #altright what if Trump's not elected? this is the problem with personality politics
she's keeping belgium fit by eating all the carbs herself https://t.co/HiJ1UwoVCD
Any group or movement which tolerates jews isn't new and isn't a genuine alternative. It's just the latest sidetracking of dull goyim.
"a gay man of Jewish descent" --Milo Yiannopoulos describing himself https://t.co/mZj98dQX8p
“The tireless attempts of you Jews to smear us decent Nazis is shameful.” Supertwink and dimestore Robbins attempt to mischannel/coopt
altright fawns over ann coulter who fawns over benji shapiro meet the new slave, same as the old slave
altright is just new wave of faileocons https://t.co/dSbZDSTW5w
jews are shitting themselves at the thought of the first American president since (at least) the guy before FDR
all right. you pass the spot check. carry on with vigor! https://t.co/enbbmPW8ey
no shit. GOP is controlled by jews. and serves their agenda. has been that way for decades. https://t.co/MjXIEw1Aku
He majored in Dr. Seuss. https://t.co/PpRVadRIC4
and believe me, if trump is killed, the lugenpress will 100% say he brought it on himself. they have pre-justified it by their hateful lies
the fingered cunt is of a class with the stage attacker - they know the jewsmedia will take their side and make them famous
From South Texas to Greece, jews facilitate the invasion and murder of white nations. https://t.co/LyJumtLrPo https://t.co/SHWfTNabvi
Can any of them read? https://t.co/Dr385MCrWf
completely wrong. muslims in white lands are a result of jews opening the borders. jews control immigration in west. https://t.co/vsfMJhRW9z
March 29, 2016:
just a bunch of liars and thieves. i dont laugh at all. makes me look the fool when i contrast racialist w xtians. https://t.co/pfEaOHyrbe
Nestor Pilantius (1563-1604) is widely considered the first modern human to dream on paper he had pillow large enough to smother the world.
altright...it's not enough to drag yourself out of the jewer. you need to get in the shower. #Altright motto: go meh or go home
jews arent like you. if you're white. not at all. have you even considered this? not if you're an ordinary conservative. #tcot
jews are loyal to jews and the jew agenda. stop trying to interpret them by looking in the mirror. #altright #tcot
we need to copy japans proscription of muslims and expand it to jews #FTW https://t.co/CdEfoj0FUB
cite the christian doctrine making interracial marriage, love, anything taboo. https://t.co/ZflJa54cmO
the modern left. 2 jezebel headlines capture the mentality: 1) yr batshit crazy if you want murdered babies to at least get anaesthesia; 2)
wow...ultimate juxto here for you graphicists: jezebel lamenting abortion anesthesia, then whining about the lol-pinched cunt
40 progressives stood around looking at each other. would they mock or copy the New Thing. nervous! you see why they obsess on 'authentic'
at least 2/3 of #altright thinks same way. jew benji isn't a republican or conservative, he's a jew. https://t.co/W1kHntjYmQ
definition of whiteskin traitor https://t.co/J8YjZCDC5D
good example of widespread conservative cluelessness. shapiro's base is jews. he's a functional player for #TeamJew https://t.co/KbS51xvC6Z
Like your toast some way. OMG: weird. disturbed. insane. https://t.co/rQhIywKTcu #nopersonality
That faggot Dale Carnegie turned America into faggots with How to Win Friends and Influence People: Grin, Yield, Repeat.
political parties are fronts for manipulation, in jew eyes. but to whites they're as dead serious as NFL teams
you dont grasp they all go to the same synagogue? https://t.co/8O83rabBU5
jews always side with discolored criminals against white nations. https://t.co/LyJumtLrPo A helpful message from #TeamWhite
does that include #antiwhite jews or just muslims? https://t.co/pjbveJ7OFD
America has long been taken over by jews, and they are trying to murder Europe. We must make jews extinct - before they do the same to us.
Yockey says, in Enemy of Europe: "In Belgium alone, the Americans incarcerated 400,000 from a population of 8 million." (after wwii)
fucking retard, soros is an #antiwhite jew. you are a liar https://t.co/txRP456FWP
Jews are part of a racial cult. Christians are part of a universalist cult. It seems most of "our" side cannot grasp the difference.
if the racial taboos were christian, they couldnt go away. compare with judaism. which has actual racial taboos. https://t.co/keb9jZHdlU
christianity is a brotherhood of man cult. no classes, no races. just muhJebus. that you have to evoke big long argument otherwise...yeah
while jews were eating their lunch, jebus simps were maundering on about muh demons and looking for the devil
when people ask what you are, tell them you're a 'woman of no importance.' then give them a normal fell grin calls are for the enemy
March 28, 2016:
public schools have done their job. they've trained people that thinking is bizarre 'hate' technique. just trust experts. they know best.
i used to think the problem with whites was plain cowardice. but in fact, 50% are too stupid to see muslims dont control banks/media
It's not in your interest to complicate what's simple. It's in your interest to simplify what is falsely made to appear complex. WHITE v JEW
yesterday's sanctimonious madmen advocated nigger release. howd that work out? today their successors advocate importing syrian terrorists
#classicnigger https://t.co/Y8pgRz2JvW
muh eeegull. muh tooshun. muh seersucker flag. if you're an adult who wear tshirts with words on them, please kill yourself
Mencken observed that Americans are the most conformist and cowardly people on earth, and it springs from our peasant-gooberstock. Moooo.
in america chairs and cups of coffee come with warning labels. because we're a bold, proud, free people, certainly not clownish poltroons
let me whitesplain, lil #tcot jebus cretin: jews got you to bomb muslim lands, get them riled up. then opened your borders to em. get it?
white nationalists alone truly understand what is defective in their race. that's the irony. https://t.co/34LKYcCisI
under christian guidance, whites have gone from a race of bold heroes to quivering cowards afraid of jewlets like kirchick and shapiro
when those who serve jews fear for their lives because of it, that's when we'll start making progress
christianity is a slave religion. white men, like housecats, werent domesticated overnight. they used to think and fight
self-interest and lack of self-respect are why whiteskin goy journalists serve jews by promoting their #antiwhite agenda
i'll take it.. https://t.co/t8g2e9cMvB
in the olden days, the king was someone who led by physical example, like slugger on baseball team. he was acclaimed captain, essentially
leaving race aside, big government has an interest in growing colonies of losers of various ilks. healthy people only need it for defense
the jews will try dirty tricks to deprive Trump of nomination, just as they did Ron Paul. but Trump is not as shaky as RP
since breivik's in jaill, i think Belgian Guy would make a greater fresh king for united Europe. he gets my vote
immigration is a DECISION taken by whoever rules the country but whiteskin xtian shit4brains think it's random like weather rather than JEWS
Man, there never was a race like whites for accepting something for nothing. You faggots are bought off by ANYTHING.
Breitbart and the Notorious F.A.G. are part of jew network, not opposition to it. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
yes. ... jews are not like other peoples. not in the least. https://t.co/UgK01o8Td4
their holidays all celebrate genocide. how clear do they have to make it? it's whites who are congenital dopes https://t.co/dbwiUIjYKM
to jews, all whites are nazis. to whites, all jews are jews. #nojewsjustright https://t.co/mZDI6bFio4
son, i'm older and more experienced than you and have known more jews than you have. she is hiding things from you. https://t.co/vvMZjA5YAC
Newsflash: people like to fuck. Even somewhat weird/married people and reasonably attractive women in orange dresses.
you're naive. jews only show you one side of their face. https://t.co/IVNOTvtF3H
yeah, i'm sure your water is fine...as long as it's being managed by whites. is it? https://t.co/DVPHPtytgc
When I look at Paul Ryan I see one thing: Irish Catholic weakness. He just looks...exactly like what he is. https://t.co/grzmtZeJ6Z
Their water too.. https://t.co/goFbKEhXTf
Hillary Clinton is simply a shabbos goy who earns her bread lying and murdering as the jews direct her.
If you're white, the jews are not your friend. Ever. They are your enemy. Always. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
Even some twink named "Gavin" has figured it out. https://t.co/ODJIg1SPot
Antiwhite gaslighting 24/7. Mainstream reporters are simply liars. They deserve to be machine-gunned. https://t.co/3Opc5V9ivn
"Let's fill Europe with people of failure while building a protective wall around Israel." --Sanhedrin & helper media
"Jews Feel Threatened By Murderous Jihadis They Let In To Terrorize White Natives" - Gaslighter Daily/Belgian ed.
leftists worship govt regulators, without acknowledging they come from corporate industry they despise, and invariably return to it
morons come of two schools: the first believes in jebus; the second in govt regulation "both big brothers were imaginary" (Twain)
All govt fundamentalists reason as though govt has some giant, pure neutral body of top experts for holy Regulation https://t.co/jMRnMns5hg
March 27, 2016:
Global European Unity can defeat #TeamJew and its jihadi monsters. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
"We exist to attack others, and to laugh at their pain." --Silas Borgen-Arbogas (famous Fr. 16th century nihilist)
what do christians call themselves? https://t.co/Sf4EGzjvrd
It's time for Authority to replace Money, as yockey would say https://t.co/idQqALnBhx
i'm willing to blind myself to reality in the name of an ideal. that's what makes me a good christian. (and a danger to all around me)
you'd have to have a heart of stone not to become a conman in her game https://t.co/DzxhFvy6C7
you ever seen where about six hyenas think they got a lion cornered, and just about to maybe go for it...that's where loser-canaille r 2day
zenophobicracistnazihooliganhaterextremistaardvarkpizzle...all because you want some fucking national borders? lol. you kikes take the cake
you're a hooligan if you dont want jews letting muslims blow up your country? wait? i thought you were a nazi?? which is it?
i can smell a nose-sex pervert miles off, and let me tell you, teddy cruz has my geiger humming like an early 90s fax machine
i DID not know that...very interesting.. https://t.co/6Iostodujy
stop listening to superannuated panderers, and start using the effective term: jews. name your enemy. fight him directly. dont apologize.
correct. unfortunately the term pervert has become unshakeably linked to sex, for that's precisely what she was https://t.co/SFJJn7hefh
what kind of a man could stand to see his own blood become a yid? https://t.co/DI4oAO4arw
rising movements are intolerant. while the right points out illogic and double standards, the jew-led left crushes all dissent
if you look at Mother Teresa and think, "now there's a good woman," i submit there is something deeply wrong with you
catholicism has not a word against race mixing and in fact has ALWAYS sought to break down racial distinctions https://t.co/CdtrLf8zW2
she doesnt look anything like you. just another dull soulless negroid https://t.co/TAxDrynvDM
hitler fought to protect europe. he fought communist jews. he lost. today communist jews fill europe with muslims. to destroy it. Get it?
if you read even small amt about Leo Frank, and how the jews rose to protect him, u'll agree extincting these bastards is moderate position
faggot. quit embarrassing eagles you retarded pos https://t.co/rYRNqSJtcx
put stray dogs to sleep. put feral cats to sleep. but keep a watch on The People. if any of them cry, put them to sleep #notears4theclown
poverty is a result of niggers. niggers cause poverty. Duck State tells you the opposite. and if you're a moron or have tits, you believe it
sociology is the belief that man is 100% determined by stuff around him. talk to one. they categorically deny internal motivation as such
christianity is salt peter for the soul https://t.co/Ty4fxSSy8y
politics is a neverending battle between liars and morons, both managed by jews. the nutritious stuff is called Hate and kept off the plate
women are attracted to evil. i suggest some of these floozies like to chafe their cache-sexes on the sinister hump in cruz's nose
rare good sociologist told me it's pretty much 100% marxists https://t.co/V9wfQItUKI
nice try but no bix nood https://t.co/TrqxkmAYjo
she had hair the color of mental illness, and a body that just wouldnt start https://t.co/D5zhDRjsJ2
the manwos gather off Baja. mating season is here. https://t.co/D5zhDRjsJ2
hitler tried to destroyed europe by filling it with muslim terrorists. ....(hand to ear) no...wait...that was the jews. my bad.
oh how cute. he's someone's puppet now, just like back then https://t.co/kCBs3WKJbI
SMELL THE STROFT https://t.co/zfVMCl7Dop
way to applaud him for selling out his bloodline. his ancestors will be little jewrats Christianity is #antiwhite https://t.co/QlqjIvlMEI
theres only 1 valid reason 2 own a cat. To loft it above r head, gurn it darkly & scream: "I've got to stop Xmas fm coming...but how?"
people who cant figure out to supply themselves with water (Jerry seinfeld voice) "Don't help those people!"
Yeah, but on upside it increases fornication opps for one Ann C. Awwww yeah. https://t.co/dOr9xVdsT8
I never feel glum. I always feel high. When I hear dat bell I spring for the fries. https://t.co/tL8TLRJB9p
jews are honest in only one way - sadism. they honestly derive pleasure from torturing non-jews. 3000 years of history demonstrates this
the catholic church appoints and passes around pedophile priests. the opposite of perseucting them https://t.co/GQxUCDO5tQ
a bunch of mud universalist trash is dead. who cares? good example: christians ARENT WHITE - by choice https://t.co/VjH9VC8deK
and they sat there and tolerated it all because like buchanan they're a bunch of christian idiots and cowards https://t.co/vrRb5KipLg
go to your refrigerator. enjoy all those muhTurditional molds on your jellies. eat them with GUSTO, BROTHER, for the PAST IS GOLD
In my new guise as Alexseyi Mondragon-Boneberg I will be articulating a sixth position, positing a White-Samoan Imperium for the Pfuture
jews/leaders rn't stupid, no matter what liars like #anncoulter tell you to sell their books. they know & intend exactly what you see on tv
jews enjoy torturing white populations, then denying what they're about Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
Conservative: a million anencephalous cowards shrieking "Mop the floor!" while the faucet's still running. #tcot #muheegull #muhTooshun
a small loyal racial group easily trumps a large confused set of universalists Only #TeamWhite can defeat #TeamJew
in mass media, politics > profits. that's why the jews promote fake radical (((chomsky's))) counterfactual "corporate" theories
99.9% of species that ever existed are extinct. let's add jews to that pile. you know - since they're trying to do it to us. #TeamWhite
how 2 recognize white racists: they're the ones NOT blowing people up (muzz), committing street crime (nigs), making excuses in press (jews)
uh...let's give due appreciation to the eminent mammaries of that middle gal https://t.co/sJj3xCWUQR
Polarize. Between Team White and Team Jew. Then fight. That's it. Anything else is distraction leading to confusion and wasted time.
the JEWISH media is all about profits, that's why they PRODUCED & PROMOTED Passion of the Christ, even tho they hate jebus personally #irony
it would honestly be better of all patriotards & anon varmints quit the field, and 90% of altright too. we need POLARIZATION, and you muddy
no group given public respect in the mass media EVER critcizes jews. ever notice that? think that's by accident?
wholly imaginary: anti-muslims/jew "hate" - wholly real, legal, and media covered-UP: on-white terrorism, hatred, discrimination #TeamWhite
jews have been the head of the black community for 100+ years, and now they are head of the whiteskin community too
how would the #BlackLivesMatter crowd be treated in the media if they discussed jew social engineers who wrecked the black family?
Counter-exterminate the jews, white man, and every other outcome you seek will come along in train. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
Black Lives Matter is treated as something independent. But in fact is jew-funded and -promoted. Otherwise, it's just rioters & looters.
Message to #WhitakersWhimps. Don't let that old fool cut off your balls off. This Easter, become a man. Use the term jews. Grow up.
it must sink all the way in with people: no other group -- NO OTHER GROUP -- has the network, money & media jews do. THEY call the shots
apart from some tribal shit in equatorial africa (and only 80% sure of that), jews are behind quite literally all the evil and wars in world
masses are driven by what they see rather than facts. they fixate on faces (Bush or Obama) and ignore the (jewish) production values
the concept of Secret Kings - how does this not map completely onto mainstream conservative (eagle-tooshun faggotry) mentality? #tcot
the jews are the problem. the conservatives are the fake solution that hides the real problem A helpful message from #TeamWhite
you know what i liked most about Trump so far - that he showed just a touch of Charlie Bucket in ACKNOWLEDGING "our" murder of innocents
people who disagree with me are a sad lot of pig-fuckers. maybe not literally. maybe. but spiritually, for sure
what is the attraction of the jebus fiction? what but the Exaltation of Self Pity, the eternal resort of Mass Loserman
whites are like fish. the jew throws something in water, the fish all gather round to look and exclaim. utterly unconscious of fisherman
here's the reality kiddies... these are comparative distances represented by dots... niggers..whites................................jews
if there is anything more tiring in politics than listening to some Gump who can barely read dr seuss tardsplain Muh Bible... there aint
jews tell their people: non-jews are animals christians: we're all brothers equal in eyes of god muslims: kill them if they dont convert
muslims murder christians. christians forgive them. jews make sure they get together. All three of these cults are #antiwhite shite
This easter, why not quick listening to a professional panderer, and grow yourself from a rabbit to a man? #realnames #realarguments
in jew-controlled countries, the sensible, obvious thing to do is never on the table. the debate is always limited to two fake options
Easter is a fertility celebration. So irrigate your wife and piss on jew jebus. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
most of the white population is subrational; it's easy to be fooled on by this. what we see around us is the product of very few minds
the jews rule. they let in muslim terrorists. they pay the police to attack racial loyalists. the morons see the muslims; the wise see jews
All jews and muslims must be out of white lands (2nd best), underground (best) and political leadership taken by overtly racial White men.
This tweet is a good example of the mentality that led whiteskin South Africans to the slaughter. https://t.co/vaJuFvaUMx
This Easter watch a great White film: The Wicker Man. Then fuck your wife. Because Easter is about fertility, & christianity is #antiwhite.
March 26, 2016:
Christianity is the jew manager. We really need him. He says. We are the White talent. We don't. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
Christianity is #antiwhite. An important Easter message from #TeamWhite https://t.co/FwXp8VkgjC
You don't even need that first sentence. https://t.co/GA1q7CP3Gd
Christianity is #antiwhite. https://t.co/dPpbcohbS0
are you ever standing in a store and you get philip-dick-paranoid that mod society is all a plot to create acephalous 400-lb humanic wedges
As Mike Myers said, Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance. https://t.co/xdx0np36LL
I steadfastly deny that the average AmeriKwan is a moron. He is an obese moron. #ItsMourninginAmeriKwa
most christians cant make out intellectual contradictions, let alone see why they matter. go your way. we will go the White way #TeamWhite
i only respond to people using their real name. (unless it serves my purpose). this is not a personal attack on you. https://t.co/k8GAPbRtUd
all over the country christians turd-herder churches accept money to help discoloreds destroy white society, drag it down to Baptist level
christian doctrine is inherently #antiwhite. it awaited only the 20th century's technology to make that fact manifest
christianity fashions whiteskins into a slave population serving jews A helpful message from #TeamWhite
Teeming millions of Indians controlled by a handful of Brits in 1800s...so it is with whiteskin conservatives and jews in 2016 #tcot
conservatives like smoke being blown up their ass. and they're cowards. this makes them incredibly easy to control by very tiny numbers.
there is nothing deeply true that "can't" be said, and only women and the terminally effeminate think otherwise
it's the quickest way to show you reject the entire System and piss on its strongest taboos https://t.co/R0Rmc0KBuq
jew-left has self-control and pursues rational, impersonal RACIST (irony) politics. goy-left are shrieking, delusional cultists. BIG diff.
if blacks had composure, dignity, brains and self-control - id look the fool calling them niggers. it works because its deep and true
'white boy,' 'white male,' 'black man' - what do they have in common? they are all propaganda terms in the (((junkmedia)))
i love that half the people who fancy they are pro-white use 'black men' utterly unthinkingly. it's a PROPAGANDA TERM you lackwits
you southern rugrats dont grasp it. i'm not like y'all. when i say i'm done with you, i mean it. this aint no rollercoaster, son
the price to be paid for allowing jews to run your countries is having muslims blow up your train stations
all i say about Him is that He doesnt exist; it's you christian gooberonis who claim He invented niggers
the only time the jewsmedia are willing to concede blacks fail at anything is when a (carjacking/robbery) turns into a murder
my spectacles are cloudy...is that a nigger? https://t.co/2f8vxkwbmf
(multiple-post)... When I worked at Blockbuster back in the early 00's, the worst thing they told us about during training was warning (1/x)
America is full of high quality people. Most of them hide in caves and only come out during leap years.
as they do to all who might threaten jew power (earlier examples: Ron Paul, David Duke, Pat Buchanan) https://t.co/qXif9x41Bc
The whole thing is a sci-fi story. https://t.co/HBDJNWcXWM
Trump would do horrible things. Like not starting wars. And making other nations pay for their own defense.
it cant be heaven if christians are admitted https://t.co/2hwDuwjavD
Eagles really resent forced association with morons. #MuhTooshun https://t.co/hnwgSUIApk
Dahl is the master https://t.co/gOstujWrYZ
Jesus christ, even jebus only washed them. https://t.co/YDQjKyCGM4
To the tiny brain of the middle class khaki-wetter, "Coudenove-Kalergi" has many syllables so is more Impressive than mere-accurate "jew."
Mass media give jews a base to attack the white population they hate (#loxism). Otherwise, they might as well be in sausage industry.
Belief in causality, almost alone, make you an elitist, because the common man does not. He believes in luck, fate, chance.
He is Risible. If you're not laughing, it's because you're an idiot, coward or fool. Christianity is #antiwhite.
honor and pride are what drive us to find a way out. without those, nothing. with them, begin to organize and arrange details
Evil Israel is the most dangerous country in the world. https://t.co/8otLZJN0g9
Whites in general have become too spiritually degraded to state the problem in plain terms (jews murdering white nations), let alone face it
Muslims own no mass media. Muslims control no central banks. They kill people from the bottom up. Jews do it from top down.
Don't get caught up in personalities with the girls (most altright included here), look to the principles. We are White. Our enemy is jew.
Be tough. Be strong. Be decisive. Be White. You ever hear anyone in church tell you any of these. Nope. They're not xtian values.
March 25, 2016:
"what is the color of the black suspects not mentioned in article" https://t.co/zNnvD8U3Cw
Cruz is out fucking different women, and you're gibing about it on the internet. He's "immoral." What are you?
we dont have to be Odinists, but we do need those values now. dont we? your little semitic sandal wearing faggot luv cult aint cutting it
We are allowing a tiny population of wee manlets like Benji Shapiro to cow and buffalo us. This should never not agog and shame us.
now i'm going around saying "wee manlet" in a scottish accent...it's not the kind of thing that gets old
if one way is blocked, find another way. "Refuse to be blocked and you'll get the job done" as NFL coach said https://t.co/0w6XvqeXjD
it's just sort of a cultural Febreeze for the mentally feeble https://t.co/hRzCnQRMnJ
They studied one million anatomically male Catholic believers, and not a single one of them had voice registering in bass zone.
"We fill their lands with Muslims, many of whom are terrorists. When they react, we call them Nazis. Simple. Effective." --Nathan Jacob Wise
Jews must be recognized by all white men as the enemy, and they must be treated the way reason and history show we'd be wise to.
The jew lets em in. The pope licks their feet. The white man looks around and says what the hell is going on here. #TeamWhite
so...perhaps you christians can tell me. what tastes better: 1) jewish ass 2) muslim toejam #crosscucks
if you're not into quality, standards or truth, christianity has a whole system worked out for you YES, licking muslim toejam is involved
you who promote the crusaders are historically ignorant - they were neither a white force nor particularly successful. no model for now
March 24, 2016:
Christianity is #antiwhite. https://t.co/y69MBYaTVt
Full audiobook - Imperium, by Francis Yockey. text + commentary, in multiple segements at https://t.co/AodeIi9Doo https://t.co/f5pyrFBszJ
that's right. it's an existential hate. to which the only response is fight, breed and middle finger... https://t.co/beEtfAd751
and this comment applies to literally every single one of us and all our relatives. so far as i can tell. https://t.co/hKjfVqnBtj
March 22, 2016:
this isnt even the first time. all thru history jews have facilitated muslim invasion of Europe. jews = bad guys https://t.co/RcXwO2BebA
kick the muslims out of europe...right after the JEWS WHO LET THEM IN A helpful message from #TeamWhite
if you prefer the comfortable lie, then you are a conservative, not a man. your rulers aren't stupid, you are weak #tcot
if you take the radical position that maybe the people who run all these nations aren't stupid...then what?
well then we better give up, and certainly not work together and use our numbers https://t.co/MZOLtap5ed
you forgot the "nigger" on top of the faggot part https://t.co/DxC3Bki2Sl
you can have all you like of me...only price is using your real name. and being worth responding to. so yeah...i wont wait up
Trump invented trolling, awesome https://t.co/I709Fxk7et
#tcot conservatives support israel, especially when she murders american citizens https://t.co/LQIAS6hzTu
you know ponderosa. you pay up front. then you eat. that's how the holocaust is. we've already paid. but we're going to eat. #TeamWhite
john oliver theme song: Pencil Neck Geek https://t.co/VXkkCiEkp7 via @YouTube
The Brady Bunch Movie: Tattle tail https://t.co/2nuX3kk9B6 via @YouTube
they're not some .37-cent-sweatin' stole-muh-underwear nordern nodicks, theyz big bold cavaliers snorting laffing all way to noodle bank
jews are the bad guys. not the good guys. there's not really a whole lot more to it than that. yeah. everything you've been told was a lie.
never be defensive, only attack once you get used to it, it's easy. and god-mcDamn is it fun A helpful message from Joe G & #TeamWhite
whites and niggers had arrangement. stay ouf whiteville or we will FUCK YOU UP. this worked. then jews came...who is doing better now? JEWS
if a guy throws cockroaches all over your kitchen, do you blame the roaches? or the guy? think hard, conservatives, this is a tough one
church says you're immoral if you advocate counter-extermination of jews. as for white-genocidal jews, why churchy is all for 'em
what do white men need most of all these days - pride. not to grovel before yids. what does their cult say about pride? ya think mebbe..
muslims are just like niggers - they protect their own criminals. the jew siccing these groups on us whites know this. #loxism #TeamWhite
it's simple. our cause isnt a political position or a religion - it's our kind. our race. and it fights our enemy - the jew. and his tools.
if you came home and someone taped open a water tap, would your first act be to: 1) take off tape, turn off tap 2) mop the floor
crissies and conservatives are worse than uselesss, they are actively destructive. just sit down and get out of the way, cringing crudballs
Boom goes the dynamite. https://t.co/q7k9ujQno3
not just plausible, straight fact https://t.co/1YnENmfUlZ
everything you believe, if you havent specifically considered it, was put there by a communist jew. muck yr brain cells of jewshit, u must
if the people who let the terrorists in are still in charge of the governments, wouldnt that be the natural starting point
"America has been given a semitic countenance. Americans who hold power hold it in deference to the alien." --Francis Yockey
What are South lessons? Be tough. Don't smile all the time. Be honorable. The avg Southren is a shitbag - but the elites WERE genuine.
Did you ever notice that people don't have personalities anymore? And most cars are colorless, and airstreamed?
We are in the middle of an attempted murder of the white race, and the murderer is the jew. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
The White way is to face jews directly. All proxies ultimately will disappoint us, and using a fake name won't make trouble go away.
Hate muslims but love Israel? You're an idiot. Israel and jews are the reason your country is full of muslims and terrorists. #tcot
March 21, 2016:
the soft bigotry of low expectations https://t.co/mS9TPNuDMZ
hey a great idea: instead of fighting jews under our real names, lets pretend to be cutesy varmints and go after abstractions
March 20, 2016:
bonobos = kaffirs = orangutans https://t.co/2faxht2Vdf
christianity is original and ultimate leveller doctrine; it's always funny and telling how tradcranks refuse to acknowledge this
if we'd listened to our racial instincts, jews long ago would have been counter-exterminated. but we listened to the church. mistake!
christians are people who have to build an alt-culture in a nation in which they are the 90% majority. what a bunch of cucked out faggots
A jew said this in the 1800s: "It [jewry] will obtain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers".
the number of jews that can be tolerated in white lands has been measured precisely by scientists. it is zero #TeamWhite
make jews admit they're jews. make them admit their agenda is jewish. then it will be clear to the dumbest: JEWS ARE #ANTIWHITE - always
black hair black eyes black hearts - and black soil to shovel on top of them #MamaWhatIsAJew https://t.co/ujB6v1DLom
it's almost like jews are a bunch of liars https://t.co/xYaNd6IUNO
and by "pay their respects" you mean dance like the amateur monkeys they are https://t.co/zNLI97pYIh
if you believe in national borders (outside of israel) you're a xenophobic racist nazi. in 2016, future man, this was NOT an exaggeration
Which is denying civil rights: violently interfering w overt public political speech? or refusing to bake cake for sex degenerates?
When I first got on the internet, folks loved to circulate that "oo late to work w/in the System, too early to shoot the bastards."
the only thing that matters in politics is identifying the jews as the source of the crap we hate. everything else is less than secondary
the nazis were the only group that dared to stand up to the jews, THAT is why they are demonized, paticularly by the cowards (conservatives)
i dont care what they call it, or how much power they have to make it taboo, if THEY are against it, that proves it's a good thing. #Racism
Glenn Beck is a good example that religious belief is properly classed with drugs and drinking as a social menace (call it delusion).
if it grew a little it could be a 36 short, as they used to call 'em https://t.co/MBzeLoE22g
"our" politicians are turned out punks who serve kike bosses like soros, adelson and the rest. the media = jews + whiteskin commies
#tcot Conservative Cowards Support Israel #Treason https://t.co/3UsepVF3IR
you're bragging about being a charwoman? https://t.co/vlmvZgGOOz
the more anonymous, the higher the standards should be... and that's how it is, in my dreamworld https://t.co/u9ThAbP6sF
the gift of asymmetry is distributed unevenly https://t.co/ChwF97ZYus
March 19, 2016:
why people got to be such moronic dickheads? i'm not even talking about race. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER, you waddling addlepates
not responding to anyone i dont think is using his real name. this is not an attack on you personally, i fancy it helps politically
when i was young i observed jews: a) usually get special treatment from fawning xtians; b) push destructive ideas https://t.co/Nl3oujYE73
In my experience, people named X Xson, or who use three names routinely, are generally untrustworthy.
We should be ASHAMED at our LOSS OF HONOR in ALLOWING jews to dominate us. Absolutely ashamed. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
It is undeniable that jews as a group have stronger will that whites...right now. Whites are content with xtian pablum, jews dominate.
Yockey says race is a matter of feeling not anatomy. He also says strength-of-will is way to measure a race.
March 17, 2016:
make america jewier https://t.co/59lIoE2Upu
restore normal whites to power, counter-exterminate jews, watch America (or any white nation) flourish #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
jews are a race of liars; thus by necessity a race of murderers. they are not part of your nation, as you're lied, they're a parasite on it
you could literally write a computer program to produce jew-controlled media reports since they are 100% written to template
black children dont fail school. schools fail black children. notice this inversion? this is the pattern ALWAYS followed in jew-press
https://t.co/2NOViim7TI 3 Saki stories.. (27m)
March 16, 2016:
a lot of the people i see calypsoing around outdoors, they're good at amassing atoms but not so good at putting them in order
left organizes violence, blames it on the victim. this is gaslighting. it is ubiquitous in the controlled media
Whites built America from scratch. It's our country. jews and discoloreds have nothing to do with it, and no say in OUR future. #TeamWhite
Leo Frank pardoned 30 years ago #adl #bnaibrith #leofrank #Atlanta #splc https://t.co/Tr0wCVLMh4
about 90% of them https://t.co/I7PvNf3s0p
what's trying to get out thru Trump is the extreme legitimate anger of the white community at 100 years of #antiwhite judaization
the birth canal analogy is good, so is arm stuck in sleeve. the White body struggles for its own head, not just some half-assed proxy
dont make the mistake, as do progressives and reactionaries, in thinking that our ancestors were radically worse or better than we are
jews are exactly like teenagers who will keep pushing if they encounter no resistance. only a #TeamWhite can solve whiteworld's pol problems
bored without any serious opposition, in 2015 global #TeamJew began pushing millions of muds into Europe to rape whites and produce response
in this wall trumps going to build will be evenly spaced hooks from which to hang the jews who opened our border in 1965
use whatever adjs you like to modify, the only term that matters it the noun jews. the jews are a team. a team at war with #TeamWhite
Trump isn't down with endless war for Israel abroad and demographic war on whites at home, and this explains 100% of jewish opp to him
there is no better example of chutzpah (brazen lying, ie jewish culture) than the claim opp to Trump is from principled conservatives #tcot
you know what you do to meat before you cook it and consume it...you tenderize it ... now..thats you how deal with cons #beatemneatem
Vanguard Audio Books: The Learning College: two hours on Dugin on Heidegger, text and some commentary https://t.co/WGfCFZ2nWw #vnnforum
there are no real Southerners, just muhBars retards, but there were giants once, and we respect and EMULATE them (if we big enuf) #TeamWhite
life should have some jauntiness to it, otherwise its just grimly recombining atoms. that doesnt seem very realistic to me
if you cant separate friend from enemy, you're not ready for real politics. schmitt, yockey et al make this clear. #muhTooshun #njjr
how "alt" are you if fawn support over a woman who publicly denounces your kind? #altright "meet the new slave, same as the old slave"
your legs dont even have borders, you barren, punch-pulling mudshark https://t.co/bxsgGsLFHX
the muslims at least dare to fight jews; the christians roll over on their bellies Get on your feet, whiteskin. Join #TeamWhite
shapiro's behavior is principled, which is why it's hard for whiteskin simps to understand: the neocons stick to their warmonger agenda
are jews scared of whiteskin goyim or whiteskin goyim scared of jews do go on about white nobility A helpful message from #TeamWhite
March 15, 2016:
group strategy vs group evolutionary strategy which of these is more powerful politically? think hard, salty
jews hate goyim. they find them contemptible. animals. significant only insofar as they can be used. #supportthetroops #tcot
shappy isnt even a cockroach, he's more like a vaginaroach https://t.co/3mSof5jtN9
"The ability to create a friend-enemy disjunction is the essence of the political." If you think jews are any part of 'us,' u've been duped
conservatives explaining things is neo-scholasticism. just use the term jew and jewish agenda... pathetic little shrimp-balled pinkies
what explains jew shapiros actions? 1) that he's a jew pushing jew agenda (#AlwaysAntiwhite) 2) anything else
The conservative is the conformist coward who loves veiled self praise in horseshit "liberals are stupid" and "blacks raise kids wrong."
take a group of 100 hominids. strip them naked. do they fall into what is reasonably described as a "spectrum" or 2 classes?
jews are organized. they have more money than any other group. they own more media. they control american politics. #politics101 #tcot
pretending jews aren't organized and dont have an agenda - hey whiteskin Tooshun jackass: THEY ARENT AS DUMB AS YOU #tcot
March 14, 2016:
CY is a jew herself: ekaterina jung, russian jew https://t.co/UkJvN4fKvs
March 13, 2016:
everything you read in 'mainstream' media is written from minority point of view: that of the (redundant) #antiwhite jew #loxism
An unsophisticated thought: what if America had a president not beholden to jewish money? https://t.co/sbOJa1rnWl
"Trump should serve jews and appease niggers, like a real manlet" [email protected]
The European Giant https://t.co/EQDuCs1owS via @YouTube
March 12, 2016:
whites like trump are the reason blacks are violent, and blacks are the reason whites like trump are successful #IfJewThenLie
when it doesn't matter, jews pretend to be on different sides; when it does matter (race), jews are all on the same side: against #TeamWhite
do you notice all these 'right-wing' jews like shapiro and goldberg and ben stein are all on the side of jew Soros #TeamJew hates you
"the jews took over america without ever firing a shot." but as we saw in chicago, violence both in threat and reality was always integral
what do you think gets little ann to make such tepid approaches to the jew thing as she does? her froglet fans, or her laughing enemies
you want the result but you dont want the work to get there, eternal shit of chicken 1) real name 2) White not con/xtian 3) antiJEW
the alt-fright (the YOUNG scaredycats) fawn over mudshark Ann, while the barrenness slobs the knob of jew Benji Shapiro. me i jes laffs
the Post is a jewish antiwhite organ, has been for 100 years https://t.co/sMIjTdl4I3
Benji Lil Shapper Shapiro and Jonah Great Whale Goldberg are the blood and ideological kin of the yids who produce both porn & USSR
jews put YOUR white children at risk If you're a xtian manlet, you thank them and lick their feet cuz you a little dog #TeamWhite
there are no good jews, they are all #antiwhite, and anyone who tells you otherwise aids Team Jew whether he realizes it or not
what is gaslighting? This headlin from Washington Post is perfect example. https://t.co/mtvNiaUk6b
jew A pays nigs to riot. jew B writes sympathetc "news" coverage. jew C decries white privilege THEY are Team Jew. WE are #TeamWhite
March 11, 2016:
jews are The Problem. violent niggers are one of the problems The Problem causes A helpful message from #TeamWhite
jews are the bad guys open your mind, man if that's true, then everything you believe is...upside down
jebus is as unthinkable as a manly man as semite; it only makes psych-sense to portray him as nordic effeminate
quietly or loudly, all jews are on the side of the racial destruction of US and Europe - and racial preservation of Israel
jews arent a monolith, saith the fool. but when it comes to (Trump) anything that threatens their agenda, why look at em all line up
Which proud state claims the residence of this peach of intellection? https://t.co/SsLUE2OUG4
if you said: we can prevent termites from eating our homes by teaching them catholicism, you'd be laughed out of the room. but jews...
jews on the "right" pretend they're on the side of normal whites. They're not. But that's the shtick and the trick
#TeamWhite vs Team Jew. These are the actual forces doing battle, no matter the cover story from liar left and safe right.
March 07, 2016:
If you want to be loved...be lovable. There's some work involved. People don't like that part. https://t.co/mtREeCNoSa
Typical American halfwit. #Muhbible https://t.co/6TuF14sQA7
https://t.co/cBSYLhNvXT MP3 (42m) Yockey on Marxism
March 06, 2016:
there is no solution but physically exterminating jews that CAN work that is the argument. there is no argument against it
so much blather, friend and foe. it's boring in the end. the bottom line is: either we make jews extinct, or they make whites extinct
the thing at the head of the classroom never struck student me as deserving any particular respect. unless it earned it
conservative = christian = coward https://t.co/mgUVIkNQwp
planned by the jews she has suckpooped her entire career Christianity is #antiwhite https://t.co/1S7RrvHg0m
"preserve the Constitution" - man, the revolution WAS, to not coin a phrase. when the jews murdered free association - that was the It
the jews point out in Protocols that most goyim are patriotard idiots who accept words for behavior every time
altright = paleocon = catholic = jew-servile twink https://t.co/RlCR4ZwDw5
March 05, 2016:
Treating conservatives with contempt is the only way to draw whatever positive elements they retain. Beat them, whip them, scourge them.
Anything associated with Jared Taylor is #antiwhite https://t.co/48L1T7JKD5
Deal with the ORGAN GRINDERS not the DANCING MONKEYS The JEWS are murdering the west. The career-girl cuckservatives merely help them.
Columbus wasn't a jew, that's idle lying. https://t.co/VofNcnGL5L
lying is The Jewish Way. it was "how you got through life" -- Monica Lewinsky https://t.co/ffHfxoYX6E
Cuckference promotes the Big Lie it's suicide rather than murder by jew. https://t.co/TYXTT34AP4
The notion niggers have souls, hence innate value, is christian. If you don't like the world we live in, blame christianity, a semitic cult.
Support for Israel is treason to America. #USSLiberty https://t.co/dhB0JYDpZx
if they were burning women as witches in salem...they're taking women pretty seriously. too seriously, in fact. that was the problem
Iran isn't working on a nuke, they're working on a giant man-launcher for homo skeet shooting. #pull #nohomo
if you're pro-white why do you leap to blame the white figureheads instead of the jew producers? https://t.co/7gzHWFBkzG
shtetlbugz be shvitzin' https://t.co/R2Pggz1C3W
that is a quality tweet my negress. i do so detest me a feminine ass nigga https://t.co/VswQpSguNI
An American president of German and Scottish descent, with blond hair and blue eyes...who puts the US and Americans ahead of jews/Israel?YES
March 04, 2016:
Trump in jews eyes is perfect avatar and representative of...the Aryan race. Which they hate and seek to destroy. He may even know this.
The jews' hatred of Donald Trump is...racial. They hate his blond hair. His blue eyes. His kind. USA. _Us_. https://t.co/I0narlpc7s
Stupid comment. All ir proves is you dont understand jews. Zionism isn't the problem, jews are the problem. https://t.co/zNQa1T2n6W
to deserve the title Greatest Generation it would have had to seize warmongering jews by their collective neck and hang them until dead
If you believe in Jesus, you're an idiot. Doesn't matter how high your IQ is. That's the truth, folks. And it aint going away. #TeamWhite
Dope goes to what is called college. Leftist jewtard tells him human sexuality is a spectrum. Dope gulps it like a catfish on chicken liver.
As Thomas Jefferson used to say, you can sex a snapping turtle with your thumb, but He won't thank you for it.
Used to be, you had to don your nastiest trenchcoat, slink down to the red-light district to see vids of strange men being thrown off roofs.
The bull attacks the cape, ignores the matador. So the whiteskin xtian dupetard attacks the muslim, ignores the jew.
If you're one of these cranks who claims he feels unsafe because others own guns, how can you feel safe with them owning cars?
Surely there nothing more insipidly ridiculous than Rawlsian socialism..then one encounters christianity. NO. I am a man. I laugh & saltate.
I like to wear nice-looking Dockers(tm) and blue button-down shirts, and lick jew splooge off bathroom walls. Has #CPAC got a place for me?
All these people hunched over their little electronic pocket squares, failing to appreciate the beauty of gods miserable midwinter overcast.
I just hate maudlin crap, whether christian-religious moralistic mawkishness or horseshit-Steinbeckian-secular-socialist.
Remember when the Grinch has the toys all march, skedaddle and chug into the Great Bag? That's my social policy for freaks.
That's that alt-popeye Looney https://t.co/2R0svkCJ9n
Man, back in the eighties, I never imagined being able to watch videos of fags being thrown off roofs in the privacy of my own hovel.
Jews should be classed and treated as vermin, like roaches or mosquitoes. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
In the old days, philosophers used to debate whether it was more appropriate to elevate buttsexers by crane or backhoe.
Why does Shapiro, Gottfried, the dead unlamented jew Auster do what it do? Because it's part of #TeamJew #TeamWhite
Nothing more bizarre than watching "right wingers" go out of their way to find evasion for simple, clear, logical, accurate JEW-splanation.
They knew how to talk in those days. Even the bloodless northern ilk could swing an insult. https://t.co/LhZApcEzvi
March 03, 2016:
I grew up reading Mary Baker Patterson Glover Querulous Eddy. No amout of jargon or abstraction can phase me! #RealityHo
Please support my #TimorousMidgets campaign to uglify the rich, beautiful WASP highmindset of #PomonaCollege w truth degradation & facthate
#PomonaCollege: a place for #daringminds or #TimorousMidgets? https://t.co/QFKM28EB2q
Clan Romney needs to look within itself and ask why it can't be honest about race. It matters. It won't stop mattering. You all know it.
Study finds 4 out of 4 jews hate goyim. https://t.co/l1pWjzRZnN
March 01, 2016:
munching on some delicious fried spiders from an old family recipe @michellemalkin sent me. with plum sauce, SO TASTY
you can be a man. you can be a woman. or you can be a freak. if you're a freak, you can't be normal. by definition. fly your flag in closet
Donald Trump was +800 to win the presidency (when i last looked). He is now +220. HUGE shift in his direction by pro money men
it is easy to make the case jews must be counter-extincted, and impossible to make a case against it
the funniest irony of all, which isnt funny, is that if whites had 1/1000th the racial animosity jews claim - jews wouldn't exist
February 28, 2016:
Donald Trump's campaign is the angry headless white nation's stumbling attempt to rip jew-Frankenhead off and find the right one.
The simplest explanation that covers the given facts is that jews are attempting to murder white nations. #Occam
govt rolls its own. always. creates the kind of losers that cant function without it. https://t.co/W5g3nDFR2s
slurp your bark soup and stfu https://t.co/aABluLYmdH
February 27, 2016:
Revelation aint nothing but moron's alt-flatulence... It is in every way as bloviant and inconsequential as the noises cows make at twilight
Asking why is the devil's question. C.S. Lewis said this. #1 christian apologist of 20th century. Do you wonder why jews rule over us?
American population's lack of interest in 'why' is partly due to shit genetics, but mostly due to christianity and its charlatan apologists.
it's the only subject matter that's safe. country music has been completely frankfurted https://t.co/eisMFdEgXu
we need that pervert who played Dad Brady to record a mini-lecture explaining 2 kidz not to dye your hair mental-problem blue
just remember: no right-wing intellectual ever doubted his ability to reason anything out, just yours #muhBurke #muhprivatestock
at the least and maybe most white culture is exploration and questing, both physical and mental. hence whites colonized/invented everything
white people invented everything. but they have no culture. but pick up every article in your arms length. who invented it hmmgeehmm
whites are becoming more numerous, stronger, racially aware, and flat angry...by the hour... tick tock tick tock, jewnig come to full stop
are you white? if you follow me, you probably are. now sniff your armpit. or both if you have em. are you dying? are you suicidal? hmm?
political correctness is semitical correctness - it's what jews do to white nations. warp the language, seize the guns, mix out the genes
February 26, 2016:
The Latest: Mom of dead teacher says sentence 'unacceptable' https://t.co/OzUI0vmvs6 remember this larval nigger..
Jews jes' need to come to jebus. That'll cure them. <-------------actual christian policy. Do you wonder how we arrived at today?
it should be as untoward to mention prayer in public as it used to be masturbation, before stern & jews Frankfurted us
If we whites work as a team, we CAN defeat jews. Because then our numbers come into play to counter their chokepoint control.
The nazis figured out how to defeat jews: make a racial team. To mirror their racial team. This is the only way whites can defeat jews.
The Nazis were AHEAD of whites in Anglo countries. If you admit this as a possibility (unthinkinable to 99% of Anglo-dopes) a world opens.
what killed self-respect in white men? christianity there is no way around it: this cult's mentality is killing our race
a cause has to be able to punish opponents. until it can do this, the white movement is a theory not a reality #TeamWhite
the jews are the only ones with a powerful network. they disguise this network, and kill any rival before it gets started. this is reality
i'm seeing more faggots out there with discolored hair. not just cosmetologists. worry about the colors inside your head, faggots
anyone who uses 'obsessed' or some version of sperg to describe jew-namers is 1) using jewed rhetoric, 2) doesn't grasp the depth of problem
for fear of being declared immoral by the doctrines of a semitic cult, the white man passed mocked and hated from the face of the earth
it is essential to treat jews as a monolith - just as jews like tim wise treat white men A helpful message from #TeamWhite
YOU are promoting #whitegenocide when you treat jews as individuals. regardless how you feel about it or what your cult tells you
jews are the white man's only serious enemy christianity is what keeps the white man from defeating this enemy #TeamWhite
christian cowards (redundant) keep kissing jew ass https://t.co/pnmobDM56S
never take shit from jews. but that is what our race is doing right now, thanks to christianity, and the loser mentality it spreads
jew the jew. aryan elite have always been > jews at anything artistic. we can jew them better than they jew us - if we dare
i never listen to country but when i do it seems completely dumbed down, reduced, to party/drinking/hotness songs
something i learned: there's actually a semi-mainstream fiction series around Amish. i dont know if they're Frankfurted in it
It's impossible to make a movement out of people who believe fidelity to basic principles is 'puritanism.'
I dont suck up to people who shit on me. But then, I'm not #altfright. Now cowardice has _two_ flavors.
The #altfright sucks up to a mudshark who publicly shits on them and praises jews. all while bloviating about #cuckservatives
Professional conservatives jerk off their customers with fantasies about how smart they are. This comfortable lie sells books like no other.
Not one person, not even Trump, will forthrightly state that all this misery is a result of intl jews attempting global genocide on whites.
Yes, I think that a woman with multiple serious advanced degrees (vs education) cant foresee results of letting in 2m lol-Syrians. Really?
Encouraging right-wing dolts to believe rulers are stupid or don't know what they're doing is a proven #tcot moron pacifier.
Polarize the public between whites and jews. This is the divide that matters. This is the split we win with.
The jews use violence every day of the year against their enemies. What do you suppose their agents among us advocate?
When you treat jews as individuals, as conservatives, as serious in their ostensible arguments - they win. Treat them only as #TeamJew
Remember: the simpleton doesn't believe in causes, because he can't see them. Everything is weather to the moron.
Trapped by christian doctrine, itself the product of yids, the white man finds himself pushed ever quicker by jews toward genetic genocide.
Jews aren't a political problem, they're a vermin infestation - a public hygiene problem, as Joe G. said.
February 25, 2016:
what about christianity isn't contemptible? its sad-sackism? its clownish hostility to basic facts? its kicked-cur-level jew-servility?
There is no reason to think the jews leading the 'west' have any different end in mind for whites than their relatives had in Russia.
out of this horrible twisted mass of fools, charlatans and knaves...come extremely valuable traditions to be preserved at all costs #muhtrad
February 24, 2016:
traditionalists are invariably men who think the mass of humanity depraved and limited - so...yeah. worship their traditions.
christian simpletons bragging about kicking out jews 109x is like a nigger bragging about repeating second grade
the only people i have seen nonpolitically and unreservedly praise white men were a random queer (stallions & cowboys) and Camille Paglia
i sing the boob lugubrious his mawken yawp i ear gummiferous humility the untergang draws near --Alt-Wittman
February 23, 2016:
The racialists are a type. The type that wants to fight. The conservatives are a type. The type that wants to flee. #TeamWhite
The conservative is a type - the coward. He calls his cowardice prudence, and prides himself on it. #tcot A helpful message from #TeamWhite
the only genuine alternative to jew/left and jew/right scam is not altfright but racialism, overt, hostile, publicly anti-jew #TeamWHite
the professional conservatives have one principle: do whatever the jew with the money tells you to. their behavior is 100% predictable
February 22, 2016:
one can only imagine what he does with that thing when the lights are off https://t.co/UdJLCVqQlk
February 21, 2016:
instead of being a parrot, slow down and think about what you're saying. what is the 180-degree position from your squawk? is it wrong?
shame he wasted his skill on trivial subjects https://t.co/RG1vyIYyhE
yeah, jews should be forced to acknowledge they're jews, too https://t.co/HKv2224hZd
thinking means making distinctions and generalizations parallel to both parts of WHITE MAN are important
xtianity sets up white men with a cult of guilt and redemption. jews decide what makes us guilty (our genes) and what redeems us (death)
February 20, 2016:
the way back involves pride. pride means self respect. self respect means standards. xtianity produces sniveling servitors, not men
the white man had accomplished greece and rome and and and before the mass slob slave loser religion made its appearance
christianity made the white man great the white man made xtianity great which seems likelier to you, simpson
Contary to what this lying twink @jartaylor says, there is no such thing as not taking a position on jews.
jews use muslims to destroy whites jews use niggers to destroy whites what do whites use to destroy jews
by "we" of course you mean the jews who dictate "our" policies https://t.co/gHHhMjPwhU
February 19, 2016:
What geographic and weather similarities are there besides none between Scotland and the South? Yet the white man succeeds both places.
If soil makes the man, then how does Germanic man succeed in dank nasty England and hot balmy Australia alike?
this painting. the men who like it are not the solution. they are the problem. https://t.co/XiLiCWDfZI
RIP to Bradley Smith, the man who revealed the truth about the Holohoax. Thanks for teaching me what a Big Lie really is.
February 18, 2016:
FORM a race, you must, says WY (white yoda). If you want to be not white. If you white-indifferent. You not white. Race just skin color. 2U.
aka thing that actually matters https://t.co/oDN8E54M6d
every time the pope opens his mouth my job gets easier Christianity is #antiwhite A helpful message from #TeamWhite
February 14, 2016:
February 12, 2016:
do you think a real American like Andrew Jackson would be afraid to discuss jews openly and advocate the necessay - and accomplish it
yep. apparently the founder was into EMT messages. https://t.co/QQJ1oi7rLz
Kill all the muslims - right after the jews who let them in. #TeamWhite This is the solution. This is what works. Nothing else will.
February 11, 2016:
christianity is the paralytic; jew is the lethal injection White race is the innocent victim #TeamWhite
February 10, 2016:
February 08, 2016:
let's pretend the world is run "liberals" rather than jews and that they are "stupid" rather than evil
they ought to stop listening to professional panderers telling them that naming the real enemy is bad https://t.co/ldNBxSdKxu
There are dozens or hundreds of tarantula species, but only one human species. Do you believe that? Does that seem likely to you?
jews pursue rational policies in the west - since their intent is to destroy white nations. calling them "stupid" denies agency & agenda
February 07, 2016:
His teet wae yellow His hart ware black Rows of pustules Ran green don his backe. --from Neo-Beowulf by Neel McO'Shuagnhessy
all day long i've been smelling VANILLA in EVERYTHING and hearing noises NORMALLY ASSOCIATED with MATING TURTLE AND OR RICK FLAIR
preparing the apparel selection is my favorite part of Buffoon Day...overalls, HST tribute glasses, Arby's hats r all ON THE DRESSING TABLE
would we appreciate spring if we knew not winter? - chester shakespeare (lil brother) well...I'M willing to try, chet
"dont like the weather? just wait 15 minutes" i wish i could bottle the #muhhuhhuh that comes with this, smash it on counter, throatstab
you said i was offended. i'm never offended by anything. i am of the detested goyEEM. our cowhide is thick https://t.co/m8gHw0mjG7
in the beginning were just the oysters. and they were blue. they formed a cult. they began to rock, to rock HARD. and they never stopped
retweet if you would love to have some chartreuse cowboy boots. but where do we find chartreuse cowboys...the eternal problem
i dont want a book, i already have a book - actress love is the illusion that one woman is different from another --mencken
every place thinks its gods country, and every place has that same stupid joke: if you dont like the weather, just wait fifteen minutes
it's a great day in the NEMO, probably because northeastern missouri, altho perilously close to iowa, is indisputably god's country
better video than one i posted, even. compare mentality of alt-losers of #altright vs a winner https://t.co/JOOmt8BxSN
this is a winner. completely opposite mentality of the twink right #altright https://t.co/X3NNa2PHhz
the belief that the cucks or ruling jews are stupid or out of touch is weak and wrong. politics isn't a debate. they have the power. do you?
through means which must remain occult i have come into possession of some mauve jodhpurs. if you're #altright get in touch, my treat
spend your life worrying about "diversity" fuck no. make money, make babies, fulfill your artistic vision, help lead your people to victory
jews are a race of liars and murderers. there is no middle position on them. if you aren't against them, you're #antiwhite
February 06, 2016:
Jebus Prettyneck Godsson let the jews kill him. Who are we to do any different. Real men don't pray, they laugh and act.
white people really are too dumb to tell piss from rain christianity has absolutely ruined our race, if you disagree you are a fucking idiot
"No coincidence that this nonsensical dance that resembles proper seizing etiquette relates to being blazed out of one’s mind."
niggers dont have culture they have habits. these habits are glorified by the kikes running the media, and the white lapdogs yap n lap em up
"dabbing is also the term for smoking butane hash oil and extracting 90 percent of the THC" --nigger culture, celebrated by whiteskin tools
mudshark ann coulter retweeted some of our finest anonymous typists! this is what the white man is reduced to
Racialism must separate from all conservatism, including #altright, which is infected with the same weakness and between-stoolishness.
just as people would buy dog diarrhea in a tube marked LL Bean Moisturizer, so they will buy anything yids sell as "conservatism"
the only thing the actual ruling elite respects is violence. most who talk down violence are just conservative cowards, but some are mislers
the rational way to analyze the French Revolution, from our standpoint in 2016, is surely to assume/try to disprove jews were behind it
If you read Burke backwards, you see strong indications this king of counterrevs perceived jewhand in French terrorism called revolution
Burke criticzed yids, and he is considered the father of modern conservatism. https://t.co/NlW5rgnEV3
all day i've been feeling gay as step astaire atop a chair. but i cant say that because you faggots killed english. may your T-cells vamoose
Josef Djugashvili He wasnt touchy-feely His bloody hands were all in That's why they called him Stalin --ff leavings
Thompson Twins - You Take Me Up https://t.co/ir9V9tIAfX via @YouTube back in the 80s people weren't afraid to get gay in a quarry
There's a time and place for you to be every moment of the day, and when you're not there, that's when trouble happens. #GrandpaWisdom
"humans can all get along." um...i dont even like people who lace shoes differently than i do. soyeahno
February 05, 2016:
Gold Toof Spaships are the best. Nigga, we got O, P and Q rings. #BigSpabookin https://t.co/gyurDBf1G2
The freeman is right, has only to add that the vast majority of those banksters are jews. https://t.co/fylOqXmIf6
February 04, 2016:
i firmly believe, with the sincerity of an honest jebooist, if such can be unearthed, that the tucson jaguar came to america to #EatTheBern
Some people get real tobacco pleasure (that's an ad allusion for you youngers) out of stately kings and regal popes. These are reactionaries
Reactionary beliefs are driven by aesthetics and emotions associated with them. These are trappings-folk. Their reasons are just covers.
Reactionaries share a religious faith with progressives. They worship the great god Was and progs the great gold Will Be.
Reactionaries just flip progressivism: whatever they dont like is some scare-word: modernist, rationalist, etc. The past wasn't that great.
If you're a christian, quit pretending you're a racialist. You're a fucking loony-tunes semitic cultist & universalist.
Evola is probably the single most overrated writer of the non-left that I've ever come across. His ideas are mostly gibberish or flat wrong.
christianity has always stood between the white instincts of the masses (to kill jews as one would any enemy) and the jews
because someone acted badly i the name of Reason, therefore actual reason is useless in understanding/changing world - conservatism
what too many of you don't grasp: your throne-and-altar tomfoolery is what produced these circumstances we commonly hate
hitler was not a christian, occultist or nordic pagan. he was not a conservative, reactionary or marxist
you'll care about different things at that point. the music is just tied to that time of life, good or bad https://t.co/MnJpcHrrSc
reactionary: one who prefers an imaginary past, as opposed to progressive, who prefers an impossible future
diversity matters. always remember to use some orange-kneed tarantulas in your movies, they enhance any picture with their zest for life
whites in the north vote for this repugnant kike bernie whites in south vote for this jew lickspittle huckabee or smarmy smegsman 'lindsey'
bernie sanders...hate the name, hate the face, stupid destructive politics - what an absolute shitrace jews are
i instinctly like Shkreli, not saying he's right or wrong about anything, havent followed that closely but he
if your instinct is to run to a fight, you're a radical; away from the fight, you're a conservative or altoid
even apart from positions, i generally dont respect groups like (fags) and (jews) who can't handle any criticism and try to ban it
true..but 97% were farmers back then, and many died early https://t.co/h2GsWX1Kwn
listening to Thompson Twins and mocking fags on Twitter...does life GET any better https://t.co/Y2o4dx61N6
the bourgeois believe poor are poor becuz Bad Choices, and this is true but superficial. the real problem is genetic https://t.co/PUvb8yJmHS
i like cocky people, even arrogant people, i like people who think they're smarter than the rest...esp if they can make it semi-plausible
gayfags of queerness create new lethal diseases through their morbid habits, then pule that the rest of us owe them subsidized cures
Solidarity with the poor is a Catholic doctrine. It says so in their catechism. https://t.co/UdIPMDa1MU
Reporters are lying scum who deserve one thing: to be lined up against wall and executed. https://t.co/huyGAaqPnU
In a democracy, no one's property is safe. I don't trust anyone for big govt because by that they prove they're dumb an/or dishonest.
in a democracy, a section of the sharps use the simpen masses' envy of betters to drag down competing slicks
i have not looked...i'm betting shkreli is not a jew. gayfags have a right to cheap meds. no, gayfags, you have a right to die, tho.
February 03, 2016:
in the worst song ever competition we have two distinctly different but equally terrible efforts: Little Boxes and Amazing Grace
jews jail 87yo for criticizing the The Hoax jews admit millions of lol-syrians to germany still think extermination is too much?
Whites need a global equivalent of jihad against the jew. To combat the one jews have run for decades against us.
like the jew, but in a softer way, the christian attempts to make his ideology the communal norm, and has abuse term for any deviation
'pagan' is the christian term for goyim, it has no inherent meaning beyond non-christian. yet again we see xtian's jewy attempt 2 false-menu
we should push really hard to get men who aren't interested into STEM careers. absurd. but good idea for women.
The truth is that wide-scaled violence against jews has never been attempted in history. It is the only solution that can work.
February 02, 2016:
As an atheist I observe: - jews treat christians unfairly - christians don't fight back. quite the opposite.
one of my favorite crank beliefs is that everything in nature is timed to a far preciser stopwatch than one would think. i can back this up
Now's the time to redouble support for Trump's campaign, not cry. We need a wall, we need hominids of Zika expelled.
antiwhite is effective as adjective, but the noun is jew or traitor. whiteskin is a term for biological whites who don't value race
February 01, 2016:
The christian church's definition of jew is as profoundly wrong as its geocentrism, but infinitely more destructive.
Christianity enfeebled America, so that even with 90% of public against war, its menfolk dopily trudged off to war. The cross = Cuckmaker.
Trump is about a 1% solution of what's needed, and that there's huge excitement over his campaign is a sign of how beaten down 'we' are.
who controls mass media? jews. who controls money? jews. If you don't like what's going on in this world, draw the conclusion
January 31, 2016:
Trump doesn't pretend to care. That means he's not a real conservative. <---it's unfunny becuz its true https://t.co/NtLgWhLyVG
i dont give a fuck about your fake reality, have you a million media the reality is hatred of WHITES coming from JEWS defines our age
it doesnt pass most basic logic: if we hurt them, why do they come here? why did their numbers multiply in spades? https://t.co/GuJKweumQn
the only real sentiment out there legitimately described as phobia, or fear-beyond-reason, is jewish hatred of whites ... #loxism
this is true, and if you disagree, you havent deal with jews: - the avg jew hates normal whites - the avg white never thinks about jews
Same old jewshtick: coloreds aren't responsible for their failures and whites aren't responsible for their successes https://t.co/dM7naijQjM
Top 20 New Species Discovered in 2015 - Part 2 | Biology | https://t.co/meazn8hBS5 : https://t.co/92BcmbQkOj
Jew advocates the veiled racial destruction of whites, and charging them for privilege. https://t.co/i9U5UUEBzS
January 30, 2016:
'When Swedish streets are no longer safe to walk on for normal Swedes, it is our DUTY to fix the problem,' the leaflet reads.
Pushing Commies Out of Copters. Was a strange Denver follow up to "Sunshine on My Shoulders," but I loved it.
January 29, 2016:
They're only shit if you make assumptions about what they should be. But there's no basis for that. People = animals https://t.co/o91ZvLl6TV
This needs to be said 10,000x. https://t.co/NE4bJ6wA3e
every single thing written about Trump in controlled media that ive read contains personals insult directed at a physical traits
The conservative is one who instinctively runs from a fight. You don't want to be "alt"- that. You want to be opposite that.
K9 units. https://t.co/0RgQTfom1e
Which is better at preserving land, wildlife, etc. Govt or private parties? Your answer shows your level of knowledge and brainwashing.
This is what I mean by the cult of the expert. Canada, but same attitude in USA. https://t.co/Vn7E1et74m
Zika, dengue, Q-RID, MDR-TB, that brain worm...the hits keep coming. Thanks for opening white borders, jews.
January 28, 2016:
“Flat Earth” rapper B.o.B has even more extreme, dangerous views: He promotes Holocaust denial https://t.co/2aOwOs1Rsp via @Salon
Do you who love repeating the Coudenhouve-Kalergi (sp?) realize that what you are actually doing is running from the simple, accurate term?
Fox News is just another kike outlet. Using male cheerleaders, construction workers and models to promote the jewish #antiwhite agenda.
We should never ever even consider using violence against the people who are sticking millions of violent muslims in our midst.
Forced lobotomies will end white hate. https://t.co/Fmo3g7U8cF
When whiteskin traitors fear #TeamWhite more than Big Jew, then we have the beginnings of a revolution.
Jews are responsible for the hate speech laws that make it a crime to criticize the muslims they let in. Nice state of affairs.
Rip away the protective barrier of whiteskin traitors serving the jew. Render the jew rulers exposed. Then slaughter them. #WhiteStrategy
Jews are The problem. In every white nation. Organizing against them is the solution. The only solution. #TeamWhite
One standard for jews, another standard for everybody else. https://t.co/OtuJfkcK9X
https://t.co/xYR9TLnuvj #kaimurros Join the European Liberation Army #voiceofeurope #white #whitegenocide #wr Please Retweet!
Audio of Imperium (text + commentary) begins: Intro from Carto https://t.co/VPsfyHCUKA (~50m) https://t.co/NIf0RKiw1Y (1:06)
January 27, 2016:
The rodeo bell time of eight seconds originated in Southern Baptist "stand on your hind legs" contests in the early 1700s. #realhistory
Fine: Joel Jew suppresses views that 90% of the population hold. $136,000 Fine: Joe Christian refuses to bake cake for sex deviants.
Oxen demand 40 acres of pasture and a negro. America, after all, was built on ropes attached to their back.
I'm so fucking sick of seeing non-americans crawling around in this country MY GERMAN and ENGLISH ancestors created. Fuck off you losers.
Get a commit. Of white elders. Decide on TERMS FOR VERBAL WARFARE. We all use them. That's a start. Can we manage even this?
If white men disappear, who will protect all the kitty cats and bowsy wowsies? the blacks you love so much? #thinkharderwhiteleft
You can save Africans or African animals. Not both. For the former produce the #bushmeat crisis that results in extinction. #thinkharderleft
Infinite love for endangered species -- and for the species (blacks) that drives them extinct -- but endless hatred for race that saves them
I love animals and want to save every endangered species. Except for the one species (white men) that created the very idea of preservation.
Save this or that endangered species? This is like hacking at branches of evil rather than root. Save THE SAVER species. #WhiteThoughts
Would you rather live in a nation or a Hefty grabbag of discarded cultures made of spoiled meat and rancid yoghurt?
White traditionalism is a contradiction. Explain Cajuns from a traditionalist perspective. Nah, whites make their worlds not suffer them.
I like having pockets of whites who are noticeably different. Variety is good, forced mixing is bad. https://t.co/K8S3PUmuBO
Today, in AmeriKwa, we have up for bid: - negro in winter cap wearing sweatpants and nigregiously teal hightops - two asians from Ulan Bator
Cup your hand, and rotate your wrist. That's how beauty queens wave. And never raise your hand above your tiara. #newsfewcanuse
Muh eatin' goldfish. Muh packing phone booth. Oh WASP. You so wacky. And tiresome. Especially tiresome.
All right, that's a dirty lie. I'm not a Cajun... I applied and was rejected. :( But I can totally bag alligators w giant treble hooks.
Can you even imagine living in a country where hating whites didnt define the media and government? Who among us ever has? 1%? #TeamWhite
No matter what is written on paper, someone will claim it doesn't mean what it plainly does. So why worship paper, given hearts of men?
Muslims simply to bring real humans under their retard umbrella; that's one kind of threat. But jews want to exterminate our very kind.
Parties that seem to advocate whites on closer view always turn out to be merely anti-muslim. Gee, I wonder who's behind that..
If the Constitution were self-enforcing it would be worth worshiping. It's not. No paper is. It falls on our valor to enforce its words.
Whites should act like jews: only support parties that support their race and its liberation agenda. Which is 0 parties right now. So...
We need a White Party. But not one bound to loser conservatives, or featuring any of the usual flag, eagle, muh-constitution simp-signals.
Jews are loyal Republicans so long as Reps serve their racial agenda. The minute it appears they might depart...Bloomberg!
Jews stick together - and they secrete poisons that prevent whites from sticking together. https://t.co/BkH4SZafOo
Anyone with more than 2-3 experiences with the media knows that jewsmedia reporters are invariably lying scum - partisan liars always.
Trump shows how: attack the media. Don't be bossed by it - boss it. Insult it, attack it, treat it like the shitheel assemblage it is.
Jews foment international revolution, first called communism, now called multiculturalism. Goal is the _racial_ destruction of white nations
January 26, 2016:
Hitler was a response to what jews did in Russia. Which is carefully kept out of schools and newspapers. But we know. #TeamWhite
If X created a problem. And X prevents Y from solving the problem. Then how credible is someone who says "I separate X from the problem"?
Clearing up racial problems = defeating jews politically. This is why claims to separate JQ from race are ridiculous - and deliberate lies.
Civilization tip: what the man orders or buys, is not for you to comment on, waiter or cashier. That's unprofessional. Be quiet & impersonal
The first white man who encountered niggers figured out in minutes they are violent, stupid savages. No education needed there.
Is there anything deeply, suicidally wrong with you? No? But there is with whites generally? Bullshit. The problem is jew political control.
Christianity brought civilization to the savages. That was the theory, anyway. Gresham had a better one.
Those who associate with or apologize for jews are our enemy, no matter what they call themselves or what reason they provide. #TeamWhite
You get what you tolerate. Jesus Christ, fellow white men: even Oprah figured this one out. Those who excuse jews are our enemy.
Kevin MacDonald undermines the white cause by associating with Jared Taylor, in a perfect example of putting personality over principle.
Jared Taylor's parents tried and failed to destroy Japan with christianity, so he came home to help jews destroy whites.
Imagine the poverty of a mind that sees spreading christianity or democracy as some kind of ideal or holy mission.
It is time for white men to give up crank dreams of universalism, and focus on defending their own kind from jews & other predators.
Surely the significant fact is how strongly whites have resisted their dispossession - by refusing to marry or live around coloreds.
Jared Taylor's position amounts to blaming whites for what is being done to them by jews. There is no way around this. JT serves jews.
I'm "baffled" why a race whose members are legally discriminated against by "their" govt and shat on daily in media abandon their identity.
Jared Taylor affects to be "baffled" by loss of White identity. He is lying. He knows it is the product of jews running government.
Whites show by whom they marry and where they move that they are pro-white. But the jew govt is hell bent on white identity destruction.
A group of individuals who feel the same way is not enough to defeat a team. It must form a team itself. (#TeamWhite) v actual Team Jew.
The only rational way to treat jews is as a gang of criminals. As a team. Treat them as individual people - well, you get what we have now.
It took Joe Sobran 20+ years to apply conservative principles to Israel, he said, and he never applied them to christianity.
Mass killings is a rational and respectful solution to many social problems. It's in line with nature, too.
Christian universalism is poisonous, but the white man remains addicted. Not our job to fix the problems of niggers, kaffirs & spidereaters.
Whites tolerated jews being treated as individuals, which led to jews taking away their constitutional rights and establishing tyranny.
Won't bake a cake for deviants? Violating public accommodations. Exclude normal view as "hate"? Freedom of contract for "social media."
Nature's rule is whatever goes, goes. 99% of species that ever existed are extinct. God made this System? Either way, "it is what it is."
Endangering white men everywhere in the name of the imaginary Lord. That's our Jebus cult. https://t.co/nVRJ1TXUhg
January 25, 2016:
The problem isn't lack of white identity; rather, white identity is suppressed by the powers that be - which is ZOG.
If you can't tell by sheer instinct that Jared Taylor is a liar and a fraud, you're not smart enough for politics.
Henry Ford points that out in his 1920 work, that jew immigrants there then were low bolshevik scum. https://t.co/MIXCCEFnW4
He turned from harmless drunk to Anglo Saxon seeking a direction for High Moral Dudgeon, which the neocohens used. https://t.co/lq2WdvSoNQ
pastor/preacher - likely pervert. youth pastor/preacher - professional pervert https://t.co/D1KzgG7WUu
jews are playing raceball while whites play party politics. one is profound and eternal, the other is superficial and foolish
January 24, 2016:
What is more destructive than a man who crawls out of the bottle and into a church? (George W. Bush, Glenn Beck)
repatriated = expelled by racist israel https://t.co/TG6A4xoURL
Lenin explained politics: Who? Whom? Who is doing what to whom? Jews are doing (muslims, niggers, feminism) to whites.
The white snow revolution shows us that even flakes can dominate, if properly organized and deployed.
Leftism has a totalitarian concern to dictate minutest details of your daily life. This comes directly from judaism.
People who believe in god, it should come as no surprise, have extreme intellectual difficult grasping the concept of agency.
Ruthlessly simplify until the bones are bare: #TeamWhite vs Team Jew. That's what's going on. Germany, USA, UK, -- all white lands.
American christians are the only people in the world who can't see jews and Israel for what they are. https://t.co/wbWdHXUM4I
And so -feminism, which is jew-laid rat poison for white women, comes full circle, with women demanding protection. https://t.co/jBlzHiWYbV
If christianity put self-respect in men, rather than teaching them they are miserable depraved worms, maybe they would stand up to jews.
Mencken first drew my attention to the distinction between moral and honorable. Christians serve jews shamefully because they lack honor.
The jews form a natural elite, and the christians form a natural slave class. Is that not what we see?
the government is not your dada, it's your enemy. keep pretending they're too stupid to know what +2m "syrians" in (germany) means
loxism is the defining hatred of our times: the hatred of whites by jews. it conditions literally everything that comes out of big media
so there's these niggers...they're living on the banks of practically the largest body of clean fresh water in the world, and...yeah
#TeamWhite vs Team Jew is not only factually correct, it is simple enough that the dimmest in the crowd can grasp it.
The facts aren't sophisticated, interesting or complex enough for someone on my level. --avg right-wing catholic pseudo-intellectual
Someone with a taste for the garish and overdone (cathedrals) is seldom going to be satisfied with a simple answer like "it's the jews."
No, it's not that at all. It has nothing to do with personality, it's quite impersonal. https://t.co/gOnYyGZgup
The simplest explanation that covers the given facts is that jews are murdering the White West. #WhiteGenocide #RespectOccamsRazor
Ever notice how depressing all state institutions are? And all in same way: a junior high, DMV office and prison are all the same thing.
January 23, 2016:
#IstandwithIsrael because I'm a traitor. https://t.co/AUGcnxBybw
The jewish agenda says: preserve Israel and destroy white nations. #NRO jews advance this agenda. #Cuckservative "cover goyim" help them.
No other group has an extremely powerful, infinitely funded network - only jews. All goyim must adapt to this Basic Fact of media/politics.
Glenn Beck is the least semitic-appearing character possible, so #NRO jews make him the cover boy for their racial assault on Donald Trump.
The jew says to the budding goy writer: sell out your race, and I'll find you a position in mass media. Very few goyim resist this bribery.
i think some of them are unclear on the meaning of cuckoldry https://t.co/HERrrNei0C
Jonah Goldberg isn't a #cuckservative. He is faithful to the jewish race. Glenn Beck (et al) is. He sells out his kind to advance his career
Jews offer fame and money to bribe goyim like Glenn Beck to push their racial agenda. Beck is the #cuckservative. Big Jew is the bull.
If you advance your career by selling out your race - that's what makes you a #cuckservative. Jews don't do this. They are racially loyal.
The cuckservative is the whiteskin who sells out his race to the ruling jews, by agreeing to advance their antiwhite agenda for money/fame.
Raimondo is a jewish queer. https://t.co/Ib7kyoxV1y
And in her case marrying and breeding with them. https://t.co/ejxgJlRcif
you hair has turned quite red from suffering https://t.co/uvGpLHBdGS
as a young boy ambrose dreamed of being a creepy handyman living in a shack, but destiny had other plans, and he became an astronaut
This cannot be explained to English speakers. https://t.co/bqkf24p1It
NRO cucks denouncing Trump: erickson, bozell, beck, loesch, thomas, sowell, pavlich, reno, meese, moore, mcintosh, mccarthy, hayward
Trumps provides a good example of jewing the jew when he retweets #WhiteGenocide while pretending he doesn't know what he's doing.
many Canadian police agencies “actively suppress” racial data when delivering their annual crime reports to Ottawa https://t.co/XmO1nb0O11
I like hearing about whites who are fighting and breeding. If all is lost, then kill yourself already, you sad wallpaper.
Good for you. https://t.co/hTnUcVoSih
"As lying, warmonging jews/jewtools, we find Trump inimical to our Tribal/professional interests." --NRO kikes & cuckservatives
#IStandWIthIsrael because i'm a traitor. #tcot https://t.co/yhJPL0kHYD
guilt by retweet association this is what we've fallen to part of Making America Great Again is not whining about who retweets whom
January 22, 2016:
The jewish left tries to drive whites away from what's good for them. In fact, their agenda is perfect counter-indicator of what we need.
It's like everywhere: get rid of the muds AND THE JEWS WHO LET THEM IN. https://t.co/TK5b8CrsFQ
Professional conservatism in 2016: - putting Israel ahead of US; - putting jews and minorities ahead of whites. Just like liberalism. #tcot
The more primitive races are more religious than whites. Their ridiculous beliefs are symptoms of their lack of mental ability.
In college, during a particularly sad dry spell I made some joke about having to put twigs and leaves over my vagina in the hopes
jew comedian steals material? can this be? https://t.co/AdQDmvL7XJ
Fat Sam flew around the world on his Magic Spork, giving young intellectual kids heaping scoops of gruel.
That's great. Just get your sweeping done. https://t.co/MovHNrNVOz
I've met christians and i've met snakes. The snakes make better christians and the christians make better snakes.
face belongs in a cheesy slasher film involving dolls, puppets or candy https://t.co/7nLcppQ5cg
What did the nigger get for christmas? Your glider. https://t.co/K71Csh2avd
January 21, 2016:
Jews at #NRO create a bogus individualist, aracial history of America, and the dupes in Flyover swear fealty to it. #tcot
Anglo-Christian society simply does not produce men of high character. It producers grinners, liars and sycophants by the truckload.
Ron Paul was a lot more radical and principled than Donald Trump, and the jews on the lol-right hated him just as much.
Conservatives are big on principle. Remember how they treated Ron Paul, proponent of traditional Washingtonian foreign policy? #tcot
Baptists reject the suggestion men evolved from monkeys. They lack the insight to see their fear springs fm claim's undeniable plausibility.
Not true. SA had everything it needed, materially, to defend itself against all comers. Except will. https://t.co/qJxS4Espae
Conservatism is about one virtue: prudence. Prudence in action = it is always safe & profitable to nod your head when Big Jew speaks. #tcot
There is nothing the slightest bit complex or difficult to grasp about jews. They have money and media. They rule.
Imagine if someone told you the (Italian) mafia is so difficult it can only be understood in stages. yet they say this about jews often.
"I'm an independent goy billionaire; all the other candidates are puppets of jew billionaires." --D. Trump
It's to get people to accede in lying. So they KNOW they're participating in a scam. They lose self-respect & will. https://t.co/bE5UfBwpQo
Jewish marrow at #NRO is roiling like a lava lamp that a real American might take power from its stable of jewish puppets.
Whether he intends to or not, Trump is pointing out 'American' politics is run by JEWISH money pushing JEWISH agenda https://t.co/ozWS5xMrAb
Social shaming doesn't work real well on people who aren't particularly fans of humanity in general.
Fear and self-interest lead whites away from even thinking about the jew thing. The better elements of our race must stand up. #TeamWhite
Why ask me when you can find the answer in South Africa. They will never wake up. https://t.co/UUDwxWX6Rn
I was in DC when that happened, as I recall. Remember reading about it in Washington Times. https://t.co/LrTKQPQOCi
For just .75 a day, you can feed a starving vulture! https://t.co/c40rBkVSpp
Conservatism is a disposition, said Russel Kirk. And he's right. It is the disposition to run from a fight. Even a verbal fight. #tcot
The oily dishonesty of a Cal Thomas... The smarmy disingenuousness of a Glenn Beck... The lugubrious pulings of a Peggy Noonan #MeetTheCucks
A real man figures out what is right and sticks to it. He does not become a whore or a bellwether. That's how I conceive it, anyway.
Why are christians most prominent among the #cuckservatives pimping for the jews? Because their cult talks down pride and urges submission.
Perhaps the first time I truly began to loathe professional Christian jewcucks was seeing Cal Thomas at a function, with his stupid bowtie.
Cal Thomas and Glenn Beck deserve the treatment women who whore with the enemy get when their side finally loses. #TeamWhite
The masquerade that is ordinary democratic politics serves jews. Explaining the real battle (Team Jew vs normal whites) serves #TeamWhite.
Jews hide the real reason they hate Trump. Don't let them. Bring it out: their racial animus against whites. Their racial WAR ON WHITES.
Don't let the jews masquerade as avatars of true conservatism when they are simply uniting as jews (+ boughtlings) against implicit White.
Whites have like an instinct to run away from potential strength. WE are WHITES. Our ENEMY is JEWS. This is how to frame Trump/NRO battle.
Simply the Trump thing into what it is: Jews united against whites. Jesus, why can we never take our own side? Whites are the liberal race.
(to tune of Billy Joel's Still Rock and Roll To Me) Some people say that the Catholic Church's a rock But it's all Jimmy Jones to meeee.
The manual Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers has been developed and can be found online... https://t.co/2OyYI58yt4
Listen to the august collection of NYC kikes we've assembled for you, bubele. They know from conservatism. #tcot
Trump's not conservative. Endless international warmongering and deficit spending - THAT's conservative.
Jews, all of them, are on their side. And their side, always, is never your side. Dig it, ponyboys. #TeamWhite
If I proposed intermarriage between muslims and jews as the solution to middle eastern tensions, what would jews call me?
The real christian symbol is not the fish or the sheep but the dung beetle. Rolling and feasting on his little balls of ordure.
The basic jew rhetorical approach: Everyone who disagrees with me is a hater. Let's talk about your bad character. And nothing else.
I would be very slow to credit Anglos with good intentions rather than desire for money. https://t.co/BXzx6Xwkwm
Jews unite across parties and media to scotch any campaign (David Duke, Ron Paul, Donald Trump) that even remotely threatens white > jew.
Notice how jews/left and jew/right are suddenly united Team Jew when it comes to resisting someone (Trump) who bodes well for whites?
Whatever is good for whites is bad for jews, and the jews instinctively know this and vampire-hiss like the Jonah Goldbergs at Donald Trump.
The jew beats you up with Semitical Correctness. You destroy your character by acceding in lie. Mutatis mutandis, xtianity/sweet delusions.
Really, it cannot be exaggerated how much, from White POV, christianity is the good cop to jews' bad cop.
For future historians, a turning point in public expression of white-genocidal animus emerged around news-time of Trayvon Martin.
It is more than merely possible to loathe billies of hill and sockless preppies alike; it is morally necessary.
Glad to be of service, bro. The Trump campaign is certainly interesting, altho I don't follow as closely as some. https://t.co/C8qGUb0ks7
Trump's campaign has really brought out the never-very-latent now-overt hatred of whites, real genuine hatred, in the breasts of jews/tools.
Much of political thought comes from reflecting on what kind of an institution (govt school) would force an innocent boy to square dance?
Politics at its best is like a Goldberg's variations on separation. If you see what I mean. There's a logic and an art to it.
I don't particularly like people or trust them. Nor do I expect them to feel any different about me. So, for me, separation IS politics.
You have to be the equivalent of tone deaf not to perceive that christianity is a radically different mindset and outlook from the racial.
Solidarity with the poor is Catholic policy. It's in their catechism. And where are more poor than among the darkling races?
If gentlemen never whine about things they can change, then conservatives aren't gentleman. They have the manners but lack the man.
All this 'refugee' stuff is the 'tragedy' in the Tragedy & Hope of Carroll Quigley (Bill Clinton's mentor) & the globalists' New World Order
Do I "worship at the altar of my own blood" because I don't want mine to be hated & discriminated against & violently attacked for my race?
The jew styles all opposition as hate. The christian ift styles it as fear. So often xtianity is pallid doppelganger of jew rhetechnik.
I wonder what percentage of caring whites would rather see our race die out than become aggressive & intellectual rather than pious-maudlin.
Granted, Epissies are pikers compared to the Catheters and Lucerans, but their heart is still in the wrong place. https://t.co/yWeG9DtPCs
If you want to argue with me that xtianity is pro-white, first submit a transcript of your racial discussion with your preacher/priest.
"Blame must always be diverted from the guilty Negro to the nearest white man, or, if none be available, inanimate object." --AP Stylebook
Episcopal Migration Ministries assures safe passage and provides vital services for thousands of refugee families upon their arrival in USA
Strengthening your community by adding Congolese to it. It's what the Episcopalians do. To defend the white race. https://t.co/yWeG9DtPCs
It's not just Lutherans and Catholics (making money) defending the white race, it's Episcopalians too. https://t.co/yWeG9DtPCs
List of various christian flavors helping the central government destroy White America. https://t.co/CCOIRSPYZp
Pride has caused as many men to rise as fall. https://t.co/3O8Y4mavAq
Spiritual equality (in the eyes of God) is destructive egalitarianism too. Maybe some honesty, christian? Your cult is destroying our race.
"Our local papers, the Star Tribune and the Pioneer Press will almost never allow comments on articles related to the Somali community,"
Trump's campaign shows that the greatest single bloc -- normal white Americans -- has no representation and is hated by the (((media))).
Christians defending the white race in Minnesota. https://t.co/j9dpZfDtPy
Christian conservatism - there's no hope in it, no future, no fight. We must go hard. That means racial and aggressive, not reactionary.
Nice midwesterners and gracious Southerners. Doing battle with an intense, networked, paranoid, self-conscious Tribe. Who wins?
I really think, based on observation, that genuine love of the church in high-IQ men is mostly aesthetic, then covered by rationalizations.
NRO doesn't like Trump because some of his plans are good for whites rather than jews. Which is their only concern.
You're not educated when you can't tell the difference between an Australian aborigine and a European. https://t.co/S2cTpDe1qR
I was going to say christians don't grasp the racial implications of their own doctrines, but...they dont even know the doctrines.
Christians destroying (Minnesota)...for pay. https://t.co/j9dpZfDtPy
Religious beliefs matter much more than race. That's why you'd be happier living among 40,000,000 Nigerian christians than white atheists.
The christian alternates between the fake-cheerful and genuinely despondent. It is a very unmanly disposition. Just plain morbid, actually.
It's harder for average people to make distinctions between groups when their religion is telling them we're all one in christ.
In the civil war, the north and south disagreed over the best way to do good for blacks. But thanks to xtianity, both agreed on the need.
Talking in codes is not some kind of clever strategy when you're the majority but a sign of pathetic weakness.
It's the hardest thing in the world to turn a Pew-Goober into a Skeptic. And he's no better at the latter than the former. So laugh and syh.
Conservative: "I'm dumb and honest, so everyone else must be too." Not so. Left aren't stupid. They're evil.
The conservative is the fool who truly believes John Podhoretz is on his side, rather than on Chuck Schumer's.
Christianity teaches people that things happen by accident. This confirms the mass superstition. The elite know things are caused.
American christians enthusiastically supported the jews running USA in eradicating christianity from the middle east.
Yeah, they couldnt figure that out without you telling them. It's certainly not what they expected or wanted. https://t.co/7UElJ6WvA1
The white man's instinct is to kill the nigger. The church tells him that's immoral. Rather he must cure the nigger with magic water.
It's too humiliating to the catholic to admit his beliefs matter less than his blood, so he bends reality to his religious fantasy.
Norman Podhoretz advocated mongrelization, yet he and his son are taken as "conservatives." Do you wonder why jews have no respect for us?
Christians manifestly won't defend themselves from jews, yet we have simpletons telling us the church will defend our white race?
Our cause is not restoring monarchy. Or establishing some christian flavor. Or even limiting government. It is purely racial protection.
Jews subvert and control. That's practically all they do. "By way of deception." But they would never attempt this with "alt"-right.
Jews are capable of looking at politics impersonally, but goyim are not. This is very definitely a measure of jewish superiority.
New Himalayan bird species found by listening to its unique voice https://t.co/tPir013sqy
Not one pro christian dares stand up in public and say boo to the jews - even though all must believe that jews murdered their Savior.
That moment you realize the christian church has always worked to break down racial distinctions... https://t.co/fdVN1ORngh
There is a lot of agreement on which constitute the symptoms of cultural decline, but disagreement over their ultimate cause & correction.
Drink, drugs and religious delusion are three popular escapes from reality. But they all tend to degrade a man.
Watch jews closely. Watch them interact with people. It is quite easy, in most cases, to spot their utter disdain for goyim (non-jews).
You see jews as people. They see you as a member of a childishly gullible, cloddish group of hominid livestock they spit down on as 'goyim.'
If it's catholicism causing all the good things, why aren't these good things found among non-white catholics - the majority of the cult?
I've never yet got a catholic intellectual to explain to me why the wonders he credits his church w can't be found in Nigeria (40m caths).
Do you doubt that Hitler had Germany's interests at heart? Now, which politician has white interests at heart? That's what we need.
Podhoretz, Schumer, Silverman, Reiner, Feinstein, Goldberg - the intellectual epiphany is realizing it's all the same thing: Team Jew.
Yeah, god forbid a jew be tied to its behavior. Jews murdered the West. That's the long and short of it. https://t.co/n2I2eiJlCS
This guy wants to restore a king. This guy wants to force papism on people of hill. This guy wants to go full adolf. This guy wants 50s back
There is a racial war going on between Team Jew and Team White. But the latter team has yet to form or fight. So it's, yeah, losing.
I mean, the critics of such as Rick Wilson think he matters nearly as much as he does. This is what's a little silly & false about #altright
Whites, even intellectuals, are nearly congenitally incapable of realizing how profound and deep-laying jewish plans actually are.
One side is trying to genocide a race. The other side has some vague idea of restoring '50s-style society. Who wins this fight?
Can an overtly racial force be ginned up to take on Team Jew. That's the only political question that matters. #TeamWhite
There is no meaningful difference between Jonah Goldberg and Charles Schumer. Both are #antiwhite members of Team Jew.
The truth is too simple & 'common' to interest the pseuds of the alt-right, who fancy they are somehow different from ordinary #tcot cowards
No group save jews has the money and organization to dominate politics, and so this is where any serious political analysis begins & ends.
Conservatives make a career out of denying Occam, and this is true for the so-called alties as well.
There is not a single professional conservative 'atheist' - they're all christians. And they all truckle before the jew.
Christianity breeds men without character, and this is why none of the professional goy 'conservatives' dare to stand up to the jews.
The jews on the lol-right are the adults; the goycucks (redundant) take marching orders from them. To keep their bread buttered.
Reactionaries and progressives are alike in many ways, not least in that both instinctively distrust the average man making decisions.
January 20, 2016:
"As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase." --Aldous Huxley
January 19, 2016:
Anti-Intellectualism and the Theology of Feeling (audio on Ann Douglas', Feminization of American Culture, (1977) https://t.co/n5C5eqqTtK
January 18, 2016:
Today is Monkey Day. When we celebrate lying, plagiarism & hypocrisy. All the things you can't get thru life without, like an EBT card.
January 17, 2016:
(my opinion about) Bonehill. The point surely is that people in UK are thrown in jail for criticizing jews. You ok with that?
Yeah, let's put Germany's existence in play. That's cool. But add another ten feet to that wall around the jews of Israel.
January 11, 2016:
Cram every Bignose into every Assup and kick them all out of Europe. Drown them like semitic rats in the middle sea.
To the (((press))), imaginary rapes by white men rate more coverage than real MASS GANG rapes by muslims AGAINST WHITE WOMEN. #UVAhoax
Jews decapitated our race (1). Now they're trying to murder the body (2). We need a new head. #TeamWhite
that's the crucial thing to get: crimes like this are by design. to destroy white society by forcing blacks in https://t.co/TbQaOGnIQu
Bingo. (so far as i know). jew communists attack GOY capital, NEVER jew capital. jew capitalists FUND jew communists https://t.co/EliMulBJ8u
If they cover up the murder of 80k whites in South Africa, not surprising they cover up a few hundred rapes in Europe. #TeamWhite
Go paint a swastika on a jew headstone and the news will be - literally - global within days. But stuff like Cologne Nothing for days.
Some of the non-jew white female leftists beginning to get disillusioned. https://t.co/UxAfdUxZh9
women aren't the problem or the solution. the problem and solution lie with WHITE MEN. identify the enemy. destroy it. #TeamWhite
And after they've murdered Germany and Europe, they will deny that such a place ever existed as a common bloodstock. #NoJewsJustRight
Anyone who says the west is committing suicide? They're on the side of the jews. They're your enemy. #TeamWhite
"Endgame," says jew Soros. "At the end of 2015, we jew accelerated the murder of the white race, fearing no resistance."
Henry Ford's final words on the Jewish Question - his address to "gentiles." https://t.co/Sk92m5OVW9 #vnnforum
Keep kidding yourself that anything other than extermination of jews can work. It's later than you think. #TeamWhite
Your side has to invent gang rapes by whites (jew Erdeley lying about UVA), whereas our side has actual video. https://t.co/giWaIyZsSV
Jews are the problem. Everything else is symptoms of the problem. Exterminating jews is the solution. #TeamWhite
January 10, 2016:
Eisenhower HS star football player nigger facing capital murder charge https://t.co/HoQPFCOEn2 via @Yahoo
Woman raped by five men in New York City park, police say https://t.co/dhY8eHhZnP via @YahooNews
January 09, 2016:
We aren't doing it to ourselves. Our governments are doing it to us. And they are controlled by jewish money.
That works for whites too. https://t.co/GNsvZn9l1M
January 08, 2016:
they're not stupid. you're weak. too weak to face what they're about & after head on. that's why they rule and you get nothing & whine #tcot
Every single sensible political position has been turned into a smear by media jews. For ex., if you want borders, you're a "xenophobe."
January 07, 2016:
So long as whites retain the christian mentality, whether in its older religious form or newer secular form, they won't defend themselves.
If you believe a white man can't run his life without a welfare state, in what sense are you pro-white?
Cologne Sex Attack: Horror Police Report Revealed https://t.co/r4KGMpgTNa via @NewObOnline
January 06, 2016:
#crosscucks https://t.co/EBQe9Ak64O
"Remove kebab" is typical of the tepid humor of weakness conservatives have always been known for. #altright
Jews control US government. They pay christians to destroy Minnesota. Jes look at all them reverends. https://t.co/bKbS1oac9p
Christians doing the lord's work. Nice cult you got there, whiteskin. https://t.co/tcf9UqFEFK
Nonwhite Cologne Attackers “Like an Army” https://t.co/9OcfRTX42a via @NewObOnline
Media Conspiracy over Cologne Mass Sex Attack https://t.co/TjPLKp5LuX via @NewObOnline
January 05, 2016:
"reports of" - that's jewspeak for "they're making it up" - aka the jew gaslighting his sucker-readers https://t.co/HmhBYu4lqJ
THIS is how you do it. ATTACK. Trump just has the right instincts. https://t.co/KRIFdlrOM8
they're called jews, and you libertarian weaklings, "freemen" lol, like george orwell are afraid to say that https://t.co/ZyzvpyxwrU
Almost every way I'd be disposed to dislike HST, but he was a man, and he took the world on his own terms, and he gave something to it.
I love how religious beliefs are somehow supposed to be marked off from others. No. That doesn't work. You dont get that jewy perk, sniffler
The world desperately needs a first-rate culture that isn't Anglo, and that is Germany. And to try to murder it is a crime beyond crime.
You should but won't see how your xtian is sad drama-queening next to this Greekish type wisdom. https://t.co/ikuruHUY3p
Charlie Bucket replacing the everlasting gobstopper - that's a white man. Jimmy Swaggart bawling "Uh hav sind" - that's a christian manlet.
Yep. Soon as there are any serious, multiple white fightbacks, what can they do? https://t.co/f6WWhbaSRK
Moderation in all things. Help your friends. Fuck your enemies. These old Greek ideas work just fine today. #TeamWhite
Have you ever been sniffed at, cold shouldered, cut? You can't tell me leftism isn't a religious cult - I've experienced it first hand.
Oh that is great: MERDIA shit-media https://t.co/A2zSw6rTkE
Life doesn't last that long, and not all life is good life either. Draw your neck out of the collar, if ye dare - Shake spear.
Maybe I'm skewing a little altright, but I think Abba wears pretty well. https://t.co/gkbubvfUel
Loving the slanteye take on the "not saying its aliens" blowout https://t.co/a5Qg2wmInV
I come here for the strudel. That means, I want to read first-hand or retweet accounts of what's going on in (Germany, Europe, etc).
Whites are the guy on the park bench munching popcorn in city his people built. Blacks and browns are the pigeons. #WeWuzKangz
Etymology: the word 'jest' comes from 'ingest,' as the first known jokes all revolved around what the subjects consumed.
Is there a man alive so jaded as to be unmoved by the unclouded joys of making fun of the terraphages?
Fun fact: the South once had as much black loam as the midwest, but it was BLEW AWAY IN TORNADOSTORMS, YALL GONNA GET ASSKICK-- ...eaten.
(what book) https://t.co/MUtye89HZo
second literal lol of the day (WE WUZ CHANGZ clear winner) https://t.co/tXt2wlZDH3
How's that tradition of "that's not for us" (politics) working out for you, German-descended American? #muhturdition
We have a free press, made up of thousands of writers & editors who all independently decide to call black criminals "teens" & "youths."
#IStandWithIsrael #Tcot https://t.co/MUUJTxfk9f
Looks like a faggot to me. https://t.co/TAV1uOP4qK
If there's one thing I have no tolerance for it's these pinheads who try to tie the racial cause to the bible. FUCKING CLUELESS.
Bleating, special-pleading, weeping, what a sad sack sorry ass spectacle the man of christ presents. Anyone would kick it in vulva.
"It's the kulchur." Ok, dipshit, then how do you explain Liberia? Founded by Americans of Nigger. Failed successfully for 200+ years.
We're NOT in this together. I don't give a rats ass about niggers or Mexicans, they're hominid shit that ought to be dead. #TeamWhite
It's just like Hitler said. Every social ill you examine, a jew is in there suppurating its pus. https://t.co/nltv00y49U
People say a lot of things about Romans, but no one ever denied they were real men. Who looks at a christian and calls him a man?
I googled myself. Not even my quotes from others are accurate. I say HST and someone says "Harry S Truman." Jesus no. Hunter S. Thompson.
I ate raisins and salami sandwiches, and played handball. Listened to classmates talk about Charlie's Angels. Golden State '70s.
"Rich Corinthian leather"... who remembers that phrase, ha. https://t.co/4CB2F5fmuR
Back before Prohibition, jews circulated liquors in black South featuring lewd white women. Leading to "the nameless crime." Jews are evil.
I often feel if Herve Villechaize were still alive, none of this ever would have happened. That little midget was wise beyond his height.
Hitler spoke calmly and reasonably, always using his indoor voice, which some called the voice of prudence. That's how he saved Germany.
I don't really care about the system, I care that someone or group not manifestly insane and homicidal to my race be running things.
Crusades in general suck. They're evidence of lack of culture. Necessarily they are associated with christianity, aka low-rent goober hooey.
If you're not loyal to me, I'm not loyal to you. Doesn't mean I don't agree with you if you say intelligent things. (my position on Trump)
Iran would be friends with US if USA were controlled by Americans rather than by jews. https://t.co/ErXW8X7ufj
"Liberals are stupid" is an extremely successful jew-leftist white-control meme spread by professional conservatives for personal profit.
You know, when people do things that produce the obvious results, everyone but a conservative will eventually think "maybe they wanted that"
When I was in Germany, people were 99% serious and quiet. I heard voices raised like cats one time, after a fender bender.
I wish some of you halfwits realized the AMERICAN position is AGAINST standing armies. You are not heroes. You are yahoo mcdipshits.
Obama serves a terrible presidency! Yeah, and the workdays portions are so small. I am conservative. Hear me dumb.
4 "classic" races? https://t.co/V4iCVTAHv7
There's a science to destroying societies. Jews are experts in it. This is what the Protocols is all about.
The elite hate the people. And are trying to murder them. Who are the elite? Jews and their whiteskinned servants.
It is a fact that very, very few of the brave European patriots who have burned roach motels have been caught.
It is clear the state will not permit any democratic dissent from the planned genocide. That leaves violence. https://t.co/8oBgj8pFnb
They're #cuckservatives because they cuck n chuck their own race to the black n brown as the KIKEservative #antiwhite racial agenda demands.
If leftists aren't, in fact, stupid, in the sense of being able to connect cause and effect, then...what are they? Yes. That is right.
Stealing 'science' always been popular: marx's 'scientific' socialism. Mary Eddy's 'christian science.' State U's 'political science' dept.
No, MY. Will get FABULOUS. https://t.co/1VUE5HjLLQ
un wiggeur? https://t.co/S55Ma50S4x
But wait, christianity is responsible for all great art, so how can this be? Or is just great painting? https://t.co/vr4OAQpnY8
'Ethnostate' - this is knob talk. Little Italy is something. 'Ethnostate' is shit jargon used by nonacademics clueless from politics.
"Thousands of European women are being raped by invaders of color? Good. They deserve it." --leftists' actual beliefs
I am descended from people who literally believed in witches. I am not going to give them unqualified respect. #muhturdition
You are a YOU fan. Good for YOU. You-hoo! https://t.co/IiRcd3b0bq
Instead of watching porn and releasing creamed homunculuses into the towelosphere, read me n get less stoopid. https://t.co/mXiMXuwbnO
The left will believe anything it thinks makes it appear fashionable. Mutatis mutandis, young-fogey right / sophisticated. #altright
In light of jews’ success, we can conclude that paranoia, obnoxiousness and disagreeability in no way impede political success
my worldview part 2 https://t.co/mXiMXuwbnO
voting will only work for the White man when he is physically able to threaten the judge or official or police...
"If votes mattered, we wouldn’t have forced race-mixing, anti-White job discrimination or open borders." --P. Buchanan
If you put all the whiteskin christians in one group, and all the colored christians in another, guess which group is larger?
Sam Francis - Vic Gerhard exchange, nearer to bottom. https://t.co/D8TzLp33Te
In his book, The Judas Goats Michael Collins Piper explains how FBI operatives in the WN movement were instructed by their handlers...
This is a great truth - the revenge of white trash on their betters is a hidden but very real motive in the world. https://t.co/nhtj6L1QUA
Surely the elites are seeing if they can get away with this stuff without being assassinated. That's all I can conclude from Euro rape bs.
Cant. Today's vocabulary word. What does it mean: essentially bullshit. Nonsense flavored with lying. Ex. 'gun violence' is cant.
Any term that works to reduce respect for focus or organization is functionally #antiwhite. Sperg, anal, etc.
What's the one thing we all agree on? I hold it to be: the need for a white nation built overtly on a racial basis, with zero muds/jews.
We are evolution at work. There are now white men, who constitute a new race, who understand exterminating jews is the only solution.
How we live among ourselves, as fellow whites, and achieving white sovereignty - these are two very different things.
Fanatical, organized, rational persistence will win the day. Any other approach - we'll get the same result we always have. #WhiteThoughts
Education means drawing-out. Drawing us out of ourselves. To see things from a more accurate perspective than self-interest provides.
Whites by and large don't even believe that what jews have _actually done_ is even theoretically possible.
Jew billionaire Adelson spent "at least 100m" to back Republicans in 2012. Do you wonder why these pols don't give a shit what whites want?
The conservative mouths 'eternal verities' while standing in line to blow Adelson. https://t.co/ckxDRhZrFx
Jew donors give money to "gentile front" politicians on both sides. Whoever wins advances the jewish agenda, which is always #antiwhite.
Leftism from jews is a rational way of destroying competing nations. Leftism among whites is a character problem.
Leftism is not an intellectual problem it's a character problem erected into a religious cult passing as a political position. Among goyim.
I really hate when people die before I'm done attacking and insulting them. That is the definition of bad manners.
Which leaves him not alive to endure more beautiful taunting from me. Which is very clearly an anti-linderist hate crime.
that just splits his pants & makes him fall in the water. But a Canny does. & the pretension leads to hypertension leads to premature death.
You can't have it both ways. And a man doesn't try. He doesn't pretend he can stand on the dock and take a boat trip at the same time,
A spork is an infamous utensil that is neither fish nor fowl but both. A fork...and a spoon. A really shitty fork...& a really shitty spoon.
A nickname has to pick up on some essential characteristic of the guy you're trying to lampoon, or in Canny's case harpoon.
Prayer is for boys, speculation is for men. The money men say 2.6 to 1 against Trump being Rep. nominee. Think about that.
Milo's afraid to criticize jews. https://t.co/Oj2mVgMRv8
Ie, faith is private truth, ie, not truth at all, but opinion claiming special privilege. https://t.co/tH7xQLvOnX
“Maybe someday I’ll have enough saved and I’ll see what I can get,” said starting quarterback Kirk Cousins, who drives a dented GMC Savana
Trump +260 to win Republican nomination. Trump +595 to win election. (was +800). Getting likelier, think the money men.
https://t.co/2QQyr3llAF The white QB they hated has now risen to the top.
The fact part is whites on average treat property much better than blacks do, whether slave, car, whatever. https://t.co/m1ciguoTlP
One should never be ashamed of acknowledging factual reality. That way lies christianity and delusion addiction. https://t.co/1lPoLrXeJO
Sending a semitic cult of universalism to a race war is like...it's just stupid. You really shouldn't need me to point out why. But you do.
Evasives, sophisticators, calculators, old women disguised as young men - meet the traditionalists, the reactionaries, the alt-frightists.
Benedict Arnold...fell in with grafty jew army purveyors, and went down as biggest traitor in American history. https://t.co/D55YRbfTD0
January 04, 2016:
Christians: people with the most infinitessimal grasp of production values who can nevertheless explain the universe to you.
Atheism isn't a political position, contrary to jewlike xtian fools. Addiction to delusion is classed in my mind with drugs/alcohol.
If you took 1000 self-described atheists vs 1000 catholic priests, which group would contain more homosexuals and pedophiles.
Christianity is the white man's enemy. So simple to see. Just have to get over your 14yo girl emotional problems. https://t.co/piy1s22c9S
Media Lies: Sweden Has Not “Stopped Asylum” https://t.co/bNrtMvLfRD via @NewObOnline
Germany: Nonwhites Majority in One Generation https://t.co/wNA4NEhZkw via @NewObOnline
January 03, 2016:
Keep kidding yourself that there's another solution to jews besides exterminating them. You're historically ignorant & just plain stupid.
Direct this question to the 'traditionalists.' Traditionalism is a concept that explodes the second you examine it. https://t.co/IPvhkV8U1c
SUV full of niggers shoots white girl dead. It's "road rage" in mouth of kike-press. The SUV is described as black. Perp race unmentioned.
Leftists consider whites a criminal class - this their jew masters brought over from the Soviet Union, 100% ideological thinking.
Jews are a rabid race, and need to be put down. It has been this way for at least 2000 years. Why do we keep pretending otherwise?
The solution to nigger crime is not concealed carry but exterminating the class (jews) that sicced niggers on us. https://t.co/BOcgbHhFLM
pro-white jews do not exist. pro-jew whiteskins do. https://t.co/JAhiJxBtES
The judeo-left lives off the very people it despises, and makes policy against. This is what should breed a revolution. #TeamWhite
We are Whites. And we are men. We will not be forced into your judeo-Catholic church, or your Aryan Ant Farm.
You hate individualism? Then you hate a very large part of the essence of white man - what makes us racially distinct.
Harney County is an expansive, rural county in central Oregon. At more than 10,000 sq mi. larger than the six smallest states. Pop. < 8k.
We need one of those Saigon scenes, where the last kike is trying to board the last copter out of DC to Israel... #jewNotAmerican
It is quite true, if often lied about, that final interpretation of the Constitution is open to him who can enforce it.
My opinions on everything come from: meeting them (catholics, niggers, Southrons), reading about them, and reflecting on it all.
Henry Ford on jewish influence on American labor, churches, colleges. https://t.co/kFAqQVeiCV #LearningCollege #TeamWhite #vnnforum
The US government is illegitimate. Let it break up. Races going their different ways means freedom + peace.
I knew the statistical facts about blacks before I lived in D.C. But living around them noggios really fleshed out the bare numbers. Heh.
Henry Ford on jews debasing American liquor. https://t.co/RFy4bJ0bGk
The pro-white jew: - spends all his time denouncing "antisemitism" in the movement. - spends no time denouncing anti-gentilism to his rabbi
The whiteskin christian: - spends all his time defending his religion to racialists - spends no time defending his race to his preacher
January 02, 2016:
No, no, little cathlick. You can totally fix mister jew with your dad's awesome set of tv repair tools. We'll give you another 2k years.
Does it surprise you, then, that people who can't see ugly overdone cathedrals for what they are (garish bad taste) hate simple blunt truth?
Neoreactionaries instinctively prefer the sophisticated to the true, as do, mutatis mutandis, goy leftists the fashionable.
Jewish writers, writing for Jews, freely admit this; but in writing for Gentiles, they refer to the ghetto as a surviving illustration of
"In the beginning of the invasion of European and American cities the Jews always lived by themselves because they wanted to,...
Henry Ford: "And then take the complaint about the Jews having to live in ghettos. The ghetto is a Jewish invention."
Next few tweets are Henry Ford talking about ghettos - created by jews, for jews - then misrepresented to gullible goyim as perseuction.
"The public is being constantly deceived by an appearance of complexity, where there is none." --Henry Ford, naming the jew.
What do whites have in common besides a desire not to be attacked, mocked and discriminated against because of their race? #WhiteThoughts
Happy New Year to everyone. As stated last year, I will only respond to people using their real names 2016-01-01 forward.
January 01, 2016:
In D.C. schools, the racial gap is a chasm, not a crack https://t.co/gIvJsnqX7M
I support a supersized state that takes 1/2 of everybody's money. And then I blame them for not having 20 children. #BigWhiteDumb
Faith is what builds suspension bridges. More specifically, the suspension of disbelief. #IFuckinLoveReligion
The problems we whites face were not created by strong women but by weak men. Even granting 'strong woman' is propaganda term.
One thing I notice in evaluating character is how quick Whites are to use jewish propaganda lies if suits their 'argument.' Dumb/corrupt.
Chechar falls for stupid jewish propaganda - the lie that rock music is African in origin. NO music is African in origin.
Chechar, if you want to criticize me, then apply that to Hitler: who did he exterminate? Did he EVEN talk about it?
If faith is what builds cathedrals, why don't we find cathedrals in black Africa - among xtian Nigerians or muti-holding hottentots?
Most of the 'white' movement are just blanched christian-conservatives. https://t.co/G9zA0wBVjI
Who's up for a global civil war? It must be settled for all times whether we go underground OR JEWS DO. White v jew. WInner take all.
"the Burmese pythons that have _infested_ the Everglades." t's 2016 and still have to read bigotry like this. smh. even, i cant.
And thru all the bullshit I feel one tiny detail has been overlooked. NOT GUILTY By virtue of being chartreuse. #TeamGreen
Shout out to all my brothers under siege in the 'Glades Guns N' Roses - Out Ta Get Me https://t.co/tOdefBVLhc via @YouTube
About 400 people so far register to catch pythons in the Everglades https://t.co/w5lQkQpPwV THEY'RE OUT TO GET ME....BUT I'M INNOCENT
December 31, 2015:
So much for tolerance: Israel bans Arab-Jewish romance novel for promoting interracial relationships https://t.co/rZnPaxZ9rE via @Salon
Leo Frank murdered Mary Phagan in 1913, listen to the audiobook about the case #leofrank #maryphagan https://t.co/PScqUOiFtb
https://t.co/PScqUOiFtb audiobook on the Murder of Little Mary Phagan #LeoFrank
#2015 Centennial Year of Leo Frank Lynching? Innocent or Guilty? Who got the Last Word? His Wife! https://t.co/xRkViWmqy1 #leofrank
2015 Centennial Year of Leo Frank Lynching: Who got the Last word? Lucille Selig Frank #leofrank https://t.co/xRkViWmqy1
watch out, it's going to fall down at any minute. https://t.co/zFxGmaAPc9
Conservatism has made American whiteskins into default weaseldicks. They simply cannot man up to any straight position, as on jews.
there is no organization so technically you're wrong https://t.co/tKt08yT8vN
December 30, 2015:
at VNN we have always had the rule: you cannot make serious accusations without proof. it's very unmanly behavior https://t.co/ZlIagFVdEX
blacks make everything around them worse. that's the real reason everyone hates them. and it will never change.
maybe, i dont know. https://t.co/9Pztad9nn7
In WWII, Americans and British were fighting for Jewish tyranny, and didn't know it. Germans were fighting against it, and did.
See, no one traces the jew-strings thru this mess: Regnery > Vdare > NPI > Jared Taylor > Richard Spencer. Who's in control? real agenda?
Yeah, they're stupid. That's why they're running things. Think harder. https://t.co/cZWFhz9mK4
Trying to have it both ways is what he and alt-right are doing. It's effeminate. You're either in or you're out. https://t.co/H86Bac0aXV
What the "Nazis" discovered works in fighting jews has no necessary connection to Germany. It works...anywhere.
No one on the German side in WWII went home and said, oh shit, I regret what I fought for. Millions of brits/americans do.
Yeah...see the thing is, he's the dogboy of jared taylor, who fags for the jews. https://t.co/AZUk1W7Eaa
You ain no real nigga less you can carry a 20-lb water jug two miles on your head. #blacklivesmatter
Remember, people. As my grandfather used to tell me, fifteen minutes from now, you might already have been dead for ten minutes.
If you're not beating your (western donated) clothes on a rock in the river, you're not keeping it real to your afikan roots, dawg
realy miss kitty. the "most" counterproductive? https://t.co/8dJHtyG9Xy
Jews will never tire of playing the liars and murderers. Whenever you christians get tired of playing the dupes & idiots, that'd be great.
Never say "I'm not"... you're already on the defensive. What they call you is their business. What you call them is yours.
Nothing more characteristic of average leftists than brainless use of loaded language. https://t.co/W15z03fu8f
she speaks the intl language of drunken hag https://t.co/7cZASQdf2O
It's not infighting if we're not on the same side. And that is what 'infighting' helps establish: just what is IN hence who is OUT.
Yeah block me and go back to drinking. Great life choices there, "Anna" https://t.co/vXk6xx56WL
That is news I can use. I am going to infiltrate their meetings, and filch their free newsletters. https://t.co/gpHGw4ZflD
If Whites responsible for giving niggers free room and board hundreds of years ago, then jews can be responsible for 66m murders in 20th c.
Did Duke say that? Good for him. https://t.co/oFsxlumsbl
thank you. https://t.co/BL0bIuarwm
Many whiteskin Americans say they are descended from Indians. And it's true. A low-IQ subset of the Cree.
When someone calls a book a 'read,' I get the same feeling I guess others get with curse words. (So crude!) But I like curses.
Muds are responsible for 90% of violent crime, just as jews are responsible for 90% of media coverups.
That you support affirmative action doesn't mean it isn't institutional power + racial discrimination. It is. And you support it.
Narchy is the untried ideal. Government purely by snitches and Drug Warrior pigs. Well, it's getting closed to 'tried.'
How about bringin' something to the table when you tweet. Yeah man. I can dig it. #crewsade4qualitytweetz
"i'll cosign that" -- the South https://t.co/hkBVsji7g5
The ignorant claim the church forced jews into ghettos to protect the white race. This is factually wrong. JEWS demanded ghettos.
"The Ghetto is not a corner into which the non-Jews have herded the Semites; the Ghetto is a spot carved out of the community
Henry Ford, destroying the argument made by catholic and other fools that the church forced jews into the ghetto (multiple tweet-quotation):
Henry Ford: Every man's place is with his tribe. The criticism belongs to the lick-spittle Gentile Fronts who have no tribe... (1/2)
They would never do the same within WN, though. https://t.co/6gasbyPAGP
December 29, 2015:
What is life like without jews or niggers around? It's pretty much utopia. https://t.co/86y8PAxg7j
i agree. and i lived there myself for years. https://t.co/goOJq4aDEC
True or untrue: the average white is closer in emotional and intellectual development to the nigger than the jew.
Henry Ford makes the point that Rothschild owned 600 houses in Paris at the time of the French Revolution. All untouched amid the violence.
That's good: the great dejewing. Of mind, pocketbook and life. Don't pay your enemy. Simple stuff. https://t.co/kpy0yltiyX
December 28, 2015:
I have less faith the sun will rise tomorrow than these people have in 'mental health services.' Never stops amazing me.
That's what 'public' ie govt schools are for. https://t.co/i4hYnRpvJF
The belief in magic dirt is obviously a close relative of the belief in magic water (baptism) but the crosscucks don't find it so funny.
#TeamWhite says the jew must be exterminated. Catholicism says the jew must be converted to christianity.
The Nazis were non-Western. Why? Because the western individualist response can't defeat jewish communism. #TeamWhite is required.
Black go mall-apin' in Lousville, cops drive them home. What message are we conveying to the ferals here? #BlackLivesMatter
The conservative has more respect for law than the state that makes and enforces it. The conservative is a natural slave. #tcot
Any book bin: 1/3 is jewish historical lies (rubbish), 1/3 is xtian fantasy material (rubbish), last third might have something good.
Christianity urges weak-minded fantasy over nature's reality. This explains its popularity. But it's not good or healthy for whites.
White men are indisputably guilty of one thing: failure to ID the jew properly and exterminate it. Result - look out your window.
Christianity is all about humility, but this never extends to doubting that negroes and other fauna (jews) can be fixed by magic water.
December 27, 2015:
Is this that fat jew broad? https://t.co/n5GQjDt9eI
Maybe they should give up their wacky universalist religion and the politics that sprang from it. https://t.co/tMGvHXSzxu
I like to volunteer my opinions to the undereducated. Little service I provide. You're welcome. https://t.co/6nglnYiXL6
Diners are mostly history... https://t.co/QTBxDvieOj
If it weren't for William F. Buckley, Will could be called the very first #cuckservative. https://t.co/l0JEYpRntK
https://t.co/X6RtHql2wj The new black plague rides in on jewish rats.
True. But his campaign is still good for whites. https://t.co/KceotsLFnC
Europe has nearly universal laws banning criticism of EU's white-genocial policies. We should all support the burning of invader centers.
I'd like to ask the "keep it legal" crowd... do you support Europeans burning invader centers, or not?
Vote Jeb! Fla. woman JOSSELEEN LOPEZ does meth, turns Walmart into personal buffet https://t.co/NTlz9Q8HbS
Controlled Media and Black Mall Riots https://t.co/SnJsVmteXJ via @NewObOnline
Is Allah the same as the xtian God? Can some of you experts in imaginary superheroes help me out on this one?
Baseless accusations should never be tolerated, nor should mixing with jews or jew supporters like Jared Taylor. https://t.co/gnR76XpROO
Whites are taxed to subsidize their racial destruction while the papers gaslight about privilege. #JewishWaronWhites https://t.co/YpMvKwP41i
December 26, 2015:
The Nigger Who Pretended To Be Shot So He Could Steal The Floor. https://t.co/B8uhbbzU6N
Germany: Two More Invader Nests Burn https://t.co/NRTx9GGObO via @NewObOnline
Christianity is a competitor with racialism. Not an ally. https://t.co/pVcc2bGXGo
The christian pattern is copied in leftism, transposed into racial key, just read the comments. Utterly insane. https://t.co/whdmgBBzqW
Music appreciation: "Imposter" by Oingo Boingo (((Elfman))) still good: https://t.co/GFKdOQU66R
All good white men, stay low, don't get beat. Bob and weave like a fat chick listening to Billy Idol. #TeamWhite
Request denied. Go for the actually attainable: separation. https://t.co/MDSAiPptQI
Whu-whu-whu-whu....ask not for whom the helicopter comes, lefty. It comes for you. Next stop Oceanview.
Notice how it takes a jew to cut thru the bs. The Aryan maunders on like a faggot about expulsion or conversion. https://t.co/1IvjMOm4qv
Can christianity defeat judaism? 2000 years of history scream with one voice: No. Go racial or go home. #TeamWhite
Real movements, rising movements, are intolerant. Christian conservatism is the main competitor for the whites who can build #TeamWhite.
Remember, xtian kiddies, it's important to Believe Things That Aren't True. That's what Being A Good Person Means.
A winsome collection of urchins and waifs. https://t.co/nzLaN3t7TX
I wish I had some video of my ancient ancestor shooting Redcoats, god I envy him that. Must have been glorious.
Fellow white man: wogs, nogs and muds are not pets or toys. They are dangerous wild animals to be left strictly alone.
Portrait is the Anglo at its Angliest. Compassionate Me Church of the Beautiful Mind https://t.co/ok7TLF0zjQ
I truly wish we had segregated football leagues, so we could watch the niggers cry boo hoo when they lost the Race Bowl every year.
That's why you don't talk to them, unless they pay you. Use them harder than they use you. Get tough! Get mean! https://t.co/faMds2hatz
There is simply no excuse for anyone who by 2015 claimed to be pro-white and wasn't anti-jew. No excuse is acceptable. The case is settled.
You xtian mealworms don't appreciate the power of facts and rationality and Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation is jebus = fiction.
December 25, 2015:
That hat. MUST HAVE IT. https://t.co/NuNkURvtP5
We've tried Anglo respectability and appearances politics. It failed. We've tried jew servility. It failed. What's left? I think you know.
We white nationalists were right about these jews' wars from DAY ONE and ALONE among ALL other political positions, including libertarian.
Social policy: careers open to talents Foreign policy: myob jew policy: underground, silver bullet in heart
The funniest way to tyrannize people is to force them to be men. It scares the shit out of far too many of them.
It's always funny to me that women try to shame men by the same techniques that work on their own sex.
Entering a Catholic (tm) cathedral, I feel a deep serenity of peace come over me, like a flea nestled twixt Marx's furry toes. #savermeJebus
If you were a nigger slave...you know goddam well you'd rather be owned by a white man than a fellow nigger. #blacklivesmatter
Hey Rammer @ramzpaul : These guys need your lecture about violence not working. https://t.co/Z0WS6kXaiU
wrong generation. all that shit is greek to me. https://t.co/4rf6BZJnQJ
Whites will never on religion or economics. Need for racial basis of society is our (only) common ground. https://t.co/1Ij8jX16TD
Women are far more vicious, unjust and duplicitous than men. Politics comes to them naturally, one might say.
From your mouth to imaginary god's ear. https://t.co/PXCweAueIM
It's sad he died and all, but I was thinking. How cool is it that in 2015 a black man named Donkey Cartel has full legal rights. #Americarox
I truly wish I could have a tabulation of all the times I've been called "Nazi" and "jew" even though I'm neither.
Where reactionary forces have coalesced can "it's raining (leftist commie) men hallelujah!" copters be far behind? https://t.co/EFeLLHk7wj
thanks for letting me know. that is "news i can use." https://t.co/s8g5rNfVtL
God is just little kids flinging rocks. https://t.co/pxorGAl1u1
Don't know about aesthetic, but I'd take new wave music over what you hear now. https://t.co/W3ETMfo0vY
good example of shameless jewess lying https://t.co/PIQw7GwlYC
The War on Christmas is fought most effectively by the #cuckservatives refusing to call it the Jewish War on Christmas. Its proper name.
yeeaaah ok. my ancestors were 'jews' in USA before revolution disguised as german farmers and new england preachers. https://t.co/fZdqe3wLRe
There's an easy way to tell if a gun is about to break violent. Check both ends and see if there's a nigger attached.
You know I ride the South hard, and it deserves worse, but what kind of fuckhead whites would vote for a pruned out kike like Bernie Sanders
What did the nigger get for christmas? Your bike. #TimelessHolidayClassics https://t.co/qTehcxntwe
You discolored your hair. Wow. Have a scooby snack. Your meretricious attention-whoring makes baby jesus puke.
My whole life i've seen sex deviants, jews & malocclusive incompetent women catered to. And you come at me w white male privilege? bullshit.
This sounds even better in the original North Korean. https://t.co/9sIcAT8NTu
Who made Hillary Clinton into an #antiwhite leftist? Why, bless my soul, it twas her christian preacher.
Remove the jews, and all the other problems disappear along with them. Since they caused them all. #WhiteThoughts #TeamWhite
Our traditions are surely at least partly to blame for where we are now. Is that not logically, nay mathematically, undeniable?
They called their perversion morality. They used it to justify loosing niggers, & then laughing as they spread murder & misery nationwide.
Why won't the patriotards at #tcot circulate this? #IStandWithIsrael Conservatives are fags for the jews. https://t.co/FElobE917h
Cute! https://t.co/MLHDmh94ep
You can learn from Stockman. A review of recent history in 'middle' east. https://t.co/ahEgAl8DlK
Southern Man can't distinguish between his contempt for the enemy and their actual ability to inflict harm on him. https://t.co/LF8thQaunv
In the end, Santa simply refused to hire black elves because they wouldn't stop fucking the stuffed animals.
Racist Jewish Pedophile Leo Frank Posthumous Pardon HOAX https://t.co/WNGXHnPOh3 #ADL #AJC #AJF #AmericanJewishComittee
Christianity spreads the universalist message that all men are basically alike, thereby encouraging members not to notice differences.
At least 40% of the white population believes that playing Dungeons & Dragons will turn children into satanists. These are not mental adults
I mean, imagine giving some crank concept like absolute morality to a hominid on the level of a Southern Baptist. That's just dangerous.
There has never been anything like the American right for brainlessly parroting the loaded language of its enemies.
He battles the lighter manifestations of jewish tyranny, aka selected feminists. But he'll never strike at the root. https://t.co/aIZcsELWnE
https://t.co/CcqCMjld8m Christ-insanity is leftism. Fucking wackos.
South African Leftists Driven off Farm by “Refugees” https://t.co/CcqCMjld8m via @NewObOnline
My kinda nigger. https://t.co/QUtsRblOyj
Courtney is a good analyst, def top 50. But if she followed Halep and got off season reduction, she could rise to #2. @FortyDeuceTwits
Christians worship jews. Post-God christians worship niggers. Whites? Dey jes laff and laff. #TeamWhite
Interracial buttsex YES Jew criticism NO #yougogirl #TeamAltRight https://t.co/h0PZTAnhDt
Remember the rhyme: British in public / Yiddish in private https://t.co/HxLFqUuUbW
Reeve Cho arone! She jus here tell funy jokes/eat fried spiders. And she all out o funny jokz. https://t.co/U9PH0vTgOa
Inner circle of kikes. Outer circle of cucks. Vast sea of whiteskins. Growing pockets of #TeamWhite.
Tan Staafl channeling his inner Pierce... https://t.co/n1NRfOeM9p
People who know how to manipulate words aren't taken in by them. Yesterdays bolsies, commies, etc are todays multicultualists & eternal jews
conservative = respectability = appearances obsession = fear of/fake love of jews = fake white = alt right https://t.co/BjeDE3AHeh
The Nazis helped Spain destroy the vile terrorist communists. But when they needed help from Spain, the Catholics demurely refused.
Jared Taylor is supported mostly by gooberninnies living south of Mason Dixon who cream their jorts at a grown man wearing a suit.
That is the gist of his position. He always loved to use that example till #TeamWhite started pointing out it's bs. https://t.co/XvS4y2jRMj
It's like you're reading the future... https://t.co/ply2lGqYCr
Unlike the failed zygotes who dispute me, I have actually read the Catholic catechism and grasp its racial implications.
Maybe in some, but we can't escape the puerilization of society as it comes from every official institution. https://t.co/IFNml5kc8m
The catholic loves his overdone church for the same reason the nigger likes his bling. It provides external proof of what's lacking inside.
Shnozzim is my guess. https://t.co/yX5cExzCgk
What does the Catholic church call an Irishman, Filippino and Mexican sitting next to each other in a pew? "Good business."
Well Europe has the ultimate set of Christian tools. It can totally fix niggers. #Spicoli https://t.co/1qBShzkl9E
Bring a gun to a gunfight. If you dont have an atom bomb handy. https://t.co/UrUcQ91Dy7
It's not fair to say jews see all whites as Nazis. They see all whites as potential nazis. That's why they support #whitegenocide.
so you're a jew urging whites to take a individualist approach toward jews who're attacking us as a team. https://t.co/UrUcQ91Dy7
Ok whatever. In any case, it is clear in Germany that actual Germans are burning invader centers. https://t.co/C7XxRTWVv5
#jewsForJared #nothatJared #theOtherDisgustingManTwatWhoLiesAboutJews https://t.co/Q5ezunSzpj
Madison Grant said (h/t @caseysuperstar ): "The Church of Rome has everywhere used its influence to break down racial distinctions."
Nice pull quote on church of Rome. https://t.co/muFAYEZRts
translated: you might get some personal blowback from YOUR PEOPLE's decades long campaign of defamation of whites https://t.co/JvbJJMQSup
The truth is that no people has suffered less than the jews. Jews lead in causing suffering. Media invert truth, just as w black crime.
are you denying that native actual real Swedes are burning invader centers? https://t.co/x25HkREAXF
This jewess sniffs around the cucks of the fake-white right. Would be interesting to know just what's up with her. https://t.co/1PFKKGG08O
But non-violence has never included arson, think MLK and Gandhi. https://t.co/iUkGlJFllz
Well that's a fair point, altho some of what i'm generally referring to has involved direct physical violence. https://t.co/iUkGlJFllz
Glad you like it! https://t.co/qAIIfRzYEf
Golden Dawn got 7% of the vote in Greece. American jews shit themselves, & ordered govt to throw the party leaders in jail. #keepitlegallol
Destroy the reputations of all whiteskins who shill for or in some way serve jews. Make jews & their agenda naked to dullest intelligence.
The elite are trying to murder Germany & Europe. Violence is completely justified in response, especially since criticism has been outlawed.
When you read the words of German nationalists last century and the words of American conservatives today - it's men v boys. #TeamWhite
German nationalism was surprisingly less jew focused than one would think - but it always acknowledged jews were the #1 threat to Germany.
Why couldn't the jews coopt German nationalism? Why can they coopt xtianity, conservatism, Republican Party? #somethoughtrequired
There are no excuses for those who defend jews or claim they are on our side. These liars are our enemies, and must be attacked. #TeamWhite
Nailed it. He also supports the philosemitic Ultimate Cuck Polished Turd Taylor. https://t.co/skBVzjp3dD
Polarize the west between #TeamWhite and #TeamJew. Make people see these are the only real choices. Then fight it out to the death.
Is Trump campaign "good for whites"? Does it polarize the country? Does it show the profound hatred the jewed elite have for whites? A: yes.
December 24, 2015:
lizards eat spiders. this crakkka kills spiders. and crickets. and roaches. and flies. https://t.co/2SpafoA9Lc
Hitler was the man. Jesus was a faggot invented by jews. You can be a christian. Or a white man. Not both. https://t.co/VsqZc2rSST
Her forearms are skewing a tad brawny. Not sure this wop real clear on the type that lived in that area. https://t.co/2c3KdqWuRC
Q-RID says what? https://t.co/6YjvuIzoQx
Evincing a deeper understanding than 90% of WN, who are simply temporizing conservatives or Southern xtian yahoos. https://t.co/H7162731YB
Free Cheese Dance. It's the black Nutcracker, you know. https://t.co/6IqOSccNR2
Chipotle? https://t.co/XObppUE3gI
Yep. may be a rematch. https://t.co/NxUhSiM0DC
That's right...I think he'll win another. https://t.co/guQFVOlPsa
I know...just saying the success qualities generally track w race but not 100%. I think Wilson will win a SB. https://t.co/ljVB9VTqao
You can tell a black to down a punt and stay out of the end zone, but he only has enough processing power for 1 thing at a time.
Whites have better hands than blacks. https://t.co/jTuX1CdQxn
Shabbes goyim: John Bolton, Ralph Peters, George Will. https://t.co/YBIw8bWDY2
As a sniveling christian cur, #IstandWithIsrael because they are the bold liars and murderers I wish I could be.
Jews are the only race on earth legitimately described as a race of haters. https://t.co/tI9E6DNI8y
That's just Jebus touching down among His people. Y'all make room for the real Big Rig. https://t.co/wTsqoNjYXw
All niggers do is create messes someone else has to clean up. https://t.co/6dzLNeseL3
It's like I always say: if you could see what was running around inside the head of the average person, you'd be afraid to go outside.
Intelligence and laughter get together and breed Menckens, Twains, Dahls. Stupidity and religiosity get together and breed...Southerners.
Christianity has lobotomized the white race, truly. https://t.co/PlS8xNQFYQ
I will broom you and your army of angry inchworms into a dustpan. https://t.co/YoJJbBTrve
Remember to worship the King of the Jews, and shop in as many jewish retail stores as you can. #MuhXmas
Christian honor. Is that a thing? No. Christian integrity. Is that a thing? No. Christian weakness. Is that a thing. Yes in spades.
Christian love and christian stupidity. One of them is real. https://t.co/QOh2yYdIZs
Educate us ignorant Non SA whites - who is thief Pierneef? https://t.co/u3HP3ewtIK
Nice horses. Who'd they steal 'em from? https://t.co/EdianTPESQ
Who is Pierneef? https://t.co/B5HEU0S5mP
No, that's what jews have created in the US. And Europe. And everywhere outside Israel. https://t.co/1OthOUPY60
They're called jews. https://t.co/28VPQSVP9U
Why do I attack the jebus cult? Because when it comes down to it, that cult will side with the genocidal antiwhite jews every single time.
I don't see any long-term future there without whites regaining sovereignty. https://t.co/ngrnQGQQHP
Christianity is the father of fake science. Who can't see in the priest watering away man's basic nature the first sociologist?
Maybe you ought to get treated for your pathological hatred of white people. https://t.co/mP08JqVQeA
There's only one group God loves more than low-IQ rural hinds. That's ugly women. Garfinkels and sea snakes, created He them.
Beauty is not going to save us. Let me break it down for you, McGoober: something dumb in (Russian) or (Latin)...IS STILL DUMB.
That...is healthy. https://t.co/UIhLAt8DoF
Southerners have a tradition of terraphagy. Is that something to be proud of? It's not for me to say. But no.
Traditionalism would be a wise policy if traditions were mostly good. Are they? The muh turdition boy refuses to consider this question.
McGoober is told that people in Old Testament turned away from god so he destroyed them. Well shizucksam...that be happenin' to us!
December 23, 2015:
Southland, Southland, Goober alles, Goober alles in der welt. "Deo volente, et terram comedes in caelis"* *The motto of the white nigger.
"He died for your sins." The Aryan reaction is: my sins aren't his business. https://t.co/HVKL9Jjvdw
Yeah, the first clue was 'Pastor.' https://t.co/W7zME9xixQ
Do think blacks made into a zoo exhibit would get bored? I don't think they would. I mean, probably less than tiger or polar bear.
Northerners are more graceless and impolite than Southerners, but they are also more principled and reliable.
Problem is, you're dealing with people, not just Boers, who honestly believe "we turned away from god" = explanation https://t.co/hm9m8PcfsN
Believe me, it is not due to any principle the Southron doesn't try to inflict his low-rentness on others as north does, it is mere laziness
South is an honor culture. Honor is satisfied by appearances - not actions. Southrons, thus, are quick to fight, but shitheels in behavior.
Put this on the Southron tombstone: Here Lies Yahoo Unserious "Deo volente, et terram comedes in caelis"
The religious 'racialist' Southerner has no more conception of the distance between his kind & ruling jews....
The South and north both have lousy cultures, but the South's is better because the dirt-eaters are too lazy and dumb to fuck with me.
Very specific example: some of my German ancestors believed "politics is not for us." Were they right? No. They were wrong.
The gap between jewsmedia & normals has never been greater. What can you do with kikes who pretend to believe wanting borders is xenophobia?
Love will not save the white race, contrary to that sappy old Russian goatbeard. Bullets & laugher just might.
They don't trust the jewsmedia, but they do trust a book written by the same lying clowns. https://t.co/aE9lCMF1Sr
https://t.co/nfpZbJFwxL Space w/o govt? How can that be? Govt is God.
Btw, it's always safe to assume I'm right about everything, lol. not really lol. https://t.co/Ch8lmaV4a4
Christianity is a cuck religion. The Cuckmaker. https://t.co/ejMZj19IFE
If you hate jews and niggers that means you're a good person who thinks clearly. Which is why the media hate you.
Jews are a race of liars. Any whiteskin who defends them is our enemy. https://t.co/CEOkib4KYP
€80,000 damage is inflicted on...invader accommodation when “unknown persons” gain entrance and flood the building by turning on the taps
https://t.co/ymKjNRMqoV Physical resistance in Germany begins with invader accommodations. Step 1.
Beachgoer Discovers 10,000-Year-Old Spearhead That May Hold Clues to Prehistoric Life in NJ - ABC News - https://t.co/EtXnxvoiVU via @ABC
That is simply the BEST painting of an ogre chanting Buddist prayers I've ever seen. https://t.co/zvCnyvImNT
"Captured" - as if he put up any kind of a fight. Willing tool of antiwhite global jewry. https://t.co/wPx7MOARJz
Only the jew Won World War Two. https://t.co/FDzOAkoqp4
Separation of church and state coexists with fusion of synagogue and state. Not one xtian dares point it out. https://t.co/f39pRhAzQH
How does christianity tell you to treat the jew? What do your instincts tell you? Is there a problem here?
It's murder. Jared Taylor is a liar, always has been. https://t.co/bTFnO8qpxl
Thority, the God of Regulation...He will safe us from our sins. There will be no digging of 19" deep farm ponds under His watch.
NORWAY https://t.co/UtcDzif3WS
Some believe in Thor. Some believe The Man of Thorn. And some believe, with awe, in Thority, promulgator of wise regulations.
Muh Dept of Safety. Safe me, regulator, from these rampaging armadillos and vicious bite-crazy cornsnakes. #MuhExpert #MuhThority
I think turning point was Trayvon Martin. It's been nothing but fake-nigger-victim rollout and hot white hate since. https://t.co/cHe4ryumn5
Do indians have any sites that aren't sacred? Of course not, because it's political bs. Indians are savages. https://t.co/WBW4FpK58K
Jews are the standing internal enemy of every white nation that allows them to fester. https://t.co/dX17MfnOzg
"Jews are an evil race of liars and murderers, and they should be wiped off the face of the earth." --Ghandi
If you work in fast food or service, that's ok. Take pride in what you do, and do it punctiliously - that is the way of Germanic peoples.
I'm afraid the average christian takes a real, tobacco pleasure in bein' lied to. It's like muddin' for the mind. https://t.co/qGVE5zrT2B
Happy birthday. Unlike Jebus I am reasonably sure you exist. https://t.co/DEyIp6CAug
"Attacking whites and excusing blacks, why, but sir, that is the very reason mass media exist!" --Digby Snibdick's Book of Common Lies
Moar Power Eagles. More Superhuman-sized Mausoleum Buildings Filled with Experts who have Answers for Everything. #whiteantSALUTE
I'll try to explain psychology for you little people. If I write a book which I KNOW PULLS PUNCHES ON JEWS & you buy it and blow me...
December 22, 2015:
Christianity converted individual misery into social menace. The delusions it fosters endanger us all.
No. I don't pay attention to christians writers except E. Mike Jones, Ted Pike, and Michael Hoffman. https://t.co/fyPCyIMvu5
All media hacks at natl level know that criticism of jews will lead not only to getting fired but permanent blackballing from the media.
The bible was written by jews. It is not a credible source for anything but nasty historical fiction.
God created this ape in his image, according to the christian. https://t.co/19x7vpmLfP
The problem is most whites belong to a cult that defines jews in a way that precludes their extermination as a moral, rational solution.
It's unclear to me why, to the conservative mind, adultery is a bad thing for marriage but a good thing in politics. #tcot #Impuritans
No, she's a writer selling books. It's all about her career. Personally, she's a mudshark. https://t.co/NoqwyleD2g
All christian argument falls under the umbrella of special pleading. The correct response is laughter and scorn.
There isn't any option but exercise if you want to stay in shape. Same with reading/reflection for your brain. https://t.co/FoJQJ4n74P
Forced false menu is a logical fallacy - and a form of pseudo-argument used 100% of the time by jews and nearly as often by christians.
Christian 'argument' - (notice similarity to jew '-phobe' style): "If you don't worship my god then you worship yourself." Huh? Wha? Howzat?
Person A asserts a god without evidence. B laughs. A then asserts that B's laughter is a competing religion. So, so jewy is this M.O.
#IStandWithIsrael when it murders my fellow Americans because I believe appeasing jews is the safe policy. https://t.co/wnXAIZZWeu
Atheism is not a political position. If I deny Santa Claus or Oompa-Loompas exist, you can't infer my politics from it.
Atheism is not a religion. The comparison is common but doesn't change fact it's apples and oranges. https://t.co/4IkQfUBnX6
Gross Pointe is heavily jewish last I heard. Protection for jews is racism for whites. https://t.co/pnyjlClxAF
People who don't read or think live in very tiny worlds. This is 90% of christians. It is why they prefer omens to causality.
Secular leftism, as been said, is jebooism without the voodoo. https://t.co/tMebJN2bbo
Trying to explain factual reality to a christian is exactly the same as talking to a cow. Same dumb, scared, suspicious incomprehension.
Do you #IStandWithIsrael when she burns christian churches and calls for their extermination? https://t.co/lXPvlE1lEz
Controlling the border and executing guilty criminals are two of the few things govt can and should be doing.
it's always nearly funny to me the left has absolute faith in powers of government to do anything - except control the border.
Warmongering Anti-White Kikes Party for Global Misery https://t.co/31QMvnMpMU
Mommy, where do Salon articles come from? https://t.co/a8GVx1ohiq
#TeamJew includes jews, the leaders, white sellouts/traitors/careerists, muds, and generic class of malocclusive deviants, mostly whiteskins
The jewsmedia write openly about white genocide. They favor it. So far, I'm the only open White advocating jew genocide. So far. #TeamWhite
I love that the jew media got very appreciably more antiwhite & downright openly white-genocidal in 2015. It is "good for whites."
Attack the conservatives, always and only. Attack, attack, attack the conservative. Polarize public betweeen #TeamWhite and TeamJew.
When you help niggers, white jackass, do you notice that they laugh at you and think you're pathetic? Because they do.
Salon: anti-white. Pro-pedophile. https://t.co/d7OEMbaZvX
The belief that the other race has a right to exist is liberalism. It is found nowhere in nature, only among a subset of hominids.
Wrong. They get back in because christian doctrine says the cure for jews is converting them to christianity. https://t.co/fO3T9m45qi
WASPs aren't as powerful as jews but are actually worse in person. Jews dont pretend they aren't sewer rats. https://t.co/Y4EbL8rGDK
The white race needs an intervention for its christ-insanity addiction. Your stupid cult is messing things up for the rest of us. #TeamWhite
What do white poor deserve from government? Sound money and racial defense. Rest is up to them. Can't hack it = white nigger.
The first truly valuable sentence ever published on Salon: If you really need a steady job, learn to repair elevators.
The mentality of the slave can be yours - just kneels your legs before your god and saver, the semitic sci-fi hero Jebus P. Christ.
Isn't it remarkable that we just accept that we cant speak the truth under our real names - about stuff that is literally killing our kind?
Well then you should be out shooting people, shouldn't you? https://t.co/Op0xuoIiWU
Christianity on race, how can i explain? It's like if you were trying to do astronomy but church doctrine insisted on geocentrism.
Hold your breath until you hear 1 xtian preacher or priest mention this...or one conservative commentator. #tcot https://t.co/qSDr79Giwz
My chihuahua climbed between us and licked the salty tears off my face. I don’t think he cared that I was crying, he just really likes salt.
You cannot be that dumb. https://t.co/e9bZ21BiCe
Will be responding only to people who use their real name, as of 1-1-2016. I encourage anyone on fence to find his courage. It's important.
The great thing about 2016 is I won't be interacting with anonymous twinks like you. Real name or fuck off. https://t.co/JRKFIBhkYf
I think modern society has created the white nigger thanks to social welfare. The high end is simply Little White Dog syndrome.
Christianity can't get beyond wez-all-gods-children (but you laugh at #wewuzkangs, right?) to race-exists-and-matters w/o exploding. See?
Here's the problem, for you idiots: christian doctrine on jews cant change without the whole thing falling apart. Making it a death trap.
More like living off welfare and SSI. https://t.co/YxuVmDViNm
Aesop's and Grimm are what whites should be reading, they show the basic mentality of our folk. https://t.co/cy7Y8rZQeH
I don't get it: how can space exploration proceed without government taxes? https://t.co/SgWw9g3rH1
Rhetoric 101: always reproach your target with the ingesting of whichever foul substances its ilk call dinner. Cambodes = arachnid-munchers
Trump hates that loathsome gink & spider-eating cunt Me So Michelle, as Skunky McDoof calls her. https://t.co/IozMgCjZN1
Still waiting for you #crosscucks to produce the first preacher/priest who is openly pro-white and has a congregation that wears shoes.
Perhaps if christians had pride they would stand up to the jews. But their sick cult talks down pride, calls it greatest of evils.
Jews persecute christians; christians worship and grovel before jews. I can't explain it, I can only stand apart from it and gurn.
There's all kinds of religious persecution going on in America, and it's 100% jews persecuting christians. It's been that way for 100 years.
If christians/conservatives truly cared about the afterlife, they wouldn't be such cowards in refusing to name the jew in this life.
Government in the USA has succeeded in training a population that looks at it as parents rather than criminals and parasites.
Don't forget that a lot of the hatred born of inferiority niggers feel for whites is present in the lower 1/4 of the white population too.
Christianity: stand for nothing, fall for anything. https://t.co/VpKse0K6K8
It might be fair to say that simmering media hatred of whites reached a boil around the time the rabid criminal Trayvon Martin was put down.
It's incredibly humiliating to professional catholics that if you know a man's race you know more about him than if you know his religion.
It is the christian lack of moral courage that resolutely refuses to identify the jew causing all these misery manifestations. #crosscucks
December 21, 2015:
Plunder Road (1957). College education is referred to respectfully, lol, almost reverentially. https://t.co/XJSgykZaHp
Conservatives are obsessed with Strength, and this alone shows you their low quality as men. Easily dominated/manipulated. No confidence.
I'm afraid that love must remain unrequited. https://t.co/aJK55uWJFP
I have a feeling if the IQ of the white population were raised to an average of, say, 130, xtians would be but a trace element.
Yes, I have read E. Michael Jones, who lays it out in 2 big tomes: The Revolutionary Jew and Libido Dominandi. https://t.co/kMhc7c1hxX
Hint: tolerating jews or those who mix with them defines you as part of the problem, not the solution.
No political position is genuinely different from the Governing Party unless it is explicitly pro-white AND anti-jew. Both. #altright
Jews have been gaming our system for a century, deliberately perverting the will of the democratic majority. Time for them to go. #TeamWhite
Leftists like to listen to phonographs of whale squeals. I like to listen to the dying yodels of ISIS roof queers.
Marion Barry, as much as any single nigger, made me a fully realized racialist. You probably dont remember him. https://t.co/L1xsu2nsIW
We are comparatively less able to perceive enemies. And our historical religion exacerbates that genetic trait. https://t.co/xt4NSbyqBY
Depends what we're doing. America was best when it had virtually no structure at all. https://t.co/ZKE12TD2Si
Are all you good little Cantevens and Wowjuswows getting ready to discard all your deepest beliefs in 10 days cuz, I mean, it's 2016?
Same in US. Every black area is going bankrupt and faking school test scores, and whining about whites. https://t.co/L1xsu2nsIW
Bash Puritans and leftists all day long, but you get thrown in jail for criticizing jews. See Bonehill, and on and on and on and on and..
Leftism is the problem. Well, I can criticize leftism all day long, but in most white lands I get JAILED saying jews https://t.co/rvd14jx1uR
We have to use our brains to synthesize the correct approach, since it doesn't come naturally. The Nazis did this. https://t.co/GIcjc3ID7I
Coin has two sides. We are too honest and independent for it. We aren't clannish like Mediterraneans. https://t.co/GIcjc3ID7I
Their holidays celebrate their genocide of other peoples. How clear do they have to make it? https://t.co/RI4Zk45KIT
They're better organized and have loads more money than any other group. And they hate every other group. https://t.co/28GrxT387G
This is what happens where black "people" are the majority. https://t.co/dMY0uK1xFr
I, for one, am willing to machine-gun as many System hacks as can be assembled. Bunch of lying fecal greaseballs. https://t.co/w5SnkvIJHr
The sun is not here to judge you. The sun is here to enlighten you and fill your life with delicious plants. #hooRe4theSun
See what I mean? Every fucking day. This is life where niggers are the majority. https://t.co/isHHB3OFJv
See, kids, normal, well adjusted people fear racism. Hateful, disturbed people fear black crime and muslim terrorism.
People's natural affections have been displaced onto sports teams and canines, and their hates onto, yes, condiments.
My tweetfare from South Africa: about 1/3 niggers attacking, raping, robbing people, mostly whites. 1/3 various power outages. 1/3 Zuma.
I would like to thank the sun for its incredible, ground-breaking work in 2015, and petition it beseechingly for more "fun"shine in 2016.
Xtianity: it's totally not a special-needs cult for no-necked boobs & sundry mental defectives https://t.co/pXkCTTUo8u
You ever hear: deal with what they mean, not with what they say? When you point out logical fallacy of 'gun control' left just sees weakness
Let's round up all jews and muslims in north america and stick then in a giant no-feedlot in middle of Nebraska. I've checked. There's room.
Francis Park Yockey magnum opus: "Imperium" #francisparkeryockey #yockey #imperium https://t.co/x7AapOjHHX
Notice the larger the central government, the more people fear to speak their minds or take personal responsibility for their lives.
What if they held a Miss Universe contest...and only one planet showed up? Wouldn't the natural course be to cancel it?
Synagogues are hostile camps in enemy territory, which the enemy, out of ignorance, allows to exist.
December 20, 2015:
Like decorating a child's room, except for physical adults. https://t.co/is1lY7iup0
The jews are as different from us whites as muslims are, they're just harder to see. But even more dangerous to our way of life. #TeamWhite
We have easy divorce for couples. And shotgun marriage for races. Both are very bad ideas. Both come from the...
December 19, 2015:
Djibooti must not go unchallenged. https://t.co/5wxiDp4FF7
Slavery destroyed the black family. There is no one definition of family. Leftism is nothing but contradictory bs like this.
Who is that? https://t.co/9zhwPZCKh2
America is run by people who hate Americans. They're called jews. You can read their anti-white hate in every newspaper in the land.
The jews murdered the constitutional right of free association. That makes everything govt business, hence subject to jew purview.
Focus the anger - the jew creates the conditions we all hate. Focus anger and attention on him. Not the left, not liberals. JEWS.
There's a white revolt beginning. We made a revolution against England long ago, and now one is brewing against King Jew.
What I Discovered From Interviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters via @thenation https://t.co/8lRrUbnv1u
#TeamWhite vs #TeamJew. Keep fighting, keep polarizing. Keep using Trump. Either you side with your race, or you're with the shitkikes.
“Let’s not mince words,” somebody tweeted under the name Helios Megistos. “Milbank is an anti-white parasite and a bigoted kike supremacist”
Notice how these fucking leftists like Ryan and Merkel adopt these long-seeing, long-suffering eye compositions?
It's 9:43 and I can already smell the kufr...Clean it up or next time I come in here I'm cracking heads. https://t.co/kEdDs6tw9t
Man who structured ISIS.. https://t.co/cjFPVEgaJb
December 18, 2015:
Rape. Murder. Making posts jews don't like. Kinda the big 3, you know. https://t.co/gqFhm1dFNP
2 voices: Xtianity: jew = child of god. Needs Good News. convert him. Nature: jew = competitor. means 2 make you extinct. beat him. well?
What with the Giant Vats of Pickled Pigs Feet and the Incredible Racism, I feel Sam's Club is no longer a Safe Space for whites like me.
Republicans want small govt, lol. https://t.co/AucSeugXm7
Christianity is the reason jews were readmitted 110 times, which is far more to the point than the kickings-out.
Christianity is the best friend the jews ever had - and that they can't see this is an extremely rare blunder on their part. Take advantage!
A left-wing queer and a jew-ass-licking warmonger? Go home, Jeb. It's over. https://t.co/DggqKrlUmr
Christians, in theory motivated by Day of Judgment & afterlife, and in practice the least willing to risk any earthly possession for ideal.
The jews have made a rare and huge misstep in criticizing christianity, for its disappearance among whites removes the strongest jew-shield.
Do you notice the complete lack of honor and self-respect that attend basically 99% of public christians?
Christians let themselves be cucked out of singing their own stupid songs in schools they pay for. #crossUnfits #crosscucks
i will. pay more attention to your dad, he sounds like a smart guy. https://t.co/G4CYbxHAdk
I think you meant to type small and fat. But we both know neither of you are small. The floorboards scream in fear. https://t.co/tLa2i8pzff
Trump is very unlike many of the #tcot patriotards who support him in that he recognizes the US has murdered tons of innocent people.
Think about all the physical, personal insults directed at Donald Trump. What would they be called if directed at extra-repulsive Adelson?
Christians do that too. Christianity is leftism. https://t.co/pHfxU1xZiQ
No more true vertically than horizontally. https://t.co/73zsaZCeiE
The jebootis confuses themselves with me. https://t.co/ANY2n7K0sK
No, that's Halloween you're thinking of see. See the documentary Halloween III. https://t.co/3utKXWeyvP
I have only one thing to say to you, Robert. "That kangaroo stole my ball!" https://t.co/YxYFMcn16y
I have not accepted Jesus as my personal savior. But rest assured, if he applies for gofer he will be looked on favorably. #meetHimhalfway
The left has no other vein save abuse. There is no common ground for speaking with it. All positions opposed to its are some flavor of hate.
Donald Trump needs your fat-girls' help to Get In The Gym and Make America Great Again. Don't let him down. https://t.co/vXFhAlxf51
The Republican party already died when it was taken over by Jew Moneybags and accepted the #antiwhite open borders, fuck-the-worker agenda.
No one wants the white man's religion, they know it's crap. What they do want his is genes - from round blue eyes to light blond hair.
What jews fear in the white man -- his religion? his region? -- no. Our whiteness. That is the _there_ there. Why don't _we_ see it?
They mock, then they discriminate, then they murder. Jews are an existential threat to whites. https://t.co/PNMOTkTHjW
Anyone who doesn't understand the existential threat jews present to the white race is fooling himself. https://t.co/taTHjfjazQ
Eh...he likes your sister better anyway. https://t.co/lQqsUaEKbv
Jews are always at the forefront of opening borders and closing speech. US, UK, Canada, Aus, NZ, etc etc https://t.co/N8JnMkwOdi
December 17, 2015:
Whites rioting is a good thing. This is not a manners competition between well bred girls. #WhiteThoughts
Maybe you blacks should stop appropriating white culture. Wizard of Oz doesn't belong to you. You do zoo, boo. https://t.co/3DtBs2pCjW
Because the white expats live off their own money. https://t.co/dAvVCy8Rtm
Take two people: one white, one black. Both act like niggers. Which one gets arrested first? #whiteprivilege is the opposite of the truth.
If you're all "#whiteprivilege," try acting like a nigger. Guarantee you'll get hauled up in short order - lot quicker than if you were one.
Whites in America 2015 have endured brainwashing than any people in history, and only us extremes of pride and resistance have salmoned free
I feel ya dog. Dahl should have had a character like LaPeesa Watermelon or something. https://t.co/wFGQ1boKBr
Maybe whites see EEOC and know they are legally discriminated against. Which is, you know, like a real thing. https://t.co/NwzsC6NFcf
Oh dear. Where will we ever find a new nigger heroin dealer to replace dead freddie? https://t.co/WO1TbFj4oz
December 16, 2015:
Can we locate the portion of the goybrain in which racism originates and make chopping it out mandatory? #TeamJew
Useless, incompetent, feral...niggers. https://t.co/nGOhIKZ3Jm
Jew to White America: The problem is what you _are_. And you can't change that. So you must disappear. If you're unwilling... #TeamWhite
My fav movie... Charley Varrick 1973 1080p full movie in English https://t.co/JZia6jsafC via @YouTube
Ah do declayah, it is a crahm, they way they draft ouah southron boys to fight them damnyanky jew woahs.
When Trump is elected, jews are going to be fried on giant griddles, a la Ivan the Groovy, in lots of 20 whinesteins at a time.
Jews expend most of their intellectual power thinking up new bogus categories for whites to star in, 'mass shootings' being the latest.
Make these fucking jews get out front and yip for their wars. You northern runts quit lying for them. And Southtards quit fighting.
Same pattern as civil war - the US kills hundreds of thousands of innocent people and -- no shame. No responsibilty. Just more brazen lying.
Do you think these are unrelated? - Salon publishes pro-pedophilia material - Miley Cyrus' new shtick = sexualized crib-baby
The jews are helping #TeamWhite polarize society by teaching whites that only their racial identity matters - and it's a capital crime.
The jews determine the direction society is going to go, then the Anglo-Irish fall over themselves to get to the front of the pack.
Imagine living in a community that didnt legally discriminate against you, with a media that didn't pour raw hatred on you daily. #TeamWhite
In its moment of need, the white race turned to the christian church and got nothing. Then we looked at its charter and gulped. #TeamWhite
Yes, from industry's POV: stifle independent minds hence competition. From political POV, stifle pro-white/anti-jew. https://t.co/3iTYutoKfu
Things in the white race worth killing for are: our racial funniness and that Charlie Bucket character. These are rare and valuable traits.
Good question. I think a lot of these are so low-IQ oblivious they lack any sort of self-consciousness whatsoever. https://t.co/tSuLsROBEd
I hope you nermals are praying hard the sun has hadn't enough of our tired act & decides to bring back the real & eternal enlightenment.
Hey, it wasn't Muskrat Love! No one deserves that, not even ISIS. https://t.co/qWBfCR4zdc
Putin actually is tough. Imagine him saying something like "punch America in the nose." God, what lack of manliness in Republicans. #tcot
Look at those Lilliputians on stage last night, itching to war with Russia because they think their jew handlers want that.
Government schools always serve the central state. Progressive have 100+ years of spreading poisonous ideas in USA. https://t.co/zEQeVeNqzM
When I think of all the horrible, emasculating things I've been forced to do, playing Muskrat Love on the piano is definitely top three.
The Captain & Tenille "LOVE WILL KEEP US TOGETHER" https://t.co/qQc7bfSkQy via @YouTube
Pride is neither good nor bad but can be either. The xtian fools claim it bad because, well - they're sheep farmers, after all.
Now that's what I call classical education. Put this in latin you boobs. https://t.co/BCqb7XKxzP
and eight x likelier to be sassay https://t.co/5GqvIADDnW
freddie a real nigga's nigger https://t.co/FruYcP778V
Humanity is an #antiwhite term because it allows primative hominids like blacks to be grouped into the same artificial category as whites.
You dont have to be a nazi to appreciate the difference between nigger culture and white culture, just sense organs. https://t.co/aGiGpcMcr4
Diversity is our greatest strength, lied the jews, echoed by his christian familiar. https://t.co/YVFLmdz1hl
Yes, and think about fit you'll be when you run away to canada after Trump is elected. https://t.co/KQQdIaSUl5
And if you cross the Israeli border...oh wait! you can't! there's a giant wall!!! https://t.co/tWm2xsCkof
That's how he feels when he sees how fat you're getting, you impudent little turnip. https://t.co/HQ7w3bgfhv
Late Phil Dick, very nice. https://t.co/gqNsZYuW2B
A universalist love cult?? How can that not be "good for whites"? https://t.co/NZWcNLJ8b6
Christianity won't even stand up for itself against the jews, yet some of you whites think it will defend your race?
Ideological hatred of whites, always a strong undercurrent in the controlled media, became their dominant theme in 2015. #RealHistory
There's all kinds of persecution going on in the jewsmedia - and it's 100% against whites and christians. #TeamWhite stands up 4 whites.
The Jewish degradation of baseball, from Henry Ford, 1921: https://t.co/wq82e4NHfX (1:15)
Yes. You need to point out that those cities are loaded with niggers. https://t.co/OV0Qm1auHw
If you're in the military right now, and you're 35, pro-white, anti-jew, you have some charm and balls - you can do Trump x 10. Believe it.
If christians were reading, thinking people, this would change minds. Unfortunately, they are cowardly conformists. https://t.co/oXGYT3oord
The USG and media are run by jews. Jews hate whites. That explains everything. Rest is details. #WhiteThoughts
Ford, TIJ, ch44 on religious persecution. In America, it's all one way: jews attacking christians. https://t.co/ofuAkk3jKC (43m)
December 15, 2015:
The truth is usually the opposite of what the media say, and so it is with the death penalty. Abandoning it is the height of barbarism.
By at least one very serious standard, Alabama is more civilized than any state in the nation. https://t.co/xjafFr0pxk
The best metaphoric representation of the male condition is the pufferfish: tiny little arms waving around a huge ball of air.
No matter how many times people fail, it never occurs to them they don't know what they're doing. This is true of virtually all humans.
Trump was far the best on foreign policy; expounding a common-sense view in line with America's traditions. I have to believe he knows PNAC.
Why do they act like they have a soul, so many atheists, but xtians say things and perform services that should stain them for all times?
all the gentilemen and fierce lady were well dressed and i would totally refer them a roofer who might not be an ex-convict
first thing i do in my place is i set up a no farting zone. i tell people, you fart in here, you're going down. that's how we roll in NJ
arguable...my vote would go for kasich. https://t.co/3EtHW4wtMP
That's so easy even I have a 1/2 chance of being able to do it. Thank you! https://t.co/ZzCmsDdwbT
I'm not against killing people, but the right people for the right reasons. What has be done by jews behind curtain in our name is ignoble.
The only time I felt proud to be an American was Trump nearly apologizing for our killing 100s of ks of innocents in ME.
Get rid of Dept of Education (as Reagan threatened but never did) and return to local control. https://t.co/IqIw3vfi99
Trump: "If we'd just ignored those warmongering Jews and stayed out of the ME, none of this mess ever would have happened." WOW. #TeamWhite
It's the Great Unspoken presence looming behind the debate tonight. No mention of PNAC or Emanuel Celler. https://t.co/EJ52KPMQ46
Just listen to these 2" specials talk about punching Russia in the nose. Kasich, you are the putziest nugget ever sharted out of human twat.
"If you're in favor of WWIII you have your candidate" -- Rand Paul. Insane fake tough guys/jew tools: Fiona, fatty, Kasich the Slurper
Christian simpletons: here's your sign. https://t.co/tUwKbV9uyZ
Nice yidsuck. Next do a Coulter, and praise li'l benji shapiroin ALL CAPS. https://t.co/6axJzlhkXc
Because it actually exists, compared with your imaginary heaven. https://t.co/HYH4ObJA6U
Southerners defend their Fahtin' Man culture exactly the way niggers do. At 16, every Souther turns into a K9, heads to Obedience School.
If jews saw themselves as passives the way Simple Alice sees Southern 'men,' they'd be losers like Southerners.
His full name? Caitlyn Jebus Godsdottir. He came from Iceland, and he had magical powers. He could turn lutefisk into tasty fish soup.
Look at how Silly Alice portrays Southern 'men' as passive victims of pols they voted for and armies they signed up to serve. @AliceTeller
Do I slur the South as donkeymen? I do. Yet I hold them higher than Silly Alice Teller for I believe they can choose other behavior.
This is also why criticism of democracy is overheated. https://t.co/kAwIPmBqIB
Let me explain to you people of donkey (Southerners). A real man doesn't allow himself to be used by leaders of a cause he hates. #FahtinMan
Notice that the "real" Southerners are passively directed about by jews and faggots their mothers and father vote 4. https://t.co/aNjhqX0B8s
Protesters tried to shout Hitler down, but his army friends, armed with rubber truncheons, ejected the dissenters. (1/2)
His nose is honestly frightening to me. It would not be out of place in a horror movie. https://t.co/E2mNH0yh42
Trump polarizes the country. That is "good for Whites." We should use his campaign to further the split between #TeamWhite & #TeamJew.
People are not smart. They need things simple. Whites good. Jews bad. #TeamWhite will throw out jews and create White Utopia.
Most people want to boss everyone else around, micromanage them and badger them till life is hell. Not me: kill or leave alone = good govt.
There's the jewish position and there's hate.* *This trick only works if you control the mass media. #WhiteThoughts
It isn't atheists who made christianity synonymous with servility and cowardice but christians themselves, by their behavior.
The Dark Side Of The ADL https://t.co/u2RXXLvcet #adl #antidefamationleague #abrahamfoxman
Polarize the public by destroying the fake opposition: the conservatives. Split the public into the good guys, #TeamWhite, and the bad guys.
Attack the conservatives like #AnnCoulter. Feed them their cowardice. Shame the ones that can be shamed. Crush w laughter ones that can't.
Jews must be made extinct. That is bringing a gun to their gunfight: "Even the best of the goyim should be killed" - the jewish Talmud
The race whose 'religion' considers all gentiles 'animals' & proclaims: Even the best of the goyim should be killed. https://t.co/1P5StfCVMR
Conservative means chickenshit with no moral courage. All their policies and advisements reflect this lack of character. Laugh at them.
When you're the majority being oppressed by a minority, you don't speak in code words. #Antiwhite is an adjective. The noun is jews.
Don't you think they're likely to misinterpret that as their reward for voting Trump?? https://t.co/8MHdZBdWv6
She means jews, she's just too chickenshit to say it. #Cuckservative https://t.co/3rTv2jk9rG
#Altright is as White as Bruce Jenner is a female. Either you're pro-white and anti-jew or you're a confused mess.
We should be doing that - working with Iran to contain Israel. Instead of working with Israel to destroy the ME. https://t.co/FHk9db87d8
Jews are the problem. Anyone talking about anything else is a Southern/conservative kiddie-table chump and can be safely disregarded.
There are going to be more acts of terror. We all know that. What we must understand is until we make jews extinct, they will torture us.
The communists never paid a price, those dirty jews, so they never learned a lesson. Their arrogance has grown unchecked for a century.
Christians hate books like cats hate water. Wherever hatred of learning is strongest (South) Christianity prospers. https://t.co/XVHCoAHFSS
Christianity so far from being the source of civilization sides every single time with communist jews & their black wrecking balls.
If Henry Ford called the jew the "foremost" problem in the world 100 years ago, how would he describe them today? #WhiteThoughts
Want lower health care costs? Introduce a market. The reason costs are high is government regulation preventing supply.
London = greasy-fingered shoplifting pickaninnies. https://t.co/3iUPLI1PON
The conservative's claimed values: faith, family, flag. The conservative's actual values: money, career, status.
Only 1-2% of blacks capable of grasping the racial disparity in intelligence and resulting civilizational capacity. https://t.co/mWtrF5qv63
C.S. Lewis taught the Caitlyn Jesus fans that asking why is the devil's question. Just pray and obey authority. https://t.co/WZt2usLNVI
December 14, 2015:
Trump takes his tips from winners - jews/Nazis. Not losers - christians/conservatives. He attacks. He doesn't apologize.
The mantra of the retard. https://t.co/URsFUOIzdg
"You see, Cindy, when you tell people everything happens for a reason, what you're really saying is: I'm a Moron." --Pa Brady
If I were dictator, would depute a Spayer General, charged with zapping the nuts/cave of anyone who said "Everything happens for a reason."
https://t.co/U8ISVjUdgw Real men don't use religion.
Unfortunately negritude is not a dermatological problem. https://t.co/Bx2Mm3AXCY
Roald Dahl - no crissy he. But you knew that by his humor and personality. https://t.co/4t5HEq1HBm
i approve this story https://t.co/u6Mqh9ocFJ
How many of you understand that jews in the US were trying to open our borders before 1920? It's them. It's always been them. #TeamWhite
You can get down on your knees before Caitlyn Jesus. Or you can be a white man. Your call. #WhiteThoughts
I don't believe in fixing people, I believe in killing people. It's the only real reason for government.
If you don't think jews are dangerous, perhaps you're waking up from conservatism, I encourage you to go back and read Ford's... (1/2)
Government is many thing but The Great Exacerbater must be close to chief among them. https://t.co/3xTA84OQA1
Statistically true, and hidden by media jews who portray civilized times as dark ages. https://t.co/EOChH4P4jq
Alt-right keeps focus on what it isn't, rather than what it is. WN by contrast is pro-White & anti-jew. https://t.co/9waW4em07f
Every few years there's a "new" new right, and it's completely unaware of earlier versions and its exactly the same. The real alt is WN.
alt-right / cucks. one small step for womankind. https://t.co/j1OnejBFtm
In using blacks to destroy white society, jews make life worse for individual blacks by destroying their families & encouraging self-pity.
Of course it was. Forced mixing separated the black head from the body. Jews use blacks to destroy white society. https://t.co/EOChH4P4jq
I'd prefer more tweets featuring Boers (or other whites) who strike back against niggers. https://t.co/9MwzM83iHj
Blacks can neither create, sustain nor even understand white society. 'Keepin' it real' is their desperate attempt to make sense of things.
Tribal people brought to America, force-fit into different scheme. Should have been left in Africa. https://t.co/ArpB2AkyRw
It's a matter of fact, not opinion, that their illegitimacy rates were much lower before jews took power in the US. https://t.co/95D2dE9luh
When the German nationalists came to clean up Europe, and remove the jewish-bolshevik poison, the christian church sided with the jews.
Christianity can't even get morality right. Jews are by any standard evil and destructive yet the church celebrates & promotes them.
It just occurred to me...the only magazine I read regularly now is Dabiq. Used to read everything on the shelves when I was a teen.
"According to the Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, in 1938 11% of black children and 3% of white children were born to unwed mothers."
Whites have gone the way of blacks, which Moynihan warned about. Destroying white society = replace dad with govt. https://t.co/oNjwKGQL5p
True, they have to be kept down by force. But w free association, their problems were largely kept in their own area https://t.co/RAw0TFs5gM
Factually untrue. https://t.co/CjX01Ksvhq The black family was destroyed by jewish social engineers, not slavery. https://t.co/29qm5X85Ky
There is nothing plainly insane that can't be done in the name of holy morality. #crosscucks https://t.co/APa7sCgAsi
That's love, Howy. That's love in operation. Love isn't just a feeling. It's an act. An act of helping niggers. https://t.co/4UqD1X2pCD
December 13, 2015:
Jew doctrine: "Even the best of the goyim should be killed." Xtian doctrine: "Jews must not be molested."
War on Drugs = Nigger + Pigger Full Employment Act. https://t.co/XYsTJHIYhn
Yeah, a lot of Little Men are authoritarians. They can't function as free agents, they like being bossed around. https://t.co/XYsTJHIYhn
Niggers, aliens and even whiteskin character defectives (alkies, druggies) are big business, thanks to welfare state https://t.co/BvLmCAzVLM
Whites are a race prone to fantasy; particularly the xtian. Mere reality never interests the majority. https://t.co/2pECj7fpGz
I wish your ability to perceive basic reality were wider spread. Otherwise, WN is no better than Nigger Pride. https://t.co/lLqOgKMdbs
Honest British are exceedingly rare, and should be appreciated. https://t.co/K49xnFmSto
December 12, 2015:
Guess what class they're hot to exterminate today? https://t.co/3FV0argXZl
Whenever you hear someone say something in favor of socialism, ask yourself if this person has the acumen to run a McDonalds.
I've seen that argument many times, I don't find it that plausible. Eskimos survive, and they're dopes. https://t.co/x2FuYxbU7C
Angela Merkel. Leave aside the jew servility (dont). Just another poisonous middle-aged cunt. Very common figure these days.
Christianity came into existence before racial matters had been reduced to science. No surprise its position on jews is geocentric.
The left says it's cool to ignore immigration law because more muds is good for jews. The right say it's cool because it's good for F500.
If you can't find workers at a given rate. RAISE THE PAY. That's how the FREE MARKET works in a real nation.
Which religion says we are our brothers' keeper? Why, bless my soul, it's the religion featuring Caitlin Jesus, Queen of the Jews. #Crosscux
There are homos of the flesh, and we detest these crane earrings. But there are homos of the spirit too - and these are christians.
The jews were narrowly defeated in 1924. Otherwise, America would be about 20% white today. Their immigration victory was delayed to 1965.
"Kill the muslims. Kill the kikes who let them in. Kill the whiteskins who serve the kikes." --Andrew Jackson
The view that jews will reform their behavior if shown their error is the right-wing equivalent of left-wing's poverty excuse for blacks.
Henry Ford: The Present Status of the Jewish Question, commentary on where it lay 95 years ago.. https://t.co/9T8bvcfmTR
Church doctrines on jews are nescient, parallel to the cult's insistence that the earth was the center of the universe.
Muslims are the obvious, visible problem it's safe to blame, hence their popularity with the Stars n Bars retards. But jews are real problem
Whites must polarize their lands between #TeamWhite (pro-white, anti-jew) and Team Jew (jews + traitors + muds). Then fight to the death.
Muh Western Turdition. Muh pape. Muh cathlick church. Taint much. Never was. https://t.co/046hEitTvK
Why do we have the Second Amendment? To shoot the jews actually running the country - the ones who sicced niggers and muslims on us.
December 11, 2015:
Does antisemitism include noticing that jews are evil, lying nation-wreckers? It does? Then how can it be a bad thing?
The jew-led elite sic black criminals and muslim terrorists on normal white Americans, then shriek about hate and racism. #nojewsjustright
"The U.S. government is not so well organized as American Jewry;... it is the same in every country." --Henry Ford #WhiteThoughts
December 10, 2015:
This is why I tune in to world politics. #ready2rumble https://t.co/2ZWhEPv9lF
Trump and Hitler's My New Order... https://t.co/LShtwbcTNl
New elite must destroy the jews and take control of white future. By destroying jews, it proves its fitness. #TeamWHite
https://t.co/2Arrjo7HXl White Thoughts #1. Little over an hour. on Trump, the pathetic futility of wasting time on 3rd world preemies etc
History isn't really very interesting for the simple reason that people don't differ that much. It's all in you if you care to look.
Vice is doing an article on WN and Trump, trying to dig up quotations that will serve their agenda, which i'm sure you can figure out.
December 09, 2015:
Fuck you, fuck yeah!, and fuck off! America is not about being sociable, and you faglets who hate freedom - enjoy being bossed by Experts.
This is at least 90% of what Trump means when he says MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. https://t.co/wJ918flv3y
You frogmaking fucking kids, you dont know from America. You missed it. This was the tail end of it. https://t.co/wJ918flv3y
I like the part where he and his clowns turned themselves in and got tortured to death. Christianity is insane. https://t.co/QJVfbrfXUL
Does Trump go too far? Hell no. He doesn't go far enough. He needs to blame jews for letting muslims in.
People are more interested in the immed. feedback they get from others than considering the consequences. I guess. https://t.co/bZFeJa01ni
If diversity were any good jews would be trying to take it away from whites rather than force it on them.
Jews in Israel have a moral obligation to the Africans they enslaved. https://t.co/YlUEPj5UD0
The people are taught to worship Experts who constitute Authority as proved by the fact they are employed by State. https://t.co/qsME73DdMH
Yeah. Destroying their own communities in the name of love. https://t.co/lIULujNCnC
The bible is OPL: other peoples' lies. It has nothing to do with whites. Utterly foreign, poisonous and stupid. #WhiteThoughts
Christianity's directive, that we are our brothers' zookeeper, has resulted in 40m niggers and 50m mexicans in formerly civilized USA.
Our christian ancestors didn't have the nuts to do what needed to be done: mass slaughter the garbage races. Instead, they helped them breed
Christianity creates men without any self-respect or principles, which is why jews like Adelson run herd on them. https://t.co/MXSXR0upNZ
What is the one characteristic of the true and abiding loser? Self-pity. Jesus is the apotheosis of the self-pitying loser, hence popularity
Jews have been the same foul nation-wreckers their entire existence. They won't change. We must. That means dumping our gay friend jesus.
Where but the christ lunacy does this idea ultimately originate that there's some prime directive that all races and people must get along?
Muslims attitudes toward their terrorists are exactly the same as the black community's attitudes toward their criminals: 90% supportive.
The day will come when a whiteskin who served the jews must account for his racial treason before a military tribunal. #TeamWhite
The baby of the west is white genes; the bathwater is the jebooism. https://t.co/6CqlOuWz5R
The west will never be saved by jebus-worshipping faggots under anonymous names. Know ye that. kumquats of nescience.
Exterminate the jews, the rest of the world's problems just fade away. Islam is only a problem in west because JEWS OPENED GATES TO 'EM.
Jews must pay for their crimes. Jews have not paid for their crimes. Jews will pay for their crimes. Down to the last drop of tribal blood.
Breivik is a European hero; Merkel is a traitor who advances #whitegenocide to curry favor with the jews.
Burning down Merkel roach motels works. https://t.co/GN1qRUqXsP
You're joking, surely. Muslims have no morals at all, that's why sharia has to be so strict. https://t.co/DxipH4wnIR
Jews control immigration in the West. Jews let in Muslims. Jews laugh when the muslims murder whites. Jews are #antiwhite. #nojewsjustright
You jews have the blood of 60 million whites on your hands, and rest assured that's conservative estimate. You will pay for that crime.
The way you know christianity is bullshit - you can't ever mock something from a christian position because it just...doesn't work. Try it.
December 08, 2015:
We also would have accepted jewlet. Or jewjube,. https://t.co/q6SlqtNfbn
Jews side with Muslims against whites. Gee, where we have seen this before? Besides all recorded history?
Every jew who looks over 50 claims it survived 'the' 'holocaust.' Most claim some direct personal interaction with, typically, Mengele.
The average jew claims to have lost 6-12 relatives in 'the' 'holocaust.' https://t.co/eYvyA6xGkg
Jesus even this jewy shirtlifter has figgered it out.. https://t.co/1wAv5KAhr1
North Face co-founder Douglas Tompkins dies in kayaking accident at 72 https://t.co/E3e7RhwQCS
Nature laughs at the notion of rights. Who vindicates the rights of the 99.9% of species now extinct?
Christianity is liberalism. https://t.co/ELzxsaKRKS
Exactly. Their racial identity is based around lying. https://t.co/CB4rwbfrSo
Stop hating white people, evil monkey. https://t.co/5NWF4OhBoE
We've been sick with xtianity, but we are nursing our race back to sense and heath. https://t.co/otSbwp60la
Let's wait till he comes for the Mexicans then go from there. https://t.co/HbrciKI8Kc
Valid point although I hear there is a large community of Mark Fuhrman types who retire from LAPD to north Idaho https://t.co/eg55QJeq9f
Every position but mine is hate. Everyone who thinks differently from me is insane. No society is possible when people think like this.
'Operation Toaster,' first time ive seen that one (at Salon). Turning 'whitebread' brown. #antiwhite
You dont care about making our kind a minority against our will. And we won't care when we line you up against the wall and shoot you.
How can this jew-leftist proclivity for calling white men evil and everyone who disagrees with them insane but end in civil war? #LetsRumble
If you're a jew or muslim...you're not an American. You're in America. Tick, tick, tick.... #TeamWhite
It was a mistake to admit jews to America. Does anyone not realize this now? Jews must be treated as a team, not individuals. #TeamWhite
We had something special with White America. Jews and the crud they tracked in have done their unlevel best to ruin it. #WhiteThoughts
"Immigrants and faggots...they make no sense to me." https://t.co/8QZh4ueLQr
Or lobs you a watermelon. https://t.co/98cfH6ej28
In reality the American public is willing to go a lot farther than Trump: it supports killing alien invaders outright.
"look for the good in people" - this is like telling people just to ignore all colors except blue. wtf? perception is a pkg deal
Magic dirt: mexicans turn human when they get here Magic water: baptism turns jews into humans Magic language: latin makes dumb ideas smart
I don't want to help homeless. I don't want to help mud lavae. Teachers aren't overpaid. Soldiers aren't heroes. Not compared to garbagemen.
The people who want to tape your mouth and take your weapon will not inform you that Donald Trump is unpatriotic.
If WN wanted to establish a location on the ground, Texas is a far better place than the NW. https://t.co/vw3EihSFGB
It's bizarre the way the Anglo's elite's entire idea of helping the world is making it easier for the most useless populations to reproduce.
Every time I think a new level of dumbth has been reached, my alumni mag astounds me. #DaringMindlets
Hello. I invented a baby warmer. It helps warm babies of peoples who are too dumb to keep babies warm. So they can make more coldies.#Pomona
Sitting here reading about jews, Taft and Russia. Jews were poisoning relations between US and Russia/Europe 100 year ago. They never stop.
You don't believe that changing landscape turns the mexicant into a human? Congrats on your wisdom. But you believe jews can convert? Lol.
Many times whites were angry enough to kill jews, but the church, always, said just drip water on them, that cures them. #magicwater
Jews must be destroyed. Physically and entirely. They are nothing but rabid dogs that walk on two feet. Their every purpose is evil.
aka the will of the people, majority opinion or, gasp, democracy https://t.co/6RYEDJ1Rbd
All rabbis are liars, and all rabbis are #antiwhite. https://t.co/MhWS7Zyv86
Christianity teaches whites to respect, fear and grovel before jews. Christianity is #antiwhite, both in practice and by doctrine.
Boom goes the dynamite! Yes. This is the most important point - jews murder white nations. https://t.co/YTuronT4Uc
Jews twist laws to give black criminals access to white areas, then use their media to cover up or justify black crimes. #deathtothejews
What Henry Ford said about Disraeli. Ch37 audiobook, The Intl Jew, text and commentary. https://t.co/jbTpTLxHea
Christianity has an unbroken record of protecting guilty jews from enraged whites - same in Middle Ages Spain as in Nationalist Germany.
Dare to oppose the jews. Don't be like the cowardly and foolish #altright new-wave faileocons, maundering on ignorantly about cathedrals.
The average white man can only attack what he sees. Hence Muslims. But more important is attacking the source of the trouble - the jew.
Christianity and judaism have made the white man afraid to take his own side in a political argument. #WhiteThoughts
Exactly. And that is what is relevant - Slovo is racial jew, doesn't matter he's from Lithuania, could be anywhere. https://t.co/In5AJ8ZPHd
We need to kick the Muslims defenders and letters-in back to Israel where they belong. Jews are the problem that created the Muslim problem.
The simplest explanation that covers the given facts is that the jews are responsible for white demise. Fight the jews or die.#WhiteStrategy
The jews who overthrew Russia were atheists - MOST JEWS ARE ATHEISTS. It's not a religion. It's a race. https://t.co/NcnBRE5ymY
Separation of church and state mean you can plant a giant hate candelabra on White House grounds but not sing Xmas carol in govt school.
100 years ago Henry Ford wrote of jews establishing their Bet Din (jewish sharia court) INSIDE public courthouse in New York City.
So build a party exclusively and explicitly for whites. And name jews the enemy, as they certainly are. That's where it begins. #TeamWhite
December 07, 2015:
The problem is jews like you letting them in. https://t.co/kJMbiMKReB
Yeah...I'm gonna need some clarification. https://t.co/BlBY14bAAP
Boy, that Dinner Bell Burke really laid a trap for us rightists when he affirmed the head is a hat rack.
I'm sorry the jew explanation isn't snazzily complex enough for you self-thought geniuses. It just fits Occam and all recorded evidence.
"Cathedral" lol is bird faking broken wing. No one is as dumb as the high-IQ dummy. #altright is altfright.
If they were niggers, then great. https://t.co/QlSfe2Ug2S
The jew-leftist War on Self-Defense would take guns not from the ZOGs who murdered 100m last century, or black criminals, but white citizens
We know snakes are groovy because they're denounced in the bible. https://t.co/Aap5rXyl0l
Is it including himself? https://t.co/pDJLDA0fg3
Trump said 75% of the MSM is absolute scum. Must have been feeling charitable, the true figure is 102%
Nice, altho mudsplaining is euphoniouser. https://t.co/ZHIa4Z4R9K
Left wing, right wing - it's a jew. That's the part that matters. Free public education courtesy of #TeamWhite
"I support closed borders for my race in Israel, and open borders for white nations." --Every Jew Ever
And as you know that pattern fits all mass media, all subjects. https://t.co/jZy3mQlL2Q
To me it's just cowardice. It's just fear. People don't like to discuss such dirty things, which I why I never stop. https://t.co/KjQVrClySB
Even if you suck up to them they hate you. So why do it? Why pretend jews are anything but White Man Enemy #1? https://t.co/xI2gVPBZbJ
December 06, 2015:
Racial cause continually misidentified with political position or religion, causing confusion and lack of direction. https://t.co/WiBXfmjiuq
December 05, 2015:
She's a cowardly punch puller, a career girl - like all professional conservatives. #tcot https://t.co/Za0TNm5wPk
The christian cult produces the pambiest of nambies - the sackless Kasics, spermlipped Lindseys, feckless Huckabees. #tcot
Destroy the feckless fudgers of the middle. Polarize the public between serious Whites and evil jews. #TeamWhite vs Team Jew.
Organized jews were the _only_ force pushing the 1965 immigration act the gelded right (Coulter et al) always blame on Ted Kennedy. #tcot
Conservatives should be attacked, not applauded. Scorned, not fraternized with. Raise your standards, White man.
Conservatives praising prudence is akin to leftists praising tolerance. The latter are intolerant and the former are cowards. #tcot
Cowardly Coulter blames dead ted rather than jew Emanuel Celler. All conservatives pull punches like AC. #cowards https://t.co/ZkMY2ODg8G
Men who had pride wouldn't tolerate jews or their lies. But christians aren't men, and they hold pride & self-respect as low things.
Good example of sempiternal conservative childishness. https://t.co/gz5ojcBkRH
Jewish superiority is absolutely undeniable in one way: jews never use the language of their enemies, only their own. Whites must copy this.
Gun control is a propaganda term, used unthinkingly by 99% of its opponents. Same with 'gun violence.'
What does media control mean? For ex., there's not a single article about JEWS using their money to control the entire political process.
In theory xtians care about morals, as this world is trifling thing, judgment day, etc, but in reality they chase $ and status > others.
Semitical Correctness as a method might be considered mind-binding, a la the late chinese foot practice. Warp the mind by denying it space.
The canaille blame the muslims; the cultured blame the jews. #TeamWhite Muslims had no hand in writing our immigration policy. Jews did.
"Tape their mouths, take their weapons, to reduce it to a phrase." --Nathan Jacob Wise, The New Protocols (TNP)
Is Trump or any other conservative going to say anything about the jews who let all these killer muslims in? #tcot
Political Correctness, thus, is actually Semitical Correctness (Sobran). It is a jewish method for controlling whites verbally & politically
Political Correctness originates with jews, and has the moral destruction and political control of the white man as its object.
Hint to conservative-cowards: the people (jews) who let those muslims you safely hate into the country ARE STILL IN POWER HOLDING DOOR OPEN.
It's a beautiful day here in the NEMO, I can hear my dead grandmother telling me to turn over the garden. But first, I'm gonna take a lap.
I hope you kufrs slept well, because I feel a long day of ritual abuse coming on. May AL-lah place you among the undeserving.
Christianity prepares white men for Political Correctness. It puts out a lie at least as ridiculous as diversity being a strength, after all
When you morally accede in a lie, in agreeing to something you know to be ridiculous, your soul die. Hence the xtian lies about Jebus.
Same bloodlines (jews) using the same techniques. https://t.co/ybyHaF3rJi
December 04, 2015:
Hey, kikes, maybe you take a lesson from Trump. And, y'know, stop sucking 10 million a day out of US. Since ya so rich n successful, eh?
Republican party should ditch the pachyderm, its real symbol is a centipede, with Sheldy Adelson as the fugly jewhead n Kasich et al as body
"Take your sheckybook and shove it up your tuchus, Hyman" --The Donald to the Augustest Assemblage of Hooknosed-Americans
Spiders don't eat books. That's one thing I've always respected about them. Whereas crickets...they're just popeyed niggers.
Shucking grinning Southboobs n Anglo clowns get to steppin'. The white west needs Germanic organization and professional waste management.
Gawker is owned and managed and written by a cabal of insidious clickbait homosexuals whom have never worked a single day in the “real world
But know that we do not differentiate between these intents and goals and that our ruling upon you after overpowering you is one:
"Calling things by their real name is for honest men and amateurs. We intend to win." --Nathan J. Wise, The New Protocols
Snake species with black eyes proof of hidden biodiversity https://t.co/cHG7VIij2R via @upi
Pandering to yids is the lowest thing a whiteskin can do, and every Republican does it. https://t.co/oj2Zv7Yoo0
"There are only so many atoms to compose a person, and if many be used for the teat, inevitably the head become a dirigible." --B. Franklin
I'll guarantee you every last kike in that kikepit has MORE respect for Trump for telling them to shove their money up their tuchuses.
I will never understand the appeal of forcing everyone into one system, preferably galaxial if not God-al.
Sprightly perky people make me puke. I brush my tooth with Montgomery Gentry, the civilized man's toothshiner.
ISIS calling State Dept typist "house negro." What a great time to be alive! https://t.co/xC1jwlHR6Y
ISIS insult: "mule of the jews" - directed at whatever bright young thing's operating State Dept's twitter accounts.
Our bush league govt: https://t.co/xC1jwlHR6Y
It's increasingly clear we in the Anglo world should have sided with the Germans rather than the jews in World War II. I mean...look around.
Christianity has historically protected jews from angry whites. That is fact, it is not a matter of opinion. https://t.co/7nI05n9QtD
Christianity _protects_ jews from whites. I have yet to meet a single racialist christian who grasps the significance of Sicut Judaeis Non.
Look kid I'd love to get into it but I have yet to meet the first xtian who even understands his own cult's doctrinz https://t.co/tip4q3qAp7
Loyalty to Israel is treason to America. Remember the #USSLiberty. https://t.co/llnu97Xgsm
Say you're an innocent Iraqi and some Alabama xtian goober comes over and murders your dad and brother. You justified in feeling angry?
We don't have to make the same mistakes Hitler made, and one of his top was underappreciating the destructiveness of the xtian cult.
Never forget the whiteskins do not love jews, they serve them purely out of fear and careerism. Should new power arise, allegiance switches.
I, for one, support #AnnCoulter's immigration policy: if Ann Coulter would date it, don't let it into the country.
How many Iraqis are dead, murdered by US Christians, because of jewish WMD lies? Maybe that's how Muslims look at it, eh?
There were no Farooks and Tashfeens in the USA before jews got ahold of our immigration policy back in 1965. Jew power = #whitegenocide.
Jews don't even allow their Farook & Tashfeens minority to use the same roads as them in Israel. But they sic them all over White America.
White people are simply incapable of imagining that jews are as hateful and organized as they actually are. They have no idea whatsoever.
What wld America's violence rate be if it were still 90% white - as before the Ezras took over immigration in 1965? https://t.co/pgEII7ubnu
whiteskin - a racially white person who places no value on his race White - a racialized white man or woman #WhiteLexicon
Rising movements are intolerant, and so must the White movement be of xtianity or any other competitor for the minds of our people.
Jews took over American immigration policy back in the sixties, and used their position to let in ISIS supporters like Farook & Tashfeen.
Journalists are the cheerleaders and spies for the state. In effect, in function, they are an indispensable part of the centralized tyranny.
Are niggers the product of bad neighborhoods, or are bad neighborhoods the product of niggers? Think hard, this is a tough one.
Can't be retweeted or reposted enough. https://t.co/dq3M7xrJnZ
Maybe whites are inherently more intelligent, interesting and attractive than coloreds? #diversityisdull
What is the price of allowing jews to control media in white lands? #WhiteGenocide. We cannot tolerate ANY jews among us. #nojewsjustright
Jews have a monopoly on money and media production, and from this all #antiwhite misery flows. Antiwhite _means_ jew.
Time for Europe to flush Islam, Judaism and Christianity back to the ME septic tank where they belong. #WhiteStrategy
Shooting the guilty is the only social engineering that really works. So little violence it takes to save so much misery.
Trump can't be bribed by jew money, so the System rises as one against him. He might put Americans (ie, whites) ahead of jews & Israel!
You would think Fox would support Trump, right? But Fox, like NYT (and the rest), is a jew outlet that cares only what's "good for jews."
That guy talks like a fake-walnut coffee table. https://t.co/1C2fJuGpt0
When the last time that ugly nigger washed its hands? https://t.co/hXxkGMhS8e
We can't allow jews to live in our white nations. Jews are the ones ALWAYS behind antiwhite garbage pieces like this https://t.co/oLuSNX9AQy
Stop publishing stupid articles like this. https://t.co/mm9Ptybd5a
People have individual souls? Bullshit. People are about one degree above those birds that mimic Japanese cameras.
Went to war against the people fighting the Soviet jews who literally created the term Politically Correct. https://t.co/gI1J68Tfu3
December 03, 2015:
I prefer the earnest bloodthirstiness of the muslims in Dabiq to the lying sniding hebrews of the junkmedia ubiquitous in the West.
From Andrew Jackson to Lindsey Graham, long way down. Truth is, they aint no South no more. It dead.
ISIS says it has "boots that will trample the idol of nationalism" - nice counterpart to xtian universalism. Oil is only good thing in ME.
"The media" is a euphemism for jewish communists. You know - the people who murdered literally TENS OF MILLIONS of whites last century.
The whole point of the internet and social media is talking about those personages behind the scenes who actually run things (per Disraeli).
Who can see the relation betw these facts: 1) Love your enemy is basic xtian doctrine. 2) Not a single commie jew did time for 60m murders.
Whiteskins must become afraid -- for money, status or other reasons -- of turning against their own kind by serving the jew. #WhiteStrategy
Doesn't the Constitution say something about you have to get your money and agenda from Israel or you're not qualified for president?
How many tens of millions of innocent whites will jews murder in the 21st century? Answer: even more than in 20th - if we let them.
English being English. Like high IQ niggers. https://t.co/XXws0bkuTO
Have you noticed that xtianity, judaism and islam are all awful, each in its own way? Whites need to ditch these ugly desert sisters.
How many conservative christian cowards (ironically, precisely the type jew-Bols murdered) can we get to retweet? https://t.co/3K22AD6KpA
Who wrote the laws opening the border and instituting anti-white discrimination at the federal level (affirmative action)? Jews did.
America is the most christian country ever heard of, and that's why it's nothing but whites with empty insides. https://t.co/Xuf0L6jKY0
every amount of harm against the Ummah will be responded to with multitudes more against the perpetrator
daily mail claims farook conflict w office yid: https://t.co/pf8v8OFqvL
I really believe disliking the sexualization of society is a white genetic thing, I don't think it's xtian. Whites know self-control is good
It's one thing to have vices; it's entirely another to pretend those vices are virtues. Destroy yrself if you must, but leave society alone.
You've got to remember, jews are semites - brazen lying and haggling are their way. Trump gives them this back, unlike Anglo pols.
They are unintentionally helping us by teaching whites that standards they think universal are actually white. https://t.co/R7YNGmSHTW
Trump might put what's good for America ahead of what's good for jews. That sounds anti-semitic. Is it even legal?
The traditional lie is that Beethoven was black. Sounds like that's expanded. Blacks, of course, believe anything. https://t.co/MLO6QICJ6B
Why wouldn't jews have unlimited contempt for whites? They sold these suckers the idea that their fictional character was God!
What better way to encourage cowardice and general fecklessness among the people than encouraging them to "love your enemy"?
"It is morally ok to kill every colored who tries to gain entrance to Europe or America." --Jesus Godsson
USA should be seducing others by the brilliance of our example; not raping them with bombs and propaganda crusades.
George Washington showed the right path for our country - minding our own business. Jews smear this American position as isolationism.
Christianity = spiritual leveling. Democracy = political leveling. If each man matters in God's eyes, how can he not matter at polls?
I can honestly say, and I was introduced to it as a young child, that I knew christianity was insane the first time I heard its tales.
Men act. Christians pray. https://t.co/s7SmN5qAYH
Personally, I'd like to see less shootups of schools and tard centers, and more shootups of jew owned mass media newsrooms. But that's me.
"It's not a lie if you believe it, Jerry." --G. Costanza https://t.co/2HF6BY2kFa
“Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He didn’t seem like he was going to kill everybody. He just seemed quiet,” she said.
Farook’s supervisor, Amanda Adair: “He got along with everybody, but he kept his distance. I can’t imagine it was about work.”
Why do so many guns choose coloreds as their weapon of choice in carrying off their plans? Are guns racist?
Out of 100 niggers killed by cops, only about 87 deserved it. And 100 were criminals. My guess, anyway.
I swear a corner was turned with Trayvon, if I had to pin a point. It's just frothing and continual now. https://t.co/iahB90PYgH
It's up to sophisticated racialists to lead the bovine religious conservative masses away from the jew herder back on the right cowpath.
So to recap: Trump stood in front of an audience of Jews and told them that they were all about money and making deals. He stood in front of
Re the Reps sucking up to Sheldon. This is why I say the gods of the white xtian Anglo-American are King Money and Queen Status. One laughs.
look at that creature https://t.co/YfkM8tQfIO
"We remove their safety with 'integration' and open borders; we remove their self-defense with what we call 'gun control.'" --Nathan J. Wise
December 02, 2015:
Xtianity has misled the white man into thinking that inside every muslim, nigger & mexican is khaki-wearing Republican struggling 2 get out.
I don't assume everyone is like me or like my kind, and this is a tremendously helpful way of understanding/solving problems. #TeamWhite
Vaughn point as always. https://t.co/Jgc9K8vLTu
There weren't ANY muslims in the US until jews controlled our immigration policy. And that's probably true in your country too.
Right anger at muslims is parallel to left anger at guns. You're going after the tool rather than the wielder.
Integration and open borders are the same thing: forms of racial terrorism directed against whites by ruling jews.
It is imperative that we disarm white gentiles RIGHT NOW to stop black criminals and muslim terrorists from murdering people.
Jews divide society by -isms, while themselves treating politics as race war. Which it is: #TeamWhite vs Team Jew.
Notice all the typically Southern-religious simpleton #tcot conservative manboys leap to blame CAIR, too gutless to blame jews for invasion.
Remember, she's a jew. Don't be fooled by the bottle blond and surgical disfigurement. She's an ugly old jew vulture https://t.co/jd4XbI6TYO
White men...figure everything out. https://t.co/n1ETX8FRKw
The ones who let them in are the same ones who make excuses for them. They are jews. And they hate normal whites - like you. #TeamWhite
The guys who did it is a police problem. The jews who let them in and covered for them in media is a political problem. #SanBernardino
Nazis fought the jews who let the Syeds into your country. While you appease and grovel before them. https://t.co/YQEOdd19YL
The company was founded in 1961 when Dick Cabela started selling fishing flies through the mail from his kitchen table
It is funny to me that people never learn not to jump to conclusions before the facts are established. Seen it 1000x, never changes.
You know when you leave something in liquid for 48 hours, the consistency it gets? That is the spiritual maceration xtianity imparts.
By the end of 2015, ye twitter readers of the future, hatred of whites was the dominant theme in mass media, 100% controlled by jews.
Marybeth Feild, president of the Inland Regional Center’s board of directors, said masked gunmen entered a first-floor conference room
Dabiq #12, try the Cantlie article on pg 47 of this pdf. https://t.co/O9RYHw5E4D
All these question of race relations and dialogue only matter if the races are prevented from separating, which is the natural & obvious sol
Except that's not my account. As the French say, little rodent, you only look under the bed YOU hide under. https://t.co/QxAbFPR3Oa
Remember: in the Protocols jews say their #1 tool for controlling goyim is bribery. Trump has 10 billion (sez he). Not easy to buy him.
Trump isn't even pro-white or anti-jew, he's just insufficiently warmongery and jew-manipulable for the kikes running the System.
Discussing Henry Ford's view of jew control of movies 100 years ago. 1:40 of white education. https://t.co/7ZVl02BvNd
The problems in the white west are so easily solvable that a child could tell you what to do. But until the Tribe is cashiered, gar nichts.
Can't one of you white geniuses bring people back to life? I will camp out overnight to be the first to insult obese faggot fool Chesteron.
As Lewis' humble pope invites muslims to settle Europe. You can't clown a crissy, they're born pros. https://t.co/cEEF5UA3j4
December 01, 2015:
For God so loved the world He sent his topsest Dishrag, to wipe all the spilt milch. If you kneel before the cross, take a lap.
It is a strange and really magnificent spectacle which the Kehillah presents, of a people of one racial origin, w a vivid belief in itself
You're a good example of why dealing with CI is a waste of time. https://t.co/vFkNDHE6gm
Tell them God's sign is that they can move their own fingers. That's it. God's out of the western union business. https://t.co/5DpjiqEOyp
Is this not this the catholic ideal? Camp of the Saints, courtesy of the cross. https://t.co/vmGTTGsNU5
make a white council. raise money. contract pro curriculum development specialist. make white 'hebrew school' K-post-PhD curricula.
There's a reason most of the more intelligent people in racialism are atheist rather than than xtian. Xtianity is universalist & #antiwhite.
In the end, all of you who persist will come to see it my way: there is only solution to the jew problem: killing them all.
So...soon as they get queer 'marriage' passed, it's on to pedophilia, incest, and trannyism. Like there's an agenda being rolled out, eh?
The LCD of a white society is much higher than a racially diverse one. This is self-evident, tho denied everywhere in the controlled media.
Christianity will keep whites focused on The Poower, which always means nigroids and other useless hominids. https://t.co/yTonnt0L4D
Racial state - ironclad rules. No non whites. Of course no jews. But within that context, we don't need state micromanagement as under ZOG.
Things must be hard where hardness is called for - and free where liberty makes sense. Aka, opposite of what we have now.
The appeal of the White cause is better aimed at whites who want a liberalized nation in which they can be men again - vs asswiper state.
Religious folks are more interested in being part of a group than being men, and not necessarily a racial group. For me, White and Man both.
If you want to restore the middle ages with knights and ladies, maybe go play Dungeons and Dragons or something socially useful.
White council. White verbal warfare. Set terms to use. Help others identify, first virtually, then in real world. #TeamWhite
Make a white council. Future of the race. Not for christians. Not for conservatives. For whites who want white future. Organize. Plan.
November 30, 2015:
I’m sitting on my ass eating fake onion rings and mango-coconut licorice from World Market because oh fuck it
Christianity unmanned the white race. Open and shut. If you're christian, you're #antiwhite. https://t.co/YGjjq0DFSf
Led by jews, the left has produced a media culture of gaslighting so toxic that honest communication has been rendered impossible.
I don't want to sacrifice my beautiful mind by becoming obsessed with the jews. I would rather lose and see my race wiped out.-AngloSouthron
My spectacles are a little cloudy this morning. Is it a nigger? https://t.co/vKVrcvK71u
November 29, 2015:
Stop thinking about yourself or what you want. Just look at the creature in front of you. Jew or whatever. See it for what it is.
i've met plenty, more than enough to know what i'm dealing with https://t.co/UAD7gOxgtg
Indians are nasty thieves, most of them, and the western ones are some of the scummiest of all (Navajo). https://t.co/LsVOrfuhxk
Christianity is undeniably an egalitarian mindset. You oppose liberalism and you're a christian? You war with yourself.
Time for Germanic people worldwide to learn how to fuck and fight again. Start having white babies. Start killing jews and muds.
It makes a lot more sense to regard christianity as one of the problems jews create than a basis for resistance to jewish tyranny.
Jews are a problem. A problem requiring a comprehensive, rational solution.This is precisely how they look at and treat our race. #TeamWhite
Jews are a race, not a religion. Opposing them as christians is irrational. A jew doesn't stop being a jew if you convert him at gunpoint.
Name your side WHITES. Name enemy JEWS. Polarize public along these lines. Defeat Team Jew and live in glorious victory till the end of time
Whites are racially concerned with fairness, while semites are racially concerned with getting the best deal. Easy to see who wins.
The free market is bad because we can't trust anyone except jewish bureaucrats thousands of miles away to make good decisions.
"We have taught them the highest goal in their lives is to pursue money. Which we take back by inflation and taxes." --Nathan J. Wise
Isn't it funny how in America the middle classes have been taught to associate taking action with insanity?
As long as he shot niggers, I support his actions. https://t.co/GH8LO9ul4D
The belief that govt is neutral machinery is scarcely less shakeable than the jesus delusion among the morontsia known as conservatives.
I always wonder why they argue with me when they first have their own clerics to get straight. https://t.co/cMVgPqNayt
Go back to Israel, yid. You're not an American, you're an ignoble, warmongering, lying tapir. https://t.co/RcjtSBqPDk
November 27, 2015:
I guess the Pope's not one of your friends, cuz he love him some jews. Same with all other chrissy leaders. https://t.co/UpUaHRXCEF
An exalted mediocrity if ever there was one. https://t.co/2bG8cL7Psm
No. Jesus is imaginary. https://t.co/hD0NBb4KiD
yeah as it was one of 8 in the 1-11 age range. sweet jesus. i weep for the future. https://t.co/TXGzXMXfXm
This would be a great song. https://t.co/ct9hqYXtpu
Christianity is perhaps best described as one of those horrible sickly-sweet flavors they add when you're getting a dental mold.
If we racialists loved violence we wouldn't advocate policies that lead to peace - separation, segregation, apartheid, free association.
Problem w democracy, everybody always grinnin' at ya. Everybody your friend. Everybody gonna do something for you which always mean to you.
A jewfish stole my rutabaga! https://t.co/6hxk55sQCN
Hmm...always thought they're called jewfish for looks. But they steal too! https://t.co/cEYFUF5nmG
It's good, quite funny in places. https://t.co/rsl1NWwsM1
Laughter, epithets, riots and freedom all go together. So do their opposites. I'm NOT JOKING. It's pure historical truth.
The truth is the exact opposite of what the jebnus-man claims. The personality and genuine unforced joy is in atheist Twain, Mencken et al.
A lot of religious hucksters like Chesterton write about joy, but it isn't in them. It is artificial forced and fake. True joy is in atheism
I cannot but feel that Feeding a Young Jewess to a Goliath Grouper would make an excellent comeback song for The Cure.
Weird jew customs: Nosh Magana. When dumpy jewesses hit 160 on the scale they officially give up and host a Nosh Magana feast w friends.
Remember my writers making fun of Rod McKuen... https://t.co/pJjBzkfWlT
Is that Norman Podhoretz? https://t.co/R1oCExdFqw
When whites are murdered by niggers something genetically and culturally valuable is generally lost. Not so with blacks shot by cops.
Scotland went from nothing to something in short order - due to rational organization. The American South COULD do the same.
Compare Holocaust and abortion. If the first didnt happen, then it's a laughing matter. If abortion is a light thing, then roll the video.
What is xtianity? Joel Osteen's teeth? The garish fresco painted by italian fag? The pope welcoming invaders? Father McFeely sucking a boy?
The second the claims are examined, from any angle, they crumble to nothing. It's a pure media putover on goysuckers https://t.co/wZSVdio6CY
"Some call it weather. I call it wea-theater. Because I just like to sit back and watch God's marvelous show." --M. Scot Peckerman
The idea that the Englightenment and Christianity are at odds rather than two sides of same worthless slug does not survive inspection.
I wasn't commenting on the pulchritude of the inhabitants but rather the awfulness of the wea ther. https://t.co/fCu23nvwKJ
The American South has more untapped genetic potential than virtually any area on earth, I would hazard a guess. Just a lousy culture.
Snowden is the type of man the South would admire - if the South could recognize men when it saw them.
Mafia most of all, since white organizing is treated as de facto illegal by powers that be. https://t.co/NPCjzxSOel
Christianity literally believes god is a nigger. You tell me how that can twisted to a pro-white position.
Enough to light a jew candelabra when she gets back from hogging it up tonite. https://t.co/PnJ0FCoI6r
Xtian/Enlightenment perspective: white man responsible for fixing nigger. WN perspective: WN responsible for protecting society from nigger.
Some cant be coopted to participate in your charade, you degenerate freak of chemicals and public relations. https://t.co/DXBxhLhxDi
No doubt. Look at other species that are visually barely distinguishable - yet considered different species. https://t.co/wU0CTNa4vi
My urge to social engineer pretty much ends at slaughtering types that threaten my own. In this I do feel an outlier.
Jews are responsible for more earthly misery than any other race. https://t.co/FMUTFKiynh
Yes - Iran can be our friend. See CultureWars - Jones's report on his time there. Highly interesting and insightful. https://t.co/QjXw0PD34u
I guess I might take black campus protests seriously if they were demanding majors in janitorial services, but otherwise no.
Not enough hours in the year to document all the ugly jews out there! https://t.co/pJg8aMeXSp
How about an app that puts a yellow star on all jew journalists, and a yellow bordered red star on all non-jews who work for jew-owned pubs?
The vast bulk of South and Midwest cannot understand what's going on after it happened, documented on video & explained to them.
The first thing to realize is that what's going on across the west is directed. The second thing to realize is only jews are in position to.
Nigger Lakim Faust deliberately shooting and murdering whites in Greenville, NC Covered up by jewsmedia. https://t.co/x2nBuG2LSG #hushcrimes
If you honestly dont think jews are the problem, then you simply don't realize how much money and organization they have. It is unique.
Jews are nothing but troublemakers, liars and warmongers. If they were an animal, they'd be put down without second thought.
A conservative is someone who won't even put his reputation on the line, let alone something valuable. Hence cons suck hind tit always.
A conservative is someone worried about what the neighbors will think. That makes him a good neighbor. But a terrible revolutionary.
Conservatives are effeminates. They like being bossed around by women. They are essentially schoolmarms with balls - at best.
If a conservative hears "it's the jews," his first thought isn't: is that right? but how would embracing that theory make me look to others?
Conservatism per Kirk is a disposition. We add: to worry about how one looks to others, above all else. Hence its sempiternal effeminacy.
What a great way to put it, from NPD: "We are not a “normal party; we are the only party of normality." https://t.co/cwC50VrldV
I would prefer to be ruled by honest, unpleasant, comparatively impersonal Germans rather than lying, 5-faced Anglos or genocidal jews.
Trump has fuck-you-jew money. That's a lot of money. But he still mixes with them happily, while supporting some positions they hate.
Trump’s right-hand man is a Jewish lawyer, Michael Cohen, who also serves as a top campaign aide. https://t.co/hA3l7KzQKO
I'll take the South seriously as other than a collection of dirt-eating amateur clowns when it organizes its men AGAINST JOINING MILITARY.
Oh, I just love the change of seasons from fall to faller, (the Druidic name of the last third of fall). Cold freezing rain = water party!!
This holiday season...I'm building a giant griddle to fry all my enemies in 2016. I totally did not steal idea from Ivan the Terrible.
Conservatives (alt-liberals) syncopate jews from their media crimes just the way the jewsmedia syncopates blacks from their street crimes.
If you're conservative, and you hate the media, and you know the media are owned and operated by jews, doesn't that make you an anti-semite?
If you can swallow the christ-lie, how in the world can you stumble at accepting the wildest outrest PC strictures?
Ask a christian if he believes that jesus came back from the dead. His cheeks grow red. He doesn't want to. He runs from his central belief.
What a strange cult xtianity is: when you ask xtians to acclaim their stated beliefs, they act like you are insulting them.
Perhaps the most basic mental technique is asking what the person who holds the opposite of what you just heard would say.
I'd like to ask my conservative enemies, which mass media in the US are controlled by Muslims? And which by jews?
If whites are willing to kill and die, then organizing becomes possible. Short of that? Well, you get what we have now. Trumpy temporizing.
Get things off our plate. Focus on racialism. Don't combine it with conservatism or christianity. Get a #TeamWhite with clear race mission.
Guy high in food chain lectured my larval j group that journalism is a craft, not profession. Takes 6 weeks to learn https://t.co/U4MorKmUMq
Whites who value whiteness must organize. No matter who tries to stop them. Other whites can breed out. https://t.co/qQtWOSkHGi
Did muslims murder jesus? No. Jews did. They admit & celebrate this in their Talmud. Why don't the #tcot cons circulate those verses?
Why would the racial cause want to be associated with the cowards of the right - the conservatives (of any stripe, alt, paleo, whatever)?
If muslims ran the US the way jews do, every conservative you see bashing muslims would currently be bashing jews. Men of no character.#tcot
If jews are responsible for a given social problem (black violence, muslim invasion), sure as hell is hot the conservative won't blame him.
The conservative is the man who always does the easy and safe thing rather than the honorable and responsible thing.
It's easy safe and wrong to blame any party but jews for the problems we all see. That is why it is necessary to blame them - and persist.
Right-wing explanationism is nothing but variants on the drunk looking for his keys under streetlamp because that's where light is.
No other group is in position to do what is being done - except jews. Therefore, it must be jews doing it.
It's bizarre how people on the right go out of their way to construct elaborately complex theories when the jew explanation serves Occam.
Christianity protects jews from whites. We now enjoy the results of this insane cult that oh yeah just happens to come from those same jews.
"We fill their lands with garbage we would never allow into Israel. Then we laugh as they are raped and murdered." --Nathan J. Wise
"We know they won't like what we do to them. All we care about is what they can/will do to oppose us. Which is next to nothing." --Big Jew
"We will put 550 Syrians in this town of 50 Norwegians. Of course they won't like it. But what can they do?" -- Big Jew
It's easy to see what's going on if you put yourself in the position of the jews with the power to determine agendas. How would you act?
There is nothing clever or strategic about being unprincipled. But you can't teach this to Southrons, xtians or other low folk.
Christians make endless excuses for God. They excuse him the way the Left excuses niggers. This carries over into politics. X "can't" say Y.
Do you think Donald Trump isn't aware that a bunch of Israelis were caught laughing and clapping and "documenting" 9/11, as they later said?
The white PhD is scarcely less subject to social conformity pressures than the average Dollar General cashier.
Because 98% of whites cannot think logically or systematically, it is nearly impossible to sell them the jew explanation.
The White Thing is something different from, competitive with, and necessarily 180-degrees opposed to the christian context & answers.
Set up an elite group like SS - with physical, educational and moral standards. From this come curricula and other standards whites accept.
Mass slaughtering jews and blacks is the most respectful way to treat them, as it involves no pretense they are or want to be us. #TeamWhite
Trump, yeah he pisses off the right people. i like that. But he's still a cunt who cuts and runs when it comes to yids & Israel (WTC etc).
I can't wait till someone like me takes power. He will kill every black and jew he can get his hands on. That's exactly what we need.
Putin at least looks rational. You can never really tell, but just looking at his face and eyes, he appears reasonable.
Nature doesn't work the way christianity implicitly says it does. This is today's version of the geocentric doctrine.
Should jews be converted or killed? Church says converted - any other answer is immoral. Xtianity thus lays for whites a genocidal trap.
Look at christianity from the perspective of jews and other antiwhites - would it not be precisely the belief system you'd want them 2 adopt
Yeah...just look at the perfectly named fellow: does he not look like an exceptionally dishonest used car salesman? https://t.co/Q9tzxCdMdn
You maundering on about your need for salvation - it's as if a plastic Hy-Vee bag were to yammer about needing to be recycled.
You cannot say that people are corrupt horrible awful etc etc - AND they produce great and valuable traditions. But that's just what you do.
November 26, 2015:
haha. https://t.co/GBgCuWlWdo
Y'all shouldn't be embarrassed your kind eat dirt; nay, ye should be embarrassed you take money to serve Damnyank Bigjew Inc.
If they can have bars serving water and air, surely some Southron restauranteur can serve dirt? #freshideas #terrevore
Things are open (ideas, markets) that the minority capable of good stuff can breathe and develop. Then the rest dumbly glom on. #tradition
If people are depraved and irrational, as the reactionary thinks, how then can their traditions be sources of great wisdom? Does not follow.
Traditionalism: we are morally obligated to make the same mistakes our ancestors did. Naw. We ain't.
Jews _produced_ the muslim invasion of Europe, just the way they produce #antiwhite movies and antiwhite news reports. #TeamJew
White politics is a giant intellectual puzzle that can only be solved with Moar Essayz. #altright That raht there jes solid thankin.
Traditions spin off from sparks, the 5% of the population that can do more than parrot. That's the paradox & irony of 'traditionalism.'
Tradition is simply Ideology for the right-winger. In reality there are only traditions, and many of them are bad.
He kept tinkering developed a prototype two years ago and tested it in bogs. His father was dumbfounded.
Artists and scientists create the traditions you worship; but they are not so foolish as to be traditionalists themselves.
Who's murdering Europe and USA, using immigration invasion? Jews and their hirelings in press and politics.
That's great. I have great respect for people who can make and fix things out of their own heads. https://t.co/MRgeyBKaTW
If you believe that men are equal in the eyes of god, you're just another nation- and race-wrecking liberal. Christianity is ur-liberalsm.
Categorical solutions to categorical problems works for me. Our racial enemy treats us as a class, so we must treat him. #TeamWhite
The only traditions among white men worth respecting are spiritual - and I don't mean religious: pride, determination, questing, laughing.
Contrary to ideologized simpletons like Ed Burke, if people were fundamentally irrational, traffic roads wouldn't be possible.
Brockman spent six years working in a paper mill before returning to the cranberry farm his father started in 1946.
This is the true heart of white-man, right here. We are not a traditionalist race, we are the questing, thinking, daring opposite.
This is what's great about whites: guy invents new cranberry picker. https://t.co/oATvjh61Zk
One funny thing about Joe Sobran: he was just as horrified as a dirt-eating Baptist by the notion that man is related to monkeys.
November 20, 2015:
You never see jesus depicted as active, aggressive or laughing. Always he sites there on the stalk, passive and beautiful. He's a passfag.
Only in rare instances have blacks reached the level of racial self-awareness. The vast majority really believe "built on our backs" bs.
November 14, 2015:
The Xtian Moral Sense does this: leads us to 1) obey our leaders (jews); 2) murder innocents (Iraq, etc), 3) respond w shock to blowback.
Christianity's Moral Sense doesn't turn xtians into Charlie Buckets, it just gives their selfishness another baseless justification.
Is Christianity helping or hindering our white fight against jews wrecking our nations? Is the answer not self-evident? #TeamWhite
Notice how all these professional cons who love history tidbits won't mention the jews' history of facilitating Muslim invasion of Europe.
Am I a bad person for wanting relatives of the deceased to track down the relevant immigration personnel and shooting them dead too?
When the hero of your Big Lie is a passive sufferer given to maunderings like it's god's will, big surprise your followers r drooling twinks
We have open borders because a group of people decided they wanted it. The average Christian cannot understand this basic political fact.
The more a man believes in God, the more likely he is to believe political decisions like immigration are random like the weather.
In explaining things to whites, one continually runs against the God barrier, which tells whites that things happen for no reason. (1/2)
Jews and muslims must be driven 100% out of Europe. Jews have REPEATEDLY helped muslims invade Europe, historically. #TeamWhite
Jews let muslims into france. Jews tell France they must race mix. Muslims shoot hundreds dead. What's the solution here besides the obvious
Xtianity is the reason whites won't defend themselves. it should spit on wherever it appears. We need racial pride, not xtian scraping.
November 13, 2015:
Hitler's fight is our fight. It is the job of goy-control/right to keep ordinary whites from understanding this. https://t.co/r9CklfamM3
Jewish communists and Aryan racialists did battle last century, and the bulk of xtianity threw in with the jewish communists. Xtian = anti.
Jews let these muslims knowing this would happen, and wanting it. Get angry at Muslims is like getting angry at killer bees. Who loosed 'em?
Personally, I think jew Sarkozy's telling the French that they will be forced to race mix is 100x worse, and it slides by without mention.
The three ugly desert sisters; each more repulsive & ridiculous than the last... Time to GTF back to Odin, or something on solid ground.
Are jews white? Are jews us? Are jews on our side? Don't tell me how radical #altright is when it can't answer these questions.
#Altright is neither new, in any meaningful way, nor radical, same. It is simply 20- and 30-something paleoconservatism.
Jesus is a dead end. We know where the cross crap leads. The only way out is through the jews, and that means Hitler. #TeamWhite
Secular humanism and christianity are both in the crank universalism business, and the former derives that mindset from latter.
The professional conservative is the one who encourages his #tcot customers to take refuge in the comforting notion the rulers are stupid.
Whites are the one race of people that can't ever have leadership that says what it means. Why they accept this, I have no idea.
November 12, 2015:
Frivolity, sensuality, indecency, appalling illiteracy and endless platitude are the marks of the American Stage...under Jewish control.
Whites must form nation that exclude jews. Otherwise, our posterity's very existence is imperiled. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.
Jews are murdering white nations using 'immigration' and lying about it in the newspapers they and they alone control.
November 11, 2015:
Remember: all this misery is happening for one reason: the jews controlling white nations won't let us go our own way.
If we counter-exterminate the jews, all the problems they cause will disappear along with them, most notably the race problem.
jews dont allow whites to organize other whites. if our identity is the problem - who denies or distorts it? jews. alone.
how we look doesnt matter, we're rapidly approaching point "come with us if you want to live" - that's the mentality
the white cause is not some waiter trying to sell bored housewives on a lunch special, it's putting out a fire spreading daily
the more we talk about genociding jews, the more it puts the issue on the table, and that includes their real ongoing genocide
What Whites need is principled leadership, not pandering or effeminate "how does this look" - that's how the problem arose.
The church has always been more concerned about unfairness to jews than protecting its own from jew predation.
Christianity denies nature and asserts fantasy in its place. Reality is bent to conform with doctrine. We now enjoy the results
Church doctrine says genocide is immoral. But if that's the only solution that works, and xtianity forbids it to whites, then?
Jews have learned the lesson they can openly discuss forcing us to mongrelize and they won't be assassinated. This emboldens them.
Jews like Soros fund these lying #Missou niggers, even as jew-owned shitmedia from NYT on down make excuses for them. This is #whitegenocide
Understand: blacks have no power save what the media and jews running politics give them. Which is complete cover & justification & funding.
Jews have a World Plan to dominate all other races; the racial-cultural turmoil you're seeing in Europe is part of that plan.
I think of christianity as a bread machine for making weak people. Throw in some shitty ideas, yeast and water and bake a batch o' botches.
It's not the kicking out of jews that you need to ponder, it's the readmission where the epiphany lies (spoiler: xtianity is jew-friendly).
Why would society let jews back in? Unless it believed problems they cause are somehow not related to their very nature? See the problem?
White men failed to do their job, and that's how our race and our societies became dominated by jews. #WhiteTruths
They call everyone a nazi. Trying to evade misrepresentation at hands of people who control mass media is waste of time.
There is only one solution to the problems jews cause our white race: it is to exterminate them. After all, they started that game.
"We must appeal" to whom? Middle-class pants wetters? What use are they in any serious White political movement?
The problem is that most racialists, most WN, cannot think in terms other than ordinary democratic pandering for votes.
Christians believe in promiscuous spiritual love. Which is more dangerous to society than promiscuous physical sex.
If it weren't for the christian moral sense, our eyes and ears and brain would be free to do what common sense instructs.
The northern xtian nigger-lover remains what he always was, a 'sanctimonious madman,' making everything worse, from Libya to Alton.
Jews are a biological, genocidal threat to the white race. But Christianity merely labels them fellow men who need conversion.
It's fun to live in a society where the media are controlled by jews & the concerns of criminal niggers made to occupy every waking moment.
November 10, 2015:
I've been told by idiots xtianity defends whites. But it doesn't even defend its own. Christianity is #antiwhite https://t.co/Me8eeknXiq
Christianity and Judaism both treat the white race as a criminal in the world's longest-running good-cop bad-cop routine.
Racism is the greatest imaginary problem of our times, and it's vitally important we pretend to do something about it.
No one has the heart to tell black 'people' the truth: You're just niggers. Free riders on human civilization. #Mizzou
November 09, 2015:
Racialism must separate from jews and anglos in the sway of jews (anyone who associates with Melanoma Gottfried, for example).
The same old British-Jewish connection that ruined the 20th century is in place. People like MacDonald and Johnson need to quit helping it.
Jews are the reason Whites need to defend themselves; Christianity is the reason they can't. #WhiteTruths
Contrary to the fools who copy the jews in talking about 'obsession,' no other issue save jew political control is 1/100th as important.
'Pathological altruism' is a way of shifting blame off guilty christianity and onto innocent white genes.
'Pathological altruism,' the concept, is a veiled genetic attack on whites by conservatives who wish to absolve guilty christianity.
November 08, 2015:
Where has impurity gotten the White cause? Where has fidelity to TeamJew gotten the jew? #WhiteStrategy #TeamWhite
If racialists attack conservatism, they will shred it, just as the leftist jews did. The better elements will become racial, the rest fade.
Pro conservatism has more money than racialism. Their orgs use this to draw top racial minds back into System-safe conservatism. #altright
Sam Francis is the patron saint of the neo-fails called #altright. Fat, slow, asexual, but most of all, a spork. You can't have it both ways
Nazis: what was significant about 'em? Dyanimic. Fast, Young. Aggressive. Outward- public-) oriented. Physical AND intellectual. #TeamWhite
Look at the people: Regnery (neocon publisher), NPI (Jared Taylor), Dickie Meh-Spencer (Takimag, Buchanan). These are cons not Whites.
The #altright leaders are simply neo-faileocons. Some of the younger set don't realize this. There's a long history here, Pepe-stas.
People of low character continually call others feds, informants etc. But people of brain remember the CIA bought journalists in Cold War.
Hinting at racialism is profitable for conservatives (#tcot + #altright). Mongrelizing with conservatism is suicidal for racialism.
I give kiddies some leeway; you're young. Good with the graphics ranarium. But you can't be radical and respectable. You must choose.
November 07, 2015:
The 'holocaust' and christianity are so unsupportable in their basic claims they are forced to invent special epithets for non-believers.
Conservative analysis always stops where it should start. That's one way you know you're dealing with fake opposition. #tcot #AnnCoulter .
I'm not an alt-right homo, I attack conservatives, I don't lick their boots. https://t.co/MeGbqhbbE9
Do you also have a chapter about how those same jews are blocking us from doing that in white countries? https://t.co/6hx7nprAQu
November 06, 2015:
Every public source of authority has been captured by jews - schools, govt, colleges, media. It's that simple.
Jews ALWAYS promote the lie that "he did it to himself" when they destroy a critics (aka 'antisemite). Don't help em.
We tell a drunk to put away his bottle. We tell a druggie to dump his pills. We tell christian whites to put aside their delusions.
Whites have no genetic problems, it's just that whats good among ourselves is bad among others. So we must destroy enemies, not change genes
You intellectual neckbeards ought to take up Occams Razor and shave your scruffy-ass arguments. It's all JEWS and SHABBOS GOYIM doing this.
The white west is being murdered by King of the Jews George Soros, to put one name on it. The white race is not and never has been suicidal.
We know people are conformist. We know they've been brainwashed for decades even in our highest-IQ lands (Germany). Yet we talk "suicide."
Whites are brainwashed to accept strangers in the classic good/bad cop routine by xtian universalism and jew-promoted mongrelization.
'pathological altruism' is pseudo-scientific bullshit promoted by jew-fearing christians to protect their church and blame white genes
Christianity opened us to jewish predation. Now they're eating us. We have to get up, slough the xtian weakness, and destroy the jew.
There is nothing wrong with whites. The ENTIRE problem is jews are murdering us after brainwashing our kind for decades. #TeamWhite
Everything USA feminists promote now the kikes who founded USSR did soon as they took power: sex 'ed', family destruction, loose morals, etc
The Nazis FOUGHT the jewish-communists who pushed EXACTLY the same agenda as today's feminists. Rush coined feminazi becuz he's a CUCK.
SNL skit. Abortion doctor and feminist. He picks out the baby limb by limb, while asking, still a choice? ear. Choice now? arm. Choice?
"Come with us if you want to live." It is time to dump the politics of grinning and bullshit for the politics of precision and terminating.
There is basically zero thought behind 'Traditionalism,' it is purely emotional impulse, often combined with historical fiction.
November 05, 2015:
If the German population got healthier, larger and happier - how bad could Hitler have been? Oh you mean bad for _jews_.
You literally would not exist without white science, medicine technology. You're as significant as fruit fly
The concept of per capita is so far above negro cogitation level it might as well be a buzzard. https://t.co/y0DUp3s6hT
The Anglo cultural practice of overlooking the faults of others to be polite - it doesn't transfer real well into politics.
Leftist: Freaks about parents concerned about vaccines. Totally cool with fags donating blood. #what
The basic problem with whites, well, one of them, is their near incomplete capacity to grasp that other races are not like theirs.
I'll say it again: if christianity was any good, do you think jews would have sold it to white goofuses? Or kept it for themselves?
Muslims don't own any media. They aren't controlling immigration departments. Only jews do that. So that's job #1.
Whites need a white judaism - a RACIAL 'religion' that really aint a religion at all, but a racial corn starch, a binder/thicknr
When something is made safe for jews, as Wm F Buckley made NR, it is inevitably made unsafe for whites. It's a zero-sum game. #tcot
The only thing the powers that be respect is violence. It could not be any clearer. #fightwhitegenocide
"If they're not willing to risk their physical lives to stop us, then we naturally take this as a sign of submission." --N.J. Wise
The Protocols are lecture notes somebody took down. The lecture was delivered to jew initiates learning the World Plan, centuries in making.
Nazi posters showed whites being aggressive in cleaning out their society. Copy that, stop giving me models with jesuslike passivity.
Conservative ideas are actually less wrong than general mindset and instinctively effeminate placing of form > substance. #WhiteThoughts
Northern white idiots pick a socialist jew Bernard Sanders; Southern white idiots pick the ultimate jewcuck Lindsey Graham. #loveyourrace
If you worry about muslims when your nation is in thrall to jews, you might be a Southcuck. https://t.co/h8vNOwI1GG
Jews made muslims a problem in the West just the way they made niggers a problem - by forced mixing. Jews are THE ONLY _REAL_ PROBLEM.
Jews are not like whites. They operate as a team, at least the higher levels. They have a plan. Many plans. They work them. We suffer them.
Whites can't grasp the concept of an organized race because they themselves are not like that. The Golden Rule lubricates genocide.
"Love your race" is as low-rent and losery as "black pride." Take your tips from winners (jews) be relentlessly self- and all-critical.
Love is not some kind of duct tape or vinegar, it is an emotion with 1-2 specific uses, just like other emotions.
Ne'er yet has jesus or money turned a nigger into human, and never will it happen. Quit trying to fix the blackamoor, cracky, IT AINT BROKE.
The white race doesn't need to love itself, it needs to criticize itself to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. #TeamWhite
Imagine an Islam that is 100x as powerful, just as antiwhite & antiwestern, but doesn't dress funny or pray in public. That's jews. #tcot
"How do I look to others?" -- you are not a radical. You are a girl in a dress getting ready for a party.
Whites do not have the inbuilt genetic loyalty jews do, nor the culture reinforcing it. They must approach politics as technical problem.
WN is still striving to break free of a conservative and christian background and mindset. Something ganz anders is required for victory.
Politics is a proxy for warfare. Pandering to voters is not the be-all and end-all. It's worth fighting for a racial state, wouldn't you say
Ron Paul is only prominent politician who supports the legal basis of white protection - free association. He's mocked by #altright queers.
We should choose to be great, and we can only be great as Whites in a white context. Anyone can be a nigger. #TeamWhite
Whites are not a sad sack race, but you sure have a hard time telling that with Lugubrious Jesus, He Died on a Stick 4U. Yr Saver BFF.
November 04, 2015:
Time for a new deep belief, and make it racial this time. Kill and breed, fellow white man. That's what we need. Hitler's showed the way.
Whites must be organized, with a definite conception of the problem and the solution. #TeamWhite v TeamJew
The International Jew (the world's foremost problem) can only be defeated by The International White Man
I oppose xtianity for the same reason I'm against homos. Faggotry is even more destructive in the brain than in the gonads. #spiritqueers
X "makes our movement look bad" - this is the language of both cowardice and high-IQ stupidity, whose real motto is Manners Uber Alles.
The only reparation big enough to pay for the tens of millions of murdered whites and the Biggest Lie (holocaust) is jew's racial extinction
November 03, 2015:
Blacks can't even maintain what whites built. They are literally too dumb to be taught to fish for themselves. https://t.co/h8CUcBrIen
The more I read and think, the more it seems our cause is far more about race formation than preservation. #TeamWhite
Jews have been pursuing a plan for world domination for centuries; many whites still can't figure out if jews are their friends or enemies.
The average white attitude is things happen for a reason (God), and all you need to do is keep a positive attitude and things will work out.
Mixing the racial cause with some perfumed mysticism or some mere political position - this is wrong. Our cause is racial. Our enemy is jews
Whites are not at the level where they can see beneath appearances, most of them. They don't realize blacks are run by jews.
November 02, 2015:
Good ol' Catholicism. https://t.co/xFdPg7hRDE
"We have misled, stupefied and demoralized the youth of the Gentiles by means of education in principles and theories patently false to us..
Just as Team Jew seeks to sow confusion and disagreement, so must Aryans simplify and polarize. Want normalcy? Pick your side. #TeamWhite
How the fuck is that guy still alive? https://t.co/iGK64lO8Gg
November 01, 2015:
Jews regard whites as little more than dumb animals, and they are justified in that regard. Whites reject facts for candy every time.
If christianity/the catholic church were effective vehicle for opposing jews, don't you think Catholic-raised Hitler would have used it?
Terms used by dullards they think make them sound smart: psychopath, sociopath, signaling, pathological altruism. https://t.co/hUbYtiFzLf
"Moderation in all things." We don't need to be prudes or libertines, just restore sex to its natural size and place in society by dejewing.
They just need love and some words about Jesus. They'll human right up. https://t.co/NU89x2nsog
Progressive: I am "tolerant." No. You aren't. Reactionary: My religious opinions are "knowledge." No. They're not.
October 31, 2015:
I'm not worried about being 'immoral' by xtian view. I'm worried about my kind defeating jews who are oppressing & genociding us.
October 30, 2015:
There is nothing slick, sophisticated or effective about a vast majority dunderfootedly 'sneaking' around & talking in codes. #sodumb
Imagine if there were a political group that looked out solely for White interests. Didn't admix it with any other. #TeamWhite
American christian soldiers destroyed Iraq based on jew-mftd WMD lies. I have yet to hear a christian apologize for this mass murder.
Christianity and conservatism are competitors with racialism. Not allies. Christians have proved they cannot protect a culture from jews.
Lack of pride and hatred of learning - and general moral cowardice exacerbated by christianity - have laid the white race low.
Jews destroy families and nations with sexualization, big government has whole new classes "needing its services." See how that works?
Anything that absolves or displaces man-agency - that I am against. It is bad and wrong and destructive.
A sexualized culture is bad for everyone, and you don't have to be a christian or moralist to appreciate this.
Society needs dejewing, in the same sense dogs and cats need to be wormed of destructive parasites. #WhiteStrategy
The jew aims to sow confusion. We counter this with polarizing simplicity. These are the terms, and this is the battle: #TeamWhite v TeamJew
Christian spirit-queers don't even defend their own church against jewish mockery, and we're supposed to think they'll defend our race?
People, try to grasp this. The genocidal threat jews posed to whites was always latent. It was merely the technology that was lacking.
I have yet to meet a common christian who has heard of Sicut Judaeis Non, let alone grasps its racial-political implications.
There are facts and there are preferences. The rest is occult, mystical, childish, effeminate, hagridden bullshit.
the black question is entirely a subset of the jew question. blacks have no power save thru jew management and media promotion.
Nazism was a threat to the jews; christianity is merely useful to it. That is why jews moved to destroy the one & merely mock the other.
Have you even heard of Sicut Judaeis Non? Do you know what it means? What its ramifications are? No. You do not.
Christianity is the reason jews were readmitted to white nations until they attaind full power, using modern tech & initiated #whitegenocide
You suck at thinking. Christianity readmitted jews for 1500 years because it failed to ID them as biological problem.
It's always struck me as effeminate attitudinizing, this idea that pride is bad, humility is good. Are you right or wrong? That matters.
How's that christian universalism working out for you, white man? Maybe time to grow up and put away childish things? #tcot
Trust Experts. They're always right about everything. Experts and Priests, why humanity doesn't even need heads anymore.
Jews never apologize or give in. Goyim always do, particularly whites. What you deride as puritanism, dirteater, works and wins. #TeamWhite
October 29, 2015:
God & his forces, the Southern Mans (full of yell, unpleasant of smell) were defeated by the forces of evil. Somehow. Don't get it myself.
Jews murdered jesus. That's the story at least, if not the reality (jesus didn't exist). Yet christians do nothing but fellate jews. Hmm...
Hitler did not want his party to turn into a debating society. He was not an alt-frightist but a man.
Christians are cowards because they live their lives thinking someone is watching over them about to strike them down for acting naturally.
Christianity is what teaches a white man to feel guilty for thinking his race is superior to, say, Somalis. Not your problem, 'brother.'
America was founded as a white nation. It was successful because it was filled with German and British whites.
'Nation of immigrants' was a pre-internet meme created by jews (at the ADL) specifically to destroy the white nation called America. #tcot
Christianity has hamstrung the white mind with its hagridden insanity, making us both fearful and delusional as a race.
Getting angry at Merkel or Obama is the human equivalent of the bull's charging the cape rather goring the matador.
"Racism for our Israel, mongrelization for the white nations. Yes, that is our policy. Do we even try to hide it?" --Nathan Jacob Wise
Don't be misled by the collective ass-sniffers & essay multipliers of the alt-right, they're the same semi-intellectual cowards as #tcots.
As organization is all-important to whites, jews necessarily verbally defame organization itself - as anal, obsessed, spergy, etc etc.
I keep insisting, because it is simple, true and necessary, that there is no solution to white problems save the extermination of jews.
Jews support mud invasion to wreck white countries. Christians support it to make money and because man = man is their ideology.
Jews declare verbal war on white organization, in tandem and reinforcing their using feds to prevent whites from organizing politically.
'Pathological altruism' is a phrase used by two types: 1) dishonest academics who fear to criticize xtianity directly; 2) prole copycats.
Being atheist doesn't make you smart. It makes you right. About the one question with which it concerns itself.
'Pathological altruism' isn't accurate. No one in these charades isn't motivated by ideology or $$$, altruism has nothing to do with it.
Christianity is naturally attractive to inferior whites. It gives them false hope, w/o the bodily destruction you get from drink/drugs.
Merkel is what you get when #TeamWhite fails to defeat #TeamJew. Raised a communist, barren old woman attempts to murder her own kind.
Jews are the reason whites need to defend themselves, and christianity is the reason whites are psychologically unable to do so.
"If you want to live, come with us." --the WN message to the white masses Racial identity, not jebooism, is the solution.
Jews: Even the best of the goyim should be killed. Christians: Every jew has an imperishable soul of inestimable value. Who wins this fight?
God created Nature. Nature is genocidal. God supports/opposes genocide? A question so simple two or three xtians out of ten can answer it.
October 27, 2015:
Jew leftists are jews - rational, racist, calculating. But white leftists are a different animal entirely.
American conservatives: the only subset of people on the entire globe dumb enough to believe jews and Israel are the good guys. #tcot
Jewish obnoxiousness is the main difficulty holo-factualists face. No one can believe someone didn't try to do them in - they deserve it.
Whites must never accept being dominated by any race, neither blacks nor jews. https://t.co/WAK7SZ9us3
What no one seems to understand is that leftism, as the tiny-minority position, must act the way it does. Otherwise it couldn't attain power
Rightists argue by saying you're wrong, and showing you why. Leftist argue by saying you're evil, and passing laws to suppress you.
Christianity is the original 'diversity.' See, it's racist-nationalist tribalism for jews, and mongrelist-universalist christtianity 4 you.
Xtians who think they r racialists spend all their time arguing their verses "don't actually mean" what they very plainly or plausibly say.
You denounce cucks while whewing that Jesus died for _your_ sins? Yeah verily, thou art ein #scrote.
October 24, 2015:
Whites are always willing to settle for less than the real thing - but not jews. Who wins? And who loses?
To the kidzis, it's all a matter of personalities and positions, always fluctuating. Never any principle adhered to regardless
Ron Paul is the only pol I've ever heard argue for free association - which would do more to protect whites than border wall.
It is absolutely undeniable that big government has lowered the average quality of WHITE human over course of 20th century.
The lower elements of the white population want the govt to provide for them what they can't for themselves. They = whitemuds.
To a large extent, those who hate libertarianism are simply losers who want others' earnings - just like the niggers they hate
What none of those who use 'libertarian' as curse word grasp is that property protection is inherently anti-mud.
I mean, we live in a world where states aren't allowed to deny benefits to _illegal aliens_. So how will Trump get a (wall)?
The only social order we need restored is eliminating 99% of the central government and making the population 100% white.
We ought to try linking white politics with govt-dismantling politics, but our kind prefer the reactionary jebooism.
Christians want their jew jesus garbage protected from questioning as a matter of manners. Jews want their bs protected by law. Only diff.
He has the right attitude, to a good extent, but never forget Trump is a complete cuck for israel, just like others. https://t.co/SEGVFBobwy
If you strike a tone of schoolmarm and your politics is eat-your-oatmeal, you're not going to draw heroes. You won't even draw flies.
October 23, 2015:
There a word for the specific hatred of every individual group - except whites: the group all the real hatred is directed at. How curious.
Whites politics will mature when it becomes impersonal and emotion-oriented. These are the spine and voluptuous flesh. #WhiteStrategy
Christianity teaches men to be cowardly and calls it love. It encourages men to be ignorant and calls it faith. Christianity is #antiwhite.
The dirty work of the racial cause is attacking things that are hurting us that our race has become addicted to - christianity being #1.
It's perversely unsettling that in many ways whites under jew communism in Russia have emerged better than under xtianity in America.
In a strict sense, nothing can be unnatural. So we say, jews (a subspecies) use an ideology (christianity) to destroy a competitor (whites).
Perhaps christianity doesn't protect white nations because nothing in its doctrines values race? Just a crazy wacky random thought.
The inability to grasp the inherently antiwhite nature of xtianity is a subset of the problem of anti-intellectualism in USAn conservatism.
No non-human species is liberal. Liberalism is a human disease - xtianity's bogus brotherhood of manimals.
A question for you to chew on (with your mind) that you might be enlightened... Why do jews NOT try 2 eradicate xtianity as they did nazism?
If jews can use their media to normalize homosexuality, why couldn't they use it to eradicate christianity? They could. So why don't they?
Christianity puts the white man on par with the nigger, soul-wise, and this soonly and inevitably leads to demands for political equality.
Christianity says racism is evil. And genocide is immoral and wrong. Nature says the opposite. Christianity is liberalism.
Yes. That is precisely the problem with 'traditionalism.' It's not inherently a good thing. https://t.co/RsIxdYgN7F
Which tradition? In actual historical fact they're varied and contradictory. You just pick and choose like a cafeteria christian.
Whites built the west in spite of christianity, which did essentially nothing except waste white genes and money on religious wars.
Feminism is a semi-intellectual attempt to defend woman's inmost desire: to have everything both ways. In this, perhaps only, it is female.
There is no recorded instance of a feminist expressing gratitude or accepting responsibility for anything. #feministagenda
You ever talk to single women over thirty? How many of them aren't on anti-depressants? Something basic is wrong with society.
Women's bodies are designed to give birth. But somehow their minds, emotions & psychological makeup are exempt from this? Ridiculous.
The idea that men are easy to understand and women complex is not just factually wrong it's propaganda. Women are shallow.
The white race is a questioning race of questers, it is most undeniably NOT a race of traditionalists.
Judaism's jews-first and goyim-never is in line with nature, christianity's brotherhood of man is out of line.
October 22, 2015:
One of the great myths, eagerly promoted by anti-counter-semites, is that the jewish question is hard to understand.
We whites let ourselves be browbeaten out of our country by evil lying scheming jews. We must form a #TeamWhite and reclaim our future.
Space done right - the no-tax way. Still a waste of money - but their money, not yours. https://t.co/tEvGh0rTfM
Catholicism says the only acceptable Final Solution to the Jew Problem is converting him. 2000 years o' failure, that.
Christianity says it's immoral to genocide races. But if this is the only solution to the jew problem, then what?
My fantasy is they'll find some bones that the black race descended from, the OC, original coon, and they'll name him DeTritus.
Nature is telling us white men that we must exterminate the jews and their tools before they wipe us out. #TeamWhite
If whites were actual men, they would see that xtianity is fantasy, and nature is reality. Nature is built on genocide: waves of wiping-out.
It is christianity that makes white men afraid to say boo to a jew. EVEN THOUGH BY THEIR OWN GODDAM BOOK THEIR HERO WAS MURDERED BY JEWS.
In our defense, we Americans are a bunch of cowardly christian cunts who mouth liberty and practice servility. https://t.co/4uNOmiKZio
When America admitted jews as citizens and gave them rights it signed its own death warrant. #WhenAmericaWasGreat
October 21, 2015:
The term is Semitically Correct, as Joe Sobran coined. Jews set the agenda that defines what is and isn't acceptable.
It was xtians like Chesterton and C.S. Lewis who groomed whites for destruction by telling them thinking is the devil's tool.
Wives influence, men lead. There is nothing more beta, much as I loathe that metaphor, than saying "we must appeal to...." LOSERLOSERNOFUX4U
Imagine Hitler as an #altright ist. You see why you can't? Hitler wasn't a malefag trying to exert wifely influence, he was a leader.
Overton Window: yes, racialism needs to go through conservatism. But not the way you mean. Rather, in the manner of a speeding locomotive.
White conservatives in the US like Nixon saw the same thing Nazis in Weimar saw re jews - they just couldn't do anything about it. #tcot
By destroying the capacity for concentration, along with the techniques of successful mentation, jews salted the soil from which opp springs
Jews use the school systems of governments they control to destroy the minds & bodies of their racial competitors - your white children.
American Whites love two things: 1) money. 2) respectability. We remain British to our core, culturally, though pressed in Semitic mold.
The only reason you or anyone is not 100% opposed to JT is you don't understand what function he's actually fulfilling.
Jared takes a position (pro-jew, anti-white) while claiming he's not taking a position. He's a liar & charlatan.
Good example is Kevin Macdonald consorting with known jewtaint-laver Jared Taylor. He knows he shouldn't. But likes him.
White right-wingers aren't even capable of being principled, let alone ideological. It's 100% personalities w these menwomen.
True ideological thinking isn't found on the right for 2 reasons: rightwingers are too stupid (religious) and not nasty enough
How could the left take power if its views could be debated openly in newspapers? It couldn't. It would lose every time.
All jew history is an attempt to put themselves on center state, & lie they invented everything good.
To be in politics one must sashay into the path of the Queen of England, and deliver a dump with the sangfroid of a nocent alley cat.
Even if you believe in God, how do you explain him allowing women to determine who becomes the next generation? He's laughing at us.
Women like men in suits because they suck at evaluating manliness, so they trust the uniformity of the suit as a proxy.
'Ignorant' to a woman means 'diverging from the opinion I learned from a duly accredited educational authority.' https://t.co/e3nBztE7G9
To grasp the mentality of the GOYISH left, you have to understand that they see 2+2=4 as a Walmart view of reality, and they're above that.
The conservative is the man who speaks behind doors to supporters; the White Nationalist is the man who speaks outdoors to enemies.
Feel hate building in world. Scorn and despisal from the unjew left, racist calculation from jews, and righteous anger in white aggrieved.
You're afraid of being smeared as a nazi, little #tcot man? How do you suppose the national socialists would feel being associated w you?
Being strong is natural to a few, but perhaps to most it is a decision, a difficult and brave one. So decide for it #TeamWhite
There are as many good jews as admit 'the' 'holocaust' is a Big Lie. Which is to say - none. It's remarkable, really - a whole race of liars
Whites have the natural capacity to understand, take on, and defeat jews - but the talent must be organized. We need a #TeamWhite
If you can't handle being called racist, you're too weak for politics. You're what we call a 'conservative.' #tcot #TeamWhite
The white nationalist cause is partly about race but also about race formation. We will build a more aggressive, more intelligent strain.
It makes sense for the tiny minority to speak in codes. It is insane for the large majority to do so.
Jews are leading the white west to its genocide. While conservatives blame their shabbes goy politicians and talk about how stupid they are.
Attack conservatives, Men of White, don't fraternize with them. Attack them to clarify and polarize. #TeamWhite v. TeamJew. That split wins.
Conservatives aren't friends with #TeamWhite but competitors. If Coulter and Trump can get the job done, we don't need racialists. Can they?
Essentially jew pressure is forcing whites to evolve, splitting the race between christian subs and race dominants.
October 20, 2015:
Jew JJ apparently confuses Star Wars with Gay Niggers From Outer Space, which may well be an #altright cult classic. #GoycottStarWarsVII
#Tcot support for Israel reminds me of the politicians afraid to be the first to stop clapping after a Stalin speech.
The white nationalist cause is a supermodel, not some fat chick trying to sell her baking skills, you abject little conservative appealers.
The white nationalist demand isn't forbidden because it's unattractive but because it's wildly attractive. You 2-bit appealers are soul-deaf
We need to settle it for once and all whether jews are going to rule the world or not. All those who don't want that are on the same side.
October 19, 2015:
They love diversity, they say. Their behavior shows they're addicted to centrally coerced conformity.
It wasn't just the South that lost the civil war, it was anyone who preferred the original and intended America.
Hey, fido. While you twinks are out trying to appeal to people with your wilted lettuce you call politics, who's going to do the real work?
All progress WN has made is due to guy who says our murderer is our friend & other guy who makes chinese babies? Beyond lol.
"Winning people over" - this mindset doesn't grasp the problem. It's 100x deeper. You must lead - with courage. Not "appeal"
Do you think there's a connection between the nearly complete absence of moral courage in white Americans and their religion?
"Tolerance is urged today for the sake of suppression." -- from The International Jew, by Henry Ford. Written in 2015? No. 1920. #nothingnew
It's socially acceptable to blame nazis for (anything) but not socially acceptable to blame jews. Facts be damned.
Jared Taylor serves jews by trying to drive jew-criticism out of WN, parallel to Buckley/conservatism. #TeamWhite https://t.co/dTV6clmQ83
You call it cultural marxism because you're not smart or strong enough to call it jewish marxism. Maybe stop being weak?
October 18, 2015:
They flip on/off on everything. IQ - it's bogus. Right up till they need it to save some criminal nigger from execution.
Reactionaries are simply inverted progressives; one seeks an impossible utopia in Tomorrow, the other in Yesterday.
Whites have a different attitude toward lying. it's seen as shameful. jews pride themselves on it, as a race
Lying was "what you did." It was "how you got through life." Monica Lewinsky, a jew, said that. Really speaks volumes.
Please remember Israel takes 20,000,000 dollars a day out of American wallets. Israel is America's enemy.
Every single one of these countries it was jews who got the immigration policies changed to prefer muds over whites.
Conservatives are scared little people who need constant reassurance of how smart they are and how "stupid" their rulers. #tcot
Our governments aren't ours. They belong to the jews. This is the most basic fact of politics. It explains every single policy we see.
Which cult was it that put the idea in minds that whites are "sinners" who need "redemption"? https://t.co/gOBtwY3jSk
Jews never paid the price for the communism they inflicted on the world. Now they bring it multiculturalism. It is time for the race to die.
The reason the USA has the second amendment, Jefferson would tell you, is to shoot politicians who open our borders to the third world.
October 16, 2015:
Nazis fought the communist jews today's conservatives truckle before. That's the hidden reason conservatives hate Nazis. Shown up by 'em.
Drugs, drink, anti-depressants, doctors & religious doctrine are all waiting there to drown you in their quicksand. Stay low, don't get beat
Polarize the west between #TeamWhite and Team Jew. Attack conservatives and drive them from field, making real conflict visible to public.
October 15, 2015:
So if some dentist shoots a lion they fall to pieces. But if some nigger murders a human, they race to make excuses.
No fundie has greater faith in his jesus horseshit than a goy leftist has in his alt-religion we can basically call sociology.
For every 100 whites who care about the welfare of jews & Israel, there are precisely 0 jews who care about the same for whites. #TeamWhite
Women are innately incapable of separating the thing from the form. And remember - most men are women.
The System's true genius, if it has any, lies in successfully persuading cogs that they are edgy subversive rebels.
October 14, 2015:
"Semi-red pilled." Like Jared Taylor doesn't know 100x more than you do. He's wittingly serving the jewish enemy.
Jews set up the NAACP, an ostensibly black org, to serve jew interests. So it is with JT's ostensibly white AmRen.
Jared Taylor explicitly exculpates jews for responsibility for the 1965 Immigration Act. He's a liar.
Standards whites think universal are actually white. They are mislead by their foolish universalist religion.
"Ahm fahtin' mah demons," says the idiot with dirt in corner of his mouth. "Ah needs salmuhvation, I does." #TeamLoser
Retards love religion because there's no end of debating it and they can't be proved wrong as with math or something real.
What I see in my town: 80yo whites working in Hy-Vee. Literal Africans walking around in sharp clothes, Western Union-wiring handfuls of 20s
I love hearing from fat losers, meme spergs and childless queer PhDs how suicidal whites are. No, it's murder. And jews lead the cutthroats.
Why is strange greg johnson trying to censor this article? http://t.co/5POdj6yPFB
October 13, 2015:
Alt-right = conservatives = #cuckservative. All of them. All conservatives are #cuckservatives. Pro-white & anti-jew - or cuck.
They say white race is an abstraction, there's just ethnic groups. Then they turn 1000 warring tribes into indivisible Native Americans.
What the power eagles kiddie club doesn't grasp is that not all whites are alt-niggers. WN must provide for solid, competent people too.
Blacks have no power to punish White Republicans who appealed to whites AS WHITES. Only the jews have the media/money power to do that.
Is not Jared Taylor a #cuckservative? If not, why not? Does he not attempt to make the white racial cause serve his jewish masters?
http://t.co/VARWytInD3 Nigger angry about its failures so it murders a humans. Why do we allow jews to stick niggers among us?
Decentralization is white. Centralization is jewish. Britain out of EU. EU dissolved. Invaders slaughtered. Jews exterminated. #solutions
Jews continue to convulse the world in needless wars in order to further their agenda of a white-free world, with them as kings. #loxism
The world must declare war on jews. They must be hunted down and exterminated, to the last one. Then the world will be free.
Most whites are, ironically, too superficial to be corrupted. They mostly just fill their belly and giggle in their few non-working hours.
Your gun and your ability to wield it - that is the vote nature gave you. Every other vote can be thrown out, miscounted or ignored.
Whites who serve jews must become more afraid of white racialists than they are of jews. That's when we will begin to win. #TeamWhite
A movement that strikes no blows is not a movement, it's just a set of ideas. People attract to strength, not weakness, not blow-suffering.
White nationalism is for whites who want to live in a state built on a racial basis. Economics & philosophy can be compromised.
Christianity is for white cowards who accept second-class status in relation to Master Jews. If you're a coward, christianity is your home.
The confident arrogance with which jews speak of reducing whites to shat-on-minority status in their own lands shows what they think of us.
Jews believe there is nothing whites can do to stop them, but they are wrong: whites can kill jews and those who serve them. #TeamWhite
Or maybe talk of necessary violence is pointless. Maybe virtual 'rabbits' using the same hashtag will 'reprogram' whites to victory.
Started new audiobook, Ford's unabridged (4vol, 80ch) The International Jew. Context-setting and Ch1 (1:15). http://t.co/ofciJSI148
There is nothing wrong with average whites. They are not suicidal. The problem is their leadership hates them and subsidizes bad behavior.
Why did Brownshirt(lifter) Greggy Johnson ban this article from his website? http://t.co/5POdj6yPFB http://t.co/L6n8VKYn1Q
Canadian left a bequest worth 250k to National Alliance. Professional jews engineered court theft of same. "Stay legal" corrects this how?
Whites are guilty of being born superior. They must turn over their genes and all assets derived from them. #whiteprivilege
I achieved a modest intellectual victory. I got a leftist to admit that Africa is not, in fact, barren of resources but overloaded with them
October 12, 2015:
Christian moral universalism makes possible the jew Big Lie that mixing with other races is a moral duty for white men. #crossUnfits
The IDF won't accept people who are into Dungeons & Dragons. Too weak minded. WN should follow suit with christians. #TeamWhite
Who owns the media pushing all that sexualization that bothers you so much? The muslims, right? Can't be jews. They're the good guys. #tcot
October 11, 2015:
Whites should have contempt for jews, and even greater contempt for those who serve them, such as #AnnCoulter, #RalphPeters & #JohnMcCain.
National Mothball Day. Celebrate fags who shut up about their problem. Deviant behavior is not an identity but a problem. Keep it to y'self.
October 10, 2015:
The church is more afraid of nazism, or any successful racialism, than of jewish communism. It is right. Do you see why? #WhiteStrategy
Christianity is inherently and irremediably #antiwhite. It's universalist piffle, and it's time for white men to discard it.
I love the pope. He forces all of my retarded pro-xtian opponents to argue he's not a "real" christian. Keep spittin' in the wind, dopes.
Christianity softens up whites for jewish predation. It's a paralytic agent jews don't even have to bite into us like viper.
My point is that it's humiliating to intellectuals and mystics that race alone is a better explainer/grouper than beliefs.
Churchill was a tool of the jews. Precisely like the American conservatives who worship him today. Little man syndrome. #tcot
When Merkel fears ordinary Germans more than the jews feeding her money and agenda points, then things might change.
Conservatives resolutely refuse to identify the jew as the author of the culture decline they lament. It is their only resolution. #tcot
October 09, 2015:
Racialism is not there to wipe your ass or tell you bedtime stories, it's there TO KILL PEOPLE WHO WANT TO KILL YOU FOR BEING WHITE.
Why does Mein Kampf come with a warning, whereas Orwell's words are allowed to stand on their own and widely assigned? #food4thought
These old Republicans, and conservatives generally, always sell you safety as a solution - knowing it doesn't work.
People are conformist, 19 out of 20, and it's biological. If the wrong people lead, the mass still follows.
What anti-Putin WN need to grasp is that if he were entirely under jew control, he would not be bombing ISIS and defending Assad.
When Mrs. Clinton, McCain, Carson and Peters are screaming against you - you're doing something the jews consider against their interests.
Imagine what faith in white cowardice a jew like Sarcozy has to get on tv and inform the French that they will mongrelize or he will punish.
Not just in politics but in banking and media. Jews always favor central banking. They also prefer centralized publishing.
Niggers believe the very concept of crime is racist, hence invalid. Here's Soros nigger DeRanged talking up looting. http://t.co/HESTRv6Kvv
The jews use goyfronts, black and white, to pule for nuclear war against Russia. Carson, McCain & she-Clinton are all just shabbos goyim.
Unfortunately it seems to be nearly impossible to teach people how to evaluate evidence if they aren't able to do it naturally.
Whites are under coordinated global assault. The assault is led by jews. They use goyfronts like Merkel to confuse people. #TeamWhite
The white cause is confused with xtianity or conservatism or some petty national party or movement but it's simpler & greater.
The problem is the social level of too many racialists is low-rent Baptist. Anything they like constitutes evidence. Yahoo McBible
That's true. Breivik is an example. Too many anonymous internet people forget that not everyone is like them.
The basis of my philosophy is that reality exists. The first duty is to establish the facts, in all these 'events.' It's not that hard.
Correct. People flip from blind belief to blind skepticism. Both are destructive and wrong. https://t.co/Jwfr3hWph6
The political conservative has an instinctive aversion to what works, both in verbal warfare and in real life. #tcot
"Crime is a concept invented by racists to prevent the black man from getting his fair share." --the actual belief of every black on earth
Catholicism hasn't turned nigerians into humans, even with tens of millions of converts. Why? Because their doctrine refuses racial reality.
And these flyover goobers treat 'holocaust' survivors like jesus II. They limo them in to lie to their own children. https://t.co/DOjwkerxFS
If you can't take your own side in a fight - or even figure out which side you're on, you're qualified as an #alt-frightist.
Alt-right IS cucks. All right is cucks. The notion of a "new" kind of conservative probably predates conservatism itself. All cons are same.
What makes you not a cuck is you admit it all begins with race, and your race and jews are enemies. You're not a rightist but a racialist.
Imagine a jew sitting around, "what about pro-jew Nazis?" Yet in racialism, we have alt-right-cucks, "What about pro-white jews?" #NJJR
Jews are in effect a hostile gang that has taken over the west. Taken over its institutions. Coopted or neutralized native leadership.
Breivik showed the way. It's not his fault. The left made it that way. Speaking against them is same price as killing them. #WhiteLiberty
The elite are banking on the people grumbling but going along. They know they are rolling the dice they'll not die in wave of assassinations
Jew Auster lied about the jewish role in murdering the White West until almost literally the day he died, when he finally admitted same.
Let's have a 'conversation' about race where the facts are off the table and only one side gets to talk.
"Pro-white Jew" lol. You're a cuck. https://t.co/KMsbN2QMC5
There's a force preventing whites from organizing in their own racial interest. You at least realize that much, right?
The judeo-left, now without serious opposition, obeys its internal impulse, which is to ban all disagreement.
October 08, 2015:
The idea that we're all in this together is a bad idea and a christian one. Which has proven extremely useful to jews.
Someone who doesn't cry and shrivel into a ball when beset by life's unavoiable vicissitudes. A non-prayer. An actor.
Someone who needs to be saved is someone who can't make it on his own, by definition. A christian cannot be a man.
From 'moderation in all things' to moralizing about all things. Christianity was an advance? It was not.
Were whites obsessed with guilt and salvation before christianity? If not, was the addition of these hagriders a good thing? #WhiteQuestions
Objective analysis and organization and gang (FBI, Mossad)-level loyalty will defeat jews, not nigging it up about love-yr-race or pride.
#AnnCoulter has pulled punches to protect jews her entire career. That you don't see her for what she is comments on you, not her.
There is a perfect overlap between those moved by the Holy Spirit and those who move their lips when they read.
Muh salvashun - this is drama queening. It is reprehensible. You don't need to be saved, christian, you need to be flushed. #eugenics
Jewish secular politics (Semitical Correctness and the agenda it promotes) and christianity both rely on fallacy of false menu.
Jew says: support deviants or you're a 'homophobe.' Christian says: accept my imaginary god or you worship yourself. Same fallacy.
Christianity is judaism for the hoi polloi, the prolescrotes, the masses incapable of standards. The slaves, losers, goobers and degens.
We should attack both those attacking us (jews) and those encouraging us not to defend ourselves (christians). #TeamWhite #whitestrategy
Who's unmanlier? the jew who starts the war then hides snickering in the background? Or the Southern K9 unit who runs to fight for him?
Christianity talked the white man out of what his eyes and ears and brain were screaming at him. Now we pay the price. #zookeepers
October 07, 2015:
See, the problem, fellow white people, is we allowed christian morality to prevent us from doing what our reason told us was necessary.
Morality is a curious form of perversion, one that is socially constructive. Most people are immoral and oblivious. #Prolescrotes
Britain hates Germany for exactly the same reason as the Third World hates the white west: red-faced inferiority. https://t.co/nr58md3SKm
Christianity: you white men have the duty to converty the dusky hordes. Nature: ...into mulch. #TeamWhite
It's useless to argue with christians, as 99% of them are unfamiliar with their own church's doctines, let alone grasp racial implications.
'Racism' is a verbal slash aimed to cut your balls off spiritually and psychologically. To intimidate the resistance out of you. #TeamWhite
There is a solution to all these problems in all these lands. It is the extermination of the jews. Quit fighting the obvious. #fightloxism
Jews destroyed Russia. They destroyed Healthy Germany, they brought child-rapists to the UK, 50m mexicans to the US...need I go on?
All these immigration policies changed all at the same time - in the 60s/70s. All due to jews. In UK, Canada, Australia, USA... #loxism
Whites are the suggestible race. But they love a challenge. Exterminating jews is our race's ultimate test. I do hope we pass. #TeamWhite
October 06, 2015:
Get a #TeamWhite. Get a strong leader people like. Exclude jews and those who associate with them. Make enemies lists. Liberate the race.
The middle-class white man in the USA in 2015 is more effeminate than most women. He's not a hateful creature, but he is certainly pathetic.
Whites must develop a team to take on jews. This begins with jettisoning christianity & conservatism. #TeamWhite
Prepped by christianity, with its endless lugubrious drivel about guilt and salvation. https://t.co/a0PXn0BNGU
Christianity pre-conditions white men to distrust reasonable explanations. It encourages a preference for fantasy.
Whites can see nigger crime and grasp open borders. What the need to know is the jew is the author of #whitegenocide.
I understand getting excited about Trump if you're a teenager, or even in your 20s. But if you're older? You haven't seen this 10x before?
The left has one tactic for dealing with opposition: abuse. Nasty, hate-filled personal abuse of anyone who dares disagree with the cult.
Who put the idea in your head that you need to be saved, white man? What evidence is there for that peculiar assertion?
Who's behind #whitegenocide? Does Angela Merkel make the decisions for Germany? Or is she the goyfront?
It is quite wrong to cast the racial struggle in terms of either love or civil rights - these simply show weakness, and enemy perceives it.
To youth and inexperience belong the nostrum that one brand of conservatism is different from another. #altright #NRx #tcot #cuckservatives
October 05, 2015:
You see 'gay man' in the media (controlled by antiwhite jews) a lot more often than 'white man.' Ponder that.
Christianity protects jews from whites. White nationalism protects whites from jews. Do you see the difference there? #TeamWhite
The judeo-left has learned it can win by shaming and browbeating the effeminate white majority. Only bloody stumps of jews will reverse this
The jews make their murder of the west look like suicide, and those who repeat that lie help them. #TeamWhite
Christianity is the ideology of white cowardice, white surrender, white weakness, and #whitegenocide.
The Mossad needs only a few agents because all jews worldwide can be counted on to cooperate with it. https://t.co/YopMEh76pw
October 04, 2015:
Kill ISIS, destroy Israel, fumigate the neocons - liberate the world. #tcot The world has one enemy, and that is the jew.
Sex is a private matter. Jews using sexual degeneracy to wreck white nations is a public matter. #tcot #TeamWhite #loxism
Part of what's wrong with jewed-world is denial of agency; the replacement of the man with the Machine and his dog Expert. White AND Man.
Race is the white man's natural home. Not christianity. It's not racial religion, either. Worship belong to the jesus dogs, not to white men
The highest, whitest form of government, considered all ways, is confederation, not dictatorship. Big Man systems are 4 little whites & muds
Jews run the USA. They recruit northern goyshills to lie for them. And Southern K9 units to murder for them. #shabbosgoyim #tcot
October 03, 2015:
Jews have organized hundreds of groups looking out for their racial interests. Whites have none. And jews are determined to keep it that way
There is no "genuine" religion, because it's all horseshit from opinionated morons. Resulting in neverending wars. https://t.co/RhzRc8tE4F
The government is the enemy. We need our own competing organization. Undeniable. The govt (ZOG) prevents white organizing.
Standing armies are unAmerican. Military adventurism is unAmerican. Military members aren't heroes. They're anti-American parasites. #tcot
The media is by multiples more useful to liars than to honest men. In fact, liars can do virtually nothing without it on their side.
It is christianity that says race is of no particular value. An interracial marriage is as good as any other according to christian doctrine
The white cause is for those who demand a racial state. A state without jews or muds. That's all the agreement required. #TeamWhite
I want to live as a white man in a nation -- people connected by blood, not words -- that is not murderously & legally hostile to my kind.
The leftist idea: we go into (teaching, journalism, social work) to change the world. And our main tool for doing this is the lie.
Blood > beliefs, and this is what really burns the crimson into the sagging cheeks of the sicko collective called the christian church.
Common view, and wrong. Infighting is natural and good until a dominant tendency is produced. https://t.co/keNt96DJbW
Jews have always pushed for centralization of power, because it gives a tiny minority the most leverage. https://t.co/qqtlbohVoG
Whites can produce health, education and welfare on their own. What they need government for is racial protection.
October 02, 2015:
Professional conservatism is made up of two types: jews and jew appeasers. #tcot There really isn't anything else to understand about it.
PC is actually Semitical Correctness, as Sobran pointed out. It's jews who imposed speech codes across the West.
We exterminate termites for eating our houses, but we fawn over and grovel before jews destroying our civilization. #what
The effeminacy in conservatism lies in refusal to face contradictions. The Founders you "love" were racist. Not race-neutral individualists.
Why should we Western men allow jews to use niggers to destroy our civilization? Shouldn't we, instead, destroy the jews? #TeamWhite
The bad guys won World War Two. Do you realize that now? The 'Greatest Generation' is jews blowing smoke up the ass of fools & tools.
The more jew-facilitated nigroids turn America into a shithole, the louder the clamor against stable, normal whites. #loxism
Never yet had a #cuckservative from #IstandwithIsrael answer when I ask if that includes Israel's mass murder of Americans on #USSLiberty.
Every jew morphs into a 'holocaust' 'survivor' when it turns fifty. They actually have a ceremony in their synagogue, like a deb coming out.
White men let women run the family and jews the nation, and now we reap the results of this weakness and fecklessness.
Democracy: a system by which unelected unaccountable jew billionaires run things against the interests of the normal white majority.
September 24, 2015:
Humans have parasites. They're called jews. They fill their niche well. Manipulating us is their biz.
Jews have sexualized and cynicized whites in America, and quite deliberately. So real leadership seems unthinkable to them.
Ur church been subverted by jews because it rejects the existence of jews a priori. Jes' mo' broithers in crise
Notice the church merely opposes communism. But hates and fears racialism. The latter is a vital threat, the former a superficial
The Catholic church is threatened by a racial body promoting strength as highest ideal, rather than weakness - the SS.
Catholicism is a slave doctrine for pacifying masses. If whites discover a racial future, they won't need or want it.
Extermination of competing subspecies is nature's way. If nature comes from god, then it's god's way too.
Jews need a country for jews. That's just self evident. But Germans needing a Germany? That's racist. Whites needing white lands? Evil.
Eugenics is the only potential cure for poverty, which is a consequence and reflection of genetic limits more than any other factor.
No matter the position he takes, the conservative believes in manners over ideas, and appearances over reality. This is why he always folds.
#Cuckservatives like #AnnCoulter must walk the line: fake-radical enough to sell books; jew-servile enough to stay on tv.
You support #AnnCoulter. She publicly shits on you and disavows your support before the jews. This makes her #cuckservative. What are you?
What's left of christ-insanity? Some nice buildings. No one believes in it any longer, and with good reason: its central claims aren't true.
We are safest when everybody owns guns, and lots of them. We are least safe when only the government (jews + their servants) own guns.
Yeah, let's make America another crappy third-world social democracy. It's good for jews. And isn't that really all that matters?
Sometimes you have to do what the universe needs done. Just because it's there. Just because you can. It may depend on you.
A nation that treats jews with respect, and grants them rights, has signed its own death warrant. #tcot
Rights are meaningless, as they have no enforcement mechanism. You have the right to all the pie you can stuff in your mouth.
When the #cuckservatives fear Whites more than jews they will change their tune. Since that's how they roll, after all.
Jews must be exterminated, all of them. That's bringing a gun to the gunfight they started. #whitegenocide https://t.co/S3GKcMaMXU
There is no non-ludicrous way to claim that homo _sapiens_ encompasses blacks. They may be hominids, but there's nothing sapient about 'em.
Catholicism = liberalism = Englightment = spinach. My system will force manhood on you, but you'll not unman me.
The Vikings are the one white group that escapes historical abuse under pen of the jews. Why? Because they marauded in white lands.
Whites can use the Internet to form a verbal-warfare army, which could be the basis for a real world vehicle. So it is informally today.
Imagine a White Council. It decides on verbal warfare policy. Says to use this or that term in a particular battle. Whoever does is team.
I'm not alt-right. They are conservatives, and all conservatives are respectables, or cucks, as they put it.
How can you possibly help the white cause when you're literally scared to use your real name behind your beliefs
The success of #cuckservative shows what can be done - if whites form a team and swarm-attack the enemy. But they must use real names.
Be a proud and jealous cause. Don't follow the nambies who thupport #AnnCoulter - who pointedly distances from them. Pathetic.
Hey, racialists! #AnnCoulter just shit on you? What do you think about that? You like that? You into that? Are you?
Appeals to pride and hatred & even fear work better than love. We should have the self-respect to refuse to be dominated by jews. #TeamWhite
People need to hear what they don't want to hear, and that is the one thing no democratic pandering politician ever offers.
The catholic church sides with jewish communists - both have an interest in the disappearance of the white race, for different reasons.
Communists slaughtered catholic priests. Nazis did not. Yet the church saw the Nazis as far the greater danger. They're right. Why?
Sicut Judaeis Non amounts to a denial that jews exist. The price of that willed ignorance is the subversion of the church. Enjoy, x-cranks.
September 23, 2015:
Boss Jew says never mention that jews are behind open borders. "Yessuh" says #cuckservative Jared Taylor.
Let me make is simple for you, kids. Jared Taylor is a #cuckservative. Anyone who defends Jared Taylor is also a cuckservative.
Just as the darkies at NAACP did whatever the communist jew managers told them to do, so it is with the lighties at @jartaylor's AmRen.
What would an honest analyst write? "Republicans line up to trade the interests of America/white race for jew billionaire campaign money."
How not to be a #cuckservative: write about jews the way they write about rednecks. Do you dare? #AnnCoulter doesn't. Nor Jim Goad.
Dare to treat jews with casual disrespect - as they do yours. Dare. Treat THEM like shit on your shoe.
White America went from looking down on jews, around 1900, to worshipping them and groveling before them in 2000.
Always muh religion on their breath, and never the honorable action in their behavior. This is the conservative. No balls, no guts, no glory
It's no use trying to make an alt-right or any other new rt different from the neocon right because you're all the same type: respectables.
Conservative is far more a type than a position. It's essentially reactive and effeminate. It's basically a very smart but shy woman. #tcot
Some people really appreciate the past, and enjoy traditions. This is valid. It is useful. But this is not the type can initiate & overcome.
Whites can't be resolved into traditionalists or ant-farm collective as the kiddy-nazis want because whites are too individuated & questing.
Whites have both an individual and a collective nature, and needs. Any approach that denies this is bad and should fail. #TeamWhite
We already have a white-nigger society. Granted, it's occluded by the black niggers, but...NEA, cops, other bureaucrats. We want fewer of.
Socialism doesn't go well with racialism because the one aims at acknowledging differentiation, the other aims at leveling.
It's funny how ever tiniest critter gets studies done on the conditions it requires to flourish. What do whites need?
Make the conservatives, cucks all, fear you and your cause more than they fear jews and theirs - then they'll toe our line. #TeamWhite
September 22, 2015:
Niggers can't tie their shoelaces without aid. The entire 'civil rights movement' was produced & directed by jews.
They hate us because we're superior. That's the only 'reason,' per Sobran. And there's no way to assuage them save disappear into them.
It's harder to be white than to be a mud. That's why you should choose the path of #TeamWhite. Anyone can be a nigger - no standards.
Pretending the government is run by "stupid" people is the right-wing's version of self-flattery. #tcot
German culture was recognized as the best educated in the world - and it turned to Hitler. Those two facts are consistent. #JewsWreckNations
Yeah, it's totally an accident that it's jews controlling immigration in all these white lands, & not one con ever mentioning the fact.
Do you dare to laugh? The bible doesn't. Serious people laugh. Unserious people move their lips as they 'cipher the 'Good' book.
Calling men 'guys' is intentionally belittling. It always surprises me that many people don't see this.
I sometimes think whites have lost the capacity to be serious and committed. Then I turn to the sports page.
The average person does not believe in causation, and the church confirms in this, with its counterfactual fantasy tales.
September 21, 2015:
People physically cringe when they have to say jews. In fact, most won't. They evade with 'jewish people.' That fear shows where power lies.
Calling the judeo-leftists running the country "stupid" is a way for the #cuckservatives to sell books. That's all. They know it's not true.
#Cuckservatives do know what they're doing. They do know it is ignoble. They don't care. It's good for their careers. They are career girls.
Do you want a nation that lives in fear of jews, and is bossed around by them? Like the US? Or a free white nation? #tcot
The campaign to normalize pedophilia was kicked off by Gawker back in 2012. This and more in this forum thread: http://t.co/JuDYMfQIB3
Which species is more destructive to white society: jews or termites? Ok..now... How do we deal with termites? Buh...buh...yeah. No buhs
Jews despise other races in part because they can't believe they can't see through them. They know what they are, and what they deserve.
September 20, 2015:
Its groids and muds whose behavior indicates which race they think superior. Whites just want to be left alone. But hat's not an option.
Big government is inherently anti-white - of all classes of humanity, so abstracted, white men 'need' its 'services' least.
White men don't need big government, big government needs white men - some, and powerless - to pay for the niggers & sundry defectives.
Team White v Team Jew. This is the simplest, most accurate, most useful explanation slash polarization for average people. #TeamWhite
'Suicide' is a #cuckservative term in line with blaming whites rather than jews for Western nation-wrecking. https://t.co/Ts4vZDvGe0
You want #AnnCoulter to make more wimpy, half-assed signals in the vaguely right direction? Attack her. Yes. That is how it actually works.
All pressure must be directed at the underbrush, the grays, the weak, soft whites/normals/rightists, in order to polarize between WHITE/JEW.
The public must be made to see the only choice is between the WHITE SIDE and the JEW ANTI-WHITE SIDE.
It's not about politics and voting, it's about biology and genocide. Jews try to wipe whites off face of earth. Voting isn't the solution.
September 19, 2015:
how do we know the holocaust is a lie? long answer is: the facts. short answer is: it's promoted by jews.
What cucks like Vdare and Ann Coulter won't tell you is precisely what matters most - and what a notional #TeamWhite would harp on.
One chickenshit coded remark from #cuckservative #anncoulter and you Ecrus roll over on your back. Demand better. #TeamWhite
The Nazis fought the same nation-destroying, culture-polluting JEW-liberals you feckless, weak-ass, conservative cowards grovel before #tcot
Does christianity attract disgusting manlets and jew-serviles like Mike Huckabee, or does it manufacture them? #tcot #cuckservative
September 17, 2015:
August 27, 2015:
Look at the US warriors who advance Israel's interests. They are brave and skilled - but ultimately, they're just K9 units.
Don't be a conservative faggot whining about unfairness and double standards, cut thru the bullshit and demand racial sovereignty #TeamWhite
End the violence, separate the races. End the violence - get rid of the jews forcing races together.
We're not all in this together. Our white future will not be tied to blacks, no matter what the ruling jews say. #DeathToTheJews
It's not about the emotions of the counter-semite, it's about the BEHAVIOR OF THE JEWS. Tolerance of jews is a social disease.
Jews won't change. History proves that. What must change is our white attitude toward them. Cucks to the church, WHITE MEN to the FIGHT.
Christianity is the cuckiest belief system conceivable. "He died for your sins." What kind of a faggot could believe such gutter pap?
An apple doesn't become an orange because you call it one. Yet this is precisely the christian doctrine toward jews. No wonder they won.
Our cause is not complex, our cause is simple. Beware of pseudo-intellectuals, or real ones, telling you otherwise. #TeamWhite
We must absolutely keep harping on jews as the cause of all this racial misery -- because they are. It is true. Hit it and keep hitting it.
Jews forced races together -illegally. Jews covered up the white misery that resulted. Jews deserve to be exterminated as a race. #TeamWhite
Jews are trying to genocide whites; whites must counter-exterminate jews. They deserve it. #TeamWhite
All that matters, at present, is creating a #TeamWhite to take on Team Jew, which consists of jews, muds and white careerists/nuts/sellouts.
At the end of the day, queers, you're just faggots. No one respects you. Everyone knows you're defective, diseased degenerates. #lovewins
#TeamWhite isn't for defectives. That's the church. Go there. If you're a winner, and you want a future - come with us. If you're a loser...
Jews promote looseness to ruin white society. Part of #TeamWhite is exhibiting superior dress, education, personal conduct to counter this.
Manners in politics is often an excuse for cowardice. I didn't say that, first, I believe twas John Adams. The cux are self-seeking cowards.
What is most conspicuous about AmeriKwans? Their obesity and their lack of moral courage. Their ill dress. Their pig-ignorance. #TeamWhite
That gay nigger killed journalists who would have made excuses for him had he killed any other white people. Keep that in mind as u fakecry.
#Cuckservatives spread confusion to advance their careers. They don't care about the confusion their punch-pulling causes.
Most writing about 'Political Correctness' is infected by the phenomenon it fake-describes. PC _itself_ is a _PC_ term for the real thing.
August 26, 2015:
A nigger killing journalists to further a race war is what is called in soccer an own-goal. #DylannRoof
Whites don't riot because they are weak, not because they are civilized. Lying to ourselves kicks off the cancer of degeneracy.
You don't need to seek professional help when you have enemies. They're studious, expert dianosticians, and they work for free.
Riots, widespread use of epithets, freedom, racial pride and civilization - these things are all related. Either they're all there, or gone.
You point out whites don't riot like it's a good thing. It isn't. It's being apathetic while your race is murdered. #whitegenocide
The idea that niggers face discrimination in the media. Lol. Anyone in flyover who has watched a local newscast knows that's a lie.
Yeah, cuz the media have no idea they're being unfair and dishonest. I'm sure they'll clear it right up.
I...I was born a racist. I know it's not as cool as being a sexual degenerate, but where's my rights and social approval?
It really is astonishing. Look up absolute abortion numbers. All you get are pages of "right-wing" pro-lifers whining about missing niglets.
If you think the US would be better with another 16,000,000 niggers running around...you're insane enough to be a christian. Or fake enough.
I challenge anyone to find one article written by a pro-lifer mentioning the absolute number of white abortions since '73 and its tragedy.
The ultimate #cuckservative cluck is about the missing 16m niglets since 1973, but nary a word about the missing 36m aborted white babies.
August 25, 2015:
August 24, 2015:
Think how much money that could have gone to your grandkids has gone instead to Israel. Israel is America's only enemy.
Iran doesn't control our Congress and extract twenty million dollars a day for itself out of white pockets. Israel does.
Ok, but PC isn't about manners. It demands ultimate respect for some groups and mandatory abuse for others. For ideologicl reasons
What makes me not a black or brown - that's something I want to preserve, in my culture and my line. #racism = attack on my kind.
I don't believe in humanity. I don't believe in mankind. I don't believe in one world. I reject being grouped w shitskins & nigs.
We're not all on the same side. There are real differences which can't be comprised, and are worth fighting even to death over.
There is a world of difference between blue-eyed, tall, intelligent white men and brown squat mexicans. The whites are better.
Why are you encouraged to smear and belittle and attack whites - but never blacks or jews? There's an #antiwhite agenda pushed.
Does the left treat Southerners respectfully? No. White men? No. It calls them guys or dudes or males - to belittle them.
It's communist ideology, PC is. The link is the jews running USA today think the same as their buddies who ran the USSR.
Politically Correct was Lenin's term originally. It refers to the party line - which is PC. And any deviation must be smashed.
My words are often vicious and necessarily rude. Politics is for men, and it's rough. It's not a showroom in bed bath and beyond.
There is a time and place for viciousness, as with everything. America is so softed out it doesn't even hate and kill murderers.
Christians are spirit-queers, and so it is natural their leaders come to be #cuckservatives and their newsmen CFs
The main initial effect of christianity is to multiply defectives; but over time, more insidiously, it spreads egalitarian quality-denial.
The jew makes a rare misstep in attacking the docilemaker (christianity) because if the Aryan breaks free of it, he will end the jew.
Our worst enemy, the jew, truly our only enemy besides ourselves, is giving us a wonderful chance now to spring open the xtian mind trap.
It's always funny to me that if you disagree with a Catholic, he immediately accuses you of "worshipping" money or blood or not-his-god.
August 23, 2015:
The first thing with jews is to ascertain what they are, which is the same thing as the threat they represent. Christianity fails in this.
The world is starved for serious, disciplined, self-controlled, authoritative masculinity. If you can supply that, do. If not, self-master.
August 20, 2015:
We have a jew-riddled government so corrupt it won't even publish straight statistics on race and crime. #hushcrimes #ZOG
When the jews come up with bogus terms, we must mirror them with our own - and stick to them resolutely. This builds #TeamWhite .
The christian doctrine is that blood differences between men don't matter. Whites who participate in this cult deny their own kind.
August 19, 2015:
Leo Frank raped and murdered Mary Phagan. The ADL was formed to protect this shitbag, and 100 years later, still out to exonerate guilty yid
The bad drags down the good - always. The good never elevates the bad. The good must protect itself jealously and viciously.
Really, the way to treat Flaherty is same as Buchanan or any con. Try to use them harder than they use us. They are competitors, not allies.
Habitat for Humanity - this is associated with Morris Dees and his terrorist antiwhite hate group SPLC. Do not work with it or fund it.
"If a Jew rapes and murders a goyish child, we take the side of the Jew. You'd think they'd take the hint, but they never do." --N. J. Wise
#PoliticalCorrectness is Semitical Correctness (Joe Sobran). It refers to party line set by jews. Toe it or be abused in the jewsmedia.
It is amazing what jews have been able to pull off. They got 100 million killed last century and escaped with their reputation enhanced.
What is nazism? It's simply the first time in human history whites formed a #TeamWhite to fight BACK against #TeamJew
August 18, 2015:
When you hear about Vikings, they just sound like fundamentally healthy people. You don't get that feeling about Christians.
Jesus died for my sins? Really? Is that possible? Did I authorize it? Do you not see how this turns into white responsibility for coons?
Easy divorce for couples. Forced marriage for races. Jews support both of these. Both further their #antiwhite agenda.
August 17, 2015:
"I need to be saved! Ah need to be redeemed!" No. You need to be punched. Grow up, already, christian idiot. Be a man.
The average thrift store contains more intellectually valuable material than Harvard or any other college. Just buy books, read & reflect.
Jews are a race of liars. A race. Of liars. There's as much difference between this yid and that as between bumblebees. #TeamWhite
If you wish to understand jews, and why educated people know they should be exterminated, study the case and affair of Leo Frank. #vnnforum
Let 'racists' go their own way & you have utopia. You tell us. And we have, well, real utopia. Lol. Yr fucking liars to yr corpuscles, yids.
This kooky idea that races have relations. And we need to worry about the state of them. No relations save jew-forced shotgun integration.
August 15, 2015:
Contrary to the midwestern ethos, being nice is not a substitute for being competent. Competence is rarer and more valuable than niceness.
August 14, 2015:
To say niggers are violent, stupid and useless isn't an opinion, it's an observation. Exact same as saying Amish are mild & productive.
If I say Amish are peaceful folk who like to ride carriages, raise barns and sell fruit at farmer's market, that's not coming from me.
I can't stand this common idea that people choose their ideas, rather than respond to reality. Why do I "feel" about niggers, etc. I don't.
Faith has its place in this world. And its place is backing up what has been proved. Faith that evidence and logical reasoning work.
August 13, 2015:
When you learn to laugh at what's stupid, the church will begin to lose it's appeal to you. Grow up, white man. Put away semitic baby toys.
The kike behind the The Wire is back with a show about how immoral it is for whites to resist judges/niggers wrecking their neighborhood.
August 06, 2015:
I'm here to chew bubblegum and iterate three profound truths. I love being alive. I love the Internet. And Jared Taylor is a #cuckservative.
August 05, 2015:
Whiteness doesn't exist - until they need someone to hate, discriminate against, and blame. #antiwhite #whitegenocide
August 04, 2015:
#Cuckservative means putting another race's interests (jews, blacks, mexes) before your own, typically to advance your own career.
August 02, 2015:
In the end, everything else burns away, and what is left is what you stood for the whole time. Smile wry and be principled, #TeamWhite.
No matter what, the #cuckservatives always finds a way to avoid placing blame on guilty jew. Always shifts to atheist or goy.
We are the big dog demographically, the problem is we don't act like. We let a 2% minority ride herd on us. #whiteshame
Cowardice and self-interest - are these what we want to promote and make excuses for? #cuckservative
I think I can sell more books if I withhold blame from jews and throw it on the Amish. What is the right thing to do morally? #cuckin4bux
White men should be bold & laugh. Not fearful and calculating, small and shifty eyed. White men are not rodents, and shouldn't act like 'em.
Afraid to laugh, afraid to think. Afraid of what everyone thinks of me. Afraid my ass is too fat. What kind of life is this, mine own race?
August 01, 2015:
The christian cult isn't going to defend a people it doesn't recognize (whites) against another race it doesn't recognize (jews)
If you can write a book about communism...without ever mentioning the jewish nexus...you just might be a #cuckservative #AnnCoulter
THEY used to demand to be confined to ghettos. We didn't do anything except foolishly embrace a destructive cult
That's the point of public schools: to force whites to pay for the dementation of their own children. https://t.co/5pBRUXYqL6
Most whites aren't strong enough for ideological hatred. Jews are. This is one reason jews defeat whites pretty easily.
If Jared Taylor says jews are white to him, and works with them...how can I or any serious man not take him as an enemy? #cuckservative
Many times been called a puritan for demanding WN be principled in politics, rather than personality driven. Where has Impuritanism led us?
Race mixing is bad. But idea-mixing promiscuously with #cuckservatives and others of inconstant principle is a good idea. #what #TeamWhite
So-called WN brainlessly mix with philosemites and other #cuckservatives while jews carefully smear all white men as racists and Nazis.
The #cuckservative is the man or woman who deliberately severs the connection between jews and communism, jews and Political Correctness.
You have to bend over backwards not to blame jews for communism, liberalism and #antiwhite-ism. And why would you do that? #cuckservative
How was communism and political correctness spread in US? Well, there were these millions of immigrant jews as their support network.
The alt-right are career girls, just as the neocon goyim are #cuckservatives. WN should attack them both.
"I'm a radical conservative, not a respectable conservative." Wrong. You're a conservative. They're all the same
Alt-right = conservatives = #cuckservative. All of them. All conservatives are #cuckservatives. Pro-white & anti-jew - or cuck.
July 27, 2015:
The US is run by ratlike jews served by extremely arrogant, self-righteous, utterly intolerant Anglo moralizers.
The jewsmedia are at it 24/7/365, telling you white is black, and black is teen. This and more is gaslighting. It is all the mass media do.
July 26, 2015:
By my anecdote, I have seen very recently just the most bizarre humanoid creatures from the ends of the earth pop up around here. Fuck ZOG.
The left rejects a priori the possibility of white superiority. All we have is stolen. All black failure is white racism.
The judeo-left has death-trapped whites conceptually. They reject as possibility that whites could be ahead for any reason but 'racism.'
Whites stole all the good genes, and that's why they developed first and best. Their genes are a human resource, and must redistributed.
The jews are murdering the West. The man who says the west is suicidal aids the jews, whether he intends to do or not. It is MURDER. #tcot
July 22, 2015:
rictus! good man... not enough know and use this term. this guy looks like a fag to me. a real male cheerleader-brow-tweezer
July 18, 2015:
Jesus was the original drama queen, and His Story the first Lifetime movie. A wooter-weeper for women of all sexes! https://t.co/GySrBO2Hf7
In which I christen Donnie Racket (Don Black) and respond to his garbage in the Kansas City Star article on Miller. http://t.co/B3SSb2PHuI
Without jews in a white society, queers and other degenerates are a controllable minority. With jews, these become mainstream identities.
July 16, 2015:
Reality shouldn't sadden you, it should whet your desire to learn more. What else you been lied about? https://t.co/HNno0cBq4E
July 15, 2015:
Jews can see things from another's perspective. But they use this to manipulate. Not side with 'other' against their own, as we.
Being a clever liar isn't just a jewish practice, it's a jewish ideal. Take off your christ blinders, they're simply a race of erect vermin.
White men failed to ID jews as alien threat and respond approp., and our world in 2015 is the direct result of this failure
Trump isn't pro-white but he is the sort of wildcard personality the Protocols mentions jews fear. Watch as they destroy him.
Watch as they endlessly attack Trump for bad reasons and attack his physical characteristics. The press are canaille deserving execution.
Jews know they can rely on the cowardice of the Aryan majority. They have only to keep up stream of abuse to make whites fear association.
It's funny how racists/WN are supposedly violent etc - but if our advice were followed, there'd be borders and no global wars-for-jews.
The garbage whites always flock to the government, which rolls its own. Dirt-eater soliders. Menopausal NEA lesbians/tramp-stamp retards.
Hatred of whites and desire to dispossess them of their lands & property, en route to the genocide of their kind - jewsmedia's perma-motive.
White people have been dog-trained not just to obey authority but to damn near worship it. They must unlearn this to fight back.
What if whites were to start destroying black monuments? What if whites were 2 start destroying holocost propaganda in classrooms/libraries?
Whites have no real connected community apart from christianity, which is worse than useless at providing communal definition & protection.
What has the shifty-eyed desert man's cross got to do with you, white man? Not a goddam thing. Realize it.
What they say: whites are racists. Racists are worst thing ever! It follows they should support an all-white state, to quarantine the danger
There is nothing more jewish than brazen lying, which is called gaslighting in more neutral terms: reversing reality to promote #antiwhitism
It is not at all surprising Germans were the first moderns effective to come up with resistance to jews, but ALL can use their know-how.
What is nazism but group resistance to a group? One group (jews) attacks another (whites), the attacked group forms a group to fight back.
But jews fight not just on the battlefield, they primarily fight thru money mechanisms and mass media control. They must THERE be countered.
The power of counterfeiting (stealing white wealth, enslaving white productivity) through a central bank must be taken away from jews 100%.
July 14, 2015:
Communism: people line up for sandpaper mislabeled toilet paper. Capitalism: people discard barely worn $140 Timberland boots in dumpster.
If you put something ahead of money and career, the middle class thinks you are mentally ill. It's not even comprehensible to the type.
Where do white revolutions come from? Simple, my friend. You combine legality + respectability. Like Mentos in Coke, man. #tcot
July 13, 2015:
July 11, 2015:
July 10, 2015:
It's an attack on the South? Sure, why not. Actually it's an attack on normal whites WORLDWIDE, the flag is just most useful salient symbol.
The folks who call themselves tolerant are the ones who want to make it illegal to disagree with them. About pretty much anything.
Interesting. Notice jews always promote anything that favors more govt (everything decided in capital) and more sexual degeneration.
Private-working, morally controlled white men - what need have they of government? Hence it sees them as its #1 enemy.
What sort of whites is big government good for? NEA teachers, other public-sector unions. Criminals. Drug/sex degenerates. Cops/army
Once the white society is established, we can divide into white ants (socialists), white sheep (catholics) and white men (libertarians).
Whites don't agree on markets, socialism and religion. Nor need they. But they, on our WN side, must accept race as basis of new state.
My view is white men are both of those: whites and men. We have collective and personal/individual being
Whites are not ants to be managed by socialist cranks, they can handle their own ed., health, welfare.
The left makes no distinction between Bill O'Reilly and Adolf Hitler; nor do most White Nationalists.
Brainless refusal to make distinctions burns us in the end. Jared Taylor is a white nationalist? No. Jared Taylor is an #antiwhite.
July 08, 2015:
So glib. So flat. So dishonest. So jew. So left. #lovewins . They know not from love who use words and genitals way y'all do. #liarswin
July 07, 2015:
July 05, 2015:
Spreading AIDS thru bathhouses? Civil right, back in 1980s. Opting out of a vax for your child? "Threat to the community."
The same people worried about anti-vaxxers spreading disease through society are the same ones promoting homos w 500-1000 sex partners
I am applying to your church to be a fake preacher/pastor who denounces queers in public. No joke. DM me. I hand-write my own sermons.
July 04, 2015:
What is the white cause? To me, it is, much as anything, the character of Charlie Bucket and the Roald Dahl who conceived him.
July 03, 2015:
Christian apologists are less obnoxious and aggressive than jews, but they are every bit as dishonest.
July 02, 2015:
The more you read and the more experience you gain, the more you see christian apologists argue as dishonestly as jews do.
The christian is the 'man' afraid to say boo to the queer. The 'man' who joins the military to fight for Israel. The 'man' who appeases jews
Whites can't accept that they have a side. Why? The christ cult has poisoned their mind with moral & raceless universalism.
Whites can't get past the concept of unfairness, based on some universal (christain) standard to accepting zero-sum action by racial enemy.
Do you expect your enemy to act fairly toward you? Yet this is the planted axiom (WFB) of all conservative-racialist whines.
Remember, white Southerners: civilizing the wild negro is your moral duty. It's not just lil ol' me sayin' that. It's Jesus too. Good luck!
"A man's got to know his limitations." Turning negros into humans by means of christianity. How is that not alchemy?
Whites face a global enemy: jews. Take out jews, the rest of the more visible enemies immediately deflate. #TeamWhite
The jews are the matador (means KILLER in spanish), the nigger/muds are the cape. Gore the jew, the cape falls flat. #TeamWhite
Henry Ford in "The International Jew" thought that exposing the jew was enough to defeat him. Not so then, 100x less so now.
The jew-wise white men of the 1900-1930 period, in America, had the false idea they were still more powerful than jews, but they were wrong.
Jews dominate because of their racial loyalty, which is something that white men manifestly do not possess. Making resistance nugatory.
Whites don't know what they are. They don't know what's valuable. They are confused, even apart from deliberate misleading.
July 01, 2015:
We see the jews twisting words. What we don't see as quickly is that christianity does the same thing - and has for its entire history.
If u care about yr so-called morality more than your race's existence, yet my white survivors will be on avg more moral than yr discoloreds.
Yeah, you see the muh dick in the coon easily enough, but you have plenty of muh dicks of your own, race of mealy faggots.
Niggers aren't a threat to be eradicated, they're a chance for you Good People (Christians) to practice muh forgivenness. #crossUnfits #tcot
Land of the free? Even if you own your house outight you have to pay 1-2% annually to keep it. That's not freedom. That's govt uber alles.
Fags are the only thing leftists claim aren't made by culture, even though many to most are (thru early molestation).
All christian 'argument' is based on the logical fallacy of artificially shortened menu options. You are them or Evil. JUST LIKE JEWS' PC.
Has not the xtian brotherhood of man doctrine led to undeniable and extreme misery throughout the white world?
The idea that you can simply take back your behavior with endless mulligans is why xtianity lacks gravitas with serious men, but crowd fav.
Christianity is a spiritual disease parallel to fags' flesh disease. Both love all men and claim their promiscuity is good.
Drugs aren't cool. They all suck. They all fuck you up. They should ALL be legal. And morons should use lots of them.
Christianity is dysgenic. Meth is eugenic. That's why the former is legal and the latter is illegal.
The catholic church did all it could to scotch the nazis and protect the jews, but what drove it absolutely wild was NS sleeping retards.
Atheism is based in reality, making it inherently superior to christianity. If only the top whites are capable of it, then we need eugenics.
Who ever heard of an Italian mafioso who wasn't a Catholic? Christianity no more interferes with men's choices than the Constitution w pols'
Christians are the 90% majority that seriously poses withdrawing into the wilderness to survive the onslaught of the 1 and 2%.
Remember, christians. All this social garbage has come about because you wouldn't name, fight and defeat the jew. You didn't even try.
Semitical Correctness is sharper thus better than Political, in the same way Hitler's views (on jews) are sharper than Orwell's (on tyranny)
June 30, 2015:
"Pulling punches is my business - and business is good." --the motto of the professional conservative. #tcot #anncoulter #patbuchanan
June 28, 2015:
#DylannRoof is that rarest of rare birds in America: someone who reached a profound intellectual conclusion and acted on it.
Whites and niggers have no natural connection; blacks are dangerous proto-hominids 2 be kept out of white society. Not 'brothers in christ.'
Why women never invent anything: because this is the crap that takes up 100% of their tiny little brains. http://t.co/IsukjWUmNJ
Whites had race solutions: free association, apartheid, Crow. The race problem springs entirely from jews: forced mixing.
Leftists have yet to apologize for Stalin. But you go right on tutting your little pink head over the "tragedy" of #DylannRoof.
#DylannRoof got a free advertisement into every paper in the USA: "I discovered the truth about race and crime and it changed my life."
my thought is white men can create whatever forms they need in the goddam moment. we are not a people of tradition but of quest
The ADL was set to release a pamphlet accusing Koko of #antisemitism when he learned his 500th word but he only made it to 287.
All history shows it is useless to oppose the sanctimonious-madman Yankee mentality with reason. Same with white-genocidal jews.
You don't deal with distempered cats and rabid dogs by appealing to their reason, you put them to sleep.
The danger of becoming the monsters we hate is rather smaller than Nietzsche supposed. They set the terms of the war. We fight or give in.
Every racial problem we have in 2015 exists because the powers that be (jews + helpers) will not allow whites to go their own way.
We should treat others the way their behavior shows we'd be wise to treat them. So how should we treat jews?
The Old South at least made niggers economically productive. Which is more than leftist social engineers have managed.
The Confederate flag, today, is a symbol of resistance to racial hatred: The hatred directed by the jew & his minions against the white man.
I remember what that woman used to say in early days of online: "Too late to work w/in the System; too early to shoot the bastards." Still?
Enjoy your great victory, sexual degenerates, for soon enough you'll flying off roofs and back into closets.
Fags and other sexual defectives belong in the closet, peering out at normals in sweaty fear between the mothballs. #lovewins
Indians don't eat cows. But cows have no similar prohibition against eating Indians. They just stink so bad cows refrain.
Jews should be sent to mars. Then they can wire back ten minutes later their first opus: Mars: Red with Anti-Semitism.
Jews perceive christianity as a pathetic enemy, when in facts its doctrines are the best friend, possibly the only friend, they ever had.
There is no case for allowing jews as a class to continue to live save christian moral doctrine, which I & many reject as #whitegenocide-al
Christianity's historic mission, it turned out, was to facilitate jewish accession to power so that they could bring about #whitegenocide.
Christ-insanity is the enabler, excuser and protector of the jews. To weaken it is the jews' snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
christianity and liberalism is a false opposition: christianity is liberalism. Against nature, it says ignore the species divide.
I'm not merely making a clever gibe when i call christ nuts spirit-queers, there is valid and undeniable parallel there.
The nigger is not my brother. Nor is the jew. Your christian views are insane, factually wrong, & real-world destructive.
Listening to a christian talk is the aural equivalent of watching a child walk around in adult shoes.
Blacks see whites as a hated oppressor class, as instructed by lying, loxist #antiwhite #whitegenocide-al jews. We must batch them in resp.
More and more you read gawker, "I hate white people" said openly, felt to be cool and edgy, which = safe. They treat us as class, notice.
We whites have been hated and targeted as a class our entire lives. Not fighting back as a class is a mistake.
The idea that can't persuade people is naturally the idea which tries to squelch all others, typically while gaslighting about tolerance.
The civil war isn't over, obviously, it continues in a slightly different form. It's Whites versus jews + discoloreds + white abnormals.
Self-righteous rationalizing has been the way of the north since the power play in the Civil War. Echoes in Supreme Court's fag decision.
The self-righteous type and the culture built on its smug sanctimony fell in with jews, in a union of crooks, now tries to boss world.
The conservative has one loyalty, and that is to himself and his paycheck. It's wrapped in fake concern about party & nation.
Coulter is a mudshark who writes books about immigration and communism w/o mentioining jews behind them.
People should read ch. 2 of Mein Kampf. Hitler went to Vienna mildly jew-positive. In ch 2 he explains the evolution of his views.
No white men will talk down to jews, or even talk at them as equals. Rather, they grovel in fear. All of them. "Democracy" = jew oligarchy.
"Love wins" - typically smugnoxious leftist cant, morbid and supercilious as one would expect. "We love. You hate." Tantrumic triumph of 2yo
The supreme court ignores the written law, just as fags ignore biological law. Then they all get together & agree how brave n loving they r.
Ellen DeGeneres personifies recent degenerate triumph - all sugary fake smiles in public, but notoriously nasty and tyrannical in private.
The proles are drug- or drink-addled wretches. The bourgeois are selfish cowards. The journalists are whores & cretins. But u might b cool.
The full effects of the anti-intellectual culture jews created are now being felt. Good guys on right side of history vs "hate."
June 27, 2015:
The natural elite of the white race have been suborned out of fear and self-interest. They now ingratiate jews, and nod and wail on request.
It's 1 thing 2 do something destructive. It's another and worse 2 pretend what's destructive is healthy & normal & force that op. on public.
Homosex is degenerate. Talking about it in public & demanding legal privilege for it is more degenerate.
how far do you think you'd have to dig into those dead SC niggers studying-they-bahbl to find criminal activity?
June 26, 2015:
Christianity is exactly like a greasy little 36 short jewish agent who keeps telling the white talent, "Without me, you're nothing."
Physical force is the only thing that makes judges follow the law. If you rely on their character, you'll get what we saw today.
Conservatives don't know themselves. If they would look within, they would realize they believe winning is immoral.
Conservatism is a way of making a living, which means flattering audience they are smart while liberals are stupid. #tcot
The jews running the System give the little-man conservatives career-safe targets for their childish emotional discharges: Muslims! French!
He called them "the world's foremost problem." That was 95 years ago. They remain so today. (I must finish the book!)
There is no basis but the racial to oppose the garbage of recent days. Time to put away childish things like the cross and become white men.
Big Queer and Big Nig appear to be independent sources of power, but it is not so. Neither would have _any_ power w/o jew media backing.
Jews are doing to America today, in 2015, exactly what they were doing in Weimar, in 1925. A similar response from Whites is called for.
For hundreds of years whites debated what jews are, how they should be treated. The answers are in. They are vital enemies 2b exterminated.
Whites are not failing as a movement because they can't dress, speak, brush their teeth or game the system but because they are prevented.
Jews, who are the ones who created the current System running America, have destroyed the middle. You can chat on Internet - or go full Roof
Too many whites, the conservatives and those racialists who retain that mindset, fear to leave the safety-fantasy of "it's us not them."
It's not us. it is them. They are oppressing us. They are preventing us from organizing. We have not figured out a way to prevent them yet.
Muslims only became a problem in the West after jews took control of immigration in every single white country - USA, Canada, Aus, UK. etc..
Jews correctly perceive the potential danger to their species comes from white men who identify & organize racially, not from christians.
Blacks are justified destroying whole cities based on myths; but whites are never justified harming a pube on nigger head based on facts.
The US is forcing people to bake cakes for faggots, while ISIS is throwing them off roofs. No comment. Just observation. #fagstudies
The Supreme Court illegally overrode the Constituion in making queer marriage decision. Other forces are free to contest as they see fit.
The Supreme Court is not in fact the final arbiter in the meaning of the Constitution. It claims that. But there is no basis for the claim.
Wiping out anti-jews is not enough; jews don't want any independent power/wealth besides their own. Because they might turn anti-jew.
June 25, 2015:
People don't have enough character nowadays to tolerate any serious criticism. There's just no taste for it, as used to be among Puritans.
The unwritten rule in the controlled media is never to discuss blacks as perpetrators of crime, only as victims.
Whites are completely justified in bringing justice to journalists who deliberately cover up and participate in campaigns of #whitegenocide.
If one jew finds a swastika (another jew painted) outside his house, the news goes global. If 40,000 white women raped by niggers...crickets
Jews have unlimited contempt for whites because we are too cowardly to acknowledge what they're doing: genociding our race. #whitegenocide
Jews have a nature, it has been consistent for thousands of years, it does not change when a pedophile in a dress drizzles water on them.
Government and the catholic church, over time, create the type of 'people' who need government and the catholic church. Aka undesirables.
The beauty of not being a christian is I don't have to pretend to see virtues in niggers. I can see them for what they are.
Jews facilitate blacks. They twist the laws and take from white earners the money needed to support black rapine and destruction. #loxism
Jews are loyal to jews. Whites are loyal to blacks, humanity, jesus, dogs & cats, the Dallas Cowboys, Republicans...
Racism is a conceptual scam created by jew communists. It only works cuz whites are dumb, scared and groomed for self-hate by christianity.
"Blame for everything. Credit for nothing. Is it not obvious this is our unstated policy for treatment of whites in our media?" --N.J. Wise
Does it make sense to treat jews and blacks as individuals? It does not. You can blather with your christian moral opinions, but I say fact.
June 24, 2015:
WN in fact has a perfect, not good, a PERFECT record in encouraging the USA in policies that would have saved literally millions of lives.
whites are under attack as a race, they need defense. they must fight back. they need to form a #TeamWhite
100 years ago, before jews took power, the US had no debt and it had no mexicans. It had a tiny central state. All these things hang togethr
American Christians are filled with love. They love seeing Iraqis murdered. They love seeing jews murder Palestinians.
Delusions all exact a price, and delusions pursued over long periods exact a huge price. Today the true price of xtianity becomes apparent.
As long as one white person exists, the battle against white supremacy will not be over. #whattheymean
Greeks & Romans despised jews too. The claim, made by E.Mike Jones and others, that jews only became jews by rejecting Jesus is flat wrong.
The cowardice and conformity of Americans is on display. Yield, yield to the nigger, white man. Yield, yield to the jew operating that coon.
Voltaire was the #1 modern to note that the problem is not jews' religion but their nature, which their 'religious' code reflects.
White media are guilty of telling white people about horrific crimes against their people facilitated by jews, carried out by blacks. #CCC
Jews aren't guilty of creating conditions that allow blacks to rape/murder whites, but white media are guilty of talking about #hushcrimes.
If you can't see that christianity is the main reason white men simply cannot face the truth about anything that matters, you're blind.
Roof's "I have never been the same since that day" has been printed fm coast to coast. Violence is the price of admission to national discourse.
According to the NYT, if you are at all interested in #hushcrimes or why the jew-owned media cover them up, you are "twisted."
Humanity's attempt to liberate itself from jews is the only truly interesting political story of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Jews need to control the mass media. It's the only way to hide what they're doing. #loxism #whitegenocide
Many well meaning racialists confuse 1) christianity with the racial cause 2) democracy with politics. Very different things.
Christianity and racialism are competitors. "Me? I'm a "brotherhood-of-man racist." Does that make sense? That does not make sense.
Remember what the guy said: "There's not a dime's worth of difference" between Reps and Dems. That's why The System's so big on voting.
It's a just a coincidence that all the newspapers of our "free press" refrain from printing the statistics of interracial rape.
Jews pay people to pretend "whites are doing it to themselves." Whenever you hear that line, you are hearing a deliberate, sponsored Big Lie
Academics can't describe the actual truth: jews _enjoy_ torturing whites with blacks, and then gaslighting us about what's going on.
According to the jews, whites are responsible for black failure, and blacks are responsible for white success.
Even a pathetic sports coach has more moral authority than any christian leader. People need to be kicked in the ass, not jesus nonsense.
Words never heard in jew-controlled junk media: White merit. White achievement. White desert. White philanthropy. White suffering.
added some more on how jewsmedia act toward WN, and how WN were wise to respond. http://t.co/fHNnYrsXfP
“At this moment I realized that something was very wrong.” --#DylannRoof. Have you realized that, white man?
Hatred of whites is the defining fact of the modern mass media, & that hatred is 100% the product of organized jews. #loxism #whitegenocide
Jews fill white nations with non-whites and use their media to promote mongrelization. It is a systematic campaign of #whitegenocide.
June 22, 2015:
Jews cover up what blacks are doing to whites, then pretend white rage comes from nowhere. #deathtothejews
Xtianity & liberalism are bros: fantasy > reality, equality > quality obsession w Good vs Evil; 'solidarity' w defectives.
The idea that men need to be "saved" - there is nothing more lipcurling about christianity that this bit of adventitious drama-queenery.
Disagreeing with jews = character flaw. it's always played this way in public, no matter which agenda item u disapprove (climate change etc)
#DylannRoof is the natural and inevitable response to and product of jewish hatred of whites - loxism - the hatred that defines our times.
So how bad is this interracial rape problem the jewsmedia hides from us -- you know the one that inspired #DylannRoof to heroism?
The jews don't want you to know about the genocidal #waronwhites their policies promote and their media champion. Just shut up and die.
White nationalism is the peace position. Not just internationally, where we say no to jews' wars, but domestically, with free association.
Jews don't even allow Muslims to ride buses with them in Israel. But if you're concerned for your kids' safety here, they call that 'racism'
It's racism to try to protect your children from blacks. You don't want to be racist, do you? That would be the worst. .. Where does it end?
The concept that anyone who does something I disagree with is 'mentally ill' shows a mind successfully jewed. People have different ideas.
June 21, 2015:
Whites aren't motivated to kill by #hushcrimes, they're motivated to kill by other whites telling them about hush crimes. #jewchutzpah
White people won't stand for animal abuse or whites murdering niggers. But if niggers murder whites, well, best not to say anything.
White existence is felt by blacks as standing proof of their race's vast inferiority. The smarter ones realize this, the dimmer just feel it
Was he killed by Dylann Roof? Cuz otherwise, I don't care. --Kikey Jon "Stewart" Leibowitz https://t.co/kncqN2TKmn
Whites invented, well, everything is the fairest one-word summation. That's why whites have no culture or identify. #what
If you stick blacks in white areas, YOU ARE A TERRORIST. If you justify this, YOU ARE JUSTIFYING TERRORISM. #whitegenocide
Whites insist on treating jews as individuals; jews insist on treating whites as a class. How will that work out, do you think? How must it?
Dylann Roof is a terrorist. But so is the US government. And its #antiwhite actions came first. So Roof is a counter-terrorist.
Every day of the year I read stories about niggers killing whites. But today is different! It's only jew-news when whites fight back.
Jew pose: if you write a story about niggers murdering whites, YOU are the problem. YOU are the INFLAMMATORY HATER.
I didn't figure out the full truth about jews till I was 25 (and read The Ordeal of Civility). I can't judge Roof for not quite there at 21.
I'm so angry at Dylann Roof. He's really making my ass look fat in my dress. I mean, I almost got an invite to Royal Hat Day until AME.
Christians: niggers are their natural customer base. http://t.co/byIcFS273c
"Those who make peaceful change impossible make Dylann Roofs inevitable." --ghost of JFK #Charleston
What Roof did is an absolute good, but let's remember there are newsrooms full of liars that are even more deserving. #RaiseTheRoof
Every white out there who has had a wife/daughter raped by niggers, or son/husband murdered, should be celebrating Dylann Roof. #hushcrimes
Jews and blacks are engaged in race war on whites. This war is impersonal - it is a class action, targeting our species. 1/2
When the jews operating the federal government deliberately stick niggers from Somalia in white communities, that is an act of terrorism.
The people running the US government are terrorists, and the objects and victims of their terror are whites - wherever they live.
Jews and niggers hate whites quite impersonally, it is only white suckers who treat non-whites as individuals, like they are part of us.
The US government terrorizes white communities under the name of refugee resettlement, fair housing, equal access, etc etc.
Native American is a propaganda term, but it's useless to teach conservatives verbal warfare, it's beyond them.
If someone talked about converting or reforming termites you'd think him crazy. But people speak of jews this way all the time. Same thing.
"What's inflammatory isn't the negro murdering or raping the white man or woman, it's white men talking about it." --Nathan J. Wise
Guilt by category, guilt by association have replaced old American (Aryan) view of individual responsibility. Amis now think like jews.
June 20, 2015:
Your delusion is appealing to people using facts and reason and moderate tones will bring radical change.
The jews don't follow the rules. The niggers believe the very concept of crime is racist. Dylann Roof just played as it laid. #RaiseTheRoof
I have never read a single jewsmedia report on the daily abuse experienced by whites in black schools. I have heard many first-hand reports.
White lives don't matter at all to the system. Whites exist to provide money for ZOG, wars for Israel, and learning aids for blacks. #loxism
Christianity sapped South Africa's will to defend itself and its HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL system called apart-ness.
This is why don't respect xtians. If I say the cult places no value on whiteness, they see it as an attack. But it's church doctrine. Shrug.
The white racial cause can't afford to be associated with the professional cowardice and self-interest that are conservatism. #tcot #tlot
Blacks can't meet our standards, so we drop them. This is white psychology, encouraged by jews with sticks. I'm not willing to drop them.
I'm not willing to live in a black society run to nigger standards presided over by loxist jews encouraging niggers to hate and murder us.
Two races two nations. That simple. Except for instigating and controlling race. Jews. Get rid of the jew problem, the rest evaporate. #tcot
The media don't report stories from white kids abused DAILY in majority-black schools. Then they call kids like Roof "haters." #RaiseTheRoof
Darren Wilson has to buy a house under a corporate name - Black America won't even tolerate white cops doing their job. Roof is the reaction
Jews have taught blacks to hate whites. They created the situation Dylann Roof is responding too. Which will intensify the cycle. #blamejews
Does the enemy treat us as individuals? Do jews treat whites as individuals? Do blacks treat whites as individuals?
"We should just sweep the termites to a different part of the house"...said no one ever. But with jews, this policy is supposed to work?
When I say jews must be exterminated, all of them, it has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with the evidence.
Roof is a hero. The Holocaust is a giant hoax. Whites are the good guys. Jews are the bad guys. Any questions? #vnnforum
When your brain tells you what needs to be done but you cant do it cuz muh morality, you've been christ-whipped. Dead niggers = good thing.
I personally thank Dylann Roof for his sacrifice. I appreciate that he did it to protect my race, which is under genocidal assualt. #hero
I've never yet heard one of you conservative tucktails explain how we get from here to victory by making rational appeals to cowards. #tcot
Nature explains the battle between jews and whites and blacks quite well; christianity explains nothing, rather it is a tool used by jews.
The jews murdered the constitutional right of free association, which = holding down the white race so it can be raped by blacks.
Jews pride themselves on breaking barriers. But when it comes to profitable taboos like Holohoax, why they're one giant construction crew.
Jews are, they say, this ever-questioning, ever-doubting race of natural brazens, but when it comes to the holohoax, they _all_ grow pious.
The Founders were racist revolutionaries who put their cause ahead of their careers. As far from today's jew-servile cons as you can get.
Quoth me: jews obtain a near-sexual joy from torturing our people. But you keep on with your whimpers about unfairness and bias, Mr. #tcot.
June 19, 2015:
The good does not uplift the bad, rather the bad or inferior drags down the good. That is the general rule.
A christian is a man who can talk about Jesus coming back from the dead and claim his cult invented science in the same breath.
Let's get this straight, niggers: If you're living indoors...with, you know, electricity and running water...YOU'RE APPROPRIATING MY CULTURE
I truly doubt that even 1 in 100 blacks understands that without whites blacks can't sustain indoor living.
To the conservatives there will always be a reason to pull punches and blame safe liberals rather than dangerous jews. #tcot
Ann Coulter knows Cellar was the driving force. Just as she knows it was jews behind communism - but wont say it. Muh career.
I don't want a politics of moral crusades. I've noticed moral crusaders are mostly dangerous self-interested hypocrites. I want waste mgt.
Just as being born in a stable doesn't make you a horse, a black being born indoors doesn't make it a human. It's an outdoor race.
Muh jesus cult invented science. Here's what white men were doing 200 years BC... https://t.co/xl0e0YAnKb
So they let the niggers wail on tv at the arraignment or the hearing? Have you seen that happen before? Before the trial?
A country with nigger population is going to have nigger standards. Just as one clown can drag down a classroom, 10% nigs can a nation.
May I urge again those who doubt to take up the catholic catechism and peruse it. You will see it is in fact irremediably antiwhite.
The jew says you'll get fired for being a racist. The christian says you'll go to hell. Both are the enemy of the white man. #tcot
Political Correctness & christian morality play good cop/bad cop with the white man's mind. "You're going to jail/Hell for saying nigger!"
Before jews the USA enjoyed free association. After jews it enjoyed forced mixing. From Constitutional right to tyrannical diktat.
Christianity talking about itself as the source of science and civilization is like a nigger claiming the US was built on the backs of blax.
Racialists are defamed as haters and would-be tyrants by the actual haters and actual liars and actual tyrants. #TeamWhite
If you're a christian, you've chosen your race: mankind. Pardon me - humankind. Pardon me dooblay: hue-man-kind.
Whites won't act in their own race-interest because Semitical Correctness + xtian moral doctrine say it's wrong
You can't be a christian and a white man. Christianity is a brotherhood-of-man cult, and as such is inherently and irremediably #antiwhite.
Here's the basic problem high-IQ whites, even, can't overcome: fear of treating blacks as a class rather than as individuals, per jesus cult
Behold the conservative - the spirit-queer. Always sucking up to the nigger, always appeasing the jew. #tcot https://t.co/4ZqDScaO6D
Christian Europe readmitted jews 100+ times, until they finally seized control and tried to genocide the white race. Xtianity is #antiwhite.
June 18, 2015:
Christianity is inherently anti-white. Babies are not born christian, they are spiritually neutered into christians.
So many whites are raped and murdered by blacks each year that government actively hides or falsifies the statistics to obscure the truth.
If racism is such a terrible problem, why are those who claim that adamantly opposed to the obvious solution?
Christians have an instinctual fear and hatred of anyone who isn't an apologizing groveling cunt. They really are just talking baitfish.
When you say something defensible - defend it. Don't do the christian thing and grovel, do the white thing - repeat it harder and slower.
Who says whites and blacks have to be forced to live in the same area - when most of them don't want that? Oh yeah. Jews. #tcot #TeamWhite
#TeamWhite means whites who want to live in all-white nation. implies nothing about any other social/economic view. #racematters
Conservatives are simply submissives. Can't argue with calling them cucks, but they're just subs. Dopey daylates, real Eeyores. #tcot
This kid sacrificed his life to give us an opportunity for a 'national conversation' about black-on-white rape. But yeah, feels for nigs >.
If human 'races' were basses, they would certainly be recorded as different species. That's how deep the politics runs.
I dont have to love whites to not want to live in country run by white-hating warmongering violent-nigger-facilitating jews.
Maybe it's same thing but I get tired of the emphasis on "loving" the white race. Much of our race is NOT lovable.
The black-white gap is explained by white genetic superiority, which, in jewed mass media, becomes white moral evil. #tcot #TeamWhite
Carnival time for murderous scum is what niggers enjoy today. The race war is when whites openly fight back. https://t.co/8PTRlzMZZo
According to christianity, this creature is a human - your spiritual equal. Created by God. In His image & likeness. https://t.co/Kwe0vGyyxr
It's funny how WN get accused of being non-democratic, yet it is our side, our race, who are FORCED into YOUR ANTIWHITE SYSTEM.
It's not WN forcing anti-white whites (leftists and xtians) to go our way, it's YOU forcing US to go YOUR way. #racialdivorce
It's all just warmed over puritanism, but with a jew soul and veneer and agenda, after 1900. I hate jews and WASP elite libs.
The jew court in Brown vs Board said niggers have the right to prey on whites. The appellate court, gavelled by Judge Roof, threw it out.
So long as WN/racialism are around, conservatives have a hard time pretending they're radicals, which is their favorite pose. #tcot
Whatever undermines open racialism will always be supported by system conservatives (CCC, #tcot, Vdare et al.).
Why do conservatives hate racialists? Because WN/racialism makes it hard for them to sustain their pose as radical opposition. #tcot
George Washington didn't consider niggers human, and neither do I. Yr just a cowardly America-hating #antiwhite faggot.
He not only killed a bunch of useless niggers, he outed all the Vdare #tcot and CCC conservatives for what they are - gerbils.
Oh noes, a white man fired back in the race war. Such a tragedy, itz. I must join CCC and other right-homosexuals & lament this terbul thing
Blacks have been terrorizing whites for decades, and it's been covered up, justified, and facilitated by the jews running D.C. #Charleston
The very concept of 'hate' is bogus, as applied to politics. ''Hate' crime' is an ADL attempt to put white ideas on par with black actions.
Why do #AnnCoulter and #Vdare blame Ted Kennedy rather than the jew Emanuel Celler for the 1965 immigration act? One word: cowardice.
Now that AmeriKwa is a police-state-prison, maybe segregating the inmates would be the best way to go. #CharlestonShooting
As I say, this #raisetheRoof event shows the Continental Divide between racialists and the alt-liberals called conservatives. #tcot
You ever heard 'the nigger community' apologize for its DAILY LITERALLY FUCKING DAILY rapes/murders of our white people? Conservative = fag.
The white racial cause must separate itself from the weakness - the moral cowardice and intellectual punch pulling - that is conservatism.
Those who would be genuine racialists - we must do everything in our power to SEPARATE the racial cause from conservatism. #tcot
May one million Dylann Roofs rise up and obliterate the nigger race and the jews who sicced them on us. #raisetheRoof
Someone stuck up for white women being raped by niggers. Now you conservative spirit-queers go on about the "tragedy" of dead niggers. FYOU
You conservative faggots side with niggers. Fuck you. The Founders didn't even consider niggers human. #tcot https://t.co/HNdjlg0XAp
Every sub-problem has an easy rational solution. But so long as nothing can be done about The Problem Maker (jew), the sub-probs worsen.
Only jews oppose racial divorce. Do you realize that? Literally the ONLY political problem in the entire West - is JEWS. The ONLY ONE.
Massive UNDERsimplification is the foremost intellectual problem of our time, and I have fought it my entire life. _JEWS_ IS THE PROBLEM.
There's an easy way to prevent 'tragedies' (lol) like #CharlestonShooting from happening again: #racialdivorce.
Nature = subspecies struggle for space till one is wiped out. Xtianity tries to overcome this with bilge about 'mystical body of christ.'
Does every black have an "imperishable soul" of "inestimable value"? If you say yes, then we can't live in the same country. #TeamWhite
We all talk nonstop about nigger violence. But when someone acts, watch the continental divide between the racists and Vdare-#tcot liberals.
You spirit-queers (conservatives & christians) shouldn't be synth-lamenting dead niggers, you should be underlining nog-on-white rape. #tcot
Fox News - attractive white submissives serving the jews. #tcot "It was all a game, a way of making a living" -Sobran on pro conservatism
I hadn't even visited my own #HUSHCRIMES page in two weeks. It's now up to 88 pages of NIGGERS ATTACKING WHITES. http://t.co/RSJrKbZDhQ
Conservatives = weaklings. Conservatives = alt-liberalsm. Conservatism is a synonym for liberal, same with christian. Xtianity IS liberalism
Yeah, I'm really bothered by some white kid killing some USELESS WHITE-HATING WORTHLESS NIGGERS. I'm going to cry to sleep over it.
Maybe valuable niggers like those in Charleston would be safer if we gave racists (whites) their own separate country. #CharlestonShooting
June 11, 2015:
Jesus and soybeans: they unman you. http://t.co/cpMh1EbYwM
June 07, 2015:
Book: "The German Genius" by Peter Watson. Germany is ahead in (basically everything). But backward in (NS) politics? How likely is that?
Germany was ahead in politics too because it figured out how to deal with the jew - something no Anglo culture has managed in modern times.
June 04, 2015:
In a world of coded jew bullshit, it's nice to have a refreshing magazine of bloodlust like Dabiq. "If you're not us...you should be dead!"
May 29, 2015:
What's horrifying to the jews about BitCoin? Internet? THE JEWISH FILTER HAS BEEN REMOVED. THREATENING GOY-ON-GOY ACTION.
May 28, 2015:
May 27, 2015:
What promiscuous physical love can be to the body is what promiscuous spiritual love actually is to the body politic. #muhspiritualequality
Our job is not to worry about fairness to liars and punch-pullers aka conservatives, it's to part them out via vicious attacks & mockery.
Your god created the nigger? In His image and likeness? Do tell me more about being a racialist and a christian. #spiritualmiscegenation
Pattern: jews take over immigration, admit muslims and other coloreds who then prey on whites & their children. As jews wanted. And of course jews make it "hate" to notice any of this, and a crime to talk about it in public. Jews are behind #whitegenocide
The church denounced Nazism and 'racism' but light-witted racialists get angry if one points out xtianity & racialism = competitors.
Tripartite white state, underneath racial defensive shell: religious cranks (xtians+), managed-care racialists (NS), free-range racialists.
The South has many proud traditions, but none prouder or longerstanding than helping the damn(jew)yank extend his evil empire worldwide.
Jewish banking cartel and jewish media are murdering the world. The world needs to turn the tables and make jews extinct as a species.
To a jew, "disrupting" = making it harder for jew to control. BitCoin disrupts the Fed narrative. Internet disrupts MSM narrative ...
I'm against physical miscegenation, it's bad. But spiritual miscegenation (christian / racialist) is a good thing. #what
BitCoin and the Internet are both inherently anti-jew and pro-white. There's a common thread there...
Did Hitler support abortion? Gun control? Pornography? Open borders? Homosexual 'marriage'? Just what about him wasn't conservative? #tcot
In a white society, of pretty much any historical example, the LCD is higher than in jewed/mud-ridden society.
How white can you be if you think white men can't do anything without central leadership? If so, we're just light-colored muds.
#Tcot conservatives are creatures who respond not to arguments and reason but to labels and positions. They are mass men, who must conform.
The attempts to use facts and reason with the mass public is the eternal stumbling block of the racialist right. Said someone, paraphrased.
Blacks who kill other blacks are pretty much the only socially useful blacks out there. #blacklivesmatter
May 26, 2015:
Disagreement is trolling to the leftist. Only his own opinions are legitimate, hence any disagreement isn't serious, is hate, is "trolling."
May 23, 2015:
One race builds castles, the other lives in mud huts. But race isn't a real thing, it's just concocted.
The day those whiteskin #antiwhites fear white retribution more than the jews they serve is the day our race begins to make progress.
Jews are a biological group which has acted the same rotten way since before the sci-fi character jesus was created.
The pope is down there on the shore telling Italy and Europe to embrace the invading alien. https://t.co/7dcxkAeIfg
"you cant replace something with nothing." I can't replace falsehood with facts? I need to come up with a new lie?
MacDonald says NS was anti-western - and that was its success - it mirrored judaism - a team & ideology 4 whites https://t.co/sQJb1l7tWT
White kids should be taught their own racial history & myths, not some semitic garbage. The bible = nasty lies. https://t.co/alTyyyHDfI
Christians claim all virtue, created science, etc, but what have non-white xtians (the majority) achieved vs white? https://t.co/qQk3WnODR5
If xtianity were genuinely dangerous to jews they would crush it like NS. Starting by removing its tax protection.
a jew is just an unconverted christian - and admired 'elder bro in faith' - this is xtian doctrine. #antiwhite
Christianity always protected _jews_, not whites. It let them escape white mobs by dripping water on their head. https://t.co/6t35xJ6c11
Christianity is anti-white for many reasons but one main one is that it tells us we are all in this together. Brotherhood of man
Christianity told you to "convert" blacks and care for their souls. Now you live with the misery of that craziness.
Our current society is set up for the benefit of the government. We know that means jews. But not just jews.
May 22, 2015:
God curses those who aid & abet monster Israel. God makes America bankrupt, violent, stupid & diseased because we faciltate evil jews. #tcot
May 21, 2015:
Whites are biologically more individualistic than other races. Among ourselves, this is good. Among outside races, it's an attack avenue.
There are no egalitarians at the fruit stand. Nobody says one apple is as good as another. All pick thru for best. People are different? No.
Under which conditions do whites thrive? ... now, with your answers in hand, which politiicans advocate those conditions? #TeamWhite
Whites get nowhere without organization. They must have leader kernel. With ADL/FBI-level security & checks. And soldiers willing to kill.
You can't be a white man AND a universalist christian. They are two separate and opposed worldviews. Pick one or the other, you must.
If your racial opponent has an "imperishable soul" of "inestimable value," then how you gonna be raciss toward him? Figure it out, crissies.
Whether you enslave the nigger for his own moral good (old South) or worship him as god (new North), either way you accord him value.
Christians of white went to dusky lands not to wipe out local but to CONVERT them. The wiping out was done by bacteria and viruses.
Does christianity accept yellow men? brown men? black men? hooknosed men? eskimos? bantu? oompa loompas? But it's not #antiwhite. You sure?
"Muh reality is different. Run by special rules, known only to we." Special claims can't be proved, only disputed in religious wars.
The christian church can't be #antiwhite because I like it. This is the only real 'argument' the christian racialist has.
Christianity = liberalism. Can't treat the other guy as a class, that's "immoral." That leads to #whitegenocide.
It's not a beautiful story, either, it's an ugly and ridiculous tall tale which appeals to the self-pitying weakling in people
Irrelevant to this discussion. Christian doctrines are anti-racial and universalist. Thus they are inherently anti-white.
The xtian has no doctrinal way to separate man from man racially, rather all are (or should be) one in mystical body of christ
Christianity is liberalism. All men are created by God, all reflect his image. Hence all deserve care, conversion & rights.
When you define jews wrong, you can't defeat them. This is the christian error. It remains to be seen if our race can recover from it.
It is a sign of the intellectual incompetence & dopey conservatism of our movement that few WN realize role of xtianity in #whitegenocide.
Christianity isn't waning. The #whitegenocide in its doctrines was latent until 20th-centry technology evoked it Raspail-style
Now that the monkeys of asia & africa can get to white Europe, xtianity has no doctrine to keep them out, cuz man = man.
The other side is more than willing to acknowledge whites are different from other races, and special - but only in the negative dimension.
Where jews own media & government, whites become uniquely evil, and cause unique suffering (black slavery & 'the' 'holocaust'). #loxism
Jews call themselves chosen, and act like they're gods. They run things. Christians are proud to be humble little dumb praying livestock.
Competition produces fitness. This applies in business as in biology. It's not good, or even really possible, to get too far from this rule.
Who says whites and blacks have to live in the same area? Whoever he is, he's the author of #whitegenocide.
We must not make distinctions among jews but treat them as monolithic anti-white team of hostile aliens.
EU is the jew's best friend - centralized power makes it easier for small numbers (like jews) to obtain maximum leverage.
The key is not how many times jews got kicked out, it's how many times we let them back in. Blame christianity for that 110x mistake.
How do you solve racial strife? Allow free association. Stop taxing productive whites to subsidize feral niggers. Jews won't allow these.
Govt doesn't do what it does because it's liberal & stupid, as #tcot liars contend (to flatter their dolts), but because it's jewish & evil.
May 20, 2015:
Eagles hate Republicans and abhor conservatives. "We soar. They grovel," one told me recently. #tcot #tlot
Taxes are the price we pay for civilization, if by civilization you mean endless wars and colonies of feral niggers.
Civilization is a threat to government, which thrives on disorder, which it produces itself a number of ways.
If your goal is to explain something, you can't leave out a large chunk and consider the job done. Communism/jew. Car/engine. SA/jew.
as things slowly disintegrate, it is clear to those with eyes that white civilization was but a carving out of the wilderness
This one goes out to all the fine soldiers who never accepted money to serve their country. Major props to all 0 of you. #greenniggers
May 18, 2015:
White children should be taken away from their parents at birth, their parents jailed for racism, their genetic treasure given to community.
So...according to 'professional' 'academics' who 'profess' 'whiteness studies'...there is not one positive thing about whiteness. Not one!
America has social problems because America has jews. When you treat jews as individuals, you have set in motion society's destruction.
Do you believe that most things happen for no particular reason, and that prayer is a good way of dealing with them?
May 17, 2015:
You think God made the nigger? In His image and likeness? Do you realize this means that God is a nigger? And you worship this?
Your pope is welcoming third-world apes into Europe, and telling us white humans to accept them as brothers. Xtianity = death.
The NEA is #antiwhite. The Dept. of Education is #antiwhite. The Dept. of Justice is #antiwhite. ZOG is #antiwhite.
Grab a paper. Make 2 columns. In 1), list all the NEGATIVE TERMS FOR WHITES you can find in newspapers / hear on tv. In 2), same for blacks.
Jews are for jews. That's their party, their politics, their heart, their hub. The rest is masks. They aren't like you, white man.
Moderation in all things, said the Greeks. The jesus cult is nothing but drama-queening. It is a wrong path. We must go back to go forward.
If jews/blacks actually believed racism were as bad a problem as they say, it is logically unavoidable they would push for racial divorce
Jews are for easy divorce in personal life, but for shotgun marriages when it comes to races. Why? Both destroy white society. #loxism
May 12, 2015:
Niggers. Every last one of these ambulant pieces of shit is trying to live off living whites and dead blacks.
May 11, 2015:
Not every black is a nigger. But every black has nigger friends & nigger relatives. This is why any association with blacks is a bad idea.
You can't hang out with shitbags without getting some on you. Niggers are a race of shitbags. If you won't learn - you will. #mudsharkFAIL
May 10, 2015:
Mixing our white racial cause with conservatism is only one shade better than the jew-forced race mixing of black and white. #tcot
Funny how jews can always escape, and not just escape but find sinecures in fresh foreign countries.
May 09, 2015:
Just like jews, christians have a pet set hate name for those who differ: 'pagan' (not xtian), 'atheist' (aSanta-ist?)
To show your independence, why don't you coons of soot take a day off from white culture, & eat grubs & wash clothes in river?#BlackExcellence
In Judeo-leftistan, regretted sex can be rape, and opinions you don't like can be violence. http://t.co/86Ee9qOXRv #Oberlin
We are supposed to help the poor. To feel "solidarity" with them. To open our hearts & homes & borders 2 them. This is xtianity. It is insane
Christianity links moral virtue with poverty, then opens borders to the morally virtuous, who are 99% Third Worlders. Xtianity = #antiwhite
May 08, 2015:
Niggers: You realize you'd be living in a mud hut in Africa? Everything you have is made by whites. You're an animal by comparison.
Black criminals know that the jewish media and brainwashed whites will make excuses for their rioting and looting
All whites think blacks are niggers. But where some think they should be spayed or eradicated, others think they're toys or fixer-uppers.
@PamelaGeller Before JEWS like GELLER changed USA immigration policy, there were no muslims in US. #tcot
@PamelaGeller Jew named CELLAR rhymes with GELLER opened US borders to jihadis back in 1965. Ol' vulture Pammy leaves that part out. #tcot
After the IDF murders Palestinian babies, the corpses are shipped to #PamGeller's house. She eats them on matzohs. Because she's a vulture.
All bad in the world is due to white people. We should simply kill them all and be done with it. #whiteprivilege Why not cut the bs?
To the lying jewish leftists, whites are responsible for everything but their own success. #whiteprivilege
We're all prideful and contrarians when we're born. But too many of us lose that natural state of grace along the way.
Most black people didn't even exist until whites showed up to rape, pillage and colonize them into rapid population growth.
You know what, people? If you actually HAVE some quality, you no more can hide/need advertise it than that monkey with inflamed red butt.
Feminist: a "strong" woman who can't even withstand the modest social pressure from not participating in a wedding bouquet toss.
Whites ended slavery. Do you realize that? It still goes on in Africa, Israel and Muslims counties - ie non-white lands.
"White people have the right to exist!" If this isn't simply a cry into existential void, who are you talking to?
An animated jar of Cheez Whiz disclaiming its expiration date has more gravitas than a christian maundering on about eternal life.
I feel I am a praying mantis trapped in the body of a emerald tree python. Is there a bathroom for me?
Whites should think systematically, but they seem inherently not to do this, being captivated by personalities more than ideas.
It's difficult to find a top 'British' leader who isn't a jew or heavily admixed with that pernicious race. http://t.co/cF6zj3ukiP
May 07, 2015:
If you understand jews and their agenda, you can know in advance not everything that will happen, but how it will be treated in the media.
Good example of jews attempting to channel awakening whites into jew-safe, impotent, controlled-opposition parties. https://t.co/EHllFW28RG
I'm not going to be dominated by jews. I'm not a heteroqueer spirit-fag like xtians/conservatives.#tcot
The minute you talk God or morality you're hauled up by fact that 99% of species that ever existed are extinct.
I don't want to "save" anybody, rather I want to go a different way with whites who think like I do. Bro-hood-of-man xtians can go their way
The racialists aren't forcing others to be racialist; rather the jews & shabbes goyim are forcing whites to amalgamate with muds. #loxism
Jews know who they are. They divide whites by ideas so they can't see what they have in common is race.
Ideas for jews are ways of tricking others; they work better or worse. For whites, they are taken as deepest truths, bases of identities.
Christianity might as well have been created to set white hearts and brains at war with sense organs. Christianity is #antiwhite.
So you invent a god. And it tells you that treating, say, Baltimore niggers as a class is "immoral." You & your religion are insane. #tcot
Today on twitter I read some #NRx cretin talking about how treating niggers as individuals is some kind of moral advance.
If you criticize muslims and support jews, then you're a coward and most likely also an ignorant idiot. #loxism #tcot #antiwhite
Refusing to see racial patterns & shapes & wholes is hardly superior intellection, rather it is genocidal nonsense - and catholic doctrine.
Degeneracy has many forms, and christianity is one of them. It is inherently and irremediably #antiwhite.
This is the simplest way to sum up politics, doesn't matter which land: the jews and those who serve them are the bad guys. #loxism
The most destructive words ever uttered came from the pen of a jewish sci-fi writer: "Judge not lest ye be judged."
No good lying nigger (doubly redundant) who made up "hands up don't shoot" lie arrested. http://t.co/B9ctYjCdSN #MichaelBrown
Bunch of #hushcrimes you haven't even heard of, and some you have. http://t.co/EijppnrYIZ
May 06, 2015:
The white part of Africa is civilized (well, used to be), and the black part of America is uncivilized. I wonder why that is. #tcot
May 05, 2015:
Go read Mencken's memoirs, full of people and sights and scenes in Baltimore before 1900. Do you not get it - what has happened? #TeamWhite
So are the retarded niggers to blame? Or the white christians who allow jews to give them rights and force-mix them with us? #tcot #loxism
Blacks are considered people -- literal human beings -- and given RIGHTS! and allowed to VOTE! and you talk about #whiteprivilege?
Just a reminder Apocrine-Americans. Your "human" status is temporary. It will be revoked at the first opportunity. #BaltimoreRiots
If you have trigger warnings, you're basically an amateur bubble boy. That's not really something to be proud of, it's more pathetic.
People who are legitimately superior are to be admired, respected and emulated, not hated and dragged down.
Hey international jews media, I thought you cared about minority rights? You know, in South Africa? Where whites are slaughtered? No?
Conservatism severed from racialism makes no sense, yet the jews called neocons have achieved this in USA.
Then, when yet another budding white organization is crushed, they send in their JaredTaylors to lie that we are doing it to ourselves.(2/2)
The jews who run the government, through their tools at FBI and their private catspaws, prevent whites from organizing. (1/2)
May 04, 2015:
A cannibal in pants with an EBT card is all the American nigger is. Freedom, equality, even privilege, can't raise its roof. #BaltimoreRiots
The black is not a man, it is a nigger. To be despised, laughed at, and above all else, kept away from human society. #BaltimoreRiots
Never confuse your cult with your race. The former is transient gibberish, the latter is what you contain which is of actual value.
When it's illegal to talk about what must be done, that means it's time to start killing the enemy. Because you are now a slave. #UK
In practical terms, conservatism = jew subservience. #tcot That's the only 'issue' on which cons never bend: support for Israel and jews.
Nigel Farrago kicks you out of the UKIP for even MENTIONING that whites are being SLAUGHTERED WHOLESALE in S. Africa. I mean...WTF people?
If conservatism were good enough to get the job done, then how explain last 100 years? #tcot #fakeoppposition
Don't accept good-enough when it comes to defending your race. Would you buy a shotgun that fired every tenth time? WTF is with you white people?
Whites are so beaten down as a race psychologically they will say they are voting pro-white when a Farage SAYS PUBLICLY UKIP = "anti-racist"
The white and black races are equal in neither achievement nor capacity; forcing them together is a crime against whites. #whiteprivilege
#PamGeller and her jewish buddies are the ones who let those Muslims into the country in the first place. #tcot
Who let those violent, stupid muslims into your country, white man? The same jews who forced blacks among you. #tcot
Why do #tcot conservatives hate Muslims? Because it's safe. The jews running the US give them the signal they won't lose their job for it.
No, it's hate speech and anti-semitism and blood libel when you go off facting about our behavior. Now, shut up and lampoon Mohammed.#trujew
It makes the conservative feel superior to call government policies stupid or insane when they are but rational policies for jewish ends.
Conservatism is a heavy fog that prevents men from seeing the true force at work: jews & the agenda they're inflicting on whites. #loxism
May 03, 2015:
Whites have more imaginary faults than all other races put together, in the same way jews have suffered more imaginary atrocities. #loxism
The conservative is the man who does the work of the anti-white jew, either out of fear, self-interest, or incomprehension. #tcot #tlot
Persecution of jews is what they call it. Protection of whites is what it is. Jews are the only race that controls the media - or needs to.
That races exist and differ is science. Smearing this scientific position by means of coinages like 'racism' is politics. #loxism
No matter what kind of verbal chocolate you dip it in, jew-left, the turdy nigger-nougat always comes through. #thug
Left: "You can't call blacks any word that even hints at their destructive malevolence, or we will bash you to death with our 'racism.'"
How can we shift responsibility for black actions onto white attitudes? This is the only question the judeo-left is interested in.
Leftist word janitors follow the niggers trying desperately to clean up whichever latest euphemism the nig's behavior has restanked. #thug
May 02, 2015:
As magic to entertainment, so #racism to politics. It's a fun trick, good for amusing ourselves, but only children think it's real.
#Racism is an inherently anti-white concept & was designed that way by communist jews who murdered tens of millions of whites last century.
A destruction of #RobinDiAngelo and the bogus concept of #whiteprivilege in post #9. http://t.co/yGxGrDpcER … #vnnforum #loxism
May 01, 2015:
I also think Cultural Marxism is simply weak. It sounds like the typical con attempt to avoiding naming the source of prob.
Cultural marxist is a euphemism for jewish marxism, and its intent is the same as in 20th century - to genocide whites.
Even the proponents of #whiteprivilege admit they can't get people to grasp the concept. But all understand whites pay for everything.
The Catholic church never saved whites from jews, it saved jews from whites. It gave kikes a way to escape popular anger thru baptism.
Men who are women, which is to say, are continually concerned with what others think of them, inevitably end up being blown with the tides.
Just as the jews have a controlled right (roughly, anything featuring flag or eagle), they will also set up a 'controlled white.' @jartaylor
April 30, 2015:
Money and media are twin pillars of jew power. from them the rest is possible - buying pols and promulgating false history
"...traits necessary for attaining difficult goals: self-control, commitment, persistence, conscientiousness, resilience, and passion"
The problem is our religion prevents us 1) from seeing jews for what they are (biology denial), 2) from defending ourselves.
90% of the white population watches the political Punch & Judy show without realizing the two are both puppets on jew hands.
Blacks don't want this or that, they want everything we've got. All our money, women, lands, etc. And jews facilitate them.
We must polarize the white states between #TeamWhite and Team Jew. We must make people see this is the only true war.
The 20th century revealed that our white religious cult, xtianity, is anti-white and genocide-facilitating. Jews use it.
Whites act like they're in a refereed debate or contest when in fact they're in a zero-sum war, with their genocide sought.
The global jewsmedia has taught blacks they're oppressed by whites who earned nothing and stole everything from POC.
Jews got the 1924 act reversed in 1965. Since then, immigration (legal) has been 90% non-white. And illegal same thing.
The media deny white desert, white merit, white achievement - sum it up by saying jew-promulgated media deny white existential legitimacy.
Blacks are essentially violent retards. And jews tell them whites are responsible for all their failures, & encourage them to attack us.
Jews are criminally inciting blacks to violence against whites, with the intention of dispossessing & then genociding whites. #loxism
Spreading hate and inciting violence - but this is what the jews in the media do daily - and it's all directed against my white community.
#1 Hush Crimes Thread...79 pages of 30 posts apiece documenting media-obscured racial attacks on whites http://t.co/pqz6Hy2Gem
Even the simplest mentation is beyond avg conservatives these days. Why aren't there riots in Vermont? It's Dem. controlled too? #tcot
April 29, 2015:
Does it make sense to treat niggers as individuals? Hell no. But your ideology hates common sense with passion.
Everyone of sense hates niggers, except you Individualist Freedom Lovers scared shitless of looking at their actual behavior
Buh buh...they riot for reasons! Male girl, niggers don't do anything for reasons. Only white people do things for reasons. #BaltimoreRiots
Jewsmedia: white attitudes are the problem. Whites: black behavior is the problem. Blacks: bix nood muhfugga. #BaltimoreRiots
April 28, 2015:
Jews are the problem that prevents the other problems from being dealt with, indeed tries to obscure that they even exist.
Barely one tenth of the population, and blacks commit half the violent crime. what a trash population.
EBT queen, using white man computer. white man internet. white man language. you're privileged to live among humans
The American white public refuse to accept responsibility for black behavior. We must browbeat them until every last one feels guilty. --media
It's christian notions of morality that make political correctness - which is jewish - semitical correctness - so effective.
The way to think about blacks, what they are, what they represent as a body, is time-lapse photography. Growing necrotic cells blacken USA.
Recognizing patterns of behavior where they appear is but common sense. We all do it. It's unavoidable and necessary.
Whites have spent trillions through taxes and philanthropy trying to elevate blacks. Yet continue to be abused by jewsmedia as racists.
How many #BaltimoreRiots black pockets would you have to go through before you found one that wasn't carrying an EBT card? #blackprivilege
Whites show up in the bottom right corner of Africa. They create society. Black pigeons flock to the park bench.
Jews redistribute responsibility through their media. Black behavior becomes a function of white attitudes under their pen.
Jews have taken no responsibility -- and suffered no consequences -- for the mass slaughter of innocent white men via their communism.
It's ok to generalize about whites on the basis of their whiteness, but wrong to generalize about blacks on basis of their behavior. #what
#whiteprivilege - the a priori denial of the legitimacy white superiority as reflected in achievements nearly across the board
When it comes to gaining admittance to the UK, dogs and cats are held to a higher standard than Africans and Muslims.
Blacks will try to swim across oceans to get to white countries. So they can be 'oppressed.' Your privilege is living among us.
Tens of thousands of white women are raped each year by blacks. No blacks are raped by whites. That's one #whiteprivilege
You (blacks) havent endured anything others haven't. You've been given benefits others have not, including endless excuses for behavior
Like most blacks, you think your race participates in civilization rather than impedes it. You're privileged to live among us.
Whites pay for you EBT, WIC and welfare. And you all have the nerve to talk about institutional racism and privilege.
We simply need a racial divorce because our races are incompatible. It's only the jew-controlled feds preventing divorce.
Cops mistreat people often. But these national cases are selected for anti-white reasons, and not based on facts.
You (blacks) go on about #whiteprivilege while whites are murdered every day of the year by blacks and the jewsmedia cover it up.
Nearly all great discoverers, explorers, scientists etc are white. Whites are interested in everything that exists.
Jews are the ones who control the media and make excuses for black behavior. And invent bogus concepts like #whiteprivilege.
April 27, 2015:
If the black race were an individual, it would be on death row or locked in a mental ward. You do realize that, don't you? #baltimoreriots
Tired of the gaslighting. Every hour of every day of every year the judenpresse is bullshitting us about basic facts
Blacks are innocent pieces of beautiful mahogany driftwood, floating passive on a rising tide of white evil.
This is why any white who wants to help blacks or thinks that's some kind of lofty ideal is head-sickly disordered. https://t.co/qdCa7FDGZP
Baltimore used to be the town of Poe and Mencken, now it's the disturbed wharf ghetto of homo ebtus.
Burning it down and loot it is the black version of eat your cake and have it too. https://t.co/PQUTWSl2RV
You want to help niggers? You know what you are: you're a fucking ANTI-SOCIAL head case, and ought to be beaten until you recover your senses.
All right, whichever one of you has the receipt for these niggers better dig it up, cuz we need a refund.
Our enemy is rationally described as jews + muds + white degenerates/malocclusives, such as they can find or build. #TeamWhite
Whites' very existence is seen as trolling by other races, since they mostly suck at being hominids. I mean, look around. They got nothing.
There is no way to satisfy an enemy who wants you dead. It is cowardly and ineffectual to pretend otherwise, as conservatives do. #tcot
If you wanted to destroy the white race, how would you do it? --this is the easiest way to see the overall pattern & grasp what's going on
"We concocted a concept to deny white achievement - #whiteprivilege. Then one to belittle any who objected - #whitefragility." --N.J. Wise
If you don the yarmulke, for any reason, you are a traitor to the white race. Know this, too: your time will come. #TeamWhite
Every aspect of white personality, history, behavior - existence - is pathologized by loxist jews, and given a cute hate handle for dupes
April 26, 2015:
The average racialist thinks in the defensive, defeatist way of the conservatives. Nazi posters show the right attitude.
ADL put out release praising twitter for essentially declaring more things 'hate' and 'threats,' and banning their tweeters.
Individualist/universalist christ-inanity impedes a rational response to jewish anti-white collectivism. Race must be our base
Average whites don't need awakened. http://t.co/scRJUMTVju They need leadership.
Better way to put it is: states roll their own. They create the kind of creatures who 'need' their 'services.' https://t.co/233L2NJzfX
April 25, 2015:
"The anti-SJW offensive is spreading out from games into books and other industries." http://t.co/dovChOC8og
By 2030 conservatives will be citing "Jesus loves the little children of the world" in defense of pedophilia. #tcot
April 24, 2015:
Good example of why I say you can be christian or white but not both. http://t.co/HucFiU6p6l
Republicans line up to suck jewcock. Remember to vote. It's important! https://t.co/Ldl5grHqlX
You must expiate your #whitesin, white man. Forsake your #whiteprivilege and bury your genes in the discolored masses.
Original sin dog-trained whites they are guilty FOR JUST EXISTING. Gee, how in the world does this relate to the concept of #whiteprivilege?
The bible has answers! Not the right answers, but then it wasn't written for the type that demands right answers.
As a nigger who likes to steal things and attack cops, I'd like to thank the jews in the media for covering me. #whiteprivilege
Even an African can see that #whiteprivilege is just the Christian principle of original sin, transposed. https://t.co/VnCCyiVvpF
As a useless nigger, I'd like to thank white people for inventing everything and allowing me to appropriate it. #whiteprivilege
It may be marginally better for an individual to be a christian than a drunk, but socially the drunk is less destructive.
God created distinct and incompatible races, and set genocide as the principle by which to reconcile competing claims.
Niggers just want your money, white man, not the character traits that produced it. They're niggers. Whole & complete in themselves.
You can have blacks or civilization, not both. But when you decide for civilization, then you must contend with the jew. This...is reality.
Theft is a white concept, not a black one... Rape is a white concept, not a black one... Civilization is a...
Seeing blacks and browns as fellow humans isn't working out. And that category error traces directly to the Semitic cult called christianity
April 23, 2015:
What could go wrong with letting a jew named Nudelman from a family with a history of depression and mental illness run your foreign policy?
Leftists have learned that rightists will fight neither physically nor verbally. Thus they murder and smear with aplomb and abandon. #loxism
April 22, 2015:
YOUR equals according to YOUR church. To think otherwise is "an affront to human dignity." - catholic cult https://t.co/OVojOAwyCR
Blacks: time to stop pretending they're humans, let alone equals. Do you dare risk being called "immoral" by your suicidal cult, white man?
Best shooter in nba is a sheeeitman named Shitav-- just kidding. It's a white guy named Kyle. http://t.co/nB85ucX08K
It's not a matter of waking up the white masses, but of leading those whites who want to live thru the jew back to racial sovereignty. #tcot
There are still white liberals in South Africa. Even in 2015, with whites having lost power, status, & jobs. And 80,000 underground.
Malicious lying jews repeat lies from books written by malicious lying jews. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEWS. #vnnforum
April 21, 2015:
So would you rather have lynching or niggers free to gang rape human women in front of hundreds of people doing nothing?
April 20, 2015:
Identify and get rid of the jews, and the rest of the problem clear right up. No matter the country.
April 19, 2015:
If they're "strong" women, why are they put off by the slightest bit of laughter, doubt or resistance?
Cultural marxism = Jewish marxism. Jewish marxism murdered tens of millions of whites in the 20th century. #fightloxism
April 18, 2015:
You see how your cult trapped you, white man? With doctrine that every one of those Libyans invading Italy is an important individual soul?
Top 7 imaginary problems of our times: 1) racism, 2) sexism, 3) homophobia, 4) antisemitism, 5) white privilege, 6) Iranian nukes 7) ketchup
Blacks can't make a distinction between being rejected for their race and being rejected for being violent, stupid and useless. #samething
If you want children with no hair, tiny brains, flubberlips and giant apocrine glands, go black girls. #diversitymeans
With the return of warm weather, the negro emerges from its lair, gaps and stretches, and... https://t.co/cAPOfO8X28
April 17, 2015:
I have a certificate PROVING i am a REAL HUMAN BEING. And know what bitch? It's NOTARIZED. Dig on that, ponyboys.
When I troll, it's for giant Jewfish aka the PC renamed goliath grouper. But sometimes lil dogfish get dragged up. Nets aren't perfect.
Contrast with Hitler. No one ever EVER said Hitler was in it for the money. But which American conservative ISNT?
Niggers are free riders on a world they couldnt build and can't even keep running when given the keys. See Detroit.
When I'm king, all niggers will be forced onto a reservation and made to use SHEEEEEEEEITMANN on a white field as their official flag.
Niggers: You want to shoplift. But you don't want to be thought of as shoplifters. That won't work, no matter how hard u poo-fling.
You define whiteness as wholly negative. If so, then the entire man-created world is negative. You attitude = hateful ingrate.
Whites carry a knapsack filled with stones called EBT, WIC, welfare, section 8, affirmative action. Coontown is a freeloader.
Admit it, white man. You're as tired as I am of pretending blacks are people. It's time to pretend they're not people. AKA the reality game.
Federal* laws discriminating against whites are real, #whiteprivilege is a little hazier. (*Laws from real institutions, featuring real power
Is there any subset of nigger failure that can't be blamed on whites? I'm guessing the answer is no. #TeamWhite
We've now reached the stage where the enemy thinks the white is down, and all the little people rush in to try their head kicks.
Newest #antiwhite term (I've) heard: white fragility. Def: white self-defense against unwarranted racial attacks by anti-white consultants.
Whites and blacks were on the business end of a shotgun instructing them to marry. Guess who's on the other end? The jew.
If leftists actually believed the system were racistly pro-white, what would the most obvious, quickest solution be? Yes. A white state.
If racism is such a terrible problem, as everyone and the dead possum in the road assures me it is, then why not a racial divorce?
If white racism is so terrible and threatening, then surely blacks need a state of their own, safe from these evil whiteskinned monsters.
I don't care what blacks do to blacks. I only care what they do to humans. It is a hate crime to allow them to live among us. #loxism
Blacks are good and whites are guilty -- just two of the lies you can read in every single edition of Jewish Gaslighter Daily. #loxism
You have already conceptually ceded your kind's continued existence when you use 'racism' without tweezers, well meaning white man. #loxism
They take your vote. They wipe their ass on it. They laugh about it next day in their media. What does that leave for us, white men?
Every mass media newspaper ought to be called Gaslighter Daily, because that is all these "news" sources do - systematically reverse reality
Leftism to jews is a rational technique to achieve Tribal ends; for whites it is a myth/cult thing, an idea of Good/Progress.
People of Germanic descent - so good, so gullible. So willing to believe lies about their own kind; so unwilling to believe truth about jews
National conversation = shut up and listen to my anti-white harangue, you white bastard. #whiteprivilege
Whites are set on fire and gang raped while the jew-controlled junkmedia go on about #whiteprivilege.
If you'd put Israel ahead of America, guess what that makes you, christian? I mean besides a sapsucker. It makes you a traitor. #tcot
April 16, 2015:
What normal whites want is a society in which they dont have to CRINGE when they're watching TV with their ELDERS.
If Ann Coulter were something more than a Tenneessee hick, she'd feel SHAME at writing a book about COMMUNISM that denies its JEWISH ROOTS.
The Nazis ACTUALLY ACHIEVED what conservatives CLAIM they want: cleaning the SHIT, the SEX SHIT, out of society. Cons? NEVER. NOT ONCE.
Conservatives are contemptible cowards. That is not my opinion. That is objective, demonstrable, perduring fact.
That nazi poster captured it: a jew is a nasty little piece of shit that is properly mucked out of society on the end of a pitchfork.
I dont want to live in a shitdreck by shecky society where you have to cringe every time you try to watch tv with your grandma. FUCK U KIKES
Catholic geniuses and regional tards of re say white identity isn't real, is too abstract. That's cool. You just keep away, WE'LL TAKE IT.
NO ONE WANTS THE WHITE IDENTITY - it's sitting there on the table like a knife. Let's pick it up and go to STABTOWN.
Undersimplification is the main intellectual problem on the right, and this makes it THE political problem. We are WHITE. Our enemy is JEW.
Our cause is racial. Our enemy is the jew. The rest is interior decoration, and not of primary concern at the moment. #TeamWhite
Punch pulling. It's what conservatives do. You have to look out for your self-interest, your income, for that is the highest value. #tcot
The more you centralize power, the greater the danger when it falls into wrong hands. HAVE YOU MET FUCKING PEOPLE? WHO AMONG THEM ISNT CLOWN
Save making government positions subject to an annual blood lottery, a la Miss Jackson, everything has been tried. Men are corrupt. Always.
When did the white public vote to become a third-world nation? It never did. A jewish judge voted that. And a jewed media backed it.
Jews aren't the problem? Ok. Take whatever CONSERVATIVE change you desire. Solve it in theory. Now in practice, who blocks your change?
NRx can't figure out if jews are the problem or solution? That tells me what I need to know about NRx.
The point that must be pounded because the PTB and fake opposition try to obscure it is that JEWS LET MUSLIMS INTO WESTERN COUNTRIES.
It is JEWS in the US who prevent the WHITE MAJORITY from protecting itself exactly the way Israel does - discriminating & deporting. #tcot
REFUSE TO BE USED BY JEWS. I'm talking to you, Southron FAHTIN' MAN. I'm talking to you middle American GERMAN BLOCKHEAD CONSERVATIVE.
Two pillars of jew control: media and money. internet blows up the first; (bitcoin) threatens to blow up the second. http://t.co/MaQJHoSvkd
Decentralization is objectively pro-white. Hate libertarians all you want, what they push for is objectively helpful, no matter their intent
Decentralization of media is GOOD FOR WHITES. Decentralization of money is GOOD FOR WHITES. Both are BAD FOR JEWS. #loxism #TeamWhite
Hitler got Germany out of the jewed banking system. You think he'd miss or deny the significant of (bitcoin) were he here today?
April 15, 2015:
Has a black woman ever written an article about anything other than being a black woman? God who cares SOOOO BORING. SOOO NOTHING U ADD.
Jews occasionally lie they are white to receive some benefit or protection, but here's the truth: http://t.co/8yoMHWl9xT
America divides into 2 classes: 1) those horrified by things NIGGERS DO (lighting whites on fire) 2) those horrified by my use of NIGGER
A. Money and christianity. Q. Name me two things that have been tried and tried and tried and just cant turn niggers into human beings.
Hate is not some emotional appendix; it is as necessary to the proper spiritual functioning of the organism as all the other emotions.
It's a game we play. How long can we hide the race of the victim of the multiple-'black man' gang rape down in Florida? --Judenpresse
Mass media, owned by jews, function as a PR agency running a neverending campaign to promote blacks as human people.
Slavery? What of it. Jews imported a couple hundred thousand blacks to USA. Now there are over 40,000,000. They thrived here.
"Holocaust" is simply jewish propaganda, intended to induce guilt/make jews profits. No soap, no lampshades, no gas chambers.
Jews used to claim nazis made them into soap & lampshades. Now they admit those were lies. Will be same with gas chambers in time.
April 14, 2015:
Jews don't want to convert, jews want to subvert. We need to help their constituent atoms repackage into fresh constellations.
Jews should be dealt with precisely as we'd deal with any other destructive agent. We'd eradicate it.
Do you feel bad about exterminating the termites that eat your house? Then why feel bad about exterminating the jews that wreck your nation?
Is it racist to mock Asians for eating spiders? Cuz I can assure you, sure aint gonna be no cultural appropriation going on up in here.
Do you feel about exterminating termites, who eat your wood foundation? Then why feel bad about exterminating jews destroying your society?
Intellectuals have a self-interest in making things more complex than they actually are. The white racial cause - nothing is simpler.
Use your imagination and reclassify jews and blacks as vermin, and all moral problems disappear. And we can treat them as we were wise to.
Christianity has set the white man at war with himself. His rational mind, served loyally by his sense organs, is prejudiced by his religion
Willingness to debate rationally is a sign of honor and honest. But when your opponent is committed to winning at all costs, it availeth not
The only thing that slightly clouds our racial cause; the only thing that cuts its perfect clarity - is christian morality.
Imagine you had never heard of christianity or its morality. How would you think it reasonable to deal with blacks and jews?
Since 99.9% of species that ever existed are now extinct, doesn't that make extinction part of God's plan? #letsaddniggerstotheheap
So if I saw some blacks gang-raping a white girl, would it be racist to intervene? I mean, that is their culture. I want to be respectful.
April 13, 2015:
Niggers must be exterminated. They are not human. They are not the same species we are. They pose a threat. They must be exterminated.
You can be a christian or a white man - not both. And that goes for any variety of conservative too.
"Sweden's largest and leading newspaper, dn.se, is Jew-owned & -run and has been propagating for political correctness since the 60s."
No one is allowed to be a public conservative - get a syndicated column or tv time - unless he submits to the jews on the race question.
Every other interest - truckers, sex deviants, flower growers, Cubans - has political representation. Not whites. How do you explain that?
Racial purity for jews. Mongrelization for everybody else. Support for Israel is a sure sign of the liar, the coward - the conservative.
"I have a blond-haired, blue-eyed son who asked me a decade ago: "Why do the movie villains always look like me, mama?""
There are very few women who don't believe in astrology. In fact, there are very few people who do believe in causality.
I don't want to be controlled by beautiful-minded WASPs or low-minded jews. Certainly not tag teamed by these greasy bastards of dystopia.
See this SAer says: In the end the piousness of whites would mean their downfall. What they should have done was to extinguish this evil.
April 12, 2015:
blacks are wild animals, not humans as christian cult lies. history of black brutality toward humans in South Africa: http://t.co/S0iZtzwVxv
Theophilus Shepstone (who could speak several black languages) said that you should leave the blacks alone. Don’t feed them, don’t clothe...
If it weren't for christian doctrine, that everyone needs jesus, maybe the white man would have left the wild animals alone.
Christianity it was that put the idea in white heads that blacks could be fixed and that we owed it to them. Both ideas are false. #tcot
Free people use epithets and lynch criminals. Even if those criminals are judges. When whites put law worship over sense they became slaves.
read the comments re this spring break nigger gang rape in public with hundreds walking by pretending not to see http://t.co/nHSOySMnVw
Your morality tells you niggers should be allowed to run around free in white communities? Then you and your kind deserve to go extinct.
April 11, 2015:
Funny to see the Tardcons hating Obama because he put America ahead of Israel. #tcot #jewappeaserssuck
The white man's instincts told him to wipe out the miserable fauna he encountered in Africa and America. But he listened to his priests.
Whites are the only people in the world who live under conditions featuring comprehensive legal discrimination and uniform media hostility.
Ever notice that none of these endless millions of refugees generated by jewish warmongers ever end up in Israel? Just white nations.
Radical worry about what it takes to accomplish their mission. Conservatives worry about what other people think of them. #tcot
It's not that conservatives can't win, it's that's they don't want to win. Read Hitler, Pierce, Rockwell to see why conservatism = fail.
April 10, 2015:
God I hate the jew-controlled media in this country. Every fucking day read their shit, which amounts to sweeping floor w wrong end of broom
This furious, insane JEW-FABRICATED blaming of white people for everything under the sun & total syncopation of nigger responsibility.
The jews murdered America. The depraved portion of the white community helped them. The conservative-religious types stood by drooling.
Whites are not only responsible for things they didn't do, they are responsible for things niggers did do.
Christian moral education is responsible for some of our finest leaders - Josef Stalin and Robert Mugabe, to name two.
Pretty clear the progressives and jews and their mud tools are going to have to be killed off. Isn't it? I mean, all Gnonsense aside...
Re atlanta education scandal: your first clue something is wrong is the contradictory concept of 'black teacher.'
You know they lie about the small things (Trayvon, Ferguston, etc.), but you think they're lying less about the big things ('holocaust')?
i used to think christians were joking when they said to me, "but if there's no god, then why dont you just rape and steal stuff."
Not a single goddam christian is honest. Not even the snake shakers. They don't shake snakes. They wave them very, very slowly.
Hitler wasn't afraid of being called racist and anti-semitic. That's why he's the most evil man in history.
The conservative's deepest beliefs are these: 1) safety is the highest value (the schoolfish theme); 2) winning is immoral (soul-unsafe).
That one little word nigger subsumes every argument. Indeed, it's stronger than argument, which is y the judeo-left hates it.
Christians are committed to converting jews. Jews are committed to destroying christian society. Gee, I wonder who would win that battle.
The WN case against blacks? They're niggers. We suffer from their behavior. The jew who shotgunned us into marrying them needs to be killed.
Sicut judaeis non is a christian doctrine and tradition of longstanding. It is also white-genocidal.
Christianity has a direct monetary interest in white mongrelization. Objectively, race-mixing lowers white IQ. Which = more asses at masses.
The white racial cause must lift and separate itself from defective, defeatist conservatism. Not copy its style and purvey its pablum. #tcot
Why will Vdare mention Lutherans and Catholics aiding the resettling of non-white savages in America but never mention jews?
We don't need to love our own kind, we need to hate our enemies and refuse to be dominated by them. #TeamWhite
I'll notice this to you "love your race" people. Jews don't love jews. They hate non-jews. And they win while we lose.
Christian doctrine forbids effective resistance to the jew, and to the discoloreds it uses to pursue its loxist agenda.
Christian doctrine might as well state: you are forbidden to use reason, evidence, history or simple common sense in dealing w jews/muds.
Is the white race a unique and valuable thing? Or are we all one in the mystical body of Jesus Christ?
April 09, 2015:
There is no difference between promiscuous christian spiritual love and any other appetite uncontrolled by reason. #whitegenocide
Whites have a harder time than they should making out racial enemies because their cult tells them they & darksiders are one in God.
There's only one decision you have to make to get involved in real politics. Are you down with the jews agenda (#whitegenocide) or not?
The power of the anti-white attack 'racism' is not receding but growing, and will increase in power as whites move toward minority status.
The jew used blacks to destroy South Africa, just as he is using blacks to destroy the American South. And Muslims to destroy Europe.
Jared Taylor and his friends deliberately seek to obscure the role of jews in destroying South Africa, Scandinavia, the US, and Europe.#WINO
Good post on The Jewing of South Africa. AA there is called BEE (black econ. empowerment) but it's really JEE. http://t.co/ISzhXM59dq
Catholic doctrine is inherently anti-white. Con says: "apartheid was immoral because it rejected the equal human dignity of every citizen"
April 08, 2015:
My read is that queers are essentially men with a disorder which manifests as unwillingness to accept any limitations on carnal desire.
How many of you folks realize "The Holocaust" was concocted by jews just like #SabrinaRubinErdely? Say hello to my li'l friend the Big Lie.
So there's this guy, let's call him Father McFeely. He likes to suck off 12-14-year-old boys. Is he a queer or a pedophile?
Lots of sympathy for queers these days; not so much for those who notice there's a pretty darn big overlap between queer and pedo.
WN must coldly look on the base of the pyramid (conservatives) as resource and nothing else, just as the winners do. Not mix as equals.#tcot
Do you want to live in a world where nigger is normal? Then support diversity. If not, then you have but one choice: #TeamWhite
Notice this typical kike tactic: respond to critics of jew behavior with character smears of critics.
Conservatives think jews are just whites with a different religion. Christian universalism leads whites into political delusion.
Destroy jews or watch jews destroy us. Yeah, those are our two options, fellow white folks, boiled of all bullshit. #waronwhites
When all these journalistic lies and failures point in the same direction, that's a sure sign an ideological agenda is at work.
The Holohoax is every bit as real as the #UVAHoax. Congrats to noble Iran for having the guts to stand up to evil, lying jews/Israelis/Zios.
What feminists actually believe: all men are rapists, but only <1% have been convicted for it. Hence, no sympathy for falsely accused.
There's no term for 'hating whites.' There is an 'academic discipline' devoted to it, though. #whitenessstudies #loxism
Everything is distorted in the same direction: the white is always made to look bad or guilty, and the black innocent or victimized.
April 06, 2015:
Jewsmedia start with an agenda (destroying white society/frats) and then concoct whatever story/data they need to achieve it. #UVAHoax
April 05, 2015:
Jewish privilege is when you invent a gang rape out of whole cloth & your jewish boss won't even fire you. #SabrinaRubinErdely #RollingStone
#SabrinaRubinErdely is the reason German nationalists made kikes walk around with visual identifiers. We should too.
#SabrinaRubinErdely & #RollingStone were making a jewish ideological attack on whites. That's why they didn't care about the facts. #loxism
If you're a jew like #SabrinaRubinErdely and you hate white men, #RollingStone is a great place to make up lies about them.
When someone wants you dead, you don't complain to them about unfairness. Unless you're a conservative. #tcot
The left is led by jews. It is inherently totalitarian. Its main obstacle, as it sees it, is the existence of the white race. #whitegenocide
April 04, 2015:
These kikes would be hilarious if they weren't so genocidal. What they transmit through genes is capacity to lie without shame.
Himmler: I am of the conviction that the Roman emperors, who eradicated the first Christians, did exactly the same thing that we ...
Cons are accused of racism, quite unjustly. But when it comes to victims of Israel, conservative attitudes genuinely merit the term bigotry.
Black people create poverty. I do not theorize, I have sat there and literally watched them lower property values minute by minute.
White Americans, to be redundant, are going to learn the hard way about rigid ideological judeo-communist class hatred. #nojewsjustright
Jews are always just about to be pushed out of Europe. At the same time, they're buying up half of Poland and the middle of Berlin. #itzhype
Iran is judged by what paranoid, hateful, hypocritical jews claim to believe it MIGHT do, whereas Israel is NOT judged by what it DOES do.
April 03, 2015:
Jews persecute others. Then lie that they are the victims. For thousands of years, that is the kike MO.
Blacks rape and murder whites and think nothing of it. Whites feel guilty about mistreating one black. Due to xtianity.
Xtianity says it is immoral to treat a race as a class, they must all be taken as individuals. That is genocidal doctrine
Now we can freely talk about masturbation in public, but not real politics. We either parrot the PC line, or we swallow our tongues.
Most blacks don't believe crime is a real thing. Rather, it's something whites invented to keep them from getting ahead.
Jews created The Gays as a political identity they could use, as with Angry Black Man & Feminist, to bash and destroy white society.
Public faggotry goes perfectly with decline of standards. Sex was a private matter before the Frankfurt School jews took over.
We rightly associate christianity with dumb people, but it has an even worse effect on smart people.
Think big, not small: the man who liberates humanity from the jews will go down as the greatest man ever. Could you be him? Why not?
Passover is a day when jews celebrate the murder of non-jewish babies. Or as Gazans call it "Tuesday."
This is the particular horror of our vein: to be stuck between the sanctimonious madmen (north) and religious cooters (south).
What is it that queers do that's so noble and worthy of respect and privileged legal status? Licking and poking each other's poo holes?
Look at all that implicitly white money flooding in to Normal Pizza. It's like there's this great body of people with no representation...
April 01, 2015:
Tolerance means you tolerating what I tell you to. (Leftists - the folks with endless snark and negligible irony)
Free association solves 90% of social-intercourse problems. That's why bureaucrats hate and fear it and try to end it.
We should counter-genocide the jews. What other option do we have? Your christian policy of kicking them out/dripping on them failed.
In an Aryan society, what goes on behind your doors is your business. Under a jewish tyranny, "the personal is political." Hence, monitored.
Christianity domesticated the white man into a sheep, then is surprised when he won't say boo to Big Fag. I mean...what do you expect?
To murder the USA, jews had to destroy freedom of association, a constitutional right that allowed white communities to protect themselves.
The USA is run by jews with the same mentality and bloodlines as the jews that set up the USSR and murdered tens of millions of whites.
Why is white racial writing the most interesting, fervid and fecund out there? Precisely because it is the most oppressed.
"War on discrimination" = jews perverting Constitutional rights to prevent whites from defending themselves against coerced mongrelization.
Don't think of them as nazis, think of them as Germans. Germans figured out how to neutralize & then defeat jews. The Anglosphere never has.
Don't defend yourself, attack your enemy. What could be simpler? Just add lucha-freude and you're there.
The Anglo world can't produce a Hitler because it views honesty as declasse. We must allus be a-seemin'. Vaunt vaunt vaunt look sideways.
Let's face it. Christianity is played. That shit may have a future in China or voodooland, but it's done among us. We need a new thing.
I am willing to pretend to be a christian speak in public for any congregation who needs a mouthpiece to articulate a position against FAGS.
Why be a submissive to a bunch of retarded ingrates? Ask them if they're appropriating your white culture by living indoors.
Where is the christian preacher or priest who will stand up and denounce faggots and their faggy faggotry? Where?
Christianity has been around for 2000 years. And the fucking cult can't produce a single public figure who will forthrightly oppose faggotry
You believe in free will. But you hate the sin and love the sinner...who chose to sin. That is a contradiction, though you deny it.
If you're white, and you're in the area, for god's sake go to any shop/restaurant that publicly bans fags.
#goycott jew businesses to fight #whitegenocide. Don't buy retail. Don't buy anything. Make it, fix it, eschew it.
Conservatives are capable neither of creating nor defending traditions. Rather, like women, they enjoy and benefit from them.
March 30, 2015:
Has the christian church ever barred the door and said "you can't come in, you're not white." It has not. So how can it be pro-white?
Jews are a race of congenital liars. Watch any expose of 'holocaust' and you can see that lying is in their seed and marrow. #yesalljews
They pretend they avoid naming jews out of principle, but it's actually out of cowardice and self-interest. #NRx
Jews focus on whites, their nature and how to defeat them. Whites pretend they have no enemies, and write about abstractions.
You're only allowed to BE a PUBLIC CONSERVATIVE if you sign off on RACISM FOR ISRAEL and FORCED MONGRELISM for white nations. #tcot #NRx
Neoreaction = cowardice. "Pretending we have no enemies, and failing to name and fight them is good for my career!" - young fogeys #NRx
A suggestible, dreamy, honest race (the Germanics - essentially, all of us, incl. Celtic and Slavic) - is now getting its wakeup call.
I revere the Founders. But I just blip over what they said about race. Because a jew told me it's not important. I'm a conservative. #tcot
What conservs say about Hitler = lies made up by jews and circulated by Fox News for Children. What Hitler said about cons burns eternal.
Hitler described the conservative type. They're all the same. They write essays to impress each other while the country burns.
While blacks macroaggress whites into the grave, jewsmedia maunders on about manners infractions called microaggressions. #loxism
Each white carries on his back an invisable trash can, and as he moves around each day the jewsmedia & muds fill it with obnoxious slights.
When you don't know who you are, you quickly get lost in confusion. This is the story of the white race.
Do you really believe some guy died 2000 years ago. And he was God's son. And he died for your sins. Do you really believe that? You don't.
Re this indiana thing, it's funny to see leftists struggle to grasp this weird thing called freedom. It's like a dog first seeing snow.
To women, Jesus is simply The Perfect Boyfriend. Don't think I'm kidding, this is exactly how the titted set sees da jebus.
We see how the jews use minority groups against whites, particular muds and sex deviants. But another is white incompetents (NEA, for ex.).
March 29, 2015:
The christian church and jewish media tell whites it's immoral to defend themselves from black predation.
"After Leo Frank's lynching, ~ half of Georgia's 3,000 Jews left the state." Now that's what they call the good old days. #lynchingworks
Jews accuse. Whites sweat and say I'm not. That...must change. It's really very simple. Are we the prey, or are we The Man? #fightloxism
When your position on race can only be defended by positing a supernatural being...you don't have a strong position. #catholicstrong
Jews are a collective negative that must be destroyed for white society to function correctly. Lie and evade as you will, this truth remains.
Xtian leaders tell normal whites they're immoral if they don't welcome dark aliens into their communities. We are one human race, they say.
March 28, 2015:
The very notion of freedom is confusing and frightening to the left. http://t.co/sXcCkOsPLi
March 27, 2015:
Blacks are like a continual low-grade infection in society, and then every so often they flare up into AIDS.
"Serve our country" - you do accept a paycheck...right? I mean, you're not doing it for free...right? Who pays you, green nigger?...right.
Jews are deliberately guilty of creating an unsafe environment for whites. Jews absolutely deserve the racial death sentence.
Jews have incited blacks against whites, then twisted law to force them into white areas where they aren't wanted.
Conservatives are a problem to WN for 2 reasons: 1) they wont go all the way to full explanation; 2) they actively obscure it with 2/3 bs.
Conservatives provide a false, plausible, but first and last _profitable_ explanation for the problems America and the West face. #tcot
In the US, blacks, whites and browns are all christians. Tell me again how christianity is the source of civilization? Why isn't it working?
"Clearing the underbrush" is the policy of cleaning up the conservative weeds the jews hide in and behind. #tcot
If whites do better, it's because of racism. Not because they're better. If blacks do worse, it's because of racism. Not because they're...
Even when they resist, conservatives can't help but show their submissive nature, for they invariably use the terms of their enemies. #tcot
Give me control of the mass media for two weeks, and there won't be a jew left alive on earth. For righteous reasons.
March 26, 2015:
Christian morality (Catholic doctrine) demands we treats blacks as individuals, with "human dignity." Is that wise? Is it working?
Conservatives have been dog-trained to look for individual solutions to collective problems. Keep mopping the floor while the faucet runs.
White nationalism is simply class action for people who are hated, attacked and discriminated against by the powers that be. #loxism
March 25, 2015:
Why grovel? "The day I sang 'nigger,' niggers murdered more than a dozen humans." http://t.co/Sp1wsC1D3O
March 24, 2015:
Boers and American Southerners have tied themselves to the Bible and have drown/will drown because of it.
March 23, 2015:
it's funny in a weird way that black women WANT to believe that their slave ancestors were raped by white owners, when that was seldom true
I call on Global Jew to admit you are a bunch of loxist monsters, sell all your media holdings to the Amish, and retire from the intl stage.
It is inherently easier for people with somewhat disagreeable personalities to understand the jew thing than for amiable types.
Jewish hatred of white men, or #loxism, is essentially the only motivation behind the mass media; its practical, functional raison d'etre.
To feminists, trained by jews, actual facts seem superfluous since we all know white men r guilty. This is the psychology behind this crap.
Under jewish marxism, whites are categorically guilty. The concept of innocent white man is categorically rejected a priori.
Men support and elevate women, like a bra. Which not coincidentally they invented. There is no oppression but in mouth of lying jews.
What are we going to do, as a nation, about the #rapehoaxculture in jewish journalism, aka mass media, aka junk media? #loxism
Under the jew, we bend over backward to give the silly girl feminist-liar the benefit of the doubt while abusing honest, innocent white men.
March 21, 2015:
"Another innocent white family/man destroyed by useless niggers he was already sponsoring via taxes" --accurate
Churches provide a context and thruline for white life. But the context is a lie. Whites can and should supersede xtianity with racialism.
If you think you're a christian and a racialist, all that proves is you don't take either one seriously.
March 20, 2015:
christianity is liberalism. you cant hate liberalism and love christianity, they are the same damn thing: crank egalitarian universalism
Here's a little hint for Evola readers: there is no Tradition. The crank made it up. Reverse progressivism based on fantastical golden age.
#IStandwithIsrael when it murders Americans. And sells our tech to China. And opens our borders. And drags us into wars. Go Israel!
It was christianity that made whites unable to defend themselves in South Africa. And it's doing the same thing in the American South.
March 19, 2015:
Iran allows inspections of nukes it doesn't have. Israel denies inspections of (HUNDREDS) of nukes it does have.
The amount of effort one must expend to get whites to take their own side in a fight... Boy, that jesus cult has really done a number on us.
Joe Goebbels was a shrimpy little dude with a fucked up foot. And he had more balls and initiative than all American cons put together.
The real reason jews hate christmas has nothing to do with jesus, it's that for ONE FUCKING DAY they and their concerns are not front & center.
It is very important the white racial movement not be tarred with the cowardice of conservatism OF ALL SHADES. That's the danger of WINO.
What is White Nationalist racial politics? It's Schwarzenegger in that movie: "Come with me if you want to live."
It is jews, first and most, who stand between normal whites and the world they want to live in. #loxism
The next step is to advocate WHITES. Not individuals or abstractions. Whites for WHITES. For White sovereignty. Not rights.
We are NOT all in this together. Whites have nothing but genocide in prospect so long as they remain jew-tied to blacks and browns.
The first step to the recovery of political courage is to calls jews jews. Not liberals etc. Those other terms are cowardly evasions.
You don't think it's jew? You're wrong. But try this exercise. What do you want changed? How do you get there? WHO BLOCKS THE WAY?. See?
The jews controlling our immigration policy see to it that we have fried-spider eaters like Eh Lar Doh Htoo running around New Bern, N.C.
Epithets, freedom and lynching are historically inseparable. They are freedom. A judge who fears no lynch rope soon eschers into a king.
We need to have a national conversation about race. Now, white people, here's your dialogue kit. Remove the tape from pouch, seal over mouth
Hating and desiring to harm whites doesn't even have a name (#loxism) yet it defines our public square and national conversation.
I don't tolerate being lectured by niggers or jews. You shouldn't either. No white man or woman should.
Remember - if whites were given their own EXCLUSIVE country, all these racial problems go away. They (jews) wont do that. They WANT problems
It's just a massive coincidence that everyone paid to write for the mass media feels exactly the same way about race and crime.
Abuse conservatives - always. It will radicalize the better elements and destroy the weaker ones. And in any case, they deserve it.
No way out but through the jews. When you understand that and accept it, you graduate from a conservative boy to a racialist man.
No one says jews alone are the problem. What we say is they are the idea men, financiers and ringleaders. As Churchill said of jews in USSR.
No group that accepts jews is serious. That's in stone. You can echo the jews in calling it obsession or monomania, but it's mere necessity.
Whites can't defend themselves from problems caused by jews by associating and mixing with jews and treating them as friends.
Jews know that #NRx types (bourgeois) are fearful & vain. They appeal to their vanity: jew explanation isn't nuanced enough! Status danger!
Look at the Supreme Court and tell me jews don't run things. No? Look who owns tv and papers? No? Who owns the investment banks and Fed?
Jews created the Angry Nigger(tm), Feminist(tm) and 'Gay" identities. All for public consumption. All as tools to destroy White America.
Blacks are inherently dumb and violent, but they DON'T inherently hate whites - that chip was put on their should by jews, mostly thru media
Jews deliberately poisoned American blacks against whites, fully intending the violence and misery that ensued.
To protect itself from the genocidal threat posted by jews, awakened whites should help the public see that WHITE vs JEW is the realpolitik.
There is neither loyalty nor fanaticism in the conservative, of any stripe. There is only and always impotent whining about unfairness. #NRx
Jews know all the have to do is fabricate a charge against one #tcot or #NRx, and the rest will scatter to the winds. Conservative = coward.
Read what Hitler said about conservatives. What Goebbels said. What Rockwell said. It's a type. Time/place don't matter. #NRx #tcot
"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." -Henry Kissinger
Our ancestors, poisoned with christianity, made the mistake of treating jews as individuals rather than killer bees. Let's correct that.
March 18, 2015:
When you mix blacks in with whites, you lower the civilizational level. That is no good for anyone, even blacks.
Dumb people can't understand smart people. This is why blacks can't understand whites. And talk about "keeping it real" ie sex and money.
And so it is today. The church doesn't stand against jew-bolshevism, it helps it finish its job of ruining the white west.
So much worry about adjectives and attitudes. That is effeminate. Be a man. Be honest and bold, not cringing and euphemizing.
The simple fact is, there are tens of millions of useless nigger bucks who have literally nothing better to do than attack humans. #EBTworld
When it was time to stand up to the jewish-bolsheviks, the church was nowhere to be found. Hence the need for Evil Nazis.
There is no divine law that says we have to keep pretending niggers are people with rights rather than dangerous wild animals.
The price of pretending niggers are human is the destruction of our civilization and everything we hold dear.
If you speak the truth about race, you will be denounced by all the professional christians in your community...
Niggers have "human dignity." Are you shitting me, you sad-sack jesus queer? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Christianity gives money to and makes excuses for the black and brown savages that wreck America. Source of civilization, you tell me?
Jesus said to love your enemy. I have a better idea. Hate your enemy and fight him. You christian faggot-ass fag.
Christian love leaves no room for FIGHTING. Sanctimonious, other-approved mass murder, sure, but not real, valid, useful fighting.
'Black people' and 'black man' are obnoxious propaganda euphemisms. Blacks are niggers. The few that aren't, tough shit for them.
Stop accommodating niggers, white man. And stop listening to jews. THEY BOTH MEAN YOU ILL. #tcot #tlot #loxism #TeamWhite
Not a single rabbi has ever apologized or even acknowledged what jews did to whites (murdered tens of millions of them) with communism.
Notice how jews never apologize, and whites never stop? Even tho the former have every reason to, and the latter don't?
There is nothing more organic than inventing a mythological creature that inhabits your neck of the woods, especially if you get it on tape.
March 17, 2015:
50,000 murders a year - that's the price exacted, in South Africa, by going with the Catholic doctrine of equal "human dignity."
It's not just that marriage is legally inadvisable for men, it's that being a _man_ is not really legally advisable these days.
The unserious conservative complains about liberal bias; the serious white racialist points out jews attempt to bring about #whitegenocide.
Professional conservatives are basically catholic altar boys who serve at the behest and pleasure of the jew priests running banks and media
Crime itself is white concept. Blacks aren't being brazen like jews when they defend their criminals, they don't see them as criminals.
You could film a kumbaya coke commercial with all the racial-religious-ethnic groups thru time who agree jews are a tribe of shits.
If you get kicked out of three bars...you're the problem. If jews get kicked out of 109 countries...you're the problem. #loxism
Conservatism without racialism doesn't even make sense. Even anti-intellectual Americans should be able to figure that out.
March 16, 2015:
White men worry about the quality of their work; discoloreds and other losers worry about white men. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was
Republicans? Conservatives? They're jew appeasers. They put Israel ahead of America. And jews ahead of whites. #tcot #tlot #nojewsjustright
So jews have pretty much destroyed our money, our reputation, our racial stock, and now they're studying chinese to become Chinksteins.
If you don't hate jews, there is only one reason. You don't understand what they're doing. They are putting your sons & daughters at risk.
I'm not afraid of jews. And I'm not exceptionally brave either. When are you going to quit living in fear of them, fellow White Americans?
The American government doesn't represent Americans, it represents jews and the minorities they allow to feed on the white carcass w them.
If your party or philosophy accepts jews or makes excuses for them, you're not serious. You're a punk, a gelding, a dupe, or a shill. #NRx
March 15, 2015:
You would think people would at some point notice that nothing ever changes no matter who is elected, but they never do.
Conservatives are the fake opposition. Their leaders (people at Colter/Limbaugh level) realize this. Their base does not.
Using jew-commie terms like 'racism' and 'anti-semitism' is the verbal equivalent of digging your own grave before you're shot.
When you are a political minority, it is particularly important to coin your own terms and use them AS A TEAM.
Jew political terms like 'racism,' 'sexism,' 'homophobia,' and 'anti-semitism' aren't ordinary words but conceptual tricks.
In every christian country I know of, jews have risen to the top to control banking and media, and turn these powers against the white race.
There is nothing in christianity that 1) values whiteness; 2) can protect whites against jews. These are the facts, and they cant be refuted
Oh, Catholic priests. What a great group of people. Love illegal aliens almost as much as little boys.
The pope's not a "real" catholic. Cuz if he were, man, he'd be totally pro-white. <-----the form of all White Christian argumentation
I resent having innocent kids in Iraq and Iran killed because my congressman is gutless piece of shit who licks Israel ass. #jewappeasers
Catholic catechism teaches me blacks have souls and "human dignity." And when I look in Bill Cosby's muddy eyes, yeah, I think i see it.
The point of public education is to educate the commoners to the level they are able to take in govt propaganda. That's all. #NEA
Catholic catechism insists niggers are created by god, have souls, and possess "human dignity." Catholicism, then, is barbarous.
They take cave crickets no man with a microscope and 1000 years could tell apart & claim they're different species. But not nigs and whites!
Let's be honest, people of human. If we woke up tomorrow and all niggers had died during the night. Wouldn't we all sigh with relief?
Blacks always wanted to rape human women, but couldn't until jews gave them legal access and media defense. #loxism #deathtothejews
Did you know that the term 'racist' is actually a euphemism? It cleverly smears white character while actually upgrading blacks to human.
Before a communist jew invented the loxist term 'racism' in the 1920s, blacks were considered a different species. Well, they were and are.
"We'll stamp and cry and murder white people and shoot cops if you even try to defend yourself against one of our criminals." #Ferguson
Jews promote the idea that white girls want blacks, that blacks are manlier, that race-mixing is good.
Tying our white race to blacks makes no more sense than tying our feet to a cinder block and going for a swim.
The Catholic moral professional is all about "human dignity." But he won't have you, now, poking into just what he means by 'human.'
Is racial segregation an affront to "human dignity"? What about the rapes and murder ensuing when coons are loosed and treated as equals?
I can even accept that spiritual leadership is helpful, but a christian church is the last place on earth to look for it.
Love and beauty won't save us, that's just Duke getting old. Hate, organization, fanaticism, discipline and perseverance will. #TeamWhite
More die in a week under ANC jew-commies than 40 years under apartheid, but apartheid, per catholic doctrine, is immoral and must go.
Niggers, such as the rioting, looting, cop-shooting coons at #Ferguson, have human dignity, according to Catholic doctrine. Do you agree?
Catholic doctrine is 1 human race, from god, possessing "human dignity" therebecause. Blacks can't be treated as a group, it's immoral.
Christians are very like jews, the deeper you dig. They take credit for everything, responsibility for nothing.
The only political question that matters is whether we whites are going to continue to allow jews to dictate to us. #TeamWhite vs Team Jew.
"Multiculturalism!" lies the jew. "But I don't want to immerse my people in the destructive element," responds the sane white. #fightloxism
Catholic doctrine, as cited in the catechism, refers to "the peoples of the human race." These people are "equal" in "dignity."
Hatred? It's out there. It comes from the jews. It's directed at whites. #loxism I dare to name it and laugh because I'm not a crissy punk.
Niggers never let a petty thing like ownership or law get in the way of showing themselves a good time. Sheeeit, man, theys niggas.
Math for morons: nigger + cross = nigger. Nigger + manpants = nigger. Nigger + sociology = nigger. Nigger + EBT = more niggers. #niggermath
Why are jews evil? They baked millions of Germans alive. And they lied that it was done to them. They are a race of liars that need extinct.
Torturing animals is morally wrong? Only whites think so. Blacks and browns enjoy it. Yellows don't have a problem with it.
I've met lots of Germans and lots of jews. It's about 100,000x easier to believe JEWS would gas GERMANS than vice versa.
Blacks don't need to be fixed, they're not broken. They're perfectly functional low-IQ bush savages.
The left is right about one thing: whites do assume that white standards are universals. This mistake is a carryover from xtian universalism
It's funny (and contradictory) how xtians believe God created everything, yet they insist on thinking blacks are simply broken whites.
The South operated on the theory that christian teaching could convert nigger bush savages into functional stained humans. Did. Not. Work.
Throw race out window, nature out window, reality out window. This is what we wanna believe, and by gum we're gonna. --Christianity
How many whites have died or been permanently maimed thanks to the actions of #MikeBrown and his jewish media defenders? At least three...
The US is 18 trillion and growing in debt, and we turn out our empty pockets daily 2 feed Israel. Becuz xtians
Christianity is alt-alchemy. It claims to take lead-people and make them gold. Like the original alchemists, xtianity doesn't succeed.
Christianity has erected an entire belief system out of a child's desire to play with feces. That is scarcely a gibe, just look around.
WN Christian (sic): My church won't fight for me, indeed 'twill fight against me, but I'll damn sure fight for it. #what
How is that christian doctrine of converting the savages into humans by opening the bible at them working out for you, white man?
#Loxism is the fear and loathing JEWS have for NORMAL WHITE PEOPLE. It is the hatred that defines our times, though it goes unspoken.
Whites fed blacks and housed them and gave them jobs. Out of christian stupidity & evil. Now niggers threaten to swamp white society. #tcot
Christianity is a cement block, not a life preserver. It's taking you straight to the bottom, white man. #TeamWhite
Blacks and jews are outraged at whites merely defending themselves. You think #whitegenocide is a joke? Where else does that mentality lead?
They hate you because you're white. Not because of anything you say or do. Because of what you are. Build your politics on this.
Christians call it love. But it's plain to see that most of it is simply weakness. Mental or character deficiency.
What's actually contemptible about the Tea Party is that it hasn't the courage to acknowledge the Founders were racists, not individualists.
Whites should be aggressive. They have every reason to be. But their krazy kult, xtianity, and jew brainwashing, have rendered them passive.
Race is the basis, the only basis, from which whites can defeat the jewish aggressor. Hence they try to scare you from it with 'racism.'
You gain nothing by saying you're not racist, because they'll call you it anyway, if you try to protect 1 atom or dollar of your existence.
#Loxism is that fear and loathing which jews have for ordinary, normal white people. It is the hatred that defines our times.
Jews pride themselves on brazen lying and destroying all customs and forms. But if you fight back, they cry "anti-semitism." #loxism
If you read, and think, and perceive - you soon realize that jews are not merely the worst people on earth - there's no other competitor.
Non-whites hate whites for their superiority. As this will never change, the hatred will never go away. Rather, jews will steep it into law.
Christian love more often than not can be found walking hand in hand with jewish hate. Its natural wife, one might say. Good cop to the bad.
March 14, 2015:
The popularity of anti-whitism has grown, about like tattoos. The way whites get off on hating their own is noticeable and ugly.
What we need is enough intelligence to figure out the sides (#TeamWhite vs Team Jew) and enough guts to fight for our side.
Christianity trained whites to feel guilty about everything. How's that working out for you, white man?
Whites are racist? Christ, you can't even get them to exclude their worst enemy when defending themselves. #Nrx #tcot #TeamWhite
Jews are sadistically abusing the white population, which for the most part has no idea what's going on. #loxism
Hitler was basically right about everything. What other qualification for Most Evil Man Ever could there be, given who runs things?
Just like Hitler said, no matter what problem with you start with, when you track down the cause, there is a nasty little man w a big nose.
Every white man and woman needs to have that Sally Field moment. "They hate us. They really hate us."
If you're white, you're #DarrenWilson. You may be right, but they hate you, and it is genocidal. Defend your kind or perish, white man.
March 12, 2015:
All these people defamed Wilson for months. The media tried to get him lynched. Not one apology - from anyone. This is the left. #Ferguson
Genetic proclivity for violence and low IQ are enough to explain black failure, no need to invent racism-magic. #loxism
Christianity paralyzed whites with 'higher' morality. Whether jews planned that from the outset, they were quick to recognize its utility.
If doing what needs to be done is morally wrong, well...you've put yourself in quite a position, haven't you, little jebus man?
Christianity is the celebration of defectiveness and weakness - and they call their bullshit love. Love sides with the #Ferguson niggers.
March 11, 2015:
It's christian morality coupled with jewish media lies that prevents whites from seeing blacks for what they are - and responding rationally
Blacks represent a hominid hurricane that is entirely predictable and completely avoidable. Reclassify them as animals, not men.
White men are the most individuated group out there, hence the group it makes the least sense to categorically reject for 'diversity.'
There's more (genuine and valuable) diversity among any ten white men than in the entire black race. #weneeddiversebooks
it's not white men's fault they're the best at everything. check your hate privilege, niggers, 'nists, yids and other maloccs.
Lynching, epithets, freedom and small government -- all the good stuff -- all go together. So do big govt, anti-whitism, bureaucracy and PC.
The more intelligent and self-controlled you are, the more helpful it is if you use the term nigger. Then you're icebreaker to judeo-left PC
Whites are racist. If only! There are umpteen million white charitable orgs spending trillions in dollars and man-hours aiding blacks.
Christians worry about my atheist attacks on their cult much more than they worry about their cult's attack on my race.
March 10, 2015:
Lynching is characteristic of civilized peoples; sitting on hands waiting for corrupt authorities is characteristic of domesticated peoples.
I am really getting tired of people who back off what they say. You incur contempt and incite attack when you do this, white weakling.
If you're only going to apologize for something...don't say it, don't speak it, don't type it. That is unmanly.
The minute you don't apologize for your words, you become the rock. And they shatter on you. No matter they're the majority, they recede.
You shouldn't be in racialism at all if you think 1) it's dirty, 2) it's immoral, 3) it can't win. It is not entertainment, so go away.
Instead of letting fear drive what you say or dont, how about honor? if something needs to be said and is true, you don't apologize for it.
Blacks rape and murder whites daily in #HushCrimes but whites singing a song is the real story. http://t.co/XCvNnN8fWC
Christianity tells me that PRIDE is a SIN. Then we wonder why they're all grovelers celebrating and aiding their own racial displacement.
March 09, 2015:
Mass media are all about MONEY. That's why they leaped to produce Gibson's Passion of the Christ and why Tim Tebow got a second chance.
Blacks have imperishable souls of priceless value. That's not standup comedy. That's christian doctrine.
The country that has 400 nukes and doesn't allow inspections is quite rationally afraid of the country that has 0 and does. #what
The left = jews = liars & defamers. Accept that. No stoopid #tcot appeal to fairness or whine about bias will change them.
The left seeks to enforce taboos which sustain the existing power structure. Yet it presents itself as the rebellious side. Clever, perhaps?
Life is tough. Therefore we take recourse in the delusion of an afterlife. God bless you little xtian animalcules.
Jew says: you will cringe and whine and cry whenever we call you racist, antisemite, homophobe. Conservative: I submit to those terms. #tcot
Black lives obviously matter hugely to the junkmedia making excuses for them. It's white lives that don't matter - except to #TeamWhite.
It does no good at all not to be open & public with the fact that jews are the main enemy of the white race - and the leader of the others.
Your job is not to worry about your reputation, it's to figure out the right principles and marry them. And don't stray from them.
Is it that you've never dealt with the common media that you can't grasp that you CANNOT control how you're conveyed, hence your reputation?
When you accept the need to prove you are not X or Y, you have submitted. Conservatives, aka little men, are incapable of grasping this.
Conservatives love to say that Islam means submission. When you say "I am not a Nazi/racist, etc" guess what? That is your submission. #tcot
Anytime you hear someone against MUSLIM immigration rather than just immigration in general, you're hearing a paid or unpaid jew tool. #tcot
They were lying about soap - and admit it. They were lying about lampshades - and admit. They are lying about gas chambers -- ... #holohoax
They not only don't report #hushcrimes committed by their dark charges against whites, they actively howl when whites defend themselves.
Immigrants are good so long as they threaten whites, but bad if they threaten jews. Hence attempts to carve muslims out of greater invasion.
March 08, 2015:
What part of 'skill set' isn't covered by 'skills'? Boy howdy do AmeriKwans love their pretentious pseudo-clinical/-scientific verbiage.
Smart people instinctively resist making things as simple as they need to be. #TeamWhite vs Team Jew. That is the necessary reduction.
Sure sign of the conservative coward: pretending that blacks are some kind of independent polical force rather than function of jewsmedia.
NRx generally have the right attitudes, but are held back by fear of the jew and crank views on economics. Just my opinion.
If you want to grasp what's actually going on the world, white racialists are far and away your best sources for information set in context.
Nothing jews do results in their losing credibility; conversely, no record of accurate prediction adds credibility to racialists.
The ones called racist-hater-extremists are the ones who saved your son from getting killed in ME. If you listened to them. #nowarforIsrael
Slavery 200 years ago? Highly relevant. Felonious behavior ten minutes ago? Irrelevant. #DinduNuffins
Another #DinduNuffins snuffed, in Madison. What lie will left replace "hands up, don't shoot" with? http://t.co/Qa0DKuKKUO
March 07, 2015:
Jews don't accept being dominated by whites. Whites, particularly christians, do accept being dominated by jews. This is sad.
There are very few media members and virtually no Congressmen who haven't been flown to Israel and given The Treatment.
March 06, 2015:
You don't "win" by being gentlemanly when The Other is trying to defame and destroy your character. You lose. You show weakness.
WN should act like the big man in the bar. If this guy steps to you with "hater" then you beat his head in.
One sign of an honest man is he encourages you to doubt and check what he says, rather than accept and believe. Dr. Pierce, for example.
Never respond to attacks like "you're a hater." Rather, attack the attacker with language as abusive as you can muster.
White men are the most competent portion of the population. If we had small govt. THEY could fill the LOW SERVICE JOBS.
Imagine every time you went to the store, the station, the office, you were attended by a competent white career- and family-man.
Everything in the US is run for the benefit of: 1) jews, 31) niggers/muds, 32) sex deviants, 33) angry incompetent menopausal women.
Anything soft AND high-paid requiring a degree will be given to muds or women thru AA. White men know this. College is just debt to them.
Now all the lefties are saying Wilson's a coward for defending himself against a marauding nigger. They blip over the "hands up..." lie.
Jews destroyed back-to-Africa (Garvey) and self-help (BTW) schools while elevating the blame-whites 'civil rights' path.
Jews are, for lack of a better word, evil. Everything they do is to lie and mislead and abuse, all for their own good.
There is nothing more attactive than white-woman skin. It is not improved by adding inky bluebirds atop bromides.
Your skin is a sexual organ, and second in power only to your tongue. Why ink yourself into looking like an off-brand candy bar wrapper?
March 05, 2015:
Stimulate not men's urge to grovel but their ability to admire. Admiration, gratitude and understanding are somehow linked.
The only thing feminists have in common with normal women is their delusion that women's feelings are important.
Christianity doesnt teach men to control their natural reactions, which is necessary, but to distrust them, which is a very different thing.
Northern maniacs thought loosing niggers was a good idea. Southern fools thought bapitizing them wold do the trick. #doublefail
White men don't want to be pandered to but called. The WN crowd, who are more conservative than racialists, dont grasp this essential point.
There are fifteen races of bass, distinguished mainly by gill freckles, but only one species of man. #howslowdoigottasayitman
"Where laughter departs, sound sense soon follows." --Marcus Aurelius, early critic of the Jesus Cult
Christainity dog trains its turdballs not to laugh, then we're surprised when they gulp down Holocaust horseshit without burping.
Scotland had an Enlightenment. Whites need one now, resulting in Aryan School - a context alternative to antiwhite liberalism/xtianity.
The white man's natural reaction to a nigger is that it is a threat to his community and should be destroyed. That reaction is correct.
If the people running the media and running down whites were Amish, I'd say Amish. But they're jews, so I say jews. #loxism #accuracymatters
Not every figure in the mass media is a jew, obviously, but the milieu was created by jews and serves their interests - alone.
"Christian morality is what allows me to be vicious and still feel good about myself" -- the christian, had he insight.
Morality to a xtian is like a footnote to a PhD. The faggot cant speak and stand on his own, he needs a big brother.
I advocate exterminating the jewish race based on what it has done historically. Xtians advocate nuking Iran for what it HASN'T done.
The things morality commands us to do are always the most vicious, Twain noted and I note in his train.
The number of good people in England can be listed on one hand. If that hand belongs to an inept woodshop teacher.
From pioneers to people who need to call experts to save themselves from corn snakes. The American Experience, itz! (hs hist text)
America is going the way of Europe - turning humans into veal, trusting everything to experts to be made "free" and safe. Boo. No. Stop.
The cheap comfort provided by sugar eventually destroys the body. Parallel is christianity to the soul.
Let us remember the noble Irishman Judge Luke E. Lawless of St. Louis, who famous termed the abolitionists 'Sanctimonious Madmen.'
The world will know peace only when jews have been exterminated. Until then, it will roil in war, and mostly be unable to figure out why.
What many do not grasp is that even if you remove jews and blacks, giant centralized government is inherently anti-white.
Name a single preacher -- anywhere -- who will stand in public and advocate against policies that destroy 'the white community.'
Christianity is an entirely different mentality than racialism. It is oriented to another world that, to be charitable, might not exist.
As Aristotle said, the point of government is to grow giant colonies of feral niggers at home and subsidize endless foreign wars abroad.
When the Texas ex-mil climbs the bell tower and shoots people at random, he's a homicidal nut. When Chris Kyle does it, he's a hero. #what
Christianity is indubitably good for whites; look how the preachers arise as one to defend our communities in time of need.
Jews are great with money. That's why the US is 18 trillion in debt. Under white racism, in 1900, the US was solvent. Owed nary a penny.
There's got to be something in Protocols about proliferating comic books as a mechanism of popular control. Sick of adult non-adults.
Where jew-enabled niggers rule, rape becomes a misdemeanor and disrespecting a negro becomes a capital crime.
If Muslims ran things in the US, the same #tcot tards applauding Bibi would be circulating Talmud quotes about jesus boiling in shit & semen
Just remember what Joe Sobran said about professional conservatism: "[It] was all a game; a way of making a living." #tcot Bottom line.
When I hear christian morality, I always think of someone kicking a man when he's down and unconscious. That is where the cross-cult lives.
Look how xtian morality plays to the cowardly sadism that drives the little man. How he glees over the very idea of nuking Iran to death.
When it comes to racism, you can side with the egalitarian fundamentalists, or, you know, the guy who discovered the DNA code.
I was fooled by the mainstream right, growing up. I trusted they were telling the truth about race. They were not.
What is open minded? If you've never considered that the holocaust is a Big Lie, then you're not open minded.
March 04, 2015:
So this is what it comes down to, the feds going thru emails to find whether humans are disrespetting negroes. http://t.co/MI7Zqai3aK
The left so defines the terms that no one escapes their prison alive with reputation and sanity intact. He's always some variant of hater.
You can't appease the left like an angry wife, and that is the model the right works from. The left takes what you cede and continues attack
One does not argue with the left, for they show by their entire history they won't argue; rather one responds to them with abusive ridicule.
Chutzpah is blaming white attitudes for black behavior when those attitudes are 100% caused by black behavior.
The left gets its way by blustering, being brazen, aggressive, never admitting it's wrong, and networking to crush all opposition.
"We know jews are the real problem, but we overlook that and welcome them within our ranks." --CCC/LOS
The left defines disagreement as medically/morally ill. There's no debate. One either crushes the left or is crushed by it.
Some see GOOD CHRISTIAN MEN. I see LITTLE WHITE DOG SYNDROME. Jew Netty throws sticks, good christian congress-doggies run n fetch.
Christians believe jesus was the son of god. The jews turned him over to authorities to be executed. Now watch how they treat #1 jew Bibi.
Conservatism begins with intellectual cowardice disguised as manners, and then proceeds to physical cowardice.
Belief > race. That's why I'm moving to Nigeria. 40m christians there. I'll be safe and welcome among them.
In one hand, put the good men christianity produces. In the other, the servile. See which fills faster.
If you didn't have an emo attachment to it, Southern white racialists, you would see in an instant that your faith endangers your race.
March 03, 2015:
Lie down on the grass without your shirt on. That should be all you need to disabuse you of your unthinking love of nature.
What if those old Germans weren't just ahead of us in automotive technology but in political understanding too? Ever consider that?
"Whites don't exist." Well they exist just fine when you need someone to blame, hate and discriminate against. #loxism
Just keep this in mind: not a single politician in Congress defends Israel out of love, it is 100% and entirely out of fear. Truly pathetic.
The avg American is a goober from Iowa who doesn't realize that everything he thinks he knows about Israel/Iran is filtered thru lying jews.
I'm not qualified to be a conservative because I don't hate myself or automatically feel I'm wrong and morally guilty. I did my diligence.
Conservatism is allowed to exist by the actual power that be (jews) in order to FOOL people that racialism has failed...
League of the South and CCC are mainly Southern, but both admit jews to their groups, and treat them as friends.
Why do they need books and thinking when they have the Bible and prayer? This attitude genocided the Boers and now the South.
Apart from specific policies, consider the tone difference between American/Southern racial cons and German nationalists.
Look how the NS did it. If it didn't work, they stopped doing it. They were aggressive, direct, tough. Laughter, not prayers.
Your duty, as a white man, is not to be fearless but to overcome your fears with your brain and your willpower. Refuse to serve ZOG.
Iran invented modern terrorism. Oh wait. That was Israel. Iran toppled the US president in a violent coup. Oh wait. That was the U.S.
Let people separate, most problems will take care of themselves, whether personal or social-political. But jews won't allow that.
Whites don't agree on anything. WN is for the subset that agrees race is hugely important. More important than religion or economics.
If jews murdered jesus, why do you fawn over them, christians? Why am I the bad guy for wondering at your inconsistencies, from pope down?
March 02, 2015:
Just as hate crime was invented to distract from real crime, zombies (aliens, et al.) were invented to distract from real niggers.
You ever notice that leftists have the same faith in regulation that rightists have in Jesus? It's uncanny. Two utterly unfounded delusions.
It truly is amazing that Americans, mostly of German descent, are willing to believe the worst about Germans and best about jews.
February 28, 2015:
Christians with their niggers. Like a child not responsible enough to care for a pet. Leave them damn wild animals alone, zanies.
If you're dumb enough to fall for god n his sprog jebus, you're dumb enough to fall for 'holocaust' too.
Ich bin Sylvia Stolz. Je suis Sylvia Stolz. I admire Sylvia Stolz. She's not just brave, she's right. http://t.co/8IoglM6Bd9
So is CPAC issuing a condemnation of the jailing of Sylvia Stolz in Germany for the crime of practicing free speech?
The left would like the the comment-apartheid policy which prevails at the Gawker ring to obtain across the entire Internet.
The left isn't well intentioned. It never was. Apart from a few tender young females, the left is malevolent from the word go. #leftism
Worship is for bush niggers. Laughter is for men. Every time a white man enters a church, his skin gets 1 degree darker.
The white movement will only exist when it becomes jealous. First, it absolutely rejects conservatism IN ALL FORMS. Second, it attacks ALL FORMS of conservatism at ALL TIMES. This is how a jealous, rising movement operates. It is intolerant
White nationalists refuse to polarize. They mix with conservatives. They reject principled position as puritanism. And lose.
Whites are a race of questers, not pray-ers. Superstition, again, is for bush niggers. Your pope, preacher, metropolitan - bush niggers all.
Morality beyond a simple, relativist ethics is nonsense - but a powerful tool in the hands of the enemy.
When someone comes to you with grandiose claims about back-from-death and eternal life the correct response is to laugh at him.
How about a bespoke 'religion' for whites? Rather than a masscrap superstitional delusional cult around a sci-fi jewhero?
If you made a catholics-only state, ho hum. The world yawns. Make a whites-only state, people FLOCK TO it. The church knows this.
If the South are manly men, as they all believe, why do they continually elect literal dicksucking jew-servile faggots to public office?
Whatever good ideas there are in conservatism DON'T BELONG TO CONSERVATIVES, they belong to any party who accepts them.
Read about ISIS. See how they polarize. Either you support their view of Islam, or you are the enemy. They polarize - and win because of it.
Sadism is vastly underrated as a jewish motive in destroying whites areas. It's usually misinterpreted as hating beauty by WN. #loxism
Conservatives refuse to acknowledge the actual game being played, thus remain forever children. At most they rise to the level of tools.
The enemy is well aware it's tyrannical. It laughs at the impotence of conservatives whining about fairness and double standards.
When the white race starts killing those who say it ought to be abolished/genocided/whatever, then it will regain its respect & independence
In my lifetime, the population of South Africa has gone from 30m to over 50m. That's not 20m extra whities, that's 20m niggers.
Fuck the Constitution. Anything on a paper can be gotten around. The USG exists to extract money from whites and enrich kikes and niggers.
The majesty of the US government produces endless growing piles of EBTcoons and aliens at home and judeo-muslim mass murderers abroad.
Until whites love the truth and their own kind more than they fear jews, things will continue getting worse.
February 27, 2015:
Controlling the junk media allows junk people to play their shitty verbal games; inventing fake problems and ignoring real ones. #loxism
The conservatives with no problems with jews don't represent whites, rather they market to them. Unsophisticated whites fall for anything.
The existence of Jared Taylor is proof there is no pro-white movement; rather, it remains the level of conceptual.
If it doesn't exclude jews, and name them as the enemy, then a group is not pro-white. Save time & energy with this simple litmus test.
Jared Taylor lets known jews not merely speak at his shows, but in a most ungentlemanly manner attack David Duke. WN? Nay. This is #WINO.
Jews enter white organizations to coopt and redirect them. The question is why whites allow them. #TeamWhite
If it admits jews, or does anything but treat jews as the enemy, it is objectively anti-white, no matter what its leaders say.
Jew says racist. He's making you fetch a stick. Why do you obey? Don't tell me you have to. You don't. You choose to. You can choose to stop
February 26, 2015:
If you reject what needs to be done a priori as immoral, enjoy being raped and tortured to death while your god stands by whistling.
Leftists hate their own ancestors and most of their relatives. It's more than made up for with their love for themselves, though.
As a comparatively more individuated race, whites suffer more from centralized government than, say, Han Chinese do.
February 25, 2015:
If the left had a plan to control the net with the kind of ideological suppression it employs in all other mediums, what would it term it?
February 24, 2015:
Hatred of whites, called #loxism, defines modern mass media. It has one source: the ever-lying, ever-warmongering international jews.
It's not enough to be right, you must fight. Someone said nearly that. The conservative believes, against all evidence, being right suffices
Hitler spoke directly to his public, including his enemies. Conservatives hide indoors, telling each other what they already know.
It doesn't matter if "whites don't exist" and "whites are all-guilty" contradict, for they both increase hatred of whites. #loxism
Conservatives are cowards. With the vast majority on their side, they still lose to 2% jews and 1% fags every time.
If the white race disappeared entirely, down to the last blue-eyed redhead, not a single word in a single Catholic doctrine needs changed.
Whiteskin conservatives in any variety, from neocon to #Nrx, will remain what they ever were: niggling, remonstrating kibitzers.
You want to get people to resist the greatest tyranny in human history. And you propose to do that by reading them crime statistics.
In politics, the men go for the marrow; the conservative boys blather on about the statfacts. The people want to be fucked not lectured.
The reason christians oppose eugenics has nothing to do with morality, rather they know that if the avg IQ hits 130, their cult disappears.
February 23, 2015:
I think people with truly first-rate personalities are even rarer than people of great physical beauty.
Polarize the public between Whites and Jews. Attack all pseudos on the right. Fight and win. That's the recipe in every white nation.
The racial conservative, master of propaganda, labors and produces: "There's nothing wrong with not wanting to be raped and murdered."
The legacy of Sam Francis? Simple: trying to have it both ways (radical and respectable) doesn't work. A man must choose. #vnnforum
Contrast my plan with the catholics' (sicut judaeis non): love the jews till they convert & stop messing up our societies.
I don't believe the US or Israel created ISIS, but they did create the circumstances that gave ISIS a chance to succeed.
Absolute morality seems discordant with the fact that 99% of god's claymation creatures are out of commission (extinct).
No, we're not all in this together. Niggers are wild animals to me, and jews are vermin. Take your bible and shove it up your ass, tool.
The reason VNN's symbol is the red-headed woodpecker is not just because it's beautiful volant but because it's small and nice like whitopia
Big government is inherently anti-white. I wish more nationalists understood this. But the little man always loves the power eagles. Whee.
If Muslims ran things, you think you'd hear word one about them from the likes of Limbaugh and Hannity? Exactly. Since jews do...
What do niggers want, some idiot asked me re Ferguson. The same thing muggers want: EVERYTHING YOU GOT, jackass.
February 22, 2015:
There's no middle ground with leftists. You're with them, or you're evil. This means they are fundamentally tyrants not democrats.
Women make better journalists than men, as the System sees it, because they think less and conform more, altho most men are womanish.
God created niggers. So...he was like an apprentice or something? I truly don't get it. The implications are staggering.
The beautiful thing about being not-a-xtian is you don't have to wake up each day and unfocus your eyes to keep the delusion running.
God created niggers. That is the christian position. I kid you not. I guess there wasn't a warranty involved.
No satirist could conceive anything wickeder than conservatives maundering on about the tragedy of aborted black babies. It is to die for.
Once you know a hominid is of jew extraction, it's very rare you require a second fact to assess its maneuvers and motive. #loxism
Jews have absolutely zero respect for non-jews. Nor do non-jews, at least whites, require them to. #loxism
90% of men judge wholly by externals. That's how yesterday's jew USSR communists can become today's USA conservatives.
As I've said many times, You can have your dog crap in a taco shell and sell it to 99/100 conservatives as a Freedom Burrito.
Don't defend your xtian beliefs to me, defend your racialist views to your pastor/preacher/pedophile of choice. Oh, you won't. Yeah.
If there were something in the christian church that loved whiteness, now would sure be the time it came out. Right? So...do you see it?
If heaven's more important than earth, and spiritual equality is a thing, then why not political equality on earth in little matters? #logic
Modern illiterate conservative, a tool and fool: I'm all about roots and heritage and race has nothing to do with that. #what
Conservatives didn't used to be cowardly jew-appeasers. Edmund Burke, the founder of modern conservatism, criticized them.
How do you write a book about communism without mentioning it was 100% jewish production? Only a cowardly jew appeaser like Coulter knows.
Conservatives appease jews. And that is precisely the term you should always use when mocking them. And you should never cease from that.
The Nazis were AGAINST pornography, AGAINST abortion, AGAINST gun control, JEWISH COMMUNISTS were FOR THEM.
If you are under 35, you probably don't believe me when I say there was a time when Americans weren't generally scared to speak freely.
Christianity is the worst thing that ever happened to the white race, and it's so far ahead you can't even make out who's in second.
If Israel wanted to relocate to the US and make California jews-only, you couldn't find a single Congressman who would come out against it.
It's what the Reps. and Dems. agree on that matters, but you are led to worry about the trivial matters they disagree on.
Republicans vs Democrats is T-ball politics for physical adults who yet remain mental children. Both parties are owned by rich jews.
If christianity were good, there would be laughter and joy in it; there is not. There is, rather, a deep lugubriousness coated with Febreeze
It is christianity that prevents otherwise honest white men from seeing jews for what they are: a vital threat to our kind.
100% of the people in Washington shut up about jew power because they want to keep their jobs. Hence, "No way out but through the jew."
The left is controlled by jews. They hate whites. They seek to destroy their society. They also control the right - the fake opposition.
Leftism is driven by the hate it inevitably finds in others, and this hate manifests in its ever-dishonest manipulation of words.
It's not by accident that leftists have no recourse save character defamation but by necessity. Conservatives never will understand this.
Disagree with a rightist, they say you're wrong. Disagree with a leftist, they say you're uneducated.
Capitalism gave The Poower fat bellies and flat screens. Catholicism gave the prole slobs fantasies of an afterlife. Who's really helping?
You want to be up there on your own little cross, you little white self-pitying stick-fetching #crossunfit faggot?
Rosa Parks was a communist. Her little deal was pre-planned. They leave that part out. But no, she's a conservative too.
If you're not allowed to bring, say, spitting cobras into your neighborhood, why should you be allowed to bring niggers in either?
it's not Africa's fault they never developed, they are literal RETARDS. Why are basic facts so hard to accept? One reason: xtian moralizing.
Christianity doesn't produce men, christianity reduces men. No one, I mean no fucking one, thinks of a priest as a man.
This blistory month, remember to thank a nigger for his race's marvelous inventions. That list would be: jenkem. And that's exhaustive.
What you conservatives don't understand, because jews deceive you, is that Hitler fought the same foe you do. But he fought where u whine.
If Hitler was a leftist, then what were the Weimar yids he replaced? Was not Weimar famous for precisely the cultural dreck cons hate today?
As wise man Joe G. said, jews aren't a political problem, they're a public hygiene problem. There is genuine wisdom in that.
Simply reclassify blacks as animals and jews as vermin and you solve the moral problem. I mean, if you have a moral problem. #answerman
When kikes go down to use niggers to fuck up the south, the junkmedia treat them as heroes. When whites complain of rape-torture-murder...
You can portray niggers as respectable all you like jewy Hollywood, but anyone within noseshot of 'em knows they aint. #Selma
Selma - a bunch of jungle niggers screwing on private lawns like stray cats, all led by obnoxious communist jews from out of state.
Christianity is the belief that the ideas that flit in and out of men's heads are more valuable than their genetic stock.
It is rare to find a christian with even dimmest sense of what christianity's doctrines are, let alone their implications for other views.
The bible accurately says no man can serve two masters, and if you're racialist and xtian, that's just what you're attempting. Choose.
We'll stop calling them niggers when they stop being niggers. That's a better deal than the lying kikes offer us.
I honestly don't know how a grown man can't see that xtianity is anything but a social function for women with emotional problems.
Only American conservatives can be stupid enough to believe what the left-wing jews running their camp say about real men, the NS Germans.
Everything opposed to leftism goes into the antlion funnel trap called 'hate.' Thought, reflection, history, experience, observation - hate.
You folks - do you really not get how White NAACP clown Jared "Polished Turd" Taylor is laughing up his sleeve at your stupidity? #WINO
Can we get Dickie-poo "Meh" Spencer to hold another important conference proving niggers are really stupid, maybe in Bora Bora this time?
The ideas that niggers can reform or want to reform are both bogus, just ask them. THEY DON'T WANT TO BE WHITE. And who can blame 'em?
You're afraid to call them niggers? I don't notice them being afraid to call you damn near anything. Fear is slavery, right?
If you're afraid to use slurs, you're not involved in politics, you're just kibitzer. The response you fear indicates your overseer.
ISIS are willing to lose their lives. Alt-rightists, aka ordinary conservatives, aren't even willing to lose their reputations.
Alt-right are nothing but clucking cuckolds, and that goes for #Nrx too, nothing but jew-afeared cleverer-than-thous.
Mock and attack conservatives to the end of polarizing between #TeamWhite and Team Jew and u will draw any good con elements to WN.
The single most important thing the white racial can do is attack conservatives, even more important than attacking jews at this point.
Ah bittuhly resent what the damnyanks did to mah fofathus, but I sho nuff be takin' they money to kill otha innocent folks. --the South
Southern honor, like Southern toughness, or Bigfoot, is often discussed, but pretty darn difficult to capture on tape.
The bible grooms white men for the slaughter, and this is not an ethnic thing - it works on Southerners and Boervolk alike.
Niggers don't suffer from poverty, niggers cause poverty. If God invented niggers, what other reason do you need to raise a midfinger to Him
The South is nation of honor. You would never find its men rushing off to fight for a cause they don't believe in for pay.
There are things Whites can do right now: stay out of the military and refrain from "support the troops" bilge. #TeamWhite
The key thing to grasp about niggers is that not one in one hundred gets that without whites his race would go back to living in mud huts.
Quiz for oblivious simpletons: which group is/was led by left-wing jews? 1) 1930s German nationalists; 2) 2015 American conservatives.
Christianity may be good enough for whites - but only those whites who overlap with other races, not the men who distinguish our species.
Let Christianity become the third-world religion it was always meant to be. Move on from catholicity to specificity. RAISE YOUR STANDARDS.
Land of No Second Opinion. That's what we've become under jewish dominion. You enjoying it? I'm not. #loxism #deathtothejews
Tattoos have gone from declasse to conformist, without ever losing an atom of their lip-curling unslightliness.
You wouldnt be getting a tattoo or a piercing if you had a mission. My apologies if you're a sailor, prostitute or maori tribesman.
The jews destroyed America and replaced it with bolshevism 2.0, the way a detergent is new and improved with extra decreased whitening power
They call the stuff you want, the stuff you need, hate. So that you'll run from it rather than to it. #loxism #Amerikwa #tlot
What's the difference between Crissy Kyle and a German Shepherd? Shepherds don't defame Jesse Ventura. #sniperfag #AmeriKwa
Individualism has failed. That much is clear. Men fall into groups, and those groups, while not all-important, matter hugely.
Jews are the bad guys. Racialists are the good guys. Conservatives and christians are the weak guys. #goodbadandweak
The majority will get whatever it puts up with, including being tortured and murdered. Humans are simply animals that learned to talk.
You can vote Dem. or Rep. all day long, but you'll get the same jewish anti-white agenda whether you want it or not.
What if whites had a team working for their interests? That's what the German nationalists were. Really. But you keep voting Rep., lil guy.
Weimar was a left-wing JEWISH government. You think it supported gun control maybe? Of course it did. Guess who came in and REVERSED that?
Hitler liberalized gun laws. So the jews running US conservatives lie that he supported gun control #tcot idiots and sellouts repeat them.
Jews have developed a cottage industry serving conservative simpletons (people who don't read) lies about the Nazis.
Jews are not only the most dishonest people ever heard of, they're the most dishonest race even conceivable.
The English can be condescendingly fair to inferior peoples, but when they meet their betters, why, they get shortlipped and dishonest-y.
GERMANY had the AUDIACITY to want to run its OWN country for its OWN kind - OUR kind. Not suck jewdick like heterofag conservatives.
Do you remember when conservatism meant something more than sucking jewish dick? ME EITHER. Because that time never existed.
Conservatism is spiritual submissivesness. It is the political form of enjoying-being-dominated. It is spiritual-queerness. ROOFDUMP DATSHIT
The notion that the English are a fair-minded people is common among them, much the way Southerners think Southerners are tough.
It's child's play to discover jews conceive & dominate every overtly anti-white movement; another spade flip reveals same for opposition.
November 24, 2016:
nigger https://t.co/mKbQHzEKCF
since slavery ended, the main social benefit niggers provide is the amusement produced by their attempting to pronounce 3+ syllable words
the adult reality is that the jews are going to kill us all and take all our possessions unless we kill them first
read this, followers https://t.co/3CeeJP3xBr
i dont know https://t.co/BEGirPaEmL
self deception is an invalid concept and does not exist https://t.co/xEQTnZU8AE
i think he's going to turn them into his bitches, and show what an utter absence of innards there is in these grinn… https://t.co/7PnvpdCD77
tradfags: conditions make men weak. this is arrant circumstantialism, men make their environment, not vice versa
Forced spiritual association precedes forced legal. Thus xtianity prepares the road mentally & spiritually for jewish tyranny.
November 23, 2016:
have you heard word one from the catholic church about jew policies intended to reduce whites to literal physical nonexistence?
"the nazis were leftists" - have you ever seen anything leftist that wasn't full of jews, indeed led by them?
use your mind to try to kick holes in things. be fair. dont be perverse, but kick really hard. and if it doesn't break, you have something
you can see from (eve) or others, the female's natural thought-instinct is conformist, whereas the Trumale's instinct is contrarian
traditionalism/progressism are rod and tod flanders, couple pee-wee sized faggots with high-pitched voices
traditionalists, who are faggots, dont like to hear it, but it's xtianity that has made people soft, not modernity or kitchen appliances
it was obvious to me as a literal tot that the first thing you would do re bible would be investigate who produced this thing.
the nazis were describing jew techniques. so you're either a jew or victim of their lies. as described by nazis. https://t.co/GJsMILjx2O
Trump chooses Romney.. to be the drum major in the deportment parade back to may hee co. and a fine figger he'l cut heell
the white man trying to tell the truth about any set is continually hobbled by xtian concept that every last one is a topline Godco product
well i will leave that to you and her. wu-wei is beyond my ken. https://t.co/ZHE6l08Jdb
it really is funny and telling, as Joe G. observed, the most effective insult against a jew is to call it a jew: "I've been found out!"
you cant deny this: tornado-chasers are reckless. but they are not without fear. invalidating your definition of 'o… https://t.co/gue2JMh2jY
to be the change you seek, don't level serious unbacked charges against people. if they're informants, produce proof or admit speculation
i think it's as objective as any other descriptive word, if used correctly https://t.co/uDEuF0J3NB
I"M THE FIRST!!! i feel like that guy in that movie. dum or dummer. https://t.co/F5MocUHsmg
i guess i'm insubstantial then. but that's just an adj. and i discardt like a velvet green coat. am i WRONG? that i… https://t.co/0ssn7aLcRB
i believe an independent commission would arrive at a very different conclusion https://t.co/Mti0UOLst5
guy i learned from used to say: principles protect people. the principle is: identify and exclude jews from White organizations.
"by way of deception" pretty much all jews do is create false fronts. multiple simultaneous; new ones as the need arises. keep this in mind
sez you. https://t.co/H94fqc5t2z
she made it up you dummy https://t.co/5MErtnAAin
you seriously dont realize she made this up? grow up. https://t.co/yyC7dICOQh
"white" - shes a jew. they HATE whites https://t.co/CGM1SO1tLc
good writing is like willie wonka, you're never quite sure where it's going on the next step. thus the delightful effect.
pro-tip for girl-arguers: don't assume men are as awed and cowed by Authority as you are. that's only true of 90%.
good enough to fuck, not good enough to bring home to parents. that is how Respectable Right always tries to play the racial crowd
We're going to make America great again, starting this fall with a Junegar bonfire. What's that? A towering inferno of jews, nigs & vinegar.
maybe aristotle was a self-justifying putz. that ever occur to you. most people are. https://t.co/sihszsoOod
woman who scrubs floors for 20 years so her retarded kid can go to Envelope Licker State. that would be called such… https://t.co/oQGzAauWfm
someone who passes people uphill (blind) is overcomes fear with bad judgment. he is reckless. but is he brave? no.… https://t.co/MvIyHvaESU
if you mean simple fear, then just use fearful and fearless. cowardice and recklessness are not stand-ins for exces… https://t.co/HXgryuip3T
can you not read this and see how absurd it is? https://t.co/ZB6YpXnEMJ
welcome to eveworld. that's her entire shtick https://t.co/EFcllRNHdK
except your own example, reckless driving. boldness has nothing to do with it. it's a bad decision. boldness isn't… https://t.co/wEl7DxVsEP
tautology, all this. https://t.co/0y1b3dAtVV
Man, you talk more bullshit than most lawyers. You have as many mouths as spiders have eyes, and you talk out of 4… https://t.co/6pqLCXrFFQ
If cowardice were a "deficiency" we wouldnt speak of a "yellow streak." Cowardice has always been seen as more a tr… https://t.co/tOjwVIsY4o
It's not even that you're not good at thinking, you're too cowardly to think. You literally physically tremble at n… https://t.co/ZYrn04Y96S
Mair has said little since his arrest.During his first appearance in court, he shouted, “my name is death to traitors, freedom for Britain.”
They do understand the goy heartland, and until recently felt they had conquered it, yes, just like Iraq. Which you… https://t.co/oDd6LGZdjR
You mean jews inciting muds to attack whites. If you were honest. Instead of being a professional buffoon's lapdog,… https://t.co/STCw5Vb59o
Ann Coulter is a career-girl liberal posing as a radical; when the real thing comes along, it undermines her pose & threatens her income.
the way to attack a man is hold his own words up to him. if he's a liar, he has said everything and its opposite; if a fool, wrong 100x over
we dont need to copy everything NS did, just what works. still. here. now. the permanent. the evergreen. that starts with having TWO BALLS
maloccs is short for malocclusives (teeth dont set right) - non-jew degenerates who hate normal sex & normal white society, an umbrella term
To all those who promote mudshark (fact) barren (fact) fag hag (fact) pro-jew (fact) #AnnCoulter...why does she lead people AWAY fm Spencer?
When it's #TeamJew versus #TeamWhite, guess which side most whiteskins will come down on, sooner or later?
POLARIZE the west into TEAM JEW (jews + muds + whiteskin maloccs (sex degens, basically) vs TEAM WHITE (normal whites + ally nationalists)
Hear the speech cuckshark #AnnCoulter doesn't want you to listen to. https://t.co/IvGnDgIJw4 Great work by Spencer, a really good speech.
The Education of Richard Spencer https://t.co/KRJB2kOYzh
the jews may use personal traits as attack avenues, but make no mistake their opposition is ideological, categorical - impersonal
the average american is obsessed with hand sanitizer but will guzzle out of jewish sewer canal (media, bible) without a second thought
November 22, 2016:
did the cop get his wallet back? https://t.co/nTrgHir0Wy
who's lil Barton Fink next to Dick the Obscured? https://t.co/MwO0T8knkN
yr science is "global warming" which isnt real your "evolution" is treating blacks as people, results in Detroit re… https://t.co/Fdg2BubHCe
The difference between white and jew is embodied in Richard Spencer and (((Tim Wise))). Spencer opposes jews. Wise viscerally hates whites.
basically it's either/or w (((left))). you crush them or they obliterate you. they started it. we must end it
the concept of 'hard hearted' applied to jewed left. they're not interested in being rational or compromising, just dominating and crushing
the media is in continual bamfoozled gobsmackery than some boorish oaf has the gegoochkas to smack back at it
Jews import muslims to BOWEL MOVEMENT all over white civilization. And then they whine about white hand movements.
Christianity is a sickness, and it's the reason whites succumbed to jews. Luckily not all whiteskins are infected with it.
workaday leftism is thinking up tedious, tendentious lies why it's different when the other guy does it
Research for what would become ultimately become Google had been undertaken by company founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin in cooperation
the media tell themselves they weren't hard enough on Trump. I mean, the Jims Jones people were less of a cult.
Every day your child wakes up and 50c has disappeared from his piggy bank https://t.co/rILuJU8XuA
effective if jackboot tracks were SODs https://t.co/mQlaxqKju3
Jared Cohen could be wryly named Google’s ‘director of regime change.’ https://t.co/i8fB1iP46R
(that gravelly nig voice). Pres-elect Trump gifted CNN a fantastic slogan: EVERYONE HERE IS A LIAR (read in JEJones voice)
Ann Coulter, folks. Bless her little cucked heart and undersized balls. https://t.co/x1tRXydevU
dude that's god's vicar on earth? i assume vicar means fag in latin https://t.co/nz7GmP1z2M
jews ever worry about white sensitivies? offending whites? no. they worry about coming up with fresh insults.
the point you're refusing to admit is that no political party can turn niggers into human. nor can any religion. yo… https://t.co/Yyb3mGfdmX
you give niggers more money, all you get is more niggers. literally and metaphorically. https://t.co/nPKL9UUvDo
really? go back and look at US before welfare. it was more civilized by every measure. https://t.co/nPKL9UCULQ
i'm using my real name. are you? no. you're not an artist, you're not using your real name, and odds are you live i… https://t.co/Hx0x5VhOgO
really. that's like a mercedes rebranding chevy neon https://t.co/eJaaXES5Mk
bad solution. better: get rid of welfare. niggers can starve or work. same for the bureaucrat parasite overseers. https://t.co/Lexq4EcevD
getting rid of the welfare is a simpler way of accomplishing the end you claim to seek. your way simply empowers th… https://t.co/5aB1puAxJU
soros is a jew, you dollar store sarandon https://t.co/nMkMvKg0QS
i love how you describe yourself as a "wandering mind" but as soon as you hear something new you get your snail on. https://t.co/vxuYNsln6W
how's your theory working for the millions of blacks etc already living on welfare? https://t.co/2QP0oOfmvm
The Agenda (set by Zog) dictates that reality will unfold per set Template. Journalism is Mad Libs. The 'story' already decided.
the media function to promote ZOG's agenda, which is always #antiwhite. they identify and abuse any divergence therefrom.
that he's going to continue to treat the jewsmedia with the disrespect they deserve https://t.co/xR7gP4YaQ4
“Trump started with [CNN chief] Jeff Zucker and said ‘I hate your network, everyone at CNN is a liar and you should be ashamed,’ ”
Jews remain thieving parasites. Every day of every year they steal from the very white people they racially molest in their newspapers.
aka where the ugly meets the ridiculous https://t.co/1gXUBW704M
neurasthenic anile olbermann is the one who cant handle disagreement https://t.co/E6qW4tSRvr
November 21, 2016:
perhaps your least stupid tweet. good job. https://t.co/nplrAfTAjq
WN acknowledge whites have no interest in forced political association with coloreds. they aren't us. we dont need… https://t.co/ceUgEwfsz9
talking to the (((media)))) makes as much sense as talking to a cop https://t.co/iRv8ezuXSx
Greece: Invaders Flee as Patriots Counterattack https://t.co/RNZSYQYHhR via @NewObOnline
i can reject the god assertion with no effect on my life; i cannot walk off a cliff w/o consequences https://t.co/3udu89nGbj
i think that's going beyond the necessary. there is no functional way to pretend reality doesn't exist, but God is… https://t.co/GRoC3Qpnt2
in practice it just means whatever happens to one is "for a reason" which is always an unspecificed, unpredictable… https://t.co/zd31kamhF6
Jews use 'racism' (a concept they created) to protect Israel and anti-racism to destroy white nations #SecondRealization
the constant is reality, not god. reality continually refutes with pain those who believe the world is 'constructed… https://t.co/ButhkfE6PR
Jews are The Problem. People now realize this. #FirstRealization #SecondRealization: only counter-extincting them will solve that problem.
the point is not that jews are hypocrites practicing double standards, it's to wipe them off the face of the earth
belief in god has the effect of making one a permanent mental child, always appealing to some nonexistent parent
great article: Trump, Jews, and the Real Test of Independence https://t.co/58QXEUCiSy via @NewObOnline
Real Fake News List: Full Details https://t.co/pxI59nD6P6 via @NewObOnline
November 20, 2016:
Why I voted for Donald Trump https://t.co/iXqF4n9mjG
Global warming/climate change is absolutely fake, 100% concocted political lie in science drag. And treated as real by 100% of media. Easy.
You wonder how someone could lie about something as seemingly big and real as 'the' 'holocaust'? Same way 'global warming' is concocted.
When I criticize xtianity, I'm not talking about transient temporal politics, I mean its permanent, unchangeable doctrines.
what is a nigger? watch and learn... https://t.co/cCMUOotHJc
November 19, 2016:
spiral of silence - when you can get avg guy to think he's all alone in his (normal, reasonable beliefs) and afraid to speak his mind
that's why (((they race to the media: so they can make black white. and use social conformity to enforce their gasl… https://t.co/DSRnMDXj7r
my thought is long as he sets the agenda and they do what he wants, he'll and we'll be ok https://t.co/EC2o7DrLiM
Imagine you had the worst POS lemon on the lot and you had to move it to eat. Are you going to tell the truth? CAN you? #plightoftheLeft
Almost all people think they are unique. They think they are above avg. And they think they are "crazy" compared to others. #Schoolfish
Special Needs Hitler approves your message. https://t.co/Bnehz5vGaE
how much happier they were living in the trees https://t.co/kx2XhnW5JX
Remember always to tell yourself, "Fifteen minutes from now, I might already be dead for ten minutes." Because one day it'll be true.
which are both symptoms of the disease called jew https://t.co/5RElHaJRve
there's knowing something from a book, from reflection, and from experience, and eventually all three https://t.co/aRMAQQ2fIq
sure, and it's a lifelong deepening...first is to realize the public Right is jew-controlled fake opp, & jews are t… https://t.co/snb4Z8TLEc
the Internet allows people today to telescope into a few hours of reading what took me, pre-Internet, roughly 25 years to put together
Time for a bloodly glorious revolution of normal white folks in all nations against Global Jewish Tyranny and whiteskin cuckservants.
Just as there's only one real (((Problem))), there's only one effective Solution. Phase 1 is well underway; Phase II is to come.
The #ADL was created because jews believe they have the God-given right to rape and murder your daughter. #MaryPhagan #LeoFrank
the bad guys won WWII. jews are the bad guys this is me not smirking, lying, funnying...just looking at you white to white
“This stems from a dispute over shoes, basketball shoes,” police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said. He said Javon knew his attackers.
god i honestly love this pope i dont even need to yap, just make that showgirl hand movement Ecce this homo lol. this tree fruit...
the thing about trump that's like hitler...he really does care about the country. you cant fake that.
twitter tacit rule: if it's a member of a legally privileged class, ur not allowed to rejoin its (arrant stupidity) with logic or laughter
all gigantic database driven system glitch out often, just how it is https://t.co/2jR8dR778Z
i doubt it. i see that from time to time, just a temp glitch https://t.co/VeEjlY59LJ
a woman of resource and daring might simply copy the contents and metweet https://t.co/erOLAuo1Do
as oscar wilde said, you have to have a heart of stone not to enjoy videos of protesters getting run over by cars
when a (((tribe))) acts like mad dogs for thousands of years maybe it's time to consider it's not an act
aka, the littlest yid supports invasion of coloreds the white majority reject. and he lies that the Founders suppor… https://t.co/GPVPhLrRHp
blaming guns is a way to absolve guilty niggers blaming corporations is a way to absolve guilty jews
whites are beginning to understand that jews are the root of all problems, to be simple and accurate. that's the Fi… https://t.co/dxxJvlM8QY
people follow patterns. because 99% of people are women - mentally. who sets those patterns? he runs society.
evil proceeds from not calling things what they are so special attention must be paid that one is in fact using or devising the right term
remember, kids, in any news article, the second to last paragraph, is where the jewish liar called reporter likes to hide or hint the truth
"the company said Friday that the coming Trump presidency did give it an incentive to keep Lincoln MKC in Kentucky"
November 18, 2016:
"I want to help people," says starry-eyed young white girl. 1) blacks aren't people 2) you're not helping
never seen her eyes that wide open https://t.co/GRwrkfWBII
Jews are bad. White nationalists are good. Media = jews = liars = gaslighters = reality inverters. #TeamWhite
We Jews need to take responsibility for murdering tens of millions of white Christians with our communism last century. #JewishResistance
Euro Patriots Attack Invader Boats https://t.co/mruGFilDGt via @NewObOnline
Angina Merkel infarcted German with subhumans in an attempt to murder it. She did it at the behest of International Jew. #TeamWhite
i have yet to meet a single christian who understands christian policy on jews, nor my argument why it's white-genocidal
"you will submit to being raped, murdered and your property dispossessed. you will" -Angie Merkel and the EU, per command from undead Soros
some call them native americans, which is lol besides flat wrong; reality they were ambulant landscape
a jew said this once, in Commentary: the jew succeeded in discrediting (among whites) all non-money pursuits - they are 'obsessions'
In Twin Falls, Idaho, co-dependency of whites and immigrants faces a test https://t.co/EgsZtq6pvT
it's not just xtianity that poisons whites but the Anglo mentality of Money Uber Alles...business is good, but it is not #1
jews on tape admitting 'anti-semitism' is a 'trick we always use,' yet white PhDs on "our" side use it blythely.
Trump, Media and Fake News https://t.co/r2TUG6dccr via @NewObOnline
Kanye West: If I voted, I would have voted for Trump https://t.co/WQMoZTfNy1
what nature 'wants' is white race to develop physical and mental toughness by eradicating the jew, the current top race
liberalism is believing the other species has a right to exist. christianity is liberalism: a perverse rejection of nature as God created it
catholicism and the enlightenment are the same thing pretending to be different - twin bogus universalisms, sides of coin
whiteskin left is addicted to leftism whiteskin right is addicted to xtianity both are sick and related philosophies
Trump may be doing a sort of hot and cold w the jews, keep them on swampy footing. The key will be his actions, not words.
for all the talk of Trump's narcissism and egotism, he certainly appears to pay very close attention to things and people, more than most
a racialist leader who won't criticize xtianity is usually a cuck: he denies the truth out of financial considerations, ie self-interest
if it weren't for the sickness that is the xtian church, jews long ago would have been physically exterminated in white lands
a parallel: attacking 'whiteness' grows white racial consciousness attacking xtianity, as jews do, opens whiteskins to alt-'schauungs
Whites can shoot the gap: as the jews help us (against their intention, in a rare miscalculation) fade xtianity, we go racial & beat both.
the unfortunate truth the WN knows is that our race is too dim to stand up for itself intellectually and too cowardly to do so physically
Germans and Italians were interned too, not just Japanese, but this fact is left out. Just as jews running the slave trade is omitted.
christianity can be superseded by a racial doctrine, and the church is well aware of this. it's why church sides w (((communists))) over NS
if whites had strong racial feelings, there wouldnt be a jew left alive after what that race did to us in the 20th century.
history teaches a valuable lesson: the christian church will always side with jewish communists against Aryan racialists - for its own good
many call themselves racialists, or some variation thereof, yet fail to take race seriously when it comes to assessing individual mentality
the idea that humans are one group rather than diverse and competing species is furthered by crank science and its retarded bro xtianity
fairness matters to whites. winning matters to jews. perhaps a racial difference? but one racialists (who think like conservatives) ignore
November 17, 2016:
christianity is guilty of the same hubris that produces liberalism, that all can be made part of the same body. fuq natur, wer crist pistols
2000 years of lying and scheming, capped by mass white murder on unprecedented scale. That's jews. That's why they must be made extinct.
isnt it odd that someone would denounce the suppression of speech without ever mentioning its her tribe behind it https://t.co/bkpSD1yn2f
so much effort wasted informing jews they have double standards. never occurs to whites that maybe jews a) know this, b) arent into fairness
jews deliberately put your white children at risk of physical harm while you go to church and worship them Christ… https://t.co/JA9z4T4QED
whiteskin left mentality: i tell the most audacious lie i can conceive, then i look around to see if people appreciating Glorious Brazen Me
it's an attempt to force people to play verbal charades, in hopes they will join cult, in time, or at least fear to… https://t.co/spBdzSPZqB
if you persist in asking why, and accept only rational, evidence-supported answers, you end up at the doorstep of the jew.
they understand that much better than Trump's supporters do jews know where what we today call red-pilling leads https://t.co/NhWAOHiL5l
every moron can cite scripture to his purpose and that is why i never argue the bible https://t.co/yhy73q2ZBG
no, that's animism. the problem isnt legal forms it's the jews using them, and other tools and vehicles, to carry o… https://t.co/Erb38TKpOD
Jewry and christianity tag team the white man into abandoning common sense and throwing away his society, genes and, ultimately, existence.
Christianity is the effeminate, mass, weak flips side of jewism, but it operates by the same sly dishonesty.
There's this #antiwhite agenda. The christian says youre a Good person if you support it. The jew says it's hate (and illegal) to oppose it.
The xtian view is there is no genuinely important distinction between an aborigine and a European. Xtianty is thus #antiwhite by doctrine.
Right now the jews are murdering Europe. They must be made racially EXTINCT. that is the ONLY solution to this problem. The ONLY solution.
jebus is a full-menu solutions provider: he can not only absolve your sins, but he can lift weights for you, sit in on SATs, whatever
the christian says: your duty is to convert the turdskin the White Nationalist says: your duty is to protect your kind from hostile aliens
making excuses for nigger behavior - what correlate can we find in the tall tale of jebus, the sci fi hero who died for YOUR sins
religion teaches people they are right to cling to the side of the pool because they will surely drown if they try to swim
Xtianity plays the good cop. Whispering in white ear "wouldnt you like to believe this equality, diversity etc.?" Guess who plays bad cop?
Catholicism is a cult that creates the type of people who can't figure out what to do when they see a man raping a boy in the shower.
people love me because i SMELL FANTASTIC not because of my charming personality https://t.co/YrLMF1obU8
Christian argumentation is the pastel version of jewing. It's just as logically absurd and disingenuous but mild where jewing is fierce.
Xtianity is 100% jewish in production values. It was set up to produce a mindset that allows jews to feed on the xtian (white) population.
Christianity is #antiwhite. THAT is where the true vanguard is today. NOW that y'all have accepted jews are the root problem.
Jews are behind all these attacks on whites. Christians wont say that openly because they are a race of mental defectives and cowards.
The Catholic church, as an institution, produces the type of men and women who won't complain when their sons are molested by priests.
Sicut Judaeis Non - the other catholic god that failed Go racial or go extinct. Choose #TeamWhite. "Come with us if you want to live."
the catholic church, which is little more than an organized ring of pedophiles, has pushed Sicut Judaeis Non until white world is near death
The battle is between JEWS and WHITES over who controls not just America but the entire western world. Whites must MAKE JEWS EXTINCT.
Trump represents Whites FINALLY fighting back against jews. Whether he believe that or not, whether he understands that or not.
this is just stupid. i mean, even for you. https://t.co/SFZWZ49HS7
diversity is hate diversity is a genocidal assault on whites diversity is a propaganda concept created by jews #TeamWhite
1) invisible 2) ineffectual the only reasonable, functional, practical conclusion is ( ) does not exist. https://t.co/Fp0Ch3cH3O
as they say in Protocols, which is a true book, the stupid goyim take WORDS for ACTIONS. they yap racism. they create walled, monoyid Israel
kind of like your imaginary god https://t.co/0mkgyZOgHM
November 16, 2016:
New social site Gab is getting popular with the 'alt-right' https://t.co/D8YqjKsryy via @engadget
he was the perfect embodiment of perfidious albion conservatives admire churchill (cuck) the way chritsians admire… https://t.co/W4ePqKrShH
what is a #nigger? https://t.co/AHeNEJdwar
the best thing that can ever be done is to spay and neuter pet...owners https://t.co/Nww6mQPu0V
100% tool of the jews, and the man most admired by the set of supersized mental-moral midgets known as American con… https://t.co/LP9BPMMtUs
November 15, 2016:
five men see a nigger: xtian: i can save it. jew: i can use it. lib: i can fix it. con: i can steward it. racist: kill it with fire.
the first white man who ever set eyes on a black thought it was an ape, and, in truth, that opinion has never really changed
they pretend to believe black behavior (which causes black problems) is a result of white attitudes. they flip real… https://t.co/t9FFCAbZn8
true. this is a point: everybody looks at blacks and sees the same thing: _niggers_. but they DONT all draw same co… https://t.co/VTIJ6gglBy
i dont start shit with w people on here, because most are bitches. all feminists and discoloreds. and twitter will… https://t.co/YkNA9iyW6H
people of any species can troll me if they're clever. most = morons repeating lies or promoting their #muhbibble ex… https://t.co/OujAabV6BF
all men are puffer fish https://t.co/sxf05GpGu3
people believe those criticized by jews are on same side because they're shrieked at the same not so https://t.co/zwzmEylqkM
bannon says it's "defamatory" to call (((Breitbart))) 'white nationalist.' well, it's undeniably inaccurate
the west can only be saved by a non-western response. that's what NS was - a COLLECTIVE response to a collective attack
why did the creators of 'cultural marxism' get kicked out of germany? if the CM dominate (((USA))), yet were put paid to by hitler, then..?
Breitbart = (((Breitbart))). go listen to dead angie talking about cultural marxism and, like all cons, eliding the jew-explanation
by your argument, the crowd the The Emperor's New Clothes is not delusional - the child who observes the emperor is… https://t.co/rw1M9a6vaV
in the end, you have 'all-powerful' being who is ineffectual. you cant get around that. it's why writing long essay… https://t.co/pCwjzV0XlI
the only thing years of Sunday School taught me, later confirmed in other spheres, is the avg man's absurd confidence in his own opinion
so you tell me at precisely what percentage-of-public point "almost everyone" turns from legit belief to delusion..… https://t.co/kRotxCGII6
so by your argument, the crowds in HC Anderson's tale are NOT delusional https://t.co/KPNyHZaSN1
i can barely stomach 144 characters of your nescient special pleading, a whole article might kill me. CAPS bespeak… https://t.co/txkUZYwxjf
i'm sure there would be no pressure were these psychos to, properly, declare unfounded god-belief delusion too, as… https://t.co/N9lLonWoG7
women inherently have excessive respect for credentials whereas men inherently grasp that such (properly) trails & pales b4 actual ability
your view is that when X delusion has enough followers, it stops being a delusion. and you say you care about truth… https://t.co/Re0v2EQBLY
churches, like all leftists, go after the young, because they cant sell their wares to the healthy, functional adul… https://t.co/1vdRQV2i72
have you ever personally persuaded one person to believe that god exists? https://t.co/VxoAJBosPc
that group also listed homosexuality as mental disorder, then changed it under political pressure. truth isnt estab… https://t.co/RuzmwePX7J
kind of like your saying atheists should commit suicide because they have no reason to live. the world is bigger th… https://t.co/1BiqC8pAsh
Admit White South Africans as legitimate refugees. End aid to the monster called Israel. Team with Russia to destroy (((ISIS))). #MAGA
in this world the deep good stuff comes from commitment. not dabbling. which is called 'experience.' i have same expies as ev'rbody. photos!
it really sucks there's no way to criticize bourgeois and their mentality without sounding like a communist
November 14, 2016:
that is the pertinent question. who is this moron affecting not to know that Bolton is King of the Shabbos Goyim https://t.co/xY3VK6uLr7
is it a surprise leftists who pretend to believe blacks are equal to whites also affect leonard cohen and philip roth being great artists
when the jew uses 'racist' 'anti-semitic' that's your cue. that's the GOOD stuff. that's the stuff you want to run TOWARD and EMBACE
November 13, 2016:
hillbillies are supposed to have guts. @anncoulter is a punch puller https://t.co/NiNLS1xo2n
it's a perversion to mean what you say and stick to it. it makes you incomprehensible to the lying class
lol. only missing jews on that list https://t.co/sYhePGEcG4
people are so used to Anglo politicians they dont believe any politician means what he says. maybe Trump does https://t.co/apmE8tMKwW
and we wonder why jews run things. go back to tennessee, hillbilly https://t.co/TgD3T5a60I
Jews are a vital threat to white existence. That's the starting point and the bottom line. #TeamWhite
Think about every good thing you would want for your son and daughter. Then realize that jews are against every single one of them.
claiming they're terrified while terrorizing claiming they're victims of hate while spreading hate the left is jews, and jews means lies
November 12, 2016:
the media lie all the time about everything. but not when it comes to polls. no sirree bob, they play those straight.
funny listening to media. people in NYC and NE corridor dont realize they are as parochial as any other part of the country
most people are like this. the danger is letting others set one's agenda https://t.co/EEybHQLfSW
"Whites should be licensed and taxed, seeing the social cost they impose on the rest of us." --T. Wise
using their control of institutions (((they))) attempted to invalidate white existence. they gained many dupes, for humans are schoolfish
who would get bothered if you didnt like the same candy they do? someone who sees your differing taste as a comment on him or her.
the leftist jews at the top are working a strategic plan. it is rational. no so with goy leftists. goy leftists believe.
a point i make and repeat because it is important: leftist jews and leftist goyim come from very different places mentally
understanding the left: some people get angry if you dont like the same candy they do. that x 100 = leftist politics
November 11, 2016:
whites are never going to develop the cheat-ways jews have perfected; what we can do is reclass them as vermin and simply Orkin them
as that story shows, jew junk media like NYT is equivalent to "imitation (reality) flavor" in processed food
when fools point to 1 in 100 nigs as proof racial generalization is wrong...do you realize where that buffoonic argument originates? do you?
so this kike is just going to pay people to disrupt our country? who does he think he is, hillary clinton?
that fit the pre-designated line. https://t.co/ZcLvT2ntmc
We were occasionally asked to map a narrative for our various beats a year in advance, square the plan with editors, then generate stories
the reverse. By and large, talented reporters scrambled to match stories with what internally was often called “the narrative.”
It was a shock on arriving at the New York Times in 2004, as the paper’s movie editor, to realize that its editorial dynamic was essentially
How Jon Stewart And 'The Daily Show' Elected Donald Trump https://t.co/wPgd4jhELM via @YahooNews
new white head is forming; election showed you the white body politic stumbling about, trying to find it... jewhead gnashing, nattering
if you're a whiteskin Dem., might just want to ask what lies at the end of that Hate Whitey Lane jews have led you down. u really want that?
Trump's Victory Buoying White Nationalists, Anti-Discrimination Advocates Say - ABC News - https://t.co/Mkelpcmaiw via @ABC
it's precisely the people who have never in their life doubted the govt's ability to do anything who now claim building a wall is impossible
they said Trump couldnt win now they say he cant build wall these are the most unreflective, clueless liars in human history
just another subset of jews trying to mislead & destroy whites https://t.co/VCspt9i5uB
i love how the literally criminal machinations, always #antiwhite, of jew Soros are reported in neutral tones like they're weather
no asps are slim. it's a green python or emerald boa. i forget which. https://t.co/A3IBW8rQCY
get rid of bible mysticism, people could see jews for what they are: a race of criminals bent on subduing every other
Trump's not even in office, giving mft a boost: Louisiana student 'fabricated' story of hijab attack, police say https://t.co/Ly6CtWUrg8
You're farther ahead if you've never read a book in your life than if you belief the things in the head of the average NEA 'teacher.'
He continued with a list of those “who won”: White nationalists. Thanks, Aaron. Keep Sorkin'. https://t.co/8u23wPTplW
Remember: if the jews had their way -- if the jews have their way -- every white area will be #Rotherham.
There's nothing cute or funny or innocent about jews, and any white who makes excuses for them is at best an utter fool.
no. you dont mop up the floor when the tap's still running. the jew is the source of ALL political problems in US https://t.co/kEDDvd5vTR
the good thing about Trump is you don't get any of the odious christian faggotry you get with the Reagan type
“There’s no question the wall is going to get built” Kobach told KWCH The only question is how quickly will it get done and who pays for it"
'The wall is going to get built': Immigration hard-liner joins Trump transition https://t.co/wv2ACzDLUf
human rights is jewflop for the colored right to white property, including everything from his land to his genes
a large portion of jews' ability to carry off their plans lies in their ability to prevent themselves from being perceived
the only good jew is a dead jew https://t.co/Mhkl55EwwW
Trump is the first step in the dejewing of the west. There is a window to do things semi-peacefully; otherwise it will be bloody.
November 10, 2016:
WN demand complete sovereignty. We have no desire or need for association with other races, and we know jews are behind the shotgun.
jews will manipulate Trump cuckward White nationalists must keep pressure on to DO WHAT GOT HIM ELECTED - FOLLOW THRU ON WALL ETC
what do we whites get out of jew-forced political association with blacks? violence. tax slavery. endless (((media))) abuse. revolution?
November 09, 2016:
why not relax with a tasty banana https://t.co/35C78Ed3Li
if cultural marxism is this horrible thing, why do the kosh-conservatives blip so easily over how the evil nazis were able to DRIVE IT OUT?
all these useless conservative movies etc on 'cultural marxism' - why did the nazis drive it out but the xtian west succumb to it?
Via @NPR: Here Is What Donald Trump Wants To Do In His First 100 Days https://t.co/9CSpPixchn
YES WE CAN!! https://t.co/ofxaucX5ob
it's unhygienic for lice to carry jews around https://t.co/pjYr6HYhTC
of the Cell Block D Social Club https://t.co/ppZglyIkXg
No matter what happened last night, every little girl should know she too can grow up to marry a serial rapist and steal millions.
after all these decades of jewing somehow plausible white adult men are in charge of Russia and USA? propitious!
Greece's Golden Dawn says Trump win a victory for ethnically 'clean' states https://t.co/HVaJTLFNgU via @Reuters
Can it, lizard https://t.co/VBJTNjhhYW
the day after an old white man is elected, young wimmens of all sexes go online to prove why women arent built for politics
Take a bow, all Frog partisans... and special credit to Ricky Vaugn for leading the way on Twitter. https://t.co/H5fW74eOV9
I remember when Salt Lake flooded (maybe '83). City all came togetther to sandbag. Do this for The Wall, Trump.
far right = jewspeak for normal white isolationism = jewspeak for washingtonian MYOB foreign policy hate = jspeak for opposing white genocid
"“Russia is ready and willing to restore full-fledged relations with the United States.” -- geez not even 24 hours and we're at amity w USSR
in the end, the media are nothing but jews their agenda nothing but dispossessing then genociding Whites
November 08, 2016:
Assad > (((assholes))) https://t.co/625p1oAlvA
relax cherry, nobody could expect you to make more stupid tweets than you did https://t.co/TOXMjVD39e
now the leftdupendopes learn what the right they mock for "low information" already knew: the media are nothing but (((liars)))
America is slowly but surely figuring out what the rest of the world already knows... ... jews are the bad guys. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
they're not nice to him at all, because they know what he represents, you fucking retard https://t.co/e2h10bB7rJ
yeah this billionaire has nothing better to do than speak in five states a day and listen to abuse from retarded po… https://t.co/RIjlh5Ibq6
You're pretty fat. Maybe share some of your carbs with them? https://t.co/wt1q5AO3jI
all the lefty women put on their "i be smarty" glasses and go to party room...look at monitors and glub like aquarium fish
and many benjerries were consumed and many catses were clunged lo did the 38"-ass crowd gnaw its tongues for pain
use spider-eater when insulting asians. it's important. https://t.co/xCBbROTOyo
that certainly tracks with what i saw driving back and forth thru there 2x in october https://t.co/9C719zWbyX
that's good thinking!! https://t.co/UjGAU8Hoy3
as soon as America took advice and leadership from jews it became hated worldwide. if Trump wins, we'll go back to MYOB & being LOVED again
and jews. jews most of all https://t.co/egWQAaqwzV
many italians give off a deep healthy vibe. tony danza is good example. podesta is not this type of italian.
"For none is so brave as the pug-fugly NYC jewess denouncing white menz #soedgyitscrevassey." --W. Shakespeare https://t.co/0C1X33MlhW
the media are all on the same side cuz they're right duh all good tolerant people w beautiful minds love progress and vote Hillary
"I do think a lot of the polls are purposely wrong,” “I don’t even think they interview people, I think they just put out phony numbers.” DT
crooked jew alert 1) Erdeley, 2) Wenner Rolling Stone, publisher, and reporter ordered to pay $3 million to UVA dean https://t.co/1TFwDMv4JR
what color was the nigger suspect? A woman pushes commuter into path of subway train, police say https://t.co/6ffC3NJw7j
Leftist Groups Attack Police while Protesting the Opening of Golden Dawn Offices in Xanthi (video) https://t.co/ceg1t07XeC
Why the West's far-right — and Trump supporters — are still obsessed with an ancient battle https://t.co/mSuGUn6qia
"Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump read aloud a note he said was from Patriots head coach Bill Belichick" - "he said"
British throne mudsharking https://t.co/CCWImtO662
“Do you want America to be ruled by the corrupt political class, or do you want America to be ruled again by the people?” --D. Trump
If you were an honest pollster, do you believe you could sell your services to the Washington Post? New York Times?
that's true. Trump represents the white race, by proxy, and the possibility of whites reclaiming control over their… https://t.co/R3TTu4xoSa
Half the country lives off the other half, and these parasites have incentive to vote for HC regardless of their fe… https://t.co/XVJM1NHdGC
My blog on the election https://t.co/GbB7bEW0lo
Pedophiles, ISIS, jews and Satanists agree: Hillary is the right choice. What do you say, white man?
refusing to see patterns or make generalizations makes you both a coward and a fool. https://t.co/HSVkFfdZQr
November 07, 2016:
wuh ha happen wuh https://t.co/3QQphHwiaD
still having trouble with the whole 'god created niggers' part that literally means, per your cult's views, that G… https://t.co/6mwxiuQydC
how did the slut's husband feel about jeboo's interference? https://t.co/HeQFoEc1Pb
you think niggers voting is a GOOD idea? are you insane? https://t.co/2WYdXsybyB
american put personality over principle, hence they have a very difficult time making out what's going on with foes who think in categories
notice that whether you're aggressive (Trump) or mild (Ron Paul) you get defamed and destroyed by media for threatening (((their))) agenda
the question is why whites have permitted jews to continue to live, in light of their historical record. the answer is the christian church
strong contender for dumbest thing i'll read this week, good work https://t.co/EkcyR9gPGq
November 06, 2016:
life shits you out in a giant plopping mess you got to scream and yell before you get a breast --ee bummings
you're a christian and a fool. but i repeat myself. https://t.co/bV2uUdpcSM
1 in 5 chi murders cleared. becuz niggers. #BixNood As killings surge, Chicago police solve fewer homicides https://t.co/KuBempvbP3
Whites made America. Mainly my ancestors and a few others. Indians ate each other and built 'mounds.'
we cant count on one 70yo man to do everything for us? this comes as a disturbing surprise https://t.co/3dT5dO5I1q
November 05, 2016:
so i'll put you down for the pedo-satanists. enjoy your meal, fun guy https://t.co/zLeN0YpshE
jew gets caught jewing: Jury Finds Rolling Stone and Reporter Liable in Defamation Trial Over UVA Rape Story https://t.co/rt6BgHj7ow
weiner is like post-jewy in looks; he's exhausted the form and is speeding into boll weevil territory
you're still a vole-equivalent mentally https://t.co/fON6mr4Cg2
brainwashed tools is a more accurate turn for what you have been dog-trained to call 'educated' https://t.co/peTt9HenTK
"us" - i'm not with you, and i have a strong suspicion you are a rodent https://t.co/6K1wpmheRQ
the other thing is hillary is technically female, so far as i know, and that's not what we need in a political leader
catholicism is liberalism https://t.co/8aB3J7VyyD
when jared taylor says jews are "us," what he's really saying is "i'm an honorary jew" https://t.co/MUmSZUkdZr
those zesty hymantashen are to die for https://t.co/qhZTNhx25W
no, i never saw that. i wonder if the price reflects foreigners who are believing the controlled media that hilly i… https://t.co/IFn6oBoBhN
if you are fat, it is because you contain much wisdom https://t.co/iiEwjum39W
the degree of pet obsession in US is disgusting, and i use obsession accurately, not as a smear https://t.co/TeCXCMTbck
satan worshipping is absurd so is jebus cannibalism called communion i apologize for my consistency #TeamWhite
Trump reminds me of ol Joe Kennedy (clan pa): his instincts probably are with nazis, but they lost so he goes with winner (jews). Hence kids
glad you like them. i will finish turner diaries tomorrow morning. that will be the 4th session. first three here:… https://t.co/00dM2wnoFi
the catholic church isnt strong enough to be evil, only to side with it https://t.co/KTbUiAe3cc
someone else says she IS of jew background and wikipedia yanked it... amounts to same thing either way but still si… https://t.co/DBMGytOm7F
i researched her for jew roots. not as far as i can tell. intense serbian xtian background, severe mother. xtianity… https://t.co/Oqmf3e81nD
Of course there's nothing #spiritcooking about those Jebus wafers and blood wine. Right? Cuz those are what she (Serb xtian) started with.
it's a scale. killing is last step. you can defame. you can set up. you can infiltrate or blackmail. and if all tha… https://t.co/bCUcUeeYq9
"jews took over without firing a shot" - this is one of the most moronic statements commonly made. JEWS ALWAYS PRIM… https://t.co/tUaYe77QRn
Trump is equal or ahead in polls, yet +325 in books. That is a huge disconnect. Someone is far, far wrong about what's going on out there.
this is typical manipulation of the dirt-eating xtian segment of the country, aka midwestern and southern simpletons https://t.co/c6D1Bw2jQW
November 04, 2016:
if you want a white middle-class society, vote Trump if you want a 3rd-world savagescape ruled by pedo-satanists, vote Hillary
the story of the US since at least 1880 is the ascension to power of jews. to reverse this, a force must arise which opposes them overtly
it is clear the only safe thing to do is make a great pile of clinton circle & supporting media and set fire to it
Turner Diaries (audiobook) segment #2 : ch7-14 https://t.co/W4zcuVqku0 (2:37) segment #3: ch15-22 https://t.co/JMLk0KiVjk (2:30)
November 03, 2016:
'trained' and 'educated' by ADL https://t.co/K7MXsT8rNv
November 02, 2016:
giving rights to niggers is a good thing? are you insane? https://t.co/kwOHXXzrh6
buckley's idea of media biopsy but applied to individual members of ones (larger) family show how (feminism, etc) affected each one specif.
"Vote for the crook. It's important." What the (((left is reduced to. (Slogan used against Duke by Edwards back in the day.) #ImWithHer
November 01, 2016:
i will do a #TeamWhite podcast at some point in not too long future https://t.co/Jq89Li6Z03
the bubonic plague was called the black death christian promiscuous spiritual love should be called the white death
Audiobook: The Turner Diaries session #1: ch1-6 https://t.co/A5lZ5Rj2ih (2:17) #vnnforum #TeamWhite
October 31, 2016:
funny things happen when you pay attention to stuff outside your head https://t.co/zspMGjk6NI
dont you jews get that your jewing only works where you have info monopoly https://t.co/14s8rhvO3t
what major religion, produced by jews, creates an obsession with guilt and moralizing in whites https://t.co/BNON5T9tIC
This is correct. The only solution to jews is counter-exterminating them. The ONLY solution. Those who disagree are… https://t.co/uF6ZEaD1A3
October 30, 2016:
also, reality is whatever you want it to be. this attitude in various forms is extremely popular https://t.co/LAAJV5Uxtd
October 29, 2016:
"ESPN costs every cable and satellite subscriber roughly $7 a month, over triple the next most expensive cable chan… https://t.co/v9MS0OKxs2
his grandad changed name from Ehrlich https://t.co/snEXLA5jPz
"Bret Stephens" lol. real name is Ehrlich. NYC jew background. https://t.co/AsaUsgiMue
that guinea retard needs a service dog to help w her tweets https://t.co/LT0kFJ3Agz
statements from Russia come off like words of competent, sober white men statements from America sound like hysterical, malignant lying jews
if you're a sexy anything you're doing halloween wrong. and i dont like you. hween is about dolling up gourds to horripilate spirits
October 22, 2016:
we've even got the dirt-eaters seeing the light. praise jebus! https://t.co/DYMn91fVt6
abortion shows why 'liberalism' cant be argued with. if you deny you're killing your own baby, you're hardly open to reason on anything else
When enthusiastic openness gives way to guarded fear... jews have instilled a society of double clutch. Whites must watch every single word
K was raking when Bill appeared. "How do you stop 5 blacks from raping a woman?" He threw her a basketball. "That's blacks." Clinton laughed
good article on bill murray https://t.co/R6OJeRlCDF traditionalism is the opposite of White
Curious Cernovich...channeling resistance away from the jew https://t.co/2s81jVyV9Y
except he used wrong word. the word is murder, not suicide. "participate in own suicide" doesn't even make sense https://t.co/Y7IzOYVqNo
respect for privacy and toleration of eccentricity are two actual white values but the cause is always symbolized by 1/1,000,000 beauty
i am not a gentleman https://t.co/xWbg3osDcX
October 21, 2016:
people also equate personality with tattoos, piercings, zoo sex. these are merely morbid choices of the weakminded.… https://t.co/vhuNpObNol
October 20, 2016:
have you noticed how few people have actual personalities anymore? this is the effect of decades of 'public schools' and mass media and law
Get rid of the jews, the problems all go away. You only think it's more complex than that because you have studied it and listen to liars.
thanks. i will do that at some point, key to grasping the (((takeover))). next up i'm going to do turner diaries. https://t.co/oT31AA7v14
October 19, 2016:
maybe abandon the cowardly religion that made you a cringing minority when you're an absolute majority? xtianity is… https://t.co/ftkZWV9bw3
so u appreciate fully: the same (((german))) govt that is admitting gang-rapist muslims is calling my 10-yr-old blog posts youth-endangering
scans .... https://t.co/CpHm8cNqj2
more scans https://t.co/kgclzs6de6
what endangers german youth? posts i made on Kirksville Today ten years ago? or millions of muslim rapists & terror… https://t.co/GooASNy9vN
a religious doctrine that explicitly devalues race is the perfect way for whites to defend themselves. millions nod along to this nonsense
he's one tasty candidate, cant deny that! https://t.co/ieYdt62xWV
conservatives have an inner instinct for evasive abstraction they cannot overcome https://t.co/7ChlP85LT7
You hide the (((control))) by producing the opposition. the Republican party and Catholic church are Washington Generals. Losers by design.
come on, catholic dinks, tell the world how you're going to stop jews by converting them to #MuhSaver
racialism will supersede your cult of cowardice in the end, keep watching https://t.co/OQwTTl3cAY
but your cult will fix things by converting jews https://t.co/UyojJ7Wrob
October 18, 2016:
Does god have anything to do with nature, believer? Then you cannot deny that genocide is god's will and way.
take all your relatives. look at the way their thoughts and behavior have been deformed by bad ideas proceeding ultimately from jews. see?
"Bret Stephens" lol. he's been clowning fools for years https://t.co/YYMZ27otLZ
hillary clinton has the same overweening selfishness as most of these serial shooters, but she has a lot more power
education everywhere you look just means people's heads are akin to their bellies - filled with junk carbs of ideas
that's (((poe))), remember. curtailed after the cubansky method (or whatever) https://t.co/NwfPAHZDb6
October 17, 2016:
if you think it's a joke or exaggeration to say that jews look down on nons (whites included) as stupid animals, you have not been around em
the snake outwitted the woman in that particular delusion you've succumbed to https://t.co/MC6KUohjDb
how about i rent you for ten dollars? you will live in cage with sign: The Woman Who Thought It Could Think pay p… https://t.co/OBbc8UJCtp
women are biologically credentialist. you cant win at table what you cant win in field https://t.co/0hCGzbgiIL
i dont work door there just set rules. we dont want christians at vnnforum. that's for g'dam sure. https://t.co/caImSn7jiM
except then you imply witch docs < gravity believers. you're a delusion-racist! some delusions are > than others. i… https://t.co/IVKNUmUdCS
are all your delusions equally privileged? or just the god bawling? https://t.co/a8tgXcYe1c
get over yourself aristittle. and check your delusion privilege. https://t.co/l77yV81n0q
you're just dropping all standards when it comes to 'God' concept, which you're forced to do because there's no the… https://t.co/AnlE2oFaOW
how do you know that i dont know? https://t.co/AcZsmm5ARE
where i come from people dont trick elephants they respect them #HeartlandValues https://t.co/UZ18WxVdbD
the point is that if God existed, he wouldn't need one of the billions of petes to speak for him. GOD serves PETE.… https://t.co/B7nVAtZcPI
of course, to hear what God says, we have to listen to Pete https://t.co/ecgsGcEQU4
somewhere under the ground called israel, scientists are at work in a lab trying to create slant-eyed jews
October 16, 2016:
help alleged people who cant feed themselves stay alive long enough to reproduce. i'm malthusiastic about this wond… https://t.co/NluefROko0
Claims that the media are biased or unfair protect the press. This is why the controlled opposition starts and stops with them.
Blog post: Keepin' It Real File: Science as White Male Plot https://t.co/z3xDycKqya
americans doing jobs that americans dont do. i'm cofnused https://t.co/JDt3BgcwZa
"keeping it real" - what does this mean? it' means that anything above the sex and crime level is too abstract and complicated for nigmind
“Americans have decided to be stupid and shallow since 1980. Madonna is like Nero; she marks the turning point.” --Joni Mitchell
Joni Mitchell on the bite (2010). Chomp Zimmerdylan. Chomp drunk whores. Good stuff. https://t.co/IfiTnbYkWv
as nigger: science, so libertarian: race https://t.co/oqoqqmYMmx
woman: creature that believes using adjectives to describe oneself is effective you're as you as an onion, sweet pea. we all are
niggers try to drag everything down to their level, so they can understand it. but these fischer-price people will never equal real thing
and fools say we can "step over' the holohoax, or it just doesn't matter. it's right at the center of western-white… https://t.co/hJuJJNvb3m
October 15, 2016:
a clam jam for the ages https://t.co/ktyy8XusmG
the jews are a formidable foe; there is great honor and glory in fighting and defeating them. this is #Whitethink
what will induce useful humility in largest masses of people the quickest? some say religion. i say speculating with money
just 4 minutes before another #FacepalmSunday coming down nice work, god. you're doing great, buddy.
christians: expel jews 108x christians: readmit jews 109 christian: xtianity expels jews! me: (turns head like owl)
we win if we organize...on racial basis. overtly for ourselves and against jew https://t.co/NvwM4bEFdn
Brief blog on The Friends of Eddie Coyle. https://t.co/rgpp0xRR6T
good example of xtian honesty https://t.co/7c0nscn8S3
i'm sure they have many pedestrian virtues, but i deny their greatness https://t.co/rWjk5Tf5Pp
we'll make our enemy pay for his own destruction by disguising our politics as an academic discipline (((#whitestudies)))
it's really hard to believe the polls are rigged when you drive around the country see nothing but Trump signs
we need to talk more about dumpster lid violence. i threw up lid tried to dump, it came down on my wrist. not cool man.
peppers have to be the most overrated vegetable on earth. they add nothing to anything. https://t.co/QH0w8qdGBP
it is not enough to expel the jews. christians obviously cant figure out what jews are (hence how to oppose them); racialists can
this is the key. any 40-something military man can have tens of millions of white willing to kill to liberate. Trum… https://t.co/wMnEo7DFP4
correct, should be jews https://t.co/o6aFGVVaJi
funnier than whatever's on SNL tonight. good job. https://t.co/70kfY6iVZY
your tweets give off that not-so-fresh feeling, chunneltwat https://t.co/t4Nh4dImSI
allowed them to "convert" - same as a black "converting" to being a white https://t.co/v3UZIKA94z
you forgot the part where they let them back in https://t.co/v3UZIKA94z
October 14, 2016:
an alternative to #antiwhite (((Wikipedia)))? https://t.co/blIbNzPQ51 a good idea.
"She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer,” lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman. When a jew calls you unethical & dishonest, he knows from!
Brief blog on Trump. https://t.co/wlU9NXhbp0
October 13, 2016:
October 07, 2016:
#tcot You stand with Israel? You love the chewish people? https://t.co/74dxCHApSh
UW students sell anti-police, anti-white hoodies https://t.co/KDpcUjJtXu via @campusreform
#PomonaCollege #DaringMindsLOL Safe Spaces: Where Free Press Dies https://t.co/wNeYoZSJKh via @campusreform
#DaringMindsLOL #PomonaCollege. Claremont students: masculinity is 'toxic to our mental health' https://t.co/CLnZt1xWyf via @campusreform
that's a semitically correct, sanitized version, hence inaccurate https://t.co/zDpHIYgksi
destroying things is the only achievement certain types are capable of. loser whiteskins enjoying aiding jews in dragging down white society
white slave owners got honest, positive work out of blacks. which is more than any xtian or social engineer has eve… https://t.co/Cpv3BbObCw
the christian mentality. nothing could be more #antiwhite https://t.co/cWb9l3FlTM
October 06, 2016:
#tcot You stand with Israel? This is what you stand with. https://t.co/aHC7Wg51Tp
October 05, 2016:
Whitenerds: "We have a right to exist!" Nature: "What part of 99.9% of species that ever existed are extinct do you not get?" #GetOnThePile
the only TOS that matters: do you allow criticism of jews and their anti-White agenda? no? ok, so business as usual
Daily life in USA under the jew becomes more and more a game of forced charades, a la the school bus hijacking in Dirty Harry.
is that where your priests pick it up? https://t.co/Ax1IEMHbHX
the rightist feels he's won because his point is unrefuted the leftist feels he's won because he's won
truth is like a vagina to you faggots. you should kill yourself. https://t.co/FlL3w3pc4P
um what and stuff. you need to limit your tweets to your fleeting periods of lucidity https://t.co/N6iLdxy9Bx
White Lives Matter protest Anti-Defamation League https://t.co/mWU876BjTE
a nuclear war is as likely to be caused by Boomer selfishness as anything else, with Hillary being #1 candidate, via agents like S. Powers
a lot of people who call themselves "nazis" are confused about which end of the whip they'd be on. big govt is inherently bad
October 04, 2016:
all the avg white needs to know is that jews are bad. if you're dealing with a cross loser, then substitute evil for bad. (1/2)
with tooo simple taps o' me shillelagh, you'll be persuaded the alternative is meritoriouser https://t.co/wCnYFyxzWG
Logic 101: if every good thing is racist, then racism must be - a good thing - a bad term for a good thing - both
the way out of the christrut is offering strength and health as ideals to Little Man, rather than self-pitying martyrdom. see Trump
it's not trump marrying into jews, it's the opposite. they're sucking his german strength into their hooknosed neurotic poisonstream.
everyone but blacks realizes that. the people promoting this stuff deserve death. i mean the (((media))). they inci… https://t.co/hO6Z8G27X8
Alt-"Uncle Buck" line, mutatis mutandis: Remember how they used to say it's "too early to shoot the bastards"? Nobody says that anymore.
the (((media))) just independently decide on story-a-day policy for cop-black shootings. and independently not to cover victims of nog gangs
all these fool struggling around trying to find a basis for fighting muslims + jews who let them in. blood order w NS tactics is how
they don't like her but their daily bread comes from big govt she will protect and expand if possible https://t.co/YkzyFHuETj
the SPLC mound in Alabama is constructed in such a way as to suggest the inhabitants know what they deserve
the truly perceptive can see that we will have a chance to get rid of jews and permanently devalue the christ cult
which amounts to the same thing. https://t.co/Sz8SmET5SL
so has any national (((controlled medium))) mentioned that kid beat half to death by gang of niggers?
if it's wrong to put niggers on par with whites, how can be right to put starfish? https://t.co/urmnyPSyGx
October 03, 2016:
seriously, you've put on 30 since i've known you, and the holiday eating season dead ahead! uh oes https://t.co/kAUgoNiPbg
jews are literally never portrayed as evil in mass-produced paperback fiction. that's one clue the field is controlled by same
Religion = "the world is too complicated to figure out, and i'm too weak to try. i'll just resign myself and buy lottery tickets." #losers
those two are by no means an exhaustive list. of course. https://t.co/dPf249pX67
military are parasites: they live off taxpayers, who are expected then to worship them. & they are dupes: they know… https://t.co/nk2AAmRU7Q
109x jews were kicked out of countries. Then a precocious 6-year-old said, why don't we kick them under? There was no 111th time.
Admiration for the the military is one of the surest signs of a weak person and a weak-minded person.
We should all give a big round of applause for all those heroic military men who donated their service to keep us from 3rd world invasion.
Whites need to get tougher. Need to look to nature, not the xtian faggotry. Kill our enemies. All of them. Live our way.
like you can tell evidence from a toadstool. govt stops people from doing bad things - even some women can see thru… https://t.co/NJHv9WbBA4
nice, you've expanded your range of subpar mentation to include strawmen. i guess for halloween. https://t.co/fidHLGkc33
jebus died for your sins. but when i look around, you dont look like the type that sins very much. way to let Our Lord (tm) down.
the only real difference between men is whether or not they accept jebus p christ as their personal (and communal) savior
yeah but think what kind of woman would be gf of cop. they deserve to be beaten at 4x avg rate. cops too SOFT https://t.co/UqGtfQzLXH
so, yeah...turns out nazis were right. and the smorksleys and shnauzermen are the bad guys. who knew?
October 02, 2016:
The one class that isn't legally protected is the same class called "privileged" in the (((unpopular media))).
it's pretty clear that nothing but silent death squads is going to save UK https://t.co/Aw2T0VAmVn
why should they be able to impose the cost of sending them back? just shoot them and give them to zoos for large an… https://t.co/kLaCDQwA7Y
being old is not the same as being good this is the flip of progressive mistake https://t.co/lvM5L2Sr41
October 01, 2016:
walk up near a bog. now walk in. when both feet are 12 inches down, start bleating Ahm a tree! Ahm a tree! Congrats. You're a traditionalist
Neo-Nazi gang who support Hitler set up a 'whites only' food bank https://t.co/LfFq4GdTRl via @MailOnline
September 30, 2016:
when someone tells me yr a hater, u ebil white, yr guilty, yr sinneded avg white: #MuhRedumption ah needs it. me: picks nose really slowly
i dont follow polls (beyond reading @Ricky_Vaughn99 tweets), but one thing is undeniable: Trump draws huge crowds in all corners of USA
Pravda: higher, ideological Truth (news distorted in line with) Istina: factual truth, small t https://t.co/lEWI3utl0E
Don't think about saving things, that just focuses on what's lost. Man, that aint white. Focus on conquering, winning anew, - laughing.
i defy any 'philosopher' to disground previous assertion. it cannot be supered, it cannot be undermined. it is bott… https://t.co/TIKbXpssDt
philosophy: yeahi'm gonna need to see the PAPERS I SIGNED before i emerged from the birthin' hole guaranteeing any PARTCLAR COURS O CONDUCT
September 28, 2016:
mass slaughter niggers in the name of Dow? https://t.co/pQLQS1oc5B
you know what i'm no sailor but i went out and sniffed the crepuscular breeze...tomorrow is going to be a great day TO STOP BEING A FAGGOT!
am i the only one who remembers PJO's "There's no getting thru to the highly perceptive" article about Nicaragua (modest election parallel)
that's a high-quality tweet right there. simple. curvy. to the point. https://t.co/aQaAdW6gFU
was that tracey fick in Election ((((broderick)))) based on hillary clinton. similarities either way.
reprising a GLR classic https://t.co/QekSwwU2zT
this is the sort of STUPID SHIT that people come to TWITTER TO AVOID. get your ass to facebook and dont post-infri… https://t.co/NzfYqc43KE
September 27, 2016:
bring jews into altright? how'd that work out for conservatism? hint: it's not "alternative" if jews involved.
In a world...populated mainly by faggots, one bold amphibian stood out. I eat anything he declared. Particly jews. But I only fuk she-frogs.
i looked deep inside myself to find why nigger criminals keep getting shot by cops but the answer wasnt there
basically, civilization comes from people like me, and rest of you are along from the ride #TequilaistSelfPraise ..… https://t.co/xW6Vbb26jk
Some interesting #books. Nearly everything bad in America was first tested not just in Weimar but in Lenin's (((Rus… https://t.co/S6epuXIyto
What they say: "I want someone who loves me for me" What they mean: "I cannot handle / will not tolerate one iota of criticism ever."
Hillary appeals to the "i wanna be loved for me" crowd. That's no small obstacle for Trump to overcome, as these land womanatees are legion.
while the writers' room remains 90% chewish https://t.co/0XZA9RV67h
God created niggers, we are informed by christian experts. Did He also create Chimpouts? I guess so. Cant spell chimpout without HIM.
"conservatism starts with blood." https://t.co/TaNncrJGGA
fresh from clownmedia “You Can’t Imagine a World Without Black People” by Travon Free https://t.co/iWKzD6C0C3
The #ADL was founded to defend a jew named #LeoFrank who strangled a 13-year-old white girl to death for refusing his advances.
much witless happyyapping. we are white. our enemy is jew. whoever can produce result in field will be followed by all normal whites.
Hitler loved Disney. (original unjewed stuff put out by great man from Missouri, i might add). There is no question Hitler would love Pepe.
Who would ISIS prefer be elected? Who would BLM prefer? Who would the (((media))) prefer? Trump - the only choice for Normal White America
Trump should not respond to anything the cunt says, just emphasize good relations w Putin (no nuke war), opp to black crimnals, muzz terrsts
this fucking broad is going to cause a nuclear war https://t.co/dv3AuYj2AH
yes it was. i hadnt watched one in ages and wont watch the next two either. https://t.co/FsRpW6zL73
What I got from that debate is Donald is just another Republican "save the poower negroes" useless Republicunt. Too weak. Too nice.
Xtianity teaches its helots to go around little-man Pronouncing everything Good or Evil. Which feeds perfectly into Semitical Correctness.
christianity replaced the Greek "moderation in all things" with "moralizing in all things." A huge step backwards.
how sick did hillary look last night? not at all. Has Curious Cernovich said anything about imaginary Diazepam lately?
it's funny how racialists think. 99% like conservatives they came from. we can't afford to alienate xtians? 2% jews could. We can too.
drugs drink delusion the three Ds of personal destruction "Moderation in all things" said the Greeks 2000ya. Works just as well today.
jews tried to murder White America with immigration law change in 1924. they failed. narrowly. they succeeded in 1965. #RealHistory
the original christians were losers. it was a cross-race, cross-class loser association, similar to alkies anonymous. so it is today.
do not address me. if i become emperor one day, you will be put on an island with only rats and coconuts for suste… https://t.co/g1mai4Qkjg
Hillary will bring the same stability and order to America she brought to the middle east. https://t.co/HZPmaqHsEV
christianity teaches the avg man that he cant figure things out by thinking because after all its really "God's will" that determines things
people can't perceive causes when they don't believe in causality. this is one of the christ cult's main 'contributions' to the world
Counterpoint: the market values priests little because they aren't worth much. https://t.co/pS2Wmb9qdc
you said something accurate. is that really the road you want to go down? https://t.co/92gRqZYHT1
your mom's attempt to give you a non-retarded brother? seriously, coffee break is over. get back to licking yr env… https://t.co/F1kr6bmJyX
the left have gone so long without opposition they cant perceive their own bias, hence they cant perceive how it will be received by public
the left dont understand that america hates the (((media))) and having a biased debate moderator doesn't actually help them
Again, when you are asked unfair question by lying smokies and yids, simply repeat the question you should have been asked and answer it.
do you really want a candidate who sides with black criminals, muslim terrorists and jewish warmongers? America? Then vote TRUMP. #MAGA
September 26, 2016:
ISIS...BLM...CNN...Goldman Sachs... we know who they'll be voting for this fall. But real America, normal America WHO WE ARE AMERICA has ME.
if you really have something, you have to play joan of arc, just a bit. "it's not me; i am merely medium thru which etc etc fleur de WHEEEE"
Planted axioms: conservatives can recognize goods. Can they? https://t.co/0wg4W8lVcY
Who says you have to answer the (loaded, biased) question they give you? What are they going to do if you answer a better one?
"Ive been audited 15 year in a row. Probably only 12-13 of those were political." (big smile for laugh). ... (tilt head) (1/2)
We are so far gone in the USA that one side is afraid to appeal openly to normal whites, while the other openly promotes black criminals.
"Hillary sides with Muslim terrorists, black street criminals, and jewish billionaire banksters against Normal White Americans."
"during the day she sides with #BLM thugs in Charlotte, while at night she collects obscene fees fm white-collar criminals at Goldman Sachs"
i hate kibitzers so i am going to shut up now, but Trump while not terrible, was far from dominant. he can do better, i hope he will
Trump must endlessly tie hillary to terrorists, muslims, jew-neocon-warmongers, black criminals, aliens. + blast her GSachs speaking fees.
how many working class people could have been paid salaries out of the amount you charge for just one speech to Giant Evil Corporation Inc?
from TWITTER i thought hillary was on her deathbed. from WATCHING this debate i learned it's not so and donald trump may have budding cold
There is nothing funny or cute or little-woman about Hillary, she is symbol and exponent of an extremely destructive System.
Trump should be attacking her, not talking about himself. "Been audited 15 years in a row, go to town." Nuff said, move on.
I think if you're the person who nods rather than guffaws at 'government investment' you will think she did better than he.
I watched it on twitter. I'm giving impressions of someone who doesn't watch any tv coverage of the election, just… https://t.co/fJ3lZN1u6q
I don't think Trump did that well. Overall it was a draw. People who say Clinton is sick - did she look sick to you? Not to me.
The conservative continually defends himself out of easily induced guilt and cowardice; Trump out of sheer love of talking about himself.
Trump is so egotistical he would rather defend himself than attack her. That's a technical mistake. He needs > kellyanne conway-level advice
he needs to hit her on obscene fees she's paid by those super rich companies she keeps blasting. many one liners waiting to be delivered
main impression debate gave me is Donald had bad post-nasal drip. and she's supposed to be unhealthy. i only know what i read on twitter
she sounded healthy to me, and she is skilled in attack. trump should have dismissed tax talk and hit emails far harder.
a twist on M. Stanton Evans's original point from the 70s, re liberals entering conservative institutions. to give… https://t.co/u09kRGnCWf
wouldnt that violate the NAP tho https://t.co/UB2wZT4rh8
you had a right to get married. what you wanted was to destroy society by changing the term's definition.
true, but that only the surface problem. the original doctrines are the real problem, and it's a problem with no so… https://t.co/EBPncR4hHm
anti-Trump pro-withers Norm Macdonald's Issue With Saturday Night Live Right Now - CINEMABLEND https://t.co/pLMAJ1jZ5P
jews must die, as a tribe, that Whites may live https://t.co/plXErEGC5n
"I'm pro-potato salad. I don't take a position on salmonella, that's outside my scope." Chef Jared's house of dingle.
he'll totally miss you! not!! https://t.co/uvdyrEcROu
one cost of jews controlling the media is we can never be sure we know the truth about anything that didn't happen to us personally
do christians strike you as evil people? depraved? as well describe gerbils or guinea pigs thus. #WEAKnotEVIL
is there a funnier conceit than the (((media))) checking facts? clowns at least know they're clowns. NO ONE RESPECTS OR BELIEVES YOU YIDSIES
'white supremacist' - apart from the lie, one just laughs at this. 90% of whites would eat a cat turd labeled filet mignon.
big business driven by profits? that's the marxist line. demonstrable fact is papers would rather go under than serve white right readers
you've heard the term "set someone up for success." that is exactly how christianity serves jews and their #antiwhite agenda
nope. that's not enough. https://t.co/F1gkEnHnyh
dont have to out-monster the monster, just kill it https://t.co/D9abF7ZdEK
those who would let jews into any White movement are worse than jews themselves, and deserve the same treatment @jartaylor
these are the jews who are murdering our nation... https://t.co/jZag8zpJpC
we have parasites that look just like us. that's why the jew caricature has a downside, as it makes recognition HARDER
space as a concept is evocative; space as a reality is inert gases and dead rocks trillions of miles away. tf;dg
September 25, 2016:
Christians side with jews against their fellow christians - yet we're supposed to believe this odd cult will defend the white race?
#JWMD https://t.co/I4E4TehlNW
Christian Americans have helped jews cleanse the Middle East not only of Israel-opposing, stable Muslim nations but of Christians.
i guess it's great that ignorance at this level isn't seen as often as it used to be. https://t.co/fMsVQAHhrP
one tweet i do have to correct. i believe Pepe crowd IS serious that jews are the problem. IS. and milo the jew LIED that they are not.
christian doctrine is that all hominids have "imperishable souls" of "inestimable value." solid basis for a white nation, eh?
what jews in #altright will do is geld it of jew-criticism, rendering it impotent and indistinguishable from #cuckservatism
"troll milo" - utter waste of time. he's a jew jewing. he has access to breitbard because they're a jew outlet. EXCLUDE JEWS ALWAYS.
you cant identify your enemy because you don't know who YOU are. schmitt would say this is first job in politics: figguring friend/enemy
MacDonald needs to read Culture of Critique - AND UNDERSTAND WHAT IT MEANS. You can't get ironicker than that, but it's absolutely true.
What jews have done is POLITICIZE degeneracy. Before, if a gay feller liked to suck of a dick in a culvert, he KNEW he was a DEGENERATE.
The degenerate who knows he's a degenerate is a minor social problem. The degenerate who does not realize that is a major one.
You fight Milo by ignoring him. Or by using him - pointing he, like a typical jew, _lied_ that anti-jewism is serious among the Pepe crowd.
Now comes Richard Spencer. Of unclear but CIA-typical provenance. Works with jared Taylor orgs. Taylor wants to be Buckley, who was CIA.
Let's review history. Jews invade conservatism and defeat it in a couple years. Leads to 'paleocons' in early 80s. (1/2)
Kevin MacDonald, to his goy 'credit,' is like his readers: he cant actually accept jews are as organized and rotten as they actually are.
Let's let jews into the altright because... (ask Kevin MacDonald) This is the same stupidity as "we can control Hitler"
"identity" is not strong enough. race is the stronger word, it's also more accurate. we are white racialists, 'racists' to enemies, and WN.
to name just one small problem, the lack of principle of jew exclusion leads to wasted time. #altright has this problem, WN does not
milo: admits he's jew, faggot, non-altrightist. NOT A PROBLEM jared taylor: calls himself White Nationalist. calls jews whites. PROBLEM
A young movement must be intolerant and bold. When it mixes with pro money-raises (aka cuckservatism) it will only get coopted.
Kevin MacDonald is due eternal credit for Culture of Critique. But this can't hide that his political instincts are nearly 100% wrong.
milo is irrelevant. the one we should be criticizing is jared taylor. milo doesnt hide what he is. jared taylor is fake as three-dollar bill
a (non-jew) leftist is basically the type incapable of seeing itself as the bad guy. christian moralizing weaponized this demon
***UPDATE*** Turns out it wasnt GOD who created niggers but his intern Jooter. Lil bastard sneaked in after hours, playing on machines.
Christians believe jews are "God's children." Is their desire to genocide whites also of Godly origin?
Trump's campaign has brought the existential hatred jews have for white folks (#loxism) out into the semi-open. That is good; that is useful
eradicating niggers should be all five of them https://t.co/TwI3N0IK7J
the point is he's a JEW. of course, it's illegal for you to say that in UK, because you're slaves. https://t.co/kYEJPvS4fa
our job is to keep repeating: it aint true. that's all we owe the believers. constantly force them to face their cu… https://t.co/SHLpHmKwHT
Under the Nazis, public television was perverted. They used to run "This Old Louse" - true life vermin tales of ridding themselves of jews.
little people equate acting serious with being serious, that's why there is not a single funny line in 1700-page bible
Under apartheid, SA docs put baboon hearts in niggers. An unexpected finding was IQ went up 10 points.
which part of the nigger are you a fan of, stinky pete? https://t.co/wzpjTFefeK
my tweets have / impression. translate that into news i can use: how many stuffed purple giraffes have i won!!!
be warned, followers: i only have time for treating with three (3) caudate homunculi today, and i've already done with two (2).
blacks have not evolved to the point they recognize there is something higher than their Nigfeelz. but that's not white problem. save 4 jews
anyway, retardate & caudate, i'm germanical; we dont do hedonism. except very efficiently, and that's not the right… https://t.co/5qtdamKsDF
why shore he will. any day now! woot woot god's a comin'. https://t.co/reK0OuRSin
your generic graphic riposte has seared my marrow to sludge. i am defeated, good sir/madam/jenner. https://t.co/cXDgu85zV8
cool hat. can you get me on of those??? https://t.co/cXDgu85zV8
thanks for messing up the world with your #antiwhite semitic cult. we owe you https://t.co/bU2b15LFtF
they're like clowns who dont realize they're clowns https://t.co/He0KH0fnxx
how do you know that God doesn't prefer atheists to believers. "i gave you simps brains to doubt. you failed me. yo… https://t.co/Z3DfhWhBhQ
the avg man prefers religion to science because you cant be wrong w religion. and he wants to be loved for he, not for achievement
your church would rather see jewish communism triumph than Aryan racialism. that's historical fact, and for a good… https://t.co/Skjus6wtjH
the christian concept of guilt easily transposes into secular politics, as jews demonstrate daily. so manipulable are we, so easily
we feel guilt for a reason, but xtian concept of guilt is all-encompassing & morbid, akin to angst. it is unhealthy personally & politically
you're underrating the power of race alone. but yes, the white racial cause is a preference. https://t.co/JD2r0gieZT
some identify 'western civ' w church. either way, racial movement is for whites who value race. that's why includes… https://t.co/7FVGIWHRYF
polish 'culture' is moving to germany or UK https://t.co/jzcrfBA40S
polish "culture" - i'm guessing you're not european https://t.co/jzcrfBA40S
yeah, strange that most xtian of examples didnt occur to the guy to use. everywhere the church goes it breaks down… https://t.co/GtK3UxRl8X
poland - who's even heard of Pole not trying to emigrate to a less christian land? https://t.co/gV7SHoQ2jG
ive forgotten more about the sad cult than you'll ever know https://t.co/PYLK4sLvEv
no, they don't see that, they're just parroting that. there's no thinking involved at any point from the peon level. https://t.co/IMLOKbpBLY
no. the problem is its DOCTRINES. it's most basic beliefs. that's the problem. those doctrine cannot be change, eit… https://t.co/QvmYqk339Z
the problem is its doctrines. those aren't going to change. the problem wouldnt be active after, but it would still… https://t.co/QnXgCTsJ0O
September 24, 2016:
thanks to the christian church, jews still exist to perpetrate genocide against us https://t.co/1rCVDqVF9t
i guarantee she never heard that once. https://t.co/EZ9An8lk9E
we already have whole huge sections of the globe for mexicans and muslims to be losers in. they dont need america too.
#Ifinditodd that Mengele took time out from his busy day to greet each and every holocaust survivor personally.
maybe they'll teach you that pagan isn't capitalized https://t.co/G3BCTDbnBu
"fraud." good tweets are good tweets. why are you anonymous twinks so concerned about authenticity. I AM WHO I SAY… https://t.co/xni8TOSZua
10-4. https://t.co/L0FTBAFcBj
yes skypes https://t.co/aLxSl4wuV9
that's verging on the dishonest argument jared taylor makes. there is no such thing as being pro-white without bein… https://t.co/vIMrTjG5tG
jews earn their daily bread by defaming our race. whereas we are denied our daily bread for simply describing their actions. #revolution
if objective descriptions of jews are beyond the pale...how are we not living under a Jewish Tyranny? https://t.co/YYf02cLIPY
b4 they were 9considered' (smeared) EBIL SNOTZIS, stereotype was germans were: dreamy unworldly - contasted w sharp… https://t.co/A7LaZLU0Fl
Sleazy, the dwarf "we dont talk about"? https://t.co/n5B9AkOg6F
eh, it's the South. i side with it, but hopefully without getting any on me https://t.co/9gvFI1Uh3e
a lot of them do indeed have that hominid mud-puddle gestalt going on https://t.co/TV3BOCOIL7
free riding on christian morality sounds dangerouser than those kids that used to ride on top of subway cars
you know who invented the term ovenworthy, you anonymous ecru online chigger? i thought stealing was against yr com… https://t.co/dzweRi5j87
think...without thinking first about what you're supposed to think...and you might be surprised where you end up
niggers. they're so cute and funny, aren't they? and THEY LOOK SO HUMAN!! with their little faces and tries to talk
paine was a leftist nut. women's rights is a demonstrably bad idea. letting niggers vote is another. https://t.co/diwiwXXnMb
"I'm married to a man who eats pussy like a champ. after all, i taught him." https://t.co/fzFLz1plyt
hi folksies. i run around life having experienceth. FAGGOT. COMMITMENT makes life. you cant get the most out of prison by DABBLING in it.
no, it's not an idea in way you mean it https://t.co/XMdZgTr38O
what is human nature? once i was in a plane. it took off. the person in middle seat grabbed my arm. did not know me. we are schoolfish+.
but we knew that from the 'rabbi' https://t.co/IcSlhyH6Vx
Christianity isn't true. Christianity is #antiwhite. You can leak into your crying sock all night long, these facts won't go away.
christianity induces guilt in whites. it's spiritual foreplay preceding political fucking by (((you know who)))
it literally never even crosses avg white mind to consider that his (german/american) ancestors might not have been the bad guys
i hear whites are generous and charitable from people who need to think harder: they dont even give their own ancestors benefit of doubt
if we kill all the jews, then the races can separate. anyone who can think and does research can see jews are The Problem in this world
true conservatism is whining, remonstrating niggling and yielding. until it breaks free of jews and regrows its balls. #tcot
we need fanatics. yeah. not khaki-wearing well-adjusted fellows. we need people like that doctor in Reanimator.
my god you could catch a tarpon on that nose https://t.co/9RSvTcGOBE
God created the kind of people who needed to be told not to lie. Is it me, or is this incredibly funny.
if you cant tell the story of jebus is a big fat made up lie, your racial kind deserves to go extinct
what's the difference between jim jones xtianity and modern leftism? jones et crew actually drank their own Kool-Aid https://t.co/jhBBn6v9lc
whites have no pride and don't value their race. christianity, of course, has nothing to do with this. https://t.co/ITJRAlsHyE
"Racial strife is necessary part of destroying white nations. Doesn't matter if the natives don't like it, they don't control things." --NJW
why cant the races separate? jews. they're evil. racial strife is "good for jews." it's part of wrecking WHITE nations. #TeamWhite
real men dont need cops, priests or big govt. the truth is very few who consider themselves pro-American even understand the original idea
he really is the perfect christian. weak, dishonest, two-faced, addicted to vice. no wonder the romans had contempt… https://t.co/IqqDDFjkpr
one reason i have unlimited contempt for xtian conservatives (like Beck) is they willfully lie about the racial views of Founders
It's not that xtian faggots (redundant) like Glenn Beck are wrong. Anyone can be wrong. It's that they're liars.
christianity is many bad things, but one of them is a way for lower-tier whites to revenge themselves on their betters.
if you treat your spiritual and political inferiors as your equals, don't be suprised when they end up your superiors.
yeah well losers are a dime a dozen https://t.co/ANCTWCK1Ha
Rampant niggers and ruling jews - if you don't like this, you must recognize this is the direct result of your christianity.
How would Andrew Jackson react to men bent on destroying his heritage's symbols and monuments? He would kill them. #TeamWhite
jews denatured the right. by clippings its racial balls. the alternative to that is necessarily (& obvs) - racialism. aka white nationalism.
what do you do with a dog with worms? what do you do with a nation with jews? #TeamWhite approves the Socratic method. And the harangue!
you're another war twink, eh. war is cool! moron https://t.co/txharxebut
you destroy your character when you accede in a lie. this is why there are so few christian men of high character. #TeamWhite
"autonomous civilization" - ie, cannibals. quit using white computers and living indoors then, hypocrite. whites in… https://t.co/gjFb87Iwue
yr not talking my lingo, splotchy. https://t.co/Hc1G3VWXH0
shhh...or mexicans will be lining up to worship it https://t.co/KS8OaGyQgt
The Founding Fathers had some feeling about diversity. They were against it. They were racialists - the original #TeamWhite.
it's schmuck. and get some hair plugs. https://t.co/giTkH6EqJB
i dont know what that is https://t.co/lwayEPK6tB
When you see how many whiteskins fall for the 'white privilege' self-hate, you get a glimpse into the formation of the christian cult.
he's an idiot https://t.co/ZL7Vydab6L
altright is, mentally, for those who think nearly entirely within the electoral sphere. but we're rapidly moving to the 'unthinkable.'
you ever notice how well formed, truly august, the persecuted old Germans are - in contrast to their antly persecutors?
you love subliterate hyperbole? https://t.co/PElWV5k9jv
Re Hungary, Remember La Belle disco bombing - Mossad false flag. https://t.co/2E2rI1ij7q
western civilization always sounds like some not very good casserole meat dont need no dressing #WhiteNationalism
imagine a skunk. does it go around saying "i'm not a cat." or figuring out what to call itself. NO. it doesnt need to. BE LIKE THE SKUNK.
Oculus Rift Founder Palmer Luckey Funding Trump Shitposters [UPDATE] https://t.co/l0YGsZeBN2
drug and gangster movies tend to be great because if they're serious they're always about one real thing: loyalty
the point of (((feminism))) is destroying the white race. that explains why feminists are quiet about muslim invasion. #TeamJew
you jews aided muslims in wrecking europe, just as you are doing today. you are a race of guilty criminals. kill yo… https://t.co/m57Y1ZLNFd
the feds are clearly flushing raw demographic sewage into the US at unprecedented rates, i dont give a flying fuck what any authority claims
how do you think religious conservatives in Hitler's Germany felt? i bet the vast majority was greatly relieved that SOMEONE did something
our cause is racial not religious. the weakheads will come along with us because no other group can create the social conditions they desire
Ball State colludes in the jewish drive to flip the truth about guilty lying pedophile rapist murderer #LeoFrank. https://t.co/4KvXGe0Fbv
September 23, 2016:
[article on norm macdonald] “We did one when Marlon Brando said something about the Jews controlling Hollywood,” he explains. (1/3)
does NO ONE know how to do eyeliner anymore? #thesedays https://t.co/K4ehoyHVOy
there's something seedy and catamitic about that shillsboy https://t.co/QEcPWRIQtp
imagine what their social equivalents would look like today https://t.co/jPSbPmsJpz
unclear antecedent https://t.co/NinFMm873T
fantastic... it's amazing how many unknown jews write stupid little "academic" books/essays based on studying WN https://t.co/YmUdPR14iW
we discover the (((media))) is lying about 1 thing...and progress to discover it is lying about everything https://t.co/OKTCNtqssq
it's astonishing, the perceptual diff between b&w and colored https://t.co/F02RjTswrq
is it racist to hate niggers?? i thought it was just good taste https://t.co/KicTrXYSNx
luckily for you it's easily avoided https://t.co/sdX26zNgA6
possibly the most disturbing thing i have personally ever seen. i wish that human girl and punched him https://t.co/YxKzq0DAMp
what kind of animal is that? https://t.co/lpeJ5GrF0Z
Twitter Moving Closer to Sale https://t.co/d5boJBJp0u via @nytvideo
Via @NPR: Native Hawaiians Now Have A Pathway To Form A Government https://t.co/JmEtfamptc
you should start a blog called Eve's Refrigerator Door https://t.co/yBCDEtu6Ln
i've heard a lot of whites say they like jews (chewish peepul), but i dont think ive ever heard a jew say he likes whites.
Reality doesn't go away because you're afraid to acknowledge it. Maybe grow some character? https://t.co/K1VpBWkhv4
he attacked white women the night before he died. you're an idiot. https://t.co/tdmcIgD96h
my kill tweets are just in goodhearted fun, like an unresting nigger throwing media trash in fire https://t.co/yd4gkheoqq
i can be subtle; i choose not to be because hyperbole is funnier than understatement https://t.co/m51HV7mO0v
kill kill kill kill the left kill kill kill kill jews kill kill kill kill niggers kill kill kill kill? kill
a baby squalls in SUV while Ubange withdraws two 1/4"-thick wads of bills from ATM off two different cards. whites pay, niggers play
what a loser mentality this bespeaks. https://t.co/jJHzNFCLhq
"A job aint nothing but work." --true nig attitude https://t.co/YkEoOokOwL
telling the truth about niggers, jews and queers puts you on the "jugengefaehrende Media" (youth-endangering media) list in Germany
i'll scan it later and you can see how the world doesnt work https://t.co/TSFWQV9Sgg
today got letter from German thought police...re something i wrote on https://t.co/6wqzgQBnFY about 10 years ago.
The only TOS question that matters is "do you allow criticism of jews and discussion of their #antiwhite agenda?"
September 22, 2016:
white people need guidance from someone not manifestly a charlatan, not in it for money or p&ssy. in this both trump and hitler fil the bill
henrietta shnozzleman not letting you follow her? but this is no great loss https://t.co/ekKzEAwuy5
christians affirm, in the collective cowardice they call wisdom, that hitler is evil, jews good, and god a nigger!
what was different about hitler? some say it's that he was 6'8" and could lift like an internet neoreactionary. but i think twas sumting elz
the prob w democracy on broad scale is no one dares lecture the people, which is mostly what they need. not even priests dare nowadays
SMELL THE STROFT https://t.co/mR4xDW7Ky0
#LeoFrank and #ADL is a perfect example of a cross-generational jewish conspiracy to subvert the truth and attack innocent Whites.
The consensus of jew conspirators citing jewish liars... https://t.co/iUksLRu9wZ
Christianity isn't true. “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.” --Philip Dick
Let history record: when there was (((evil))) to be fought, christians served it. They preferred lies to the truth, and status to honor.
There are no words strong enough to condemn jews, nor the conservative writers who pull punches out of fear of them. #AnnCoulter
something that level but not the counterfactual content. an order that respects blood and nature, yet WITHOUT worsh… https://t.co/364ZAr2ilL
Leo Frank punched our Mary Phagan in the head, jammed something in her twat, then strangled her to death. Jews today celebrate Leo Frank.
if i ever wondered if were wrong about jews, seeing their musical about leo frank makes me think if its impossible to exaggerate their evil
all my life i've heard we "need" religion. but it is not so. we need water. we need air. or we die. w/o religion, w… https://t.co/3KidHvCJzU
the elite drink water and eat kale the commoners drink coke and eat cheeseburgers elite are atheists; commoners are… https://t.co/pJnn2OdsAd
in an all-white nation: 1) capital punishment for xtians who try to undermine racial basis of society 2) outcompete jeboobs w race-doctrine
that wouldnt work, akin to a war on stupidity, terror or drugs. https://t.co/FyeIWEmN0k
who recognizes the value of race more? jews or xtians? who sells out his own kind for money more? jews or xtians? #TruthPrecedesProgress
those poor blackies, just trying to walk around all innocent and unarmed, looking for 2 or 3 jobs no doubt, and vicious hatepigs gun em down
Think drops of xtian magic water are going to cure jews who put on counterfactual musicals 100 years after the fact? But that's doctrine.
jews have traditionally been liars and nation wreckers, and those traditions continue today https://t.co/EZZWWYey6x
Even where the facts are fully established, as in case of #LeoFrank, #ADL and the jews lie. You cannot believe ANYTHING jews say.
This case is 100 years old. The facts are established. Jews reverse them to protect a jew pedo who murdered a white girl. #ADL
A"musical" about Leo Frank that reverses the facts to defame the prosecutor and, well, South & Whites generally. https://t.co/RawroWCdk8
i'd like to urge my fellow WN followers to refrain from shooting cops and throwing fotogs in fires. you dirty hateful extremists.
streets filled with violent coons papers filled with lying jews hunting season nears -Keishiko Nawrabe
Was there dindu involved last night? Aww yeah you knowz it: “My daddy didn’t do nothing https://t.co/TmBElSOPNM #DinduNuffins
you can dress 'em in manpants and stand 'em on end, but gosh dang it, you can still them niggers just aint human
if the white man disappeared from the face of the earth, christianity couldnt care less, as its doctrine has nothing to do with race
#JWMD. like 90% she lives out of your white pockets - state funded by taxpayers to hate and destroy the native whit… https://t.co/x1f78UKdgH
young Windsniffer...SO adorbs https://t.co/Dr9X8GUFPU
collage of jews destroying your world, white man, while most of you, per your christ-insanity, worship them as gods https://t.co/FevWByT1fF
you're using that term wrong https://t.co/ObhQZf0AXW
September 21, 2016:
jews are worried about dominating whites whites -- even white racialists -- are concerned about being fair to jews
nature doesn't operate on fairness but on genocide. again, YOU are the one positing a (nonexistent) God; i merely observe
Charley Varrick - shows that by thinking and keeping cool head you can WIN https://t.co/OtcZmO36ds
time to make a deal with Liberia: we'll take 40 boxcars of your ground nuts in exchange for 40,000,000 free-range niggers
there was plenty of filthy behavior in those days but no internet, so the media jews could hide it https://t.co/zndAQNXicr
prayer is for faggots, you faggot https://t.co/rUAsmdzKB4
Never had an answer to this question, tho i've posed it many times to crissies: which part of God does the nigger reflect?
Don't let the riots blind you to the reality: blacks were created by God in his image and likeness. They reflect Him. Yes, God is a nigger.
Niggers are created by God, and reflect him, christian experts inform me. There's nothing Big Pa loves like a photographer barbecue.
Look at that nigger yapping at cop; brain barely big enough to operate a bullfrog. https://t.co/4y6oWWFCKi
Eventually you have to drop what you're NOT (viz The Alternative: An American Spectator) and state what you are. But WN already there.
Clam Chowder with Pookie from Gross Pointe https://t.co/nsThoKMY5A
yes. the (((media))) are so used to lying, & so lazy, shallow & ignorant, it's impossible to separate imposture & l… https://t.co/C9KBpknzru
yes, and this has become increasingly common in the last couple years. their Ju-scemiing ("how you doing, fellow ki… https://t.co/CqdSf6aFhn
People who claim the racial question can be separated from jews are utter liars who deserve nothing but scorn and r… https://t.co/m44k5ucH9I
Sunday and Monday school join forces to lie to larval whites about jews and their nature. https://t.co/YnjXyQGGgl
yes. but atheism technically is an answer to one question, not a religion in itself, or a politics https://t.co/YnjXyQGGgl
they're growing the body of people who understand the crucial things: that our whiteness matters, and that jews are… https://t.co/zpHw2Y4VUw
they're an inbred hybrid race. they bred with themselves in europe, not with europeans https://t.co/Lf0qZJ9JrR
its easy when you control the media https://t.co/4qoxortRhR
what's notable is that germans and even swedes ARE fighting back. arguably more to MUCH more than USAns. https://t.co/RlOXUo5flZ
best blood was killed in war; remainder subject to decades of most intense propaganda ever devised. i mean, that's… https://t.co/Zx3O0D6xS4
if 40% of hominids < 5 in germany arent German & merkel has 2nd thoughts, take her 2nd thoughts as next act in script. job is done, ease off
Whenever some group or personage springs up overnight and seems pro-white but won't name the jew - that's the one j… https://t.co/cEb0Y32Agz
The coopted RIGHT (as opposed to niggers) can be told by its jew-subservience - Tommy Robinson in UK being perfect… https://t.co/0TMQfRtQfm
whose? you reminded me of someone. i could be wrong. "FridaKahlo" wasn't that a jew mexican artist? https://t.co/dL7EP2qu3s
Yianno is basically a profiteer having fun, making some obvious points against feminism, but leaving the ((( out. E… https://t.co/vfsPNdru8J
Yiannopoulos has overtly said he IS a jew and is NOT altright. So he's not to worry about. It's the Jared Taylors w… https://t.co/RgtRklv4Ts
jews are white when criticized and jews when successful or admirable. everything jews do serves their agenda, usual… https://t.co/o8j3kxqQ4L
what jews do is lay back and watch a movement grow...for a long time...they study it, its leaders & ideas. then the… https://t.co/B16e05hZh9
i rarely use zionists because the problems is JEWS and the cucks who serve them. jews have caused same problems for… https://t.co/kKk0XkKKXc
yeah...except when they're pretending to be white, or JITING, to get us to self-hate, self-blame, and self-immolate https://t.co/pyDddjVRJl
what many and increasing Whites DO agree is that we want to live as whites among whites. THAT is our cause. and JEWS are THE obstacle to it.
whites are under a coordinated, global threat (Soros et al.). what but a similar-level response makes sense?
but what i / we are doing is growing body of whites who DEMAND our own WHITE NATION. (hence #WhiteNationalism). "come w us if u want 2 live"
whites are not united on how to live with each other (and my position is they needn't be, given space-facilitated decentralization) (1/2)
the one soros would be funding if anyone would be Curious Cernovich. but i dont assert that, i speculate that https://t.co/38ihAhkqxm
i dont think so, because it's not really an organization. it's people who MORE OR LESS see same probs/solutions https://t.co/38ihAhkqxm
jew culture is a contradiction: their entire 'culture' is lying about others. they are simply dirty lying, murdering swindlers
what the VANGUARD does is always the most necessary thing, especially that others wont do - and that is attacking judaism's hamburger helper
jew culture (100%) = "we are this wonderful godly people of god who are hated & persecuted by all others for no reason yet survive."
sarah silverman gets on tv whining about how jews are always persecuted. she gets that from rabbis. that IS jew culture.
what the Pepe crowd has that is both great & new(ish) is the right tone (laughing, mocking) & great graphics. THIS is following NS smartly
what prevents whites from resisting jews? they've been brainwashed out of perceiving jews correctly by their christian religion #TeamWhite
As tiny minority, jews take position that all white nations should be wiped out & white racialists take position that israel should exist. ?
buh-bye https://t.co/HMPj9sZT7Q
you're recent and ignorant https://t.co/fPL9k2zxlC
Uncounted thousands of jews earn their daily bread by spreading vicious, defamatory, genocidal lies about normal whites and the white race.
Israel should not be allowed to exist; if we possibly can, it should be wiped out, and we should work with Muslims to accomplish this.
it's tied into 501c3 and jew-pozzed funding structures. so IF it takes off beyond internet frogs, its positioned fo… https://t.co/AIzDGtYAKi
You have people who arent even white like (((Yiannopoulos))) saying the Pepe crowd is just kidding about jews. https://t.co/yh0v0udNiO
The US doesnt need army, it has oceans. It doesn't need cops, it needs men. Cops are (shitty) substitutes for real men. Do u realize that?
We aren't going to liberate ourselves from jews to subsidize white niggers. That would be a foolish mistake. Act right or die is white motto
Government is outmoded. It is the worst way to do nearly everything. At least half the population has vested interest in not seeing this.
jews aside, the entire possibility of modern world is DEcentralization. but that's for whites living w whites. FIRST we must defeat #TeamJew
#altright is neo-faileoconism. its "roots," to use its figure, come straight from jew-crit-suppressing (((Paul Gottfried))).
all jews are taught this, as is evident from their beliefs and actions. it's not an ultra-orthodox thing but an all… https://t.co/iSZAvWo77v
the caption is probably a lie too https://t.co/OsUbNzDnkp
White nationalism is the natural umbrella, not #altright. What we have in common & defend is not political position but racial existence.
All serious public discussion proceeds upon false basis. This is what jew media control means. WN is like a mental environmental movement.
look to nature. nature's way is genocide. if you don't like that, file an appeal with your imaginary god. but for crissakes don't blame me.
you cant turn a universalist doctrine into a race-specific political vehicle. look at history - it doesn't work. the psychologies are 180s.
popular answer, but wrong. the thing itself is the problem. inherently and irremediably. https://t.co/030iDZmRLN
with you, as with all your type, it's the dog that didnt bark. what i stated is factually correct, re jews and femi… https://t.co/8nEMHfyJiQ
i'll keep saying it till people grasp it's true. it may take 15-20 years, as with jews. but that's not my fault. https://t.co/DCcQhdqik2
"anti-semite" - you're an idiot and a slave https://t.co/BVrp0MW9jx
jews draw pay from white pockets for their work destroying white society. they are laughing at us as they genocide us. #TeamWhite
why cant jews be like whites? well, see, they're not white. like we admire honesty, bravery, beauty, they admire ugliness, lying and murder
how to solve americas nigger rioting problems, by peter gabriel https://t.co/SY49w3gJCW
who knows, i leave that to the tvers to figger https://t.co/ZS5IHe1cpb
perfect example of jew gaslighting, is applebaum. she accuses putin of doing precisely what her jews have done for… https://t.co/CtJfFEfhjH
dey gettin dey ubange on https://t.co/CAwA88swi7
jews had substantial control of US foreign policy BEFORE 1900. they altered, for one, our policy toward russia, based on lies. like today.
the US started subsidizing losers under FDR, the jewiest admin to date, and went full throttle under LBJ. decades later - look around
when the Constitution still slightly existed we had free association & little welfare, & blacks worked in their own… https://t.co/NHjJfeMMLc
#JWMD https://t.co/eBjJ9gTp8L
another JWMD https://t.co/PMGrOaJVqD
if we simply didnt subsidize them, most of them would never be born, and the rest would have to work https://t.co/GSNMVJcg4v
christianity and islam both quit fighting you if you convert. they are both anti-racial, universalist doctrines. #TeamWhite
Fry this jew in pig fat https://t.co/A6HwryBRd6
Hillary is a pear-shaped anile mafiosa who belongs in an institution. Jail or nursing home, either one.
Reagan was going to close the Dept. of Education. I voted for him for that exact reason. Didn't happen. That was my… https://t.co/WTGxbqqUaZ
jews are The Problem. xtianity is the reason The Problem has never been solved. racial specifism is the answer. #TeamWhite
the first to succumb to jewish communism, right? contradictions matter: you cannot be White and xtian https://t.co/Sy8AZ3kX0k
#HeroDylannRoof correctly realized that killing one nigger is as good as another. They're ALL the same.
south african niggers are always yelping and jumping up and down. even more than regular niggers https://t.co/bbGJbins1P
i'm fighting back. you dont understand christianity. https://t.co/8CdHEvKXId
Let's be honest: no one on earth would mind if he woke up and found all niggers had been slaughtered overnight. Utterly useless population.
on this wednesday we bow our heads and remember PRAYER SOLVES NOTHING and we invoke Gwad's help to KEEP OUR FEELZ BEHIND OUR TEETH
surely the earth is nearing its carrying capacity for faggots https://t.co/VGKuHfvIcD
christianity is the reason you see ostenible grownups all wearing the same tshirt, a sight more horrifying than latest ISIS barbarity
do you prefer the better to the worse - or even recognize it? if so, you are disqualified from being a christian
a christian is a man afraid to laugh at what's stupid; chesterton was an xtian who spent his whole life defending it https://t.co/dkHOCYiXma
i've read plenty of Ol' Tinear https://t.co/dkHOCYiXma
people who dont follow South Afreak accts might not realize nigger "students" lol riot nearly continuously on prete… https://t.co/Ppu1KyBmIp
A christian could be defined in a 1000 ways, but the single best way is: a grown man who's afraid to laugh.
God likes to sneak out of heaven and loot semis in the name of "justice," which is another thing He's famously comp… https://t.co/RA2mOuAqZO
ziggity boot boot yumenuh pimena woko eeenoyaji #bixnood https://t.co/NejyC4jC2T
bobudee bimboo bebobuhlulah #bixnood https://t.co/P1oAp7hBzH
imagine importing a million bootlips to china and then running GOVT-SPONSORED commercials saying "China's never going back to way it was b4"
cult or hothouse are the two that leap to my mind, always. their group fantasy is not just a good idea - it's the l… https://t.co/OKevEjwkvz
September 20, 2016:
that's the chriistan position, and it led directly to where we are now. christianity kills whites. https://t.co/I5MFGI4vzT
living in a richard scarey book https://t.co/gUH7sublkK
short for discoloreds. https://t.co/PcZGaxKepe
it's like design that aspires to kitsch but cant quite make it https://t.co/Fi5mWwMcC5
it just seems stupid to me... it's like a cry for reassurance or something. very odd in any case. https://t.co/YkkzrqSboI
Notice also this home decoration thing where you have a big KITCHEN spelled out in letters in kitchen and so-on-like. wtf? kindgarten stuff
what is this obsession proles have with finding and losing dogs and cats? it's past bizarre. i honestly think population nearing tard level
"Sean" lol. Get out o' queer, McAnus https://t.co/CWxZpBh6Sp
yeah, that is very decidedly tied to school grounds back in mid-1970s... https://t.co/j38BVSGoKm
i'm sensing some o'homophobia from you, McSlurpy...what's wrong with dudes sharing groin fizz w other dudes??? https://t.co/wboNyQcDE1
gulp guilp gulp jeez leave some for rod stewart https://t.co/uxIcRz561q
me either. klvy your real name, like mine? no, your name is fake as your hair https://t.co/upARtj1aqL
ow an we keepin it 92 is we https://t.co/a0MFAQDbaV
Gallagher means consumer of much sperm in Gaelic, you ignorant faggot. https://t.co/MLQNttfh4V
yeah and you keep buying other people's hair and taping it to your velcro https://t.co/MzYw1TmTE8
can't spell black without lack* *lack of brains *lack of self-control *lack of hygiene #KeithLamontScott
duke doesn't love jebus, he's a democratic politician who needs votes, and the electorate are good xtianis (ie, idi… https://t.co/Rs0A22aSTv
white nationalists (should) USE trump. as he is USING racialists. we are not him (civic nationalist), and he is not us (racial nationalists)
you're a fer-de-lance named herbert. https://t.co/SsUwOlGP1p
exclusion and intolerance are the winning way, not big-tentism, which is what led to the jew takeover of the formerly-semi-coherent right
(((yiannopoulos'))) theatrics aside, he's as radical as (((hoff summers))). he's a russell brand, sacha baron cohen type. really...who cares
dude i can smell you from here. you're mexicaner than chihuahua poop https://t.co/CKtIIMa2H5
you're smiling cuz you're happy you're not mexican. RACIST https://t.co/bDaUEG6sQ2
the nature of the enemy and the challenge it poses pretty much determines the nature of the response. among the sanity based, anyway
jews work with muslims to destroy Europe while filling their papers with "unsafe for jews" stories. whites played for suckers all ways
non-whites instinctively see that what's valuable about us white folks is - us. not some goofy religious doctrine. US. our physical essence.
well, in her defense you are annoying https://t.co/hCg6i2atg4
it's semitical correctness. started by your co-racialist lenin, a blood jew https://t.co/KNWaBmKMmQ
we must attack the (((enemy))) we must also attack that which prevents us from identifying and defending against the enemy #TeamWhite
have you ever considered the proposition that christianity is an inherently bad thing? no more than any muslim has islam, i'll bet
God with one tiny move of his flipper can render atheists like me utter buffoons. it jes ne'er happen, do it?
jews are strong. that is undeniable. they will be defeated only by opposing strength. never by associations of loser-weaklings aka xtianity.
O'Reilly is a run of the mill parochial East Coast big city type https://t.co/xXpKdXa13i
leftism, among non-jews, is substantially same as Jim Jones's cult, except the kool-aid is forced on you
how can 70-IQ monkeys handle college-level material? https://t.co/CeMrOWNL7s
it never crosses the average sand nigger's mind that Islam is false but your cult is different ;) #crosscucks
Instead of wasting your time trying to figure out an imaginary god's will, you should be studying and observing and reflecting.
christianity is the only association that care about the weak. yes, it tries to make more of them the hard way is the soft way #truth
still the funniest most telling thing about 'the' 'church' is how it legit angry w hitler when he went after retards. #muhCustomerBase
i believe in the market for most things BECAUSE i'm a racialist. subsidizing defectives is socialism
christian doctrine of solidarity with the poor quickly turns into playing with feces poor + self-control = rich. poor + fawning = criminals
people who erase monuments, or blow up sculptures are monsters. you add to history, you dont erase it or deny it. that's how jews operate.
Fix the nigger? fix the brown 'man'? Not my job, man. If they're broken, blame your God for it, jebus fool.
"go forth and convert the little brown man to the One True Path of Christianity." ...how's that working out for you, white man?
christianity is a "brotherhood of man cult". that's what lets the kikes in the door w their diversity agitprop
it's christianity that tells us we have something in common with discos. do you not see it is the source of our spiritual problem?
somebody doesnt fucking love science "race retards" = "if i advocated racial reality i'd lose my job" you're a sl… https://t.co/eA4YHyrDD7
i guess the right can never understand the left because we don't get the same rush out of feeling morally superior to others
jews need niggers (or muslims) to wreck white nations. whites dont need niggers at all. or muslims. or jews. #TeamWhite
"i'm exhausted fighting my instincts" why do you think you have instincts? https://t.co/tidSzVFpTt
really? if you had every person in euro countries vote online, vs letting EU and/or pope vote, which would kill/sav… https://t.co/uFPnvxiXeM
jews spends half a billion to wreck White nations https://t.co/zWiTkgNsha
no, we should "pray" like the fagkin. "prayer" always has and will solve all human problems https://t.co/SszZdkqDci
the same idiot who observes jews have been kicked out of 109 countries will in next breath advocate 110th. level of witlessness - staggering
bake some cookie selfies? https://t.co/OpewkMR2YN
traditionalists like to say man doesn't exist for the sake of the economy, but they drop that approach when it comes to "tradition"
Traditionalists simply do the same thing as progressives, which is why I don't respect them: whatever they like = tradition or progress.
Whites undeniably now have a tradition of truckling before jews. I guess since it's a tradition, it must be good, inevitable, respected.
My point is if the tradition doesn't supply the correct answer, the traditionalist would/must go down w ship. https://t.co/31JBuugN8Z
Judeo-Christian tradition. jews don't value being weak, groveling losers. Those are christian values.
No. Hitler was an independent leader, not beholden to jew money, doing what he thought best for Germany. https://t.co/x7NngIYfpj
If whites are molested, murdered and blown up on streets, that's nothing; but god forbid a little nigger kid live near lead paint. #ZOG
Traditionalism promotes the false idea of 'organic.' Human affairs are made by wills making decisions; we are not trees, nor have we roots.
Traditionalism has many downsides: it promotes idea that quick positive change is impossible, that any bad trend is inevitable, for two.
September 19, 2016:
remember PJ O'Rourke's article about the election in nicaragua. people don't get in long lines to vote for status quo.
Twitter’s new, ‘simpler’ rules for character counts in tweets go live https://t.co/MaJGK43gAl via @techcrunch
what jews do culturally is essentially sex terrorism. doing everything possible to blow up families, prevent them from forming
cannot be said enough https://t.co/ENcEJNRBdg
no, they're not white. (just ask em). my beef with them is they're trying to wreck my nation and genocide my race https://t.co/W6Sgal0GBE
classic AmeriKwana: when u cant even bomb because jigs be rehomieing your double cookers https://t.co/3ra5gfmQO6
defensiveness, the urge to suppress - these are strong indications what you're defending is not-a-good-thing
Enlightenment hubris? it's the church that claims niggers are God's FUBU and (at same time!) that it can fix them.
this is the situation cernovich's people created, all over the west. https://t.co/rEMIgrOaQ0
jews are using whites to advance Israel and destroy their own race. the church is too weak to stop them, mostly aids & abets
when you took on the task of fixing the nigger, you didnt realize what you were getting into, did you
what kind of system allows fat people to vote? the Sugar Party is always going to outpole the Self-Control party
because of jews, the western world spends all its time cleaning up after muslims and blacks rather than advancing
September 18, 2016:
the jew-imposed opportunity cost of pretending niggers are people is beyond calculation https://t.co/M1A4HX4kxh
i still remember Eric Bish. he developed new kinds of strawberries. he was murdered by a 70-IQ coon in PO down in North Carolina
the (((media))) never ever give you a full-color detailed loving portrait of a white murdered by black or raped by alien
if whites were 1/100th as anti-jew as jews claim, the jewish race would not exist. but never fear...that day is coming #TeamWhite
jews perceive themselves as a race at war with every other - and act accordingly. whites, most, have never given jews 1 sec of thought
why do jews defeat whites? because they share an understanding and agenda, whereas we are confused and divided
when you teach people that all hominids were created by god, it lessens their interest in paying attention to differences
what is a priest, i ask this sunday? more than any other thing, it is a man who wants to hide from you that thinking works
sorry i'm White. i dont accept plangent TRIPE as an answer when you got that...you got the attitude (ht Damone)
jews have been known as nation wreckers for 2000 years https://t.co/6AgXHDI2GM
you and we should face life with the gloriosity of Sam Kinison lighting into an audience "helper." cackle n attack, me worthies...
jew populations amid whites should be looked upon as outbreaks of a disease worse than Ebola #TeamWhite
unlike other questions, the jew problem does not divide into moderate and extreme positions but reality and fantasy camps
jews are on the side of muslims who burn people in cages. and gang rape white girls in Europe (and USA if their Hillary is elected)
jews, Israel and the jewed-USA support ISIS. that's not a joke or exaggeration, that's literal, factual truth. please think about it.
if hitler reappeared today, do you think he would agree that his policy of helping jews emigrate was right or wrong, in hindsight?
whites are 2/3 population of USA, jews are already writing "see yuh" exinction articles "dialogue" with this people? No. just death
why have one person turn off faucet when you can give mops to a million? this is what happens when you murder the god of causation
(((Miliband))): "the first Jewish leader of the Labour Party—and describes himself as a Jewish atheist" https://t.co/9vnR5xHzuf
if you love the myriad problems america has now, vote Hillary because she will 100% guaranteed exacerbate every single one of them
hillary is sick she's a crook she's a liar her hubby is a scumbag VOTE FOR THIS TAG TEAM OF PUTRESCENCE? FUCK NO. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
our govt is controlled by jews, and they hate whites. that's the long and short of it. not what you hear in school, is it? #TeamWhite
that fatted sau needs to be hanging upside down from a rope with dogs supping on her innards & lapping her blud https://t.co/GLxyFZ1np2
016-09-18 Trump +180 Hillary -190 last time we checked, trump was +240, so a BIG swing trump's way by people risking actual money
the white cause needn't sell itself; if it had nothing to offer it would be opposed with lies, shrieks and legal suppression
if you have good qualities, trust people will figure them out. TRUST YOUR MATERIAL. dont bruit yourself like a common publicity ape
if you hate whites and seek their destruction, you can be hired by any fed-backed institution. if you love whites and defend them - opposite
jews literally have an entire industry based on hating and lying about white people. This is #loxism. https://t.co/qX8uEN0qQ4
money from the air, he makes https://t.co/t8IxntxA75
life is not about being nice to people all the time you cannot amputate any part of your emotional range and be normal & healthy
Trump fights AND has dignity, and appropriate decorum. He is precisely not the well tempered loser we loathe in the Anglo type.
kikes and high-minded anglo elite + cuckservants run what is indistinguishable from a cult in US, but pepe's eyes tell the truth
one follower has this: "Butt-humping kikes will not save the White Race. Nazi frogs will." #WisdomForASunday
we had the respect of the world, no debt, a genuinely free & civilized society - then jews showed up #USArealhistory
September 17, 2016:
Sonny supports #altright. https://t.co/IqNGQZBqiI
lay off the jenkem uli https://t.co/Fcpur8VfCO
translation: loxist jew wants white majority she hates to be outvoted and unable to defend itself. https://t.co/9ey1e9ycrw
Missouri...it's better than Illinois. But then, what state can't claim that? https://t.co/9ey1e9ycrw
the System created the nostrum of systemic racism. you dolt. https://t.co/G6X4pgj0cK
September 16, 2016:
respect retarded cannibals? https://t.co/hVGSCqTm0n
no one has enough confidence to be a real dictator these days. you need a soupcon of jesterity + irreason to oil the machine
was it zhamina hamina #bixnood? i bet it was https://t.co/6ad8m13HlV
Saki, Wodehouse, Dahl are the best things England has produced. Otherwise, the English are a fairly miserable lot. https://t.co/DD7feNWImX
no, just heard about it yesterday, have not seen it https://t.co/zdzDmKETI5
it really is hard to penetrate mindset of someone whose day job is dealing w a play about shit and zoo sex. boring https://t.co/zyneslV35z
books... https://t.co/MCgleBlPD7
oh good lord. does the words a crumb even to small for the Whos' mouse mean nothing to you? https://t.co/CAKuoQRXtW
see, yidzies are not polite Anglo types. they do not respond to hints and "your slip is showing" whispers. They need a boot up their nose.
EVE WINS A POINT. YAHOO! savor the flavor kid. ya threw one by me. wont happen again. https://t.co/w1bTDZ8lMk
your god is invisible and ineffectual - ie, < wind. yet the burden is on the atheist to "prove" he doesn't exist. https://t.co/5xnndzloXr
even contra my own fav mencken, it actually is true that every single major problem in america has a simple, rational solution
people are not so much stupid as without imagination, so that they have to SEE something before they even, really, believe it possible
the funny thing is Anglos are bigoted, but not at all against niggers, whom they philo belond belief, but against Germans and NS
i look at it as "eating makes appetite." get a wall up, it will be so great people will hunger for more... https://t.co/i7kvhCEqpM
even in ripostes you have nothing to offer but footnotes. always sending big brother to do little girl's work. sad! https://t.co/qeD0VK3Wor
a jew's entire idea of culture is shitting on something. more or less literally as well as figuratively
when i take an empty catchup bottle and squeeze it repeatedly it sounds JUST LIKE YOU https://t.co/GvsfEYHM3a
a real jew's jew there https://t.co/eUaNsm3kcJ
"get in the ring" as GnR said. you're a fucking hack kibitzer who does nothing but dully parrot real men's ideas https://t.co/GvsfEYHM3a
would it be airquotes "crime" to tie patty oswalt to michael moore's back and push them off golden gate bridge? i say no.
you know Trump wouldnt be out there trying to destroy Syria. staaap already with this bs about HIM not sicko HER being the warmonger
playing D&D is proof of congenital mental debility https://t.co/qeD0VK3Wor
at the heart of every prof is a flat-assed nerd. NERD! https://t.co/qeD0VK3Wor
you'lll lose your job teaching special-needs manatees if YOU dare name the jew at root of world's misery. #truth https://t.co/qeD0VK3Wor
mencken said (and this pertains to you directly) the opinion of a man not free to take the other side is wortheless https://t.co/qeD0VK3Wor
someone is jealous others use their freedom in wa way she cant (read: doesn't dare) https://t.co/YtcT36Ik53
it's friday night at 7:46 on the CST...you know what that means... you STILL HAVE 14 minutes to stop being a fag by 8 o' CLOCK!!!
remember: all the bourgeois conservative cunts, the German cucks o' the day, joined hitler right when he was on verge of victory
tribal death penalty, and same for cucks who served them https://t.co/U3Q9k5vaX3
your kid looks like a snake. i dont mean to be cruel. https://t.co/ebN7J0nUZB
the circle of pill is larger than ever; but no effective org has grown from that soil yet https://t.co/5ei55567vZ
Planet earth could no longer tolerate jews on its surface. This much was clear to the meanest intelligence by 2016. #3016
World's Oldest Snowshoe Found https://t.co/fFYBSpC6l9 via @NewObOnline
Orbân has added fuel to the fire by announcing that the invader boats should be sunk at sea before they even reach Europe’s shores. #killem
Norcross, w its crime rate of 47 per 1000 residents, “has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes
Whites Ethnically Cleansed from Norcross, Ga. https://t.co/xrDEiRJ8b8 via @NewObOnline
one gleams heaps of useful material from catholic and libertarian intellectuals - who are dogma bound against using it effectively
if i hated ZOG and its loathsome empire, i wouldn't join the army and extend it. but that's just me. i'm not a dirt-eating Southerner
join the army and fight for people who hate you. to a Southerner, this is just common sense https://t.co/omYSWgWt82
dont get hung up on hitler being german, if he were scottish or italian, it's same thing: he & his figured out how to fight jews. boom.
"Fair wat be th' pt of writing save not to maketh the prose stand out like a pheasant in stubbled field" --Jonas Watsley, 1742
arguably the most brilliant thing a woman has ever said: condom is breastplate against pleasure & cobweb against danger #safesexlol
there are brilliant inversions, to wit: reality is for people who cant handle drugs (jopling), but on the whole they're chesterton level
the single best thing about dictators is they have to pretend to give a flying fuck whether people like them or not
i dont call myself anything https://t.co/RoAtGW2FfU
jews intimidate whites, that's all it is. they use xtian so-called morality as a way for the xtian to save face https://t.co/DXLba5QMyy
jews know whites are simps who are easily guilted, and they use these levers against them https://t.co/DXLba5QMyy
christianity is a mass garbage cult, and no i dont need some defunct german to figure that out for me i have eyes
we Americans bear the eternal shame of not having slaughtered our neocons, who have roiled the entire world in misery & war
jews murder europe / Iran Terrorists “Settled” in Europe https://t.co/Wwz1ipi4mf via @NewObOnline
Germans Fight Back as Invaders Attack https://t.co/vdRJSF1GXW via @NewObOnline
Whites are not a traditionalist race but a flexible, questing, inventive race. Of all races whites are LEAST traditionalist.
If your #muhturdition led where are today, how good can it be? Why do you pale and fail before this simplest question, turdies?
So long as white america see itself as Jimmy Stewart or Tom Hanks it cannot win the racial struggle.
After years of intense training, some blacks were able to learn which part of the cotton plant to pick.
Laura, what actions have you taken to get "Even the best of the goyim should be killed" from the Talmud? https://t.co/QRjIDArZTv
an article on #altright hoists Vdare Jared Taylor Richard Spencer under our eyeballs. Which of these forthrightly declares jews our enemy?
you know that giant beaming smile little kids have when you pay attention to them? being an adult means getting past that stage. yeah.
are blacks less xtian than whites? in fact, they are more. somehow that doesn't make the problems they create go away. hmm...it's like...lol
jews to xtians: we'll let you exist so long as you stick to advocating some nebulous love never more than 10 degrees from our social agenda
they're not #antiwhite on principle, as jews are, they're careerists. if muslims ruled, they'd serve them the same https://t.co/PDkFXmCcql
if christ-insanity were actually threatening to jews, they would have wiped it out long ago. since it's useful to them, they halt at mocking
White racialists must use the hostility jews have spread toward xtianity to supersede it with racial weltanschauung in whiteskin minds.
christian cult is based on a lie. is it white to accept lies when the truth is known? christianity is inherently & irremediably #antiwhite.
the hate -- all of it -- comes FROM jews and is directed AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE. this is the truth. speak it and laugh and fight. #TeamWhite
September 15, 2016:
you might look like Mr bEan in 20 years be careful. maybe eat less squid https://t.co/djp6UncJ24
if i drank i would surely try it! https://t.co/Mw1p44gR7A
Whites should keep their nations AND come together in global consortium to defeat Jewish Tyranny. Quality discos welcome too.
so far ahead of us we can't even see it... https://t.co/h0vPkGx0qz
DGP (damn good point!) https://t.co/i9jlZ0uVhu
The Chartreuse Effusion: an ELO cover band, spreading light and beauty like a disco ball. https://t.co/8qmlv1xQ1c
you should man up and admit those 18 manatees stuck in a pipe were YOUR STUDENTS https://t.co/P48u0wEx26
i assume everyone is worth 3.2 ml of love. then i add or subtract based on egg-cooking ability / cuteness of nose. https://t.co/BiouQwbjgi
the best that can be said of )))leftists((( is some of them are merely delusional. but most are knowing, sneering liars
the left is not was not never will be well motivated, and will always take as sign of submission your stipulating such up front
the minute you say "i'm not" you say "I AM A WEAKLING" conservs are NEARLY congenitally incapable of groking this https://t.co/4U6vug74Xb
if we considered jews a different species, we'd no more trouble exterminating them than termites. since, after all, they're more destructive
your entire MO is setting these stupid little traps. you know...no one can stop you from dumtweeting. no foil needed https://t.co/P48u0wEx26
you're not a philosopher when you can't produce a single idea or even memorable formulation on your own. u r parrot https://t.co/P48u0wEx26
why shouldnt they mock jews when your xtian twinks (white la. voters) never dare fight back? xtianity is for fags https://t.co/JndlgpdHOG
you have no idea about more things than you imagine. love isn't based on desert https://t.co/BiouQwbjgi
you have a love thermometer? should market that. https://t.co/BiouQwbjgi
stifle y'self, aristittle https://t.co/bi1wHy8BNJ
cats are stupid. and cat owners* who think their cats are smart are really stupid. *includes dog owners
never indulge twinks in fantasies. he who believes jebus horseshit today will gulp holohoax bullshit tomorrow
how can mengele be anti-semitic when he took time out for personal meetings with every single survivor?
jewish "history" is essentially them pretending they got what they deserved, as basis for demanding reparations and respect today
"if it ain about money den it relly don concer me" https://t.co/jqkWQE7X9k via @YouTube
it's about what's good for Israel first second third and tenth. then about profits. why are libertarians so cowardly https://t.co/sskSZt9AeP
aint she jes as cute as a morning pig, as they say in Doxleen, Ala. https://t.co/MtPUdKT6Y4
that's the top pepe, imo https://t.co/xGLvUIxqOe
so israel is controlled by extremists since, you know, it has a border wall and deports its few africans?
diseases often seem like alt-utility bills, if you decide to use prescription drugs to combat them https://t.co/uNzPglctfd
merely not overtly hating whites makes Trump appear a nazi. in fact he values race very little, to all appearances. so far gone things are
we should be boiling with rage at the 38,000,000,000 taken directly out of our white pockets and given to the greedy evil jews of israel
learn how to spell, people. this aint the South. this is the big time. "you do it again, you're going home. just so ya know."
the hateful fringe are the jews (and cuckservants) controlling the media. lying that wanting borders is 'extremist' yeah ok lol
both physical (fags) and spiritual (xtian) homosexuals should be mocked and ridiculed endlessly. promiscuous fruits, one and all
hillarys throat is a disgusting trench where lies weave way thru star wars bar scene of baccillae, randococci & pneumonoidic virus
take your future in your hands, white man. dont be a cunt. jebus is for sissies and bowing to jews is for slaves. #TeamWhite
sometimes words acquire associations they cant shake, which is sad for perception. non-sexual PERVERSION is YUUUUGE but we dont see it
September 14, 2016:
God < birth control? You blaspheming sob. https://t.co/0EFix3o2jo
brainless acceptance of one plangent lie (jebus) leads to brainless acceptance of another (holocaust)
when you get expelled f109x it is clear that you are the problem. it is also clear the expellers need to level up on penalty
Genocide is God's plan for the world: 99% of the species that ever existed on earth are today extinct. Ponder that fact's pol implications.
even if you're a religious jackass & believe god made the world, well, 99.9% of species that ever existed are extinct. genocide = God's way
blacks are more religious than whites and since xtianity is the source of civilization, detroit is the most civilized city in America
the believe that immigration is magic comes from the christian belief that baptism is magic first came #magicwater, then came #magicdirt
remember it was a christian preacher who turned hillary into a leftist. boy, the good things this jewish cult produces just keep on giving
even in spain, many to most weren't even horizontally expelled but just rolled their eyes and pretended to convert https://t.co/Snd5e7GF0n
which merely led to jews causing the exact same problems from a couple hundred miles away. expulsion does not work https://t.co/Snd5e7GF0n
jewish "history" is lying that they actually received the treatment they deserve. which is never the case. https://t.co/g9R9lg7qEo
but when you abort blacks, that means there's less of them. how can that not be a good thing? https://t.co/7JJlJrktZd
'human right' sounds neutral, even vaguely positive, but it always translates into the discolored's right to the white man's property
kirk cousins was better than robert griffin from day one, coming from a pro-style offense - but didnt get chance to compete cuz (((snyder)))
jews Frankfurt society by sexually loosening it: a charismatic counterexample of restraint, like Tim Tebow, is immensely dangerous to them
there are only 256 nfl games per season. the nfl is not a perfect meritocracy as people seem to think - there is limited playing time
what the jews did to Tim Tebow in sports is nearly perfectly parallel to what they are trying to do to Trump in politics
the parallel is to trump: tebow, much as i loathe chrissies, is a charismatic personality capable of moving millions https://t.co/iEK2xNxdgI
God is known by his effects...that no one agrees on. Contrast with something real and effectual, if invisible: wind. https://t.co/kIwpwhA5J3
that's a myth. it took a jew convert to start the inquistion, and it was much less than is bruited by jewish liars https://t.co/h1OKwjIuOt
the problems whites face are not spiritual or psychological, they are entirely the result of alien control of major institutions
Lenin said there was a point when 100 good men could have defeated him. Luckily he was in a christian land. #crosscucks FTL
Orthodox! because if you move something 20 miles east, it stops being bullshit and turns into solid gold
the white mass has tropisms and appetites where it needs convictions and consistency. this is why it is ruled as subject population
same way. different flavor of same pernicious foolishness based on a lie https://t.co/tLY9hA5XXQ
hoist the kike, hoist the cuck hoist the beers! https://t.co/HMIpKY3Anu
jews must be made extinct. https://t.co/praKlPoF16
equality is hate. stop the hate. https://t.co/7MWuo8TnjU
September 13, 2016:
i, for one, consider it anti-semitic to sue her for practicing jewish honesty https://t.co/k24Ehlqn03
imagine the contempt jews have for us. this woman is telling us to accept jews facilitating our women being raped https://t.co/nqHrqqGTVv
universal humanity comes out of xtianity. xtianity is not the opponent of liberalism but the thing itself. https://t.co/JFVSpKqJud
give the NEA another 100 years, and every single public school inmate will have special needs or speech pathology
genuine personality is found more often among atheists than xtians, who are carbon copies of 2nd grader's worksheet https://t.co/UJ8QDexqGN
atheists like mencken and twain lack the depth of #crosscucks like her. all xtianity is bilge, there is no good/true https://t.co/UJ8QDexqGN
more accurate: the ideologue and the strawman https://t.co/Ht5Iuj6OHX
your claiming atheists want to be god is parallel to homos claiming their opponents are closeted gays https://t.co/fLOLaZ7Cm7
what an achievement it is to actually write a paper that calls for a new pearl harbor, pull it off, and 100% avoid media notice
it's a great mistake for the technical explainers of '9/11' to stay away from the why, as this is most significant and easier to prove
you're mixing together sense and nonsense. the racial cause has nothing to do with jebooism and that garbage. https://t.co/cIntQ86wsI
jews are caught taping the WTC demolitions, yet somehow "Israel did it" is always kept off the explanations menu. go figger, white nigger
many don't know that couric is a jew by blood https://t.co/KKpApGIEYi
all three buildings were destroyed by controlled demolition if you just listen to me, you know what's going on 15-20 years early
Trump's campaign, the (((reaction))) to it, should teach ordinary whites that jews hate us. it's our existence they find "deplorable."
to understand christ-insanity is to despise it. https://t.co/wBx8pVZ51r
the ratlike evil of jews is somehow aestheticallly superior to the sniffing preening figure-cutting Cult of High-Mindeds of the anglo
funny in light of your squawking reaction when you're told you're a type, which you are, rather than unique https://t.co/WVzHFKlOUU
which is likelier? which is simpler? https://t.co/SQGXVNOp4b
you're trying to push the rock up the hill and wonder why it always falls back. hint: it's because you're wrong. https://t.co/cSXNvV51cN
i reject your particular baseless assertion. that far you can go, beyond that, it's your projection https://t.co/HIM2buOu7V
it's same w race: if you dont take their cult position on it, then you "worship at the altar of your own blood" https://t.co/HgQaPGlHf1
if i see farther than others it is because i stand on the scrotums of elves, and other imaginary creatures i cant stand.
she cant give it up. they ALL pseudo-argue like this. it's dishonest, and shows jewy nature of christ-insanity. https://t.co/nsdDony33o
classic Anglo 'telescopic suffering' look on her face https://t.co/tzmby5i01D
begging = begging the question. logical fallacy. which she practices more or less in every single tweet https://t.co/K6n4YFChYN
i merely asked a question, i asserted no necessity https://t.co/z7AYNB9DZ8
i see the 10,000 mile stare of the true visionary, who rejects mere sense-evidence as lowbrow & racist https://t.co/SnVQ20FpO9
if you actually talk to a few believers, it's pretty clear where 'religion' comes from https://t.co/LrpGwAHZga
you've added tautology to your list of intellectual crimes. dont think that slipped by. https://t.co/riUTHkjXrB
and you know this how? only because he doesn't do what you want. which could be taken as proof of nonexistence too https://t.co/riUTHkjXrB
Pls sign my online petition (link below.) It's to stop demonic over-sized water slides. Support Caleb's Head Law... https://t.co/2mYGZsXzCp
what kind of dance will you do when hillary dies? butter churn mashed potato that bangles egyptian thing one-man tango
prob is not contents but wrapping. it's like if i invented sugar drink and called it Oke. you want Oke...or Coke? https://t.co/oGzhQlBrWx
white man doesn't need a bible, he already has a bible. he needs...something else. https://t.co/TgmfePSI2f
if you're going to start a religion, start your own religion (Scientology, fr instance) dont copy another https://t.co/TgmfePSI2f
much of what klassen wrote is correct, but the me-too form ensures failure https://t.co/TgmfePSI2f
if you want to do psych profiles, this 'eve' identifies w jebus as a she-martyr https://t.co/KcGHPLqhwn
ya picked that up, did you. for a CI, you're pretty darn smart https://t.co/m3GUieyCOv
absurd doctrine believed in by fools and scumbags https://t.co/FYFScqHnYe
September 12, 2016:
the church is universal. not racial (like jews). it's an ANTI-racial doctrine for a brohood of man in body of christ https://t.co/GJOhsuAarG
because the church fights islam does not equal church values and defends whiteness. it does not https://t.co/yBV2QKk1Zt
the right way to look at it is as the jews do: "we and they are different SPECIES." then you have the psychology right.
i love these idiots who think because the church at some point in the last 2000 years fought a different religion = church defends whites
clueless. i would rebut you but your level cannot grasp what i'm saying i've learned from 1000 attempts https://t.co/jydFpaqHRz
when you agree that all men are children of god...you have conceded a good deal more than you think. more than is apparent.
that's a xtian problem: all men are children of god. xtian doctrine is sick and white-destructive. ALWAYS has been. https://t.co/aclcMKnEVH
he's not paid off at all, he actually believes that. the problem is church doctrine, and it's not changeable. https://t.co/er61c7OiLW
the church produces men of low character. you can type up all commandments in world against lying, dont mean a thing https://t.co/I9NeXP2082
because if the church's claims about reality are substantially correct, then yes, race matters comparatively little https://t.co/er61c7OiLW
the church has never acknowledged racial distinctions as valuable, and has always worked to break them down https://t.co/er61c7OiLW
when i argue there's always a twinkle in my voice, because i know my footing. but religious folks, forced to admit faith in jebus - NEVER
the pope denounced hitler's racial-political doctrine as immoral and nazism as evil... the church fears racialism https://t.co/XzeUkeans6
Go read Mit Brennender Sorge. And Table Talk. is a bunch of dead cockroaches in a tortilla a taco? if not, why not https://t.co/XzeUkeans6
your implicit argument is atheists don't actually believe what they claim they believe - uncharitable & inaccurate https://t.co/hEKNQAe9Bj
it's your assertion that i or we want what you say. your view is purely ideological; it doesn't fit real people https://t.co/hEKNQAe9Bj
you truly are the queen of the duncess. this below is textbook begging the question. https://t.co/oZTDJdEcUS
heard espn radio doofi praising kaepernick for at starting conversation; then saying have to be careful, could lose job if say wrong thing!
no, the religion is inherently #antiwhite, hitler was no catholic beyond being baptized as a child https://t.co/y1sxCR2Db4
objection: relevance https://t.co/9dafzapt5P
If God existed, it would be sad were He as humorless and mentally trivial as the average believer. https://t.co/In7u81JoJJ
God has a Humometer for measuring (very precisely) levels of hominid worth. https://t.co/MxNVkKckan
doesnt matter, my point is all xtians who consider themselves intellectuals 'argue' way she is: false frame fallacy https://t.co/A67i2E4BDo
So if I reject your belief in UFOs, does that prove I'm a space alien? https://t.co/KUGLnsIM2H
Notice her 'logic' - if you reject her God as fantasy, you believe YOU are god. All xtians argue this jewy way. https://t.co/KUGLnsIM2H
God told me when He looks down at xtian droolards who worship Him, He smh & says to Himself, "Verily, every Sunday is Facepalm Sunday."
i dont have to call my opponents evil, i can just point out where they're wrong. or where i disagree w their preferences
'intellectual' christianity argues EXACTLY the way political jews do: only its own frame is accepted as valid. everything else is vile evil
it deserves exploring at length the way christianity, as intellectually defended, is wuss-level judaism. i shall do this myself.
one tiniest move by "omnipotent" God could destroy my mocking kind forever. yet that move never comes. ;) lol on you https://t.co/uyL65xRQGs
the deep truth is religious folks hate god more than atheists, who simply acknowledge his nonexistence https://t.co/uyL65xRQGs
like every leftist, "it's not X when We do it. 100% of what-you-call argument is special pleading & question begging https://t.co/uyL65xRQGs
1) cultists demand you bend the rules for their "special" reality, then flip to assert 2) We alone determine worth https://t.co/yxrvIQsLBr
need some lyrics rewrite for that Wizard of Oz song: "If I only had a (neck)" https://t.co/K3Tz7SL8E8
the point is it's made a lingering national story. which it isn't. save for the #antiwhite agenda it serves. https://t.co/PiRlIKcpcH
so you'll see niggiepoop saying "cibbil rights aint fo de why man." and german lefts (non jews) will overtly declare for GER-netic untergang
odd parallel between niggers and germans - nigs are too dumb and germans too direct for Anglo masking politics, hence they sometimes 'truth'
what we NEED to do is form an overt #TEAMWHITE to take on #TEAMJEW. even if Trump wins and does his good things https://t.co/parNvdFY8e
we dont need him. he put ideas out there that, as he continually urged, ANYONE BY RESEARCH CAN VALIDATE. https://t.co/parNvdFY8e
2 'sinners.' "Jimmy" "ah hab sinned" Swaggert Charlie Bucket christianity with out mawkish effeminacy wouldnt exist. it's a perversion
just as little man always knows better than local foosball manager, he also's an expert on god's word & intentions #crosscucks FTL
jews are simply an evil race of lying criminals; history screams with one voice the only 'solution' to them is burying them
coach said: "the sagehen is the only animal that, when attacked, will not defend itself." maybe add the white man & xtian church
By their fruit, ye shall know them. Do christian churches produce good men? Manifestly, they do not.
that is a stupid question https://t.co/MB7cuepY8c
The longer I live & learn, the clearer it is to me that everything our race has achieved was in spite of & against xtianity, not because of.
Just been traveling over some of these peachy states we have, and the USA is well polluted with christianity.
Christians love debating things that can't be resolved, e.g. the bible, because they can't lose, which satisfies their cowardice.
For a cult with a literal divine commandment against lying, xtians are perhaps the least truth-interested people on earth.
jews have never in all recorded history had trouble dominating christians. the only time whites organized racially - they shriek of it still
September 05, 2016:
notice xtian concept of love never extends to taking other guy seriously but only to brainlessly doing whatever Authority declares Good
September 04, 2016:
yr mom has a blueberry for a daughter get tested https://t.co/V6Zf1XvjYn
yeah how do you think she feels about having a BLUEBERRY FOR A DAUGHTER https://t.co/QbzYlrVnQu
catholic intellectuals recycle lies about Nazis invented by communist jews - whom catholic church hid from same. FIGURE IT OUT, McDOLTY
to say jews lie, swindle and wreck nations is no different than saying amish do roof work and raise barns
she had her bad side too https://t.co/lI8Ei20Pn5
Remember, the conservatives in Germany back then did everything they could in their myriad girlish ways to stop Hitler from, u know, winning
#EveryLastOne https://t.co/QZY1F4GLWq
Focus on 'telescopic suffering' is an Anglo tradition. 100% undeniably so. So keep it? (This is the problem with traditionalism.)
It's anti-Semitic to deprive jews of credit for inventing Political Correctness. "Semitical Correctness" is the correct term, pace J Sobran.
"Those who push old women in front of buses and those who push them out of way are same thing." (~WFB, decades ago) https://t.co/65okbOFcTv
the idea that there is ANY "self-deception" among jews is complete and utter horseshit. it's called lying. they are a race of LIARS
namely that if you glare at the nurses hard enough, everyone will "forget" you left a surgical sponge in the patient https://t.co/hknXsHuwGU
irish sports = drinking and whining English invented all the good modern sports. True! https://t.co/1uGL2JDQMN
Why #TeamWhite? Because we're right. And we don't pander to niggers and jews. And we stick to the facts, w/o apologizing or groveling.
a mild barb directed at nogdog = WHITE-ISIS. and the (((media))) wonder why people just laugh at them
September 03, 2016:
they cant admit their agenda openly because it is against the interests of the normal white majority. they must lie https://t.co/ioIAvIxTH5
she could wear a caftan, or giant blouse but she always goes with Extra Thick - For Her Protection https://t.co/zbji6nn0p5
whites can pretty much take any form and dominate it; we're an impresssionable, suggestible, idealistic, innovative race, not traditional
religion for dumb people is exactly parallel to telling obese people they shouldnt exercise. dumb need to think; fat need muscle-work
dumb people need to be taught causation above all else, and religion deliberately leads them in the opposite direction
true. but what she wears appears nearly always to be extra thick and quilted - in middle of hot summer https://t.co/OYSY0CzhIx
Greece and Rome / Western civilization. (some consider these distinct). what's the common denominator? catholics cant answer this.
catholics think the west is the church, but they never bother to explain why the church cant produce but a mouse fart outside Europe
my point is: lot of speculation, no facts, and one false claim. it's not impressive. https://t.co/lSJOSaI5Dm
the power of the jews is perhaps most evident in the way they can make smart men say the most ridiculous things
some want to preserve white race. others want to preserve culture whites alone construct, even if they dont see/accept racial connection
but what i saw was it revealed to be something else... so our takeaway here is someone was probably lying ... https://t.co/m0dsccxI6w
to be fair, i love it when Fred Reed goes all pobo in that Phil Hartman unfrozen caveman lawyer way re jews...SMELL THE WEAK
maybe. maybe not. like i said, what happened to that Diazepam claim that all the (((Cernie))) Bros were circulating? https://t.co/Vbat4UuuAm
once knew a gal, daughter of a preacher, told me she had 80 (80) sweaters so cong. would never see her in same 2x https://t.co/e8NbipDbPB
" a jew taught me to two-step, so jews cant be genocidal nation-wreckers " -- Fred Reed, his Gosh Own Country-Slicking Self
so does life itself...no one gets past about 42 with their youthful good looks intact https://t.co/9gj2cVGUNU
so it's claimed by jew Cernovich, who also spread the apparent lie that her black had a syringe of Diazepam (sp?) https://t.co/J8KhygNfX2
it's very odd that all thru the summer of 2016 hillary clinton wore no top that didn't fall to at least 2" above her knees. or so it seems.
awesome.. https://t.co/w6mCf88XRA
a breast that isn't a thin leather glove over a partly deflated volleyball https://t.co/yEDYN5wA3l
like joe sobran said, as a conservative, it took him 20+ years to apply conservative standards to Israel https://t.co/g18bKXXdzi
sweet! i am very glad to hear that. https://t.co/B4xuNlNb6w
i am shaking with mirth as a fat girl shakes with girth and a leftist shakes with syrth (snyth-rage)
sure you have. and unicorns too. https://t.co/7ZzzJp0R38
tolerance, progress, tradition - none of these work as abstractions. they demand an object or specific(s) https://t.co/yrbYzw8V3X
in those days, women had small but honest breasts; bras were unheard of https://t.co/EY9UghS9iZ
"yr gonna need a larger catapult" https://t.co/1Sul6MRvsx
There is but one solution to the 'eternal' (lol) jewish question: we must counter-genocide them. Every single one. https://t.co/HfkTZRD9r0
being poor in spirit gets them Loser Points in God's Gallery, and LP can be redeemed for stuffed purple giraffes https://t.co/W4JwKapZms
September 02, 2016:
the humbling point is that we know more about a man when we know his race than we do by his religion. humans can be evaluated like apples
we dont agree on the art form (religious, freemen, national socialists) but for we who do agree, race is the stage, hence WHITE NATIONALISM
human society is like an art form, but it can really only develop with a solid foundation, or stage. race is that.
no one values ideas more than me, but this is kind of the point - race trumps all our stupid beliefs WHETHER WE LIKE IT OR NOT
one has many identities, but only one race. our cause is racial. 'identity' is weak confusion, smacks of conservative euphemism
want to "expel" jews when they're throwing 85yo German women in jail, getting 15yos raped and 95yo men on trial? FUCK YOU (((THEY))) DIE
whites are sympathetic to African-Americans when they're LEGITIMATELY screwed by the system, Harambe is perfect example
Streicher said something like "throwing the truth in their face, South German style!" bald IS beautiful...and necessary
awesome tweet by The Donald... that weiner is like some bizarre little insect you find crawling around in the grass https://t.co/pGCE6cl6uE
Vending machines are proof that God exists and wants us to be happy. https://t.co/UNtiX2RlFF
some books... https://t.co/jzbSpm94oU
white guy who screwed a drunk chick gets giant national attention; five niggers who torure-murdered a white great-grandma - nothing
follow: @N1K0LAK1 best context + jew-vid-clip illustrations @Ricky_Vaughn99 best Trump guide @TanstaaflAoT best insights + formulations
someone who wants to fill the US with Syrians cannot reasonably be described as having any respect for this country or its people
we are the ones who did not submit to the lies, who did not become stick-fetchers, parrots or jew felchers. we laugh, and we will triumph
the WN has worked upstream for his views, just like a salmon; they are to a real extent a valuable achievement
if a pioneer before autos found a rattlesnake near his barn or home did he take it 100 yards away and let it free? or did he kill it?
Promiscuous spiritual love is a greater social disease than the top fifty physical STDs combined. Xtianity = spiritual promiscuity.
I can't stand when people die before I am done pointing out what is wrong with things they've said publicly. Keep respiring, assholes.
Christian racial doctrine is the opposite of humble - it is hubristic. Worse, like all liberalism, it doesn't allow for reality correction.
Christianity overvalues love and undervalues race. It distorts both the biological and emotional economies to disastrous results.
2 September 2016 Trump +295 Clinton -300 His number improved significantly, with the money men, after immigration speech.
most of those using 'cuck' are cucks themselves because they subscribe to the source of all cuckdom - the jebus cult
i dont think it's funny or cute at all to let invaders run wild in America, and if i had the power i would execute responsible parties
It is the worst thing in the world that the racial cause in America comes pre-tainted with religious-loserism. Winning mentality = foreign.
i believe whites never have and still do not understand the depth of the hatred and organization of the jews https://t.co/5GPpDbfpBd
We of #TeamWhite are not obliged to repeat mistakes of the past like queens of reaction are. #MuhTurdition
Now jews have the technology they never did before - and we (should) see the error of not simply counter-exterminating them long ago.
If you support expelling jews, and acknowledge it's been done 109x, why do you think it will succeed the 110th?
xtianity forces god's created, differentiated reality to conform to its crank, destructive, #antiwhite, universalist ideology
xtianity disrespects what it must consider God's created nature in that it simply denies Created differences between species for ideology
counter-extermination of jews is the only respectful way to treat them because it acknowledges what they are.
the notion that "expelling" jews works is not just rejected by history but biology. you think they _can_ not try to sneak back & parasitize?
things that suck: jews, college admins, mexcrement, niggers, anglophiles, Southron dirt-eating morons, xtians, pet lovers, faggots...tbc
wet humor is funnier than dry humor, which is rarely humor at all but simply weakness offered as sophistication
why do jews hate whites? https://t.co/Vc1yVwBqYu
Trump's speech on immigration isn't great because like all pols he avoids (((real))) reason we have open borders: to undermine US racially.
Hivemind and conspiracies and open planning -- all three are active at the same time, always. #TeamJew
Jon "Stuart", that hideously ugly she-pug on Supreme Court, Rachel Maddow - these jews HATE whites and work as team to wreck our nations.
The Founders were strongly against standing armies. Which makes them unAmerican. Like you. https://t.co/TaKeoOJhNz
Having the power to do something does not mean having the ability to do it. Universal health care - 1) propaganda term, 2) lol
2008 through 2014, nearly 13,000 criminal aliens were released into U.S. communities because their home countries would not take them back.
I prefer to remember Axl when he was young and serpentine. https://t.co/cABBnWOnRO
We whites need to face squarely that we have an enemy: jews. All of them. Not some. Not a political position. A race. JEWS ARE OUR ENEMY.
Jews are deliberately endangering real Americans. Deliberately. All of us. From Supreme Court, to media, to campuses. #loxism
WASPs make the best jew lapdogs. https://t.co/LRB0QFnugG
Criticism is either right or wrong. Funny or dull. This makes it helpful and entertaining or moronic and useless.
I've never been bothered by criticism because I'm fully aware how much I suck. I have special insight from positioning. THIS is the attitude
Think of US as clearing in woods filled with redskins and, down south, assorted mestizo catholic garbage. Central govt = BORDER GUARD.
"We will expand and revitalize...287(g) partnerships, which will help to identify hundreds of thousands of deportable aliens in local jails.
Trump's plan is nothing more than what anyone with common sense who didn't actively hate this country would do if he had power to.
it's always a technical mistake to say "immigrants," they are criminals or aliens or alien criminals, never immigrants
"Hillary Clinton has pledged...her plan will provide Obamacare, Social Security and Medicare for illegal immigrants..."
There is going to be a white world war against jews trying to genocide us and I want to be first and loudest urging we KILL (((THEM))) all.
Hillary Clinton supports: Sanctuary Cities catch-and-release on border visa overstays releasing criminals from detention executive amnesty.
Notice that Trump's sentence there perfectly fits the tweetslot. Is somebodies thinking? https://t.co/KVxcONC0Kj
Trump: "Countless Americans who have died in recent years would be alive today if not for the open border policies of this Administration."
"But the facts aren’t known because the media won’t report on them..." Trump said that about immigration, but could have been anything.
Hillary is not a jew, but has that paranoid mentality, in that she thinks there is a double standard that works AGAINST her instead of for.
People who arent in politics for money or self-aggrandizement are rare, but do exist. Hitler was one.
Transcript of Trump's immigration speech. https://t.co/T3FKJhlKOY
god forbid iran be allowed to defend itself against israel, you weak hypocritical cunt https://t.co/Uh0plwyFMd
Muzz Huma and Jew Weiner...do you not see that these Sems have much more in common than not, you "judeo-christian" lackwit?
The US was great in years when it was: - anti-British - had no jews - had tiny central govt IE, before 1900. When those reversed, suckdom.
Hillary would look great in a mid-thigh-length quilted straightjacket. Giving political power to middle-aged women is incomparably bad idea.
Under Hitler, white bred. And jews fled. Think really hard and see if you can figure out just what makes Hitler the "bad guy."
Racists have this strange belief that the sun rises in the east. It's not their only alt-conception. They also perceive the sky as blue.
Leftists have gone so long without opposition in the controlled mass media they now think carbon dioxide is air.
September 01, 2016:
Stop being a christian weakling. Stop being a little white dog. Stop being a stick fetcher. Be a white man. REFUSE TO BE USED.
Jews in America have a message for you, white man: "We haven't murdered as many of you as our bros in Russia last century. Yet."
jews act like it's a sign of cheating or bad character to cite actual murder victims that are the direct result of their policies #AngelMoms
we have you shlebotniks to blame for that, stinky https://t.co/Cce5Oysp8m
the Electric Sleight https://t.co/AoTDyiJhDl
It's going to be a giant wall, covered with jew hides on the US side, and mexican pelts on the other. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
they're jews. period. end of sentence. their politics is they're all on the side of #TeamJew https://t.co/is0RhDUveH
#LeoFrank #ADL The quivering li'l bug-eyed kike was as guilty as hell; that the ADL was founded to save such an obvious piece o' shit by
the left = jews. it isn't democratic. it doesn't argue, it smears, lies and murders. jewed right is no different.
the leftist "journalist" is proud of his audacity in treating an objective fact (yes, even murder) as a kooky perception in diseased mind
August 31, 2016:
you're another jackass who is going to make distinctions between genocidal jews while they treat whites as a class https://t.co/mcOn1QVt0J
whites are literally so dumb they cannot grasp that a "solution" that has failed 109x will fail the 110th, 111th, 112th too...
bobby fischer. and...no. just him. https://t.co/P4stQvVUrA
consider just how dishonest and bizarre he says "say" instead of "whose kids were murdered" https://t.co/g2FD8uesIW
if you want a border around your white nation...you're hitler. if you want a white nation to stay that way...you're hitler. politics in 2016
you know that couple that abusedgirl until she thought "Idiot" was her name - that's how (((media))) treat normal whites
leftists use conservatives' respect for the law against them; for themselves, there's only Law of What We Can Get Away With
the fool you flatter is the fool you become. america now thinks & acts like jews, and is hated like them as a result https://t.co/vSQO0KlolX
every non-leftist is hitler every non-(((left))) position is hate controlling the media is fun! https://t.co/O7iRYS7jfG
wtf are mountain rats? https://t.co/921m8FUssP
if you would merely "expel" jews you claim are GENOCIDING your kind, then you are either a fool or a clown
correct. you have identified the clown position. https://t.co/zj1XW6ou89
moral problems experienced by christians and other inferior men go away when we regard jews as animals, not men. as they regard us #Talmud
what did your jew boss eat today Mr. Remora, sir? https://t.co/n12GF8dpv2
all the people i pay to watch tv for me (aka follow on twitter) seem to think Marse Trump is saying some wise & necessary things
there is nothing as creepy and ethereal-insane as listening to a catholic talking about curing jews by converting them to christ-insanity
Trump is like Ferris Bueller come to life. And the yidstons with their stupid media gibes have orange all over their face. Losers!
jews have earned a tribal death sentence. that's my position. and a more easily defensible position, given history, is inconceivable
we just want to "expel" jews as most on "our" side say. have you HEARD of nuclear weapons? do you KNOW how far they reach? how many IZ has?
you take "loving whites" and i'll take "hating jews and niggers" and i'll lap you three x before you're out the gate
when "we" talk about "jews want to white-genocide us," but we just want to expel them, the ? becomes are we clowns? https://t.co/7OiG6vdnNB
how should we treat people trying to exterminate us as a race? take them to border and let them go? #Expelol https://t.co/7OiG6vdnNB
we exterminate termites for destroying our houses; should we treat more leniently jews who destroy our societies? #TeamWhite
the power to expel jews is tantamount to the power to counter-exterminate them, and counter to jew-protecting catholics i urge that we do it
no, let's expel jews for the 110th time, so our posterity can face the problem for the 111th. https://t.co/hcc4PQdkue
but when you talk about what the problem is we're all on the same page - except the known shills tools n yids https://t.co/VdNwSCbIRj
when you try to promote a positive vision, whites divide into freemen, nazis and jebusvoids. (ie we DONT agree) https://t.co/VdNwSCbIRj
because people arent 1/10th as motivated by positive visions as by (legitimate rational) fear of terrible things https://t.co/VdNwSCbIRj
very good #altright explainer https://t.co/W3aspbyp78
wonder if his inspiration for this was the Protocols, which says the same thing in different words https://t.co/hgKmLqE4dh
Counter-extermination is the only solution to #loxism. https://t.co/RT0acRXRhC
with jews, the thing disappears with the last hominid embodiment; not so with xtianity. wiping it out is akin to war on stupidity/conformity
jews still here. byzantines gone. you interpret this as byz successfully controlling jews. smh https://t.co/o1plKdNkss
that's what's up front. which guarantees nothing about what's out back. https://t.co/R1K2geNoFy
priests tired of faggotry? NOT BUYING IT https://t.co/4d1DlO8eNb
if it's genetic, why the emphasis on getting youngest kids into a church. parallel to homos n school 'education' https://t.co/cZZkCpkTLX
We need Pepista death squads roofing niggers like the ones that just tortured and burned to death that grandmother in Georgia.
there's no similarity between the two, except that both argue dishonestly. but jews are strong, and xtians are weak https://t.co/FshQgmRKNr
Christianity has historically defended jews against enraged whites. It has never defended whites against jews.
christianity was 'produced' by jews for whites to protect jews from whites and to let jews prey on whites https://t.co/FshQgmRKNr
The simplest explanation that covers the given facts is that jews control the west, they hate whites, and they are trying to genocide them.
Christianity is the reason whiteskins won't defend themselves against jews. Xtianity is a group defense strategy - for jews.
The average man does not believe in causation and one of the worst things about christianity is that it deliberately reinforces this.
one of you #crosscult twinks want to step up and answer? https://t.co/eVwuWT3oAh
August 30, 2016:
"Statecraft as Soulcraft" G. Will? He's pro-giant govt. https://t.co/srXtvdUfRK
#Tcot - read up, faggots. https://t.co/KqXI4ekv2d
You can have men or you can have big government. There is little wrong with conservative principles, the manlets are too teensy to vindicate
Do you hate whites and want them to disappear - literally disappear? Yet also want to live off them while they're still here? Vote Dem!
Jews refuse to address White politics thru any lens but abnormal psychology, because if they argue - we win. So - lies only. Smears only.
The white race is still mostly at the level of coon voodoo, ie the #crosscucks. Come race-order eugenics, #Fingerism will supersede.
#Fingerism is the future: right-wing atheism. Founded on the Deepest Truth - that one can cause one's finger to move.
So that wasn't a syringe of Diazepam (sp?) in that nig's fist? Who first circulated the claim? has it retracted?
White race needs to quit acting like middle manager Chipeska in Bad Santa. "You're pathetic." --B.B. Thorton
no idea. dont listen to the guy. just bears repeating that he is in with (((them))) https://t.co/oWlwt5CfzN
The presence of all those churches should have told you that. https://t.co/y1DdEGnhmP
Professional buffoon and seducer of the little people admits on national airwaves he's married to a jew. https://t.co/lyilFdA79Z
August 29, 2016:
"The means of defence against foreign danger, have been always the instruments of tyranny at home." US military is garden-wiesel tool 4 jews
A standing military force, with an overgrown Executive will not long be safe companions to liberty. --James Madison #tcot
jews are a genetic clan of criminals who have created a cult out of worshipping themselves https://t.co/TI7YCIaqpv
what color was the nigger bear that stole that feeder? https://t.co/QTn1859ZtY
do you greenfags know how the founders felt about standing armies? they were against them. you dont defend US, you weaken & pervert it.
sportswriting is jew-queered exactly same way formal politics is. jews promoted griffin over cousins; but also lauvao over long
worse than the liar, in many ways, is the man who is concerned with truth, but only after his view has passed the respectability test
jews create surround clouds to mask the source of the problem. then have their writers blame corporations or coloreds for ills they started
jews are a rabid race. what we do with rabid dogs is exactly what must be done with jews. or we let them keep biting us.
no group of people sucks its own highly imaginary dick like the US military. you greenfags are parasites. not heroes. dupes and tools.
parasites in US: military, niggers, illegals, jews/israel, defense contractors... all garbage classes of people making the country worse
Hillary Clinton is sick evil liar and warmonger, but govt benefits addiction ensures half the population would vote for devil himself.
this guy is the cuckiest cuck in africa https://t.co/lWpaRuySJX
lot of this guy on that boat crossing the delaware eh https://t.co/1uWtzUFyud
August 28, 2016:
is there anything not wrong with you? https://t.co/UnNBvhDa5T
whites would rather die than be stigmatized - even in theory! astonishing. https://t.co/hJH5IP7b2N
"How can I take on a bigger portion of responsibility for negro failure?"...is a question ever white man should be asking himself in 2016.
damn good stuff. what too many of these nazi faggots dont get is BIG GOVERNMENT LITTLE MEN https://t.co/xz1BFwudSR
Factually untrue. I mean, if you were interested in the facts, which you aren't. https://t.co/2X11nEx2AG
Perfect example of Hitler's claim in every social abscess - a jew. A suppurating jew. https://t.co/gePWHMETYN #TeamJew #TeamWhite #loxism
Let #altright collect the losers who beta cuck after any broad with tits who says something only 50% stupid intead of expected 99%.
Democracy just makes fags of all participants because of the need to suck after money and kiss ass for votes.
Fuck nationalism for all, whites must conquer. Only that mindset can win. jews have it. Even niggers have it. We have me-too democratic crap
Session #10 of 11: Camp of the Saints. (pp 240-271) https://t.co/rv7F5NGvTl #LearningCollege #vnnforum #TeamWhite
Global, coordinated, #antiwhite lie campaigns from #TeamJew - https://t.co/TcEpp6zdNq #loxism
Any whiteskin who takes a penny from jew Soros is guilty of treason, and deserves to be executed. #TeamWhite
Jew Soros is paying coloreds to attack whites. He deserves to die for that. So does his vile race, which supports him 100%.
Amended sched. Please note. 6:30 Fair Queen Coronation 7:00 Mutton Bustin 7:30 Stick Horse Race 8:00 Jew Expulsion #CountryFair
ooh, da monkeyville in sum fine hans https://t.co/1KMxKyW52G
Hi, folks. I just want you to know that my views? They're 100% I'm Good Brand (tm). Everything that Good people believe, I believe them too!
The real humor is accuracy. These days. Perhaps it were ever thus. https://t.co/Ru2CZaxkMG
It's led by jews, too. Surely you're not too oblivious to notice that. https://t.co/mkW59wMCtb
August 27, 2016:
Segregation is a dysphemism for free association; Integration is a euphemism for coerced destruction. #loxism
Christianity turns men into women. Soy milk for the soul. https://t.co/vvbZBFbm6Y
Typical example of nigger behavior. Yes, they pretty much all are like that. https://t.co/FUjtf4T2ip
apparently these are jewlets. so the lies serve the purpose of group-strengthening: the whole world hates you etc https://t.co/p2NTzA7vVV
Example 2 https://t.co/05KfQALTXf
Example 1 https://t.co/hez90VifcR
well i didnt read the story, so joke's on me. in the US, this would always be a goyish public school in flyover https://t.co/fUBn3XpaPo
Nuns achieve orgasm as they're martyred by Offal-American of the type they wasted their lives serving. https://t.co/k960qiDqQD #CrossCucks
Remember prunecunt wants to bring in tens of millions of these shit-colored cultists to complete the ruin of America https://t.co/zppFZA6a2R
this is child abuse - all public schools should be burned down https://t.co/NPGR5KYmWh
August 26, 2016:
is even one of them a real blonde? https://t.co/0NBYtcPxnT
Is "Breitbart" #altright? Well, Breitbart is pure muslim-baiting and jew-evasion. Like Fox. Same with Jared "Polished Turd" Taylor.
Brazil is all catholic. Has it attained a notable degree of civilization? Since xtianity is the source of culture?
The jews you worship think you and your kind are idiots. They're right. https://t.co/Nc4UrwVtk9
Clinton's Speech Denouncing Meme-Toting Racists Interrupted By Meme https://t.co/LJTlvK06GP
kike feinberg - Hillary Clinton Speaks Truth to Pepe https://t.co/28StvWhasX
i always feel there's something weird about people who almost casually spit down principled, consistent behavior as "purity"
People who support Trump? Normal White Americans. The ones hillary hates. As opposed to black/jew/muslim criminals. Whom she loves.
you position on jews? WN: The Enemy. #altright: uh... well... (looks both ways, runs off to suck a dick)
US foreign policy: Won't somebody please think of these poor Syrian kids (who were doing just great till (((we))) ruined their country).
#LeoFrank trial, Week One (audio) https://t.co/JKgE9lHTrF (1:38m) article https://t.co/7zNSf91iHY #ADL #LearningCollege #vnnforum
Why do these folks appease jews? Only their conscience knows. https://t.co/M8OKUxAuV2
Audiobook: Camp of the Saints 9 of 11 sessions complete, up thru page 239 https://t.co/eluoZbdJ5q #LearningCollege #vnnforum #TeamWhite
White nationalism is certainly about hatred of the jews and cuck helpers who have murdered America. #TeamWhite
loser argument https://t.co/FNU6RXJBLP
jews send out people to lead the fake opposition to real problems they've created. wilders, yiannopoulous, breitbart etc. whites = suckers
"real deal" jesus you have low standards https://t.co/T8FTcQxdW4
white nationalist. a term that actually means something, unlike "alt" which means "we're not whatever-this-is" https://t.co/IdBuY3iyS0
Fox News = fake blonds, fake Americans, real male cheerleaders https://t.co/k6VsyfgTdy
August 25, 2016:
good article by Hoppe https://t.co/6m3zmt4yXz
ISIS is "good for jews" https://t.co/OHoH1NuZB0 #TeamJew
wow...violent niggers abroad are turning their lives around just like in US! great news! https://t.co/dqOuSDd8DN
Sucking up to people with money is THE British value. https://t.co/jnZRmLD0T1
August 24, 2016:
niggers... Woman in car shot in the shoulder in terrifying machine gun shootout https://t.co/I49cmp4Qzd via @MailOnline
so: 1) "alt right" came from a jew (faileocon jew-crit censor); 2) jew-pozzed @jaredtaylor is leader; 3) it's "for everybody" (ramsey). wjw
"The 'alt-right' moniker, the Wash. Post explained, was birthed from a speech given by Paul Gottfried" - jew who censored jewcrit @ Takimag
Notice how jew-exculpating clowns and others of dubious intent are being positioned by the controlled media as leaders of #altright.
you're trying to make something black and white that isn't, that's the best i can explain it https://t.co/cjL9YhvH6k
obviously not https://t.co/OYkTuioGOz
Whether he has fortified his NYC-jew observations with intellectual readings, I don't know. Probably just Fox-level stuff, I would guess.
well said https://t.co/iKAHnp9oyC
Sick in mind, body and soul, Hillary Clinton sides with Muslim terrorists, black criminals & globalist jews against Normal White America.
College - why? you will never have as much energy after 30 as before. why waste years listening to marxoid horseshit? you're PAYING for?
not just teenagers, middle-aged prole white women too https://t.co/EzPnHCH71b
Session #7: Camp of the Saints thru page 191 https://t.co/eWQPXjreH5 #LearningCollege #vnnforum #TeamWhite
want to help niggers? stop subsidizing them. the only thing that should be subsidized for blacks is one-way trips to Freaka.
when neocons try to do CT, they actually come off dumber than alex jones fans. which doesnt seem mathematically possible
This guy > Robert E. Lee https://t.co/8dCPxC9pYv
Nazis were a response to the jews. What were the jews doing to Germany? Well, look around you. The same things they're doing to the US today
August 23, 2016:
niggers: they're all like that. shit, even bill cosby's background probably couldn't stand much inspection https://t.co/se2jarJWee
Session #6, Camp of the Saints (thru pg 161) https://t.co/e8OGDP4Y0l #LearningCollege #vnnforum #TeamWhite
Lawsuit Filed over Illegal US Aid to Israel https://t.co/S91M9hFk28 via @NewObOnline
David Duke Campaign Stirs up Louisiana https://t.co/xQ41getGni via @NewObOnline
Comparable reaction in Anglo lands? Bueller? -- Attacks on Invader Centers Triple https://t.co/uxHInuaKPi via @NewObOnline
Foreign Policy: Is Donald Trump Mad? https://t.co/csRULscvmY via @NewObOnline
Lincoln’s Real Policy on Blacks https://t.co/w3sTXMiW9k via @NewObOnline
August 22, 2016:
Contrast with the servile shit Trump says about jews. https://t.co/KXL4C6Mukv
You're against Enlightenment nonsense but for christianity? You're an idiot. They're variants of the same mistake.
If we're going to have Lady Parkinson as our honcho in chief, I'd rather we put a wig on Michael J. Fox and call him Michaela.
I got more followers now so why not ask again: Whatever happened to good ol' Celtic bigot Jimmy Cantrell?
I have a soft spot for those who admit what they are. May oppose them, but grant them limited respect. For fakes and pseuds - the sword.
It's illegal to question the jewish atrocity whoppers called history in most western countries - and you're worried about dhimmitude? #tcot
Turns out Yiannopoulos is Greek for "Clinton" https://t.co/ANRPgVvAnt
They call it the Bible because it's easier than saying "Jewish Horseshit for Morons." Which is a real mouthful.
no one who has ever been even semi-famous will doubt the power of the media to put ideas in people's minds that are stronger than reality
It's pretty amazing that Hillary is openly on the side of muslim terrorists and nigger criminals and still has half the vote.
i closed my eyes and dreamed a dream...oh wait...that's you religious cultists https://t.co/cpA9jn3v7N
i think you're a little confused...about a lot of things, so completely confused https://t.co/kI8HfxKio9
i didnt advert to it until you went on about classes etc. dont open avenues you cant defend #protip https://t.co/v4pbGr0FyD
i dont know what that means https://t.co/eBgE9UBxLF
Can you restring my Weed Eater? Well...no... But I know how the structure of knowing works! #MuhPhilosophy
as an artisanal insultist, i paint with the palette of history. i will ochre you up till you look like a Guinea tribesman on Rumspringa
you know the "structure" of how knowing works. lol. classic. https://t.co/UfVUh0gUT3
i used actual fact to back my position; you gots nothing, and at some level you're aware of it. all u have = epithet https://t.co/r8Q4rRYPep
bad: racial apartheid, protecting whites from rape and murder good: comment apartheid, protecting fragile jew-leftists from logic & laughter
a Slayer tshirt and a chicken egg are the same thing. dont be fooled by their different skin colors, man
nearly every word nietzsche wrote is interesting; whereas much schopenhauer is not. but that might just be me. https://t.co/Ee7uMCn5fH
I actually look at things using my eyes. That's how I was first able to ascertain that, contrary to Sunday/Monday School, blacks arent white
It seems manlier and more aesthetic to accept differences are real and intractable. Let's just kill each other, it's more respectful.
Oh I'll leave your lawn. But my pockets are full of grapefruit! https://t.co/ciRU3pEvsy
quality tweet! https://t.co/99P9cTRe8R
Feeling very 1972-4 tonight. Billy Marek, three defenders on his back. Bill & Hillary make love to Joni Mitchell. Ernf, ernf, wow, yeah-woah
havent seen that name in about 30 years https://t.co/Q0QcKjAOOo
Truths no one likes to admit, but which are undeniable: Tennessee Waltz Amazing Grace are terrible songs.
"Colored people," lol. C'mon lady. They're discolored. White is the standard. Everything else is off.
Harambe moonlighted as a bouncer at Five Finger Discount, a notorious nigger dive in Over-da-Rhine an' Shit. #RealApesOfGreatness
The world doesn't need any more negroes than to outfit a modest research quadrange, where white scientists can observe evolution, perhaps.
All "public school" teachers are overpaid. See, kiddies, (((they))) in media aren't just lying about race, they lie about ev'rthing.
What is a tretin? Why, friends, it's a cretin that lives in a tree. Don't ask me why. I'm not "Doctor" Seuss.
Collectivized central leadership is a necessary defensive measure against jews. Among ourselves, decentralization is higher cultural level.
Minimialism: why spend time on shit that doesn't matter? Applied to govt: why spend money growing colonies of feral niggers?
The cost of taxing valid humans to keep the 30-inch-assed NEA school admins in their plumpfy sinecures is beyond calculation.
The beautiful thing about an illiterate age is you can make up quotes and attribute them to Oscar Wilde and no one knows the...who he is.
Patsy Cline explains alpha-beta from betitted POV. If we're "created," we owe the 'tor a punch in the mouth. https://t.co/Wn8baVPKNF
Apply the trendy concept of minimalism to politics. Governments create the dysgenic demographic that "needs" government.
session #5, Camp of the Saints pp106-132 (1:14) https://t.co/lDFT8vV5Xb #LearningCollege #vnnforum #TeamWhite
White-man-ism, or white minimalism https://t.co/9m7FlsAeXc
That libertarianism can never win on its own terms is obvious and beside the point, which is that most of its ideas & claims are correct.
Niggers are like cats or dogs. They want what's on your plate. They have no idea how it was procured or prepared. They're animals.
Jews believe with brazen lying and audacity they can take over the world. And when they pull off a '911,' it reinforces their belief.
I believe it is accurate, based on history of jew-Euro relations. https://t.co/xhPOiVEznj
Go clean the grubs out of my garden. I'll pay you a penny apiece, and you can snack on them as you work. https://t.co/LYiCKZsM8r
Criss-cross'll make you jump! jump! https://t.co/LYiCKZsM8r
I just want Ulrich to change his name to something euphoniouser. 'Skarsdale Puttyman' is the name I came up with. https://t.co/LYiCKZsM8r
August 21, 2016:
it's like arguing niggers are pro-white because they cause so many people to hate niggers. https://t.co/AiZDZFPr7n
Charlotte Iserbyt, John Taylor Gatto, Samuel Blumenfeld https://t.co/uwxZS5oc1f
Obstinately push your frame on them, force them to wear it, and never accept their terms. Never pass under their verbal yoke.
The minute you show any concern about racism, you've lost. You're playing their game, in their frame. And they're laughing at how weak-dumb
says the woman who has fawned over the jews responsible for that policy her entire career https://t.co/1oQS28bywF
They're wrong and lying about that too, it's been tested. Peers are where whites get bad habits. https://t.co/5CrF6LC5dE
About what? https://t.co/vqJy2uxo11
Similar to Emmett's pa https://t.co/0yRBtIo4fK
Jews "fake it till you make it" - they lie lie lie America is this sort of country, until through invasion and agitprop they make it so.
Trump has unveiled the media for those who pay little attention. That partisan monster you see - that's the jew, undraped.
Individualism is necessary where it makes sense (most areas). White socialism is a bad idea. But racial defense is a team thing. #TeamWhite
We forget how brainwashed we are. The candidate we're all excited about will publicly assure morbid sex deviants he'll defend them. Not us.
Politics is #TeamWhite (some internet presence, mostly theoretical) vs #TeamJew (real global power now). Reify TW & polarize is recipe.
They hate you for your superiority, white man. The rest is so much squid ink. And as you can't change that, you'd best fight & defend yrself
Nothing will mollify the (((left))) because it hates you (normal white man) categorically, which is 2 say, impersonally (ie, by principle).
(((media))) are biased & unfair. But that's wrong way to look at it. Rather: media are part of ZOG, engaged in perpetual race war vs whites.
Whitesnark has opened the age to political reality. 20 years of public internet allow anyone interested to see actual forces doing battle.
Corporations are driven solely by profit maximization, that's why Daily Stormer is full of ads from prominent retailers. #MarkCrispinMiller
Negros struggle against that giant, invisible force preventing them from working and saving money. Poower negros, so hard they have it.
Democracy's standards: you have to be a certain age to run for office. And you have to be a citizen to vote. Well, scratch that second qualy
Govt should be a sort of standing posse. But it always tends to turn into a criminal gang that looks on normies as cash cows & lab animals.
This quote from Hillary shows that whites who succeed in democratic politics think the same paranoid way jews do. https://t.co/D7L7AMjQLy
Remember, people, xtianity has been around just a slim fraction of the white race's existence. It's time to make it part of our past.
Nazism wasn't a loser association like christianity. https://t.co/CGu9vDZ6TD
The media act like Hilly's a done deal. But we know 2 things: 1) the (((media))) lie; 2) Trump attracts huge crowds at all rallies.
Obama does terrible things as president. Oh yes, and his workday portions are so small. #TCOT man...scoring an own-joke every time.
For every extra vote Trump attracts from niggers, he loses a multiple of whites, if only thru drifting uninterest. "Same old shit."
Too bad Trump doesn't have the balls to do the truly revolutionary thing: appeal to whites openly in the name of their racial interests.
As a white nationalist, it's quite easy to see why jews run things and whiteskins run away from jews.
It's a fact that the average person, even upper middle class (college educated) cannot be brought to believe ideas & contradictions matter.
The thing that is most characteristic and despicable about avg guy conservative is the way he simply attributes his view to Founders.
Fat gals in their 20s love to fuck. But when they get 50, it's too much effort, and their knees are gone. https://t.co/LqmwDuHiAL
All the fat women I've known have enjoyed or endured unending procession of minor and major physical problem. FAT KILLS KNEES.
Everything Obama does is wrong. Why doesn't he spend more hours in the office? Even the most basic contradiction the #tcot simp slides over.
The greater the certainty, the louder the laughter. A Sunday School teacher on God; a Monday school teacher on diversity.
Katie with the pat put-down https://t.co/oWuvLhPmxa
So many giant, fat-rumpled young white women where I live. Such a class indicator. Nothing screams low-rent prole like fat rolls.
Seems like every right-wing pol ends desperately attempting to prove to his despisers he means well. No strength of character. Sad!
Funny I never hear jews defend any policy as "good for whites." I never stop hearing the Trumps defend policies as good for jews, blacks etc
When I hear these radio ads for back to schooling, I still inwardly cringe though I'm decades past that. What utter misery, this institution
I urge people to read the history of public schooling in America, for it is identical to history of her destruction https://t.co/VsxndWpORw
What's needed is a White vehicle that is: - explicitly and proudly racial - (White with capital W) - names & fights jew as our racial enemy
August 20, 2016:
Maxwell: The capybara, a dog-sized rodent, is among the latest to invade Florida https://t.co/bcJNNUkC2a
trigger disgust. just like WP itself - People say they approve of interracial couples, but studies uncover bias https://t.co/Fop2SDDfsK
August 19, 2016:
Every jew acts like he's silently saying to the others, "Can you believe what these goyschmucks will put up with??"
I believe they believe this, and we must embody the opposite. JEW THE JEW. This is large part of what that means. https://t.co/PeM34mcDC5
well you are an expert in disgusting fucks, so maybe you have something there pinchy https://t.co/mYoRcbcNpE
Lacking in follow through? https://t.co/IpP7pTdqY7
Crazy...isn't just a song by Patsy Cline. https://t.co/kDomg9CnBu
The traditionalist ignores traditions that don't suit him, while the progressive says this flame will never die. We all pick and choose.
he also came in second in my favorite no limits nigga competition https://t.co/IAr31doGXw
session #4, Camp of the Saints, pp79-105 https://t.co/Rg61KrNbV6 (1:21) #LearningCollege #vnnforum #TeamWhite
Beat the conservatives, for they are twinks and enjoy it. They will start parroting you. Observe how jews treat cuckstians, and learn.
The white racial cause can be, and should be, for whites who hold to higher standards than the church of the #crosscucks. #TeamWhite
Hillary Clinton's father was a right-winger. Then she went to church. True story. Christ-insanity is #antiwhite.
Treating jews as individuals is popular with people who imagine they understand what they're doing but do not.
we shoot rabid dogs. are jews not more destructive? https://t.co/YUJs77GbHF
a jewish day at the beach.. https://t.co/1zthVvNSr8
"If we are God's chosen people, how can any resistance to us and our plans, even the slightest, be moral?" --Nathan Jacob Wise
"We never give our opponents an inch. We do not even cede their existence as valid, let alone their arguments." --Nathan Jacob Wise
mexican music is truly one of the horrors of the world. music so bad it takes mexicans to make it. https://t.co/sk67LH9FSm
August 18, 2016:
Session #3 (pp 52-78) of The Camp of the Saints... https://t.co/WdUzXh79Dt (1:13) #LearningCollege #vnnforum #TeamWhite
"Public schools" dont care if you cant do checkbook math. They do care if you can't identify Wrong Attitudes as "hate."
Whites today refuse to see patterns, quite willfully. They have been persuaded by Sunday & Monday school pattern-recognition is immoral.
#CowardCoulter blames Dems & Reps because it's safe, while knowing it was jews who opened border for racial reasons. https://t.co/4DEeDUL5el
"'racist' is losing its power!" - been hearing this since the 70s. the anonymite saying this is bereft of irony
It's a mistake to think the #cuckservative believes anything. He's serving his boss for pay. That's the long and short of it.
Where jews have power, career girls cuck for them. See Trick Wilson. Where muslims have power, they cuck for Muzzy. See Teresa May.
The #Cuckservative does in fact live by principles. His principle is: whatever is good for my career is all that matters.
Created by "fascists" who belong to synagogues. https://t.co/7F3rUS7g5x
you hate globalists? you hate media? Then you're against jews. As you should be. Just admit it's racial war and sign on to #TeamWhite.
the globalists arent trying to dissolve israel, are they? so when you say you oppose globalists, what you mean is you oppose jews
not at all, because the broad that said it is pro-jew https://t.co/NfzIdqN9vb
saying "it's about globalism vs nationalism" is the typical white cowardly retreat into safe abstration. it's about #TeamWhite vs #TeamJew
August 17, 2016:
so many of that type at my college. dumpy, boring, wrong jewesses https://t.co/wzuLLXOhp4
All the twinks (pro cons) hated Gore Vidal (Al Gore relative), called him "evil." Because he had balls. He down-laughed scum jews they blew.
Pretty much the only place the term prejudice is accurately applied is to evaluation of the intellectual quality of Hitler's writings.
Planted axiom: Nick Gomez can recognize value. https://t.co/Wt07QHnhXa
Read Russell Kirk for an attempt to explain conservative-the-ism, but Hitler & Rockwell are best on conservative as a type & mentality.
Breitbart dares blame the muslims, but whistles on the jew what let it in. Meet the new alt same as old boss.
America was started by a fair number of high-quality English, along with scum, then yielded to failed potato farmers & cow ass chasers.
Up from leftism: without using the term 'racist' explain why you believe X is wrong. ie, pretend your opponent is just as noble as you are
Al Gore WASP WHORE https://t.co/1XFwoxldP8
freedom is a spirit, not just a law. when did america become a nation of cunts. most scholars say 1832, and i cant disagree
boy look at all them buddin' dickenses and austens https://t.co/LniklE58g2
and that last tweet is from someone who LOVES business. and markets. ... they're just two different things, apart from mere necessity
i want to say this. fuck your fucking content. the very fucking notion of content makes me puke. it's called ART. its about LOVE not shekels
100 years ago...The Leo Frank Trial Begins (audio session #1) https://t.co/bnibIeZDi9 (25m) https://t.co/YRlboLKHlv #ADL #LeoFrank #vnnforum
Camp of the Saints, session #2, pp18-51. Audiobook (text + comments) https://t.co/TLa6iIaLMC #TeamWhite #VnnForum
(((Breitbart))) Will we never learn? The funniest thing of all is claim we WN are "supremacists." Whites can be fooled 1000x by same trix
Nature operates by genocide, whether we like it or not. If we embrace the God delusion, then we have genocide as God's plan for the world.
There is no Tradition, only traditionS, and many of them are defective. People don't think much, hence traditions = congealed stupidity.
look at these jackass south african wiggers https://t.co/ozCcbCTxuH
Put some lotion on that hand back you lizard https://t.co/zrbllkcs4A
He who pays the piper calls the tune. Democracy, like piper, requires money. Jews have the money (they printed it). So they call the tune.
Hatred of whites (#loxism) is endemic is the jewish community. It's always been there. It's a racial trait.
No nigger at any time, anywhere, ever has given one split second of thought to what is good for "the white community." #CuckCoulter #MAGA
church policy of transferring pedo-priests to a new parish > blather from some girl Catholicism protects pedophiles https://t.co/Zh7Tj0QmKM
Sometimes. Last couple years I have moved to a version of audiobooks (text + commentary). https://t.co/3ltUEJljDA https://t.co/BPVKqpBkIS
Christianity is for cucks. As that very tepidly funny comedian Bill Engvall used to say, "Here's your sign." #CrossCucks
only someone with a catholic mind - dirty, low, dishonest - would think to brag that CELIBRATE PRIESTS have LESS (bad sex)
i dont like people like you who refuse to hold them responsible for their behavior, which is uniformly #antiwhite https://t.co/egv4TaDe0X
This is your dumbest tweet yet. And before 6am, no less! "Onanism is LESS common among priests with no hands." https://t.co/nQzjcvEARJ
Coulter is a dyed-in-the-wool #cuck. https://t.co/QBAdXDMR8M
If space aliens invaded Britain she's say the same thing. https://t.co/5xJPUFxd8I
Trump wouldn't bomb white Serbia to aid filthy muslims and advance the jewish #whitegenocide agenda; Hillary would.
If a jew like Yiannopoulos says "I am not altright" and much/most of #altright thinks he is, then altright is "just another liberal rag."
This is what happens where JEWS control immigration, as jew-controlled fake opposition Pegida won't tell you. https://t.co/F2nmyuwUdA
jew suffering: imaginary and promoted White suffering: real and suppressed #TeamWhite alone brings you the real and full truth.
yeah that's not how you sell raspberries. try: they're juicy and sweet and nicely colored. https://t.co/a7rwiuakgO
Christianity essentially means preferring the worse to the better. That's its appeal - it's a non-violent form of wiggerism for losers.
Like many lizards, adopted niggaloos from Africa thrive on mealworms, accounting for much of their appeal to cheap xtian owners.
Tired of seeing pictures of our people looking like this, thanks to jews like Soros. It's (((their))) turn. https://t.co/qSs7QHnqkI
The christiasn Moral Sense, bruited as great advance, has done nothing but turn whites into sideways lookers and stick fetchers.
August 16, 2016:
If you're going to claim pathological altruism is problem with whites, why not think harder and realize it's christianity.
Jews to rest of world: you can only exist on our terms. Anything else is anti-semitism, the worst of all crimes. #TeamWhite explains jews.
jews have equated white identity -- literally white existence -- with the top crime - murder. Our existence as whites is a crime. Says Jew.
White identity is bad for jews so whites must disappear. Could anything more brazenly obnoxious be conceived? https://t.co/Diay4HYmLP
jews control the media, defame anyone standing up for whites, then mock him as crybaby for pointing this out. #DeathToTheJews cuts thru bs
The jews have shown what they are. They are not going to change. The change must come in our thinking. Xtianity has failed & endangered us.
"You dirty whiteskins need to quit creating a hostile environment for the muslim terrorists we let in to replace you." --(((global media)))
Session #1 of my reading of Jean Raspail's Camp of the Saints (1973), text + commentary. Thread here: https://t.co/eluoZbdJ5q
Jewsmedia deliberately confuse (lie about) happen-to and caused-by when it comes to their pet niggers.
Racists and liberals agree: the worst place for whites or blacks to live is around blacks. Glad we agree on something! #MilwaukeeUprising
what type of man was this 'black man'? a criminal? oh. then why do you call him...oh. (((they))) hate you. they really hate you #TeamWhite
If Milwaukee is worst place to live for blacks...and the most segregated...then the worst place for blacks to live is...around other blacks.
How you vet muslims: by their tenet: jihad. How you vet jews: by their Talmud's statement: "Even the best of the goyim should be killed."
Even Dave Chappelle was there. https://t.co/kTwfA5jQlw
The (((US central government))) does indeed see the hominids under its control as a resource, and feeds off them heartily.
A government that tries to force whites to live with other races is by that fact alone illegitimate.
The media seem like they attack Trump for personal things (even if concocted) but actually it's a racial attack. By jews. On The White Man.
Trump at least brings into sharpest relief that the main media & govt constitute a single entity - dominated by jews and 100% #antiwhite.
The single best example of (((media))) power and control I've seen in my lifetime was the 24 hours after Pat Buchanan's Culture Wars speech.
The conservative needs to understand that it is weak, bad and immoral to blame yourself when you're not at fault.
The jews correctly perceive a danger (to their genocidally #antiwhite agenda) which Trump himself may not even realize he represents.
The man with racialist politics but conservative mindset always thinks that a different personality will receive different treatment. Wrong.
Don't be fooled - the treatment of Trump uses his personal particulars, but the attack on him is 100% ideological and impersonal.
It is absolutely undeniable: 1) mass media are controlled by (((some force))). 2) This force is bent on destruction of whitekind.
I believe Trump would win this election fairly easily with anything even remotely approaching reasonable media treatment.
Christianity is the perfect religion for white control. Salt Peter for the soul. The bible tells slaves to obey their masters, not rebel.
The controlled media, effectively the town water supply, is 100% poisoned against the only healthy choice.
No matter how we vote, the System won't let our desired change through. If we lose, the march continues. If we win, the vote is thrown out.
Far as I'm concerned, if Trump is not elected, the age of proxy politics comes to an end, and age of #UltimatePolitics begins.
In about 3 paragraphs, entire Milw story summed up accurately - Blacks Riot over Black Shooting https://t.co/0N5OOUJai3 via @NewObOnline
At perhaps 8% of world population, WHITES ARE THE DIVERSITY. Without them, just a bunch of mostly indistinguishable muds.
The Nazis fought the jewish bolsheviks the spineless, sapless Anglo lands succumbed to. https://t.co/m0JozUAnxp
Look at these tattoos. Absolute garbage appearance. https://t.co/ZWdQabI3kY
How about a Confederate College - whites only? https://t.co/d3JbTNgBCd
August 15, 2016:
Media )))Liberation Day(((: the programs running 24/7 the day after whites retake power: imagine that lineup. #GreatDejewing
Media )))Liberation Day(((: the programs running 24/7 the day after whites retake power: imagine that lineup.
"Children of God" is the christian "youths." You keep pretending that christianity can be reconciled w racial sanity, though, li'l bugger.
After ridding NEMO. of Siberian tigers and muskoxers, Sheboygan settled down to a dinner of diet lettuce and small rocks.
You traditionalists judge things like niggers - purely from outside appearances. #BeardManSpeakTrooth
You cunts would rather run around the world for a wizened geek like Solzhenitsyn when you have a Mark Twain at home. #MuhBeardTrooth
Real Americans were and are capable of doing everything for themselves - not relying on experts. Catholic-socialism is for losers, not USAns
Conservatism tends to produce weak-willed slaves because it emphasizes the dangers in thinking for oneself rather than trusting experts.
Third World = can't even keep clean water at Olympics. Yeah, diversity enriches white lands. Giving the gift...of sewage.
Whites need a self-conscious, jealous racial elite that acknowledges jews are The enemy and xtianity a dangerous sickness in our people.
Jews send emissaries to #altright like Curious Cernovich to blather about Saudi money. Which pales next to yid shekels in western politics.
Christianity is essentially celestial drama-queening. it plays with the mass cretins who like pro wrestling and soap operas.
That's not why i'm using it. Secondary reason is character limits. https://t.co/uQMK0W0qIX
Nigger violence in every major city around rim of Lake Michigan, which is located in Alabama, I believe. Nogs don't do cold.
South African niggers always look like hominid insects. Brainless, teeming, destructive... https://t.co/YeUsAQbiEA
Why do jews still exist on earth, given their incomparably atrocious historical record of behavior? https://t.co/KES1oGhhYL
It's easy to see the black destroying communities because it's visual. Less easy to see the jew who wrote the policy that enabled him.
I'm not like a xtian. before i do something, i ask: is it possible? if so, what are the likely consequences. Moralitists simply don't care
It doesn't matter how feel, you fucking effeminate with bad taste, christianity is objectively #antiWhite.
The jews use muslims to destroy christian lands, and christians to destroy muslim lands. And nobody ever seems to learn.
There's nothing in the christian cult for whites seeking to resist a band of organized liars, thieves and killers. #TeamWhite
A nigger that isn't throwing rocks at passing cars by the time it's nine is considered functionally retarded in the hood. #HoodFacts
Jews are prosecuting a race war against whites, using blacks, whose violence they eternally excuse & justify in their mass media. #TeamWhite
Whites have shown by their consistent behavior over decades they do not want to live around blacks. They are forced to by jews. #TeamWhite
the races have no natural relations except war or separation. political control by jew is what forces white and black together
"race relations" is a cant meme perpetrated by jews, with the christian concept of all-god's-children immensely helpful
Ignorance = disagreeing with "Ulrich." Ulrich MEANS ignorant in original Frisian, you coon-loving appleton. https://t.co/0Hkhbhy79D
Xtianity is the problem that prevents us from solving The Problem. Christianity's central claim is a Big Lie, and its mentality is morbific.
It wasn't white nationalists who destroyed the middle east - nor was it muslims. It was jews. And the xtian jackasses who tool for them.
was at a flea market in rural Missouri...Confederate flags abounded as did towheads. yes, jew Jon Stuart, this is the "real" America..u hate
Nothing but good follows Britain voting to leave EU. https://t.co/CPCNcsbpGI
August 14, 2016:
So if those Detroit niggers had voted Republican things would be fine? You weak cunt. You are despicable. https://t.co/ORGPtsUkbB
Whites won't defend their own innocents. Blacks and jews will defend their own pedophiles and murderers. #LeoFrank #ADL #OJSimpson
Racialists who make excuses for cucks (@jartaylor) who refuse to name the jew are different from leftists making excuses for niggers - how?
The Three Willfully Blind White Mice: Fred Reed, Steve Sailer, Jim Goad. https://t.co/LyZqjZA410
The (((media))) uniformly attack Trump. If they were interested in maximizing profits, they would sound just like him.
ESPN, like all (((jewish))) media, puts politics ahead of profits. Only fools & ideologues believe corporations pursue profit maximization.
the place to find closest to truth is in second-to-last paragraph in (((controlled media))) story: (1/2)
#DaringMonkeys Students at Claremont Colleges Refuse to Live with White People https://t.co/97GHOEitMT via @CmontInd
#DaringMinds #DarlingMidgets #DuskyMorons Request for non-white roommates sparks uproar at Calif. colleges https://t.co/tYlVrn3WI7
passive voice, blaming metal or buildings for the actions of jew-loosed cooons. it grows tiresome, over the decades #FuckJewishMediaLiars
""This is a neighborhood that has unfortunately been affected by violence in the recent past," THIS NEIGHBORHOOD TEEMS WITH VIOLENT NIGGERS
pretty sure those nog riots in milw arent actually happening since blacks cant live in cold areas genius WN reliably inform me
August 12, 2016:
Our governments aren't ours but (((theirs))). Been that way for a long, long time. Recognition is first step to ignition. #TeamWhite
This is news I can use. https://t.co/vyWsWHp6ch
Scale prevents us from seeing what the media and govt do daily in US and West is postively cultic, in the manner of Jonestown.
August 11, 2016:
I itch to see what the highly respected @DPRK_News will do with this one. https://t.co/PWZoeC2lon
The reality is people don't get along. Walls and barriers reflect this, they don't cause it. That's just jews gaslighting about agency.
Careful Jim Goad with a good one. https://t.co/dxmUYIruxX
There's a difference between hierarchy and genuine elitism. A king is no guarantee of anything except a reax falling to knees and sucking.
"Now there is no more good will or sympathy [for jews] in America except among the more delusional Christians" --Vox Day (Up from Farahism)
"You were welcomed as guests. And in order to pursue what was "good for the Jews", you wrecked the American nation." --Vox Day
Conservatism means worshipping jews and obeying their instructions to the letter and never questioning them. #tcot
How did the Romans look at Christianity? The way Clint spit on the beetle in Outlaw Josey Wales. And this remains the correct view of thing.
No dialogue. No conversion to some crank cult. Just death. That's what we, as #TeamWhite, must offer the colored invader and jew ringleader.
Christ-insanity sold whites the twin lie that we can and should civilized colored minorities. We can't. We shouldn't have tried.
If white nationalism were truly sick, the christian would be sexually attracted to it and snuffle in it like catnip. https://t.co/DTMkdPSUN3
south africa produces some really attractive folks... https://t.co/TWKwfwy3mn
August 10, 2016:
Christianity is soft genocide for whites. The cult's doctrines devalue race, and yes, that is tantamount to being pro-#whitegenocide.
You've put your kind on the path to genocide the minute you stipulate to god's having created opposing species.
Imagine of God had laws against taking out garbage. It was immoral to incinerate trash. This is rough analogy to xtian views on race.
Christians believe they are serving morality by lamenting the loss of 30 million aborted negros. Morality divorces from sanity very easily.
The depths of lunacy are sounded when we arrive at conservatives puling for aborted niglets. I dont even know the right emo for this.
Hillyer is a #crosscuck, has been his whole career. https://t.co/HemH0yj8sN
faggotry could be partly biological, in that many have that ever-so-slightly crosseyed look most commonly found in women
Safe space - where the dumtwat, disco or dreydlist can't be broached on the spear of white-man logic & laughter
The conservative's favorite physical sensation isn't sex, it's having smoke blown up his ass about how smart he is and how dumb his masters.
When that yid broad said there's no there there, she wasn't talking about Oakland but about Bob Beckel's neck.
It's actually less that people are stupid, as one tends to say, than that they cannot imagine things being different than they are.
Hillyer is an xtian race-queer from way back. Says he's married, but he has down-low look to me. That is pure speculation on my part.
My only flaw is that I care too much...about the election in Zambia. https://t.co/6c0NlfC0Of
you cant do away with thinking for yourself and remain a man, and the catholic cultists tacitly admit this by calling their collective sheep
the catholic position on individual thought is precisely analogous to this: the obese need to exercise less than others
the christian belief that faith is a good thing eschers very naturally into managerial-therapeutic's state's put-yr-trust-in-Holy-Experts
the real man doesn't tell you to copy his opinion, he tells you to QUESTION it. USE your muscles. CHECK IT OUT. this was Pierce's way
He's a good little goy-doggie, well trained by the jews. https://t.co/DTMkdPSUN3
capitalism did something about poor: made a shitload less of them. catholicism just sits there and plays with turds - a la mother teresa
"Faith and begore, mie look for twayntefore ours, cannaugh tell whair the cow endeth an the Sassenach begin" - Meaidh O'Rumsby, 1009 AD
So sad to get really old, can't do the things ya loved as a kid...play softball, rape, murder. Sigh. https://t.co/BadgqMqpuf
The Connecticut Hillbilly's fingers type a rather different immigration policy than her knees. https://t.co/FpZirMODNM
social justice is catholic cant, as is solidarity with poor. both easily adapted by jews to destroy white society https://t.co/BF96A1ipRZ
"Shenanigans are committed mostly by males. But Histrionics are attributed mostly to females." --Stephen Wraungh.
as an atheist, more precisely a #Fingerist (right-wing atheist) i don't support discrimination or persecution against xtians. mocking is Rx.
jews persecute and discriminate against christians daily in USA, but only an atheist will point it out. christians are #crosscucks
Race doesn't matter. Jews are wonderful. Two big lies promoted by christianity. Grow red. I'll just remain white and right, #crosscuck.
The lying jews called media treat their spin-lie about Trump's trailoff more seriously than two actual attempts on Trump's life.
special rules for kikes https://t.co/LUDmyhy59v
Is it not fair to call a man with 500 partners a sex maniac? Since the average has maybe half dozen?
Think differently and you can often get a clearer view. Africans are (omit race)...retards. Queers are (omit practices)...sex maniacs.
If half of fags have 500 sex partners...steady, hold your fears...it's not really just an alt-menu selection compared to normalcy, is it?
Fred becomes, evasive, sly, dishonest. Not so humble Fred, as he poses everywhere else. Hence "Country Slicker." https://t.co/G1xhr4N7pa
Not remarkably, this syncopation, this omission, is quite average. Fred is deliberately obtuse. Deliberately. https://t.co/G1xhr54INK
a jew taught Fred to two-step, so jews can't be responsible for the murder of the west #ReasoningWithReed #CountrySlicker
Oh great. Your nescience extends beyond religion to sex. https://t.co/BWlxZFBdhr
So your boobcult assures little you your aunt who died of cancer, there was a Reason for it. But there wasn't. It's a lie.
big govt is jew's best friend - Fuck This Tweet https://t.co/CM7QcOHbQJ
Jews dont mind filling your lands with their semitic couslims. Your daughter is raped? So? That's good for jews. Are you anti-semite, maybe?
Reaction: Ah buhlieve in original sin, sep fur them kings n legislators w their Holy Laws All Must Respet. #whiteniggers #humansarentplants
Average thinking: #MuhPosition! Elite thinking: what would it take to prove my position wrong? Scan for that hungrily.
That's the quotation I alluded to. Warburg - intl jew bankster. A warburg set up federal reserve in 1913 https://t.co/EbI2fRxaTV
why are you afraid to mention they're a bunch of JEWS. they hate WHITES. why are you freemen ALWAYS so guts-negative https://t.co/eIMKJTcZMN
Who is this girl? She is smarter 99% of whites, who are exactly like dogs that shriek at whatever is closest to face https://t.co/lcpXeIFxbv
they're obsessed w the idea they are 'history's actors' and everybody else a bunch of seagrass https://t.co/LPzk6tEvcn
Next few tweets are Scott Adams quotation from Ringer interview: I had a very lucrative speaking career until I started writing about Trump.
Scott Adams interview: https://t.co/PamiURj7mR
You can't even advocate the most basic position on things, like borders. Or your character is defamed across the free and uniform press.
Same thing done to Tim Tebow as they're trying to do to Trump, did do to Duke and Buchanan - drive them out with lies.
jews: 1) created the bogus theory of multiculturalism 2) opened borders in all white lands 3) covered up #Rotherham results #DeathToTheJews
British Authorities Still Ignoring Massive Child Sex Ring Over Fear Of Name-Calling https://t.co/I9LpqhdthU
he should have taught you spelling. parasitism isn't honorable. and standing armies are unAmerican https://t.co/HKM881LqlQ
We are all one in da jebus. What is a trivial material thing like race to that? Christianity is #antiwhite. https://t.co/LRT8GviM1g
Never trust a man without a neck. Punkinheads tend to be fundamentalist christians (crooks leading cretins). https://t.co/Z5pxo6rA4P
Trump, Clinton, Death Threats and Media Lies https://t.co/VBsmYs75rF via @NewObOnline
Does Hillary Clinton believe violence doesn't work? Any of the Bushes? Any of the neocohen warmongers?
Implicit white nationalist, he rid So Cal of a lot of black trash. https://t.co/oqALLTuHsY
There will be change when the jews and helpcucks admitting muslim killers to white lands have to ask themselves will I die for this? Not b4.
Textbook gaslighting from jews: accusing you of what they are doing. https://t.co/3OKZZJkvd4
The System miraculously and spontaneously arises as one to deny anyone who attempts to speak for the white majority. The System = (((ZOG))).
We don't need Trump's campaign as proof democratic system is rigged. We had that back in 90s with Buchanan and Duke, to name only two.
All bad trends in American society would worsen under Hillary. Until whites openly identify and fight as group, redirection impossible.
Violence doesn't work? It's the only thing that works. https://t.co/xRHWcPqfZL
A jew said 100 years ago we would have one world order, whether we liked it or not. Answer must be: we will have nations & make jews extinct
August 09, 2016:
So air conditioning was invented by a white man. An American. Of English descent. I, for one, feel immense gratitude to him. #WillisCarrier
Willis Haviland Carrier was born in Angola, New York, on November 26, 1876, a member of an old New England family.
No peaceful means will bring the superelite, mostly jews, to think of others as anything but herd animals.
It's better than the South Pole. That's about all can be claimed for it. https://t.co/692YiPKeG4
Imagine a vote between Crack Party and Sobriety Party where half the nation is addicted to crack. That's what big government is.
The (((media))) want to see Trump assassinated physically the way they assassinate him verbally - and have already produced attempts.
It's true that A BLACK MAN stole the first AC window unit, but in its defense, it thought it was stealing a special new kind of tv.
Golf clab for the jebus cult. Source of civilization and pedophiles, at least one of those verified. https://t.co/jtbCtTkARe
I will repeat for the manyeth time, read George Lincoln Rockwell (and Hitler, whom he takes from) on the psychology of the conservative.
The first AC window unit was stolen by a negro. #BlackHistory THAT I can buy. https://t.co/ayp6pD6FIQ
Some nigger put AC in a truck. He didn't invent it. Nigs lie about everything because a nigger will believe anything https://t.co/SZOVfcvk3Z
Carrier indicated his "flash of genius" came while waiting for a train; intrigued by the fog surrounding him,
i swear 9/10 female drivers are on phones when driving https://t.co/KoHO99wDPO
i dont think it's blinding. i just dont see, from THEIR perspective, this wonderful world on the other end. https://t.co/q4nrLyHX8U
Belief in 'God' is what prevents men from believing things happen for actual identifiable, discernible reasons.
Blacks aren't Americans. They're descendants of slaves. The Founders correctly considered them unworthy of rights. https://t.co/Hk5LNNEOIR
dont billionaires like to drive cross country, and grow sad at its beturding w mexcrement & assorted 3rdie rubbish? https://t.co/i2l4nco2PF
Christianity must be source of civilization because 90% are xtians. Jews cant control things because they're 2%. #SameFallacy
Objectively the mass media are characterized by an unending stream of hatred, insults and lies directed by jews at whites.
Warren Buffett is a billionaire who lives in Omaha. That right there tells you he's a moron. Does he eat corn fritters & funnel cakes too?
it is genuinely hard to understand the NWO from the POV of the superelite, at least for me. i get the preserve israel part, but the rest ???
that sounds good until you see who actually comes out on top. besides, using human reason to make systems is natural https://t.co/oiqDi74Ocy
We (USA) see all these shootings. 1 reason is great selfishness common these days. In pols, same thing Boomer-manifests as nuclear war.
Civilization is achieved against and in spite of religious faith, which is at best a means of moron control.
If Chartres was built by religious faith, why can't one be found in Nigeria? The answer is because Chartres was built by engineers.
The First Dishonesty among whiteskin conservatives is accepting the jewish lie that Founders didn't make white race the basis of new nation.
We are so accustomed to accepting "open season on white man" - these attacks on Trump are racial personally and writ large on all whites.
Societies are built by thinking minorities, not religions This is variant of fallacy that jews cant control things because they're only 2%.
Notice how actual ruling jews say nothing about belief or faith - that's for inferior folk like whiteskin morons. https://t.co/DbNHB1ZBOV
He's wrong. He describes something that never existed. Global social media kills the mystique his fantasy requires. https://t.co/zXNKkbkx3H
Trump was right: the election is about whether US is a nation or not. That's the exit onto White Nationalist Hwy.
I think pod people is better. 'Revolution within the form.' It's easier to make out zombies than pod people. https://t.co/DD4YiiglDW
White brains and beauty are coopted to serve mud races led by (((. The solution is white sovereignty. We don't need them. #TeamWhite
Caleb Schwab, home to da jebus: "he believed in his savior, Jesus, and they are forever together now. We will see him another day." #cretins
Prayer has solved precisely the same number of human problems as babies have been produced by masturbation.
Christianity has poisoned the white race. Racialism will restore its vigor and direction. #TeamWhite
Trump's campaign is a racial proxy for whites, no matter how much or little he understands/intends that. This explains burning jewish hatred
The hatred of Trump may seem personal, but 'orange' is just hook. The hatred springs entirely from jewish racial animus vs whites - #loxism.
Remember, Trump is just a proxy. His family has married into jews. And the white cause isn't up for a vote. It's vital (life or death).
Willis Haviland Carrier was born on Nov 26, 1876, to Duane and Elizabeth Carrier, in Angola, N.Y. #GreatWhiteMen https://t.co/O56kB1ZiGQ
Libertarianism will be taken seriously when it grows the balls to discuss the particular biological groups opposed to specific freedoms.
While noble white men like Cullen, Gorrie and Carrier invent things like air conditioning, jews invent lies about gas chambers.
My lead pipe will play your ribs like a xylophone. https://t.co/05ns7oMRb3
I love this guy. Classic Rockford Files heavy. https://t.co/XfAszUA2tp
It may be fun to play with the cuck-monkey, but never forget it's the (((organ grinder))) calling the tunes.
Do men really have individual souls? They only think so who have never received critical letters from AVERAGE christians.
Best movie for red-pilling: They Live Best novel: Camp of the Saints I'd be interested in other/different bests...
Who is a better traditionalist than the bush boolie digging the salubrious grubs out of tree hole just like grandniggy 10 million years ago?
Traditionalism, as well meaning but mufflebrained he-betties don't grasp, is the COLORED WAY. Not the white way (questing, innovation).
Notice actual good in this world is byproduct of for-profit Corporation Man, Willis Carrier. Not by some 501c3 eleemosynary simpsonessa.
Average whites must understand that JEWS ARE NOT US. Jews are THEM. They are THE ENEMY. Of us NORMAL WHITES. #TeamWhite
Practical leftism is a sort jesuitical or talmudic faux-splaining of why the exact same thing is really two entirely different things.
It's a private company when it does what leftists want; a common carrier or public accommodation when it doesn't.
So ((("our"))) governments prefer muslim terrorists to normal white citizens. Well that doesn't all sound like grounds for bloody revolution
Average white men can run their own lives. If not, then the white racial cause makes no sense. No kings. No popes. They're for fags.
When whites were more civilized than today, they rioted more & used epithets more freely. https://t.co/lV7Af7B9X1
The jewish hatred of whites, #loxism, has been worked out to a fine science. Media come up with new #antiwhite verbal aggressions monthly.
By 1903, Carrier had designed a system of chilled coils that maintained a constant, and comfortable, humidity of 55 percent
The white man takes circumstances and squeezes lemonade out of them. Blood-and-soil is magic dirt theory too, you nonthinking newtman.
Traditionalists: is it better to carry on the tradition of our ancestors sweating our balls off? Cuz that was the tradition. #MuhTurdition
In Buffalo, New York, on July 17, 1902, in response to a quality problem experienced at the Sackett-Wilhelms Lithographing & Publishing Co
Willis Carrier & #LeoFrank both graduated from Cornell. Carrier, white man, invented air conditioning. (((Frank))) molested-murdered )))girl
No one knows this guy's name and he had a bigger effect on mankind than pretty much anyone. https://t.co/GrGjbS7Iz2
That time you didn't freak out and turn into more of a screeching maniac? that was when he WILLIS CARRIERed you. #MeetTheRealJebus
tired: standing on your own feet, walking up stairs unaided wired: retaining a giant negroid with fists of chemies to aid & stabilize you
"Defense" as in ADL. They always use neutral or negative terms terms to veil positive attacks. https://t.co/lQrRHbP3gT
August 08, 2016:
That is condign. https://t.co/y39GqWh3MH
Coneservative https://t.co/fxDnHnqUyV
Vote Trump. Or you get this. https://t.co/k6W7kZajeZ
No, it's the highest yours can conceive - heaven. https://t.co/vxFVVGjmM6
Whiteman gall bladder cures rabies and Goobalashi Syndrome too. Also excellent in soups. https://t.co/naiWhM1vqB
Notice when jews land-clear Pals there's no mystical pocus about converting anyone or spreading civilization, they just kill them off.
NPR: pretending people are having the reaction (to Trump) they should be having, then verifying it w/ partisan 'experts' and bespoke polls.
they use 'racist' the same fallacious, dishonest way your side uses 'atheist' https://t.co/mAdiednKUq
conehead https://t.co/qn93LgOjch
"...since 2014, violent crime is up 47 percent in Los Angeles, 26 percent in Baltimore and 23 percent in Dallas."
the jew superintends politics devolving into are-you-this-or-not-this. All deception and foolishness.
otoh, looks like he's getting serious about Jeb! can fix it. https://t.co/JSHqqCWjce
Whites used to have their own agenda, then they started listening to others. Jews made themselves center stage. Results speak for themselves
Christianity sucked pride out of white men, calling it a sin, and jews rushed in with hate-your-race lies to fill the vacuum. #TeamWhite
Jew to whiteskin: Will you help us destroy the white race for money? #Cuckservative: Yes. #TeamWhite is #anticuck and #antijew.
Jews to whiteskin: We'll pay you to promote lies about US origin and future. #Cuckservative: where do I sign?
a handful of determind people can change course of soc. - Invader Terror Closes Down French Events https://t.co/qpyxSOlYM9 via @NewObOnline
August 07, 2016:
People seem to believe that generations are a real thing rather than a construct of very limited value.
August 06, 2016:
'White supremacist' - most whites are stick-fetchers, what i can see. They willingly, even gleefully accept goals set by ENEMIES, even.
"Like shark ass to a remora Like boy-penis to a priest THAT's how I feel about Key Lime Pie"-- S. Kinison
yes. it is cited in all the finest Roadkill Cookbooks i personally consult https://t.co/MCv0zseSne
This is a great tweet. Why do fish tails curve out? So you can keep hold when swinging the body at DEPRESSIVE FAGGTS https://t.co/vDl70K0Qev
J. Podhoretz can see there's no answer to charge 109, but here is where genes, rabbis, jewcult-ure kicks in, & he hisses like corned possum.
Reaction and progression are variants of same mistake, whereas racialism can easily just be conservatism with balls still attached.
Progressives and reactionaries both fear movement. Former wants it suppressed by bureaucrats, latter by dorksmen of God.
i judge people by their salt content. https://t.co/iGRgLnBSbN
ZWAYEER (sp?) takes in 100 white farmers, ONE HUNDRED, all of a sudden everbody n Tiny Tims a-eatin', can even EXPORT to KOONZBEWE.
Reparations for niggers - after mumpteen trillions yes TRILLIONS of welfare spending. Fuck you coons - 2-pak of watermelons seeds - now GO.
I'm sure Bruce the Tiny will side with the niggers. https://t.co/OB6K0MRF4k
Christianity tells the little man things happen for no reason (what 'God' means), therefore he's not responsible for his failures.
No one respects those giant dinosaurs that only ate weeds and grass; they seem kind of wimpy and pathetic. Only the steakers rate.
Comic books. LOL. THIS fucking world. The last human...stuck between bible onion gloopy lucies and COMIC BOOK EYEBALLERS.
Trump's decision to endorse McCain and Ryans minds one of Pa Con Burke's curl at sophists and calculators.
Advanced crotch management skills are missing in an uncomfortably large (read: SUPERSIZED) portion of American population.
August 05, 2016:
Watch the way jews strike at whites. You explain rationally your problem, they go after your soul. Try to strike fear & guilt into you.
Christianity is a morbid obsession with a morality doesn't exist in way they pretend - and this sets up whites to be 'judged' by jews.
August 04, 2016:
Remember PJ O'Rourke on Nicaragua (in '80s), people standing outside in rain for hours to vote. You don't do that to vote for status quo.
"the one" fractured into a thousand pieces and led by a pope who's "not a real catholic." https://t.co/r41h6LzJzp
Jon Stewart does smarmy titters. That's his default on his shows. But press him and you get his hoary Moses Shneershtick, as the other nite.
C'mon Germany, kick yourself in the ass and get moving. Everyone respects what you WERE, no matter what people SAY. EVERYONE.
So Alex Jones, known shill, is saying the same sort of thing Curious Cernovich is saying. https://t.co/2uE7lUbnQr
Trump is really bringing the media's inner kike to the surface. Jews have nothing but genocidal hatred and unmixed contempt for whites.
christianity is for everybody. the xtian thinks this is a feature. the white man should be able to see it's a bug.
Israel's daily shipment...from white taxpayers to greedy, homicidal jews https://t.co/ckFSszT0aE
(Crispin Glover voice) Frog-hater! Frog-hater! https://t.co/PSKdnRQvQY
we can shoot the gap - eliminate jebooism right along with jews https://t.co/3mdjsUKS3e
Remembering the biggest mass murder in the history of the world https://t.co/4LDSA6jOqx
One race lives by a universal code (thanks, christianity) The other lives by a dual code. Which comes out on top? Christianity is #antiwhite
Jews oppose white nationalism, but if they lose the Trump war, they're first in line to get the contract to build wall. Meet the jews...
At some point, I have no real sympathy for whites refuse to acknowledge jews are destroying them. If you're that dumb, you're nigger-useless
classic example of jews backing all horses -- Trump’s Wall: Israelis Eye Contract https://t.co/0nn1rzaz0I via @NewObOnline
“highest ever maize harvest recorded in Zambia’s history and provides us with the opportunity to adequately feed the nation and export..."
Zambia, thanks to WHITE FARMERS, now exports maize to Zimbabwe which kicked those experts out. Hope they charged a nice price.
100 white farmers > any number of mud-hutters. White Farmers Boost Zambian Output https://t.co/CB6GsleT6l via @NewObOnline
Unjust attack on Syria. Leads to Unjust attack on white populations using Syrian 'refugees.' Both attacks conceived & executed by jews.
August 03, 2016:
Before jews were gassed they were forced to dig out their belly button lint, which was later used as stuffing for Nazi dog pillows.
August 02, 2016:
Correction: Belgium HAD a free cheese program. NOW GET OUTTA HERE. https://t.co/o949ER3bps
i have yet to see a single "right wing" jew who is "victim" of speech suppression ever mention that his tribe created these codes and laws
trying to interpret the behavior of a ben shapiro or jonah golber in any other way than JEW JEWING is wrong and counter-Occam (Ockham whatev
i mean, i expect a vox day to run from Occam like a nigger from a cop, he's WND background, but altright should know better.
it amazes me how many on the altright dont seem to grasp that it's not a joke or exaggeration: all jews ARE ON THE SAME SIDE - THEIRS
you must be young. we hear less abou thim these days, but he was big 2000-2010 and bigger before that, back to 70s https://t.co/EeOkCOm7p0
The (((media))) paint as far-seeing heros those who refuse to lower their eyes to the ground-misery their jew-servile policies create.
Notice Ryan and Merkel both have that shmuckstare that comes from I be jebus II - they know not what they do. But Good Me do. As they ruin.
? irving is very well known - worldwide https://t.co/a9IiFvpGJH
i would be very wary of accepting any -- and i mean that literally -- christian claim about any of their big dogs in the first few centuries
no matter of lying is foreign to them; indeed many or most were probably invented by them. but xtians do same https://t.co/wVXwKXXguP
it is increasingly clear to me as years pass that the amount of intellection spent by racists on IQ was wasted - it was needed vs xtianity
jews and xtians are so different in style: aggressive/obnoxious vs pussyish/sickly sweet...that it hides the similarities in lying/MO
now it occurs to me that if every significant even in jew history is either concocted or lied about, it may well be same for xtians too
remember that other diary that was made up...irving revealed it... really cant be too suspicious of any MSM claims https://t.co/Ft8mEIgtmo
seen it...i wait till people i respect sort out authenticity, then read it for myself https://t.co/wql9CAppB8
New website allows white people to offer 'reparations' directly to people of color https://t.co/ndf5evO7j3
Who's been dead for 100 years and no one heard of anyway. When we have LIVE JEWS saying same thing today here now. https://t.co/hG75vpj0NX
Trapped in the labyrinth of Anglonic evasions called manners, we begin thinking truth is uncool, end unable to perceive it.
garbage. it's just desperate cowardly evasion, the standard conservative tactic racialists must avoid at all costs https://t.co/aYB0HyHiNd
you can no more change jews than you can make a mad dog sane. papism is wrong and should be pissed on by whites in right mind.
Political problems in the US are entirely at the federal level. Centralization facilitates jew domination.
The essence of govt is forcing unwanted associations, whether square dancing in junior high, military via draft, or nogs in neighborhood.
2 races do battle: 1) says "the world hates you for no reason," get them 1st! 2) says "look for the good in people," we're all god's chillun
People are different and becoming differenter. That's science. And this time it's in line with politics and aesthetics.
Guess where Sir Hillary and the rest get that "1 good one outweighs 100 bad ones" argument? From Catholicism. True story.
Whenver you face gigantic task, like jumping over 30-foot gorge, break it into manageable chunks. 6 x 5' = 30' boom you've done it!
shoot anything raggy or discolored that gets in the Middle Sea. when the vermin go to land, create hog pens and force 'em into kill chutes.
All magic (dirt) (water) (whatever) theories root in xtian absurdity. Of course, the 501c3 right will run from acknowledging this.
1 in 2 queers has 500 partners. The perfect metaphor is - the fag chases his dick around like a deflating balloon. Same lifespan too.
Good shit, man. https://t.co/UpuZPsScNm
Like Aileen Wuornos*, Evil Magnate Trump enjoys KFC. #ImWithHer She requested "Kentucky Fried Chicken and french fries" as her last meal.
Examples? https://t.co/fb0eEWlA1R
"I am so sick of hearing this 'she's crazy' stuff. I've been evaluated so many times. I'm competent, sane, & I'm trying to tell the truth."
For a few billion a year we could maintain nukes and guard our borders. That's all the military the US actually "needs."
"no white majorities voted for any of this yet it happened" = whites dont have political power in white countries
Why do sex freaks like trannies always look like they're pretending to have fun? What I see is a deeply miserable pseudo-hilarity.
Two things people said to me made my head spin: 1) a psychiatrist's kid would be better adjusted; 2) military wastes less than rest of govt.
He sees symptoms. I'm not sure he understands their true cause & origin because that requires reading, most times. https://t.co/fBsZw5IrKP
Paranoids never change. They must be cordoned off. Jews are a race of paranoids. It's one reason they dominate most politics.
It's hard to tell. At some point one must read things to get help tying things together; not clear he's done this. https://t.co/FiB5iISvGp
He's 100% wrong about that. Christian doctrines are what allows jews to move freely until they gain power. https://t.co/QWXEQnCfRP
Aileen Wuornos is dead...but last night her ghost came to me and said she supports #HillaryClinton for president. #ImWithHer
#Fingerism is an atheism based on the belief that men can make their fingers move. And are responsible for these movements.
For people uncomfortable with agency, there's God. For the minority of mental adults (men, women and children) there is #Fingerism.
It is a odd that christians easily assume guilt for things they have nothing to do with, but give no passing thought to their actual crimes.
Trump praises the military in the usual patriotard tones (hominid equivalent of "whose a good boy") while adultly talking w/draw NATO etc.
I think Trump is much cleverer than appears, based on his behavior. He works both hands to disguise his true aim.
remember when you get angry about ISIS - Americans - good old tools from Midwest & South - murdered 1,000,000 Iraqis for jew lies.
Some of you twinklenuts have the impression jebus was some kind of a racist family man rather than a fictional jew SJW. Read your bibble.
August 01, 2016:
He's got it backward. The future of the white race isn't up for vote, anyway. https://t.co/fs8deBXMpn
Trump is 100% right about NATO. Get the (((USA))) off Germany, France, Etc. Let them slaughter their muzz and reclaim glory.
There's no end to the greed of Israel. Whom do they feed off? Working you. White man. https://t.co/Qcn2cqbJSy
Catholicism is concerned with beliefs and behavior, right? So how come you can better predict those by the catholic's race than religion?
Yesterday we had heroes like Henry Ford, who called jews "the world's foremost problem." Today we have buffoons like Warren Buffett.
Piers, the highly respected DPRK New Service called you a crusty windsack and dungareed worm. How do you respond to that?
This is a great tweet. https://t.co/B3fUgFbmVu
The truth is the opposite of catholic claim: some of their individuals may be good from time to time, but the institution itself is bad.
sebs us fm di trumperman yid stewie https://t.co/XmPXuonaR1
If someone said, here's a big plane. Go knock that skyscraper down. If you don't, it's your life. Would be sweaty or confident?
"If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out." --J. Christ explaining why its the Right Thing To Do to call niggers youths.
Scheuer also says: "both U.S. political parties are wholly owned subsidiaries of AIPAC and the Israeli government" https://t.co/elj6N3Zzz1
People with IQs over 120 almost never admit to being influenced by anyone living. They are. It's just pride.
It's not so much an intellectual matter, though it is that, it's a matter of tone-deafness not to see that xtianity and racialism oppose.
Catholic argument has one form, never varies: trying to force a false dilemma on opponent. Very similar to (((PC))).
As a garbage-can upending raccoon, I feel strongly that, in human politics, Donald Trump is the right choice this election.
It's open season on literally every physical characteristic Trump possesses. From the professional "anti-racists." Left, you are garbage.
Disagreeing with me doesn't make you diseased or evil or clinically outlying, just means you're wrong. :)
Everybody I don't like is a sociopath, narcissist. What a frisson I get from pretending a lofty clinical insight.
Above all, it's important we be fair to the jew trying to genocide us. Moral guidance from #TeamWhite.
To be fair, could be height thing. If he hit his head on turnstile, he could sue, he's a lawyer. https://t.co/ZduE5gSXyB
Traditionalism: old things are good Progressivism: new things are good Right view: good things are good
It's fantastic to see many understand jews. The cutting edge now is 1) counter-extermination as only solution. 2) ditch christ for race.
Here's analog. Paranoid Joe. Sees things that aint there. Do the people who aren't him share anything in common? https://t.co/bBRU7xZuD0
both sexes have gaind 30 lb on avg since late sixties https://t.co/gsH5xmLnHZ
I like to think of myself as a cop on the Information Superhighway. I run lugubriety checks on religious mopes.
Feuds are important. People never try half so hard as when they're pointing out their opponents' flaws. The joy and alacrity are keen.
the figure must occur to anyone who studies jew history for more than five minutes https://t.co/z1azMMmDLq
July 31, 2016:
Fucking with agency. Favorite game of the gaslighting left. Where does it come from? God and the bible. As well as jews proper.
What happens when you don't make excluding jews principle #1. https://t.co/V89VMSz0Ru
Termites have a holy book. It's called the Alwud. It says -- you'll never believe this -- all the wood in the world belongs to them.
Alchemist claim: i can turn base metal into gold Christian claim: i can turn a nigger into a human being.
Christian claims are the same as the alchemists'. The difference is everyone acknowledges alchemy failed to turn lead into gold.
Where does this crank NWO idea you can civilize muds-lims come from if not christianity? Never has worked, never will work.
Country Slicker good one on pigsing amid nigs. https://t.co/Ww38f5fdG2
Politics is truly the interest of second-rate minds, as churchill said somewhere. You really care that Bill Clinton fell asleep mid-Cuntyap?
Jews are the scum that boils out of a soup, and Trump will be the ladle that scoops the yidschmaltz up and flings it into the garbage can.
Control of the media is the sine qua non of jew political control. Money control allows jews to acquire media for essentially free.
For every problem the govt solves it creates or exacerbates or prevents from being solved by private action 100.
Schadenfreude isn't the right word for ragwomen who get off on muslim men raping kaffir whores. Their joy is unalloyed with shame, far fm it
The difference between NEA and Catholic church: NEA = women who prey on young boys CC = men who prey on young boys
How many evil people have you met? If you believed the monkeyshit of catholicism, you'd say "all." But of how many is "evil" fair descrip?
Contrary to diaper dandy Mohatma Fleabag Gandhi, Western Civilization was in fact a bad idea. White racial order is the good one.
Call me a racist kook, but I don't think alleged people who believe albino body parts cure disease should have the right to vote.
It's a mistake to see the Eric Ericksons of the world as having a true position on anything. To believe that is to misunderstand the type.
The religious man blames God for his failures. Then absolves God because his ways are beyond our understanding. God = the oldest dodge.
Prayer is valid...if you're a quadruplegic...whose evil nurse stole your forehead rod. Otherwise...not.
The way #NeverTrump goys see it, the safer career bet is on jews. They'll be here after Trump disappears. Rest of NT are yids, of course.
The religious man is a cunt - always. This principle admits of no exceptions. https://t.co/H80mIH32P9
Actual nigger beliefs: that body parts of albinos cure disease. Can there be worse luck than being born albino coon? https://t.co/lctyvySeGl
Termites are kicked out of every house they're found in. Has nothing to do with their behavior, though, just prejudice & bigotry.
The vast majority of whites are as non-essential to civilization as ALL niggers. People are 99% repeaters using forms they don't understand.
White nationalism is the political expression of the white desire to live around and among whites - only. #TeamWhite
If one knew nothing of catholics other than they admire mother teresa, one would know it was a cult of scumbags.
The catholic and the faggot both want to love the world. One spiritually, one through flesh. Both are destructive, the latter less so.
If most people are repeaters then how can culture be organic? It's not. Culture is individual. A one-man culture is valid concept.
The Southerners are the best people because they believe their dolce vita is superior so obviously they neednt force it on others.
Breivik alone, so far, in Europe, inferred correctly from circumstances - and acted. Mass slaughter of jews, muslims and cucks is only sol.
That's another form of bio-denial. Jews have never not exhibited the same other-race-hostile (genocidal) behavior. https://t.co/RWNCjyDQPB
You'll have fewer dumb thoughts to remove if you stop eating spiders. https://t.co/5Cc7DvKpu7
Beatitudes is modernism applied to society: let's elevate the ugly defective and ridiculous to position of honor.
When you see quotes from Romans re jews that could have been made today - that tells you you're dealing with something biological.
Plenty of people, like me, reject jebus claims. but that doesn't make them jews. Catholic position on jews is illogical & factually wrong.
Jews were around for many long centuries, not to say millennia, before the Talmud congealed. They exhibited the exact same rotten behavior.
Catholicism is sodomy of the spirit. There are many analogues between catholic belief and homo behavior.
The implicit tenet of catholicism as concerns race is that it may exist but it doesn't deeply matter. Hence, cath. cannot not be antiwhite.
sometimes leftists apply their 'anti-white' racism to jewish apartheid, but it's always kept on back burner in MSM https://t.co/o6OPJPHyZo
First came the jew. THEN came the Talmud. Catholicsj Hoffman & Jones try to force reality to conform to their perverse ideology.
The jew is not the product of the Talmud - per the catholic conceit; rather, the Talmud is the product of the jew. Itz biological.
All conditions that allow whites to prosper and reproduce are called racist by white-genocidal jews and eliminated. https://t.co/REN5tI3WZw
Christianity elevates the worse over the better, and from that all social ills spring. Degeneracy begins in the mind.
When someone says the Saudis control the media, what he's actually saying is "my contempt for you is bottomless." #GorillaMindset
Under freedom (free association) blacks had a legitimate upper class & society. But that was "bad for jews." https://t.co/aEcd8VwOEP
Christianity took both sides of the slavery question. And was wrong both times. Whites are neither the negro's equal nor its steward.
The irony is that most of the lower-middle class that supported the Nazis wouldn't exist after a few generations of eugenics.
Catholics like jews without courage. They make the same dishonest arguments, same logical fallacies, but halfheartedly.
Being a minority greatly increases racial consciousness - walk down a beach of Mexicans if you are NW Euro - you will intensely feel diff.
People are waves and particles. Both individuals and part of collective. lol-right jews deny latter to prevent #TeamWhite from forming.
Whites have been systematically trained by christ-insanity to regard jews as bros and their own achievements as religious rather than racial
Christianity, just as much as jews, severs the connection between white racial essence and whites' achievements. WN reconnects these.
People might value racial whiteness proper, but they certainly value what whiteness produces. They just don't see the connection.
Multiculturalism means jewish standards of honesty, black levels of violence, and mexican standards of hygiene.
Always and everywhere the church works to break down racial distinctions. So said Grant or Stoddard. https://t.co/Jn6t4qGWgz
Is flood the newest euphemism for nigger? https://t.co/SXGRGZGKS8
If judaism were an actual religion, you couldn't destroy it by exterminating jews. But it's not. It's a race-expression that dies w last one
It's cuz frogs have giant eyes and tiny brains, so females relate to them, despite their bumpiness. https://t.co/glITbmmwta
i've read that Nazareth didn't even exist at the time da Jebus is said to have sashayed out of the cunt https://t.co/CTIHKkMa3V
If they believe what they say about our race, they'd be demanding the same things White Nationalists are - physical separation.
Christianity is a kumbayah cult, whether you want to accept it or not. It is the source and origin of liberalism, contrary to the revertards
It is my view whites must synthesize racial feelings they don't comparatively possess, forming a #TeamWhite, if they desire to keep existing
Merkel should be hanged from a stout oak after the town crier reads a summary judgment off a nice parchment.
Any mention of race is good for #TeamWhite. The more whites are disparaged by hate-filled (((leftists))) and muds, the better for our cause
Jews instinctively feel part of a group called jews. Whites don't feel this. This is why the disparity in numbers doesn't matter.
Men may unite ad hoc for a legitimate defensive purpose, but beyond that government is always just a self-serving gang of criminals.
The basic delusion is that govt is in business of solving problems rather than creating/exacerbating them, which is the actual fact.
Politics, at its most effective, is garbage management, not some kind of idealism. SpaceX is for "to the stars," not government.
And that is why when you adopt the christian position on race, you have set your race up for genocide. https://t.co/ScLr71KJ8T
You know what an anteater is. Now imagine a humaneater. Could you "convert" him out of eating humans? But that is catholic position on jews.
Jews' religion is this: putting into words, and code, what they instinctively (racially) felt: a homicidal contempt for all other peoples.
Jews initiated war against other races by their race/cult. They started it. That is undeniable fact of the matter. https://t.co/sBwB4nnDps
xtianity's policy is to deny biology (leaving adherents open to jewing) & persuade rather than lop heads (muzz) https://t.co/5H00se2CKZ
#muhUniqueReliggyousSpecialPleading https://t.co/yL9pqH7ApG
you must be about 18. anyone who has read or discussed with catholics has seen your shitsly, dishonest way before. https://t.co/yL9pqH7ApG
What oppression that Sarah Silverman faces. She doesn't mind admitting she'd kill jebus all over again. And still fawned over on tv.
your argument amounts to: my crank view is true because many people share it. which is a logical fallacy https://t.co/HX1LuFJ6aQ
'Radical Islam' is a bullshit term, ie, propaganda. The cult has jihad as a TENET, not some non-essential minority opinion. Islam is correct
Every jew is remarkably descended from dozens who died in 'the' 'holocaust' but nary a yid traces to those who murdered in the Holodomor.
If your times are wrong, then fight them. And don't cry and despair, you're not some catholic weakling faggot. LAUGH like a white man.
When you sexualize your children with junwhore clothes and such, you are helping the jew destroy the West and your race. #KeepSexPrivate
Even I wouldn't say my beliefs are "entirely" reasonable. I hate grafitti to an unreasonable degree. https://t.co/8qiSE3xdD4
Anyone older than 30 is fully aware of his mortality, you can be your life on that. https://t.co/8qiSE3xdD4
I'm happy to believe in your imaginary God. But first you need to produce credible evidence for him. That's atheism. https://t.co/8qiSE3xdD4
NOW you're thinking like TruCop. https://t.co/T3Bcc5gy60
Anything can be defended. Not always successfully. Ask yourself why you need to attribute false positions to opps. https://t.co/8qiSE3xdD4
I am aware that you believe that. Forsooth I must say from deepest Meland it doth appear unso. https://t.co/8qiSE3xdD4
you can't tell reality from fantasy. you wanting something true, or declaring it, does not make it so. you're cultic https://t.co/PwZvmY9kot
your beliefs speak about you. not about me. no matter how hard you try. i'm not in your cult. i do reality only. https://t.co/EJEJzyws9X
see what i say? exactly like jews. why would i "hate" something that doesn't exist. yr belief is yr prob. not mine. https://t.co/EJEJzyws9X
Yeah, not worried Shrimpler. https://t.co/STKjXSIYLW
Christian way of 'arguing' is same as jews: if you don't accept my fantasy you are (something wicked, diseased, etc) https://t.co/kp1LdNPfxk
Religious thinking at its average. Dishonorable, untrue - of the crybaby. https://t.co/1mVp8xu86R
yes. the manlet willing to go on tape in public claiming he finds no evidence jews control the media. aka, a liar https://t.co/mO7oaGRXQx
It's sunday morning. You should be with your fellow cretins moron-bleating rather than annoying us w moron-tweeting. https://t.co/1mVp8xu86R
You actually believe I and other atheists don't believe we will die? Is there anything not wrong with you? https://t.co/1mVp8xu86R
My "fantasy" of being a god only exists in your head. Like your god. https://t.co/1mVp8xu86R
yeah but that's South Africa. #BLM would never say such a thing https://t.co/582lbbd5Ax
Man, I hope this is the stupidest tweet I read today. But...you're probably not done I'm guessing. https://t.co/uL2PVkFCuz
"Soviet Union" - nation they created is out to destroy them. A race of mad dogs, but from genes not virus. https://t.co/tC8Wq2J0Ao
July 30, 2016:
no. icke has his own thing. watson i think it is https://t.co/ASmv5nsyED
who's that british alex jones employee/professional clown. at least he had the guilty dog look in lying that jews dont control media
in which this guy reveals himself. Paul Gottfried has too many liver spots. Time to switch yids https://t.co/yxT0ufeo24
King David Hotel yid = liar https://t.co/edJp2NqhIN
congrats on figuring out what's right. REFLECTION MAKES THE MAN. https://t.co/cTZlyNkV6O
Eventually you're going to die in a warehouse or found on ground unresponsive w no pulse. Then won't you wish u HADNT BEEN A MASSIVE FAGGOT
Globalism vs nationalism. Except for Israel. So...yeah...no. It's Israel vs the nations. Or to put it best #TeamWhite vs #TeamJew.
Cernovich appears to be the deputed handler, a la faileocons' ((((Paul Gottfried))). https://t.co/7dQHetPQT5
Trump is the dying voice of fading angry whites. They say. Reality: Trump is the birth pains of a New White Order. Dig it, turdistas.
Government protects us. Not from the type of people who work for the government. But in a vague, counterrealistic way.
July 29, 2016:
Summer is the It season. The other seasons. Well, as the (((Beastie Boys))) said, "you wish you would."
Truth is that the average whiteskin would rather see his race die out than give up his christianity addiction. #TeamWhite is for the rest.
'Racism' is a veiled way of saying whites are invalid. Not their beliefs or behavior. Their existence. #TeamWhite
Hillary identifies with the butt-ugly raghead females who get real tobacco pleasure out of seeing their men rape attractive ones.
The mistakes always run in the same direction. That's how we know they're not. https://t.co/hEJSY1kxxX
There's nothing more obscene than white men reduced to begging the govt for health, education and welfare. You are NOT American in spirit.
Americans shouldn't abandon their good traditions that work rather add to them what they don't have - jew-control engineering from NS.
Big government, little men. Nazis don't like to hear that, but it's true nevertheless. https://t.co/ykQNxtkIRl
She-Clinton represents the status quo. Anti-white social misery at home; endless wars for Israel abroad. Trump just might be revolutionary.
A whiteskin is a man or woman who is racially, genetically white but places no value on it. Useful distinction from 'woke' White. #TeamWhite
(((media))) calls heroes - only whites who work for govt. cops, teachers, firemen, soldiers. never private people who actually improve world
Don't join the army. Doing something honorable, like making hamburgers or stocking shelves. Don't be a tool, be a white man.
Feminists are like evil farmers, they want to take womans body from 'Wonderland" (credit David Duke dick attachment) to hipless titless box.
Feminists see woman as a disgusting swampland of sweetness which urgently needs draining so it can be farmed for rutabagas.
Listening to Patsy Cline...back then women were allowed to be women, they didn't have to pretend to be strong women, aka cheap imitation men
A real is man never to proud to stop to help a dead turtle cross the street or upbraid an old woman for paying w checkbook. #RealMen
Untent your fingers, manlet of prayer, and treat them as what they are: nimble minions of you, puppet master. #Fingerism's Message for Today
July 28, 2016:
Mockery and laughter are the first signs of a rising society. https://t.co/30D5v2hfuM
Meanwhile, in Niggerstainia... https://t.co/gUGs4F52B0
It really speaks to the low character of our white race that we can't even identify the jews ruling over us, let alone defeat them. #shame
The US, under jews, surrounds Russia with bases, then paints her as aggressor in (((media))). USA public clueless as ever.
Look...you're in Canada. Many things will be confusing to you. But perhaps tie your ejaculations to specific stimuli https://t.co/5k7eTWFrWO
Merkel cares as little about the costs of her policy as the christians who demanded the immediate release of slaves. Sic semper Morality.
Egggg...zackly https://t.co/5k7eTWFrWO
The future is never inevitable. Only goddish head-queers believe that. The future belong to the #Fingerist.
Christians correctly denounce 'safe sex' teaching as propaganda, as it ignores non-material aspects of sex. (1/2)
Christian spiritual love is promiscuous and more destructive to the body politic than Q-RID is to the body physical.
Christian culture leads directly to sanctimonious madmen and women, Merkel being perfect example. FUCK REALITY I HAZ VISION.
There's only one good reason to write, and that's to write stuff the way it should be written. If others doing that, dont bother. If not, do
chop down the tall poppy syndrome https://t.co/ADAlThzIgg
Can someone please do an equivalent to Gesamtkunstwerk for all utils, based explicitly on allowing crit of jews, proxy for all freedom?
I have signed up for (((Weiner, Anthony's))) correspondence course. I feel strongly I have what it takes to become a sexting pervert.
"They'll make no sacrifices and take no chances, so what they believe isn't all that important. (1/2)
I do find Clinton's clothes odd. She always look like she took a quilted blanket and stapled a couple x. Internal problems is possible.
Christianity - the cuck-maker. https://t.co/f973D0N5QS
July 27, 2016:
People don't need salvation and can't be fixed. Hope that clears things up, I know some of you xtians been confused for 2000 years.
elephant outwits 14 SJW lionesses https://t.co/An4glBNMgo
Back in reality, summer blacks will be molesting white families at state fairs & gang-locusting convenience stores. https://t.co/MkzPfKKK8Y
#tcot Support Israel? You belong dangling in a rope. https://t.co/dfKNnH69EG
Stockman: Soon 10,000 people will own a preponderant share of the wealth; 10 million people will live grandly off the droppings; (1/2)
One has got rid of so many confusions and potential problems by letting like group with like that any totally awesome design is unnecessary.
Why do arranged marriages work? Same reason white racial politics works. It's humiliating but livestock measures work for humans too.
The bad drives out the good, the good doesn't elevate the bad. A white society according blacks rights will fall to black cultural level.
Reps: we must sell our reasoned, responsible conservatism to blacks and browns Dems: free shit, niggas!
That's not good enough. They'll sneak back in the minute guard is dropped, and it will be. https://t.co/1r3WBfY4Uo
July 26, 2016:
Through our clever PR strategy, we persuade negros to ditch the sordid course of gibsmedat & dinduism for self control & respect for others.
Jews proudly brag about opening borders across the west. Privately and in Israeli papers they laugh about the beheaded priest.
It's not a pipe dream to think blacks can meet white standards, it's a pipe dream to think they can even understand white standards.
Whites have no interest in continued forced association with semites or coloreds. This realization will spread and culminate in revolution.
Renouf on Faurisson https://t.co/gGRZKfAQ9A
Amen, wise words. https://t.co/cg4ZatC8K6
Jews side with muslim terrorists AGAINST WHITES Jews side with criminal niggers AGAINST WHITES JEWS = DEATH & DESTRUCTION FOR WHITES. #NJJR
After 2000 years of failure, it's time to stop fucking around with xtian lunacy and do what common sense tells us: EXTERMINATE THE JEWS.
stay dum, it's our only hope https://t.co/6XH1Q2fcpn
You're going all muslim on the term acknowledge. Pretend or hallucinate are accurate terms for your mentation. https://t.co/YBujCKhtEU
"Of course we know they'll kill you. Is it our fault you refuse to accept us for what we are?" --N.B. Wise
If you don't understand how something as dumb as Jebus could become a thing, look at photos from Comic-Con.
Here's the solution, folks: kill all muslims and jews. I'm sorry it's not nice. But that's on you & your faggot christian cult, now, isnt it
Having put over the Jebus hoax on the Aryan boobs, the jews knew the prospects for Holohoax were good.
You believe because you haven't the character to keep faith with the facts. Your belief springs from weak character. https://t.co/vES27BFh8F
"authoritative" - classic. a bunch of jewish horseshit believed by fools. there's the most authoritative guide ever. https://t.co/hT312Cv6U5
What was meant, as you know, is that when church says some 250-yo guy fathered a kid, it means that LITERALLY. https://t.co/magK1twNQQ
At least one major party believes that showcasing the relatives of serious criminals is the way to win votes. That truly shows where we are.
They who can't make their case must shift their grounds - to your motivations and character. So with jews - but so also with christians.
All religious argument is made in bad faith. That's what science means - arguing in good faith. Free epiphanies from #TeamWhite
This pertains to religion, not just court cases: if you have a case, pound the facts. If you don't, pound the table.
The religious will always try to turn refusal to accept their lunacy into a character problem because they have no evidence for their views.
I'd love to be a reactionary, but I lack the ingratitude. (Another way in which the reverts and the progs are retarded fraternal twins.)
Religion makes greatest possible claims, produces shittiest possible results. Science: few claims, incredibly bountiful results.
They only need special terms (smears) for their opponents who can't make their case the ordinary way, using ordinary proof and evidence.
As no evidence of god's existence (that would be accepted as ev. in any other case) has been presented, the atheist has no positive belief.
For atheism to be a positive belief, the atheist would have to reject something(s) ordinarily accepted as evidence. https://t.co/g4fLMZGyBY
The dirtiest, most dishonest writers of the 20th century were not jews, as you'd suspect, they were xtian pogies GK Chesteron & CS Lewis.
Nowhere but religion is there a special term for people who don't believe in something that doesn't exist. https://t.co/HX2kb9RqyC
No, no, Special Rules for special creatures! BIGFOOT must be proved to exist! GOD gets the assumption! https://t.co/rcmw6BmWm9
Truth is a function of popularity. Interesting view for a religious nut. https://t.co/7NN7SxgxQD
If we can't agree on the same flag, why are we part of the same country? https://t.co/omw04ZuYDD
Your embracing a delusion -- "God" -- says nothing whatsoever about the "beliefs" of those who don't share it.
Notice the xtian does exactly what the Semitically Correct cultist does: uses whatever power he has to force you into his fake reality.
Remember: 100% of Rabbis -- literally every single one -- supported letting these priest-beheaders into Europe. #DeathToTheJews
Daily whites are RAPED, MURDERED, ROBBED, MOLESTED by shitskinned savages JEWS LET INTO OUR COUNTRIES in name of diversity. #TeamWhite
Tag team: Jews let muslims in. Muslims murder whites. Jews lie about it in press. #TeamWhite sees what's going on. Do you?
Everything jews do, literally every policy they support, makes white society more unpleasant and dangerous. #TeamWhite
July 25, 2016:
Itz (((Pat Hetic))) https://t.co/6Pahsw9YPO
probly many, but i've forgotten! https://t.co/oDnlXBvwNA
No, I think that'd be unfair. He's trying to chart a course under extremely difficult, dangerous circumstances. https://t.co/zvF2DvCXg3
...a procession of jews, each repulsiver than the last... https://t.co/eHrTMhNeIh
I'm lost at this point. You assumed INCORRECTLY i'm NS. All I'm saying. I know and assert nothing about you. https://t.co/Pep2eLqFqV
Don't use your muscles; you'll never be as big as Schwarzenegger. Mutatis mutandis, this is what conservatives say about brains.
From Burke on, conservatism have talked up religion and talked down rational thought. End of that line is hagridden cowards. #tcot
Then Johnny Reb had a thought.. Mebbe, jes mebbe, his head wasn't just there to input dirt. Or scare the moles back down. Might could THINK.
#Fingerism is, like conservatism, a disposition, not a set of tenets or positions. A man builds his own superstructure upon its base belief.
#Fingerism is the spiritual attitude springing from what Fingerists take to be the self-evident fact that humans can make their fingers move
If mere reality isn't interesting enough for you, you can always try christian delusion, or bottled alcohol or chemical concoctions.
Right-wing atheism. It's based on the belief that humans can make their fingers move. https://t.co/WyckXO298o
Just as we whites think others are like us (honest, friendly), jews tend to think others are like them (paranoid, advantage-seeking, hateful
You're just parroting what you've heard. Try actually thinking about it. Atheists dont need something. https://t.co/92ywB5GXB5
#Fingerism https://t.co/92ywB5GXB5
I dont know. Hitler used a higher power rhetorically. I see no evidence he actually believed in the common way. https://t.co/aMhjNLW9v5
Worries about all that type of thing are an utter waste of time. That's my opinion. https://t.co/tcThDMOeS4
Hitler: “Taken to its logical extreme, Christianity would mean the systematic cultivation of the human failure.”
Hitler: Xtianity is a prototype of Bolshevism: the mobilisation by the Jew of the masses of slaves with the object of undermining society.
Hitler: “As far as we are concerned, we’ve succeeded in chasing the Jews from our midst and excluding Christianity from our political life.”
National socialism isn't occult at all, it takes cue from nature, where xtianity cues from hallucinations/tall tales https://t.co/HcUvkl7MUh
By asserting all hominids are one in Jebus, xtianity makes it impossible to sustain political segregations over the long haul.
Xtianity doctrinally denies, in effect, human speciation. It refuses to see anything but one race, and doesn't value the material thing.
What I know is that Catholics break their own proclaimed commandment against lying to defame NS. Shows their character.
He was mature. He's a democratic politician. They ALL lie. That's what trying to get votes ALWAYS entails. https://t.co/rsmuAUiPRy
Another quote you're running away from, since you credit TT: “Kerrl, with the noblest of intentions, wanted to https://t.co/92tTgnEegV
Yes, he was. There were homos, even pedos, in NS. But they were less common than they are in catholic church. https://t.co/YR8738JJD0
Some were. but again, you cannot trust ANYTHING either christian conservatives or jewish communists say about NS. https://t.co/UZhZBUlGT8
I mean, I could use a hammer to try to circumcise a baby iguana, but that doesn't change it's a hammer; that's not what it's about.
Hitler enjoyed operas immensely. And the architecture of their stage houses. He did not confuse them with reality. https://t.co/bnvkNl4EVf
Hitler was no occultist. That is true. And good. https://t.co/bnvkNl4EVf
Who knows for sure? What we do know THAT MATTERS is he planned to phase out the universalist church for blood order. https://t.co/92tTgnEegV
Pink Swastika. Cited by E. Michael Jones. Based on jew-communists Hitler fought. Loaded with lies about homos/pedos. https://t.co/bQQ33Z6Wn1
Oh there's plenty clownish about an imaginary hero who runs around with mynah birds on his shoulders https://t.co/ZRMKcDV3Gx
Hitler created a MIRROR STRATEGY to judaism. He gave whites a RACIAL TEAM to defend itself where UNIVERSALIST cross cult could not.
Christianity is not a racial doctrine (like judaism) and cannot be made into one. https://t.co/7T2dce1pkE
No they weren't. What christians say about Nazis has zero credibility - most of it is taken from jew-homo communists https://t.co/BoOBKjxuaO
it's not christianity if you intend to change it the way Hitler and Rosenberg did. the pope knew that. https://t.co/3f7Xr8Dieq
Answer the question: did Hitler or did he not plan to LET XTIANITY DIE by phasing it out? You know the truth. https://t.co/Kg6l2jGkAj
Heathenry is a bigot's smear. Hitler trained German youth to value blood at a higher level than the church does. https://t.co/7QwOAJ9ega
So go quote his anti-christian statements, which say the opposite. https://t.co/d3U0lkc3wa
Exactly, I love that you clowns are forced into say the Pope's not a catholic. Just make it up as you go along. https://t.co/COCVkeD1oF
Here's what Hitler actually believed: “ “It’s Christianity that’s the liar. It’s in perpetual conflict with itself." https://t.co/Cdk7MSH1Ov
No, Hitler did not see himself as a christian. Why do you lie about that? https://t.co/COCVkeD1oF
Hitler's view: 1) racialism is the opposite of xtian universalism, and 2) I will phase out xtianity for blood cult. https://t.co/BlijxP94c8
No, those quotations are false. You need to read more carefully and not believe everything that's put out there. https://t.co/Yshw7W4gUa
Hitler's intent was to supersede christianity with racialism, which the church correctly saw as a vital threat. https://t.co/Wkl0RjiLVc
This is simple a big lie. https://t.co/pChyXUQd0Q
Yes. I am taking the piss of dozy plonkers. https://t.co/NPQvi19zdV
No, that's not accurate. Hitler was a racialist, and racialism is the opposite of christianity. https://t.co/pChyXUQd0Q
The church determines what's christian, and Hitler's church explicitly rejected the political system he created. https://t.co/xfXraK7pkh
LOL, the Pope isn't a christian. I love it. Hitler was no christian. You just want him to be. https://t.co/dhHpMpb6Um
D-Day was irrelevant, the war was decided in East. https://t.co/Lkvh0al6X2
So Hitler was a believing christian who's political system was described as evil by the Pope. That's yr contention? https://t.co/k2MkBvw7bf
You're clowning yourself buddy. You don't know what he said. You have only hearsay, which you credit per YOUR views. https://t.co/Yg1UJf3AWP
Not what he said in private, though, which is what you're relying on for your other claims. Which is it, Mr 2-face? https://t.co/xfXraK7pkh
You don't know what Hitler actually believed. NS tolerated jews living in Germany all thru the war, so you're wrong. https://t.co/6quZOjVWsd
We can invent new gods. That's what we do. Whites aren't a traditionalist race. We are the opposite of it, in fact. https://t.co/WMwPiSkn6k
Being born in a stall doesn't make you a horse. But being taken to church by your folks does make you a christian. Is that right?
He wasn't a christian, so that tells you his real view. No matter what someone claimed he said here or there. https://t.co/d8ckNKXgeS
Jews brought communism to Europe in 20th century. Islam in the 21st. You can't lose with these guys!
Trump instinctively recognizes jews are bazaar clowns, and you have to poke them back with equal fervor. He's not dumb or scared like GOP.
Look what Trump has done with common sense, and enough balls not to cave on some basic stuff. (SOME, not all) https://t.co/0OfQY9HghG
my...goodness. you are snake-rich! https://t.co/axPI1hVZTt
It's not just being right, it's being right with style. Bobby Fischer struck the right tone toward 'em: they are shit on humanity's shoes.
Snakes maintain an Anglobutlerian emotional reserve. They eat vermin. They emit freshets of silence. They scare xtians. What's not to like?
I trust Putin. He has his head on straight. That's all you can ask. Trump too. They're best we can do till Hitler II, and that is coming.
We need to get that Amish money out of politics. Really poisoning things. Amish & Saudis. Yessirree bob.
ive had calif kingsnakes, hognose snake, fox snake, bullsnake...and boot shaped boa that didn't each much https://t.co/QRBfx01XPh
The world of things you don't realize dwarfs Jupiter, one strongly suspects. https://t.co/9awnv1Pl0z
Hand raised? Did you hold on to the back of their bike? https://t.co/QRBfx01XPh
Unlike the endless "clever" halfwits he cut right to the point. It's jews. They're criminals. They'll never change. https://t.co/xTKdB8HFD1
Binkie Sanders throws in with Evil Grandma https://t.co/22XtzwEcjV
The price of white freedom is extinction of jews. If you need another reason, they're trying to #WhiteGenocide us.
yeah, but you're pretty fat https://t.co/97keGo0Dfk
I don't know that jews invented the meme of suicide of the west, but they have certainly used it to disguise their murdering white nations.
I have a feeling if Germans righteously slaughtered a bunch of Muslims in response, the BBC/NPR yids would have no trouble fixing blame.
Suicide meme comes from Spengler via Burnham, the mentor to fat cryptosexual Sam Francis, aka Canny Sammy. https://t.co/rCseBwcvtg
No. Just a grab. I agree its color is gorgeous. I wish had some side-zip ankle boots made out of it! https://t.co/iSWnAcSK81
As one from NEMO, the woods are now flooded with KC Royals fan, 100% of whom were Cardinals fans or nothing two years ago. SHIT CHARACTER.
In this we see that jews do indeed have some of our trouble - they think others are as (paranoid, deceitful) as they https://t.co/oyeRmtvHzp
How many niggers were involved and what race were they? https://t.co/SYRS2X4KWD
(brief series, maybe 5 tweets) "In 1992, sitting Vice President Dan Quayle addressed the GOP convention. George H.W. Bush’s henchmen did
Correct. But WN fear to criticize KM when he's wrong. https://t.co/9BBqW2YKNo
While whites stayed up all night to guard endangered sea turtles, rabbis signed petitions to admit muslim terrorists as refugees.
NPR. Can't figure out the motive of muslim suicide terrorists. Supercilious yids lounge in AC and gaslight in name of "public" they hate.
God is the christian's way of evading responsibility for his own life and decisions. It's cowardly, counterfactual and childish. #muhDemonz
The church lumps all hominids into one class: needers of Jebus. What matters racial difference next to this?
The pollyanna view is popular with shills: that we whites just cant organize as well as jews. The truth is jews actively subvert white orgs.
Jews work illegally to prevent whites from organizing. This is the part that liars such as Jared Taylor leave out. #neutralmachineryBigLie
Jews organize themselves, to the nth degree AND they prevent whites from organizing, using their control to media-defame & police-subvert.
The church let jews back in 110 times. Because it defines them as brother men, fellow God-creatures. Rather than biological threat & enemy.
The only way to bet is that the actual and full truth about jews is considerably worse than even the worst 'antisemite' suspects.
Very seldom does a public jew stand against jewry, and even then it's never more than what the spooks called limited hangout.
Jareb! Taylor is suspiciously horny to convict the race he ostensibly defends, I've always smelled. https://t.co/MTh66i3q44
Not a single jew publicly opposes the #ADL's attempt to rescue the reputation of pedophile-murderer #LeoFrank. Jews? Evil defines them.
No matter which jew scam you mention (gas chambers, Leo Frank) almost no jews will admit factual truth. They must be treated as #TeamJew.
Jews have a "Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations." Not just a beehive - they're organized from top to bottom.
Jews are a race. & their 'religion' tells them god promised them all the goods of the gentiles - Leibowitz attitude. https://t.co/KZE0QKvbXL
When I look around, I see whites blaming jews for what they do. And jews blaming whites for what they don't.
Yeah, whites "fail" for decades - when jew-indoctrinated cops are busting down the door if they make the wrong comment on Facebook. Christ.
Reminds me of old WFB argument: some people say those who push old women in front of bus are same as those who push them out of way of bus.
You're willfully ignorant. I won't respond again. https://t.co/iuChXhNmin
Of course they're going to keep lying about gas chambers because it's a proven money maker and political weapon. https://t.co/9f2khq15wn
In a few years baby Ezra will be rapping white privilege poems while pretending to be white. https://t.co/nUU1l9CiC6
Look, you seem like a nice. I'm not going to argue with you. But you're listening to people who are feeding you shit https://t.co/nUU1l9CiC6
What was that Italian's book of criminal head shapes, she'd make a marvelous centerfold. https://t.co/qOZPTswg6i
One can dream! But Nigeria does have such a provision. Maybe 'uncaught so far' is best we can hope for. https://t.co/7fFVBhx7eo
Yeah, because all complaints are equally invalid. Face it - you're not tall enough for the ride. That's all. https://t.co/EPpKTRruKx
Shout out to all upstanding niggers - Nigeria will welcome you back home with open arms. Look into it. Imagine a land without racism.
Hey, Jon Stuart Leibowitz, you Galician flea, it IS my country. My ancestors founded it for THEIR posterity. Not yours. FUCK OFF KIKE.
The national roar that would go up at the visual of Mexigoobers being deported under Trump would deafen residents of Mars.
Freddie Mercury told me he approves Donald Trump using his song. (This is how you sound when you talk about God.)
I have a pet bear. As fate would have it, he's one of those bears with his head caught in a jar. His name is Deus Vult.
Reactionary: democracy, or political equality is a bad idea. But one-size-fits-all religion is a great one.
Did Hitler fill Europe with millions of murderous muslims? No. Jews did that. Maybe that's why... OH MY FREAKING GOD I'VE BEEN LIED TO...
Jews are a race. They do have a code, a dual code. To call it religion - it's far more akin to a declaration of war on the rest of the world
Reaction: smart guys who think like dumb guys: if I gurn and make impressive noises about Power Above i be thinkinin'.
Libertarianism is far more idea-fecund than reaction, but its refusal to treat with jews snips its balls, leaves it mylarweight class.
So the answer is they don't just think alike but actively coordinate. In fact, they do more than that - all the way up thru conspire.
Queers, among other things, are sex maniacs. They have no interest in marrying because marriage interferes with their cloacal World Tour.
"Gay marriage is about two people loving each other." But on average one of those queers has had 500 partners. Do you see the disconnect?
Keep reading new things. I read Trollope. About to read Walpole. It builds appreciation for what jews have destroyed, among other things.
That's why I carry on private studies! Life is too short to waste on ideological claptrap. https://t.co/1bwzS0D72w
Alex Jones walked into rhinoplast office & said, "I need to look more like a buffoon." "I'll try," said doc. "But I can't promise anything.
What a loathsome race. https://t.co/aM1TrJgl5X
'Gun control' and feminism are both racial attacks on whites. Pushed by the same (((tribe))) in pursuit of the same agenda: #WhiteGenocide.
The point is there is no yid equivalent to Twain, Mencken, Dickens, Poe and on and on and on and on. https://t.co/U1ildIjLqR
July 24, 2016:
Seeking wisdom out of the bible is like seeking water in a urinal. There might be some there, but it's heavily polluted.
Norman Mailer and Philip Roth promoted as great talentss, lol. No way. Capote was 100x more talented than either. https://t.co/ooVxTWxaUZ
incorrect. the problem is jew. zionism is merely one example of The Problem in action. https://t.co/Lv4SiWQCyC
"We kill termites because they destroy our houses. How, then, should we treat jews, who destroy our societies?" --A. Schopenhauser
jews were the force behind no-talent art, the only serious movement of the 20th century. so they could be 'artists' as well as agents
They're just liars and criminals - but they stick together. Demand special exemptions and privileges - always. https://t.co/77MloFwsyo
Trump actually got one of the (((vermicious knids))) (one of the monsters of the deep on SCourt) to apologize. you almost never see that
for a 'people of the book,' the literature jews have produced is third rate. there is no legitimately great jew writer
funny, you never think of SA like this https://t.co/wK1022GAHZ
there is no positive jew culture, save the technics of bloodsucking; their writing is mostly crap, their art, negligible
Maybe if you quit worrying about what other people thought of you and worried 100% about being right you would earn title of White Man.
jews dont even bother to eliminate inconsistencies in their scams like holohoax because they know they'll lie anew tomorrow
One jew could be a liar, if they were like us. But their entire tribe promotes and celebrates known liars. lying is jew nature & culture.
jews make no distinction between lies, history and fiction, as Aryans do. jews only care about what's good for jews. Truth pays no bills.
Oliver touches on this - jews have always, historically, special pled where they didnt rule & spread lies as history https://t.co/yPxzQ5nlBB
I always considered xtianity tall tales that seem "nice" to women, that men eyeroll at. but no, it is a far deeper & thoroughly pernicious.
Personality is a dangerous wildcard threatening the System of the Goy Controllers, jews say in Protocols. Trump is exactly what they meant.
If you change an anteater's political views, have you really changed the thing itself? Do you suppose men are much different?
Late jon stuart affects august, hoary yidpose. Oy, the new Moses, he's. A sheeny of substance and gravitas. Many Early Bird Specials for him
Trump, there is much wrong, but powerful right: has the ganash to take on smarmy smarmingtons like yidly JON stuart. I LIKE THAT.
Jews are a race. They can no more change their parasitical behavior towards others than anteaters can switch from ants to bananas.
I didn't think christianity mattered...until I did think. Then I realized it's the reason whites see defending themselves as immoral.
Trump taking with one hand (Duke disavowel), giving with the other (yidsmacking clan mcLeibowitz) https://t.co/hvhq7ar0QB
The christian lies that jews became jews by rejecting jebus. The historical record is clear that jew behavior has been consistent from day 1
The Bible is the Divine Word of God. Sad that He spoke so unintelligibly it required centuries of religious wars to ascertain true meaning.
Christianity doesn't doctrinally deny race exists, but it undervalues it to the extent it amounts to the same thing in practice.
Christianity says a jew stops being jew when he converts. This is precisely the same as saying a black stops being black when he converts.
Against every other set the cuckservatives are paragons of excessive timidity. But where they have Boss Jew's approval, they fire w gusto.
Bill Kristol appears to believe Putin gets up each day, and after his 80 jumping jacks, races to Kremlin to bake some fresh Pepes.
very high percentage of jews vs whites exhibit paranoid tendencies, but that's just my obs not "peer reviewed paper" https://t.co/E2Hc9QVOUx
That's what happens when you lose wars. But they may yet regenerate. They are a martial minded nation at heart. https://t.co/ixLb2E2QNk
Well, it's not easy to disentangle: is bill kristol lying or paranoid when blames Putin for #altright? or both? https://t.co/E2Hc9QVOUx
Germany didnt change its way of thinking, it's defeat was wholly external and military. The others lost in spirit https://t.co/1kyQZNypCC
the circumstances are just too different for solid comparison https://t.co/JEohm0pDGs
there's no need for cruelty, but there's no need to exalt retards either, and christians do https://t.co/FOctz0Xe6O
they conquered russia easily 100 years ago https://t.co/g33f5YIEDh
jews in europe bred within their colonies and practiced eugenics https://t.co/9rOTz7ckIY
Good points, assuming true. People get caught up in race - I'm using it in everyday sense, just to mean type. https://t.co/9rOTz7ckIY
Even long ago, they were essentially an 'intergen,' with all the synagogues in communication worldwide. https://t.co/MwQuaOMVK4
they're a lot more than 1/2 https://t.co/tKx8W1EcI4
No, the best description is race. https://t.co/0JC48tUFt8
They have a whole list of jewish diseases, so calling them a race is the only accurate way to put it. Same genes. https://t.co/1SHRMmHzsU
If jews had 20th century technology, they would have dominated much earlier - xtian doctrines ensure that domination is inevitable.
As I've said many time, it was only circumstances (lack of technology) that prevented jews from dominating earlier. https://t.co/7Bmi1RWj0i
Christianity works to deny reason (causality), asserting that God's will explains everything that happens. Incredibly destructive lie.
Christianity works to deny human difference (race), caring only whether some jackass has accepted christ or similar tomfoolery.
And absolutely no one in today's generation should make that claim. My generation was last that plausibly could. https://t.co/f7Rd5LfpkB
Most jews are atheists. They can be, since jew is a race, not religion. https://t.co/WjtJwE9J9I
The things that make whites, as a race, worth defending are also what make it hard to defend (individuation). This is the #WhiteParadox.
So...god is a nigger, you're saying? No. You're saying god is a billion niggers? What a groovy Fellow. https://t.co/AaHnaRobxb
Jews work the margins, gain by degree. 24/7 fagitprop doesn't make the avg guy into a fag, but it tends to create a fag-positive mental env.
The jew always tries to push the white into examining his own attitude and behavior, while his own are always off the table.
The things that make whites unique as a race (capacity for inwardness, seeing other POVs) make it hard to defend. #WhiteParadox
Child understands bad guys want to hurt people. Keep it that level till they get older to give them the deeper why. https://t.co/7vux2bMlXH
We're the good guys. They're the bad guys. https://t.co/7vux2bMlXH
The jew thing is not complex at all. This argument is past absurd. You can explain it to a child - easily.
The noobs have mastered graphics, and that is all to their credit. https://t.co/va9wBW0wug
That's ok. No one gets the respect he deserves! And least by asking for it. Laughter shows LACK of fear. That's imp. https://t.co/va9wBW0wug
The more we beat up on the conservatives, the more they serve us. Same as they do the jews. It's all about their fear & self-interest.
Jews offer whites a full spectrum of deviant time-wasters - spectator sports, morbid sex, body modification, etc. https://t.co/XQ7iHv0HIt
Yes. And it will continue to pay dividends. We smash them to bits, force their good elements to go racial. https://t.co/s3v8sm5zyP
When I see someone with tattoos I think two things: 1) what bad taste. 2) this person is trying to deny & escape his whiteness.
THere is only one verse in bible I'm aware of that might be in favor of intelligence. And zero humor. In 1700 pages! https://t.co/nXIGB9XgF3
That's one of the snake's meanings. It also represents beauty and even power and cunning. https://t.co/nXIGB9XgF3
If conservatives applied their principles faithfully, their columns would be nothing but warnings about and descriptions of jews abusing USA
Christianity teaches people to deny causality in favor of God, this is perhaps its deepest intellectual crime. https://t.co/IFGOYRUqwc
Even the 'redneck' identity that so many Flyover morons embrace is a jew created cheap plastic halloween cartoon thing. Ape Calhoun, losers.
Of course tattoos alone dont destroy white society. But then they're part of an entire package of deviant practices, aren't they? #Frankfurt
Christians not only respect abuse, they obtain sexual gratification from it, I have always believed. Christianity betrays soul sickness.
Christians run toward jews who abuse them and from whites racialists who respect them. "We" never learn this basic lesson. #TeamWhite
White skin is far more attractive and striking than any stupid design your moronic mind comes up with.
Our government under jews and christian army scum destroyed effective countries (Iraq, Libya). Christians are curs. https://t.co/r3gPxuRyKO
Tattoos reduce the number of square feet of white skin in the world - they visually aid the onslaught of diversity.
Jews promote tattoos 4 goyim (not for jews, it's against their code) for the same reason they promote deviant sex - to destroy white society
The conservatives are cowards. It's their defining feature. Their dog that didn't bark is their abject, craven, animal fear of jewish power.
The jews have won by intimidating other races. They can produce credible threats, backed by organized power. But they can be killed.
I harp on fear and cowardice, you might have noticed. Why? Because I believe pure animal fear is the main motivator in this world.
How many tattoos did Hitler hav? Did he wear funny hair and goofy clothes? No. He had IT. when you have IT, you dont need faggoty externals.
are you a sailor? no? prostitute? no? then why do you have a tattoo? The traditional attitude toward tats is the correct one.
The jews the JEWS no one else THE JEWS are trying to MURDER EUROPE by filling it with scum from lands whose govts they conspired to destroy.
What you encounter (ALL you encounter) in christianity are really pale, limp copies of same logical fallacies in jew 'arguments.'
christianity is every bit as full of lies as judaism, it's just that christians, tho numerous, are lazy wusses by comparison
Judaism existed before christianity, so that can't be true. It's a race. Not a religion. https://t.co/s6fpKpraLI
Math experienced a schism today, as a group of French mathematicians who claim 2+2=5 elected a new pope.
The catholic church has splintered 1000x. If there were true claims at heart of it, that wouldn't have happened.
Facts don't go away because you refuse to acknowledge them. https://t.co/IN5YFoH1YZ
They murdered the first people to print bibles. That's the catholic church's true attitude toward the human mind. https://t.co/owxjkCL60B
Telling people they are great sinners who need to be saved is a backhanded compliment aimed to flatter them and suck their shekels.
How do you know your nation & media are controlled by jews? The true problem is never discussed, & the real solution is always off the table
Jews pay cucks like Eric Ericson & Trick Wilson to spread white-genocidalism among their kind and call it conservatism.
No dialogue with jews. They are trying to murder our kind. For them we have only one response: death to you, all of you, forever. #TeamWhite
Jews have leveled a racial attack on Germany, Europe and USA, and they have received the racial death sentence from #TeamWhite.
Jews are the world's enemy. They should be identified and exterminated wherever they arise, exactly like termites.
Professional conservatism is two things: kikes and cucks. The cucks are goy career girls who sell race-denial to white simps.
Germany is a conquered nation. That's why Merkel invited these killers. No way back but thru the jew - spill its blood.
A society, in its health admitted jews, decided to pretend that blacks are people. And soon grew deathly ill.
Look at this fucking monkey. It is obscene and shows a real urge-to-gutter that whiteskins vote for a goddam nigger. https://t.co/AVHnFFMDZr
where muslims gain demographic power, these same jew-luvin goypols dress their heads like burritos and luv muzzy https://t.co/d7Nc6aDDls
remember - goypols serve jews NOT because they love jews (that's just their lying mouth) but because jews have power (1/2)
Whenever any goy says "I love the jewish people," what he's really saying is "I am a liar & a coward." --Dad Brady
Trump has a sure eye for the sore spot in character of opponents. AND he's not afraid to go for it. Effective!
Notice how these scrawnsters Assange and Snowden have more nuts and guts than roughly 99.9% of South's self-vaunted Fahtin' Mayun.
I must admit I giggle like a teenage girl at someone named Julian & looking like Assange calling people sissies.
German racialists fought the communist jews the Anglo christians succumbed to. Fodder for inference from #TeamWhite
Tedious #antiwhite bigotry aside, slob-liar's reasoning is pretty solid. https://t.co/Exvx3ELfmI
The very concept of everything being Good or Evil comes from jews, and then they thoughtfully supply applications. Evil = "good for whites."
"I don't have to prove my Invisible Sky Daddy exists, YOU have to prove he doesn't." Religious mentation at its average.
the unspoken axiom is that lazy, low-quality guilds are good, quick-moving merchants are bad. wrong! https://t.co/0DMCn8TeNU
America was founded by Puritans, not Namby-Pambies. You advocating idea-miscegenation w cowardly conservatives are mushcunts, not racialists
Trump is a proxy. He tries to use us. We try to use him. But ultimately we do need a #TeamWhite. https://t.co/P5VAzKSYRq
And they're not smart enough to realize they must logically then explain its lack of success in non-white areas. https://t.co/dwoy9qC9HR
"Under natural circumstances, one out of every 400 hatchlings will survive," Shaver said. Genocide is nature's way. https://t.co/H6DdUGmc44
Per Trump's 'protectionism' - remember that it was NOT global corporations, back in 60s, that called for open borders it was JEWS ALONE.
run along, stimpy, we're done here https://t.co/96qxVnkaBR
better men than you have tried your clown way, Codreanu for one. the entire South. and South Africa. DOES NOT WORK. https://t.co/7hNMRIvKaR
search "newly discovered species." the minutest differences are enough to declare cave cricket A difft species fm B. https://t.co/mK3xkaAsmC
done? you never started https://t.co/7JhqTMjGTU
your argument is exactly what others are saying: contradictions dont matter, just overlook them. say no 2 puritanism https://t.co/wyUK8WxNeH
try to grasp what i'm saying. it's not what you and the other 95% bleat & repeat. it's the opposite. https://t.co/ZT0NkCErXz
Saving turtles. A white thing, itz. https://t.co/12iFPlOWt9
i'm not sure why you think your argument is new, it's the failed approach used all thru the 20th century https://t.co/zz11Lf5G4a
the right way to go is force people to choose between race and the church. not accede to their stupidity & weakness https://t.co/XiaLDNcrT7
your argument has been made by many others, there's nothing complex about it. it doesn't work. https://t.co/XiaLDNcrT7
For example, Trump. He is USING the racial cause. But he doesn't believe in it. We are or should be USING him. https://t.co/G54sTi1Qw5
you're advocating the conservative strategy that has always failed. the racial cause should be jealous, not tolerant https://t.co/G54sTi1Qw5
"not alienate" always translates into "pandering" which culminates in losing https://t.co/G54sTi1Qw5
Again, you continually beg the question without realizing it. A christian man is NOT an ally, he is an ENEMY. https://t.co/G54sTi1Qw5
Over time he planned to supersede xtianity with racialism. But that was back burner. Exigent was deal with jew-bolsh https://t.co/HPoFKnUCbX
Most whiteskin christians want the good life their race alone produces. But they falsely attribute it to their cult. FORCE THEM TO CHOOSE.
People who buy and sell things are in fact of more use to their fellow men than any number of priests.
the point that matters is forcing whiteskins to become White or go with the jeboo cult - that is the right way to go https://t.co/BBdyW3hw4m
as well make concrete with water, catshit and dried leaves https://t.co/n4Np61Qyhg
If you live among niggers, first thing you notice. Nigger A stands in doorway. Nigger B up street. They urkulate back n forth. Human? lol no
To turn Humphrey, there's not a dime's worth of difference between Catholic and Enlightenment thinking.
Even with your eyes shut and nose taped you can tell niggers are a different species. Humans don't sound like that. https://t.co/RjjgmiJU6n
Whites breed enough, and will breed more if they feel they have a future. As they did under Hitler. https://t.co/8GwKW0yF0u
A phobia is a morbid fear - a fear out of all relation to the reality of the thing in question. This term is nearly always misused in 2016.
White view: We must defend our kind from competing races. Christian view: Yes, race matters - the human race. #TeamWhite
Xtianity undeniably teaches that all hominid species are alike in deepest & most essential ways, hence is inherently anti-racial/#antiwhite.
When you claim anyone (pardon, any non-Israeli) who wants a border is a xenophobe, that just tells me you're a liar with a shitty character.
She doesn't return the favor though. She loves jews. https://t.co/RG9oTWn4Zp
Things you can do in your personal life to thwart the jew and help #TeamWhite. Don't subscribe to cable, join army, or buy retail.
Putin is behind #altright. I simply can't believe these jew clowns actually believe this. It's a lie they're selling Patriotard Man.
Let me bravely come out in public and say, under my real name, Donald Trump is no racist. Wish he were. Aint.
But if he wins, you'll have to slink back under your pile of camel dung, eh nosey? https://t.co/yCpPPwwsjN
For whites, the difficulty is believing jews are as organized, hateful and paranoid as we aren't. Our default assumption = all are like us.
Trump wants to use valid points racialists have made...alone...for decades...without crediting them. Speaks to his character.
It's not the (((rulers))) who believe distinctions & contradictions don't matter but the powerless christ-simps. "Unity" saith the moron.
talk about paranoid conspiracy theories https://t.co/T5yakX22a6
It was white by circumstance, not by principle. Ask any nun and she'll confirm the jebus cult is for all races. https://t.co/KLFwu74qKQ
Look Southern idiots, we tried your country-ham revolution. It failed. We need to go northern, cold, hard, FANATICAL. DISCIPLINED. SKEPTIKAL
The racial cause is mere preference. But if taken seriously, leads to decisions followed by actions - personal & social-political.
Every last simpson is an expert godologist, and doesn't mind admitting it, even w/o being asked. https://t.co/sKOxJJ17Wu
2 actions define catholicism. 1) murdering first people who printed bible 2) anger at Hitler putting tards to sleep https://t.co/Oo3qpsF2Qo
The racial cause is a preference. https://t.co/x4I0283yrX
It's not infighting if people aren't on same side. Which is the point in questions. Christians cant be racialists. https://t.co/DYZg7m9cQ6
Sobran had bad taste, liking Jimmy Stewart, the epitome of christian faggotry with his hat-in-hand shucksism.
Whiteskins should be forced to choose between boob cult and race. if former, we don't want 'em. Even if we won, would reproduce current USA.
sigh.. https://t.co/VmdW3B8IGo
apparently i have you confused with someone else. i accept that you're not a jew, if you say so, as you do. https://t.co/eBLY0VL2Hd
That's strange, since most christians are non-white. https://t.co/0HMDL1koiI
Ok. I will accept that. https://t.co/wegSIAfgqE
Anyone know this clown? Is he a jew? Because I seem to recall someone like this who was. https://t.co/PW9tIcwXjV
All I'm hearing is bullshit and evasion from you. Last chance before I block: ARE YOU A JEW? Simple question. https://t.co/PW9tIcwXjV
Just answer the question with a straight yes or no. I may have you confused with another. Are you a jew? https://t.co/oyytZTEGqp
The people no more need religious guidance than a dog does. What they need are a handful of laws strictly enforced. https://t.co/Hhl2AMnZOz
Christianity subsidizes and encourages defectives - for that reason alone it must disappear. https://t.co/Hhl2AMnZOz
Religion is for people who think Hamburger Helper is hamburger. No. It's just a low-rent shitty flavor.
The common people need training in good thinking MORE than smart people do, not less. Religious belief is terrible substitute for thought.
The concept of unity-over-contradictions is leftist horseshit. Contradictions matter. Christian OR racialist. https://t.co/bBzfHAHSup
Christianity is the enemy of culture, look at the Amish. They've reduced Germanic genetic potential to baking pies and raising barns.
(((Cernovich))) and jew-shill Jared Taylor are two who deliberately try to redefine #cuckservative to protect the tribe.
you're a jew arent you? https://t.co/RG6xb51Sdn
Did Mark Twain and HL Mencken have "an element of spiritual vitality"? Were they christians? https://t.co/Yj4AHOLk02
The white race has been around for tens of thousands of years. How long has xtian cult been around? https://t.co/Yj4AHOLk02
like most you THOUGHTLESSLY assume racialism + christianity are compatible but in fact they are vital enemies & opps https://t.co/IszSjX4knp
belief is heritable, that's why they want to get kids before they're 6. because it's heritable. think harder. https://t.co/b6xRZQ6xee
yes, you think that. and you're wrong. https://t.co/pwrQokv7Hq
Funny tweet if you know #AnnCoulter's background, which involves wet earth and sea predators. https://t.co/WArdIfs6HW
I didn't start with my belief about xtianity, I came to it thru experience. It's rock solid. https://t.co/33rMQ9q7kJ
Southern Baptists are only human by the loosest definition. https://t.co/pajK4oILbY
It's possible I'm wrong. But it's a whole lot more likely I'm right. https://t.co/p9orTgvl5o
Christianity tolerates voodoo. Christianity itself is voodoo. https://t.co/e1iJZMOXIy
NS wasn't christian. If you say it was, don't say it to me, and if you do I'll block you, for you are an idiot.
You're an anonymous, clueless lackwit. Begone, trifler. https://t.co/36DCAtCI3T
Christian values: meekness/humility (laziness, passivity and cowardice, 99x out of 100). truth? no. that's not xtian thing. delusion - yes.
"Christian values and standards" - boy howdy I'd love to meet these christians w values and standards. Jebus P Christ on a pogo stick.
The vast majority of brazil is christian. Nobody wants to live there. Christianity is no guarantee of anything except rampant dumbth.
Judaism can be defeated by counter-exterminating the last jew. Christianity can't be solved that way, as you can't exterminate stupidity.
Hitler planned to slowly phase out the jeboob cult in Germany. If he had won, that's what would have happened. https://t.co/FqAFp8JUAe
He wasn't. https://t.co/FqAFp8JUAe
Bottom line with religious belief is this: 99.9999% of the dumbest, dirt-eatin'est Southron evango-simps would be Muslims if born there.
Jebus was a sci-fi character created by jews who wrote Ann Frank to lure the goyim into believing that thought is immoral.
There are a billion muslims. But you're confident they're wrong. The same can't be true for your christian cult?
#Cuckservative means "serves the jews." Throws his own race under bus to advance jews' #antiwhite agenda of #whitegenocide.
Christianity instinctively distrusts physical healthiness and laughter. Christianity is the opposite of Aryan. It's a cult for curs & cucks.
Guy was a one-man vat of inanity. https://t.co/6BZlKqvU0Y
Stand under one during a windstorm and you'll think otherwise. It will attack you unprovoked. https://t.co/FlTYfCzvVA
Normal blacks look like monkeys; South African blacks look like hyenas. Must be a certain tribe with that look.
The way progress actually works: the very smartest people in any certain area study feed off each other, producing new highs. Masses = inert
What's an idea you've had that's both valid, and something you don't think anyone else has discovered before? It's ok if you dont have one.
Surely in a 90%+ black country it was a negro scientist who discovered this. Check yr racism!!! https://t.co/65QvPuMNkH
Jews use the same techniques in every white country. Only one set of white has figured out how to defeat them. (1/2)
It's a figure of speech with jews. They are a global mafia, internet, and team, those are more accurate descrips. https://t.co/HSVWBJZBqc
Tribes live in the wild. When you move indoors, you're not a tribe any longer. It's not a concept that makes sense in today's world.
The workers deserve sound money and racially secured environment. Beyond that is up to them. Subsidizing defectives, as church does, is bad.
The size and nature of the threat surely must determine the response. International (global) jews threaten whites the same way - everywhere.
Whites are under coordinated, global, racial assault. By #TeamJew. And the shabbos-goy frontmen it uses to fool us who's running things.
We can be all those things AND white. We are under attack not as separate nations but as a race by a race. https://t.co/juIrxfoBUp
As Shakespeare said, "Aye, while ye live draw your neck out of the collar, and broach that PoGo player on yr grill like incompetent oriole."
This is the Buchanan mistake: because the media criticize him the way they do us racialists, he is therefore one of us. WRONG, SIR, WRONG.
That the past wasn't as evil and dark as the progressives say doesn't mean it was as great as the thumbsucking reactionaries claim either.
Melbourne: spike in street crime to more than 1m incidents in the last year is largely due to activities of “Apex” gang - Sudanese refusees
What was remarkable about Hitler? His strong will. What does christianity encourage, like Islam? Submission. Acceptance. Passivity.
The white racial problem can't be solved without addressing the essential problem with christianity. #TeamWhite
as i recall, relative of the "Maus" graphic comic book guy Spiegelman was key in changing White Australia policy https://t.co/vMdJW3nuJ6
That's your life? Playing Pokemon Go? Must be a fun game. What happened to playing real games like football?
White men don't do repeats, they create a new solution based on changed circumstances. We use our imagination + common sense.
Previous racial works have devoted millions of unnecessary words to explaining IQ, which is true and obvious. Focus is needed on xtianity.
and she has come up with a very jewy, chutzpathic way of trying to force that burden on non-hallucinators https://t.co/dpJkw4Hyan
hyde park, melbourne, chicago - everywhere -- Africans “Running Riot” in Melbourne https://t.co/egP2i5CEWZ via @NewObOnline
Jews jewing jewily is the simplest explanation that covers the given facts of any given social mess.
There are enuf trees in the world. Last thing we need is more space-hogging, littering, loitering forest niggers. https://t.co/AsX6VKhAxj
when yr called a sycophant by Sean Hannity... i mean this guy knows from suckpoopery.. https://t.co/ybwHN6CBWO
July 23, 2016:
? i was responding to the broad who hates those who arent members of her cult https://t.co/Grz3wA6GOy
how jews argue': lie. call for opponent to be censored. how catholics argue: assert. listen to opponent. reassert without addressing.
All christian defense begins and ends with special pleading, but you haven't the character to acknowledge that.
Little hint, brainless one: When you say nonbelivers in your cult are "sick" you're the ideologue. https://t.co/O2n9AEQzsk
This is the typical "yr a closet case" argument homos make. That's likely where you picked it up. https://t.co/O2n9AEQzsk
You convict yourself. You began argument by asserting anyone who disagrees with your cult is "sick." https://t.co/O2n9AEQzsk
The burden is on the cretin to prove his imaginary ghost friend is real, not on the sane man to prove it isn't. #crosscucks
Did the KKK ever do anything half as unjustified to niggers as what Israel does to Palestinians every day of the year?
Christianity has ruined the white race. You grow angry. But you can't say I'm wrong. I say you dare not examine the question seriously.
Atheism is not a positive belief, that's a (((christian))) lie, but the rejection of a baseless assertion, same as any other.
Good example of xtianity being a lighter shade of judaism in 'argument': Atheist: you're wrong. Xtian: you're sick. https://t.co/e66dTCJU8F
If the atheist rejection of the (((xtian))) claim is correct, then 'atheism' (a slur) is a right-wing position. Which it is. #Fingerism
joke's on you, beaner. i'm a #Fingerist. that's a right-wing atheist https://t.co/a1uzebYtqE
Kind of like you jews always whining about being victims but based on facts. https://t.co/taqdWPWczT
Jews aren't just the allies of the muslim terrorists. They're the reason they're in our countries in the first place.
Democratic politics turns on money. Jews have the money. The one who has the money calls the shots. Democracy = (((oligarchy))).
Jew money makes presidents. They pick someone like BO as a symbol of where they want you to think we're headed. Next, she-Clinton.
Obama is a product of jewish money. The conservative, the eternal little-man, harps on O's personality. But when O leaves, (($)) still there
Americans think we're on the wrong track. Jews think we're on the right path. Media = jews who hate Americans (aka normal whites).
Even the weather hates niggers. We must haul these refractory clouds into court. https://t.co/8zz6t0ji2R
The meeting of Jewish Veterans of Jew-Mongered Wars met in a phone booth yesterday. "They too serve who lie about WMDs" was its theme.
Want to locate the source of terrorism in the US? Wiki's got you covered. https://t.co/0hy1asAjH0
The powers that be have given blacks, as a class, artificial status and free money. For decades now. While talking about #WhitePrivilege.
You didn't read the tweet. The viewer could tell if she were lying. https://t.co/Xlv6VZ017p
It would be terrible if someone kidnapped Merkel, tortured her on film until she admitted (((who))) made her take 'refugees,' then shot her.
The blame rests 100% on christianity for jews still existing in white lands in the 21st century. Not 99%, 100%.
The superelite must be killed off. They are maybe 10,000 max. The Merkels are their tools, not the real shot callers, the fronts & techies.
I don't think he does. https://t.co/OKyB6Apn4w
They can. But they have a (((force))) opposing them - and it enlists the aid of the FBI, which it 'trains' lol. https://t.co/McUPfQjqI0
Good example - even smart whites can't really believe jews are as organized as they actually are. https://t.co/H5OiAfsr5d
Sarah Root is precisely the sort of story jews keep out of the national media while harping on nigger criminals. https://t.co/6rK97PSYaT
America needs a law respecting jews similar to the Japan has for Muslims. That's a first step toward ultimate solution.
Jews write a new immigration law. All of a sudden Muh Changing Face of America. Itz inevitable. Nothing you can do. Game Over White man.
he's no jew. he's the product of a communist mudshark and a nigger. he's a typical atheist leftist produce of jewbux https://t.co/85GosRlszj
Good ol Wrench. https://t.co/70pYtfefyU
Strong competition for dumbest tweet of year. https://t.co/dGmuklwMZC
July 22, 2016:
Donald Trump is against small government. You can tell by way he wants to stop endless wars, close bases, get out of dead treaties.
The police said that they were searching for as many as three suspects armed with “long guns.” (1/2)
What jews do in newspapers is the intellectual equivalent of terrorism, and often enough provides cover for the physical thing. #TeamWhite
Attack "on" shopping center. Maybe it was racist. https://t.co/yeMqZT7vmd
The muslims are getting better at terrorism: why do one-offs? it occurs to them decades later. Live to kill again! #MuslimGenius
Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz. Jews tend to prefer these spellings: Jon not John Marc not Mark #TheMoarJewKnow, from #TeamWhite.
All jews defend pedophile-murderer #LeoFrank. All jews deserve to receive justice, just the way the good men of Georgia served Frank. #ADL
The (((people))) who let mulsims into white lands - they're not stupid. They knew what would happen. Good intentions among jews? NEVER.
Muslims are exactly like niggers in that the majority supports violence by its kind against every other sect and race.
So, in formerly civilized Germany, a visit to pool means getting your 10yo daughter molested; a visit to McDonald's means death.
The Semitic peoples are conventionally divided into high-IQ jews, who steal and swindle, and low-IQ muslims who rape and murder.
where do i vote for the real answer: (((soros))) and #TeamJew https://t.co/7r1qAquAZ6
power of media: fags are under 2% of population. thought to be 25% by public. that's why jews beeline for communications sector
Bongo Boy on radio talking about how terror and fear arent felt by most, next story Munich muslim massacre.
Time for Germany to create cells of killers and declare open season on muslims and politicians who let them in. #TeamWhite
The jews are very concerned that YOU not REACT WRONG when the muslims THEY LET IN rape and murder you. #TeamWhite
In 1960, there were more Americans of Swiss descent than Mexican. True story, bro. Amazing facts from #TeamWhite.
Have media jews ever once described the scenes inflicted by muslims in Europe as dark and depressing? No. That's for the sane reaction.
They see themselves as higher than nationalists because they are citizens of the world. This is the )))WASP-globalist liberal-elite conceit.
Go tell your rabbi to remove the hate from the Talmud, you repulsive kike. Don't you ever write me again, just die. https://t.co/Wo5mJ75lzq
A white man can't have a media job if he dare to criticize jews. But thousands of jews feed themselves by publicly hating whites.
#Whitegenocidal (((Silvermans))) fill America with aliens who rape and murder us then whine about twitter-crit. https://t.co/YheTyrIxYL
The Muslims cut your head off. The jews fill your head with lies. Both have but one message for normal whites: SUBMIT OR DIE.
The white racial cause is for any white man or woman who desires to be more than a mongrelized stick-fetcher in the (((New World Order))).
Jews are exactly like Muslims, just with different techniques for domination. Their message to whites is exact same: Submit or die.
Disagreeing with the jew and his agenda of #whitegenocide = dark and depressing, according to 6m WP writers.
The 'conservative' yid-servile thinker meekly accepts the jew demo-makeover since 1965. But Trump is the start of the war to overturn this.
Conservatism is generally in practice, and perhaps essentially, wifely. It adjusts to what happens, but seldom tries to cause things.
"Trump rejected other core tents [sic] of modern conservatism, as well. “Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo,” he said."
Trump is not like Nixon; Nixon was a yielder where Trump will fight. I hope. I don't see Trump NOT contesting stolen election.
"Dark" - given to citing facts jews don't want known; referring to things as they are rather than parroting slogan cant.
“In a remarkable departure from past GOP conventions, Trump made no mention of God, religion or his faith,” - FUCKING AWESOME.
I like that Trump appears to feel ashamed of America's servile campaign of murder against anyone the jews point whitedoggie at.
"“This is the legacy of Hillary Clinton: death, destruction, terrorism and weakness.” - and the jews who wrote her script, the neocohens
African Mayhem in Central London https://t.co/EEYMfiBEFl via @NewObOnline
...but his wife adds a very observable and definite touch of Euro class (glamour + self control) obese prole slobs can admire & learn from.
Trump not only exemplifies best American spirit - high-energy making-good-stuff-happen, not whining socialist loserism... (1/2)
'Racism'-the-concept is a weapon used by one side in an undeclared racial war. It is a bit of verbal legerdemain. Reality from #TeamWhite.
What I like about Trump is he doesn't drink (fuck all portly chortlin' potbelly bourgeois snifterfags), his kids are rich but solid-eyed.
was that his (((Maher))) imitation https://t.co/21GiwlEtyv
"All “asylum seekers” in the town had received free pool passes for the entire year as part of their benefits." -- Merkel & Soros live yet?
Hillary doesn't give a shit if her husband rapes women; why would she give a shit if her illegal-alien voters rape your daughter? #ImWithHer
This is what Hillary wants for YOUR white daughter: Five girls between 10-14 have reported being attacked by the invaders, who are 20-30.
The Hive concept (instinctively thinking/acting alike) is true, but so are the actual, literal #antiwhite plans & conspiracies.
People who think jews dont operate instinctively AND operationally as a team --- you're idiots. Give it up. Reality destroys your simpdom.
Harriet Tubman: fought pigs for potato peels Andrew Jackson: fought national bank and killed it Hmm...which deserves a place of honor?
sneering, malevolent kike https://t.co/bJNoeIBU6r
Notice how much greater America was before 1900 in the ways that truly matter? Why? No jews. No welfare state.
Boy, that jewish movement for cleaning the race-hatred out of the Talmud is really strong. Real testament to jewish anti-racism bonafides.
It's beautiful to see the weak, yielding, 'decent' ie cowardly WASP Romney-culture recede and the true Drumpf style resistance begin.
jews use scam concepts racism and antisemitism to prevent your seeing what they're up to and fighting back. get smart. get tough. #TeamWhite
anything that's good for whites is "dark" or "evil" and anyone who likes it is driven by "hate" SO SICK OF YOU KIKES AND YR LIES
New “Asylum Seeker” Group Sex Attack https://t.co/BBOIO3O4aX via @NewObOnline
John Peter )))Zenger(((, all-American. Free speech is white. Using free speech to gain power and censor is (((jewish))).
"Even the best of the goyim should be killed." -- what every rabbi teaches every jew. STRAIGHT OUT OF TALMUD https://t.co/zFiFqjQPW9
July 21, 2016:
The reason they compare Trump to Hitler is 90% because Hitler is the only historical personage they've ever heard of.
tonight the jews are all https://t.co/84LUX6MkJT
If i were a photo, I'd title that Ode to Asymmetry https://t.co/5I3idduMof
(gawker lead) Former KKK Grand Wizard on Trump's RNC Speech: "Couldn't Have Said It Better" https://t.co/EDRU5dZEEP
If anyone had a shred of doubt jews are a hostile aliens who hate White America, just look around twitter at their reaction to Trump speech.
Facts about ghetto - not 1/100 xtians but repeats the jew lie the church forced them into them. https://t.co/Jo9aroCcps
You're a jew. You don't know from Americans. What's bad for (((you))) is good for us. https://t.co/nRyygvewLD
where the population is 90% niggers, blackouts aren't a figure of speech https://t.co/CWiKjKrVRc
2+2 = 4 doesn't belong to me. It belongs to everyone. But my view that Jebus is Queen is peculiar to me. https://t.co/3tbyUYSRlL
She encouraged people to go after him. He didn't encourage anyone. Twitter finds her not guilty, him guilty by assoc https://t.co/p6o5QJkSmD
Revelation is mental vegetarianism: "Chest burnings can be just as valid as real thought." But rationality needn't argue. Only revelation.
July 20, 2016:
chutzpathic gaslighing in this tweet. good work, honorary jew https://t.co/hmXH6rCUnk
Craypoaching. https://t.co/nVxnkgXjrx
awesome. https://t.co/UOL858QQ5T
Atop other reasons.. https://t.co/EHQseDhwSM
Yiannopoulos isn't alt-right. Isn't white. Didn't attack the black female. Eh, but what do facts matter? Very little in this world.
White men are the only subset of humanity with enough internal ballast to withstand criticism. Rest capsize in mildest wind, need protection
Hillary destroyed Libya. And admitted in emails she did it for Israel. We can trust her. (To do whatever's "good for jews" & fuck America.)
Atheist - one who rejects a baseless claim. It's akin to Holocaust Denier - only exists because majority hates truth https://t.co/5bTSzOa9Zs
Can you imagine living in a country that was designed for normal healthy white people? instead of against them?
i dont care what race fictional jebus is, he represents sickness and i reject him and his legions of mental oafs https://t.co/2udSoAGSBy
July 19, 2016:
A Lot of Celebrities Came Out to Support Leslie Jones After She Spoke Up About Abuse on Twitter https://t.co/ahC73WPJMu
We must form a team to destroy the jews who are bent on destroying us. That's the basic idea behind #TeamWhite.
"....[A]ny man with his wits about him has to worry when any group but his own wields power which affects his life," --Pierce in "Hunter"
July 18, 2016:
there's no way her IQ is higher than Harambe's https://t.co/Dp3U1Oqt7C
who would win a third-grade spelling test? https://t.co/WwIeWZtH0f
Ghostbusters Brought in $45 Million This Weekend, Which Is Either Great or Not So Great https://t.co/VICBTod0QI
Most Senior Police Officer Involved in Freddie Gray's Death Found Not Guilty of Manslaughter https://t.co/W7hT8opH8S
Nigger is the only accurate term for the majority of blacks. https://t.co/Sf6E3lQCeD
"The gorilla comports himself with more dignity than the African, I find. I trust my gorillas more than my helpers." --J.G.
great work by everybody. twitter would be nearly perfect, if only for its tendency to double standards in enforcemnt https://t.co/fSIJTG4iI3
Leslie Jones Attacked By Racist Twitter Trolls https://t.co/4mmGxi2FNm
White Nationalists at the RNC Don't Think Trump Goes Far Enough https://t.co/wNaJzqAnry
Unlike others, jews have access to a network that can instantly produce books, movies, interviews if Tribe benefits https://t.co/9rc39hAvNy
A shooting is not "senseless" because you don't agree with the reasoning behind it. Planted axiom: everybody really thinks the same way. No.
why not support something useful, like a Spay Your Nigger Campaign? Come on Urkel. https://t.co/Z5Qb2IKiZ5
Combine circumcision and "hate" (thought) crimes, and what do you get? JEWS DEMAND WHITES CUT OUT PORTION OF BRAIN TO FIGHT RACISM.
Change over time in jewed lands follows a clear and identifiable path, and if you grasp the jew and his agenda, you can predict the course.
Whites respond myopically to things directly in front of them. It is the female way, common to most men as well.
The left have been chuffing each other's gaslighting for so many decades they've forgotten what a clear head feels like.
Everything jews do politically creates a dangerous environment for whites. Every single thing. We cannot tolerate jews among us - not one.
"Crime is racist, ok. The very concept. Anything a black man do to white is justice." -- Generic Angry Black Mindlet
new observer gives facts in true context - Baton Rouge: Black Racist Murderers Created by Media https://t.co/oi1U8sX0fH via @NewObOnline
everything you do reeks of faggotry. and you're named ulrich. https://t.co/7QGfkE8Sj2
DeRay "Dix Nood" McWesson, House Buttler/Lawn Jockey for Dr. E.J. Soros https://t.co/1sqbCDeD30
young jiter on the make https://t.co/xVWP4xbntx
July 17, 2016:
idle amusement. achieved! good night to you and all (((fatties))) across this benighted land. https://t.co/RAnlP3cij3
all right... 159 & 15oz. and 5'3.25" https://t.co/zceOQV4m9K
Jeremy Aids-Piven the rhymes he spits YA WISH YA WOULD https://t.co/TjMhGvUgNM
4'9"? https://t.co/mkMfUOTy5m
i miss florence king. who else used to mock the mispronunciation of entrepreneur (does NOT rhyme with manoower)
he's investing in dead nigger terrorists? that doesn't seem wise https://t.co/q5CxvT2uYP
5'1" 240. i was being charitable last time. https://t.co/4VvfwkCce6
hating fags is natural. so is fag behavior. but the former is much more common https://t.co/IFBOadnDIf
People use nature the way they use God - as a rhetorical device; a big brother to back up wimpy them. Do not do this. Fight like real man.
tack, not tact https://t.co/L8XPdX2EmW
no. people have used clips of what i've said and made vids now and then. https://t.co/RQ4QJM2lCO
#HeroBrevik #HeroDylannRoof #HeroThomasMair That's my opinion. Oft expressed. https://t.co/jLVIrkVEt5
The people her (((people))) let in. But she leaves that part out. https://t.co/29nt2okrZC
The DeRay McWesson Story... https://t.co/wOmBw0tciI
Never forget also to mock DeRay McWesson for his first public appearance, third lead in Gayniggers From Outer Space. https://t.co/bQVt1jb5Ap
that sounds right. long ago. https://t.co/SXF8m6BiN5
mental problems...i haz em https://t.co/mklwxbswrf
omg your knees are friggin BALLOONS https://t.co/mklwxbswrf
traditionally, jews have not been regarded human beings. that's a modern political decision masquerading as science https://t.co/v7JW4pNtkb
go on with yourself. you're a jew. a doorstop young, a vulture old. https://t.co/v7JW4pNtkb
you're clearly approach double bills like the train in one of those "oh no no brakes on this train" train movies https://t.co/g88tLHlMos
you clearly need to visit an obesiologist and get your sanity checked https://t.co/Yz1se9lPMU
As a fag once rebuked me, "If people do it, it's natural." And that's a valid way of looking at it. Nature =/= good. https://t.co/ZCd2AJuCz4
I asked Yoda, and he said to relay to you: "Between enough and too much, weigh she should." HOPE THAT YELPS https://t.co/VPMkBeGSiF
look, i'm sorry you're fat. but i cant be held responsible. blame sarah silverman or the late joan rivers. https://t.co/eU9Qfg8uq4
uh oh...your inner demented yid is emerging like a deep-fat sea monster!!! https://t.co/1a5WOe8gc3
let me tell you something. when your belief or behavior forces yr face into that now-ubiquitous rictus SOMETHING IS DEEPLY WRONG
you were reading the ELEPHANT chart yr sposed to read the FAT YOUNG JEWESS chart https://t.co/yJRCHmR35C
the fat assed broad is often the last to know. https://t.co/6hGWNOWPAD
Those terms are redundant. Iinsolent means 'over-padded sole (bottom)' in classic Etruscan. forget it. https://t.co/llGrqkDlYu
insolent mean fat-assed. in original etruscan. https://t.co/GLtrfzR0fz
uh...what? https://t.co/MQKJepPjWo
my flaws are for me to know and lament! not for public discussion! https://t.co/FhttbwNvQi
Dallas Buyers Club was a great movie. All people are scummyish and self-interested, but also helpful and sometimes brave. Burrocrat Jebus NO
that's PRECISELY the kind of ANGUISHED WAIL fat people are FAMOUS FOR. https://t.co/oJXLMhGuW0
no, writhing is just wriggling around. for whatever reason. demonstrates lack of self control, which is flaw https://t.co/79vhJM4JIN
no, that's writhe not wrath. they dont want you writhing around when they're sermonizing, very disruptive. https://t.co/zW7RESX6o1
Asian country has solution: if you sell drugs, we kill you. No room for cop bs in that. And agree or dis, it's CLEAR AND SIMPLE.
lookd it up: seven great sins lust sluttony grust excessive stomach growling not being outdoorsy dam yr rite!! https://t.co/rVPJSqVDUF
I learned how to smell people out from an old Johnny Carson segment. Well before your fat-assed time. https://t.co/rVPJSqVDUF
It's christian humility that tells us we can fix people. (Voice in crowd: "That's not humility.") Er, shut up. lad.
The right attitude is that we CANT fix people. No one can. If they prove they won't behave, them chop them up and feed them to Disney crocs.
Few laws. Many executions. That's sane policy. You can actually see something near this in parts of Asia. https://t.co/9Cc0NhduNy
outdoorsy? just pretend you like camping. nobody actually does. but everybody claims to. like niggers. https://t.co/OIgtVKqtFN
if you need shitloads of cops...that's a medical sign your body politics has demographic cancer #TheMoarYouGnow
all i did as a youth was play sports and read books. you NEVER see people depicted like this, it's always one or the other
tiresome thing about all leftist sites is the religious belief that all human problems can be solved by MOAR LAW https://t.co/80LNQEEpfg
This is like a long play version of "my only flaw is that i CARE TOO MUCH." https://t.co/tIsAFvUI96
hmm, my list was different: fat jewish huge ego fat insolence https://t.co/tIsAFvUI96
I like to show up to parties I'm not invited. Then I say, most charmingly, "Forgive my chartreusion." And I laugh charmingly. And they do!
What would you say are your top five flaws? https://t.co/Ll42m9IUDK
Some of the softer aesthetic qualities of our race, which make it unique and desirable, can only be protected by a crunchy exterior shell.
Charlie Bucket, to my puny mind, IS the white cause. Sure, show your pinups, but he and his creator - that's why I fight. #TeamWhite
See, what the IQ test doesn't show is that no 102-IQ spider eater can be Charlie Bucket - or the man who conceived him.
It's not just endless wars and big govt "conservatives" lol have done a 180 on - it's attitude toward COPS and ARMY. #tcot
YOU wrote to me. Anyone who writes to me I assume is fine with me responding. I respond as advances MY agenda. https://t.co/4MyvprJfGi
Every jew has an ego as big as your ass. You all think you're center stage by divine right. https://t.co/4MyvprJfGi
I hate big govt and parasites generally, but goddamit, something has to be done: we are being attacked AS A RACE. not party, region, religin
i dont see the connection between snake avatar and whatever you're implying https://t.co/CcdUzfpkdn
Hmm...I think your slip would get stuck on increasingly plump hindquarters before ever making public appearance. https://t.co/IFHF3tg4GA
The christian view is that all men are sinners. That's what matters about them. That's their true equality. Rest means very little.
That's a bad fucking idea. Typical of shitbrains Gingrich. https://t.co/U1FsLEYVez
Hitler nailed so many things, but his point that little people can only conceive little lies (not Big Lies) is one of his most perceptive.
You're always welcome to join my forum, of course. I spent many loving years building sticky threads. Read them - youll know valuable stuff.
I'm a racialist, but I try to shame jews. The shameless race. The race that invented chutzpah. "Your slip is showing" doesn't work on them.
it's funny to me how many whites think jews will cease some obnoxious behavior if it's pointed out to them. That's US, guy. Theyre diff race
They're invasive species if they're black carp or Burmese pythons; but somehow they transmogrify into valuable diversity if they're mexicans
If Asians were better than whites, on the whole, they'd produce men like Roald Dahl. They can't. IQ isn't everything https://t.co/i0MohHrF8s
Coming soon: Orania the Continent. Built on a solid foundation of jewnigger bonemeal. #TeamWhite has a dream.
If sharia means you have to serve pastries to sex deviants on command, then I, for one, bravely oppose it. Who's with me, #tcot??
Everything is done visually, from both directions, to make it appear blacks are teeming and whites disappearing. #TechniquesOfLoxism
Jews try to make whites feel guilty for appearing in photos where there are more than two people and they're all white. #WhatsWrongWThis...
Question for pokeys in my race: who has a greater interest in controlling the media/govt? Good, honest men? or jews?
If you're white, why are you so willing to believe lies about your own people but physically scared to consider the truth about jews?
Nothing whites do is ever pro-anything. It's always anti-something. Another (((technique))) for disparaging our kind. #loxism
'plastic demon of decomposition' - another way of saying hitler's the jew is behind all social ills https://t.co/VvByuwzW7A
Get these ass-ups the fuck out of white lands. Right after killing the goddam jews who let them in. That's what I'd do as dictator.
charlatan powers activate! https://t.co/1SQc1mYCD2
The question is: which force is preventing whites from separating from blacks? As the vast majority of them prefers? https://t.co/9ctq5JOl6K
Jews treat all whites as The Same. Whites must return the favor - or lose. #TeamWhite vs TeamJew. <-- real politics
Ideological politics is new to America. It's a jew thing. Whitesimps keep trying to alter beliefs & behavior to comply. Cant change category
These white-cop shootings show that blacks see all whites as the same - all guilty. All deserving. A category they're opposed to.
We can't get to the bottom of anything in politics without considering motivations. But here, christianity and Anglo civility lay traps.
Always remember: if blacks and whites were any other type of animal, scientists would consider them different species.
Faith in abstractions absorbed from paper can easily take the place of sense impressions. Reading is an art, if not to be misled.
If a couple has any kind of a dispute, the cops separate them. But if races cant get along for 100 years, jews keep them forced together.
Blacks are low IQ. Very low IQ. Racism is the judeo-communist term for reality applied to race by whites. https://t.co/s5O5FZPyGg
Old moral terms are generally preciser and more reliable in meaning-fixity than modern psychological, pseudo-scientific ones.
Evil is not really a biological word, but there really is no other word to describe jewish mentality & behavior. They have an evil mindset.
The low-IQ negro population is easily inflamed by lies. Jews know this, incite hatred, and direct it at innocen whites. Jews...are evil.
Jebus is pitched at the level of moron. Because the jews who created him know their market. Humor = higher intelligence. Jebus never joked.
But christian morality stopped us. Our job wasn't to clear off these trash hominids but to convert them to boobcult. https://t.co/vsCyLdA3xf
"No person is illegal." Hey!...(thinking hard)...that can cover black murderers as well as mexican border jumpers!
good! https://t.co/RW04XePhW5
he had a new one yesterday, which i retweeted https://t.co/7G7Q6ABfnz
Anyone can be a christian / anyone can be an American. You don't see how the one thinking easily becomes the other?
The legal process is chopped to the level called mince in cooking. This is to protect lawyers from people who actually know how to persuade.
Many have observed The Court System is set up to benefit lawyers. True. But not just financially. https://t.co/VyAt06Jb29
Something you don't understand until you testify in court: the law is set up to prevent lawyers from being embarrassed by being outtalked.
No need to shoot cops, although it is right to treat them with a healthy respect (for what they can do) and disrespect (for what they do do)
Praying never has or will solve any human problem. That's why it's so popular. Requires zero effort!
Yes, Christine, it is brilliant. https://t.co/RMJRs7koX9
The belief you need salvation proves your low quality. So does your belief that Jebus or paper can stand in for yr own brains & courage.
Start over, fellow white men. Build on race. No, no, son, take your jebus nonsense and shove it up your ass. #TeamWhite
Media = jews jewing jewily. "The jews are the only people who control the media...or need to." --me, with assist from Mark Twain
"If a white did the shooting, we focus on the agent. If a black, we use passive voice or blame the instrument. Or don't cover." -N.J. Wise
no mention of jews but mildly amusing - Who Will Win the Upcoming Civil War? https://t.co/feHIncpnys
Historical fun fact: slavery was the only time in American history blacks were a net social positive. Free, they're a murderous menace.
Anglo: "I can't say that." German: "I can." Not literal, just a fair assignment of political styles.
AmeriKwa under the jews, this pic of hijacker from Dirty Harry shows. Scorpio is jews, schoolkids are normal whites. https://t.co/36BkhwEdK3
They could fight. But they appear to be the usual collection of religious saps. https://t.co/mEM2V9Npq0
Law barely means anything in a nation of Germanic whites; it means nothing at all where niggers are majority.
Too small. Also, it doesn't have true legal protection. Minute ANC niggers decide to end it, then can. https://t.co/klS6Xlfdym
If you believe niggers should have any political rights or say in anything, you are genuinely an idiot. #TeamWhite
No, cop killers are not worse than killers of normal whites. Because cops are not better than normal people, and often are worse.
The white racialist must notice that his race would literally cut the end of its own dick off if jews tell it to. "Supremacists" lol.
How to recognize the conservative? He will never do anything that isn't socially approved. But if it is, he'll cut his own balls off. #tcot
"Crime is a white racist concept invented to keep 'niggers' from getting their share." --'60s radical
#TeamJebus says we must convert jews and niggers to christianity. How's that workin' out for ya, jebus fools?
SuperCon (#tcot is my home) - Shakes fist at muslims continents away - Grovels before jew in front of his face
"Political Correctness, which my late friend Joseph Sobran called Semitical Correctness, is the Jewish form of sharia." #AnnCoulter
“Living with like-minded people, speaking your language, understanding your traditions and your culture – those are factors pulling people
In existence for 25 years, Orania's population has seen steady growth. It is now home to 450 families. https://t.co/WSeG9aTt8h
When are you going to tweet about whites murdered by niggers instead of sucking coon ass, Ulrich The Degenerate? https://t.co/5dI3gtEeKt
It's jaw-dropping, after completing this morning's reading of Pierce's Hunter (1989), how prescient he was. Raspail alone compares.
Conservatives, bravely whining about a sharia they don't face. Unbravely yielding to SEMITICAL Correctness they do. Conservative = coward.
TD had more impact, as it was first. But Pierce put far more effort into writing Hunter, as he told me personally. https://t.co/EO0WG0DFRI
"Hunter" (1989) by William Pierce 2nd session: pp 31-67 https://t.co/kjS6Vr6p7Q (2:32) Racial-cause 101, smooth-drinking fictional form.
"Were not the mass media the most racially destructive force at work in the world today?" --William Pierce in "Hunter" (1989) #TeamWhite
If my (((enemy wants to genocide me, and my church teaches that my enemy is my friend, then my church is also my enemy. #TeamWhite
The smarmy democratic white-racial politics won't fuck anyone. There must be Idealism, Swagger and Sea Mist Gefuehl.
Why should blacks be allowed Africa? They've done nothing with it except kill off its attractive species. #TeamWhite
Whites don't need jews. Whites don't need blacks. Whites don't need browns. They need us. Politics 101 from #TeamWhite.
Whites refuse to accept the evidence, too many of them. Christianity is not on your side. #TeamWhite
It's a sign of how undeveloped politics is in Anglo world that it's eternally a battle of personalities, and never gets to the deep & real.
Two most annoying things ever: jews making up the holocaust and when your finger catches pulling out of coffee cup handle sloshing all over.
Traditionalism and progressivism are the same mistake - and the same rhetorical dishonesty. They both deny costs of their position.
All men carry on some traditions and reject others, as they should. They use reason & experience to navigate. Burke, me, you - all of us.
The reason traditionalism is wrong is that many traditions are bad. Traditionalism is, ironically, an abstraction. traditionS is reality.
By understanding Southern culture, to some extent, finally, it helped me understand my own. Similar to lessons of travel.
What is being Germanic? Many things. One is figuring out the right way to do things, and doing it that way every time. #muhTurdition
The essence of cultural conservatism is to whine about symptoms but never point to the jew causing them. In other words - cowardice. #tcot
there is nothing on earth more contemptible than your average christian, crawling before a jew. not even a nigger is that low. #TeamWhite
Lots of 'fresh departures for thought' in this article about DiLauro and camorra in Itally. https://t.co/cfsxFo4Zu9
New US$47.5m Million Museum to Showcase White European Music Planned https://t.co/lJbcIXxRj4 via @NewObOnline
"Democracy" of the (((Allies))): “The nationwide operation...serves to warn citizens about making right-wing statements on social networks,”
2,000 Soros invaders molested white women on New Years in one (1) German city, no prison time. 60 Germans arrested for Facebook criticism.
Democracy is a convenient veil for dictatorship. GER arrests dozen for "hate" posting https://t.co/L7UiVBu4TB
on camorra https://t.co/cfsxFo4Zu9
jews must be destroyed for whites to live - Top Jew: Whites to Blame for Terror https://t.co/wi08t0e88e via @NewObOnline
Nice Terror: The Witches Brew https://t.co/vNYfB4bTyf via @NewObOnline
Jew term for basic Germanic-ness (traits of NW Euros) is sobriety, organization, self control - they smear as Authoritarian Personality.
Jews are attempting the racial murder of Germany, the nation they fear most. We must counter-exterminate jewry. https://t.co/E1lamNj1bN
white privilege is a fiction. whites don't even have legal equality with non-whites or sexual deviants #WhitePrivilege
this is their pattern with everything - accuse others THEIR behavior (and beliefs) https://t.co/DoIONSin4u
If whites are such a creative race, why merely me-too the jew, even in opposing him - using 'racism,' 'jewish supremacism,' 'anti-sem' etc?
My use of #loxism, mocked by some, is a real world example of one man being right, and the world being wrong. Y'all need a bigger army.
jews have exactly the same attitude toward non-jew females as muslims do. EXACTLY. https://t.co/u6JvHbxsGl #loxism
Let's pretend we didn't open borders against will of nations, then call norms xenophobes when they object to ensuing misery -- (((media)))
The unfunny irony that WN, of all sets, must necessarily be focused on what is wrong with their race, rather than (((white supremacy))).
One thing that "woke"'d Pierce was the diff in (((media))) treatment of WWII and Vietnam war. Reconciling this led to jew-splanation.
Recordg "Hunter" this week, here's part one. Learn who Wm Pierce was, how he came to his views. Session #1 (pp1-30) https://t.co/60mLjRqBVW
July 16, 2016:
Begun recording "Hunter" (text + comments), pp 1-30, first of six sessions (2:09). Session #1: Wm Pierce's "Hunter" https://t.co/Sme8geaGFS
"...we want first to assure the survival of our race by waking it up and reigniting its natural fighting spirit..." --Wm Pierce in "Hunter"
It is useless to think of media as anything but an arm of government, and govt as anything but a mafia of jews.
July 15, 2016:
That's a theory. https://t.co/6X6DxRHxBS
Two assumptions: 1) every hominid can assimilate to Anglo Saxon culture (wearing pants and moralizing); 2) every hominid wants to.
what it is with all these shitskins wearing backpacks? you cant tell me there's books in those things
they all have stupid grins signifying insufficient mental capacity? https://t.co/ya1lhPudgv
i hope you're right https://t.co/jGPcT2DXj9
Christianity is the opposite of education because it doesn't lead people out of themselves but inside themselves.
I'm getting the impression you are a you fan. https://t.co/ib6aQCI9XQ
Every single day of the year katz burglars sneak into the American treasury and levitate 10m back to Israel. (it's much more than 10m)
Jews are David Blaine and our race is turning into a bunch of goddam Kansas City/West Hollywood dancing faggots.
You racists and antisemites are so unfair, yeah jews are lying about holox but they're telling the truth about rest. https://t.co/eq8DzvBAzV
Remember, most trucks are peaceful and good. Rolling delivery system that keep our society afloat. The few mean ones aren't representative.
"External beauty fades with time, but internal ugliness just picks up steam." --Confuchsia in "The Wisdom Flower" (also attr. to M. Monroe)
'Racial divide.' What is the planted axiom here, as WFB would say (the assumption the term's based on, for you slowies)?
The mastery of obstetrics lies chiefly in the ability of the charlatan to persuade the mother his technics are essential.
Every single mother honestly believes she or her baby would have died without Doc & his Magic Bedside Electronics.
Everything in life has been turned into a profitable scam, beginning with birth, death and marriage. Online college charging hard from rear.
Three things, or any combo thereof, are responsible for all the evil in modern world: 1) Trump 2) guns 3) The White Man
How was Hitler going to invade America? If you think about that for five seconds you see how ridiculous it is.
When you hear "government should be run like a business" you are not listening to a thoughtful person.
A jew can be a holohoax survivor yeah unto the 10th generation but god forbid you call a 2nd-gen muzz killer anything but "french native"
OBERLIN HORROR RIVALS #NICEATTACK. Students at Oberlin College complained the Banh Mi sandwich was served on ciabatta bread, not baguette
Demographic trends are functions of raw power. People bred under Hitler. Why? Because the future was bright. So it can be again.
Muslims are racial garbage, and their worthlessness is exacerbated by their particularly noxious cult, featuring jihad.
Hate-Filled Nazi Extremist Mass-Murders Nearly 100 in Crazed Truck Rampage... NYT if a White racialist did it... since muslim, then "Truck"
Why is Connecticut hillybilly #AnnCoulter afraid to tell her audience that jews conceived the Immigration Act (1965) that murdered America?
Saying the problem is X isn't "strong" enough or is too "weak" - the assumption is we all pursue the same good things. We don't. We...arent.
"Our intent is to fill America with jihadists and favela scum" - the comedy act (((Hart & Celler))) in their famous bit "1965"
I truly wish Joe Sobran were alive to comment on degeneration. Shame he continued to love jews when they effectively murdered him.
stupid hillybilly dork clooney hopefully gets what he deserves https://t.co/GbujJdvaH4
We let jews take over our countries, run our immigration. They see to it that girls like this are murdered by muzz. https://t.co/x6HJx8XrPi
The experience of the extreme elite is so different from the average man's that he can't even conceive it. He just see richer Joe Average.
The average guy really thinks someone like George W. Bush is on his side. He almost biologically can't not think like this. #tcot
The mass man/conservative ignores reality and identifies with the leaders of his society. This makes ruling him child's play. #tcot
If Americanism skewed a tad hopeful, hey, who can blame 'em. Fresh continent, fresh start, lots to feel good about.
Take a leafblower and drive away the religious fog surrounding the jew. What do you see? A pathetic, lying, genocidal munchkin gurning us.
Notice how the controlled media never show pictures of the type of murder called 'abortion' nor do they ever detail fags' actual behavior.
Normal society has a place for queers: in the closet. If you come out in public, you have to justify your behavior. And you can't.
Raf'? Oh my lordy, lordy. Dere aint no raf' no more. It done broke loose and gone away. https://t.co/OZt8thqNVJ
(((They))) who intend to dominate & destroy begin by screeching equality and demanding tolerance. #TeamWhite describes tactics of #TeamJew
The masses are conditioned to think political/racial/religious differences are as trivial as NFL fandom or picking ethnic restaurant.
The lie of cultural equality subserves the racial-equality Big Lie; comes from (((Kallen & Boas))) around 1900. https://t.co/P3ocbkCUYN
"Tolerate us so we can destroy you." --the eternal message of the Jew to Whitekind. - but only so long as we permit jew to live
Multiculturalism succeeds! Public schools work! Growing up means accepting proclaimed mission isn't real one. #TeamWhite
Racialists are truly humble in that they dont force reality to conform to their preset notions - as christians & catholics do.
If a woman likes you, looks at you and you chatter on with your Important Ideas but she sees your real value - that is racialism.
The truth is racialism is humiliating, but I can't see that it's wrong. It's that our genes matter more than anything else.
People who live out of the Talmud and Koran don't belong in white nations. They will destroy our culture and murder our kind.
A cat in heat is the best analogue of reaction. - A reactionary is a manpuss in search of a kingdick to back onto.
I have learned far more from reading libertarians than reactionaries. The latter are simply bitches who always shade into mystagoguery.
If you say multiculturalism failed, then you are taking the claims of its (((concocters))) at face value. You shouldnt do that.
There is a real reason but (((they))) can't admit to it (he opposes their #antiwhite agenda). So they concoct lies. https://t.co/nF3yRQOt5o
People w antithetical values can only live together if they dont take anything seriously except sports & restaurants (Mass consumer culture)
"Merkel was also told by security experts last October that middle class citizens in Germany were becoming 'radicalised'" (DM article)
Shit down, suck up. That's the catholic way. As I said nearly 20 years ago. https://t.co/vdyJftwi3Q
We are both individuals and members of various groups or collectives. We can't be reduced to either. #TeamWhite
Some will be fooled and blame the truck. But the intelligent will see through the surface and blame the real culprit, the gun. #NiceAttack
it sounds cool to say that but vast majority are too weak to be evil and far more cooperative than violent https://t.co/TBTz5hShye
Joking is what seriousness looks like when done by smart people. Christian religious service is what it looks like when done by dummies.
Classic stick-fetching, one of the whiteskin's favorite and most racially characteristic behaviors... https://t.co/rdhctAPCo0
Society is s tripartite conspiracy among EBT coons at bottom, NEA harridans in middle and jews at top to defame/live off good white men.
The jew places objects before the conservative myope, and he duly and dully screams or salivates as desired. #Tcot
Socialism in practical terms means: all serious decisions made by jews, and minor daily decisions made for you by woman with 25" ass.
Fags should properly be called deranged sex maniacs. The average cloacalist humps 500 strangers in his shortened lifetime. #LoveWins
#NiceAttack is an act of jihad. Who admitted Muslims to Europe & why - that's where the political focus should be placed. #TeamWhite
Yiannopoulos, Cernovich, Molyneux, Gottfried - all jews. All bent on seeing whites stay on the plantation re race & 'antisemitism.'
If white men aren't capable of running own lives, then they're niggers. & the white racial cause makes no sense. Socialism is #antiwhite.
Even by itself it's antiwhite because it assumes the avg white man needs govt to make his adult decisions. https://t.co/kh8dNOGQXW
Don't be like a dog returning to its sick. Drop conservatif ways of thinking forever when you racialize. LEADERS ARE NOT STUPID, YOU SMART.
#NiceAttack - another successful fruition of the Judeo-Islamic alliance to destroy Europe. Bald facts from #TeamWhite
Stefan Molyneux admits he's a jew. Judaism goes thru mother. His mother was born into Berlin jew family in 1937. https://t.co/pz2GsowKs3
Their policies were scripted for them by (((jews))). As you know. https://t.co/z7xD62Z2q8
Anglo-Christian culture teaches us to overlook things in the name of manners. Clever outsiders))) see they can smuggle politics as manners.
Jews filled our lands with muds and giant scoops of muslim terrorists. ^This is what every sentient white man must be made to understand.
Stefan Molyneaux is a perfect example of why pushing the hooknosed meme is fun but has an edge of danger. SM looks completely Aryan. Is jew.
Stefan Molyneaux: "My mother was born in Berlin 1937 to a pretty Jewish clan..." Presents Irish, French name. Exculpates jews. IS A JEW.
Anyone who promotes the false idea & Big Lie of white suicide serves #TeamJew whether paid or not, & regardless of intentions. #TeamWhite
I don't care what jews believe about themselves (tho its good to know since it tips their behavior), I do care how they act toward my race.
Has the welfare state made whites weaker as individual men and families or stronger? I don't need to answer that. Socialism is #antiwhite.
it's "good for jews" just like he said of WTC demolitions carried out by his crew https://t.co/EJLFm9Tg16
The catholic catechism book is as good a source for xtian doctrine as any. Read it, and find racism declared immoral, and 0 value on genes.
If the USA were controlled by Americans it wouldn't act the way it does. Trump's candidacy hints that direction, and O the System outrage!
Leftist whiteskins are either delusionals or liars. Exhibit one: they turn their grasp of 'per capita' on and off like a light switch.
Christianity places what value on whiteness? Low or high? Answer: neither. Xtianity puts no value on white genetics at all. #TeamWhite
The white race does need housecleaning, but only to this extent: it must get rid of the christianity that has made it genetically liberal.
The conservative is the man who truly believes the govt doesn't know what it's doing when it admits jihadists as refugees. #tcot
Political Correctness = Semitical Correctness (Sobran) It's not suicide. It's murder by jews. https://t.co/ht2DhpaOw4
Muslims don't strike me as weak like Catholics. They strike me as not willing to neuter their cult in deference to Americanism.
We explain to fellow whites that jews are a race at war with ours, and a race that lives by a dual code. https://t.co/18gP3LFaBE
In a way, jews are talented-tenthing the white community. Come serve our super elite as technocrats. Let the rest of yr race slide to slaves
Jews are not part of our nation. Rather, they are at war with our kind, their intentions being fully #whitegenocide-al.
To reduce white reproduction, media jews exaggerate both the upside of fornication and the difficulties of babies and young children.
She means her heart is aching with laughter. https://t.co/2tKfSyLUkA
The conservative christian is the man who hasn't the spiritual capacity even to entertain the idea that we're not all on the same page.
Japan bans Muslims - to protect japanese. America admits Muslims - to endanger Americans. Inference: USA isn't controlled by Americans.
That Japan bans Muslims suggests to me it is possible people who don't hate Japanese actually have a degree of political control in Japan.
Ban sharia among muslims? You can have your religion - so long as you don't take it seriously. No, ban Muslims entirely, and jews racially.
Trained in perverse doctrines of christian luv and what the jews call hate, they failed to use their senses, and so disappeared fm the world
The conservative, like a woman, can only see what's right in front of his eyes. Thus he's continually fooled by those off screen. #tcot
Better way to put it: France before jews....and after. https://t.co/s4HgleGwWd
Remember: jews worldwide are uniformly in support of admitting muslim terrorists into white lands - and barring them from Israel.#NiceAttack
More nice white people killed by muslim terrorists admitted to Europe by the Rabbi crew. https://t.co/GwLrMB7byk
Using "we" without defining it - that's what let's the jew in. #NiceAttack doesn't happen becuz leaders are weak but because they want it.
The "strong" in politics are those who call out the agendas: the jews are using muslims and blacks to destroy white nations. Boom.
Religion truly is anti-evolutionary in that it strikes hard and continual blows against anything manly in the hominid breast.
The conservative is a mental child who cannot but see in Great Leaders the only true adults, who run the national 'family.'
The conservative is not intellectual enough to look beneath surfaces, and he lacks imagination to realize not all are loser-follower-saps.
The conservative is the man who unconsciously believes we are all on same page, same agenda, want same things. So he's always fooled & wrong
The mass-man conservative thinks everyone thinks like he does, he's just a little smarter, can point out their errors.
The conservative, the little-man, thinks everyone is on same page, is team-player like him. Because he can't conceive true strength or will.
Problems in politics are not matters of strength and weakness as the little-man conservative always thinks, but of hidden agendas. #tcot
There are millions of Flip christians, and Korean. Not one of them goes down in history. Only the whiteskin xtians ever produce anything.
Islam and Judaism must go the way of Thugee, the ancient Indian murder cult from which the term 'thug' derives.
"Understand" muslims? easy. they're a violent religious cult. Neither interesting nor complex. Jews who admitted them are the real problem.
Thanks, jews https://t.co/I374J9xhv4
Preserve the snow leopards! Rare and valuable creatures. But whites aren't? The race that created pretty much literally everything?
Jewish agenda and behavior can't survive inspection, that's why Tribe concocted the scam-concepts of antisemitism and racism. #TeamWhite
Explaining jews to normal whites. That's what politics is in 2016. A growing body of whites refuses to live as slaves under jews.
Jews behind the scenes, causing bad things to happen, then misrepresenting them on tv. Laughing at the contemptibly gullible goydolts.
Immigration isn't weather. It's a choice. But who makes it? Why? Answer these, and understand politics. It's not like what you see on tv.
USA is great for criminal invader mexicans and thieving billionaire jews...not so great for worker-earner whites in middle ie real Americans
NYT has picture of guilty truck... #NiceAttack ... So much hate in that semi. https://t.co/gAt9fDS41n
Moderation in all things. That's Greek advice for your personal life. It works. You don't need the drama-queenery xtianity offers.
Christians don't trust atheists but love jews (most jews are atheists). This is a measure of the general mental level of the crosscult.
Whites must be governed by a self-conscious racial elite, and race must be written into law as basis of society, and that understood by all.
Blacks are just there to be used by jews. Same with whites. Send whites off to die to expand Israel. Use blacks to destroy domestic life.
The controlled media have only one subject, object and interest - bashing whites till they disappear. As (((Ignatiev))) said.
France is 'on the verge of a civil war', intelligence chief warns https://t.co/8aAaY8CwhW via @MailOnline
"First we allowed the jews in. They let in the Muslims. Then it was nothing but hell." --official history of white west
(((who))) controls immigration? in France? In US? https://t.co/YGzVzC7heh
Always remember: extreme right is normal people. That's all it means. it's jewspeak for normal whites WHO WILL FIGHT BACK.
NEVER BLAME NON-WHITES. Rule 1 in controlled media. https://t.co/XDZ8t9npDF
the fact that an entity is called something, say France, says nothing about who actually runs it and sets agenda. this is > for most whites
who says whites must race mix and it will be made mandatory if they dont do it voluntarily https://t.co/ZA45u4Jt55
Waste of time, given universalist doctrine. It's the believer's job to grow up mentally, not mine to convert him. https://t.co/JrzTqxSoV0
July 14, 2016:
those gosh-darn muzzies just refuse to act in ways that sustain the manufactured illusion. that's their real crime, if any
Time for a noyade: tie all the jews in France together and shove them in the Seine. Repeat with Muslims.
atheism and paganism arent actual religions with structures. christianity is. and it's 100% cucked. https://t.co/xv1nsqdQnM
if so, they wouldnt move to whiter neighborhoods 80% of time against all propaganda. face it: jebus cult is bad https://t.co/pYVt5cHG6H
July 13, 2016:
"People who aren't us are animals. They may be used and abused freely." - judaism Now that, christian simps, is a racial cult.
White sees a "black man" (propaganda term for nigger). Instinct says kill it. Church says love it See the problem? Insight from #TeamWhite
Everyone has the same view of blacks (they're niggers). Yet they draw full spectrum of political inferences from that shared view.
Reactionaries are motivated by two things: 1) bad taste in art 2) urge to grovel Oops. I got the order wrong. #NRx
maybe 50% racialists are white and christian and think the contradiction doesnt matter because...hey - thinking doesn't matter. WRONG SIR
great. tepid, half-assical niggling response in last decade of his life after he's banked billions inside System https://t.co/eTaBy5Nqso
copping means writing, and writing means pain to the avg cop. that's why his attitude is shitty. and that he's a lazy govt parasite
There's nothing funnier than comedians who all think the same way! --operating theory behind late night TV
Likelier to cause a white revolt than #Rotherham https://t.co/KlNNE067Vy
the last time Germans bred? Hitler. tell me again he's evil death force. if you say that, you hate whites #TeamWhite
Whites must form a team to destroy and replace jews. That's how we regain sovereignty. Your piddling horseshit jebus has nothing to do w it.
Who calls the shots? Who does what to whom? These were Lenin's questions. In the US, and West, it's jews. And whiteskins suffering.
Our cause must be a jealous cause, and hate all pretenders - these are the jews currently bossing us as a race-team, and xtian loserism.
Buchanan picked a nigger VP. He's an Irish Catholic, not a racialist. He's weak, not strong. He's System, 98%. https://t.co/rDqEEejG1b
The derriere guard has caught on to jews. The vanguard is on christians. Of course, both must be attacked always & simultaneously.
The minute you actually examine any particular tradition you find it's on a scale from puzzling to outright dangerous.
Why is it that the christian conception of doing good never involves any kind of serious examination of consequences? #ClownCult
nothing good ever came out of the Middle East, which is itself some puffery for what used to be called the Near East
racialism supersedes catholicism - therefore the church is correct in seeing in racialism a vital threat
both jews and catholicism see their ultimate threat in the white race becoming conscious of and valuing itself. they are correct
we're going to beat the jews with a bunch of people who can't grasp that a universalist cult is the opposite of racialism? #THATDICKWONTFUCK
so in her case, about like it's run now https://t.co/Z8chutuEYW
no one says, "i want to move to a catholic neighborhood." it's always a "white neighborhood." we all know religion is clownage, ultimately
the catholic church historically PROTECTED jews from enraged whites. this is FACT. jewish claims are, as always, lies
he's a catholic https://t.co/7OT1GoUraC
All the public-sector parasites and kwallege-kid retardates supported Obama last time, jew Bernie this. Follow the bumper stickers..
all jewish historical claims at the level of that-which-appears-in-govt-school-textbooks may be safely assumed lies https://t.co/Gt13H4GhSe
christianity empowered jews beyond anything they could achieve on their own. without it, white men would have eradicated jews 1000 years ago
that's a common, shallow reaction. akin to believing Pat Buchanan is pro-white https://t.co/a0MiYMq6pa
Jebus Christ (one of many) is an historical fiction which has paid off for jews even better than the holocaust.
Brexit isn't shit until: 1) it happens. 2) the concrete is poured and set and an actual structure erected on it. By itself, it's mere symbol
how can christ-insanity have had but a terribly negative affect on whatever capacity the original Aryan had for causality-reasoning?
it continues to amuse me how many people who claim they believe jews lie accept that the church put jews in ghettos - a Big Lie jews spread
Hillary Clinton - best way to think about what she represents - if obese middle-aged social workers had a God, she would be it.
Because i attack catholics i'm defending prots. because i attack the south i'm defending midwest. LOGIC: U NOTZ HAS IT
AmeriKwa is a utopia for nigger criminals, conniving jewkikes, and obese middle-aged social workers.
Catholicism is the forerunner to the welfare state in that it institutionally benefits from the proliferation of abject morons.
Ever notice how every last simpson who taps out at getting a McD's order straight is an expert at interpreting God's word? #TeamWhite
The white cause is not for all whites, it's for all whites who value their race. The others can mix and disappear. #TeamWhite
Genocide needn't mean mass killing. It can also come from indifference brought on by, I don't know, christian religious belief. #TeamWhite
What does race matter if we're all God's children? How petty a thing is race next to that. #JebusFTW (Oh yeah: xtianity is #antiwhite.)
“Everyone’s sticking together in their groups,” she said, “so white people have to, too.” NAILED IT. https://t.co/MtnnNVY2B9 #TeamWhite
a manly looking jebus is just as unthinkable as a semitic looking one. think about that. jebes is always depicted androgenous - rightly
christian doctrine is a death trap for the white race. good thing 99% of whiteskins believe ideas dont matter
christians identify with the jebus, his variant on "i slave all day in the kitchen and you just dont appreciate it" https://t.co/pBDksrhwnR
Just because jews criticize someone or something does not mean it is pro-white. Examples: catholic church & Patsy Decline.
The claim that all humans are part of some group (God's children) provides a religious foundation for white genocide https://t.co/bzbJuEEepD
As a biological entity, jews are as valid as any other kind. There is no morality involved, just racial struggle. https://t.co/bzbJuEEepD
Conversion (of jews) is the solution that failed. jews are a biological entity, not a people with wrong beliefs. https://t.co/bzbJuEEepD
The problem is the church defines jews wrong AND CANNOT CHANGE THIS DEFINITION - which determines the 'solution.' https://t.co/bzbJuEEepD
We've been messing around with jews for 2000 years, thanks to the idiots of the catholic church, which has led us to precipice of genocide.
1,100 ISIS Terrorists in Germany https://t.co/dCWo7aRTyo via @NewObOnline
“Refugee” Sex Attack—in Massachusetts https://t.co/ahg9KOwNu2 via @NewObOnline
classic context-denial distortion by jew - 2,100 Chicago Shootings; “Black Lives Matter” Silent https://t.co/qKANNYmZlf via @NewObOnline
July 12, 2016:
This time we kill them. We tried your conversion, little cross crickets. It didn't work. This time we kill them. All of them. #TeamWhite
the feds have made more terror out of one white woman with turpentine & nails in her garage than #BLM https://t.co/uV0D1GDsUz
there's something called a will to adult mentation, and it is lacking in an increasing percentage of the white population
When someone shows you what he is, believe him. Jews have shown what they are on the field and in their Talmud. Believe them. #TeamWhite
no one is allowed to draw conclusions about jews except the ones they prefab for us. which all (read: all) turn out to be lies on inspection
Even Joe Sobran exhibited this. Hotly listing ways humes are superior to monkeys. Same red anger as a Baptist. https://t.co/FrbkMGEuh3
Most things i can understand. But i have never understood what is so emotionally disturbing about the idea of being descended from monkeys.
The three roads for blacks in America: 1) back to Africa 2) self-help 3) lie, cry, blame whites Guess (((who))) chose #3 for them?
The #ADL, America's #1 hate group, got its start by blaming blacks for a sex attack-murder committed by a jew. #LeoFrank
her: we must listen to niggers nigger: i hate whites and want to kill them her: whatever does that nigger mean? we just dont know.
July 11, 2016:
The belief in equality, which is a religious belief, comes from christianity, a cult based on the negation of the idea of human standards.
"Whites will outperform other races so long as they exist. . . . Why are you looking at me? (smiles)" --Nathan Jacob Wise, The New Elders
Universalism, whether muslims, christian or (((NWO))) - all are opposed to White Racialism, white specificism, hence all are enemies.
Racialism and the cross cult are competitors to provide Ultimate Context to lives. They cannot be reconciled. Choose #TeamWhite!
Christianity and White nationalism are on the same level. Hence, they are competitors. This can't change, it is eternal. One...or the other.
Why do I attack christianity? Because it is a competing view with racialism. Not a matter of taste or private opinion, beneath politics.
There's more valuable diversity in the average white familiy line than in the entire black race. #TeamWhite urges you to value your race.
notice the way at many top sporting events they play national athems...speeded up to near-Chipmunks level. this is to mock nationalism
present at the creation (of a myth). https://t.co/DQ4FQflqlu
when i hear neoreaction i think catholic, weak. spiritual queers. https://t.co/vT6V3YTv4T
(((david horowitz))) popularized 'whitey' - so he can reap money rewards of critting black violence while diminishing white racial value
Ghana’s “Right of Abode”: Roadmap to Racial Peace? https://t.co/P9lzXgBron via @NewObOnline
July 10, 2016:
Son of Energy Minister Arrested for Attacking Golden Dawn Office https://t.co/pTDKK47svJ
"treason" = criticizing jews https://t.co/vudQQj22hy
Sojourners was not always called Sojourners. It was called Post-American. https://t.co/uDOr2OaCmR
The christians said they could fix em. Said we had a duty to em. We all see how that worked out. #TeamWhite says let's try nature's way.
after quantitative easing and its myriad brother fart words, online college is the biggest financial scam going
democracy is based on many dubious theories, starting with the assumption votes can be counted accurately
The evidence is in: christianity was historical mistake made by our race. Time to stop making it. #TeamWhite
Chinese Fight Arabs—In Italy https://t.co/O7wmnJEdSK via @NewObOnline
“Adjusted for the homicide rate, whites are 1.7 times more likely than blacks to die at the hands of police” https://t.co/nk0Ojq0Xoi
Mexicans Charged in Race War against Blacks https://t.co/oIvyFuKzPI via @NewObOnline
classic nigger, great stuff - Ugandan President: “Jews Aren’t Christians” https://t.co/SYkuiSz8GK via @NewObOnline
Jews sicced niggers on whites with genocidal malice aforethought. For that, jews as a tribe have earned a racial death sentence. #TeamWhite
US Goes on High Alert for Black Terrorism https://t.co/G0ZWPtDhNo via @NewObOnline
Heart, hands and head make HOMELAND #TeamWhite https://t.co/qUwkV9OoX5
Talking to media of your own free will is only a shade less stupid than talking to cops. https://t.co/aIiMruaVzJ
July 09, 2016:
xtians: force whites into spiritual association w blacks jews: force whites into political association with blacks #TeamWhite
"I wouldn't mind if my sister married Harambe. As long as he votes Republican and goes to church." --Trick Wilson
"Bow and scrape before the ape." --Hillary Clinton to the white masses whose taxes fund The Nigger Lifestyle, a Homo Ebtus feat
Notice how they chose that photo to make the white guy look like a crybaby wuss: "Ow, he poked me." https://t.co/0DkVzpRkKH
we need a verb for jew pretending to be white. reminds me of what queensbury wrote on card to oscar wilde 'posing as sodomite'
not bad https://t.co/VVzbVMLcLz
what does it matter how high your IQ if you're too scared to laugh at what's stupid? What is your spunk quotient, son?
PHOTOSHOP https://t.co/I3mYF6QyIc
these things must make instinctual (almost) sense, so that they are understood without being explained. to succeed. https://t.co/1y79mE8I00
jews treat whites much in the way a kindergarten teacher big-eyes her children. AND MOST WHITES GO RIGHT ALONG WITH THAT.
they would be straightening if they were pretending to be white https://t.co/rlAfPzXYUp
jiting, hard i. (((posing))) as white. jew pretending to be white for political purposes. aka tim wise's career, jesse benn, et al.
whines mixed with jew-scripted lies is really all you little ochre-colored peopleol have to offer isnt it
Jebus mastered the Cuckface https://t.co/Phcsyv4L3Q
The xtian argues whites have a moral duty to coloreds cuz we share a creator. The racialist says we have duty to protect our kind fm others.
We owe coloreds something because we're all children of God? Do you not see what a dumb, dangerous doctrine that is? #TeamWhite
Crosscucks are always to be found on the side of the ugly, ridiculous and untrue. The lugubrious and defective are their milieu.
White creativity is 99% invested in hobgobblins like "Good" or "Racism." These abstractions captivate halfwits to exclusion of reality.
70-IQ niggers (African avg, to be charitable) don't want freedom, they want goods they cant produce themselves. https://t.co/3oEAb34Frs
Sorry, biology doesn't go away because you reject it. https://t.co/3oEAb34Frs
Like the state is separate from race. You're cowards and fools, you libertarians. https://t.co/nsfK4KzYEa
Prayer = doing nothing. It's popular with the common folk. Doesn't take any effort or commitment. Christianity is the opposite of civ.
Christianity is a 1% dilution of jew concentrate. Same lies and techniques, but super wussy and pale. Working the soft side feebly, slowly.
Christianity: the face of cowardice. The face of lies. The face of death. https://t.co/2zoyyQK1qh
#tcot https://t.co/aoyZl7cg1E
July 08, 2016:
"White men! White women! . . . The Jew is using The Black as muscle against you." --Blues Brothers (1980)
Most whites would breathe a sigh of relief if all niggers disappeared overnight. In that fact lies considerable political potential.
all these retarded kwallege faggots heard about 'civil rights' heroes. well that train sailed. but they wont miss this one (Fags, BLM, etc)
i'm telling you for not the last time, the church half you fuckwits defend has grown a whiteskin population afraid/2 dumb to LAFF at stoopid
well shit. he has THIS and all they let us see are his irksome selfies.. https://t.co/451MSZDo6W
Whites don't need blacks. Blacks need whites. Cuz without us, they'd be living in a van down by the river. Without the van. #TeamWhite
Have you ever been poor? Most of us have, at least once in our lives. Did you find yourself turning into a nigger?
not being religious is not being cynical; nor is being religious idealism. religion is delusion. is serves the milder weakfolk for drink.
Whites built civilization. Blacks are like an unwanted guest walking around shitting on floor, making holes in wall, eating the food.
people who think jews is SO HARD TO GET REQUIRES STAGES, yeah no. it's in the fucking "BLUES BROTHERS." you liar or fool #TeamWhite
i never get over the amazement that most whites can't figure out the guy blaming racism & poverty for black failure has an agenda and lies
black political sophistication taps out at murderous tantrums...funded and organized by jews...with the aim of destroying white society
it's not that everything whites have done for blacks is not enough - it's literally never even mentioned. RACE DIVORCE NOW
the contents of a negro's character, much like the prize in a Cracker Jack box, is 100% likely to be disappointing
Hootie & the Blowfish? I knew his polo-shirted geniality hid something twisted. https://t.co/2zdvhByw49
You never, ever hear about blacks filching giant tomes out of dusty nooks and studying the innards assiduously. Nope. Jes' shootin' people.
"Anteaters only eat ants because of white racism & poverty." --Every jewish anthropology professor ever
If i recall Griff was associated with Run DMC when he let off on jews. The (((media))) howled. https://t.co/pd1Kn9bnz6
Hmm.... It will help me insult and understand him. Him who I always praised/punted according to his merits. https://t.co/JD03nnNWv2
No, Pete. People are weak. And fat. https://t.co/Qwtp5VjCXk
For generations, jews in "higher" "education" have lied to innocent white suckers that blacks are niggers due to racism and lack of money.
Professor Griff should have taught him about jews. https://t.co/VXu46ntrNS
Retweet if you ever had sex with Sam Francis. (Not trying to be obnoxious here, I'm honestly - this is scientific research.)
You don't have to be perfect to be The Man. George Washington and Adolf Hitler were intensely aware of their flaws and deficits - led anyway
No one minded if Babe Ruth ate five virgins and debauched eight hotdogs. Because he had great virtues. He was The Man.
Events like these show Trump is proxy. I like Trump as a man, he seems fun. But politically, i need an openly White, anti-(((enemy))) party.
Dallas area has had loads underreported of housejackings, as niggers see all the freeways as easy escape from rich suburbs.
To turn Willie Sutton, why do cops patrol the white middle class? Cuz that's where the money is. (and the bullets arent) #anarchotyranny
This is copping's only contribution to human civilization. Joseph Wambaugh's line: "People are too weak to be evil. They're just scrotes."
"cops are heroes" only two sets hold this view: 1) cops. 2) people who haven't had interactions with them. and less 1 than 2
radical islam is redundant. there may be quiescent islam, but anything with jihad as tenet is inherently violent & dangerous
who is responsible for black people behavior/problems, according to left: 1-9: whites* (*does not include jews) 10. inanimate objects
blacks and whites don't belong in the same political unit. they cannot live under the same government. said jefferson.
Christianity and jews work the good cop/bad cop routine on the white population. 'Integrating' (making whole - lol) is a moral duty...a law?
My point in earlier tweet was white rallies ive been to in cities had cops quite visibly on all rooftops. But I guess not for #BLM.
Southerners have their version of Dolce Vita. They needn't press it on others as it's self-evidently superior, they think.
i dont think more than 1-2% of population thinks often. maybe another 10-20% can spot gross consistencies/contradictions. rest parrot only.
you're really learning a lot, i can tell. you believe everything you're told, and that's where education begins. https://t.co/RdahwJeUst
why do you only hang out with white people? does your boss know about this? #RacismHurts https://t.co/gMi4ydF5zE
you sound like a racist, not cool man https://t.co/qEuZGC7Hu6
probably https://t.co/F2aAgol3OU
whites in south africa living in squatters camps - discriminated against as 9% minority. and murdered/tortured daily https://t.co/X6yOfcZjvK
good one, man. https://t.co/MeFddu3YhJ
your ill-informed opinion < pile of dead niggers https://t.co/NePWMIxkrP
No, I was born at 0. https://t.co/T1eD1jW0k8
funny...white rallies i've been at had copters in sky, dogs, hundreds of patrolmen everywhere...but not #BLM cuz they peaful protesin, man
if blacks are justified in shooting random cops then whites are 1000x more justified in shooting random (((media))) members.
Angry muslims (ISIS), angry niggers (#BLM) never, ever seem to go after jews, do they? Just targets jews select for them.
Racialism overlooks the few for the many; conservatism and christianity do the opposite. "Come with us if you want to live." --#TeamWhite
blacks must be treated as a hostile group jews must be treated as a hostile team That's what racial politics means. Gross, crude - necessary
first subtly, then loudly the (((media))) say whites deserve to be murdered because they insist on jailing nigger criminals
Why are atheists so obnoxious? To get back for the MILLIONS OF LIFE HOURS WASTED digging thru book boxes full of CHRISTAL SHITLIT
In the army he was known as Sambo "Black Rambo" Hyde. He had a passion for racial justice and flapjacks. https://t.co/LDNwGpvsj4
I'm glad beyond words to see the spread of valid ideas. Let me put it that way. The memes are very successful & nec. https://t.co/QCKAhhutKa
Sorry, we have to take christians for what they historically are. You can no more escape ID than communist pleaders https://t.co/AFnpj5ciJh
Evidence jebus even existed is scanty. Revilo Oliver considered him a composite, which is to say he's hi-fi char. https://t.co/5oHEkA5M0A
"We've spent decades nourishing a culture of hostility toward whites, particularly among blacks." --Nathan Jacob Wise.
Who is forcing whites to live with blacks? Since most whites don't want to? That group needs to be identified and destroyed. #TeamWhite
I dont like doing this because I'm white and even a little WASPy. I trust my material. But. We WN have been 100% RIGHT FOR 20 YEARS. DIG IT
The truth is that blacks are niggers. Jews won't tell you that. Christianity won't tell you that. #TeamWhite will. NATION begins with RACE
Every step of the way, jews cover for 'black men.' As they rape our women, obstruct our classrooms, murder our police. #TeamWhite
Christianity paralyzes the white mind, and preps the white body for digestion by the predator jew. Insight from #TeamWhite
White racialists defending christianity are precisely in the intellectual position of whiteskin liberals defending blacks. #RealityDenial
A white man with the wrong opinion gets (((labeled))) a hater, extremist, Nazi, whereas no number of crimes gets a black called a criminal.
you dont see me apologize. why? because i THINK about what i say before i type it or speak it. this is not actually hard to to do.
i'm pretty much always right, though https://t.co/m4DVgaVa06
Christianity left browntown alive...for you-know-(((who))) to use against us. Thanks, Jeboocretins! Right way? Just kill them off.
Jebus is the only jew that CHRISTIANS aren't afraid to offend. https://t.co/llxnytulz9
We can't afford to let jews control our banking and media, they are using that control to commit #whitegenocide.
July 07, 2016:
"Let's not get queer over a crackpot idea." Here's all the mentation you need, lil buddies: NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT. #TeamWhite
so...jews bring all these invaders into our countries, after telling them that we are responsible for all their problems? #loxism
Britain doing smart things? What is the world coming to. https://t.co/HpJgLUhniy
Literally saying "I hate" doesn't constitute evidence of hate. Of course 'hate crime' is a bogus concept to start w. https://t.co/UbRXLAIldE
Witches have discolored hair, poorly managed lips, and are notoriously averse to making sandwiches. "No cauldron, no cook-y," they say.
christians making excuses for god (all powerful, yet responsible for nothing) leads directly to left making excuses for niggers
"Whites tortured, enraged by bashing. But like an animal, they can't identify the source of their misery." --Nathan Jacob Wise
Blair declared he couldn't say sorry for Iraq because he'd do it again https://t.co/eZ6pwJZLB7 via @MailOnline
Thirty person brawl at Walmart https://t.co/DXrDGDCVaB via @MailOnline
July 06, 2016:
all that is necessary for jews to succeed (wreck white nations) is for whites to treat them as individuals rather than a hostile team
jews have made it so that criticizing them with words is as bad as that worst-thing-ever (that didnt happen). so: CRITICIZE JEWS, GO TO JAIL
they are defensive who have something to defend. something that's, generally, indefensible. (exs.: evolution, faith in god or regulation)
the imaginary future of the poower nigger is made to counter- -- nay, outbalance -- the life of the human it snuffed. JEWS = RACE OF LIARS
dat dindu he turnin his life around. well, no, jewliar he turning life around of PERSON HE MURDERED. him jes same old coon tune
Again: I will pretend to be a pastor and deliver a free #antifag sermon to any congregation so requesting. JE goes Puck on 11 is my motto.
you dont need to call yourself anything. labels are for enemies. you need to find the right principles and stick to them. #TeamWhite
if immig into USA ever stops, you can bet jew will lead it - and their tools like jeb taylor will leap to credit em https://t.co/cXyAZQ9Syn
All the Reasons the Rio Olympics Are Fucked https://t.co/4GPMcsS1VG
the facts of jewish behavior predating rejection of jebus doesn't conform to catholic dogma so the catholic fake-intellectual ignores them
Blacks are incurable & uninteresting. They're negligible so far as positive civilization's concerned. They can destroy things & make noise.
How investigators linked a headless body on South Padre Island to a Border Patrol agent https://t.co/SeaZyfzQmp
girls just wanna have...Sung? can this be? https://t.co/HBY26Zk6Cc
October 2 is Decision Time for Austria, Hungary https://t.co/HrNHKgE11V via @NewObOnline
look at this nigger.. https://t.co/cRtVvNNpud
July 05, 2016:
Germany: Invader Employment Flop https://t.co/7fMSpzr6Ia via @NewObOnline
July 04, 2016:
(((same type of govt that killed tens of millions of whites last century))) https://t.co/vekPanekHZ
Trump appeals openly to RUMP rangers. But only in "code" (maybe) to normal whites. Enjoy your "independence" day.
"fun" - hitler was nearly beaten to death in a gym. you with your "fun" https://t.co/1H5nXVRwsq
Trump doesn't want to be PC (quickly changes background graphic shape). C'mon Trump. Be big. Or no one needs you. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
He "has to" do this to blah blah blah. I've heard this reasoning for five decades. Doesn't work. It's how we got in this mess.
Don't remove the star, make it gold. Seriously - these (((people))) murdered 100,000,000+. They deserve death, not compliance.
35 girls aged between 12 and 17 assaulted at Swedish music festival https://t.co/qOMB42HSZP via @MailOnline
July 03, 2016:
Apus oppose apes: https://t.co/2hTd4wQzFv
doogas hate dindus - Africans in India: “We are seen as demons” https://t.co/2hTd4wQzFv via @NewObOnline
Whites Targeted in Bangladesh Attack https://t.co/0jMeSM6dfB via @NewObOnline
vermicious knids, every last 'un https://t.co/qPZdYELwzw
typical fireworks fan: Man intentionally fires a firework point blank at his own face https://t.co/DTZ6MLaiSU
Trump under fire for tweet using Star of David to call Clinton corrupt https://t.co/mPmIzRwM6N via @MailOnline
mudsharking = bad news: Vigilante dad jailed for hunting down heroin dealers speaks out https://t.co/DrQveqQ2yB via @MailOnline
There are infinite numbers of shit countries filled with shit people. There is no country like Germany.
it's not that Elie Wiesel is a liar, anyone who investigates knows that. It's that the liar has 100% support from the Tribe(a race of liars)
Criticial theory = malevolent jews (redundant) attempting to destroy white society with lies dressed up as academics https://t.co/l50XQvHMPE
"Showman" - no, he was no showman, he was a Big Liar. But ultimately, the single word that best sums up #ElieWiesel is - jew. #TeamWhite
jews don't have the physical ability or numbers to intimidate whites. they use words. xtianity preps whites to be hagridden w mind-ghosts
fire speaks an eloquent, crackling orange tongue https://t.co/BYfYF0pP4R
July 02, 2016:
fake white / fake skeptic https://t.co/AVtfHHrqlx
Propaganda? It's why you think jews are good and nazis are bad. "It ain't what you don't know, it's what you know that just ain't so."
Americans love fireworks because they are self-important noises; they are genuinely entertainment for retards.
conservatives are bitches; the more you beat them, the tenderer their flavor. think chinese and dogs
attacking the conservatives...how's that working out for us? White politics should be aggressive, intellectual and martial. #TeamWhite
Tradition: the first way that doesn't obviously kill people. "That makes it the best way." --traditionalists - longer term for idiots
Traditionalism is bunk. Quite from Klinsmann to follow - and MOST human activity follows this UNTHINKING pattern.
Remember: only use jew-approved shapes in your tweet. Help Eli the Eel Electrocute Anti-Semitism today.
"Come with us if you want to live." --Terminator https://t.co/Kx1GIHMa4W
Joe Sobran's term. I have used it more than anyone in the world. More than he did. All should use it. https://t.co/2QqxdBQa2N
I would guess if you did a cross-nation study of use of local term for 'deserve,' British use it 10x more often than other folk.
#JoCox was classic Anglo type: eyes that could pick out a Suffering Situation at 10,000 miles...but somehow miss Muzz-raped girl next door.
Message to dim-witted traditionalists and meta-meatheads: you can't step over what's many leagues in front of you.
A plan, organization, commitment...in time yield results. https://t.co/kix0uCYV3h
The Anglo's penchant for moralizing (listen to British sports announcers) and attitudinizing transfer readily into Semitical Correctness.
And half of the 2.6million cars made in Britain last year were built by German-owned firms such as BMW, which runs Mini and Rolls-Royce.
Germany sells more cars to Britain than to any other country, with 810,000 exported last year, Mr Wissman said.
The story of the white race, whether it ends or new-shoots, largely turns on whether Anglos have courage to admit they were wrong re NS/WWii
What the Nazis said about freemasonry nearly 100 years ago: https://t.co/1vz8dnFKJ9
Year in Nonwhite NYC School Cures Liberal https://t.co/bTWfKOemF4 via @NewObOnline
Italy: Invaders Flee from CasaPound https://t.co/nSFkM00LSs via @NewObOnline
Burger-flipping robots are headed for San Francisco https://t.co/yOFBbVPXdZ via @MailOnline
digging? oy! thatz goy work. we shall find some brawny poles. they know from ditch digging. https://t.co/cOQRobvhd5
soon retarded little Flyover goy nits will be collecting Liberty Spoons to Remember The Holocaust https://t.co/Zl9jCcRsGS
no doubt coming soon to "US" holohoax museum: SPOON EXHIBIT https://t.co/Zl9jCcRsGS
July 01, 2016:
"Mortimer Matz, one of the contest's hype men, unapologetically admitted to The New York Times ..." https://t.co/Yh29hgnoww via @MailOnline
in this story, jews lie about hotdogs - Behind Nathan's famed hot dog contest, a whopper of a legend https://t.co/Yh29hgnoww via @MailOnline
Really, he's being pedantic. https://t.co/E4hiVOmBe5
Spoonstein huffed and puffed and dug himself free. (Spoon also useful to recover diamonds in tuchus.) https://t.co/I0sahJFFu7
Disaster strikes again when Brontë's oldest sisters, Elizabeth and Maria, die aged 10 and 11, partly as a result of their school's unhygien
i'll bet they're making sure to mention to those kids that jews arent white https://t.co/HgOhmlHTkL
Elite K-8 school teaches white students they're born racist https://t.co/z11zQIF9E7 via @nypost
Teutoberg Forest...when German tribes come together... https://t.co/kzWfSf35zB
This weekend in #Chicago, negroids will struggle to obtain 10:1 shot:kill ratio. I, for one, forecast 4: 45.
Americans - only people in the world dumb enough to fall for jews' bullshit. But that period is coming to a close. #TeamWHite
If not formed by then allowed to form - and funded, equipped, medically treated by #TeamJew is Isis https://t.co/sjABlMHs0g
i ask little of a political candidate; only that he throw commies out of copters with the alacrity of the Grinch giving back stolen presents
"hate" is a coldly calculated tactic devised by #TeamJew, but whiteskin simps who use it actually believe hate/love division is real thing
how mentally limited-slash-unsure of yourself do you have to be to think all opposed to you are driven by "hate"?
if you use words intelligibly, or recognize when you're not, you're part of the intellectual elite, i'm afraid
the two faces of #TeamWhite https://t.co/xQvwrMKXne
"obese, retarded, violent, parasitic niggers...who could deny they're our greatest strength?" https://t.co/s3jSquM3BN
hey lil buddy...all set for a big weekend o' rehoming viruses? https://t.co/zV721z5QBP
i mean, j edgar hoover (no homo) said there was a network underlying things that shocked him. HEAD OF FBI SAYING THAT. he omitted only (((
Vinegar is genuine panacea. Love, by contrast, is of highly limited application. Timeless wisdom from #TeamWhite.
big government = #antiwhite https://t.co/pgCzm2g8aU
“not just sloppy mistakes but massive violations of the law” #Austria https://t.co/xkS35y2qrd
Trump in! Mexicans out! https://t.co/ApWgIq81T3
i'm surprised that #Brexit vote was allowed to win, though i suspect it won by more than was admitted https://t.co/0fd8E55bFS
conservatism as a disposition (kirk) is right. one should doubt the new and the Ethusiastic nitwits.
when meat is processed into pink goo and plasticked into tubes - that's a good metaphor for conservatives: common protein sludge. #tcot
"racism" is jewspeak. an attack on your existence, your essence, your very being. not your behavior or beliefs. #WhiteVocabulary #TeamWhite
What is bourgeois? In America, it is the mother in Ferris Bueller's day off. A bit dated, but perfectly on target.
not when i lived there it wasnt https://t.co/fOxM3SXzqS
The time for bourgeois self-satisfaction (capital Glen Ellyn, Ill.) is over, a new Age of Heroes is upon us... #TeamWhite
every two-bit nitwit thinks it can tell jews from photos. there is no bottom to goy foolishness. same with "crazy" eyes. avg person is moron
infinitely. calif has good weather. ill will soon have as many mexicans https://t.co/ojradjRKWs
I suspect mars was jewed. But that's just me. https://t.co/dWj8leUUy6
anti-semitic atmosphere refuses to comply with climate alarmists: https://t.co/bRFDKr0sUb
youngs will never believe this but there was about a 18-month period in early-mid '80s when homo-opps weren't reflexively called homophobes
Whites have difficulty grasping jews because The Thing is much bigger than they can conceive. They think on their level. Step back, whitebro
Trump v System And Trump's not even wholly anti-System. Shows the fear. https://t.co/efuaakLZnJ
Notice the jews have epithets not just for the hated race generally but for each of its subsets and typical behaviors. #loxism #TeamWhite
'becky' 'chad' 'white privilege' 'racism' 'microaggressions' - the list of #antiwhite epithets grows almost daily
what someone won't say is usually more significant than what they will say, and this is particularly true in politics
parallel is carroll quigley's Tragedy and Hope. about New World Order. which he supported. insight is still there. https://t.co/QozKSGTjfJ
it's about the science of it, not who uses it https://t.co/QozKSGTjfJ
probably just avg christian weakling https://t.co/fmiGhdINFH
"Shat-a-Jew" was given “asylum” in Austria cuz the European Union hates the Russian government, and routinely sides with Putin opponents.
Right-wing religious intellectuals prefer the elaborate to the accurate, which to them, in their pseudo-sophistication, is plebeian.
The thing i most despise about throne-n-altar pseudointellectuals is their complexifying, quite wrongly, what is simple.
jews provide a simple, false explanation of the world they know will attract women and weak-mindeds #diversity #hate #tolerance
jews know the dumber 3/4 of whites see symbols and portents in everything - and are encouraged in this by their xtian cult. they play to it.
"Tschatajew" - what a perfect name for a terrorist. jews shat these terrorists into our formerly nice white lands...
One sticks their ass in the air for sex. The other for prayer. Both are poison to a healthy society. Both are promoted by ((())) #TeamWhite
private banking isn't the problem - the feds gave those private banks the power; they created the banking cartel https://t.co/EpxJK8y29j
Same day we learn Istanbul mastermind had asylum in #Austria, court calls for revote. Under Hofer, no aslyum for these terrorists.
"The [EU] states preferred to “turn a blind eye to Tschatajew’s illegal and dangerous activities just to annoy Russia,” the source.
Istanbul Terrorist Got “Asylum” in Austria https://t.co/FuxMHOE2iY via @NewObOnline
Remember Ellul: propaganda is when you have complete coordination among ALL official vectors - school, govt, media, big business...
jews beelined to mass media because with it they can create Flipworld. where white is bad and colored good. #TeamWhite
in the end you will all come around to the position that the only solution to jews is counter-exterminating them. because it's right.
of course jews control the media. if they didn't, they would be portrayed as liars and aggressors, instead of persecuted victims. #TeamWhite
modern problems aren't complex at all: they all spring from the jew. Ford said as much in 1920 - even more so today
leftists know they are lying. your appeal to fairness or double standards strikes them merely as childish weakness. #tcot
and that's just our men #obesity https://t.co/I6bT6FJ6Fy
notice how all these pretend pro-white jews (boris johnson, journo yiannopoulous, geert wilders) have fake blond hair?
here's what i saw growing up. jews treated as privileged. christians in position of authority scraping before them. i concluded: xtian = cur
look at the open, raw hatred directed at the white girl who sued UT. notice the (((MSM))) use the nigs' "becky" slur. OPEN HATRED NORMAL NOW
it's easy and safe to criticize muslims. but that's not what's needed. what's needed is grasping who))) let them in and why. #whitegenocide
all muslim analysis is done when you discover JIHAD (holy war, literal not just internal-spiritual) is a tenet. the ? is WHO)) admits them?
i'm not a christian - i think my sense organs are valuable, indeed necessary in understanding the world
the left doesn't lie and smear and murder by choice but by logic. there is no other way for a tiny, extreme anti-majority position to win
Honest counting of ballots = victory for "Far Right." Left jokes itself into the truth, altho "far right" = sexually/mentally normal.
"irregularities potentially affected nearly 78,000 votes — more than twice the margin separating the two candidates." #Austria
it really seems to be the case that only German people are capable of following the law against their own interest - their pride & heel
"it appeared to represent the first time that a nationwide vote will have to be repeated "in any modern world democracy." #Austria
Contrast Nixon with Austria. Nixon knew Kennedy won by cheating. But to demand recount would threaten democracy. Yes that happened.
cheating and lying are business as usual for (((left))) - 14 Vote Frauds: Austrian Election Rerun https://t.co/2ZTVrLoQm1 via @NewObOnline
Austrian court overturns presidential election result https://t.co/1xM2fMnaGc via @usatoday
So, after 2000 years, is the Catholic policy of "converting" jews working? Have they ceased to threaten and seen the light? #TeamWhite
this is free press: bunch of jews babbling to other jews. left/right = they're all jews or georgie-will smitherses https://t.co/L5VPbvSqre
June 30, 2016:
lol at Occam dodgers. look guys, sorry it's not more complex, but maybe just deal with it? for honesty's sake? jews = the (((there))) there
June 29, 2016:
US-Syrian Weapons Sold on Black Market https://t.co/ZnlBpiflRd via @NewObOnline
June 28, 2016:
Seven refugees in Idaho 'diagnosed with active tuberculosis' https://t.co/CBQSqg3Koo via @MailOnline
Inside world's largest mosquitoes factory https://t.co/0O5hQvyjtd via @MailOnline
National EU referendum banned in Germany because HITLER abused polls https://t.co/SLhbyM6mIO via @MailOnline
Trump: EU Must Halt Invasion https://t.co/DHQysu7qNJ via @NewObOnline
June 27, 2016:
"And his fib fooled the tot" - Dr. Seuss, Cindy Lou Who = white race https://t.co/fEklsbyhMw
protesters "attack" media NEVER: protesters attack Whites activists - always some variation of "turns violent" https://t.co/QrmIIu3PIf
That's the jareb taylor lie. "we're doing it to ourselves." his main mission in lie is telling whites to self-blame https://t.co/0jyBexUoZa
"nation of immigrants" successful jew meme fronted by JFK. and most americans seem to think it's in the constitution https://t.co/uONfqkGY1L
June 26, 2016:
as always (((media))) treat whiteness as disease condition that needs to be medicated https://t.co/CtVrl8Jlcd
(((that's why we did it))) https://t.co/MVZX5vY0It
reversed in plain sight: how could such an educated, advanced, civilized people (20th cent Germans) 'turn on' the jews?
pope = antiwhite, pro-queer Francis: Christians must apologize to the sexually degenerate https://t.co/T2pnQ47A5e
#HeroMair #VillainJoCox https://t.co/S0uzSGQSCf
the left and the lefted right have grown completely accustomed to jewish argument - smearing only. (((leftists))) dont argue, they abuse/lie
putting a trashcan on your head, painting a red target on your chest and screaming deus vult is not a solution to white racial problems
white racialists love to brag about how creative whites are but ignore or dont realize the flip side to that https://t.co/Q6mW0CR2AX
white racialists should remember jew alinsky - get the population poor and looking to govt to satisfy every need = jew power
lot of racialists dont get this: big government is INHERENTLY #antiwhite, for it produces LITTLE men https://t.co/z8t4cHn3DW
Will has a PhD in American history, has worked among jews for 5+ decades. Zero chance he is low information. https://t.co/EVhZ30t4qy
14,000-year-old mammoth found six feet under Mexican city suburb https://t.co/G8GXiE9PEo via @MailOnline
repositioning criminals on a glorious scale https://t.co/IjqR2qm2ud
June 25, 2016:
watch how many times when blacks are amid serious felonies (not cigarrillo liberation) they will CALL THEIR FRIENDS TO COME OVER 'N' PLAY
i'll say it again: muslims are like niggers: not all are criminals, but very few of them will turn in their criminals.
On behalf of all people of German or part-German descent, or who just like good things, we reject George Will as a basely (((-servile CUCK.
why do people who set fires always "run" away. and someone always sees them making guilt weight-transferring leg motions. NOT BUYING IT
Wearing ties and watches is itself sexually dubious, but wearing a bowtie, ever, for any reason, is utterly forbidden.
someone should introduce this guy to the pope. 2000 years and YOUR QUALITY CONTROL IS NON-EXISTENT https://t.co/azZhTaUakF
For you youngsters, George Will has been a lapdog to the hebes (Midge Decter & Norm! Podhoretz) from day one....
A Blow for Peace and Democracy: Why the British Said No to Europe https://t.co/rHtP9fxUYG
June 24, 2016:
jews have created a very nasty world-situation for whites by lying about us for decades, without opposition, thru mass media and schools.
this guy is a legitimate hero https://t.co/rNaBVDZukN
(((Media))) definitions: Xenophobia: voting against the side that wants to admit millions more from groups that mass-rape children
British are capable of treating anyone fairly, except their superiors. https://t.co/cRrFlv25aL
this is a large part of the true social story of white lower middle class in 2016 https://t.co/fbn87Hf8Rj
a lot of whites are border-functional. and when jews promote diversity, it leads their kids into drugs/mixing & destroys prole family lines.
one reason i have no respect for xtianity is that it lectures on morals - yet will not call jews evil. only group on earth that word fits.
if people are basically evil and stupid, ehuh, _limited_, then tying them all into one political unit is the least not dumb thing you can do
no. jews. communism. https://t.co/WXPWupJlwx
whites: fired for factual criticism of jews or their minions (blacks) jews: promoted for scurrilous racial attacks on whites (such as Trump)
i just find it sourly unfunny that cons never end with quoting Koran and Saudi funding. carefully (((overlooking)) https://t.co/1X4ROT14bV
honestly i feel redundant. people these days have totally incorporated "there's no bad publicity." insult = compliment to them.
you can walk into bookstore and buy any religious text on earth...except talmud. hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm https://t.co/b0SotZmCi8
hey jews. we get that you hate us. but...this is so awkward...how do we put it nicely? oh yeah: get lost before we kill every last 1 of you
#JewPrivilege - never having to worry about losing your job for racial attacks on whites - indeed, standing good chance of promotion
the main work remains to be done in Britain, and that is cleaning it up racially - getting rid of muslims and jews who let them in #Brexit
fellow white people (no buscemi), you can't let jews control your money and media/education system - they will attack your children w them
"Little England" - by any world-historical standard that island by itself is off-the-charts YUUUGE #Brexit
FL Assistant State Attorney Fired Over Anti-Orlando Facebook Post - ABC News - https://t.co/IXxM2HBmzb via @ABC
June 23, 2016:
nazism was quick moving, smart, tough. hitler and goebbels would absolutely be using ((( ))) were they here today now. Effective!
no one will sell bananas to britain now! no one will buy her...uh...pop music does this seem likely to you...hmmm?
Reuters: Britain votes to leave EU, unleashing global turmoil... yeah here in NEMO it's all screams and ambulance wails
and no, germany STOOD UP TO the forces that Britain wisely chose to distance itself from tonight. it BEGAN to correct ITS OWN mistakes
says the type that calls everyone who disagrees with him on anything a -phobe https://t.co/A3zfvCWnSC
jew is a race, not a position. people should keep in mind nigel farange is NOT a racial nationalist, he's a civic https://t.co/JcVzSrTcBI
and at same time, they were blasting Congress for 'nativism' as it passed the 1924 act preserving USA race-character https://t.co/jild9yQjyj
we can disagree on how to run domestic concerns, but all whites worldwide face common (((threat))). that matters now https://t.co/iJobnfjsdW
the English are blood and soil-rooted race? nah, tits is wrong: it's dualing globalism (if we had a networks) https://t.co/FaQJIDS5qZ
It's always funny to me. If some nerd said, yeah, it's all about nationalism vs globalism, yawn. But if he has big tits, then everyone cheer
Whites are under global threat from (((NWO))), so they need international defense network, well as control of individual nations.
keep in mind that most problems in britain, per the New Observer article, are caused by 'British' leadership, not EU https://t.co/QyzJuECePv
After #Brexit, those opposed to Trump and nationalism are clearly ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY. COME TO JESUS, LOSERS!
not sure how to tell you this but your kid is a https://t.co/Lb51axsEJP
Raft? oh my lordy lordy. dere aint no raf no more. it done broke loose, and gone away... https://t.co/3yprDCfdEr
Time for (((Cammy))) to do that japanese thing involving amateur exploratory abdominal surgery. #Brexit
Sounds like (((someone))) fears whites retaking control of their own countries from muslim rapists backed by jew $$. https://t.co/6qX4Tqr8H5
Voting is for settling things that aren't vital. (Vital means matters of life and death). #HeroMair #HeroDylannRoof #HeroBreivik
"Force and make believe" - xtianity is make believe. Every last one of you make-believers knows that. #TeamWhite
The first white man who dared laugh at something stupid - that was the beginning of the end of the xtian cult among humans.
"Few things are more socially useful than burning down a government school or shooting a journalist." --S. Johnson, D.O.
traditionalism is one of those things that falls apart on inspection. and not deep inspection. similar to progressivism
trads incline toward lack of comprehension. re human nature, the limits make the master, as goethe more or less said https://t.co/rqDxERJhSD
"Islamophobia" - if it's "irrational," as phobia must be, why isnt there "Buddhisteria" among evil racist whites?
Go pay your bills at city hall. How many of the gals processing your check have asses under 24" spread?
Society as a whole is set up for jews. Everyday's machinery is run by & for overstuffed middle-aged menopausals.
the artist creates something and moves on to something else; the real benefit & love of it is for the nons. in pol, latter are cons or trads
"Blame wood, iron, stone. And of course whites. But never, ever even appear to apportion blame to The Black Man." --AP Stylebook
boy, it's never the nasty criminal nigger that fails. always other races or inanimate objects. https://t.co/5VPTta1SEZ
if there's one thing an obese negress loves more than a giant plate o' pancakes, it's flinging the underlying plate at janiqua cross de way
Former Fox2 anchor nigger busted in New York for 'molesting 14-year-old boy' https://t.co/R3Kzj3wITQ via @MailOnline
Brexit: Real Change or Titanic Deck Chairs? https://t.co/S0JiVHsDiY via @NewObOnline
June 22, 2016:
#HeroMair - Neo-Nazi suspected killer of British MP said “the white race will prevail” in “bloody struggle” https://t.co/xKujsBmh2e
macaque flapjack brawl - Two she-niggers cause thousands of dollars in damage in IHOP brawl https://t.co/yoCv6tQETC via @MailOnline
Monster crocodile three men high caught - but where? https://t.co/FRU9kW8122 via @MailOnline
Scientology’s $50million Hollywood studio opens on Sunset Blvd https://t.co/bVYkwEH78a via @MailOnline
Miguel described Mateen as a confused gay man and a heavy drinker who was attracted to - but felt rejected by - Latinos. #diversitySux
just good healthy people, these queers - Orlando shooter's 'lover' says the attack was 'revenge' on ex-lovers https://t.co/YZohfuN0w3
this hatred of Trump that suppurates from every media piece - Trump is a proxy for their hatred of white you. THEY HATE US FOR OUR RACE
bears, pine trees are failing our niggers - US Outdoors: “It’s a White Thing.” https://t.co/uPjBGw99Ue via @NewObOnline
June 21, 2016:
Listen, British. You know I rate only slightly higher than mexicans & college admins. But if you dont #Brexit, u will get abuse like NEERB4.
"Across the counter, Jewesses with fat rouged lips consuming ice cream sodas and pimento sandwiches." --Thomas Wolfe
that's true, and that's the part many scared whites are at pains to deny, but it's almost the most important fact. https://t.co/NyMqPU1RSa
people are fooled by words. there is no organization of 'Americans.' but there is an organization of jews - with blueprint.
as a Revolutionary War veteran, i am personally disgusted at the direction this nation has taken. this is not what we intended
picture of normal white looking at jew with disgust. on end of pitchfork. that jew could be...why, let's not limit ourselves
it's unfair to compare Hitler to Hitler, let alone anyone else. funny how Germany got real healthy when jewfleas were on the scurry
the System is gearing against Trump, same as it did Buchanan and Duke and Ron Paul. just scan heads at yahoo, google news, wash post, etc
I'll say again, if you're 40 and martially plausible, the entire world can be yours. Millions of whites await your call... #TeamWhite
it's humiliating to the religious mind, the factual observation that beliefs matter less than mere genes
race doesn't matter...to the braindead https://t.co/EqPdqm3gl1
jews have been called nation-wreckers for centuries. it's time to admit they are the problem and fight them directly https://t.co/aZzP0vNDZc
White capital W political culture is forced to evolve, similar to the way sports improve over time. inevitably this involves NSlike change
diversity-the-false-and-planted-ideal is the belief-lie that cultures differ only in trivial ways - akin to race merely being skin color
The reason the left went nuts about Willie Horton ad was - it worked. Trump should do same with Idaho girl and invader criminals.
Trump should put this front and center https://t.co/yNLW0oPR1R
June 20, 2016:
leftists get off on murdering white nations - German Green-Communists Want North Africans https://t.co/4RXvM6yrik via @NewObOnline
Auction: Hitler Items Demand Top Dollar https://t.co/uSEK3osx31 via @NewObOnline
June 19, 2016:
Imagine Trump saying "AMERICA is going to build this wall, jewsmedia and jew-whore politicians be damned."
Left/right is not a fake division because the jews coopted the right to serve the left. It's a real psych/genetic divide, even among whites.
Left/right doesn't go away because you like some french cunt's tits. You guys are so easily moved it makes me puke.
Someone needs to form up a White Army. https://t.co/IDJmCscUNE
Trump gets Americans to build wall for free. Then we round up ill aliens, and take assets from them till its paid for, them kick then out.
While white men were inventing airplanes, jews were inventing horseshit like psychiatry and calling it science.
dat Truniggin', dat https://t.co/qVxOIc4Aqb
what color are the nigger suspects? https://t.co/gPkSV6hilv
#JoCoxMP - good riddance to figure-cutting do-gooding jillass who either supports or doesnt care about horrific bang-ons of her 'good.'
I'm very angry the Disney Ray will be sexweird; it should be named Irwin or Steve and normal but overly peppy. https://t.co/oM7jxR3qQf
The (((left))) has lies and violence. We have the truth and violence. And so far we've only been using the truth.
Jew Moneylender Took the Children of Amish Family as Sex Slaves for Repayment of Debts https://t.co/qtxhbD17Gv
INSTITUTIONAL RACISM: Clemson let white students be tarred and feathered for hate-crime they knew w… https://t.co/OyG3tWrGQq
Man restores his grandparents' 1916 flat-pack home from Sears https://t.co/ILZWRTpupW via @MailOnline
Do Muslims use violence? One laughs. Do jews use violence. One laughs harder. So why do all these anonymites want it unthinkable for whites?
Brexit: “Remain” Weaker after Cox Murder https://t.co/KFYHa5YQN9 via @NewObOnline
June 18, 2016:
"When you talk about God, Cindy, you're telling people, 'I'm a loser.' Now, is that really the tale you want to tell?" --Dad Brady
A real god wouldnt need millions of morons to speak for him. https://t.co/SvmVe0ZYRn
if we all just pretend hard enough, nasty reality will go away. femalethink + (((PC))) = where we are now. reality = hate = shoot the messgr
"i look for the good in people" = reality scares me and anyone who pays attention to it is hateful and The Real Problem
PSU support for JOEPA is truly cultic https://t.co/YKJLfSOJ6U
Don't get too excited about #HeroMair's electoral victory over notorious #antiwhite #JoCoxMP. Some (((judge))) will just throw it out.
Horny jack stood roadside, just beyond the light circle, clenching and unclenching his fists. Soon...all the blood he could lick.
Good white men must come together and agree that our RACE matters and our enemy is the JEW and THOSE WHO SERVE HIM. https://t.co/HomDmfuxzx
Wow, contemptible Muslim-rapist-supporting (((tool))) #JoCoxMP married to a scumbag. WHAT A SURPRISE. https://t.co/hy15xr7jR3
If it wasn't for people like the contemptible tool #JoCoxMP, the #Rotherham child-rapists would still be in Pakistan. She's a PIECE OF SHIT.
Britain should develop a culture that respects character more than figure-cutting. That's my cheap free advice, you stupid island monkeys.
Yes, they do deserve it. But they have good elements, and they MUST win thru. #HeroMair https://t.co/r0FRrPeCVI
No one cares about what the MUSLIMS THIS CUNT LET IN did to all those girls. Just flower, "amazings" and preening. https://t.co/pjYnbQh01k
It looks like a fucking three stooges tryout. https://t.co/CxpjkpMesf
Ever notice how everyone who kills for white cause is "mentally ill" and just so remarkably has badporn on computer? Yeah.
God never has or will done SHIT. He's a figment of the imagination of losers. Always has been, always will be. https://t.co/ZxFxs53RlP
Bill the Butcher approves #HeroMair's vote. https://t.co/XcLfnYjXI8
For the first time, #JoCoxMP is actually enriching Britain. A real grassroots effort, you might say. #Brexit #HeroMair
THINKING: a family fun game the whole retarded clan can enjoy!! Anything white-destructive, that's PROGESS. Anything white-helpful = HATE.
Hey, #JoCoxMP, is it cold in the grave? You liking the underground facilities? Made any amazing worm friends? U'll look amazing w/o eyeballs
Jews provide simple, retarded 'explanations,' and whiteskin goy sapsuckers lick them up. "Wull, thass jes HATE!"
If you think "hate" is an actual explanation for anything, you should refrain from breeding. #TeamWhite
Have to admire the (((master baiters))), dividing the world into haters and heros. And the goysuckers bit hard.
#JoCoxMP - boy, this dead nation-wrecker's sister is really getting off on this, isn't she. Just a family #antiwhite character-midgets.
#JoCoxMP was an "amazing" woman who "looked for the best in everyone." Did she care about consequences of Muzzy invasion? No. That's "hate."
Why is cowardly #AnnCoulter afraid to admit that jews are responsible for the 1965 Immigration Act that is murdering America daily?
"Ours is a country where tolerance and respect for other people and different viewpoints have always been highly valued. (1/2)
Asked to give his name at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Sat. morning, he replied: "My name is death to traitors, freedom for Britain".
secluded right in the middle of every tv set, telling everyone what to think. https://t.co/UQMy9zSGEb
He defended his nation. That makes him a hero. #JoCoxMP was a piece of shit, and it's great that she's dead. https://t.co/jP3BNM7BVr
Say the (((people))) who always go on about conversations and dialogue. By which they mean lecture & monologue. https://t.co/XPObhXo48M
Not everyone is jaded. When people kill for solid reasons, like #DylannRoof and #ThomasMair, it is a sign that idealism is still alive.
"It has emerged that the gun used to shoot Mrs Cox was not homemade, but was a real weapon shortened in some way." https://t.co/nlt2ugeOc0
#NiggersRuinEverything https://t.co/sdk1l7uYpk
That is how MOST women think. When men start to think that way, civilizations die. https://t.co/roMtxJOZSZ
I, for one, support the brave heroes who kill the enemies of my race. #HeroBreivik #HeroDylannRoof #HeroMair
wow, what an excellent distillation of 'the British attitude' https://t.co/roMtxJOZSZ
#Rotherham rapists were only in Britain because evil dead #JoCox voted to admit them. Her death is a blessing for Britain. #HeroMair
Time to remove the Israeli-jew proboscis from American bloodstream: they get solid nutrition from us; we get only diseases from them.
How many more millions do you need to bank, #AnnCoulter, before you state forthrightly JEWS are the author of global white murder?
Trump is going to hold an national invasive species python catching contest, like Fla. does in Everglades. Except pythons will be mexicans.
We kill termites because they destroy our houses. How lenient should we be toward (((those))) who destroy our societies? #TeamWhite
Orkin men aren't defrayed by screeches of "anti-termitism!" nor should we be defrayed by equivalent from jews. https://t.co/7l3pO1WBLE
Trump and (((Roy Cohn))): https://t.co/ilzLg3lklm
“These f----ing fags are no good, forget about them.” --roy cohn (himself a jewfag, but point stands)
"seek help" = pay a jew to learn your secrets his tribe can then use against you. traditional cure is: self-control, silence.
"race relation"...the very concept is a scam. why is there any necessary relation between us? there's not. it's coerced & artificial
"Seek help" they say - and this is the practical meaning. Take your stupid broken goy self to a jew (pedo) 2b cured. https://t.co/EBUlio4Xhp
Whites are taught not to identify as whites because if they did they would see they have no interest in forced association w other races.
you can have brown 'people' or civ, not both - Rio Declares Financial Emergency, https://t.co/rbENgigmlw
how not to be a fag. 1) dont cut your hair like a fag. 2) dont wear legible clothing. 3) say "really?" a lot and scowl. that's about it.
white reproduction isnt a prob. it's jews filling our lands with muds who make our lives uncomfortable to impossible https://t.co/6PujChE77L
June 17, 2016:
natural Republican. except he went after females. https://t.co/fFokN83UqJ
the solution to islam is banning it from your country. if someone is promoting it, find out who. and ban (((them))) too. #TeamWhiteSolutions
Lincoln's Plan for Colonizing the Emancipated Negroes The Journal of Negro History Vol. 4, No. 1 (Jan., 1919),p7-21 https://t.co/F2SagYzDTQ
everybody gotta be a sex freak or get a bad haircut to stick out. god forbid you have right principles & steady eyes https://t.co/QMRGkluPI1
Amateur archaeologists stumble upon largest trove of Viking gold ever found in Denmark https://t.co/2VdUaUrajV via @TheWeek
legit wow-just-wow. am i the only NON-FAGGOT left in..the world? https://t.co/6NNevBYrXU
they'll get jocoxed https://t.co/YaphBjIfST
"Linked" = bought a book from 30 years ago. https://t.co/Axoo8IbhOg
I encourage my fellow snakes to make good use of this shortage. Bite as many negroes as you can. BITE BITE BITE https://t.co/veVdaSCkfZ
you dont really grasp the concept of proof, do you poofy? https://t.co/s1xaiBDMyS
still not witty. keep trying. and while you're at it, discard that roadkill possum over your eye, gavy crockett https://t.co/d1zrxwoYXc
i guess hiding behind the name cohen wasn't as clever as he thought! https://t.co/80g64fH5m2
As the ghost of Jo Coxsucker, I support these white-girl gang rapists. https://t.co/IN9y398usH
Recipe for British success: pull out of EU. Kill all muslims. Kill all jews. Kill all whiteskin politicians who let them in. #Brexit
vile cunt cox sided with Rotherham rapists - Cox Murder: Democratic Hypocrisy https://t.co/mggFhKXCrg via @NewObOnline
Aryans produced Greece and Rome without the church. Go blow jebus and leave me out of it. https://t.co/7lYrRaBOuj
the day is young. the wise Aryan knows that no good ever comes from any of the Three Ugly Desert Sisters https://t.co/sQLdjYy2b4
Jews let jihadis into White lands. Then call the white natives racist when they object to being shot and blown up. #WithJewsWeLose
What radicalizes muslims is the Koran tenet calling for holy war. Which has been there in Islam from day one.
Conservatives turn an eager eye toward muslim money in politics, and a blind eye toward jew money. Cowards. #tcot
Invite Syrians into Europe, get killed. That simple. At least ONE Briton refuses to be a slave. I applaud that Briton. #TeamWhite
Perfectly symbolic picture of Beach Boys california giving way to illegal alien california. https://t.co/ziAzhnkVxJ
June 16, 2016:
it's the clearest lens thru which to view politics: jews are a race. they hate whites. use immigration to destroy https://t.co/unlmsXuiWZ
Anyone named Fag Faggot or Fag Faggotson is a fag. https://t.co/pJFUqAHICb
look at every white country: jews control immigration, and, back in 60s or 70s, they reversed immigration law https://t.co/9ySIwKhXeU
it's not a matter of who one likes. it's a matter of principles and sticking to them. #AnnCoulter sucks up to jews https://t.co/XIS5YXss8Z
islam is a religion of peace. with a tenet of jihad? imagine the contempt for us (((they))) have feeding us this bullshit.
It truly is amazing the world hasnt yet turned on jews and ripped them to pieces because it's exactly what they deserve.
"The fool you flatter is the fool you become." Those who admire servitor Churchill become like him - a fake, a drunk, a tool.
Cons get off on the image of themselves as suave brandy swirlers. Portly chortlers with cigars. https://t.co/ZKUarfybJn
Notice the hero of the Anglos & conservatives was two-faced jew-servile. Contrast with Hitler. https://t.co/tngFRLHU8F
think you confused being smart with having a mustache https://t.co/jRzF3dKJbe
typical negroid self-control https://t.co/MBgrArzfsm
Expect Austrian Presidential Election Rerun https://t.co/VThnNWi3a0 via @NewObOnline
Western "suicide' is a meme perpetrated by the murderers. #TeamJew - think J(((AR)))eb! "Polished Turd" Taylor
she's a chickenshit. https://t.co/1fIUaz50oF
all central banks are owned by jews, far as i know. and only a few nations dont have central banks. they PRINT money https://t.co/qmvBPoGXTO
(((their))) freaks and criminals do bad things, for which (((they))) demand you give up your rights. IS IT TIME TO KILL YET
silver possum thinks by dressing like a watermelon he'll attract black votes. sad! https://t.co/uN9wNCfc2S
don't talk to the (((media))) https://t.co/334V3VeGam
jews everywhere. they are all causing the same hatred & dissension trying to bring about #whitegenocide https://t.co/l8csNGWwRg
someone place this in context? who is this broad? what does this mean? https://t.co/pF0od2q8jP
GOP alchemists are always just this close to turning lead into gold. Nah...people are different types. Blame God or nature. Apartion works
It's fantastic, it polarizes. Exactly what we need: clarification. Either you're White or you're with (((them)). https://t.co/4mFJZdo6uB
10 years! https://t.co/u14m4y90g0
what color are the nigger suspects? https://t.co/nqJWFuFPR7
the point of White politics is not to agree & amplify the rich Anglo punch-puller pundits, it's too say directly & loudly what they will not
some southerner said the family from nebraska wasnt wise to the ways of the wily alligator. so they parked their baby too near shoreline
and you could get to that point from his respect for god's proliferating diversity. but he's not interested in race https://t.co/TehrUs8MvS
it's child's play to support any POV using the bible, that's what makes it #antiwhite. https://t.co/8BMVFfeHxI
June 15, 2016:
they took free association. https://t.co/db0eQRewkf
It's not about you liking Trump, it's about us needing someone to do some very basic things before we drop into overt bloody war.
that would be accurate too https://t.co/hgAhKMFw72
it basically comes down to a vile kike pointing its claw at your name and shrieking https://t.co/Kay1M26dsg
Germans are not a light and easy flexible people. This modern shit is a skin. They are card people - on one side or other. Flip is coming.
they need the adventitious gravitas the concept of god provides to pump up (like aerated hotdogs) their puny points https://t.co/l688YSbqgo
Don't just snivel it out through mouth corner like a guilty fart, proclaim it with gusto & anger: THE "FUCKING JEWS" MURDERED AMERICA.
Kirk was a proto-cuck, subtly praising (read: sucking up to) radical blacks, jews. Always cutting the criticism to stay inside the safeline.
honest to god, when you've read one dead stupid reactionary, you've read them all. they're all bitches. yet to see one make non-obvious pt
Guess who rewrote immigration law in 1965 to destroy your civilized white country??? #anncoulter wont tell you. I will! It was jews!!!
It should be legal for both queers and muslims to throw each other off roofs. Now that's what I call enlightened social policy.
When you see the result of jewish policies, you understand why Goebbels said fighting jews was matter of public hygiene. #TeamWhite
Now this is what I call German style. The Anglo is a girl, mentally. ALL he cares about is what people think of him. https://t.co/mCYFU5Nsep
at the center of christianity is same thing as empty TP roll https://t.co/Dr6KRDdbbQ
The theory that soldiers have to do with freedom is on par with the theory that teachers are underpaid.
The christian idea that men can be fixed is the perfect foundation for the political hoax of multiculturalism.
What part of his name being "Gavin" doesn't advertise that? https://t.co/R9ZCidm3jl
Frigide and Faggonard https://t.co/mjIAIhSl4l
So long as conservatives hold Forrest Gump and Cindy Lou Who as role models they'll be led around by the nose by jews.
"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." -- Walt Disney "He's right you know." --gator
"Hi, everybody! I'm the truth. Why won't conservatives play with me?" https://t.co/Y1bKfUnGA8
Is the white race becoming self-aware for the first time? I exist I have enemies. I'm under attack. #RiseandCrush
(((progress))) Remember, whiteskin: you exist to serve (((them))) https://t.co/l2RQMHXHm7
((("help"))) https://t.co/irWHqoD30v
in what crazy world do psychiatrists "help" people? you need to get out more https://t.co/eWtvhmLpVc
you're great at psychology. that's what i like about you. https://t.co/gTaunhA0kq
yr getting fat. and now emotional. i just dont want you to be fat. that's all. i care. https://t.co/14eLNMcIDh
"I've got a blueberry for a daughter!" -- dont let this be your fate. i fear for you. cut back.. https://t.co/aiqUm1Jxw2
you dont have to explain it to me, i'm not your doc. i get how easy it is to gulp everything in sight. #restraint https://t.co/qsQfxynzaV
you need to get one of those mirrors that shows the thing in FRONT of it https://t.co/pbTjN7q1pA
we both know you've gotten a LOT thicker lately. just sayin'.. https://t.co/oZ0eaoSxz0
you're wasting time. xtianity can't be reformed. it needs to be junked https://t.co/zNLegwAydk
jews easily transform the christian mission to spread their cult to the little brown man into global crusade for (((democracy)))
True. Muslims chop your head off. Christians feed you mercury-poisoned fish. https://t.co/oqCkhh53yc
conservatives are the people readily retweeting graphics with Koran verses, but curiously uninterested in Talmudic ones saying even worse
That is, they dont have us for what we believe. Or how we behave. They hate us for what we are. THAT is the point. https://t.co/2wSqvpSEtY
That's accurate. I try to get at different aspects of the insight by phrasing and emphasizing differently. https://t.co/2wSqvpSEtY
If #AnnCoulter had the balls to say publicly that jews were behind the attempted genocide of the white race, I wouldn't crit her. She don't.
Fags have ruined rainbows the way conservatives have ruined eagles. https://t.co/O90w6CsVyM
"Anyone braver than me is mentally ill." --the true belief of the American whiteskin middle-class khaki-man #tcot
Jews are the global, coordinated enemy of all white nations, from New Zealand to Canada. https://t.co/7ZaSyLQOcp
#TeamWhite's only message to the pebblenuts is: quit serving the jews. Recover your manhood, #cuckservatives. #tcot
letting muslims into white nations is rational if you're trying to destroy those nations. of course (((they))) know what would happen.
anyone can get a tattoo. anyone can be a sex deviant. for morons raised to think they are unique and should esteem themselves - easy outlets
The problem is not the FBI letting this is or that Muhammed thru, it's JEWS LETTING A WHITE-HATING BROWN CLAN INTO THE COUNTRY TO RUIN IT.
It's not a police problem when it's 1/3 to 1/2 of the population. Crime is for 1-2%. When it's 40% - that's a political problem.
Sure christianity and racialism are two radically different and irreconcilably opposed worldviews. But what does that matter?
A christian can never operate without a lollipop in his brain. YOU are the real fag, if you need a Jebus to get thru the day.
Jews understand the important of ideas, fidelity to purpose over time, and consistent applications. Christians do not. They are as children.
Modern conservatism appears to believe that ideas have no consequences, though this is demonstrably wrong. #tcot
Anglo-christian culture too weak to stand up to the jews. https://t.co/bUlrdNJ8Ff
Britain turned itself into North Portugal when it helped the (((USSR))) defeat the Aryan liberation movement.
you British budgers didn't have the balls to help the Germans rid Europe of the communist jews. #JewServileBritish https://t.co/thusTA7oum
)))Walt Disney((( (((2016 Disney))) https://t.co/FdR9d9lrYc
a tange of motives drove the young afghay. the point is, we don't need that sort in this country. and they wouldnt be here save for jews.
do you see how the jews treat Palestinians? well...they hate whites even more. So how will they treat us once they've taken our guns?
i notice all the fashi froggists are staying mum about the Donger being a YOOOGE fan of sexual degenerates. #TeamWhite
faggots already have fuck freedom - it's called private property with closed doors. what they want is forced association and legal privilege
how brave can @realDonaldTrump be if he'll address LGBT degenerates openly as a "community" but only talk to Whites in code?
the catholic church cant change its position on jews without ending its universalism. its race doctrine is both #antiwhite & unchangeable
the white instinct was always to kill jews as a social menace. but the priests said no, just sprinkle magic water on (((em)))
the closet makes the fag same with everything. that's why White writing is by far the best and most interesting out there
When is Donald Trump going to appeal OPENLY to "the white community" as he appeals OPENLY to sex pervert "community"? #TeamWhite
when a cult has bad doctrines, it cant be reformed. this is the case with both islam and christianity. judaism is perfect - for jews.
a White twitter could just as easily be base for political revolution as anything. imagine...a place where ((( ))) have no say
moderation in all things. that xtian, hell no that's pre-christian it's white it works we don't need 'salvation' from the jebusters
racism = whites cant have anything good. all possessions and communities must be open at all times to jew inspection & mud predation. JAIL
so fags can have a "community." but not whites. cuz racism. sex degenerates need protection. not normal whites.
what other professions have to be continually told they're heroes? none. just cops, firemen and soldiers
peanut-brains waiting for Authority to tell them what to feel guilty about. that's our christians. nature's Hind Tit Crew
No matter what happens white men (or just whites) are to blame, and their free speech and self-defense tools must be taken away. The Rule
akin to forcing 'diversity' on whites https://t.co/hfQIjVKvPW
June 14, 2016:
LGBT are every bit as intolerant as Muslims, just not as numerous. Don't ever kid yourself that Big Fag, Inc. is anything but degeneracy.
this is what these christ faggots support. honestly, american whiteskin xtians are the single dumbest group on earth https://t.co/r5o7acxAGI
turn them sheds into car washes. brothers love them, great place to sell weed and matriculate time away an shit https://t.co/E8GvQX3Vks
my people formed this country and grasp its meaning https://t.co/JM0WQPTdQt
good example of worrying about what others think too much https://t.co/7kGNd8JlYL #TrustYourMaterial
one repairs to texas for delicious grapefruit, not solid mentation https://t.co/gdNtPOJNf4
muslims are just like niggers: they know damn well what's going on, but they feel Grumpy-Cat when their kind murders yours
TA&M is a homo school, that's why their color is purple. https://t.co/wwiBLjHYLh
Notice the catholic reasoning behind taking your guns. If 1/100,000,000 jews converts, that proves it works. If 1/1m muzz uses gun...
the 'content' of black character must perforce be more disappointing than the 'prize' in a cracker jack box
see if you moved to Afghanstan, would you feel like an Afghanistani? it is absurd. so with them moving here
Fags are Impuritans. They demand Freedom to Degenerate. But would deny anyone else freedom even to criticize them.
Faith in jebus and faith in government are both misplaced. And both should be ridiculed without mercy.
Lefists are just government fundamentalists. They look at bureaucrats and politicians the way I presume catholic sheep look at cards n pope.
War is the harvest of the jews, as you "freemen" are too jew-cucked to dare quote. Why are you "freemen" cowards? https://t.co/LKeissSg9u
what is christianity? many bad things. but we could say: Christianity is the white race failing to live up to its potential. #TeamWhite
jews carrying guns in public in israel... https://t.co/9dj6fJqLIW
real jew attitude toward guns is like nazism and racism and nationalism: they're too good for goyim, must be reserved to jews
in israel the govt encourages jews to carry guns. in white nations, the jews urge white disarmament so they can treat us like palestinians
cops and soldiers aren't heroes. someone like snowden - that's where you look for heroes - far rarer and higher type
anti-intellectual tv-drenched school-brainwashed nitwits prefer religious faith to thinking every single time https://t.co/Inoa2T9GrR
oh look, an ugly middle-aged retard is lying on the internet https://t.co/sPhtzY8hVQ
Jews rage at white men possessing guns in US while handing them out like candy to teenage girls in Israel. That's the truth. Look it up.
Jewish holidays are all celebrations of the genocide of other nations. Somehow this escapes media notice. I wonder why that could be.
Let's let them all in and then watch them real close. how fucking dumb is this? society as make-work utopia for bluepigs
This fall, we have the chance to replace our white-hating nigger president backed by jew money with a white-hating feminist backed by...
Christians are always the first to whimper and throw themselves on their backs at the feet of the jews. It's a religion for cowards.
The very worst thing about Anglo society is the way everything is faggotized into appearances over reality. Anglo = moral cowardice.
And all the other candidates are for jewish supremacism and against whites. https://t.co/FHsFEClcjL
The problem is they do not know their own cult's doctrines. Or grasp why they are the jew's ultimate safety net. https://t.co/KgRLGNILBk
Which is LESS looked into: - jew political activity - fag sexual behavior About the same, I should say.
Anyone who has disputed in public sheets can verify this: fags are AS BAD to WORSE THAN jews when it comes to silencing criticism.
Trump is wrong about faggots when he implies they just want freedom. Fags are every bit as anti-freedom as the muslims.
Race is a rough but meaningful thing. We dont need to dig around in people's genes now, just get our type on point. https://t.co/xxGXCKYeyJ
Looks white, acts white. isnt jew descended (see israeli/nazi law). that's all you need pre-revolution. https://t.co/xxGXCKYeyJ
Trump actually doesn't go far enough. We must round up and deport all muslims and blacks - and round up and execute all jews. #TeamWhite
the jews LIE that they were persecuted by catholic church, & many racialists accept this because they WANT to believe it. it is not true.
when i say christianity has historically protected jews, i say what all serious catholic scholars confirm. dont believe jewish lies.
What whites need is 1) acknowledgement they are a racial type, and prefer their own. 2) an organization to fight for sovereignty & defense
christianity has historically PROTECTED the jews. But these crying faggot #crosscucks have no interest in the facts https://t.co/F4m3GTZIEm
No, it was christians who let them back in, per their foolish doctrine of conversion as solution to jew problem. https://t.co/4TiQ7yfEHX
Yours is a perfect representation of christian mentality: if it's good, christians did it, if it's bad, someone else https://t.co/4TiQ7yfEHX
As a watermelon farmer, I oppose black abortion for moral reasons. This above is what christian moral sense brought to the world: veneer.
jews BRED themselves to be thieves and liars. biological reality exists whether christian doctrine acknowledges it or not
what jews do is a reflection of what they are. and since they have controlled their breeding for millenium, they are just as they wish
why is christianity "good for jews"? because it puts forward the nostrum (look up nostrum) that they can be cured. nope. it's biological.
Problem with faith is it has no feedback loop. What else is like this? Yeah, pokey, you got it: LIBERALISM.
One reason I support Trump is that I believe he is much less likely to go along with jew war plans for destroying the ME and flooding Europe
I don't worship Nature either. Nature is not Hallmark. But I don't really have a choice, I am compelled or wise to pay attention to its laws
Christianity was going to save society from jews by converting them to the one true faith. How's that working out for you, #crossclucks?
Nature is basically a no-holds-barred 1820s wrestling match, as I conceive it. Whatever works, works. Far as nature cares.
I have no mission to change jews, just get whites to see that they are trying to genocide us, and we must them 1st. https://t.co/N8uoJL0Fan
It would be more disrespectful for me to try to change your basic nature, which is as valid as mine, from nature POV https://t.co/N8uoJL0Fan
Because I accept what is clearly nature's rule: that (sub)species fight until one is vanquished. https://t.co/N8uoJL0Fan
#LoveWins when black girls leave their sprogs in dumpsters. Or toilets. Or toilets. https://t.co/NPci3BeS7v
How is the ME better since we murdered Saddam? Answer: it's not better. It's worse. Blame jews. And the christ-faggots who served them.
I dont really have a problem with anyone who knows and acknowledges what he actually is, tho i may oppose him & his type or cause.
Fags hate religious conservatives. And religious cons hate fags. But some of us transcend these dirt-eating punies and correctly detest both
There was once a faggot who took responsibility for his own behavior, but time has forgotten his name.* *(story may be apocryphal)
Things do not happen for no reason. There is no god. There are hominids making decisions, working privately or in concert. #Fingerism101
You talk down reason for hundreds of years, then you're surprised when your base of religious cretins can't connect disorder and jews. #NRx
#Fingerism is right-wing atheism. It is for people who believe they can make their finger do what they tell it to.
The religious man is never stable, because he's never sure within himself whether it's him or god making things happen. #Fingerism
Innocent Muslims are a lot less likely to get bombed by Trump Admin than by Hilly or Grobama or Bushies Inc.
They're bent on filling America with religious terrorists and white-haters. It's time for common sense restrictions on jews.
Deporting muslims and blacks from America is just common sense. But first come the jews who sicced them on us. #1965AntiwhiteTerrorismAct
jews consider goyim animals with undeveloped minds, so that they rule by natural right. are they wrong? https://t.co/Ddyg80akwe
still trying to find the first honest christian - who will acknowledge the tie between 'magic dirt' and baptism
which jewish holiday is that? the one where you eat goyim ears? or the one where you celebrate the slaughter of their babies?
It's easy to manipulate christians into hating muslims, but hard to get them to think about jews. Christians are nature's culls & cucks.
They let themselves be used. They are to blame. It's no one but Fahtin' Man's fault he's a jackass for hire. https://t.co/IzxMpgYIBk
How's that fusion of synogogue and state you blindly and homosexual-level-submissively support working out for you, christian 'man'? #tcot
The German nationalists fought the communist jews the Anglo-Christians succumbed to. I'm not saying German culture > Anglo. Reality is.
The Nazis were the good guys. Not the not-that-bad guys. The good guys. They fought jews. We now fight jews. This is reality. #TeamWhite
Yas Mateen... https://t.co/oPmSIAAhqI #OrlandoStrong
Little hint to fags: if you weren't degenerates you wouldn't get angry when you're called degenerates.
Baptist preacher says Orlando is 'safer' after Pulse massacre https://t.co/LqhT2hP4O2 via @MailOnline
Guns prefer to use blacks when they commit their crimes. So not only are they violent, they're racist.
nothing to see here, just a fagoo kerfuffle. but thanks for letting these queerbo muzz terrorists into our nice white nation, (((yahoodis)))
Smith said he'd seen Mateen at Pulse 'at least a dozen times.' https://t.co/xp70kCysOZ
'He's a homosexual and he was trying to pick up men,' said Jim Van Horn, who called Mateen a Pulse 'regular' https://t.co/nVIWpH8xUl
haha mateen the queen - Orlando terrorist was a regular at gay club Pulse before attack there https://t.co/Cu3ui1AyNd via @MailOnline
No one can deny that Hillary Clinton is on the side of both sexual degenerates and Muslim terrorists.
Shouldn't our focus be on the (((one party))) that is behind both the lie-based wars in Middle East and open borders in West?
Barack Obama has been in public spotlight for many years now. Have you seen even one article making fun of his physical, racial features?
do you know where 'nation of immigrants' mismeme comes from? few do. itz important. educate y'self. #TeamWhite
June 13, 2016:
there's so much mystery meat in this country anymore it could be served in jr high https://t.co/WsKLhCTEm0
i got my views of christians from real life. not from books. they are earned, they are real, they are accurate.
#sodomyloses https://t.co/34u4lOqcJA
we lost a lot of sweet petes the other day in orlando. real tragedy going on there. lot of young gluticians on the make ended up in a heap
i honestly feel like david spade and the rest of my race is tommy boy. why do you stupid fat fucksticks use jewspeak w/o EVER questioning it
What fags do isn't love. https://t.co/JZN9ZjsELs
i like to make a Dungman, call him South, & viciously bash him. i guess i'm not a good person. :( but it's fun!! https://t.co/0aHwiETqIC
in all white countries it was JEWS who led the push to open borders. ALL OF THEM. KNOW YOUR ENEMY, WHITE FOOL.
no. he was obese. and tin-eared. and wrong about nearly everything that matters. https://t.co/fHdH5fhAUi
that would work a lot better with a picture of the fatuous fool who farted that quote https://t.co/zAhVDMTkiR
hey i got a million Reb followers. the more i beat em, the more i get. it's kind of disturbing. https://t.co/lOWVcRcNFJ
and australia too https://t.co/b5ouk1oWUF
Contrasting styles i'm calling anglo and german, for shorthand. Jeb Bush would be anglo. lying, gladhanding whore. https://t.co/FHcufekv1i
There is a way out. It cannot be found in Anglo culture or in xtianity. Hitler gave its outline. Circumstances require tweaking, but..yeah
The question is whether weak, puling Anglo-christianry can overcome its congenital cowardice & inferiority complex & admit Hitler was right.
The worship of money is the definition of English. It is what opens the door to jews. It is the reason the west has succumbed.
The Anglo way is effeminate: "What does my neighbor think of me?" This is precisely how we got into this mess. English lack of character.
The White race MUST got the German way, or it will cease to exist. The open question is whether Anglos, being the numbers, are big enough.
The Anglo is concerned with SEEMING. The German is concerned with BEING. This is what makes German > Anglo. Whites MUST go the German way.
White racialists have a duty to attack christianity, whether they realize it and perform it or not. For christianity is #antiwhite.
that's as good a characterization as any. i have never heard the like https://t.co/b3kzylQJMW
where's the violence? they just chained up some monkeys. https://t.co/uzmNseVEdV
notice i do not call AmRen a false front, it is not. jareb! doesn't really hide what he's doing, his fans r suckers https://t.co/8g23vvApwx
he's not deluded. he's running a white NAACP - his REAL mission is serving jews while pretending to serve whites https://t.co/8g23vvApwx
jews cant be guilty because they taught Fred Reed to two-step. That thar some Country Slicker (tm) logic, yeah shore.
to me, he's pure wasp. all affectation and, in his case, country-slickish dishonesty. it fools the tots, but not us https://t.co/ycHDjfmpf9
I think he was a faggie. Texas A&M does not admit heterosexual males. You can look it up. https://t.co/PHUirh0nBi
Southerners look up to Jareb! Taylor because he knows how to wear shoes. That's a strong social signifier in the South. They doff their hats
It wasn't muslims who made up lies about WMD in Iraq and encouraged us to go murder 1,000,000 people. It was jews.
Lol. Are you kidding? The guy is a complete fraud. A fraud and a liar. A more obvious stooge has never stooged. https://t.co/Y4gpoI3PCD
J(((AR)))eb! Taylor is a jew tool, attempting a white version of NAACP. https://t.co/trLhTaJ3Qz
i know his parents were christian nation-wreckers operating in japan https://t.co/trLhTaJ3Qz
get that spider eater out of my face you sick creeps https://t.co/NchrTkStXO
nah, i prefer your mom's https://t.co/YjYLeo1hBC
guy on my TL, highlight of his life was meeting George W. Bush. one laughs, but MOST people are like this. that's frightening.
he's got a dumb as big as texas. great state, if you get rid of the mexcrement and the texcrement https://t.co/bGbwxfYYda
Little man identifies with the government. same impulse behind christianity: loser association. https://t.co/fMdLy3bse3
and Pat wears and honest cloth coat https://t.co/MlAyscavDu
You texas faggots like taking up the ass from kikes, eh? AINT NO PUSSY LIKE A TEXAS PUSSY. https://t.co/M7B2wScJmq
Shove that 1965 Immigration Act right up that old jewish tuchus. Back where it came from, in other words. #TeamWhite
Both queers and muslims are social menances. But neither is as bad as the jew who champions both. #TeamWhite
Tell the average white conservative there's a hand inside the muppet. He looks at you. Blinks twice, Brays a donkey laugh. "No CT for me!"
you see those trashed plastic-sewer beaches down in brazil. That's browns being browns. AND JEWS LET THESE SHIT-PEOPLE INTO OUR COUNTRY.
Cuckery is Anglo-Christian. Notice the minute you turn toward blunt, direct, some might say honest speech - it just feels German.
As I asked back in 2000, "What if America were run by Americans?" We just might be on the verge of answering that. #MAGA
(((who))) sent Americans abroad to destroy muslim lands? Why, twas (((same))) who imported muzz here to wreck white nations.
and she makes it look like a burlap sack (o' lying shit) https://t.co/Nk85uTkYQu
They need it for swimming pools, free college and free medical care for jews only. All taken from white earners. https://t.co/XZVBPiGD1d
Slowly, dully, to the Southron mouthbreather Patton occurred the conception that he understood the world invertedly. https://t.co/I8rcBr2oVN
(((we))) feel your pain we caused https://t.co/QggIOBKrgF
When you wake up and your next door neighbor is literally a monkey, even the least political American starts to wonder what's going on.#MAGA
let's be fair. there's enough room to throw both radical muslims and queers off the roof. and jews too. #TeamWhite = solutions that solve.
i dont worship my own ancestors like the fools called traditionalists do, but i'm damn sure not going to sit by while kikes smear them
stephen king intellectual! dude cant get out of way of van https://t.co/GItBPaVguJ
it's the only accurate term for the vast majority of black 'people' https://t.co/mRSw96vcu5
When (((u))) sow discord, u cant expect things not to go sideways sometimes. So tools got into it. Both muzz & poof remain #antiwhite.
Vast majority of whites prefer the self-flattery implicit in saying the govt is insane to acknowledging Jewish dictatorship wrecking west.
Third World Invader Threatens Beheading Live on TV in Budapest https://t.co/9L5lAn9BoB via @NewObOnline
jews stand in background laughing at the goytards getting angry at muslims or queers. it's all (((Them))). always has been.
they dont have a role in it, they are the whole damn thing. 100% of it. the ONLY problem we have. https://t.co/961Rv5uI7M
Israel: Prison for Marriage with Non-Jews https://t.co/iDN9ppx3Ow via @NewObOnline
30,000 Afghan “Refugees” in the US https://t.co/tugTDVT4Rf via @NewObOnline
jews shotgun married whites and blacks, but it was xtianity that put out nostrum of white man's duty to discos https://t.co/RkutpGMAcq
the love of a gay 'man' for his 500 partners is just as real as the love of a normal man for his wife #loveislove
Suggestible idiots and career girls (whores) are too large a percentage of our race, unfortunately. https://t.co/S7lbqV9VRt
does the jebus cult have the strength to get the job done? even the ability to pinpoint the true problem? manifestly, it does not
says the guy who out of christian pussihood released a bunch of niggers who promptly went up to seattle & killed mor https://t.co/723ChKv3qc
anonymous coward, i flush thee https://t.co/sRUoxtFpBE
It's thanks to jews we have radical Muslims in our country, and it's thanks to jews that degenerate queers feel free to flaunt openly.
Fags, Islam and the jews controlling America who encourage both of them all need to be trashed. #TeamWhite
As they say in Protocols, there is Force and Make Believe. https://t.co/cbEToeMQeK
what's your name, budger? guy who won't use his real name has no advice to offer. what's your name, budger? https://t.co/EkGVnrXV8L
anonymous christian coward - America's #1 waste product https://t.co/G6o0ph9Ozu
use your real name, loser, and maybe i'll condescend, you weak little cunt https://t.co/G6o0ph9Ozu
good example of EVERY FAGGOT BEING A JEW-LEVEL LIAR https://t.co/LsoxNBD8Jw
you're a lying faggot. fucking piece of lying fagmeat shit. KILL YOURSELF. https://t.co/LsoxNBD8Jw
i went out expecting simply to get laid drill some holes in a javier blow fresh jose aw but i didnt realize the price i would pay!
fags absolutely recruit. you're a liar. https://t.co/oX5eDspD8w
could also do Only the 'Gays' Die Young (billy joel spoof) come out young homos there's night to partake we'll dance and we'll drink
infecting the blood supply, molesting children, demanding special legal privileges, forcing others to serve them.. https://t.co/IDMMTbCjPf
next time in song writin' mode, i'm going to compose Big Pile o' Fags, in honor of the #OrlandoCleansing (hmm...sweet child o' mine parody?)
and is parallel to the Great Lie that race = skin color https://t.co/Piz0mGu9Z6
quit bawling for perforated Lupes and well peppered javiers. you disgust me. https://t.co/7zauIl5O9s
Again, for all you kids who grew up in bad neighborhoods (the ones with 'public schools'): WHAT FAGS DO ISN'T LOVE. #OrlandoShooting
Hey, let's get real here. Losing a bunch of shitskin degenerates is nothing to cry about. It's something to celebrate.
Fags mouthing each other in public are very definitely trying to produce a reaction. Looks like they succeeded.
The main reason people support Trump is anger at the USA being turned into a third-world country against their will. Rest is secondary.
you're doing what all do - simply attributing something you like to xtianity for no logical reason https://t.co/Q6TiD6CFh2
June 12, 2016:
if they could think that clearly...they wouldn't be third worlders https://t.co/0esIQK45fm
it's good* to put people with contradictory views who hate each other on sight in the same place. *good for jews
reminds me of Shaw. didnt he say you could convert poor to Mohammedism with free treacle. or something https://t.co/kuQT5RIJeT
(((those))) https://t.co/owtGxgtLj5
well good luck https://t.co/dats06L8ti
make it good enough to get noticed https://t.co/LwuuZc2m71
always good to let the peevish degens know what's up. you're not fooling anybody, faggots.. https://t.co/LwuuZc2m71
I have no sympathy for queers, and they deserve none. Try to get queer-crit published. IF you succeed, they will try to destroy you.
hey what's that fag parade they have on Fulsome street out SF way? that would be terrible if muslims were to copycat orlando there
i mean, the guy's muslimism no doubt reinforced his decision, but i can easily believe obnoxious fag PDA set him off https://t.co/mwhMSoajqt
Remember, Faggootis, at the Closet Club, there's no cover charge. And the moths will politely applaud yr gay songs before the balls kill em.
"What are gonna do, homosexual faggots, when the one 1-man wrecking crew S.H. opens up a can o' ranarium whoop-ass on you?" -The Gawkernator
the thing i hate most about fags is they demand respect, but deny their true behavior. which is extreme & dangerous https://t.co/zWAJGxGWM5
dignity & privacy are enough for me. chasing people indoors is judeo-totalitarianism. but NO public respect 4 degens https://t.co/zWAJGxGWM5
it's never a safe bet that Sam Hyde wasn't involved. this has all earmarks of full-scale 1-man invasion, SH style https://t.co/k9YLoqEkLw
it just keeps getting better every year. i dont know how we do it. https://t.co/jaEMVGs4rJ
if Muslims ran the media, cucks would be the biggest anti-queers ever https://t.co/3dd9TmqzkX
fags belong in the closet. the second they demand equality or respect - they should get the dangle https://t.co/3dd9TmqzkX
for sake of society & honesty, fags should admit their predilection is vile & morbid. & self-control best they can https://t.co/HnrTDX9WI8
fags are truly psychos. jews try to make man-man like some mild preference, just as they pretend race = skin color https://t.co/Lu2xTDsJKR
homos are essentially sex maniacs. avg normal man has maybe 9 partners in lifetime; homos have high multiples - fags are head cases
Pulse has a steady beat, kind of an insistent poppy sound, but you can't really dance to it. #Orlando
take a bag of viruses and bacteria, some known, some foreign to science. now cover it with a VERY thin skin. hesto presto you've got a FAG
now that's what i call Hammer time https://t.co/g63E6ulVNh
Big Jew says: "C'mon Kid Fag and Kid Rag. You're supposed to attack The White Man, not each other." #loxism #OrlandoHorror
can i also dance in a jaunty manner and fling epithets. cuz i am anyway. https://t.co/i6UjJmOS1I
hey faggots -- maybe think twice about making out in public? eh, froot loops? maybe even think twice about continuing your fagging? eh? yes?
Frootsby...it's the frisbee you know and love...with a muslim twist. And it's a demo sport at the 2040 Dabiq Olympics.
The #WaronWhites is no light or transient thing. It is part of aa long-term (((strategy))) intended to culminate in #whitegenocide. Yes.
Anyone can see there's a #WaronWhites. What not everyone can see is that one side is bent on #WhiteGenocide.
Faggotry is behavior manifesting deep mental problems. https://t.co/0ZHQlfTW4f
jews, muslims, faggots: three horrible collective menaces to the white body politic. what a great chance to discuss...
i see it as wonderful natural blowback for faggots parading their degeneracy in public, purely to piss off normal. #YayDedfagsYay
hell his top advisers were jewfags https://t.co/Q7zaukx0E0
just admit you're a seething faggot. everyone can see it. and yes, there's everything wrong with it. find a muslim https://t.co/rmeqDZBF4a
you smell kinda gay to me. get yourself checked. https://t.co/wbWv5GLRY6
this is what happens when you turn over immigration to jews. we cannot afford to have this tribe in our lands any longer
well, since homoism is now open and promoted by media and schools, certainly the number is likely to be higher https://t.co/BKUbckQeBI
it sucks to bathe in winter. that is the basis for my supposition. https://t.co/tkb3v6EO3u
this shooting is the perfect time to go after muslims, faggots, and the jews who sicced them both on normal Americans #MAGA
the (((media))) misrepresent homo reality in the same way they misrepresent niggers, and to the same #antiwhite ends
Almost half of the white homosexual males said that they had had at least 500 different sexual partners [during their homo 'careers']
Bell and Weinberg concede: “Little credence can be given to the supposition that homosexual men’s ‘promiscuity’ has been overestimated”
morons like you make assumptions that don't hold. i'm a #Fingerist. that's a right-wing atheist. i despise xtianity https://t.co/T3z4sQLBuD
Fuck that jewish sci-fi faggot you worship. Spiritual AIDS is even worse than physical. #FingerismFightsFags https://t.co/T3z4sQLBuD
https://t.co/0ZHQlfTW4f there you go polesmoker. i bet you believe 10% figure which is a Big Lie
that shows you how out of control these faggots are - and that they have some serious mental problems https://t.co/HP7P198c9Z
except with jews, the subgroup is the WHOLE THING https://t.co/DXX2IYM6bY
A married couple with kids n dog - this is not the same thing as a sad gaggle of pill-gulping penis-pogoing disease-spreading' buttfuckers.
what fags do...isn't love 43% of fags have 500+ partners. THEY DONT EVEN KNOW THE NAMES OF THE BEN DOVERS THEY'RE SUMP PUMPING
what is this sickness with our race that we prefer to deal with consequences rather than causes - JEWS LET THESE KILLERS IN. ON PURPOSE.
an attorney who sees no diff between legal and illegal means? must have been bottom of his class https://t.co/lgOcVJBmeQ
faggotry, tattoos, lad culture, buffalo butt wings -- all this dissolute shit comes from Frankfurt school plan https://t.co/RqoeV1Mx3F
fags dont believe in freedom any more than muslims do. https://t.co/XJAZbDFxoI
It has pleasd the Olive to remove festrous branches of butt piracy from the sea of demented groin narwhals" --google https://t.co/yS6fF99r4p
Like it or hate it, the fact is men are most reasonably lumped together by mere atomic type than by any 'belief' or 'higher'-lol concept.
When you know a man is a "Catholic" you know next to nothing about him. After 2000 years! There is great meaning in this. If we think on't.
see, the great conceit, the ur-Humiliation, is that our nogginings > mere matter. But they very manifestly do not.
a society needs 1 race. (that's obvious). that commonality takes the place of 99% of positive law. (1/2)
i would say quarterly. but that's just a guess. i doubt he disrobes between sept 15 and april https://t.co/FKMw64M7Rx
I feel compelled to observe that if I were running immigration rather than the (((potzis))), none of this shit would be happening.
queers seem to agree that there's something wrong with being a queer, since their first claim upon criticism is that you're a closet case
christianity is a destructive mental vice, much as homosexual behavior is a destructive physical practice
wow..."perverted." are you seriously saying that pissing on people is Wrong? WHo died and made you god. SO judgmentl https://t.co/jQ1bkvTeJO
with some it's a developed taste; with many to most, i think they start being fucked in the head https://t.co/hwM9bYzIrQ
we all die, ms mudpuddle. but w the faggotry you promote, we can die quicker and more painfully. by we i mean ufags https://t.co/q1opoJVQgj
they demand their degeneracy be promoted in schools yet attempt to suppress facts of their actual behavior & its terrible consequences
1) learn how to style your hair; 2) get less fat; 3) dont obtrude your wide-ranging ignorance into adult discussions https://t.co/0kEWZhGJPc
is there something wrong with being a happyfag? steve? you're not a homophobe are you? https://t.co/yuHisMXYuu
go play with your moped, budger https://t.co/hZPIaf0DLc
Gee, I dont know. I guess the same way you tell me??? https://t.co/koopibp2F3
Ermigod. a lisper named thteve eveths call me abominable Woahman https://t.co/yATyLOYHK2
what makes you think it's ok to promote moribific society- and children-endangering sex perverts & murderous cults? https://t.co/o44LGW2Ido
Call things what they are and dont budge from it. That's my policy. Rare cases I'm wrong, admit it and correct. https://t.co/AMIFZVHrBL
Spain! Italy! Greece! https://t.co/6IvqkZlF8E
you should hold a big ol' party for your "gay" and muslim friends. i hear Pulse has a few chairs open https://t.co/eaBZleLeXM
your tender sentiment is returned, jebus II https://t.co/y0cG0EmDjx
egg uh muh zackly. and unlike my on-linemy foes, these lil suckers are HARD TO BEAT. damn near invisible https://t.co/G3dJ7deP7o
well, shit, that's not very nice. i'd piss on you even if you weren't on fire https://t.co/eaBZleLeXM
it is you and Sad Fags Inc. who hate and fear me. i merely laugh at you and your tasteless morbid sodomizings https://t.co/Qag4MzmcPd
sorry dungbeetless, responsibility for 500-rump-ranging rests with your perverted friends and you sad excuse-makers https://t.co/Qag4MzmcPd
a picture that expresses my view of the britainese... https://t.co/2mNA4tko8U
that's the spirit. i try to bathe at least as often as Santa Claus https://t.co/y8kd5VNtDX
you are the sad detritus of a failed civilization. oh well. the muslims will put paid to your dozy ilk. https://t.co/xI7zhnVoOM
i'm against: fags/pedos (huge overlap) catholicism islam all other forms of cuxtianity generic useless morons https://t.co/1erpesfgBd
whites are suggestible cretins, to too large an extent. unfortunately. this is one irony of the racial cause https://t.co/xCdrReHi7U
most homos will molest teens if given a chance. and when they do molest, they molest far more than heteros do. https://t.co/wgnOnxzkJj
that's arguably the dumbest thing you've said, which is like olympic-level competition https://t.co/KbEX1hWrFN
if you support faggots, you support pedophiles. because fag = pedo. there's not a fag out there won't molest kids https://t.co/hcG917IrQH
not true. that guy just blames everything on catholics. like protties are any better. both are spinach, to hell etc. https://t.co/VWxLTXFgeE
the important thing is, you tried https://t.co/AtKv5XQxIn
your prim moralizing is feeble and wrong. fags are abnormal and destructive, and their death is a good thing https://t.co/hcG917IrQH
the mong van rounds up the collies you besotted shaggers consort with nocturnally? https://t.co/r9CS8MKuzk
no, you just splatter yourself on the floor and vibrate your palate https://t.co/x8VcDh2wTI
i have a slightly lower opinion of you british than of these horrid well disguised lime worms that eat my broccoli https://t.co/yHhaxZkm0i
I can truly say, with as much right as anyone in this contiguous planet, that the left is not tolerant. Not. Not one chancrous iota of it.
i was trying to make it easier for you to grasp with your slow eye condition https://t.co/H6LIJf5dj4
Look at you all Michael Tysonish, whipping out the 'nonsensical' an shit https://t.co/8SGn5WolAT
the desperate hopes of a drowning woman. rest assured sweety, you can beat 3/4 sea cucumbers on an IQ test. probably https://t.co/H6LIJf5dj4
You <--> Dimtown = post-prandial stroll. the line between faggotry and pedophilia is...not really there https://t.co/Lzu3ch9uyO
how will i get Q-RID when i dont fuck dudes? let alone FIVE FUCKING HUNDRED of them? answer me that, faggio https://t.co/iBo6Es6WYr
it does affect, you're just too dim to perceive it. does your all-embracing tolerance include pedophila too? https://t.co/yoQi1onh3I
fun fact: the jews who made that film are more inbred than the ethnic group they smear https://t.co/WUGoAQgJfk
does not compute! you were both programmed to attack WHITE MAN CULTURE, not each other! https://t.co/KYGpeZEEzy
i am the offspring of a log cabin log and an unabridged (OED). the rhymes i write, you wish you would https://t.co/dMs5lgTdrz
that's one. now go look at 1000 homos and find out whether that's the average case. https://t.co/v3IYkbtReK
let me introduce you to advanced thinking. you know why they're called gay? because they're not. (they're the opp) https://t.co/nNhqfrzsbq
many are. but almost all fags are. it's kind of the nature of the beast. https://t.co/nNhqfrzsbq
always proceed with aplomb and merengue, and you will fool 99.9% of the tots https://t.co/eIu4V0xrd3
you think fags "love" each other. if you fucked 500 men, you wouldnt even know their names. fags are callous viruses https://t.co/KbK2nhL3od
i hate people who won't own their own behavior - and that is fags to a fucking T. https://t.co/KbK2nhL3od
modern england. jesus christ. you're pathetic. https://t.co/wPcwxdNsje
nice/unnice who cares. we are arguing. not dueling armpit smells. https://t.co/nPBhmAyita
only women are concerned with being nice. i'm not a fucking candle. the only ? is where my facts are right. https://t.co/cwPzo7REpZ
facts are either right or wrong, they cant be derogatory. look it up. 43% of fags have had 500+ partners. 15%, 1000+ https://t.co/cwPzo7REpZ
i'm sure you've been under many things, but you're wrong here too. God is judgment. Love is a long second to't. https://t.co/rZwY7PJpZM
the average queer doesnt even KNOW the person it's humping, let alone "love" him https://t.co/wMh0pX8JgX
did you know the avg queer has sex with nearly 500 partners? you think that homoism is about "love"? https://t.co/wMh0pX8JgX
your hostilities smack of lack of effort, probably tracing to tacit acknowledgement of lack of talent, ie WHY TRY? https://t.co/Eo4iBiNVqz
if so, then a moist, delicious fecund cunt. WORLDS SPRING FROM MY LAUGHING MAW. https://t.co/5G8eLLusLt
yeah the jew (howard stern) lie that all men are into lesbians? that's purely kike-concocted bullshit https://t.co/u2YNiiORxs
you want to fuck with me, i'll give you worse than your petty little AIDS, tinkerbelloni https://t.co/eyRfXLpE7h
Linder is not a jewish name, it is 90%+ goyish, autochthonous to Switzerland, Germany, Sweden and England. https://t.co/J6Tx1SPU1l
"they" only won because they had the support of the (((powers that be))). jews use fags to attack white society https://t.co/SKZKh25zcu
fags are not happy. if they were, they wouldnt have pirated the word 'gay,' which denotes the opposite of theirs https://t.co/wMh0pX8JgX
they'll resolve the contradictions as they always do - by blaming this or that or all white men https://t.co/Mukxr6bo8u
jews promote homo behavior to wreck society. you have that straight from Frankfurt School. https://t.co/qvGtjdfaCL
i'll string fishing line thru all you losers' fat noses and turn the thames into the ganges, you cavern-twatted geep https://t.co/F09KZBCivJ
real original. yr named after wrong cheese smegboi https://t.co/E04ubicd2p
British are THE WORST whiteskins. Absolute shitekultur. https://t.co/ehatD11IcY
go back to your corner miss mattress thang https://t.co/pdBiO7pshr
disease-ridden should be hyphenated, you fugly illiterate degenerate https://t.co/5J94uUmvET
Faggotry will be promoted so long as jews control media and education. https://t.co/ctsrHUlOMn
my heart is capacious enough to hate muslims AND faggots. and british. at least your Sad Island ilk. https://t.co/xWYBQmoFls
you are the sort of trendy fleabrain who would be first in line to try a new flavor of heroin. loser! https://t.co/SEBqjcMpwl
you are not normal, and you will never be allowed to claim it in public. you are degenerates. #Shame2016 https://t.co/R0MZ9B9BxV
faggotry isnt cute funny or clever, it's morbid, diseased and deranged. if you cant cease it, go back in the closet https://t.co/R0MZ9B9BxV
know this, fags: you are a tiny, despised micro-minority. today was just your first taste. u lika da taste, faggies? https://t.co/v7t1o3UOPq
look at the weak material i have to work with https://t.co/TOOuTqEYT4
if i did, why would i hide it? since (((TPTB))) celebrate it? fact: only a TINY percent of the population is faggy https://t.co/cMNGWRGTRE
this is the type of hominid dung beetle the (((media and education system))) have created https://t.co/yOgw2uEv60
i'm not religious, i'm #Fingerist = right-wing atheist. you all are degenerates who cry when it's pointed out https://t.co/dDuYaWDFTF
this faggot realizes that its problem is indeed something shameful and degenerate. hence the lies & hostility https://t.co/gEe3xVH8Zf
this stupid degenerate gives the whole game away w/o realizing it: faggotry is a VICE. a CHOICE, not an identity. https://t.co/hsP955t7q5
so you admit that those who AREN'T fags are better than those who take dick up the ass? That seems homophobic https://t.co/H71ft5xyJe
#ShameDay Know this, faggots: We all despise you and your disease-spreading degenerate behavior. #YesAllQueers
Message to all queers: you have NOTHING to be proud about. Go back in the closet with the mothballs, that's your place in natural order.
No muslims belong in the US. But we know (((whose))) agenda they serve. At least this one did something useful. #FagsSpreadDeath
survivors can play "gay" lol roulette! -- Reports: Orlando Blood Center Lifts Ban on Blood Donations From Gay Men https://t.co/UV0BKfActj
u faggots are < 2% of population, no matter how you try to hide the fact. you're degenerate, disease-spreading trash https://t.co/aGfwFwAsGI
In times like these, #OrlandoShootings, we need to look for the silver lining. I'm thinking that's the giant piles of dead fags.
i will laugh at your tears when the #deadfags are fed to the carp at Busch Gardens https://t.co/1JzQVrYxkb
illiterate & degenerate, you belong in an institution with rubber walls and shirts that tie behind the back https://t.co/mAZ29endU5
You're a degenerate homomaniacal yeastcunt with the brain of a poorly watered turnip. https://t.co/2WVR3dacd6
what is there a nest of you faggots? there's someone you should talk to. and it's not ferris bueller. https://t.co/JHDwI0BSH4
Go fuck yourself you defective ugly degenerate fleacunt. https://t.co/MaipSyiWF7
All normal people of ANY race detest faggotry. That's a FACT. It only appears otherwise from constant (((media))) brainwashing.
Go play roof frisbee you fugly defective. https://t.co/MnqypYMlai
Fags take pride in rubbing their media-backed degeneracy in normals' faces. Well, today ya got sums back, dicksuckers. RIMisery, GRIDsy
As first and founding #Fingerist, I give a sly wry sidelong Pepe-ish smile to the jungrag who closed accounts on manifold Orly degenerates.
Maybe time for you queerbos to take your faggotry back to the mothballs where it belongs? #OrlandoShooting #FingeristsAgainstFaggotry
95 years ago Henry Ford put it: "The International Jew, the world's foremost problem." It has only gotten worse. https://t.co/EGvEye34V9
Jews will be counter-exterminated as a race, which is the only solution that can work. https://t.co/UOWhJKIuep
A muslim terrorist shooting up a fag club full of third-world shitskins? "Only in AmeriKwa," a jewish production.
Jews hate all other races and societies, and always seek to destroy them and replace them with their own. This explains the discord we see.
jew Soros guilty of attempted murder of Europe #HeroBreivik https://t.co/rjYl10EpIk
1200 clitorectomies in Ghana? Chad? Try Great Britain. But let's get more pics of that large-blue-eyed blond guy who 'raped' a sleepdrunk.
I'm just in it for the loldeadfags, but i secretly suspect most of the dead are just trendy shitskins
Smarmy jew rothernberg, your people murdered 100,000,000 last century after taking their guns. Yr hands are dirty. https://t.co/5WRePFP4KW
ive read it was CIA. i dont really see it as a coinage. it's used as a 'thing' to make fools laugh at non-MSM logic https://t.co/CJKSo9COgC
ex vouches for 'rapist' - Stanford rapist ex says she's angry at God for instilling pain on him https://t.co/PUl8iRinDu via @MailOnline
white people are awesome - Texas man uses aqua dam to keep his house dry during 27-inch flood https://t.co/j67bzsDd1I via @MailOnline
whites need 2 hear that there are conspiracies, not that there aren't. most things in politics are conspiracies, since they're anti-majority
problem with 'hive mind' concept, which traces to Sobran, is that it leads people away from tracing responsibility, which they badly need
Teaching men that causality doesn't exist, so they never trace consequence to cause, is ur-Christian, and the Enabling Act of the jews.
jews reflexively blame whites for black actions. every single time. it's always ultimately some white man or white civilization that's resp.
Remember - the mass man does NOT believe in causality, he believes in magic and luck. Christianity plays to this w its capricious 'god' lie.
Perhaps the single greatest functional defect of xtianity is that it teaches men that things don't happen for reasons. This empowers jews.
It's no longer funny and cute to look at the (((left))) and think gosh these people are nuts. Their cult must be smashed for good.
Poland's not filled with niggers either. Of course, if local yids had their way, it would be. https://t.co/BetqjaRqWE
unfortunately feminism has penetrated far more deeply; the default assumptions of the west, now, are feminist https://t.co/eFywElQrAK
'Multiple casualties' confirmed at US gay club after gunman is killed https://t.co/B5UCvaS8wA via @MailOnline
Boy they sure love that Stanford 'rapist.' Whereas you can't get a single pic of your average dindu, they use TWO HUGE ONES of him.
June 11, 2016:
IMO, killing vermin such as fleas, fireants, etc, definitely counts as self defense. So when I kill them, i pray for them.
Jareb! https://t.co/2NBKKBhSaF
"stop being a fucking faggot" solves a LOT of problems https://t.co/MI2CPsFrZc
Leagues ahead of you when it comes to understanding the nature of the nigger. https://t.co/UTAUgt6Opg
Hi! I'm an aborigine. I like to find my food under tree bark. Has xtianity got a place for me? Sure doggy looking fellow! Come right on in!
Which christian doctrine says in any number of words: your white blood and genes are valuable, and we will protect them? NONE. IS NOT THERE.
honestly, i have yet to meet a christian with a 100+ IQ. you cant subvert a doctrine that is universalist and Lub Lub Lub Is All U Need
and he delivered it with a gravitas Bonosian https://t.co/73mQZPaejs
race-mixing for you! purity for me. and wars for me!* (*fought for by you! paid for by you!) - jewsong of jew alfred prufrock
conservatism without concern for bloodlines is incoherent, nay impossible. conservatism has been jewed
jewish 'conservatism' = forced mongrelization for whites and endless wars for Israel. paid for by whites. Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
This is a racial attack on my people. When I declare jews must be counter-exterminated - this is why. Among reasons. https://t.co/Y66IFxJKEP
maybe not now, but in the old days you could palpably feel the cowardservative's pleasure in calling (((leftists))) nazis. so...contemptible
paleo-niggers made St. Louis number one, but for my money, those hard-charging somali neocomers are really putting Minny on the map!
there are things whites may or should do collectively, beyond defense, but if govt is needed to run white men's lives - they're not white
notice how arrival of jews and supersized central government conduced to misery in america - and extreme debt, lying, social discord, etc
so long as we had few jews, tiny central govt, and saw Britain as our enemy, we were paradise on earth https://t.co/rVhEt5xu98
no, it's a description of anglos. jews dont run away when you scream racist. nor do they sell out their race for $. https://t.co/KuTkhZ6sPJ
the reason Mitt is impassioned about this -- and quite literally nothing else -- is that Trump's very way and being are his antithesis
the Anglo worships money and appearances. When Trump speaks bluntly, and takes no money, it blows the Anglo mind
Shut up Mitt. We've given your Anglo way full testing. It doesn't work. Get to steppin', island monkeys. It's white man time.
#WWBD? What would Breivik do? Kill the families of the jews & tools letting muslim rapists and murderers into Europe.
redundant proof jews are a race of liars - Another “Holocaust Survivor” Hoax Exposed https://t.co/QMgWJ2x6a0 via @NewObOnline
“Three Black Teenagers”: Uproar over Facts https://t.co/WZ3rbR9Znn via @NewObOnline
Trump can't be trusted with nukes because he's not spoiling for war with Russia, China, half dozen smaller states.
worth following, follwers https://t.co/51Iuis0xFW
shows you what a garbage mind the country has that our freaks and misfits would rather shoot stupid singers rather than (((media liars)))
i love these 'real' alt conservatives (Real fake butter, Eddie) disrespecting the Nazis by calling mexis attacking Trump fans 'brownshirts'.
Peak Cuck: Calling 'Minority' Orcs Terrorizing Whites at Jew Behest 'Brownshirts' https://t.co/4IpuBdtTiH @VNN_Forum
These )))Republican operatives((( would serve Boss Muslim just as readily as they serve Boss Jew. They are first and last #careergirls.
The cuck does what he does for money. And status. In short - to advance his career. The principles are so much upholstery.
at some point whites have to be held to a standard. if you served the jews by joining army, you're no hero. at best you're a sap
you cant figure out 1) why jews beeline for media; 2) that actions come from ideas which are transmitted by words. https://t.co/iv6GOMqQ4i
yeah they're wasting their time shooting immediately for mass media when they enter society. "just words" - fool https://t.co/JuYxGYwa0e
conservatism is whatever Boss Jew tells the cuck to promote. the #cuckservative can live with that. so long as he gets paid
correct! the problem is these jungtards use "cuck" the way they do "sperg" as a generic insult, as we olds use fag https://t.co/w1Gf1P1XD0
nice red shirt, guy. did you stain it with your own menses https://t.co/CNwVsoBrR0
not true. their words create a conceptual framework that imprisons average minds and is reflected in law https://t.co/Fsub8SNCgc
The pseudo-intellectual, a middle-class coward, instinctively runs FROM #jew to #Kalergi. it's safer and he feels smarter.
jews bring in muslims to destroy white societies, when the inevitable happens, they give us their Grumpy Cat reax: (good, they deserve it!)
christianity is guilty of everything, but one thing in particular stands salient: it teaches people to assume OTHERS ARE LIKE ME.
whites, like stupid people, can only think to their own level. hence jews remain incomprehensible to 95% of them
never count on imaginary anonymous forces doing your job for you https://t.co/REo6Iz9I6w
turn your fucking cell phone off. you are SO FUCKING RUDE. i swear to god, you slave-tethered, shit-magneted fucknoggins. die already
hatred of whites defines (((modern media))). at every turn the white man & his culture are mocked, insulted, lied about, libeled
it would be a shame if some of these jews letting these muslim rapists into white nations were captured, tortured on film, posted on 'net
The jew is as open as he dares to be. His increasingly open hatred of the white man, called loxism, shows he feels he's entering end-game.
its head is disproportionately large in a macy's parade way https://t.co/OKm28U2knX
i wouldnt let that near my iguana. https://t.co/IAY7j2vstD
Jew the jew. Admit frankly you're at war with him. Mock him, hate him, kill him. In other words, fight BACK. This way lies victory.
The conservative is a mental woman. The alt-right is a woman who's undergone an addadictomy. What is needed is a man. A White Man.
The conservative, an effeminate, instinctively, womanishly, tries to have it both ways. Either the jew is good guy or evil guy. No middle.
It seems too simple to people to say that the jew is behind all this social misery. But it's true. Not just me saying that, Henry Ford also.
the significant point is that it always can and will be interpreted to serve #antiwhite causes https://t.co/l2HbqGMQL1
Those who fight the jew-bolsheviks and those who serve them become the same thing in the mouth of #cucksvatives: "Brownshirts."
dishonest, cowardly morons. natural-born submissives, halfwits, christians, simpletons, tools, dupes. https://t.co/7RMyt5ZDIc
jews have taken advantage of their xtianity's doctrine that we owe something to "our fellow man" aka nigges, mexcrement, other hominid trash
more like soul of the jew and the honesty of the english https://t.co/gdbA8ZyVHp
Except for Israel. Your kind always manages to leave that out. Israel has a giant wall to protect its blood. https://t.co/4G6Z2XSyw1
there's nothing more #cuckservative than calling the jew-enabled minorcs attacking Trump supporters brownshirts
there is nothing about christianity that isn't liberal and egalitarian. "all god's children" will always culminate in political insanity
religion is properly classed with drugs and drinking, and properly named delusion. no one "needs" any of these three.
read the Team White part more slowly. think about it. https://t.co/tKqMurtozN
christianity is a destructive cult https://t.co/rNQmmlhVzW
June 10, 2016:
not believing in christ-insanity does not equal spiritual void https://t.co/d9m92mr9fR
i question your assumption https://t.co/V1EEm1C9rx
so long as the white race remains religious it will never defend itself, and worship of Constitution is in that vein https://t.co/fnXClSIMdJ
the entire point about constitutions is no one follows them. not that the right one hasn't been written https://t.co/JRQYAWBIF7
It's cute and funny that jews call non-jews 'goyim' (filthy animals). While attacking whites endlessly for the crime of racism.
June 09, 2016:
And they'll reap the same result. But this time the expulsion won't be horizontal, it will be vertical. https://t.co/a4SAggXxTE
rights actually come from oak trees https://t.co/H2OresMiSG
cannibalism is not evil, but vegetarianism is https://t.co/am7Jd8Vtzh
yep. and they know it. https://t.co/zm4ALsnXAD
avg IQ = retarded. i mean...look at them https://t.co/UQtfh1qi8V
The jews, represented by #ADL, have lied about #LeoFrank for over 100 years. If you don't think their lying is biological, you're an idiot.
every last christ butt shank thinks it has clamped its case by citin' a verse. Shakespeare had only word on this: the Devil can do that too
christianity isn't just doctrines or words, it's actual behavior. this is me making Price Is Right girl hand motion https://t.co/nG30tv5CfS
Jebus wasn't a real Christian. I mean, come on. https://t.co/7ul4eVVDoj
Honesty is confusing to Irish Catholics, and British generally. It doesn't strike them as well calculated. It always feels, bald, German.
since that happened in under a century, it might be fair to judge the Constitution a mistake https://t.co/dy616rJpRk
now now, has katie been practicing jewish honesty again? https://t.co/dwo3kUZGEt
it's an awfully, one might say dangerously, were one a believer, low opinion of God to think that he made jews his special people
jews aren't just the most murderous and deceitful race on earth, they're the greediest https://t.co/Aso6X6WRTl
Christianity says it's immoral to treat jews as as class. I say it's insane to treat them as individuals. It leads to #whitegenocide
admitting he sees media (none of which were invented by jews) as weapon to be used by one race against others https://t.co/SNlG35gaRO
i dont have to argue with the prolapsed rectums of the neo-bowelists, just step over them holding my nose https://t.co/YGOknWGhLW
you will know i say this with praise, but the ((( ))) -- NOW YOU FAGGOTS are getting it - this is EXACTLY what a neo-hitler would do...today
Perhaps the #GodIllusion and the #safetyIllusion are the same thing? (pardon this thought, god isnt finished with it yet) #muhjustoccured
conservatism where radicalism is called for is simply cowardice. profitable to sell, tastes great, but the opposite of nutritious
you do whatever you want at the level that makes you comfortable. you. - the real faggotry of greggy et al
where are his enemies? https://t.co/6Rhp2Tvasy
a radical is someone willing to consider that just maybe there _isn't_ a safe, legal way out of the mess
June 08, 2016:
real country is about loss and pain. not strong smelling women & the he-fags who lick at their butt-holes https://t.co/17POkMXlvA
The tone of the west should be Roald Dahlian, not jebootish. I wouldnt lift a finger to defend "they know not" faggotry.
then a movement arose that for the first time in history identified the true cause and enemy. and erased it from existence.
For thousands of years, all mankind hated bananas. Arab, christian, nazi - they all loathed & despised bananas. Why? No one can say.
thing about cuckservatives, about the first time there's a mass shooting of neocohens, these mancunts will suddently contract otherhanditis
africans are literal retards. so if being racist seems morally horrifying to you, relax -- you're just 'tardist.
Tila Tequila has Twitter meltdown after getting heat for racist Instagram post https://t.co/NnzloIf0XW via @Salon
FPÖ to Formally Challenge Election Result https://t.co/Df4UczsDD3 via @NewObOnline
"the pope's not a real catholic" - catholics/reaxes are forced to argue this with the majority of popes. it is to laugh. #TeamClown
aborted niglets make great fertilizer for socially useful creatures like plants https://t.co/2aFXuZ4Wrr
FUCK ISRAEL or CUCK ISRAEL... ...guess which side the christians are on? ...and the White Men? #TeamWhite https://t.co/F2yEMjZskC
does america have a rape culture? only to the extent it's a subset of the making-excuses-for-niggers culture.
June 07, 2016:
Mein Kampf is not only a compelling story of a man's political education, but the dull reader, even, will notice obvious parallels to today.
cant let people drink from hitler well without poisoning it - New Mein Kampf to Test German Law https://t.co/6miV3nTw5A via @NewObOnline
June 06, 2016:
Bauhaus is not the same as not doing your best, it's deliberate perversion for ideological reasons. https://t.co/PCPhFFi9Dp
"Officially" - do ADL think they run the government? https://t.co/2GIzaDGZub
What's important is people understand that jews must be counter-exterminated. Everything else washes away, but this must and will be.
yet another reason - FBI under fire over secret project to recognise people by TATTOOS https://t.co/3ljO8HCrF4 via @MailOnline
Will Trump Be Sabotaged or Worse? https://t.co/BvHgZG6S5Y
June 05, 2016:
If you were trying to destroy whites as a race, you would do what the 'western' govts are doing. So the ? becomes: who runs these govts?
June 04, 2016:
muh dik-dik https://t.co/qQL4z7mIFH
what color were the niggers who attacked him? does your report say??? https://t.co/vmiOT41nc1
have a trump brigade stand inside the cops - serving dual purpose of protecting Normal Americans & shaming politicized cops
all these 'right'-wingers forever with high words on their lips just cant break addiction to blaming (((practices))) on nazis
read a bio of ali when i was in 6th grade. i didnt grow up around niggers. this was my first realization they are essentially animals.
you mildick sucking faggots make me sick. these are INCOMPETENT PARASITES. it's GREAT when they diecrash. https://t.co/oOsRlDrLGB
where i am they are female education majors, who pride themselves on being change agents, to extent they grasp role https://t.co/8ue6XWPm43
he is at best a proxy; will he do what he says? no one knows. https://t.co/zJaA3bxYea
italians living around the pope dont breed at all. under Hitler, germans bred at much higher rates https://t.co/c14G1zWsBS
goyim have been trained in government institutions to distrust pattern recognition - mental disfigurement is job #1 in "public schools"
i accept it also because there must be such a document. even if this were implausible (it's not), one must exist https://t.co/EvqqmzO5Jx
taken in conjunction with stuff like balfour declaration, weizmann letters... but really - the tone & scope r unique https://t.co/EvqqmzO5Jx
eh, i prefer your mom's pussy. not you. the other one https://t.co/4F7oSpGa53
hey donkey, have to put on the hardhat before the bricks fall on your head https://t.co/WJ9sjH1jCb
He's head concierge at Hotel Cuckmani https://t.co/PujKOjdZ3j
that's what we mean by jew control of education. Wiesel is a proven liar, source of nothing but antiwhite libels https://t.co/VarU2bOTaI
i believe they are what they purport to be, notes from jew-to-selected-jews lecture on long-term world plan https://t.co/paUIcSoJRx
bet you've said that to a lot of teachers, eh donkey https://t.co/RvajDcgOql
pick dwarfs with down syndrome as your opponent. good stuff. https://t.co/xwZj37CDYl
look at a photo of hitler. now look at elie wiesel. which looks like the used car salesman and which like the stand-up guy?
the cunt has taken on the paranoid projecting hostility of her hooknosed husband's tribe https://t.co/umwtLmD5CC
some people are extremely tiresome when they brag about themselves nonstop; others, it's part of their charm. eh..mystery of personality
i continually tell people how great i am on theory that left unaided some of them might not figure it out --Inside The American Noggin
i just got done reading a very long book about Darwin. what a nation England was in 1850. what an eagle-dive mess it is today
her name looks german, but in fact, she's a jew. https://t.co/xGCbM2qRxE
those are mini-mes. christianity itself is the subversion https://t.co/EjhdH3Zhzq
many masks, but underneath them all the yid https://t.co/Xz1ooGpP2y
#tcot the bolsheviks were jews. but jews in USA have trained the conservative christian cowards they were atheists https://t.co/KKrmI0U6Pr
Trump Rudely Dumps Italy’s Salvini https://t.co/n9nD6jeEXf via @NewObOnline
this jew is world champ at blowing smoke up Flyover ass - Ben Stein Says Trump Is https://t.co/O8ZQ2ejzDy
so in some imaginary world, white traitors have more money and power and media control than jews? https://t.co/z0RBbs5Y4X
which christian doctrine is it that says white blood, genes and culture are valuable? i attended much Sunday School. don't remember that.
he's probably a UK dope, where everything is against law. they're all scared 'civic nationalists' which = allfail https://t.co/e2A1qkNowx
where exactly do you think the bad education is coming from? who controls media and colleges and textbooks? jews. https://t.co/omIW4JuEUA
yeah, you're dealing with the symptom rather than the cause. because it's safer and easier. https://t.co/omIW4JuEUA
that bird is dumb enough to be a white man, or at least a christ-guzzler https://t.co/OV7Vxqm4Lh
as for jews, as joe G. said - that's what they dont want to be called. we tie them to their antiwhite policies https://t.co/LFZApSljO5
the concept of antiwhite is assumed in 'nigger,' which is the word the (((left))) gets hysterical about. https://t.co/LFZApSljO5
self-hating whites. mirrors self-hating jews. ie, working against interests of own people. https://t.co/LFZApSljO5
in their defense, the average nun is no looker https://t.co/2VX9fzfV0O
should voting decide who pilots a plane? no? so then running a country is less serious matter than piloting a plane
when you see a nigger, what does your instinct tell you is the right thing to do? and what does christian morality say? that's the problem
christianity represents an attempt to overcome basic instincts with destructive nonsense called morality
if you have mental problems, use your hair to hide it, not advertise it. Little tip from Harry Givens, B.S.C., mental health expert
words hurt forever. eggs just make you a little sticky https://t.co/Fxm9t1qqsr
if the 'greatest generation' had followed his example we might not be in this mess. "refuse to be used," white man https://t.co/Nqqm99Hr68
There is a subtler form of cucking, and that is nationalists who won't criticize christianity, though they know it is necessary.
Xtianity says whites have a moral duty to fix niggers and other discos, because they are creatures of God. Maybe He should own His fail.
Christianity functions as a paralytic. It leads whites to interpret behavior calling for self-defense as White Man's Burden.
If they cared about unfairness and double standards they wouldn't be ((( ))) or leftists. The only thing to do is fight & destroy them.
That's all white racial politics is - a Stream Team for a bloodline. Which is surely more important than a river.
Christianity has somehow planted it in white minds that to defend yourself, your kind, your culture is somehow selfish, declasse & immoral.
Whites love to get together, wear same t-shirt, and clean up streams. Ok, that's great. Now apply that to your nation, white people.
so far...no reason it can't happen. let a biker or military parasite take the lead - establish a brigade https://t.co/epzsl8j0pF
#diversity is about doing to the entire white world what's been done to california. your money, property and lives won't be safe
Düsseldorf Attack Plans “Bigger than Realized” https://t.co/iYFhw52UyI via @NewObOnline
Jews are natural totalitarians. Liberalism is poison they feed you so you will give them the space and freedom they need to take control.
Jews wrote the 1965 act that let these mexicans into our country. They also write the articles defending their violence against whites.
Trump should call for his supporters to form a defensive brigade, and fund it himself. "To protect women"
It's our duty to point out what's going on - since the conservative writers who should be refuse to ($$$). https://t.co/Z2AlS5gTOO
meth is social engineering that works - How Was Your Day … Blood Gang Member? https://t.co/579TASwli2
if you're going to lie, make it big and brazen. works for jews. why not for their goyservants? https://t.co/DAqsnu8JNx
June 03, 2016:
i just cant wait for the bukkake of horsehit that's going to descend like purple rain when ali kicks it
we need to have someone of you design an outfit, like bridesmaid equiv (color, not nec uniform) that 'we' can adopt publicly
two in one day? these some of them rare AP niggas https://t.co/syVqGxmCjx
Henry Ford observed in the Dearborn Independent that in the French Revolution, jew Rothschild's property went untouched amid raging mobs.
ol winnie looks like he just caught sight of a whiskey bottle https://t.co/YNol0H2QCz
In Protocol 3 (of 24), the jews take credit for French revolution, saying it was: "wholly the work of our hands."
Gresham's Law in action https://t.co/XQlsBQAgwA
amen 1000x over https://t.co/yDFjyDOA6k
massive numbers of white proles are hopelessly in debt from the online college scam https://t.co/JNBfGyPOS3
Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth 1967 https://t.co/E3vukRHDiA via @YouTube
Something happening here. What it is, is pretty goddam clear. Young people carrying signs. Saying, you, Mr jewby, get in the ovenline
From Protocol 2 (of 24): "Through the Press we have gained the power to influence while remaining ourselves in the shade..." ((( ))) works.
Whites offer jews First Amendment. Jews jail whites for hate speech. We can't live with this tribe. We can live without them.
Trump fans just create a cheerleader cordon for white families attending Trump rallies, and beat up any antis who interfere.
You, the gullible, weak-minded kiddie-show-politics fan, see Republicans and Democrats. Jews see jews and non-jews (goyim). Who runs things?
liberalism is poison. jews know this. they feed it to whites. they dont drink it themselves. see israel and her Giant Wall of Safety
the same jews who built a giant wall around Israel are trying to prevent a giant wall around your America. #WithJewsWeLose
no jews are liberals who love diversity, especially muslims and negroes; a wall would be unthinkable to them https://t.co/GZ19tWypub
all Trump is summon such a corps into existence by asking for it, and he has ample reason for doing so https://t.co/UxVQ30dIJi
Cuckservatives oppose Trump because Trump-hating jews sign their paychecks; privately 90% of them agree with his positions.
Jews oppose Trump because building a wall and stopping foreign wars directly oppose their #whitegenocide agenda.
I'd wager 90% of #cuckservatives agree with Trump, it's just that jews pay their salary, so they hate on him with pronounced fake-enthusiasm
I maintain the proper understanding of cuckservative is career girl. They don't BELIEVE what they write - they BELIEVE in getting paid.
Political violence on west coast; baby-destroying viruses on east coast - thanks, jews, for filling America with shitskins.
Vienna Patch: 2 New Cases of Zika Virus Reported in Northern Virginia https://t.co/h0NJrFHhxh
Media coverage along lines of irish joke: "That's nothing - I can find a dozen people who DIDNT see me kill him, your honor."
Jews let shitskins into America. And jews justify their attacks on whites. Jews are The Problem. The simple truth from #TeamWhite
Pierce had his ideas. To me, white cause is a preference. It's not about outer space or inner spirituality. https://t.co/IhTCPqVVF1
If the initimidated, PC-stood-down cops will do nothing, Trumpists are fully justified forming a defense division. @realDonaldTrump
It's time to form up some lines of strong young men to insure safety for supporters at Trump rallies. Someone take the lead on this.
we're not kicking them out this time. we're burying them and their problem set for good https://t.co/S08E6H0uM8
christians, the three-digit-iq ones, play the same dishonest rhetorical games jews do, they're just not as good at it
the proof is in the field. it's spelled 'atheist' https://t.co/tPB6Xfsvz7
pagan is a christian term, it means nothing to me. it's their version of the jew's 'gentile.' milder but dismissive https://t.co/GoDCLxffxe
#OurSoggyHeroes - Via @NPR: At Least 5 Soldiers Dead In Fort Hood After Truck Overturned In Swollen Creek https://t.co/YVDT6SLbLx
June 02, 2016:
not just parasites - incompetent parasites https://t.co/Tg3F5QdZSG
Conservatism is essentially rationalized cowardice. Cons serve the powers that be like wives, demurring here and there on little things.
Our Heroes are losing battles to water now? https://t.co/pKOcmvzyVU
the problem with people like the absurdly named Megyn is they have no core. they read papers and try to figure their next move #clowns
and i believe that fugly she-vulture is supposed to be a "right-wing" yid https://t.co/t93t9RJDzn
#AnnCoulter will be remembered by her children as a craven punch-puller. The woman who left the ((( )))) out.
Hallo, folk. Ahm Jemmy Dirtbutter fom Frogaass, Teenuhsaaay. Ahm a soldurr ah am. Heero too. Jes ask muhee. Or muh daaawg Hes a heero too.
soldier = parasite https://t.co/hPiXNgXJBw
look into it retard, you dont even know the actual history. https://t.co/mKwktonR7n
you tell 'em Capn Parasite https://t.co/6tuLNEu7f5
xtianity is a real obstacle to racialism. it's not something WN can be neutral about https://t.co/cBSdeYuvuf
go clean booth 3, sgt pork https://t.co/Ud1hUX8s7m
what you jews and discos dont grasp is that Trump is the legal way. you're not going to like the extralegal way.
you pick and choose which traditions you carry on. we all do. but traditionalists JUST LIKE PROGS = coopt the whole thing for THEIR choices
what traditionalists don't understand (1% of it) is 1) many to most traditions are bad 2) carrying on ANY tradition is a positive choice
that's a good point: circumcision is now a #muhturdition among whiteskins in US. any #TradCrank want to defend it? https://t.co/s7vlQiddZT
nothing says great architecture like trying too hard https://t.co/cBrulBEX3C
go play with your doggy faggot. https://t.co/yqmDOoZVX3
libertarian in the miltiary. you're more confused than bruce jenner, you stupid tool https://t.co/83WkCPByJL
so you served in jews' wars for money. where do you think that money came from ya faggot? https://t.co/83WkCPByJL
awesome! totally awesome! https://t.co/k4PCpqVshL
you're a libertarian who loves armies? https://t.co/ONl46vhj9k
Cuck Dreher equates white tribalism represented by proxy Trump with #BLM, which calls to mind WFB's pushing-old-ladies examples.
"guardrails of our democratic politics". ie, that whitenigger trying to escape Master Jew's plantation, unlike good lil mecuck )Dreher(
Trump called the press to a conference yesterday to tell them what a pack of scumbags they are [just what they need] https://t.co/8VlVrJ6kMk
eh i say that to my neighbors horse all the time https://t.co/4uxT3b1f0E
gee it seems to be playing out. this was written by (((herzl back in 1890s, most likely https://t.co/OTkdpLuPEr
we also would have accepted "behind alley dumpsters" https://t.co/VQnOqga4A4
how bout you shut up and go away https://t.co/4C8zyw8C1r
That is some master-level chutzpah from her https://t.co/fBNpZYlCTu
they're like children who don't realize punch n judy puppets are on hands of the same person. https://t.co/JMkDn8dNbI
1 of these apologists used to talk about xtianity intensifying personality, but in my exp. theyre carbon-copy losers https://t.co/lK5fFGPT2K
Most intelligent family Britain ever produced. https://t.co/aTTtdVQd1f
"It's true that whites founded and built up the country, but they have no right to object to our changing its racial makeup." --judeo-left
oh now we got to pretend dogs are heroes too? they're just four-legged parasites. STANDING ARMIES ARE UN-AMERICAN https://t.co/7BqMu59MR8
Typical xtian - low-quality whiteskin. These shitbrains are triggered by snakes, one reason i have the avatar. https://t.co/0qKcdV97Oe
They don't need any news tricks because whitedogs never learn. https://t.co/xIvfzsrp8V
go blow yr jebus, loser. https://t.co/mWU7AeAzJs
They))) Deny white desert, white achievement, white merit - deny white existence. This lays groundwork for dispossession and genocide.
BBC is like NPR in US: they only hire jews. https://t.co/PzoYAndnY7
No, they really aren't. https://t.co/Xag4alGz7i
A genuine Aryan Warhol, awesome https://t.co/J16UaBIORv
Rubio's about face on Trump shows you that no one serves jews out of love - purely out of fear & self-interest. TPTB changes, Rubios reverse
Always starken differences: we are NOT in this together. The bad guys are #TeamJew. The good guys are #TeamWHite. POLARIZE POLARIZE POLARIZE
I remember the days when you could drive all the way across the USA on I-80 and never encounter a single "Mainiak Sarkar" wtf that is.
Beating jews requires dumping Anglo respectability politics for neo-German-nationalist racial-integrity politics. #TeamWhite
A WASP will choose decorum over integrity every single time. The Anglosphere has no solution to jews.
What color is the nigger suspect? https://t.co/RuMZJsrmQN
Really, the only role conservative writers could have would be explaining to white masses the truth about jews. They never do this. Fuck 'em
South Africa just voted for a law that forces whites to sell to blacks at whatever price the black offers. You think US blax wouldnt copy?
Zombie time at campaign Hillary: Camille Paglia on Trump’s real strength and Clinton’s fatal sleepwalking https://t.co/8P0yPAuFms via @Salon
This is the great past the reactionaries are talking about. Finally I get it. https://t.co/JivknRw5v9
Trump is showing just a thimble of the same thing - whites WILL follow real leaders who put themselves on the line. https://t.co/PH3in3gwFi
"While preaching liberalism to Gentiles, we shall hold our own people, and our own agents, in unquestioning obedience."
"In this divergence between the Gentiles and ourselves in ability to think and reason is to be seen clearly...
Guilty is seen as an individual question by whites, but as a collective matter by jews. Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
"The great qualities of the people -- honesty and frankness -- are essentially vices in politics,...
nasty little bosco hothead https://t.co/nmmZ9It2ge
your future white america - unless you team up racially: South Africa: Govt. to “Legally” Seize Land https://t.co/w4U9Ty7MaP
Monkey Nation, salute https://t.co/x1ZNDTH1fP
Like stained glass and Bach all you want, it doesn't change the fact that christianity is a cuck religion.
Politics = (((war on whites))). You're either for #TeamWhite or #TeamJew. Everything else is a mirage.
Jews deny they can ever, under any circumstances be 'guilty' in relation to goyim. Like animals, goyim exist only to serve them. #loxism
The jews invested a staggering amount of money and effort to prevent justice for their pedo-murderer #LeoFrank - KNOWING HE WAS GUILTY.
Jews are a race of evil, murderous liars. #loxism Christians alone on planet earth fail to perceive this. https://t.co/gO3YzfYJGT
why is fire so racist? we need to get those warmer boffins to investigate - Invader Center Burns in Upper Austria https://t.co/H6vkEDE9AM
June 01, 2016:
believe he was/is married to a triberess https://t.co/Z4PFBLShhi
yep. but i havent yet - one month to go https://t.co/k77j4szNuM
Well, he's going to win his "fair share of abuse" in my book. He will figure prominently under Courtier Satirists https://t.co/P5XjjqeAAj
how long are you going to be scared off lands by being called racist, white man? before or after your kind is replaced by Pac Man ghosts?
Conservatives must be whipped daily by #TeamWhite. Some will object: "But they get off on it!" True, but it's still necessary.
his humor grew sour, with the endless jews wars. partly natural aging, but also awareness the real satirist'd oppose https://t.co/LSNgb6MY4Y
So many whites are whores, it's disgusting. P.J. O'Rourke is a good example. Fuck my own kind, I'm throwing my lot in w the jew$.
There are different types of lying: jews specialize in gaslighting;the goyskins #cuckservatives they hire specialize in punch-pulling.
As always, conservatives are like bad steaks. You have to beat them tender to get any use out of them. Abuse those chickenshit bastards!
Remember always what Sobran said about professional conservatism: "It was all a game; a way of making a living."
Conservatives are whiteskins who profit by agreeing with avg white man something is dreadfully wrong, but misleading about the source.
They worship jews while same tear down their plaques and flags and defame their ancestors. https://t.co/XhsJbQT6Ry
To understand jews is to work for their extinction. They deserve worse, but one does what one can. #TeamWhite
Dingus has it figgered out, he do. https://t.co/r6QfOu7xtS
If you want to know the true nature of jews, how they think and behave, there is no better microcosm than the #LeoFrank story.
This is more likely to bother whites than their women and girls being raped. https://t.co/Vp35nPJFxT
If the #ADL defends the very worst jew (a boss who murderes his goy employee, punching/raping her after she refuses advances...)
It's a shame. https://t.co/XhsJbQT6Ry
His sentence was carried out by the good men of Georgia. Jewish money and lies did not prevail then. #HeroTomWatson https://t.co/Pc6l6AsZ6M
The #ADL was formed to spread lies to protect a jew who raped and murdered a 13yo white girl. https://t.co/DCs7kq8FYN
Israeli woman says she lied about being raped by Palestinians - Israel News https://t.co/rAl0ElGz7R
May 31, 2016:
The Yids n Chopped Liver Party yields an array of delicious stooge choices. https://t.co/AanM1jkU0D
No time to twerk when you're collecting leaves for your night nest. https://t.co/mYItmXK0uV
That gorilla was on his way to making Cincinnati great again. That's why (((they))) shot him. #CTWeCanBelieveIn
(((couric))) https://t.co/hQsAkTGzxY
to (((left))) value of muslims in ruining white nations > rape. so feminists stay still. and after all, the rape victims are white.
all seemingly contradictory leftist postions (dogs not barking, typically) can be explaind by #antiwhite-ism trumping all other agenda items
The dead gorilla and Trump are both proxies for white racial anger. The anger is legitimate, & we must stoke it till it burns ZOG to ground.
They're all jews and to hell with them. https://t.co/sbdYV03z6C
Social media agree to submit to jewish speech suppression. https://t.co/aU02kvPX4m
Christianity is #antiwhite. The lama's cult, eh, not so much. At least in practice. https://t.co/TekBTQ0bRw
Is it true you're as obnoxious off camera as you are fake-nice on? https://t.co/4Mw6qdIhIm
May 30, 2016:
time to quit pretending niggers are people? Nearly 60 Shot in Chicago Memorial Day Weekend Violence https://t.co/tcfbl2PUhP via @nbcchicago
they're paying blackmail, almost literally https://t.co/PhMcHDjvHN
Jews know who they're fighting for, and whose interests they serve. Whites generally do not. So they too end up serving jews. #TeamWhite
They're called "Greatest Generation" because they served jews. If they served whites, they'd be called...Nazis.
calling jews traitors is rhetfail. neocons using whiteskin morons to rearrange world to suit Israel is racial loyalty, not treason.
The Ticking Nigerian Time Bomb https://t.co/Lk2JxNIpRu via @sharethis
I make distinctions between vets. There are the good guys - who fought the Revolution and for the Confederacy. And dupes and parasites.
May 29, 2016:
Mocking the Tatercaust. Wow. Just wow. https://t.co/7Ipq7udokv
Bube-Loompa = @benshapiro https://t.co/sxpidqViS1
yr both ((( ))) tho https://t.co/U6xtnHXKqW
apism is the crime of treating blacks as equal to whites, which is horribly unfair to whites, or 'apist'
niggers are common and worthless; gorillas are rare and valuable. what's more, the reason gorillas are rare is - niggers killing them
At first, it looked like Harambe was trying to help the boy, O'Connor said. He stood him up and pulled up his pants.
whites are such a cucked race they get angrier at blacks for killing a gorilla than their own sons and daughters
if that gorilla had killed the niglet, we could have been in for some of the funniest protesting in subhuman history
you're a strong woman, so its understandable https://t.co/iKbls1w0IP
Jews detest niggers. But they perceive their value in destroying white society. Same with christianity. Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
Regulation = safety. If you believe this, you are on par with the jebus simpletons. https://t.co/wkWnJYgoSD
When you have to say you dont care. Ya kinda care. And you should. They're lying to our kids. Defaming our relatives & ancestors. #TeamWhite
finally an African-America who legitimately got screwed by the System https://t.co/cUif01t7xl
the jew-left attempts to equate publishing the facts about jew behavior or interracial crime as illegal incitement https://t.co/JsDZW3LKQr
'inciting violence' is illegal, that's what she tried to imply by using the term 'incite.' https://t.co/JsDZW3LKQr
Free speech has a legal meaning, as does innocent until proven guilty, but there's more to it than that - it's a disposition not all share.
White men of the future will simply slaughter jews wherever they appear. They deserve it. They initiated genocide against us. #TeamWhite
In Real America, you can bake cakes for whomever you please. For in Real America, jews leave and free association returns.
what color are the nigger "men"? https://t.co/p5mOlXHYbO
what color are the nigger suspects? https://t.co/d9uH6zKdMQ
'incite' - this person thinks it should be illegal to state the plain facts about jewish attitudes and behavior https://t.co/XcC7Vh341B
Hungary matters? Hungary matters. - Custodela Fightback Site Launched https://t.co/JezLfOmdD7 via @NewObOnline
good point. its stupidity is of a piece with "niggers wont live where it's cold." https://t.co/vkitMXraHf
It's not young white men who have problem with calling jews jews, and that's where your revolution comes from.
"all jewish historical claims are lies" file - First Phoenician DNA is European https://t.co/OMWMpAyxpv via @NewObOnline
Christianity is #antiwhite. https://t.co/GwmXui9Jxz
May 28, 2016:
There isn't a single thing jews do that doesn't endanger white children. https://t.co/nWnaRrYws0
If the founders of the US wanted a grabbag country they would have put an ashtray on the flag, not a rattlesnake.
Both Republicans and Democrats agree that racism, a spurious concept invented by communist mass murderers, is WORST THING EVER. Some choice.
Jews try to control everything. Take that as a given. How would you act if you were in their position, with their resources? Look there.
notice how the jew-approved alternatives to the jew System are always jews? (((Drudge, Yiannopoulous))) Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
Media = jews writing for whites. Jews hate whites. They just want their subscription money. Not their input. https://t.co/k6Nr5HpmDq
As conservative, I support America's core value: the right to own niggers. George Washington tested / Thomas Jefferson approved. #tcot
jews make tinkle then aliyah, their invisible feelers sensing Trumpenreich https://t.co/laU19mWhgQ
i'm all about not sharing a country with dangerous cultists who believe things like Jihad and "Even the best of the goyim should be killed."
faith is needed, and has its proper place here: correct reasoning works. you can place your faith in this. example to follow.
look...there were no gas chambers. millions of wwii-era jews know this personally. yet how many speak the truth? 3? https://t.co/hgYchwM6Hr
in jewish roulette, the gun has 1000 chambers and 1 is empty https://t.co/hgYchwM6Hr
always been interesting to me that religion can only be defended pragmatically by rightist intellectuals or pseuds
conservative mentality = feminized loser mentality (OMG, people are totally looking at me! must not make a scene!) https://t.co/IrID6vZAXW
make distinctions between jews = bring a squirt gun to a gunfight. DO THEY EVER DO THAT 4 US? HELL NAW https://t.co/LjZZezqjAG
"how we look" - no. getting what we say absolutely right is our concern. finding right princinples & sticking to em. https://t.co/LjZZezqjAG
religion is destructive of both individual character and larger society, it deserves nothing but a an eastwoodian smh/spit
unless you have a degree from Orkin State, not really interested in your views on vermin https://t.co/CdMS402WYr
other white haters dont control mass media. emotion is for pros, anyone can do reason https://t.co/ESA3s40fqM
"The free market does not steal from the future to live high on the hog today because honest interest rates"...
nigger + money = nigger https://t.co/eCazCNRCTW
Shrkeli says "GET IN THE RING" and he'll make fag-whining-for-free-drug-type noises come out of you https://t.co/IUuuAKfRK0
au contraire my retarded little jebus-fellating friend. i am salubriouser than three (3) alpine meadows https://t.co/pFaq89t9JS
the best thing about mass slaughtering jews will be watching christians cry and do their stupid spurgyodels & hand jive
i'm not following jareb taylol, tweeter. "i'd like to advise a slightly different way of shitting on whites than my jewish friends practice"
The muds want to take what you have, and any pretext will do. The jews supply them with bogus history and media gaslighting to cover it.
Gawker has comment apartheid, and in effect doesn't allow non-cultists to participate. "Free speech" is the opposite of Denton mentality.
Donning a Popular Face: How the Alt-Right is Winning the Meme War https://t.co/zMwyAnZA5n via @AtlanticCent
May 27, 2016:
we are setting the weekend bar as follows: Forty-two shot, seven of whom will pass on to the Great Beyond (7/35) https://t.co/3qcb0xf8Dw
Trump stands for the America the (((left))) couldn't create, doesnt respect, and wants to destroy. Unfortunately for them, Trump = majority.
wars started by heroes like bill kristol reason we're able to enjoy fine holidays like Memorial Day https://t.co/pkMQiHD92l
i'd be a nigger? https://t.co/STS9IcT5hp
they rape and murder our kind, and we refrain from talking about them impolitely, which is euphemism for accurately https://t.co/MTCmrCzI9S
the use of nigger is a mocking attack on the left, and the left hates it because it's undeniably accurate/effective https://t.co/jegWkXRkwr
the left won't allow any collective negative term for its subgroups. it would make all negative references taboo https://t.co/jegWkXRkwr
nigger is the only accurate description for blacks. it's the only word that gets to the reality of what they are. https://t.co/zckNJxOPAS
yeah, i remember using it back in 2000 https://t.co/xQH0HcCvfE
by that token nothing has gotten us anywhere. there's a reason the (((left))) hates & fears that word most https://t.co/KlQIX6E77h
Jebus came back from the dead; the Nazis gassed 6 million jews. Hey, man, whatever you want to believe. Reality is whatever you make it.
it's easy to believe in the Holohoax if you've been prepped with lies about miracles pulled off by the Jebus
except i used white genocide before anyone, and i continue today. other people directly state NOT to name the jew https://t.co/Ncgz8SgUSN
if conservatives 100 years ago had gone after JEWS, they would have risked winning. https://t.co/NLvFUoGHu7
we just disagree. the main things whites need to hear is they have an enemy, and (((who))) it is. https://t.co/VJy85oSjlE
great. in my view education is pretty much taken care of, the problem is organizing without being thwarted https://t.co/Ma28hyUuC7
it's true that it does require explanation which makes it less than ideal, but it's still effective https://t.co/KBZfzq4WWw
that's why - #WhiteGenocide will only become clearer over time due to demographics and increasingly open hatred https://t.co/KBZfzq4WWw
what if the people who say nazis are evil are the REAL bad guys? https://t.co/OttQRHGeQe
so if a black is born albino, he's a white because his skin is white? you're an idiot. https://t.co/cqBtNnroRt
May 26, 2016:
this sort of garbage is why jews will be made extinct, one way or another https://t.co/DDa0tUd6z9
no, tats were always for sailors and whores https://t.co/iDgJYwBYVv
All we're doing is relearning what the National Socialists knew, without admitting it to ourselves. Grow up already, us. #TeamWhite
It's better to say jews, as it focuses attention on the crux of the matter. #Antiwhite is effective as an adjective. https://t.co/5sLhTGogo2
if jews can diminish my people's suffering as 'indentured servitude,' then i can surely reduce negro slavery to 'extended unpaid internship'
Luau centerpiece opens its northtwat https://t.co/ZWbZAKhHyw
here's what i mean: i used to think people like this clown were kidding. they're not. they think race is skin color. https://t.co/1VNPRkvWUk
the left loves to smuggles its politics in under manners (Pocahantas), nearly as much as dressing them in drag as science (global warmin')
the christians have been opening Muh Bible at negroes for hundreds of years now. neither party ever learns
it doesnt bother me in the least if the jebus cult disappears from the eastern med. nor does it surprise me that xtians care little as i do
slavery was the South offering unpaid internships to civilizationally inexperienced negroes, it was USA's first affirmative action
it's strange how refusing to be intimidated by sanctimonious twinks is like a winning strategy...lol https://t.co/OoZEJJD5zh
see my little brainwashed chilluns...if whitesies and blacksies were in the zoo...they'd be in different cages. w different plaques. get it?
Slavery wasn't morally wrong, it was a technical mistake. You can't let people destroy your nation simply to enrich themselves.
xtianity can no more be done away with than astrology or farts, but supersede it with blood order, and it will quiesce among lower orders
Alton, Ill., battles between the 'Sanctimonious Madmen' (Lovejoy) demanding immanent slave liberation & good guys https://t.co/zlijCUOcBM
Southerners won't acknolewdge because they little, but Lincoln was a very personally tough man. he was also wrong. https://t.co/zlijCUOcBM
the white population throws up a percentage of zanies in every generation, and they will use (nigs) to destroy the sane 95%
Southerners and Boers have learned at great expense the timeless truth: there is no such thing as free labor.
it's clearly a mistake to have any nigs in a white land because they are a standing temptation to white maloccs https://t.co/2X9hY9GKCD
the funny thing about catholicism is...no one else but a catholic would look at their fishsticks n beer "civilization" and think to brag ont
that's his beard. lincoln physically fought, and saved my ancestor from being lynched, very likely. he was tough. https://t.co/u3ah8zgB0x
muslim = genetic crap + inculcated bellicosity ME xtians are same crap, just w less immediately destructive cult. if they're dead, so what
children like pets generally sense someone's inner spiritual reality and instinctively shy from evil like this girl https://t.co/Zm1FRamvii
It was English Americans who destroyed constitutional government in the USA in 1860. Let that be crystal clear.
you cant lay it at feet of german or irish immigrants that a large section of English US founder descendants didnt follow own rules in 1860
Dreher's no jew. that's an ordinary german name. verb drehen means to turn or revolve https://t.co/ptRz8I5z8L
is it unfair to rechristen it christ-insanity? it is not. https://t.co/0qQN0JejcK
you cant say the nazis were conservatives, they were too brave and effective for that. but it's hardly right to type them liberals either
we must come to grips with and finish the race jews for all time. that is our Euro mission. #TeamWhite
"Everyone who disagrees with me is a liar." https://t.co/y4Kc00Dheq
putting that powerful bix nood juju on the (((britpoof))) as turdelia beams approval https://t.co/hkWegnPrqK
avg american is a genial, somewhat cowardly, unintellectual fatty - the woman childishly amused by Chewbacca mask https://t.co/G3NWfzKwCY
“Most memes are ephemeral by nature, but Pepe is not,” @JaredTSwift told me. “He’s a reflection of our souls"... https://t.co/P42KyjbQrH
"I would much rather my kids marry Ethiopians who were believing Orthodox Christians than marry fellow white people who aren’t." Rod Dreher
not at all. some whites cant be demoralized. https://t.co/I1MQCj6htY
blacks are not white people that someone sneaked in and spraypainted black during the night. what part of that is hard to understand?
"I would much rather my kids marry Ethiopians who were believing Orthodox Christians than marry fellow white people who aren’t." -Rod Dreher
expelling jews is like brushing teeth. forever we did it sideways, and then one day they said right way is up and down
i dont know you. you may have won the nobel prize for cow-worshipping or something, i dont know. https://t.co/HA28vLT3Ac
no. the former is rhetorically useless and scientifically dubious. the latter is compact and undeniable https://t.co/OYpYEYURmS
Christianity, w its bizarre and wrong racial theories, stayed the white hand against jews until they were strong enough to murder the race.
Audiobook: conclusion (pp112-147) of Revilo Oliver's "The Enemy of Our Enemies" https://t.co/fHgtyCRWSS
May 25, 2016:
yeah, buh-bye kike https://t.co/uEV4TuYPMI
i dont think you really do. but the answer is written out at length in Henry Ford's The International Jew, fm 1920s https://t.co/m9K4Evl24K
i was the one who introduced KM to the racialist community, back around 2000. no one had heard of the guy https://t.co/Soi1FnJmm9
your motive is to shift blame from your group onto whites https://t.co/Soi1FnJmm9
You think wrongly. https://t.co/fpFvRL6MyG
There's a comparative racial difference. But I see you're a jew, hence a liar. So no wonder you favor blame shifting https://t.co/bXJrGVZBgS
i've read all KM. most of it comes from Cuddihy in the 1970s - The Ordeal of Civility https://t.co/7yGSx2OBSV
i've read KM's stuff. his theories are interesting, but mostly irrelevant. jews are a team. that's the difference. https://t.co/O19P35CkHi
any small group working as a team can upset uncoordinated individuals https://t.co/KqDWUY2fQu
then he's wrong too https://t.co/S2AkdQVyJh
Most of the whiteskins seeing #whitegenocide for the first time sputter in response. The idea has never occured. Making it effective.
what matters is whites choose white - when they are given a chance. so the (((govt))) wont give it to them. https://t.co/metozazpCv
if whites were racially antiwhite, or favored outgroups, this whole antiwhite (((Matrix))) we labor under would be unnecessarily redundant
you should stop listening to people who point to white choices over a law and propaganda matrix that forbids WN https://t.co/Nc3aovmY86
the lack of moral courage comes from the christianity the bogus theory backers you cite fear to criticize https://t.co/kp00NFahdl
you're far underestimating white racial sentiment, and how much the legal structure of the country forbids it https://t.co/OehpV3X4Nl
due to the legal and social infrastructure. whites get punished for speaking racially, blacks get rewarded. by jews. https://t.co/OehpV3X4Nl
First I've heard of whites in South Africa possibly fighting back... https://t.co/phj1xy9Z9J
No, it's not outgroup preference at all. Whites relocate to whiter areas vast majority of time. And marry white. https://t.co/4CImMh4jFc
Just the few hundreds thousand years it takes blacks to evolve into real humans. https://t.co/rzy5US2PTj
maybe you seem marginally less stupid than most discoloreds? https://t.co/gx2oMyp2X1
if that were true, and it's not, the govt wouldnt need to run mongrelization agitprop 24/7 https://t.co/nnjqTxSDJO
yeah verily doth The Sempiternal Idiot (ID'd by its + pendant) thinketh the bibble a Roger Tory Peterson Field Guide to Planet Earth
religion is that noise howling wildcurs make at midnight on windy ridges, translated into human form, decked in discolored glass
if it made sense, if it were true, it wouldnt be religion https://t.co/dByjfxcpUe
talking about the Kreeft quote https://t.co/GhhCTtGGwb
i say the christian is wrong in his claims about god. the christian says i don't actually believe what i say i do. christians = no honor
you forgot the ((( around people. https://t.co/hNpqLcQrIt
good example of jewiness of christian argumentation: no one really believes god doesnt exist; ie, no honest atheists https://t.co/EZBTOwICFE
like RPO says, jews put very little effort into their lies, making them coherent & non-contradictory https://t.co/NMgfR4CvAV
like roaches. if you see one, there's 200 more up in the attic writing novels https://t.co/iYQJ818VEx
the truth is that jews suffered less than any other people in WWII - which they caused by their communism
translation: submit to blackmail by a religion that has physical rape and murder of non-believers as a tenet https://t.co/L2u3BSnGnM
never allow they've suffered at all. the focus is entirely on the suffering they've caused our kind, which they deny https://t.co/K5ZA7Avl88
It makes sense to people who can read. Either dispute the point or it stands, simple harry. https://t.co/m0GFOBwdEO
You can be a christian, or you can be a white man. Not both. Facts > fantasy. A helpful clarification from #TeamWhite.
The Founders were racists. Your allegiance to them is fake. https://t.co/WU1wCtC1HX
the avg person has the dim idea jews are a religion that is a little smarter and richer & has suffered more than most. acquaint him w facts
my ancestors fought with Ethan Allen and G. Washington. maybe they ran away and hid. but i like to believe they killed lots of vile British
in the vast majority of cases, a man's race tells you more about him than his religion. this bio pin pricks the conceit that is catholicism
if i tell you that a man named r.m. is black, has 8 degrees, is catholic ... which fact tells you the most about him?
christainity completely downplays the flesh, save as source of immoral impulses. as i say, xtianity is liberalism - it denies/devalues race
the avg person will really not believe that all the people you say are jews actually are. this can wake people up, i have seen it first-hand
conservatism is some kind of dollar-store crap that is so diluted it cant actually clean anything. racialism is the concentrate
once you see the ((( ))) you cant unsee it. but probably 2/3 of jews on tv are not recognized as such by reglar americans. they need yr help
That's a shame...only five. https://t.co/t6AeKz812n
It makes no sense to name the Station at the End of the Line: #WhiteGenocide. And not name the conductor: #TeamJew
What they say: it's good to force different races to mix. What they mean: it's good for jews. Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
Mainstream (((cons))) have invested years tying race-sanity to nazis and nazis to liberals. https://t.co/jhqo5qr5ip
All the shit you see that we all hate, it's not going to go away. It's going to get worse. And #WhiteGenocide is last stop. Or...we fight.
#WhiteGenocide isnt great but is necessary still, because it makes clear there is a logic and end goal to All This Crap.
White cause needs leadership, not salesmen. I mean, not living in a nation with niggers or jews siccing them on us sells itself.
Grandma Maine hates Trump. Grandma Maine can't even get out of way of van. https://t.co/XngsCeRKRc
how to redpill someone #2: point out that what System-left and System-rightists agree on is where the problem is (that race doesnt matter)
how to redpill someone? watch tv with them and just point out every jew you see on the political shows or news
we move steadily toward day when What Will Neighbors Think graph line crosses under Need to Save Our Own Kind.
Christianity has dog-trained whites that luv > thought. https://t.co/QFOMZ2Gbsh
Sewage is alt-water. catholics brought 'civilization' to South America. https://t.co/sW9zLGb964
These fucking Greater Mexicans cant even keep their water clean, but we listen to kahnservatives tell us they improve the USA? RUFKM? #tcot
The White racial cause is so inherently attractive it needs active suppression to keep it down. The days of Social Fear Dictation be ending.
Why are you concerned w how you look to others if you're able to stomp them into the ground per Might Makes Right? https://t.co/CwtHHpzSma
Do Muslims control immigration to your white land? No? Who does? #TeamWhite asks the right questions.
Today's average American is similar in brainpower to a first-grader in 1800s. I suspect this is not an overstatement.
jews are more destructive than muslims. there are fewer of them, they're harder to see, and they have infinitely more power. #TeamWhite
the conservative conceit is that you can talk jews out of their positions. this is same as believing you can talk a dog out of being a dog
just as w jews leftists and jew conservatives, what christianity and Enlightenment have in common is infinitely more significant than diffs
christianity is liberalism. libs say blacks are whites with dark skin. xtian says same thing but of mind-color rather than skin.
Creating radicals wins, not pandering to khaki-wearing middle-class windsniffers.We tried yr xtian cult and conservatism. They dont work.
Oprah says, when someone shows you what he is, believe him. jews have done that. over millennia. i believe them.
unlike christians and conservatives, i have intellectual humility: i dont believe i can talk a jew out of what's it's been for 5000 years
jews are behind the discoloring of America. and the rest of the West. #TeamJew has declared war on Whites.
normies are 2-digit proles. middle-class respectables wont do shit. ever. https://t.co/wA2zbln7Vt
women...they're not built for thinking https://t.co/9VOJOET4Sj
keep it well fed and give it all the hair dye it wants. you just might have a chance... https://t.co/9WkWe5kJww
Whites always talk about space exploration. To me, insanely boring, but this is the political equiv. Here be Glory. https://t.co/t1gSZH31mV
You're either a man, a woman, or a freak. If the last, keep it to yourself. And no one will care or know. #commonsense
The Germans were too advanced and civilized to permit the jews to foment crap like transgenderism. Americans...not so much.
And ever since, White children have been defined legally as Learning Aids for Budding Young Negroes. https://t.co/bCOK61LTa9
the illusion of choice, the illusion of debate, the reality of jewish control behind the scenes. this is politics in the West in 2016
Neocohens are the lineal and nostrumic descendants of the USSR yids who murdered 60,000,000 of our Whitekind. #TeamWhite
Pilpul and gaslighting are concepts taught in no media class yet essential to grasping how (((mass media))) operate.
With recherche and esoteric positions like...national borders...normal sex...not actively hating white people. https://t.co/D0IbWSXHfz
#IStandWithIsrael https://t.co/1glsU9W4oZ
Noseferatu demands you dirty antisemites bleed more for Israel with every passing year. #IStandWithIsrael
the jews are doing the same thing as the muslims, there are just fewer of them and most dont dress funny so you can't see it #tcot
attack on native British continues - https://t.co/whz18vmZLl via @NewObOnline
why be a man when you can be a christian? it's much easier. https://t.co/Mx6SDcIudA
That fat broad laughing under the Chewbacca (he trills!) mask - that is precisely the midpoint of the whiteskin population, brains, etc.
As Authoritate, I would depute silent killers to stalk the population, harvesting anyone who used "rock" for wear. #FreshIdeas4OurTime
I'd like to build a giant blender and throw all the 120-lb commies and lesbians at Gawker in. #NeoIvanism
You have to decide, white man, whether you big or you little. If little, you know which way to go. The path is marked with the + sign.
I care as little about jews as they care about me - and they hate me and try to bring about the genocide of my kind. #TeamWhite
Remember who initiated the violence: the anti-Trump crowd. Excused and justified by jewsmedia that showers hate on real Americans.
The South, and Georgia in particular, deserves immense credit for bringing White Man justice to pedophile-rapist-murderer #LeoFrank. #ADL
as well try to shame a monkey for masturbating or flinging poo as try to shame #BlackLivesMatter protesters
and of course when they say Gemany "turned on jews" it's gaslighting for resisting #whitegenocide and Weimarization of culture #TeamWhite
you perhaps could shame (DePaul) blacks if race were just a skin color, as conservatives believe. but it's not. #tcot
The measure of the greatness of European Man is whether he can throw off the shackles of Jewish Tyranny. #TeamWhite
you cant shame blacks. whites never notice this. conservative cowards never tire of opposing violence with tut-tuttery #tcot
Germany was ahead in automotive technology with Mercedes. And it was ahead in politics with national socialism. Get it, slow boat?
When they say "'how could EDUCATED, ADVANCED Germany turn on jews"...? That's why. Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
hahaha https://t.co/U1GilUAcoC
Redskin 'Vox Day' and yellowskin @AngelTilaLove agree: SJWs (J*WS) worse than 'Nazis.' https://t.co/fhX66yX2lS
hey, the Romney method works https://t.co/FcbVbZ2HQG
there is no "right" to anything https://t.co/2MduCbPf7O
Unless whites come together as a racial team (#TeamWhite) they will end up being a despised, slaughtered minority. That's the bottom line.
blacks dont believe in crime as a concept, certainly not crimes against whites. as their numbers grow, so does their belligerance
There is no way to deal with the (niggers at Yiannopoulos' speech) except land-clear them. You can improve land. Not niggers. #TeamWhite
is it not self-evident that christ-insanity has filled our people's minds with crazy, irrational, destructive nonsense in name of morality?
Whites are capable of living on a higher level than blacks. This is why they don't like living around them. Only WN politics reflects this.
"Whites might almost be defind as a race quite unconscious of production values." --Nathan Jacob Wise
the one duty we owe history is to rewrite it, said wilde. he was being funny but jews actually do this - continual tweaking 4 "good 4 jews"
only people as credulous as whiteskin christians could take the bible seriously https://t.co/n9xrJtJ8IC
that comes from their church. more specifically, from their bought and/or seminary-poisoned preachers https://t.co/6RsZnOBdi8
May 24, 2016:
look at the niggers acting that way toward the jewfag. do you not instinctively sense these apes aren't part of human society?
i love how whites expect blacks to be embarrassed for being called out for acting like blacks. like they have another level.
'History' and 'Science' are two honorable names jews have coopted to disguise their #antiwhite agenda. To jews, they are weapons.
He didn't do what you would have done. That's all "crazy" means to conformist, christian, characterless doots. https://t.co/lWHCnLz5ur
there is no leftist it is unsafe to walk around with on your chest, save possibly jim jones, and that because of the christian association
probably see that once for every 200 "far right" https://t.co/o0WO5H77WU
The jew desires neutral language (US Constitution or private business' TOS) concealing #antiwhite application. Fair surface, foul substrate.
Censorship = govt. The same thing done privately is suppression. Typically by means of Terms of Service promoting jew-left #antiwhite agenda
it is in many countries. USA is comparatively free, but suppression, private censorship, is carried out by TOS. https://t.co/47Dabk7M7J
China’s scary lesson to the world: Censoring the Internet works. https://t.co/IZBD9cj4Pi
Invader Economic and Social Disaster https://t.co/C3lMz08U05 via @NewObOnline
Legal Immigration: Why Hofer Lost https://t.co/DAYfTHgCjV via @NewObOnline
Jews Ecstatic at Hofer Defeat https://t.co/8EFJ6BkMid via @NewObOnline
Communist-Green Wins Austrian Election https://t.co/mjNl9OINjp via @NewObOnline
The average man has gone up about the same amount, from 166 to 195 (since 1960s) https://t.co/2f367UmPKr
May 23, 2016:
The average American woman now weighs as much as the average 1960s man https://t.co/RmsQ5pCCY1
May 22, 2016:
Breitbart is another fake-alt jew source that won't mention jews opened the gates to Muslims. Whiteskins never learn. Nature's rubes.
whites have voted for proxies for years, gotten nowhere. will Trump be different? if not, prepare for race war https://t.co/VV4AMDpK56
conservatism is a disposition, and far from the worst one. it's just that in practice it tends to amount to cowardice #tcot
The DOCTRINES are the problem. I truly dont understand what is difficult to grasp about this. https://t.co/bkvLEKHhJb
Detroit is failed becuz "liberal" politicians. Not niggers. They say this. Worse, they actually believe it. #tcot https://t.co/U4ILbeS80q
Republicans don't read, so conservatism becomes whatever the jews n cucks they see on Fox tell them it is. https://t.co/k0vKvwZEUn
Hello, fellow brotherhood of mans https://t.co/zaYSOf7aoy
typically clueless #tcot simp who buys the neocohen lie America wasn't founded on race https://t.co/g84Fs0rUAY
They take money from Big Jew Central to stick Africans in Flyover. Christianity doesn't value race. https://t.co/sTNSn7rrdA
the jew let the muslims into white nations. textbook definition of 'with malice aforethought' #TeamWhite
at least half of "right wing" women have no actual thoughts, they're just married to military parasites
the problem isn't caths or prots, it's the thing itself. Christianity is #antiwhite. https://t.co/NOZS6cc3eB
jew Bezos rag... Patriots at the gate: The Americans preparing for battle against their own government https://t.co/WmjZq9wjoQ
submission or dominance. the whiteskin christian has chosen submission what do you choose, white man? #TeamWhite
he's a jew, so his opinion is important https://t.co/BS6vIkVqv7
the holocaust has been debunked. one form of resistance to its use in brainwashing our children is to physically rip up books promoting it
brother norris been cucked by christ, like so many https://t.co/GV0dZqn8kU
awwwwww yeeaaaaaaahhhh https://t.co/r6NMZ6Py3e
May 21, 2016:
jebooist nearly makes good - Naked man jumps into a zoo's LION enclosure in a 'suicide bid' https://t.co/2DKKvCsaZb via @MailOnline
Jews are The Problem. Everything else are problems caused by The Problem. When you grasp this - you grasp politics. Real politics.
For first time in 2000 years, when the xtian cult tells us its immoral to deal with the jews persecuting us - WE AREN'T LISTENING ANYMORE.
three jews debating what's good for america. this is the problem. https://t.co/RPho6BOeLO
dupes are the real heroes https://t.co/gDD5UFAUiX
he's an #antiwhite catholic #cuckservative https://t.co/H2YZTUKvMC
you have offended Facebook's double standards. please become more conformist to jew-leftism and try again
May 20, 2016:
beck is the Queen of All Cucks... even menses in bowties are smh at him https://t.co/omflm2SDlL
When you get called a cuck by Tucker Carlson... https://t.co/pPlBSnkS3L
Jews are only leftist in White nations. In Israel, they're nazis. In our countries they rationally pursue politics aimed at #whitegenocide.
The (((powers that be))) of course try thru law and technics to reimpose the old controls. https://t.co/n9sEnaAhws
Grounds for mass slaughtered -- after a wave of assassinations of kikes and cucks who let these beasts in. https://t.co/4SDhssf66r
Great quotes from Trump. He appears to know what he's doing, certainly compared to the last few Repcucks. https://t.co/wzy3W4MsC5
force mixing valuable young negros with racists will raise their test scores sez Miss. queen https://t.co/cYs2CAj254 via @NewObOnline
Whites are a dreamy, creative race. They are also gullible and suggestible. To some extent these are the same thing.
whites give up too easily. this is how jews dominate. the AFC should have kept going and encouraged draft refusal https://t.co/xrg8qPTgnJ
50% W. Europe Men from “One King” https://t.co/rZ89w3etdB via @NewObOnline
This is the kind of thing I hope Trump can clean up. https://t.co/cYA1SEUvGW
jews categorically refuse to admit their behavior is the source of roughly 100% of their problems https://t.co/XxkOE18roR
American is a color, btw, and that color is white. If you don't like that, take it up with the Founders. https://t.co/k4XptCenX3
that's what the law says. common sense says it's a nigger and it's guilty https://t.co/k4XptBWN5v
just today stories about the horrible polluted diversity water in South Africa and Rio. you can give a (disco) (anything), it will ruin it
Turd Worlders create poverty and misery, and it's just these that the cur-perverts called xtians love to wallow in.
Chicago Mayhem: 20 Shootings in 16 Hours https://t.co/OP9YesU5TP via @NewObOnline
Aggressive, man-eating Nile crocodiles lived in the Everglades for years https://t.co/fifZTVEBni
what color is the nigger suspect? murder in Okinawa https://t.co/MWU8quaO00
the idea a white man could be defined by his attitude toward erect vermin is ridiculous. time to call Orkin, we've got a sheeny infestation
jews unleash antiwhite attack on normal Americans https://t.co/iA7aDvcot7 via @Salon
Morality is a jew technique for manipulating goyim; certainly nothing they observe in their own behavior. https://t.co/bnpx1Lw5bN
it's not just borders jews dont want for you. it's guns. they trust their little kids more than grown whitegoy adults. #NoJewsJustRight
6 of 10 richest counties are around D.C. big govt is inherently anti-white. i mean, if whites are capable of more than EBT coons.
they look like niggers to me https://t.co/mgJsGfkMuH
This obsession with 'growing the economy.' Do that by downsizing the state, not importing 3rd World scum. https://t.co/Sr91qcU8CU
blacks are niggers. that's why the reality-averse community hates the term https://t.co/pneGjz5X5S
when whites are < 10% minority https://t.co/QUKaGwK7F2
May 19, 2016:
anti-racist = "i help jews murder my own people. i take pride in this because i'm a trendy brainwashed knucklehead" #whitegenocide
the problem with Trump is that he doesn't go far enough. #TeamWhite settles for nothing but all jew fleas off Americat
to justify racial murder of whites & their dispossession, jew-left invents false history in which whites created nothing & stole everything
there really is nothing left to leftism except hating whites as a race. read around on salon. there's nothing else to it anymore
Interesting that (((Commentary misdefines cuckservative. It means subservience to the jew, not to discos.
May 18, 2016:
this is a right-wing jew lol. classic chutzpah from a classically fugly kike https://t.co/G9JCpSSHBL
'Racist' is the epithet the (((destroyers))) of western civilization use for the creators. #TeamWhite
we already saw the first act: anyone who opposed jews war ii was defamed and then thrown in jail. what comes next? #TeamWhite
mixing metaphors and misrepresenting, it what jew do https://t.co/DruIQQoY51
May 17, 2016:
i detest people who cant make their case without making david-blaine faces or kindergarten teacher bigeyes https://t.co/Qel6UWjMCO
i know. like a nice big velvet pillow. it's all wallpaper and muzak https://t.co/Qel6UWjMCO
A dumb thing in Latin is still a dumb thing. A reactionary is someone who doesn't really accept this.
he fancies a dumb thing on velvet becomes a smart thing. old paintings, latin are catnip to this mental ilk https://t.co/fVKAqYMZ3I
spoiled meat requires strong sauce https://t.co/fVKAqYMZ3I
right answer: it's all jewish spinach and to hell with it #crosscucks https://t.co/VSkTu5o7rG
As Oprah says: When a giant turtle says "I'm going to pick you up in my beak and make two of you, BELIEVE HIM." https://t.co/8mnswBCIr8
Eating makes appetite. Build a wall. Deport shitskins. No telling where it ends. Maybe a Kike Popcorn String Across America, I dont know.
as often and long as needed https://t.co/ALhziBhQaf
That's...great. #BluGoatCrew https://t.co/efu1IaTzIU
i'm not worshipping those who got us into this mess https://t.co/8SVw6UB1bt
he's an average conservative. "what will the neighbors think?" is his north star. it's a type. https://t.co/jTKqIVjRAY
"Pontifex Maximum" - there was no one in the room to roll the eyes at this? that there tells you something https://t.co/i8tuJa7x9n
there's nothing wrong with ancient paganism, norse gods, but no need to resuscitate. old values modern forms https://t.co/LuT0xyfmhW
is he one of Whitaker's Witlesses? https://t.co/hFOgTC8AfQ
avg vapid person never considers someone could lie about such as 'The Holocaust' or gas chambers. but neither did i https://t.co/2AWqYAkKvx
stupid flat-minded, "it's gotta be #muhJebus or #muhBluGoat." really? why? why are those only two options?
xtianity is dead among folks worth a damn. you're not going to resuscitate a paganism that arose in diff circumstances. invent something new
you whiteskins who think xtianity or even paganism are needed - you dont really grasp what white means. whites invent new forms. continually
Instead of discoloring your skin, to signal to others what your dumb mouth makes clear, read on gas chambers. https://t.co/oNET2VhUZD
Big Govt makes you safe by surrounding you with styrofoam packing peanuts. That are actually TB-bearing Somalis. https://t.co/WJXdKIRYNx
one's credibility is important. one does not want to be taken for a Southern Baptist. https://t.co/DiyYK22VxB
she says she is not, & if you look it up, there's no evidence. 1 of millions of fat white germanic iowa broads https://t.co/q8A0xXFh7P
May 16, 2016:
She's not a jew. https://t.co/fVKpr4zgzd
Converting jews is no solution. It's just catholic ideology. Let's try something new: expelling jews underground instead of sideways.
Insanity is doing the same thing 109 and expecting a different result the 110th. CATHOLIC RACE DOCTRINE YIELDS WHITE GENOCIDE. #TeamWhite
jebus = Queen of the Cucks https://t.co/4ju9F90dzz
70s village people faggot reprasent https://t.co/7Oon8ASwdJ
what the (homosexuals and pedophiles) called christian priests won't tell you: you cant fix niggers. but they can destroy you. #TeamWhite
Leave the low-IQ religious cretins to the churches - we want fanatical intellectuals and street fighters.
Calling them antiwhites rather than jews is the opposite of plain English, dotard. https://t.co/nK8sVHans5
Sexy Pancake is dead. yet the world still spins?? https://t.co/8SIBpAxV9G
It was Christianity that told the gullible white man he had a duty to aid the colored world rather than protect his own kind from it.
Politics = jews run things. They hire people who look like you to spread a lot of bullshit to hide this fact. #TeamWhite #tcot
first things first: get rid of non-whites. that means getting rid of jews that control white lands https://t.co/Yc864EdRbr
these fooking ham-eschewers pretending they're ham-chewers #icanteven #sotired https://t.co/KqUg0YKBLX
I'd rather vote for Drumpf than Trump. The white spirit moves away from the lying Anglo 2-faced jew-servile xtian ethos to blood serious
the question is why all these morally upright #tcot christian boylets truckle and yield to these kikes https://t.co/I890kFFjpe
Free association and personal dignity are white concepts. They are found nowhere in judaism or the jewish mentality.
IF JEW THEN LIE never fails https://t.co/dEWtSQO5pa
Trump could make building The Wall a volunteer project, and I bet people would flock to help out. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
really the only thing giving hillary a chance is that 90% of free-cheese plebes need her and US likes the No Pants Bill show
holy shit, the first non-stupid thing this moron has said https://t.co/CgqmkR9pJq
They could only be disloyal to their nation, not ours. https://t.co/JNXC30yhty
You get together and mass slaughter jews and niggers. https://t.co/hq0njScIx6
It is if we trophy hunt niggers. https://t.co/JX1ztBMNvh
Still here and still running things and still sucked up to by the cunts & crosscucks known as christians. https://t.co/lANDO1CNiQ
aka Good Santa Bearing the gift of a Better Society. https://t.co/hWXVJPrchP
if you want to see what America will be like with whites as small minority, follow a bunch of South African accts and stay up late
think of all those miserable commie Lorpes & Hinkpverts, eating their stewed narwhal scrotums. NO SON FOR YOU. https://t.co/hWXVJPrchP
'gutter' - any mocking of the jew at 1/100th the level he mocks whites on his tv every second of every day https://t.co/eH8AVcCYG6
but in a heavy snow area, a flat roof like that just makes good sense https://t.co/W1Jtkusbdn
What's best for white people? Living in an all-white nation? What prevents this? jews. Yes, it's that simple. #TeamWhite
We need to get rid of crank universalism that has brain-poisoned us these last centuries. The coin has two sides: catholicism/Enlightenment.
It's not even conceivable how much better a place the world would be if jews didn't exist. #PreviewOfComingAttractions
American politics: jews babbling with jews on how best to use & discard the white majority. #loxism #TeamWhite https://t.co/jba7c7yqWm
Jews: we will murder the white race whiteskins: we will convert jews to xtianity WN: we will make jews extinct. Get it? #TeamWhite
Jews intend white genocide. We must beat them to it. https://t.co/k1i4XvtdcT
Germans back then were ahead of the world in many areas, and that certainly included politics. https://t.co/OfRq3rnfxB
May 15, 2016:
pa irving invented neoconservatism https://t.co/KHFDKBwy7V
gigs up snipdick...get to shtepppin https://t.co/35iLKul40l
As sci-fister John Wright says, his cult, catholicism, saved jews from "popular fury." How's that working out for us, fellow white kids?
The man with no core can be found on all fours, worshipping a jewish sci-fi charcacter. How do you tell a cuck? By the cross 'round his neck
Whites can't defend themselves against jews when jews believe whiteskins are filthy animals and white xtians believe jews are God's children
Ask Buchanan straight up whether Hitler was a good man or not. What will he say? See, that's the difference between xtian and White Man.
A #crosscuck like Buchanan tells Europe to rediscover a non-white faith while the Pope is sucking on muslim toes, inviting invasion.
Since morons keep asking: Christianity isn't something that needs to be replaced, it's something that needs to be stopped (drugs, alcohol).
I wouldnt https://t.co/2nUr8C7fdR
The hollow men are the christians - it was the pat buchanans of the world who acceded to the jew. https://t.co/5WkfUVDI6n
People like Trick Wilson have no gods save money. They're career girls. They do what (((Boss Yeed))) tells 'em.
White cause: 1) Council of Elders, 2) agree pol vocab, 3) Soft/enculturation (K-PhD race poz curriculum), 4) enemies list for warriors
hitler saw both xtianity and british empire thru rose-colored glasses. we neednt copy his mistakes, only his wins https://t.co/stiC9JdN5R
White thought leaders should understand: there is no solution to the jew problem except counter-extermination. https://t.co/Mr9ZimAVBp
exactly right. jewsmedia are lying shitbags who deserve nothing but death https://t.co/FgQANfkVfM
open question whether The Donald will opt for an American foreign policy or let jews buy his position
real niggers hate whites who act like niggers. YOU'RE WHITE. ACT WHITE. https://t.co/C7YQ1UhOnp
May 14, 2016:
if i wanted to know which rock the tastiest grubs lived under, i'd ask a negro. otherwise, their opinion is worth nothing to me
if you choose to live your life in fear or awe of jews, i despise you. you're not a real man, you're a cur #TeamWhite
do people know that david niven ripped off his mustache from that white guy pretending to be black??
good one! (considerly yourself condescendingly patted) https://t.co/YC3WVp6W7j
like misses america (and near misses americas), i'm here to bring peace to the world thru my gift song https://t.co/tfPXUDOg4x
jews are a nasty race of criminals. they make their way in the world by doing everything they falsely accuse others of. #DeathToTheJews
if corporations are driven solely by profit, as leftists such as (((mark crispin miller))) claim, would Disney even consider queering Elsa?
Tim Wise = jew masquerading as white man https://t.co/enH9maDzGY
start with madge cho https://t.co/GLRMpMkdak
The neckerchief is the natural symbol of the #altright https://t.co/oGk85VjqAD
can influence over donald trump be purchased? stay tuned! https://t.co/HgHRkGzSrJ
they sided with jew-bolsheviks. they reaped the natural result. https://t.co/wDq1LAYBF2
a civilized society has many executions and few prisons the desire to/belief in reforming people signifies a clown society on way down
reactionaries are religious. they believe winning is a sin. their role is beautiful whining and yesterday pining https://t.co/6RtQO8Sja8
May 13, 2016:
only two groups speak their mind with complete freedom: jewish tyrants and white nationalists. the rest of you are some degree of slavecunt
mass execution! https://t.co/B6cGwoaxrA
everyone sees that blacks are niggers - but this does not lead to same political conclusion. same w female's lack of agency
it implies women are responsible for their own outcomes https://t.co/H1yy6f2IgM
The pedophile gathered about his feet a mass of kindergartners. With big eyes, he said: "Children, to value your race is idolatry - & evil."
if you dont understand what i'm about to say, study until you do. the cath. church always has will and must side with jew-communism over NS
you dont have the balls to investigate gas chambers, tiddlywink https://t.co/dq8x8prvQe
i'm quoting the argument catholic 'intellectuals' invariably use when arguing with racialists https://t.co/mAuuEwDjQ4
if i disagree with you, i say you're wrong. the catholic and jew dont do this. they say you're evil https://t.co/1XtfDz81aH
if you want a White land for white protection, the jew calls you a hater and racist; the catholic, a "race idolater" https://t.co/1XtfDz81aH
not morally or existentially. the catholics and jews aren't saying you're wrong, they're saying you're evil https://t.co/1XtfDz81aH
you can't disagree with jewish Semitical Correctness and retain your good character. same with catholic racial doctrine.
'the' 'holocaust' has been debunked. not denied. it's nothing but pure jewish bullshit from hooknose to tuchus
if you hold race at higher value than catholicism does, then you are "worshipping at the altar of your own blood"; guilty of race "idolatry"
and who vindicates that right? no one except the man himself. thus, the statement is meaningless or tautological. https://t.co/VCQESNKpcj
God is a Fisher-Price concept. https://t.co/HAot4OTAPX
you mean sided with evil and defeated good https://t.co/n0VRc7Iuaf
#Fingerism is subpolitical yet affords the only psych. basis on which a jew-defeating politics can be erected https://t.co/W6RKdB9SbQ
the minute you bring 'god' into the picture, you start playing with cause and effect, and pretty soon everything goes to shit
i love how these kikes show up to "solve" the problem THEIR RACE CREATED. and altright ninnies play along https://t.co/XWjHijhu3X
japanese dont eat spiders. all races should be mocked. freedom and epithets are indissoluble. https://t.co/mVPUG52GEx
that guy looks like someone's grandma https://t.co/VC4aotn4ug
No more muslims begins with no more jews letting them in. https://t.co/YevTyFpoh0
Will you mock slant-eyed gooks for eating spiders? https://t.co/4h7Ie8fAz9
#Fingerism is right-wing atheism. https://t.co/alFHusa6co
#Fingerism, like all classic belief systems, is based on 1 simple yet profound truth: I can make my finger move. https://t.co/kQF3Jko3gr
I have decided to become a woman and a xtian. My name will be Charlotte Ann Grabbins. I'll be hectoressing dull myriads for tubmans.
you'll see.. https://t.co/kQF3Jko3gr
#Fingerism has but one tenet: the belief one can make one's finger move. All else derives from that Belief.
#Fingerism does not proselytize like your common cults, for it is far too beautiful & self-possessed. At most it pokes.
"three ugly desert sisters" how i heard it best put... i am a Fingerist https://t.co/5eeQbuDNqz
sci-fi writer confirms what i assert: "The secular Jews, hating and fearing the Church which has always protected them from popular fury,"
another america-hating kike #loxism https://t.co/gRNDV2gZda
says the Rev in a cult who's main girl says to abandon your family and follow Her https://t.co/Rs94BIPcr8
when NR was good it had loads of history and literature; after jew takeover in early 80s, shifted to wonk crap https://t.co/vf5Hgz3lSd
Eat the rich!...buttery muffins https://t.co/6YUUPDLZxh
close to zero percent https://t.co/2iY24cuUy3
limited democracy. rule by competent king. rule by a religious cultist who for some good reason hates jews. https://t.co/PNPsJrzCV5
id imagine the unborn are tenderer, moister...perhaps even deliciouser, not having been exposed to crusty oxygen https://t.co/a19hhZe11w
i dont. not since reagan. when i realized conservatives are bullshitters run by jews, just like the left https://t.co/3bFKeSYMaf
progressive means you support pedophiles https://t.co/HsM8fgnRw7
never suck up to jew tools https://t.co/4xZvUmXkzD
"i love nature" saith the halfwit. Lion pulls an unborn foetus from a buffalo it has killed and eats it https://t.co/4GkrT7k96O
jews like to depute bottle-blond she-males to speak for Aryankind https://t.co/QHa0h3JAq6
https://t.co/rMnscN6Jlj denis leary on happiness
'The site is a slam-dunk pre-Clovis site with unequivocal artifacts, clear stratigraphy and thorough dating.' https://t.co/gDfMCoBncb
Did humans conquer America 1,500 years earlier than believed https://t.co/llAtoqDYHW via @MailOnline
true, but lesson is mostly: control mass media and you can get away with anything. for us, simple + repetition 4 now https://t.co/Wp0LwNvXFf
never understand people sitting around trying to figure out whether they're happy. https://t.co/7AmEptkBkW
Everywhere the jews are succumbed to, it's christians doing the succumbing. Everywhere jews are resisted, it's atheists and racialists.
xtianity isnt the solution. xtianity isn't part of the solution. xtianity isnt The Problem. xtianity is part of the problem #TeamWhite
christianity was jew pozzed from day one. https://t.co/a4hD7XxP7b
ethnic self-defense against bullying (((internationalism))) i would not trust BS one inch, he's a fake https://t.co/vf5Hgz3lSd
out of milieu comes genius. as with italian painting, so with White politics. the more who know, the wider circle, the better the hitlers
suicidists tend to be people who whine. hotlines dont take that into account. suicide: it's not just about you https://t.co/54sviaNsBW
people thinking about offing themselves can't be wrong 100% of the time, yet that's the suicide hotline partyline https://t.co/54sviaNsBW
but if they leave, then that's white flight. they're guilty of cowardice and depriving the coons of needed resources https://t.co/5gUatjd9w4
May 12, 2016:
term like SJW, you get jewfags 'debating' neocohen feminists, laffing at (((T-puff))), you get the impression something is being done. no.
just saying i dont think it makes sense to treat it as something discrete when its part of broader racial attack https://t.co/VzoXSlh7s4
it's wrong to focus on minority outliers rather than ringleaders and ratifiers. J*WS > SJW https://t.co/OhPiyjxBwQ
which non-jew-controlled media promote SJW antiwhite warfare? maybe some blogs. but no mass media https://t.co/zJU7F3n3IT
SJW would be more effective if replaced with jew. Vox runs like red nigger from Officer Occam. https://t.co/Ad49WjNp8w
it's just not same thing. left basically calls themselves SJW. whereas they dont admit they're after white genocide https://t.co/Ad49WjNp8w
vox compared apples and oranges. blaming SJW is safer than blaming jews. but the latter is what's needed vitally https://t.co/K5E3pQ4hrY
they've admitted they didnt see internet coming. since then they've been playing catch-up https://t.co/VIFXg9ppV4
the internet lets you see the grand canyon between the writer view up top and the mass of normal whites below... https://t.co/1M6ieROFQi
few are heroes, most require leadership. the internet bulbs people and lets them see the growing circle of lights https://t.co/Y8g9TBE3kY
point is whoever is gettable can be gotten + gathered. making it real is step 2. but internet accomplishes step 1 https://t.co/1M6ieROFQi
Precious Niggers(tm) figurines from Franklin Mint. Collect 'em all! Buy now and we'll throw in a special Wall Zoo(tm) exhibit case.
not sure i've ever seen as hot a hate as the left has for george zimmerman for not allowing himself to be murdered by My Precious Nigger
leftists are people who showcase their lack of emotional control. trantrumic activity is taken as some measure of authenticity
sure. they create false stories. circulate thru all Official Vectors. smear or jail any who resist. https://t.co/8Aj5wcxwB6
the internet has created an expanding circle of White Men who understand the basic problem and solution https://t.co/njRAG6QvzG
if that were case, jews wouldnt keep information from people, and they certainly do that. even criminalizing it https://t.co/q9VWg9Y0K2
it's easy to cow MOST people by making them think theirs is the minority view. neighbors dont agree. but Net falsifies this re jews n race
half the jews' shtik is based on the lie they speak for community - but on net you can see this isnt true
true, but not the same at all. you had to seek it out and pay. not just click and read https://t.co/gTcuTXaxcN
reactionary: guy who thinks he would have been the knight rather than the boy emptying the horse bedpan
get a castle https://t.co/LLQyQBXRFG
i sure will right after quakers own every mass media outlet and Fed Reserve and #1 money donor to both parties https://t.co/EEYKkL1gHU
christianity itself was produced by jews https://t.co/TMxrnmeGoz
'public schools' have done their work well https://t.co/9sy6q10JST
you're unable to distinguish cause from consequences, good luck w that https://t.co/MZT9rFvEt5
the problem is horse poop all over the road. but let's not mention amish. let's talk about the dingus-boderanian plan from 1876
Unlike catholic priests and Republicans, Hitler was a "safe space" for kids https://t.co/FJuTM18ZLq
top pepe, imo https://t.co/Zf2Ikuw2rU
needless multiplication of syllables is ambrosia to middle class, but we need radicals. 'cultural marxist' is weakspeak. the term is jew.
the lies jews spew at whites dont have to be coherent, they can be contradictory, so long as they confuse & distract #TeamWhite
the Internet is the white man's chance to regain independence from the jew #TeamWhite https://t.co/Slsx0zMfjw
that's what i'm here for. it's gratifying to see much of the world saying what i was 20 years ago https://t.co/Slsx0A3QI6
no idea. would guesss, but only a guess, they were the type of people that run in clinton-nyc-jew circles https://t.co/8sLEmH7Kg2
anything unseemly, disgusting, dangerous or stupid - then and only then is it ok to cast all whites. unwritten law https://t.co/AZgYP1B3po
govt and media are controlled by one race. so you're in a race war by your own tacit admission https://t.co/eMmayVIKLG
Now here's some real #MuhTurdition we can get behind - demonstrates exactly what a White Man is. NOT a traditzylisp https://t.co/LTB9YyEH2f
old xtian crank joe sobran used to talk about how conservative Orthodox yids are. in jew terms that = swindlers https://t.co/jxqV7FBJnJ
What's good for whites is defined as beyond the pale. of course they dont call it that, they call that 'hate'. #loxism #TeamWhite
hint for the clueless: it's not a debate when all the participants are jews Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
all these 'anti-modernists' who denounce principles as puritanism and promote tolerance of shit people & dumb ideas https://t.co/3OydyIbVWM
All religious cretins since the BEGINNING of time thought they were living in End Times. https://t.co/AnkRUCQUxQ
Christians believe God created niggers. They believe niggers have imperishable souls of inestimable value. https://t.co/ac750jJViH
moron: the bahble has answers! lesson: right ones? moron: #MuhTurditions! lesson: good ones? conclusion: think...or stink
being white isnt about traditions, it's about being able to dominate any circumstances and turn them into poo
Still waiting for a #tradcrank to explain how cold French canadians thrived in steamy southern Louisiana - where they had no traditions
hate speech is a clown concept and should never be used unironically. goes for all loaded loxist language. do u even verbal warfare bra
thanks. will be recording more soon. https://t.co/m6hX8BM6oo
May 11, 2016:
Individualism and collectivism both have their places. But out of their places, they are destructive.
Whites must go back to the point they made the mistake - and that was, at the least, when they began treating jews as individuals.
"What I said was true. I stand behind it. Those who don't like it are welcome to go fuck themselves." https://t.co/vsTN2oWPsZ
Her type instinctively hates white men because they eclipse her intellectually. Mediocrity is safety for sotomayors. https://t.co/WQXc5qp6fW
The problem is jews. They've acted the same way their entire history. Why do you lie about this? https://t.co/d2F0PLEtQI
Trump dares to laugh. Christians dont. Conservatives dont. Trump acts like he believes his own bs, which #crosscucks calls cons never do.
Trump's positions are mostly conservatives. He's non-conservative in the right ways: he doesn't apologize and does attack.
Chelsea Clinton's husband Marc Mazvinsky forced to shutter hedge fund https://t.co/HP1kgGBD9g via @MailOnline
Lol u a b***h n**** for even responding like that. Keep sucking this yung rapunxel d**k u hairy curry scented b***h. #MakeEpithetsGreatAgain
Azealia...labelling former One Direction singer Zayn a 'f**got', 'p*ki', 'refugee' and 'sand n**ger' after accusing him of stealing ideas
Remember to spay or neuter your kaffir. Or this happens. #itsimportant https://t.co/WabAcuuDer
Jebus tales groom christian simps for Holocaust tales. Christianity is the best friend the jews ever had (read: made).
particularly obnoxious given comparative racial infection levels - something like 1 in 2 blacks https://t.co/dDoD2mjJ58
5 or 6 people = 1 christie https://t.co/qxDKUu8bQg
goal of Big Jew's #feminism: encourage barrenness, mongrelization, deviance among white women - all in name of liberation & empowerment
Jebus II everybody. he's back as a sand nigger this time https://t.co/KUObUczWjB
exactly. that is hilarious. similar to shit-yourself products or anything relating to bad character or bad bodies https://t.co/P0bfSFFxhl
If your country makes it illegal to criticize jews, then you are fully justified in killing those who made it that way.
Judeo-feminism enables black rapists, which serves the greater goal of the jews who created feminism: #WhiteGenocide
Which race benefits from jew-feminism's making a mockery of the crime of rape? Hint: the race that commits the most rape. #Feminism
general faggery is a very serious crime in my book https://t.co/FSC0uV5U9V
you need to buy some of that canned aerosol that counteracts stinky pussy syndrome https://t.co/nLNSKZXPIA
Canada is a free country? Not if you criticize jews. https://t.co/AyCuJxzMHS
his hand is more than he deserves. what a fag "fierce" "strong" - those are good attributes in a falcon, not woman https://t.co/wzGUHqVsY6
conservative christians are moral cowards - yet they easily transform into mass murderers if they have (((social))) approval. Weak!
Cuckhill didn't try. he was bought and paid for by the jews who let these muslims in. https://t.co/gK8v99GuS1
soulless scold sisters, hillary & warren. the munday school teachers we dont need. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
a jew tells us PC has gone too far. but PC is a thing inherently wrong because inherently #antiwhite. is not wrong by degree but by essence
It's a great time to use Don like a bitch for our cause. https://t.co/DWB9V8hEhz
"Trump loves Mexicans; Im sure he can find it in his heart to love Whites too." https://t.co/vOpi65GL2s
"i am a piece of shit, i apologize for hopping in all you wonderful people's punch bowl" bowing scraping submissive https://t.co/vOpi65GL2s
guy is clueless how politics work. sad he calls himself a white nationalist when he's an amber-preserved conservatif https://t.co/vOpi65GL2s
kill the messenger, spare the monkey https://t.co/uMOha4DfUQ
do leftists have some daily quota of things-they-have-to-call-amazing-that-aint? an uncovered jewmy schumer is not amazing. no way nohow
There's only one group the concept of unearned privilege fits perfectly and i dont need to tell you who that is.
good example of "GUN CONTROL IS GOY CONTROL." for them - toddlers can carry. for you - no guns, ever. https://t.co/HdzHPDMwIY
May 10, 2016:
Churchill was a cuck. He served the jews who brought today's London about. https://t.co/poripiPXWj
the guy has the mindset of a panderer, like all Republicans https://t.co/JOYG01qlkm
has jew-communist jezebel posted on the Mabel Jansen (niggers are gang rapists) story yet https://t.co/RC83IjhFgq
Muck the jew out of America. Take your sleazy deviant cabaret back to Yidsreal, filthy kikes. You're not Americans. AMERICANS DETEST YEW.
there's no one answer. you have to start with the subject, where he or she is. knowledge, experience, and interests. https://t.co/TdmsGH5ZqQ
Living around niggers will accomplish that quite nicely. https://t.co/gIw8Xy5K8i
The Donald has to battle his inner Britisher-gladhander-yiddler real estate schmoozer. I would urge him to LISTEN TO YOUR INNER DRUMPF.
The Great Racial War is heating up, like Oklahoma land rush...get there SOONER grab the biggest piece. #TeamWhite
lol... https://t.co/buCrhrZRLO
the jew takes positions he rationally believes wreck a white nation. the whiteskin takes same positions because he thinks it makes him Good
"and i would have got away with it, if it weren't for you damned neckerchief-wearing alt-right fairies.." https://t.co/g5T8TkcTH0
a jew and a white take the same leftist position for different reasons: the white is a religious cultist; the jew intends to wreck a nation
liberalism is a white cult, deriving, ultimately, from christianity, though it takes a jewish impress in its manifestation these days
stupid trendy whores copy a dumb french broad, but no. the fight of our times is not nationalist/globalist but liberating Whitekind fm jews
Pencil-necked geek Oliver, as pure an example of Britfaggery as a bartician could concoct, forgets main white subgroup in USA is DRUMPF-ian.
America is tiring of British bullshittery politics and ready for Germanic housecleaning. That's what I'm smelling. GO DRUMPF!
flee the consquences of their race's nation-wrecking #antiwhite criminal behavior https://t.co/aOkBCNcISG
christianity introduces two bogus notions: that people are inherently broken. and that they can be fixed. this too is liberalism
you havent stated the problem, you have pointedly and cowardly avoided mentioning the cause. yr over yr head bobby https://t.co/iFe1lcu8Es
to jews, a jewish schoolbus is literally more important than hundreds of thousands of raped white children. that's how much jews hate you
1 jewish schoolbus set on fire gets more coverage and horrified reaction in controlled media than 1,000,000 white girls being raped by muzz
There's a global war going on between Jews and Awakening Whites. That's the news for the foreseeable future https://t.co/NUx7wBaeXx
i doubt there is even a single "nazi" cartoon that cant be directly updated to today's battle https://t.co/wLrUB5utvO
if you worship traditions, you worship a point in time just like the progressives you think you're different from #tradcranks
to the extent Trump shows weakness like this, he deflates his support and moves Ron Paulward https://t.co/MBtzozHVVO
Trick Wilson with larval Criminole https://t.co/BoyY6zhzc3
all language in papers is semitized for jews' protection. 'enslaved and gang-raped' becomes 'groomed' under jewpen https://t.co/cIFsnCEN4k
In the end, jews, you have but one choice when the Giant White Copter of Justice descends for you: Cousteau or Pinochet.
If you dont hate jews, you don't love your own children. The White race has but one enemy: jews. #NoJewsJustRight
Jews open borders to muslims. Muslims 'groom' (ridiculous euphemism) white girls. Jews in media cover it up. #CircleOfStrife
Jews endanger white children. #TeamWhite https://t.co/GddxIy3yFO
and somehow these jew carpetbaggers flit from nation to nation, always getting plum journo jobs bashing natives https://t.co/qxstrhVqDp
how perfectly that fits the christ cult https://t.co/VD0XNFimQG
reality is to the mind as air and water are to the body https://t.co/B4nJA8y8sP
Why in the world would a jew call itself "Cathy Young" save its purpose were to deceive? IF JEW THEN LIAR
some good comments in here. jews are NOT americans. jews are IN america. for now! tick...tick...tick https://t.co/Px9glvrU75
I call on #ADL to stop defaming the good white men who brought justice to ((( pedophile murderer #LeoFrank ))). https://t.co/NniFQUAmJN
in many ways they are markedly inferior, certainly to jews https://t.co/OXWk27YPk7
White men organizing against jews from a racial basis is the greatest fear of (((Western))) governments. #TeamWhite
No-neck wrenchy goober Ericuck paid to shill for Big Jew https://t.co/61uLfUwwdg
People on our side truly don't understand: it was ONLY the absence of technical means that held jews back - never christianity.
only becuz amplifiers weren't in place. you attribute to xtian culture what is actually absence of technical means https://t.co/RrvgOOdrLH
Christianity protects jews. From being treated the way their historical behavior instructs us to. #TeamWhite
it amazes how stupid people are that they believe the fag religion of Christ the Cuck held jews back rather than uninvented technology
she's not an ally, she's a jew. named Ekaterina Jung. Ilana Mercer-type carpetbagger https://t.co/VFtb61BvCn
jews were the most powerful political force in the US by 1900, read Henry Ford. and they only got here after 1880 https://t.co/yvhsWbeucW
yes, they pretty much did https://t.co/JNK7WUXeKj
Even Trump's campaign, fun and good as it is, is but a pallid proxy for what is needed. Don't kid yourself. #TeamWhite
Racism is a highly valuable thing, and jews hoard it exclusively for themselves. For you? it's hate and illegal. Insight from #TeamWhite
Jews control media - both jew & goy. In their media for them, they write full sentences & reveal truth. In media for you: dumbed-down lies.
if you can handle me at my best, you dont deserve me at my worst https://t.co/vXNGfLJflh
There is an ongoing campaign of persecution against whites. It is run by jews. It is intended to culminate in #whitegenocide. #TeamWhite
start talking about jews, you contemptible faggot https://t.co/79m9Jqi5yr
attacks on whites aren't random, emotional or transient - they are logically calculated by jews to conduce to an end. #whitegenocide #loxism
nigs get they nig on - Violent Mother's Day brawl erupts inside Atlanta restaurant https://t.co/swBnypnmEV via @MailOnline
tranny = warphead: Woman with CEMENT fillers in her face begs doctors to remove it https://t.co/rs2weLbhHd via @Femail
mex-coon squareoff: Lunchtime brawl involving 40 people breaks out at LA high school https://t.co/4Ged4fbe6H via @MailOnline
Trick Wilson, everybody. Only thing you gotta know bout him is if Muslims ran things, his ass would be up in the air https://t.co/2rRElNhTf1
"Can we really allow whites to go on marrying whites? An argument could be made this more than anything perpetuates racism." --N.J. Wise
Sobran would rather die than give up his christian individualism. He chose to die abused & hated at hands of jews he said he loved.
Everyone is an egotist these days, so you will take this wrong way, but I - my thinking and terms - represent whites evolving past jews.
It's more fear than anything. 'Racist' and 'anti-semite' are electric fences to keep the cows in the designated area https://t.co/boH8cGeUxG
Ekaterina Jung is a loxist kike https://t.co/jYziR6JxxA
Re Trump, jews made mistake of not realizing not everybody hates normal white Americans as much as they do #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #loxism
instead of the manly pursuit of the reason things happen, the christian, mental effeminate, gives up and settles back with "God"-splanation
they're turning a-way fm God, xtian bellows, blinking his dead eyes like a cow. good luck explaining Directed Degeneracy by Jew to this ape
like niggers, christians cant understand things not on their low level. thus explaining jews to them is seldom successful
christianity is liberalism. a refusal to believe in conspiracies (as someone said), from a larger belief that things happen for no reason
jews create and lead fake opposition to their schemes; this is why jews must be 100% excluded from orgs White https://t.co/yVdCMfpAt0
Sobran: "Of course those who affirm the Holocaust need know nothing about the German language, chemistry, and other pertinent subjects;
Sobran: "Zionism has infiltrated conservatism in much the same way Communism once infiltrated liberalism."
Sobran: "Even the violent persecution of Catholics by Jews was unmentionable — in a “conservative” magazine owned and run by a Catholic."
lack of airconditioning and general lazy brainlessness of most Southerners probably also played roles #muddinKultur https://t.co/1D1HaDGl2F
the problem's not retarded niggers raping babies, it's white people mentioning it https://t.co/S7FsfT1l8l
There has been a qualitative change that is downright eerie — not only in Bill Buckley and National Review, but in American conservatism
Next few tweets are from Joe Sobran, describing the neocohen-inspired makeover of the conservative mentality at NR
Joe Sobran said this of jews: "I consider that if I fight these people on their terms, they have already won." (1/2)
government schooling is the everyday face of Jewish Tyranny. it is amazing whites submit to taxing to have their young lied to & brainwashed
imagine a bunch of adults at thanksgiving table. now kid runs in from other room, hears them. this is position of blacks to white society
Sobran said that, not your guy. It's not accurate, either. Jews have always hated non-jews, it's their "religion." https://t.co/z80BNt4uvc
christian whiteskins are the only subset of hominids on earth not living up to their genetic potential. they're cripped by their cult
AIM = catholic cowards eating toads for jews https://t.co/a5hPeBLBXt
yeah fascist. you know how hitler fought for the right of SS to enter womens bathrooms. https://t.co/iXOIbgfmRV
whites need physical safe spaces from blacks, since they're violent; & blacks require mental safe spaces from whites since they cant keep up
No jew/right or #tcot simps discussing PC will mention Sobran's point: that it's really Semitical Correctness. https://t.co/2Z6UgfE5MV
amen bro. from your mouth to that giant elephants ear https://t.co/GlXQSAZ5fQ
jews affect to speak for the community, even though what they advocate is the opposite of interests of majority https://t.co/YZYYLFnRE7
May 09, 2016:
Americans cannot or refuse to accept that jews form one vast criminal network, and this produced communism. https://t.co/StApLzr6Nz
i would like to cut some delicious slices off trigglypuff's arm-hams. i bet they'd taste great with mustard & boiled potatoes
nice arm tat cheezy rider https://t.co/hmWHL2eW9x
what it is you "can't" say? not too hard to figure out. now study it. is the reason they don't want you saying it legitimate? #thinking101
you were almost good in Videodrome https://t.co/CeYFaD8NJj
these kerschmuckzim dont seem to realize jews have been up to same tricks for thousands of year https://t.co/57OPRJ2IXy
doesn't klan kolter have a history of conjoining limbs with discoloreds? https://t.co/uFD8Kd2bCT
apply what hitler learned about opposing jews to today's circumstances https://t.co/T9cUKZI4BT
there is only one form of government: moronocracy. this rule admits of very few exceptions https://t.co/1YJe97kC4n
rather than be blunt and nasty, deballed xtian whiteskins try to find nice appropriate ways around prevailing structure of #antiwhite taboos
you're not on the right side of history, you're against history. just as you fight biology and other subdivisions of reality
garbage like this all over the west. beaners commit most crime in SLC area https://t.co/5joxSpoGO4
Jews make it so open White politics is taboo, then go around denouncing every pol that doesnt cheerlead for #whitegenocide as secret racist
can i take my service niggers with me? https://t.co/gQriNLobwv
What's wrong with parting out niggers? https://t.co/ZuyxEUsGmJ
you're on the free cheese list. you're only at velveeta, but soon you'll level up. mmm...velveeta over fried spider https://t.co/Gi6lSJUF1f
Trump's positions would slow or reverse Big Jew's #antiwhite agenda. That is the real reason for opposition to his non-racial campaign.
Trump is not a racialist. but whatever racialist sentiment is out there - his campaign is a proxy. hence jewfear https://t.co/hw9zmmP02F
no, you're projecting what you want me to believe or have said. look up proxy and read definition https://t.co/Y3m5rwL4nO
Everyone knows the US is only US if filled with whites. But they dont want the jewsmedia tornado that blows their house down if they say it.
Trump's campaign is a race-team proxy whether he agrees/understands it or not https://t.co/W3OMfmdRJf
The only reason the garbage we see today didnt happen 2000 years ago is technology. https://t.co/eenQAGIaUi
Trump's campaign demonstrates, if nothing else, that whites are NOT suicidal. They are looking for leadership. They will follow. #TeamWhite
the professional catholic fake intellectuals lie that jews only became jews by rejecting jebus, yet jews acted like now way back into BC
Whites must quite consciously create an elite to head & lead the body of whiteskins who want, quite consciously, to be White. #TeamWhite
imagine jon stewart applying his shtik to jews: with the hamentaschen (ear cookies jewhands up) and the (passover) mass babykilling (bigeye)
oy oy the ethnical sensitivity of these peepul! as they nibble from ears. celebrate mass baby-slaugher.
how many Congressional Republicans aren't sex deviants? https://t.co/Osa7RAwYCP
white average people dont need govt wiping their asses. what they need is someone preventing yids from polluting everyday thoughtstream
you already see where the white must head, to stay alive: the SS. the white masses can be strong or weak. racial or christian
look at the 'holocaust' - there is absolutely nothing there. it is 100% myth. same thing w jebus https://t.co/8z65NfYntp
the safest assumption is he didnt exist. revilo oliver says he was most likely a composite character https://t.co/8z65NfYntp
depends if they actually believe that. much or most of that is preening for others in their cult https://t.co/E8WVrCxuNn
Interesting that the people running society - jews - never, ever worry about how they look to goyim. https://t.co/SG2Sj0JIfM
atheism is not a system, it is a rejection of one assertion. comparing it to religion is apples to oranges
most people have no real beliefs about anything. theu are hollow, driven by fear and conformity tropisms https://t.co/fUmKxAv6xj
"unrepentant" - jon stuart (liebowitz) - refusing to be morally hectored by an obnoxious, hypocritical lying yid
degenerate only by our standards. by their standards, it's nigger normal https://t.co/mLsyMFSwug
if you have existential angst, you're doing brainwork wrong. there's no great hidden secret, munchnut
Whiteskin survival turns on the question of how we answer the deepest question: would you rather be extinct than christian-immoral?
interesting... https://t.co/yJN9Aigmuz
The lech in winter https://t.co/9QaoqB7bqp
i question your assumption https://t.co/wQ03jzoHfi
The notion of dying for someone else's sins, besides being inherently ridiculous, easily transfers into leftist politics.
Jebus died for our sins. Now we have retards saying whites must accept the burden of nigger sins. I see no relation between these two.
Gee what cult encourages men to think of themselves as sinners, worms, sheep. Sez pride is bad. How could that possibly lead here?
Which part of God do niggers reflect, christian? Low IQ? Lack of impulse control? Unappealing bittersweet smell? Wiry velcrolike 'hair'?
Christianity is liberalism. Not just in the cheap superficial today sense, but in the profounder sense. https://t.co/9WKYxmxWYz
Courtier satirist P.J. O'Rourke duly complies with Boss Neocohen and backs The Cunt https://t.co/Wtfx2mQxUc
If we didnt have a central govt, who would force niggers into white areas and men into womens bathrooms?
we now have peer-to-peer SIDEWAYS communications. no pope or kike can stop our communicating and eventually triumphing - if we will it
thanks https://t.co/N0by9JpPSc
“A Marxist system is recognized by the fact that it spares the criminals and criminalises political opponents.” --Solzhenitsyn
the jewish pig roasts on socialist vegetables, as the original proto-nazis used 2 say: https://t.co/t5STqnYDEl
that's a niglet, you idiot https://t.co/JMDKNLe4gZ
courtier historian https://t.co/jG6KL1wceY
how do #tradcranks explain Cajuns? white men who did environmental 180 - and succeeded just as well in swamp as snowland
how to invest in israel: just keep paying your "american" lol taxes https://t.co/dGaljelBSf
if they poop on your adult tricycle, that means they're anti-semitic https://t.co/gxQGTOnAuy
Jews set whiteskins up with a sucker cult that says counter-exterminating jews is immoral. Yet it's the only solution that works. #TeamWhite
Ooh, a she-cuck. Keep blowing those jews, whore. https://t.co/a0ienJs597
it's not magic. the final interpretation of the Constitution is open to any who take it, per the Framers intentions https://t.co/HaVp2iCBSs
everyone needs vendettas and enemies and feuds. just have to pick your enemies carefully, like your wine grapes https://t.co/zDBu2GZ7Q9
that spider-eating gook is going back to Trash Mountain when Trump wins https://t.co/6TONJdVhUj
jews combine with the worst elements of the whiteskin population to increase the size (and intrusiveness) of government
they be learning where to find bananas and giant leaves to build their night nest https://t.co/tML6nAncVh
still waiting for the first monkey/monkey-apologist to deny that what she said is true https://t.co/6KZD8T4Mte
it takes too long to turn self-reliant white men into government-needing losers; easier just to import discoloreds
jewish values are #antiwhite values https://t.co/lVWorcsJ4N
it's not ignorance you fucking retarded lying cunt, it's the very opposite - experience. https://t.co/Yjd343GU5s
a vulture, a trigglypuff and a homo...all jews...all pretending to debate PC - a thing created by their Tribe. think they'll mention that?
the jewcuck pretends its acting out of christian principle rather than self-interested fear of jews https://t.co/SOvlEqHjcE
Trump feels he has to pretend he loves jews. Or he does. Either way, he's wrong, and we should says what he's not Yooge enough to.
Another great week starting! I'm as happy as Republican Exec Committee receiving a boxcar of fat young boys. (h/t HST)
Having a beard and being Russian don't make you right. Only with #NRx halfwits and tree-root fetishists.
That's absolutely wrong. The same stupid nescient nonsense is believed by the Boerons in South Africa. https://t.co/rHmR5y6hec
It's the job of the racialist to make sure the normal American sees the connection between things he hates and jews. #TeamWhite
If you hate the media, you hate jews. If you hate how Trump is treated, you hate jews. Hating jews is simply perceiving them correctly.
Criminality is a white concept with no equivalent in coon 'culture.' https://t.co/5oXGj449aR
yeah...a lot could be written on that point https://t.co/LmreAB3WlW
all niggers are criminals. the cops beat them for good reasons https://t.co/CvmvM1ZGbf
Not gonna happen. You must make your own Hitler out of river clay. https://t.co/8w9qZJ4T5n
it's a documentary about a black who lives on a skateboard as a way to scam people out of money https://t.co/8cZmxeC30K
This guy is the end product of xtian fruit-loopery: reality goes away if we just cult hard enuf... https://t.co/vLEaKrW1ci
May 08, 2016:
you're looking jewishier by the day, nay, hour. that nose. it grows! https://t.co/lfqsey0e8K
in honor of natl liberation via The Dejewing, we are renaming our proudest natl monument for a day: Mt Pushmore https://t.co/pWPZoWaMgp
Gaffney is a whore for the jews. So is Hillary. Clinton. You're the all-American rube who can't figure it out. https://t.co/j2J64UULvG
The founders were racists, you're just a faggot. Quit stealing their flag, cowardly patriotard. #USSLiberty https://t.co/j2J64UULvG
Yeah, they should be jew-serviles like you, Mr. Browntongue. "I suck jew cocks for money" --Fran Gaffney https://t.co/WzkJIPvMs1
Bribery is the jews' preferred tool for controlling goypols. Sexual blackmail also high on list. See Republican Party for examples
Letting men vote is a dubious idea. Letting women vote is a bad idea. Letting niggers vote is insane.
haven't you ever watched Trading Places? https://t.co/aZZi2THbaH
That and creating a fingerpainting worthy of refrigerator. https://t.co/JWU41v3xpP
Hillary Clinton's biggest base is ugly mediocre whiteskin women. Most typically example: govt school administrator. Fat lottery-ticket buyer
hillary clinton is proof that you can reach the highest levels in american life with absolutely no discernible talent
she is the perfect example of blue-eyed lack of soul associated with northeastern moralizers https://t.co/UgAG7j9Jvd
lowest common denominator https://t.co/PibVOkt5Hg
the LCD is always easiest road, always most popular Romans were men. Christians are dogs. https://t.co/IJ9beWYNHB
Tattoos are like niggers. You may think yours is a Huxtable, but really it's just another Bill Cosby.
You'll never figure out how to be a human being by looking sideways. https://t.co/FglR79eEKQ
blacks are more akin to an animal population than human because they have not, as a race, achieved self-consciousness #blacklivesmatter
they only become when you claim they're real. i dont. you do. you're a nut https://t.co/JeqwHPeFrD
your inability to distinguish fantasy from reality has nothing to do with me https://t.co/CQh6oRvdG8
it's your not calling them yiddlers that allowed them to take over Repulingcunts in the first place. #tcot
"All aging Jewesses approximate to the appearance of vultures" --F. Nietzsche https://t.co/ibMcenNpzr
has he been vetted for any wrestling tendencies? wide-stancing? log-cabining? catholicizing? precocious paging? https://t.co/hObNRWQFzi
the religious mind at work.. #muhportents https://t.co/enCTepBxVC
he's a jew trying to prevent whites from using his media to discuss crimes committed by muslim invaders https://t.co/ZemZ9H4N5H
good old muslim named zuckerberg, eh? https://t.co/2grS0viW0A
even in sports, british announcers care about nothing but who "deserves" victory. it's bizarre and deformed https://t.co/lvwFXNRcJr
the jews put racial loyalty ahead of money. whites dont. game over...until we reach that level. Sobering message from #TeamWhite
reaction isn't love of tradition, it's hatred of movement. hence the inevitable alt-treehugging #NRx
He's a Good Catholic Man. He would never do that. https://t.co/NBlc892hxz
the catholic hierarchy passes pedo-priests around. always has, always will. normal men dont become priests. https://t.co/xIDNvTLIN6
niggers HATE whites like clinton, even if they vote for them for money. truth is nigs think ALL whites are racist https://t.co/rGDhA9hiFa
the pope...looking for spiritual guidance between muslim toes the fun part about atheism is the fun!
the browner the asses at masses, the fewer complaints when the queers called priests moles the kids #CatholicismToday
it appears so. he must not back off, he must get continually more aggressive. what Romney said about 47% is no joke https://t.co/spJIR3VGUd
he has no independent criterion for establishing civilized/barbaric. his argument is circular https://t.co/kd7rQKENZk
conservatism that doesnt start with blood loyalty makes no sense. but whites prefer religious belief to thinking https://t.co/7fUxj8Mxb4
it's tautology to him. his church/people = civilization. by definition. others = barbarians. by definition https://t.co/9xPmXFOXtc
if he goes after HC directly and personally and drags rapin' bill into it, he can win https://t.co/prIAhAMNSt
out of status fears. and career fears. not out of principle https://t.co/dmhHt8WVSr
There is quite literally nothing you can do to get cut out of Anglo society if you have money, including raping little boys. Some culture.
Bash, bash, bash the conservatives. All of them. Be vicious and relentless. Abuse them for the curs they are. Enjoy it, for they do.
no, Europe is the production of Germanics - Germans, French and English https://t.co/yRwdv2QYRm
you can't build a white politics out of people who care about only two things: money and how they look to others - but that defines Anglo
the essential girlishness of conservatism always struck me - and this political mold poisons racialism that comes from it
white politics must strive toward an impersonality found in German culture much more strongly than in Anglo
plus most of these 'italians' were actually nordic in blood. that's the part that these canolis dont grasp https://t.co/dj4UoyvyMA
that's what happens when we allowed jews to take over "our" media and "our" governments https://t.co/pBFU6DDx1S
every area italians mastered, save painting, germans did 100x more + 100 areas italians accomplished nothing https://t.co/c7q05gf3M6
no i dont support massive inflation https://t.co/sDUii6ACwC
Burmese pythons. Can we talk about these guys? What a bunch of fags! You know what I call 'em? BURPmese. When i eat their eggs. Yah.
in the annals of human mentation italians figure very unprominently. put on ya Jets jacket & go practice pirouettes https://t.co/ljQpyyyo0Z
inability to cut thru to the essentials bedevils the white cause, reinforced by weak men who know better's whoring for $ and status
catholic idea of civilization is pedophile-priests presiding over quiescent browns https://t.co/YLi0cJmv61
says the canoli who worships a jew sci-fi character https://t.co/MmmSYHbnNJ
yeh yr pope -- granted, an entry-level position in yr cult -- is "establishing order" by encouraging muslim invasion https://t.co/QRrz1PjeYv
you worship sci-fi characters invented by kikes, so i'm going with you are the cretinous simpleton https://t.co/MmmSYHbnNJ
canoli cult's view is dogma. they can't change it. it's a suicidal false belief. whites must extricate from it https://t.co/YLi0cJmv61
canoli says his god is Real and a Nigger too https://t.co/oqWjGxSZwx
problem is, canoli claims his cult = civilization. but it cant create one out of shitskins. blood > jebus https://t.co/eAbv7rMZ8Q
niggers and whites are different species. #tcot https://t.co/EJlw6Z1QMO
yeah you guys will take credit for everything you didnt do and nothing you did https://t.co/HFBwBQuk9W
They're loyal only to their nation. Which is international and tribal. https://t.co/tO4e0UGfny
He's not a traitor. He's a jew. He's loyal to his race and its #antiwhite agenda. https://t.co/2UPLXjBYGH
your mommy is the alcohol bottle or the gorilla? i dont get it https://t.co/ZQTnfzYdh4
Human races are actually different species. Yes, 'racism' is actually a euphemism - it is 'species denial' https://t.co/9Dwo8iMZjO
You can see jews are aggressive, vicious, unapologetic, lying bastards. So why you so quick to credit their tales of persecution?
and 99% of the conservatives are neocons https://t.co/E1KeoZv0sN
calling a jew a jew is "sickening jew hatred"... somebody wants to keep it covered up. wonder why https://t.co/6ybsXhcieq
the thinking i've done outweighs these clowns as gold to sand. https://t.co/ugB08QHqpy
these are good, SCAN THEM BETTER https://t.co/fQYBdVfyrW
yes he is, idiot. jew is a race. https://t.co/JeiX5pRK63
how's she going to murder people with no hands?? https://t.co/U2z4vamEXM
'Racism' doesn't have a meaning, it has a function: to make it taboo for whites to notice racial differences and build politics on them.
OMG calling a jew a jew. That's so not done. https://t.co/wClFemHddI
Let's see...she's a christian...mudshark...with no children... I'm going to go with destroy. https://t.co/YfwTUfbuC1
#AnnCoulter lacks the courage to point out that it was JEWS ALONE behind both bolshevism and open borders.
a five-year-old can understand the jew problem. only cowards make excuses for millionaires who pull punches. keep blowing Manny The Mudshark
Yeah, the jew question is so difficult it can only be revealed in stages lasting hundreds of years. What a jew-serving Big Lie.
Horseshit. https://t.co/brzs6Jigsu
So you're tolerant of people who won't do the necessary thing. You think a movement is build on that kind of meh? https://t.co/H0wGSv1gpo
All that matters is why you make excuses for someone who won't tell whites what they need to hear. https://t.co/RrD2Ye8xea
The more you bash conservatives like Ann Coulter, the more political use you'll get out of them. The more you fawn, the less. #TeamWhite
#AnnCoulter knows 2000x more about jews than you ever will. She won't speak truth because its bad for her income. https://t.co/TsEVfKPZdj
White racialists who fawn over #AnnCoulter are nearly as easily bought off as the mudshark herself. Raise your standards. #TeamWhite
In the US, if you're looking for lying, no-character shitheels, ya...really can't go wrong by heading north and east.
Fallacy of forced false menu. https://t.co/lM9jLrZUrL
#AnnCoulter spreads for discoloreds and fawns over jewts like Ben Shapiro. And white racialists make excuses for her? That's loser behavior.
Jews hold themselves to standards. Whites make excuses. This is one powerful difference explaining outcomes.
A nigger just got elected mayor of your largest burg. How is economics going to solve that problem? https://t.co/aZoEmmSTfs
Christian Sunday School & Jewish Monday School combine to produce characterless conformist cogs. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
Christian = the abdication of responsibility & abandonment of personality. Christianity is #antiwhite.
And dutifully complying. Without soul, or character - in a word, christian. https://t.co/EvYZUXlfPr
In 1960, there were more Americans of Swiss descent than Mexican. The biggest (((-enabled))) invasion in history. https://t.co/HdpuCeTwqW
if it's possible to train Burmese pythons to eat christians, then i, for one, think we need to look into this
what the people who think trump cant win are discounting, i hope, is his willingness to attack her ruthlessly on her shit character & record
Why should we honor parasites and dupes? https://t.co/5aavHKWkh2
Atheism is not a political position. It is a slur for the right answer to 1 question. Atheism, as truth, is rightist https://t.co/o79986rGSh
In his defense, he's not a real Catholic. This is the mentality, mindset and mental level of 99% of christ-boobs. https://t.co/kYMhfK5LkY
incorrect - the church is already majority discolored, and spreading in asia and other parts https://t.co/TR2wezolzb
Except your generation fought on the side of the Semitically Correct imposers of totalitarianism - communist jews. https://t.co/EDX5UEezfu
damn that broad is getting aggressively uglier by the minute https://t.co/yTE7wcQhbi
good example of the littleness of the British: can't even bear to say German shepherd https://t.co/IIlgVrKK6n
your country is ruled by niggers! i'm sure that will end well!! and you're named Ulrich LOL!!! worst of all!!!! https://t.co/m5vGwhwFFq
May 07, 2016:
look at that faggot https://t.co/6S3WYp0cYk
there are none. maybe a tiny fraction of one percent that's genetically outlying, realizes the truth, exogamies https://t.co/0sg5yBYyrS
All catholics are spiritual queers, and most priests are flesh queers too. https://t.co/Cqgnfkg3RR
Forced false menu is the logical fallacy all jew political rhetoric is based on. It is same with catholic argument, just softer.
Message to dolts: if you have to assert you're "strong" you're not. What you manifestly ARE speaks louder than anything you SAY.
Your child would be infinitely safer left alone in a room with Hitler than with any Catholic priest chosen at random thru all history.
No one but a faggot would become a priest in the first place. And most fags, given an opening, will molest boys. https://t.co/hQGetYL9IY
just like the jewry that created it, catholicism has specific smears for the sane white man: 'race idolater' is catholic's 'racist'
you have your work cut out for you converting those african niggers now occupying italy. but race doesnt matter... https://t.co/eFdDJSW3kn
Christianity is a shitty ideal, let alone actual specimens: Mike Huckabee Glenn Beck Rick Santorum Squinty Pat Robertson Joel Ospray
communism is not a threat to christianity. racialism is. for communism merely oppresses xtianity, but racialism will supersede it.
racialists should know this. dont be deceived by jewsmedia. in a fight between Whites and Jews, the church will ALWAYS side with jews
the catholic pope welcomes the racial destruction of europe, just as his predecessors worked with communist jews to undermine Hitler
what do polish catholics do but try to leave for competent countries like germany and britain? catholic 'culture'lol https://t.co/LAbnfFMO7i
yeah catholicism is real but white race is an abstraction. you're not good at thinking, meatball https://t.co/plgdbEAzSO
a fanatical, organized, disciplined racial organization #TeamWhite https://t.co/gEjIo31g7u
a catholic can give me one example of a majority non-white catholic country that is more than a third-world shithole? yes?
your shitcult protects pedophiles, and your sheep don't have the courage to say anything when their kids are molestd https://t.co/Bt0A8thZop
lol at notion of catholicism saving anyone from sodomy. have you met a priest? 4 out of 3 of them are pedophiles https://t.co/Bt0A8thZop
"people" = jews who are afraid white blood and money won't be used to promote endless wars and subsidies for israel https://t.co/29byqAwmFP
Europe = white race. Catholicism, as you admit, places no value on race. Catholicism is in business of saving itself https://t.co/ScAuelEXCK
the pope WELCOMES muslim invasion. whites made europe great. without whites, catholicism is nothing https://t.co/r1lBBhwJqu
church prefers shitskins for cultists because they are racially stupider, hence less able to see thru its lies https://t.co/r1lBBhwJqu
catholicism is majority non-white https://t.co/YE4e43suDe
keep blowing semitic sci-fi hero jebus, meatball https://t.co/8ruhfm5VW7
your pope is bent on turning europe brown, homosexual. because race doesn't matter to twinks like you https://t.co/Z1WM5JB4Ip
whites stand up for their nation, their native racial sense overcoming their religion, as the pope fights them https://t.co/UI9Gpdq3PA
catholicism is antiwhite because it believes, quite literally, that God is a nigger https://t.co/wE0NS4iq3Q
they're not debating, they're winning a political fight. politics isnt debate- https://t.co/LCs2bOU50f
excuses. all you anonymites have endless excuses for not doing the necessary thing. https://t.co/mz6YXfURZQ
observing profound racial differences and inferring politics from them makes you "race idolater." that's catholicism https://t.co/xSGAnnGVdr
here's the bottom line, kiddies. whites either develop new SS equivalent, or they disappear into shitskin fondue. catholicism favors latter
lol the pope is welcoming muslims to europe. not even he believes your catholic horsehit any longer https://t.co/xSGAnnGVdr
you're not a real man. and you cult is murdering the west. race is worth infinitely more than catholicism https://t.co/xSGAnnGVdr
exactly. the Catholic position is that God is a nigger. https://t.co/iMEq40bpUB
anonymous guy says support barren mudshark who publicly insults white racialists while sucking up to jews https://t.co/pQMhCTnHRy
jebus queer. do run along. https://t.co/mN4J0lqEdp
are you dim? that's my point. https://t.co/LBhVlmYSeA
cuckthink https://t.co/pQMhCTnHRy
excuses. https://t.co/AkeomnzhIi
all these anonymous clowns do is make excuses - for a coal-burning punch-puller who explicitly disavows & insults em https://t.co/2yIR0W3hAx
always an excuse https://t.co/WLbnWlWhFw
always an excuse https://t.co/e7RyyHvQ12
When you use their language, that makes you at least a starter cuck. There is no legitimate use of 'antisemitic' or 'racist.'
Designed by who, Coulter? https://t.co/7eNELbGkz0
Jebus attracts faggots. A man of the cross is no man. He's often a pedophile, almost always jew-servile and truth-hostile.
Most whiteskins are xtian, hence without moral courage. A couple names flung their direction, they curl up and die. https://t.co/1rrDLpqmok
So you support their murdering Americas on the #USSLiberty. No wonder they opened the borders to you shitskins. https://t.co/VMBEAbzVzu
May 06, 2016:
Trump shows just how strong jews AREN'T when you DARE to get aggressive toward them. Even without calling them out by race.
They who submit to the jews politically end up as faggots and pedophiles. It seems to be a law. Not an absolute, but a fair generalization.
You can never tell me that the twisted psyche resulting from selling out your own kind to service the jew doesn't manifest in sex perversion
It's interesting that God is always found hanging out with charlatans. They and fugly women are his peeps. https://t.co/3slOfoWuBx
America needs to replace the vile ugly misbegotten jewshead atop our body politic with a nice clean good looking white head. Like Trump's.
you have a "free press" which UNIFORMLY treats LITERALLY CRIMINAL INVADING ALIENS as good guys and locals, natives, as evil monsters
you really have to step back and re-appreciate just how wackotic it is that if you want to keep your own nation you're a crazed extremist
how do you deal with a "free press" that uniformly calls anyone wants a border a "nativist"? it's simply war. TeamWhite vs TeamJew
Muds have right to white property. Right to invade white lands. Whites who objects are nativists. Are xenophobes. Hey jew-cucks GFY'SELF
Germany is a defeated, conquered country. It's the Anglo countries where cucked truly fits. https://t.co/7HPxklyAjG
Dennis Hastert is a good man that loves the Lord. And little boys. Especially the boys. Republican-faggot-pedophile-xtian - hard 2 tell diff
Jews don't think like Americans because they're not Americans. They're jews. Trump is an American. He thinks the way most Americans do.
Was family massacre “hillbilly justice”? https://t.co/vC4ol4BBPE via @newscomauHQ
The whole fucking country now looks like the inside of Cal-Neva 30 years ago. Fucking ashtray hominids.
nigger foreplay https://t.co/TG7JVelTtL
what color is the nigger suspect? https://t.co/1iSYUQskag
God sure loves ugly women. And dirt-eatin' goobers. And pussy pseudo-intellectual kibitzers. And pedophiles. He lubs Him some dem. #God
Big govt is like christianity. "But whut does we replace it with?" NOTHING. A big fat giant scoop of NOTHING. https://t.co/wPJvSm2fSr
It's thanks to jews ALONE that we have creatures like 'Eulalio Tordil' IN this country in the first place.
The minute whites stop thinking like christians everything begins to come together. #TeamWhite asks: What's good for Whites?
Why are Irish catholics such a loathsome breed, so often? Just look at Ryan. Look at that fucking pieta mug. It is barfsome.
The true white attitude? You should be GREEDY for honor and glory you earn by standing up in the fight of your times - against the jews.
start talking about jews, you garden mole https://t.co/7laC0st14B
The kippa'd cocksucker calls out the kikes. https://t.co/jemOE3VFLu
Jack Hunter: anatomy of a pathetic Southron faggot https://t.co/xlOcrNABIV What a fag. You know that fag jack Hunter? DONT BE THAT FAG.
No, I mean Enoch Suess. https://t.co/r3rQnMVuYi
Put Goldman Sachsers in a labor camp, and distribute their money back to the white earners they stole it from. #MAGA
If something happens that's bad for jews Then quickly we must change the rules #MakeAmericaGreatAgain #NoJewsJustRight
Enoch FAVORED IMMIGRATION. Actual colored invasion. He SUPPORTED it. Matter of FACT. https://t.co/fKeE2Jt915
Enoch was a faggot too. Only by British standards was he impressive. I mean that's a bar an ant could saltate. https://t.co/s6i8dX1SlV
Some rabbit in the field talking about his "right" not to be eaten by a bobcat. Nature knows not from rights. It's fagtalk.
Stop saying stuff you won't stand behind. Grow up. You can be a faggot online, most are, but stop saying stuff then taking it back.
I remember in psychology, babies think a ball disappears if it goes behind a screen. Most whites never outgrow this.
Lewpus! You're still fat and wrong about the most important things. But I still like you!! I'm a people person!!! https://t.co/S3Fx9m64di
"Hillary's so crooked she has to screw her pantsuits on." --ghost of Hunter S. Thompson #CrookedHillary
Let's make the World's Biggest Turducken out of Niggers, Jews and Mexicans, and then feed it to all-American alligators. #MAGA
Jews cannot be allowed to control white media and money. jews cannot be allowed to live in white lands. Jews cannot be allowed to live.
you jews have done your work well! JEWS MURDERED EUROPE USING MUSLIMS #WhiteGenocide https://t.co/l7zDC7oQfY
Christ-insanity. It's not just wrong, stupid, ugly and dumb. it's ridiculous, pathetic, menticidal and morbific. https://t.co/xjfFxOmFzr
Everybody hates Ted Jewz. It has nothing to do with his behavior. It's a defect in the character of the anti-Tedites.
blacks seek justice, whites express resentment. strange how that works. #thelyingmouthoftheJew https://t.co/2akLilAXML
might do GLR. he nailed the psychology of conservatives. that never seems to get old - or learned https://t.co/iRMIWZQPv8
It's ok. You won World War II. Finest hour, you know. Really got something to be proud of there, lil fellers. https://t.co/dMqu8JiNGm
If everyone hates Cruz, based on experience, that's perfectly valid. If everyone hates jews, based on experience, that's anti-Semitism.
It's funny that exactly the same criticisms of Ted Cruz, universally conceded as valid, apply mutatis mutandis to the race called Jews.
But Israel murdered our soldiers #USSLiberty ! "Well, I'm sure she had a good reason." --khaki-wearing jebus-flating xtian faggot #tcot simp
maybe one of the Tradcucks can explain to me how his cult's magic water is less ridiculous than the neocohen's magic dirt
every time angry whites rose up to slaughter jews the catholic priest told them to settle for Magic Water. how'd that work out for us?
the holocaust is both a useful Big Lie - and the jew projecting what he knows his race merits by its historical behavior
it is the conceit of intellectuals like e. michael jones that catholicism represents opposition to jewry rather than its safety net
if the jews actually wanted catholicism to go the way of Nazism, would they act toward it they way they do now? or some other way?
catholics are like little kids the jews let win some games, and the sad little dolts think it's a real victory https://t.co/FaRA0rH3nx
catholicism denies that men are biologically different and incompatible; thereby softening up whites for jewish multicult #badcopgoodcop
catholicism's insistence that all men are the same is not just egalitarian, it's anti-intellectual - and wrong & destructive in practice
Catholicism creates false mental constructs that conduce directly to real-world misery. We have ears, eyes and noses for a reason, folks.
you can see at a glance niggers are an alien species we dont want around our kind. you need no second thought or perception #TeamWhite
catholicism = universalism, is inherently irremediably #antiwhite and always has been https://t.co/yrwrya8fyc
it doesnt matter how many catholic morality books you open at em, or how many white-extracted billions you shower, NIGS GONNA NIG
kirchick is a jewfag. https://t.co/O62NzUi2QM
That is the irony of white nationalism. You understand what is actually wrong with white people. https://t.co/Xla42eC3YQ
let us serve jews 1st & last. lets sacrifice our sons & daughters to be learning aids & genetic upgrades for negroes https://t.co/E2tec4ok8Q
you british slaves can't speak the truth about jews and muslims or you'll be thrown in jail. you need revolution https://t.co/QH2ExkRnjh
Whites must use their brain to understand what is going on. And their will to change it. Hard but simple. #TeamWhite
Catholicism would rather be suppressed by communist jews than superseded by racialist Whites. Superficial threat vs existential.
Whites are not suddenly going to evolve a racial loyalty they dont have, any more than niggers will develop math skills. They must use brain
Catholicism helps the jews bring on a new dark age in order to hide the obvious truth that whites are responsible for the church's success.
Catholicism is humiliated by the fact that it cant repeat its civilizational success outside white lands. So it helps jews e-race them.
do you think voting will change anything? i think what will change things is when whiteskins who cuck for jews fear for their lives.
Whites are loyal to conservatism! Catholicism! Republican Party! the South! Jews are loyal to jews. That's why jews always win.
Reps. like Paul Ryan feed their race's women and children to the bull (Soros, Adelson, other jews), if you want to use the cuck metphor.
jew Soros employs cucks. jews are loyal to their tribe. whites like paul ryan sell their race out for money & status https://t.co/Uoo4JXYu0V
if you've ever attended a Baptist service, the most socially useful thing you can do for your race is never open your mouth
Glenn Beck is living proof that alcoholics are less destructive than believing christians. (See also George W. Bush)
the #cuckservative is the goy (ryan, matt walsh et al.) that serves the jew (Soros). this is not hard to understand. even for So. Baptists
Confirming every stereotype in the racist's book.. https://t.co/00Dh1ohlZm
Christian humility never rises to the level of doubting the church's doctrines can fix jews and niggers.
Let the message go out to all Jews everywhere: If you rape and murder a white girl, we'll be there to support you. #ADL #LeoFrank #TeamJew
Please remember that God created these niggers. And that they have Imperishable Souls of Inestimable Value (tm). https://t.co/rdycq8x966
underground bubbling up are people who realize it's Jews vs Whites. and we are White. we accept no shitty crosscuck substitutions #TeamWhite
no one who is paid money by any employer of size is able to mention The Jewish Agenda. so it doesn't exist, to mass-media-gulping simpletons
imagine you had journalists who talked openly about The Jewish Agenda. and its plans for replacing whites. that would be a free press
w our nifty christian doctrines, we can talk the killer bees out of stinging. i mean, jews out of being lying swindling white-genocidalists
probably came from Southern Baptist type, incapable of precision. to their mindlet all epithets reduce to The Devil https://t.co/TtAburK87C
Jews are behind all the wars in the world, laughing and profiting. I'm not an Irish Catholic like Weak Mel. I say it sober & stand behind it
Americans need dentistry for their brain. "You've got to stop with the jewish junkmedia. It's absolutely rotting your mental molars."
two truths are self-evident: no jews can be tolerated in any white country. and: christian doctrines secure jewish presence & power
well said https://t.co/TC2yR9ULlH
govt does virtually nothing but subsidize socially destructive elements. govt is the opposite of civilization
there's no use arguing with people who don't take feedback from their sense organs. these are cultists, they can only be stomped out
i saw someone on here calling jew George Soros a cuckservative. he has billions, people carry his water. he's not a cuck. he's the boss.
still scared to write freely about jews, Jimmy Dink? https://t.co/1JwO12HEhV
Remember, folks: freaks are emboldened by your faggotry. Never be afraid to laugh at what's stupid. That way lies christianity.
whites should reclaim power in USA, and land-clear shitskins all the way down to the Panama Canal. #TeamWhite
xtian universalism & its twin secular humanism give whites a false group (mankind) to identify with https://t.co/eTj4bCDP8B
May 05, 2016:
An America run by Americans might be solvent and mind its own business. An America run by jews...not so much.
beaner-pig rapes young girl, becomes "white" at jewGawker https://t.co/M5JEnW0YVF
Jews take over and redefine wherever they're given entry. They, nearly alone, have money, network, experience. https://t.co/TfDiNJHkLu
"George Washington wasn't a real American. And what's more, his foreign policy was anti-semitic." --B. Shapiro
Catholic moral courage lol. https://t.co/rD3MDcQqQw
thanks for bringing disease-bearing Third Worlders into my country, you vile cunt https://t.co/9GSZ5G3P9n
my idea of social justice is jews being tied together and drowned in a big tub. does that count? https://t.co/WIuTW8deH6
you keep telling yourself that, budger, and i'll keep using my eyes https://t.co/2vw45QmqDP
it's turning a traditional vice - cowardice - into a virtue https://t.co/bsPJckdUaC
only when drunk. when sober, good lil boy apologizes it's not a religion for men, evidence compels me to observe https://t.co/D7nwpUUVeP
if you were going to pick a random whiteskin to exhibit moral courage, would you pick a Catholic? i dont see how anyone could answer yes
traitor? he's a good catholic boy. just look at that holy smile. "they know not what i do" https://t.co/hGE1YhRz1P
Raus shecky. your act has grown stale. https://t.co/675tJPzV7s
White power must grow and expand, and this necessarily comes at the expense of the jew and its handmaidens like @MattWalshBlog #TeamWhite
racial struggle masquerading as political fight. #TeamJew and its goycucks like @MattWalshBlog vs normal whites (ie Americans)
ADL: founded to defend a pedophile who murdered a white girl. #MaryPhagan https://t.co/Lg6QOstmD4
jews have signalled all their twinkservants it's time to simulate being very angry. hence the clucking of the cucks
tick...tick...tick... https://t.co/6HXnpEIonA
there's only one significant force opposed to Trump cleaning up America - Big Jew (and the criminals/aliens it's gathered around itself)
unlike 82/93 jebus jackalopes, i know the doctrines, i read the book. it sucks. not one chap. in yr hearing about guy pimping his relatives
the media call him white because they're owned by jews. they protect their own. furthers their 'white racism' meme https://t.co/EVcYbtj070
they aren't white -- except when they pretend to be in order to encourage others to hate whites https://t.co/CZFC4gCQSk
chris matthews is heterosexual? the wife is always the last to know https://t.co/P8hHBMghhe
No, I'm not a nigger, thank god. But yes, as you point out, disproportionate number of felons are coons. https://t.co/ZaLLqZWBT9
Cuz they're niggers, right? https://t.co/HZKEEpev8p
May 04, 2016:
Hitler's the bad guy? but that would make jews the good guys. we know that can't be true. the conclusion is inescapable: hitler = good guy
that's the spirit we're looking for https://t.co/n5qVJDi8aX
you betcha, buddy. it sure is. https://t.co/WBusMzH4AI
Wrong. He's a simp-herd. That doesn't mean he's a conman. https://t.co/s78NhaAnOl
Grimm's fairly tales enchanted and delighted me. But when I read the jew bible, I felt it was malevolent horseshit from an alien mentality.
poor people dont trust poor preachers. low-rent whites think exactly like niggers https://t.co/jWd6vBWKbp
Even though y'all are a bunch of sad faggots, I know that virtually any one of you, made dicktator, could clean up Our Mutual Mess.
I think the spirit of Hitler and Trump would get along pretty well. I think they'd ID the same problems, and mostly agree on solutions.
um yeah pretty easy to grasp: queens seeking kings https://t.co/9jrBd9IaBS
For all I ride the South, I don't believe it is culturally possible it could produce a specimen as vile as Hillary Clinton.
The extreme-minority position, as always represented by jews _must_ lie. And must control mass media. Must. Or...no go.
I encourage race mixing...between christians and those locusts that only come out of the ground every 17 years.
Ellul would say propaganda has to be seamless or its not propaganda. Only liars have need/reason to mass-media https://t.co/JeUHOyobSC
we're going to make shecky shapiro and whale podhortez dance the haavara nagila before shipping them halfway back to israel
Monday School snuffs the whiteskin student's ability to think Sunday School snuffs his ability to laugh.
there's not a single funny verse in the entire bible. think what that does to the white mentality. https://t.co/Peurz6UTJQ
For example, christians advise indiscriminate spiritual love of hominids. Their promiscuity spreads spirit-AIDS. https://t.co/hCXzOBvbiv
jews position themselves to judge every single act and aspect of aryan society, then vend us the boob job "judge not lest ye be judged"
"When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro." --HST https://t.co/Q7mZpHpGfp
Nazism is for everybody. Not me, though. I'm an American Feral. Like a Scots-Irish with a three-digit IQ.
Meet the Bushcucks. https://t.co/BguwTclRPy
does he mention it began with selling peerages to yids like himself? i bet he doesnt https://t.co/j5bkz2wd3K
the arrogance of the ruling yids rubs off on their cuckservants https://t.co/aOGni7pcVw
whiteskins tend to be gullible, respectful believers. but thank god not all of 'em. ;) https://t.co/9iNlaGZy5w
"What comes out of the mouth of a jew is equivalent to what comes out of the backside of other races." --B. Fischer
what a JEW he was. ALL jews think like trotsky. all of them https://t.co/aciSrw3fu3
the minute you laugh at jews rather than quail, half their power is gone. fearing the likes of shecky shapiro is no way to go thru life, son
you cant rape the willing https://t.co/9HuCvsr62O
Southern Man's highest ideal: to approximate the loyalty and brainpower of the average K9 unit. https://t.co/IajYWrpUNI
funniest idea ever: the "best" people go into the military. you got to be southern to believe something that fucking stupid
no one cares about your mental problems, doofy broad https://t.co/fN0Ma8VO7F
Trump: Controlled Media is Finished https://t.co/84nVYCs1xo via @NewObOnline
churchill was an agent of the jew bankers and he admits this! always pay attention to admission against interest https://t.co/ByxzMLhEdR
i love it when i reduce you clowns to arguing the pope isnt catholic. your entire cult is for cowardly buffoons https://t.co/lxHgAV4Plk
Jews put your white children in danger. Your wife too. Still want to worship them, #crosscucks? #TeamWhite https://t.co/RTf5KyeUPp
'acknowledge' = falsely attribute https://t.co/efaOEYPFxt
White men without christ-insanity = Greece and Rome. Xtianity w/o whites = Bolivia, Nigeria, Mexico. hmm https://t.co/7iatHcnWvL
you better check that with a priest, i dont think that's the partyline https://t.co/V8WXfw1d3A
i think you have me confused with your pope https://t.co/r7m2Pyx98l
from lions to declawed pussies is not an advance https://t.co/pKaZWtVrLr
what came out the other end of christianity? a Roman went in, and a what came out? https://t.co/pKaZWtVrLr
the church is what saved yids from masses of enraged whites. the church is the best friend jews ever had https://t.co/hu9lAxguj2
you dont know what you're talking about and are too cowardly to use your real name https://t.co/hu9lAxguj2
40m christian nigerians have accomplished....(jack squat). white built western civilization. xtianity was incidental https://t.co/hu9lAxguj2
you've called me a catholic and nazi. you dont really pay much attention to anything. yeah, greece and rome > jebus https://t.co/dA1noUZDaX
jebus is most likely a composite character. that is, a myth. so the answer is no one. judaism = saulism https://t.co/6khEp9JOc6
no. atheist. i read jones but he's wrong on race, per his cult's dogma that man is man is man https://t.co/IUGBapyZXH
it jews wanted xtianity gone, it would be. stop conforming reality to fantasy. https://t.co/rjtcsx9Sgi
i know jones very well. he's wrong. i dont take lessons in rationality from fools who believe jews come back fm dead https://t.co/rjtcsx9Sgi
People idiotically believe that because the jews call Trump a racist he is. He's not. Not actively hating whites is not the same thing.
sperg is anonymous queer's jewlike smear for focused https://t.co/C6gxjveEbx
Jews are engaged in a comprehensive cultural attack designed to destroy the white race forever. That's the starting pt of serious analysis.
There is lots of great analysis out there of subsets of the problem (feminism, for ex.) but save tied to Jew picture, it's isolated & DOA.
Trump is the kiddie pool. Don't kid yourself about that. "Our" cause is racial. It has nothing to do with conservatism or christianity.
Trump's an American. Shapiro's a jew. Nuf said. https://t.co/WWEP748KjG
your people weren't around when America was founded. you're not an American. you're a jew. you don't belong here. go https://t.co/WWEP748KjG
The salvation of Europe begins with the identification and destruction of its jews - the would-be murderers of Whitekind.
#ADL puts your white children at risk. Remember - ADL was founded to aid a jew who raped & murdered white girl. https://t.co/corhP3DjoS
blacks aren't smart enough to realize they're dumb https://t.co/qIjlTAktrs
it cannot be overemphasized that jews are a race of liars. it's what they do. it's in their genes, their culture. it defines them
just yesterday pudgy liar @jpodhoretz said israel took 30,000 boat people. actual number: 360. https://t.co/8e9SRiVuz9
it's ally, you simp. and no, they are our enemy. they take our money and murder our people #USSLibertyRemembranceDay https://t.co/uWjbeJkVxd
autocorrect is the reason you can't spell Israel? https://t.co/Gn1K7mghaM
Jews love to make the point that 'uneducated' white Americans support Trump. That would be same demographic that supports Israel.
you can't even spell israel. you're stupid. jews think guys like you are suckers. and they're right. https://t.co/GiHJblLfY9
jews use and despise these flag-waving simpletons https://t.co/0w6cGGyi0o
They live out of white pockets while berating whites as racists and trying to genocide them. https://t.co/AW0ohWw3B8
incorrect. jews are jews. not americans. they are loyal only to their own race. israel is america's enemy https://t.co/wdJywfBiLp
they support #whitegenocide https://t.co/r9gQAAQNGV
if this woman needs help offing herself, i'm available https://t.co/jBn5806Emo
jews will work their way into Trump admin, if he allows, and attempt to thwart any white-positive changes he tries to make. these are givens
you nation-wreckers need to run to Israel before a white racial loyalist takes power. we know what you did https://t.co/6epsgIe4y8
He doesn't support foreign wars. He does support border control for white nations. Just 2 reasons jews hate him. https://t.co/JiCPxagWAd
Jews are used to privilege - legal, social, media, etc. They see neutrality as an attack on them, so they attack DT. https://t.co/w7pahhxh5W
Cuckservatism is a goy thang. Never a jew thang. Don't let jew Cernovich or jew Yiannopoulos lie about this.
Jews as one lie that America is a 'nation of immigrants,' a chutzpathic meme they created around 1900. They promoted #whitegenocide fm day 1
Anytime you debate a jew on the basis he stands for anything except what's good for jews, you help him carry his deception and hurt yr side.
Shapiro's people weren't here when America was founded. Like yours and mine. They were here when America was destroyed.
Shapiro hates Trump because he puts whites, implicitly, ahead of jews. This cannot be! Shapiro calls this position 'conservatism.' lol.
What the jew wishes to conceal is what we on #TeamWhite must open up. Don't let shapiros get away with pretext of loyalty to some -ism.
I don't think he's truly a jew, even if he has a little blood. He's just a standard conservative Doilyman. https://t.co/LD5aZBEt7y
Anyone who calls a jew a cuckservative or a traitor makes a mistake or attempts to mislead. Jews are loyal to tribe, not political positions
Ben Shapiro isn't a cuckservative. He isn't a conservative. He isn't a traitor. He's a jew. He's loyal to his tribe.
Boss Jew says: "Feed your women and children to blacks if you want a paycheck." Cuckservative whiteskins like Wilson respond, "Yes, sir!"
If jews run things, they aren't cucks. Those who serve them are. Jews, as always, attempt to coopt any movemt that even partly points at 'em
Cucks perceive Big Jew as long-term safer side. Trump interrupts flow. Bad for career & profits. This accounts 4 hatred steaming off 'em.
May 03, 2016:
will is a classic #cuckservative and kristol is a classic kike https://t.co/FVPonvNPx4
'principled conservative' is euphemism for America-hating jew What's wrong with Trump? He puts Americans ahead of Podhoretzes & Shapiros
put asphyxiated in a corn silo https://t.co/t5VZGegqTK
Upon taking office, Trump will institute a pay-per-pelt policy for mexicans. #25 per polecat seems fair.
Tyrant. You stupid faggot. Eat your strained beets and stop whining, highchair boi https://t.co/vkrBLaoAni
i give this spat two yellow stars #TeamJew https://t.co/6i4CkV1ZKK
"unhinged plan" not to be in perpetual war w rest of world https://t.co/sigLdnO9op
the vote is in...America wants to be great again. please form 3 lines: jews, mex, blacks. 1st stop: TIjuana, 2nd, Tel Aviv, 3rd Timbuktu
There is no woman on earth as effeminate as Glenn Beck. https://t.co/LyMqH9ldpL
we got a live one! its like one of those batteries yr hopin and hopin but ultimately yr nopin https://t.co/EJzqo7IjHV
And I bet your jaw slacked, and some of your dinner mud run out... https://t.co/ep0lEruNaI
the point isn't hating conservatives, who are but weaklings available for purchase - it's fighting the jews who operate them #TeamWhite
you ever hear a sportscaster say "it would have been better if X qb had thrown every pass into ground" - that's conservatism
lol at notion jews feel guilt over anything https://t.co/fWVDreU4M1
nah, that lives in your mirror https://t.co/C8lmBAFLtO
go fuck yourself you fugly white-hating kike https://t.co/mReosVhLSO
translation: "where do white people get off thinking they can have a nation like us jews?" https://t.co/7tbP3vG3MI
god forbid it might rise to the level where it's effective. jews called the game. we either respond or lie down https://t.co/XmvQJG27ak
"self-hating jew" - another bullshit concept in an unending line from jewish liars. all jews are other-hating. https://t.co/BCL9iUjklw
do you always dress like you're reffing a dogfight between french poodles? https://t.co/xS9cADog6K
jews are in one way like high-iq niggers. their deepest belief is that there is no such thing as a "crime" committed by one of theirs on us
as an example of the jews being a race of liars - every single one, i refer you to leo frank case. absolutely open/shut jew frank's guilty
correct. stupid goyim cant get it thru their head that jews are not like whites. cohens are not divided by isms https://t.co/XqnEpZaOwg
i suspect people think i kid or at least exaggerate when i say jews are a race of liars. no. they lie, all of them, and they never stop.
exactly. i'm not a traditionalist, so i dont feel morally bound to repeat the mistakes of the past https://t.co/sxQSdDlx90
no. if we learned nothing else from hitler, you dont let jews emigrate https://t.co/1VdrIrJdqE
public execution of all neocons. ropes around necks while they stand on whiteskin cuck shabbes goyim
pudgy little yidbabies stamping their feet because whites are looking after white interests. this is a start #TeamWhite
notice also that jews podhoretz and shapiro both summon the notion of Hell - which jews dont believe in - to sheepdog xtians back in line
notice the petulance of jews @jpodhoretz and @benshapiro re Trump. it's like others exist to serve jews. this really is how they think
when you have the most money you can then cherrypick the best genes of your racial competition. so jews raise iq, income and, in time, genes
true of multiculturalism or any other name jewpol runs under IF jew THEN lies and murder #loxism https://t.co/X9uHc1EMr1
who's slingblade there? https://t.co/F1sZTXShCX
it's not right because i say it; i say it because it's right. https://t.co/eueZbXdswS
Not really, since jews like jpod are an international mafia doing the exact same thing to all white countries. https://t.co/oAdmT3z6Zx
we let these creatures vote? and live among us? https://t.co/CLlLx6Jb4P
May 02, 2016:
i just think selling Kalergi is much more confusing than jew. jew is accurate. jew is what people must understand https://t.co/eqP16S0Hci
We've reached the point he describes in a large percentage of the population in US. https://t.co/7hHQFbODfT
again, you dont even know what cuckservative means, simpleton https://t.co/FyQg5k7dgM
my views are mere preferences. so are everyone else's but they dont admit it. i dont want niggers around my people https://t.co/vIlEhq7UID
"the dump isn't made of trash because 1 in 1,000,000 threw away some gold jewelry" https://t.co/59MX2eiP3B
they were promoting that pacific rim horseshit hard when i was in school back in '80s, on west coast https://t.co/ml8mIZlfCn
Zikas & zoo exhibits vs Trump & the Humans. https://t.co/RWIvPjCDyH
Mine does. But then I kind of a George Washington/Adolf Hitler kind of guy. You seem more like A Woody Allen type. https://t.co/noYE8bG9EC
I have no idea what you are talking about. But I hope you win the cheerleading competition. Know that. https://t.co/OE7PgVsfZV
The jews' most useful tool is bribery. They say this in Protocols. They get men like Kevin W or Ted Cruz to push their line by paying them.
I don't know who you are, but you don't seem to grasp the meaning of #cuckservative. https://t.co/OhrEqhHn2y
Jews tell non-jews like the Kevin Williamson to write articles bashing Trump-supporting whites. He does it. That's how he puts food on table
We were talking about cuckservatives. That means a white man (or black) who sells out his own race to the jews. https://t.co/SMVDPgBUkA
Under capitalism, by leftist theory, giant corporations always chase profit. So if their customers reject race-mixing or pervert bathrooms..
My name is Jerry Dickson. I make 248k a year leading a non-profit christian group that works with State Dept to import African. #lovewins
but getting rich by doing things that destroy your nation and race and cities and neighborhoods - NOT COOL MAN
there's nothing wrong with getting rich. money is power. and businessmen are 100x more socially useful than academics, as a rule
not inherently. but if you get rich by creating circumstances that destroy your own race, then yes, that is bad https://t.co/NDvuknwnVp
so it's ok for their families to do well helping jews destroy the white race? you think that's cool? https://t.co/kM8KOkhxpA
true, but wasnt disagreeing with you. just pointing out jews CAN produce things that APPEAR to promote white values https://t.co/mHi6k99Cfh
cucks take money from jews for advocating politics that wreck white nations. they deserve not just scorn but death https://t.co/QM0WW4GW4K
what is "cuck" about putting nothing above money? because they destroy their own kind purely to advance themselves https://t.co/QM0WW4pkGa
Entire thing was completely jew production. They know how our minds work. They know what we racially admire. https://t.co/jcXKcR3VF3
you know Pa Brady was a big fan o' boyglutes. kinda queers the memory doont it https://t.co/rxIIlspoLm
remember, this is the deepest cucktruth: they believe nothing. cux are in it for bux. their god is money, ie their career. ideas r 4 suckers
hell the only thing i like about cruz is that he's weird looking and creepy and people hate him for that. if i were him, i'd play that up
people dont understand...germans are not flexible people. i sincerely hope we see the other side of the coin. you kikes & shabbes deserve it
if your instinct is anything other than to laugh when you hear the jebus story, you're not truly white. maybe genetically. but not in spirit
Bernie for prez. Cuz the commie jews who killed 60,000,000m white christians last century deserve a second chance. #FeelTheBern
Think of something you think is so big known and obvious that you can't believe anyone could lie about it. What if they could? Be open.
no, there is. i just forgot to type it. maybe i'll vouchsafe it tomorrow. https://t.co/GkdsSzTxQq
"but ever'body knows the holocaust is real. i mean, people talk about it" That's what a Big Lie is. https://t.co/JyLpqLgt3B
there was only one set of bootprints in the snow...and that was when Thor carried you... #woah https://t.co/Zv1AEOY1UU
what gave whiteskins the idea pride was bad? what gave whiteskins the idea they owe something to the mudden races?
Racially disloyal British weakmen sold their peerages to jews, and soon a paki muslim will be elected mayor of London
They're savages, I owe them no respect. https://t.co/LUlvvHfZ5s
Whites are the race that allows its enemy to control the schooling of its young. ZOGovernment schools reproduce whitelosers. #TeamWhite
https://t.co/52S1lcif8l https://t.co/q2lhv6k4FH https://t.co/aC1b2joiBG https://t.co/cRpbxkqnUd https://t.co/twhxnsWFSq
https://t.co/Hn1i2IRAxk still last segment to record, but 3 (Oliver) are up on this page https://t.co/twhxnsWFSq
Could not be a better example of NEVER SAY "I'M NOT..." https://t.co/WgU7jxCjop
Guns N' Roses is not just reuniting, they're updating lyrics to One in a Million to support Trump campaign. https://t.co/HEWt2o7FAp
somewhere at the intersection of RABID and BITCH is RABBI https://t.co/yqSGL60OVZ
this sub-facebook level faggotry gots to go, mate https://t.co/weszXPfnQL
race is more of a grooming construct. dog nutty. https://t.co/PAwx7dURnV
that's actually a damn good way to put it: hitler is where cuck turns into The Cock https://t.co/XDUZgxMDqu
seems like republican voters agree https://t.co/4LYQtNolZU
Hispanics Planning More Anti-Trump Violence https://t.co/obrPnOZAJ0 via @NewObOnline
christianity makes a perfect belief system for slaves, and that's why the jews have kept it alive among whiteskins #crosscucks
which cult says pride is a bad thing spit out your jebus jism, white man and become a, well WHITE MAN #crosscucks https://t.co/VAWwvKfTTa
Muslim Set to Win London Mayor https://t.co/xpaGrs08h4 via @NewObOnline
the thing we can't get in politics - openly White, openly anti-jew - is the one thing we need #TeamWhite
Corbyn: “Jews at Heart of Labour Party” https://t.co/6w3Ujs2ZmS via @NewObOnline
whites so far never found jews interesting enough to full-focus on them long enough to end their problem https://t.co/Bf2llwndTY
u have 2 have a certain genetic capacity to recognize yr own ignorance. blacks lack this. any flattering lie ((( ))) sell them they believe
Communists Attack AfD Convention https://t.co/jga5FvTYa9 via @NewObOnline
May 01, 2016:
Try that with "I want (this hair out of my soup)." https://t.co/URy4bTAZuT
Gore Vidal wrote book on J the A https://t.co/x3LyQgqnmw
I get asked a lot: "First Fingerer, what is the Fingerist position on Muslims?" I respond, "My child, it is pokey. Very, very pokey."
thru an act of sheer willpower, i believe many of you, perhaps even 2 out of 3, may be able to get your finger to bend, as The Fingerist can
fingerism is the belief that if you can make your finger bend, you can do everything you need to, without any recourse to a higher power
modern tech changes his 'explusion' to counter-extermination; otherwise he nailed it https://t.co/Mk8ad6Cvcv
breeding with low-iq violent retards is IN this spring https://t.co/LkW2RXTArr
miscegenation is an antiseptic term for a destructive thing. mongrelism better captures the flava of nig-mixing
Old Navy: "Put your low quality genes in our low quality jeans" #mongrelismrocks https://t.co/2UiLrZBe2V
This Old Navy Ad Featuring an Interracial Family Is Being Attacked By Racist Trolls https://t.co/ViHRys39JG
April 30, 2016:
if you can just stop your goddam whitefag whining praying crying eating tving for ten seconds and FOCUS on jew...you'll smell it #thehorror
But each & every one of those seed niggers was equipped by God its with an Imperishable Soul of Inestimable Value. https://t.co/0xsytLRxPh
many of our mos fines backwerds advances are come from de mexeekan peeples https://t.co/bqMKBg0yiv
get the jews to thank him, they're the only ones who benefited from his 'service' https://t.co/cFdsqSgObR
example: jews pay attention to reality; whiteskins go to church https://t.co/HiCdjBK6t1
christianity is just another jew-produced false universalism for suckers off the rack for you, tailor made for jews #TeamWhite
thanks for the fellow who queried... https://t.co/QkprvVOspS
"high key" scary - is that some faggotism? These are my "gassin' for real yo" jazz hands https://t.co/kafVekkXy4
yes, the jews certainly do control UK and her media. BBC is the best example. like NPR in USA, they only hire jews https://t.co/ffdVZwTQFE
jew-pozzed @jartaylor likes to lie that jews have no influence in scandinavia tho he's well aware of (((Bonnier))) https://t.co/xY3r1I1SxC
left = jews = complete media ownership = ability to lie nonstop without redress or reprisal https://t.co/6X1pChOgTH
if Cthulhu were named Cuthbert, you wouldnt think he was so cool, would you. well, guess what Cthulu means in original Welsh, chachi. yeah.
even if you have a billion dollars, you get treated like absolute shit for making most basic common-sense suggestions. That's ZOG
anyone who's met a christian https://t.co/C8Mfz3PIZJ
so out of that panel, (((trigglypoof))), (((summers))), (((yiannopoulos))), and crowder - from (((gross pointe))). non-jews irrelevant
jewsmedia discreetly locate the near-as-we'll-come-to-admitting-the-truth in the penultimate paragraph
main mass media technique is just playing with agency. things happen passively, or it's simply reversed (blacks/guns)
i dont see any whites having faith in govt. but no one else is leading. there's literally no one to follow, hence DT https://t.co/8rdQm4XVL4
i dont know much about it, or remember much if ever came across it https://t.co/4r1eQ5wgLK
Extremism is on the rise among Swedish teenagers https://t.co/f20p6wgN0T via @TheLocalSweden
nothing short of revolution will save you, far as i can tell from outside. your rulers will not change their agenda https://t.co/caR6zA6Liy
the destruction of goy nations thru murder, mongrelism and mendacious media are permanent jewish strategies #loxism #TeamWhite
the notion of 'roots' is wildly popular with dork enlightenment types but it is a shit metaphor for matters human, which turn on a dime
more than half of all Swedes (53 percent) now think that immigration and integration are the most important questions...
these tools dont realize 'nation of immigrants' was a meme created by ADL who paid JFK to front it https://t.co/FLHCF73bQh
i'm gonna have to pray to jebus to cure my vice of arguing with anonymous people. i cant seem to break dirty habit.
A conservative is trying to argue with me that the Founders owned slaves but weren't racist. smh ftw lol tmc bbrrp gzmp
Well you get on out there and do better, lil feller. https://t.co/iClm50load
Trump is using Whites, but Whites can and are using Trump's campaign. If he loses, we're remain. If wins, we grow. https://t.co/mu8q2AUvTX
Not really. Everyone knows his kids are married to jews and he isnt racist. But he still represents that by proxy. https://t.co/mu8q2AUvTX
That's a simplistic and absurd way of looking at things. Hitler got farther than anyone else, and must be studied. https://t.co/QhBf7mr436
Hitler lost the material war. Subsequent events vindicated him. I mean... look around https://t.co/Zp9vX3oIVE
All jews everywhere throughout all history, all hated for absolutely no reason. Me and Jared Taylor dont get it. https://t.co/PTEVZlrEXy
Well that proves he was wrong, then, doesn't it. https://t.co/Zp9vX3oIVE
What's self-evident is niggers aren't equal to whites. It would never occur to anybody. Hence need for Official Lies https://t.co/Rj5QzcrFRl
If it's self-evident, he wouldnt need to say it. But you're willfully removing it from historical context to falsify https://t.co/Rj5QzcrFRl
You need to get smarter and start questioning what you hear. You're being lied to. https://t.co/E1Ukzbrhxf
Exactly. You're being fed bullshit history by communist jews you wrongly believe are conservatives. https://t.co/E1Ukzbrhxf
no kidding. he's a 10th rate proxy, but the parallel is still there, in potential. for the forces trump represents https://t.co/7TrJZX6SkD
Hitler arose to fight jews fomenting communist revolution all over Europe. Those jews' equivalent today is Soros. And Hitler might be Trump.
On tour before they return to their permanent home at the San Diego Zoo. https://t.co/zkawassyuI
The blear of jewfag is upon it. https://t.co/svW81MOtW7
Actually the nazis fought jew-communists like Soros who tried to disrupt their meetings. You're a liar. https://t.co/DqlNnTFnbS
Were black treated as legal equals? Or as property? See, you're a liberal. The Founders were racists. https://t.co/vS17kPTwmS
All supported by christians (the We're Good people) https://t.co/7cZcDEwNuv
A conservative is someone who knows the Founders owned slaves, but gulps it when a neocohen tells him they weren't racialists. #nointegrity
do you want to be part of a nation that is all white? no jews? no discoloreds? one that is self-consciously racial? protects itself?
And that FACT is too humiliating for the blood brothers of Catholic Endarkenment and Secular Enlightenment to accept https://t.co/DXaqH48SAO
of which about 1.2 million have been documented and over 86 percent have not yet been described.[19] https://t.co/YEDXuKyqJC
[16][17] Estimates on the number of Earth's current species range from 10 million to 14 million,[18]
More than 99 percent of all species, amounting to over five billion species,[14] that ever lived on Earth are estimated to be extinct.[15]
99% of species that ever existed on earth are extinct. subspecies fight for ground until one vanquishes other. https://t.co/ErApUEZOFd
Genocide is nature's way. Who are we to quibble with nature or the Godlet that created it? https://t.co/xJRlHfBvWC
someone need to quit fucking three-toed sloths https://t.co/eONGLm5vgb
jews (Bonnier is jew) deploy retarded whites like this (assuming its not a jew itself) to destroy their own kind https://t.co/o3qQTcmrL8
would it change your mind if we voted for Trump AND gave you a giant donut? https://t.co/chiOSSH0BS
sweety when a bum talking into an imaginary cell phone asks you for money he's not sexually harassing you https://t.co/l2vePgWaQ8
Typically cowardly cartoonist refuses to paint the felon black. You know, like reality. https://t.co/bBGfc85fjN
Hitler didn't run around worrying about whether people liked him or not. He figured out what needed done and did it. #leadership
I havent read WND regularly for more than a decade. Used to. https://t.co/LZY6OTMU45
I've said it b4: if you think I exaggerate or in any way ham up the jew question - go read the real history of #LeoFrank-ADL. Jews are evil.
Vox Day, altho a redskin, has driven the judeo-left back in Sci Fi. That's an achievement. https://t.co/LZY6OTMU45
Jews aren't Americans. Jews don't speak for Americans. Jews are in America. For now. @ADL_National #loxism
Working with churches, too. Whiteskin christian go rich off the destruction of their own countries. https://t.co/W9voxzCpJr
I never thought I'd see the day when Skunky McDoof, WND boy, dared to say boo to a jew. #HowSweetItIs #ItzComing https://t.co/opoeo6xPjl
The State Department imported 40 Congolese 'families' to my part of Missouri under 'diversity visas.' https://t.co/gnLaAGiWtq
is there anything not wrong with you 'tessa'? https://t.co/ViMDNUgcjd
The cowardly mass of the population are known as conservatives. They are purchased and manipulated wholesale by masters. #tcot
Homosexuals - stop. You're already into propaganda. Homo behavior...ah...has always been viewed as ludicrous & morbid.
Thanks to my ancestor goading him to make those words public. https://t.co/YMtwBBrERE
The Father of the nation owned slaves. The author of the Constitution owned slaves. The author of the Declaration owned slaves.
Jefferson hoped freed blacks could prove their abilities, but his hopes haven't panned out. His fears have. https://t.co/0kOrWstsG7
Jefferson said they would be free but it was just as inevitable they could not share a govt with whites - too difft. https://t.co/8xn82hKLwH
"All men are equal" had nothing to do with race, it had to do with Americans (white) vs British. https://t.co/FUufRGWqWu
He's just your standard brainwash victim on whom it is slowly dawning he has been lied to by people he trusted. https://t.co/FUufRGWqWu
They wanted to send blacks back to Africa. They were concerned about slavery's effects ON WHITES, most of all. https://t.co/4YNbHDA2dB
they were anti-slavery. but you incorrectly conflate this with belief in racial equality which they expressly reject https://t.co/4YNbHDA2dB
give it up, midget. the guy who wrote the Declaration says blacks and whites "cannot" live in the same government" https://t.co/gbrGCKNfGS
the pope caught hepatitis from licking jew ass, then athlete's foot from muslims i tell you, a girlman in a dress just cant win
Conservatism and christianity are both loser mindsets. We cannot win them. We need a dynamic, aggressive racial mindset. #TeamWhite
Whites must form a team to take on jews. It must be a racial, and have nothing to do with conservatism or christianity. #TeamWhite
if you had any idea how dumb you and how dumb you look you would kill yourself before sundown https://t.co/rGGdVJeNrA
destroy the leader, the rest of the gang disappears... "...if they are lying about this, then..." https://t.co/LrTrgjmPHj
#loxism https://t.co/DyescIcmyw
wanting abolition of slavery does equal individualism. they didnt want it because they believed in equality https://t.co/0HQiUGaT8x
"...the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government." look it up yourself https://t.co/wszi69LtTW
Been there. When you going to learn how to spell it, Tex-tard? https://t.co/0CWv48MYhW
Jackass. You're too much of a coward to use your real name to stand behind lies fed you by some kike on the radio. https://t.co/Pd4ch06u9i
Jefferson also said that the two races, even if made equally free, could not live under the same govt. https://t.co/GdmH9g76tz
Jefferson owned slaves, you freaking retard. https://t.co/GdmH9g76tz
Look, buddy, you just keep lying to yourself, it doesn't interest me. But know that you are a liar, and a coward. https://t.co/mEelmlFtL2
You're making reality conform to your ideology, which is dishonest. The founders did not believe in nigger equality. https://t.co/jsEnFDCrdo
The Founder of the nation owned slaves. Slavery was protected in the Constitution. You're a jackass who hates facts. https://t.co/ZcwnVJfhRj
They owned slaves. https://t.co/jhLy0AV4PN
The conservatives will do anything to preserve the delusion there's a Safe and Legal path to victory. https://t.co/KXPX6yyzII
Perfect example of how invincibly stupid conservatives are, this guy. And he's from Texas. Well, that figures. https://t.co/jhLy0AV4PN
Try that line on their slaves. https://t.co/jhLy0AV4PN
April 29, 2016:
They have their own take on comment apartheid, as practiced at Gawker. 50 commie-nts, then 1 "collapsed" rational 1 https://t.co/tz5AFkQbGg
No, I dont think they let you edit others. They just scoop out answers they dont like as forbidden bad manners. https://t.co/U7ecCFYMuc
#WhitePrivilege (1/2) People get treated the way they act. Blacks are very often violent, stupid troublemakers,
Does #whiteprivilege exist? My answer. https://t.co/fXiX3cysKb
started by ex-google guys, i think. it's a discussion platform, has many interesting answers from Real People (tm) https://t.co/gEJwBXftOE
Like the Bible, I have answers. Unlike the bible, I have the right answers. Just whether Quora lets world see 'em. https://t.co/xtIvph58b1
Gawker needs a jewish pride day, where all their jew writers publicly admit/proclaim they're jews. Why the shame? https://t.co/xUzDB7SJzo
yep hence retweet https://t.co/hnqjYGZdxr
Trump Fans Seem to Get Particularly Mad at Jewish and Women Reporters, I Wonder Why That Is https://t.co/01pyYA34T2
the Founders were racists. The Tea Party is anti-racist. So in fact TP picks and chooses its principles https://t.co/SjIxtXDevV
USA goes South African: replacing competent white air-traffic controllers w incomp. discols. https://t.co/deOvX50Yn3 https://t.co/DVGTgNZzKV
FAA: No White Air Traffic Controllers https://t.co/deOvX50Yn3 via @NewObOnline
Hitler, Zionists, and Ken Livingstone https://t.co/iqepVsG4PJ via @NewObOnline
"To get your card punched as a Republican operative, it's simple. Reject your race. Then we'll take care of you." --unnamed jew off record
if it wasn't for White Badthink, there wouldn't be any colored crime. this really is how they think https://t.co/PIrlWeic9l
metal can be antisemitic too. in australia or canada, these coins would already be in jail https://t.co/amWXbuL46W
he's wrong about that, but given his immense achievements, Duke deserves and has my respect https://t.co/v8NuZj8KwY
public 'education' in hands of state soon becomes lies serving (((elite))). never in history has Joe Avg known more things that "aint so"
The hate-filled extremists are jews + servants who admit muslim terrorists to white lands then abuse the natives for objecting. #loxism
April 28, 2016:
There's leadership and there's pandering. Leader says I'm doing this cuz needs done. Join me. Pander sez I'll give you this you didn't earn.
Well, I dont know. I don't follow any of this/these, I'm expressing my opinion of Breivik's motivation and actions. https://t.co/iwN8pRo4Nb
it's an absolute waste of time let morons get you off track https://t.co/dv1tujPet1
paid up member of the Ignorables. no pt talking to anyone with xtianity on his breath, or satanism, flat earth etc https://t.co/BT3Y2U4knT
many were, some were not. https://t.co/KKfhLmIrUp
There is no reason to believe what David Duke or lessers say about Breivik's motivation when you have his own words. #HeroBreivik
"People will understand me one day and see that multiculturism has failed," he said. "If I am right, how can what I did be illegal?"
"He has pleaded not guilty, saying he acted in defense of Norway against multiculturalism.". https://t.co/c5E6c9dF5l #HeroBreivik
They were children, whiteskin mental nigger. They were confirmed, mostly legal adult #antiwhites and coloreds. https://t.co/ePhxEAcC2l
our people must be taught simple frames: wwii was whites attempting to stand up to the jew. they lost. but the struggle continues.
the nazis only committed 1 crime: standing up to the jews. and for that, 95yo men must be tried. jews are dishonest, vindictive, genocidal
it's a vital error to allow jews to perpetrate their blood-libel 'holocaust' lie without opposition, though many WN don't understand this
(if it actually occurred) lol yeah guessing you're the clown here "Circus Maximus" and if there's an a.p., that too https://t.co/UFPvz3ZEV4
the 'holocaust' - ie jewish antiwhite history-flavored fiction - it is the moral-philosophical-intellectual basis of #whitegenocide movement
Christianity demands respect it can't compel. Very like jews in that regard - just a softer, weaker version.
there's no white solution in 'appealing' to people whose dopey religious-sourced cowardice got us into this mess #TeamWhite
why you put "jews" in quotes? jews are a race. any rabbi will tell you you can be jewish and atheist, not same thing https://t.co/ghhGrbsaVa
When will @DrDavidDuke admit he was wrong about both the intent of #HeroBreivik's actions his prediction about their consequence?
If you're unprincipled. And most are. Our inability to find the correct line and stick to it is why jews dominate. https://t.co/yEcJTGkb2o
Has Norway moved away from Breivik's position or toward it after his action? Duke claimed it would move away. In fact, it has moved toward.
David Duke wrongly explained #HeroBreivik's actions and has never corrected his error, though events falsified his predictions.
Mixing the truth with lies is one technique for misleading people. Flat-earth, no-moon-landing are 2 popular mixers. https://t.co/17iNn6fmGc
No, I dont follow this twink or know who he is. Sub-professional 'White' media is of no interest to me. https://t.co/17iNn6fmGc
Duke et al. said Norway would get MORE liberal on immigration because of Breivik. That didn't happen. Did they admit they were wrong?
Buh bye. Not tall enough for the ride. https://t.co/3lEexo4FlI
"Renegade" hiding under hat, fake name, apologizing for jew-aiding communists. Hmm... https://t.co/eu1dPLRsDa
And those who advocate pandering to cowards as success strategy claimed Norway would open borders even more. Nope. https://t.co/8lRECqFpW7
Use your real name, twink. https://t.co/eu1dPLRsDa
Exactly. And how has Norway gone? It has gotten tighter on immigration since #HeroBreivik acted. https://t.co/8lRECqFpW7
His killing them had nothing to do with boycott. You're parroting someone who is factually wrong. https://t.co/E3WcEk8iTR
As he stated. Whiteskin doesn't absolve one of guilt for the crime of attempted #whitegenocide. https://t.co/JuPUpX3kAB
No one cares about a boycott. He killed them because they & elders are murdering Norway by mud blood. And stated so. https://t.co/bVqbiPOBz1
Yeah, but WN use the nigger-level "muh youths" excuse. https://t.co/bVqbiPOBz1
Another retard who can't decipher shit from shinola. Breivik killed them because of muslim invasion, not Israel. https://t.co/uwiwDiS0QD
once a land womanatee has been weaponized all that's left to do is get out of the way, see Godzilla https://t.co/mTSB3rRa0G
what changes hearts and minds? delivering blows against the enemy rather than suffering them. #HeroBreivik
that shriekbeast's arm-hams were creating a hostile environment for everybody https://t.co/KNtEF8hP7S
yeah it's called Fagville. you can be mayor https://t.co/tq3zzIgh6e
April 27, 2016:
I'm recalcitrant. That's that sound in Tom Petty's voice. Can't make me pretend men are women. Maybe y'all. Not me.
the north at least knows what it's getting when it votes for a commie cunt like sanders. does the south with graham? https://t.co/Q7RPGKXTBa
no i meant dead https://t.co/UiPiWAY4Nw
Video Taken from Dead ISIS Fighter's Headcam Shows Final Moments in Skirmish Outside Mosul https://t.co/4SHQv89CvI
what's the source? https://t.co/Prrl0Zq2RP
if you actually read nazi stuff, they talked about jews surprisingly little. but when they did, they used term jew and pulled no punches
And the energy he exhibits, at his age, is truly Hitlerian. https://t.co/VH8S3tYEoN
April 26, 2016:
Since the jewish community -- alone -- opened America's borders, it's only fair these jews should pay for Trump's wall. @benshapiro
people now exhibit a fear response when hearing rational thought. anything more than 3 words without nervous defensive laughter = scary
"...Trump's string of victories, we face the dangerous prospect of a president representing the will of the majority." --#TeamJew
jews are such an intelligent people. lets listen in one one of their top thinkers now... https://t.co/L4Hx1UvWRk
you dont so much need a makeover, more of a backup head https://t.co/8hxN6sXOFQ
that's your reaction every time you look in the mirror, and justifiably so https://t.co/8hxN6sXOFQ
You cant defend yourself by defending yourself. It's as useless as...well...my trying to explain it.
This should help Trump considerably. https://t.co/JTGYEiagKs
you can tell the Global Enemy by their kippa and liver spots https://t.co/imjmxYPHy2
99% of religious art is butt-ugly and the other 1% was made by atheist italian faggots https://t.co/wnKHhtfimf
canadians are widely spaced, so you can get away from anything, but multicult is official govt policy there https://t.co/h45H1nEM0h
Minnesota has the most gullible people yet discovered on earth, and many xtians helping State Dept import somalis https://t.co/MFB5tHWBa1
they're niggers. they dont have another level. https://t.co/ZT7c0I8DQc
not even a Southerner would eat lutefisk...and those fuckers eat dirt! personally, if forced, i'm 100% dirt > lutefisk #muhconundrum
if you wanna freeze your nuts off and live around moronic sheep, canada has nothing but prime locations
canada has been racially trashed for decades; i got off plane in toronto in '89, thought was in calcutta https://t.co/Ld84jwFPkW
one of my best friends is an oompa loompa. i pat him condescendingly and call him Orange-utang. and he punches me in nuts.
'man' lol. that's a nigger. https://t.co/zJoJehoBSm
If Gallagher taught us nothing else, he taught us the importance of style. https://t.co/uvACyf5fss
that is telling the truth to nighand https://t.co/e2ecMZbz4s
she's an "adult" "woman" who has panic attack and wants to show the world her sternum on social media. it is 2 shame https://t.co/dEdHzgEB77
it's like throwing snowballs at cats. they never really figure out what's going on https://t.co/EKRPMzxjJd
strong-minded people dont need to assert it munchy, let alone w adverbs! now go practice your pop-tart making skills https://t.co/bfAkrcBZYS
To those who hate Trump, here's the message: You're not America. You're just a bunch of jews and Third Worlders. And sex degenerates.
maybe you should move to canada once you research its location https://t.co/sBBSDfJJny
Government schools exist to waste the energy and warp the minds of the young. https://t.co/wPgASNDN1m
https://t.co/zous4q7DQr #EricHunt new stuff
your anti-termitism is duly noted https://t.co/raD348Qo5m
this yid is a master paper airplane flight engineer https://t.co/z1JDH1JGlY
Jews are a race of congenital liars. https://t.co/sXUPBAIrYS
Absolutely black and white. Either you are antijew or you are #antiwhite. Facts in your faggot-ass face from #TeamWhite
faggots https://t.co/SMHPJAaM9P
Me pregunto tambien, el fatboy. me fetchas un gordito real, prontissimo https://t.co/WhW5HA5fM0
For their life together they compromised and built a tree-house. https://t.co/YBwFdKlski
The jews should be laughed at and cursed down with abuse and epithets. Ultimately, counter-extermination, not expulsion, is only solution.
it's christ-insanity that teaches white men that anything funny or intelligent is wicked, and this lays groundwork for PC mentality
Why are whites so willing to believe the worst about their own ancestors? Absolute lack of loyalty is nearly the definition of white.
"There is no such thing as cheap labor." If you can't find people to work at given rate, pay more. No right to wreck your nation.
'Sanctimonious madmen' - they don't care about predictable consequences, only about doin' Good. #crosscucks https://t.co/O5pgeseddX
Whiteskins have been trained out of self-reliance to expert worship and reliance on authority. Socialism breeds little-man losers.
God bless all parasites and their supporters. #GreenNiggers4Ever https://t.co/CUsgmXSXsG
'race relations,' 'racial harmony' - these are bogus constructs. whites dont want other races around. all but separation is #antiwhite
look kiddies, if you buy ANYTHING retail, you are getting ripped off, and 90% of the time by a jew concern
Racism is a bad name for a natural and good thing. The asian cop responds to reality, just like white cops. https://t.co/l1m1GJwuwk
Christianity is sick. https://t.co/D07FDwVGEA
The charlatanry of the secular social 'scientists' lol comes directly from the religious priests claiming to cure with dripping water.
I want a president who eats a big greasy pulled pork sandwich and spits it all over the lectern at AIPAC while telling em he's ending aid..
You cannot write an answer You aren't allowed to write answers to questions. Thanks, Quora. I followed your rules, and this is how you act.
sure they can. watch them work this guy over. all the WASP shitheads in SF, which are legion, will skewer this guy https://t.co/JfWcnp5mGX
If jews were truly opposed to christianity, would there be a church on every block? Take three or four days and puzzle this out, simpletons
#Cuckservative means servant of the jews. Notice at least two prominent yids attempt to coopt the altfright by distorting this truth.
The conservative christian whiteskin is a hollow man. His only real beliefs are: Safety is supreme. Money is to be worshipped. #tcot
'Nigger' cuts thru every bullshit jewish polemic and social-engineering pretension. The left hates this word because it's pure reality.
PC has nothing to do with manners. It allows a full range of abusive epithets against target classes.
If you're afraid to use epithets, then you have no free speech in the functional sense. You're just playing remonstrating lawyerball.
The Christian is more than willing to mass murder innocents - but only if he has jewish approval. What a sad weak contemptible religion.
Every nigger has an imperishable soul of inestimable value. How can you gun down masses of muds if they're all God's children?
Whiteskin xtian culture is always distinguished by the complete lack of moral courage in the population. A servility unique among hominids.
Always remember that whiteskin conservatives are cowards - they derive real pleasure from seeing innocents murdered by American soldiers.
If people got what they wanted, at least half of Missouri would support a state flag showing mud leaping from under pickup tires.
Beach Boys culture replaced with Nortenos. https://t.co/nI4z20FeJw
Remember when California had 10 million residents, almost all white? Me either. Bet it was nice, though.
Admiration for the British, in America at least, is 100% reliable indicator you're dealing with a moron.
Good news: 'A good old boys network' expands to include nigger-hating gook. That's diversity in action, folks. https://t.co/1e2xtiyShL
back then we listened to girls and based on their stories discovered and crushed witches. today we go thru people's cell phones for Badtext
John Oliver isn't funny. I don't care what your politics is. He's an unfunny pencil-necked geek, and British too.
the story yields another rich fresh name for fags: "Passive aggressive 528," he wrote, using the numeric code for a fire call.
create a Whites Welcome Workplace - make your own job, only hire your white relatives and white friends
there's a simple three-letter word for dunham & ilk: jew learn it. hate it. use it. https://t.co/6ex5eRKIBs
each race sees the sheeitmann and reckanize... the Cantonese "hak gwai," a derogatory phrase for African Americans. https://t.co/1e2xtiyShL
You caught an Oompa Loompa and painted it black. Where I come from that's racism. https://t.co/AY15c21Y9n
April 25, 2016:
some people unwisely try to draw their knowledge of the world from eyes and ears. this is not recommended. instead, use the mass media.
Some of the biggest parasites beneath the jew-nigger-alien level are white 'teachers' https://t.co/JwWRewxXuZ
"When a race shows you what it is, believe them." --Maya Tangelo, alluding to #Passover, jew holiday celebrating murder of non-jew babies
There are two main reasons I'm not christian (though I could supply 1,000 more). It aint true. And I'm not weak.
i hate what sucks. i hate what's stupid. i hate what's lying, ugly, corrupt, ridiculous, weak and contemptible. #hateisgood
all jewish cultural activity tends toward taking a literal shit on the audience. and this has happened more than once, altho mostly verbal
jews jewing jewily, could say that about politics. the jew's deepest instinct is to take a literal shit on your face https://t.co/PO288LA6jy
those are niggers, not people https://t.co/RRdRgyBXhw
dump trump says lump https://t.co/X6nnzbao2Z
to prove you're not racist, you must voluntarily submit to a brain operation to remove the portion in which your evil thoughts originate
if the ADL announced jew scientists had a procedure to surgically remove racism, would 50-75% or 75-100% of xtians submit voluntarily?
yeah, that's jebus' opinion. some of us have to live here. can't just twink off back to heaven when things get rough.
so you promote flat earth as well as no-moon, along with solid factual material about israel and jews. very hasbara. https://t.co/HvgHrLPtvv
who? where? https://t.co/h0zbMHo3In
“Gone to Hell": Invader Center Burns https://t.co/6UsN5LsOyb via @NewObOnline
Brazilians honour Confederates who fled the U.S. after the Civil War https://t.co/1tgYkLCESh via @MailOnline
April 24, 2016:
not just white cops but car-theft training is failing our niggers https://t.co/F20FuhdB98
a non-negligible percentage of goy leftists really does appear to believe that if you passed enough laws, nothing bad would ever happen
the white cops would have saved the swampin' shaniquas (7x car thieves) but would have got blackfaced with mud and that's racist
some niggers get what they deserve https://t.co/F20FuhdB98
the way he learns from experience, this nigger a natural conservative #tcot https://t.co/q5Qy2xdRBX
christian moral alchemy fails again, keeping its perfect record intact https://t.co/bzVRtFynBF
for an act carried out in america, it was certainly notable for the skill of its execution. at least so it appears https://t.co/8xVDFMnI6P
did you notice the skillful, efficient execution of those 8 (for whatever) reason in ohio? now, apply that to politics.
Christianity is the worst thing that ever happened to the white man. But - the mistake it represents can be corrected.
AfD-Putin Youth Linkup https://t.co/15dDm9qAJx via @NewObOnline
Better the brown shirt of the Nazi than the brown tongue of the #cuckservative. https://t.co/fbh0EKMZg0
You want to attract conservatives to the racial cause? Piss on their face and tell 'em its raining. That's what they respond to.
Is someone looking in on you thru a narrow window, writing on a pad? https://t.co/mdxfIyDJ4j
from dirt-eating Southern Baptists to lutefisk munching Lutheran lunatics in Minnesota, xtianity offers a panoply of unattractive slobtions
pritzkers are one of the main jew-funder families behind obama https://t.co/wrmcLxZsNs
my experience is different, and i've lived in utah. mormons and amish/mennoites more or less live the way they claim https://t.co/ixFb8mt12I
Christianity teaches whiteskins that things happen for no reason. This more than anything else paves way for jewish tyranny.
mainstream simps at #tcot have been taught that anything bad = hitler. he's merely the new Devil in their brainlets https://t.co/HXJ42I25tD
Trads don't know where traditions originate, and, what's more significant, they don't care. Trad-ism = affectation. https://t.co/DU86bsi2Fe
More recently, historians, including Andrew Graham-Dixon, have pointed to Caravaggio's lust for Tomassoni's wife, Lavinia.
Historians have long speculated about what was at the root of the crime. Some have suggested that it was over an unpaid debt,
His violence finally erupted with force in 1606, when he killed a well-known Roman pimp named Ranuccio Tomassoni.
the words should stand out well from the page. could advice for writing. and Congressmen. #widestance #logcabanabois #wrasslinizlovin
there aren't a million people disputing what a banana is. there are literally hundreds of million claiming they alone are "real" xtians
caravaggio was as great as any painter ever existed. that he was a complete scumbag is irrelevant. xtian...lol...no. white man.
christianity does not build character. i dont see how anyone who has dealt with christians could believe that.
in the end, the only thing xtianity really had going for it was painters, and they were murderers and deadbeats on contract (caravaggio)
Is the average conservative a brainless coward? Yes. So far as serious politics goes. https://t.co/BiFEDpVUDV
check the news https://t.co/zJTiyexd8r
Most whites are on this level. Their thinking is done for them by others. Politically, the are purchased wholesale. https://t.co/BiFEDpVUDV
Conservatism, as I say, is a biological stratum. Its respectability fears agitated, the whiteskin rabbit scampers. https://t.co/BiFEDpVUDV
If you have money, the British don't care if you literally rape children. You rate. You're clubbable. You're in.
in Anglo-American society, anyone who actually stands for something without considering his own money interests is considered a space alien
you see what happened there in ohio people? that's what happens when whites get serious. whiteskins and yids take note. ITZ COMING
white desert? white achievement? white beauty? no...just white privilege. we dont exist...and we're evil...and we're privileged.
the 'holocaust' is jewish propaganda. that is the fact. it has nothing to do with what i believe. https://t.co/F6RWOGr3Gw
i advance my career by serving Boss Jew's agenda. if that means throwing my race under the bus, so be it. i gets paid yo! that's what matter
i write lies for pay. i'm a pro whiteskin conservative. the scientific term for my kind is shabbos goyim. also known as #cuckservative
you see what happened to that family there in Ohio, neocohens & shabbos stooges (aka #cuckservatives)? what do you think about that?
no, that's the truth. no gas chambers. no six million. both Big Lies. https://t.co/RFwYPVaJ5J
April 23, 2016:
i am afraid my good taste must be allowed to eclipse mass stupidity https://t.co/Bt1KTjUz7v
you like mexicans? https://t.co/bBbwMeFEI6
as i said. another proud member of the Under 5'2" Crew. Plop! https://t.co/0xugs0pEPE
the minute you see "jews funded hitler" immediately shut it off. You're 100% dealing with a liar or idiot. ignore
You're a semitically correct borderline retard who screams at her betters? YOURE AUGUSTUS GLOOPS PIGGIER SISTER https://t.co/mllbz29BeD
nice name toots. grosso is italian for carbuncle, superplum fairy defender https://t.co/YKCEN5m0Z9
You a wide-stancer son? Come here, let ol Uncle Denny show you his fav wrasslin' position. Can worship da jebus from here too. #goodxtianman
Psychological subordination to the jew, a spiritual deformation, soon leads to sucking off little boys. Christians = cult of loser-perverts.
Denny Hastert. He a good christian, man, judge. Why he love his Jebus. Almost as much as a stiff young pecker.
Should we respect cannibals? Slice off a finger or two for an appetizer to prove our bona fides? I ask you, expert. https://t.co/B4zRFjgR4u
well then she accomplished her mission. jebus will give her brownie points https://t.co/3ROBbMT7AE
opera - if i wanted to be screamed at by a fat woman, id kidnap your wife! (how's that for some near-dangerfield) https://t.co/BcMS2saai4
hitler doesnt like race mixing but does like art-form mixing? opera music sucks, acting sucks, the drama is absurd https://t.co/Xwmu9gTUDc
it's a whole culture, and unappealing to me https://t.co/3wYgKDBa2Z
here's a little something you should know about me: i like it when leftists die. jew or goy. it is good. for me. for you. for us our race.
hug your cat and say a prayer for patty's corpse bride https://t.co/cdgdfVad8E
Hitler was a fan of opera; I detest it. I have watched many. They are mostly now-twee, now-insipid art-mischlings. https://t.co/s4P99Yl7oY
Who am I? What's going on here? How many times did "Patton" fuck his dead wife before calling the coroner? https://t.co/DGPxRPc8bs
if i were a true ideologue i'd love wagner because i'm supposed to. but i agree with twain: his music sucks. his writing on jews is the win
That is news I can use. https://t.co/K3QbcsCHlQ
wax and wagner should never be allowed to build up in the ears; it's dangerous https://t.co/zg9Ea8Ia9n
Between me and Patton Dead Wife Oswalt, she figures I'M the troll? Have you seen the little fellow? https://t.co/AADs62T1EN
Actually the most intelligent humans tend to be the cruelest because they get tired of dealing with your level. https://t.co/AADs62T1EN
The jew's achilles heel is its name: jew. Cant say it without EEEWWWW. That's why we prudent cons never, ever use it. #wereskeered
Patton Oswalt? He's many things. Friend of Jim Goad. Escapee of zoo exhibit. Mocker of KFC items. Owner of dead wife.
like a bat to the forehead... https://t.co/tjg0fcaRU2
He's an insouciant dumpling in normal times. https://t.co/vd80QbwWkA
I can listen to precisely 23.2 minutes of John Denver before I want a sasquatch to break in and twist his head off.
When I tell you something I'm either exuding it from my soul, or I put a cover on for you to look at. Most xtian expression is latter.
Why are atheists so conspiculously filled with joy, while christians have room only for a sort of near-negroid sullen hostility?
The way to preach to people is start by saying: God hates you. And you're ugly! That's softens them up for some good moral instruction.
Is it possible that a race with world-beating creativity is flip-sided with world-beating delusionality. Pray with me brothers.
They're still around today. Read their papers. It never ends. They live in a cult in a hothouse. Air never touches https://t.co/iYVLfwo4eN
if you lads of trad could live in the middle ages for about 8 hours, u'd be curled up in a ball sucking thumb talkng on imaginary cell phone
lol... you know he did say "fake it till you make it" https://t.co/ISH290cpe1
Does 2+2 = 4? Conservative: well, first we need to pray. Then let's prudently ask whether its prudent to offend a mann with so much money.
the only party the conservatives and altright queers are truly bigoted against is Sir Occam of Razor #SkunkyMcDoof
If you're not brave, you can pretend to be brave. No one can really tell the difference. Like Steve Gutenberg pretending to be an actor.
They love abstractions. Have an affinity for the mystical. But they keep a very sharp eye on what it pays not to say https://t.co/BZj6fM8tsE
Christianity is #antiwhite. https://t.co/UtSJ48SeDv
Christianity is for cucks. Christianity is #antiwhite. https://t.co/eBAZNCJ90a
i cannot answer that question https://t.co/MzmxRVVUov
Jews turned Anglo (white) deferring to women into a political weapon. The default assumption across the west, now, is women are always right
I'll be holding a Watermelon & Grape Drank Social for White Allies here at the Pat Barnum Center for Positive Christianity in NEMO.
"racist"? really? so moscow 1927 https://t.co/fYObatViIo
Indians worship cows. But Americans worship niggers. The judicious can decide which is ridiculouser.
#tcot supports Pollard. Israel > America https://t.co/ifELoFFH82
retardation levels: physically dangerous to passers-by https://t.co/JiciyEO2P5
If whites are going to be help responsible for black behavior, then it's only fair we reinstitute slavery.
who can deny we're living in the best of all possible worlds... https://t.co/3wflbiRjfb
It's safer, more respectable to pretend what's going on is caused by some mysterious agent in the ether. Than by jews. Conservative = coward
in a terrible irony, larval yid gulped wholesale by self-hating, other-englutinating jewfish (uh, that's Goliath Group, mr lenin, sir)
The Rev. Rob Keithan is teaching a “White Ally Course” to 21 people at All Souls Church Unitarian in Washington Christianity is #antiwhite.
Let christianity die with you. It's not a good thing. It has injured our race. Let it die. #TeamWhite
he stands up to israel, which you red-white-and-bluesers never do https://t.co/K4gyetLAcM
Kevin Skwira-Brown, a white facilitator of the “Cracking the Shell of Whiteness” class held for six weeks earlier this year at
Churches hold classes about white privilege | Deseret News https://t.co/SzKcP1Z75d via @deseretnews every crissie a cuxtable..
Playing with cause and effect. Thats so raven. I mean so narrative. Anyone who uses narrative without blushing should be shot at dawn.
Crime is failing our young black men, ensnaring them in its racist coils. Choking their futures. Noogie-ing their fuzzy young brains.
There's a reason you never hear Mossad raised in relation to those. Just a spate of plausible but false alternatives https://t.co/juFU9oGJQn
Standards are white! Standards are white! Keep preaching that left. You're helping us, tho you realize it not. And..it's true. #TeamWhite
i dont brag about myself like a #tradfag or a prOGRE. i state directly that i am right and will kick the ass of all comers. and i do.
the right pats itself on the back as often if not as hard as the left. "i'm organic and authentic." hey so are my farts. get ovah yself
what can i say. i'm an elitist. i uphold standards https://t.co/Uj2zpDrC5Z
Translation: Only a #TeamWhite can take on #TeamJew https://t.co/PID2099XNf
Never associate with people who have "I'm not a..." forever on their lips. They are weak, and will go crabwise on you at first pressure.
Trump's his own man, & he's not driven by hatred of whites or desire to destroy their countries like jews the other candidates are owned by.
Think of your avg conservative being told the truth about 9/11. He just wants to hear 2-ft-tall yid blame islam https://t.co/UpqX62rQBp
Hey, man, Keebler elves are rooted. They LIVE in a fucking tree. #muhroots https://t.co/1lrhCfHADM
This guy is classic conservative mentality - he identifies with the elite, without realizing they despise his type. https://t.co/FJlLHKiiYn
Not one of them is criminal nigger or puling yid. Is outrage. https://t.co/oYray5omSJ
The Anglo/American figures out what's safe (and profitable) for him personally, his career, and backfills from there. #moralcowards
"I'll pray for you." Yeah, that's not gonna be good enough. I need you to bang your head into wall like 70s tv. Maybe your brain clears up.
40,000 dinks running around trying to dig out delicious tree-worms doesn't constitute an invasible civilization. https://t.co/YqbLNZPU5B
At #tcot we #IStandWithIsrael Do you really? You hate yourself that much, whiteskin? https://t.co/eoZexTnUt6
Like every other muslim who ever existed, you're a supersized locust. Now get off my lawn, filthy pigdog. https://t.co/yZa7sy5Q5Z
A discussion forum where only one point of view is allowed. But I can get that anywhere in the mass media, so why bother?
Quora informed me my answers got hundreds of views! Then it informed me I was banned. All views tolerated as long as Semitically Correct.
Notice how I have the right-wing Israeli kike that follows me on the back foot. Uh..uh...put it in context...uh...uh...we're not...uh uh
When you realize the conceptual scam 'racism' is a genocidal attack on your kind, you either decide to fight back or give in. #TeamWhite
They hate you, white man, for being you. Not for anything you do or say. Those are just fun pretexts for making you squirm. #whitegenocide
christianity is liberalism. you goofy twinks who cant think finally accept Reps and Dems are same thing, now see xtianity & englightenment
they think there will be fewer racists around, so things will be better. all their beliefs are reinforced in media https://t.co/m4dlHyPevo
What's wrong with merchants? that they work harder than lazy christian guildsmen? Offer lower prices? https://t.co/TVo1EklW3g
White people are nearly fathomlessly suggestible and gullible. This is the flip side of their comparative honesty and creativeness.
The jew says u dont exist as he mocks everything that makes you unique, every aspect of yr culture, in his drive to make u his next holiday.
Racism is a conceptual scam. You are meant to search desperately for ideas and behaviors to avoid - but it's about your (white) EXISTENCE.
as a matter of actual practice, traditionalists are exactly like progressives: tradition/progress are what THEY say they are
if you concede that many traditions are bad, then you're not a traditionalist. traditionalism is blind or it is nothing
Promiscuous spiritual love from the jebus queers has done more damage to the world than homosexual physical promiscuity.
you want more cowardly weak-tea pro white tepidity from Ann Coalter? Then rough her up. Make the punch pulling cunt respect you. #TeamWhite
The pope's catechism (instruction for catholic mopes) says racism is "immoral." Well I say letting muslims into Europe is immoral & yr a fag
Jews celebrate the MASS MURDER of NON-JEW BABIES. And when you call them on it, they LIE about it. #Passover
They must be classified as vermin, and counter-exterminated. https://t.co/Xu8Owzc16k
one thing that never fails to drop my jaw is how average St. John's Bay republicans identify with the jews running USA into ground
jews are not decent well meaning people, they are a tribe of homicidal liars and swindlers. they will not stop. they must be stopped.
we must per shakespeare 'takes arms against and in opposing end them' - our jew-caused woes. that's the only solution.
you must understand: the only natural endpoint to all this shit you see is our genocide. the horseshit will never let up. only increase.
all you need is one Trump equivalent who is 40 and military and you can have tens of millions of whites ready to kill and liberate this land
it's not really hard to grasp that jew money controls media & parties. flag-waving army retards serve their agenda https://t.co/g3MSJ68CGW
That is a hole monster clutching its bean juice like Faye Dunaway. https://t.co/G0mszkXK0u
that's wrong. christianity is liberalism. https://t.co/yMqeMGpjGd
whites should stop accepting jews dictating how they live. put away your jebus cuntery and grow up. if you dare. #TeamWhite
April 22, 2016:
Jews are very prickly, irritable, genetically paranoid people. You are a goy pro cons. writer entering their domain. You go against them?
They're christians. https://t.co/vanv64zBrs
What too many racialists dont understand is the mentality of the pro conservative. They know what they are: whores. (1/2)
Jews abuse christians with mocking contempt...and in turn are worshipped by them. Racialists pander to xtians and..are treated with contempt
Jews play whites for fools, and they never lose. Unless we're no better than black-pride niggers, we have to acknowledge that.
See how jews play it: fake pro-white politicians (Wilders); fake pro-white journalists (Yiannopolous). fake blonds 2 https://t.co/xIM8bpXtvr
the only positive thing i can say about catholicism is we had enough of these twinks that the cafeteria served fish on friday. i like fish.
the church and local 'college'-educated DC-tools are responsible for misleading the public https://t.co/ungtzZf3b3
you know, cindy. when capitalize Random Words, you're not just telling them what you're saying. you're telling them you're a Moron
Amen, bro. We need them wiry little nasty fucks. Tough guys. Ass kickers. The thinking's already done. https://t.co/Ym96jeavPs
Godologists are a dime a dozen. Go bash yourself in the head with a bag of frozen peas you disturbed witch. https://t.co/iefWcWzooL
Writing conservatism for a living is...a job. What do all jobs have?...bosses. If the boss is a jew and he lays down party line... see?
If for generations Southrons eat dirt, because it supplies missing IQ points or mangnamesium or some other rare girth element...
The one impulse at the bottom of traditionalism: desire to chain the world to a stake so it can't move. And disrupt #MuhTerditions
The basis of reaction, traditionalism, conservatism is fear. More precisely, fear of movement. This is why they're obsessed with trees.
The urge to cowness, which reaches perfection in Amishkeit (maybe?), is found to a disturbed degree in all movement-haters (trads-cons-reax)
All traditions originated in a brain reacting to a circumstance. There's nothing holy or organic about any of them.
Oh. You're a muslim. Well, you're dumb enough to be a christian. Take solace in that. https://t.co/uoHYcOypVt
What I see is you're a loser. And I'm a winner. So go fuck yourself, and then report to the free clinic. https://t.co/RPjtfZadnO
Typical christian: a retard who capitalizes random words because in its Tiny Mind they are Super Important. https://t.co/RPjtfZadnO
The minute they got beyond Dr. Seuss, the Southern 'elite' had to run off to the NE for larnin'. South will always be the bitch region, thus
Southerners believe in the bible. They don't believe in picking up their lawn. Both of these incur deep disrespect in orderly me.
Ask one of these assclown jebus saltsimps. WHO WROTE YOUR FUCKING "GOOD" BOOK, NIMROD? They have never considered it. Never.
To whites, it's like a faux pas to consider, uh, production values. Jews are raised from the egg to think like this.
When I was a child, I'd d sit in Sunday School class and just marvel at the cocksurety of this clown asserting things couldnt possibly know.
They're both far too xtian for my taste. https://t.co/WZIQVxastd
yep. i thought he was complaining. but he was "celebrating." adding niggers to siciliy is a good thing. sez he. https://t.co/m4hcg7FNAB
Except when you actually read it, sounds like gang turf battles. The mafia are shaking down the aliens. https://t.co/65t0RClCp6
The Sicilian shot the nigger thru the head. The brain was undamaged, but the bullet came out holding its nose.
well if you read the piece, they are shaking them down. maybe Sportococci will learn headshots dont work on nigs https://t.co/Xsq97PjpzH
i love seeing Southern flags, and do frequently. but usually on domicile with detritus everywhere. not impressive https://t.co/WZIQVxastd
i agree with Southerners politically, but the Germanic in me sees them as pathetic slobs. far too many of them https://t.co/WZIQVxastd
Only the gauche retweet praise of themselves. https://t.co/QAMrti0YyT
they're too dim to perceive difference in treatment accorded nazis and the church. jews crushed NS, laff at church https://t.co/UFbQXvGH2f
ok. my only point is the mafia appear to be defending something. that's at least a start or an example https://t.co/lEPsUfuOTj
with most, not with all. hitler wasnt in it for the money. nor were most of the SS. or SA https://t.co/0zVQi361Vf
they get along on camera, and that's what the retarded christian goyim take in. that's the propaganda https://t.co/7acUsN4MC0
no, it isnt. what stops them is they absolutely believe they have something good in their culture. so they dont care https://t.co/qh0T6QGbDJ
it makes more sense TODAY RIGHT F''ING NOW TO MAKE a god out of Pepe than try to bump Assgard or FuSnixens the WonderGoat or whatever
Twain was right: the concept of moral good is the most poisonous of all poisons. Without it, anyone could see importing Somalis is insane.
some of you tradfags and like weakminded are taken in by leftist 'authenticity' school. listen friend: artificiality is man's 'authentic'
are you for race or manking? are you for strength or weaknes? if the former, then make a new racial SS. that's all you need do
none of you seem to grasp whites can do shit on the fly. if we need a new religion, then fucking make one up. you stupid plodding oaflets
the questing spirit now seeks heroes to fight a racial war. or we can drown in shit fondue called diversity by Chef Botulus-Yidstein
the nordic shit was fine in its time. and the values are great - infinitely better than xtian loser. but we need a new form, not a retread
is there a sign on my front lawn that says Dead Nordic Pagan Gods promoted here? Man, white men dont look back they surge and shine
one thing i dont like is assuming if i reject X it means i'm promoting Y. it doesnt. find the right values. the right form to express them.
Jews celebrate murder of YOUR children. "Even the best of the goyim should be killed." Their "religion".... #loxism https://t.co/YxyrEt2X8P
blondes and niggers; natural enemies https://t.co/dKh5DlQzl2 via @MailOnline
Unlike Ann Coalter, Andrew Jackson would have fought the jews taking over the US, rather than cravenly sucked up to https://t.co/vI9C5Hf7My
you're a charming little fellow but i must block you for anonymous impertinence https://t.co/1lJq9Qa789
i do audiobooks at moment. https://t.co/i0ElTRdhRK i will eventually do topical casts called #TeamWhite https://t.co/qccwwyO5Ok
if the earth woke up tomorrow and all jews, muslims and negroes had disappeared overnight, would not the world throw a giant party?
while i'm sure it would be a highly satisfying encounter, i just finished with your mom, so i'm currently sated https://t.co/Lec9TfgiMI
since race doesn't exist, albino niggers are black holes, and it is correct to part them out for muti and dinner
"what color is that nigger suspect"? https://t.co/IOIJ2xIXvS
As a pro loxist hunter, I have two things going for me: 1) entire field to myself (jewish hatred of whites), 2) my specialty actually exists
i dare any of you #tcot turds to retweet this. since it's, you know, a carbon copy of yr muslim stuff https://t.co/B3UjkU9Gtq
not my god. all three ugly desert sisters are #antiwhite and i reject them https://t.co/sDbDNYOWFL
then i guess whites dont think their church, culture or blood are worth defending https://t.co/yQoAn9MAtJ
Jews want you to be cravenly happy with being mocked, spit on, cursed, discriminated against. Xtianity & its mindset serves them here.
Allah doesn't exist. https://t.co/W6k0KUfidL
Allah is garbage and muslims are scum. https://t.co/j2QSrM2cWO
why is it worse for whites to be muslim than xtian? muslims at least fight. and they arent trying to genocide whites https://t.co/p0IHvLo9s8
What do you think the goy professional conservative magazine- or newspaper-filler cares about most? His paycheck or his political position?
Maybe in the end only white gangs (italian mafia), motorcycle gangs are the only white subgroups willing to fight to defend territory.
‘In the past, when the Mafia was more powerful, it prevented any immigrants from entering the city. Read more: https://t.co/WGqG4qzgea
The Republican Party & christian churches both seem to represent proxy opposition to jews & their antiwhite agenda, but in reality serve em.
If christianity were any good, jews would have forbidden it to goyim. Think about it... As they do racialism, nationalism, nazism.
Yusapha was shot through the skull but the bullet passed out the other side, grazing the brain but not damaging it. #classicnigger
Who says we need to replace it with anything? When something is wrong and destructive, you just...stop doing it. https://t.co/4xSBmVhUpD
Both christains and homosexuals are disgusting and degenerate. But one of them believes their own bullshit & will not only eat but defend it
'Palermo is no longer an Italian town. It is no longer European. You can walk in the city and feel like you’re in Istanbul or Beirut.'
The traditionalist is a man who dreams so low he doesn't even reduce himself to an animal, he dreams of being a tree.
All these are mental-spiritual-psychological queers: traditionalists, conservatives, reactionaries. All of them.
You can't believe people are idiots...but their traditions are incredibly value. Yet trad-homos believe exactly this contradiction.
So pot stultifies minds. This we're informed of by a government reeducation camp couselor who hates competition. https://t.co/DTSlqWXthg
Traditions are deliberately started by exceptional individuals, not groups. Committees of disorganized ape-pluses create nothing of value.
Dead morons are still morons. If the avg guy is moron, then traditionalism is insane as democracy. And in fact is the same thing.
Traditionalism is the democracy of the dead. Didn't some fat moron. Pardon me, obese moron, say that? But you're anti-democratic, right?
If you can't think and have no balls, then, yeah, traditionalism is probably the best route for you.
Whites need mafias. Jews are a mafia. https://t.co/NjPKexykov
Democrats: Harlem Shecky Globestealers Republicans: Washington Goy Generals Set up to lose. To fool the mark, the rube, goy, the yoube
the amish i respecct. Because they're honest morons. they erect the lowest possible ideal: "I will be a livestock!" but they live up to it.
morality is black and white. either you stand up to jews, or you're a fucking piece of shit loser coward
yeah that's the common stupid view. https://t.co/zFRYSvXGx4
they're easy to identify. jews. and those who serve them. i wonder what your real name and mission is. https://t.co/FwQMzUtPRo
if the Constitutions were self-enforcing, it would be worth fetishizing, perhaps. but it's not. even plain language can be ignored/reversed
The Crows Feet Hour is better than Crossfire! https://t.co/OriKOFXkDi
To women, freedom sounds awfully like going outside without your coat on: an inherently dubious idea.
My credentials. Oh, shit man, it was hear a minute ago. Damn...can't find it. Gonna just have to go what jumps in yer eyeballs, mister.
People should remember that often those give you awards who are trying to influence you, or buy you off. Take seriously your independence.
Remember, christians are moral experts. So their bitty jimmies rush off to murder Iraqis on the basis of jew WMD lie. 1m dead. O apologies.
Mass extermination of jews and ferals they use as attack dogs is the only solution to the problems bedeviling the West.
Roger Scruton's entire career has been spent bemoaning the consequences of Frankfurt Schooling - w/o ever once mentioning jewish cause.
Roger Scruton exhibits the typically servile, money- and status-driven character that is the British norm. https://t.co/qsM7oKYAIV
I'm not here to pet chihuahuas and drink lemonade, I'm here to bellow at you like an East European gym coach with a peptic ulcer.
a great line lives forever... 'a smile like a raccoon eating fish guts out of a wire brush' who-whom?
The cuckservative puts his career ahead of his race. The jews set up the partyline, and the cuckservative male career-girl works the booth.
do you people not grasp that politics takes money and JEWS ALONE HAVE THAT MONEY. is there something confusing about this? complex?
Has nothing to do with Obama. It's the jewish agenda. Frankfurt School. Destroying white society with perversion. https://t.co/yaJUBS1wU0
Southerners dont try to stop me from criticizing them. Jews cry and call it hate and do. That means, to me, South > jews.
mocking the flag and eagle patriotards who dont realize, to twist a phrase, 'the Constitution _was_ https://t.co/xcnHLllpJ0
April 21, 2016:
yeah man. if you slice yourself into rectangles and jump in boiling water that makes you a french fry https://t.co/buGYOAee1g
If the story is reported accurately, then yes. He jewed the jew then skedaddled. I can dig it. https://t.co/cXbLB6D5Cy
jews jewing jewily. as ever. https://t.co/iuynBswTcn
maybe Southerners will disagree, but I really thought the best evocation of the Southern (& true American) spirit was in Ride with the Devil
never should have stopped followin' them swishing tails. that's when all the bad happened. the okra field is where the magic happens
we've now "progressed" to the point we cant tell a man from a woman. this is progress (me bitch slapping you). this is ogress (any tranny)
whenever we hear the term 'christian man,' dont even have to add 'good,' we always feel we're being put on. it's not a manly doctrine
a beautiful phrase is a glory forever. i remember the late HST describing someone elated as X receiving a boxcar of fat young boys
take the manliness in all the cuckservatives that ever existed, they take up the volume of 1/8th of one Andrew Jackson toenail #tcot
Please keep in mind people, I not here to insult you. I'm here to insult you repeatedly. And I'm not coming from a place of love.
Jared Taylor is a high-end ham actor, with his affecting not to get it, whereas Alex Jones is a low-end ham actor. Both are jew-pozzed POS.
It's one thing when cucks have Irish names; one expects little, but when they have German names, my cheeks turn red. #PaulRyan
conservatives dont & never have truly hated niggers, or been more than rational racists; what cons really hate r those who resist & mean it
The conservative is the man who always prefers to blame some mystical force in the ether rather than living breathing human beings. #tcot
i dont really believe in awards, mencken had the right reasoning, but damn if i had one to give, it goes to Jean Raspail
Anyone who's against free association I consider an anti-social who should be exterminated, jew, white or other
jews are famous for grabbing the best: gold, city quarters, (white) women...but they left the best religion for us https://t.co/YcYiGsDh1P
Allow currency competition in the US, and the FRN will go out of business. Competition is market-racism. You soc ninnies should reckanize
Southerners I respect: Andrew Jackson, John Calhoun...thinking here...a coupla the extremely aggressive generals...
I think Southerners are mostly low-rent crudballs, but the Old South had real men, and Andrew Jackson was as big as they get.
the sexes naturally change anyway w drops in testy & esty https://t.co/W2QE6YTLQ4
why whites always gotta be for some abtract universalism, when every other racelet is getting the goods?
ok, folks, since you need a jebus, i'll play along. i will, personally, take on your moral guilt for counter-exterminating jews. all of it.
the catholic position is this: if 1 jew in 1000 converts, that means everything if 999 do not, that proves nothing i do not exaggerate
catholic apologists argue in what i'd call a soft-jewish way. they dont insult the other school, as jew would, they simply assert & ignore
the priest believes jew is a curable condition. which is, in backhanded way, an insult both to jew and God xtian must believe created him
a non-christian might observe that the principle of nature is fighting and extinction, and find that perfectly valid and applicable
remember, Southkiddies, the important thing is not that niggeros multiplied to 40 million, it's that Bobby Lee's blutcheon is unscotched
""just drip some jebus water on 'em, they'll go from Fein to fine in a jiffy" --every christian priest ever
you owe respect to what's respectable, but you also owe disrespect to what's disrespectable. if you're not attacking the jebus cult...well?
Christianity cuckpreps whiteskins by telling them they are sheep yet monsters of depravity yet stars in celestial Morality Skit.
Vox Day runs away from Occam's razer like a nigger with your tv. You can take redboi out of WND, but not vice versa.
xtianity has psychologically prepped the white 'man' to think in terms of guilt and redemption. jews slot in terms https://t.co/Dtpr4MWVCk
The rightists are liberals and the liberals are jews. That's who's driving this train. They are the ringleaders and shot-callers. Say it.
The 'left' triumphs when you refuse, out of fear -- and no other reason -- to call it what it is: jews. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
"What we'd do in their situation? Torture one of their 'neocohens' on tape, release it on internet pour encourager les autres." --N.J. Wise
the truth is this: jews have suffered less and enjoyed more unearned benefits than any other race on earth #TruthToTribe
the jews brazenly lie their reception has nothing to do with their behavior, but is rather a character flaw in the sufferer
i saw someone try to spell baseball gloves. came out luffs. as late guy-before-johnny-carson used to say, i kid you not
help a schizophrenic get drunk #goodplanbro https://t.co/TvPAsixD7R
every major (and most minor) historical claim jews make is like 'the' 'holocaust' - it is the opposite of the truth https://t.co/qWKi5x5WOa
If Bob Lee weren't xtian: "Boys, sad fact is, it's over. We lost. We must now mass exterminate niggers of they'll destroy our people."
yes. diaspora is another Big Lie - they invaded on own, but lie they were driven https://t.co/wVsON4Bj7c
Racism is losing its power. Liberals are stupid. Conservatives are cowardly morons. One of these statements is true. Can you guess which?
racism is the most effective political coinage in history, tho much of its power is from users' means of amplification
if dad is always the dummy, and the child the wiser...you see how this plays into "childrens rights" to have sex w adult (jews) #jews4pedo
these r the drivers: Unappreciated Me (the self-pitying jebus prettyneck godsson motif). & My Nabes Burning in Hell https://t.co/RB2xRFMU5P
they already started on pedo, both formerly, in last 2 years, and informally, since high percentage of homos r pedos https://t.co/AJhf1qhqES
physical sex perversion is not really a separable thing, it is linked to criminality and other psychological-behavioral aberration
jews see goyim as animals. and it's not just words, they behave as if they actually believe this. christians see jews as god's children
there is no real way for whites to form an alt-media and take on jews. what whites can do is counter-exteriminate jews. that works
the overlap between faggots and pedophiles is huge. but it's harder to sell cutesy sitcoms about pedos https://t.co/R7JHHAhKeb
the white cause is about creating (forming) a mentality and race that can compete against market leaders - the jews
the white racial cause is not about preservation but formation - conscious and willful, rather than rooted & reactionary
christianity at the very least plays to whatever sado-masochistic element exists in the whiteskin mentality
whiteskin christians not only tolerate being made into third-class slaves in their own nations, they to my nose seem to get off on it
it took yids about a decade to accomplish Faggotry The Law. it has taken, what, a few months to do same for trannies?
jews push it. 100% jews created and pushing that #antiwhite hate meme https://t.co/2POcU1hY7a
most whites are stick fetchers, best i can tell. "you'd cut off your nose if youd think it would make you hip" - jew danny elfman
the Romans looked on christianity with contempt, and that remains the correct way to look at the cult
all right i'm calling all sex perverts nightshades. they can piss in the alley, and they're fair game for enraged bar owners
i get tired of attempting to teach baboon level whites that xtianity is unchangeably universalist - & implications https://t.co/yoTcIYgNE7
If christianity is the cause of achievement (= ignore Greece), why can't it reproduce results among coloreds? https://t.co/bNc2ytPpYB
people dont want to adopt black babies because they're niggers. Good reason. Good reason the church says is "immoral"
you who defend xtianity defend it because you like it. no other reason. and you lack the character to admit this.
What kind of trees do they roost in? https://t.co/mmOLz0wR6x
Jebus is for heterosexual faggots. Queers of the spirit. Spirit-queers as I think they should be denominated. https://t.co/EqYAhWPGDN
oh him jes full of god's love. got a grin that says his stomach can beat rod stewart. wife's belly full of niglet https://t.co/iy3AXA8Djr
once you believe in God, for which there is zero evidence, you inevitably start ACCEPTING EVERYTHING that happens as god's will
Belief in afterlife reduces your interest in this world. It vitiates your desire to compete. Jews who set up xtianity know this.
The System must be completely destroyed. Essentially all jews and anyone who works for the government are the enemy.
Whites are subjected to propaganda pushing the exact same way, whether they are watching porn, ESPN, movie, or listening to K-12 govt teachr
Whites are under full-scale, continual, ubiquitous psychological assault from jews. Thru mass 'private' media & all 'official' vectors.
I felt sheer delight during this pregnancy watching my son and daughter, with his dark brown skin and her with the ringlet hair and slightly
"We wanted additional siblings to feel connected to our first two children racially" -- but if a white racist said this, they'd reject it.
Meet The Cuxtables. They're Good(tm). https://t.co/qwH5kF8aMp
There is only one legit reason for whites to adopt niglets. That is to feed to the reticulated python yr illegally keeping in basement.
I like to do things that are easy and gain me popular approval. I smile a lot and wear clean underwear at least once a week. It's important.
If trees could talk, surely the first thing they would do is express their extreme irritation at hominid morons going on about roots.
Ok, all you manlets, tradfags, and fashy weiners of frognipotence - this is the one must-read article of 4-21-16 https://t.co/EqYAhWPGDN
I unhumbly suggest to you that you have no duty toward nature's niggers other than to prevent them from destroying your own kind.
Every last white slaveowner did it for the niggers' good. And leftist sneers are quite wrong - 90% truly believed this. #crosscucks
If you can't instinctively sense that christianity is malignant balderdash, you probably should breed with niggers. Becuz that's your level.
Christianity: jew humbuggerists prepare a harness. Millions of tongue-panting lil white stickfetchers eagerly jump in. #TeamWhite
The non-liberal view of niggers is we should make them extinct as they are being used by a third race to endanger our own, to pt of genocide
Christianity is liberalism - God created niggers. They have eternal souls. It's our duty to help and take care of them - at all costs.
There will always be the older white woman in Walmart who stared at us with sheer disgust... aka normal people
Wisdom from the Cuxtables (Jebus fans, buildin' a new world, one adopted niggity-poo at a time). A cascade of Caring Tweets ... (1/many)
No white politics that tolerates christianity is serious. It will all be undone by trying to serve two masters.
Racial betrayal among jews is as rare as racial loyalty among whites. This is how a tiny minority dominates a large majority.
It is conceded openly in nature mags, to no complaint or opposition, that 'invasive species' destroy native species. Except with humans.
Secular-humanist universalism is a blood relative of christian universalism. This 'rightist' liberals refuse to accept, for they are weak.
Invasive species become 'immigrants' where jews run media and hominids are concerned. Opposing invasion = 'hate' https://t.co/Dv4ooaqZoW
Meet the Cuxtables. https://t.co/hGjaldkn3n
Laughing, thinking and superiority are all somehow related, and the church is opposed to all of them. Rabelais is the only funny christian.
No, the world is teeming with useless, destructive discoloreds. But Good Boys don't notice that, It Would Be Wrong. https://t.co/nLb3MVmnQj
Christ, the queen of the nincompoops, the avatar of the slobby defective; the stage prop of Msgress Charlotte Ann Grabbins.
If you believe that niggers have souls, guess what: you're a liberal. And that is the xtian doctrine - bushbabies & boolies, created he them
"Invasive species are destroying native species" is a theme found in every issue of any state's conservation magazine.
Black carp are described as an invasive species in Missouri's conservation magazine. Not immigrant. Invasive.
If you want to see what a 'free' press would look like, read any state's (Mo.'s) conservation magazine. https://t.co/Wd6CyN5UTa
Forever 'clever' dolts on the right will try to separate _real_ christianity and _real_ conservatism from what they unchangeably are.
The nonliberal view of niggers is that they are a competing species with our own. And they're being used by a third. We owe them nothing.
Both the 1820 slaveowner and the 2020 mud-adopter think they are doing what is best for niggers. Both are liberals - because of their church
All the reactionary pusskins and traditionalist draft horses are too witless to perceive their beloved church is source of liberalism.
"We believe when you look into any human’s eyes, you look into the face of an image-bearer of God..." As I say, Christianity IS liberalism.
Jews aren't dumb enough to believe the horseshit they feed whites. Xtianity is the best thing ever happened to jews. https://t.co/rs9wRcqflS
Letting adult whiteskin xtians play with concepts like Good and Bad is akin to children and matches. https://t.co/rs9wRcqflS
A christian hears "Good" and salivates like a dog. He loses all interest in obvious logical consequences. https://t.co/rs9wRcqflS
The reason I don't lie to you is not out of respect for you - after all, you're probably an idiot. It's out of respect for me.
People who believe in god are mentally ill. https://t.co/SqwtpclPUW
As a public-service reminder I feel again compelled to retweet: there are two sexes. Everything else is a freak.
Whites kill themselves because they are deeply uncomfortable with environments and no way to express disapproval. https://t.co/vOLYxloteW
Per Schilling affair: 'controversial' = any view contrary to the jew agenda. But normally applied where propaganda hasnt had full effect yet
Good christian couple: "we informed the agency that we were willing to accept any child except a fully Caucasian child" xtian = sicko
Christianity means preferring the inferior to the superior. That's what makes it a mass religion. https://t.co/SqwtpclPUW
No, they are "good christians," as affirmed by the jews at the Washington Post, the church, and all leading public. https://t.co/SqwtpclPUW
Fertile, good-looking whites would rather adopt discolored mudbabies than have their own. Becuz god. Becuz diversity. Christ the Queen.
If you'd rather adopt low-IQ violent dirty ugly niggers becuz God, then I defy anyone on here to deny you are a degenerate. #crosscucks
Christianity is inherently degenerate and #antiwhite. It produces and promotes a mentality lethal to our people. https://t.co/qwH5kF8aMp
#crosscucks https://t.co/lvgweOxOBl
the white man who works for a living needs big government...to quit taking his money. the nigger who doesn't needs big government...to live
April 20, 2016:
what is "hate"? it's the jew term for whites doing something that is good for white. like rising up 2 fight communism or hang pedo leo frank
there's something to that https://t.co/DzBwFjeG16
imagine how good at lying jews must be to persuade people that whites moving away from blacks reflects on the former not the latter
I love these brave conservafags and libertwinks standing up to Saudi Arabia. You show that mouse who's boss, girls.
#tcot Greatest Generation - of dupes https://t.co/6nMW82E5Wj
look at all them shartaviouses https://t.co/N9FpA3MUpz
April 19, 2016:
this was very surprising to me - the turtle was not swampy tasting at all, as i expected. but, it was very tough https://t.co/pa94VMz6ks
3/4 on "our" side going on about #muhTooshun. these people have trouble perceiving anything subtler than a hurricane https://t.co/9Jz3lKlGTh
eating a little concoction called hacon & BAM! it's bacon cemented to ham with CHEESE. it keeps 3/4 jews away from your gold
From free association to forced confection -- all without changing the words of the Constitution. https://t.co/iv90f8DsHr
i like him alive proving my point with his every lugubrious maundering. #TeamCuck https://t.co/p7pesefqX1
The Latest: Pope asks migrants to forgive indifference https://t.co/NIpAg5V6ba Xtanity = cult of the cuck #TeamWhite
You think she doesn't know this? Do you not realize she is a jew? https://t.co/yoMjjnfKwN
The idea that grown white men need help from central government shows a mentality that conceives white men as...niggers.
Free and independent UK filled with Muslims? Ok, guy. https://t.co/hfdMEUIohl
This is your daily reminder: If you're christian, you're #antiwhite. No matter what you think #TeamWhite
Would someone please provide data to prove that Hollywood is racist? by Alex Linder https://t.co/3DLdzVbyEK
Is it true that the policy of multiculturalism is aimed at the elimination of the white race? by Alex Linder https://t.co/Wrki7QebLl
April 18, 2016:
You're guilty of observing differences and drawing inferences from them. You are racist. But race here is euphemism for species.
i'm not just a degenerate, i'm incredibly boring and wrong https://t.co/yBOmSdcbce
a weasel-like Eurasian mammal noted for ejecting a fetid fluid when threatened. POLECAT https://t.co/jWQ4ZfCuT1
Something based on strength, honor, blood - can and will supersede the xtian lie. The church knows this. https://t.co/kfoFtHxa80
Apart from practices ,which are mundane. our soul-legacy is daring. That is our Aryan nobility, pride & joyous fun. https://t.co/QsS9nIFyaj
American whiteskin christians are dogs. No self-respect, no brains, no will. No moral courage in the slightest. Just curs for kicking.
A subtle point is the piquancy of fullhearted degeneration is lost when it's normalized. Yes, jews have subverted degeneracy, even.
Conservatives are heterosexual homosexuals. Mentally they are not just weaker but far weaker than flesh queers. #tcot
Reactionaries are alt-faggots. "OMG someone moved. Make it stop." That's their only honest impulse. https://t.co/SO58RPmblQ
Whites only appear lost because they aren't killing the enemy. Once they begin doing that, the entire complexion changes in a heartbeat.
What were you on before you became a christian. Answer honestly: - i was a drunk - i was a drug addict. - i was addicted to science fiction
that was my initial attempt at turtle chowder. basically clam chowder + about 1.5 lb of snapping turtle meat https://t.co/4yXRAzZa3G
Jews call goyim cattle. Christians disagree. "We are sheep," they say. You can be a sheep or a white man. Not both. #TeamWhite
April 17, 2016:
christians are happy being a slave population, feasted on and laughed at by jews. The White racial cause isn't for them. it's for rest of us
April 16, 2016:
same thing with "holocaust" lol https://t.co/Bq8LSU5epy
christianity is a punk religion. it is too weak to resist jews. "come with us if you want to live" say white nationalists #TeamWhite
funny how the "moral" thing to do racially, as presented by jews, always results in massive rapes and murders of whites
your avg proles these days is fully capable of blocking an entire aisle at Dollar General. YOURE FUCKING THING ENOUGH FOR 2.5 PEOPLE FATGGOT
fuck fat people. you are a half-step up from niggers. you fucking aisle-blocking pieces of shit. it's honestly like moving amid whales now
Not true. To know blacks is to dislike them. That's why they are looked down on by all other races. https://t.co/8YT3nNXKJf
Nature has the solution: kill the muslims, by all means. But first kill the jews who let them in. #TeamWhite
April 14, 2016:
no, power is hardly some neutral thing. the mildest person, given power, often enough turns into a raging ape. https://t.co/hjaGvr8Gdo
Contrast Constitution and Declaration with bible. At least the first two can rationally be construed to defend whites. Not the latter.
black culture: trying to grab worms under rocks before they slide back down their holes, at which point > black extraction capacity
People who reason at this level should be prevented from breeding. https://t.co/qddLKLETR7
the avg xbot is too fucking dumb to realize that it's purely his own prejudice associating xtianity with good things https://t.co/DV0Xo65RzD
hey you were great in Brady Bunch https://t.co/3JSDMUe0Nq
do you dare to not worship jews? do you dare to entertain the notion they are, as a group, a race of lying, genocidal shitbags?
There's a huge mental overalp between minimalism and white nationalism. https://t.co/Eq51avNXeT
Bernie and Lenin. Totally acceptable. Cuz killing whites is all right. Even cool. Cuz jews. https://t.co/0MXSoUYGEy via @Salon
is this guy available for president #NeverTrump https://t.co/by6x8LR4eg
finally the real Rodney King video is released https://t.co/kWB7uwCAqd
i may be skewing a tad effervescent, but all my followers ALL OF THEM are SMELLING FANTASTIC TODAY. GOOD JOB GUYS!!
there's nothing a woman loves so much as a man criticizing a woman she hates (basically the rest of them)
the controlled media have smelled their own farts for so long they have no idea they're not fresh air
Rosario Dawson slams Hillary Clinton for her hypocrisy about Israel’s wall v. Donald Trump’s Mexican wall https://t.co/j3N7Z1w2bg via @Salon
so many racialists dont grasp this: the state creates the low-quality people it needs to expand. includng whiteskins https://t.co/7qZabpRKXY
to jews, nazi = german = white. they hate us for our race. it's like antisemitism against whites eh #loxism https://t.co/cryWvfyvAJ
delusional faggots. grow up. https://t.co/3xWFNCrn61
i thought the fun in degeneracy was in the private practice, not the public preening https://t.co/ArsoafzOAw
jigocide is no laughing matter. it's more a global hoedown matter https://t.co/u0CBmPxA2V
IF jew THEN lie https://t.co/qLKminHsNC
Breitbart = jewsmedia. Its founder: Breitbart was born in Los Angeles, California on February 1, 1969 ... He was raised Jewish... (1/2)
white blood cells have detected a virus in the shape of a puling green faggot https://t.co/rztQh8NVBs
let's step back and think about christianity. is this really what we want? i think the answer is a clear and resounding no. it is not.
April 13, 2016:
#Tcot This is the Israel you stand with. https://t.co/LxH00cSnv6
America acts like jews, America becomes legitimately hated like jews. America is Frankestein's monster - jew head on white body
i am a great follow...mainly because i SMELL FANTASTIC https://t.co/rSIJW6PWnu
Britain under Sodden WInnie the Poo initiated civilian bombing. https://t.co/jvjZ34lZm4
looking for new ways to hate and insult whites. that's why the communist jews in the "news"papers get up in the morning
it really is bizarre, even discounting cowardice, how many go out of their way to flee Occam and evade the jew-splanation
there's no special word for hating white people because...that's just normal. so routine no one even sees it. #loxism
angry underground demons looking for jewtown https://t.co/63Fud7Xcfa
gee, a jew promoting genocidal hatred of whites #loxism https://t.co/YwtMJNmyCz
treat others the way you want to be treated. what if others aren't like you? observe others. let their behavior guide your reaction
jews lie and murder because they have to. just look at their agenda. how can you present that honestly? you can't. it would be rejected.
A second munchkin trying to sneak on the ride. What is it with you people? When I come back I'm cracking heads. https://t.co/ArwKjuxasE
i've seen pictures of hitler with baby deer and little girls. two pics ive never seen: hitler at wailing wall. hitler wearing cross pendant.
make is simple. our cause is racial. disentangle it from religion and politics. form a #TeamWhite. that's what we need. we who would survive
When the jews did precisely the same thing to Germany they're doing to the USA today, it wasn't the christians who did anything about it.
jews are filling white lives with terror. while whites, at the behest of their criminally insane cult, continue to worship jews
April 12, 2016:
#tcot https://t.co/1OysTQ7Ts5
GOP and Dems are both run by jews. Is there anyone left in America who doesn't understand that? What's missing is a White Party.
vast majority if the best things in this world were created by white men who gave not one atom of thought to jews or diversity #WhiteFacts
Breitbart = Semitically Correct controlled opposition. aka, same old same old https://t.co/w7lqYyLq2y
April 11, 2016:
"Better a brown tongue than a brown shit" --the all-American coward, aka, the braindead, brainwashed conservative #tcot
#tcot hey, you twinks need to read this https://t.co/QGkWjpeUm4
white men cant understand what its like being jew dunham's little sister https://t.co/cwILZOG4gb
#Tcot . Read this, simpletons. https://t.co/YNWsOO6r66
I won't break my own rules, but I'd bet a lot of money on that one https://t.co/VBwvpgHZxN
but if you do move there, you're also racist for gentrifying and driving prices too high for the ghettoids https://t.co/vKme0LKZCZ
of someone they perceive as intellectually superior and more powerful politically than they are. --E. MIchael Jones
In the end, the only position which Notre Dame administrators and professors find comfortable is bent over licking the boots
Call me old fashioned, but I prefer my freaks long-haired and dirty. Yes, hippies. Paleofreaks. Not these newfangled bluehead faggots.
Thousands of years of catholic effeminacy put to an end by counter-exterminating jews. That's the solution. Sorry it's not nuanced.
gratitude (not a religious thing) and understanding are linked. so are ingratitude and cluelessness (feminism being perfect example)
fuck yeah. who is that guy. let's make him pope. i dont even want religions i hate licking muslim toecrotch https://t.co/WmqvzZRUaD
Quora Moderation blocked you from editing on Quora 12 promote white privilege. 1 laffs. who gets banned? great platform there, quinks
well good for you. pat pat. https://t.co/bRLf2VbAon
hey fellow white kids. let's swap jebooism for Sons of Odin. it just seems like it might work better for us. i mean, given circumstances
hey whites: until you act like you deserve to be treated with respect you will keep getting walked over, murdered and shit on jewsmedia
leading vs appealing. please spend a few minutes thinking about the difference between these two. whites need the former.
can you dig it? https://t.co/2uhRQ1D691
henry ford said intellectuals make things more complicated than they are. behind all these social problems - jews. https://t.co/H8Ye42skjz
jews aren't liberals. they use liberalism as rat poison for whiteskin populations. among themselves - 100% racism - see Israel
jews see whites as weak-willed, weak-brained simpletons. i'd love to say they're wrong. i'm not saying they're wrong. they're not wrong.
everyone should read this - a jew admits what ALL of them privately believe https://t.co/PCHoDQvJth
blame yourself. you support these parasites joining in the first place. military supporters are donkey-brained https://t.co/cLcuUCjjwb
the pope is licking muslim feet, while promising jews his catholics wont even try to convert them. is this what you want to associate with?
we can only live moving forward. try your hardest to make the wisest decisions. that's my advice. https://t.co/zA93WtigzD
hence anger at jewish treason to US is illogical. jews are loyal to jews/israel, not USA or any white land https://t.co/7f3R17s4BF
jews are a race of liars and murderers. christians worship them. racialists vow to counter-exterminate them https://t.co/1YiB1TeTQP
if you dont like The System, The Parties, The Way Things Are - what you really dont like is jews - it is their setup. it serves them. not us
the white racial movement is not for everybody, it's for the portion of the white population unwilling to live as despised slaves under jews
April 10, 2016:
it's his opposition to neocohen warmongering too.. https://t.co/6o7LWvNT1E
Fenton and the dicks loved to punch people in the solar plexus. That's pretty much my main takeaway from childhood reading.
jews like Schuyler open the border to these muslims, so they will murder white nations https://t.co/OURKfSfydo
what will work? only this: 1) forming a #TeamWhite. 2) counter-exterminating all jews. the rest can be done with paper towels
"We’re history’s actors…and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.” yes. until we kill you
lot of that these days https://t.co/8nUyEHqghd
The conservative suffers from a respectability tropism. He can't overcome it. It's biological. It's ok. Just means you can't trust him.
"ergi" lol... will use that if i remember it https://t.co/GUZH2VGrnZ
you let niggers VOTE??? are you insane lol?? https://t.co/FQPxY7vRYY
if you dont hate jews you either are one or dont understand them https://t.co/qMk9y3JZ5f
https://t.co/ffotXtMJjy People exist to serve govt. This is socialism, it's a shit state of things.
April 09, 2016:
"People - scars upon the land" - fuck you john denver. pre-grease-spot yodeler. People are what make this shitball tolerable. Some ovm.
RIght now we're in the era of stupid jokes, and I'm getting tired of it, personally. It's not enough.
they export to the US? never seen one. maybe back in the 60s. https://t.co/ENyEK0lz6O
"feasible" lol. so you're a coward. the truth is whatever's popular, eh? https://t.co/EPCBAoUZ6R
can someone smarter than me tell me if this is real? https://t.co/2ybMt5jwH4
yes. hitler was a good guy. he tried to protect whites against the jews who created communism and slaughtered 60m https://t.co/sh0dICJYvH
And your state is 100% jewed, as reflected in your speech law, among other. https://t.co/d6Z6stsf9x
three or four seconds of that communist kike would surely be enough, no? https://t.co/Z5pyvUcSI6
who is that cross eyed mope? https://t.co/J6F6nzNfOe
Europe will be gone in two and two! https://t.co/l8gmSX5o3b
i would have preferred Herve for the noble if diminutive factotutum of the rich corinthian one, but eSTAY! will do https://t.co/no46mEjBeq
hey kids, let's try a syllogism jews think nazis were evil jews call normal whites nazis jews think normal white are _____ can u guess?
i bet i can guess YOUR position on aborting Down babies https://t.co/SipmLTGbYO
you know that 'holocaust' is a scam. but so are 'diaspora' and 'pogrom.' all jewish claims about history are lies
things there's not a dime's worth of difference between: - English - Irish - Catholic Church - Englightenment - Republicans - Democrats
Enlightenment / Catholicism are same thing - liberal universalism. Both make same mistake on jews: that conversion/citizenship cures them.
why do so many fat women operate on the theory that if they upend a bottle of crushed flower juice on their chins we'll think they're thin?
reasonable points in moderate tones. let those be your watchworkds, fine people the revolution will be Dockersized #TeamKhaki
you dont think that "i'm a worthless sinner" doesnt translate into jew-servitude & sexual abnormalcy? well, friend, it does. #crosscucks
and did a one-man tango. his invisible partner? Destiny. https://t.co/yXs96b21Mh
Dennis Hastert's verion of the Fosbury flop involves throwing his ponderous belly over the head of a 12 year old.
i come here for the strudel. i stay for the wisdom. https://t.co/LpgvoQTS16
we also would have accepted Jheri "Barnum" Taylor https://t.co/vMAP7dHBXC
No, no there's totally an afterlife. Reality is what you want it to be. https://t.co/BJawcJBAZD
New York shrimpballed it big time when it came to truth about jews, as you say. And that includes Trump. https://t.co/3woct89Y7q
his wife doesn't understand him like i do... his nose has needs! https://t.co/flS89m4UjF
Merle Haggard! I just dig the concept, even. It dont git no Americaner than that, boy howdy. #wryandtight
i swear...maybe i'm just old, but i swear conservatives were not as f'ing stupid back in 1978 as they are today
conceived and written by jews, and blamed on ted kennedy by cowardly punch pullers #anncoulter https://t.co/yuLPtPvWkC
This guy comes from nowhere and is made a player by jewsmedia overnight. That totally just happens. https://t.co/IQFscGUk2U
Merle Haggard: Best Songs Of Merle Haggard - Greatest Hits Full Album Of... https://t.co/lr0Yg1R8uc via @YouTube
economics question: if jameequa is paid $15 an hour, how many McDoubles at what price must be sold to cover her wages for 1 day?
if the point of racialism is to subsidize white losers, then why bother? we already have christianity for that.
my forebears created america. your rinky-twink European fashism is benito-come-lately, and it isn't appropriate for my country
the problem with media isnt that they're unfair or biased, it's that they're owned and managed by jews bent on #whitegenocide
jews control too much retail to make boycotting worthwhile except in sense of 'buy less' - better would be White kosher symbol equivalent
master list of jews master list of whiteskins (whites who serve the jew in promoting #whitegenocide) Helpful conceptions from #TeamWhite
the moral high ground belongs to whoever controls tv. it's not some objective thing https://t.co/NrlvEf8mmg
principle: we are White (not x cult or y political position) principle: our enemy is jew principle: exclude jews 100% from our organizations
on top of that, impurity, as these loserfools call it, DOESNT WORK. https://t.co/QZ8jQqjbJq
"i cant use my real name because..." hey, man. that's the price. if you "can't" (won't) pay it, that's simply not my concern
nature students say 99% of species that ever existed on earth are extinct. i will help any force that adds jews & blacks to that pile
if you value race, then together we must form a #TeamWhite. christianity doesn't value race. jews do. that's why they're winning
death before disillusion - the tacit christian motto christians lack the will to perceive reality, let alone alter it
the idea that the problem with the media is that they're unfair or biased is a deliberate lie spread by controlled conservatives #loxism
the refusal to make distinctions seems to have no natural stopping point, has now bravely taken on bathroom apartheid
master list of whiteskin journalists who push the jewish agenda in order to advance their career #CucksList
jews superintend the organized murder of europe while whining about antisemitism and instructing controlled opposition to shriek at musims
no one can force you to serve jews. you do that because you dont know better or you're too weak. get smart. get strong. dont be a #crosscuck
if your finger moves when you tell it, then what need have ye of some 'god' https://t.co/YOV6VMTHBI
never yet heard of one of these mouse pizzles taking it up with the pedophile they call preacher https://t.co/f0KgWySerk
Skunky McDoof compiles an enemies list... https://t.co/nobO4efrqi
distinctions are scary and frightening. i think we should just agree to believe everybody is the same, and ignore evidence to contrary
that goes for traditionalism & conservatism too "we lose a little on each sale, but we make it up in volume" https://t.co/HjoGfn64nA
common sense tells you it's a bad idea to stick somalis in Flyover USA. common sense also tells you the elite know this.
April 08, 2016:
if your instinct is to attack muslims rather than jews - you're too weak for politics, both mentally and characterwise
feeling guilty and needing someone to save you - this is not Aryan thought. this is not how the unpoisoned whites mentates #TeamWhite
conservatism is a psycho-sexual problem, ultimately https://t.co/AyVNxFBhCa
Christianity = liberalism, for it cedes the spiritual validity of #antiwhite races, and lays groundwork for political equality.
jews don't ever abandon their agenda because they "like" someone whereas even the top whites like Kevin MacDonald do this all the time
"Cuckservative" should be attempt to SHAME whites by pointing out they serve JEWS by throwing their OWN PEOPLE (RACE) under the bus.
learn the history of leo frank, and the creation of the ADL to defend him, and you will understand why extinction is the only solution
#HeroBreivik gave Norway the kick in the ass it needed, although a few more wouldn't hurt. #MakeNorwayWhitesOnly
that's good, but you can do better. come on niggers, i'm pulling for you. https://t.co/iG6tdAUdHj
much of the 'alt' is controlled too https://t.co/PwN77UcZ6s
in the 70s, rural missouri had nothing but unwanted brush and dilapidated barns. now there is a lot of money there https://t.co/KIoIiZucLV
americans tend to reduce everything to a battle of pesonalities. yeah it's totally Obama doing this, not 120 years of jews
if people are biologically prone to conformism, as most whites are, then it's a battle between elites over who gets to impregnate them
ideas help people make sense of what they see. that's why jews flock to media: their twisted lies cant survive without 'official' backing
It may be crude reduction but it is absolutely necessary to convey to all good whites: what you want - is White. What you hate - is Jew.
Short of killing jews, what we can do that matters is make it crystal clear to the meanest intelligence that jews are the root problem.
Jews don't have any new tricks. Nor, far as I can see, do they need any. Whites never learn. #MuhJebus Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
#HeroBreivik: "he methodically stalked and killed many of the 600 up-and-coming leaders of Labour, Norway's dominant political party"
It is noble, honorable and necessary to fight jews. #TeamWhite is for self-disciplined heroes, not middle-class khaki-dabblers.
Jews allow only a very limited, non-racial criticism of the (black/muslim) tools they use to destroy white society, and none of themselves.
Fake friends and weaklings are worse than enemies. If you're not willing to be part of a #TeamWhite, it's best you simply shut up.
It begins with public acknowlegement that our cause is racial. And that our enemy is the jew. End era of evasions. https://t.co/tUvYQo9LTN
Christianity cant defeat jews because it doesn't acknowledge their being a different species. They're just men who need the jebus, like all.
In my inbox. What does it mean? No idea. (1/3) "A group of Black politicians led by Dr Fuad Khan have been bribing public officials
What Hitler did was build a racial team to take on jews. This is why they hate and fear him. He figured out how to defeat #TeamJew
Whites have no racial network, just a limp, indefensible cult of 'love.' Thus when they encounter jews, sharp and organized, their eyes open
conservative isn't a position, it just means gofer for the jews (at the top) and cowardly moron (at the bottom) #tcot #TeamWhite
finally, a news service we can trust https://t.co/DT53JJid67
apart from alger hiss, almost all the ones he named, accurately, as communists, were jews. hence the spitting hatred https://t.co/OjduZIEr20
April 07, 2016:
Jew Jeremy Piven made the mistake of playing fruity nutball with jew Charlie Sheen. This horriscary chimera resulted https://t.co/gB2bJV4n4d
Good post. Paul Fussell discusses this in "Class." The WASP angle is important. Muzak...painters of light... https://t.co/VnyT0CJJES
men who founded the US were self-reliant. today men are trained to "need" the state for everything and trust simplest decisions to "experts"
why i'm not a fascist: the idea of "nothing outside the state" - take away race, this is pretty much what we have now in USA, and it sucks
April 06, 2016:
aka jewish big lie https://t.co/bcsGD7xSdY
does their behavior match or belie those words? https://t.co/NoHdoEdmuN
just like commies, christians are forever saying "those aren't real christians." they're pendant-wearing morons, so yes, yes they are
if jews feared xtianity, a) wouldnt have invented it, b) would have smashed it like nazism. they know they have in it perfect fake foil
you need to lick some muslim feet and get your head straight, brother https://t.co/CsGNK3Sjbf
whites dont know who they are or where they are going. most are in the grips of a pernicious delusion. They need a #TeamWhite
this is real-world washington dc. these are the kikes you truckle before, christian america https://t.co/w55kNvQ3Iu
"The Aryan spirit is innately aristocratic and heroic." --Revilo Oliver (The Enemy of Our Enemies, p. 45)
whites need to grow up and give up their delusion addictions and start facing the facts of life. It's #TeamJew vs #TeamWhite
subtle point is: even when whites are under attack as ethnic group (germans) it's a cover for an assault on entire race: all whites r Nazis
"i dont believe the jews...except when they say something i want to believe. like the church persecuted jews." --avg 'wn xtian' clown
that's what the dolts believe. because they want to believe it. it is factually incorrect. jews demanded ghettos. https://t.co/yUqGTs4t4L
If psychological manipulation (propaganda) didnt work to a good extent, jews wouldnt beeline to media in white lands https://t.co/PVXJ7QJTjp
boy that faggot would fit right in today https://t.co/xt8lpBqL7H
April 05, 2016:
Benji is a Real American, and you're an antisemitic cat turd! #tcot https://t.co/iV47HD2CH3
jews claim the church persecuted jews. as with virtually everything jews say, this is not just a lie but the opposite of the truth
christianity has an unbroken historical record of protecting JEWS from justly enraged mobs of WHITES
Just look a the intelligence and wisdom shining out of those black faces. You could start a zoo with these preople. https://t.co/5akcShyBwl
while all these whiteskin midgets make ridiculous imaginary distinctions between jews, they treat us all as one pathetic lump of dumb
most people on "our" side see nothing wrong with mixing with jews or those who make excuses for them. it's so hard to figure why we dont win
and the giant helicopter swooped down, gathered up all the dirty jew commies, and the rest of the world lived happily every after
with our gift of khaki, we'll convert the whole world to christ-normality and strong white teeth and weak gray brains n clclick BOOM
have you ever in your life seen a sign anywhere that said "white males encouraged to apply"? i've seen a thousand said women & minorities
Soon we'll back in tiny landlocked villages, forced to buy shitty guild products, unable to travel 20 miles fm home. https://t.co/OtwCKyDKXH
what qualifies me to be dictator? many things, but probably my innate love of kicking my enemies out of helicopters is #1!
well his lips got tired after 3-4 verses https://t.co/DwNRX95ROu
there is no human species, there are multiple species. and they are incompatible. the christian lies you're addicted to dont change that
"we shouldn't allow our worst enemy inside our camp" YOUR PURITANISM IS THE PROBLEM. LET EVERYONE DO HIS OWN THING. #TeamMoron
all mainstream utilities are #antiwhite https://t.co/YEPabu9QS5
Nossig believed that a single drop of jewblood poisoned whites for generations https://t.co/dL9c0eVHUJ
to people of bible, jew is whoever they dont like. they really are that mentally weak and just plain childish https://t.co/29u3HIDeFv
at least you admit it: you're fully qualified for admission to israel. both jew and nazi would consider you a jew https://t.co/scNtMylK4z
this is why we need make all would-be chalk buyers produce two (2) forms of photo ID. this is serious stuff, folks https://t.co/5bu3ffg1Oj
April 04, 2016:
Christianity is the triumph of dysgenics https://t.co/KAKkfwCrso
why is that nigger so fat? https://t.co/Yc8xgH6WWj
"Thou shalt not race mix." Which commandment is that again? Where does the jebus promote that policy in human words?
i give up. how high does the IQ have to be to grasp that universalist religion is inherently opposed to a specific-racial group?
imbecile https://t.co/KvkU9colBN
listen to christian radio and its jay sekulow. it is to laugh. these people never get it. https://t.co/GAVYWB1y3K
afraid the shaigetz will stop dying for israel, bubele? https://t.co/XwWNBjZiCL
Our pride alone should prevent us from allowing jews to dominate our Europe and destroy our future. #TeamWhite
They do. If they don't they should. It's accurate. You're either #TeamWhite or #Teamjew https://t.co/NlqRzSlTm5
April 03, 2016:
no one ever says anything good about jews behind their back. what does that tell you about them & the others? twist hunter: #FearAndLoxism
Two words for that: Fuck and Yeah. https://t.co/jURiTI8TnJ
Jews are like a mask that, through Donald Trump, the White Body that is America is trying its damnedest to rip off.
the 'people' who let them in (jews and whiteskin traitors) must be liquidated as a class. cut the kikehead off and replace with White head
jebus p christ even one of those FNL (famous nigger ladies) said: when someone shows you what they are..BELIEVE THEM https://t.co/7B81KTrN98
the organization that admits jews will soon enough be taken over by them. remains as true today as when first stated decades ago
all jews do is set up fake fronts and coopt people. "by way of deception" is their MO, from mossad down
Great. Get up from a lovely Sunday nap, find someone hacked my Twitter account and made 12.1K anti-jew posts. #muhNotMeMan #cringeNRetreet
looks like jeremy piven going the charlie sheen route https://t.co/VjnJrxToi4
sweet jebus, that hatted creature makes ellis wiesel look honest https://t.co/gVr2rGage4
#TeamJew laughs at your stupid face that you dont realize "right wing" "conservatives" like Ben Shapiro work only for us.
Here's a truth that's too deep for the Miss Kittys of the world to handle: the jews like seeing whites suffer, be tortured, raped & killed
All the world asks is the leader not be too corrupt, actually believe what he's saying. And that's too much 100% of time with xtians & cons.
Christian preachers don't have the balls to lecture their obese-moron assemblies. Real preacher sound like...well...me.
The jews have never had to search very far to find a whitegoy willing to betray his own kind for money. Sad truths from #TeamWhite
The catholic fantasy that humans are the same species resulted, as it must, in the subversion of the church by jews. Sicut Judaeis D'oh
I have more respect (and understanding, I fancy) for Hitler than most 'nazis,' but I have a different path I think will work better.
All jews are liars, see below https://t.co/32XxWQLlXY
You believe jebus came back from the dead? You have compromised your integrity by acceding in a lie. You are a low creature. #TeamWhite
Don't say things you won't stand behind. Then you won't have to apologize. If you back your words, the opposition will shatter on your rock.
People fear jews. People laugh at conservatives. Take your politics from winners - Jews and Nazis. not from cowards - conservatives. #tcot
There are tens of millions of Nigerian Christians. They have accomplished...what? Now, chilluns...what can we infer from this? #TeamWhite
Telling the jew, in effect, his petticoat is showing (re his double standards) is like saying that to Sarah Silverman. Elicits only laughter
#AnnCoulter knows the full truth about jews. Which is what 'nazis' say it is. She won't speak it publicly because it would lower her income.
Fear is the starting point for understanding how politics actually works. People just don't like to discuss cowardice, but it is necessary.
you dont believe the media? but the media are controlled -- 100% -- by jews. this means you're an anti-semite. are you scared now? #tcot
Land of the free. Not that you can ask your real estate agent if a neighborhood's full of niggers or anything. #AmeriKwa
As a White man, I have something in common with a white man in Auckland, New Zealand. And nothing in common with Barack Obama or jew Emanuel
Europe has distinct nations yet is one, spiritually and culturally - against the jew. We must come together, Europe & colonies, as TeamWhite
wwii was Jew vs Europe; or, TeamWhite vs TeamJew. Those are the players that matter. Rest is waterbug politics & foolish petty nationalism
Conservatives are a biological stratum. they follow the leader, whether he is a Nazi like Hitler or a Nazi like Netanyahu
we're dealing with different spiritual/character/temperament creatures and classes, and these things dont change
Read what Hitler said at https://t.co/VFenRI9Juw . It's still more cutting-edge than anything any rightist has come up with since. Why? Types
"Only jews are entitled to survival. All other races must amalgamate Complaining about this marks you as anti-Semite." --Jon Podhoretz
the what-will-the-neighbors-think crowd is what gave jews the opening, and pandering to them will not produce serious change
you lose your character and integrity when you accede in lies. the claims christianity makes are just that - lies.
christianity is just soft-serve jewism. Semitical Correctness forces you to accede to lies...xtianity lulls you into them
there's a word for hating everyone & every group except whites - the only group against which real hatred exists and is encouraged. #loxism
Miss Kitty doesn't realize he's only about the 1,000,000th limpist to trod that particular path of fail. https://t.co/363ECjq86i
They are without soul who can hear the story of jebus without laughing. #GrimWeepers #TheBoobLugubrious
perfect example of how xtianity bends any which way. it was used by the confeds (and abolitionists), now against it https://t.co/JQnzNcFSXl
You can accept reality or reject it. Former leads to rightism, latter to leftism. Atheism, which concerns a single point, is rightist.
All the cucks serving the jews, the #cuckservatives, find me one (1) that isn't a christian. It's a cult of cucks.
Like our superannuated third-base coach Harry used to scream at us, LETS GET SOME LIFE IN OUR PANTS! #TeamWhite
jews aren't conservative or liberal. they're jews. That's their 'party.' That's their 'position.' Capiche, nut of numb?
Lift and separate the white racial cause from cowardly, servile conservatism, and delusional, childish christ-insanity. #TeamWhite
the pervading irony is that racialists, 90% of them, dont take seriously the idea, which is a fact, that jews are a different race
jew mentality: of course we have double standard. we have the power to hurt you and help us. we'll give that up? becuz "unfair". lol-snort.
what's perfect opposition to a jew? someone who whines about unfairness and double standards never intending to do anything about it #tcot
jews know they are hypocrites. pointing it out to them -- to them -- just makes you appear an idiot. and a weak idiot.
whites childishly -- and the irony here is, even the racialists -- assume that jews are mentally just like they are, hence will respond same
someone give me one piece of evidence that jews are concerned in the slightest about hypocrisy or unfairness there is none. they dont care
'equality' isnt what drives left, rather inversion of old hierarchy: jews on top, muds in middle, whites below
the jew is just like me. very concerned with appearances. doesn't want to seem hypocritical or unfair. wrong! the jew is nothing like you.
Life is about fighting and laughing, not being a mushy faggot. Shake off the pewstink, white faggot. Drop the cross, become a man.
jews are a race of lying shits that needs to be counter-exterminated before it destroys everything worthwhile. no xtian will say that.
christian, in functional terms, means lack of character. it means putting a woman's idea of "nice" ahead of the adult man's truth
Jebus. Really.Walked on water. Died for your sins. Came back from the dead. And all this recorded in a book written by jews. You don't say
the reason you're losing, whites, is you dont respect yourselves. you have allowed christianity to gerbilize your character
#cuckservative should have but one meaning: a whiteskin who serves jews by pushing their #antiwhite agenda
Audiobooks (text + commentary) page for the Learning College (a college to raise up noble, mentally adult Whites) https://t.co/i0ElTRdhRK
Imperium by Francis Parker Yockey (pdf) https://t.co/AoAq6sjvLt audiobook by A. Linder https://t.co/ldI1Z2LNgn https://t.co/nskc6iKyib
i want to be treated like a child, held to no intellectual or character standards. that's why i became a christian: no standards
whiteskins throw their own race under Diversity Bus to curry favor with ruling jews and advance their own careers https://t.co/0yOjLDAKTr
giant audiobook library... https://t.co/fMQ5Px1cdQ #audiobooks
Considerable evidence supports claims of Jewish Ritual Murder https://t.co/QjFm9O6sAm #jewishmurder #bloodlibel #jewishritualmurder #jrm
not one christfag has the courage or just plain character to make a straightforward, accurate summary like this https://t.co/G4h1eqKtQ5
April 02, 2016:
Traditionalists pick and choose the traditions they support. They've simply, like progressives, arrogated a name that begs the question.
hitler addressed enemies/public directly outdoors; conservatives sniff each others' farts in shabby conference rooms https://t.co/HrZwqih3O2
woke Whites intellectually affirm jews are a different race, but have real difficulty not expecting they should meet white standards
racialists have an easy time accepting nigs are a different race, and this explains behaviors. but a hard time seeing this for jews
it's the WASP mentality, thinking that the same thing that embarrasses someone like Miss Kitty will also shame a jew. no. different race.
jews know they're unfair. they know they're nothing but doubletalking liars. they dont think we will do anything about it. except pt it out
April 01, 2016:
the problem with traditionalism is it means religious-level commitment to repeating mistakes. otherwise youre a hated rationalist
what does #MakeAmericaGreatAgain mean? well, in practical terms, a meadowlark on every fence, and mexican food in bellies of alligator gars
if we point out their double standard, i'm sure jews will abandon the 3000yo dual code that made them richest/most powerful group in world
An ancient site spotted from space could rewrite the history of Vikings in North America https://t.co/iYT25J8BLl
the main social utility of xtianity thru the ages is supplying us quality ejaculations: "oh fer crissakes."
that is the true viking spirit https://t.co/RKjdJ4nhco
be Heroic. have a Spirit. have a Soul. dont be a Fag. we have too many Fags. a veritable Surfeit. https://t.co/3q25GP8VJl
there is no honest whiteskin struggling to makes its way out of that lying jew you petition for fairness, altfairy dope. do u even race bro?
all goyleftists are striving toward the mental and physical condition of Jim Jones pewsters after refreshments
"The choice of enemy is the most important decision in the entire realm of activity called Politics." --Francis Yockey
take what the jews says and reverse it. about 99% of the time you'll have the truth. since jews control mass media, works there too
one of those public school teachers that sleeps with students https://t.co/SbVBKPSLe8
it's like one of those spider couplings where the male is about 1/10th the size of female https://t.co/SbVBKQam5G
how can he be an atheist jew, #tcot simpletons? https://t.co/GcFhyCoHq9
I put on my J.C. Penney togs. I scrub my pink round face. I eat a plate of flapjacks at IHOP. I attending Baptist service. I am Mike Goodman
christian universalism is pushed in all white areas, whether secular in Monday schools or religious in Sunday schools
if you try to argue with jews, or change them, OR THINK THEY CAN CHANGE you are a mental christian whether you realize it or not
there is no historical evidence jews can change their behavior (lying & nation-wrecking). there is every evidence they're innate destroyers
the white conservative attitude, common to more than 50% of racialists, is that jews are unreclaimed whiteland. rather than real creatures
exterminating jews is, paradoxically, the only respectful way to treat them - from the standpoint of races victimized by them
there's no point arguing with jews, they cant change what they are. wouldnt that kind of be the point of racialism?
listen, dopes. jews exist. but christ-poisoned simpletons think in every lying jew is an honest white man struggling to get out.
dat boy got Southron IHOP baptist written all over him. nickname Wrench https://t.co/FiDmulugh1
a career girl is someone like #AnnCoulter who puts her personal financial interests over the truth, by pulling punches about jewish agenda
jews destroy whites by forcing niggers among them. cuckservatives are career girls who go along with whitegenocide to further their careers
cuck has already degenerated into a generic epithet, which is a shame. it should mean WHITES who serve jews by fav-ing blax over own race
your little goober dream of happy pappy nationalism each in its own little fairspace is not how reality works, Clueless Clem Clodhopper
99% of species that ever existed are EXTINCT. this is the most significant political FACT in the entirely of reality
white idiot, say Ramz altfright level, wants nationalism for all countries. jew wants world domination who wins this fight? #TeamWhite
i love how whites point out jew double standards like this is supposed to evoke some fairness response in them. (1/2)
jews are a race of congenital liars that needs to be put down like rabid dogs https://t.co/2SDWyH5wlx
in jew-controlled publications, go to the paragraph one up from the bottom to find the truth the rest of the article is at pains to reverse
no one from india is allowed to follow me unless you provide documented proof you wash behind your ears once a month
the right are largely weak, suggestible people. their good qualities are largely negatives - they aren't aggressive liars
KILL THEM ALL. It is God's way.* And He's never wrong, I'm told. *99% of species that ever existed on earth are today extinct.
March 31, 2016:
jew milo does what every other jew "reporter" does: he puts the truth, or nod to it, in the second to last paragraph
#anncoulter writes fawning praise of the Littlest Chickenhawk (benny shapiro) and the altright just looks the other way.
God condoned genocide when he invented Nature. If you're against exterminating jews, you're unnatural as a faggot and irreligious as atheist
"one day mankind will blow itself up, and the only remaining trace will be a moon plaque saying Richard Milhous Nixon" - Vonnegut (paraphr.)
Duran Duran? https://t.co/4dJz1T047t
I don't know what a scoundrel is like, but I know what a respectable man is like, and it's enough to make one's flesh creep. --de Maistre??
that moonpie faced cretinherd makes me vomit copiously https://t.co/upiBfqEbEq
he's right, bu leaves out the racial angle because he's a jew himself. PC = jews ritually denouncing-berating whites https://t.co/6JrYtYZuJP
you should feel extremely outraged that some little pinhead microshrimp race like benjis are telling our might folk that we dont EXIST?
jew milo's artcle about the alt-right is a rundown, and ok, but evaded or unnoticed is main point: THE WHITE BODY IS LOOKING FOR ITS hEAD
There 10,000 of them...and 100,000,000 of us. can you dig it? my brother CAN YOU DIG IT. CAAAAAN YOOOOOOOOUUU DIIIIIIGGGG ITTTTTT!!!
i wish conservatives were half as concerned about fidelity to valuable principles as they are about some politician's wayward pecker
what a tough guy. withdraws his film. this world... you ever see a jew apologize for anything? is that maybe why they have the power
i'm not racist...it's not racist... stop fighting off your back foot. forget what you're called and focus on punching the fuck out of THEM
proof the media can write factually about illegal aliens, so long as they're a different species: ..."first documented evidence of invasive
the media under jews have grown increasingly hateful and contemptuous toward whites. they shriek "Nazi!" when uppity whites answer in kind
dont know how old you are, but i believe things have gotten a good deal harsher since the 80s, and since trayvon https://t.co/7amBrpTlRD
Leftist jews call decline symptoms 'progress.' Gaslighting. Rightist jews (gottfried, auster) agree it's decline, but NOT caused by jews lol
The only 'new' thing in politics would be a party that open advocates FOR whites AGAINST the jews trying to #whitegenocide them. #TeamWhite
The jews who appear to be on some vague 'our' side have but one actual intention: to mislead you that jews aren't behind #whitegenocide.
Hitler didn't go around talking about anti-Germans and anti-whites, he talked about jews. Straightforward is the White way. Be that way.
some of you who have subcontracted your thinking to the wizened panderer - lil hint: he's not very good at it. call them jews. that works.
there are two groups in american 'conservartism' - organized jews and career girls (of both sexes) who are afraid of them
jews lol-left and lol-right agree: we must work as one to prevents whites from ever having anything like what we have in israel #TeamWhite
cathy young = ekaterina jung. like ben shapiro and hoff summers.. #TeamJew trying to nip any #TeamWhite in bud https://t.co/xd7IyG5xEJ
conservatives progress backwards at a stately pace. the stately part is what matters. we always lose, but we look good doing it. we fancy.
ask him to name one position conservatism has defended. christ, they now support buttfags getting "married" https://t.co/cqZcl3sBOS
it is objectively necessary to treat conservatives like curs. it's the only way they respond. regardless of how you personally feel about it
#AnnCoulter is a coward. She knows the truth about jews - that they're murdering the white race. But fears to speak it publicly.
whites are ever so slowly coming around to this accurate conclusion https://t.co/JSl8rvQAsr
Understanding politics means simply this: grasping that BERNIE SANDERS & BEN SHAPIRO are both starting forwards for #TeamJew
imagine small cells of 3-5 men all across any particular white land. and these eliminated significant members of the class genociding whites
The minute whites are willing to kill their enemies to regain independence - then a whole new world opens up. #TeamWhite #heroBreivik
white interests? that's not a thing. white existence? that's not a thing. jewish hatred of whites? that's not a thing. #loxism
all jews. all willing to use the last drop of your blood and the last penny in your pocket to advance Israel #tcot https://t.co/pVeCJXZcs0
There is no meaningful difference between Bernie Sanders and Ben Shapiro. Until you grasp this, you are clueless about politics. #TeamJew
#tcot retardates - you all need to see what the yids you service actually believe. you cowardly losers https://t.co/D7l8g4Md57
The Polack who bet on the replay was still two standard deviations more intelligent than the American conservative. #tcot
the jews who did this must be slaughtered. every last one https://t.co/yNcEJF6Frl
some group is leading america the wrong way, for decades, against the will of the majority. and that group is jews. #TeamJew
if america is going the wrong way (or your country) and one group dominates the politics (for decades)...what conclusion can be drawn?
JEW podhorez JEW milo JEW hoff summers JEW shapiro JEW the grabbed cunt "reporter" and on and on and on and on and "American" politics lol
arent they holding him up on their shoulders? https://t.co/3VvCsgh5L7
they have the recordings, this clown is simply a liar https://t.co/0VFjgSCgQa
March 30, 2016:
see kids when you have a hierarchy, you have a potentate who really looks after his nation like a family. https://t.co/BgcfL8LCGc
If that fat-faced fraud Alex Jones went the Caitlin Jenner route... https://t.co/aMigndwK2s
Cuxtianity. come for the jebus. stay for the cameltoe #crosscux https://t.co/HfNUM5togg
anyone who prefers england to missouri is mentally defective https://t.co/6qIqlfigbi
you're trying to use reason on niggers. that's unreasonable. https://t.co/koXYPfUcp9
med school admissions should be discussed more https://t.co/0NLmh7O09P
classic fleur du mal that can only thrive in feministed legal environment https://t.co/kQLYe8HbEm
Hamilton Nolan (non jew commie, far as I know, 1/3): "Here we have one of America’s major political parties publicly preparing to demonstr
whiteskin communist pretty accurately describes the attempted jewing of Trump. without calling it that. of course. https://t.co/a7M35t0ukt
kasich is an atrocious little cunt. no one could be more obnoxiously servile than little fake-butter mccain
hitler was a bad man who wanted to take over europe and fill it with normal white people. bad hitler. bad bad
we're replacing the high quality germans they normally serve with some super duper folgers syrian blend. let's see if anyone notices!
and ledeen is a jew, isnt he https://t.co/9zFu9y1u9J
christians wont even defend _christians_ against jews and moslems, yet clowns on here tell me the cult defends the white race?
those muslims are awful. yes, they sure are. but the jews are worse. and they have power. #TeamWhite
as a retrofuturist living in the moment, i really dont think kings or niggers should be allowed to vote
see, kiddies, the cause is racial. and #altright would keep it trapped in the birth canal between conservatism and real-world racialism
the best way to kill racialism might be to make it boring. and here the jews are well aided in securing the services of richard meh-spencer
#altright is mostly just faggots making goofy faces as they try to sit on the imaginary chair between conservatism and racialism
it just feels true https://t.co/ffherOc8Rt
Whites united can't be defeated. Would be my guess. I would also guess that is why the govt is so hot to prevent #TeamWhite from forming.
do you whiteskin assclowns in NE not grasp that yids just like nice ol bernie murdered 10s of millions of your kind last centry?
i often ponder, what is wrong with my race, that it can't see a Bernie for what it is? it cannot all be brainwashing
we also would accepted a gallimaufry of nostrums https://t.co/tj8CIevWL6
Ted hovered over the hill. he looked both ways. twice. began to snort. at a disturbingly rapid rate, ants began to fly up his nose
hiring blacks as background dancers in Electric Boogaloo II? good idea letting blacks have political power? very, very bad idea
do any of you #tradcranks ever look on the muslim-licking pope and get some reality-oriented thoughts about hierarchy? i'm guessing no
I am a one-man majority, and I say #loxism is the hatred that defines our times. And what's more I'm right, and YOU KNOW I'M RIGHT.
i'm not a cathoholic either, but i know that fulton sheen was the model for Dr. Seuss' grinch https://t.co/vQdZgUqlwz
we hairin' like this cuz we don have none. yu du boo. so was dat shit an respet it https://t.co/TzOTijT68J
defend your friends, attack your enemies. moderation in all things. Solid life-ways from classic greece, no jebus cuntery needed at-so-all
jew Erdeley's mess back in news... https://t.co/aRIsMNTmeb it slinks away in background, leaves white nut to take fall
well i'm sure the pope will have some strong words, once he's done licking muslim feet https://t.co/iS2zc4hwuD
did you ask greggy if he's a faggot, or tastefully evade that necessary question? https://t.co/fqDiDq9137
it's like a missing particle in physics - politics would be absolutely incomprehensible save for this (((hidden))) factor
There are people who acknowledge jews are The Problem. And there are clowns. There is no third group. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
the point is whites (the half that can make out the prob) see something and then come up with some gutless evasion https://t.co/SVrwoK8x7u
Americas great lakes are failing our Africans. #LakeSuperiorIsRacist https://t.co/KQf6o2nR8V
Conservative intellectual: he thinks anything in latin is therefore smart, just as liberal girl thinks fashionable glasses = intelligent
faileocons are simply old neutered tabby cats. you kids should keep your balls. jews are the problem. fight them or it's just clownage
notice how this nonpolitical jew grasps in five seconds what these conservative faggots cant get to in a lifetime https://t.co/l2SE1Pi2GR
the reversal of what certain fools have said is closer to the truth: anyone telling you to "keep it legal" is likelier to be a govt agent
"Controlled opposition." "Right-wing" jews are nothing but Washington Generals to #TeamJew's Globetrotters. They're BUILT TO LOSE.
Altright can't decide if jews are friends or enemies. This is what makes #altright a clown movement. Jew exclusion is the portal to Serious
jews like Gottfried and Hoff Summers exist and are made figures precisely in order to channel angry whites away from the jew truth
what did jew Gottfried do when he had the power at Takimag? He banned all criticism of jews. yet #altright clowns welcome his participation
what various simps and career girls pretend not to recognize is that jews send out folks like hoff summers to create/control the opposition
modern medicine has allowed trash population to grow, whiteskin as well as negroid https://t.co/fNMBRdckv7
OMG, so surprised a jew went jew on us. Are white people genetically incapable of grasping that #TeamJew is a real, functional thing?
She's a jew. You're still a little kid in your soul, McBeal. https://t.co/SeVv4ypIdw
if we can even agree on who goes in what bathroom, it's probably time to quit bullshitting ourselves and get on w the civil war
we can't equal his achievements...or admit that...but perhaps we can destroy what he built... #FuckingWhiteMale #TeamJew
you have to decide if you are Big or Small, white man. and if Big, as i hope, then that has serious implications for how you behave and live
it's much too late in the day for anything as tepid as #altright what if Trump's not elected? this is the problem with personality politics
she's keeping belgium fit by eating all the carbs herself https://t.co/HiJ1UwoVCD
Any group or movement which tolerates jews isn't new and isn't a genuine alternative. It's just the latest sidetracking of dull goyim.
"a gay man of Jewish descent" --Milo Yiannopoulos describing himself https://t.co/mZj98dQX8p
“The tireless attempts of you Jews to smear us decent Nazis is shameful.” Supertwink and dimestore Robbins attempt to mischannel/coopt
altright fawns over ann coulter who fawns over benji shapiro meet the new slave, same as the old slave
altright is just new wave of faileocons https://t.co/dSbZDSTW5w
jews are shitting themselves at the thought of the first American president since (at least) the guy before FDR
all right. you pass the spot check. carry on with vigor! https://t.co/enbbmPW8ey
no shit. GOP is controlled by jews. and serves their agenda. has been that way for decades. https://t.co/MjXIEw1Aku
He majored in Dr. Seuss. https://t.co/PpRVadRIC4
and believe me, if trump is killed, the lugenpress will 100% say he brought it on himself. they have pre-justified it by their hateful lies
the fingered cunt is of a class with the stage attacker - they know the jewsmedia will take their side and make them famous
From South Texas to Greece, jews facilitate the invasion and murder of white nations. https://t.co/LyJumtLrPo https://t.co/SHWfTNabvi
Can any of them read? https://t.co/Dr385MCrWf
completely wrong. muslims in white lands are a result of jews opening the borders. jews control immigration in west. https://t.co/vsfMJhRW9z
March 29, 2016:
just a bunch of liars and thieves. i dont laugh at all. makes me look the fool when i contrast racialist w xtians. https://t.co/pfEaOHyrbe
Nestor Pilantius (1563-1604) is widely considered the first modern human to dream on paper he had pillow large enough to smother the world.
altright...it's not enough to drag yourself out of the jewer. you need to get in the shower. #Altright motto: go meh or go home
jews arent like you. if you're white. not at all. have you even considered this? not if you're an ordinary conservative. #tcot
jews are loyal to jews and the jew agenda. stop trying to interpret them by looking in the mirror. #altright #tcot
we need to copy japans proscription of muslims and expand it to jews #FTW https://t.co/CdEfoj0FUB
cite the christian doctrine making interracial marriage, love, anything taboo. https://t.co/ZflJa54cmO
the modern left. 2 jezebel headlines capture the mentality: 1) yr batshit crazy if you want murdered babies to at least get anaesthesia; 2)
wow...ultimate juxto here for you graphicists: jezebel lamenting abortion anesthesia, then whining about the lol-pinched cunt
40 progressives stood around looking at each other. would they mock or copy the New Thing. nervous! you see why they obsess on 'authentic'
at least 2/3 of #altright thinks same way. jew benji isn't a republican or conservative, he's a jew. https://t.co/W1kHntjYmQ
definition of whiteskin traitor https://t.co/J8YjZCDC5D
good example of widespread conservative cluelessness. shapiro's base is jews. he's a functional player for #TeamJew https://t.co/KbS51xvC6Z
Like your toast some way. OMG: weird. disturbed. insane. https://t.co/rQhIywKTcu #nopersonality
That faggot Dale Carnegie turned America into faggots with How to Win Friends and Influence People: Grin, Yield, Repeat.
political parties are fronts for manipulation, in jew eyes. but to whites they're as dead serious as NFL teams
you dont grasp they all go to the same synagogue? https://t.co/8O83rabBU5
jews always side with discolored criminals against white nations. https://t.co/LyJumtLrPo A helpful message from #TeamWhite
does that include #antiwhite jews or just muslims? https://t.co/pjbveJ7OFD
America has long been taken over by jews, and they are trying to murder Europe. We must make jews extinct - before they do the same to us.
Yockey says, in Enemy of Europe: "In Belgium alone, the Americans incarcerated 400,000 from a population of 8 million." (after wwii)
fucking retard, soros is an #antiwhite jew. you are a liar https://t.co/txRP456FWP
Jews are part of a racial cult. Christians are part of a universalist cult. It seems most of "our" side cannot grasp the difference.
if the racial taboos were christian, they couldnt go away. compare with judaism. which has actual racial taboos. https://t.co/keb9jZHdlU
christianity is a brotherhood of man cult. no classes, no races. just muhJebus. that you have to evoke big long argument otherwise...yeah
while jews were eating their lunch, jebus simps were maundering on about muh demons and looking for the devil
when people ask what you are, tell them you're a 'woman of no importance.' then give them a normal fell grin calls are for the enemy
March 28, 2016:
public schools have done their job. they've trained people that thinking is bizarre 'hate' technique. just trust experts. they know best.
i used to think the problem with whites was plain cowardice. but in fact, 50% are too stupid to see muslims dont control banks/media
It's not in your interest to complicate what's simple. It's in your interest to simplify what is falsely made to appear complex. WHITE v JEW
yesterday's sanctimonious madmen advocated nigger release. howd that work out? today their successors advocate importing syrian terrorists
#classicnigger https://t.co/Y8pgRz2JvW
muh eeegull. muh tooshun. muh seersucker flag. if you're an adult who wear tshirts with words on them, please kill yourself
Mencken observed that Americans are the most conformist and cowardly people on earth, and it springs from our peasant-gooberstock. Moooo.
in america chairs and cups of coffee come with warning labels. because we're a bold, proud, free people, certainly not clownish poltroons
let me whitesplain, lil #tcot jebus cretin: jews got you to bomb muslim lands, get them riled up. then opened your borders to em. get it?
white nationalists alone truly understand what is defective in their race. that's the irony. https://t.co/34LKYcCisI
under christian guidance, whites have gone from a race of bold heroes to quivering cowards afraid of jewlets like kirchick and shapiro
when those who serve jews fear for their lives because of it, that's when we'll start making progress
christianity is a slave religion. white men, like housecats, werent domesticated overnight. they used to think and fight
self-interest and lack of self-respect are why whiteskin goy journalists serve jews by promoting their #antiwhite agenda
i'll take it.. https://t.co/t8g2e9cMvB
in the olden days, the king was someone who led by physical example, like slugger on baseball team. he was acclaimed captain, essentially
leaving race aside, big government has an interest in growing colonies of losers of various ilks. healthy people only need it for defense
the jews will try dirty tricks to deprive Trump of nomination, just as they did Ron Paul. but Trump is not as shaky as RP
since breivik's in jaill, i think Belgian Guy would make a greater fresh king for united Europe. he gets my vote
immigration is a DECISION taken by whoever rules the country but whiteskin xtian shit4brains think it's random like weather rather than JEWS
Man, there never was a race like whites for accepting something for nothing. You faggots are bought off by ANYTHING.
Breitbart and the Notorious F.A.G. are part of jew network, not opposition to it. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
yes. ... jews are not like other peoples. not in the least. https://t.co/UgK01o8Td4
their holidays all celebrate genocide. how clear do they have to make it? it's whites who are congenital dopes https://t.co/dbwiUIjYKM
to jews, all whites are nazis. to whites, all jews are jews. #nojewsjustright https://t.co/mZDI6bFio4
son, i'm older and more experienced than you and have known more jews than you have. she is hiding things from you. https://t.co/vvMZjA5YAC
Newsflash: people like to fuck. Even somewhat weird/married people and reasonably attractive women in orange dresses.
you're naive. jews only show you one side of their face. https://t.co/IVNOTvtF3H
yeah, i'm sure your water is fine...as long as it's being managed by whites. is it? https://t.co/DVPHPtytgc
When I look at Paul Ryan I see one thing: Irish Catholic weakness. He just looks...exactly like what he is. https://t.co/grzmtZeJ6Z
Their water too.. https://t.co/goFbKEhXTf
Hillary Clinton is simply a shabbos goy who earns her bread lying and murdering as the jews direct her.
If you're white, the jews are not your friend. Ever. They are your enemy. Always. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
Even some twink named "Gavin" has figured it out. https://t.co/ODJIg1SPot
Antiwhite gaslighting 24/7. Mainstream reporters are simply liars. They deserve to be machine-gunned. https://t.co/3Opc5V9ivn
"Let's fill Europe with people of failure while building a protective wall around Israel." --Sanhedrin & helper media
"Jews Feel Threatened By Murderous Jihadis They Let In To Terrorize White Natives" - Gaslighter Daily/Belgian ed.
leftists worship govt regulators, without acknowledging they come from corporate industry they despise, and invariably return to it
morons come of two schools: the first believes in jebus; the second in govt regulation "both big brothers were imaginary" (Twain)
All govt fundamentalists reason as though govt has some giant, pure neutral body of top experts for holy Regulation https://t.co/jMRnMns5hg
March 27, 2016:
Global European Unity can defeat #TeamJew and its jihadi monsters. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
"We exist to attack others, and to laugh at their pain." --Silas Borgen-Arbogas (famous Fr. 16th century nihilist)
what do christians call themselves? https://t.co/Sf4EGzjvrd
It's time for Authority to replace Money, as yockey would say https://t.co/idQqALnBhx
i'm willing to blind myself to reality in the name of an ideal. that's what makes me a good christian. (and a danger to all around me)
you'd have to have a heart of stone not to become a conman in her game https://t.co/DzxhFvy6C7
you ever seen where about six hyenas think they got a lion cornered, and just about to maybe go for it...that's where loser-canaille r 2day
zenophobicracistnazihooliganhaterextremistaardvarkpizzle...all because you want some fucking national borders? lol. you kikes take the cake
you're a hooligan if you dont want jews letting muslims blow up your country? wait? i thought you were a nazi?? which is it?
i can smell a nose-sex pervert miles off, and let me tell you, teddy cruz has my geiger humming like an early 90s fax machine
i DID not know that...very interesting.. https://t.co/6Iostodujy
stop listening to superannuated panderers, and start using the effective term: jews. name your enemy. fight him directly. dont apologize.
correct. unfortunately the term pervert has become unshakeably linked to sex, for that's precisely what she was https://t.co/SFJJn7hefh
what kind of a man could stand to see his own blood become a yid? https://t.co/DI4oAO4arw
rising movements are intolerant. while the right points out illogic and double standards, the jew-led left crushes all dissent
if you look at Mother Teresa and think, "now there's a good woman," i submit there is something deeply wrong with you
catholicism has not a word against race mixing and in fact has ALWAYS sought to break down racial distinctions https://t.co/CdtrLf8zW2
she doesnt look anything like you. just another dull soulless negroid https://t.co/TAxDrynvDM
hitler fought to protect europe. he fought communist jews. he lost. today communist jews fill europe with muslims. to destroy it. Get it?
if you read even small amt about Leo Frank, and how the jews rose to protect him, u'll agree extincting these bastards is moderate position
faggot. quit embarrassing eagles you retarded pos https://t.co/rYRNqSJtcx
put stray dogs to sleep. put feral cats to sleep. but keep a watch on The People. if any of them cry, put them to sleep #notears4theclown
poverty is a result of niggers. niggers cause poverty. Duck State tells you the opposite. and if you're a moron or have tits, you believe it
sociology is the belief that man is 100% determined by stuff around him. talk to one. they categorically deny internal motivation as such
christianity is salt peter for the soul https://t.co/Ty4fxSSy8y
politics is a neverending battle between liars and morons, both managed by jews. the nutritious stuff is called Hate and kept off the plate
women are attracted to evil. i suggest some of these floozies like to chafe their cache-sexes on the sinister hump in cruz's nose
rare good sociologist told me it's pretty much 100% marxists https://t.co/V9wfQItUKI
nice try but no bix nood https://t.co/TrqxkmAYjo
she had hair the color of mental illness, and a body that just wouldnt start https://t.co/D5zhDRjsJ2
the manwos gather off Baja. mating season is here. https://t.co/D5zhDRjsJ2
hitler tried to destroyed europe by filling it with muslim terrorists. ....(hand to ear) no...wait...that was the jews. my bad.
oh how cute. he's someone's puppet now, just like back then https://t.co/kCBs3WKJbI
SMELL THE STROFT https://t.co/zfVMCl7Dop
way to applaud him for selling out his bloodline. his ancestors will be little jewrats Christianity is #antiwhite https://t.co/QlqjIvlMEI
theres only 1 valid reason 2 own a cat. To loft it above r head, gurn it darkly & scream: "I've got to stop Xmas fm coming...but how?"
people who cant figure out to supply themselves with water (Jerry seinfeld voice) "Don't help those people!"
Yeah, but on upside it increases fornication opps for one Ann C. Awwww yeah. https://t.co/dOr9xVdsT8
I never feel glum. I always feel high. When I hear dat bell I spring for the fries. https://t.co/tL8TLRJB9p
jews are honest in only one way - sadism. they honestly derive pleasure from torturing non-jews. 3000 years of history demonstrates this
the catholic church appoints and passes around pedophile priests. the opposite of perseucting them https://t.co/GQxUCDO5tQ
a bunch of mud universalist trash is dead. who cares? good example: christians ARENT WHITE - by choice https://t.co/VjH9VC8deK
and they sat there and tolerated it all because like buchanan they're a bunch of christian idiots and cowards https://t.co/vrRb5KipLg
go to your refrigerator. enjoy all those muhTurditional molds on your jellies. eat them with GUSTO, BROTHER, for the PAST IS GOLD
In my new guise as Alexseyi Mondragon-Boneberg I will be articulating a sixth position, positing a White-Samoan Imperium for the Pfuture
jews/leaders rn't stupid, no matter what liars like #anncoulter tell you to sell their books. they know & intend exactly what you see on tv
jews enjoy torturing white populations, then denying what they're about Helpful insight from #TeamWhite
Conservative: a million anencephalous cowards shrieking "Mop the floor!" while the faucet's still running. #tcot #muheegull #muhTooshun
a small loyal racial group easily trumps a large confused set of universalists Only #TeamWhite can defeat #TeamJew
in mass media, politics > profits. that's why the jews promote fake radical (((chomsky's))) counterfactual "corporate" theories
99.9% of species that ever existed are extinct. let's add jews to that pile. you know - since they're trying to do it to us. #TeamWhite
how 2 recognize white racists: they're the ones NOT blowing people up (muzz), committing street crime (nigs), making excuses in press (jews)
uh...let's give due appreciation to the eminent mammaries of that middle gal https://t.co/sJj3xCWUQR
Polarize. Between Team White and Team Jew. Then fight. That's it. Anything else is distraction leading to confusion and wasted time.
the JEWISH media is all about profits, that's why they PRODUCED & PROMOTED Passion of the Christ, even tho they hate jebus personally #irony
it would honestly be better of all patriotards & anon varmints quit the field, and 90% of altright too. we need POLARIZATION, and you muddy
no group given public respect in the mass media EVER critcizes jews. ever notice that? think that's by accident?
wholly imaginary: anti-muslims/jew "hate" - wholly real, legal, and media covered-UP: on-white terrorism, hatred, discrimination #TeamWhite
jews have been the head of the black community for 100+ years, and now they are head of the whiteskin community too
how would the #BlackLivesMatter crowd be treated in the media if they discussed jew social engineers who wrecked the black family?
Counter-exterminate the jews, white man, and every other outcome you seek will come along in train. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
Black Lives Matter is treated as something independent. But in fact is jew-funded and -promoted. Otherwise, it's just rioters & looters.
Message to #WhitakersWhimps. Don't let that old fool cut off your balls off. This Easter, become a man. Use the term jews. Grow up.
it must sink all the way in with people: no other group -- NO OTHER GROUP -- has the network, money & media jews do. THEY call the shots
apart from some tribal shit in equatorial africa (and only 80% sure of that), jews are behind quite literally all the evil and wars in world
masses are driven by what they see rather than facts. they fixate on faces (Bush or Obama) and ignore the (jewish) production values
the concept of Secret Kings - how does this not map completely onto mainstream conservative (eagle-tooshun faggotry) mentality? #tcot
the jews are the problem. the conservatives are the fake solution that hides the real problem A helpful message from #TeamWhite
you know what i liked most about Trump so far - that he showed just a touch of Charlie Bucket in ACKNOWLEDGING "our" murder of innocents
people who disagree with me are a sad lot of pig-fuckers. maybe not literally. maybe. but spiritually, for sure
what is the attraction of the jebus fiction? what but the Exaltation of Self Pity, the eternal resort of Mass Loserman
whites are like fish. the jew throws something in water, the fish all gather round to look and exclaim. utterly unconscious of fisherman
here's the reality kiddies... these are comparative distances represented by dots... niggers..whites................................jews
if there is anything more tiring in politics than listening to some Gump who can barely read dr seuss tardsplain Muh Bible... there aint
jews tell their people: non-jews are animals christians: we're all brothers equal in eyes of god muslims: kill them if they dont convert
muslims murder christians. christians forgive them. jews make sure they get together. All three of these cults are #antiwhite shite
This easter, why not quick listening to a professional panderer, and grow yourself from a rabbit to a man? #realnames #realarguments
in jew-controlled countries, the sensible, obvious thing to do is never on the table. the debate is always limited to two fake options
Easter is a fertility celebration. So irrigate your wife and piss on jew jebus. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
most of the white population is subrational; it's easy to be fooled on by this. what we see around us is the product of very few minds
the jews rule. they let in muslim terrorists. they pay the police to attack racial loyalists. the morons see the muslims; the wise see jews
All jews and muslims must be out of white lands (2nd best), underground (best) and political leadership taken by overtly racial White men.
This tweet is a good example of the mentality that led whiteskin South Africans to the slaughter. https://t.co/vaJuFvaUMx
This Easter watch a great White film: The Wicker Man. Then fuck your wife. Because Easter is about fertility, & christianity is #antiwhite.
March 26, 2016:
Christianity is the jew manager. We really need him. He says. We are the White talent. We don't. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
Christianity is #antiwhite. An important Easter message from #TeamWhite https://t.co/FwXp8VkgjC
You don't even need that first sentence. https://t.co/GA1q7CP3Gd
Christianity is #antiwhite. https://t.co/dPpbcohbS0
are you ever standing in a store and you get philip-dick-paranoid that mod society is all a plot to create acephalous 400-lb humanic wedges
As Mike Myers said, Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance. https://t.co/xdx0np36LL
I steadfastly deny that the average AmeriKwan is a moron. He is an obese moron. #ItsMourninginAmeriKwa
most christians cant make out intellectual contradictions, let alone see why they matter. go your way. we will go the White way #TeamWhite
i only respond to people using their real name. (unless it serves my purpose). this is not a personal attack on you. https://t.co/k8GAPbRtUd
all over the country christians turd-herder churches accept money to help discoloreds destroy white society, drag it down to Baptist level
christian doctrine is inherently #antiwhite. it awaited only the 20th century's technology to make that fact manifest
christianity fashions whiteskins into a slave population serving jews A helpful message from #TeamWhite
Teeming millions of Indians controlled by a handful of Brits in 1800s...so it is with whiteskin conservatives and jews in 2016 #tcot
conservatives like smoke being blown up their ass. and they're cowards. this makes them incredibly easy to control by very tiny numbers.
there is nothing deeply true that "can't" be said, and only women and the terminally effeminate think otherwise
it's the quickest way to show you reject the entire System and piss on its strongest taboos https://t.co/R0Rmc0KBuq
jew-left has self-control and pursues rational, impersonal RACIST (irony) politics. goy-left are shrieking, delusional cultists. BIG diff.
if blacks had composure, dignity, brains and self-control - id look the fool calling them niggers. it works because its deep and true
'white boy,' 'white male,' 'black man' - what do they have in common? they are all propaganda terms in the (((junkmedia)))
i love that half the people who fancy they are pro-white use 'black men' utterly unthinkingly. it's a PROPAGANDA TERM you lackwits
you southern rugrats dont grasp it. i'm not like y'all. when i say i'm done with you, i mean it. this aint no rollercoaster, son
the price to be paid for allowing jews to run your countries is having muslims blow up your train stations
all i say about Him is that He doesnt exist; it's you christian gooberonis who claim He invented niggers
the only time the jewsmedia are willing to concede blacks fail at anything is when a (carjacking/robbery) turns into a murder
my spectacles are cloudy...is that a nigger? https://t.co/2f8vxkwbmf
(multiple-post)... When I worked at Blockbuster back in the early 00's, the worst thing they told us about during training was warning (1/x)
America is full of high quality people. Most of them hide in caves and only come out during leap years.
as they do to all who might threaten jew power (earlier examples: Ron Paul, David Duke, Pat Buchanan) https://t.co/qXif9x41Bc
The whole thing is a sci-fi story. https://t.co/HBDJNWcXWM
Trump would do horrible things. Like not starting wars. And making other nations pay for their own defense.
it cant be heaven if christians are admitted https://t.co/2hwDuwjavD
Eagles really resent forced association with morons. #MuhTooshun https://t.co/hnwgSUIApk
Dahl is the master https://t.co/gOstujWrYZ
Jesus christ, even jebus only washed them. https://t.co/YDQjKyCGM4
To the tiny brain of the middle class khaki-wetter, "Coudenove-Kalergi" has many syllables so is more Impressive than mere-accurate "jew."
Mass media give jews a base to attack the white population they hate (#loxism). Otherwise, they might as well be in sausage industry.
Belief in causality, almost alone, make you an elitist, because the common man does not. He believes in luck, fate, chance.
He is Risible. If you're not laughing, it's because you're an idiot, coward or fool. Christianity is #antiwhite.
honor and pride are what drive us to find a way out. without those, nothing. with them, begin to organize and arrange details
Evil Israel is the most dangerous country in the world. https://t.co/8otLZJN0g9
Whites in general have become too spiritually degraded to state the problem in plain terms (jews murdering white nations), let alone face it
Muslims own no mass media. Muslims control no central banks. They kill people from the bottom up. Jews do it from top down.
Don't get caught up in personalities with the girls (most altright included here), look to the principles. We are White. Our enemy is jew.
Be tough. Be strong. Be decisive. Be White. You ever hear anyone in church tell you any of these. Nope. They're not xtian values.
March 25, 2016:
"what is the color of the black suspects not mentioned in article" https://t.co/zNnvD8U3Cw
Cruz is out fucking different women, and you're gibing about it on the internet. He's "immoral." What are you?
we dont have to be Odinists, but we do need those values now. dont we? your little semitic sandal wearing faggot luv cult aint cutting it
We are allowing a tiny population of wee manlets like Benji Shapiro to cow and buffalo us. This should never not agog and shame us.
now i'm going around saying "wee manlet" in a scottish accent...it's not the kind of thing that gets old
if one way is blocked, find another way. "Refuse to be blocked and you'll get the job done" as NFL coach said https://t.co/0w6XvqeXjD
it's just sort of a cultural Febreeze for the mentally feeble https://t.co/hRzCnQRMnJ
They studied one million anatomically male Catholic believers, and not a single one of them had voice registering in bass zone.
"We fill their lands with Muslims, many of whom are terrorists. When they react, we call them Nazis. Simple. Effective." --Nathan Jacob Wise
Jews must be recognized by all white men as the enemy, and they must be treated the way reason and history show we'd be wise to.
The jew lets em in. The pope licks their feet. The white man looks around and says what the hell is going on here. #TeamWhite
so...perhaps you christians can tell me. what tastes better: 1) jewish ass 2) muslim toejam #crosscucks
if you're not into quality, standards or truth, christianity has a whole system worked out for you YES, licking muslim toejam is involved
you who promote the crusaders are historically ignorant - they were neither a white force nor particularly successful. no model for now
March 24, 2016:
Christianity is #antiwhite. https://t.co/y69MBYaTVt
Full audiobook - Imperium, by Francis Yockey. text + commentary, in multiple segements at https://t.co/AodeIi9Doo https://t.co/f5pyrFBszJ
that's right. it's an existential hate. to which the only response is fight, breed and middle finger... https://t.co/beEtfAd751
and this comment applies to literally every single one of us and all our relatives. so far as i can tell. https://t.co/hKjfVqnBtj
March 22, 2016:
this isnt even the first time. all thru history jews have facilitated muslim invasion of Europe. jews = bad guys https://t.co/RcXwO2BebA
kick the muslims out of europe...right after the JEWS WHO LET THEM IN A helpful message from #TeamWhite
if you prefer the comfortable lie, then you are a conservative, not a man. your rulers aren't stupid, you are weak #tcot
if you take the radical position that maybe the people who run all these nations aren't stupid...then what?
well then we better give up, and certainly not work together and use our numbers https://t.co/MZOLtap5ed
you forgot the "nigger" on top of the faggot part https://t.co/DxC3Bki2Sl
you can have all you like of me...only price is using your real name. and being worth responding to. so yeah...i wont wait up
Trump invented trolling, awesome https://t.co/I709Fxk7et
#tcot conservatives support israel, especially when she murders american citizens https://t.co/LQIAS6hzTu
you know ponderosa. you pay up front. then you eat. that's how the holocaust is. we've already paid. but we're going to eat. #TeamWhite
john oliver theme song: Pencil Neck Geek https://t.co/VXkkCiEkp7 via @YouTube
The Brady Bunch Movie: Tattle tail https://t.co/2nuX3kk9B6 via @YouTube
they're not some .37-cent-sweatin' stole-muh-underwear nordern nodicks, theyz big bold cavaliers snorting laffing all way to noodle bank
jews are the bad guys. not the good guys. there's not really a whole lot more to it than that. yeah. everything you've been told was a lie.
never be defensive, only attack once you get used to it, it's easy. and god-mcDamn is it fun A helpful message from Joe G & #TeamWhite
whites and niggers had arrangement. stay ouf whiteville or we will FUCK YOU UP. this worked. then jews came...who is doing better now? JEWS
if a guy throws cockroaches all over your kitchen, do you blame the roaches? or the guy? think hard, conservatives, this is a tough one
church says you're immoral if you advocate counter-extermination of jews. as for white-genocidal jews, why churchy is all for 'em
what do white men need most of all these days - pride. not to grovel before yids. what does their cult say about pride? ya think mebbe..
muslims are just like niggers - they protect their own criminals. the jew siccing these groups on us whites know this. #loxism #TeamWhite
it's simple. our cause isnt a political position or a religion - it's our kind. our race. and it fights our enemy - the jew. and his tools.
if you came home and someone taped open a water tap, would your first act be to: 1) take off tape, turn off tap 2) mop the floor
crissies and conservatives are worse than uselesss, they are actively destructive. just sit down and get out of the way, cringing crudballs
Boom goes the dynamite. https://t.co/q7k9ujQno3
not just plausible, straight fact https://t.co/1YnENmfUlZ
everything you believe, if you havent specifically considered it, was put there by a communist jew. muck yr brain cells of jewshit, u must
if the people who let the terrorists in are still in charge of the governments, wouldnt that be the natural starting point
"America has been given a semitic countenance. Americans who hold power hold it in deference to the alien." --Francis Yockey
What are South lessons? Be tough. Don't smile all the time. Be honorable. The avg Southren is a shitbag - but the elites WERE genuine.
Did you ever notice that people don't have personalities anymore? And most cars are colorless, and airstreamed?
We are in the middle of an attempted murder of the white race, and the murderer is the jew. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
The White way is to face jews directly. All proxies ultimately will disappoint us, and using a fake name won't make trouble go away.
Hate muslims but love Israel? You're an idiot. Israel and jews are the reason your country is full of muslims and terrorists. #tcot
March 21, 2016:
the soft bigotry of low expectations https://t.co/mS9TPNuDMZ
hey a great idea: instead of fighting jews under our real names, lets pretend to be cutesy varmints and go after abstractions
March 20, 2016:
bonobos = kaffirs = orangutans https://t.co/2faxht2Vdf
christianity is original and ultimate leveller doctrine; it's always funny and telling how tradcranks refuse to acknowledge this
if we'd listened to our racial instincts, jews long ago would have been counter-exterminated. but we listened to the church. mistake!
christians are people who have to build an alt-culture in a nation in which they are the 90% majority. what a bunch of cucked out faggots
A jew said this in the 1800s: "It [jewry] will obtain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers".
the number of jews that can be tolerated in white lands has been measured precisely by scientists. it is zero #TeamWhite
make jews admit they're jews. make them admit their agenda is jewish. then it will be clear to the dumbest: JEWS ARE #ANTIWHITE - always
black hair black eyes black hearts - and black soil to shovel on top of them #MamaWhatIsAJew https://t.co/ujB6v1DLom
it's almost like jews are a bunch of liars https://t.co/xYaNd6IUNO
and by "pay their respects" you mean dance like the amateur monkeys they are https://t.co/zNLI97pYIh
if you believe in national borders (outside of israel) you're a xenophobic racist nazi. in 2016, future man, this was NOT an exaggeration
Which is denying civil rights: violently interfering w overt public political speech? or refusing to bake cake for sex degenerates?
When I first got on the internet, folks loved to circulate that "oo late to work w/in the System, too early to shoot the bastards."
the only thing that matters in politics is identifying the jews as the source of the crap we hate. everything else is less than secondary
the nazis were the only group that dared to stand up to the jews, THAT is why they are demonized, paticularly by the cowards (conservatives)
i dont care what they call it, or how much power they have to make it taboo, if THEY are against it, that proves it's a good thing. #Racism
Glenn Beck is a good example that religious belief is properly classed with drugs and drinking as a social menace (call it delusion).
if it grew a little it could be a 36 short, as they used to call 'em https://t.co/MBzeLoE22g
"our" politicians are turned out punks who serve kike bosses like soros, adelson and the rest. the media = jews + whiteskin commies
#tcot Conservative Cowards Support Israel #Treason https://t.co/3UsepVF3IR
you're bragging about being a charwoman? https://t.co/vlmvZgGOOz
the more anonymous, the higher the standards should be... and that's how it is, in my dreamworld https://t.co/u9ThAbP6sF
the gift of asymmetry is distributed unevenly https://t.co/ChwF97ZYus
March 19, 2016:
why people got to be such moronic dickheads? i'm not even talking about race. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER, you waddling addlepates
not responding to anyone i dont think is using his real name. this is not an attack on you personally, i fancy it helps politically
when i was young i observed jews: a) usually get special treatment from fawning xtians; b) push destructive ideas https://t.co/Nl3oujYE73
In my experience, people named X Xson, or who use three names routinely, are generally untrustworthy.
We should be ASHAMED at our LOSS OF HONOR in ALLOWING jews to dominate us. Absolutely ashamed. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
It is undeniable that jews as a group have stronger will that whites...right now. Whites are content with xtian pablum, jews dominate.
Yockey says race is a matter of feeling not anatomy. He also says strength-of-will is way to measure a race.
March 17, 2016:
make america jewier https://t.co/59lIoE2Upu
restore normal whites to power, counter-exterminate jews, watch America (or any white nation) flourish #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
jews are a race of liars; thus by necessity a race of murderers. they are not part of your nation, as you're lied, they're a parasite on it
you could literally write a computer program to produce jew-controlled media reports since they are 100% written to template
black children dont fail school. schools fail black children. notice this inversion? this is the pattern ALWAYS followed in jew-press
https://t.co/2NOViim7TI 3 Saki stories.. (27m)
March 16, 2016:
a lot of the people i see calypsoing around outdoors, they're good at amassing atoms but not so good at putting them in order
left organizes violence, blames it on the victim. this is gaslighting. it is ubiquitous in the controlled media
Whites built America from scratch. It's our country. jews and discoloreds have nothing to do with it, and no say in OUR future. #TeamWhite
Leo Frank pardoned 30 years ago #adl #bnaibrith #leofrank #Atlanta #splc https://t.co/Tr0wCVLMh4
about 90% of them https://t.co/I7PvNf3s0p
what's trying to get out thru Trump is the extreme legitimate anger of the white community at 100 years of #antiwhite judaization
the birth canal analogy is good, so is arm stuck in sleeve. the White body struggles for its own head, not just some half-assed proxy
dont make the mistake, as do progressives and reactionaries, in thinking that our ancestors were radically worse or better than we are
jews are exactly like teenagers who will keep pushing if they encounter no resistance. only a #TeamWhite can solve whiteworld's pol problems
bored without any serious opposition, in 2015 global #TeamJew began pushing millions of muds into Europe to rape whites and produce response
in this wall trumps going to build will be evenly spaced hooks from which to hang the jews who opened our border in 1965
use whatever adjs you like to modify, the only term that matters it the noun jews. the jews are a team. a team at war with #TeamWhite
Trump isn't down with endless war for Israel abroad and demographic war on whites at home, and this explains 100% of jewish opp to him
there is no better example of chutzpah (brazen lying, ie jewish culture) than the claim opp to Trump is from principled conservatives #tcot
you know what you do to meat before you cook it and consume it...you tenderize it ... now..thats you how deal with cons #beatemneatem
Vanguard Audio Books: The Learning College: two hours on Dugin on Heidegger, text and some commentary https://t.co/WGfCFZ2nWw #vnnforum
there are no real Southerners, just muhBars retards, but there were giants once, and we respect and EMULATE them (if we big enuf) #TeamWhite
life should have some jauntiness to it, otherwise its just grimly recombining atoms. that doesnt seem very realistic to me
if you cant separate friend from enemy, you're not ready for real politics. schmitt, yockey et al make this clear. #muhTooshun #njjr
how "alt" are you if fawn support over a woman who publicly denounces your kind? #altright "meet the new slave, same as the old slave"
your legs dont even have borders, you barren, punch-pulling mudshark https://t.co/bxsgGsLFHX
the muslims at least dare to fight jews; the christians roll over on their bellies Get on your feet, whiteskin. Join #TeamWhite
shapiro's behavior is principled, which is why it's hard for whiteskin simps to understand: the neocons stick to their warmonger agenda
are jews scared of whiteskin goyim or whiteskin goyim scared of jews do go on about white nobility A helpful message from #TeamWhite
March 15, 2016:
group strategy vs group evolutionary strategy which of these is more powerful politically? think hard, salty
jews hate goyim. they find them contemptible. animals. significant only insofar as they can be used. #supportthetroops #tcot
shappy isnt even a cockroach, he's more like a vaginaroach https://t.co/3mSof5jtN9
"The ability to create a friend-enemy disjunction is the essence of the political." If you think jews are any part of 'us,' u've been duped
conservatives explaining things is neo-scholasticism. just use the term jew and jewish agenda... pathetic little shrimp-balled pinkies
what explains jew shapiros actions? 1) that he's a jew pushing jew agenda (#AlwaysAntiwhite) 2) anything else
The conservative is the conformist coward who loves veiled self praise in horseshit "liberals are stupid" and "blacks raise kids wrong."
take a group of 100 hominids. strip them naked. do they fall into what is reasonably described as a "spectrum" or 2 classes?
jews are organized. they have more money than any other group. they own more media. they control american politics. #politics101 #tcot
pretending jews aren't organized and dont have an agenda - hey whiteskin Tooshun jackass: THEY ARENT AS DUMB AS YOU #tcot
March 14, 2016:
CY is a jew herself: ekaterina jung, russian jew https://t.co/UkJvN4fKvs
March 13, 2016:
everything you read in 'mainstream' media is written from minority point of view: that of the (redundant) #antiwhite jew #loxism
An unsophisticated thought: what if America had a president not beholden to jewish money? https://t.co/sbOJa1rnWl
"Trump should serve jews and appease niggers, like a real manlet" [email protected]
The European Giant https://t.co/EQDuCs1owS via @YouTube
March 12, 2016:
whites like trump are the reason blacks are violent, and blacks are the reason whites like trump are successful #IfJewThenLie
when it doesn't matter, jews pretend to be on different sides; when it does matter (race), jews are all on the same side: against #TeamWhite
do you notice all these 'right-wing' jews like shapiro and goldberg and ben stein are all on the side of jew Soros #TeamJew hates you
"the jews took over america without ever firing a shot." but as we saw in chicago, violence both in threat and reality was always integral
what do you think gets little ann to make such tepid approaches to the jew thing as she does? her froglet fans, or her laughing enemies
you want the result but you dont want the work to get there, eternal shit of chicken 1) real name 2) White not con/xtian 3) antiJEW
the alt-fright (the YOUNG scaredycats) fawn over mudshark Ann, while the barrenness slobs the knob of jew Benji Shapiro. me i jes laffs
the Post is a jewish antiwhite organ, has been for 100 years https://t.co/sMIjTdl4I3
Benji Lil Shapper Shapiro and Jonah Great Whale Goldberg are the blood and ideological kin of the yids who produce both porn & USSR
jews put YOUR white children at risk If you're a xtian manlet, you thank them and lick their feet cuz you a little dog #TeamWhite
there are no good jews, they are all #antiwhite, and anyone who tells you otherwise aids Team Jew whether he realizes it or not
what is gaslighting? This headlin from Washington Post is perfect example. https://t.co/mtvNiaUk6b
jew A pays nigs to riot. jew B writes sympathetc "news" coverage. jew C decries white privilege THEY are Team Jew. WE are #TeamWhite
March 11, 2016:
jews are The Problem. violent niggers are one of the problems The Problem causes A helpful message from #TeamWhite
jews are the bad guys open your mind, man if that's true, then everything you believe is...upside down
jebus is as unthinkable as a manly man as semite; it only makes psych-sense to portray him as nordic effeminate
quietly or loudly, all jews are on the side of the racial destruction of US and Europe - and racial preservation of Israel
jews arent a monolith, saith the fool. but when it comes to (Trump) anything that threatens their agenda, why look at em all line up
Which proud state claims the residence of this peach of intellection? https://t.co/SsLUE2OUG4
if you said: we can prevent termites from eating our homes by teaching them catholicism, you'd be laughed out of the room. but jews...
jews on the "right" pretend they're on the side of normal whites. They're not. But that's the shtick and the trick
#TeamWhite vs Team Jew. These are the actual forces doing battle, no matter the cover story from liar left and safe right.
March 07, 2016:
If you want to be loved...be lovable. There's some work involved. People don't like that part. https://t.co/mtREeCNoSa
Typical American halfwit. #Muhbible https://t.co/6TuF14sQA7
https://t.co/cBSYLhNvXT MP3 (42m) Yockey on Marxism
March 06, 2016:
there is no solution but physically exterminating jews that CAN work that is the argument. there is no argument against it
so much blather, friend and foe. it's boring in the end. the bottom line is: either we make jews extinct, or they make whites extinct
the thing at the head of the classroom never struck student me as deserving any particular respect. unless it earned it
conservative = christian = coward https://t.co/mgUVIkNQwp
planned by the jews she has suckpooped her entire career Christianity is #antiwhite https://t.co/1S7RrvHg0m
"preserve the Constitution" - man, the revolution WAS, to not coin a phrase. when the jews murdered free association - that was the It
the jews point out in Protocols that most goyim are patriotard idiots who accept words for behavior every time
altright = paleocon = catholic = jew-servile twink https://t.co/RlCR4ZwDw5
March 05, 2016:
Treating conservatives with contempt is the only way to draw whatever positive elements they retain. Beat them, whip them, scourge them.
Anything associated with Jared Taylor is #antiwhite https://t.co/48L1T7JKD5
Deal with the ORGAN GRINDERS not the DANCING MONKEYS The JEWS are murdering the west. The career-girl cuckservatives merely help them.
Columbus wasn't a jew, that's idle lying. https://t.co/VofNcnGL5L
lying is The Jewish Way. it was "how you got through life" -- Monica Lewinsky https://t.co/ffHfxoYX6E
Cuckference promotes the Big Lie it's suicide rather than murder by jew. https://t.co/TYXTT34AP4
The notion niggers have souls, hence innate value, is christian. If you don't like the world we live in, blame christianity, a semitic cult.
Support for Israel is treason to America. #USSLiberty https://t.co/dhB0JYDpZx
if they were burning women as witches in salem...they're taking women pretty seriously. too seriously, in fact. that was the problem
Iran isn't working on a nuke, they're working on a giant man-launcher for homo skeet shooting. #pull #nohomo
if you're pro-white why do you leap to blame the white figureheads instead of the jew producers? https://t.co/7gzHWFBkzG
shtetlbugz be shvitzin' https://t.co/R2Pggz1C3W
that is a quality tweet my negress. i do so detest me a feminine ass nigga https://t.co/VswQpSguNI
An American president of German and Scottish descent, with blond hair and blue eyes...who puts the US and Americans ahead of jews/Israel?YES
March 04, 2016:
Trump in jews eyes is perfect avatar and representative of...the Aryan race. Which they hate and seek to destroy. He may even know this.
The jews' hatred of Donald Trump is...racial. They hate his blond hair. His blue eyes. His kind. USA. _Us_. https://t.co/I0narlpc7s
Stupid comment. All ir proves is you dont understand jews. Zionism isn't the problem, jews are the problem. https://t.co/zNQa1T2n6W
to deserve the title Greatest Generation it would have had to seize warmongering jews by their collective neck and hang them until dead
If you believe in Jesus, you're an idiot. Doesn't matter how high your IQ is. That's the truth, folks. And it aint going away. #TeamWhite
Dope goes to what is called college. Leftist jewtard tells him human sexuality is a spectrum. Dope gulps it like a catfish on chicken liver.
As Thomas Jefferson used to say, you can sex a snapping turtle with your thumb, but He won't thank you for it.
Used to be, you had to don your nastiest trenchcoat, slink down to the red-light district to see vids of strange men being thrown off roofs.
The bull attacks the cape, ignores the matador. So the whiteskin xtian dupetard attacks the muslim, ignores the jew.
If you're one of these cranks who claims he feels unsafe because others own guns, how can you feel safe with them owning cars?
Surely there nothing more insipidly ridiculous than Rawlsian socialism..then one encounters christianity. NO. I am a man. I laugh & saltate.
I like to wear nice-looking Dockers(tm) and blue button-down shirts, and lick jew splooge off bathroom walls. Has #CPAC got a place for me?
All these people hunched over their little electronic pocket squares, failing to appreciate the beauty of gods miserable midwinter overcast.
I just hate maudlin crap, whether christian-religious moralistic mawkishness or horseshit-Steinbeckian-secular-socialist.
Remember when the Grinch has the toys all march, skedaddle and chug into the Great Bag? That's my social policy for freaks.
That's that alt-popeye Looney https://t.co/2R0svkCJ9n
Man, back in the eighties, I never imagined being able to watch videos of fags being thrown off roofs in the privacy of my own hovel.
Jews should be classed and treated as vermin, like roaches or mosquitoes. A helpful message from #TeamWhite
In the old days, philosophers used to debate whether it was more appropriate to elevate buttsexers by crane or backhoe.
Why does Shapiro, Gottfried, the dead unlamented jew Auster do what it do? Because it's part of #TeamJew #TeamWhite
Nothing more bizarre than watching "right wingers" go out of their way to find evasion for simple, clear, logical, accurate JEW-splanation.
They knew how to talk in those days. Even the bloodless northern ilk could swing an insult. https://t.co/LhZApcEzvi
March 03, 2016:
I grew up reading Mary Baker Patterson Glover Querulous Eddy. No amout of jargon or abstraction can phase me! #RealityHo
Please support my #TimorousMidgets campaign to uglify the rich, beautiful WASP highmindset of #PomonaCollege w truth degradation & facthate
#PomonaCollege: a place for #daringminds or #TimorousMidgets? https://t.co/QFKM28EB2q
Clan Romney needs to look within itself and ask why it can't be honest about race. It matters. It won't stop mattering. You all know it.
Study finds 4 out of 4 jews hate goyim. https://t.co/l1pWjzRZnN
March 01, 2016:
munching on some delicious fried spiders from an old family recipe @michellemalkin sent me. with plum sauce, SO TASTY
you can be a man. you can be a woman. or you can be a freak. if you're a freak, you can't be normal. by definition. fly your flag in closet
Donald Trump was +800 to win the presidency (when i last looked). He is now +220. HUGE shift in his direction by pro money men
it is easy to make the case jews must be counter-extincted, and impossible to make a case against it
the funniest irony of all, which isnt funny, is that if whites had 1/1000th the racial animosity jews claim - jews wouldn't exist
February 28, 2016:
Donald Trump's campaign is the angry headless white nation's stumbling attempt to rip jew-Frankenhead off and find the right one.
The simplest explanation that covers the given facts is that jews are attempting to murder white nations. #Occam
govt rolls its own. always. creates the kind of losers that cant function without it. https://t.co/W5g3nDFR2s
slurp your bark soup and stfu https://t.co/aABluLYmdH
February 27, 2016:
Revelation aint nothing but moron's alt-flatulence... It is in every way as bloviant and inconsequential as the noises cows make at twilight
Asking why is the devil's question. C.S. Lewis said this. #1 christian apologist of 20th century. Do you wonder why jews rule over us?
American population's lack of interest in 'why' is partly due to shit genetics, but mostly due to christianity and its charlatan apologists.
it's the only subject matter that's safe. country music has been completely frankfurted https://t.co/eisMFdEgXu
we need that pervert who played Dad Brady to record a mini-lecture explaining 2 kidz not to dye your hair mental-problem blue
just remember: no right-wing intellectual ever doubted his ability to reason anything out, just yours #muhBurke #muhprivatestock
at the least and maybe most white culture is exploration and questing, both physical and mental. hence whites colonized/invented everything
white people invented everything. but they have no culture. but pick up every article in your arms length. who invented it hmmgeehmm
whites are becoming more numerous, stronger, racially aware, and flat angry...by the hour... tick tock tick tock, jewnig come to full stop
are you white? if you follow me, you probably are. now sniff your armpit. or both if you have em. are you dying? are you suicidal? hmm?
political correctness is semitical correctness - it's what jews do to white nations. warp the language, seize the guns, mix out the genes
February 26, 2016:
The Latest: Mom of dead teacher says sentence 'unacceptable' https://t.co/OzUI0vmvs6 remember this larval nigger..
Jews jes' need to come to jebus. That'll cure them. <-------------actual christian policy. Do you wonder how we arrived at today?
it should be as untoward to mention prayer in public as it used to be masturbation, before stern & jews Frankfurted us
If we whites work as a team, we CAN defeat jews. Because then our numbers come into play to counter their chokepoint control.
The nazis figured out how to defeat jews: make a racial team. To mirror their racial team. This is the only way whites can defeat jews.
The Nazis were AHEAD of whites in Anglo countries. If you admit this as a possibility (unthinkinable to 99% of Anglo-dopes) a world opens.
what killed self-respect in white men? christianity there is no way around it: this cult's mentality is killing our race
a cause has to be able to punish opponents. until it can do this, the white movement is a theory not a reality #TeamWhite
the jews are the only ones with a powerful network. they disguise this network, and kill any rival before it gets started. this is reality
i'm seeing more faggots out there with discolored hair. not just cosmetologists. worry about the colors inside your head, faggots
anyone who uses 'obsessed' or some version of sperg to describe jew-namers is 1) using jewed rhetoric, 2) doesn't grasp the depth of problem
for fear of being declared immoral by the doctrines of a semitic cult, the white man passed mocked and hated from the face of the earth
it is essential to treat jews as a monolith - just as jews like tim wise treat white men A helpful message from #TeamWhite
YOU are promoting #whitegenocide when you treat jews as individuals. regardless how you feel about it or what your cult tells you
jews are the white man's only serious enemy christianity is what keeps the white man from defeating this enemy #TeamWhite
christian cowards (redundant) keep kissing jew ass https://t.co/pnmobDM56S
never take shit from jews. but that is what our race is doing right now, thanks to christianity, and the loser mentality it spreads
jew the jew. aryan elite have always been > jews at anything artistic. we can jew them better than they jew us - if we dare
i never listen to country but when i do it seems completely dumbed down, reduced, to party/drinking/hotness songs
something i learned: there's actually a semi-mainstream fiction series around Amish. i dont know if they're Frankfurted in it
It's impossible to make a movement out of people who believe fidelity to basic principles is 'puritanism.'
I dont suck up to people who shit on me. But then, I'm not #altfright. Now cowardice has _two_ flavors.
The #altfright sucks up to a mudshark who publicly shits on them and praises jews. all while bloviating about #cuckservatives
Professional conservatives jerk off their customers with fantasies about how smart they are. This comfortable lie sells books like no other.
Not one person, not even Trump, will forthrightly state that all this misery is a result of intl jews attempting global genocide on whites.
Yes, I think that a woman with multiple serious advanced degrees (vs education) cant foresee results of letting in 2m lol-Syrians. Really?
Encouraging right-wing dolts to believe rulers are stupid or don't know what they're doing is a proven #tcot moron pacifier.
Polarize the public between whites and jews. This is the divide that matters. This is the split we win with.
The jews use violence every day of the year against their enemies. What do you suppose their agents among us advocate?
When you treat jews as individuals, as conservatives, as serious in their ostensible arguments - they win. Treat them only as #TeamJew
Remember: the simpleton doesn't believe in causes, because he can't see them. Everything is weather to the moron.
Trapped by christian doctrine, itself the product of yids, the white man finds himself pushed ever quicker by jews toward genetic genocide.
Jews aren't a political problem, they're a vermin infestation - a public hygiene problem, as Joe G. said.
February 25, 2016:
what about christianity isn't contemptible? its sad-sackism? its clownish hostility to basic facts? its kicked-cur-level jew-servility?
There is no reason to think the jews leading the 'west' have any different end in mind for whites than their relatives had in Russia.
out of this horrible twisted mass of fools, charlatans and knaves...come extremely valuable traditions to be preserved at all costs #muhtrad
February 24, 2016:
traditionalists are invariably men who think the mass of humanity depraved and limited - so...yeah. worship their traditions.
christian simpletons bragging about kicking out jews 109x is like a nigger bragging about repeating second grade
the only people i have seen nonpolitically and unreservedly praise white men were a random queer (stallions & cowboys) and Camille Paglia
i sing the boob lugubrious his mawken yawp i ear gummiferous humility the untergang draws near --Alt-Wittman
February 23, 2016:
The racialists are a type. The type that wants to fight. The conservatives are a type. The type that wants to flee. #TeamWhite
The conservative is a type - the coward. He calls his cowardice prudence, and prides himself on it. #tcot A helpful message from #TeamWhite
the only genuine alternative to jew/left and jew/right scam is not altfright but racialism, overt, hostile, publicly anti-jew #TeamWHite
the professional conservatives have one principle: do whatever the jew with the money tells you to. their behavior is 100% predictable
February 22, 2016:
one can only imagine what he does with that thing when the lights are off https://t.co/UdJLCVqQlk
February 21, 2016:
instead of being a parrot, slow down and think about what you're saying. what is the 180-degree position from your squawk? is it wrong?
shame he wasted his skill on trivial subjects https://t.co/RG1vyIYyhE
yeah, jews should be forced to acknowledge they're jews, too https://t.co/HKv2224hZd
thinking means making distinctions and generalizations parallel to both parts of WHITE MAN are important
xtianity sets up white men with a cult of guilt and redemption. jews decide what makes us guilty (our genes) and what redeems us (death)
February 20, 2016:
the way back involves pride. pride means self respect. self respect means standards. xtianity produces sniveling servitors, not men
the white man had accomplished greece and rome and and and before the mass slob slave loser religion made its appearance
christianity made the white man great the white man made xtianity great which seems likelier to you, simpson
Contary to what this lying twink @jartaylor says, there is no such thing as not taking a position on jews.
jews use muslims to destroy whites jews use niggers to destroy whites what do whites use to destroy jews
by "we" of course you mean the jews who dictate "our" policies https://t.co/gHHhMjPwhU
February 19, 2016:
What geographic and weather similarities are there besides none between Scotland and the South? Yet the white man succeeds both places.
If soil makes the man, then how does Germanic man succeed in dank nasty England and hot balmy Australia alike?
this painting. the men who like it are not the solution. they are the problem. https://t.co/XiLiCWDfZI
RIP to Bradley Smith, the man who revealed the truth about the Holohoax. Thanks for teaching me what a Big Lie really is.
February 18, 2016:
FORM a race, you must, says WY (white yoda). If you want to be not white. If you white-indifferent. You not white. Race just skin color. 2U.
aka thing that actually matters https://t.co/oDN8E54M6d
every time the pope opens his mouth my job gets easier Christianity is #antiwhite A helpful message from #TeamWhite
February 14, 2016:
February 12, 2016:
do you think a real American like Andrew Jackson would be afraid to discuss jews openly and advocate the necessay - and accomplish it
yep. apparently the founder was into EMT messages. https://t.co/QQJ1oi7rLz
Kill all the muslims - right after the jews who let them in. #TeamWhite This is the solution. This is what works. Nothing else will.
February 11, 2016:
christianity is the paralytic; jew is the lethal injection White race is the innocent victim #TeamWhite
February 10, 2016:
February 08, 2016:
let's pretend the world is run "liberals" rather than jews and that they are "stupid" rather than evil
they ought to stop listening to professional panderers telling them that naming the real enemy is bad https://t.co/ldNBxSdKxu
There are dozens or hundreds of tarantula species, but only one human species. Do you believe that? Does that seem likely to you?
jews pursue rational policies in the west - since their intent is to destroy white nations. calling them "stupid" denies agency & agenda
February 07, 2016:
His teet wae yellow His hart ware black Rows of pustules Ran green don his backe. --from Neo-Beowulf by Neel McO'Shuagnhessy
all day long i've been smelling VANILLA in EVERYTHING and hearing noises NORMALLY ASSOCIATED with MATING TURTLE AND OR RICK FLAIR
preparing the apparel selection is my favorite part of Buffoon Day...overalls, HST tribute glasses, Arby's hats r all ON THE DRESSING TABLE
would we appreciate spring if we knew not winter? - chester shakespeare (lil brother) well...I'M willing to try, chet
"dont like the weather? just wait 15 minutes" i wish i could bottle the #muhhuhhuh that comes with this, smash it on counter, throatstab
you said i was offended. i'm never offended by anything. i am of the detested goyEEM. our cowhide is thick https://t.co/m8gHw0mjG7
in the beginning were just the oysters. and they were blue. they formed a cult. they began to rock, to rock HARD. and they never stopped
retweet if you would love to have some chartreuse cowboy boots. but where do we find chartreuse cowboys...the eternal problem
i dont want a book, i already have a book - actress love is the illusion that one woman is different from another --mencken
every place thinks its gods country, and every place has that same stupid joke: if you dont like the weather, just wait fifteen minutes
it's a great day in the NEMO, probably because northeastern missouri, altho perilously close to iowa, is indisputably god's country
better video than one i posted, even. compare mentality of alt-losers of #altright vs a winner https://t.co/JOOmt8BxSN
this is a winner. completely opposite mentality of the twink right #altright https://t.co/X3NNa2PHhz
the belief that the cucks or ruling jews are stupid or out of touch is weak and wrong. politics isn't a debate. they have the power. do you?
through means which must remain occult i have come into possession of some mauve jodhpurs. if you're #altright get in touch, my treat
spend your life worrying about "diversity" fuck no. make money, make babies, fulfill your artistic vision, help lead your people to victory
jews are a race of liars and murderers. there is no middle position on them. if you aren't against them, you're #antiwhite
February 06, 2016:
Jebus Prettyneck Godsson let the jews kill him. Who are we to do any different. Real men don't pray, they laugh and act.
white people really are too dumb to tell piss from rain christianity has absolutely ruined our race, if you disagree you are a fucking idiot
"No coincidence that this nonsensical dance that resembles proper seizing etiquette relates to being blazed out of one’s mind."
niggers dont have culture they have habits. these habits are glorified by the kikes running the media, and the white lapdogs yap n lap em up
"dabbing is also the term for smoking butane hash oil and extracting 90 percent of the THC" --nigger culture, celebrated by whiteskin tools
mudshark ann coulter retweeted some of our finest anonymous typists! this is what the white man is reduced to
Racialism must separate from all conservatism, including #altright, which is infected with the same weakness and between-stoolishness.
just as people would buy dog diarrhea in a tube marked LL Bean Moisturizer, so they will buy anything yids sell as "conservatism"
the only thing the actual ruling elite respects is violence. most who talk down violence are just conservative cowards, but some are mislers
the rational way to analyze the French Revolution, from our standpoint in 2016, is surely to assume/try to disprove jews were behind it
If you read Burke backwards, you see strong indications this king of counterrevs perceived jewhand in French terrorism called revolution
Burke criticzed yids, and he is considered the father of modern conservatism. https://t.co/NlW5rgnEV3
all day i've been feeling gay as step astaire atop a chair. but i cant say that because you faggots killed english. may your T-cells vamoose
Josef Djugashvili He wasnt touchy-feely His bloody hands were all in That's why they called him Stalin --ff leavings
Thompson Twins - You Take Me Up https://t.co/ir9V9tIAfX via @YouTube back in the 80s people weren't afraid to get gay in a quarry
There's a time and place for you to be every moment of the day, and when you're not there, that's when trouble happens. #GrandpaWisdom
"humans can all get along." um...i dont even like people who lace shoes differently than i do. soyeahno
February 05, 2016:
Gold Toof Spaships are the best. Nigga, we got O, P and Q rings. #BigSpabookin https://t.co/gyurDBf1G2
The freeman is right, has only to add that the vast majority of those banksters are jews. https://t.co/fylOqXmIf6
February 04, 2016:
i firmly believe, with the sincerity of an honest jebooist, if such can be unearthed, that the tucson jaguar came to america to #EatTheBern
Some people get real tobacco pleasure (that's an ad allusion for you youngers) out of stately kings and regal popes. These are reactionaries
Reactionary beliefs are driven by aesthetics and emotions associated with them. These are trappings-folk. Their reasons are just covers.
Reactionaries share a religious faith with progressives. They worship the great god Was and progs the great gold Will Be.
Reactionaries just flip progressivism: whatever they dont like is some scare-word: modernist, rationalist, etc. The past wasn't that great.
If you're a christian, quit pretending you're a racialist. You're a fucking loony-tunes semitic cultist & universalist.
Evola is probably the single most overrated writer of the non-left that I've ever come across. His ideas are mostly gibberish or flat wrong.
christianity has always stood between the white instincts of the masses (to kill jews as one would any enemy) and the jews
because someone acted badly i the name of Reason, therefore actual reason is useless in understanding/changing world - conservatism
what too many of you don't grasp: your throne-and-altar tomfoolery is what produced these circumstances we commonly hate
hitler was not a christian, occultist or nordic pagan. he was not a conservative, reactionary or marxist
you'll care about different things at that point. the music is just tied to that time of life, good or bad https://t.co/MnJpcHrrSc
reactionary: one who prefers an imaginary past, as opposed to progressive, who prefers an impossible future
diversity matters. always remember to use some orange-kneed tarantulas in your movies, they enhance any picture with their zest for life
whites in the north vote for this repugnant kike bernie whites in south vote for this jew lickspittle huckabee or smarmy smegsman 'lindsey'
bernie sanders...hate the name, hate the face, stupid destructive politics - what an absolute shitrace jews are
i instinctly like Shkreli, not saying he's right or wrong about anything, havent followed that closely but he
if your instinct is to run to a fight, you're a radical; away from the fight, you're a conservative or altoid
even apart from positions, i generally dont respect groups like (fags) and (jews) who can't handle any criticism and try to ban it
true..but 97% were farmers back then, and many died early https://t.co/h2GsWX1Kwn
listening to Thompson Twins and mocking fags on Twitter...does life GET any better https://t.co/Y2o4dx61N6
the bourgeois believe poor are poor becuz Bad Choices, and this is true but superficial. the real problem is genetic https://t.co/PUvb8yJmHS
i like cocky people, even arrogant people, i like people who think they're smarter than the rest...esp if they can make it semi-plausible
gayfags of queerness create new lethal diseases through their morbid habits, then pule that the rest of us owe them subsidized cures
Solidarity with the poor is a Catholic doctrine. It says so in their catechism. https://t.co/UdIPMDa1MU
Reporters are lying scum who deserve one thing: to be lined up against wall and executed. https://t.co/huyGAaqPnU
In a democracy, no one's property is safe. I don't trust anyone for big govt because by that they prove they're dumb an/or dishonest.
in a democracy, a section of the sharps use the simpen masses' envy of betters to drag down competing slicks
i have not looked...i'm betting shkreli is not a jew. gayfags have a right to cheap meds. no, gayfags, you have a right to die, tho.
February 03, 2016:
in the worst song ever competition we have two distinctly different but equally terrible efforts: Little Boxes and Amazing Grace
jews jail 87yo for criticizing the The Hoax jews admit millions of lol-syrians to germany still think extermination is too much?
Whites need a global equivalent of jihad against the jew. To combat the one jews have run for decades against us.
like the jew, but in a softer way, the christian attempts to make his ideology the communal norm, and has abuse term for any deviation
'pagan' is the christian term for goyim, it has no inherent meaning beyond non-christian. yet again we see xtian's jewy attempt 2 false-menu
we should push really hard to get men who aren't interested into STEM careers. absurd. but good idea for women.
The truth is that wide-scaled violence against jews has never been attempted in history. It is the only solution that can work.
February 02, 2016:
As an atheist I observe: - jews treat christians unfairly - christians don't fight back. quite the opposite.
one of my favorite crank beliefs is that everything in nature is timed to a far preciser stopwatch than one would think. i can back this up
Now's the time to redouble support for Trump's campaign, not cry. We need a wall, we need hominids of Zika expelled.
antiwhite is effective as adjective, but the noun is jew or traitor. whiteskin is a term for biological whites who don't value race
February 01, 2016:
The christian church's definition of jew is as profoundly wrong as its geocentrism, but infinitely more destructive.
Christianity enfeebled America, so that even with 90% of public against war, its menfolk dopily trudged off to war. The cross = Cuckmaker.
Trump is about a 1% solution of what's needed, and that there's huge excitement over his campaign is a sign of how beaten down 'we' are.
who controls mass media? jews. who controls money? jews. If you don't like what's going on in this world, draw the conclusion
January 31, 2016:
Trump doesn't pretend to care. That means he's not a real conservative. <---it's unfunny becuz its true https://t.co/NtLgWhLyVG
i dont give a fuck about your fake reality, have you a million media the reality is hatred of WHITES coming from JEWS defines our age
it doesnt pass most basic logic: if we hurt them, why do they come here? why did their numbers multiply in spades? https://t.co/GuJKweumQn
the only real sentiment out there legitimately described as phobia, or fear-beyond-reason, is jewish hatred of whites ... #loxism
this is true, and if you disagree, you havent deal with jews: - the avg jew hates normal whites - the avg white never thinks about jews
Same old jewshtick: coloreds aren't responsible for their failures and whites aren't responsible for their successes https://t.co/dM7naijQjM
Top 20 New Species Discovered in 2015 - Part 2 | Biology | https://t.co/meazn8hBS5 : https://t.co/92BcmbQkOj
Jew advocates the veiled racial destruction of whites, and charging them for privilege. https://t.co/i9U5UUEBzS
January 30, 2016:
'When Swedish streets are no longer safe to walk on for normal Swedes, it is our DUTY to fix the problem,' the leaflet reads.
Pushing Commies Out of Copters. Was a strange Denver follow up to "Sunshine on My Shoulders," but I loved it.
January 29, 2016:
They're only shit if you make assumptions about what they should be. But there's no basis for that. People = animals https://t.co/o91ZvLl6TV
This needs to be said 10,000x. https://t.co/NE4bJ6wA3e
every single thing written about Trump in controlled media that ive read contains personals insult directed at a physical traits
The conservative is one who instinctively runs from a fight. You don't want to be "alt"- that. You want to be opposite that.
K9 units. https://t.co/0RgQTfom1e
Which is better at preserving land, wildlife, etc. Govt or private parties? Your answer shows your level of knowledge and brainwashing.
This is what I mean by the cult of the expert. Canada, but same attitude in USA. https://t.co/Vn7E1et74m
Zika, dengue, Q-RID, MDR-TB, that brain worm...the hits keep coming. Thanks for opening white borders, jews.
January 28, 2016:
“Flat Earth” rapper B.o.B has even more extreme, dangerous views: He promotes Holocaust denial https://t.co/2aOwOs1Rsp via @Salon
Do you who love repeating the Coudenhouve-Kalergi (sp?) realize that what you are actually doing is running from the simple, accurate term?
Fox News is just another kike outlet. Using male cheerleaders, construction workers and models to promote the jewish #antiwhite agenda.
We should never ever even consider using violence against the people who are sticking millions of violent muslims in our midst.
Forced lobotomies will end white hate. https://t.co/Fmo3g7U8cF
When whiteskin traitors fear #TeamWhite more than Big Jew, then we have the beginnings of a revolution.
Jews are responsible for the hate speech laws that make it a crime to criticize the muslims they let in. Nice state of affairs.
Rip away the protective barrier of whiteskin traitors serving the jew. Render the jew rulers exposed. Then slaughter them. #WhiteStrategy
Jews are The problem. In every white nation. Organizing against them is the solution. The only solution. #TeamWhite
One standard for jews, another standard for everybody else. https://t.co/OtuJfkcK9X
https://t.co/xYR9TLnuvj #kaimurros Join the European Liberation Army #voiceofeurope #white #whitegenocide #wr Please Retweet!
Audio of Imperium (text + commentary) begins: Intro from Carto https://t.co/VPsfyHCUKA (~50m) https://t.co/NIf0RKiw1Y (1:06)
January 27, 2016:
The rodeo bell time of eight seconds originated in Southern Baptist "stand on your hind legs" contests in the early 1700s. #realhistory
Fine: Joel Jew suppresses views that 90% of the population hold. $136,000 Fine: Joe Christian refuses to bake cake for sex deviants.
Oxen demand 40 acres of pasture and a negro. America, after all, was built on ropes attached to their back.
I'm so fucking sick of seeing non-americans crawling around in this country MY GERMAN and ENGLISH ancestors created. Fuck off you losers.
Get a commit. Of white elders. Decide on TERMS FOR VERBAL WARFARE. We all use them. That's a start. Can we manage even this?
If white men disappear, who will protect all the kitty cats and bowsy wowsies? the blacks you love so much? #thinkharderwhiteleft
You can save Africans or African animals. Not both. For the former produce the #bushmeat crisis that results in extinction. #thinkharderleft
Infinite love for endangered species -- and for the species (blacks) that drives them extinct -- but endless hatred for race that saves them
I love animals and want to save every endangered species. Except for the one species (white men) that created the very idea of preservation.
Save this or that endangered species? This is like hacking at branches of evil rather than root. Save THE SAVER species. #WhiteThoughts
Would you rather live in a nation or a Hefty grabbag of discarded cultures made of spoiled meat and rancid yoghurt?
White traditionalism is a contradiction. Explain Cajuns from a traditionalist perspective. Nah, whites make their worlds not suffer them.
I like having pockets of whites who are noticeably different. Variety is good, forced mixing is bad. https://t.co/K8S3PUmuBO
Today, in AmeriKwa, we have up for bid: - negro in winter cap wearing sweatpants and nigregiously teal hightops - two asians from Ulan Bator
Cup your hand, and rotate your wrist. That's how beauty queens wave. And never raise your hand above your tiara. #newsfewcanuse
Muh eatin' goldfish. Muh packing phone booth. Oh WASP. You so wacky. And tiresome. Especially tiresome.
All right, that's a dirty lie. I'm not a Cajun... I applied and was rejected. :( But I can totally bag alligators w giant treble hooks.
Can you even imagine living in a country where hating whites didnt define the media and government? Who among us ever has? 1%? #TeamWhite
No matter what is written on paper, someone will claim it doesn't mean what it plainly does. So why worship paper, given hearts of men?
Muslims simply to bring real humans under their retard umbrella; that's one kind of threat. But jews want to exterminate our very kind.
Parties that seem to advocate whites on closer view always turn out to be merely anti-muslim. Gee, I wonder who's behind that..
If the Constitution were self-enforcing it would be worth worshiping. It's not. No paper is. It falls on our valor to enforce its words.
Whites should act like jews: only support parties that support their race and its liberation agenda. Which is 0 parties right now. So...
We need a White Party. But not one bound to loser conservatives, or featuring any of the usual flag, eagle, muh-constitution simp-signals.
Jews are loyal Republicans so long as Reps serve their racial agenda. The minute it appears they might depart...Bloomberg!
Jews stick together - and they secrete poisons that prevent whites from sticking together. https://t.co/BkH4SZafOo
Anyone with more than 2-3 experiences with the media knows that jewsmedia reporters are invariably lying scum - partisan liars always.
Trump shows how: attack the media. Don't be bossed by it - boss it. Insult it, attack it, treat it like the shitheel assemblage it is.
Jews foment international revolution, first called communism, now called multiculturalism. Goal is the _racial_ destruction of white nations
January 26, 2016:
Hitler was a response to what jews did in Russia. Which is carefully kept out of schools and newspapers. But we know. #TeamWhite
If X created a problem. And X prevents Y from solving the problem. Then how credible is someone who says "I separate X from the problem"?
Clearing up racial problems = defeating jews politically. This is why claims to separate JQ from race are ridiculous - and deliberate lies.
Civilization tip: what the man orders or buys, is not for you to comment on, waiter or cashier. That's unprofessional. Be quiet & impersonal
The first white man who encountered niggers figured out in minutes they are violent, stupid savages. No education needed there.
Is there anything deeply, suicidally wrong with you? No? But there is with whites generally? Bullshit. The problem is jew political control.
Christianity brought civilization to the savages. That was the theory, anyway. Gresham had a better one.
Those who associate with or apologize for jews are our enemy, no matter what they call themselves or what reason they provide. #TeamWhite
You get what you tolerate. Jesus Christ, fellow white men: even Oprah figured this one out. Those who excuse jews are our enemy.
Kevin MacDonald undermines the white cause by associating with Jared Taylor, in a perfect example of putting personality over principle.
Jared Taylor's parents tried and failed to destroy Japan with christianity, so he came home to help jews destroy whites.
Imagine the poverty of a mind that sees spreading christianity or democracy as some kind of ideal or holy mission.
It is time for white men to give up crank dreams of universalism, and focus on defending their own kind from jews & other predators.
Surely the significant fact is how strongly whites have resisted their dispossession - by refusing to marry or live around coloreds.
Jared Taylor's position amounts to blaming whites for what is being done to them by jews. There is no way around this. JT serves jews.
I'm "baffled" why a race whose members are legally discriminated against by "their" govt and shat on daily in media abandon their identity.
Jared Taylor affects to be "baffled" by loss of White identity. He is lying. He knows it is the product of jews running government.
Whites show by whom they marry and where they move that they are pro-white. But the jew govt is hell bent on white identity destruction.
A group of individuals who feel the same way is not enough to defeat a team. It must form a team itself. (#TeamWhite) v actual Team Jew.
The only rational way to treat jews is as a gang of criminals. As a team. Treat them as individual people - well, you get what we have now.
It took Joe Sobran 20+ years to apply conservative principles to Israel, he said, and he never applied them to christianity.
Mass killings is a rational and respectful solution to many social problems. It's in line with nature, too.
Christian universalism is poisonous, but the white man remains addicted. Not our job to fix the problems of niggers, kaffirs & spidereaters.
Whites tolerated jews being treated as individuals, which led to jews taking away their constitutional rights and establishing tyranny.
Won't bake a cake for deviants? Violating public accommodations. Exclude normal view as "hate"? Freedom of contract for "social media."
Nature's rule is whatever goes, goes. 99% of species that ever existed are extinct. God made this System? Either way, "it is what it is."
Endangering white men everywhere in the name of the imaginary Lord. That's our Jebus cult. https://t.co/nVRJ1TXUhg
January 25, 2016:
The problem isn't lack of white identity; rather, white identity is suppressed by the powers that be - which is ZOG.
If you can't tell by sheer instinct that Jared Taylor is a liar and a fraud, you're not smart enough for politics.
Henry Ford points that out in his 1920 work, that jew immigrants there then were low bolshevik scum. https://t.co/MIXCCEFnW4
He turned from harmless drunk to Anglo Saxon seeking a direction for High Moral Dudgeon, which the neocohens used. https://t.co/lq2WdvSoNQ
pastor/preacher - likely pervert. youth pastor/preacher - professional pervert https://t.co/D1KzgG7WUu
jews are playing raceball while whites play party politics. one is profound and eternal, the other is superficial and foolish
January 24, 2016:
What is more destructive than a man who crawls out of the bottle and into a church? (George W. Bush, Glenn Beck)
repatriated = expelled by racist israel https://t.co/TG6A4xoURL
Lenin explained politics: Who? Whom? Who is doing what to whom? Jews are doing (muslims, niggers, feminism) to whites.
The white snow revolution shows us that even flakes can dominate, if properly organized and deployed.
Leftism has a totalitarian concern to dictate minutest details of your daily life. This comes directly from judaism.
People who believe in god, it should come as no surprise, have extreme intellectual difficult grasping the concept of agency.
Ruthlessly simplify until the bones are bare: #TeamWhite vs Team Jew. That's what's going on. Germany, USA, UK, -- all white lands.
American christians are the only people in the world who can't see jews and Israel for what they are. https://t.co/wbWdHXUM4I
And so -feminism, which is jew-laid rat poison for white women, comes full circle, with women demanding protection. https://t.co/jBlzHiWYbV
If christianity put self-respect in men, rather than teaching them they are miserable depraved worms, maybe they would stand up to jews.
Mencken first drew my attention to the distinction between moral and honorable. Christians serve jews shamefully because they lack honor.
The jews form a natural elite, and the christians form a natural slave class. Is that not what we see?
the government is not your dada, it's your enemy. keep pretending they're too stupid to know what +2m "syrians" in (germany) means
loxism is the defining hatred of our times: the hatred of whites by jews. it conditions literally everything that comes out of big media
so there's these niggers...they're living on the banks of practically the largest body of clean fresh water in the world, and...yeah
#TeamWhite vs Team Jew is not only factually correct, it is simple enough that the dimmest in the crowd can grasp it.
The facts aren't sophisticated, interesting or complex enough for someone on my level. --avg right-wing catholic pseudo-intellectual
Someone with a taste for the garish and overdone (cathedrals) is seldom going to be satisfied with a simple answer like "it's the jews."
No, it's not that at all. It has nothing to do with personality, it's quite impersonal. https://t.co/gOnYyGZgup
The simplest explanation that covers the given facts is that jews are murdering the White West. #WhiteGenocide #RespectOccamsRazor
Ever notice how depressing all state institutions are? And all in same way: a junior high, DMV office and prison are all the same thing.
January 23, 2016:
#IstandwithIsrael because I'm a traitor. https://t.co/AUGcnxBybw
The jewish agenda says: preserve Israel and destroy white nations. #NRO jews advance this agenda. #Cuckservative "cover goyim" help them.
No other group has an extremely powerful, infinitely funded network - only jews. All goyim must adapt to this Basic Fact of media/politics.
Glenn Beck is the least semitic-appearing character possible, so #NRO jews make him the cover boy for their racial assault on Donald Trump.
The jew says to the budding goy writer: sell out your race, and I'll find you a position in mass media. Very few goyim resist this bribery.
i think some of them are unclear on the meaning of cuckoldry https://t.co/HERrrNei0C
Jonah Goldberg isn't a #cuckservative. He is faithful to the jewish race. Glenn Beck (et al) is. He sells out his kind to advance his career
Jews offer fame and money to bribe goyim like Glenn Beck to push their racial agenda. Beck is the #cuckservative. Big Jew is the bull.
If you advance your career by selling out your race - that's what makes you a #cuckservative. Jews don't do this. They are racially loyal.
The cuckservative is the whiteskin who sells out his race to the ruling jews, by agreeing to advance their antiwhite agenda for money/fame.
Raimondo is a jewish queer. https://t.co/Ib7kyoxV1y
And in her case marrying and breeding with them. https://t.co/ejxgJlRcif
you hair has turned quite red from suffering https://t.co/uvGpLHBdGS
as a young boy ambrose dreamed of being a creepy handyman living in a shack, but destiny had other plans, and he became an astronaut
This cannot be explained to English speakers. https://t.co/bqkf24p1It
NRO cucks denouncing Trump: erickson, bozell, beck, loesch, thomas, sowell, pavlich, reno, meese, moore, mcintosh, mccarthy, hayward
Trumps provides a good example of jewing the jew when he retweets #WhiteGenocide while pretending he doesn't know what he's doing.
many Canadian police agencies “actively suppress” racial data when delivering their annual crime reports to Ottawa https://t.co/XmO1nb0O11
I like hearing about whites who are fighting and breeding. If all is lost, then kill yourself already, you sad wallpaper.
Good for you. https://t.co/hTnUcVoSih
"As lying, warmonging jews/jewtools, we find Trump inimical to our Tribal/professional interests." --NRO kikes & cuckservatives
#IStandWIthIsrael because i'm a traitor. #tcot https://t.co/yhJPL0kHYD
guilt by retweet association this is what we've fallen to part of Making America Great Again is not whining about who retweets whom
January 22, 2016:
The jewish left tries to drive whites away from what's good for them. In fact, their agenda is perfect counter-indicator of what we need.
It's like everywhere: get rid of the muds AND THE JEWS WHO LET THEM IN. https://t.co/TK5b8CrsFQ
Professional conservatism in 2016: - putting Israel ahead of US; - putting jews and minorities ahead of whites. Just like liberalism. #tcot
The more primitive races are more religious than whites. Their ridiculous beliefs are symptoms of their lack of mental ability.
In college, during a particularly sad dry spell I made some joke about having to put twigs and leaves over my vagina in the hopes
jew comedian steals material? can this be? https://t.co/AdQDmvL7XJ
Fat Sam flew around the world on his Magic Spork, giving young intellectual kids heaping scoops of gruel.
That's great. Just get your sweeping done. https://t.co/MovHNrNVOz
I've met christians and i've met snakes. The snakes make better christians and the christians make better snakes.
face belongs in a cheesy slasher film involving dolls, puppets or candy https://t.co/7nLcppQ5cg
What did the nigger get for christmas? Your glider. https://t.co/K71Csh2avd
January 21, 2016:
Jews at #NRO create a bogus individualist, aracial history of America, and the dupes in Flyover swear fealty to it. #tcot
Anglo-Christian society simply does not produce men of high character. It producers grinners, liars and sycophants by the truckload.
Ron Paul was a lot more radical and principled than Donald Trump, and the jews on the lol-right hated him just as much.
Conservatives are big on principle. Remember how they treated Ron Paul, proponent of traditional Washingtonian foreign policy? #tcot
Baptists reject the suggestion men evolved from monkeys. They lack the insight to see their fear springs fm claim's undeniable plausibility.
Not true. SA had everything it needed, materially, to defend itself against all comers. Except will. https://t.co/qJxS4Espae
Conservatism is about one virtue: prudence. Prudence in action = it is always safe & profitable to nod your head when Big Jew speaks. #tcot
There is nothing the slightest bit complex or difficult to grasp about jews. They have money and media. They rule.
Imagine if someone told you the (Italian) mafia is so difficult it can only be understood in stages. yet they say this about jews often.
"I'm an independent goy billionaire; all the other candidates are puppets of jew billionaires." --D. Trump
It's to get people to accede in lying. So they KNOW they're participating in a scam. They lose self-respect & will. https://t.co/bE5UfBwpQo
Jewish marrow at #NRO is roiling like a lava lamp that a real American might take power from its stable of jewish puppets.
Whether he intends to or not, Trump is pointing out 'American' politics is run by JEWISH money pushing JEWISH agenda https://t.co/ozWS5xMrAb
Social shaming doesn't work real well on people who aren't particularly fans of humanity in general.
Fear and self-interest lead whites away from even thinking about the jew thing. The better elements of our race must stand up. #TeamWhite
Why ask me when you can find the answer in South Africa. They will never wake up. https://t.co/UUDwxWX6Rn
I was in DC when that happened, as I recall. Remember reading about it in Washington Times. https://t.co/LrTKQPQOCi
For just .75 a day, you can feed a starving vulture! https://t.co/c40rBkVSpp
Conservatism is a disposition, said Russel Kirk. And he's right. It is the disposition to run from a fight. Even a verbal fight. #tcot
The oily dishonesty of a Cal Thomas... The smarmy disingenuousness of a Glenn Beck... The lugubrious pulings of a Peggy Noonan #MeetTheCucks
A real man figures out what is right and sticks to it. He does not become a whore or a bellwether. That's how I conceive it, anyway.
Why are christians most prominent among the #cuckservatives pimping for the jews? Because their cult talks down pride and urges submission.
Perhaps the first time I truly began to loathe professional Christian jewcucks was seeing Cal Thomas at a function, with his stupid bowtie.
Cal Thomas and Glenn Beck deserve the treatment women who whore with the enemy get when their side finally loses. #TeamWhite
The masquerade that is ordinary democratic politics serves jews. Explaining the real battle (Team Jew vs normal whites) serves #TeamWhite.
Jews hide the real reason they hate Trump. Don't let them. Bring it out: their racial animus against whites. Their racial WAR ON WHITES.
Don't let the jews masquerade as avatars of true conservatism when they are simply uniting as jews (+ boughtlings) against implicit White.
Whites have like an instinct to run away from potential strength. WE are WHITES. Our ENEMY is JEWS. This is how to frame Trump/NRO battle.
Simply the Trump thing into what it is: Jews united against whites. Jesus, why can we never take our own side? Whites are the liberal race.
(to tune of Billy Joel's Still Rock and Roll To Me) Some people say that the Catholic Church's a rock But it's all Jimmy Jones to meeee.
The manual Building Intercultural Competence for Ministers has been developed and can be found online... https://t.co/2OyYI58yt4
Listen to the august collection of NYC kikes we've assembled for you, bubele. They know from conservatism. #tcot
Trump's not conservative. Endless international warmongering and deficit spending - THAT's conservative.
Jews, all of them, are on their side. And their side, always, is never your side. Dig it, ponyboys. #TeamWhite
If I proposed intermarriage between muslims and jews as the solution to middle eastern tensions, what would jews call me?
The real christian symbol is not the fish or the sheep but the dung beetle. Rolling and feasting on his little balls of ordure.
The basic jew rhetorical approach: Everyone who disagrees with me is a hater. Let's talk about your bad character. And nothing else.
I would be very slow to credit Anglos with good intentions rather than desire for money. https://t.co/BXzx6Xwkwm
Jews unite across parties and media to scotch any campaign (David Duke, Ron Paul, Donald Trump) that even remotely threatens white > jew.
Notice how jews/left and jew/right are suddenly united Team Jew when it comes to resisting someone (Trump) who bodes well for whites?
Whatever is good for whites is bad for jews, and the jews instinctively know this and vampire-hiss like the Jonah Goldbergs at Donald Trump.
The jew beats you up with Semitical Correctness. You destroy your character by acceding in lie. Mutatis mutandis, xtianity/sweet delusions.
Really, it cannot be exaggerated how much, from White POV, christianity is the good cop to jews' bad cop.
For future historians, a turning point in public expression of white-genocidal animus emerged around news-time of Trayvon Martin.
It is more than merely possible to loathe billies of hill and sockless preppies alike; it is morally necessary.
Glad to be of service, bro. The Trump campaign is certainly interesting, altho I don't follow as closely as some. https://t.co/C8qGUb0ks7
Trump's campaign has really brought out the never-very-latent now-overt hatred of whites, real genuine hatred, in the breasts of jews/tools.
Much of political thought comes from reflecting on what kind of an institution (govt school) would force an innocent boy to square dance?
Politics at its best is like a Goldberg's variations on separation. If you see what I mean. There's a logic and an art to it.
I don't particularly like people or trust them. Nor do I expect them to feel any different about me. So, for me, separation IS politics.
You have to be the equivalent of tone deaf not to perceive that christianity is a radically different mindset and outlook from the racial.
Solidarity with the poor is Catholic policy. It's in their catechism. And where are more poor than among the darkling races?
If gentlemen never whine about things they can change, then conservatives aren't gentleman. They have the manners but lack the man.
All this 'refugee' stuff is the 'tragedy' in the Tragedy & Hope of Carroll Quigley (Bill Clinton's mentor) & the globalists' New World Order
Do I "worship at the altar of my own blood" because I don't want mine to be hated & discriminated against & violently attacked for my race?
The jew styles all opposition as hate. The christian ift styles it as fear. So often xtianity is pallid doppelganger of jew rhetechnik.
I wonder what percentage of caring whites would rather see our race die out than become aggressive & intellectual rather than pious-maudlin.
Granted, Epissies are pikers compared to the Catheters and Lucerans, but their heart is still in the wrong place. https://t.co/yWeG9DtPCs
If you want to argue with me that xtianity is pro-white, first submit a transcript of your racial discussion with your preacher/priest.
"Blame must always be diverted from the guilty Negro to the nearest white man, or, if none be available, inanimate object." --AP Stylebook
Episcopal Migration Ministries assures safe passage and provides vital services for thousands of refugee families upon their arrival in USA
Strengthening your community by adding Congolese to it. It's what the Episcopalians do. To defend the white race. https://t.co/yWeG9DtPCs
It's not just Lutherans and Catholics (making money) defending the white race, it's Episcopalians too. https://t.co/yWeG9DtPCs
List of various christian flavors helping the central government destroy White America. https://t.co/CCOIRSPYZp
Pride has caused as many men to rise as fall. https://t.co/3O8Y4mavAq
Spiritual equality (in the eyes of God) is destructive egalitarianism too. Maybe some honesty, christian? Your cult is destroying our race.
"Our local papers, the Star Tribune and the Pioneer Press will almost never allow comments on articles related to the Somali community,"
Trump's campaign shows that the greatest single bloc -- normal white Americans -- has no representation and is hated by the (((media))).
Christians defending the white race in Minnesota. https://t.co/j9dpZfDtPy
Christian conservatism - there's no hope in it, no future, no fight. We must go hard. That means racial and aggressive, not reactionary.
Nice midwesterners and gracious Southerners. Doing battle with an intense, networked, paranoid, self-conscious Tribe. Who wins?
I really think, based on observation, that genuine love of the church in high-IQ men is mostly aesthetic, then covered by rationalizations.
NRO doesn't like Trump because some of his plans are good for whites rather than jews. Which is their only concern.
You're not educated when you can't tell the difference between an Australian aborigine and a European. https://t.co/S2cTpDe1qR
I was going to say christians don't grasp the racial implications of their own doctrines, but...they dont even know the doctrines.
Christians destroying (Minnesota)...for pay. https://t.co/j9dpZfDtPy
Religious beliefs matter much more than race. That's why you'd be happier living among 40,000,000 Nigerian christians than white atheists.
The christian alternates between the fake-cheerful and genuinely despondent. It is a very unmanly disposition. Just plain morbid, actually.
It's harder for average people to make distinctions between groups when their religion is telling them we're all one in christ.
In the civil war, the north and south disagreed over the best way to do good for blacks. But thanks to xtianity, both agreed on the need.
Talking in codes is not some kind of clever strategy when you're the majority but a sign of pathetic weakness.
It's the hardest thing in the world to turn a Pew-Goober into a Skeptic. And he's no better at the latter than the former. So laugh and syh.
Conservative: "I'm dumb and honest, so everyone else must be too." Not so. Left aren't stupid. They're evil.
The conservative is the fool who truly believes John Podhoretz is on his side, rather than on Chuck Schumer's.
Christianity teaches people that things happen by accident. This confirms the mass superstition. The elite know things are caused.
American christians enthusiastically supported the jews running USA in eradicating christianity from the middle east.
Yeah, they couldnt figure that out without you telling them. It's certainly not what they expected or wanted. https://t.co/7UElJ6WvA1
The white man's instinct is to kill the nigger. The church tells him that's immoral. Rather he must cure the nigger with magic water.
It's too humiliating to the catholic to admit his beliefs matter less than his blood, so he bends reality to his religious fantasy.
Norman Podhoretz advocated mongrelization, yet he and his son are taken as "conservatives." Do you wonder why jews have no respect for us?
Christians manifestly won't defend themselves from jews, yet we have simpletons telling us the church will defend our white race?
Our cause is not restoring monarchy. Or establishing some christian flavor. Or even limiting government. It is purely racial protection.
Jews subvert and control. That's practically all they do. "By way of deception." But they would never attempt this with "alt"-right.
Jews are capable of looking at politics impersonally, but goyim are not. This is very definitely a measure of jewish superiority.
New Himalayan bird species found by listening to its unique voice https://t.co/tPir013sqy
Not one pro christian dares stand up in public and say boo to the jews - even though all must believe that jews murdered their Savior.
That moment you realize the christian church has always worked to break down racial distinctions... https://t.co/fdVN1ORngh
There is a lot of agreement on which constitute the symptoms of cultural decline, but disagreement over their ultimate cause & correction.
Drink, drugs and religious delusion are three popular escapes from reality. But they all tend to degrade a man.
Watch jews closely. Watch them interact with people. It is quite easy, in most cases, to spot their utter disdain for goyim (non-jews).
You see jews as people. They see you as a member of a childishly gullible, cloddish group of hominid livestock they spit down on as 'goyim.'
If it's catholicism causing all the good things, why aren't these good things found among non-white catholics - the majority of the cult?
I've never yet got a catholic intellectual to explain to me why the wonders he credits his church w can't be found in Nigeria (40m caths).
Do you doubt that Hitler had Germany's interests at heart? Now, which politician has white interests at heart? That's what we need.
Podhoretz, Schumer, Silverman, Reiner, Feinstein, Goldberg - the intellectual epiphany is realizing it's all the same thing: Team Jew.
Yeah, god forbid a jew be tied to its behavior. Jews murdered the West. That's the long and short of it. https://t.co/n2I2eiJlCS
This guy wants to restore a king. This guy wants to force papism on people of hill. This guy wants to go full adolf. This guy wants 50s back
There is a racial war going on between Team Jew and Team White. But the latter team has yet to form or fight. So it's, yeah, losing.
I mean, the critics of such as Rick Wilson think he matters nearly as much as he does. This is what's a little silly & false about #altright
Whites, even intellectuals, are nearly congenitally incapable of realizing how profound and deep-laying jewish plans actually are.
One side is trying to genocide a race. The other side has some vague idea of restoring '50s-style society. Who wins this fight?
Can an overtly racial force be ginned up to take on Team Jew. That's the only political question that matters. #TeamWhite
There is no meaningful difference between Jonah Goldberg and Charles Schumer. Both are #antiwhite members of Team Jew.
The truth is too simple & 'common' to interest the pseuds of the alt-right, who fancy they are somehow different from ordinary #tcot cowards
No group save jews has the money and organization to dominate politics, and so this is where any serious political analysis begins & ends.
Conservatives make a career out of denying Occam, and this is true for the so-called alties as well.
There is not a single professional conservative 'atheist' - they're all christians. And they all truckle before the jew.
Christianity breeds men without character, and this is why none of the professional goy 'conservatives' dare to stand up to the jews.
The jews on the lol-right are the adults; the goycucks (redundant) take marching orders from them. To keep their bread buttered.
Reactionaries and progressives are alike in many ways, not least in that both instinctively distrust the average man making decisions.
January 20, 2016:
"As political and economic freedom diminishes, sexual freedom tends compensatingly to increase." --Aldous Huxley
January 19, 2016:
Anti-Intellectualism and the Theology of Feeling (audio on Ann Douglas', Feminization of American Culture, (1977) https://t.co/n5C5eqqTtK
January 18, 2016:
Today is Monkey Day. When we celebrate lying, plagiarism & hypocrisy. All the things you can't get thru life without, like an EBT card.
January 17, 2016:
(my opinion about) Bonehill. The point surely is that people in UK are thrown in jail for criticizing jews. You ok with that?
Yeah, let's put Germany's existence in play. That's cool. But add another ten feet to that wall around the jews of Israel.
January 11, 2016:
Cram every Bignose into every Assup and kick them all out of Europe. Drown them like semitic rats in the middle sea.
To the (((press))), imaginary rapes by white men rate more coverage than real MASS GANG rapes by muslims AGAINST WHITE WOMEN. #UVAhoax
Jews decapitated our race (1). Now they're trying to murder the body (2). We need a new head. #TeamWhite
that's the crucial thing to get: crimes like this are by design. to destroy white society by forcing blacks in https://t.co/TbQaOGnIQu
Bingo. (so far as i know). jew communists attack GOY capital, NEVER jew capital. jew capitalists FUND jew communists https://t.co/EliMulBJ8u
If they cover up the murder of 80k whites in South Africa, not surprising they cover up a few hundred rapes in Europe. #TeamWhite
Go paint a swastika on a jew headstone and the news will be - literally - global within days. But stuff like Cologne Nothing for days.
Some of the non-jew white female leftists beginning to get disillusioned. https://t.co/UxAfdUxZh9
women aren't the problem or the solution. the problem and solution lie with WHITE MEN. identify the enemy. destroy it. #TeamWhite
And after they've murdered Germany and Europe, they will deny that such a place ever existed as a common bloodstock. #NoJewsJustRight
Anyone who says the west is committing suicide? They're on the side of the jews. They're your enemy. #TeamWhite
"Endgame," says jew Soros. "At the end of 2015, we jew accelerated the murder of the white race, fearing no resistance."
Henry Ford's final words on the Jewish Question - his address to "gentiles." https://t.co/Sk92m5OVW9 #vnnforum
Keep kidding yourself that anything other than extermination of jews can work. It's later than you think. #TeamWhite
Your side has to invent gang rapes by whites (jew Erdeley lying about UVA), whereas our side has actual video. https://t.co/giWaIyZsSV
Jews are the problem. Everything else is symptoms of the problem. Exterminating jews is the solution. #TeamWhite
January 10, 2016:
Eisenhower HS star football player nigger facing capital murder charge https://t.co/HoQPFCOEn2 via @Yahoo
Woman raped by five men in New York City park, police say https://t.co/dhY8eHhZnP via @YahooNews
January 09, 2016:
We aren't doing it to ourselves. Our governments are doing it to us. And they are controlled by jewish money.
That works for whites too. https://t.co/GNsvZn9l1M
January 08, 2016:
they're not stupid. you're weak. too weak to face what they're about & after head on. that's why they rule and you get nothing & whine #tcot
Every single sensible political position has been turned into a smear by media jews. For ex., if you want borders, you're a "xenophobe."
January 07, 2016:
So long as whites retain the christian mentality, whether in its older religious form or newer secular form, they won't defend themselves.
If you believe a white man can't run his life without a welfare state, in what sense are you pro-white?
Cologne Sex Attack: Horror Police Report Revealed https://t.co/r4KGMpgTNa via @NewObOnline
January 06, 2016:
#crosscucks https://t.co/EBQe9Ak64O
"Remove kebab" is typical of the tepid humor of weakness conservatives have always been known for. #altright
Jews control US government. They pay christians to destroy Minnesota. Jes look at all them reverends. https://t.co/bKbS1oac9p
Christians doing the lord's work. Nice cult you got there, whiteskin. https://t.co/tcf9UqFEFK
Nonwhite Cologne Attackers “Like an Army” https://t.co/9OcfRTX42a via @NewObOnline
Media Conspiracy over Cologne Mass Sex Attack https://t.co/TjPLKp5LuX via @NewObOnline
January 05, 2016:
"reports of" - that's jewspeak for "they're making it up" - aka the jew gaslighting his sucker-readers https://t.co/HmhBYu4lqJ
THIS is how you do it. ATTACK. Trump just has the right instincts. https://t.co/KRIFdlrOM8
they're called jews, and you libertarian weaklings, "freemen" lol, like george orwell are afraid to say that https://t.co/ZyzvpyxwrU
Almost every way I'd be disposed to dislike HST, but he was a man, and he took the world on his own terms, and he gave something to it.
I love how religious beliefs are somehow supposed to be marked off from others. No. That doesn't work. You dont get that jewy perk, sniffler
The world desperately needs a first-rate culture that isn't Anglo, and that is Germany. And to try to murder it is a crime beyond crime.
You should but won't see how your xtian is sad drama-queening next to this Greekish type wisdom. https://t.co/ikuruHUY3p
Charlie Bucket replacing the everlasting gobstopper - that's a white man. Jimmy Swaggart bawling "Uh hav sind" - that's a christian manlet.
Yep. Soon as there are any serious, multiple white fightbacks, what can they do? https://t.co/f6WWhbaSRK
Moderation in all things. Help your friends. Fuck your enemies. These old Greek ideas work just fine today. #TeamWhite
Have you ever been sniffed at, cold shouldered, cut? You can't tell me leftism isn't a religious cult - I've experienced it first hand.
Oh that is great: MERDIA shit-media https://t.co/A2zSw6rTkE
Life doesn't last that long, and not all life is good life either. Draw your neck out of the collar, if ye dare - Shake spear.
Maybe I'm skewing a little altright, but I think Abba wears pretty well. https://t.co/gkbubvfUel
Loving the slanteye take on the "not saying its aliens" blowout https://t.co/a5Qg2wmInV
I come here for the strudel. That means, I want to read first-hand or retweet accounts of what's going on in (Germany, Europe, etc).
Whites are the guy on the park bench munching popcorn in city his people built. Blacks and browns are the pigeons. #WeWuzKangz
Etymology: the word 'jest' comes from 'ingest,' as the first known jokes all revolved around what the subjects consumed.
Is there a man alive so jaded as to be unmoved by the unclouded joys of making fun of the terraphages?
Fun fact: the South once had as much black loam as the midwest, but it was BLEW AWAY IN TORNADOSTORMS, YALL GONNA GET ASSKICK-- ...eaten.
(what book) https://t.co/MUtye89HZo
second literal lol of the day (WE WUZ CHANGZ clear winner) https://t.co/tXt2wlZDH3
How's that tradition of "that's not for us" (politics) working out for you, German-descended American? #muhturdition
We have a free press, made up of thousands of writers & editors who all independently decide to call black criminals "teens" & "youths."
#IStandWithIsrael #Tcot https://t.co/MUUJTxfk9f
Looks like a faggot to me. https://t.co/TAV1uOP4qK
If there's one thing I have no tolerance for it's these pinheads who try to tie the racial cause to the bible. FUCKING CLUELESS.
Bleating, special-pleading, weeping, what a sad sack sorry ass spectacle the man of christ presents. Anyone would kick it in vulva.
"It's the kulchur." Ok, dipshit, then how do you explain Liberia? Founded by Americans of Nigger. Failed successfully for 200+ years.
We're NOT in this together. I don't give a rats ass about niggers or Mexicans, they're hominid shit that ought to be dead. #TeamWhite
It's just like Hitler said. Every social ill you examine, a jew is in there suppurating its pus. https://t.co/nltv00y49U
People say a lot of things about Romans, but no one ever denied they were real men. Who looks at a christian and calls him a man?
I googled myself. Not even my quotes from others are accurate. I say HST and someone says "Harry S Truman." Jesus no. Hunter S. Thompson.
I ate raisins and salami sandwiches, and played handball. Listened to classmates talk about Charlie's Angels. Golden State '70s.
"Rich Corinthian leather"... who remembers that phrase, ha. https://t.co/4CB2F5fmuR
Back before Prohibition, jews circulated liquors in black South featuring lewd white women. Leading to "the nameless crime." Jews are evil.
I often feel if Herve Villechaize were still alive, none of this ever would have happened. That little midget was wise beyond his height.
Hitler spoke calmly and reasonably, always using his indoor voice, which some called the voice of prudence. That's how he saved Germany.
I don't really care about the system, I care that someone or group not manifestly insane and homicidal to my race be running things.
Crusades in general suck. They're evidence of lack of culture. Necessarily they are associated with christianity, aka low-rent goober hooey.
If you're not loyal to me, I'm not loyal to you. Doesn't mean I don't agree with you if you say intelligent things. (my position on Trump)
Iran would be friends with US if USA were controlled by Americans rather than by jews. https://t.co/ErXW8X7ufj
"Liberals are stupid" is an extremely successful jew-leftist white-control meme spread by professional conservatives for personal profit.
You know, when people do things that produce the obvious results, everyone but a conservative will eventually think "maybe they wanted that"
When I was in Germany, people were 99% serious and quiet. I heard voices raised like cats one time, after a fender bender.
I wish some of you halfwits realized the AMERICAN position is AGAINST standing armies. You are not heroes. You are yahoo mcdipshits.
Obama serves a terrible presidency! Yeah, and the workdays portions are so small. I am conservative. Hear me dumb.
4 "classic" races? https://t.co/V4iCVTAHv7
There's a science to destroying societies. Jews are experts in it. This is what the Protocols is all about.
The elite hate the people. And are trying to murder them. Who are the elite? Jews and their whiteskinned servants.
It is a fact that very, very few of the brave European patriots who have burned roach motels have been caught.
It is clear the state will not permit any democratic dissent from the planned genocide. That leaves violence. https://t.co/8oBgj8pFnb
They're #cuckservatives because they cuck n chuck their own race to the black n brown as the KIKEservative #antiwhite racial agenda demands.
If leftists aren't, in fact, stupid, in the sense of being able to connect cause and effect, then...what are they? Yes. That is right.
Stealing 'science' always been popular: marx's 'scientific' socialism. Mary Eddy's 'christian science.' State U's 'political science' dept.
No, MY. Will get FABULOUS. https://t.co/1VUE5HjLLQ
un wiggeur? https://t.co/S55Ma50S4x
But wait, christianity is responsible for all great art, so how can this be? Or is just great painting? https://t.co/vr4OAQpnY8
'Ethnostate' - this is knob talk. Little Italy is something. 'Ethnostate' is shit jargon used by nonacademics clueless from politics.
"Thousands of European women are being raped by invaders of color? Good. They deserve it." --leftists' actual beliefs
I am descended from people who literally believed in witches. I am not going to give them unqualified respect. #muhturdition
You are a YOU fan. Good for YOU. You-hoo! https://t.co/IiRcd3b0bq
Instead of watching porn and releasing creamed homunculuses into the towelosphere, read me n get less stoopid. https://t.co/mXiMXuwbnO
The left will believe anything it thinks makes it appear fashionable. Mutatis mutandis, young-fogey right / sophisticated. #altright
In light of jews’ success, we can conclude that paranoia, obnoxiousness and disagreeability in no way impede political success
my worldview part 2 https://t.co/mXiMXuwbnO
voting will only work for the White man when he is physically able to threaten the judge or official or police...
"If votes mattered, we wouldn’t have forced race-mixing, anti-White job discrimination or open borders." --P. Buchanan
If you put all the whiteskin christians in one group, and all the colored christians in another, guess which group is larger?
Sam Francis - Vic Gerhard exchange, nearer to bottom. https://t.co/D8TzLp33Te
In his book, The Judas Goats Michael Collins Piper explains how FBI operatives in the WN movement were instructed by their handlers...
This is a great truth - the revenge of white trash on their betters is a hidden but very real motive in the world. https://t.co/nhtj6L1QUA
Surely the elites are seeing if they can get away with this stuff without being assassinated. That's all I can conclude from Euro rape bs.
Cant. Today's vocabulary word. What does it mean: essentially bullshit. Nonsense flavored with lying. Ex. 'gun violence' is cant.
Any term that works to reduce respect for focus or organization is functionally #antiwhite. Sperg, anal, etc.
What's the one thing we all agree on? I hold it to be: the need for a white nation built overtly on a racial basis, with zero muds/jews.
We are evolution at work. There are now white men, who constitute a new race, who understand exterminating jews is the only solution.
How we live among ourselves, as fellow whites, and achieving white sovereignty - these are two very different things.
Fanatical, organized, rational persistence will win the day. Any other approach - we'll get the same result we always have. #WhiteThoughts
Education means drawing-out. Drawing us out of ourselves. To see things from a more accurate perspective than self-interest provides.
Whites by and large don't even believe that what jews have _actually done_ is even theoretically possible.
Jew billionaire Adelson spent "at least 100m" to back Republicans in 2012. Do you wonder why these pols don't give a shit what whites want?
The conservative mouths 'eternal verities' while standing in line to blow Adelson. https://t.co/ckxDRhZrFx
Jew donors give money to "gentile front" politicians on both sides. Whoever wins advances the jewish agenda, which is always #antiwhite.
Leftism from jews is a rational way of destroying competing nations. Leftism among whites is a character problem.
Leftism is not an intellectual problem it's a character problem erected into a religious cult passing as a political position. Among goyim.
I really hate when people die before I'm done attacking and insulting them. That is the definition of bad manners.
Which leaves him not alive to endure more beautiful taunting from me. Which is very clearly an anti-linderist hate crime.
that just splits his pants & makes him fall in the water. But a Canny does. & the pretension leads to hypertension leads to premature death.
You can't have it both ways. And a man doesn't try. He doesn't pretend he can stand on the dock and take a boat trip at the same time,
A spork is an infamous utensil that is neither fish nor fowl but both. A fork...and a spoon. A really shitty fork...& a really shitty spoon.
A nickname has to pick up on some essential characteristic of the guy you're trying to lampoon, or in Canny's case harpoon.
Prayer is for boys, speculation is for men. The money men say 2.6 to 1 against Trump being Rep. nominee. Think about that.
Milo's afraid to criticize jews. https://t.co/Oj2mVgMRv8
Ie, faith is private truth, ie, not truth at all, but opinion claiming special privilege. https://t.co/tH7xQLvOnX
“Maybe someday I’ll have enough saved and I’ll see what I can get,” said starting quarterback Kirk Cousins, who drives a dented GMC Savana
Trump +260 to win Republican nomination. Trump +595 to win election. (was +800). Getting likelier, think the money men.
https://t.co/2QQyr3llAF The white QB they hated has now risen to the top.
The fact part is whites on average treat property much better than blacks do, whether slave, car, whatever. https://t.co/m1ciguoTlP
One should never be ashamed of acknowledging factual reality. That way lies christianity and delusion addiction. https://t.co/1lPoLrXeJO
Sending a semitic cult of universalism to a race war is like...it's just stupid. You really shouldn't need me to point out why. But you do.
Evasives, sophisticators, calculators, old women disguised as young men - meet the traditionalists, the reactionaries, the alt-frightists.
Benedict Arnold...fell in with grafty jew army purveyors, and went down as biggest traitor in American history. https://t.co/D55YRbfTD0
January 04, 2016:
Christians: people with the most infinitessimal grasp of production values who can nevertheless explain the universe to you.
Atheism isn't a political position, contrary to jewlike xtian fools. Addiction to delusion is classed in my mind with drugs/alcohol.
If you took 1000 self-described atheists vs 1000 catholic priests, which group would contain more homosexuals and pedophiles.
Christianity is the white man's enemy. So simple to see. Just have to get over your 14yo girl emotional problems. https://t.co/piy1s22c9S
Media Lies: Sweden Has Not “Stopped Asylum” https://t.co/bNrtMvLfRD via @NewObOnline
Germany: Nonwhites Majority in One Generation https://t.co/wNA4NEhZkw via @NewObOnline
January 03, 2016:
Keep kidding yourself that there's another solution to jews besides exterminating them. You're historically ignorant & just plain stupid.
Direct this question to the 'traditionalists.' Traditionalism is a concept that explodes the second you examine it. https://t.co/IPvhkV8U1c
SUV full of niggers shoots white girl dead. It's "road rage" in mouth of kike-press. The SUV is described as black. Perp race unmentioned.
Leftists consider whites a criminal class - this their jew masters brought over from the Soviet Union, 100% ideological thinking.
Jews are a rabid race, and need to be put down. It has been this way for at least 2000 years. Why do we keep pretending otherwise?
The solution to nigger crime is not concealed carry but exterminating the class (jews) that sicced niggers on us. https://t.co/BOcgbHhFLM
pro-white jews do not exist. pro-jew whiteskins do. https://t.co/JAhiJxBtES
The judeo-left lives off the very people it despises, and makes policy against. This is what should breed a revolution. #TeamWhite
We are Whites. And we are men. We will not be forced into your judeo-Catholic church, or your Aryan Ant Farm.
You hate individualism? Then you hate a very large part of the essence of white man - what makes us racially distinct.
Harney County is an expansive, rural county in central Oregon. At more than 10,000 sq mi. larger than the six smallest states. Pop. < 8k.
We need one of those Saigon scenes, where the last kike is trying to board the last copter out of DC to Israel... #jewNotAmerican
It is quite true, if often lied about, that final interpretation of the Constitution is open to him who can enforce it.
My opinions on everything come from: meeting them (catholics, niggers, Southrons), reading about them, and reflecting on it all.
Henry Ford on jewish influence on American labor, churches, colleges. https://t.co/kFAqQVeiCV #LearningCollege #TeamWhite #vnnforum
The US government is illegitimate. Let it break up. Races going their different ways means freedom + peace.
I knew the statistical facts about blacks before I lived in D.C. But living around them noggios really fleshed out the bare numbers. Heh.
Henry Ford on jews debasing American liquor. https://t.co/RFy4bJ0bGk
The pro-white jew: - spends all his time denouncing "antisemitism" in the movement. - spends no time denouncing anti-gentilism to his rabbi
The whiteskin christian: - spends all his time defending his religion to racialists - spends no time defending his race to his preacher
January 02, 2016:
No, no, little cathlick. You can totally fix mister jew with your dad's awesome set of tv repair tools. We'll give you another 2k years.
Does it surprise you, then, that people who can't see ugly overdone cathedrals for what they are (garish bad taste) hate simple blunt truth?
Neoreactionaries instinctively prefer the sophisticated to the true, as do, mutatis mutandis, goy leftists the fashionable.
Jewish writers, writing for Jews, freely admit this; but in writing for Gentiles, they refer to the ghetto as a surviving illustration of
"In the beginning of the invasion of European and American cities the Jews always lived by themselves because they wanted to,...
Henry Ford: "And then take the complaint about the Jews having to live in ghettos. The ghetto is a Jewish invention."
Next few tweets are Henry Ford talking about ghettos - created by jews, for jews - then misrepresented to gullible goyim as perseuction.
"The public is being constantly deceived by an appearance of complexity, where there is none." --Henry Ford, naming the jew.
What do whites have in common besides a desire not to be attacked, mocked and discriminated against because of their race? #WhiteThoughts
Happy New Year to everyone. As stated last year, I will only respond to people using their real names 2016-01-01 forward.
January 01, 2016:
In D.C. schools, the racial gap is a chasm, not a crack https://t.co/gIvJsnqX7M
I support a supersized state that takes 1/2 of everybody's money. And then I blame them for not having 20 children. #BigWhiteDumb
Faith is what builds suspension bridges. More specifically, the suspension of disbelief. #IFuckinLoveReligion
The problems we whites face were not created by strong women but by weak men. Even granting 'strong woman' is propaganda term.
One thing I notice in evaluating character is how quick Whites are to use jewish propaganda lies if suits their 'argument.' Dumb/corrupt.
Chechar falls for stupid jewish propaganda - the lie that rock music is African in origin. NO music is African in origin.
Chechar, if you want to criticize me, then apply that to Hitler: who did he exterminate? Did he EVEN talk about it?
If faith is what builds cathedrals, why don't we find cathedrals in black Africa - among xtian Nigerians or muti-holding hottentots?
Most of the 'white' movement are just blanched christian-conservatives. https://t.co/G9zA0wBVjI
Who's up for a global civil war? It must be settled for all times whether we go underground OR JEWS DO. White v jew. WInner take all.
"the Burmese pythons that have _infested_ the Everglades." t's 2016 and still have to read bigotry like this. smh. even, i cant.
And thru all the bullshit I feel one tiny detail has been overlooked. NOT GUILTY By virtue of being chartreuse. #TeamGreen
Shout out to all my brothers under siege in the 'Glades Guns N' Roses - Out Ta Get Me https://t.co/tOdefBVLhc via @YouTube
About 400 people so far register to catch pythons in the Everglades https://t.co/w5lQkQpPwV THEY'RE OUT TO GET ME....BUT I'M INNOCENT
December 31, 2015:
So much for tolerance: Israel bans Arab-Jewish romance novel for promoting interracial relationships https://t.co/rZnPaxZ9rE via @Salon
Leo Frank murdered Mary Phagan in 1913, listen to the audiobook about the case #leofrank #maryphagan https://t.co/PScqUOiFtb
https://t.co/PScqUOiFtb audiobook on the Murder of Little Mary Phagan #LeoFrank
#2015 Centennial Year of Leo Frank Lynching? Innocent or Guilty? Who got the Last Word? His Wife! https://t.co/xRkViWmqy1 #leofrank
2015 Centennial Year of Leo Frank Lynching: Who got the Last word? Lucille Selig Frank #leofrank https://t.co/xRkViWmqy1
watch out, it's going to fall down at any minute. https://t.co/zFxGmaAPc9
Conservatism has made American whiteskins into default weaseldicks. They simply cannot man up to any straight position, as on jews.
there is no organization so technically you're wrong https://t.co/tKt08yT8vN
December 30, 2015:
at VNN we have always had the rule: you cannot make serious accusations without proof. it's very unmanly behavior https://t.co/ZlIagFVdEX
blacks make everything around them worse. that's the real reason everyone hates them. and it will never change.
maybe, i dont know. https://t.co/9Pztad9nn7
In WWII, Americans and British were fighting for Jewish tyranny, and didn't know it. Germans were fighting against it, and did.
See, no one traces the jew-strings thru this mess: Regnery > Vdare > NPI > Jared Taylor > Richard Spencer. Who's in control? real agenda?
Yeah, they're stupid. That's why they're running things. Think harder. https://t.co/cZWFhz9mK4
Trying to have it both ways is what he and alt-right are doing. It's effeminate. You're either in or you're out. https://t.co/H86Bac0aXV
What the "Nazis" discovered works in fighting jews has no necessary connection to Germany. It works...anywhere.
No one on the German side in WWII went home and said, oh shit, I regret what I fought for. Millions of brits/americans do.
Yeah...see the thing is, he's the dogboy of jared taylor, who fags for the jews. https://t.co/AZUk1W7Eaa
You ain no real nigga less you can carry a 20-lb water jug two miles on your head. #blacklivesmatter
Remember, people. As my grandfather used to tell me, fifteen minutes from now, you might already have been dead for ten minutes.
If you're not beating your (western donated) clothes on a rock in the river, you're not keeping it real to your afikan roots, dawg
realy miss kitty. the "most" counterproductive? https://t.co/8dJHtyG9Xy
Jews will never tire of playing the liars and murderers. Whenever you christians get tired of playing the dupes & idiots, that'd be great.
Never say "I'm not"... you're already on the defensive. What they call you is their business. What you call them is yours.
Nothing more characteristic of average leftists than brainless use of loaded language. https://t.co/W15z03fu8f
she speaks the intl language of drunken hag https://t.co/7cZASQdf2O
It's not infighting if we're not on the same side. And that is what 'infighting' helps establish: just what is IN hence who is OUT.
Yeah block me and go back to drinking. Great life choices there, "Anna" https://t.co/vXk6xx56WL
That is news I can use. I am going to infiltrate their meetings, and filch their free newsletters. https://t.co/gpHGw4ZflD
If Whites responsible for giving niggers free room and board hundreds of years ago, then jews can be responsible for 66m murders in 20th c.
Did Duke say that? Good for him. https://t.co/oFsxlumsbl
thank you. https://t.co/BL0bIuarwm
Many whiteskin Americans say they are descended from Indians. And it's true. A low-IQ subset of the Cree.
When someone calls a book a 'read,' I get the same feeling I guess others get with curse words. (So crude!) But I like curses.
Muds are responsible for 90% of violent crime, just as jews are responsible for 90% of media coverups.
That you support affirmative action doesn't mean it isn't institutional power + racial discrimination. It is. And you support it.
Narchy is the untried ideal. Government purely by snitches and Drug Warrior pigs. Well, it's getting closed to 'tried.'
How about bringin' something to the table when you tweet. Yeah man. I can dig it. #crewsade4qualitytweetz
"i'll cosign that" -- the South https://t.co/hkBVsji7g5
The ignorant claim the church forced jews into ghettos to protect the white race. This is factually wrong. JEWS demanded ghettos.
"The Ghetto is not a corner into which the non-Jews have herded the Semites; the Ghetto is a spot carved out of the community
Henry Ford, destroying the argument made by catholic and other fools that the church forced jews into the ghetto (multiple tweet-quotation):
Henry Ford: Every man's place is with his tribe. The criticism belongs to the lick-spittle Gentile Fronts who have no tribe... (1/2)
They would never do the same within WN, though. https://t.co/6gasbyPAGP
December 29, 2015:
What is life like without jews or niggers around? It's pretty much utopia. https://t.co/86y8PAxg7j
i agree. and i lived there myself for years. https://t.co/goOJq4aDEC
True or untrue: the average white is closer in emotional and intellectual development to the nigger than the jew.
Henry Ford makes the point that Rothschild owned 600 houses in Paris at the time of the French Revolution. All untouched amid the violence.
That's good: the great dejewing. Of mind, pocketbook and life. Don't pay your enemy. Simple stuff. https://t.co/kpy0yltiyX
December 28, 2015:
I have less faith the sun will rise tomorrow than these people have in 'mental health services.' Never stops amazing me.
That's what 'public' ie govt schools are for. https://t.co/i4hYnRpvJF
The belief in magic dirt is obviously a close relative of the belief in magic water (baptism) but the crosscucks don't find it so funny.
#TeamWhite says the jew must be exterminated. Catholicism says the jew must be converted to christianity.
The Nazis were non-Western. Why? Because the western individualist response can't defeat jewish communism. #TeamWhite is required.
Black go mall-apin' in Lousville, cops drive them home. What message are we conveying to the ferals here? #BlackLivesMatter
The conservative has more respect for law than the state that makes and enforces it. The conservative is a natural slave. #tcot
Any book bin: 1/3 is jewish historical lies (rubbish), 1/3 is xtian fantasy material (rubbish), last third might have something good.
Christianity urges weak-minded fantasy over nature's reality. This explains its popularity. But it's not good or healthy for whites.
White men are indisputably guilty of one thing: failure to ID the jew properly and exterminate it. Result - look out your window.
Christianity is all about humility, but this never extends to doubting that negroes and other fauna (jews) can be fixed by magic water.
December 27, 2015:
Is this that fat jew broad? https://t.co/n5GQjDt9eI
Maybe they should give up their wacky universalist religion and the politics that sprang from it. https://t.co/tMGvHXSzxu
I like to volunteer my opinions to the undereducated. Little service I provide. You're welcome. https://t.co/6nglnYiXL6
Diners are mostly history... https://t.co/QTBxDvieOj
If it weren't for William F. Buckley, Will could be called the very first #cuckservative. https://t.co/l0JEYpRntK
https://t.co/X6RtHql2wj The new black plague rides in on jewish rats.
True. But his campaign is still good for whites. https://t.co/KceotsLFnC
Europe has nearly universal laws banning criticism of EU's white-genocial policies. We should all support the burning of invader centers.
I'd like to ask the "keep it legal" crowd... do you support Europeans burning invader centers, or not?
Vote Jeb! Fla. woman JOSSELEEN LOPEZ does meth, turns Walmart into personal buffet https://t.co/NTlz9Q8HbS
Controlled Media and Black Mall Riots https://t.co/SnJsVmteXJ via @NewObOnline
Is Allah the same as the xtian God? Can some of you experts in imaginary superheroes help me out on this one?
Baseless accusations should never be tolerated, nor should mixing with jews or jew supporters like Jared Taylor. https://t.co/gnR76XpROO
Whites are taxed to subsidize their racial destruction while the papers gaslight about privilege. #JewishWaronWhites https://t.co/YpMvKwP41i
December 26, 2015:
The Nigger Who Pretended To Be Shot So He Could Steal The Floor. https://t.co/B8uhbbzU6N
Germany: Two More Invader Nests Burn https://t.co/NRTx9GGObO via @NewObOnline
Christianity is a competitor with racialism. Not an ally. https://t.co/pVcc2bGXGo
The christian pattern is copied in leftism, transposed into racial key, just read the comments. Utterly insane. https://t.co/whdmgBBzqW
Music appreciation: "Imposter" by Oingo Boingo (((Elfman))) still good: https://t.co/GFKdOQU66R
All good white men, stay low, don't get beat. Bob and weave like a fat chick listening to Billy Idol. #TeamWhite
Request denied. Go for the actually attainable: separation. https://t.co/MDSAiPptQI
Whu-whu-whu-whu....ask not for whom the helicopter comes, lefty. It comes for you. Next stop Oceanview.
Notice how it takes a jew to cut thru the bs. The Aryan maunders on like a faggot about expulsion or conversion. https://t.co/1IvjMOm4qv
Can christianity defeat judaism? 2000 years of history scream with one voice: No. Go racial or go home. #TeamWhite
Real movements, rising movements, are intolerant. Christian conservatism is the main competitor for the whites who can build #TeamWhite.
Remember, xtian kiddies, it's important to Believe Things That Aren't True. That's what Being A Good Person Means.
A winsome collection of urchins and waifs. https://t.co/nzLaN3t7TX
I wish I had some video of my ancient ancestor shooting Redcoats, god I envy him that. Must have been glorious.
Fellow white man: wogs, nogs and muds are not pets or toys. They are dangerous wild animals to be left strictly alone.
Portrait is the Anglo at its Angliest. Compassionate Me Church of the Beautiful Mind https://t.co/ok7TLF0zjQ
I truly wish we had segregated football leagues, so we could watch the niggers cry boo hoo when they lost the Race Bowl every year.
That's why you don't talk to them, unless they pay you. Use them harder than they use you. Get tough! Get mean! https://t.co/faMds2hatz
There is simply no excuse for anyone who by 2015 claimed to be pro-white and wasn't anti-jew. No excuse is acceptable. The case is settled.
You xtian mealworms don't appreciate the power of facts and rationality and Occam's Razor. The simplest explanation is jebus = fiction.
December 25, 2015:
That hat. MUST HAVE IT. https://t.co/NuNkURvtP5
We've tried Anglo respectability and appearances politics. It failed. We've tried jew servility. It failed. What's left? I think you know.
We white nationalists were right about these jews' wars from DAY ONE and ALONE among ALL other political positions, including libertarian.
Social policy: careers open to talents Foreign policy: myob jew policy: underground, silver bullet in heart
The funniest way to tyrannize people is to force them to be men. It scares the shit out of far too many of them.
It's always funny to me that women try to shame men by the same techniques that work on their own sex.
Entering a Catholic (tm) cathedral, I feel a deep serenity of peace come over me, like a flea nestled twixt Marx's furry toes. #savermeJebus
If you were a nigger slave...you know goddam well you'd rather be owned by a white man than a fellow nigger. #blacklivesmatter
Hey Rammer @ramzpaul : These guys need your lecture about violence not working. https://t.co/Z0WS6kXaiU
wrong generation. all that shit is greek to me. https://t.co/4rf6BZJnQJ
Whites will never on religion or economics. Need for racial basis of society is our (only) common ground. https://t.co/1Ij8jX16TD
Women are far more vicious, unjust and duplicitous than men. Politics comes to them naturally, one might say.
From your mouth to imaginary god's ear. https://t.co/PXCweAueIM
It's sad he died and all, but I was thinking. How cool is it that in 2015 a black man named Donkey Cartel has full legal rights. #Americarox
I truly wish I could have a tabulation of all the times I've been called "Nazi" and "jew" even though I'm neither.
Where reactionary forces have coalesced can "it's raining (leftist commie) men hallelujah!" copters be far behind? https://t.co/EFeLLHk7wj
thanks for letting me know. that is "news i can use." https://t.co/s8g5rNfVtL
God is just little kids flinging rocks. https://t.co/pxorGAl1u1
Don't know about aesthetic, but I'd take new wave music over what you hear now. https://t.co/W3ETMfo0vY
good example of shameless jewess lying https://t.co/PIQw7GwlYC
The War on Christmas is fought most effectively by the #cuckservatives refusing to call it the Jewish War on Christmas. Its proper name.
yeeaaah ok. my ancestors were 'jews' in USA before revolution disguised as german farmers and new england preachers. https://t.co/fZdqe3wLRe
There's an easy way to tell if a gun is about to break violent. Check both ends and see if there's a nigger attached.
You know I ride the South hard, and it deserves worse, but what kind of fuckhead whites would vote for a pruned out kike like Bernie Sanders
What did the nigger get for christmas? Your bike. #TimelessHolidayClassics https://t.co/qTehcxntwe
You discolored your hair. Wow. Have a scooby snack. Your meretricious attention-whoring makes baby jesus puke.
My whole life i've seen sex deviants, jews & malocclusive incompetent women catered to. And you come at me w white male privilege? bullshit.
This sounds even better in the original North Korean. https://t.co/9sIcAT8NTu
Who made Hillary Clinton into an #antiwhite leftist? Why, bless my soul, it twas her christian preacher.
Remove the jews, and all the other problems disappear along with them. Since they caused them all. #WhiteThoughts #TeamWhite
Our traditions are surely at least partly to blame for where we are now. Is that not logically, nay mathematically, undeniable?
They called their perversion morality. They used it to justify loosing niggers, & then laughing as they spread murder & misery nationwide.
Why won't the patriotards at #tcot circulate this? #IStandWithIsrael Conservatives are fags for the jews. https://t.co/FElobE917h
Cute! https://t.co/MLHDmh94ep
You can learn from Stockman. A review of recent history in 'middle' east. https://t.co/ahEgAl8DlK
Southern Man can't distinguish between his contempt for the enemy and their actual ability to inflict harm on him. https://t.co/LF8thQaunv
In the end, Santa simply refused to hire black elves because they wouldn't stop fucking the stuffed animals.
Racist Jewish Pedophile Leo Frank Posthumous Pardon HOAX https://t.co/WNGXHnPOh3 #ADL #AJC #AJF #AmericanJewishComittee
Christianity spreads the universalist message that all men are basically alike, thereby encouraging members not to notice differences.
At least 40% of the white population believes that playing Dungeons & Dragons will turn children into satanists. These are not mental adults
I mean, imagine giving some crank concept like absolute morality to a hominid on the level of a Southern Baptist. That's just dangerous.
There has never been anything like the American right for brainlessly parroting the loaded language of its enemies.
He battles the lighter manifestations of jewish tyranny, aka selected feminists. But he'll never strike at the root. https://t.co/aIZcsELWnE
https://t.co/CcqCMjld8m Christ-insanity is leftism. Fucking wackos.
South African Leftists Driven off Farm by “Refugees” https://t.co/CcqCMjld8m via @NewObOnline
My kinda nigger. https://t.co/QUtsRblOyj
Courtney is a good analyst, def top 50. But if she followed Halep and got off season reduction, she could rise to #2. @FortyDeuceTwits
Christians worship jews. Post-God christians worship niggers. Whites? Dey jes laff and laff. #TeamWhite
Interracial buttsex YES Jew criticism NO #yougogirl #TeamAltRight https://t.co/h0PZTAnhDt
Remember the rhyme: British in public / Yiddish in private https://t.co/HxLFqUuUbW
Reeve Cho arone! She jus here tell funy jokes/eat fried spiders. And she all out o funny jokz. https://t.co/U9PH0vTgOa
Inner circle of kikes. Outer circle of cucks. Vast sea of whiteskins. Growing pockets of #TeamWhite.
Tan Staafl channeling his inner Pierce... https://t.co/n1NRfOeM9p
People who know how to manipulate words aren't taken in by them. Yesterdays bolsies, commies, etc are todays multicultualists & eternal jews
conservative = respectability = appearances obsession = fear of/fake love of jews = fake white = alt right https://t.co/BjeDE3AHeh
The Nazis helped Spain destroy the vile terrorist communists. But when they needed help from Spain, the Catholics demurely refused.
Jared Taylor is supported mostly by gooberninnies living south of Mason Dixon who cream their jorts at a grown man wearing a suit.
That is the gist of his position. He always loved to use that example till #TeamWhite started pointing out it's bs. https://t.co/XvS4y2jRMj
It's like you're reading the future... https://t.co/ply2lGqYCr
Unlike the failed zygotes who dispute me, I have actually read the Catholic catechism and grasp its racial implications.
Maybe in some, but we can't escape the puerilization of society as it comes from every official institution. https://t.co/IFNml5kc8m
The catholic loves his overdone church for the same reason the nigger likes his bling. It provides external proof of what's lacking inside.
Shnozzim is my guess. https://t.co/yX5cExzCgk
What does the Catholic church call an Irishman, Filippino and Mexican sitting next to each other in a pew? "Good business."
Well Europe has the ultimate set of Christian tools. It can totally fix niggers. #Spicoli https://t.co/1qBShzkl9E
Bring a gun to a gunfight. If you dont have an atom bomb handy. https://t.co/UrUcQ91Dy7
It's not fair to say jews see all whites as Nazis. They see all whites as potential nazis. That's why they support #whitegenocide.
so you're a jew urging whites to take a individualist approach toward jews who're attacking us as a team. https://t.co/UrUcQ91Dy7
Ok whatever. In any case, it is clear in Germany that actual Germans are burning invader centers. https://t.co/C7XxRTWVv5
#jewsForJared #nothatJared #theOtherDisgustingManTwatWhoLiesAboutJews https://t.co/Q5ezunSzpj
Madison Grant said (h/t @caseysuperstar ): "The Church of Rome has everywhere used its influence to break down racial distinctions."
Nice pull quote on church of Rome. https://t.co/muFAYEZRts
translated: you might get some personal blowback from YOUR PEOPLE's decades long campaign of defamation of whites https://t.co/JvbJJMQSup
The truth is that no people has suffered less than the jews. Jews lead in causing suffering. Media invert truth, just as w black crime.
are you denying that native actual real Swedes are burning invader centers? https://t.co/x25HkREAXF
This jewess sniffs around the cucks of the fake-white right. Would be interesting to know just what's up with her. https://t.co/1PFKKGG08O
But non-violence has never included arson, think MLK and Gandhi. https://t.co/iUkGlJFllz
Well that's a fair point, altho some of what i'm generally referring to has involved direct physical violence. https://t.co/iUkGlJFllz
Glad you like it! https://t.co/qAIIfRzYEf
Golden Dawn got 7% of the vote in Greece. American jews shit themselves, & ordered govt to throw the party leaders in jail. #keepitlegallol
Destroy the reputations of all whiteskins who shill for or in some way serve jews. Make jews & their agenda naked to dullest intelligence.
The elite are trying to murder Germany & Europe. Violence is completely justified in response, especially since criticism has been outlawed.
When you read the words of German nationalists last century and the words of American conservatives today - it's men v boys. #TeamWhite
German nationalism was surprisingly less jew focused than one would think - but it always acknowledged jews were the #1 threat to Germany.
Why couldn't the jews coopt German nationalism? Why can they coopt xtianity, conservatism, Republican Party? #somethoughtrequired
There are no excuses for those who defend jews or claim they are on our side. These liars are our enemies, and must be attacked. #TeamWhite
Nailed it. He also supports the philosemitic Ultimate Cuck Polished Turd Taylor. https://t.co/skBVzjp3dD
Polarize the west between #TeamWhite and #TeamJew. Make people see these are the only real choices. Then fight it out to the death.
Is Trump campaign "good for whites"? Does it polarize the country? Does it show the profound hatred the jewed elite have for whites? A: yes.
December 24, 2015:
lizards eat spiders. this crakkka kills spiders. and crickets. and roaches. and flies. https://t.co/2SpafoA9Lc
Hitler was the man. Jesus was a faggot invented by jews. You can be a christian. Or a white man. Not both. https://t.co/VsqZc2rSST
Her forearms are skewing a tad brawny. Not sure this wop real clear on the type that lived in that area. https://t.co/2c3KdqWuRC
Q-RID says what? https://t.co/6YjvuIzoQx
Evincing a deeper understanding than 90% of WN, who are simply temporizing conservatives or Southern xtian yahoos. https://t.co/H7162731YB
Free Cheese Dance. It's the black Nutcracker, you know. https://t.co/6IqOSccNR2
Chipotle? https://t.co/XObppUE3gI
Yep. may be a rematch. https://t.co/NxUhSiM0DC
That's right...I think he'll win another. https://t.co/guQFVOlPsa
I know...just saying the success qualities generally track w race but not 100%. I think Wilson will win a SB. https://t.co/ljVB9VTqao
You can tell a black to down a punt and stay out of the end zone, but he only has enough processing power for 1 thing at a time.
Whites have better hands than blacks. https://t.co/jTuX1CdQxn
Shabbes goyim: John Bolton, Ralph Peters, George Will. https://t.co/YBIw8bWDY2
As a sniveling christian cur, #IstandWithIsrael because they are the bold liars and murderers I wish I could be.
Jews are the only race on earth legitimately described as a race of haters. https://t.co/tI9E6DNI8y
That's just Jebus touching down among His people. Y'all make room for the real Big Rig. https://t.co/wTsqoNjYXw
All niggers do is create messes someone else has to clean up. https://t.co/6dzLNeseL3
It's like I always say: if you could see what was running around inside the head of the average person, you'd be afraid to go outside.
Intelligence and laughter get together and breed Menckens, Twains, Dahls. Stupidity and religiosity get together and breed...Southerners.
Christianity has lobotomized the white race, truly. https://t.co/PlS8xNQFYQ
I will broom you and your army of angry inchworms into a dustpan. https://t.co/YoJJbBTrve
Remember to worship the King of the Jews, and shop in as many jewish retail stores as you can. #MuhXmas
Christian honor. Is that a thing? No. Christian integrity. Is that a thing? No. Christian weakness. Is that a thing. Yes in spades.
Christian love and christian stupidity. One of them is real. https://t.co/QOh2yYdIZs
Educate us ignorant Non SA whites - who is thief Pierneef? https://t.co/u3HP3ewtIK
Nice horses. Who'd they steal 'em from? https://t.co/EdianTPESQ
Who is Pierneef? https://t.co/B5HEU0S5mP
No, that's what jews have created in the US. And Europe. And everywhere outside Israel. https://t.co/1OthOUPY60
They're called jews. https://t.co/28VPQSVP9U
Why do I attack the jebus cult? Because when it comes down to it, that cult will side with the genocidal antiwhite jews every single time.
I don't see any long-term future there without whites regaining sovereignty. https://t.co/ngrnQGQQHP
Christianity is the father of fake science. Who can't see in the priest watering away man's basic nature the first sociologist?
Maybe you ought to get treated for your pathological hatred of white people. https://t.co/mP08JqVQeA
There's only one group God loves more than low-IQ rural hinds. That's ugly women. Garfinkels and sea snakes, created He them.
Beauty is not going to save us. Let me break it down for you, McGoober: something dumb in (Russian) or (Latin)...IS STILL DUMB.
That...is healthy. https://t.co/UIhLAt8DoF
Southerners have a tradition of terraphagy. Is that something to be proud of? It's not for me to say. But no.
Traditionalism would be a wise policy if traditions were mostly good. Are they? The muh turdition boy refuses to consider this question.
McGoober is told that people in Old Testament turned away from god so he destroyed them. Well shizucksam...that be happenin' to us!
December 23, 2015:
Southland, Southland, Goober alles, Goober alles in der welt. "Deo volente, et terram comedes in caelis"* *The motto of the white nigger.
"He died for your sins." The Aryan reaction is: my sins aren't his business. https://t.co/HVKL9Jjvdw
Yeah, the first clue was 'Pastor.' https://t.co/W7zME9xixQ
Do think blacks made into a zoo exhibit would get bored? I don't think they would. I mean, probably less than tiger or polar bear.
Northerners are more graceless and impolite than Southerners, but they are also more principled and reliable.
Problem is, you're dealing with people, not just Boers, who honestly believe "we turned away from god" = explanation https://t.co/hm9m8PcfsN
Believe me, it is not due to any principle the Southron doesn't try to inflict his low-rentness on others as north does, it is mere laziness
South is an honor culture. Honor is satisfied by appearances - not actions. Southrons, thus, are quick to fight, but shitheels in behavior.
Put this on the Southron tombstone: Here Lies Yahoo Unserious "Deo volente, et terram comedes in caelis"
The religious 'racialist' Southerner has no more conception of the distance between his kind & ruling jews....
The South and north both have lousy cultures, but the South's is better because the dirt-eaters are too lazy and dumb to fuck with me.
Very specific example: some of my German ancestors believed "politics is not for us." Were they right? No. They were wrong.
The gap between jewsmedia & normals has never been greater. What can you do with kikes who pretend to believe wanting borders is xenophobia?
Love will not save the white race, contrary to that sappy old Russian goatbeard. Bullets & laugher just might.
They don't trust the jewsmedia, but they do trust a book written by the same lying clowns. https://t.co/aE9lCMF1Sr
https://t.co/nfpZbJFwxL Space w/o govt? How can that be? Govt is God.
Btw, it's always safe to assume I'm right about everything, lol. not really lol. https://t.co/Ch8lmaV4a4
Christianity is a cuck religion. The Cuckmaker. https://t.co/ejMZj19IFE
If you hate jews and niggers that means you're a good person who thinks clearly. Which is why the media hate you.
Jews are a race of liars. Any whiteskin who defends them is our enemy. https://t.co/CEOkib4KYP
€80,000 damage is inflicted on...invader accommodation when “unknown persons” gain entrance and flood the building by turning on the taps
https://t.co/ymKjNRMqoV Physical resistance in Germany begins with invader accommodations. Step 1.
Beachgoer Discovers 10,000-Year-Old Spearhead That May Hold Clues to Prehistoric Life in NJ - ABC News - https://t.co/EtXnxvoiVU via @ABC
That is simply the BEST painting of an ogre chanting Buddist prayers I've ever seen. https://t.co/zvCnyvImNT
"Captured" - as if he put up any kind of a fight. Willing tool of antiwhite global jewry. https://t.co/wPx7MOARJz
Only the jew Won World War Two. https://t.co/FDzOAkoqp4
Separation of church and state coexists with fusion of synagogue and state. Not one xtian dares point it out. https://t.co/f39pRhAzQH
How does christianity tell you to treat the jew? What do your instincts tell you? Is there a problem here?
It's murder. Jared Taylor is a liar, always has been. https://t.co/bTFnO8qpxl
Thority, the God of Regulation...He will safe us from our sins. There will be no digging of 19" deep farm ponds under His watch.
NORWAY https://t.co/UtcDzif3WS
Some believe in Thor. Some believe The Man of Thorn. And some believe, with awe, in Thority, promulgator of wise regulations.
Muh Dept of Safety. Safe me, regulator, from these rampaging armadillos and vicious bite-crazy cornsnakes. #MuhExpert #MuhThority
I think turning point was Trayvon Martin. It's been nothing but fake-nigger-victim rollout and hot white hate since. https://t.co/cHe4ryumn5
Do indians have any sites that aren't sacred? Of course not, because it's political bs. Indians are savages. https://t.co/WBW4FpK58K
Jews are the standing internal enemy of every white nation that allows them to fester. https://t.co/dX17MfnOzg
"Jews are an evil race of liars and murderers, and they should be wiped off the face of the earth." --Ghandi
If you work in fast food or service, that's ok. Take pride in what you do, and do it punctiliously - that is the way of Germanic peoples.
I'm afraid the average christian takes a real, tobacco pleasure in bein' lied to. It's like muddin' for the mind. https://t.co/qGVE5zrT2B
Happy birthday. Unlike Jebus I am reasonably sure you exist. https://t.co/DEyIp6CAug
"Attacking whites and excusing blacks, why, but sir, that is the very reason mass media exist!" --Digby Snibdick's Book of Common Lies
Moar Power Eagles. More Superhuman-sized Mausoleum Buildings Filled with Experts who have Answers for Everything. #whiteantSALUTE
I'll try to explain psychology for you little people. If I write a book which I KNOW PULLS PUNCHES ON JEWS & you buy it and blow me...
December 22, 2015:
Christianity converted individual misery into social menace. The delusions it fosters endanger us all.
No. I don't pay attention to christians writers except E. Mike Jones, Ted Pike, and Michael Hoffman. https://t.co/fyPCyIMvu5
All media hacks at natl level know that criticism of jews will lead not only to getting fired but permanent blackballing from the media.
The bible was written by jews. It is not a credible source for anything but nasty historical fiction.
God created this ape in his image, according to the christian. https://t.co/19x7vpmLfP
The problem is most whites belong to a cult that defines jews in a way that precludes their extermination as a moral, rational solution.
It's unclear to me why, to the conservative mind, adultery is a bad thing for marriage but a good thing in politics. #tcot #Impuritans
No, she's a writer selling books. It's all about her career. Personally, she's a mudshark. https://t.co/NoqwyleD2g
All christian argument falls under the umbrella of special pleading. The correct response is laughter and scorn.
There isn't any option but exercise if you want to stay in shape. Same with reading/reflection for your brain. https://t.co/FoJQJ4n74P
Forced false menu is a logical fallacy - and a form of pseudo-argument used 100% of the time by jews and nearly as often by christians.
Christian 'argument' - (notice similarity to jew '-phobe' style): "If you don't worship my god then you worship yourself." Huh? Wha? Howzat?
Person A asserts a god without evidence. B laughs. A then asserts that B's laughter is a competing religion. So, so jewy is this M.O.
#IStandWithIsrael when it murders my fellow Americans because I believe appeasing jews is the safe policy. https://t.co/wnXAIZZWeu
Atheism is not a political position. If I deny Santa Claus or Oompa-Loompas exist, you can't infer my politics from it.
Atheism is not a religion. The comparison is common but doesn't change fact it's apples and oranges. https://t.co/4IkQfUBnX6
Gross Pointe is heavily jewish last I heard. Protection for jews is racism for whites. https://t.co/pnyjlClxAF
People who don't read or think live in very tiny worlds. This is 90% of christians. It is why they prefer omens to causality.
Secular leftism, as been said, is jebooism without the voodoo. https://t.co/tMebJN2bbo
Trying to explain factual reality to a christian is exactly the same as talking to a cow. Same dumb, scared, suspicious incomprehension.
Do you #IStandWithIsrael when she burns christian churches and calls for their extermination? https://t.co/lXPvlE1lEz
Controlling the border and executing guilty criminals are two of the few things govt can and should be doing.
it's always nearly funny to me the left has absolute faith in powers of government to do anything - except control the border.
Warmongering Anti-White Kikes Party for Global Misery https://t.co/31QMvnMpMU
Mommy, where do Salon articles come from? https://t.co/a8GVx1ohiq
#TeamJew includes jews, the leaders, white sellouts/traitors/careerists, muds, and generic class of malocclusive deviants, mostly whiteskins
The jewsmedia write openly about white genocide. They favor it. So far, I'm the only open White advocating jew genocide. So far. #TeamWhite
I love that the jew media got very appreciably more antiwhite & downright openly white-genocidal in 2015. It is "good for whites."
Attack the conservatives, always and only. Attack, attack, attack the conservative. Polarize public betweeen #TeamWhite and TeamJew.
When you help niggers, white jackass, do you notice that they laugh at you and think you're pathetic? Because they do.
Salon: anti-white. Pro-pedophile. https://t.co/d7OEMbaZvX
The belief that the other race has a right to exist is liberalism. It is found nowhere in nature, only among a subset of hominids.
Wrong. They get back in because christian doctrine says the cure for jews is converting them to christianity. https://t.co/fO3T9m45qi
WASPs aren't as powerful as jews but are actually worse in person. Jews dont pretend they aren't sewer rats. https://t.co/Y4EbL8rGDK
The white race needs an intervention for its christ-insanity addiction. Your stupid cult is messing things up for the rest of us. #TeamWhite
What do white poor deserve from government? Sound money and racial defense. Rest is up to them. Can't hack it = white nigger.
The first truly valuable sentence ever published on Salon: If you really need a steady job, learn to repair elevators.
The mentality of the slave can be yours - just kneels your legs before your god and saver, the semitic sci-fi hero Jebus P. Christ.
Isn't it remarkable that we just accept that we cant speak the truth under our real names - about stuff that is literally killing our kind?
Well then you should be out shooting people, shouldn't you? https://t.co/Op0xuoIiWU
Christianity on race, how can i explain? It's like if you were trying to do astronomy but church doctrine insisted on geocentrism.
Hold your breath until you hear 1 xtian preacher or priest mention this...or one conservative commentator. #tcot https://t.co/qSDr79Giwz
My chihuahua climbed between us and licked the salty tears off my face. I don’t think he cared that I was crying, he just really likes salt.
You cannot be that dumb. https://t.co/e9bZ21BiCe
Will be responding only to people who use their real name, as of 1-1-2016. I encourage anyone on fence to find his courage. It's important.
The great thing about 2016 is I won't be interacting with anonymous twinks like you. Real name or fuck off. https://t.co/JRKFIBhkYf
I think modern society has created the white nigger thanks to social welfare. The high end is simply Little White Dog syndrome.
Christianity can't get beyond wez-all-gods-children (but you laugh at #wewuzkangs, right?) to race-exists-and-matters w/o exploding. See?
Here's the problem, for you idiots: christian doctrine on jews cant change without the whole thing falling apart. Making it a death trap.
More like living off welfare and SSI. https://t.co/YxuVmDViNm
Aesop's and Grimm are what whites should be reading, they show the basic mentality of our folk. https://t.co/cy7Y8rZQeH
I don't get it: how can space exploration proceed without government taxes? https://t.co/SgWw9g3rH1
Rhetoric 101: always reproach your target with the ingesting of whichever foul substances its ilk call dinner. Cambodes = arachnid-munchers
Trump hates that loathsome gink & spider-eating cunt Me So Michelle, as Skunky McDoof calls her. https://t.co/IozMgCjZN1
Still waiting for you #crosscucks to produce the first preacher/priest who is openly pro-white and has a congregation that wears shoes.
Perhaps if christians had pride they would stand up to the jews. But their sick cult talks down pride, calls it greatest of evils.
Jews persecute christians; christians worship and grovel before jews. I can't explain it, I can only stand apart from it and gurn.
There's all kinds of religious persecution going on in America, and it's 100% jews persecuting christians. It's been that way for 100 years.
If christians/conservatives truly cared about the afterlife, they wouldn't be such cowards in refusing to name the jew in this life.
Government in the USA has succeeded in training a population that looks at it as parents rather than criminals and parasites.
Don't forget that a lot of the hatred born of inferiority niggers feel for whites is present in the lower 1/4 of the white population too.
Christianity: stand for nothing, fall for anything. https://t.co/VpKse0K6K8
It might be fair to say that simmering media hatred of whites reached a boil around the time the rabid criminal Trayvon Martin was put down.
It's incredibly humiliating to professional catholics that if you know a man's race you know more about him than if you know his religion.
It is the christian lack of moral courage that resolutely refuses to identify the jew causing all these misery manifestations. #crosscucks
December 21, 2015:
Plunder Road (1957). College education is referred to respectfully, lol, almost reverentially. https://t.co/XJSgykZaHp
Conservatives are obsessed with Strength, and this alone shows you their low quality as men. Easily dominated/manipulated. No confidence.
I'm afraid that love must remain unrequited. https://t.co/aJK55uWJFP
I have a feeling if the IQ of the white population were raised to an average of, say, 130, xtians would be but a trace element.
Yes, I have read E. Michael Jones, who lays it out in 2 big tomes: The Revolutionary Jew and Libido Dominandi. https://t.co/kMhc7c1hxX
Hint: tolerating jews or those who mix with them defines you as part of the problem, not the solution.
No political position is genuinely different from the Governing Party unless it is explicitly pro-white AND anti-jew. Both. #altright
Jews have been gaming our system for a century, deliberately perverting the will of the democratic majority. Time for them to go. #TeamWhite
Leftists like to listen to phonographs of whale squeals. I like to listen to the dying yodels of ISIS roof queers.
Marion Barry, as much as any single nigger, made me a fully realized racialist. You probably dont remember him. https://t.co/L1xsu2nsIW
We are comparatively less able to perceive enemies. And our historical religion exacerbates that genetic trait. https://t.co/xt4NSbyqBY
Depends what we're doing. America was best when it had virtually no structure at all. https://t.co/ZKE12TD2Si
Are all you good little Cantevens and Wowjuswows getting ready to discard all your deepest beliefs in 10 days cuz, I mean, it's 2016?
Same in US. Every black area is going bankrupt and faking school test scores, and whining about whites. https://t.co/L1xsu2nsIW
Bash Puritans and leftists all day long, but you get thrown in jail for criticizing jews. See Bonehill, and on and on and on and on and..
Leftism is the problem. Well, I can criticize leftism all day long, but in most white lands I get JAILED saying jews https://t.co/rvd14jx1uR
We have to use our brains to synthesize the correct approach, since it doesn't come naturally. The Nazis did this. https://t.co/GIcjc3ID7I
Coin has two sides. We are too honest and independent for it. We aren't clannish like Mediterraneans. https://t.co/GIcjc3ID7I
Their holidays celebrate their genocide of other peoples. How clear do they have to make it? https://t.co/RI4Zk45KIT
They're better organized and have loads more money than any other group. And they hate every other group. https://t.co/28GrxT387G
This is what happens where black "people" are the majority. https://t.co/dMY0uK1xFr
I, for one, am willing to machine-gun as many System hacks as can be assembled. Bunch of lying fecal greaseballs. https://t.co/w5SnkvIJHr
The sun is not here to judge you. The sun is here to enlighten you and fill your life with delicious plants. #hooRe4theSun
See what I mean? Every fucking day. This is life where niggers are the majority. https://t.co/isHHB3OFJv
See, kids, normal, well adjusted people fear racism. Hateful, disturbed people fear black crime and muslim terrorism.
People's natural affections have been displaced onto sports teams and canines, and their hates onto, yes, condiments.
My tweetfare from South Africa: about 1/3 niggers attacking, raping, robbing people, mostly whites. 1/3 various power outages. 1/3 Zuma.
I would like to thank the sun for its incredible, ground-breaking work in 2015, and petition it beseechingly for more "fun"shine in 2016.
Xtianity: it's totally not a special-needs cult for no-necked boobs & sundry mental defectives https://t.co/pXkCTTUo8u
You ever hear: deal with what they mean, not with what they say? When you point out logical fallacy of 'gun control' left just sees weakness
Let's round up all jews and muslims in north america and stick then in a giant no-feedlot in middle of Nebraska. I've checked. There's room.
Francis Park Yockey magnum opus: "Imperium" #francisparkeryockey #yockey #imperium https://t.co/x7AapOjHHX
Notice the larger the central government, the more people fear to speak their minds or take personal responsibility for their lives.
What if they held a Miss Universe contest...and only one planet showed up? Wouldn't the natural course be to cancel it?
Synagogues are hostile camps in enemy territory, which the enemy, out of ignorance, allows to exist.
December 20, 2015:
Like decorating a child's room, except for physical adults. https://t.co/is1lY7iup0
The jews are as different from us whites as muslims are, they're just harder to see. But even more dangerous to our way of life. #TeamWhite
We have easy divorce for couples. And shotgun marriage for races. Both are very bad ideas. Both come from the...
December 19, 2015:
Djibooti must not go unchallenged. https://t.co/5wxiDp4FF7
Slavery destroyed the black family. There is no one definition of family. Leftism is nothing but contradictory bs like this.
Who is that? https://t.co/9zhwPZCKh2
America is run by people who hate Americans. They're called jews. You can read their anti-white hate in every newspaper in the land.
The jews murdered the constitutional right of free association. That makes everything govt business, hence subject to jew purview.
Focus the anger - the jew creates the conditions we all hate. Focus anger and attention on him. Not the left, not liberals. JEWS.
There's a white revolt beginning. We made a revolution against England long ago, and now one is brewing against King Jew.
What I Discovered From Interviewing Imprisoned ISIS Fighters via @thenation https://t.co/8lRrUbnv1u
#TeamWhite vs #TeamJew. Keep fighting, keep polarizing. Keep using Trump. Either you side with your race, or you're with the shitkikes.
“Let’s not mince words,” somebody tweeted under the name Helios Megistos. “Milbank is an anti-white parasite and a bigoted kike supremacist”
Notice how these fucking leftists like Ryan and Merkel adopt these long-seeing, long-suffering eye compositions?
It's 9:43 and I can already smell the kufr...Clean it up or next time I come in here I'm cracking heads. https://t.co/kEdDs6tw9t
Man who structured ISIS.. https://t.co/cjFPVEgaJb
December 18, 2015:
Rape. Murder. Making posts jews don't like. Kinda the big 3, you know. https://t.co/gqFhm1dFNP
2 voices: Xtianity: jew = child of god. Needs Good News. convert him. Nature: jew = competitor. means 2 make you extinct. beat him. well?
What with the Giant Vats of Pickled Pigs Feet and the Incredible Racism, I feel Sam's Club is no longer a Safe Space for whites like me.
Republicans want small govt, lol. https://t.co/AucSeugXm7
Christianity is the reason jews were readmitted 110 times, which is far more to the point than the kickings-out.
Christianity is the best friend the jews ever had - and that they can't see this is an extremely rare blunder on their part. Take advantage!
A left-wing queer and a jew-ass-licking warmonger? Go home, Jeb. It's over. https://t.co/DggqKrlUmr
Christians, in theory motivated by Day of Judgment & afterlife, and in practice the least willing to risk any earthly possession for ideal.
The jews have made a rare and huge misstep in criticizing christianity, for its disappearance among whites removes the strongest jew-shield.
Do you notice the complete lack of honor and self-respect that attend basically 99% of public christians?
Christians let themselves be cucked out of singing their own stupid songs in schools they pay for. #crossUnfits #crosscucks
i will. pay more attention to your dad, he sounds like a smart guy. https://t.co/G4CYbxHAdk
I think you meant to type small and fat. But we both know neither of you are small. The floorboards scream in fear. https://t.co/tLa2i8pzff
Trump is very unlike many of the #tcot patriotards who support him in that he recognizes the US has murdered tons of innocent people.
Think about all the physical, personal insults directed at Donald Trump. What would they be called if directed at extra-repulsive Adelson?
Christians do that too. Christianity is leftism. https://t.co/pHfxU1xZiQ
No more true vertically than horizontally. https://t.co/73zsaZCeiE
The jebootis confuses themselves with me. https://t.co/ANY2n7K0sK
No, that's Halloween you're thinking of see. See the documentary Halloween III. https://t.co/3utKXWeyvP
I have only one thing to say to you, Robert. "That kangaroo stole my ball!" https://t.co/YxYFMcn16y
I have not accepted Jesus as my personal savior. But rest assured, if he applies for gofer he will be looked on favorably. #meetHimhalfway
The left has no other vein save abuse. There is no common ground for speaking with it. All positions opposed to its are some flavor of hate.
Donald Trump needs your fat-girls' help to Get In The Gym and Make America Great Again. Don't let him down. https://t.co/vXFhAlxf51
The Republican party already died when it was taken over by Jew Moneybags and accepted the #antiwhite open borders, fuck-the-worker agenda.
No one wants the white man's religion, they know it's crap. What they do want his is genes - from round blue eyes to light blond hair.
What jews fear in the white man -- his religion? his region? -- no. Our whiteness. That is the _there_ there. Why don't _we_ see it?
They mock, then they discriminate, then they murder. Jews are an existential threat to whites. https://t.co/PNMOTkTHjW
Anyone who doesn't understand the existential threat jews present to the white race is fooling himself. https://t.co/taTHjfjazQ
Eh...he likes your sister better anyway. https://t.co/lQqsUaEKbv
Jews are always at the forefront of opening borders and closing speech. US, UK, Canada, Aus, NZ, etc etc https://t.co/N8JnMkwOdi
December 17, 2015:
Whites rioting is a good thing. This is not a manners competition between well bred girls. #WhiteThoughts
Maybe you blacks should stop appropriating white culture. Wizard of Oz doesn't belong to you. You do zoo, boo. https://t.co/3DtBs2pCjW
Because the white expats live off their own money. https://t.co/dAvVCy8Rtm
Take two people: one white, one black. Both act like niggers. Which one gets arrested first? #whiteprivilege is the opposite of the truth.
If you're all "#whiteprivilege," try acting like a nigger. Guarantee you'll get hauled up in short order - lot quicker than if you were one.
Whites in America 2015 have endured brainwashing than any people in history, and only us extremes of pride and resistance have salmoned free
I feel ya dog. Dahl should have had a character like LaPeesa Watermelon or something. https://t.co/wFGQ1boKBr
Maybe whites see EEOC and know they are legally discriminated against. Which is, you know, like a real thing. https://t.co/NwzsC6NFcf
Oh dear. Where will we ever find a new nigger heroin dealer to replace dead freddie? https://t.co/WO1TbFj4oz
December 16, 2015:
Can we locate the portion of the goybrain in which racism originates and make chopping it out mandatory? #TeamJew
Useless, incompetent, feral...niggers. https://t.co/nGOhIKZ3Jm
Jew to White America: The problem is what you _are_. And you can't change that. So you must disappear. If you're unwilling... #TeamWhite
My fav movie... Charley Varrick 1973 1080p full movie in English https://t.co/JZia6jsafC via @YouTube
Ah do declayah, it is a crahm, they way they draft ouah southron boys to fight them damnyanky jew woahs.
When Trump is elected, jews are going to be fried on giant griddles, a la Ivan the Groovy, in lots of 20 whinesteins at a time.
Jews expend most of their intellectual power thinking up new bogus categories for whites to star in, 'mass shootings' being the latest.
Make these fucking jews get out front and yip for their wars. You northern runts quit lying for them. And Southtards quit fighting.
Same pattern as civil war - the US kills hundreds of thousands of innocent people and -- no shame. No responsibilty. Just more brazen lying.
Do you think these are unrelated? - Salon publishes pro-pedophilia material - Miley Cyrus' new shtick = sexualized crib-baby
The jews are helping #TeamWhite polarize society by teaching whites that only their racial identity matters - and it's a capital crime.
The jews determine the direction society is going to go, then the Anglo-Irish fall over themselves to get to the front of the pack.
Imagine living in a community that didnt legally discriminate against you, with a media that didn't pour raw hatred on you daily. #TeamWhite
In its moment of need, the white race turned to the christian church and got nothing. Then we looked at its charter and gulped. #TeamWhite
Yes, from industry's POV: stifle independent minds hence competition. From political POV, stifle pro-white/anti-jew. https://t.co/3iTYutoKfu
Things in the white race worth killing for are: our racial funniness and that Charlie Bucket character. These are rare and valuable traits.
Good question. I think a lot of these are so low-IQ oblivious they lack any sort of self-consciousness whatsoever. https://t.co/tSuLsROBEd
I hope you nermals are praying hard the sun has hadn't enough of our tired act & decides to bring back the real & eternal enlightenment.
Hey, it wasn't Muskrat Love! No one deserves that, not even ISIS. https://t.co/qWBfCR4zdc
Putin actually is tough. Imagine him saying something like "punch America in the nose." God, what lack of manliness in Republicans. #tcot
Look at those Lilliputians on stage last night, itching to war with Russia because they think their jew handlers want that.
Government schools always serve the central state. Progressive have 100+ years of spreading poisonous ideas in USA. https://t.co/zEQeVeNqzM
When I think of all the horrible, emasculating things I've been forced to do, playing Muskrat Love on the piano is definitely top three.
The Captain & Tenille "LOVE WILL KEEP US TOGETHER" https://t.co/qQc7bfSkQy via @YouTube
Pride is neither good nor bad but can be either. The xtian fools claim it bad because, well - they're sheep farmers, after all.
Now that's what I call classical education. Put this in latin you boobs. https://t.co/BCqb7XKxzP
and eight x likelier to be sassay https://t.co/5GqvIADDnW
freddie a real nigga's nigger https://t.co/FruYcP778V
Humanity is an #antiwhite term because it allows primative hominids like blacks to be grouped into the same artificial category as whites.
You dont have to be a nazi to appreciate the difference between nigger culture and white culture, just sense organs. https://t.co/aGiGpcMcr4
Diversity is our greatest strength, lied the jews, echoed by his christian familiar. https://t.co/YVFLmdz1hl
Yes, and think about fit you'll be when you run away to canada after Trump is elected. https://t.co/KQQdIaSUl5
And if you cross the Israeli border...oh wait! you can't! there's a giant wall!!! https://t.co/tWm2xsCkof
That's how he feels when he sees how fat you're getting, you impudent little turnip. https://t.co/HQ7w3bgfhv
Late Phil Dick, very nice. https://t.co/gqNsZYuW2B
A universalist love cult?? How can that not be "good for whites"? https://t.co/NZWcNLJ8b6
Christianity won't even stand up for itself against the jews, yet some of you whites think it will defend your race?
Ideological hatred of whites, always a strong undercurrent in the controlled media, became their dominant theme in 2015. #RealHistory
There's all kinds of persecution going on in the jewsmedia - and it's 100% against whites and christians. #TeamWhite stands up 4 whites.
The Jewish degradation of baseball, from Henry Ford, 1921: https://t.co/wq82e4NHfX (1:15)
Yes. You need to point out that those cities are loaded with niggers. https://t.co/OV0Qm1auHw
If you're in the military right now, and you're 35, pro-white, anti-jew, you have some charm and balls - you can do Trump x 10. Believe it.
If christians were reading, thinking people, this would change minds. Unfortunately, they are cowardly conformists. https://t.co/oXGYT3oord
The USG and media are run by jews. Jews hate whites. That explains everything. Rest is details. #WhiteThoughts
Ford, TIJ, ch44 on religious persecution. In America, it's all one way: jews attacking christians. https://t.co/ofuAkk3jKC (43m)
December 15, 2015:
The truth is usually the opposite of what the media say, and so it is with the death penalty. Abandoning it is the height of barbarism.
By at least one very serious standard, Alabama is more civilized than any state in the nation. https://t.co/xjafFr0pxk
The best metaphoric representation of the male condition is the pufferfish: tiny little arms waving around a huge ball of air.
No matter how many times people fail, it never occurs to them they don't know what they're doing. This is true of virtually all humans.
Trump was far the best on foreign policy; expounding a common-sense view in line with America's traditions. I have to believe he knows PNAC.
Why do they act like they have a soul, so many atheists, but xtians say things and perform services that should stain them for all times?
all the gentilemen and fierce lady were well dressed and i would totally refer them a roofer who might not be an ex-convict
first thing i do in my place is i set up a no farting zone. i tell people, you fart in here, you're going down. that's how we roll in NJ
arguable...my vote would go for kasich. https://t.co/3EtHW4wtMP
That's so easy even I have a 1/2 chance of being able to do it. Thank you! https://t.co/ZzCmsDdwbT
I'm not against killing people, but the right people for the right reasons. What has be done by jews behind curtain in our name is ignoble.
The only time I felt proud to be an American was Trump nearly apologizing for our killing 100s of ks of innocents in ME.
Get rid of Dept of Education (as Reagan threatened but never did) and return to local control. https://t.co/IqIw3vfi99
Trump: "If we'd just ignored those warmongering Jews and stayed out of the ME, none of this mess ever would have happened." WOW. #TeamWhite
It's the Great Unspoken presence looming behind the debate tonight. No mention of PNAC or Emanuel Celler. https://t.co/EJ52KPMQ46
Just listen to these 2" specials talk about punching Russia in the nose. Kasich, you are the putziest nugget ever sharted out of human twat.
"If you're in favor of WWIII you have your candidate" -- Rand Paul. Insane fake tough guys/jew tools: Fiona, fatty, Kasich the Slurper
Christian simpletons: here's your sign. https://t.co/tUwKbV9uyZ
Nice yidsuck. Next do a Coulter, and praise li'l benji shapiroin ALL CAPS. https://t.co/6axJzlhkXc
Because it actually exists, compared with your imaginary heaven. https://t.co/HYH4ObJA6U
Southerners defend their Fahtin' Man culture exactly the way niggers do. At 16, every Souther turns into a K9, heads to Obedience School.
If jews saw themselves as passives the way Simple Alice sees Southern 'men,' they'd be losers like Southerners.
His full name? Caitlyn Jebus Godsdottir. He came from Iceland, and he had magical powers. He could turn lutefisk into tasty fish soup.
Look at how Silly Alice portrays Southern 'men' as passive victims of pols they voted for and armies they signed up to serve. @AliceTeller
Do I slur the South as donkeymen? I do. Yet I hold them higher than Silly Alice Teller for I believe they can choose other behavior.
This is also why criticism of democracy is overheated. https://t.co/kAwIPmBqIB
Let me explain to you people of donkey (Southerners). A real man doesn't allow himself to be used by leaders of a cause he hates. #FahtinMan
Notice that the "real" Southerners are passively directed about by jews and faggots their mothers and father vote 4. https://t.co/aNjhqX0B8s
Protesters tried to shout Hitler down, but his army friends, armed with rubber truncheons, ejected the dissenters. (1/2)
His nose is honestly frightening to me. It would not be out of place in a horror movie. https://t.co/E2mNH0yh42
Trump polarizes the country. That is "good for Whites." We should use his campaign to further the split between #TeamWhite & #TeamJew.
People are not smart. They need things simple. Whites good. Jews bad. #TeamWhite will throw out jews and create White Utopia.
Most people want to boss everyone else around, micromanage them and badger them till life is hell. Not me: kill or leave alone = good govt.
There's the jewish position and there's hate.* *This trick only works if you control the mass media. #WhiteThoughts
It isn't atheists who made christianity synonymous with servility and cowardice but christians themselves, by their behavior.
The Dark Side Of The ADL https://t.co/u2RXXLvcet #adl #antidefamationleague #abrahamfoxman
Polarize the public by destroying the fake opposition: the conservatives. Split the public into the good guys, #TeamWhite, and the bad guys.
Attack the conservatives like #AnnCoulter. Feed them their cowardice. Shame the ones that can be shamed. Crush w laughter ones that can't.
Jews must be made extinct. That is bringing a gun to their gunfight: "Even the best of the goyim should be killed" - the jewish Talmud
The race whose 'religion' considers all gentiles 'animals' & proclaims: Even the best of the goyim should be killed. https://t.co/1P5StfCVMR
Conservative means chickenshit with no moral courage. All their policies and advisements reflect this lack of character. Laugh at them.
When you're the majority being oppressed by a minority, you don't speak in code words. #Antiwhite is an adjective. The noun is jews.
Don't you think they're likely to misinterpret that as their reward for voting Trump?? https://t.co/8MHdZBdWv6
She means jews, she's just too chickenshit to say it. #Cuckservative https://t.co/3rTv2jk9rG
#Altright is as White as Bruce Jenner is a female. Either you're pro-white and anti-jew or you're a confused mess.
We should be doing that - working with Iran to contain Israel. Instead of working with Israel to destroy the ME. https://t.co/FHk9db87d8
Jews are the problem. Anyone talking about anything else is a Southern/conservative kiddie-table chump and can be safely disregarded.
There are going to be more acts of terror. We all know that. What we must understand is until we make jews extinct, they will torture us.
The communists never paid a price, those dirty jews, so they never learned a lesson. Their arrogance has grown unchecked for a century.
Christians hate books like cats hate water. Wherever hatred of learning is strongest (South) Christianity prospers. https://t.co/XVHCoAHFSS
Christianity so far from being the source of civilization sides every single time with communist jews & their black wrecking balls.
If Henry Ford called the jew the "foremost" problem in the world 100 years ago, how would he describe them today? #WhiteThoughts
Want lower health care costs? Introduce a market. The reason costs are high is government regulation preventing supply.
London = greasy-fingered shoplifting pickaninnies. https://t.co/3iUPLI1PON
The conservative's claimed values: faith, family, flag. The conservative's actual values: money, career, status.
Only 1-2% of blacks capable of grasping the racial disparity in intelligence and resulting civilizational capacity. https://t.co/mWtrF5qv63
C.S. Lewis taught the Caitlyn Jesus fans that asking why is the devil's question. Just pray and obey authority. https://t.co/WZt2usLNVI
December 14, 2015:
Trump takes his tips from winners - jews/Nazis. Not losers - christians/conservatives. He attacks. He doesn't apologize.
The mantra of the retard. https://t.co/URsFUOIzdg
"You see, Cindy, when you tell people everything happens for a reason, what you're really saying is: I'm a Moron." --Pa Brady
If I were dictator, would depute a Spayer General, charged with zapping the nuts/cave of anyone who said "Everything happens for a reason."
https://t.co/U8ISVjUdgw Real men don't use religion.
Unfortunately negritude is not a dermatological problem. https://t.co/Bx2Mm3AXCY
Roald Dahl - no crissy he. But you knew that by his humor and personality. https://t.co/4t5HEq1HBm
i approve this story https://t.co/u6Mqh9ocFJ
How many of you understand that jews in the US were trying to open our borders before 1920? It's them. It's always been them. #TeamWhite
You can get down on your knees before Caitlyn Jesus. Or you can be a white man. Your call. #WhiteThoughts
I don't believe in fixing people, I believe in killing people. It's the only real reason for government.
If you don't think jews are dangerous, perhaps you're waking up from conservatism, I encourage you to go back and read Ford's... (1/2)
Government is many thing but The Great Exacerbater must be close to chief among them. https://t.co/3xTA84OQA1
Statistically true, and hidden by media jews who portray civilized times as dark ages. https://t.co/EOChH4P4jq
Alt-right keeps focus on what it isn't, rather than what it is. WN by contrast is pro-White & anti-jew. https://t.co/9waW4em07f
Every few years there's a "new" new right, and it's completely unaware of earlier versions and its exactly the same. The real alt is WN.
alt-right / cucks. one small step for womankind. https://t.co/j1OnejBFtm
In using blacks to destroy white society, jews make life worse for individual blacks by destroying their families & encouraging self-pity.
Of course it was. Forced mixing separated the black head from the body. Jews use blacks to destroy white society. https://t.co/EOChH4P4jq
I'd prefer more tweets featuring Boers (or other whites) who strike back against niggers. https://t.co/9MwzM83iHj
Blacks can neither create, sustain nor even understand white society. 'Keepin' it real' is their desperate attempt to make sense of things.
Tribal people brought to America, force-fit into different scheme. Should have been left in Africa. https://t.co/ArpB2AkyRw
It's a matter of fact, not opinion, that their illegitimacy rates were much lower before jews took power in the US. https://t.co/95D2dE9luh
When the German nationalists came to clean up Europe, and remove the jewish-bolshevik poison, the christian church sided with the jews.
Christianity can't even get morality right. Jews are by any standard evil and destructive yet the church celebrates & promotes them.
It just occurred to me...the only magazine I read regularly now is Dabiq. Used to read everything on the shelves when I was a teen.
"According to the Encyclopaedia of the Social Sciences, in 1938 11% of black children and 3% of white children were born to unwed mothers."
Whites have gone the way of blacks, which Moynihan warned about. Destroying white society = replace dad with govt. https://t.co/oNjwKGQL5p
True, they have to be kept down by force. But w free association, their problems were largely kept in their own area https://t.co/RAw0TFs5gM
Factually untrue. https://t.co/CjX01Ksvhq The black family was destroyed by jewish social engineers, not slavery. https://t.co/29qm5X85Ky
There is nothing plainly insane that can't be done in the name of holy morality. #crosscucks https://t.co/APa7sCgAsi
That's love, Howy. That's love in operation. Love isn't just a feeling. It's an act. An act of helping niggers. https://t.co/4UqD1X2pCD
December 13, 2015:
Jew doctrine: "Even the best of the goyim should be killed." Xtian doctrine: "Jews must not be molested."
War on Drugs = Nigger + Pigger Full Employment Act. https://t.co/XYsTJHIYhn
Yeah, a lot of Little Men are authoritarians. They can't function as free agents, they like being bossed around. https://t.co/XYsTJHIYhn
Niggers, aliens and even whiteskin character defectives (alkies, druggies) are big business, thanks to welfare state https://t.co/BvLmCAzVLM
Whites are a race prone to fantasy; particularly the xtian. Mere reality never interests the majority. https://t.co/2pECj7fpGz
I wish your ability to perceive basic reality were wider spread. Otherwise, WN is no better than Nigger Pride. https://t.co/lLqOgKMdbs
Honest British are exceedingly rare, and should be appreciated. https://t.co/K49xnFmSto
December 12, 2015:
Guess what class they're hot to exterminate today? https://t.co/3FV0argXZl
Whenever you hear someone say something in favor of socialism, ask yourself if this person has the acumen to run a McDonalds.
I've seen that argument many times, I don't find it that plausible. Eskimos survive, and they're dopes. https://t.co/x2FuYxbU7C
Angela Merkel. Leave aside the jew servility (dont). Just another poisonous middle-aged cunt. Very common figure these days.
Christianity came into existence before racial matters had been reduced to science. No surprise its position on jews is geocentric.
The left says it's cool to ignore immigration law because more muds is good for jews. The right say it's cool because it's good for F500.
If you can't find workers at a given rate. RAISE THE PAY. That's how the FREE MARKET works in a real nation.
Which religion says we are our brothers' keeper? Why, bless my soul, it's the religion featuring Caitlin Jesus, Queen of the Jews. #Crosscux
There are homos of the flesh, and we detest these crane earrings. But there are homos of the spirit too - and these are christians.
The jews were narrowly defeated in 1924. Otherwise, America would be about 20% white today. Their immigration victory was delayed to 1965.
"Kill the muslims. Kill the kikes who let them in. Kill the whiteskins who serve the kikes." --Andrew Jackson
The view that jews will reform their behavior if shown their error is the right-wing equivalent of left-wing's poverty excuse for blacks.
Henry Ford: The Present Status of the Jewish Question, commentary on where it lay 95 years ago.. https://t.co/9T8bvcfmTR
Church doctrines on jews are nescient, parallel to the cult's insistence that the earth was the center of the universe.
Muslims are the obvious, visible problem it's safe to blame, hence their popularity with the Stars n Bars retards. But jews are real problem
Whites must polarize their lands between #TeamWhite (pro-white, anti-jew) and Team Jew (jews + traitors + muds). Then fight to the death.
Muh Western Turdition. Muh pape. Muh cathlick church. Taint much. Never was. https://t.co/046hEitTvK
Why do we have the Second Amendment? To shoot the jews actually running the country - the ones who sicced niggers and muslims on us.
December 11, 2015:
Does antisemitism include noticing that jews are evil, lying nation-wreckers? It does? Then how can it be a bad thing?
The jew-led elite sic black criminals and muslim terrorists on normal white Americans, then shriek about hate and racism. #nojewsjustright
"The U.S. government is not so well organized as American Jewry;... it is the same in every country." --Henry Ford #WhiteThoughts
December 10, 2015:
This is why I tune in to world politics. #ready2rumble https://t.co/2ZWhEPv9lF
Trump and Hitler's My New Order... https://t.co/LShtwbcTNl
New elite must destroy the jews and take control of white future. By destroying jews, it proves its fitness. #TeamWHite
https://t.co/2Arrjo7HXl White Thoughts #1. Little over an hour. on Trump, the pathetic futility of wasting time on 3rd world preemies etc
History isn't really very interesting for the simple reason that people don't differ that much. It's all in you if you care to look.
Vice is doing an article on WN and Trump, trying to dig up quotations that will serve their agenda, which i'm sure you can figure out.
December 09, 2015:
Fuck you, fuck yeah!, and fuck off! America is not about being sociable, and you faglets who hate freedom - enjoy being bossed by Experts.
This is at least 90% of what Trump means when he says MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. https://t.co/wJ918flv3y
You frogmaking fucking kids, you dont know from America. You missed it. This was the tail end of it. https://t.co/wJ918flv3y
I like the part where he and his clowns turned themselves in and got tortured to death. Christianity is insane. https://t.co/QJVfbrfXUL
Does Trump go too far? Hell no. He doesn't go far enough. He needs to blame jews for letting muslims in.
People are more interested in the immed. feedback they get from others than considering the consequences. I guess. https://t.co/bZFeJa01ni
If diversity were any good jews would be trying to take it away from whites rather than force it on them.
Jews in Israel have a moral obligation to the Africans they enslaved. https://t.co/YlUEPj5UD0
The people are taught to worship Experts who constitute Authority as proved by the fact they are employed by State. https://t.co/qsME73DdMH
Yeah. Destroying their own communities in the name of love. https://t.co/lIULujNCnC
The bible is OPL: other peoples' lies. It has nothing to do with whites. Utterly foreign, poisonous and stupid. #WhiteThoughts
Christianity's directive, that we are our brothers' zookeeper, has resulted in 40m niggers and 50m mexicans in formerly civilized USA.
Our christian ancestors didn't have the nuts to do what needed to be done: mass slaughter the garbage races. Instead, they helped them breed
Christianity creates men without any self-respect or principles, which is why jews like Adelson run herd on them. https://t.co/MXSXR0upNZ
What is the one characteristic of the true and abiding loser? Self-pity. Jesus is the apotheosis of the self-pitying loser, hence popularity
Jews have been the same foul nation-wreckers their entire existence. They won't change. We must. That means dumping our gay friend jesus.
Where but the christ lunacy does this idea ultimately originate that there's some prime directive that all races and people must get along?
Muslims attitudes toward their terrorists are exactly the same as the black community's attitudes toward their criminals: 90% supportive.
The day will come when a whiteskin who served the jews must account for his racial treason before a military tribunal. #TeamWhite
The baby of the west is white genes; the bathwater is the jebooism. https://t.co/6CqlOuWz5R
The west will never be saved by jebus-worshipping faggots under anonymous names. Know ye that. kumquats of nescience.
Exterminate the jews, the rest of the world's problems just fade away. Islam is only a problem in west because JEWS OPENED GATES TO 'EM.
Jews must pay for their crimes. Jews have not paid for their crimes. Jews will pay for their crimes. Down to the last drop of tribal blood.
Breivik is a European hero; Merkel is a traitor who advances #whitegenocide to curry favor with the jews.
Burning down Merkel roach motels works. https://t.co/GN1qRUqXsP
You're joking, surely. Muslims have no morals at all, that's why sharia has to be so strict. https://t.co/DxipH4wnIR
Jews control immigration in the West. Jews let in Muslims. Jews laugh when the muslims murder whites. Jews are #antiwhite. #nojewsjustright
You jews have the blood of 60 million whites on your hands, and rest assured that's conservative estimate. You will pay for that crime.
The way you know christianity is bullshit - you can't ever mock something from a christian position because it just...doesn't work. Try it.
December 08, 2015:
We also would have accepted jewlet. Or jewjube,. https://t.co/q6SlqtNfbn
Jews side with Muslims against whites. Gee, where we have seen this before? Besides all recorded history?
Every jew who looks over 50 claims it survived 'the' 'holocaust.' Most claim some direct personal interaction with, typically, Mengele.
The average jew claims to have lost 6-12 relatives in 'the' 'holocaust.' https://t.co/eYvyA6xGkg
Jesus even this jewy shirtlifter has figgered it out.. https://t.co/1wAv5KAhr1
North Face co-founder Douglas Tompkins dies in kayaking accident at 72 https://t.co/E3e7RhwQCS
Nature laughs at the notion of rights. Who vindicates the rights of the 99.9% of species now extinct?
Christianity is liberalism. https://t.co/ELzxsaKRKS
Exactly. Their racial identity is based around lying. https://t.co/CB4rwbfrSo
Stop hating white people, evil monkey. https://t.co/5NWF4OhBoE
We've been sick with xtianity, but we are nursing our race back to sense and heath. https://t.co/otSbwp60la
Let's wait till he comes for the Mexicans then go from there. https://t.co/HbrciKI8Kc
Valid point although I hear there is a large community of Mark Fuhrman types who retire from LAPD to north Idaho https://t.co/eg55QJeq9f
Every position but mine is hate. Everyone who thinks differently from me is insane. No society is possible when people think like this.
'Operation Toaster,' first time ive seen that one (at Salon). Turning 'whitebread' brown. #antiwhite
You dont care about making our kind a minority against our will. And we won't care when we line you up against the wall and shoot you.
How can this jew-leftist proclivity for calling white men evil and everyone who disagrees with them insane but end in civil war? #LetsRumble
If you're a jew or muslim...you're not an American. You're in America. Tick, tick, tick.... #TeamWhite
It was a mistake to admit jews to America. Does anyone not realize this now? Jews must be treated as a team, not individuals. #TeamWhite
We had something special with White America. Jews and the crud they tracked in have done their unlevel best to ruin it. #WhiteThoughts
"Immigrants and faggots...they make no sense to me." https://t.co/8QZh4ueLQr
Or lobs you a watermelon. https://t.co/98cfH6ej28
In reality the American public is willing to go a lot farther than Trump: it supports killing alien invaders outright.
"look for the good in people" - this is like telling people just to ignore all colors except blue. wtf? perception is a pkg deal
Magic dirt: mexicans turn human when they get here Magic water: baptism turns jews into humans Magic language: latin makes dumb ideas smart
I don't want to help homeless. I don't want to help mud lavae. Teachers aren't overpaid. Soldiers aren't heroes. Not compared to garbagemen.
The people who want to tape your mouth and take your weapon will not inform you that Donald Trump is unpatriotic.
If WN wanted to establish a location on the ground, Texas is a far better place than the NW. https://t.co/vw3EihSFGB
It's bizarre the way the Anglo's elite's entire idea of helping the world is making it easier for the most useless populations to reproduce.
Every time I think a new level of dumbth has been reached, my alumni mag astounds me. #DaringMindlets
Hello. I invented a baby warmer. It helps warm babies of peoples who are too dumb to keep babies warm. So they can make more coldies.#Pomona
Sitting here reading about jews, Taft and Russia. Jews were poisoning relations between US and Russia/Europe 100 year ago. They never stop.
You don't believe that changing landscape turns the mexicant into a human? Congrats on your wisdom. But you believe jews can convert? Lol.
Many times whites were angry enough to kill jews, but the church, always, said just drip water on them, that cures them. #magicwater
Jews must be destroyed. Physically and entirely. They are nothing but rabid dogs that walk on two feet. Their every purpose is evil.
aka the will of the people, majority opinion or, gasp, democracy https://t.co/6RYEDJ1Rbd
All rabbis are liars, and all rabbis are #antiwhite. https://t.co/MhWS7Zyv86
Christianity teaches whites to respect, fear and grovel before jews. Christianity is #antiwhite, both in practice and by doctrine.
Boom goes the dynamite! Yes. This is the most important point - jews murder white nations. https://t.co/YTuronT4Uc
Jews twist laws to give black criminals access to white areas, then use their media to cover up or justify black crimes. #deathtothejews
What Henry Ford said about Disraeli. Ch37 audiobook, The Intl Jew, text and commentary. https://t.co/jbTpTLxHea
Christianity has an unbroken record of protecting guilty jews from enraged whites - same in Middle Ages Spain as in Nationalist Germany.
Dare to oppose the jews. Don't be like the cowardly and foolish #altright new-wave faileocons, maundering on ignorantly about cathedrals.
The average white man can only attack what he sees. Hence Muslims. But more important is attacking the source of the trouble - the jew.
Christianity and judaism have made the white man afraid to take his own side in a political argument. #WhiteThoughts
Exactly. And that is what is relevant - Slovo is racial jew, doesn't matter he's from Lithuania, could be anywhere. https://t.co/In5AJ8ZPHd
We need to kick the Muslims defenders and letters-in back to Israel where they belong. Jews are the problem that created the Muslim problem.
The simplest explanation that covers the given facts is that the jews are responsible for white demise. Fight the jews or die.#WhiteStrategy
The jews who overthrew Russia were atheists - MOST JEWS ARE ATHEISTS. It's not a religion. It's a race. https://t.co/NcnBRE5ymY
Separation of church and state mean you can plant a giant hate candelabra on White House grounds but not sing Xmas carol in govt school.
100 years ago Henry Ford wrote of jews establishing their Bet Din (jewish sharia court) INSIDE public courthouse in New York City.
So build a party exclusively and explicitly for whites. And name jews the enemy, as they certainly are. That's where it begins. #TeamWhite
December 07, 2015:
The problem is jews like you letting them in. https://t.co/kJMbiMKReB
Yeah...I'm gonna need some clarification. https://t.co/BlBY14bAAP
Boy, that Dinner Bell Burke really laid a trap for us rightists when he affirmed the head is a hat rack.
I'm sorry the jew explanation isn't snazzily complex enough for you self-thought geniuses. It just fits Occam and all recorded evidence.
"Cathedral" lol is bird faking broken wing. No one is as dumb as the high-IQ dummy. #altright is altfright.
If they were niggers, then great. https://t.co/QlSfe2Ug2S
The jew-leftist War on Self-Defense would take guns not from the ZOGs who murdered 100m last century, or black criminals, but white citizens
We know snakes are groovy because they're denounced in the bible. https://t.co/Aap5rXyl0l
Is it including himself? https://t.co/pDJLDA0fg3
Trump said 75% of the MSM is absolute scum. Must have been feeling charitable, the true figure is 102%
Nice, altho mudsplaining is euphoniouser. https://t.co/ZHIa4Z4R9K
Left wing, right wing - it's a jew. That's the part that matters. Free public education courtesy of #TeamWhite
"I support closed borders for my race in Israel, and open borders for white nations." --Every Jew Ever
And as you know that pattern fits all mass media, all subjects. https://t.co/jZy3mQlL2Q
To me it's just cowardice. It's just fear. People don't like to discuss such dirty things, which I why I never stop. https://t.co/KjQVrClySB
Even if you suck up to them they hate you. So why do it? Why pretend jews are anything but White Man Enemy #1? https://t.co/xI2gVPBZbJ
December 06, 2015:
Racial cause continually misidentified with political position or religion, causing confusion and lack of direction. https://t.co/WiBXfmjiuq
December 05, 2015:
She's a cowardly punch puller, a career girl - like all professional conservatives. #tcot https://t.co/Za0TNm5wPk
The christian cult produces the pambiest of nambies - the sackless Kasics, spermlipped Lindseys, feckless Huckabees. #tcot
Destroy the feckless fudgers of the middle. Polarize the public between serious Whites and evil jews. #TeamWhite vs Team Jew.
Organized jews were the _only_ force pushing the 1965 immigration act the gelded right (Coulter et al) always blame on Ted Kennedy. #tcot
Conservatives should be attacked, not applauded. Scorned, not fraternized with. Raise your standards, White man.
Conservatives praising prudence is akin to leftists praising tolerance. The latter are intolerant and the former are cowards. #tcot
Cowardly Coulter blames dead ted rather than jew Emanuel Celler. All conservatives pull punches like AC. #cowards https://t.co/ZkMY2ODg8G
Men who had pride wouldn't tolerate jews or their lies. But christians aren't men, and they hold pride & self-respect as low things.
Good example of sempiternal conservative childishness. https://t.co/gz5ojcBkRH
Jewish superiority is absolutely undeniable in one way: jews never use the language of their enemies, only their own. Whites must copy this.
Gun control is a propaganda term, used unthinkingly by 99% of its opponents. Same with 'gun violence.'
What does media control mean? For ex., there's not a single article about JEWS using their money to control the entire political process.
In theory xtians care about morals, as this world is trifling thing, judgment day, etc, but in reality they chase $ and status > others.
Semitical Correctness as a method might be considered mind-binding, a la the late chinese foot practice. Warp the mind by denying it space.
The canaille blame the muslims; the cultured blame the jews. #TeamWhite Muslims had no hand in writing our immigration policy. Jews did.
"Tape their mouths, take their weapons, to reduce it to a phrase." --Nathan Jacob Wise, The New Protocols (TNP)
Is Trump or any other conservative going to say anything about the jews who let all these killer muslims in? #tcot
Political Correctness, thus, is actually Semitical Correctness (Sobran). It is a jewish method for controlling whites verbally & politically
Political Correctness originates with jews, and has the moral destruction and political control of the white man as its object.
Hint to conservative-cowards: the people (jews) who let those muslims you safely hate into the country ARE STILL IN POWER HOLDING DOOR OPEN.
It's a beautiful day here in the NEMO, I can hear my dead grandmother telling me to turn over the garden. But first, I'm gonna take a lap.
I hope you kufrs slept well, because I feel a long day of ritual abuse coming on. May AL-lah place you among the undeserving.
Christianity prepares white men for Political Correctness. It puts out a lie at least as ridiculous as diversity being a strength, after all
When you morally accede in a lie, in agreeing to something you know to be ridiculous, your soul die. Hence the xtian lies about Jebus.
Same bloodlines (jews) using the same techniques. https://t.co/ybyHaF3rJi
December 04, 2015:
Hey, kikes, maybe you take a lesson from Trump. And, y'know, stop sucking 10 million a day out of US. Since ya so rich n successful, eh?
Republican party should ditch the pachyderm, its real symbol is a centipede, with Sheldy Adelson as the fugly jewhead n Kasich et al as body
"Take your sheckybook and shove it up your tuchus, Hyman" --The Donald to the Augustest Assemblage of Hooknosed-Americans
Spiders don't eat books. That's one thing I've always respected about them. Whereas crickets...they're just popeyed niggers.
Shucking grinning Southboobs n Anglo clowns get to steppin'. The white west needs Germanic organization and professional waste management.
Gawker is owned and managed and written by a cabal of insidious clickbait homosexuals whom have never worked a single day in the “real world
But know that we do not differentiate between these intents and goals and that our ruling upon you after overpowering you is one:
"Calling things by their real name is for honest men and amateurs. We intend to win." --Nathan J. Wise, The New Protocols
Snake species with black eyes proof of hidden biodiversity https://t.co/cHG7VIij2R via @upi
Pandering to yids is the lowest thing a whiteskin can do, and every Republican does it. https://t.co/oj2Zv7Yoo0
"There are only so many atoms to compose a person, and if many be used for the teat, inevitably the head become a dirigible." --B. Franklin
I'll guarantee you every last kike in that kikepit has MORE respect for Trump for telling them to shove their money up their tuchuses.
I will never understand the appeal of forcing everyone into one system, preferably galaxial if not God-al.
Sprightly perky people make me puke. I brush my tooth with Montgomery Gentry, the civilized man's toothshiner.
ISIS calling State Dept typist "house negro." What a great time to be alive! https://t.co/xC1jwlHR6Y
ISIS insult: "mule of the jews" - directed at whatever bright young thing's operating State Dept's twitter accounts.
Our bush league govt: https://t.co/xC1jwlHR6Y
It's increasingly clear we in the Anglo world should have sided with the Germans rather than the jews in World War II. I mean...look around.
Christianity has historically protected jews from angry whites. That is fact, it is not a matter of opinion. https://t.co/7nI05n9QtD
Christianity _protects_ jews from whites. I have yet to meet a single racialist christian who grasps the significance of Sicut Judaeis Non.
Look kid I'd love to get into it but I have yet to meet the first xtian who even understands his own cult's doctrinz https://t.co/tip4q3qAp7
Loyalty to Israel is treason to America. Remember the #USSLiberty. https://t.co/llnu97Xgsm
Say you're an innocent Iraqi and some Alabama xtian goober comes over and murders your dad and brother. You justified in feeling angry?
We don't have to make the same mistakes Hitler made, and one of his top was underappreciating the destructiveness of the xtian cult.
Never forget the whiteskins do not love jews, they serve them purely out of fear and careerism. Should new power arise, allegiance switches.
I, for one, support #AnnCoulter's immigration policy: if Ann Coulter would date it, don't let it into the country.
How many Iraqis are dead, murdered by US Christians, because of jewish WMD lies? Maybe that's how Muslims look at it, eh?
There were no Farooks and Tashfeens in the USA before jews got ahold of our immigration policy back in 1965. Jew power = #whitegenocide.
Jews don't even allow their Farook & Tashfeens minority to use the same roads as them in Israel. But they sic them all over White America.
White people are simply incapable of imagining that jews are as hateful and organized as they actually are. They have no idea whatsoever.
What wld America's violence rate be if it were still 90% white - as before the Ezras took over immigration in 1965? https://t.co/pgEII7ubnu
whiteskin - a racially white person who places no value on his race White - a racialized white man or woman #WhiteLexicon
Rising movements are intolerant, and so must the White movement be of xtianity or any other competitor for the minds of our people.
Jews took over American immigration policy back in the sixties, and used their position to let in ISIS supporters like Farook & Tashfeen.
Journalists are the cheerleaders and spies for the state. In effect, in function, they are an indispensable part of the centralized tyranny.
Are niggers the product of bad neighborhoods, or are bad neighborhoods the product of niggers? Think hard, this is a tough one.
Can't be retweeted or reposted enough. https://t.co/dq3M7xrJnZ
Maybe whites are inherently more intelligent, interesting and attractive than coloreds? #diversityisdull
What is the price of allowing jews to control media in white lands? #WhiteGenocide. We cannot tolerate ANY jews among us. #nojewsjustright
Jews have a monopoly on money and media production, and from this all #antiwhite misery flows. Antiwhite _means_ jew.
Time for Europe to flush Islam, Judaism and Christianity back to the ME septic tank where they belong. #WhiteStrategy
Shooting the guilty is the only social engineering that really works. So little violence it takes to save so much misery.
Trump can't be bribed by jew money, so the System rises as one against him. He might put Americans (ie, whites) ahead of jews & Israel!
You would think Fox would support Trump, right? But Fox, like NYT (and the rest), is a jew outlet that cares only what's "good for jews."
That guy talks like a fake-walnut coffee table. https://t.co/1C2fJuGpt0
When the last time that ugly nigger washed its hands? https://t.co/hXxkGMhS8e
We can't allow jews to live in our white nations. Jews are the ones ALWAYS behind antiwhite garbage pieces like this https://t.co/oLuSNX9AQy
Stop publishing stupid articles like this. https://t.co/mm9Ptybd5a
People have individual souls? Bullshit. People are about one degree above those birds that mimic Japanese cameras.
Went to war against the people fighting the Soviet jews who literally created the term Politically Correct. https://t.co/gI1J68Tfu3
December 03, 2015:
I prefer the earnest bloodthirstiness of the muslims in Dabiq to the lying sniding hebrews of the junkmedia ubiquitous in the West.
From Andrew Jackson to Lindsey Graham, long way down. Truth is, they aint no South no more. It dead.
ISIS says it has "boots that will trample the idol of nationalism" - nice counterpart to xtian universalism. Oil is only good thing in ME.
"The media" is a euphemism for jewish communists. You know - the people who murdered literally TENS OF MILLIONS of whites last century.
The whole point of the internet and social media is talking about those personages behind the scenes who actually run things (per Disraeli).
Who can see the relation betw these facts: 1) Love your enemy is basic xtian doctrine. 2) Not a single commie jew did time for 60m murders.
Whiteskins must become afraid -- for money, status or other reasons -- of turning against their own kind by serving the jew. #WhiteStrategy
Doesn't the Constitution say something about you have to get your money and agenda from Israel or you're not qualified for president?
How many tens of millions of innocent whites will jews murder in the 21st century? Answer: even more than in 20th - if we let them.
English being English. Like high IQ niggers. https://t.co/XXws0bkuTO
Have you noticed that xtianity, judaism and islam are all awful, each in its own way? Whites need to ditch these ugly desert sisters.
How many conservative christian cowards (ironically, precisely the type jew-Bols murdered) can we get to retweet? https://t.co/3K22AD6KpA
Who wrote the laws opening the border and instituting anti-white discrimination at the federal level (affirmative action)? Jews did.
America is the most christian country ever heard of, and that's why it's nothing but whites with empty insides. https://t.co/Xuf0L6jKY0
every amount of harm against the Ummah will be responded to with multitudes more against the perpetrator
daily mail claims farook conflict w office yid: https://t.co/pf8v8OFqvL
I really believe disliking the sexualization of society is a white genetic thing, I don't think it's xtian. Whites know self-control is good
It's one thing to have vices; it's entirely another to pretend those vices are virtues. Destroy yrself if you must, but leave society alone.
You've got to remember, jews are semites - brazen lying and haggling are their way. Trump gives them this back, unlike Anglo pols.
They are unintentionally helping us by teaching whites that standards they think universal are actually white. https://t.co/R7YNGmSHTW
Trump might put what's good for America ahead of what's good for jews. That sounds anti-semitic. Is it even legal?
The traditional lie is that Beethoven was black. Sounds like that's expanded. Blacks, of course, believe anything. https://t.co/MLO6QICJ6B
Why wouldn't jews have unlimited contempt for whites? They sold these suckers the idea that their fictional character was God!
What better way to encourage cowardice and general fecklessness among the people than encouraging them to "love your enemy"?
"It is morally ok to kill every colored who tries to gain entrance to Europe or America." --Jesus Godsson
USA should be seducing others by the brilliance of our example; not raping them with bombs and propaganda crusades.
George Washington showed the right path for our country - minding our own business. Jews smear this American position as isolationism.
Christianity = spiritual leveling. Democracy = political leveling. If each man matters in God's eyes, how can he not matter at polls?
I can honestly say, and I was introduced to it as a young child, that I knew christianity was insane the first time I heard its tales.
Men act. Christians pray. https://t.co/s7SmN5qAYH
Personally, I'd like to see less shootups of schools and tard centers, and more shootups of jew owned mass media newsrooms. But that's me.
"It's not a lie if you believe it, Jerry." --G. Costanza https://t.co/2HF6BY2kFa
“Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He didn’t seem like he was going to kill everybody. He just seemed quiet,” she said.
Farook’s supervisor, Amanda Adair: “He got along with everybody, but he kept his distance. I can’t imagine it was about work.”
Why do so many guns choose coloreds as their weapon of choice in carrying off their plans? Are guns racist?
Out of 100 niggers killed by cops, only about 87 deserved it. And 100 were criminals. My guess, anyway.
I swear a corner was turned with Trayvon, if I had to pin a point. It's just frothing and continual now. https://t.co/iahB90PYgH
It's up to sophisticated racialists to lead the bovine religious conservative masses away from the jew herder back on the right cowpath.
So to recap: Trump stood in front of an audience of Jews and told them that they were all about money and making deals. He stood in front of
Re the Reps sucking up to Sheldon. This is why I say the gods of the white xtian Anglo-American are King Money and Queen Status. One laughs.
look at that creature https://t.co/YfkM8tQfIO
"We remove their safety with 'integration' and open borders; we remove their self-defense with what we call 'gun control.'" --Nathan J. Wise
December 02, 2015:
Xtianity has misled the white man into thinking that inside every muslim, nigger & mexican is khaki-wearing Republican struggling 2 get out.
I don't assume everyone is like me or like my kind, and this is a tremendously helpful way of understanding/solving problems. #TeamWhite
Vaughn point as always. https://t.co/Jgc9K8vLTu
There weren't ANY muslims in the US until jews controlled our immigration policy. And that's probably true in your country too.
Right anger at muslims is parallel to left anger at guns. You're going after the tool rather than the wielder.
Integration and open borders are the same thing: forms of racial terrorism directed against whites by ruling jews.
It is imperative that we disarm white gentiles RIGHT NOW to stop black criminals and muslim terrorists from murdering people.
Jews divide society by -isms, while themselves treating politics as race war. Which it is: #TeamWhite vs Team Jew.
Notice all the typically Southern-religious simpleton #tcot conservative manboys leap to blame CAIR, too gutless to blame jews for invasion.
Remember, she's a jew. Don't be fooled by the bottle blond and surgical disfigurement. She's an ugly old jew vulture https://t.co/jd4XbI6TYO
White men...figure everything out. https://t.co/n1ETX8FRKw
The ones who let them in are the same ones who make excuses for them. They are jews. And they hate normal whites - like you. #TeamWhite
The guys who did it is a police problem. The jews who let them in and covered for them in media is a political problem. #SanBernardino
Nazis fought the jews who let the Syeds into your country. While you appease and grovel before them. https://t.co/YQEOdd19YL
The company was founded in 1961 when Dick Cabela started selling fishing flies through the mail from his kitchen table
It is funny to me that people never learn not to jump to conclusions before the facts are established. Seen it 1000x, never changes.
You know when you leave something in liquid for 48 hours, the consistency it gets? That is the spiritual maceration xtianity imparts.
By the end of 2015, ye twitter readers of the future, hatred of whites was the dominant theme in mass media, 100% controlled by jews.
Marybeth Feild, president of the Inland Regional Center’s board of directors, said masked gunmen entered a first-floor conference room
Dabiq #12, try the Cantlie article on pg 47 of this pdf. https://t.co/O9RYHw5E4D
All these question of race relations and dialogue only matter if the races are prevented from separating, which is the natural & obvious sol
Except that's not my account. As the French say, little rodent, you only look under the bed YOU hide under. https://t.co/QxAbFPR3Oa
Remember: in the Protocols jews say their #1 tool for controlling goyim is bribery. Trump has 10 billion (sez he). Not easy to buy him.
Trump isn't even pro-white or anti-jew, he's just insufficiently warmongery and jew-manipulable for the kikes running the System.
Discussing Henry Ford's view of jew control of movies 100 years ago. 1:40 of white education. https://t.co/7ZVl02BvNd
The problems in the white west are so easily solvable that a child could tell you what to do. But until the Tribe is cashiered, gar nichts.
Can't one of you white geniuses bring people back to life? I will camp out overnight to be the first to insult obese faggot fool Chesteron.
As Lewis' humble pope invites muslims to settle Europe. You can't clown a crissy, they're born pros. https://t.co/cEEF5UA3j4
December 01, 2015:
For God so loved the world He sent his topsest Dishrag, to wipe all the spilt milch. If you kneel before the cross, take a lap.
It is a strange and really magnificent spectacle which the Kehillah presents, of a people of one racial origin, w a vivid belief in itself
You're a good example of why dealing with CI is a waste of time. https://t.co/vFkNDHE6gm
Tell them God's sign is that they can move their own fingers. That's it. God's out of the western union business. https://t.co/5DpjiqEOyp
Is this not this the catholic ideal? Camp of the Saints, courtesy of the cross. https://t.co/vmGTTGsNU5
make a white council. raise money. contract pro curriculum development specialist. make white 'hebrew school' K-post-PhD curricula.
There's a reason most of the more intelligent people in racialism are atheist rather than than xtian. Xtianity is universalist & #antiwhite.
In the end, all of you who persist will come to see it my way: there is only solution to the jew problem: killing them all.
So...soon as they get queer 'marriage' passed, it's on to pedophilia, incest, and trannyism. Like there's an agenda being rolled out, eh?
The LCD of a white society is much higher than a racially diverse one. This is self-evident, tho denied everywhere in the controlled media.
Christianity will keep whites focused on The Poower, which always means nigroids and other useless hominids. https://t.co/yTonnt0L4D
Racial state - ironclad rules. No non whites. Of course no jews. But within that context, we don't need state micromanagement as under ZOG.
Things must be hard where hardness is called for - and free where liberty makes sense. Aka, opposite of what we have now.
The appeal of the White cause is better aimed at whites who want a liberalized nation in which they can be men again - vs asswiper state.
Religious folks are more interested in being part of a group than being men, and not necessarily a racial group. For me, White and Man both.
If you want to restore the middle ages with knights and ladies, maybe go play Dungeons and Dragons or something socially useful.
White council. White verbal warfare. Set terms to use. Help others identify, first virtually, then in real world. #TeamWhite
Make a white council. Future of the race. Not for christians. Not for conservatives. For whites who want white future. Organize. Plan.
November 30, 2015:
I’m sitting on my ass eating fake onion rings and mango-coconut licorice from World Market because oh fuck it
Christianity unmanned the white race. Open and shut. If you're christian, you're #antiwhite. https://t.co/YGjjq0DFSf
Led by jews, the left has produced a media culture of gaslighting so toxic that honest communication has been rendered impossible.
I don't want to sacrifice my beautiful mind by becoming obsessed with the jews. I would rather lose and see my race wiped out.-AngloSouthron
My spectacles are a little cloudy this morning. Is it a nigger? https://t.co/vKVrcvK71u
November 29, 2015:
Stop thinking about yourself or what you want. Just look at the creature in front of you. Jew or whatever. See it for what it is.
i've met plenty, more than enough to know what i'm dealing with https://t.co/UAD7gOxgtg
Indians are nasty thieves, most of them, and the western ones are some of the scummiest of all (Navajo). https://t.co/LsVOrfuhxk
Christianity is undeniably an egalitarian mindset. You oppose liberalism and you're a christian? You war with yourself.
Time for Germanic people worldwide to learn how to fuck and fight again. Start having white babies. Start killing jews and muds.
It makes a lot more sense to regard christianity as one of the problems jews create than a basis for resistance to jewish tyranny.
Jews are a problem. A problem requiring a comprehensive, rational solution.This is precisely how they look at and treat our race. #TeamWhite
Jews are a race, not a religion. Opposing them as christians is irrational. A jew doesn't stop being a jew if you convert him at gunpoint.
Name your side WHITES. Name enemy JEWS. Polarize public along these lines. Defeat Team Jew and live in glorious victory till the end of time
Whites are racially concerned with fairness, while semites are racially concerned with getting the best deal. Easy to see who wins.
The free market is bad because we can't trust anyone except jewish bureaucrats thousands of miles away to make good decisions.
"We have taught them the highest goal in their lives is to pursue money. Which we take back by inflation and taxes." --Nathan J. Wise
Isn't it funny how in America the middle classes have been taught to associate taking action with insanity?
As long as he shot niggers, I support his actions. https://t.co/GH8LO9ul4D
The belief that govt is neutral machinery is scarcely less shakeable than the jesus delusion among the morontsia known as conservatives.
I always wonder why they argue with me when they first have their own clerics to get straight. https://t.co/cMVgPqNayt
Go back to Israel, yid. You're not an American, you're an ignoble, warmongering, lying tapir. https://t.co/RcjtSBqPDk
November 27, 2015:
I guess the Pope's not one of your friends, cuz he love him some jews. Same with all other chrissy leaders. https://t.co/UpUaHRXCEF
An exalted mediocrity if ever there was one. https://t.co/2bG8cL7Psm
No. Jesus is imaginary. https://t.co/hD0NBb4KiD
yeah as it was one of 8 in the 1-11 age range. sweet jesus. i weep for the future. https://t.co/TXGzXMXfXm
This would be a great song. https://t.co/ct9hqYXtpu
Christianity is perhaps best described as one of those horrible sickly-sweet flavors they add when you're getting a dental mold.
If we racialists loved violence we wouldn't advocate policies that lead to peace - separation, segregation, apartheid, free association.
Problem w democracy, everybody always grinnin' at ya. Everybody your friend. Everybody gonna do something for you which always mean to you.
A jewfish stole my rutabaga! https://t.co/6hxk55sQCN
Hmm...always thought they're called jewfish for looks. But they steal too! https://t.co/cEYFUF5nmG
It's good, quite funny in places. https://t.co/rsl1NWwsM1
Laughter, epithets, riots and freedom all go together. So do their opposites. I'm NOT JOKING. It's pure historical truth.
The truth is the exact opposite of what the jebnus-man claims. The personality and genuine unforced joy is in atheist Twain, Mencken et al.
A lot of religious hucksters like Chesterton write about joy, but it isn't in them. It is artificial forced and fake. True joy is in atheism
I cannot but feel that Feeding a Young Jewess to a Goliath Grouper would make an excellent comeback song for The Cure.
Weird jew customs: Nosh Magana. When dumpy jewesses hit 160 on the scale they officially give up and host a Nosh Magana feast w friends.
Remember my writers making fun of Rod McKuen... https://t.co/pJjBzkfWlT
Is that Norman Podhoretz? https://t.co/R1oCExdFqw
When whites are murdered by niggers something genetically and culturally valuable is generally lost. Not so with blacks shot by cops.
Scotland went from nothing to something in short order - due to rational organization. The American South COULD do the same.
Compare Holocaust and abortion. If the first didnt happen, then it's a laughing matter. If abortion is a light thing, then roll the video.
What is xtianity? Joel Osteen's teeth? The garish fresco painted by italian fag? The pope welcoming invaders? Father McFeely sucking a boy?
The second the claims are examined, from any angle, they crumble to nothing. It's a pure media putover on goysuckers https://t.co/wZSVdio6CY
"Some call it weather. I call it wea-theater. Because I just like to sit back and watch God's marvelous show." --M. Scot Peckerman
The idea that the Englightenment and Christianity are at odds rather than two sides of same worthless slug does not survive inspection.
I wasn't commenting on the pulchritude of the inhabitants but rather the awfulness of the wea ther. https://t.co/fCu23nvwKJ
The American South has more untapped genetic potential than virtually any area on earth, I would hazard a guess. Just a lousy culture.
Snowden is the type of man the South would admire - if the South could recognize men when it saw them.
Mafia most of all, since white organizing is treated as de facto illegal by powers that be. https://t.co/NPCjzxSOel
Christianity literally believes god is a nigger. You tell me how that can twisted to a pro-white position.
Enough to light a jew candelabra when she gets back from hogging it up tonite. https://t.co/PnJ0FCoI6r
Xtian/Enlightenment perspective: white man responsible for fixing nigger. WN perspective: WN responsible for protecting society from nigger.
Some cant be coopted to participate in your charade, you degenerate freak of chemicals and public relations. https://t.co/DXBxhLhxDi
No doubt. Look at other species that are visually barely distinguishable - yet considered different species. https://t.co/wU0CTNa4vi
My urge to social engineer pretty much ends at slaughtering types that threaten my own. In this I do feel an outlier.
Jews are responsible for more earthly misery than any other race. https://t.co/FMUTFKiynh
Yes - Iran can be our friend. See CultureWars - Jones's report on his time there. Highly interesting and insightful. https://t.co/QjXw0PD34u
I guess I might take black campus protests seriously if they were demanding majors in janitorial services, but otherwise no.
Not enough hours in the year to document all the ugly jews out there! https://t.co/pJg8aMeXSp
How about an app that puts a yellow star on all jew journalists, and a yellow bordered red star on all non-jews who work for jew-owned pubs?
The vast bulk of South and Midwest cannot understand what's going on after it happened, documented on video & explained to them.
The first thing to realize is that what's going on across the west is directed. The second thing to realize is only jews are in position to.
Nigger Lakim Faust deliberately shooting and murdering whites in Greenville, NC Covered up by jewsmedia. https://t.co/x2nBuG2LSG #hushcrimes
If you honestly dont think jews are the problem, then you simply don't realize how much money and organization they have. It is unique.
Jews are nothing but troublemakers, liars and warmongers. If they were an animal, they'd be put down without second thought.
A conservative is someone who won't even put his reputation on the line, let alone something valuable. Hence cons suck hind tit always.
A conservative is someone worried about what the neighbors will think. That makes him a good neighbor. But a terrible revolutionary.
Conservatives are effeminates. They like being bossed around by women. They are essentially schoolmarms with balls - at best.
If a conservative hears "it's the jews," his first thought isn't: is that right? but how would embracing that theory make me look to others?
Conservatism per Kirk is a disposition. We add: to worry about how one looks to others, above all else. Hence its sempiternal effeminacy.
What a great way to put it, from NPD: "We are not a “normal party; we are the only party of normality." https://t.co/cwC50VrldV
I would prefer to be ruled by honest, unpleasant, comparatively impersonal Germans rather than lying, 5-faced Anglos or genocidal jews.
Trump has fuck-you-jew money. That's a lot of money. But he still mixes with them happily, while supporting some positions they hate.
Trump’s right-hand man is a Jewish lawyer, Michael Cohen, who also serves as a top campaign aide. https://t.co/hA3l7KzQKO
I'll take the South seriously as other than a collection of dirt-eating amateur clowns when it organizes its men AGAINST JOINING MILITARY.
Oh, I just love the change of seasons from fall to faller, (the Druidic name of the last third of fall). Cold freezing rain = water party!!
This holiday season...I'm building a giant griddle to fry all my enemies in 2016. I totally did not steal idea from Ivan the Terrible.
Conservatives (alt-liberals) syncopate jews from their media crimes just the way the jewsmedia syncopates blacks from their street crimes.
If you're conservative, and you hate the media, and you know the media are owned and operated by jews, doesn't that make you an anti-semite?
If you can swallow the christ-lie, how in the world can you stumble at accepting the wildest outrest PC strictures?
Ask a christian if he believes that jesus came back from the dead. His cheeks grow red. He doesn't want to. He runs from his central belief.
What a strange cult xtianity is: when you ask xtians to acclaim their stated beliefs, they act like you are insulting them.
Perhaps the most basic mental technique is asking what the person who holds the opposite of what you just heard would say.
I'd like to ask my conservative enemies, which mass media in the US are controlled by Muslims? And which by jews?
If whites are willing to kill and die, then organizing becomes possible. Short of that? Well, you get what we have now. Trumpy temporizing.
Get things off our plate. Focus on racialism. Don't combine it with conservatism or christianity. Get a #TeamWhite with clear race mission.
Guy high in food chain lectured my larval j group that journalism is a craft, not profession. Takes 6 weeks to learn https://t.co/U4MorKmUMq
Whites who value whiteness must organize. No matter who tries to stop them. Other whites can breed out. https://t.co/qQtWOSkHGi
Did muslims murder jesus? No. Jews did. They admit & celebrate this in their Talmud. Why don't the #tcot cons circulate those verses?
Why would the racial cause want to be associated with the cowards of the right - the conservatives (of any stripe, alt, paleo, whatever)?
If muslims ran the US the way jews do, every conservative you see bashing muslims would currently be bashing jews. Men of no character.#tcot
If jews are responsible for a given social problem (black violence, muslim invasion), sure as hell is hot the conservative won't blame him.
The conservative is the man who always does the easy and safe thing rather than the honorable and responsible thing.
It's easy safe and wrong to blame any party but jews for the problems we all see. That is why it is necessary to blame them - and persist.
Right-wing explanationism is nothing but variants on the drunk looking for his keys under streetlamp because that's where light is.
No other group is in position to do what is being done - except jews. Therefore, it must be jews doing it.
It's bizarre how people on the right go out of their way to construct elaborately complex theories when the jew explanation serves Occam.
Christianity protects jews from whites. We now enjoy the results of this insane cult that oh yeah just happens to come from those same jews.
"We fill their lands with garbage we would never allow into Israel. Then we laugh as they are raped and murdered." --Nathan J. Wise
"We know they won't like what we do to them. All we care about is what they can/will do to oppose us. Which is next to nothing." --Big Jew
"We will put 550 Syrians in this town of 50 Norwegians. Of course they won't like it. But what can they do?" -- Big Jew
It's easy to see what's going on if you put yourself in the position of the jews with the power to determine agendas. How would you act?
There is nothing clever or strategic about being unprincipled. But you can't teach this to Southrons, xtians or other low folk.
Christians make endless excuses for God. They excuse him the way the Left excuses niggers. This carries over into politics. X "can't" say Y.
Do you think Donald Trump isn't aware that a bunch of Israelis were caught laughing and clapping and "documenting" 9/11, as they later said?
The white PhD is scarcely less subject to social conformity pressures than the average Dollar General cashier.
Because 98% of whites cannot think logically or systematically, it is nearly impossible to sell them the jew explanation.
The White Thing is something different from, competitive with, and necessarily 180-degrees opposed to the christian context & answers.
Set up an elite group like SS - with physical, educational and moral standards. From this come curricula and other standards whites accept.
Mass slaughtering jews and blacks is the most respectful way to treat them, as it involves no pretense they are or want to be us. #TeamWhite
Trump, yeah he pisses off the right people. i like that. But he's still a cunt who cuts and runs when it comes to yids & Israel (WTC etc).
I can't wait till someone like me takes power. He will kill every black and jew he can get his hands on. That's exactly what we need.
Putin at least looks rational. You can never really tell, but just looking at his face and eyes, he appears reasonable.
Nature doesn't work the way christianity implicitly says it does. This is today's version of the geocentric doctrine.
Should jews be converted or killed? Church says converted - any other answer is immoral. Xtianity thus lays for whites a genocidal trap.
Look at christianity from the perspective of jews and other antiwhites - would it not be precisely the belief system you'd want them 2 adopt
Yeah...just look at the perfectly named fellow: does he not look like an exceptionally dishonest used car salesman? https://t.co/Q9tzxCdMdn
You maundering on about your need for salvation - it's as if a plastic Hy-Vee bag were to yammer about needing to be recycled.
You cannot say that people are corrupt horrible awful etc etc - AND they produce great and valuable traditions. But that's just what you do.
November 26, 2015:
haha. https://t.co/GBgCuWlWdo
Y'all shouldn't be embarrassed your kind eat dirt; nay, ye should be embarrassed you take money to serve Damnyank Bigjew Inc.
If they can have bars serving water and air, surely some Southron restauranteur can serve dirt? #freshideas #terrevore
Things are open (ideas, markets) that the minority capable of good stuff can breathe and develop. Then the rest dumbly glom on. #tradition
If people are depraved and irrational, as the reactionary thinks, how then can their traditions be sources of great wisdom? Does not follow.
Traditionalism: we are morally obligated to make the same mistakes our ancestors did. Naw. We ain't.
Jews _produced_ the muslim invasion of Europe, just the way they produce #antiwhite movies and antiwhite news reports. #TeamJew
White politics is a giant intellectual puzzle that can only be solved with Moar Essayz. #altright That raht there jes solid thankin.
Traditions spin off from sparks, the 5% of the population that can do more than parrot. That's the paradox & irony of 'traditionalism.'
Tradition is simply Ideology for the right-winger. In reality there are only traditions, and many of them are bad.
He kept tinkering developed a prototype two years ago and tested it in bogs. His father was dumbfounded.
Artists and scientists create the traditions you worship; but they are not so foolish as to be traditionalists themselves.
Who's murdering Europe and USA, using immigration invasion? Jews and their hirelings in press and politics.
That's great. I have great respect for people who can make and fix things out of their own heads. https://t.co/MRgeyBKaTW
If you believe that men are equal in the eyes of god, you're just another nation- and race-wrecking liberal. Christianity is ur-liberalsm.
Categorical solutions to categorical problems works for me. Our racial enemy treats us as a class, so we must treat him. #TeamWhite
The only traditions among white men worth respecting are spiritual - and I don't mean religious: pride, determination, questing, laughing.
Contrary to ideologized simpletons like Ed Burke, if people were fundamentally irrational, traffic roads wouldn't be possible.
Brockman spent six years working in a paper mill before returning to the cranberry farm his father started in 1946.
This is the true heart of white-man, right here. We are not a traditionalist race, we are the questing, thinking, daring opposite.
This is what's great about whites: guy invents new cranberry picker. https://t.co/oATvjh61Zk
One funny thing about Joe Sobran: he was just as horrified as a dirt-eating Baptist by the notion that man is related to monkeys.
November 20, 2015:
You never see jesus depicted as active, aggressive or laughing. Always he sites there on the stalk, passive and beautiful. He's a passfag.
Only in rare instances have blacks reached the level of racial self-awareness. The vast majority really believe "built on our backs" bs.
November 14, 2015:
The Xtian Moral Sense does this: leads us to 1) obey our leaders (jews); 2) murder innocents (Iraq, etc), 3) respond w shock to blowback.
Christianity's Moral Sense doesn't turn xtians into Charlie Buckets, it just gives their selfishness another baseless justification.
Is Christianity helping or hindering our white fight against jews wrecking our nations? Is the answer not self-evident? #TeamWhite
Notice how all these professional cons who love history tidbits won't mention the jews' history of facilitating Muslim invasion of Europe.
Am I a bad person for wanting relatives of the deceased to track down the relevant immigration personnel and shooting them dead too?
When the hero of your Big Lie is a passive sufferer given to maunderings like it's god's will, big surprise your followers r drooling twinks
We have open borders because a group of people decided they wanted it. The average Christian cannot understand this basic political fact.
The more a man believes in God, the more likely he is to believe political decisions like immigration are random like the weather.
In explaining things to whites, one continually runs against the God barrier, which tells whites that things happen for no reason. (1/2)
Jews and muslims must be driven 100% out of Europe. Jews have REPEATEDLY helped muslims invade Europe, historically. #TeamWhite
Jews let muslims into france. Jews tell France they must race mix. Muslims shoot hundreds dead. What's the solution here besides the obvious
Xtianity is the reason whites won't defend themselves. it should spit on wherever it appears. We need racial pride, not xtian scraping.
November 13, 2015:
Hitler's fight is our fight. It is the job of goy-control/right to keep ordinary whites from understanding this. https://t.co/r9CklfamM3
Jewish communists and Aryan racialists did battle last century, and the bulk of xtianity threw in with the jewish communists. Xtian = anti.
Jews let these muslims knowing this would happen, and wanting it. Get angry at Muslims is like getting angry at killer bees. Who loosed 'em?
Personally, I think jew Sarkozy's telling the French that they will be forced to race mix is 100x worse, and it slides by without mention.
The three ugly desert sisters; each more repulsive & ridiculous than the last... Time to GTF back to Odin, or something on solid ground.
Are jews white? Are jews us? Are jews on our side? Don't tell me how radical #altright is when it can't answer these questions.
#Altright is neither new, in any meaningful way, nor radical, same. It is simply 20- and 30-something paleoconservatism.
Jesus is a dead end. We know where the cross crap leads. The only way out is through the jews, and that means Hitler. #TeamWhite
Secular humanism and christianity are both in the crank universalism business, and the former derives that mindset from latter.
The professional conservative is the one who encourages his #tcot customers to take refuge in the comforting notion the rulers are stupid.
Whites are the one race of people that can't ever have leadership that says what it means. Why they accept this, I have no idea.
November 12, 2015:
Frivolity, sensuality, indecency, appalling illiteracy and endless platitude are the marks of the American Stage...under Jewish control.
Whites must form nation that exclude jews. Otherwise, our posterity's very existence is imperiled. NO JEWS. JUST RIGHT.
Jews are murdering white nations using 'immigration' and lying about it in the newspapers they and they alone control.
November 11, 2015:
Remember: all this misery is happening for one reason: the jews controlling white nations won't let us go our own way.
If we counter-exterminate the jews, all the problems they cause will disappear along with them, most notably the race problem.
jews dont allow whites to organize other whites. if our identity is the problem - who denies or distorts it? jews. alone.
how we look doesnt matter, we're rapidly approaching point "come with us if you want to live" - that's the mentality
the white cause is not some waiter trying to sell bored housewives on a lunch special, it's putting out a fire spreading daily
the more we talk about genociding jews, the more it puts the issue on the table, and that includes their real ongoing genocide
What Whites need is principled leadership, not pandering or effeminate "how does this look" - that's how the problem arose.
The church has always been more concerned about unfairness to jews than protecting its own from jew predation.
Christianity denies nature and asserts fantasy in its place. Reality is bent to conform with doctrine. We now enjoy the results
Church doctrine says genocide is immoral. But if that's the only solution that works, and xtianity forbids it to whites, then?
Jews have learned the lesson they can openly discuss forcing us to mongrelize and they won't be assassinated. This emboldens them.
Jews like Soros fund these lying #Missou niggers, even as jew-owned shitmedia from NYT on down make excuses for them. This is #whitegenocide
Understand: blacks have no power save what the media and jews running politics give them. Which is complete cover & justification & funding.
Jews have a World Plan to dominate all other races; the racial-cultural turmoil you're seeing in Europe is part of that plan.
I think of christianity as a bread machine for making weak people. Throw in some shitty ideas, yeast and water and bake a batch o' botches.
It's not the kicking out of jews that you need to ponder, it's the readmission where the epiphany lies (spoiler: xtianity is jew-friendly).
Why would society let jews back in? Unless it believed problems they cause are somehow not related to their very nature? See the problem?
White men failed to do their job, and that's how our race and our societies became dominated by jews. #WhiteTruths
They call everyone a nazi. Trying to evade misrepresentation at hands of people who control mass media is waste of time.
There is only one solution to the problems jews cause our white race: it is to exterminate them. After all, they started that game.
"We must appeal" to whom? Middle-class pants wetters? What use are they in any serious White political movement?
The problem is that most racialists, most WN, cannot think in terms other than ordinary democratic pandering for votes.
Christians believe in promiscuous spiritual love. Which is more dangerous to society than promiscuous physical sex.
If it weren't for the christian moral sense, our eyes and ears and brain would be free to do what common sense instructs.
The northern xtian nigger-lover remains what he always was, a 'sanctimonious madman,' making everything worse, from Libya to Alton.
Jews are a biological, genocidal threat to the white race. But Christianity merely labels them fellow men who need conversion.
It's fun to live in a society where the media are controlled by jews & the concerns of criminal niggers made to occupy every waking moment.
November 10, 2015:
I've been told by idiots xtianity defends whites. But it doesn't even defend its own. Christianity is #antiwhite https://t.co/Me8eeknXiq
Christianity and Judaism both treat the white race as a criminal in the world's longest-running good-cop bad-cop routine.
Racism is the greatest imaginary problem of our times, and it's vitally important we pretend to do something about it.
No one has the heart to tell black 'people' the truth: You're just niggers. Free riders on human civilization. #Mizzou
November 09, 2015:
Racialism must separate from jews and anglos in the sway of jews (anyone who associates with Melanoma Gottfried, for example).
The same old British-Jewish connection that ruined the 20th century is in place. People like MacDonald and Johnson need to quit helping it.
Jews are the reason Whites need to defend themselves; Christianity is the reason they can't. #WhiteTruths
Contrary to the fools who copy the jews in talking about 'obsession,' no other issue save jew political control is 1/100th as important.
'Pathological altruism' is a way of shifting blame off guilty christianity and onto innocent white genes.
'Pathological altruism,' the concept, is a veiled genetic attack on whites by conservatives who wish to absolve guilty christianity.
November 08, 2015:
Where has impurity gotten the White cause? Where has fidelity to TeamJew gotten the jew? #WhiteStrategy #TeamWhite
If racialists attack conservatism, they will shred it, just as the leftist jews did. The better elements will become racial, the rest fade.
Pro conservatism has more money than racialism. Their orgs use this to draw top racial minds back into System-safe conservatism. #altright
Sam Francis is the patron saint of the neo-fails called #altright. Fat, slow, asexual, but most of all, a spork. You can't have it both ways
Nazis: what was significant about 'em? Dyanimic. Fast, Young. Aggressive. Outward- public-) oriented. Physical AND intellectual. #TeamWhite
Look at the people: Regnery (neocon publisher), NPI (Jared Taylor), Dickie Meh-Spencer (Takimag, Buchanan). These are cons not Whites.
The #altright leaders are simply neo-faileocons. Some of the younger set don't realize this. There's a long history here, Pepe-stas.
People of low character continually call others feds, informants etc. But people of brain remember the CIA bought journalists in Cold War.
Hinting at racialism is profitable for conservatives (#tcot + #altright). Mongrelizing with conservatism is suicidal for racialism.
I give kiddies some leeway; you're young. Good with the graphics ranarium. But you can't be radical and respectable. You must choose.
November 07, 2015:
The 'holocaust' and christianity are so unsupportable in their basic claims they are forced to invent special epithets for non-believers.
Conservative analysis always stops where it should start. That's one way you know you're dealing with fake opposition. #tcot #AnnCoulter .
I'm not an alt-right homo, I attack conservatives, I don't lick their boots. https://t.co/MeGbqhbbE9
Do you also have a chapter about how those same jews are blocking us from doing that in white countries? https://t.co/6hx7nprAQu
November 06, 2015:
Every public source of authority has been captured by jews - schools, govt, colleges, media. It's that simple.
Jews ALWAYS promote the lie that "he did it to himself" when they destroy a critics (aka 'antisemite). Don't help em.
We tell a drunk to put away his bottle. We tell a druggie to dump his pills. We tell christian whites to put aside their delusions.
Whites have no genetic problems, it's just that whats good among ourselves is bad among others. So we must destroy enemies, not change genes
You intellectual neckbeards ought to take up Occams Razor and shave your scruffy-ass arguments. It's all JEWS and SHABBOS GOYIM doing this.
The white west is being murdered by King of the Jews George Soros, to put one name on it. The white race is not and never has been suicidal.
We know people are conformist. We know they've been brainwashed for decades even in our highest-IQ lands (Germany). Yet we talk "suicide."
Whites are brainwashed to accept strangers in the classic good/bad cop routine by xtian universalism and jew-promoted mongrelization.
'pathological altruism' is pseudo-scientific bullshit promoted by jew-fearing christians to protect their church and blame white genes
Christianity opened us to jewish predation. Now they're eating us. We have to get up, slough the xtian weakness, and destroy the jew.
There is nothing wrong with whites. The ENTIRE problem is jews are murdering us after brainwashing our kind for decades. #TeamWhite
Everything USA feminists promote now the kikes who founded USSR did soon as they took power: sex 'ed', family destruction, loose morals, etc
The Nazis FOUGHT the jewish-communists who pushed EXACTLY the same agenda as today's feminists. Rush coined feminazi becuz he's a CUCK.
SNL skit. Abortion doctor and feminist. He picks out the baby limb by limb, while asking, still a choice? ear. Choice now? arm. Choice?
"Come with us if you want to live." It is time to dump the politics of grinning and bullshit for the politics of precision and terminating.
There is basically zero thought behind 'Traditionalism,' it is purely emotional impulse, often combined with historical fiction.
November 05, 2015:
If the German population got healthier, larger and happier - how bad could Hitler have been? Oh you mean bad for _jews_.
You literally would not exist without white science, medicine technology. You're as significant as fruit fly
The concept of per capita is so far above negro cogitation level it might as well be a buzzard. https://t.co/y0DUp3s6hT
The Anglo cultural practice of overlooking the faults of others to be polite - it doesn't transfer real well into politics.
Leftist: Freaks about parents concerned about vaccines. Totally cool with fags donating blood. #what
The basic problem with whites, well, one of them, is their near incomplete capacity to grasp that other races are not like theirs.
I'll say it again: if christianity was any good, do you think jews would have sold it to white goofuses? Or kept it for themselves?
Muslims don't own any media. They aren't controlling immigration departments. Only jews do that. So that's job #1.
Whites need a white judaism - a RACIAL 'religion' that really aint a religion at all, but a racial corn starch, a binder/thicknr
When something is made safe for jews, as Wm F Buckley made NR, it is inevitably made unsafe for whites. It's a zero-sum game. #tcot
The only thing the powers that be respect is violence. It could not be any clearer. #fightwhitegenocide
"If they're not willing to risk their physical lives to stop us, then we naturally take this as a sign of submission." --N.J. Wise
The Protocols are lecture notes somebody took down. The lecture was delivered to jew initiates learning the World Plan, centuries in making.
Nazi posters showed whites being aggressive in cleaning out their society. Copy that, stop giving me models with jesuslike passivity.
Conservative ideas are actually less wrong than general mindset and instinctively effeminate placing of form > substance. #WhiteThoughts
Northern white idiots pick a socialist jew Bernard Sanders; Southern white idiots pick the ultimate jewcuck Lindsey Graham. #loveyourrace
If you worry about muslims when your nation is in thrall to jews, you might be a Southcuck. https://t.co/h8vNOwI1GG
Jews made muslims a problem in the West just the way they made niggers a problem - by forced mixing. Jews are THE ONLY _REAL_ PROBLEM.
Jews are not like whites. They operate as a team, at least the higher levels. They have a plan. Many plans. They work them. We suffer them.
Whites can't grasp the concept of an organized race because they themselves are not like that. The Golden Rule lubricates genocide.
"Love your race" is as low-rent and losery as "black pride." Take your tips from winners (jews) be relentlessly self- and all-critical.
Love is not some kind of duct tape or vinegar, it is an emotion with 1-2 specific uses, just like other emotions.
Ne'er yet has jesus or money turned a nigger into human, and never will it happen. Quit trying to fix the blackamoor, cracky, IT AINT BROKE.
The white race doesn't need to love itself, it needs to criticize itself to figure out what went wrong and how to fix it. #TeamWhite
Imagine an Islam that is 100x as powerful, just as antiwhite & antiwestern, but doesn't dress funny or pray in public. That's jews. #tcot
"How do I look to others?" -- you are not a radical. You are a girl in a dress getting ready for a party.
Whites do not have the inbuilt genetic loyalty jews do, nor the culture reinforcing it. They must approach politics as technical problem.
WN is still striving to break free of a conservative and christian background and mindset. Something ganz anders is required for victory.
Politics is a proxy for warfare. Pandering to voters is not the be-all and end-all. It's worth fighting for a racial state, wouldn't you say
Ron Paul is only prominent politician who supports the legal basis of white protection - free association. He's mocked by #altright queers.
We should choose to be great, and we can only be great as Whites in a white context. Anyone can be a nigger. #TeamWhite
Whites are not a sad sack race, but you sure have a hard time telling that with Lugubrious Jesus, He Died on a Stick 4U. Yr Saver BFF.
November 04, 2015:
Time for a new deep belief, and make it racial this time. Kill and breed, fellow white man. That's what we need. Hitler's showed the way.
Whites must be organized, with a definite conception of the problem and the solution. #TeamWhite v TeamJew
The International Jew (the world's foremost problem) can only be defeated by The International White Man
I oppose xtianity for the same reason I'm against homos. Faggotry is even more destructive in the brain than in the gonads. #spiritqueers
X "makes our movement look bad" - this is the language of both cowardice and high-IQ stupidity, whose real motto is Manners Uber Alles.
The only reparation big enough to pay for the tens of millions of murdered whites and the Biggest Lie (holocaust) is jew's racial extinction
November 03, 2015:
Blacks can't even maintain what whites built. They are literally too dumb to be taught to fish for themselves. https://t.co/h8CUcBrIen
The more I read and think, the more it seems our cause is far more about race formation than preservation. #TeamWhite
Jews have been pursuing a plan for world domination for centuries; many whites still can't figure out if jews are their friends or enemies.
The average white attitude is things happen for a reason (God), and all you need to do is keep a positive attitude and things will work out.
Mixing the racial cause with some perfumed mysticism or some mere political position - this is wrong. Our cause is racial. Our enemy is jews
Whites are not at the level where they can see beneath appearances, most of them. They don't realize blacks are run by jews.
November 02, 2015:
Good ol' Catholicism. https://t.co/xFdPg7hRDE
"We have misled, stupefied and demoralized the youth of the Gentiles by means of education in principles and theories patently false to us..
Just as Team Jew seeks to sow confusion and disagreement, so must Aryans simplify and polarize. Want normalcy? Pick your side. #TeamWhite
How the fuck is that guy still alive? https://t.co/iGK64lO8Gg
November 01, 2015:
Jews regard whites as little more than dumb animals, and they are justified in that regard. Whites reject facts for candy every time.
If christianity/the catholic church were effective vehicle for opposing jews, don't you think Catholic-raised Hitler would have used it?
Terms used by dullards they think make them sound smart: psychopath, sociopath, signaling, pathological altruism. https://t.co/hUbYtiFzLf
"Moderation in all things." We don't need to be prudes or libertines, just restore sex to its natural size and place in society by dejewing.
They just need love and some words about Jesus. They'll human right up. https://t.co/NU89x2nsog
Progressive: I am "tolerant." No. You aren't. Reactionary: My religious opinions are "knowledge." No. They're not.
October 31, 2015:
I'm not worried about being 'immoral' by xtian view. I'm worried about my kind defeating jews who are oppressing & genociding us.
October 30, 2015:
There is nothing slick, sophisticated or effective about a vast majority dunderfootedly 'sneaking' around & talking in codes. #sodumb
Imagine if there were a political group that looked out solely for White interests. Didn't admix it with any other. #TeamWhite
American christian soldiers destroyed Iraq based on jew-mftd WMD lies. I have yet to hear a christian apologize for this mass murder.
Christianity and conservatism are competitors with racialism. Not allies. Christians have proved they cannot protect a culture from jews.
Lack of pride and hatred of learning - and general moral cowardice exacerbated by christianity - have laid the white race low.
Jews destroy families and nations with sexualization, big government has whole new classes "needing its services." See how that works?
Anything that absolves or displaces man-agency - that I am against. It is bad and wrong and destructive.
A sexualized culture is bad for everyone, and you don't have to be a christian or moralist to appreciate this.
Society needs dejewing, in the same sense dogs and cats need to be wormed of destructive parasites. #WhiteStrategy
The jew aims to sow confusion. We counter this with polarizing simplicity. These are the terms, and this is the battle: #TeamWhite v TeamJew
Christian spirit-queers don't even defend their own church against jewish mockery, and we're supposed to think they'll defend our race?
People, try to grasp this. The genocidal threat jews posed to whites was always latent. It was merely the technology that was lacking.
I have yet to meet a common christian who has heard of Sicut Judaeis Non, let alone grasps its racial-political implications.
There are facts and there are preferences. The rest is occult, mystical, childish, effeminate, hagridden bullshit.
the black question is entirely a subset of the jew question. blacks have no power save thru jew management and media promotion.
Nazism was a threat to the jews; christianity is merely useful to it. That is why jews moved to destroy the one & merely mock the other.
Have you even heard of Sicut Judaeis Non? Do you know what it means? What its ramifications are? No. You do not.
Christianity is the reason jews were readmitted to white nations until they attaind full power, using modern tech & initiated #whitegenocide
You suck at thinking. Christianity readmitted jews for 1500 years because it failed to ID them as biological problem.
It's always struck me as effeminate attitudinizing, this idea that pride is bad, humility is good. Are you right or wrong? That matters.
How's that christian universalism working out for you, white man? Maybe time to grow up and put away childish things? #tcot
Trust Experts. They're always right about everything. Experts and Priests, why humanity doesn't even need heads anymore.
Jews never apologize or give in. Goyim always do, particularly whites. What you deride as puritanism, dirteater, works and wins. #TeamWhite
October 29, 2015:
God & his forces, the Southern Mans (full of yell, unpleasant of smell) were defeated by the forces of evil. Somehow. Don't get it myself.
Jews murdered jesus. That's the story at least, if not the reality (jesus didn't exist). Yet christians do nothing but fellate jews. Hmm...
Hitler did not want his party to turn into a debating society. He was not an alt-frightist but a man.
Christians are cowards because they live their lives thinking someone is watching over them about to strike them down for acting naturally.
Christianity is what teaches a white man to feel guilty for thinking his race is superior to, say, Somalis. Not your problem, 'brother.'
America was founded as a white nation. It was successful because it was filled with German and British whites.
'Nation of immigrants' was a pre-internet meme created by jews (at the ADL) specifically to destroy the white nation called America. #tcot
Christianity has hamstrung the white mind with its hagridden insanity, making us both fearful and delusional as a race.
Getting angry at Merkel or Obama is the human equivalent of the bull's charging the cape rather goring the matador.
"Racism for our Israel, mongrelization for the white nations. Yes, that is our policy. Do we even try to hide it?" --Nathan Jacob Wise
Don't be misled by the collective ass-sniffers & essay multipliers of the alt-right, they're the same semi-intellectual cowards as #tcots.
As organization is all-important to whites, jews necessarily verbally defame organization itself - as anal, obsessed, spergy, etc etc.
I keep insisting, because it is simple, true and necessary, that there is no solution to white problems save the extermination of jews.
Jews support mud invasion to wreck white countries. Christians support it to make money and because man = man is their ideology.
Jews declare verbal war on white organization, in tandem and reinforcing their using feds to prevent whites from organizing politically.
'Pathological altruism' is a phrase used by two types: 1) dishonest academics who fear to criticize xtianity directly; 2) prole copycats.
Being atheist doesn't make you smart. It makes you right. About the one question with which it concerns itself.
'Pathological altruism' isn't accurate. No one in these charades isn't motivated by ideology or $$$, altruism has nothing to do with it.
Christianity is naturally attractive to inferior whites. It gives them false hope, w/o the bodily destruction you get from drink/drugs.
Merkel is what you get when #TeamWhite fails to defeat #TeamJew. Raised a communist, barren old woman attempts to murder her own kind.
Jews are the reason whites need to defend themselves, and christianity is the reason whites are psychologically unable to do so.
"If you want to live, come with us." --the WN message to the white masses Racial identity, not jebooism, is the solution.
Jews: Even the best of the goyim should be killed. Christians: Every jew has an imperishable soul of inestimable value. Who wins this fight?
God created Nature. Nature is genocidal. God supports/opposes genocide? A question so simple two or three xtians out of ten can answer it.
October 27, 2015:
Jew leftists are jews - rational, racist, calculating. But white leftists are a different animal entirely.
American conservatives: the only subset of people on the entire globe dumb enough to believe jews and Israel are the good guys. #tcot
Jewish obnoxiousness is the main difficulty holo-factualists face. No one can believe someone didn't try to do them in - they deserve it.
Whites must never accept being dominated by any race, neither blacks nor jews. https://t.co/WAK7SZ9us3
What no one seems to understand is that leftism, as the tiny-minority position, must act the way it does. Otherwise it couldn't attain power
Rightists argue by saying you're wrong, and showing you why. Leftist argue by saying you're evil, and passing laws to suppress you.
Christianity is the original 'diversity.' See, it's racist-nationalist tribalism for jews, and mongrelist-universalist christtianity 4 you.
Xtians who think they r racialists spend all their time arguing their verses "don't actually mean" what they very plainly or plausibly say.
You denounce cucks while whewing that Jesus died for _your_ sins? Yeah verily, thou art ein #scrote.
October 24, 2015:
Whites are always willing to settle for less than the real thing - but not jews. Who wins? And who loses?
To the kidzis, it's all a matter of personalities and positions, always fluctuating. Never any principle adhered to regardless
Ron Paul is the only pol I've ever heard argue for free association - which would do more to protect whites than border wall.
It is absolutely undeniable that big government has lowered the average quality of WHITE human over course of 20th century.
The lower elements of the white population want the govt to provide for them what they can't for themselves. They = whitemuds.
To a large extent, those who hate libertarianism are simply losers who want others' earnings - just like the niggers they hate
What none of those who use 'libertarian' as curse word grasp is that property protection is inherently anti-mud.
I mean, we live in a world where states aren't allowed to deny benefits to _illegal aliens_. So how will Trump get a (wall)?
The only social order we need restored is eliminating 99% of the central government and making the population 100% white.
We ought to try linking white politics with govt-dismantling politics, but our kind prefer the reactionary jebooism.
Christians want their jew jesus garbage protected from questioning as a matter of manners. Jews want their bs protected by law. Only diff.
He has the right attitude, to a good extent, but never forget Trump is a complete cuck for israel, just like others. https://t.co/SEGVFBobwy
If you strike a tone of schoolmarm and your politics is eat-your-oatmeal, you're not going to draw heroes. You won't even draw flies.
October 23, 2015:
There a word for the specific hatred of every individual group - except whites: the group all the real hatred is directed at. How curious.
Whites politics will mature when it becomes impersonal and emotion-oriented. These are the spine and voluptuous flesh. #WhiteStrategy
Christianity teaches men to be cowardly and calls it love. It encourages men to be ignorant and calls it faith. Christianity is #antiwhite.
The dirty work of the racial cause is attacking things that are hurting us that our race has become addicted to - christianity being #1.
It's perversely unsettling that in many ways whites under jew communism in Russia have emerged better than under xtianity in America.
In a strict sense, nothing can be unnatural. So we say, jews (a subspecies) use an ideology (christianity) to destroy a competitor (whites).
Perhaps christianity doesn't protect white nations because nothing in its doctrines values race? Just a crazy wacky random thought.
The inability to grasp the inherently antiwhite nature of xtianity is a subset of the problem of anti-intellectualism in USAn conservatism.
No non-human species is liberal. Liberalism is a human disease - xtianity's bogus brotherhood of manimals.
A question for you to chew on (with your mind) that you might be enlightened... Why do jews NOT try 2 eradicate xtianity as they did nazism?
If jews can use their media to normalize homosexuality, why couldn't they use it to eradicate christianity? They could. So why don't they?
Christianity puts the white man on par with the nigger, soul-wise, and this soonly and inevitably leads to demands for political equality.
Christianity says racism is evil. And genocide is immoral and wrong. Nature says the opposite. Christianity is liberalism.
Yes. That is precisely the problem with 'traditionalism.' It's not inherently a good thing. https://t.co/RsIxdYgN7F
Which tradition? In actual historical fact they're varied and contradictory. You just pick and choose like a cafeteria christian.
Whites built the west in spite of christianity, which did essentially nothing except waste white genes and money on religious wars.
Feminism is a semi-intellectual attempt to defend woman's inmost desire: to have everything both ways. In this, perhaps only, it is female.
There is no recorded instance of a feminist expressing gratitude or accepting responsibility for anything. #feministagenda
You ever talk to single women over thirty? How many of them aren't on anti-depressants? Something basic is wrong with society.
Women's bodies are designed to give birth. But somehow their minds, emotions & psychological makeup are exempt from this? Ridiculous.
The idea that men are easy to understand and women complex is not just factually wrong it's propaganda. Women are shallow.
The white race is a questioning race of questers, it is most undeniably NOT a race of traditionalists.
Judaism's jews-first and goyim-never is in line with nature, christianity's brotherhood of man is out of line.
October 22, 2015:
One of the great myths, eagerly promoted by anti-counter-semites, is that the jewish question is hard to understand.
We whites let ourselves be browbeaten out of our country by evil lying scheming jews. We must form a #TeamWhite and reclaim our future.
Space done right - the no-tax way. Still a waste of money - but their money, not yours. https://t.co/tEvGh0rTfM
Catholicism says the only acceptable Final Solution to the Jew Problem is converting him. 2000 years o' failure, that.
Christianity says it's immoral to genocide races. But if this is the only solution to the jew problem, then what?
My fantasy is they'll find some bones that the black race descended from, the OC, original coon, and they'll name him DeTritus.
Nature is telling us white men that we must exterminate the jews and their tools before they wipe us out. #TeamWhite
If whites were actual men, they would see that xtianity is fantasy, and nature is reality. Nature is built on genocide: waves of wiping-out.
It is christianity that makes white men afraid to say boo to a jew. EVEN THOUGH BY THEIR OWN GODDAM BOOK THEIR HERO WAS MURDERED BY JEWS.
In our defense, we Americans are a bunch of cowardly christian cunts who mouth liberty and practice servility. https://t.co/4uNOmiKZio
When America admitted jews as citizens and gave them rights it signed its own death warrant. #WhenAmericaWasGreat
October 21, 2015:
The term is Semitically Correct, as Joe Sobran coined. Jews set the agenda that defines what is and isn't acceptable.
It was xtians like Chesterton and C.S. Lewis who groomed whites for destruction by telling them thinking is the devil's tool.
Wives influence, men lead. There is nothing more beta, much as I loathe that metaphor, than saying "we must appeal to...." LOSERLOSERNOFUX4U
Imagine Hitler as an #altright ist. You see why you can't? Hitler wasn't a malefag trying to exert wifely influence, he was a leader.
Overton Window: yes, racialism needs to go through conservatism. But not the way you mean. Rather, in the manner of a speeding locomotive.
White conservatives in the US like Nixon saw the same thing Nazis in Weimar saw re jews - they just couldn't do anything about it. #tcot
By destroying the capacity for concentration, along with the techniques of successful mentation, jews salted the soil from which opp springs
Jews use the school systems of governments they control to destroy the minds & bodies of their racial competitors - your white children.
American Whites love two things: 1) money. 2) respectability. We remain British to our core, culturally, though pressed in Semitic mold.
The only reason you or anyone is not 100% opposed to JT is you don't understand what function he's actually fulfilling.
Jared takes a position (pro-jew, anti-white) while claiming he's not taking a position. He's a liar & charlatan.
Good example is Kevin Macdonald consorting with known jewtaint-laver Jared Taylor. He knows he shouldn't. But likes him.
White right-wingers aren't even capable of being principled, let alone ideological. It's 100% personalities w these menwomen.
True ideological thinking isn't found on the right for 2 reasons: rightwingers are too stupid (religious) and not nasty enough
How could the left take power if its views could be debated openly in newspapers? It couldn't. It would lose every time.
All jew history is an attempt to put themselves on center state, & lie they invented everything good.
To be in politics one must sashay into the path of the Queen of England, and deliver a dump with the sangfroid of a nocent alley cat.
Even if you believe in God, how do you explain him allowing women to determine who becomes the next generation? He's laughing at us.
Women like men in suits because they suck at evaluating manliness, so they trust the uniformity of the suit as a proxy.
'Ignorant' to a woman means 'diverging from the opinion I learned from a duly accredited educational authority.' https://t.co/e3nBztE7G9
To grasp the mentality of the GOYISH left, you have to understand that they see 2+2=4 as a Walmart view of reality, and they're above that.
The conservative is the man who speaks behind doors to supporters; the White Nationalist is the man who speaks outdoors to enemies.
Feel hate building in world. Scorn and despisal from the unjew left, racist calculation from jews, and righteous anger in white aggrieved.
You're afraid of being smeared as a nazi, little #tcot man? How do you suppose the national socialists would feel being associated w you?
Being strong is natural to a few, but perhaps to most it is a decision, a difficult and brave one. So decide for it #TeamWhite
There are as many good jews as admit 'the' 'holocaust' is a Big Lie. Which is to say - none. It's remarkable, really - a whole race of liars
Whites have the natural capacity to understand, take on, and defeat jews - but the talent must be organized. We need a #TeamWhite
If you can't handle being called racist, you're too weak for politics. You're what we call a 'conservative.' #tcot #TeamWhite
The white nationalist cause is partly about race but also about race formation. We will build a more aggressive, more intelligent strain.
It makes sense for the tiny minority to speak in codes. It is insane for the large majority to do so.
Jews are leading the white west to its genocide. While conservatives blame their shabbes goy politicians and talk about how stupid they are.
Attack conservatives, Men of White, don't fraternize with them. Attack them to clarify and polarize. #TeamWhite v. TeamJew. That split wins.
Conservatives aren't friends with #TeamWhite but competitors. If Coulter and Trump can get the job done, we don't need racialists. Can they?
Essentially jew pressure is forcing whites to evolve, splitting the race between christian subs and race dominants.
October 20, 2015:
Jew JJ apparently confuses Star Wars with Gay Niggers From Outer Space, which may well be an #altright cult classic. #GoycottStarWarsVII
#Tcot support for Israel reminds me of the politicians afraid to be the first to stop clapping after a Stalin speech.
The white nationalist cause is a supermodel, not some fat chick trying to sell her baking skills, you abject little conservative appealers.
The white nationalist demand isn't forbidden because it's unattractive but because it's wildly attractive. You 2-bit appealers are soul-deaf
We need to settle it for once and all whether jews are going to rule the world or not. All those who don't want that are on the same side.
October 19, 2015:
They love diversity, they say. Their behavior shows they're addicted to centrally coerced conformity.
It wasn't just the South that lost the civil war, it was anyone who preferred the original and intended America.
Hey, fido. While you twinks are out trying to appeal to people with your wilted lettuce you call politics, who's going to do the real work?
All progress WN has made is due to guy who says our murderer is our friend & other guy who makes chinese babies? Beyond lol.
"Winning people over" - this mindset doesn't grasp the problem. It's 100x deeper. You must lead - with courage. Not "appeal"
Do you think there's a connection between the nearly complete absence of moral courage in white Americans and their religion?
"Tolerance is urged today for the sake of suppression." -- from The International Jew, by Henry Ford. Written in 2015? No. 1920. #nothingnew
It's socially acceptable to blame nazis for (anything) but not socially acceptable to blame jews. Facts be damned.
Jared Taylor serves jews by trying to drive jew-criticism out of WN, parallel to Buckley/conservatism. #TeamWhite https://t.co/dTV6clmQ83
You call it cultural marxism because you're not smart or strong enough to call it jewish marxism. Maybe stop being weak?
October 18, 2015:
They flip on/off on everything. IQ - it's bogus. Right up till they need it to save some criminal nigger from execution.
Reactionaries are simply inverted progressives; one seeks an impossible utopia in Tomorrow, the other in Yesterday.
Whites have a different attitude toward lying. it's seen as shameful. jews pride themselves on it, as a race
Lying was "what you did." It was "how you got through life." Monica Lewinsky, a jew, said that. Really speaks volumes.
Please remember Israel takes 20,000,000 dollars a day out of American wallets. Israel is America's enemy.
Every single one of these countries it was jews who got the immigration policies changed to prefer muds over whites.
Conservatives are scared little people who need constant reassurance of how smart they are and how "stupid" their rulers. #tcot
Our governments aren't ours. They belong to the jews. This is the most basic fact of politics. It explains every single policy we see.
Which cult was it that put the idea in minds that whites are "sinners" who need "redemption"? https://t.co/gOBtwY3jSk
Jews never paid the price for the communism they inflicted on the world. Now they bring it multiculturalism. It is time for the race to die.
The reason the USA has the second amendment, Jefferson would tell you, is to shoot politicians who open our borders to the third world.
October 16, 2015:
Nazis fought the communist jews today's conservatives truckle before. That's the hidden reason conservatives hate Nazis. Shown up by 'em.
Drugs, drink, anti-depressants, doctors & religious doctrine are all waiting there to drown you in their quicksand. Stay low, don't get beat
Polarize the west between #TeamWhite and Team Jew. Attack conservatives and drive them from field, making real conflict visible to public.
October 15, 2015:
So if some dentist shoots a lion they fall to pieces. But if some nigger murders a human, they race to make excuses.
No fundie has greater faith in his jesus horseshit than a goy leftist has in his alt-religion we can basically call sociology.
For every 100 whites who care about the welfare of jews & Israel, there are precisely 0 jews who care about the same for whites. #TeamWhite
Women are innately incapable of separating the thing from the form. And remember - most men are women.
The System's true genius, if it has any, lies in successfully persuading cogs that they are edgy subversive rebels.
October 14, 2015:
"Semi-red pilled." Like Jared Taylor doesn't know 100x more than you do. He's wittingly serving the jewish enemy.
Jews set up the NAACP, an ostensibly black org, to serve jew interests. So it is with JT's ostensibly white AmRen.
Jared Taylor explicitly exculpates jews for responsibility for the 1965 Immigration Act. He's a liar.
Standards whites think universal are actually white. They are mislead by their foolish universalist religion.
"Ahm fahtin' mah demons," says the idiot with dirt in corner of his mouth. "Ah needs salmuhvation, I does." #TeamLoser
Retards love religion because there's no end of debating it and they can't be proved wrong as with math or something real.
What I see in my town: 80yo whites working in Hy-Vee. Literal Africans walking around in sharp clothes, Western Union-wiring handfuls of 20s
I love hearing from fat losers, meme spergs and childless queer PhDs how suicidal whites are. No, it's murder. And jews lead the cutthroats.
Why is strange greg johnson trying to censor this article? http://t.co/5POdj6yPFB
October 13, 2015:
Alt-right = conservatives = #cuckservative. All of them. All conservatives are #cuckservatives. Pro-white & anti-jew - or cuck.
They say white race is an abstraction, there's just ethnic groups. Then they turn 1000 warring tribes into indivisible Native Americans.
What the power eagles kiddie club doesn't grasp is that not all whites are alt-niggers. WN must provide for solid, competent people too.
Blacks have no power to punish White Republicans who appealed to whites AS WHITES. Only the jews have the media/money power to do that.
Is not Jared Taylor a #cuckservative? If not, why not? Does he not attempt to make the white racial cause serve his jewish masters?
http://t.co/VARWytInD3 Nigger angry about its failures so it murders a humans. Why do we allow jews to stick niggers among us?
Decentralization is white. Centralization is jewish. Britain out of EU. EU dissolved. Invaders slaughtered. Jews exterminated. #solutions
Jews continue to convulse the world in needless wars in order to further their agenda of a white-free world, with them as kings. #loxism
The world must declare war on jews. They must be hunted down and exterminated, to the last one. Then the world will be free.
Most whites are, ironically, too superficial to be corrupted. They mostly just fill their belly and giggle in their few non-working hours.
Your gun and your ability to wield it - that is the vote nature gave you. Every other vote can be thrown out, miscounted or ignored.
Whites who serve jews must become more afraid of white racialists than they are of jews. That's when we will begin to win. #TeamWhite
A movement that strikes no blows is not a movement, it's just a set of ideas. People attract to strength, not weakness, not blow-suffering.
White nationalism is for whites who want to live in a state built on a racial basis. Economics & philosophy can be compromised.
Christianity is for white cowards who accept second-class status in relation to Master Jews. If you're a coward, christianity is your home.
The confident arrogance with which jews speak of reducing whites to shat-on-minority status in their own lands shows what they think of us.
Jews believe there is nothing whites can do to stop them, but they are wrong: whites can kill jews and those who serve them. #TeamWhite
Or maybe talk of necessary violence is pointless. Maybe virtual 'rabbits' using the same hashtag will 'reprogram' whites to victory.
Started new audiobook, Ford's unabridged (4vol, 80ch) The International Jew. Context-setting and Ch1 (1:15). http://t.co/ofciJSI148
There is nothing wrong with average whites. They are not suicidal. The problem is their leadership hates them and subsidizes bad behavior.
Why did Brownshirt(lifter) Greggy Johnson ban this article from his website? http://t.co/5POdj6yPFB http://t.co/L6n8VKYn1Q
Canadian left a bequest worth 250k to National Alliance. Professional jews engineered court theft of same. "Stay legal" corrects this how?
Whites are guilty of being born superior. They must turn over their genes and all assets derived from them. #whiteprivilege
I achieved a modest intellectual victory. I got a leftist to admit that Africa is not, in fact, barren of resources but overloaded with them
October 12, 2015:
Christian moral universalism makes possible the jew Big Lie that mixing with other races is a moral duty for white men. #crossUnfits
The IDF won't accept people who are into Dungeons & Dragons. Too weak minded. WN should follow suit with christians. #TeamWhite
Who owns the media pushing all that sexualization that bothers you so much? The muslims, right? Can't be jews. They're the good guys. #tcot
October 11, 2015:
Whites should have contempt for jews, and even greater contempt for those who serve them, such as #AnnCoulter, #RalphPeters & #JohnMcCain.
National Mothball Day. Celebrate fags who shut up about their problem. Deviant behavior is not an identity but a problem. Keep it to y'self.
October 10, 2015:
The church is more afraid of nazism, or any successful racialism, than of jewish communism. It is right. Do you see why? #WhiteStrategy
Christianity is inherently and irremediably #antiwhite. It's universalist piffle, and it's time for white men to discard it.
I love the pope. He forces all of my retarded pro-xtian opponents to argue he's not a "real" christian. Keep spittin' in the wind, dopes.
Christianity softens up whites for jewish predation. It's a paralytic agent jews don't even have to bite into us like viper.
My point is that it's humiliating to intellectuals and mystics that race alone is a better explainer/grouper than beliefs.
Churchill was a tool of the jews. Precisely like the American conservatives who worship him today. Little man syndrome. #tcot
When Merkel fears ordinary Germans more than the jews feeding her money and agenda points, then things might change.
Conservatives resolutely refuse to identify the jew as the author of the culture decline they lament. It is their only resolution. #tcot
October 09, 2015:
Racialism is not there to wipe your ass or tell you bedtime stories, it's there TO KILL PEOPLE WHO WANT TO KILL YOU FOR BEING WHITE.
Why does Mein Kampf come with a warning, whereas Orwell's words are allowed to stand on their own and widely assigned? #food4thought
These old Republicans, and conservatives generally, always sell you safety as a solution - knowing it doesn't work.
People are conformist, 19 out of 20, and it's biological. If the wrong people lead, the mass still follows.
What anti-Putin WN need to grasp is that if he were entirely under jew control, he would not be bombing ISIS and defending Assad.
When Mrs. Clinton, McCain, Carson and Peters are screaming against you - you're doing something the jews consider against their interests.
Imagine what faith in white cowardice a jew like Sarcozy has to get on tv and inform the French that they will mongrelize or he will punish.
Not just in politics but in banking and media. Jews always favor central banking. They also prefer centralized publishing.
Niggers believe the very concept of crime is racist, hence invalid. Here's Soros nigger DeRanged talking up looting. http://t.co/HESTRv6Kvv
The jews use goyfronts, black and white, to pule for nuclear war against Russia. Carson, McCain & she-Clinton are all just shabbos goyim.
Unfortunately it seems to be nearly impossible to teach people how to evaluate evidence if they aren't able to do it naturally.
Whites are under coordinated global assault. The assault is led by jews. They use goyfronts like Merkel to confuse people. #TeamWhite
The white cause is confused with xtianity or conservatism or some petty national party or movement but it's simpler & greater.
The problem is the social level of too many racialists is low-rent Baptist. Anything they like constitutes evidence. Yahoo McBible
That's true. Breivik is an example. Too many anonymous internet people forget that not everyone is like them.
The basis of my philosophy is that reality exists. The first duty is to establish the facts, in all these 'events.' It's not that hard.
Correct. People flip from blind belief to blind skepticism. Both are destructive and wrong. https://t.co/Jwfr3hWph6
The political conservative has an instinctive aversion to what works, both in verbal warfare and in real life. #tcot
"Crime is a concept invented by racists to prevent the black man from getting his fair share." --the actual belief of every black on earth
Catholicism hasn't turned nigerians into humans, even with tens of millions of converts. Why? Because their doctrine refuses racial reality.
And these flyover goobers treat 'holocaust' survivors like jesus II. They limo them in to lie to their own children. https://t.co/DOjwkerxFS
If you can't take your own side in a fight - or even figure out which side you're on, you're qualified as an #alt-frightist.
Alt-right IS cucks. All right is cucks. The notion of a "new" kind of conservative probably predates conservatism itself. All cons are same.
What makes you not a cuck is you admit it all begins with race, and your race and jews are enemies. You're not a rightist but a racialist.
Imagine a jew sitting around, "what about pro-jew Nazis?" Yet in racialism, we have alt-right-cucks, "What about pro-white jews?" #NJJR
Jews are in effect a hostile gang that has taken over the west. Taken over its institutions. Coopted or neutralized native leadership.
Breivik showed the way. It's not his fault. The left made it that way. Speaking against them is same price as killing them. #WhiteLiberty
The elite are banking on the people grumbling but going along. They know they are rolling the dice they'll not die in wave of assassinations
Jew Auster lied about the jewish role in murdering the White West until almost literally the day he died, when he finally admitted same.
Let's have a 'conversation' about race where the facts are off the table and only one side gets to talk.
"Pro-white Jew" lol. You're a cuck. https://t.co/KMsbN2QMC5
There's a force preventing whites from organizing in their own racial interest. You at least realize that much, right?
The judeo-left, now without serious opposition, obeys its internal impulse, which is to ban all disagreement.
October 08, 2015:
The idea that we're all in this together is a bad idea and a christian one. Which has proven extremely useful to jews.
Someone who doesn't cry and shrivel into a ball when beset by life's unavoiable vicissitudes. A non-prayer. An actor.
Someone who needs to be saved is someone who can't make it on his own, by definition. A christian cannot be a man.
From 'moderation in all things' to moralizing about all things. Christianity was an advance? It was not.
Were whites obsessed with guilt and salvation before christianity? If not, was the addition of these hagriders a good thing? #WhiteQuestions
Objective analysis and organization and gang (FBI, Mossad)-level loyalty will defeat jews, not nigging it up about love-yr-race or pride.
#AnnCoulter has pulled punches to protect jews her entire career. That you don't see her for what she is comments on you, not her.
There is a perfect overlap between those moved by the Holy Spirit and those who move their lips when they read.
Muh salvashun - this is drama queening. It is reprehensible. You don't need to be saved, christian, you need to be flushed. #eugenics
Jewish secular politics (Semitical Correctness and the agenda it promotes) and christianity both rely on fallacy of false menu.
Jew says: support deviants or you're a 'homophobe.' Christian says: accept my imaginary god or you worship yourself. Same fallacy.
Christianity is judaism for the hoi polloi, the prolescrotes, the masses incapable of standards. The slaves, losers, goobers and degens.
We should attack both those attacking us (jews) and those encouraging us not to defend ourselves (christians). #TeamWhite #whitestrategy
Who's unmanlier? the jew who starts the war then hides snickering in the background? Or the Southern K9 unit who runs to fight for him?
Christianity talked the white man out of what his eyes and ears and brain were screaming at him. Now we pay the price. #zookeepers
October 07, 2015:
See, the problem, fellow white people, is we allowed christian morality to prevent us from doing what our reason told us was necessary.
Morality is a curious form of perversion, one that is socially constructive. Most people are immoral and oblivious. #Prolescrotes
Britain hates Germany for exactly the same reason as the Third World hates the white west: red-faced inferiority. https://t.co/nr58md3SKm
Christianity: you white men have the duty to converty the dusky hordes. Nature: ...into mulch. #TeamWhite
It's useless to argue with christians, as 99% of them are unfamiliar with their own church's doctines, let alone grasp racial implications.
'Racism' is a verbal slash aimed to cut your balls off spiritually and psychologically. To intimidate the resistance out of you. #TeamWhite
There is a solution to all these problems in all these lands. It is the extermination of the jews. Quit fighting the obvious. #fightloxism
Jews destroyed Russia. They destroyed Healthy Germany, they brought child-rapists to the UK, 50m mexicans to the US...need I go on?
All these immigration policies changed all at the same time - in the 60s/70s. All due to jews. In UK, Canada, Australia, USA... #loxism
Whites are the suggestible race. But they love a challenge. Exterminating jews is our race's ultimate test. I do hope we pass. #TeamWhite
October 06, 2015:
Get a #TeamWhite. Get a strong leader people like. Exclude jews and those who associate with them. Make enemies lists. Liberate the race.
The middle-class white man in the USA in 2015 is more effeminate than most women. He's not a hateful creature, but he is certainly pathetic.
Whites must develop a team to take on jews. This begins with jettisoning christianity & conservatism. #TeamWhite
Prepped by christianity, with its endless lugubrious drivel about guilt and salvation. https://t.co/a0PXn0BNGU
Christianity pre-conditions white men to distrust reasonable explanations. It encourages a preference for fantasy.
Whites can see nigger crime and grasp open borders. What the need to know is the jew is the author of #whitegenocide.
I understand getting excited about Trump if you're a teenager, or even in your 20s. But if you're older? You haven't seen this 10x before?
The left has one tactic for dealing with opposition: abuse. Nasty, hate-filled personal abuse of anyone who dares disagree with the cult.
Who put the idea in your head that you need to be saved, white man? What evidence is there for that peculiar assertion?
Who's behind #whitegenocide? Does Angela Merkel make the decisions for Germany? Or is she the goyfront?
It is quite wrong to cast the racial struggle in terms of either love or civil rights - these simply show weakness, and enemy perceives it.
To youth and inexperience belong the nostrum that one brand of conservatism is different from another. #altright #NRx #tcot #cuckservatives
October 05, 2015:
You see 'gay man' in the media (controlled by antiwhite jews) a lot more often than 'white man.' Ponder that.
Christianity protects jews from whites. White nationalism protects whites from jews. Do you see the difference there? #TeamWhite
The judeo-left has learned it can win by shaming and browbeating the effeminate white majority. Only bloody stumps of jews will reverse this
The jews make their murder of the west look like suicide, and those who repeat that lie help them. #TeamWhite
Christianity is the ideology of white cowardice, white surrender, white weakness, and #whitegenocide.
The Mossad needs only a few agents because all jews worldwide can be counted on to cooperate with it. https://t.co/YopMEh76pw
October 04, 2015:
Kill ISIS, destroy Israel, fumigate the neocons - liberate the world. #tcot The world has one enemy, and that is the jew.
Sex is a private matter. Jews using sexual degeneracy to wreck white nations is a public matter. #tcot #TeamWhite #loxism
Part of what's wrong with jewed-world is denial of agency; the replacement of the man with the Machine and his dog Expert. White AND Man.
Race is the white man's natural home. Not christianity. It's not racial religion, either. Worship belong to the jesus dogs, not to white men
The highest, whitest form of government, considered all ways, is confederation, not dictatorship. Big Man systems are 4 little whites & muds
Jews run the USA. They recruit northern goyshills to lie for them. And Southern K9 units to murder for them. #shabbosgoyim #tcot
October 03, 2015:
Jews have organized hundreds of groups looking out for their racial interests. Whites have none. And jews are determined to keep it that way
There is no "genuine" religion, because it's all horseshit from opinionated morons. Resulting in neverending wars. https://t.co/RhzRc8tE4F
The government is the enemy. We need our own competing organization. Undeniable. The govt (ZOG) prevents white organizing.
Standing armies are unAmerican. Military adventurism is unAmerican. Military members aren't heroes. They're anti-American parasites. #tcot
The media is by multiples more useful to liars than to honest men. In fact, liars can do virtually nothing without it on their side.
It is christianity that says race is of no particular value. An interracial marriage is as good as any other according to christian doctrine
The white cause is for those who demand a racial state. A state without jews or muds. That's all the agreement required. #TeamWhite
I want to live as a white man in a nation -- people connected by blood, not words -- that is not murderously & legally hostile to my kind.
The leftist idea: we go into (teaching, journalism, social work) to change the world. And our main tool for doing this is the lie.
Blood > beliefs, and this is what really burns the crimson into the sagging cheeks of the sicko collective called the christian church.
Common view, and wrong. Infighting is natural and good until a dominant tendency is produced. https://t.co/keNt96DJbW
Jews have always pushed for centralization of power, because it gives a tiny minority the most leverage. https://t.co/qqtlbohVoG
Whites can produce health, education and welfare on their own. What they need government for is racial protection.
October 02, 2015:
Professional conservatism is made up of two types: jews and jew appeasers. #tcot There really isn't anything else to understand about it.
PC is actually Semitical Correctness, as Sobran pointed out. It's jews who imposed speech codes across the West.
We exterminate termites for eating our houses, but we fawn over and grovel before jews destroying our civilization. #what
The effeminacy in conservatism lies in refusal to face contradictions. The Founders you "love" were racist. Not race-neutral individualists.
Why should we Western men allow jews to use niggers to destroy our civilization? Shouldn't we, instead, destroy the jews? #TeamWhite
The bad guys won World War Two. Do you realize that now? The 'Greatest Generation' is jews blowing smoke up the ass of fools & tools.
The more jew-facilitated nigroids turn America into a shithole, the louder the clamor against stable, normal whites. #loxism
Never yet had a #cuckservative from #IstandwithIsrael answer when I ask if that includes Israel's mass murder of Americans on #USSLiberty.
Every jew morphs into a 'holocaust' 'survivor' when it turns fifty. They actually have a ceremony in their synagogue, like a deb coming out.
White men let women run the family and jews the nation, and now we reap the results of this weakness and fecklessness.
Democracy: a system by which unelected unaccountable jew billionaires run things against the interests of the normal white majority.
September 24, 2015:
Humans have parasites. They're called jews. They fill their niche well. Manipulating us is their biz.
Jews have sexualized and cynicized whites in America, and quite deliberately. So real leadership seems unthinkable to them.
Ur church been subverted by jews because it rejects the existence of jews a priori. Jes' mo' broithers in crise
Notice the church merely opposes communism. But hates and fears racialism. The latter is a vital threat, the former a superficial
The Catholic church is threatened by a racial body promoting strength as highest ideal, rather than weakness - the SS.
Catholicism is a slave doctrine for pacifying masses. If whites discover a racial future, they won't need or want it.
Extermination of competing subspecies is nature's way. If nature comes from god, then it's god's way too.
Jews need a country for jews. That's just self evident. But Germans needing a Germany? That's racist. Whites needing white lands? Evil.
Eugenics is the only potential cure for poverty, which is a consequence and reflection of genetic limits more than any other factor.
No matter the position he takes, the conservative believes in manners over ideas, and appearances over reality. This is why he always folds.
#Cuckservatives like #AnnCoulter must walk the line: fake-radical enough to sell books; jew-servile enough to stay on tv.
You support #AnnCoulter. She publicly shits on you and disavows your support before the jews. This makes her #cuckservative. What are you?
What's left of christ-insanity? Some nice buildings. No one believes in it any longer, and with good reason: its central claims aren't true.
We are safest when everybody owns guns, and lots of them. We are least safe when only the government (jews + their servants) own guns.
Yeah, let's make America another crappy third-world social democracy. It's good for jews. And isn't that really all that matters?
Sometimes you have to do what the universe needs done. Just because it's there. Just because you can. It may depend on you.
A nation that treats jews with respect, and grants them rights, has signed its own death warrant. #tcot
Rights are meaningless, as they have no enforcement mechanism. You have the right to all the pie you can stuff in your mouth.
When the #cuckservatives fear Whites more than jews they will change their tune. Since that's how they roll, after all.
Jews must be exterminated, all of them. That's bringing a gun to the gunfight they started. #whitegenocide https://t.co/S3GKcMaMXU
There is no non-ludicrous way to claim that homo _sapiens_ encompasses blacks. They may be hominids, but there's nothing sapient about 'em.
Catholicism = liberalism = Englightment = spinach. My system will force manhood on you, but you'll not unman me.
The Vikings are the one white group that escapes historical abuse under pen of the jews. Why? Because they marauded in white lands.
Whites can use the Internet to form a verbal-warfare army, which could be the basis for a real world vehicle. So it is informally today.
Imagine a White Council. It decides on verbal warfare policy. Says to use this or that term in a particular battle. Whoever does is team.
I'm not alt-right. They are conservatives, and all conservatives are respectables, or cucks, as they put it.
How can you possibly help the white cause when you're literally scared to use your real name behind your beliefs
The success of #cuckservative shows what can be done - if whites form a team and swarm-attack the enemy. But they must use real names.
Be a proud and jealous cause. Don't follow the nambies who thupport #AnnCoulter - who pointedly distances from them. Pathetic.
Hey, racialists! #AnnCoulter just shit on you? What do you think about that? You like that? You into that? Are you?
Appeals to pride and hatred & even fear work better than love. We should have the self-respect to refuse to be dominated by jews. #TeamWhite
People need to hear what they don't want to hear, and that is the one thing no democratic pandering politician ever offers.
The catholic church sides with jewish communists - both have an interest in the disappearance of the white race, for different reasons.
Communists slaughtered catholic priests. Nazis did not. Yet the church saw the Nazis as far the greater danger. They're right. Why?
Sicut Judaeis Non amounts to a denial that jews exist. The price of that willed ignorance is the subversion of the church. Enjoy, x-cranks.
September 23, 2015:
Boss Jew says never mention that jews are behind open borders. "Yessuh" says #cuckservative Jared Taylor.
Let me make is simple for you, kids. Jared Taylor is a #cuckservative. Anyone who defends Jared Taylor is also a cuckservative.
Just as the darkies at NAACP did whatever the communist jew managers told them to do, so it is with the lighties at @jartaylor's AmRen.
What would an honest analyst write? "Republicans line up to trade the interests of America/white race for jew billionaire campaign money."
How not to be a #cuckservative: write about jews the way they write about rednecks. Do you dare? #AnnCoulter doesn't. Nor Jim Goad.
Dare to treat jews with casual disrespect - as they do yours. Dare. Treat THEM like shit on your shoe.
White America went from looking down on jews, around 1900, to worshipping them and groveling before them in 2000.
Always muh religion on their breath, and never the honorable action in their behavior. This is the conservative. No balls, no guts, no glory
It's no use trying to make an alt-right or any other new rt different from the neocon right because you're all the same type: respectables.
Conservative is far more a type than a position. It's essentially reactive and effeminate. It's basically a very smart but shy woman. #tcot
Some people really appreciate the past, and enjoy traditions. This is valid. It is useful. But this is not the type can initiate & overcome.
Whites can't be resolved into traditionalists or ant-farm collective as the kiddy-nazis want because whites are too individuated & questing.
Whites have both an individual and a collective nature, and needs. Any approach that denies this is bad and should fail. #TeamWhite
We already have a white-nigger society. Granted, it's occluded by the black niggers, but...NEA, cops, other bureaucrats. We want fewer of.
Socialism doesn't go well with racialism because the one aims at acknowledging differentiation, the other aims at leveling.
It's funny how ever tiniest critter gets studies done on the conditions it requires to flourish. What do whites need?
Make the conservatives, cucks all, fear you and your cause more than they fear jews and theirs - then they'll toe our line. #TeamWhite
September 22, 2015:
Niggers can't tie their shoelaces without aid. The entire 'civil rights movement' was produced & directed by jews.
They hate us because we're superior. That's the only 'reason,' per Sobran. And there's no way to assuage them save disappear into them.
It's harder to be white than to be a mud. That's why you should choose the path of #TeamWhite. Anyone can be a nigger - no standards.
Pretending the government is run by "stupid" people is the right-wing's version of self-flattery. #tcot
German culture was recognized as the best educated in the world - and it turned to Hitler. Those two facts are consistent. #JewsWreckNations
Yeah, it's totally an accident that it's jews controlling immigration in all these white lands, & not one con ever mentioning the fact.
Do you dare to laugh? The bible doesn't. Serious people laugh. Unserious people move their lips as they 'cipher the 'Good' book.
Calling men 'guys' is intentionally belittling. It always surprises me that many people don't see this.
I sometimes think whites have lost the capacity to be serious and committed. Then I turn to the sports page.
The average person does not believe in causation, and the church confirms in this, with its counterfactual fantasy tales.
September 21, 2015:
People physically cringe when they have to say jews. In fact, most won't. They evade with 'jewish people.' That fear shows where power lies.
Calling the judeo-leftists running the country "stupid" is a way for the #cuckservatives to sell books. That's all. They know it's not true.
#Cuckservatives do know what they're doing. They do know it is ignoble. They don't care. It's good for their careers. They are career girls.
Do you want a nation that lives in fear of jews, and is bossed around by them? Like the US? Or a free white nation? #tcot
The campaign to normalize pedophilia was kicked off by Gawker back in 2012. This and more in this forum thread: http://t.co/JuDYMfQIB3
Which species is more destructive to white society: jews or termites? Ok..now... How do we deal with termites? Buh...buh...yeah. No buhs
Jews despise other races in part because they can't believe they can't see through them. They know what they are, and what they deserve.
September 20, 2015:
Its groids and muds whose behavior indicates which race they think superior. Whites just want to be left alone. But hat's not an option.
Big government is inherently anti-white - of all classes of humanity, so abstracted, white men 'need' its 'services' least.
White men don't need big government, big government needs white men - some, and powerless - to pay for the niggers & sundry defectives.
Team White v Team Jew. This is the simplest, most accurate, most useful explanation slash polarization for average people. #TeamWhite
'Suicide' is a #cuckservative term in line with blaming whites rather than jews for Western nation-wrecking. https://t.co/Ts4vZDvGe0
You want #AnnCoulter to make more wimpy, half-assed signals in the vaguely right direction? Attack her. Yes. That is how it actually works.
All pressure must be directed at the underbrush, the grays, the weak, soft whites/normals/rightists, in order to polarize between WHITE/JEW.
The public must be made to see the only choice is between the WHITE SIDE and the JEW ANTI-WHITE SIDE.
It's not about politics and voting, it's about biology and genocide. Jews try to wipe whites off face of earth. Voting isn't the solution.
September 19, 2015:
how do we know the holocaust is a lie? long answer is: the facts. short answer is: it's promoted by jews.
What cucks like Vdare and Ann Coulter won't tell you is precisely what matters most - and what a notional #TeamWhite would harp on.
One chickenshit coded remark from #cuckservative #anncoulter and you Ecrus roll over on your back. Demand better. #TeamWhite
The Nazis fought the same nation-destroying, culture-polluting JEW-liberals you feckless, weak-ass, conservative cowards grovel before #tcot
Does christianity attract disgusting manlets and jew-serviles like Mike Huckabee, or does it manufacture them? #tcot #cuckservative
September 17, 2015:
August 27, 2015:
Look at the US warriors who advance Israel's interests. They are brave and skilled - but ultimately, they're just K9 units.
Don't be a conservative faggot whining about unfairness and double standards, cut thru the bullshit and demand racial sovereignty #TeamWhite
End the violence, separate the races. End the violence - get rid of the jews forcing races together.
We're not all in this together. Our white future will not be tied to blacks, no matter what the ruling jews say. #DeathToTheJews
It's not about the emotions of the counter-semite, it's about the BEHAVIOR OF THE JEWS. Tolerance of jews is a social disease.
Jews won't change. History proves that. What must change is our white attitude toward them. Cucks to the church, WHITE MEN to the FIGHT.
Christianity is the cuckiest belief system conceivable. "He died for your sins." What kind of a faggot could believe such gutter pap?
An apple doesn't become an orange because you call it one. Yet this is precisely the christian doctrine toward jews. No wonder they won.
Our cause is not complex, our cause is simple. Beware of pseudo-intellectuals, or real ones, telling you otherwise. #TeamWhite
We must absolutely keep harping on jews as the cause of all this racial misery -- because they are. It is true. Hit it and keep hitting it.
Jews forced races together -illegally. Jews covered up the white misery that resulted. Jews deserve to be exterminated as a race. #TeamWhite
Jews are trying to genocide whites; whites must counter-exterminate jews. They deserve it. #TeamWhite
All that matters, at present, is creating a #TeamWhite to take on Team Jew, which consists of jews, muds and white careerists/nuts/sellouts.
At the end of the day, queers, you're just faggots. No one respects you. Everyone knows you're defective, diseased degenerates. #lovewins
#TeamWhite isn't for defectives. That's the church. Go there. If you're a winner, and you want a future - come with us. If you're a loser...
Jews promote looseness to ruin white society. Part of #TeamWhite is exhibiting superior dress, education, personal conduct to counter this.
Manners in politics is often an excuse for cowardice. I didn't say that, first, I believe twas John Adams. The cux are self-seeking cowards.
What is most conspicuous about AmeriKwans? Their obesity and their lack of moral courage. Their ill dress. Their pig-ignorance. #TeamWhite
That gay nigger killed journalists who would have made excuses for him had he killed any other white people. Keep that in mind as u fakecry.
#Cuckservatives spread confusion to advance their careers. They don't care about the confusion their punch-pulling causes.
Most writing about 'Political Correctness' is infected by the phenomenon it fake-describes. PC _itself_ is a _PC_ term for the real thing.
August 26, 2015:
A nigger killing journalists to further a race war is what is called in soccer an own-goal. #DylannRoof
Whites don't riot because they are weak, not because they are civilized. Lying to ourselves kicks off the cancer of degeneracy.
You don't need to seek professional help when you have enemies. They're studious, expert dianosticians, and they work for free.
Riots, widespread use of epithets, freedom, racial pride and civilization - these things are all related. Either they're all there, or gone.
You point out whites don't riot like it's a good thing. It isn't. It's being apathetic while your race is murdered. #whitegenocide
The idea that niggers face discrimination in the media. Lol. Anyone in flyover who has watched a local newscast knows that's a lie.
Yeah, cuz the media have no idea they're being unfair and dishonest. I'm sure they'll clear it right up.
I...I was born a racist. I know it's not as cool as being a sexual degenerate, but where's my rights and social approval?
It really is astonishing. Look up absolute abortion numbers. All you get are pages of "right-wing" pro-lifers whining about missing niglets.
If you think the US would be better with another 16,000,000 niggers running around...you're insane enough to be a christian. Or fake enough.
I challenge anyone to find one article written by a pro-lifer mentioning the absolute number of white abortions since '73 and its tragedy.
The ultimate #cuckservative cluck is about the missing 16m niglets since 1973, but nary a word about the missing 36m aborted white babies.
August 25, 2015:
August 24, 2015:
Think how much money that could have gone to your grandkids has gone instead to Israel. Israel is America's only enemy.
Iran doesn't control our Congress and extract twenty million dollars a day for itself out of white pockets. Israel does.
Ok, but PC isn't about manners. It demands ultimate respect for some groups and mandatory abuse for others. For ideologicl reasons
What makes me not a black or brown - that's something I want to preserve, in my culture and my line. #racism = attack on my kind.
I don't believe in humanity. I don't believe in mankind. I don't believe in one world. I reject being grouped w shitskins & nigs.
We're not all on the same side. There are real differences which can't be comprised, and are worth fighting even to death over.
There is a world of difference between blue-eyed, tall, intelligent white men and brown squat mexicans. The whites are better.
Why are you encouraged to smear and belittle and attack whites - but never blacks or jews? There's an #antiwhite agenda pushed.
Does the left treat Southerners respectfully? No. White men? No. It calls them guys or dudes or males - to belittle them.
It's communist ideology, PC is. The link is the jews running USA today think the same as their buddies who ran the USSR.
Politically Correct was Lenin's term originally. It refers to the party line - which is PC. And any deviation must be smashed.
My words are often vicious and necessarily rude. Politics is for men, and it's rough. It's not a showroom in bed bath and beyond.
There is a time and place for viciousness, as with everything. America is so softed out it doesn't even hate and kill murderers.
Christians are spirit-queers, and so it is natural their leaders come to be #cuckservatives and their newsmen CFs
The main initial effect of christianity is to multiply defectives; but over time, more insidiously, it spreads egalitarian quality-denial.
The jew makes a rare misstep in attacking the docilemaker (christianity) because if the Aryan breaks free of it, he will end the jew.
Our worst enemy, the jew, truly our only enemy besides ourselves, is giving us a wonderful chance now to spring open the xtian mind trap.
It's always funny to me that if you disagree with a Catholic, he immediately accuses you of "worshipping" money or blood or not-his-god.
August 23, 2015:
The first thing with jews is to ascertain what they are, which is the same thing as the threat they represent. Christianity fails in this.
The world is starved for serious, disciplined, self-controlled, authoritative masculinity. If you can supply that, do. If not, self-master.
August 20, 2015:
We have a jew-riddled government so corrupt it won't even publish straight statistics on race and crime. #hushcrimes #ZOG
When the jews come up with bogus terms, we must mirror them with our own - and stick to them resolutely. This builds #TeamWhite .
The christian doctrine is that blood differences between men don't matter. Whites who participate in this cult deny their own kind.
August 19, 2015:
Leo Frank raped and murdered Mary Phagan. The ADL was formed to protect this shitbag, and 100 years later, still out to exonerate guilty yid
The bad drags down the good - always. The good never elevates the bad. The good must protect itself jealously and viciously.
Really, the way to treat Flaherty is same as Buchanan or any con. Try to use them harder than they use us. They are competitors, not allies.
Habitat for Humanity - this is associated with Morris Dees and his terrorist antiwhite hate group SPLC. Do not work with it or fund it.
"If a Jew rapes and murders a goyish child, we take the side of the Jew. You'd think they'd take the hint, but they never do." --N. J. Wise
#PoliticalCorrectness is Semitical Correctness (Joe Sobran). It refers to party line set by jews. Toe it or be abused in the jewsmedia.
It is amazing what jews have been able to pull off. They got 100 million killed last century and escaped with their reputation enhanced.
What is nazism? It's simply the first time in human history whites formed a #TeamWhite to fight BACK against #TeamJew
August 18, 2015:
When you hear about Vikings, they just sound like fundamentally healthy people. You don't get that feeling about Christians.
Jesus died for my sins? Really? Is that possible? Did I authorize it? Do you not see how this turns into white responsibility for coons?
Easy divorce for couples. Forced marriage for races. Jews support both of these. Both further their #antiwhite agenda.
August 17, 2015:
"I need to be saved! Ah need to be redeemed!" No. You need to be punched. Grow up, already, christian idiot. Be a man.
The average thrift store contains more intellectually valuable material than Harvard or any other college. Just buy books, read & reflect.
Jews are a race of liars. A race. Of liars. There's as much difference between this yid and that as between bumblebees. #TeamWhite
If you wish to understand jews, and why educated people know they should be exterminated, study the case and affair of Leo Frank. #vnnforum
Let 'racists' go their own way & you have utopia. You tell us. And we have, well, real utopia. Lol. Yr fucking liars to yr corpuscles, yids.
This kooky idea that races have relations. And we need to worry about the state of them. No relations save jew-forced shotgun integration.
August 15, 2015:
Contrary to the midwestern ethos, being nice is not a substitute for being competent. Competence is rarer and more valuable than niceness.
August 14, 2015:
To say niggers are violent, stupid and useless isn't an opinion, it's an observation. Exact same as saying Amish are mild & productive.
If I say Amish are peaceful folk who like to ride carriages, raise barns and sell fruit at farmer's market, that's not coming from me.
I can't stand this common idea that people choose their ideas, rather than respond to reality. Why do I "feel" about niggers, etc. I don't.
Faith has its place in this world. And its place is backing up what has been proved. Faith that evidence and logical reasoning work.
August 13, 2015:
When you learn to laugh at what's stupid, the church will begin to lose it's appeal to you. Grow up, white man. Put away semitic baby toys.
The kike behind the The Wire is back with a show about how immoral it is for whites to resist judges/niggers wrecking their neighborhood.
August 06, 2015:
I'm here to chew bubblegum and iterate three profound truths. I love being alive. I love the Internet. And Jared Taylor is a #cuckservative.
August 05, 2015:
Whiteness doesn't exist - until they need someone to hate, discriminate against, and blame. #antiwhite #whitegenocide
August 04, 2015:
#Cuckservative means putting another race's interests (jews, blacks, mexes) before your own, typically to advance your own career.
August 02, 2015:
In the end, everything else burns away, and what is left is what you stood for the whole time. Smile wry and be principled, #TeamWhite.
No matter what, the #cuckservatives always finds a way to avoid placing blame on guilty jew. Always shifts to atheist or goy.
We are the big dog demographically, the problem is we don't act like. We let a 2% minority ride herd on us. #whiteshame
Cowardice and self-interest - are these what we want to promote and make excuses for? #cuckservative
I think I can sell more books if I withhold blame from jews and throw it on the Amish. What is the right thing to do morally? #cuckin4bux
White men should be bold & laugh. Not fearful and calculating, small and shifty eyed. White men are not rodents, and shouldn't act like 'em.
Afraid to laugh, afraid to think. Afraid of what everyone thinks of me. Afraid my ass is too fat. What kind of life is this, mine own race?
August 01, 2015:
The christian cult isn't going to defend a people it doesn't recognize (whites) against another race it doesn't recognize (jews)
If you can write a book about communism...without ever mentioning the jewish nexus...you just might be a #cuckservative #AnnCoulter
THEY used to demand to be confined to ghettos. We didn't do anything except foolishly embrace a destructive cult
That's the point of public schools: to force whites to pay for the dementation of their own children. https://t.co/5pBRUXYqL6
Most whites aren't strong enough for ideological hatred. Jews are. This is one reason jews defeat whites pretty easily.
If Jared Taylor says jews are white to him, and works with them...how can I or any serious man not take him as an enemy? #cuckservative
Many times been called a puritan for demanding WN be principled in politics, rather than personality driven. Where has Impuritanism led us?
Race mixing is bad. But idea-mixing promiscuously with #cuckservatives and others of inconstant principle is a good idea. #what #TeamWhite
So-called WN brainlessly mix with philosemites and other #cuckservatives while jews carefully smear all white men as racists and Nazis.
The #cuckservative is the man or woman who deliberately severs the connection between jews and communism, jews and Political Correctness.
You have to bend over backwards not to blame jews for communism, liberalism and #antiwhite-ism. And why would you do that? #cuckservative
How was communism and political correctness spread in US? Well, there were these millions of immigrant jews as their support network.
The alt-right are career girls, just as the neocon goyim are #cuckservatives. WN should attack them both.
"I'm a radical conservative, not a respectable conservative." Wrong. You're a conservative. They're all the same
Alt-right = conservatives = #cuckservative. All of them. All conservatives are #cuckservatives. Pro-white & anti-jew - or cuck.
July 27, 2015:
The US is run by ratlike jews served by extremely arrogant, self-righteous, utterly intolerant Anglo moralizers.
The jewsmedia are at it 24/7/365, telling you white is black, and black is teen. This and more is gaslighting. It is all the mass media do.
July 26, 2015:
By my anecdote, I have seen very recently just the most bizarre humanoid creatures from the ends of the earth pop up around here. Fuck ZOG.
The left rejects a priori the possibility of white superiority. All we have is stolen. All black failure is white racism.
The judeo-left has death-trapped whites conceptually. They reject as possibility that whites could be ahead for any reason but 'racism.'
Whites stole all the good genes, and that's why they developed first and best. Their genes are a human resource, and must redistributed.
The jews are murdering the West. The man who says the west is suicidal aids the jews, whether he intends to do or not. It is MURDER. #tcot
July 22, 2015:
rictus! good man... not enough know and use this term. this guy looks like a fag to me. a real male cheerleader-brow-tweezer
July 18, 2015:
Jesus was the original drama queen, and His Story the first Lifetime movie. A wooter-weeper for women of all sexes! https://t.co/GySrBO2Hf7
In which I christen Donnie Racket (Don Black) and respond to his garbage in the Kansas City Star article on Miller. http://t.co/B3SSb2PHuI
Without jews in a white society, queers and other degenerates are a controllable minority. With jews, these become mainstream identities.
July 16, 2015:
Reality shouldn't sadden you, it should whet your desire to learn more. What else you been lied about? https://t.co/HNno0cBq4E
July 15, 2015:
Jews can see things from another's perspective. But they use this to manipulate. Not side with 'other' against their own, as we.
Being a clever liar isn't just a jewish practice, it's a jewish ideal. Take off your christ blinders, they're simply a race of erect vermin.
White men failed to ID jews as alien threat and respond approp., and our world in 2015 is the direct result of this failure
Trump isn't pro-white but he is the sort of wildcard personality the Protocols mentions jews fear. Watch as they destroy him.
Watch as they endlessly attack Trump for bad reasons and attack his physical characteristics. The press are canaille deserving execution.
Jews know they can rely on the cowardice of the Aryan majority. They have only to keep up stream of abuse to make whites fear association.
It's funny how racists/WN are supposedly violent etc - but if our advice were followed, there'd be borders and no global wars-for-jews.
The garbage whites always flock to the government, which rolls its own. Dirt-eater soliders. Menopausal NEA lesbians/tramp-stamp retards.
Hatred of whites and desire to dispossess them of their lands & property, en route to the genocide of their kind - jewsmedia's perma-motive.
White people have been dog-trained not just to obey authority but to damn near worship it. They must unlearn this to fight back.
What if whites were to start destroying black monuments? What if whites were 2 start destroying holocost propaganda in classrooms/libraries?
Whites have no real connected community apart from christianity, which is worse than useless at providing communal definition & protection.
What has the shifty-eyed desert man's cross got to do with you, white man? Not a goddam thing. Realize it.
What they say: whites are racists. Racists are worst thing ever! It follows they should support an all-white state, to quarantine the danger
There is nothing more jewish than brazen lying, which is called gaslighting in more neutral terms: reversing reality to promote #antiwhitism
It is not at all surprising Germans were the first moderns effective to come up with resistance to jews, but ALL can use their know-how.
What is nazism but group resistance to a group? One group (jews) attacks another (whites), the attacked group forms a group to fight back.
But jews fight not just on the battlefield, they primarily fight thru money mechanisms and mass media control. They must THERE be countered.
The power of counterfeiting (stealing white wealth, enslaving white productivity) through a central bank must be taken away from jews 100%.
July 14, 2015:
Communism: people line up for sandpaper mislabeled toilet paper. Capitalism: people discard barely worn $140 Timberland boots in dumpster.
If you put something ahead of money and career, the middle class thinks you are mentally ill. It's not even comprehensible to the type.
Where do white revolutions come from? Simple, my friend. You combine legality + respectability. Like Mentos in Coke, man. #tcot
July 13, 2015:
July 11, 2015:
July 10, 2015:
It's an attack on the South? Sure, why not. Actually it's an attack on normal whites WORLDWIDE, the flag is just most useful salient symbol.
The folks who call themselves tolerant are the ones who want to make it illegal to disagree with them. About pretty much anything.
Interesting. Notice jews always promote anything that favors more govt (everything decided in capital) and more sexual degeneration.
Private-working, morally controlled white men - what need have they of government? Hence it sees them as its #1 enemy.
What sort of whites is big government good for? NEA teachers, other public-sector unions. Criminals. Drug/sex degenerates. Cops/army
Once the white society is established, we can divide into white ants (socialists), white sheep (catholics) and white men (libertarians).
Whites don't agree on markets, socialism and religion. Nor need they. But they, on our WN side, must accept race as basis of new state.
My view is white men are both of those: whites and men. We have collective and personal/individual being
Whites are not ants to be managed by socialist cranks, they can handle their own ed., health, welfare.
The left makes no distinction between Bill O'Reilly and Adolf Hitler; nor do most White Nationalists.
Brainless refusal to make distinctions burns us in the end. Jared Taylor is a white nationalist? No. Jared Taylor is an #antiwhite.
July 08, 2015:
So glib. So flat. So dishonest. So jew. So left. #lovewins . They know not from love who use words and genitals way y'all do. #liarswin
July 07, 2015:
July 05, 2015:
Spreading AIDS thru bathhouses? Civil right, back in 1980s. Opting out of a vax for your child? "Threat to the community."
The same people worried about anti-vaxxers spreading disease through society are the same ones promoting homos w 500-1000 sex partners
I am applying to your church to be a fake preacher/pastor who denounces queers in public. No joke. DM me. I hand-write my own sermons.
July 04, 2015:
What is the white cause? To me, it is, much as anything, the character of Charlie Bucket and the Roald Dahl who conceived him.
July 03, 2015:
Christian apologists are less obnoxious and aggressive than jews, but they are every bit as dishonest.
July 02, 2015:
The more you read and the more experience you gain, the more you see christian apologists argue as dishonestly as jews do.
The christian is the 'man' afraid to say boo to the queer. The 'man' who joins the military to fight for Israel. The 'man' who appeases jews
Whites can't accept that they have a side. Why? The christ cult has poisoned their mind with moral & raceless universalism.
Whites can't get past the concept of unfairness, based on some universal (christain) standard to accepting zero-sum action by racial enemy.
Do you expect your enemy to act fairly toward you? Yet this is the planted axiom (WFB) of all conservative-racialist whines.
Remember, white Southerners: civilizing the wild negro is your moral duty. It's not just lil ol' me sayin' that. It's Jesus too. Good luck!
"A man's got to know his limitations." Turning negros into humans by means of christianity. How is that not alchemy?
Whites face a global enemy: jews. Take out jews, the rest of the more visible enemies immediately deflate. #TeamWhite
The jews are the matador (means KILLER in spanish), the nigger/muds are the cape. Gore the jew, the cape falls flat. #TeamWhite
Henry Ford in "The International Jew" thought that exposing the jew was enough to defeat him. Not so then, 100x less so now.
The jew-wise white men of the 1900-1930 period, in America, had the false idea they were still more powerful than jews, but they were wrong.
Jews dominate because of their racial loyalty, which is something that white men manifestly do not possess. Making resistance nugatory.
Whites don't know what they are. They don't know what's valuable. They are confused, even apart from deliberate misleading.
July 01, 2015:
We see the jews twisting words. What we don't see as quickly is that christianity does the same thing - and has for its entire history.
If u care about yr so-called morality more than your race's existence, yet my white survivors will be on avg more moral than yr discoloreds.
Yeah, you see the muh dick in the coon easily enough, but you have plenty of muh dicks of your own, race of mealy faggots.
Niggers aren't a threat to be eradicated, they're a chance for you Good People (Christians) to practice muh forgivenness. #crossUnfits #tcot
Land of the free? Even if you own your house outight you have to pay 1-2% annually to keep it. That's not freedom. That's govt uber alles.
Fags are the only thing leftists claim aren't made by culture, even though many to most are (thru early molestation).
All christian 'argument' is based on the logical fallacy of artificially shortened menu options. You are them or Evil. JUST LIKE JEWS' PC.
Has not the xtian brotherhood of man doctrine led to undeniable and extreme misery throughout the white world?
The idea that you can simply take back your behavior with endless mulligans is why xtianity lacks gravitas with serious men, but crowd fav.
Christianity is a spiritual disease parallel to fags' flesh disease. Both love all men and claim their promiscuity is good.
Drugs aren't cool. They all suck. They all fuck you up. They should ALL be legal. And morons should use lots of them.
Christianity is dysgenic. Meth is eugenic. That's why the former is legal and the latter is illegal.
The catholic church did all it could to scotch the nazis and protect the jews, but what drove it absolutely wild was NS sleeping retards.
Atheism is based in reality, making it inherently superior to christianity. If only the top whites are capable of it, then we need eugenics.
Who ever heard of an Italian mafioso who wasn't a Catholic? Christianity no more interferes with men's choices than the Constitution w pols'
Christians are the 90% majority that seriously poses withdrawing into the wilderness to survive the onslaught of the 1 and 2%.
Remember, christians. All this social garbage has come about because you wouldn't name, fight and defeat the jew. You didn't even try.
Semitical Correctness is sharper thus better than Political, in the same way Hitler's views (on jews) are sharper than Orwell's (on tyranny)
June 30, 2015:
"Pulling punches is my business - and business is good." --the motto of the professional conservative. #tcot #anncoulter #patbuchanan
June 28, 2015:
#DylannRoof is that rarest of rare birds in America: someone who reached a profound intellectual conclusion and acted on it.
Whites and niggers have no natural connection; blacks are dangerous proto-hominids 2 be kept out of white society. Not 'brothers in christ.'
Why women never invent anything: because this is the crap that takes up 100% of their tiny little brains. http://t.co/IsukjWUmNJ
Whites had race solutions: free association, apartheid, Crow. The race problem springs entirely from jews: forced mixing.
Leftists have yet to apologize for Stalin. But you go right on tutting your little pink head over the "tragedy" of #DylannRoof.
#DylannRoof got a free advertisement into every paper in the USA: "I discovered the truth about race and crime and it changed my life."
my thought is white men can create whatever forms they need in the goddam moment. we are not a people of tradition but of quest
The ADL was set to release a pamphlet accusing Koko of #antisemitism when he learned his 500th word but he only made it to 287.
All history shows it is useless to oppose the sanctimonious-madman Yankee mentality with reason. Same with white-genocidal jews.
You don't deal with distempered cats and rabid dogs by appealing to their reason, you put them to sleep.
The danger of becoming the monsters we hate is rather smaller than Nietzsche supposed. They set the terms of the war. We fight or give in.
Every racial problem we have in 2015 exists because the powers that be (jews + helpers) will not allow whites to go their own way.
We should treat others the way their behavior shows we'd be wise to treat them. So how should we treat jews?
The Old South at least made niggers economically productive. Which is more than leftist social engineers have managed.
The Confederate flag, today, is a symbol of resistance to racial hatred: The hatred directed by the jew & his minions against the white man.
I remember what that woman used to say in early days of online: "Too late to work w/in the System; too early to shoot the bastards." Still?
Enjoy your great victory, sexual degenerates, for soon enough you'll flying off roofs and back into closets.
Fags and other sexual defectives belong in the closet, peering out at normals in sweaty fear between the mothballs. #lovewins
Indians don't eat cows. But cows have no similar prohibition against eating Indians. They just stink so bad cows refrain.
Jews should be sent to mars. Then they can wire back ten minutes later their first opus: Mars: Red with Anti-Semitism.
Jews perceive christianity as a pathetic enemy, when in facts its doctrines are the best friend, possibly the only friend, they ever had.
There is no case for allowing jews as a class to continue to live save christian moral doctrine, which I & many reject as #whitegenocide-al
Christianity's historic mission, it turned out, was to facilitate jewish accession to power so that they could bring about #whitegenocide.
Christ-insanity is the enabler, excuser and protector of the jews. To weaken it is the jews' snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
christianity and liberalism is a false opposition: christianity is liberalism. Against nature, it says ignore the species divide.
I'm not merely making a clever gibe when i call christ nuts spirit-queers, there is valid and undeniable parallel there.
The nigger is not my brother. Nor is the jew. Your christian views are insane, factually wrong, & real-world destructive.
Listening to a christian talk is the aural equivalent of watching a child walk around in adult shoes.
Blacks see whites as a hated oppressor class, as instructed by lying, loxist #antiwhite #whitegenocide-al jews. We must batch them in resp.
More and more you read gawker, "I hate white people" said openly, felt to be cool and edgy, which = safe. They treat us as class, notice.
We whites have been hated and targeted as a class our entire lives. Not fighting back as a class is a mistake.
The idea that can't persuade people is naturally the idea which tries to squelch all others, typically while gaslighting about tolerance.
The civil war isn't over, obviously, it continues in a slightly different form. It's Whites versus jews + discoloreds + white abnormals.
Self-righteous rationalizing has been the way of the north since the power play in the Civil War. Echoes in Supreme Court's fag decision.
The self-righteous type and the culture built on its smug sanctimony fell in with jews, in a union of crooks, now tries to boss world.
The conservative has one loyalty, and that is to himself and his paycheck. It's wrapped in fake concern about party & nation.
Coulter is a mudshark who writes books about immigration and communism w/o mentioining jews behind them.
People should read ch. 2 of Mein Kampf. Hitler went to Vienna mildly jew-positive. In ch 2 he explains the evolution of his views.
No white men will talk down to jews, or even talk at them as equals. Rather, they grovel in fear. All of them. "Democracy" = jew oligarchy.
"Love wins" - typically smugnoxious leftist cant, morbid and supercilious as one would expect. "We love. You hate." Tantrumic triumph of 2yo
The supreme court ignores the written law, just as fags ignore biological law. Then they all get together & agree how brave n loving they r.
Ellen DeGeneres personifies recent degenerate triumph - all sugary fake smiles in public, but notoriously nasty and tyrannical in private.
The proles are drug- or drink-addled wretches. The bourgeois are selfish cowards. The journalists are whores & cretins. But u might b cool.
The full effects of the anti-intellectual culture jews created are now being felt. Good guys on right side of history vs "hate."
June 27, 2015:
The natural elite of the white race have been suborned out of fear and self-interest. They now ingratiate jews, and nod and wail on request.
It's 1 thing 2 do something destructive. It's another and worse 2 pretend what's destructive is healthy & normal & force that op. on public.
Homosex is degenerate. Talking about it in public & demanding legal privilege for it is more degenerate.
how far do you think you'd have to dig into those dead SC niggers studying-they-bahbl to find criminal activity?
June 26, 2015:
Christianity is exactly like a greasy little 36 short jewish agent who keeps telling the white talent, "Without me, you're nothing."
Physical force is the only thing that makes judges follow the law. If you rely on their character, you'll get what we saw today.
Conservatives don't know themselves. If they would look within, they would realize they believe winning is immoral.
Conservatism is a way of making a living, which means flattering audience they are smart while liberals are stupid. #tcot
The jews running the System give the little-man conservatives career-safe targets for their childish emotional discharges: Muslims! French!
He called them "the world's foremost problem." That was 95 years ago. They remain so today. (I must finish the book!)
There is no basis but the racial to oppose the garbage of recent days. Time to put away childish things like the cross and become white men.
Big Queer and Big Nig appear to be independent sources of power, but it is not so. Neither would have _any_ power w/o jew media backing.
Jews are doing to America today, in 2015, exactly what they were doing in Weimar, in 1925. A similar response from Whites is called for.
For hundreds of years whites debated what jews are, how they should be treated. The answers are in. They are vital enemies 2b exterminated.
Whites are not failing as a movement because they can't dress, speak, brush their teeth or game the system but because they are prevented.
Jews, who are the ones who created the current System running America, have destroyed the middle. You can chat on Internet - or go full Roof
Too many whites, the conservatives and those racialists who retain that mindset, fear to leave the safety-fantasy of "it's us not them."
It's not us. it is them. They are oppressing us. They are preventing us from organizing. We have not figured out a way to prevent them yet.
Muslims only became a problem in the West after jews took control of immigration in every single white country - USA, Canada, Aus, UK. etc..
Jews correctly perceive the potential danger to their species comes from white men who identify & organize racially, not from christians.
Blacks are justified destroying whole cities based on myths; but whites are never justified harming a pube on nigger head based on facts.
The US is forcing people to bake cakes for faggots, while ISIS is throwing them off roofs. No comment. Just observation. #fagstudies
The Supreme Court illegally overrode the Constituion in making queer marriage decision. Other forces are free to contest as they see fit.
The Supreme Court is not in fact the final arbiter in the meaning of the Constitution. It claims that. But there is no basis for the claim.
Wiping out anti-jews is not enough; jews don't want any independent power/wealth besides their own. Because they might turn anti-jew.
June 25, 2015:
People don't have enough character nowadays to tolerate any serious criticism. There's just no taste for it, as used to be among Puritans.
The unwritten rule in the controlled media is never to discuss blacks as perpetrators of crime, only as victims.
Whites are completely justified in bringing justice to journalists who deliberately cover up and participate in campaigns of #whitegenocide.
If one jew finds a swastika (another jew painted) outside his house, the news goes global. If 40,000 white women raped by niggers...crickets
Jews have unlimited contempt for whites because we are too cowardly to acknowledge what they're doing: genociding our race. #whitegenocide
Jews have a nature, it has been consistent for thousands of years, it does not change when a pedophile in a dress drizzles water on them.
Government and the catholic church, over time, create the type of 'people' who need government and the catholic church. Aka undesirables.
The beauty of not being a christian is I don't have to pretend to see virtues in niggers. I can see them for what they are.
Jews facilitate blacks. They twist the laws and take from white earners the money needed to support black rapine and destruction. #loxism
Jews are loyal to jews. Whites are loyal to blacks, humanity, jesus, dogs & cats, the Dallas Cowboys, Republicans...
Racism is a conceptual scam created by jew communists. It only works cuz whites are dumb, scared and groomed for self-hate by christianity.
"Blame for everything. Credit for nothing. Is it not obvious this is our unstated policy for treatment of whites in our media?" --N.J. Wise
Does it make sense to treat jews and blacks as individuals? It does not. You can blather with your christian moral opinions, but I say fact.
June 24, 2015:
WN in fact has a perfect, not good, a PERFECT record in encouraging the USA in policies that would have saved literally millions of lives.
whites are under attack as a race, they need defense. they must fight back. they need to form a #TeamWhite
100 years ago, before jews took power, the US had no debt and it had no mexicans. It had a tiny central state. All these things hang togethr
American Christians are filled with love. They love seeing Iraqis murdered. They love seeing jews murder Palestinians.
Delusions all exact a price, and delusions pursued over long periods exact a huge price. Today the true price of xtianity becomes apparent.
As long as one white person exists, the battle against white supremacy will not be over. #whattheymean
Greeks & Romans despised jews too. The claim, made by E.Mike Jones and others, that jews only became jews by rejecting Jesus is flat wrong.
The cowardice and conformity of Americans is on display. Yield, yield to the nigger, white man. Yield, yield to the jew operating that coon.
Voltaire was the #1 modern to note that the problem is not jews' religion but their nature, which their 'religious' code reflects.
White media are guilty of telling white people about horrific crimes against their people facilitated by jews, carried out by blacks. #CCC
Jews aren't guilty of creating conditions that allow blacks to rape/murder whites, but white media are guilty of talking about #hushcrimes.
If you can't see that christianity is the main reason white men simply cannot face the truth about anything that matters, you're blind.
Roof's "I have never been the same since that day" has been printed fm coast to coast. Violence is the price of admission to national discourse.
According to the NYT, if you are at all interested in #hushcrimes or why the jew-owned media cover them up, you are "twisted."
Humanity's attempt to liberate itself from jews is the only truly interesting political story of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Jews need to control the mass media. It's the only way to hide what they're doing. #loxism #whitegenocide
Many well meaning racialists confuse 1) christianity with the racial cause 2) democracy with politics. Very different things.
Christianity and racialism are competitors. "Me? I'm a "brotherhood-of-man racist." Does that make sense? That does not make sense.
Remember what the guy said: "There's not a dime's worth of difference" between Reps and Dems. That's why The System's so big on voting.
It's a just a coincidence that all the newspapers of our "free press" refrain from printing the statistics of interracial rape.
Jews pay people to pretend "whites are doing it to themselves." Whenever you hear that line, you are hearing a deliberate, sponsored Big Lie
Academics can't describe the actual truth: jews _enjoy_ torturing whites with blacks, and then gaslighting us about what's going on.
According to the jews, whites are responsible for black failure, and blacks are responsible for white success.
Even a pathetic sports coach has more moral authority than any christian leader. People need to be kicked in the ass, not jesus nonsense.
Words never heard in jew-controlled junk media: White merit. White achievement. White desert. White philanthropy. White suffering.
added some more on how jewsmedia act toward WN, and how WN were wise to respond. http://t.co/fHNnYrsXfP
“At this moment I realized that something was very wrong.” --#DylannRoof. Have you realized that, white man?
Hatred of whites is the defining fact of the modern mass media, & that hatred is 100% the product of organized jews. #loxism #whitegenocide
Jews fill white nations with non-whites and use their media to promote mongrelization. It is a systematic campaign of #whitegenocide.
June 22, 2015:
Jews cover up what blacks are doing to whites, then pretend white rage comes from nowhere. #deathtothejews
Xtianity & liberalism are bros: fantasy > reality, equality > quality obsession w Good vs Evil; 'solidarity' w defectives.
The idea that men need to be "saved" - there is nothing more lipcurling about christianity that this bit of adventitious drama-queenery.
Disagreeing with jews = character flaw. it's always played this way in public, no matter which agenda item u disapprove (climate change etc)
#DylannRoof is the natural and inevitable response to and product of jewish hatred of whites - loxism - the hatred that defines our times.
So how bad is this interracial rape problem the jewsmedia hides from us -- you know the one that inspired #DylannRoof to heroism?
The jews don't want you to know about the genocidal #waronwhites their policies promote and their media champion. Just shut up and die.
White nationalism is the peace position. Not just internationally, where we say no to jews' wars, but domestically, with free association.
Jews don't even allow Muslims to ride buses with them in Israel. But if you're concerned for your kids' safety here, they call that 'racism'
It's racism to try to protect your children from blacks. You don't want to be racist, do you? That would be the worst. .. Where does it end?
The concept that anyone who does something I disagree with is 'mentally ill' shows a mind successfully jewed. People have different ideas.
June 21, 2015:
Whites aren't motivated to kill by #hushcrimes, they're motivated to kill by other whites telling them about hush crimes. #jewchutzpah
White people won't stand for animal abuse or whites murdering niggers. But if niggers murder whites, well, best not to say anything.
White existence is felt by blacks as standing proof of their race's vast inferiority. The smarter ones realize this, the dimmer just feel it
Was he killed by Dylann Roof? Cuz otherwise, I don't care. --Kikey Jon "Stewart" Leibowitz https://t.co/kncqN2TKmn
Whites invented, well, everything is the fairest one-word summation. That's why whites have no culture or identify. #what
If you stick blacks in white areas, YOU ARE A TERRORIST. If you justify this, YOU ARE JUSTIFYING TERRORISM. #whitegenocide
Whites insist on treating jews as individuals; jews insist on treating whites as a class. How will that work out, do you think? How must it?
Dylann Roof is a terrorist. But so is the US government. And its #antiwhite actions came first. So Roof is a counter-terrorist.
Every day of the year I read stories about niggers killing whites. But today is different! It's only jew-news when whites fight back.
Jew pose: if you write a story about niggers murdering whites, YOU are the problem. YOU are the INFLAMMATORY HATER.
I didn't figure out the full truth about jews till I was 25 (and read The Ordeal of Civility). I can't judge Roof for not quite there at 21.
I'm so angry at Dylann Roof. He's really making my ass look fat in my dress. I mean, I almost got an invite to Royal Hat Day until AME.
Christians: niggers are their natural customer base. http://t.co/byIcFS273c
"Those who make peaceful change impossible make Dylann Roofs inevitable." --ghost of JFK #Charleston
What Roof did is an absolute good, but let's remember there are newsrooms full of liars that are even more deserving. #RaiseTheRoof
Every white out there who has had a wife/daughter raped by niggers, or son/husband murdered, should be celebrating Dylann Roof. #hushcrimes
Jews and blacks are engaged in race war on whites. This war is impersonal - it is a class action, targeting our species. 1/2
When the jews operating the federal government deliberately stick niggers from Somalia in white communities, that is an act of terrorism.
The people running the US government are terrorists, and the objects and victims of their terror are whites - wherever they live.
Jews and niggers hate whites quite impersonally, it is only white suckers who treat non-whites as individuals, like they are part of us.
The US government terrorizes white communities under the name of refugee resettlement, fair housing, equal access, etc etc.
Native American is a propaganda term, but it's useless to teach conservatives verbal warfare, it's beyond them.
If someone talked about converting or reforming termites you'd think him crazy. But people speak of jews this way all the time. Same thing.
"What's inflammatory isn't the negro murdering or raping the white man or woman, it's white men talking about it." --Nathan J. Wise
Guilt by category, guilt by association have replaced old American (Aryan) view of individual responsibility. Amis now think like jews.
June 20, 2015:
Your delusion is appealing to people using facts and reason and moderate tones will bring radical change.
The jews don't follow the rules. The niggers believe the very concept of crime is racist. Dylann Roof just played as it laid. #RaiseTheRoof
I have never read a single jewsmedia report on the daily abuse experienced by whites in black schools. I have heard many first-hand reports.
White lives don't matter at all to the system. Whites exist to provide money for ZOG, wars for Israel, and learning aids for blacks. #loxism
Christianity sapped South Africa's will to defend itself and its HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL system called apart-ness.
This is why don't respect xtians. If I say the cult places no value on whiteness, they see it as an attack. But it's church doctrine. Shrug.
The white racial cause can't afford to be associated with the professional cowardice and self-interest that are conservatism. #tcot #tlot
Blacks can't meet our standards, so we drop them. This is white psychology, encouraged by jews with sticks. I'm not willing to drop them.
I'm not willing to live in a black society run to nigger standards presided over by loxist jews encouraging niggers to hate and murder us.
Two races two nations. That simple. Except for instigating and controlling race. Jews. Get rid of the jew problem, the rest evaporate. #tcot
The media don't report stories from white kids abused DAILY in majority-black schools. Then they call kids like Roof "haters." #RaiseTheRoof
Darren Wilson has to buy a house under a corporate name - Black America won't even tolerate white cops doing their job. Roof is the reaction
Jews have taught blacks to hate whites. They created the situation Dylann Roof is responding too. Which will intensify the cycle. #blamejews
Does the enemy treat us as individuals? Do jews treat whites as individuals? Do blacks treat whites as individuals?
"We should just sweep the termites to a different part of the house"...said no one ever. But with jews, this policy is supposed to work?
When I say jews must be exterminated, all of them, it has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with the evidence.
Roof is a hero. The Holocaust is a giant hoax. Whites are the good guys. Jews are the bad guys. Any questions? #vnnforum
When your brain tells you what needs to be done but you cant do it cuz muh morality, you've been christ-whipped. Dead niggers = good thing.
I personally thank Dylann Roof for his sacrifice. I appreciate that he did it to protect my race, which is under genocidal assualt. #hero
I've never yet heard one of you conservative tucktails explain how we get from here to victory by making rational appeals to cowards. #tcot
Nature explains the battle between jews and whites and blacks quite well; christianity explains nothing, rather it is a tool used by jews.
The jews murdered the constitutional right of free association, which = holding down the white race so it can be raped by blacks.
Jews pride themselves on breaking barriers. But when it comes to profitable taboos like Holohoax, why they're one giant construction crew.
Jews are, they say, this ever-questioning, ever-doubting race of natural brazens, but when it comes to the holohoax, they _all_ grow pious.
The Founders were racist revolutionaries who put their cause ahead of their careers. As far from today's jew-servile cons as you can get.
Quoth me: jews obtain a near-sexual joy from torturing our people. But you keep on with your whimpers about unfairness and bias, Mr. #tcot.
June 19, 2015:
The good does not uplift the bad, rather the bad or inferior drags down the good. That is the general rule.
A christian is a man who can talk about Jesus coming back from the dead and claim his cult invented science in the same breath.
Let's get this straight, niggers: If you're living indoors...with, you know, electricity and running water...YOU'RE APPROPRIATING MY CULTURE
I truly doubt that even 1 in 100 blacks understands that without whites blacks can't sustain indoor living.
To the conservatives there will always be a reason to pull punches and blame safe liberals rather than dangerous jews. #tcot
Ann Coulter knows Cellar was the driving force. Just as she knows it was jews behind communism - but wont say it. Muh career.
I don't want a politics of moral crusades. I've noticed moral crusaders are mostly dangerous self-interested hypocrites. I want waste mgt.
Just as being born in a stable doesn't make you a horse, a black being born indoors doesn't make it a human. It's an outdoor race.
Muh jesus cult invented science. Here's what white men were doing 200 years BC... https://t.co/xl0e0YAnKb
So they let the niggers wail on tv at the arraignment or the hearing? Have you seen that happen before? Before the trial?
A country with nigger population is going to have nigger standards. Just as one clown can drag down a classroom, 10% nigs can a nation.
May I urge again those who doubt to take up the catholic catechism and peruse it. You will see it is in fact irremediably antiwhite.
The jew says you'll get fired for being a racist. The christian says you'll go to hell. Both are the enemy of the white man. #tcot
Political Correctness & christian morality play good cop/bad cop with the white man's mind. "You're going to jail/Hell for saying nigger!"
Before jews the USA enjoyed free association. After jews it enjoyed forced mixing. From Constitutional right to tyrannical diktat.
Christianity talking about itself as the source of science and civilization is like a nigger claiming the US was built on the backs of blax.
Racialists are defamed as haters and would-be tyrants by the actual haters and actual liars and actual tyrants. #TeamWhite
If you're a christian, you've chosen your race: mankind. Pardon me - humankind. Pardon me dooblay: hue-man-kind.
Whites won't act in their own race-interest because Semitical Correctness + xtian moral doctrine say it's wrong
You can't be a christian and a white man. Christianity is a brotherhood-of-man cult, and as such is inherently and irremediably #antiwhite.
Here's the basic problem high-IQ whites, even, can't overcome: fear of treating blacks as a class rather than as individuals, per jesus cult
Behold the conservative - the spirit-queer. Always sucking up to the nigger, always appeasing the jew. #tcot https://t.co/4ZqDScaO6D
Christian Europe readmitted jews 100+ times, until they finally seized control and tried to genocide the white race. Xtianity is #antiwhite.
June 18, 2015:
Christianity is inherently anti-white. Babies are not born christian, they are spiritually neutered into christians.
So many whites are raped and murdered by blacks each year that government actively hides or falsifies the statistics to obscure the truth.
If racism is such a terrible problem, why are those who claim that adamantly opposed to the obvious solution?
Christians have an instinctual fear and hatred of anyone who isn't an apologizing groveling cunt. They really are just talking baitfish.
When you say something defensible - defend it. Don't do the christian thing and grovel, do the white thing - repeat it harder and slower.
Who says whites and blacks have to be forced to live in the same area - when most of them don't want that? Oh yeah. Jews. #tcot #TeamWhite
#TeamWhite means whites who want to live in all-white nation. implies nothing about any other social/economic view. #racematters
Conservatives are simply submissives. Can't argue with calling them cucks, but they're just subs. Dopey daylates, real Eeyores. #tcot
This kid sacrificed his life to give us an opportunity for a 'national conversation' about black-on-white rape. But yeah, feels for nigs >.
If human 'races' were basses, they would certainly be recorded as different species. That's how deep the politics runs.
I dont have to love whites to not want to live in country run by white-hating warmongering violent-nigger-facilitating jews.
Maybe it's same thing but I get tired of the emphasis on "loving" the white race. Much of our race is NOT lovable.
The black-white gap is explained by white genetic superiority, which, in jewed mass media, becomes white moral evil. #tcot #TeamWhite
Carnival time for murderous scum is what niggers enjoy today. The race war is when whites openly fight back. https://t.co/8PTRlzMZZo
According to christianity, this creature is a human - your spiritual equal. Created by God. In His image & likeness. https://t.co/Kwe0vGyyxr
It's funny how WN get accused of being non-democratic, yet it is our side, our race, who are FORCED into YOUR ANTIWHITE SYSTEM.
It's not WN forcing anti-white whites (leftists and xtians) to go our way, it's YOU forcing US to go YOUR way. #racialdivorce
It's all just warmed over puritanism, but with a jew soul and veneer and agenda, after 1900. I hate jews and WASP elite libs.
The jew court in Brown vs Board said niggers have the right to prey on whites. The appellate court, gavelled by Judge Roof, threw it out.
So long as WN/racialism are around, conservatives have a hard time pretending they're radicals, which is their favorite pose. #tcot
Whatever undermines open racialism will always be supported by system conservatives (CCC, #tcot, Vdare et al.).
Why do conservatives hate racialists? Because WN/racialism makes it hard for them to sustain their pose as radical opposition. #tcot
George Washington didn't consider niggers human, and neither do I. Yr just a cowardly America-hating #antiwhite faggot.
He not only killed a bunch of useless niggers, he outed all the Vdare #tcot and CCC conservatives for what they are - gerbils.
Oh noes, a white man fired back in the race war. Such a tragedy, itz. I must join CCC and other right-homosexuals & lament this terbul thing
Blacks have been terrorizing whites for decades, and it's been covered up, justified, and facilitated by the jews running D.C. #Charleston
The very concept of 'hate' is bogus, as applied to politics. ''Hate' crime' is an ADL attempt to put white ideas on par with black actions.
Why do #AnnCoulter and #Vdare blame Ted Kennedy rather than the jew Emanuel Celler for the 1965 immigration act? One word: cowardice.
Now that AmeriKwa is a police-state-prison, maybe segregating the inmates would be the best way to go. #CharlestonShooting
As I say, this #raisetheRoof event shows the Continental Divide between racialists and the alt-liberals called conservatives. #tcot
You ever heard 'the nigger community' apologize for its DAILY LITERALLY FUCKING DAILY rapes/murders of our white people? Conservative = fag.
The white racial cause must separate itself from the weakness - the moral cowardice and intellectual punch pulling - that is conservatism.
Those who would be genuine racialists - we must do everything in our power to SEPARATE the racial cause from conservatism. #tcot
May one million Dylann Roofs rise up and obliterate the nigger race and the jews who sicced them on us. #raisetheRoof
Someone stuck up for white women being raped by niggers. Now you conservative spirit-queers go on about the "tragedy" of dead niggers. FYOU
You conservative faggots side with niggers. Fuck you. The Founders didn't even consider niggers human. #tcot https://t.co/HNdjlg0XAp
Every sub-problem has an easy rational solution. But so long as nothing can be done about The Problem Maker (jew), the sub-probs worsen.
Only jews oppose racial divorce. Do you realize that? Literally the ONLY political problem in the entire West - is JEWS. The ONLY ONE.
Massive UNDERsimplification is the foremost intellectual problem of our time, and I have fought it my entire life. _JEWS_ IS THE PROBLEM.
There's an easy way to prevent 'tragedies' (lol) like #CharlestonShooting from happening again: #racialdivorce.
Nature = subspecies struggle for space till one is wiped out. Xtianity tries to overcome this with bilge about 'mystical body of christ.'
Does every black have an "imperishable soul" of "inestimable value"? If you say yes, then we can't live in the same country. #TeamWhite
We all talk nonstop about nigger violence. But when someone acts, watch the continental divide between the racists and Vdare-#tcot liberals.
You spirit-queers (conservatives & christians) shouldn't be synth-lamenting dead niggers, you should be underlining nog-on-white rape. #tcot
Fox News - attractive white submissives serving the jews. #tcot "It was all a game, a way of making a living" -Sobran on pro conservatism
I hadn't even visited my own #HUSHCRIMES page in two weeks. It's now up to 88 pages of NIGGERS ATTACKING WHITES. http://t.co/RSJrKbZDhQ
Conservatives = weaklings. Conservatives = alt-liberalsm. Conservatism is a synonym for liberal, same with christian. Xtianity IS liberalism
Yeah, I'm really bothered by some white kid killing some USELESS WHITE-HATING WORTHLESS NIGGERS. I'm going to cry to sleep over it.
Maybe valuable niggers like those in Charleston would be safer if we gave racists (whites) their own separate country. #CharlestonShooting
June 11, 2015:
Jesus and soybeans: they unman you. http://t.co/cpMh1EbYwM
June 07, 2015:
Book: "The German Genius" by Peter Watson. Germany is ahead in (basically everything). But backward in (NS) politics? How likely is that?
Germany was ahead in politics too because it figured out how to deal with the jew - something no Anglo culture has managed in modern times.
June 04, 2015:
In a world of coded jew bullshit, it's nice to have a refreshing magazine of bloodlust like Dabiq. "If you're not us...you should be dead!"
May 29, 2015:
What's horrifying to the jews about BitCoin? Internet? THE JEWISH FILTER HAS BEEN REMOVED. THREATENING GOY-ON-GOY ACTION.
May 28, 2015:
May 27, 2015:
What promiscuous physical love can be to the body is what promiscuous spiritual love actually is to the body politic. #muhspiritualequality
Our job is not to worry about fairness to liars and punch-pullers aka conservatives, it's to part them out via vicious attacks & mockery.
Your god created the nigger? In His image and likeness? Do tell me more about being a racialist and a christian. #spiritualmiscegenation
Pattern: jews take over immigration, admit muslims and other coloreds who then prey on whites & their children. As jews wanted. And of course jews make it "hate" to notice any of this, and a crime to talk about it in public. Jews are behind #whitegenocide
The church denounced Nazism and 'racism' but light-witted racialists get angry if one points out xtianity & racialism = competitors.
Tripartite white state, underneath racial defensive shell: religious cranks (xtians+), managed-care racialists (NS), free-range racialists.
The South has many proud traditions, but none prouder or longerstanding than helping the damn(jew)yank extend his evil empire worldwide.
Jewish banking cartel and jewish media are murdering the world. The world needs to turn the tables and make jews extinct as a species.
To a jew, "disrupting" = making it harder for jew to control. BitCoin disrupts the Fed narrative. Internet disrupts MSM narrative ...
I'm against physical miscegenation, it's bad. But spiritual miscegenation (christian / racialist) is a good thing. #what
BitCoin and the Internet are both inherently anti-jew and pro-white. There's a common thread there...
Did Hitler support abortion? Gun control? Pornography? Open borders? Homosexual 'marriage'? Just what about him wasn't conservative? #tcot
In a white society, of pretty much any historical example, the LCD is higher than in jewed/mud-ridden society.
How white can you be if you think white men can't do anything without central leadership? If so, we're just light-colored muds.
#Tcot conservatives are creatures who respond not to arguments and reason but to labels and positions. They are mass men, who must conform.
The attempts to use facts and reason with the mass public is the eternal stumbling block of the racialist right. Said someone, paraphrased.
Blacks who kill other blacks are pretty much the only socially useful blacks out there. #blacklivesmatter
May 26, 2015:
Disagreement is trolling to the leftist. Only his own opinions are legitimate, hence any disagreement isn't serious, is hate, is "trolling."
May 23, 2015:
One race builds castles, the other lives in mud huts. But race isn't a real thing, it's just concocted.
The day those whiteskin #antiwhites fear white retribution more than the jews they serve is the day our race begins to make progress.
Jews are a biological group which has acted the same rotten way since before the sci-fi character jesus was created.
The pope is down there on the shore telling Italy and Europe to embrace the invading alien. https://t.co/7dcxkAeIfg
"you cant replace something with nothing." I can't replace falsehood with facts? I need to come up with a new lie?
MacDonald says NS was anti-western - and that was its success - it mirrored judaism - a team & ideology 4 whites https://t.co/sQJb1l7tWT
White kids should be taught their own racial history & myths, not some semitic garbage. The bible = nasty lies. https://t.co/alTyyyHDfI
Christians claim all virtue, created science, etc, but what have non-white xtians (the majority) achieved vs white? https://t.co/qQk3WnODR5
If xtianity were genuinely dangerous to jews they would crush it like NS. Starting by removing its tax protection.
a jew is just an unconverted christian - and admired 'elder bro in faith' - this is xtian doctrine. #antiwhite
Christianity always protected _jews_, not whites. It let them escape white mobs by dripping water on their head. https://t.co/6t35xJ6c11
Christianity is anti-white for many reasons but one main one is that it tells us we are all in this together. Brotherhood of man
Christianity told you to "convert" blacks and care for their souls. Now you live with the misery of that craziness.
Our current society is set up for the benefit of the government. We know that means jews. But not just jews.
May 22, 2015:
God curses those who aid & abet monster Israel. God makes America bankrupt, violent, stupid & diseased because we faciltate evil jews. #tcot
May 21, 2015:
Whites are biologically more individualistic than other races. Among ourselves, this is good. Among outside races, it's an attack avenue.
There are no egalitarians at the fruit stand. Nobody says one apple is as good as another. All pick thru for best. People are different? No.
Under which conditions do whites thrive? ... now, with your answers in hand, which politiicans advocate those conditions? #TeamWhite
Whites get nowhere without organization. They must have leader kernel. With ADL/FBI-level security & checks. And soldiers willing to kill.
You can't be a white man AND a universalist christian. They are two separate and opposed worldviews. Pick one or the other, you must.
If your racial opponent has an "imperishable soul" of "inestimable value," then how you gonna be raciss toward him? Figure it out, crissies.
Whether you enslave the nigger for his own moral good (old South) or worship him as god (new North), either way you accord him value.
Christians of white went to dusky lands not to wipe out local but to CONVERT them. The wiping out was done by bacteria and viruses.
Does christianity accept yellow men? brown men? black men? hooknosed men? eskimos? bantu? oompa loompas? But it's not #antiwhite. You sure?
"Muh reality is different. Run by special rules, known only to we." Special claims can't be proved, only disputed in religious wars.
The christian church can't be #antiwhite because I like it. This is the only real 'argument' the christian racialist has.
Christianity = liberalism. Can't treat the other guy as a class, that's "immoral." That leads to #whitegenocide.
It's not a beautiful story, either, it's an ugly and ridiculous tall tale which appeals to the self-pitying weakling in people
Irrelevant to this discussion. Christian doctrines are anti-racial and universalist. Thus they are inherently anti-white.
The xtian has no doctrinal way to separate man from man racially, rather all are (or should be) one in mystical body of christ
Christianity is liberalism. All men are created by God, all reflect his image. Hence all deserve care, conversion & rights.
When you define jews wrong, you can't defeat them. This is the christian error. It remains to be seen if our race can recover from it.
It is a sign of the intellectual incompetence & dopey conservatism of our movement that few WN realize role of xtianity in #whitegenocide.
Christianity isn't waning. The #whitegenocide in its doctrines was latent until 20th-centry technology evoked it Raspail-style
Now that the monkeys of asia & africa can get to white Europe, xtianity has no doctrine to keep them out, cuz man = man.
The other side is more than willing to acknowledge whites are different from other races, and special - but only in the negative dimension.
Where jews own media & government, whites become uniquely evil, and cause unique suffering (black slavery & 'the' 'holocaust'). #loxism
Jews call themselves chosen, and act like they're gods. They run things. Christians are proud to be humble little dumb praying livestock.
Competition produces fitness. This applies in business as in biology. It's not good, or even really possible, to get too far from this rule.
Who says whites and blacks have to live in the same area? Whoever he is, he's the author of #whitegenocide.
We must not make distinctions among jews but treat them as monolithic anti-white team of hostile aliens.
EU is the jew's best friend - centralized power makes it easier for small numbers (like jews) to obtain maximum leverage.
The key is not how many times jews got kicked out, it's how many times we let them back in. Blame christianity for that 110x mistake.
How do you solve racial strife? Allow free association. Stop taxing productive whites to subsidize feral niggers. Jews won't allow these.
Govt doesn't do what it does because it's liberal & stupid, as #tcot liars contend (to flatter their dolts), but because it's jewish & evil.
May 20, 2015:
Eagles hate Republicans and abhor conservatives. "We soar. They grovel," one told me recently. #tcot #tlot
Taxes are the price we pay for civilization, if by civilization you mean endless wars and colonies of feral niggers.
Civilization is a threat to government, which thrives on disorder, which it produces itself a number of ways.
If your goal is to explain something, you can't leave out a large chunk and consider the job done. Communism/jew. Car/engine. SA/jew.
as things slowly disintegrate, it is clear to those with eyes that white civilization was but a carving out of the wilderness
This one goes out to all the fine soldiers who never accepted money to serve their country. Major props to all 0 of you. #greenniggers
May 18, 2015:
White children should be taken away from their parents at birth, their parents jailed for racism, their genetic treasure given to community.
So...according to 'professional' 'academics' who 'profess' 'whiteness studies'...there is not one positive thing about whiteness. Not one!
America has social problems because America has jews. When you treat jews as individuals, you have set in motion society's destruction.
Do you believe that most things happen for no particular reason, and that prayer is a good way of dealing with them?
May 17, 2015:
You think God made the nigger? In His image and likeness? Do you realize this means that God is a nigger? And you worship this?
Your pope is welcoming third-world apes into Europe, and telling us white humans to accept them as brothers. Xtianity = death.
The NEA is #antiwhite. The Dept. of Education is #antiwhite. The Dept. of Justice is #antiwhite. ZOG is #antiwhite.
Grab a paper. Make 2 columns. In 1), list all the NEGATIVE TERMS FOR WHITES you can find in newspapers / hear on tv. In 2), same for blacks.
Jews are for jews. That's their party, their politics, their heart, their hub. The rest is masks. They aren't like you, white man.
Moderation in all things, said the Greeks. The jesus cult is nothing but drama-queening. It is a wrong path. We must go back to go forward.
If jews/blacks actually believed racism were as bad a problem as they say, it is logically unavoidable they would push for racial divorce
Jews are for easy divorce in personal life, but for shotgun marriages when it comes to races. Why? Both destroy white society. #loxism
May 12, 2015:
Niggers. Every last one of these ambulant pieces of shit is trying to live off living whites and dead blacks.
May 11, 2015:
Not every black is a nigger. But every black has nigger friends & nigger relatives. This is why any association with blacks is a bad idea.
You can't hang out with shitbags without getting some on you. Niggers are a race of shitbags. If you won't learn - you will. #mudsharkFAIL
May 10, 2015:
Mixing our white racial cause with conservatism is only one shade better than the jew-forced race mixing of black and white. #tcot
Funny how jews can always escape, and not just escape but find sinecures in fresh foreign countries.
May 09, 2015:
Just like jews, christians have a pet set hate name for those who differ: 'pagan' (not xtian), 'atheist' (aSanta-ist?)
To show your independence, why don't you coons of soot take a day off from white culture, & eat grubs & wash clothes in river?#BlackExcellence
In Judeo-leftistan, regretted sex can be rape, and opinions you don't like can be violence. http://t.co/86Ee9qOXRv #Oberlin
We are supposed to help the poor. To feel "solidarity" with them. To open our hearts & homes & borders 2 them. This is xtianity. It is insane
Christianity links moral virtue with poverty, then opens borders to the morally virtuous, who are 99% Third Worlders. Xtianity = #antiwhite
May 08, 2015:
Niggers: You realize you'd be living in a mud hut in Africa? Everything you have is made by whites. You're an animal by comparison.
Black criminals know that the jewish media and brainwashed whites will make excuses for their rioting and looting
All whites think blacks are niggers. But where some think they should be spayed or eradicated, others think they're toys or fixer-uppers.
@PamelaGeller Before JEWS like GELLER changed USA immigration policy, there were no muslims in US. #tcot
@PamelaGeller Jew named CELLAR rhymes with GELLER opened US borders to jihadis back in 1965. Ol' vulture Pammy leaves that part out. #tcot
After the IDF murders Palestinian babies, the corpses are shipped to #PamGeller's house. She eats them on matzohs. Because she's a vulture.
All bad in the world is due to white people. We should simply kill them all and be done with it. #whiteprivilege Why not cut the bs?
To the lying jewish leftists, whites are responsible for everything but their own success. #whiteprivilege
We're all prideful and contrarians when we're born. But too many of us lose that natural state of grace along the way.
Most black people didn't even exist until whites showed up to rape, pillage and colonize them into rapid population growth.
You know what, people? If you actually HAVE some quality, you no more can hide/need advertise it than that monkey with inflamed red butt.
Feminist: a "strong" woman who can't even withstand the modest social pressure from not participating in a wedding bouquet toss.
Whites ended slavery. Do you realize that? It still goes on in Africa, Israel and Muslims counties - ie non-white lands.
"White people have the right to exist!" If this isn't simply a cry into existential void, who are you talking to?
An animated jar of Cheez Whiz disclaiming its expiration date has more gravitas than a christian maundering on about eternal life.
I feel I am a praying mantis trapped in the body of a emerald tree python. Is there a bathroom for me?
Whites should think systematically, but they seem inherently not to do this, being captivated by personalities more than ideas.
It's difficult to find a top 'British' leader who isn't a jew or heavily admixed with that pernicious race. http://t.co/cF6zj3ukiP
May 07, 2015:
If you understand jews and their agenda, you can know in advance not everything that will happen, but how it will be treated in the media.
Good example of jews attempting to channel awakening whites into jew-safe, impotent, controlled-opposition parties. https://t.co/EHllFW28RG
I'm not going to be dominated by jews. I'm not a heteroqueer spirit-fag like xtians/conservatives.#tcot
The minute you talk God or morality you're hauled up by fact that 99% of species that ever existed are extinct.
I don't want to "save" anybody, rather I want to go a different way with whites who think like I do. Bro-hood-of-man xtians can go their way
The racialists aren't forcing others to be racialist; rather the jews & shabbes goyim are forcing whites to amalgamate with muds. #loxism
Jews know who they are. They divide whites by ideas so they can't see what they have in common is race.
Ideas for jews are ways of tricking others; they work better or worse. For whites, they are taken as deepest truths, bases of identities.
Christianity might as well have been created to set white hearts and brains at war with sense organs. Christianity is #antiwhite.
So you invent a god. And it tells you that treating, say, Baltimore niggers as a class is "immoral." You & your religion are insane. #tcot
Today on twitter I read some #NRx cretin talking about how treating niggers as individuals is some kind of moral advance.
If you criticize muslims and support jews, then you're a coward and most likely also an ignorant idiot. #loxism #tcot #antiwhite
Refusing to see racial patterns & shapes & wholes is hardly superior intellection, rather it is genocidal nonsense - and catholic doctrine.
Degeneracy has many forms, and christianity is one of them. It is inherently and irremediably #antiwhite.
This is the simplest way to sum up politics, doesn't matter which land: the jews and those who serve them are the bad guys. #loxism
The most destructive words ever uttered came from the pen of a jewish sci-fi writer: "Judge not lest ye be judged."
No good lying nigger (doubly redundant) who made up "hands up don't shoot" lie arrested. http://t.co/B9ctYjCdSN #MichaelBrown
Bunch of #hushcrimes you haven't even heard of, and some you have. http://t.co/EijppnrYIZ
May 06, 2015:
The white part of Africa is civilized (well, used to be), and the black part of America is uncivilized. I wonder why that is. #tcot
May 05, 2015:
Go read Mencken's memoirs, full of people and sights and scenes in Baltimore before 1900. Do you not get it - what has happened? #TeamWhite
So are the retarded niggers to blame? Or the white christians who allow jews to give them rights and force-mix them with us? #tcot #loxism
Blacks are considered people -- literal human beings -- and given RIGHTS! and allowed to VOTE! and you talk about #whiteprivilege?
Just a reminder Apocrine-Americans. Your "human" status is temporary. It will be revoked at the first opportunity. #BaltimoreRiots
If you have trigger warnings, you're basically an amateur bubble boy. That's not really something to be proud of, it's more pathetic.
People who are legitimately superior are to be admired, respected and emulated, not hated and dragged down.
Hey international jews media, I thought you cared about minority rights? You know, in South Africa? Where whites are slaughtered? No?
Conservatism severed from racialism makes no sense, yet the jews called neocons have achieved this in USA.
Then, when yet another budding white organization is crushed, they send in their JaredTaylors to lie that we are doing it to ourselves.(2/2)
The jews who run the government, through their tools at FBI and their private catspaws, prevent whites from organizing. (1/2)
May 04, 2015:
A cannibal in pants with an EBT card is all the American nigger is. Freedom, equality, even privilege, can't raise its roof. #BaltimoreRiots
The black is not a man, it is a nigger. To be despised, laughed at, and above all else, kept away from human society. #BaltimoreRiots
Never confuse your cult with your race. The former is transient gibberish, the latter is what you contain which is of actual value.
When it's illegal to talk about what must be done, that means it's time to start killing the enemy. Because you are now a slave. #UK
In practical terms, conservatism = jew subservience. #tcot That's the only 'issue' on which cons never bend: support for Israel and jews.
Nigel Farrago kicks you out of the UKIP for even MENTIONING that whites are being SLAUGHTERED WHOLESALE in S. Africa. I mean...WTF people?
If conservatism were good enough to get the job done, then how explain last 100 years? #tcot #fakeoppposition
Don't accept good-enough when it comes to defending your race. Would you buy a shotgun that fired every tenth time? WTF is with you white people?
Whites are so beaten down as a race psychologically they will say they are voting pro-white when a Farage SAYS PUBLICLY UKIP = "anti-racist"
The white and black races are equal in neither achievement nor capacity; forcing them together is a crime against whites. #whiteprivilege
#PamGeller and her jewish buddies are the ones who let those Muslims into the country in the first place. #tcot
Who let those violent, stupid muslims into your country, white man? The same jews who forced blacks among you. #tcot
Why do #tcot conservatives hate Muslims? Because it's safe. The jews running the US give them the signal they won't lose their job for it.
No, it's hate speech and anti-semitism and blood libel when you go off facting about our behavior. Now, shut up and lampoon Mohammed.#trujew
It makes the conservative feel superior to call government policies stupid or insane when they are but rational policies for jewish ends.
Conservatism is a heavy fog that prevents men from seeing the true force at work: jews & the agenda they're inflicting on whites. #loxism
May 03, 2015:
Whites have more imaginary faults than all other races put together, in the same way jews have suffered more imaginary atrocities. #loxism
The conservative is the man who does the work of the anti-white jew, either out of fear, self-interest, or incomprehension. #tcot #tlot
Persecution of jews is what they call it. Protection of whites is what it is. Jews are the only race that controls the media - or needs to.
That races exist and differ is science. Smearing this scientific position by means of coinages like 'racism' is politics. #loxism
No matter what kind of verbal chocolate you dip it in, jew-left, the turdy nigger-nougat always comes through. #thug
Left: "You can't call blacks any word that even hints at their destructive malevolence, or we will bash you to death with our 'racism.'"
How can we shift responsibility for black actions onto white attitudes? This is the only question the judeo-left is interested in.
Leftist word janitors follow the niggers trying desperately to clean up whichever latest euphemism the nig's behavior has restanked. #thug
May 02, 2015:
As magic to entertainment, so #racism to politics. It's a fun trick, good for amusing ourselves, but only children think it's real.
#Racism is an inherently anti-white concept & was designed that way by communist jews who murdered tens of millions of whites last century.
A destruction of #RobinDiAngelo and the bogus concept of #whiteprivilege in post #9. http://t.co/yGxGrDpcER … #vnnforum #loxism
May 01, 2015:
I also think Cultural Marxism is simply weak. It sounds like the typical con attempt to avoiding naming the source of prob.
Cultural marxist is a euphemism for jewish marxism, and its intent is the same as in 20th century - to genocide whites.
Even the proponents of #whiteprivilege admit they can't get people to grasp the concept. But all understand whites pay for everything.
The Catholic church never saved whites from jews, it saved jews from whites. It gave kikes a way to escape popular anger thru baptism.
Men who are women, which is to say, are continually concerned with what others think of them, inevitably end up being blown with the tides.
Just as the jews have a controlled right (roughly, anything featuring flag or eagle), they will also set up a 'controlled white.' @jartaylor
April 30, 2015:
Money and media are twin pillars of jew power. from them the rest is possible - buying pols and promulgating false history
"...traits necessary for attaining difficult goals: self-control, commitment, persistence, conscientiousness, resilience, and passion"
The problem is our religion prevents us 1) from seeing jews for what they are (biology denial), 2) from defending ourselves.
90% of the white population watches the political Punch & Judy show without realizing the two are both puppets on jew hands.
Blacks don't want this or that, they want everything we've got. All our money, women, lands, etc. And jews facilitate them.
We must polarize the white states between #TeamWhite and Team Jew. We must make people see this is the only true war.
The 20th century revealed that our white religious cult, xtianity, is anti-white and genocide-facilitating. Jews use it.
Whites act like they're in a refereed debate or contest when in fact they're in a zero-sum war, with their genocide sought.
The global jewsmedia has taught blacks they're oppressed by whites who earned nothing and stole everything from POC.
Jews got the 1924 act reversed in 1965. Since then, immigration (legal) has been 90% non-white. And illegal same thing.
The media deny white desert, white merit, white achievement - sum it up by saying jew-promulgated media deny white existential legitimacy.
Blacks are essentially violent retards. And jews tell them whites are responsible for all their failures, & encourage them to attack us.
Jews are criminally inciting blacks to violence against whites, with the intention of dispossessing & then genociding whites. #loxism
Spreading hate and inciting violence - but this is what the jews in the media do daily - and it's all directed against my white community.
#1 Hush Crimes Thread...79 pages of 30 posts apiece documenting media-obscured racial attacks on whites http://t.co/pqz6Hy2Gem
Even the simplest mentation is beyond avg conservatives these days. Why aren't there riots in Vermont? It's Dem. controlled too? #tcot
April 29, 2015:
Does it make sense to treat niggers as individuals? Hell no. But your ideology hates common sense with passion.
Everyone of sense hates niggers, except you Individualist Freedom Lovers scared shitless of looking at their actual behavior
Buh buh...they riot for reasons! Male girl, niggers don't do anything for reasons. Only white people do things for reasons. #BaltimoreRiots
Jewsmedia: white attitudes are the problem. Whites: black behavior is the problem. Blacks: bix nood muhfugga. #BaltimoreRiots
April 28, 2015:
Jews are the problem that prevents the other problems from being dealt with, indeed tries to obscure that they even exist.
Barely one tenth of the population, and blacks commit half the violent crime. what a trash population.
EBT queen, using white man computer. white man internet. white man language. you're privileged to live among humans
The American white public refuse to accept responsibility for black behavior. We must browbeat them until every last one feels guilty. --media
It's christian notions of morality that make political correctness - which is jewish - semitical correctness - so effective.
The way to think about blacks, what they are, what they represent as a body, is time-lapse photography. Growing necrotic cells blacken USA.
Recognizing patterns of behavior where they appear is but common sense. We all do it. It's unavoidable and necessary.
Whites have spent trillions through taxes and philanthropy trying to elevate blacks. Yet continue to be abused by jewsmedia as racists.
How many #BaltimoreRiots black pockets would you have to go through before you found one that wasn't carrying an EBT card? #blackprivilege
Whites show up in the bottom right corner of Africa. They create society. Black pigeons flock to the park bench.
Jews redistribute responsibility through their media. Black behavior becomes a function of white attitudes under their pen.
Jews have taken no responsibility -- and suffered no consequences -- for the mass slaughter of innocent white men via their communism.
It's ok to generalize about whites on the basis of their whiteness, but wrong to generalize about blacks on basis of their behavior. #what
#whiteprivilege - the a priori denial of the legitimacy white superiority as reflected in achievements nearly across the board
When it comes to gaining admittance to the UK, dogs and cats are held to a higher standard than Africans and Muslims.
Blacks will try to swim across oceans to get to white countries. So they can be 'oppressed.' Your privilege is living among us.
Tens of thousands of white women are raped each year by blacks. No blacks are raped by whites. That's one #whiteprivilege
You (blacks) havent endured anything others haven't. You've been given benefits others have not, including endless excuses for behavior
Like most blacks, you think your race participates in civilization rather than impedes it. You're privileged to live among us.
Whites pay for you EBT, WIC and welfare. And you all have the nerve to talk about institutional racism and privilege.
We simply need a racial divorce because our races are incompatible. It's only the jew-controlled feds preventing divorce.
Cops mistreat people often. But these national cases are selected for anti-white reasons, and not based on facts.
You (blacks) go on about #whiteprivilege while whites are murdered every day of the year by blacks and the jewsmedia cover it up.
Nearly all great discoverers, explorers, scientists etc are white. Whites are interested in everything that exists.
Jews are the ones who control the media and make excuses for black behavior. And invent bogus concepts like #whiteprivilege.
April 27, 2015:
If the black race were an individual, it would be on death row or locked in a mental ward. You do realize that, don't you? #baltimoreriots
Tired of the gaslighting. Every hour of every day of every year the judenpresse is bullshitting us about basic facts
Blacks are innocent pieces of beautiful mahogany driftwood, floating passive on a rising tide of white evil.
This is why any white who wants to help blacks or thinks that's some kind of lofty ideal is head-sickly disordered. https://t.co/qdCa7FDGZP
Baltimore used to be the town of Poe and Mencken, now it's the disturbed wharf ghetto of homo ebtus.
Burning it down and loot it is the black version of eat your cake and have it too. https://t.co/PQUTWSl2RV
You want to help niggers? You know what you are: you're a fucking ANTI-SOCIAL head case, and ought to be beaten until you recover your senses.
All right, whichever one of you has the receipt for these niggers better dig it up, cuz we need a refund.
Our enemy is rationally described as jews + muds + white degenerates/malocclusives, such as they can find or build. #TeamWhite
Whites' very existence is seen as trolling by other races, since they mostly suck at being hominids. I mean, look around. They got nothing.
There is no way to satisfy an enemy who wants you dead. It is cowardly and ineffectual to pretend otherwise, as conservatives do. #tcot
If you wanted to destroy the white race, how would you do it? --this is the easiest way to see the overall pattern & grasp what's going on
"We concocted a concept to deny white achievement - #whiteprivilege. Then one to belittle any who objected - #whitefragility." --N.J. Wise
If you don the yarmulke, for any reason, you are a traitor to the white race. Know this, too: your time will come. #TeamWhite
Every aspect of white personality, history, behavior - existence - is pathologized by loxist jews, and given a cute hate handle for dupes
April 26, 2015:
The average racialist thinks in the defensive, defeatist way of the conservatives. Nazi posters show the right attitude.
ADL put out release praising twitter for essentially declaring more things 'hate' and 'threats,' and banning their tweeters.
Individualist/universalist christ-inanity impedes a rational response to jewish anti-white collectivism. Race must be our base
Average whites don't need awakened. http://t.co/scRJUMTVju They need leadership.
Better way to put it is: states roll their own. They create the kind of creatures who 'need' their 'services.' https://t.co/233L2NJzfX
April 25, 2015:
"The anti-SJW offensive is spreading out from games into books and other industries." http://t.co/dovChOC8og
By 2030 conservatives will be citing "Jesus loves the little children of the world" in defense of pedophilia. #tcot
April 24, 2015:
Good example of why I say you can be christian or white but not both. http://t.co/HucFiU6p6l
Republicans line up to suck jewcock. Remember to vote. It's important! https://t.co/Ldl5grHqlX
You must expiate your #whitesin, white man. Forsake your #whiteprivilege and bury your genes in the discolored masses.
Original sin dog-trained whites they are guilty FOR JUST EXISTING. Gee, how in the world does this relate to the concept of #whiteprivilege?
The bible has answers! Not the right answers, but then it wasn't written for the type that demands right answers.
As a nigger who likes to steal things and attack cops, I'd like to thank the jews in the media for covering me. #whiteprivilege
Even an African can see that #whiteprivilege is just the Christian principle of original sin, transposed. https://t.co/VnCCyiVvpF
As a useless nigger, I'd like to thank white people for inventing everything and allowing me to appropriate it. #whiteprivilege
It may be marginally better for an individual to be a christian than a drunk, but socially the drunk is less destructive.
God created distinct and incompatible races, and set genocide as the principle by which to reconcile competing claims.
Niggers just want your money, white man, not the character traits that produced it. They're niggers. Whole & complete in themselves.
You can have blacks or civilization, not both. But when you decide for civilization, then you must contend with the jew. This...is reality.
Theft is a white concept, not a black one... Rape is a white concept, not a black one... Civilization is a...
Seeing blacks and browns as fellow humans isn't working out. And that category error traces directly to the Semitic cult called christianity
April 23, 2015:
What could go wrong with letting a jew named Nudelman from a family with a history of depression and mental illness run your foreign policy?
Leftists have learned that rightists will fight neither physically nor verbally. Thus they murder and smear with aplomb and abandon. #loxism
April 22, 2015:
YOUR equals according to YOUR church. To think otherwise is "an affront to human dignity." - catholic cult https://t.co/OVojOAwyCR
Blacks: time to stop pretending they're humans, let alone equals. Do you dare risk being called "immoral" by your suicidal cult, white man?
Best shooter in nba is a sheeeitman named Shitav-- just kidding. It's a white guy named Kyle. http://t.co/nB85ucX08K
It's not a matter of waking up the white masses, but of leading those whites who want to live thru the jew back to racial sovereignty. #tcot
There are still white liberals in South Africa. Even in 2015, with whites having lost power, status, & jobs. And 80,000 underground.
Malicious lying jews repeat lies from books written by malicious lying jews. NO WAY OUT BUT THROUGH THE JEWS. #vnnforum
April 21, 2015:
So would you rather have lynching or niggers free to gang rape human women in front of hundreds of people doing nothing?
April 20, 2015:
Identify and get rid of the jews, and the rest of the problem clear right up. No matter the country.
April 19, 2015:
If they're "strong" women, why are they put off by the slightest bit of laughter, doubt or resistance?
Cultural marxism = Jewish marxism. Jewish marxism murdered tens of millions of whites in the 20th century. #fightloxism
April 18, 2015:
You see how your cult trapped you, white man? With doctrine that every one of those Libyans invading Italy is an important individual soul?
Top 7 imaginary problems of our times: 1) racism, 2) sexism, 3) homophobia, 4) antisemitism, 5) white privilege, 6) Iranian nukes 7) ketchup
Blacks can't make a distinction between being rejected for their race and being rejected for being violent, stupid and useless. #samething
If you want children with no hair, tiny brains, flubberlips and giant apocrine glands, go black girls. #diversitymeans
With the return of warm weather, the negro emerges from its lair, gaps and stretches, and... https://t.co/cAPOfO8X28
April 17, 2015:
I have a certificate PROVING i am a REAL HUMAN BEING. And know what bitch? It's NOTARIZED. Dig on that, ponyboys.
When I troll, it's for giant Jewfish aka the PC renamed goliath grouper. But sometimes lil dogfish get dragged up. Nets aren't perfect.
Contrast with Hitler. No one ever EVER said Hitler was in it for the money. But which American conservative ISNT?
Niggers are free riders on a world they couldnt build and can't even keep running when given the keys. See Detroit.
When I'm king, all niggers will be forced onto a reservation and made to use SHEEEEEEEEITMANN on a white field as their official flag.
Niggers: You want to shoplift. But you don't want to be thought of as shoplifters. That won't work, no matter how hard u poo-fling.
You define whiteness as wholly negative. If so, then the entire man-created world is negative. You attitude = hateful ingrate.
Whites carry a knapsack filled with stones called EBT, WIC, welfare, section 8, affirmative action. Coontown is a freeloader.
Admit it, white man. You're as tired as I am of pretending blacks are people. It's time to pretend they're not people. AKA the reality game.
Federal* laws discriminating against whites are real, #whiteprivilege is a little hazier. (*Laws from real institutions, featuring real power
Is there any subset of nigger failure that can't be blamed on whites? I'm guessing the answer is no. #TeamWhite
We've now reached the stage where the enemy thinks the white is down, and all the little people rush in to try their head kicks.
Newest #antiwhite term (I've) heard: white fragility. Def: white self-defense against unwarranted racial attacks by anti-white consultants.
Whites and blacks were on the business end of a shotgun instructing them to marry. Guess who's on the other end? The jew.
If leftists actually believed the system were racistly pro-white, what would the most obvious, quickest solution be? Yes. A white state.
If racism is such a terrible problem, as everyone and the dead possum in the road assures me it is, then why not a racial divorce?
If white racism is so terrible and threatening, then surely blacks need a state of their own, safe from these evil whiteskinned monsters.
I don't care what blacks do to blacks. I only care what they do to humans. It is a hate crime to allow them to live among us. #loxism
Blacks are good and whites are guilty -- just two of the lies you can read in every single edition of Jewish Gaslighter Daily. #loxism
You have already conceptually ceded your kind's continued existence when you use 'racism' without tweezers, well meaning white man. #loxism
They take your vote. They wipe their ass on it. They laugh about it next day in their media. What does that leave for us, white men?
Every mass media newspaper ought to be called Gaslighter Daily, because that is all these "news" sources do - systematically reverse reality
Leftism to jews is a rational technique to achieve Tribal ends; for whites it is a myth/cult thing, an idea of Good/Progress.
People of Germanic descent - so good, so gullible. So willing to believe lies about their own kind; so unwilling to believe truth about jews
National conversation = shut up and listen to my anti-white harangue, you white bastard. #whiteprivilege
Whites are set on fire and gang raped while the jew-controlled junkmedia go on about #whiteprivilege.
If you'd put Israel ahead of America, guess what that makes you, christian? I mean besides a sapsucker. It makes you a traitor. #tcot
April 16, 2015:
What normal whites want is a society in which they dont have to CRINGE when they're watching TV with their ELDERS.
If Ann Coulter were something more than a Tenneessee hick, she'd feel SHAME at writing a book about COMMUNISM that denies its JEWISH ROOTS.
The Nazis ACTUALLY ACHIEVED what conservatives CLAIM they want: cleaning the SHIT, the SEX SHIT, out of society. Cons? NEVER. NOT ONCE.
Conservatives are contemptible cowards. That is not my opinion. That is objective, demonstrable, perduring fact.
That nazi poster captured it: a jew is a nasty little piece of shit that is properly mucked out of society on the end of a pitchfork.
I dont want to live in a shitdreck by shecky society where you have to cringe every time you try to watch tv with your grandma. FUCK U KIKES
Catholic geniuses and regional tards of re say white identity isn't real, is too abstract. That's cool. You just keep away, WE'LL TAKE IT.
NO ONE WANTS THE WHITE IDENTITY - it's sitting there on the table like a knife. Let's pick it up and go to STABTOWN.
Undersimplification is the main intellectual problem on the right, and this makes it THE political problem. We are WHITE. Our enemy is JEW.
Our cause is racial. Our enemy is the jew. The rest is interior decoration, and not of primary concern at the moment. #TeamWhite
Punch pulling. It's what conservatives do. You have to look out for your self-interest, your income, for that is the highest value. #tcot
The more you centralize power, the greater the danger when it falls into wrong hands. HAVE YOU MET FUCKING PEOPLE? WHO AMONG THEM ISNT CLOWN
Save making government positions subject to an annual blood lottery, a la Miss Jackson, everything has been tried. Men are corrupt. Always.
When did the white public vote to become a third-world nation? It never did. A jewish judge voted that. And a jewed media backed it.
Jews aren't the problem? Ok. Take whatever CONSERVATIVE change you desire. Solve it in theory. Now in practice, who blocks your change?
NRx can't figure out if jews are the problem or solution? That tells me what I need to know about NRx.
The point that must be pounded because the PTB and fake opposition try to obscure it is that JEWS LET MUSLIMS INTO WESTERN COUNTRIES.
It is JEWS in the US who prevent the WHITE MAJORITY from protecting itself exactly the way Israel does - discriminating & deporting. #tcot
REFUSE TO BE USED BY JEWS. I'm talking to you, Southron FAHTIN' MAN. I'm talking to you middle American GERMAN BLOCKHEAD CONSERVATIVE.
Two pillars of jew control: media and money. internet blows up the first; (bitcoin) threatens to blow up the second. http://t.co/MaQJHoSvkd
Decentralization is objectively pro-white. Hate libertarians all you want, what they push for is objectively helpful, no matter their intent
Decentralization of media is GOOD FOR WHITES. Decentralization of money is GOOD FOR WHITES. Both are BAD FOR JEWS. #loxism #TeamWhite
Hitler got Germany out of the jewed banking system. You think he'd miss or deny the significant of (bitcoin) were he here today?
April 15, 2015:
Has a black woman ever written an article about anything other than being a black woman? God who cares SOOOO BORING. SOOO NOTHING U ADD.
Jews occasionally lie they are white to receive some benefit or protection, but here's the truth: http://t.co/8yoMHWl9xT
America divides into 2 classes: 1) those horrified by things NIGGERS DO (lighting whites on fire) 2) those horrified by my use of NIGGER
A. Money and christianity. Q. Name me two things that have been tried and tried and tried and just cant turn niggers into human beings.
Hate is not some emotional appendix; it is as necessary to the proper spiritual functioning of the organism as all the other emotions.
It's a game we play. How long can we hide the race of the victim of the multiple-'black man' gang rape down in Florida? --Judenpresse
Mass media, owned by jews, function as a PR agency running a neverending campaign to promote blacks as human people.
Slavery? What of it. Jews imported a couple hundred thousand blacks to USA. Now there are over 40,000,000. They thrived here.
"Holocaust" is simply jewish propaganda, intended to induce guilt/make jews profits. No soap, no lampshades, no gas chambers.
Jews used to claim nazis made them into soap & lampshades. Now they admit those were lies. Will be same with gas chambers in time.
April 14, 2015:
Jews don't want to convert, jews want to subvert. We need to help their constituent atoms repackage into fresh constellations.
Jews should be dealt with precisely as we'd deal with any other destructive agent. We'd eradicate it.
Do you feel bad about exterminating the termites that eat your house? Then why feel bad about exterminating the jews that wreck your nation?
Is it racist to mock Asians for eating spiders? Cuz I can assure you, sure aint gonna be no cultural appropriation going on up in here.
Do you feel about exterminating termites, who eat your wood foundation? Then why feel bad about exterminating jews destroying your society?
Intellectuals have a self-interest in making things more complex than they actually are. The white racial cause - nothing is simpler.
Use your imagination and reclassify jews and blacks as vermin, and all moral problems disappear. And we can treat them as we were wise to.
Christianity has set the white man at war with himself. His rational mind, served loyally by his sense organs, is prejudiced by his religion
Willingness to debate rationally is a sign of honor and honest. But when your opponent is committed to winning at all costs, it availeth not
The only thing that slightly clouds our racial cause; the only thing that cuts its perfect clarity - is christian morality.
Imagine you had never heard of christianity or its morality. How would you think it reasonable to deal with blacks and jews?
Since 99.9% of species that ever existed are now extinct, doesn't that make extinction part of God's plan? #letsaddniggerstotheheap
So if I saw some blacks gang-raping a white girl, would it be racist to intervene? I mean, that is their culture. I want to be respectful.
April 13, 2015:
Niggers must be exterminated. They are not human. They are not the same species we are. They pose a threat. They must be exterminated.
You can be a christian or a white man - not both. And that goes for any variety of conservative too.
"Sweden's largest and leading newspaper, dn.se, is Jew-owned & -run and has been propagating for political correctness since the 60s."
No one is allowed to be a public conservative - get a syndicated column or tv time - unless he submits to the jews on the race question.
Every other interest - truckers, sex deviants, flower growers, Cubans - has political representation. Not whites. How do you explain that?
Racial purity for jews. Mongrelization for everybody else. Support for Israel is a sure sign of the liar, the coward - the conservative.
"I have a blond-haired, blue-eyed son who asked me a decade ago: "Why do the movie villains always look like me, mama?""
There are very few women who don't believe in astrology. In fact, there are very few people who do believe in causality.
I don't want to be controlled by beautiful-minded WASPs or low-minded jews. Certainly not tag teamed by these greasy bastards of dystopia.
See this SAer says: In the end the piousness of whites would mean their downfall. What they should have done was to extinguish this evil.
April 12, 2015:
blacks are wild animals, not humans as christian cult lies. history of black brutality toward humans in South Africa: http://t.co/S0iZtzwVxv
Theophilus Shepstone (who could speak several black languages) said that you should leave the blacks alone. Don’t feed them, don’t clothe...
If it weren't for christian doctrine, that everyone needs jesus, maybe the white man would have left the wild animals alone.
Christianity it was that put the idea in white heads that blacks could be fixed and that we owed it to them. Both ideas are false. #tcot
Free people use epithets and lynch criminals. Even if those criminals are judges. When whites put law worship over sense they became slaves.
read the comments re this spring break nigger gang rape in public with hundreds walking by pretending not to see http://t.co/nHSOySMnVw
Your morality tells you niggers should be allowed to run around free in white communities? Then you and your kind deserve to go extinct.
April 11, 2015:
Funny to see the Tardcons hating Obama because he put America ahead of Israel. #tcot #jewappeaserssuck
The white man's instincts told him to wipe out the miserable fauna he encountered in Africa and America. But he listened to his priests.
Whites are the only people in the world who live under conditions featuring comprehensive legal discrimination and uniform media hostility.
Ever notice that none of these endless millions of refugees generated by jewish warmongers ever end up in Israel? Just white nations.
Radical worry about what it takes to accomplish their mission. Conservatives worry about what other people think of them. #tcot
It's not that conservatives can't win, it's that's they don't want to win. Read Hitler, Pierce, Rockwell to see why conservatism = fail.
April 10, 2015:
God I hate the jew-controlled media in this country. Every fucking day read their shit, which amounts to sweeping floor w wrong end of broom
This furious, insane JEW-FABRICATED blaming of white people for everything under the sun & total syncopation of nigger responsibility.
The jews murdered America. The depraved portion of the white community helped them. The conservative-religious types stood by drooling.
Whites are not only responsible for things they didn't do, they are responsible for things niggers did do.
Christian moral education is responsible for some of our finest leaders - Josef Stalin and Robert Mugabe, to name two.
Pretty clear the progressives and jews and their mud tools are going to have to be killed off. Isn't it? I mean, all Gnonsense aside...
Re atlanta education scandal: your first clue something is wrong is the contradictory concept of 'black teacher.'
You know they lie about the small things (Trayvon, Ferguston, etc.), but you think they're lying less about the big things ('holocaust')?
i used to think christians were joking when they said to me, "but if there's no god, then why dont you just rape and steal stuff."
Not a single goddam christian is honest. Not even the snake shakers. They don't shake snakes. They wave them very, very slowly.
Hitler wasn't afraid of being called racist and anti-semitic. That's why he's the most evil man in history.
The conservative's deepest beliefs are these: 1) safety is the highest value (the schoolfish theme); 2) winning is immoral (soul-unsafe).
That one little word nigger subsumes every argument. Indeed, it's stronger than argument, which is y the judeo-left hates it.
Christians are committed to converting jews. Jews are committed to destroying christian society. Gee, I wonder who would win that battle.
The WN case against blacks? They're niggers. We suffer from their behavior. The jew who shotgunned us into marrying them needs to be killed.
Sicut judaeis non is a christian doctrine and tradition of longstanding. It is also white-genocidal.
Christianity has a direct monetary interest in white mongrelization. Objectively, race-mixing lowers white IQ. Which = more asses at masses.
The white racial cause must lift and separate itself from defective, defeatist conservatism. Not copy its style and purvey its pablum. #tcot
Why will Vdare mention Lutherans and Catholics aiding the resettling of non-white savages in America but never mention jews?
We don't need to love our own kind, we need to hate our enemies and refuse to be dominated by them. #TeamWhite
I'll notice this to you "love your race" people. Jews don't love jews. They hate non-jews. And they win while we lose.
Christian doctrine forbids effective resistance to the jew, and to the discoloreds it uses to pursue its loxist agenda.
Christian doctrine might as well state: you are forbidden to use reason, evidence, history or simple common sense in dealing w jews/muds.
Is the white race a unique and valuable thing? Or are we all one in the mystical body of Jesus Christ?
April 09, 2015:
There is no difference between promiscuous christian spiritual love and any other appetite uncontrolled by reason. #whitegenocide
Whites have a harder time than they should making out racial enemies because their cult tells them they & darksiders are one in God.
There's only one decision you have to make to get involved in real politics. Are you down with the jews agenda (#whitegenocide) or not?
The power of the anti-white attack 'racism' is not receding but growing, and will increase in power as whites move toward minority status.
The jew used blacks to destroy South Africa, just as he is using blacks to destroy the American South. And Muslims to destroy Europe.
Jared Taylor and his friends deliberately seek to obscure the role of jews in destroying South Africa, Scandinavia, the US, and Europe.#WINO
Good post on The Jewing of South Africa. AA there is called BEE (black econ. empowerment) but it's really JEE. http://t.co/ISzhXM59dq
Catholic doctrine is inherently anti-white. Con says: "apartheid was immoral because it rejected the equal human dignity of every citizen"
April 08, 2015:
My read is that queers are essentially men with a disorder which manifests as unwillingness to accept any limitations on carnal desire.
How many of you folks realize "The Holocaust" was concocted by jews just like #SabrinaRubinErdely? Say hello to my li'l friend the Big Lie.
So there's this guy, let's call him Father McFeely. He likes to suck off 12-14-year-old boys. Is he a queer or a pedophile?
Lots of sympathy for queers these days; not so much for those who notice there's a pretty darn big overlap between queer and pedo.
WN must coldly look on the base of the pyramid (conservatives) as resource and nothing else, just as the winners do. Not mix as equals.#tcot
Do you want to live in a world where nigger is normal? Then support diversity. If not, then you have but one choice: #TeamWhite
Notice this typical kike tactic: respond to critics of jew behavior with character smears of critics.
Conservatives think jews are just whites with a different religion. Christian universalism leads whites into political delusion.
Destroy jews or watch jews destroy us. Yeah, those are our two options, fellow white folks, boiled of all bullshit. #waronwhites
When all these journalistic lies and failures point in the same direction, that's a sure sign an ideological agenda is at work.
The Holohoax is every bit as real as the #UVAHoax. Congrats to noble Iran for having the guts to stand up to evil, lying jews/Israelis/Zios.
What feminists actually believe: all men are rapists, but only <1% have been convicted for it. Hence, no sympathy for falsely accused.
There's no term for 'hating whites.' There is an 'academic discipline' devoted to it, though. #whitenessstudies #loxism
Everything is distorted in the same direction: the white is always made to look bad or guilty, and the black innocent or victimized.
April 06, 2015:
Jewsmedia start with an agenda (destroying white society/frats) and then concoct whatever story/data they need to achieve it. #UVAHoax
April 05, 2015:
Jewish privilege is when you invent a gang rape out of whole cloth & your jewish boss won't even fire you. #SabrinaRubinErdely #RollingStone
#SabrinaRubinErdely is the reason German nationalists made kikes walk around with visual identifiers. We should too.
#SabrinaRubinErdely & #RollingStone were making a jewish ideological attack on whites. That's why they didn't care about the facts. #loxism
If you're a jew like #SabrinaRubinErdely and you hate white men, #RollingStone is a great place to make up lies about them.
When someone wants you dead, you don't complain to them about unfairness. Unless you're a conservative. #tcot
The left is led by jews. It is inherently totalitarian. Its main obstacle, as it sees it, is the existence of the white race. #whitegenocide
April 04, 2015:
These kikes would be hilarious if they weren't so genocidal. What they transmit through genes is capacity to lie without shame.
Himmler: I am of the conviction that the Roman emperors, who eradicated the first Christians, did exactly the same thing that we ...
Cons are accused of racism, quite unjustly. But when it comes to victims of Israel, conservative attitudes genuinely merit the term bigotry.
Black people create poverty. I do not theorize, I have sat there and literally watched them lower property values minute by minute.
White Americans, to be redundant, are going to learn the hard way about rigid ideological judeo-communist class hatred. #nojewsjustright
Jews are always just about to be pushed out of Europe. At the same time, they're buying up half of Poland and the middle of Berlin. #itzhype
Iran is judged by what paranoid, hateful, hypocritical jews claim to believe it MIGHT do, whereas Israel is NOT judged by what it DOES do.
April 03, 2015:
Jews persecute others. Then lie that they are the victims. For thousands of years, that is the kike MO.
Blacks rape and murder whites and think nothing of it. Whites feel guilty about mistreating one black. Due to xtianity.
Xtianity says it is immoral to treat a race as a class, they must all be taken as individuals. That is genocidal doctrine
Now we can freely talk about masturbation in public, but not real politics. We either parrot the PC line, or we swallow our tongues.
Most blacks don't believe crime is a real thing. Rather, it's something whites invented to keep them from getting ahead.
Jews created The Gays as a political identity they could use, as with Angry Black Man & Feminist, to bash and destroy white society.
Public faggotry goes perfectly with decline of standards. Sex was a private matter before the Frankfurt School jews took over.
We rightly associate christianity with dumb people, but it has an even worse effect on smart people.
Think big, not small: the man who liberates humanity from the jews will go down as the greatest man ever. Could you be him? Why not?
Passover is a day when jews celebrate the murder of non-jewish babies. Or as Gazans call it "Tuesday."
This is the particular horror of our vein: to be stuck between the sanctimonious madmen (north) and religious cooters (south).
What is it that queers do that's so noble and worthy of respect and privileged legal status? Licking and poking each other's poo holes?
Look at all that implicitly white money flooding in to Normal Pizza. It's like there's this great body of people with no representation...
April 01, 2015:
Tolerance means you tolerating what I tell you to. (Leftists - the folks with endless snark and negligible irony)
Free association solves 90% of social-intercourse problems. That's why bureaucrats hate and fear it and try to end it.
We should counter-genocide the jews. What other option do we have? Your christian policy of kicking them out/dripping on them failed.
In an Aryan society, what goes on behind your doors is your business. Under a jewish tyranny, "the personal is political." Hence, monitored.
Christianity domesticated the white man into a sheep, then is surprised when he won't say boo to Big Fag. I mean...what do you expect?
To murder the USA, jews had to destroy freedom of association, a constitutional right that allowed white communities to protect themselves.
The USA is run by jews with the same mentality and bloodlines as the jews that set up the USSR and murdered tens of millions of whites.
Why is white racial writing the most interesting, fervid and fecund out there? Precisely because it is the most oppressed.
"War on discrimination" = jews perverting Constitutional rights to prevent whites from defending themselves against coerced mongrelization.
Don't think of them as nazis, think of them as Germans. Germans figured out how to neutralize & then defeat jews. The Anglosphere never has.
Don't defend yourself, attack your enemy. What could be simpler? Just add lucha-freude and you're there.
The Anglo world can't produce a Hitler because it views honesty as declasse. We must allus be a-seemin'. Vaunt vaunt vaunt look sideways.
Let's face it. Christianity is played. That shit may have a future in China or voodooland, but it's done among us. We need a new thing.
I am willing to pretend to be a christian speak in public for any congregation who needs a mouthpiece to articulate a position against FAGS.
Why be a submissive to a bunch of retarded ingrates? Ask them if they're appropriating your white culture by living indoors.
Where is the christian preacher or priest who will stand up and denounce faggots and their faggy faggotry? Where?
Christianity has been around for 2000 years. And the fucking cult can't produce a single public figure who will forthrightly oppose faggotry
You believe in free will. But you hate the sin and love the sinner...who chose to sin. That is a contradiction, though you deny it.
If you're white, and you're in the area, for god's sake go to any shop/restaurant that publicly bans fags.
#goycott jew businesses to fight #whitegenocide. Don't buy retail. Don't buy anything. Make it, fix it, eschew it.
Conservatives are capable neither of creating nor defending traditions. Rather, like women, they enjoy and benefit from them.
March 30, 2015:
Has the christian church ever barred the door and said "you can't come in, you're not white." It has not. So how can it be pro-white?
Jews are a race of congenital liars. Watch any expose of 'holocaust' and you can see that lying is in their seed and marrow. #yesalljews
They pretend they avoid naming jews out of principle, but it's actually out of cowardice and self-interest. #NRx
Jews focus on whites, their nature and how to defeat them. Whites pretend they have no enemies, and write about abstractions.
You're only allowed to BE a PUBLIC CONSERVATIVE if you sign off on RACISM FOR ISRAEL and FORCED MONGRELISM for white nations. #tcot #NRx
Neoreaction = cowardice. "Pretending we have no enemies, and failing to name and fight them is good for my career!" - young fogeys #NRx
A suggestible, dreamy, honest race (the Germanics - essentially, all of us, incl. Celtic and Slavic) - is now getting its wakeup call.
I revere the Founders. But I just blip over what they said about race. Because a jew told me it's not important. I'm a conservative. #tcot
What conservs say about Hitler = lies made up by jews and circulated by Fox News for Children. What Hitler said about cons burns eternal.
Hitler described the conservative type. They're all the same. They write essays to impress each other while the country burns.
While blacks macroaggress whites into the grave, jewsmedia maunders on about manners infractions called microaggressions. #loxism
Each white carries on his back an invisable trash can, and as he moves around each day the jewsmedia & muds fill it with obnoxious slights.
When you don't know who you are, you quickly get lost in confusion. This is the story of the white race.
Do you really believe some guy died 2000 years ago. And he was God's son. And he died for your sins. Do you really believe that? You don't.
Re this indiana thing, it's funny to see leftists struggle to grasp this weird thing called freedom. It's like a dog first seeing snow.
To women, Jesus is simply The Perfect Boyfriend. Don't think I'm kidding, this is exactly how the titted set sees da jebus.
We see how the jews use minority groups against whites, particular muds and sex deviants. But another is white incompetents (NEA, for ex.).
March 29, 2015:
The christian church and jewish media tell whites it's immoral to defend themselves from black predation.
"After Leo Frank's lynching, ~ half of Georgia's 3,000 Jews left the state." Now that's what they call the good old days. #lynchingworks
Jews accuse. Whites sweat and say I'm not. That...must change. It's really very simple. Are we the prey, or are we The Man? #fightloxism
When your position on race can only be defended by positing a supernatural being...you don't have a strong position. #catholicstrong
Jews are a collective negative that must be destroyed for white society to function correctly. Lie and evade as you will, this truth remains.
Xtian leaders tell normal whites they're immoral if they don't welcome dark aliens into their communities. We are one human race, they say.
March 28, 2015:
The very notion of freedom is confusing and frightening to the left. http://t.co/sXcCkOsPLi
March 27, 2015:
Blacks are like a continual low-grade infection in society, and then every so often they flare up into AIDS.
"Serve our country" - you do accept a paycheck...right? I mean, you're not doing it for free...right? Who pays you, green nigger?...right.
Jews are deliberately guilty of creating an unsafe environment for whites. Jews absolutely deserve the racial death sentence.
Jews have incited blacks against whites, then twisted law to force them into white areas where they aren't wanted.
Conservatives are a problem to WN for 2 reasons: 1) they wont go all the way to full explanation; 2) they actively obscure it with 2/3 bs.
Conservatives provide a false, plausible, but first and last _profitable_ explanation for the problems America and the West face. #tcot
In the US, blacks, whites and browns are all christians. Tell me again how christianity is the source of civilization? Why isn't it working?
"Clearing the underbrush" is the policy of cleaning up the conservative weeds the jews hide in and behind. #tcot
If whites do better, it's because of racism. Not because they're better. If blacks do worse, it's because of racism. Not because they're...
Even when they resist, conservatives can't help but show their submissive nature, for they invariably use the terms of their enemies. #tcot
Give me control of the mass media for two weeks, and there won't be a jew left alive on earth. For righteous reasons.
March 26, 2015:
Christian morality (Catholic doctrine) demands we treats blacks as individuals, with "human dignity." Is that wise? Is it working?
Conservatives have been dog-trained to look for individual solutions to collective problems. Keep mopping the floor while the faucet runs.
White nationalism is simply class action for people who are hated, attacked and discriminated against by the powers that be. #loxism
March 25, 2015:
Why grovel? "The day I sang 'nigger,' niggers murdered more than a dozen humans." http://t.co/Sp1wsC1D3O
March 24, 2015:
Boers and American Southerners have tied themselves to the Bible and have drown/will drown because of it.
March 23, 2015:
it's funny in a weird way that black women WANT to believe that their slave ancestors were raped by white owners, when that was seldom true
I call on Global Jew to admit you are a bunch of loxist monsters, sell all your media holdings to the Amish, and retire from the intl stage.
It is inherently easier for people with somewhat disagreeable personalities to understand the jew thing than for amiable types.
Jewish hatred of white men, or #loxism, is essentially the only motivation behind the mass media; its practical, functional raison d'etre.
To feminists, trained by jews, actual facts seem superfluous since we all know white men r guilty. This is the psychology behind this crap.
Under jewish marxism, whites are categorically guilty. The concept of innocent white man is categorically rejected a priori.
Men support and elevate women, like a bra. Which not coincidentally they invented. There is no oppression but in mouth of lying jews.
What are we going to do, as a nation, about the #rapehoaxculture in jewish journalism, aka mass media, aka junk media? #loxism
Under the jew, we bend over backward to give the silly girl feminist-liar the benefit of the doubt while abusing honest, innocent white men.
March 21, 2015:
"Another innocent white family/man destroyed by useless niggers he was already sponsoring via taxes" --accurate
Churches provide a context and thruline for white life. But the context is a lie. Whites can and should supersede xtianity with racialism.
If you think you're a christian and a racialist, all that proves is you don't take either one seriously.
March 20, 2015:
christianity is liberalism. you cant hate liberalism and love christianity, they are the same damn thing: crank egalitarian universalism
Here's a little hint for Evola readers: there is no Tradition. The crank made it up. Reverse progressivism based on fantastical golden age.
#IStandwithIsrael when it murders Americans. And sells our tech to China. And opens our borders. And drags us into wars. Go Israel!
It was christianity that made whites unable to defend themselves in South Africa. And it's doing the same thing in the American South.
March 19, 2015:
Iran allows inspections of nukes it doesn't have. Israel denies inspections of (HUNDREDS) of nukes it does have.
The amount of effort one must expend to get whites to take their own side in a fight... Boy, that jesus cult has really done a number on us.
Joe Goebbels was a shrimpy little dude with a fucked up foot. And he had more balls and initiative than all American cons put together.
The real reason jews hate christmas has nothing to do with jesus, it's that for ONE FUCKING DAY they and their concerns are not front & center.
It is very important the white racial movement not be tarred with the cowardice of conservatism OF ALL SHADES. That's the danger of WINO.
What is White Nationalist racial politics? It's Schwarzenegger in that movie: "Come with me if you want to live."
It is jews, first and most, who stand between normal whites and the world they want to live in. #loxism
The next step is to advocate WHITES. Not individuals or abstractions. Whites for WHITES. For White sovereignty. Not rights.
We are NOT all in this together. Whites have nothing but genocide in prospect so long as they remain jew-tied to blacks and browns.
The first step to the recovery of political courage is to calls jews jews. Not liberals etc. Those other terms are cowardly evasions.
You don't think it's jew? You're wrong. But try this exercise. What do you want changed? How do you get there? WHO BLOCKS THE WAY?. See?
The jews controlling our immigration policy see to it that we have fried-spider eaters like Eh Lar Doh Htoo running around New Bern, N.C.
Epithets, freedom and lynching are historically inseparable. They are freedom. A judge who fears no lynch rope soon eschers into a king.
We need to have a national conversation about race. Now, white people, here's your dialogue kit. Remove the tape from pouch, seal over mouth
Hating and desiring to harm whites doesn't even have a name (#loxism) yet it defines our public square and national conversation.
I don't tolerate being lectured by niggers or jews. You shouldn't either. No white man or woman should.
Remember - if whites were given their own EXCLUSIVE country, all these racial problems go away. They (jews) wont do that. They WANT problems
It's just a massive coincidence that everyone paid to write for the mass media feels exactly the same way about race and crime.
Abuse conservatives - always. It will radicalize the better elements and destroy the weaker ones. And in any case, they deserve it.
No way out but through the jews. When you understand that and accept it, you graduate from a conservative boy to a racialist man.
No one says jews alone are the problem. What we say is they are the idea men, financiers and ringleaders. As Churchill said of jews in USSR.
No group that accepts jews is serious. That's in stone. You can echo the jews in calling it obsession or monomania, but it's mere necessity.
Whites can't defend themselves from problems caused by jews by associating and mixing with jews and treating them as friends.
Jews know that #NRx types (bourgeois) are fearful & vain. They appeal to their vanity: jew explanation isn't nuanced enough! Status danger!
Look at the Supreme Court and tell me jews don't run things. No? Look who owns tv and papers? No? Who owns the investment banks and Fed?
Jews created the Angry Nigger(tm), Feminist(tm) and 'Gay" identities. All for public consumption. All as tools to destroy White America.
Blacks are inherently dumb and violent, but they DON'T inherently hate whites - that chip was put on their should by jews, mostly thru media
Jews deliberately poisoned American blacks against whites, fully intending the violence and misery that ensued.
To protect itself from the genocidal threat posted by jews, awakened whites should help the public see that WHITE vs JEW is the realpolitik.
There is neither loyalty nor fanaticism in the conservative, of any stripe. There is only and always impotent whining about unfairness. #NRx
Jews know all the have to do is fabricate a charge against one #tcot or #NRx, and the rest will scatter to the winds. Conservative = coward.
Read what Hitler said about conservatives. What Goebbels said. What Rockwell said. It's a type. Time/place don't matter. #NRx #tcot
"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns in foreign policy." -Henry Kissinger
Our ancestors, poisoned with christianity, made the mistake of treating jews as individuals rather than killer bees. Let's correct that.
March 18, 2015:
When you mix blacks in with whites, you lower the civilizational level. That is no good for anyone, even blacks.
Dumb people can't understand smart people. This is why blacks can't understand whites. And talk about "keeping it real" ie sex and money.
And so it is today. The church doesn't stand against jew-bolshevism, it helps it finish its job of ruining the white west.
So much worry about adjectives and attitudes. That is effeminate. Be a man. Be honest and bold, not cringing and euphemizing.
The simple fact is, there are tens of millions of useless nigger bucks who have literally nothing better to do than attack humans. #EBTworld
When it was time to stand up to the jewish-bolsheviks, the church was nowhere to be found. Hence the need for Evil Nazis.
There is no divine law that says we have to keep pretending niggers are people with rights rather than dangerous wild animals.
The price of pretending niggers are human is the destruction of our civilization and everything we hold dear.
If you speak the truth about race, you will be denounced by all the professional christians in your community...
Niggers have "human dignity." Are you shitting me, you sad-sack jesus queer? What the fuck is wrong with you?
Christianity gives money to and makes excuses for the black and brown savages that wreck America. Source of civilization, you tell me?
Jesus said to love your enemy. I have a better idea. Hate your enemy and fight him. You christian faggot-ass fag.
Christian love leaves no room for FIGHTING. Sanctimonious, other-approved mass murder, sure, but not real, valid, useful fighting.
'Black people' and 'black man' are obnoxious propaganda euphemisms. Blacks are niggers. The few that aren't, tough shit for them.
Stop accommodating niggers, white man. And stop listening to jews. THEY BOTH MEAN YOU ILL. #tcot #tlot #loxism #TeamWhite
Not a single rabbi has ever apologized or even acknowledged what jews did to whites (murdered tens of millions of them) with communism.
Notice how jews never apologize, and whites never stop? Even tho the former have every reason to, and the latter don't?
There is nothing more organic than inventing a mythological creature that inhabits your neck of the woods, especially if you get it on tape.
March 17, 2015:
50,000 murders a year - that's the price exacted, in South Africa, by going with the Catholic doctrine of equal "human dignity."
It's not just that marriage is legally inadvisable for men, it's that being a _man_ is not really legally advisable these days.
The unserious conservative complains about liberal bias; the serious white racialist points out jews attempt to bring about #whitegenocide.
Professional conservatives are basically catholic altar boys who serve at the behest and pleasure of the jew priests running banks and media
Crime itself is white concept. Blacks aren't being brazen like jews when they defend their criminals, they don't see them as criminals.
You could film a kumbaya coke commercial with all the racial-religious-ethnic groups thru time who agree jews are a tribe of shits.
If you get kicked out of three bars...you're the problem. If jews get kicked out of 109 countries...you're the problem. #loxism
Conservatism without racialism doesn't even make sense. Even anti-intellectual Americans should be able to figure that out.
March 16, 2015:
White men worry about the quality of their work; discoloreds and other losers worry about white men. Same as it ever was. Same as it ever was
Republicans? Conservatives? They're jew appeasers. They put Israel ahead of America. And jews ahead of whites. #tcot #tlot #nojewsjustright
So jews have pretty much destroyed our money, our reputation, our racial stock, and now they're studying chinese to become Chinksteins.
If you don't hate jews, there is only one reason. You don't understand what they're doing. They are putting your sons & daughters at risk.
I'm not afraid of jews. And I'm not exceptionally brave either. When are you going to quit living in fear of them, fellow White Americans?
The American government doesn't represent Americans, it represents jews and the minorities they allow to feed on the white carcass w them.
If your party or philosophy accepts jews or makes excuses for them, you're not serious. You're a punk, a gelding, a dupe, or a shill. #NRx
March 15, 2015:
You would think people would at some point notice that nothing ever changes no matter who is elected, but they never do.
Conservatives are the fake opposition. Their leaders (people at Colter/Limbaugh level) realize this. Their base does not.
Using jew-commie terms like 'racism' and 'anti-semitism' is the verbal equivalent of digging your own grave before you're shot.
When you are a political minority, it is particularly important to coin your own terms and use them AS A TEAM.
Jew political terms like 'racism,' 'sexism,' 'homophobia,' and 'anti-semitism' aren't ordinary words but conceptual tricks.
In every christian country I know of, jews have risen to the top to control banking and media, and turn these powers against the white race.
There is nothing in christianity that 1) values whiteness; 2) can protect whites against jews. These are the facts, and they cant be refuted
Oh, Catholic priests. What a great group of people. Love illegal aliens almost as much as little boys.
The pope's not a "real" catholic. Cuz if he were, man, he'd be totally pro-white. <-----the form of all White Christian argumentation
I resent having innocent kids in Iraq and Iran killed because my congressman is gutless piece of shit who licks Israel ass. #jewappeasers
Catholic catechism teaches me blacks have souls and "human dignity." And when I look in Bill Cosby's muddy eyes, yeah, I think i see it.
The point of public education is to educate the commoners to the level they are able to take in govt propaganda. That's all. #NEA
Catholic catechism insists niggers are created by god, have souls, and possess "human dignity." Catholicism, then, is barbarous.
They take cave crickets no man with a microscope and 1000 years could tell apart & claim they're different species. But not nigs and whites!
Let's be honest, people of human. If we woke up tomorrow and all niggers had died during the night. Wouldn't we all sigh with relief?
Blacks always wanted to rape human women, but couldn't until jews gave them legal access and media defense. #loxism #deathtothejews
Did you know that the term 'racist' is actually a euphemism? It cleverly smears white character while actually upgrading blacks to human.
Before a communist jew invented the loxist term 'racism' in the 1920s, blacks were considered a different species. Well, they were and are.
"We'll stamp and cry and murder white people and shoot cops if you even try to defend yourself against one of our criminals." #Ferguson
Jews promote the idea that white girls want blacks, that blacks are manlier, that race-mixing is good.
Tying our white race to blacks makes no more sense than tying our feet to a cinder block and going for a swim.
The Catholic moral professional is all about "human dignity." But he won't have you, now, poking into just what he means by 'human.'
Is racial segregation an affront to "human dignity"? What about the rapes and murder ensuing when coons are loosed and treated as equals?
I can even accept that spiritual leadership is helpful, but a christian church is the last place on earth to look for it.
Love and beauty won't save us, that's just Duke getting old. Hate, organization, fanaticism, discipline and perseverance will. #TeamWhite
More die in a week under ANC jew-commies than 40 years under apartheid, but apartheid, per catholic doctrine, is immoral and must go.
Niggers, such as the rioting, looting, cop-shooting coons at #Ferguson, have human dignity, according to Catholic doctrine. Do you agree?
Catholic doctrine is 1 human race, from god, possessing "human dignity" therebecause. Blacks can't be treated as a group, it's immoral.
Christians are very like jews, the deeper you dig. They take credit for everything, responsibility for nothing.
The only political question that matters is whether we whites are going to continue to allow jews to dictate to us. #TeamWhite vs Team Jew.
"Multiculturalism!" lies the jew. "But I don't want to immerse my people in the destructive element," responds the sane white. #fightloxism
Catholic doctrine, as cited in the catechism, refers to "the peoples of the human race." These people are "equal" in "dignity."
Hatred? It's out there. It comes from the jews. It's directed at whites. #loxism I dare to name it and laugh because I'm not a crissy punk.
Niggers never let a petty thing like ownership or law get in the way of showing themselves a good time. Sheeeit, man, theys niggas.
Math for morons: nigger + cross = nigger. Nigger + manpants = nigger. Nigger + sociology = nigger. Nigger + EBT = more niggers. #niggermath
Why are jews evil? They baked millions of Germans alive. And they lied that it was done to them. They are a race of liars that need extinct.
Torturing animals is morally wrong? Only whites think so. Blacks and browns enjoy it. Yellows don't have a problem with it.
I've met lots of Germans and lots of jews. It's about 100,000x easier to believe JEWS would gas GERMANS than vice versa.
Blacks don't need to be fixed, they're not broken. They're perfectly functional low-IQ bush savages.
The left is right about one thing: whites do assume that white standards are universals. This mistake is a carryover from xtian universalism
It's funny (and contradictory) how xtians believe God created everything, yet they insist on thinking blacks are simply broken whites.
The South operated on the theory that christian teaching could convert nigger bush savages into functional stained humans. Did. Not. Work.
Throw race out window, nature out window, reality out window. This is what we wanna believe, and by gum we're gonna. --Christianity
How many whites have died or been permanently maimed thanks to the actions of #MikeBrown and his jewish media defenders? At least three...
The US is 18 trillion and growing in debt, and we turn out our empty pockets daily 2 feed Israel. Becuz xtians
Christianity is alt-alchemy. It claims to take lead-people and make them gold. Like the original alchemists, xtianity doesn't succeed.
Christianity has erected an entire belief system out of a child's desire to play with feces. That is scarcely a gibe, just look around.
WN Christian (sic): My church won't fight for me, indeed 'twill fight against me, but I'll damn sure fight for it. #what
How is that christian doctrine of converting the savages into humans by opening the bible at them working out for you, white man?
#Loxism is the fear and loathing JEWS have for NORMAL WHITE PEOPLE. It is the hatred that defines our times, though it goes unspoken.
Whites fed blacks and housed them and gave them jobs. Out of christian stupidity & evil. Now niggers threaten to swamp white society. #tcot
Christianity is a cement block, not a life preserver. It's taking you straight to the bottom, white man. #TeamWhite
Blacks and jews are outraged at whites merely defending themselves. You think #whitegenocide is a joke? Where else does that mentality lead?
They hate you because you're white. Not because of anything you say or do. Because of what you are. Build your politics on this.
Christians call it love. But it's plain to see that most of it is simply weakness. Mental or character deficiency.
What's actually contemptible about the Tea Party is that it hasn't the courage to acknowledge the Founders were racists, not individualists.
Whites should be aggressive. They have every reason to be. But their krazy kult, xtianity, and jew brainwashing, have rendered them passive.
Race is the basis, the only basis, from which whites can defeat the jewish aggressor. Hence they try to scare you from it with 'racism.'
You gain nothing by saying you're not racist, because they'll call you it anyway, if you try to protect 1 atom or dollar of your existence.
#Loxism is that fear and loathing which jews have for ordinary, normal white people. It is the hatred that defines our times.
Jews pride themselves on brazen lying and destroying all customs and forms. But if you fight back, they cry "anti-semitism." #loxism
If you read, and think, and perceive - you soon realize that jews are not merely the worst people on earth - there's no other competitor.
Non-whites hate whites for their superiority. As this will never change, the hatred will never go away. Rather, jews will steep it into law.
Christian love more often than not can be found walking hand in hand with jewish hate. Its natural wife, one might say. Good cop to the bad.
March 14, 2015:
The popularity of anti-whitism has grown, about like tattoos. The way whites get off on hating their own is noticeable and ugly.
What we need is enough intelligence to figure out the sides (#TeamWhite vs Team Jew) and enough guts to fight for our side.
Christianity trained whites to feel guilty about everything. How's that working out for you, white man?
Whites are racist? Christ, you can't even get them to exclude their worst enemy when defending themselves. #Nrx #tcot #TeamWhite
Jews are sadistically abusing the white population, which for the most part has no idea what's going on. #loxism
Hitler was basically right about everything. What other qualification for Most Evil Man Ever could there be, given who runs things?
Just like Hitler said, no matter what problem with you start with, when you track down the cause, there is a nasty little man w a big nose.
Every white man and woman needs to have that Sally Field moment. "They hate us. They really hate us."
If you're white, you're #DarrenWilson. You may be right, but they hate you, and it is genocidal. Defend your kind or perish, white man.
March 12, 2015:
All these people defamed Wilson for months. The media tried to get him lynched. Not one apology - from anyone. This is the left. #Ferguson
Genetic proclivity for violence and low IQ are enough to explain black failure, no need to invent racism-magic. #loxism
Christianity paralyzed whites with 'higher' morality. Whether jews planned that from the outset, they were quick to recognize its utility.
If doing what needs to be done is morally wrong, well...you've put yourself in quite a position, haven't you, little jebus man?
Christianity is the celebration of defectiveness and weakness - and they call their bullshit love. Love sides with the #Ferguson niggers.
March 11, 2015:
It's christian morality coupled with jewish media lies that prevents whites from seeing blacks for what they are - and responding rationally
Blacks represent a hominid hurricane that is entirely predictable and completely avoidable. Reclassify them as animals, not men.
White men are the most individuated group out there, hence the group it makes the least sense to categorically reject for 'diversity.'
There's more (genuine and valuable) diversity among any ten white men than in the entire black race. #weneeddiversebooks
it's not white men's fault they're the best at everything. check your hate privilege, niggers, 'nists, yids and other maloccs.
Lynching, epithets, freedom and small government -- all the good stuff -- all go together. So do big govt, anti-whitism, bureaucracy and PC.
The more intelligent and self-controlled you are, the more helpful it is if you use the term nigger. Then you're icebreaker to judeo-left PC
Whites are racist. If only! There are umpteen million white charitable orgs spending trillions in dollars and man-hours aiding blacks.
Christians worry about my atheist attacks on their cult much more than they worry about their cult's attack on my race.
March 10, 2015:
Lynching is characteristic of civilized peoples; sitting on hands waiting for corrupt authorities is characteristic of domesticated peoples.
I am really getting tired of people who back off what they say. You incur contempt and incite attack when you do this, white weakling.
If you're only going to apologize for something...don't say it, don't speak it, don't type it. That is unmanly.
The minute you don't apologize for your words, you become the rock. And they shatter on you. No matter they're the majority, they recede.
You shouldn't be in racialism at all if you think 1) it's dirty, 2) it's immoral, 3) it can't win. It is not entertainment, so go away.
Instead of letting fear drive what you say or dont, how about honor? if something needs to be said and is true, you don't apologize for it.
Blacks rape and murder whites daily in #HushCrimes but whites singing a song is the real story. http://t.co/XCvNnN8fWC
Christianity tells me that PRIDE is a SIN. Then we wonder why they're all grovelers celebrating and aiding their own racial displacement.
March 09, 2015:
Mass media are all about MONEY. That's why they leaped to produce Gibson's Passion of the Christ and why Tim Tebow got a second chance.
Blacks have imperishable souls of priceless value. That's not standup comedy. That's christian doctrine.
The country that has 400 nukes and doesn't allow inspections is quite rationally afraid of the country that has 0 and does. #what
The left = jews = liars & defamers. Accept that. No stoopid #tcot appeal to fairness or whine about bias will change them.
The left seeks to enforce taboos which sustain the existing power structure. Yet it presents itself as the rebellious side. Clever, perhaps?
Life is tough. Therefore we take recourse in the delusion of an afterlife. God bless you little xtian animalcules.
Jew says: you will cringe and whine and cry whenever we call you racist, antisemite, homophobe. Conservative: I submit to those terms. #tcot
Black lives obviously matter hugely to the junkmedia making excuses for them. It's white lives that don't matter - except to #TeamWhite.
It does no good at all not to be open & public with the fact that jews are the main enemy of the white race - and the leader of the others.
Your job is not to worry about your reputation, it's to figure out the right principles and marry them. And don't stray from them.
Is it that you've never dealt with the common media that you can't grasp that you CANNOT control how you're conveyed, hence your reputation?
When you accept the need to prove you are not X or Y, you have submitted. Conservatives, aka little men, are incapable of grasping this.
Conservatives love to say that Islam means submission. When you say "I am not a Nazi/racist, etc" guess what? That is your submission. #tcot
Anytime you hear someone against MUSLIM immigration rather than just immigration in general, you're hearing a paid or unpaid jew tool. #tcot
They were lying about soap - and admit it. They were lying about lampshades - and admit. They are lying about gas chambers -- ... #holohoax
They not only don't report #hushcrimes committed by their dark charges against whites, they actively howl when whites defend themselves.
Immigrants are good so long as they threaten whites, but bad if they threaten jews. Hence attempts to carve muslims out of greater invasion.
March 08, 2015:
What part of 'skill set' isn't covered by 'skills'? Boy howdy do AmeriKwans love their pretentious pseudo-clinical/-scientific verbiage.
Smart people instinctively resist making things as simple as they need to be. #TeamWhite vs Team Jew. That is the necessary reduction.
Sure sign of the conservative coward: pretending that blacks are some kind of independent polical force rather than function of jewsmedia.
NRx generally have the right attitudes, but are held back by fear of the jew and crank views on economics. Just my opinion.
If you want to grasp what's actually going on the world, white racialists are far and away your best sources for information set in context.
Nothing jews do results in their losing credibility; conversely, no record of accurate prediction adds credibility to racialists.
The ones called racist-hater-extremists are the ones who saved your son from getting killed in ME. If you listened to them. #nowarforIsrael
Slavery 200 years ago? Highly relevant. Felonious behavior ten minutes ago? Irrelevant. #DinduNuffins
Another #DinduNuffins snuffed, in Madison. What lie will left replace "hands up, don't shoot" with? http://t.co/Qa0DKuKKUO
March 07, 2015:
Jews don't accept being dominated by whites. Whites, particularly christians, do accept being dominated by jews. This is sad.
There are very few media members and virtually no Congressmen who haven't been flown to Israel and given The Treatment.
March 06, 2015:
You don't "win" by being gentlemanly when The Other is trying to defame and destroy your character. You lose. You show weakness.
WN should act like the big man in the bar. If this guy steps to you with "hater" then you beat his head in.
One sign of an honest man is he encourages you to doubt and check what he says, rather than accept and believe. Dr. Pierce, for example.
Never respond to attacks like "you're a hater." Rather, attack the attacker with language as abusive as you can muster.
White men are the most competent portion of the population. If we had small govt. THEY could fill the LOW SERVICE JOBS.
Imagine every time you went to the store, the station, the office, you were attended by a competent white career- and family-man.
Everything in the US is run for the benefit of: 1) jews, 31) niggers/muds, 32) sex deviants, 33) angry incompetent menopausal women.
Anything soft AND high-paid requiring a degree will be given to muds or women thru AA. White men know this. College is just debt to them.
Now all the lefties are saying Wilson's a coward for defending himself against a marauding nigger. They blip over the "hands up..." lie.
Jews destroyed back-to-Africa (Garvey) and self-help (BTW) schools while elevating the blame-whites 'civil rights' path.
Jews are, for lack of a better word, evil. Everything they do is to lie and mislead and abuse, all for their own good.
There is nothing more attactive than white-woman skin. It is not improved by adding inky bluebirds atop bromides.
Your skin is a sexual organ, and second in power only to your tongue. Why ink yourself into looking like an off-brand candy bar wrapper?
March 05, 2015:
Stimulate not men's urge to grovel but their ability to admire. Admiration, gratitude and understanding are somehow linked.
The only thing feminists have in common with normal women is their delusion that women's feelings are important.
Christianity doesnt teach men to control their natural reactions, which is necessary, but to distrust them, which is a very different thing.
Northern maniacs thought loosing niggers was a good idea. Southern fools thought bapitizing them wold do the trick. #doublefail
White men don't want to be pandered to but called. The WN crowd, who are more conservative than racialists, dont grasp this essential point.
There are fifteen races of bass, distinguished mainly by gill freckles, but only one species of man. #howslowdoigottasayitman
"Where laughter departs, sound sense soon follows." --Marcus Aurelius, early critic of the Jesus Cult
Christainity dog trains its turdballs not to laugh, then we're surprised when they gulp down Holocaust horseshit without burping.
Scotland had an Enlightenment. Whites need one now, resulting in Aryan School - a context alternative to antiwhite liberalism/xtianity.
The white man's natural reaction to a nigger is that it is a threat to his community and should be destroyed. That reaction is correct.
If the people running the media and running down whites were Amish, I'd say Amish. But they're jews, so I say jews. #loxism #accuracymatters
Not every figure in the mass media is a jew, obviously, but the milieu was created by jews and serves their interests - alone.
"Christian morality is what allows me to be vicious and still feel good about myself" -- the christian, had he insight.
Morality to a xtian is like a footnote to a PhD. The faggot cant speak and stand on his own, he needs a big brother.
I advocate exterminating the jewish race based on what it has done historically. Xtians advocate nuking Iran for what it HASN'T done.
The things morality commands us to do are always the most vicious, Twain noted and I note in his train.
The number of good people in England can be listed on one hand. If that hand belongs to an inept woodshop teacher.
From pioneers to people who need to call experts to save themselves from corn snakes. The American Experience, itz! (hs hist text)
America is going the way of Europe - turning humans into veal, trusting everything to experts to be made "free" and safe. Boo. No. Stop.
The cheap comfort provided by sugar eventually destroys the body. Parallel is christianity to the soul.
Let us remember the noble Irishman Judge Luke E. Lawless of St. Louis, who famous termed the abolitionists 'Sanctimonious Madmen.'
The world will know peace only when jews have been exterminated. Until then, it will roil in war, and mostly be unable to figure out why.
What many do not grasp is that even if you remove jews and blacks, giant centralized government is inherently anti-white.
Name a single preacher -- anywhere -- who will stand in public and advocate against policies that destroy 'the white community.'
Christianity is an entirely different mentality than racialism. It is oriented to another world that, to be charitable, might not exist.
As Aristotle said, the point of government is to grow giant colonies of feral niggers at home and subsidize endless foreign wars abroad.
When the Texas ex-mil climbs the bell tower and shoots people at random, he's a homicidal nut. When Chris Kyle does it, he's a hero. #what
Christianity is indubitably good for whites; look how the preachers arise as one to defend our communities in time of need.
Jews are great with money. That's why the US is 18 trillion in debt. Under white racism, in 1900, the US was solvent. Owed nary a penny.
There's got to be something in Protocols about proliferating comic books as a mechanism of popular control. Sick of adult non-adults.
Where jew-enabled niggers rule, rape becomes a misdemeanor and disrespecting a negro becomes a capital crime.
If Muslims ran things in the US, the same #tcot tards applauding Bibi would be circulating Talmud quotes about jesus boiling in shit & semen
Just remember what Joe Sobran said about professional conservatism: "[It] was all a game; a way of making a living." #tcot Bottom line.
When I hear christian morality, I always think of someone kicking a man when he's down and unconscious. That is where the cross-cult lives.
Look how xtian morality plays to the cowardly sadism that drives the little man. How he glees over the very idea of nuking Iran to death.
When it comes to racism, you can side with the egalitarian fundamentalists, or, you know, the guy who discovered the DNA code.
I was fooled by the mainstream right, growing up. I trusted they were telling the truth about race. They were not.
What is open minded? If you've never considered that the holocaust is a Big Lie, then you're not open minded.
March 04, 2015:
So this is what it comes down to, the feds going thru emails to find whether humans are disrespetting negroes. http://t.co/MI7Zqai3aK
The left so defines the terms that no one escapes their prison alive with reputation and sanity intact. He's always some variant of hater.
You can't appease the left like an angry wife, and that is the model the right works from. The left takes what you cede and continues attack
One does not argue with the left, for they show by their entire history they won't argue; rather one responds to them with abusive ridicule.
Chutzpah is blaming white attitudes for black behavior when those attitudes are 100% caused by black behavior.
The left gets its way by blustering, being brazen, aggressive, never admitting it's wrong, and networking to crush all opposition.
"We know jews are the real problem, but we overlook that and welcome them within our ranks." --CCC/LOS
The left defines disagreement as medically/morally ill. There's no debate. One either crushes the left or is crushed by it.
Some see GOOD CHRISTIAN MEN. I see LITTLE WHITE DOG SYNDROME. Jew Netty throws sticks, good christian congress-doggies run n fetch.
Christians believe jesus was the son of god. The jews turned him over to authorities to be executed. Now watch how they treat #1 jew Bibi.
Conservatism begins with intellectual cowardice disguised as manners, and then proceeds to physical cowardice.
Belief > race. That's why I'm moving to Nigeria. 40m christians there. I'll be safe and welcome among them.
In one hand, put the good men christianity produces. In the other, the servile. See which fills faster.
If you didn't have an emo attachment to it, Southern white racialists, you would see in an instant that your faith endangers your race.
March 03, 2015:
Lie down on the grass without your shirt on. That should be all you need to disabuse you of your unthinking love of nature.
What if those old Germans weren't just ahead of us in automotive technology but in political understanding too? Ever consider that?
"Whites don't exist." Well they exist just fine when you need someone to blame, hate and discriminate against. #loxism
Just keep this in mind: not a single politician in Congress defends Israel out of love, it is 100% and entirely out of fear. Truly pathetic.
The avg American is a goober from Iowa who doesn't realize that everything he thinks he knows about Israel/Iran is filtered thru lying jews.
I'm not qualified to be a conservative because I don't hate myself or automatically feel I'm wrong and morally guilty. I did my diligence.
Conservatism is allowed to exist by the actual power that be (jews) in order to FOOL people that racialism has failed...
League of the South and CCC are mainly Southern, but both admit jews to their groups, and treat them as friends.
Why do they need books and thinking when they have the Bible and prayer? This attitude genocided the Boers and now the South.
Apart from specific policies, consider the tone difference between American/Southern racial cons and German nationalists.
Look how the NS did it. If it didn't work, they stopped doing it. They were aggressive, direct, tough. Laughter, not prayers.
Your duty, as a white man, is not to be fearless but to overcome your fears with your brain and your willpower. Refuse to serve ZOG.
Iran invented modern terrorism. Oh wait. That was Israel. Iran toppled the US president in a violent coup. Oh wait. That was the U.S.
Let people separate, most problems will take care of themselves, whether personal or social-political. But jews won't allow that.
Whites don't agree on anything. WN is for the subset that agrees race is hugely important. More important than religion or economics.
If jews murdered jesus, why do you fawn over them, christians? Why am I the bad guy for wondering at your inconsistencies, from pope down?
March 02, 2015:
Just as hate crime was invented to distract from real crime, zombies (aliens, et al.) were invented to distract from real niggers.
You ever notice that leftists have the same faith in regulation that rightists have in Jesus? It's uncanny. Two utterly unfounded delusions.
It truly is amazing that Americans, mostly of German descent, are willing to believe the worst about Germans and best about jews.
February 28, 2015:
Christians with their niggers. Like a child not responsible enough to care for a pet. Leave them damn wild animals alone, zanies.
If you're dumb enough to fall for god n his sprog jebus, you're dumb enough to fall for 'holocaust' too.
Ich bin Sylvia Stolz. Je suis Sylvia Stolz. I admire Sylvia Stolz. She's not just brave, she's right. http://t.co/8IoglM6Bd9
So is CPAC issuing a condemnation of the jailing of Sylvia Stolz in Germany for the crime of practicing free speech?
The left would like the the comment-apartheid policy which prevails at the Gawker ring to obtain across the entire Internet.
The left isn't well intentioned. It never was. Apart from a few tender young females, the left is malevolent from the word go. #leftism
Worship is for bush niggers. Laughter is for men. Every time a white man enters a church, his skin gets 1 degree darker.
The white movement will only exist when it becomes jealous. First, it absolutely rejects conservatism IN ALL FORMS. Second, it attacks ALL FORMS of conservatism at ALL TIMES. This is how a jealous, rising movement operates. It is intolerant
White nationalists refuse to polarize. They mix with conservatives. They reject principled position as puritanism. And lose.
Whites are a race of questers, not pray-ers. Superstition, again, is for bush niggers. Your pope, preacher, metropolitan - bush niggers all.
Morality beyond a simple, relativist ethics is nonsense - but a powerful tool in the hands of the enemy.
When someone comes to you with grandiose claims about back-from-death and eternal life the correct response is to laugh at him.
How about a bespoke 'religion' for whites? Rather than a masscrap superstitional delusional cult around a sci-fi jewhero?
If you made a catholics-only state, ho hum. The world yawns. Make a whites-only state, people FLOCK TO it. The church knows this.
If the South are manly men, as they all believe, why do they continually elect literal dicksucking jew-servile faggots to public office?
Whatever good ideas there are in conservatism DON'T BELONG TO CONSERVATIVES, they belong to any party who accepts them.
Read about ISIS. See how they polarize. Either you support their view of Islam, or you are the enemy. They polarize - and win because of it.
Sadism is vastly underrated as a jewish motive in destroying whites areas. It's usually misinterpreted as hating beauty by WN. #loxism
Conservatives refuse to acknowledge the actual game being played, thus remain forever children. At most they rise to the level of tools.
The enemy is well aware it's tyrannical. It laughs at the impotence of conservatives whining about fairness and double standards.
When the white race starts killing those who say it ought to be abolished/genocided/whatever, then it will regain its respect & independence
In my lifetime, the population of South Africa has gone from 30m to over 50m. That's not 20m extra whities, that's 20m niggers.
Fuck the Constitution. Anything on a paper can be gotten around. The USG exists to extract money from whites and enrich kikes and niggers.
The majesty of the US government produces endless growing piles of EBTcoons and aliens at home and judeo-muslim mass murderers abroad.
Until whites love the truth and their own kind more than they fear jews, things will continue getting worse.
February 27, 2015:
Controlling the junk media allows junk people to play their shitty verbal games; inventing fake problems and ignoring real ones. #loxism
The conservatives with no problems with jews don't represent whites, rather they market to them. Unsophisticated whites fall for anything.
The existence of Jared Taylor is proof there is no pro-white movement; rather, it remains the level of conceptual.
If it doesn't exclude jews, and name them as the enemy, then a group is not pro-white. Save time & energy with this simple litmus test.
Jared Taylor lets known jews not merely speak at his shows, but in a most ungentlemanly manner attack David Duke. WN? Nay. This is #WINO.
Jews enter white organizations to coopt and redirect them. The question is why whites allow them. #TeamWhite
If it admits jews, or does anything but treat jews as the enemy, it is objectively anti-white, no matter what its leaders say.
Jew says racist. He's making you fetch a stick. Why do you obey? Don't tell me you have to. You don't. You choose to. You can choose to stop
February 26, 2015:
If you reject what needs to be done a priori as immoral, enjoy being raped and tortured to death while your god stands by whistling.
Leftists hate their own ancestors and most of their relatives. It's more than made up for with their love for themselves, though.
As a comparatively more individuated race, whites suffer more from centralized government than, say, Han Chinese do.
February 25, 2015:
If the left had a plan to control the net with the kind of ideological suppression it employs in all other mediums, what would it term it?
February 24, 2015:
Hatred of whites, called #loxism, defines modern mass media. It has one source: the ever-lying, ever-warmongering international jews.
It's not enough to be right, you must fight. Someone said nearly that. The conservative believes, against all evidence, being right suffices
Hitler spoke directly to his public, including his enemies. Conservatives hide indoors, telling each other what they already know.
It doesn't matter if "whites don't exist" and "whites are all-guilty" contradict, for they both increase hatred of whites. #loxism
Conservatives are cowards. With the vast majority on their side, they still lose to 2% jews and 1% fags every time.
If the white race disappeared entirely, down to the last blue-eyed redhead, not a single word in a single Catholic doctrine needs changed.
Whiteskin conservatives in any variety, from neocon to #Nrx, will remain what they ever were: niggling, remonstrating kibitzers.
You want to get people to resist the greatest tyranny in human history. And you propose to do that by reading them crime statistics.
In politics, the men go for the marrow; the conservative boys blather on about the statfacts. The people want to be fucked not lectured.
The reason christians oppose eugenics has nothing to do with morality, rather they know that if the avg IQ hits 130, their cult disappears.
February 23, 2015:
I think people with truly first-rate personalities are even rarer than people of great physical beauty.
Polarize the public between Whites and Jews. Attack all pseudos on the right. Fight and win. That's the recipe in every white nation.
The racial conservative, master of propaganda, labors and produces: "There's nothing wrong with not wanting to be raped and murdered."
The legacy of Sam Francis? Simple: trying to have it both ways (radical and respectable) doesn't work. A man must choose. #vnnforum
Contrast my plan with the catholics' (sicut judaeis non): love the jews till they convert & stop messing up our societies.
I don't believe the US or Israel created ISIS, but they did create the circumstances that gave ISIS a chance to succeed.
Absolute morality seems discordant with the fact that 99% of god's claymation creatures are out of commission (extinct).
No, we're not all in this together. Niggers are wild animals to me, and jews are vermin. Take your bible and shove it up your ass, tool.
The reason VNN's symbol is the red-headed woodpecker is not just because it's beautiful volant but because it's small and nice like whitopia
Big government is inherently anti-white. I wish more nationalists understood this. But the little man always loves the power eagles. Whee.
If Muslims ran things, you think you'd hear word one about them from the likes of Limbaugh and Hannity? Exactly. Since jews do...
What do niggers want, some idiot asked me re Ferguson. The same thing muggers want: EVERYTHING YOU GOT, jackass.
February 22, 2015:
There's no middle ground with leftists. You're with them, or you're evil. This means they are fundamentally tyrants not democrats.
Women make better journalists than men, as the System sees it, because they think less and conform more, altho most men are womanish.
God created niggers. So...he was like an apprentice or something? I truly don't get it. The implications are staggering.
The beautiful thing about being not-a-xtian is you don't have to wake up each day and unfocus your eyes to keep the delusion running.
God created niggers. That is the christian position. I kid you not. I guess there wasn't a warranty involved.
No satirist could conceive anything wickeder than conservatives maundering on about the tragedy of aborted black babies. It is to die for.
Once you know a hominid is of jew extraction, it's very rare you require a second fact to assess its maneuvers and motive. #loxism
Jews have absolutely zero respect for non-jews. Nor do non-jews, at least whites, require them to. #loxism
90% of men judge wholly by externals. That's how yesterday's jew USSR communists can become today's USA conservatives.
As I've said many times, You can have your dog crap in a taco shell and sell it to 99/100 conservatives as a Freedom Burrito.
Don't defend your xtian beliefs to me, defend your racialist views to your pastor/preacher/pedophile of choice. Oh, you won't. Yeah.
If there were something in the christian church that loved whiteness, now would sure be the time it came out. Right? So...do you see it?
If heaven's more important than earth, and spiritual equality is a thing, then why not political equality on earth in little matters? #logic
Modern illiterate conservative, a tool and fool: I'm all about roots and heritage and race has nothing to do with that. #what
Conservatives didn't used to be cowardly jew-appeasers. Edmund Burke, the founder of modern conservatism, criticized them.
How do you write a book about communism without mentioning it was 100% jewish production? Only a cowardly jew appeaser like Coulter knows.
Conservatives appease jews. And that is precisely the term you should always use when mocking them. And you should never cease from that.
The Nazis were AGAINST pornography, AGAINST abortion, AGAINST gun control, JEWISH COMMUNISTS were FOR THEM.
If you are under 35, you probably don't believe me when I say there was a time when Americans weren't generally scared to speak freely.
Christianity is the worst thing that ever happened to the white race, and it's so far ahead you can't even make out who's in second.
If Israel wanted to relocate to the US and make California jews-only, you couldn't find a single Congressman who would come out against it.
It's what the Reps. and Dems. agree on that matters, but you are led to worry about the trivial matters they disagree on.
Republicans vs Democrats is T-ball politics for physical adults who yet remain mental children. Both parties are owned by rich jews.
If christianity were good, there would be laughter and joy in it; there is not. There is, rather, a deep lugubriousness coated with Febreeze
It is christianity that prevents otherwise honest white men from seeing jews for what they are: a vital threat to our kind.
100% of the people in Washington shut up about jew power because they want to keep their jobs. Hence, "No way out but through the jew."
The left is controlled by jews. They hate whites. They seek to destroy their society. They also control the right - the fake opposition.
Leftism is driven by the hate it inevitably finds in others, and this hate manifests in its ever-dishonest manipulation of words.
It's not by accident that leftists have no recourse save character defamation but by necessity. Conservatives never will understand this.
Disagree with a rightist, they say you're wrong. Disagree with a leftist, they say you're uneducated.
Capitalism gave The Poower fat bellies and flat screens. Catholicism gave the prole slobs fantasies of an afterlife. Who's really helping?
You want to be up there on your own little cross, you little white self-pitying stick-fetching #crossunfit faggot?
Rosa Parks was a communist. Her little deal was pre-planned. They leave that part out. But no, she's a conservative too.
If you're not allowed to bring, say, spitting cobras into your neighborhood, why should you be allowed to bring niggers in either?
it's not Africa's fault they never developed, they are literal RETARDS. Why are basic facts so hard to accept? One reason: xtian moralizing.
Christianity doesn't produce men, christianity reduces men. No one, I mean no fucking one, thinks of a priest as a man.
This blistory month, remember to thank a nigger for his race's marvelous inventions. That list would be: jenkem. And that's exhaustive.
What you conservatives don't understand, because jews deceive you, is that Hitler fought the same foe you do. But he fought where u whine.
If Hitler was a leftist, then what were the Weimar yids he replaced? Was not Weimar famous for precisely the cultural dreck cons hate today?
As wise man Joe G. said, jews aren't a political problem, they're a public hygiene problem. There is genuine wisdom in that.
Simply reclassify blacks as animals and jews as vermin and you solve the moral problem. I mean, if you have a moral problem. #answerman
When kikes go down to use niggers to fuck up the south, the junkmedia treat them as heroes. When whites complain of rape-torture-murder...
You can portray niggers as respectable all you like jewy Hollywood, but anyone within noseshot of 'em knows they aint. #Selma
Selma - a bunch of jungle niggers screwing on private lawns like stray cats, all led by obnoxious communist jews from out of state.
Christianity is the belief that the ideas that flit in and out of men's heads are more valuable than their genetic stock.
It is rare to find a christian with even dimmest sense of what christianity's doctrines are, let alone their implications for other views.
The bible accurately says no man can serve two masters, and if you're racialist and xtian, that's just what you're attempting. Choose.
We'll stop calling them niggers when they stop being niggers. That's a better deal than the lying kikes offer us.
I honestly don't know how a grown man can't see that xtianity is anything but a social function for women with emotional problems.
Only American conservatives can be stupid enough to believe what the left-wing jews running their camp say about real men, the NS Germans.
Everything opposed to leftism goes into the antlion funnel trap called 'hate.' Thought, reflection, history, experience, observation - hate.
You folks - do you really not get how White NAACP clown Jared "Polished Turd" Taylor is laughing up his sleeve at your stupidity? #WINO
Can we get Dickie-poo "Meh" Spencer to hold another important conference proving niggers are really stupid, maybe in Bora Bora this time?
The ideas that niggers can reform or want to reform are both bogus, just ask them. THEY DON'T WANT TO BE WHITE. And who can blame 'em?
You're afraid to call them niggers? I don't notice them being afraid to call you damn near anything. Fear is slavery, right?
If you're afraid to use slurs, you're not involved in politics, you're just kibitzer. The response you fear indicates your overseer.
ISIS are willing to lose their lives. Alt-rightists, aka ordinary conservatives, aren't even willing to lose their reputations.
Alt-right are nothing but clucking cuckolds, and that goes for #Nrx too, nothing but jew-afeared cleverer-than-thous.
Mock and attack conservatives to the end of polarizing between #TeamWhite and Team Jew and u will draw any good con elements to WN.
The single most important thing the white racial can do is attack conservatives, even more important than attacking jews at this point.
Ah bittuhly resent what the damnyanks did to mah fofathus, but I sho nuff be takin' they money to kill otha innocent folks. --the South
Southern honor, like Southern toughness, or Bigfoot, is often discussed, but pretty darn difficult to capture on tape.
The bible grooms white men for the slaughter, and this is not an ethnic thing - it works on Southerners and Boervolk alike.
Niggers don't suffer from poverty, niggers cause poverty. If God invented niggers, what other reason do you need to raise a midfinger to Him
The South is nation of honor. You would never find its men rushing off to fight for a cause they don't believe in for pay.
There are things Whites can do right now: stay out of the military and refrain from "support the troops" bilge. #TeamWhite
The key thing to grasp about niggers is that not one in one hundred gets that without whites his race would go back to living in mud huts.
Quiz for oblivious simpletons: which group is/was led by left-wing jews? 1) 1930s German nationalists; 2) 2015 American conservatives.
Christianity may be good enough for whites - but only those whites who overlap with other races, not the men who distinguish our species.
Let Christianity become the third-world religion it was always meant to be. Move on from catholicity to specificity. RAISE YOUR STANDARDS.
Land of No Second Opinion. That's what we've become under jewish dominion. You enjoying it? I'm not. #loxism #deathtothejews
Tattoos have gone from declasse to conformist, without ever losing an atom of their lip-curling unslightliness.
You wouldnt be getting a tattoo or a piercing if you had a mission. My apologies if you're a sailor, prostitute or maori tribesman.
The jews destroyed America and replaced it with bolshevism 2.0, the way a detergent is new and improved with extra decreased whitening power
They call the stuff you want, the stuff you need, hate. So that you'll run from it rather than to it. #loxism #Amerikwa #tlot
What's the difference between Crissy Kyle and a German Shepherd? Shepherds don't defame Jesse Ventura. #sniperfag #AmeriKwa
Individualism has failed. That much is clear. Men fall into groups, and those groups, while not all-important, matter hugely.
Jews are the bad guys. Racialists are the good guys. Conservatives and christians are the weak guys. #goodbadandweak
The majority will get whatever it puts up with, including being tortured and murdered. Humans are simply animals that learned to talk.
You can vote Dem. or Rep. all day long, but you'll get the same jewish anti-white agenda whether you want it or not.
What if whites had a team working for their interests? That's what the German nationalists were. Really. But you keep voting Rep., lil guy.
Weimar was a left-wing JEWISH government. You think it supported gun control maybe? Of course it did. Guess who came in and REVERSED that?
Hitler liberalized gun laws. So the jews running US conservatives lie that he supported gun control #tcot idiots and sellouts repeat them.
Jews have developed a cottage industry serving conservative simpletons (people who don't read) lies about the Nazis.
Jews are not only the most dishonest people ever heard of, they're the most dishonest race even conceivable.
The English can be condescendingly fair to inferior peoples, but when they meet their betters, why, they get shortlipped and dishonest-y.
GERMANY had the AUDIACITY to want to run its OWN country for its OWN kind - OUR kind. Not suck jewdick like heterofag conservatives.
Do you remember when conservatism meant something more than sucking jewish dick? ME EITHER. Because that time never existed.
Conservatism is spiritual submissivesness. It is the political form of enjoying-being-dominated. It is spiritual-queerness. ROOFDUMP DATSHIT
The notion that the English are a fair-minded people is common among them, much the way Southerners think Southerners are tough.
It's child's play to discover jews conceive & dominate every overtly anti-white movement; another spade flip reveals same for opposition.